The ‘new’ version of the Sibelius Concerto was premiered by Carl Halir in
1905 the Hofkapelle Berlin under Richard Strauss.
In 1869, the Joachim String Quartet was formed, which quickly gained a
reputation as Europe's finest. It continued to perform until Joachim's death in
1907. Other members of the Quartet were, Karel Halíř (2nd violin) from 1897
on; Emanuel Wirth (viola) from 1877 on; and Robert Hausmann (cello), from
1879 on. In 1878 while writing his violin concerto, Brahms consulted Joachim,
who "freely gave him encouragement and technical advice". Brahms asked
Joachim to write the cadenza for the concerto, as he did.
In 1884, Joachim and his wife separated after he became convinced that she
was having an affair with the publisher Fritz Simrock. Brahms, certain that
Joachim's suspicions were groundless, wrote a sympathetic letter to Amalie,
which she later produced as evidence in Joachim's divorce proceeding
against her. This led to a cooling of Brahms and Joachim's friendship, which
was not restored until some years later, when Brahms composed the Double
Concerto in A minor for violin and cello, Op. 102, 1887, as a peace offering to
his old friend. It was co-dedicated to the first performers, Joachim and Robert
In late 1895 both Brahms and Joachim were present at the opening of the new
Tonhalle at Zurich, Switzerland; Brahms conducted and Joachim was
assistant conductor. But in April, two years later, Joachim was to lose forever
this revered friend, as Johannes Brahms died at the age of 64 at Vienna. At
Meiningen, in December 1899, it was Joachim who made the speech when a
statue to Brahms was unveiled.
In 1833 his family moved to Pest, which in 1873 was united with Óbuda to
form Budapest. There from 1836 (age 5) he studied violin with Stanisław
Serwaczyński, the concertmaster of the opera in Pest, said to be the best
violinist in Pest. Although Joachim's parents were "not particularly well off",
they had been well advised to choose not just an "ordinary" violin teacher.
Joachim's first public performance was 17 March 1839 when he was of age 7.
(Serwaczyński later moved back to Lublin, Poland, where he taught
Wieniawski.) In 1839, Joachim continued his studies at the Vienna
Conservatory (briefly with Miska Hauser and Georg Hellmesberger, Sr.; finally
– and most significantly – with Joseph Böhm, who introduced him to the world
of chamber music). In 1843 he was taken by his cousin, Fanny Figdor, who
later married "a Leipzig merchant" named Wittgenstein, to live and study in
Leipzig. In the journal Neue Zeitschrift fůr Musik Robert Schumann was highly
enthusiastic about Felix Mendelssohn, on which Moser writes "Only in
Haydn's admiration for Mozart does the history of music know a parallel case
of such ungrudging veneration of one great artist for his equal." in 1835,
Mendelssohn had become director of the Leipzig Gewandhaus orchestra. In
1843 Joachim became a protégé of Mendelssohn, who arranged for him to
study theory and composition with Moritz Hauptmann at the Leipzig
Conservatory. In his début performance in the Gewandhaus Joachim played
the Otello Fantasy by Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst.
The Musical Times
Vol. 46, No. 743 (Jan. 1, 1905), pp. 43-44