Syllabus MSC Architecture and Spatial Planning: Advanced Design Methods

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MSc Architecture and Spatial Planning

Subject Advanced Design Methods

Type Semester ECTS CODE
OBLIGATIVE (O) 1 5 30-ADM-760
Course Lecturer Tomor Elezkurtaj, Dr.techn.
Course Assistant
Course Tutor

This course is a general introduction to advanced design methods and will cover the following:
 - formalization of architectural structures / shape grammars,
 - transformation of the architectural design task into optimization problem
 - analysis of various optimization problems and combinatorial problems
Aims and Objectives  - application of heuristics for problem solving

 The aim is:

 to be able to apply or to programme algorithmic methods in the architectural design process
 to be able to understand and divide complex geometric problems in elementary sub problems

From this subject the students must achieve:

Learning Outcomes 1. to use innovative contemporary methods / tools in architectural design

2. Use the computer to support the creative design process

Table of contents
Introduction: Advanced Design Methods
What means design and Creativity
Methods of Optimization

Artificial Intelligence / Evolutionary Algorithms

Artificial Intelligence / Genetic Algorithms
Randomness in Design
Course Content Shape Grammars / Formalization of Geometric Structures
Programming: Basic algorithmic principles
Programming geometric structures in Pascal Script

Programming: Iterations, loops, variables, Subroutines

Exercises of formalizing architectural structures

Applying programming in existing software

Teaching / Learning
1. Lectures
Teaching/Learning Methods
2. debate

3. Formalized 3D modelling
Assessment Activity N
1. Participation and activity in classes 1
2 Exercises 1
Assessment Methods
3. Colloquia and Exam 1

1. Classroom
Course resources 1. Library
2. Moodle
3. Projector
Activity Weekly hrs

ECTS Workload 1. Lectures

2. Exercises

 1. Frazer, John (1995), An Evolutionary Architecture, London: Architectural Association.

 2. Goldberg, David E. (1989), Genetic Algorithms in Science, Optimization, and Machine Learning,
Reading, Mass.: Addison Wesley.

 3. Holland, John H. (1995), Hidden Order, Reading, Mass.: Addison Wesley.

 4. Mitchell, M. (1996), An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

 5. Alexander, C. (1964). Notes on the Synthesis of Form.

 6. Holland, John H. (1975). “Adaptation in natural and arti cial systems, University of Michigan
press.” Ann Arbor, MI 1.97: 5

Contact Tomor Elezkurtaj – [email protected]; [email protected]

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