Solution Dec 2014

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FAR460 – DECEMBER 2014

FAR460 (Dec 2014)

Suggested solution

Statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income
for the year ended 30 June 2014

Sales (9,819-15) 9,804,000 √√
Cost of sales (4,865+80-30+75) (4,990,000) √√√√
Gross profit 4,814,000
Distribution expenses √ (592,000) √√√
Administrative expenses √ (2,843,000) √√√√√√
Finance expenses (117,000) √
Other expenses (Loss on disposal of MV) (15,000) √
Profit before tax 1,247,000
Income tax expense (745,000) √
Profit after tax 502,000

Other comprehensive income:

- -
Total comprehensive income 502,000

(20 x ½ = 10 marks)

Dist exp Admin exp Finance exp
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
As per draft √ 490,000 √ 700,000
Wages and salaries √ 660,000
Interest on debenture √ 117,000
Depreciation of buildings √ 30,000 √ 45,000
Depreciation of motor vehicles √ 72,000 √ 18,000
Prov. for misleading advertisement √ 1,400,000
Bad debts √ 20,000
592,000 2,843,000 117,000

FAR460 – DECEMBER 2014
Statement of financial position as at 30 June 2014

Non-current assets RM’000

Property, plant and equipment √ 5,815,000 √
Investment property 800,000 √
Biological assets 650,000 √
Intangible assets 1,500,000 √

Currents assets
Inventory (NRV) 800,000 √√
Receivables (400,000 – 20,000) 380,000 √√
Bank 210,000 √
Share capital √ 3,000,000
Retained earnings √ 550,000
Other reserves √ 2,700,000

Non-current liabilities
9% Debentures 1,300,000 √

Current liabilities
Payables 685,000 √
Tax payable 520,000 √
Provision for misleading advertisement √ 1,400,000 √

Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 30 June 2014

Ordinary Retained Other

shares earning reserves
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Bal as at 1 July 2013 √ 3,000,000 √ 78,000 √ 2,700,000
Prior year adjustment √√ (30,000)
Restated balance 48,000 2,700,000
Current year profit √ 502,000
Bal as at 30 June 2014 3,000,000 550,000 2,700,000

FAR460 – DECEMBER 2014
Note on PPE
Freehold Buildings Plant and Motor Total
land equipment vehicles
Cost/valuation RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
As at 1 July 2013 √ 3,000,000 √ 3,000,000 √ 800,000 √ 500,000
Disposal √√ (50,000)
As at 30 June 2014 3,000,000 3,000,000 800,000 450,000
As at 1 July 2013 √- √ 750,000 √ 160,000 √ 300,000
Disposal √√ (20,000)
Current year depn √- √ 75,000 √ 80,000 √ 90,000
As at 30 June 2014 3,000,000 825,000 240,000 370,000
Carrying amount 3,000,000 2,175,000 560,000 80,000 5,815,000
40√ x ½= 20 marks
Total: 30 marks


a. The information is useful to assist the investors and lenders to:

o Assess an entity’s prospects for future net cash inflows √
o Assess how efficient entity’s management discharge responsibilities to
use the resources √
o and protect the resources from unfavourable economic effects √
o Make decision whether to invest or not √
o Assess the entity’s ability to pay back their debts as the assets can be
used as collateral. √
...or other relevant answer
(5√ = 5 marks)

b. The factory should be classified as PPE √ as it fulfils the definition as per MFRS
o are held for use in the production or supply of goods and services, for
rental to others, or for administrative purposes √√
o are expected to be used during more than one period √
o not recognised as IP as it is not rented out or for capital appreciation √
(5√ = 5 marks)

c. The costs incurred that may be part of the cost of the factory are:
o the architect’s fees for the factory √
o cost of construction √
o demolishing quarters for the workers constructing the factory √
o However, the total initial costs are accounted after deduction √ of the
proceeds from salvage construction material sold √.
(5√ = 5 marks)

FAR460 – DECEMBER 2014

d. The renovation cost is a subsequent cost that fulfil the recognition criteria for an
asset √ as it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item
will flow to the entity √ and the cost of the item can be measured reliably √.
The extensive renovation is to accommodate the company’s expansion
programmes where it’s expected to generate future economic benefit.
Therefore, the costs of RM1,200,000,000 √ will be added to the carrying amount
of the factory √.
(5√ = 5 marks)

Land Factory
1 Jan 2008 Initial costs √ 547,000 √ 612,000
Depreciation (612/30 x ½) - √ (10,200)
30 Jun 2008 CA 547,000 601,800
Depreciation (612/30 x 4) √ (81,600)
30 Jun 2012 CA 547,000 520,200
Depreciation (612/30 x ½) √ (10,200)
31 Dec 2012 CA 547,000 510,000
1 Jan 2013 Renovation √ 1,200,000
547,000 1,710,000
Depreciation (1710/25 x ½) √ (34,200)
30 Jun 2013 CA 547,000 1,675,800
1 Jul 2013 Increase in valuation √ 253,000 √ 39,200
800,000 1,715,000
Depreciation (1,715,000/24.5) - √ (70,000)
30 Jun 2014 CA 800,000 1,645,000

(10√ x ½ = 5 marks}

…assuming company’s policy is monthly basis for depreciation.

If year end basis, mark accordingly.
(Total: 25 marks)

FAR460 – DECEMBER 2014

a. The trademark is an intangible asset, a non-monetary asset without physical

substance. √√
It also meets the definition as per MFRS 138 as follows:
o Identifiability, it is separable and can be sold individually √
o Control, the entity has control of it √
o Future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity resulting from its
use √
(5√ = 5 marks)

b. The trademark’s measurement at initial recognition will be the purchase cost √

incurred at RM1,000,000,000. √
From the date of acquisition, no amortisation needs to be provided √ as the
trademark can generate a net cash flow for an indefinite period √.
Therefore, the measurement after its initial recognition will be the same √ as
initial measurement of RM1,000,000,000.
(5√ = 5 marks)

c. The appropriate accounting treatment relating to the trademark on 1 May 2013:

The carrying amount RM1,000,000,000 on 1 May 2013 will be compared with
present value of RM600,000,000. √
The trademark need to be recorded at the recoverable amount of
RM600,000,000 which is lower than the carrying amount. √
The difference of RM400,000,000 √ is recognised as an impairment loss √ and
will be charged to statement of profit or loss, √
(5√ = 5 marks)

d. The subsequent measurement of the trademark for the year ended 30 June
Recoverable amount on 1 May 2013 √ 600,000
Less: Amortisation expense as at 30 June 2013
(RM600,000,000/4 yrs x 2/12) √√ (25,000)
Less: Amortisation expense as at 30 June 2014
(RM600,000,000/4 yrs) √√ (150,000)

(5√ = 5 marks)
(Total: 20 marks)

FAR460 – DECEMBER 2014
Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 2014
RM’000 RM’000
Cash flows from operating activities:
Profit before tax 2,305 /
Adjustments for:
Depreciation 457 /
Loss on sale of plant 100 /
Gain on sale of patent (80) 2/
Provision for compensation 450 /
Interest income (320) 2/
Interest expense 450 /
Operating profit before working capital changes 3,362
Increase in inventories (200) 2/
Increase in trade receivables (60) 2/
Decrease in trade payables (200) /
Cash generated from operation 2,902
Interest paid (450) /
Income tax paid (300+650-450) (500) 3/
Net cash flows from operating activities 1,952

Cash flows from investing activities:

Purchase of property, plant and equipment (1,847) 5/
Proceeds from sale of plant 145 /
Capital expenditure on biological assets (115) /
Acquisition of patent (655) 3/
Proceeds from sales of patent 280 2/
Interest income received 320 /
Net cash flows from investing activities (1,872)

Cash flows from financing activities:

Proceeds from issuance of share capital 400 2/
Proceeds from long-term borrowing 110 2/
Dividend paid (300) 3/
Net cash flows from financing activities 210

Net increase in cash and cash equivalent 290

Cash and cash equivalent beginning of year 700
Cash and cash equivalent end of year 990
(40 / x ½ = 20 marks)

FAR460 – DECEMBER 2014
Cash and cash equivalent
2013 2014
RM’000 RM’000
Bank 480 630
Marketable securities 220 360
700 990

Property, plant and equipment

RM’000 RM’000
Balance b/d / 2,130 Disposal / 245
Revaluation / 330 Depreciation / 457
Bank 1,847 Balance c/d / 3,605
4,307 4,307

RM’000 RM’000
Balance b/d / 600 Disposal / 200
Bank 655 Balance b/d / 1,055
1,255 1,255

Dividend payable
RM’000 RM’000
Balance c/d / 655 Balance b/d / 300
Bank 300 SOCE / 655
955 955

Investing activities are transactions involving acquisition and disposal of non-
current assets. //

The separate disclosure of ‘cash flows from investing activities’ is important to

assess the extent to which the entity is expanding and the implication on the
future flows or income. //

Any one example /

Cash payment for acquiring an asset
Proceeds received from sale of an asset

Financing activities are transactions involving the obtaining and repaying

financial resources from investors and lenders // including paying return to the
providers / .

The segregation of ‘cash flows from financing activities’ is important as it may be

used in predicting the claims on future cash flows of the entity. /

FAR460 – DECEMBER 2014
Any one example /
Cash proceeds from issuing shares or other equity instruments
Cash payments to owners to acquire or redeem the entity’s shares

(10 / x ½ = 5


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