Boletin Técnico Cta PDF Mayo 2001

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May 2001

Volume 3, No. 5

Techline News
OnStar Service Issues
SI 2000 Now Updated Weekly
Beginning the first week in April,
the SI 2000 website is being updated
once a week. The latest information
will be available each Friday morning.
This is twice as often as before.

To access the information, use

your internet browser to go to web-
site Do not
use “www” in this address.
Click on Service Manuals,
Bulletins and Campaigns. You will
need to type your User Name and
Password to go past this point. Most systems on GM vehicles are
Next, on the SI 2000 Home Page, integrated completely into the vehicle.
select the area you’re interested in. They carry out their intended functions
By the way, notice that you now without reacting to influences from out-
have a choice of two languages: side the vehicle. Contents
English and French.
A few systems, though, can be
The information that is updated affected by the behavior of something OnStar Service Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
each week includes Service Manual, outside the vehicle. For instance, the
Bulletins, Campaigns, and Preliminary SI 2000 Now Updated Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
radio depends on receiving an acceptable
Information (PI) titles. signal from the radio station’s tower. Dealership PC Network Strategies . . . . . . . . . . .4
By clicking on Latest News, you Radio reception can be affected by exter-
will see a list of Bulletins, Campaigns nal interference from overhead electrical Dinghy Towing -- A Reminder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
and PI titles that have been recently wires, faulty ignition in nearby vehicles,
added. A box at the end of the page and driving past tall buildings or through Recognizing OE Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
allows you to select 2, 4, 6 or 8 tunnels.
weeks. Service manual revisions and New Mid-Size Truck Rear Suspension System . . . .6
additions are not indexed. Similarly, the proper operation of the
OnStar system is affected both by in- Malibu Exhaust Rattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
The internet will always be your vehicle components and by influences
freshest source of service informa- Armrest Lowers Itself During Braking . . . . . . . . .7
coming from outside the vehicle. The
tion. The service information on GM
OnStar system has several independent
ACCESS will continue to be updated GM Service Clubs, Part 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
on a two week cycle. And it’s even elements that must work together in
possible that new bulletins may order for the system to function properly.
TAC Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
appear on SI 2000 before the paper The hardware in the vehicle . The
copies arrive in your dealership. Vehicle Interface Unit and Vehicle Bulletins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
– Thanks to Lisa Scott Communications Unit, the cellular anten -
na, the GPS antenna, and related cables Service Operations
must operate properly and must interface
continued on page 2
correctly with the vehicle. The Cellular Phone System
GM TechLink is a monthly magazine The cellular phone network. The Issues
for all GM retail technicians and ser- cellular network must be able to deliver a
vice consultants providing timely There are numerous issues that arise
two-way cellular call.
information to help increase knowl- from utilizing a cellular system supplied
edge about GM products and improve The OnStar Call Center by an independent third party. Cellular
the performance of the service Application. This application must be towers can be busy, depending on the
department. This magazine is a com- able to send and receive information level of traffic on the system. Some
from the vehicle. areas of the country may have a limited
panion to the GM Edge publication.
or inadequate number of cellular towers
Signals from US GPS satellites. The
Publisher & Editor: to handle the load of cellular phone calls.
OnStar equipment in the vehicle must
Mark Stesney also be able to receive and interpret sig-
GM Service Operations nals from the US Global Positioning
[email protected] Satellites orbiting above the earth.

Technical Editor: The OnStar system relies upon all of

these independent systems to work
Jim Horner together to provide service to OnStar
[email protected] subscribers. It is precisely this interaction
1-248-816-3641 that makes the OnStar system unique.

Production Manager: But this interaction of internal and

external factors can complicate the prop-
Marie Meredith er diagnosis of customer concerns.
Desktop Publishing:
The diagnosis of the in-vehicle hard-
Greg Szpaichler, MediaWurks ware is not significantly different from
[email protected] diagnosing other on-vehicle modules. The
Cellular Phone System
FAX number:  real difficulty in diagnosing the OnStar
system lies in assessing whether the
1-248-649-5465 customer’s concern is the result of a
problem in the vehicle hardware or an OnStar has made an arrangement
Write to:  issue with the other external systems
with Verizon to provide cellular service
TechLink for the OnStar system. To provide OnStar
necessary for OnStar operation.
PO Box 500 with truly national coverage, Verizon has
Troy, MI 48007-0500 signed agreements with local carriers in
On-Vehicle Equipment Issues areas where Verizon doesn’t have a
GM TechLink on the Web:
 Many on-vehicle equipment issues
can be resolved by simply ensuring that
license. In order for a cellular call to be deliv-
the system components are installed or
connected properly. The cellular antenna ered between OnStar and a vehicle,
General Motors service tips ar e Verizon must ensure that every local car-
intended for use by professional tech- mast must be installed on the vehicle
and the coax cable must be tightly con- rier in the chain handling the call must
nicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer." They
nected to the Vehicle Communication recognize the phone number assigned to
are written to inform those techni-
cians of conditions that may occur on Unit (VCU) and the antenna base. each vehicle.
some vehicles, or to provide informa- Long distance is yet another aspect.
tion that could assist in the proper At present, OnStar has two call centers,
service of a vehicle. Properly trained one in Charlotte, NC and one in Troy, MI.
technicians have the equipment, tools, Unless a vehicle is located in one of
safety instructions and know-how to these two cities, it is likely that the vehi-
do a job properly and safely. If a con- cle will at some point have to make a
dition is described, do not assume
long distance call. This involves a long
that the bulletin applies to your vehi-
cle or that your vehicle will have that distance carrier and adds to the complex-
condition. See a General Motors deal- Vehicle Communication Unit (VCU) ity.
and the Vehicle Interface Unit (VIU)
er servicing your brand of General While this sounds very complicated, it
Motors vehicle for information on is usually seamless. The vast majority of
whether your vehicle may benefit from OnStar calls are successful. The ones
the information. The GPS antenna must have a good
connection both at the antenna and at that may require service are typically the
Inclusion in this publication is not nec- exceptions, not the norm.
the Vehicle Interface Unit (VIU). The GPS
essarily an endorsement of the indi-
antenna coax is rather fragile cable.
vidual or the company. GPS System Issues
When inspecting or replacing the cable,
Copyright© 2001 General Motors Corporation do not bend it to a curve less than 2 inch- The Global Positioning System (GPS)
All rights reserved. es in diameter or the cable will be dam- is an example an everyday civilian benefit
aged. resulting from a system originally devel-

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Other New Refinements
- Progression tones replace the tradi -
tional audio feedback of a ringing
phone, busy signal or other similar
oped for the military. the voice recognition software incorporat - message. The tone is an audio note
ed in the vehicle hardware. If there’s a that repeats at regular 5 to 15 sec-
There is a mathematical principle
problem with this part of the system, it’s ond intervals.
called triangulation that says you can pin-
right there in the vehicle. Then, there’s
point an unknown location if you know its When the OnStar Call Button or the
the voice recognition software at the
distance from three known locations. emergency key is pressed, you will hear
other end of the call within the Virtual
GPS uses 24 NAVSTAR satellites orbiting “connecting to OnStar,” followed by the
Advisor System. This part of the system
the earth. The location of each satellite is progression tones. With normal cellular
can be affected by interferences on the
known at any given time. The satellites connection times, the tones could last as
cellular communication network.
constantly broadcast radio signals. A GPS long as three minutes before a connec-
receiver compares the amount of time it Most voices are readily recognized, tion is made.
takes for the signals from at least three but some users may experience difficulty It is important to wait until the sys-
different satellites to reach the receiver. with certain numbers, words, or phrases. tem makes a connection, or the “unable
By translating time into distance, it can to connect to OnStar” message is heard.
The customer may have to be trained
calculate the receiver’s location on earth. OnStar recommends that you try to con-
to modify their speech pattern slightly to
The OnStar receiver in the vehicle take full advantage of the voice recogni- nect several times. If a successful con-
receives the GPS data, decodes it, and tion system. There are some tips for nection cannot be made, you will need to
transmits the vehicle’s location by cell using voice recognition on the MyOnStar contact the OnStar call center to request
phone to the OnStar call center. website, in SI 2000, and in the OnStar verification that the OnStar system in the
owners manual. vehicle is registered with the national cel-
lular network.
If the system can recognize at least
In rare instances, it is possible that
one word, the hardware is functioning
the message “OnStar request ended”
properly. Do not replace it.
could be heard. This indicates that the
The system may have difficulty recog- cellular connection was interrupted
nizing commands when multiple people before completing a connection to
are talking or there’s excessive road OnStar. In these instances wait for a
noise. short period of time and attempt to con-
nect again.
SI 2000 has a voice recognition diag-
nostic along with some tips for proper - The F1 module adds the capability of
intonation and other adjustments. setting a code for a disconnected
GPS antenna.
Follow this path:
- While the VCIM combines the func-
GPS System - Body and Accessories tionality of the VIU and the VCU into
- Cellular Communication one package, the system will still set
internal communication codes. This
GPS technology may be affected by - Description and Operation would drive the replacement of the
external factors. Many of these are simi- - OnStar Description and Operation unit.
lar to the things that affect conventional - The replacement of the VCIM will
radio or TV reception. - General Tips for Better Speech
require the Station ID (STID) and
- There must be a direct line of sight Electronic Serial Number (ESN) be
between the receiver antenna and and communicated to the call center.
the satellites. - Personal Calling Commands
Top OnStar Issues
- Signals may be obstructed by terrain Some of the conditions explained by
or buildings, preventing reception by Any time an OnStar VIU is replaced,
SI 2000 include noise from open win- reconfiguration is necessary. Press the
the receiver. dows or sunroof, speaking too soon after blue button and tell the advisor you are a
- Multipath error, caused by signals a prompt, a high pitched voice, and technician who has just replaced a VIU
being reflected from objects befor e emphasis on certain sounds. and you need to update the customer’s
reaching the antenna, affects the account. You will need the STID number
system’s accuracy. New Product Features from the replacement part when you call.
Several of the new 2002 vehicles, When replacing an OnStar VCU, you
Voice Recognition Issues starting with the 2002 S/T utilities will also need to contact the OnStar call
(Bravada, Envoy and TrailBlazer), have the center to perform a reconfiguration. You
The majority of 2001 vehicles are
latest iteration of OnStar hardware, des- will need to have the module’s ESN avail -
capable of offering two services called able when you call.
OnStar Personal Calling and OnStar ignated as F1. The predominant feature is
Virtual Advisor. These services use a that it combines the VIU and the VCU Refer to the VIU or VCU replacement
voice recognition system. into one package, called the Vehicle procedure or the OnStar reconfiguration
Communications and Interface Module procedure in SI 2000.
There are two distinct voice recogni- (VCIM). – Thanks to Dale Tripp, Mike Batchik,
tion systems at work here. First, there’s Dean Tobias, and Dave Mitchel

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Dealership PC gramming data) on a regular basis. In
shops with electronic repair orders, they
Network need nearly constant access to the RO
files, both to determine what work is INFORMATION GETS TO
Strategies needed and to record services performed YOUR DEALERSHIP
and parts used.
The recommended guideline is one GM ACCESS
PC per 2 or 3 technicians. Because each A satellite-based intranet pro-
service department is unique, this guide- viding two-way communication
line should be a consideration when eval- between GM and the dealership.
uating overall productivity. Of the many aspects of dealership
The SI 2000 and TIS software are operation communicated over GM
flexible enough to run on relatively com- ACCESS, several are directed at
mon business-grade systems. the service department.
Specifications are available from GM - Incremental updates of SI 2000
Service Operations at website - Updates of TIS 2000


There are two main strategies for dis- This is the electronic version of
Typical GM ACCESS Configuration tributing information to the technicians’ the service manual, service and
individual PCs. campaign bulletins, and Product
As the automobile enters its second Information titles. It is available on
century, it’s pretty obvious that comput- - download all of the data from the internet (weekly updates), and
ers are playing an ever-increasing role, Techline CDs to each individual PC can be downloaded from Techline
both in the operation of the vehicle and in CDs or from GM ACCESS (bi-
- download all of the Techline data to
the service department. weekly updates).
a central server, with individual PCs net -
It’s no longer possible to get along worked to the server The
with just one PC in your service depart- website is the internet portal to SI
In the second scenario, the network,
ment. Service information comes into 2000, as well as numerous other
it’s also possible to connect the server to
your dealership from a number of service related resources, includ-
an internet service provider, which then
sources, using a variety of media. And ing this TechLink magazine.
links each individual PC to the internet.
once the information is in the dealership,
it needs to be distributed and made To further expand the network con-
accessible to a number of users. cept, it may be possible to use your
TIS 2000
Dealer Service Provider (DSP) hardwar e The Techline Information
DEVELOPING A to access SI 2000 data, either by individ- Systems 2000 consists of service
ual downloads or through a network. This programming software needed to
DEALERSHIP STRATEGY means that each PC can do multiple duty. update vehicle programming, using
The question, then, is how to develop the Tech 2. Bi-weekly updates of
a logical strategy that works for your spe- TIS can be downloaded from GM
cific dealership. A well-thought out strate- ACCESS and from the GMSO
gy helps determine what hardware is website.
needed, as well as how to interconnect it
for maximum flexibility and convenience.
With good planning, it is be possible to
improve the efficiency of your GM the update CDs to arrive.
ACCESS and PC network without having
to add a lot of new equipment. A quali- - In dealerships where SI 2000 is on a
fied system administrator should review central server, the system administrator
and refine the strategy before anything is can download updates weekly from the
purchased or installed. internet. Again, there’s no need to wait
for updates on CD or from GM ACCESS.
At the recent 2001 National Auto
Dealer Association (NADA) convention, - The direct-to-internet system is ideal
GM Service Operations made for service departments that are not con-
Networking Strategy the theme. GMSO GM ACCESS with Internet and nected to GM ACCESS at all. Cases like
talked to many dealers, and focused on DSP Connections these are usually where the service or
how to provide the service department body shop is in a remote location or
with enhanced alternatives to the stan- WHAT’S BEST? building, away from the GM ACCESS
dard GM ACCESS network. This informa- system.
There is no single fits-all answer. But
tion is available on the internet at the fol- there are some points to consider. - GMSO does not recommend a
lowing address: modem dialup connection to the internet,
- Dealerships are encouraged to pro- because this is the lowest level of perfor-
vide technicians with a high-speed
multiplepc.html mance. Some of the configurations that
access to SI 2000 directly from the inter-
provide a continuous Broadband connec -
Here are some highlights from this net. A major benefit is that the data is
tion are ISDN, DSL and T-1 lines.
document. updated automatically, every week.
Availability and cost vary with location.
There’s no need to manually download
Technicians need ready access to SI updates from GM ACCESS or wait for – Thanks to Mike Waszczenko
2000 (service information) and TIS (pro-

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Towing News

Dinghy Towing -- removed. For these trucks, the preferred

towing method requires use of a platform
propeller shaft must be removed and the
steering column unlocked.
trailer which lifts all four wheels from the
A Reminder pavement.
IMPORTANT: Refer to the service man-
ual for propeller shaft removal and installa-
The latest information on dinghy towing IMPORTANT: Refer to the service man - tion. Provisions must be made to keep the
is found in Bulletin 00-00-89-008A, dated ual for propeller shaft removal and installa- lubricant in the transmission and dirt out.
April, 2001. Dinghy towing refers to towing tion. Provisions must be made to keep the After towing, verify that the transmission
a vehicle with all four wheels on the
lubricant in the transmission and dirt out. fluid is at the proper level before driving the
ground, for instance behind a motor home.
After towing, verify that the transmission truck.
Your customers may have questions fluid is at the proper level before driving the - Thanks to Mike Ondre
about which vehicles can be towed this truck.
way, and how to do it correctly. Refer them
to the Owner’s Manual for guidance. For those vehicles that can be
Details are also included in the bulletin dinghy-towed, follow this procedure.
mentioned above. Be sure to read the bul- - Set the parking brake.
letin completely and follow the procedures Recognizing Original
exactly, to avoid damage to the vehicle - Place the automatic transmission in Equipment Batteries
being towed. These are the highlights. PARK, or the manual transmission in
first gear. If you have the need to distinguish
between an original equipment (OE)
Passenger Cars - After hooking the vehicle to the towing AC Delco battery and an
IMPORTANT:: Cars must not be towed vehicle, shift the transfer case to aftermarket/service AC Delco battery,
here’s how.
backward or the transmission may be dam- Neutral. Be aware that the vehicle can
aged. roll, even if the transmission is in Park The OE AC Delco battery has only
or in gear. one label on top, and it is predominant-
The bulletin spells out exactly which ly black and silver.
vehicles may be towed. Generally, they are - Release the parking brake.
The aftermarket/service AC Delco
those with front wheel drive and either the battery has two labels, and they are
automatic transaxle 4T40-E or 4T45-E, or - The steering column must be
unlocked. The Owner’s Manual speci- predominantly blue and white.
the 5-speed manual transaxle MK7, MJ1,
M86, or M94. fies the appropriate ignition key posi- Also the aftermarket/service AC
tion to ensure that the steering is Delco battery is generally referred to as
IMPORTANT:: Manual Transmissions unlocked to allow the front wheels to a Professional series battery, while the
M58, M42, and MM5 should not be towed follow the tow vehicle. OE AC Delco battery is not. There may
with all four wheels on the ground. be some non-Delphi manufactured bat-
teries in the AC Delco aftermarket/ser-
- First, set the parking brake. Mid/Full Size Trucks with vice line which are not referred to as
Rear Wheel Drive Professional.
- Because the ignition key must be
turned from the LOCK position, it’s These vehicles should not be dinghy-
necessary to pull the fuse(s) indicated towed. The preferred towing method
in the Owner’s Manual. This prevents requires use of a platform trailer which lifts
the instrument panel or electronic all four wheels from the pavement. If tow-
PRNDL from draining the battery. ing on all four wheels is unavoidable, the
- After hooking the vehicle to the towing
vehicle, the steering column must be
unlocked. The Owner’s Manual speci-
fies the appropriate ignition key posi-
tion to ensure that the steering is Vehicle Tow
unlocked to allow the front wheels to Metro/Prizm No AC Delco Original Equipment Battery
follow the tow vehicle, and to ensure Label
that the transmission shifter is Cavalier/Sunfire/Malibu/ Yes
unlocked, without starting the engine. Alero/GrandAM
- Shift the transmission to Neutral. Then All other cars, auto. trans. No
release the parking brake.
- Do not exceed 65 mph while dinghy- Tracker Refer to
towing. manual
Mid/Full Size Trucks with details
4-Wheel or All-Wheel Drive Corvette, Camaro, Firebird No
Certain T and K trucks may be dinghy-
towed with the transfer case shifted to 4 Wheel Drives (T/Case) Yes, If
Neutral. These are listed in the Bulletin. T/Case
The remaining T and K trucks with 4- netural
wheel- or all-wheel-drive can be dinghy-
Rear Wheel Drive No AC Delco Aftermarket/Service
towed only with the propeller shafts
Battery Labels

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New Mid-Size Truck coil springs. Otherwise, the 5-link sus-
pension is the same.
adding, subtracting, or maintaining air
in each of the inflatable springs. A sen-
Rear Suspension The ECAS system consists of three
sor on each upper control arm deter-
mines when a change is needed. The
System main groups of components:
air compressor assembly, located on
“It rides like it was on air.” Proud - an air compressor and module the right rear chassis rail, handles the
owners have applied that fanciful claim - air suspension sensors task of moving air into or out of the air
to lots of cars and trucks over the springs as needed.
years, but rarely can you take it literally. - air springs
Incidentally, the compressor also
Now you can. A new, sophisticated The air springs operate at a pres- serves as an accessory inflator, similar
electronically controlled air suspension sure of 45 - 103 psi, with a maximum to other GM products. Simply attach a
(ECAS) is either standard or available hose to the air fitting and press the
control button located in the right rear
trim panel.

Compressor Operation
The compressor can inflate or
exhaust the air springs with the ignition
key in the ON position. The accessory
inflator feature can be turned on by
depressing the inflator button, with the
ignition on or off.
Upper and lower control arms
The compressor can exhaust up to
static pressure of 175 psi. The top and 30 minutes after the key is turned off.
bottom pistons are made of nylon, and
The duty cycle allows the compres-
the air bellows are made of rubber. The
sor to run only a certain amount of
air springs operate over a temperature
time. The compressor will not inflate or
range of -32°C to 80°C (-26°F to
exhaust during the time-out mode.
on the new 2002 Oldsmobile Bravada 176°F); short term exposure, 2 hours
and GMC Envoy sport utility models. or less -40°C to 90°C (-40°F to 194°F). System operating pressure is
The expected service life is 10 years or between 20 to 105 psi. The leakage
5-Link Rear Suspension 150,000 miles. specification of the complete system
(compressor and air springs) allows a
Before we get to the specifics of Regardless of the load being car-
vehicle-drop of less than 1.5 mm/24
ECAS, we need to take a short look at ried, the inflatable ECAS air springs
the all-new 5-link rear suspension that provide several benefits that coil
backs it up. This suspension system is springs cannot:
Service Procedures Unique
designed to enhance load-carrying - keeping the vehicle visually level
capability while providing a comfortable
ride. - providing optimal headlamp aiming SI 2000 contains comprehensive
- maintaining optimal ride height service procedures for the ECAS sys-
In the base configuration, rear coil
tem. Follow this path:
springs are used for the first time in - provide optimum ride comfort at
these vehicles. The elimination of leaf different loading conditions - Identify the 2002 vehicle
springs permitted the engineers to - Suspension
divide the rear suspension’s two tasks - provide good noise isolation
between two sets of components. The These tasks require the air springs - Air Suspension
coil springs take on only the ride and to adjust their height automatically; You will then have a choice of
load carrying functions. Location of the each side is managed independently by Operation, Diagnostics, Repair,
rear axle is now assigned to five sepa- the ECAS module. This is done by Specifications, Schematics and
rate links, or control arms. Component Locator sections.
On each side, the axle’s up and
down movement is controlled by a pair Diagnosis
of longitudinal upper and lower control IMPORTANT: Because this system
arms, while side-to-side control is pro- does not communicate on the serial
vided by a tie rod running behind and data (Class 2) bus, your Tech 2 cannot
parallel to the axle. And, of course, be used to diagnose it.
conventional shock absorbers are used
at each side. The system uses a flashing LED in
the inflator switch located in the right
Electronically Controlled Air rear trim panel to communicate system
faults. With the ignition on and the
Suspension (ECAS) engine off, the LED will flash stored
In the ECAS system, air springs codes related to the various system
take the place of the standard metal Height sensor conditions. The codes flash similarly to

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the old Check Engine light diagnostic Malibu Exhaust Rattle the cavity in place. Obtain a piece of high
codes. Flashing pulses repeat at the density closed cell foam, such as 3M
rate of 0.5 seconds, with a 3-second 06370 Scotch Foam Black Vinyl or equiva-
delay between codes. lent. The tape should measure 1 inch wide
x 8 inches long x 1/4 inch thick. Taper the
After observing the codes, simply last inch of the foam tape to half its thick-
perform the procedures associated ness to prevent a transition line from
with each of the three Diagnostic showing on the outside of the armrest.
DTC 001 is associated with internal
component failures.
DTC 002 indicates right height sen-
sor faults. Some owners of 2001 Chevrolet
Malibus may comment on a rattle from
And DTC 003 indicates left height under the car. This may be caused by
sensor faults. insufficient clearance between the Tapering the foam tape
Diagnostic codes are cleared auto- exhaust pipe and the screw that secures
matically when the ignition switch has the fuel tank heat shield at the front. Install the foam tape between the hard
been cycled from off to on, and the There should be a minumum of 15 mm ABS plastic cavity top edge and the foam
clearance between the exhaust pipe and padding in the armrest, with the tapered
cause for setting the code has been the head of the screw. If the clearance
corrected. end toward the rear. Make sure you keep
is less than 15 mm, place a suitable tool the foam tape near the top surface of the
on the head of the screw and push armrest. Restaple the material to the inside
Depressurization upward until there is at least 15 mm of edge of the hard ABS plastic surface. Make
Some repair procedures require clearance between the exhaust pipe and
depressurizing the air suspension sys- the screw head.
tem before proceeding. This is spelled – Thanks to Dave Dickey
out in detail in SI 2000. Here are some
Depressurize the system with the Armrest Lowers Itself
axle fully supported and set between During Braking
D-height and full jounce. Failure to fol-
Owners of some 2000-2001 Pontiac
low these steps may cause damage to Grand Prix may comment that the rear
the air springs. armrest lowers itself during braking, on Foam tape installed
Remove the air suspension fuse vehicles equipped with leather seats.
sure to use the same length staples as
before working on the rear suspension This condition is corrected by shimming were removed.
to avoid affecting the calibration of the the outboard sides of the armrest.
leveling sensor. Complete this process on both sides of
Place the armrest in the down position. the armrest, then reinstall the cupholder in
The compressor bolts must be Remove the cupholders by pushing rear- the armrest. Always road test the vehicle
removed and the compressor support- ward on the front of each side of the to be sure you have corrected the condi-
ed before the air supply line fittings cupholder and lifting up to disengage the tion. Usually one layer on each side cor-
can be loosened to bleed pressure retainers. rects the condition, but if the armrest still
from the springs. comes down, you may have to add a sec-
Remove the staples located along the
– Thanks to Dave Smith, Jeff Downing, ond layer of foam.
outboard sides of the cupholder cavity,
and Eric Kenar. leaving the staples at the front and rear of – Thanks to Fred Tebbets

GM Service Clubs, number of GM sources. West Central Service Managers Club

Contact: Les Guderian
Here is a list of additional GM ser-
Part 4 vice clubs. GM supports local service
Humboldt Motor Sales, Humboldt, IA
This is the fourth and final article in clubs and many GM representatives
a series. attend the club meetings. For more WESTERN REGION
information about GM service clubs,
GM service clubs around the coun- contact any of the clubs listed below. Los Angeles / Orange County Retail
try meet to talk about the service Earlier lists appeared in November Service Managers Club (LOSOR)
issues that dealership service depart- and December, 2000, and February Contact: Mike Bowers
ments face each day. 2001. Peninsula Pontiac GMC Buick, Torrance, CA
This interactive communication is 310.257.4200
one of the benefits for service man- NORTH CENTRAL REGION
agers who attend a local service club Fox Valley GM Service Managers North Bay Service Managers Club
meeting. The clubs provide a way for Association Contact: Roger Cunningham
service managers to access a wide Contact: Ben Gawaresky McConnell Chevrolet, Healdsburg, CA
array of information from other dealer- West Side Garage, Berlin, WI 707.433.3384
ship service departments as well as a 800.223.3302

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This review of service bulletins 01-06-02-002; Whining Noise In 01-07-30-007; Release of New Torque
released through mid-April lists the bul- Passenger Compartment When Engine Converter Bolt; 2001 Cadillac Escalade,
letin number, superseded bulletin number RPM is 1700-2300 (Remove Coolant 1998-2001 Chevrolet Camaro, Pontiac
(if applicable), subject and models. Flow Restrictor); 2001 Chevrolet and Firebird, 1999-2001 Chevrolet and GMC
GMC C/K Models (Silverado, Sierra) with C/K (New Style) Pickup and Utility
GENERAL INFORMATION: 8.1L Engine (VIN G -- RPO L18) Models

99-00-89-011A; replaces 99-00-89- 01-06-03-003; Generator Upper 01-07-30-010; Torque Converter

011; New Key Code Information for 10- Mounting Bolt Breakage (Replace Bolt Replacement; All 2001 and Prior GM
Cut Keys; All 2000-2001 Passenger Cars and Install Brace Rod Assembly); 1996- Passenger Cars and Trucks with ALL
and Trucks Except Cadillac Catera, 2000 Chevrolet and GMC C6-7 Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles
Eldorado, Chevrolet Camaro, Lumina, Conventional Medium Duty Models with
Metro, Prizm, Tracker, Pontiac Firebird,
Medium Duty Trucks L21, LP4, LR0, LS0) 99-08-44-001B; replaces 99-08-44-
01-06-04-010; Product Enhancements 001A; Video Entertainment System;
00-00-89-015A; Warranty 2000-2001 Chevrolet Venture, 1998-2001
Administration -- Repair Order (RO) to Improve Slow/No Start Conditions In
Extreme Cold Weather; 1999-2000 Oldsmobile Silhouette, Pontiac Montana
Documentation; 2001 and Prior with RPO U42
Passenger Cars and Trucks Chevrolet Tracker
01-06-04-011; Water in AIR Pump 00-08-61-001A; replaces 00-08-61-
01-00-89-006; February, 2001 Bulletin 001; Revised Assist Step Installation
Summary; 2002 and Prior Passenger Cars and/or DTC P0410, P0412, P0415,
P0416, P0100, P0101, P0102 or DTC 48 Procedure; 2000-2001 Chevrolet and
and Trucks GMC C/K 1-2 Utility Models (Suburban,
(AIR System Disable Procedure); 1995-
HVAC: 1996 Buick Roadmaster, Cadillac Tahoe, Denali, Yukon, Yukon XL), 2002
Fleetwood, Chevrolet Caprice, Impala SS Cadillac Escalade
01-01-38-005; Insufficient Heat From with 4.3L or 5.7L Engine (VINs W, P --
Rear Heater During Extreme Cold 00-08-64-018B; replaces 00-08-64-
RPOs L99, LT1) 018A; Rear Door Window Inoperative
Weather (Replace Rear Heater Tee
Couplings); 2000-2001 Chevrolet and 01-06-04-012; Malfunction Indicator (Replace Both Rear Door Window
GMC C/K Utility Models (Suburban, Lamp ON with a DTC P0341, P0342, Motors); 2000-2001 Chevrolet and GMC
Tahoe, Yukon, Yukon XL) Built Prior to P0343 (Replace Cam Sensor); 2001 C/K Utility and Crew Cab Pickup Models
October, 2000 Chevrolet and GMC C/K and G Light Duty 01-08-44-002; Front Door Speaker
Models, 2001 Chevrolet and GMC B7, Rattle/Vibration (Reposition Window
01-05-23-003; Revised Tool C6, C7 Medium Duty Models with 8.1 L
Requirements for Front and Rear Brake Regulator Handle Plate [Escutcheon]);
Engine (VINs E, G -- RPO L18) 1999-2001 Chevrolet Tracker with Manual
Caliper Overhaul; 1997-2001 Vehicles per
list 01-06-04-018; Intermittent Windows
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) and 01-08-51-001; Residue or Water
STEERING: PCM DTC P1404 (Recalibrate PCM); Marks on Paint After Removal of Transit
2001 Buick Century, Chevrolet Impala, Protection Coatings; 2001 Chevrolet
01-02-35-001; Steering Wheel Malibu, Monte Carlo, Venture,
Squeaks When Turning (Install Insulating Camaro, Pontiac Firebird
Oldsmobile Alero, Silhouette, Pontiac
Material); 1999-2001 Chevrolet Camaro, Aztek, Grand Am, Grand Prix, Montana
Pontiac Firebird, built prior to Feb. 1, 01-08-63-002; Underhood Insulation
with 3.1L or 3.4L Engine (VINs J, E -- Flaps at Highway Speed (Replace Hood
2001 RPOs LG8, LA1) Pad); 2001 Aztek
DRIVELINE AXLE: 01-06-05-002; Rattle, Buzz or Clunk 01-08-64-001A; replaces 01-08-64-
01-04-20-003; Rear Axle Exchange Noise from Vehicle Underside (Reposition 001; Front Floor Carpet Wet/Musty Odor
Program; 2002 Chevrolet and GMC S/T Heat Shield in Front of Fuel Tank) 2001 (Replace Rear Door Water Deflector);
Utility Models (TrailBlazer, Envoy), 2002 Chevrolet Malibu 2000-2001 Chevrolet and GMC C/K Utility
Oldsmobile Bravada with 8.0 Inch Ring Models (Tahoe, Yukon, Yukon Denali)
Gear Rear Axle
01-08-67-001; Replacement Keys for
01-07-29-001; Manual Transmission Roof Rack Cross Rails; 1999-2001
ENGINE/PROPULSION Comes Out of Gear (Install New Shift
SYSTEM: Chevrolet Tracker
Shaft Lever); 1999-2000 Chevrolet and
00-06-03-009A; replaces 00-06-03- GMC C/K, S/T Pickup Models with 01-08-85-001; Vehicle Stability
009; Lean Hesitation, Sag or Stumble NV3500 5SP Manual Transmission (RPOS Enhancement System (Stabilitrack®);
When Coolant Temperature is Between - MG5, M50) 2002 Cadillac Escalade
6 and +20°C (Reprogram PCM); 2000
Chevrolet and GMC C/K Models
(Silverado, Sierra, Suburban, Tahoe,
Yukon, Yukon XL) with 4.8L, 5.3L or 6.0L
V8 Engine (VINs V, T, U -- RPOs LR4,
LM7, LQ4) with 4L60-E Automatic
Transmission (RPO M30)
High Mount Stop Lamp MODELS:
01-06-01-010; Polymer Service
Pistons; 1996 - 2001 Vehicles per list Deleted 2000 Chevrolet Chassis Cab C3, K3
with 3.1L or 3.4L Engine (VINs J, M. E -- If vehicles listed here are ordered 2000 GMC Chassis Cab C3, K3
RPOs LG8, L82, LA1)
with option TS9 - STOP, HIGH LEVEL -
2001 Chevrolet Chassis Cab C3, K3
01-06-01-011; replaces 76-60-04A; DELETE, the High Mount Stop Lamp is
Information on Engine Oil Consumption omitted and a cover is installed in its 2001 GMC Chassis Cab C3, K3
Guidelines; all 1996-2001 Passenger Cars
and Gasoline Powered Light Duty Trucks place.
Under 8500 GVW
– GM Technical Assistance

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