Sludge Treatment and Disposal
Sludge Treatment and Disposal
Sludge Treatment and Disposal
1. Introduction 439
2. Aerobic and Anaerobic Digestion of Sludges 440
3. Thickening of Sludges 456
4. Dewatering of Sludges by Vacuum Filtration 458
5. Pressure Filtration 471
6. Centrifugation 471
7. Bed Drying of Sludges 472
8. Predewatering Treatment of Sludges 478
9. Sludge Disposal 479
Problems 481
References 483
Typical ¡ (I) Sedimentation (I) Gravity thickening (1) Vacuum filtration Incineration
processes ί (2) Flotation (2)Flotation thickening (2) Centrifugation (I) Multiple hearth
(3) Pressure filtration furnaces
(4) Bed drying (2)Fluidized bed
drying and burning
Fig. 7.1. Flow diagram (alternatives) for sludge treatment and disposal.
The main purpose of aerobic digestion is to reduce the amount of sludge that is
to be disposed of subsequently. This reduction results from conversion by
oxidation of a substantial part of the sludge into volatile products ( C O 2 , N H 3 ,
H2). If bacterial cells are represented by the formula C 5 H 7 N O 2 , oxidation
taking place in aerobic digestion is given by Eq. (5.25). This oxidation occurs
when the substrate in an aerobic system is insufficient for energy maintenance
and synthesis. It corresponds to the endogenous respirafion phase indicated in
Fig. 5.7 of Chapter 5.
Figure 7.2 shows a flow diagram of a confinuous sludge digester for the
treatment sequence involving primary sedimentation and the acfivated
sludge process. When there is a small a m o u n t of sludge to be digested, batch
operation is utilized, with intermittent discharge of digested sludge. The
digester shown in Fig. 7.2 handles a mixture of primary and secondary
Destruction rate of cells decreases when the food to microorganism rafio
(F/M) increases. Therefore, the greater the proportion of primary sludge utilized
in the process, the slower is the digesfion because primary sludge has relafively
high B O D (high F) and low VSS content (low M ) , thus leading to high F/M
Figure 5.3, in Chapter 5, shows two variables (mass of activated sludge and
remaining soluble BOD) plotted versus aerafion time. The curve for remaining
soluble B O D becomes nearly flat as the mass of MLVSS reaches its maximum.
Since aerobic digestion of sludge occurs in the endogenous respiration phase
region, there is essentially no soluble B O D removal. The fundamental objecfive
of aerobic digestion is reducfion of the mass of sludge for disposal and not
removal of soluble BOD.
442 7. Sludge Treatment and Disposal
A typical laboratory-scale batch reactor utilized for obtaining design data for
aerobic digesters is shown in Chapter 5, Fig. 5.2. Even when designing
continuous aerobic digesters, as that shown in Fig. 7.2, a laboratory-scale batch
reactor is usually employed to obtain the required design information. This is the
case because typical residence times selected for digestion of sludges are quite
high. As a result, required flow rates for continuous operation are impractically
low for small volume laboratory reactors and consequently cannot be measured
with reasonable accuracy. Consequently, continuous laboratory-scale reactors
are not recommended for determination of design parameters in the case of
sludge digestion.
Assuming steady-state conditions, a continuous digester operates with a
constant concentration of suspended solids. For the batch laboratory-scale unit,
concentration of suspended solids decreases with time because of gradual
oxidation of VSS. Nevertheless, the reaction rate coefficient for sludge
digestion, determined with a laboratory batch reactor, can be used in
conjunction with the material balance equations written for the continuous
flow process in order to arrive at the design equation. This equation is
derived in Section 2.2.2 and its application is illustrated by Example 7.1.
Subscript b indicates that the rate constant is obtained with a batch
Similarly, the oxygen uptake rate for the batch reactor decreases with time
(Fig. 7.6). An average value is taken to simulate the prevailing constant oxygen
uptake rate for the continuous digester operating at steady-state conditions.
This computational procedure is also illustrated in Example 7.1.
The fundamental design information obtained from the batch laboratory-
scale reactor is (1) suspended volatile solids remaining (mg/liter) versus aeration
time (day) and (2) oxygen uptake rate [mg/liter h ] versus aeration time
Several batch units, each with a capacity of about 2 liter, are used
simultaneously and results obtained are averaged. The units are filled with
sludge with an initial concentrafion which encompasses the range which might
be expected for the proposed continuous digester unit. Samples are withdrawn at
selected time intervals and VSS concentrafions and oxygen uptake rates are
Calculated design values are: (1) required residence time (and volume of the
digester) and (2) oxygen requirements (lb 0 2 / h ) , from which required horse
power is calculated and aerators are specified.
2. Aerobic and Anaerobic Digestion of Sludges 443
For a batch reactor, the reduction in the content of volatile degradable solids
may be approximated by first-order kinetics, i.e.,
where X¿ is the degradable VSS remaining after aeration time t in mg/liter, and
is the reaction rate constant for destruction of degradable VSS in d a y ~ ^
Separating the variables in Eq. (7.1),
( W W o = e~'^^ (7.4)
Let X^ and X^ be the total VSS concentration (degradable plus nondegrad-
able) in influent and effluent, respectively. Equation (7.4) may be rewritten in
terms of total VSS, taking into account that
(X,)^ = X.-X^ (7.5)
(A'd)o = Xo-Xn (7.6)
where X^ (mg/hter) stands for the nondegradable portion of VSS, assumed
constant throughout the aeration period. The experimental determination of X^,
will be illustrated in Example 7.1. Utilizing Eqs. (7.5) and (7.6), Eq. (7.3) is
rewritten as
ln[(Xe - Xn)l(Xo - Χη)Λ = " ^t (7.7)
F r o m Eq. (7.3) [or Eq. (7.7)], it follows that a semilog plot of the fraction of
degradable VSS remaining at time / versus aeration time yields a straight line
from which slope the reaction rate constant k^ is obtained. Instead of the
fraction of degradable VSS, one can utilize directly for the ordinate, the mg/liter
of degradable VSS remaining at the times t indicated by the abscissa. This
amounts to multiplying all ordinates in the log scale by a constant term (Ä'd)o»
which, of course, does not alter the value of the slope. A typical plot for
determination of ky, is shown in Fig. 7.5 (Example 7.1).
For the case of a continuous reactor under steady-state and complete-mix
conditions, the following material balance can be written (see Fig. 7.3):
dt ^
Fig. 7.3. Material balance for a continuous digester under complete-mix and steady-state
QoiXéX = Qo(Xä)e + (- d(x,)jdt)V (7.9)*
Since there is no recycle for the case of the continuous reactor in Fig. 7.3,
The rate of reduction of the VSS content is given by Eq. (7.1), letting
Xd — XQ ~ Xn
i = {Xo-XMX.-Xn) (7.15)
Example 7.1 illustrates the design of a continuous plant-scale digester from
data obtained from a laboratory batch reactor. Design procedure for a plant-
scale batch reactor is quite direct since in this case the laboratory-scale batch unit
is essentially a small size replica of the plant-scale digester.
* Notice that the derivative α{Χά)^ /dt is negative as indicated by Eq. (7.1). Therefore in Eq. (7.9), it
is preceded by a minus sign.
2. Aerobic arid Anaerobic Digestion of Sludges 445
22.3. Example 7. /
An aerobic digester is proposed for treatment of a sludge for which the fiow
rate is 0.05 M G D . D a t a in Table 7.1, for VSS remaining and oxygen uptake rate
versus time of aeration, were obtained with a laboratory-scale batch reactor at
0 10,000 42.5
1 7,950 32.5
3 5,550 22.8
5 4,250 18.0
7 3,570 15.0
9 3,230 12.5
11 3,050 11.0
13 2,955 9.50
18 2,850 7.75
22 2,850 7.00
1 1 1 1 1 τ T T I-
^ 8000
Ε 6000
- 4000
2 0 0 0 >-Xn = 2 8 5 0 mg/liter
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 IB 20 22
Aeration time (day)
Fig. 7.4. VSS remaining versus aeration time; Γο = 20°C (laboratory data) (Example 7.1).
446 7. Sludge Treatment and Disposal
1. Design a continuous aerobic digester for this service, i.e., calculate digester
volume (MG), based on a reduction of 80% of degradable VSS content for
winter conditions, when the sludge temperature is taken as 60.8°F (16°C). Then
estimate the percent reduction of VSS content which would occur under summer
conditions, for this continuous digester, when sludge temperature is taken as
86°F ( 3 0 X ) .
2. Calculate the lb 02/h required based on summer conditions.
Degradable: mg/liter mg/liter
(1) (2)
Time of aeration Degradable VSS remaining
(day) (mg/liter)
[Column (2) of Table 7.1 - 2 8 5 0 ]
0 7150
1 5100
3 2700
5 1400
7 720
9 380
11 200
13 105
1 Q
lOOOOi ^ , , , , , ,
5000 h
2 4 6 θ 10 12
Time of aeration, t (day)
Fig. 7.5. Degradable VSS remaining versus time of aeration; Γο = 20 C (laboratory data)
(Example 7.1).
448 7. Sludge Treatment and Disposal
For sake of comparison, calculate the required residence time for the case of a
batch reactor operating at these same conditions {k^, = k^e = 0.267 d a y " ^ ) ,
specifying the same 80% reduction of VSS content. Take Eq. (7.7) and solve
for t:
. /X - / , , / 4280 - 2850 \ ,
t = \n{ — - ] -k^ = \n[ - 0.267
Xo-Xjl νΐΟ,ΟΟΟ - 2 8 5 0 ; /
= 6.03 day (batch reactor)
As expected, the batch reactor is more efficient. This follows from the fact that
the continuous reactor at steady state, operates at a constant total VSS
concentration value X^ = 4280 mg/liter. For the batch reactor, the total VSS
concentration is X^ = 10,000 mg/liter at the start of the operation, dropping
gradually to a value X^ = 4280 mg/liter at the end. Since first-order kinetics is
assumed, it follows that a faster degradation will occur for the case of the batch
reactor for which the "average" VSS concentration is higher than the constant
value XQ = 4280 mg/liter for the continuous reactor.
2. Reactor volume. Take
where = 0.05 M G D . Then
Degradable: mg/liter mg/liter
Step 2. Plot the oxygen uptake curve (see Fig. 7.6 for Example 7.1). This is a
plot of column (3) versus column (1) of Table 7.1.
8 10 12 14 22
Aeration time (days)
Step 3. Determine the area under the curve bound between the abscissas / = 0
and / (in Example 1Λ: t = 15.0 day). This area equals to the oxygen utilization
(mg/liter) for a batch reactor charged with an initial VSS concentration X„ (in
Example 7.1: = 10,000 mg/liter), which is aerated for a time period of t days
(in Example 7.1: ί = 15.0 day), at 20°C, namely.
i 24 h mg
Oxygen *' mg
(θυΚ)Λ = - - ^ X day X
utilization 0 hter h day liter
mg 24 h mg
liter h X day X -—
day = 6120 liter
2. Aerobic and Anaerobic Digestion of Sludges 451
Step 4. Obtain the average oxygen utihzation rate (mg/hter day) for the batch
aeration during time interval 0 to /. This is the mean value of the integral, i.e..
Average oxygen j
utilization rate = {ουκ)ώ = - (OUR) Λ
(batch reactor) ^ ^ 0 t 0
For the case of Example 7.1
Average oxygen ,
utilization rate = -— χ 6 1 2 0 - — = 408
(batch reactor) ^^.O day liter literday
Utilization = — — -
(continuous reactor) ^ [(^d)o - ( ^ d ) e ] b a t c h reactor at T w i L a b . )
Step 6. From the oxygen utilization for the continuous reactor obtained in
Step 5 and the reactor volume established in Part 1 (Step 4.2), calculate the
lb 02/day required. F o r Example 7.1 (since 365 mg/hter day = 365 Ib/Mlb
lb O7 lb liauor
lb 02/day = 3 6 5 - - — - — X 8.34 ——^ χ 0.75 Mgal liquor
Mlb hquor day gal hquor
lb 02/day = 2283
= 95 lb O2 transferred/h
The specification and layout of the aerators can now be made following the
procedures described in Chapters 4 and 5.
The performance of the aerobic digester in Example 7.1 was evaluated at two
temperatures (30°C and 16°C). Evaluation of digester performance can be made
452 7. Sludge Treatment and Disposal
Dearodable VSS-
For the summer conditions = 3652 mg/hter and similar calculations yield
öc = 8.63 day.
The mathematical model utilized as basis for designing the aerobic reactor
(Example 7.1) involves the assumption that only the volatile solids content of the
sludge decreases during digestion. It has been observed that a decrease in the
nonvolatile fraction of suspended solids does also occur during digestion.
Benefield and Randall [1] have developed an improved mathematical model in
which the total suspended solids are divided into active and inacfive fractions
rather than into volafile and nonvolafile fracfions. Applicafion of this model to
design of aerobic digesters is described in Ref. [ 1 ] .
It has been known for at least a century that if settled sewage solids are kept in
a closed tank for a period of fime, they are converted to a liquid state and a
combusfible gas containing methane is generated. A patent was issued to Imhoff
in 1904 for the design of anaerobic digesfion vessels, which are known as Imhoff
tanks. Most sludge digesfion processes in use today are anaerobic, although
aerobic digesfion is increasingly more popular, especially for small units.
Anaerobic sludge digesters are usually of two types: (1) single-stage digesters
(standard-rate process) and (2) two-stage digesters (high-rate process). A typical
single-stage sludge digester is shown in Fig. 7.8.
Raw sludge is fed to the zone where the sludge is actively digesting and gas is
produced. As the gas rises, it lifts sludge particles and other materials (grease, oil.
Gas removal
• * Gas · ·
Supernatant layer
Supernatant layer
Row sludge — ~-~ ~ ~— "
^ Digested s l u d g e " ^
fats), forming a supernatant layer that is drawn off from the digester. Digested
sludge is withdrawn from the bottom of the tank.
The digestion process is favored by high temperature (usually from
85-105°F), so digesting sludge is heated either by steam coils within the vessel or
by means of an external sludge heater (Fig. 7.8). G a s is removed from the top of
the digester and often utilized as fuel, owing to its high content of methane.
Retention time in the standard-rate process is high, of the order of 30-60 day,
even for heated digesters. The reason for this large retention time is the fact that,
as suggested by inspection of Fig. 7.8, only about one-third of the volume of the
vessel is utilized for active digestion. As a result of this poor volume utilization,
the standard-rate process is not recommended for anaerobic digestion plants of
sludge handling capacity above 1 M G D .
Gas removal
Gas Gas
Superriatan^t layer outlet
— layer
Row siudge_
feed Sludge 1 Digested.
-ή heater - Sludge -
Digested sludge
Stage I Stage 2
A typical two-stage unit (high-rate process) is shown in Fig. 7.9. The main
purpose of the high-rate process is to provide a better volume utilization. The
first-stage is used only for digestion. The second stage serves as a solids-liquids
separator and allows for removal of the gas. Retention time required for the first
stage is usuahy 10-15 day. Only the first stage is heated. Mixing is provided in the
first stage either mechanically or by means of gas recirculafion.
Temperature 0":
sludge age 0^
( F) (day)
65 11 28
75 8 20
85 6 14
95 4 10
105 4 10
From Ref. [ 5 ] .
456 7. Sludge Treatment and Disposal
3.1. Introduction
Thickening is the usual first step in sludge disposal processing. It can be done
(1) by gravity and (2) by dissolved air flotafion.
Thickeners are tanks of circular cross section provided with a rotafing rake
mechanism similar to the clarifiers discussed in Chapter 3, Section 3.8.
which the design principles were studied in Chapter 3, Section 3.7. The same
design procedure utilized for solution of Example 3.5 is applicable to thickeners.
X^ Κ Κ
— - 1= = (7.20)
Χ, (GT)" {\/UAr
where X^ and X^ are the mg/liter of suspended solids in infiuent and underflow,
respecfively, and Gj is the total solids flux [lb solids/ft^ d a y ] . Parameters η and Κ
should be determined from bench-scale experiments. It was found that η is only a
funcfion of the rheological properfies of the sludge, whereas A: is related not only
to the influent suspended solids concentrafion X^, but also to the height of the
setthng column.
Term U A , referred to as unit area, is the reciprocal of the total solids
flux, i.e..
_ 1 _ 1 _ ft'
^^~G^~ lb solids/ftMay ~ lb solids/day ^^'^^^
* See Ref. [ 3 ] .
458 7. S/udge Treatment and Disposal
4.1. Introduction
Vacuum filtration is the most widely used procedure for dewatering
wastewater sludges. In vacuum filtration, water is removed under applied
vacuum through a porous media that retains solids but allows liquid to pass.
Several types of media are used, such as nylon and dacron cloth, steel mesh, and
tightly wound stainless steel coil springs.
The central unit is a rotary drum which revolves in a slurry tank (Fig. 7.10).
Knife edge
To conveyor belt
Water spray
Fig. 7.10. Diagram of rotary filter. · ·, form time, /f; , dry time, t¿; , wash time, t^.
Vacuum is applied to the submerged part of the drum and solids are retained
on the drum surface. The cake starts building u p at point A as the drum dives
into the slurry tank, and reaches full thickness at point Β as the drum emerges.
Time elapsed from A to Β (i.e., submergence time) is designated as form time (if).
From 5 to C the cake is dewatered, and time elapsed is designated as dry time
(id). At the end of the filter cycle, the cake is removed onto a conveyor belt. The
filter media is washed with a water spray prior to being immersed again in the
slurry tank. The time taken for removal of the cake and washing the filter media
will be denoted as t^ (wash time). The total cycle time is denoted as t^ {cycle time).
(Refer to Fig. 7.10 for if, and i^.)
= if + + ^ (7.23)
Since the drum revolves at a constant speed, the following relafionship applies
4. Dewatering of Sludges by Vacuum Filtration 459
[Eq. (7.24)]:
t^ ^ 0.2/, (7.25)
In general, iffy, is the fraction of the total cycle time taken as wash time:
* Notice that a vacuum of 10 in. Hg (i.e., Ρ = - \0 in. Hg gauge) equals 29.92 - 10 = 19.92
in. Hg absolute pressure. This is (19.92/29.92) χ 14.7 = 9.79 psia, or: (19.92/29.92) χ 760 = 506
mm Hg absolute pressure. Similarly, a vacuum of 20 in. Hg (i.e., Ρ = - 20 in. Hg gauge) equals 9.92
in. Hg absolute pressure, or 4.87 psia, or 252 mm Hg absolute pressure.
460 7. Sludge Treatment and Disposal
low submergence, otherwise the resulting compact and thick cake does not allow
an adequate flow of filtrate.
3. Sludge conditioning by chemical addition. Many sludges require coagu-
lants (e.g., FeCl3, lime, polyelectrolytes) to coagulate smaller particles which
might otherwise clog the filter media, resulting in reduction of filtration rate.
4 . Type and porosity of the filter media. High-porosity media results in
higher filtrafion rates.
4.3. D e f i n i t i o n of Parameter c
Cj slurry
100 - c¡
c =
Ci - {(100 - Ci)/[(100 - Cf)/100] - (100 - q)}
cj{m - Ci) - Q/(ioo - Cf)
where V is the volume of filtrate, / is the time, dV/dt is the rate of filtration a n d
4. Dewatering of Sludges by Vacuum Filtration 461
r = PA^|μcV{dV|dt) (7.31)
From Eq. (7.31) it fohows that r is numerically equal to the pressure difference
(apphed vacuum P) required to produce a unit rate of fiUrate flow (i.e.,
dVjdt = 1.0) through a unit mass of cake (i.e., cV = 1.0) and a unity filter area
(^ = 1), if filtrate viscosity is unity (μ = 1, e.g., 1 c P ) ; or r = Ρ if dV/dt = 1.0,
cV = 1.0, μ= 1.0, and A = \.0. Thus the specific resistance r measures the
ability of the sludge to be filtered; the higher the value, the more difficult is the
Integrafion of Eq. (7.30) is usually performed assuming that specific resistance
is constant throughout form fime. If at ί = 0, Κ = 0, and at / = ί, V = V,
integrafion of Eq. (7.30) yields
(/i/^^P)[rc(KV2) + P „ . ^ K ] = r
Büchner funnel-H
Filter paper /
Vacuum η gauge
gaugey \ /
vacuum pump
cylinder— 50
Fig. 7.12. Büchner funnel apparatus. Fig. 7.13. Typical curve for the effect of
coagulant dosage on sludge specific resist
4. Dewatering of Sludges by Vacuum Filtration 463
25 27.5
50 110.0
75 248.0
100 440.0
125 688.0
150 990.0
25 27.5 1.1
50 110.0 2.2
75 248.0 3.3
100 440.0 4.4
125 688.0 5.5
150 990.0 6.6
r = {2PA^/ßc)S
In this case, since the straight hne in Fig. 7.14 passes through the origin, i.e.,
/ = 0, it follows from Eq. (7.34) that the media resistance R^, is neghgible, i.e..
Step 6. Determinations similar to the one illustrated in this Example 7.3 were
performed varying the concentration of the coagulant between 0 and 20 mg/liter.
Values of the specific resistance of cake were determined for coagulant
concentrations of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mg/liter. These values of the specific
resistance were plotted versus concentration of coagulant yielding a graph of the
type of Fig. 7.13. The minimum value for the specific resistance of the cake
occurred at a concentrafion of coagulant of 10 mg/hter. This was the value
r = 3.416 X 10^^ sec'/g, calculated in Step 5.
where s is the compressibility coefficient for the cake. The larger the value of ^,
the more compressible is the cake. When ^ = 0, the specific resistance is
independent of pressure and the sludge is incompressible. In this case, Eq. (7.37)
r = r^ = const (7.38)
• Equation (7.37) appears at first inspection to be dimensionally incorrect. However, this obstacle
is removed by writing it as r = r^{PIPo)\ where P^ is a reference pressure drop, which is taken as 1.0
psi. At this low pressure drop the cake can be considered incompressible, i.e., r = T Q . Since P^ is taken
as 1.0 psi, Eq. (7.37) is numerically correct, and is also dimensionally consistent if one considers the
term Ρ as a dimensionless ratio PjP^ = P/1.0 = P .
466 7. Sludge Treatment and Disposal
The values for parameters s and are obtained by writing Eq. (7.37) in linear
form as
\ogr = \ogr^^s\ogP (7.39)
Raw sewage sludge is the easiest to filter (lower specific resistance), whereas
secondary sludge is the most difficult.
2. Filterability is influenced by particle size, shape, a n d density, a n d by
electrical charge on the particle. T h e larger the particle size, the higher the
filtration rate (lower specific resistance), and thus the final cake moisture is
lower. Addition of coagulants promotes agglomeration of particles, thus
increasing filtrafion rate.
tflV={prcl2PA^)V (7.40)
Substituting in the right-hand member of Eq. (7.42) the identifies tf = tf/tf and
c = c^/c and rearranging,
(cV/At^y = (2Pc)/(/ir/f) (7.43)
4. Dewatering of Sludges by Vacuum Filtration 467
The left-hand member of Eq. (7.43) is the square of form loading [Eq. (7.41)].
Lf = l{2Pc)|{μrt^r 12 (7.44)
which is the equation for form loading. If metric units are utilized (Example 7.3),
the set of units for parameters in Eq. (7.44) is presented in column (2), Table 7.7.
Lf=\m[_{Pc)|{μrt^V" (7.45)
IVocuum gauge
vacuum pump
Equation (7.26)
Equation (7.24)
= / w ^ c (min) td = tc-tf- t^
Submergence (%) /f = /e submergence (%)/100
(min) e.g., take = 0.2 (min)
= 0.2 rc
For selected values of the submergence (e.g., values between 10% and 60%),
operating vacuum (e.g., values between 10 and 20 in. Hg) and slurry
concentrations, one should also plot sets of graphs like the one shown in Fig.
7.16, from which the required dry time t¿ to yield a cake of specified percentage
of moisture can be determined. The selection of the desired percentage of
moisture in the cake depends upon the nature of the slurry and characteristics of
the intended operations fohowing the vacuum fiUration (bed drying, in-
cineradon, land disposal, etc.).
Procedure for each run is as follows:
1. Add the optimum coagulant dosage as determined in Section 4.5.
2. Flocculate the mixture for 30 sec. In some cases a series of tests are made to
determine o p d m u m flocculation time.
3. Submerge the leaf in flocculated sludge mixture for the specified form time
(if) (Table 7.8). Maintain gentle mixing to avoid deposidon of sludge.
4. Remove leaf from sludge and hold it vertically for the specified dry time,
keeping it under full vacuum.
5. Transfer entire cake from the filter leaf to a tared dish. Compressed air may
be genfiy applied to loosen the cake from the leaf
6. Weigh wet cake, dry at 103°C, and reweigh; measure and record cake
7. The loading in lb/ft' h is
Lf = dry weight of sludge in g χ (cycles/h)/[454 χ test leaf area (ft')]
Example 7.4. Design a vacuum rotary filter for the applicafion in Example 7.3.
The following additional informafion is available.
c = 0.0945 g/cm^
μ = 1 cp
Step 1.
1. P = 20 in. Hg or
= 5.39 Ib/ft^h
Step 4. Cycle loading L, [Eq. (7.46)]:
Fig. 7.17. Bird continuous solid bowl centrifuge. (Courtesy of Bird Machine Company, Inc.)
Sludge solids are compacted by centrifugal force against the inner walls of the
rotating bowl, then picked u p by the conveyor and taken to the solids discharge
port. Liquid is discharged at the opposite end of the bowl. N o estabhshed design
procedure is available from laboratory data, but feasibility of centrifugation for
a specific sludge may be evaluated from tests employing laboratory centrifuges.
The centrifugal field falls usually in the range of 1000 to 6000 fimes the force of
7.1. Introduction
Air drying of sludges on sand beds is one of the most economical methods for
dewatering. It is the most common method for small and medium-size treatment
plants, for both domestic and industrial wastewaters.
7. Bed Drying of Sludges 473
Moisture (%)
During the constant rate period, the sludge surface is wet and the rate of
evaporation is relatively independent of the nature of the sludge. This rate is less
than that which is observed from a free water surface (free water evaporation)
owing to the fact that the plane of vaporization is below the surface of the solid.
Evaporation proceeds at a constant rate until a critical moisture content is
When the critical moisture content is reached, water no longer migrates to the
surface of the sludge as rapidly as it evaporates and the fahing rate period occurs.
Rate of drying during this period is related to thickness of the sludge, its physical
474 7. Sludge Treatment and Disposal
Typical sand bed construction is indicated in Fig. 7.19, which shows a vertical
section of a drying bed. Underdrain piping may be of vitrified clay, with a
minimum diameter of 4 in. and a minimum slope of 1%. The filtrate is returned
to the treatment plant.
Size: 0.3-1.2 mm
•· · diameter
Underdrain • Filtrate
Sludge is usually applied to drying beds at depths of 8-12 in. It is left to dry
unfil it reaches a solids content between 30% and 50%. It is removed when solids
reach a liftable state, which varies with individual judgement as well as the final
disposal means.
The period of time between application of sludge to sand bed and its removal
in a liftable state is called bed turnover fime. It varies between 20 and 75 day,
depending on the nature of the sludge. It is possible to reduce substanfially the
bed turnover time by prior treatment with chemical coagulants, for example,
alum and polyelectrolytes. By chemical pretreatment, it is possible to reduce
drying time by as much as 50% and it is feasible to apply the sludge in a thicker
layer. Bed yield is reported to vary hnearly with coagulant dosage.
In the past, drying beds have been designed on an empirical basis of ft^ of bed
area/capita or lb of dry solids/ft^ yr. Values of these parameters employed in the
United States are given in Ref. [ 9 ] .
A rafional method of design has been developed recently by Swan wick [8] and
is recommended by Eckenfelder and Ford [ 2 ] . The procedure is as follows, and
Example 7.5 illustrates its applicafion.
Step 1. Fill a glass cylinder (1-2 in. diameter) containing a sand base with test
sludge to a depth of 8-12 in. (depth envisioned for the actual unit to be designed).
7. Bed Drying of Sludges 475
Example 7.5. Sludge drying beds are considered to dewater 4000 lb/day (dry
weight) of a sludge produced in an industrial wastewater treatment plant. The
sludge is apphed to beds in 10-in. lifts.
A laboratory study shows that percolation increased solids concentration
from its initial value of 5% to 20% in 25 h. Sludge is considered liftable from
drying beds at 25% sohds. Meteorological records for the region are indicated in
Table 7.9. Determine the required area of beds.
476 7. Sludge Treatment and Disposal
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Rainfall (in.) 4.0 3.0 3.1 4.1 4.0 3.5 2.1 3.0 3.2 3.0 2.7 2.8
Evaporation (in.) 5.8 6.5 7.5 8.7 11.2 11.0 13.2 11.3 9.1 6.5 4.6 3.1
Solution Take sludge density as 62.4 Ib/ft^. Base calculations on total pounds
of wet sludge applied in a lift per ft^ of bed, as indicated in Fig. 7.20.
10 in.= 0 . 8 3 f t
I ft^
Fig. 7.20. Basis of calculations for Example 7.7. 10-in. lift -> 10/12 = 0.83 ft. 1 ft^ χ 0.83 ft
X 62.4 lb/ft3 = 51.8 1b.
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Month Rainfall Rainfall (in.) x 0.57 Evaporation Evaporation (in.) x 0.75 No. of Average Time Time Total days
(in.) = (2) x 0.57 in. (in.) = (4) x 0.75 in. days evaporation rate required to required to =(8)+(9)
(Table 7.9) (Table 7.9) per (6)/(5) evaporate evaporate
month (days/in.) 0.5 in. (days) rainfall (days)
=0.5 x (7) =(3) x (7)
Step 8. Take the average evaporation rate (days/in.) for each month. This
calculation is indicated in columns (6) and (7) of Table 7.10.
Step 9. Determine the time required to evaporate 0.5 in. of water (see Step 5).
This calculation is indicated in column (8) of Table 7.10.
Step JO. Calculate the time required to evaporate rainfall (days). This
calculation is indicated in column (9) of Table 7.10.
Step ¡1. Estimate the total time required to evaporate 0.5 in. of water plus
rainfah; see column (10), Table 7.10.
Step 12. Take December as the control m o n t h [largest value of total time, i.e.,
27.95 days, column (10) of Table 7.10]. Required area of sand bed is then
4000 lb dry sludge/day χ ftV2.6 lb dry sludge χ 27.95 day
= 43,000 ft^ of bed area required
through a grinder, the sludge is pumped from the accumulator through a heat
exchanger, where it is preheated by hot sludge effluent from the reactor. High-
pressure steam is injected into the reactor. Retention time in the reactor is
approximately 30 min. An 80-90% reduction of organic matter can be
accomplished; thus some organic matter and ammonia are found among the end
Coagulated sludge
Sludge inlet
I 1, steam injectii
or compressed air
Sludge outlet
(To thickening and/or
filtration/or drying beds)
Fig. 7.21. Combined flow diagrams for the Porteus and Zimpro processes.
The Zimpro process differs from the Porteus primarily in the fact that air
(instead of steam) is injected by an air compressor (Fig. 7.21). Maximum
operating temperatures are 300-600°F and design operating pressures are
150-3000 psi (gauge). Combustion is 80-90% complete. Heat release per pound
of air is 1200-1400 Btu.
To Storage
Flyash Slurry
Cooling Air
Dry Ash
Handling System
Fig. 7.22. Burning flow diagram of Nichols-Herreshoff multiple hearth furnace for sludge
incineration. (Courtesy of Nichols Engineering and Research Corporation.)
Problems 481
Flue gasest
air blower Ash slurry
A sketch of a ñuidized bed disposal system is shown in Fig. 7.23. Sludge is fed
into a bed of sand fluidized by air. The temperature of the fluidized bed is
1400-1500°F. There is rapid drying and combustion of the sludge. Ash is carried
up by the combustion gases and separated by water scrubbing and cycloning.
Auxihary fuel is utilized at least for stardng the combustion process.
I. The following data are obtained from batch bench-scale aeration at 20°C
of a sludge for which a c o n d n u o u s digester is to be designed.
482 7. Sludge Treatment and Disposal
Time of aeration . . Oxygen uptake rate
0 6750 50
5 5350 21
10 4520 11
15 4070 7
20 3820 6
25 3680 5.5
30 3600 5.5
P=10in.Hg Ρ = 15in.Hg F = 20in.Hg
1. A cake containing 28% solids was obtained after a 2-min dry fime under a
vacuum of 20 in. Hg.
2. The specific resistance of the cake was determined by a Büchner filter test
as 1.0 X 10^^ cm/g. The test was performed at a vacuum of 20 in. Hg.
References 483
1. Benefield, L. D., and Randall, C. W., '^Biological Process Design in Wastewater Treatment."
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1980.
2. Eckenfelder, W. W., Jr., and Ford, D. L., "Water Pollution Control." Pemberton Press, Austin
and New York, 1970.
3. Edde, H. J., and Eckenfelder, W. W., Jr., J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 40, N o . 8, 1486 (1968).
4. Metcalf & Eddy Inc., "Wastewater Engineering: Collection, Treatment, Disposal." McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1972.
5. McCarthy, P. L., Public Works 95, 9-12 (1964).
6. Nichols Engineering & Research Corporation, "Nichols Heat Treatment Process for Sludge
Conditioning," Form. HT 123. Nichols Eng. & Res. Corp., Belle Mead, N e w Jersey, 1975.
7. Ruth, B. P., Ind Eng. Chem. 25, 157 (1933).
8. Swanwick, J. D., Lussignea, F. W., and Baskerville, R. C , Adv. Water Pollut. Res. 2, 387-402
9. Water Pollution Control Federation, "Sewage Treatment Plant Design," Manual of Practice 8.
Water Pollut. Control. Fed., Washington, D.C., 1959.