Thesis Statement

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Creating A Thesis Statement

An essay’s thesis statement serves two purposes: first, it unifies the facts and information of an argument
by describing the overall purpose; and second, it “forecasts” what the essay will discuss. That is, the
thesis statement should answer the questions “Why was this essay written?” and “What is this essay
about?” Therefore the thesis statement should include the topic of the paper, and inform the readers of the
direction the paper will go.

Describing the Purpose:

Imagine you found the following information in an essay: what would the thesis statement of such an
argument look like? Create thesis statements for the groups of information below.
Topic: Free speech
• Question: Should there be limitations on freedom of speech?
• Free speech is one of the fundamental rights US citizens cherish
• Some people use speech to slander, insult, harass, or threaten others
Thesis: Freedom of speech is an essential right, but it should not be meant to include hate

I. Topic: Punk music II. Topic: hydrogen fueled cars

Facts/Info: Facts/Info:
• Question: What is the current state of • Question: Should carmakers dedicate
punk music? time and energy into producing
• Punk music has risen in popularity in the last hydrogen-fueled cars?
20 years. • The burning of fossil fuel is one of the
• Punk was once considered to be on the leading causes in air pollution
fringe of society, embraced by angry and • Hydrogen fueled cars do not run on fossil
disillusioned youths. fuels
• The liminal figures of early punk music • Developmental research is needed to create
were thought to be dangerous rabble- more efficient hydrogen powered cars
rousers. • Developmental research is very expensive
• Current punk bands play to audiences of • Hydrogen fuel expels a high amount of
hundreds of thousands, and compete with greenhouse gas
pop stars for radio and video airtime. • Until enough research can be conducted,
• Stores like Hot Topic have commercialized production of hydrogen cells will rely on
the edgy punk look fossil fuel for at least the next 10 years.
Thesis: Thesis:

“Forecasting” simply means “predicting”—a thesis statement will “predict” what happens in the report by
briefly describing the report’s structure.
“In this paper, I will first discuss the history of free speech in America and its Constitutional
foundations. Then, I will present some examples of the abuses of free speech. Finally, I will
argue that some limitations should be placed on free speech to protect the basic rights of
In this example, we would expect to find the sections of the report to be structured as follows:
I. History of free speech
II. Abuses of free speech
III. Proposed limitations of free speech
Create a guiding purpose statement that forecasts the following report structures, indicated by the section

I. Topic: Punk music II. Topic: hydrogen fueled cars

Section Headings: Section Headings:
I. The Early 80’s Punk Scene I. Pollution and Fossil Fuel
II. Contemporary Punk and The Global II. The Hydrogen Alternative: Friend
Market or Foe?
III. Comparison Between Punk and Pop III. Costs of Development of Hydrogen
Album Sales Fuel Technology
IV. The Current State of Punk Music: A IV. More Research: The Environmental
Change For Better Or For Worse? vs. Economic Costs

The Final Product:

Now, simply combine these two parts to have a complete thesis statement.
“Freedom of speech is an essential right, but should not be meant to include hate speech. In
this paper, I will first discuss the history of free speech in America and its Constitutional
foundations. Then, I will present some examples of the abuses of free speech. Finally, I will
argue that some limitations should be placed on free speech to protect the basic rights of
From this thesis statement, we can easily identify the topic, and get a good idea of the scope of the essay:
we can tell that the essay is about “freedom of speech,” and that it will cover some elements of free
speech in the constitution; conversely, if we were looking for information about free speech in mass
media, we would immediately know that this essay would be of little use to us—all from reading the
thesis statement.

Using the answers you’ve created in the worksheet above, write a complete thesis statement for each of
the topics in the space below:

I. Topic: Punk music II. Topic: hydrogen fueled cars

Thesis: Thesis:

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