TOPCNC TC55V Instruction Manual: TOPCNC Automation Technology Co., Ltd. Felicia Jia
TOPCNC TC55V Instruction Manual: TOPCNC Automation Technology Co., Ltd. Felicia Jia
TOPCNC TC55V Instruction Manual: TOPCNC Automation Technology Co., Ltd. Felicia Jia
Felicia Jia
Skype: feliciajia19861229
Whats app:+8613811674107
1. Product Introduction
TC55E is an upgrading version of TC55. It is equipped with 3.5 inch color screen, RS 485
communication, Chinese/English Switch, and USB connection. Boot picture can be set as pictures
or company name as you will. It is highly reliable, highly accurate, low noise and easy to use.
2. Technical Specifications
Minimum data unit 0.001 mm
Maximum data size ± 99999.999mm
Maximum Speed: 9000mm/min (pulse is 0.001mm)
Maximum pulse output frequency 150KHz
Axis 1-4 (X,Y, Z,C)
X,Y,Z,C axis can conduct linear interpolation, X,Y can do circular interpolation.
Electric Gear: numerator :1-99999 denominator: 1-99999
System main functions are automatic, manual, program editing, system parameters, self-check,
settings, etc.
Maximum 480 commands each program
USB Connection and upgrade
Stop and Start of Spindle motor
PLC Extension
I/O Extension
Isolated I/O port
Self defining of I/O port
Chinese/English panel display
Free boot picture setting
n003 Paus File----
Tab:0 InputPort:1 Cond:0 LineCall: 0
n004 Output File-----
Tab: 0 Oup Pt: 1 Status: 0
n005 End File----
3.2.2Circular Interpolation
4. Auto Run
Auto Run: press this automatically operate programs opened last time.
Dry: Press the key and it become negative display, then press Auto Run to start running
without load.
Step: Positive display means consecutive operation. Negative display means operate
command by command. When it is negative display, press Actl Run once, one command will
be executed.
Stop: Press this to end the program and go back to the first line of the command.
5. Manual
Speed: Negative display means manual high speed, positive display means manual low speed.
Define manual high speed and manual low speed in Parameters-Speed-Man Hspd/Lspd.
Jog: Negative display means jog. Press direction key to jog once. Jog amount is set in
Parameters-Control-Jog+No.; Jog speed will be set in Parameters-Speed-Jog Spd
Program Zero: Press this key all axis go back to reference point at highest speed. Define the
highest speed in Parameters-Speed.
Note: Machine Zero
Machine zero key is in the panel , press this key, then press direction key of an axis, this
axis will go back to machine zero at high speed, after touching the switch, this axis will move
at low speed(This machine zero mode is trough switch). Define high speed and low speed of
go back to machine zero in Parameters-Speed. Define machine zero in I/O-System.
Press key 1 to return X axis coordinates to reference point, Press key 3 to return Y axis
coordinates to reference point, Press key 3 to return Z axis coordinates to reference point,
Press key 6 to return C axis coordinates to reference point. Define reference point in
Define the mode of going back to machine zero in Parameters-Speed-BZMode.
6. Installation Size
Reference 1 Wiring Definition
XP+ X axis pulse positive output
X Axis XP- X axis pulse negative output
XD+ X axis direction positive output
XD- X axis direction negative output
YP+ Y axis pulse positive output
Y Axis YP - Y axis pulse negative output
YD+ Y axis direction positive output
YD- Y axis direction negative output
ZP+ Z axis pulse positive output
Z Axis ZP - Z axis pulse negative output
ZD+ Z axis direction positive output
ZD- Z axis direction negative output
CP+ C axis pulse positive output
C Axis CP- C axis pulse negative output
CD+ C axis direction positive output
CD- C axis direction negative output
Output 01~08 Output 01-08,Connect to power 24V+ through Relay
or solenoid valve
Input 01~16 Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
485 R+ 485 connect DATA+
R- 485 connect DATA-
System Power 24V System Power Supply+
0V System Power Supply-
IO Power V I/O Power Supply+
G I/O Power Supply-
USB Downloading Port
Encoder Used to make special machine controller (This
controller do not support encoder unless customer
specially said they need it)
I/O Extension Connect to I/O extension connection
1. Connect with servo or stepper driver
C Axis Lim+ C axis Positive limit setting Note: For safety consideration, limit and
C Axis Lim- C axis Negative limit setting emergency stop input is usually set as