Final Exam - Quantitative1
Final Exam - Quantitative1
Final Exam - Quantitative1
Question 1 In a chi-square test, the "expected" counts are the values we expect if there is an association between
Complete the variables.
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1.00 Select one:
Question 2 How does the shape of the t-distribution change as the sample size increases?
b. It becomes broader.
c. It becomes flatter.
d. It becomes skewed.
Question 3 If the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient shows zero value, this definitely means that
Complete there is no relationship between the two variables
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1.00 Select one:
Question 4 The straight line equation y=b0 + b1x is an example of a linear relationship. This means that the
Complete changes in one variable are accompanied by the proportional linear changes in another variable. If you
Mark 1.00 out of increase one variable by 1 and the other by 0.5, this is a linear change.
Select one:
Question 5 It is one of the measures of correlation which quantifies the strength as well as the direction of such
Complete relationship
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
a. Autocorrelation
b. Correlation Analysis
d. Spearman's Rank
Question 6 What should Levene's test be in order to use the 'equal variance assumed' row of a t-test?
Question 8 It is a measure of the strength of a linear association between two variables and is denoted by r.
b. Correlation Analysis
c. Autocorrelation
d. Spearman's Rank
b. 1
c. -1
d. +1
d. Mann-Whitney test
Question 11 What is the reason why it is not necessary to create a scatter chart?
b. Chi-Square
Question 14 A correlation coefficient that is applied to ranked variables was introduced by Spearman, whilst
Complete Pearson and Fisher introduced independently correlation coefficients that measure the strength of the
Mark 1.00 out of relationship between non-ranked variables.
Select one:
Question 16 7. Now that we have got Excel to calculate the correlation coefficient we need to interpret it to
Complete understand its true meaning. The value is always between -1 and +1.
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What is the value of the perfect negative correlation
Select one:
a. 0
b. +1
c. 1
d. -1
Question 17
The degrees of freedom for a 2 x 2 cross-tabulation table for the chi-square test of independence equal
c. 2
d. 1
Question 18
It is the non-parametric alternative test to the independent sample t-test.
c. Mann-Whitney test
d. Kruskal-Wallis test
Question 19
What must data be in order for a Pearson's product-moment to be conducted?
b. All of these
c. Normally distributed
Question 20 It is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic follows a Student's t-distribution under the
Complete null hypothesis.
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
a. T-Test
b. Z-Test
c. Correlation Analysis
Question 21
My friend, Bob, believes that his supermarket's prices are lower than mine. We construct a list of
Complete identical items and purchase them at our respective stores every week for two months. Then Bob
Mark 0.00 out of wants to know if his hypothesis is supported.
Select one:
a. Bob has a directional hypothesis and should do an independent t-test
Question 22
The Chi Square statistic is commonly used for testing relationships between categorical variables.
Question 23
Why must you review the materials produced using statistics?
Question 24
We use unplanned comparisons to determine
Question 25
It is a single value that attempts to describe a set of data by identifying the central position within that
Complete set of data.
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
a. Central Tendency
b. Measures of Dispersion
c. Measures of Location
d. Measures of Spread
Question 26
The chi-square goodness-of-fit test is used to test discrete distributions only.
Question 27
If a distribution deviates markedly from normality then you take the risk that the statistic will be
Complete inaccurate. The safest thing to do is to use an equivalent parametric statistic.
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Answer: False
Question 28 Which of the following is an assumption of one-way ANOVA comparing samples from three or more
Complete experimental treatments?
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1.00 Select one:
a. All of the mentioned
b. The samples associated with each population are randomly selected and are independent from
all other samples
c. The response variable within each of the k populations have equal variances.
d. All the response variables within the k populations follow a normal distributions.
Question 29 In one-way ANOVA, which of the following is used within the F-ratio as a measurement of the variance
Complete of individual observations?
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
c. SSE
d. MSE
Question 30 The null hypothesis for the chi-square goodness-of-fit test states that the distribution of
c. the sample means is equal to the expected distribution based on theory/knowledge of the
Question 31 When conducting an ANOVA, FDATA will always fall within what range?
b. between 0 and 1
b. Variate Table
c. Tabulation
d. Observation
Question 33 A potential source of confusion in working out what statistics to use in analysing data is whether your
Complete data allows for parametric or non-parametric statistics.
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1.00 Select one:
Question 34 In contingency analysis, we expect the actual frequencies in each cell to approximately match the
Complete corresponding expected cell frequencies when the characteristics are independent.
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1.00 Select one:
Question 35 Correlation analysis can study a wide range of variables and their interrelations.
Question 36 The sum of squares due to the column factor for one way analysis of variance is given by
c. No Answer
b. Null Hypothesis
c. Null
d. Hypothesis
Question 39 T-test can help you to figure out if you need to reject the null hypothesis or accept the alternate
Complete hypothesis.
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1.00 Select one:
Question 40 As the experimenter changes the independent variable, the change in the _________________________ is
Complete observed and recorded
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
a. Independent Variable
b. Dependent Variable
c. Erroneous Variable
d. Continuous Variable
Question 41 It is the process of strictly defining variables into measurable factors. The process defines fuzzy
Complete concepts and allows them to be measured, empirically and quantitatively.
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
a. Definition
b. Experimentation
c. Explanation
d. Operationalization
Question 42 It is used to understand the nature of relationships between two individual variables.
b. T-Test
c Chi Square
c. Chi-Square
d. Correlation Analysis
Question 43 This method of sampling is a non-probability sampling technique wherein the assembled sample has
Complete the same proportions of individuals as the entire population with respect to known characteristics,
Mark 1.00 out of traits or focused phenomenon.
Select one:
a. Purpose Sampling
b. Convenience Sampling
c. Quota Sampling
d. Snowball Sampling
Question 44 As the number of observations increases, the t-distribution looks more like the standard normal
Complete distribution.
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
b. Ratio
c. Ordinal
d. Interval
Question 46 Why, in some cases, is a measure of association needed in addition to a p-value for a statistical test?
d. There is no good reason to want a measure of association once you have a significant result.
Question 48 It compares the means of two (and only two) groups when the variances are not equal.
b. T-Test
d Correlation Analysis
d. Correlation Analysis
Question 49 It is the value separating the higher half from the lower half of a data sample (a population or a
Complete probability distribution).
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
a. Median
b. Mean
c. Range
d. Mode
Question 50 If p-value is less than the level of significance, what would be the decision?