Friends, Foes & Followers: General Information
Friends, Foes & Followers: General Information
Friends, Foes & Followers: General Information
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Apparent Age: Early Thirties
Culture: Republic
Social Class: Upper Class
Height: 6’3”
Frame: Medium
Weight: 175 lbs
Appearance: Average
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Brown
Voice: Average
Obvious Medical Traits: None
Apparent Occupation: Dilettante
Apparent Wealth: Wealthy
Weapons: None
Armour: None
Companions: Bodyguards
Other obvious features: None
Special GM Comments:
Author: ________________________________________________
John S. Daniel II ________________________________________________
Richard Luschek ________________________________________________
Art Sponsor: ________________________________________________
John S. Daniel II
Gerrick maintains a stable of pleasure slaves at a Craft Skills: Lovecraft 65, Mathematics 68
townhouse owned through an intermediary; he purchases Armour / Weapons: Fine cloth tunic and leggings, leather shoes,
jewellery, purse, coin pouch typically with 100d
a new slave two or three times a year. He allows his
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P
bodyguards use of the slaves as well, increasing their loy- Dagger 1 11 71 71 • 1 2 5
alty. Slaves that no longer please him are sold, usually Location Armour Layers AQ B E P F
with their tongues cut out. Skull • • • • • •
Face • • • • • •
Gerrick is a skilled manipulator, negotiator, black- Neck • • • • • •
mailer, and money manager. He has an extensive net- Shoulder C +0 1 1 1 1
work of contacts throughout Coranan, almost all of which Upper Arm C +0 1 1 1 1
Elbow C +0 1 1 1 1
owe him favours. These contacts are used first for the Forearm • • • • • •
betterment of Gerrick, and then for the betterment of the Hand • • • • • •
Thorax C +0 1 1 1 1
family, a policy that has not endeared him to the rest of Abdomen C +0 1 1 1 1
the Asarns. Hip C +0 1 1 1 1
Groin C +0 1 1 1 1
Gerrick fully believes that he will become Senator Thigh C +0 1 1 1 1
Gerrick after the passing of his father, an event for which Knee C +0 1 1 1 1
Calf C +0 1 1 1 1
Gerrick is becoming impatient. He is aware that not all of Foot C, L +0 3 5 4 4
the extended family would support him in an election, and Invocations: None
is working on gathering the information and resources he Convocations: None
needs to ensure his succession. Blackmail, extortion, and Spells: None
assassination are just methods of negotiation as far as Psionics: None
Gerrick is concerned. Notes: None
A Favour for a Favour: The PCs are in a bit of
trouble; Gerrick helps them, either financially or by influ- GM NOTES
ence. But the cost will be a favour in return.
Abduction: Gerrick has had an NPC (or a PC) ab-
ducted to be used as one of his pleasure slaves. PCs in-
vestigate and either have to rescue them, buy them, or
negotiate a release. _________________________________________________
Information Gathering: In order to further his
goals, Gerrick needs some sensitive information on some- _________________________________________________
one. He hires or blackmails the PCs to get it, but will dis-
avow and eventually silence them if they are caught.
Bodyguards: Gerrick has learned that another fam-
ily member has contracted for his death, he needs addi-
tional bodyguards, and the PCs fit the bill as an expend- _________________________________________________
able resource.