Pre-Immersion Orientation Program

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In preparation for the upcoming Work Immersion of the Grade 12 students as

their requirement to graduate Senior High School, the Work Immersion Teachers, Mr.

Ardee R. Mamaclay (HUMSS 12); Mr. Reynante L. Galapon (GAS12) and; Mrs. Mylene

V. Espiritu (TVL12) conducted a Pre-Immersion Orientation Program for the Grade 12

students together with our parents which was held at the school’s Tanghalang Gat Jose

Rizal, July 23, 2018, 2:00 in the afternoon.

The said orientation aimed to give knowledge and awareness as well as to

enlighten and answer the queries of the students and parents regarding the Work

Immersion Program as part of their requirements in the Senior High School.

Typically, the event started with a prayer led by yours truly, Desiree O. Sinchioco,

HUMSS 12 student, followed by an opening remarks delivered by Mrs. Mylene V.

Espiritu, TVL 12 Adviser.

Afterwards, the Pre-Immersion Orientation Program Speaker, Mrs. Mary Ann V.

Sayao discussed about the Work Immersion that cleared all the queries in the minds of

the many. First, she tackled about the duration of the immersion of the respective

strands and track. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and General Academic

Strand (GAS) needed to fulfill 80 hours while the Technical-Vocational and Livelihood

Track needed 360 hours. Secondly, the Industry Partners – the two strands’ partners

were: City Government of Santiago, Santiago East Central School, Rizal Day Care

Center, Wesley Elementary School and Philippine National Police. The designation of

the students depended on their chosen courses as they go to college. The TVL Track
on the other hand, the AFA-AGRI strand and AFA-FOOD PROCESSING Strand –

Isabela State University.

Mrs. Sayao also tackled about the 3 Phases of Work Immersion. 1.) Pre-

Immersion that discusses the Understanding Work Immersion which includes Expected

Behavior, Work Immersion Rules and Regulations and Terms and Conditions of the

Memorandum of Agreement. Moreover, it also discusses Appreciating the importance of

credentials by: Writing a Resume, Filling out application forms, Visiting the concerned

offices where the following could be secured: a. Barangay Clearance; b. Police

Clearance; c. Mayor’s Clearance and; d, Medical Certificate. Most of all, the Job

Interview Skills Training. Lastly, the Discussion of Portfolio; 2.) Immersion Proper – a.)

Appreciating management processes by observing, identifying and describing the

following: Nature of the Business; Description of the Products / Services; Target

Clientelle; Organizational Structure and; Company Rules and Regulations. b.)

Appreciating business processes by observing and participating in Safety / Production /

Maintenance / Quality Control / Quality Assurance / Customer Satisfaction /

Housekeeping / Hygiene and others. c.) Applying skills learned and proper values

acquired in school. 3.) Post-Immersion – that includes Evaluating the work immersion

experience by: a.) Presenting a portfolio with weekly diary entries. b.) Comparing and

Contrasting school and work application of skill, knowledge and attitudes. c.) Writing an

updated resume. d.) Reflecting on their Work Immersion experiences.

After the discussion, we had an Open Forum that aimed to clear the minds of

everyone regarding the Work Immersion before the orientation ends.

The Pre-Immersion Orientation Program ended at exactly 3:45 in the afternoon.

Truly, this Pre-Immersion Orientation Program helped us, the students to fully

understand and prepare ourselves to our upcoming Work Immersion that will surely

make ourselves, our parents and teachers proud.

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