Report 10.2019 - Eng
Report 10.2019 - Eng
Report 10.2019 - Eng
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Khasra No. 1328-1330, Village Manpura, Tehsil Baddi, Distt. Solan (H.P) 174101
Address: Khasra No. 1328-1330, Village - Manpura, Tehsil - Baddi, Dist. Solan,
Himachal Pradesh - 174101 (India)
GMP EC Qualification
Sr. No. Essence of deviation / violation Comments/Recommendations Compliance & CAPA Plan
clause of deviation TCD Responsibility
Submitted By M/s pinnacle Life science Pvt. Ltd.
1. Pharmaceutical quality system
1 1.10 The procedure for developing Minor This approach is not acceptable, since Based on the observation & recommendations, it is decided 31-12-19 Mr. Sandeep
annual product quality reviews quality reviews are developed not only for that the SOP governing “Annual Product Quality Review” shall Bakshi (QA
(PQR) provides for the inclusion of statistical evaluation of batches produced, be revised to incorporate the recommended procedural Head)
all batches produced if their number but also for assessing the validation / instructions to cover all the batches of the product
was less than ten, while it does not qualification status, review of deviations, manufactured throughout the calender year. Even if less than
indicate how many batches should review of changes in the product registration three batches or no batch manufactured in the calender year,
be included in the review if the total status, etc. then also the APQR will be prepared for the batches produced
number of batches produced is Moreover, if less than three batches were in the previous 2 years (depending on the total number of
more than ten. produced in the last year it is recommended batches produced over the period) to review all other QMS
If the total number of batches that the batches produced in the previous 2- aspects related to product like ongoing Stability Studies,
produced is less than three, a 3 years (depending on the total number of reproducibility of the process, Market complaints, CAPA
quality review is not developed. batches produced over the period, but not implementation review, vendor qualification review, change
Quality reviews do not display a more than 20-25 batches) be included in the controls, deviation, retention sample review status etc.
review of stability studies. assessment of stability and reproducibility of Revised SOP will be made effective on or before 31-12-19 &
No statistical methods are used to the process. Such an approach, if adopted, APQR for year 2019-20 onwards will be prepared as per
assess the stability and should be reflected in the SOP for revised SOP.
reproducibility of the process. preparation of annual quality reviews.
If there were more than ten batches
produced, then ALL batches should be
included in the product quality review.
To assess the reproducibility of the process,
it is possible to use the reproducibility
index – Cpk.
2. Personnel
One of the elements of This element of the garment should be Based on the recommendations & guidance, it is decided to 15-01-20 Mr. Ashok
2 2.18 technological garment worn by Minor included in the procedures for preparing implement the denim booties instead of rubber shoes for the Chawla (HR
the personnel of the production sets of garments for work in production personnel working in the core controlled areas. The denim Head)
site is black rubber slippers. The premises. booties will be maintained serially in multiple sets for each
preparation of these slippers, person & entire activity will be governed through standard
before their use, is not described procedure. Entire arrangements will be done before 15-01-20.
in the relevant SOP.
3. Premises and equipment
3 3.3, 3.19 In the warehouse, the storage Major To store materials requiring different storage Based on the assessment report, it is decided that the materials 30-01-20 Mr. Sachin
temperature limit is set as “not more conditions, it is advisable to use different will be stored as per the recommended storage conditions Tyagi (WH
than 300С”. At the same time, rooms or set the temperature in the room (either provided by vendor/manufacturer or as per official Head)
materials that must be stored at a with the lowest value. compendium references). All the materials are under
temperature of “not more than assessment & verification of the recommended storage
250С”, as well as under “cool place” conditions. Based on the verification report, the required
conditions, are stored in the storage conditions will be maintained for materials storage. The
warehouse. entire activity will be completed before 30-01-20
4 3.2 In the warehouse for storing raw Minor Storing pallets on the floor is not Based on the inspection observations & guidance, it is decided 30-01-20 Mr. Sachin
.Conclusion: According to the results of the audit conducted, it can be stated that the quality
management system and the level of technical equipment of the enterprise cannot be
assessed as one that complies with the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice
without proper and complete elimination of identified deviations.
Based on the results of this report, the enterprise is invited to develop a corrective and
preventive Action Plan, which, in turn, is proposed to be evaluated for its completeness
and correctness.