Buy Now, Think Later: 1 Word Power

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QSE_Answer Key_Unit 1 6/15/09 12:25 PM Page 1

Unit 1 Buy now, think later Answer Key See pages 8–11 SB, 94 WB

1 WORD POWER B 1 360,000 people

2 Woman 1: supports the idea; Man 1: against it;
1 WORD POWER A Answers
Man 2: supports it; Woman 2: supports it.
1 Billboards, posters (near roads, pavements); 3 Smoking is seen as ‘cool’.
celebrity endorsements (newspapers, radio, TV); 4 These rates have dropped from 28 per cent to
classified ads (newspapers); full-page ads (magazines 18 per cent between 1999 and 2003.
or newspapers); junk mail, flyers (in the post);
movie trailers (cinemas, DVDs, TV); pop-up ads
(internet pages / sites); product placement (films, WORKBOOK: 1 WORD POWER
TV); radio spots (radio, internet radio); spam 1 WORD POWER Answers
(email inbox); sponsorship (sporting events); 1 with 2 in / with 3 from / against 4 on 5 by
TV commercials (TV). 6 on 7 to 8 into 9 with 10 at
3 Government, politicians, charities, etc.
3 SPEAKING: Mapping the presentation
1 WORD POWER B Answers
1 Even a product placement in a top action film 3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES Answers
won’t convince anyone to buy that. Well, I don’t 1 Categorical: circles, triangles, squares; red, green,
see it that way, many people follow what their blue
idols do. If Britney Spears drinks Pepsi, lots of Commodities: grapes, oranges, soybeans, rice
kids will think it’s good to drink Pepsi too. 2 Chronological: past, present, future:
2 Brand names use bad English like luv and kwik. 4000 BC, 1565, 1688–1715, 1970
But what about all the other brand names that 3 Compare/contrast:  vs. , us vs. them:
use good English? Bad English is only used in grapes, oranges (fruit) vs. soybeans, rice
a minority. (vegetables/grain)
3 Ad campaigns are only good if they’re funny. 4 Confucius principle: individual, family, community:
I understand what you’re saying, but I think how each relates to the person / town / country;
other types of campaigns can be interesting, how important each is to person / town / country.
entertaining or informative as well. 5 Geographical: north, south, east, west:
France, Brazil, Thailand, Florida
2 READING 6 Hierarchical: top, middle, bottom
7 Cost: champagne, oranges, soybeans, rice
2 READING A Answers 8 Sequential: first, secondly, thirdly / lastly
1 primetime 2 blindside 3 buzzword 4 logo 9 History (4000 BC, 1565, 1688–1715, 1970)
10 Status (champagne, oranges, soybeans, rice)
4 LISTEN DVD 11 Order first appeared in your country

4 LISTEN A3, B1 Answers 4 IDIOMS

A 3 Tobacco companies: Would not be happy
about people giving up smoking because of the 4 IDIOMS Answers
warning labels (not mentioned in listening clip); 1b 2a 3c 4d 5e
Smokers: Man 1 is shocked, but he is not sure 1 jump on the bandwagon  choosing the popular
these would stop him from smoking. Woman 2 side / whatever is most popular 2 give a blank
thinks they might help her quit smoking and finds cheque  allow someone to spend as much as they
them shocking. Non-smokers: Woman 1 is in like 3 cost an arm and a leg  cost a lot of money,
favour and thinks it would help her boyfriend quit be very expensive 4 be seen dead  would never
because of the picture. Man 2 hates smoking and do something 5 round the clock  all hours, a lot
thinks the labels are a good idea. of hours, day and night

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced Unit 1 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 2 6/15/09 12:34 PM Page 2

Unit 2 Express yourself Answer Key See pages 12-15 SB, 95 WB

1 WORD POWER However, they often sought more realism in their art.
Artists include Rubens, Rembrandt and Caravaggio.
1 WORD POWER B2 Answers
Let’s move on to the subject of Impressionism (late
B 2 patron 2 performer 4 monarch
19th century). Here, art was used to convey subtle
5 composer 6 collector
feelings or the impressions of the artist. It began to
move away from the idea that art must represent
2 READING actual things. Artists included Monet, Renoir and
2 READING A, B, C Answers Cézanne.
A The Queen: has only bought 20 paintings in her Now that brings us to another important
reign; is not a fan of classical music (patron of movement – Expressionism (late 19th–early 20th
orchestra but doesn’t go very often); she collects centuries). The expressionists believed that direct
glass animals rather than other artworks; not a fan communication of feelings can be shown, especially
of the arts. anxiety and despair. Artists included Van Gogh,
Munch, Grosz, Dix and Beckmann.
B Henry VIII was a passionate supporter of music Let’s leave that and go to Surrealism (early 20th
and composers. The Queen is not really interested century). Surrealism was strongly influenced by the
in the arts. / In Lord Elgin’s time it was acceptable psychological works of Freud and Jung. The art
to buy the Greek sculpture and take it from Greece often sought to explore the subconscious. Artists
to London; now it would not be allowed. include Breton, Dali and Man Ray.


2 USE OF LANGUAGE: Word forms
B Gunther von Hagens gives the reasons:
1 cultural 2 massive 3 movements
• education • The Renaissance 4 freedom 5 productive 6 happiest
4 WATCH AND LISTEN D Answers 7 sitting 8 imagine
D 1 Everyone is mortal. 2 Educational tool: it can
help people understand their bodies better. Lesson 4 IDIOMS
about choices we make: unhealthy lifestyles can be
4 IDIOMS Answers
presented in a very concrete way. 3 Renaissance
anatomists: Leonardo da Vinci and Andreas 1 She’s a budding artist. We expect big things from
Vesalius. 4 Vesalius was the first to assemble a her in the future.
skeleton, which he took from the grave. 2 I found the whole conversation went over my
head. What did he mean by Existentialism?
3 You often need to keep an open mind when it
WORKBOOK: 1 WORD POWER comes to modern art.
1 WORD POWER Answers 4 I really think Picasso was ahead of his time.
5 He can’t seem to write the last chapter of the
1 To begin with, the Renaissance (15th–16th
book. I think he has writer’s block.
centuries) was an important period of artistic and
6 You would have to pay a king’s ransom if you want
ideological revival. It mixed elements of classical
to buy that Matisse.
style, scientific inquiry and Christian themes.
Artists included Michelangelo, Da Vinci and 1 budding  developing, promising 2 to go over my
Raphael. head  so complex I don’t understand 3 to keep an
Now that brings us to the next point – the Baroque open mind  be objective 4 to be ahead of his
period (16th–17th centuries). It saw artists often time  very advanced in his ideas, way of thinking
trying to capture emotions and drama in their work. 6 to pay a king’s ransom  pay a lot of money

© Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009 QSE Advanced Unit 2 BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 3 6/16/09 1:24 PM Page 3

Unit 3 The sky’s the limit! Answer Key See pages 16–19 SB, 96 WB

1 WORD POWER Adventure travel guide: Extreme sports and

adventure travel are becoming more popular. There
1 WORD POWER B Answers
will be a greater demand for experienced professionals
2b 3e 4c 5d 6a who can safely guide people in these trips.
Fuel-cell engineer: With oil supplies growing
2 READING scarcer, hydrogen fuel cells will be the next
2 READING A Answers important technological development for transport.
Energy and car companies will be looking for
A 1 JC 2 neither 3 both 4 SRK 5 JC
people with this expertise.
4 WATCH AND LISTEN DVD Lawyer: Intellectual property rights are very
important for many companies, for example the
4 WATCH AND LISTEN B Answers entertainment industry. Companies need lawyers to
B1C 2B 3B help stop people illegally downloading music from
the internet and CD / DVD piracy.
8 CAREERS in English Odd-job person: As there are more people who
don’t have time to jobs for themselves or are too old
8 CAREERS in English Sample answers to do them, there will be more demand for help
A Reasons for choosing each job: around the house.
Bioinformatician: A relatively new field which
combines a good knowledge of computer science WORKBOOK: 1 USE OF LANGUAGE: Joining clauses
and medical science. They can run complex
computer models to test drugs before field trials. 1 USE OF LANGUAGE Answers
Wireless engineer: Wireless equipment is set to 1 that 2 who 3 who 4 After 5 where
become more and more common in the future, 6 whom 7 although 8 while 9 After 10 which
making these engineers in high demand.
Forensic accountant: Based on events in the US
(Enron) and Europe (Parmalat), there is a growing 3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES Answers
need for accountants who can independently
1b 2e 3c 4d 5f 6a
analyse the financial information in company
reports and accounts.
Data miner: Customers prefer personal service,
but in the age of large corporations, this can be 4 IDIOMS Answers
difficult. Creating software that can tell companies 1e 2f 3a 4b 5d 6c
what individual people like or dislike lets businesses
personalise their services. 1 down-to-earth  very practical, sensible
2 workaholic  addicted to work, working very long
Home-care nurse: As the number of older people
hours 3 control freak  likes to control everything
in the population grows, there will be a sharp
people do 4 movers and shakers  important and
increase in the need for nurses giving care at home.
influential people 5 stick-in-the-mud  dull,
AI programmer: Artificial intelligence is becoming boring, unadventurous 6 shark  hard, focused
closer to reality. Programmers are teaching computers on getting what he wants
how to learn like humans.

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced Unit 3 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 4 6/25/09 2:50 AM Page 4

Unit 4 Are you looking at me? Answer Key See pages 20–23 SB, 97 WB


1 WORD POWER B Answers 1 WORD POWER Answers
2c 3b 4 e 5d 6a 1 The gang in Raul’s neighborhood really / certainly
intimidated him when they walked past him in
2 READING the street.
2 It is basically / really / essentially / naturally
2 READING A, B Answers the role of parents to stop older brothers and
A 1 decapitate 2 repercussion 3 remonstrate sisters from picking on younger ones in the
4 precipitous family.
3 The teacher actually / really / essentially
B 1 First article satirical: Events that are extreme seemed to blame the victim rather than
and exaggerated are described as if they are the bully.
normal, for example Darren killed his teacher but 4 Mitsuko’s threatening behaviour actually /
this was apparently justified because the teacher certainly became so bad that the head teacher
punished Darren for truancy and having illegal wanted to exclude her from school.
drugs, although this was what a teacher should 5 Sophia felt she was weak and really / quite
normally do. helpless because her father shouted at her all
the time.
2 READING C2 Answers
C 2 The students are getting steroids from drug 2 USE OF LANGUAGE: Word forms
dealers pushing other drugs because they want to be
bigger as a way of dealing with bullies. 2 USE OF LANGUAGE Answers
1 hidden 2 secretive 3 calling 4 understanding
4 LISTEN DVD 5 actions 6 relationships 7 psychological
8 publicised
4 LISTEN B, C Answers
B • Bullying can take the form of shouting, 4 IDIOMS
swearing, fighting, passive aggressiveness (not
talking to colleagues, not returning phone calls), 4 IDIOMS Answers
rudeness, or disrespect. 1 f played 2 a cross 3 d flogging
• Bullies are often people with a special status, 4 b driven 5 e went 6 c fight
who are high up on the corporate ladder, or who 1 to play into someone’s hands  to put yourself
have a special skill and are allowed to get away in a weak position 2 to cross swords  to provoke,
with their bad behaviour. argue with 3 to flog a dead horse  to do
• To solve the problem, companies need to enforce something that will have no effect 4 to drive
their anti-bullying rules and adopt a zero tolerance someone over the edge  to push someone into
policy. doing something desperate 5 to go to great
C 1A 2B lengths  to make a lot of effort 6 to fight it
out  to face someone about a problem

© Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009 QSE Advanced Unit 4 BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 5 6/24/09 2:43 PM Page 5

Unit 5 Frills and thrills Answer Key See pages 24–27 SB, 98 WB


1c 2f 3e 4b 5a 6d 1j/g/i 2f 3g/i 4a 5b
6e 7h 8d 9j/i/g 10 k
B1A 2C 3C 4 IDIOMS Answers
1b 2d 3a 4c 5e
WORKBOOK: 1 WORD POWER 1 keeping up with the Joneses  competing with
other people by buying whatever is the latest fashion
1 WORD POWER Sample answers 2 trendsetter  someone who starts a fashion trend
1A exquisite 1B Maybe we could think about 3 empty existence  not emotionally or spiritually
buying it? satisfying 4 to pay a pretty penny  to pay a lot of
2A dull 2B It seems to me that we could get some- money 5 upmarket  more sophisticated
thing better.
3A spectacular 3A Why don’t you try it on?
4A impractical 4B Does that suggest we should buy
a larger one?
5A fresh and functional 5B I tend to think it would
work well at home.
6A flashy 6C Why don’t we try somewhere else?

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced Unit 5 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 6 6/23/09 10:48 AM Page 6

Unit 6 Playing to win Answer Key See pages 28–31 SB, 99 WB

1 WORD POWER reign. Mrs. America allows contestants to be

1 WORD POWER A Answers married.
Plastic surgery is discussed as a counterpoint to the
2h 3g 4f 5a 6e 7b 8b other rules about relationships. The Miss America
contest does not have any rule against it. In addition,
1 WORD POWER B Answers
there was recently the Miss Artificial Beauty in
B 1 There will be a landslide victory in the election. China where all contestants had undergone plastic
I’m not entirely sure about that. The opposition surgery.
seems to be doing better in the polls. American values are discussed briefly in terms
2 The Czechs will win hands down in ice hockey. of the rules governing the current Miss America
I know what you’re saying, but I think they may contest. Contestants need to be very pure (for
still face some serious competition from the example, no marriage, dating or children).
3 Estonia is odds on to win the next song festival. D 1 a) in Atlantic City
You have a point there, but I wouldn’t discount 2 b) married c) two children
Britain’s or Sweden’s entry. 3 d) plastic surgery
4 It was a walkover for our team; the score was 5-0. 4 e) the acceptance
That might be true, but they were missing their
three best players. WORKBOOK: 1 WORD POWER
5 New Zealand will come first in the race. That
might be true (they have a strong team), but 1 WORD POWER Sample answers
I wouldn’t rule out the Australians. 1 I think the opposition party is heading for another
landslide victory in the polls. I’m not sure about
2 READING that...
2 The Russian team will win hands down in this
2 READING A Answers competition. That might be true, but...
A 1D 2B 3E 4A 3 I don’t think you can expect rivals to be good
sports. You have a point there, but...
2 READING B Answers 4 The Australian swimmer was the favourite.
B 1 a) The 4  100 relay was won by the US team. I’m not entirely sure about that.
b) Victory was achieved by Kasparov’s long-term 5 Any competition leads to team spirit. You have a
strategy. point there but...
c) Things had been made difficult in 2000 by 6 The game show proved to be a walkover for her.
boastful behaviour. That might be true, but...
d) In closed games long-term strategy can be used
by humans. 2 USE OF LANGUAGE: The passive
B 2 Up to a point Lloy Ball does support being 2 USE OF LANGUAGE Answers
modest, but he thinks boasting is just part of the
1 He was thought to be a little crazy,
American fighting spirit.
2 a year in the Austrian military had to be served.
3 he would not be given permission
4 LISTEN DVD 4 Arnold was not deterred.
4 LISTEN B, D Answers 5 Although the contest was won,
6 Mr Europe, the Best Built Man in Europe and
B (Sample answers) Relationships are a negative
the International Powerlifting Championship would
thing in the Miss America competition.
be entered and won by him.
Contestants must be single, without children
7 the event would be dominated by Arnold.
and must sign pledges not to date during their
8 This would be capped

© Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009 QSE Advanced Unit 6 BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 6 6/23/09 10:48 AM Page 7

Unit 6 Playing to win Answer Key See pages 28–31 SB, 99 WB

4 IDIOMS Answers
1e 2d 3b 4a 5f 6c
1 the name of the game  the most important
thing / aim 2 to play the game  to take part
3 a sporting chance  a chance to win 4 to give
someone a run for their money  to make it
difficult for someone to win 5 a whole new ball
game  the situation was completely changed
6 to throw in the towel  to give up / in, admit

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced Unit 6 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 7 6/16/09 1:26 PM Page 8

Unit 7 Profit and loss Answer Key See pages 32–35 SB, 100 WB


1 WORD POWER A Sample answers 4 LISTEN B, C Answers

After 1980 growth declined / decreased / went B 1S 2C 3N 4S
down, but by 1985 GDP had gone up / increased C 1 Like a jolt / shock of electricity to get the
again. / In the 1990s growth went down at first, economy started. 2 Women took on jobs in
then increased / went up around 1995. In the industry, but there were still labour shortages. 3 Not
late 1990s growth increased sharply but dropped clear yet; it had a bad effect on the Iraqi economy
in 2000. After 2005 it stopped expanding until and an impact on the price of oil (negative), and on
2007. consumer and business confidence.
1 WORD POWER B Sample answers
1 If you look at the facts, you can see that the WORKBOOK: 1 USE OF LANGUAGE: Transitive and
bubble collapse DID affect the economy. intransitive Verbs
2 It seems clear that we DID have a recession
from 1988–1991. 1 USE OF LANGUAGE Answers
3 I think you might be mistaken. Commodities (Several verbs possible)
would NOT have sold better in 1991 than 1984. 1 rose / increased / expanded / grew / went up
4 Perhaps you are overlooking the fact that 2 declining / decreasing / dropping / going down
high growth that year would mean relatively low 3 pushed up / increased / expanded / boosted
unemployment. Unemployment rates would 4 go up / increase / expand / grow
probably have been highest in 1982. 5 went up / was up / increased / expanded / grew
5 I can’t accept that. We do NOT see steady 6 went up / were up / increased / expanded / grew
growth from 1990 to 1998. 7 declined / decreased / dropped / was down
8 cut / decrease
3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES: Discussing graphs
2 READING A Answers
A 1 Switzerland (get most) 2 European Union 3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES Answers
(37%) 3 United States (18%) 4 New Zealand 1e 2d 3a 4c 5b
(get least)
2 READING B, C Answers
B 3 4 IDIOMS Answers
C 1 (Sample answers) Less competitive farmers in 1b 2d 3a 4e 5f 6c
developed countries would want to keep farm 1 to fall off the back of a lorry  to be stolen
subsidies, as without subsidies they could go out of 2 to be the driving force behind  to be the main
business. Large agri-businesses receive much larger force pushing or making changes
amounts of subsidies compared to small farmers, 3 cracks in the relationship  first difficulties in the
but these large-scale farming operations are also relationship
highly profitable. Farmers from developing coun- 4 to be caught in the poverty trap  to be poor and
tries would not have to compete against artificially not able to change this
low prices from developed countries and would 5 to be in the red  to be in debt
earn more, and poverty levels would go down. 6 to have a windfall  to receive some good
US and EU food manufacturers would be likely luck, often money (sometimes a large amount)
to begin importing more commodities from unexpectedly
developing countries, as these would be cheaper.

© Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009 QSE Advanced Unit 7 BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING
QSE_Answer Key_ER1 6/24/09 12:25 PM Page 9

ER 1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Answer Key See pages 36–37 SB

1 READING B 1 Six hours of studying? You should take a break

and come and play tennis with us.
1 READING A, B, C Answers
2 They had trouble coming to terms with the death
A 287 lb: the weight of Big Jack Perkins, the latest of their grandmother.
vampire victim (para 19, page 37) 3 The zebra was easy pickings for the lions as it
Jelly: peanut butter and jelly (or jam in Br Eng) is a stood alone in the tall grass.
popular sandwich filling the USA (para 13, page 36) 4 Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison and Edith Piaf were
Butterflies: tattoo pattern (para 3, page 36) laid to rest in the same cemetery in Paris.
Car: a motorist’s car has broken down near the 5 The chess champion had met his / her match in
graveyard (para 22, page 93) the latest supercomputer.
B 1 Joyce is not able to help Buffy in her dangerous
job. Joyce wants to make sure that the few things 3 UP IN ARMS
that she can help with are done to the fullest; that is,
making Buffy eat so much. 3 UP IN ARMS Answers
2 Two reasons: people in Southern California drive set down throw away
their cars everywhere and people generally realised wiped off pull
that the streets were dangerous at night (too many dipped in shove
people never returned from walking the dog). served threw
3 She heard that he Big Jack Perkins had been attacked reached for grab
and killed when closing up Tom’s Tattoo Emporium. set aside yank
stack something claw
C (Sample answers) 1 Vampire myths include: You
clear (the table) grip
need to ‘kill’ vampires by staking them through the
flip open something threw someone’s
heart. Vampires die, but come back from the grave.
dump arms around
Vampires drink blood, so they bite people with
hesitate (pause in action) drive (a stake)
fangs and kills people. Sunlight can kill vampires.
place back brush off
roll fist
2 IDIOMS Answers
A 1 to be laid to rest 2 to come to terms with
3 easy pickings 4 to meet someone’s match
5 to take a break

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced ER1 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 8 6/16/09 11:14 AM Page 10

Unit 8 Into the future Answer Key See pages 38–41 SB, 101 WB


1 WORD POWER A, B Answers 4 LISTEN B Answers

A Control over: nuclear war, overpopulation, B 1 Greenpeace 2 American economist 3 debunked
global warming, pollution, thinning of the ozone 4 Kyoto Protocol 5 $350 6 sanitation
layer, shortage of fresh water, infectious diseases, 7 comparisons 8 ice cream
loss of biodiversity. (Sample answers) Well, most C (Sample answer) Lomborg might say that he thinks
other mass extinctions have resulted from asteroid global warming is real but we only have a limited
impacts, therefore, I think it would probably amount of money to spend so the Kyoto Protocol
be the most likely. – I have to admit, you are looks too expensive for the results we might get.
probably right there. / I would guess that
overpopulation will be the reason. We are able WORKBOOK: 1 WORD POWER
to sustain life at the moment with over 6 billion
1 WORD POWER Answers
people, however, the number of humans is expected
to grow to 9 billion by 2050. – That’s a good 1 Although / Whereas 2 As a result
point. 3 Similarly 4 However / But
5 In the same way / Similarly / As a result
B (Sample answers) 1 I completely agree with
the pessimists who say politicians are not doing 2 USE OF LANGUAGE: Verbs and prepositions
enough about / to stop pollution. 2 I have to
admit the pessimists are probably right there when 2 USE OF LANGUAGE Answers
they say that politicians aren’t doing enough to 2 1 to 2 of 3 by 4 in 5 during 6 up
stop nuclear war. 7 off 8 with 9 from 10 up 11 about, by

4 IDIOMS Answers
2 READING A Answers
1e 2a 3d 4c 5f 6b
A 1b 2a 3a
1 the tip of the iceberg  only a small part of the
whole (often used for a problem) 2 to turn over a
3 SPEAK YOUR MIND new leaf  to change one’s ways / what you do
3 a recipe for disaster  very likely to lead to a
very negative result 4 to go against the grain  to
A (Sample answer) Greenhouse gases insulate the go against your or other people’s wishes 5 a small
Earth’s atmosphere. This traps the heat given off world  for unexpected connections between
by the sun. Temperatures rise around the world / people or things that seemed unknown to each
globally. other / unconnected 6 a ray of hope  some hope

© Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009 QSE Advanced Unit 8 BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 9 6/16/09 1:26 PM Page 11

Unit 9 Free to choose Answer Key See pages 42–45 SB, 102 WB

1 WORD POWER 3 It means to wait for the traffic lights to change

from one direction then the other direction.
1 WORD POWER A Answers 4 (Sample answer) Beth needs to correct Hanni a
government, decentralisation, legitimate, nationalism, lot, but she uses an encouraging tone of voice,
freedom, emancipation, individualist almost as if she is taking to a child. It could be
unsafe to let Hanni do whatever she wanted.
2 READING Beth talks normally to the listeners.


1 ‘It’ refers to the fact that Italian children leave
home so late in life. 1 USE OF LANGUAGE Answers
2 ‘It’ refers to the situation of Italian students (who) 1 leaving
don’t graduate until their late twenties. 2 nationalised
3 ‘It’ refers to the child not paying for housekeeping 3 immunisation
even though they can afford to pay. 4 democratically
4 ‘He’ refers to the 29-year old man who sued his 5 assassination
parents to support him.
5 ‘They’ refers to the mothers of these young women. 4 IDIOMS
4 IDIOMS Answers
1d 2b 3e 4c 5a
4 LISTEN B, C Answers 1 to reach a turning point  to come to a key /
B 1 Guide dogs don’t understand street lights. important moment 2 an eye-opener  a surprising
2 Guide dogs can identify danger. experience 3 a red-letter day  a memorable,
3 Guide dogs are not meant to be guard dogs. important or very happy moment 4 a golden
4 Guide dogs can lead someone down the street. opportunity an excellent opportunity 5 a close-knit
C 1 mix (of Labrador and Golden Retriever) family  a family whose members are very close to
2 She waits for the lights to change, listens to the each other
traffic stop, waits for next light then can go.

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced Unit 9 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 10 6/16/09 1:23 PM Page 12

Unit 10 Do I get a say? Answer Key See pages 46–49 SB, 103 WB

1 WORD POWER simply doesn’t support your argument.

Where’s the proof? Do the benefits outweigh
1 WORD POWER A Answers the costs?
1b 2h 3d 4c 5f 6e 7i 8a 9g 4 It’s (absolutely / definitely / totally /
completely / entirely / clearly) wrong to tax
1 WORD POWER B Sample answer
inheritance. It goes (utterly / completely / entirely /
Paparazzi arrested for spying on a celebrity: The totally / completely) against the right to property.
evidence simply doesn’t support your argument. The evidence doesn’t support your
Where’s the proof? My client took the pictures argument.
while the person was on a public beach. 5 I (totally / completely / fully) disagree, criminals
don’t deserve any rights. Regardless of whether
2 READING they deserve them, if you take them away, it
becomes a slippery slope argument. / That can’t be
2 READING A Answers true. What about people who commit very minor
A 1B 2E 3C 4A crimes?
6 It is (extremely) important to have people from a
4 LISTEN DVD variety of backgrounds as candidates for political
office. Regardless of that, the fact remains that
4 LISTEN B Answers you need a lot of money to run for office.
B1B 2C 3A


1 the 2a 3- 4- 5 the
1 WORD POWER Sample answers 6 The 7 the 8 an 9a 10 -
1 Everyone I know agrees (wholeheartedly) with
me, we (definitely / absolutely) need to restrict 4 IDIOMS
immigration. That can’t be true. What about me?
I disagree with you. 4 IDIOMS Answers
2 It goes (completely / entirely) against our 1b 2f 3c 4e 5a 6d
country’s beliefs to restrict freedom of speech. 1 a sacred cow  person or thing that is above
Regardless of that, the fact remains the country criticism or attack 2 a kangaroo court  an
needs to restrict free speech sometimes. / If you unofficial or illegal court 3 not to see eye to eye 
look at the facts, they would show that our to disagree, have different ideas 4 to sit on the
country has at times needed to restrict free speech. fence  not to join any side / be uncommitted in a
3 Police should (definitely / clearly) have controversy 5 to put the clock back  to go back
(absolutely / totally / completely) unlimited in time, make things as they were before 6 to come
power to stop terrorists. That can’t be true. face to face with  to make direct personal contact
What about the right to privacy? / The evidence with

© Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009 QSE Advanced Unit 10 BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 11 6/24/09 10:46 AM Page 13

Unit 11 Peace around the world Answer Key See pages 50–53 SB, 104 WB

1 WORD POWER 3 While I respect your position, I think peace comes

1 WORD POWER A Answers from understanding others; globalisation will help
increase both. Well, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
1c 2a 3b 4h 5g 6f 7d 8e 4 If you look at it from another perspective, the
nature natural disaster UN needs forces for peace-making as well as for
diplomacy diplomatic envoy peace-keeping. Well, I’m not so sure.
population popular uprising 5 If I were playing devil’s advocate, I’d say all
terror terrorist attack elections should be monitored by international
region regional conflict observers. Perhaps, it’s hard to say.
finance financial crisis 6 On the other hand, you need to consider that
politics political corruption civilians should never be caught up in wars. Maybe,
peace peaceful protest you’re right. Who knows?
7 While I respect your position, I think peaceful
2 READING protest is the best way to change things. Maybe
you’re right. Who knows?
2 READING A Answers 8 While I respect your position, I think political
A For: Fidel Castro (friend and political ally), corruption nearly always leads to a financial crisis.
Brazilians (supports Samba parades), poor Well, I’m not so sure.
Mexicans (eye surgery), poor US citizens
(subsidized heating fuel), 3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES: The power of three
Against: US government (anti-communist history),
George Bush (has had war of words with Chavez), 3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES Answers
Antonia Ledezma (political opponent), Heritage 1d 2c 3b 4f 5a 6e
Foundation (right-wing think tank)
4 IDIOMS Answers
4 LISTEN C Answers
1f 2a 3e 4c 5b
C 1 60 cm 2 10–20 3 wood and propane
1 to bury the hatchet  to make resolve differences,
make peace 2 to build a bridge  to make contact
WORKBOOK: 1 WORD POWER to resolve differences / conflicts 3 to reopen old
wounds  to go back / to bring up old differences /
1 WORD POWER Sample answers
reasons for past conflict 4 to pick up the pieces 
1 Historically speaking, regional conflicts have to begin to sort things out after something difficult
often been a threat to stability in the world. has happened 5 to explore every avenue  to try /
Perhaps, it’s hard to say. investigate any possibilities
2 If you look at it from another perspective, I am
optimistic that the world will always send money
and help after natural disasters. Maybe you’re
right. Who knows?

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced Unit 11 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 12 6/24/09 10:50 AM Page 14

Unit 12 Click here! Answer Key See pages 54–57 SB, 105 WB


1 WORD POWER B Sample answers 1 WORD POWER Answers
1 I think we can assume that / My conclusion 1 googled 2 broadband 3 downloading
about this would be that / This leads me to 4 hackers 5 chat rooms 6 surfing
believe that hackers are a continuing problem.
1 I googled / used the Google search engine for all my
2 It’s fair to say that / My conclusion about this research info. This would clearly suggest that a lot
would be that / This leads me to believe that he of students use it for their research.
is a fairly well-known individual. 2 Korean broadband connections are so good, you can
3 This would clearly suggest that / My conclusion watch TV online. It’s fair to say that many countries
about this would be that countries that have invested will probably follow South Koreas’s lead.
in broadband, like Korea, have an advantage. 3 A lot of people don’t consider downloading / using
the internet to get music without paying is a criminal
2 READING activity. My conclusion about this would be that
people don’t see the crime affecting other people.
2 READING A, B Answers Here, it only seems to hurt companies.
A Lim = 1, 4 4 Many companies produce special software to
protect computer networks against hackers. It’s fair
B (Sample answers) 1-2 Andy / Katrina have fallen
to say that this should help with the problem.
in love. 3 Katrina’s grandmother doesn’t know that
5 Chat rooms can be fun, but also a bit risky. This
Katrina met Andy through a website because
leads me to believe that people are so curious they
Katrina thinks she wouldn’t understand. 4 Katrina’s
will take risks sometimes.
grandmother doesn’t know anything about Venus.
6 In my spare time I spend hours surfing the
She might not approve of her granddaughter
internet / looking at websites on the internet. My
meeting her husband through the internet.
conclusion about this would be that / This
would clearly would suggest that you don’t get
4 LISTEN AND WATCH DVD enough exercise.
B Many people are unhappy with not having their
own language available. They want to use them. 2 USE OF LANGUAGE Answers
Japanese and Korean use Chinese characters with 1 research 2 productivity 3 equipment
different meaning. There might be a separate 4 junk 5 progress 6 excitement
Chinese internet. 7 help 8 money 9 mail
C (Sample answers) I would hope they could find a Note: Other uncountable (or sometimes uncount-
compromise. / Or what if we never find a solution able) nouns in the text: email, news, history, hope,
that makes everyone happy? / Maybe, the UN postage.
could help provide a framework.
Other uncountables in the text show in bold italics:
D 1 In the early days, it was English-speaking, but A growing amount of (0)_traffic_ on the internet
now it’s multicultural. is now caused by spam. A type of (1) __ suggests
2 150,000 and it is growing. that spam accounts for over 40 per cent of all
3 Same word, different companies in different emails globally. If you consider that annually each
countries. employee receives about 2,100 junk emails and
4 More than 100 million. each takes about 6 seconds to delete, you can

© Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009 QSE Advanced Unit 12 BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 12 6/24/09 10:50 AM Page 15

Unit12 Click here! Answer Key See pages 54–57 SB, 105 WB

understand just how much (2) __ is lost. In the 4 IDIOMS

same way, if corporate servers need to hold that
much extra email, this means companies are buy- 4 IDIOMS Answers
ing a lot of extra (3) __ just to store a lot of use- 1d 2f 3e 4a 5b 6c
less (4) __. There has been some (5) __, with
1 to go haywire  to go crazy, be out of control
spam filters keeping out some spam. So what else
2 to bring to a standstill  to make something stop
can be done? Well, there was plenty of (6) __
3 to be a lone wolf  to live or act on your own
about the news that a lot of (7) __ is on the way
4 Sparks will fly  there will be trouble / an
and spam will be soon be history. Although several
solutions are being explored, a lot of (8)__ and
5 to start from scratch  to start from the very
hope is being placed on exploring the idea which
gives each email an identifiable ‘postage’ stamp. If
6 to be a bit of an unknown quantity  to be
the email is returned as spam, the sender will have
something / someone that people don’t know
to pay a few cents for postage. A lot of returned
(9) __, say ten million, would indeed make
spamming very expensive.

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced Unit 12 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 13 6/24/09 11:05 AM Page 16

Unit 13 What’s in the news? Answer Key See pages 58–61 SB, 106 WB

1 WORD POWER 2 I read in the paper that train fares are going up
by 10 per cent. They’re going to be really pricey.
1 WORD POWER A Answers Some people say that we are only paying half
1 for 2 in, from 3 with the real cost.
4 of 5 about 6 at 3 I heard there was more hooliganism at the footie
match last tonight. I would suggest that the football
1 WORD POWER B Answers league could do more to stop violence.
1 Arrested for pinching cop car 4 Did you see that telly programme about that bank
2 Pensioner bought shares in dodgy deal from manager who pinched a million pounds? I suspect
best mate that he knows more than he is letting on.
3 What’s up with the Prime Minister? 5 Are you still keen on going to see that film
4 Cost of living too pricey? Fed up with (Tired of ) tonight? I would suggest that the film next week
being broke? would be better.
5 Politicians touchy about electoral scam 6 It’s such a media stereotype! Not everyone from
6 Do blokes do their fair share at home? there is posh. Don’t you think it points to lazy
journalism to use stereotypes like that.
B 2 (Sample answers)
Based on this third headline, you could get the
impression that there was some problem with the 3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES: Use some quotes
Prime Minister. (Headline 3) 3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES Answers
I would suggest that the fourth headline deals with
1d 2b 3a 4c 5b
the cost of living. (Headline 4)
I believe that refers to men not helping with
housework. (Headline 6) 4 IDIOMS
4 IDIOMS Answers
2 READING 1b 2c 3d 4e 5a
2 READING A Answers 1 to have a thick skin  not be sensitive to
criticism 2 to break the story  give the
Mediaset, main private TV company in Italy;
information / tell the story in public 3 to have a
controls a large share of publishing and newspaper
sharp tongue  to be very critical, rude 4 on
market, including Mondadori, Italy’s largest book
the box  on the television 5 through the rumour
and magazine publishing group, and Il Giornale, a
mill  from the gossip that goes round
leading national newspaper.


1 WORD POWER Answers
1 All these documentaries on television are really
daft. Based on this, you could get the impression
that people don’t want to watch anything more

© Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009 QSE Advanced Unit 13 BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 14 6/24/09 11:20 AM Page 17

Unit 14 Heroes and villains Answer Key See pages 62–65 SB, 107 WB


1 WORD POWER B1 Sample answers 1 WORD POWER Sample answers
I’m sorry. It’s just that I don’t see Britney Spears as a 1 I’m sorry. It’s just that I disagree with you
good role model. / It’s quite difficult, but I think about Eminem. – Well, there’s always a first
Christina Aguilera can be a positive role model. / If I time for everything. 2 I often wonder if maybe
could just mention one thing, I think Kofi Annan parents expect celebrities to be unreasonably
is a good role model despite the Oil for Food responsible. – You’ll have your work cut out for
scandal. / Actually, I had thought that / I often you if you think you can change their minds.
wonder if maybe Tanni Grey-Thomson wouldn’t be 3 It’s quite difficult to know for certain, but I
a role model if you don’t like sport. think a teenager’s friends are their most important
role models. – It stands to reason. 4 If I could
2 READING just mention one thing, I have always looked up
to my father. – It stands to reason. 5 I’m sorry.
2 READING A Answers It’s just that we’ll only play if she coaches the
A 1D 2C 3E 4B team. – Well, don’t hold your breath! 6 If I
could just mention one thing. When I was
2 READING B Answers growing up my hero was Spider-man. – It stands
1 Drew and Lisa don’t think pop stars are not good to reason. He was my hero too. 7 Actually, I
role models for young people, Mairead thinks had thought that most people were shocked with
Eminem is a good role model because he tells / says the arrest of the star. – The bigger they are, the
it how it is. harder they fall. 8 I often wonder if maybe she
2 (Sample answer) The irony is that he played inspired me to become a doctor. – There’s always
Superman, an invincible super hero, but he was a first time for everything.
not invincible. In real life, he could be injured like
anyone else. / He played a superhuman man of 2 USE OF LANGUAGE: Joining clauses
steel but in real life, when he was paralysed in an
accident, he showed more courage than an 2 USE OF LANGUAGE Answers
imaginary character. 1 that / which 2 that 3 what 4 who 5 When
6 which / that 7 because / when 8 that
4 LISTEN B, C, D Answers
B Spider-man: complex hero and very human, lot 4 IDIOMS Answers
of problems but faces them, an accidental hero: 1f 2e 3a 4b 5d 6c
Superman: an early blueprint for superheroes, good 1 babes in arms  very young children so not able
guy, helps people; Wonder Woman: independent. to do things for themselves 2 to take their cue  to
follow the example of 3 to show guts  to show
C (Sample answer) Comic book genre dominated by
courage, be brave 4 to be in good hands  to be
male characters, but some strong female characters
helped by reliable people 5 in someone’s good
such as Wonder Woman.
books  in favour with someone 6 to take under
D 1 1938–1954; 2 His grandfather drew cartoons someone’s wing  to be given someone’s protection
for comic books / comic book cartoonist; 3 The
good guys against the bad guys, fighting crime and
helping people. 4 Wonder Woman – independent,
Batgirl – helper, extension of a male character like

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced Unit 14 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009
QSE_Answer Key_ER2 6/24/09 12:27 PM Page 18

ER 2 Snowboard nirvana Answer Key See pages 66–67 SB


1 READING A Answers 3 IN THE POWDER Answers

1 The snowboarders travel to Laax Crap based on lift station
the advice of the snowboard shop guy in Verbier, Mammoth Mountain (major snow boarding resort)
Switzerland. mountain
2 They are shocked and awed by its size. Later they (rockin’) park
said, ‘Laax rocks!’ rockin’  cool, very good
3 Swiss Germans were friendlier and drink about park  short for snowboard park, a outdoor
ten times as much. complex designed for snowboarders with
equipment for doing snowboard tricks
(good) pipe
2 IDIOMS Answers pipe  half-pipe, a semi-circular slope designed
A 1 snap out of something 2 gain a reputation for for snowboarding aerial tricks
3 give something a go 4 pull someone’s leg 5 not powder
judge a book by its cover 6 make a mental note of resort
something ride
snowboard mag(azine)
B 1 Why don’t you give surfing a go? You’ll like it. snowboard shop
2 Ron quickly gained a reputation for drinking vertical (metres)  height
too much. Whistler Blackcomb (ski resort)
3 You’re pulling my leg. Nobody can hold their
breath for six minutes.
4 I made a mental note of what she said in case she
denied it later.
5 Hey! Snap out of it! You almost stepped in front
of that bus.
6 You can’t judge a book by its cover. He’s not as
mean as he looks.

© Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009 QSE Advanced ER2 BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 15 6/25/09 2:54 AM Page 19

Unit 15 Family matters Answer Key See pages 68–71 SB, 108 WB


1 WORD POWER A1 Sample answers 1 WORD POWER Sample answers
Top picture: whole picture – extended family; back 1 If I need advice, I ask my parents. 2 If I see her, I
row from left – cousins, nuclear family, newlyweds; will tell her. 3 If I won the lottery, my family would
middle row from left – divorced / separated, uncle / be very excited. 4 If it had been me, I would have
aunt, adopted child, cousins, in-laws; front row gone out of the room. 5 If I’m late, my parents get
from left – single-parent family, nuclear family, worried. 6 If you love each other, you will have a
cousins (young children). Lower picture: newlyweds. happy family. 7 If I was / were a divorced father in
Britain, I would try to see my children as often as
1 WORD POWER B Sample answers possible / every day / week. 8 If I had known ten
It’s usually the case that people have extended years ago what I know now, I would have become a
family. Most people say that the nuclear family is teacher.
not that common, but I think it is. Everyone seems
to think that adopted children are not common, 3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES: Emphasising a point
but I think they are more common than people
think. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t got uncles 3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES Sample answers
and aunts. 1 do not 2 never expect 3 do place
4 is not 5 should not 6 do function
2 READING 7 would argue 8 should matter

2 READING A1, A2 Answers 4 IDIOMS

1 Many women don’t return to paid work until
after the children are at school. A small number stay 4 IDIOMS Answers
at home and don’t go back to work at all. 1e 2f 3c 4a 5d 6b
2 (Sample answers) If I have children, I will put 1 a chip off the old block  exactly like your parent
them before career. / If I have children, I will do 2 Blood is thicker than water  Family is more
things differently from my parents. / If they had important than other people 3 a mummy’s boy 
families and careers, they would be busy but more spoiled, immature man 4 a family man  man who
content. / If I was an older woman, I would point considers his family very important 5 a ready-made
out that women nowadays only had a choice because family  step-children through marriage, without
of what we did before. / If I was an older woman, giving birth to them or adopting them 6 the black
I would advise my daughter to take it easier. sheep of the family  person in family who is not
considered respectable or successful

4 LISTEN B Answers
B 1 media 2 three 3 three 4 planned
5 sister 6 older 7 seventeen 8 career

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced Unit 15 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 16 6/24/09 11:40 AM Page 20

Unit 16 Let’s change the subject! Answer key See pages 72–75 SB, 109 WB


1 WORD POWER A Sample answers 4 LISTEN B Answers

I’d put student needs first. The next most important B 1B 2A 3A 4C
is standardised testing. Equally important is the
subject matter. And again the curriculum has to WORKBOOK: 1 WORD POWER
follow government policy. Then I’d put the amount
of budget available to allocate, and the classroom 1 WORD POWER Sample answers
resources would come next. And finally, the need to I’d put ‘gather information about different
understand adolescent psychology. universities’ first. The next most important would
be ‘take a tour or look at web pages of prospective
1 WORD POWER B Sample answers universities’. Then I would ‘send an application to
1 I would put forward the idea that the teacher the university’. Equally important is to ‘apply for a
would need to give extra lessons for the dyslexic loan and scholarships’. This would be followed by
student. ‘apply for accommodation if the university is away
2 I am confident that a newly arrived immigrant from you live’. Also I would ‘see an advisor to
student would get English / ESL lessons to allow discuss which classes you should take’. And finally,
them keep up with regular classes. I would ‘register for classes’.
3 We should realise that a pregnant student is still a
student. She should be treated with the same respect 2 USE OF LANGUAGE: Gerund and infinitive
and given the same opportunities to learn as others.
4 It can be argued that a new teacher might try
many new activities until they find a formula that 1 to lead 2 continuing 3 to pay
works. 4 raising 5 being excluded 6 to learn
5 I can confirm that excessive budget cuts would 7 to end up 8 ensuring 9 to decide
make it difficult for teachers to include as many 10 to live
activities as they would like.
2 READING A Answers 1f 2a 3d 4e 5b 6d
1 transformation 2 reconciliation 3 inclusive 1 to speak your mind  to say what you think openly
4 manipulated 5 neglected 2 to broaden your mind  to increase your
experience through travel, education, contact with
2 READING B Answers other people, etc.
1 He talks about hunters and lion to describe 3 to pick up (a language, a skill)  to acquire /
history, natural history / cultural connection with learn (a language, etc.)
traditional way of life. 4 to set the bar high  to have high standards
2 Generally negative – gives statistics plus doesn’t have 5 to have a memory like a sieve  to have a very
what Finland does, but minister is optimistic at end. bad memory, forget everything
3 Up to the students to decide: (Suggested answers) 6 to pass with flying colours  to succeed with very
South Africa: government policy, subject matter, good mark
student needs. UK: student needs, government
policy, adolescent psychology.

© Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009 QSE Advanced Unit 16 BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 17 6/24/09 11:50 AM Page 21

Unit 17 Adventures in science Answer Key See pages 76–79 SB, 110 WB


1 WORD POWER A1, A2 Answers 4 WATCH AND LISTEN B, C Answers

1c 2b 3e 4a 5d B Satellites can run out of energy or fall out of orbit.
Fuel tanks are explosive and don’t always fall back to
2 (Sample answers) As you are probably aware,
Earth. Astronauts could easily be killed in space by
magnetic levitation trains can greatly improve
the flow of traffic in cities. As a matter of fact, this debris, and can create it if they are not careful.
bionics might lead to technology that would allow C 1 9,500 2 almost 200 3 hit by a sphere 1.2 cm
paralysed people to walk. The simple fact is that in diameter, caused a lot of damage
hydrogen fuel cells might be the answer to global
1 WORD POWER B, C Sample answers 1 WORD POWER Answers
B 1 Consequently, this means that we could cure 1 It follows logically then that… (e)
many types of spinal injuries. 2 Consequently, this means that… (c)
2 It follows logically then that we should be 3 From here we can conclude that… (a)
careful about how much of it we eat. 4 Clearly then, this indicates that… (b)
3 From here, we can conclude that we should train 5 It follows logically then that… (d)
more people as engineers than scientists.
C 1 The project for mapping the human genome 3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES: Key words
promises many great benefits from genetically
customised drugs to identifying the genes 3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES Sample answers
responsible for different diseases. 1 The initial experiment. 2 What went wrong.
2 This is the classic debate in psychology. What 3 The research continues. 4 300 scientific papers.
is the greatest influence: our parents and the way 5 Evidence of nuclear reactions. 6 Problems remain.
they raise us or the genes passed onto us by our
parents? The 1990 Minnesota Study on Twins 4 IDIOMS
Reared Apart (Science. Bouchard et al) found little
difference between identical twins brought up 4 IDIOMS Answers
together and brought up apart in terms of 1c 2a 3d 4e 5b
temperament, career and leisure interests and social 1 to break new ground  to do something other
attitudes. people have not done before 2 to pick your
brains  to get information from someone and
2 READING use it to your own advantage 3 to hit the
headlines  to be in the news (literally on the
2 READING A Answers front page of the newspapers) 4 to loom large on
1 both 2 spider-goat the horizon  to appear imminent, likely 5 to be a
3 HAL 3 4 spider-goat cornerstone  to be the basis of, be an essential
part of

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced Unit 17 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 18 6/25/09 2:55 AM Page 22

Unit 18 The company we keep Answer Key See pages 80–83 SB, 111 WB


1 WORD POWER B Sample answers 1 WORD POWER Sample answers
B Summarising – To sum up, I think the 1 Intolerance towards foreigners is the root cause of
government is doing a great job with job creation. / anti-immigration feelings. – Do you honestly think
For this reason, I feel social integration is working. / so? I think it is much more complex. 2 Two-tiered
As I have already pointed out, we have less healthcare, for those who can and can’t afford to pay is
homelessness today. the way of the future. – Not if we consider that this
Contradicting – Frankly, I can’t see it. Healthcare same system has led to big problems in the United
is worse today than a decade ago. / Do you honestly States. Many people think the system there is not
think so? Illegal immigration is continuing to rise. / working there. 3 Vandalism only occurs in deprived
In actual fact, it’s just the opposite. Substance areas. – I would argue that it’s actually happening in
abuse is increasing every year. all areas of the community. 4 Substance abuse can
lead to involvement with crime. – In actual fact,
2 READING it’s just the opposite. It’s involvement with criminals
selling the drugs that leads to the abuse. 5 Young
2 READING A Answers people move to large cities to find work but many end
1e 2c 3a 4d 5b up sleeping rough. – Come on, you have to admit
that many of those people don’t really want to have a
2 READING B Answers job and responsibilities. 6 The government isn’t doing
B 1 The hidden homeless are hidden because enough to stop illegal immigration. – Frankly, I can’t
they are not recorded in official statistics as see it. They spent millions on new border security.
homeless. They are homeless because they do not
have a permanent place to live that they can call 2 USE OF LANGUAGE: Word forms
2 Rough sleepers are people who sleep rough on the 2 USE OF LANGUAGE Answers
street. 1 remains 2 immigration 3 employment
3 Here see means to have a meeting with; stem 4 falling 5 crashing 6 nationality
(from) means to come / originate from; face means 7 dangerous 8 shortage
to confront something or someone, usually a
4 LISTEN B Answers 1b 2d 3e 4a 5f 6c
True: They have computer education programmes. 1 to tighten our belts  to make economies to save
They use the internet. money 2 out of the public purse  from public or
government funds 3 to throw the book at  to
4 LISTEN C Answers punish severely 4 to fight a losing battle  to try to
1 Over one million do / change something but failing 5 to take the
2 children’s party videos drastic step of  to perform a very strong or
3 75,000 young people extreme action 6 to kick the habit  to cure / stop
4 Colombia, Uruguay, Mexico the addiction

© Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009 QSE Advanced Unit 18 BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 19 6/25/09 2:56 AM Page 23

Unit 19 Stressed out ! Answer Key See pages 84–87 SB, 112 WB


1 WORD POWER A2 Sample answers 1 WORD POWER Sample answers
I know exactly how you feel you feel. I’ve had my 1 I injured my back while I was working out at the
appendix out. It was scary going into the operating gym. – You must be feeling absolutely terrible.
theatre. / I can imagine what that flight must have Have you seen the doctor? / There’s nothing to
been like. I’ve flown through rough weather too. / worry about. Take some painkillers. 2 I took the
I know exactly how you must feel. I hate speaking red-eye flight to Lisbon and feel really tired and
in front of an audience. stressed today. – I can see how difficult it must be
for you to stay awake. You look really tired. / It’s not
1 WORD POWER C Sample answers such a big thing. Have some coffee. 3 My doctor
1 Some events which can cause post-traumatic said I need to watch my diet if I want to improve my
stress disorder: military combat, natural disasters, health. – I know exactly how you must be feeling.
car accident, near-death experiences or violent My doctor said I needed more exercise. / Let’s try to
personal assaults like rape. keep things in perspective. Just eat smaller portions.
2 When overly stressed people become burnt out, 4 I felt better after taking those anti-depressants, but I
they can develop depression over feelings of not didn’t like the side-effects. – That must have been
being able to cope. very hard for you. Is there anything I can do? /
Everything’s going to be fine. You’ll soon get used to
them. 5 I’m worried about my husband – he finds it
2 READING difficult to switch off and gets stressed. – I feel so
sorry for both of you. It can be hard to leave work
2 READING A Answers behind. / Try to calm down; worrying won’t help.
1 frail 2 procedure He just needs a hobby. 6 After serving in the army,
3 random 4 bid my father developed post-traumatic stress disorder. – I
5 proven can imagine how painful it must have been for
him. Can he get any help for that? / There’s nothing
2 READING B2 Sample answers to worry about. It’s a common reaction.
People were stressed by reading out loud. Then,
blood pressure was measured to see if the 3 SPEAKING STRATEGIES: Anticipating questions
presence of fish in an aquarium reduced stress.
It did.
1f 2c 3d 4b 5a 6e


4 LISTEN B, C, D Answers 4 IDIOMS Answers
B True: People’s health improves; people giggle. 1b 2d 3c 4a 5f 6e
False: People tell jokes; people talk to each other.
1 to lose the plot  to feel stressed or out of control
C If you see other people laughing, you start 2 to pay the price  to suffer the consequences 3 to
laughing yourself / too. compare notes  to check each other’s information
D 1 5,000 members. about something 4 just what the doctor ordered 
2 You see other people laughing. exactly the right thing 5 to let off steam  to
3 On 13 March, 1995, Madan Kataria went to a express strong feeling, release pent-up emotion
park and said she wanted to start a laughter club. 6 an emotional rollercoaster  lead to very strong
4 Laughter yoga. swings / variations in feelings / emotions

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced Unit 19 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009
QSE_Answer Key_Unit 20 6/24/09 2:52 PM Page 24

Unit 20 Shock tactics Answer Key See pages 88–91 SB, 113 WB


1 WORD POWER B Sample answers 1 WORD POWER Answers
1 Straight-A students have problems too. If I were 1 Young people say they want to be individuals, but
to hazard a guess, I might say that we all need they just copy each other. I’m not sure I would say
help sometimes. that, they are just doing their best.
2 There is a generation gap between parents and 2 Young people should be allowed room to make
young people today. It could be the case that mistakes. It seems as if that is the case.
there is one, but every generation thinks the same 3 Young women are never as bad as young men.
thing. I’m not sure I would agree with your statement.
3 Something needs to be done about these yobs. What about girl gangs?
I would be a little concerned that people will 4 Television is responsible for making young people
overreact about this. behave badly. I would be a little concerned that
4 Peer pressure pushes young people into risky we blame television for everything. Parents have a
behaviour. It seems as if peer pressure is very role to play as well.
strong, but parents can play their part. 5 Teenagers can always get drugs or alcohol if they
want. I don’t think anything can stop that. I would
2 READING be a little concerned that that if you give up hope,
it won’t help.
2 READING A Answers 6 We can only hope a good education will keep
A 1 no 2 yes 3 yes 4 no young people safe. If I were to hazard a guess, I
might say education is the most important thing in
helping young people find the right path in life.
4 LISTEN B Answers 2 USE OF LANGUAGE: Word Forms
Swimming: not mentioned. Responsible drinking: 2 USE OF LANGUAGE Answers
Not mentioned, they want to bring enough
1 sharpen 2 revolutionised 3 increase 4 banned
alchohol so they don’t run out. They provide only
5 fear 6 remains 7 organised 8 requesting
nachos and light snacks. And they are only
concerned about the drinking in terms of the
impact on locals. Fun party games: Yes, Mexican 4 IDIOMS
theme. Sightseeing: Yes, they visit a nearby island. 4 IDIOMS Answers
4 LISTEN C Answers 1 were 2 saw / sees 3 open
4 nip 5 kept 6 scratching
1 Mexican (Getaway).
2 Mexican music, trance and deep house. 1 to be on the same wavelength  to understand
3 A lot to drink, but only a little food (including each other and think alike 2 to see everything
nachos with salsa and guacamole). in black and white  to see things in very
4 People getting into trouble with the police for clear terms, not in nuances 3 to open the
carrying open bottles of alcohol through the floodgates  to allow something to get out of
town and being fined (50 euros), or making too control 4 to nip something in the bud  to stop
much noise. something before it really starts 5 to keep his
5 They don’t really seem to be. nose clean  to behave well 6 to scratch their
heads over  to worry about what to do, to be
confused about what to do

© Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009 QSE Advanced Unit 20 BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING
QSE_Answer Key_ER3 6/24/09 12:29 PM Page 25

ER 3 Not all Natives are created equal Answer Key See pages 92–93 SB

1 READING A Answers 3 WHAZZUP? Answers
1 He has preconceptions of African-Americans as Grammar
dangerous. Without realising it, he walks into a bar Where you from, boy? – Where (are) you
where there are only African-Americans. from, boy?
2 He speaks to Big Glenn, who makes him feel at Hi, where ya from? – Hello, where (are) you from?
ease and changes his perception of blacks. I ain’a goin’a bite you – I(’m not) going (to)
3 If he could feel like he did about blacks even after bite you
meeting Glenn, he wonders how whites would see Yo, cool! – Oh, cool!
him. Where you from, boy? – Where are you from, sir /
2 IDIOMS You’z sure in’a hell ain’t from round here. – You
are sure in the hell not from around here.
2 IDIOMS Answers Ya’ll take care now! – You take care now.
A 1 big deal What the __ you lookin’ at? – What the __ (are)
2 comfort zone you looking at?
3 the real world
4 blurt out Words
5 smart ass hood – neighbourhood
6 to put someone at ease Injun – Indian
B 1 put everyone / at ease ain’t – is / are not
2 the real world yo – you / you’re
3 smart ass ya – you
4 comfort zone you’z – you are
5 blurted out y’all – you (all)
6 big deal hi – hello

BROOKEMEAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING QSE Advanced ER3 © Brookemead Associates Ltd 2009

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