(Bsme) Em2020

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university HMM AT ANU Date Received: 2/21/2020 University of Cebu dts checo7.ph College of Engineering Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) | ‘CMO No. 97, Series of 2017 Effective School Year 2020-204 | | Name Date Started / First Enrolled: 1 ID Number Expected Date of Graduation’ T ‘Course, Lec 3 as Descriptive Tite ae JAM_ENGL 100 | Communication Arts — SOCIO 102 | Gender and Society ais MATH 100E—| Colege Hathematiss 3 MATHIOIE —[ Maternates the Hogar Word x EMATH 11 —[ Cali z CHEM 111 —| Chemisty for Engineers = z BES 101 | Engineenng Drwng o ‘© | Me 101 | techanial Engineering Oneniaion i PE Tor ovement Erfnceter = 2 NSTP 101 | National Series Trehing Program 1 z a z = ee Code oe | Yat] nis ENGL 101 | Purpose Communication ae r HUM {02 —| Philppine Popular Cuture ae ‘EMATH 127 —| Cates 2 : oe EHATETTS PHYS 121 —| Physics fr Engheets oe EMATH 1117 STS 101 ——| Salnce, Technolgy and Some + HUM 10 | An Apprection +e { {| BES 102 | Computer Aided Drang Santee 2 BESTT PE 102 Flees Exereoe Z z 2 PE 101 NSTP 102 | Natonal Serves Ting Program = = = STE 107 Toa a t Legend Engineering Bridging Courses for Non-Stem > EBR 101 Pre-Calouius units | *EBR 102 Goneral Chemisty units | *EBR 103 General Physics units | course ae ‘cone Uae ENATHEHT | Dien Egos . mee EURT 22 — | Engcetig Bas Aaa i BHD 10 Ene +i FAST TOT | Ress Ppl Fla a Soom 101 —| te catemporey Word t+ EEDA Electrical Creuite T for ME i a PHYS 121 HEGHETIA [Sta of Riga Bods its Bnet % [Astor ‘Thermodynamics 1 3 0 3 PHYS 121 HIETVETITT {Wott Tam and Paice i avs it BETIS | Prt hey Yovaras Heat and Finer 7 = Bene 7 Teal 2 on ; Eos course Descriptive Tie ae EHATH 225 | Rrenod athomaies — a SATE are es | Gonpuer Progamming =| 3 | ee BES fos —| Engioning eons oor ee eer fee nic —| bole Bectonce se aa Re — | Beaune ey cm |e Ea fig 223 —| Byam of gd Bote £3 MECH eT Mec 2 — | Peso ts ra Wh [AS 102 “Thermodynamics 2 3 o 3 ‘AS 101 TVET | Wace Step Theo > WeNET TT BE 108 [Py Asiy Towards ah and Fins =o Pe Ta 2 Upon completion of METVET 121 the student is required to take the mandated competency assessment in Machining NC TI 'BES 107 | Engineering Management MECH 208 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies MECH 311 | Fluid Machin RES 101 | Methods of Research for WE ME 31 Heat Transfer ME-312 | Mactine Elements 1 ME313_| Vibration Engineer ‘ME 314A | Computer Applications for ME ‘ME 318 | Mechanical Engineering Lab + ME FR EL | Mechanical Engineering Elective MECHZIT MECH 722 ENGL 101 ‘AS 102 MECH 211A EMATH 217 AS 102 BES 105 | Basic ME 31 Reigeration System ‘ME 322A | Combustion Engineering ME 323 | Machine Elements 2 ME 324 1 ME 325 ne ME 326 | Material Science and Engineering for WE = ME 327 | Mechanical Engineering Lab 2 TECHNOIOi_| Technopren: urio7 Literature of te World ME SIS ME-311 ‘AS 102 ME 3I2 RES 101 ECE 2120 MECH 2211 CHEM 777 MECH 315 ‘On-Theslob-Traning (240 hours) — ‘BES 105) ME 3 Understanding the Seit — Mar ‘industrial Processes with Plant Visits ‘Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems = ME 4148 | Power Plant Design with Renewable Ene ME-415B | Machine Design 1 ME 4168 | ME Project Study ME 417 | ME Laws, Ethic, Coniracis, Codes & Standards RIZAL 101 | Life and Works of Or. Jose Rizal le fn eo ME 421A | Mechanical Engineering Lab 3 ME 327 ‘ME 4228 | Machine Design? Me 4158 ‘ME 4230 | industal Pant Engineering ME 4148, ME-EC Enhancement 1 EWATH 222, ME 4756 MEEC2 | Enhancement? ME 4148, ME 4128 ME-EC3 | Enhancement 3 ME 4158, Tat of Eines eS MEELECT IA. Hag Veta Ay Cen mt atin ff Memecran Conn ant cmp Se 1 MEREGHIO Netotncrtagierte D Memes keeping { Memcran.ammte gieone Sites Meme Summary of Courses: 1. TECHNICAL COURSES | ‘AL Mathematics 12 ite 1B. Natural Physical Seiences Suni Casi Engineering Soenost 21 units D. Allied Courses units Fundamental ME Courses s8umis Professional ME Couses 23 unis G. Hleotive Courses units HL. Practicum ‘mils | | | Sub-Total +139 units | IL NON-TECHNICAL COURSES | | | | (General Education Courses 50 unite IL INSTITUTIONAL, ENGINEERING BRIDGING AND OTHER COURSES ‘A. Insitutions Courses units B. Engineering Bridging Courses Site Other Courses, Sis Sub-Total :18 nits Grand Total 201 unite (STEM ENROLLEES) ‘Sind Tr 210 it QONSTEM FAROFLEES) \ EN [NAVs aa sce. ae sas | mn YOLANDA.G. SAYSON, ED.D. | We fee Acabemic/ Eure Director NCior Academie Atte Prat Ea |

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