Advancesadv2020002811 DRM em LMA
Advancesadv2020002811 DRM em LMA
Advancesadv2020002811 DRM em LMA
Nicholas J. Short,1,* Hind Rafei,2,* Naval Daver,1 Hyunsoo Hwang,3 Jing Ning,3 Jeffrey L. Jorgensen,4 Tapan M. Kadia,1
Courtney D. DiNardo,1 Sa A. Wang,4 Elias Jabbour,1 Uday Popat,5 Betul Oran,5 Jorge Cortes,1 Marina Konopleva,1 Musa Yilmaz,1
Ghayas C. Issa,1 Hagop Kantarjian,1 and Farhad Ravandi1
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease, with widely variable disease biology and
response to conventional therapies.1 Although cytogenetics and gene mutations are among the primary
disease-related factors that influence prognosis,2 how well the disease responds to initial therapy is also
a vital determinant of long-term outcomes and provides useful information about the chemosensitivity of
an individual’s leukemia that cannot necessarily be predicted from pretreatment characteristics.3 In the
frontline setting, the achievement of complete remission (CR) with full hematologic recovery has been
shown to confer better long-term outcomes than morphologic remission (ie, ,5% bone marrow blasts)
with incomplete peripheral blood count recovery.4,5 Among patients who achieve morphologic
remission, assessment of measurable (or “minimal”) residual disease (MRD) also provides important
prognostic information, and multiple studies have shown that the achievement of MRD negativity is
a strong predictor of better long-term outcomes in patients with AML undergoing frontline therapy.6-15
Because achievement of CR and MRD negativity are both independently associated with lower
rates of relapse and superior survival in the frontline setting,5 recent consensus guidelines have supported
Submitted 29 June 2020; accepted 30 October 2020; published online 10 December Requests for data sharing may be submitted to the corresponding author (Nicholas
2020. DOI 10.1182/bloodadvances.2020002811. J. Short; e-mail: [email protected]).
The full-text version of this article contains a data supplement.
*N.J.S. and H.R. contributed equally to this study. © 2020 by The American Society of Hematology
A Median time D Median time
N to relapse 2-year relapse N to relapse 2-year relapse
100 CR 95 9.2 months 64% 100 MRD negative 86 10.6 months 61%
CRi/MLFS 46 3.8 months 70% MRD positive 55 4.7 months 76%
P=0.01 P=0.01
75 75
Relapse risk (%)
0 0
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
Time (months) Time (months)
50 50
25 25
0 0
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
Time (months) Time (months)
50 50
25 25
0 0
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
Time (months) Time (months)
Figure 1. Outcomes of patients according to hematologic recovery and MRD status. CIR (A), RFS (B), and OS (C) for the entire cohort, stratified according to
hematologic response to salvage chemotherapy. CIR (D), RFS (E), and OS (F) for the entire cohort, stratified according to MRD response to salvage chemotherapy.
In a landmark HSCT analysis, 22 patients who relapsed (n 5 15), died in Others / no HSCT 35 2.5 months 100%
CR MRD- / HSCT 37 Not reached 34%
remission (n 5 4), or were lost to follow-up (n 5 3) within 1.4 months of 50
Others / HSCT 25 Not reached 28%
second remission were excluded. Among the remaining 57 patients who
did not undergo HSCT in second remission, stratification of patients into
4 groups according to hematologic response (CR vs CRi/MLFS) and
Outcomes were significantly better for patients who underwent Relapse-free survival (%)
HSCT, regardless of their response to first salvage therapy
(Figure 2). Interestingly, among patients who underwent HSCT,
neither hematologic nor MRD response after salvage therapy was
associated with CIR (P 5 .94), RFS (P 5 .77), or OS (P 5 .54)
(supplemental Figure 2A-C). Fifty-nine of these patients also had
pre-HSCT MRD information available (defined as MRD assessment 25
within 6 weeks before HSCT), which was analyzed for impact on
clinical outcomes. Forty-two of the 59 patients with pre-HSCT MRD
information had at least one additional MRD assessment performed 0
before HSCT. Thirty patients who were MRD negative remained 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
MRD negative before HSCT, 1 patient converted from MRD Time (months)
negative to MRD positive, 7 patients converted from MRD positive
to MRD negative, and 4 patients who were MRD positive remained C
MRD positive before HSCT. Overall, 50 patients (85%) were 100 N Median OS 2-year OS
MRD negative and 9 patients (15%) were MRD positive before CR MRD- / no HSCT 22 8.2 months 25%
Others / no HSCT 35 6.9 months 8%
HSCT. Among MRD-positive patients, the median level of pre-HSCT CR MRD- / HSCT 37 20.1 months 45%
MRD was 0.5% (range, 0.04%-2%). MRD status before HSCT Others / HSCT 25 36.9 months 50%
was not associated with differential outcomes with respect to either
CIR (P 5 .70), RFS (P 5 .46), or OS (P 5 .48) (supplemental
Overall survival (%)
Figure 3A-C).
Multivariate analysis and integration of hematologic
recovery and MRD response
According to multivariate analysis, including established predictors 25
for outcomes in relapsed/refractory AML (modified from Breems
et al17) and using HSCT as a time-dependent variable, both CR and
MRD negativity were independently associated with lower CIR (HR 0
of 0.45 [95% CI, 0.28-0.73; P 5 .001] and HR of 0.50 [95% CI, 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
0.32-0.79; P 5 .003], respectively) and better RFS (HR of 0.46 Time (months)
[95% CI, 0.30-0.71; P , .001] and HR of 0.62 [95% CI, 0.41-0.93;
P 5 .02]) but not with OS (Table 2; supplemental Tables 4-6). Figure 2. Outcomes of patients according to hematologic recovery, MRD status,
and subsequent HSCT. CIR (A), RFS (B), and OS (C) stratified according to CRMRD–
In light of the favorable and independent prognostic impact of
vs lesser responses and HSCT vs no HSCT. Landmark analysis excluded patients who
achieving CR and of achieving MRD negativity, as well as to assess
relapsed or died within 1.4 months from the time of response to salvage chemotherapy.
whether CRMRD– might be the optimal response for patients with
relapsed/refractory AML, these variables were combined for
analyses of relapse and survival outcomes. Integration of hemato- A
logic recovery and MRD information appeared to stratify patients
into 3 groups according to CIR and RFS, ranging from most
favorable outcomes to poorest outcomes: (1) CRMRD–; (2) CR with
MRD positivity or CRi/MLFS with MRD negativity; and (3) CRi/MLFS 75
with MRD positivity (Figure 3A-B). The 1-year CIR rates for these
Patients who achieved CRMRD– as best response (n 5 61 [43% of CR MRD+ 34 5.5 months 73%
CRi/MLFS MRD- 25 5.1 months 65%
the entire cohort]) had better outcomes than those who achieved CRi/MLFS MRD+ 21 2.4 months not evaluable
CR/MLFS and/or MRD positivity. Patients who achieved CRMRD–
had significantly lower CIR (2-year CIR rate, 58% vs 73% [HR,
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
0.52; 95% CI, 0.33-0.82; P 5 .004]) (Figure 4A) and better RFS
Time (months)
(2-year RFS rate, 30% vs 15% [HR, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.39-0.87;
P 5 .008]) (Figure 4B). A trend for better OS was also observed
in patients who achieved CRMRD– (2-year OS rate, 37% vs 21%
[HR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.46-1.07; P 5 .10]) (Figure 4C). N Median RFS 2-year RFS
CR MRD- 61 10.1 months 30%
The impact of achieving CRMRD– vs lesser responses was similar in CR MRD+ 34 5.5 months 17%
both younger and older populations. Achievement of CRMRD– was 75
CRi/MLFS MRD- 25 4.6 months 14%
associated with better RFS in patients aged ,60 years (HR, 0.60; Relapse-free survival (%)
CRi/MLFS MRD+ 21 2.4 months not evaluable
95% CI, 0.35-1.05; P 5 .07) and in patients aged $60 years (HR,
0.57; 95% CI, 0.33-1.01; P 5 .05). Patients with diploid
cytogenetics who achieved CRMRD– had a trend toward better
RFS compared with those with lesser responses (HR, 0.66; 95%
CI, 0.35-1.25; P 5 .20); this benefit of CRMRD– was also observed
in patients with non-diploid cytogenetics (HR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.36- 25
0.99; P 5 .047).
CR with full hematologic recovery and achievement of MRD 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
negativity have both been shown in several studies to be associated Time (months)
OS 0
Cytogenetics (diploid vs others) 0.58 (0.38-0.88) .01 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
HSCT after salvage therapy (time-dependent) 0.28 (0.18-0.46) ,.001 Time (months)
Variables included in multivariate analysis were: age, white blood cell count, platelet Figure 3. Outcomes of patients according to integrated hematologic and
count, hemoglobin, bone marrow blast percentage, cytogenetics (diploid vs others),
response to first induction (relapsed with first remission duration $1 year vs relapsed with MRD response. CIR (A), RFS (B), and OS (C) for the entire cohort, stratified
first remission duration ,1 year or refractory), prior HSCT, HSCT after salvage therapy (as according to hematologic and MRD responses to salvage chemotherapy.
time-dependent variable), hematologic response (CR vs CRi/MLFS), and MRD response
(negative vs positive).
performed. We found that the rate of very early relapse (ie, within
1.4 months, which was the median time to HSCT in our study) was
50 lower in patients who achieved CRMRD– vs those who achieved
lesser responses (relapse rate within 1.4 months, 3% and 16%,
respectively), which increased the ability of patients with CRMRD– to
undergo HSCT after first salvage. In contrast, the suboptimal
disease control associated with achieving only CRi/MLFS or MRD
positivity contributed to the poorer outcomes of these patients,
largely because fewer patients with these responses were able to
0 undergo potentially curative HSCT. Not surprisingly, the outcomes
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
of patients who did not undergo subsequent HSCT were poor,
Time (months) regardless of initial response to salvage chemotherapy. Although
risk of relapse was lower, and RFS was superior for patients who
C achieved CR and/or MRD negativity, outcomes were still universally
100 N Median OS 2-year OS poor in all groups who did not undergo HSCT, with only 1 patient
CR MRD- 61 12.4 months 37% being alive without relapse 2 years after first salvage.
Others 80 10.6 months 21%
Previous reports, including a meta-analysis of 19 studies, have
largely shown that achievement of MRD negativity before HSCT is
Overall survival (%)
conditioning regimens result in similar survival outcomes in patients Our findings that hematologic recovery and MRD status do not
who undergo transplant in second remission.30 Further analyses significantly affect post-HSCT outcomes also inform the optimal
integrating both conditioning intensity and MRD status in the timing of HSCT in the salvage setting. In contrast with the frontline
salvage setting are therefore warranted. setting, where outcomes after HSCT are significantly better in
When comparing our results vs those of other reported studies on patients who achieve MRD negativity, we found no difference in post-
the impact of pre-HSCT MRD, it is important to note that most of HSCT outcomes according to response to salvage chemotherapy or
these other studies were limited to patients who underwent pre-HSCT MRD. Our data therefore suggest that, whenever possible,
transplant in first remission or combined patients who underwent immediate HSCT should be considered for any patient with relapsed/
transplant in first or later remissions in their analysis. However, AML refractory AML who achieves a marrow remission, regardless of
disease biology is significantly different in patients who have not hematologic recovery or MRD response. In light of the high rates of
responded to or who relapsed after frontline therapy and is early relapse in patients who achieve only CRi/MLFS and/or MRD
characterized by increased clonal complexity and chemoresist- positivity, our findings argue against a practice of attempting to
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