WT1 Vocabulary: Numbers in The Writing Test: Millions of Dollars Were Spent On Transportation
WT1 Vocabulary: Numbers in The Writing Test: Millions of Dollars Were Spent On Transportation
WT1 Vocabulary: Numbers in The Writing Test: Millions of Dollars Were Spent On Transportation
10,000 OR ten thousand
25% OR twenty-five percent
75% OR ¾
13 – 30: thir teen - thir ty
14 – 40: four teen - for ty
15 – 50: fif teen - fif ty
16 – 60: six teen - six ty
17 – 70: seven teen - seven ty
18 – 80: eigh teen - eigh ty
19 – 90: nine teen - nine ty
You can abbreviate the word when writing these measurements as
numbers. For example, you can write 60 kilometres as:
Sixty kilometres
60 kilometres
60 km
60 kms
All the forms mentioned above are correct ways to write
measurements. While you can write numbers in all the above
formats, it is best to avoid writing the numbers out as words to avoid
spelling mistakes. Write in the number form instead.
March 5th
Mar 5th
5th of Mar
Be careful with ordinal numbers. Most ordinal numbers end with ‘th’
except for:
1st (first)
2nd (second)
3rd (third)
4th (fourth)
5th (fifth)
If you write, for example, 2th, this will be marked as incorrect as the
correct format is 2nd.
How to write time
Although times can be said differently, it is generally written in the
same way. When writing time, make sure you know what quarter
past, quarter to, and half past mean. For example:
A 0 (zero) can sometimes be called ‘O’, like the letter. Also, the same
number twice or three times in a row may be referred to as double or
triple. For example:
Test takers often struggle with deciding what to present and how to
present it in an IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 response.
You will also be given the following instructions:
1. Write an introduction
2. Write an overview (a summary of what you see)
3. Present and highlight the key features with figures (data)
Let’s take a closer look at the last three points – the introduction, the
overview and the key features that need to be presented.
Write an introduction
The reason for an introduction is to tell the examiner what you are
going to write about. It is basically the question paraphrased. For
example, what the visual diagram is, the data source and when the
data was collected.
The introduction:
Introduce all charts, diagrams
or tables.
Let’s look at some sample introductions and see how you might
introduce them if you apply the above tips.
The overview
The overview in your response should summarise what you see in the
visual diagram. It should summarise the main:
Noticeable features
You need to present a clear overview to reach a band 7 and higher.
Let’s take a closer look at the task achievement band descriptors to
see how important a clear overview is in IELTS Academic Writing Task
Presents an overview with
Band 6 information appropriately selected
Introduction | Overview
The table illustrates employment numbers in Australia
over a thirty-year period from 1970 to 2000.
Overall, it can be clearly seen that the numbers of
people employed have increased over the period,
Table whereas the unemployed figures have remained stable.
Key features
In your IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 response, you must present
the key features and use data to support your description.
The key features are the features that stand out the most in the
diagram. For example, if a diagram shows 5 countries, then these 5
countries are the key features. If you miss a country, your description
will be incomplete, and you will receive a band 4.
If we look at the band descriptors below, you will notice that you
need to clearly present all key features to achieve a band 7 or higher.
Band 4 Attempts to address the task but does not cover all key features
The table below outlines examples of visual diagrams and what the
key features may be for each.
5 age groups
Major trends
Outstanding figures (E.g. highs, lows)
Graph showing 5 age
groups over two years Two years
Three products
Three years
Write the correct number Use calculations to respond to the task (E.g.
format when presenting calculate averages, add or subtract
figures from the visual numbers). Remember to present the data
diagram (E.g. 100; 1,000; as given.
10,000; 100,000; 1,000,000)
Tip 2: Begin with a general statement and then focus in on the details
of the question
Whether this technology is used for weapons of mass destruction or
as a source of energy, many are of the belief that the use of nuclear
energy has more advantages than disadvantages.
In my opinion, nuclear technology can indeed be a very efficient
energy source. However, nuclear weapons possess such enormous
destructive power that any benefits that this technology may offer to
humankind are not enough to counter its potential devastating
This essay will address why the drawbacks of nuclear technology
outweigh the benefits and will include relevant examples to support
this position.
Firstly Similarly
Another Finally
However Nevertheless
Despite Consequently
Although In conclusion
Regardless In addition
Therefore Undoubtedly
Examples of collocation:
Tourist attraction
Alternate ways
Rare species
Natural habitat
To be cared for
Close down
Make money
Chance to see
Looked after
Take notes and write down ideas you think might be suitable for
your answer
In General Training, Writing Task 1, you will need to structure your
letter and include:
A short closing.
In addition
Take some time before you take your IELTS test to study and practice
using these words, as well as other cohesive devices (linking words).