Chapter 1 - Shining Resonance Refrain Walkthrough - Neoseeker
Chapter 1 - Shining Resonance Refrain Walkthrough - Neoseeker
Chapter 1 - Shining Resonance Refrain Walkthrough - Neoseeker
Chapter 1
1 Starting New Game
2 Gaelritz Prison
Original Mode is the PS3 version, this is intended for players to experience the game as the way it
was released.
Refrain Mode adds characters that weren't originally playable.
Even though the game suggests that you should play Refrain Mode after beating the game once. I
would recommend starting the game with Refrain Mode. This will save you an extra playthrough, as
the characters that weren't originally playable does not affect the main story and you can also get
the Platinum trophy in one playthrough.
After you have chosen the game mode, choose the difficulty option of your preference. If you find
the game too hard, you can adjust the difficulty at any time in the Options menu.
Gaelritz Prison
Treasure List
Potion x1
As you claim control of Sonia, check behind you to find a potion. Continue south, you will be
intercepted by enemy soldiers. This will lead to the first battle tutorial.
In case if you miss the tutorial, you can use this as a quick reference.
Battle Tutorial
Sonia Tutorial
Sonia fights with a sword and shield. She has quick attacks and high defense. For her break
attack, pressing triangle repeatably will increase her numbers of attacks.
The enemy soldiers will be a complete cakewalk for this battle. Use this opportunity to get the
grasp of movement and combat. If you ever find yourself stuck in a particularly difficult fight,
leveling up your party members can make a huge difference in battle.
After defeating the group of soldiers, head down to the center area, there is a circle placed with an
event marker. Go there to trigger a story event. Continue west to find another event marker. This
will lead to another battle tutorial explaining about Force Abilities.
Test out using Force Abilities on the enemy soldiers. After completing this tutorial continue to the
southwest path. You will find a save point. Save points can be used to save your game progress
and a location to rest.
Afterwards head upstairs for the next event. When you resume control, the game will switch to the
perspective of Kirika. Head to the front to engage the group of soldiers. This will lead to a tutorial
with Kirika.
Kirika Tutorial
Kirika is a Dragoneer who uses the Koto-no-Kagura. She is good at range attacks and can support
the party from the back line. Her break attack sends out a flurry of arrows that automatically track
and attack multiple enemies.
Kirika can also use the recovery Force, Heal, to replenish HP. When you use Heal, a cursor will at
the bottom of the screen, above the characters' status display, allowing you to choose who to heal.
Left/Right to choose the target and press to select the party member you want to heal.
Although this enemy encounter has more soldiers than the fights you have seen with Sonia, they
are relatively harmless. Take the opportunity to understand how to use Kirika, her attacks are
mostly range making her an excellent support unit for later.
After the event sequence, you will be controlling the main protagonist, Yuma for the first time. The
game will provide a tutorial on his specialty.
Yuma Tutorial
Yuma uses the sword Vandelhorn. He possesses high damage and wide radius for his attacks. His
Break Attack, a dash lunge, can knock down a single enemy. Once knocked down, the enemy will
be defenseless.
Starting from now on, you will have more than one party member in battle. The game will default to
Yuma on default. If you don't like playing him, you can switch the playable character by arranging
your party leader in the menu screen. After the group of soldiers, you will face a boss fight.
Boss: Trishula
The first boss fight will have a huge jump in difficulty compared to the grunts you have fought from
before. Trishula has some really hard hitting attacks that can reduce a lot of HP. Make sure Kirika
heals anyone that is in danger and you should able to breeze through the fight. A good opportunity
to attack uses your Break Attacks when the boss is chanting its magic attack.