2007 River Stour Temperature Report

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Climate change impacts and water


Science Report: SC060017/SR

The Environment Agency is the leading public body protecting and
improving the environment in England and Wales.

It’s our job to make sure that air, land and water are looked after
by everyone in today’s society, so that tomorrow’s generations
inherit a cleaner, healthier world.

Our work includes tackling flooding and pollution incidents,

reducing industry’s impacts on the environment, cleaning up rivers,
coastal waters and contaminated land, and improving wildlife

This report is the result of research commissioned and funded by

the Environment Agency’s Science Programme.

Published by:
Environment Agency, Rio House, Waterside Drive,
Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4UD Authors:
Tel: 01454 624400 Fax: 01454 624409 D. Hammond and A.R. Pryce
Dissemination Status:
ISBN: 978-1-84432-802-4 Publicly available

© Environment Agency – July 2007 Keywords:

ANOVA, archive maintenance, climate change, moving average,
All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced river typology, river water temperature, statistical analysis,
with prior permission of the Environment Agency. thermal regime

The views and statements expressed in this report are Research Contractor:
those of the author alone. The views or statements D. Hammond and A.R. Pryce, Entec UK Ltd, 17 Angel Gate,
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Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature i

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The work of the Environment Agency’s Science Group is a key ingredient in the partnership
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The science programme focuses on five main areas of activity:
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• Delivering information, advice, tools and techniques, by making appropriate
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Steve Killeen
Head of Science

ii Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Executive Summary
Global average surface temperature has increased by 0.6°C during the twentieth century,
providing clear evidence that climate change is occurring. It is likely that an increase in air
temperature will result in a corresponding increase in the water temperature of rivers and lakes.
However, there is an overall lack of good quality, long-term water temperature monitoring data
with which to investigate such warming trends. This project aims to identify the available water
temperature datasets in England and Wales, and to compile a database containing all ongoing
water temperature monitoring. Statistical analysis of the database has been undertaken in order
to identify any recent annual or seasonal warming trends that might be attributed to climate
change. It was agreed by the project board that two examples of each Water Framework
Directive (WFD) river type should be selected in each region in addition to one large river which
had multiple sampling sites covering a range of WFD types between its upper and lower reaches.

In the first stage of the project, both Environment Agency and external sources of river and lake
water temperature data were investigated and all freely available records obtained where
possible. These were audited for length, frequency and completeness of monitoring, before
selection of sites for analysis. Some quality assurance procedures were also applied, such as the
removal of outlying data points. Six types of statistical analysis were performed on the selected
river temperature datasets as follows:

1. Regional analysis. This analysis aims to uncover regional differences in river water
temperature. One main river in each of the eight Environment Agency regions was
selected to be included in the analysis.
2. Water Framework Directive (WFD) river type analysis within regions. This analysis aims
to uncover type-related differences in river water temperature within each region. Where
possible, temperature records from two of each river type within each region were
included in the analysis.
3. WFD river type analysis between regions. This analysis aims to uncover region-related
differences in river water temperature within types. Where possible, two temperature
records from each region were included in each analysis.
4. Moving average analysis. This analysis was designed to look at any trends in mean
monthly and annual temperature over time for a number of sites on the same river.
5. Annual mean trend analysis. Assessment of the annual mean temperature series for the
best water temperature record in each region, including calculation of the rate of river
water temperature change.
6. Seasonal analysis. Monthly temperature data, from a representative river in each region
(with the exception of Anglian Region where two rivers were used), was split into winter,
spring, summer and autumn seasons and moving average trend analysis performed to
assess any changes in seasonal temperatures over time.

Significant differences in river water temperature between regions were revealed, with the
highest mean monthly water temperatures being found in the Thames Region (11.98°C) and
Anglian Region (11.87°C) and the lowest in the North East Region (9.51°C). Within each region,
river water temperatures also differ according to the WFD river typology. However, the water
temperature of all the river types included in the analysis differs between regions, suggesting that
the influence of region (geographic location) on water temperature is often stronger than the
influence of river type in England and Wales.

Moving average analysis and annual and decadal mean trend analysis have revealed an
increase in river water temperature over the last 20–30 years. This trend is particularly apparent
in the Anglian, Thames and South West Regions, but is also seen in the lower reaches of main
rivers analysed in all regions. The highest water temperatures are nearly always seen in the later

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature iii

part of the record, from 1990 to the present date. From the data available the analysis suggests
that increases in river water temperature will be more noticeable in the south and east of the UK
and in the lower reaches of rivers where increases in air temperature will be greater. However, it
should be noted that no upland rivers were represented in this analysis as there was no
temperature data available for them.

Seasonal analysis revealed that winter river water temperatures in the northeast and northwest of
England were lower than those in the south, southeast and southwest of England. It also
identified a generally upward trend in river water temperatures in all seasons. There is some
evidence that upper reaches of rivers (headwaters) are warming in winter and spring, whereas
lower reaches are warming in summer.

There is an overall lack of long-term, continuous, quality-assured water temperature datasets

throughout England and Wales particularly for upland rivers. It is therefore recommended that
existing Environment Agency water temperature monitoring be improved, with emphasis on
targeted, automated, long-term monitoring at a selected number of sites in each region. The
costs of setting up, maintaining and updating a water temperature database are estimated to be
reasonably low. Other recommendations from the project include more detailed seasonal
analysis of river water temperatures and extension of the analysis to lake and estuarine sites.
The potential for the air–water temperature relationship to be used both to reproduce historical
water temperatures and to predict future water temperatures under a climate change scenario
should also be investigated further.

iv Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Executive Summary iii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Aims and objectives 1
1.2 Literature review 1
1.2.1 Introduction 1
1.2.2 Thermal regime 2
1.2.3 Water temperature models 5
1.2.4 Lakes and climate change 6
2 Methods 9
2.1 Data collection 9
2.1.1 Environment Agency datasets 9
2.1.2 External datasets 9
2.1.3 Air temperature data 10
2.2 Data processing 10
2.2.1 Assessing dataset quality 10
2.2.2 Assessing individual records 10
2.2.3 Location maps and typologies 12
2.3 Site selection 13
2.3.1 Selection of main rivers 13
2.3.2 Selection of river types 14
2.3.3 Selection of daily data 15
2.3.4 Selection of lake sites 16
2.4 Data analysis 16
2.4.1 Analysis of monthly data 16
2.4.2 Analysis of daily data 18
2.4.3 Infilling water temperature time series 18
3 Results and observations 27
3.1 Analysis of monthly data 27
3.1.1 Regional analysis 27
3.1.2 Type analysis within regions 27
3.1.3 Type analysis between regions 28
3.1.4 Moving average trends for each region 28
3.1.5 Annual mean and decadal trend analysis 35
3.1.6 Seasonal analysis 42
3.2 Analysis of daily data 49
3.2.1 Regional analysis 49
3.3 Infilling water temperature time series 49
3.4 Air temperature data 52
4 Analysis and discussion 53
4.1 Analysis of monthly data 53
4.1.1 Regional analysis 53
4.1.2 Type analysis within regions 53
4.1.3 Type analysis between regions 54
4.1.4 Moving average trends for each region 54
4.1.5 Annual mean and decadal trend analysis 54
4.1.6 Seasonal analysis 55
4.2 Analysis of daily data 56
4.2.1 Regional analysis 56
4.3 Infilling water temperature time series 56
4.4 Costs of external datasets 56
4.5 Maintenance of the archive 57

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature v

4.6 Gap analysis 57
5 Conclusions 59
6 Recommendations 60
List of abbreviations 67
Appendix A 68
Appendix B 69
Appendix C 81

vi Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Daily water temperature variations on the River Tyne 3
Figure 2.1 Location of temperature monitoring sites analysed in Anglian Region 19
Figure 2.2 Location of temperature monitoring sites analysed in Midlands Region 20
Figure 2.3 Location of temperature monitoring sites analysed in North East Region 21
Figure 2.4 Location of temperature monitoring sites analysed in North West Region22
Figure 2.5 Location of temperature monitoring sites analysed in Southern Region 23
Figure 2.6 Location of temperature monitoring sites analysed in South West Region24
Figure 2.7 Location of temperature monitoring sites analysed in Thames Region 25
Figure 2.8 Location of temperature monitoring sites analysed in Wales Region 26
Figure 3.1 Anglian Region – River Stour moving average plots – upper, middle and lower
reaches 29
Figure 3.2 Anglian Region – River Ouse moving average plots – upper, middle and lower
reaches 30
Figure 3.3 Midlands Region – River Severn moving average plots – upper, middle and
lower reaches 31
Figure 3.4 North East Region – River Tyne moving average plots – upper, middle and
lower reaches 31
Figure 3.5 North West Region – River Ribble moving average plots – upper, middle and
lower reaches 32
Figure 3.6 Southern Region – River Test moving average plots – upper, middle and lower
reaches 32
Figure 3.7 South West Region – River Tamar moving average plots – upper, middle and
lower reaches 34
Figure 3.8 Thames Region – River Thames moving average plots – upper, middle and
lower reaches 34
Figure 3.9 Wales Region – River Dee moving average plots – upper, middle and lower
reaches 35
Figure 3.10 Annual mean water temperature trends for benchmark sites 37
Figure 3.11 Standard error plots for benchmark site annual temperature trends 39
Figure 3.12 Decadal temperature change at benchmark sites, 1970–1980 40
Figure 3.13 Decadal temperature change at benchmark sites, 1980–1990 41
Figure 3.14 Decadal temperature change at benchmark sites, 1990–2000 41
Figure 3.15 Upper reach sites winter 5-year moving average trends 42
Figure 3.16 Lower reach sites winter 5-year moving average trends 43
Figure 3.17 Upper reach sites spring 5-year moving average trends 44
Figure 3.18 Lower reach sites spring 5-year moving average trends 44
Figure 3.19 Upper reach seasonal comparisons for individual sites 46
Figure 3.20 Lower reach seasonal comparisons for individual sites 48
Figure 3.21 Regression analysis of River Wharf at Tadcaster (Type 13 North East Region)
versus River Derwent at Little Eaton (Type 13 Midlands Region) 50
Figure 3.22 Regression analysis of River Irwell at Wark Weir (Type 13 North West Region)
versus River Churnet at Cheddleton Station (Type 13 Midlands Region) 51
Figure 3.23 Regression analysis of River Thames at Abingdon (Type 8 Thames Region)
versus River Severn at Tewkesbury (Type 8 Midlands Region) 51
Figure 3.24 Regression analysis of River Thames at Abingdon (Type 8 Thames Region)
versus River Severn at Haw Bridge (Type 8 Midlands Region) 52

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature vii

List of tables
Table 2.1 Water temperature record scoring system 11
Table 2.2 WFD river typology where temperature data available (from Environment Agency
river typology) 13
Table 2.3 Main rivers selected by region 14
Table 2.4 River types analysed within regions 14
Table 2.5 River types analysed between regions 15
Table 2.6 Daily temperature records analysed 16
Table 3.1 ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test statistics – within regions 27
Table 3.2 ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test statistics – between regions 28
Table 3.3 Benchmark site information 36
Table 3.4 Rate of decadal temperature change 40
Table 3.5 Regression analysis results 50

viii Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

1 Introduction
1.1 Aims and objectives
Eleven of the last twelve years (1995–2006) are ranked among the 12 warmest years since
instrumental records of global surface temperature began in 1850 (IPCC 2007). In addition,
Karoly and Stott (2006) consider that the observed warming in annual mean central England air
temperature (CET) of approximately 1°C since 1950 is very unlikely to have been caused by
natural variations in climate. This provides clear evidence that climate change is occurring. The
UKCIP02 Climate Change scenarios indicate that, by the 2080s, the annual average temperature
across the UK may rise between 1 and
5°C depending on region and emissions scenario, with the greatest warming predicted in the
southeast of the country in summer and autumn (Hulme et al. 2002). Changes to other climate
variables, such as precipitation, cloud cover, solar radiation, relative humidity and wind speed,
are also predicted to occur. As a result, the Environment Agency needs to consider climate
change impacts and adaptation as part of all its activities.

Although the Environment Agency holds a considerable amount of long-term hydrometric,

physicochemical and biological data for air, water and land, little analysis has been undertaken to
determine whether or not trends in environmental parameters can be attributed to climate
change. A report commissioned by the Environment Agency and published in 2003 described an
initial audit of Environment Agency datasets, listed key datasets external to the Environment
Agency with the potential to detect climate change impacts, and identified gaps in the availability
of monitoring data (Codling et al. 2003). Water temperature was identified as being an important
climate change indicator, with datasets that include water temperature measurements being held
both within the Environment Agency and externally.

This project aimed to identify all of the available water temperature datasets in England and
Wales, and to compile a database containing all ongoing water temperature monitoring. It was
not intended to be a detailed review of the effects of water temperature on ecology. The 'best'
records in each Environment Agency region (generally the longest, the most frequently monitored
and the most complete) were subjected to statistical analysis to detect any long-term trends in
water temperature. Although water temperature datasets for both rivers and lakes are identified,
freshwater river sites (excluding estuaries) are the main focus of the analysis.

The Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) has contributed both financially and practically to this
project, and we thank them for their contribution.

1.2 Literature review

1.2.1 Introduction
Water temperature regimes in streams and rivers are influenced by changes in air and ground
temperatures as well as by alterations to the hydrological regime, all of which occur as a result of
both natural and human modification. Water temperature has a strong influence on the physical
characteristics of streams and rivers, such as surface tension, density and viscosity, solubility of
gases and chemical reaction rates (Webb 1996, Webb and Nobilis 2007). Changes in water
temperature are therefore linked to changes in water quality (e.g. dissolved oxygen
concentrations and nitrogen levels). Statistical analysis of the effects of air temperature on river

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 1

water quality have shown that biological oxygen demand and suspended solids increase and
dissolved oxygen concentrations decrease in response to an increase in air temperature (Ozaki
et al. 2003). Lake water quality is also likely to be influenced by changes in water temperature. A
mathematical lake water temperature model developed by Hassan et al. (1998a) showed that
water temperature profiles change in response to higher air temperatures, which may lead to
earlier stratification and corresponding changes in lake water quality. Deterioration of the water
quality in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan, has been found to correlate to increases in air temperature
(Fukushima et al. 2000).

The ecological effects of changes in water temperature are outside the scope of this project, but
should be considered briefly here. Thermal regime influences aquatic organisms in terms of
growth rate, metabolism, reproduction and life history, distribution, behaviour and tolerance to
parasites/diseases and pollution (Alabaster and Lloyd, 1980, Crisp 1996, Webb 1996, Caissie
2006). Most communities and species in freshwater ecosystems are cold-blooded and will
therefore be sensitive to changes in the water temperature regime (Conlan et al. 2005). The
effects of temperature change on the distribution, abundance and diversity, growth and
reproduction of freshwater fishes have been particularly well documented. Davidson and
Hazlewood (2005) predict that future temperature increases are likely to have significant effects
on the growth rate of freshwater fish, such as trout and salmon, in UK rivers. Similarly, Webb and
Walsh (2004) have predicted that higher river temperatures as a result of climate change will be
detrimental to the habitat of cold water fish species such as Atlantic salmon, brown trout and
grayling, although warm water species may benefit.

1.2.2 Thermal regime

Streams and rivers show both temporal and spatial variations in water temperature. Temperature
at the source of a stream is generally close to that of groundwater temperature, and mean daily
water temperature increases with distance downstream or with increasing stream order. This rate
of increase is greater for small streams than for large rivers. Smaller scale temperature variations
can be seen below the confluence with tributaries and in seepage areas in pools.

Water temperature also varies temporally on a daily and annual cycle. Over a 24-hour period,
temperature is usually at a maximum in the late afternoon/early evening and at a minimum in the
early morning. Figure 1.1 shows an example of the daily cycle at a site on the River Tyne, plotted
from hourly measurements taken on 3 June 2005, which broadly fits this pattern. Such variations
are generally smaller in cold headwater streams than in larger streams, as the groundwater
influence decreases. In terms of an annual cycle, the temperature of rivers in colder regions is
generally close to freezing during the winter, with a sinusoidal annual temperature cycle from
spring to autumn (Caissie et al. 1998).

2 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature



Temperature in Degrees Centigrade




















































Figure 1.1 Daily water temperature variations on the River Tyne

When modelling river water temperature, heat exchange processes in the river environment
should be taken into account (Caissie 2006). Changes in the water temperature of a watercourse
occur as a result of changes to the energy budget and/or thermal capacity. The energy or heat
budget of a stream or river reach can be expressed in terms of the following major components:

Qn = ± Qr ± Qe ± Qh ± Qhb + Qfc ± Qa

where Qn = total net heat exchange, Qr = heat flux due to net radiation, Qe = heat flux due to
evaporation and condensation, Qh = heat flux due to sensible transfer between air and water, Qhb
= heat flux due to bed conduction, Qfc = heat flux due to friction, and Qa = heat flux due to
advective transfer in precipitation, groundwater, tributary inflows, streamflow and effluent
discharge. This equation represents the amount of energy available to modify the water
temperature of a stream or river. The thermal capacity of a watercourse depends on the volume
of water present, with heat storage capacity increasing and sensitivity to alterations in energy
budget decreasing as the water volume increases (Webb 1996).

Solar radiation is generally thought to be the dominant component of the total energy flux. Net
radiation (comprising solar radiation and net longwave radiation) was found to account for 56% of
the total heat gain and 49% of the total heat loss for rivers in the Exe Basin, Devon (Webb and
Zhang 1997). Similarly, radiative fluxes were found to account for 85% of the total energy input
and 27% of the total energy losses to two Dorset chalk watercourses, the Piddle and Bere (Webb
and Zhang 1999).

Heat flux at the streambed is largely a function of geothermal heating (derived from the internal
heat of the earth) through conduction and advective heat transfer from groundwater and
hyporheic exchange. The majority of the total energy exchange within a river is thought to occur
at the air/water interface, with a much smaller proportion occurring at the streambed/water

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 3

interface (Sinokrot and Stefan 1994, Evans et al. 1998). Evans et al. (1998) found that more than
82% of total energy transfers in the River Blithe, Staffordshire, occurred at the air/water interface
whereas only 15% occurred at the channel bed. However, heat exchange at the streambed/water
interface has not been extensively studied, and there is uncertainty surrounding the relative
importance of these processes (Caissie 2006).

Natural and anthropogenic modifications to the river heat budget can result in changes to the
thermal regime. The more common types of modification (predominantly anthropogenic) are as

1. Land use changes. Changes in vegetation cover and land management techniques may
affect hydrology and water quality and therefore potentially the water temperature of
rivers and lakes. These include land drainage, agricultural soil erosion, forestry
(considered separately below) and urban development (Robinson et al. 2000).

2. Forestry/removal of cover. The removal of riparian tree cover will generally result in an
increase in river water temperature due to an increase in the amount of shortwave solar
radiation reaching the river channel (Sinokrot and Stefan 1993). A study of the effects of
afforestation on stream temperatures in southwest Scotland suggests that shading of
incoming solar radiation has a strong effect on the water temperature behaviour of a
forested stream (Webb and Crisp 2006). With the use of modelling, Bartholow (2000)
found a net effect from clearcutting of a 4°C warming, with changes in stream shading
being the largest influence on maximum daily water temperature. Over a 30-year period
between 1955 and 1984, Beschta and Taylor (1988) found that average daily maximum
and minimum stream temperatures have increased by 6 and 2°C, respectively.

3. Flow and abstraction. The effect of river flow on water temperature is dependent on
channel shape and the surface area of the water. If the surface area remains similar but
the flow is reduced, water temperature will increase during hot and sunny weather
(Solomon 2005). Similarly, abstraction might alter the volume and/or velocity of water
flowing in the channel and cause changes in water temperature by the same mechanisms
(Webb 1996). However, the effect of abstraction will vary according to the river type; for
example, groundwater abstractions in the upper catchment are likely to have the greatest
impact on water temperature in groundwater-fed chalk streams (Solomon 2005).

4. Flow regulation. River regulation by upstream dams and reservoirs directly impacts the
downstream water temperature regime. If the flow regime of the river is also altered on a
daily basis, this might influence water temperature as a result of higher or lower flows
(Webb 1996). Webb and Walling (1997) analysed 14 years of water temperature data
below a reservoir in southwest England, and concluded that the main effects of regulation
were to increase mean water temperature, depress summer maximum values, eliminate
freezing conditions, delay the annual cycle and reduce daily fluctuation. However, these
effects might vary, with a decrease in water temperature occurring if water is released
from deep in the reservoir where it is coldest. Channelisation and other types of flow
regulation might also have significant impacts on thermal capacity. For example,
augmentation of flows by cold groundwater can bring about a reduction in river water
temperature (Cowx 2000).

5. Heated effluents. A significant volume of heated effluent is returned to rivers following

abstraction for cooling purposes during electrical power generation (Webb 1996) and
other industrial processes. The quantity and spatial distribution of thermal effluents have
changed significantly in recent years and need to be accounted for when interpreting
temperature records. Thermal discharges will have a greater effect on water temperature
when river discharge is low (Solomon 2005) and can increase river temperature by

4 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

several degrees, often affecting oxidation rates and the solubility of gases (Alabaster and
Lloyd 1980).

6. Climate change. Water temperature is known to respond to air temperature, with a

strong linear correlation between the two at temperatures greater than 0°C (Crisp and
Howson 1982, Stefan and Preud'homme 1993, Mohseni and Stefan 1999, Erickson and
Stefan 2000). Air temperatures are predicted to increase over the coming years as a
result of global warming, and this is likely to result in a corresponding increase in water
temperature. For example, analysis of a 30-year record of water temperature from
Scotland suggested that mean daily maximum temperatures in winter and spring have
increased with time as a result of changes in climate (Langan et al. 2001), and Webb and
Nobilis (2007) found a significant increase (0.8°C) in monthly mean river water
temperatures in Austrian rivers over the twentieth century, and particularly since 1970.
The pattern of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is also known to influence the climate,
and Webb and Nobilis (2007) found that both water and especially air temperatures in
Austria showed statistically significant correlations with the NAO index. It should be noted
that in comparison with the previous 130 years, the positive phase of the NAO seen
during the 1990s was unprecedented and it is suggested that external forcing of the
climate (e.g. solar irradiation, stratospheric ozone levels) may be responsible (Osborn
2004). Changes in water temperature as a result of climatic warming have been projected
using various modelling techniques. These are described in Section 1.2.3 below.

1.2.3 Water temperature models

Water temperature can be modelled using a variety of techniques. These can be classified into
three groups: regression modelling, stochastic modelling and deterministic modelling (Caissie
2006). These range in complexity from simple regression models to elaborate deterministic
approaches that take into account all relevant heat fluxes at the water surface and at the
sediment/water interface (Caissie et al. 2005).

Estimation of stream temperature from air temperature by linear regression is a popular method
because only one input variable (air temperature) is required. Water temperature has been
successfully predicted with simple linear regression models using weekly or monthly air
temperature as the input parameter (Mackey and Berrie 1991, Stefan and Preud'homme 1993,
Webb and Nobilis 1997). For example, Crisp and Howson (1982) developed a water temperature
model based on a 5-day and 7-day mean water temperature that explained 86–96% of the
variability in water temperature. However, Morrill et al. (2005) evaluated the relationship between
air temperature and stream temperature for a geographically diverse set of streams and found
that very few streams showed a linear air–water temperature relationship. A nonlinear model
produced a better fit than a simple linear model for most of these streams.

The time lag between a change in air temperature and a corresponding change in water
temperature ranges from 4 hours for shallow rivers (less than 1 metre deep) to 7 days for deeper
rivers (~ 5 metres deep) (Stefan and Preud'homme 1993). These authors showed that
incorporating a time lag into the regression analysis improved the estimation of daily water
temperatures from air temperatures. Investigation of the air–water temperature relationship in the
Exe Basin, Devon, also found that the power of a simple regression model based on hourly data
was improved by the incorporation of a lag (Webb et al. 2003). Multiple regression models can be
used to incorporate other explanatory variables, such as time lag data, river discharge, depth of
water etc, into the model (Caissie 2006).

Both stochastic and deterministic models have been used to model water temperature for daily
time steps and have similar modelling performances. Stochastic models often involve the
separation of the water temperature time series into the long-term annual component and the

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 5

short-term component and can provide good predictions of daily water temperature (Caissie et al.
1998, 2001). Deterministic models aim to quantify the total energy flux of the river and then fit the
total energy flux to observed changes in water temperature. They are therefore often applied to
complex problems such as the impact of thermal effluent discharges on the temperature of
receiving waters. However, deterministic models are more complicated than stochastic models,
requiring input of all relevant meteorological data in addition to air temperature (Caissie 2006).

Different time-scales will result in different air–water temperature relationships, as will differences
in stream type, such as groundwater-dominated versus non-groundwater-dominated streams
(Caissie 2006). For example, the thermal regime of chalk streams is different from that of other
rivers due to the stabilising influence of groundwater discharge. A study of four English chalk
streams with a large groundwater component confirmed these differences and concluded that,
while air temperature is a good indicator of the thermal regime of a river, groundwater-dominated
streams such as chalk streams should be considered separately from other stream types
(Mackey and Berrie 1991). This study also suggested that chalk streams are less likely to be
affected by climatic changes than other types of river and is in agreement with previous
predictions of stream water temperature on a chalk stream, the Lambourn, and the Water of Leith
(Smith 1981).

Several authors have looked at the potential for using air temperature to predict stream
temperatures under a global warming scenario. Mohseni and Stefan (1999) examined the validity
of using linear extrapolation to project stream temperatures under a warmer climate. At moderate
air temperatures of between 0 and 20°C, the air–water temperature relationship was found to be
linear. However, at low air temperatures this relationship is flat and at high air temperatures it has
a moderate slope with a tendency towards levelling off. The overall relationship between stream
temperature and air temperature therefore resembles an S-shaped function. The study
concluded that linear regression models will not accurately predict stream temperatures at high
air temperatures and are therefore not suitable for projecting the effects of warming due to
climate change.

A four-parameter nonlinear function of weekly air temperatures was used by Mohseni et al.
(1999) to project changes in mean weekly stream temperatures in response to global warming.
Weekly air temperature data from 166 weather stations were incremented by the output of the
Canadian Center of Climate Modelling (CCC) general circulation model (GCM) and applied to
nonlinear stream temperature models developed for 803 gauging stations. Mean annual stream
temperatures in the USA were predicted to rise by 2–5°C at 764 of these gauging stations, with
no significant changes being seen at the remaining 39. Similarly, temperatures in Minnesota are
projected by the CCC GCM to rise by 4.3°C during the summer season, translating to an average
rise of 4.1°C in stream temperature (Pilgrim et al. 1998).

Good air temperature records are more readily available than good water temperature records,
and have therefore frequently been used to predict river water temperatures. However, there are
complications with this method as discussed, particularly associated with the projection of water
temperature increases under a climate change scenario. It is difficult for any model to accurately
simulate events outside the range of the calibration set, such as the extreme temperatures
expected under a climate change scenario. Therefore, while the air–water temperature
relationship may be useful for infilling gaps in a water temperature record, actual measured water
temperature records are preferable for monitoring and estimating climate change and are
required to evaluate the impact of climate change effectively.

1.2.4 Lakes and climate change

Deep lakes are considered to be good indicators of climate change (Dokulil et al. 2006) based on
long-term changes in ice cover, surface temperature and mixing regimes (Salmaso et al. 2003,

6 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Johnson and Stefan 2006). For example, Magnuson et al. (2000) found consistent evidence of
later freezing (5.8 days per 100 years later) and earlier thaw (6.5 days per 100 years earlier) of
ice on lakes and rivers in the Northern Hemisphere from 1846 to 1995. The appearance of ice on
Lake Windermere is used by Defra as a climate change indicator, and in recent years high
values of the NAO index have resulted in mild winters and few days with ice cover on the lake.
However, it is not yet known whether or not this is an aberration or the beginning of a new trend.

Livingstone (2003) identified strong climate-related mean water temperature increases in monthly
temperature profiles from Lake Zurich, Switzerland, over a 52-year period. A 20% increase in
thermal stability and a 2–3-week extension in the stratification period of this lake have resulted
from the high rates of warming seen between the 1950s and 1990s. Similarly, Carvalho and
Kirika (2003) observed an increase in annual mean temperature in Loch Leven of approximately
1°C over a 34-year period, with greater increases occurring during winter and spring periods.

Changes in climate variables such as precipitation, wind speed, solar radiation and air
temperature as a result of global climate change will have a direct influence on lake water quality,
potentially resulting in changes to lake water quality (Hassan et al. 1998b). This effect may vary
in magnitude depending on the physical character of the lake in question; for example, modelling
has shown that in eutrophic lakes with long water residence times, high phosphorus
concentrations and therefore high phytoplankton production may become a problem under a
climate warming scenario (Malmaeus et al. 2006). Statistical analysis of the relationship between
meteorological conditions and lake water quality over a 17-year period showed that water quality
indicators such as increased chemical oxygen demand and decreased transparency
corresponded to an increase in air temperature (Fukushima et al. 2000). Changes in air/lake
water temperature and temperature stratification dynamics can therefore have a significant
impact on biological and chemical processes within lakes.

The effects of global warming on lake and reservoir ecosystems have been simulated using a
combined water temperature–ecological model (Hosomi et al. 1996). This model was applied to
Lake Yunoko, Japan, and changes in the water temperature and quality were simulated in
response to a 2–4°C rise in air temperature. The results indicate that in response to this air
temperature increase, nutrient concentrations in the bottom water will increase, phytoplankton
will increase in concentration at the beginning of autumn, and phytoplankton species composition
will change. Lake water temperature has also been successfully simulated by several others
(Hondzo and Stefan 1993, Rasmussen et al. 1995, Antonopoulos and Gianniou 2003, Fang et al.

Fluctuations in the NAO have a strong influence on lakes in North America and Europe (George
et al. 2004, Dokulil et al. 2006, Webb and Nobilis 2007). Temperatures in the hypolimnion (the
bottom waters of a thermally stratified lake) of 12 deep European lakes were observed to rise in
all lakes by approximately 0.1–0.2°C per decade and were predicted most consistently by the
mean NAO index for January to May (Dokulil et al. 2006). This temperature rise affects mixing
conditions, thermal stability and oxygen concentrations within the lake. In agreement with this,
George et al. (2004) found that air temperature and lake surface and bottom temperatures of four
English Lake District lakes showed a strong positive correlation with the NAO index and also
influenced winter nitrate concentrations and phytoplankton growth. This effect was particularly
pronounced in smaller or shallower lakes. Again, it is difficult to distinguish whether or not the
recent sequence of warm years is the beginning of a new trend or simply part of a natural cycle,
but the influence on water temperatures can be significant.

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 7

8 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature
2 Methods
2.1 Data collection
The first and most critical stage of the project involved the identification and acquisition of
relevant freshwater temperature datasets. Potential sources were identified to be data already
collected and held by the Environment Agency, or data available from external organisations
such as water companies and universities. Datasets from both rivers and lakes were requested.
To facilitate the process, a Data Request Form was devised and sent to all contacts with the
initial data request, as reproduced in Appendix A. This asked for detailed information on the
datasets held, enabling an informed decision to be made regarding suitability for inclusion in the

2.1.1 Environment Agency datasets

The Environment Agency project team acted as the main source of internal contacts for
temperature data already held within the Environment Agency. Regional contacts were
approached in the first instance, and the request passed on to others as appropriate. The largest
single source of data was the Environment Agency's Water Information Management System
(WIMS) database, which holds thousands of records for each of the eight Environment Agency
regions. All freshwater temperature records from this database were passed to Entec in the form
of an Access database containing tables of regional data, which was queried in order to
summarise sites by length of record, sampling frequency and waterbody type (river or lake).

In addition, individual temperature records held within the Environment Agency outside WIMS
(regional monitoring, the Water Information Management System Kisters (WISKI) database etc)
were also listed and sourced where appropriate. Many of these had not been quality assured and
therefore required a significant amount of checking before they could be used. These datasets
ranged in size from single records to quite large databases containing records for many sites,
such as the Tideway Information Management System (TIMS) received from the Thames
Region. Regional summaries listing all water temperature data sources identified during this
project can be seen in Appendix B.

2.1.2 External datasets

External sources of water temperature data were identified using Entec and Environment Agency
knowledge and were contacted by Entec with a request to complete the Data Request Form.
Organisations contacted included the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), the Countryside
Council for Wales (CCW), the Freshwater Biological Association (FBA), the Natural Environment
Research Council (NERC) Environmental Change Network (ECN), the major water companies
(Anglian Water, Thames Water, Southern Water etc), and several universities. Cost was an
important consideration when considering data held by external organisations, as many will not
release data without a charge. Every effort was therefore made to record the quality of datasets
that were not freely available, so that their value could be accurately assessed. All known
available datasets and associated costs have been recorded as part of the project output and are
listed in the regional summary tables in Appendix B.
It should be noted that there are a number of 'Lake Dynamics Monitoring Stations' (LDMSs)
located in the Wales and North West Regions. CEH had funding to build buoys and develop the
technology to monitor water chemistry and temperature in lakes. However, the funding to deploy,
run and co-ordinate the results from them, has not yet been made available. Currently a number

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 9

of different universities are collecting data from the buoys, but the co-ordination of the results has
yet to occur.

2.1.3 Air temperature data

The cost of sourcing Met Office air temperature data to cover all regions was investigated. Air
temperature data could potentially be used to hindcast river water temperatures to infill gaps in a
temperature record, or to extend a record further back in time than the first recorded
measurement. Air temperatures have also been used to predict future water temperatures in
cases where air temperature data are more readily available than water temperature data.

2.2 Data processing

2.2.1 Assessing dataset quality

All WIMS river and lake records were extracted from the Access database to produce a full list of
sites for each Environment Agency region including site name, grid reference, first and last
sampling date, and the number of samples taken during this period. The first and last sampling
dates were converted to a sampling duration (in days), which was then used to sort the records
by length. This information was used to calculate an average sampling frequency by dividing the
sampling duration (in days) by the total count of samples taken for that record. This calculated
frequency was an average value and might also include sampling frequencies significantly higher
or lower than the average, as well as gaps in the time series. However, it represented a fast and
reasonably accurate method with which to reduce the number of records under consideration.
Generally, any site with a sampling frequency of greater than 15 days (a fortnight) was deleted,
although for regions in which the number of sites with high frequency sampling was limited (e.g.
Wales) some sampling frequencies that would otherwise have been rejected were retained.

For individual records not in the WIMS database, a preliminary decision on their value was made
on the basis of information given on sampling frequency and record length and completeness as
stated by the respondent on the Data Request Form. All suitable records that were freely
available were obtained in full, and taken to the next stage of assessment with the retained
WIMS records (Section 2.2.2).

2.2.2 Assessing individual records

All records remaining after this processing were extracted in full from the WIMS database or
obtained from the data owner and subjected to further analysis. Some quality assurance
procedures were carried out at this stage, with outlying temperature values being removed from
the time series and sites with any known artificial influences (e.g. discharges, water transfers)
being excluded. However, it was not within the remit of this project to undertake detailed quality
assurance. In addition, it should be noted that the rivers and sites included in the analysis will be
subject to many artificial influences that could affect water temperature (e.g. discharges, water
transfer schemes, regulation releases). Regional knowledge is required to identify sites that are
subject to such influences.

A scoring system was applied to each record to generate a final number for comparison with
other records. Each temperature measurement was given a score based on the time that had
elapsed since the previous measurement, as follows:

1. a gap of 8 days or less between samples scored 10;

10 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

2. a gap of 9 to 17 days scored 8;
3. a gap of 18 to 39 days scored 6;
4. a gap of 40 to 59 days scored 2;
5. a gap of greater than 60 days scored 0.

The total score for the record was then summed to give a final score that reflected the length and
completeness of the record as well as the sampling frequency. Table 2.1 shows an example of
this scoring system from a site in the Anglian Region.

The final output of this process for each of the eight regions was a list of river sites and a list of
lake sites, giving a total of 16 tables. These tables contained the sites short-listed in Section
2.2.1 and for each site included the river WFD typology, details of first and last sampling dates,
missing data, the score as generated above, and a weighted score generated by dividing this
score by the number of months of temperature data available for the site. This information was
used to select sites to be included in the analysis as described below (Section 2.3).

Table 2.1 Water temperature record scoring system

Sample name Sample date Sample time Temperature Days to Score

R.Can Beaches 21-Jan-04 0945 7.80 26 6
R.Can Beaches 16-Feb-04 1135 7.16 30 6
R.Can Beaches 17-Mar-04 1210 12.60 34 6
R.Can Beaches 20-Apr-04 1135 9.47 42 2
R.Can Beaches 01-Jun-04 1035 15.18 6 10
R.Can Beaches 07-Jun-04 1100 17.84 30 6
R.Can Beaches 07-Jul-04 1130 16.24 30 6
R.Can Beaches 06-Aug-04 1155 20.15 45 2
R.Can Beaches 20-Sep-04 1210 14.54 28 6
R.Can Beaches 18-Oct-04 1120 10.55 22 6

R.Can Beaches 09-Nov-04 1135 10.67 30 6

R.Can Beaches 09-Dec-04 1105 7.40 49 2
R.Can Beaches 27-Jan-05 1450 4.60 42 2

R.Can Beaches 10-Mar-05 1200 6.20 26 6

R.Can Beaches 05-Apr-05 0955 9.20 41 2

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 11

Sample name Sample date Sample time Temperature Days to Score
R.Can Beaches 16-May-05 1205 12.75 24 6
R.Can Beaches 09-Jun-05 1140 14.54 28 6
R.Can Beaches 07-Jul-05 1105 5.58 33 6
R.Can Beaches 09-Aug-05 1140 15.22 28 6
R.Can Beaches 06-Sep-05 1134 18.27 17 8
R.Can Beaches 23-Sep-05 1147 14.33 25 6
R.Can Beaches 18-Oct-05 1158 12.61 24 6
R.Can Beaches 11-Nov-05 1156 11.41 18 6
R.Can Beaches 29-Nov-05 1254 4.35 Total 124

2.2.3 Location maps and typologies

All sites that made it through the initial selection process described in Section 2.2.1 were
imported onto a GIS map, with separate maps being produced for each region. A WFD river
typology was assigned to each of the mapped sites for use in the selection of river types for
analysis (Section 2.3.2). Table 2.2 provides a full description of the WFD river typology (Defra
2005). This table was derived from the Water Framework Directive (WFD) ArcView GIS shapefile
provided by the Environment Agency. It should be noted that there are no upland rivers (i.e.
those > 800 m high) in this dataset.

12 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Table 2.2 WFD river typology where temperature data available (from Environment
Agency river typology)

Catchment altitude Catchment geology Catchment size Type

Low Si S 1
Low Ca S 2
Low Or S 3
Low Si M 4
Low Ca M 5
Low Or M 6
Low Si L 7
Low Ca L 8
Mid Si S 10
Mid Ca S 11
Mid Or S 12
Mid Si M 13
Mid Ca M 14
Mid Or M 15
Mid Si L 16
Mid Ca L 17
Low Sa S 28
Low Si XS 37
Mid Si XS 38
Low Ca XS 40
Low Or XS 43

Altitude: Low < 200 m, Mid 200–800 m, High > 800 m (not represented in this dataset);
Geology: Si siliceous, Ca calcareous, Or organic, Sa salt; Size: XS < 10 km2, S 10–100 km2, M
100–1000 km2, L 1000–10,000 km2

2.3 Site selection

2.3.1 Selection of main rivers

Within each region, one main river was chosen as the focus of the analysis. Within Anglian
Region, the Ouse was included in addition to the Stour, so that the pattern of temperature
change within a river subject to flow modification could be explored. The rivers to be used were
chosen with reference to the list of sites and scores previously created, with the aim of selecting
the river within each region with the highest possible number of long-term temperature records. If
daily data from a main river had been collected, wherever possible this was the river selected for
the main river analysis. Following selection, the original database was revisited in order to gather
all the additional temperature records for each river. Only sites at which temperature monitoring
is still ongoing were included in the analysis.

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 13

The main rivers selected for each region are shown in Table 2.3. Figures 2.1 to 2.8 show the
locations of all the sites analysed in each region.

Table 2.3 Main rivers selected by region

Region River Types included*

Anglian Stour and Ouse 2, 5, 8

Midlands Severn 7, 8, 10, 13
North East Lower Tyne and Tyne 2, 11, 14
North West Ribble 11, 14, 17
Southern Test 5, 8
South West Tamar 1, 4
Thames Thames 5, 8
Wales Dee 13, 17
* Refer to Table 2.2 for a description of typologies

2.3.2 Selection of river types

As far as possible, two examples of each river type present in each region were included in the
analysis. Again, these were selected using the list of sites and scores, so that for each river type
the longest and most frequently monitored sites were used. Therefore, it was not always possible
to include all types in the analysis due to lack of suitable temperature datasets. Table 2.4 shows
the river types selected and analysed within each region, and Figures 2.1 to 2.8 show the site

Table 2.4 River types analysed within regions

Region Types analysed* Rivers included

Anglian 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 40 Stour, Ouse, Hundred Foot, Thurne,

Whittlesey Dyke, Bevills Leam,
Blackwater, Chelmer, Forty Foot, Nene,
Ramsey, Spickets
Midlands 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8,10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 40 Strine, Rea Brook, Erewash, Camlad,
Trent, Idle, Soar, Afon Clywedog,
Severn, Wye, Morda, Derwent,
Churnet, Dove, Marton Drain, Dimore
North East 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 Coquet, Oak Beck, Doe Lea, Dove,
Blyth, Wansbeck, Hull, Dearne, Ouse,
Aire, Holme, Little Don, Don, Dibb,
Lewisburn, Wharfe, Calder, Tees
North West 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Roe, Ive, Irk, Yarrow, Wyre, Darwen,
16, 17, 28 Irwell, Alt, Mersey, Weaver, Esk,
Ogden, Chew Brook, Etherow, Leven,
Calder, Ribble, Lune, Petteril, Rookery

Southern 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 37, 40 Wallers Haven, Arun, Rother, Ouse,

14 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Region Types analysed* Rivers included

Uck, Lymington, Cuckmere,

Blackwater, Test, Botley Stream, Broad
Rife, Chichester Canal
South West 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 Carnon, Wolf, Brit, Tamar, Lyd, Axe,
Exe, Alphin Brook, Avon, Erme,
Walkham, Culm, Tavy, Plym
Thames 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 40 Boveney Ditch, Thames, Blackwater,
Hogsmill, Cherwell, Wey, Lee, Colne,
Eye, Churn, Beam
Wales 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17 Llan, Gwenfro, Clywedog, Rhymney,
Cleddau, Loughor, Ely, Afan, Seiont,
Afon Llwyd, Tawe, Ogmore, Alyn,
Neath, Tywi, Gwili, Dee, Wye
* Refer to Table 2.2 for a description of typologies

For the analysis of river types between regions, only types found in more than one of the eight
regions could be included in the analysis. These types are shown in Table 2.5, and the site
locations can be seen in Figures 2.1 to 2.8.

Table 2.5 River types analysed between regions

River type Regions analysed*

1 A, M, NE, NW, S, SW, T, W

2 A, M, NE, NW, S, SW, T, W
4 M, NE, NW, S, SW, T, W
5 A, M, NE, NW, S, SW, T, W
8 A, M, NE, NW, S, SW, T
10 M, NE, NW, SW, W
11 M, NE, NW, SW, T, W
13 M, NE, NW, SW, W
14 M, NE, NW, W
17 M, NE, NW, W
40 A, M, S, T
* Regions are labelled as follows: A = Anglian; M = Midlands; NE = North East; NW = North
West; S = Southern; SW = South West; T = Thames; W = Wales

2.3.3 Selection of daily data

Daily data were received for four regions: Midlands, North East, Thames and Wales. The rivers
that were included in the daily analysis are shown in Table 2.6, and are mapped in Figures 2.1 to

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 15

Table 2.6 Daily temperature records analysed

Region Sites analysed Types included

Midlands Afon Clywedog, Severn, Teme, Vyrnwy 7, 8, 10, 13

North East Humber, Ouse, Tyne 2, 5, 14, 17
Thames Kennet, Lee, Loddon, Pymmes Brook, 2, 4, 5, 8
Thames, Wey
Wales Dee, Taff, Tywi, Wye 10, 13, 16, 17

The water temperature data for Thames, Wales and North East Regions was supplied as sub-
daily data, whereas the Midlands Region data were supplied as daily mean values. An Excel
macro was used to convert sub-daily data to a mean daily time series and to infill any missing

2.3.4 Selection of lake sites

Due to time constraints and lack of readily available lake temperature records, the statistical
analysis was limited to river water temperature data only, as described in Section 2.4 below. A
list of lake temperature records identified as part of the data collection exercise can be found in
Appendix B.

2.4 Data analysis

Statistical analysis of the water temperature data was carried out using SPSS software. Although
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality showed that the temperature data were not normally
distributed, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used based on the principle that ANOVA is robust
to departures from normality, particularly when sample sizes are large (Stevens 1996, Gravetter
and Wallnau 2000). Similarly, although Levene's test for homogeneity of variances showed
variances to be unequal, it is considered that ANOVA is robust to the violation of this assumption
when group sizes are approximately equal (e.g. largest/smallest = 1.5) (Stevens 1996). Group
sizes were checked for all tests, and most were approximately equal. However, any single group
within a test that was smaller than the others was considered to be unsuitable for analysis and
excluded from the dataset. Similarly, where any single group was considerably larger than the
others, temperature records were excluded on a site by site basis to reduce the dataset size and
eliminate bias.

To further verify the results, the Kruskal-Wallis test was run on the same data. This is a non-
parametric test that does not assume a normal distribution or equal variances. The results of all
tests in terms of significance were the same, leading to the conclusion that in this case ANOVA
was robust.

Taking the above into account, post hoc analysis using Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference
test (HSD) was also carried out in order to identify any differences in water temperature between
groups. Although this test carries the same assumptions as ANOVA, for the reasons stated
above it was considered suitable to use for the purposes of this analysis.

2.4.1 Analysis of monthly data

All sites monitored less frequently than daily were included in this analysis (e.g. weekly,
fortnightly and monthly). All temperature records to be analysed were converted to a time series
of monthly mean values, and months during which no temperature had been recorded were

16 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

infilled with a specified value (-9999) to produce a standardised monthly time series for statistical
analysis using SPSS. It should be noted that records were not audited to take account of the time
of day at which temperature measurements were taken. As river water temperature varies
temporally on a daily cycle, the point in the cycle at which a measurement is taken may affect
weekly and monthly temperature means calculated from the data.

The locations of the monthly temperature records analysed in each region are shown in Figures
2.1 to 2.8, and a full list of all the sites included in the analysis is given in Appendix C.

Six different analyses were carried out on the monthly data:

1. Regional analysis. This analysis aims to uncover regional differences in water

temperature; for example, is river water temperature in Anglian Region different from river
water temperature in Wales? Monthly temperature data from the main river in each of the
eight regions were included in the analysis: Anglian, Midlands, North East, North West,
Southern, South West, Thames and Wales.

2. Type analysis within regions. This analysis aims to uncover type-related differences in
water temperature within each region; for example, is the temperature regime of a
Thames Region Type 2 river different from a Thames Region Type 5 river? As far as
possible, monthly temperature records from two of each river type within each region
were included in this analysis.

3. Type analysis between regions. This analysis aims to uncover region-related differences
in water temperature within types; for example, is the temperature regime of a Type 2
river in Thames Region different from the temperature regime of a Type 2 river in Wales?
As far as possible, two monthly temperature records from each region were included in
each analysis.

4. Moving average analysis. This analysis was designed to look at any trends in
temperature over time for a number of sites on the same river. To achieve this, the main
river sites selected for each of the regions were utilised. The monthly temperature data
were plotted for all sites and moving average (12-month) trendlines were displayed for a
number of selected sites on each river: one in the upper reach, one in the middle reach
and one in the lower reach.

5. Annual mean trend analysis. Assessment of the mean annual trend in water temperature
of the best site in each region. The best site was selected with regard to length and
completeness of record and frequency of monitoring, as previously assessed by the
scoring system in Section 2.2. The rate of annual mean river water temperature change
(°C per decade) was also calculated for each selected site and compared with the rate of
air temperature warming shown by the Hadley Centre Central England Temperature
(HadCET) dataset (Parker et al. 1992).

6. Seasonal analysis. The monthly data were divided into seasonal data. Winter was
represented by January–February–March temperatures, spring was represented by April-
May-June, summer was represented by July–August–September and autumn by
October–November–December. The three months of temperature data were then
averaged to give a single figure for the season. The seasonal data were graphed and a 5-
year moving average trendline plotted. In addition, the raw seasonal data were plotted for
each of the main rivers in each region for an upper reach site and a lower reach site.

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 17

2.4.2 Analysis of daily data
All daily and sub-daily temperature records to be analysed were converted to a time series of
daily mean values, and missing days were infilled with a specified value to enable recognition of
null values during the statistical analysis. This produced a standardised daily time series for entry
into the SPSS statistical software.

The daily temperature data were analysed for differences between regions. Daily data were only
obtained for four regions: Midlands, North East, Thames and Wales. Therefore, there were not
enough data available to allow for a meaningful comparison of types within or between regions.
Figures 2.1 to 2.8 show the location of the daily temperature records analysed in each region,
and a full list of all the sites included in the analysis for each region is given in Appendix C.

2.4.3 Infilling water temperature time series

The water temperature datasets in some regions such as Thames, North West and North East
begin in the early 1970s, whereas the Midlands and Anglian monthly data do not start until the
mid 1980s. Regression analysis was therefore trialled to ascertain whether or not temperature
data from one region could be used to produce a historical time series for another region. Such
techniques can have wide-ranging applications: for example, infilling and reconstruction
techniques have previously been used to extend river flow records using rainfall data (Jones et
al. 2006).

18 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

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26 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature
3 Results and observations
3.1 Analysis of monthly data

3.1.1 Regional analysis

Statistical analysis using both ANOVA and the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test revealed there
to be significant differences in river water temperature between the eight regions (p < 0.01). A
significance level of p < 0.05 was used throughout the analysis. Tukey's post hoc test (used to
determine where significant differences lie) revealed statistically significant differences in water
temperature between most combinations of regions except for Anglian and Thames, Midlands
and Southern, Midlands and South West, Midlands and Wales, and Southern and South West.
Substituting the Ouse for the Stour as the main river in Anglian Region does not change this

The highest mean water temperatures for the whole temperature dataset were recorded in the
Thames and Anglian Regions (11.98 and 11.87°C, respectively) and the lowest in the North East
Region (9.51°C).

3.1.2 Type analysis within regions

ANOVA revealed significant differences in mean water temperature for the whole dataset
between river types within all regions apart from Anglian Region (p < 0.01). The results of the
Kruskal-Wallis test confirm these differences. Table 3.1 shows these results in addition to the
results of Tukey's post hoc test.

Table 3.1 ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test statistics – within regions

Region ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis Tukey's post hoc

Anglian 0.589 0.807 No significant differences between types*

Midlands 0.000 0.000 Significant differences between most types
North East 0.000 0.000 Significant differences between most types
North West 0.000 0.000 Significant differences between many types:
type 8 is different from all others
Southern 0.000 0.000 Significant differences: type 1 and 5; 37 and 1,
2, 4; 40 and 1, 2, 4, 8
South West 0.000 0.000 Significant differences: type 1 and all others;
11 and 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8; 10 and 7, 8; 13 and 7, 8
Thames 0.000 0.000 Significant differences: type 4 and 5, 8, 40; 11
and 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 40
Wales 0.000 0.004 Significant differences: type 1 and 11, 13; 5
and 11, 13; 11 and 17
*Refer to Table 2.2 for a description of typologies

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 27

3.1.3 Type analysis between regions
ANOVA revealed significant differences in water temperature of the same river type between
different regions (p < 0.05). Again, the results of the Kruskal-Wallis test confirm these
differences. Table 3.2 shows these results in addition to the results of Tukey's post hoc test.

The river types 12 and 16 were only present in two regions, therefore the t-test was used to
analyse these types instead of ANOVA. The results showed a significant difference in Type 12
water temperature data between North East and North West Regions (p < 0.01), but no
difference in Type 16 data between North West and Thames Regions.

Table 3.2 ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test statistics – between regions

River type ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis Tukey's post hoc

1 0.000 0.000 Significant differences between most regions*,

especially SW and all others
2 0.000 0.000 Significant differences: A and NE, NW, S, SW,
T; W and NE, NW, S, SW, T
4 0.000 0.000 Significant differences: NE and NW, S, SW, T,
W; NW and SW, W
5 0.000 0.000 Significant differences: W and M, NE, NW, S,
8 0.000 0.000 Significant differences: NW and A, NE, S, SW;
S and W
10 0.000 0.000 Significant differences: M and NE, SW, T; NW
and NE, SW, T
11 0.000 0.000 Significant differences: NE and SW, T, W; NW
and SW, T, W;
13 0.048 0.005 No significant differences between regions
14 0.000 0.000 Significant differences: NE and NW, T
17 0.002 0.004 Significant differences: NW and T
40 0.004 0.008 Significant differences: A and W

* Regions are abbreviated as follows: A = Anglian; M = Midlands; NE = North East; NW = North

West; S = Southern; SW = South West; T = Thames; W = Wales

3.1.4 Moving average trends for each region

The monthly temperature data have been plotted for all the sites on the selected main river for
each region. It should be noted that on some rivers such as the Thames it was not possible to
plot all the sites due to the large number of available records; therefore, only sites with the
longest and most complete records have been plotted. The annual temperature cycle is clearly
evident in all the plots. The 12-month moving average of temperature has also been included (i.e.
the mean of the previous 12 months' temperature data) to smooth out short-term fluctuations and
highlight longer term trends. The data have been plotted in 'stream order' with the most upstream
site first and the most downstream site last. For each river the years with the highest and lowest
temperatures are noted and referred to as the warmest/hottest and coldest.

28 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

River Stour (Anglian Region) Temperature Plots
with Moving Averages for Upper, Middle and Lower Reaches



Temperature in Degrees Celsius



























Cattawade 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Liston Bridge) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Cattawade) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Great Bradley)

Figure 3.1 Anglian Region – River Stour moving average plots – upper, middle and lower

Figure 3.1 illustrates the monthly temperature data for all sites on the Stour. The coldest years
were 1986 and 1991 and the hottest years were 1994, 1995 and 2005. Records were available
from 1981 to 2005, although the early period of the temperature record at the Great Bradley site
has a significant amount of missing data. For the upper reach site (Great Bradley) temperatures
appear to have remained steady from 1989 onwards. For both the middle reach site (Liston Weir)
and lower reach site (Cattawade) there has been a gradual rise in temperature of 1–2°C between
the early 1980s and 2005.

Figure 3.2 shows the monthly temperature data and moving average plots for the Ouse in
Anglian Region. For this river the upper and middle reach sites (Brackley and Olney Weir) show
a slight increase in temperature of approximately 1°C between the early 1980s and 2005,
whereas at the lower reach site (Offord) there does not appear to be any overall change in
temperature. At Brackley in particular, there is a distinct rise in temperature of approximately 5°C
between 1990 and 2001.

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 29

River Ouse (Anglian Region) Temperature Plots
with Moving Averages for Upper, Middle and Lower Reaches




Temperature in Celsius


























Offord 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Offord) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Olney Weir) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Brackley)

Figure 3.2 Anglian Region – River Ouse moving average plots – upper, middle and lower

The River Severn moving average plots are shown in Figure 3.3. The upper reach site
(Llandrinio) shows a slight overall decrease in temperature between 1987 and 2005. In the
middle reach the site at Dolwen shows no change in temperature for the historical period, while
Bewdley shows an upward temperature trend of approximately 1°C. The lower reach site at
Mythe also shows an upward trend. The coldest years were 1997 and 2002 and the warmest
years were 1995, 2003 and 2005.

Temperature data for the River Tyne in North East Region are shown in Figure 3.4. The upper
reach site at Kielder shows no change in temperature for the period of the record (1973 to 2005),
whereas both the middle and lower reach sites show a slight increase in temperature
(approximately 1°C). The moving average trendlines show that the lower reach site (Wylam
Bridge) is generally the warmest site and the upper reach site is generally the coolest. In the
early part of the record during the years 1975, 1977, 1978, 1980 and 1982, temperatures were
close to zero during the winter at a number of sites. In later years, temperatures are close to zero
at just one site in 1999. The hottest years of the record are 1975, 1995 and 2005.

Figure 3.5 illustrates the monthly temperature data for the River Ribble in North West Region.
Records were available from 1971 to 2005. In the early years (1975 to 1990) temperatures in the
upper and middle reach sites are very similar, whereas from 1990 to 2002 and in 2005 the upper
reach site (Settle Weir) is cooler than the middle reach site (Sawley Bridge). The lower reach site
(Samlesbury) shows a slight increase (approximately 1°C) in temperature over the historical

30 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

River Severn (Midlands Region) Temperature Plots
with Moving Averages for Upper, Middle and Lower Reaches




Temperature in Celsius





















12 per. Mov. Avg. (Llandrinio) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Dolwen) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Bewdley) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Mythe W TW)

Figure 3.3 Midlands Region – River Severn moving average plots – upper, middle and
lower reaches

River Tyne (North East region) Temperature Plots

with Moving Averages for Upper, Middle and Lower Reaches




Temperature in Celsius



























12 per. Mov. Avg. (Kielder) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Chollerford) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Wylam Bridge)

Figure 3.4 North East Region – River Tyne moving average plots – upper, middle and
lower reaches

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 31

River Ribble (North West Region) Temperature Plots
with Moving Averages for Upper, Middle and Lower Reaches



Temperature in Degrees Celsius









12 per. Mov. Avg. (Sawley Bridge) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Samlesbury) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Settle Weir)

Figure 3.5 North West Region – River Ribble moving average plots – upper, middle and
lower reaches

River Test (Southern Region) Temperature Plots

with Moving Averages for Upper, Middle and Lower Reaches



Temperature in Degrees Celsius
































12 per. Mov. Avg. (Polhampton) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Leckford) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Testwood)

Figure 3.6 Southern Region – River Test moving average plots – upper, middle and lower

32 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Figure 3.6 shows the temperature data for the River Test in Southern Region. The temperature
record runs from 1978 to 2005. The upper reach site (Polhampton) shows an overall slight
decrease in temperature for this historical period, the middle reach site (Leckford) indicates that
the temperature does not change over the period of the record, and the lower reach site
(Testwood) shows a very small increase in temperature. The lower reach site is generally the
warmest site and the upper reach site is the coolest. The coldest years are 1982 and 1986 and
the warmest years are 1981, 1987, 1995 and 2005.

The Tamar temperature data are shown in Figure 3.7. All the representative reach sites show an
overall increase in temperature of 1–2°C from 1974 to 2005. The coldest years are 1986, 1992
and 2000 and the hottest years are 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 and 2003. The middle and lower
reach sites (Boyton Bridge and Gunnislake Bridge, respectively) generally have a very similar
temperature pattern except for 1984, 1988 and 1989 where missing data have resulted in
relatively higher or lower temperatures for the 12-month moving average calculations.

For the River Thames (Thames Region), all the representative reach sites show an overall
increase in temperature of 1–2°C between 1972 and 2005 (see Figure 3.8). Temperatures are
lowest in the uppermost reach (Aston Keynes) and highest in the lowermost reach (Teddington).
The coldest years are 1985, 1986 and 1997 and the hottest years are 1983, 1989, 1995 and
2003. For the early part of the record (1973 to 1988) the temperature profile is similar at Day's
Weir, Teddington, Caversham and Egham. After 1988 the temperature profile at Egham
becomes much more variable and Caversham becomes relatively cooler than the other sites.
Temperatures at Buscot are lower than the other middle reach sites between 1981 and 1991 and
between 1999 and 2001.

Finally, the moving average plots for the River Dee (Wales Region) are illustrated in Figure 3.9. A
linear trendline shows that all three reaches increase in temperature by 1–2°C between 1974 and
2005. The coldest years are 1984, 1985 and 1996, and the warmest years are 2001, 2002, 2003
and 2005. The representative site for the upper reach (Llandderfel Bridge) is consistently cooler
than the lower reach site (Iron Bridge) except in 2001, where missing data in the Iron Bridge time
series causes an apparent drop in the moving average trendline. The temperature series for the
middle reach (Overton Bridge) is variable, being warmer than the lower reach site in 1977, 1978,
1987 to 1991, 1997 and 2001, and cooler than the lower reach in the remaining years.
Newbridge is warmer than the upper reach site except in 1991 and 1992, when missing data in
the time series may again be altering the trendline.

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 33

River Tamar (Southwest Region) Temperature Plots
with Moving Averages for Upper, Middle and Lower Reaches



Temperature in Degress Celsius


































12 per. Mov. Avg. (Buses Bridge) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Boyton Bridge) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Gunnislake Bridge )

Figure 3.7 South West Region – River Tamar moving average plots – upper, middle and
lower reaches

River Thames (Thames Region) Temperature Plots

with Moving Averages for Upper, Middle and Lower Reaches



Temperature in Centigrade















12 per. Mov. Avg. (Buscot) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Egham) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Caversham W eir)
12 per. Mov. Avg. (Days Weir) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Teddington) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Aston Keynes)

Figure 3.8 Thames Region – River Thames moving average plots – upper, middle and
lower reaches

34 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

River Dee (Welsh Region) Temperature Plots
with Moving Averages for Upper, Middle and Lower Reaches




Temperature in Centigrade

































12 per. Mov. Avg. (Llandderfel Bridge) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Iron Bridge) 12 per. Mov. Avg. (Overton Bridge)

Figure 3.9 Wales Region – River Dee moving average plots – upper, middle and lower

3.1.5 Annual mean and decadal trend analysis

Figure 3.10 shows the annual mean temperature trend for the best water temperature record in
each Environment Agency region, with standard error plots for each site in Figure 3.11. Details of
each of the benchmark temperature monitoring sites are provided in Table 3.3. A summary of the
rate of annual mean river water temperature change (°C per decade) is given for each site in
Table 3.4, with these results also being represented graphically in Figures 3.12 to 3.14.

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 35

Table 3.3 Benchmark site information

Site name Region NGR WFD Record Record Average

type start date end date sampling
R Stour Anglian TL708364310 5 30/03/1981 15/12/2005 6.25
Wixoe 2
intake pier
Severn at Midlands SO86330390 8 01/06/1975 31/10/2006 1.02
Saxons 50
River Hull North TA079844988 5 01/04/1974 24/11/2005 5.17
at East 5
e Lock
River North SD72927360 14 30/04/1971 15/12/2005 7.12
Calder at West 58
River Souther TQ53200050 5 07/01/1976 30/11/2005 11.20
Cuckmere n 50
River South SX434937243 4 03/04/1974 15/12/2005 8.88
Tamar at West 6
Thames at Thames SU72135740 8 05/01/1972 09/12/2005 4.17
Caversham 53
River Dee Wales SJ418006010 17 09/04/1974 29/11/2005 12.56
at Iron 0

36 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature



Annual mean temperature (degrees C)




S o u t h e rn a n n u a l m e a n
4 S outh W es t annual mean
T hame s annual m ean
W a le s a n n u a l m e a n

19 70 1 975 1980 198 5 1 990 1995 20 00 2 005
Y ear



Annual mean temperature (degrees C)




A n g lia n a n n u a l m e a n
4 M id la n d s a n n u a l m e a n
N o rth E a s t a n n u a l m e a n
N o rth W e st a n n u a l m e a n

19 70 197 5 1980 19 85 199 0 1995 2 000 200 5
Y ear

Figure 3.10 Annual mean water temperature trends for benchmark sites

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 37

Stour at Wixoe (Anglian Region) Standard Error Plot Severn at Saxons Lode (Midlands Region) Standard Error Plot

30 30
Mean + 1 SEM Mean + 1 SEM
Mean - 1 SEM Mean - 1 SEM
Mean Mean
25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

SEM (temperature degrees C)

SEM (temperature degrees C)
5 5

0 0

81 9 82 9 83 98 4 98 5 98 6 987 988 989 9 90 9 91 99 2 99 3 99 4 995 996 997 998 9 99 0 00 00 1 00 2 00 3 004 005 75 7 6 77 78 79 8 0 81 82 8 3 8 4 85 86 8 7 88 89 90 9 1 92 93 94 9 5 96 97 98 9 9 00 01 02 0 3 04 05 06

19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 20 2 0 20 20 20 2 0 20
Year Yea r

Hull at Hempholme Lock (North East Region) Standard Error Plot Calder at Whalley (North West Region) Standard Error Plot

30 30
Mean + 1 SEM Mean + 1 SEM
Mean - 1 SEM Mean - 1 SEM
Mean Mean
25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

SEM (temperature degrees C)

SEM (temperature degrees C)
5 5

0 0

74 7 5 76 77 78 7 9 80 81 8 2 8 3 84 85 8 6 87 88 89 9 0 91 92 93 9 4 95 96 97 9 8 99 00 01 0 2 03 04 05 71 7 3 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05
19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 2 0 20 20 20 2 0 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20
Yea r Year

38 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Cuckmere at Sherman's Bridge (Southern Region) Standard Error Plot Tamar at Gunnislake (South West Region) Standard Error Plot

30 30
Mean + 1 SEM Mean + 1 SEM
Mean - 1 SEM Mean - 1 SEM
Mean Mean
25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

SEM (temperature degrees C)

SEM (temperature degrees C)
5 5

0 0

76 7 7 78 79 8 0 81 8 2 83 84 8 5 86 8 7 88 89 9 0 91 92 93 94 9 5 96 97 9 8 99 0 0 01 02 0 3 04 0 5 74 7 5 76 77 78 7 9 80 81 8 2 8 3 84 85 8 6 87 88 89 9 0 91 92 93 9 4 95 96 97 9 8 99 00 01 0 2 03 04 05
1 9 19 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 19 1 9 20 20 20 20 2 0 20 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 2 0 20 20 20 2 0 20
Year Year

Thames at Caversham (Thames Region) Standard Error Plot Dee at Iron Bridge (Wales Region) Standard Error Plot

30 30
Mean + 1 SEM Mean + 1 SEM
Mean - 1 SEM Mean - 1 SEM
Mean Mean
25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

SEM (temperature degrees C)

SEM (temperature degrees C)

5 5

0 0

74 7 5 76 77 78 7 9 80 81 8 2 8 3 84 85 8 6 87 88 89 9 0 91 92 93 9 4 95 96 97 9 8 99 00 01 0 2 03 04 05

19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 9 19 19 19 2 0 20 20 20 2 0 20
Year Year

Figure 3.11 Standard error plots for benchmark site annual temperature trends

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 39

Table 3.4 Rate of decadal temperature change

Site name Temperature Temperature change Temperature

change 1970–1980 1980–1990 (°C) change 1990–
(°C) 2000 (°C)
River Stour Wixoe No data 1.10 -0.06
WQMS intake pier
Severn at Saxons 0.02 0.15 0.78
River Hull at -0.14 0.46 0.23
Hempholme Lock
River Calder at -1.02 0.89 0.01
River Cuckmere 0.11 0.26 0.28
Sherman Bridge
River Tamar at -0.36 0.10 0.36
Gunnislake Bridge
Thames at 1.41 -0.36 0.07
Caversham Weir
River Dee at Iron -0.64 1.04 -0.25
Air temperatures -0.02 0.58 0.34

HadCET data
Severn at Saxon's L ode
Hull at He mp holm e L ock
1 .5 Cald er at W h alley
Cuckm ere a t Sh erman Brid ge
Tama r at Gunn islake
Tham es at Ca versham
1 Dee at Iron Bridge
Temperature change (degrees C)

0 .5

-0 .5


-1 .5
Tem peratu re mo nit oring site

Figure 3.12 Decadal temperature change at benchmark sites, 1970-1980

40 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature


Temperature change (degrees C)




HadCET data
Stour at Wixoe
-0.2 Severn at Saxon's Lode
Hull at Hempholme Lock
Calder at Whalley
-0.4 Cuckmere at Sherman Bridge
Tamar at Gunnislake
Thames at Caversham
Dee at Iron Bridge
Temperature monitoring site

Figure 3.13 Decadal temperature change at benchmark sites, 1980–1990

HadCET data
Stour at Wixoe
Severn at Saxon's Lode
0.8 Hull at Hempholme Lock
Calder at Whalley
Cuckmere at Sherman Bridge
Tamar at Gunnislake
Temperature change (degrees C)

Thames at Caversham
Dee at Iron Bridge




Temperature monitoring site

Figure 3.14 Decadal temperature change at benchmark sites, 1990–2000

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 41

3.1.6 Seasonal analysis
The seasonal analysis uses January to March as winter, April to June as spring, July to
September as summer and October to December as winter (as requested by the Environment
Agency). Figures 3.15 to 3.18 show the 5-year moving averages for upper and lower reach sites
on the main rivers selected for each region. The Aston Keynes site on the Thames has missing
data for 1984 to 1998, the River Stour at Great Bradley has missing data from 1984 to 1988, the
Horton site on the River Ribble has missing data from 1984 to 1992 and the Tyne has missing
data from 1988 to 1989. This missing data causes anomalous peaks and troughs in the moving
average data.

Figure 3.15 indicates that all the upper reach sites show a similar trend in winter except for the
Stour site, which is likely to be affected by transfers from the Ouse catchment, and the Tyne site,
which may be affected by Kielder reservoir. Both the Stour and Tyne sites show a slight
downward temperature trend whereas all the other sites show an upward trend.

Figure 3.16 indicates that all the lower reach sites show an upward temperature trend in winter.
The Stour site (Cattawade) experienced particularly high temperatures during the early years
(1980 to 1988) and the Tyne site (Wylam Bridge) experienced high temperatures between 1985
and 1991.

Mean Season Temperature in Degrees Centigrade








5 per. Mov. Avg. (Stour @ Great Bradley) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Ouse @ Brackley) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Dee @ Llandderfel Bridge)
5 per. Mov. Avg. (Ribble @ Horton) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Severn @ Dolwen) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Tamar @ Buses Bridge)
5 per. Mov. Avg. (T hames @ Aston Keynes) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Tyne @ Kielder) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Test @ Polhampton)

Figure 3.15 Upper reach sites winter 5-year moving average trends

42 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Mean Season Temperature in Degrees Centigrade


















5 per. Mov. Avg. (Stour @ Cattawade) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Ouse @ Offord) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Dee @ Iron Bridge)
5 per. Mov. Avg. (Ribble @ Sawley Bridge) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Severn @Westgate Bridge) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Tamar @ Gunnislake Bridge )
5 per. Mov. Avg. (Thames @ Teddington) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Tyne @W ylam Bridge) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Test @ Testwood)

Figure 3.16 Lower reach sites winter 5-year moving average trends

The upper reach spring temperatures shown in Figure 3.17 again illustrate a general upward
trend in water temperatures, although the Rivers Ribble and Stour show a slight downward trend.

The lower reach spring temperatures in Figure 3.18 also show a general upward trend over time
except for the Ribble, Tamar and Ouse. The River Ribble in particular shows a dip in
temperatures between 2000 and 2003.

Overall, the water temperature of rivers in northern England such as the Tyne (North East
Region) are cooler than rivers in southeast England such as the Thames (Thames Region) and
the Ouse (Anglian Region).

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 43


Mean Season Tem perature in Degrees Centigrade










5 per. Mov. Avg. (Stour @ Great Bradley) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Ouse @ Brackley) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Dee @ Llandderfel Bridge)
5 per. Mov. Avg. (Ribble @ Horton) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Severn @ Dolwen) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Tamar @ Buses Bridge)
5 per. Mov. Avg. (Thames @ Aston Keynes) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Tyne @ Kielder) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Test @ Polhampton)

Figure 3.17 Upper reach sites spring 5-year moving average trends


Mean Season Temperature in Degees Centigrade

























5 per. Mov. Avg. (Stour @ Cattawade) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Ouse @ Offord) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Dee @ Iron Bridge)
5 per. Mov. Avg. (Ribble @ Sawley Bridge) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Severn @Westgate Bridge) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Tamar @ Gunnislake Bridge )
5 per. Mov. Avg. (Thames @ Teddington) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Tyne @Wylam Bridge) 5 per. Mov. Avg. (Test @ Testwood)

Figure 3.18 Lower reach sites spring 5-year moving average trends

44 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Average Seasonal Temperature in Degrees Centigrade Average Seasonal Temperature in Degrees Centigrade




Seasonal Plot
Seasonal Plot

Upper Reach Ouse at Brackley

Upper Reach River Ribble at Horton


19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 9 9 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5

Seasonal Average Temperature in Degrees Centigrade Average Seasonal Temperature in Degrees Centigrade

1970 1970
1971 1971
1972 1972
1973 1973
1974 1974
1975 1975
1976 1976
1977 1977
1978 1978
1979 1979
1980 1980
1981 1981
1982 1982
1983 1983

W inter
1984 1984

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

1985 1985
1986 1986

1987 1987
1988 1988
Seasonal Plot

Seasonal Plot
1989 1989
1990 1990

1991 1991

Upper Reach River Severn at Dolwen

1992 1992
Upper Reach Dee at Llandderfel Bridge

Autumn 1993

1994 1994
1995 1995
1996 1996
1997 1997
1998 1998
1999 1999
2000 2000
2001 2001
2002 2002
2003 2003
2004 2004
2005 2005

Average Seasonal Temperature in Degrees Centigrade Average Seasonal Temperature in Degrees Centigrade

1970 1970
1971 1971
1972 1972
1973 1973
Figure 3.19

1974 1974
1975 1975
1976 1976
1977 1977
1978 1978




Seasonal Plot

Seasonal Plot



Upper Reach River Tyne at Keilder

Upper Reach River Tamar at Buses Bridge


Autu mn

2001 2000
2002 2001
2003 2002
2004 2003
2005 2004
Average Seasonal Temperature in Degrees Cintigrade

Average Seasonal Temperature in Degress Centigrade



Upper reach seasonal comparisons for individual sites

1971 1970
1972 1971
1973 1972
1974 1973
1975 1974


Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature



1987 1985
1988 1986
Seasonal Plot

1989 1987
1990 1988

Seasonal Plot

1991 1989
1992 1990

Upper Reach River Test at Polhampton

1993 1991

1994 1992
1995 1993
Upper Reach River Thames at Aston Keynes

Autu mn
1996 1994
1997 1995
1998 1996
Average Seasonal Temperature in Degrees Centigrade Avearage Seasonal Temperature in Degrees Centigrde

1970 1970
1971 1971
1972 1972
1973 1973
1974 1974
1975 1975
1976 1976
1977 1977
1978 1978
1979 1979
1980 1980
1981 1981
1982 1982
1983 1983

1984 1984
1985 1985
1986 1986

1987 1987
1988 1988
Seasonal Plot
Seasonal Plot

1989 1989
1990 1990

1991 1991
Lower Reach River Ouse at Offord

1992 1992
Lower Reach River Ribble at Sawley Bridge

1993 1993

1994 1994
1995 1995
1996 1996
1997 1997
1998 1998
1999 1999
2000 2000
2001 2001
2002 2002
2003 2003
2004 2004
2005 2005
Average Seaonal Temperature in Degrees Centigrade Average Seasonal Temperature in Degrees Centigrade


1970 1970
1971 1971
1972 1972
1973 1973
1974 1974
1975 1975
1976 1976
1977 1977
1978 1978
1979 1979

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

1980 1980
1981 1981
1982 1982
1983 1983

1984 1984
1985 1985
1986 1986

1987 1987
1988 1988

Seasonal Plot
Seasonal Plot

1989 1989
1990 1990

1991 1991
1992 1992
Lower Reach River Dee at Iron Bridge

1993 1993

Lower Reach River Severn at Westgate Bridge

1994 1994
1995 1995
1996 1996
1997 1997
1998 1998
1999 1999
2000 2000
2001 2001
2002 2002
2003 2003
2004 2004
2005 2005

Average Seasonal Temperature in Degrees Centigrade Average Seasonal Temperature in Degrees Centigrade


1970 1970
1971 1971
1972 1972
1973 1973
Figure 3.20

1974 1974
1975 1975
1976 1976
1977 1977
1978 1978
1979 1979
1980 1980
1981 1981
1982 1982
1983 1983


1984 1984
1985 1985
1986 1986
Sp ring


1987 1987
1988 1988
Seasonal Plot

Seasonal Plot

1989 1989
1990 1990
Sum me r


1991 1991
1992 1992
Lower Reach River Tyne at Wylam Bridge

1993 1993
Autu mn

Lower Reach River Tamar at Gunnislake Bridge

1994 1994
1995 1995
1996 1996
1997 1997
1998 1998
1999 1999
2000 2000
2001 2001
2002 2002
2003 2003
2004 2004
2005 2005
Average Seasonal Temperature in Degrees Centigrade Average Seasonal Temperature in degrees Centigrade

Lower reach seasonal comparisons for individual sites



1970 1970
1971 1971
1972 1972
1973 1973
1974 1974
1975 1975
1976 1976
1977 1977
1978 1978
1979 1979

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

1980 1980
1981 1981
1982 1982
1983 1983

1984 1984
1985 1985
1986 1986
Sp ring

1987 1987
1988 1988
Seasonal Plot

Seasonal Plot
1989 1989
1990 1990

Sum me r

1991 1991

Lower Reach River Tets at Testwood

1992 1992
Lower Reach River Thames at Teddington

1993 1993

Autu mn

1994 1994
1995 1995
1996 1996
1997 1997
1998 1998
1999 1999
2000 2000
2001 2001
2002 2002
2003 2003
2004 2004
2005 2005
Figure 3.19 shows the seasonal temperature curves for individual upper reach sites. As
expected, temperatures are lowest in winter and highest in summer. For the Ouse at Brackley
there is some overlap between the winter and spring temperatures in 1989, 1990 and 1999. For
the Tyne at Kielder there is overlap between autumn and spring temperatures between 1976 and
1987 and unusually warm winter temperatures in 1984 and 1987. This could be due to erroneous
data or the effects of Kielder reservoir. The River Test at Polhampton shows an overlap in winter
and spring temperatures in 1982 and 1990. The Rivers Tyne and Ribble have lower winter
temperatures than rivers in the more southern regions.

The seasonal plots for the lower reach sites are shown on Figure 3.20. Again, rivers in the North
East and North West Regions have the lowest winter temperatures. Winter and spring
temperatures for the River Tyne at Wylam Bridge overlap in 1986 to 1988 and 1998 and spring
and summer temperatures overlap in 1987, 1988 and 2001.

3.2 Analysis of daily data

3.2.1 Regional analysis

Daily data were obtained for four regions: Midlands, North East, Thames and Wales. ANOVA
revealed significant differences in water temperature between all four regions and combinations
of regions (p < 0.01). The highest mean water temperature was recorded in Thames Region
(12.24°C) and the lowest in Wales (10.08°C).

3.3 Infilling water temperature time series

Table 3.5 shows the results from regression analysis between sites of the same typology from
different regions. The regression was carried out to ascertain the feasibility of infilling and/or
hindcasting temperature time series data using a donor site of the same type from another
region. The table illustrates that the R-squared values (the amount of explained variance) from
the regression analysis are high, ranging from 0.83 to 0.88. It should be noted that infilling can
only be successfully accomplished by using near-neighbour donor sites. It is not appropriate to
use a donor site in Southern Region to infill temperature data for a river in North West Region for

Figures 3.21 and 3.22 show the regression analysis of WFD Type 13 rivers at sites in the North
East and North West Regions regressed against the Churnet and Derwent in the Midlands
Region. Figures 3.23 and 3.24 show the regression for WFD Type 8 rivers at sites on the River
Thames regressed against sites on the River Severn in Midlands Region.

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 49

Table 3.5 Regression analysis results

Donor site Infill site Regression equation R-squared

Thames Type 8 Midlands Type 8
Thames at Buscot Severn at Haw Bridge y = 0.9969x + 0.1850 0.83
Thames at Abingdon Severn at Haw Bridge y = 0.9176x + 0.5918 0.88
Thames at Buscot Severn at Tewkesbury y = 1.0528x – 0.8136 0.85
Thames at Abingdon Severn at Tewkesbury y = 0.9481x – 0.0943 0.88
North East Type 13 Midlands Type 13
Wharf at Tadcaster Churnet at Cheddleton Y = 0.8121x + 1.6165 0.85
Wharf at Tadcaster Derwent at Little Eaton Y = 0.7843x + 2.0885 0.85
North West Type 13 Midlands Type 13
Irwell at Wark Weir Churnet at Cheddleton Y = 0.8544x + 1.4461 0.86
Irwell at Wark Weir Derwent at Little Eaton Y = 0.8377x + 1.7909 0.84


y = 0.7843x + 2.0885
R = 0.853




0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 3.21 Regression analysis of River Wharf at Tadcaster (Type 13 North East
Region) versus River Derwent at Little Eaton (Type 13 Midlands Region)

50 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature


y = 0.854 4x + 1.4461
R = 0 .858 6




0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 3.22 Regression analysis of River Irwell at Wark Weir (Type 13 North West
Region) versus River Churnet at Cheddleton Station (Type 13 Midlands Region)

y = 0.9481x - 0.0943
R = 0.8787





0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 3.23 Regression analysis of River Thames at Abingdon (Type 8 Thames Region)
versus River Severn at Tewkesbury (Type 8 Midlands Region)

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 51


y = 0.9176x + 0.5918
R = 0.8845


Haw Bridge



0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 3.24 Regression analysis of River Thames at Abingdon (Type 8 Thames Region)
versus River Severn at Haw Bridge (Type 8 Midlands Region)

3.4 Air temperature data

The Hadley Centre Central England Temperature (HadCET) dataset is already in the public
domain, and holds monthly mean temperatures from 1659 and daily temperatures from 1772
(Parker et al. 1992). The HadCET area is roughly representative of a triangle enclosed by Bristol,
Lancashire and London. Daily and monthly maximum and minimum temperatures have been
calculated for the period beginning 1878 and monthly and annual gridded 5 x 5 km temperature
datasets for the period 1961–2000 are freely available from the Met Office for research purposes.
Information on the available data can be found on the Met Office website.

If additional MORECS data are required, costs for a licence have been quoted by the Met Office
to be £5936.00 + VAT for weekly maximum and minimum temperatures covering all of England
and Wales (130 squares) for the entire record available (1961–2006). Data for a shorter time
period are also available at a reduced cost of £5147.00 + VAT for 1970–2006 and £3967.00 +
VAT for 1980–2006. This licence is for a period of 5 years only and is subject to Met Office
Terms and Conditions. Data should be delivered within 10 days of a request.

At a cost, the Met Office will also give consultancy advice on obtaining the most relevant data for
a particular project if detailed information is provided on the aims and objectives.

52 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

4 Analysis and discussion
4.1 Analysis of monthly data

4.1.1 Regional analysis

Significant regional differences in river water temperature have been identified, with the highest
values being recorded in the Thames (River Thames) and Anglian Regions (Rivers Stour and
Ouse) and the lowest in the North East Region (River Tyne). While ANOVA revealed there to be
significant differences in water temperature between most combinations of regions (Section
3.1.1), no significant differences were found between Anglian and Thames Regions, Midlands
and Southern Regions, Midlands and South West Regions, Midlands and Wales Regions, and
Southern and South West Regions. This result is not unexpected, with the more southerly
regions (Anglian and Thames, Southern and South West) being more similar to each other in
terms of water temperature than the northern regions (Midlands and Wales, North East and North
West) and vice versa. The similarity between Midlands and Southern Regions, and Midlands and
South West Regions, however, is surprising and not easily explained.

4.1.2 Type analysis within regions

River typology appears to have a significant effect on river water temperatures within regions,
with ANOVA revealing significant differences in water temperature between river types for all
regions apart from Anglian Region. This anomaly may be explained by lack of topographic range
of the Anglian rivers, to the lack of rainfall and to the significant management of the Anglian rivers
used in the analysis.In contrast within Welsh Region for example, the water temperature of Type
1 (low altitude, siliceous geology, small catchment size) rivers is different from that of Type 11
(mid altitude, calcareous, small catchment size) and Type 13 (mid altitude, siliceous, medium
catchment size) rivers, but similar to all other types present in the region. As typology is derived
from the combination of catchment altitude, geology and size, it is probably a combination of
these factors that influences water temperature – no single factor has been identified as the
major influence. For example, it is well known that the temperature regime of groundwater-fed
chalk streams is relatively stable compared with that of clay or limestone rivers that receive less
significant groundwater inputs (Mackey and Berrie 1991). Similarly, a large river will be less
sensitive to air temperature fluctuations than a small headwater stream (Caissie et al. 1998).

As each region contained a different number and range of river types, meaningful comparisons
cannot be made regarding which types differ most often within regions in terms of water
temperature. In particular, high altitude sites were not well represented in the datasets collected
and cannot be included in the conclusions. It is interesting to note that within Anglian Region
there are apparently no differences in river water temperature related to type. All of the river
types included in the Anglian analysis were classed as low altitude, whereas all possible
geologies and sizes were covered. This might be the cause of the lack of differences in water
temperature. However, similar types were included within the Thames Region analysis, which did
show differences in water temperature related to type and between types of the same altitude.
More detailed statistical analysis of the existing water temperature data stratified by catchment
altitude, geology and size is required to further investigate the causes of the temperature

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 53

4.1.3 Type analysis between regions
Statistical analysis revealed that the water temperature of all river types included in the analysis
differs between regions. For example, the water temperature of a Type 2 river in Anglian Region
is not the same as the water temperature of a Type 2 river in North East, North West, Southern,
South West and Thames regions. Therefore, the effect of region on river water temperature
revealed by the regional analysis appears to be stronger in some cases than the effects of river
type (catchment altitude, geology and size).

As not all types were present in all regions, the number of regions compared for each type was
not equal and conclusions cannot therefore be made regarding which types differ more often
between regions in terms of water temperature. In particular, there was a lack of upland river
sites suitable for inclusion in the analysis.

4.1.4 Moving average trends for each region

An upward trend in mean annual river water temperatures over the period of the temperature
record was identified in all regions. In particular, all reaches of the River Thames (Thames
Region) and River Tamar (South West Region) and most reaches in Anglian Region (Rivers
Ouse and Stour) showed an increase in water temperature with time. The highest temperatures
were more likely to be seen after 1990 and the coldest temperatures in the earlier part of the
record (1970s and 1980s). Within rivers in the more northern regions such as the North East and
North West Regions (Rivers Tyne and Ribble, respectively), the warming trend was less apparent
and often seen only in the middle and lower reaches of the river. However, all rivers showed
some evidence of a warming trend in the lower reaches, and the warmest years were again seen
in the later part of the record. This confirms that river water temperatures are rising across the
UK and suggests that such increases are likely to occur more often (but not exclusively) in the
south and east of the country, and in the middle and lower reaches of the river.

4.1.5 Annual mean and decadal trend analysis

The trend in annual mean water temperatures for the benchmark site in each region (Figure 3.10)
spans approximately 35 years (1970 to 2005). A temperature record of at least 100 years is
ideally required to identify any warming trends that have occurred during the last century.
However, a slight warming trend since approximately 1980 can be seen in nearly all regions,
although this follows an apparent dip in annual mean temperatures during the 1970s. Annual
mean temperatures from regions in the south and east of the country (e.g. Southern, Thames)
tend to be higher than those in the north (e.g. North East). Mean annual temperatures in Wales
and the North West are generally lower than other regions. The annual mean in Wales was
notably lower in 1983 (along with that of North East Region) and 2001 when Southern Region
and Anglian also exhibited significant lower annual means. It should be noted that the selection
of only one benchmark site from each region might be misleading if the chosen site is not
representative of the region as a whole (e.g. if artificial influences are affecting a site).

Figure 3.11 shows the mean annual temperature trend for each benchmark site individually, with
the standard error of the mean (SEM) also plotted. This represents the standard deviation of the
different sample means and tends to increase as the variability of the data increases and
decrease as sample size increases. There is a general trend in the benchmark sites of the SEM
to increase noticeably over the last 5 or 6 years of the record (since approximately 2000),
particularly in Anglian, Southern and North West Regions. This might be a result of an increase
in maximum water temperatures since this time, as confirmed by the slight warming trend
identified in Figure 3.10.

54 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

The decadal trends in water temperature are shown in Figures 3.12 to 3.14 and Table 3.4.
Between 1970 and 1980, the mean annual water temperature at most of the benchmark sites
decreased, except in the Southern and Thames Regions. Between 1980 and 1990, and 1990
and 2000, mean annual water temperatures tended to increase, particularly between 1980 and
1990 (with the exception of the Thames at Caversham, which showed a slight decrease). It
should be noted in Figure 3.14 that for two sites, the Dee in Welsh Region and the Stour in
Anglian Region, the decadal water temperature is lower. No one region experienced consistently
more rapid changes in water temperature than the others. The HadCET air temperature dataset
shows a similar decadal pattern, suggesting that changes in river water temperature are
comparable to changes in air temperature over a time period of several years.

4.1.6 Seasonal analysis

For the upper reach sites in Winter the River Test is significantly warmer, by 1 to 4 degrees, than
the other rivers with the Tamar and Ouse generally being the next warmest. The River Tyne is
generally colder, with the anomalies in 1988, 1989 and 1991 being due to missing data. For the
lower reaches in winter the Rivers Test, Tamar and Thames have the highest temperatures from
the late 1980s onwards. Prior to this the River Thames is significantly lower. The Rivers Ribble
and Tyne have the lowest temperatures. The River Tyne has missing data in 1989.

Figures 3.17 and 3.18 show the upper and lower sites in spring. For the upper sites Aston
Keynes has missing data from 1983 to 1998 and the Tyne has missing data in 1988 and 1989.
The Tamar and Tyne are the coolest from the 1970s till the mid 1990s, after which it is the Tyne
and Ribble which are the coolest till 2000, with the Severn and Ribble being the coldest from
2000 onwards. For the lower sites in spring the warmest rivers are the Stour, Thames and Ouse
with these three rivers being noticeably warmer from the 1990s onwards with a pronounced
upward trend. The coldest rivers are Tyne and Dee up until the 1990s, after which it is the Ribble
and Tyne which are the coolest until 2000 when the Tyne becomes relatively warmer than the

For the upper and lower reach comparisons on the Ouse, winter water temperatures are slightly
higher for the upper reach site whereas spring and summer temperatures are higher for the lower
reach site. Winter and autumn temperatures in the River Dee are very similar for both the upper
and lower reach sites, but spring and summer water temperatures are higher at the lower reach
sites. When comparing the lower and upper reach sites of the Ribble, the seasonal data are very
similar from the 1970s through to the mid 1990s. From 1994 the spring and summer
temperatures at the upper reach site are lower than those at the lower reach site.

For the Rivers Severn, Tyne and Tamar, winter and autumn temperatures are similar for the
upper and lower reach sites whereas spring and summer temperatures are noticeably warmer at
the lower reach sites. On the River Thames during the 1970s and 1980s, water temperatures are
lower at the upper reach sites in the summer but similar during winter, spring and autumn.
However, from 2000 onwards autumn temperatures are lower for the upper reach site and
summer temperatures are 4 to 5 degrees lower at the upper reach site. The gradual rise in water
temperature from 1970 to 2005, particularly during spring and summer, is very clear in the River
Thames plot. For the River Test, winter temperatures are higher in the upper reach sites. Autumn
temperatures for this river are similar at both sites and spring and summer temperatures are
appreciably higher at the lower reach site.

For the individual river sites, as expected, the winter temperatures are generally the coolest
followed by autumn and spring, with the summer being the warmest. Some inter-changeability
occurs between winter and autumn temperatures on the River Ouse at Brackley, the Test at
Polhampton and the Tyne at Wylam Bridge. Assessing the higher temperatures, the Rivers Test

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 55

at Polhampton (upper reach) and Ribble at Sawley Bridge (lower reach) have overlap between
the spring and summer temperatures.

Analysing the lower reach sites the Rivers Tamar and Test have the least seasonal temperature
range and the Ouse, Ribble and Severn have the greatest. Of the upper reach sites the River
Test has the least seasonal range and the Rivers Tyne, Thames and Ribble have the greatest

The moving average seasonal plots show a general upward trend in water temperature for both
winter and spring. As expected, spring water temperatures are higher than winter water
temperatures and rivers in the south, southeast and southwest of England are warmer than those
in the northwest, northeast or Wales. Overall there appears to be evidence that the upper
reaches (headwaters) are warming in winter and spring, whereas the lower reaches are warming
in summer.

4.2 Analysis of daily data

4.2.1 Regional analysis

A strong effect of region on daily water temperatures was revealed by ANOVA, with significant
differences between all four regions and combinations of regions included in the analysis
(Midlands, North East, Thames and Wales). Therefore, river water temperature in Midlands
Region is significantly different from river water temperature in North East Region, Thames
Region and Wales; river water temperature in North East Region is significantly different from
river water temperature in Midlands, Thames and Wales Regions and so on. Although water
temperatures in the adjacent Midlands and Wales Regions might be expected to be similar, the
results of the regional analysis are in overall support of the conclusions drawn from the monthly
regional analysis; regional differences in river water temperature exist and temperatures in the
southern and eastern parts of the country tend to differ from temperatures in the north and west.
However, a much larger dataset of daily water temperature data from all eight regions is required
before firm conclusions can be made.

4.3 Infilling water temperature time series

The R-squared results from the regression analysis suggest that there is a reasonable correlation
in water temperature between sites of the same typology from different regions. However, it
should be noted that this is not always the case, as demonstrated by the statistical analysis in
Section 3.1.3. A good correlation in water temperature between two sites would allow infilling of
missing data and the hindcasting of temperature data to simulate a water temperature time
series. It is suggested that this type of regression can only be carried out for sites in adjoining
regions and ideally those which are geographically close, although again it should be noted that
water temperatures in adjoining regions will not necessarily be similar (see Section 3.1.1). It is
also recommended that only sites of the same typology are included in this analysis.

4.4 Costs of external datasets

Many water temperature datasets held by external organisations were not freely available to the
Environment Agency. The costs associated with obtaining such datasets varies according to the
database size, ease of access and the number and length of records requested. Often, the
charge is made for staff time to retrieve the records rather than for use of the data itself. For
example, weekly river water temperature data are available from the ECN/CEH. Summary ECN

56 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

data are freely available on the website, but raw data are only made available to other users via a
licensing system and with agreement from ECN sponsors. Only academic users can receive the
data free of charge while private requests attract a cost both from the sponsors and for CEH staff
time in extracting the data. These costs were estimated to be in the region of £150 to £500
depending on the number and type of sites required, and at least 3 weeks is required to fulfil any
data requests. There is also an additional requirement for the agreement of the data owner in the
case of most datasets, such as datasets from the Lowland Catchment Research programme
(LOCAR) and the Catchment Hydrology And Sustainable Management (CHASM) project.

The CEH was found to be the main source of water temperature data that is not freely available
and is known to hold some good long-term water temperature datasets that it would be
appropriate to extract. Other organisations that will release water temperature data with a likely
cost include the Freshwater Biological Association (FBA) at Windermere, and the University
College London Acid Waters Monitoring Network (lake data). Details of external datasets and
associated costs can be found in Appendix B.

In addition to the problem of costs, it is likely that data requests to external organisations will take
several weeks to be fulfilled.

4.5 Maintenance of the archive

Maintaining a national water temperature archive for the sites and rivers identified and included
in the analysis should be a relatively simple task. It would require time to be set aside to contact
the data owners for regular updates with the most recent data, ideally every 6 months. The
majority of the monthly sites are monitored by the Environment Agency and stored on the WIMS
database, requiring a simple update at no cost other than the time required. The daily data were
obtained from different sources within the Environment Agency and would require more time per
site to contact the data owner and obtain the most recent monitoring data. However, there are a
relatively small number of daily sites to be kept updated. Should any data in future be obtained
from external organisations, these would also need to be contacted for regular updates. It should
be considered that updates from external organisations might be associated with a financial cost.

4.6 Gap analysis

During the course of the project, a number of gaps have been identified in terms of data
requirements and additional analyses. These are as follows:

1. Availability of good quality long-term temperature data (ideally, records spanning at least
100 years). For example, Webb and Nobilis (2007) analysed water temperature data
collected from Austrian rivers over the period 1901 to 2001, allowing confident
identification of a recent upward trend in river water temperatures. The longest
temperature records included in this study ran from the early 1970s to the end of 2005,
although a few sites began in the 1960s (North West and South West Regions, Wales).
2. Frequency of monitoring. Ideally, temperature should be monitored daily, but at the very
least monthly.
3. Data quality. Regardless of the length and monitoring frequency of the dataset, the quality
is extremely important. Most of the temperature records analysed in this project had gaps
in the time series, with months during which no temperatures were recorded. In general, a
complete monthly temperature dataset would be preferable to a daily dataset with missing
months or years.
4. River typology. In order to better analyse the effects of river type on water temperature,
full water temperature records for every type present in every region are required. This
was not available for this study.

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 57

5. Lake temperature analysis. This project has already identified suitable lake water
temperature datasets. A similar analysis could therefore be undertaken for lake
temperatures, and potentially extended to other waterbody types such as estuaries.
6. Air temperature analysis. Local air temperatures could be regressed against river water
temperatures to determine the relationship between the two. Air temperatures could then
be used to hindcast water temperatures back in time before actual monitoring began, and
also to model future water temperatures under climate change scenarios. This approach
is advantageous because long-term air temperature data are more easily available than
long-term water temperature data. Assessment of river water temperature data against
local air temperature data for the same time period would be required for each site in
order to assess the need for incorporation of a time lag into any model.
7. Specific site details. The analysis carried out on the temperature data does not account
for any anthropogenic effects on the river water temperatures. In order to assess these
effects specific site details need to be collated, which was not part of the brief for this

58 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

5 Conclusions
Mean river water temperature taken from a subset of rivers differs significantly between
Environment Agency regions, with the largest difference of 2.5°C occurring between the Thames
and North East Regions. In particular, the highest mean monthly water temperatures were found
in the southeast of the UK (Anglian Region and Thames Region) and the lowest in the North East
Region. Analysis of daily water temperatures shows the same trend, with significant temperature
differences existing between all four regions included in the analysis.

Within the same region, river water temperatures also differ according to the WFD river typology.
This is probably related to factors such as the catchment geology, altitude and size. However,
the water temperature of all the river types included in the analysis differs between regions,
suggesting that the influence of region (geographic location) on river water temperature is often
stronger than the influence of river type (catchment altitude, geology and size).

Moving average plots of water temperature data from the main river in each region have revealed
an upward temperature trend over the last 20 to 30 years. This trend is particularly apparent in
the Anglian, Thames and South West Regions, but is also seen in the lower reaches of the main
river analysed in all regions. In addition, moving average seasonal plots from each main river
identified a general upward trend in water temperature in winter and spring. The plots confirm
that river water temperatures have increased in recent years, and suggest that the warming trend
is likely to be more noticeable in the south and east of the UK and in the lower reaches of a river.
It should however be noted that no uplands rivers were analysed as there was no temperature
data available for these WFD river types.

Analysis of the mean annual and mean decadal water temperature trend for one benchmark site
in each region also provides evidence that water temperatures have increased in recent
decades, particularly since 1980. The decadal changes in river water temperature are
comparable to the changes in air temperature seen during the same period. However, since most
of the records analysed began in the 1970s or later, it was not possible to evaluate water
temperature trends before this time.

It is important to note that there is an overall lack of high-quality, complete, long-term water
temperature monitoring datasets, which has limited the analysis to some extent. Additional long-
term water temperature data can be obtained from external organisations at a financial cost, but
improved Environment Agency water temperature monitoring would be preferred. The costs of
maintaining and updating a water temperature database in the future should not be prohibitively
high and are mostly in the form of the staff time required.

Infilling and hindcasting of temperature data is possible if sites are geographically close and of
the same typology. The appropriateness of such a methodology would, however, need to be
tested for each donor and recipient site pairing to ensure that the resulting R-squared values
from the regression analysis were high.

The river water temperature analysis carried out in this project could be built upon and extended
to other types of waterbody such as lakes and estuaries, as detailed in the Recommendations.

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 59

6 Recommendations
The following recommendations can be made following the completion of this project:

1. Improve Environment Agency water temperature monitoring in terms of frequency,

completeness of the time series and quality control. Consideration should also be given to
equal representation of sites with regard to river type (catchment size, geology and
altitude). High altitude sites in particular are currently not represented. The assessment of
future indicator site monitoring requirements for river temperature data needs to be clearly
quantified and qualified as the initial step for the next phase of the climate change impact
on river temperature programme, particularly in the light of local influences such as
significant abstractions and discharges.
2. Obtain urgently any relevant long-term water temperature datasets from external
organisations such as CEH. This could be achieved by the establishment of an
agreement with research councils and other organisations to share data for the use of
non-profit-making projects and reports. Collate any further existing data which reportedly
exists, such as daily data for Anglian Region.
3. Maintain a water temperature archive to include regular updates of the best sites
identified by this project (as a website or database). This will produce long-term water
temperature records for future analysis, and the costs and time required should be
relatively small.
4. Undertake more detailed analysis of river water temperature in terms of seasonal trends
in warming, to determine whether warming is occurring at a greater rate in summer or
5. Complete the water temperature analysis for lakes using similar analysis techniques to
those used for rivers, although the amount of available lake temperature data is smaller.
Follow up proposed co-ordination of results from LDMS.
6. Extend the project to cover estuarine and tidal sites.
7. Further investigate the potential of air temperature analysis. Air temperatures could
potentially be used to hindcast river water temperatures to create a longer time series,
and for modelling of future water temperatures under a climate change scenario. The
majority of the air temperature data required for such modelling is likely to be freely
available from the Met Office.
8. Specific details for each site need to be collated in order to identify any anthropogenic
effects on water temperatures.
9. Assess the effect of temperature changes on ecology. The effects of increased water
temperatures on ecology was not part of the current study, but would logically be part of
the next phase of work. This would include links to growing seasons, thermal refugia and
lethal thresholds.
10. Consideration of adaptive measures. If climate change is significantly affecting water
temperature, what can be done to reduce any detrimental effects? What are the costs and
benefits of such actions? The effects of land use on water temperature also need to be

60 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

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66 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

List of abbreviations
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
CCC Canadian Center of Climate Modelling
CCW Countryside Council for Wales
CEH Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
CHASM Catchment Hydrology And Sustainable Management
ECN Environmental Change Network
FBA Freshwater Biological Association
GCM General Circulation Model
HadCET Hadley Centre Central England Temperature dataset
LDMS Lake Dynamics Monitoring Stations
LOCAR Lowland Catchment Research programme
MORECS Meteorological Office Rainfall and Evaporation Calculation System
NAO North Atlantic Oscillation
NERC Natural Environment Research Council
SEM Standard Error of Mean
SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
TIMS Tideway Information Management System
Tukey's HSD Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference test
WFD Water Framework Directive
WIMS Water Information Management System
WISKI Water Information Management System Kisters

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 67

Appendix A
Pro forma for data collection


A. General information
Region name River/lake name

Site name Grid reference

Contact details (name, phone, email)

B. Sample information
Sampling frequency Length of record (dates)

Is the record continuous? If not, where do gaps of > 1 month exist?

Has any Quality Assurance been done?

Reason for data collection

Other data recorded at site

C. Data availability
Storage medium (electronic/paper) and format. Please provide a sample if possible.

Storage location (central database, local hard drive etc)

Is the dataset easily accessible? If not, please indicate why.

Are the data in the public domain or is there a cost? Please indicate any likely costs

D. Information to be completed for lakes only

Sampling depth

68 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Appendix B
List of river and lake water temperature monitoring sites

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 69

Anglian River
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling depth Sampling Length of Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage Storage location Accessibility Cost
(m) frequency record record? medium
EA Twerton Anglian 3479 sites Included NA Varies 1981–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded as
Anglian Water Anglian Approx 3 sites Unknown Unknown Weekly Very long Yes Unknown Water company Excel or other Anglian Water Good Unknown
Services Ltd monitoring MS Office

Anglian Lake
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling depth Sampling Length of Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage location Accessibility Cost
(m) frequency record record?
EA Twerton Anglian 263 sites Included Unknown Varies 1981–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded as

70 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Midlands River
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling Sampling Length of record Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage location Accessibility Cost
depth (m) frequency record?
EA Twerton Midlands 3334 sites Included NA Varies 1987–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to us
as Access
EA Midlands Severn – SO16469579 NA Daily means 1975–present No – small gaps Unknown Fisheries Electronic – Excel National Good None
Abermule due to Fisheries
breakdown Technical Team
EA Midlands Severn – SO78157622 NA Daily means 1975–present No – small gaps Unknown Fisheries Electronic – Excel National Good None
Bewdley due to Fisheries
breakdown Technical Team
EA Midlands Teme – SO80385324 NA Daily means 1975–present No – small gaps Unknown Fisheries Electronic – Excel National Good None
Bransford due to Fisheries
breakdown Technical Team
EA Midlands Clywedog – SN91368678 NA Daily means 1989–present No – small gaps Unknown Fisheries Electronic – Excel National Good None
Bryntail due to Fisheries
breakdown Technical Team
EA Midlands Avon – Evesham SP04014376 NA Daily means 1975–present No – small gaps Unknown Fisheries Electronic – Excel National Good None
due to Fisheries
breakdown Technical Team
EA Midlands Vyrnwy – Meifod SJ15631292 NA Daily means 1975–present No – small gaps Unknown Fisheries Electronic – Excel National Good None
due to Fisheries
breakdown Technical Team
EA Midlands Severn – SJ41191445 NA Daily means 1975–2002 No – small gaps Unknown Fisheries Electronic – Excel National Good None
Montford due to Fisheries
breakdown Technical Team
EA Midlands Severn – Saxon's SO86333905 NA Daily means 1975–present No – small gaps Unknown Fisheries Electronic – Excel National Good None
Lode due to Fisheries
breakdown Technical Team
EA Midlands Severn – Shelton SJ48881273 NA Daily means 1975–1988 No – small gaps Unknown Fisheries Electronic – Excel National Good None
(not in use since due to Fisheries
1988) breakdown Technical Team
EA Midlands Severn – Welsh SJ48881273 NA Daily means 1989–present No – small gaps Unknown Fisheries Electronic – Excel National Good None
Bridge due to Fisheries
breakdown Technical Team
ECN website Midlands Bradgate Brook 452200 3099 NA Weekly 1988–2003 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract
database all
ECN website Midlands Lathkill 422000 364700 NA Weekly 1987–2003 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract
database all
LOCAR Midlands Coal Brook – 369300 334100 NA 15 min 15/10/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Market Drayton 08/2006 permission
LOCAR Midlands Tern – Ternhill 362800 331500 NA 15 min 19/10/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
08/2006 permission
LOCAR Midlands Tern – Eaton on 364900 323200 NA 15 min 09/10/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Tern 08/2006 permission
LOCAR Midlands Tern – Norton-in- 370700 338500 NA 15 min 15/10/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Hales 08/2006 permission
LOCAR Midlands Potford Brook – 363400 322200 NA 15 min 16/10/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Sandyford Bridge 08/2006 permission
LOCAR Midlands Bailey Brook – 362800 331500 NA 15 min 19/10/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Ternhill 08/2006 permission

Midlands Lake
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling depth Sampling Length of Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage Accessibility Cost
(m) frequency record record? location
EA Twerton Midlands 78 sites Included Unknown Varies 1999–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to us
as Access

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 71

North East River
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling Sampling Length of record Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage location Accessibility Cost
depth (m) frequency record?
EA Twerton North East 3652 sites Included NA Varies 1965–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to us
as Access
EA Northumbria North East River Tyne – Ugly NA NA Daily mean 1993–present Unknown Unknown Monitoring pdfs EA Northumbria Good None
Dub, Bywell,
Haydon Bridge
EA North East River Tees – NZ 463190 NA Hourly 1995–present Some gaps due No Water temp/fish Excel Local and central Reasonable None
Tees Barrage to logger failure growth study database
EA North East River Tees – NZ 417132 NA Hourly 1995–present Some gaps due No Water temp/fish Excel Local and central Reasonable None
Yarm to logger failure growth study database
EA North East River Tees – Low NZ 392103 NA Hourly 1995–present Some gaps due No Water temp/fish Excel Local and central Reasonable None
Worsall to logger failure growth study database
EA North East River Tees – Low NZ 365105 NA Hourly 1995–present Some gaps due No Water temp/fish Excel Local and central Good None
Moor to logger failure growth study database
EA North East River Tees – NZ 290098 NA Hourly 1995–present Some gaps due No Water temp/fish Excel Local and central Reasonable None
Croft to logger failure growth study database
EA North East River Tees – NZ 045167 NA Hourly 1995–present Some gaps due No Water temp/fish Excel Local and central Good None
Barnard Castle to logger failure growth study database
EA North East River Tees – NY 948251 NA Hourly 1995–present Some gaps due No Water temp/fish Excel Local and central Good None
Middleton In to logger failure growth study database
EA North East River Humber – TA 100 282 NA 30 mins 19/12/1991– 13/09/1994– Yes Monitoring Electronic – WISKI Good None
Corporation Pier present 23/07/1995 and oxygen sag WISKI
EA North East River Ouse – SE 574 378 NA 30 mins 06/07/1992– 15/12/1994– Yes Monitoring Electronic – WISKI Good None
Cawood Bridge present 12/2/1995 and oxygen sag WISKI
EA North East River Humber – SE 843 242 NA 30 mins 10/09/1991– Yes Monitoring Electronic – WISKI Good None
Blacktoft Jetty present oxygen sag WISKI
EA North East River Tyne – NZ 25228 63717 NA 30 mins 1995–present 14/11/1997– Yes Monitoring Electronic – WISKI Good None
Swing Bridge 18/5/1998 and oxygen sag WISKI
ECN website North East Coquet 4236 6050 NA Weekly 1992–2005 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract
database all
ECN website North East Esk 48685 50816 NA Weekly 1994–2005 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract
database all
ECN website North East Trout Beck 3758 5335 NA Continuous 1997–2004 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £250 + VAT
hourly database
CEH (UKEDI) North East Tees 3 sites NA Sampling 1991–1998 Unknown Unknown Effect of barrage Excel Hard disk CEH Raw data not Unknown
frequency on coarse fish Dorset accessible
CEH Land Ocean North East Hundreds of NA NA 15 min to monthly 1980s onwards No – random QC'd LOIS Central Oracle CEH Wallingford Visit required Possible charge
Interaction Study sites, Humber intervals database for staff time
(LOIS) Basin

North East Lake

Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling depth Sampling Length of Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage location Accessibility Cost
(m) frequency record record?
EA Twerton North East 33 sites Included Unknown Varies 1979–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to us
as Access

72 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

North West River
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling Sampling Length of record Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage location Accessibility Cost
depth (m) frequency record?
EA Twerton North West 3073 sites Included NA Varies 1960–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to us
as Access
EA North West River Lune – SD 5815 6971 NA Variable Feb 80–Dec 99 No Not known Not known Excel Local hard drive Good None
Lyon Bridge (may be available
after this date)
EA North West River Lune – SD 51342 64716 NA Hourly 1999–present Some gaps > 1 Probe calibrated Fish movement Mostly electronic Local external Yes None
Forge Weir month (2000 and every 3–6 excel drive
2004) months
EA North West River Esk – SD 13100 97770 NA 15-minute 15/11/1989– Some gaps Not for temp. – Water quality Electronic – WISKI Good None
Cropple How 26/11/2004 poor condition WISKI
EA North West River Duddon – SD 19560 89570 NA 15-minute 20/11/1994– Some gaps Not for temp. – Water quality Electronic – WISKI Good None
Duddon Hall 09/11/2004 poor condition WISKI
EA North West River Mersey – SJ 6283 8835 NA 15-minute 07/01/1992 Some gaps Not for temp. – Water quality Electronic – WISKI Good None
Westy onwards poor condition WISKI
ECN website North West Eden 3604 5282 NA Weekly 1995–2005 No – 2001 Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract
missing database all
CHASM North West Eden – Artlegarth 371400 501100 NA 15 min Not in use yet Yes apart from No CHASM Electronic csv Database Not available yet Not available yet
Beck, Gais Gil equipment failure
CHASM North West Eden – Smithfield 375300 513000 NA 15 min Data not yet Yes apart from No CHASM Electronic csv Database Not available yet Not available yet
farm available equipment failure
CHASM North West Eden – The 369900 576600 NA 15 min Data not yet Yes apart from No CHASM Electronic csv Database Not available yet Not available yet
Flothers available equipment failure
CHASM North West Eden – Blind 375400 513100 NA 15 min Not in use yet Yes apart from No CHASM Electronic csv Database Not available yet Not available yet
Beck, G. equipment failure
CHASM North West Eden – Appleby 368200 520300 NA 15 min Not in use yet Yes apart from No CHASM Electronic csv Database Not available yet Not available yet
equipment failure

North West Lake

Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling Sampling Length of record Continuous record? QA/QC Purpose Storage Storage Accessibility Cost
depth (m) frequency medium location
EA Twerton North West 190 sites Included Unknown Varies 1978–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to
us as Access
EA Warrington North West Bassenthwaite NY 21304 2 Hourly 1994–2005 No – some months No – not Monitoring Electronic – EA Warrington Good None
29604 (ongoing) missing calibrated for Excel
EA Warrington North West Brotherswater NY 40234 1 Hourly 2002–2005 No – some months No – not Monitoring Electronic – EA Warrington Good None
12571 (ongoing) missing calibrated for Excel
EA Warrington North West Buttermere NY 18500 1 Hourly 1997–2003 No – some months No – not Monitoring Electronic – EA Warrington Good None
15000 (ongoing) missing calibrated for Excel
EA Warrington North West Elterwater NY 32969 2 Hourly 1994–2005 No – some months No – not Monitoring Electronic – EA Warrington Good None
04186 (ongoing) missing calibrated for Excel
EA Warrington North West Ennerdale NY 12331 1 Hourly 1997–2005 No – some months No – not Monitoring Electronic – EA Warrington Good None
14451 (ongoing) missing calibrated for Excel
EA Warrington North West Grasmere NY 33619 2 Hourly 1994–2005 No – some months No – not Monitoring Electronic – EA Warrington Good None
06671 (ongoing) missing calibrated for Excel
EA Warrington North West Loweswater NY 12687 2 Hourly 1996–2005 No – some months No – not Monitoring Electronic – EA Warrington Good None
21616 (ongoing) missing calibrated for Excel
EA Warrington North West Ullswater North NY 44431 2 Hourly 1997–2005 No – some months No – not Monitoring Electronic – EA Warrington Good None
Basin 20458 (ongoing) missing calibrated for Excel

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 73

Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling Sampling Length of record Continuous record? QA/QC Purpose Storage Storage Accessibility Cost
depth (m) frequency medium location
EA Warrington North West Ullswater South NY 38987 2 Hourly 1997–2005 No – some months No – not Monitoring Electronic – EA Warrington Good None
Basin 17544 (ongoing) missing calibrated for Excel
EA Warrington North West Coniston SD 30807 1 Hourly 2002–2005 No – some months No – not Monitoring Electronic – EA Warrington Good None
95940 (ongoing) missing calibrated for Excel
ECN website North West Esthwaite 3360 4972 Unknown Fortnightly 1994–2004 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £250 + VAT
ECN website North West Scoat Tarn 3159 5104 Unknown Fortnightly 1989–1999 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract
database all
ECN website North West Windermere North 3382 5007 Unknown Fortnightly 1994–2004 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £500 + VAT
and South database
CEH (UKEDI) North West Windermere Unknown Unknown Daily 1985 onwards Unknown Unknown Background Unknown Unknown Raw data not Unknown
environmental accessible
CEH (UKEDI) North West Bassenthwaite, Unknown Unknown Fortnightly 1990 onwards Unknown Unknown Routine lakes Oracle Hard disk CEH Raw data Unknown
Derwent, Blelham monitoring Lancaster accessible
Tarn, Esthwaite,
CEH (UKEDI) North West Windermere Unknown Unknown Monthly 1992–1998 Unknown Unknown Survey of Excel Julie Parker Raw data not Unknown
cladophora in network drive accessible
CEH (UKEDI) North West Esthwaite Unknown Unknown 15-min 1992–1998 Unknown Unknown Study of Unknown Unknown Raw data not Unknown
Esthwaite Water accessible
CEH (UKEDI) North West Windermere – Unknown Unknown Daily 1930–1933 Unknown Unknown Study of Unknown Unknown Raw data not Unknown
Wray Castle and Windermere accessible
Back Bay
FBA North West Windermere – Unknown Unknown Daily/working 1933 onwards (2 Yes Yes – some Monitoring Excel FBA Cumbria Legal agreement Likely but cost
Wrays Castle and days sites overlap, already not in place but unknown
Ferry House continuous record published theoretically
with both) possible
CEH North West Windermere North Unknown Profiles Weekly or 1947 onwards Generally OK Unknown Cumbrian Lakes Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
and South Basins, fortnightly monitoring
Esthwaite Water,
Blelham Tarn
CEH North West Grasmere Unknown Profiles Weekly or 1969 onwards Generally OK Unknown Cumbrian Lakes Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
fortnightly monitoring
CEH North West Derwent Water, Unknown Profiles Weekly or July 1990 Generally OK Unknown Cumbrian Lakes Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Bassenthwaite fortnightly onwards monitoring
CEH North West Windermere Back Unknown Surface Daily 1933 onwards Gaps especially at Unknown Cumbrian Lakes Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Bay (Mitchell weekends/holidays monitoring
CEH North West Esthwaite Unknown Surface 15-min November 1992 Generally OK Unknown Cumbrian Lakes Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
onwards monitoring
University Various, upland Approx. 10 lakes Unknown 1 2-hourly 7-yrs Unknown Unknown Acid Waters Access UCL Reasonable Yes, but cost
Colege London Monitoring unknown
(UCL), Network
Research Centre
(ECRC), Acid

74 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Southern River
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling Sampling Length of Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage location Accessibility Cost
depth (m) frequency record record?
EA Twerton Southern 1305 sites Included NA Varies 1974–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to us
as Access
EA Kent Southern 100s of sites NA NA Mostly monthly Varies but some Unknown Unknown Monitoring Electronic EA Kent water Good None
back to 1976 quality teams
ECN website Southern Eden 5520 1438 NA Weekly 1998–2005 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract
database all
ECN website Southern Old Lodge 5457 1294 NA Weekly 1988–2003 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract
database all
CEH (UKEDI) Southern Rivers Test, Unknown NA Variable 03/1979– Unknown Unknown Ecological study Unknown Unknown Raw data not Unknown
Itchen and 03/1980 of chalk streams accessible

Southern Lake
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling depth Sampling Length of Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage Accessibility Cost
(m) frequency record record? location
EA Twerton Southern 22 sites Included Unknown Varies 1982–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to us
as Access

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 75

South West River
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling Sampling Length of Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage Accessibility Cost
depth (m) frequency record record? location
EA Twerton South West 5706 sites Included NA Varies 1965–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to us
as Access
ECN website South West Exe 2936 1016 NA Weekly 1994–2005 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract
database all
ECN website South West Frome 3891 8670 NA Weekly 1994–2005 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract
database all
LOCAR South West Bere Stream – 385575, 092975 NA 15 minutes 13/11/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Snatford Bridge 09/2006 permission
LOCAR South West Bovington Stream 384175, 087800 NA 15 minutes 01/10/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
– Blindmans 09/2006 permission
LOCAR South West Devils Brook – 377800, 098500 NA 15 minutes 23/11/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Dewlish village 09/2006 permission
LOCAR South West Frome – East 386725, 086850 NA 15 minutes 30/08/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Stoke 09/2006 permission
LOCAR South West Frome – 370850, 090475 NA 15 minutes 02/10/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Loudsmill 09/2006 permission
LOCAR South West Frome – 359050, 099125 NA 15 minutes 03/02/2003– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Chilfrome 09/2006 permission
LOCAR South West Piddle – Baggs 391325, 087600 NA 15 minutes 30/10/2003– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Mill 09/2006 permission
LOCAR South West Piddle – 382125, 093450 NA 15 minutes 23/11/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Briantspuddle 09/2006 permission
LOCAR South West Piddle – Little 371850, 096450 NA 15 minutes 31/10/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Puddle 09/2006 permission
LOCAR South West Sydling Water – 363225, 099900 NA 15 minutes 23/12/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Sydling St. 09/2006 permission
LOCAR South West Hooke – Maiden 359475, 097600 NA 15 minutes 05/03/2003– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Newton 09/2006 permission
CEH (UKEDI) South West River Wylye Unknown NA Annually 10/1996 onwards Unknown Unknown Grayling Access/Excel Hard disk CEH Raw data not Unknown
population study Dorset accessible
CEH (UKEDI) South West Mill Stream Unknown NA Weekly 1991–1997 Unknown Unknown Chemical Excel Network Drive Raw data Unknown
sampling CEH Dorset accessible
CEH (UKEDI) South West East Stoke Unknown NA Daily max and 1973–1989 Unknown Unknown River Frome Unknown Unknown Raw data not Unknown
Flume, River min environmental accessible
Frome data
CEH (UKEDI) South West River Frome, East Unknown NA 15 minutes 1995–present Unknown Unknown River Frome Excel Hard disk CEH Raw data Unknown
Stoke salmon counter Dorset accessible
CEH (UKEDI) South West Gussage Stream Unknown NA Variable, not 1973–1976 Unknown Unknown Ecological Unknown Unknown Raw data not Unknown
frequent recovery of accessible
Gussage Stream
University of South West 17 tributaries NA NA 15 minutes to 1976/1977 No Not all Research Electronic Exeter Will not pass N/A
Exeter hourly onwards onto third parties
Bournemouth and South West Knapp Mill Unknown NA 15 minutes 2004–present Unknown Checked by Water company Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
West Hants Environment monitoring
Water Agency
EA South West Hampshire Avon SU 151413 NA 15 minutes 13/02/2004– Unknown No Unknown Electronic WISKI Good None
– Amesbury present
EA South West Hampshire Avon SU 158144 NA 15 minutes 18/05/2004– Unknown No Unknown Electronic WISKI Good None
– East Mills present
EA South West River Stour – Unknown NA 15 minutes 24/03/2004– Unknown No Unknown Electronic WISKI Good None
Hammoon present
EA South West River Stour – Unknown NA 15 minutes 24/05/2000– Unknown No Unknown Electronic WISKI Good None
Throop present
EA South West River Tamar SX4380061000 NA Approx monthly 20/04/1999– Some gaps Unknown Unknown Electronic WISKI Good None
shellfish present (missing months)
EA South West RIver Tamar – SX4349372436 NA Variable (every 3 08/01/1986– Occasional Unknown Unknown Electronic WISKI Good None
Gunnislake days to monthly) present missing months
EA South West River Tavy– SX4750065038 NA Variable (weekly 09/01/1986– Occasional Unknown Unknown Electronic WISKI Good None
Lopwell Dam to monthly) present missing months

76 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling Sampling Length of Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage Accessibility Cost
depth (m) frequency record record? location
EA South West Hampshire Avon SU15871430 NA 15 minutes 18/05/04– Gaps Yes Fisheries Electronic WISKI Good None
– East Mills present
EA South West River Stour – SZ11309580 NA 15 minutes 24/05/00– Gaps Yes Fisheries Electronic WISKI Good None
Throop present

South West Lake

Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling depth Sampling Length of Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage location Accessibility Cost
(m) frequency record record?
EA Twerton South West 222 sites Included Unknown Varies 1981–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to us
as Access

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 77

Thames River
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling Sampling Length of record Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage location Accessibility Cost
depth (m) frequency record?
EA Twerton Thames 2086 sites Included NA Varies 1972–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
EA Thames Thames 70 sites, Thames NA NA 15 mins–1 hour 10 + years back Some downtimes No – raw data, Monitoring Excel Reading Good None
and tribs (Tideway health warning!
EA Thames River Thames – TQ 1670 7150 NA Up to 24 hourly June 86–Dec Oct–-Dec 1986; Not known Not known Excel Local hard drive Good None
Teddington readings per day 2000 (may be Apr–-May 1988;
(automatic) available after Jan–Dec 1991;
this date) Apr 1992; Feb–
May 1995; Aug–
Dec 2000
ECN website Thames Coln 4204 1988 NA Weekly 1998–2005 No – 2001 Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract all
missing database
ECN website Thames Lambourn 4453 1691 NA Weekly 1998–2005 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract all
LOCAR Thames Lambourn – East 438950, 174550 NA 15 min 03/08/2003 Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Shefford permission
LOCAR Thames Lambourn – Shaw 447000, 168200 NA 15 min 04/11/2003 Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
LOCAR Thames Pang – Bucklebury 455300, 171000 NA 15 min 30/10/2002– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
31/08/2006 permission
LOCAR Thames Pang – Frilsham 453750, 173000 NA 15 min 14/10/2002 Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
(Parsonage) permission
LOCAR Thames Pang – Tidmarsh 463600, 174775 NA 15 min 30/10/2002 Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Mill permission
LOCAR Thames Pang – below Blue 458675, 171850 NA 15 min 03/08/2003– Yes No LOCAR Oracle csv CEH Wallingford Good No but requires
Pool 29/08/2006 permission
CEH (UKEDI) Thames Lambourn Unknown NA Monthly 03/1994–03/1997 Unknown Unknown Ecological study Unknown Unknown Raw data not Unknown
of chalk streams accessible
CEH (UKEDI) Thames Coln Unknown NA Monthly 03/1978–03/1979 Unknown Unknown Ecological study Unknown Unknown Raw data not Unknown
of chalk streams accessible

Thames Lake
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling depth Sampling Length of Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage location Accessibility Cost
(m) frequency record record?
EA Twerton Thames 106 sites Included Unknown Varies 1979–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to us
as Access

78 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Wales River
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling Sampling Length of record Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage Accessibility Cost
depth (m) frequency record? location
EA Twerton Wales 1436 sites Included NA Varies 1962–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to us
as Access
ECN website Wales Wye 3536 2099 NA Weekly 1994–2005 Yes Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract all
CEH (UKEDI) Wales Afon Hore, Afon Unknown NA Sampling Dates unknown Unknown Unknown Afon Cwm fish Excel Hard disk CEH Raw data not Unknown
Haffren, Afon frequency counter Dorset accessible
Cwm unknown
CHASM Wales Severn – Dulas at 29755 27767 NA 15 min 14/03/2003– Yes apart from No CHASM Electronic csv Database Good Permission
Cenarth Mill present equipment failure required, possible
CHASM Wales Severn – Dulas – 29660 27790 NA 15 min 14/03/2003– Yes apart from No CHASM Electronic csv Database Good Permission
Nant Waun-fach present equipment failure required, possible
CHASM Wales Severn – Dulas – 29490 27685 NA 15 min 14/03/2005– Yes apart from No CHASM Electronic csv Database Good Permission
Nant y Saeson present equipment failure required, possible
CHASM Wales Severn – Lower 28430 28780 NA 15 min 8/3/05–28/9/05 Yes apart from No CHASM Electronic csv Database Good Permission
Hafren equipment failure required, possible
CHASM Wales Severn – 28400 28770 NA 15 min 8/3/05–28/9/05 Yes apart from No CHASM Electronic csv Database Good Permission
Tanllwyth equipment failure required, possible
CHASM Wales Severn – Upper 28280 28930 NA 15 min 8/3/05–10/8/05 Yes apart from No CHASM Electronic csv Database Good Permission
Hafren equipment failure required, possible
EA Wales River Tryweryn SH 880 399 NA Daily max/min Jul 1979–Jan Apr 1990–June Checked 2003 Post-regulation Excel Local hard drive Good None
downstream Llyn (continuous 2000 1995 – gaps > 1 onwards monitoring
Celyn (Dee) chart) 1979–2000 month programme
EA Wales River Tryweryn SH 880 399 NA 15-min readings Oct 2003– Apr 1990–June Checked 2003 Post-regulation Excel Local hard drive Good None
downstream Llyn (automatic) present 1995 – gaps > 1 onwards monitoring
Celyn (Dee) 2003–present month programme
EA Wales River Dee – Bala SH 936 356 NA Daily max/min 1990–2000 1990–2000 Checked 2003 Post-regulation Excel Local hard drive Good None
sluices (continuous onwards monitoring
chart) programme
EA Wales River Dee – Bala SH 936 356 NA 15-min readings 2003–present Checked 2003 Post-regulation Excel Local hard drive Good None
sluices (automatic) onwards monitoring
EA Wales River Dee – SJ 3481 4146 NA Daily max/min 2003–present Feb–May 2005 – Checked 2002 Post-regulation Excel Local hard drive Good None
Manley Hall (continuous gaps > 1 month onwards monitoring
chart) 1965–1999 programme
EA Wales River Dee – SJ 3481 4146 NA 15-min readings June 2002– Feb–May 2005 – Checked 2002 Post-regulation Excel Local hard drive Good None
Manley Hall (automatic) present gaps > 1 month onwards monitoring
2002–present programme
EA Wales River Wye – SO 5286 1108 NA Daily 9am Jan 96–Dec 2000 Oct–Nov 2000 – Some checking Not known Excel Local hard drive Good None
Redbrook (may be data gaps > 1 month for spurious
available after readings
this date)
EA Wales River Taff – ST17060 78053 NA 30 min – hourly 1993–present 1996 monthly Some cross Cardiff Bay Electronic – Excel Local G drive Good None
Blackweir means only, 1997 checking fisheries
missing Aug–Dec monitoring
EA Wales Wye – Belmont SO 48500 38799 NA 15-minute 14/01/1997– Oct-Dec 1997 Up to 2000 Unknown Electronic WISKI Good None
EA Wales Usk – Trallong SN 94726 29547 NA 15-minute June 2004– Yes No Unknown Electronic WISKI Good but not in None
present public domain
EA Wales Wye – Llandewi SO 10458 68284 NA 15-minute Nov 2001–date Jan–May 2004 No Unknown Electronic WISKI Good but not in None
public domain
EA Wales Wye – Redbrook SO 52769 11077 NA 15-minute Jan 1993– June–October Up to 2001 Unknown Electronic WISKI Good None
present 1993, May–
September 1995
EA Wales Wye – Erwood SO 07580 44490 NA 15-minute June 1993–Sept October 2000– Up to 2001 Unknown Electronic WISKI Good but not in None
1995 July 2001 public domain
EA Wales Tywi – Capel Various NA 15-minute 01/06/1997– Yes No Unknown Electronic WISKI Good None
Dewi, Felin present
EA Wales Dee SH 88077 39939 NA 15-minute 11/03–date Unknown Some Unknown Electronic Unknown Good None

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 79

Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling Sampling Length of record Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage Accessibility Cost
depth (m) frequency record? location
EA Wales Dee SH 74087 35721 NA 15-minute 11/03–date Unknown Some Unknown Electronic Unknown Good None
EA Wales Dee SJ 34822 41459 NA 15-minute 06/02–date Unknown Some Unknown Electronic Unknown Good None
EA Wales Dee SJ 41764 60023 NA 15-minute 11/03–date Unknown Some Unknown Electronic Unknown Good None
EA Wales Dee SJ 29046 70696 NA 15-minute 12/95–date Unknown Some Unknown Electronic Unknown Good None

Wales Lake
Data source Region Site name Grid ref Sampling depth Sampling Length of Continuous QA/QC Purpose Storage medium Storage location Accessibility Cost
(m) frequency record record?
EA Twerton Wales 60 sites Included Unknown Varies 1978–2005 Varies Yes – MIDAS Multiple Electronic – Twerton Good None
downloaded to us
as Access
ECN website Wales Llyn Llagi 2648 3484 Unknown Fortnightly 1990–2005 No – 1991–1994 Yes Monitoring Central Oracle CEH Lancaster 3 weeks £150 to extract
and 1996–1999 database all

80 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Appendix C
List of river sites analysed
Anglian Region

Site NGR Typolog Start date End date Missing data

y points
Monthly data
R.Stour TL675505232 2 15/03/198 05/12/200 94
Gt.Bradley Hall 8 3 5
R.Stour TL691254842 2 15/04/198 05/12/200 29
Gt.Wratting 4 1 5
R.Stour TL709214523 2 15/04/198 05/12/200 24
Kedington GS 4 1 5
R.Stour Ashen TL768004489 5 22/07/198 07/12/200 82
Road Bridge 9 1 5
R.Stour TL867174098 5 30/03/198 02/12/200 18
Ballingdon Br. 8 1 5
R.Stour TL865244227 5 22/04/198 02/12/200 91
Brundon Mill 5 1 5
R.Stour Bures TL906143406 5 15/04/198 02/12/200 24
Br. 2 1 5
R.Stour Flatford TM07543333 5 02/09/198 14/12/200 83
Mill Footbridge 48 1 5
R.Stour TM02608345 5 30/03/198 30/11/200 5
Langham Intake 23 1 5
R.Stour Liston TL856604499 5 15/04/198 02/12/200 30
Weir 2 1 5
R.Stour Pentlow TL810954641 5 15/04/198 07/12/200 24
Br. 0 1 5
R.Stour Pitmere TL890713691 5 21/07/198 02/12/200 78
Railway Bridge 5 1 5
R.Stour TM04225342 5 30/03/198 15/12/200 14
Stratford St 70 1 5
Mary Intake
R.Stour Wixoe TL708364310 5 30/03/198 15/12/200 7
Wqms Intake 2 1 5
R.Stour TM10030330 0 30/03/198 14/12/200 19
Cattawade 44 1 5
R.Ouse A422 SP594273681 2 23/04/198 14/11/200 30
Rd.Br.Brackley 9 1 5
R.Ouse A5 SP781304096 5 21/05/198 29/11/200 39
Rd.Br.Old 2 1 5
R.Ouse B526 SP877874420 5 14/04/198 29/11/200 45

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 81

Site NGR Typolog Start date End date Missing data
y points
Rd.Br.Newport 9 1 5
R.Ouse Water SP652053406 5 29/11/199 14/11/200 8
Stratford Rd.Br. 7 4 5
R.Ouse Wqms SP727553463 5 03/01/198 14/11/200 32
Foxcote Intake 6 6 5
R.Ouse TL036005160 8 30/11/198 14/12/200 34
Clapham Intake 0 8 5
R.Ouse TL024004770 8 07/05/198 13/12/200 31
Kempston Mill 0 1 5

R.Ouse TL063724929 8 12/05/198 13/12/200 38

Newnham 4 1 5
R.Ouse Offord TL214006620 8 14/04/198 17/11/200 20
Intake 0 1 5
R.Ouse SP854004860 8 07/05/198 01/12/200 88
Ravenstone Mill 0 1 5
R.Ouse Roxton TL160005350 8 14/04/198 13/12/200 23
Lock 0 1 5
R.Ouse TL011005900 8 14/04/198 01/12/200 30
Sharnbrook Mill 0 1 5
R.Ouse St Ives TL313007120 8 21/04/198 12/12/200 58
Rd.Br. 0 1 5
R.Ouse SP858004650 8 19/07/198 05/12/200 68
Tyringham 0 4 5
R.Ouse Eaton TL175005850 0 12/05/198 06/12/200 83
Socon Mill 0 1 5
Running Waters TL044003640 1 23/06/198 08/12/200 80
Ruxox Bridge 0 1 5
Running Waters TL029003640 1 23/06/198 08/12/200 133
A5120 0 1 5
Hundred Foot TL394007470 2 21/04/198 28/11/200 27
River Earith 0 1 5
R.Thurne TG44500195 2 20/01/198 12/12/200 10
Martham Ferry 00 3 5
Whittlesey Dyke TL282009560 3 17/11/198 30/11/200 80
Turning Tree 0 1 5
Bevills Leam TL289009410 3 25/06/198 30/11/200 90
Chapel Bridge 0 1 5
R.Blackwater TL836450917 5 30/03/198 01/12/200 10
Langford Intake 9 1 5
R.Chelmer TL834110862 5 30/03/198 01/12/200 12
Langford Intake 4 1 5
Middle Level TF531000290 6 21/04/198 17/11/200 23
MDMullicourt 0 1 5
Priory Sluice

82 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Site NGR Typolog Start date End date Missing data
y points
Forty Foot R. TL308008810 6 14/05/198 14/12/200 47
Forty Foot 0 1 5
R.Nene TL075009910 8 07/04/198 24/11/200 17
Wansford Old 0 1 5
R.Nene Dog in TL269999925 8 14/04/198 24/11/200 32
a Doublet Sluice 7 1 5
Ramsey River TM23821316 40 02/04/198 22/11/200 26
Parkeston 10 1 5
Spickets Bk.inlet TL868060857 40 04/04/198 06/12/200 17
to the Mere 1 4 5
Daily data
NB: Daily data reportedly do exist for Anglian but were not made available to Entec for
this report

Midlands Region

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps

Monthly data
R.Severn at SJ540000930 7 08/02/1988 08/12/2005 12
Atcham 0
R.Severn at SO78750754 7 04/01/1988 12/12/2005 9
Bewdley 50
R.Severn at SJ645000440 7 16/02/1988 08/12/2005 16
Buildwas 0
R.Severn at SO19670981 13 29/06/1993 29/12/2005 11
Caerhowel 50
R.Severn at Cil SO14500935 13 10/02/1988 21/12/2005 4
Gwran Bridge 00
R.Severn at SN99700852 13 02/03/1988 22/12/2005 13
Dolwen 00
R.Severn at SJ298001690 7 10/02/1988 01/12/2005 9
Llandrinio 0
R.Severn at SN94400839 10 02/03/1988 22/12/2005 5
Llanidloes 01
Felindre Bridge
R.Severn at SJ258901151 13 10/02/1988 09/12/2005
Maginnis 0
R.Severn at SJ432001530 7 18/02/1988 12/12/2005 9

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 83

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps
Montford 0
R.Severn Foot SO10520916 13 07/07/1988 09/12/2005 4
Bridge Back 40
Lane CP
River Severn SO82450633 7 04/01/1988 12/12/2005 9
at Holt Fleet 50
Meadows, Holt
R Severn SO84550278 8 04/01/1988 08/12/2005 17
(Lower) Haw 50
R Severn SO84650495 8 09/07/1989 05/12/2005 24
(Upper) 00
Kempsey (Mid)
R Severn SO88870337 8 12/01/1988 05/12/2005 16
(Upper) 20
R Severn – SO85160407 8 04/01/1988 05/12/2005 14
Upton on 50
R Severn – SO03200917 13 10/02/1988 21/12/2005 10
Caersws 00
R Severn – SO85100523 7 20/06/1990 12/12/2005 26
rear of oil 20
depot Bath Rd
R Severn – the SJ672500340 7 02/08/1993 08/12/2005 12
Ironbridge at 0
R Severn – SO84650547 7 19/01/1988 12/12/2005 12
Worcester 50
R Severn SO81900250 8 15/01/1988 08/12/2005 22
(Lower) 60
R.Strine at SJ630001780 1 25/02/1988 07/12/2005 13
Crudgington 0
Rea Brook at SJ371000590 1 09/02/1988 15/12/2005 22
Horse Bridge 0
River Erewash SK463374544 2 04/12/1987 08/12/2005 12
at Shipley Gate 0
River Erewash SK455514658 2 04/12/1987 08/12/2005 14
upstream of 7
Milnhay STW
River Camlad SO21400999 4 10/02/1988 29/12/2005 45
at Gaer Bridge 00
R.Camlad at SO27100983 4 10/02/1988 29/12/2005 51
Chirbury 00
Non-tidal River SJ875003770 5 22/02/1988 21/12/2005 4
Trent – 0

84 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps
River Idle SK655909268 5 08/12/1987 16/12/2005 11
(Maun) – at 0
Non-tidal River SK682104375 8 31/12/1987 21/12/2005 1
Trent at 7
River Soar at SK492003020 8 09/02/1988 24/11/2005 9
Red Hill Lock 0
Afon Clywedog SN91300868 10 02/03/1988 22/12/2005 10
– new gauging 00
weir at
R.Severn at SN94400839 10 02/03/1988 22/12/2005 5
Llanidloes 01
Felindre Bridge
River Wye at SK063967354 11 11/03/1988 19/12/2005 17
Ashwood Park 4
R.Morda at the SJ288002810 11 17/02/1988 09/12/2005 36
A483 Bridge 0
River Derwent SK359364077 13 01/03/1988 28/12/2005 26
– intake to 0
Little Eaton
River Churnet SJ982005210 13 03/03/1988 17/11/2005 7
– Cheddleton 0
River Wye at SK257016568 14 11/03/1988 29/12/2005 21
Rowsley 4
River Dove SK158004580 14 03/03/1988 30/11/2005 16
Mayfield 0
River Dove, SK268002700 17 02/03/1988 23/11/2005 21
Monk's Bridge 0
River Derwent SK452023145 17 25/02/1988 06/12/2005 18
at Wilne 9
Marton Drain SK841608098 40 15/12/1987 12/12/2005 46
at A156 Bridge 0
at Brampton
Dimore Brook SO79280148 40 22/01/1988 09/12/2005 53
Elmore 10
Daily data
Severn SO86330390 8 01/01/1975 31/10/2006 332
Saxon's Lode 50
Severn Welsh SJ488801273 7 01/01/1989 31/10/2006 3379
Bridge 0
Teme at SO80380532 8 01/01/1976 31/10/2006 2001
Bransford 40
Clywedog at SN91360867 10 07/09/2000 31/10/2006 202
Bryntail 80
Avon at SP040104376 8 01/01/1978 31/10/2006 1344
Evesham 0

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 85

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps
Vyrnwy at SJ156301292 13 01/01/1975 31/10/2006 1349
Meifod 0

86 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

North East Region

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps

Monthly data
North Tyne NY92000732 2 30/08/1990 29/11/2005 47
at 00
North Tyne NY83400832 14 03/02/1981 08/12/2005 144
at 50
North Tyne NY91800705 2 03/04/1973 12/12/2005 57
at 00
North Tyne NY78200856 14 03/04/1973 08/12/2005 39
at Tarset 00
North Tyne NY86300770 14 15/01/1974 08/12/2005 109
at Wark 00
North Tyne NY63200928 11 03/04/1973 28/11/2005 123
u/s Kielder 00
Tyne at NZ052006200 2 03/04/1973 05/12/2005 56
Bywell 0
Tyne at NY94100646 2 03/04/1973 05/12/2005 60
Hexham 00
Tyne at NZ084006340 2 13/03/1989 05/12/2005 34
Ovingham 0
Tyne at NZ096806424 2 29/08/1990 24/05/2005 81
Ovingham 0
Tyne at NZ119006460 2 13/03/1974 05/12/2005 43
Wylam 0
Coquet at NU23701060 1 05/04/1973 05/12/2005 40
Warkworth 65
Oak Beck SE292005760 1 14/05/1974 01/12/2005 60
at A61 road 0
River Doe SK443007700 2 28/05/1974 17/11/2005 36
Lea at 0
River Dove SE407000380 2 01/04/1974 02/12/2005 76
at Darfield 0
Blyth at NZ266008140 4 05/04/1973 05/12/2005 30
Bedlington 0
Wansbeck NZ257008570 4 05/04/1973 29/11/2005 41
at 0
River Hull TA079844988 5 01/04/1974 24/11/2005 23

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 87

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps
at 5
Dearne at SE498000080 5 01/04/1974 28/11/2005 25
Pastures 0
River Ouse SE558005510 8 03/04/1974 24/11/2005 30
at Nether 0
River Aire SE532862555 8 30/06/1972 08/12/2005 43
at Beal 3
River SE141941574 10 04/04/1974 01/12/2005 34
Holme at 2
Queens Mill
Little Don at SK289009810 10 29/11/1974 08/11/2005 68
Deepcar 0
River Don SK292009810 11 05/04/1974 08/11/2005 54
at Deepcar 0
River Don SE273000210 11 29/11/1974 18/11/2005 71
at Oxspring 0
River Dibb SE040006090 12 03/04/1974 29/11/2005 52
at 0
Lewisburn NY63650896 12 03/04/1973 28/11/2005 126
u/s Kielder 50
River SE485004370 13 03/04/1974 18/11/2005 18
Wharfe 0
River SE072005280 13 03/04/1974 06/12/2005 39
Wharfe at 0
River SE409682581 14 04/04/1974 30/11/2005 28
Calder at 0
River Don SK421009220 14 05/04/1974 05/12/2005 47
at BSC 0
Gate 14
River Ouse SE574003780 17 03/04/1974 05/12/2005 60
at Cawood 0
Tees at NZ391001020 17 26/04/1973 02/12/2005 64
Low 0
Daily data
Tyne at NY71300875 14 28/04/1993 22/11/2006 676
Ugly Dub 00

88 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps
Tyne at NZ380006170 2 17/03/1993 22/11/2006 601
Bywell 0
Tyne at NZ252286371 0 09/06/1995 10/10/2006 405
Swing 7
Ouse at SE574003780 17 06/07/1992 02/10/2006 514
Cawood 0
Humber at SE843002420 0 10/09/1991 02/10/2006 339
Blacktoft 0
Humber at TA100002820 5 19/12/1991 02/10/2006 650
Corporation 0

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 89

North West Region

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps

Monthly data
River Ribble at SD80776613 14 03/05/1971 13/12/2005 64
Cleatop Barns 90
River Ribble at SD82671569 14 18/01/1993 13/12/2005 18
Cow Bridge 68
River Ribble at SD72658414 14 05/12/1985 07/12/2005 110
Eddisford 41
River Ribble at SD80693727 11 14/01/1975 15/12/2005 155
Horton in 07
River Ribble at SD71560387 14 30/04/1971 16/12/2005 10
Mitton Bridge 24
River Ribble at SD71038374 14 08/06/1976 02/12/2005 47
Mitton Wood 00
River Ribble at SD83130512 14 14/01/1975 13/12/2005 92
Paythorn Bridge 92
River Ribble at SD66194356 17 14/01/1975 16/11/2005 43
Ribchester 00
River Ribble at SD58888304 17 30/04/1971 15/12/2005 11
Samlesbury 33
River Ribble at SD77491466 14 14/01/1975 06/12/2005 37
Sawley Bridge 24
River Ribble at SD81787642 14 14/01/1975 15/12/2005 42
Settle Weir 21
River Roe at NY38794465 1 28/09/1976 28/11/2005 98
Gaitsgill 90
River Ive at Low NY42803421 1 28/01/1981 28/11/2005 49
Braithwaite 85
River Irk at Red SJ841999917 2 23/04/1974 01/11/2005 16
Bank above 1
Scotland Weir
River Yarrow at SD48426185 2 26/04/1972 12/12/2005 37
Fishery Bridge 66
River Wyre at SD49522473 4 03/12/1974 05/12/2005 68
Gubberford 99
Bridge Scorton
River Darwen at SD59574288 4 02/06/1975 08/12/2005 97
Roach Bridge 20
River Irwell at SJ822589902 5 01/10/1974 29/12/2005 5
foot bridge at 0
River Alt above SD29211050 5 28/08/1974 16/12/2005 16

90 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps
Altmouth 91
River Mersey SJ615978799 8 26/09/1974 15/12/2005 1
above Howley 9
River Weaver at SJ530177847 8 18/09/1974 12/12/2005 4
Frodsham Road 4
River Esk at SD13098977 10 21/06/1980 09/12/2005 56
Cropple How 70
River Ogden SD79187202 10 06/09/1960 08/12/2005 189
above 73
confluence with
River Irwell
River Irwell at SD80105219 11 06/01/1960 24/08/2005 133
Holme Bridge 53
Townsend Fold
River Irwell PTC SD83624216 11 06/01/1960 08/12/2005 140
Cowpe Brook 86
Chew Brook SD99574041 12 07/01/1975 06/12/2005 61
above 91
confluence with
River Tame
River Etherow SK02054969 12 12/01/1976 09/12/2005 87
below Bottoms 61
River Irwell SD79604090 13 09/04/1974 08/12/2005 12
above Warth 43
River Leven at SD34498836 13 24/02/1960 06/12/2005 138
Low Wood 00
River Calder at SD72927360 14 30/04/1971 15/12/2005 7
Whalley 58
River Ribble at SD71560387 14 30/04/1971 16/12/2005 10
Mitton Bridge 24
River Etherow SJ996549375 15 12/01/1976 09/12/2005 93
at railway 0
viaduct at
River Etherow SK00425947 15 12/01/1976 09/12/2005 185
below 63
confluence with
Glossop Brook
River Lune at SD50364646 16 05/05/1971 14/12/2005 108
Denny Bridge 92
River Lune at SD52192646 16 02/04/1980 01/12/2005 146
Crook of Lune 00

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 91

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps
River Ribble at SD58888304 17 30/04/1971 15/12/2005 11
Samlesbury 33
River Petteril at NY41146564 17 12/01/1976 02/12/2005 52
Stonyholme 39
River Weaver at SJ619704705 28 10/08/1976 13/12/2005 90
Sandford 7
Rookery Brook SJ657485572 28 23/03/1977 13/12/2005 178
above 9
confluence with
River Weaver

92 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Southern Region

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps

Monthly data
River Test at SU51360497 5 22/01/1979 10/12/2005 32
Bridge Street 95
River Test at SU44343448 5 30/06/1980 10/12/2005 77
East Aston 82
River Test at SU35266228 5 03/07/1978 14/12/2005 8
Greatbridge 84
River Test at SU35499178 8 10/07/1978 14/12/2005 32
Longbridge 47
River Test at SU38173389 5 22/01/1979 10/12/2005 48
Mayfly Inn 74
River Test at SU34928206 5 14/07/1988 14/12/2005 14
Middlebridge 75
River Test at SU52375504 5 22/01/1979 10/12/2005 56
Polhampton 93
River Test at SU35294153 8 26/01/1979 09/12/2005 25
Testwood 30
River Test at SU38945401 5 19/07/1978 10/12/2005 10
Wherwell 31
River Test SU36134368 5 19/07/1978 10/12/2005 27
Longstock at 89
River Test SU38195392 5 15/04/1997 10/12/2005 15
upstream 16
Andover STW
River Test SU33030257 5 25/01/1979 14/12/2005 39
upstream of 81
Meadow Fish
River Test SU35032226 5 24/01/1979 14/12/2005 26
upstream of 81
Test Valley
Trout Farm
River Test SU34850215 5 25/01/1979 14/12/2005 37
upstream 77
Romsey Trout
Town Mill, SU46680480 5 11/03/1981 10/12/2005 67
Whitchurch, 70
River Test
Wallers Haven TQ67610120 1 06/01/1976 12/12/2005 18
Boreham 00
Abstraction TQ33200283 1 05/01/1977 21/12/2005 25
point on 20
Ouseby MSW
Coy at Ardingly

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 93

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps
River Arun at TQ15056299 2 10/08/1977 16/12/2005 79
footbridge 87
downstream of
Bypass (A24)
River Rother SU78250233 2 27/01/1976 01/12/2005 20
Durford Bridge 00
River Uck at TQ44800180 4 15/01/1976 28/11/2005 31
Isfield Mill 30
River SZ319909844 4 03/04/1979 01/12/2005 19
Lymington at 1
Boldre Bridge
River Arun at TQ04400222 5 07/01/1976 16/12/2005 19
Pallingham 00
River TQ53200050 5 07/01/1976 30/11/2005 10
Cuckmere 50
River SU35130152 8 10/07/1978 12/12/2005 12
Blackwater at 40
Nutsey Bridge
River Test at SU35294153 8 26/01/1979 09/12/2005 25
Testwood 30
Broad Rife SZ856309628 37 08/01/1976 15/12/2005 32
Ferry Sluice, 0
Botley Stream SU50625130 37 08/01/1979 06/12/2005 64
at Broadoak 53
Chichester SU85910037 40 09/02/1977 14/12/2005 38
Canal Bypass 10
Bridge – A27
Chichester SU83760010 40 18/05/1976 07/12/2005 50
Canal below 70
Birdham Weir

94 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

South West Region

Site NGR Typolog Start date End date Gaps

Monthly data
River Tamar at SX328259225 4 02/07/197 15/12/200 39
Boyton Bridge below 7 4 5
Boyton Stw
River Tamar at SS280801338 1 05/01/197 14/12/200 90
Buses Bridge 0 6 5
River Tamar at SX287209942 1 05/01/197 15/12/200 82
Crowford Bridge 5 6 5
River Tamar at SS295601070 1 21/05/198 14/12/200 20
footbridge below 0 5 5
Lower Tamar Lake
River Tamar at SX368388036 4 05/01/197 15/12/200 66
Greystone Bridge 3 6 5
River Tamar at SX434937243 4 03/04/197 15/12/200 14
Gunnislake Bridge 6 4 5
River Tamar at SX426507250 4 12/05/199 15/12/200 10
Gunnislake Gauging 0 5 5
River Tamar at SX400017488 4 05/01/197 15/12/200 69
Horsebridge 9 6 5
River Tamar at SS296001080 1 29/08/199 14/12/200 13
Lower Tamar Lake 0 1 5
River Tamar at SX348788670 4 05/01/197 15/12/200 78
Netherbridge 3 6 5
River Tamar at SX355848494 4 05/01/197 15/12/200 76
Polson Bridge Below 4 6 5
St Leonard's STW
River Tamar at SS283280550 1 05/01/197 15/12/200 79
Tamarstone Bridge 3 6 5
River Tamar at SX318229740 1 05/01/197 15/12/200 78
Tamerton Bridge 5 6 5
below North
Tamerton STW
River Tamar at SS288001180 1 29/08/199 14/12/200 18
Upper Tamar Lake 0 1 5
Dam surface
River Tamar below SX319189725 4 23/01/199 15/12/200 17
confluence with River 7 0 5
River Tamar SS293001140 1 24/02/199 14/12/200 50
upstream Lower 0 2 5
Tamar Lake
Carnon River at SW79087394 1 01/04/197 29/11/200 16
Devoran Bridge 36 4 5
below Carnon Downs
River Wolf at Rexon SX413308885 1 20/04/197 02/12/200 59
Br. below 0 6 5

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 95

Site NGR Typolog Start date End date Gaps
Dolphin Bridge d/s ST772464958 2 11/03/196 30/11/200 119
Frome SW 9 9 5
River Brit at Watford SY472269495 2 17/01/197 08/12/200 42
Bridge Pymore 2 7 5
River Tamar at SX434937243 4 03/04/197 15/12/200 17
Gunnislake Bridge 6 4 5
River Lyd at Lifton SX389118483 4 03/04/197 02/12/200 19
Bridge 8 4 5
Great Somerford ST965118319 5 06/01/196 15/12/200 104
Bridge u/s gauging 3 6 5
River Axe at Whitford SY262259542 5 22/04/197 01/12/200 41
Bridge 0 4 5
River Exe at Trews SX925469150 7 08/05/197 17/11/200 55
Weir Exeter 6 4 5
Alphin Brook at SX939838938 7 29/04/197 17/11/200 152
Countess Wear 6 4 5
Avon Limpley Stoke ST782366124 8 12/08/197 17/11/200 63
4 5 5
Avon Keynsham ST661636900 8 28/08/196 21/11/200 49
0 8 5
River Erme at SX632105188 10 15/07/197 03/12/200 107
Sequer's Bridge 0 4 5
River Walkham at SX490077097 10 03/04/197 28/11/200 40
Grenofen Bridge 2 4 5
River Culm at ST159921408 11 12/08/197 07/12/200 82
Bridgehouse Bridge 7 4 5
River Culm at ST101151377 11 02/12/197 07/12/200 81
Culmstock Above 3 4 5
Culmstock STW
River Tavy at SX476906776 13 25/06/197 28/11/200 19
Denham Bridge 0 3 5
River Plym at Plym SX523665873 13 03/04/197 01/12/200 14
Bridge 2 4 5

96 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Thames Region
Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps
Monthly data
Thames TQ02250718 8 05/01/1972 01/12/2005 46
Above Nswc 20
Thames at SU50676971 8 04/01/1972 21/12/2005 50
Abingdon 28
Thames at SU94400777 8 12/04/1976 15/12/2005 42
Boveney Weir 00
Thames at SU72135740 8 05/01/1972 09/12/2005 13
Caversham 53
Thames at SU56760934 8 04/01/1972 25/11/2005 34
Days Lock 98
Thames at SP52459043 8 06/06/1989 21/12/2005 26
Donnington 68
Thames at SU11287940 5 03/05/1973 19/12/2005 40
Eysey 56
Thames at SU76319828 8 11/01/1972 09/12/2005 35
Henley Bridge 13
Thames at SU75334758 8 05/01/1972 09/12/2005 69
Sonning Weir 95
Thames at SU22900981 8 05/01/1972 19/12/2005 38
water intake, 00
Thames at TQ17020713 0 05/01/1972 02/12/2005 16
Teddington 70
Boveney SU94860781 1 20/01/1972 29/11/2005 66
Ditch above 20
Blackwater at SU88520537 1 09/02/1972 25/11/2005 33
Lynchford 70
Bridge, Ash
Hogsmill TQ17850691 2 27/01/1972 02/12/2005 41
above 00
Cherwell at SP48691372 2 12/01/1972 22/11/2005 37
Roadbridge, 22
Wey at TQ01520559 4 05/02/1975 02/12/2005 33
Cartbridge, 20
Wey at TQ03900573 4 05/02/1975 02/12/2005 35
Newark Lane, 70
Lee at TL299000990 5 22/05/1974 14/12/2005 33

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 97

Site NGR Typology Start date End date Gaps
Waterhall 0
Colne at TQ05200863 5 25/01/1972 06/12/2005 19
Gauging 00
Thames at SU72135740 8 05/01/1972 09/12/2005 13
Caversham 53
Thames TQ02250718 8 05/01/1972 01/12/2005 46
above 20
Eye at Lower SP16400226 11 05/01/1976 28/11/2005 93
Slaughter Mill 00
Churn at SP02000078 11 17/03/1977 01/12/2005 143
North Cerney 00
Beam at TQ49919815 40 05/04/1978 01/12/2005 74
Havering 56
Beam at A13 TQ50300831 40 05/04/1978 01/12/2005 74
bridge 00
Daily data
Pymmes TQ33985925 2 01/02/1997 30/06/2006 1218
Brook Angel 38
Thames Bray SU91478788 8 01/02/1997 30/06/2006 172
Thames SU96800775 8 03/06/1986 23/03/2006 1445
Romney 00
Wey TQ06800649 4 03/06/1986 05/06/2006 732
Weybridge 00
Kennet SU64800708 8 03/06/1986 30/06/2006 886
Theale 00
Lee Waterhall TL298000970 5 03/06/1986 14/02/2006 1322
Thames TQ10400680 8 12/08/1989 21/04/2006 535
Sunbury 00
Lee Kings TL373000520 8 17/03/1987 30/06/2006 824
Weir 0
Thames SU60100818 8 03/06/1986 01/07/2005 945
Cleave 00
Thames TQ17000713 0 16/06/1986 30/06/2006 1637
Teddington 50
Thames SU17500960 5 23/06/1986 23/04/2004 852
Hannington 00
Thames TQ04300693 8 25/07/1989 30/06/2006 678
Penton Hook 00
Thames TQ14900689 8 21/07/1989 31/05/2006 683
Molsey 00
Thames SU90628832 8 10/01/1997 31/03/2005 231
Taplow 21
Loddon SU77700773 5 01/01/1997 05/02/2006 636
Wargrave 00

98 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 99
Wales Region

Site NGR Typolog Start date End date Gaps

Monthly data
River Dee at B5437 SJ082004390 13 01/05/199 29/11/200 16
near Corwen 0 2 5
River Dee at Chester SJ408406585 17 06/04/198 25/05/200 201
Weir 0 1 5
River Dee at SJ411705437 17 01/05/197 02/12/200 32
Farndon Bridge 0 9 5
River Dee at SJ151004305 13 01/05/197 29/11/200 72
Glyndyfrdwy 0 9 5
River Dee at Iron SJ418006010 17 09/04/197 29/11/200 25
Bridge 0 4 5
River Dee at SH982003661 13 09/04/197 01/12/200 26
Llandderfel Bridge 0 4 5
River Dee at SJ287304180 13 04/04/197 29/11/200 23
Newbridge 0 9 5
River Dee at Old SJ388004542 17 28/04/199 21/11/200 8
Bangor Bridge 0 2 5
River Dee at Overton SJ354204270 17 21/05/199 21/11/200 9
Bridge 0 2 5
River Dee at Pont SH929593513 13 12/09/197 01/12/200 76
Mwnwgl y Llyn 4 9 5
River Dee at SJ410306601 17 30/04/199 12/12/200 13
Queenspark 0 2 5
Suspension Bridge
River Dee,at Chester SJ414216336 17 27/04/198 22/12/200 87
southerly by-pass 3 0 5
River Llan at SS589009680 1 03/05/197 09/12/200 78
Gowerton 0 7 5
Pontardulais Road SN588000380 1 06/05/197 25/11/200 82
Bridge 0 5 5
River Gwenfro u/s of SJ347204914 2 17/04/197 06/12/200 55
River Clywedog 0 9 5
River Clywedog u/s SJ347004911 2 08/06/197 06/12/200 61
of River Gwenfro 0 9 5
R Rhymney at ST214098075 4 27/09/197 13/12/200 79
Llanrumney 5 4 5
W Cleddau SM95400177 4 02/06/197 29/11/200 39
Prendergast 00 6 5
Gauging Station
Loughor above Ynys SN614610876 5 28/03/197 06/12/200 42
Llwchwr Gauging 4 4 5
R Ely at St Fagans ST119407696 5 27/09/197 12/12/200 20
(u/s St Fagans 0 4 5
Gauging Station)
R Afan at Dock SS760608974 10 18/04/197 21/11/200 77
Intake Weir 0 7 5
River Seiont, Pont SH559306233 10 04/06/197 07/12/200 103
Pen-y-Llyn, Llanberis 0 9 5

100 Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature

Site NGR Typolog Start date End date Gaps
Afon Lwyd, ST301849464 11 16/02/197 17/11/200 58
Llanyravon 4 7 5
River Tawe SN786001010 11 19/04/197 23/11/200 82
Ystradgynlais Road 0 7 5
River Tawe at SS674009790 13 15/03/197 06/12/200 51
Morriston Road 0 4 5
R Ogmore at SS891007840 13 27/09/197 05/12/200 45
Merthyrmawr, 0 4 5
Dipping Bridge
River Alyn at Ithels SJ390205623 14 09/04/197 14/12/200 46
Bridge 0 4 5
R Neath d/s SS771509891 14 27/09/197 05/12/200 77
Aberdulais Gauging 0 4 5
Towy Nantgaredig, SN491002040 16 22/03/197 02/12/200 86
nr Carmarthen,Dyfed 0 4 5
Gwili at Abergwili SN433502104 16 21/04/197 08/12/200 85
Road Bridge, nr 0 7 5
Carmarthen, Dyfed
River Dee at Iron SJ418006010 17 09/04/197 29/11/200 29
Bridge 0 4 5
R Wye at Carrots SO54970381 17 02/11/196 12/12/200 75
Pool, Hampton 90 5 5
Daily data
Taff Blackweir ST170607805 13 14/12/199 01/11/200 1003
3 3 6
Wye Belmont SO48500387 17 13/01/199 09/12/200 190
99 7 6
Wye Redbrook SO52769110 17 01/01/199 09/12/200 166
77 6 6
Tywi Capel Dywi SN485192058 16 01/09/199 04/01/200 476
2 7 7
Tywi Manoravon SN657412398 13 01/09/199 03/01/200 463
7 7 7
Tywi Dolau Hirion SN761893624 13 01/09/199 03/01/200 445
2 7 7
Tywi Ystradffin SN785594724 10 01/09/199 04/01/200 879
1 7 7
Dee Summers Jetty SJ290467069 0 08/11/199 15/01/200 234
6 5 7

Science Report Climate change impacts and water temperature 101

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