Diesel Engines For Alamarin-Jet 288-285 Rev7-4

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AJ 288/285


Last modified: 31.07.2018 JS

The engines listed below are suitable for both AJ 288 and AJ 285 using the same impellers and gear ratios

CUMMINS kW/hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

QSB6.7-250 184/250 2600 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -25%
QSB6.7-305 224/305 2600 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -10%
QSB6.7-355 261/355 3000 bobtail/1:1 #15-4
QSB6.7-355 261/355 2800 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -15%
QSB6.7-380 280/380 3000 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -25%
QSB6.7-425 312/425 3000 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -20%

MERCRUISER DIESEL kW /hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

3.0L 230 169/230 4000 ZF63 1.52:1 #15-3
3.0L 260 191/260 4000 ZF63 1.25:1 #12-3 -10%
4.2L 270 199/271 3800 ZF63 1.25:1 #14-3 -8%
4.2L 320 235/320 3800 ZF63 1.25:1 #15-3 -8%
4.2L 350 257/349 3800 ZF63 1.25:1 #15-3
4.2L 335 246/335 4200 ZF220 1.4:1 #15-3
4.2L 370 272/370 4200 ZF63 1.25:1 #14-3 -8%

STEYR kW/hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

SE266E40 190/258 4000 ZF63 1.25:1 #12-3
SE286E40 205/279 4000 ZF63 1.25:1 #12-3
SE306J38 215/292 3800 ZF63 1.25:1 #14-3

Compatibility will be evaluated separately in each project. Check ratings with gearbox supplier!
VOLVO PENTA kW/hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller
D4-260 191/260 3500 ZF63 1.25:1 #15-3 -8%
D4-300 221/300 3500 bobtail/1:1 #12-3 -10%
D6-280 206/280 3500 bobtail/1:1 #12-3 -20%
D6-310 228/310 3500 bobtail/1:1 #12-3 -10%
D6-330 243/330 3500 bobtail/1:1 #12-3
D6-370 272/370 3500 bobtail/1:1 #14-3 -16%
D6-400 294/400 3500 bobtail/1:1 #14-3 -8%
D6-435 320/435 3500 bobtail/1:1 #14-3

FPT (IVECO) kW/hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

N40 250 184/250 2800 bobtail/1:1 #15-3 -8%
N67 280 206/280 2800 bobtail/1:1 #15-4
N60 370 199/271 2800 bobtail/1:1 #15-3
243/330 2800 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -20%
272/370 2800 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -10%
N60 400 199/271 3000 bobtail/1:1 #14-3
243/330 3000 bobtail/1:1 #15-3
272/370 3000 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -25%
294/400 3000 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -20%
N67 450 258/351 3000 bobtail/1:1 #15-4
272/370 3000 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -25%
309/420 3000 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -20%
331/450 3000 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -10%

NANNI kW/hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

T4.270 195/265 3600 ZF63 1.25:1 #15-3 -8%
T8V.320 235/320 3800 ZF63 1.25:1 #15-3 -8%
T8V.350 257/349 3800 bobtail/1:1 #12-3 -20%
T8V.370 272/370 3800 ZF 220 1.4:1 #17-4
Compatibility will be evaluated separately in each project. Check ratings with gearbox supplier!
VM-DIESEL kW/hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller
MR706LS 198/269 3800 ZF63 1.25:1 #14-3 -8%
MR706LH 235/320 3800 ZF63 1.25: #15-3 -8%
MR706LX 257/349 3800 ZF63 1.25:1 #15-3

JOHN DEERE kW/hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

6068SFM50 224/305 2600 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -10%
199/271 2500 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -10%
6068SFM75 265/360 2700 bobtail/1:1 #17-4

ISUZU kW/hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

UM6BG1TCX 210/286 2700 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -20%
UM6HE1TCX 257/349 2800 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -10%

YANMAR kW/hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

6BY260 191/260 4000 ZF63 1.514:1 #17-4 -25%
6LPA-STP2 232/315 3800 ZF63 1.25:1 #15-3 -8%
6LY-400 294/400 3300 bobtail/1:1 #15-3 -8%
6LY3-UTP 279/379 3300 bobtail/1:1 #14-3
6LY3-STP 324/440 3300 bobtail/1:1 #15-3
6LY-440 324/440 3300 bobtail/1:1 #15-3
6LY2A-STP 315/428 3300 bobtail/1:1 #15-3
8LV320 235/320 3800 ZF63 1.25:1 #15-3 -8%
8LV370 272/370 3800 ZF 220 1.237:1 #15-3

Compatibility will be evaluated separately in each project. Check ratings with gearbox supplier!
MARINE DIESEL kW/hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller
MD250SC 186/253 3600 ZF63 1.25:1 #14-3
MD300SC 224/304 3600 ZF63 1.25:1 #15-3
VGT350 261/355 3500 bobtail/1:1 #12-3
VGT400 298/406 3500 bobtail/1:1 #14-3 -8%
VGT450 336/457 3500 bobtail/1:1 #14-3

FNM kW/hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

300HPE 217/295 4000 ZF63 1.25:1 #14-3 -16%

CATERPILLAR kW /hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

C7.1 336/456 2900 bobtail/1:1 #17-4
298/406 2900 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -10%

BAUDOUIN kW /hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

4 W105M 95/130 2100 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -25%
6 W105M P3 168/228 2425 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -15%
6 W105M P4 185/252 2500 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -15%

Compatibility will be evaluated separately for each project.

1 Metric Horsepower hp(M) = 0,7355 kW 1 Imperial Horsepower hp(I) = 0,7457 Kw

ALAMARIN-JET is not responsible for changes of the engine models/parameters. Please note there might be also other
suitable engine brands and models available which are not listed here.

Compatibility will be evaluated separately in each project. Check ratings with gearbox supplier!
The engines listed below are suitable for AJ 285 in combination with the mentioned impellers and gear ratios, but not for AJ 288

FPT IVECO kW/hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

N67-570 368/500 3000 bobtail/1:1 #17-4
N60-480 353/480 3000 bobtail/1:1 #17-4

CUMMINS kW /hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

QSB6.7 - 480 353/480 3000 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -10%
353/480 3300 bobtail/1:1 #15-4

YANMAR kW /hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

6LY3-ETP 353/480 3300 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -25%

MARINE DIESEL kW /hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

VGT500 373/507 3500 bobtail/1:1 #15-3

CATERPILLAR kW /hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller

C6.4 371/505 3400 bobtail/1:1 #15-4
C7.1 373/507 2900 ZF 280-1 0.814:1 #15-3 -8%

Compatibility will be evaluated separately in each project. Check ratings with gearbox supplier!
MERCRUISER DIESEL kW /hp(M) rpm Example gearbox, gear reduction Impeller
6.7L 480 353/480 3200 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -20%
6.7L 500 368/500 3200 bobtail/1:1 #17-4 -20%

Compatibility will be evaluated separately for each project.

1 Metric Horsepower hp(M) = 0,7355 kW 1 Imperial Horsepower hp(I) = 0,7457 Kw

ALAMARIN-JET is not responsible for changes of the engine models/parameters. Please note there might be also other
suitable engine brands and models available which are not listed here.

Compatibility will be evaluated separately in each project. Check ratings with gearbox supplier!

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