Englyst2000 Starch
Englyst2000 Starch
Englyst2000 Starch
Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry
R.A. Meyers (Ed.)
pp. 4246–4262
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2000
Class/components Comments
Mono- and disaccharides and their alcohols Physiological response depends on identity and rate of release.
Free glucose C glucose from sucrose D FSG
Short-chain carbohydrates:
Maltodextrins Measured as RDS
Resistant short-chain carbohydrates Fermented in the large bowel and may stimulate growth of
(non-digestible oligosaccharides) bifidobacteria
RDS RDS C rapidly released FSG D RAG
SDS SDS C slowly released FSG D SAG
RS Escapes digestion in the small intestine
Plant cell-wall NSP Encapsulate and slow absorption of other nutrients.
Marker for naturally high-fiber diets for which health benefits have
been shown.
Fermented in the large bowel to different extents
Other NSP Food additives.
Minor components of the human diet.
Fermented in the large bowel to different extents
with a hydrophobic cavity allowing complexation with Heating starch granules in a moist environment
hydrophobic molecules such as lipids and iodine (giving leads to loss of the crystalline structure, swelling and
the characteristic blue – black color). Amylopectin has a leaching of amylose molecules from the granules. This
DP in the thousands with a-D-(1 – 4)-linked chains exten- process, known as gelatinization, usually occurs in the
sively branched through a-D-(1 – 6)-glucosidic linkages temperature range 50 – 70 ° C, or at higher temperatures
(about 5% of the total linkages). The ratio of amylose to in low-moisture conditions. Cooling of gelatinized starch
amylopectin varies considerably between species and has results in gelation and retrogradation, which is the
been manipulated by selective breeding to produce both recrystallization of the starch molecules, particularly
high-amylose and high-amylopectin (waxy) varieties of amylose, into a form with the type B X-ray pattern.
several cereals. Starch enclosed within particulate matter or plant
Starch is the storage polysaccharide of many higher cell walls and starch in the form of intact granules is
plants, especially cereals, legumes and most tubers. In digested slowly, because the physical access of amylolytic
the plant, starch is stored within the cells as partially enzymes is restricted. Disruption of the particulate matter
crystalline granules. An extensive review of the physical and removal of plant cell walls during food processing,
characteristics of starch granules has been given by especially milling, increase the surface area and can
Gallant et al..1/ The size and shape of the granules and damage the structure of starch granules, increasing the
the crystal structure within them are characteristic of the susceptibility to enzymatic degradation. Gelatinization
botanical source. Starch granules have been characterized tends to increase and retrogradation to reduce starch
as type A, B or C according to their X-ray diffraction digestibility. Colonna et al. have provided a detailed
pattern..2,3/ In general, cereal starches have the type account of the influence of food processing on starch
A pattern, starches from tubers such as potatoes tend granules and their digestion..5/
to have the type B pattern, and C-type starch, found The rate at which starch is digested in the human small
in some legumes, is a combination of the A and B intestine results in a wide range of glycemic responses,
patterns. In general, starch granules with B or C type and this physiological measurement has been used to
patterns are more resistant to digestion by pancreatic rank foods by their glycemic index..6/ In vitro studies
amylase, although the degree of resistance varies with have indicated that glycemic response and the rate of
botanical origin..4/ This resistance to hydrolysis affects starch digestion are closely correlated..7 – 15/
the digestibility of starchy foods that are normally Starch that escapes digestion in the small intes-
eaten raw, such as bananas, and of processed foods tine is termed RS, which, by definition, reaches
such as biscuits in which the starch is incompletely the large intestine and is a potential substrate for
gelatinized. microbial fermentation..16/ The main end-products of this
fermentation are the gases hydrogen and carbon dioxide, Table 2 Starch fractions and RAG content of some starchy
and methane in about 50% of people, and short-chain foods (grams per 100 g as eaten)
fatty acids, which may be absorbed and utilized..17/
It is clear from this brief discussion that the metabolic
fate and physiological properties of starch can vary Cereals:
considerably, and that the botanical source and the Pearled barley 17.1 8.0 7.0 2.1 9
effects of food processing are major determinants of Sweetcorn 17.1 15.4 1.4 0.3 18
starch digestibility. In addition to the nature of the starch Bread:
Rye crispbread 59.8 48.8 6.7 4.3 55
itself, the site, rate and extent of digestion of starch in Rye wholemeal 33.8 23.2 7.4 3.2 27
the human small intestine are influenced by a number of Wheat white 41.7 37.4 3.7 0.6 42
other factors. These include the extent of chewing, the Wheat wholemeal 35.0 32.1 1.4 1.5 36
rate of gastric emptying, the transit time of food along the Biscuits:
small intestine, the concentration of pancreatic amylase Digestive 46.5 32.0 12.6 1.9 44
available for breakdown of the starch, the amount Oatmeal 55.9 48.8 6.2 0.9 55
of starch consumed and the influence of other food Breakfast cereals:
components that may inhibit enzymatic hydrolysis..18/ All Bran 22.2 20.6 0.5 1.1 35
Oat bran 45.8 31.2 13.6 1.0 36
The rate and extent of digestion of starch in vivo is Porridge Oats 13.0 9.9 3.1 0.1 11
variable both within and between individuals, which is Puffed Wheat 68.7 62.5 0.0 6.2 70
recognized in the definition of RS as ‘‘the starch (and Rice Krispies 69.8 65.6 1.7 2.5 80
starch degradation products) that, on average, reaches the Shredded Wheat 62.2 48.7 11.9 1.6 55
human large intestine’’..16/ The values for the different Weetabix 57.0 56.8 1.0 0.0 65
starch fractions obtained by the method described here Rice:
represent reproducible in vitro measurements that can be Brown, long grain 23.8 14.6 9.2 0.0 16
Parboiled 27.8 16.6 10.0 1.2 19
used to classify dietary starch according to its potential White, long grain 23.0 17.4 5.6 0.0 19
digestibility. Pasta:
Measurements of RDS, SDS and RS can be obtained Macaroni 26.2 13.4 12.0 0.8 15
by one simple procedure..16,18,19/ RDS and SDS fractions White spaghetti 23.5 13.5 9.0 1.0 15
together represent the starch that is likely to be digested Legumes:
completely in the human small intestine, with any remain- Butter beans 11.4 9.4 0.8 1.2 11
ing starch defined as the RS fraction. Three types of Chickpea 16.4 5.1 8.8 2.5 6
RS have been categorized: physically inaccessible starch Frozen peas 7.2 4.1 1.0 2.1 6
Haricot beans 18.2 4.1 5.8 8.3 5
(RS1), resistant starch granules (RS2) and retrograded Kidney beans 17.0 4.7 9.8 2.5 6
starch (RS3). Pinto beans 16.1 9.3 5.0 1.8 11
In addition to these starch fractions, two terms, RAG Red lentils 15.8 7.3 6.1 2.4 8
and SAG, reflect the rate at which glucose is likely to Tubers:
be absorbed in the small intestine. RAG and SAG may Instant potato 12.7 10.9 1.1 0.8 12
include glucose derived from RDS and SDS, respectively, Potato 16.0 15.2 0.7 0.1 17
Potato crisps 50.0 42.7 2.8 4.5 48
but the glucose may be derived from sugars. FSG is Sweet potato 9.3 7.5 0.8 1.1 11
usually included in the RAG fraction, but may form part Yam 16.8 14.3 0.4 2.1 18
of the SAG fraction if trapped within particulate matter
or plant cell walls. This ambiguity as to what proportions
of RAG and SAG are derived from starch or from FSG starch is probably a combination of starch granules being
complicates the determination of RDS and SDS fractions encapsulated by cell walls (dietary fiber) and not being
in foods containing appreciable amounts of FSG. The use fully gelatinized. Spaghetti, macaroni and pearled barley
of RDS and SDS should therefore be restricted to starchy are examples of foods that have a moderate RAG value
foods that contain only small amounts of FSG, otherwise as the result of a dense structure. For digestive biscuits,
RAG and SAG are more appropriate. a considerable proportion of the starch is measured as
Table 2 shows the proportions of the various fractions SDS, reflecting incomplete gelatinization, but the high
of starch and the RAG values for a range of foods. These dry matter content results in similar RAG values for
fractions are all expressed in units of grams per 100 g digestive biscuits and white bread. Cooked potato has a
of food ‘‘as eaten’’. The legumes have the lowest RAG low RDS value, reflecting the low dry matter content, but
values, which are associated with low levels of free sugar RDS represents a high proportion of the total starch (TS)
and a low proportion of starch measuring as RDS. The content. In general, highly processed breakfast cereals
cause of the slow and incomplete digestion of legume have high RAG values.
The proportions of RAG, SAG, RDS, SDS and RS Increased interest in dietary fiber (plant cell walls) as
in foods, and thus the expected rate and extent of a potentially protective agent against Western diseases
digestion in the human small intestine, can be controlled of affluence led to the development of the NSP-type
by food processing. The implications of altering the rate measurement techniques for the dietary carbohydrates
and extent of starch digestion are potentially of great that McCance and Lawrence referred to as unavailable.
importance to public health. The identification of specific This type of procedure was pioneered by Southgate and
health benefits related to the ingestion of various types of later developed by Englyst, who identified a fraction of
starch will be possible only when separate measurements RS3 that could not be hydrolyzed without prior dispersion
of these are available. It is therefore important to be able with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or KOH..21 – 26/ This
to measure nutritionally relevant starch fractions in vitro, starch fraction, subsequently identified as RS3, was
and such methods are the subject of this article. termed RS. Later, in conjunction with ileostomy studies,
two other forms of RS were identified; RS1 and
RS2. The definition of RS includes all three fractions,
2 HISTORY and no starch is included in the measurement of
The classification and measurement of dietary carbo- There is growing interest in the rate and extent
hydrates have developed during the 20th century as of starch digestion with respect to the magnitude
knowledge of the nutritional importance of this fraction of of the glycemic response. Jenkins et al..9/ have pio-
the diet has accumulated. The perception of dietary car- neered the glycemic index, which may be used to rank
bohydrates as simply an energy source has been echoed foods by their likely effect on the glycemic response.
in the traditional calculation of ‘‘carbohydrate by differ- In a classical study, Haber et al..27/ demonstrated the
ence’’, as the portion remaining once moisture, protein, effect of particle size, i.e. degree of food process-
fat and ash are accounted for. ing, on the rate of absorption of sugars from apples,
In 1929, McCance and Lawrence highlighted the and several in vitro studies have shown that the rate
general lack of available data for the carbohydrate content of starch digestion varies according to its botanical
of foods and the enormous variation that existed between source and degree of processing..5,10,12,27/ Measure-
some of the published values..20/ McCance and Lawrence ment of RAG, SAG and starch fractions as described
were well aware that the carbohydrate composition of raw here represent tools for studying the mechanisms that
and cooked foods can be very different and they identified underlie the links between dietary carbohydrates and
the limitation of much of the available data, which were health.
nearly all for the composition of raw foods. McCance
and Lawrence were primarily concerned with the dietary
management of diabetes, and they made the distinction 3 APPLICATIONS OF STARCH
between ‘‘available’’ and ‘‘unavailable carbohydrates’’. MEASUREMENTS
They identified available carbohydrates as starch and the
soluble sugars, sucrose, glucose and fructose. 3.1 Food Tables and Food Labeling
McCance and Lawrence compiled a table of the
available carbohydrate content of a range of plant foods, Food tables should supply meaningful, reliable data
which were analyzed in the form in which they were that are suitable for use by dietitians, epidemiologists
normally eaten, i.e. cooked or raw as appropriate..20/ and the food industry. The Food and Agriculture
They used hydrolysis with hot 7.5% (v/v) hydrochloric Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the
acid under a reflux condenser, followed by neutralization World Health Organization (WHO) have recommended
with sodium hydroxide, and they measured both reducing that compositional data for dietary carbohydrates for use
sugars and pentoses. in food tables and food labeling should be based on
McCance and Lawrence introduced two important chemically identified components, which may be further
principles into the measurement of dietary carbohydrates subdivided by nutritional properties..28/ The classification
for nutritional purposes: (1) the need to analyze foods in of dietary carbohydrates presented in Table 1 conforms
the form in which they are eaten; and (2) the need to make with these criteria. The inclusion in food tables of the
specific chemical measurements of dietary carbohydrates. RDS, SDS and RS subdivisions of starch provides the
The analysis and measurement of dietary carbohydrates tools for investigating the health implications of altering
in later years has been greatly facilitated by the advent the rate and extent of starch digestion. The RAG and
of highly purified enzyme preparations and advances in SAG terms provide information on the rate at which
techniques for the separation and specific measurements glucose from starch and sugars is likely to become
of individual sugars. available for absorption in the human small intestine,
and may be used as a guide to the likely magnitude of includes the use of an internal standard. Figures 1 and 2
the glycemic response..19/ Such values do not become summarize the colorimetry and HPLC procedures.
obsolete and can be used in different combinations for The subsidiary procedure for the measurement of FSG
different purposes. The use of these values for food is described, which is required for calculation of RDS and
labeling will depend on confirmation of their importance TS, and this procedure may be used to obtain a rapid
for public health. measurement of TS.
Regarding analytical throughput, a shaking water-bath
3.2 Public Health capable of holding 18 tubes allows the analysis of five test
samples in triplicate. Both the main and the subsidiary
A review of current knowledge suggests that a diet procedures may be completed within a working day.
rich in slowly digested carbohydrates has an overall
protective effect against the non-communicable diseases
4.1 Reagents
of westernization..28,29/ The results of epidemiological
studies have suggested that diets with a high content
4.1.1 Common to the Colorimetry and High-performance
of rapidly digested carbohydrates from refined foods
Liquid Chromatography Procedures
increase the relative risk of developing diabetes mellitus
and coronary heart disease..29 – 32/ There are indications Distilled water or water of equivalent purity should be
from studies with low glycemic index diets that the rate of used throughout the method. All sugars should be dried to
starch digestion is of importance in the glycemic control constant weight under reduced pressure with phosphorus
of people with diabetes..33/ pentoxide before use.
The impact of RS on health remains uncertain. It
has been suggested that the high proportion of butyrate Amyloglucosidase EC (Englyst Carbohydrate
produced during the fermentation of RS in the colon Services Ltd, Cat. No. 61-002).
may benefit the gut epithelium and act as a protective
Amyloglucosidase Solution Amyloglucosidase dilu-
agent against colon cancer. However, caution should be
ted 1 : 7 (v/v) with water.
applied until the health implications of RS fractions have
been assessed, and safe levels of RS intakes have been Benzoic Acid, Saturated Prepare a saturated solution
determined. of benzoic acid at room temperature.
Sample (0.6 − 4 g)
30 min at 37°C
Figure 1 Flow diagram of the steps in the colorimetry version of the procedure.
bar. Just before use, add 1 g of guar gum and mix Glucose Oxidase Diagnostic Kit [Boehringer glucose
well. The pepsin – guar gum solution should be prepared test combination, Cat. No. 166391].
immediately before use.
Glucose Standard Weigh 50 g of glucose to the
Potassium Hydroxide 7 mol L 1 . nearest 0.1 mg. Make up to 200 mL with sodium acetate
buffer to give a 25 mg mL 1 solution.
Sodium Acetate Buffer 0.1 mol L 1 , pH 5.2 Dissolve
13.6 g of sodium acetate trihydrate in water, add 250 mL
Sodium Acetate 0.25 mol L 1 . Weigh 34 g of sodium
of saturated benzoic acid solution and make up to 1 L
acetate trihydrate and make up to 1 L with water.
with water. Adjust to pH 5.2 with 0.1 mol L 1 acetic acid.
To stabilize and activate enzymes, add 4 mL of 1 mol L 1
calcium chloride to 1 L of buffer. 4.1.3 For the High-performance Liquid Chromatography
Procedure Only
4.1.2 For Colorimetry Only
30 min at 37°C
Take 70 µL into vial
Transfer 0.2 mL into Incubate with shaking
1 mL 1-mol L acetic acid 30 min at 37 °C
Add 40 µL amyloglucosidase Add 1mL water
Vortex-mix Transfer 0.5 mL into
30 min at 70 °C 10 mL ethanol
10 min at 100 °C
Transfer 70 µL into vial
Add 12 mL ethanol
Add 1 mL water
Measure glucose released Vortex-mix
Transfer 200 µL into vial
Add 1 mL water after 20 min (G20)
Measure glucose released Measure free sugar
after 120 min (G20) glucose (FSG)
Measure total glucose (TG)
Figure 2 Flow diagram of the steps in the HPLC version of the procedure.
Sodium Acetate 0.5 mol L 1 . Weigh 68 g of sodium Centrifuge Tubes Polypropylene (Copolymer) cen-
acetate trihydrate and make up to 1 L with water. trifuge tubes of length 11.5 cm and diameter 3 cm (50-mL
capacity), with screw caps (Alpha Laboratories, Cat. No.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% (w/v). LW 1110).
Glass Balls (Marbles) Approximately 1.5 cm in may be milled or homogenized. Determine the mois-
diameter, sufficient to provide five balls per sample. ture content of samples as weight loss after overnight
incubation at 104 ° C.
Magnetic Stirrer
Sample weights should be chosen to contain
Mincer Hand-driven, with a plate with 0.9-cm 500 – 600 mg of starch and sugars, which can be estimated
diameter holes. from food tables. Examples of suitable sample weights
are given in Table 3.
Test Tubes Glass or plastic, of 15- and 30-mL capacity,
The procedure should now continue, using either the
preferably with lids, capable of withstanding low-speed
colorimetry or the HPLC version.
Vortex-mixer 4.4 The Colorimetry Version (Figure 1)
Water-bath Capable of maintaining 100 ° C.
4.4.1 Measurement of Rapidly Available Glucose, Slowly
Water-baths Capable of maintaining temperatures Digestible Starch, Resistant Starch and Total Starch
in the range 35 – 70 ° C. This or another similar bath
must have a linear shaking capacity of not less than Preparation of the Standard and Blank Into each of
160 strokes min 1 and a stroke length of approximately three centrifuge tubes weigh 50 mg of guar gum powder
35 mm. The shaking bath must be fitted with the means and add five glass balls. Pipet 20 mL of glucose standard
to hold all the centrifuge tubes exactly horizontally under into each of two of these and 20 mL of acetate buffer
the water, with the long axis of each tube exactly parallel into the other (blank). Cap and shake well to disperse the
with the direction of movement. Each bath should be of gum. Treat these tubes exactly as the samples after the
sufficient capacity that there is no significant change in addition of sodium acetate.
temperature when a rack containing all the tubes is placed Sample Weight Weigh an appropriate amount of
in it. sample, to the nearest 0.1 mg, into 50-mL tubes. If the
sample is hot, cap the tube and place in a water-bath
4.2.2 For the Colorimetry Procedure Only
at 70 – 80 ° C until ready to analyze. Samples should be
Spectrophotometer analyzed at least in duplicate. Reference samples should
be included in every batch (see section 5).
4.2.3 For the High-performance Liquid Chromatography
Incubation with Pepsin Put 10 mL of the freshly
Procedure Only
prepared pepsin – guar gum solution into each sample
Autoinjector tube, vortex-mix and place the tubes in a water-bath at
37 ° C. After 30 min of incubation, remove the samples
Ion-exchange Column with Guard Column For from the water-bath and add five glass balls and 10 mL
separation of sugars. of 0.25 mol L 1 sodium acetate to each tube. Shake the
Ion-exchange Column For trapping amino acids and tubes gently to disperse the contents and replace the
peptides. sample tubes, standards and blanks in the water-bath at
37 ° C to equilibrate.
Column-switching Mechanism
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Starch Remove one sample
Gradient Pump
tube from the 37 ° C water-bath and add 5 mL of enzyme
Electrochemical Detector mixture. Immediately cap the tube and mix the contents
gently by inversion before securing the tube horizontally
Computerized Data-handling System
in the 37 ° C shaking water-bath. Start the shaking action
of the water-bath; this is time zero for the incubation
4.3 Sample Preparation
Starch digestibility is greatly influenced by food pro- Table 3 Examples of suitable sample weights
cessing and samples must be analyzed as eaten. Foods
Dry matter (%) Examples Weight (g)
normally eaten dry are analyzed dry, and foods normally
eaten hot and wet are cooked and maintained at 70 – 80 ° C 75 – 100 Starch 0.6
immediately before analysis. Foods with a recognizable 75 – 100 Flours, breakfast cereals 0.8
structure that would normally require chewing (e.g. pasta, 55 – 75 Bread, cakes 1.0 – 2
35 – 55 Beans, pasta, rice 1.5 – 3
rice, maize) are passed through the mincer. For determi- 15 – 35 Canned foods, sauces 3.0 – 4
nation of FSG and the rapid measurement of TS, samples
and the shaking action is not interrupted until all the tubes and add five glass balls to each. Pipet 25 mL of 0.1-
G120 portions have been collected (see below). Repeat mol L 1 sodium acetate buffer into each tube, cap and
the addition of enzyme mixture for the rest of the sample vortex-mix vigorously to begin breaking up large parti-
tubes, at 1-min intervals to aid timing of the procedure, cles. Place the rack of tubes into a boiling water-bath.
and place them into the shaking water-bath. Remove After 30 min remove the rack of tubes from the boil-
each tube from the bath at exactly 20 min after addition ing water-bath and vortex-mix vigorously to break up
of the enzyme mixture, transfer 0.5 mL into 20 mL of any remaining particles of sample. Cool to 37 ° C, then
66% ethanol and vortex-mix to stop the hydrolysis; add 0.2 mL of invertase to each tube. Cap the tubes,
this is the G20 portion. Return the sample tube to the immerse horizontally in the shaking water-bath at 37 ° C
shaking water-bath immediately after the sample has and incubate for 30 min.
been taken. After a further 100 min (a total of 120 min Vortex-mix vigorously before transferring 1 mL of each
of incubation), transfer 0.5 mL from the sample tube into sample or standard solution into a test tube containing
20 mL of 66% ethanol and vortex-mix; this is the G120 2 mL of absolute ethanol and vortex-mix. Centrifuge at
portion. 500 g for 5 min, then transfer 1 mL of the supernatant
into 5 mL of water and mix well by inversion. (For
Dispersion of Resistant Starch Having removed
the standard, transfer 1 mL of supernatant into 20 mL
all the tubes from the shaking water-bath, vortex-
of water.) This is the FSG portion to be measured in
mix vigorously to break up any large particles, then
step 4.4.3.
place the rack of tubes into a boiling water-bath for
If TS is to be determined by the main method, the
30 min. Remove the tubes from the bath, vortex-mix
procedure is finished; otherwise, the procedure can be
and place the tubes in ice – water until thoroughly
continued for a rapid measurement of TS.
chilled. Add 10 mL of 7 mol L 1 KOH, cap the tube
and mix the contents by inversion. Immerse the tubes
horizontally in a shaking water-bath containing ice – water Measurement of Total Glucose To the remainder of
for 30 min. the sample solution add 0.1 mL of heat-stable amylase,
cap the tube, vortex-mix vigorously, then place in a boiling
Hydrolysis of Starch to Glucose Remove the samples water-bath for 15 min. Remove the tubes from the bath,
from the waterbath and immediately transfer 1 mL of vortex-mix and then place the rack of tubes in ice – water
the contents into a 50-mL tube containing 10 mL of and leave them to chill thoroughly.
0.5-mol L 1 acetic acid and mix well. Add 0.2 mL of Add 10 mL of 7-mol L 1 KOH, cap the tube and mix
amyloglucosidase solution to each sample. Mix and place the contents by inversion. Immerse the tubes horizontally
in a water-bath at 70 ° C. After 30 min, remove the rack
in a shaking water-bath containing ice – water for 30 min.
of tubes to a boiling water-bath for 10 min. Cool the
Remove the tubes from the water-bath and immedi-
tubes to room temperature, add 40 mL of water, cap
ately transfer 1 mL into a 50-mL tube containing 10 mL
and mix; this is the TG portion to be measured in
of 0.5-mol L 1 acetic acid and mix well. Add 0.2 mL of
step 4.4.3.
amyloglucosidase solution to each sample. Mix and place
in a water-bath at 70 ° C. After 30 min remove the rack of
4.4.2 Measurement of Free-sugar Glucose; Optional tubes to a boiling water-bath for 10 min. Cool the tubes
Rapid Measurement of Total Starch to room temperature, add 40 mL of water, cap and mix;
this is the TG portion.
Preparation of the Standard and Blank Into each of
two 50-mL tubes, pipet 25 mL of glucose standard and
into a third add 25 mL of sodium acetate buffer (blank). 4.4.3 Determination of Glucose Using Glucose Oxidase
Treat these tubes exactly as the samples.
Pretreatment of the Samples Samples may be ana- Centrifuge the samples at 500 g for 5 min to pellet any
lyzed in the form in which they are eaten, as in the main precipitate before determination of glucose.
procedure. Alternatively, samples may be finely divided Pipet 100 µL of water, enzyme blank, samples and
by milling or homogenization before analysis, in which standards in duplicate into test tubes containing 2 mL
case the glass balls may be replaced by a magnetic stirring of the glucose oxidase reagent (prepared according to
bar and mixing of the sample achieved with a magnetic the manufacturer’s instructions) and vortex-mix. Place
stirrer instead of a shaking water-bath. the tubes in a water-bath at 37 ° C for 20 min. Measure
the absorbance of the standards and samples in the
Measurement of Free-sugar Glucose Weigh an appro- spectrophotometer at 510 nm against the reagent blank.
priate amount of sample, to the nearest 0.1 mg, into 50-mL The glucose concentration (grams per 100 g of sample) is
Table 4 Values of V and C for the different and the shaking action is not interrupted until all the
analytes G120 portions have been collected (see below). Repeat
the addition of enzyme mixture for the rest of the sample
Analyte V (mL)a C (mg mL 1 )
tubes, at 1-min intervals to aid timing of the procedure,
G20 25 20 and place them into the shaking water-bath. Remove each
G120 25 20 tube from the bath at exactly 20 min after addition of the
TG 35.4 14.12 enzyme mixture, transfer 0.2 mL into 4 mL of absolute
FSG 25 7.1
TG (rapid) 35.7 17.5 ethanol and vortex-mix to stop the hydrolysis; this is the
G20 portion to be measured in step 4.5.3. Return the
a C1 mL per 1 g of sample. sample tube to the shaking water-bath immediately after
the sample has been taken. After a further 100 min (a total
given by Equation (1): of 120 min of incubation), transfer 0.2 mL from the sample
tube into 4 mL of absolute ethanol and vortex-mix; this is
A(t)VC the G120 portion to be measured in step 4.5.3.
Glucose.%/ D .1/
Dispersion of Resistant Starch Having removed
where A(t) is the absorbance of the test solution, V is all the tubes from the shaking water-bath, vortex-mix
the total volume of the test solution (milliliters), C is the vigorously to break up any large particles, then place
concentration (milligrams per milliliter) of the standard the rack of tubes in a boiling water-bath for 30 min.
used, A(s) is the absorbance of the standard used and W Remove the tubes from the bath, vortex-mix and place the
is the weight (milligrams) of sample taken for analysis tubes in ice – water until thoroughly chilled. Add 10 mL
(this figure may be corrected for moisture), as illustrated of 7-mol L 1 KOH, cap the tube and mix the contents
in Table 4. by inversion. Immerse the tubes horizontally in a shaking
water-bath containing ice – water for 30 min.
4.5 The High-performance Liquid Chromatography
Version (Figure 2) Hydrolysis of Starch to Glucose Remove the tubes
singly from the ice – water and transfer 0.2 mL of the
4.5.1 Measurement of Rapidly Available Glucose, Slowly contents into a tube containing 1 mL of 1-mol L 1 acetic
Digestible Starch, Resistant Starch and Total Starch acid. To these tubes add 40 µL of amyloglucosidase
solution. Mix and place the tubes in a 70 ° C water-bath for
Sample Weight and Internal Standard and Blanks 30 min followed by 10 min in a boiling water-bath. Cool
Weigh an appropriate amount of sample, to the near- the tubes to room temperature before adding 12 mL of
est 0.1 mg, into 50-mL tubes. If the sample is hot, cap the absolute ethanol; this is the TG portion to be measured
tube and place in a water-bath at 70 – 80 ° C until ready to in step 4.5.3.
analyze. Samples should be analyzed at least in duplicate.
Reference samples should be included in every batch (see 4.5.2 Measurement of Free-sugar Glucose; Optional
section 5). Two tubes, one with 4 mL of stock sugar mix- Rapid Measurement of Total Starch
ture added, are included as enzyme blanks. Add 5 mL of
internal standard to the sample and blank tubes and treat Preparation of Enzyme Blanks No enzyme blank
exactly as the samples. is required for the measurement of FSG. For the rapid
measurement of TS, two tubes, one with 4 mL of the stock
Incubation with Pepsin Add 10 mL of the freshly sugar mixture added, are included as enzyme blanks.
prepared pepsin – guar gum solution to each tube, vortex-
mix and place the tubes in a water-bath at 37 ° C for 30 min. Pretreatment of the Samples Samples may be ana-
Remove the samples from the water-bath and add five lyzed in the form in which they are eaten, as in the main
glass balls and 5 mL of 0.5-mol L 1 sodium acetate to each procedure. Alternatively, samples may be finely divided
tube. Shake the tubes gently to disperse the contents and by milling or homogenization before analysis, in which
replace them in the water-bath at 37 ° C to equilibrate. case the glass balls may be replaced by a magnetic stirring
bar and mixing of the sample achieved with a magnetic
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Starch Remove one sample stirrer instead of a shaking water-bath.
tube from the 37 ° C water-bath and add 5 mL of enzyme
mixture. Immediately cap the tube and mix the contents Measurement of Free-sugar Glucose Weigh an appro-
gently by inversion before securing the tube horizontally priate amount of sample, to the nearest 0.1 mg, into 50-mL
in the 37 ° C shaking water-bath. Start the shaking action tubes and add five glass balls to each. Add 5 mL of internal
of the water-bath; this is time zero for the incubation standard to each sample tube. Pipet 20 mL of 0.1-mol L 1
acetate buffer into each tube, cap and vortex-mix vigor- Table 5 Sequence of elution conditions
ously in order to begin breaking up large particles. Place for the HPLC measurement of sugarsa
the rack of tubes in a boiling water-bath. After 30 min,
Switch [NaOH] Time
remove the rack of tubes from the boiling water-bath and position (mmol L 1 ) (min)
vortex-mix vigorously to break up any remaining particles
of sample. Cool to 37 ° C, then add 0.2 mL of invertase to A 10 0 – 3.5
each tube. Cap the tubes and immerse horizontally in the B 70 3.6 – 14.0
B 200 14.1 – 15.0
shaking water-bath at 37 ° C for 30 min. B 10 15.1 – 20.0
Vortex-mix vigorously before removing 0.2 mL of each
a In switch position A, the flow is from
sample or standard solution into a test tube containing
Aminotrap to guard column to separation
4 mL of absolute ethanol; this is the FSG portion to be column. In switch position B, the flow is
measured in step 4.5.3. from guard column to separation column to
If TS is to be determined by the main method, the Aminotrap. Sample injection is at time 0.1 min.
procedure is finished here; otherwise, the procedure can
be continued for a rapid measurement of TS. and a Dionex Carbopac PA10 guard column. Column
switching and a Dionex Aminotrap may be used to
Dispersion and Hydrolysis of Total Starch To the prevent pancreatic peptides from reaching the analytical
remainder of the sample solution add 0.1 mL of heat- column. The eluents, high-purity water and 200 mol L 1
stable amylase, cap the tube, vortex-mix vigorously, then NaOH [16 mL L 1 of 50% (w/v) NaOH solution in high-
place in a boiling water-bath for 15 min. Remove the tubes purity degassed water] should be degassed. The flow-rate
from the bath, vortex-mix and place the tubes in ice – water is 0.8 mL min 1 and the elution conditions are shown
until thoroughly chilled. Add 10 mL of 7-mol L 1 KOH, in Table 5. Monosaccharide detection may be achieved
cap the tube and mix the contents by inversion. Immerse with a Dionex ED40 electrochemical detector with the
horizontally in a shaking water-bath containing ice – water following pulse potentials, E, and durations, t: E1 0.05 V,
for 30 min. t1 400 ms; E2 0.75 V, t2 200 ms; and E3 0.15 V, t3 400 ms. A
Remove the samples from the shaking water-bath and response time of 1 s is used and the output on the detector
immediately transfer 0.2 mL of the contents into a tube is set at 300 nA.
containing 1 mL of 1-mol L 1 acetic acid and mix well.
Add 40 µL of amyloglucosidase solution. Mix and place
4.6 Calculations
the tubes in a 70 ° C water-bath for 30 min followed by
10 min in a boiling water-bath. Cool the tubes to room Values for RAG, SAG, RDS, SDS, RS and TS are
temperature before adding 12 mL of absolute ethanol; calculated from the measured FSG, G20, G120 and
this is the TG portion to be measured in step 4.5.3. TG values according to Equations (2 – 7). Values for the
starch fractions are expressed as polysaccharides, using
a factor of 0.9 to convert the measured glucose value to
4.5.3 High-performance Liquid Chromatography
Analysis of Sugars
Prepare two sugar standards in 50-mL tubes: standard 1, RAG D G20 .2/
1 mL of stock sugar mixture, 19 mL of water and 5 mL SAG D G120 G20 .3/
of internal standard; standard 2, 10 mL of stock sugar
mixture, 10 mL of water and 5 mL of internal standard. RDS D 0.9.G20 FSG/ .4/
Mix well and transfer 0.2 mL from each into a tube SDS D 0.9.G120 G20/ .5/
containing 4 mL of absolute ethanol.
Before HPLC analysis, centrifuge all the ethanolic TS D 0.9.TG FSG/ .6/
fractions for 5 min at 500 g. The amount to be taken for RS D 0.9.TG G120/ .7/
analysis varies according to sugar content: typically 70 µL
for the sugar standards and the G20 and G120 portions,
4.7 Measurement of Resistant Starch 1, 2 and 3 (Using
200 µL for the TG portions and 70 – 120 µL for the FSG
Colorimetry or High-performance Liquid
portions. Place the samples in HPLC vials, add 1 mL of
deionized water and vortex-mix.
A Dionex AS3500 autoinjector may be used for
4.7.1 Resistant Starch 1, Physically Inaccessible Starch
injection of 20 µL of the diluted ethanolic fractions. Sugar
separation may be achieved with a Dionex Carbopac There are three forms of RS: RS1 is present in foods
PA100 column using a Dionex GP40 gradient pump having a dense or rigid structure, e.g. boiled rice, pasta,
whole-grain bread, maize and legumes; RS2 is present 5 QUALITY CONTROL AND
in raw foods, e.g. bananas, and raw cereal flours and TROUBLESHOOTING
grains, in foods cooked with very little water, e.g. some
dry-baked biscuits, and in legumes; RS3 is present in 5.1 Quality Control
foods that have been cooked and then cooled, e.g. bread,
For reproducible results to be obtained within and
breakfast cereals and cold potatoes. (Note: for a few high- between laboratories, it is essential that stringent quality
amylose products, e.g. Hylon VII, the boiling step in the control is applied. The procedures described here are
procedure will not gelatinize all of the starch. Any starch based on the measurement of the rate and extent
that remains ungelatinized after this step will therefore of starch digestion in vitro and require standardized
be included as RS3.) enzyme preparations and incubation conditions. A kit
A value for total RS is obtained by the main procedure. is available (Englyst Carbohydrate Services Ltd, Cat.
Values for the individual RS1, RS2 and RS3 fractions No. 61-000), which includes the necessary enzymes and
may be obtained by the parallel analysis of three samples three reference samples for calibration purposes. It is
of the test food, which are prepared and analyzed in suggested that reference samples 1 and 2 are included in
different ways. every batch of samples analyzed. The reference samples
Sample A is prepared in the form in which the food have been selected for their specific starch digestion
would normally be eaten, and is then passed through a profiles.
hand-operated mincer. The analytical sample is weighed Reference sample 1 (white wheat flour; Homepride,
into 50-mL tubes and treated as described for the main UK), with its high SDS content, is used to check the
procedure. Only the G120(A) value is required for efficiency of starch hydrolysis during the amylolytic
calculation of the RS1 fraction but it is recommended that incubation. Values for G120 that are too low (see
G20(A) and TG(A) are measured during the procedure target values below) may indicate that the activity
and the values used for calculation of RAG, SAG and of the amylolytic enzymes has decreased. Reference
total RS. sample 2 (raw potato starch; Kartoffelmel Centralen,
Sample B is homogenized for moist foods or milled for Denmark), with its high RS content, is used to establish
dry foods to disrupt the food matrix before analysis but the optimum stroke speed of the shaking water-bath
ball milling should not be used, as this may damage starch during the amylolytic incubation. If the G120 value
granules. The analytical sample is weighed into 50-mL for the potato starch is too high (see target values in
tubes and treated as described for the main procedure. Table 6), decrease the stroke speed and vice versa, e.g. we
Only the G120(B) value is required for calculation of the observe a linear increase in the G120 value for reference
RS2 fraction. sample 2 from 12.4 to 36.4 g per 100 g between 120 and
Sample C is homogenized or milled as described for 170 strokes min 1 .
sample B. The analytical sample is weighed into 50-mL Reference sample 3 (corn flakes; Kellogg’s, UK),
tubes and treated as described for the main procedure up with its high RDS content, is used to check the
to and including the addition of sodium acetate. At this efficiency of starch and maltose hydrolysis during
stage, the tubes are placed in boiling water for 30 min to the first stage of amylolytic incubation. Values for
gelatinize any native starch granules that would normally G20 that are too low (see target values below)
be gelatinized during cooking. The tubes are cooled may indicate that the amyloglucosidase activity has
to 37 ° C and the remainder of the main procedure is decreased.
followed to obtain the G120(C) value that is required for Target values for the three reference samples are given
calculation of the RS2 and RS3 fractions. The analysis is in Table 6.
continued to obtain a TG(C) value, which is required for The method yields coefficients of variation of 3.7%
calculation of the RS3 fraction. The step in the boiling intraassay and 6.6% interassay for the measurement of
water-bath in the main procedure after the G120(C) RAG, 2.2% and 3.9% for G120 (RAG C SAG) and 1.6%
subsample has been withdrawn may be omitted, instead and 2.5% for TG for the three reference samples.
continuing with the dispersion of RS3 by treatment with
KOH. Table 6 Target values (grams per 100 g) for the reference
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