Medicine Clears Major Hurdle: Hollywood Comes To Fremantle
Medicine Clears Major Hurdle: Hollywood Comes To Fremantle
Medicine Clears Major Hurdle: Hollywood Comes To Fremantle
Hollywood comes
to Fremantle
THE University of Notre Dame Australia
students have been helping to bring a
little bit of Hollywood to Fremantle’s
historic West End.
A group of third year communications
students have been working on a short
film, Alex Underground, which has been
▲ Scriptwriter and director of photography Lauren Burwood with director Rosie Bright and other students at work
shot in the port city. on Alex Underground.
Notre Dame Australia’s College of Arts classic, Alice In Wonderland, adapted into fantasy world of garish characters in an
Senior Lecturer, Dr Kerris Myers, said a modern day fable about drug use,” Dr underground nightclub.”
the film, written and produced by Myers said.
Dr Myers said the film crew of fifteen
students, was due to screen in Fremantle
“It follows the journey of Alex, a students enlisted the help of Fremantle
this month.
dispassionate member of the chemical businesses to provide venues and help
“It’s a stylish take on the childhood generation, as he encounters a sinister cover production costs.
NEWS in brief College of Law makes top
■ Appointments
teaching appointments
THE University of Notre Dame Australia’s THE University of Notre Dame Australia provide students with a law education
has announced a restructure of its College beyond purely domestic law.
new College of Arts (see story page 9) will
of Law with two new appointments and “We live in a global economy and this
be headed by Australian and Irish history
the creation of a new school. new school will train lawyers who will be
specialist, Associate Professor Simon
Adams. The University’s current College of Law prepared for this environment,” he said.
Assistant Dean, Associate Professor Mary Associate Professor McComish’s appoint-
Dr Adams was educated at the University McComish, has been appointed Dean, ment as Dean of the College of Law
of New South Wales, and while under- while Professor Gabriël Moens, Garrick acknowledged her outstanding work and
taking his PhD research in 1995, was Professor of Law at the University of her association with the University’s
attached to the University of the Witwater- Queensland, will become Assistant Dean College of Law since its inception and her
srand in South Africa, where he worked and Head of Notre Dame’s new School of six years as Assistant Dean. Prior to
with former political prisoners in Soweto. International and Postgraduate Legal working at Notre Dame, she was a
Education. Lecturer in Commercial Law at the
Dr Adams is currently head of the School of
Arts and Letters at Notre Dame. Notre Dame’s Vice Chancellor Dr Peter University of Western Australia for eight
Tannock said the two new appointments years, a solicitor for the Youth Legal
In other appointments, the University’s Service and a referee of the Small Claims
heralded an exciting future for the
Professor Tony Ryan has been appointed Tribunal. She is currently a Commissioner
University’s College of Law.
Dean of Research and Quality Manage- of the WA Gaming Commission and a
“From 2004 our Law College will be
ment, and Professor Jennifer Nicol as member of the Burswood Park Board.
divided into two with the School of Law
Provost. Professor Moens is currently a Visiting
and the new School of International and
Professor Ryan joined Notre Dame in 1991 Postgraduate Legal Education,” he said. Professor of Law at Loyola University New
as Foundation Dean of the College of “The new school, headed by Professor Orleans School of Law and has an
Education, having accumulated more than Moens, will aim to attract local and international reputation in such fields as
international students to the University to constitutional law, legal philosophy, inter-
15 years of experience in university
study international trade and business national trade law and arbitration law.
teaching and senior management.
law and comparative law. It will run the Dr Tannock paid tribute to the University’s
He was appointed as Notre Dame’s Director
University’s Juris Doctor program and will former Dean of Law, Professor Greg
of Quality Management in 2003, after
develop and operate new international Craven.
periods as Dean of Education and, in 2002, and postgraduate law programs, including
“We were fortunate to have Greg as our
Dean of the University’s Broome Campus. a Masters of Laws and international Foundation Dean of Law and our Law
He has also worked in senior management exchange programs.” School enjoyed considerable success
at Curtin University of Technology.
Dr Tannock said the new school would under his leadership,” he said.
Professor Nicol has had experience in
school management as Head of Depart-
ment of Science, has been a Deputy
Maria wins our top prize
Principal and the Principal of a K-12 school. judged by the College Deans to be the most
outstanding in the 2003 graduating class.
In addition to this work in schools,
Professor Nicol held a leadership position Notre Dame’s foundation Dean of Law,
in the Catholic Education Office of WA for Professor Greg Craven, congratulated
several years. Miss Trichilo on her award and academic
achievements at the University over the
past four years.
“Maria has been an outstanding student
having won the Mallesons Stephens Jacques
▲ Maria Trichilo
prize for the best third year student for the
LAW graduate Maria Trichilo has won the 2002 academic year, the James Mazza prize
University of Notre Dame Australia’s top in evidence and also the Butterworths
academic award for 2003. prize in administrative law,” he said.
The 22-year-old graduated with a “Now, she’s capped off her tertiary
Bachelor of Laws and was awarded the education by graduating with first class
▲ Prof Jennifer Nicol - Dean, College of Education and Provost University’s prestigious John Ralph prize.
honours and winning the University’s
and Prof Tony Ryan - Dean, Research and Quality
Management. The annual prize is awarded to the student most prestigious prize.”
Friends of Notre Dame
thanked at function
MORE than 100 friends of The University
Notre Dame Australia, staff and community
members attended a cocktail party in late
October to thank them for their support.
The function in Foley Hall on 29 October
celebrated Notre Dame’s growth, successes
and future aspirations.
It was hosted by the Chancellor, Terry
O’Connor QC, and the Vice Chancellor, Dr
Peter Tannock.
▲ Cocktail party guests Debra Prendiville, John Court and Helen Court with Notre Dame Chancellor Terry O’Connor.
Community recreation
Twilight carols course starts in Broome
attract big THE University of Notre Dame Australia’s Sister Pauline said the new community
Nursing students set
to enter workforce
THE University of Notre Dame Australia’s
Broome Campus Dean, Sister Pauline
O’Connor, said all seven nursing students
farewelled in October (see story left) had
received job offers.
“We’re proud of the achievements of our
nursing students,” Sr O’Connor said.
“This is the second group of students to
▲ Head of Nursing at Notre Dame Broome Mary Whitty with the Campus’ second group of nursing students.
complete our three-year Bachelor of
Nursing degree at Broome and we’re
Notre Dame Broome farewells pleased to see that they have all
successfully gained employment.
second group of nursing students “It’s also gratifying to see so many of them
go on to work in rural and remote areas.”
THE University of Notre Dame Australia and the teaching staff, especially with Ms
Notre Dame Broome Campus Head of
Broome Campus held an intimate send- Whitty.
Nursing, Mary Whitty, said the students
off for its second group of nursing Many students said they had made had all been offered jobs – two in Broome,
students on their last day on campus in lifelong friends, and it was the support one in Alice Springs and four in Perth.
October. and encouragement from each other that
She said the students heading to Perth
Students and staff of Notre Dame Broome had kept them motivated. Lots of
were in no doubt they would return to
gathered to farewell the seven nursing laughter was remembered, as well as the work in rural Australia at different times of
students and wish them well as they went stresses of study and assignments. their lives.
off to complete their last practicum in The ceremony included a reading from “Their success in the job market is
various health institutions around the the Gospel of St. John. A blessing on testament to the quality of training we are
Kimberley and Northern Territory. the students was made with oil, sym- offering as part of the course, plus the
This practicum completed the 36 weeks bolising strength on their journey as hard work and commitment they have
of practicum work undertaken as part compassionate and competent health shown over the past three years,” Ms
of the three-year nursing program at professionals. Whitty said.
Notre Dame.
The farewell ceremony was a time to rem-
ember the many and varied experiences
the students and staff had shared in the
past three years.
The students were invited to share some
of their stories.
All spoke of the great friendships that
had been formed between the students
▲ Students and staff of Notre Dame Broome gather to farewell the seven nursing students.
Arts to become Notre Dame’s NEWS in brief
seventh college ■ Top researcher to head
School of Medicine
FROM the start of next year The University
of Notre Dame Australia will open its THE University of Notre Dame Australia has
seventh college – the College of Arts. appointed anatomist and neuroscience
researcher Professor Adrian Bower as the
Associate Professor Simon Adams, recently head of its new School of Medicine.
appointed Dean of the College, said the
He takes up the full-time position in January
move was a great step forward for arts at
Notre Dame.
English-born Professor Bower, a medical
“This reflects the extent to which arts has
graduate from the University of Liverpool, is
grown at Notre Dame,” Professor Adams
currently Head of Anatomy at James Cook
University, Queensland and was a principal
“Australia-wide arts course are under designer of the University of Queensland’s
attack or in decline, with similar colleges graduate entry medical school program.
being shut down, but Notre Dame seems He has extensive experience in medical
▲ Simon Adams
to be going against that trend. education and is well-known for his neuro-
“You’d think it would be a difficult task to said. “The arts and social sciences are at science research on repairing the injured brain.
establish more arts courses at a private the heart of what we offer as a Catholic
Professor Bower has been working for Notre
university, but over the past four years university.
Dame for the past six months as a consultant.
numbers of students enrolling in Notre “Part of our role is to further recon-
He was excited about his new appointment
Dame’s arts courses has grown significantly. ciliation with Aboriginal people and work
and looked forward to the challenges it
“Our enrolments have more than tripled,” for social justice, and the arts are central
would bring.
he said. to understanding the world in order to
change it.” “One of the reasons that I accepted the offer
The biggest growth has been in Politics of head of Notre Dame’s School of Medicine
and History, although new major programs The new college will offer subjects was because it was one of the most exciting
in Theatre Studies, Sociology and Aboriginal including Politics and History, English and innovative I have ever seen,” Professor
Studies have also performed well. In 2004 Literature, Theatre Studies, Aboriginal Bower said.
the College of Arts will also be establishing Studies, Sociology, Italian, Greek,
“Notre Dame has developed an imaginative
a new Legal Studies program. Communications and Legal Studies.
clinical teaching program and I look forward
In the past two years Notre Dame has also The college will move into the building to building on that good work.”
started two new language courses, Greek formerly occupied by the College of
In another School of Medicine appointment,
and Italian. Education on the corner of Croke and
Dr Rachel Sherrard, a neuroscience researcher,
Mouat Sts. A new Communications
Professor Adams said both these courses will head the research area.
laboratory will be built in Croke Street
had been set up in collaboration with the She is currently an anatomy lecturer at James
next to the Theatre Studies Workshop.
local Greek and Italian communities. Cook University.
Professor Adams said establishment of
Professor Adams said it was stimulating Professor Bower and Dr Sherrard have been a
the College of Arts and the allocation of
and refreshing to be a part of this growth. research team for more than 15 years.
new buildings was an indication of the
“Arts courses play a unique and distinctive University’s support and commitment to They hope to progress their research on repair-
role at Notre Dame,” Professor Adams the arts. ing the injured brain when they move to WA.
NEWS in brief ALUMNI news
■ John Inverarity appointed
FORMER Australian Test cricketer John
Inverarity has been appointed visiting
professor at The University of Notre Dame ▲ Toby Hicks, Alumni President
US students value Notre Dame
Australia. IF ever I needed confirmation that our “The experience of assimilating to a
Professor Inverarity has joined the University has had an impact around the different culture by learning new words
University’s College of Education where he world, I got it during my recent travels to and phrases, and having to do math
will lecture in the postgraduate program. the United States. every time you purchased something, is
“It was the most important semester of not an experience that can be under-
Professor Inverarity, a former headmaster
at Hale School, will combine his Notre my undergraduate career” was a sent- estimated,” Mr Flynn said.
Dame teaching appointment with his iment I heard repeated on many occasions This support and enthusiasm from
role as Coaching Director at England’s from the 50 or so former study abroad around the world is crucial to the Alumni
Warwickshire County Cricket Club. students I managed to catch up with Association. The stories and the passion
He said he would be coaching in England while in the US. with which these people so far away
between March and September, and Former students like Jane Pater, an speak about our University is a reminder
returning to Notre Dame’s Fremantle environmental consultant and former to all of us that our network of friends
Campus from October to February. Fulbright Scholar in the Philippines, said stretches far and wide, and that our work
“I’m looking forward to resuming my it was a pivotal experience in her life. has an impact extending far beyond our
teaching career, this time at a university,” own shores.
“It opened my eyes to a completely
Professor Inverarity said. On behalf of the Alumni Association
different way of looking at the world,
“It’s a situation very reminiscent of my and reminded me that the learning I did Committee I would like to thank
early teaching and cricket career when I in the classroom needed to be applied in everyone who has supported us this year,
combined the two.” a practical setting,” Ms Pater said. and wish you all a Happy and Holy
Professor Inverarity, who played test Christmas.
Jennifer Getman, a former classmate of
cricket for Australia and captained Ms Pater’s now studying to be a In these times of trouble, remember that
Western Australia and South Australia in a just over 2000 years ago, in a time of
pediatrician’s assistant, agreed.
career spanning some 23 seasons, has held similar trouble, a child was born in a
teaching positions in Australia at “The opportunity to sit on a star-lit
simple stable, cradled by his mother, with
Applecross Senior High School, Guildford stretch of beach sharing stories about an
only sheep and cattle looking on.
Grammar School, Scotch College and ancient culture is an experience that so
Adelaide’s Pembroke School and in few people get to share, so you can’t May the birth of Jesus remind us that
England at King’s College, Wimbledon and help but feel privileged to have had that even in turmoil, there lies great hope.
Tonbridge School. opportunity,” Ms Getman said. May we remember that in the eyes of a
child, all things seem possible, and may
Notre Dame’s College of Education Dean The experience was just as helpful to
this Christmas season be one of peace
Jennifer Nicol said Professor Inverarity Michael Flynn, a final year student
and hope for you and all your family.
would bring a wealth of experience and currently being interviewed by various
leadership to the University. firms for employment. Toby Hicks - Alumni Association President
■ Farewell
THE University of Notre Dame Australia’s
Head of the School Religious Education,
Wayne Tinsey, will leave Perth early next
Associate Professor Tinsey will move to the
eastern states to take up the position of
Director of Catholic Education in the
Maitland/Newcastle Diocese.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my three years
at Notre Dame, and am grateful for the
friendship and welcome,” Associate Professor
Tinsey said. “It has been a privilege to work
at this most special of places.”
Associate Professor Tinsey was also Acting
▲ Former study abroad students Jennifer Getman and Jane Pater.
Director of the Edmund Rice Centre.
Electronic Newsletter
set to inform
growing membership
THE Alumni Association recently launched
an e-newsletter.
The e-newsletter will be published
quarterly, sent electronically to all alumni
the association has a current email
address for.
Business Representative Daniel Chesson
said the e-newsletter would be an
efficient way to maintain on-going
communication with the ever-growing
and far reaching network of graduates. ▲ Graduates enjoying the Alumni drinks evening
For all enquiries and mail orders, please contact the Development Office on (08) 9433 0690 or email [email protected].
Host program
expands students’
The Student Host Program launched at the
University of Notre Dame Australia in August
has already benefited many students. Here is a
first person account from student Victoria King.
▲ Vice Chancellor Dr Peter Tannock with incoming Student Association President Courtney Draper and Vice President I was fortunate enough to host students
Tim Kennedy, and outgoing President Owen Woolcock and Vice President Brooke Harding. from Portland University Oregon, the
College of Saint Benedict and St John’s