440 - Example OHL Setting - 1-54

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Protection Application Example

380 kV OHL

can trip with the POTT scheme, or to trip at the weak infeed end in addition to
sending the echo. In this application both Echo and Trip will be used.

2502A Trip /Echo Delay after carrier receipt: As the communication channel may
produce a spurious signal (unwanted reception), a small delay is included for
security purposes. Only if the receive signal is present for this time will the
weak infeed function respond. In the event of 3 pole open condition of the
circuit breaker, this time delay is bypassed, and the echo is sent immediately.
The default setting of 0.04 sec is appropriate for this application.

2503A Trip Extension / Echo Impulse time: To ensure that the echo signal can be
securely transmitted, it must have a defined minimum length. On the other
hand a permanent echo signal is not desired. Therefore the echo is sent as a
pulse with this set length. If tripping is also applied, then this time also defines
the length of the internal trip signal (refer also to parameter 240A in Chapter
7.3). The default setting of 0.05 sec is appropriate for this application.

2504A Echo Block Time: If weak infeed echo is applied at both line ends, then it
must be avoided that a received echo signal is again sent as echo in a
continuous stream of echo signals. For this purpose, this blocking time is set
to prevent a new weak infeed operation before it expires. A secure setting of
this timer is the time required for a signal to be transmitted from one end to
the other and back again (twice the channel delay time) plus a safety margin
of 10 ms. In this application a worst channel delay time of 20 ms is assumed
so that a setting of 0.05 sec is appropriate.

2505 Undervoltage (ph-e): The weak infeed trip signal (phase selective) is
supervised by this undervoltage threshold. At the weak infeed end the source
impedance is very large so that very small voltages are measured during
faults on the protected circuit. If this threshold is set well below the minimum
operational ph-e voltage then weak infeed tripping is secure and phase
selective. Simulations and practical experience have shown that a setting of
50% nominal ph-e voltage provides good results. The default setting of 25 V
is therefore applied.

2509 Echo Logic: Dis and EF on common channel: If the distance protection and
directional earth fault protection are both applied with teleprotection (Distance
with POTT and EF with directional comparison) the signals can be routed via
one common channel or via two separate channels in the communication
system. The weak infeed and echo logic must be set accordingly to ensure
correct response. In this application two separate channels are used so the
setting is NO.

7SA522/7SA6 Application Example Page 53 of 82

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