Steam Overview
Steam Overview
Steam Overview
We probably have the information and tools to answer your questions about making your steam system more
efficient. If not, we will connect you to someone who does. Contact our clearinghouse at: (800) 862-2086, or
visit our web site:
Combustion Gases
Isolation End Use Process Heater
Combustion Valve
Air Preheater
Economizer Generation
Shell and Tube
Heat Exchanger Steam Trap
Running a steam system efficiently requires much more than tuning boilers
because many cost-saving opportunities exist downstream from the boiler.
industry improve energy efficiency and competitiveness in the near-term. In conjunction with the overall
BestPractices Program, the part of energy management devoted to steam offers a substantial array of products
and assistance to industry and to organizations that promote industrial energy efficiency.
Diagnostic Software
• The Steam Scoping Tool guides an evaluation of your steam system against well-documented industry
best practices.
• 3E Plus software evaluates and specifies insulation thickness for steam distribution systems.
• The Steam System Assessment Tool (available late 2002) helps analyze steam system “what-ifs” for cal-
culating energy savings and cost implications of system improvements.
• Other commercially available analysis software is referenced via the program Web site and sourcebook.
Program-to-Industry Communications
• Energy Matters is a DOE periodical circulated to industry. It provides informational articles on energy man-
agement, including BestPractices Steam.
• The Steaming Ahead electronic newsletter is dedicated specifically to the steam systems audience. An
accompanying Web site ( provides additional detail to news briefs in the e-mailed
newsletter, document downloads, and links.
• Articles related to steam system optimization are written for trade journals. Articles target plant managers.
Industry Networking
Cumulative leaks in a steam distribution and condensate recovery system can Fred Hart
add up to tens of thousands of dollars in losses per year. Industrial Technologies Program
Phone: (202) 586-1496
Fax: (202) 586-3237
[email protected]
EERE Industrial Technologies Program
EERE covers a broad spectrum of energy efficiency and renewable energy OIT Information Clearinghouse
Phone: (800) 862-2086
technologies and offers an array of resources, tools, and information for the Fax: (360) 586-8303
buildings, industrial, power generation, and transportation sectors. The [email protected]
Industrial Technologies Program in EERE provides resources in the areas of
current and emerging energy efficiency and renewable technologies and energy Please send any comments,
questions, or suggestions to
management best practices. These resources include printed materials, soft- [email protected]
ware, awareness workshops, Web sites, training, and the Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy Clearinghouse. Visit our home page at:
BestPractices energy management is an integral part of EERE Industries of the Industrial Technologies Program
Future strategy that helps the most energy intensive industries in the U.S. Energy Efficiency
improve their competitiveness. BestPractices introduces best available and and Renewable Energy
emerging technologies from a number of EERE programs plus energy manage- U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585-0121
ment practices to help companies, large and small, improve energy efficiency,
environmental performance, and productivity.