Friends, Foes & Followers: General Information

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Species: Human
Sex: Male
Apparent Age: Early Thirties
Culture: Republic
Social Class: Upper Class
Height: 6’3”
Frame: Medium
Weight: 175 lbs
Appearance: Average
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Brown
Voice: Average
Obvious Medical Traits: None
Apparent Occupation: Dilettante
Apparent Wealth: Wealthy
Weapons: None
Armour: None
Companions: Bodyguards
Other obvious features: None

Special GM Comments:







Author: ________________________________________________
John S. Daniel II ________________________________________________
Richard Luschek ________________________________________________
Art Sponsor: ________________________________________________
John S. Daniel II

HârnWorld © 2008, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Patrician Name: GERRICK ASARN Race/Sex: Human/Male
Gerrick is the eldest son and heir to Senator Asarn of Occupation: Patrician Born: 5 Halane 689 (Hirin/Tarael)
Tharda. The Asarn family is one of the main landholding Str 12 Agl 10 Sml 12 Wil 14 Cml 13
families of the Coranan District. Gerrick has rarely been Sta 10 Eye 11 Voi 13 Aur 14 End 12
Dex 12 Hrg 14 Int 16 Mor 08 Mov 10
outside the city of Coranan, preferring its diverse enter-
Medical/Psyche: None
tainment options to the “boredom of the countryside”.
Physical Skills: Climbing 44, Condition 55, Jumping 52, Riding 32,
Four family manors provide him with a modest income. Stealth 48, Throwing 60
A devout worshipper of Halea, Gerrick is a hedonist Communication Skills: Awareness 70, Intrigue 98, Oratory 28,
Rhetoric (Negotiation) 91, Singing 52
with tastes that others would describe as odd, if they Languages: Harnic 90
could adequately describe them at all. A regular attendant Scripts: Lakise 85
to services at the temple, he has made sufficient donations Religion: Ritual: Halea 20; Piety: 36
to have the services of a priestess living at his residence. Combat Skills: Initiative 72, Dodge 65, Unarmed 33, Dagger 66

Gerrick maintains a stable of pleasure slaves at a Craft Skills: Lovecraft 65, Mathematics 68

townhouse owned through an intermediary; he purchases Armour / Weapons: Fine cloth tunic and leggings, leather shoes,
jewellery, purse, coin pouch typically with 100d
a new slave two or three times a year. He allows his
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P
bodyguards use of the slaves as well, increasing their loy- Dagger 1 11 71 71 • 1 2 5
alty. Slaves that no longer please him are sold, usually Location Armour Layers AQ B E P F
with their tongues cut out. Skull • • • • • •
Face • • • • • •
Gerrick is a skilled manipulator, negotiator, black- Neck • • • • • •
mailer, and money manager. He has an extensive net- Shoulder C +0 1 1 1 1
work of contacts throughout Coranan, almost all of which Upper Arm C +0 1 1 1 1
Elbow C +0 1 1 1 1
owe him favours. These contacts are used first for the Forearm • • • • • •
betterment of Gerrick, and then for the betterment of the Hand • • • • • •
Thorax C +0 1 1 1 1
family, a policy that has not endeared him to the rest of Abdomen C +0 1 1 1 1
the Asarns. Hip C +0 1 1 1 1
Groin C +0 1 1 1 1
Gerrick fully believes that he will become Senator Thigh C +0 1 1 1 1
Gerrick after the passing of his father, an event for which Knee C +0 1 1 1 1
Calf C +0 1 1 1 1
Gerrick is becoming impatient. He is aware that not all of Foot C, L +0 3 5 4 4
the extended family would support him in an election, and Invocations: None
is working on gathering the information and resources he Convocations: None
needs to ensure his succession. Blackmail, extortion, and Spells: None
assassination are just methods of negotiation as far as Psionics: None
Gerrick is concerned. Notes: None

A Favour for a Favour: The PCs are in a bit of
trouble; Gerrick helps them, either financially or by influ- GM NOTES
ence. But the cost will be a favour in return.
Abduction: Gerrick has had an NPC (or a PC) ab-
ducted to be used as one of his pleasure slaves. PCs in-
vestigate and either have to rescue them, buy them, or
negotiate a release. _________________________________________________
Information Gathering: In order to further his
goals, Gerrick needs some sensitive information on some- _________________________________________________
one. He hires or blackmails the PCs to get it, but will dis-
avow and eventually silence them if they are caught.
Bodyguards: Gerrick has learned that another fam-
ily member has contracted for his death, he needs addi-
tional bodyguards, and the PCs fit the bill as an expend- _________________________________________________
able resource.

© 2008, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld

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