NewTiger5 Take A Tour

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Take a Tour Level 5

Lesson 1 Vocabulary Pupil’s Book

Every unit is introduced by a member of the Tiger Tracks Social Learning Network (SNL) from a different English-
speaking country. Pupils relate to the social media context and the contact with a course character their own age
from another country creates interest and immediately engages them with the content.

Key vocabulary is introduced

Clear aims at the start of every
using attractive photographic
unit mean pupils know what to
flashcards and word cards.
expect and are actively
Pupils are encouraged to think
involved in setting their own
about the meaning of words by
personalised learning
predicting answers to questions
in the Tiger Tracks SNL posts.

All the listening material is

available on the Class CDs and
Teacher’s App. Audioscripts can
Pupils do a listening activity to
be found at the end of the
find out the answers to the
Teacher’s Book.
questions in the Tiger Tracks SNL
post. Then they do a
personalised speaking activity
and practise the new
vocabulary by relating it to
themselves. A vocabulary quiz engages
pupils in identifying new words
from descriptive or contextual
clues and recycles familiar
Short, focused internet language. This emphasis on
research tasks extends pupils’ regular recycling ensures
learning and integrates English flexibility and continuity in
and the development of ICT pupils’ learning.

Lesson 1 Vocabulary Activity Book

The material
Pupils do an
reflects and
puzzle or
learning in
activity to
the Pupil’s
practice new
Book lessons.

Pupils have an
opportunity for
practice using
recycled language All activities
structures and have clear
vocabulary from instructions
the same lexical which pupils
set. can follow

Lesson 2 Reading Pupil’s Book

Pupils develop reading skills through a range of enjoyable and varied task types, such as website articles,
advertisements and holiday leaflets, which engage their interest and closely relate to the topic and English-speaking
country of the unit.

Pupils play a range A series of Reading

of enjoyable games Tips which relate to
which develop each text build up
communicative micro-reading skills
skills using in a gradual and
information and systematic way.
language in the
A feature of New Tiger
5 is the systematic
integration of a range
Comprehension of thinking skills which
questions or true- pupils need for all
false statements subjects in the
check curriculum.
understanding of
the text.
Pupils frequently
express personal views
and responses which
makes learning
meaningful and

Lesson 2 Reading Activity Book

Pupils do a Regular listening

range of activities engage
comprehension pupils in finding
and practice out the views of
activities which the Tiger Tracks
reinforce SNL members and
language and motivate them to
thinking skills. write their
personal opinions.

Lesson 3 Story Pupil’s Book

Every unit includes a double-page story of a different genre and develops listening and reading skills in a variety of
motivating and engaging contexts. Each story is introduced by the Tiger Tracks SNL member.

The Teacher’s App on Navio provides flexible All the stories are attractively illustrated and the illustrations varied,
ways of presenting the story. depending on the context and theme. Clear pictures and audio
support pupils’ understanding of the narrative.

Focus questions provide a

clear purpose for listening The Do You Know
and reading and aid initial ... ? feature at the
comprehension. end of each story
contains amazing
or interesting facts
which link the
story to the real

questions check pupils’ Pupils are
understanding of the encouraged to
story. learn and use
phrases which
are naturally
in the story.

Tiger Tracks Values is a regular feature which highlights values and Pupils are encouraged to express their personal
attitudes relevant to the story. Two questions invite children to think opinions in response to the story. This develops self-
about the issues and relate them to their own attitudes and confidence, self-esteem and respect for the views of
behaviour. others.
Lesson 3 Story Activity Book

Reading and/or
writing activities
understanding Pupils answer
and practice key questions
language. relating to
specific story
frames. This
reading and

Link promotes Pupils create a
interaction and structured review
communication of the story,
between the including their
pupils’ home and personal options .
school They use the
environment. review to help
them retell the
story to their

The Pupil’s App on Navio allows pupils to read the story again at home and share it with their family as part of the Home-School Link.

Lesson 4 Grammar, Listening and Pronunciation Pupil’s Book

In Lesson 4, clear presentation of grammar and enjoyable practice activities ensure that pupils can understand and
use the grammar of the unit. In Lesson 5, a wide range of enjoyable activities and games, including listening tasks,
provide pupils with opportunities to extend their practice of grammar introduced in Lesson 4.

A short text
related to the Sound Track is a regular
content of the feature which develops
unit embeds the pupils’ awareness of
target grammar features of pronunciation
in context. The and their ability to speak
grammar is clearly and intelligibly.
highlighted in Activities focus on
bold and helps individual sounds as well
to make the as word and sentence
form and stress.
meaning clear.
Pupils have frequent
opportunities to use the
Pupils practice grammar and talk about
the grammar themselves.
through a
range of
activities and Pupils go back to the
games. story text and find
examples of the new
grammar point. This
The Grammar Detective
Grammar Tables The Fast Track Grammar encourages recognition
encourages pupils to take an
make learning feature provides ideas for of form and meaning,
actively analytical and deductive
points clear and optional grammar writing and the contextualised
approach to discover rules of
explicit. practice. It can be used, either use of language.
grammar for themselves. This
for fast finishers or as an
develops curiosity about
additional practice activity.
language and makes learning
grammar motivating and
Lessons 4 & 5 Grammar, Listening and Pronunciation Activity Book

An initial
activity is
based on
the grammar
text in the
Pupil’s Book.

A personalised
practice activity
pupils to link
the new
grammar to
their home

Pupils read the Grammar Detective notes and

complete the activity designed to check Sound Track activities consolidate pupils’ pronunciation
understanding. introduced and practiced in the Pupil’s Book.

Lessons 6 & 7Culture Pupil’s Book

In Lesson 6, pupils are introduced to the culture of another

English-speaking country through a post by the Tiger Tracks In Lesson 7, Sita and Rosa, the course characters from
SNL member introducing the unit. This develops pupils’ England and Scotland, take turns to introduce an aspect of
interest and curiosity in finding out about other people’s culture in the UK.

An attractively
illustrated text
develops A true-false activity
reading skills requires pupils to
and motivates predict information
pupils to learn about a cultural aspect of
about aspects of the UK followed by
other countries listening carefully to find
and cultures. out if they are correct.

Pupils are
Pupils learn key items of
encouraged to
vocabulary that relate
reflect and
specifically to different
compare their
own country
and culture to
the reading

An enjoyable A cultural video brings the Pupils listen as practice

interactive cultural and language contexts of A role-play develops fluency and learn a functional
culture quiz the dialogues to life and provides practice and encourages pupils dialogue related to the
about different a motivating model for pupils to to be creative in the way they culture lesson. This
English-speaking follow. interpret and act out a develops pupils’
countries helps conversation based on the confidence in using natural
pupils build up dialogue. communicative language
basic cultural in a real-world context.
Lessons 6 & 7 Culture Activity Book

by answering
questions on the
Culture reading Listening
text in the activities
Pupil’s Book. involving the
Tiger Tracks SNL
develop micro-
listening skills in
a natural context
and give pupils a
chance to extend
their cultural
Pupils create knowledge of
their own other countries.
dialogue based
on the one in
the Pupil’s

Lesson 6 Cross-Curricular Pupil’s Book

Lesson 8 of every unit in New Tiger 5 is a Cross-curricular lesson. This allows pupils to learn interesting content from other
areas of the curriculum.

A reading text is
attractively presented
and laid out in easy-to-
read sections with The topic of the lesson is
appealing photos or introduced through a video
illustrations, making it clip. As well as generating
accessible and interest in the topic, the
motivating to develop video also presents new
readers. vocabulary the pupils will
need in the lesson.

Comprehension questions
check pupils’
understanding of the
cross-curricular content The cross-curricular lessons
and language. contain activities which
focus explicitly on
developing pupils’ thinking
Pupils do a wide range of
enjoyable activities and
games which get them to
use the language and Key cross-curricular
respond to the content of vocabulary is highlighted for
the cross-curricular text. pupils to note and learn.

Pupils are encouraged to reflect on and share their own knowledge and
experience of the topic and how it applies to their world.
Lesson 8 Cross-Curricular Activity Book

comprehension A listening
and writing activity based
activities on the
reinforce material in the
understanding Pupils’ Book
of key concepts frequently
and develop involves
reading, writing finding out
and thinking the views and
skills. opinions of
members of
the Tiger
Tracks SNL.

A personalisation activity prepares pupils to relate the cross-curricular content to their families and lives at home.

Project Pupil’s Book

The final outcome of each unit is a motivating and enjoyable project which pupils do individually and/or collaboratively. The
project integrates key language and content from the unit and engages pupils in planning, preparing, writing and presenting
their work in an increasingly autonomous way.

The project is introduced by

one of the UK Tiger Tracks SNL
members and provides a model
for the pupils’ own projects.
The projects enable pupils to
produce different written
genres in each unit, such as
reports, descriptions, surveys
and diaries.

A five-stage flow chart

engages pupils in actively Optional ideas for the
planning their projects presentation of projects
from the outset. motivate pupils to want to
communicate and share the
work they have done with
the rest of the class.
Project Activity Book

Pupils get ready

for their own
projects by first
doing a detailed
activity based on
the model project
texts in the
Pupils prepare for
Pupil’s Book. This
their project by
establishes the
choosing their
structure of the
topic and carrying
project and
out independent
provides an
investigations or
outline and
research in a way
model of what
that reflects the
pupils need to
previous activity.
This provides
pupils with a clear
template and

A variety of tips for projects develop pupils’ ability to write

Using notebooks allows for drafting and re-drafting.
appropriately and correctly. Think! gives help with the structure
It also give flexibility to the length of projects and
of texts. Remember! reminds pupils of the key grammar points
allows pupils to include pictures and photos.
and Writing Tip! develops micro-writing skills.

Tiger Tasks Pupil’s Book

In the end matter of each Pupil’s Book there are 2 new skills-based modules with a Cross-curricular focus. Each
lesson has a subject theme and includes 4 lessons: reading, listening, writing and a project lesson that integrates
language skills, preparing pupils better for real-world use of English. These lessons can be used all together or
individually as extra skills practice.

Reading Listening

The lesson
begins with an
question to
introduce the
theme and find
out what pupils
already know
about the topic. Language Help
boxes on each
page make the
key language
accessible and
supports them
with the
Unit Review and Self-Assessment Activity Book

A double-page lesson in the Activity Book/Essential Activity Book provides a systematic review of the key vocabulary, main
grammar, culture and cross-curricular content of each unit. An initial self-assessment activity gets pupils to reflect on their work in
the unit. This is explored in more depth and detail in the Progress Journal, which can be downloaded from the Teacher’s App.

Pupils listen, identify and write the words for the A range of enjoyable revision activities engage pupils
ten key vocabulary items of the unit. in reviewing the main grammar from the unit.

Pupils check their

Pupils assess
their own
knowledge by
work by
answering the
circling the
culture quiz about
face that
the English-
corresponds to
speaking country
of the unit.
and effort.

Pupils complete their Progress Journal at the end of the

unit. This promotes learner autonomy and provides a Pupils do a writing activity to recall and review
motivating ongoing record of learning and achievement. the cross-curricular content of the unit.
Unit Review and Self-Assessment Pupil’s Book

Supplementary material in the end matter of the Activity Book and Essential Activity Book

This section contains reinforcement material of the vocabulary and grammar for every unit of
New Tiger 5. It also includes activities to develop pupils’ reading, speaking and study skills.

Vocabulary reinforcement activities

Grammar Reference Bank
Reading activities
Speaking activities
Study skills activities

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