Space and Human Perception - Exploring Our Reaction To Different Geometries of Spaces

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Space and Human Perception – Exploring Our Reaction to Different Geometries

of Spaces

Conference Paper · January 2015


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2 authors:

Jacob Yasha Grobman Avishag Shemesh

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Technion - Israel Institute of Technology


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Y. Ikeda, C. M. Herr, D. Holzer, S. Kaijima, M. J. Kim. M, A, Schnabel (eds.), Emerging Experience in
Past,Present and Future of Digital Architecture, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the
Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia CAADRIA 2015, 000–000. ©
2015, The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Hong


Exploring Our Reaction to Different Geometries of Spaces


Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion – Israel In-
stitute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Brain research center, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract. In the aspiration to design the built environment, architects

and designers are continuously trying to create spaces that positively
affect users. Both aspects of rational and emotional combined simul-
taneously with technological advancement are essential to implement
in a comprehensive architectural design process. While our ability to
create complex architectural forms through computation is in the state
of a continuous improvement, our knowledge about their emotional
effects over users remain ambiguous. Recent developments in simula-
tion of virtual spaces, along with advancement in neuroscience may
enable us to conduct an empirical research on the way we perceive
space and the way space affects us emotionally. This paper presents
initial results from an ongoing research that examines the connection
between human feelings and architectural space. We discuss the first
stage of the research in which as we examine the emotional reaction
of designers and non-designers to various spatial geometries in an
immersive 3D virtual environment inside a visualization laboratory.
We then present the methodology for the second stage of the research,
in which we repeat the experiment while using Electroencephalog-
raphy (EEG) device together with a wireless eye tracker and emotion-
al engagement measurements (EEM) system.

Keywords. Virtual reality; computational design; human-computer in-

teraction; space perception; Space geometry; Feelings; aesthetic
judgment; neuroaesthetics.

1. Introduction
Different researches in the fields of psychology, behavioural studies, E-B
studies, architecture and other fields have tried to define and explain the
emotional impacts space has over a person. These studies show that different
spaces evoke different emotions, yet it is still hard to tell exactly how archi-
tecture induces them. This research integrates conclusions from several dif-
ferent research fields in order to establish a methodology for exploring the
connection between space and human feelings. This may encourage archi-
tects and architecture educators to produce more scientific knowledge for the
field in the future, using tools of computation and simulations. This may en-
hance our capabilities to create more pleasant environments- a primary goal
for designers, architects and urban planners.
This paper presents initial results from an ongoing research, which as-
pires to increase the body of knowledge on the connection between geometry
of space, visual perception and emotions by visual navigation in a virtual en-
vironment, in both qualitative and quantitative methods. The paper starts
with a critical review over recent studies, which indicate towards a connec-
tion between shapes and feelings. It then discusses a 2-stage experiment, the
first part of which examines people’s reaction to various spatial conditions in
a visualization laboratory. We also present the second stage of the research
in which we intend to study the connection between space geometry and
emotions by using a wireless EEG device together with a wireless eye track-
er and emotional engagement measurements (EEM) system.

2. Space Perception and Emotions

Several research fields have meaningful insights which may contribute to
our understanding of the way humans perceive different spaces and how the
geometry of spaces 1affects our 2feelings. Neuroscience and cognitive psy-
chology indicate towards a connection between shapes of objects and feel-
ings. Our preference for objects has been shown to be influenced by many
factors including mere exposure, familiarity, symmetry, contrast, complexi-
ty, and perceptual fluency (Zajonc, 1968; Winkielman, Schwarz et al., 2002;
Hekkert, 2006). "Perceptual fluency", or "high fluency", means that the more
fluently perceivers can process an object, the more positive their aesthetic
In psychology, affect refers to a specific kind of influence—something’s ability to
influence a person’s body state (Barrett and Bar, 2009).
Emotions happen in the back of our consciousness. It is not until they register in
the foreground as a feeling that we are aware of having an emotional experience.
Basically, the difference between an emotion and a feeling depends on the process-
emotion emerge as a feeling (Eberhard, 2007).

response. This may explain why people prefer symmetric shapes, as they
contain less information than asymmetric shapes (Garner, 1974).
In addition to the subject of symmetry, there is now evidence that angular
hexagons are less pleasing than round circles (Bar and Neta, 2008). Further-
more, people with low expertize in the fields of design prefer curved over
angular shapes when they are simple (circles and hexagons), while experts
show such curved versus sharp preference bias for the more complex poly-
gons (Silvia and Barona in press, as mentioned by Bar and Neta, 2008).
Reber, Schwarz et al. (2004) also discuss the expertise influence, claiming
that training in arts gives meaning to complex structures which results in an
additional increase in processing ease. Vartanian, Navarrete et al (2013)
conducted a functional magnetic resonance imaging study that examines
how variation in contour impacts aesthetic judgments and approach-
avoidance decisions. Their results demonstrated that participants were more
likely to judge curvilinear than rectilinear spaces as beautiful.
Observing visual stimuli regarding spatial perception is a complicated
task. These are new methods of observation and a custom-made virtually
built setup that may sustain this task. The availability of more realistic repre-
sentations that involve multiple coordinated sensory modalities offers the
possibility of studying spatial cognition using more natural experimental
conditions (Bhatt, Hölscher et al., 2011). Edelstein et al. (2008) have shown
the ability to reflect a cognitive state of disorientation in a featureless VE
(virtual environment) obtained by a Cave-Cad tool and the use of Electroen-
cephalography (EEG). In addition, Dias, Eloy et al. (2014) claimed that by
electromyography (EMG) and electrodermal activity (EDA) they were able
to objectively discriminate arousal responses related to "positive" or "nega-
tive" emotions, from the neutral condition, on users that were confronted
with architectural spaces in VR.

3. Methodology
In the frame of this research we wish to explore humans’ aesthetic judg-
ments and feelings towards spaces characterised by different geometries.
There is no doubt that properties of space include colour, light, texture, smell
and sound as well, yet in order to simplify the problem and concentrate on a
dominant long debated aspect in the field of architecture, we decided to in-
vestigate the property of geometry at this stage of our examination.
The research is based on two main preliminary hypotheses. The first
states that there is a connection between the properties of space and human
emotions. Positive and negative sensations towards different geometries of
space can be explored in the setting of VE. The second hypothesis is that

thanks to advances in technology it is possible to conduct an empiric meas-

urement of changes happening in our mind in reaction to different spatial
To verify these hypotheses and examine participants’ response to differ-
ent spatial setups, we have developed a two-staged methodology: The first
stage is focused on quantification and analysis of a descriptive response
(self-evidence). This stage took place identically over expert and non-expert
users. In the next stage we would follow and collect data over physiological
response and brain response, as we repeat the experiment. Responses should
imply for positive and negative feelings (Barrett and Bar, 2009). By using
Electroencephalography (EEG) device, we intend to examine whether possi-
ble differences between voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current
flows within brain neurons could be related to the different spatial condi-
tions. In order to achieve lucidity, a wireless eye tracker and emotional en-
gagement measurements (EEM) system would be combined. This system al-
lows us to extract a large variety of physiological features and use them to
discriminate the mental and physical loads of user defined exercises (Hin-
termüller, Edlinger et al., 2012).
The expected results were that experts (designers) would tend to prefer an
asymmetric space with sharp edges, as according to previous researchers
which indicate their preference towards more complex polygons. In correla-
tion, non-designers were expected to prefer a round symmetric space. We
also expected non-experts to feel more pleasant in spaces that were more
familiar to them (a square space) in contrast to experts who would likely to
show less affection to the familiar.

4. Experiment description


Using the Visualization lab in the architecture faculty, which contains a 3-D
immersive theatre consisting of a 2.4 x 7.0 m screen with a 75° field of view,
three high-definition projection and motion sensors, participants experienced
an inner virtual space, characterized by different forms. A VE setting offers
participants a sense of presence in the space (Kieferle and Wössner, 2001).
Furthermore, Humans that experience freewill exploration of virtual envi-
ronments can demonstrate a wide range of behaviours and responses similar
to their naturalistic exploration of real world environments, according to
Morie, Iyer et al (2005).


Planning and deciding over the specific geometry of spaces was complex, as
these spaces are not only a platform for the examinee but an integral subject
of examination by itself. In order to examine aesthetic judgment towards or-
thogonal versus curved shapes, and simple symmetrical versus complex un-
symmetrical shapes, we chose to build four types of spaces with similar pro-
portions to be the setup of the experiment:
(1) Square symmetrical space (Sq).
(2) Round domed space or half a sphere, symmetrical (Ro).
(3) Sharp edged space, tilted surfaces (walls, ceiling), unsymmetrical (Sh).
(4) Curvy space with rounded smooth surfaces (with no corners), unsymmet-
rical (Cu).
The idea was to examine
two pairs of spaces: shape of
a square and a shape of a
sphere were compared to
complex forms with breaks
and curves. They also differ-
entiate by their symmetry
(two symmetrical forms ver- Figure 1. Four designed VR spaces – external view.
sus two unsymmetrical First from the left: a Square symmetrical space.
Second: a Round domed space. Third: Sharp edged
forms). Openness and room space. Fourth: a curvy space.
proportions are matters of
relevancy (Franz, von der
Heyde et al., 2005) and
should be dealt with in an-
other separate experiment.
Nevertheless, in order to per-
form an optimal comparison Figure 2. An internal view of a curvy space from
of geometry impact over us- the eye of the participant
er, all designs had to main-
tain comfortable proportions and a sense of human scale. A space too small
might create an automat feeling of suffocation, while a space too large might
create discomfort or immediate excitement. As such, all spaces designed to
be approximately the same size. Proportions of an average sized auditorium
were chosen: a floor of 12 X 12 meters, and ceiling over the height of 6-8
meters. In addition, we had to refer to the difference between an inter-
personal objective and perceived distance (Gifford, 1983). In order to do so,
we have entered the reference of a chair. Volumes were designed to be col-
ourless (monochromatic), soundless, with no objects (besides a chair).


Examinees were asked to practice the 3-D goggles and joystick use in order
to gain expertise and a sense of control over the VizTech XL software sys-
tem. Every participant was asked to wander around an indefinite room which
lacks any certain designation and look at famous pictures. This also set par-
ticipant’s mind at ease before starting the experiment.
As the actual experiment begun, the participant entered the space by
“walking” through a standard corridor and entering a door. This stage is im-
portant, as researchers found that entering a room or walking through door-
ways can facilitate forgetting or evoke one’s memory (Ballard, Hayhoe et
al., 1997; Radvansky and Copeland, 2006). Wang and Spelke (2000) found
that human navigation through a layout in an unfamiliar environment de-
pends on an updating representation process of targets positioning relative to
the self, which occurs during movement. Participants were asked to “walk”
towards the chair after entering space, explore the space and leave (through
the same door) as they finish. Order of spaces was changed randomly.

Two groups of 21 people per group participated in the experiment. The first
group (Group E) contained students (52.3% women) from the fields of archi-
tecture, landscape architecture, interior design and industrial design studies.
The second group included 21 people (33.3% women). This group was con-
sisted of non-experts: people who are not connected to design studies (Group
NE). Participants were asked to mention where they grew up (type of locali-
ty and residence) in order to check possible past experience influence.

5. Results and discussion


Noe (2004) claims that the world makes itself available to the perceiver
through physical movement and interaction. We may so look at the process
of space perception in VE, as in real life, as an experience. According to
Hekkert (2006), we ‘experience’ when we have a unity of sensuous delight,
meaningful interpretation, and emotional involvement. Participants often de-
scribed a positive experience as a process of exploration and interpretation.
Non-interesting spaces were described as responsible for a feeling of impa-
tience and frustration, at most times.
Insufficient data regarding the implications of actual movement in VE is
undeniable. An absence of natural movement, poses a problem for the navi-

gator, as idiothetic information that is needed to update egocentric spatial

representations is missing (Zhang, Gossmann et al., 2011). Future research
combining actual movement is essential for better understanding of the spa-
tial perception process.
One could expect these repetitive processes to have some sort of an influ-
ence over aesthetic judgment. According to adjusted calculation, group E
tended to like the first space presented to them the least, while group NE
tended to like the second the least. The reason for this difference is unclear
to us.


Both groups of experts and non-experts preferred asymmetric spaces over

symmetric, with one main difference: group E showed a tendency to prefer
space Sh (mean of 3.5) while group NE showed a tendency to prefer space
Cu (mean of 3.3), (Table 1). Group NE showed a slightly higher standard
deviation in symmetric spaces level of preference than group E (σNE, Sq = 1.7,
σE, Sq = 1.6, σNE, Ro = 1.8, σE, Ro = 1.5). Group E seemed to have a higher
standard deviation in asymmetric spaces (σNE, Sh = 1.8, σE, Sh = 1.9, σNE, Cu =
1.7, σE, Cu = 1.8). A larger amount of participants is needed in order to
achieve a possible significance. Results in the open description part of the
questionnaire revealed a preference tendency of group NE towards Cu space
(Table 2). NE group may lack skills of space interpretation, which may ex-
plain this lower correspondence between classification and open writing da-

Table 1 Table 2


As expected, group NE felt more pleasant in spaces that are more familiar to
them. They showed great interest toward the Cu space, as 90.5% of them
found this space interesting (Χ²(1)=4.725, P<0.05, Rcrem=0.335, p<0.5).
They also found this space much prettier than other spaces (and relatively
more efficient in contrast to group E). Most participants in group E showed
smaller differentiation between categories (Sq space is an exception). Space
Ro tented to seem more interesting and pretty to them than to group NE (Ta-
ble 3,4).
Table 3 Table 4


We have divided potential uses of spaces (suggested solely by participants)
into seven. Uses refer to suitable activities or a suggested function for the
space. Among the results of this part it was most interesting to detect a gap
between possible activities offered by experts and non-experts (Table 5,6).
These rather different predictions of space use, though may be attributed to
different background domains, emphasize the significance of this type of re-

Table 5 Table 6

(1)Any kind of activity (as mentioned by participants);(2)Art/exhibitions/museum (creative

context);(3)Sport/playing an instrument/children playroom (physical activities);(4)Public
gathering/working or studying (non-active group activities)(5) Solitude (positive)/residence
(personal uses);(6)Solitude (negative)/storage (unhuman activity);(7)Geometry oriented
(functions that derive solely from a geometrical prototype, like igloo or planetarium).

search. By learning these differences and sharpening the reasoning of figural

representation (Goldshmidth, 1997), architects may get closer of reaching an
effective integration of user knowledge to design (Ozten Anay, 2011), and
raise their ability to create custom-built spaces for the potential user.

6. Conclusions and future research

The paper presents the results of the first stage of a research that tries to
bridge the gap in our understanding of perceptual parameters in architectural
design (Grobman, 2011). It also presents a framework for the second stage
of the research that will try to validate these initial results using empirical
quantitative methods.
Contrary to the initial assumption, in terms of averaged liking score, non-
experts showed no preference towards symmetrical spaces. Results show, on
the other hand, they were significantly more interested by the Curvy space
than the experts, who showed a tendency to prefer the Sharp space. It also
showed a difference between these two groups in term of their various
thoughts and feelings towards spaces, and their idea on possible uses of the
various types of spaces.
Further research is needed in order to fine-tune these results in relation to
differences in preference within each category of space in order to determine
the relation between the dimensions of the space and human feelings. An-
other important further examination has to do with the level of complexity of
form in the tessellated options and its influence on the results.

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