F 1= m(0,1,3,5,7,9, ) F 2= m(1,2,4,7,8,10,11, )
8. Implement the given function using PAL and PLA . (May/June2007)
1. What are prime implicants? (Dec 05,08, May 12)
All the implicants of a function determined using a karnaugh map are called prime implicants.
2. Define binary logic.
Binary logic consists of binary variables and logical operations. The variables are designated by the
alphabets such as A, B, C, x, y, z, etc., with each variable having only two distinct values: 1 and 0.
There are three basic logic operations: AND, OR, and NOT.
3. Convert (634)8 to binary.
6 3 4
110 011 100
Ans = 110011100
4. Convert (9B2 - 1A)H to its decimal equivalent
N = 9 x 162 + B x 161 + 2 x 160 + 1 x 16-1 + A (10) x 16-2
= 2304 + 176 + 2 + 0.0625 + 0.039
= 2482.110
5. Convert 0.640625 decimal numbers to its octal equivalent.
0.640625 x 8 = 5.125
0.125 x 8 = 1.0
(0.640625)10 = (0.51)8.
6. Convert 0.1289062 decimal numbers to its hex equivalent.
0.1289062 x 16 = 2.0625
0.0625 x 16 = 1.0
= (0.21)16.
7. State the steps involved in Gray to binary conversion.
The MSB of the binary number is the same as the MSB of the gray code number. So write it down. To
obtain the next binary digit, perform an exclusive OR operation between the bit just written down and
the next gray code bit. Write down the result.
1. (i) State and prove Demorgan’s theorem. (Dec 2003)
(ii) Compare the performance of any five logic families, based on any five suitable parameters.
(May 2005)
2. Draw the symbol, truth table and the equation of the three basics gates and two universal gates
and realize all the five gates using either of the universal gates. (Dec 2011)
3. (ii) Explain the basics laws of Boolean algebra. (May 2007, Dec 2006)
(iii)Realize XOR function using four NAND gates only. (Dec 2007)
4. Simplify using Tabulation method
(i) F (W , X , Y , Z ) m(1,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,15) (Dec 2004)
(ii) F ( A, B, C , D, E ) M (0,1,4,5,9,11,13,15,16,19,25,27,28,29,31) d ( 20,21,22,30) (Dec 2006)
(iii) F ( A, B, C , D, E , F , G ) m( 20,28,38,39,52,60,102,103,127) (Dec 2003)
(iv) F (V , W , X , Y , Z ) m( 4,5,6,7,9,10,14,19,26,30,31) ( Dec 2007)
(v) F ( A, B, C , D ) m(0,2,3,6,8,12,15) d (1,5) (May 2008)
A B + BC + CD + AD + BCD + ABC D
(ii) Prove the following expression algebraically A+BC = (A+C)(A+B)
8. Implement the following Boolean function with NAND-NAND Logic.
(ii) F ABC ' A' B ' C ABC AB ' C (Dec 2011)
(iii) Y AC AB BD (Dec 2007)
9. Implement the following Boolean function with NOR-NOR logic. (Dec 2010)
1. Define combinational circuits. (May/June 2009)
When logic gates are connected together to produce a specified output for certain specified combinations
of input variables, with no storage involved, the resulting circuit is called combinational logic.
2. Define Half adder.
The logic circuit which perform the arithmetic sum of two bits is called a half adder.
3. What do you mean by comparator?
A comparator is a special combinational circuit designed primarily to compare the relative magnitude of
two binary numbers.
4. Define half subtractor.
Half subtractor: (i) Half subtractor is the combinational circuit which is used to perform subtractions
Of two bits.
(ii) It has two inputs (minuend, subtrahend) and two outputs D(difference), B(borrow).
5. What are code convertors?
Code convertor is a logic circuit that changes data presented in one type of binary code to another type of
binary code. Eg. BCD to excess-3-code.
6. What is BCD adder?
BCD adder is used to add two BCD digit and produces a sum in BCD digit.
BCD number means 0 to 9 (10 digit) are represented in binary form 0000 to 1001.
BCD number cannot be greater than 9 and 10 is represented in BCD as 0001 0000.
7. Explain the design procedure for combinational circuits?
The problem definition
Determine the number of available input variables & required O/P variables.
Assigning letter symbols to I/O variables
Obtain simplified Boolean expression for each O/P.
Obtain the logic diagram.
8. Which gate is equal to AND-invert Gate?
NAND gate.
9. Which gate is equal to OR-invert Gate?
NOR gate.
10. Bubbled OR gate is equal to--------------
NAND gate
11. Bubbled AND gate is equal to--------------
NOR gate
12. Implement the Boolean Expression for EX – OR gate using NAND Gates.
22. Draw the block diagram of full adder and logic diagram.
Block Diagram: Logic diagram:
23. Draw the block diagram of 4-bit binary parallel adder and subtractor.
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0
A parity bit is used for the purpose of detecting errors during transmission of binary information. A
parity bit is an extra bit included with a binary message to make the number of 1’s either odd or
even.The message, including the parity bit is transmitted and then checked at the receiving end for
The circuit that checks the parity in the receiver is called a partiy checker.
In even parity the added parity bit will make the total number of 1’s an even amount.
In odd parity the added parity bit will make the total number of 1’s an odd amount.
58.What is the function of encoder? (Nov/Dec 2006)
An encoder is a digital circuit that performs the inverse operation of a decoder. An encoder has 2 n
lines (or fewer). The output line generate the binary code corresponding to the input value.
1. Explain in detail the working Principle of fast adder. (or) Explain in detail the look ahead carry
generator. (Dec 2010)
2. Draw a logic diagram of a 4-bit parallel adder/subtractor using full adder and explain. (or)
Design a 4-bit ripple carry adder. (Dec 2007,May 2003)
3. Design a 4-bit binary subtractor circuit. (May 2003)
4. Design a combinational circuit that performs the arithmetic sum of three inputs and produces a
sum and carry output. (or) Explain half adder and full adder with neat circuit diagram. (May
5. Explain half subtractor and full subtractor with neat circuit diagram. (May 2010,2003,2011)
6. Implement full adder using two half adder. (Dec 2007,May 2011)
7. Implement full subtractor using two half subtractor. (May 2010)
8. Draw the circuit of BCD adder and Explain. (Dec 2011)
9. Design a BCD to excess-3 code using binary parallel adder. (Dec 2007)
10. Draw and explain the circuit for 4-bit by 4-bit binary multiplier. (or) Design a combinational
system that produces the product of 2 binary number A= (A1,A2) X B =(B2,B1,B0). (Dec
11. Draw and explain the circuit for 4-bit by 3-bit binary multiplier. (Dec 2011)
12. Explain the restoring division algorithm and non-restoring division algorithm with the help of
suitable example. (Dec 2003,May 2007,2009)
13. Explain even & odd Parity generator and checker. (Dec 2008,May 2010)
14. Design a 4-bit binary to BCD converter.
15. Design a 4-bit binary to Gray code converter. (May2010, 2009)
16. Design a 4-bit binary to excess-3 code converter.
17. Design a 4-bit BCD to excess-3 code converter. (Dec 2003,May 2010)
18. Design a 4-bit BCD to gray code converter. (Dec 2003)
19. Design a 4-bit excess-3 code to BCD converter.
20. Design a 4-bit Gray code to BCD converter. (May 2005)
1. Realize a SR flip-flop using NAND gates and explain its operation. Derive the characteristics
equation. (Dec 2003,2005)
2. Explain the working of a master-slave JK flip-flop. (Dec 2005)
3. Realize a SR flip-flop using NOR gates and explain its operation. Derive the characteristics
equation. (Dec2005)
4. Realize a JK flip-flop using NOR gates and explain its operation. Derive the characteristics
equation. (Dec 2003)
5. Draw the logic diagram of a D-FF using NAND gates and explain. (Dec 2008)
6. Draw the clocked RS flip-flop and explain with truth table. (May 2007)
7. Explain the T-flip-flop.
8. (i) Convert JK flip-flop to D flip-flop. (May 2003,2005)
(ii) Convert D flip-flop to T flip-flop. (May 2011)
(iii) Convert SR flip-flop to D flip-flop. (Dec 2008)
(iv) Convert D flip-flop to JK flip-flop. (Dec 2009, 2011)
(v) Convert SR flip-flop to JK flip-flop.
(vi) Convert SR flip-flop to T flip-flop.
(vii) Convert JK flip-flop to T flip-flop.
(viii) Convert JK flip-flop to SR flip-flop.
9. Explain in detail the operation of a 4-bit binary ripple counter (or) Design and explain the
working of an up/down counter. (May 2003)
10. (i) Design BCD ripple counter using JK flip-flop. (Dec 2004,May 2006)
(ii ) Design a 3-bit asynchronous BCD ripple counter using T flip-flop. (May 2009)
(iii) Design a three bit binary counter using T flip-flop. (Dec 2011, 2009)
(iv) Design and explain the working of a synchronous mod-3 counter. (May 2003)
(v) Design and explain the working of Mod-7, Mod-15 and Mod-11 counter. (Dec 2003)
(vii) Design a synchronous counter with states 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1,…using JK FFs. (May 2004)
(viii)Design a 3-bit binary counter using T flip-flop that has a repeated sequence of six states.
000-001-010-100-101-110. Give the state table, state diagram and logic diagram. (Dec 2007)
11. Draw a 4-bit SISO, PISO, SIPO and PIPO Shift register. (Dec 2006,May 2006)
12. Explain the operation of universal shift register with neat block diagram. (Dec 2010,May 2009)
13. Draw a six-stage ring counter and explain its operation. (Dec 2005)
14. Draw the 4-bit Johnson counter and explain the operation. (or) Design Johnson Counter and
state its advantages and disadvantages. (Dec 2011,May 2007)
15. Explain in detail about sequence generator and detector.
16. Design a synchronous sequential circuit using JK flip-flop to generate the
following sequence and repeat. 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (16)
17. What is the aim of state reduction? Reduce the given state diagram and
prove that the both state diagrams are equal. (16)
18.Using D flip-flops design a synchronous counter which counts in the sequence
000,001,010,01,10,101,110,111,000 (April/May 2013)
19. Design a 3-bit binary counter. (Nov/Dec 2012)
20. Write the HDL description of T flip-flop and JK flip-flop from D flip-flop and gates. (Nov/Dec 2012)
III Semester ECE– Page 6
DIGITAL PRINICPLES AND SYSTEM DESIGN Unit-IV Asynchronous sequential Logic
1. Define Asynchronous sequential circuit.
In asynchronous sequential circuits change in input signals can affect memory element at any instant of time.
2. Give the comparison between synchronous & Asynchronous sequential circuits?
26. Give the comparison between state Assignment Synchronous circuit and state assignment
asynchronous circuit.
In synchronous circuit, the state assignments are made with the objective of circuit reduction. In asynchronous
circuits, the objective of state assignment is to avoid critical races.
27. What is essential hazard?
An essential hazard is caused by unequal delays along two or more paths that originate from the same input.
Such hazards can be eliminated by adjusting the amount of delays in the affected path.
28. What are races?
When two or more binary state variables change their value in response to a change in an input variable, race
condition occurs in an asynchronous sequential circuit. in case of unequal delays, a race condition may cause
the state variables to change in an unpredictable manner.
29. What is a state diagram?
A state diagram is graphical representation of the information available in a state table. In the diagram, a state is
represented by a circle and the transitions between states are indicated by directed lines connecting the circles.
30. What are input and output equations?
The part of the circuit that generates the inputs to flip-flops is described algebraically by a set of Boolean
functions called input equations.
31. What are called clocked sequential circuits?
Synchronous sequential circuits that use clock pulses in the inputs of storage elements are called clocked
sequential circuits.
32. How can we describe the structure of a sequential circuit?
The sequential circuit is made up of flip-flops and gates and so its structure can be described by a combination of
data flow and behavioral statements.
33. Define Moore model.
The output of this machine is the function of the present state only.
Input changes do not affect output.
It requires more number of states for implementing same function.
34. Define Mealy model.
Its output is function of present input as well as present state.
Input changes may affect the output of the circuit.
It requires less number of states for implementing same function.
35. What is a sensitivity list?
A sensitivity list specifies the events that must occur to initiate the execution of the procedural statements in the
always block. Statements within the block execute sequentially and the execution suspends after the last
statement has been executed.
36. How can the hazards in combinational circuits be removed?
Hazards in the combinational circuits can be removed by covering any two minterms that may produce
hazard with a product term common to both. the removal of hazards requires the addition of redundant gates to
the circuit.
37. How do the essential hazards differ from static and dynamic hazards?
They exist only in sequential circuits with two or more feedbacks.
If they exist, they result from a combination of both delay and the design specifications.
38. How can we overcome the problems due to essentials hazards?
The problems can be corrected by adjusting the amount of delay in the affected path.
To avoid the hazards, each feedback loop must be handled with individual care, to ensure that the delay
in the feedback path is long enough compared to delays of other signals that originate from the input
39. What is meant by procedural assignment?
A procedural assignment is an assignment within an initial or always statement. The initial behavior executes
once at time O. The always behavior executes repeatedly and re-executes until the simulation terminates.
40. Define merger graph.
The merger graph is defined as follows. it contains the same number of vertices as the state table contains state.
A line drawn between the two state vertices indicates each compatible state pair. it two states are incompatible
no connecting line is drawn. it is used as a tool in state reduction process.
41. What is lockout? How it is avoided? (Nov/Dec 2009)
In a counter, if the next state of some unused state is again some unused state, it may happen that the
counter remains in unused states never to arrive at a used state. Such a condition is called a lockout
To avoid lockout, the counter should be provided with an additional logic circuitry which will force the
counter from an unused state to the next state as initial state.
42. What is a self starting counter?
In a counter, if the next state of some unused state is again an unused state and if by chance the counter is said
to be in the lockout conditions. The counter which never goes in lockout condition is called self starting counter.
43. What are the basic building blocks of an algorithmic state machine chart?
State box
Decision Box
Conditional box
44. Under what circumstances asynchronous circuits are preferred?
Asynchronous circuits can operate faster than synchronous circuits and hence they are preferred when speed is
an important criterion.
45. Define Algorithms state machine (ASM) chart.
A special flowchart that has been developed specifically to define digital hardware algorithms is called an ASM
1. Explain the steps for the design of asynchronous sequential circuits. (May/June2013)
2. Write detailed notes on hazards in combinational circuits and sequential circuits (Nov/Dec 2012)
3. Explain race-free state assignment with an example. (Nov/Dec 2012)
4. With suitable design example explain ASM chart. (Nov/Dec 2011)
5. i. Write short notes on races and cycles that occur in fundamental mode circuits.
ii. What is essential hazard? Explain with example. (May/June2007)
6. What is meant by hazard? Differentiate between static, dynamic and essential hazard. (Nov/Dec 2003)
7. Show that no static 0(static 1) hazard can happen in a two level AND-OR (OR-AND) realization of a
switching function F. (May/June2003)
8. Implement the switching function x1x’2y1‘+ x1x2y2 by a static hazard free two level AN D-OR gate
network. (May/June2004)
9. What is race-around condition in latches? How is it overcome? Explain. (Nov/Dec 2004)
10. Explain races, Hazards, cycles, Stable state and unstable state with example. (May/June2005)
11. Draw the schematic diagram of master-slave JK flip-flop and input and output waveforms. Discuss
how it prevents race around condition. (May/June2005)
12. Explain the principle of pulse mode asynchronous sequential logic circuits. What are the restrictions to
be laid on the input signal of a pulse mode asynchronous sequential circuit? (Nov/Dec 2005)
13.Implement a scalar with a period of 24 by technique of asynchronous coupling and explain the
procedure. (Nov/Dec 2005)