Concept For Sustainability: Model in Search For A Better Harmony Between Resources Utilization and Nature
Concept For Sustainability: Model in Search For A Better Harmony Between Resources Utilization and Nature
Concept For Sustainability: Model in Search For A Better Harmony Between Resources Utilization and Nature
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Concept for sustainability: Model in search for a better harmony between resources utilization and nature
Isni Nurruhwati1, Asep Sahidin2, Heti Herawati3, Izza M Apriliani4, Atikah Nurhayati5, Achmad Rizal6
Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
The praxis of Resources utilization Concept has traditionally been oriented to the performance of better products, low cost series,
efficiency of production and high profits overall. However, the concept process is not always focused on minimizing the negative
effects of the production line on nature and human society. In this way, the concept of sustainability can be used as a policy
guide to achieve our needs without compromising the ability for future generations to achieve their own needs. Sustainability
can be defined as the tendency of ecosystems to dynamically balance their consumption patterns of matter and energy, and
evolve to a point where life itself can continue. The main contribution of this paper is to present a theoretical model of eco-
oriented concept as a dashboard for conception and decision makers to follow in the search for a better harmony between the
resources utilization plants and the limits of nature.
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research
to production line, starting a second product life cycle. very important role when associated to sustainable
production models, considering the product development as
2. Trends in search for sustainability an integrated system where every decision influences the
The means by which the human society can deliberately and whole process and results in different impacts on the
rationally approach and maintain a desirable carrying environment. The CFE can be defined as a process of concept
capacity, based on continued economic, cultural and that takes into account the environmental performance (i.e.
technological evolution was defined by Rizal [1, 2, 6] as a new producing without damaging) of products from the very
trend of research called Resources utilization Ecology. This beginning of the project, focusing on optimization of mass
method can be seen as a theoretical background to conceptors and energy flows during the life cycle of matters and
in search for sustainable practices. According to the authors especially characterizing an efficient use of materials,
[1, 6, 7]
, a full consideration of Resources utilization Ecology techniques and manufacturing procedures in order to achieve
must include the scope of economic activity and consumer the goals of the market and at the same time minimizing the
behavior, once they both impact natural systems in different negative residues and damages on human society and nature
scales. Within the resources utilization ecology, two as well. The CFE consists basically on technological
important methodologies can be identified as evolutionary innovations and methodological proceedings that are aimed
approaches for the concept process: to help the conceptors and decision makers to produce goods
a. Concept for Environment; and and services economically viable and ecologically friendly.
b. Concept for Sustainability. The Figure 1 shows The net result is that a re-enforcing cycle
is set trapping more and more of the rural population in
2.1 Concept for Environment poverty, food insecurity and in the degradation of natural
The Concept for Environment (CFE) methodology plays a resources (see Figure 1).
Fig 1: Poverty, Food Insecurity and Natural Resources Degradation Trap [8]
Thus, improving the natural resources base is central to any verify mass and energy flows, material quality and
effort to arrest this “vicious cycle” and improve the production conformities that effectively contribute to a
productivity of small-scale farmers, who constitute the greater environmental performance. Second, the impact
largest group of people below the poverty line. The current analysis process is proceeded, when the data are aggregated
extension programme, however, relies on the “intensified in eco-indicators (i.e. information systems with certain data
package approach” and is primarily focused on accelerating that allow the decision makers to act in conformity with
production, using fertilizer and improved seed, irrespective sustainable practices) that face the possible consequences of
of farmers capacity and agro-ecological zones. This has been the process outside the resources utilization plant, especially
unprofitable to farmers and inadequate to address the core of those related to society and nature. At last, the improvement
the problems faced by most resource-poor farmers as shown analysis process is done, when the conceptors and decision
in Figure 1. In order to address this, it is vital to go beyond makers elect priorities and necessary changes in order to
narrow technical treatment of specific sectoral areas and perform low costs, concept innovation and eco-friendly
adopt a broader thematic framework (that cuts across various improvements overall. Previous explanation shows a check
disciplines) that would bring the integration of key sectors to list of CFE presented by [10] based on preliminary studies of
generate a positive synergy to reverse the downward spiral. .
According to Baek [9] and [10], there are three phases on
the CFE process: (1) inventory analysis, (2) impact analysis, 2.2 Concept for Sustainability
and (3) improvement analysis. At first, the detailing of According to [10] and [11], the concept of Concept for
product needs and characteristics is done, identifying the Sustainability (CFS) is strongly related to the capacity of
environmental aspects that can make the product greener or promoting production systems that can respond to some
not. During this phase, several tests must be done in order to social and environmental requirements in their products using
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research
as less natural resources as possible, in comparison to the to be sustainable. According to [13, 14] the sustainability can
current patterns. In these terms, the conceptors and decision only be achieved through new practices and trends that
makers have to coordinate every product, service and consider all aspects of natural and human systems
communication that can contribute to clarify the concept themselves.
alternatives and technical solutions in order to attend social This idea signs some changes needed in order to achieve
and cultural innovations. The method also considers the life sustainability in different views, such as environment,
cycle of matters and its impacts on human and natural society, ethics, culture, economy, etc. This strongly means
systems, but assumes that new behavior patterns are taking changing the subject from technology through society and
place over the market in a point that consumers demand from environment and vice versa. Urgent needs are signs of the
producers much more conformity with environmentally times to show an example of this trend focusing the changes
sustainable, socially acceptable and culturally attractively of perspective needed in resources utilization process in order
ideas. to achieve sustainable practices [15, 16, 17].
The CFS is aimed to offer efficiency to the concept process, Three main questions can be used as starting points when
focusing on reduction of materials, choosing the right and implementing an eco-oriented design programme: (1) in
eco-friendly source of energy, optimizing and giving more which ways does the company impact the environment?; (2)
lastingness capacity for products and especially concepting what exactly do these impacts represent to human society and
disassemble facilities from the very beginning of the project. nature?; and (3) how can the enterprise effectively improve
[10, 11]
have presented four important phases to implement the its environmental performance?
CFS: (1) reconcept, (2) upgrading, (3) new consumption These answers are normally used as part of a greater
patterns, and (4) sustainability. management strategy aimed to solve unconformities in
The first and the second phases are normally integrated and production line and to work as a check list for conceptors and
can be placed together, depending on the route planning of decision makers to follow in search for a better harmony
both production lines and social demands. The redesign phase between the resources utilization processes and the viability
is basically focused on technological innovations and does of life itself. In this context, CFE and CFS strategies are
not demand changes in social and consumption patterns. The important tools to achieve sustainability, once both
role of the conceptor is to define strategies in conformity to methodologies contribute to form a new pattern of industry
the LCA, design products that attend the concepts of with recycled materials, and a rational and adequate use of
reducing, reuse and recycle. The phase of upgrading is energy to develop efficient products and eco-friendly as well.
focused on information, once is based on services and goods
that are clearly eco-oriented. This means that the new 3. Conclusions
proposals of green products are already recognized as valid This paper analyzes some concepts and methodologies such
and accepted by market and society. Innovations here as Concept for Environment and Concept for Sustainability
represent strong ecological criteria and may be done associated to the work of conceptors within the sustainable
progressively, demanding some behavioral changes in development context. The idea is to better understand the
consumption patterns. From this point on, the participation of ways, in which conceptors should act in order to achieve
the society is crucial, which plays a definitive role in the sustainability in different views, such as environment,
search for sustainability, once is still difficult nowadays to society, ethics, culture, economy, etc.
introduce ecologically friendly products in market [9, 10]. The Using these views as a starting point, some reflections on eco-
next phase, as the title itself says, demands new consumption oriented concept are presented. The main contribution of this
patterns to be consolidated. It is focused on behavior and paper is to present a theoretic model of eco-oriented concept
proposes sustainable practices in terms of living, buying, and to suggest concept alternatives as a dashboard for
reusing, recycling, etc. The environmental aspects are the conceptors and decision makers to follow in the search for a
centre of the design project and the decisions must include better harmony between the resources utilization process and
new alternatives of making products, new materials, new the respect for nature and its limits.
strategies and better results for both production and nature [10, Although several methodologies on conceptor’s work have
. Despite of the fact that changing is always difficult and been published until now, more studies need to be carried out
takes time, this represents the higher step to achieve to consolidate eco-oriented concept through the definition of
sustainability as a whole. The last phase is naturally to a new behavioral pattern for conceptors, which is an open
maintain new scenarios and sustainable life styles, which can approach yet. The concepts presented in this paper are part of
only be possible within the cultural perspective of changing a greater project of research aimed to link concept strategies
views. (e.g. CFE and CFS) within the sustainable development
The perspective of sustainability discusses new concepts of context. The authors are opened to suggestions and comments
development. Changes must immediately occur in order to that can contribute to achieve this common goal.
stop depletion of natural systems and jeopardize life itself.
According to [12, 13], main considerations are necessary to be 4. Acknowledgement
done on three strategic topics in order to achieve sustainable The authors wish to thank Faculty of Fishery and Marine
practices: (1) population, (2) search for well-being, and (3) Science, Universitas Padjadjaran which support the study
technological eco-efficiency. At this point, sustainable through Research Joint Program.
solutions reflect in one hand social demands of goods and
services, and on the other hand a technological response of 5. References
innovation [10, 12] have presented a graphic model to better 1. Rizal A. Science and policy in the coastal zone
visualize the relationship between the Cultural Changes and management. World News of Natural Sciences. 2018;
the Technological Innovations. Eco-redesign is presented as 21:1-8.
solutions that are positive for the environment but not enough 2. Rizal A, Suryana AAH, Herawati H, Lantun PD, Izza
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research