La Consolacion University Philippines: Basic Education Department ' S.Y.: 2020-2021

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La Consolacion University Philippines

City of Malolos, Bulacan

Basic Education Department
` S.Y.: 2020-2021


Subject: Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21 st Century              Submitted by: 

Quarter: First Quarter                                              Date: December 14, 2020

No. of No. of (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
Content Objectives Days Type of
Items Test Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Democratic Identify preferred democratic practices.
2. Explain and analyze the reason for their

3. Illustrate the benefits of democratic

7 Items 3 Items 2 Items 2 Items 2 Items
4. Distinguish/differentiate participatory 4 16 (27,28,) (41,42) (46,47)
from representative democracy (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) (19,20,21)
5. Generate the criteria to assess prevailing (Multiple
political and social institutions Choice)

6. Conceptualize /formulate what can be a

viable alternative to undemocratic practices.

1. Identify dimensions of technology that are 4 17 1 Item

5 Items 2 Items 2 Items 5 Items 2 Items
ICT- Information enabling and not inhibiting (45)
communication 2. Utilize technology effectively rather than be (8,9,10,11,12) (18, 22) (29,30) (31,32,33,34,35
Technology enslaved by it
3. Identify the weakest link in a system using
strategic and intuitive thinking
4. Explain how information communication
technology can facilitate social relationships )
and political movements (occupy movements)
5. Explain how information communication
technology can facilitate social relationships
and political movements (occupy movements)
1. Identify connections, relationship, and
Neural and Social networks
Networks 2. Illustrate how the brain or neural network
3. Compare the neural networks with social
4. Establish linkage between self and the 5 Items 4 Items 5 Items 2 Items 1 Item
social network one belongs to 4 17 (13,14,15,16,17 (23,24,25,26 (36,37,38,39,40 (50)
5. Demonstrate how thinking processes are ) ) ) (43,44)
shaped by social relationships
6. Identify the significant social roles students
play within the community by creating a social
map of their relationships
7. Rank the roles in the community in terms of
significance and explain why

Total: 12 50 LOTS: 30 HOTS: 20

Checked and Approved by:

Sr. Angelita M. Baraero, OSA

BED- Principal

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