(K&C2225) YK2 - Temple of The Bronze Flame
(K&C2225) YK2 - Temple of The Bronze Flame
(K&C2225) YK2 - Temple of The Bronze Flame
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entertainers are enacting a comedy at the moment, Fortune Teller: Players who choose to patronize the Fortune
as witnessed by the crowd’s laughter. Amongst the Teller’s booth should roll a 20-sided die. Read the appropriate
food and drink stands offering refreshments is a small fortune to the player as determined by his or her dice roll:
booth where people are playing a dice game and
having a drinking contest. Next to this booth is a 1-2: A great light will lead you along a new path.
3-4 A great treasure is within your grasp.
fortune teller. In a nearby field, a spear
5-6 Your foot will slip, and your fall will be great.
throwing contest is under way. 7-8 Great honor is yours, along with great sorrow.
9-10 Grasping hands reach to take something precious from you.
11-12 You will be given a golden opportunity. Do not pass it up.
13-14 Death is stalking you.
If the players choose, they can participate in one of the con- 15-16 You are standing on the brink of greatness.
tests or have their fortunes read. It will cost them a small fee 17-18 Look for the thorns in the roses that line your path.
for each activity - a copper piece. 19-20 You will be faced with the greatest challenge
of your life, very soon.
Dice game: The game is simple. The patrons each have two
six-sided dice. Anyone who rolls doubles wins something. However the PCs choose to pass their time, Reven “The
Double ones win a free drink, double twos win a leg of lamb, Committed” will eventually find them, introduce himself and
double threes win a copper coin, double fours win a night’s offer them an opportunity. When you introduce the party to
stay at the inn, double fives win a silver piece and double Reven, display illustration 1 on page 18 and read:
sixes wins two silver coins.
Temple of the
Bronze Flame
If the characters inquire about his title, “the Committed,” he
relates that it stems from his devoted religious servitude. Between two columns of this open-air temple, you
Reven will chat cordially with the party for some time before spot a cloaked human figure sitting upon a gray
his demeanor changes and he becomes much more serious. mare. He introduces himself as Gasif. He bids you to
follow him into the woodline, where you can talk,
away from prying eyes.
“I’m sure you have journeyed to the festival simply to
enjoy yourselves, but there are more pressing matters
at hand. If you seek adventure, crave riches, but most Gasif Faseri
importantly, wish to serve the good, then meet our Male 5th level Ranger
ranger friend, Gasif, at the temple at midnight. Enjoy LG Human
the festival.” Attack and Movement
Melee 2 attacks/rnd; longsword (1-8) and dagger (1-4)
Atk Bonuses Melee +1 to-hit, +3 damage
Missile 2 attacks/rnd; longbow with sheaf arrows (1-8)
Reven Tolivar “The Committed” Atk Bonuses Missile +4 to-hit
Male 7th level Cleric of Dirasip SA fight with 2 melee weapons without penalty; species
LG Human enemy (goblinoids) +4 to-hit
Attack and Movement MV 9”
Melee 1 attack/rnd; footman’s Mace +1 (d6+2) Defense
MV 12” hp 66
Defense ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
hp 46 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑
❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑
AC 2 (Ring mail, Dex, Acrobatic Skill Suite)
AC 10 (light clerical robes)
Ring mail AC 7 ❑❑❑❑❑❑ AC 8 ❑❑ AC 9 ❑
1st level: Command, Detect Evil, Cure Light Wounds (x2),
Abilities Str 15/22, Int 12/88, Wis 14/41, Dex 18/04,
Purify Food/Drink, Sanctuary, Summon Divine Lackey
Con 15/56, Cha 13/64, Com 15/22
2nd level: Enthrall, Hold Person, Know Alignment, Resist
Honor 40 (average)
Fire/Cold, Speak with Animals
Skills Hide in Shadows 26% (outdoors 36%), Move Silently
3rd level: Cure Disease, Magical Vestment
35%, Identify Animal by Tracks (22), Tracking (39),
4th level: Detect Lie
Swimming - Dog Paddle (25), Survival Skill Suite (29)
Talents Acrobatic Skill Suite
Abilities Str 10/12, Int 13/41, Wis 16/84, Dex 10/31,
Quirks Temper Tantrum
Con 11/08, Cha 14/68, Com 15/22
Languages common, elven, kalamaran
Honor 50 (average)
Deity Worshipped Dirasip
Skills Religion, specific (Dirasip) (78), Mingling (55),
Parley (45), Rousing Speech (49), Social Etiquette (66)
Ring mail, woodland suit, green cloak, long sword, dagger,
Talents Follow-through Healing, Reduced Facing
longbow, 20 sheaf arrows, 3 gp, 6 elp, 10 sp, 23 cp
Languages common, kalamaran
Silver holy symbol, Footman’s Mace +1
Gray Mare (medium horse): HF 0, EP 65, Int Animal, AL N, AC
7, MV 18”, HD 2+2, HP 32, SZ L, #AT 3, D 1-3/1-6/1-6, TOP 16, Crit
The temple is next to the BSL: Def AC, FF: 7, References HoB 1 p. 57
field where the spear
HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
throwing tournament was ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑
held. It is an open-air tem-
ple with a half sun embla-
zoned on each of its If the party agrees to follow him into the woods, read the fol-
columns. lowing:
If the party attempts to haggle the terms with Gasif, he may
“You have spoken to Reven, a Flame of The Eternal increase the reward up to one Potion of Healing per party
Lantern, who has begged for assistance, and obvious member and either 200 gp per party member or three spell-
ly, by your presence here, you are interested in help- casting favors from the Order. Any further haggling will result
ing. I was sent as an escort, as well as to inform you of in Gasif becoming visibly stressed with these “petty trifles.” He
your task. will state that he has no further authority to negotiate. At any
rate, he will offer the Potions of Healing as payment up front,
A short while ago, the beloved phoenix of The Eternal but the rest will have to wait until the mission is completed.
Lantern was captured by Profiteers working for follow Pushing him further will invoke a temper tantrum and get the
ers of the Mother of the Elements. Our agents have PCs fired from the job.
confirmed that they are now holding the phoenix in a
Provided Mounts (riding horses): HF 0, EP 65, Int Animal, AL N,
hidden temple nestled in the Kakapela Hills. For the
AC 7, MV 24”, HD 3, HP 34 each, SZ L, #AT 2, D 1-2/1-2, TOP 17,
moment, the entrance is lightly guarded. They appar-
Crit BSL: Def AC +1, FF: 5, References HoB 1 p. 58
ently must believe their best defense is secrecy.
Fortunately, our scouts have discovered the exact
location of the temple and the time is right to strike. I
am afraid we do not know what horrors lie within the TO THE TEMPLE
shrine. It is said that the temple uses traps and tests to
deter those who intrude while allowing easy passage
As you travel toward the Temple, Gasif rides
for those favored. I pray that you have your wits about
several hundred feet ahead of the party. He stops or
changes routes occasionally, presumably to avoid
potential dangers. A light drizzle begins as your com-
Our scouts tell us there will be four guards on watch
pany nears its destination. Gasif motions with his palm
outside. Once we have dealt with them, I will keep
for you to stop and presses his index finger to his lips in
watch outside for any further reinforcements. Your
a signal for silence.
company should enter the temple and rescue the
phoenix. At any rate, we must be gone by nightfall or
In a hushed tone he speaks and points ahead,“We
risk being captured by the Assembly’s masses. We call
are approaching the guard posts. The guards should
upon your sense of good, justice, and honor to
be just over this crest.” He then dismounts and disap-
accept this perilous task. Mounts have been provid-
pears into the woods toward the rolling hills beyond.
ed for you.
3. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑ 1. Temple Entrance.
Scalemail AC: 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑
4. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ Gasif points to a hole in the ground
surrounded by a circle of stones, and tells you,
Scalemail AC: 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑ “This is the entrance, may the Eternal Lantern guide
your way.”
These guards were only recently hired and have not yet
received any pay. Their large signing bonus was spent paying
down debts. They are all of the opinion that the “Bronze Flame” Billowing from the pit is a cloud of red vapor with a pungent
is pretty much of a wacko but, like good mercenaries, they odor. Gasif, who is standing nearby to keep watch, tells you
keep their opinions to themselves – especially when the pay is that what you are smelling is brimstone. The cloud makes it
good. hard for you to see and you are not sure how deep the pit is
or how to get in. Gasif has no idea either.
Tactics: Gasif will carefully select a firing position which offers
him 75% cover ( -7 to opponent’s “to hit”). [PCs attempting to The brimstone cloud obscures vision into the 30 foot deep
settle into covered positions of their own will discover that shaft descending from the entrance. A rope hangs down the
Gasif has already called dibs on the best spot. All other posi- lip of the pit. Characters climbing down soon find themselves
tions only offer 50% cover ( -4 to opponent’s “to hit”).] Only weakened by the intense stench of brimstone and must
then will he commence shooting.
The temple is located entirely below ground.
The passages and rooms are commonly 15 feet
high. Unless otherwise noted, the walls and ceil-
ings are covered in a white wax and red can-
dles evenly spaced along the wall every five
feet light the way.
make a constitution check at +2 bonus (+4 bonus if the play- Bronze Golems (2): HF 30, EP 6,500, Int non, AL N, AC 4, MV
er states the character is holding his breath) to avoid falling 7”, HD 13, HP 75, SZ L, #AT 1, D 3-30, SA: paralytic poison gas
and sustaining 2d6 points of damage. Thieves climbing walls SD: +1 weapon to hit, repaired by fire, TOP n/a, Crit BSL: Def
must make the same check. (The guards have acclimated to AC +11, FF: n/a, References: Appendix
the stench - though they still don’t like it.)
1. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
If the guards successfully escape, they will retreat to Area 4 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
(using the secret crawl space described in 2a). One of them ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
will jostle the altar, thereby triggering the pressure plate and 2. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
alerting the Bronze Flame (see area 7). They will then take up ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
a position on the stairs leading down from area 3 (and stand- ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
ing on the secret door to block it). Once they spot the PCs on
the stairs that lead from area 2 to area 3, they will rouse the If the players are successful in this room, and they take time
golems to attack. (The golems recognize the guards as allies to look carefully around the area, they may notice a loose
and do not attack them.) They will stay out of melee as long panel along the left wall (this requires a PC to succeed on a
as possible, preferring instead to fire their crossbows into bat- average Looting, Basic check or easy Looting, Advanced
tle knowing that they cannot damage the golems by acci- check or easy Observation check to detect.) This panel, if
dent (Should any PCs become paralyzed by the Golems’ poi- opened, will reveal a human-sized suit of Armor of the Flaming
sonous gas they will definately attract missile fire!) Wyrm (see appendix). Keepers of Fire Corner are known for
their expertise in creating such armor.
Entering this room from the shaft, you quickly move to Unlike the remainer of the temple, this room is
the side to escape the brimstone fumes and catch a shrouded in darkness.
breath of fresh air. In doing so, you notice that the the
smoke rises from floor vents directly beneath the shaft. The room is dark because this mercenaries’ quarters and they
Due to the illumination of red candles, spaced at five found the red candlelght annoying. A lantern hangs from the
foot intervals along the walls, you have no trouble dis- ceiling and is customarily lit when the soldiers are off-duty but
cerning the 50 foot long by 30 foot wide, wax covered not asleep.
chamber you find yourselves in. To the north, steps
lead up some 10 feet to another similar chamber The room is extremely spartan with only 4 beds and no other
where two towering 12-foot bronze figures loom in the furniture. The mercenary soldiers were broke when hired own-
warm glow of the candles. ing only the clothes on thier backs (where they still remain).
4. Altar Room.
2a. Secret Crawl Space
In order for the characters to locate the secret crawlspace Candlelight illuminates a bloodstone altar on the far
which bypasses the bronze golems, they must specifically side of this 40 foot square wax-covered chamber. Wax
state that the stairs are being searched for secret doors (suc- coated candlelit corridors can be seen to both your
cess is then automatic). A latch lies concealed under the right and left.
ridge of the second step and pulling it will allow a section of
the stair to lift upward revealing the passage behind. The The only unusual feature in this room is the bloodstone altar.
Keepers usually latch this passage but it is currently unlocked
so that the guards can enter and alert the Bronze Flame to If it is searched, a small drawer will be found midway up the
trouble beyond their capacity to handle. right side of the slab. The Codex of Flame is within, the holy
text of the cult, and is written in flowing golden amber script.
The scroll pertains to the sculpture in area 12 but the charac- 7. The Bronze Flame.
ters will have to surmise this for themselves, as no additional
clues are given.
The Codex of Flame is of great importance to the cult and if The double doors slowly swing open to reveal a large
stolen the thieves will be relentlessly hunted by cult members stone chamber 40 feet wide by 80 feet long, brightly
until the volume is recovered. lit by torches. Some 20 feet away, attached to a
raised platform by means of a swivel, rests a loaded
The altar is on rollers and thus can be moved around quite crossbow. Stone steps lead to the next 40 feet of the
easily. One wheel, however, rests on a small pressure plate. chamber, a round platform, raised several feet. The
Movement will alert the Bronze Flame, the High Priest of the northern wall is actually a semi-circle of mirrors, twen-
Fire Corner, in area 11. He will await the party’s arrival in area ty or so images of a red cloaked figure are reflected
7. The altar must be moved to open and enter the secret therein. The cloaked figure stands grinning with hands
door behind. held high above his head, a golden ring gleaming
brightly. His face turns sour as he begins to speak (in
the Kalamaran Tongue) through his thick, red beard.
5. The Wax Museum.
“You have come to the temple without invitation, O
Display illustration 4 on page 20 and read: desecraters of the Bronze Flame. Now you must play
with fire, and pray that your own flame is not snuffed
out. I will graciously allow you one chance to kill me,
As you descend the steps, you notice the passage afterward you shall all die. You have one candlestick’s
beyond contains many wax statuettes of adventurers, time to fire a shot from my crossbow. Perform any
varying in class. Warriors, thieves, clerics, and magic other actions and I shall slay you outright.”
users all strike poses in the dim candlelight.
This is more of a trophy room than a museum. All the adven- The cloaked figure is known only as the Bronze Flame. He is
turers slain within the temple have had their likeness sculpted the current caretaker of the temple, as well as the sculptor of
in wax and now stand as testament to the demise awaiting the wax statues in area 5. He is also quite mad. He invented
desecraters. The wax sculptings themselves are not of partic- this test of fire after receiving, what he calls, “divine inspira-
ularly good quality and will fetch a mere silver coin each if tion”, and considers it a religious rite to test his faith and to
sold, but they must be carefully transported to avoid damage pass judgement on others. He is quite secure with the test as
and therefore each has an encumbrance value of 15 it has never failed him.
pounds. The actual weight of each sculpture is a mere 4
ounces. The Bronze Flame (HF 6, EP 720)
Male 6th level Cleric of Lisar
N Human
6. The Cold Door. Attack and Movement
Melee 1 attack/rnd; punching (1-2)
Atk Penalties Melee -1 to-hit, -2 damage
The secret panel gives way to reveal a dark, unlit, cold MV 12”
stone passage 20 feet wide by 50 feet long. A set of Defense
finely-crafted double doors stands majestically at the hp 40
far end of the hall. ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
AC 8 (tough hide talent)
When viewed through infravision, the doors are a cool blue Traits
hue. However, if a light source is used and the doors are Abilities Str 7/12, Int 14/22, Wis 17/02, Dex 13/26,
examined, they will appear to be made of a strange blue Con 11/54, Cha 5/87, Com 3/18
metal. If touched, they feel cold and a small red heat spot will Honor 26 (average)
Skills Religion, specific (Lisar) (70), Fire-building (91),
temporarily appear on the surface. The doors will also make
First Aid: Cauterize Wound (56), Feign Toughness (61),
a low humming sound as if they are trying to open them- Taunting, Minor (44), Artistic Ability (sculpture) 27
selves. The only way to open these doors is to set them aflame Talents Elemental Resistance (Fire), Resistance, Tough Hide
with oil or a similar heat source. Once heated, a peculiar Flaws Anosmia, Maimed (severe facial burn)
humming sound will be heard (alerting the temple’s caretak- Quirks Pyromaniac, Superstitious, Hallucinatory Insanity
er if he hasn’t already been warned by the pressure plate in Languages common, kalamaran
area 4) and a short while later the doors swing slowly inward. Equipment
Ring of Spell Storing containing Fireball (MU 3) x2, Flame
Strike (CL 5) x2, and Wall of Fire (MU 4) [all spell effects as
a 12th level caster]
The Bronze Flame’s mental disturbances prevent him for 8. Treasure Vault.
memorizing any spells. However, he has been specially
favored by his diety and She has deigned to recharge his ring A secret door leads to this room - a door which may only be
as needed in lieu of granting him spells. (Well… She hasn’t found if the mirror hiding it is broken. Only then do the char-
personally recharged the ring. Rather, it’s on one of her min- acters have a chance of finding the secret door that leads to
ions’ “to do” list.) this treasure room.
After reading the room description to the players, display illus-
tration 3 on page 19 and give them one minute to state
which character (if any) is firing the crossbow. Characters The secret panel slides to one side to reveal a small,
choosing randomly have only a 1 in 20 chance of identifying unlit circular room. A wooden table stands alone, its
which is the real Bronze Flame, and which are the reflections. top laden with treasure.
If the player states that his character searches out the one fig-
ure with the ring on the opposite hand (visible in the illustra-
tion), then the character identifies the true Bronze Flame. [The
The table contains: 1,000 cp, a Potion of Fire Resistance, a
crossbow is loaded with a Bolt of Slaying Clerics and the
Potion of Fire Breath, a Potion of Healing and Longsword +1,
Bronze Flame will not dodge the bolt so give anyone firing the
Flame Tounge.
crossbow +4 to-hit. It’s a pretty easy shot (with a bonus of +7
[standing still plus the bolt is +3] but critical misses do occur…)
If the characters perform any other actions, such as attempt- 9. The Workshop.
ing to douse all the lights to use infravision, the Bronze Flame
will attack. Nine vats filled with a viscous substance are spread
across the room Upon a 15 foot long table rests wicks,
If the Bronze Flame is still alive after the crossbow shot or if the
dyes, and instruments for sculpting.
PCs refuse to play his little game, he calls upon the powers of
his Ring of Spell Storing and traps the party within a Wall of
Fire. For the next four rounds (or until the intruders are slain) he
will bombard the party first with two twelve hit die Fireballs, This room appears to be where the wax is stored that makes
then with two Flame Strikes. His Ring of Spell Storing was mag- up many of the temple’s features.
icked with the command word Akiror [“torch” in Ancient
Kalamaran], a command word that will likely die with him.
10. Storage Room
This chamber is hewn from natural rock, and the floor Thunder booms, lightning cracks and the nauseous
is tiled with bloodstone. It is dimly lit only by the illumi stench of brimstone fills the air. A huge fire elemental
nation of the candles from the area to the north. A appears before you. He announces himself as The
bronze sculpture of a column of flame rests along the Grand Incinerator. You shudder in fear as his blood red
center of the eastern wall. eyes sear through the haze of his form, and gaze
down upon your helpless soul. Imminent death crack-
les at his fingertips.
The bronze sculpture actually rests against a secret door to
the north It is hollow and may easily be moved thus revealing
the door to the characters. At this point, give the characters a chance to react. If any-
If detected for, the sculpture radiates a faint dweomer. If one is wise enough to ask, the “Grand Incinerator” spoke in
one touches the statue while chanting the mantra found in Merchant’s Tounge (a clue that he is really an illusion - a diety
the Codex of Flame in room 4, a powerful magic will be would communicate telepathically). Characters attempting
invoked. An individual performing this ceremony must make to disbelieve must make a saving throw versus spells (wisdom
a wisdom check at -2 penalty. If the check is successful, the adjustments apply). Characters who flee without looking
next time the character is struck by magical flame, he will back will be immune to the illusionary effects. Speaking or
automatically save for half-damage, and each damage die striking at the illusion will cause it to return a believable
shall be further reduced by two, one still being the minimum. response. After one round has passed and if any characters
If the character misses the wisdom check, the next time he is are still in the visual range of the illusion, read the following
struck by magical fire, he will take maximum damage, no passage:
save allowed. This protection or affliction concerning magical
fire will only be of use once. This does not affect natural fire,
nor fire from the Elemental Plane of Fire. In any event, the The Grand Incinerator calmly announces the method
powers of the sculpture work only once for each character of your destruction: “Those who toy with the flame are
(whether for weal or for woe). sure to be burned.”
13. The Wrath of The Grand Incinerator With a wave of his hand, the god sends forth a
shower of flame that incinerates you.
Touching the key causes a Programmed Illusion of The The bronze key is both a false key and a real key. It is not a
Grand Incinerator to come into being. The temple has key in the physical sense. However, if examined closely, a tiny
inscription written in Kalamaran [“moderef”] will be found. This emit a poisonous fragrance. All creatures within 30 feet must
the command word to open the Cage of Lisar (see area 18). save vs. poison or die in 1d10 rounds. The torch appears nor-
mal but will emit an uncertain dweomer if magic detection is
14. Scroll of Paths
Game Masters who wish to make this test a little less com-
plicated can change the scroll to state: Seek ye the Child of
In the center of this round stone chamber stands a Flame not the Child of Earth.
circular pedestal made of polished wood. Upon it lies
a ceremonial chalice of bronze.
16. The Eye of the Temple
The bronze chalice is not magical but still worth 50 gp. This 20 foot by 60 foot stone chamber glows eerily with
Under the table is a scrap of paper with words scribbled on it a soft green light. It is sectioned off into three levels,
in Merchant’s Tongue. The note was left by an adventurer each connected by a set of wooden steps. To the
who tried unsuccessfully to save the phoenix. He was clever north, almost at the end of the chamber is a great
enough to use Gaseous Form to pass this far, but was blasted wooden throne, its intricately carved back is facing
by the Eye of Flame in area 16. Before he died however, he you.
managed to crawl back to this room and scribble out a note
to aid others whom, he hoped, would follow in his footsteps.
This note has yet to be discovered by the temple’s caretaker. This is the cat’s eye that the characters should have been
The note (illustration 9 on page 23) states (in Merchant’s warned against if they found the message in area 14. As the
Tounge): Seek not the Cat’s Eye, nor the Path of the Worm. first set of steps are crossed, read the following to the players:
The “Cat’s Eye” refers to the portal emitting green light in
area 15. The “Path of the Worm” speaks of the tunnel leading
east from area 17. Characters would do well to heed these The steps creak violently and the noise carries
warnings as they will likely die entering either of said areas. throughout the chamber. The throne spins to face you
and sitting upon it is a hooded figure robed in black.
He throws back his hood to reveal a charred skull
15. Chamber of Choices whose eye sockets are alight with blazing flames. The
skeletal figure laughs wickedly as a fireball shoots forth
This 30 foot square stone chamber is lit by a single from its eyes and engulfs the party.
torch in the middle of the far wall, and by two circular
portals on the floor. The western portal sheds a green
light, and the eastern portal sheds a red light. Directly
The Fireball, shot by the Eye of Fearsome Flame, is very
across the chamber, a single torch lights the room.
potent (12d4) and may kill some characters (at the very least
Below the torch is a stone shelf extending from the
it will inflict some pretty costly armor damage). If faced with
wall, inscribed with a message. Upon the shelf, just
multiple – now pissed – opponents, the Eye of Flame will not
under the torch sits a red rose.
seek to engage in melee, but will hide behind his throne and
attack with Fireballs. If forced into a melee situation, the Eye of
Flame will attempt to escape by turning ethereal.
The message reads in Kalamaran: Ada e Hisorisi Geful an Is
e Tabididip ki Gibulidikal [Palm the Red Flower or Suffer the
Eye of Fearsome Flame: HF 22, EP 3576, Int Exceptional, AL
Fate of Ashes]. If the portals are examined, the western one
CE, AC 2, MV 12”, HD 12, HP 67, SZ M, #AT 1, D 1, SA: shoot
will be seen to lead down 20 feet into a stone chamber illu-
Fireballs 1/3 rnds, Fear SD: immune to poison, paraylization,
minated by a softly glowing green light (area 16). The eastern
Sleep, Charm and Hold spells, +1 weapon to hit, resistance to
portal is similar, although the color of the light is red (area 17).
fire and cold, TOP n/a, Crit BSL: Def AC +7, FF: 4, References
If the stone shelf is examined, a catch will be found on its
underside, and if pulled, a scroll will fall out.
The scroll (illustration 10 on page 23) states (in Merchant’s HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
Tongue): Seek ye the False Name or Perish, and is followed by ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
the numbers 10, 12, 16, 17,18. ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑
If interpreted correctly by the players, the numbers written
on the scroll correspond to the 10th, 12th, 16th, 17th and 18th
17. The Gate Room.
letters of the message on that scroll. These letters spell out F L
A M E, which is the false name of the red flower. The inscrip-
tion on the stone shelf tells those to pick (or choose) the red This area, seemingly cut from igneous rock, was
flower (which is another name for flame), or suffer the fate of shaped to resemble a flaming torch. The northern
ashes. Those who solve the riddle will choose the torch on the walls are dripping with lava and the room is, under
wall over the red rose. In any event, if the rose is moved it will standably, swelteringly hot. A small passage leads to
the east and a steaming bed of coals stretches from For example, a Tunnel Centipede attacks Jackboy
the center of the room to an arch Brickhouse - a dwarf fighter wearing banded mail and a medi-
way on the northern wall. The archway swirls in a blaze um metal shield. Jackboy has no DEX bonus so his AC is 1. The
of magnificently bright colors. These hues of red, Tunnel Centipede needs a 6 to hit Jackboy. On a 2-5, it misses
orange, blue, white, and green, dance across the but grabs ahold of Jackboy’s armor or shield (a 1 automati-
chamber in a kaleidoscope of patterns. The beauty of cally misses). The centipede rolls a 2 thereby grabbing the
this chamber is almost hypnotic. shield in its crushing pincers (a medium shield provides a +3 AC
bonus so the lowest 3 possibly hitting rolls [2,3,4] go first to the
shield). It rolls 14 points of damage - ouch. A medium shield
has only 12 hp so the remaining 2 hp spill up and are applied
The lava walls within the torch shape (outlined on the map), to Jackboy’s banded mail.
will inflict 4d10 points of damage per round to an unprotect-
ed creature coming into contact with them. Walking the bed
of coals requires a dexterity check, those failing suffer 1-4
points of damage (1-2 if hard boots are worn). The archway
of spiraling colors is actually a Gate to the Elemental Plane of
Fire (area 18).
corpse is soon scorched to a pile of cinders and blown fines and stifles all magical properties of the creature trapped
away. You have suffered the Fate of Ashes. within. The cage can only be opened if the command word,
moderef, is spoken aloud within 10’. The phoenix cannot
communicate with the characters while imprisoned due to
the hindrance of its telepathy. The Cage of Lisar and the
If the players demand damage rolls, the game master may phoenix within cannot be physically harmed by the charac-
amuse himself as follows: ters. If the proper command word is spoken, thus opening the
cage, read the following passage.
• All characters suffer 4d10 points of fire damage.
• All characters must save vs. breath weapons or die imme-
diately. The cage door swings open, and the phoenix
hurriedly darts out. In a blaze of glory it expands to its
• Any items carried of paper, clothing, wood, etc. bursts
full size, a wingspan of 12 feet. Its beak, talons, and
into flame doing 1d3 points of damage.
eyes are rubies set against bright red feathers,
• Each torch carried bursts into flame doing 1d4 points of creating an exotic beauty - a sight that you will
damage. treasure forever. Its thoughts touch your mind as you
• Each flask of oil carried bursts into flame doing 2d6 points stand marveling at this wondrous creature.
of damage.
• All characters suffer 1d4 points of damage from breath- “I thank each of you for risking your only life for one
ing scaldingly hot air. who has so many. You have made powerful enemies.
You have thwarted the plans of the Grand Incinerator,
• All characters carrying metal or wearing metal suffer 2d4
and have deprived the Impostors who were posing as
points of damage and disability of body parts in contact with
Profiteers, of a victory, and their reward. But know now
the metal.
that you have made powerful allies as well. Step forth,
each of you, and take a feather from my plumage. By
Any character still alive after the first round, may, if not clad the light of The Eternal Lantern, and from your own
in metal armor, leave this plane through the archway they courage and cunning, you will now become the
entered (though they still face possible damage from the bed great heroes you wish to be.”
of coals in area 17). Also, if they were carrying any oil, they will
burn for 1d6 points of damage per flask on the second round.
If the party has passed beyond the archway with the torch After each character takes a feather, the phoenix will begin
from area 15, read the following passage: to glow intensely, now able to call upon the power of The
Eternal Lantern. As the flaming bird grows brighter and
brighter, each feather begins shimmering with a similar ener-
You enter the archway to find yourself in the midst of gy. With a flash, the phoenix disappears and the energy will
a fiery world, standing amid multi-colored flames on a be transferred from the feathers to the characters. Each char-
platform of brass. Some 20’ away, down a flight of acter will then immediately gain 1000 experience points (and
steps, is a large metallic dais. Upon it is set four smaller since the issue will undoubtedly be raised – EP bonuses don’t
platforms, and upon them, in the center, sits yet apply to this gawd-granted award).
another platform. Above the center dais, suspended If a character is so insanely evil as to attack the phoenix,
by a heavy chain, hangs a small cage containing a the creature will grab the magic torch in its talons (attempt-
miniature 6” tall phoenix. The torch you have taken ing a called shot to the hand), and fly off into the flames. The
from the temple flares brightly, creating a 60’ characters will then be susceptible to the ravaging effects of
diameter globe of deep blue light. Within this area the the Elemental Plane of Fire.
temperature is kept at a mild clime and the
air is healthy to breathe. The hostile world swirls around
the globe, but for now, you are safe. Phoenix: HF 223, EP 19,000, Int Genius, AL NG, AC -3, MV 6”,
39” Fly (D), HD 20, HP 119, SZ L, #AT 1 or 2, D 2-12 or 1-8/1-8, SA:
shriek, extensive spell-like powers, self-immolation SD: +3
weapon to-hit, 50% magic resistance, TOP n/a, Crit BSL: Def AC
The magic torch completely protects the characters from
+18, FF: n/a, References HoB 6 p. 68
the harsh clime of the elemental plane of fire, even providing
suitable air. It has no duration, but does not protect against Spell-like Powers (at will unless noted otherwise – 20th cast-
normal fire on the prime material plane, nor magic fire on any er level of effect): Affect Normal Fires, Audible Glamer,
plane. Blindness, Blink, Blur Call Woodland Beings (once per day)
Color Spray (3 times per day), Continual Light, Control
The wire prison is a Cage of Lisar. It is suspended by a silken
Temperature 10’ Radius, Dancing Lights, Detect Charm
cord (the far end disappearing into flames), which cannot be
(always active), Detect Evil (always active), Detect Magic
broken (see Nidavellir Cord in the Appendix). The Cage of
(always active), Duo-Dimension (once per day), Find Traps,
Lisar has no keyhole, is immune to physical and magical
Find the Path (once per day), Fire Charm, Fire Seeds (once per
attacks, hinders all magicks from entering or exiting its con-
day), Incendiary Cloud (once per week), Invisibility,
Misdirection, Neutralize Poison (once per day), Polymorph Self value, the wise move would be to simply surrender the Codex
(3 times per day), Produce Fire, Protection from Evil, 10’ Radius and allow the Keepers to go on their way. The Keepers aren’t
(always active), Pyrotechnics, Reincarnate (once per day), interested in revenge for the character’s actions against their
Remove Fear 10’ radius, Remove Curse, Snake Charm, Veil temple. (These particular Keepers consider the theft of the
(once per day), Wall of Fire (once per day) – By performing a Phoenix to have been a rash and provocative action insti-
ritual dance it can perform the following spells at 40th caster gated by a madman.)
level: Dismissal, Dispel Evil, Dispel Magic However, if the PCs decide on intransigence, the Keepers
The touch of the Phoenix is equal to a Cure Light Wounds will fight them to regain their holy text. The following charac-
spell and a single PC can benefit twice per day from the ters will form the party of Keepers sent to retreive the Codex.
touch. The touch of its comb is equal to a Cure Disease spell,
but can only affect one PC once per day. Drops of the Balan Mokira (HF 12, EP 1385)
Phoenix’s blood can be transformed into the Holly Berry type Male 7th level Cleric of Lisar
berries, as per the Fire Seeds spell. N Human
Attack and Movement
Melee 1 attack/rnd; footman’s flail +1 (d6+2)
HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
Atk Penalties Melee +2 to-hit, +2 damage
❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
MV 8”
❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
hp 66
❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑
AC -1 (bronze plate mail, body shield, DEX)
CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE Bronze Platemail AC: 4 5 6 7 8 9
❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
The characters should have no problem escaping the tem- ❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ ❑❑ ❑
ple and returning to town with Gasif. There they will meet with Body AC: +4 +3 +2 +1 0
Reven and others of his order. With the phoenix feathers as Shield ❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ ❑❑
proof of their accomplishment, the party should have no Spells
problem collecting its due reward. Each character will be 1st level: Befriend, Command (x2), Cure Light Wounds (x2),
offered an additional 1000 gp for his or her phoenix feather. Summon Divine Lackey
2nd level: Aid, Find Traps, Hold Person, Rigor Mortis, Speak
The Order of Light will begin a holy war against the Parish of with Animals
the Prolific Coin and drive them from the community (an unin- 3rd level: Dispel Magic, Locate Object (already cast), White
tended consequence of this action being a collapse of Hot Metal
Dirosipido’s economy) unless the characters intervene with 4th level: Sticks to Snakes
the truth. If the players intervene on behalf of the Parish (sim- Traits
ply informing the Order of Light that the phoenix spoke of the Abilities Str 14/21, Int 13/22, Wis 17/81, Dex 14/55,
Con 15/22, Cha 13/67, Com 14/17
Impostor’s involvement will suffice) and the Parish learns of
Honor 75 (great)
this fact, the Parish will reward the party by appraising any Skills Religion, specific (Lisar) (73), Current Affairs (83), Glean
items of value the party has retrieved free of charge and giv- Information (65)
ing the party 30% off of anything they purchase in town, as Talents Elemental Resistance (Fire), Paralyzation Bonus
long as the proprietor’s shop is controlled by the Parish (75% Quirks Death Wish
of all commercial establishments in Dirosipido are controlled Languages common, kalamaran
or run directly by the Parish). Equipment
Bronze Plate Mail, Footman’s Flail +1, 2 Potions of Healing,
If the characters claim to have released the phoenix, but Potion of FIre Breath, Oil of Fiery Burning
have not, members of the Order of Light will ask for proof.
When PCs cannot produce a feather, the clerics will send Feranis Legoru (HF 5, EP 821)
them on their way without payment. In the case of violence, Male 6th level Magic-User (Fire Elementalist)
the Game Master should take steps necessary for the priests N Human
of the Order of Light to easily dispatch troublesome charac- Attack and Movement
ters. Keep in mind that Gasif will fight to protect his superiors. Melee 1 attack/rnd; staff (d6)
Atk Penalties Melee +0 to-hit, +0 damage
The characters should not have had an opportunity to pro- MV 12”
cure the Cage of Lisar (since it was secured with a Nidavellir Defense
Cord). If they decide to return at a later date in an attempt hp 37
to retrieve other items, they will find the temple abandoned ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑
and devoid of magic. ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑
AC 8 (DEX)
1st level: Affect Normal Fires, Burning Hands, Detect Illusion,
As mentioned in area 4, the Codex of Flame is a holy item
Fireball (SIdewinder Factor 1), Magic Missile, Sleep
for the Keepers of the Fire Corner. If the PCs take the Codex, 2nd level: Chain of Fire, White Hot Metal
they will eventually be approached by a group of Keepers
seeking to regain the text. SInce the book has little resale
3rd level: Fireball (Scatter-Blast), Zargosa’s Flaming to when this option must be exercised. If the PCs request a
Spheres of Torment spell more potent than fourth level (e.g. Raise Dead), Reven
Traits will suggest they travel to a larger city such as such as Korem
Abilities Str 10/18, Int 17/66, Wis 14/71, Dex 15/88, or Bet Kasel, since he is unable to fulfill their request.
Con 11/18, Cha 12/84, Com 12/27
Honor 30 (average)
Skills Appraising (53), Haggle (71), Mimic Dialect (44),
Religion, specific (Lisar) (42)
Talents Fast Cast, Opportunist, Quick Thinking The Eternal Lantern: Also known as The Shining One, Lord of
Flaws Male Pattern Baldness Luminosity, Radiance. (See Dirasip on p. 153 of Gawds & Demi-
Languages common, kalamaran Gawds.)
The Eternal Lantern appears as a beautiful young lady. She
Wand of Fire (23 charges)
has porcelain white skin and gleaming golden hair. Her garb is
shining plate mail with a white cloak that radiates bright sun-
Legionnaires (Men, Soldier) (12): HF 1, EP 15, Int Average, AL light. The Shining One wields a golden mace (Daybringer).
N, AC 5, MV 9”, HD 1, HP 26 each, SZ M, #AT 1 or 1/2, D 1-10
(halberd) or 3-12 (heavy crossbow bolt), TOP 13 each, Crit The Lantern is the god of day, light and dawn. She is lawful
BSL: Def AC -2, FF: 5, References HoB 5 p. 13 good, and her symbol is half of a shining sun.
Followers of the Eternal Lantern worship in open-air temples.
Equipment: Each soldier wears chainmail and is armed with
halberd and a 12 gauge crossbow with 15 bolts. Altars dedicated to Radiance can also be found in towns and
1. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑
Chainmail AC: 5 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑ The church is known as the Cathedral of Light.
Advancement within the church is based upon service in the
2. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑ form of missions to battle the forces of evil, conversion of fol-
Chainmail AC: 5 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑
lowers, and participation in the Dark Watch. This ritual is per-
3. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑ formed by priests who act as sentries during the darkest hours
Chainmail AC: 5 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑ of the night, walking through cities, towns and villages with
4. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑ lanterns and torches to help the Lord of Luminosity hold back
Chainmail AC: 5 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑ the darkness. Priests of the Eternal Lantern are often found as
members of adventuring bands who assist a town watch or
5. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑
city guard in protecting the settlement from evil.
Chainmail AC: 5 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑
Priests of this cult are addressed by a variety of names,
6. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑
depending upon the rank, with the lowest-ranking priests
Chainmail AC: 5 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑
being known as Sparks and the highest-ranking priests known
7. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑ as High Lantern.
Chainmail AC: 5 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑
These priests are the sworn enemies of the undead and the
8. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑ minions of darkness. They are dedicated to the banishment of
Chainmail AC: 5 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑ the evil that lurks in the shadows of the night by bringing all
9. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑ creatures into the purifying light of Radiance.
Chainmail AC: 5 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑ Priests of the Order of Light are proficient at fire building,
10. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑
herbalism, reading and writing, religion, spellcraft and healing.
Chainmail AC: 5 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑ They are required to wield maces and may also develop a
proficiency in any other blunt weapon.
11. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑
Chainmail AC: 5 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑
12. HPs: ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑
Mother of the Elements: Also known as the Wave Crusher,
Chainmail AC: 5 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ 6 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑ 7 ❑❑❑❑ 8 ❑❑ 9 ❑ Madame of the Wind, The Grand Incinerator, Firelord, Earth
Mother. (See Lisar on p. 157 of Gawds & Demi-Gawds.)
Fire, Air and Water Corners, respectively. Priests are known as The Great Imposter usually appears in the likeness of some
the Keepers of the Four Corners. other deity. It is said that the Lord of Illusions prefers the image
The holy symbol for the Grand Incinerator is an obsidian of the Creator above all others. His true appearance is known
flame. The sacrifice for this deity is a burning piece of coal or only to the Creator and perhaps a handful of other gods.
small fire opals.
Advancement within the Assembly of the Four Corners is The Parish of the Prolific Coin: worships the deity known as
based on helping to maintain the balance of nature. The The Landlord, Profitmaker and The Coinmaster. (See Golidrin
Assembly is organized such that all priests must declare an on p. 155 of Gawds & Demi-Gawds.)
allegiance to a specific cult in order to gain a church title The Parish of the Prolific Coin sells services and spells to the
above Priest of the Four Corners. Until this declaration is made, wealthy, regardless of race or alignment. When the Keepers of
priests are all members of one cult. Fire Corners wanted to hire someone to swipe the fabled
Although outsiders misunderstand the Fire Corner as having phoenix of the Cathedral of Light, they sought to make con-
evil intentions, this cult simply represents an important part of tact with those they knew would do just about anything for
nature. They have been known to destroy by fire both those money.
areas that have become overrun by chaos and evil deeds, as Priests and worshippers of the Landlord are interested in prof-
well as those areas bound by the constraints of law and good- it, period. Many would call them swindlers, but the Profiteers
ness. Blacksmiths who make a living using fire, often call upon believe that the pursuit of economic well-being is what moti-
this cult for its knowledge of making hot and efficient fires. The vates civilization to grow and prosper. Advancement within
Keepers of the Fire Corner are also called upon after large the church is solely a function of making money.
battles to consume the dead in great funeral pyres. Their most
holy days are in late summer (fourth quarter of Siege-hold) New Monsters
when a great fire was said to have swept the countryside.
They anticipate that their master may cause this to happen Golem, Bronze
again and continually prepare for the day by keeping them- DESCRIPTION: In olden days before our current HackEra,
selves ready for travel to the elemental plane of fire. As a result mighty Wizards initiated research that would allow them to
of this legend, the Fire Corner keeps an everlasting flame burn- animate statues as magical constructs with formidable pow-
ing in all of its temples. They believe that this will allow the ers to rend their foes. ( It must be noted that in this past age
Firelord to enter Tellene. Barbarians were far more plentiful than they are at present
Priests of this cult are neutral in alignment. They consider and your average spell lobber faced a very precarious exis-
member of the Cathedral of Light as enemies, among others. tence.) This research diverged into two lines – one persuing
the more expeditious route of utilizing the already well estab-
lished stonemasonry skills of their neolithic thralls while a small
Impostors: These cultists worship the Confuser of the Ways,
radical cabal instead chose to push the frontiers of magical
also known as the Great Deceiver, Master of Mischief, Addler,
craftsmanship and make use of the cutting edge dicipline of
Father of All Falsehoods, Lord of Illusion, the Great Imposter,
the New Creator, Etc., Etc. The Confuser of the Ways is known
by many different names in every land. (See The Confuser of Avant-garde metalworkers had recently discovered that by
Ways on p. 152 of Gawds & Demi-Gawds.) adding small amounts of
tin to copper, a new Golem, Bronze
He is the god of lies, deceit and mischief.
alloy could be forged AKA: Golem, Metal Mark I
There is no formal priesthood belonging to this cult, but prac- whose structural proper- HACKFACTOR: 30
titioners are often referred to as “Impostors.” ties were adequate to EP VALUE: 6,500
The reason for this label is that these “priests” always try to the task envisioned by CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any
pass themselves off as something that they are not. They trav- these Wizards. After FREQUENCY: Very Rare
el about the land in disguise, creating mischief wherever they ORGANIZATION: Solitary
many years of daunting
roam and ultimately seeking to destroy or ruin all that is good and costly experimenta-
DIET: None
and orderly. tion, an animated statue INTELLIGENCE: Semi (2-4)
A favorite strategy is to gain a victim’s trust by befriending (or “Golem” as these ALIGNMENT: Neutral
and helping him and then bringing about his destruction types of creatures NO. APPEARING: 1
through lies and deception. If the Impostors are successful in became known as after SIZE: L (10’ tall)
their ruse, their prey will never know they were duped. An a patent application MOVEMENT: 7”
Imposter could even be a high-ranking member of another was filed by the Circle of PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil
church, striving to sow the seeds of discord and create rebel- Sequestered Magicks) Attack/Defense Modes: Nil/Nil
made of bronze was MORALE: Fanatic (20)
lion and infighting through lies and deception.
perfected. True to its ARMOR CLASS: 4
Clerics of the Great Deceiver will often conduct religious
creators’ vision, it NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
ceremonies and rituals in the temple or on the sacred site of proved superior to the DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-30
another deity. Their favorite target is a temple dedicated to a SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below
good or lawful deity, preferably the Courts of Justice. SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below
HIT DICE: 75 hit points (13 Hit Dice)
Golem, Stone animated statue which had now been in com- ten places of great wealth or particularily damp environ-
mon use for years. ments.
Unlike the Golem, Stone variety, the Golem, Metal was an
innovative open design with possibilities for refinement. The YIELD:
Golem, Metal Mark I would attract a community of Wizard tin- Medicinal: Nil
kerers whose collaborative effort would eventually lead to Spell Components: Nil
the superior Golem, Metal Mark II – colloquially known as the Hide/Trophy Items: Nil
Iron Golem. Research continues though the fragmentation of Treasure: Nil
the development community has had a retarding effect on Other: Nil
subsequent design improvements. Known lines of inquiry
include the Mark III project (Steel Golem), a splinter Mark IIIa
team (Stainless Steel Golem), an all-elven team working on Eye of Fearsome Flame
the Mark IIIe “Elven Steel Golem”, a secretive group known DESCRIPTION: An Eye of Fearsome Flame’s countenance is
only as “Team Lotus” purportedly working on a “Dwarven Iron similar to many other undead - that of a gaunt skeletal figure
Golem” as well as the perpetually broke M-Theorists who in the de rigueur dark cloak. Until provoked to anger, only inky
claim, at least theoretically, to have discovered the secret of blackness is discernable from within the hood.
the Mark IV Mithril Golem.
TACTICS: An Eye of Fearsome Flame, having only a feeble
Bronze Golems have been largely supplanted by the Mark material existence and unable to create spawn like many of
II Iron Golem (it being possible through a major retrofit to bring its undead kindred, is particularity interested in obtaining mor-
Mark I units up to current Mark II standards) and are thus a rar- tal thralls to perform its evil bidding (as well as sundry chores).
ity to encounter these days. Nonetheless, a few are still in All possess the following skills – Evil Speak (90), Feign Toughness
active service. A principal reason may be that the Mark Is do (70), Intimidation (90), Liar, Skilled (95) and Parley (80) – which
not possess an unforseen design flaw that crept into the Mark it will use to coax intelligent living beings into service and
IIs – namely the vulnerability to rust. As such, there are some eventual bondage.
applications for which the venerable design still merits con-
Should it encounter a particularity belligerent foe, it will
sideration. (Other reasons for the continued service of Mark Is
make a final attempt at intimidation and draw back its hood
may be sentimentality, sloth or poverty of the part of the con-
to reveal a charred skull whose eye sockets are alight with
trolling Wizard or the sheer age of the dungeon in which they
blazing flames. Field reports confirm that this is actually quite
are encountered.)
spooky (and has an effect comparable to the 4th level MU
COMBAT/TACTICS: Bronze Golems can only be hit by spell Fear.)
weapons of at least +1 enchantment. Once per seven melee
Should this fail to terrorize its foe(s) into flight or submission, it
rounds the Bronze Golem can breathe a 10’ x 10’ x 10’ cloud
writes off the potential thralls and brings on the smack.
of Type R poisonous gas, against which victims must save vs.
poison or become paralyzed for 3-30 rounds. An Bronze COMBAT: Once angered, its wellspring of firey hatred allows
Golem can inflict one point of structural damage every other the Eye of Fearsome Flame to dispatch a Fireball (12d4) from
round. its menacing sockets every 3 rounds. Such is the vehemence
of its irate stare that any spell directed at its ‘eyes’ intending
Electrical attacks striking the golem do no damage but act
to incapacitate them
as a Slow spell. The duration is one melee round per 6 points
(Blindess, Cause Eye of Fearsome Flame
of damage that the attack delivers (i.e. a 34 hp Lightning Bolt
Blindness or Deafness, AKA: Great Eyeballs of Fire
Slows the creature for 5 meele rounds while a 4 hp Shocking
Color Spray, Light, HACKFACTOR: 22
Grasp does nothing). Multiple electrical discharges do not
Power Word: Blind, EP VALUE: 3,576
‘stack’ their effect but rather prolong it.
etc) will be reflected CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any
High temperature (fire) attacks serve to temper the golem’s back upon the caster FREQUENCY: Very Rare
surface and thus actually repair the Bronze Golem by one hit much as a Volley ORGANIZATION: Solitary
point for every 2 hp the flames deliver. spell. ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any
CONSTRUCTION: With a magic tome as a guide, the DIET: None
Despite its bristle INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional (15-16)
builder of a Bronze Golem must be a magic user of at least and anger, the Eye of ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil
15th level. Creating the Golem requires the following spells: Fearsome Flame is a NO. APPEARING: 1
Limited Wish, Polymorph Other, Geas, Paralyzation and Fog decidedly weak SIZE: M
Cloud. Obviously a masterfully cast 10 foot tall statue must be combatant and a MOVEMENT: 12”
constructed from bronze upon which to place the enchant- Wuss-of-Heart. It has a PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil
ment. The base cost of materials and labor to create a Brass Strength of only 3 so Attack/Defense Modes: Nil/Nil
Golem is 20 talents of gold (60,000 gp in current currency). A any melee atacks are MORALE: Coward (4)
magic user solely devoted to the task can construct a Bronze made at -3 to-hit ARMOR CLASS: 2
Golem in just three month’s time. (reduced damage is NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
ORDERS: Bronze Golems can only obey simple commands, DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1
already incorporated
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See description
such as “Attack anyone who disturbs my magical cuneiform i n t o
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See description
tablets”. However, Bronze Golems never disobey an order damage/attack). If MAGIC RESISTANCE: See description
from their masters. Bronze Golems usually guard long forgot- unable to destroy its HIT DICE: 12
foes with a Fireball or two, it will slink away into the ethereal
plane. This action requires 2d12 segments to complete.
A +1 or better weapon is required to strike an Eye of
Fearsome Flame. Like all undead, they are immune to Sleep,
Charm and Hold spells as well as poison and paralysis. They
are not, however, immune to cold. They resist cold (and fire as
well) as if protected by the 2nd level Cleric spell Resist
Fire/Resist Cold. They can be turned as Spectres.
Medicinal: Nil
Spell Components: Using an Eye of Fearsome Flame’s skull as an
additional material component in any type of Fear spell imparts a
-1 penalty to the target’s saving throw. The skull is not consumed
in the casting so may be repeatedly used in this application.
Hide/Trophy Items: Nil
Treasure: Nil (D if possessing a thrall posse)
Other: Nil
I welcome the flames
Consume me
Entwine me
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