Research Journal
Volume 9, No. 26, June 2015, pages 89–95 Research Article
DOI: 10.12913/22998624/2370
Department of Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Aviation Propulsion Systems, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36, 20-618 Lublin, Poland, e-mail: z.czyz@pollub.
pl; [email protected]
Department of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education
in Biala Podlaska, Sidorska 95/97, 21-500 Biała Podlaska, Poland, e-mail: [email protected]
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 9 (26) 2015
cluding the mapping of all the twists and fluctua- RESEARCH OBJECT AND METHODOLOGY
tions in the position of objects relative to the air-
flow should also be similar. Dynamic similarity The object of the research was autogyro mod-
is much harder to keep. This type of similarity is el, called Gyro - One, which is shown in Figure 1.
observed when the forces acting on the real ob- This is an unmanned RC aircraft, which is pro-
ject and the model are consistent with the terms pelled using 1000 W electric engine with a maxi-
of similarities. For this purpose, it is necessary mum take-off weight of about 4 kg. Autogyro is
to keep the number of criterion, among which over 1.050 mm in length and 510 mm in height.
we can find the Mach number, the coefficient of Main rotor diameter is 1800 mm. More details
forward velocity, Froude number, Strouhal num- about the object are added in a different paper [3].
ber or Reynolds and Locke number [2].
The more we reduce the object size, the
number of criterial and transform results on a
real object are more difficult to keep. Depart-
ment of Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and
Aviation Propulsion Systems at Lublin Univer-
sity of Technology is equipped with a GUNT
HM 170 wind tunnel which has the cross-sec-
tion of the test chamber 292×292 mm respec-
tively. In order to examine EM-11 Orka plane
with a span of 13.5 m in this tunnel, it should
be reduced at least 67 times. If we do so, the
Reynolds number, which is the ratio of the aero-
dynamic forces of inertia to air viscosity should Fig. 1. Research object Gyro - One
increase the flow rate by the same times. Even
in the case of the minimum velocity for the air- Autogyro is mounted on the balance scale
craft, which is 90 km/h, the velocity in wind equipped with a strain gauge for measuring an
tunnel should be equal to 6030 km/h. Only in additional resistance force (Fig. 2). Autogyro is
this case, this number does not meet the crite- fixed to the mast (1) mounted on a linear bearing
rion (with the same working medium). It is also (6). Under the pressure of the air flow it produces
not clear if the fact that the phenomena occur- the tension on the strain gauge (2) by a rod (7).
ring at the actual flow around the aircraft and The signal from the strain gauge is processed by
the model will be the same. In addition, such a measuring cards and read using a program devel-
high flow velocity are not possible to achieve oped in LabVIEW software.
using this wind tunnel and we will be not able The whole structure was mounted on a ve-
to meet different criterion numbers. Recogniz- hicle with a luggage rack. For the experiment,
ing the need to study larger objects, it was de- Opel Vectra sedan B was used. Autogyro was po-
cided to verify the alternative method, in which
the movement of the autogyro (research object)
to air was produced by fixing the autogyro with
scales to measure the drag force on the car roof.
So it is a moving car that forces the air flow
around the test object. This method, depending
on the used scale makes possible to test indi-
vidual components provides a measure of the
aerodynamic forces and moments.
The results of resistance force obtained from
the experiment were compared to the results ob-
tained by numerical calculations. Numerically
obtained velocity field of pressure and air flow
Fig. 2. View of balance scale, 1. mast, 2. strain gauge
formed around the contours of the vehicles al- to measure the power of drag force, 3. rails, 4. plat-
lowed accurately assess the measurement in con- form for scales to measure lift, 5. stringers, 6. linear
ditions that were shown. bearings
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 9 (26) 2015
Table 1. General settings of numerical analysis for the Table 2. General settings of numerical analysis for the
airflow around the vehicle airflow around the autogyro geometry
Basic Type Pressure-based Basic Type Pressure-based
parameter Time Steady parameters Time Steady
Viscous Viscous
Models k-omega (2-eqn) SST Models k-omega (2-eqn) SST
model model
Fluid Air Fluid Air
Materials Density Incompressible-ideal-gas Materials Density Incompressible-ideal-gas
Viscosity Constant 1.7894e-05 Viscosity Constant 1.7894e-05
Velocity 72 [km/h] Velocity 0–90 [km/h]
Turbulent Turbulent
Inlet 10 Inlet 1
intensity [%] intensity [%]
Hydraulic Turbulent length
14 0.28
Boundary diameter [m] Boundary scale [m]
conditions gauge conditions gauge
Pressure-outlet Pressure-outlet
pressure 0 Pa pressure 0 Pa
Turbulent Turbulent
Outlet 10 Outlet 1
intensity [%] intensity [%]
Hydraulic Turbulent length
14 0.28
diameter [m] scale [m]
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 9 (26) 2015
Fig. 5. Geometric model of the autogyro prepared for the CFD analysis
bolts, nuts, and holes. Table 2 shows the general shows the pressure field around the vehicle. We
settings for the numerical analysis of flow around can observe that at the transition between the
the autogyro geometry. surface of the glass and the roof area, the pres-
sure is about –0.6713 kPa. Static pressure drop
causes an increase in the flow rate as it is shown
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS in Figure 9. Undisturbed air stream velocity is
20 m/s (the boundary condition of numerical
Figure 6 shows the drag force as a function of analysis), and increases nearly doubled in the
velocity of the moving vehicle. Results recorded largest vacuum.
from several testes were approximated with a sec- In order to determine the velocity field around
ond-degree polynomial line. the autogyro, additional figure 10 was shown, in
The drag force from experimental research as which autogyro model was applied into the veloc-
a function of the velocity of vehicle were com- ity field map.
pared with the results of numerical calculations. It can be seen that the velocity field, where the
It turns out that the drag force of the numerical autogyro is mounted is not uniform. In the lower
calculations account for about 50% of the experi- part of the object of the velocity is about 29 m/s
mental results. while at the top it decreases to about 25 m/s. For
In order to explain such a large differences it simplicity, we can assume that the average speed
was decided to investigate the velocity and the acting on the model is 27 m/s. If we consider this
pressure field around the used vehicle. Figure 8 value of the velocity in the calculation of the drag
Fig. 6. The drag force as a function of velocity obtained from experimental studies
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 9 (26) 2015
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 9 (26) 2015
Fig. 10. Velocity field around the vehicle with the autogyro
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 9 (26) 2015