Gospel Problems Bennion
Gospel Problems Bennion
Gospel Problems Bennion
BX 218914
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The author's name is withheld not for fear for the
love of God casteth out all fear; nor for shame, for there
is nothing to be ashamed of; but that attention might not
be diverted from the booklet to the author. Never mind
the author; he is nothing; the truth is everything. And
in the language of Moroni, I would "exhojt^ you that you
would ask God the eternal Father, in the^iame of Christ,
if these things are not true, and if ye shall ask with a
and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have
not been deceived; verily I say unto you, they shall not
be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the
day. (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 45:57.)
The author is not writing for money, nor the honors
of men, but with a sincere desire to establish faith in the
hearts of the Saints not faith in Germany nor France,
nor Paris, nor Wall Street, nor Babylon but faith in God,
— — —
and His word His Zion the Pure in Heart the Order
of Enoch — —
the love of each other in Christ Jesus to the
salvation of souls, to which may we all be dedicated.
An apology for the disilatory and disconnected na-
ture of these writings may be offered with the statement
that in the beginning there was no thought of publish-
ing, but the writer had formed a habit of committing his
reflections on the signs of the times to writing, while
others slumbered and slept. This booklet is a compila-
tion of these thoughts on various subjects at various
times and circumstances, interrupted by the toils of the
day, and we trust will account for many imperfections.
Yes, say what is truth, 'tis the highest prize to
which Mortals or Gods can aspire.
throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burn-
ing fire. 10. Afiery stream issued and came forth from
before him thousand thousands ministered unto him,
David Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery both testified
that Joseph Smith read the words of the Book of Mor-
mon to them from a parchment, while they wrote them
down and that the words would not give way for other
words to appear until they were correctly written. While
Joseph Smith is not known to have corroborated this
statement he was never known to have denied or cor-
rected it, as doubtless he would have done had it been
false. Who would be more likely to know about the man-
ner of translating the Book of Mormon than the scribes
who wrote it? and if their testimony in this matter is
false what dependence can we put in the testimony of
these same witnesses as recorded with Martin Harris on
the fly leaf of the Book of Mormon. If they would testify
falsely in the one case why not in the other?
Joseph Smith the translator wrote in our Articles
of Faith, "We believe the Bible to be the world of God
as far as it is translated correctly, and we also believe
the Book of Mormon to be the word of God." If the
translator only got the ideas, and had to think it out,
shall give unto them. Wherefor when thou hast read the
words which I have commanded thee, and obtained the
witnesses which I have promised thee, then shalt thou
seal up the book again and hide it up unto me, that I
may preserve the words which thou hast not read, until
I shall see fi tin mine own wisdom to reveal all things
unto the children of men. And again it shall come to
pass that the Lord shall say unto him that shall read
the words that shall be delivered him." II Nephi, Chap-
ter 3 : 19, 20, 21 "And the words which he shall write
that ye may be numbered with my people, who are of the
house of Israel."
all know they are not disposed to render obedi-
ence to this commandment, but ridicule the very idea of
being baptized into the Mormon Church. They gladly
join us in finance, politics and social pleasures, so long as
we keep quiet on our_ religion. They have no use for
the Book of Mormon, or Joseph Smith, and yet it is the
only repentance acceptable to the Lord. The status of
this nation before the Lord is graphically portrayed in
Mormon, 8th Chapter, commencing at the 34th verse.
"Behold the Lord hath shown unto me great and
marvelous things, concerning that which must shortly
come at that day when these things shall come forth
among you.
Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and
yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you
unto me, and I know your doing;
And I know that ye do walk in the pride of your
hearts and there are none, save a few only, who do not
against me, and they will take up the sword one against
another, and they will kill one another."
How can we expect to escape this "scourge" and
"desolating sickness," when we open our theatres, pic-
ture shows and vaudevilles, and close our temples and
churches against Sacrament meetings, fast meetings, and
solemn assembly? Do we imagine the Lord is not look-
ing on? Let us not think to deceive ourselves. The
Lord says, Revelation, 18th Chapter, 4th Verse, **Come
out of her my
people, that ye be not partakers of her sins,
and that ye receive not of her plagues." He further says
"Reward her even as she rewards you, and double unto
her double according to her works in the cup which she
hath filled to her double" She rewarded you with mob
law, and this retribution is coming just as fast as labor
and capital can mobolize their forces. But if our capital-
istic brethren continue to array themselves on the side
of the trusts and corporations, and our laboring brethren
on the side of the unions, how are we to escape. Let us
read on
"7. How
much she hath glorified herself and lived
deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her, for
she saith in her heart, I sit a queen and am no widow,
and shall see no sorrow.
8. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day,
death and mourning and famine, and she shall be utterly
burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges
9. And the kings of the earth who have committed
fornication and lived deliciously with her. shall bewail
her, and lament for her when they shall see the smoke of
her burning.
10. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment,
saying alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty
city, for in one hour is thy judgment come.
IL And the merchants of the earth shall weep and
mourn over them for no man buyeth their merchandise
any more."
These scriptures are just as sure of fulfillment as the
one foretelling desolating sickness, and the one in 1st
Nephi, 22:13 foretelling the recent world war.
13. "And the blood of that great and abominable
church, which is the whore of all the earth, shall turn
upon their own heads; for they shall war among them-
selves, and the sword of their own hands shall fall upon
their own heads, and they shall be drunken with their
own blood."
ing with Daniel II that the kingdoms of this world should
become as the chaff of the summer thrashing floor and no
l)lace found for them.
home, have passed away apd the work of the Lord has
revolved upon a new generation, who know Httle or noth-
ing of these fiery ordeals, and what is the result? the
"condition." Have we not all that this "wicked world
desires in our midst, and we delighting therein? Think
of it, and form your own conclusions." Have we not all
the fashions of Paris here, and we delighting therein?
Have we not the principles and policies of Wall Street
trusts and corporations, and secret combinations, and we
delighting therein?
In the face of this overflowijig scourge, and desolat-
ing sickness that covers the land, were we not the first
to close our churches and temples, and open our theatres,
and vaudevilles, and movies? and the last to open our
churches? In the 44 years of intervening prosperity has
not "pride and arrogance and covetousness" continued to
increase with the tide of riches and dearth of persecu-
tion? And if we continue to give way to these evils,
what will be the results? The Lord says except He cut
His work short in righteousness there would be no flesh
saved. With our temples and churches closed and our
theatres and vaudevilles open, and our Elders and teach-
ers advised to keep out of the Flu stricken homes, is there
any wonder that the Savior with a prophetic eye on these
conditions should wonder if the Son of Man should find
faith in the earth at His coming?
Yes, but some pleasure lovers will say, Brigham
Young built the Salt Lake Theatre, and encouraged danc-
ing. True, but he only encouraged these things at the
right time, and the right conditions. Let us read from
Wilford Woodruff's Journal while crossing the plains in
search of new homes for God's people in the mountains
of Ephraim. * * *
President Woodruff's Journal, as recorded in his his-
tory, shows that President Young reproved the brethren
for playing cards, dominoes, quoits, checquers, and danc-
ing and singing while enroute on a sacred mission to lo-
cate a home for the Saints. Said he would not travel with
them or lead them if they did not repent and desist from
such conduct.
When the Lehi colony was being driven before the
wind on a voyage to the promised land Nophi reproved
his brethren for dancing, and singing, and frivolity on
such an occasion, and the Lord sustained him in that
rebuke. And the Lord is the same yesterday, today and
We are living in perilous times. The Lord has said
come out of her my people that ye partake not of her sins,
nor receive of her plagues. Ye are the salt of the earth,
but if the salt hath lost its savor, of what use is it but to
be cast out and trodden under foot of men? If we put
ourselves on the same level with Babylon we will suffer
with Babylon. A body of water that sinks to the same
level with the ocean has neither potential nor kenetir
energy, but is subject to the same winds and waves and
tides, and has no inherent power. The Lord says in
Isaiah 26:20, 21, "Come my people, enter thou into thy
chambers and shut thy doors about thee hide thyself as
through and treadeth down and none can deliver." The
government will be unable to guard the Mexican line
against Lamanite invasion. But a mighty prophet is to
be raised up among them, and they are to be converted as
it were in a day, and when the big cities of the east are
has said "it is not given that one man should possess that
against his neighbor," and "he who will not take up his
sword and fight his neighbor, must need flee to Zion
for safety. The whole of America is the land of Zion,"
but not Zion until it is cleansed and purified, for Zion is
the pure in heart. The portending industrial trouble
will doubtless culminate in a destruction of our char-
iots (railroads) and "cut off the cities of thy land and
throw all thy strongholds and execute vengeance and
fury upon them even as upon the heathen such as they
have not heard. 3 Nephi 21 :14, 15, 21.
The chastening hand of the Lord will be upon the
pride of Ephraim as well as upon the Gentiles, except we
humble ourselves without the chastening rod. These
railroads (chariots) must be destroyed in fulfillment of
the predictions of the prophets, both ancient and modern,
and we will suffer starving mob law with Babylon, ex-
cept we adopt the United Order, which was given for our
"temporal and spiritual salvation." We have the only
organization and system in the world equal to the oc-
casion, and if the machinery of our church organization
is not put in running gear to work the united order we
will suffer mob law with the rest of the world. In the
meantime we all slumber and sleep but when the crucial
time comes, and the cry goes out "The Bridegroom
cometh," will five of every ten of us have oil in our lamps?
Let us watch and pray that there be at least one people
on the earth that will not be at war with each other, but
be a light to the world, and ready to save the consti-
tution of our government.
break it. They pleaded they could not keep this cov-
enant with the government without breaking their most
solemn and sacred covenants with their wives, and as
both covenants could not be kept they preferred to keep
their covenants with their Avives and break the coven-
ant with the government.
As these two covenants conflict both could not be of
God, so one must be of the devil or "death and hell" as
Isaiah says. (See also 2 Nephi, 10. "that awful monster
death and hell."
But the leaders of Ephraim will affirm that these
agitators are discrediting and betraying their brethren,
the heads of the Church in fact repudiating them as
prophets, seers and revelators. But this is not necess-
arily true. God told Abraham to deceive Alimalech in
regard to his relationship with his wife. When Alima-
lech discovered the deception he did not denounce Abra-
ham very severely, and neither did God seem to be dis-
pleased with either of them. They were all three better
friends than before.
Rebecca and Jacob deceived Isaac to obtain the bless-
ing that God had designed to bestow upon Jacob. They
were obliged to do so, to fulfill the purposes of the Lord.
But when the deception was discovered they were not
angry with each other neither was the Lord angry.
Esau was angry, but he was in the wrong, and unworthy
of the blessing.
Martin Harris' wife and friends kept begging him to
persuade Joseph Smith to let, or loan him the first 116
pages of manuscript of the Book of Mormon. Twice the
Lord had told Joseph not to do it; but as they persisted
in opportuning, the Lord finally consented, and you all
know the consequences. The manuscript was lost, or
The people were wicked when Enoch was "but a lad"
and hated him and were "offended because of his preach-
ing. They did not love the Lord nor each other, but
were selfish, avaricious and licentious. The devil laughed
and his angels rejoiced. But the Lord wept. Enoch per-
severed until he converted multitudes and built a city
— —
the City of Enoch called Zion the pure in heart, and
there was no poor among them. (Pearl of Great Price,
Section 7.)
The world is same state of wickedness today,
in this
and the Lord is —
trying to establish another Zion the
pure in heart under the United Order or Order of
Enoch, so there will be neither poor nor rich. What is
the United States of America doing towards the estab-
lishment of this order of things, or any of the nations?
And for that matter, what are the Saints doing in that
line? Just joining with them heart and hand, in their
combinations of trust and corporations of greed to make
the rich richer, and the poor poorer, patterning after
Paris and Wall Street, opening their theatres and vaude-
villes, and closing their temples and churches, crying All
is Well in Zion, Yea, Zion prospers, all is well. Repudi-
ating Adam-God and yet representing these wicked na-
tions as fighting with Michel and His angels against
Satan and His angels, and their Angels calling the Kaiser
a "second Joshua." A better comparison would be Sodom
and Gomorah. The Lord says, I will turn them to the
blindness pf their minds, and hardness of their hearts,
even to bringing them into captivity and into destruc-
tion, both temporally and spiritually, according to the
captivity of the devil. 1 Nephi 14:7. They are termed as
blind as the wicked men of Sodom, or blind Samson
otherwise they would lave the railroads (chariots) in the
hands of the government their only safety, and instead
of worrying so much over the peace of the world through
the League of Nations, they would see that it must come
through a league of capital and labor a union of the
rich and poor. (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 104,
16:3. Also Section 58:16, 17, 18.)
Berlin and Rome and Paris and London and New
York and Chicago are all of Babylon "drunken in in-
iquity and all manner of abominations." 2 Nephi 27, 1)
and must fall. They represent the scarlet woman, the
ous, those that don't need help but for speculation. The
Deseret Banks work on the same principle. Deseret
means the honey-bee, but the honey-bee lives in common,
and there is no poor nor rich among them. The func-
tions of these two banks are more like the dog or the hog,
than the honey-bee. But, it will be protested, they work
on the same principles that all financial institutions work
and is necessary to their financial success. Certainly,
but they are all of Babylon, and must fall. The whole
system is wrong, and contains the elements of their own
destruction selfishness. They are the false gods, or
idols of gold and silver, that will be thrown to the moles
and the bats. They are the groves where we burn in-
cense to false gods, and will be plucked up in "the de-
struction of thy cities." See 3 Nephi, 21 Chapter, 18
significant? Or at least accumulative and supplementary
evidence ?
Is not this element a fly in their moral ointment?
Well may moralists look askance at birds of this feather,
as allies in their championship of decency. Are the
devils divided against their own kingdom? If so, how
can it stand? Does not every objection to plural mar-
riage appeal rather to the selfish side of our nature,
rather than to the better side? Is the argument not a
close kin to the objection, of the son or daughter's
objection to large monogamous families more respon- —
sibilities, more trials and sacrifices, and less of this
world's goods, less of the pleasures of this world? Is
trial and trouble an invinicble argument against polyg-
amy? If so, then the ease and freedom of bachelor life
must be fatal to married life. Then Malthus must be
rightwhen he says that the moral standard of any age or
community is measured by the number of children in- —
versely, the higher the birth rate, the lower the morals
the lower the birth rate, the higher the morals. By this
standard of measurement, Paris would be first and fore-
most in morals in this world, and Satan would stand for
highest morality in the next? the red light district the
pared with slavery the twdn relic of barbarism. But
this is unfair, because the element of slavery does not
enter into polygamy, but rather into enforced monogamy.
Lincoln says that slavery is predicated upon the
proposition that one man has a right to enslave another,
and a third party has no right to interfere. Now if
polygamy is the twin relic of slavery, as some people
claim, then it must be predicated upon the proposition
that two women may enslave one man, and a fourth
party has no right to interfere.
Many men refuse to marry, and when they insist that
the women who should have been their wives shall not
marry a man who already has a wife, they interfere arbi-
trarily and unjustly with the free agency of their equals.
They so consign their natural partners to a long fruit-
less life of spinsterhood.
m.ay be argued that the love, jealousy and envy
of the human
race justifies the difference of attitude in
the sexual relations of the human versus the animal.
But is envy and jealousy a virtue to be fostered and en-
couraged, or is it to be battled with and overcome? But
still the objector will affirm that polygamy encourages
and occasions jealousy; but will the objector Claim that
there is no such thing as jealousy under monogamy? In
that order of marriage are there no divorces ,no murders,
no suicides, no infanticides is all love and peace and
harmony? We believe the facts will show that these
evils are more prevalent in monogamy than in polygamy,
and more common in monogamous than in polygamous
communities. In strictly monogamous life the wife never
knows — not indeed supposed to know of her husband's
inclinations towards other women. If he has any, they
are sure to be clandestine, carefully hidden from her.
If she discovers it, it must be by accident or secret
espionage. She can never feel quite sure of her ground.
It is not so in a polygamous community, especially when
founded on a religious belief. The wife knows she is
safe — that if her husband has any inclinations to another,
he will let her know. There is no necessity for hiding it.
The occasion for jealousy is reduced to a minimum.
Neither need opponents fear that everybody would
rush into polygamy, should its practice be legal. For all
things being equal, women will prefer a whole husband
to a half or third. If she accepts a "fraction" depends
upon it, there are some mitigating circumstances.
Neither will a husband assume additional responsi-
bilities and further division of his time and means without
good cause. Legalized polygamy would afford that free-
dom and elasticity to the marriage relation to meet the
ebb and flow of the emmigrating tide that disturbs the
sectional equilibrium of the sexes, as well as the exigen-
cies of war.
Objectors to polygamy presume to know best what
is good
for their equals —
that is, if they can believe that
they have any equals.
Weconcede their right to decline marriage them-
selves, but we do not concede their right to say to the
women who should have been their wives, 'Thou shalt
not marry; because it is a gross violation of the principle
of free agency, which interferes injuriously with the
rights of others. With enforced monogamy, should go
compulsory marriage.
We allow that monogamy makes for ease and com-
fort, and a selfish worldly life and that polygamy makes
sorrow when his mother bore him. His son Nephi says
his pillow is wet at night and he *'is left to mourn because
of the unblief and the wickedness of men." (2 Nephi,
32:7.) Jacob says we live after a manner of happiness,
but we are a lonesome and solemn people, and thus we
mourn out our days. Jesus Christ was and is known to
this day as 'The Man of Sorrows."
Lincoln was a man of sorrows with a melancholy
countenance, but he said, *'It is difficult to make a man
miserable who feels worthy of himself, and has faith in
the kinship of the God who made him." There is a dif-
ference between sorrow and misery. A man may properly
be sorrowful and unhappy and yet not miserable. The
wicked and ungodly are usually hilarious and happy to
all outward appearances, and seem to enjoy life to the
full; and every man's way is right in his own eyes, but
God pondereth the heart; and He says, "The house of
mourning is better than the house of feasting, for by the
sadness of the countenance the heart is made better."
Continual sunshine breeds drouth and famine and
continual storm winter and death. The ideal weather
that is productive of life and peace is a mixture of sun-
shine and rain either one without the other is a curse
recorded in such books as "Looking Backward, or
Equality," by Edward Belleny. But it is no time for
light literature that leads away from the things of God.
Let us attend our Fast meetings, and solemn assemblies,
and let theatres and vaudevilles alone for they tend to
Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and
the gold broken to pieces together, and became like the
chaff of the summer threshing floors, and the wind car-
ried them away, and no place was found for them; and
the stone that smote the image became a great mountain
and filled the whole earth.
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay,
they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but
they shall not cleave one to another even as iron is not
mixed with clay.
years, for the Lord has so decreed and woe be unto the
justice and liberty. 'The land of the free, and the home
of the brave,' has been the pride of my youth and the
boast of my riper years. When abroad in foreign lands,
laboring in the interest of humanity, I have pointed
proudly to the land of my birth as an asylum for the
"I have ever felt tohonor the laws and institutions
of my country, and during the progress of my trials,
whatever evidence has been introduced, has shown my
innocence. But, like ancient Apostles when arraigned
in Pagan courts, and in the presence of apostate Hebrew
judges, though innocent, they were pronounced guilty.
So myself, an Apostle who bears witness by virtue of his
calling and the revelations of God, that Jesus lives—that
He is the Son of God though guiltless of crime, here
aid any assistance that you may require from among the
Seventies to assist in your labors in introducing and
maintaining the Gospel among the Lamanites throughout
the land. And then let High Priests be selected, under
the direction of the First Presidency, to preside over the
various organizations that shall exist among this people,
that those who receive the Gospel may be taught in the
doctrine of my church and in the ordinances and laws
thereof, and also in things pertaining to my Zion and my
Kingdom, saith the Lord, that they may be one with
you in my Church and my Kingdom. Let the Presidency
of my Church be one in all things and let the Twelve be
one also in all things and let them all be one with me as
To whom it may concern Press dispatches having