900 Items With Answer Key - Professional Education
900 Items With Answer Key - Professional Education
900 Items With Answer Key - Professional Education
which domain in Bloom’s taxonomy of objectives is the
1. With R.A. 9155, to which body were all the functions, term paraphrase?
programs, and activities of the Department of Education a. Analysis c. Comprehension
related to Sports competition transferred? b. Application d. Synthesis
a. Technical Education Services Department Authority 9. Which characterizes a constructivist teaching-learning
b. Philippine Sports Commission process?
c. National Commission for Culture and the Arts a. Conceptual interrelatedness
d. Commission on Higher Education b. Multiple perspectives
c. Authentic assessment
2. Parenting style influences children’s development. Read d. Passive acceptance of information
the following parent’s remarks for their children then, 10. On what theory is the sequencing of instruction
answer the question. anchored?
Parent C – Tells her child: “You should do it my way or a. Gagne’s hierarchical theory
else. There is no discussion.” b. B.F. Skinner’s operant conditioning theory
Parent D – Tells her husband: “It is 10:00 PM, do you c. Bandura’s social learning theory
know where your child is?” d. Thorndike’s law of effect
Parent E – Tells her child: “You know, you should have 11. A common complaint of teachers about pupils is this:
not done that. Let’s talk about it so you can handle the “You give them assignment, the following day they come
situation better next time.” without any. You teach them this today, asks them
Parent F – Tells her child: “You may do what you want. tomorrow and they don’t know. It is as if there is nothing
We will always be here for you, no matter what you do.” that you taught them at all.” Based on the theory of
Which Parenting style is Authoritarian? information processing, what must teachers do to
a. D b. F c. E d. C counteract pupil’s forgetting?
I. Punish every child who can’t give correct answers
3. Two identical beakers A and B are presented to the to questions.
child. Teacher Sonny pours the liquid from B to C which II. Work for meaningful learning by connecting lesson
is taller and thinner than A and B but has equal capacity to what pupils know.
with B. The teacher asks if the beakers A and C have the III. Reward every child who remembers past lessons.
same amount of liquid. The child says “NO” and points to a. III only c. II and III
C as the beaker that has more liquid. In which cognitive b. I and III d. II only
developmental stage is the child?
a. Sensorimotor stage 12. When small children call all animals “dogs”, what
b. Concrete operational stage process is illustrated, based on Piaget’s cognitive
c. Pre-operational stage development theory?
d. Formal Operational stage a. Assimilation c. Reversion
b. Conservation d. Accommodation
4. To determine her students’ level of moral development,
Teacher Evangeline presents to her class a morally 13. Based on Bandura’s theory, which conditions must be
ambiguous situation and asks them what they would do present for a student to learn from a model?
in such a situation. On whose theory is Teacher I. Attention III. Motor reproduction
Evangeline’s technique based? II. Retention IV. Motivation
a. Bruner a. I and II c. I, II, III and IV
b. Kohlberg b. I, II and III d. III and IV
c. Freud
d. Piaget
14. According to Tolman’s theory on purposive behaviorism,
5. According to R.A. 9155, which among the following is learning is goal-directed. What is its implication to
considered the “heart of the formal education system”? teaching?
a. The pupil a. Evaluate lessons based on your objective/s
b. The teacher b. Set as many objectives as you can
c. The classroom c. Stick to your objectives/s no matter what happens
d. The school d. Make the objective/s of your lesson clear and
6. You arrange the rows of blocks in such a way that a row
of 5 blocks is longer than a row of 7 blocks. If you ask 15. Which is the ideal stage of moral development? Stage of
which row has more, Grade 1 pupils will say that it is the _____.
row that makes the longer line. Based on Piaget’s a. Social contract
cognitive development theory, what problem is b. Universal ethical principle
illustrated? c. Law and order
a. Assimilation problem d. Good boy/good girl
b. Accommodation problem
c. Conservation problem 16. Cristina’s family had a family picture when she was not
d. Egocentrism problem yet born. Unable to see herself in the family picture, she
7. According to R.A. 9155, a school head has two roles, cried despite her mother’s explanation that she was not
namely administrative manager and ____. yet born when the family picture was taken. What does
a. Health officer Cristina’s behavior show?
b. Instructional leader a. Limited social cognition
c. Facilitator b. Egocentrism
d. Guidance counselor c. Semi-logical reasoning
8. After reading and paraphrasing Robert Frost’s Stopping d. Rigidity of thought
by the Woods on Snowy Evening, Teacher Marko asked
17. To help a student learn to the optimum, Vygotsky 24. It is good to give students creative learning tasks
advises us to bridge the student’s present skill level and because ______.
the desired skill level by ______. a. Development is affected by cultural changes
a. Challenging c. Inspiring b. The development of individuals is unique
b. Scaffolding d. Motivating c. Development is the individual’s choice
d. Development is aided by stimulation
18. Based on Piaget’s theory, what should a teacher provide
in the formal operational stage? 25. According to Havighurst’s development tasks, reaching
a. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play and maintaining satisfactory performance in one’s
with occupational career is supposed to have been attained
b. Games and other physical activities to develop during ____.
motor skills a. Middle age and Early adulthood
c. Activities for hypothesis formulation b. Middle age
d. Learning activities that involve problems of c. Old age
classification and ordering d. Early adulthood
19. “Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you 26. Student Deina says: “I have to go to school on time. This
cheat yourself” says the voiceless voice from within you. is what the rule says.” In what level of moral
In the context of Freud’s theory, which is/are at work? development is the student?
a. Id c. Ego a. Pre-conventional
b. Id and Superego d. Superego b. Post-conventional
c. Conventional
20. Here are comments from School Head Carmen d. Cannot be specifically determined
regarding her observations on teacher’s practice in
lesson planning: 27. In planning for instruction, can a teacher begin with
The words “identify,” “tell” and “enumerate” are assessment?
overused. Many times they make use of non-behavioral a. No, it may discourage and scare the learners
terms. Often their lesson objectives do not include value b. Yes, determine entry knowledge or skill
formation and inculcation. c. Yes, to make the class pay attention
What can be inferred from the School Head’s comments d. No, assessment is only at the end of a lesson
regarding teacher formulated lesson objectives?
a. Often lesson objectives are in the low level 28. Which among the following is closest to the real human
b. Very often lesson objectives are in the cognitive digestive system for study in the classroom?
domain a. Drawing of the human digestive system on the
c. Quite often lesson objectives describe teacher’s board
behavior b. Model of the human digestive system
d. Often lesson objectives are in the psychomotor c. The human digestive system projected on an OHP
domain d. Drawing of the human digestive system on a page
of a textbook
21. Sassi, a Grade I pupil is asked, “Why do you pray
everyday?” Sassi answered, “Mommy said so.” Based 29. Here is a question: “Is the paragraph a good one?”
on Kohlberg’s theory, in which moral development stage Evaluate. If broken down to simplify, which is the best
is Sassi? simplification?
a. Pre-convention level a. Why is the paragraph a good one? Prove
b. Conventional level b. Is the paragraph a good one? Why or Why not?
c. In between conventional and post-conventional c. If you asked to evaluate something, what do you
levels do? Evaluate the paragraph?
d. In between pre- and post-conventional levels d. What are the qualities of a good paragraph? Does
the paragraph have these qualities?
22. Teacher Fatima tells her students: “You must be honest
at all times not only because you are afraid of the 30. Which one is in support of greater interaction?
punishment but more because you yourselves are a. Probing
convinced of the value of honesty.” Based on Kohlberg’s b. Repeating the question
theory, which level of moral development does the c. Not allowing a student to complete a response
teacher want her students to reach? d. Selecting the same student respondents
a. Conventional level
b. Between conventional and post-conventional levels 31. With this specific objective, to reduce fractions to their
c. Between pre-conventional and post-conventional lowest terms, this is how the teacher developed the
levels lesson.
d. Post-conventional level Step 1 – Teacher stated the rule on how to reduce
fractions to their lowest term
23. Why is babyhood referred to as a “critical period” in Step 2 – Teacher wrote 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
personality development? Because: 4 6 8 10 12
a. At this time the baby is exposed to many physical and showed how to reduce them to 1
and psychological hazards 2
b. Changes in the personality pattern take place Step 3 – Teacher wrote 3 , 6 , 4 and
c. At this time the foundations are laid upon which the 9 9 12
adult personality structure will be built showed how to reduce them to their lowest term.
d. The brain grows and develops at such an Step 4 – Teacher gave this written exercise to the class.
accelerated rate during babyhood Reduce the following fractions to their lowest terms: 3 ,
7, 5, 8, 5, 4
12 14 10 16 15 6
Did the lesson begin with concrete experience then a. No, for the sake of variety of instructional materials
developed into the abstract? b. No, only when feasible
a. No c. Yes, because there is no substitute for realias
b. Yes, a little d. Yes, because it is the real thing
c. Yes, by way of the examples given by the teacher 43. I want my students to look at the issues on the call for
d. Yes, the pupils were involved in arriving at the rule President Arroyo to step down from several
on reducing fractions to their lowest terms perspectives. Which activity is most fitting?
32. I want to compare two concepts. Which technique is a. Cross examination c. Symposium
most appropriate? b. Panel discussion d. Debate
a. Attribute wheel 44. I intended to inculcate in my students the value of order
b. K-W-L techniques and cleanliness. I begin my lesson by asking them to
c. Venn diagram share their experiences about the dirtiest and the
d. Spider web organizer cleanest place they have seen and how they felt about
33. Which activity should a teacher have more for his them. From there I lead them to the consequences of
students if he wants them to develop logical- dirty and clean home of surroundings. In my lesson
mathematical thinking? development plan, how do I proceed?
a. Focus group discussion a. Transductively c. Deductively
b. Problem solving b. Inductively d. Concretely
c. Games
d. Small group discussion 45. Teacher Neri wants to develop the ability of sound
judgment in his students. Which of the following
34. I want to use a pre-teaching strategy that will questions should he ask?
immediately engage my students in the content and will a. What is the essayist saying about judging other
enable me to get an insight into how students think and people?
feel about the topic. Which is most appropriate? b. With the elements of a good paragraph in mind,
a. K-W-L chart c. Graphic organizer which one is best written?
b. Story boarding d. Document analysis c. Why is there so much poverty in a country where
35. For a discussion of a topic from various perspectives, it there is plenty of natural resources?
is best to hold a ______. d. Of the characters in the story, with whom do you
a. Debate c. Panel discussion identify yourself?
b. Brainstorming d. Symposium
36. After establishing my learning objectives, what should I 46. The teacher is the first audio-visual aid in the classroom.
do to find out what my students already know and what What does this imply?
they do not yet know in relation to my lesson objectives a. You take care that you follow the fashion or else
in the cognitive domain? students won’t listen to you
a. Give a pretest b. Your physical appearance and voice should be
b. Study the least learned competencies in the such that students are helped to learn
National Achievement Test c. Make good use of the radio and TV in the
c. Analyze my students’ grades last year classroom
d. Interview a sample of my students d. Include singing in your teaching method
37. What characterizes genuine change? Change in _____.
a. Appearance c. Substance 47. I used the gumamela flower, a complete flower, to teach
b. Form d. Physical attribute the parts of a flower. Which method did I use?
38. In which strategy, can students acquire information from a. Demonstration method
various perspectives, and led to reflective thinking and b. Type-study method
group consensus? c. Drill method
a. Debate d. Laboratory method
b. Small group discussion
c. Panel discussion 48. A teacher would use a standardized test ______.
d. Symposium a. To serve as a unit test
39. At the end of my lesson on the role of a teacher in b. To serve as a final examination
learning, I asked the class: “In what way is a teacher an c. To engage in easy scoring
enzyme?” With this question, it engaged the class in d. To compare her students to national norms
_______. 49. Other than finding out how well the course competencies
a. Allegorical thinking were met, Teacher Kathy also wants to know her
b. Concrete thinking students’ performance when compared with other
c. Metaphorical thinking students in the country. What is Teacher Kathy
d. Symbolical thinking interested to do?
40. Which must be primarily considered in the choice of a. Formative evaluation
instructional aide? b. Authentic evaluation
a. Must stimulate and maintain student interest c. Norm-referenced evaluation
b. Must be updated and relevant to Filipino setting d. Criterion-referenced evaluation
c. Must be suited to the lesson objective 50. I want to help my students retain new information. Which
d. Must be new and skillfully made one will I use?
41. For lesson clarity and effective retention, which should a a. Questions c. Games
teacher observe, according to Bruner’s theory? b. Mnemonics d. Simulations
a. Begin teaching at the concrete level but go beyond 51. I want to use a diagram to compare the traditional and
it by reaching the abstract authentic modes of assessment. Which one is most fit?
b. Use purely verbal symbols in teaching a. Affinity diagram
c. Start at the concrete level and end there b. Tree diagram
d. End teaching with verbal symbols c. Venn diagram
42. Is it advisable to use realias all the time? d. Fishbone diagram
b. Interpret editorials about a particular subject from
52. A big story in your local newspaper. You want to use the three different newspaper
headlines as an inquiry device. To increase student c. Distinguish fiction from non-fiction materials
participation, you might begin by ____. d. Interpret editorials and read and interpret three
a. Asking one to read the news story and interpret different movie reviews
what he read after
b. Asking the class to infer connotations and 62. I want to present the characteristics features of a
denotations from the headline constructivist approach. What should I use?
c. Explaining what you believe to be the underlying a. Fishbone diagram
causes b. Venn diagram
d. Describing the background of the story as you know c. Narrative frame
it d. Attribute wheel
53. If a triadic interaction includes three (3) persons, how 63. If all of your students in your class passed the pretest,
many persons are included in a dyadic interaction? what should you do?
a. Two a. Administer the posttest
b. Two groups composed of two persons each b. Go through the unit as usual because it is part of
c. One, the person and himself the syllabus
d. Four c. Go through the lesson quickly in order not to skip
54. When I teach skills that are critical to the learning of the any
next topics, what should I employ? d. Go on to the next unit
a. Direct instruction 64. Teacher Vicky shows her students a picture of people in
b. Mastery learning thick jackets. Then she asks them to tell her the kind of
c. Socratic method climate when the picture was taken. If she asks 5
d. Cooperative learning questions of this kind and her students do not get them,
55. I want my students to have mastery learning of a basic it is safe to conclude that pupils are quite weak in the
topic. Which can help? skill of _______.
a. Drill a. Analyzing c. Synthesizing
b. Socratic method and drill b. Inferring d. Generalizing
c. Morrisonian technique and drill 65. Which must go with self-assessment for it to be
d. Socratic method effective?
56. Teacher Feng wanted to teach the pupils the skill of a. Scoring rubric
cross stretching. Her check-up quiz was a written test on b. Consensus of evaluation results from teacher and
the steps of cross stitching. What characteristic of a student
good test does it lack? c. External monitor
a. Predictive validity d. Public display of results of self-evaluation
b. Objectivity 66. Which group of scores is most varied? The group with
c. Reliability ________.
d. Content validity a. 0.90 SD c. 0.10 SD
57. In the parlance of test construction, what does TOS b. 0.50 SD d. 0.75 SD
mean? 67. The main purpose in administering a pretest and a
a. Table of Specification posttest to students is to _____.
b. Team of Specifications a. Measure gains in learning
c. Table of Specifics b. Measure the value of the material taught
d. Terms of Specifications c. Keep adequate records
58. If I favor “assessment for learning,” which will I do most d. Accustom the students to frequent testing
likely? 68. Assessment is said to be authentic when the teacher
I. Conduct a pre-test results ________.
II. Teach based on pre-test results a. Consider students’ suggestion in teaching
III. Give specific feedback to students b. Gives valid and reliable paper-and-pencil test
IV. Conduct peer tutoring for students in need of help c. Gives students real-life task to accomplish
a. I, II and IV c. I, II and III d. Includes parents in the determination of
b. II, III and IV d. I, II, III and IV assessment procedures
59. After a lesson on the atom, the students were asked to 69. The following are computed means of a hundred-item
work on a physical model of the atom to determine test: Physical science, 38; Math, 52; English, 33. Based
learning. For which group of students is building an atom on the data, which is true?
model intended? a. The examinees seem to be very good in Physical
a. Interpersonality intelligent Science
b. Kinesthetically intelligent b. The Math test appears to be the easiest among the
c. Mathematically intelligent three
d. Linguistically intelligent c. The examinees seem to excel in English
60. If I want to develop creative thinking in my students, d. The English test appears to be the easiest among
which one/s should I use? the three
I. Problem solving 70. An examinee whose score is within x + 1 SD belongs to
II. Brainstorming which of the following groups?
III. Dramatics a. Above average
a. I and II c. III only b. Average
b. II only d. I, II and II c. Below average
d. Needs improvement
61. Which is/are effective method/s in teaching students 71. Which is true of a bimodal distribution?
critical reading skills? a. The scores are neither high nor low
a. Read and interpret three different movie reviews b. The group has two different groups
c. The score are high
d. The score are low 83. Which depicts in graphic form the social relations
72. When you reach the “plateau of learning”, what should present in a group?
you do? a. Interest inventory
a. Forget about learning b. Sociogram
b. Reflect what caused it c. Anecdotal record
c. Force yourself to learn d. Johari’s window
d. Rest 84. Planned ignoring, signal interference, and proximity
73. What can be said if student performance in a positively control are techniques used in _____.
skewed scores distribution? a. Managing temper tantrums
a. Most students performed well b. Managing surface behavior
b. Most students performed poorly c. Operant conditioning
c. Almost all students had averaged performance d. Life-space interviewing
d. A few students performed excellently 85. What should you do to get the child’s attention when
74. A number of test items in a test are said to be non- she/he is distracted by an object in the room?
discriminating? What conclusion/s can be drawn? I. Call him by his name and tell him to pay attention
I. Teaching or learning was very good. II. Put away the distracting influence
II. The item is so easy that anyone could get it right. III. Involve him in helping with an activity
III. The item is so difficult that nobody could get it. a. I and II c. II and III
a. II only c. III only b. I and III d. I, II and III
b. I and II d. II and III 86. Which practice in our present educational system is in
75. A test item has a difficulty index of 0.51 and a line with Plato’s thought that “nothing learned under
discrimination index of 0.25. What should the teacher compulsion stays with the mind”?
do? a. Clarification of school policies and classroom rules
a. Revise the item on Day 1
b. Retain the item b. Presentation of standards of performance in the
c. Make it a bonus item learner
d. Reject the item c. Making the teaching-learning process interesting
76. The difficulty index of a test item is 1. This means that d. Involving the learner in the determination of learning
_____________. goals
a. The test item is a quality item 87. In Values Education, faith, hope, and love are believed
b. The test is very difficult to be permanent values whether they be valued by
c. The test is very easy people or not. Upon what philosophy is this anchored?
d. Nobody got the item correctly a. Realism c. Idealism
77. If the compound range is low, this means that b. Existentialism d. Pragmatism
_____________. 88. In the schools, we teach realities that cannot be verified
a. The students performed very well in the test by the senses like an Invisible God or Allah. Whose
b. The difference between the highest and the lowest beliefs does this practice negate?
score is low a. Stoicists’ c. Skeptics’
c. The difference between the highest and the lowest b. Rationalists’ d. Empiricists’
score is high 89. Which emphasized on non-violence as the path to true
d. The students performed very poorly in the test peace as discussed in peace education?
78. What is the mastery level of a school division in a 100- a. Taoism c. Hinduism
item test with a mean of 55? b. Buddhism d. Shintoism
a. 42% b. 55% c. 45% d. 50% 90. I make full use of the question-and-answer as a model
79. A negative discrimination index means that for discussion. From whom is this question-and-answer
____________. method?
a. The test item has low reliability a. Socrates c. Aristotle
b. More from the lower group answered the test item b. Kant d. Plato
c. The test item could not discriminate between the 91. A wife who loves her husband dearly becomes so
lower and upper groups jealous that in a moment of savage rage, kills him. Is the
d. More from the upper group got the item correctly wife morally responsible and why?
80. In an entrance examination, student Anna’s Percentile is a. Not necessarily. Antecedent passion may
25 (P25). Based on this Percentile rank, which is likely to completely destroy freedom and consequently
happen? moral responsibility
a. Student Anna will be admitted b. Yes, she killed her husband simply because of
b. Student Anna will not be admitted jealousy
c. Student Anna has 50-50 percent chance to be c. It depends on the case of the wife’s jealousy
admitted d. It depends on the mental health of the wife
d. Student Anna has 75 percent chance to be
admitted 92. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Man may understand
81. What does a percentile rank of 62 mean? all about the rotation of the earth but he may still miss
a. It is the student’s score in the test the radiance of the sunset.” Which type of education
b. The student answered sixty-two (62%) of the items should be emphasized as implied by Martin Luther King
correctly Jr.?
c. The student’s score is higher than 62 percent of all a. Science and education
students who took the test b. Vocational education
d. Sixty-two percent (62%) of those who took the test
scored higher than the individual c. Technical education
82. What does the computer have in common with the TV? d. Liberal education
a. Key board c. Screen
b. File d. Disk drive
93. Computer-assisted instruction is an offshoot of the c. Yes, because she has taught for forty years and
theory of _____. may have mastered the trade
a. J. Piaget c. B.F. Skinner d. Yes, provided she has an excellent performance
b. J. Brunner d. J. Watson rating
94. The use of varied teaching and testing strategies on
account of students’ multiple intelligences is in line with 104. A principal asked her good teachers to write modular
the thoughts of ______. lessons in Science, and then she had them published
a. Daniel Goleman with her name printed as author. Which is unethical in
b. Jean Piaget this case?
c. Howard Gardner a. She was the exclusive beneficiary of the royalty
d. Benjamin Bloom from the modules
b. She burdened her teachers with work not related
95. Applying Confucius’s teachings, how would hiring to teaching
personnel select the most fit in government positions? c. She had the modular lessons published when
a. By record evaluation done by an accrediting body they were worth publishing
b. By government examinations d. She got the merit which was due for her teacher-
c. By accreditation writers
d. By merit system
96. “Moral example has a greater effect on pupils’ discipline 105. Is it ethical on the part of the teacher to proselyte in
than laws and codes of punishment” is an advice of her classroom every Friday?
teachers from _________. a. Yes, that strengthens values education
a. Confucius c. Lao tzu b. Yes, that is religious instruction which is allowed
b. Mohammed d. Mencius by the Constitution
97. “The principle of spontaneity against artificiality will make c. No, a teacher shall not engage in the promotion
you accomplish something. Leave nature to itself and of his/her religious interest in the classroom
you will have harmony” is an active advice from the d. No, proselyting is no longer necessary in this age
a. Hindu c. Shintoist 106. Which can promote national pride among
b. Taoist d. Buddhist pupils/students?
98. The significance of liberal education in holistic I. Studying the lives of outstanding Filipinos
development of students is supported by _____. here and abroad
a. Perennialism II. Reading the lives of saints of the Church
b. Pragmatism III. Studying Philippine history with emphasis on the
c. Confucian teaching victories and greatness of the Filipino people
d. Perennialism and Confucian philosophy a. I, II, III c. I & II
b. III only d. I only
99. Is a sick teacher, the only one assigned in a remote 107. Why is the exodus of Filipino professionals described
school, excused from her teaching duty? as “brain drain”?
a. No, she is the only one assigned in that school I. Those who go abroad are usually the
b. Yes, teaching is a demanding job better
c. Yes, she is sick II. Filipino professionals serve other countries
d. No, she must abide by her contract instead
100. What is a demonstration of your authority as a III. They contribute to nation building through their
professional teacher? dollar remittances
a. You make your pupils run errands for you a. I, II, III b. I only c. II only d. I & II
b. You decide on how to teach a particular lesson 108. You want to report on a colleague's act of immorality.
c. You absent from class to enjoy your leave even You don't have the courage to confront her. To end
without prior notice her illicit affair with a married man you write and
d. You select to teach only those lessons which you secretly distribute copies of your anonymous letter
have mastered against your fellow teacher. What should have been
101. Which statement on true authority is wrong? done instead?
a. It sets an example a. If the charge is valid; present such charge under
b. It seeks its own satisfaction and privilege oath before your school head
c. It acts in the best interest of others b. Ask a third party to write the anonymous letter to
d. Its goal is to help, form, and guide others prevent yourself from being involved
102. When a teacher teaches the idea that it is wrong to c. Talk to the married man with whom she is
think that Filipino lifestyle, products and ideas are having illicit affair
inferior to those of other nationalities, he fights against d. Secretly give the anonymous letter only to the
______. two people concerned
a. Acculturation c. Ethnocentrism 109. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching
b. Xenocentrism d. Culture shock assignments that adversely affect their teaching. Does
103. Teacher Lolita, a teacher for forty years, refuses to this mean that teachers must be pre-occupied only
attend seminars. She claims that her forty years of with their teaching?
teaching is more than all the seminars she is asked to a. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job
attend. Is her actuation and thinking in accordance b. Yes, if they are given other assignments, justice
with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? demands that they be properly compensated
a. No, a professional teacher, regardless of c. No, because every teacher is expected to
teaching experience, ought to go through provide leadership in activities for the betterment
continuing professional education of the communities where they live and work
b. No, non-attendance to seminars means no d. No, they are also baby sitters especially in the
professional growth pre-school
110. My right ends where the rights of others begin. What d. Cannot be determined because the lesson was
does this mean? not developed fully
a. Rights are not absolute 117. In the context of Bruner's principle of knowledge
b. Rights are alienable representation, which is the enactive phase of the
c. Rights are inalienable lesson on fractions?
d. Rights are absolute a. Presenting the pizza and cutting it into two and
111. History books used in the schools are replete with four
events portraying defeats and weaknesses of the b. Using the model of fractions
Filipino people. In the spirit of nationalism, how should c. Writing the fractions 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3 on the board
you tackle them in the classroom? d. Asking the meaning of 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3
a. Present them as they are and tell the class to 118. Would it be easier to understand and retain the
accept reality concept of fractions if Mrs. Domingo began the lesson
b. Present the facts and use them as means to on fractions with the meaning of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc.?
teach and inspire your class a. Yes, provided we proceed to the concrete
c. Present the facts and express your feelings of b. No, for better learning we proceed from the
regret concrete to the abstract
d. Present the facts including those people c. It depends on the teaching skills of the teacher
responsible for the failures or for those who d. Yes, provided we include a concrete application
contributed of the abstract
112. Should an association of teachers obey a Supreme 119. Which part of the lesson is the symbolic stage?
Court’s decision even if it conflict with its interest and a. Using the model of fractions
opinions? b. Dividing the pizza further into four
a. No c. Dividing the pizza into two
b. Yes d. Writing the fractions 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 2/4 on the board
c. Yes, provided they can make a bargain 120. Does the development of the lesson on fraction
d. No, as a minority group they have the right to conform to the bottom-up arrangement of the learning
express their rejection experiences in Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience?
113. A teacher does not agree with the selective retention a. No
policy of the school and she openly talks against it in b. Cannot be determined
her classes. Is her behavior ethical? c. Yes
a. Yes, provided she got the permission from her d. Up to the second phase of the lesson only
superior to talk against the policy CASE #2 – In a faculty recollection, the teachers were asked
b. No, it is her duty to faithfully carry it out even if to share their thoughts of the learner, their primary customer.
she does not agree What follow is the gist of what were shared:
c. No, in fact she is quite confused and passes on Teacher A - “The learner is a product of his environment.
her confusion to others Sometimes he has no choice. He is determined by his
d. Yes, she is entitled to her opinion just as environment.”
everybody is Teacher B - “The learner can choose what he can become
114. If you have a problem with another teacher, the first despite his environment.”
step towards resolution should be for you to: Teacher C - “The learner is a social being who learns well
a. Talk directly with the teacher involved through an active interplay with other.”
b. Ask your fellow teachers to intercede on your Teacher D - “The learner is a rational being. Schools should
behalf develop his rational and moral powers.”
c. Ask your fellow teachers for their suggestions 121. Whose philosophical concept is that of Teacher A?
d. Discuss it with your principal a. Rationalist c. Existentialist
115. What is ethical for you to do if deep within your heart b. Behaviorist d. Progressivist
you do not agree with the school policy on student 122. Teacher B's response comes from the mouth of a/an:
absences? a. Behaviorist c. Essentialist
a. Be vocal about your feeling and opinion against b. Existentialist d. Perennialist
the policy 123. If you agree with Teacher C, you are more of a/an:
b. Understand the policy and support the school in a. Perennialist c. Essentialist
its implementation b. Rationalist d. Progressivist
c. Argue with your superior to convince him to 124. If you identify yourself with Teacher D, you adhere to
change the policy what philosophy?
d. Keep your feeling to yourself but make a. Progressivist c. Existentialist
insinuations that you are against it while you b. Behaviorist d. Perennialist
teach 125. Whose response denies man's free will?
CASE #1 – Mrs. Domingo developed a lesson on the concept a. Teacher A c. Teacher D
of fraction this way: First, she presented one pizza, and then b. Teacher C d. Teacher B
asked a pupil to cut it into two. She called one part of the CASE #3 – School Head Amilia wants her teachers to be
pizza 1/2 and the two parts of 2/2. Then she wrote 1/2 and 2/2 on constructivist in their teaching orientation.
the board. She proceeded to ask another pupil to divide the 126. Which material will her teachers most likely use?
half parts of the cake into two again, and then wrote 1/2, 2/4 a. Facts c. Time-tested principles
and 3/4. Then she used the model of fractions (wooden b. Hypotheses d. Laws
circles) divided into 2, 3 and 4 show 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 2/4. Then she 127. Which material will her teachers most likely avoid?
went back to the fractions she wrote on the board. She asked a. Unquestionable laws
her pupils for the meaning of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 2/4. b. Open-ended topics
116. Did Mrs. Domingo follow Bruner's three stage c. Problems or cases
development of knowledge? d. Controversial issues
a. Yes 128. On which assumption/s is/are the principal's action
b. No anchored?
c. Only in the first stage
I. Students learn by personally constructing CASE #5 – Mr. Santo's lesson was on water conservation. He
meaning of what is taught presented a graph that compared water consumption of small
II. Students construct and reconstruct meanings and big families. Before he asked any of the questions, he
based on experiences asked someone to stand up to give an answer. He called only
III. Students derive meaning from the meaning that on those who raised their hands. The questions he asked
teacher gives were:
a. I only c. I and II 1. What do you see in the graph?
b. I and III d. II only 2. How do you compare the water consumption of small
129. Which does School Head Amilia want her teachers to and big families?
do? 3. Why do most of the big families consume more water
a. Require their students to come up with a than the smaller families?
construct of the lesson 4. Do all the small families consume less water than the big
b. Make their students derive meaning from what is families? Explain your answer.
presented 5. In your opinion, why does one small family consume
c. Let their students construct meaningful more water than one big family?
sentences based on the lesson 6. In what ways is water wasted?
d. Give the meaning of what they present in class 7. What are ways of conserving water?
130. Which one should her teachers then avoid? Students': 8. Are the families presented well at water conservation?
a. Reflection Why or why not?
b. Self-directed learning 9. What generalization can you draw about water
c. Memorization of facts for testing consumption and size of families?
d. Inquiry 136. Is there any convergent question from #1 to #8?
a. Yes, question #4
CASE #4 – On the first day of school, Teacher Yveta oriented b. Yes, question #7
her class on procedures to be observed in passing papers, c. Yes, question #8
getting textbooks from and returning the same on the d. None
bookshelf, leaving the room for necessity, and conducting 137. Which question technique/s of Mr. Santo do(es) not
group work. She arranged the chairs in such a way that enhance interaction?
students can interact and can move around without I. Asking high-level questions
unnecessarily distracting those seated. She involved the II. Calling only on those who raised their hands
class in the formulation of rules to ensure punctuality, order III. Calling on someone before asking the question
and cleanliness in the classroom. a. II and III c. III only
131. On what belief is Teacher Yveta's management b. I and II d. I and III
practice anchored? 138. Which statement on “wait time” is correct?
a. Classroom rules need to be imposed for order's a. The higher the level of the question, the longer
sake the wait time
b. The classroom environment affects learning b. Wait time turns off slow thinking students
c. For quality response, “what” and “why”
c. A teacher must lord her power over her questions require equal wait time
students to be an effective classroom manager d. Wait time discourages the brighter group of
d. A reactive classroom management style is students
effective 139. To connect the lesson on water conservation to the
132. Teacher Yveta involved her students in the life of the students, which question is most
formulation of class rules. Which describes her appropriate?
classroom management style? a. How can you help conserve water?
a. Benevolent c. Democratic b. Based on you observations, in what ways for
b. Authoritarian d. Laissez-faire people contribute to water wastage?
133. Which adjective appropriately describes Teacher c. What maybe the reason why even if Family B is
Yveta as a classroom manager? not as big as Family C, it consumes much more
a. Proactive c. Reactive water than Family C?
b. Modern d. Traditional d. Among the families, who contributes most to
134. Was it sound classroom management practice for water conservation?
Teacher Yveta to have involved the students in the 140. Were all the questions of Mr. Santo divergent?
formulation of class rules? a. Yes c. No
a. No, it weakens the teacher's authority over her b. No, except #4 d. Yes, except #1
b. Yes, it makes students feel a sense of ownership CASE #6 – With a topic on the human circulatory system,
of the rules Teacher Jan formulated the following lesson objectives:
c. Yes, it lessens a teacher's work 1. Given a model of the human circulatory system, the
d. No, it is a students' act of usurpation of teacher’s student must be able to understand the route of blood
power circulation
135. Which assumption underlies Teacher Yveta's 2. After discussing the process of blood circulation, the
classroom management practice? teacher must be able to lead the pupils in enumerating
a. Classroom routines are boring and will work circulatory system-related diseases and in citing the
when imposed causes and prevention of such diseases.
b. Classroom routines leave more time for class 141. Is objective #1 in accordance with the principles of
instruction lesson objective formulation?
c. Students need to be treated like adults to learn a. No, the word “understand” is not a behavioral
responsibility term
d. Teacher's personality is a critical factor in b. No, it is not attainable
classroom discipline c. Yes, “understand” is an action word
d. Yes, it is very specific
142. How can you improve objective #2? theory is Teacher Leon’s conviction anchored? ______
a. Remove the phrase “After discussing the process theory
of blood circulation.” a. Behaviorist c. Cognitive
b. Formulate it from the learner's point of view b. Associationist d. Humanist
c. Cut it short; the statement is quite long 152. Which philosophy approves of a teacher who lectures
d. No need to improve on it most of the time and requires his students to memorize
143. Do both objectives include a criterion of success, an the rules of grammar?
element of a lesson objective cited by Robert Mager? a. Existentialism c. Pragmatism
a. Only objective #1 has b. Realism d. Idealism
b. Only objective #2 has 153. Teacher Nikka wants to check prior knowledge of her
c. No, they don't pupils about water pollution. She writes the main topic
d. Yes, they do water pollution in the center of the chalkboard and
144. Is objective #2 in accordance with the principles of encircles it. Then, she ask the pupils to provide
lesson objective formulation? information that can be clustered around the main topic.
a. No, it does not describe pupils' learning behavior Which technique did the teacher employ?
b. Yes, it is formulated from the point of view of the a. Vocabulary building
teacher b. Semantic mapping
c. No, it is very broad c. Demonstration
d. Yes, it describes teacher's teaching activity d. Deductive teaching
145. Which one is the measurable learning behavior in 154. The current emphasis on the development of critical
objective #1? thinking by the use of philosophic methods that
a. Able to understand emphasize debate and discussion began with:
b. Route of blood circulation a. Aristotle c. Confucius
c. To understand b. Socrates d. Plato
d. None 155. Which refers to a single word or phrase that tells the
computer to do something with a program or file?
CASE #7 – Teacher Fantina has a hard time getting the a. Computer program c. Computer language
attention of her class. When she checks for understanding of b. Password d. Command
the lesson after a usual forty-five minute lecture, she finds out 156. In instructional planning, which among these three; unit
that only one or two can answer her questions. This has plan, course plan, lesson plan is most specific?
become a pattern so one time, when the class could not _________ plan.
answer, she gave a test. a. Course c.
146. What does the inattentiveness of most of Teacher Resources
Fantina's students confirm? b. Unit d. Lesson
a. The “ripple effect” of behavior 157. The first American teachers on the Philippines were:
b. The lack of academic preparation of some a. Missionaries
teachers b. Soldiers
c. The strange behaviors of today's students c. Graduates of the normal school
d. The stubbornness of student groups d. Elementary graduates
158. By which process do children become participating and
147. Which method in dealing with classroom management functioning members of society by fitting into an
problem is better than that of Teacher Fantina? organized way to life?
a. Low level force and private communication a. Socialization c. Accommodation
b. Low level force and public communication b. Acculturation d. Assimilation
c. High level force and private communication 159. What is the mean of this score distribution 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
d. High level force and public communication 9, 10?
148. Can the inattentiveness of Teacher Fantina's class be a. 7.5 b. 8.5 c. 6 d. 7
attributed to her use of the lecture method? 160. Which is a teaching approach for kindergartens that
a. Yes, if the lecture was not interactive makes real world experiences of the child the focal point
b. Yes, if Teacher Fantina is an experienced of educational stimulation?
teacher a. Situation approach
c. No, if the students are intelligent b. Traditional approach
d. Cannot be determined c. Montessori approach
149. With the principles of learning in mind, which one can d. Eclectic approach
help Teacher Fantina solve her student disciplinary 161. Which among the following graphic organizers used
problem? helps to show events in chronological order?
a. Call on their first names a. Time line and story map
b. Do interactive teaching b. Time line and cycle
c. Change seat plan of the class c. Series of events chart and story map
d. Assign monitors in class d. Time line and series of events chart
150. Which act of Teacher Fantina is contrary to the
principles of teaching? 162. Which schools are subject to supervision, regulation and
a. Asking questions to check for understanding control by the state?
a. Public, private sectarian and non-sectarian
b. Giving a lecture schools
c. Checking for understanding of the lesson in the b. Public schools
process of teaching c. Sectarian and non-sectarian schools
d. Giving a test to discipline the class d. Private schools
151. Teacher Leon gives his students opportunities to be
creative because of his conviction that much learning 163. Which among following can help student development
results from the need to express creativity. On which the habit of critical thinking?
a. Blind obedience of authority
b. A willingness to suspend judgment until b. Adopt-A-School-Program
sufficient evidence is presented c. Every Child A Reader Program
c. Asking convergent questions d. Brigada Eskwela
d. Asking low level questions 174. Researchers gave rats a dose of 3-m butyl phthalide and
measured changes in the rats blood pressure. This
164. Teacher Nelda wants to develop in her pupils statement is best classified as
comprehension skills. What order of skills will she a. Experiment c. Hypothesis
develop? b. Prediction d. Finding
I. Literal comprehension
II. Interpretation 175. The right hemisphere of the brain is involved with the
III. Critical evaluation following functions except:
IV. Integration a. Visual functions
a. II-III-IV-I c. I-II-III-IV b. Nonverbal functions
b. III-IV-I-II d. IV-III-II-I c. Intuitive functions
165. An integrative, conceptual approach introduced by d. Detail-oriented functions
Roldan that has as its highest levels in the development 176. To build a sense of pride among Filipino youth, which
of _____ thinking skills. should be done?
a. Interpretative c. Critical a. Re-study our history from the perspective of
b. Creative d. Literal our colonizer
166. If a student thinks about thinking, he is involved in the b. Re-study our history and stress on our
process called ________. achievements as a people
a. Higher order thinking c. Replace the study of folklores and myths with
b. Metacognition technical subjects
c. Critical thinking d. Set aside the study of local history
d. Creative thinking
167. The use of drills in the classroom is rooted on 177. Which is in accordance with the “with-it-ness” principle of
Thorndike’s law of: classroom management of Kounin?
a. Readiness c. Exercise a. Students agree to disagree in class
b. Effect d. discussions
Belongingness b. Teacher is fully aware of what is happening in
168. The following are some drill techniques, except: his classroom
a. Challenging students to be above the level of c. Student is with his teacher in everything he
the class teaches
b. Asking pupils to repeat answers d. Both parents and teachers are involved in the
c. Giving short quiz and having students grade education of children
d. Assigning exercises from a workbook 178. Below are questions that must be considered in
169. The process of task analysis ends up in the formulation developing appropriate learning activity experiences
of: except one. Which is it?
a. Instructional objectives a. Can experiences benefit the pupils?
b. Enabling objectives b. Do the experiences save the pupils from
c. Goals of learning learning difficulties?
d. Behavioral objectives c. Are the experiences in accordance with the
patterns of pupils?
170. For city-bred students to think that their culture is better d. Do the experiences encourage pupils to
than those from the province is a concrete example of inquire further?
____. 179. Which is a characteristic of an imperfect type of
a. Ethical relativism c. Cultural relativism matching test?
b. Ethnocentrism d. Xenocentrism a. An item may have no answer at all
171. Who were the Thomasites? b. An answer may be repeated
a. The first American teachers that help in c. There are two or more distracters
establishing the public educational system in d. The items in the right and left columns are
the Philippines equal in number
b. The soldiers who doubted the success of the 180. Which is a proactive management practice?
public educational system to be set in the a. Tell them that you enforce the rules on
Philippines everyone, no exception
c. The first religious group who came to the b. Set and clarify your rules and expectation on
Philippines on board the US transports Day 1
Thomas c. Punish the misbehaving pupils in the presence
d. The devotees to St. Thomas Aquinas who of their classmates
came to evangelize d. Stress on penalty for every violation
172. Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura's social 181. “Specialization is knowing more and more about less
learning theory? and less. Then it is better to be a generalist,” claims
a. Questioning Teacher Patty. On which philosophy does Teacher Patty
b. Inductive reasoning learn?
c. Modeling a. Essentialism c. Perennialism
d. Interactive teaching b. Progressivism d. Existentialism
173. Which program is DepEd’s vehicle in mobilizing support 182. I like to develop the synthesizing skills of my students.
from the private and non-government sectors to support Which one should I do?
programs based on DepEd’s menu of assistance a. Ask my students to formulate a generalization
packages? from the data shown in the graphs
a. Chili-Friendly-School System
b. Direct my students to point out which part of d. Minimum acceptable performance
the graph are right and which part is wrong
c. Ask my students to answer the questions 193. You have presented a lesson on animal protective
beginning with “what if” coloration. At the end, you ask if there are any
d. Tell my students to state data presented in the questions. There are none. You can take this to mean
graph that ______.
183. To reach out to clientele who cannot be in the classroom a. The students are not interested in the lesson
for one reason or another, which of the following was b. You need to ask specific questions to elicit
established? responses
a. Informal c. The students did not understand what you
b. Special education (SPED) were talking about
c. Pre-school education d. The students understood everything you
d. Alternative learning delivery system presented
184. Tira enjoys games like scrabble, anagrams and 194. Teacher Vina feels offended by her supervisor’s
password. Which type of intelligence is strong in Tira? unfavorable comments after a classroom supervision.
a. Interpersonal intelligence She concludes that her supervisor does not like her.
b. Linguistic intelligence Which Filipino trait is demonstrated by Teacher Vina?
c. Logical and mathematical intelligence a. Extreme family-centeredness
d. Spatial intelligence b. Extreme personalism
185. Teacher Milla observes cleanliness and order in the c. “Kanya-kanya” syndrome
classroom to create a conducive atmosphere for d. Superficial religiously
learning. On which theory is her practice based? 195. Teachers are encouraged to make use of authentic
a. Psychoanalysis assessments such as:
b. Gestalt psychology a. De-contextualized drills
c. Behaviorism b. Unrealistic performances
d. Humanistic psychology c. Answering multiple choices test items
186. Which learning principles is the essence of Gardner’s d. Real world application of lessons learned
theory of multiple intelligences? 196. What does the principle of individual difference require
a. Almost all learners are linguistically intelligent teachers to do?
b. Intelligence is not measured on one form a. Give less attention to gifted learners
c. Learners have different IQ level b. Provide for a variety of learning activities
d. Learners have static IQ c. Treat all learners alike while teaching
187. Who asserted that children must be given the d. Prepare modules for slow learners in class
opportunity to explore and work on different materials so
that they will develop the sense of initiative instead of 197. The source of energy responsible for life on earth is the
guilt? ______.
a. Kohlberg c. Maslow a. Moon c. Star
b. Erickson d. Gardner b. Wind d. Sun
188. Teacher Ada uses direct instruction strategy. Which will 198. Which quotation goes with a proactive approach to
she first do? discipline?
a. Presenting and structuring a. “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound
b. Independent practice of cure.”
c. Guided student practice b. “Do not make a mountain out of a molehill.”
d. Reviewing the previous day’s work c. “Walk your talk.”
189. The free public elementary and secondary educations in d. “Do not smile until Christmas.”
the country are in the line with the government effort to
address educational problems of _________. 199. I’d like to test whether a student knows what a particular
a. Productivity word means. What should I ask the student to do?
b. Relevance and quality a. Give the word a tune then sing it
c. Access and quality b. Define the word
d. Effectiveness and efficiency c. Spell the word and identify its part of speech
190. Here are raw scores in a quiz 97, 95, 85, 83, 77, 75, 50, d. Give the etymology of the word
10, 5, 2, 1. To get a picture of the group’s performance
which measure of central tendency is most reliable? 200. Study this matching type of test. Then answer the
a. Median question below.
b. Mode 1. Measure of a. Mean
c. Mean relationship b. Standard Deviation
d. None, it is best to look at the individual scores 2. Measure of central c. Rho
tendency d. T-ratio
191. Which objective in the affective domain is the lowest 3. Binet-Simon e. Intelligence testing
level? 4. Statistical test of movement
a. To accumulate examples of authenticity mean difference
b. To support viewpoints against abortion 5. Measure of variability
c. To respond positively to a comment Which among the following is a way to improve the
d. To formulate criteria for honestly above matching test?
192. “Using the six descriptions of elements of good short a. Add five items in both columns
story, IDENTIFY IN WRITING THE SHORT STORY BY b. Add one or two items in the right column
O. HENRY, with complete accuracy.” The words in c. Add ten items in both columns to make the test
capital letters are referred to as the ____________. more comprehensive
a. Criterion of success d. Add one or two items in the left column
b. Condition
c. Performance statement
201. A teacher’s quarrel with a parent makes her develop a c. Visual functions
feeling of prejudice against the parent’s child. The d. Detail-oriented functions
teacher’s unfavorable treatment of the child is an 211. What function is associated with the right brain?
influence of what Filipino trait? a. Visual, non-verbal, logical
a. Lack of self-reflection b. Visual, intuitive, non-verbal
b. Extreme personalism c. Visual, intuitive, logical
c. Extreme family-centeredness d. Visual, logical, detail-oriented
d. “Sakop-mentality” 212. Principal Connie tells her teachers that training in the
humanities is most important. To which education
202. In the context of grading, what is referred to as teacher’s philosophy does he adhere?
generosity error? A teacher _______. a. Existentialism c. Essentialism
a. Rewards students who perform well b. Progressivism d. Perennialism
b. In overgenerous with praise 213. Behavior followed by pleasant consequences will be
c. Has a tendency to give high grades as strengthened and will be more likely to occur in the
compare to the rest future. Behavior followed by unpleasant consequences
d. Gives way to students’ bargain for no more will be weakened and will be less likely to be repeated in
quiz the future. Which one is explained?
203. For mastery learning and in line with outcome-based a. Freud’s psychoanalytic theory
evaluation model which element should be present? b. Thorndike’s law of effect
a. Inclusion of non-performance objectives c. B.F. Skinner’s Operant conditioning theory
b. Construction of criterion-referenced tests d. Bandura’s social learning theory
c. Construction of norm-referenced tests 214. Theft of school equipment like TV, computer, etc. by
d. Non-provision of independent learning people on the community itself is becoming a common
204. Which statement about standard deviation is correct? phenomenon. What does this signify?
a. The higher the standard deviation the more a. Prevalence of poverty in the community
spread the scores are b. Inability of school to hire security guards
b. The lower the standard deviation the more c. Deprivation of Filipino schools
spread the scores are d. Community’s lack of sense of co-ownership
c. The higher the standard deviation the less 215. The main purpose of compulsory study of the
spread the scores are Constitution is to _____.
d. It is a measure of central tendency a. Develop students into responsible, thinking
205. What is the Teacher’s Professionalism Act? citizen
a. RA 7836 c. RA 7722 b. Acquaint students with the historical
b. RA 4670 d. RA 9263 development of the Philippine Constitution
206. The State shall protect and promote the right of citizens c. Make constitutional experts of the students
to quality education at all levels. Which government d. Prepare students for law-making
program is in support of this? 216. Which goals of educational institution, as provided for by
a. Exclusion of children with special needs from the Constitution, is the development of work skills
the formal system aligned?
b. Free elementary and secondary education a. To develop moral character
c. Deregulated tuition fee hike b. To develop vocational efficiency
d. Re-introduction of the NEAT and NSAT c. To teach the duties of citizenship
207. The American Teachers who were recruited to help set d. To inculcate love of country
the public educational system in the Philippines during 217. Complete this analogy:
the American regime were called Thomasite’s because: Spanish period: moral and religious person.
a. They were devotees of St. Thomas Aquinas American period: _______
b. They disembarked from the CIS Transport
called Thomas a. Productive citizen c. Patriotic citizen
c. They first taught at the University of Sto. b. Self-reliant citizen d. Caring citizen
Tomas 218. Who is remembered for his famous quotation? “My
d. They arrived in the Philippines on the feast of loyalty to may party ends where my loyalty to my country
St. Tomas begins.”
208. Zazha exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but a. Carlos P. Garcia c. Manuel L. Quezon
does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined b. Ferdinand Marcos d. Manuel Roxas
to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated? 219. Here is a question: “Is the paragraph a good one?
a. Generalization c. Discrimination Evaluate.” If broken down to simplify, which is the best
b. Acquisition d. Extinction simplification?
209. The Filipino learner envisioned by the Department of a. Is the paragraph a good one? Why or why not?
Education is one who is imbued with the desirable b. Why is the paragraph a good one? Prove
values of person who is: c. If you asked to evaluate something, what do
a. Makabayan, makatao, makakalikasan at you do? Evaluate the paragraph
maka-Diyos d. What are the qualities of a good paragraph?
b. Makabayan, makatao, makahalaman, at maka- Does the paragraph have these qualities?
Diyos 220. Manunulat ang tatay mo kaya sa personal mong
c. Makabayan, makasarili, makakalikasan, at kagustuhan makasunod sa kanyang mga yapak,
maka-Diyos magsusulat ka. Ano ang kahulugan ng pagsusulat?
d. Makabayan, makakaragatan, makatao, at a. Proseso na nagsisimula sa idea o karanasan
maka-Diyos b. Makalikha ng mga salita, pangungusap at
210. The right hemisphere of the brain is involved with the talata
following function except: c. Kakayahan ng tao na makapagtala o
a. Intuitive functions makapagimprenta ng malinaw
b. Nonverbal functions d. Pagpili ng paksa at pagsasaliksik
221. Anong bahagi ng pananalita ang nasa malaking titik? 232. With forms of prompting in mind, which group is
Malungkot ANG MGA nagtapos na wala pang trabaho. arranged from least to most instructive prompting?
a. Pananda c. Pariralang pantukoy a. Verbal, physical, gestural
b. Pang-ukol d. Pangatnig b. Verbal, gestural, physical
222. Which is NOT a characteristic of education during the c. Gestural, physical, verbal
pre-Spanish era? d. Physical, gestural, verbal
a. Vocational training-oriented 233. In which way does heredity affect the development of the
b. Structured learner?
c. Unstructured a. By providing equal potential to all
d. Informal b. By making acquired traits hereditary
223. Which is closest to the real human digestive system for c. By compensating for what environment fails to
study in the classroom? develop
a. Model of the human digestive system d. By placing limits beyond which the learner
b. Drawing of the human digestive system on the cannot develop
board 234. In writing performance objectives, which word is not
c. The human digestive system projected on an acceptable?
OHP a. Integrate c. Manipulate
d. Drawing of human digestive system on a page b. Delineate d. Comprehend
of a textbook 235. For which lesson objective will a teacher use the direct
224. Which one is in support of greater interaction? instruction method?
a. Repeating the question a. Distinguish war from aggression
b. Not allowing a student to complete a response b. Appreciate Milton’s Paradise Lost
c. Probing c. Use a microscope properly
d. Selecting the same student respondents d. Become aware of the pollutants in the
225. Which is/are effective methods/s in teaching students environment
critical reading skills? 236. To encourage introspection, which teaching method is
a. Interpret editorials about a particular subject MOST appropriate?
from three different newspapers a. Cognitive c. Process
b. Read and interpret three different movie b. Reflective d. Cooperative learning
reviews 237. With indirect instruction in mind, which does not belong
c. Distinguish fiction from non-fiction materials to the group?
d. Interpret editorials and read and interpret three a. Lecture-recitation
different movie reviews b. Experiential method
226. Which is true of a bimodal score distribution? c. Inductive method
a. The group tested has two different groups d. Discovery method
b. The scores are neither high nor low 238. A master teacher is the resource speaker in an in-
c. The scores are high service training. He presented the situated learning
d. The scores are low theory and encouraged his colleagues to apply the same
227. What is the mastery level of school in a 100 item test in class. Which of the following did he not encourage his
with a mean of 55? colleagues to do?
a. 42% b. 50% c. 45% d. 55% a. Apprenticeship
b. Decontextualized teaching
228. Who stressed the idea that students cannot learn if their c. Learning as it normally occurs
basic needs are not first met? d. Authentic problem solving
a. Thorndike 239. I want to engage my students in small group
b. Maslow discussions. Which topic lends itself to a lively
c. Wertheimer discussion?
d. Operant conditioning a. The exclusion of Pluto as a planet
b. The meaning of the law of supply and demand
229. A person, who has had painful experience as the c. The law of inertia
dentist’s office, may become fearful at the mere sight of d. Rules on subject-verb agreement
the dentist’s office building. What theory can explain 240. Teacher Joshua discovered that his pupils are weak in
this? comprehension. To further in which particular skill(s) his
a. Attribution theory pupils are weak, which test should Teacher Joshua
b. Classical conditioning give?
c. Generalization a. Standardized test c. Placement
d. Operant conditioning b. Aptitude test d. Diagnostic
241. The students of Teacher Kath scan an electronic
230. I want my students to have mastery learning of a basic encyclopedia, view a film on the subject, or look at
topic. Which of the following can help? related topics at the touch of a button right there in the
a. Socratic method and drill classroom. Which devices does teacher Kath’s class
b. Drill have?
c. Socratic method a. Videotape lesson c. Video disc
d. None of the above b. Teaching machine d. CD
231. As a teacher you are a skeptic. Which among these will 242. If my approach to my lesson is behaviorist, what features
be your guiding principle? will dominate my lesson?
a. I must teach the child to the fullest I. Lecturing III. Reasoning
b. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and II. Copying notes IV. Demonstration
value that he needs for a better future a. III, IV c. I, II, III, IV
c. I must teach the child that we can never have real b. I, III, IV d. II, III, IV
knowledge of anything 243. You practice inclusive education. Which of these applies
d. I must teach the child so he is assured to you?
I. You accept every student as full and valued 253. Teacher Jenny teaches a lesson in which students
member of the class and school community must recognize that ¼ is the same as 0.25. They use
II. Your special attention is on learners with specific this relationship to determine that 0.15 and 0.20 are
learning or social needs slightly less than ¼. Which of the following concept/s
III. You address the needs of the class as a whole is/are being taught?
within the context of the learners with specific a. Numeration skills
learning or social needs b. Place value of decimals
a. II only c. I only c. Numeration skills for decimal and relationship
b. I and II d. I and III between fractions and decimals
244. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an d. Relationship between fractions and decimals
instructional objective on working with and relating to 254. To nurture student’s creativity, which activity should
people? the teacher avoid?
a. Organizing a community project a. Ask “what if” questions
b. Writing articles on working and relating to b. Ask divergent thinking questions
people c. Emphasize the need to give right answer
c. Home visitation d. Be open to “out-of-this world” ideas
d. Conducting mock election
245. Here is a test item: 255. After reading an essay, Teacher Bebe wants to help
“From the data presented in the table, form sharpen her students’ ability to interpret. Which of
generalizations that are supported by the data.” Under these activities will be most appropriate?
what type of question does this item fall? a. Drawing conclusions
a. Convergent c. Application b. Making inferences
b. Evaluative d. Divergent c. Getting the main idea
246. I want to teach concepts, patterns, and abstractions. d. Listing facts separately from opinion
Which method will be most appropriate?
a. Discovery c. Direct instruction 256. What is the best way to develop math concepts?
b. Indirect instruction d. Problem solving a. Solving problems using multiple approaches
247. We are very much interested in a quality professional b. Solving problems by looking for correct answer
development program for teachers. What characteristic c. Learning math as applied to situations such as
should we look for? being a tool of science
a. Required for renewal of professional license d. Solving problems by applying learned formulas
b. Prescribed by top educational leader 257. Teacher Cita, an experienced teacher, does daily
c. Responsive to identified teacher’s needs review of past lessons in order to ________.
d. Dependent on the availability of funds a. Provide her pupils with a sense of continuity
248. What principle is violated by overusing the chalkboards, b. Introduce a new lesson
as though it is the only education technology available? c. Reflect on how she presented the previous
a. Isolated use c. Variety lesson
b. Flexibility d. Uniformity d. Determine who among her pupils are studying
249. Which statement applies correctly to Edgar Dale’s
“CONE of experience”? 258. Research says that mastery experiences increase
a. The farther you are from the base, the more confidence and willingness to try similar or more
direct the learning experience becomes challenging tasks such as reading. What does this
b. The farther you are from the bottom, the more imply for children reading performance?
direct the learning experience becomes a. Children who have mastered basic skills are
c. The close you are to the base, the more more likely to be less motivated to read because
indirect the learning experience become they get fed up with too much reading
d. The closer you are to the base, the more direct b. Children who have not mastered the basic skills
the learning experience becomes are more likely to be motivated to read in order to
250. To teach the democratic process to the pupils. Santo gain mastery over basic skills
Domingo Elementary School decided that the election c. Children who have a high sense of self-
of class officers shall be patterned after local confidence are not necessarily those who can
elections. There are qualities set for candidates, read
limited period for campaign, rules for posting d. Children who have gained mastery over basic
campaign materials, etc. Which of the following did the skills are more motivate to read
school use?
a. Symposium c. Role playing 259. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves
b. Simulation d. Philips 66 from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. Applying
251. Which of the following are effective methods in Bruner’s theory, how would you teach?
teaching student critical reading skills? a. Begin with the abstract
I. Interpret editorials b. Be interactive in approach
II. Read and interpret three different movie reviews c. Begin with the concrete
III. Read a position paper and deduce underlying d. Do direct instruction
assumptions of the position papers
a. II and III c. I and II 260. Teacher Nene asked this question: “What conclusion
b. I and III d. I, II and III can you draw based on your observation?” Nobody
252. Here is a test item: raised a hand so she asked another question: “Based
“The improvement of basic education should be the on what you observe, what can you now say about the
top priority of the Philippine government. Defend and reaction of plants to light.” What did Teacher Nene
refute the position.” do?
Under what type of question does this test item fall? a. Redirecting c. Repeating
a. Low-level c. Analysis b. Probing d. Rephrasing
b. Evaluative d. Convergent
261. Under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced d. Asking divergent question
nor discriminatory against any learner according to the 272. For grades to be (made) valid indicators of students’
Code of Ethics. When is a teacher prejudice against achievements, which process should be observed?
any learner? a. Adopting letter grades such as A, B, C, D
a. When he makes a nearsighted pupil sit at the b. Explaining the meaning of grades
front c. Defining the course objectives as intended
b. When he considers multiple intelligences in the learning outcomes
choice of his teaching strategies d. Giving objective type of test
c. When he makes a farsighted pupil sit at the 273. The claim of a benefactor to the gratitude of his
back protégé is an example of a (an):
d. When he refuses a pupil with a slight physical a. Acquired right c. Imperfect right
disability in class b. Perfect right d. Alienable right
274. Which appropriate teaching practice flows from this
262. Which learning activity is most appropriate if teacher’s research finding on the brain: “The brain’s emotional
focus in attitudinal change? center is tied its ability to learn.”
a. Role play c. Exhibit a. Create a learning environment that encourages
b. Field trip d. Game students to explore their feelings and ideas freely
263. The mode of a score distribution is 25. This means b. Come up with highly competitive games where
that: winners will feel happily
a. There is no score of 25 c. Establish this discipline of being judgmental in
b. Twenty five (25) is the score that occurs most attitude
c. Twenty five is the average of the score d. Tell the students to participate in class activities
distribution or else they won’t receive plus points in class
d. Twenty five is the score that occurs least recitation
264. The following characterize a child-centered 275. Research on Piagetian tasks indicates that thinking
kindergarten except: becomes more logical and abstract as children reach
a. Focus on the education of the whole child the formal operations stage. What is an educational
b. Importance of play in development implication of this finding?
c. Extreme orientation on academic a. Expect hypothetical reasoning for learners
d. Emphasis on individual uniqueness between 12 to 15 years of age
265. As a classroom manager, how can you exhibit expert b. Learners who are not capable of logical
power on the first day of school? reasoning from ages 8 to 11 behind in their
a. By citing to my students the important of good cognitive development
grades c. Engage children in analogical reasoning as
b. By making my students feel my authority over early as preschool to train them for higher order
them thinking skills (HOTS)
c. By making them feel a sense of belongingness d. Let children be children
and acceptance 276. A mathematics test was given to all Grade V pupils to
d. By making my students feel I know what I am determine the contestants for the math quiz bee.
talking about Which statistical measure should be used to identify
266. Which may help an adolescent discover his identity? the top 15?
a. Parents pushing in to follow a specific path a. Percentage score
b. Relating to people b. Mean percentage score
c. Decision to follow one path only c. Quartile score
d. Exploring many different roles in a healthy d. Percentile score
manner 277. Which is the true foundation of the social order?
267. Which terms refers to a teacher helping a colleague a. Strong, political leadership
grow professionally? b. The reciprocation of rights and duties
a. Technology transfer c. Equitable distribution of wealth
b. Peer mentoring d. Obedient citizenry
c. Facilitating 278. With which is true authority equated?
d. Independent study a. Service c. Suppression
268. What primary criterion should guide a teacher in the b. Power d. Coercion
choice of instructional devices? 279. The following are sound specific purposes of
a. Novelty c. Appropriateness questions except:
b. Cost d. Attractiveness a. To stimulate learners to ask questions
269. Some of your students don’t seem to like you as their b. To call the attention of an inattentive student
teacher. If you will regard the situation, on the level of c. To arouse interest and curiosity
the ego, what will you most likely think about? d. To teach via student answers
a. Why should I care if they like me or not 280. What is not a sound purpose in making questions?
b. To hell with them a. To remind students of a procedure
c. What’s wrong have I done to deserve this? b. To probe deeper after an answer is given
d. What is it about me that they do not like? c. To encourage self-reflection
270. Which of the following is considered a peripheral d. To discipline a bully in class
device? 281. A student passes a book report written but ornately
a. Printer c. CPU presented in a folder to make up for the poor quality of
b. Keyboard d. Monitor the book content. Which Filipino trait does this
271. Which questioning practice will promote more class practice prove?
interaction? a. Art over science
a. Asking rhetorical question b. Art over academic
b. Rejecting wrong answer c. Substance over “porma”
c. Focusing on convergent question d. “Porma” over substance
282. Which one should a teacher avoid to produce an 292. Which among the following objectives in the
environment conducive for learning? psychomotor domain is highest in level?
a. Games c. Tests a. To distinguish distant and close sounds
b. Seat plan d. Individual competition b. To contract a muscle
283. Between pursuing a college course where there is no c. To run a 100-meter dash
demand and a vocational course which is highly in d. To dance the basic steps of the waltz
demand, the Filipino usually opts for the college 293. Which material consists of instructional units that cater
course. Which Filipino trait is shown? to varying mental level pupils?
a. Interest to obtain a skill a. Plantilia
b. Penchant for a college diploma b. Multi-level materials
c. Desire for entrepreneurship c. Multi-grade materials
d. Appreciation of manual labor d. Minimum learning competencies
284. Which of the following does extreme authoritarianism 294. Which statement on counseling is false?
in the home reinforce in pupils? a. For counseling to be successful, the counselee is
a. Sense of initiative willing to participate in the process
b. Dependence on other for direction b. The ultimate goal of counseling is greater
c. Ability for self-direction happiness on the part of the counselee
d. Creativity in work c. Counseling is the program that includes
285. Teacher Bart wants his students to master the guidance
concept of social justice. Which series of activities will d. The school counselor is primarily responsible of
be most effective? counseling
a. Pre-teaching > posttest > re-teaching of 295. Arianna describes Teacher Monica as “fair, caring and
unlearned concept > posttest approachable.” Which power does Teacher Monica
b. Pre-test > teaching > posttest possess?
c. Review > pretest > teaching > posttest a. Legitimate power
d. Teaching > posttest b. Expert power
286. To provide for individual differences how is curriculum c. Referent power
designed? d. Reward power
a. Minimum learning competencies are included 296. Kounin claims “with-it-ness” is one of the
b. Realistic and meaningful experiences are characteristics of an effective classroom manager.
provided Which among the following is a sign of “with-it-ness”?
c. Some degree of flexibility is provided a. Giving attention to students having difficulty with
d. Social skills are emphasized school work
287. Which types of play is most characteristic of a four- to b. Seeing only a portion of the class but intensively
six-year-old child? c. Knowing where instructional materials are kept
a. Solitary and onlooker plays d. Aware of what’s happening in all part of the
b. Associative and cooperative plays classroom
c. Associative and onlookers plays 297. In the K-W-L technique, K stands for what the pupils
d. Cooperative and solitary plays already knows, W for what he wants to know and L for
288. How can you exhibit referent power on the first day of what he:
school? a. Learned c. Failed to learn
a. By making the students feel you know what you b. He like to learn d. Needs to learn
are talking about 298. When a significantly greater number from the lower
b. By telling them the importance of good grades group gets a test item correctly, this implies that the
c. By reminding your students your authority over test item:
them again and again a. Is not highly reliable
d. By giving your students a sense of belonging and b. Is not very valid
acceptance c. Is highly reliable
289. To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally d. Is very valid
literate, which mechanism is meant to reach out to 299. Which statement about guidance is false?
children who are far from a school? a. The classroom teacher is not part of the school
a. A school in every barangay guidance program since she is not trained to be a
b. Multi-grade classroom guidance counselor
c. Mobile teacher b. Guidance embraces curriculum, teaching,
d. Sine’s skwela supervision and all other activities in school
290. Referring to the characteristics of the latest Basic c. Guidance is a function of the entire school
Educational Curriculum which does not belong to the d. A guidance program is inherent in every school
group? 300. A teacher should not be a slave of his lesson plan.
a. More flexible This means that:
b. Less prescriptive a. A teacher must be willing to depart from her
c. More compartmentalized lesson plan if students are interested in
d. More integrated something other than her intended lesson
291. If student’s inappropriate behavior is low level or mild b. A lesson plan must be followed by a teacher no
and that it appears that the misbehavior will not matter what
spread to others, it is sometimes best for the teacher c. A teacher must be ready to depart from her
not to take notice of it. What influence technique is lesson plan if she remembers something more
this? interesting than what she earlier planned
a. Planned ignoring d. Teacher is the best lesson plan designer
b. Antiseptic bouncing 301. With a death threat over her head, Teacher Donita is
c. Proximity control directed to pass an undeserving student. What will a
d. Signal interference utilitarianist do?
a. Pass the student, why suffer the threat?
b. Pass the student. That will be of use to the student, 310. The following are characteristics of interdisciplinary
his parents and you teaching except:
c. Don’t pass him; live by your principle of justice. You a. Allows learners to see connectedness between
will get reward, if not in this life, in the next things
d. Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone to b. Provides learning opportunities in a real-world
give you a death threat in order to pass context
302. Teacher Alessandra knows of the illegal activities of a c. Eliminates boundaries between content area
neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be involved in d. Discussion from a single perspective
any investigation. Which foundational principle of 311. For more efficient and effective management of school
morality does Teacher Alessandra fail to apply? as agents of change, one proposal is for the DepEd to
a. Always do what is right cluster remote stand-alone schools under one lead
b. The end does not justify the means school head. Which factor has the strongest influence on
c. The end justifies the means this proposal?
d. Between two evils, do the lesser evil a. Psychological c. Geographical
303. You are very much interested in a quality professional b. Historical d. Social
development program for teachers. What characteristic 312. What does the acronym EFA imply for schools?
should you look for? a. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and
a. Prescribe by top educational teachers for girls
b. Responsive to identified teacher’s needs b. The stress on the superiority of formal education
c. Dependent on the availability of funds over that of alternative learning system
d. Required for renewal of professional license c. Practice of inclusive education
304. To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and d. The concentration on formal education system
professional development, which of the following
measures must be implemented? 313. The wide acceptance of “bottom up” management style
I. A school head plans the professional development has influenced schools to practice which management
of his/her teachers. practice?
II. Every teacher formulates his/her own professional a. Exclusion of politicians from the pool of guest
development plan. speakers during graduation exercises
III. The implementation of what is learned in training b. Prescription of what ought to be done from the
must be monitored. Center Office
a. I only c. II and III c. Involvement of students, parents, teachers, and
b. I and III d. II only community in school planning
305. As a community leader, which of the following should a d. Allowing schools to do what they think is best
teacher not do? 314. Material development at the expense of human
a. Solicit donation from philanthropists in the development points to the need to do more in school.
community This is base on which pillar of learning?
b. Support effort of the community to improve their a. Learning to do
status in life b. Learning to know
c. Make herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will c. Learning to live together
not be influenced by the community politics d. Learning to be
d. Play an active part in the activities of the community
306. In a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning 315. The schooling incidents in school campuses abroad
environment is the responsibility of the teacher? have made school to rethink the curriculum. Which is
I. Safe III. Secure believed to counteract such incidents and so is being
II. Gender-biased introduced in schools?
a. I and II c. II only I. Inclusion of socio-emotional teaching
b. I, II and III d. I and III II. The emphasis on the concept of competition
307. A teacher is said to be “trustee of the cultural and against self and not against others
educational heritage of the nation and is under obligation III. Focus on academic achievement and productivity
to transmit to learners such heritage”. Which practice a. I and III c. I and II
makes the teacher fulfill such obligation? b. II and III d. I, II and III
a. Use interactive teaching strategies
b. As a class, study the life of Filipino heroes 316. The specialization requires of every professional teacher
c. Use the latest educational technology for him/her to be competent is in line with which pillar of
d. Observe continuing professional education learning?
a. Learning to know
308. Large class size in congested cities is a common b. Learning to be
problem in our public schools. Which measure/s have c. Learning to live together
schools taken to offset the effects of large class? d. Learning to do
I. The deployment of more teachers 317. Widespread abuse of Mother Earth prompted schools to
II. The implementation of 1:1 pupil textbook ratio teach sustainable development. Which one does this
III. The conduct of morning and afternoon sessions prove about schools?
a. I, II and III c. III only a. The curricula of schools are centered on Mother
b. I and II d. II only Earth
309. The failure of independent study with most Filipino b. Environment factors influence the school as an
students may be attributed to students’? agent of change
a. Unpreparedness for schooling c. Schools can easily integrate sustained development
b. Ambivalence in their curriculum
c. High degree of independence d. Sustained development cannot be effectively taught
d. High degree of independence on authority in the classroom
318. Which pillar of learning is aimed at the holistic
development of man and his complete fulfillment?
a. Learning to live together 327. Which is/are in accordance with the principle of
b. Learning to be pedagogical competence?
c. Learning to know I. Communication of objectives of the course to
d. Learning to do student.
319. A father tells his daughter “You are a woman. You are II. Awareness of alternative instruction strategies.
meant for the home and so for you, going to school is III. Selection of appropriate methods of instruction.
not necessary.” Is the father correct? a. I and III c. III only
a. It depends on the place where the daughter and the b. I, II and III d. II and III
father live 328. To earn units for promotion, Teacher Flora pays her fee
b. No, there is gender equality in education but does not attend class at all. Does this constitute
c. Yes, women are meant to be a mother only professional growth?
d. No, today women can take on the jobs of men a. Not immediately but yes after promotion
b. No, it is simply earning MA units for promotion
320. Is there a legal basis for increasing the teacher’s starting c. It depends on the school she is enrolled in
salary to PHP18,000 a months? d. Yes, just enrolling in an MA program is already
a. No, it is a gift to teachers from Congress professional growth
b. Yes, R.A 7836 329. If Teacher Analiza asks more higher-order questions,
c. Yes, the Philippine Constitution she has to ask more ________ questions.
d. No, it is simply an act of benevolence from a. fact c. convergent
President GMA b. close d. concept
321. As provided for the Educational Act of 1982, how are the 330. Misdemeanor has a “ripple effect.” This implies that as a
institutions of learning encouraged setting higher classroom manager, a teacher:
standards of equality over the minimum standards a. reinforces positive behavior
required for state recognition? b. responds to misbehavior promptly
a. Voluntary accreditation c. is consistent in her classroom management practice
b. Continuing Professional Education d. count 1 to 10 before she deals with a misbehaving
c. Granting of Special Permit student
d. Academic freedom 331. Based on Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Experience,” which
activity is farthest from the real thing?
322. Despite of opposition from some school official, DepEd a. Watching demo c. Video disc
has continuously enforced the “no collection of fees” b. Attending exhibit d. Viewing images
policy during enrolment period in public schools. In this 332. The students of Teacher Yue scan an electronic
policy in accordance with EFA goals? encyclopedia, view a film on subject, or look at related
a. No, it violates the mandate of equality education topics at the touch of a button right there in the
b. Yes, it somewhat eliminates gender disparities classroom. Which device/s does teacher Yue’s class
c. Yes, it supports equitable access to basic education have?
d. No, it does not support parent of adult education a. Teaching machines
b. CD
323. “Specialization is knowing more and more about less c. Video disc
and less.” Hence, it is better to be a generalist, claims d. Videotaped lesson
Teacher Fonda. Which Philosophy does Teacher Fonda 333. Which is an inappropriate way to manage off-task
subscribe to? behavior?
a. Existentialism c. Essentialism a. Redirect a child’s attention to task and check his
b. Perennialism d. Progressivism progress to make sure he is continuing work
b. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no
324. Mencius believed that all people are born good. This longer on task
thought on the innate goodness of people makes it c. Make eye contact to communicate what you wish to
easier to ________ our pupils. communicate
a. teach c. like d. Move closer to the child to make him feel your
b. respect d. motivate presence
325. A student complains to you about his failing grade. When 334. When Teacher Pearl tries to elicit clarification on a
you recomputed you found out that you committed an student response or solicits additional information, which
error in his grade computation. Your decision is not to of these should be use?
accept the erroneous computation before the student a. Directing c. Structuring
and so leave the failing grade as is for fear that you may b. Probing d. Cross examining
lose credibility. Is this morally right? 335. Which priority criterion should guide a teacher in the
a. No, the reason for not accepting the error before choice of instructional devices?
the students is flimsy a. Novelty c. Attractiveness
b. No, the end does not justify the means b. Cost d. Appropriateness
c. Yes, the end justifies the means 336. Which learning activity is most appropriate if a teacher’s
d. Yes, as a teacher you must maintain your credibility focus is attitudinal change?
326. Which violate(s) the principle of respect? a. Fieldtrip c. Role play
I. Teacher Ana tells her students that what Teacher b. Exhibit d. Game
Beth taught is wrong. 337. Teacher Hannah strives to draw participation of every
II. To retaliate, Teacher Beth advises students not to student into her classroom discussion. Which of these
enroll in Teacher Ana’s class. student needs is she trying to address? The need to
III. Teacher Catherine secretly gives way to a special _______.
favor (e.g. add 2 points to grade) requested by a. feel significant and be part of a group
student Alex who is vying for honors. b. show one’s oral abilities to the rest of the class
a. II and III c. I and II c. get everything and be part of a group
b. I, II and III d. I and III d. be creative
338. To be an effective classroom manager, a teacher must b. Flexibility d. Uniformity
be friendly but must at the same time be _________.
a. confident c. analytical 349. Teacher Sandra uses the low-profile classroom control
b. business-like d. buddy-buddy technique most of the time. What does this imply?
a. She is reactive in her disciplinary orientation
339. Which software is needed when one wants to perform b. She manages pupils personalities
automatic calculations on numerical data? c. She reacts severely to a misbehaving student
a. Database d. She stops misbehaving without disrupting lesson
b. Spreadsheet Program flow
c. Microsoft Word
d. Microsoft Powerpoint 350. If curriculum is designed following the traditional
approach, which feature(s) apply(ies)?
340. Which of the following questions must be considered in I. The aims of the curriculum are set by professionals
evaluating teacher-made materials? and experts.
a. In the material new? II. Interested groups (teachers, students,
b. Does the material simulate individualism? communities) are assumed to agree with the aims
c. Is the material expensive? of the curriculum.
d. Is the material cheap? III. Consensus building in not necessary.
341. Kounin claims that “with-it-ness” is one of the a. III only c. I and II
characteristics of an effective classroom manager. What b. I, II and III d. I and III
is one sign of “with-it-ness”?
a. Giving attention to students who are having 351. If you make use of the indirect instruction method, you
difficulty with school work begin your lesson with:
b. Aware of what’s happening in all parts of the a. Guided practice
classroom b. A review of previous day’s work
c. Seeing only a portion of the class but intensively c. Advance organizers that provide an overall picture
d. Knowing where instructional materials are kept of the lesson
d. Independent
342. Which of these is one of the ways by which the internet
enables people to browse documents connected by 352. One’s approach to teaching is influenced by Howard
hypertext links? Gardner’s MI Theory. What is he/she challenged to do?
a. URL c. Welcome page I. To come up with 9 different ways of approaching
b. Browser d. World Wide Web lesson to cater to the 9 multiple intelligence
343. Which characteristics must be primarily considered as a II. To develop all student’s skill in all nine intelligences
choice of instructional aides? III. To provide worthwhile activities that acknowledge
a. Stimulate and maintain students interests individual difference in children
b. Suited to the lesson objectives a. I, II and III c. II only
c. Updated and relevant to Filipino setting b. II and III d. III only
d. New and skillfully made
344. You can exhibit referent power on the first day of school 353. If my approach to my lesson is behaviorist, what features
by __________. will dominate my lesson?
a. telling them the importance of good grades I. Copying notes III. Lecturing
b. giving your students a sense of belongingness and II. Reasoning IV. Demonstration
acceptance a. III, IV c. I, II, III, IV
c. making them feel you know what you are talking b. I, III, IV d. II, III, IV
about 354. You practice inclusive education. Which of these applies
d. reminding your students your authority over them to you?
again and again I. You accept every student as full and valued
345. I would like to use a model to emphasize particular part. member of the class and school community
Which of these would be most appropriate? II. Your special attention is on learners with specific
a. Regalia c. Stimulation learning or social needs
b. Audio recording d. Mock up III. Your address the needs of the class as a whole
within the context of the learners with specific
346. What must Teacher Luke do to ensure orderly transitions learning or social needs
between activities? a. II only c. I only
a. Have the materials ready at the start of the activity b. I and II d. I and III
b. Allow time for the students to socialize in between 355. School curriculum reflects the world’s economic and
activities political integration and industrialization. What does
c. Assign fewer exercise to fill the allotted time these points in curriculum development?
d. Wait for students who lag behind a. The trend towards the classical approach to
347. The task of setting up routine activities for effective curriculum development
classroom management is a task that a teacher should b. The trend towards the globalization and localization
undertake: c. The trend towards participatory curriculum
a. as soon as the students have adjusted to their development
schedules d. The shift in the paradigm of curriculum development
b. on the very first day of school from a process-oriented to a product-oriented one
c. every day at the start of the session 356. You choose cooperative learning as a teaching
d. every homeroom day approach. What thought is impressed on your students?
a. Interaction is a must, but not necessarily face to-
348. What principle is violated by overusing the chalkboard, face interaction
as though it is the only education technology available? b. Student’s success depends on the success of the
a. Isolated use c. Variety group
c. Student’s individuality evaluates how effectively 365. I combined several subject areas in order to focus on a
their group worked single concept for interdisciplinary teaching. Which
d. The accountability for learning is on the group not strategy did I use?
on the individual a. Reading-writing activity
357. Which statement applies correctly to Edgar Dale’s “Cone b. Thematic introduction
of Experience”? c. Unit method
a. The farther you are from the base, the more direct d. Problem-centered learning
the learning experience becomes
b. The farther you are from the bottom, the more direct 366. To teach the democratic process to the pupils,
the learning experience becomes Batongmalaki Elementary School decided that the
c. The closer you are from the base, the more indirect election of class officers shall be patterned after local
the learning experience becomes elections. There are qualifications set for candidates,
d. The closer you are from the base, the more direct limited period for campaign and rules for posting
the learning experience becomes campaign materials, etc. Which of the following did the
358. “When more senses are stimulated, teaching and school use?
learning become more effective.” What is an application a. Symposium c. Pole playing
of this principle? b. Simulation d. Philips 66
a. Appeal to student’s sense of imagination 367. Which among the following are effective methods in
b. Use multisensory aids teaching student critical reading skills?
c. Make your students touch the instructional material I. Interpret editorial
d. Use audiovisual aids because the eyes and the II. Read and interpret three different movie reviews
ears are the most important senses in learning III. Read a position paper and deduce underlying
359. Which is a classroom application of the theory of assumptions of the position papers
“operant conditioning”? a. II and III c. I and II
a. Help student see the connectedness of facts, b. I and III d. I, II and III
concepts, and principles 368. Here is a test item:
b. Create a classroom atmosphere that elicits “The improvement of basic education should be the top
relaxation priority of the Philippine government. Defend or refute
c. Reinforce a good behavior to increase the likelihood this position.”
that the learner will repeat the response Under what type of question does this test item fall?
d. Make students learn by operating manipulatively a. Low-level c. Analysis
360. Read the following teacher-student situation. TEACHER: b. Evaluative d. Convergent
Why is the process called photosynthesis? 369. When I teach, I often engage in brainstorming. Which do
STUDENT: I don’t know. I avoid?
Which questioning technique should be the teacher be a. Break down barriers
using? b. Selectively involves pupils
a. Clarification c. Prompting c. Increase creativity
b. Multiple response d. Concept review d. Generate many ideas
370. Teacher Sammy teaches a lesson in which students
361. Here is the test item. must recognize that ¼ is the same as 0.25. He use this
“From the data presented in the table, form relationship to determine that 0.15 and 0.20 are slightly
generalizations that are supported by the data”. less than ¼. Which of the following concept/s is/are
Under what type of question does this item fall? being taught?
a. Convergent c. Application a. Numeration skills of decimals and relationships
b. Evaluative d. Divergent between fractions and decimals
b. Numeration skills
362. I want to teach concepts, patterns and abstractions. c. Place value of decimals
Which method will be most appropriate? d. Relationship between fraction and decimals
a. Discovery c. Direct instruction 371. What is the best way to develop math concept?
b. Indirect instruction d. Problem solving a. Solving problems using multiple approaches
b. Solving problems by looking for correct answer
363. Teacher Atilla teaches English as a Second Language. c. Learning math as applied to situations, such as
She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-blanks sentences, being a tool of science
dialogues, dictation and writing exercises in teaching a d. Solving problems by applying learned formulas
lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this 372. After the reading of a selection in the class, which of
information, which of the following is a valid conclusion? these activities can enhance students’ creativity?
a. The teacher wants to make her teaching easier by I. Reader’s theater
having less talk II. Reading aloud
b. The teacher emphasizing reading and writing skills III. Silent reading
c. The teacher is applying Bloom’s hierarchy of a. I and II c. I only
cognitive learning b. II only d. III only
d. The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways 373. Teacher Carlo, a Reading teacher, advised the class to
because not all students learn in the same manner “read between the lines”. What does she want his pupils
to do?
364. Teacher Georgina, an experienced teacher, does daily a. Determine what is meant by what is stated
review of past lessons in order to: b. Make an educated guess
a. introduce a new lesson c. Apply the information being read
b. reflect on how she presented the previous lessons d. Describe the characters in the story
c. provide her pupils with a sense of continuity 374. To nurture students’ creativity, which activity should a
d. determine who among her pupils are studying teacher avoid?
a. Ask “What if…” questions
b. Emphasize the need to give right answers
c. Ask divergent thinking questions b. Making inferences
d. Be open to “out-of-this-world” ideas c. Getting the main idea
375. Teacher Rodel wants to develop his students’ creativity. d. Listing facts separately from opinion
Which type of questions will be most appropriate? 386. Read the following then answer the question. A man and
a. Synthesis questions his son are driving in a car. The car crashes into a tree,
b. Fact questions killing the father and seriously injury his son. At the
c. “What if…” questions hospital, the boy needs to have surgery. Looking at the
d. Analysis questions boy, the doctor says (telling the truth), “I cannot operate
376. Floramay enjoyed the roller coaster when she and her on him. He is my son. How can this be?
family went to Disneyland. The mere sight of a roller ANSWER: The doctor is the boy’s mother.
coaster gets her excited. Which theory explains The above brain twister helps develop critical reading
Floramay’s behavior? skills. Which activity was used?
a. Operant conditioning a. Comparing c. Inferring meaning
b. Pavlovian conditioning b. Classifying d. Looking for cause and effect
c. Social learning theory 387. Research says that mastery experiences increase
d. Attribution theory confidence and willingness to try similar or more
377. According to Freud, with which should one be concerned challenging tasks as reading. What does this imply for
if he/she has to develop in the students a correct sense children’s reading performance?
of right and wrong? a. Children who have not mastered the basic skills are
I. Super-ego II. Ego III. Id more likely to be motivated to read in order to gain
a. I and II c. I mastery over basic skills
b. II d. III b. Children who have mastered basic skills are more
378. When small children call animals “dog”, what process is likely to be less motivated to read because they get
illustrated on Piaget’s cognitive development theory? fed up with too much reading
a. Reversion c. Accommodation c. Children who have gained mastery over basic skills
b. Assimilation d. Conservation are more motivated to read
379. Researchers found that when a child is engaged in a d. Children who have a high sense of self-confidence
learning experience a number of areas of the brain are are not necessarily those who can read
simultaneously activated. Which of the following is/are 388. The value that students put on reading is critical to their
implication/s of this research finding? success. In what way/s can teachers inculcate his value
I. Make use of field trips and guest speakers for reading?
II. Do multicultural units of study I. Sharing the excitement of read-aloud
III. Stick to the “left brain and right brain” approach II. Showing their passion for reading
a. I and III c. I and II III. Being rewarded to demonstrate the value of reading
b. I only d. II only a. II and III c. I, II and III
380. My problem is there are too many topics to cover and I b. I and II d. II only
may not able to finish before classes end in March. 389. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from
Which approach when used can help solve my problem? enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. Applying
a. Thematic c. Experimental approach Bruner’s theory. How would you teach?
b. Constructive d. Direct instruction a. Be interactive in approach
381. You want your students to answer the questions at the b. Begin with the abstract
end of a reading lesson. “What did I learn?”, “What still c. Begin with the concrete
puzzles me?”, “What did I enjoy, hate and accomplish in d. Do direct instruction
the class today?” and “How did I learn from the 390. A person who has painful experiences at the dentist’s
lesson?”.Which of the following are you asking them to office may become fearful at the mere sight of the
do? dentist’s office building. Which theory can explain this?
a. Work on an assignment a. Generalization
b. Make journal entry b. Operant Conditioning
c. Work on a drill c. Attribution theory
d. Apply what they learned d. Classical conditioning
382. William Glasser’s control theory states that behavior is 391. Which is/are the basic assumption/s of behaviorists?
inspired by what satisfies a person want at any given I. The mind of newborn child is a blank state
time. What then must a teacher do to motivate students II. All behaviors are determined by environmental
to learn? events
a. Make schoolwork relevant to students’ basic human III. The child has a certain degree of freedom not to
needs allow himself to be shaped by his environment
b. Make teaching-leaning interactive a. III only c. II only
c. Avoid giving assignments b. I and II d. I and III
d. Organize a curriculum in a spiral manner 392. If a student is encourage to develop himself to the fullest
383. Nadia exhibit fear response to freely roaming dogs but and must satisfy his hierarchy of needs, the highest
does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined needs to satisfy according to Maslow is ________.
to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated? a. Psychological need c. Belongingness
a. Extinction c. Acquisition b. Self-actualization d. Safety needs
b. Generalization d. Discrimination 393. In a Social Studies class. Teacher Ina presents a morally
384. Based on Freud’s theory, which operate/s when a ambiguous situation and asks student what they would
student strikes a classmate at the height of anger? do. On whose theory is Teacher Ina’s technique based?
a. Ego c. Id and Ego interact a. Bandura c. Kohlberg
b. Id d. Superego b. Piaget d. Bruner
385. After reading an essay. Teacher Beatrice wants to help 394. Teacher Violy is convinced that whenever a student
sharpen her students’ ability to interpret. Which of these performs a desired behavior, provide reinforcement and
activities will be most appropriate? soon the student learns to perform the behavior on his
a. Drawing conclusions
own. On which principle is Teacher Violy’s conviction a. Tell them the research finding when applied will
based? make them genuinely motivated
a. Environmentalism c. Cognitivism b. Convince them that genuine motivation is the
b. Behaviorism d. Constructivism only factor that matters for a person to succeed
395. In Bandura’s social learning theory, it states that children c. Make them realize that failure is a part of life
often imitate those who: d. Make them realize that both success and failure
I. have substantial influence over their lives are more a function of internal causes
II. belong their peer group
III. belong to other race 403. Which characterize/s a learning environment that
IV. are successful and seem admired promotes fairness among learners of various cultures,
a. IV only c. I and II family background and gender?
b. I and IV d. II and IV I. Inclusive III. Gender-sensitive
396. According to Erikson, what years are critical for the II. Exclusive
development of self-confidence? a. I only c. I and III
a. High school years b. III only d. II and III
b. Elementary school years
c. College years 404. Which of the following steps should be completed first
d. Preschool years in planning an achievement test?
397. Which of the following does not describe the a. Define the instructional objective
development of children aged 11 to 13? b. Set up a table of specialization
a. They exhibit increased objectivity in thinking c. Select the types of test items to use
b. Sex difference in IQ become more evident d. Decide on the length of the test
c. They shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability 405. The computed r for scores in Math and Science is
d. They show abstract thinking and judgment 0.92. What does this mean?
398. Teacher Henry begins a lesson on tumbling, a. Math score is positive related to Science score
demonstrating front and back somersaults in slow motion b. The higher the Math score, the lower the Science
and physically guiding his students through the correct score
movements. As his students become more skillful, he c. Math score is not in any way related to Science
stands back from the man and gives verbal feedback score
about how to improve. With Vygotsky’s theory in mind, d. Science score is slightly related to Math score
what did Teacher Henry do?
a. Apprenticeship c. Peer interaction 406. Which types of test is most appropriate if Teacher
b. Guided participation d. Scaffolding Yanny wants to measure student’s ability to organize
399. What does Gagne’s hierarchy theory propose for thoughts and ideas?
effective instruction? a. Short answer type of test
a. Be concerned with the socio-emotional climate in b. Extended response essay
the classroom c. Modified alternative response
b. Sequence instruction d. Limited response essay
c. Teach beginning with the concrete
d. Reward good behavior 407. If I want to hone my student’s meta-cognitive ability,
400. Which appropriate teaching practice flows from this which is most fit?
research finding on the brain: “The brain’s emotional a. Drill c. Brainstorming
center is tied into its ability to learn”. b. Debate d. Journaling
a. Establish the discipline of being judgmental in
attitude 408. I want to test student’s synthesizing skills. Which has
b. Come up with highly competitive games where the highest diagnostic value?
winners will feel happy a. Multiple choice test
c. Create a learning environment that encourages b. Performance test
students to explore their feeling and ideas freely c. Essay test
d. Tell the students to participate in class activities d. Completion test
or else won’t receive plus points in class
recitation 409. Here is a test item:
411. Here is a test item: 418. A mathematician’s test was given to all Grade V pupils
to determine the contestants for the Math Quiz Bee.
What follows is a multiple choice type of Which statistical measure should be used to identify
test. Some test items _________. the top 15?
a. Mean percentage score
a. are too difficult b. Quartile Deviation
b. are objective c. Percentile Rank
c. are poorly constructed d. Percentage Score
419. Use the inbox below to answer the question that
d. have multiple defensible answers
What makes the multiple choice type of test poor? Percentage Grades for Final Examination
a. The options are not grammatically connected to
the stem
b. The stem fails to present a problem
c. There are grammatical clues 40 70 80 90
d. The options are not parallel 100
412. If Teacher Betty wants to measure her students’ ability Which of the following statement is true about the plot
to discriminate, which of these is an appropriate type of grades above?
of test item as implied by the direction? a. The median is a score of 80 and the range is 60
a. “Outline the Chapter on The Cell.” b. The median is a score of 70 and the range is 60
b. “Summarize the lesson yesterday.” c. The median is a score of 80 and the range is 20
c. “Group the following items according to shape.” d. The median is a score of 70 and the range is 20
d. “State a set of principle that can explain the 420. Which can be said of Nina who obtained a score of 75
following events.” out of 100 items in a Grammar objective test?
a. She performed better than 25% of her
413. A test item has a difficult index of 0.89 and a classmates
discrimination index of 0.44. What should the teacher b. She answered 75 items in the test correctly
do? c. Her rating is 75
a. Reject the item d. She answered 75% of the test items correctly
b. Revise the item 421. The criterion of success in Teacher Butch’s objective
c. Make it a bonus item is that “the pupils must be able to spell 90% of the
d. Make it a bonus item and reject it words correctly”. Student Dave and 24 others in the
class spelled only 40 out of 50 words correctly while
414. Which form of assessment is consistent with the the rest scored 45 and above. This means that
saying “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” Teacher Butch _____________.
a. Contrived c. Traditional a. attained his lesson objective
b. Authentic d. Indirect b. failed to attain his lesson objective as far as the
25 pupils are concerned
415. Here is a test item: c. did not attain his lesson objective because of
the pupils’ lack of attention
Who is best admired for outstanding d. attained his lesson objective because of his
contribution to world peace? effective spelling drill
422. Which of these can measure awareness of values?
a. Kissinger c. Kennedy a. Sociogram
b. Moral dilemmas
b. Clinton d. Mother Teresa
c. Projective techniques
d. Rating scales
What is WRONG with this item? 423. Marking on a normative basis means that:
a. Item is overly specific a. the normal distribution curve should be followed
b. Content is trivial b. some should fall
c. Test item is option-based c. some get high marks
d. There is a cue to the right answer d. the grading is based on a present criteria
424. Which process enhances the comparability of grades?
416. A student’s score were as follows: 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, a. Using a table specifications
84, 83, 85. The score 84 is the: b. Determining the level of difficulty of the tests
a. Mode c. Median c. Giving more HOTS (higher order thinking skills)
b. Average d. Mean d. Constructing departmentalized exams for each
subject area.
417. Which text form would you choose if you want to have 425. If the scores of your test follow a negatively skewed
a valid and reliable test based on the table below? score distribution, what should you do? Find out
Test Form Validity Index Reliability Index a. why your items were easy
b. why most of the scores are high
A .47 .68 c. why most of the scores are low
B .87 .57 d. why some pupils scored high
C .20 .86 426. Principal Gemma is talking about “grading on the
D .40 .41 curve” in a faculty meeting. What does this expression
E .63 .07 refers to?
a. A only c. A and D a. A student’s mark compares his achievement to
b. B only d. B and E his effort
b. A student’s grade or mark depends on how his b. Pretest-teaching-posttest-re-teaching for
achievement compares with the achievement of unlearned concepts-posttest
other students in a class c. Review-pretest-teaching-posttest
c. A student’s grade determines whether or not a d. Teaching-posttest
student attains a defined standard of 433. Teacher Raymund likes to show how the launching of
achievement spaceships takes place. Which of the following
d. A student’s mark tells how closely he is achieving materials available is most fit?
to his potential a. Model b. Mock-up c. Replica d. Realia
434. Teacher June likes to concretize the abstract concepts
427. Which tests determine whether students accept of an atom. He came up with a concrete presentation
responsibility for their own behavior or pass on of the atom by using wire and plastic balls. How would
responsibility for their own behavior to other people? you classify Teacher June’s visual aids?
a. Locus-of-control tests a. Chart b. Replica c. Model d. Realia
b. Thematic tests
c. Stylistic test Situation 3. (#135-137)
d. Sentence-completion tests
After reading and paraphrasing Robert
428. Which of the following is a weakness of self- Frost’s “Stopping by the Wood on a
supporting personality checklists? Snowy Evening.” Mr. Sales asked the
a. Many personality measures have built-in lie
scales class to share any insight derived from
b. They lack stability the poem.
c. They may not get true information because
individuals can hide or disguise feelings
d. They have poor internal consistency
Situation 1. (#129-131)
In a faculty meeting, the principle told 435. The class was asked to share their insights about the
his teacher: “We need to improve our poem. The ability to come up with an insight stems
school performance in the National from the ability to:
a. analyze the parts of a whole
Achievement Test. What should we do?”
b. evaluate the worthiness of a thing
c. relate and organize things and ideas
The teacher gave varied answers as d. comprehend the subject that is being studied
follows: 436. To ask the class any insight derived from the poem is
based on the theory of:
1. Let’s give incentives and rewards to a. Realism c. Conditioning
students who get a rating of 85%. b. Behaviorism d. Constructivism
2. Let’s teach them to accept complete 437. On which assumption about the learner is Mr. Sales’s
act of asking the class to share their insight based?
responsibility for their performance.
a. Learners are like empty receptacles waiting to be
3. Let’s make the school environment filled up
conducive for learning. b. Learners are meant to interact with one another
4. Let’s make use of the experimental c. Learners have multiple intelligence and varied
learning styles
methods of teaching.
d. Learners are producers of knowledge not only
passive recipients of information
429. Which response/s come/s from a behaviorist?
a. #2 and #4 c. #3 and #4 Situation 4. (#138-140)
b. #1 and #2 d. #1 and #3
Principal Evelyn wants her teachers to
430. On which educational philosophy is response #1 apply constructivism in teaching.
a. Existentialism c. Progressivism
b. Essentialism d. Bahaviorism 438. On which assumption/s is the principal’s action
431. If you leaned toward a progressivist philosophy, with I. Students learn by personally constructing
which response would you agree? meaning of what is taught
a. #2 b. #3 c. #4 d. #1 II. Students construct and reconstruct meaning
based on experiences
Situation 2. (#132-134)
III. Students derive meaning from the meaning that
the teacher gives
One principle in the utilization of a. II only c. I, II and III
technology of the classroom is b. I and II d. I only
appropriateness of material or activity.
439. Which materials will her teachers least prefers?
a. Controversial issues
432. Teacher Wilson wants his students to master the b. Open-ended topics
concept of social justice. Which series of activities will c. Unquestionable laws
be most effective? d. Problem or cases
a. Pretest-teaching-posttest
440. Which concept/s of the learner will Principal Evelyn
not accept?
I. “Empty vesse!”
II. “Tabula rasa”
III. Candle to be lighted
a. III only c. II only
b. I only d. I and II
444. Which of this/these is/are essential in constructing a
scoring rubric?
I. Description of criteria to serve as
II. Clear descriptions of performance at each level
III. Levels of achievement (mastery)
IV. Rating scheme
a. I, II and III c. I, II, III and IV
b. I and II d. I only
445. Which statement is true of the rubric?
Situation 5. (#141-143) a. It is developmental
b. It is analytical
Study the matching type of test then answer c. It is both holistic and developmental
the 3 questions that follow: d. It is holistic
446. Which is true of the scoring rubric?
Column A Column B I. It describes criteria of levels of
1. equilateral triangle A. With 3 equal II. It has a rating scheme
sides III. It limit itself to 4 levels of achievement
2. right triangle B. With 5 equal a. I and II c. II and III
sides b. I and III d. I, II and III
3. octagon C. Has 90- degree 447. Which guidelines should you follow for behavior
4. pentagon angle modification to be effective?
a. Subject yourself to group pressure
5. heptagon D. Means many
b. Work on several behaviors at the time for a
6. poly E. with 7 sides
significant change
F. with 8 sides c. Never use negative reinforcement
d. Work on one behavior at a time
448. In which phases/s of change, according to Kurt Lewin,
441. How can you make the items homogeneous? do you feel the pain?
a. Increase the number of items in Column B a. Transition c. Refreezing
b. All items should be on polygons b. Unfreezing d. Transition and freezing
c. Remove the word triangle in items #1 and #2 in 449. In the writing of performance objectives for mastery
column A learning, what is an acceptable standard of
d. The word “gon” must be included in column B performance called?
442. What is the main defect of this matching test? a. Behavior c. SMART
a. The matching type is an imperfect type b. Condition d. Criterion measure
b. The items are NOT homogeneous 450. Why learning activities should be carefully planned?
c. The items quite easy a. The ability of the teacher to plan is tested
d. An obvious pattern is followed in the answering b. This is expected by pupils
443. Which should be done to improve the matching type of c. The accomplishment of objectives is dependent
test? on the plan
a. Capitalize the items in Column A d. This is required of a teacher
b. Items in Column A and B should be exchanged
c. Drop #6 item in Column A 451. Which statement on IQ and EQ is correct?
d. The item in Column A should be increased a. EQ has a greater contribution to performance
than IQ
b. IQ has a greater contribution to performance
Situation 6. (#144-146) than EQ
c. Blending of both IQ and EQ can make a
Below the template for Scoring Rubric. difference in performance
d. The contribution of IQ and EQ to performance
is dependent on factors like age and gender
5 - Demonstrate complete understanding of the problem. All
452. Teacher Nikko helped his students recall that
requirements of task are included in the response
stalagmites grow on the “ground” while stalactites grow
on the “ceiling” of a cave by associating “G” in
4 - Demonstrate considerable understanding of the problem. All stalaGmites with ground and “C” in stalaCtites with
requirements of task are included ceiling. What did Teacher Nikko make use of it?
a. Visual aid
3 - Demonstrate partial understanding of the problem. Most b. Mnemonic device
requirements of task are included
c. Audio-visual aid
2 - Demonstrate little understanding of the problem. Many
d. Meaning-maker device
requirements of task are missing
1 - Demonstrate no understanding of the problem
b. Students remember information better when c. Alternative learning delivery system
they mentally process in some way d. Pre-school education
c. They ought to connect the terms that they 481. Teacher Neil discovered that his pupils are weak in
learn with other terms comprehension. To further determine in which particular
d. This is one opportunity to brush up with other skills his pupils are weak; which test should Teacher Neil
terms give?
473. Pavlov is to classical conditioning as ______ is to a. Standard Test c. Diagnostic Test
operant conditioning. b. Placement Test d. Aptitude Test
a. A. Bandura c. J. Watson 482. In the context of multiple intelligences, which one is the
b. J. Holt d. B.F. weakness of the paper-pencil test?
Skinner a. It put non-linguistically intelligent pupils at a
474. You arrange the rows of blocks in such a way that a row disadvantage
of 5 blocks is longer than a row of 7 blocks. If you ask b. It requires paper and printing and is so
which row has more, Grade 1 pupils will likely say that it expensive
is the row that makes the longer line. Based on Piaget’s c. It utilizes so much time
cognitive development theory, what problem is d. It lacks reliability
illustrated? 483. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple choice test item, namely
a. Conservation problem X, Y and Z, no pupil chose Z as an answer. This implies
b. Assimilation problem that Z is ________.
c. Egocentrism problem a. An effective distracter
d. Accommodation problem b. A plausible distracter
475. Were teachers in the Philippines required of a c. A vague distracter
professional license since the establishment of the
Philippine educational system? d. An ineffective distracter
a. No, but the equivalent of a license required
was a certificate in teaching 484. The Thematic Appreciation Test is an example of a (an)
b. Yes, it was required since the Americans __________.
established the educational system a. Self-report technique
c. No, it was only with the effectivity of R.A. 7836 b. Projective technique
that professional license was required c. Interest inventory
d. Yes, except for the Thomasites
476. The increase in the number of school children left by d. Socio-metric technique
OFW parents intensifies the teacher role as
______________. 485. The following are features of the Restructure Basic
a. Student’s friends Education Curriculum, except:
b. Guidance counselors a. Increased time for tasks to gain mastery of
c. Facilitator of learning competencies
d. Substitute parents b. Interdisciplinary modes of teaching
477. As a teacher, you are a rationalist. Which among these c. Greater emphasis on content, less on the
will be your guiding principle? learning process
a. I must teach the child so he is assured of d. Stronger integration of competencies and
heaven values, across the learning area
b. I must teach the child to develop his mental
powers to the fullest 486. The free public elementary and secondary education in
c. I must teach the child that we can never have the country is in the line with the government effort to
real knowledge of anything address educational problems of _______.
d. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill a. access and equity
and value that needs for a better future
478. A teacher put together the output of her colleagues in
b. relevance and quality
one workshop and published it with her name as author.
c. effectiveness and efficiency
Which is unprofessional about the teacher’s behavior?
d. productivity
a. Failing to correct what appears to be
487. The task of setting up routine activities for effective
unprofessional conduct
classroom management as a task that a teacher should
b. Giving due credit to others of their work
undertake ______.
c. Not giving due credit to others for their work
a. on the very first day of school
d. Holding inviolate all confidential information
b. every day at the start of the session
concerning associates
c. every homeroom day
479. In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible
d. as soon as the students have adjusted on their
standards of the teaching profession?
a. By pointing out the advantages of joining the
488. Teacher Honey uses direct instruction strategy. Which
teaching profession
will she first do?
b. By good grooming to change people’s
a. Independent practice
perception of teacher
b. Guided student practice
c. By continuously improving themselves
c. Review the previous day’s work
personally and professionally
d. Presenting and structuring
d. None of the above
489. Teacher Janice observes cleanliness and order in her
480. To reach out to clientele who cannot be in the classroom
classroom to create a conductive atmosphere for
for one reason or another, which of the following was
learning. On which theory is her practice based?
a. Behaviorism
a. Special education (SPED)
b. Psychoanalysis
c. Gestalt psychology
b. Informal education d. Humanistic psychology
490. Which activity is meant for kinesthetically intelligent excellent performance. Which trait is illustrated by the
pupils? student’s behavior?
a. Independent study a. Particularism c. Personalism
b. Rationalism d. Impersonalism
b. Individualized study
c. Pantomime 501. Conducting follow up studies of graduates and drop out
d. Cooperative learning is a guidance service that falls under:
491. With which will the existentialist agree? The school is a a. Placement services
place where individuals _____. b. Research service
a. Listen and accept what the teacher say
b. Can meet to pursue dialogue and discussion c. Individual inventory services
about their lives and choices d. Counseling service
c. Can observe by using their senses to the
d. Can reflect on ideas 502. Under which assumption is portfolio assessment based?
492. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an a. Assessment should stress the reproduction of
instructional objective on working with and relating to knowledge
people? b. An individual learner is adequately
a. Writing articles on working and relating to characterized by a test score
people c. An individual learner is inadequately
b. Organizing a community project characterized by a test score
c. Home visitation d. Portfolio assessment is dynamic assessment
d. Conducting mock election 503. Which program was adopted to provide universal access
to basic education to eradicate illiteracy?
493. Which physical arrangement of chairs contributes to a. Values educational framework
effective classroom management? b. Education for all
a. Sticks to the traditional chair arrangement in c. “Paaralan sa bawat barangay”
the classroom d. Science and Education Development Plan
b. Distinguishes teacher from students 504. Which schools are subject to supervision, regulation and
c. Makes it easier to clean the room control by the state?
d. Enhances classroom interaction a. Public, Private sectarian and Non-sectarian
b. Sectarian and non-sectarian school
494. Each teacher said to be a trustee of cultural and c. Private school
educational heritage of the nation and under obligation d. Public schools
to transmit to learners such heritage. Which practice 505. Here is a score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87,
makes him fulfill such obligation? 85, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3,
a. Use of the latest instructional technology 1. What is the characteristic of the score distribution?
b. Study of the life of Filipino heroes a. Bimodal
c. Use of interactive teaching strategies b. Trimodal
d. Observing continuing professional education c. Skewed to the right
495. Writing an original essay is an example of which level of d. No discernible pattern
objective in the cognitive domain? 506. What do the school campus expression “promdi” and
a. Evaluation c. Analysis barriotic” indicate?
b. Synthesis d. Application a. The powerlessness of the poor
b. The power of the rich
496. Which terms refers to a teacher helping a colleague c. Low literacy rate of the country
grow professionally? d. The prevalence of ethnocentrism
a. Technology transfer 507. Why is babyhood referred to as a “critical period” in
b. Independent study personally development? Because _________.
c. Facilitating a. The foundation is laid upon in which the adult
d. Peer mentoring personally structure will be built
497. Which terms refers to the collection of student’s products b. The baby is exposed to many physical and
and accomplishments for a period for evaluation psychological hazards
purposes? c. The brain grows and develops as such
a. Anecdotal record c. Diary accelerated rate during babyhood
b. Observation report d. Portfolio d. Changes in the personality pattern take place
498. To develop reasoning and speaking ability, which should 508. Billy, a grade 1 pupil is asked, “Why do you pray every
I use? day?” Billy answer. “Mommy said so.” Based on
a. Debate c. Experiment Kohlberg’s theory, in which moral development stage is
b. Storytelling d. Role-playing Billy?
499. Under which type of guidance service does the concern a. Pre-Conventional level
of schools to put students into their most appropriate b. Conventional level
courses fall? c. Between conventional and post conventional
a. Individual inventory service levels
d. Post-Conventional level
b. Research service 509. If you plan to develop a lesson on using s-verb with the
c. Placement service third person singular as subject deductively, what is the
first step in your lesson development outline?
d. Information service a. Give sentences using s-verb form
500. After having been humiliated by his teacher, a student b. Ask the students about s-verb form and third
evaluates that teacher very poorly, despite teacher’s person singular as subject
c. State the rule on subject-verb agreement for a. Every child is a potential genius
third person as subject b. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they
d. Conduct appropriate sentence drill have learned everything
510. For lesson clarity and effective retention, which one c. Some pupils are admitted not capable of
should a teacher observes, according to Bruner’s learning
theory? d. Every pupil has his its own native ability and
a. Start at the concrete level and end there his learning is limited to this native ability
b. Begin teaching at the concrete level but go 521. The principle of individual differences requires teachers
beyond it by reaching the abstract to _____.
c. End teaching with verbal symbol a. Treat all learners alike while in the classroom
d. Use purely verbal symbols in teaching b. Prepare modules for slow learners in class
511. Which activity should a teacher have more for his c. Give greater attention to gifted learners
students if he wants them to develop logical-critical d. Provide for a variety of learning activities
thinking? 522. Which assumption underlines the teacher’s use of
a. Symposium c. Brainstorming performance objectives?
b. Debate d. Panel discussion a. Performance objectives assure the learner of
512. The criterion of success in Teacher Edna’s objective is learning
that “the pupils must be able to spell 90% of the words b. Learning is defined as a change in the
correctly.” Linda and other 24 students in the class learner’s observable performance
spelled only 40 out of 50 words correctly while the rest c. The success of learners is based on teacher
scored 45 and above. This means that Teacher Edna performance
________. d. Not every form of learning is observable
a. Did not attain her lesson objective because of 523. The following are used in writing performance objective,
the pupil’s lack of attention except?
b. Attained her lesson objective because of the a. Integrate c. Diagram
pupil’s lack of attention b. Delineate d. Comprehend
c. Attained her lesson objective 524. Which is/are sign/s of the student with Attention Deficit
d. Failed to attain her lesson objective as far as Disorder?
the 25 pupils are concerned a. Impatient while waiting for his/her turn during
513. With assessment of affective learning in mind, which games
does not belong to the group? b. Completes work before shifting to another
a. Moral dilemma c. Diary entry c. Excessively quiet
b. Reflective writing d. Cloze test d. Cares for his/her personal things
514. Which is true when standard deviation is big? 525. You observe that pupils answer even when not called,
a. Scores are concentrated shouts MA’AM to get your attention, and laugh when
b. Scores are not extremes someone commits mistakes. What should you do?
c. Scores are spread apart a. Send the misbehaving pupils to the guidance
d. The bell curve shape is steep counselor
515. Jan, a grade 1 pupil, is happy when he wins a game but b. Set the rules for the class to observe
skulks when he doesn’t. Which concept does his c. Involve the whole class in setting rules of
behavior indicate? conduct for the whole class
a. Egotism c. Semi-logical reasoning d. Make a report to the parents about their
b. Egocentrism d. Rigidity of thought children’s misbehavior
516. The practice of non-graded instruction stems from 526. Which is the final, indispensable component of a lesson
________. plan?
a. Progressivism c. Existentialism a. Evaluation c. References
b. Reconstructionism d. Essentialism b. Activity d. Assignments
517. Theft of school equipment like TV, computer, etc. by 527. Carlo, a grade 2 pupil, plays with his classmates but
teenagers in the community itself is becoming a common cannot accept defeat. Based on Piaget’s theory on
phenomenon. What does this incident signify? cognitive development, in what development stage is
a. Deprivation of Filipino schools Carlo?
b. Inability of school to hire security guards a. Formal operation c. Pre-operational
c. Prevalence of poverty in the community b. Concrete operation d. Sensorimotor
d. Community’s lack of sense of co-ownership 528. Which seating arrangement has been proven to be
518. What does extreme authoritarianism in the home effective for learning?
reinforce in learners? a. Flexible to suit varied activities
a. Creativity in work b. Fixed arrangement to maximize instructional
b. Ability to direct themselves c. Any seat arrangement to suit varied learning
c. Doing things on their own initiative styles
d. Dependence on others for direction d. A combination of fixed and flexible
519. The main purpose of compulsory study of the arrangement
constitution is to ________. 529. Which can run counter to the encouragement you give to
a. Make constitutional experts of the students your students to ask questions?
b. Develop students into responsible, thinking a. Eye to eye contact
c. Prepare students for law-making b. An encouraging hand gesture
d. Acquaint students with the historical c. Radiant face
development of the Philippine Constitution d. Knitted eyebrows when a question is raised
520. Studies in the areas of neurosciences disclosed that the
human brain has limitless capacity. What does this
530. Teacher Agot likes to show how the launching of
spaceships takes place. Which of the following materials 540. Under which type of guidance service does the concern
available is most fit? of school to put students into their most appropriate
a. Mock-up c. Replica courses fall?
b. Realia d. Chart a. Information service
a. Reporting to a Guidance Office is often a. To set up condition that brings about effective
associated with misbehavior teaching and learning
b. Student Ben is a “problem” student b. To secure conformity to rules with ease
c. Guidance counselors are perceived to be c. To make children realize that they cannot do
“almighty and omniscient” everything they want
d. The parents of Students Ben must be of the d. To remove the physical condition in the room
delinquent type 583. Under which teaching strategy does a School’s
574. A teacher combined several subject areas in order to division practice of assigning a Girl Scout to serve as
focus on a single concept for interdisciplinary Superintendent of the Day or Mayor of the Day for
teaching. Which strategy/method did he use? leadership training fall?
a. Unit method a. Panel discussion
b. Thematic instruction b. Symposium
c. Problem entered learning c. Simulation
d. Reading-writing method d. Dramatization
575. Which is a major advantage of curriculum-based 584. Which approach makes you think of your thinking?
assessment? a. Constructivist c. Cognitive
a. It tends to focus on anecdotal information on b. Metacognitive d. Integrative
student’s progress 585. The grades make valid indicators of students’
b. It is based on a norm referenced measurement achievements. Which process should be observed?
model a. Explaining the meaning of marks and grades
c. It is informal in nature b. Defining the course objective as intended
d. It connects testing with teaching learning outcomes
576. A school Division Superintendent was enthusiastically c. Adopting letter grades such as A, B, C and D
lecturing on the Accreditation Program for Public d. Giving objective type of tests
Elementary Schools (APPES), its benefits and 586. Who are not covered by the Code of Ethics of
demands. Thinking of its many demands, most of the Professional Teachers?
school heads were not very happy about it and the a. All full time or part time public and private school
older one were whispering “we have very reason to teacher and administrator
retire soon.” b. Teachers of academic, vocational, special,
What does this tell about the change process? technical or non-formal institution
a. People resist change for no reason c. Teacher in the tertiary level
b. People tend to resist change d. Teacher in all educational institutions at all levels
c. Resistance to change is insurmountable 587. Which of the UNESCO’s four pillars of education is
d. Leadership can affect the desired change in most related to peace education?
persons despite opposition from the persons a. Learning to do
themselves. b. Learning to know
577. In the problem solving method of teaching, which is c. Learning to live
the primary role of the teacher? d. Learning to be
a. Clarifier c. Observer
b. Judge d. Director 588. The failure of independent study with most Filipino
578. To educate the child for freedom is to educate him/her students may be attributed to students’ ______.
to: a. high degree of independence
I. Respond to others b. ambiance
II. Respond to himself/herself c. unpreparedness for schooling
III. Do as he/she pleases d. high degree of dependence on authority
IV. Live as he/she desires 589. When you use the overhead projector for topic
a. II and III c. I and II presentation, point to the ______.
b. I and III d. I and IV a. OHP slide c. OHP screen
579. I want to engage my students in small group b. OHP light d. Projection wall
discussion. Which topic lends itself to a lively 590. Where do you make the correction of your notes while
discussion? using the overhead projector?
a. The meaning of the law of supply and demand a. On the slide
b. Rules on subject-verb agreement b. On the overhead projector
c. The law of inertia c. On the projector wall
d. The exclusion of Pluto as a planet d. On the screen
580. In which of the following would programmed learning
to be most likely to be found? 591. Authority comes from God and is meant to:
a. In a class divided into small groups a. Help those given the authority to do their task
b. Independent study b. Distinguish those with authority from those
c. In dyadic groups without
d. In a class where teacher tries to individualized c. Be lorded over others
instruction d. Make the subjects of authority recognize their
581. A master teacher, the resource speaker in an in- superiors
service training, presented the situated learning theory 592. For a discussion of a topic from various perspectives,
and encouraged her colleagues to apply the same in it is best to hold a/an ______.
class. Which did she not encourage her colleagues to a. Brainstorming c. Debate
do? b. Symposium d. Panel discussion
a. Apprenticeship
b. Learning as it normally occurs 593. A Principal tells her teacher that training in the
c. Authentic problem solving humanities is most important. To which educational
d. Decontextualized teaching philosophy does he adhere?
582. Which is the ultimate aim of classroom management? a. Perennialism c. Essentialism
b. Existentialism d. Progressivism b. He sees the world and himself through the
594. Jonna, a principal, shares this thought with her eyes of other people
teachers. “Subject matter should help students c. He interprets events form a limited views
understand and appreciate themselves as unique d. He sees events apart from himself and other
individuals who accept complete responsibility for their people
thoughts, feelings and action.” From which philosophy 605. Who introduced the technique of using the drawing of a
is this though based? man as a measure of intelligence?
a. Essentialism c. Progressivism a. Aristotle c. Goodenough
b. Perennialism d. Existentialism b. Herbert d. Binet
595. Who stressed the idea that students cannot learn if
their basic needs are not first met? 606. Which Republic Act provides government assistance to
a. Maslow c. Wertheimer students and teachers in private education?
b. Miller d. Thorndike a. RA 7784 c. RA 7836
596. A person, who has had painful experiences at the b. RA 6728 d. RA 6675
dentist’s office, may become fearful at the mere sight
of the dentist’s office building. Which theory can 607. The authoritarian setting in the Filipino home is
explain this? reinforced by a classroom teacher who:
a. Classical conditioning a. Is open to suggestions
b. Generalization b. Encourage pupils to ask questions
c. Operant conditioning c. Prescribes what pupils should do
d. Attribution theory d. Ask open ended questions
597. One strength of an autobiography as a technique for
personality appraisal is that ________. 608. Who among the following believes that learning requires
a. It may be read by unauthorized people disciplined attention, regular homework, and respect for
b. It can replace data obtained from other data- legitimate authority?
gathering technique a. Essentialist c. Progressivist
c. It makes possible the presentation of intimate b. Perennialist d. Reconstructionist
experiences 609. The Constitutional provision on language has the
d. It gives complete data about the author following aim, except:
598. Which Millennium Development Goal (MDG) goal is a. To make Filipino the sole medium of
related to the state’s goal for quality education? instruction
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 b. To make the regional dialect as auxiliary media
599. All of the following describe the development of of instructions in regional school
children aged eleven to thirteen, except: c. To maintain English as a second language
a. Sex differences in IQ become more evident d. To make Filipino the national Language and
b. They exhibit increased objectivity in thinking medium of instruction and communication
c. They shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability 610. The tendency to emphasize so much on school
d. They show abstract thinking and judgment beautification to the detriment of pupils’ performance
600. One learns Math by building on the Math concepts illustrates the:
previously learned. This is an application of: a. Filipino’s lack of seriousness
a. Constructivist c. Physiological b. Filipino’s love for “porma”
b. Humanist d. S-R c. Filipino’s lack of reflection
d. Filipino’s sense of humor
601. The singing of the National Anthem in schools is an
offshoot of the philosophy of: 611. In order to avoid disgrace, a pregnant, unmarried woman
a. Nationalism c. Naturalism takes drugs to induce abortion. Is she morally justified to
b. Pragmatism d. Socialism do that?
a. Yes, it can save her and child from disgrace
602. The environment in order to facilitate learning must be when he grows up
interactive. Which of the following best typifies this kind b. No, the act of inducing abortion is bad in itself
of environment? c. No, the unborn child cannot be made to suffer
a. The child listens to a lecture on fossils given by the consequences of the sins of his parents
the teacher d. No, it is better to prevent the child from coming
b. The child goes out and discovers for himself into the world who will suffer very much due to
some rock or fossil the absence of a father
c. The child summarize the section on fossils in 612. In which way does heredity affect the development of the
his science textbook learner?
d. The child copies a list of facts concerning a. By placing limits beyond which the learner
fossils on the blackboard cannot develop
603. Social development means the acquisition of the ability b. By providing equal potential to all
to behave in accordance with: c. By compensating for what environment fails to
a. Stereotyped behavior develop
b. Social expectation d. By blocking the influence of environment
c. Social insight 613. The cultivation of reflective and meditative skills in
d. Universal norms teaching is an influence of:
a. Taoism c. Confucianism
604. When an adolescent combines ability to use deductive b. Shintoism d. Zed Buddhism
and inductive reasoning in constructing realistic rules
that he can respect and live by, how does he perceive 614. A child refuse to obey orders or displays negativism as a
his environment? development trait. How may you best handle him?
a. He views the world from his own perspective a. Detain him after office hours for him do to what
he has been ordered to do
b. Take every opportunity to praise him for every b. Buy all your food in the school canteen but
positive attitude display request for a discount
c. Insist on compliance to the same degree c. Bring food enough for you and your children
required of pupils but do not eat in the canteen
d. Avoid giving him orders if you do and he d. Buy all your food from the school canteen even
objects take back the order if you cannot afford to do every day
615. Which term refers to the collection of students’ products 624. How can you help a habitual borrower of money get rid
and accomplishment for a period of evaluation of his habit?
purposes? a. Let him do something for you in return for the
a. Portfolio c. Anecdotal record money you lent him
b. Observation report d. Diary b. Direct him to others
c. Do not lend him anymore
616. For comparing and contrasting which graphic organizers d. Ask for a collateral for the cash he is loaning
is most appropriate? 625. Periodic checks on student seatwork with a smile and
a. Cycle c. Story map pat on the shoulder effectively reinforce good study habit
b. Web d. Venn Diagram is an example of:
a. Discrimination reinforcement
617. Laging UMUUKILKIL sa isipan ng ama ang nasirang b. Variable-ratio schedule
pangako ng anak. c. Continuous reinforcement
a. Sumasagi c. Bumubuhay d. Fixed interval and variable-interval schedule
b. Gumugulo d. Sumasapi 626. A person strives to work at a given task because of a
618. Huwag kang maniniwala sa bulaklak ng kanyang need. Which of the following situations can make a
matamis na dila: person strive to meet his needs?
a. Ito’y panunukso a. Minimize the unpleasant consequences of
student involvement
b. Ito’y pambobola b. Utilize your own opinion as teacher in making
c. Ito’y pagbibiro final decisions in the classroom
d. Ito’y pagsisinungaling c. Use unfamiliar materials as examples in order
to initially arouse their curiosity
619. If a resilient child with superior intelligence is reared in a d. Ask pupils to submit test questions or reactions
poor environment the probable outcome would be: which you can select topics
a. No change in IQ because environment 627. Which is not a characteristic of a democratic discipline?
deprivation has nothing to do with intelligence a. Child has opportunity to expense his/her
b. Mental retardation since he is culturally opinion
deprived b. Child’s given punishment is related to the
c. Slight change in IQ although he can overcome misdeed
frustration and obstacle c. Child understands the meaning of rules
d. Great change in IQ because he is culturally d. Child obeys blindly
deprived 628. Who among the following stressed the processes of
620. Which of the following is usually considered the most experience and problem solving?
important factor in a child’s observable classroom a. Dewey c. Hegel
behavior? b. Aristotle d. Plato
a. Intelligence c. Self concept 629. Which of the following reasons of measuring student
b. Heredity d. Cultural background achievement is not valid?
a. To prepare feedback on the effectiveness of
621. Section 5, Article XIV, of the Constitution states that the learning process
academic freedom shall be enjoyed in: b. To certify that students have attained a level of
a. Public assemblies competence in a subject area
c. To discourage students from cheating during
b. All institution of higher learning test and getting high scores
c. State colleges and universities d. To motivate students to learn and master the
d. All levels of learning materials they think will be covered by the
achievement test
622. A teacher who subscribes to the pragmatic philosophy of 630. Which characterizes the perfectionist type of students?
education believes that experience should follow a. Does not volunteer or initiate
learning in her teaching, she therefore exerts effort in: b. Give up easily
a. Encouraging learners to memorize factual c. Rarely complete tasks
knowledge d. Often anxious, fearful or frustrated about
b. Providing learners opportunities to apply quality of work
theories and principles 631. When a school decides to work on a thematic curriculum
c. Equipping learners with the basic abilities and which should be out of the picture?
skills a. Peer collaboration
d. Requiring learners full mastery of the lesson
b. Integration
623. As a parent and at the same time a teacher, which of the c. Team teaching
following will you do to show your cooperation to a PTA d. Competition
project in your school to be financed with the proceeds of 632. Teacher Mary wants to teach her pupils the technique on
the sales of the school canteen where food prices are reading for information. Which technique should be
little bit higher? used?
a. Bring food for you and your children, but a. Text structure c. Story map
always make it a point to buy in the school b. Prior knowledge d. SQ3R
633. In instructional planning, which among these three: unit c. Open admission
plan, course plan, lesson plan is (are) most specific? d. Program accreditation
_________ plans. 645. A negative discrimination index means that:
a. Course and lesson c. Lesson a. The items could not discriminate between the
b. Course d. Unit lower and upper group
634. The use of drills in the classroom is rooted on b. More from the lower group answered the test
Thorndike’s law of: items correctly
a. Readiness c. Effect c. More from the upper group answered the test
b. Exercise d. Belongingness item correctly
635. Positive interdependence as an element of collaborative d. Less from the lower group got the test item
learning means that the students must: correctly
a. Learn to depend on each other to achieve a
goal 646. Your teacher is of the opinion that the world and
b. Depend on the diligent students everything in it are ever changing and so teaches you
c. Help one another in the individual test for the skill to cope with the changes. What is his governing
everyone to pass philosophy?
d. Be grouped heterogeneously a. Experimentation c. Realism
b. Existentialism d. Idealism
636. Which computer seems to have the most potential for
the classroom? 647. For brainstorming to be effective which one should be
a. Mainframe computer out?
b. Minicomputer a. Making use of the others ideas shared
c. Microcomputer b. Teacher’s judge mental attitude
d. LPC c. Non-threatening atmosphere
d. Openness to idea
637. A teacher notices glaring wrong pronunciation of vowel
sounds among her students necessitating more practice. 648. Which statement on spaced and massed learning is
Which of the following activities would be most helpful? correct?
a. Dictionary use c. Assignments a. Massed learning is better than spaced learning
b. Review d. Drill b. Massed learning is as effective as spaced
638. What storage device is significantly more efficient in c. Spaced learning is better than massed
holding information? learning
a. Hard disk c. Floppy disk d. Both massed learning and spaced learning are
b. Software d. Audio cassette not effective
639. The Filipino tendency to resort to the easy way out from
a term paper as a course requirement by hiring a ghost 649. Which of the following measures should a teacher do to
writer or by passing a photocopied term paper provide a principal whom she would like to file a case of sexual
which Filipino traits? harassment without violating the relationship of the
a. Anticipation c. Pakikisama teacher and her superiors?
b. Ambivalence d. Lack of discipline a. Write an anonymous letter to a higher school
640. “No pain, no gain.” This means that: official to denounce the superior
a. One should be penitent every Friday by b. Present the case before a competent authority
carrying his cross and prepare to prove the charge
b. Only those willing to carry the crosses imposed c. Call a parent-teacher meeting and denounce
can share the joy of life the superior
c. The more suffering in this life, the more one is d. Encourage the other teachers and students to
assured of heaven hold a demonstration to oust the superior
d. One should look for suffering to save
himself/herself 650. Pick out the situation that illustrates the duty of a new
641. Which trust on value formation is meant to help the teacher to the state:
students make use of their thinking and scientific a. Take a long vacation which she firmly believes
investigation to decide on topics and questions above she deserves after four years of diligent study
values? before taking the examination for teachers
a. Value inculcation c. Value clarification b. Take the licensure examination for teacher and
b. Analysis d. Moral development an oath to do her best to help carry out the
policies of the state
642. Which interactive teaching should be avoided? c. Apply for teaching job where eligibility is not
a. Using multiple response strategy required to gain teaching experience before
b. Using “put down” strategy taking the teachers board examination
c. Asking more divergent questions d. Prepare for the wedding she and her boyfriend
d. Asking more evaluative questions have long planned to able to raise a family with
children which they plan to rear as good citizen
643. Rights which cannot be renounced or transferred of our country
because they are necessary for the fulfillment of man’s 651. Parents are up in arms on the telephone bills that pay for
primordial obligations are called: sex calls. What is the solution to this problem?
a. Alienable rights c. Inalienable rights a. The telephone company is to blame for this
b. Perfect rights d. Acquired rights b. Parents, school and students should discuss
644. Which is in line with equitable access to education but this openly
runs counter to quality? c. The government restriction have no teeth
a. Selective retention of students d. Parents allow this to make their children
b. Deregulated tuition fee hike modern
a. State classroom regulation as clearly as
652. Cooperative is encouraged in as many groups as possible
possible. What agency controls the different b. Teacher and the class should make as many
cooperatives? regulations as possible
a. Security and Exchange Commission c. Enlist student aid in the formation of classroom
b. Department of Local Government regulation
c. Commission on Audit d. Enforce classroom regulations consistently
d. Bureau of Cooperative and fairly
653. Society and media know drinking starts off drug 662. Zero standard deviation means that:
addiction. What should be discussed in schools? a. The students scores are the same
a. Nobody drinks at home except father b. 50% of the scores obtained is zero
b. Drug addiction has been traced to drinking c. More than 50% of the score obtained is zero
wine d. Less than 50% of the scores obtained is zero
c. TV ads show drinking is a source of fellowship
d. High taxes on liquor will be deterrent to 663. Which is the least authentic mode of assessment?
eventual drug use a. Paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary
654. Cooperatives have branched out to consumers b. Oral performance to assess student’s spoken
cooperative. Schools have included the concepts of communication skills
cooperatives. Where is it practiced? c. Experiments in science to assess skill in the
a. School book stores use of scientific methods
d. Artist production for music or art subject
b. Schools uniform purchases
c. School canteen 664. In what period of a child is physical growth fastest?
d. Class stores a. Prenatal period
655. A student collapsed in her social studies class. It was b. Early adolescence
found out that he did not eat her lunch. What principle is c. Early childhood
shown in the situation? d. Prenatal and early adolescence
a. Psychological need
665. How does fear affect the voluntariness of an act?
b. Physiological need a. Makes the act involuntary
c. Psychosomatic b. No effect at all
d. Safety need c. Increases voluntariness
656. The main function of a philosophy of education is to: d. Lessens but not destroy voluntariness
a. Aid the learner to build his own personal
philosophy 666. A group of people asserts that their culture is superior to
b. Reconsider existing educational goals in the another. This exemplifies:
light of society’s needs a. Cultural gap
c. Provide the academic background prerequisite
to learning b. Ethnocentrism
d. Define the goals and set the direction for which c. Cultural conflict
education is to strive d. Norm conflict
657. Which technique/s enable/s a teacher to identify and
eventually assists students with interpersonal difficulties? 667. A test consists of a graph showing the relationship
a. Anecdotal record c. Cumulative record between age and population. Follow a series of true-
b. Personal inventory d. Sociogram false items based on the graph. Which type of test does
658. Teachers and students can participate in levels of this illustrate?
computer use. Give the order of computer use from a. Laboratory exercise
simplest to complex?
a. Computer competency, computer literacy, b. Interpretative
competency expertise c. Problem solving
b. Computer literacy, computer competency, d. Performance
computer expertise 668. Which curricular move served to strengthen spiritual and
c. Computer literacy, computer expertise, ethical values?
computer competency a. Integration of creative thinking in all subject
d. Computer competency, computer expertise, b. Introduction of Value Education as a separate
computer literacy subject area
659. Which one is considered the “Brain” of the c. Reducing the number of subject areas into the
microcomputer? skill subject
a. CPU c. Video d. Re-introducing Science as all subject in Grade
Screen 1
b. Software d. Keyboard 669. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the
development of the youth. Which practice is not keeping
660. A group activity wherein one group representative with his role as facilitator?
presents the output to the bigger group rather than a. Considers the multiple intelligences of learners
individual pupils presenting the output is known as: b. Humiliates misbehaving pupils
a. Consensus decision c. Jury trial c. Dialogs with parents and with other members
b. Composite report d. Agenda of the community
d. Keeps himself abreast with educational trends
661. In the formulation of classroom regulations, which of the 670. Which one indicates a teacher’s genuine enthusiasm
following should a teacher refrain from doing? and pride in teaching?
a. Sticking to teaching for the moment that there b. Academic freedom
are no better offers
b. Telling everyone that he went to teaching for c. Right to one’s honor
there was no other choice then d. Right to make a livelihood
c. Engaging himself in continuing professional 680. Why can the calculator do arithmetic? Because:
education a. A computer inside the calculator tells it how
d. Belittling the remuneration one gets from b. A watch inside direct it
teaching c. A typewriter inside does it
671. In writing performance objective which word is not d. A TV inside shows it
acceptable? 681. On which constitutional provision is the full or partial
a. Manipulate c. Delineate integration of capable deaf and blind students in the
b. Integrate d. Comprehend classroom based? The provision on:
672. When is giving praise ineffective? When it? a. Protecting and promoting the right of all citizen
a. Uses the accomplishment of peers as the to qualify education
context for describing a student’s present b. Providing citizenship and vocational training to
accomplishment adult citizen
b. Provides information to student’s about their c. Academic freedom
competence and the value of their d. Creating scholarship for poor and deserving
accomplishment students
c. Focuses students attention on her own task 682. Teaching in the cognitive, psychomotor and effective
relevant behavior domains is based on the concept that the learner is a:
d. Shows spontaneity, variety and other signs of a. Moral and feeling being
credibility b. Maternal and an acting being
673. Which statement applies when scores distribution is c. Thinking, feeling and acting being
negatively skewed? d. Spiritual and maternal being
a. The mode corresponds to a lower value 683. Both Muslim and Christian value marriage but the
b. The median is higher that the mode Muslim practices polygamous marriage while the
c. The mode and median are equal Christian practices monogamous marriage. What is this
d. The mean corresponds to a high value called?
674. The use of the process approach gives the student the a. Cultural relativism c. Ethical relativism
opportunity to: b. Acculturation d. Enculturation
a. Learn to their own 684. Teacher wants to compare 2 concepts. With which
technique can accomplish this best?
b. Apply the scientific method a. K-W-L technique c. Spider web
c. Make use of laboratory apparatuses b. Venn diagram d. Histogram
d. Learn how to learn 685. To build a sense of pride among Filipino youth what
675. A comprehension skill of higher level which may be should be done?
inferred or implied from reading is: a. Re-study our history and stress on our
a. Picking out the main idea achievements as a people
b. Set aside the study of local history
b. Drawing conclusion c. Re-study our history from the perspective of
c. Nothing specific details our colonizers
d. Following direction d. Replace the study of folklores and myths with
technical subjects
676. In the Preamble of the Code of Ethics of Professional 686. When necessary conditions are present, the use of
Teachers, which is not mention about teachers? inductive method is preferred because:
a. Dully licensed professionals a. It gives the teacher more time to rest
b. There is greater active participation on the part
of the pupils
b. Posses dignity and reputation
c. It needs only few instruction materials
c. LET passers
d. Academic time is used wisely
d. With high moral values
677. What does a skewed score distribution mean?
687. Which is the best reason why teacher begins a lesson in
a. The scores are concentrated more at one end
Math by checking and reviewing on the previous day’s
or the other end
assignment and provides practice and drills?
b. The mode, the mean and the median are equal
a. Check if parents guide their children in the
c. The mean and median are equal
making of assignment
d. The scores are normally distributed
b. Make sure that the students understand the
pre-requisite skills of the lesson
678. What is implied by a negatively skewed score
c. Prepare the students for the mastery test
d. Make learning interesting and enjoyable for
a. The scores are evenly distributed from the left
to the right
b. Most pupils are underachieves
688. Which is a selective reading technique meant at getting
c. Most of the scores are high
at important facts very fast?
d. Most of the scores are low
a. Skim reading c. Oral reading
b. Scanning d. Silent reading
679. A teacher discovers that a product of a certain bottling
689. For counseling to be successful which assumption must
company brings about damage to teeth. Much as he
be avoided?
wants to share the products of his research, he could not
a. The environment must provide assurance of
because of harassment from all sides. Which teacher’s
right is violated?
b. The counselor tells the student what to do
a. Right to property
c. The student is willing to participate in the c. Is a continuous process of experiencing and
process reorganizing experiences
d. The counselor must be able to relate to the d. Take place in the school where the individual
student is exposed, self contained experiences
698. The tendency to imitate elders is very strong in the early
690. Which technique is most appropriate when a teacher childhood stage. Teachers should therefore be very
wants a group to agree on a plan of action? good:
a. Composite report a. Counselors c. Disciplinarians
b. Role models d. Facilitators of learning
b. Consensus decision making 699. How is Values Education offered in the National
c. Symposium Secondary Education Curriculum?
d. Agenda a. Emphasized in Science and Technology
b. Integrated in all subject areas
691. What term applies to the search for related literature by c. As a separate subject
computing access of databases of discs kept in libraries? d. Integrated with Technology and Home
a. Compact discs computer research Economics
b. On line research 700. The NSEC orients secondary education to:
a. The teaching of the national symbols
b. Health values development
c. Manual research
c. The development of competencies and values for
d. Computer research
social living
d. National development requirement and reflects
692. What best indicates the effectiveness of classroom
search based direction
701. The child cannot distinguish abstracts during the
a. The laughter and enjoyment of students
sensory motor of development. Which of these
b. The application of concept learned in daily life
techniques should a teacher apply to accommodate
c. The utilization of varied techniques and
a. Make use of individualize instruction
d. The variety of instructional materials used
b. Explain the lesson very well
c. Utilize concrete objects to clarify concept
693. The main purpose of the compulsory study of the
d. Provide variety of educational toys
Constitution in Philippine schools is to:
702. Which of these systems of learning includes ways and
a. Develop the students into responsible thinking
methods which are used in preserving and building
certain within cultural communities?
b. Acquaint students with the historical
a. Non-formal learning
development of the Philippine Constitution
b. Multi-level learning
c. Prepare students for law making
c. Cultural learning
d. Make constitutional experts of the students
d. Indigenous learning
694. Some students who are high in the scholastic aptitude
test have failed in college. Some who are below the
703. Which of the following statement is true in the use of
standards set for admission but who for various reasons
experiments and demonstrations in teaching Science:
were admitted, attained satisfactory standings. This
a. It is valuable if used in the context of a lesson
proves that:
that related observation to other information
a. Human beings are certainly predictable
b. It should be encouraged in elementary school
b. Admission tests are not accurate, hence
since the concept the encompass are difficult for
should not be used
your children
c. Aptitude tests do not measure all factors
c. It is as valuable as teaching by lecturing
important for success
d. It is less valuable than teaching through inquiry
d. Aptitude test can be perfectly relied on
and discussion
695. If the teachers pattern in questioning consists of calling
on a student then asking the question:
704. Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins.
a. All students may be encouraged to participate
Which of the following statement principle supported
b. The student called to answer may be able to
by this?
think well of his answer
a. Environment affects both fraternal and identical
c. The rest of the class may just dictate the
b. Intelligence hinges in physical structure
d. The rest of the class may not engage
c. Heredity has a part in determining intelligence
themselves in thinking of the answer
d. Intelligence is determined partly by pre-natal
696. Freud expounded that there is a period when young girls
experience rivalry with their mother for their father’s
affection. This is called:
705. In testing which of the following is referred to as
a. Electra complex
cultural bias?
b. Oedipus complex
a. Some culture do better on test than others
b. Test items are more familiar with some culture
c. Achilles syndrome c. Test will show who is more cultured
d. Cultured people do better on tests
d. Cassandra syndrome 706. Which is the most obvious and familiar way of
697. Education is a lifelong process. This simply means that reporting variability?
education: a. Standard deviation
a. May take place formally or informally to enable b. Range between highest with some culture
the individual to grow c. Standard error of the mean
b. May take place anywhere and anytime the d. Distribution of raw scores
individual so desires
707. The theory of identical elements in learning holds that b. Appreciation lessons help pupils weigh and
transfer is facilitated when the: clarify values
a. Teacher uses different teaching devices c. One cannot fully appreciate what one does not
b. Learner has a memory of specific responses understand or enjoy
c. Development task is easily identified d. A teacher should plan lessons that will guide
d. Experience is similar to the application situation children to appreciate what is beautiful
718. Which of the following is the best time for a teacher to
708. If this need is not met, the adolescent tends to be set up routine activities that will contribute to effective
critical and always tries to find fault. This is the need: classroom management?
a. For adventure a. As soon as the students have established
b. For recognition b. Daily at the start of the session
c. To belong c. During his homeroom days
d. For material security d. On the every first day of school
709. The way a child talks and walks manifest gestures that
have been learned from models he had been 719. In large classes where little of the work pupils can be
exposed. This explains what influence? individualized, the most effective and practical ways to
a. Affective c. Social individualize instruction is to:
b. Insight d. Cognitive a. Devise group activities which afford every pupils
an opportunity to work at his own
710. Audio-visual aids are used in classroom teaching to b. Give the pupils freedom to launch individual
__________. projects
a. Help make learning more permanent c. Assign homework and check it regularly
b. All of these d. Assigned program material for out-of-class hours
c. Help clarify important concept
d. Arouse and sustain student’s interest 720. Which of these is the most important principle that a
711. Which of the following is the most important purpose teacher should follow in initiating a program with
for using achievement test? To measure the positive reinforcement?
_________. a. Make sure the reward comes immediately after
a. Quality and quantity of previous learning the appropriate behavior
b. Quality and quantity of previous teaching b. Punish negative behavior and reward positive
c. Educational and vocational aptitude behavior
d. Capacity for future learning c. Provide regular opportunity for socially
712. Which of the different types of test covers a wide acceptable behavior
variety of objectives? d. Consider peer approval and recognition
a. True-false c. Matching
b. Multiple choice d. Essay 721. The trend of focusing attention on the child’s interests,
713. In a multiple choice test, keeping the options brief abilities and needs and on the improvement of
indicates ____________. community living necessitate the use of the:
a. Inclusion in the item irrelevant clues such as the a. Discovery approach
use in the correct answer b. Conceptual technique
b. Non inclusion of option that mean the same c. Integrative approach
c. Plausibility and attractiveness of the item d. Project method
d. Inclusion in the item any word that must
otherwise repeated in each response 722. The best way the teacher can be of the
714. Which of these criteria is the most important in test appropriateness of an instructional materials is to:
constructions? a. Try it out before using it in class
a. The stem should contain the central problem b. Consider its technical quality
b. Items should be congruent with the objectives c. Consider its availability
c. A table of specification should be prepared d. Consider its cost
d. Options should be of almost the same length
715. Which of these philosophers is reflective of that of 723. Tasks analysis involves the breaking down of a
Dewey’s which stresses the development of an learning task into subtasks or sub skills. Given a task
individual capable of reflective thinking specifically that to retell a story, which of the following skills is not
of being able to solve the problem be faces needed?
individually or collectively? a. To disseminate information
a. Disciplinarianism c. Experimentation b. To outline a selection
b. Developmentalism d. Rationalism c. To identify topic sentences
716. Which of the following abilities is stressed by d. To arranged events in sequence
humanistic education?
a. Learn the different philosophies of education 724. You are assigned to teach students with varied
b. Develop man into a thinking individual abilities. You want to teach a more homogenous
c. Enjoy the great works of man such as the grouping. Which type of grouping will tend to benefit
classics your students?
d. Make man distinctly civilized, educated and a. Mixed ability grouping
refined b. Low ability group
717. An appreciation lesson is one that is designed to lead c. Within class ability grouping
the class to conduct and enjoy something. Which of d. High ability grouping
the following statements closely approximate the
meaning of the above? 725. Which of the following examples illustrate the use of
a. An appreciation lesson should be a lesson in questions to focus pupils attention on the key points of
values the lesson?
a. What is Rizal Park known for?
b. Why are machine made goods cheaper than 733. When I am engaged in an external criticism in a
those made by hand? historical research, what am I occupied with? The
c. Have you ever enjoyed watching the clouds on _______ of the document.
a bright day? a. Author c. Source
d. Who came while I was writing on the blackboard? b. Authenticity d. Accuracy
734. Learners often find it much easier to fit into a new
726. The new teacher entered a noisy classroom. She social situation when given encouragement and
shouted immediately at the students desperately support. How can this be done?
trying to get order and discipline. Since then the a. By discovering his new interest
teacher has not controlled the class. Which is the b. By giving him room responsibility
most probable cause of the teacher’s failure? c. By assigning “peers or Buddies” to him
a. The students reaction to the teacher is the d. By giving him special help
consequence of her behavior 735. Who expounded on the need to study the child
b. Rules are not defined and procedures to sustain carefully for individualized instruction?
order is not put into place a. Da Feltre c. Boccacio
c. The new teacher wants to show the class who b. Erasmus d. Ascham
is authority 736. Which of the following should a teacher do if she
d. The class wants to test the ability and patience of cannot pay the monthly installment of an appliance
the teacher she got from a department store in their town?
a. Reject any notice of demand for payment to
727. The educational implementation of research findings make the impression that she did not receive
relative to the ability of dull learners and bright b. Move to another neighborhood to escape
learners to organize and generalize is for teacher: payment
a. To make the bright learners guide the dull ones c. Inform the manager of the store personally and
in learning to generalize make a satisfactory arrangement of payment on
b. To make the bright learners to generalize and the or before the due date of payment
dull ones to memorize d. Offer the return of the used appliance to the store
c. To give the dull learners to more concrete on the condition that she will be refunded on the
experiences to serve as basis for generalizing monthly installment she paid
d. To give both the dull and bright learners concrete 737. Which of the following will you recommended to a
and abstract experiences to serve as basis for senior high school scholar who is impregnated by a
generalizing fellow student?
a. Tell her parent about her condition
728. Which of the following will do the first to establish b. Stop schooling until after she gives birth
good class management? c. Direct her to an abortion clinic
a. Discuss the required rules for proper class d. Force her boyfriend to marry her
behavior 738. The government prescribes a higher percentage on
b. Discuss the work plan for the year the administration of educational institution to Filipino
c. Prepare a seat plan citizens in order to:
d. Train the class in the distribution of material a. Minimize the unemployment problem
b. Produce globally competitive graduates
729. A student was diagnosed to have a high IQ but is c. Protect the rights of the citizen
failing in his academic subject. What should the d. Ensure the teaching of Filipino
teacher do to help him? 739. Teacher should bear in mind that the period of
a. Talk to his parents greatest mental development is from:
b. Examine his study habits a. 9 to 12 years c. 6 to 9 years
c. Talk the student and find out his problem b. 12 to 15 years d. 3 to 6 years
d. Refer him to the guidance counselor 740. Which of the following is the best situation wherein
you can balance responsibility and accountability?
730. Which is the true foundation of the social order? a. A teacher paid on an hour basis, takes her time
a. Strong, political leadership with the subject matter until the end of the period
b. The reciprocation of rights and duties b. A teacher paid on an hour basis, teaches as
c. Equitable distribution of wealth much as she could for the duration of the period
d. Obedient citizenry c. A teacher paid on an hour basis, spends most
731. When do test, inventories and career information of the time on the latest gossips in showbiz
become effective for counseling services? d. A teacher paid on an hour basis, entertain her
a. When the data generated are interpreted on time students with stories until the end of the period
by professionally competent person 741. You have a pupil who is so talkative, naughty and
b. The psychological test result are still valid and aggressive that he is a burden to the entire members
reliable of the class. How would you remedy this problem?
c. When the records are updated a. Talk to him seriously
d. When the records are kept for ready reference b. Call the parents for dialogue
when needed c. Report the case to the principal
732. Which of the following is a major advantage in using d. Reprimand him always
arithmetic mean? 742. What should a teacher do before constructing items
a. It is more commonly used than other measures for a particular test?
b. It is simple to compute a. Prepare a table specifications
c. It discriminates between the lowest and the b. Review the previous lessons
lowest c. Determine the length of time for answering it
d. It is more than stable than the median d. Announce to students the scope of the test
743. Under which of the multiple choice type of test can this a. Guidance counselor are perceived to be “almighty
question be classified? “Which of the following and omniscient”
statement expresses this concept in different forms?” b. The parents of student Jay must be of the
a. Association c. Difference delinquent type
b. Definition d. Cause c. Reporting to a Guidance Office is often associated
744. Of the following types of test which is the most with misbehavior
subjective in scoring? d. Student Jay is a “problem” student
a. Matching type c. Multiple choice 756. Which of the following assessment techniques best
b. Simple recall d. Essay assess the objective “ plans and designs an experiment
745. In which of these research methods can the to be performed”
researcher control certain variable? a. Rating scale c. Checklist
a. Experimental c. Descriptive b. Paper and pencil test d. Essay
b. Ex post facto d. Historical 757. What type of measure of variation easily affected by the
746. During the first grading period, a student obtained extreme scores?
failing marks in five academic subjects. Which of the a. Quartile deviation
following tests would best explain his performance? b. Standard deviation
a. Mental ability c. Attitude c. Range
b. Personality d. Aptitude d. Inter quartile range
747. Measuring the work done by gravitational force is a 758. A child who is cold towards that people among him might
learning task. At what level of cognition is it? have failed to attain what basic goal based on Erickson’s
a. Application c. Evaluation theory on psychological development?
b. Knowledge d. Comprehension a. Autonomy c. Initiative
748. Setting up criteria for scoring test is meant to increase b. Trust d. Mistrust
their ________. 759. Under the learning to do, which of the following
a. Objectively c. Validity instruments must be acquired so that a person can
b. Reliability d. Usability perform his work effectively?
749. Which of the following you will do to an examinee you a. Competence c. Compromise
caught cheating and who offered a certain sum of b. Insights d. Communication
money to keep quiet? 760. What do you think would be the actions of a teacher who
a. Confiscate his test paper and report him to the found out and has proven that his principal is involved in
examination supervisor the malversation of funds of their school?
b. Motion him to keep quiet and watch for him after a. Malign him trough an anonymous letter
the examination b. Present the charge to a complete authority
c. Announce to all examinees the name of the c. Ignore what the teacher has discovered about this
cheater action of the principal
d. Ignore him but let him feel you saw him d. Circulate this issue and let it become a gossip
750. Which of the following is the best situation wherein 761. Standard deviation is to measure of variations as ______
you can balance rights and authority? is to measure of central tendency.
a. Allow all their only daughter’s suitor to come and a. Quartile deviations c. Mean deviation
go as she pleases b. Range d. Mode
b. Caution their only daughter’s choice of a 762. Which statement is/are true in constructing matching
boyfriend type of test?
c. Censor all their only daughter’s suitor I. The option and descriptions not necessarily
d. Choose a life-partner for their only daughter homogenous
751. Classical conditioning theory is always attributed to him II. Description in Column A and options in Column B
for his experiment involving the dog’s salivation as a
III.The options must be greater than the description
reaction to the sound of the buzzer.
a. Skinner c. Bandura IV. The directions must state the basis of matching
b. Lewin d. Pavlov a. I, II, and III c. I, II, and IV
752. The singing of national anthem is an offshoot of the b. II, III, and IV d. I, II, III, and IV
philosophical ideas of: 763. Which of the following should be AVOIDED in
a. Naturalism c. Socialism constructing true or false test?
b. Nationalism d. Pragmatism I. Verbal clues and specific determiner
753. An adolescent combines his ability to use deductive and
inductive reasoning in realistic rules that he can respect II. Terms denoting definite degree of amount
and live by. When he does this, how does he perceive
his environment? III. Taking elements directly from the book
a. He sees the world through the eyes of the people
b. He interprets events from a limited point of view IV. Keep true and false statement the same in length
c. He sees events apart for himself and other people
d. He views the world from his own perspective a. I and III only c. I, II, and IV
754. Which of the following statement is the main reason why b. I, II and III d. II and IV only
should negative words be avoided in constructing 764. The discriminating index number 15 is 0.44 this means
multiple choices tests? that:
a. Might be overlooked a. Equal number of student got the correct answer
b. Stems tends to be longer b. More students from the upper group got the item
c. More difficult to construct option correctly
d. Increase the difficulty of the test item c. More students from the lower group got the item
755. Student David was asked to report to the guidance correctly
office. Student David and his classmates at once remark: d. The test item is very easy
“What’s wrong?” what does this mean? 765. Some children go through a period of intense appetite
when they eat or chew on all sorts of inedible
substances. This is called:
a. Pica c. Encopresis a. Encourage higher education aspirations among the
b. Enuresis d. Anorexia less privileged pupils
766. What is the main advantage of using table of b. Provide limited experience to children of less
specification when constructing periodic test? privileged classes
a. It reduces the scoring time c. Assign leadership roles to the children of the upper
b. It improves the sampling of content areas social class
c. It makes test construction earlier d. Avail the influence of mass media for children of all
d. It increase the reliability of the test result classes
767. If a teacher is an advocate of banking concept in 775. The freedom constitution which provided the present
Education he or she viewed student as? philosophy of education was the contribution of the
a. Clear account to be filled up by the teacher Aquino administration. Which of this statement is NOT
b. Dormant account to be activated by the teacher consistent with our education philosophy?
c. Wobble account to be balanced by the teacher a. Restore Ethical and moral values
d. All of the above b. Appreciate the roles of foreigners on the historical
768. Teacher Maechelle is a neophyte teacher. One time a saga of the country
mother of one of her students confronted and maligned c. Foster nationalism and patriotism
her in front of her colleagues. How should conduct d. Introduce vocational and scientific efficiency
Teacher Myla react on this kind of situation? 776. In the preamble of the Code of Ethics for Professional
a. Walk away and ignore the mother Teachers, which of the following teacher descriptions is
b. Answer back the mother and malign her too included in the Code of Ethics of the Professional
c. Wait until the emotion of the mother subsides and Teachers?
invite her to discuss the concern with the principal a. With satisfactory teaching performance
or guidance counselor b. Duly licensed professional
d. Allow the mother to keep on maligning her until it’s c. Persons of dignity and reputation
her turn to do the same d. Passed the Licensure Exams for teacher
769. Ms. Teodora is always guarded by the principle that she 777. A number of researchers found the effects of maternal
has a foremost responsibility as a teacher. Given the employment on children’s achievement are:
following which do you think is the main responsibility of a. Fully establish c. Positive and negative
Ms. Sanchez? b. Negative d. Hardly establish
a. Ask the challenging question 778. Babyhood is often referred to as a “critical period” in the
b. Guides students in learning process development of personality because:
c. Shares responsibility in counseling a. Changes in the personality pattern take place
d. Inspires student to interesting lessons b. At this time the foundations are laid upon which the
770. Which of the following would best describe the role of the adult personality structure we built
schools? c. The brain grows and develops at such an
a. To educate the citizens accelerated rate during babyhood
b. To educate the citizens to change the society d. At the time the baby is exposed to many hazards
c. To fit the citizens into the society both physical and psychological
d. All of the above 779. Research established that complete coordination of
771. Manual aesthetic activities involving attitudes and motor activities is attained at:
feelings are primarily expressive of emotions and values a. Childhood stage c. Pre-natal stage
not thoughts. An example of this motor skills is: b. Infanc d. Adolescence stage
a. Baking a cake with background music 780. Which of these theories holds that human activity is
b. Saving a board for the wall of a book cabinet based on the interaction of stimuli and responses?
c. Dancing and playing musical instruments a. Vector c. Association
d. Manipulating a bowling ball to achieve a strike b. Social learning d. Cognitive field
772. Parents and teachers are considered as authorities and 781. It is the process by which an organism inherent the
models by children at the early childhood stage. What characteristics traits of the patients:
does this statement imply? a. Fertilization c. Maturation
a. Parent Teacher conference should always be an b. Heredity d. Development
activity in school 782. When the daughter is competing with the father for the
b. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and mothers attention, the daughter is said to be
teachers in school experiencing:
c. Teachers and Parents should serve as role models a. Sexual deviation c. Identity crisis
at all times b. Electra complex d. Oedipus complex
d. Teachers should demand complete obedience from 783. If children are cooperatively engaged with the teacher in
the learners in school a group project the children will discipline themselves as
773. Which of these statements regarding professional’s each member of the group exercises:
teachers is the major difference in the professionalization a. Special interest
of teachers and teaching as promulgated in Presidential b. Moral compulsion
Decree 1006 and in Republic Act 7836? c. Obedience to the teacher
a. Assigned at the tertiary level in both private and d. Peer influence
state colleges and universities 784. Operation “Return to the basic” was launched by the
b. Assigned at the elementary and secondary levels in department of education, Culture and sports not only to
both public and private schools upgrade pupil achievement but also to:
c. Holder of valid professional license and certificate a. Emphasize the importance of the 3Rs
of registration b. Develop thinking skills
d. Appointed on full-time basis and on permanent c. Encourage pupils to study
status d. Serve as the basis for learning continuum
774. Social stratification is greatly developed in the 785. Which of the following embodies the operation “return to
classroom. Which of these activities would be an the Basics”?
effective way of avoiding or minimizing this? a. National Secondary Achievement Test
b. New Elementary School Curriculum 795. Teachers being the trustee of the cultural and
c. New Secondary Education Curriculum educational heritage of the nation are under obligation
d. National Elementary Achievement Test to:
786. In a classroom it is possible to see the teacher doing the a. Promote obedience to the laws of the state
following to faci9litate learning. b. Promote national pride, cultivate love of country &
I. The class reads a workbook on the characteristics instill allegiance to the constitution
of animals c. Transmit to learners such heritage and elevate
II. The class copies the characteristics of animals from national morality
d. All of the above
796. The principal is very much interested in a quality
III. The class goes out to the zoo to observe the animals professional development program of her teachers.
IV. The teacher shows posters of animals Which of the following should she consider to realize
Which of these teacher’s activities reflects an interactive this?
environment? a. Prescribe by top educational teachers
a. III and IV c. I and IV b. Required for renewal of professional license
b. I and II d. III only c. Responsive to identified teachers needs
787. As provider for the education act of 1982, how much are d. Dependent on the availability of funds
the institutions of learning encouraged to set higher 797. Ms. Soriano wants to help in ending Ms. Del Mundo’s act
standards of quality over and above the minimum of immorality but doesn’t have to encourage confronting
required for state recognition? her. What she did was to write and secretly distribute
a. Formal education copies of anonymous letter to her colleagues. What
b. Academic freedom should have been done instead?
c. Voluntary accreditation a. Secretly give anonymous letter only to the people
d. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) concerned
788. The following is TRUE in the development of b. If the charge is valid; present such charge under
understanding in early childhood except: oath before her school head
a. Sensory experiences c. Ask a third party to write the anonymous letter to
b. Abilities to reason & to see relationship prevent her from being involved
c. Ability to ask questions d. Talk to the married man with whom Ms. Del Mundo
d. Ability to explore their environment is having an illicit affair
789. The first kindergarten also known as “a garden where 798. The principal ask his good teacher to write modular
children could grow” was the product of research by: lesson in Filipino, then he had them published with his
a. Froebel c. Pestalozzi name printed as author. Which is unethical in this case?
b. Herbart d. Rousseau a. He burdened the teachers with work not related to
790. Values development is integrated in all subjects in the teaching
NSEC while values education is: b. He got the merit which was due for his teacher-
a. Emphasized in science and technology writer
b. Offered as a separate subject c. He had the modular lessons published when they
c. Emphasize for creativity and productivity worth publishing
d. Integrated with technology and home economics d. He wants to exclusive beneficiary of the royalty
791. Which of the following is a mark of a good teacher? from the modules
a. Has the habit of preparing for visual aids 799. Teacher Vincent, a teacher for thirty two years, refuses
b. Has the mastery of the lesson to attend seminars. He claims that his thirty two years of
c. Has the control of the class teaching is more than all the seminars he is asked to
d. Has the capability to implement corporal attend. Are his actuation and thinking in accordance with
punishment the code of Ethics for professional teachers?
792. The main function of a philosophy of education is to: a. Yes, provided he has an excellent performance
a. Aid the learner to build his own personal philosophy rating
b. Define the goals and set the direction for which b. No, non attendance to seminars would mean no
education is to strive increase in salary
c. Provide the academic background prerequisite to c. No, a professional teacher, regardless of teaching
learning experience, ought to go through CPE
d. Reconsider existing education goals in the light of d. Yes, because he taught for thirty two years and
society’s needs may have mastered the traded
793. The control and the administration of all educational 800. Education is a continuous process of experiencing and
institutions shall be vested in the citizens of the visiting or reorganizing experiences according to a
Philippines is stipulated in: Progressivist. What does it mean?
a. P.D.1006 c. 1987 Constitution a. Education takes place anytime and anywhere
b. P.D. 6-A d. P.D. 176 b. Education goes on throughout life
794. During the class reunion of teacher, Eric learned that c. Education happens formally or informally
most of his classmates are successful in their fields. d. Education begins and ends in school
Also, he found out that most of them are wealthy 801. The main contribution of the Arroyo Administration in
because they have chosen a lucrative profession. education is Republic Act No. 9155. This provision:
Confronted with this situation, how should teacher Eric a. Started the national scholarship program
react? b. Renamed the DECS to DepEd
a. Hide to those asked his real profession c. Conceptualized the K-12 Education Program
b. Tell with pride that he is a teacher by profession d. Established the study now-pay later system
c. Leave the event so as to avoid being asked about 802. The main Purpose of compulsory education of the
his profession constitution is to:
d. Answer not their question concerning his profession a. Prepare students to be lawyer
b. Develop students with into responsible thinking
c. Acquaint students with the historical development of 813. Ms. Agatep wants to show to her class a magnified
the constitution picture of the Mt. Pinatubo’s crater fixed on a bond
d. Make student’s constitutional expert paper. Which of the following tools can she use?
803. Which of the following situations which violate the a. Slides c. Overhead Projector
principle of respect? b. Filmstrip d. Opaque Projector
a. Teacher B is giving special favor to students to 814. As a teacher employing the project-based multimedia
please so that she can get a remarkable result in learning (PBML) strategy, what are some limitations
the evaluation teachers expect from the encounter?
b. Teacher A tells her student that what teacher B I. There is a need for extending the to use several
taught is wrong media
c. Teacher B, upon learning what teacher A did, asked II. The presentation of the product is not an easy task
the students not to attend her class III. The technology skills to produce a product maybe
d. All of the above lacking
804. If a teacher states that specialization knows more and a. I, II, III c. I only
more about less and less, hence it is better to be b. III only d. II only
generalist. What kind of philosophy does he uphold? 815. B.F. skinner is a known psychologist and the one who
a. Positivism c. Progressivism first to describe operant conditioning. Which of the
b. Essentialism d. Existentialism techniques is an application of operant conditioning?
805. Teacher Paul is an inspiration to almost all of the a. Master learning
students. His efficiency and effectiveness in the b. Process approach
profession is truly outstanding. Which of the following c. Project method
describes this attitude towards him? d. Computer assisted instruction
a. Naturalism c. Idealism 816. Which of the following choices is considered as social
b. Progressivism d. Perennialism force that affects the school and the curriculum?
806. Teacher finds teaching in a multi cultural classes very a. Nature of knowledge
challenging. Which among the following choices will b. Learners’ characteristics
alleviate the difficulty of addressing these challenges? c. Learner’s style
a. She must embody a curriculum rather than d. Changes in gender roles
perspective 817. Which of the following is an expression of child’s interest
b. She must nurture diversity rather than practicing in his body?
domination and oppression a. Comparing themselves with others
c. She must consider stereo typing rather than cultural b. Looking at themselves in the mirror
identities and biased attitudes c. Commenting on various parts o the body
d. She must welcome one sided view rather than the d. Looking the picture of adult men and women
recognition of biases 818. Motor development is satisfied by a particular child who;
807. Ms. Janina is the most admired pre-school teacher in her a. Recognize the different sizes of toys given to him
school. Which among the following can best explain her b. Learns how to walk, run, steer and jump
being a good teacher? c. Has playmates within the neighborhood & is
a. She endorses all the projects of the school for her popular among kids
students d. Known how to control his emotions because he
b. She manages to instill control to her students could not ride the motor cycle
c. She gives easy exams to her students 819. Which among the following drugs is commonly used for
d. She adheres to the want of the parents for their children with ADHD?
children a. Valium c. Retalin
808. Teacher Vincent bought a hamster in the class during b. Haldol d. Thorazine
the lecture about mammals. The hamster is a device 820. What is the main reason why children with ADHD have
commonly known as a REALIA. Teacher can bring realia limited learning skills?
only when: a. Act on impulse and cannot concentrate
a. Workable c. Feasible b. Must take stimulants which shorten attention span
b. Available d. Affordable c. Are given sedatives which make them listen
809. When asked, students of teacher Eric described him as d. Are mildly retarded
someone who knows what he is talking about. Teacher 821. Many concerned parents commonly make the mistake
Eric therefore exhibits a power known as: of:
a. Expert power c. Referent power a. Deliberately creating high levels of stress for their
b. Reward power d. Legitimate power child
810. When choosing an instructional aide or device, the b. Unintentionally rewarding their children for creating
primary consideration of the teacher would be: stress
a. Suitability c. Availability c. Attempting to protect their children from all stress
b. Cost d. Efficiency d. Unintentionally creating high levels of stress for
811. To show disapproval to the misbehavior of the student, their child
Teacher Paul clears his throat and looks intently at the 822. Stuttering is commonly caused by:
erring. This classroom management style is commonly a. Problem with physical origin
known as: b. Psychological consequence of permissive parenting
a. Direct appeal c. Dropping of name c. Side effects of authoritarian parenting
b. Proximity control d. Signal interference d. Result of fixation caused by conflicts during toilet
812. Which of the computer-based instructional tool can help training
you revise written work such as short stories and 823. How can parents foster initiative and independence in
essays? children?
a. Spreadsheets c. Desktop publishin a. Mastering psychomotor skills
b. Database d. Word processing b. Encouragement from parents when a child plans
carries out a task
c. Identity versus role confusion
d. None of the above b. Managing surface behavior
824. Which stage considers teachers, peers and adults c. Managing temper tantrums
outside the home important in shaping attitude toward d. Life space interviewing
oneself? 835. A foreigner who is studying here in the Philippines was
a. Initiative versus guilt turned off by the Filipinos way of eating Balut and Frogs:
b. Industry versus inferiority a. Xenocentrism c. Colonial mentality
c. Trust versus mistrust b. Ethnocentrismd d. Culture shock
d. Integrity versus despair 836. Who among the following claimed that children are
825. When a child manifest mutism, self-destructive behavior natural learners and therefore must be taught in natural
and echolalia, the child might be showing the symptoms settings?
of: a. Kohlberg c. Montessori
a. Anorexia nervosa c. Dyslexia b. Piaget d. Froebel
b. Childhood autism d. ADHD 837. The concept that learning to read or write does not
826. When a person’s moral choices are determined by the happen quickly but is build upon many small steps that
direct consequences of actions. He is most like in the occur over the course of the child’s early childhood.
stage of: a. Innate literacy
a. Conventional c. Post conventional b. Emergent literacy
b. Concrete d. Pre conventional c. Functional literacy
827. What is the motivation of the person who paints for the d. Academic Literacy
sheer enjoyment of creating artwork? 838. A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is close to her
a. Insufficient c. Extrinsic father. These instances are under:
b. Intrinsic d. Intrinsic & Extrinsic a. Latent stage c. Phallic stage
828. Providing variety of learning activities to students is a b. Oedipal Complex d. Pre-genital stage
characteristics of a teacher who understands the 839. Laughing at two year old child who uttered a bad word is
principle of: not a proper thing to do because in this stage of the
a. Proactive teaching as a modem technique of child’s life, the child is:
teaching a. Considering the views of others
b. Facilitating learning with emphasis on individual b. Distinguishing right from wrong
differences c. Distinguishing sex differences
c. Reward as a potential means of increasing the d. Socializing
participation 840. The school director emphasizes the necessity of clean
d. Allowing the student to be exposed to various and green environment to contribute to effective teaching
teaching techniques and learning. This is an example of:
829. All of the following shows respect for individual a. Establish rapport between teachers and pupils
differences except: b. Providing an atmosphere conductive to learning
a. Give greater attention to gifted learners c. Providing adequate physical facilities
b. Treat all learners alike while the classroom d. Utilize educational technology
c. Provide for a variety of learning activities 841. The teachers are facilitators of learning. Which of the
d. Prepare modules for slow learners in class following negates this principle?
830. Students who are disobedient and display negative a. Performs not only classrooms roles but community
attitudes towards others are best handled by teacher involvement as well
who will: b. Focus background of the students
a. Detain him after office hours for him to do what he c. Familiar with the latest innovations in teaching
has been ordered to d. Uses pro-active discipline method
b. Avoid giving him orders or if you do and the objects 842. Which of these philosophies is reflective of the Dewey’s
take back the order which s\tresses the development of an individual capable
c. Take every opportunity to praise him for every of reflecting thinking specially that of being able to solve
positive attitude displays the problem he faces individually or collectively?
d. Insist on compliance to the same degree required of a. Disciplinism c. Experimentation
pupils b. Developmentalism d. Rationalism
831. Which of the following develops critical thinking skills 843. The present military training in our school curriculum is
among the students? an influence of:
a. Asking convergent question a. Sparta c. Greece
b. Blind obedience to authority b. Rome d. Athens
c. A willingness to suspend judgment 844. Basic education includes secondary education. Which of
d. Asking low level questions the following contributed to the establishment of
832. A child who always fights with his/her classmates, who secondary schools?
has a very short attention span, and who has frequent a. Reformation c. Realistic
tantrums is believed to be suffering from: b. Rationalism d. Human Education
a. Mental retardation 845. The nearest to the real thing according to Edgar Dale’s
b. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Cone of Experience is:
c. Down syndrome a. Watching demo
d. Learning disability b. Viewing images
833. Teacher Elaine has been lecturing for more than an hour c. Attending Exhibit
and she notice that students are not anymore able to d. Hearing and listening
absorb additional information. This phenomenon is 846. This is pre-planned collection of sample of student
known as: works, assessed results and other output produced by
a. Stagnation c. Boredom the students:
b. Procrastination d. Plateau of learning a. Anecdotal report c. Portfolio
834. Planned ignoring, signal interference and proximity b. Diary d. Observation image
control are techniques used in:
a. Operant conditioning
847. Which of the following statements is one of the strength 857. Metacognition is primarily characterized by:
of an autobiography as a technique for personality a. Recalling the past lesson
appraisal? b. Thinking about their thinking
a. It can replace data obtain from other data c. Visualizing in advance
techniques d. Formulating hypothesis
b. It may be read by unauthorized people 858. A person who is friendly and has a capacity to make
c. It gives complete data about the author people laugh possesses:
d. It makes possible presentation of intimate a. Interpersonal intelligence
experiences b. Naturalistic intelligence
848. The present Philippine Teachers professionalization Act c. Spatial intelligence
had its beginning on what period of roman history? d. Intrapersonal intelligence
a. 295 B.C. - schools were elementary only 859. Which of the following is an example of norm-
b. A.D. 100 - A.D. 175 - government increased its referenced interpretation?
subsidy for education a. Josh’s test score is higher that 89% of the class
c. 132 B.C. - A.D. 100 - Latin literature and grammar b. Francis set up his laboratory equipment in 2
were perfected minutes
d. A.D. 274-259 - government establish a monopoly c. RJ solve five problems correctly out of thirty
on education words
849. Whose philosophy influences the present emphasis on d. Bea must spell twenty five words correctly out of
character education and values education in our school thirty words
system? 860. A type of error committed in grading the performance
a. Tagore c. Confucius of the students by the rater who avoids both extremes
b. Gandhi d. Bonifacio of the scale and tends to rate everyone as revenge
850. During the distribution of the report card, which of the a. Severity error
following must be the foremost concern of teacher? b. Central tendency error
a. Discuss the projects of the school c. Generosity error
b. Discuss the unsettled bill of the students d. Logical error
c. Discuss the progress as well as the deficiencies 861. Which of the following test items can be effectively
of the stu7dent measure higher order of cognitive learning objectives?
d. Discuss the complaints of other teachers and a. Achievement test
classmates of the students b. Extended essay test
851. After listening to the homily of the priest about fidelity, c. Completion test
Catherine has a moment of reflection. Her d. Objective test
understanding of the value of fidelity has become 862. A student finding it hard to read. When the guidance
deeper as she related this to her past experience. This counselor traced the child’s history, the counselor was
typifies what kind of philosophy? able to find out the student came from a dysfunctional
a. Constructivism c. Humanism family, aside from that the child was abused and
b. Reconstructivism d. Existentialism neglected. What could have caused the students
852. Teacher Vincent is a new teacher. He realizes that reading disability?
handling his student’s misbehavior is a very a. Poor teaching
demanding aspect of classroom management. In this b. Emotional factors
regard he thought of giving up teaching. What advice c. Neurological factors
can you give him? d. Immunity
a. Report every student’s misbehavior to the 863. The best example Operant conditioning among the
principal following is:
b. Agree with the class on what rules to follow a. Fostering conductive learning environment
c. Set the ground rules for the whole class b. Connecting facts and concept
d. None of the above c. Using reinforcement
853. Which of the following is a result of compressing a d. Using manipulative device
file? 864. The failure in the test of independence among Filipino
a. The file size is smaller students can be attributed to
b. The file deleted a. Lack of skills
c. The three character extension is hidden b. High degree of dependence to authority
d. All file properties c. Strong family ties
854. Mrs. Anita Kusing was not accepted by a certain d. All of the above
company because of her age. This discrimination 865. Mrs. Soriano is admitted for being an effective
based on age is called classroom manager. She is not only friendly but at the
a. Gerontism c. Agelism same time be_______
b. Autism d. Senilism a. Confident c. Analytical
855. Vincent parents do not want their child with ADHD to b. Business-like d. Buddy-buddy
undergo drug treatment, their better alternative would 866. Which of the following would be the most fitting action
be for the teacher who is having a relationship with
a. Behavior modification or behavior management his/her student?
b. Psychotherapy a. Deny the relationship
c. Punishment b. Continue the relationship and exercise utmost
d. Progressive inhibition professional discretion about this
856. Ripple effect can also be seen in misdemeanor. The c. Enjoy the relationship while it last
teacher should therefore: d. Defer the relationship until they are already to
a. Reinforce positive behavior admit it
b. Immediately responds to misbehavior 867. The following is TRUE in the development of
c. Be consistent in classroom management understanding in early childhood, except:
d. Count 1 to 10 before she gets angry a. Abilities to reason and to see relationship
b. Sensory experiences the following can she use so she won’t need to spend
c. Ability to explore their environment much?
d. Ability to ask questions a. Distant communication
868. Teacher Eric would like to compare and contrast plant b. Instant messaging
cell vs. animal cell. He would most likely use: c. Video conferencing
a. Fishbone diagram c. Tree Diagram d. Podcasting
b. Venn Diagram d. KWL chart 880. Teacher Lally wants her students to express their
869. Which of the following are the basic components of opinions regarding a certain government issue. Which
curriculum design? of the following can she use to do this?
a. Assessment, teaching strategies and textbooks a. Forum c. Email
b. Content, structure and deliver b. Blog d. Group messaging system
c. Philosophy, goals and objectives 881. Which is the first step in planning periodic test?
d. Standards, learning competencies, and a. Select the type of test to be used
evaluation b. Construct a table specification
870. The following are examples of learning centered c. Go back to the instructional objectives
design except: d. Determine the group of whom the test is intended
a. Child centered design 882. Below is a list of methods used to establish the
b. Life situation design reliability of a test, which method is questionable due
c. Humanistic centered design to practice and familiarity?
d. Experience centered design a. Split half c. Kuder Richardson
871. Which of the following statements about computer b. Equivalent form d. Test retest
viruses are TRUE? 883. What is meaning of TOS in the parlance of test
a. Text files are the only files to be corrupted by construction?
virus. a. Table of specifics
b. Files damaged by computer viruses can be cured b. Table of specification
c. Files are always permanently damage by viruses c. Table of specific test
d. Compressed files can never be damaged by d. Table of subject
viruses 884. Ms. Soriano will be absent for two days because of a
872. The students of Teacher Corazon feels that their national conference. She wants her student to work on
teacher has an “eye behind her head” this a certain module. What is the fastest way of sending
characteristics of the teacher is known as: the module to her students while she is away?
a. Referent Power c. Pygmalion Effect a. Share it to all her students in her live account
b. Withitness d. Rosenthal Effect b. Email a module to her students
873. After studying the Principle of identity, teaching Beng c. Send the module through group instant
ask her students to determine which among the given messaging
set of problems conforms to the said identity. This d. Message each of the students on a social
shows that teacher beng upholds this kind of networking site
philosophy? 885. Teacher Vincent is assigned to handle a multiple
a. Perennialism c. Essentialism grade class. What instructional material must be used
b. Progressivism d. Naturalism to provide the need of each grade?
874. How will you classify the purpose of the school as it a. Differentiated materials to cater to different levels
concerns with the training and preparation of citizens b. Multisensory materials
for the world of work? c. Colorful, useful and durable materials
a. Political Purpose c. Economic d. Materials of high level thinking skills
Purpose 886. A document publishes by a school district that
b. Cognitive Purpose d. Social Purpose identifies rules of behavior that must be followed by
875. A child submitted a poor written report but package anyone using the school districts computers, network,
with boringly colored paper cover. This or internet connection.
showcase____. a. Ethical internet use policy
a. Art over academics b. Classroom rules
b. “porma” over substance c. Acceptable use policy
c. Substance over “porma” d. Fair use
d. Art over science 887. Which of the following are the rationales behind using
876. Clearance has inherent skills in taking care of plants. technology in the classrooms?
It is highly possible that she has ________ I. Motivational
intelligence. II. Unique instructional capabilities
a. Intrapersonal intelligence III. Increase Teachers’ Productivity
b. Naturalistic intelligence
a. I only c. II and III only
c. Spatial intelligence
b. I and II only d. I, II, and III
d. Existential intelligence
888. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, the highest among the
877. According to Erickson, a child who is cold towards that
following is:
people among him might have failed to attain what
a. Critical Comprehension
basic goal based on psychosocial development?
b. Critical evaluation
a. Autonomy c. Initiative
c. Integration
b. Trust d. Mistrust
d. Literal comprehension
878. What is most likely characteristic of children aged 3 to
889. Among the following educators, who proposed the
5 according to Erickson?
placement of children in a “prepared environment”?
a. Mischievous c. Lazy
a. Thorndike c. Kilpatrick
b. Egocentric d. Altruistic
b. Montessori d. Froebel
879. Mrs. Cruz dreams to organize a seminar with a known
890. To improve comprehension and retention among the
poet from another country but she cannot afford to
students, the teachers best option would be use
spend for a transportation of the said poet. Which of
a. Six thing hats
b. SQ3R presidents, current issues, and sports. Which of the
c. Contextual Clues constructing a matching type test items was NOT
d. Autodidactic Activities followed?
891. Who among the philosophers considered habits and a. The descriptions must be homogenous
reasons as equally important Forces to be cultivated b. The options must be greater than the
in education? descriptions
a. Avicenna c. Jerome Bruner c. The descriptions must be heterogeneous
b. Aristotle d. Maria Montessori d. Arrange the options according the orders
892. What practice(s) will demonstrate the teachers 898. Which of the following does not belong to the group
genuine concern on the learning of students? when we talk about projective personality test?
a. Confer progress of students to their parent a. Sentence completion test
b. Guides students to meet their learning goals b. Word association test
c. Validates if learning goals were met c. Interview
d. All of the above d. Thematic Apperception test
893. Which of the following is the most important 899. Which of the following is the main purpose of
component of educational reform? administering a pre test and post test to the
a. Allowing the students to participate more in extra- stu8dents?
curricular activities a. Measure the value of the materials used
b. Implementing a better curriculum for students b. Accustom the students in frequent testing
c. Hiring only the excellent teachers c. Measure gain in learning
d. Involving parents in the dedication for the d. Measure the effectiveness of instruction
children 900. Which is implied by a positively skewed score
894. To increase the difficulty of a multiple choice test item, distribution?
which of the following should be done? a. The mean, The median and the moderate are
a. Make the options equal in length equal
b. Make the options homogeneous b. Most of the scores are low
c. Make it grammatically correct c. Most of the scores are high
d. Make the stem d. The mode is high
895. Teacher Anna set 85% accuracy in a test on
predicting the kind of weather given 5 different
atmospheric conditions. May obtain a score of 82%
can be interpreted as:
a. She is 3% short of the set percentile score
b. She did not meet the set standards by 3%
c. She obtained 82% percentile score
d. She is higher than 82% of the group
896. Teacher Vincent wants to establish the reality of test
in biology. Which of the following will he accomplish?
I. Administer a parallel test
a. I, III, IV c. I, II
b. I, II, IV d. I, IV
897. Teacher Vilma constructed a matching type test item.
IN her column of descriptions are combinations