PLA Rubric For Portfolio Based Credit & Portfolio
PLA Rubric For Portfolio Based Credit & Portfolio
PLA Rubric For Portfolio Based Credit & Portfolio
Demonstration of The portfolio’s materials and The portfolio materials and The portfolio includes The presentation of artifacts is
artifacts are not appropriate artifacts are not fully supported appropriate artifacts that convincing, with strong
Learning and/or adequate, and are not by or connected to the course’s support the demonstration support for the course’s
Artifacts supported by the presentation learning outcomes of learning outcomes learning outcomes
Evidence of The portfolio shows little or no The portfolio documents some, The portfolio adequately The portfolio provides clear
evidence of learning tied to but not sufficient, learning tied documents learning tied to evidence of learning tied to
sound educational theory to sound educational theory sound educational theory (or sound educational theory (or
Competencies (or grounded in appropriate grounded in appropriate grounded in appropriate
academic frameworks) academic frameworks) academic frameworks)
Mastering The portfolio provides little The portfolio demonstrates the The portfolio documents the The portfolio demonstrates the
evidence of the student’s student’s ability to use the acquisition of knowledge and student has mastered the
Knowledge & Skills knowledge and skills for the skills for the course learning knowledge and skills for the
ability to use knowledge and
Application of skills for the course’s learning course learning outcomes in outcomes, with some ability to course learning outcomes and
Learning outcomes in practice practice is limited apply them in practice can apply them in practice
Reflection The portfolio provides little or The portfolio provides The portfolio provides evidence The portfolio shows that the
on Learning no evidence of reflection to inadequate evidence of of reflection to increase student has reflected with
increase learning aligned with reflection to increase learning learning aligned with the course substantial depth upon how the
Aligned with course the course learning outcomes for aligned with the course learning learning outcomes for which prior learning experience is
learning outcomes which credit is being sought outcomes for which credit is credit is being sought aligned to the course learning
being sought outcomes for which credit is
being sought
Presentation Assembly instructions have Most of the expected elements The portfolio is well organized The portfolio is well organized
Completeness not been followed with critical are included; the quality of written, with all critical elements with all critical elements
portfolio elements not included; visual and/or digital presentation included; the quality of written, included; learning is well-
and quality of the
the quality of written, visual does not meet postsecondary visual and/or digital the documented with writing and
portfolio and/or digital presentation does standards with too many errors presentation is competent with production skills that exceed
presentation not meet postsecondary in spelling, grammar and minor errors in spelling, those of most college students
standards punctuation grammar and punctuation
Overall The recommended cut score for a successful (i.e., passing) portfolio is 12, with a
Assessment score of at least 1 in each of the six assessment criteria. TOTAL:
The Assessment Criteria in the rubric are designed to evaluate whether a portfolio provides clear evidence that a student who is requesting credit has mastered
course learning outcomes and competencies.
NOTE: Before a portfolio can be accepted for assessment, the specific course learning outcomes from the course syllabus must be attached to the rubric. The
completed rubric must be signed by the faculty assessor. Each portfolio is to be assessed based on the following six criteria:
Sources of Learning The prior learning experience should be connected to the Clearly describe and document the prior learning experience and show that you have
course learning outcomes and the portfolio should met all course learning outcomes, which must be attached to the rubric.
demonstrate that those learning outcomes have been met.
Demonstration of The portfolio must include appropriate documentation Include concrete documentation (artifacts) that support the skills and knowledge you
Learning (i.e.: materials and artifacts) that support the knowledge have acquired that meet the course learning outcomes. Artifacts can include
and skills you have acquired. The artifacts should be samples of projects, technical and professional materials produced by the student,
dependent upon and appropriate to the field of study and evidence of successfully completed workshops and/or trainings, performance
should readily support the chosen learning and skills. evaluations from employers (ask your present/past employer to address your job
duties, skill level, and length of employment), your resume (develop complete job
descriptions and include roles and responsibilities as well as time in each role), etc.
Evidence of Learning The portfolio should tie prior learning experience to Demonstrate and meet expectations that the experience has resulted in learned
educational theory (or grounded in appropriate academic competencies - that learning is aligned with course learning outcomes.
Mastering The portfolio must demonstrate that the knowledge and Provide examples of how you have applied the course learning outcomes in real
Knowledge & Skills skills reflected in the course learning outcomes have been world experience(s) for a sustained length of time.
mastered and that they have been or can apply to real
world experience. It is not enough for the student to
address all of the learning outcomes; it must also be shown
that they can be applied in practice and to different learning
and problem solutions.
Reflection on Learning The portfolio must include documentation of reflection. The Describe how you utilized reflection (i.e., that you thought deeply about what
student should show an ability to build upon knowledge and produced your learning and what actions generated that personal growth) to
improve performance by implementing strategies and acknowledge your learning and leverage your learning in your concrete experience.
recognizing knowledge gained by concrete experience
through reflection and application.
Presentation The portfolio should include all required elements, Present the portfolio professionally in a folder or binder with materials typed and
including all six assessment criteria, and the presentation with dividers separating each section. Include a title page, table of contents, abstract
must be clear, well-organized, and meet post-secondary (a summary of your portfolio’s content, one page maximum), narrative, conclusion,
level expectation, written in full sentences and using proper and appendix of supporting material (don’t forget to attach the Learning
grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Outcomes from the course syllabus to the rubric). Your name and student ID
should be printed on the front cover. Be sure to include your contact phone and
email. Portolio review can take up to 45 business days.
Adapted from: PLA with a Purpose Network, Ohio Department of Higher Education (2016)