Module 3 - Chest Physiotherapy (Student)
Module 3 - Chest Physiotherapy (Student)
Module 3 - Chest Physiotherapy (Student)
By the end of the module, the student will be able to:
1. Give the indications for chest physiotherapy.
2. Give the contraindications of chest physiotherapy.
3. Describe procedure of performing chest physiotherapy which includes postural drainage, chest
percussion & vibration, and coughing and deep-breathing exercises.
4. Explain rationale for each step of procedure accurately.
Procedure Guidelines:
A. Performing Chest Physiotherapy
1. Explain the procedure to the patient, provide privacy, and perform hand hygiene.
2. Auscultate the patient's lungs to determine baseline respiratory status and assess ability to clear
secretions. Take note of where adventitious breath sounds are heard to determine affected lung
3. Perform postural drainage by positioning client properly – lung segment to be drained is uppermost.
(see illustrations below)
VELEZ COLLEGE – COLLEGE OF NURSING (Nursing Care Management 112 Skills Lab)
* Affected Lung Segment: Right Middle Lobe – Medial & Lateral Segments
* Affected Lung Segment: Left Upper Lobe – Superior & Inferior Segments
VELEZ COLLEGE – COLLEGE OF NURSING (Nursing Care Management 112 Skills Lab)
4. Instruct the patient to remain in each position for 10 to 15 minutes. During this time, perform
percussion and vibration as ordered on area over affected lung segment.
5. To perform percussion , instruct the patient to breathe slowly and deeply, using the diaphragm, to
promote relaxation. Hold your hands in a cupped shape, with fingers flexed and thumbs pressed tightly
against your index fingers. Percuss each segment for 1 to 2 minutes by alternating your hands against
the patient in a rhythmic manner. Listen for a hollow sound on percussion to verify correct performance
of the technique. (see illustration below)
6. To perform vibration , ask the patient to inhale deeply and then exhale slowly through pursed lips.
During exhalation, firmly press your fingers and the palms of your hands against the chest wall. Tense
the muscles of your arms and shoulders in an isometric contraction to send fine vibrations through the
chest wall. Vibrate during five exhalations over each chest segment. (see illustration below)
7. After postural drainage, percussion, or vibration, instruct the patient to cough to remove loosened
secretions. First, tell him to inhale deeply through his nose and then exhale in three short huffs. Then
have him inhale deeply again and cough through a slightly open mouth. Three consecutive coughs are
highly effective. An effective cough sounds deep, low, and hollow; an ineffective one, high-pitched. Have
the patient perform exercises for about 1 minute and then rest for 2 minutes. Gradually progress to a
10-minute exercise period four times daily.
8. Provide oral hygiene because secretions may have a foul taste or a stale odor.
9. Auscultate the patient's lungs to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.
VELEZ COLLEGE – COLLEGE OF NURSING (Nursing Care Management 112 Skills Lab)