Insulation Manual
Insulation Manual
Insulation Manual
Process Manual
value. We don’t just sell products, we supply solutions. It’s this total approach
that makes RTI the ideal choice for professionalism, innovation and trust.
1.2.1 Insulation with pipe sections P. 26 1.2.7 Insulation of valves and flanges P. 38 1.6.1 Insulation of boilers P. 68 Contents
1 System solutions 5
2 Theory 89
1.4 Insulation of columns P. 52
1.2.3 Insulation with wired mats P. 30 1.2.9 Reducers P. 42 2.1 Norms & standards 90
2.2 Product properties & test methods 110
1.6.2 Supercritical steam generators P. 71 2.3 Bases for thermal calculations 122
3 Tables 129
4 Products 163
1.2.1 Insulation with pipe sections P. 26 1.2.7 Insulation of valves and flanges P. 38 1.6.1 Insulation of boilers P. 68 Contents
1 System solutions 5
2 Theory 89
1.4 Insulation of columns P. 52
1.2.3 Insulation with wired mats P. 30 1.2.9 Reducers P. 42 2.1 Norms & standards 90
2.2 Product properties & test methods 110
1.6.2 Supercritical steam generators P. 71 2.3 Bases for thermal calculations 122
3 Tables 129
4 Products 163
2 Theory 89
3 Tables 129
4 Products 163
Keep this manual close by. It is a handy tool for the Ü
application of our insulation solutions in a process
environment. Should you have any further questions
about a specific application, procedure or practical problems, ER
Frank Jacobs
Managing Director
Rockwool Technical Insulation Group 3
The Rockwool Technical Insulation Process Manual
Know-how for designers, site supervisors and managers of industrial plants
Energy keeps the world in motion. Without energy, eve- overview of the possible modern insulation techniques
rything would come to a standstill. The global economy for, by way of example, chemical or petrochemical
is dependent upon a secure, efficient supply of energy. installations and power stations. Based on current stan-
Over eighty percent of the energy currently being dards and regulations the manual provides accessible,
consumed however is obtained from non-renewable practical guidelines for the implementation of numerous
resources. Energy resources are becoming increasingly insulation applications.
scarce, whilst at the same time the demand for energy
is exploding. This means that owners, designers and Restriction of thermal losses to an absolute minimum,
operators of large, industrial plants are challenged with including during transfer or storage, can considerably
the task of reducing their energy consumption as much reduce the energy consumption of industrial plants. This
as possible in order to ensure the long term sustainabili- also results in a reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emis-
ty of their operations. sions, which are created each time fossil fuels such as
coal or gas are burnt and which, as a greenhouse gas,
The time for making excuses for poor energy efficiency is responsible for the global increase in temperature.
is past, because nowadays there are a great many
efficient insulation systems that enable scarce energy From an environmental perspective, adequate insulation
reserves to be put to the best possible use. The Rock- of industrial plants is a significant means of reducing
wool Technical Insulation Process Manual illustrates (CO2) emissions. This measure pays off in two ways,
these systems both theoretically and practically. because within the framework of the EU Emission
Trading Scheme, CO2 reduction equally signifies a
The process manual is aimed at designers, installers reduction in emission costs.
and managers of industrial plants and provides an
In addition, the right insulation keeps temperatures, In the “Flow of Energy” diagram on the following page,
for example in pipes and storage tanks, within strict you will find an overview of all of the sectors in which
tolerances, thereby ensuring reliable process efficien- Rockwool is active. All of RTI’s products, such as pipe
cy. At the same time, adequate insulation protects the sections, slabs, wired mats and lamella mats, as well as
plant itself. Modern insulating materials can thoroughly loose insulating wool, fulfil the highest quality and safety
protect plant components from moisture and associated standards and comply with the strictest, and therefore
corrosion. Installation and process maintenance costs safest, fire safety classes. Stone wool is non flammable
can be reduced considerably and the effective lifetime up to temperatures of approximately 1,000 ºC and
of industrial plants can be successfully maximised. therefore provides a crucial contribution towards passive
fire protection.
Furthermore, industrial insulation also provides a
significant contribution to personal protection. Optimum As a supplement to this process manual, RTI also
insulation reduces process temperatures and noise in regularly makes information about technical innovations,
the industrial environment to an acceptable level, to the product solutions and recent and relevant documents
limits generally regarded in the industry to be those re- available online at The process
quired for a safe and comfortable working environment. manual is a guideline and can only provide general
advice for specific instances in the field of plant and pro-
With a complete range of techniques and insulation cesses. For these instances, RTI’s insulation experts are
systems, Rockwool Technical Insulation (RTI) offers available to provide advice during the design, enginee- RTI, Flow Of Energy
designers and construction supervisors optimum tailored ring and implementation phases. Please find our contact
solutions for the petrochemical, energy, ship building details on the back cover of this manual.
and processing industries.
RTI, Flow Of Energy Exp
, dr
Oil sing
Power Plant
Gas Processing
Petroleum Refining Processing
1.1 Planning and preparation
A. Functional requirements
a) Object dimensions
The space requirements of the insulation must be taken
into account when the installation is being designed
and planned. Therefore, the insulation thicknesses
should be determined in the early planning stages and
the distances between the individual objects should be
taken into account in the piping isometrics. To
guarantee systematic installation of the insulation
materials and the cladding without increased expense,
observe the minimum distances between the objects
as specified in the following illustrations.
Planning and
Minimum distances between insulated pipes (dimensions in mm)
1.1 Planning and preparation
A. Functional requirements
b) Operation of the installation according to these requirements. Under extreme
To select a suitable insulation system, the operating conditions (for example, lengthy periods of storage,
method of the installation must be considered. A basic long transport routes or extreme temperatures),
distinction is made between continuous and interrupted installing tracing may be necessary, to ensure that the
operation. With continuous operation, the operating media is kept within the required temperature limits.
temperatures are constantly above or constantly below
the ambient temperatures. The interrupted operating Use “Rockassist”, a thermo-technical engineering
method, also referred to as intermittent or batch calculation program, to ensure the optimum
operation, is characterised by the fact that the engineering and design of these insulations. Please
installation is switched off between each operating visit or the
phase and during that time can assume ambient website for consulting the Rockassist program on line.
temperatures. For special applications, so called
dual temperature systems, the operating temperature
alternates between above or below the ambient
c) Operating temperature
The appropriate insulation material should be resistant
to the intended operating/peak temperatures.
This product property is assessed by the maximum
service temperature (also see Chapter 2.3 “Product
Inside buildings, uninsulated or poorly insulated parts
d) Permissible heat losses or temperature changes of installations can heat the room climate unnecessarily.
of the medium This leads to higher room temperatures, which can
With many technical processes, it is essential that have a negative effect on the working environment -
media in vessels, columns or tanks do not fall below a both for the people who work long hours under these
specific lower temperature limit, otherwise chemical conditions and for the electronic components. In
processes will not proceed as intended or the media will addition to the increased heat losses, further energy
set and can no longer be pumped or extracted. consumption is required to air condition the rooms.
Over-cooling can lead to the precipitation of, for The design of the insulation and the related reductions
example, sulphuric acid in exhaust and flue gas in terms of heat losses from parts of installations should
streams, which furthers corrosion in the pipes or be relevant to the entire infrastructure and use of the
channels. building.
With flowing media, it is essential to ensure that the
temperature of the medium is still at the desired level at
the end of the pipe. The thermal insulation is designed
Planning and
e) Frost protection thermal conductivity and the risk of corrosion of the
Installations that are situated outside are at risk from insulated installation components.
frost in the winter. In addition to the undesirable Cladding must be installed to prevent the ingress of
malfunctioning of installations, installations also risk moisture into the system. However, with installations
damage caused by the expansion of frozen water. situated outside with operating temperatures < 120 °C
Adequate measures – so called frost protection - must or with installations operating intermittently, there is a
be taken to protect the installation from freezing. high risk of moisture accumulation. This is caused by
Insulation can reduce heat losses and postpone the moisture condensing from the ambient air inside the
moment at which the installation freezes. Insulation cladding.
alone, however, cannot indefinitely prevent the For this reason, retain an air space of at least 15 mm
installation from freezing. Installing additional tracing between the insulation and the cladding. In addition,
may be necessary between the object and the insulation. drainage and ventilation holes of minimum 10 mm
To prevent freezing, the insulation must be designed so diameter and at intervals of maximum 300 mm should
that the density of heat flow rate of the insulated object be provided on the underside or at the lowest point of
is less than the heat conducted by the tracing. the cladding. If necessary, the insulation and cladding
must resist chemical influences that develop within the
1.1 Planning and preparation
b) Fire protection
The general fire protection requirements imposed on
structural installations are usually defined within the
local Building Codes or the specifications of plant
owner. Structural installations must be designed, built,
modified and maintained to prevent the outbreak of a
fire and the spread of fire and smoke. In the event of a
fire, the rescuing of people and animals and effectively
extinguishing the fire must be made possible. During
the design of the installation, it is vital to determine the
B. Safety aspects nature and scope of the fire prevention measures
a) Personal protection together with the building supervisory board, the fire
Surface temperatures in excess of 60 °C can lead to brigade, insurance companies and the operator.
skin burns, if the surface is touched. Therefore, all
accessible installation components should be designed As a basic principle, consider the fact that the fire load
to prevent people being exposed to the risk of injury by in a building or technical installation can be consider-
burns. The insulation applied to such plant components ably increased by flammable insulation materials. On
must ensure that surface temperatures in excess of the other hand, non-flammable insulation materials
60 °C do not occur during operation. Use the Rockwool such as mineral wool, which has a melting point of
Thermo-technical engineering program “Rockassist” to > 1,000 °C, not only have a positive impact on the fire
calculate the required insulation thickness. All of the load, but in the event of a fire, also constitute a certain
operational parameters must be known to achieve a fire protection for the installation component.
reliable design, including, for example, the temperature
of the object, the ambient temperature, air movement, Installation components with tracing, in particular,
surface materials, distance from other objects, etc. which use thermal oil as a heat transfer medium, have
an increased risk of catching fire in the event of a leak.
Note In this case, ensure that the thermal oil cannot
As the surface temperature depends on a set of penetrate into the insulation material.
physical parameters, which cannot always be
calculated or estimated with any degree of certainty, c) Explosion prevention
the surface temperature is not a guaranteed If there is a risk of fire and explosion, the surface
measurement. Also refer to Technical Letter No. 5 temperature of the object and the cladding must be
of the German BFA WKSB “The problem of considerably lower than the ignition temperature of the
guaranteeing surface temperatures”. flammable substance and/or gas mixtures. This
If the required protection (temperature) cannot be requirement also applies to thermal bridges, such as
Planning and
pipe mounting supports, supporting structures and C. Economics
spacers etc. In the industry there are two grades of insulation. The
With regard to insulation systems, explosion protection first grade focuses on reducing heat losses and the
can only be achieved with a doubleskin covering. A prevention of injuries to people operating or working
doubleskin covering is a factory made cladding that has nearby the installations. The second grade of insulation,
been welded or soldered to make it air proof and the so called “economical insulation thickness” focuses
diffusion-resistant. In addition special (local) explosion on significant heat loss reduction and as a result
regulations must be observed. achieving a better return on investment.
In many cases (e.g. the German Guideline ZH 1/200) The German VDI guideline 2055 describes in detail
electro statically charged substances, such as various calculation methods used to determine the
unearthed cladding or non-conductive plastics, are economical insulation thickness.
used in explosive areas, “static electricity” must be
d) Noise protection
The guidelines for noise in the ordinance and thickness
Total costs
workplace are stated in the local regulations and
standards. Generally, the level of the guideline values
depends on the nature of the activity, such as:
• ARAB (Belgium) Insulation costs
• ARBO (Netherlands) Heat loss costs
• Code du travail (France) Insulation thickness
C. Economics
The energy costs cannot be based solely on the current The increasing CO2 concentration in the Earth’s
price. Developments over recent years indicate that atmosphere plays a significant part in the global
substantial increases in energy prices are also increase in temperature, also referred to as the
anticipated for the future. Increasing energy prices are “greenhouse effect”. CO2 absorbs the thermal radiation
tending to bring about a shift in economic insulation emanating from the earth’s surface and in doing so
thicknesses towards larger thicknesses. reduces the dissipation of heat into space. This will lead
to a change in the world’s climate with as yet
b) Pay-back time inestimable consequences. Reducing CO2 emission can
In addition to the economical insulation thickness, only be achieved through more efficient management of
another frequently used economical parameter is the fossil fuels.
return on investment period (ROI), also referred to as
the payback period. This is defined as the period within Increasing the insulation thicknesses is essential for the
which the cost of the insulation is recuperated through reduction of CO2 emissions. Also refer to the Technical
savings on heat loss costs. Letter No. 6 of the German BFA WKSB “High rate of
return on environmentally friendly insulation layer
Costs of the insulation thicknesses”.
ROI period = [a]
annual saving
Reducing CO2 emissions also has a positive financial
In the case of technical insulation systems, the return benefit for businesses within the context of the EU
on investment period is generally very short, often being emissions trading scheme. The benefits of increased
much less than one year. Considering only the return
on investment period, however, can be deceptive, as
this approach disregards the service life of the
installation. With long-life installations, it is advisable to
select higher insulation thicknesses, even if this means
accepting a longer return on investment period.
Throughout the entire service life of the installation
however, the increased insulation thickness results in a
significantly higher return on the investment in
insulation and achieves a much more economic
operation of the installation.
insulation thicknesses in technical installations are
D. Environmental twofold, as the costs for both energy consumption and
The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil or gas, not CO2 emissions are decreased.
only depletes the available primary energy sources, but
also, due to the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) into E. Corrosion Prevention
the atmosphere, places a burden on the environment. See chapter 1.1.3
Planning and
1.1.2 Design & planning of the 1.1.3 Corrosion prevention
insulation work National economies are damaged to a great extent due
Requirements with regard to the later insulation works to the lack of, or inadequate forms of, protection against
must already be included in the design and construc- corrosion. This considerably reduces the service life of
tion phase of industrial plants. It is therefore advisable industrial plants, and more frequently, essential
to involve all project managers at an early stage, to shutdown or overhaul work impairs the efficiency of the
preclude unnecessary and unprecedented problems installation.
during the insulation works from the outset. It is commonly, but wrongly, assumed that the
insulation system also protects an installation against
All preparatory works must be completed according to corrosion. For each installation it must be determined
the relevant insulation standards such as DIN 4140, whether protection against corrosion is required and, if
AGI Q05 and the CINI manual. The following so, which are the appropriate measures.
preconditions must be fulfilled:
• If necessary, work has been carried out on the object Generally, the design of the insulation system &
to protect against corrosion corrosion protection will depend on the following
• Tracing and technical measurement equipment have parameters.
been installed • Operation of the installation
• The minimum distance between the objects has - Continuous operation
been observed (see illustrations on pages 8 and 9) - Interrupted/intermittent operation
• The surface displays no coarse impurities - Operation involving varying temperatures
• Mounting supports have been installed on the object • Operating temperatures of the installation
to accommodate the support structure (For details • Metals used
see Worksheet AGI Q153) - Non-alloy or low-alloy steel
• Collars and sealing discs have been fitted to the - Austenitic stainless steel
object (For details see Worksheet AGI Q152) - Copper
• Taps on the object are long enough to ensure that • External influences upon the installation
flanges lie outside the insulation and can be screwed - Internal/external
on without hindrance - Environment of the installation (chemically
• Supports are designed so that insulation, water aggressive?)
vapour retarders and cladding can be professionally
installed The best practices may vary per country and/or
• The insulation can be applied without any obstacles standard. The design of the corrosion protection is often
(e.g. by scaffolding) carried out in accordance with EN ISO 12944-1 to 7
• Welding and bonding work has been carried out on “Coating materials – Protection against the corrosion of
the object steelwork by means of coating systems”. However,
• The foundations have been completed since this standard does not adequately take into
account the specific features of protecting against
corrosion in insulation systems, the requirements of
1.1 Planning and preparation
Planning and
The table further on this page, which has been derived
from the standard DIN 4140, indicates the initial risks of
electrochemical corrosion in cases where various
combinations of metals are used.
Austenitic Small L L L L - M
stainless steel Large L L L L - L
Small L L L L L -
Large L L L L L -
Observation: The table shows the corrosion of the “material”, and not that of the “combination material”.
“Light” means: “small-scale in proportion to the combination material”, “heavy” means: “large-scale in proportion to the
combination material”.
Example 1: Material is a zinc galvanised screw in combination material, a cladding made from austenitic stainless steel: Row
“zinc small”: “H” – heavy corrosion of the screw.
Example 2: Material , a cladding made from austenitic stainless steel screwed on with a screw galvanised with combination
material zinc: Row “austenitic stainless steel large”. “L” – the corrosive attack upon the austenitic steel is light.
The table does not take into account forms of
corrosion with other root causes, such as stress
corrosion. For further information, see Chapter 2.3
“Product properties” – AS-quality.
1.1 Planning and preparation
1. System solutions
of piping
Piping plays a central role in many industrial processes in
chemical or petrochemical installations such as power
plants, as it connects core components such as
appliances, columns, vessels, boilers, turbines etc.
with one another and facilitates the flow of materials
and energy. To guarantee a correct process cycle, the
condition of the media within the pipes must remain within
the set limitations (e.g. temperature, viscosity, pressure,
etc.). In addition to the correct isometric construction and
fastening of the piping, the piping insulation also has an
important function. It must ensure that heat losses are Rockwool Products for pipe insulation
effectively reduced and that the installation continues to Rockwool Technical Insulation (RTI) offers a wide range
operate economically and functionally on a permanent of products for pipe insulation in industrial plants.
basis. This is the only way to guarantee the maximum Pre-formed pipe sections such as the Rockwool 850,
efficiency of the process cycle throughout the design load bearing mats such as Rockwool Duraflex, as well
service life without losses as a result of faults. as various wired mats such as ProRox WM 70 and WM
100 were developed with this specific field of
Requirements for industrial piping application in mind. All these products are easy to
The basic efficiency and productivity factors of piping for install and contribute to a high level of efficiency,
the processing industry include energy efficiency, functionality and reduced heat losses. Continuous
dependability and reliability under different conditions, internal and external inspection and high levels of
in addition to the functionality of the process control, quality assurance ensure the consistently high quality
an appropriate structure that is suitable for the operating of all RTI products.
environment, as well as mechanical durability. The
thermal insulation of piping plays a significant role in The examples of use below cannot fully take into
fulfilling these requirements. account the particular circumstances of the construc-
tion-related factors. Determine whether the products
Thermal insulation are suitable for the corresponding application in each
The functions of proper thermal insulation for piping individual case. If in doubt, consult the RTI Experts.
• Reduction of heat losses (cost savings) The applicable standards and regulations must also be
• Reduction of CO2 emissions observed. A few examples follow:
• Frost protection • DIN 4140 (Insulation works on technical industrial
• Process control: ensuring the stability of the process plants and in technical facility equipment)
temperature • AGI Q101 (Insulation works on power plant
• Noise reduction components)
• Condensation prevention • CINI-Manual “Insulation for industries”
• (Personal) protection against high temperatures
1.2 Insulation of piping
Insulation with load-bearing mats Insulation with wired mats
of piping
Load bearing mats, such as Rockwool Duraflex, are the Wired Mats, such as ProRox WM 70, are lightly bonded
latest development in the insulation sector. Rockwool stone wool mats, usually stitched with galvanized wire
Duraflex is a stone wool insulation mat (with a special onto a galvanized wire mesh.
fibre structure) bonded onto fibreglass reinforced
aluminium foil. The flexible application makes the mats Pipe insulation with wired mats has been a time-tested
easy to cut. Typical applications include: universal solution for many decades now. Due to their
• pipe diameters ≥ DN 350, or; flexibility and high temperature resistance, wired mats
• piping with a high number of shaped pieces such as can be easily cut and mounted onto the piping. These
elbows or T-joints. wired mats are ideal for application in situations where
the use of pipe sections or load bearing mats is difficult
Rockwool Duraflex can be applied up to temperatures or impossible:
of 300 °C. Their high compression resistance means, • temperatures above 300 °C
that in many cases, load bearing mats can be applied • pipe diameters ≥ DN 350,
without any additional spacers. Consequently the • piping with a high number of shaped pieces such as
number of thermal bridges, which have a negative elbows or T-joints.
influence on the insulation, is greatly reduced.
Wired mats have a relatively low resistance to pressure
The result is considerably reduced installation time and and from a practical point of view should only be
costs. The lack of spacers and “unforeseen” gaps mounted in combination with spacers or support
minimises heat losses and the risk of personal injuries structures. Because of the resulting thermal bridges,
due to hot spots on the cladding. better insulation performances are often achieved in the
Load-bearing mats are tailored to the corresponding lower and middle temperature range (up to 300 °C)
length of the pipe circumference on site and are with pipe sections or load bearing mats rather than with
fastened with clamps. wired mats.
1.2 Insulation of piping
Required insulation thicknesses
If the three insulation systems are compared, taking
of piping
into consideration similar heat losses, clear advantages
are seen with regard to the insulation thicknesses with
systems using Rockwool 850 pipe sections and
Rockwool Duraflex load-bearing mats. These do not use
spacers, in contrast to insulation systems made using
wired mats. The table below shows the required
insulation thicknesses taking into account the following
boundary conditions:
• Medium temperature: 250 °C
• Ambient temperature: 10 °C
• Wind speed: 5 m/s
• Cladding: Aluminium-zinc
• Heat loss: 150 W/m
• Application of spacers in the case of wired mats
50 2 60 30 n.a. n.a.
80 3 89 30 n.a. n.a.
100 4 108 40 n.a. n.a.
150 6 159 60 n.a. n.a.
200 8 219 70 100 120
250 10 273 90 130 150
300 12 324 100 140 (2*70) 180 (2*90)
350 14 356 110 160 (2*80) 200 (2*100)
Multiple layer insulation n.a. = not applicable
1.2 Insulation of piping
Pipe sections and load-bearing mats offer the
advantage that spacers are generally not required.
• Pipe sections and load-bearing mats are applied
more quickly without the interference of spacers.
• Both products offer an even, firm surface for
installing the cladding.
• The lack of spacers creates lower heat losses
• It yields an even surface temperature across the
• In comparison to wired mats, a more shallow
insulation thickness can be used. With a same
insulation thickness, the operational costs of the
installation decrease as a result of lower heat losses.
Load bearing
Pipe sections Wired mats
of piping
Application Temperature Rockwool 850 Rockwool ProRox WM 70 ProRox WM 100
(°C) Duraflex
< 300 °C
Piping 300 °C - 580 °C
> 580 °C
< 300 °C
Short sections,
(many) elbows, 300 °C - 580 °C
valves, flanges
580 °C - 680 °C
1.2 Insulation of piping
Installation Support structures and spacers
of piping
Before starting the insulation works, ensure that all Spacers are not generally essential in insulation
preparatory work on the object has been completed. systems with pipe sections. With pipes that are exposed
Refer to Chapter 1.1 for details. to large mechanical loads (e.g. strong vibrations) and/or
temperatures above 300 °C, determine whether a
The Rockwool 850 pipe section is mounted directly spacer ring is required in each individual case
onto the pipe to form a close fit. With horizontal pipes,
the lengthwise joint of the pipe section should be With pipes that have been installed vertically, with a
turned towards the underside at the 6 o’clock position. height in excess of four metres, fit support structures to
With vertical pipes, the lengthwise joints should be transfer the dead load of the insulation system onto the
staggered at an angle of 30 ° to one another. Secure the pipe. Attach the first support ring to the lowest point of
pipe sections with galvanised binding wire or with steel the vertical pipe. The distance between the support
bands. With an insulation thickness exceeding 120 mm rings should not exceed approximately four metres.
(or temperatures > 300 °C), install the insulation in at
least two layers. If the insulation is assembled in
multiple layers, the joints of the individual insulation
layers must be staggered.
1.2 Insulation of piping
200 8 219,1 30 30 40 60 80
250 10 273,0 30 30 40 60 80
300 12 323,9 30 30 50 70 90
400 16 406,4 30 30 50 70 90
500 20 508,0 30 30 50 70 100
In the event of differing boundary conditions, please contact the RTI sales team. The thermo technical engineering program
“Rockassist” can be used to design the insulation according to the specific requirements.
Installation Support structures and spacers
Before starting the insulation works, ensure that all Spacers are not generally essential in insulation
of piping
preparatory work on the object has been completed. systems with load bearing mats. With pipes that are
Refer to Chapter 1.1 for details exposed to large mechanical loads (e.g. strong
vibrations), determine whether a spacer ring is required
Cut the mats to the required length, based on the in each individual case
external insulation diameter (pipe diameter + two times
the insulation thickness). Fasten the mat firmly to the With pipes that have been installed vertically, with a
pipe with steel bands. Ensure that the mats form a tight height in excess of four metres, fit support structures to
joint and that no lengthwise joints or circular joints are transfer the dead load of the insulation system onto the
visible. The joints of the individual mats are securely pipe. Attach the first support ring to the lowest point of
taped with self-adhesive aluminium tape. If the the vertical pipe. The distance between the support
insulation is assembled in multiple layers, the joints of rings should not exceed approximately four metres.
the individual insulation layers must be staggered.
1.2 Insulation of piping
Before starting the insulation works, ensure that all
of piping
preparatory work on the object has been completed.
Refer to Chapter 1.1 for details.
1.2 Insulation of piping
B. Support construction
The purpose of support structures is to transfer the
of piping
mechanical load of the insulation system and the forces
affecting the insulation system onto the object. Support
structures are essential in the case of vertical piping. In
addition to the static and dynamic forces, changes in
piping length and support structures due to temperature
must also be taken into account when dimensioning.
Support structures are fastened to mounting supports,
which are welded to the pipe beforehand, or are
mounted directly onto the pipe via a clamping action
with so-called double clamping rings. With temperatures 1. Support ring - 2. Bar - 3. Rivet or screw connection -
above 350 °C, the support structures must be made of 4. Thermal decoupling - 5. Clamping screw - 6. Screw nut -
high-temperature steels. 7. Internal clamping ring
The table below is an initial dimensioning guide, and
shows the weight of the insulation system against the
nominal width of the pipe and the insulation thickness.
The table accounts for an insulation with an apparent
density of 100 kg/m³, including the spacer and a 1.0 mm
strong galvanised sheet (11 kg/m²).
Weight of insu‑
External diameter Insulation thickness in mm
lation system
in relation
Nominal NPS mm 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140
diameter (inch) to different
Ø DN insulation
15 ½ 21,3 kg/m 4 5 6 8 11 15 19 24
25 1 33,7 kg/m 4 5 7 8 12 15 20 25
50 2 60,3 kg/m 5 7 8 10 13 17 22 27
65 2½ 76,1 kg/m 6 7 9 10 14 18 23 28
80 3 88,9 kg/m 7 8 10 11 15 19 24 29
100 4 114,3 kg/m 8 9 11 12 16 21 26 31
200 8 219,1 kg/m 12 14 16 18 23 28 33 39
300 12 323,9 kg/m 17 19 21 24 29 35 41 47
500 20 508,0 kg/m 25 28 31 34 40 47 54 62
700 28 711,0 kg/m 34 37 41 44 52 60 69 78
planar surface kg/m2 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26
1.2 Insulation of piping
1.2.5 Cladding
Suitable cladding should be applied to protect the combinations of metals that do not tend to corrode
insulation from weather influences, mechanical loads due to their electrochemical potentials (also see page
and (potentially corrosive) pollution. Selecting the 17 in section 1.1).
appropriate cladding depends on various factors, such • For acoustic insulation, a noise absorbent material
as working loads, foot traffic, wind and snow loads, (bitumen, mylar foil) is mounted on the insulation or
ambient temperatures and conditions. inside the cladding. To reduce the risk of fire, limit
the surface temperatures of the cladding to the
Note: maximum operating temperature of the noise
An insulation system resistant to foot traffic must not absorbent material.
become permanently damaged if a person weighing
100 kg, (weight including any tools being carried)
walks across it. It is not designed to bear additional
loads, such as the placing of heavy equipment. For
the purpose of the safety regulations, a durable
insulation is not considered to be a walkable surface!
Max. surface temperature
of piping
Cladding material Areas at risk Corrosive < 50 °C < 60 °C >60 °C
of fire environment
Aluminium sheet - -
Aluminium/zinc coated steel sheet - -
Galvanised steel sheet -
Austenitic stainless steel sheet
Aluminised steel sheet
The thickness of the metal sheet depends on the pipe With special acoustic requirements, a larger thickness
diameter and the type of the metal. (≥ 1 mm) is generally used.
Recommended sheet thickness and overlaps regarding cladding made from flat sheets (conform CINI)
External diameter of Aluminium Aluminised Alu-Zinc coated Zinc coated Austenitic stainless
the insulation (mm) (CINI 3.1.01) steel sheet steel sheet steel sheet steel sheet
(CINI 3.1.02) (CINI 3.1.03) (CINI 3.1.04) (CINI 3.1.05)
The recommended sheet thickness deviates to a certain The basic guidelines are:
level per standard/country. The thickness recommend- • Fasten sheet cladding on lengthwise joints with at
ed by CINI is shown in the table above. See section least six sheet metal screws or blind rivets every metre.
3.2.2 for the thickness according to DIN 4140 . • Place the screws or blind rivets equidistantly. If
screws or rivets are fitted in two rows, do not stagger
To reduce the risk of galvanic corrosion, it is very the screws or rivets.
important to use the correct screws, straps etc. See the • The cladding can also be held in place with
table on page 17 for more information. corrosion-resistant straps instead of screws or rivets.
• Do not use aluminium screws.
1.2 Insulation of piping
1.2.5 Cladding
Influence of the cladding on the surface Cladding in corrosive environments
temperature To guarantee the functionality of a technical insulation,
In addition to the insulation thickness, the thermal it is important to protect it against atmospheric
conductivity of the insulation and the ambient influences and prevent the ingress of moisture into the
conditions (for example temperature and wind), the insulation. Moisture in the insulation system increases
surface temperature of insulation is also influenced by thermal conductivity, thereby reducing the effectiveness
the emissions ratio of the cladding. The following of the thermal protection. It also poses a high risk of
applies as a general rule for thermal insulation: the corrosion to the component. In certain applications, the
shinier a surface is (lower emissivity), the higher the cladding system is also expected to offer chemical
surface temperature. The following example shows the resistance, as well as being resistant to cleaning
various surface temperatures that depend on the methods such as steam blasting. Alongside the
cladding: insulation and construction, selecting a suitable
• Diameter: DN 100 (114 mm) cladding system is very important as it forms the basis
• Temperature of the medium: 500 °C for a long service life, low maintenance costs and low
• Place of installation: Interior (Wind speed 0.5 m/s) heat loss of a technical insulation.
• Insulation: ProRox WM 70, wired mats; thickness: Rockwool Technical Insulation has therefore developed
100 mm an innovative cladding system for technical insulation:
• Various cladding materials Rocktight.
- Aluminium sheet
- Galvanised steel sheet, bright
- Stainless steel
- Paint-coated plastic cladding
Surface (cladding) temperature °C
Rocktight – a durable protection for insulation and, as an unhardened Rocktight mat is highly flexible,
of piping
Rockwool Rocktight is a fibreglass reinforced polyester it can be simply shaped to cover complex geometric
mat, which hardens when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) shapes such as pipe elbows, T-joints or pipe fittings.
light. The material contains resins, glass fibres and a Rockwool Rocktight has a protective foil on both sides.
special filling agent and is (unprocessed) protected It is supplied in rolls in cardboard packaging. The roll is
against UV rays by foils on both sides. also wrapped in black foil that is resistant to UV light.
The underside (the side facing the object) is covered
Rocktight is soft and flexible when unprocessed. It can with a dark foil and has a rough, self-adhesive surface.
be cut or trimmed in any shape and easily mounted The flat surface of the outside is covered with a white
onto the insulation in this state. The polyester then foil. After each use, place the roll in the sealed
hardens when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. Once cardboard packaging to minimise the risk of hardening
hardened, Rocktight is watertight and forms a caused by daylight or UV light.
mechanical protection for the insulation.
Rocktight requires a dry, clean (ventilated) work
The advantages: environment. For outdoor applications, tents should be
• Long service life: erected if necessary, to protect the unhardened
Rocktight creates a sealed, watertight cladding for Rocktight mat from UV light.
Rockwool insulation systems. This minimises damage
caused by atmospheric influences or general wear Note
and tear. Rocktight is resistant to many chemical • High temperatures: Rockwool Rocktight can be used
substances and forms a mechanical protection for the in temperatures of up to 90 °C. In case of higher
insulation. temperatures, fit an end-cap to lower the tempera-
• Easy to clean: ture.
Insulation systems cased in Rocktight can be cleaned • Chemical resistance: Rockwool Rocktight is resistant
with steam-jet air ejectors, without the risk of water to numerous chemicals.
penetrating the insulation and causing damage. • Expansion joints: fit expansion joints to accommo-
• Low start-up costs: date expansion of the Rocktight material and the
The cutting and processing take place directly on site. steel pipe.
This avoids costly prefabrications, as is the case with
sheet cladding .
• Flexible applications:
Rocktight can be used for cold and thermal insulation
of underground and aboveground pipes, for example
in offshore plants. Its high flexibility enables
application on complex, shaped objects.
1.2 Insulation of piping
1.2.6 Pipe hangers and pipe supports Pipe support not in direct contact with the piping
There is a wide range of solutions for pipe hangers and
pipe supports. The following illustrations show the
possibilities described below for insulation systems:
• Pipe hangers in direct contact with the piping
• Pipe supports in direct contact with the piping
• Pipe supports not in direct contact with the piping
(commonly used with cold insulation systems)
1.2.7 Insulation of valves and flanges
Heat losses incurred through non insulated fixtures
of piping
such as valves and flanges are substantial, even at low
temperatures. Refer to Table A14 of the VDI guideline
2055 for information about heat losses from non-insu-
lated pipe fittings and flanges (see section 3.3.11). The
table states that an uninsulated valve (DN100), located
outside loses almost as much heat at 100 °C as 36
metres of uninsulated piping. The temperature of the
medium can also decrease to such an extent at
non-insulated fittings or flanges, that process critical 1. Pipe - 2. Insulation: ProRox WM wired mats - 3. Cladding
temperatures are reached, at which point for example, - 4. Sheet-metal screw or Rivet - 5. Swage - 6. Drainage
the medium will start to crystallise. Valves and flanges opening - 7. Strap - B ≥ 50 mm - A = bolt length + 30 mm
should therefore be insulated as much as possible.
To avoid damage during inspection or repairs, the
insulation for valves and flanges is designed with A number of possible design options for insulation
removable coverings or hoods, to allow rapid disassem- systems for pipe fittings and flanges follow:
bly. Removable coverings or hoods are usually insulated
from the inside with wired mats (e.g. ProRox WM 70).
The coverings are fastened to the object with lever
fastenings, which are fixed directly onto the covering or
on to straps. Take the following conditions into account
when designing insulated coverings for fittings and
• The overlap distance of the insulated covering over
the insulated pipe should be at least 50 mm.
• The pipe insulation should end at the flanges, leaving
a gap equal to the bolt length + 30 mm and should be
closed off with a lock washer so the flange can be
loosened without damaging the insulation.
• With valves, an extended spindle should preferably
be fitted horizontally or below the pipe to prevent
leakage along the spindle shaft. 1. Pipe - 2. Insulation: ProRox WM wired mats - 3. Cladding -
• The cladding must be fitted to prevent the ingress of 4. Sheet-metal screw or rivet - 5. Rain deflector - 6. Lock
moisture in the insulation. On inclined or vertical piping, washer - 7. Straps - 8. Rain deflector - B ≥ 50 mm - A = bolt
for example, mount rain deflectors above the removable length + 30 mm
coverings. If the ingress of moisture into the insulation
is unavoidable, make 10 mm. diameter drain holes in
the removable covering.
1.2 Insulation of piping
With pipes where a leaking fluid content could damage
the insulation or the coating system in the removable
covering, mount flange straps with a leak detection
fitting around the flange. Flange bands can also prevent
1. Pipe - 2. Insulation: e.g. ProRox WM wired mats - flammable products from penetrating into the insulation
3. Cladding - 4. Sheet-metal screw or rivet - 5. Swage - material and can help prevent the outbreak of fire.
6. Drainage opening - 7. Straps – B ≥ 50 mm -
A = Bolt length + 30 mm
1. Pipe - 2. Insulation: e.g. Rockwool - 3. Cladding - 1. Pipe - 2. Insulation: ProRox WM wired mats - 3. Cladding -
4. Sheet-metal screw or rivet - 5. Removable coverings 4. Sheet-metal screw or rivet - 5. Swage - 6. Flange band -
(insulated from the inside with e.g. Rockwool 160 wired 7. Leak detection fitting - 8. Clamps
mats) - 6. Swage
radius of the pipe elbow. The pipe section segments are
fastened to the pipe elbow with clamps or binding wire.
of piping
Joints between the individual segments are plugged
tightly with loose Rockwool.
1.2.8 Insulation of pipe elbows and Insulation of pipe elbows with wired or load
T pieces bearing mats
The cladding of elbows and T-pieces is susceptible to If the piping is insulated with wired mats or load bearing
damage, due to expanding or vibrating pipes. There is a mats, shaped pieces such as pipe elbows or T-pieces
particular risk of moisture penetrating damaged swage are generally insulated with the same mats. In this
connections in the cladding, if the object is located case, the mats are cut into so-called fish-shaped elbow
outdoors. segments. These are mounted onto the pipe elbow to
seal the elbow. With wired mats, all the joints (both
For the insulation of shaped pieces, we recommend circular and lengthwise joints) are sewn together with
using the same insulation in the same thickness as used binding wire or mat hooks. Spacers are required at least
for the pipe. at the start and end of the elbow (for more details,
please see page 30).
Insulation of pipe elbows with Rockwool pipe
sections Load-bearing mats are fixed to the pipe elbow with
For the insulation of pipe elbows with pipe sections metal or plastic straps. Any gaps between the individual
(e.g. Rockwool 850), the pipe sections are cut into segments are plugged up with loose Rockwool. Secure
segments and tightly fitted onto the pipe elbow with the the joint edges with self-adhesive aluminium tape.
lengthwise joints facing downwards. The angular
division of the segments should correspond to the
1.2 Insulation of piping
1.2.10 Expansion joints
In thermal insulation systems, large differences that is then insulated (see diagram). With temperatures
of piping
between the piping and the cladding temperature can above 300 °C, do not use galvanised sheets due to the
occur. The materials used for the pipe, insulation, risk of galvanic corrosion (cracking).
insulation support and cladding also have different
thermal expansion coefficients. This leads to different
thermal elongations of the various components in the
insulation system, which must be allowed for using
constructive measures. The elongation “Δl” can be
determined as follows:
Δl = l ⋅ Δt ⋅ a
Example for the thermal elongation of steel To compensate for thermal expansion of the cladding,
install the expansion joints shown below.
Δl(mm)/m Δt
0,55 50
1,10 100
1,65 150
2,20 200
1.2 Insulation of piping
1.2.11 Tracing
When media are transported over long distances, in
particular, the media inside the piping can spoil, set or
be at risk from frost in the winter. Insulation can reduce
heat losses and postpone the moment at which the
installation freezes. Insulation alone, however, cannot
indefinitely prevent the installation from freezing.
Installing additional tracing may be necessary between
the object and the insulation.
A distinction is made between pipe tracing and 1. Pipe - 2. Insulation: Rockwool 850 - pipe section -
electrical tracing. In pipe tracing systems, a heating 3. Electrical tracing - 4. Aluminium foil - 5. Cladding
pipe is fitted parallel and close to the media pipe.
Steam, warm water or thermal oil flows through the
tracing pipes as a heat transfer medium. Electrical
tracing consists of cables mounted onto the pipes.
These cables heat the pipes
1.2.12 Foot traffic
Avoid walking on insulated pipes, as this can damage
of piping
the insulation. Damage caused by foot traffic includes
dented sheet cladding and gaps at the sheet seams.
Water can penetrate the insulation through these gaps
and cause lasting damage to the entire insulation
system. The result is often greater heat losses and
An insulation system resistant to foot traffic must not 1. Pipe - 2. Insulation: Rockwool 851 pipe section -
become permanently damaged if a person weighing 3. Reinforcement sheet - 4. Cladding - 5. Sheet-metal screw
100 kg, (weight including any tools being carried) walks or rivet - 6. Joggle
on it. It is not designed to bear additional loads, such as
the placing of heavy equipment. For the purpose of the
safety regulations, a durable insulation is not
considered to be a walkable surface.
1. System solutions
Many production processes require different substanc- • DIN 4140 (Insulation works on industrial plants and
es that are stored in vessels and used in the individual building services installations)
processes later in the procedure. The vessels primarily • AGI Q05 (Construction of industrial plants)
store liquid, solid or gaseous substances, which are • AGI Q101 (Insulation works on power plant
added to the process as and when required. Raw components)
materials, fuels or end products are usually stored in • CINI-Manual: “Insulation in industry”
large storage tanks.
Before starting the insulation works, ensure that all
It is often important to store the substances within preparatory work on the object has been completed.
certain temperature limits. If the temperature is too high Refer to Chapter 1.1 for details.
or too low, the substance can spoil or set, or lose its
flowing properties and become incapable of being Insulation systems for vessels
pumped or discharged. Insulation is therefore a major An insulation system for a vessel generally consists
factor in the functionality of procedural processes. of the following components:
It also has the following purposes: • Insulation
• Reduces heat losses • Support construction and a spacer
• Guarantees protection against contact by minimising • Water vapour retarder with cold insulation systems
the surface temperature • Cladding
• Reduces cooling of the stored substance, so it
remains fluid and does not set The actual operating temperature (above or below
• Prevents the vessel from freezing (with additional ambient) is essential for the design of the insulation work.
tracers) The following chapters concentrate on hot insulation.
• Prevents heating of the stored substance (for
example, through solar radiation)
Selection and installation of the insulation
Selecting the appropriate insulation depends on the
operating method, the installation temperature, the
dimensions and the location of the vessel.
of vessels
Since vessels are often located outdoors, it is important to
select insulation with a low thermal conductivity and
excellent water repellent properties. The insulation is
usually fastened to the cylindrical vessels with steel
straps. These should be made from stainless steel and
should be closed with butterfly nuts or quick release
fasteners. The strap measurements and intervals for
cylindrical objects shown in the table on the next page
have proved useful in many projects.
25 40 50 60 70 80 100 120
Rockwool Flexiboard 400 500 700 900 1100 1300 1800 2000
Rockwool Multiboard 400 500 700 1000 1200 1500 1900 2400
Rockwool 233 500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 2500 2800
1.3 Insulation of vessels
External insulation diameter Internal insulation layer strap External or single layer Distance between the straps
measurement insulation strap measurement
In a wide variety of applications, these values can only With wired mats, all the lengthwise and crosswise joints
be used as reference values. In each individual case, must be sewn or wired together, or joined with six mat
determine whether different strap measurements and hooks per metre. If the insulation is assembled in multiple
intervals should be used. layers, the joints of the individual insulation layers must
be staggered.
If the insulation is assembled in multiple layers, the joints
of the individual insulation layers must be staggered The following illustrations show a number of typical
(so called masonry bond). methods of insulating vessels.
Insulation of a vessel base
of vessels
1. Insulation: e.g. ProRox WM wired mats - 2. Support
construction - 3. Mounting support - 4. Conical column
head - 5. Vessel outlet - 6. Vessel leg
1.3 Insulation of vessels
The cladding of vessels protects the insulation against
Insulation of vessel outlet mechanical influences and the weather. There is a wide
range of different flat and profiled sheets available. See
Chapter 3.2 for an overview. Flat sheets are primarily
used to clad smaller vessels. With large-scale insulation
systems, flat sheets can only bear small, static loads
exerted by the wind. It is therefore essential to reduce
the distance between the support structures. The result
will be a higher number of support structures and
thermal bridges. On large surfaces, flat sheets are more
likely to buckle or dent, leading to optical damages,
than profiled sheets. To improve the stability and optical
characteristic, the sheets can be canted diagonally
Preferably use profiled sheets for vessels with a large Rocktight is soft and flexible when unprocessed. The
surface area. They offer structural advantages and can polyester then hardens when exposed to ultraviolet (UV)
accommodate expansions that are perpendicular to the light. Once hardened, Rocktight is waterproof and
direction of the swage. The disadvantage is that pipe forms a mechanical protection for the insulation.
protrusions are more complex from a structural Please see Chapter 1.2. for more details about
perspective. Using profiled sheets is only recommended processing Rocktight.
with cladding with a low number of protrusions.
Design profiled sheet casings so that rainfall is
of vessels
deflected safely.
1. System solutions
Selection and installation of the insulation
Selecting the appropriate insulation depends on the
operating method, the installation temperature, the
dimensions and the location of the vessel or column.
of columns
Insulation materials like Rockwool Duraflex or ProRox
WM 70 wired mat are primairily used for the insulation
of columns.
1.4 Insulation of columns
External insulation diameter Internal insulation layer strap External or single layer Distance between the straps
measurement insulation strap measurement
In a wide variety of applications, these values can only Insulation of a reinforcement ring
be used as reference values. In each individual case,
determine whether different strap measurements and
intervals should be used. If the insulation is assembled
in multiple layers, the joints of the individual insulation
layers must be staggered. The following illustrations
show a number of typical methods of insulating
Insulation of a column base
of columns
1. Skirt: Column support frame - 2. Sliding cover
1.4 Insulation of columns
of columns
1. Object wall - 2. Mounting support - 3. Metric bolting -
4. Bar - 5. Omega clamp - 6. Thermal separating layer
1. System solutions
The applicable standards and regulations must also be
observed. A few examples follow:
Insulation selection
Storage tanks are located outdoors, so it is important to
select a material with a low thermal conductivity and
excellent water repellent properties. Rockwool flexible
Board insulation, such as Rockwool Multiboard, is
mainly used to insulate tank walls. Applying a less water
repellent, non pressure-resistant insulation like Wired
Mats is not generally recommended. If foot traffic can
occur, a pressure-resistant slab such as Rockwool CRS
is applied for the insulation of the tank roof. If applying
storage tanks
Insulation of
a product which is resistant to foot traffic is impossible,
apply a support structure, where needed, to protect the
insulation boards. For temperatures above 100 °C
applying the insulation in at least 2 layers (so called
masonry bond) is recommended.
1.5 Insulation of storage tanks
1. Insulation: e.g. Rockwool Multiboards - 2. Stainless steel
bands (weather proofing) - 3. Stainless steel bands -
4. Support ring - 5. Protrusion - 6. Cladding -
storage tanks
Insulation of
7. Roof/wall connection
A metal cladding is generally applied for the tank wall
and roof. Thanks to its light weight, low costs and ease
of installation, aluminium is commonly applied as
cladding. In special circumstances (fire rating, corrosive
environment etc) other materials such as stainless steel
or Rockwool Rocktight may be used. Please note the
comments under 1.2.6 and watertight covering in this
Support rings
With vertical applications, the weight of the insulation can
damage the insulation layer below. To avoid damaging
the insulation, fit horizontal support rings is higher than
1.5 Insulation of storage tanks
Support rings
4 metres. The distance between the support rings should stress/tension on the insulation protection (aluminium
not exceed 3 metres. The construction should be built so sheeting) selecting a flexible insulation material such as
that leakage water can be expelled from the insulation.
0 m0 m
Large storage tanks expand due to changes in
temperature and if the substance stored is filled or
discharged (so called “bulging”). These factors can
increase/decrease the tank diameter. Example: The
diameter of a storage tank - Ø 20 m, Avg T 220 °C - will
increase approx. 60 mm. This consequently increases
the tank circumference by approx. 180 mm. To avoid
Tank wall and tank base connection Connection tank wall - tank roof
When a tank is filled, stress may occur at the welded
seam between the wall and base of the tank. For
5 3
inspection purposes the first 50 cm of the tank wall
should not be insulated. The first support ring is usually
welded above this level and constructed so that leakage
water can be expelled from the insulation. 1
storage tanks
Insulation of
1.5 Insulation of storage tanks
1. Finishing with aluminium cladding - 2. Finishing with steel
radial segments
storage tanks
Insulation of
C: Finishing with aluminium cladding
B: applying Rockwool
1.5 Insulation of storage tanks
Watertight covering
Conventional systems for tank roof insulation are often
sensitive to weather damage (water, wind, etc.) and the
effect of chemicals. The costs of maintenance, and the
consequently lower operational safety, are often higher
than the (energy) cost-savings that are realized by the
insulation. For this reason, many tank roofs, especially
in the lower temperature ranges, are not insulated.
• Rocktight is applied directly on Rockwool tank roof
insulation on site. As direct cladding supports are no
longer needed, it fits seamlessly to all parts of the
tank and has an unequalled hardness and
mechanical strength (e.g. can be walked upon).
• In situations exposed to high wind stresses, a special
cable construction can be applied. This will hold the
insulation in place under the most extreme weather
• An anti-slip coating is available that can easily be
applied to Rocktight.
• The absence of cladding supports virtually eliminates
any risk of corrosion under the insulation.
• This ensures perfect protection to the insulation and
storage tank, which guarantees the durability of the
Rocktight – for durable protection
Rockwool Rocktight is a fibreglass reinforced
polyester mat positioned between two sheets of foil.
The material contains resins, glass fibres and a
special filling agent. It is soft and flexible when
unprocessed. It can be cut or timed in any shape
storage tanks
Insulation of
and easily mounted onto the insulation in this state.
The polyester then hardens when exposed to
ultraviolet (UV) light. Once hardened, Rocktight is
absolutely watertight and forms a mechanical
protection for the insulation.
1. System solutions
Fire tube boiler
Applying load bearing mats such as Rockwool Duraflex even surface temperature without temperature peaks
is a proven solution in the insulation of flame (so called hot spots), which pose a hazard in the form
tube-smoke tube boilers. These mats are easily of skin burns. The balanced surface temperature profile
of boilers
mounted onto the horizontal, cylindrical boiler surface also accounts for the thermography of a flame fire tube
and are easily fastened to the boilers with metal straps. boiler shown on this page. Wired mats are generally
Metal spacers, which always create thermal bridges, used to insulate the area of reversing chambers and are
can be omitted. Due to the compression resistance of at secured with pins and spring clips.
least 10 kPa, the cladding can be mounted directly
onto the Duraflex insulation. Alternatively, if the sheet
cladding is fitted so closely that it can adopt this
function, the fastening straps can be omitted. The
insulation is characterised by a consistent rigidity and
surface. Due to the lack of spacers, it guarantees an
1.6 Insulation of boilers
1.6.2 Supercritical steam generators Handles
In the modern energy and heat economy, super critical Handles are reinforcement elements, which are fitted
steam generators, which burn fossil fuels such as vertically between the buckstays and bear the vertical
mineral coal, brown coal and anthracite etc. are used loads exerted on the buckstays on the boiler wall.
to generate steam to operate steam turbines. In current Handles can be located inside and outside the
utility steam boilers, up to 3,600 t steam is genera- insulation sections.
ted per hour under pressures of 300 bar and steam
temperatures of 620 °C. The most common type is the
Benson boiler, that is operated by forced circulation
(with boiler feed pumps). In contrast to fire tube boilers,
the water or vapour is not located in the vessel, but
in pipes, which are fitted in gas-tight, welded tube-fin
constructions and form the walls of the boiler. Generally
constructed as single-pass or two-pass boilers, these
boilers reach levels of up to 160 m, depending on the
fuel used. The bottom contains the furnace, where finely
ground fuel is burned. The flue gases flow through the
boiler and heat the water in the pipes, thereby causing it
to evaporate. The boiler casing is suspended on a frame
and can compensate for any thermal e xpansions that
occur during operation (vertical and horizontal expan-
sions). These types of expansions must be c onsidered
during the design of the insulation system. The diagram
on the right shows the most important technical
components in the insulation of a boiler.
of boilers
So-called buckstays are fitted horizontally at regular
intervals around the boiler. Buckstays are reinforcement
elements, which prevent the boiler from bulging.
A distinction is made between hot buckstays, which are
located inside the insulation, and cold buckstays, which
are located outside the insulation sections.
1. Boiler roof - 2. Dead space - 3. Cross bar - 4. Collector -
Dead spaces 5. Boiler support tube - 6. Boiler wall - 7. Buckstay -
Dead spaces are located in front of the boiler wall or 8. Handles - 9. Burner port - 10. Boiler funnel
boiler roof, where installation components such as
collectors, distributors or pipes are fitted. The dead
spaces are located inside the insulation.
1.6 Insulation of boilers
Before starting the insulation works, ensure that all Diagram of a boiler insulation system with wired mats
preparatory work on the object has been completed. with a gap between the insulation and sheet cladding
Refer to Chapter 1.1 for details.
of boilers
layers must be staggered.
1.6 Insulation of boilers
Insulation of the buckstays
Buckstays that are exposed to heat are insulated and Buckstays that are exposed to cold are generally not
fitted with a casing. An example follows. insulated and not cladded. An example follows.
Buckstays exposed to heat on a boiler wall Buckstays exposed to cold on a boiler wall
of boilers
up with loose rock wool - 4. Support construction - 8. Cold buckstay - 9. Boiler handle
5. Buckstay exposed to heat - 6. Aluminium foil if required -
7. Cladding/Preformed sheet - 8. Internal buckstay cover,
made from black sheet - 9. Mat pins with clips -
10. Aluminium foil barrier - 11. Flat sheet cladding
1.7 Insulation of flue gas ducts
1. Boiler wall - 2. Insulation: ProRox WM wired mats - Galvanised steel sheeting is generally used for the
3. Fill up with loose rock wool - 4. Support construction - insulation of utility steam generators, which are usually
5. Dead space sheeting - 6. Aluminium foil if required - located inside buildings.
7. Metal cladding/Preformed sheets - 8. Support construction
and spacer
1. System solutions
geometry, as well as the materials and layers used, that least ten pins per m².
Insulation of
The recommended insulation for round flue gas ducts, Reduction of stress due to temperature in the
where temperatures are below 300 °C, is load-bearing reinforcement profiles
mats Rockwool Duraflex. These are mounted directly The operating method of the installation influences the
onto the flue gas duct and are fastened with straps. problem of stress in the reinforcement profiles caused
A fastening with welding pins and spring clips is by temperature.
generally not required in this instance.
Less critical is the steady operation, where the flue gas
Insulation of reinforcement elements temperature does not change with the passage of time.
Large flue gas ducts are fitted with reinforcement Generally, stresses due to temperature are not critical if
profiles to stabilise the duct. These can consist of the implementation principles outlined in the AGI
double T-girders, hollow sections or reinforcing ribs and guideline Q101 are observed:
form potential thermal bridges. This may cause the
following problems:
• The thermal bridges cause an increased heat flow
and lead to a temperature decrease on the inside
wall of the ducts.
• The insulation thickness across the reinforcement
elements should be of the same thickness as the
insulation on the flue gas duct.
• In the case of ducts with reinforcing ribs up to a
height of 100 mm, the thickness of the insulation layer
across the ribs must measure at least one third of the
insulation thickness required for the duct.
In the case of non-steady operation, for example, when • The operating speed influences the speed at which
starting up the installation causes fluctuating flue gas temperature of the flue gas increases and the tem-
temperatures , measures must be taken if necessary perature difference in the reinforcement element.
to allow even heating of the reinforcement profiles. The • High temperature differences occur in the case of
temperatures on the duct wall, as well as on the inside large profiles.
of the reinforcement element, increase rapidly when the • The shape of the reinforcement profiles influences an
installation is started up, whilst the outside of the profile even temperature distribution. Thick walled profiles,
remains cold at first and only heats up after a longer for example, do not warm up as evenly as thin walls.
flue gas ducts
delay. This leads to temperature differences, which can • The different thermal conductivities of the materials
Insulation of
cause undue stressing of the component. The extent used and the heat transfer rates lead to an uneven
of the temperature differences depends on numerous temperature distribution.
parameters. A few examples follow:
1.7 Insulation of flue gas ducts
1.7.2 Cladding of flue gas ducts
Due to their size and the associated high demands
placed upon the flexural rigidity of cladding, flue gas
ducts are encased with profiled sheets such as
trapezoidal sheets. Flat sheets, which are generally
cambered, can also be used. The claddings are
secured to the flue gas duct using substructures.
1.7 Insulation of flue gas ducts
Duct located outdoors with a cladding constructed as a saddle roof
1.7 Insulation of flue gas ducts
1. System solutions
1.8 Cold boxes
As Rockwool Granulate may settle after a while or the
shape of the cold box may alter due to temperature
fluctuations, take into account that the unit will need
to be refilled.
2. Theory
Table of contents
2.1 Norms & Standards 90
2. Theory
Industrial guidelines for insulation The insulation specification also often includes the
In many cases, industrial guidelines are established to guidelines for corrosion protection. Similar to other
ease and to reduce the development & maintenance specifications, the insulation specification often refers
time and effort of specifications sharing best practices. to society standards and/or industrial guidelines.
They contain detailed technical requirements for
design, material selection/approval. These specifications The detailed lay-out per specification will depend on the
often refer to society standards and industrial guidelines. type of application, the plant owner, contractor and
Typical examples in industrial insulation are DIN 4140, country specific requirements.
A more detailed explanation of the most common
Internal plant owner or contractor specifications standards, guidelines and specifications is given in the
Detailed technical requirements for design, procure- following documents.
ment, construction, and related maintenance based on a) CINI guideline
a company’s experience (so called best practices), e.g.: b) PIP guideline
c) ASTM standards
d) European standardization
e) DIN standards & guidelines
f) AGI guidelines
g) BFA WKSB guidelines
h) FESI guidelines
i) ISO standards
j) VDI 2055 guideline
k) British Standard (BS)
l) Norme Française (NF)
m) Document Technique Unifié (DTU)
a) CINI Guideline
CINI is a Dutch association, in which various compa-
nies active in the technical insulation of industrial plants
have united to develop uniform material and design
guidelines. When compiling these standards, CINI
works closely with many decision makers from within
the insulation sector.
CINI 2.2.01 Stone wool boards: Rockwool (RW) slabs for the thermal insulation of equipment
Wired mats: Rockwool (RW) wire mesh blankets for the thermal insulation of large
CINI 2.2.02
diameter pipes, flat walls and equipment
Insulation Pipe sections: Rockwool sections and prefabricated elbows for the thermal insulation of
CINI 2.2.03
materials pipes
(Material Loose wool: Loose rock wool without binder for the thermal insulation of valve boxes and
standards) CINI 2.2.04
the specification stuffing of insulation mattresses
Lamella mats: Rockwool lamella mats for the thermal insulation of air ducts, pipe
CINI 2.2.05
bundles and equipment
Aluminium faced pipe sections: Rockwool sections with reinforced pure aluminium foil
CINI 2.2.06
facing for the thermal insulation of pipes
CINI 3.1.02 Aluminised steel sheeting: Aluminised steel cladding for the finishing of insulation
CINI 3.1.03 Alu-zinc coated steel sheet: Alu-zinc steel cladding for the finishing of insulation
Galvanised steel sheet: Continuous hot dip (Sendzimir) galvanised steel cladding for the
(Material CINI 3.1.04
finishing of insulation
CINI 3.1.05 Austenitic stainless steel: Stainless steel cladding for the finishing of insulation
CINI 3.1.11 GRP: Weather resistant UV-curing glass fibre-reinforced polyester (GRP)
General processing guidelines: Installation instructions for the thermal insulation of hot
CINI 1.3.10
pipelines and equipment (insulated with mineral wool)
CINI 4.1.00a Pipes: (Overview) piping insulation details
CINI 4.2.00 Columns: (Overview) insulation/finishing details overview columns
Processing CINI 4.3.00 Vessels: (Overview) insulation/finishing detail overview vertical vessels
Heat exchangers: (Overview) insulation/finishing details overview horizontal heat
CINI 4.4.00
Vessels: (Overview) insulation/finishing details for tanks (operating temperature from
CINI 4.5.00
20°C to 180°C
CINI 7.2.01 Corrosion protection: Corrosion protection under insulation
c) ASTM standards The ASTM standards are grouped into materials
ASTM International (ASTM), originally known as the standards and validation standards for product
American Society for Testing and Materials, is an properties. International tenders for the insulation of
international organisation that develops and publishes industrial plants often refer to relevant ASTM standards.
voluntary standards for a wide range of materials,
products, systems and services. ASTM is older than The ASTM annual book of standards comprises 77
other organisations for standardisation, such as BSI volumes. The corresponding standards for insulation
(1901) and DIN (1917), however it differs from these in are incorporated into ASTM Volume 04.06 “Thermal
that it is not a national standard-setting body. This role insulation; Building and environmental acoustics”.
is performed in the USA by the ANSI Institute. A relevant extract is shown below.
Nevertheless, ASTM plays a predominant role in the
specification of standards in the USA and for many More information is available via
international projects – particularly in the Middle East,
Asia and South-America.
Wired mats: “Standard specification for mineral fiber blanket insulation and
blanket-type insulation (Metal-mesh covered) (Industrial type)”
Pipe sections: “Rockwool sections. For the thermal insulation of pipes.
Materials ASTM C547
Standard specification for mineral fiber pipe insulation”
Slabs: “Rockwool (RW) slabs for thermal insulation of equipment.
Standard specification for mineral fibre block and board thermal insulation”
Testing of the thermal conductivity (pipe sections): “Standard test method for steady-
state heat transfer properties of pipe insulation”
Testing of the thermal conductivity (slabs): “Standard test method for steady-state heat
ASTM C177 flux measurements and thermal transmission properties by means of the guarded hot
plate apparatus test method”
Testing of the maximum service temperature: “Standard test method for hot-surface
performance of high-temperature thermal insulation”
Testing of the flame propagation on surfaces: “Standard test method for Surface Burning
Product characteristics of Building Materials”
ASTM C795 “Thermal insulation for use in contact with austenitic stainless steel”
2.1 Norms & Standards
e) DIN standards & Guidelines DIN standards for the validation of insulation materials
Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (DIN; in English, can be found under European standards. DIN 4140
the German Institute for Standardization) is the German “Insulation work on industrial installations….”gives
national organisation for standardisation and is that guidelines for the validation of insulation material,
country’s ISO member body. mounting and fixing. This standard applies to insulation
works on industrial plants. These are production and
DIN is a registered association (e.V.), founded in 1917, distribution plants for the industry and for technical
originally as Normenausschuss der deutschen Industrie building appliances, (e.g. appliances, vessels, columns,
(NADI, Standardization Committee of German Industry). tanks, steam generators, pipes, heating and ventilation
In 1926, the NADI was renamed Deutscher Norme- systems, air conditioning units, refrigeration units and
nausschuss (DNA, German Standardization Committee) hot water installations). With requirements relating to
in order to indicate that standardisation covered many fire protection, the relevant standards or national
fields, not just industrial products. In 1975 the DNA technical approvals must be observed. This standard
was finally renamed DIN. Since 1975, it has been does not apply to insulation works performed on
recognised by the German government as the national building shells, interior walls and inserted ceilings,
standards body and represents German interests at neither in the shipbuilding and vehicle manufacturing
international and European level. industry, nor within the control area of power plants.
2.1 Norms & Standards
AGI Q02: Insulation works on industrial The terms used in the AGI Q working documents are defined in this working
installations – Terms document.
This working document applies to insulation works performed on industrial instal-
AGI Q03: Construction of thermal and cold
lations. The working document classifies works into thermal insulation works for
insulation systems – Insulation works of
operating temperatures above the ambient temperature and cold insulation works
industrial plants
for operating temperatures below the ambient temperature.
‘Deutsche Bauindustrie’ is a German branch FESI, Fédération Européenne des Syndicats
organization within the building & construction industry. d’Entreprises d’Isolation is the European Federation
Part of this organization is the so called Bundes Fach of Associations of Insulation Companies. FESI was
Abteilungen {(BFA) - ‘technical departments’} who are founded in 1970 and is the independent European
specialized in the technological developments and Federation representing the insulation contracting
lobby activities within a specific area of technical sector. FESI promotes insulation as one of the best,
expertise. One of them, the so called “BFA WKSB” the most cost effective and sustainable manners to save
{Bundes Fach Abteilung Wärme-, Kälte-, Schall-und energy. FESI represents the insulation associations from
Brand Schutz}, represents the branche members’ 16 European countries whose members are active in
interests in industrial insulation, acoustic insulation and insulation for industry, commercial building sectors,
fire proofing in buildings. As well as lobbying towards ship insulation, soundproofing, fire protection and
the various organizations and the German government, others. The most important FESI documents (guide-
they recommend best practices and provisions as lines, recommendations) are shown below.
stated in the so called technical letters. These practices
are established in cooperation with DIN, AGI, CEN, Document Description
FESI and testing bodies like FIW. The most important
technical letters for hot insulation are shown below.
Working Manual: System for measurement and
recording for industrial insulation cladding
(English translation of BFA WKSB letter no. 4
Technical Field of application/scope and 2).
Problems associated with the warranty of
05 specified surface temperature. (English trans-
Problems of thermal stress in metal reinforce-
lation of BFA WKBS, technical letter no. 5)
1 ments of large-dimensional object with
elevated service temperatures "High profitability through ecologically based
3 Prevention of metal corrosion 06 insulation thicknesses. (English translation of
BFA WKBS, technical letter no. 6)
System for measurement and recording for
4 "Principles of metal corrosion". (English
industrial insulation cladding.
09 translation of BFA WKBS, technical letter no.
Problems with the warranty of specified 3 and 2)
surface temperatures
A industrial Acoustics – B Building acoustics
High profitability through ecologically based – Code of Guarantee
insulation thicknesses
"Problems of thermal stress in metal
reinforcements of large-dimensional objects
9 Methods of measuring 11
with elevated service temperatures" (English
translation BFA WKSB technical letter Nr. 1, 2.)
10 Measuring point for thermal insulation A2 Basics of Acoustics
“Product characteristics “ Acoustic insulation,
11 Moisture in insulation systems A3
absorption, attenuation
More information is available via More information is available via
2.1 Norms & Standards
k) British standard
British Standards are produced by BSI British while encouraging manufacturers to adhere to a
Standards, a division of BSI Group that is incorporated common method for such a specification.
under a Royal Charter and is formally designated as the
National Standards Body (NSB) for the UK. The The following table provides an overview of the
standards produced are titled British Standard standards and regulations that must be taken observed
XXXX[-P]:YYYY where XXXX is the number of the when insulating industrial plants with Rockwool
standard, P is the number of the part of the standard insulation. On the one hand, they are grouped
(where the standard is split into multiple parts) and according to product and material standards, which
YYYY is the year in which the standard came into effect. establish the different insulation properties, and on the
British Standards currently has over 27,000 active other hand, according to validation and design rules.
standards. Products are commonly specified as
meeting a particular British Standard, and in general
this can be done without any certification or independ-
ent testing. The standard simply provides a shorthand
method of claiming that certain specifications are met,
Standard Description
This important code of practice describes aspects of thermal insulation for pipe
BS 5970: Code of practice for thermal in-
work and equipment in the temperature range –100 °C to +870 °C. It includes
sulation of pipework and equipment in the
detailed methods of installing thermal insulation, general performance requirements
temperature range of -100 °C to +870 °C
and calculation methods.
This British Standard describes a method for specifying requirements for thermal
BS 5422: Method for specifying thermal in- insulating materials on pipes, tanks, vessels, ductwork and equipment for
sulating materials for pipes, tanks, vessels, certain defined applications and conditions within the temperature range -40
ductwork and equipment operating within degrees C to +700 degrees C. It gives the recommended thickness and perform-
the temperature range -40 °C to +700 °C ance of thermal insulation material for various applications, and details thermal
calculation procedures.
Colours for identifying pipes conveying fluids in liquid or gaseous condition in
BS 1710 Specification for identification of
land installations and on board ships. Colour specifications in accordance with
pipelines and services
BS 4800.
BS 5803-Part 1: Specification for man-
made mineral wool thermal insulation Physical and chemical requirements and dimensions for wired mats.
BS 3958-Part 4: Thermal insulating
Physical and chemical requirements, dimensions and finishes for pipe sections
materials. Bonded preformed man-made
generally for use at elevated temperatures.”
mineral fibre pipe sections
BS 3958-Part 3: Thermal insulating mate-
Specifies composition, moisture content, physical and chemical requirements for
rials. Metal mesh faced man-made mineral
mineral fibre mattresses, faced on one or both sides with flexible metal mesh.
fibre mattresses
BS 3958- Part 5: Thermal insulating mate- Composition, moisture content, physical and chemical requirements, and
rials. Specification for bonded man-made s tandard sizes. Products are divided into four groups according to thermal
mineral fibre slabs conductivity and temperature range
2.1 Norms & Standards
Test methods
This standard covers the test methods for the determination of the
actual product performance.
BS 2972 Methods of testing inorganic thermal insulation
Section 6: Maximum Service Temperature
Section 11: Water repellency
NF EN ISO 7345
Thermal insulation – Physical quantities and definitions
July 1996
NF EN ISO 9251
Thermal insulation – Heat transfer conditions and properties of materials - Vocabulary
July 1996
NF EN ISO 9288
Thermal insulation – Heat transfer by radiation – Physical q uantities and definitions
July 1996
General NF EN ISO 8497 Thermal insulation – Determination of steady-state thermal t ransmission properties of
December 1996 thermal insulation for circular pipes
NF EN ISO 9229
Thermal insulation – Vocabulary
September 2007
Thermal insulation for building equipment and industrial installations -
NF EN ISO 12241
Calculation rules
October 1998
Classification index P 50-730
NF EN ISO 13787 Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations -
August 2003 Determination of declared thermal conductivity
Thermal performance of building materials and products –
NF EN 12667
Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter
July 2001
methods – Products of high and medium thermal resistance
NF EN 8497 Thermal insulation - Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties of
September 1996 thermal insulation for circular pipes (ISO 8497:1994)
Thermal performance of building materials and products –
NF EN 12939
Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter
March 2001
methods – Thick products of high and medium thermal resistance
NF EN 14303 Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations -
October 2005 Factory made mineral wool (MW) products – Specification
NF EN 1609 Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of short term
July 1997 water absorption by partial immersion
Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial installations –
NF EN 13472
Determination of short term water absorption by partial immersion of preformed pipe
December 2002
NF ISO 2528 Sheet materials – Determination of water vapour transmission rate –
September 2001 Gravimetric (dish) method
NF EN 12086 Thermal insulating products for building applications –
November 1997 Determination of water vapour transmission properties
NF EN 12087 Thermal insulating products for building applications -
November 1997 Determination of long term water absorption by immersion
Test standard
NF EN 12087/A1 Thermal insulating products for building applications -
January 2007 Determination of long term water absorption by immersion
NF EN 14706 Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial installations -
February 2006 Determination of maximum service temperature
NF EN 14707/IN1 Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations -
March 2008 Determination of maximum service temperature for preformed pipe insulation
NF EN 14707+A1 Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations -
March 2008 Determination of maximum service temperature for preformed pipe insulation
NF EN 1602 Thermal insulating products for building applications –
July 1997 Determination of the apparent density
2.1 Norms & Standards
* Please consult the other parts for further details regarding corrosion protection of steel structures.
Object and scope of the DTUs In particular, the DTUs are generally unable to suggest
technical provisions for performing work on buildings
A DTU comprises a list of contractual technical constructed using outdated techniques.
stipulations applicable to construction work contracts.
The specific documents included in the works contract, The establishment of technical clauses for contracts of
in accordance with the specifications for each this type results from a reflection on the part of those
individual project, must specify all of the required parties who are responsible for designing and
provisions that are not outlined within the DTU, or all implementing the work. Where it proves to be pertinent,
those deemed relevant for inclusion by the contracting these clauses are based on the content of the DTU, as
parties, as a complement to or in deviation from those well as on all knowledge acquired in practice in relation
specified in the DTU. to these outdated techniques.
The DTUs refer to construction products or procedures 2.1.3 Relevant guidelines & standards
for the execution of works, the ability of which to satisfy for the technical insulation industry
the technical provisions of the DTUs is known through in Germany
experience. The German system of standards and regulations is
primarily composed of the following constituents: DIN
Where this document refers to that effect to a Technical (German Institute for Standardisation) standards, VDI
Evaluation or Technical Application Document, or to a (Association of German Engineers) guidelines, AGI
product certification, the contractor may suggest (German Working Group for Industrial Construction)
products to the contracting authority that benefit from working documents, VDI quality assurance, and RAL
current testing methods in other Member States of the (German Institute for Quality Assurance and Certification)
European Economic Area, which they deem to be quality marks. Furthermore, there are additional
comparable and which are certified by accredited regulations for special fields of application, such as
organisations, by the organisations that are signatories working standards on the part of the operator, which
to ‘E.A.’ agreements, or in the absence thereof, which must be observed. Most of the standards, regulations
evidence their compliance with the EN 45011 standard. and guidelines are adapted within the local project
The contractor must then supply the contracting specifications.
authority with the evidence needed in order to evaluate
the comparability. The following table shows an overview of the standards
and regulations that must be observed when insulating
The conditions under which the contracting authority industrial plants with Rockwool insulation. On the one
shall accept such an equivalent are defined within the hand, they are grouped according to product and
Contract Bill of Special Clauses of this DTU. material standards, which establish the different
insulation properties, and on the other hand, according
More information is available via to validation and design rules.
2.1 Norms & Standards
2.1.3 R
elevant guidelines & standards
for the technical insulation industry
in Germany
AGI Q02:
The terms used in the AGI Q working documents are defined in this working
Insulation works on industrial installa-
tions – Terms
AGI Q03: This working document applies to insulation works performed on industrial instal-
Construction of thermal and cold insulation lations. The working document classifies works into thermal insulation works for
systems – Insulation works of industrial operating temperatures above the ambient temperature and cold insulation works
plants for operating temperatures below the ambient temperature.
AGI Q05:
This working document has been compiled for planners and designers that have
Construction of industrial plants – Bases,
to design the industrial plants, including the essential thermal or cold insulation.
design, requirements with regard to
In examines in particular the interfaces between plant construction and insula-
the interfaces of plant components and
AGI Q101: Working document Q 101 applies to insulation works performed on power plant
Insulation works on power plant compo- components such as steam generators and flue gas cleaning systems, pipe
nents – Construction systems and steel flues
AGI Q103:
This working document applies to insulation works performed on industrial plants
Insulation works on industrial plants –
with electrical tracing.
Electrical tracing
AGI Q104: This working document applies to insulation works performed on industrial
Insulation works on industrial plants – installations, which are heated and/or cooled by means of heat transfer and/or
Tracing systems with heat transfer media refrigerant media, for example in tracing pipes or half pipe sections.
AGI Q132: This working document applies to rock wool insulation, which is used for thermal,
Rock wool as insulation for industrial cold and acoustic insulation of technical industrial plants and technical building
plants appliances.
This working document applies to corrosion protection coating systems for the
AGI Q151: surfaces of industrial plants, such as appliances, columns and pipes, which
Insulation works – Protecting thermal are insulated against heat and cold loss. Since the DIN EN ISO 12944 standard
and cold insulation systems on industrial provides no explanations with regard to protecting insulation systems against
plants against corrosion corrosion, this working document should be considered as a supplement to
standard DIN EN ISO 12944. This working document does not apply in respect of
adhesive primers.
AGI Q152: This AGI working document applies to objects where the insulation must be
Insulation works on industrial plants – Pro- protected against moisture and, above all, against the ingress of liquids, (e.g.
tection against moisture penetration water, heat transfer oil).
AGI Q153:
AGI working document Q 153 applies to the design and construction of mounting
Insulation works on industrial plants –
supports. They transfer the loads of the insulation onto the support constructions
Mounting supports for support construc-
on the object.
AGI Q154
Insulation works on industrial plants – AGI working document Q 154 applies to the construction of support constructions.
support constructions
This standard applies to insulation works on industrial plants. These are produc-
tion and distribution plants for the industry and for technical building appliances,
DIN 4140:
(e.g. appliances, vessels, columns, tanks, steam generators, pipes, heating and
Insulation works on technical industrial
ventilation systems, air conditioning units, refrigeration units and hot water
plants and technical building appli-
installations). In the event of requirements with regard to fire protection, the rel-
ances – Construction of thermal and cold
evant standards or national technical approvals must be taken into account. This
insulation systems
standard does not apply to insulation works performed on building shells, interior
walls and inserted ceilings, neither in the shipbuilding and vehicle manufactur-
ing industry, nor within the control area of power plants.
The scope of the guideline includes heat and cold insulation of technical indus-
trial plants and technical building equipment, such as pipes, ducts, vessels, ap-
pliances, machines and cold stores. The minimum insulation thicknesses for heat
distribution and warm water pipes in technical building equipment are laid down
with respect to Germany in the regulations concerning energy-saving heat insula-
tion and energy-saving plant engineering in buildings (Energy Saving Ordinance)
[Energieeinsparverordnung, EnEV]. The considerations expressed in this guideline
may give rise to other insulation thicknesses. With regard to heat insulation in
the construction industry, both the Energy Saving Ordinance and DIN standard
4108. Legal requirements must be taken into consideration with regard to the fire
performance of insulation and the fire resistance classes of insulation, such as
federal state building regulations [Landesbauordnungen] and the piping system
VDI 2055: guidelines of the federal states [Leitungsanlagen-Richtlinien der Bundesländer].
Thermal and cold insulation of technical
industrial plants and technical building The VDI guideline 2055 serves as a benchmark for thermo technical calcula-
equipment tions and measuring systems in relation to industrial and building services
installations and for guarantees and conditions of supply with regard to those
installations. The guideline covers in detail the calculation of heat flow rates,
the design of the insulation thickness according to operational and economic
aspects, the technical warranty certificate and the technical conditions in respect
of delivery quantities and services. Furthermore, the guideline examines measur-
ing systems and testing methods (for quality assurance purposes also). The VDI
2055 guideline consists of 3 parts:
Part 1: Bases for calculation
Part 2: Measuring, testing and certification of insulation materials
Part 3: Conditions of supply and purchasing of insulation systems
Following the completion of the official draft of Part 1, the final editorial draft
is being compiled. The final version is expected to be published in the second
quarter of 2008.
2.1 Norms & Standards
2.1.3 R
elevant guidelines & standards
for the technical insulation industry
in Germany
Building material class (Fire Fire performance of building materials and building components –
DIN 4102-1
performance) Part 1: Building materials, terms, requirements and tests
Fire performance of building materials and building components –
Melting point DIN 4102-17
Part 17: Melting point of rock wool insulations
Heat insulation – Determination of steady-state thermal transmis-
Thermal conductivity (Piping) DIN EN ISO 8497
sion properties of thermal insulation for circular pipes
Thermal performance of building materials and products – Determi-
Thermal conductivity (Boards) DIN EN 12667 nation of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat
flow meter methods - Products of high or medium thermal resistance
Water vapour diffusion resistance Thermal insulating products for building applications – Determina-
DIN EN 12086
coefficient tion of water vapour transmission properties
Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial
DIN EN 13468
AS quality installations – Determination of trace quantities of water-soluble
Replaces AGI Q135
chloride, fluoride, silicate, sodium ions and pH
Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial
DIN EN 13472
Hydrophobic treatment installations – Determination of short-term water absorption by
Replaces AGI Q136
partial immersion of preformed pipe insulation
Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial
DIN EN 14706
installations – Determination of maximum service temperature
(for flat products)
Maximum service temperature
Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial
DIN EN 14707 (for
installations – Determination of maximum service temperature for
preformed pipe insulation
According to VW This test procedure verifies whether the insulation is free from
Absence of silicon
test 3.10.7 paint wetting impairment substances (e.g. silicon)
Thermal insulating products for building applications – Determi-
Compression resistance DIN EN 826
nation of compression behaviour
DIN EN 29053
Acoustics; Materials for acoustical applications; Determination of
Air flow resistance Determination of
airflow resistance (ISO 9053:1991)
airflow resistance
b) Insulation code number according to AGI Q132
AGI guideline Q132 lays down the material properties represents rock wool. The further pairs of digits
and the requirements that are imposed on rock wool represent the:
insulation for industrial installations. The insulation • Delivery form
materials are denoted with a ten-figure code number • Thermal conductivity group
(so called “Dämmstoffkennziffer”), consisting of five • Maximum service temperature group
pairs of digits. In this case, the first pair of digits “10” • Apparent density group
Rock wool insulation Delivery form Thermal conductivity Maximum service Nominal apparent
temperature density
Group Type Group Form Group Delivery form Group °C Group kg/m3
06 Felts • • 07 70
07 Mats • • 08 80
08 Slabs 72 720 09 90
2.1 Norms & Standards
2.1.3 R
elevant guidelines & standards “Thermal insulation products for building equipment
for the technical insulation industry and industrial installations – Factory-made mineral wool
in Germany (MW) products – specification”. The official implemen-
tation of this standard is expected to take place in
Using Rockwool wired mat with a density of 80kg/m3 2009. Following ratification, a European standard must
as an example results in the following insulation code: be adopted as it stands by the national standardisation
organisations as a national standard. Deviating national standards must be retracted.
of VDI 2055 quality assured insulation products can The external quality control is made up of the following
safely assume that even publicised property values are elements:
subject to a quality control. When the product conforms • Auditing of the internal quality control
to the properties specified by the manufacturer in the • Verification of the labelling of the products
product data sheets, the certification body grants the • Product testing
manufacturer the right to use the certification mark
“Checked in accordance with VDI 2055”. Certification
Upon correct implementation of the internal and
The following text outlines the product properties that external quality control of insulation products
must, at the very least, be controlled in the case of a manufactured according to VDI 2055, DIN CERTCO
mineral wool insulation product, in order for the VDI developed a certificate with regard to conformity to VDI
2055 inspection mark to be granted: 2055, to the data sheets of the VDI AG “Quality Control”
• Thermal conductivity as a curve (λ = f(t) or f(tm)) and to the technical data of the manufacturer.
• Dimensions (length, width, depth)
• Apparent density e) RAL quality mark
• Maximum service temperature Rockwool stone wool insulation products bear the RAL
quality mark. They are therefore subject, in addition to
In addition, the following product properties are usually the stringent criteria of the quality assessment and test
controlled externally: specifications of the Mineral Wool Quality Community
• Fire performance [Gütegemeinschaft Mineralwolle e. V.], to continuous
• Hydrophobic properties inspections, which guarantee compliance with the
• Water-soluble chloride content (AS quality) criteria of the German legislation governing hazardous
substances and with the EU directive. In accordance
Internal quality control with both the German and European standards,
The manufacturer takes samples during production and bio-soluble Rockwool stone wool offers outstanding
tests for the relevant product properties. For properties thermal, cold, acoustic and fire protection whilst
such as thermal conductivity, indirect measurement meeting a high safety standard.
methods can also be used. The manufacturer must
have a quality management procedure in place, which f) No prohibition on manufacture and usage
instigates the measures required to rectify the defect in The German federal government has laid down criteria
the event of deviations from the reference values. for the appraisal of mineral wool insulation products in
the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances [Gefahrstoff-
External quality control verordnung] and the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance
For the purposes of external quality control in [Chemikalien-Verbotsverordnung]. Products not
accordance with VDI 2055, the manufacturer must meeting these criteria cannot be manufactured and
enter into a supervision contract with a leading testing used in Germany. Rockwool stone wool insulation
body, such as the FIW (Research Institute for thermal products fulfil these requirements. The prohibition on
insulation materials). manufacture and usage does not apply to Rockwool
2.1 Norms & Standards
2.1.3 R
elevant guidelines & standards 2.2 Product properties &
for the technical insulation industry
test methods
in Germany
stone wool insulation products. Rockwool mineral wool The requirements for technical insulation are high and
insulation products are also not considered to be a varied. Piping, boilers, storage tank require insulation
probable cause of cancer in accordance with the materials with particular properties. Although the
criteria of EU directive 97/69/EG. application and type of products may vary, the basic
definition of all product properties is the same.
2.2.1 Fire behaviour
2.1.4 R
elevant guidelines & standards 2.2.2 Thermal conductivity
for the technical insulation industry 2.2.3 Maximum service temperature
within the Benelux 2.2.4 Water leachable chloride content
The local system of standards and regulations in the 2.2.5 Water repellency
Netherlands and Belgium focuses primarily on building 2.2.6 Water vapour transmission
construction. The Dutch CINI manual is adopted as a 2.2.7 Longitudinal air flow resistance
general guideline for mounting and fixing by the 2.2.8 Compression resistance
majority of industry owners and construction engineers. 2.2.9 Density
Product testing often refers to AGI, DIN and European
standards. Refer to the previous chapters for more The relevant standards, guidelines and project
information. specifications are explained in 2.1. The following text
outlines the most important product properties of
mineral wool insulation products for insulation of
technical installations.
from spreading from one room to another – for a stated burning droplets.
period of time. Does it function as a fire shield or not? • Class B product flaming must not spread more than
Fire resistance is an extremely important characteristic. 150 mm in 60 seconds, when evaluated by a small
For example, a vessel containing flammable liquids. flame test. Class B products have to be tested for fire
Serious accidents/explosions can occur if a vessel is not contribution, smoke intensity and burning droplets
protected against fire from the outside. • Class C product contributes to flashover after 10 min.
Reaction to fire indicates the smoke development and • Class D product contributes to flashover after 2 min.
combustibility / flammability if the insulation is exposed • Class E product for less than two minutes.
to fire. • Class F is not tested.
2.2 Product properties & test methods
• B1 flame resistant
• B2 normally inflammable The unit of thermal conductivity is shown in terms of
• B3 highly flammable (cannot be used in Germany) J/(m·s·K) or W/(m·K). The thermal conductivity
depends on the temperature, the apparent density
Alongside the implementation of the European product and the structure of the insulation and is made up
standards for technical insulation, the “European of the following parts:
building material classes”, the Euroclasses, are also • Thermal conduction of the dormant air in spaces
being implemented. In that case, the products are between the fibres
classified in accordance with the standard DIN EN • Thermal radiation
13501-1 “Fire classification of building products and • Thermal conduction through the fibres
building elements – Part 1: Classification using test • Convection
class data from reaction to fire tests” in combination
with the specifications of the European product The fundamental dependencies of these heat
standard. transporters upon temperature and apparent density in
the case of mineral wool, are clarified in the graphs
Other local (often building) standards may apply below. The individual parts cannot be recorded using
occasionally. e.g.: measurement techniques and together form the
• NEN 6064: Netherlands thermal conductivity of an insulation material.
• NFP 92507( class M0) France
• BS 476: United Kingdom
Fundamental dependency of the thermal conductivity upon the apparent density at a certain temperature
Thermal conductivity
Apparent density
Fundamental dependency of the thermal conductivity upon the temperature for a certain apparent density
Thermal conductivity
2.2 Product properties & test methods
2.2.3 Maximum service temperature ASTM C411
The temperature at which an insulation material is used ASTM C411 is the standard test method for hot-surface
should be within the temperature range specified for performance of high-temperature thermal insulation.
the material, in order to provide satisfactory long-term This standard covers the determination of the
service under conditions of use. performance of mats, slabs and pipe sections when
exposed to simulated hot-surface application
This temperature is defined as maximum service conditions.
temperature. The following factors should be Mats and slabs are tested with the heating plate or pipe
considered when selecting insulation materials to be apparatus. The heating plate or pipe is uniformly
used at elevated operating temperatures. heated to the declared maximum service temperature.
• Ability to withstand loads and vibrations Products are exposed to one sided heating.
• Loss of compression strength after heating
• Linear shrinkage are heating ASTM C411 places no specific demands on the
• Change in thickness after heating and loading product performance after heating. Only the following
• Internal self-heating (exothermic reaction or punking) results must be reported.
phenomena • Extent of cracking, other visible changes
• Type of finishing of the insulation • Any evidence of flaming, glowing, smouldering,
• Support structures for the insulation smoking, etc.
• Support structures for the cladding • Decrease in thickness, warpage, delamination
• Sagging pipe (pipe insulation)
Important notice
The maximum service temperature of insulation BS 2972
materials can be tested in accordance with the test This standard specifies test methods for the various
methods: EN 14706 and -7 (replaces AGI Q 132), properties of inorganic thermal insulation materials.
ASTM C411 or BS2972. Each test standard has a Section six “heat stability of this standard” is designed
different test method and its own criteria. ASTM C411 to determine the performance of insulation materials
and BS2972 can be used to determine the maximum when exposed to heating for 24 hours in an oven or
operating temperature at which an insulation material furnace at the designed temperature.
can be used, without its insulating capacity
deteriorating. EN 14706 and -7 are used to classify BS 2972 places no specific demands on the product
insulation materials according to their behaviour at performance after heating. Only the following results
high temperatures based upon time-load exposure. must be reported:
Due to the effect of load during testing, the measure • Average percentage change of length, width,
maximum service temperature in accordance with EN thickness and volume of specimens;
14706 and -7 is lower than the other standards and • Percentage change of mass of the specimens before
therefore tends to reflect a more practical temperature and after the test
limit for design performance. • Change in compression strength of the specimens
before and after the test.
2.2 Product properties & test methods
Application of maximum service temperature temperatur”). When selecting a suitable insulation
The practical application of the test methods varies per material in terms of the maximum service temperature,
country and plant owner. In case of special conditions, the external influences affecting the insulation system
where the insulation is permanently exposed to high must be considered, for example:
dynamic loads and temperatures (e.g. Power Plants), • Static loads (e.g. cladding)
which cannot be included within the measurements, a • Dynamic loads (e.g. oscillations)
considered insulation selection is required. This can be • Type of construction (with or without a spacer).
done based on expert judgement or by using the
reduction factors (fa) as defined in the German The table shown on the following page, showing general
Standard AGI Q101 “Insulation works on power plant reduction ratios fa for determining the working
components”. The calculated service temperature temperature, is taken from AGI Q101. In this respect,
(‘Obere Anwendungstemperatur”) is generally below the maximum service temperature should be multiplied
the maximum service temperature (“Anwendungsgrenz by fa.
Reduction ration (fa) Maximum service With spacer and support Without spacer and sup- With spacer and support
temperature construction port construction construction + air space
2.2 Product properties & test methods
according to ASTM C871. ASTM C795 shows the Hydrophobic treatment makes it diffi cult for water to
results of ASTM C871 in a graph to illustrate a range penetrate into the insulation and repels water affecting
of acceptable chloride concentrations in conjunction the insulation from the outside. During the mineral wool
with sodium plus silicate concentrations (see graph manufacturing process, hydrophobic oil, which
illustration below). surrounds each fibre like a protective film, is added.
This provides effective protection against moisture
penetration across the entire insulation thickness.
Hydrophobic treatment does not affect the water vapour
diffusion transmission. The effectiveness of the
hydrophobic treatment is temporary and depends on
the level of moisture. It decreases when exposed to
high temperatures. The primary objective of the
hydrophobic treatment is to protect the insulation from
short bursts of rainfall during installation, for example.
In principle, even mineral wool insulation that has been
hydrophobically treated must be protected against the
ingress of moisture during transport, storage and
2.2 Product properties & test methods
Caution with regard to paint shops longitudinal flow resistance should therefore measure at
When using hydrophobically treated insulation least 50 kPa s/m² in accordance with EN 29053.
materials in spraying plants, also ensure that the
hydrophobic oil does not have any negative impact 2.2.8 Compression resistance
– e.g. by means of paint wetting impairment The resistance that an insulation system offers to
substances such as silicon oils – on the coating external mechanical loads (wind loads, people,
process. Rockwool stone wool insulation products cladding loads) is influenced by factors including the
are hydrophobically treated without silicon oils or pressure resistance of the insulation. The compressive
silicon resins and therefore also fulfil the guidelines stress of mineral wool is preferably specified at 10 %
of the automotive industry, such as VW-Test 3.10.7. compression. The compressive strength is the ratio of
They may be used in paint shops. the strength under a predetermined compression to the
loaded surface of the test sample, as identified during a
2.2.6 Water vapour transmission compression test in accordance with EN 826.
With installations constructed outdoors, the possibility
of moisture penetrating the insulation system or being 2.2.9 Density
“built in” can never be ruled out. Therefore, it is The density of mineral wool products is the amount of
important that insulation exhibits a high degree of water fibres per cubic metre. Special care should be taken
vapour permeability, which allows the water to escape when comparing only the densities of insulation
from the installation once it has been started up started products. Density influences several product properties.
through diffusion or evaporation processes. This will It is however not a product property itself. A common
prevent a negative impact on the insulation properties. assumption is that the higher the density, the more the
compression resistance, maximum service temperature
2.2.7 Air flow resistance and thermal conductivity will improve. This is only
The resistance that an insulation material offers against correct to a certain extent. A few examples:
the flow of air is referred to as air flow resistance. It
depends on the apparent density, the fibre dimensions, Binder content
the fibre orientation and the proportion of non-fibrous During the manufacture of mineral wool products, a so
elements. It determines the level of convection in the called binder is added to glue/form the fibres into the
insulation and its acoustic-technical properties. The air desired shape. The binder content positively influences
flow resistance is expressed in terms of Pa s/m² and the compression strength, but due to its organic
describes the relationship between the pressure compounds has a negative effect on the maximum
difference and flow rate in an insulation material of one service temperature and fire resistance.
metre thickness.
Thermal conductivity
One of the factors that influences convection in an For high temperatures it is often better to use high
insulation material is its flow resistance. This is density (less radiation) mineral wool insulation. At
important when insulation materials adjoin air spaces, temperatures below 150 °C, the conduction throughout
such as finned walls in boilers, and there are no airtight the fibres will be more dominant, so using a lower
roofs or intermediate layers (foils). When such thermal density product is preferable.
insulation materials are constructed vertically, the
2.2 Product properties & test methods
Heat flow Q` coefficients of thermal resistance. The unit used to
The heat flow Q` is the heat quantity flowing in a body or express the thermal resistance is (m² K)/W.
being transferred between two bodies per time unit. The
unit used to designate the heat flow is W (1W = 1J/s).
Applied insulation thickness (
s m ⋅K
) for walls
Thermal conductivity λ W
Heat flow density q
The heat flow density q is the heat flow being applied to d
ln a
the unit of the surface that the heat is flowing through. di (m⋅K )
RPipe =
2 ⋅ π ⋅ λ W
for pipe insulation
The unit is expressed in W/m² for surfaces or in W/m for
pipes, for example. In the field of insulation technology,
the heat flow density refers to the surface of the Surface coefficient of heat transfer α
insulation system. The surface coefficient of heat transfer “α” gives the
heat flow density circulating at the surface of a body in
Thermal conductivity λ a medium or vice versa, when the temperature
The heat-insulating effect of insulation materials is difference between the body and the liquid or gaseous
described in terms of the thermal conductivity λ. λ is medium amounts to 1 K. The unit used to express
specified in the physical unit of W(m K). It indicates the surface coefficients of heat transfer is W/(m²K).
quantity of heat “Q&” that, in “t” amount of time and
at a temperature difference of “λT”, flows across the Heat transfer resistance 1/α
thickness “s” through the surface The heat transfer resistance “1/α” is the reciprocal of
the surface coefficients of heat transfer. The unit used
Q ⋅l J ⋅m J W to express the heat transfer resistance is (m²K)/W.
λ= = = =
A ⋅ t ⋅ ΔT m2 ⋅ s ⋅K m⋅ s ⋅K m⋅K
d d d
= Heat transfer + Heat transfer + Heat transfer ln 2 ln 3 ln a
k resistanceinside resistanceinside resistanceoutside 1 1 d1 d2 dn 1
= + + + .... + + W
k R di ⋅ π ⋅ α i 2 ⋅ π ⋅ λ1 2 ⋅ π ⋅ λ 2 2 ⋅ π ⋅ λ n da ⋅ π ⋅ α a
1 1 1 m2 ⋅K
= +R + for a wall
k w αi w αa W π ⋅( ϑ M − ϑ L ) W
qR = m
d d d
ln 2 ln 3 ln a
1 1 1 m⋅K 1 d d d 1
= +R + W + 1
+ 2
+ .... + n
kR di ⋅ π ⋅ α i R da ⋅ π ⋅ α a di ⋅ α i 2 ⋅ λ1 2⋅ λ2 2 ⋅ λ n da ⋅ α a
qR = k R ⋅( ϑ M − ϑ L )
1 remove from the denominator in the equation (air movement due solely to variations in density as a
di ⋅α i for pipe insulation result of temperature), forced convection (blowers,
wind) or of a mixture of free and forced convection.
The surface temperatures ϑ O can be calculated as The convection also depends on the geometry of the
follows: building component.
ϑO = ⋅( ϑ M - ϑ L)+ ϑ L °C for walls The rate of radiation depends on factors such as the
αa material of the cladding (emission ratio ε), the surface
temperature and the orientation of the object in relation
(ϑ M - ϑ L)
ϑO = + ϑ L °C to other components.
1 s1 s2 sn 1
α a ⋅ + + + .... + +
α i λ1 λ 2 λn α a
The calculation procedures are explained in the VDI
2055 and DIN EN 12241 standards. A detailed
ϑO = ⋅(ϑ M - ϑ L)+ ϑ L °C for pipe insulation description will not be given at this point.
π ⋅ da ⋅ α a
Use the following procedure to obtain an approximate
(ϑ M - ϑ L)
ϑO = + ϑL estimate of the external surface coefficients of heat
d d d
ln 2 ln 3 ln a transfer αa. It applies in respect of the following
1 d1 d2 dn 1
da ⋅ α a ⋅ + + + .... + + °C boundary conditions:
di ⋅ α i 2 ⋅ λ1 2⋅ λ2 2 ⋅ λ n da ⋅ α a
• Applicable only for free convection
• Δϑ = ϑ O − ϑ L ≤ 60K
( )
• ϑm = 0,5 ⋅ ϑ O − ϑ L ≈ 40° C
Hint • da ≈ 0,5m
The internal heat transfer can once again be
disregarded (see hint above). The following applies for horizontal pipes:
α a = A + 0,05⋅Δϑ
m ⋅K
The characteristic of emitting heat from a surface (e.g.
the external sheet cladding) into the surrounding
medium, which is usually air, is described by means of The following applies for vertical pipes and walls:
the external surface coefficient of heat transfer “αa”. α a =B+ 0,09⋅Δϑ
m ⋅K
The surface coefficient of heat transfer is made up of
the rate of convection and radiation. ϑ O is the surface temperature of the cladding
αa = αk + αr ϑ L is the ambient temperature
The following symbols used in this calculation:
ααk the rate of convection
ααr the rate of radiation
2.3 Bases for thermal calculations
The values for A and B have been compiled for a Supplementary values Δλ Thermal bridges
number of materials and surfaces in the table shown In addition to the insulation thickness, the total heat
below. loss from insulated objects depends on thermal
bridges, which have a negative impact on the insulation
Surface A B system. A distinction is drawn between thermal bridges
Aluminium, rolled 2,5 2,7 caused by the insulation and thermal bridges caused
by the installation.
Aluminium, oxidised 3,1 3,3
Thermal bridges caused by the insulation system
Galvanised sheet, bright 4,0 4,2
include support constructions and spacers, whereas
Galvanised sheet, tarnished 5,3 5,5
thermal bridges caused by the installation include pipe
Austenitic steel 3,2 3,4
hangings and supports, flanges and brackets.
Alu-Zinc – sheet 3,4 3,6
Non-metallic surface 8,5 8,7 Allowances are made for these thermal bridges in the
form of supplementary factors that are multiplied by the
surface coefficients of heat transfer.
3. Tables
Table of contents
3.1 Units, conversion factors and tables 130
3. Tables
A Area m2
b Length m
C12 Radiation coefficient W/(m2 ⋅ K4)
c Specific heat capacity J/(kg ⋅ K)
cp Specific heat capacity at constant pressure J/(kg ⋅ K)
d Diameter m
f Correction factor -
H Height m
h Enthalpy J/kg
k Heat transfer coefficient W/(m2 ⋅ K), W/K, W/(m ⋅ K)
k’ Total heat transfer coefficient W/(m2 ⋅ K), W/K, W/(m ⋅ K)
l Length m
m Mass kg
m Massflow kg/s, kg/h
n Operation time a
P Pressure Pa
Q Heat energy J
Q Heat flow W
q Heat flow density W/m2 oder W/m
R Thermal resistance m2 ⋅ K/W, m ⋅ K/W, K/W
R Specific heat capacity J/(kg ⋅ K)
s Insulation thickness m
t Time h or s
T Temperature (Kelvin) K
U Circumference m
w Wind speed m/s
α Total heat transfer coefficient (incl. cold bridges) W/(m2 ⋅ K)
Units, conversion factors and tables
Symbol Definition Unit
Mathematical symbols
= equal to
< less than
≤ less than or equal to
<< much less than
+ plus
∞ infinite
π pi ≈ 3.14159
≈ approximately
> greater than
≥ equal to or greater than
>> much greater than
Δ Difference
Σ Sum
ln Logarithm base e
log Logarithm base 10
3.1 Symbols and units
3.1.3 SI pre-fixes
Decimal parts and multiples of units are conveyed by
means of prefixes and corresponding symbols. Several
prefixes cannot be compounded.
Atto A 10-18
Femto F 10-15
Piko P 10-12
Nano n 10-9
Mikro μ 10-6
Milli m 10-3
Centi c 10-2
Deci d 10-1
Deca da 101
Hecto h 102
Kilo k 103
Mega M 106
Giga G 109
Tera T 1012
Peta P 1015
Exa E 1018
Greek alphabet
Units, conversion factors and tables
3.1.5 SI units
The International System of Units, also referred to as SI SI Base units
(Abbreviation for French: Système International d’unités), The SI units system is composed of seven base units.
embodies the modern metric system and is the most In order to use the base units for applications involving
widely used units system for physical units. The system different scales, certain prefixes such as Kilo or Milli are
was originally established in response to demands from used. These are also used in conjunction with derived
the field of science and research, however it is now the units and, to some extent, with units from other
prevalent units system for the economic, technological systems.
and trade industries. In the European Union (EU) and
the majority of other states, the use of the SI units system
in official and business transactions is prescribed by law;
however there are many national exceptions to this rule.
Length l Metre m
Mass m Kilogramme kg
Time t Seconde s
Electric current I Ampere A
Thermodynamic temperature T Kelvin K
Amount of substance n Mol mol
Luminous intensity J Candela cd
3.1 Symbols and units
Units, conversion factors and tables
3.1.7 Compound units derived from SI-Units
3.1 Symbols and units
°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F
Units, conversion factors and tables
3.1.10 Imperial (Anglo-Saxon) units
The Anglo-Saxon units (also referred to as Anglo- system. Nowadays, they are only still used in the USA
American meausrement systems) are derived from old and to some extent in Great Britain and in some of the
English systems and were also used in other Common Commonwealth states.
wealth states prior to the implementation of the metric
Length, distance
2,539998 cm (UK)
1 inch in.
2,540005 cm (USA)
1 foot ft. 30,48 cm
1 yard yd. 91,44 cm
1 mile 1,609 km
1 nautical mile 1,853 km
Area measurements
3.1 Symbols and units
Units, conversion factors and tables
Overview Imperial units and conversion to SI-Units:
Power, capacity
1 BTU/sec 1055,06 W
1 BTU/h 0,293 W
1 hp 745,7 W
Pressure, stress
3.1 Symbols and units
Joule (J) 0,001 10-6 2,78 * 10-7 2,39 * 10-4 9,479 * 10-4
Kilowatt hours
3,6 * 106 3600 3,6 859,8 3412,3
4187 4,187 4,19 * 10-3 1,2 * 10-3 3,873
British Thermal
1055 1,055 1,055 * 10-3 2,933 * 10-4 0,252
Unit (BTU)
Unit Watt Kilowatt Kilocalorie per Horsepower British Thermal British Thermal
(W) (kW) second (HP) Unit per second Unit per hour
(kcal/s) (BTU/s) (BTU/h)
Watt (W) 0,001 2,39 * 10-4 1,36 * 10-3 0,948 * 10-3 3415,2 * 10-3
Kilocalorie per
4186,8 4,187 5,692 3,968 1,429 *103
second (kcal/s)
Horse power
735,5 0,736 0,176 0,698 2551,9
British Thermal
Unit per second 1055,06 1,06 0,252 1,433 3600
British Thermal
Unit per hour 0,293 2,93 * 10-4 7,000 * 10-5 3,981 * 10-4 2,777 * 10-3
Units, conversion factors and tables
3.1.13 Conversion of pressure scales
3.1.14 Conversion of SI-Units into Imperial units, pre-SI units and technical scales
3. Tables
Aluminum - - +
Alu-zinc steel - - +
Galvanised steel + - +
Stainless steel
Aluminised steel + + +
- not recommendable
+ suitable in general
The selection of material should be geared to each installation and/or environment.
142 Product properties and standards
Al Mg2 Mn 0,8
Aluminium, bright 2700 23,8 0,05 EN AW 5049 DIN EN 485-2
Al MG 3 CINI 3.1.01
EN AW 5745 DIN EN 12258-1
Aluminium, oxydised 2700 23,8 0,13 AL 99,5 DIN EN 13195-1
EN AW 1050
Sheet thickness in mm
External diameter
insulation (mm)
Aluminium Aluminised steel Alu-zinc steel Galvanised steel Stainless steel
(CINI 3.1.01) (CINI 3.1.02) (CINI 3.1.03) (CINI 3.1.04) (CINI 3.1.05)
3.2 Product properties insulation and cladding materials
External diameter
Galvanised, Stainless steel Aluminium Longitudinal joint Circumferential joint
insulation (mm)
Aluminised, E DIN EN 10028-7
Alu-zinc and and DIN EN 10088-3
painted steel
Smaller sheet thicknesses are also possible in consultation with the customer.
With regard to pipes, the circumferential joint overlap can be omitted if the circumferential joints are joined by swage and
counter swage. In the case of cladding with a large surface area and high wind loads, structural verifications may be required.
In that instance, only those binding agents permitted by the building authorities may be used. The DIN 1055-4 applies in
respect of the loading assumptions.
3. Tables
Material Density kg/m³ Thermal conductivity Specific heat capacity Linear expansion
W/(mK) at 20 °C kJ/(kg K) coefficient 10-6 K-1
3.3 Usage tables
3.3.4 Conversion factors in relation to the heat of combustion
Usage tables
3.3 Usage tables
Steam temperature in °C
in bar
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800
1 2776,1 2874,8 2973,9 3073,9 3175,3 3278,0 3382,3 3488,2 3705,0 3928,8 4159,7
5 2854,9 2960,1 3063,7 3167,4 3271,7 3377,2 3483,9 3701,9 3926,5 4157,8
10 2827,4 2941,9 3050,6 3157,3 3263,8 3370,7 3478,6 3698,1 3923,6 4155,5
20 2901,6 3022,7 3136,6 3247,5 3357,5 3467,7 3690,2 3917,6 4150,9
30 2854,8 2922,6 3114,8 3230,7 3344,1 3456,6 3682,3 3911,7 4146,3
40 2959,7 3091,8 3213,4 3330,4 3445,4 3674,3 3905,7 4141,7
50 2923,5 3067,7 3195,5 3316,3 3433,9 3666,2 3899,7 4137,0
60 2883,2 3042,2 3177,0 3301,9 3422,3 3658,1 3893,6 4132,3
70 2837,6 3015,1 3157,9 3287,3 3410,5 3649,8 3887,5 4127,6
80 2784,6 2986,3 3138,0 3272,2 3398,5 3641,5 3881,4 4122,9
90 2955,5 3117,5 3256,9 3386,4 3633,2 3875,2 4118,2
100 2922,2 3096,1 3241,1 3374,0 3624,7 3869,0 4113,5
150 2691,3 2974,7 3156,6 3309,3 3581,5 3837,6 4089,6
200 2816,9 3060,8 3239,4 3536,7 3805,5 4065,4
250 2578,1 2950,6 3164,2 3490,4 3773,0 4041,1
300 2150,7 2822,3 3083,5 3443,1 3740,1 4016,7
350 1988,3 2672,9 2997,3 3394,7 3706,9 3992,2
400 1930,8 2513,2 2906,7 3345,8 3673,8 3967,8
450 1897,3 2377,7 2814,2 3296,6 3640,7 3943,6
500 1874,1 2284,7 2724,2 3247,7 3607,8 3919,5
600 1843,0 2180,0 2571,9 3152,3 3543,5 3872,3
700 1822,8 2123,6 2466,9 3063,8 3481,9 3826,7
800 1808,7 2087,9 2397,7 2985,4 3424,2 3783,3
900 1798,4 2063,2 2350,3 2918,7 3371,1 3742,4
1000 1790,9 2045,1 2316,2 2863,4 3323,1 3704,3
3.3.6 Density super heated steam
Steam temperature in °C
in bar
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800
1 0,5164 0,4604 0,4156 0,379 0,3483 0,3223 0,2999 0,2805 0,2483 0,2227 0,2019
5 2,3537 2,1083 1,9137 1,7540 1,6200 1,5056 1,4066 1,2437 1,1149 1,0105
10 4,8566 4,2984 3,8771 3,5402 3,2617 3,0263 1,8241 2,4932 2,2331 2,0228
20 8,9757 7,9713 7,2169 6,6142 6,1153 5,6926 5,0101 4,4794 4,0531
30 14,172 12,326 11,047 10,065 9,2708 8,6076 7,5512 6,7390 6,0908
40 17,000 15,052 13,623 12,497 11,571 10,117 9,0121 8,1360
50 22,073 19,255 17,299 15,798 14,586 12,709 11,299 10,189
60 27,662 23,687 21,102 19,179 17,653 15,326 13,599 12,249
70 33,944 28,384 25,045 22,646 20,776 17,970 15,914 14,316
80 41,226 33,394 29,143 26,202 23,957 20,642 18,242 16,391
90 38,776 33,411 29,855 27,198 23,341 20,584 18,474
100 44,611 37,867 33,611 30,503 26,068 22,941 20,564
150 87,191 63,889 51,200 48,077 40,154 34,943 31,124
200 100,54 78,732 67,711 55,039 47,319 41,871
250 166,63 109,09 89,904 70,794 60,080 52,803
300 358,05 148,45 115,26 87,481 73,234 63,919
350 474,89 201,63 144,43 105,15 86,779 75,214
400 523,67 270,91 177,97 123,81 100,71 86,682
450 554,78 343,37 215,87 143,44 115,01 98,312
500 577,99 402,28 256,95 163,99 129,64 110,09
600 612,45 479,87 338,44 207,20 159,77 134,02
700 638,30 528,62 405,76 251,73 190,65 158,30
800 659,27 563,69 456,99 295,45 221,74 182,72
900 677,05 591,14 496,53 336,53 252,48 207,03
1000 692,58 613,80 528,21 373,93 282,36 231,03
Usage tables
3.3 Usage tables
-30 0,35 11,1 9,8 8,6 7,5 6,6 5,7 4,9 4,2 3,5 2,8 2,2 1,6 1,1 0,6
-25 0,55 11,5 10,1 8,9 7,8 6,8 5,9 5,1 4,3 3,6 2,9 2,3 1,7 1,1 0,6
-20 0,90 12,0 10,4 9,1 8,0 7,0 6,0 5,2 4,5 3,7 2,9 2,3 1,7 1,1 0,6
-15 1,40 12,3 10,8 9,6 8,3 7,3 6,4 5,4 4,6 3,8 3,1 2,5 1,8 1,2 0,6
-10 2,17 12,9 11,3 9,9 8,7 7,6 6,6 5,7 4,8 3,9 3,2 2,5 1,8 1,2 0,6
-5 3,27 13,4 11,7 10,3 9,0 7,9 6,8 5,9 5,0 4,1 3,3 2,6 1,9 1,2 0,6
0 4,8 13,9 12,2 10,7 9,3 8,1 7,1 6,0 5,1 4,2 3,5 2,7 1,9 1,3 0,7
2 5,6 14,3 12,6 11,0 9,7 8,5 7,4 6,4 5,4 4,6 3,8 3,0 2,2 1,5 0,7
4 6,4 14,7 13,0 11,4 10,1 8,9 7,7 6,7 5,8 4,9 4,0 3,1 2,3 1,5 0,7
6 7,3 15,1 13,4 11,8 10,4 9,2 8,1 7,0 6,1 5,1 4,1 3,2 2,3 1,5 0,7
8 8,3 15,6 13,8 12,2 10,8 9,6 8,4 7,3 6,2 5,1 4,2 3,2 2,3 1,5 0,8
10 9,4 16,0 14,2 12,6 11,2 10,0 9,6 7,4 6,3 5,2 4,2 3,3 2,4 1,6 0,8
12 10,7 16,5 14,6 13,0 11,6 10,1 8,8 7,5 6,4 5,3 4,3 3,3 2,4 1,6 0,8
14 12,1 16,9 15,1 13,4 11,7 10,3 8,9 7,6 6,5 5,4 4,3 3,4 2,5 1,6 0,8
16 13,6 17,4 15,5 13,6 11,9 10,4 9,0 7,8 6,6 5,5 4,4 3,5 2,5 1,7 0,8
18 15,4 17,8 15,7 13,8 12,1 10,6 9,2 7,9 6,7 5,6 4,5 3,5 2,5 1,7 0,8
20 17,3 18,1 15,9 14,0 12,3 10,7 9,3 8,0 6,8 5,6 4,6 3,6 2,6 1,7 0,8
22 19,4 18,4 16,1 14,2 12,5 10,9 9,5 8,1 6,9 5,7 4,7 3,6 2,6 1,7 0,8
24 21,8 18,6 16,4 14,4 12,6 11,1 9,6 8,2 7,0 5,8 4,7 3,7 2,7 1,8 0,8
26 24,4 18,9 16,6 14,7 12,8 11,2 9,7 8,4 7,1 5,9 4,8 3,7 2,7 1,8 0,9
28 27,2 19,2 16,9 14,9 13,0 11,4 9,9 8,5 7,2 6,0 4,9 3,8 2,8 1,8 0,9
30 30,3 19,5 17,1 15,1 13,2 11,6 10,1 8,6 7,3 6,1 5,0 3,8 2,8 1,8 0,9
35 39,4 20,2 17,7 15,7 13,7 12,0 10,4 9,0 7,6 6,3 5,1 4,0 2,9 1,9 0,9
40 50,7 20,9 18,4 16,1 14,2 12,4 10,8 9,3 7,9 6,5 5,3 4,1 3,0 2,0 0,9
45 64,5 21,6 19,0 16,7 14,7 12,8 11,2 9,6 8,1 6,8 5,5 4,3 3,1 2,1 0,9
50 82,3 22,3 19,7 17,3 15,2 13,8 11,6 9,9 8,4 7,0 5,7 4,4 3,2 2,1 0,9
55 104,4 23,0 20,2 17,8 15,6 13,7 11,8 10,2 8,6 7,1 5,8 4,5 3,2 2,1 0,9
60 130,2 23,7 20,9 18,4 16,1 14,1 12,2 10,5 8,9 7,3 5,9 4,6 3,3 2,1 0,9
65 161,3 24,5 21,6 19,0 16,6 14,5 12,6 10,8 9,1 7,6 6,1 4,7 3,4 2,1 0,9
70 188,2 25,2 22,2 19,5 17,1 15,0 13,0 11,1 9,4 7,9 6,2 4,8 3,4 2,1 0,9
75 242,0 26,0 22,9 20,1 17,7 15,4 13,3 11,4 9,6 8,0 6,4 4,9 3,5 2,2 0,9
80 283,4 26,8 23,6 20,7 18,2 15,8 13,7 11,7 9,9 8,2 6,6 5,0 3,6 2,2 0,9
3.3.8 Climate data
Athens 17.6 66
Berne 8.6 -
Geneva 9.2 -
Amsterdam 9,8 83
Innsbruck 8.4 -
London 9.9 79
Madrid 13.4 67
Moscow 3.6 79
Paris 10.3 77
Rome 15.4 72
Salzburg 8.2 -
Warsaw 7.3 82
Vienna 9.8 77
Zurich 8.2 -
Jakarta 25.9 85
Buenos Aires 16.1 84
Dar es Salaam 25.3 -
Havana 25.2 76
Cairo 21.1 -
Kolkata 25.5 -
New York 11.1 76
Rio de Janeiro 22.7 74
San Francisco 12.8 82
Usage tables
Santiago 13.9 68
Shanghai 15.8 -
Sydney 17.3 13.4
Tokyo 13.8 73
3.3 Usage tables
3.3.8 C
limate data
Antwerpen 9,6 -
Beauvechain 9,2 -
Botrange 5,7 -
Brussel 9,7 81
Chièvres 9,0 -
Dourbes 8,6 -
Elsenborn 5,7 -
Florennes 8,2 -
Gent 9,5 -
Kleine Brogel 9,0 -
Koksijde 9,4 -
Libramont 7,5 -
Spa 7,4 -
St-Hubert 6,8 -
Virton 8,7 -
Germany Temperature (°C) Humidity (%)
Berlin 9.1 77
Braunschweig 8.6 -
Bremerhaven 8.8 -
Dresden 9.3 74
Essen 9.5 82
Erfurt 8.0 -
Frankfurt/M. 10.1 76
Frankfurt a.O. 8.2 -
Giessen 9.0 -
Görlitz 8.3 -
Halle 9.1 76
Hamburg 8.4 80
Magdeburg 9.1 -
Mannheim 10.2 -
Munich 8.1 -
Nuremberg 8.5 -
Plauen 7.2 -
Regensburg 8.1 -
Rostock 7.8 -
Stuttgart 8.6 -
Trier 9.1 -
Ajaccio 10 20,1 -
Bourges 0,8 15,8 -
Bordeaux 8,5 18,1 -
Dijon 6,4 15,1 -
La Rochelle 9,5 16,5 -
Lille 6,5 14,1 -
Usage tables
0 0 - 0,2 Calm
1 0,3 - 1,5 Light air
2 1,6 - 3,3 Light breeze
3 3,4 - 5,4 Gentle breeze
4 5,5 - 7,9 Moderate breeze
5 8,0 - 10,7 Fresh breeze
6 10,8 - 13,8 Strong breeze
7 13,9 - 17,1 Moderate gale (strong wind)
8 17,2 - 20,7 Fresh gale (strong wind)
9 20,8 - 24,4 Strong gale (strong wind)
10 24,5 - 28,4 Whole gale / storm
11 28,5 - 32,6 Violent storm
≥12 >32,7 Hurricane
3.3.9 Guidelines average velocities in pipe work
3.3.10 Pipe diameter
1/8 DN 6 10,3
1/4 DN 8 13,7
3/8 DN 10 17,1
1/2 DN 15 21,3
3/4 DN 20 26,7
1 DN 25 33,4
1¼ DN 32 42,2
1½ DN 40 48,3
2 DN 50 60,3
2½ DN 65 73,0
3 DN 80 88,9
3½ DN 90 101,6
4 DN 100 114,3
4½ DN 115 127,0
5 DN 125 141,3
6 DN 150 168,3
8 DN 200 219,1
10 DN 250 273,1
12 DN 300 323,9
14 DN 350 355,6
16 DN 400 406,4
18 DN 450 457,2
20 DN 500 508,0
22 DN 550 558,8
24 DN 600 609,6
26 DN 650 660,4
28 DN 700 711,2
30 DN 750 762,0
32 DN 800 812,8
34 DN 850 863,6
36 DN 900 914,0
3.3.11 Equivalent pipe length for flanges & valves
Reference values for plant related thermal bridges (table A14 - VDI 2055)
Equivalent length in m
1 Flanges for pressure stages PN25 to PN100
1.1 Uninsulated for pipes
1.1.1 In buildings 20°C
DN 50 3-5 5 - 11 9 - 15
DN 100 4-7 7 - 16 13 - 16
DN 150 4-9 7 - 17 17 - 30
DN 200 5 - 11 10 - 26 20 - 37
DN 300 6 - 16 12 - 37 25 - 57
1.1.2 In the open air 0°C
DN 50 7 - 11 9 - 16 12 - 19
DN 100 9 - 14 13 - 23 18 - 28
DN 150 11 - 18 14 - 29 22 - 37
DN 200 13 - 24 18 - 38 27 - 46
DN 300 16 - 32 21 - 54 32 - 69
DN 400 22 - 31 28 - 53 44 - 68
DN 500 25 - 32 31 - 52 48 - 69
1.2 Insulated in buildings 20°C and in the open air 0°C for pipes
DN 50 0,7 - 1,0 0,7 - 1,0 1,0 - 1,1
DN 100 0,1 - 1,0 0,8 - 1,2 1,1 - 1,4
DN 150 0,8 - 1,1 0,8 - 1,3 1,3 - 1,6
DN 200 0,8 - 1,3 0,9 - 1,4 1,3 - 1,7
DN 300 0,8 - 1,4 1,0 - 1,6 1,4 - 1,9
DN 400 1,0 - 1,4 1,1 - 1,6 1,6 - 1,9
DN 500 1,1 - 1,3 1,1 - 1,6 1,6 - 1,8
2 Fittings for pressure stages PN 25 to PN 100
2.1 Uninsulated for pipes
2.1.1 In buildings 20°C
DN 50 9 - 15 16 - 29 27 - 39
DN 100 15 - 21 24 - 46 42 - 63
Usage tables
DN 150 16 - 28 26 - 63 58 - 90
DN 200 21 - 35 37 - 82 73 - 108
DN 300 29 - 51 50 - 116 106 - 177
DN 400 36 - 60 59 - 136 126 - 206
DN 500 46 - 76 75 - 170 158 - 267
3.3 Usage tables
Equivalent length in m
2.1.2 In the open air 0°C / Only for pressure stage PN 25
DN 50 22 - 24 27 - 34 35 - 39
DN 100 33 - 36 42 - 52 56 - 61
DN 150 39 - 42 50 - 68 77 - 83
DN 200 51 - 56 68 - 87 98 - 101
DN 300 59 - 75 90 - 125 140 - 160
DN 400 84 - 88 106 - 147 165 - 190
DN 500 108 - 114 134 - 182 205 - 238
2.2 Insulated for pipes
2.2.1 In buildings 20°C and in the open air 0°C for pipes
DN 50 4-5 5-6 6-7
DN 100 4-5 5-6 6-7
DN 150 4-5 5-6 6-7
DN 200 5-7 5-9 7 - 10
DN 300 5-9 6 - 12 7 - 13
DN 400 6-9 7 - 12 8 - 15
DN 500 7 - 11 8 - 15 9 - 19
3 Pipe suspensions supplementary value Z*
3.1 In buildings 0,15
3.2 In the open air 0,25
* The ranges given cover the effect of the temperature and of the pressure stages. Flanges and fittings for higher pressure stages give higher values so
overlappings in the given temperature ranges are possible.
40 50 60 70 80 100 120
Rockwool Flexiboard 500 700 900 1100 1300 1800 2000
Rockwool Multiboard 500 700 1000 1200 1500 1900 2400
Rockwool HT600 500 700 1000 1200 1400 - -
3.3.13 Fire curve: ISO and hydrocarbon
Temperature (°C)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (min.)
Temperature (°C)
Usage tables
4. Products
Application selector
Process Valves, Tank Acoustic instal-
Tank Voids,
bends, Columns Boilers Furnaces walls, applica- lations
pipe work flanges roofs seams
drums tions and cold
Pipe Sections
WM 70
Wired Mats WM 80
WM 100
Load Rockwool
bearing mat Duraflex
Slabs HT660
Finishing Rocktight
Loose Fill
Loose wool
AS Quality
Alloying elements, such as e.g. chromium, nickel or
molybdenum, are added to austenitic steels in order to
increase the corrosion resistance. Under certain Bulk density 80 kg/m3
marginal conditions, such as component stresses and
Maximum service
contact with water-soluble chloride ions, austenitic steels
temperature limit
tend to develop stress corrosion cracking. For this
640 °C
reason, only insulating materials that conform to AS
Quality requirements may be used. For these insulating Thermal conductivity
materials, the chloride ion content may not exceed a limiting curve
nominal value of 10 mg/kg. As chloride ions are present Limiting curve 2
Rockwool 850 Industrial pipe section
Applications Advantages
Rockwool 850 is a pre-formed stone wool pipe section. • Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
The sections are supplied split and hinged for easy • Easy to handle and install
snap-on assembly, and are suitable for the thermal and • Wide range of diameters and insulation thicknesses
acoustic insulation of industrial pipe work. • Optimal performance due to the extensive range of
• Suitable for use over stainless steel
• For temperatures up to 350°C, a support construction
is not generally necessary
• Long lasting
• Excellent fit provides optimal performance
• Fast return on investment
Product properties
Performance Standard
t°m (°C) 50 100 150 200 250 300
λ (W/mK) 0.038 0.044 0.051 0.061 0.073 0.087
Thermal conductivity EN ISO 8497, ASTM C335
t°m (°F) 100 200 300 400 500 600
λ (°F) 0.257 0.296 0.354 0.429 0.524 0.637
620 °C (1148 °F) EN 14707
Maximum Service Temperature 750 °C (1382 °F) ASTM C411
A1 EN 13501-1
Non-combustible IMO A799 (19)
Reaction to fire Low Surface Flame Spread IMO A653 (16)
Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
4. Products
Applications Advantages
Rockwool 851 is a pre-formed high density stone wool • Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
pipe section. The sections are supplied split and hinged • Easy to handle and install
for easy snap-on assembly, and are especially suitable • Wide range of diameters and insulation thicknesses
for the thermal and acoustic insulation of industrial pipe • Optimal performance due to the extensive range of
work which is exposed to high temperature and light insulation thicknesses
(e.g. vibrations) mechanical loads. • Suitable for use over stainless steel
• For temperatures up to 350 °C, support construc
tion is not generally necessary
• Long lasting
• Excellent fit provides optimal performance
• Fast return on investment
Product properties
Performance Standard
t°m (°C) 50 100 150 200 250 300
λ (W/mK) 0.038 0.044 0.051 0.059 0.069 0.079
Thermal conductivity EN ISO 8497, ASTM C335
t°m (°F) 100 200 300 400 500 600
λ (°F) 0.255 0.298 0.353 0.416 0.490 0.574
640 °C (1184 °F) EN 14707
Maximum Service Temperature 750 °C (1382 °F) ASTM C411
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
4. Products
Applications Advantages
ProRox WM 70 is a lightly bonded rock wool mat • Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
stitched on galvanised wired mesh with galvanised • Suitable for use over irregular surfaces
wire. The wired mat is suitable for thermal and acoustic • Available in a wide range of thickness up to 120 mm
insulation of industrial pipe work, boiler walls, furnaces • Suitable for use over stainless steel
and industrial smoke exhaust ducts. • Compressed and palletized packaging
Product properties ProRox WM 70
Performance Standard
t° (°C) 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500
λ (W/mK) 0.039 0.047 0.055 0.064 0.075 0.088 0.119 0.157
Thermal conductivity EN 12667, ASTM C177
t° (°F) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
λ (°F) 0.262 0.316 0.380 0.455 0.543 0.645 0.763 0.897
580 °C (1076 °F) EN 14706
Maximum Service Temperature 750 °C (1382 °F) ASTM C411
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
< 10mg/kg, AS-quality for use over stainless steel EN 13468
Conforms to the stainless steel corrosion specification as per ASTM ASTM C795
Water leachable chloride content
test methods C692 and C871
< 10mg/kg (ph-value neutral to slightly alkaline) ASTM C871
Water absorption < 1 kg/m 2
EN 1609
Water absorption Water vapour absorption (vapor sorption) ± 0.02 %vol ASTM C1104/C1104M
Nominal density 70 kg/m3 (4.37 lb/ft3)
Water vapour resistance factor μ = 1.0 EN 12086
Rockwool (RW) wire mesh blankets for thermal insulation of large CINI 2.2.02
diameter pipes, flat walls and equipment
Compliance Standard specification for mineral fibre blanket insulation, type I and ASTM C592-06
4. Products
ProRox WM 80 is a lightly bonded stone wool mat
stitched on galvanised wire mesh using galvanised
wire. The wired mat is suitable for thermal and acoustic
insulation of industrial applications reaching high
temperatures, such as industrial pipe work, boiler walls,
furnaces and smoke ducts.
• Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
• Suitable for use over irregular surfaces
• Available in a wide range of thicknesses up to 120 mm
• Suitable for use over stainless steel
• Compressed and palletized packaging
Product properties ProRox WM 80
Performance Standard
t° (°C) 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600
λ (W/mK) 0.039 0.045 0.053 0.062 0.072 0.084 0.112 0.146 0.192
Thermal conductivity EN 12667, ASTM C177
t° (°F) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
λ (°F) 0.253 0.301 0.357 0.422 0.498 0.587 0.691 0.812 0.951
640 °C (1184 °F) EN 14706
Maximum Service Temperature 750 °C (1382 °F) ASTM C411
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
< 10mg/kg, AS-quality for use over stainless steel EN 13468
Conforms to the stainless steel corrosion specification as per ASTM ASTM C795
Water leachable chloride content
test methods C692 and C871
< 10mg/kg (ph-value neutral to slightly alkaline) ASTM C871
Water absorption < 1 kg/m 2
EN 1609
Water absorption Water vapour absorption (vapor sorption) ± 0.02 %vol ASTM C1104/C1104M
Nominal density 80 kg/m3 (5 lb/ft3)
Water vapour resistance factor μ = 1.0 EN 12086
Rockwool (RW) wire mesh blankets for thermal insulation of large CINI 2.2.02
diameter pipes, flat walls and equipment
Compliance Standard specification for mineral fibre blanket insulation, type I ASTM C592-06
and II
4. Products
ProRox WM 100 is a lightly bonded heavy stone wool
mat stitched on galvanised wired mesh with galvanised
wire. The wired mat is especially suitable for industrial
installations such as high-pressure steam pipes, reac
tors, furnaces, etc. where high demands are made on
the temperature resistance of the insulation.
• Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
• Suitable for use over irregular surfaces
• Available in a wide range of thicknesses up to 120 mm
• Suitable for use over stainless steel
Product properties ProRox WM 100
Performance Standard
t° (°C) 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600
λ (W/mK) 0.039 0.045 0.051 0.059 0.067 0.078 0.102 0.131 0.167
Thermal conductivity EN 12667, ASTM C177
t° (°F) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
λ (°F) 0.265 0.308 0.359 0.421 0.492 0.574 0.668 0.773 0.891
680 °C (1256 °F) EN 14706
Maximum Service Temperature 750 °C (1382 °F) ASTM C411
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
< 10mg/kg, AS-quality for use over stainless steel EN 13468
Conforms to the stainless steel corrosion specification as per ASTM ASTM C795
Water leachable chloride content test methods C692 and C871
< 10mg/kg (ph-value neutral to slightly alkaline) ASTM C871
Water absorption < 1 kg/m 2
EN 1609
Water absorption Water vapour absorption (vapor sorption) ± 0.02 %vol ASTM C1104/C1104M
Nominal density 100 kg/m3 (6.24 lb/ft3)
Water vapour resistance factor μ = 1.0 EN 12086
Rockwool (RW) wire mesh blankets for thermal insulation of large CINI 2.2.02
diameter pipes, flat walls and equipment
Compliance Standard specification for mineral fibre blanket insulation, type I ASTM C592-06
and II
4. Products
Rockwool Duraflex is a stone wool insulation mat
bonded onto fibreglass reinforced aluminium foil. The
insulation mat is suitable for the thermal and acoustic
insulation of especially vessels, ducts, and equipment
up to intermediate temperatures.
• Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
• Easy to handle and install
• No support construction needed
Product properties Rockwool Duraflex
Performance Standard
t° (°C) 50 100 150 200
λ (W/mK) 0.043 0.053 0.064 0.077 EN 12667
Thermal conductivity
t° (°F) 100 200 300 400 ASTM C177
4. Products
Rockwool Flexiboard
Available on request with a one-sided facing of fibreglass reinforced aluminium foil (Alu) or glass tissue
Rockwool Flexiboard is a strong but flexible stone wool
board for the thermal and acoustic insulation of hori
zontal and vertical walls or acoustic panels.
• Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
• Flexible application
Product properties Rockwool Flexiboard
Performance Standard
t°m (°C) 50 100 150
λ (W/mK) 0.041 0.054 0.066 EN 12667
Thermal conductivity ASTM C177
t°m (oF) 100 200 300
λ (°F) 0.273 0.355 0.466
300 °C (572 °F) EN 14706
Maximum Service Temperature 450 °C (662 °F) ASTM C411
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
4. Products
Rockwool Multiboard
Available on request with a one-sided facing of fibreglass reinforced aluminium foil (Alu) or glass tissue
Rockwool Multiboard is a strong and rigid board for the
thermal and acoustic insulation of horizontal and verti
cal walls where a stable insulation product is required.
For example, tank walls or acoustic panels.
• Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
• Rigid product combined with aluminium foil
or fibreglass coating provides a smart, smooth
surface finish
Product properties Rockwool Multiboard
Performance Standard
t°m (°C) 50 100 150
λ (W/mK) 0.039 0.048 0.058
Thermal conductivity EN 12667, ASTM C177
t°m (°F) 100 200 300
λ (°F) 0.268 0.317 0.396
350 °C (662 °F) EN 14706
Maximum Service Temperature 450 °C (842 °F) ASTM C411
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
Water absorption < 1 kg/m2 EN 1609
Water absorption Water vapour absorption (vapor sorption) ± 0.02 %vol ASTM C1104/C1104M
Conforms to the stainless steel corrosion specification as per ASTM
Water leachable chloride content test methods C692 and C871 ASTM C795
4. Products
Rockwool HT600 is a strong, rigid board, specially
developed for the thermal and acoustic insulation of
boilers, columns and high-temperature (exhaust) ducts.
• Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
• Suitable for high temperature applications
• Retains shape
• Long lasting
• Rapid return on investment
Product properties Rockwool HT600
Performance Standard
t°m (°C) 50 100 150 200 250 300
λ (W/mK) 0.038 0.044 0.052 0.062 0.074 0.088
Thermal conductivity EN 12667, ASTM C177
t°m (°F) 100 200 300 400 500 600
λ (°F) 0.260 0.297 0.355 0.433 0.534 0.657
600 °C (1112 °F) EN 14706
Maximum Service Temperature 750 °C (1382 °F) ASTM C411
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
Water absorption < 1 kg/m2 EN 1609
Water absorption Water vapour absorption (vapor sorption) ± 0.02 %vol ASTM C1104/C1104M
Conforms to the stainless steel corrosion specification as per ASTM
Water leachable chloride content test methods C692 and C871 ASTM C795
4. Products
Rockwool HT660 is a strong, rigid board for the thermal
and acoustic insulation of constructions where higher
temperatures and light mechanical loads (e.g. vibra
tions) occur.
• Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
• Suitable for high temperature applications
• Retains shape
• Long lasting
• Rapid return on investment
Product properties Rockwool HT660
Performance Standard
t°m (°C) 50 100 150 200 250 300
λ (W/mK) 0.038 0.043 0.049 0.058 0.067 0.078 EN 12667
Thermal conductivity ASTM C177
t°m (°F) 100 200 300 400 500 600
λ (°F) 0.259 0.291 0.340 0.402 0.481 0.576
660 °C (1220 °F) EN 14706
Maximum Service Temperature 750 °C (1382 °F) ASTM C411
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
4. Products
Rockwool HT700 is a strong, rigid board for the thermal
and acoustic insulation of constructions where higher
temperatures and/or mechanical loads (e.g. vibrations)
• Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
• Suitable for high temperature applications
• Retains shape
• Long lasting
• Rapid return on investment
Product properties Rockwool HT700
Performance Standard
t°m (°C) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
λ (W/mK) 0.039 0.044 0.050 0.057 0.065 0.075 0.087
Thermal conductivity EN 12667, ASTM C177
t°m (°F) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
λ (°F) 0.267 0.298 0.342 0.398 0.467 0.548 0.641
700 °C (1292 °F) EN 14706
Maximum Service Temperature 750 °C (1382 °F) ASTM C411
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
Water absorption < 1 kg/m2 EN 1609
Water absorption Water vapour absorption (vapor sorption) ± 0.02 %vol ASTM C1104/C1104M
Conforms to the stainless steel corrosion specification as per ASTM
Water leachable chloride content test methods C692 and C871 ASTM C795
4. Products
Rockwool Compression Resistant Slab (CRS) is a rigid,
pressure-resistant stone wool insulation slab with high
resistance to mechanical loads (e.g. foot traffic). The
Compression Resistant Slab is developed for the thermal
insulation of tank roofs subject to pedestrian traffic,
and the thermal/acoustic insulation of constructions
subject to mechanical load.
• Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
• Resistant to foot traffic
• Resistant to mechanical loads
Product properties Rockwool CRS
Performance Standard
t°m (°C) 50 100 150
λ (W/mK) 0.040 0.043 0.049
Thermal conductivity EN 12667, ASTM C177
t°m (°F) 100 200 300
λ (°F) 0.270 0.302 0.345
Maximum Service Temperature 250 °C (482 °F) EN 14706, ASTM C411
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
Water absorption < 1 kg/m2 EN 1609
Water absorption
Water vapour absorption (vapor sorption) ± 0.02 %vol ASTM C1104/C1104M
Conforms to the stainless steel corrosion specification as per ASTM
Water leachable chloride content test methods C692 and C871 ASTM C795
4. Products
Rockwool 251 is a highly pressure resistant stone wool
slab for the thermal and acoustic insulation of construc
tions where high temperatures and mechanical loads
(e.g. vibrations) occur.
• Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
• Resistant to high temperatures
• Resistant to mechanical loads
Product properties Rockwool 251
Performance Standard
t°m (°C) 50 100 150 200 250 300
λ (W/mK) 0.041 0.045 0.051 0.058 0.066 0.075
Thermal conductivity EN 12667, ASTM C177
t°m (°F) 100 200 300 400 500 600
λ (°F) 0.276 0.309 0.353 0.405 0.468 0.541
700°C (1292 °F) EN 14706
Maximum Service Temperature 750°C (1382 °F) ASTM C411
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
Water absorption < 1 kg/m2 EN 1609
Water absorption
Water vapour absorption (vapor sorption) ± 0.02 %vol ASTM C1104/C1104M
Conforms to the stainless steel corrosion specification as per ASTM
Water leachable chloride content test methods C692 and C871 ASTM C795
4. Products
Rockwool Rocktight
the watertight insulation system and withstands mechanical stresses (i.e. can be
walked upon).
Achieving the best insulation system for your application • Easy to clean: Rocktight can withstand spray-clean
is not easy. Besides the right choice and implementation ing. Cleaning with water is possible without damaging
of the insulation, the insulation protection system also the insulation.
plays an important role. Specific uses call for specific • Low start-up costs: processing and installation takes
solutions. Certain processes require a fully watertight place on location. This makes investments for the
and closed finish. Strong and easy to clean, with great pre-fabrication of the insulation protection unneces
durability and chemical resistance. An insulation sary.
protection that results in a high amount of operational • Flexible use: cold and hot insulation, underground
safety, low maintenance costs and limited energy costs. and above ground cables and pipes, on and offshore.
Rockwool Technical Insulation, together with FiberTec Rocktight molds itself to every technical application.
Europe, has therefore developed an innovative
protection system for Rockwool insulation: Rocktight.
for a durable insulation protection
Rockwool Rocktight is a fiberglass reinforced polyester
mat positioned between two sheets of film. The material
contains resins, fiberglass and special fillers and is
ready to use. Unprocessed it is soft and malleable. In
this state, Rocktight can be cut or trimmed into any
shape which makes it easy to apply to the insulation.
The polyester subsequently cures under the influence of
ultraviolet (UV) light. After curing, Rocktight is absolutely
watertight and is able to give optimal mechanical
The advantages
The Rocktight system has important advantages that
enhances the quality of your work.
• Great durability: Rocktight forms a seamless
connection that offers a watertight protection to the
Rockwool insulation. It minimizes the damaging
effects of the weather (wind, rain, seawater, etc.)
Multi use • Rocktight is applied directly on Rockwool tank roof in
sulation on site. Since direct cladding supports are no
Rocktight is used in various sectors where it longer needed, it fits to all parts of the tank seamlessly
continuously satisfies the highest standards. and has an unequalled hardness and mechanical
strength (e.g. can be walked upon).
Food & Pharmaceutical: • Where there are high wind stresses, a special cable
hygiene and cleaning construction can be applied that will keep the insu
The food industry and the pharmaceutical sector also lation in its place under the most extreme weather
adhere to very rigorous standards and rules as far as in conditions.
sulation is concerned. Those strict rules and regulations • An anti-slip coating is available that can easily be
must prevent dirt, bacteria or moisture from accumula installed to Rocktight.
ting in the (damaged) insulation. • The absence of cladding supports virtually
eliminates any risk of corrosion under insulation.
• Rocktight is the ideal solution for making insulation • This ensures perfect protection to the insulation and
around pipes, cables, storage tanks, installations, etc. storage tank which guarantees the durability of the
sealed, watertight and damage resistant. insulation.
• In addition, Rocktight can withstand spray-cleaning.
The insulation material can be cleaned with water
without causing any damage. Technical information
• Thanks to the low permeability of Rocktight as well as
the thermal resistance of Rockwool insulation, a Definition
durable insulation of dual temperature systems is Rockwool Rocktight is a fiberglass-reinforced 1-compo
possible. nent polyester (GRP) that in un-processed state is soft
and malleable. The material contains resins, fiberglass
Tank roof insulation: durable & money-saving and special fillers and is ready to use. Rockwool
Conventional systems for tank roof insulation are often Rocktight can be cut or trimmed into any shape which
sensitive to damage from the weather (water, wind, etc.) makes it easy to apply to the insulation.
and the effect of chemicals. The costs of maintenance
and the consequent lowered operational safety resulting The material cures under the influence of ultraviolet light.
from this are often higher than the (energy) cost-savings Once cured, Rockwool Rocktight has an extremely high
that are realized by the insulation. For this reason many level of hardness and mechanical strength compared to
tank roofs, especially in the lower temperature ranges, conventional polyester. In addition, Rocktight is
are not insulated. impermeable and resistant to a large number of
chemicals. The fire properties are unique in its class.
4. Products
Product properties
Rockwool Loose Fill
Rockwool Loose Fill is lightly bonded impregnated
stone wool. This product is especially suitable for
thermal insulation and acoustic insulation of joints and
irregularly formed constructions.
• Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation
• Flexible application
Product properties
Performance Standard
t°m (°C) 50 100 150 200 250 300
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
Loose Rockwool for the thermal insulation of valve boxes and the
Compliance specification stuffing of insulation matresses CINI 2.2.04
4. Products
Rockwool Granulate
Rockwool Granulate is a stone wool granulate with no
additives. The granulate is especially suitable for the
thermal insulation of cold boxes and air separation
• Noncombustible
• Chemically inert
• Easy to remove for inspection purposes
• Long lasting
• Short return on investment
Product properties
Performance Standard
t°m (°C) 20 -20 -60 -100 -140 -180
A1 EN 13501-1
Reaction to fire Surface burning characteristics: Flame spread=passed, Smoke ASTM E84 (UL 723)
Rockwool Granulate complies with AGI Q 118 “insulation work for refrigeration on industrial installations; air separations plants”
Overview RTI System solutions
1.2.1 Insulation with pipe sections P. 26 1.2.7 Insulation of valves and flanges P. 38 1.6.1 Insulation of boilers P. 68 Contents
1 System solutions 5
2 Theory 89
1.4 Insulation of columns P. 52
1.2.3 Insulation with wired mats P. 30 1.2.9 Reducers P. 42 2.1 Norms & standards 90
2.2 Product properties & test methods 110
1.6.2 Supercritical steam generators P. 71 2.3 Bases for thermal calculations 122
3 Tables 129
4 Products 163
Process Manual
value. We don’t just sell products, we supply solutions. It’s this total approach
that makes RTI the ideal choice for professionalism, innovation and trust.