GD Correspondence Course Lessons 047 To 050
GD Correspondence Course Lessons 047 To 050
GD Correspondence Course Lessons 047 To 050
the meanings of the four elements and and applying them to the
come up from the earth . These rays are not the rays of the solar
with the earth elements . The divine names acting through the 1
sigils awakened the element of the planetary ray within them thus
imbalance as the sigils or seals which did not come from the
planetary squares, not being compatible with the Geomantic
opens up within himself the vital forces which link to the earth -
SUN - Vitality
NEPTUNE - Deception
PLUTO - Death
An additional method of utilising the sigil of Malkuth is once you have ,
traced the sigil in the center of the pentagram, then through creative
visualisation, trace the sigil of Malkuth within your own body . This makes
sure that the automatic forces within the self that formulate the figures
GeneralMeanings ofGeomanticFigures
The following meanings of the figures , .,e based on the modern interpret-
ation of the Geomantic aspect of the figures . They are compiled
from a mixture of the earth elements and the astrological meanings .
This figure shows the initial thrust of energy in a new project . There
is a caution that this thrust will be short lived as people with this
type of energy tend to burn themselves out . This intensified type of
1 energy if directed can push against all odds and win . The important
thing to conserve is that this energy directed towards an object or
project is the initial impetus only and is generally used by an
individual who has made his mark and who is already in a position of
power and authority to do so .
• 8
Amisso ~, 0 T V
This figure shows not only a loss of goods but also in . an emotional
sense,being cut off from ones homes and loved ones as well as in the
business aspect also . There tends to be a jealous streak in the
individual who will cause his own problems .
Albus ~ •~ 0
Fortuna Major
This is a generous figure which shows good fortune coming to the individ
ual . The sun here bestows its warm influence to those under it . It is
warmth from above descending below which has a type of conducive
quality about it .
Is 0
This shows success in the communicative field as well as financial as the
practical outlet for intellect . There is a great deal of precision and
analysis indicated by this figure of partnerships and meetings .
0 -A-
Puella .' •
Adornment of beauty is the key phrase surrounding this figure, hence
beautiful things and people are shown to represent Puella . Wealth,art and
intellect are shown here as the individual tries to achieve them through '
a tremendous effort of will by adhering to his true wants and desires .
There is however a very strong superficial quality attached to the way the
wants and desires are achieved .
• •
f 0
The traditional meaning of this figure was passioa,vice and a fiery dispos-
ition with an emphasis on sexual overindulgence . Normally Mars took the '
place of this figure in its Retrograde position (considered adverse for
Geomantic purposes) . Rubems however relates to Pluto, one of the slower '
moving planets and recently discovered in 1930 . Because= •o f Rebeus's
association toPluisadverfctwilnobehg td,eovCl
all meaning will be considered when combined with the Geomantic rays of
the earth. Rubeus is a figure of regeneration, going through the pains
of rebirth, a very necessary part of the growth structure . It signifies
end of a matter or near its crucial point whick causes a lot o4 s tress .
i s a necessary evil to put up with if the growth factor is to continue . Thl
rays of Pluto here go much further than the Martian influence, it shows
pain but gives us hope for the future by immediate relief but only after
suffering . This does not mean that one has to be a matyr but rather show #e
outcome of our actions if we take a particular line .. There is much is
common here to the penetration of the virgin, pain before extacy, each '
needed for persona development .
. • • T
'P? A
This shows spiritual gain and insight as the figure represents mans ques~
for his spiritual truth in the form of esoteric ideas, heavily influenced
by religion . This figure shows how man applies structure and order to the-t
belief by his intellect . There is no indication of material gain .here,on:1- - I
spiritual . If material wealth does come it will only be through the spir--_ .ual
side of mans nature .
Carcer v~ e
This figure shows drive and energy put into action as the struggle for
attainment of ones goals begins . The old meaning of this figure was
bound or prision but this showed merely one aspect of the Geomantic
figure . The struggle for success with its limitations imposed . Here we
see a struggle but with a sense of purpose behind it which is considerable
along with a serious minded dignity,
Tristitia ; ;
1 There is a tendency for this figure to discard the old in search of the
the new, reformation as a key word of whatthis figure represents . This
is a certain humanitarian aspect associated here but the old meaning only
considered the upheaval, part of the reformation structure but not the
reason behind it nor its bentfits which is usually for all to ben2fit fro
Laetitia T 7 V
This shows the development of a new age of though and feeling on a higher
evolutionary cycle than before . Here all the intellect and material face~.a
expand with the new awareness . Everything is now recognised for its true
value .
Cauda Draconis ;
This shows the objectivity of the individual who is about to go into
another area of development . Man has achieved his status through past efforts
There is however a type of restriction here because of mans past condition-
ing which he should alter to suit the circumstance . This past conditioniu,~,
can hold the individual back though from this point on if he is not care Vi.;. .
The person here must master his own destiny if he wishes to advance furtbnr .
Capnt Draconis n
This was called Entering the threshold ' and while Cauda-Draconis shows
the preparation of the exit this shows the actual sphere when one enters
a situation . It has an expansive quality about it where the individual
has arrived at the given situation which hints at a favourable outcome
but still it is up to the individual to make the best of his situation
Fortune Minor , I .. o Vt
This figure shows a controlled and well balanced mental and physical '
aspect towards a given situation as well as an abundance of energy to
follow the project through . It shows good aspects and leadership qualitie
but warns about possible problems with ego overinflation .
Via • ) ---~ V ,
Method of Construction
Caput and Cauda Draconis or the Head and Tail of the Dragon (the
the number of points in each line should be aded up, and if the
These yield four Geomantic figures . The results, odd and/or even, of lines 1 to 4
inclusive comprise the first figure, of Fortuna Minor. Of lines 5 to 8 the second
figire ;.of lines 9 to 12 the third ;of lines 13 to 16,the 4th Figure,as shown in the diagram .
15 points odd
15 points odd
Fortuna Minor
16 points even
14 points even
15 points odd
16 points even
15 points odd
14 . points even
12 points even
f6 points even
Fortuna Major
9 points odd
.-7 points odd
10 points - even
11 points odd
10 points even
10 points even •.
A pencil is preferable to a pen for this task of tracing the dots . Otherwise, use a
contemporary felt pen or marking pen which is ideal for this purpose . It is practically more
convenient to draw or rule four lines across the paper beforehand to mark off the space for
such four lines composing a Geomantic Figure as shown on the previous page .
The first four Geomantic figures formed directly from the 16 lines of points are called
The Four Mothers . It is from them that the remaining figures necessary to complete the
Geomantic scheme of direction are derived .
These should now be placed in a row from right to left, for the greater convenience of the
necessary calculation though much practice may render this unnecessary . The first figure
will be. attributed to the South, the Second to the East, the Third to the North, and the
Fourth to the West .
From these Four Mothers, four resulting figures called the Four Daughters are now to be
derived, thus: The uppermost points of the First Mother, will be the uppermost points of
the First Daughter . The corresponding, that is the first line of, points of the Second Mother
will be the second points of the First Daughter . The same line of points of the Third Mother
will constitute the third points of the First Daughter . The same points of the Fourth
Mother willl be the fourth points of the First Daughter . The same rule applies to all the
The second line of points of the four Mother figures will comprise the Second Daughter .
The third line of points of the Four Mothers will comprise the Third Daughter, and the
fourth line of points of the Four Mothers will comprise the Fourth Daughter and so on .
Applying the above rule throughout, the following will represent the Four Daughters :
These, again for the convenience of the beginner, are now to be placed on the left hand of
the Four Mothers in a single line from right to left .
From these eight figures, four others are now to be calculated which may be called the
Four Resultants, or the Four Nephews. These will be the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th figures of
the whole scheme . The Ninth-figure is formed from the points of the first and second figures
compared together. The Tenth from the 3rd and 4th figures ; the 11th from the 5th and 6th
figures, the 12th from the 7th and 8th figures . The rule is to compare or add together the
points of the corresponding lines . If, for instance, the first line of the First M other consists
of one point, and the first line of the Second Mother also consists of one point, these two are
added together, and since they form an even number two points are marked down for the
first line of the Resultant. If the added points are odd, only one point is marked for the
resulting figure. The Ninth figure of Conjunctio is thus formed .
Now the first figure has one point at the top, the second figure has one point at the top
-together they make two, an even number, thus making 2 points for the new figure . The first
figure has one point on the second line, and the second figure has two points on the second
line . Together they make three points, an odd number, therefore represented by one point
in the new figure . The rest follow similarly and is represented again by the figure below.
• • .
And thus the Twelve Principal Figures of the Geomantic scheme of Divination are
completed . These again correspond to the 12 Astrological Houses of Heaven, with which
they will later on be compared .
For the greater assistance of one Diviner in forming a judgment upon the general
condition of the scheme of 12 figures thus far obtained, it is usual to deduce from them three
other subsidiary figures. These three are of less importance than the twelve previous
!f .
figures, and are not to be considered at all in the light of component figures of the scheme,
but only as aids to the general judgment. These other figures are known as the Right
Witness, Left Witness, and the Judge .
The two witnesses are without significance in the divination, except as they are the roots
from which the figure known as the Judge is derived . The Right Witness is formed from the
9th and 10th figures by comparing the points in the manner before shown in the formation
of the Resultants . That is the corresponding lines of points in the two figures are compared
together, and the addition, whether odd or even, comprises the points of the Witness . The
Left Witness represents the combination in a similar manner to the l 1 th and 12th figures.
The Judge again is formed in precisely the same way from the Two Witnesses, and is
therefore a synthesis of the whole figure .
1 If he be good, the figure is good and the judgment will be favourable ; and vice versa .
From the nature of the formation of the 15th figure, the Judge, it should always consist of
an even number of points, and never of odd . That is, adding together the four lines of
points, comprising the Judge, the result should be an even number. For if the Judge were a
-figure -of odd points it would show that a mistake had been made somewhere in the
calculation .
The Reconciler is a 16th figure sometimes used for aiding the Judgment by combining
the Judge with the Figure in the Particular House signifying the thing demanded . Thus, in
the preceding scheme, the Judge formed is Populus, and the Second Figure, being Amissio,
their combination also yields Amissio .
In order to discover where The Part of Fortune will fall, add together all the points of the
first twelve figures. Divide that number by twelve, and place the Part of, Fortune with the
figure answering to the remainder . If there is no remainder it will fall on the 12th figure . The
Part of Fortune is a symbol of ready money, money in cash belonging to the Querent, and is
of the greatest importance in all questions of money .
While the position of a geomantic figure in a house can give
Second House
Third House
Fourth House
Fifth House
Sixth House
Seventh House
Eight House
Ninth House
Tenth House
Eleventh House
Twelfth House
4 10
2 5
J 8
4 1
placed on the zodiac wheel due to their key positioning and are
wheel The inside ring shows the number of the inside house
experience and the signs show how this will come about . Since this
= - - = = = = - = - - = - = - - - i
Placement is taken rom t e irst ouse, e . . in t is case
t e irst ouse eomantic i ure is Fortuna Major, w ic ,
on c eckin t e correspondences rom pa e is t e zodiac
si n Leo VI , t ere ore t is si n is placed on t e irst
1 ouse . T e rest o
w ic
t e ouses are slotted t e zodiac si ns
ollow in natural pro ressin rom Leo . e . .
Leo, Vir o, Libra, Scorpio, Sa itarius, Capricorn, Aquarius,
Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer - in t at order .
For anot er example, i Aries was t e irst si n, t e next
si ns placed, unless by accident, 'vie can look at t e i ures
as planets in ouses o t e alotted si ns . Naturally t e
correspondence colourin would always be considered alon
wit t is to et t e true nature o t e readin .
Payer in t e i st House
Puer in t e 4t House
Evil except in war and love says t e old jud ement .
T is i ure s ows t e domination o t e env1roamental aspect surroundin t e
quereat, but mainly re ers to t e domestic scene .
Puer in t e 5t House
Medium ood says t e old jud ement .
T is i ure s ows a stron drive in sexual and ezotional pleasures and
recreational pursuits . It s ows also leaders ip over c ildren in roup
activities, especially in teac in .
Puer in t e 6t House.
Medium says t e old jud ement .
T is i ure in luences abundent ener y towards creative skills and practica'
work t rou t e mot4vation o sel .
Puer in t e 7t House
Evil, save war says t e old jud ement . t
T is i ure s ows an overabundance o ener y wit a partner or associates
w ic will create servers interaction . between parties wit a reat deal o
Puerint e 8t House !
Evil save or love says t e old jud ement .
T is i -are s ows an a ressive drive towards t e manipulation . o t e inanc •ss
o ot ers, o ten deceased . T ere is also a eavy occult tendency and intaresi_,
o w
Puer int e9t House
Amissoint e3rdHouse
Amisso in t e 4t House
Ill in all t in s says t e old jud emen t .
T is s ows a disruption in t e ome and business ronts wit a possible lose
o money involved .
Amisso in t e 5t House
Evil except or a riculture sass t e old jud ement .
T is s ows t e breakin up o associations . T e old idea was 'Breakin up
t e soil' is s own ere w ic o course promotes rowt ence t e avourabi
aspect towards breakin up w en re errin to a riculture .
Amisso in t e 6t
Rat er evil
or love says t e old jud ement I
T is warns about mixin emotion and work to et er . T e oldmeanin ment
in simple terms t at t e wi e works wit t e usband and becomes ill t rou
overwork . Also it cautions a ainst usbands and wives workin to et er .
Amisso in t e 7t House ∎
Very ood or love ot erwise evil says t e old jud ement .
T is i ure ere s ows a deep and intense relations ip w ic is ideal or
t e partner but it is adverse i one as too many o t ese or i one is too
intense wit every relations ip and association as it will cause many
problems .
Amisso in t e 8t House
Excellent in all questions says t e old jud ement .
T is i ure-placed ere is ideal or partners ips,business associations
and inance in eneral .
Albus in t e 4t House
Very ood except in war says t e old jud ement .
T is s ows communication
. and intrest in domestic subjects -t e material .
Albus in t e 5t House
Good says t e old jud ement
T is s ows stimulation o t e creative e orts o t e individual in any
project o sel expression.
Albus in t e 6t House
Good in all t in s says t e old jud ement
T is says exactly w at it means and also it re ers to practical application
o intellectual e orts, especially in t e ields o ealt and wel are .
Albus in t e 8t
Good says t e old jud ement
26 I
T ere seems to be some sort o ame ere at t e expense o ot ers . T e
occult ield is very prominent and i ly motivated by t is i ure . A
stron reli ious tie is also very evident .
Albus in t e 9t House
Amessen er brin s a letter says t e old jud ement .
T e i ure placed in t is ouse activates t e communicative skills or
ones i er ideals- enerally way beyond t e p ysical at any rate .
Excellent in all t in s says t e old jud ement
T is s ows some communicative skills in t e business and political ield
Populus in t e 5t House
Good in most t in s says t e old jud ement .
T is i ure s ows t e individual wit a stron emotional dependence, t e
ood or bad o it depends i e takes t is dependency town excess,
Populus in t e 6t House
Good said t e old jud ement .
T is s ows a state o continual c an e w ic t e sel wants and is
enerally s own t rou t e work . outlet .
Populus in t e 7t . House
Good in war -else medium says t e old jud ement .
T is s ows dealin s wit t e public stron ly in luenced by a partners ip
makin t e dealin s possibly materialistic .
Populus in t e 8t ouse
Evil said t e old jud ement,
Sexuali3y is expressed rat er reely ere wit money also ained t rou
Populus in t e 9t House
FortunaMajor in t e 6t House,
Very ood except or debauc ery says t e old jud ement .
T is s ows ood ortune in almost all projects undertaken but t e dan er
o excessiveness carried to t e extreme is very present as it e ects tbr
ealt . T e object is to learn to command and old t e power wit out
bein too demandin . I t is is so sel esteem and a certain di nity is
obtained .
4% n
Good is all says t e old jud ement .
T e individual learns ow to express power potential t rou close personal
relations ips . Formin a partners ip is o prime importance to t e individual
it is a time o co-operation and control domination must be learnt .
FortunaMajorint e 9t House
ood says t e old jud ement .
T ere are stron moral convictions w ere by w ic one uides ones own li e .
T ese convictions can be narrow and bi oted . T e i ure s ows a desire
to be in aut ority in ields o i er education or reli ion .
Coniunctio in t e 4t House
Good save or ealt says t e old jud ement
T is s ows a joinin o work and ome as one - t e ome bein t e work
residence t is s ows a possible intr+rest in real estate and a ricylture .
T e dan er to ealt is one o overwork .
Coniuactio in t e 5t House
Medium says t e old jud ement .
T is s ows attraction to t e orm o arts t at convey in ormation w ic
will ive t e individual reat ability in t e ield o sel expression .
All activities are stimulated t rou intellectual excitement w ic
to a certain extent ull ills t e needs .
Conjunctio in t e 6t House
inancial success' and status is sou t . T is s ows as individual capable
o dele atin and yet ivin detailed analytical work T ere is a certain
amount o super iciality about t e w ole a a%r t ou .
Conju=ctio in t e 7t . House
Rat er ood says t e old jud ement .
T is i ure s ows t e advent o partners ips and public communication
alon wit arbitration and counsellin .
Conjunctio in t e 8t House
Evil, deat says t e old jud ement .
T is s ows an inbrest in le alities o deceased persons . Also t ere
is a dan er o loss o unds (t e estate) due to tec nical di iculties .
T e w ole aspect o t is i ure ere is one delvin into anyt in to do
wit . deat .
Conjunctioint e9t Souse
Medium ood says t e old jud ement
P ilosop y based on practical application . T is s ows leanin towards culture
and creative type people suc as teac ers etc . It also s ows lon distances
are travelled to ain knowled e .
Puella in t e 4t House
Indi erent says t e old jud ement .
t T is s ows t e experience o
somet in
w y t e environment is made a t in
to appreciate and it also s ows a place w ere people"
o beauty,
at er and
stron attac ments are made ; Possible in eritance .
Puella in t e 5t House 32
Very ood but notice t e aspects says t e old jud ement .
Romance and love is very prominent ere alon wit t e desire to be in t e
limeli t . T ere is owever a dan er o promiscuity . A ood position to
advance artistic talents .
Paella in t e 6t House
Good, especially or debauc ery says t e old jud ement .
T is s ows muc social contact, possibly t rou ones work . A ood position
or ealt providin t e body is not abused .
Paella in t e 7t House
Good except or war says t e old jud ement .
For t is i ure ere i personal relations
love can be expressed t rou
. ip,
reat rewards will come . Con licts are solved t e easiest way possible .
Puellain t e 8t .House .
Good says t e old Jud ement
T rou marria e t ere is inancial ain t ere is also an overemp asis
on sex- sensationalism . T ere is a dan er owever o extreme possessiveness-
Puella in t e 9t
or music ot erwise only medium says t e old Jud ement .
T is s ows many lon journeys to orei n countries wit a love o p ilosop y
to sway ot ers over to your point o view .
Puella in t e 10t House
Good or peace says t e-old jud ement
T e mediator- peace correspondent . Stron ambition or wealt and status .
Paella in t e 11t House
Good, and love o ladies says t e old Jud ement .
roup activity and social contact . You can become
T is s ows a reat deal o
t e center o attention i desired .
Paellaint e 12 t . House
Good in all says t e old jud ement .
T is s ows reat dedication to or anisations, instutions or movements . T e
ivin o sel sacri ice .
Rabeus in t e 1st House
T e old idea ere was to destroy t e i ure i t is came up and start a ain
a ter a suitable time period . T is may old true to a certain extent but in
t is version o eomantic divination t e
understood as a person w o under oes pain and
i ure is kept because it is now
ards ip or sel development
or t e spiritual side o t in s . A c an e is bein brou t about in t e
individual by is adverse su erin . Durin t is time t e individual
d& . 2
Rubeus in t e2ndHouse
Evil in all t in s says t e old jud ement
T e new concept o meanin ere is t at t e individual will try and aquire
t e materialistic t in s at t e expense o ot ers . W ile t is may appear
evil in itsel we ind t at t is is needed or inner development and peace
or t e individual w o as to stabilise is position to elp wit t e state
o trans ormation e or s e is presently oin t rou .
t t at allows release o
Rubeus in t e 4t House
t ese tremendous ener ies .
Rubeus in t e 5t douse
Evil save or love and sowin seed says t e old jud ement .
ere we ind t e individual in tune wit t e cravin s o t e sel and enerally
I avin a ood time o it, 'To t ine own sel be true' is an old sayin t at
applies ere as one bows down to t e creative power o sel ,a very necessary
part o uman
. development . To ot ers e may appear reckless and eartless but t
to im sel e seeks w at e craves or- creation o t e duad (partners ip)
or a stron er w ole sel and sel eneration to stren t en is roots . T e
problem ere is to o about t is constructively and nct sap t e vital
ener ies away wit out any o t e i er beat its . Here t e i er enius,
just below t e conscious is takin control to brid e t e ap between it and
sel .
Rubeus in t e 6t House .
Evil except or blood lettin says
t e old jud ement,
T is s ows a direct relations ip to ealt . Tension ere as built up to a
is 1 001 aH
Rubeus in t e 7t House
Evil except or war and ire says t e old jud ement .
T is is t e ouse o
partners ips and personal relations ips . T e partner
will cause a trans ormation in t e individual due to a stron will and
domineerin attitude . A eneral lack o rapport wit ot ers is s own
and t i n s will no l or et done unless t e individual accepts t e
t ast 1
c an e in li e style and attitudes t at ave taken place around im .
Rubeus in t e 8t House
Evil says t e old jud ement,
Here one is swayed to try and use occult power or misuse . T e key aspect
t ou is power misuse t rou
more so in t e business sense . Also wit
t e
o t e
i ure
sexuality also comes to into t e power trip and is somet in to be care ull
a airs o
ot ers,
ere compulsive I
o . T e way around t is bad aspect o t e i ure is to try and rec annel
t e ener ies into t e trans ormation process you are under oin .
Rubeus in t e 9t . House
Very evil says t e old jud ement .
Reli ious and moral bi itory are t e key words to describe t e i ure ere .
It is a time o very deep p ilosop ical c an es in t e sel and is relatio_~_'
s ip to a i er spiritual plane . T e person must reco nise t ese values
in imsel and curb is ent uisiasm in t is particular ield .
ere s ows a release o
more important t an t e t in s we
will power over ot ers is roup
tension is needed . T e oal
ive up to obtain it . It s ows a misuse
ora,w ic we ave to curb .
ere is
Rubeusint e 12t House
Evil in all t in s says t e old jud ement .
T is s ows ow one strives or true spiritual values and tries to brin
t em to t e sur ace and it is an intense and o ten . lonely time w ile t is
trans ormation to t e i er aspects o one nature continues .
to be sli
Aquisibo •
T is s ows
Aquisibo in t e 1st House
Happy, success in all t in s says t e old jud ement .
T is i ure ere s ows aboundin
tly extrava ant .
Aquisibo in t e 6t
Good, especially i
T is s ows a
and out o
A uisibo in t e 7t
T is s ows
partners and t ose
Aquisibo in t e 8t
is involved wit
in t e 4t
ain w ic
Aquisibo in t e 5t
T is s ows .emmense
roup .
House .
House .
it a rees wit
House .
House .
ent usiasm in a project wit
ad more t an
person w o is determined to win and usually does .
is especially
House .
Good success says t e old jud ement .
ood luck and
eavy indications o
t e 5t
is s are o
support in a project
Rat er ood-but not very- t e sick s all die says t e old jud ement .
T e s ows
ain t rou
T is s ows acclaim o
indications o a deep
Aquisibo in t e 10t
t e deat
an enterprise,possibly business .
Aquisito in t e 9t . House
Good in all demands says t e old jud ement .
a project you
umanitarian aspect
House .
a partner or amily or t e
Grand sc emes are reco nised and one is put into t e lime li
is a caution o e o in lation .
01 t
present .
an inclinatia-
inis .
t but t ere
Carcer in-the 1st House
Evil except to fortify a place says the old judgement .
This is a depressive situation where the only hope one has is to be still
and not attempt to do anything,
Career inthe2nd House
Good in Saturnine questions ; else evil says the old judgement .
This shows a slow and steady buildup in all things which are carefully planned
and executed .
Career in the 3rd House
Evil says the old judgement .
This shows an individual who is cautious to the extreme and also shows a very
slow approachment of a situation which can be bad when. instant action is
called for .
Carcer in the 4th House
Good only for melancholy says the old judegement .
This shows an individual with servere anxiety problems, especially about the
home . .
Carcer in the 5th House .
Receive a letter within three days,evil says the old judgement,
Restriction in the field of sexual activity with a very conservative
attitude .
r partner .
Career in the 8th House
Very evil sags the old judgement,
This show an aimless individual who lacks incentive and drive possibly due
to former hardships and as a result will bring problems with those he or she
associates with .
Career in the 9th House
Evil in all says the old judgement .
This shows a traveller who is very ambitious and who sticts to the letter of
the law . Anindi vidual who has no give for himself or others . No compassion or
mercy is present .
Evil except for debauchery says the old judgement, 3 1
This figure here shows extretie sensitivity to the plane of life, in touch
with the unseen and in many instances able to manipulate the vital energies
of life . Psychic healing is but an example of one of these forces under the
control of the individual . Structure here is very important also for the person
to analyse what he or she has done .
Tristitia in the 7th House .
Evil for inheritance and magic only says the old judgement .
This figure shows the need of partnerships but suppresses the nedd of personal
freedom with it . Also it shows a rapport with the individuals feelings etc .
that border beyond the physical . It is an unpredictable figure able to go
+b either extreme at a moments notice .
Trietitia in the 8th House .
Evil,but good in secrecy says the old judgement .
I The figure so placed shows the realities of the occult mysteries and mans relay-
ionship to them . It also shows great insight and understanding of these
qualities . The whole aspect is to make the individual more aware of his
spiritual values which is often done by being aware of the advance situation
before it comes .
Tristitia in the 9th House
Evil except for magic says the old judgement .
This figure in this house shows a new plane opening up and making contact
with the inner forces there . Here modern ideas and methods advance beyond the
f This figure so placed shows a strong type of energy that needs to lead and
create . AtSo because of its unusual drive the figure under the old system
appears radical with leaning towards the metaphysical structure with the
freedom to follow their true will within a given structure or framework .
Tristitia in the 11th House
Evil in all things says the old judgement .
This figure shows the new age of* occult manifestation coming out with a free
flowing freedom to form a liaison with an esoteric group . On the other hand it
bodes ill for partnerships due to the offbeat and unstabile attitude of the
t figure .
Tristitia in the 12th House
Evil but good for magic and treasure says the old judgement .
This figure here shows the highly developed link the individual has with the
occult powers who motivate and direct him . Because this link is so fine
some individuals develop a form of neuco5is and often can not distinguish
between the real and the unreal .
Laetita in the 1 st House
Good, except in war says the old judgement .
This fikare shows an uncanny grasp of self awareness and realisation of the i
divine powers linking the individual to the elements . The figure so placed
represents a type of mystical approach the individual has with the divine
plan . Because of the sensitivity of the figure one can be too receptive to
these forces resulting in possession and control by external forces .
Laetita in the 3rd House
Ill says the old judgement .
This figure shows one going back to the core essence of the archetype
structure of self . Here the core of occult energy is formed and given
substance in much the same way as the Briah world of the Kabbatah . It
shows how a channel or structure to the inner planes . can be formed and
utilised on this plane of existance and communicated to others .
This shows a type of retirement, possibly to the home, where the individual
is happy - to live a type of recluse existance .
Cauda Draconis in the 5th House
Very evil says the old judgement . '
This shows someone who sticks to the old ways ignoring change . This is
properness or correctness taken to the extreme .
Cauda Draconis in the 6th House
Rather good says the old judgement .
This shows hard work, done mostly alone, to achieve ones ends .
Cauda Draconis in the 7th House .
Evil in war and fire says the old judgement . '
This shows a form of caution when forming alliances .
Cauda Draconis in the 8th House
No good except for magic says the old judgement .
This shows that caution is needed when handling money,yours or someone el"'z-'t. .,
Cauda Draconis in the 9th House
Good for science only,bad for journeys and robbery says the old judgement .
This shows a philosophical approach ie a tradditionalist-one who does not
differ from his fellows and thus . does not bring trouble on himself .
Cauda Draconis in the 10th House
Evil save works of fire says the old judgement . ,
It shows success in a professional pursuit but only if obtained through
honest means .
Cauda Draconis in the 11th House t
Evil save for favours says the old judgement .
This shows sincere individuals who join associations for their meaning and
intent and not for any superficial reason .
Cauda Draconis in the 12th House .
Rather good says the old judgement .
This shows isolation of self and not being very much aware of ones snrroun4-" .
and is not a good time for business or speculation or movement .
Caput Draconis in the 1st House .
Good in all things says the old judgement .
This shows a person who fits into all forms of society .
Caput Draconis in the 2nd House .
Good says the old judgement .
This shows an individual who makes profit very easily .
Caput Draconis in the3rd House
Very Good says the old judgement .
This shows good forms of communications of current trends presented to
:eople .
&. 4
Fortuna Minor in the 11th House 7
Good, especially for love, says the old judgement .
Through changes in the work place, there will be an increase in the activity
of the intellect . This will influence growth patterns, so more emphasis
must be placed on identifying these patterns, and adjusting them in keeping
with the flow of the environment .
A . -%
brought in line with other aspects of order teachings but most important
of all they are given as archetype association . '
Figure Meaning
Man with red gold hair and hazel eyes,middle aged and
holds a position of some importance
Woman . with red gold hair and blue or brown eyes, she is
Fortuna Major
cultured and has good business sense
Young woman with red gold hair and blue eyes,messenger
Cauda Draconis
Fair haired man with blue eyes, fierce nature and calm
Woman with gold brown hair and blue eyes,
with possible psychic gifts
Young man approaching someone o r thing,brown hair and
grey or brown eyes
over cautious, a thoughtfull individual
Dark haired young man with dark eyes who is active and
clever and has a tendency to rush into things .
Young woman with light brown hair and blue eyes with a -I
Fortuna Minor
streught of purpose and inquisitiveness .
Dark haired man with dark eyes and friendly manner q7
Carcer and steady disposition in a position of authority
Young man with dark brown hair and dark eyes who is pat
Conjuncto patient and helpfull, a traditionalist
the base
esoteric analysis is based on the formation of the figures and
influence .
Vau Air
Heh Earth
Here the strong elements of Fire and Air combine over Water
and Earth which produces a gaseous effect once the solid elements
Air is the only strong point here and the lack of other
elements shows the exposure of the intellect about to enter new
Here Earth and Air are joined with a lack of Fire and Water
The lack of Fire and Air gives the strong water earth
combination an air of solidity and one can become bogged down in
Water 1
Fire and Earth are strong here and both of them contain the
The Earth element is the strongest here and shows that there
the Fire element being the only spark and relates to almost pure
essence of spirit before new growth begins .
This figure produces a lack of earth which does away with
obstacles necessary for rapid and almost uncontrolled growth .
This shows a Fire and Water combination which is the merging
opposites and shows unification but the lack of Air and Earth
VIA Fire
This shows good and even balance and harmony . (Note the
effect of merging with the astrological influence which drasticly
changes the base elemental meaning of the figure) .
5+6, 7+8, 9+10, 11+12, and not 2+3 or 4+5 for they were not
pairs, 2 was only paired with 1, and 3 with 4, 5 was paired with
the future .
formed .
Method", which has come into common use of late . This method was
and deals with circumstances (i .e . the question) and how one tends
act .
the first house of the chart . Now this does not mean giving the
example, if the question erlates to the sixth house, then one
would look at the sixth house and count that one as number one,
and the houses following as 2, Z., 4 etc . All the other houses
Geomancy . Evil with evil makes evil ; good with good makes good ;
• • Fortuna Major (Great Fortune) :- Good for gain in all things where a
person hopes to win.
Fortuna Minor(Lesser Fortune) :- Good in any matter where a person
! ' proceeds quickly.
• • Populus (People) :- Sometimes good and sometimes bad ;Good with good
• • Evil with evil .
Albas (White) :- Good for profit and entering into a place or under-
. • taking .
Rubeus(Red) :-Evil in all that is good and good in all that is evil .