Chemsex: @davidastuart @56deanstreet David - Stuart@chelwest -
Chemsex: @davidastuart @56deanstreet David - Stuart@chelwest -
Chemsex: @davidastuart @56deanstreet David - Stuart@chelwest -
Dependent GBL use (daily, beyond 7 consecutive days) which can be associated with
potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms if use is abruptly discontinued.
Simplifying access to treatment
Identifying need; survey your cohort
Are you; ☐ Male ☐ Female ☐ Other; _____________
Do you have sex with: ☐ Men ☐ Women ☐ Both
In the last 6 months have you used any of the following drugs before or during sex? (please tick all that apply)
☐ GBL/GHB (G, Gina)
☐ Crystal Meth (Tina, T, Ice)
☐ Mephedrone (Meph, MKat)
☐ Other ________________________
☐ None
If you have used any drugs in the last 6 months, please continue.
Does your drug use impact the choices you make regarding safer sex? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Sometimes
Does your drug use have any undesirable effects on your social or professional life? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Sometimes
If you wanted advice about drug use, where would you prefer to go?
- Are you happy with your level of drug use?
- When did you last have sober sex? Do you want to discuss this with a specialist
- Do you feel your drug use is negatively impacting your sex life or general wellbeing?
Would you like to discuss this with a specialist worker?
Questions to ask; probing further
A client/patient who is using Chems, but refuses help, or claims it is not a
problem, may permit (if asked kindly) a few further questions.
•“Do you sometimes regret the choices you make when high?”
•“Do you want to talk to someone about being safer with drugs?”
Welcome/assessment in ChemSex Clinic
Welcome to 56 Dean Street ChemSex support.
Today, do you want to;
☐ Speak to a nurse/doctor about sexual health symptoms, or a sexual health risk that might have occurred?
☐ Speak to a Chems Advisor about gay sex and drugs, App use or dating/finding partners?
☐ Speak to a drugs worker about injecting, addiction/detox or to get some clean needles?
Further questions might include
Which drugs are being used (before or during sex)?
How are the drugs taken? (smoked, snorted, injected, taken orally or anally)
How frequently is this happening?
When did you last have sober sex?
How many partners might a typical ChemSex episode include?
How consistent is condom use during ChemSex episodes?
If HIV positive; are you on ARV treatment? Do you sometimes forget to take your medicine when on chems?
(clinicians should be alert for Drug/Drug Interactions)
If HIV negative; how many previous PEP courses have you done? Are you aware of what seroconversion
symptoms might be? Are you taking PrEP?
How many other STIs have you had in the last 6 months?
Are you aware of safer ChemSex practices to avoid hepatitis C?
Are any of the drugs being used daily/consistently/dependently? (GHB/GBL being the urgent concern)
Reflecting on use; setting boundaries
Making changes; a Care Plan
The repeated achievement of short term goals (most often, “taking a short break from chems”)
•gay life
•gay sex
•HIV stigma
Encouraged to repeat-attend on drop-in basis for an ongoing dialogue about their sexual
For professionals
• A working definition, ChemSex
• Referral information
• Video tutorials/conducting
ChemSex interventions
• Resources/tools for working with
• Papers on adapting services
to be ChemSex efficient
• ChemSex research
• Drug–drug interactions
Perfect storm of:
•A promiscuous population
•High HCV/HIV prevalence
•High-risk sex practices
•Increased (naïve) injecting use
•Confusion amongst clinicians about appropriate care pathways
•Lack of awareness and knowledge among clinicians of the ‘ChemSex environment’
•Shame/stigma amongst patient group, inhibiting honest disclosure
•Potential clusters of acute infections in a concentrated, but expanding population
•Complex psychological drivers