Kaity 2012
Kaity 2012
Kaity 2012
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The microstructural and high temperature behavior of U–6 wt.%Zr alloy has been investigated in this
Received 28 September 2011 study. U–6 wt.%Zr alloy sample for this study was prepared by following injection casting route. The ther-
Accepted 29 March 2012 mophysical properties like coefficient of thermal expansion, specific heat, thermal conductivity of the
Available online 19 April 2012
above alloy were determined. The hot-hardness data of the U–6 wt.%Zr alloy was also generated from room
temperature to 973 K. Apart from that, the fuel-clad chemical compatibility with T91 grade steel was also
studied by diffusion couple experiment. No studies have been reported on U–6 wt.%Zr alloy. This paper
aims at filling up the gap on characterization and thermophysical property evaluation of U–6 wt.%Zr alloy.
Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0022-3115/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 S. Kaity et al. / Journal of Nuclear Materials 427 (2012) 1–11
placed to record the sample temperature. The dilatometric experi- pyramid indenter. Before starting the hot hardness experiment, the
ments were carried out in high purity argon atmosphere at a dy- instrument was calibrated using a standard (Cu: SRM; NIST, USA)
namic gas flow rate of 2 dm3 h1. sample. Five indentations were made on the standard using
300 g load. The hardness obtained was found to be within 0.5% of
2.5. Specific heat measurements the actual value. The hardness (H) is related to the indentation
diagonal by the following relation:
Specific heat measurements were carried out using a heat flux 2
HðVHNÞ ðkg mm2 Þ ¼ 1:854 P=d ð1Þ
type differential scanning calorimeter, DSC-131 supplied by SETA-
RAM Instrumentation, France. The temperature and heat calibra- where P is the applied load (kg) and d is the average diagonal (mm).
tions of DSC were carried out using phase transition temperatures Sample of 6 mm length was cut from the alloy slug of diameter
and transition heats of some NIST reference materials [29]. 5 mm and were metallographically prepared. A load of 300 g and a
The specific heat of U–6Zr alloy was measured in the continu- dwell time of 5 s were used for this study. The load was applied at a
ous mode. In this mode, temperature was increased continuously rate of 0.2 mm min1. The hardness was measured in vacuum
from 303 K to 919 K. Stability time of 600 s was given in each iso- (0.1 Pa) from room temperature to 1173 K at every 100 K intervals.
thermal mode. The molar heat capacities were measured with The sample temperature was kept constant within ±1 K and that of
identical experimental conditions in the three runs. In the first the indenter was kept within ±3 K. At each temperature, at least
run, two empty identical aluminum crucibles of identical masses three readings were taken. Average of these hardness data at each
and 104 dm3 capacity with covering lid were kept in the sample temperature was plotted as a function of temperature.
and reference cells and the heat flow versus temperature were re-
corded. In the second run, the heat flow versus temperature were 2.8. Chemical compatibility with T91 cladding
recorded by loading NIST synthetic sapphire (SRM-720) in the
powder form (200 mg) into the aluminum crucible in the sample 2.8.1. Eutectic reaction temperature between U–6Zr alloy and T91
cell keeping the crucible in the reference cell empty. In the third grade steel
run, heat flow versus temperature were measured by loading the The eutectic temperature between U–6Zr and T91 was deter-
actual experimental sample (200 mg) into the aluminum crucible mined by using a heat flux type differential scanning calorimeter
in the sample side and keeping the crucible in the reference side (DSC). The chemical composition of T91 steel is given in Table 2.
empty. In all the three sets of experiments, high purity argon as The pre-melted alloy between U–6Zr and T91 was used as sample.
a carrier gas with the flow rate of 3 dm3 h1 and furnace heating The sample was loaded into the alumina crucible inside of the
rate of 5 K min1 were maintained. furnace which was purged with high purity Ar gas flowing at
2 dm3 h1. The heating and cooling rates were programmed at
2.6. Thermal conductivity by Transient Plane Source (TPS) technique 1 K min1. The eutectic temperature was determined from the
heating curve.
Thermal conductivity of U–6Zr alloy was determined by Tran-
sient Plane Source (TPS) technique [30–32]. It is based on a spe- 2.8.2. Diffusion couple experiments
cially designed Wheatstone bridge with TPS sensor as one of the Discs of samples were cut from U–6Zr alloy and T91 and then
arms. The TPS unit was calibrated by the Inconel 600 standard were metallographically polished. For the diffusion couple experi-
sample from room temperature to 700 °C. ment, a disc of U–6Zr alloy was sandwiched between two discs of
Two identical cylindrical U–6Zr alloy samples of diameter T91 grade steel. The couples between U–6Zr and T91 are referred
20 mm and height 10 mm were specially prepared for this experi- to as U–6Zr/T91 couples. The components of the diffusion couples
ment following induction melting. The surfaces of the samples were were kept inside the fixtures made of Inconel 600. Ta foil was used
polished to have good thermal contact with the TPS sensor and to to prevent any chemical reaction between samples and fixture. The
minimize contact resistance. The sensor is sandwiched between fixtures containing these samples were encapsulated in quartz
two halves of the sample. Mica sensor of radius 3.189 mm was used tube under helium atmosphere. The diffusion couples were an-
for measurement. The samples were heated in high purity argon nealed in a resistance heating furnaces maintained at 973 K and
atmosphere to avoid oxidation. The samples were kept 30 min at 1023 K for up to 500 h. Subsequent to annealing, the couples were
each set temperature before the measurement to avoid tempera- sectioned using a slow speed diamond cutting wheel. The exposed
ture drift inside the samples. At each set temperature 2–3 measure- cross sections were metallographically polished to 1 lm surface
ments were programmed. A Keithley 2400 source meter supplies a finish. The extent of reaction and phases formed at the interface
constant voltage across the bridge. Before the measurement, the were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Elemental
bridge is automatically balanced and as the resistance of the sensor analyses were carried out by using an energy dispersive spectro-
increases the bridge becomes increasingly un-balanced. A Keithley scope (EDS).
2000 digital voltmeter equipped with a scanner or multiplex card,
records the un-balance voltage. From these recorded voltages, it is 3. Results
possible to determine the temperature increase of the sensor and
consequently the thermal conductivity of the sample. 3.1. Equilibrium phases in U–6Zr alloy
2.7. Hot hardness U–Zr phase diagram has been studied extensively because of its
immense application particularly in the nuclear field and is shown
Hot hardness measurements were carried out using a hot hard- in Fig. 1 [33]. According to the phase diagram, at room temperature,
ness tester (Nikon, Model QM) with the help of a diamond Vickers the equilibrium phases of U–6Zr alloy are aU and intermetallic d
Table 2
Chemical composition of T91 steel (wt.%).
Cr Mo V Nb Al Ti Ni Cu Mn Si C N P S
9.161 0.882 0.207 0.079 0.008 0.003 0.197 0.068 0.368 0.209 0.099 0.0457 0.015 0.0013
4 S. Kaity et al. / Journal of Nuclear Materials 427 (2012) 1–11
Fig. 1. Phase diagram of U–Zr system [33]. The composition of U–6Zr alloy is shown by a line.
slightly less than 1.1 at.% at 693 °C (966 K). Above 693 °C (966 K),
it exists as a solid solution of cU and bZr.
3.2. Microstructure
1.5 973 K
948 K
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
Temperature (K)
Fig. 5. Thermal expansion curve of as-cast U–6Zr alloy, obtained from the
dilatometric experiments, for a heating rate of 5 K min1.
998–1273 K
where, L0 is the initial length (at 298 K) and DL is the difference be-
tween the instantaneous length (at any temperature T) and L0. The
Fig. 3. (a) SEM image of as-cast U–6Zr alloy and (b) Magnified micrograph clearly
average coefficient of thermal expansion of U–6Zr alloy has been
showing the Widmanstatten morphology.
determined and found to be 18.28 106 K1 in the temperature
range 298–823 K.
C op ðJ K1 kg Þ ¼ 119:66 þ 0:095 ðT=KÞ 1:23 106 ðK=TÞ2
ð304 6 T=K 6 495Þ; ð4Þ
-2 C op ðJ K1 kg Þ ¼ 8:61 þ 0:258 ðT=KÞ þ 10:71 ðK=TÞ2
-3 ð495 6 T=K 6 802Þ; ð5Þ
1488 K
3.6. Thermal conductivity by Transient Plane Source (TPS) technique
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
The thermal conductivity of U–6Zr alloy, measured by TPS
Temperature (K)
technique, from 298 K to 823 K is shown in Fig. 7. The thermal
Fig. 4. DSC curve of as-cast U–6Zr alloy sample for a heating rate of 5 K min1 conductivity of uranium determined by the same technique was
showing various peaks corresponding to the different phase transformations. also incorporated in the same figure for comparison. The thermal
6 S. Kaity et al. / Journal of Nuclear Materials 427 (2012) 1–11
Table 3
Specific heat data of U–6 wt.%Zr as a function of temperature.
T/K C op (T)/J K1 kg1 T/K C op (T)/J K1 kg1 T/K C op (T)/J K1 kg1 T/K C op (T)/J K1 kg1
U-8.74 wt. % Zr (Matsui et al. [19])
500 U-5.87 wt. % Zr (Takahashi et al. [18])
U-5.4 wt. % Zr (Fedorov and Smimov [16])
C op(J K-1kg-1)
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
U-6 wt. % Zr (Present study)
500 U [36]
C op(J K-1kg-1)
Zr [36]
400 U-6 wt. % Zr (Additivity)
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
T /K
Fig. 6. Measured specific heat data for U–6Zr alloy as a function of temperature. Specific heat values of U, Zr and U–6Zr alloy determined by additivity rule are also shown in
the same figure (bottom). The literature data for specific heat for similar compositions are plotted against temperature (top).
1000 been found that Zr has limited solubility in U(Fe,Cr)2 and U has
limited solubility in Zr(Fe,Cr)2.
748 K
3.8.2. Diffusion behavior of U–6Zr and T91
Microhardness (kg mm )
4. Discussion
H ¼ 1592:19 8:71ðT=KÞ þ 2:21 102 ðT=KÞ2 2:46
The performance of nuclear fuel in power reactors is largely
105 ðT=KÞ3 þ 9:61 109 ðT=KÞ4 ð8Þ
dependent on its thermophysical properties and their changes
where H is in kg mm2 and T is in K. with temperature and irradiation. Experimental data on out-of-pile
The variation of hardness with temperature is plotted in Fig. 8 properties such as melting point, thermal conductivity, and ther-
on a semi-logarithmic scale for U–6Zr alloy. The curves consist of mal expansion are required for fuel design, performance modeling
two straight lines with different slope intersecting at around and safety analysis. The variables that influence the out-of-pile
748 K. In each temperature range, the hardness temperature-rela- properties of fuel are composition, temperature, density, micro-
tion obeys the Ito-Shishokin equation, viz., H = A exp(BT). The structure etc. These properties also change with irradiation. Hence
hardness falls by about 50% of its value at room temperature on knowledge of these properties and their change with temperature
reaching the transition temperature, which is located at around and irradiation are essential for fuel design and safety analysis.
0.52 Tm. The values of A, B and transition temperature are given As mentioned earlier, the XRD and metallography results show
in Table 4. The hardness values fall drastically above the transition that the as-cast U–6Zr alloy contains only supersaturated a phase
temperature. in Widmanstatten morphology and no d phase was found. It has
been reported in the literature [22] that the as-cast sample of U–
3.8. Chemical compatibility with T91 cladding 5 wt.%Zr alloy prepared by vacuum induction melting has a lamel-
lar structure. During cooling, the products of monotectoid reaction,
3.8.1. Eutectic reaction temperature between U–6Zr alloy and T91 i.e. b and c00 , transform into a phase keeping the lamellae intact.
grade steel However, U–6Zr alloy used in the present investigation does not
For reliable operation of a fast breeder reactor, the fuel elements contain lamellar structure. The alloy used in the present case was
must be resistant to breaching in overpower transients. From the prepared by following injection casting method, in which the solid-
standpoint of accident transients, the most important factor is ification of melt is faster as compared to the convention vacuum
the accelerated rate of cladding attack once eutectic liquefaction induction melting. The faster rate of solidification leads to the for-
forms at the interface. Fuel-cladding chemical interaction is a com- mation of mainly Widmansttaten morphology.
plex, multicomponent diffusion problem, because of the number of The d phase may form in the U-rich U–Zr alloys during cooling
alloy components involved in the reaction. With steel cladding like by following the peritectoid reaction (a + c00 ? d) at 890 K. Accord-
T91, even in the simplest fuel alloys such as U–Zr, at least five ma- ing to Basak et al. [22] the peritectoid reaction is extremely slug-
jor constituents (Fe, Cr, Mo, U and Zr) participate in the diffusion gish in nature. In fact, Hills et al. [21] have found that up to
process. The chemical compatibility of uranium based alloy with 20 at.% Zr (10 wt.%Zr) only a phase is present at room tempera-
T91 cladding is an issue because of the low melting eutectic forma- ture. To understand the phase transformation behavior of the U–
tion as indicated in U–Fe phase system. The measured eutectic 6Zr alloy, a detailed experimental study was carried out with the
temperature between U–6Zr alloy and T91 was found to be help of DSC. As mentioned in Section 3.3, all the peaks in Fig. 4
995 K, which is almost equal to that of U–Fe system. The eutectic could be identified except the one at 843 K which does not corre-
melted microstructure is having three phases which were identi- spond to any phase transformation of equilibrium U–Zr phase tran-
fied as U6Fe, U(Fe,Cr)2 and Zr(Fe,Cr)2 with the help of EDS. It has sition. To identify this peak, a sample of U–6Zr alloy was heated at
1173 K and then directly quenched to water. The DSC result
(Fig. 11) of the directly quenched sample also shows the presence
Table 4 of this peak at the same temperature i.e. 843 K. Metallographic
Values of constants A and B of the relation H = A exp (-BT).
examinations of the quenched sample reveals that the microstruc-
A (kg/mm2) B 103 (K1) Transition temperature, TT (K) ture (Fig. 12) contains martensitic a0a (subscript a indicates acicular
AI AII BI BII morphology) phase. The rapid cooling of the sample during
quenching leads to the formation of martensitic plates in the
542 3.63 106 1.242 12.986 748
sample. Since the sample contains martensitic a0 , the peak
8 S. Kaity et al. / Journal of Nuclear Materials 427 (2012) 1–11
Zr rich layer
(a) (U,Zr)(Fe,Cr)2 Zr depleted layer
T91 U-6Zr
Fig. 9. (a) The microstructure of the interdiffusion layer formed at the interface of U–6Zr/T91 couple after annealing at 973 K for 500 h. (b) Magnified micrograph of the
interface, clearly showing the formation of the various layers at the interface.
5 K min
As cast
2 -1
5 K min
U(Fe, Cr)2 Direct quenched
Heat flow (μV)
Zr(Fe, Cr)2 1 K min
1 h holding at 823K
1 K min Annealed at 823 K for 24 h
820 840 860 880 900 920
Temperature (K)
Fig. 11. The DSC curves of U–6Zr alloy samples after the sample was subjected to
Fig. 10. The microstructure of U–6Zr/T91 diffusion couple annealed at 1023 K for the different treatments to investigate the peak observed at 843 K. The peak at
100 h showing the melted structure. 843 K was observed for both the as-cast as well as directly quenched sample. The
peak height gets diminished when the sample was isothermally held at 823 K of 1 h
and finally the peak was vanished when the sample was annealed at 823 K for 24 h.
corresponding to 843 K can be attributed to the martensitic a0a to Therefore, peak at 843 K can be attributed to the martensitic to non-martensitic
non-martensitic a transformation. Similar type of experiments transformation.
was also carried out by Basak et al. [24] for the directly quenched
U–2 wt.%Zr alloy. They reported that the peak observed at 862 K in decomposition of d phase (i.e. a þ c00 $ d), which indicates the
the DSC during heating is due to a0a ? a transformation [24]. For sample does not contain d phase even after the annealing at
further clarification of this peak at 843 K, the as-cast sample was 823 K for 24 h. Hence, it is very clear that the peak at 843 K is
isothermally held at 823 K for 1 h inside the DSC furnace and result due to the martensitic to non-martensitic transformation.
indicates a similar peak with lower peak height at 843 K (Fig. 11). The thermal expansion behavior of U–10 wt.%Zr and U–20
The as-cast sample was then annealed at 823 K for 24 h and then wt.%Zr alloys have also been reported in the literature [34,35] in
furnace cooled to room temperature. The DSC result of the an- the temperature range 293–900 K. The dilatometric study of U-rich
nealed sample as shown in Fig. 11, does not contain any peak at U–Zr alloys (2, 5, 7, 10 wt.% of Zr) have been carried out by Basak
843 K. Thus, the peak at 843 K in the DSC curve was observed for et al. [22]. Rough [14] reported the average coefficient of thermal
both the as-cast as well as directly quenched sample. The peak expansion of U–59 wt.%Zr and U–78 wt.%Zr alloys in the tempera-
height gets diminished when the sample was isothermally held ture range 293–823 K as 8.2 106 and 10.9 106 K1, respec-
at 823 K of 1 h and finally, the peak was completely vanished when tively. The thermal expansion data of U–Zr alloys reported in the
the sample was annealed at 823 K for 24 h. This indicates that the literature are given in Table 5 along with the present data for
as-cast sample is partially martensitic in nature. The isothermal comparison. It has been reported that with increase in Zr content,
holding of 1 h at 823 K partially transforms the martensitic to cohesive energy in orthorhombic crystal structure is gradually
non-martensitic phase and it becomes fully non-martensitic when reduced with temperature and as a result the thermal expansion
the sample was annealed at 823 K for 24 h. The DSC result of the coefficient of a-phase increases with increase in Zr content in the
annealed sample does not show any peak near 890 K for the alloy [22]. The dilatometric curve of U–6Zr alloy does not reveal
S. Kaity et al. / Journal of Nuclear Materials 427 (2012) 1–11 9
Table 5
Thermal expansion of uranium–zirconium alloys.
Reference Wt.%Zr U–Zr composition Temp. range (K) DL/L0 (%) = a + b (T/K) + c (K/T)2 + d (T/K)3
a b 103 c 106 d 109
Touloukian et al. [34] and KAERI/CM-1313/2009 [35] 10 U0.7752Zr0.2248 293–900 0.424 1.658 1.052 1.115
20 U0.6052Zr0.3948 293–900 0.301 1.160 0.779 1.080
Basak et al. [22] 2 U0.9494Zr0.0506 323–923 0.381 1.2238 0.2793 0.9904
5 U0.8793Zr0.1207 323–923 0.539 2.181 2.10 2.087
7 U0.8358Zr0.1642 323–923 0.62 2.732 3.386 3.055
10 U0.7752 Zr0.2248 323–923 0.73 3.489 5.154 4.390
2 U0.9494 Zr0.0506 998–1173 7.775 24.05 21.05 6.69
5 U0.8793 Zr0.1207 998–1173 55.041 147.78 128.04 37.37
7 U0.8358Zr0.1642 998–1173 42.52 113.69 97.09 28.04
10 U0.7752 Zr0.2248 998–1173 25.252 66.69 54.41 15.18
Present study 6 U0.8572 Zr0.1428 373–923 0.938 4.10 5.01 3.450
998–1273 6.295 15.91 16.30 4.887
Table 6
The smoothed heat capacities of uranium–zirconium alloys.
Authors/years Wt.%Zr U–Zr composition Temp. range (K) Method C op (T)/J K1 kg1 = a + b (T/K) + c (K/T)2
a b c 106
Fedorov and Smirnov [16], 1968 5.4 U0.87Zr0.13 293–873 HPC 6.80 0.27 4.94p
21.0 U0.59Zr0.41 293–873 6.23 0.31 6.16p
37.47 U0.39Zr0.61 293–873 97.68 0.26 1.97p
50.8 U0.27Zr0.73 293–873 98.38 0.27 3.14p
75.1 U0.11Zr0.89 293–873 151.44 0.25 3.00p
Takahashi et al. [18], 1989 5.87 U0.86Zr0.14 300–850 LPC 55.10 0.14 2.21q
17.11 U0.65Zr0.35 300–850 59.18 0.16 2.74q
49.64 U0.28Zr0.72 300–850 85.12 0.22 3.98q
79.5 U0.09Zr0.91 300–850 HPC 153.07 0.20 2.64q
Matsui et al. [19] 8.74 U0.8Zr0.2 289–852 DSC 37.99 0.20 2.73p
Present study 6 U0.8572Zr0.1428 304–495 119.66 0.095 1.23
495–802 8.61 0.258 10.71
HPC = heating pulse calorimeter, LPC = Laser-flash calorimeter, DSC = Differential Scanning Calorimeter,
p = experimental data fitted in this study, q = experimental data up to 850 K was fitted in this study.
10 S. Kaity et al. / Journal of Nuclear Materials 427 (2012) 1–11
decomposition of d phase (i.e. a þ c00 $ d) as per U–Zr phase dia- kZr ðTÞ ¼ 8:853 þ 7:082 103 T þ 2:533 106 T 2
gram. Since U–6Zr alloy used in the present investigation does
þ 2:992 103 T 1 ð298 6 T 6 2000 KÞ
not contain any d phase, the specific heat graph does not contain
any transition for decomposition of d phase. and kc,U is a thermal conductivity correction due to the alloying ef-
The thermal conductivity data of U–Zr alloys were reviewed and fect. kc,U is given by
summarized by Touloukian et al. [37]. The thermal conductivities
of U–Zr alloys, including metallic uranium and zirconium were re- kc;U ¼ 102:0 þ 200:1 X Zr 109:2 X 2Zr þ 9:435 103 T
ported by Takahashi et al. [17] from 300 to 1000 K. They calculated þ 3:459 105 T 2 0:02093 X Zr T ð12Þ
thermal conductivity from the thermal diffusivity data generated
by laser flash method. Thermal conductivity data by laser flash It has been observed that the results predicted by Eq. (9) are
method is estimated from the measured thermal diffusivity and very consistent with the recommended data compiled by Toulou-
heat capacity using the relation k = a Cp q, where k is the thermal kian [37]. The thermal conductivity has also been calculated for
conductivity, a is thermal diffusivity, Cp is the specific heat capac- U–6Zr alloy using Eq. (9) and the data was incorporated in Fig. 7.
ity, and q is the density. Hence, laser flash method requires heat The experimental result agrees well with the calculated data.
capacity data which is usually taken from the literature. The error The temperature dependence of hardness of U–6Zr is best rep-
from the specific heat data can lead to a lower accuracy in the ther- resented by the following relation of the type
mal conductivity data. In the present investigation thermal con-
H ¼ A expðBTÞ ð13Þ
ductivity is measured directly by TPS method. The thermal
conductivity data of uranium metal using TPS method agrees well where, constants A and B are called the intrinsic hardness (i.e. the
with those in the literature [17,37] over the temperature range value of hardness at 0 K) and softening coefficient, respectively.
investigated. Thermal conductivity of U–6Zr alloy is lower than The constants A and B have one set of values at low temperature
uranium metal which indicates that the addition of zirconium (AI and BI) and another at high temperature (AII and BII), suggesting
causes lowering in thermal conductivity of uranium. The composi- a change of mechanism [40–43]. The value of A at low temperature
tion dependence of the thermal conductivity of U–Zr system was is a measure of the inherent strength of the interatomic bond in the
also reported by Takahashi et al. [17]. According to them, d phase metal lattice and is related to the crystal structure and ‘thermal en-
alloys has the lowest thermal conductivity. However, U–6Zr alloy ergy of melting’ which is defined as the heat content of the liquid
used in the present investigation does not contain any d phase. metal at the melting point [43]. The constant B, which is the slope
Hence, the thermal conductivity data of U–6Zr alloy generated by of ln H vs. T plot, indicates the rate at which the lattice is weakened
TPS method in the present investigation was mainly for the a by the thermal energy and is closely related to the coefficient of
phase only. thermal expansion [44].
The thermal conductivity data of U–Zr alloys are given in the The mechanisms of softening in metals and alloys at low and
Table 7. Including all the U–Zr data from Touloukian [37] and high temperatures are widely discussed in the literature. At low
Takahashi [17], and the Zr data from Fink [38], a new correlation temperatures, below the transition temperature, hardness is a weak
has been developed for U–Zr alloy at ANL [39] which applicable function of temperature and plastic deformation occurs by ather-
to any Zr content. The relation is reproduced as follows: mal mechanisms. The major mode of deformation is by slip along
preferred planes and directions. At temperatures <0.1 Tm, the defor-
kZrU ¼ ð1 ð1 X Zr Þ1=2 ÞkZr þ ð1 mation is controlled by dislocation intersection with some contri-
bution from impurity atoms. At temperatures between 0.2 and
X Zr Þ1=2 X Zr kc;U þ ð1 X Zr ÞkU ð9Þ
0.5 Tm, a low value of activation energy has been reported. Conard
where XZr is weight fraction of Zr, kU is the thermal conductivity of [45] suggested that the plastic flow stress in a close packed lattice
uranium given by could be associated with impeded displacement of impurity atom
atmospheres interacting with dislocations. At high temperatures
kU ðTÞ ¼ 21:73 þ 1:591 102 T þ 5:907 106 T 2 ð255:5 (>0.5 Tm), hardness decreases strongly with increasing temperature
and deformation is thought to occur by a combination of dislocation
6 T 6 1173:2 KÞ ð10Þ
glide and dislocation climb. The activation energy for this process is
kZr is the thermal conductivity of Zr given by the same as the activation energy for vacancy diffusion.
Table 7
Thermal conductivity of uranium and uranium–zirconium alloys.
Reference Wt.%Zr U–Zr composition Temp. range (K) Method k (W m1 K1) = a + b (T/K) + c (T/K)2
a b 102 c 106
Touloukian et al. [37], and Kim [39] 0 U 293–1173 – 20.918 2.062 2.31m
1.5 U0.9618Zr0.0382 293–1073 19.185 0.741 15.0m
5 U0.8793Zr0.1207 293–1173 14.114 1.418 9.80m
20 U0.6052Zr0.3948 293–1173 6.008 1.577 6.90m
40 U0.3650Zr0.6350 293–1173 6.235 0.289 21.8m
70 U0.1411Zr0.8589 293–1173 10.376 0.940 21.4m
Takahashi et al. [17] 5.87 U0.86Zr0.14 300–1000 LF 23.198 0.873 11.6n
0 U 300–880 6.30 4.40 13.0n
17.11 U0.65Zr0.3 300–880 6.207 2.238 1.46n
29.34 U0.48Zr0.52 300–880 3.417 0.443 13.9n
49.64 U0.28Zr0.72 300–880 0.903 1.357 4.94n
79.5 U0.09Zr0.91 300–880 0.661 3.046 12.4n
Present study 0 U 298–873 TPS 18.890 2.678 2.302
6 U0.8572Zr0.1428 298–823 13.795 2.672 2.492
LF = Laser flash, TPS = Transient plane source, m = recommended data fitted in this study, n = experimental data was fitted in this study.
S. Kaity et al. / Journal of Nuclear Materials 427 (2012) 1–11 11
Chubb et al. [46] reported hot hardness studies on U–Zr alloys (8) At 1023 K, U–6Zr/T91 couple reacted completely with each
with varying Zr content. For U–5 wt.%Zr, which is very close to other causing a complete melt down of the clad in 100 h,
the composition of present study, they reported hardness values and showed eutectic-melted microstructures of U6Fe,
of 347 and 118 kg mm2 at 298 K and 773 K, respectively. But at U(Fe, Cr)2 and Zr(Fe, Cr)2 phases.
973 K the hardness of the above alloy was 6.4 kg mm2. The trend
in values of hardness of the above alloy is very similar to the present
study. References
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