1 Introduction and Background To The FEM: 1.1 Weighted Residual Methods
1 Introduction and Background To The FEM: 1.1 Weighted Residual Methods
1 Introduction and Background To The FEM: 1.1 Weighted Residual Methods
Both of these approaches are discussed below but the former, being the more general of the
two, is the one which will be followed in most of this text. The Galerkin method is
described in §1.1 and §1.2 and the Variational approach is briefly discussed in §1.3.
The FEM using the Galerkin method is more specifically called the Galerkin Finite
Element Method (GFEM). Before discussing the GFEM, which is done in the next
Chapter, it is worthwhile discussing Galerkin’s Method, from which it derives. (In fact,
many of the important concepts of the FEM are touched upon in this chapter.) Galerkin’s
Method is what one might use to obtain a solution to a differential equation if one did not
have a computer. It was only with the development of the computer in the 1950s that the
Galerkin Method was generalised to the Galerkin FEM.
Boris Grigoryevich Galerkin was a Russian engineer who taught in the St. Petesburg Polytechnic. His
method, which he originally devised to solve some structural mechanics problems, and which he published in
1915, now forms the basis of the Galerkin Finite Element method. I.G. Bubnov independently devised a
similar method around the same time, and Galerkin’s method is known also as the Bubnov-Galerkin method
Method2. The two other most commonly encountered weighted residual methods are the
Collocation Method and the Method of Least Squares; these are special cases of the
most general Petrov-Galerkin Method, which is described in §1.1.4.
The Collocation, Least Squares and Galerkin methods will be illustrated here through the
following simple one dimensional example problem: solve the linear ordinary differential
equation (ODE)
d 2u
u x, u (0) 0, u (1) 0 (1.1)
dx 2
sinh x
[the exact solution is u ( x) x ]
Begin by assuming some form to u, usually a polynomial3. For example, take as a trial
u~ x a bx cx 2 (1.2)
This trial function has three unknowns, two of which can immediately be obtained from
the boundary conditions (BC’s), leading to a trial function which automatically satisfies
these BC’s:
u~ ( x) b x x 2 (1.3)
The most direct method is to satisfy the differential equation at some point in the interval,
x [0,1] - this is the Collocation Method. Which point one chooses is arbitrary, but it
makes sense to choose the midpoint, which usually yields best results, in which case,
substituting (1.3) into (1.1) and setting x 1 / 2 , one finds that b 2 / 9 and the
approximate solution is
rather, the most commonly encountered FEM is that based on the Galerkin method, but it is possible to
derive FEM equations using other weighted residual methods, most importantly the Petrov-Galerkin Method
(see later)
it is not necessary to use polynomials, e.g. one could use sinusoids, i sin(ix)
u~ ( x) 2
9 x x
Slightly different results will be obtained by choosing to enforce the differential equation
at different points.
More accuracy can be achieved by choosing higher order polynomials. For example, one
could begin with a cubic and so have the trial function which satisfies the BC’s
u~ ( x) bx cx 2 b c x 3 (1.5)
With two unknowns, one needs two equations. For example, enforcing (1.1) at the equi-
spaced points x 1 / 3 and x 2 / 3 leads to the system of equations {▲Problem 2}
62b 2c 9 (1.6)
59b 29c 9
u~ ( x)
81x 9 x 2 90 x 3 (1.7)
The “1-term” (Eqn. 1.4) and “2-term” (Eqn. 1.7) approximate solutions are graphed in Fig.
1.1, the latter being virtually indistinguishable from the exact solution at this scale. Using
the methods described here, one would expect the 1-term solution to be within, perhaps,
10-20% of the exact solution. Ever more accurate solutions can be obtained by increasing
the order of the polynomial and solving systems with ever greater numbers of equations.
2-term /
d 2u
0 dx 2 u x ( x)dx 0 (1.8)
Again, choose a trial function which satisfies the boundary conditions, for example the
quadratic (1.3), leading to
d 2 u~ ~
1 1
0 dx 2 u x
( x ) dx
bx 2 (1 b) x 2b ( x)dx 0 (1.9)
The term inside the square brackets is the residual R, and it is this which one wants to
drive to zero. The idea here is that if this integral is zero for any arbitrary weight function
, then the residual should be zero also.
There is one unknown in (1.9) and the question now is: what function (x) does one
choose? Again, the choice here is somewhat arbitrary (but see below). In the Least
Squares method, one chooses ( x) R / b , leading to a cubic integrand in Eqn. 1.9;
integration then leads to the equation {▲Problem 3}
10 b 12
0 b 65
282 (1.10)
Note the primary difference between the Collocation Method and the Least Squares
Method. In the former, the differential equation is satisfied at one or more particular
points. In the latter, (1.9), the differential equation is forced to zero in some average way,
determined by the weight function, over the complete domain.
As before, choose now a higher order polynomial to improve the solution, say the cubic
trial function of (1.5), rewritten as
u~ ( x) a1 x a 2 x 2 a1 a 2 x 3 (1.11)
Again, this is substituted into (1.8). This time, with two unknown coefficients, one
requires two equations, which are obtained by choosing two different weight functions,
1 ( x) 7 x x 3
2 ( x) 2 6x x 2 x3
a 2
1436 2783
a1 15
21 a1 0.1485, a 2 0.0154 (1.13)
a 2 10
420 105
Substituting (1.13) back into (1.11) gives the approximate solution, which is close to the
exact solution to the problem.
The reason why the Least Squares Method works is as follows: if the integral (1.8) is zero
for the complete set of functions4
1 1, 2 x, 3 x 2 , n x n , (1.14)
then the residual will be identically zero. As one takes higher order polynomial trial
functions, the weight functions i R / ai contain higher order terms in x and more and
more terms from the complete set of functions (1.14) are included, and the solution is
obtained with ever increasing accuracy.
Re-visiting now the Collocation Method, it can be seen that this is also a weighted residual
method, with the weights chosen to be
i ( x) ( x x i ) (1.15)
by which is meant that any function can be represented as a linear combination of these functions
where ( x x i ) 1 if x x i and zero otherwise (the Dirac delta function). For example,
the solution (1.4) is derived by considering the integral/equation
d 2u d 2u
I 2 u x x 12 dx 2 u x 0 (1.16)
0 dx dx x 1
The coefficient matrix of the Least Squares systems of equations (1.13) is symmetric. This
is always desirable, particularly for large systems of equations, since special rapid
equation-solver algorithms are available for symmetric coefficient matrices. The Least
Squares coefficient matrix is always symmetric provided the differential equation is linear.
This can be shown as follows: write the differential equation in operator form
L[u ] f ( x) (1.17)
L[ ai x i ] ai L[ x i ] f ( x) , (1.18)
j ( x)
a j a j
a Lx f ( x) Lx
i j
For symmetry one requires that the coefficient of ai in equation j be equal to the
coefficient of a j in equation i, and (1.20) clearly results in a symmetric coefficient matrix.
i (1.21)
As with the Method of Least Squares, the higher the order of the approximating
polynomial u~ , the higher the order of the terms x i included in the weight functions, so
that the more weight functions are chosen, the more of the complete set of functions (1.14)
will be chosen, and the closer the residual will be to zero.
Again considering problem (1.1) and using the trial function which satisfies the boundary
conditions, Eqn. 1.3, one has the single weight function
x x2 (1.22)
which, when substituted into (1.9) and the integral is evaluated, leads to
30 b 12 0
b 5
22 (1.23)
The cubic polynomial satisfying the boundary conditions, Eqn. 1.5, together with the
weight functions (with a1 b , a2 c )
u~ u~
1 x x 3 , 2 x2 x3 (1.24)
a1 a 2
I 1 2a 2 x1 7 a1 6a 2 a 2 x 2 a1 a 2 x 3 x x 3 dx 0
1 (1.25)
I 2 2a 2 x1 7 a1 6a 2 a 2 x a1 a 2 x
2 3
x 2
x dx 0
420 a1 152 0
137 a1 69
, a2 8
420 17 a 2 201 0 473 473
u~ ( x)
69 x 8 x 2 77 x 3 (1.27)
From the definition of the Galerkin weight function (1.21), the trial function can be written
in the alternative form
u~ ( x) 1 ( x)a1 2 ( x)a 2 , i ( x) (1.28)
This form of the trial function will be used in most of what follows.
d 2u
0 dx 2 u x dx 0 (1.29a)
du d
0 dx dx u x dx dx 0 (1.29b)
Before discussing these points, introduce the following terminology. The original
differential equation and BC’s, Eqn. 1.1, is referred to as the strong statement of the
problem. The weighted residual equation of (1.29b) is referred to as the weak statement of
the problem. The terminology weak statement (or weak problem or weak formulation or
weak form) is used to mean two different things: it most often used to mean that the
problem is stated in integral form, contrasting with the strong form of the differential
equation, which must be satisfied at all points on the interval of interest; in that sense Eqns.
1.29a,b are weak forms. However, the weak form more correctly means that the required
differentiability of the solution is of an order less than that in the original differential
equation; in that sense Eqn. 1.29a is a strong form whereas Eqn. 1.29b is a weak form. To
avoid ambiguity, we will here maintain the terminology “weak form” to mean the form of
Eqn. 1.29b.
Regarding (i), it is clear that the second derivative of a linear trial function u~ ( x) a bx is
zero and that the first term in the equation on the left of 1.29. This is not the case for the
weak form, which retains this information. Of course the two coefficients in a linear trial
function can be immediately found from the boundary conditions and so the weighted
residual (1.29) is not necessary to obtain what is a trivial solution; however, linear trial
functions can be used in the Galerkin FEM, as outlined in the next Chapter, and the
integration by parts is then essential.
Regarding (ii), the Galerkin coefficient matrix in (1.26) is symmetric, but this is fortuitous
– in general, it is not. However, the weak form of (1.29) is symmetric {▲Problem 4}. To
generalise this, consider the arbitrary linear ODE
d 2u du
p( x) 2
q ( x) r ( x)u f ( x) (1.30)
dx dx
To integrate the first term by parts, first note that an integration by parts without the
gives pu dx pu p u dx . This suggests that one adds and subtracts a term to/from
Eqn. 1.31:
The terms on the left, involving u, contribute to the coefficient matrix. Writing
u~ ai i leads to a system of equations, and the relevant terms are:
p a p a
i i j i i j q ai i j r ai i j dx (1.34)
For symmetry, this integral should be unchanged if i and j are interchanged. This will be
so if p q , so a second-order equation leading to symmetry is the equation
d du
p( x) r ( x)u f ( x) (1.35)
dx dx
This is known as the self-adjoint ODE. When p q 0 , one has the equation
d 2u
p0 r ( x)u f ( x) (1.36)
dx 2
where p0 is a constant, and an equation of the form b( x)u c( x)u d ( x) can always be
put in the form (1.36) by dividing through by b(x) . It can be seen that Eqn. 1.1 is of this
form, hence the symmetric matrix of Eqn. 1.2.6.
Consider again now the example problem (1.1), only this time using the weak form of
du~ d ~ du~
1 1
0 dx dx u x dx dx 0 (1.37)
The quadratic trial function satisfying the BC’s, Eqn. 1.3, leads to
dx 1 2 x x x 1
1 2 x x x
2 2
2 2 1
0 b x x x dx
0 0
du d1
I1 u1 x1 dx 1 0
dx dx dx 0
du d 2
I2 u 2 x 2 dx 2 0
dx dx dx 0
105 a1 152 1
92 137 69
a 2 1 473
u~ 69 x 8 x 2 77 x 3 (1.40)
7 20 a2 8
473 473
This is actually the same system as was obtained without the integration by parts (see
Eqns. 1.26, 1.27); in general though, this will not be the case.
u~ a bx cx 2 dx 3 ex 4 (1.41)
1 x x 4 , 2 x 2 x 4 , 3 x 3 x 4 (1.43)
du~ d i ~ du~
1 1
Ii u i x i dx i 0
dx dx dx 0
2520 a1 16 96406
a1 14427
929 4 493 a 1 , a 539 (1.44)
1260 9 2520 2 12 2 96406
769 493
a3 301 6041
a3 48203
d 2u
x2 2u 1, u (1) 0, u (2) 0 (1.45)
dx 2
[the exact solution is 1
14 6 / x 7 x ]
d 2u
I x 2 2 2u 1 ( x)dx 0 (1.46)
1 dx
To integrate this type of function by parts, one needs to add and subtract terms (as was
done above in Eqns. 1.31-32). First, integrate the second-order term by parts:
d 2u du du 2 d 2u du 2 du
x dx x 2 2 x dx x dx 2 2 x dx dx x dx
dx dx dx
d 2 u du du
I x 2 2 2 x w 2 x w 2u dx 0
1 dx dx dx
du d
du du
x2 2x w 2u dx x 2 0
dx dx dx dx 1
one has
I x 2 a (2 x 3) 2 2ax(2 x 3)( x 1)( x 2) 2a ( x 1) 2 ( x 2) 2 ( x 1)( x 2) dx
56 a 16 0
56 7
a1 16 a1 0.351027
13 (1.52)
105 a 2 4 a 2 0.0898973
Note that the coefficient matrix here is not symmetric; this is as expected since (1.45) is
not of the form (1.35).
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
-0.02 quadratic
i ti
The Petrov-Galerkin method is the most general type of weighted residual method.
Basically it is a catch-all term for all weighted residual methods, more specifically for
those in which the weight functions are not as chosen in the Least Squares or Galerkin
methods. As long as the weight functions embody the complete set of functions (1.14), the
method will converge as higher order trial functions are chosen.
Further, it might be the case that the actual solution is a highly complex function, perhaps a
two or three dimensional function, and that the boundary conditions themselves are
complex. In these cases, instead of selecting a trial function to encompass the complete
domain, it is better (necessary) to use some other numerical method, the natural extension
to Galerkin’s method being the Galerkin Finite Element Method, described in the next
So far, Galerkin’s method has been used to solve the second order differential equation
(1.1). Here, it is shown how the method can be used to solve a wide variety of problems:
linear problems with various types of boundary condition, non-linear ODEs and partial
differential equations.
Many of the problems considered here are trivial, in that an exact solution can easily be
obtained; they are used to illustrate the method, which can be used to tackle more complex
n 1
u~ ai i , i x i (1.54)
i 1 l n i
Note that the weight functions satisfy the essential boundary conditions, i.e.
wi 0 wi l 0 . This is an important property of the weight functions in the Galerkin
method; it has to be the case since the coefficients a in u~ a are arbitrary and u~
n 1
i i 1 i i
Consider now the case of non-homogeneous BC’s, u (0) u 0 and u (l ) u l . In this case
the trial function is written as u~
a x i ( x) . The first part, the sum, again satisfies
i 0 i
the essential BC’s and the extra term involving ensures that the non-homogeneous BC’s
are satisfied, for example one might let (1 x / l )u 0 ( x / l )u l . The weight functions
are the same as for the homogeneous BC case, since (x) is independent of the ai .
An important consequence of the Galerkin formulation is that, when one integrates by parts
the second-order term to obtain a boundary term of the form (see, for example, Eqn. 1.37)
x j (1.55)
the weight functions are zero at each end and so the boundary term is zero.
To illustrate these points, consider the following example problem with non-homogeneous
d 2u
1, u (0) 0, u (1) 3
2 (1.56)
dx 2
[the exact solution is 1
2 x2 x ]
Forming the weighted residual and integrating by parts to obtain the weak form, one has
du d
I dx 0 (1.57)
dx dx dx 0
u~ a( x x 2 ) 32 x (1.58)
leading to
1 1
I 3
a(1 2 x) 1 2 x x x dx du
0 dx 0
13 a 16 0 (1.59)
a 12 u~ x 0.5 x 2
Note that this is actually the exact solution; a quadratic trial function was used and the
exact solution is quadratic.
Again, re-stating the two important points made: (i) the weight function x x 2 satisfies the
essential BC’s and (ii) the boundary term in (1.59) is zero.
It is not necessary to have the trial function satisfy the natural boundary conditions – they
only have to satisfy the essential BC’s (hence the name essential). For example, consider
the following problem:
d 2u
1, u (0) 1, u
x x 1 2 (1.60)
dx 2
[the exact solution is 1
2 x2 x 1]
u~ a1 x a 2 x 2 1, 1 x, 2 x 2 (1.61)
There is an extra unknown coefficient and a second weight function, since the natural
boundary condition has not yet been applied. As usual, the weight functions satisfy the
homogeneous essential BC. The name natural is used since these BC’s arise naturally in
the weak statement of the problem:
d j du
Ij j dx j (1) 0, j 1, 2
dx dx dx x 1
du d j
j dx u (1) 0, j 1, 2
dx dx
I 1 a1 a 2 12 u (1)
I 2 a1 43 a 2 13 u (1) (1.63)
1 1 a 1 u (1) 0
4 1 12
1 3 a 2 3 u (1) 0
1 1 a1 32 1
1 4 a 5 0, a1 1, a 2
3 2 3 2 (1.64)
u 1 a x a x 1 x x 1
2 2
1 2 2
Unlike the case of two essential BC’s, the boundary term here is non-zero.
The Galerkin method can be used to deal with equations of higher order. For example,
here the above ideas are generalized to solve a fourth-order differential equation:
d 4u
0, u (0) 0, u (1) 1, u (0) 0, u (1) 2 (1.65)
dx 4
[the exact solution is u ( x) x 2 ]
d 4u
I dx 0 (1.66)
0 dx 4
1 1
d 2 u d 2 d 3u d 2 u dw
I 2 dx 3 2 0 (1.67)
0 dx dx 2 dx 0 dx dx 0
In this problem, the essential boundary conditions are (see the in the two boundary
u and specified at the end-points (1.68)
and the natural boundary conditions are evidently (again, see the boundary terms)
d 2u d 3u
and specified at the end-points (1.69)
dx 2 dx 3
Thus in this example there are four essential boundary conditions and no natural boundary
Using a quartic trial function then leads to the 1-term approximate solution u~ 2 x 3 x 4
{▲Problem 13}, which is plotted in Fig. 1.4.
0.2 exact
Galerkin one-term solution
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 1.4: Exact and 1-term Galerkin solutions to the 4th-order ODE (1.65)
The solution method for non-linear equations is essentially the same as for linear
equations. The new feature here is that one ends up having to solve a system of non-linear
equations for the unknown coefficients. For example, consider the equation
du d 2 u
2 1 0, u (0) 0, ux x 1 1 (1.70)
dx dx 2
[the exact solution is u ( x) 2
2 3/ 2
2 x
3/ 2
The weak statement of the problem, after an integration by parts (see the method
encompassed in Eqns. 1.46-48), is {▲Problem 15}
du 2 d
I dx u (1) (1) 0
dx dx
Using a quadratic trial function satisfying the essential BC, u~ a1 x a 2 x 2 , leads to the
non-linear system of equations {▲Problem 15}
a12 2a1 a 2 43 a 22 32 0
a12 83 a1 a 2 2a 22 43 0
These equations are fairly simple and can actually be solved using elementary elimination
methods; there are two possible solutions
The solution is not unique. Usually, the physics of the problem lets one know which
solution to choose. The second solution, 1.4241,0.2051 , is plotted in Fig. 1.5. It is very
accurate since the exact solution can be well approximated by a quadratic polynomial.
solution to
ODE (exact &
Figure 1.5: Exact and quadratic Galerkin solutions to the non-linear ODE (1.70)
Galerkin’s method can also be used to solve partial differential equations, in particular
those containing both time and spatial derivatives. The Galerkin approach is used to
reduce the spatial terms, leaving a system of ordinary differential equations in time. For
example, consider the equation
u 2 u
0 (1.74)
t x 2
subject to
u ( x, t ) a (t ) x x 2 sin x x , a (0) 0 (1.75)
As usual, this trial function explicitly satisfies the essential boundary conditions and the
weight function satisfies the two homogeneous essential boundary conditions.
Note that the coefficient a is now a function of time whereas the weight function is a
function of x only. Following the Galerkin procedure,
u 2 u u
1 1 1
u u
0 t x 2
( x ) dx 0 t dx 0 x x dx x 0
1 1
t 0
2 dx
x x
dx (1.76)
1 a 1 4
a 0
30 t 3
This now yields an ordinary differential equation in time, which must be integrated to
obtain the solution:
da 120
10a 0, a(0) 0 (1.77)
a(t )
e 10 t
1 (1.78)
u ( x, t )
e 10 t
1 x x 2 sin x x (1.79)
The solution is plotted in Fig. 1.6. Note how the perturbation dies away over time, leaving
the linear distribution u x , the solution to u 0 , as the steady state solution.
t0 Galerkin
t 0.1
It has been shown above how one can use the Weighted Residual Methods to reduce
differential equations to systems of equations which may be solved to obtain approximate
solutions. An alternative approach is to use a variational method. There are many
similarities between this and the weighted residual methods, as will be seen.
What follows here is a brief first step into the branch of mathematics known as the
Calculus of Variations, which is primarily concerned with the minimisation of the values
of certain integrals.
First, introduce the concept of the variation: consider the function u ( x) and a second
uˆ ( x) u ( x) ( x) (1.80)
u ( x) ( x) uˆ ( x) u ( x) (1.81)
The variation varies over the domain but it is everywhere infinitesimal, and it is zero where
essential BC’s are applied.
Note how the variation u x , which is a small change to u at a fixed point x, differs from
the increment u used in calculus, which is a small change in u due to a small change x
in x.
Considering again the problem of Eqn. 1.60, multiplying the equation across by the
variation of u, integrating over the domain, integrating by parts and using the fact that
u (0) 0 ,
d 2u du d u
1 1
0 dx 2 u u dx dx
u dx u (1)u (1) 0
This is none other than the weak statement (1.62), with the weight function here being the
variation. Now, from Eqns. 1.81 and 1.80,
du duˆ du d
( x), u d ( x) ( x) (1.83)
dx dx dx dx dx
du d
u (1.84)
dx dx
F F x, u u F x, u
O u
O 2
F u (1.86)
Similarly, with
F 2 F 2 x, u F 2 x, u
F x, u F x, u F x, u F x, u
F 2 2 FF (1.88)
(as in the formula for the ordinary differentiation). Using (1.84) and (1.88), (1.82)
1 du 2
u dx u (1)u (1) 0
2 dx
Finally, since
F x dx F x, u F x, u dx
F x, u dx F x, u dx , (1.90)
1 1 du 2
W (u ) u dx u (1)u (1) 0 (1.91)
0 2 dx
This is an alternative weak statement to the problem: the variation of the functional W (u ) ,
i.e. the function of the function u (x) , inside the curly brackets, is zero. The problem is
therefore now: find the function u (x) which causes W to be stationary.
Just as the Galerkin method was used to reduce the weighted residual weak statement to a
system of equations to be solved for an approximate solution, the variational weak
statement can be reduced to a system of equations using the Rayleigh-Ritz method, which
is discussed next.
In the Rayleigh-Ritz Method, a trial function satisfying the essential BC’s is chosen, say
u~ a1 x a 2 x 2 1 , as in (1.61). The functional in Eqn. 1.91 can then be written as a
function of the unknown coefficients; W u x W a1 , a2 :
W (a1 , a 2 ) a1 2a 2 x a1 x a 2 x 2 1 dx 2a1 a 2 1
12 a12 a1 a 2 23 a 22 32 a1 53 a 2 1
1 1 a1 2 0
1 3 a 2 3
4 5
which is the exact same system as obtained using the Galerkin method (this will always be
the case for differential equations of the self-adjoint form, i.e. as in (1.35)).
Here, the variational weak statement (1.90) was derived from the strong differential
equation statement of the problem (1.60). It should be noted that in many applications the
variational statement appears quite naturally, for example by using the principle of virtual
displacements in certain mechanics problems, and that the variational statement can be
converted back into the strong statement using the Calculus of Variations.
1.4 Summary
In summary then, in this Chapter have been discussed two broadly different ways of
tackling a boundary value problem, the Weighted Residual approach and the Variational
approach. The former involves converting the strong differential equation statement of the
problem into the weak weighted residual statement of the problem, and solving using the
Galerkin or other similar numerical method. The Variational approach involves converting
the strong statement of the problem into a stationary functional problem (or perhaps
beginning with the stationary problem), and solving numerically using the Rayleigh-Ritz
approach. This is summarized in the Fig. 1.8. In the figure, the bold arrows show the
method which will be primarily used in this text.
Weak Statement
by parts
System of
Fig. 1.8. Weighted Residual and Variational Solution of Differential Equations
1.5 Problems
was obtained by using the collocation method, with (1.1) enforced at x 1 / 2 . What
is the solution when the point chosen is x 1 / 4 . Which is the better approximation?
2. Derive the system of equations (1.6), resulting from a cubic trial function for the
differential equation (1.1) and the collocation method.
3. From the weighted residual integral (1.9) and the Least Squares relation
( x) R / b , derive the equation (1.10) for the unknown coefficient b.
4. Show that the weak form of (1.29) leads to a symmetric coefficient matrix when the
weight functions are chosen according to the Galerkin Method, Eqn. 1.21 (Do not
consider the boundary term).
5. Use the weighted residual methods, (i) Collocation, (ii) Least Squares, (iii) Galerkin
(strong form), (iv) Galerkin (weak form), with a quadratic trial function, to solve the
following differential equations:
a) u 1, u (0) u (1) 0 [exact sln. u ( x) 12 x( x 1) ]
b) u u 2 x, u (0) u (2) 0 [exact sln. u ( x) 2 x 4 sin
sin 2 ]
BC’s, u (0) 0 , u (l ) 0 .
9. Use the Galerkin method (weak form) to solve the following ODEs with two non-
homogeneous BC’s:
a) u x, u (1) 1, u (2) 4 [exact sln. 1
6 x 3 116 x 1 ]
b) u u 0, u (1) 1, u (3) 2 [exact sln. u ( x) 1
e 2 1
(2e 2 1 e 3 x ) ]
Are the boundary terms zero?
10. In the problem (1.56), the exact solution (1.59) was obtained using a quadratic trial
function. What happens if one uses a cubic trial function?
11. In the solution of the ODE (1.60), the quadratic trial function which satisfies only the
essential BC, u~ a1 x a 2 x 2 1 , was used. Re-solve the problem using a trial
function which explicitly satisfies both the essential and the natural BC’s. Again, use
a quadratic trial function (which will yield the exact solution).
12. Use the Galerkin method (weak form) to solve the following ODE:
u x 0, u (1) 1, du
dx x 2 1 [exact sln. u ( x) 116 3 x 16 x 3 ]
13. Using the weak statement (1.67) and a quartic trial function, obtain the 1-term
solution for the 4th-order ODE of (1.65). (You should get the exact solution.)
14. Derive the weak statement (1.71) from the non-linear differential equation (1.70).
Hence derive the non-linear system of equations (1.72).
15. Solve the following non-linear equation using Galerkin’s method (weak form), first
with one unknown coefficients, then with two unknown coefficients:
2uu x 0, u (0) 0, u (1) 0 [no exact sln.]
16. Re-solve the non-linear equation (1.70) by using a trial function which explicitly
includes the natural BC.
17. Use the Rayleigh-Ritz Method to find an approximation to the function u ( x) ,
satisfying the essential boundary conditions u (0) u (1) 0 , which renders stationary
the functional
du / dx
I (u ) 1
12 u 2 u dx
[exact sln. u ( x) 1 11e e x e1 x ]