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User Manual: Universal Car Alarm System

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Trunk Release

Press and hold UNLOCK button for 2 seconds, the trunk will open . If the system is armed , it
Universal Car Alarm System will disarm the system at the same time.
Press and hold TRUNK button for 2 seconds , the trunk will open . (the fifth button)
Anti Hi -jacking (refer to No.9 , Feature Program)
User Manual In driving , press and hold MUTE button for 2 seconds, the direction light rapidly will start to

flash and the system is ready for anti hi-jacking mode . Press LOCK or CAR FIND button to
enter anti hi -jacking mode . The direction light will flash rapidly and siren will sound.
T hank you for choos ing our ca r alarm system. (If press LOCK or CAR FIND button again , the engine will be cut off.) Engine will be cut off in
40 seconds . During this period press UNLOCK button to exit anti hi-jacking mode .
Please read the instruction of the system before insta lling and In driving , press and hold MUTE button for 2 seconds, the direction light rapidly will start
to flash and the system is ready for anti hi-jacking mode . Press LOCK or CAR FIND button
using th e product. to enter anti hi -jacking mode . The direction light wi ll flash rapid ly and siren will sound but the
This product -h-as-· _p_a_n_ic_t-·unction. It can he used to increase tht • I engine will not be cul off. Press UNLOCK button to exit anti hi-jacking mode .
(for programming please refer to N0 .9, Feature Program)
safety of driving.
Auto Arm (refer to No.2 & No .6, Feature Program)
When the engine is turned off, and the door is closed but no button is pressed on the remote
The symbo l of remo te control, 20 seconds later the siren wi ll sound 3 times to remind the driver to arm the system .
control b utto n . Button funct ion After another 10 seconds the system will enter arm status automatically but will not lock the

Standard symbol i -
Specia l symbo l
doors . (Factory default)
When the engine is turned off, and the door is closed but no button is pressed on the remote
control, 20 seconds later the siren will sound 3 times to remind the driver to arm the system.
A rm ing with sound
Q I I After another 10 seconds the system will enter arm status automatica lly and lock the doors.
(P lease refer to No .6, Feature programming)
Di sarming When the engine is turned off, and the door is closed but no button is pressed on the remote
rl' II 2 control, system will do nothing . (Please refer to No .2, Feature programming)

M ute -arming Auto Re-arm (refer to No.5, Feature Program)

If no button is pressed in 30 seconds after disarmed, system will automatically arm again .
(factory default) .
Q> lV 4 Ve hicle locator / Panic/
lfno button is pressed in 30 seconds after disarmed, system will do nothing.
O_vcrtaking/Eme rgcncy ca ll (P lease refe r to No .5, Fea ture programm ing)

::::5 . .,v 5 T runk re lease Disconnection Memory

If t he powe r supp ly of the car alarm system is cut off during armed status, when the power
supp ly is re-connected , system will arm immediate ly.
Door Close Alert
Press LOCK button on the remote control , siren wi ll sound once and direction light will flash
once . Central door lock will be locked and LE D in dicator sta rt s to flash in 5 seconds. The After armed the system , if a door is not closed properly, system will alert in 60 seconds .
system enters arm status . Then the driver should disarm the alert , close the door, and then arm the system .

Silent Arm Door Open Alert

Press MU TE button on the remote control , direction light will flash once . Central door lock When the system is disarmed , the direction light wi ll flash for 15 seconds after a door is open
will be locked and LED indicator starts to flash in 5 seconds. The system enters arm status . no matter if the vehicle is running . (Factory default. Please refer to No .7,
In silent arm status the siren will not alarm when the shock sensor is triggered . Feature program to turn off thi s feature)

Disarm Automatic Central Door Lock

Press UNLOCK button on the remote control, siren wi ll sound twice and direction light When the veh icle is running, press UN LOCK or LOCK bu tton can un lock or lock the door.
wi ll flas h twice. Ce ntra l doo r lo ck wi ll be un locked and the system wi ll be disarmed . The alarm wi ll not be triggered . (the door wi ll not be un locked or locked it is not properly
closed) .
Emergency Alarm When ente r the ca r, close the door, turn ACC to ON, step on the footbrake, the door wi ll be
In arm status, if the door is open, or ACC is turn to ON, or the foot brake is stepped on, locked automatically in 15 seconds . When the ACC is turned to OFF and the key is remov,ed,
the alarm will be triggered . Siren will start to sound and the direction light will start to fla sh. the door will be unlocked automatically. If ACC is turned to ON , the door is open and then ·
The engine can not be started . After 15 second s if the trigger stops , the system will stop alar closed , step on the footbrake will lock the door automatically.

Please refer to No.3 and 4 how to cancel the automatic central door lock features. Valet Mode
Car Find After entering the valet mode, system will turn off alarm trigger from shock sensor, footbrake ,
ACC and side door. Please refer to No.10 Feature Program how to enter valet mode.
Press and hold Car Find button for 2 seconds, the siren will sound for 15 seconds and the
direction light will flash at the same time . Press the same button again to exit. Press LOCK Side Doo r Input Option
button in 4 seconds after the car is armed will enter car find mode as well.
Side door(-) negative trigger: please refer to wiring diagram JP1 (factory default)
Emergency Alert Side door(+) positive trigger : please refer to wiring diagram JP2 .
When the car is running, press and hold BELL button for 2 seconds, the siren will sound for 12 Feature Programming
seconds and direction light will flash at the same time . Press Car Find button again to exit.
1.Automatic central door lock option (electronic I Vacuum):
Intrusion Memory Turn ACC to ON, step on foot brake, close the door. Press LOCK and MUTE button at the
same time (or LOCK and Car Find button) for 2 seconds. Siren sound once: electronic door
If an alarm is triggered during the arm status, siren will sound 4 times after disarm to remind
lock (0.5 seconds, factory default). Siren sound twice: vacuum door lock (4 seconds .)
that the alarm system has been triggered.
2.Auto arm:
Vibration Alarm Turn ACC to OFF, step on footbrake, close the door. Press LOCK and UNLOCK button at the
same time for 2 seconds, siren sound once will turn on auto arm and sound twice will turn off
If the shock sensor is continuously triggered, for example there is an animal in the car or auto arm mode. (factory default is turned off)
someone is knocking the car, system will delay the trigger and enter arm status . 3.Auto central door lock (automatic LOCK)
If the shock sensor is continuously triggered, for example there are lightnings, after 10 Turn ACC to ON, step on footbrake, press UNLOCK and MUTE button at the same time for 2
alarm cycles system will shut down the alarm until the shock sensor trigger stops. After 4 seconds (or UNLOCK and Car Find button), siren sound once to turn on the feature and siren
minutes, system will arm automatically. sound twice to turn it off. (factory default is turned ON)
Please refer to No.3 and 4 how to cancel the automatic central door lock features . 4.Auto central door lock (automatic UNLOCK)
Turn ACC to ON, step on footbrake, press UNLOCK and LOCK button at the same time for 2
Emergency Release seconds, siren sound once to turn on the feature and siren sound twice to turn it off. (factory
When the system is alarming, open the door, step on footbrake, turn ACC OFF-ON- OFF- default is turned ON)
ON- OFF-ON- OFF-ON- OFF-ON and stay on ON, the alarm will be canceled and system will 5.Auto Rearm
be disarmed. Turn ACC to ON, step on footbrake, close the door, press LOCK and MUTE button at the
same time for 2 seconds (or LOCK and CAR FIND button), siren sound once to turn on the
Third Channel (Programmable , refer to No.11 , Feature Program) featu re and siren sound twice to turn it off. (factory default is turned ON)
6.Auto Arm door lock
Power window mode : Press LOCK button, siren will beep once, direction light will flash
Turn ACC to ON, step on footbrake, open the door, press UNLOCK and MUTE button at the
once, the centra l door lock will be locked, power window output 25 seconds . During this
same time for 2 seconds (or UNLOCK and CAR FIND button), siren sound once to turn OFF
process press UNLOCK button to cancel power window output. (factory default is Power
the feature auto arm will not lock the door and siren sound twice to turn ON the feature, auto
window mode)
arm will lock the door. (factory defau lt is turned OFF)
Siren mode: wor ks same as the factory siren.
7 .Door open alert
Electronic I Vacuum Central Door Lock Turn ACC to ON, step on footbrake, open the door, press LOCK and UNl_OCK button at the
same time for 2 seconds, siren sound once to turn ON th~ feature and siren sound twice to
0.5 seconds output for the electronic central door lock and 5 seconds output for the vacuum turn it OFF. (factory default is turned ON) - •
central door lock. Factory default is Electronic central door lock. Please refer to No .1, 8.Shock Sensor switch ,..r
Feature Program for option. When system is armed, press L. ~K and UNLOCK button at the same time for 2 seconds,
siren sound once to turn ON the feature and siren sound twice to turn it OFF. (factory default
Learning Code is turned ON)
9.Anti Hi -jacking
Step on the foot brake, open the door, turn ACC OFF-ON-OFF-ON-OFF-ON, siren will Turn ACC to OFF, step on footbrake, open the door, press UNLOCK and MUTE button at the
sound once, and LED indicator will turn ON. At this time press any button on the remote same time for 2 seconds, siren sound once to turn ON the engine cut off feature and siren
control, siren will sound twice to indicate the remote control has been successfully learnt. sound twice to turn it OFF. (factory default is turned ON)
Press any button on another remote control, siren will sound once and LED indicator will 1O.Valet mode
flash once. It means the 2nd remote control has been successfully learnt. Up to 2 remote Turn ACC to ON, step on footbrake, open the door, press LOCK and MUTE button at the same
controls can be learnt. time for 2 seconds (or UNLOCK and Card Find button), siren sound once to turn OFF the
feature and siren sound twice to turn it ON. (factory default is turned OFF)
Restore Factory Settings 11.Third channel
Please refer to No.12 Feature Program how to restore factory settings. ACC turn to OFF, step on foot brake, open the door, press LOCK & MUTE button or LOCK &
CAR FIN D button at the same time for 2 seconds, siren beeps once for Power Window Mode
Valet Mode and twice for Siren Mode.
After entering the va let mode, system will turn off alarm trigger from shock sensor, footbrake, 12.Restore Factory Settings
ACC and side door. Please refer to No .10 Feature Program how to enter valet mode . Turn ACC to OFF, step on footbrake, open the door, press LOCK and UNLOCK button at the
same time for 2 seconds, siren sound 4 times to restore factory settings.

3 4
Siren sound
Siren sound
Remote contro l twice
NO. Feature Operation once
buttons (programming
Automatic central
ACC turned to ON, step LOCK and MUTE or Electronic
door lock option Vacuum door
1 (electronic I
on foot break, LOCK and Car Find door lock lock
closr the door ~
ACC turned to OFF, ~ 0 ~
<t: ('I') a) Q)
2 Auto Arm step o n foot break, LOCK and UNLOCK Turn ON TurnOFf z - .c
close the door Q - < - .2~
h:.!.. ~ B. - ~!3
Auto central door ACC turned to ON, UNLOCK and MUTE 0 ~ g 5 ~ - ~-~
3 lock step on foot break, or UNLOCK Turn ON Turn OFF
a: .0 :; ~ g < ~ - ~~
(automatic LOCK) close the door and Car Find 0 0 § ; 1 E g -§, coo
ACC turned to ON, g ~ .= ~ ::= g ~ ~ go
Auto central door step on foot break, w -o0 '?tjc 0 + c"8.g
Turn OFF
4 lock (automatic close the door
9 ~ 8 ~ E ~ :g- .!? .~ ~ L- O ~ a.~ .
UNLOCK) C/)I I- O> 0 c C/) -
I <t: z QJ !:! -~ - QJ

~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~=B~
... ~Z~~~ z zwa.~ ~B"filo
ACC turned to OFF, LOCK and MUTE
c g w ~ u z ~ w w ~ >-- u -~-E
5 Auto re -arm step on foot break, or LOCK Turn ON Tt.rn OFF E ~m ~ ~ ~ :3 ;i ;i ~ 3 ~ I ~ :3 ~ g ~ _g>

n ~ rr rr ~ nrr~ uu
close the door and Car Find

Auto arm door
ACC turned to ON,
step on foot break,
Turn OFF
door lock
Turn ON
door lock !
I co
~ g_
QJ co o c
~ ~iii

open the door and Car Find u
c ..1111 en E;:) ~
L- L-

8 gg 6cE ......
7 Door open alert
ACC turned to ON,
step on foot break, LOCK and UNLOCK Turn ON Turn OFF
i • ~~ • • o o o• o 1o H!~
! ~~ {I1 I 111111 ·~ UH
open the door

.. ."·-
Shock Sensor" -
~n,n-syst"'i is~- LOCK and uN LOCK Turn ON Turn OFF
-, ~ o~o~g
ACC turned to OFF,
..... . ..J
-~ ~ ~ 00 ~
9 Anti Hi-jacking step on foot break,
Engine cut Engine does ro ~ ~;s
off not cut off
open the door and Car Find

ACC turned to ON, LOCK and MUTE

10 Va let Mode step on foot break, or LOCK Turn OFF Turn ON
open the door and Car Find

ACC turned to OFF, LOCK and MUTE

Pow " r
11 Third Channel step on foot break, or LOCK St r·1•1
open the door and Car Find

ACC turned to OFF,

Restore Factory Siren sound 4 times to
12 step on foot break, LOCK and UNLOCK
Settings restore factory settings
open the door

I 6
car Alarm sys1:.em





The warranty terms:

I .The warranty remains valid for one year from the purchasing
2.Within the warranty period, all manufacturing defects can be
repaired by our service agents with the support of this war-
ranty and the purchase invoice.
3 .Rcpai r of damages resulting from unjusti ficd causes wi 11
subject to a charge at actual cost level.

Exclusions of the Warranty

I .Failure of warning siren, remote control, shocking sensor,
main unit caused by water ingress.
2.Thc normal wear of battery.
3.Damagcs resulting from tampering, upapprovcd disassembl-
ing, rebuilding and improper use .

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