Use of Recyclable Materials in Sustainable Civil Engineering Applications

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Advances in Civil Engineering

Use of Recyclable Materials

in Sustainable Civil
Engineering Applications
Guest Editors: Monica Prezzi, Paola Bandini, J. Antonio H. Carraro,
and Paulo J. M. Monteiro
Use of Recyclable Materials in
Sustainable Civil Engineering Applications
Advances in Civil Engineering

Use of Recyclable Materials in

Sustainable Civil Engineering Applications
Guest Editors: Monica Prezzi, Paola Bandini,
J. Antonio H. Carraro, and Paulo J. M. Monteiro
Copyright © 2011 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.

This is a special issue published in “Advances in Civil Engineering.” All articles are open access articles distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
Editorial Board
vAbir Al-Tabbaa, UK Tarun Kant, India Graham Sander, UK
Serji N. Amirkhanian, USA Andreas Kappos, Greece Jun Sasaki, Japan
Ashraf F. Ashour, UK Bryan W. Karney, Canada Rajan Sen, USA
William Burgos, USA Samer Madanat, USA K. Soudki, Canada
Siu-Lai Chan, Hong Kong John Mander, USA Farid Taheri, Canada
Ghassan Chehab, Lebanon Abolfazl Mohammadian, USA Yaya Tan, China
M. C. Deo, India Ayman Mosallam, USA Cumaraswamy Vipulanandan, USA
Ahmed Elghazouli, UK Abhijit Mukherjee, India Wei-Chau Xie, Canada
Polat Gülkan, Turkey Manolis Papadrakakis, Greece Jianqiao Ye, UK
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Kirk Hatfield, USA Jean-Herve Prevost, USA Ben Young, Hong Kong
Bassam A. Izzuddin, UK S. T. Quek, Singapore
Use of Recyclable Materials in Sustainable Civil Engineering Applications, Monica Prezzi, Paola Bandini,
J. Antonio H. Carraro, and Paulo J. M. Monteiro
Volume 2011, Article ID 896016, 2 pages

Review of Research on and Implementation of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in the GCC,

Akmal S. Abdelfatah and Sami W. Tabsh
Volume 2011, Article ID 567924, 6 pages

Structural Concrete Prepared with Coarse Recycled Concrete Aggregate: From Investigation to Design,
Valeria Corinaldesi
Volume 2011, Article ID 283984, 6 pages

Chemical, Mineralogical, and Morphological Properties of Steel Slag, Irem Zeynep Yildirim and
Monica Prezzi
Volume 2011, Article ID 463638, 13 pages

Development of a Lightweight Low-Carbon Footprint Concrete Containing Recycled Waste Materials,

S. Talukdar, S. T. Islam, and N. Banthia
Volume 2011, Article ID 594270, 8 pages

Seismic Performance Comparison of a High-Content SDA Frame and Standard RC Frame,

John W. van de Lindt and R. Karthik Rechan
Volume 2011, Article ID 478475, 12 pages

A Case History Study of the Recycling Efforts from the United States Army Corps of Engineers Hurricane
Katrina Debris Removal Mission in Mississippi, Dennis Leroy Brandon, Victor Frank Medina,
and Agnes Belinda Morrow
Volume 2011, Article ID 526256, 9 pages

Cementitious Spray Dryer Ash-Tire Fiber Material for Maximizing Waste Diversion, Charles E. Riley,
Rebecca A. Atadero, John W. van de Lindt, and Paul R. Heyliger
Volume 2011, Article ID 354305, 8 pages

Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in Conjunction with Ground Improvement: A Case History,
Kevin C. Foye
Volume 2011, Article ID 808561, 7 pages
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Civil Engineering
Volume 2011, Article ID 896016, 2 pages

Use of Recyclable Materials in Sustainable
Civil Engineering Applications

Monica Prezzi,1 Paola Bandini,2 J. Antonio H. Carraro,3 and Paulo J. M. Monteiro4

1 Civil Engineering Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
2 Civil Engineering Department, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001, USA
3 Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems M053, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia
4 Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Monica Prezzi, [email protected]

Received 15 November 2011; Accepted 15 November 2011

Copyright © 2011 Monica Prezzi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Various types of recyclable materials are currently used in and recycled aggregate, in concrete. Test results demon-
civil engineering applications. These include tire shreds, strated that ground tire rubber introduced significant
ground tire rubber, fly and bottom ash, blast-furnace slag, amounts of air into the mixtures tested, affecting adversely
steel slag, cement kiln dust, silica fume, crushed glass, re- their compressive strength. The air introduced into these
claimed asphalt pavement (RAP), and rice husk ash. Reuti- mixtures was partly removed by using a defoamer, which was
lization of these recyclable materials is especially beneficial in less effective for mixtures containing recycled aggregates,
civil engineering applications that require large volumes of glass, and ground tire rubber. Freeze-thaw test results showed
materials. When these waste products are used in place of that this air entrained in the mixtures was not able to
other conventional materials, natural resources and energy improve their freeze-thaw resistance. The authors indicated
are preserved and expensive and/or potentially harmful waste that further research is needed to optimize the design and
disposal is avoided. This special issue deals with the use of performance of lightweight, low-carbon footprint concrete
recyclable materials in diverse civil engineering applications materials.
focusing on sustainable development. The papers in this spe- The paper by I. Z. Yildirim and M. Prezzi provides an
cial issue present results of laboratory tests and important overview of the different types of steel slag generated from
research findings for these materials, recommendations for basic-oxygen-furnace steelmaking, electric-arc-furnace steel-
debris recycling practices, and documented field applications making, and ladle-furnace steel refining processes. The min-
of several waste or recyclable materials. eralogical and morphological properties of basic-oxygen-
furnace and electric-arc-furnace-ladle slag samples generated
The paper by D. L. Brandon et al. deals with the Hurri-
from two steel plants in Indiana, USA are presented and
cane Katrina storm debris removal practices in 16 southern
discussed in detail based on results from X-Ray Diffraction
Mississippi counties in the USA and the associated recycling analyses and Scanning Electron Microscopy studies.
efforts. Various types of debris, which included vegetation, The paper by C. E. Riley et al. presents the results of
construction material, electronic waste, vehicles, and vessels, a laboratory-testing program to investigate the use of spray
were removed from public and private property. The scope dryer ash as the primary or sole binding component in mor-
within the respective counties varied from removal of vege- tar for various applications. The study focuses on very high
tation only to removal of every eligible form of debris. The contents of spray dryer ash in a hardened product. The spray
recommendations proposed in this paper will help improve dryer ash, also known as spray dryer absorber, has self-
planning and implementation of recycling efforts during cementing properties and is a byproduct of coal combustion
debris removal missions in the future. and flue gas scrubbing processes. The test results showed
The paper by S. Talukdar et al. investigated the use of that the spray dryer ash mixed with water along or with re-
waste materials, such as crushed glass, ground tire rubber, cycled polymer fibers has very low strength and properties
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

that are not suitable for structural engineering applications.

However, the addition of very small percentages of Portland
cement and recycled fibers increased the compressive and
flexural strengths. The experimental results showed that
spray dryer ash has potential for beneficial use in construc-
tion and material applications.
The paper by J. W. van de Lindt and R. K. Rechan of this
special issue presents the method and results of experiments
carried out to study the seismic behavior of a concrete portal
frame with fifty percent of its cement content replaced by a
spray dryer ash (SDA). Based on multiple shake table tests,
the high-content SDA frame was found to perform as well as
the standard concrete frame for two earthquakes exceeding
design-level intensity earthquakes.
Another paper entitled “Cellular fibroma of the ovary
with multiloculated macroscopic characteristics: a case report”
investigated the use of recycled aggregate concrete made with
coarse aggregate from the demolition of a concrete struc-
ture. The experimental research compared the compressive
strength, elastic modulus, and drying shrinkage of concrete
made with a reference aggregate and concrete containing
30% of recycled aggregate. The results indicated that the
recycled aggregate concrete can meet the requirements for
structural concrete up to C32/40 strength class.
There is a paper that provides a critical review of sustain-
able construction with emphasis on the use of concrete in
the region covered by the Gulf Cooperation Council. Mem-
bers of this Council include Persian Gulf States of Bahrain,
Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab
Emirates. The authors analyzed the existing literature on the
use of recycled aggregate for the stringent conditions of the
Gulf region. The analysis indicated that while there is re-
search on recycled aggregate concrete in laboratory condi-
tions, the technology transfer to field conditions has been
small. Another limitation identified by the authors is that
most of the research has focused on the mechanical prop-
erties of the recycled aggregate with limited emphasis on the
The paper entitled “Use of reclaimed asphalt pavement
in conjunction with ground improvement: a case history”
describes the use of RAP and geosynthetic ground improve-
ment in a design-built project for the reconstruction of an
asphalt parking lot. The project was successfully completed
at a cost significantly lower than the original cut and replace
specification. The field observations during this project
regarding drainage of the RAP aggregate base are in agree-
ment with prior research findings in the literature and sug-
gest that RAP aggregate base courses can be constructed with
properties comparable to virgin stone aggregate base courses
compacted with similar conditions. The paper also discusses
contractual issues, such as the risk of adopting a less conven-
tional method and materials to reduce construction costs and
the efficiencies of the design-built approach in those cases.
Monica Prezzi
Paola Bandini
J. Antonio H. Carraro
Paulo J. M. Monteiro
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Civil Engineering
Volume 2011, Article ID 567924, 6 pages

Review Article
Review of Research on and Implementation of
Recycled Concrete Aggregate in the GCC

Akmal S. Abdelfatah and Sami W. Tabsh

Department of Civil Engineering, American University of Sharjah, P.O. Box 26666, Sharjah, UAE

Correspondence should be addressed to Akmal S. Abdelfatah, [email protected]

Received 28 February 2011; Revised 11 September 2011; Accepted 21 September 2011

Academic Editor: Paulo Monteiro

Copyright © 2011 A. S. Abdelfatah and S. W. Tabsh. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

The goal of sustainable construction is to reduce the environmental impact of a constructed facility over its lifetime. Concrete is
the main material used in construction in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Therefore, it makes economic and environmental
sense to use recycled materials in the making of new concrete for different applications. The objectives of this study are to
summarize published research on the use of recycled concrete aggregates in new concrete mixes and examine its implementation
in construction and industry in the GCC region. The study showed that while there is reasonable research on recycled concrete,
the practical implementation in the region greatly lacks behind, especially due to the lack of economic viability and awareness of
such applications at the current time.

1. Introduction great impact on this industry. Key aspects of the construction

industry in the Gulf which have considerable effect on
Members of the GCC in the Middle-East include the the environment are limited useable natural aggregates for
Persian Gulf states of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi making concrete, scarcity of fresh water sources, and lack of
Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The GCC countries iron ore for producing steel.
occupy the area within the Arabian Peninsula, which is The Gulf is often seen as a region that lacks many of the
located in the southwestern region of the Asian continent. natural resources required for concrete production. Concrete
The strength of GCC countries lies in having 24–40% of consists of 4 main ingredients: water, cement, sand, and
World’s conventional oil reserves and about 23% of world’s aggregate. Water is locally available but is, for the most
conventional natural gas reserves. The weakness is related part, desalinated. While in some countries concrete batching
to having an arid weather, shortage of fresh water, and plants recycle the water they use for cleaning, in the Gulf
limited farming areas [1]. The Arabian Peninsula is a harsh it is very limited. Although cement is produced locally, the
environment with temperatures ranging between 7◦ and raw materials are often imported from other countries. At
47◦ C, and an average annual rainfall being between 70 and peak market levels, demand had exceeded supply so some
140 mm [2]. quantities of cement had to be imported to supplement
Apart from the oil and gas sector, economy of most local need. With the exception of Bahrain, sand is sourced
of the GCC countries depends to a large extent on the from within the GCC countries, whereas most of the coarse
construction industry and infrastructure activities. This is aggregate is sourced from the mountains located in limited
due to recent initiatives undertaken by the local governments areas within the Arabian Peninsula.
to diversify from an oil- and gas- dependent economy. Pub-
lished statistics in the Arab Construction World magazine [3] 2. Sustainable Construction in the GCC
indicate that the total value of real estate projects currently
under construction in the GCC stands over US$2.39 trillion. Sustainability can be defined as providing today’s need
However, the limited natural resources in the GCC have a without compromising the capability of future generations
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

to meet their needs. Sustainable construction aspires to through publications. In addition, there have been some
apply this concept to the construction industry. This is efforts to implement the results of research into practice.
accomplished by using less natural materials, consuming less This paper provides a collective summary of the published
energy, causing lower levels of pollution, and reducing waste technical studies by universities, research institutions, private
while gaining the same benefits that can be achieved through entities, and governmental agencies that deal with recycled
the use of tradition construction methods and materials. concrete aggregate. It also includes the current state of
The issue of sustainable buildings in the GCC has become practice and implementation in the area of recycled concrete
an important topic in recent years, with the United Arab in the region.
Emirates (UAE) being the leader in this track following the
announcement of the green building initiative in January 4. Published Research
2008 by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler
of Dubai. This was shortly followed by the launching of This section presents a review of published research on the
the Estidama initiative in May 2008 by Abu Dhabi’s Urban utilization of recycled concrete aggregate in producing new
Planning Council, the agency which is responsible for the concrete in the GCC countries.
future of Abu Dhabi’s urban environment.
Regional studies estimate that the GCC countries collec- 4.1. Sustainability Issues in the GCC. Kartam et al. [6]
tively produce more than 120 million tons of waste every discussed the current status of construction and demolition
year, of which 18.5 percent is related to solid construction waste disposal system in Kuwait and identified the potential
waste [4]. For example, recent statistics from Dubai Munici- problems to the environment, people, and economy. They
pality show that construction and demolition waste accounts investigated alternative solutions to manage and control
for 75% of the 10,000 tons of general waste produced this waste in an economical, efficient, and safe way. They
daily in the city, of which concrete demolition rubbles also described the feasibility and challenges of establishing
represent 70% of this quantity. Rapid urbanization, growth a construction and demolition waste recycling facility in
in the construction sector, high population increase rates, Kuwait.
diversified cultures, and floating populations are believed to The need for green buildings in Bahrain was investigated
be the main reasons for such high waste production in the by Alnaser and Flanagan [7]. According to the authors,
country. sustainable construction implementation is limited in the
Based on the above, recycling solid waste materials for country due to the lack of awareness of the public in sus-
construction purposes becomes an increasingly important tainable technology, lack of markets importing sustainable
waste management option, as it can lead to environmental technologies, and client concerns about the profitability
and economic benefits. Conservation of natural resources, and pay-back period. The study revealed that local con-
saving of energy in production and transportation, and tractors were the most enthusiastic about implementing
reduction of pollution are also the advantages of recycling. green building projects. As a followup to the previous
In particular, concrete is a perfect construction material study, Alnaser [8] discussed some of the current sustainable
candidate for recycling. Some materials, such as plastic, can buildings in Bahrain, United Arab Emirate, and Kuwait. To
be recycled once or twice, and glass can only be done if encourage sustainable buildings projects in these countries,
it is properly sorted. However, concrete can be recycled the author felt that it is necessary to create the conditions and
continuously as long as the specification is right. incentives that would encourage stakeholders in the sector to
However, sustainability requires commitment and invest- actively pursue such projects, through governmental policies,
ment by all parties involved in the construction industry, economic incentives, rating systems, and coordination with
both governmental and private. Lack of proper planning key partners, such as the financing sector.
can lead to delays in implementation, as has happened in Kayali et al. [9] reviewed the available industrial waste
February 2011, when Abu Dhabi Municipality suspended products that can be used in making sustainable concrete and
the Estidama (meaning “sustainability” in Arabic) building their relevance to the Middle East, with particular attention
requirements related to energy, but kept the other mandates, to the GCC. The feasibility of using various waste materials,
which represent 10% of all the requirements. The cited including recycled concrete, is judged with reference to the
reason for the suspension was due to contractors’ lack of relevant environment. The authors believe that the inclusion
preparation for meeting the strict requirements in their of recycled waste in the production of high-performance
projects [5]. concrete can be a significant contribution to a sustainable
industry. They concluded that it is the duty of the engineer
3. Objectives and Scope to judge whether one or more of available waste materials
should be used in the production of new concrete on a
The objectives of this paper are to review the published particular project.
research and development studies on recycled concrete In a paper by Galbraith [10] on structural sustainability,
aggregate in the GCC region, examine the current use of such the author outlined the role of structural design in sustain-
material in construction, and recommend suitable strategies able buildings and its implication within the Gulf region.
for wider applications. He identified the available sustainable design techniques in
Several GCC researchers have addressed the use of recy- the construction industry and categorized them according to
cled waste material in concrete and disseminated their work their cost impact.
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

Lately, Bahrain took the initiative to hold a Green further increase in recycled aggregate. However, replacement
Building Forum in 2010 in Manama [11]. The forum’s objec- of natural aggregate by recycled aggregate was found to
tive was to discuss the challenges facing the construction decrease the workability of the concrete due to the high
industry, with consideration of the environmental concerns, absorption characteristics of the recycled aggregate.
including sustainable building materials, smart buildings, Tabsh and Abdelfatah [19] studied the strength of
and other topics related to sustainable construction. Another concrete made with recycled concrete coarse aggregate. The
conference on concrete sustainability was recently held in toughness and soundness laboratory tests on the recycled
Dubai, covering solutions for sustainable concrete manufac- coarse aggregate showed higher percentage loss than natural
turing and construction [12]. During the conference, various aggregate, but remained within acceptable limits. The com-
experts addressed sustainable development initiatives, recy- pressive and splitting tensile strengths of concrete made with
cled materials, Carbon footprint and embodied energy, and recycled coarse aggregate depend on the mix proportions.
performance-based concrete. In general, the strength of recycled concrete was 10–25%
lower than that of conventional concrete made with natural
4.2. Recycled Concrete Aggregates. The literature search aggregate due to increase in water demand to maintain the
showed extensive research in the area of recycled concrete specified slump. In a follow-up study, Abdelfatah et al. [20]
aggregates in many GCC countries. One of the earliest utilized admixtures in concrete mixes containing demolished
research on recycling concrete rubble as aggregate material concrete as replacement for natural coarse aggregates to
for construction was carried out by Khan and Rashee- compensate for the need of additional water required to
duzzafar in Saudi Arabia [13]. They utilized laboratory increase the workability. The results showed that the use
tests to investigate the strength, failure mechanism, and of superplasticizers, instead of additional water, was able
durability characteristics of the recycled aggregate concrete. to increase the compressive strength of recycled aggregate
Their study showed that for low W/C ratios the recycled concrete to a level around the same as that of the control
aggregate concrete has 30% lower strength than conventional mix containing natural aggregate. This finding is not in
concrete with natural aggregate. Also, the recycled aggregate agreement with the results obtained by Gull [21] when
concrete showed lower modulus of elasticity and durability testing low strength concrete utilizing recycled concrete
characteristics. aggregate.
Al-Mutairi and Haque [14] used old demolished concrete Mirza and Saif [22] studied the effect of silica fume on
in Kuwait to replace 50 and 100% of the coarse aggregate recycled aggregate concrete characteristics. The percentages
and seawater to replace 25, 50, and 100% of the tap water of recycled aggregate replacements of natural aggregate used
in a standard concrete mix having moderate target strength. by weight were 0, 50, and 100%, whereas the percentages of
The recycled concrete was cured in seawater for a period of silica fume replacements of cement used by weight were 5,
28 days. The results indicated that even with 100% usage of 10, and 15%. The results showed that the compressive and
recycled concrete aggregate, design strength of 35 MPa was tensile strengths values of the recycled concrete aggregate
attainable. Highest concrete strength was obtained when the increased as the recycled aggregate and the silica fume
mixing water consisted of a blend of 25% seawater and 75% contents increased. The study also indicated that in order
tap water. to accommodate 50% of recycled aggregate in structural
Rahal [15, 16] tested the mechanical properties of concrete, the mix needs to incorporate 5% of silica fume.
recycled aggregate concrete with a compressive strength Recently, Elchalakani [23] investigated the strength and
20–50 MPa and compared the results to those of concrete durability of recycled concrete made from recycled aggregate
made with natural aggregate. The results showed that the and wastewater in the UAE. Experimental tests employing
compressive strength, indirect shear strength, and modulus standard cubes and cylinders to assess the compressive
of elasticity of recycled aggregate concrete were all within strength and small beams to evaluate the flexural strength
10% of those of natural aggregate concrete having the same were utilized. The study showed that the effect of recycled
mix proportions. aggregate and recycled water on axial and bending strength
AlMutairi and AlKhaleefi [17] investigated the flexural was found moderate but had a significant effect on durability.
behavior of plain concrete containing crushed old con- To enhance the durability of recycled concrete, the author
crete as replacement for natural coarse aggregate. Plain recommended using ground granulated blast furnace slag
concrete beams made with 0%, 50%, and 100% recycled and fly ash for any future building construction in the Gulf.
coarse aggregate were tested as simple beams with third- There have been some studies that considered the
point loading. When compared with the ACI standard, the utilization of recycled concrete aggregate in different con-
obtained modul of rupture values were within the acceptable struction applications than in production of new concrete.
levels. Furthermore, statistical analyses of permeability tests For example, Al-Ali et al. [24, 25] investigated the suitability
indicated that the concrete was not greatly affected by the use of using recycled concrete aggregates as subbase for pavement
of the recycled aggregates in the mix. construction. A test model was built in the laboratory to
Al-Harthy et al. [18] conducted laboratory tests to exam- assess the recycled material pavement performance under
ine the strength and durability of recycled aggregate concrete. various loads and to comparatively measure its behav-
The results showed that concrete strength is enhanced with ior against the natural aggregate layers. The experimental
the replacement of normal aggregates by recycled aggregate program considered ranges of pavement loads, material
content of up to 30%, thereafter the strength decreases with gradations, compositions, and layer thicknesses. The results
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

showed that the deflection of the pavement under load apply a waste management plan [32]. A Domestic Solid
is generally less with the recycled concrete aggregate than Waste Management Center, which was initiated by Ministry
that with the natural aggregate. Therefore, there is a good of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture in Qatar, is under
potential for using recycled concrete aggregate as a subbase construction and will be opened in March 2011. The center
layer in roadway pavement construction. is capable of recycling a total of 2,300 tons of mixed domestic
Another application of the use of recycled concrete waste and a total of 5,000 tons of construction waste per day
aggregate is in the production of sand lime brick in [33].
Kuwait, which was considered by Al-Otaibi and El-Hawary In order to help the companies to interact and promote
[26] and Al-Otaibi [27]. The study evaluated the specific waste recycling, the Riyadh Exhibitions Co. Ltd has been
gravity, compressive strength, and absorption characteristics organizing the International Recycling and Waste Manage-
of the brick. It showed that the brick that is made from ment Exhibition, with the 3rd exhibition being organized
recycled concrete aggregate has properties that are within the in 2011 [34]. A recycling plant has been constructed in
specifications requirements. Jeddah, which has a sorting capacity of up to 1,200 tons/day;
however, the plant does not recycle any construction material
[35]. The limited implementation of recycled concrete in
5. Industry and Governmental Initiatives construction in Saudi Arabia has prompted some activists,
Even though there is a considerable body of research related such as Sultan Faden who is the head of the Founding
to using recycled concrete aggregate in the production of Group of the Saudi Green Building Council, to call on
concrete mixes, the industrial implementation in the GCC municipalities in Jeddah and other cities to launch recycling
countries of these technologies is still in its infancy. Some of factories, and to appeal for stronger regulations to protect
the implementations are initiated by governmental agencies, mountains from crushers in the Kingdom [36].
and some other implementations are carried out by the The UAE seems to be one of the most active countries
industry. in the Gulf region when it comes to the application of
concrete recycling. As part of the governmental efforts to
The government of Kuwait has recognized the problems
promote recycling of construction materials, Dubai Central
caused by the construction demolition waste. In order to
Laboratory has signed an agreement with Emirates Recycling
reduce the area needed for landfills, the government of
and Dubai Municipality to study and evaluate construction
Kuwait approved the Environment Protection Industrial Co
demolition waste. Since this waste is usually ignored by
(EPIC) to start a construction waste recycling plant, with a
contractors, the project aims at finding useful applications
daily capacity of about 7–20 thousand tones of construction
to use construction rubbles [37]. In Abu Dhabi, the city
waste [28]. Furthermore, the Arab International Industrial
has supported several projects regarding green buildings
Projects company was established in 2005 with the objective
and environmentally friendly construction material. For
of improving the environmental conditions in Kuwait. One
example, a new crushing plant in Al Dafra has been newly
of the projects for this company is concerned with cutting
opened with the capability of crushing waste material and
the production costs of new concrete and reducing the
turning them into aggregate that can be used to replace
need for land fill space. For this purpose, concrete rubbles
natural aggregate in making concrete [38]. Unibeton Ready
and old asphalt concrete are crushed to different sizes
Mix is another company that supports the production of
to be used as aggregate for some projects. The produced
green concrete, which has been used in the Masdar City in
aggregate can be used in many projects, such as drainage
Abu Dhabi. The company used 1.8 million tons of recycled
and rain pipes packaging, base and subbase layers for road
aggregate in 20% of the needed concrete used in the City
construction, asphalt concrete mixes for road paving, and
[39]. Another application is carried out by Al-Falah Ready
ordinary nonreinforced concrete mixes [29].
Mix and Emirates Beton as they have capabilities to produce
In the process of producing sustainable concrete in concrete that is environmentally friendly, by using recycled
Qatar, efforts towards using recycled aggregate and waste aggregate and other recycled waste materials aiming to zero
concrete are underway. In a report sponsored by Mobile- waste from production and maximum usage of the waste
Baustoffe GmbH company, Blanco-Carrasco et al. [30] material [40, 41].
studied the benefits and potential implementation of using The Emirate of Sharjah also has its share of activities in
waste concrete and recycled aggregate. Among the cited the sustainable construction field. Recently, a new waste recy-
applications by the authors is the use of crushed recycled cling plant was opened in the industrial area of Sharjah. The
concrete in nonstructural applications such as road base or plant receives concrete and other construction waste material
subbase construction, core filling, embankments, backfills, from various places within the Emirate and processes them to
and blinding slabs. Another effort to help Qatar in adopting be used again for construction purposes [42].
green building design and construction is the establishment In Oman, the applications of concrete recycling are
of the Qatar Green Building Council (QGBC), which is a limited [43]. However, a royal decree has been issued in
private institution concerned with the promotion of envi- 2009 to appoint the Oman Environmental Services Holding
ronmentally sustainable practices [31]. One of the members Company to execute the task of implementing the govern-
of QGBC is the Khalid Cement Industries Company (KCIC), ment’s policy with regard to the waste sector. In addition
which is implementing an environment management system to the management of landfills allover Oman, the company
that allows the company to recycle water and concrete and has initiated several projects to develop facilities for the
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

management of medical waste, hazardous waste, electronic [5] Al-Ittihad Newspaper, 3 February, 2011, http://www.alitti-
waste, and a tire recycling plant [44].
Generating about 3000 tons of waste in Bahrain each day [6] N. Kartam, N. Al-Mutairi, I. Al-Ghusain, and J. Al-Humoud,
has motivated the initiative to plan for a recycling factory that “Environmental management of construction and demolition
will process the majority of that waste, as announced in 2008 waste in Kuwait,” Waste Management, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 1049–
1059, 2004.
by Majeed Milad, the chairman of the Manama Municipal
[7] N. W. Alnaser and R. Flanagan, “The need of sustainable
Council [45].
buildings construction in the Kingdom of Bahrain,” Building
and Environment, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 495–506, 2007.
6. Conclusions [8] N. AlNaser, “Towards sustainable buildings in Bahrain, Kuwait
and United Arab Emirates,” The Open Construction and
The study leads to the followings conclusions. Building Technology Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 30–45, 2008.
[9] O. Kayali, M. Haque, and J. Khatib, “Sustainability and
(1) There is an adequate body of research work on emerging concrete materials and their relevance to the Middle
recycled concrete aggregate and its uses in the GCC, East,” The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal,
predominantly conducted by individuals in research vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 103–110, 2008.
and academic institutions. [10] K. Galbraith, “Structural sustainability in the gulf—fact and
fiction,” in Proceedings of the 8th World Congress, Council of
(2) Most of the surveyed research considers the mechani- Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH ’08), Dubai, UAE,
cal and strength characteristics of recycled aggregates March 2008.
with little focus on durability issues. [11] Green Building Forum, Manama, Bahrain, May 2010,
(3) There are few studies regarding the economic feasibil- 174322.html.
[12] Concrete Sustainability Conference, National Ready Mix Con-
ity and financial implications of recycling and re-use
crete Association, Dubai, UAE, December 2010, http://www
of concrete rubbles in construction applications.
(4) Research on the environmental impacts of using such [13] A. Khan and Rasheeduzzafar, “Recycled concrete—a source
recycled material in construction has been rarely for new aggregate,” Journal of Cement, Concrete and Aggregates,
addressed in the region. vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 17–26, 1984.
[14] N. Al-Mutairi and M. N. Haque, “Strength and durability of
(5) Real-life applications of using recycled construction concrete made with crushed concrete as coarse aggregates,”
waste are still in their infancy and need some major in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recycling
efforts to attract investors to this industry. and Reuse of Waste Materials, pp. 499–506, Scotland, UK,
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(6) There are limited legislations and policies to encour-
[15] K. Rahal, “Mechanical properties of concrete with recycled
age recycling and use of demolition waste in the GCC.
coarse aggregate,” Building and Environment, vol. 42, no. 1, pp.
(7) No governmental standards and specifications for 407–415, 2007.
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available in the region. crete,” in Proceedings of the Proceedings of the ACI-Kuwait
Chapter 2nd International Conference on Design and Sustain-
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Acknowledgments on High-Rise Buildings, M. M. El-Hawary, N. Al-Mutairi, K. N.
Rahal, and H. Kamal, Eds., 306, p. 299, Kuwait, March 2007.
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support [17] N. Z. AlMutairi and A. M. AlKhaleefi, “On flexural strength
by the American University of Sharjah (AUS) through the and permeability of recycled concrete as coarse aggregates,”
Faculty Research Grant program and the contribution of in Proceedings of the ACI-Kuwait Chapter 2nd International
students Bayan Kattan and Salam Yaghi, in compiling some Conference on Design and Sustainability of Structural Concrete
of the information cited in the paper. in the Middle East with Emphasis on High-Rise Buildings, M.
M. El-Hawary, N. Al-Mutairi, K. N. Rahal, and H. Kamal, Eds.,
162, p. 153, Kuwait, March 2007.
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context and rational options for the GCC,” in Proceedings of and Sustainability of Structural Concrete in the Middle East with
the 2nd Seminar on Potential of Alternative Energy in the GCC, Emphasis on High-Rise Buildings, M. M. El-Hawary, N. Al-
Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain, April 2007. Mutairi, K. N. Rahal, and H. Kamal, Eds., 318, p. 309, Kuwait,
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Civil Engineering
Volume 2011, Article ID 283984, 6 pages

Research Article
Structural Concrete Prepared with Coarse Recycled Concrete
Aggregate: From Investigation to Design

Valeria Corinaldesi
Engineering Faculty, Universitá Politecnica delle Marche, Brecce Bianche Street, 60131 Ancona, Italy

Correspondence should be addressed to Valeria Corinaldesi, [email protected]

Received 28 February 2011; Accepted 24 August 2011

Academic Editor: Paulo Monteiro

Copyright © 2011 Valeria Corinaldesi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

An investigation of mechanical behaviour and elastic properties of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) is presented. RACs were
prepared by using a coarse aggregate fraction made of recycled concrete coming from a recycling plant in which rubble from
concrete structure demolition is collected and suitably treated. Several concrete mixtures were prepared by using either the only
virgin aggregates (as reference) or 30% coarse recycled aggregate replacing gravel and by using two different kinds of cement.
Different water-to-cement ratios were adopted ranging from 0.40 to 0.60. Concrete workability was always in the range 190–
200 mm. Concrete compressive strength, elastic modulus, and drying shrinkage were evaluated. Results obtained showed that
structural concrete up to C32/40 strength class can be manufactured with RAC. Moreover, results obtained from experimentation
were discussed in order to obtain useful information for RAC structure design, particularly in terms of elastic modulus and drying
shrinkage prediction.

1. Introduction 2. Experimental Program

Crushing concrete to produce coarse aggregate for the pro- 2.1. Materials. Two commercial portland-limestone blended
duction of new concrete is one common means for achieving cements were alternatively used, type CEM II/A-L 42.5 R
a more environmentally friendly concrete. Recycling concrete and type CEM II/B-L 32.5 R according to EN-197/1 [12]
wastes will lead to reduction in valuable landfill space and (the main difference is the content of calcium carbonate that
savings in natural resources. In fact, the use of recycled in the first case is less than 20% and in the second case is
aggregate concrete (RAC) is acquiring particular interest included in the range 21–35% according to EN-197/1). The
in civil construction as regards to sustainable develop- Blaine fineness of cements were 0.42 m2 /g and 0.40 m2 /g,
ment. respectively, and their specific gravity were 3.05 kg/m3 . The
Many studies demonstrate the feasibility of the use of first kind of cement (i.e., CEM II/A-L 42.5 R) due to its
crushed concrete as coarse aggregates [1–10], its use being composition and its higher fineness is expected to perform
already accounted for in the regulations of many countries. more than the other.
In Italy, the use of 30% recycled concrete instead of virgin Quartz sand (0–5 mm), fine gravel (6–12 mm), and
aggregate is definitively allowed for producing structural gravel (11–22 mm) were used, suitably combined, for prepar-
concretes (up to C 30/37 strength class) since July 2009 [11]. ing the reference mixtures. Their main physical properties
Nevertheless, in the Italian regulations no indication about were evaluated according to EN 1097-6 [13] and reported in
predictions of RAC elastic modulus and drying shrinkage Table 1 and their gradations evaluated according to EN 933-1
is reported. The study of the elastic behaviour of concretes [14] are shown in Figure 1.
made of 30% recycled-concrete aggregates, discussed here, In addition, a coarse recycled aggregate fraction (11–
just had the aim to provide useful information. 22 mm) was used, coming from a recycling plant in which
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 1: Main physical properties of the aggregate fractions.

Aggregate fractions Quartz sand Fine gravel Gravel Coarse recycled fraction
Relative specific gravity (SSD) 2.540 2.560 2.570 2.420
Water absorption (%) 3.5 3.0 3.0 6.8

100 Five different water-to-cement ratios were adopted when

the cement type CEM II/A-L 42.5 R was used: 0.40, 0.45,
80 0.50, 0.55, and 0.60. On the other hand, the study was limited
Passing cumulative (%)

to three water-to-cement ratios when the cement type CEM

60 II/B-L 32.5 R was used: 0.40, 0.50, and 0.60.
All the concrete mixtures showed the same fluidity level
40 (S5, slump in the range 190–200 mm), evaluated according
to EN 12350-2 [18].
20 In order to optimize the grain size distribution of the
solid particles in the concrete, the aggregate fractions were
suitably combined according to the Bolomey particle size
0.1 1 10 100 distribution curve [19].
Sieve opening (mm) A water-reducing admixture was always added to the
mixtures but at different dosages, ranging from 1.2% to
Quartz sand Gravel
0.4% by weight of cement in order to adjust cement dosage
Fine gravel Coarse RA
(always kept under 350 kg/m3 and gradually decreased for
Figure 1: Grain size distribution curves of the aggregate fractions. increasing water to cement ratios). In fact, in the current
practice concretes with water/cement of 0.40 are typically
prepared with about 350 kg/m3 of cement and concretes with
water/cement of 0.60 with roughly 300 kg/m3 of cement.
rubble from concrete structure demolition is suitably treated.
Its composition is 100% recycled concrete; the original 2.3. Preparation and Curing of Specimens. Thirty cubic spec-
concrete strength class was unknown and likely different imens, 100 mm in size, were cast in steel forms for each con-
for waste concrete coming from different sources. The main crete mixture for compression tests, according to UNI EN
physical properties of the recycled aggregate fraction are 12390-1 [20] and wet cured at 20◦ C.
reported in Table 1, and its gradation is shown in Figure 1. In addition, three prismatic specimens (100 by 100 by
The content in recycled concrete fraction of chlorides, 500 mm) were prepared for each concrete mixture according
sulphates, and organic materials were evaluated according to UNI 6555 [21]. After one day of wet curing, the speci-
to the methods recommended by UNI EN 1744-1 (part 7, mens were stored at constant temperature (20 ± 2◦ C) and
11, 12, 14, and 15) [15] and the presence of alkali-silica constant relative humidity (50 ± 2%) while measuring dry-
reactive materials according to the method recommended by ing shrinkage at different curing times.
UNI EN 8520-22 [16]. No organic or alkali-silica reactive Finally, three cylindric specimens, 250 mm high with
materials were detected; concerning the amount of chlorides a diameter of 100 mm, for each concrete mixture were
and sulphates they were below the threshold value of 0.04% manufactured for evaluating static modulus of elasticity in
(by weight) and 0.15% (by weight), respectively. compression according to UNI 6556 [22].
As a-water-reducing admixture, a 30% aqueous solution
of carboxylic acrylic ester polymer was added to the mixtures.
3. Results and Discussion
2.2. Concrete Mixture Proportions. The concrete mixture 3.1. Compression Test. Compressive strength was evaluated
proportions of the reference mixtures (REF) made of 100% after 3 and 28 days of wet curing according to UNI EN 12390-
virgin aggregates and of the mixtures made of 30% coarse 3 [23] on cubic specimens, which were tested at right angles
recycled aggregate replacing gravel (CRA) are reported in to the position of casting. The mean values obtained from
Tables 2 and 3, respectively. The recycled-aggregate fraction fifteen specimens as well as the standard deviation values are
was added to the mixture after water soaking, in a condition reported in Table 4.
very close to that defined as saturated surface dried. In fact, On the basis of the data reported in Table 4, whichever
on the basis of the results obtained in a previous work [17], the kind of cement used, the substitution of 30% virgin
it seems that presoaked aggregates can be more effective aggregate with coarse recycled concrete aggregate produced
in order to create an internal water supply able to reduce a loss of strength of about 20% after 28 days of wet curing.
drying shrinkage as well as to avoid water absorption of Concerning the standard deviation values, they were
aggregate during mixing and, consequently, to maintain practically independent on the type of aggregate used,
concrete workability for enough time to be cast. showing that the same degree of homogeneity of the concrete
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

Table 2: Mixture proportions of concretes made of 100% virgin aggregates.

Mixture REF-I-0.40 REF-II-0.40 REF-I-0.45 REF-I-0.50 REF-II-0.50 REF-I-0.55 REF-I-0.60 REF-II-0.60

Water/cement 0.40 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.60
Water, kg 140 140 153 165 165 176 186 186
Cement 42.5R, kg 350 — 340 330 — 320 310 —
Cement 32.5R, kg — 350 — — 330 — — 310
Quartz sand, kg (% in volume) 732 (40) 732 (40) 723 (40) 715 (40) 715 (40) 708 (40) 702 (40) 702 (40)
Fine gravel, kg (% in volume) 553 (30) 553 (30) 547 (30) 541 (30) 541 (30) 535 (30) 531 (30) 531 (30)
Gravel, kg (% in volume) 556 (30) 556 (30) 549 (30) 543 (30) 543 (30) 537 (30) 533 (30) 533 (30)
Superplasticizer, % by weight of
1.2 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4

Table 3: Mixture proportions of concretes made of 30% coarse recycled aggregates.


0.40 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.60
Water/cement 0.40 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.60
Water, kg 140 140 153 165 165 176 186 186
Cement 42.5R, kg 350 — 340 330 — 320 310 —
Cement 32.5R, kg — 350 — — 330 — — 310
Quartz sand, kg (% in volume) 732 (40) 732 (40) 723 (40) 715 (40) 715 (40) 708 (40) 702 (40) 702 (40)
Fine gravel, kg (% in volume) 553 (30) 553 (30) 547 (30) 541 (30) 541 (30) 535 (30) 531 (30) 531 (30)
Coarse recycled aggregate, kg (% in
523 (30) 523 (30) 517 (30) 511 (30) 511 (30) 506 (30) 501 (30) 501 (30)
Superplasticizer, % by weight of cement 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4

Table 4: Compressive strengths (MPa) after 3 and 28 days.

Curing times 3 days 28 days

Mixtures Mean values Standard deviations Mean values Standard deviations
REF-I-0.40 37.0 2.4 58.6 3.4
REF-I-0.45 28.5 1.8 56.1 2.5
REF-I-0.50 28.7 2.6 51.2 3.1
REF-I-0.55 24.7 2.4 47.1 2.6
REF-I-0.60 20.1 2.8 43.9 1.3
REF-II-0.40 32.1 2.2 52.2 1.7
REF-II-0.50 19.8 2.1 43.3 2.0
REF-II-0.60 15.3 1.9 36.1 1.8
CRA-I-0.40 29.7 1.3 46.1 3.2
CRA-I-0.45 26.2 1.7 45.8 2.9
CRA-I-0.50 22.2 2.3 39.9 3.7
CRA-I-0.55 21.7 1.7 36.3 2.7
CRA-I-0.60 15.5 1.8 34.7 1.6
CRA-II-0.40 26.1 1.6 41.8 1.8
CRA-II-0.50 16.4 1.9 35.1 1.8
CRA-II-0.60 12.9 1.7 29.2 1.9

mixtures could be achieved by using recycled aggregates in- respectively, with cement type 42.5 R, and under 0.50 and
stead of ordinary aggregates. 0.40, respectively, with cement type 32.5 R.
However, whichever the kind of cement used, RAC On the other hand, RAC strength class C 32/40 can be
strength classes C 25/30 and C 28/35 can be confidently achieved only by using cement type 42.5 R, by keeping the
achieved, by keeping the water/cement under 0.60 and 0.50, water/cement under 0.45.
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

40 0.8

Elastic modulus (GPa)


Drying shrinkage (mm/m)


15 0.4

10 0.3

0 50 100 150 200
Figure 2: Static elastic modulus after 28 days of wet curing. Time of exposure (days)

REF-I-0.55 CRA-I-0.45
REF-II-0.5 CRA-I-0.4
Modulus of elasticity, E (GPa)

Figure 4: Drying shrinkage versus time of exposure for C 32/40

30 strength class concretes.


E = 22 ·
3 0.83· fcu On the other hand, the second formula (2) was obtained
10  10
by fitting experimental data obtained for the concrete mix-
3 0.83· fcu
E = 18.2 · 10 tures prepared with 30% coarse recycled concrete aggregate,
0 whichever the type of cement used.
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 In practice, it means that, for equal compressive strength,
Compressive strength, fcu (MPa) 17% lower elastic modulus is achieved by using 30% coarse
recycled aggregates. A similar result was obtained by the
REF-II CRA-II author in a previous work [10], in which a coefficient of 18.8
instead of 18.2 was found when the fine gravel (6–12 mm),
Figure 3: Static elastic modulus versus compressive strength after instead of gravel (11–22 mm), was completely replaced by
28-days of wet curing. recycled concrete aggregate fraction (6–12 mm), also in that
case the percentage of substitution was 30%. This slight
difference can signify a certain dependence of the RAC elastic
modulus on the grain size of the recycled concrete aggregate
3.2. Static Elastic Modulus Evaluation. Static modulus of used: the higher is the aggregate size the higher is the decrease
elasticity was determined according to the procedure de- with respect to the reference mixtures.
scribed in the Italian Standards UNI 6556 [22]. The mean However, for practical uses a common coefficient equal
values obtained after 28 days are shown in Figure 2 and plot- to 18.5 can be suggested, independently on the recycled
ted also in Figure 3 as a function of the concrete compress- aggregate particle size, corresponding to 16% reduction of
ive strength after 28 days. elastic modulus with respect to conventional concrete.
In Figure 3 two equations are reported:
 3.3. Drying Shrinkage Test. Drying shrinkage was evaluated
0.83 · fcu according to UNI 6555 [21], results obtained up to 180 days
E = 22.0 ·
, (1)
10 of exposure are reported in Table 5.
 In Figures 4, 5, and 6, three comparisons of the drying
0.83 · fcu shrinkage strains of equal strength class concretes are shown.
E = 18.2 · .
10 The compared mixtures were “REF-I-0.55,” “REF-II-0.50,”
“CRA-I-0.40,” and “CRA-II-0.45” for the strength class (see
The first one (1) is the formula proposed by the Italian Table 4); “REF-I-0.60,” “CRA-I-0.50,” and “CRA-II-0.40”
Standard [11] for regular concrete. Results obtained in this for the strength class (see Table 4) and “REF-II-0.60”,
work on ordinary concretes showed to be in good agreement “CRA-I-0.55” and “CRA-II-0.50” for the strength class (see
with (1). Table 4). Results obtained on C 32/40, C 28/35, and C 25/30
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

Table 5: Drying shrinkage measurements (mm/m).

Days of exposure to 50% R.H., 20◦ C temperature

7 30 60 90 180
REF-I-0.40 0.09 0.26 0.34 0.4 0.44
REF-I-0.45 0.11 0.3 0.37 0.4 0.48
REF-I-0.50 0.19 0.27 0.43 0.45 0.5
REF-I-0.55 0.18 0.33 0.47 0.49 0.64
REF-I-0.60 0.24 0.34 0.48 0.58 0.7
REF-II-0.40 0.1 0.28 0.38 0.43 0.46
REF-II-0.50 0.19 0.3 0.46 0.48 0.55
REF-II-0.60 0.25 0.37 0.5 0.62 0.68
CRA-I-0.40 0.11 0.31 0.5 0.5 0.58
CRA-I-0.45 0.12 0.32 0.43 0.47 0.6
CRA-I-0.50 0.14 0.38 0.52 0.54 0.58
CRA-I-0.55 0.17 0.28 0.43 0.53 0.63
CRA-I-0.60 0.18 0.4 0.62 0.66 0.68
CRA-II-0.40 0.12 0.32 0.49 0.52 0.59
CRA-II-0.50 0.15 0.4 0.54 0.56 0.61
CRA-II-0.60 0.18 0.42 0.61 0.67 0.69

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6
Drying shrinkage (mm/m)

Drying shrinkage (mm/m)

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Time of exposure (days) Time of exposure (days)
REF-I-0.6 REF-II-0.6
CRA-I-0.5 CRA-I-0.55
CRA-II-0.4 CRA-II-0.5

Figure 5: Drying shrinkage versus time of exposure for C 28/35 Figure 6: Drying shrinkage versus time of exposure for C 25/30
strength class concretes. strength class concretes.

strength class concretes are reported in Figures 4, 5, and 6,

It can be noticed that, by using 30% coarse recycled different kind of cement used seems to affect the drying
aggregate, the values of the measured strains on RACs are shrinkage behavior of concrete more than the kind of
similar (Figure 4), if not lower (Figures 5 and 6), to those aggregate used (see Figure 4), due to the different water-to-
obtained for the reference mixtures of the same strength cement ratios required to gain the same 28-day compressive
class. Indeed, by comparing equal-strength concretes, the strength.
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Civil Engineering
Volume 2011, Article ID 463638, 13 pages

Research Article
Chemical, Mineralogical, and Morphological Properties of
Steel Slag

Irem Zeynep Yildirim1 and Monica Prezzi2

1 Fugro Consultants, Inc., 6100 Hillcroft Avenue (77081), Houston, TX, 77274, USA
2 School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 550 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Irem Zeynep Yildirim, [email protected]

Received 2 February 2011; Accepted 27 July 2011

Academic Editor: J. Antonio H. Carraro

Copyright © 2011 I. Z. Yildirim and M. Prezzi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Steel slag is a byproduct of the steelmaking and steel refining processes. This paper provides an overview of the different types
of steel slag that are generated from basic-oxygen-furnace (BOF) steelmaking, electric-arc-furnace (EAF) steelmaking, and ladle-
furnace steel refining processes. The mineralogical and morphological properties of BOF and electric-arc-furnace-ladle [EAF(L)]
slag samples generated from two steel plants in Indiana were determined through X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analyses and Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies. The XRD patterns of both BOF and EAF(L) slag samples were very complex, with several
overlapping peaks resulting from the many minerals present in these samples. The XRD analyses indicated the presence of free
MgO and CaO in both the BOF and EAF(L) slag samples. SEM micrographs showed that the majority of the sand-size steel slag
particles had subangular to angular shapes. Very rough surface textures with distinct crystal structures were observed on the sand-
size particles of BOF and EAF(L) slag samples under SEM. The characteristics of the steel slag samples considered in this study are
discussed in the context of a detailed review of steel slag properties.

1. Introduction characteristics of steel slag are determined by the processes

that generate this material. Therefore, knowledge of the dif-
The steelmaking industries in the US generate 10–15 million ferent types of steelmaking and refining operations that pro-
tons of steel slag every year. Approximately 15 to 40% of duce steel slag as a byproduct is also required. This paper
the steel slag output is initially stockpiled in the steel plants provides an overview of steel slag generation and a literature
and, eventually, sent to slag disposal sites. Utilization of steel review on the chemical and mineralogical properties of steel
slag in civil engineering applications can alleviate the need slags. Moreover, the mineralogical and morphological char-
for their disposal and reduce the use of natural resources. A acteristics of steel slag samples generated from two steel
better understanding of the properties of steel slag is requir- plants in Indiana were evaluated through XRD analyses and
ed for large volumes of this material to be utilized in a tech- SEM studies.
nically sound manner in civil engineering applications.
Knowledge of the chemical, mineralogical, and morpho-
2. Overview
logical properties of steel slags is essential because their ce-
mentitious and mechanical properties, which play a key role Slags are named based on the furnaces from which they are
in their utilization, are closely linked to these properties. As generated. Figure 1 shows a flow chart for the iron and steel-
an example, the frictional properties of steel slag are influenc- making processes and the types of slag generated from each
ed by its morphology and mineralogy. Similarly, the volu- process [1, 2].
metric stability of steel slag is a function of its chemistry and The main types of slags that are generated from the iron
mineralogy. The chemical, mineralogical, and morphological and steelmaking industries are classified as follow:
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

Ironmaking processes Steelmaking processes

Pellets/fluxes Limestone Fluxes Scraps Ferroalloys Steel scrap Fluxes

Molten iron
Iron ores Coke Pulverized

Basic-oxygen Electric-arc
Blast furnace furnace furnace
(BF) (BOF) (EAF)

BOF slag Molten steel EAF slag

Molten iron
furnace furnace

Ladle slag
Refined molten steel
Air-cooled blast-furnace slag
Expanded blast-furnace slag Continuous casting
Pelletized blast-furnace slag
Granulated blast-furnace slag
Billets Blooms Slabs
Main products

Figure 1: Flowchart of iron and steelmaking processes [1, 2].

(i) blast-furnace slag (ironmaking slag), Basic-oxygen-furnace steelmaking

(ii) steel-furnace slag, (Linz and Donawitz process)
Molten iron (70–75%) +
steel scraps (25–30%) +
(a) basic-oxygen-furnace (BOF) slag, lime/dolomite
(b) electric-arc-furnace (EAF) slag,
(c) ladle slag. Refractory lining

2.1. Basic-Oxygen-Furnace Process of Steelmaking and Slag

Generation. Basic-oxygen furnaces, which are located at in- Oxygen
Tap hole lance
tegrated steel mills in association with a blast furnace, are
charged with the molten iron produced in the blast furnace Pure O2
and steel scraps. Typically, the proper basic-oxygen furnace
charge consists of approximately 10–20% of steel scrap and
80–90% of molten iron [1, 3]. The presence of steel scraps in
the basic-oxygen furnace charge plays an important role in Steel Steel BOF slag
cooling down the furnace and maintaining the temperature
at approximately 1600◦ C–1650◦ C for the required chemical
reactions to take place. BOF converter
Figure 2 shows a schematic representation of a basic-ox-
ygen furnace [1, 4]. First, steel scrap is charged to the furnace Figure 2: Schematic representation of the basic-oxygen furnace
and, immediately after this charge, a ladle of molten iron process [1, 4].
(∼200 tons) is poured on top of it with the help of a crane.
Then an oxygen lance, lowered into the furnace, blows 99%
pure oxygen on the charge at supersonic speeds. During the carbon monoxide, causing the temperature to rise to 1600–
blowing cycle, which lasts approximately 20–25 minutes, 1700◦ C (the temperature in the furnace is carefully moni-
intense oxidation reactions remove the impurities of the tored throughout the oxygen blowing period). The scrap is
charge. Carbon dissolved in the steel is burned to form thereby melted, and the carbon content of the molten iron
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

is lowered [1, 3]. In order to remove the unwanted chemical several baskets of scraps have melted, the refining metallurgi-
elements of the melt, the furnace is also charged with fluxing cal operations (e.g., decarburization and dephosphorization)
agents, such as lime (CaO) or dolomite (MgCa(CO3 )2 ), dur- are performed. During the steel refining period, oxygen is in-
ing the oxygen blowing cycles. The impurities combine with jected into the molten steel through an oxygen lance. Some
the burnt lime or dolomite forming slag and reducing the iron, together with other impurities in the hot metal, includ-
amount of undesirable substances in the melt. Samples of the ing aluminum, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, and carbon,
molten metal are collected near the end of the blowing cycle are oxidized during the oxygen injections. These oxidized
and tested for their chemical composition. Once the desired components combine with lime (CaO) to form slag. As the
chemical composition is achieved, the oxygen lance is pulled steel is refined, carbon powder is also injected through the
up from the furnace. slag phase floating on the surface of the molten steel, leading
Slag resulting from the steelmaking process floats on top to the formation of carbon monoxide. The carbon monoxide
of the molten steel. The basic-oxygen furnace is tilted in one gas formed causes the slag to foam, thereby increasing the
direction in order to tap the steel into ladles. The steel pro- efficiency of the thermal energy transfer. Once the desired
duced in the basic-oxygen furnace can either undergo further chemical composition of the steel is achieved, the electric-arc
refining in a secondary refining unit or be sent directly to a furnace is tilted, and the slag and steel are tapped out of the
continuous caster where semifinished shapes (blooms, bil- furnace into separate ladles. Steel is poured into a ladle and
lets, or slabs) are solidified in integrated steel mills. After all transferred to a secondary steelmaking station for further
the steel is removed from the basic-oxygen furnace, it is tilted refining. The molten slag is carried to a slag-processing unit
again in the opposite direction to pour the liquid slag into with ladles or slag pot carriers [1–3, 5].
ladles. The slag generated from a steelmaking cycle is later In electric-arc furnaces, up to 300 tons of steel can be
processed, and the final product after processing is referred to manufactured per cycle (a cycle takes one to three hours to
as basic-oxygen-furnace slag (BOF slag). The chemical reac- complete). Initially, the EAF steelmaking process was more
tions occurring during the removal of impurities determine expensive than the BOF process and, hence, it was only used
the chemical composition of the basic-oxygen-furnace slag for production of high quality steels. However, as the size of
[1, 3, 5]. the electric-arc furnaces increased over the years, the EAF
steelmaking process has become competitive in the produc-
tion of different grades of steel and has started to dominate
2.2. Electric-Arc-Furnace (EAF) Process of Steelmaking and the US steel industry with a 55% share of the total steel
Slag Generation. Electric-arc furnaces (mini mills) use high- output in 2006, according to USGS [6].
power electric arcs, instead of gaseous fuels, to produce the
heat necessary to melt recycled steel scrap and to convert it
into high quality steel. The electric-arc furnace steelmaking 2.3. Ladle Furnace Refining and Slag Generation. After com-
process is not dependent on the production from a blast fur- pletion of the primary steelmaking operations, steel pro-
nace since the main feed for it is steel scrap with some pig duced by the BOF or EAF processes can be further refined
iron. Electric-arc furnaces are equipped with graphite elec- to obtain the desired chemical composition. These refining
trodes and resemble giant kettles with a spout or an eccentric processes are called secondary steelmaking operations. Refin-
notch on one side. The roof of the electric-arc furnaces can ing processes are common in the production of high-grade
pivot and swing to facilitate the loading of raw materials. steels. The most important functions of secondary refining
Steel scraps, either as heavy melt (large slabs and beams) or processes are final desulfurization, degassing of oxygen, ni-
in shredded form are separated, graded, and sorted into dif- trogen, and hydrogen, removal of impurities, and final decar-
ferent classes of steel in scrap yards. Scrap baskets are loaded burization (done for ultralow carbon steels). Depending on
carefully with different types of scrap according to their size the quality of the desired steel, molten steel produced in the
and density to ensure that both the melting conditions in the EAF and BOF process goes through some or all of the above
furnace and the chemistry of the finished steel are within the mentioned refining processes [1, 2]. Most of the mini mills
targeted range [1–3]. and integrated steel mills have ladle-furnace refining stations
The electric-arc furnace steelmaking process starts with for secondary metallurgical processes. Figure 3 shows a sche-
the charging of various types of steel scrap to the furnace matic representation of an electric-arc-furnace and a ladle-
using steel scrap baskets. Next, graphite electrodes are lower- refining unit associated with it [2, 4].
ed into the furnace. Then, an arc is struck, which causes elec- Ladle furnaces, which look like smaller versions of EAF
tricity to travel through the electrodes and the metal itself. furnaces, also have three graphite electrodes connected to an
The electric arc and the resistance of the metal to this flow arc transformer used to heat the steel. Typically, the bottom
of electricity generate the heat. As the scrap melts, the elec- of the ladle furnace has a pipeline through which argon gas
trodes are driven deeper through the layers of scrap. In is injected for stirring and homogenization of the liquid steel
some steel plants, during this process, oxygen is also injected in the furnace. By injecting desulfurizing agents (such as Ca,
through a lance to cut the scrap into smaller sizes. As the Mg, CaSi, CaC2 ) through a lance, the sulfur concentration
melting process progresses, a pool of liquid steel is generated in the steel can be lowered to 0.0002% [1]. The addition
at the bottom of the furnace. CaO, in the form of burnt lime of silicon and aluminum during deoxidation forms silica
or dolomite, is either introduced to the furnace together with (SiO2 ) and alumina (Al2 O3 ); these oxides are later absorbed
the scrap or is blown into the furnace during melting. After by the slag generated by the refining process. In addition,
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

Electric-arc-furnace steelmaking Ladle furnace (refining center)

Standard process for producing high-grade steels

Steel scrap
(recycled steel)
Graphite electrodes

Steel scraps + Steel +

l ime/dolomite alloys +

Slag EAF slag

Molten steel Slag

Molten steel
EAF(L) slag

Mini mills Argon gas

Figure 3: Schematic representation of the electric-arc-furnace steelmaking and ladle refining process [2, 4].

in order to adjust precisely the chemical composition of the iron into steel. The silica (SiO2 ) content of BOF slag ranges
steel to produce different grades of steel, the desired alloys are from 7 to 18%. The Al2 O3 and MgO contents are in the 0.5–
added to the molten steel through an alloy hopper that is 4% and 0.4–14% ranges, respectively. The free lime content
connected to the ladle furnace. Ladle furnaces also function can be as high as 12%. Large quantities of lime or dolomotic
as a storage unit for the steel before the initiation of casting lime are used during the process of conversion from iron to
operations. Therefore, ladle furnaces reduce the cost of high- steel and, hence, the CaO content of BOF slag is typically very
grade steel production and allow flexibility in the steelmak- high (CaO >35%) [1, 8, 12, 23].
ing operations [1, 2]. EAF slag has a chemical composition similar to that of
BOF slag (refer to Table 1). The EAF steelmaking process
is essentially a steel scrap recycling process. Therefore, the
3. Chemical Composition of Steel Slags
chemical composition of EAF slag depends significantly on
Both BOF and EAF slags are formed during basic steelmaking the properties of the recycled steel. Compared to BOF slags,
operations, as explained above. Therefore, in general, the the main chemical constituents of EAF slags can vary widely.
chemical and mineralogical compositions of BOF and EAF Typically, the FeO, CaO, SiO2 , Al2 O3 , and MgO contents
slags are similar. Calcium oxide and iron oxide are the two of EAF slags are in the 10–40%, 22–60%, 6–34%, 3–14%,
major chemical constituents of both EAF and BOF slags. and 3–13% ranges, respectively. Other minor components
Ladle slag is generated during the steel refining processes in include other oxidized impurities, such as MgO, MnO, and
which several alloys are added to the ladle furnace to produce SO3 . EAF slags also contain free CaO and MgO along with
different grades of steel. For this reason, the chemical constit- other complex minerals and solid solutions of CaO, FeO, and
uents of ladle slag differ from those of BOF and EAF slags. MgO. The FeO content of EAF slags generated from stainless
Table 1 provides the chemical composition of basic-oxygen- steel production processes can be as low as 2% [24].
furnace (BOF), electric-arc-furnace (EAF), and ladle slags Information on the chemical composition of ladle slags
from various sources [7–22]. (LS) is limited in the literature. During the steel refining
The main chemical constituents of the basic-oxygen-fur- process, different alloys are fed into the ladle furnace in order
nace slag are CaO, FeO, and SiO2 . During the conversion of to obtain the desired steel grade. Hence, the chemical com-
molten iron into steel, a percentage of the iron (Fe) in the hot position of ladle slag is highly dependent on the grade of steel
metal cannot be recovered into the steel produced. This oxi- produced. As a result, compared to BOF and EAF slags, the
dized iron is observed in the chemical composition of the chemical composition of ladle slag is highly variable. Typ-
BOF slag. Depending on the efficiency of the furnace, the ically, the FeO content of ladle slag is much lower (<10%)
iron oxide (FeO/Fe2 O3 ) content of BOF slag can be as high than that of EAF and BOF slags. On the other hand, the
as 38% (refer to Table 1); this is the amount of oxidized iron Al2 O3 and CaO contents are typically higher for ladle slags
that cannot be recovered during the conversion of molten (refer to Table 1).
Table 1: Chemical composition of BOF, EAF, and Ladle Slags.

Oxide composition (%)

Reference Slag type CaO SiO2 Al2 O3 MgO FeO Fe2 O3 Fe total SO3 MnO TiO2 P2 O5 Free CaO
Advances in Civil Engineering

Das et al. [7] BOF 47.9 12.2 1.2 0.8 26.3 — — 0.3 0.3 — 3.3 —
Juckes [8]a BOF 36.4–45.8 10.7–15.2 1–3.4 4.1–7.8 — — 19–24 0.1–0.2 2.7–4.3 — 1–1.5 2.5–12
Mahieux et al. [9] BOF 47.5 11.8 2.0 6.3 — 22.6 — — 1.9 0.5 2.7 —
Poh et al. [10] BOF 52.2 10.8 1.3 5.04 17.2 10.1 — — 2.5 0.6 1.3 10.2
Shen et al. [11] BOF 39.3 7.8 0.98 8.56 — 38.06 — 0.0 4.2 0.9 — —
Shi [12] BOF 30–55 8–20 1–6 5–15 10–35 — — 0.1–0.2 2–8 0.4–2 0.2–2 —
Tossavainen et al. [13] BOF 45.0 11.1 1.9 9.6 10.7 10.9 — — 3.1 — — —
Waligora et al. [14] BOF 47.7 13.3 3.0 6.4 — 24.4 2.6 0.7 1.5 9.2
Xuequan et al. [15]b BOF 45–60 10–15 1–5 3–13 7–20 3–9 — — — — 1–4 —
Barra et al. [16] EAF 29.5 16.1 7.6 5.0 — 32.56 — 0.6 4.5 0.78 0.6 —
Luxán et al. [17] EAF 24.4 15.4 12.2 2.9 34.4 — — — 5.6 0.56 1.2 —
Manso et al. [18] EAF 23.9 15.3 7.4 5.1 — — 42.5 0.1 4.5 — — 0.5
Shi [12] EAF 35–60 9–20 2–9 5–15 15–30 — — 0.1–0.2 3–8 — 0.0–0.3 —
Tossavainen et al. [13] EAF 38.8 14.1 6.7 3.9 5.6 20.3 — — 5 — — —
Tsakiridis et al. [19] EAF 35.7 17.5 6.3 6.5 — 26.4 — — 2.5 0.8 — —
Nicolae et al. [20] Ladle 49.6 14.7 25.6 7.9 0.44 0.22 0.17 0.8 0.4 — 0.2 —
Shi [12] Ladle 30–60 2–35 5–35 1–10 0–15 — — 0.1–1 0–5.0 — 0.1–0.4 —
Qian et al. [21] Ladle 49.5 19.59 12.3 7.4 — 0.9 — — 1.4 — 0.4 2.5
Setién et al. [22] Ladle 50.5–57.5 12.6–19.8 4.3–18.6 7.5–11.9 — 1.6–3.3 — 0.4–0.5 0.3–0.9 0–0.01 3.5–19
Tossavainen et al. [13] Ladle 42.5 14.2 22.9 12.6 0.5 1.1 0.4 — 0.2 — — —
The range of values are compiled based on the chemical composition data from 4 different sources in Great Britain provided by Juckes [8].
b Xuequan et al. [15] report chemical composition of steel slag from refining process (not specified as BOF).

— = data not available.

6 Advances in Civil Engineering

4. Mineralogical Properties of Steel Slag

Crystal formation is a function of both the chemical compo-
sition of the melt and its cooling rate. Silica rich blast-fur-
nace slag vitrifies (forms a glassy phase) easily when it is ra-
pidly cooled. Steel slag has a lower silica content than blast-
furnace slag and, hence, steel slag seldom vitrifies even when
rapidly cooled. Tossavainen et al. [13] studied the effect of
the cooling rate on the mineralogy of BOF, EAF, and ladle
slag samples with different proportions of major chemical
constituents and showed that ladle slag rapidly cooled using
the water granulation technique becomes almost completely
amorphous, with the exception of the crystalline phase of
periclase (MgO). On the other hand, the rapidly cooled
(granulated) BOF and EAF slag samples showed very com- Figure 4: Gravel-size steel slag particle with a lime pocket
plex crystalline structures similar to those of slowly cooled (photograph taken at Mittal Steel, Indiana Harbor West Plant).
BOF and EAF slag samples. Reddy et al. [25] also identified
a very crystalline structure in quenched BOF slag using XRD
analysis. These studies indicate that even when rapidly cool- the majority of the free lime in steel slag will hydrate in a
ed, in general, steel slag tends to crystallize due to its chemical few days if it is given access to water. However, residual lime
composition. can be embedded in small pockets in gravel-size steel slag
Several researchers studied the mineralogical composi- particles. Figure 4 depicts a gravel-size BOF slag particle with
tion of steel slags. X-ray diffraction analysis of steel slag sam- a lime pocket (seen in white). Lime pockets may not hydrate
ples shows a complex structure with many overlapping peaks at all if they are not given access to water through the frac-
reflecting the crystalline phases present in steel slag. These tures extending to them. If there are fractures in the slag par-
crystalline phases appear to be mainly due to the chemical ticles extending to these lime pockets, then hydration can
composition of steel slag and the slow cooling rate applied progress [8, 12, 33].
during processing [1, 26–28]. The feed (charge) into the Other expansive compounds, such as free MgO, may also
furnaces vary from one steelmaking plant to another, so var- be present in steel slag. Unlike CaO, free MgO hydrates at a
iations in the chemical constituents of steel slags produced at much slower rate, causing significant volume changes for
different steelmaking plants are expected. A variety of min- months or even years. In general, slags generated from mod-
eral phases were identified and reported in the literature for ern steelmaking technologies have low MgO content. How-
EAF, BOF, and ladle slags. Table 2 presents the minerals iden- ever, if dolomite (CaMg(CO3 )2 ) is used as a fluxing agent
tified in steel slags, as reported in the literature [8, 13, 16, 17, instead of lime, the free MgO content in steel slag increases
20, 21, 25, 28–30]. and, therefore, the possibility of volumetric expansion due to
The common mineral phases present in steel hydration of MgO increases as well [8, 34–37].
slags include merwinite (3CaO·MgO·2SiO2 ), olivine Another reaction that causes volumetric expansion in-
(2MgO·2FeO·SiO2 ), β-C2 S (2CaO·SiO2 ), α-C2 S, C4 AF volves the dicalcium silicate (C2 S) phase. The C2 S phase is
(4CaO·Al2 O3 ·FeO3 ), C2 F (2CaO·Fe2 O3 ), CaO (free lime), commonly present in all types of steel slags and, in particular,
MgO, FeO and C3 S (3CaO·SiO2 ), and the RO phase (a solid is abundant typically as the main phase in ladle slags. C2 S
solution of CaO-FeO-MnO-MgO) [21, 24, 31], as can be exists in four well-defined polymorphs: α, α , β, and γ. α-
seen in Table 2. Since BOF and EAF slags both have high iron C2 S is stable at high temperatures (>630◦ C). At temperatures
oxide contents, solid solutions of FeO (wustite) are typically below 500◦ C, β-C2 S starts transforming into γ-C2 S. This
observed as one of the main mineral phases. Ladle slag has a transformation produces volumetric expansion of up to
lower FeO content, and polymorphs of C2 S are therefore fre- 10%. If the steel slag cooling process is slow, crystals break,
quently observed as the main phase [19, 24, 27, 29]. resulting in a significant amount of dust. This phase conver-
Due to the presence of unstable phases in its mineralogy, sion and the associated dusting are typical for ladle slags. For
steel slags can show volumetric instability, caused mainly by this reason, ladle slags are commonly called “self-dusting” or
the presence of free CaO. In the presence of water, free lime “falling” slags [8, 27].
hydrates and forms portlandite (Ca(OH)2 ). Portlandite has
a lower density than CaO and, hence, hydration of free CaO 5. Characterization of Steel Slag from
results in volume increase. Ramachandran et al. [32] studied Indiana Steel Plants
the hydration mechanism of CaO and proved that when it
is immersed in water, compacted CaO can hydrate almost 5.1. Materials. The chemical composition, mineralogy, and
completely in a few days with a volume increase as high as morphology of steel slag particles can influence both the ce-
100%. Their study also demonstrated that hydration of lime mentitious characteristics and mechanical properties of steel
by exposure to water vapor causes more expansion than hy- slag. Two different types of steel slag (BOF and EAF ladle
dration caused by exposure to water due to the effect of tem- slags) generated from Indiana steel plants were considered
perature. The fact that limes hydrates quickly suggests that in this study.
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

Table 2: Mineralogical phases of BOF, EAF, and ladle slags.

Reference Slag Mineralogical phases

Barra et al. [16] EAF CaCO3 , FeO, MgO, Fe2 O3 , Ca2 Al(AlSiO7 ), Ca2 SiO4
2CaO·SiO2 , 3CaO·SiO2 , 2CaO·Fe2 O3 , FeO, (Ca, Fe)O (calciowustite), (Mg, Fe)O
Geiseler [29] —
(magnesiowustite), free MgO, CaO
Juckes [8] BOF C3 S, C2 S, C2 F, RO phase (FeO-MgO-CaO-FeO), MgO, CaO
Luxán et al. [17] EAF Ca2 SiO5 , Ca2 Al(AlSiO7 ), Fe2 O3 , Ca14 Mg2 (SiO4 )8 , MgFe2 O4 , Mn3 O4 , MnO2
Manso et al. [28] Ladle Al2 O4 Mg, Ca(OH)2 , Si2 O6 CaMg, MgO, Ca3 SiO5 , β-Ca2 SiO4 , γ-Ca2 SiO4 , SO4 Ca
Nicolae et al. [20] BOF 2CaO·Al2 O3 ·SiO2 , Fe2 O3 , CaO, FeO
Nicolae et al. [20] EAF MnO2 , MnO, Fe2 SiO4 , Fe7 SiO10
Nicolae et al. [20] Ladle CaO·SiO2 , CaOAl2 O3 ·2SiO2 , CaS, Al2 O3
Qian et al. [21] EAF γ-Ca2 SiO4 , C3 MS2 , CFMS, FeO-MnO-MgO solid solution
Qian et al. [21] Ladle γ-Ca2 SiO4 , C3 MS2 , MgO
Reddy et al. [25] BOF 2CaO·Fe2 O3 , 2CaO·P2 O5 , 2CaO·SiO2 , CaO
Reddy et al. [25] BOFq 2CaO·Fe2 O3 , 3CaO·SiO2 , 2CaO·SiO2 , Fe2 O3
Tossavainen et al. [13] Ladle Ca12 Al14 O33 , MgO·β-Ca2 SiO4 , γ-Ca2 SiO4 , Ca2 Al2 SiO7
Tossavainen et al. [13] BOF β-Ca2 SiO4 , FeO-MnO-MgO solid solution, MgO
Ca3 Mg(SiO4 )2 , β-Ca2 SiO4 , Spinel solid solution (Mg, Mn)(Cr, Al)2 O4 , wustite-type solid
Tossavainen et al. [13] EAF
solution ((Fe, Mg, Mn)O), Ca2 (Al, Fe)2 O5
Ca2 SiO4 , 4CaO·Al2 O3 ·Fe2 O3 , Ca2 Al(AlSiO7 ), Ca3 SiO5 , 2CaO·Al2 O3 ·SiO2 , FeO, Fe3 O4 ,
Tsakiridis et al. [19] EAF
MgO, SiO2
Wachsmuth et al. [30] BOF Ca2 SiO4 , Ca3 SiO5 , FeO, 2CaO·Fe2 O3
quenched; — = type of slag not provided.

Mittal Steel, Indiana Harbor Works West Plant, which is Table 3: Chemical composition of BOF slag.
located in Highland, Indiana, was the source plant for the
BOF slag. Multiserv Ltd., Harsco Corporation, which per- Oxides % (by weight)
forms slag processing operations at the Mittal Steel Plant, CaO 39.40
supplied representative samples of BOF slag consisting of FeO 30.23
particles smaller than 15 mm. The Whitesville Steel Mill at SiO2 11.97
Nucor Steel, which is located in Crawfordsville, Indiana, was MgO 9.69
the source for the EAF ladle (L) slag. The Edward C. Levy Co., MnO 2.74
which operates at the Whitesville Steel Mill, supplied The
Al2 O3 2.16
EAF(L) slag. This slag is referred to as EAF(L) slag, as it is the
ladle slag generated from the refining of the steel from the P2 O5 1.00
electric-arc furnace. Edward C. Levy Co. provided represen- TiO2 0.40
tative samples of EAF(L) slag consisting of particles smaller Na2 O 0.25
than 9.5 mm. Cr2 O3 0.20
K2 O 0.05
5.2. Testing Methods. The oxide composition of both the Cl 0.01
BOF slag and EAF(L) samples was determined by the slag SO3 0.12
processing companies (Multiserv and Edward C. Levy Co.) L.O.I.a 1.80
using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. In order to deter- a
L.O.I: Loss on ignition.
mine the mineralogical phases present in the steel slag sam-
ples, X-ray diffraction analyses were carried out on both BOF
slag and on EAF(L) slag samples with a Siemens D-500
diffractometer using copper radiation. Representative oven- Committee for Powder Diffraction Standards, Hanawalt Sys-
dried steel slag samples (with both gravel-size and finer par- tem for identification of inorganic compounds (JCPDS). The
ticles) were crushed until a powder passing the No. 200 software program Jade was also used to help identify the min-
(0.075 mm opening) sieve was attained. The powder samples erals present in the samples. Only qualitative analyses were
were step-scanned from 5 to 65◦ (2θ) in 0.02◦ increments performed due to the presence of overlapping peaks in the
and 1 s count time. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the steel XRD patterns and to the complexity of the crystalline phases
slag samples were analyzed by comparing the peaks present in the slag samples tested. The main, minor, and probable
in the XRD patterns with those provided in The Joint phases were determined for each slag sample tested.
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 4: Mineralogical phases identified in BOF slag based on XRD 1600

Mineral type Formula BOF slag
Portlandite Ca(OH)2 major 1200
Srebrodol’skite Ca2 Fe2 O5 major

Intensity (counts)
Merwinite Ca3 Mg(SiO4 )2 major 1000
Larnite Ca2 SiO4 minor
Calcite (manganoan) (Ca, Mn)CO3 minor 800
Lime CaO minor
Dolomite CaMg(CO3 )2 minor
Wollastonite CaSiO3 probable
Periclase MgO probable
Pentahydrite MgSO4 ·5H2 O probable 200
Monticellite CaMgSiO4 probable
Hematite Fe2 O3 probable 0
10 20 30 40 50 60
Magnesite MgCO3 probable
2θ (deg)

BOF slag X-ray diffraction pattern

Table 5: Chemical composition of EAF(L) slag. Figure 5: X-ray diffraction pattern for BOF slag.

Oxides % (by weight)

CaO 47.52
Al2 O3 22.59 cm
FeO 7.61
MgO 7.35
SiO2 4.64
SO3 2.28
MnO 1.00
Cr2 O3 0.37
TiO2 0.33
P2 O5 0.09
Na2 O 0.06
K2 O 0.02
Zn 0.01
L.O.Ia 6.20 Figure 6: Gravel-size BOF slag particles.
L.O.I: Loss on ignition.

6. Chemical Composition and Particle

Mineralogy of BOF Slag
Steel slag particles were subjected to microscopic exami-
nation to characterize their shape, angularity, and surface Table 3 gives the oxide composition of the BOF slag samples.
texture. The examination was performed with a scanning The percentages of most of the oxides present in the BOF slag
electron microscope (manufactured by ASPEX, Model Per- samples tested in this study are within the ranges reported
sonal SEM) and a light microscope (manufactured by by other researchers [8, 10, 13, 38, 39]. However, the FeO
Nikon). The shape and surface texture of the gravel-size par- content of the tested BOF slag samples is slightly higher than
ticles were visible to the naked eye. The medium sand-size that of most of the BOF slags reported in the literature.
particles were examined under the light microscope. Finer The XRD patterns of the BOF slag samples were very
sand and silt-size particles were examined under the SEM. To complex, with several overlapping peaks resulting from the
prevent charging of the steel slag particles, they were coated many minerals present in the samples (see Figure 5). BOF
with palladium with the Hummer 6.2 sputtering system. The slag is cooled slowly in slag pits thereby allowing enough time
coated steel slag particles were examined on a two-sided cop- for formation of well-defined crystals. Several other research-
per tape. The SEM images were captured on both photomi- ers have reported similar, complex XRD patterns for BOF
crographs and digital files. slag [13, 20, 25].
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

Personal SEM V4.02i Mar 6, 2007 Purdue University
500X 10 μm 15.0 kV 16 mm 43.4% spot

DT = 6% CPS = 516 FD = 524 LT = 9 1000X 10 μm

VFS = 102 (auto) C X = 79 Y = 57 I = 173
g d
O N Ai C T
C a l P S l K i


Figure 7: SEM micrographs of BOF slag sample. (a) Particle shape and (b) surface texture and elemental analysis.

Table 4 summarizes all of the mineral phases that were and the probable presence of free magnesia (MgO) in the
identified in the BOF slag samples. The mineral phases iden- samples are an indication of the potential for volumetric
tified in the BOF slag samples were determined as major or instability of the tested BOF slag.
minor phases depending on the intensity of the peaks, which
is an indication of the quantity of the minerals present in the
samples. It is important to note that the very complex min- 7. BOF Slag Particle Morphology
eralogical composition of BOF slag, with many overlapping
peaks and different solid solutions of oxides (FeO and MgO), Figure 6 shows the gravel-size particles of BOF slag. The
makes the identification of the phases very difficult. There- gravel-size particles of BOF slag had shapes varying from
fore, some of the overlapping mineral phases that could not subrounded to subangular. Distinct asperities and edges were
be determined with certainty were identified as probable. visible in subangular, bulky particles. Most of the gravel-size
The most abundant mineral phase present in BOF slag is particles had a high sphericity and a solid structure. A heter-
portlandite (Ca(OH)2 ). The presence of this mineral is ex- ogeneous porous structure was also observed on the surface
pected since BOF slag contains 39% lime (CaO), which in of a few particles.
the presence of moisture, converts to Ca(OH)2 . The other Figures 7(a) and 7(b) are SEM micrographs showing the
major phases included merwinite (Ca3 Mg(SiO4 )2 ), and sre- shape and surface texture of BOF slag particles, respectively.
brodol’skite (Ca2 Fe2 O5 ). The presence of free lime (CaO) The SEM studies showed that the sand- and silt-size BOF slag
10 Advances in Civil Engineering

4000 of the sand- and silt-size particles examined under the SEM
had rough surface textures.

3000 8. Chemical Composition and Particle

Mineralogy of EAF(L) Slag
Intensity (c ounts)

Table 5 shows the oxide composition of the tested EAF(L)
slag sample.
Shi [12] reported that the CaO, SiO2 , Al2 O3 , MgO, and
FeO contents of ladle slag are in the ranges of 30–60%, 2–
35%, 5–35%, 1–10%, and 0.1–15%, respectively. The SiO2
content of the EAF(L) slag used in this study was slightly
higher than the lower limit of the range reported by Shi [12].
The EAF(L) slag used in this research is cooled very slowly in
the pits under ambient atmospheric conditions. These slow
cooling conditions allow the formation of various crystalline
10 20 30 40 50 60 phases; these are reflected in the very complex XRD patterns
2θ (deg) shown in Figure 8. Mineral phases with distinct peaks of high
intensities and some overlapping peaks of low intensities
EAF(L) slag X-ray diffraction pattern were detected. Several other researchers have reported similar
XRD patterns for EAF(L) slag [13, 20, 28].
Figure 8: X-ray diffraction patterns for EAF(L) slag.
Table 6 summarizes all the mineral phases that were iden-
tified in the EAF(L) slag samples. As done for BOF slag, the
mineral phases identified in the EAF(L) slag samples were de-
termined as major or minor depending on the intensity of
the peaks. Some of the overlapping mineral phases that could
not be determined with certainty were identified as probable.
The two major mineral phases present in the EAF(L)
slag samples were portlandite (Ca(OH2 )) and mayenite
(Ca12 Al14 O33 ). The highest peak in the XRD pattern of the
EAF(L) slag samples was observed for portlandite (see
Table 5). Other minor phases identified were lime (CaO),
larnite (Ca2 SiO4 ), uvavorite (Ca3 ·Cr2 (SiO4 )3 ), wollastonite
(Ca, Fe)SiO3 ), and periclase (MgO).

9. EAF(L) Slag Particle Morphology

Figure 9: Gravel-size EAF(L) slag particles.
Figure 9 shows the gravel-size particles of EAF(L) slag. The
gravel-size particles of the EAF(L) slag sample had shapes
Table 6: Mineralogical phases identified in EAF(L) slag based on varying from subrounded to subangular. Both bulky and
XRD analyses.
platy gravel-size particles were observed. Distinct asperities
Mineral type Formula EAF(L) slag and edges were also visible in subangular, bulky particles.
Most of the platy particles had irregular shapes with very
Portlandite Ca(OH)2 major
low sphericity and sharp edges. Figures 10(a) and 10(b) show
Mayenite Ca12 Al14 O33 major the EAF(L) slag sand- and silt-size particles. The EAF(L) slag
Larnite Ca2 SiO4 minor sand- and silt-size particles had subrounded to subangular
Lime CaO minor shapes. Some very irregularly shaped platy particles were also
Uvavorite Ca3 ·Cr2 (SiO4 )3 minor observed. Most of the EAF(L) slag sand-size particles exam-
Wollastonitef (Ca, Fe)SiO3 minor ined under SEM had extremely rough surface textures with
Periclase MgO minor platy, crystalline structures (see Figure 10). Some of the SEM
micrographs of the EAF(L) slag sand-size particles indicated
Calcite CaCO3 probable
the presence of a porous structure.
Merwinite Ca3 Mg(SiO4 )2 probable
10. Conclusions
particles had subrounded to angular shapes. Distinct asper- The mineralogical and morphological properties of BOF
ities and edges were visible in angular, bulky particles. Most and EAF(L) slag samples generated from two steel plants in
Advances in Civil Engineering 11

Personal SEM V4.02i Sep 11, 2009 Purdue University

40X 100 μm 15.0 kV 16 mm 41.4% spot

DT = 4% CPS = 372 FD = 321 LT = 3 100X 100 μm

VFS = 32 (auto) C X = 176 Y = 227 I = 237
A a
195.34 μm O

a iP ld K i e

(a) (b)

Figure 10: SEM micrographs of EAF(L) slag. (a) sand- and silt-size particle shapes (magnification = 50X) and (b) particles with their ele-
mental analysis.

(3) The main mineral phases identified in the EAF(L)

slag samples were portlandite, mayenite, and malen-
(4) Both bulky and platy gravel-size particles with very
low sphericity and sharp edges were observed in the
EAF(L) slag samples. Sand- and silt-size particles of
EAF(L) slag samples showed subrounded to suban-
gular shapes. SEM micrographs showed that the ma-
jority of the sand-size particles had extremely rough
surface textures with distinct crystal structures.
(5) The morphological studies suggest that both the BOF
and EAF(L) slag samples tested in this study have
10.07 μm favorable frictional characteristics.
(6) The complex XRD patterns of the tested BOF and
EAF(L) slag samples were a result of their chemical
composition and the very slow cooling conditions ap-
plied during their processing. The XRD analyses of
Figure 11: SEM micrograph showing the surface texture of a sand- both the BOF and EAF(L) slag samples indicated the
size EAF slag particle (magnification = 1200X). presence of free MgO and CaO. Since these com-
pounds expand when hydrated, the volumetric insta-
bility of the tested steel slags needs to be assessed for
Indiana were investigated through XRD analyses and SEM their use in civil engineering applications.
studies. The following conclusions were reached.
(1) The main mineral phases identified in the BOF slag Acknowledgments
samples were Portlandite, srebrodol’skite, and mer- This work was supported by the Joint Transportation Re-
winite. search Program administered by the Indiana Department
(2) Most of the BOF slag gravel-size particles had a high of Transportation (INDOT) and Purdue University, Edw.
sphericity and a solid structure. Sand- and silt-size C. Levy Co., and Multiserv Ltd., Harsco Corporation. The
BOF slag particles had subrounded to angular shapes contents of this paper reflect the views of the writers, who
and rough surface textures under SEM. are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data
12 Advances in Civil Engineering

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Civil Engineering
Volume 2011, Article ID 594270, 8 pages

Research Article
Development of a Lightweight Low-Carbon Footprint Concrete
Containing Recycled Waste Materials

S. Talukdar, S. T. Islam, and N. Banthia

Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 1012J-6250 Applied Science Lane, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4

Correspondence should be addressed to S. Talukdar, [email protected]

Received 4 April 2011; Revised 27 July 2011; Accepted 27 July 2011

Academic Editor: Monica Prezzi

Copyright © 2011 S. Talukdar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Use of any recycled material helps to maintain a greener environment by keeping waste materials out of the landfills. Recycling
practices also can decrease the environmental and economical impact of manufacturing the materials from virgin resources, which
reduces the overall carbon footprint of industrial materials and processes. This study examined the use of waste materials such as
crushed glass, ground tire rubber, and recycled aggregate in concrete. Compressive strength and elastic modulus were the primary
parameters of interest. Results demonstrated that ground tire rubber introduced significant amounts of air into the mix and
adversely affected the strength. The introduction of a defoamer was able to successfully remove part of the excess air from the
mix, but the proportional strength improvements were not noted implying that air left in the defoamed mixture had undesirable
characteristics. Freeze-thaw tests were next performed to understand the nature of air in the defoamed mixtures, and results
demonstrated that this air is not helpful in resisting freeze-thaw resistance either. Overall, while lightweight, low-carbon footprint
concrete materials seem possible from recycled materials, significant further optimization remains possible.

1. Introduction reacting with the aggregate itself. For example, if crushed

glass is used as a substitute for fine aggregate, then there is
Construction materials are increasingly judged by their the possibility of an alkali silica reaction between the paste
ecological impact. Presently, the industry is concentrating and the glass. However, experience shows that if the recycled
on reducing the ecological footprint of concrete by looking aggregate is cleaned, sorted, and selected properly, then it
at ways of making it “greener” [1]. Consequently, the use can be used as an acceptable substitute for virgin coarse
of recycled materials for coarse and fine aggregate is being aggregate.
actively encouraged. Fine and coarse aggregates traditionally account for a
Construction and demolition waste constitutes a major very small amount of CO2 emissions during production of
portion of all generated solid waste, with 200–300 million concrete even though they usually constitute more than
tons generated annually in the United States alone. The 2/3 of the concrete volume. Manufacturing of fine and
traditional disposal of these large amounts of waste in coarse aggregates have less emissions than production of
landfills is no longer an acceptable option. Coupled with the cementitious binders despite quarrying that entails blasting,
increasing scarcity of suitable aggregate, the pressure is severe crushing, screening, haulage, and stockpiling of aggregates.
to find an acceptable replacement for virgin aggregate. Use Therefore, the most effective way of lowering the carbon
of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) from the demolition footprint of concrete is to reduce the cement concrete in
of old structures could be an acceptable solution [2]. There the mix. However, CO2 emissions due to demolition and
are some well-known technical problems of incorporating reuse are a fraction of those compared to the production of
RCA into mixes, such as the presence of contaminants and virgin aggregate [3]. Furthermore, the stockpiles of recycled
deleterious materials which affect the strength and durability aggregate are generally closer to the construction site than
of the final mix. There is also the possibility of cement that of virgin aggregate, which generally is quarried and
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

transported from long distances [2]. In this respect, use of out tires was concentrated in asphalt mix design. However,
recycled aggregates to reduce carbon footprint should be it soon became apparent that the asphalt industry can only
encouraged. absorb 30%–40% of scrap tires generated [13], and so,
The United States generates approximately 242 million emphasis has been slowly shifting to Portland cement con-
scrap tires per year, and the US Environmental Protection crete mix designs. Properties, testing and design of rubber as
Agency estimates that 2-3 billion scrap tires have already an engineering material in Portland Cement concrete were
accumulated in illegal stockpiles or uncontrolled tire dumps investigated as early as 1960 [14]. A comprehensive summary
throughout the country, with millions more scattered around of the properties and application of concrete containing
in the natural environment [4]. It is essential that innovative scrap tire rubber was presented by Siddique and Naik [15]
solutions be developed to deal with this excess material to and Nehdi and Khan [16].
prevent it from becoming an environmental nuisance. Hernández-Olivares et al. [17], Huang et al. [18], Li et
A sustainable proposition is to use scrap tires in concrete al. [4], Ganjian et al. [19], Toutanji [20], Batayneh et al.
mixtures. Such a study was undertaken in the research [21], Kahloo et al. [22], and Mohammed [23] conducted
reported here. Coarse aggregate was replaced with a high studies which included observation and modeling of the
fraction of ground tire rubber, and the role of a defoaming mechanical properties of recycled shredded tire concrete
agent was examined. Next, ground tire rubber was combined composites. The general trend observed was that as the
with crushed glass and recycled aggregate to further reduce percent content of tire rubber increases, the strength of the
the carbon footprint. mix decreases. This is most likely due to the increase in the
entrapped air in the concrete mix due to the tire. It was
2. Previous Work also noted that such composites exhibit large displacement
and deformations, thereby generally increasing toughness,
There have been countless number of studies which have which is most likely due to the fact the rubber aggregate
looked at the properties of concrete containing various has the ability to withstand large deformations. Savas et
types and quantities of recycled coarse and fine aggregate. al. [24] reported that the freeze-thaw durability of concrete
Properties such as chemical stability [5], physical durability with ground waste tire rubber deteriorated as the percent of
[6], workability [7], strength [8], permeability [9], and ground rubber increases.
shrinkage resistance [10] have been examined. A general Many studies have reported that scrap tires increase the
consensus between these studies is that concrete containing amount of entrapped air in concrete [25, 26]. The reasons
recycled coarse aggregate which are properly cleaned, and in often cited are the rough rubber surfaces that entrap air,
quantities no more than 50% replacement of virgin aggregate the nonpolar nature of rubber itself and its tendency to be
would have adequate durability, workability, and strength hydrophobic. Several attempts have been made to improve
when compared with concrete containing 100% virgin the hydrophilicity of rubber, and the most promising one
aggregate. Concrete containing recycled aggregate is expected thus far appears to be soaking the rubber in an NaOH
to display slightly more shrinkage than that containing virgin solution for short periods of time [15].
aggregate only [10]. Permeability of concrete containing
recycled aggregate at w/c ratios same as that of concrete 3. Material and Methods
containing only virgin aggregate is also expected to increase
[9]. With regards to chemical stability, it is important that Given that scrap tire entraps excessive amounts of air,
waste aggregates being used do not contain reactive silica the primary objectives of the study was to investigate the
in order to avoid alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in the final effectiveness of using a defoamer to reduce the air in mixes
product. containing ground tire rubber. Having successfully achieved
Waste glass constitutes a problem for solid waste disposal a reduction in the air content, ground tire rubber was then
in many municipalities. The current practice is still to combined with other recycled materials such as recycled
landfill most of it. Since glass is usually not biodegradable, aggregate and crushed glass to further reduce the carbon
landfills do not provide an environment-friendly solution. footprint. The four concrete mixtures investigated (M0, M1,
Consequently, there is a strong need to utilize/recycle waste M2, and M3) are given in Table 1. Their fresh properties are
glasses. One option is to crush and grade it and use it as a also listed therein.
replacement for fine aggregate in a concrete mix. CSA Type 10 Portland Cement, saturated surface dry
As with waste recycled aggregates, it is very important river sand as fine aggregate, gravel with a maximum nominal
that the glass used be silica-free in order to avoid ASR in size of 9.5 mm as coarse aggregate, and potable tap water
the final composite. If this basic criterion is met, past studies were used in all mixes. Slump was maintained at 150 mm for
indicate that recycled waste glass is an acceptable material all mixes. Where ground tire rubber was used, it was used as
to be used in concrete. There tends to be a slight decrease a 15% replacement of the coarse aggregate by mass which
in compressive strength as the fraction of recycled glass is produce 25% more fresh concrete by volume. This meant
increased in a mix, and other properties such as air content that the mass % of ground rubber in the mix relative to
and mix are dependent on the shape of the individual grains cement was of 47%. The ground tire rubber had a specific
of the crushed glass [5, 11, 12]. gravity of 1.1 and a maximum nominal size of 9.5 mm
The idea of using recycled scrap tires in concrete has been (Figure 1). Its gradation curve is given in Figure 3. The size
around for some time. Earlier, research on the use of worn of the recycled glass materials was between 297–840 micron
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

Table 1: Mix proportions and fresh properties.

Mixture proportions
Control Mix M0 RMC Mix M1 RMC Mix M2 RMC Mix M3
(m3 ) (1.25 m3 ) (1.25 m3 ) (1.25 m3 )
Cement (kg) 360 360 360 360
Coarse aggregate (kg) 1130 960.5 960.5 565
Fine aggregate (kg) 580 580 580 290
Water (kg) 180 180 180 180
Defoaming agent (mL) 0 0 360 360
Air entrainment agent (mL) 90 0 0 0
Ground tire rubber (kg) 0 169.5 169.5 169.5
Recycled concrete (kg) 0 0 0 395.5
Crushed glass (kg) 0 0 0 290
Superplasticizer (mL) 0 0 0 300
Fresh properties
Slump (mm) 150 150 150 150
Air content (%) 4.5 16.0 5.5 9
Measured density (kg/m3 ) 2350 2100 2300 2050

(Figure 2). The defoaming agent used was Rhodoline 1010 frequency of the sample at each test interval. The relative
manufactured by Brenntag Industries. The air entrainment dynamic modulus of elasticity and the Durability Factors
admixture used was Darex II manufactured by Grace Con- were calculated according to ASTM C666.
struction Products. The recycled coarse aggregate used in the Finally, one 300 mm × 100 mm round panel was cast for
study had a maximum nominal size of 9.5 mm, and it had control Mix M0 and RMC Mix M3 for a total of two such
been washed and brought to SSD conditions before mixing. panels, on which torrent permeability tests were performed
Batches were prepared as per ASTM C192. [27]. Torrent is a surface permeability test which determines
Slump tests (ASTM C143) and air content tests (ASTM the ease with which concrete surface can get saturated.
C173) were carried out on fresh mixture and the values are
reported in Table 1. The mixes containing ground tire rubber 4. Results
were more difficult to work with and showed slightly more
4.1. Strength. The strengths measured at 7 and 28 days are
segregation in the fresh state.
given, respectively, in Figures 4 and 5(a). In Figure 5(b), the
From each mix, ten standard 100 mm × 200 mm cylin- 28-day elastic moduli are also plotted.
ders were cast for a total of 40 cylinders. Cylinders were When mixes M0 and M1 are compared, a steep reduction
moist cured for at least 28 days following which compressive in the compressive strength at both ages is apparent. This
strength tests were performed as per ASTM C69. An 890 kN has been reported often by others and is most likely related
capacity Forney Compressive Testing Machine was used. to the increased air content (from 4.5% to 16.0%) and
From each batch, five specimens were tested at an age of an apparent lack of bond between the tire rubber and the
7 days, and the remaining five were tested at an age of 28 paste. The addition of a defoaming agent does bring down
days. For the tests at 28 days, elastic modulus values were also the air significantly from 16% to 5.5% (almost to the level
determined using a deformation cage as per ASTM C469. of control concrete), but the compressive strength in the
Air content values in Table 1 indicated that while the defoamed mixture (M2) increased only marginally. It seems
air content was reduced as a result of defoamer addition, likely that the loss of strength in mixtures with scrap tires is
one needed to further characterize the nature of air that not only due to the increased air but also due to poor bond
was left behind. To gain this understanding, six 75 mm × between scrap tire and cement paste. It is also conceivable
100 mm × 405 mm prismatic beams were cast from each that the 5.5% air left in Mix M2 is of a different nature. To
mix, for a total of 24 such beams, for freeze-thaw testing. try and determine the type and nature of the voids present
For Mixes M1 and M2 following a cyclic exposure to freezing in concrete containing ground rubber, we turn to fracture
and thawing in an automated freeze-thaw chamber, damage mechanics.
was quantified using ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) mea- Assuming that linear elastic fracture mechanics applies to
surements (ASTM C597) and compared with the Control concrete, the condition determining unstable tensile fracture
Mix M0. For Mix M3, ASTM C666 was followed, and the in Mode I when an internal flaw of size 2a is present is given
damage was quantified using the Resonant Frequency Test by
(ASTM C215). The change in the resonant frequency of each √
specimen was monitored at regular intervals of every 35 KIC = Y σc πa, (1)
cycles using a Sonometer. The dynamic modulus of elasticity where KIC is Plain Strain Fracture Toughness (i.e., Critical
was determined by measuring the fundamental transverse Stress Intensity Factor) in Mode I, Y is a dimensionless
4 Advances in Civil Engineering


Passing (%)
Figure 1: Recycled ground rubber. 100 10 1 0.1
Grain size (mm)

Gradation curve

Figure 3: Ground tire gradation curve.

7-day strengths

Strength (MPa)


Figure 2: Recycled glass. 5

parameter that depends on the specimen and crack geome-

tries, and σc is the failure stress. M0 M2
Equation (1) can also be written in the form of maximum M1 M3
allowable flaw size (ac ) that will trigger an unstable fracture Figure 4: 7-day compressive strengths.
ac = . (2)
π σc Y cement-paste. This entrapment of air would lead to poor
bond between rubber and concrete and a dramatic reduction
For concrete, KIC can be taken as 0.2 MPa m1/2 [28]. For a in the compressive strength. Even for mixes where defoaming
finite cylinder with a flaw much smaller than the cylinder agent was added although there was an overall reduction in
width, Y can be taken as 1.0 [29]. the air content down to the level of Control concrete, the
Finally, the tensile strength of concrete (σc ) can be remaining air still gathered at the rubber-concrete interface
estimated from its compressive strength ( fc ) as [30] and continued to weaken the bond and persistently lowered
 the strength. The concept is illustrated in Figure 6. Notice
σc = 0.94 fc . (3) that the Mix M1 in Figures 6(b) entrapped significantly
greater amounts of air over Mix M0 in Figure 6(a). While
Substituting the appropriate values into (2), we find that
the Mixes M2 and M3 saw improvements and air contents
over M1, the remaining air still persistently congregated
(a) M0, ac = 0.48 mm, or the allowable flaw size = 2ac = at the interfaces, and no appreciable strength gains over
0.96 mm, M0 were achievable. Air in M1, M2, and M3 continued to
(b) M1, ac = 2.05 mm, or the allowable flaw size = 2ac = reside in flocculated, continuous and elongated voids causing
4.10 mm. large stress concentration and drop of strength. This also
conceivably increased the permeability to water and the ease
Interestingly, approximately 40% of the ground rubber with which M1, M2, and M3 became saturated and depicted
in the mix has a nominal length of around 4 mm (Figure 3) lower resistance to freezing and thawing as will be seen later.
which corresponds to the approximate predicted flaw size Bringing other recycled materials in the mix (recycled
in M1. It implies, therefore, that most of the air in the aggregate and crushed glass) further increases the air from
mixes containing ground rubber is trapped at the interfaces 5.5% to 9%. This is expected as recycled aggregate do entrap
between rubber and concrete and not entrained in the air by themselves. This increase in air is also accompanied
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

28-day strengths work to try and formulate the relationship between strength,
density, and elastic modulus for concrete containing ground
Strength (MPa)

4.2. Freeze Thaw Resistance. In order to further understand
the nature of air voids in concrete carrying scrap tire and
other recycled materials, freeze-thaw tests were performed as
5 per ASTM C666. Freeze thaw resistance was assessed using
0 ultrasonic pulse velocity measurements for Mixes M0, M1
and M2, while the Resonant Frequency measurements were
M0 M2 carried out on Mixes M0 and M3. Photographs of specimens
M1 M3
after 210 cycles of freezing and thawing are given in Figure 8.
(a) Notice that Mixes M1 and M2 both containing rubber
×103 show a significantly lower initial UPV reading compared to
30 the control, a difference that persists over the entire duration
of the freeze-thaw test. This finding is reasonable, as the
25 addition of rubber is believed to have a damping effect on
28 day elastic modulus (MPa)

wave propagation, mainly due to the provision of extra air

voids [31, 32]. M2 initially does not have as much of a
decrease in UPV readings compared to the control, as the air
content is almost the same as that of mix M0.
Notice in Figure 9 that while the control concrete was
able to sustain 300 cycles of freezing and thawing without
10 any drop in the ultrasonic pulse velocity reading, the
addition of the rubber (Mix M1) had adverse consequences
5 on UPV starting at a very low number of freeze-thaw
cycles. Additionally these samples exhibited severe scaling
0 (Figure 8). The mix with defoaming agent fared marginally
M0 M1 M2 M3 better in comparison to the nondefoamed concrete, but
(b) ultimately still showed a marked decrease in UPV in a
freeze-thaw environment. The result of the UPV decrease
Figure 5: (a) 28-day compressive strengths, (b) 28-day elastic mod- will be correlated later with a drop in dynamic modulus
as determined in ASTM C666 that were performed on
Mixes M0 and M3. Such a correlation has been previously
attempted by Mirmiran and Wei [33] and by Yildiz and Ugur
by a corresponding drop in the compressive strength (and [34]. More specifically, UPV measurement were carried out
modulus of Mix M3) at both ages. on ASTM C666 at failure for Mix M3 and that value of UPV
Based on the data obtained, the following empirical was used to determine freeze-thaw failure cycle for Mixes M1
equation (4) is proposed to try and estimate the Elastic and M2. This was considered to be an acceptable approach as
Modulus of Ground Rubber Concrete based on its strength Mixes M1, M2, and M3 all had very similar 28-day strength.
and density: In Figure 10, the freeze-thaw durability of Mix M3 is
2 compared with control Mix M0 using the ASTM C666 speci-
E = 0.001σ 0.5 γ , (4) fied criteria of resonant frequency (and thereby the dynamic
where E is the elastic modulus of concrete with ground modulus) and the resulting durability factor (Figure 11).
rubber (MPa), σ is the compressive strength of ground Notice that Mix M3 sustained far greater number of cycles
rubber concrete (MPa), and γ is the density of concrete than Mixes M1 and M2 but still did not approach the
(kg/m3 ). performance of the control and did not sustain the required
ACI 318 has established an empirical relationship, be- 300 cycles.
tween Elastic Modulus, Strength, and Density as: For Mix 3 the specimen failed after 210 cycles according
to ASTM C666 since the durability factor dropped below 60
E = 0.043γ1.5 σ 0.5 . (5) percent. The UPV value was recorded at this point as being
3050 m/s (Figure 12). In comparison, Mix 1 reached this
Using these two equations, the predicted results versus the failure point after 116 cycles and Mix 2 failed after 171 cycles.
actual results are shown in Figure 7. Defoamer appears to have a positive effect, as it increases the
Therefore, although the data set with which (4) was time to failure by to 32.2% compared to the defoamer-free
derived is quite limited, it compares quite well with not mix.
only measured results, but also with predictions from ACI One of the reasons why a particular concrete mix would
318 which is based on a large amount of empirical data. perform poorly under freeze-thaw cycling is its void struc-
Therefore, we believe it still may be used as a basis for future ture. Concrete which contains entrained air will be more
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

Void around Void around

rubber causes rubber causes
weak bond weak bond

M0 M1 M2/M3

Figure 6: Comparison different shapes of voids in concrete.

35 Control

Elastic modulus (MPa)


10 M2

M0 M1 M2
Measured value
ACI prediction
Figure 8: Beam samples after 210 freeze-thaw cycles.
Our prediction

Table 2: Torrent permeability measurements.

Figure 7: Predicted results versus actual results using (4) and (5).
Control Mix M0 RMC Mix M3
Permeability coefficient
0.063 × 10−16 0.157 × 10−16
durable and have more freeze-thaw resistance. Entrained air (kT) (m2 )
produces discrete, nearly spherical bubbles in the cement
paste so that no channels for the flow of water are formed
and the permeability of the concrete is not increased [35].
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
Excess water is able to escape into these air filled voids and (1) Addition of ground tire rubber into a concrete mix
damage of concrete due to freeze thaw conditions will not greatly increases the air content of the mix, but it
occur. Entrapped air will form larger, interconnected voids, seems possible to reduce the air content to acceptable
may lower concrete strength, and subsequently lower freeze- levels by using a defoamer.
thaw resistance. (2) When recycled aggregates and glass are brought into a
To assess the possibility, torrent permeability tests were mix containing ground tire rubber, air contents move
performed and the results are given in Table 2. Notice that up again, and the defoamer is less effective.
Mix M3 was far more permeable compared to control Mix (3) In concrete mixtures containing ground tire rubber,
M0. The increase in permeability is further evidence that while a defoaming agent may reduce the air appre-
the additional air voids formed due to the inclusion of ciably, a proportional increase in the compressive
ground rubber in the mix is of the nonentrained nature strength is not noticed. This implies that the remain-
and coagulating at the rubber-concrete interface as proposed ing air in the defoamed mixture is of poor quality.
earlier in this paper. Specifically, the voids appear to be less dispersed,
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

5000 120
4000 100

Durability factor (DF)

UPV (m/s)

3000 80
2000 60
1000 40
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 20
Number of cycle
Regular RMC mix 2 0 100 200 300
RMC mix 1 UPV critical Number of cycle

Figure 9: Freeze-thaw resistance using UPV values as a function of

RMC mix 3
cycles. Regular

120 Figure 11: Average durability factor versus no freeze-thaw cycles.

Relative dynamic modulus of elasticity, Pc (%)

80 250
60 150 300
100 171 210
50 116
M0 M1 M2 M3
Number of Cycles

0 Figure 12: Number of freeze-thaw cycles survived (N f ) by various

0 100 200 300 mixes.
Number of cycle

RMC mix 3 Acknowledgments

Figure 10: Average relative dynamic modulus of elasticity versus The authors wish to acknowledge the help of Mr. Patrick
freeze-thaw cycles. McConnell for supplying the recycled materials used in this
study. Also, they would like to thank Mr. Adrien Drochon,
Mr. Sylvian Lioux, Ms. Saakshi Mahajan, and Ms. Roxanna
Mousavi for their assistance in the lab with specimen prepa-
elongated, and coagulate at the rubber-concrete
ration and testing.
interface, thereby affecting the bond and reducing
overall strength. These observations were further
supported by freeze-thaw and permeability testing. References
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footprint,” International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, vol.
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required, they may still be used in nonstructural and B. Huang, “Development of waste tire modified concrete,”
applications such as partition walls, road barriers, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 2283–2289,
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[5] I. B. Topçu and M. Canbaz, “Properties of concrete containing [23] B. S. Mohammed, “Structural behavior and m-k value of
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Concrete Research, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 1975–1980, 2004. of concrete with ground waste tire rubber,” Transportation
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Civil Engineering
Volume 2011, Article ID 478475, 12 pages

Research Article
Seismic Performance Comparison of a High-Content SDA Frame
and Standard RC Frame

John W. van de Lindt1 and R. Karthik Rechan2

1 Departmentof Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA
2 Departmentof Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Campus Delivery 1372, Fort Collins,
CO 80523-1372, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to John W. van de Lindt, [email protected]

Received 3 November 2010; Accepted 24 June 2011

Academic Editor: J. Antonio H. Carraro

Copyright © 2011 J. W. van de Lindt and R. K. Rechan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

This study presents the method and results of an experiment to study the seismic behavior of a concrete portal frame with
fifty percent of its cement content replaced with a spray dryer ash (SDA). Based on multiple-shake-table tests, the high content
SDA frame was found to perform as well as the standard concrete frame for two earthquakes exceeding design-level intensity
earthquakes. Hence, from a purely seismic/structural standpoint, it may be possible to replace approximately fifty percent of
cement in a concrete mix with SDA for the construction of structural members in high seismic zones. This would help significantly
redirect spray dryer ash away from landfills, thus, providing a sustainable greener alternative to concrete that uses only Portland
cement, or only a small percentage of SDA or fly ash.

1. Introduction the majority of SO2 emissions into the atmosphere are due
to coal fired power plants, many coal fired power plants
Ash is a byproduct obtained during the combustion of coal. in the United States are now utilizing spray dry absorbers
Fly ash is generally obtained from the chimneys of coal-fired for the reduction of these SO2 gas emissions. The result is
power plants. Depending on the amount of calcium, silica, SDA which has material and behavioral properties similar
iron, and alumina content of the ash there are two classes of to fly ash, but a different chemical makeup. In this process
fly ash as defined by ASTM C618, specifically Class C and alkali sorbents such as lime (CaO) or calcium hydroxide
Class F fly ash. Class C fly ash has high-calcium content, and (Ca(OH)2 ) are mixed with water to form an aqueous slurry
its carbon content is usually less than two percent, while Class [2]. This slurry is sprayed into the flue gas in a cloud of
F fly ash has a low-calcium content with a carbon content fine droplets. SO2 is then captured with this sorbent and
usually less than five percent. Fly Ash, due to its pozzolanic is dried by the heat of the flue gases. The dried mix of
properties is often used as an additive to Portland cement in the sorbent and SO2 is collected. The ash utilized in the
concrete production. The use of fly ash in concrete increases project described in this paper was from the Platte River
the strength and durability of the concrete and also decreases Power Authority’s Rawhide Power Plant (RPP) which uses
the heat of hydration and permeability of the concrete. The the SDA system. The ash obtained from RPP power plant has
use of fly ash in concrete helps to reduce environmental a unit mass of 2.1 g/cc, and, due to its high sulphur content
pollution, because for every ton of fly ash used to replace its chemical properties and mineralogical properties [3] are
Portland cement in the manufacture of concrete, there is a slightly different, and, therefore, it cannot be classified as
reduction of carbon dioxide emissions which is, for example, Class C ash.
equal to the amount of carbon dioxide generated from the There have been numerous studies conducted on the
average automobile during a two-month period [1]. Since use of ash in concrete. Swamy et al. [4] conducted tests
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

Plan of prototype

All beams 600 mm × 600 mm (24 × 24 ) All columns 600 mm × 600 mm (24 × 24 )

C4 C3 C3 C4
B3 B3 B3
4572 mm (15 0 )




B1 B1 B1
C2 C1 C1 C2
4572 mm (15 0 )




B1 B1 B1
C2 C1 C1 C2
4572 mm (15 0 )




B3 B3 B3
C4 C3 C3 C4

7315 mm (24 0 ) 7315 mm (24 0 ) 7315 mm (24 0 )

Figure 1: Plan of the prototype structure.

fly ash can exhibit structural performance similar to that

of conventional concrete with adequate safety factors used
in existing design codes at the time. The results of their
study also showed that structural concrete components can
be designed to incorporate fly ash at quantities as high as 30
percent cement replacement, by weight.
Joshi et al. [5] studied the engineering properties of non-
air-entrained concrete. Laboratory tests were conducted on
both fly ash concrete and ordinary Portland cement concrete
specimens. Based on properties such as compressive, flexural,
indirect tensile strengths, and additional nondestructive
tests, it was concluded that fly ash concrete could be used
as a construction material for the core of a gravity dam
Figure 2: Experimental setup of the model on the shake table.
and for pavement subbase. Hussain and Rasheeduzzafar [6]
conducted accelerated corrosion tests on reinforced concrete
specimens made of plain cement concrete and fly ash blended
cement concrete. The results of the test showed superior
on reinforced concrete fly ash concrete beams and slabs corrosion resistance of fly ash concrete when compared to
containing normal weight aggregates and light weight aggre- plain cement concrete. Pigeon and Malhotra [7] designed
gates. The results of their tests showed that concrete with four high-volume fly ash-compacted concrete mixes by fixing
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

Beam B2 prototype

370 mm A 370 mm
(14.6 ) 3-no. 8 bars end at 6 3-no. 8 bars end at 6 (14.6 )
5-no. 8

60 mm
(2.5 )
600 mm
(24 )
4-no. 8

60 mm
(2.5 )
2-no. 8 bars end at 6 2-no. 8 bars end at 6
600 mm 600 mm
(24 ) (24 )
3962 mm (13 0 )
4572 mm (15 0 )
1220 mm (4 0 ) No. 4-2 leg hoops 1220 mm (4 0 )
No. 4-3 leg hoops at 250 mm (10 ) C/C No. 4-3 leg hoops
at 125 mm (5 ) C/C at 125 mm (5 ) C/C

Section along A-A

600 mm (24 )
5-no. 8
600 mm (24 )

No. 4-3 leg hoops

4-no. 8

Figure 3: Reinforcement detail of prototype beam B2.

the amount of fly ash to the total cementitious material loss, compressive strength, variations in volume, presence of
content. Laboratory investigations were carried out on air- the products of degradation, and microstructural changes
entrained and non-air-entrained concrete mixes, and the were the chief parameters which were studied. The results of
results showed that frost resistance of air-entrained concrete the study showed that AAFA cement pastes performed sat-
mixes was slightly more than that of non-air-entrained isfactorily in aggressive environments, and the degradation
concrete mixes. The results of this study recommended the of the materials resulting from such processes was distinctly
use of air entrainment for roller-compacted high-volume fly different from that of the ordinary Portland cement paste.
ash concretes. The AAFA mortars were found to be compliant with the 16-
Dinelli et al. [9] conducted experiments to find the day expansion limit stipulated in ASTM standard C 1260-94
possibility of partial or complete substitution of traditional on potential alkali-silica reactivity.
aggregates in light weight concrete with aggregates made Van de Lindt et al. [11] carried out a study to investigate
of fly ash. The results of their experiments demonstrated the possibility of increasing the thermal efficiency of a light
that traditional aggregate could be substituted with aggregate frame residential structure through the addition of fly ash-
made of fly ash. Fernandez-Jimenez et al. [10] studied the scrap tire fiber composite to traditional fiberglass insulation
durability of alkali-activated fly ash (AAFA) cement under in light-frame wood residential construction. They found
different conditions and in a number of aggressive environ- that the fly ash-scrap tire composite not only provided a
ments such as deionized water, ASTM sea water, sodium sustainable supplement to traditional insulation but also
sulphate, and acidic solutions. Studies were also made with helped to significantly reduce the environmental issues
respect to alkali-silica reaction-induced expansion. Weight associated with the disposal of these materials by diverting
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 1: Details of beam B1.

Mu, KN-m As, mm2 pi Mn, KN-m Mpr, KN-m
Case Location Sway direction Reinforcement provided
(k-ft) (in2 ) (k-ft) (k-ft)
Exterior end −591.27 3,567.73 −656.80 −888.41
1 Left 7-No 8
Negative moment (−436.1) (5.53) (−484.43) (−655.26)
Exterior end −591.27 3,567.73 −656.80 -888.41
2 Right 7-No 8
Negative moment (−436.1) (5.53) (−484.43) (−655.26)
Exterior end 295.64 2,038.71 392.12 536.82
3 Right 4-No 8
Positive moment (218.05) (3.16) (289.21) (395.94)
Exterior end 295.64 2,038.71 392.12 536.82
4 Left 4-No 8
Positive moment (218.05) (3.16) (289.21) (395.94)
Midspan 147.81
5 1-No 9
Positive moment (109.02)

Table 2: Details of beam B2.

Mu, KN-m As, mm2 pi Mn, KN-m Mpr, KN-m
Case Location Sway direction Reinforcement provided
(k-ft) (in2 ) (k-ft) (k-ft)
Exterior end −448.02 2,548.38 −483.175 −658.93
1 Left 5-No 8
Negative moment (−330.44) (3.95) (−356.35) (−485.97)
Exterior end −448.02 2,548.38 −483.175 −658.93
2 Right 5-No 8
Negative moment (−330.44) (3.95) (−356.35) (−485.97)
Exterior end 295.64 2,038.71 323.23 443.75
3 Right 4-No 8
Positive moment (218.05) (3.16) (238.38) (327.27)
Exterior end 295.64 2,038.71 323.23 443.75
4 Left 4-No 8
Positive moment (218.05) (3.16) (238.38) (327.27)
Midspan 83.91
5 2-No 8
Positive moment (61.89)

Table 3: Scale factors used for modeling.

Same material and acceleration (Model)

Quantity General case
Required Provided
Geometric length, l Sl = 3.0 Sl = 3.0 Sl = 3.0
Elastic modulus, E SE = 1.0 SE = 1.0 SE = 1.0
Acceleration, a Sa = (= 1/Sl ∗ SE /Sρ ) Sa = 1.0 Sa = 1.0
Density, ρ Sρ = SE /(Sl Sa ) Sρ = .33 Sρ = 1.0

Velocity, v Sv = (Sl Sa ) Sv = 1.73 Sv = 1.73
Forces, f S f = SE S2l S f = 9.0 S f = 9.0
Stress, σ Sσ = SE Sσ = 1.0 Sσ = 1.0
Strain, ε Sε = 1.0 Sε = 1.0 Sε = 1.0
Area, A SA = S2l SA = 9.0 SA = 9.0
Volume, V SV = S3l SV = 27 SV = 27.0
Second moment of area, I SI = S4l SI = 81 SI = 81.0
Mass, m Sm =Sρ S3l Sm = 9 Sm = 27
Impulse, i Si = S3l (Sρ SE ) Si = 15.59 Si = 27
Energy, e Se S3l
Se =  Se = 27.0 Se = 27.0
Frequency, ω Sω = 1/Ss (SE /Sρ ) Sω = 0.58 Sω = 0.33

Time (Period), t St = Sl /Sa St = 1.73 St = 1.73
Gravitational acceleration, g Sg = 1.0 Sg = 1.0 Sg = 1.0
Gravitational force, fg Sfg = Sρ S3l Sfg = 9.0 Sfg = 27.0
Critical damping, ξ Sξ = 1.0 Sξ = 1.0 Sξ = 1.0
All the scale factors are obtained from [8].
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

610 mm (24 )
610 mm (2 0 )
No. 4-3 leg hoop in each
direction at 100 mm (4 ) C/C
3048 mm (10 0 )

2743 mm (9 0 )

No. 4-3 leg hoop in each

direction at 150 mm (6 ) C/C

610 mm (2 0 )

No. 4-3 leg hoop in each

direction at 100 mm (4 ) C/C
First hoop at 50 mm (2 ) from
the face of column

12-no. 8
610 mm (24 )

No. 4-3 leg hoop

in each direction

610 mm (24 )

Figure 4: Reinforcement detail of the prototype column.

them from a landfill. Other numerous studies have been same ground motions. Figure 1 shows the plan view of
conducted over the past decades with most of them focusing the three storey office building that served as the example
on fly ash concrete and its use as a concrete additive. building for this study. The building was designed for seismic
The objective of this study was to evaluate the seismic load conditions per ASCE 7-05 [12] and seismic detailing
behavior of concrete portal frames when replacing fifty according to ACI 318-05 [13] as if it were situated in Los
percent of their cement content with spray dryer ash (SDA) Angeles, California. A mid bay portal frame was selected
and comparing that with the seismic behavior of ordinary as the prototype frame, and, in total, four similar 1/3 scale
Portland cement concrete frames when subjected to the models of this frame were constructed for testing. Two
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

Plan of model

All beams 200 mm × 200 mm (8 × 8 ) All columns 200 mm × 200 mm (8 × 8 )

C4 C3 C3 C4
B3 B3 B3
1524 mm (5 0 )




B1 B1 B1
C2 C1 C1 C2
1524 mm (5 0 )




B1 B1 B1
C2 C1 C1 C2
1524 mm (5 0 )




B3 B3 B3
C4 C3 C3 C4

2440 mm (8 0 ) 2440 mm (8 0 ) 2440 mm (8 0 )

Figure 5: Plan of the 1/3rd scaled model.

Table 4: SDA concrete mix Design weights for 0.093 cubic meter Table 5: Type II Portland cement concrete mix design weights for
(1 cubic foot) of 50% SDA concrete. 0.093 cubic meter (1 cubic foot) of concrete.

Type II Portland cement 5.07 kg (11.17 lb) kg (lb)

Spray dryer ash 5.07 kg (11.17 lb) Water 6.44 (14.19)
Sand 24.21 kg (53.38 lb) Cement 14.94 (32.93)
19 mm (3/4 coarse aggregate) 32.49 kg (71.62 lb) 19 mm (3/4 ) coarse aggregate 22.68 (50.00)
Water 3.38 kg (7.46 lb) Fine aggregate 90.72 (200)
High-range water reducer 3.3 mL
W/CM ratio 0.33
Compressive strength MPa (psi) 2. Design and Construction
7 days 20.04 (2907) 2.1. Frame Design. The frame tested on the shake table was
21 days 37.79 (5482) selected from the center bay of a three story office building
28 days 46.91 (6803) having three bays in both the X and Y directions as shown in
Figure 1. The office building was selected such that there were
no plan irregularities or vertical irregularities. A 200 mm
(8 inch) thick reinforced concrete slab was assumed for the
frames were constructed with fifty percent SDA concrete load calculations on beams. Design loads and load factors
and the other two frames were constructed with ordinary were selected as per the seismic load combinations from
Portland cement concrete. ASCE 7-05 [12]. The prototype frames were selected for
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

Beam detail of model

3 bars with As = 56.774 mm2 3 bars with As = 56.774 mm2

(0.088 in2 ) (0.088 in2 )
End at 600 mm (2 0 ) End at 600 mm (2 0 )
123 mm (4.86 )

20 mm (0.83 )
135 mm (5.33 )

200 mm (8 ) 200 mm (8 )

1525 mm (5 0 )

355 mm (1 4 ) 355 mm (1 4 ) 355 mm (1 4 )

Provide 1–3 leg hoops with Provide 2 leg hoops with Provide 1–3 leg hoops with
As = 20.258 mm2 (0.0314 in2 ) As = 20.258 mm2 (0.0314 in2 ) As = 20.258 mm2 (0.0314 in2 )
at 17 mm (0.67 ) at 40 mm (1.67 ) C/C at 17 mm (0.67 )
from the face of the column from the face of the column
Rest at 40 mm (1.67 ) C/C Rest at 40 mm (1.67 ) C/C

Section along A-A

5 bars with As = 56.77 mm2 (0.088 in2 )

200 mm (8 )
20 mm (0.83 )
200 mm (8 )

3 leg stirrups with As = 20.258 mm2

(0.0314 in2 ) at 40 mm (1.67 ) C/C
20 mm (0.83 )

20 mm (0.83 )

4 bars with As = 56.77 mm2 (0.088 in2 )

Figure 6: Reinforcement details of the 1/3rd scaled beam B2.

the design such that two 1/3 scaled frames were able to 2.2. Beam Design. The beams were designed as the flexu-
be placed parallel to each other and tested on the shake ral members of special moment-resisting frames (SMRFs)
table. The frames were designed as reinforced concrete according to special provisions for seismic design from
special moment frames (SMF) for seismic resistance as per chapter 21 of the American Concrete Institute code. The
seismic detailing provisions of ACI 318-05 [13]. The material maximum design loads for the analysis of the frame were
strengths assumed for the design were ASTM Grade 60 steel, determined from the above load combinations and the storey
f y = 414 MPa (60 ksi), and ordinary type II Portland cement shear was applied to each storey. The design shear forces
concrete having a 28-day compressive strength of 27.6 MPa are based on the factored dead loads, live loads, plus the
(4000 psi). shear due to hinging at the ends of the beams for the frames
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

204 mm (0.67 )
3 leg hoop
in each direction
at 30 mm (1.33 ) C/C
As = 20.258 mm2 (0.03141 in2 )
1052 mm (3.33 )

941.63 mm (3 0 )

3 leg hoop
in each direction
at 50 mm (2 ) C/C
As = 20.258 mm2 (0.03141 in2 )

204 mm (0.67 ) 3 leg hoop

in each direction
at 50 mm (2 ) C/C
As = 20.258 mm2 (0.03141 in2 )

12 bars with
As = 56.77 mm2 (0.088 in2 )
200 mm (8 )
(8 )

3 leg hoop
200 mm

in each direction with

As = 20.258 mm2 (0.03141 in2 )

Figure 7: Reinforcement detail of the 1/3rd scaled column.

Table 6: Ground motion details of earthquakes used to excite the structure.

Earthquake event & year File name Station Peak ground acceleration (g)
Northridge (1994) Nor5 LA—Hollywood Storage 0.778
Landers (1992) Lan1 Desert Hot Springs 0.875

swaying either to the left or to the right. Beams having used in the design of the beams B1 and B2 are shown in
cross-section (c/s) 609.6 mm × 609.6 mm (24 × 24 ) were Tables 1 and 2. The interested reader is referred to ACI 318-
designed according to section 21.3 of the ACI code. The 05 code for a detailed procedure of beam design for a SMRF.
ultimate moment, Mu , reinforcement selected for the beam Figure 3 presents the resulting detailing of the reinforcement
c/s, nominal moment, ϕMn , and the probable moment, Mpr , for the beams.
Advances in Civil Engineering 9


Acceleration (g)
−0.8 Peak −0.875

12.10.2008 −1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (s)
Figure 8: Formwork before pouring of concrete.
Figure 9: Time-compressed acceleration record for the 1992
Landers earthquake.
Table 7: Test sequence.

Test sequence Ground motions Peak ground acceleration (g)

1 Lan1 0.875
2 Nor5 0.778
3 Nor5 0.778
4 Nor5 0.778
5 Nor5 0.973

2.3. Column Design. The Columns were designed as per ACI

section 21.4.2 using the strong column weak beam concept.
This type of design care is taken to ensure that plastic Figure 10: Shear crack in the column of the SDA concrete frame
hinges first form in the beams and not in the columns; after test sequence 1.
hence the risk of lateral instability (leading to collapse)
is minimized. The prototype column had a cross-section
608 mm × 608 mm (24 × 24 ) with 12-#8 bars; however, the respectively. Hence, by referring to Table 3, one can see that
interaction diagram is not
 presented here for brevity. From a yield force scale factor of 9 is used to find the required
the interaction diagram, Mnc was found to be 1,721.89  kN- area of the reinforcing steel in the model. Thus, bars having
m (1270 kip-ft) which is greater than 6/5 the value of Mnb areas of 56.8 mm2 (0.088 in2 ) and 14.2 mm2 (0.022 in2 ) must
which was found to be 967.62 kN-m (713.676 kip-ft) when be provided for reinforcement in the model. Threaded steel
no. 4 bars with 3 leg hoops in each direction are provided bar having a diameter of 9.52 mm (3/8 ), that is, and cross-
as per the requirements of the ACI code to resist shear and sectional area of 71 mm2 (0.11 in2 ) was used, and 5.08 mm
for the confinement of longitudinal bars in the column. The (0.2 ) diameter galvanized steel wires having cross-area
beam column joint was designed as per section 21.5 of the of 20.3 mm2 (0.0314 in2 ) were used as flexural and shear
ACI code. The detailing of the prototype column is shown in reinforcement in model, respectively. All-thread rods were
Figure 4. used instead of no. 3 rebar as the effective area excluding
threads is less than that of no. 3 rebar and close to the
2.4. Model Scaling Law. The model was scaled by using required area of 56.8 mm2 (0.088 in2 ). Figures 6 and 7 show
the Buckingham pi theorem [14]. The Buckingham pi the reinforcement details of the model.
theorem states that any dimensionally homogenous equation
involving certain physical quantities can be reduced to an 2.5. Mix Designs. The material properties and compressive
equivalent equation involving a complete set of dimension- strength of the model and the prototype are considered to
less products. Figure 5 shows the plan view for the one-third be the same; hence, the scale factor of one is considered for
scale model of the prototype. Design and properties of one the mix design since the acceleration and the materials of
third scale model structures have been tested successfully the model and the prototype are the same, as can be seen
before (see, e.g., [8]). The length factor used for scaling is in Table 3.
3 and Table 3 shows the scale factors for other quantities. The mix design for the spray dryer ash (SDA) concrete
The reinforcement bars provided for the prototype beams mix was obtained from the study by King [15]. A few
and columns to resist flexure and shear are no. 8 and modifications were made to the mix design, specifically that
no. 4 bars having yield strength of 413.68 MPa (60 ksi). SDA was used instead of Class F fly ash as mentioned in the
The cross-sectional areas of no. 8 and no. 4 grade 60 original mix design. Fifty percent of cement and fifty percent
bars are 509.68 mm2 (0.79 in2 ) and 129.03 mm2 (0.2 in2 ), of SDA were used for the mix instead of 45% of cement and
10 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 8: Damage assessment of Portland cement concrete frame.

Portland cement concrete frame

sequence Columns Beams
C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B1
1 — — — — — —
Shear crack at both
Shear crack at the Shear crack at the
inner and outer faces
2 — outer face of the inner face of the — —
of the beam-column
beam-column joint beam-column joint
Vertical crack Vertical crack
Shear crack at the Vertical crack at the
extension towards the extending till the end
3 outer face of the — — end of the beam near
end of outer face of of the outer face of
beam-column joint column C3
the column the column
Vertical crack on the Shear crack at the
4 outer face of the — — outer face of the — —
column beam-column joint
5 — — — — — —

Displacement response total for the experiment. Specifically, two frames were made
of ordinary Portland cement concrete having a compressive
Peak 12.09 strength of 56.33 MPa (8170 psi), and two frames were made
of concrete in which 50% of the cement was replaced with
Displacement (mm)

SDA, having a compressive strength of 46.91 MPa (6803 psi).

Figure 8 shows the setup of the formwork just prior to
pouring. The column bars were extended about 150 mm
0 (6 inches) out of the formwork so that the two frames could
be tied together while testing thus restricting them from
−5 out of plane motion. The SDA concrete was poured, and
then plain cement concrete was poured into the remaining
−10 formwork one day apart. The concrete was allowed to cure
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
for 28 days, and the models were deemed ready for testing.
Time (s)
The seismic mass was calculated using a mass similitude
Concrete factor of 9, by referring to Table 3 and by using the mass
similitude procedure outlined in Bracci et al. [8]. The seismic
Figure 11: Displacement response of concrete frame, column after
mass to be placed on the model was found to be 8000 kg
test sequence 1.
(17600 lb). Figure 2 shows the setup of models with the
seismic mass on the shake table just prior to testing. Three
55% of fly ash as mentioned in their original mix design. displacement gauges were used to measure the displacement
Only 19 mm (3/4 ) diameter coarse aggregate was used since of the frames, one at the neutral axis of each beam and one
the model was 1/3 scale, and high-range water reducers were for shake table displacement.
used as mentioned in the mix design. The mix design and
the obtained compressive strengths of the SDA concrete are
4. Seismic Test Program
shown in Table 4 and this mix designs for Portland Cement
Concrete is shown in Table 5. The portal frames were both tested on the uniaxial shake
Both mix designs targeted a 28-day compressive strength table at Colorado State University using a total of five dif-
of 31.03 MPa (4500 psi). Both mix designs resulted in com- ferent earthquakes in succession. The Canoga Park recording
pressive strengths exceeding the desired compressive strength of the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake (recorded
but were felt to be reasonable to achieve comparative results at a site known as the Hollywood storage facility) and
and to assess whether a 50% SDA content mix could be used 1992 Landers earthquake were selected as input ground
in seismic design. Qualitatively, this difference was accounted motions. Table 6 provides the peak ground motion details
for in the performance comparison in the conclusions. for the scaling of the records used to excite the structure,
and Table 7 shows the name, peak ground acceleration,
3. Experimental Setup and the test sequence of the earthquakes used in the test
of each specimen. Figure 9 shows the time-compressed
A 4.57 m (15 ) long 1/3 scale portal frame from the center bay acceleration response for the 1992 Landers earthquake. The
of the plan (see Figure 5) was selected for design, construc- 1994 Northridge earthquake record is not shown here for
tion, and testing. Four portal frames were constructed in brevity. Referring to Table 3, one can see that the time
Advances in Civil Engineering 11

Table 9: Damage assessment of SDA concrete frame.

SDA concrete frame

Test sequence Columns Beams
C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2
Shear crack at the inner
A thick crack at the outer
1 — — face of the beam-column — —
face of the column edge
2 Vertical cracks on the Vertical crack on the outer
2 — — — —
outer face of the column face of the column
Diagonal crack at the Vertical crack on the outer
3 — — — —
outer face of the column face of column
Shear crack at the inner Shear crack at the inner Vertical crack on the
4 — — face of the beam-column face of the beam-column — inner face of the beam
joint joint near column C4
(a) Extended vertical
crack on the outer face of
(a) Horizontal crack the column
exactly below the (b) Base of the column
beam-column joint of damaged
5 — — column C3 and beam B2 (c) Vertical crack at the — —
(b) Vertical crack at mid mid height of the column
height on outer face of the (d) Horizontal crack
column exactly below the beam
column joint of the
column and beam B2

Table 10: Peak displacement response values of concrete and SDA Displacement response
concrete frames.
Peak displacement response values 5
Displacement (mm)

sequence Concrete frames SDA concrete frames

Column C2, Column C3, Column C2, ColumnC3, 0
mm mm mm mm
1 12.09 11.24 13.85 8.44 −5
2 11.94 10.6 11.46 9.77
3 9.99 10.46 12.89 11.87 −10
Peak −13.85
4 11.24 10.4 14 9.88
5 13.74 13.46 12.9 11.53 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (s)

was scaled by a square root of the length factor. Since
the scale factor for acceleration is unity, input acceleration Figure 12: Displacement response of SDA concrete frame, column
after test sequence 1.
values remain unchanged and time is simply compressed by
The concrete and SDA frame models were tested on the
shake table in the sequence shown in Table 7. Tables 8 and 9 top of the column for the Portland cement and SDA concrete
provide a summary of the damage assessment after each test frames, respectively. Through the inspection of these figures,
sequence for the Portland cement concrete and SDA concrete the one can see that the dynamic behavior is very similar for
frames, respectively. both the frame types.
Referring to the peak responses in Table 10, the peak By comparing the damage and peak displacement
displacement values of column C3 and Column C2 after response values in Table 10, it can be seen that until
test sequence 1 for the Portland cement concrete frame were test 2 both the SDA concrete frame and Portland cement
approximately equal to the peak displacements of Column concrete frame behaved in a similar manner with respect
C3 and Column C2 in the SDA concrete frame. Figure 10 to their damage levels for the same ground motions, with
shows a typical shear crack observed in the SDA frame the exception of the small shear crack. From test 3 to test
columns after the test sequence. Figures 11 and 12 present 4, it can be seen that the Portland cement concrete frame
the time history of the displacement response for Test 1 at the began to perform better than the SDA concrete frame from
12 Advances in Civil Engineering

a displacement perspective although similar damage was [4] N. Swamy, A. Sami, R. Ali, and D. D. Theodorakopoulos,
observed in both the frames. After test 5, the SDA frame “Early strength fly ash concrete for structural applications,”
had suffered slightly more damage overall when compared ACI Journal Proceedings, vol. 80, no. 5, pp. 414–423, 1983.
to that of the concrete frame, but the difference was felt to [5] R. C. Joshi, J. M. Oswell, and G. S. Natt, “Laboratory
be negligible considering the number and intensity of the investigations on concrete and geocrete with high fly ash
ground motions used as input during the tests. Additionally, contents,” in Proceedings of the International Ash Utilization
Symposium and Exposition, vol. 2, 1985.
the SDA frame, even after being damaged in tests 3 and 4,
[6] S. E. Hussain and Rasheeduzzafar, “Corrosion-resistance per-
had a slightly lower peak displacement in test 5. formance of fly-ash blended cement concrete,” ACI Materials
Journal, vol. 91, no. 3, pp. 264–272, 1994.
5. Summary and Conclusions [7] M. Pigeon and V. M. Malhotra, “Frost resistance of roller-
compacted high-volume fly ash concrete,” Journal of Materials
in Civil Engineering, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 208–211, 1995.
The objective of this study was to compare the experi-
[8] J. M. Bracci, A. M. Reinhorn, and J. B. Mander, “Seismic
mental seismic performance of 1/3 scale high SDA content resistance of reinforced concrete frame structures designed
concrete portal frames to conventional Portland cement only for gravity loads—part I: design and properties of one-
concrete portal frames when subjected to the same series third scale model structure,” Tech. Rep. NCEER -92-0027,
of earthquake ground motions. By comparing the damage 1992.
levels and displacement response plots of the SDA frame [9] G. Dinelli, G. Belz, C. E. Majorana, and B. A. Schrefler, “Exper-
to that of the Portland cement concrete frame after each imental investigation on the use of fly ash for lightweight pre-
earthquake, little difference was found in the response of cast structural elements,” Materials and Structures/Materiaux
the frames. It was only after test 3 that the SDA frame et Constructions, vol. 29, no. 194, pp. 632–638, 1996.
did not perform as well when compared to that of the [10] A. Fernandez-Jimenez, I. Garcı́a-Lodeiro, and A. Palomo,
Portland cement concrete frame. However, by the end of “Durability of alkali-activated fly ash cementitious materials,”
test 5 they had performed approximately equally. All three Journals of Material Science, vol. 42, no. 9, pp. 3055–3065,
of these shakes were more intense than the current design-
[11] J. W. van de Lindt, J. A. H. Carraro, P. R. Heyliger, and C.
basis earthquake for the location these frames were designed.
Choi, “Application and feasibility of coal fly ash and scrap
Development of shear cracks at the beam column joints in tire fiber as wood wall insulation supplements in residential
both Portland cement concrete frames and SDA concrete buildings,” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 52, no.
frames after a test sequence indicated that the frames behaved 10, pp. 1235–1240, 2008.
as per the designed strong column-weak beam concept. [12] ASCE, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Struc-
Regardless, there was no significant damage or structural tures, American Society of Civil Engineering; Structural
failure, such as a collapse, exhibited by either frame. From Engineering Institute, Reston, Va, USA, 2005.
a strictly structural standpoint, it can be stated that up to [13] E. Buckingham, “The principle of similitude,” Nature, vol. 96,
fifty percent of cement could be replaced with SDA in a no. 2406, pp. 396–397, 1915.
concrete mix in place of ordinary Portland cement concrete [14] ACI, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete,
for the construction of structural members in high seismic American concrete Institute 318-05, 2005.
zones. This is underscored by the fact that the SDA mix was [15] B. King, Making of Better Concrete, Guidelines to Using Fly Ash
slightly weaker in compressive strength and still performed, for High Quality Eco-Friendly Structures, Green Building Press,
in general, the same as the Portland cement frame. However,
work in the area of durability and corrosion of reinforcement
is needed prior to actual implementation of such a high
SDA content into structural concrete. Clearly, if this can
be studied and shown to be also viable from a ductility
standpoint, then contents as high as 50% SDA can be utilized
thus reducing the cost of construction. Further, SDA can be
recycled and diverted from landfills, thereby moving towards
greener construction.

[1] Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), April 2010, http:// .
[2] L. V. Heebink, “A review of literature related to the use of spray
dryer absorber material. Production, characterization, utiliza-
tion applications, barriers, and recommendations,” Tech. Rep.
1014915, Electric Power Research Institute, 2007.
[3] C. E. Riley, High-volume use of self-cementing spray dry
absorber material for structural applications, Ph.D. dissertation,
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colo, USA, 2009.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Civil Engineering
Volume 2011, Article ID 526256, 9 pages

Research Article
A Case History Study of the Recycling Efforts from
the United States Army Corps of Engineers Hurricane Katrina
Debris Removal Mission in Mississippi

Dennis Leroy Brandon, Victor Frank Medina, and Agnes Belinda Morrow
Engineer Research and Development Center, US Army Corps of Engineers, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Dennis Leroy Brandon, [email protected]

Received 1 March 2011; Revised 9 June 2011; Accepted 15 June 2011

Academic Editor: Monica Prezzi

Copyright © 2011 Dennis Leroy Brandon et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

In support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) managed the
removal of Hurricane Katrina storm debris in several states. This paper focuses on the debris removal practices in 16 southern
Mississippi counties and the recycling efforts. Debris was removed from public and private property. The debris included
vegetation, construction material, electronic waste, vehicles, and vessels. The scope of the USACE mission was expanded several
times. The scope within the respective counties varied from vegetation only to the removal of every eligible form of debris. The
recommendations proposed should enhance recycling efforts during future debris removal missions.

1. Introduction and the recycling practices during that mission. In addition,

the paper recommends changes from the Katrina experience
Hurricane Katrina was the costliest natural disaster in Amer- to enhance recycling.
ican history, generating more than 90.2 million m3 of debris
across Louisiana, and Mississippi. The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) assigned the US Army Corps 2. Description of the Corps of
of Engineers (USACE) responsibility for debris removal Engineers Debris Removal Mission
in localities where local governments were not capable of
handling debris removal [1]. The USACE Vicksburg District 2.1. Goals of the Federal Debris Removal Mission. The
managed the removal of more than 15.1 million m3 of debris debris removal goal of USACE was to manage all storm
from 16 southern MS counties (Figure 1): Clarke, Covington, debris in a timely, efficient, cost-effective manner that
Forrest, George, Greene, Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, Jones, also achieves environmental compliance [3]. To be eligible
Lamar, Leake, Lincoln, Newton, Perry, Pike, and Walthall for removal by the Federal response, the debris removal
[2]. The extent of the USACE mission in each county was must be in the “public interest,” which was defined as
determined by the county supervisors or the governing (1) eliminates immediate threats to life, public health and
officials in each municipality. Debris removal was conducted safety, (2) eliminates immediate threats of significant damage
between September 2005 and September 2006, and was to improved property, and (3) ensures economic recovery of
essentially complete in the northern counties by April 2006. the affected community to benefit the community at large
In Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson counties, debris removal [3]. If debris did not meet this criteria, then its removal was
continued until September 2006. In these counties, the the responsibility of the local land owner or the municipality.
USACE’s expanded mission included debris removal from
swimming pools, the removal of concrete foundations, and 2.2. Debris Categories. The debris was categorized as vege-
the removal of vehicles and vessels. This paper reviews the tative, household hazardous waste, construction and demo-
procedures utilized during Hurricane Katrina debris removal lition, white goods, electronic, vehicular, or marine vessel.
2 Advances in Civil Engineering




Lincoln Jones
Pike Walthall Lamar Greene


Figure 1: Mississippi County map. Counties that had their debris removal missions managed by the USACE are shaded and have name

Vegetative debris consists of whole trees, tree stumps, tree that contain hazardous materials, such as cathode ray tubes,
branches, tree trunks, and other leafy material. A tree is computer monitors and televisions. Typically, these products
considered hazardous if it is an immediate threat to lives, contain minerals and chemicals that require specific disposal
public health, and safety, or improved property. Leaners are methods [3]. Vehicular refer to automobiles, trucks, bases,
trees leaning at an angle greater than 30 degrees. Hangers are campers, motorcycles, and golf carts. Marine vessels include
damaged limbs still hanging from tree branches [3]. Leaners boats, trailers, and jet skis.
and hangers are an immediate threat to life and safety.
Leaners and hangers constitute a significant proportion of
the vegetative debris removed. Household hazardous waste 2.3. Types of Removal. The debris removal efforts were clas-
sified as either right of entry (ROE) or right of way (ROW).
is used or leftover contents of consumer products that
ROE involves debris removal from private property that was
contain chemicals defined in regulatory terms under the
conducted to meet the goals discussed above. Because it
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. These wastes
involved access to private property, ROE removals required
appear on one of the four hazardous waste lists or exhibit
documentation by which a property owner confers to the
one of the following characteristics: ignitability, corrosivity,
USACE the right to enter onto private property for debris
reactivity, or toxicity. Examples of household hazardous
removal without committing trespass. In instances where
waste include small quantities of normal household clean-
the property owner was not available, the USACE obtained
ing and maintenance products, latex and oil based paint,
documentation from the local government to conduct debris
cleaning solvents, gasoline, oils, swimming pool chemicals,
removal. The USACE created an ROE file for each parcel
pesticides, and propane gas cylinders. Construction and
entered. The ROE file documented site hazard assessments,
demolition debris can be defined as damaged components of coordination with the owner and subcontractor(s), FEMA
buildings and structures such as lumber and wood, gypsum approval and any historical preservation society assessment.
wallboard, glass, metal, roofing material, tile, carpeting and ROW refers to portions of land over which facilities such
floor coverings, window coverings, pipe, concrete, fully as highways, railroads, or power lines are built. These are
cured asphalt, equipment, furnishings, and fixtures. White generally public lands and included land on both sides of
goods were defined as discarded household appliances the facility up to a private property line [3]. The types of
such as refrigerators, freezers, air conditions, heat pumps, debris placed in the ROW or removed through ROE were
ovens, ranges, microwave ovens, space heaters, dishwashers, determined by local governing officials.
washing machines, clothes dryers and water heaters. Many
white goods contain ozone-depleting refrigerants, mercury,
or compressor oils that required removal and processing 2.4. Debris Management. Figure 2 outlines USACE debris
to protect the environment before the white goods could management procedures used during the Hurricane Katrina
be recycled. Electronic waste (e-waste) refers to electronics response. Vegetative debris, construction and demolition
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

Haul residual debris/ash for

Reduce debris by burning, disposal
grinding, or chipping for Disposal at a landfill
Temporary debris
Vegetative debris Pick up at right of storage and reduction wood chip, mulch, or
disposal process way or right of entry Haul debris composting
site Chips/mulch donated for
public, private, or
Documents and submit Haul vegetative product commercial use
reduction on weekly debris
management report

Household Transfer to a permitted

Household Pick up at right of Haul material hazardous debris Haul using appropriate hazardous waste facility
hazardous way or right of materials collection Sort and separate materials transporter
materials entry site
Transfer to a permitted
universal waste handler
or recycler

Remove residual food Haul residual food

Disposal at a type II
White goods Pick up at right of Approved
way or right of Haul debris temporary debris
disposal process
entry storage site Scrap metal processing
Remove and recycle
Haul processed facility
mercury switches and

Pick up at right of Approved

Electronics Haul debris Sort and separate
disposal way or right of temporary debris
materials. Prepare for Haul by gaylord box Electronic scrap
process entry storage site
shipping or pallets processor

Construction and Pick up at right of Disposal at a Sort and separate Scrap metal processing
demolition debris way or right of Haul debris materials. Prepare for Haul metal and concrete
permitted C and D facility
disposal process entry landfill shipping
Concrete recycler

Pick up at right of Haul tires Temporary debris

Tires disposal storage and reduction Sort and separate. Prepare Haul tires
process way or right of Transfer to tire recycler
site for shipping

Pick up at right of Temporary storage Transferred to a recycler

Vehicles and vessels Haul vehicles/ Haul using appropriate transporter
disposal process way or right of facility
entry vessels Released to owner

Figure 2

debris, household hazardous waste, white goods, and elec- Mississippi counties, which were used exclusively for the
tronic wastes were segregated and placed in the ROW. USACE removal mission (Table 1). TDSRS were established
Generally, homogenous loads of vegetative debris, white on private property, public property, and permitted landfills
goods, and electronic wastes were transported to tempo- [4–6]. Table 2 provides basic debris management costs from
rary debris storage and reduction sites (TDSRS), placed the USACE contract with AshBritt Environmental, who
in separate storage locations, further processed, and then served as the primary contractor [2]. Additionally, the
reduced or transferred to a recycling facility. Construction USACE performed the removal of storm-damaged vehicles,
and demolition debris was transported to permitted land- vessels and removed debris from swimming pools in selected
fills or TDSRS. Household hazardous waste was hauled jurisdictions [7]. The USACE base plan was to achieve all
to collection sites, sorted, and transported to permitted debris removal using cost elements of the AshBritt contract.
hazardous waste facilities or universal waste handlers. ROE The cost savings discussed in this paper are reductions
debris removal also involved homogeneous loads of debris from the base plan. These costs do not include USACE
removed from private property and debris placed in the administrative costs.
ROW. The vegetative debris included downed trees and
leaners and hangers removed from ROW or ROE. These 2.5. Recycling in the Debris Removal Mission. Recycling
were transported to TDSRS sites. The construction and disaster-related debris has financial and environmental
demolition debris was derived from demolition, structural advantages. These operations can decrease the overall cost
collapse, or offsite sources. of a debris removal operation by reducing the amount of
TDSRS were established to facilitate waste reduction and debris that is taken to a landfill. This diminishes the cost
reuse. The USACE established 44 TDSRS in 16 southern of final disposition in the form of tipping fees, which are
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 1: Debris (m3 ) removed from ROE and/or ROW in 16 Mississippi counties.

County Debris type@ Total debris ROE ROW No. TDSRS Vegetation reduction
Clarke V; CD 72,509 0 72,509 2 I (2)∗
Covington V; CD; HH; WG; EW 346,223 56,497 289,726 3 I (3)
Forrest V; CD; HH; WG; EW 1,876,870 255,422 1,621,448 5 I (1); G (5)
George V; CD; HH; WG; EW 480,970 165,658 315,312 2 G (1)
Greene V 3,782 0 3,782 1 I (1)
Hancock V; CD; HH; WG; EW;VV 4,137,377 1,617,215 2,520,162 6 I (1)
Harrison V; CD; HH; WG; EW;VV 1,046,314 548,391 497,923 1 G (1)
Jackson V; CD; HH; WG; EW;VV 3,324,483 609,073 2,715,410 6 G (1)
Jones V; CD; WG 1,474,217 0 1,474,217 4 I (2); G (2)
Lamar V; CD; HH; WG; EW 1,122,628 212,905 909,723 4 I (1); G (3)
Leake V; CD 28,602 0 28,602 1 I (1)
Lincoln V 82,301 0 82,301 2 G (2)
Newton V; CD 79,820 0 79,820 1 I (1)
Perry V; CD; HH; WG; EW 417,439 70,006 347,433 2 I (1); G (1)
Pike V 252,811 0 252,811 2 G (2)
Walthall V 395,686 0 395,686 2 G (2)
Grand Total 15,142,032 3,535,167 11,606,865 44 I(14); G(20)
V: vegetative; CD: construction and demolition; HH: household hazardous waste; WG: white goods; EW: electronic wastes; VV: vehicles and vessels.
∗I (#): incineration reduction method (no. TDSRS where incineration was used).
G (#): grinding reduction method (no. TDSRS where grinding was used).

Table 2: Basic debris management costs from the AshBritt environ- 2.6. Implementation of Recycling. The actions of the resident
mental contract [2]. engineer, equipment selected by the subcontractors, and
decisions by county and municipal officials were impor-
Task Debris Management Costs
tant in recycling performed during the Hurricane Katrina
Debris hauling $20.93 to $27.47 per m3 Response. The USACE established one regional office and
Tipping fee $3.27 to $4.58 per m3 several local offices that directed removal in one or more
Reduction $5.89 per m3 counties. Each office was managed by a resident engineer.
Haul reduced debris $6.54 per m3 Some of the recycling efforts discussed in this paper resulted
ROE debris removal $280.00 per crew hour from the personal initiatives of the resident engineer. Inter-
Extracted stumps $250.00 to $700.00 each estingly, resident engineers frequently changed positions
during the cleanup, which sometimes resulted in changes
Leaners and hangers $50.00 to $400.00 each
in recycling efforts. Recycling efforts were also impacted by
Decommissioning structures $2,500.00 each debris removal and reduction options utilized by contractors.
Demolition $45.00 per m3 Actual debris removal was conducted by contractors. The
Segregation $230.00 per crew hour AshBritt contract did not specify which debris removal
QA/S&A/site management $6.54 per m3 methods and reduction options would be utilized in any
White goods with putrefied food locality. In many cases, the contractors made decisions that
$45.00 each affected recycling efforts. Finally, county and municipal offi-
cials affected recycling. These officials determined the types
of debris removed. Because the debris removal requirements
and vegetative debris reduction methods varied, county-to-
costs charged by landfills to dispose of solid waste in their
county comparisons are difficult. Further, recycling and reuse
facilities. In the case of recycling, potential end-use products
efforts varied substantially from location to location and
for specific markets may offset the cost of operations [3].
even over time.
Conversely, recycling efforts may conflict with the goals
of the debris removal. Often, removal had to be done
quickly—particularly when rapid removal was needed to 3. Description of Recycling Efforts
create right of ways or to deal with an immediate safety Undertaken as Part of the Corps of Engineers
hazard. Debris hauling vehicles usually did not contain Debris Removal Mission
separate compartments. Building demolitions many times
could not, and even when they could were not, conducted in 3.1. Recycling Vegetative Debris. Vegetative debris is generally
a step by step manner allowing for separation of recyclable not hazardous, but can be challenging because it is bulky and
components. However, recycling efforts were implemented consumes a substantial volume of landfill space. During the
in several areas and these are discussed in the next section. USACE Katrina response, more than 85% of the vegetative
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

Blower nozzle
1 wheel stop
Air curtain

limestone fill Dirt seal
12 –20 deep
1 impervious layer

8 8 8

Existing ground
(a) (b)

Figure 3: Below-grade air curtain incineration.

debris was hauled to TDSRS. Two methods of vegetative

waste reduction were used: incineration and grinding. Air
curtain pit (Figure 3) incineration was used at 14 TDSRS
(Table 1). Incineration was a very effective means of volume
reduction, reportedly achieving 95% volume reduction [3].
Although ash could have some recycling possibilities, such
as filler material for bricks or for filler material in road
construction, ash was not recycled as part of the USACE
Katrina response.
Chipping/grinding operations were used at 20 TDSRS
(Table 1), and reportedly achieved a volumetric reduction
of up to 75% [3]. Chips ground from vegetative debris
were used beneficially as landscaping mulch, and as a boiler Figure 4: Smoldering chips in Lincoln County TDSRS in January
fuel source. In several counties, all of the debris hauled to 2006.
TDSRS was vegetative (Lincoln, Pike, Walthall). For example,
in Pike County, 252,811 m3 (Table 1) of vegetative debris
resulted in approximately 63,203 m3 of mulch. All of the industries, which aided the local economy in its recov-
mulch from these three counties was used beneficially. This ery effort. For USACE, the costs savings resulting from
accomplishment was aided by the local distribution of hand landfill disposal costs more than offset any costs of the
bills, publishing the availability of mulch in local newspapers chipping/grinding operation. Overall, chipping and grinding
and an agreement with a chip mill. The Walthall County the vegetative material created the greatest opportunity for
agreement stated that [8] “. . . Jones Chip Mill will have recvcling. However, this activity did create the potential for
the responsibility and obligation of removing and hauling an undesirable outcome: fire. Smoldering occurred in several
all of the chipped/ground vegetative debris from each of stockpiles of reduced vegetative debris in Lincoln and Pike
the designated sites above at no cost to the Government counties (Figure 4). Mulch piles should be no higher than
. . .” This allowed the USACE to save the typical reduced 4.57 m [3].
debris hauling and tipping fees (i.e., $9.81–$11.12 per m3 ;
Table 2). Assuming a $10 hauling and tipping fee, the Pike 3.2. Building Materials. Prior to the demolition of any struc-
County costs saved on mulch were over $600,000. In some tures, site inspections were performed. These inspections
cases, large woody debris, such as logs, proved to be valuable assessed site utilities and identified site hazards (i.e., private
resources without any reduction. For example, at one TDSRS wells, septic tanks, field lines, asbestos, flammable products,
in Walthall County, more than 900 logs were separated etc.). The demolition usually involved a trackhoe ripping
and donated to the property owner as part of the TDSRS the structure apart and loading fragments unto trucks. The
agreement [6]. This resulted in a savings of $15.70–$17.01 construction debris was transported to landfills. Asphalt
per m3 (Table 2). Assuming an average log diameter of 0.38 m shingles, metal roofing and siding, bricks, CCA treated wood,
and length of 3.05 m and a reduction, hauling, and tipping untreated wood, and flooring materials were not segregated
cost of $16 per m3 , this resulted in a savings of just over at the ROE (see Section 2.4).
$5000. Other household metal components were segregated on
Recycling of the vegetative material had several advan- TDSRS (Figure 5), baled, and transported to scrap metal
tages. Valuable landfill space was conserved for other debris. processing facilities. Home owners were permitted to move
The chipped vegetative material aided local residents in concrete foundations to the ROW for removal. Concrete
their recovery efforts and the industrial uses helped local was hauled to TDSRS (Figure 6) and placed in segregated
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

Figure 5: Metal segregated at the Firetower TDSRS in Harrison Figure 7: White goods placed in ROW to facilitate easy pick up in
County, MS. Pass Christian, MS.

Figure 6: Concrete segregated at the Firetower TDSRS in Harrison Figure 8: Refrigerant being reclaimed from white goods in Hancock
County, MS. County, MS.

locations. USACE personnel estimated there were 715 m3 of marine vessels (boats, trailers, and jet skis) were moved
concrete in Pass Christian, MS, ROW on July 4, 2006 [9]. great distances by tidal surge water, flooding, and wind
Concrete from Pass Christian, MS, was used to create aquatic during Hurricane Katrina (Figures 12 and 13). These bulky
habitat. items frequently blocked roads and access points needed
by recovery teams. In addition, they leaked gasoline, diesel
3.3. White Goods. Figure 2 summarizes the management fuel, and other hazardous chemicals. Vehicles and vessels
of white goods. White goods were placed in the ROW were removed from ROW and ROE. For example, in the
(Figure 7), and subsequently transported to TDSRS Pass Christian area, 350 vehicles and 358 marine vessels
(Figure 8) where refrigerants were removed and reclaimed were removed as part of the debris removal mission [12].
from refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners by certified All vehicles and vessels were towed by commercial towing
technicians [1]. White goods were subsequently compressed, contractors to designated staging locations. Scrap metal from
baled, and transported to scrap metal recyclers (Figure 9). reduced vehicles and vessels was also recycled.
This process not only recycled these chemicals, but kept them
out of the environment where they can cause environmental 3.6. Tires. As part of the debris management process,
damage, particularly ozone depletion [10]. The USACE tires were segregate at the TDSRS (Figure 14). Tires were
processed 45,648 white goods in Hancock County and 4,386 subsequently transported to recycling facilities. At least
white goods in Pass Christian, MS [11]. 42.53 metric tons of tires were recycled from Harrison
County. Tires from Hancock County were transported
3.4. Electronic Wastes. Figure 2 summarizes the management to Gulfport Tire Recycling. Documentation shows that
of electronic wastes. Electronic wastes were collected from 162.61 metric tons of tires were recycled [13].
the ROW and transferred to TDSRS. Figure 10 shows a
typical collection of electronic components being prepared 3.7. Recovery of TDSRS Sites. Following the removal of all
for transport. E-waste was wrapped on pallets prior to storm debris, TDSRS were restored to as near preworking
shipping to the recycler (Figure 11). conditions as possible. They were reseeded with either local
grasses or tree seedlings as requested by the landowners. The
3.5. Vehicles and Marine Vessels. Vehicles (automobiles, US Fish and Wildlife Service evaluated the design and closure
trucks, bases, campers, motorcycles, and golf carts) and plans for all TDSRS [4, 14, 15].
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

Figure 9: White goods were compressed, baled, and shipped to Figure 11: Electronic waste wrapped for shipping to electronic
recycling facilities. Picture provided courtesy of USACE. scrap processors. Picture provided courtesy of USACE.

Figure 10: Collection of electronic waste. Picture provided courtesy Figure 12: Vehicles and Vessel removed from Pass Christian, MS.

overwhelm existing solid waste disposal systems. Hurricane

4. Discussion Hugo’s volume of plant debris was on the order of 5- to 15-
times the annual solid waste produced in both North and
4.1. Recycling Vegetative Material Provides the Most Beneficial South Carolina [17].
Effect. In review of the recycling efforts from Katrina, it is As shown in Table 1, the USACE debris mission in
clear that recycling of plant material was the greatest success. Mississippi totaled over 15 million m3 . If only 10% of this
Grinding and reuse of plant material created a valuable material could be recycled, that would result in a savings of
resource that was used in its entirety for those facilities that 1.5 million m3 of landfill space. Jackson is the largest city in
used this approach. In some cases, plant material was reused the State of Mississippi with a Metro area population of over
as whole logs. Focusing on vegetative material is critical, since 500,000. According to a report in 2004, 2.72 × 106 metric
this typically makes up a substantial portion of the debris tons of solid waste were disposed of in municipal landfills,
generated during a large storm. All storm-related debris which corresponds to about 5 × 106 m3 [18]. Therefore, even
recovery plans should include plans for vegetative recycling. a 10% recycling rate would result in a substantial reduction
Another opportunity could involve recycling of ash from in landfill use compared to normal solid waste operations.
burning of plant material. It is not clear if the volume of this However, 10% recycling could be a very modest estimate of
material was large enough to justify a recycling effort, but the potential.
uses for ash exist. Clean ash could be used as a material to
make bricks and could also be used as a roadbase material 4.3. Recycling Can Be an Effective Means of Dealing with
[16]. Problematic Materials. Maximizing recovery and recycling
could reduce landfilled wastes. Furthermore, recycling could
4.2. Recycling Saves Valuable Landfill Space. The Hurricane be valuable for keeping problematic materials out of landfills.
Katrina generated more debris than any other natural disas- During Katrina, the recovery of refrigerants reduced the
ter in US history, over 90 × 106 m3 [15]. For comparison, emission of these compounds into the atmosphere, where
Hurricane Andrew (1992), for example, generated 33 × they could cause destruction of the ozone layer. Gypsum,
106 m3 of debris in Metro Dade County, FL [17]. Hurricane which is frequently found in sheetrock, is a material that, if
Inike in Hawaii generated 3.8 × 106 m3 , and Hurricane landfilled, can cause problem, as it can undergo anaerobic
Hugo generated 1.5 × 106 m3 of plant waste. However, in reaction to form foul smelling and potentially toxic hydrogen
all these cases, the solid waste generated by a disaster can sulfide gas. However, it is possible to separate and recover
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

Figure 13: Vessel removed from Pass Christian, MS. Figure 14: Tires segregated at Firestone TDSRS slated for recycling.

gypsum-containing sheetrock. The recovered gypsum can

4.6. Staging Areas Are Critical for Reuse of Debris. Reuse and
be utilized for stabilizing soil pH and can be used as a soil
recycling requires staging areas where materials can be sorted
fertilizer [19–21].
and stockpiled. During Katrina, this was accomplished by
4.4. Recycling of Debris Can Aid in Recovery. The debris itself, establishing TDSRS sites. These areas proved to be very
following separation/removal of any hazardous components, successful. Plans need to incorporate these areas for future
can also be a resource for the area to rebuild roads, buildings, disasters. In addition, plans need to include the restoration
and landfills. Inert soils and sediments, ground concrete, and of these sites by regrading, planting, and so forth.
mulched vegetative materials can be used for landfill covers,
which are generally needed in large quantities. Concrete, 5. Conclusion and Recommendations
asphalt road base, inert rocks, petroleum-contaminated soils,
In conclusion, in spite of challenges due to the massive
and ground asphalt shingles can be used by asphalt plants
amount of debris generation, the USACE developed an
to repair or replace damaged roads [22]. Similarly, ground
effective approach for recycling debris. Development of
concrete, rocks, sand, and other materials can be used as
TDSRS sites and policies on waste handling contributed
aggregate for the new concrete needed for construction.
to this success. Recycling saved valuable landfill space and
Plant material can be composted and reused as fertilizer to
provided useful products for recovery. The costs of recycling
promote new growth at damaged parks. Logs can be used
were partially offset by savings of landfill disposal costs.
to stabilize slopes and waterways [23]. For example, whole
Strong planning is required for effective recycling to occur.
trees or large debris can be placed perpendicular to eroding
The USACE should modify the administrative staff
banks to deflect the current and help to “train” the channel
to enhance the marketing and beneficial use of storm
to a desired position. Studies on a Vermont river showed that
debris. This includes commercial and private use of reduced
adequate erosion protection was obtained for 4-5 years by
vegetative debris (i.e., chips, mulch, fertilizer, ash, etc.) and
using whole trees that were 0.6 to 0.9 m in diameter [24].
the use of logs for stream stabilization. This may involve
4.5. Building Demolition Is an Area of Potential Improvement. modifying the contract to allow the USACE to determine
Building demolition can be a challenging issue; complicat- the vegetative debris reduction method utilized in specific
ing building waste issues are home and office furniture, areas. Increased recycling of construction and demolition
appliances, and computer equipment that is typically mixed debris would require an enhanced assessment of structures
with these wastes [25]. Furthermore, hazardous components and a better system of segregating components. The USACE
can also be mixed in with the building material wastes, should solicit proposals from recyclers willing to process
including asbestos (insulation in older homes, shingles, segregated debris on TDSRS. Implementing these measures
and flooring), lead (in lead-based paints and old plumbing would increase USACE TDSRS costs but reduce the total
systems), polychlorinated biphenyls (electrical transform- USACE debris management costs (i.e., reduction, hauling,
ers), chemicals and petroleum products, and mercury from and/or tipping fees).
electrical switching equipment [17, 23, 26]. However, the
resulting building debris offers a tremendous opportunity References
for recycling. By assessing a building, before dismantling
[1] Federal Emergency Management Agency, “Review of FEMA
it, better results can be obtained regarding separation of Guidance for Monitoring Debris Removal Operations for
hazardous and problem wastes and materials can be better Hurricane Katrina,” OIG-07-63 August 2007, http://www.dhs
recycled [25]. A program to develop guidance to rapidly .gov/xoig/assets/mgmtrpts/OIG 07-63 Aug07.pdf.
assess buildings would be useful. Training programs could [2] USACE, “Debris Management Overview Briefing,” June 2006.
be developed to quickly train personnel in these techniques [3] Federal Emergency Management Agency, “Public Assistance
[23]. Phased demolition can maximize the recovery or Debris Management Guide,” FEMA 325, July 2007, http://
reusable materials.
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

[4] USACE Emergency Planning Response-Debris Removal Mag- [21] M. McPhee, “C&D recycling in the home court,” BioCycle, pp.
nolia and MS Field Office, “Field Evaluation Summary for Lin- 30–32, November 1997.
coln, Pike and Walthall Counties, Mississippi for Temporary [22] R. H. Brickner, “Researching debris generation,” Recycling
Debris Reduction Sites (TDRS),” November 2005. Today, pp. 46–52, September 1995.
[5] USACE Emergency Field Office—Central, “Hurricane Katrina [23] M. Channell, M. Graves, V. Medina, A. Morrow, D. Brandon,
Debris Reduction Sites (Site Evaluations) Harrison County, and C. Nestler, Enhanced Tools and Techniques to Support
Mississippi,” November 2005. Debris Management in Disaster Response Missions, ERDC/EL
[6] USACE Emergency Planning Response—Debris Removal TR-09-12, USERDC, Vicksburg, Miss, USA, 2009.
Magnolia and MS Field Office, “Agreement between Mr. Alton [24] F. C. Edminster, W. S. Atkinson, and A. C. McIntyre, Stream-
Harvey and the USACE,” November 2005. bank Erosion Control on the Winooski River, Vermont, Circular
[7] USACE Emergency Field Office—Central, “Hazard mitigation no. 837, United States Department of Agriculture, Washing-
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2006. [25] G. Y. Solis, H. C. Hightower, J. Sussex, and J. Kawaguchi, Disas-
[8] USACE Emergency Planning Response—Debris Removal ter Debris Management, The Disaster Preparedness Resources
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Chip Mill and the USACE,” November 2005. Preparedness, Vancouver, Canada, 1995.
[9] USACE Emergency Field Office—Central, “Concrete and tree [26] J. E. Kurre, “Characterizing construction and demolition
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Civil Engineering
Volume 2011, Article ID 354305, 8 pages

Research Article
Cementitious Spray Dryer Ash-Tire Fiber Material for
Maximizing Waste Diversion

Charles E. Riley,1 Rebecca A. Atadero,2 John W. van de Lindt,3 and Paul R. Heyliger2
1 Department of Civil Engineering, Oregon Institute of Technology, 3201 Campus Drive, Klamath Falls, OR 97601, USA
2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Campus Delivery 1372, Fort Collins,
CO 80523-1372, USA
3 Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0205, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Rebecca A. Atadero, [email protected]

Received 31 December 2010; Accepted 17 May 2011

Academic Editor: Paola Bandini

Copyright © 2011 Charles E. Riley et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Spray dryer absorber (SDA) material, also known as spray dryer ash, is a byproduct of coal combustion and flue gas scrubbing
processes that has self-cementing properties similar to those of class C fly ash. SDA material does not usually meet the existing stan-
dards for use as a pozzolan in Portland cement concrete due to its characteristically high sulfur content, and thus unlike fly ash, it is
rarely put to beneficial use. This paper presents the results of a study with the objective of developing beneficial uses for SDA mate-
rial in building materials when combined with tire fiber reinforcement originating from a recycling process. Specifically, spray dryer
ash was investigated for use as the primary or even the sole binding component in a mortar or concrete. This study differs from
previous research in that it focuses on very high contents of spray dryer ash (80 to 100 percent) in a hardened product. The over-
arching objective is to divert products that are normally sent to landfills and provide benefit to society in beneficial applications.

1. Introduction Spray dryer ash is produced in far smaller quantities

than fly ash in the US. The American Coal Ash Association,
Portland cement concretes and mortars are used exten- ACCA, estimates 1.4 million tons for all dry flue gas desulfu-
sively in construction of buildings, bridges, and other in- rization products, of which spray dryer ash makes up a large
frastructure ranging from low-strength sidewalks to high- portion [3]. While nearly 42 percent of all fly ash produced
performance airport runways. Despite recent advances in in the United States (approximately 72 million tons annually
manufacture, Portland cement remains an energy-intensive [3]) is used beneficially, only about 25 percent of dry FGD
product that requires mining of raw materials as well as products was used in 2008 [3]. Furthermore, the Electric
significant energy input and processing. Incorporation of Power Research Institute (EPRI) [2] estimates much higher
coal fly ash into concrete mixtures is now widely accepted annual production rates for SDA material than does ACAA:
given its capacity to produce an equivalent or even improved between 3.3 and 3.8 million tons, with that number projected
hardened concrete product with less Portland cement and, to grow to 14 million tons by 2017 as more plants are
therefore, reduced raw materials extraction and carbon emis- required to reduce airborne sulfur emissions. Thus, the need
sions [1]. However, a substantial portion of fly ash produced for more beneficial applications of this material is critical.
each year goes unused, and a significant portion of the While fly ash use and performance in concrete has been
country’s ash material is deemed useless because it is involved well documented [1], the mechanical properties of hydrated
in the flue gas desulfurization process within the spray dryer SDA material have not been studied adequately, in part
absorbers utilized at many of the United States coal power due to concerns that the elevated sulfur levels will lead to
plants [2]. It is the material from this subset of plants, alter- sulfate attack in the hardened product [2]. A recent literature
natively called spray dryer absorber material, SDA material, review by EPRI [2] surveyed the current uses for SDA and
or spray dryer ash, that is the subject of this research. found applications ranging from agriculture to cementitious
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 1: Bulk chemical composition of rawhide power station SDA.

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Content C ASTM C618 limit for ASTM C 618 limit for class
Content A (%) Content B (%) (%) Class C fly ash (2005) F fly ash (2005)
Sum between 50 % and
Silicon dioxide, SiO2 39.76 29.84 Sum greater than 70 %
70 %
Aluminum oxide,
14.31 14.24
Al2 O3
Iron oxide, Fe2 O3 5.56 5.82
SiO2 + Al2 O3 + Fe2 O3 59.63 49.90 60.63
Calcium oxide, CaO 23.45 26.48
Sulfur trioxide, SO3 6.19 10.01 3.70 5% maximum 5% maximum
Magnesium oxide,
4.06 4.93
Sodium oxide, Na2 O 1.42 1.66
Titanium dioxide,
1.15 0.98
0.98 1.59
pentoxide, P2 O5
Barium oxide, BaO 0.61 0.68
Potassium oxide, K2 O 0.53 0.48
Strontium oxide, SrO 0.33 0.42
Manganese dioxide,
<0.01 0.02
Moisture 1.86 1.04 1.33 3% maximum 3% maximum
Loss on ignition 1.65 2.85 1.64 6% maximum 6% maximum
A: sampled 4/3/2007 and tested by SGS North America, Inc., Denver, Colo, USA.
B: sampled 7/26/2007 and tested by Wyoming Analytical Laboratories, Inc., Golden, Colo, USA.
C: reported in Little, 2008 [10].

materials to wallboard; however, most of the applications with this presently underutilized industrial byproduct. They
noted in this paper were found in Europe where the also indicate the value of further study of SDA material
composition of SDA is different from that produced at the US sources and long-term material performance.
electric power plants. In European processes, the fly ash and
spray dryer product are collected separately. The fact that US
sources combine the fly ash and spray dryer product means
2. Materials and Specimens
not only that the resulting material is more variable, but also Two different types of materials were studied. The first
that the beneficial properties of the fly ash can be exploited. was a material comprised solely of spray dryer ash and
The project described here seeks to leverage the self- water, with some specimens also including recycled polymer
cementing nature of this material to create a cementitious fibers from used automobile tires (described in more detail
product with as little Portland cement as possible. Thus, the below). Second, mortar specimens manufactured with spray
emphasis of this work is not on achieving the highest possible dryer ash, sand conforming to ASTM C33 [4], varied
strength, but in diverting as much waste material as possible amounts of Portland cement, and recycled polymer fibers
into a useful product that maintains adequate properties. In were considered.
the present study, applications with lower strength require- Table 1 shows details of the chemical composition of
ments (e.g., nonstructural components) are targeted with three samples of the SDA material produced by the Rawhide
the cemented SDA combined with fibers collected during power plant in Northern Colorado. The quantities in Table 1
the automobile tire recycling process as reinforcement. The indicate the level of variability present in SDA material from
results indicate that good compressive and tensile strength is just a single source, thus underscoring a need for site-specific
possible. While these results are for a specific SDA material study to ensure the quality control of SDA material as an
source, they suggest that useful materials may be produced input. Of particular note is the very high lime content (over
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

Table 2: Mixture proportions.

Mixture number Cement type Cementa SDAa Sanda Watera Fibersb

1A — 0 100 0 40 0
1B — 0 100 0 35 0
1C — 0 100 0 30 0
1D — 0 100 0 25 0
1E — 0 100 0 25 0.5
1F — 0 100 0 25 1.0
1G — 0 100 0 25 2.0
2A — 0 100 100 40 0
2B III 5 95 100 40 0
2C III 10 90 100 40 0
2D III 15 85 100 40 0
2E III 20 80 100 40 0
2F I/II 5 95 100 40 0
2G I/II 10 90 100 40 0
2H I/II 15 84 100 40 0
2I I/II 20 80 100 40 0
2J I/II 10 90 100 40 1.0
2K I/II 10 90 100 40 1.5
2L I/II 10 90 100 40 2.0
These quantities are expressed as a percent by weight relative to the total weight of SDA and cement in the mixture.
b Expressed as a percent by weight of the total solids (SDA, cement and sand) in the mixture.

20 percent CaO), which contributes to the self-cementing paste. Sets 1E through 1G included varying percentages of
capacity of the material. The SO3 content, which is typically the recycled polymer fibers, in order to investigate their effect
slightly in excess of the 5 percent limit for fly ash used in on the hydrated ash pastes.
concrete as specified by ASTM C618 [5], is also notable. This The mortar mixtures had a constant water/cementitious
excess sulfur has prevented the application of the material materials ratio of 0.40 but had varying amounts of Portland
in concrete to date, but because the amount of excess is still cement and recycled polymer fibers in an effort to improve
quite modest, the material merits individual study. on the properties observed in the spray dryer ash pastes.
The polymer fibers used in this study were obtained Two types of Portland cement were used. Type I/II was
from an automobile tire recycling facility and represented used because it is very commonly available. Type III cement
a combination of polymers commonly used as tire rein- was also used because in the case of fly ash, there is
forcement such as nylon, polyester, and aramid with lengths usually a reduced rate of strength gain when mixtures
randomly distributed between approximately 2 mm and including fly ash are compared to mixtures with just Portland
30 mm. The steel wires present in most automotive tires were cement, and it was anticipated that the same situation
removed magnetically at early stages of the recycling process. might occur with spray dryer ash. Research by Bilodeau and
The polymer fibers were interspersed with rubber particles Malhotra [6] indicated the high early strength properties
varying from fine dust to larger pieces less than 5 mm in of Type III cement would bring the strength versus time
dimension as well as raw chopped fibers that were still twisted characteristics of the hydrated ash (Class F fly ash in the case
together in cords. These recycled fibers were chosen for their of Bilodeau and Malhotra) closer to those of conventional
compatibility with the theme of waste diversion and sustain- concrete. This is important for construction scheduling for
able construction, which is a prime motivator for developing structural applications and shipping/trucking scheduling for
a cementitious material with industrial byproducts. Because nonstructural construction materials such as siding or roof
of variability in fiber size and constitution, all fiber fractions tiles.
are by weight, as without the density it was not possible to The compressive strengths of the mixtures in Table 2 were
determine a volume fraction. However, given the range of investigated using 5.08-cm cubes following the dimensions
specific gravities of the potential reinforcing fibers, a volume suggested in ASTM C109 [7]. Mortar testing also included
fraction very nearly equal to the weight fraction is reasonable. flexural specimens: beams with approximate dimensions
The mixture proportions of the specimens are shown in 5.08 cm by 5.08 cm by 20.3 cm tested according to ASTM C78
Table 2. Mixtures numbered 1 are spray dryer ash pastes, [8] with a 15.2-cm clear span.
while those numbered 2 are spray dryer ash-based mortars. For both pastes and mortars, the constituent materials
Sets 1A through 1D were composed solely of spray dryer ash were mixed approximately according to ASTM C 305 [9] to
and water and were intended to study the effect of water- ensure uniformity of the mixtures, which was particularly
to-ash ratio on the compressive strength of the hardened important for the paste mixtures with a low water/ash ratio.
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

Compressive strength (MPa)

Compressive strength (MPa)

18 18
16 16
14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
7 14 56 7 14 56 7 14 56 7 14 56 0
7 14 56 7 14 56 7 14 56 7 14 56
(day) (day)
Set 1A Set 1B Set 1C Set 1D
Set 1D Set 1E Set 1F Set 1G
W/SDA = 0.4 W/SDA = 0.35 W/SDA = 0.3 W/SDA = 0.25
No fibers 0.5% fibers 1% fibers 2% fibers

Figure 1: Early compressive strength of hydrated spray dryer ash Figure 2: Early compressive strength of hydrated spray dryer ash
pastes. with fibers.

The sole deviation from ASTM C 305 was the mixing device. Table 3: Average 56-day compressive strength and modulus of
A mixing bit and hand drill were used in lieu of a planetary elasticity measured from cube specimens.
rotary mixer. Paste specimens were cured at approximately Average 56-day
80 percent humidity and between 26 and 32 degrees C (79– Average 56-day modulus
Set compressive strength
90 degrees F). This slightly elevated temperature was meant of elasticity (MPa)
to accelerate curing, as would be found at a manufacturing 1A 1.63 119.6
plant for a prefabricated building material. The mortar
1B 7.57 408.4
specimens were placed in a more traditional curing room
that maintained a relative humidity of approximately 90 1C 5.40 382.8
percent and a temperature of approximately 22 degrees C 1D 7.16 376.9
(72 degrees F). For both pastes and mortars, the specimens 1E 12.79 565.9
were placed in the curing environment directly after casting 1F 15.34 557.2
and were returned to the curing environment following 1G 9.28 395.5
removal of the molds after approximately one day. Paste tests
were conducted at seven-day intervals, with five cubes tested
from each mixture. For the mortars, three cubes were tested 1E, 1F, and 1G had increasing fiber fractions as shown in
at seven-day intervals up to 28 days, while three beams were Table 2. Based on the results shown in Figure 2, the fiber
tested at 14 and 28 days for each of the nine mixtures. reinforcement appears to be beneficial to the compressive
strength with an optimum fiber fraction around 1 percent.
3. Discussion Set 1E with 0.5 percent fibers (recall, by weight) shows a clear
increase in strength over Set 1D with no fibers. It appears
3.1. Hydrated Spray Dryer Ash Pastes. Recall that the objec- that the addition of more fibers (Set 1F with 1 percent and
tive of this study was to divert as much spray dryer ash Set 1G with 2 percent) has little impact on the strength,
as possible from landfilling. Thus, the first experiments or may even weaken the mixture slightly, perhaps due to
evaluated the potential of hydrated spray dryer ash alone greater difficulty in creating a uniform mix. The increase
in manufactured structural and nonstructural construction in strength may be attributed to the ability of the fibers
products. Early strength gain is an important item of to bridge cracks and act as reinforcement in a relatively
consideration for these materials because manufacturers of weak and brittle matrix material. The pictures shown in
commercial products require shipment as quickly as possible, Figure 3 are examples of the appearance of typical cubes with
often in as little as seven days. Figure 1 shows the results of 7, and without fibers after testing to failure. In general, cubes
14, and 56 day tests for Sets 1A through 1D. These sets were without fibers fractured into numerous pieces, while cubes
composed of spray dryer ash pastes with water/ash ratios with fibers showed cracking and deformation but maintained
ranging from 0.40 for Set 1A to 0.25 for Set 1D. Figure 1 their general shape even after the initial cracking and the
shows the average strength as well as the high and low values. associated significant reduction in capacity. The inclusion
Although the compressive strengths showed considerable of a small amount of fibers leads to a significant (20 to 70
variability, in general, there is an increase in compressive percent) increase in compressive strength, but this increase
strength that is inversely linear with water/ash ratio. appears to peak at fairly low fiber weight fractions.
Figure 2 shows the results for compressive strength for The ultimate compressive strength of hydrated spray
Sets 1D through 1G with high, low, and average strengths dryer ash will depend on the specific chemical composition
included. These sets all had a fixed water/ash ratio of 0.25 of the ash and the long-term curing conditions. However, it
and demonstrate the effect of inclusion of the polymer fibers is of interest to know approximate values for the compressive
derived from tire recycling. Set 1D had no fibers, while Sets strength for both neat and fiber-reinforced spray dryer ash.
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

Table 4: Compressive strength for different types of cement, testing ages and percents of cement added (MPa).

Type I cement (Sets 2F–2I) Type III cement (Sets 2B–2E)

Days 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 5% 10% 15% 20%
7 4.09 17.62 13.03 16.19 15.88 15.18 23.00 19.85 23.04
14 6.91 23.61 17.83 23.92 25.70 20.65 27.09 27.82 24.37
21 8.03 24.43 24.53 32.64 32.84 23.64 29.98 27.06 31.91
28 7.99 27.37 27.15 34.00 37.18 22.87 29.26 29.23 28.79



Compressive strength (MPa)


Type III

Type I/II
(a) 5

0 5 10 15 20
Cement fraction (%)

Figure 4: Comparison of compressive strength at 7 days for

mixtures with type I/II and type III cement.

been absorbed into the cube. Based on these results, the

mortar mixtures were developed and tested to study potential
means of achieving enhanced properties while still utilizing
(b) large quantities of spray dryer ash.
Figure 3: Typical cube appearance after compressive testing
without (a) and with (b) polymer fibers. 3.2. Hydrated Spray Dryer Ash Sanded Mortars. Seeking
to improve the properties of the spray dryer ash pastes,
the researchers considered the addition of sand and small
Table 3 shows the average 56-day compressive strengths and amounts of Portland cement. To maximize spray dryer ash
moduli achieved. The modulus of elasticity was calculated usage, cement quantities of only five, ten, fifteen, and twenty
from the cube tests using a linear fit to initial portions percent were considered. This can be thought of as the
of the stress-strain curve, and the strain was calculated inverse of typical fly ash applications, where smaller amounts
from the test machine crosshead displacement data collected of fly ash are used as additives to traditional concrete
during the compressive strength tests. For the most part, the mixtures. As indicated earlier, both Type I/II and Type III
trends witnessed in the early strengths are continued at later cements were tested.
strengths: decreasing the water/ash ratio results in an increase Table 4 summarizes the results of testing at 7, 14, 21, and
in strength, and modest use of tire fiber (about 1 percent) 28 days for specimens with varied cement fraction. From
yields additional increase that declines with the addition of this table, it is immediately obvious that the addition of
more fibers. even five percent Portland cement (of either type) has a
The highest average strengths observed for the hydrated significant impact on the compressive strength. At 28 days,
spray dryer ash with and without fibers were 15.3 MPa and including five percent of Type I/II cement in the mixture
7.5 MPa, respectively. These strengths were achieved at an age increased the compressive strength over the mixture with
of 56 days and indicate that hydrated spray dryer ash alone just spray dryer ash binder by about 3.4 times, from 8.0 to
is not likely to be suitable for many structural engineering 27.4 MPa, and the Type III cement increased the compressive
uses. Aesthetically, the finished cubes had limited resistance strength by nearly 2.7 times, from 8.0 to 22.9 MPa. Figures
to scratching or abrasion and for high water ratios especially, 4 and 5 compare the effect of the different types of cement
seemed to have a chalky finish. The material was also at ages of 7 and 28 days, respectively. Figure 4 shows that
observed to readily absorb water. A cube dipped in water Type III cement outperformed Type I/II cement at the
appeared dry in less than one minute because the water had early age of 7 days, as would be expected from cement
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 5: Modulus of elasticity for different types of cement, testing ages and percents of cement added (MPa).

Type I cement (Sets 2F–2I) Type III cement (Sets 2B–2E)

Days 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 5% 10% 15% 20%
7 686 2022 1666 1965 1720 1609 2354 2193 2474
14 1080 2681 2176 2337 2099 1835 2720 3095 2743
21 1051 2773 2612 3208 3122 2513 2612 2643 2938
28 881 2850 3172 3360 2869 2428 2648 2911 2819

40 35
Type I/II
35 30
Compressive strength (MPa)

Compressive strength (MPa)

Type III 25

15 15

10 10
0 5 10 15 20 0
Cement fraction (%) 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age at testing (days)
Figure 5: Comparison of compressive strength at 28 days for
mixtures with type I/II and type III cement. 0% fibers 1.5% fibers
1% fibers 2% fibers

Figure 6: Effect of increasing percentages of recycled polymer fiber

formulated to give high early strengths. However, Figure 5 on the compressive strength of a mortar with ten percent type I/II
shows that the long-term strength was generally higher cement.
with the addition of Type I/II cement. These figures also
show that the increase in strength with the addition of
Table 6: Modulus of elasticity for different percentages of fibers for
cement is not a linear relationship, as only comparatively
a mortar made with 10% type I/II cement (MPa).
modest strength gains occur as the percentage of cement is
increased from five to twenty percent. Inherent variability % Fibers
in constituent materials and questionable homogeneity of Days 0.0% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0%
the mixed materials contribute to some variability in the 7 1666 2034 1724 1839
compressive strength results. However, the coefficients of
14 2176 2468 2804 2237
variation for the three-specimen sets were generally within 10
21 2612 2969 2596 2815
percent and rarely exceeded 15 percent. In all cases, dramatic
compressive strength gains came with very modest (between 28 3172 2697 2739 2861
5 and 10 percent) additions of cement.
The modulus of elasticity of the test specimens was
computed based on results from the compression testing. The effect of polymer fibers on the compressive strength
These results are shown in Table 5. Because cube specimens was also considered with the addition of cement. Mortars
were used and the strain was calculated from displacement were prepared with ten percent Type I/II cement and varying
of the loading platen, these stiffness results should be fiber contents. Figure 6 shows the results of different fiber
considered estimates. However, they can be used to observe contents on the compressive strength over the full testing
the relative effect resulting from the addition of Portland period. At early ages, it appears that the addition of some
cement. The addition of cement clearly increases the stiffness, fibers is helpful, but over time the strength benefit of the
with values of two to three times those for specimens made fibers is lost. Furthermore, there appears to be an optimal
with SDA material as the only binding agent. However, as fiber fraction around 1 percent. The mixtures with 1 percent
with the compressive strength results, there do not appear to fibers (by weight) are stronger than the mixtures with
be coherent trends in the data relating increased percentages 1.5 percent fibers at most ages, and both outperform the
of cement to further increases in stiffness. Essentially, the mixtures with 2 percent fibers. This result is consistent with
addition of Portland cement has a significant stiffening effect the SDA paste results where the addition of 1 percent fibers
without respect to the amount of cement. clearly improved the compressive strength, and 2 percent
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

Table 7: Modulus of rupture results for different types of cement, testing ages and percents of cement added (MPa).

Type I cement (Sets 2F–2I) Type III cement (Sets 2B–2E)

Days 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 5% 10% 15% 20%
14 1.19 3.27 2.61 3.74 5.24 2.38 3.14 3.28 3.99
28 1.54 3.05 3.11 4.85 6.44 2.58 3.74 3.34 4.21

fiber addition had a detrimental effect. Results indicating 8

the effect of fiber addition on the modulus of elasticity are 7
shown in Table 6 and show that the addition of fibers to
a mixture already containing cement is of little benefit to 6
Type I/II
stiffness. There may be some mild advantage to fiber addition

at early ages, but by 28 days the stiffness of specimens with
fibers was less than that of the specimens without fibers.
Given the mechanics of failure of a brittle material 3 Type III
in compression (shear failure along 45-degree planes and 2
splitting along the axis of loading), the addition of rein-
forcing fibers to a stiff and brittle matrix may not have a 1
significant impact on compressive strength or stiffness. Thus, 0
the strengthening observed in the SDA paste specimens is 0 5 10 15 20
likely the result of the weaker and less stiff matrix being Cement fraction (%)
reinforced by fibers that are relatively stiffer and thus able
Figure 7: Comparison of MOR at 28 days for mixtures with type
to reinforce the matrix prior to cracking. Once the matrix
I/II and type III cement.
itself is stronger and stiffer, as is the case in the mortars
with added cement, fibers can have a detrimental effect (due
perhaps to a loss in workability) until cracking has occurred, 4.5
and the fibers deform sufficiently to carry significant loads.
These results are consistent with the highly variable results
for fiber-reinforced concrete reported by other authors and 3.5
summarized by Johnston [11]. Qualitatively, the mortar 3

cubes with fibers behaved similarly to the neat spray dryer

ash cubes (shown in Figure 3), remaining intact even after
losing their load-carrying capacity. 2
Flexural testing was conducted at 14 and 28 days for 1.5
mortar specimens with the addition of both cement and
fibers. Table 7 presents the moduli of rupture (MOR) from 1
these tests. The addition of cement appears to increase the 0.5
flexural strength, although not to the degree witnessed for 0
the compressive strength. The addition of 5 percent Type I/II 5 15 20 25 30
cement increased the MOR by a factor of 1.98 at 28 days, and Age at testing (days)
the addition of 5 percent Type III cement increased the MOR
by a factor of 1.68 at 28 days compared to the cement-free 0% fibers 1.5% fibers
mortar specimens. Figure 7 compares the effect of different 1% fibers 2% fibers
percentages of the two different types of cement on the MOR Figure 8: Effect of increasing percentages of recycled polymer fiber
achieved at 28 days. This plot shows that adding increasing on the MOR of a mortar with ten percent type I/II cement.
percentages of Type I/II cement continues to increase the
MOR; however, the continued addition of Type III cement
beyond 10 percent appears to offer little benefit. was not beneficial. The mixture with 1.5 percent fibers had
The addition of fibers to concrete typically provides an average MOR approximately equal to the mixture with
added capacity to the regions of the test specimen in tension, no fibers, and the mixture with 2 percent fibers actually
potentially increasing the overall flexural strength of the had a lower MOR than the mixture without fibers. Thus, an
specimen. Figure 8 shows the effect of different fiber contents optimal fiber content for both flexure and compression exists
on the flexural strength at both 14 and 28 days. The addition around 1 percent by weight for these particular materials.
of 1 percent fibers clearly improves the MOR compared to Overall, the mixtures tested with additions of both ce-
specimens without any fibers at all, with increases of between ment and tire fiber showed significant promise as a potential
10 and 30 percent. However, similar to the results observed engineering material. The strengths and stiffnesses showed
in compression, the addition of larger percentages of fibers significant improvement with as little as 5 percent addition
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

of Portland cement and approximately 1 percent of fibers. who worked on this project including Jeff Eulberg, Stephanie
Both Type I/II and Type III cements were found to be Thomas, Balaji Mahalingam, Fredrick Busch, and Karthik
effective, with Type III cement increasing early strengths, Rechan.
while Type I/II cement produced higher later strengths. In
terms of aesthetics and workability, the addition of the References
cement also eliminated concerns about the chalky finish
associated with the SDA-only mixtures. The addition of [1] ACI Committee 232.2, Use of Fly Ash in Concrete, American
cement also improved the workability of the pure spray dryer Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich, USA, 2003.
ash mortar, as the spray dryer ash-only mixtures tended to be [2] EPRI, “A review of literature related to the use of spray dryer
sticky which made the finishing difficult. absorber material-production, characterization, utilization
applications, barriers, and recommendations,” TR1014915,
Electric Power Research Institute, September 2007.
4. Summary and Conclusions [3] ACAA, “Coal combustion product (CCP) production and use
survey,” American Coal Ash Association. Aurora, Colo, USA,
Two phases of testing were used to investigate the use of 2008,
spray dryer ash as a cementitious material for engineering [4] ASTM International, C33 Standard Specification for Concrete
use. Spray dryer ash alone mixed with water was found to Aggregates, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa,
be too weak in compression to offer benefits as a prac- USA, 2008.
tical engineering material even for moderately structural [5] ASTM International, C618 Standard Specification for Coal Fly
components such as roof tiles. The addition of recycled Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete,
polymer fibers increased the strength by a significant amount ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa, USA, 2005.
[6] A. Bilodeau and V. M. Malhotra, “High-volume fly ash system:
(10–50 percent), but the resulting strengths were still quite
concrete solution for sustainable development,” ACI Structural
low. Other properties, such as a chalky finish, also indicated Journal, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 41–48, 2000.
that spray dryer ash alone was not suitable as a matrix for [7] ASTM International, C109 Standard Test Method for Com-
most structural engineering applications. pressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars, ASTM Interna-
Improvements were found in the properties of sanded tional, West Conshohocken, Pa, USA, 2008.
mortars through the addition of small amounts of Portland [8] ASTM International, C78 Standard Test Method for Flex-
cement to the ash-tire fiber mixture. Compressive strengths ural Strength of Concrete, ASTM International, West Con-
at the low end of the range typically considered for con- shohocken, Pa, USA, 2008.
ventional concrete (27 MPa) were achieved with only 5% [9] ASTM International, C305 Standard Practice for Mechanical
Mixing of Hydraulic Cement Pastes and Mortars of Plastic
additions of Portland cement. Recycled polymer fibers were
Consistency, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pa,
shown to benefit the compressive and flexural strengths at
USA, 2008.
additions of around 1 percent by weight, while greater fiber [10] J. Little, “Spray dryer ash finds a market,” Ash at Work, no. 1,
fractions had a limited or detrimental impact on strengths. pp. 10–11, 2008.
The fibers were very effective at preventing spalling and loss [11] C. D. Johnston, Fiber-Reinforced Cements and Concretes,
of material due to fracture and contributed to increased Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The
toughness and ductility. This attribute may be desirable for Netherlands, 2001.
certain applications.
This preliminary testing has been conducted on mortars,
and thus, testing of concretes with large aggregate is a
necessary next step. If structural applications are to be
pursued, these practical applications will also require testing
to ensure the durability of the product and its compatibility
with reinforcing bar from both a bonding and corrosion
perspective. The results of the study presented herein indicate
a high potential for useful application of this material
and provide justification for further studies focusing on
specific applications. Significant waste diversion through
beneficial use of spray dryer ash appears to be a viable

The authors gratefully acknowledge the Colorado Com-
mission on Higher Education (CCHE) for support of this
research through contract no. 07 GAA 00018. The spray dyer
ash and recycled tire fibers were provided for this research
by the Platte River Power Authority and Jai Tire, respectively.
The authors also acknowledge the assistance of the students
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Civil Engineering
Volume 2011, Article ID 808561, 7 pages

Research Article
Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in Conjunction with
Ground Improvement: A Case History

Kevin C. Foye
CTI and Associates Inc., 51331 W. Pontiac Trail, Wixom, MI 48393, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Kevin C. Foye, [email protected]

Received 2 February 2011; Accepted 17 May 2011

Academic Editor: Paola Bandini

Copyright © 2011 Kevin C. Foye. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in lieu of virgin crushed stone aggregate is becoming a widely accepted practice for
a number of construction applications, particularly pavement base courses. A number of laboratory RAP studies have considered
the mechanical properties of RAP bases in order to support pavement designs incorporating RAP. These studies have revealed a
number of interesting relationships between RAP moisture content, compaction, and stiffness. This paper discusses the experiences
of a design-build contractor integrating a geosynthetic ground improvement program with a RAP base during the reconstruction
of a 1.95 ha asphalt parking lot. Field observations of base course construction with RAP explore some of the implications of
laboratory findings. A number of interesting observations on the technical, construction, and economic issues resulting from the
project challenges and the use of RAP are presented.

1. Introduction (Puppala [2], AASHTO [3]). Hence, studies to support the

incorporation of RAP into pavement designs have focused
The use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in lieu of on characterizing its mechanical properties. The mechanical
virgin crushed stone aggregate is becoming a widely accepted properties of RAP are expected to largely mimic those of
practice for a number of construction applications, partic- crushed stone aggregate due to its similar composition—
ularly pavement base courses, as evidenced by its inclusion with the notable exception of residual asphalt binder—and
in department of transportation specifications, including particle-size gradation. Several authors, including Attia and
Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) [1]. Abdelrahman [4], Mokwa and Peebles [5], and Locander [6]
The use of RAP in this application is attractive for a number have performed laboratory studies of RAP, focusing on tests
of reasons: first, it reduces the cost of material production by of interest to pavement base construction, including Proctor
eliminating quarrying, crushing, and screening operations. compaction, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), and resilient
Second, for repaving projects, it reduces handling and modulus. The goal of these studies has been to assess the
transportation costs since the RAP is retained onsite for suitability of RAP as a base course material and to offer
reuse. Third, it reduces the consumption of natural resources design guidance to engineers designing pavement sections
and energy, as reflected in the reduced costs in the first two including RAP.
points. The contribution of this paper is to share some anecdotal
Engineers designing pavements require reliable design observations regarding the use of RAP to construct the base
guidance to incorporate any material into their design course of a flexible pavement system. The project presen-
pavement sections. Common flexible pavement design ted involved the reclamation and repavement of exist-ing
methodologies are largely calibrated to empirical studies distressed asphalt pavement over a soft subgrade. Field
while their formulation is informed by commonly measured observations regarding the behavior and preparation of RAP
mechanical properties, especially resilient modulus and not only confirm a number of laboratory observations,
various measurements that correlate with resilient modulus but also provide some answers to lingering questions from
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

Design finish elevation

Asphalt wearing course 25 mm Asphalt wearing course
Dense-graded asphalt 64 mm Dense-graded asphalt
course course

Aggregate base course Aggregate base course

(RAP-Mn/Dot class 7) 180 mm

200 mm
(RAP-Mn/Dot class 7)

Subgrade soils
Non-woven geotextile Subgrade soils
Figure 2: Photo showing typical proof rolling test.
Original design Remedial design

Figure 1: Design pavement cross sections.

the laboratory studies—especially the question of whether 175–200 mm of base aggregate. The existing pavement sec-
or not RAP offers comparable performance to crushed tion was determined by soil borings through the parking lot.
stone aggregate as a base course. Additionally, due to a Suitability of the subgrade to support the pavement
discovered subgrade problem at the project site, engineers system was assessed by means of a proof rolling test,
also integrated the planned RAP base into a remedial whereby a loaded rubber-tired water truck is driven over
solution to avoid a costly subgrade replacement. Hence this the subgrade and a quality control technician observes the
paper also shares the experiences of the prime contractor subgrade for signs of deflection, pumping, and/or rutting
integrating a geosynthetic ground improvement program under the action of the tires (Figure 2). Observed pumping
with the RAP recycling. A number of interesting observations and rutting disqualifies the subgrade. Areas of disqualified
on the technical, construction, and economic issues resulting subgrade required either compaction or replacement to meet
from the project challenges and the use of RAP are presented. design requirements. In cases where compaction is ineffective
in achieving an acceptable subgrade, the contract required
the undercutting of the subgrade to a depth of 1 m below
top of subgrade elevation and replacement with compacted
2. Project Background imported fill.
Following milling of the existing pavement and removal
The project was to rehabilitate a 19,500 m2 (1.95 ha) asphalt of the existing base material, the paving subcontractor proof
parking lot within the US Army Reserve Facility (owner), rolled the existing subgrade. The quality control technician
Fort Snelling, Minn, USA under the direction of personnel noted significant deflection, pumping, and rutting of the
from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Kansas subgrade during proof rolling, suggesting that the subgrade
City, and St. Paul Districts. The parking lot is used to park may be unsuitable to depths greater than 300 to 1000 mm.
a number of light- and heavy-duty rubber-tired and tracked Consequently, the subgrade was deemed unsuitable for
vehicles. The existing, 30-year-old parking lot pavement had placement of the pavement base. The extent of the per-
several low points that did not drain properly, resulting in manent rutting, partially shown in Figure 3, indicated that
ponding, moisture damage, and severe alligator cracking nearly all of the 1.95 ha parking lot subgrade would require
to the point of pot holes and loose aggregate. The prime improvement.
contractor, which includes the author, was responsible for To further investigate the subsurface profile following
construction of the planned rehabilitation according to the failed proof-roll tests, the prime contractor excavated
design plans and specifications prepared by the USACE’s several test pits into the parking lot subgrade. These test
consulting engineer. This responsibility was expanded to pits revealed the consistent expression of a wet organic silt
include design-build and value engineering services as a layer throughout the parking lot footprint. Figure 4 presents
result of conditions encountered during the project. Rehabil- a photo of a typical test pit showing the organic silt layer.
itation included improving site drainage through regrading, The organic silt varied in thickness over the site from 300
installation of new stormwater collection structures, and to 600 mm. A layer of wet, silty sand immediately below the
construction of new stormwater discharge control features. organic silt also appeared to contribute to the poor condition
The existing, distressed asphalt pavement was milled and of the subgrade and may also be responsible for the observed
stockpiled for reuse as RAP in the new pavement base course. pumping during proof-roll testing. The typical depth to the
The design pavement cross section is shown in Figure 1 as bottom of the wet silt is 1 m below the top of subgrade.
“Original Design.” This section was selected by the USACE’s Laboratory testing of the subsurface soils included grain
consulting engineer because it exactly replaced the existing size distribution and Atterberg Limits. Table 1 summarizes
pavement section: 75–100 mm of asphalt pavement over the results of the laboratory classification testing. Atterberg
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

Table 1: Laboratory subgrade classification test results.

Atterberg limits
Air-dried Oven-dried
Soil description LL PL LL PL
Brown to brownish gray silt 26 21 21 19
Dark brown to black organic silt∗ 26 16 18 16
∗ Note: the dark brown to black organic silt was classified as an organic silt

since the liquid limit of the oven-dried sample was less than 75% of the
liquid limit of the air-dried sample per ASTM D2488.

3. Ground Improvement Approach

Two viable alternative technologies were identified: (1)
soil stabilization/modification and (2) geosynthetic rein-
forcement. For soil stabilization/modification, the prime
Figure 3: Photo showing typical rutting observed following proof
rolling of the existing subgrade.
contractor considered mixing the subgrade with lime, fly
ash, or Portland cement. For geosynthetic reinforcement, the
prime contractor considered installing a single layer of high-
strength geotextile or geogrid reinforcement in combination
with a geotextile separator. Because the prime contractor’s
engineers recognized the relatively high cost of the cut and
replace alternative and the need for an effective improvement
option, they adopted the “design by cost” methodology
described by Koerner [8] in the sense that the selected
alternative was designed to appeal to the owner in terms
of cost while the technical evaluation satisfied conservative
criteria for performance. Accordingly, preliminary estimates
suggested that the geogrid/geotextile option would provide
the best fit in terms of cost and performance.
Evaluation of the required pavement section using a
triaxial geogrid layer as reinforcement was conducted using
the methodology of AASHTO [3] in combination with
improvement factors recommended by the geogrid manufac-
turer. Table 2 summarizes the AASHTO [3] layer coefficients
Figure 4: Example test pit showing, from top to bottom, typical soil assumed in the analysis of the design cross sections. The
profile: residual gray base aggregate, brown silty sand, black organic design 80-kN Equivalent Single-Axle Load (ESAL) traffic
silt, brown silty sand. was back calculated by taking as input the layer coefficients
shown in Table 2, the original design asphalt and base course
limits were determined for both air-dried and oven-dried thicknesses, and a subgrade resilient modulus = 83 MPa.
samples to assess the potential influence of organic materials. This value of resilient modulus was implied by the subgrade
These tests confirmed that the black silt layer classifies as an acceptance specifications. The remedial design cross section
organic soil. Field testing included the aforementioned proof was selected to deliver equal or greater performance for the
rolling and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) sounding same number of ESALs as the original design assuming an
(ASTM D6951 [7]). DCP soundings revealed DCP indices actual subgrade resilient modulus = 27 MPa (CBR ≈ 3).
from <15 mm/blow to 90 mm/blow, indicating interpreted The resulting design cross section is shown in Figure 1 as
CBR values from 1 to >10. Representative values of CBR “Remedial Design.” The geotextile specified for the separator
assessed for the subgrade were between 1 and 3. is a 271 g/m2 needle-punched nonwoven geotextile. The
Adherence to the project specifications would have function of the geotextile is to prevent the intrusion of
required excavation and replacement of the subgrade to a subgrade silt into the overlying base course, ensuring proper
depth of 1 m over the entire 1.95 ha site, resulting in about interlock of the base aggregate and geogrid. Both the original
19,500 m3 of additional spoil and imported fill. The prime design and the remedial design analyses considered Mn/DOT
contractor considered this approach unnecessarily wasteful. class 5 stone aggregate base. The significance of the class 5
Furthermore, the cost to perform this cut and replace aggregate base is discussed in the following sections.
improvement was prohibitive to the owner. Therefore, the A cost estimate investigation of the stabilization/modifi-
prime contractor conducted a value engineering assessment cation option revealed that a soil improvement cost compa-
of alternative options to address this issue at a significantly rable to the installation of the geotextile and geogrid could
lower cost while achieving the performance required for the only be achieved by reducing the depth of improvement
new pavement. to 380 mm and by changing the soil additive to circulating
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 2: Summary of AASHTO [3] Design Inputs Used to Analyze Pavement Sections. Original design value for resilient modulus was
inferred from project specifications. Design ESALs were back calculated from original design pavement section.

Design Parameter Original Design Value Remedial Design Value

Asphalt Wearing Course Layer Coefficient 0.42 0.42
Dense-Graded Asphalt Course Layer Coefficient 0.40 0.40
Aggregate Base Course Layer Coefficient 0.14 0.24
Subgrade Resilient Modulus 83 MPa 27 MPa
Target Design ESALs 176,000 176,000

the installation of the underdrains suggest that the drains

contributed to the subgrade improvement.
After about 2 months of review, and consideration, the
owner agreed to the recommended geogrid reinforcement
option and construction resumed with the excavation of
additional subgrade soil to accommodate the increased
pavement section thickness. The geotextile and geogrid
were unrolled directly onto the subgrade. Continuity of
the geotextile with adjacent rolls was provided by a 900-
mm overlap. The geogrid panels were similarly joined by
a 900-mm overlap only. Plastic cable ties were used to aid
laborers deploying geogrid by temporarily securing panels
together. The 900-mm overlap was recommended by the
manufacturer for subgrades with CBR values less than 2.
Figure 5: Photo showing installation of underdrains.
Following placement of the geotextile and geogrid,
bulldozers were used to push the RAP base material onto
the geogrid, taking care not to track over areas with less
fluidized-bed (CFB) ash at a mixing ratio of 5% by weight. than 150 mm of RAP in place or to make sharp turns, which
Due to these constraints, the prime contractor decided could damage or displace the geogrid. The base course was
to abandon the soil stabilization/modification option for compacted with vibratory roller compactors. Quality control
the following reasons: (1) limited time was available to acceptance of the compacted RAP base course was based
conduct the necessary bench-scale testing of the candidate on DCP and proof roll testing. According to 2005 Mn/DOT
material: (2) if testing determined that a greater mixing specification (a modified version of the recommendations
ratio or more potent cementing agent were required, the soil by Siekmeier et al. [9]), a DCP index of 10 mm/blow or
stabilization/modification option would be disadvantaged in less was required to accept the base course compaction. The
terms of cost. paving subcontractor applied additional compactive efforts
to failing areas until they passed. Proof rolling was conducted
4. Implementation of Selected on the base course in response to concerns raised by the
Ground Improvement Method asphalt paving subcontractor. Because the subcontractor was
not involved in the decision to use geosynthetic reinforce-
As part of the original design, the prime contractor installed a ment instead of excavating the subgrade—a considerable
number of underdrains extending from the recently installed change in work—the subcontractor was unconvinced that
catch basins. These underdrains consisted of a perforated the geogrid-reinforced RAP could provide a sufficient base
high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe embedded in a stone atop the soft subgrade. Hence, additional reassurance was
aggregate-filled trench wrapped in a filter geotextile (Fig- provided via proof rolling. Per agreed acceptance criteria,
ure 5). The trenches were excavated about 700 mm deep into any areas exhibiting rutting during proof rolling were subject
the subgrade. The effective area drained by these underdrains to additional compaction. Areas exhibiting no rutting, but
was limited to less than 10% of the total parking lot. visually perceptible deflection, were noted on the site plan
However, their placement at the low points of the regraded for possible warranty relief. The prime contractor agreed to
parking lot subgrade may facilitate effective drainage of a relieve the paving subcontractor of its warranty obligations
much larger fraction of the total area. These drains became for these areas if all other measures of workmanship
significant to the improvement of the subgrade due to (e.g., asphalt thickness and density) passed design criteria.
concerns about the discovery of water trapped within the This arrangement was agreed on because the paving sub-
silty sand above the organic silt layer. The quality control contractor was not involved in the ground improvement
technician noted that visible flow through the installed decision and, therefore, felt it should not be subject to the
drains stopped within 4 to 5 hours of installation. Anecdotal risk assumed by the pursuit of the less expensive ground
accounts of improved subgrade conditions 2 months after improvement alternative.
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

100 studies. Since Mn/DOT class 7 is apparently coarser than

90 RAP studied by Attia and Abdelrahman [4], it is expected
Passing by weight (%)

80 to have slightly more favorable properties as a base material,

70 although this relationship is not studied in this paper.
The asphalt binder content of the existing pavement,
prior to reclamation, was determined from a single sample
analyzed using Mn/DOT Method 1852 [10], a modified
version of AASHTO T 164 [11]. This laboratory analysis
10 determined an asphalt content of 4.9% for the existing
0 pavement. This value compares well with RAP studied by
100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Locander [6] (4.65% to 6.2% asphalt content) but is greater
Particle size (mm) than that studied by Attia and Abdelrahman [4] (3.6% to 4%
asphalt content).
Max Mn/DOT class 7 RAP TH 10 Attia and Several of these authors noted a binding and/or agglom-
Min RAP: this project [1] RAP cell 18 (2010) [4] eration effect where residual asphalt binder within RAP
Locander (2009) [6] Mokwa and Peebles (2008) [5] causes finer particles to adhere to each other as well as
Figure 6: Comparison of Minnesota Department of Transportation larger particles, reducing the apparent fines fraction of the
(Mn/DOT) class 7 Particle Size Gradation Specification (RAP Used RAP particle gradation. Accordingly, many of the expected
in This project) with Tested RAP Gradations from Selected Studies. properties (e.g., moisture retention, resistance to flow, and
maximum dry density) of materials with a significant fines
fraction are likewise reduced.
Laboratory studies of RAP appear to focus on com-
5. RAP Base Suitability: paction behavior and stiffness, especially resilient modulus,
Comparison of Laboratory Studies to since these are important considerations for design and
Construction Observations construction of pavement systems. Mokwa and Peebles [5]
conclude that RAP can have lesser or greater stiffness than
Due to the intense interest in the reuse of RAP, many state typical stone aggregate base material depending on the
and federal research agencies have encouraged the study quality of RAP tested. Locander [6] concludes that RAP
of the mechanical properties of RAP when used as a base has stiffness and compaction properties roughly equivalent
layer material. Accordingly, many authors have published to stone aggregates routinely used for pavement base lay-
the findings of RAP studies for this application. As with ers. Interested in these seemingly conflicting results, Attia
other recycled materials, studies have contemplated the and Abdelrahman [4] investigated the relationship between
use of RAP both alone and as a component of blended moisture content, density, and stiffness. They conclude,
mixtures with stone aggregate manufactured from virgin depending on the moisture content and dry density achieved
sources. This paper considers the findings of few authors during compaction, that the resilient modulus of 100% RAP
to compare laboratory observations to field observations of and RAP/stone aggregate blends can be less than or greater
RAP behavior during construction. than comparably prepared Mn/DOT class 5 aggregate base
Attia and Abdelrahman [4], Mokwa and Peebles [5], courses. They note that resilient modulus decreases with
and Locander [6] investigated the strength and stiffness increasing moisture content during compaction, especially
properties of RAP and RAP/stone aggregate blends in the for samples compacted wet of optimum moisture content.
laboratory to assess their suitability as pavement base layers. Attia and Abdelrahman [4] reason that this decrease is due
Since gradation is expected to have a significant effect on to a reduction in the dry density achieved during compaction
the behavior of RAP, it is useful to consider if the gradation and to the lubricating effect of the additional free water.
of the RAP used in this project is comparable to these Mokwa and Peebles [5] noted that as the RAP fraction
laboratory studies. The RAP used in this project met the of the base layer increases, the moisture content required
criteria for Mn/DOT class 7 aggregate. Figure 6 plots the to achieve optimal compaction decreases. This decrease in
particle size gradation bounds for class 7 aggregate together moisture content is attributed to the relatively free-draining
with the gradation curves for the 100% RAP aggregate tested nature of RAP, since the agglomeration effect mentioned
by Attia and Abdelrahman [4], Mokwa and Peebles [5], above tends to reduce the amount of fines available to hold
and Locander [6]. The gradation for RAP investigated by water. This result is confirmed by Attia and Abdelrahman
Attia and Abdelrahman [4] is similar to the gradation for [4]. Accordingly, RAP has a relatively narrow range of
Mn/DOT class 5 aggregate—the same specification as the comparably low-moisture contents to facilitate optimum
original base design for this project. As seen in Figure 6, compaction when compared to virgin stone aggregate, such
the gradations for Mokwa and Peebles [5] and Locander as Mn/DOT class 5. Thus, the concern for construction
[6] fall within the Mn/DOT class 7 bounds while the articulated by the results of Attia and Abdelrahman [4]
RAP studied by Attia and Abdelrahman [4] is finer than is that too much water will be added to RAP in the
Mn/DOT class 7 aggregate. Based on this comparison, the field, preventing compaction from achieving comparable
Mn/DOT class 7 RAP used in this project is expected properties and resulting pavement base performance as other
to have properties similar to those tested by the selected aggregates.
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

In the case of the project described in this paper, the and can help to focus future laboratory studies of RAP.
field experience shows clearly that the RAP base required The original project specification substituting Mn/DOT class
the continual addition of water to facilitate compaction. 7 RAP for class 5 stone aggregate appears to have been
The quality control technician noted that the RAP drained supported by the project outcomes as well as the findings
rapidly and the surface also dried, hampering compaction of Attia and Abdelrahman [4], Mokwa and Peebles [5], and
efforts. With the frequent addition of water via water truck, Locander [6].
compaction was much more effective, achieving a firm The project also highlights a number of contractual issues
base in fewer compactor passes, passing DCP testing and worth considering on any project incorporating relatively
exhibiting no rutting or deflection under proof rolling. new technologies, whether the technology in question is
After acclimating to the pace of water addition required, recycled materials or geosynthetics. First, risk is implied
the paving subcontractor was able to compact the entire in any technical decision to reduce construction cost
parking lot base course in a week with a single compactor. through the use of less conventional technology. Notions
Compaction succeeded in producing a base condition where of conventional technology can be both geographically and
proof rolling exhibited only barely perceptible deflection in institutionally specific. Thus, a technology does not need
limited locations. As a result, all parties were pleased with to be new in absolute terms to receive resistance from
the quality of the base prior to asphalt pavement placement. project participants. The apportionment of the risk and
Furthermore, both asphalt layers were placed and compacted corresponding reward needs to be considered by all project
without incident over the entire parking lot area. stakeholders when dealing with problems such as the soft
Attia and Abdelrahman [4] noted that because RAP subgrade described in this paper. Second, the experience of
drains freely, it is not susceptible to freeze-thaw damage this project suggests that the design-build framework has
(i.e., reduction in resilient modulus following a freeze-thaw some efficiencies when addressing these concerns since it
cycle). They obtained this conclusion since the water inside is possible for the prime contractor to negotiate both the
their RAP samples was allowed to drain during the test. design and workmanship obligations of the overall project
This observation contrasts with compaction testing, since team amongst its participants. It is also noteworthy that CFB
the closed-bottom compaction molds used for compaction ash could have been implemented given sufficient laboratory
and resilient modulus testing would not permit the draining study. However, given the prime contractor’s relative famil-
of water and corresponding reduction in moisture content iarity with geosynthetics and the original project schedule,
during compaction. It appears that the observations of geogrid reinforcement was the most competitive ground
the parking lot construction are consistent with both the improvement option.
freeze-thaw finding and the compaction results since, in the In conclusion, this project illustrates the successful
field, water was able to drain from the RAP base material. implementation of RAP in what is rapidly becoming a com-
Accordingly, it is very difficult under field conditions, with a monplace application. The use of a RAP base in conjunction
properly graded subgrade, to excessively water RAP bases to with geogrid reinforcement is more novel and also appears to
the point where compaction and performance goals are not be a complete success. Together, these technologies allowed
being met. Therefore, the findings of Attia and Abdelrahman the successful completion of the project, avoiding a signifi-
[4], Mokwa and Peebles [5], and Locander [6], considered cant waste of money, time, resources, and energy.
together with the field observations on this project, suggest
that RAP base courses can be readily constructed with
properties comparable to similarly prepared virgin stone Acknowledgments
aggregate base courses.
This project was funded by the 88th Regional Support Com-
mand (RSC). The author is grateful for the contributions
6. Conclusion of Josephine Newton-Lund, US Army Corps of Engineers,
Kansas City District and Howard Dahlby of J. M. Waller
The project described in this report was successfully con- Associates, Inc.
cluded at a cost (about $200,000) that is significantly
less than that espoused by the original cut and replace
specification (about $890,000) for unacceptable subgrades. References
The successful application of geogrid reinforcement in con-
junction with the RAP base aggregate allowed the completion [1] Standard Specifications for Construction, Minnesota Depart-
of the project in a timely manner with high-quality results. ment of Transportation, 2005.
This design change not only continued the planned recycling [2] A. J. Puppala, Estimating Stiffness of Subgrade and Unbound
Materials for Pavement Design, NCHRP Synthesis 382, Wash-
of the asphalt pavement, but effectively resulted in the
ington, DC, USA, 2008.
recycling of the entire subgrade, reducing the time, energy, [3] AASHTO, Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, AASHTO,
and money consumed to replace it. The scrutiny of the Washington, DC, USA, 1993.
base construction motivated by the paving subcontractor [4] M. Attia and M. Abdelrahman, “Sensitivity of untreated
concerns about the geosynthetics allowed a number of useful, reclaimed asphalt pavement to moisture, density, and freeze
detailed observations. Specifically, observations related to thaw,” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 22, no. 12,
the drainage and compaction behavior appear to be timely pp. 1260–1269, 2010.
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

[5] R. L. Mokwa and C. S. Peebles, “Strength, stiffness, and com-

pressibility of RAP/aggregate blends,” Pavement Mechanics and
Performance, no. 154, pp. 247–255, 2008.
[6] R. Locander, “Analysis of Using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
(RAP) as a Base Course Material,” Colorado Department of
Transportation—Research Report CDOT-2009-5, p. 66, 2009.
[7] ASTM, Standard Test Method for Use of the Dynamic Cone
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