Diatonic Harmony Worksheet

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DIATONIC HARMONY IN ALL 12 KEYS http://www.wildestdreams.com/pages/guitar_lessons.


Diatonic scale: A scale consisting of eight sounds with seven intervals, of which two are semitones and
five are whole tones; a modern major or minor scale, as distinguished from the chromatic scale.

Directions: Write out the diatonic chord names for each key.

Chord Quality: I Maj 7 II -7 III -7 IV Maj 7 V7 VI -7 VII -7 b5 Key Signatures

Key of: C C Maj7 D-7 E-7 FMaj7 G7 A-7 B-7b5 0
G: F#
D: F# C#
A: F# C# G#
E: F# C# G# D#
B: F# C# G# D# A#
F#: F# C# G# D# A# E#
(C#): F# C# G# D# A# E# B#
(Cb): Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb Fb
(Gb): Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb
Db: Bb Eb Ab Db Gb
Ab: Bb Eb Ab Db
Eb: Bb Eb Ab
Bb: Bb Eb
F: Bb

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