System Description and Installation Manual
System Description and Installation Manual
System Description and Installation Manual
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nor the information contained herein shall be used, reproduced, or disclosed to others without the written
authorization of ACSS, except to the extent required for installation or maintenance of the recipient's
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Table of Contents
Subject Page
1. Proprietary, Export, and Precautionary Data .........................................................................INTRO-1
A Proprietary Notice ...............................................................................................................INTRO-1
B Export Notice ......................................................................................................................INTRO-1
C Special Precautions ............................................................................................................INTRO-1
2. Content Data ..........................................................................................................................INTRO-2
A How to Use This Manual ....................................................................................................INTRO-2
B Weights and Measurements ...............................................................................................INTRO-3
C Acronyms and Abbreviations ..............................................................................................INTRO-3
3. Customer Assistance .............................................................................................................INTRO-5
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................... 1-1
1. General ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1
A. Limitations ................................................................................................................................ 1-1
2. System Components ....................................................................................................................... 1-2
3. System Description ......................................................................................................................... 1-7
A. GPS Functional Overview ........................................................................................................ 1-9
B. FIS-B Functional Overview ...................................................................................................... 1-9
C. Discrete Interfaces ................................................................................................................... 1-9
D. RS-232/WiFi Function ............................................................................................................ 1-10
E. Built-In Test Functions ........................................................................................................... 1-10
F. Position Data ARINC 429 Interface ........................................................................................... 1-10
G. Failure Classifications ............................................................................................................ 1-10
4. General Description....................................................................................................................... 1-12
5. Component Descriptions ............................................................................................................... 1-12
A. NXG-900 Receiver ................................................................................................................. 1-12
6. Functional Description and Operation ........................................................................................... 1-16
7. System Software Upload/Fault Log Download ............................................................................. 1-17
A. Installation Procedure for USB Driver .................................................................................... 1-18
B. Windows XP Installation ........................................................................................................ 1-18
C. Windows 7 Installation ........................................................................................................... 1-20
D. Installation Procedure for USB Driver Installation Utility for Win 8 and 10 ............................ 1-23
E. Using the Maintenance PC .................................................................................................... 1-26
8. Software Data Uploading and Part Number Verification Procedures. .......................................... 1-28
9. Fault Log Downloading Procedures .............................................................................................. 1-30
10. WiFi / Dongle Configuration ....................................................................................................... 1-33
MECHANICAL INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................. 2-1
1. General ............................................................................................................................................ 2-1
2. Equipment and Materials for Installation ......................................................................................... 2-1
A. NXG-900 and Antenna Provisions ........................................................................................... 2-1
B. Antenna Coaxial Cable Requirement ...................................................................................... 2-5
3. Mechanical Installation Design ........................................................................................................ 2-5
A. Installation ................................................................................................................................ 2-5
B. Location .................................................................................................................................... 2-6
C. GPS and optional L-Band (FIS-B) Antenna Provisions ........................................................... 2-9
D. Aircraft Configuration Requirements ...................................................................................... 2-11
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................. 3-1
List of Illustrations
Figure Page
List of Tables
Table Page
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A Proprietary Notice
(1) This document and the information disclosed herein are proprietary data of
ACSS. Neither this document nor the information contained herein shall be
used, reproduced, or disclosed to others without written authorization of ACSS,
except to the extent required for installation or maintenance of the recipient’s
(2) This document is being furnished in confidence by ACSS. The information
disclosed herein falls within exemption (b) (4) of 5 USC 552 and the prohibitions
of 18 USC 1905. Copyright 2014 ACSS. All Rights Reserved.
(3) ACSS is a U.S. registered trademark of ACSS. All other marks are owned by
their respective companies.
B Export Notice
(1) This document contains unrestricted technical data and is being exported under
license exception TSU/OTS in accordance with EAR Section 740.13(a).
(2) These commodities, technology, or software were exported from the United
States in accordance with the export administration regulations. Diversion
contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. ECCN: 7E994 Schedule B#4901.99.0050.
C Special Precautions
(1) Warnings, cautions, and notes in this manual give the data that follows:
• A WARNING is an operation or maintenance procedure or condition that, if
not obeyed, can cause injury or death.
• A CAUTION is an operation o r maintenance procedure or condition that, if
not obeyed, can cause damage to the equipment.
• A NOTE gives data to make the work easier or gives directions to go to a
(2) All personnel who operate equipment and do maintenance specified in this
manual must know and obey the safety precautions. The warnings and cautions
that follow apply to all parts of this manual.
2. Content Data
(1) This manual gives general system description and installation information for the NXG-
900 GPS. It also gives block diagram and interconnect information to permit a general
understanding of the overall system.
(2) The purpose of this manual is to help you install, operate, maintain, and
troubleshoot the GPS receiver in the aircraft. Common system maintenance
procedures are not presented in this manual. The best established shop and
flight line practices should be used.
(3) Related publications that are referred to in this manual are identified in Table
(1) All weights and measurements are in U.S. and S. I. (metric) values.
(2) The letter symbols for units of measurement are the same as shown in
ANSI/IEEE Std 260.
(1) The acronyms and abbreviations that follow help the reader identify terms and
definitions used in this document.
(2) The letter symbols for units of measurement are the same as shown in
ANSI/IEEE Std 260.
Term Definition
ACSS Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems
AIRMET Airmen's Meteorological Information
AMS Aerospace Material Specification
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APP Application
ARP Aerospace Recommended Practice
ATE Automated Test Equipment
ATCRBS Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System
AWG American Wire Gauge
BDS Comm-B Designated Subfield
BIT Built in Test
BITE Built in Test Equipment
CBIT Continuous Built-In-Test
CD Compact Disc
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
COMM Communication
CONUS Continental United States
CSV Comma Separated Variables, Computer System Validation
dB Decibel
dc Direct Current
DF Downlink Format
ECCN Export Control Classification Number
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference
ESDS Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive
ETSO European Technical Standard Order
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FIS Flight Information Services
FL Flight Level
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
FSS Flight Service Station
Term Definition
GHz Gigahertz
GICB Ground Initiated Comm B
GND Ground
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
HIL Horizontal Integrity Limit
HPL Horizontal Protection Limit
HW Hardware
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
MAINT Maintenance
MAT Maintenance Application Tool
METAR Meteorological Aerodrome Report
MHz Megahertz
MPC Maintenance PC
MSL Mean Sea Level
MTL Minimum Trigger Level
NAC Navigation Accuracy Category
NEXRAD Next Generation Radar
NIC Navigation Integrity Category
NOTAM Notice To Airmen
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OP Operation
OTS Operational Technology and Software
PBIT Power-on Built-in Test
PC Personal Computer
PED Personal Electronic Device
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PN Part Number
POS Position
PPM Parts Per Million
PWR Power
QPL Qualified Products List
RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
RF Radio Frequency
RS Recommended Standard
RTR Record of Temporary Revisions
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SATCOM Satellite Communications
SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation Systems
SDIM System Description And Installation Manual
SIGMET Signification Meteorological Information
SUA Special Use Airspace
SW Software
TAF Terminal Area Forecast
TSO Technical Standard Order
Term Definition
TSU Technology and Software - Unrestricted
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
UAT Universal Access Transceiver
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
Vdc Volts Direct Current
VHF Very High Frequency
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WOW Weight On Wheels
XP Experience (Microsoft Operating System)
XPDR Transponder
3. Customer Assistance
For assistance with installation, operation or maintenance of the GPS receiver, contact your local
ACSS Dealer or ACSS Customer Services Representative. Additional assistance can be
obtained from:
19810 N. 7th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ. 85027-4741
Tel: 623-445-7070
Fax: 623-445-7001
Blank Page
1. General
The NXG-900 contains an integrated WAAS capable GPS receiver and optional Flight Information
Service – Broadcast (FIS-B) receiver. The GPS receiver provides own aircraft information (position,
velocity, track (or ground track), etc.) to a Transponder for the Transponder to broadcast ADS-B Out
position messages. The ADS-B datalink receives the 978 MHz Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) from
which it then provides own aircraft with FIS-B data. The NXG-900 uses an RS-232 bus to interface to a
WiFi Serial Adapter which then broadcasts weather information onto a personal electronic device via a
software application (APP).
When the NXG-900 is paired with a Transponder, the Transponder’s ADS-B out function improves
situational awareness and flight safety by providing aircraft position, velocity, and heading/track
information that is automatically transmitted to other aircraft and ground stations providing immediate
surveillance of ownship.
A. Limitations
This limitation applies to the NXG-900, 9009000-55000, Sw Mod – and Sw Mod A, when
the optional FIS-B function is enabled. The NXG, when in this configuration, shows an
intermittent failure mode at power on. In a significant number of power on cycles, the
NXG-900 memory initialization does not take place properly for the UAT RF information
used in FIS-B reception. Later in the same power cycle, after a ground speed of greater
than 70 knots, both FIS-B and GPS functions are declared invalid. The GPS invalid
condition then is provided to the paired Transponder, causing an ADS-B Out Fail indication
in the cockpit.
The NXG-900 product continues to operate normally with the FIS-B function disabled. With
FIS-B disabled, neither the GPS invalid condition nor the ADS-B Out Fail indication occur.
In order to avoid this FIS-B based condition, installations are highly recommended to
disable FIS-B, setting P2-30 open, until a field upgrade can be provided.
2. System Components
Table 1-1: Multilink Surveillance System Components provides the components that are necessary to
perform an installation and are either supplied by ACSS or are available from the manufacturer. Included
at the end of this System Description section is a list of compatible equipment and equipment required but
not supplied with the system. More details on the selection of each component are shown per the Table
1-1 shown below.
ACSS/L-3 Components Model ACSS/L-3 Part No.
GPS Receiver with optional FIS-B receiver Table 1-2 NXG-900 ACSS 9009000-55000
Installation Kit for NXG-900 Table 1-3 N/A L-3 9060-17250-01
Optional WiFi Serial Adapter PIM-9000 L-3 9230-17005-01
Table 1-4
Optional Installation Kit for WiFi Serial Table 1-5 N/A L-3 9060-17001-01
Manufacturer Components Comments
GPS Antenna Table 1-6 Meets the requirements of TSO-C190.
Optional GPS Antenna Accessory Table 1-7 Coupler to allow single antenna to be used
with 2 GPS receivers.
L-Band (UAT) Antenna Table 1-8 Blade antenna which meets the
requirements of TSO-C66b (or more
recent) and TSO-C74c (or more recent).
Optional L-Band (UAT) Antenna Accessory Table 1-9 Diplexer to allow single antenna to be used
for both Transponder In/Out and FIS-B In
Optional Applications Table 1-10 PED (Personal Electronic Device)
applications used to display FIS-B
ACSS/L-3 Components Model ACSS/L-3 Part No.
Antenna Cables N/A Line and connector loss to GPS antenna
must be less than 10 dB. Line and
connector loss to UAT antenna must be
less than 2 dB.
1. The unit may be installed on aircraft with existing GPS antenna if that antenna complies with
TSO-C144a and has been tested for compatibility.
2. The unit may be installed on aircraft with existing L-Band (UAT) antenna if that antenna complies
with TSO-C66b and TSO-C74c and has been tested for compatibility. Refer to Table 1-8 for
individual part number descriptions.
3. The conditions and tests required for TSO approval of this article are minimum performance
standards. It is the responsibility of those desiring to install this article either on or within a
specific type or class of aircraft to determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within the
TSO standards. The article may be installed only if further evaluation by the applicant documents
an acceptable installation and is approved by the Administrator.
Table 1-2 provides the descriptions of the NXG-900, the TSO correspondence, the TSO class and
deviations. The NXG-900 comes pre-loaded with software. Operational software can be obtained by
contacting ACSS or via the instructions included in the corresponding service bulletin.
Model /
Type Designation / Applicable TSO/ETSO
Description Level/Class
HW Part No. / & Deviations
SW Part No.
NXG-900 This GPS Receiver TSO-C145c Class Beta 1 (GPS
operates from 28 V dc Deviation Note 1 SBAS Output)
NGT-2500 Release 1.7 aircraft power.
Operational Software – TSO-C154c Class A1S (UAT In)
9009000-55000 PN 9021100-202 Deviation Note 2
FPGA Firmware –
9021105-202 PN 9021120-202 TSO-C157a Class 2 Incomplete
Deviation Note 2 (FIS-B Display)
Model /
Type Designation / Applicable TSO/ETSO
Description Level/Class
HW Part No. / & Deviations
SW Part No.
NXG-900 This GPS Receiver TSO-C145c Class Beta 1 (GPS
operates from 28 V dc Deviation Note 1 SBAS Output)
NGT-2500 Release 1.8 aircraft power.
Operational Software –
9009000-55000 PN 9021100-203 TSO-C154c Class A1S (UAT In)
FPGA Firmware – Deviation Note 2
9021105-203 PN 9021120-202
Deviation 1: TSO-C145c TSO requires use of DO-160E for environmental qualification testing; DO-160G was
used instead.
Deviation 2: TSO-C154c, TSO-C157a, Per the guidance in FAA Order 8150.1c, the UAT devices are marked
with the primary TSO along with a reference to the Installation Manual for the other TSO information (other
applicable TSO’s, deviations, etc.).
The installation kit listed is a customer option and is ordered separately. It includes the following:
Hood-Sub Shell Size 4 Alum. with rotating Jackscrews – L-3 Avionics Systems P/N 3050-
17000-01 (Equivalent to Positronic Industries, Inc. P/N D37000ANE0/AA)
Connector D Sub Receptacle Hi Density 62 Positions Crimps -- ACSS P/N 9001640-002
(Equivalent to TE Connectivity P/N 1-1757824-0)
The optional WiFi Serial Adapter is used with the NXG-900 only and is considered carry-on equipment. It
provides a WiFi connection from the NXG-900 UAT Device to the NXG-900 Maintenance PC and a PED.
The PED Interface Module PIM-9000 is preconfigured by the manufacturer. However, to interface with
certain Apps, an ip setting change may be needed. See the WiFi/Dongle Configuration Section for PIM-
9000 configuration change instructions. The voltage input for the PIM-9000 is rated from 4.5VDC to
32VDC. Input power is rated at 0.75W max. An Installation Kit is available P/N 9060-17001-01. Refer to
the Table 2-1 Equipment List for details.
The optional WiFi installation kit listed is a customer option and is ordered separately. It includes the
Connector D-Sub 9 Pin Female - P/N 614A0022
Backshell 9 POS w/ Slide Lock - P/N 3050-10081-01.
The antenna performance is critical to operation of GPS in the unit. The antennas listed meet the
requirements of TSO-C190. The unit may be installed on aircraft with existing antenna if that antenna
complies with TSO-C144a and has been tested for compatibility. All listed GPS antennas have a TNC
The accessory listed is optional equipment. This device consists of two DC pass-through inputs to share
one GPS antenna with 2 separate NXG-900 units. For coupler install and environmental compliance,
refer to manufacturer’s literature. The GPS Antenna Coupler should be installed using the guidance of AC
43.13-2B or other FAA Approved guidance deemed appropriate for each specific aircraft model.
The antenna listed is optional equipment required for FIS-B use. Operating the unit with the GPS
antenna connected, FIS-B enabled and the L-Band antenna NOT connected may damage the unit. The
L-Band antenna listed meet the requirements of TSO-C66b (or more recent) and TSO-C74c (or more
recent). The unit may be installed on aircraft with existing antenna if that antenna complies with TSO-
C66b and TSO-C74c and has been tested for compatibility. Antennas not listed may still be used. Contact
L-3 Communications for further information regarding compatibility.
The accessory listed is optional equipment required for FIS-B use. This device consists of an L-band
antenna input, one 1090 input and one UAT input for sharing of an L-Band antenna with a transponder
and an NXG-900 unit. For diplexer install and environmental compliance, refer to manufacturer’s
literature. The L-Band Antenna Diplexer should be installed using the guidance of AC 43.13-2B or other
FAA Approved guidance deemed appropriate for each specific aircraft model.
When FIS-B is enabled, Apps are used with the PED (e.g. tablet or smartphone) to display the FIS-B
graphical and textual information. These apps are optional and not required if FIS-B is disabled. Other
apps may also operate, but have not been tested. In order to communicate with specific Apps, a setting
of the WiFi Dongle may need to be changed per Section 10, WiFi/Dongle Configuration.
3. System Description
The system description gives a general overview and summary of the features and interfaces that the
NXG-900 implements. Figure 1-1 shows a block diagram of the NXG-900 as part of an installed aircraft
The GPS function utilizes signals from Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite
constellation and Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) such as the USA Wide
Area Augmentation System (WAAS), European EGNOS, Indian GAGAN, and the
Japanese MSAS. Currently it supports WAAS and other SBAS systems.
This internal GPS function provides position, velocity, time and integrity (NIC, NAC, etc)
information to the ADS-B functions and is ADS-B rule compliant with the position source
requirements of AC 20-165B and AC 20-138D.
The Flight Information Services - Broadcast (FIS-B) function used by the NXG-900
provides pilots with a PED display of certain aviation weather and aeronautical
information for awareness of own aircraft location with respect to reported weather,
including hazardous meteorological conditions (CONUS NEXRAD /AIRMETS/ SIGMETS/
NOTAMS/ METARS, etc) and SUA status and TAF (FIS-B products).
NOTE: CONUS and Regional NEXRAD may not always contain complete data. The data
is refreshed every 15 minutes and it is likely to be updated in a future cycle. FIS-
B information is typically available up to an altitude of 24,000 feet based on
current FAA ground broadcast limitations.
FIS-B information is to be used for pilot planning decisions and pilot near-term decisions
focused on avoiding areas of inclement weather that are beyond visual range or where
poor visibility precludes visual acquisition of inclement weather. FIS-B weather and NAS
status information may be used as follows:
To promote pilot awareness of own ship location with respect to reported
weather, including hazardous meteorological conditions, NAS status indicators,
and enhance pilot planning decisions and pilot near-term decision-making.
To cue the pilot to communicate with the Air Traffic Control controller, Flight
Service Station specialist, operator dispatch, or airline operations control center
for general and mission critical meteorological information, NAS status
conditions, or both.
FIS-B information, including weather information, NOTAMs, and TFR areas, are intended
for the sole purpose of assisting in long- and near-term planning decision making. The
system lacks sufficient resolution and updating capability necessary for aerial
maneuvering associated with immediate decisions.
C. Discrete Interfaces
The NXG-900 has two discrete inputs, an air/ground indication and a FIS-B indication.
The Air/Ground discrete input provides an air/ground indication and can be wired to
existing aircraft squat switch, weight on wheels, landing gear or other indication of an on-
The FIS-B Enable discrete input is an optional input which, when grounded, causes the
continuous RS-232 to WiFi broadcast of FIS-B information. This information is then
broadcast via WiFi to neighboring PED Apps which support a FIS-B display function.
D. RS-232/WiFi Function
The NXG-900 provides an RS-232 output that can be used to display UAT ADS-B traffic
as well as FIS-B weather information when an external WiFi Serial Adapter is connected
to transmit the received weather data to a commercial PED. The FIS-B discrete must
first be enabled for this broadcast to occur.
This output can also be used to view real time maintenance data when using the
Maintenance Computer, provided the maintenance session is initiated through a USB
connection. This maintenance over WiFi connection has no dependence on the FIS-B
The NXG-900 contains built-in test functions that supply power-on and continuous
monitoring of internal circuitry and external interfaces. Detected failures of circuitry that
are critical to continued GPS operation are announced on the ADS-B fail light on the
transponder unit or ADS-B FAIL discrete output to the Mode S Control Panel. Failures of
the UAT-In function are noted through lack of PED display of FIS-B updates. Failures are
logged in a non-volatile fault log that can be recalled through the use of the maintenance
computer interface. Real time monitoring of the GPS function can be assessed using the
push-to-test feature of the interfacing transponder.
The NXG-900 has ARINC 429 output bus circuitry to provide A743A compliant real time
position and quality parameters to the transponder.
G. Failure Classifications
The following table summarizes the failure classification of each NXG-900 function and
the rigor that the NXG-900 was developed to support (which in some cases exceeds the
NOTE 1: Hazards with classifications less than Major are not listed in this table.
NOTE 2: Due to the above Hazard Classifications, the NXG-900 software and airborne
electronic hardware were developed to Design Assurance Level C.
4. General Description
The NXG-900 and required antenna(s) (FIS-B omnidirectional antenna optional) comply with the
navigation data block requirements ARINC Characteristic 743A (GNSS Sensor) functionality and meet
the requirements of:
TSO-C145c, Airborne Navigation Sensors Using The Global Positioning System Augmented By
The Satellite Based Augmentation System
TSO-C154c, Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
(ADS-B) Equipment Operating on Frequency of 978 MHz for UAT-In, used for FIS-B function
TSO-C157a, Aircraft Flight Information Services – Broadcast (FIS-B) Data Link Systems and
The NXG-900 requires a top GPS antenna to provide the A743A compliant GPS outputs. If the NXG-900
System has FIS-B enabled, then a bottom omnidirectional antenna is required.
5. Component Descriptions
A. NXG-900 Receiver
The NXG-900 receiver is mounted remotely in the aircraft and electrically interfaces to
the aircraft systems via four connectors on the rear of the unit. P2 is a 62-pin TE
Connectivity P/N M24308/2-with Backshell P/N 3050-17000-01 connector that interfaces
to +28 V dc power, outputs A743A positions reports, outputs for a WiFi dongle (FIS-B
option) and allows discrete input control of the FIS-B function. The (a) GPS and (b) L-
Band labeled RF connectors are used for (a) GPS satellite reception through a GPS
antenna and (b) Ground station FIS-B reception through an L-Band antenna. A Mini-B
USB port (J1) is available to establish communication between the unit and a
maintenance computer for installation and maintenance activities.
Figure 1-2 shows a rear connector view of the NXG-900 Receiver. Table 1-12 lists the
leading particulars for the receiver.
Item Specification
Dimensions (maximum):
● Length 6.50 in. (165.10 mm)
● Width 4.78 in. (121.40 mm)
● Height 2.29 in. (58.20 mm)
Weight (maximum) 1.6 lbs (0.73 kg)
Power Requirements:
● Operating Voltage +18.0 V to +32.2 V dc (+28.0 V dc nominal)
0.32 A nominal at 28.0 V dc
● Current 0.41 A maximum at 28.0 V dc with all external
interfaces enabled
● Power Consumption:
- Nominal 8.9 Watts nominal at +28.0 V dc
- Maximum (All External Interfaces) 11.5 Watts maximum at +28.0 V dc
1.0 Amp “pull style” circuit breaker for the installations
● External Circuit Breaker Rating
with 28VDC input.
Cooling Requirements None required
Included in Installation Kit P/N 9060-17250-01
Tray Connector Kit
(customer option; ordered separately)
Mounting Directly to the airframe using 4 x #6 pan head screws
TSO Refer to Table 1-2 for Part Numbers & Applicable
ETSO N/A at this time
Item Specification
Environmental Specifications DO-160G, Refer to Table 1-13
Operating Modes:
● Normal/FIS-B Off Unit receiving GPS, outputting A743A labels
Same as above, but with addition of RS-232 output
● Normal/FIS-B On
(intended for WiFi Dongle)
GPS Receiver Frequency 1575 MHz
UAT Receiver Frequency 978 MHz
Minimum Trigger Level (MTL) -93.0 dBm maximum for Group Uplink (at UAT RF
Mutual Suppression None – receiver has error correction code to alleviate
effect when other systems are broadcasting
Transponder Interface:
● Circuit Configuration One ARINC 429 control data output ports. 100 k
bits/sec (high-speed).
● Bus Protocol Bus protocol meets requirements defined in ARINC
FIS-B Output (when enabled):
● Circuit Configuration RS-232 Serial interface used to interface with Wi-Fi
● Bus Protocol Per SBS Description Document SRT-047, Revision
Onboard Software Uploading/
Fault Log Downloading:
● Circuit Configuration Mini-B USB
● Bus Protocol WinUSB (v6.1.7600.16385)
The NXG-900 contains an integrated GPS receiver, a UAT receiver for FIS-B messages and output
functionality for the Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) OUT capability of the aircraft
The NXG-900 uses an RS-232 bus to interface to a WiFi Serial Adapter. This interface provides weather
information on a personal electronic device via a software application (APP).
The aircraft ADS-B OUT system requires a set of GPS information which the NXG-900 fulfills. This set of
information includes the following, as conveyed over an A429 output:
076 GNSS Altitude (MSL)
103 GNSS True Track Angle
110 GNSS Latitude, Coarse
111 GNSS Longitude, Coarse
112 GNSS Ground Speed
120 GNSS Latitude, Fine
121 GNSS Longitude, Fine
130 GNSS Horizontal Integrity Limit
133 GNSS Vertical Integrity Limit
136 GNSS Vertical Figure of Merit
140 GNSS UTC, Fine (binary, “0.200 sec”)
The NXG-900 is equipped with a USB port to establish communication between the unit and a
maintenance computer for installation and maintenance activities. Changes to the operational
software are made via the loading of a composite software, which includes both FPGA firmware
and operational software. The following functions are supported by the USB interface:
● Composite Software Upload
● Fault Log Download.
● Software Part Number Verification
● UAT and GPS Status
The procedures for installation checkout require the use of a Maintenance Application Tool
(MAT), USB Driver, and a USB cable. The MAT may only be connected and used while the
aircraft is on ground. An example of the main page of the MAT is shown in Figure 1-24.
Software for the MAT and Driver can be obtained by either downloading from the L-3 Technical
Publications website or by receiving a compact disc by contacting L-3 Avionics Systems at (616)
285-6457. The MAT listed in Table 1-14 is current at the time of publication; contact L 3 Field
Service for latest information.
Typically, the MPC device manager pops up when the NXG-900 is connected to the
MPC. Follow the device manager instructions to install the driver. The procedure here is
typical, but may differ per settings on the computer being used.
The following procedures assume the following:
The NXG-900 and MPC have power applied.
The driver has been downloaded from the internet or is available via CD.
The NXG-900 is connected to the MPC via USB cable.
B. Windows XP Installation
1. After the NXG-900 and MPC are connected a “Found New Hardware Wizard” window
should pop up on the MPC.
5. Press the “Browse” button and navigate to the location of the LynxMSS Driver file.
See Below.
6. Select the LynxMSS Driver file and press the “Open” button.
7. Press the “OK” button. A screen with “Lynx MSS” as the Model is shown. See Below.
8. Press the “Next” button. The driver installation process begins. See Below.
9. When the installation completes a completed dialog is shown. Press the “Finish”
C. Windows 7 Installation
1. After the NXG-900 and MPC are connected, an “Installing device driver software” is
shown on the tray.
2. If the Driver Software Installation fails a dialog window is shown. Close out of that
3. Open the Devices and Printers from the Start menu. An “unspecified” device with the
label “NGT” should be available. See below.
4. Double click on the “unspecified” device icon.
5. In the NGT Properties window select the “Hardware” tab. See below.
6. Select the “Properties” button.
10. Browse to the Windows 7 USB Driver folder and select “Open”. See below.
11. Select “Next”. The driver installation process begins.
12. When the installation completes a completed dialog is shown. Press the “Close”
The procedure here is typical, but may differ per settings on the computer being used.
Figure 1-13: Found New App Pop-up – Windows 8 and 10 MPC Install
3. If the USB driver has not been installed the following screen is shown.
4. Click the “Install Driver” button to begin the installation process. The dialog screen below is shown:
Figure 1-15: Zadig Driver Installation In Progress Window– Windows 8 and 10 MPC Install
5. The following dialog shown after installation is complete. Click the “Close” button.
Figure 1-16: Successful Driver Install Window – Windows 8 and 10 MPC Install
Figure 1-17: Successful Zadig Install Window – Windows 8 and 10 MPC Install
7. If a USB driver has already been installed for the NGT, the NGT will not be listed when Zadig first
starts. The following screen is shown.
Figure 1-18: Zadig Install Window without NGT – Windows 8 and 10 MPC Install
8. Select the “List All Devices” item from the “Options” menu. See below.
Persons performing the checkout should monitor the MAT status bar. The bottom left
corner of the screen provides information on connection type, communication status, and
Operation Mode.
The communication status is either “Connected – green indicator” or “Not Connected –
red indicator”.
Figure 1-23: Maintenance Appliance Tool – Splash Screen Page Before Connection
Do the following to connect and establish communication between the MPC and the
NXG-900 via the USB connection.
1) Apply power to the NXG-900 and MPC.
2) Ensure that the MAT application is active on the PC or laptop.
3) Ensure that the unit is on ground.
4) Connect USB cable between MPC and the NXG-900.
5) From the MAT menu select ConnectApplianceUSB.
6) Communication is established when the MAT left view panel changes from gray to
tan and the message “Connected – green indicator” is shown in the lower status bar.
If “Not Connected – red indicator” is shown, then check the USB cable for proper
If a “Response timeout for write request” message is seen on the status bar, then
the unit is not responding to requests. Cycle power to the NXG-900.
NOTE - This symptom can also be caused by having the wrong USB driver installed.
See the Installation Procedure for USB Driver section for details.
Maintenance mode (MAINT) can be entered within the first 2 minutes from
power-on irrespective of Air/Ground state. After 2 minutes, maintenance mode
can only be entered if the Air/Ground state is On-Ground. The Air/Ground state is
determined through a Weight-On-Wheels (WOW) input (if installed) or GPS
Groundspeed. The unit will need to be cycled again before maintenance mode
can be entered by the MAT.
After the USB Connection is established, the user has the option to continue
communication over the WiFi connection. To do this required the WiFi connection to be
configured as described in the WiFi / Dongle Configuration section.
This procedure is used to update the system software used by the NXG-900.
1) Apply power to the NXG-900 and MPC.
2) Ensure that the MAT application is active on the PC or laptop.
3) Ensure that the unit is on ground.
4) Connect USB cable between MPC and the NXG-900.
5) From the MAT menu select ConnectApplianceUSB.
6) Communication is established when the MAT left view panel changes from gray to tan and
the message “Connected – green indicator” is shown in the lower status bar.
7) Ensure that the MPC and NXG-900 are in Maint Mode by viewing the MAT status bar. If
needed press the Request Maint Mode button on the bottom of the page to change the mode.
8) From the MAT select UpdateLoad Software. See Figure 1-25.
9) Press the Browse button to open a file window and select the composite binary file (i.e.
UAT-MSS.bin or similar looking file). The MAT verifies the contents of the file to be loaded.
This takes approximately 5 seconds. If the MAT fails to validate the composite binary file,
then the "Status" field will contain the error (highlighted in red).
10) Press the Upload button to begin loading the software. A progress bar is shown for each
SW load.
11) An upload completed message is shown when the procedure has finished. See Figure
1-26. After the OK button is pressed, the MPC is disconnected and the screen goes blank.
When the procedures are complete cycling power to the NXG-900 system is recommended.
A failure message is shown if a problem loading the software is detected. Check that the file
being loaded is correct and try the procedure again. If the problem persists cycle power to the
Use the version screen to view the current software versions being used by the unit. Buttons on the
bottom of the page provide the user the options of ‘Refresh’, ‘Save’, and ‘Load’.
Use the MAT to view fault log information. Fault log downloading procedures are used for saving the
contents of fault memory for analysis at a later time, or for aircraft maintenance personnel. Downloading
the fault log has no effect on the operational software load.
1) Apply power to the NXG-900 and MPC.
2) Ensure that the MAT application is active on the PC or laptop.
3) Ensure that the unit is on ground.
4) Connect USB cable between MPC and the NXG-900.
5) From the MAT menu select ConnectApplianceUSB.
A saved fault log can be viewed by the MAT when the unit is not connected by using the Export to CSV
button as shown in Figure 1-28. A description of the faults is seen in Table 1-15.
Temperature Sensor Cycle power to the unit and check if the fault persists.
Failure Contact ACSS Field Service before removal.
Cycle power to the unit and check if the fault persists.
0x000C Power Supply Failure
Contact ACSS Field Service before removal.
Cycle power to the unit and check if the fault persists.
0x000F UAT Receive Failure
Contact L 3 Field Service before removal.
Cycle power to the unit and check if the fault persists.
0x0011 Wi-Fi Failure
Contact ACSS Field Service before removal.
Cycle power to the unit and check if the fault persists.
0x0012 UART or FIS-B Failure
Contact ACSS Field Service before removal.
Log the fault and allow the unit to cool down. If the fault
Over- temperature
0x0014 continues to be seen contact ACSS Field Service before
Cycle power to the unit and check if the fault persists.
0x0015 FPGA Failure
Contact ACSS Field Service before removal.
Cycle power to the unit and check if the fault persists.
0x0016 GPS Processor Failure
Contact ACSS Field Service before removal.
Cycle power to the unit and check if the fault persists.
0x0017 UAT Processor Failure
Contact ACSS Field Service before removal.
Cycle power to the unit and check if the fault persists.
0x0019 UAT Flash Failure
Contact ACSS Field Service before removal.
Check Live Data page on MPC and determine if GPS is
GPS Position
0x0025 receiving satellite information. This fault will occur if the
aircraft is in the hangar.
Air/Ground Discrete Check the Air/Ground Pin wiring and switching operation.
The WiFi Dongle PIM-9000 is pre-configured by the manufacturer. However, the default SSID and
Supported Applications can be modified using the Maintenance PC (MPC).
This procedure requires a MPC installed with the Lynx Maintenance Tool (MAT).
Use this procedure to set the PIM-9000 SSID (WiFi device name seen by other devices) over WiFi.
1. Apply power to the NGT unit and the PIM-9000 device.
2. Establish communication between the MPC and the WiFi Serial Adapter via the MPC WiFi.
3. From the MAT menu, select ToolsSet WiFi Dongle SSID via WiFi. See Figure 1-29 (A).
4. Enter a new SSID identifier in the dialog box. The Set SSID button becomes enabled when the new
SSID is entered. See Figure 1-29 (B).
5. Click on the "Set SSID”.
6. A progress dialog may be shown. See Figure 1-29 (C). A status dialog box is shown with the
message "SSID set to identifier" when the operation is complete.
7. Disconnect the MAT from the old SSID and connect to the new SSID.
Use this procedure to set up the PIM-9000 ip remote port to communicate with PED APP software.
1. Apply power to the NGT unit.
2. Connect Laptop WiFi to PIM-9000. The SSID will be Lynx xxx or the aircraft tail number. Note:
Connectivity will be limited.
Note: The FltPlan Go App is configurable to use either port 4000 or port 43211.
(A) (B)
1. General
This section provides installation information for the NXG-900 Receiver System. Installation must
be made by qualified personnel, in conformance with applicable government regulations.
Installation of the NXG-900 is dependent on the intended operation control. The information
furnished is for convenience only.
For new installations, plan the installation in two stages. First, determine the location of the line
replaceable units (LRU) in the aircraft. Next, determine the length of RF and electrical
interconnections for the selected locations.
Carefully unpack the unit and note any damage to shipping containers or equipment. Visually
inspect each component for evidence of damage. Compare the equipment received with that
noted on the packing list. Report immediately any missing items or evidence of damage to the
carrier making the delivery. To justify a claim, retain the original shipping container and all
packing materials.
Every effort should be made to retain the original shipping containers for storage. If the original
containers are not available, a separate cardboard container should be prepared that is large
enough to accommodate sufficient packing material to prevent movement.
Transport of the NXG-900 should be done in accordance with standard procedures, i.e. hand
carried or transported in the original container. The container limits the shock to the unit at a
maximum of 20g’s when dropped from a distance of 36 inches (0.91 meters).
Storage of avionics equipment must be consistent with industry standards for avionics equipment
and performs satisfactorily after periods of storage up to 24 months. The ambient temperature of
the storage area should not fall below -55° C (-65° F) or rise above +85° C (+185° F).
Use Table 2-1 to identify equipment required for installation, calibration, and testing.
NOTE: Equivalent tools, equipment, and hardware may be used.
Cables and Wiring: The installer supplies all system wires and cables.
Mating Connector (P2)
• Wires are 22 AWG as noted on interconnect wiring diagram in the NXG-
900 Receiver 62-pin connector section. Use M22759 or equivalent wire and
use M27500 or equivalent for twisted shielded Tefzel wire for installation.
WiFi Serial Adapter Connector (Optional – needed for FIS-B function)
• 9-Pin Sub-D Connector, P/N M24308/2-1 or equivalent. Use M27500 or
equivalent for twisted shielded wire for installation as noted on interconnect
wiring diagram.
Antenna TNC Connectors and Cables
• L-Band and GPS Antenna (2 connectors). Note that the L-Band Antenna
and connection is only needed for the FIS-B function and is therefore
optional. NOTE: Operating the unit with the GPS antenna connected, FIS-
B enabled and the L-Band antenna NOT connected may damage the unit.
TNC connector (Male) for GPS and L-Band antenna connections. Must
connect to (TNC Amphenol P/N 31-5660).
Require M17/128-RG400 or equivalent coaxial cable. For the L-Band
antenna, the attenuation must not exceed 2 dB (including the connectors).
For the GPS antenna, the attenuation should not exceed 10 dB (including
the connectors). NOTE: RG type coaxial cable insertion loss can vary
significantly between manufacturers. Refer to the cable manufacturer's
specification sheet for actual attenuation (insertion loss) for the cable being
Circuit Breaker: Installer is responsible for determining appropriate circuit breakers needed to
protect aircraft wiring. Manufacturer recommends the following:
• 2.0 amp circuit breaker for the installations with 14VDC input.
• 1.0 amp circuit breaker for the installations with 28VDC input.
Consumables: Antenna Sealant
• For pressurized aircraft, use a sealant that meets the requirements of SAE
AMS-S-8802 such as Flamemaster® CS3204 class B. For non-pressurized
aircraft, use a non-corrosive sealant that meets the physical requirements
of MIL-A-46146 such as General Electric RTV162.
Surface Preparation
• Alodine® No. 1001 required for installation of the antenna.
Hardware: The following items are commercially available and is the responsibility of the
• Ring Terminals (For Grounding)
• Solder Sleeves
• Cable tie/Tie wrap
• Coaxial connectors
• Fusion tape
• No. 6 Mounting Screws, washers and nuts (mounting hardware)
Installation Kits: • Installation Kit P/N 9060-17250-01 for the NXG-900 is a customer option
and is ordered separately.
o Hood-Sub Shell Size 4 Alum. with rotating Jackscrews –
P/N 3050-17000-01
o Connector D Sub Receptacle Hi Density 62 Positions Crimps –
P/N 9001640-002
• Installation Kit P/N 9060-17001-01 for the PIM-9000 PED Interface Module
is a customer option (only if using the FIS-B function) and is ordered
separately. The kit includes the following components:
o Connector D-Sub 9 Pin Female - P/N 614A0022
o Backshell 9 POS w/ Slide Lock - P/N 3050-10081-01
Installation Tools: • Twisted Shield Wire Stripper Tool: TSK7000QC
Manufacturer: EDMO Distributors.
• Crimp Tool: P/N: M22520/2-01. For mating connector (P2)
Positioner: P/N: M22520/2-08.
Insertion/Extraction tool M81969/14-01.
• Heating tool and reflector: PR-25 or PR-25D and HL1802E-ADAPT. (Tyco
Electronics) for solder sleeves.
System Components: The following system components must be purchased separately and do not
come with the NXG-900:
GPS antenna, L-Band antenna, WiFi serial adaptor, and any PED for
displaying FIS-B data. A list of compatible components is found in paragraph
Software: Software can be obtained over the internet or via CD. Refer to Table
1-2 for details on the different software available. Contact ACSS
Customer Services for more information.
Maintenance Application Tool (MAT)
This tool used for diagnostics, set up configuration options, and
software downloading. The software is bundled with CD software
USB Drivers or Installation Utility
The drivers or utility is required for communication between the MPC
and the NXG-900 via the USB interface. The software is bundled on a
CD software release.
Procedures to install the USB Driver(s) and utility are found in Section
1, Installation Procedure for USB Driver.
Test Equipment:
Maintenance Computer (MPC)
• The MPC is a laptop computer used to operate the Maintenance
Application Tool for system setup, post installation checkout, and
The computer should be using Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10 as the operating
system, 1.3 GHz processor or greater and 512 MB or more of RAM. Other
configurations may operate normally, but they have not been tested.
The computer must also have an USB connection and the installation of the
correct USB driver (versions for Windows XP or 7) or Driver Utility for
Windows 8 and 10.
Milliohm Meter
Required to check installation bonding to aircraft structure.
Table 2-2 lists examples of the recommended antenna cable vendors and the type of
cable to be used for specific lengths of cable. Any cable meeting specifications is
acceptable for the installation.
A. Installation
1. The installer must take the following into consideration prior to installation.
• The installer must obtain installation approval (i.e. Supplemental Type
Certification or form 337 if the installer has prior approved data).
• Follow the acceptable avionics installation practices in FAA Advisory Circulars
AC 43.13-1B and AC 43.13-2B or later revision of these documents.
B. Location
The NXG-900 provides flight information. When locating the unit in the aircraft take the
following into consideration. The unit should be accessible for inspection, maintenance,
removal, free from excessive vibration or heat and located in a clean and dry area. The
wiring cable should not run adjacent to heaters, engine exhaust, or heat sources.
Ensure the space requirements for the unit is acceptable at the location area being
considered. Refer to Figure 2-1 for dimensional requirements. Note that the following
dimensional tolerances apply:
• ANGLES ARE ± 0.5°
The installer is advised to consider the space requirements (2-3 inches) needed for the
connector back shell and the cable bend radius.
Unit to be mounted firmly to the airframe using # 6 pan head machine screws.
The chassis of the unit must be properly bonded to the Ground. The chassis of the unit
itself is conductive and acts as a ground.
The NXG-900 has a FIS-B configuration pin that must be set to either OPEN or
GROUND states specific to the desired performance. Refer to Section 4
Loading/Gradient of this SDIM for a definition of these pins.
Blank Page
1. General
This section gives electrical installation procedures, power distribution, and interconnect
information for each component of the NXG-900 System installation.
Refer to the Outline and Installation Diagrams in Section 2 for mating connector part number
information when doing a new installation.
The information necessary to supply the electrical interconnects is shown in Table 3-1. Refer to
Section 4, Loading/Gradient Specifications, for a list of all the signal names used in the
interconnect diagrams and tables.
4. Electrical Installation
The NXG-900 receiver uses a programming pin to select or deselect the FIS-B function.
Where more than one pin is shown for 28 volts input, these pins should be connected in
parallel. Also, handle dc ground in the same manner.
Spare P2-27
P2-28 (22)--------S--T—S---- WIFI Dongle / 9 pin
| |
connector – pin 3
Spare P2-29
P2-30 (22) --------------------
Spare P2-31
Spare P2-32
Spare P2-33
Spare P2-34
(I) dc Ground P2-35 Aircraft dc Ground
Spare P2-36
Spare P2-38
Spare P2-38
Refer to the manufacturer’s documentation for electrical installation information for the
Refer to the manufacturer’s documentation for further details on the electrical installation
information for the dongle. For the PIM-9000, this is found in the installation kit 9060-
1. General
This section contains the loading and gradient specifications for the input and output signals of
each component of the system. The input/output discretes default to an open state when power
is removed.
Pin Functional Description
P2-21, 42 NXG-900 +28 V PWR:
These pins along with two return lines (P2-41, 62) provide the +28 volt power
requirements for the NXG-900.
P2-41, 62 NXG-900 +28 V RTN:
These pins along with two power lines (P2-21, 42) provide the +28 volt power
requirements for the NXG-900.
P2-35 dc GROUND:
Pin Functional Description
P2-6 ARINC 429 GPS Output: (P2-6 [+], P2-26 [-])
This ARINC 429 bus is used to output (high speed) the following labels to the
Label Description
076 GNSS Altitude (MSL)
103 GNSS True Track Angle
110 GNSS Latitude, Coarse
111 GNSS Longitude, Coarse
112 GNSS Ground Speed
120 GNSS Latitude, Fine
121 GNSS Longitude, Fine
130 GNSS Horizontal Integrity Limit
133 GNSS Vertical Integrity Limit
136 GNSS Vertical Figure of Merit
140 GNSS UTC, Fine (binary, “0.200 sec”)
150 GNSS UTC (binary, e.g., “12 h 23 m 12 s”)
165 GNSS Vertical Velocity
166 GNSS N/S Velocity
174 GNSS E/W Velocity
247 GNSS Horizontal Figure of Merit
370 GNSS Geodetic Height (above WGS-84 ellipsoid)
P2-49 RS-232 NXG-900 to WiFi Dongle (FIS-B Only): (P2-49[T], P2-28 [R])
This serial interface input/output pair is used to interface with a WiFi Device to output
weather data to a compatible PED. This interface with the WiFi Device is also used for
transferring maintenance data as a wireless option.
P2-53 Air/Ground Discrete Input:
Open = In-air. Ground = On Ground.
This pin provides a method for the NXG-900 receiver to automatically determine the
Air/Ground status of the aircraft. The status is used in determination of fault logging and in
establishing when maintenance commands can be accepted by the system.
This pin is typically connected to the Air/Ground Relay (Squat Switch. Other options
include connecting to the Gear switch, airspeed monitor or collective switch. )
P2-30 FIS-B Program Pin Input:
Open = FIS-B Disable. Ground = FIS-B Enable
This pin provides a method for the FIS-B option to be enabled. Note that an L-Band
antenna, WiFi Dongle and PED connection are also required to complete this option.
Pin Functional Description
P2-16 RESERVED (PASS-THROUGH Program Pin Input):
This pin is always placed in the open state which disables the Pass-Through option for the
received UAT signals. Instead, the NXG-900 tailoring of the FIS-B message takes place
for the selection of FIS-B information to the PED.
Blank Page
1. General
The procedures that follow are designed to check for proper operation and satisfactory installation of the
NXG-900 Receiver System while the aircraft is on the ground. These procedures describe a single Mode
S transponder installation. For dual transponder installations, the same procedure can be used to check
each transponder individually.
Equipment and materials required to test and checkout the NXG-900 are given in Table 5-1.
Most of these steps are performed using the MPC. If it is more convenient, the MPC can be operated in
WiFi mode, maintaining communication with the NXG-900 while moving the laptop to other locations
around the aircraft. The Maintenance over WiFi option is conducted by first establishing a USB
connection. Then, from the Service menu on the left hand panel, a selection of Maintenance through
WiFi is made. From this point forward, provided the laptop has WiFi capability and is paired with the
particular WiFi dongle wired to the aircraft, each of the below steps can then be conducted.
Each of these steps can also be conducted with the direct USB connection also.
Although this step does not test any function, the check of the UAT/GPS Status provides
a real time assessment of system failures. These conditions can be monitored using the
MPC using the below instructions. The below report is accumulated by the NXG-900
based on power ON self-test (PBIT) and continuous self-test (CBIT) checks which verify
the operation and the major hardware components in the unit. Verify this by viewing the
status information provided by the MPC as follows:
1. From the MAT select Service-> UAT GPS Status. See Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1: Maintenance Appliance Tool –UAT GPS Status Screen Example
2. Review the Bite Status and verify that no failures, indicated by a ‘0’ in the right
3. If a failure is observed as seen by a ‘1’ in the right column, the problem must be
resolved before continuing with the checkout:
a. Cycle power to the unit and check if the fault persists. Contact ACSS Field
Service before removal of the unit.
This check requires that the GPS antenna to be open to a clear sky or a GPS Simulator
or repeater to generate the necessary signal.
1. Apply aircraft power and close all applicable GPS Receiver circuit breakers.
2. From the MAT select Service ->Live Data -> GPS as shown in Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-2: Maintenance Appliance Tool – GPS Live Data Screen Example
3. Cycle power to the NXG-900 and allow the GPS to acquire the position. Acquisition
of signal can take up to 2 minutes.
4. Observe that the GPS data is being received and signal strength is within 30 to 50
NOTE The Navigation State always shows “RAIM” even though the device is actually in
WAAS mode. See Figure 5-2. If the GPS reception is a problem, check the
• The GPS signal may be blocked; move the aircraft to an open environment.
• Check the GPS antenna or wiring for installation issues.
• Check that the L-Band and GPS antenna cables are not swapped.
• Check the fault log from the MPC (Info-> Fault Log) for issues
5. Verify that the GPS position agrees with a known reference point.
6. Verify that the Day, Month, and Year data is correct.
7. Verify that the signal Strength (C/No) of 30-50dB is displayed in the GPS signal
strength for all the GPS/SBAS satellites in view.
8. Turn ON other avionics and verify that the signal Strength (C/No) of 30-50 dB is
displayed in the GPS signal strength for the satellites do not degrade significantly
and position remains steady.
Before performing this check ensure that the GPS position is acquired per the above
steps. These steps describe the use of an IFR-6000 ramp tester. Other ramp testers
can be used with corresponding steps followed per that tester’s instructions.
1. On the IFR-6000, press the XPDR mode key twice to display the ADS-B/GICB Main
2. On the IFR-6000, press the ADS-B Mon softkey to display the ADS-B Mon list
screen. Press the GICB softkey to display the GICB list screen.
3. On the IFR-6000, select the 0,6 Surface Position report. Press the Run Test softkey
to display the Surface Position screen.
4. Ensure that the current Lat/Long are displayed on the Surface Position page.
5. As an additional option, the MPC can allow the operator to place the unit in-air by
overriding Ground Speed. In this way, an Airborne Position may also be checked.
NOTE: ensure local airport operations are notified if baro altitude levels are also going
to be simulated, as local traffic could be affected by a broadcast of simulated
6. On the MPC, place the aircraft into in-air by selection Service -> Ground Test
Overrides. See Figure 5-3.
7. On the MPC, Set the ground speed to greater than 25 knots (which sets the unit to
Operate mode).
8. On the IFR-6000, press the Return softkey to display the ADS-B Mo DF17 list screen.
9. On the IFR-6000, select the 0,5 Airborne Position report. Press the Run Test softkey
to display the Airborne Position screen.
10. Ensure that the current Lat/Long are displayed on the Airborne Position page.
11. Select End Session on the MPC if this is the last test being conducted.
Figure 5-3: Maintenance Appliance Tool – GPS Override Data Screen Example
The PED (Tablet or Smartphone) interface requires that a WiFi Serial Adapter be
connected to the wiring harness and the WiFi configuration option be set up.
Before performing this check ensure that the GPS position is acquired per the above
These steps describe the use of an IFR-6000 ramp tester with UAT capability. Other
ramp testers can be used with corresponding steps followed per that tester’s instructions.
1. On the IFR-6000, accomplish a GPS synch with the IFR’s GPS antenna connection.
No physical connections are made to the NXG-900 at this step, but instead the IFR’s
own receiver is used.
2. Once the GPS Synch has been accomplished on the IFR-6000, navigate to the UAT
FIS-B GEN screen.
3. On the IFR-6000, select a METAR report.
4. Press Run Test
5. Using the PED FIS-B App of the user’s preference, move the displayed map to the
location shown on the IFR METAR screen.
6. Ensure that the same METAR information is seen on the PED App. If the FIS-B
reception is a problem, check the following
• The GPS signal may be blocked open either the NXG-900 or IFR; move the
respective antenna to an open environment.
Check the following applicable aircraft systems, as well as any other system or device that is not listed,
for interference. Initial tests are to be conducted with the aircraft operating on external ground power.
Disregard any system or device that does not apply.
NOTE: The Electromagnetic Interference Check is required only for initial system installations
and not required if the NXG-900 is removed or replaced.
1. Communications Systems Checks
Check of Cockpit Intercom
• Using the cockpit intercom, verify interference free communications between the
crew while monitoring the effects of the NXG-900.
Check of VHF Communications
• Set VHF communications radios to multiple frequencies and monitor effects of NXG-
900 while transmitting and receiving. At a minimum, the frequencies listed below
should be tested, in addition to locally available frequencies:
• Check the GPS signal status of the each satellite being received does not drop while
transmitting each frequency for a period of 35 seconds. Degradation of individual
received satellite signals below a point where navigation is no longer possible is not
acceptable and will require that additional isolation measures be taken.
• Test the following frequencies for 25 kHz COM channel spacing:
• 121.150 MHz
• 121.175 MHz
• 121.200 MHz
• 121.225 MHz
• 121.250 MHz
• 131.200 MHz
• 131.225 MHz
• 131.250 MHz
• 131.275 MHz
• 131.300 MHz
• 131.325 MHz
• 131.350 MHz
• In addition, test the following frequencies for VHF radios with 8.33 kHz channel
• 121.185 MHz
• 121.190 MHz
After the NXG-900 or an antenna is removed and replaced, a return to service test is required. Execute
the NXG-900 Installation Checkout in paragraph B (GPS Operation Check) of this section. After the NXG-
900 passes, make the appropriate logbook entry and the NXG-900 is ready for use.
1. General
For debugging of issues that occur after installation, use the troubleshooting help provided in
Table 6-1 For initial installations, refer to Section 5.
The information listed in the Symptoms column encompass many of the possible issues that a
technician may observe, but only some of the items may actually be seen depending on the
model and the installation of optional equipment.
2. Troubleshooting
IFR-6000 METAR is not Be aware that the FIS-B report cycle is typically 5 minutes in
successfully acquired. duration.
GPS Position is being 1. Check the L-Band antenna or wiring for installation issues.
obtained. 2. Check that the L-Band and GPS antenna cables are not
3. Check that the WiFi output is paired to the PED. A selection
of the PIM-9000 WiFi dongle (or equivalent) must be made.
4. The PED App must have its weather or FIS-B map overlay
5. Replacement of the unit may be required. Contact ACSS
Customer Services before removal of the unit.
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1. General
This section contains general flightline maintenance procedures. Fault isolation is found in
Section 6.
Refer to the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) for materials required to install necessary
NOTE: No special equipment or materials other than those commonly used by line
maintenance technicians are required to remove and install the units. Do not over
tighten the mounting screws. Where torque values are not given, it is acceptable to
hand tighten the mounting screws.
Use this procedure to remove and replace the NXG-900. The instructions herein are
generic in scope. The best established methods, techniques and practices should be
used where no specific procedure is given.
(1) Removal Procedure
(a) Ensure power to the unit is off.
(b) Remove mating connector P2.
(c) Disconnect GPS antenna.
(d) Disconnect L-Band antenna (optional, if enabling FIS-B).
(e) Loosen (4) mounting screws.
(f) Remove the unit from aircraft.
(2) Installation Procedure
(a) Ensure aircraft power is off.
(b) Carefully place the unit in aircraft.
(c) Connect mating connector P2.
(d) Connect GPS and UAT L-Band antenna (optional, if enabling FIS-B). Be
careful not to reverse those two antennas, as both are TNC type
(e) Secure the unit using (4) screws.
B. Adjustment Procedure
Not Applicable.
C. Repair Procedure
Not Applicable.
(1) Prior to removing the L-Band antenna, remove power from the NXG-900 and any
other equipment which may be applying power to this antenna.
(2) Remove the L-Band antenna.
(a) If applicable, use a phenolic scraper to remove aerodynamic sealant
around periphery of antenna baseplate.
(b) If applicable, remove sealant from antenna mounting screw holes.
(c) Remove retaining screws used to secure antenna to aircraft fuselage.
(d) Carefully pull antenna from fuselage.
(e) Disconnect the coaxial cable connector from the antenna.
(f) Put protective covers on the aircraft coaxial cable connector and the
antenna connector.
(3) Reinstall the L-Band antenna.
(a) If applicable, remove any existing aerodynamic sealant from antenna
mounting surface and clean antenna mounting area.
(b) Remove and clean sealant from baseplate and baseplate cutout.
(c) Remove protective covers from antenna and coaxial cable connectors.
(d) Examine antenna and coaxial cable connectors to make sure that they
are clean and secure.
(e) Connect aircraft coaxial cable to antenna connector.
B. Adjustment Procedure
Not Applicable.
C. Repair Procedure
Not Applicable.
(1) Prior to removing the GPS antenna, remove power from the NXG-900 and any
other equipment which may be applying power to this antenna.
(2) Remove the GPS antenna.
(a) If applicable, use a phenolic scraper to remove aerodynamic sealant
around periphery of antenna baseplate.
(b) If applicable, remove sealant from antenna mounting screw holes.
(c) Remove retaining screws used to secure antenna to aircraft fuselage.
(d) Carefully pull antenna from fuselage.
(e) Disconnect the coaxial cable connector from the antenna.
(f) Put protective covers on the aircraft coaxial cable connector and the
antenna connector.
(3) Reinstall the GPS antenna.
(a) If applicable, remove any existing aerodynamic sealant from antenna
mounting surface and clean antenna mounting area.
(b) Remove and clean sealant from baseplate and baseplate cutout.
(c) Remove protective covers from antenna and coaxial cable connectors.
(d) Examine antenna and coaxial cable connectors to make sure that they
are clean and secure.
(e) Connect aircraft coaxial cable to antenna connector.
B. Adjustment Procedure
Not Applicable.
C. Repair Procedure
Not Applicable.
Maintenance requirements and instructions for Continued Airworthiness of the NXG-900 GPS
Receiver components are contained in the paragraphs that follow:
The Airworthiness Limitations Section is FAA approved and specifies maintenance required
under 14 CFR Part 43.16 and 14 CFR Part 91.403 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, unless an
alternative program has been FAA approved.
A. Installation and maintenance information for the GPS Receiver is contained in this manual.
Refer to the Sections System Description, Mechanical Installation, Electrical Installation,
Adjustment/Test and Maintenance Practice; sub-section Removal and Installation Procedure,
Inspection/Check, Cleaning/Painting, etc.
B. There are no special tools required for the removal and installation of the NXG-900 GPS
Receiver other than commonly used Line Maintenance support equipment.
D. Basic control and operating information are included in this installation manual. Refer to
Section 1 System Description sub-sections Component Descriptions and Functional
Description and Operation.
E. Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) part numbers and other necessary part numbers contained in
this manual should be placed into the aircraft operator's appropriate aircraft Illustrated Parts
Catalog (IPC).
F. Wiring diagram information contained in this manual should be placed into the aircraft
operator's appropriate aircraft Wiring Diagram Manuals. Refer to Figure 2-1 NXG-900 GPS
Receiver Outline and Installation Diagram.
H. If a system component is inoperative, remove unit, secure cables and wiring, collar applicable
switches and circuit breakers, and placard them inoperative. Revise equipment list and
weight and balance as applicable prior to flight and make a log book entry that unit was
removed (refer to 14 CFR Part 91.213 or the aircraft's Minimum Equipment List [MEL]).
I. The GPS Receiver LRUs can be repaired only at a factory-authorized repair center or an
appropriately rated 14 CFR Part 145 repair station.
J. Once repaired, reinstall the LRU in the aircraft in accordance with the original Form 337
approved data or instructions in this manual. Do a Return to Service test of the system and
approve it for return to service with a log book entry in accordance with the requirements
specified in 14 CFR Part 43.9.
K. There are no Scheduled Maintenance Program tasks associated with the NXG-900 GPS
Receiver. The NXG-900 GPS Receiver is designed to detect its own failures as well as
failures external to the GPS receiver itself. This BIT is continuously being executed on a
periodic basis. Refer to Section 6, Fault Isolation.
L. If there are changes to the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, the installation manual
will be revised accordingly. When document revisions are approved, the ACSS Customer
Services extranet website is automatically updated. The extranet site then notifies the
affected customers automatically by email, and on next login of the documentation change.
This process is documented in ACSS INS-13.8-1, Distributing Publications via the ACSS
Customer Services Extranet.
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1. General
The visual check procedures that follow are recommended for the NXG-900.
2. Maintenance
B. Check Antenna
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1. General
While the NXG-900 System is installed in the aircraft, cleaning is limited to the procedures given
below. Painting and more extensive cleaning should be done during maintenance when the
LRUs can be disassembled. Detailed instructions are presented in each applicable component-
level maintenance manual.
Refer to Table 9-1 for equipment and materials necessary to clean the GPS receiver and
associated LRUs.
NOTE: Equivalent alternatives are permitted for equipment and materials in this list.
3. Cleaning
A. Clean NXG-900
(1) Remove 4-screws used for NXG-900 mounting and remove NXG-900.
(2) Clean mounting plate with cloth or brush dampened in solvent; dry with cloth or
compressed air.
(3) Clean all dust and foreign matter from front panel and top of GPS receiver using
either cloth or brush dampened in solvent; dry with cloth or compressed air.
B. Clean Antenna
Use cloth or brush dampened in solvent to clean; dry with cloth or compressed air.
4. Painting
1. General
Major repairs to the NXG-900 System components are made only during maintenance when the
equipment is removed from the aircraft. Detailed instructions for repair and adjustment of each of
the repairable LRUs are presented in the applicable component maintenance manuals given
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