HR Demand and Supply Match

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HR Demand and Supply Match:

HR Demand Forecasting

Forecasting human resource demand is the process of estimating the future human resource
requirement of right quality and right number. Potential human resource requirement is to be
estimated keeping in view the organisation's plans over a given period of time. Analysis of
employment trends; replacement needs of employees due to death, resignations, retirement
termination; productivity of employees; growth and expansion of organisation; absenteeism and
labour turnover are the relevant factors for human resourced forecasting. Demand forecasting is
affected by a number of external and internal factors. Job analysis and forecasting about the
quality of potential human resource facilitates demand forecasting. So, existing job design must
be thoroughly evaluated taking into consideration the future capabilities of the present
employees. Human Resource Demand Forecasting depends on several factors, some of which
are: Employment trends; Replacement needs; Productivity; Absenteeism; and Expansion and

HR Supply forecasting

Human Resource supply forecasting is the process of estimating availability of human resource
followed after demand for testing of human resource. For forecasting supply of human resource
we need to consider internal and external supply. Internal supply of human resource available by
way of transfers, promotions, retired employees & recall of laid-off employees, etc. Source of
external supply of human resource is availability of labour force in the market and new
recruitment. External supply of human resource depends on some factors like: Supply and
demand of jobs; literacy rate of nation; rate of population; industry and expected growth rate and
levels; technological development; compensation system based on education, experience, skill
and age.

Matching HR Demand and Supply

It is one of the objectives of human resource planning to assess the demand for and supply of
human resources and match both to know shortages and surpluses on both the side in kind and in
number. This will enable the human resource department to know overstaffing or understaffing.
Once the manpower gaps are identified, plans are prepared to bridge these gaps. Plans to meet
the surplus manpower may be redeployment in other departments and retrenchment in
consultation, with the trade unions. People may be persuaded to quit through voluntarily
retirement. Deficit can be met through recruitment, selection, transfer, promotion, and training
plans. Realistic plans for the procurement and development of manpower should be made after
considering the macro and microenvironment which affect the manpower objectives of the


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