Electrophysiological Disorders of The Heart 2nd Edition

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Disorders of the Heart

Disorders of the Heart
Sanjeev Saksena, MD, FACC, FESC, FAHA, FHRS A. John Camm, MD, FRCP, FESC, FACC
Clinical Professor of Medicine Professor of Clinical Cardiology
UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine Department of Cardiac and Vascular Sciences
Piscataway, New Jersey; St. George’s Hospital Medical Centre
Medical Director, Electrophysiology Research Foundation London, United Kingdom
Warren, New Jersey

Associate Editors
Penelope A. Boyden, PhD Victoria L. Vetter, MD, MPH
Professor, Department of Pharmacology and the Center Director, Youth Heart Watch
for Molecular Therapeutics Professor of Pediatrics
Columbia University University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine;
New York, New York Chief, Division of Cardiology
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Paul Dorian, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Director, Division of Cardiology
University of Toronto Wojciech Zareba, MD, PhD
St. Michael’s Hospital Professor of Medicine/Cardiology
Toronto, Ontario, Canada University of Rochester Medical School
Rochester, New York
Nora Goldschlager, MD, FACP, FACC
Professor of Clinical Medicine
University of California-San Francisco
School of Medicine;
Associate Director, Cardiology Division
Director, Clinical Cardiology
San Francisco General Hospital
San Francisco, California
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Electrophysiological disorders of the heart / editors, Sanjeev Saksena, A. John Camm ; associate editors,
Penelope A. Boyden … [et al.].—2nd ed.
   p. ; cm.
  Includes bibliographical references and index.
  ISBN 978-1-4377-0285-9 (hardcover : alk. paper)
  I.  Saksena, Sanjeev.  II.  Camm, A. John.
  [DNLM: 1.  Arrhythmias, Cardiac.  2.  Cardiac Pacing, Artificial.  3.  Electrophysiologic Techniques,
Cardiac. WG 330]
  LC-classification not assigned

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To Diane, Joy, and our parents and families, whose unfailing support and
understanding made this work feasible.

This book is dedicated to the pioneers in our field, who made such
progress possible; our mentors, who imbued us with the desire to help
advance this science; and our younger colleagues all across the world,
who continue to inspire us with their energy and innovation and bring
with them great hope for the future.

Raushan Abdula, MD Nitish Badhwar, MD

Research Attending Assistant Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine Cardiac Electrophysiology
New York Methodist Hospital Division of Cardiology
Brooklyn, New York University of California San Francisco
San Francisco, California
Michael J. Ackerman, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Pharmacology Shane Bailey, MD
Mayo Clinic Windland Smith Rice Sudden Death Genomics Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute
Laboratory St. David’s Medical Center
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Austin, Texas
Rochester, Minnesota
Conor D. Barrett, MD
Masood Akhtar, MD, MACP, FACC, FHRS Massachusetts General Hospital Heart Center
Clinical Professor of Medicine Boston, Massachusetts
University of Wisconsin Medical School
Milwaukee Clinical Campus; Antonio Bayes de Luna, MD
Attending, St. Luke’s/Aurora Sinai Medical Centers Catalan Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Barcelona, Spain
Rishi Anand, MD
Cardiac Electrophysiologist Paul Belk, PhD
Medical Director EPS Laboratory Technical Fellow
Holy Cross Hospital Medtronic, Inc.
Fort Lauderdale, FL Minneapolis, Minnesota

Kelley Anderson, MD David G. Benditt, MD

Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine Professor of Medicine
University of Wisconsin Medical School University of Minnesota Medical School;
Madison, Wisconsin; Cardiac Arrhythmia Center
Cardiologist, Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin University Hospital
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Charles Antzelevitch, PhD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS
Executive Director and Director of Research Begoña Benito, MD
Gordon K. Moe Scholar Electrophysiology Research Program
Professor of Pharmacology Montreal Heart Institute
Upstate Medical University Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Syracuse, New York;
Masonic Medical Research Laboratory Matthew T. Bennett, MD
Utica, New York Division of Cardiology
University of Western Ontario
Angelo Auricchio, MD, PhD London, Ontario, Canada
Associate Professor of Cardiology
Otto von Guericke University School of Medicine;
Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories
Division of Cardiology
University Hospital
Magdeburg, Germany

Contributors  vii

Saroja Bharati, MD Ramon Brugada, MD

Professor of Pathology Assistant Professor of Medicine and Director
Rush Medical College; Molecular Genetics
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center Massonic Medical Research Laboratory
Chicago, Illinois; Utica, New York
Director, The Maurice Lev Congenital Heart and
Conduction System Center Thomas Adam Burkart, MD
The Heart Institute for Children; Assistant Professor of Medicine
Advocate Hope Children’s Hospital and Advocate Christ Clinical Electrophysiologist
Medical Center Director, General Cardiovascular Fellowship Training Program
Oak Lawn, Illinois University of Florida School of Medicine
Gainesville, Florida
David B. Bharucha, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine-Cardiac Physiology J. David Burkhardt, MD
Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute
Attending Electrophysiologist St. David’s Medical Center
Cardiovascular Institute Austin, Texas
Mount Sinai Medical Center;
Director, Arrhythmia and Cardiac Device Services Hugh Calkins, MD
Queens Health Network Professor of Medicine
New York, New York Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine;
Director, Electrophysiology Laboratory, and Director,
William J. Bonney, MD Arrhythmia Service
Attending Cardiologist and Pediatric Electrophysiologist Johns Hopkins Hospital
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Baltimore, Maryland
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania A. John Camm, MD, FRCP, FESC, FACC
Professor of Clinical Cardiology
Neil E. Bowles, PhD Department of Cardiac and Vascular Sciences
Research Associate Professor, Pediatrics St. George’s Hospital Medical Centre
George and Dolores Eccles Institute of Human Genetics London, United Kingdom
University of Utah School of Medicine
Salt Lake City, Utah Franco Cecchi, MD
Chief, Referral Center for Cardiomyopathies
Penelope A. Boyden, PhD Department of Cardiology
Professor, Department of Pharmacology and the Azienda Ospedialiera Universitaria Careggi
Center for Molecular Therapeutics Florence, Italy
Columbia University
New York, New York Marina Cerrone, MD
Senior Research Scientist
Babak Bozorgnia, MD Cardiovascular Genetics Program
Cardiologist New York University School of Medicine
Naples Heart Rhythm Specialists New York, New York
Naples, Florida
Nipon Chattipakorn, MD, PhD
Günter Breithardt, MD Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology Unit
Professor of Cardiology Department of Physiology
Department of Cardiology and Angiology Chiangmai University Faculty of Medicine
University Hospital Münster Chiangmai, Thailand
Münster, Germany
Shih-Ann Chen, MD
Josep Brugada, MD, PhD Professor of Medicine
Associate Professor of Medicine National Yang-Ming University School of Medicine;
University of Barcelona School of Medicine; Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory
Director, Arrhythmia Unit Hospital Clinic Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Barcelona, Spain Taipei, Taiwan

Pedro Brugada, MD Alexandru B. Chicos, MD

Professor of Cardiology Assistant Professor
Cardiovascular Research and Teaching Institute; Feinberg School of Medicine
Olv Hospital Northwestern University
Aalst, Belgium Chicago, Illinois
viii  Contributors

Indrajit Choudhuri, MD Ralph J. Damiano Jr, MD

Clinical Professor of Medicine John M. Schoenberg Professor, Cardiology
Cardiovascular Disease Section Chief of Cardiac Surgery
Department of Medicine Washington University School of Medicine
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health; St. Louis, Missouri
Executive Medical Director
Cardiovascular System Clinical Program James P. Daubert, MD
Aurora Health Care Metro Inc.; Chief, Cardiac Electrophysiology
President, Aurora Cardiovascular Services Duke University Health System
Aurora Medical Group Cardiology Division
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina
Sebastien Clauss, MD
Department of Cardiology Jean-Claude Daubert, MD
Ludwigs-Maximilian University of Munich Chief, Cardiac Electrophysiology
Munich, Germany Duke University Health System
Durham, North Carolina
Jamie Beth Conti, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine and Training Program D. Wyn Davies, MD
Director, Cardiovascular Diseases Professor of Cardiology
University of Florida College of Medicine; University of London;
Assistant Director Consultant in Cardiology
Clinical Electrophysiology St. Mary’s Hospital
Shands at the University of Florida London, United Kingdom
Gainesville, Florida
Prakash Deedwania, MD, FACC, FAHA
Jonathan M. Cordeiro, MD Professor of Medicine
Research Scientist, Experimental Cardiology Chief, Cardiology Division
Masonic Medical Research Laboratory University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine
Utica, New York Fresno, California

Bettina F. Cuneo, MD Paul J. DeGroot, MS

Director of Perinatal Cardiology Medtronic, Inc.
The Heart Institute for Children Cardiac Rhythm Disease Management
Hope Children’s Hospital New Therapies and Diagnostics Group
Oak Lawn, Illinois Mounds View, Minnesota

Shane R. Cunha, MD Nicolas Derval, MD

Department of Internal Medicine Division of Cardiology
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine Hôspital Cardiologique Haut Lévêque
Iowa City, Iowa CHU Bordeaux
Pessac, France
Anne B. Curtis, MD, FHRS, FACC, FAHA
Charles and Mary Bauer Professor and Chair, Department of Luigi Di Biase, MD
Medicine Senior Researcher
University at Buffalo Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute
Buffalo, New York St. David’s Medical Center
Austin, Texas;
Michael J. Cutler, MD Clinical Assistant Professor
MetroHealth Heart and Vascular Center Department of Cardiology
Case Western Reserve University University of Foggia
Cleveland, Ohio Foggia, Italy

Iwona Cygankiewicz, MD, PhD Timm-Michael Dickfeld, MD, PhD

Heart Research Follow-up Program Chief, Electrophysiology
Cardiology Division Baltimore VA Medical Center;
University of Rochester Medical Center Associate Professor of Medicine
Rochester, New York; Division of Cardiology
Catalan Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences University of Maryland School of Medicine
Barcelona, Spain Baltimore, Maryland
Contributors  ix

Dobromir Dobrev, MD Nabil El-Sherif, MD

Chair, Division of Experimental Cardiology Professor of Medicine and Physiology
Medical Faculty Mannheim SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine;
University of Heidelburg Director, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Program
Heidelburg, Germany; SUNY Downstate Medical Center;
Adjunct Professor of Medicine Director, Division of Cardiology
Montreal Heart Institute VA Medical Center
Montreal, Quebec, Canada Brooklyn, New York

Michael Domanski, MD Sabine Ernst, MD

Head, Clinical Trials Group Consultant Cardiologist
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; Research Lead Electrophysiology
Warren G. Magnusson Clinical Center Royal Brompton Hospital
National Institutes of Health London, United Kingdom
Bethesda, Maryland
N.A. Mark Estes III, MD
Paul Dorian, MD, MSc, FRCPC Director, New England Cardiac Arrhythmia Center
Director, Division of Cardiology Tufts Medical Center
University of Toronto Boston, Massachusetts
St. Michael’s Hospital
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Michael D. Ezekowitz, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Hiten Doshi Jefferson Medical College
Senior Fellow, Engineering Lankenau Institute for Medical Research
CRV Boston Scientific Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
St. Paul, Minnesota
John D. Fisher, MD
Heather S. Duffy, PhD Professor of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Medicine Department of Medicine-Cardiology
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University;
Cardiovascular Institute Director, Arrhythmia Service/CCEP Program Director
Boston, Massachusetts Montefiore Medical Center
Bronx, New York
Lars Eckardt, MD
Professor of Medicine Glenn I. Fishman, MD
Department of Cardiology and Angiology William Goldring Professor of Medicine
University Hospital Münster Director, Division of Cardiology
Münster, Germany New York University School of Medicine
New York, New York
David Eisner, DPhil, FMedSci
Professor of Cardiac Physiology Andrei Forclaz, MD
University of Manchester Division of Cardiology
Manchester, United Kingdom Hôspital Cardiologique Haut Lévêque
CHU Bordeaux
Kenneth A. Ellenbogen, MD Pessac, France
Chairman of the Division of Cardiology
Director of Clinial Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing G. Joseph Gallinghouse, MD
MVC Campus Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute
McGuire VA Medical Center; St. David’s Medical Center
Medical College of Virginia Austin, Texas
Richmond, Virginia
Ann C. Garlitski, MD
Perry M. Elliott, MD Assistant Professor
Professor of Medicine Tufts University School of Medicine
Cardiovascular Medicine Tufts Medical Center
University College London Boston, Massachusetts
London, United Kingdom
x  Contributors

Edward P. Gerstenfeld, MD John-John Hamel, MD

Physician and Associate Professor of Medicine Division of Cardiology and Vascular Diseases
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Centre Cardio-Pneumologique
Department of Medicine Hôpital Pontchaillou
Cardiovascular Medicine Division Rennes, France
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Donald D. Hegland, MD
Jaswinder Gill, MD, FRCP, FACC Medical Instructor
Consultant Cardiologist Cardiology Division
St. Thomas’ Hospital Duke University School of Medicine
London, United Kingdom Durham, North Carolina

Anne M. Gillis, MD, FRCPC, FHRS Douglas Hettrick, MD

Professor of Medicine Medtronic, Inc.
Department of Cardiac Sciences Cardiac Rhythm Disease Management
University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine; New Therapies and Diagnostics Group
Director of Pacing and Electrophysiology Mounds View, Minnesota
Department of Cardiac Sciences
Calgary Health Region, Siew Yen Ho, PhD, FRCPath
Calgary, Alberta, Canada Professor of Medicine
National Heart & Lung Institute
Jason A. Goebel, MD Imperial College London
Cardiology Division London, United Kingdom
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, South Carolina; Mélèze Hocini, MD
Interventional Cardiology and Electrophysiology University of Bordeaux II
Cardiology Gastroenterology Associates Bordeaux, France;
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Research Associate, Department of Cardiology
Hôpital Cardiologique du Haut Lévèque
Michael R. Gold, MD, PhD Bordeaux-Pessac, France
Director, Division of Cardiology
Medical Director, Heart and Vascular Center Munther K. Homoud, MD
Charleston, South Carolina Associate Professor of Medicine
Tufts University School of Medicine
Pamela S.N. Goldman, DO Co-Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacemaker
Clinical Research Physician Laboratory
Lankenau Institute for Medical Research New England Cardiac Arrhythmia Center
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania Tufts Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Nora Goldschlager, MD, FACP, FACC
Professor of Clinical Medicine Rodney Horton, MD
University of California-San Francisco Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute
School of Medicine; St. David’s Medical Certer
Associate Director, Cardiology Division Austin, Texas
Director, Clinical Cardiology
San Francisco General Hospital Jose F. Huizar, MD
San Francisco, California Assistant Professor of Medicine
Medical College of Virginia;
Lorne J. Gula, MD Director, Arrhythmia and Device Clinic
Assistant Professor Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center
Division of Cardiology Richmond, Virginia
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada Thomas J. Hund, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering
Michel Haïssaguerre, MD, FESC Department of Internal Medicine
Professor of Cardiology University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
University of Bordeaux Iowa City, Iowa
Bordeaux, France;
Director, Electrophysiology
University Hospital
Pessac, France
Contributors  xi

Raymond E. Ideker, MD, PhD Stefan Kääb, MD

Jeanne V. Marks Professor of Medicine Department of Cardiology
Department of Medicine Ludwigs-Maximilian University of Munich
Division of Cardiovascular Disease; Munich, Germany
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Professor of Physiology Alan H. Kadish, MD
University of Alabama-Birmingham School of Medicine Chester and Deborah C. Cooley Professor of Medicine
Birmingham, Alabama Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine;
Senior Associate Chief, Division of Cardiology
Ramesh Iyer, MD Department of Medicine
Assistant Clinical Professor Northwestern Memorial Faculty Foundation
Pediatrics and Neonatology Chicago, Illinois
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Hartford, Connecticut Jonathan M. Kalman, MBBS, PhD
Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist
Kevin P. Jackson, MD Melbourne Heart Center
Medical Instructor Royal Melbourne Hospital
Cardiology Division Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Duke University School of Medicine
Durham, North Carolina Bharat K. Kantharia, MD, FRCP, FAHA, FACC,
Amir Jadidi, MD Professor of Medicine
Division of Cardiology The University of Texas-Health Science Center at Houston;
Hôspital Cardiologique Haut Lévêque Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology Services
CHU Bordeaux Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratories
Pessac, France Director, Clinical Cardiology Electrophysiology Fellowship
Training Program
Pierre Jaïs, MD Memorial Hermann Hospital and Heart and Vascular Institute
University Bordeaux II Victor Ségalen Houston, Texas
Hôpital Cardiologique du Haut Lévèque Karoly Kaszala, MD
Bordeaux, France Director of Electrophysiology
McGuire VA Medical Center;
José Jalife, MD Division of Cardiology
Professor and Chairman VCU Health System
Department of Pharmacology Richmond, Virginia
Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics
SUNY Upstate Medical University; Demosthenes G. Katritsis, MD, PhD, FRCP, FACC
Director, Institute for Cardiovascular Research Director, Cardiology Service
University Hospital Athens Euroclinic
Syracuse, New York Athens, Greece;
Honorary Consultant Cardiologist
Michiel Janse, MD, PhD Cardiothoracic Centre
Emeritus Professor of Experimental Cardiology St. Thomas’ Hospital
University of Amsterdam Faculty of Medicine; London, Ontario, Canada
Laboratory of Experimental Cardiology
Academic Medical Center Elizabeth S. Kaufman, MD
Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cardiac Electrophysiologist
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Luc Jordaens, MD, PhD Heart and Vascular Center
Professor of Medicine MetroHealth Medical Center
Department of Cardiology Cleveland, Ohio
Erasmus MC Susan S. Kim, MD
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Cardiac Electrophysiologist
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Werner Jung, MD Feinberg School of Medicine
Department of Medicine-Cardiology Northwestern University
University of Bonn Chicago, Illinois
Bonn, Germany
xii  Contributors

Senthil Kirubakaran, MB ChB(Hons), MRCP Andrew Krumerman, MD

Cardiology Specialist Registrar Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital Albert Einstein College of Medicine
London, United Kingdom Montefiore Medical Center
Bronx, New York
George J. Klein, MD, FACC, FRCPC
Professor of Medicine Vikas Kuriachan, MD
Chair, Cardiology Division Faculty of Medicine
Department of Medicine University of Calgary Medical School
University of Western Ontario Faculty of Medicine; Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Chief of Cardiology
Department of Medicine Fred Kusumoto, MD
London Health Sciences Centre Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine
London, Ontario, Canada University of New Mexico College of Medicine
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Helmut Klein, MD
Professor Emeritus Joel A. Lardizabal, MD
Isar Herz Zentrum Muenchen Fellow, Cardiology Division
Munich, Germany University of California-San Francisco
School of Medicine
Sébastien Knecht, MD Fresno, California
Division of Cardiology
Hôspital Cardiologique Haut Lévêque Chu-Pak Lau, MD
CHU Bordeaux Chair Professor
Pessac, France University of Hong Kong School of Medicine;
Chief of Cardiology
Bradley Knight, MD, FACC, FHRS Queen Mary Hospital
Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology Hong Kong, China
Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute of Northwestern;
Professor of Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine David H. Lau, MD, PhD
Northwestern University Department of Medicine
Chicago, Illinois College of Physicians and Surgeons
Columbia University
Paul Knops, MD New York, New York
Department of Cardiology
Thoraxcenter Ralph Lazzara, MD
Erasmus MC Regent’s Professor
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Department of Medicine
University of Oklahoma College of Medicine;
Jacob S. Koruth, MD Medical Director
Massachusetts General Hospital Heart Center Cardiac Arrhythmia Research Institute
Boston, Massachusetts University of Oklahoma Health Science Center
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Peter R. Kowey, MD
Professor of Medicine Anson M. Lee, MD
Thomas Jefferson University Research Fellow
Jefferson Medical College Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Department of Surgery
Chief, Cardiovascular Services Washington University School of Medicine
Main Line Health System Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Lankenau Hospital St. Louis, Missouri
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
Peter Leong-Sit, MD
Andrew D. Krahn, MD Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiologist
Professor, Division of Cardiology London Health Sciences Centre;
London Health Sciences Centre, Assistant Professor of Medicine
London, Ontario, Canada Department of Medicine
University of Western Ontario Schulich School of Medicine
London, Ontario, Canada
Contributors  xiii

Samuel Levy, MD Ruth McBride, ScB

Chief, Cardiology Service Scientific Director
Hôpital Nord Axio Research
Marseille, France Seattle, Washington

Thorsten Lewalter, MD William J. McKenna, MD, DSc, FRCP(UK), FMedSci,

Professor of Medicine FESC, FACC
Department of Cardiology Director of the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences
University of Bonn Division of Medicine (UCL) and the Heart Hospital
Bonn, Germany University College London
London, United Kingdom
Hua Li, PhD
Instructor, Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology) Rahul Mehra, PhD
Baylor College of Medicine Senior Director of Arrhythmia Research
Houston, Texas Medtronic, Inc.
Mounds View, Minnesota
Bruce D. Lindsay, MD
Section Head Anjlee M. Mehta, MD
Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellow, Division of Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular Medicine University of Alabama at Birmingham
Cleveland Clinic Foundation Birmingham, Alabama
Cleveland, Ohio
John M. Miller, MD
Nick W.F. Linton, MEng, MRCP Professor of Medicine
St. Mary’s Hospital and Imperial College London Indiana University School of Medicine;
London, United Kingdom Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology Services
Director, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Training Program
Nandini Madan, MD Clarion Health System
Associate Professor of Pediatrics Indianapolis, Indiana
Drexel College of Medicine;
Attending Cardiologist L. Brent Mitchell, MD, FRCPC
St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children Professor and Head
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Department of Cardiac Sciences
University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine;
Yousuf Mahomed, MD Director, Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta
Professor of Surgery Calgary Health Region
Indiana University School of Medicine; Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Attending Cardiovascular Surgeon
Indiana University Health Peter J. Mohler, PhD
Indianapolis, Indiana Institute Director
Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute
Louisa Malcolme-Lawes, MD The Ohio State University
Research Fellow Columbus, Ohio
Cardiac Electrophysiology Department
St Mary’s Hospital and Imperial College London Carlos A. Morillo, MD
London, United Kingdom Professor, Division of Cardiology
Department of Medicine
Frank Marchlinski, MD McMaster University
Director, UHPS Cardiac Electrophysiology Program Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Director, Electrophysiology Laboratory
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Alison R. Muir, MD
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Cardiovascular Medicine
University College London
Barry J. Maron, MD London, United Kingdom
Director, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Center
Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation Shisuke Myazaki, MD
Minneapolis, Minnesota; Division of Cardiology
Adjunct Professor of Medicine Hôspital Cardiologique Haut Lévêque
Tufts University School of Medicine CHU Bordeaux
Boston, Massachusetts Pessac, France
xiv  Contributors

Robert J. Myerburg, MD Heyder Omran, MD

Professor of Medicine and Physiology Professor
Department of Medicine St. Marien Hospital
Division of Cardiology Bonn, Germany
University of Miami School of Medicine;
Attending, Jackson Memorial Hospital Luigi Padeletti, MD
Miami, Florida Department of Cardiology
University of Florence
Gerald V. Naccarelli, MD Florence, Italy
Bernard Trabin Chair of Cardiology and Professor of Medicine
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine; Richard L. Page, MD
Director, Cardiovascular Center George R. and Elaine Love Professor and Chair
Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Department of Medicine
Hershey, Pennsylvania University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health,
Madison, Wisconsin
Rangadham Nagarakanti, MD
Clinical Fellow David S. Park, MD
Cardiovascular Medicine Division Fellow, Division of Cardiology
Vanderbilt University New York University School of Medicine
Nashville, Tennessee New York, New York

Navin C. Nanda, MD Mark Preminger, MD

Professor of Medicine Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Alabama at Birmingham UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School;
Birmingham, Alabama Director, Electrophysiology Laboratory
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
Carlo Napolitano, MD, PhD New Brunswick, New Jersey
Research Associate Professor
Leon H. Charney Division of Cardiology Silvia G. Priori, MD, PhD
New York University School of Medicine Professor of Medicine
New York, New York New York University School of Medicine;
Director, Cardiovascular Genetics Program
Andrea Natale, MD NYU Langone Medical Center
Executive Medical Director New York, New York;
Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute at St David’s Medical Associate Professor of Cardiology
Center University of Pavia;
Austin, Texas Head, Molecular Cardiology and Cellular Electrophysiology
Stanley Nattel, MD IRCCS Fondazione
Montreal Heart Institute Pavia, Italy
University of Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada Kara J. Quan, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Isabelle Nault, MD Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine;
Department of Cardiology Director, Electrophysiology Laboratory
Hôpital Laval Heart and Vascular Research Center
Quebec, Quebec, Canada MetroHealth Campus
Cleveland, Ohio
Sami F. Noujaim, MD
Clinical Lecturer in Internal Medicine Satish R. Raj, MD
Center for Arrhythmia Research Department of Cardiology
University of Michigan Ludwigs-Maximilian University of Munich
Ann Arbor, Michigan Munich, Germany

Iacopo Olivotto, MD John Rawlins, MRCP(UK)

Staff Physician CRY Cardiac Research Fellow
Department of Cardiology King’s Health Partners
Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi King’s College London
Florence, Italy London, United Kingdom
Contributors  xv

Shakeeb Razak, MD Michael R. Rosen, MD

Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiologist Gustavus A. Pfeiffer Professor of Pharmacology and Professor of
Specialist Medical Centre Pediatrics
Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons;
Director, Center for Molecular Therapeutics
Shantanu Reddy, MD New York, New York
Fellow, Research and Development
CRV Boston Scientific David Rosenbaum, MD
St. Paul, Minnesota Associate Professor of Medicine
Biomedical Engineering, Physiology, and Biophysics
Vivek Y. Reddy, MD Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine;
Director, Experimental Electrophysiology Laboratory Director, Heart and Vascular Research Center
Cardiac Arrhythmia Service MetroHealth Campus
Massachusetts General Hospital Case Western Reserve University
Boston, Massachusetts Cleveland, Ohio

Robert W. Rho, MD Jeremy Ruskin, MD

Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation Associate Professor of Medicine
Novato Community Hospital Harvard Medical School;
Novato, California Director, Cardiac Arrhythmia Service
Massachusetts General Hospital
Larry A. Rhodes, MD Boston, Massachusetts
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Frédéric Sacher, MD
Director, Electrophysiology Unit Division of Cardiology
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Hôspital Cardiologique Haut Lévêque
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania CHU Bordeaux
Pessac, France
Abel Rivero, MD
Fellow, Division of Cardiovascular Disease Scott Sakaguchi, MD
University of Southern Florida Associate Professor of Medicine
Tampa, Florida University of Minnesota Medical School;
Cardiac Arrhythmia Center
Melissa Robinson, MD University Hospital
Department of Medicine Minneapolis, Minnesota
Cardiovascular Medicine Division
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Sanjeev Saksena, MD, FACC, FESC, FAHA, FHRS
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Clinical Professor of Medicine
UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine
Dionyssios Robotis, MD Piscataway, New Jersey;
Assistant Professor of Medicine Director, Electrophysiology Research Foundation
SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine; Warren, New Jersey
Director, Electrophysiology Laboratory
VA Medical Center Javier Sanchez, MD
Brooklyn, New York Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute
St. David’s Medical Center
Dan M. Roden, MD Austin, Texas
Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology
Department of Clinical Pharmacology Pasquale Santageli, MD
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine; Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute
Director, Division of Clinical Pharmacology St. David’s Medical Center
Vanderbilt University Hospital Austin, Texas
Nashville, Tennessee
Irina Savelieva, MD
Michael J. Root Department of Cardiac and Vascular Sciences
Science Fellow, Hardware St. George’s Hospital Medical Centre
CRV Boston Scientific London, United Kingdom
St. Paul, Minnesota
xvi  Contributors

Mark H. Schoenfeld, MD, FACC Bramah N. Singh, MD, DPhil, DSc

Clinical Professor of Medicine Professor of Medicine
Yale University School of Medicine; David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA;
Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacemaker Laboratory Staff Cardiologist
Hospital of Saint Raphael VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
New Haven, Connecticut Los Angeles, California

Peter J. Schwartz, MD Steven Singh, MD

Professor and Chairman Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology
Department of Cardiology Georgetown University Medical Center;
University of Pavia School of Medicine; Chief of Cardiology
Chief, Coronary Care Unit Department of Medicine
IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo Vereran Affairs Medical Center
Pavia, Italy Washington, DC

Robert Schweikert, MD Chung-Wah Siu, MD

Chief of Cardiology Cardiology Division
Akron General Medical Center Queen Mary Hospital
Akron, Ohio Hong Kong, China

Oliver R. Segal, MD, MRCP Nicholas D. Skadsberg, PhD

Consultant Cardiologist Medtronic, Inc.
The Heart Hospital & University College London Mounds View, Minnesota
London, United Kingdom
Allan C. Skanes, MD, FRCPC
Dipen Shah, MD Associate Professor
Associate Physician Department of Medicine
Cardiology Service University of Western Ontario Faculty of Medicine;
Canton Hospital of the University of Geneva Director of Electrophysiology Laboratory
Geneva, Switzerland Arrhythmia Service
Division of Cardiology
Maully Shah, MBBS, FACC London Health Sciences Centre
Attending Cardiologist London, Ontario, Canada
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine April Slee
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Project Director
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Axio Research
Seattle, Washington
Arjun Sharma, MD, FACC
Vice President, Patient Safety Jasbir Sra, MD, FACC, FHRS
Boston Scientific Corporation Clinical Professor of Medicine
St. Paul, Minnesota University of Wisconsin Medical School
Milwaukee Clinical Campus;
Sanjay Sharma, MD, FRCP(UK), FESC Attending, St. Luke’s/Aurora Sinai Medical Centers
Professor of Clinical Cardiology Milwaukee, Wisconsin
St. George’s University of London and St. George’s Health
Care NHS Trust Gerhard Steinbeck, MD
London, United Kingdom Professor and Chair of Internal Medicine
Department of Cardiology
Robert S. Sheldon, MD Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
Faculty of Medicine Munich, Germany
Health Sciences Centre
University of Calgary David Steinhaus, MS
Calgary, Alberta, Canada Cardiac Rhythm Disease Management
New Therapies and Diagnostics Group
Kaori Shinagawa, MD Medtronic, Inc.
Montreal Heart Institute Mounds View, Minnesota
University of Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Contributors  xvii

William G. Stevenson, MD J. Gert van Dijk, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine Professor, Department of Neurology and Clinical
Harvard Medical School; Neurophysiology
Director, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Program Leiden University Medical Centre
Brigham and Women’s Hospital Leiden, The Netherlands
Boston, Massachusetts
George F. Van Hare, MD
Janette F. Strasburger, MD Pediatric Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist
Pediatric Cardiologist Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital and St. Louis Children’s
Children’s Hopsital of Wisconsin-Fox Valley Hospital
Neenah, Wisconsin St. Louis, Missouri

Raymond W. Sy, MD Nathan Van Houzen, MD

Arrhythmia Service Massachusetts General Hospital
University of Western Ontario Boston, Massachusetts;
London, Ontario, Canada Spaulding Hospital North Shore
Salem, Massachusetts
Andrew W. Teh, MD
Melbourne Heart Center Matteo Vatta, PhD
Royal Melbourne Hospital Assistant Professor
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology)
Baylor College of Medicine
David J. Tester Houston, Texas
Research Technologist
Mayo Clinic Windland Smith Rice Sudden Death Genomics Vasanth Vedantham, MD
Laboratory Department of Medicine
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Clinical Cardiology Division
Rochester, Minnesota Cardiac Electrophysiology Section
University of California, San Francisco
Gordon Tomaselli, MD San Francisco, California
Michel Mirowski Professor of Cardiology
Johns Hopkins University Victoria L. Vetter, MD
Baltimore, Maryland Director, Youth Heart Watch
Professor of Pediatrics
Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine;
Professor of Pediatrics, Molecular and Human Genetics Chief, Division of Cardiology
Baylor College of Medicine; Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Chief, Pediatric Cardiology Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Texas Children’s Hospital
Houston, Texas Rochus K. Voeller, MD
Clinical Fellow
Jacques Turgeon, PhD, BPharm Division of Cardiovascular Surgery
Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Surgery
Université de Montréal Washington University School of Medicine
Montreal, Quebec, Canada Barnes-Jewish Hospital
St. Louis, Missouri
Gioia Turitto, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine Galen Wagner, MD
SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine; Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)
Director, Coronary Care Unit and Cardiac Electrophysiology Durham Medical Center
Laboratory Durham, North Carolina
University Hospital of Brooklyn
New York, New York Reza Wakili, MD
Department of Cardiology
Wendy Tzou, MD Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
Physician, Clinical Practices of the University of Pennsylvania Munich, Germany
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
xviii  Contributors

Mariah L. Walker, PhD Raymond Yee, MD

Visiting Scientist Director, Arrhythmia Service
Heart and Vascular Research Center London Health Sciences Centre;
MetroHealth Campus Professor, Department of Medicine
Case Western Reserve University Division of Cardiology
Cleveland, Ohio University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada
Paul J. Wang, MD
Professor of Medicine Jason D. Zagrodsky, MD
Stanford University School of Medicine; Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute
Director, Cardiac Arrhythmia Service and Cardiac St. David’s Medical Center
Electrophysiology Laboratory Austin, Texas
Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Stanford, California Wojciech Zareba, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine/Cardiology
Andrew L. Wit, MD University of Rochester Medical School
Professor of Pharmacology Rochester, New York
Center for Molecular Therapeutics
Columbia University Stephan Zellerhoff, MD
New York, New York Professor of Cardiology
Department of Cardiology and Angiology
Matthew Wright, MRCP, PhD University Hospital Münster
Kings College London BHF Centre Münster, Germany
Cardiovascular Division
NIHR Biomedical Research Centre Paul Ziegler, MD
Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Cardiac Rhythm Disease Management
London, United Kingdom New Therapies and Diagnostics Group
Medtronic, Inc.
Mounds View, Minnesota

The field of cardiac electrophysiology has undergone dramatic new topics of current interest, and broadened the scope of the
increases in new basic and clinical knowledge, ranging from the book in areas that were touched upon less comprehensively in the
pathophysiology of heart rhythm disturbances, to cellular and previous edition. The added topics include the fields of noninva-
molecular research, to expanding clinical diagnostics and thera- sive electrophysiological imaging and its current and future appli-
peutics. These have been accompanied by huge advances in tech- cations for clinical evaluation and risk profiling, a broader
nology. All of this has emerged over a relatively short period of development of topics in pediatric electrophysiology, and com-
approximately 50 years, with particularly dramatic acceleration prehensive coverage of the topics of ablation techniques and
during the past 10 years. From its beginnings in deductive reason- devices for cardiac arrhythmias.
ing applied to clinical electrocardiography—leading ultimately to Updating the original content and adding new content could
insights into ion channel physiology, the translation of genetics stand alone in identifying the value of the text, but, in addition to
and genomics to clinical concepts, the development of highly that, the editors have taken care to provide insights into where
specialized procedures, and the related evolution of technologi- each of the subfields within the general topic may be heading in
cally advanced device therapy—the field has constantly pushed the future, providing the investigator and the clinician with ori-
on its borders of knowledge in the directions of the basic sciences, entation in anticipation of future progress. It is axiomatic in
bedside clinical skills, and advanced therapeutics. science that narrow fields of study tend to expand beyond their
In an attempt to bring together the multiple aspects of the field original boundaries; the second edition of Electrophysiological
of cardiac electrophysiology into a single source of information Disorders of the Heart passes the previous boundaries, taking the
for the convenience of both researchers and clinicians, the first readers to the current boundaries, and giving glimpses into future
edition of the multi-authored text Electrophysiological Disorders directions. As such, the primary editors, Drs. Saksena and Camm,
of the Heart was developed and edited by Sanjeev Saksena and as well as the section editors, Drs. Penelope Boyden, Paul Dorian,
John Camm. Published in 2005, the book provided broad cover- Nora Goldschlager, Victoria Vetter, and Wojciech Zareba, are to
age of the relevant knowledge base in this field at the time and be commended for their efforts and congratulated on the final
was well received. However, with the continued growth of the product.
knowledge base since then, and evolution of new horizons in the
field of electrophysiology—such as the rapidly evolving field of Robert J. Myerburg, MD
genetics and genomics, interventional procedures for common Agustin Castellanos, MD
arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, and better insight into both
rare clinical arrhythmia syndromes and the evolution and testing Division of Cardiology
of noninvasive testing techniques—an update of the content was University of Miami School of Medicine
necessary. Miami, Florida
In the second edition of Electrophysiological Disorders of the
Heart, Saksena and Camm have expanded existing topics, added


This is a new edition of a book whose previous edition was well growing ability to diagnose, risk stratify, and treat cardiac
appreciated by the cardiac arrhythmia community. Obviously, the arrhythmias.
many advances in recent years in basic and clinical arrhythmology Still, we are not at the end of the line. To name a few areas:
require a timely review of what has been accomplished, more so sudden cardiac death continues to elude us. Better selection of
because the increasing use of the Internet as a (the only?) source candidates for device therapy for primary prevention of sudden
of information favors the development of tunnel vision. The cardiac death and cardiac resynchronization therapy for heart
person performing catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation becomes failure, leading to better guidelines, is needed. Will cell transplan-
inclined to focus on Internet information for what is new in his tation be able to restore cardiac function? Will pharmacogenetics
or her area of daily activities and not follow new developments in make drug therapy more effective and safe? And so on.
genetic arrhythmology or advances in the electrocardiography of So, digest this new edition well. Five years from now you will
arrhythmias. Therefore, the challenge for the editors was to ask need a new one!
key leaders from the different clinical areas to present new infor-
mation in an easily readable format. Hein Wellens
I recommend this book. All the editors and authors lived up
to the expectations created by the first edition. For me, it reflects University of Maastricht
the incredible progress we are making in our understanding of Maastricht, The Netherlands
basic mechanisms, including the genetic background, and our


In the theatre, the second act inevitably builds on the first act. In widely used by cardiologists and electrophysiologists alike in the
medicine, swift progress in medical knowledge often requires a assessment of the arrhythmia patient. A new section on pediatric
second edition of a textbook to revisit, and even rebuild, part of electrophysiology reflects the burgeoning knowledge base and
the original foundation. In the first edition of this book, we sought patient care needs in this segment of the arrhythmia patient pop-
to “analyze and distill new information and meld it with classical ulation. Pediatric and adult cardiologists as well as arrhythmia
concepts of arrhythmology.” We have continued this effort in this specialists are now actively and directly engaged in care of these
edition, but with the realization that the foundations of knowl- patients. The need for continuity of arrhythmia care for pediatric
edge in our discipline have broadened, often with completely new patients into their adult years and the importance of excellent
and novel constructs. Our original goal of approaching the subject arrhythmia care in the early years are now also important public
matter from the viewpoint of the practicing clinician involved in health challenges.
the care of the arrhythmia patient or the scientist in search of The original book sections have also been seriously reengi-
understanding of disease states or current therapies remains unal- neered. The underlying basic science in this field has been com-
tered, but the addition of new sections and the expansion of prehensively expanded and rearranged in two subsections, the
existing ones have become necessary. Since the publication of the first focusing on concepts of normal and abnormal physiology and
first edition, advances in the basic and translational sciences and the second on clinical investigation methods and therapies in
therapeutic technology have had continuing impact on clinical current use. This new structure provides the reader with a full
practice in cardiac arrhythmias. A strong focus on evidence-based view of the enormous advances in our fundamental understand-
outcomes, including understanding their methodology, is now a ing of normal and disease states as well as the scientific bases of
cornerstone of modern clinical practice and a major theme in this diagnostic and treatment methods. The section on cardiac
new edition. Thus, comprehensive analysis of clinical trials is pre- rhythms and arrhythmias, despite extensive revisions, has main-
sented by experts. tained its distinct multi-authored chapter format that was widely
Keeping pace with changes in information delivery methods appreciated in the first edition. Clinical syndromes have been
has resulted in a dynamic Expert Consult companion web site to updated, but the disease state model for the clinician involved in
this text. This site will be periodically updated with important new longitudinal care is continued. Finally, the section on therapeutics
developments. Multimedia presentations are a new aspect of this and interventional therapies provides state-of-the-art informa-
book to enhance content delivery. Video presentations are linked tion on current treatment methods and strategies, with particular
to the online version of this text that appears on Expert Consult focus on evidence-based analysis and current practice guidelines.
and have been incorporated in technical and procedural chapters. Each subsection provides a complete treatment of the individual
An exhaustive bibliography is available in this online version of therapeutic approach (drug, device, or procedural). Device
the text to allow more content in the physical book and provide therapy from implantation to surveillance methods and the full
a handy reference for searches on a topic. array of interventional mapping and ablation procedures (both in
We have continued in our belief in moving away from special- the catheterization laboratory and operating room) with their
ized segmentation of information in this field. In addition, the target population provide the clinician with a complete under-
section editors of this text have preferred a presentation oriented standing of all potential options for patient care. Each subsection
more toward disease states and clinical syndromes. This book is designed to provide the arrhythmia specialist, cardiologist, or
remains a detailed clinical reference yet is still sufficiently detailed interventional electrophysiologist with an understanding of the
to serve as a comprehensive reference in all of its sections. Four fundamentals as well as current applications of arrhythmia
new sections have been added to broaden the scope of the book. therapies.
These include clinical electrophysiological techniques, cardiac Each of these nine sections can stand alone as a focused mono-
pacing, and noninvasive electrophysiology as separate sections graph for different educational needs, yet each section comple-
still linked to the diagnostic and treatment sections on cardiac ments other discussions elsewhere in the book. Overlap between
arrhythmia and clinical syndromes. These sections now provide sections and chapters has been limited as far as is feasible without
a comprehensive review of each area. Clinical electrophysiological disruption of presentation. The use of multi-authored chapters in
techniques from basic methods to individual procedures for each Section V reflects our continuing bias that the information base
dysrhythmia are fully detailed for practicing clinical electrophysi- needed for such synthesis is vast, requiring experts in each area
ologists or cardiologists wanting to familiarize themselves with of study to provide the core knowledge needed for that topic. This
laboratory techniques. The cardiac pacing section provides results, in our view, in a particularly compelling and authoritative
treatment of pacemaker technology, engineering, physiology, treatment of the subject. We believe this will serve as a reference
and clinical implementation of device therapy and serves as a text for students of this field in any country and is particularly
reference for all practitioners and researchers involved in the suitable for those seeking advanced certification in clinical cardiac
delivery of pacemaker therapy. Noninvasive electrophysiology has electrophysiology.
expanded into a stand-alone section with individual chapters To achieve such an ambitious revision would have been incon-
examining all methods in current clinical practice that are now ceivable without the energy, support, and commitment of a truly

xxiv  Electrophysiological Disorders of the Heart
international team of of co-editors and authors and the editorial In shepherding this project, we could not have arrived at our
team at our individual institutions and Elsevier. These individual destination without the continuous support of our staff, col-
contributions reflect the global interest in this field, and this leagues, and the editorial and production staff at Elsevier. In par-
unique worldwide effort has produced a truly international text- ticular, we would like to thank and acknowledge the contributions
book. We have been extraordinarily fortunate to assemble a team of Ms. Celeste Simmons, Dr. Irina Savieleva, Ms. Joan Ryan, Ms.
of editors who have the knowledge and experience to provide a Natasha Andjelkovic, Ms. Carrie Stetz, and Ms. Dolores Meloni.
bridge between classic concepts and the most recent develop- As senior editors, we have had the opportunity to shape this
ments in the field. These distinguished educators brought their book, and this has in turn helped us redefine and revisit our own
individual ideas and editorial skills to produce the core sections ideas on the educational needs and best information delivery
of this text. The individual authors and coauthors, now number- techniques in cardiac arrhythmology. It is our sincere hope that
ing 227 authors from 14 countries, provided the momentum for this textbook will continue to fulfill the expectations of our readers
this project. Their wealth of knowledge, experience, and insight and compel and expand their interest in this great discipline.
have made the content of this text unique in its spectrum and Should it do so, this second act will have found its raison d’être.
utility to the reader. To our contributors, we can only express our
deepest gratitude and hope that the final product is, for them, Sanjeev Saksena
in small measure a worthwhile outcome of their efforts. A. John Camm
Worship the spirit of criticism. If reduced to itself, it is not an awakener
of ideas or a stimulant to great things; but without it everything is
fallible; it always has the last word.
—Louis Pasteur
November 14, 1888
Basic Electrophysiological Procedures
for the Clinician
David S. Park and Glenn I. Fishman
Over the past 50 years electrophysiologists have unraveled many specific channel type, but may be regulated by factors such as
of the molecular and cellular underpinnings of normal and patho- transmembrane voltage, ligands such as drugs, hormones or
logic cardiac rhythms. Innovations in the fields of molecular intracellular second messengers, mechanical forces, as well as
biology and biophysics have dramatically enhanced current the coexpression of regulatory subunits.4 Conductance (g), or the
understanding of action potentials, conduction properties, and measure of ease of ionic current flow, is the inverse of resistance
ion channel physiology. This chapter discusses the experimental (g = 1/R). According to Ohm’s law, the membrane potential (E)
tools that have proved indispensible for the study of cardiac equals the product of ionic currents (I) and channel resistances
electrophysiology. (R), E = IR. If conductance remained constant, the relationship
between the current and the potential would be linear. However,
because the conductance of ion channels is not constant, the
Electrophysiology Basic Concepts resistor is non-Ohmic; therefore, the current-voltage relation is
nonlinear. A simplified example of a cellular circuit is given in
All cells maintain electrochemical gradients across their mem- Figure 1-2.3,5
branes through the action of a panel of pumps, channels, trans-
porters, and exchangers. The resulting voltage difference across
the cell membrane is known as membrane potential (E). Although Electrophysiologic Tools
all cells maintain a resting membrane potential, excitable cells
such as neurons and myocytes have the ability to generate tran- Willem Einthoven’s contribution of surface electrocardiography
sient, reversible, electrochemical wavefronts referred to as action (ECG) was the first of many innovations that would begin to detail
potentials. Action potentials allow rapid signal propagation across the heart’s electrical behavior. The ECG represents the summa-
the cell membrane. In the heart, each type of cardiac cell (e.g., tion of the global electrical activity occurring in the heart. Despite
nodal, atrial, ventricular, Purkinje) has a characteristic action the great success of the ECG as a clinical and laboratory tool, it
potential that is determined by the panel of ion channels expressed lacks the temporal and spatial resolution needed to identify the
(Figure 1-1, A and B).1,2 The action potential of the cardiac ven- local electrical events that underlie the surface ECG. Significant
tricular myocyte is composed of five phases (Figure 1-1, C).1 Phase advancements in cellular biology and molecular biology, coupled
4 of the action potential is the resting membrane potential, which with ever-smaller electrode designs, have made it possible to
corresponds to cellular diastole. Phase 0 is the rapid depolariza- record membrane currents with much higher resolution, includ-
tion phase driven by the influx of sodium (Na) ions. Phases 1 to ing at the single-channel level. The fundamentals of the electro-
3 correspond to repolarization of the cell membrane. Phase 2, or physiological test are (1) biologic tissue as the source of electrical
the plateau phase, is maintained by the sustained influx of calcium activity and (2) a means of recording electrical activity (i.e., elec-
ions and the efflux of potassium ions. This influx of calcium (Ca2+) trodes or fluorescent dyes). The remainder of this chapter is
activates Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticu- divided into four sections: (1) experimental preparations, (2)
lum (SR), thereby activating myocyte contraction. Action poten- electrode-based studies, (3) optical mapping, and (4) molecular
tials travel rapidly from cell to cell through low-resistance and genetic tools.
intercellular communication points called gap junctions. This
behavior synchronizes electrical activation and facilitates coordi-
Experimental Preparations
nated muscular contraction.
The ability to study action potentials and ionic currents in Experimental preparations range from intact animals to artificial
biologic tissues was made possible by modeling the cell as an membrane systems. Each preparation has its own strengths and
electrical circuit.3 The ionic current (I, measured in amperes) is weaknesses as a model system. Therefore the suitability of the
the net flow of ions down their electrochemical gradients via their preparation for a particular question must always be considered
respective channels and transporters. The cell membrane, a lipid before experimentation.
bilayer, serves as a capacitor (F, measured in farads), storing
charge in the form of electrochemical gradients. The resistance
Intact Animal
(R, measured in ohms) to ionic current depends on many factors,
such as the gating characteristics of ion channels, number of avail- Study of cardiac electrical activity in a live animal is the most
able channels, and posttranslational modification of channel pro- physiologically representative model system. All the available
teins. The gating properties of ion channels vary, depending on tools used in human electrophysiologic testing are readily

4  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology


SA node
SA node


AV node
AV node
Purkinje fiber


Midmyocardial Purkinje
RV LV 100 mV 40 mV
A 200 ms B 250 ms
Phase 1

Phase 2
Phase 0

Phase 3

Phase 4

100 ms



IK,slow 1


FIGURE 1-1  A, Schematic of action potential waveforms and propagation in the human heart. B, Murine action potential waveforms. C, Human
ventricular action potential waveform with corresponding ionic currents. AV, Atrioventricular node; LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle; SA, sinoatrial
node.  (From Nerbonne JM, Kass RS: Molecular physiology of cardiac repolarization, Physiol Rev 85[4]:1205–1253, 2005; and Mangoni ME, Nargeot J: Genesis
and regulation of the heart automaticity, Physiol Rev 88[3]:919–982, 2008.)

available for animal studies as well. Intracardiac6 and epicardial models, dogs and guinea pigs both manifest extensive coronary
electrograms,7 monophasic action potentials,8 and multiple- collateralization that limits the transmural extent of infarction.
electrode mapping9 techniques have all been used in a variety of The porcine coronary system, however, more closely resembles
species. However, if the ultimate goal is to understand human the human anatomy and therefore serves as a better infarct
physiology and pathophysiology, then the choice of species for model.
experimentation becomes a significant issue because there The murine system deserves special attention, given its
are considerable interspecies differences. In the case of infarct in­creasing use in biologic research. Ease of handling, breeding,
Basic Electrophysiological Procedures for the Clinician   5

gNa gK gL


Capacitor Nonlinear Intracellular

Voltage Linear Na+

source conductor
FIGURE 1-2  The Hodgkin and Huxley electrical circuit model. A, Current flowing across the membrane can be carried via a membrane capacitor or
through ion channels situated in parallel. Voltage-gated channels are voltage dependent and time dependent and display nonlinear conductance (gNa
and gK). Small leakage channels represent membrane permeability to ions and exhibit linear conductance (gL). The electrochemical gradient of each
ion at steady state is designated as ENa. B, Corresponding cellular membrane with ion channels and electrochemical gradients.  (From Carmeliet E,
Vereecke J: Cardiac cellular electrophysiology, Norwell, MA, 2001, Kluwer Academic Publishers.)

and amenability to genetic manipulation has allowed the mouse consists of an excised heart that is perfused in a retrograde
to supplant many larger animals that were used in classic studies manner by cannulation of the aorta. When optimally perfused,
of cardiac electrophysiology. Despite these advantages, the human the isolated heart can continue to beat for several hours, allowing
and the murine cardiovascular systems have clear differences. The detailed analysis of physiologic and pathophysiologic states
average lifespan of inbred mouse strains is approximately 2.7 (Figure 1-3). The advantage of the Langendorff system is the
years, making chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis nonexis- ability to manipulate many aspects of cardiac physiology in a
tent in unmanipulated animals. The significant differences in the controlled setting. A variety of drugs, toxins, and neurohormonal
coronary anatomy between mice and humans result in different agents can be infused at specified levels. The isolated heart also
infarct distributions after coronary ligation.10 The average heart provides an opportunity to study arrhythmias that would be
rate of a mouse is between 400 and 600 beats/min at rest com- hemodynamically unstable in a live animal model. Inducible
pared with humans, which is between 60 and 100 beats/min. arrhythmias can be mapped by using standard electrode
Murine cardiomyocytes have relatively short action potential techniques or optical mapping systems.13 In addition, such modi-
durations, making comparisons of the mechanisms of arrythmo- fications as whole-heart preparation allow hemodynamic mea-
genesis and effects of antiarrhythmic drugs with those of their surements such as preload and afterload.12
human counterparts difficult (see Figure 1-1, A and B).1,2 These The quality of preparation of the isolated heart is highly depen-
factors must be considered when designing experiments and dent on the experience of the investigator. The method of sacrifice
drawing conclusions from murine studies. before organ procurement and the ischemic time (time interval
In addition to species-specific limitations, live animal models between heart extraction and initiation of artificial perfusion) can
are confounded by extracardiac variables, for example, neurohor- have a significant impact on the quality and internal consistency
monal effectors that cannot be completely controlled. Live animals of the data acquired. Another limitation is that the intact heart
are incompatible with the study of unstable ventricular tachyar- makes further delineation of regional myocardial depolarization
rhythmias and fibrillation. The type of anesthetic used can sig­ and repolarization characteristics challenging.6
nificantly alter cardiac electrophysiology. For example, sodium
pentobarbital has been shown to alter action potential durations
Wedge Preparations
and transmural repolarization gradients by affecting late sodium
currents in vivo.11 The ventricular myocardium is a heterogeneous structure consist-
ing of three layers: (1) the epicardium, (2) the mid-myocardium,
and (3) the endocardium. The arterially perfused wedge prepara-
The Langendorff Heart System
tion was developed by Yan and Antzelevitch in 1996 to study the
The isolated, perfused heart preparation first described by Oscar electrophysiologic heterogeneity of these myocardial layers in
Langendorff in 1895 allows physiologic evaluation of the beating dogs.14 The myocardial wedge is prepared by dissecting along the
heart removed from the neurohormonal and hemodynamic envi- vascular supply such that the tissue can be perfused during exper-
ronment of the intact animal.12 The Langendorff heart system imentation. By isolating a three-dimensional wedge of ventricular
6  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

whole ventricles measuring 150 µm in thickness.18 Once isolated,

95% O2/5% CO2
activation mapping and action potential characteristics can be
evaluated (Figure 1-5).9 Limitations are similar to those of wedge
preparations and include the need for long equilibration times (up
to 6 hours for epicardial strips) to resolve injury currents before
data acquisition.17

Perfusion solution Dissociated Myocytes

Dissociated myocytes allow detailed electrophysiologic study of a
single cell. Myocyte isolates can be prepared from any species at
any developmental stage and from any cardiac region. Isolated
myocytes are usually prepared by enzymatic dissociation by using
trypsin, collagenase, or a combination of proteases. The ability to
study the action potential characteristics of a single cell by using
microelectrode techniques has yielded unparalleled insights into
how different cell populations functionally contribute to the
beating heart. Detailed study of the ion channels that dictate the
shape and duration of the action potential could not have been
pressure possible without the isolated myocyte. Dissociated myocytes that
transducer are virally transformed or harvested from genetically modified
Aorta mice expressing mutated ion channels have significantly increased
the understanding of human channelopathies.19,20 A significant
disadvantage of using isolated cells is the loss of the syncytium.
ECG electrode Significant changes or exaggeration of action potential features
make extrapolations to the intact heart challenging. Furthermore,
with prolonged time in culture, the electrophysiologic properties
of the myocyte tend to drift and become less representative of the
in vivo state.21,22

Artificial Bilayers
ECG electrode
Bilayers, unlike an intact cell or native cell membrane, allow the
FIGURE 1-3  The Langendorff heart preparation. The aorta is study of ion channels in a more controlled environment. Condi-
cannulated and the coronary arteries are perfused in a retrograde tions such as ionic concentration and lipid composition can be
manner with oxygenated, nutrient-rich solution. Depending on the precisely manipulated. The artificial bilayer also allows ion chan-
height of the fluid column, a constant pressure of perfusate closes the nels located on intracellular membranes, such as the ryanodine
aortic valve and allows the solution to enter the coronary ostia. This
receptor, to be studied electrophysiologically.23 Single-channel
allows the heart to beat for several hours. Newer models use
mechanical pumps to deliver constant pressure or flow to the
recordings have been performed on numerous channel proteins
coronary circulation. A pressure transducer catheter may be inserted by using planar bilayer techniques. The two major limitations of
into the left ventricle to transduce systolic and diastolic this technique are (1) difficulty incorporating ion channels into
pressures.  (From Hearse DJ, Sutherland FJ: Experimental models for the artificial membranes and (2) the inherent fragility of artificial
study of cardiovascular function and disease, Pharmacol Res 41:597−603, bilayers.24

Electrode-Based Tools
myocardium, the transmural preparation can be studied in elec- Electrodes transduce biologic, electrochemical activity into elec-
trical and hemodynamic isolation (Figure 1-4).15,16 As with Lan- trical signals that can be recorded. Cardiac recordings of a single
gendorff hearts, the quality of the wedge preparation depends on channel to a whole heart can be made, so electrodes range in size
the ischemic time. In addition, extensive dissection is necessary from micrometer-scale glass pipettes to macroscopic metallic
to isolate a perfused wedge, leaving significant injury at exposed needles and discs. Recordings can be obtained extracellularly or
edges. Wedges that are not adequately perfused must be dis- intracellularly, depending on the type and resolution of the data
carded. Wedge preparations have a limited lifespan, typically 4 needed.
to 5 hours, so experiments should be completed within this
Extracellular Recordings
Extracellular recordings can be acquired by using either unipolar
Tissue Strips and Slices
or bipolar lead systems. The surface ECG uses both bipolar and
Tissue slices are thin preparations of the myocardium that allow unipolar recordings. Leads I, II, and III are bipolar leads, and the
diffusion of nutrients and gas exchange. These thin sections can remaining leads are unipolar. Unipolar leads have a single positive
be isolated from various cardiac regions or transmural depths.17 pole and an “indifferent” pole acting as the ground, whereas
Newer techniques use microtomes to section short-axis slices of bipolar leads consist of a positive pole and a negative pole.
Basic Electrophysiological Procedures for the Clinician   7

electrode Endo AP

Epi AP

perfusion QRS Tp-e

A B QT interval

FIGURE 1-4  The myocardial wedge preparation. A, The perfused myocardial wedge is dissected along the vascular supply. A transmural
electrocardiogram (ECG) can be recorded with extracellular ECG electrodes. Epicardial, mid-myocardial, and endocardial action potentials can be
recorded by using floating microelectrodes. B, Simultaneous recordings of ECG, action potentials, and isometric contractile force from a rabbit wedge
preparation. Tp-e, the interval between peak to end of the T wave, is a measure of heterogeneity of transmural repolarization. AP, Action potential; ICF,
isometric contractile force.  (From Wang D, Patel C, Cui C, et al: Preclinical assessment of drug-induced proarrhythmias: Role of the arterially perfused rabbit
left ventricular wedge preparation, Pharmacol Ther 119[2]:141–151, 2008.)


2000 ms

4000 ms
CL = 400 ms 1000 ms


Cut edge 0- 40 mV

100 ms

2000 ms

4000 ms
CL = 400 ms 1000 ms

FIGURE 1-5  Tissue strips can be prepared from any layer of the myocardium. In this example, an endocardial strip with an obliquely cut edge is
demonstrated. Once the injured myocardium has recovered, the oblique surface allows direct access to subendocardial cells for microelectrode
impalement. Simultaneous recordings of transmembrane action potentials from endocardial and subendocardial cells at varying cycle lengths (CL)
is shown.  (From Anyukhovsky EP, Sosunov EA, Rosen MR: Regional differences in electrophysiologic properties of epicardium, mid-myocardium, and
endocardium. In vitro and in vivo correlations, Circulation 94[8]:1981–1988, 1996.)

Unipolar electrograms reflect local and distal depolarization and bipolar recordings are used for detecting discrete electrical events,
repolarization events in the heart because they transduce any such as His bundle recordings.26
biopotential above or below the indifferent pole. Bipolar electro- The electrophysiology study (EPS) uses a combination of uni-
grams record local electrical activity by summing the biopoten- polar and bipolar electrodes to evaluate the conduction properties
tials recorded by the two poles. The advantages of unipolar of normal and diseased tissue and to perform activation mapping
recordings are that they provide a more sensitive assessment of of arrhythmias. In 1996, Charles Berul reported the first in vivo
local activation; however, inclusion of far-field signals results in a murine cardiac EPS using a combined endocardial and epicardial
low signal/noise ratio, thus limiting spatial resolution.25 Therefore approach.7 His seminal work described normal sinus node
8  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Lead I 0
–0.4 PR 39 ms
30 ms A
IEGM 0.4 H
–0.4 9 ms

Cx40 –/–
0.4 P QRS
Lead I 0
–0.4 PR 50 ms
0.8 HV
A IEGM 0.4
15 ms H
AH 35 ms
B –0.4

FIGURE 1-6  Intracardiac electrograms in wild-type (WT) and connexin40 knockout mice (Cx40 –/–). A, 1.1 Fr octapolar murine electrophysiology
catheter. B, An octapolar electrode catheter was introduced via a right internal jugular vein approach. The catheter was positioned to situate the
center electrodes at the tricuspid valve annulus to record atrial, His bundle, and ventricular local electrograms by bipolar configuration. Wild-type mice
display normal surface electrocardiogram intervals and normal intracardiac atrial-His (AH) and His-ventricular (HV) intervals. In contrast, connexin40 null
mice display PR prolongation on the surface electrocardiogram and prolonged AH and HV intervals.  (From Bevilacqua LM, Simon AM, Maguire CT, et al: A
targeted disruption in connexin40 leads to distinct atrioventricular conduction defects, J Intervent Card Electrophysiol 4(3):459–567, 2000.)

recovery times; atrioventricular (AV) conduction properties; and myocardial—with different electrophysiologic properties. Acquir-
atrial, AV, and ventricular effective refractory periods in mice. ing local electrograms from the mid-myocardial layer requires the
Subsequently, an intracardiac, octapolar electrode catheter was use of plunge or stab electrodes. By simultaneously recording
developed to study the murine AV nodal and infra-Hisian con- from all three sites, transmural heterogeneity can be studied. The
duction system.27 Intracardiac electrograms have been a powerful major limitation of plunge electrograms is the degree of injury
tool in evaluating transgenic and knockout murine models that results directly at the recording site. Injury patterns can sig-
for conduction disturbances. For example, loss of connexin40 nificantly alter electrogram morphology, requiring varying
(Cx40), predominantly expressed in the atria and His-Purkinje degrees of time to resolve.17
system, results in significant PR prolongation on surface ECG. One electrode-based method that takes advantage of the injury
Further analysis with intracardiac EPS demonstrated prolonged pattern is the monophasic action potential (MAP). MAPs are
atrial-His (AH) and His-ventricular (HV) conduction times extracellularly recorded depolarization/repolarization wavefronts
(Figure 1-6).6,9 that can reproduce the time course of action potentials recorded
An extension of electrode-based tools is the multi-electrode intracellularly. This is achieved through the contact electrode
array (MEA). MEAs configure multiple electrodes onto array technique developed by Franz.8 Although some controversy
assemblies that allow temporal and spatial resolution of impulse regarding MAP generation exists, it is clear that a source of injury
propagation, creating an activation map. MEAs can be affixed to must be applied to the myocardium to form a MAP.30 They have
different media, allowing direct contact of the electrodes to cells been used to measure action potential duration and dispersion
or tissue. MEAs can be used on tissue culture plates, on patches, characteristics (i.e., the differences in action potential duration at
and in “socks” for epicardial activation mapping, as well as on different regions of the heart). One limitation of MAPs is that,
catheters for intracardiac recordings.28 van Rijan et al. used MEA compared with transmembrane recordings, MAPs significantly
technology to characterize Cx40 knockout mice using a 247-point underestimate amplitude and maximum upstroke velocity.8
multi-terminal electrode arranged in a 19 × 13 grid.29 As shown
in Figure 1-7, activation maps created from the right and left
Intracellular Recordings
surfaces of the interventricular septa demonstrate right bundle
branch activation blockade and significantly delayed conduction Intracellular recordings became possible with the development of
velocity in the left bundle branch in Cx40 null mice.29 the microelectrode. The microelectrode consists of a glass pipette
Electrode techniques restricted to the epicardial or endocar- pulled to a submicrometer tip filled with ionic solution. Micro-
dial surface limit the EPS to those regions of the myocardium. electrodes are mounted onto mechanical micromanipulators that
However, as previously mentioned, the ventricular myocardium allow single cells to be attached or pierced and electrochemical
consists of three layers—epicardial, endocardial, and mid- activity to be recorded. On a single-cell level, current (current
Basic Electrophysiological Procedures for the Clinician   9

nonpermeable ions, specific chelators, intracellular drugs, or

second messenger analogs.31
HB 30
32 The patch clamp, a variation of the voltage clamp, was devel-
36 * oped by Neher and Sakmann in 1976. The advantage of the patch
clamp is its ability to resolve single-channel recordings. Instead
* HB
of a sharp microelectrode impalement, the patch clamp uses a
blunt electrode that measures only a few microns. This fire-
41 RBB IBB 34
33 polished tip allows a tight seal to be applied to the surface of the
35 cell membrane through light suction, thus effectively isolating a
46 IVS
small “patch” of membrane within the mouth of the electrode. An
effective seal produces a seal resistance greater than 10 giga-ohms
RBB * (thus the term gigaseal). The importance of a proper seal is
twofold: (1) the electrical isolation of the patched membrane and
* (2) the significant reduction of background noise. These are highly
critical in single-channel recordings, for which current ampli-
tudes are extremely low. The variations of the gigaseal patch,
demonstrated in Figure 1-8, include the whole-cell patch, perfo-
rated patch, and excised patch. Cell-attached recordings provide
HB 30 * the most physiologic responses because the intracellular com-
partment is left intact. This was the method first used by Neher
and Sackmann to resolve ionic currents at a single-channel level.
The fine tip of the pipette electrode allows isolation of a single
* channel or a few channels. An inside-out patch simply pulls away
43 45
the gigasealed patch from the cell such that the inside of the cell
membrane is exposed to the bath solution. These systems allow
60 manipulation of the intracellular environment, such as changes in
IBB calcium concentration or introduction of secondary messengers.
RBB * An outside-out patch creates a gigaseal with the cell membrane
such that the exterior membrane is exposed to the bath solution.
The benefit of this system is that dose-response curves to drugs
or biochemical agents can be achieved by changing extracellular
bath conditions with a single patch. The main disadvantage of
FIGURE 1-7  Activation mapping using multiple-electrode arrays in excised patches is that the intracellular and extracellular environ-
wild-type and connexin40 (Cx40) null mice. A 247-electrode grid was ments are artificial. Whole-cell recordings are produced by suc-
placed on the endocardial surface of the right and left interventricular tioning off the gigasealed patch such that the interior of the
septa to generate activation maps and calculate conduction velocities. pipette is continuous with the cell’s interior. This technique is
Onset of far-field P waves was designated as t = 0, and time to most akin to the classic, single-electrode voltage clamp, in which
activation of the bundle branches (asterisk) was recorded and the voltage electrode impales the cell’s interior. The advantage
displayed in color-coded format. Large deflections represent
over a voltage clamp is that the pipette is larger and, therefore,
depolarization of the interventricular septum. Note the right bundle
branch block and slowed conduction through the left bundle branch
has lower resistance over the microelectrode, thus offering better
in Cx40 knockout mice.  (Reproduced from van Rijen HVM, van Veen TA, signal fidelity. However, the larger pipette leads to eventual dilu-
van Kempen MJ, et al: Impaired conduction in the bundle branches of tion of intracellular components, which is known as the dialysis
mouse hearts lacking the gap junction protein connexin40, Circulation effect. Perforated patches overcome the dialysis effect by introduc-
103:1591–1598, 2001.) ing perforations in the patch membrane with antibiotic agents.
This maintains the intracellular compartment for a longer period;
however, the added resistance of the perforated membrane dimin-
clamp) or voltage (voltage clamp) can be controlled, and the resul- ishes the fidelity of the voltage and current recordings.32 An
tant effect on the current-voltage relationship can be studied. example of single-channel and whole-cell patch clamp techniques
Current clamp recordings are used to measure membrane poten- is given in Figure 1-9.33
tials while current injection is held constant. The system uses a
sharp glass microelectrode to impale cells to record resting mem-
Optical Techniques
brane potentials and action potentials (see Figure 1-1).1,2
A voltage clamp recording sets the membrane voltage as a Optical techniques use fluorescent dyes that allow visualization
fixed variable and then measures the effect on the net ionic of biologic processes, for example, electrical or metabolic activity,
current. The voltage clamp fixes the membrane voltage via a dif- at a subcellular or whole-organ level.34 Over the past decade,
ferential amplifier that adjusts for differences between the optical mapping has proved to be an invaluable tool in cardiac
recorded membrane potential and the desired potential by inject- electrophysiology. Electrode-based techniques have some limita-
ing current to maintain the holding potential. Techniques have tions, including technical difficulties of acquiring data from a
been developed to parse out the contributions of individual ion nonuniform structure, the inability to record during and after
channels. To isolate particular ion currents, the composition of defibrillation, and a limited ability to record repolarization char-
the electrode filling solution can be manipulated by controlling acteristics. These limitations have been overcome by optical
the intracellular concentration of ions or by introducing mapping systems. Advancements in the understanding of impulse
10  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

A Cell attached B Whole cell

E Cell attached
perforated Pull

Perforations Pull


C Excised D Excised
inside-out outside-out

FIGURE 1-8  Variations of patch clamp technique. A, Cell-attached patch, B, whole-cell patch, C, inside-out excised patch, D, outside-out excised
patch, E, perforated cell-attached patch.  (From Ogden D, Stanfield P: Patch clamp techniques for single channel and whole-cell recording. Microelectrode
techniques: The Plymouth workshop handbook, ed 2, Cambridge, 1987, The Company of Biologists.)

Single channel Whole cell

2pA 800 –70
/ (PA)

200 ms
20 mV
–90 mV –40 mV
0 2,000 4,000
Time (ms)

FIGURE 1-9  Patch clamp recordings from single channels and whole cells. Stable clones of CHO cells heterologously expressing the potassium
channel, HERG, were studied with cell-attached (left) and whole-cell (right) patch clamp techniques. HERG is a voltage-gated K+ channel that is more
likely in an open-state at positive potentials. Single K+ channel currents (left) or whole-cell K+ current (right) can be measured by various voltage
protocols.  (From McDonald TV, Yu Z, Ming Z, et al: A minK-HERG complex regulates the cardiac potassium current I(Kr), Nature 388[6639]:289–292, 1997.)
Basic Electrophysiological Procedures for the Clinician   11

or create novel mutations at putative functional or regulatory

sites. These gene products can then be expressed in virtually any
− + cell type or introduced into transgenic mice by traditional trans-
12 ms
fection techniques or viral transduction strategies.

Heterologous Expression Systems

The expression of ion channels in heterologous cells allows
channel properties to be studied free of the native cellular envi-
ronment. This offers the investigator an increased level of control
0 ms by limiting exposure to accessory proteins (subunits, second mes-
3 mm sengers, scaffolding proteins, dimerization partners) and post-
translational modifications (phosphorylation, glycosylation)
FIGURE 1-10  Optical mapping to study impulse propagation.
that may alter channel function in the endogenous cell. The
Epicardial conduction velocity measurements were obtained from the
left ventricular surface of murine hearts. Representative optical maps
best-characterized cellular systems for cardiac electrophysiology
demonstrate slowing of conductance velocity when hearts were include the Xenopus laevis frog oocyte and immortalized mam-
treated with a relatively selective gap junction uncoupler, malian cell lines. Each offers unique advantages to the study of
18-glycyrrhetinic acid (GA).  (From Qu J, Volpicelli FM, Garcia LI, et al: Gap cardiac cellular electrophysiology.37,38
junction remodeling and spironolactone-dependent reverse remodeling in X. laevis oocytes have long been used in cellular electrophysi-
the hypertrophied heart, Circ Res 104[3]:365–371, 2009.) ology because of their large size and ability to express heterolo-
gous proteins effectively.38 Their size (approximately 1 mm)
makes them well suited for nucleic acid injection and microelec-
trode recording. After direct injection of complementary ribo-
generation and propagation in the mechanisms of supraventricu- nucleic acid (cRNA) or complementary deoxyribonucleic acid
lar and ventricular arrhythmias and advancements in recording (cDNA) encoding the channel of interest, current recordings can
electrical activity during stimulation or defibrillation have all been be made the next day for the former or after several days for the
made possible through optical mapping techniques. The effect of latter. Another benefit of the large size of X. laevis oocytes is that
channel mutations, pathologic states, or drugs on cardiac conduc- they make it possible to perform standard two-electrode voltage
tion velocity can be readily studied, as shown in Figure 1-10.35,36 clamp recordings, which obviate the need for more expensive
Although the repertoire of available dyes has grown, voltage- equipment for smaller cells. In addition, the endogenous currents
sensitive dyes remain the cornerstone of cardiac optical mapping. of Xenopus oocytes are small relative to the large-amplitude het-
Voltage-sensitive dyes interact with the cell membrane and emit erologous current, making detection with low-noise equipment
fluorescent signals in proportion to the membrane potential. unnecessary. The next generation of Xenopus oocyte technology
Ideally, potentiometric dyes should react to voltage changes on a takes advantage of these benefits in high-throughput methods
microsecond time scale, maintain a linear response curve, have that allow multiple cells to be studied in parallel with automated
relatively low toxicity, and exert minimal biologic activity. Optical systems. This will greatly enhance screening protocols for expres-
recordings of cardiac action potentials have been very consistent sion libraries, mutational analysis, and drug testing.39
with transmembrane recordings and surface ECGs. Modifications Established mammalian cell lines offer a more physiologically
to the technique include the concomitant use of voltage-sensitive similar cellular environment for analysis of murine and human
and calcium-sensitive dyes that fluoresce at different emission channels. Commonly used cell lines include mouse fibroblasts
spectra, allowing simultaneous recording. This allows the study (L cells), human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293), SV40-
of the relationship between calcium handling and action potential immortalized, African green monkey (Cos) cells, and Chinese
characteristics.34 hamster ovary (CHO) cells. These cell lines are easily grown in
Movement artifact can significantly degrade optical action culture, are readily transfectable, are capable of high-level, exog-
potential images, so mechanical or pharmacologic stabilization is enous protein expression, and have relatively few endogenous
often needed to achieve optimal recordings. The emission spectra currents. Stable transfection of wild-type or mutant channels can
of voltage dyes do not give absolute measurements of the mem- be achieved by introducing antibiotic selection. Known mutations
brane potential. Instead, they accurately reflect relative changes from human channelopathies can be propagated in stable cell
in the membrane potential as a function of time. Despite these lines, allowing detailed electrophysiologic analysis. Because
limitations, the next generation of optical imaging techniques clones of stable transfectants have more uniform expression
promises a broader array of biosensitive dyes and detectors with levels, the effects of changing conditions on channel function can
improved tissue penetration that offer three-dimensional optical be studied.
Methods of Gene Delivery
Genetic Approaches to Electrophysiology
Transfection protocols use various nonviral means of introducing
Molecular cloning technology has revolutionized modern cardiac nucleic acid into cells. The standard techniques use calcium phos-
electrophysiology. Genes can be cloned into expression con- phate, cationic polymers, liposomal, nanoparticles, and electro-
structs that are driven by various viral or mammalian promoters. poration. Calcium phosphate transfection is an inexpensive
Ion channels can be genetically manipulated using polymerase method that allows calcium phosphate–bound DNA to be taken
chain reaction (PCR)–based technology to express missense, up by dividing cells. Cationic particles, such as DEAE-dextran,
nonsense, and frame shift mutations that mimic human disease bind negatively charged DNA that is taken up by cells through
12  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Table 1-1  Comparison of Major Viral Vector Systems for Cardiovascular Gene Transfer


12 10
Functional titer (per mL) Up to 10 Up to 10 Up to 109

Genome dsDNA ssDNA ssRNA

Insert capacity 7–30 kb 4.8 kb 7–10 kb

Integration No Yes: chromosome 19 for wild-type Pseudorandom

No: for recombinant vectors

Pattern of transgene expression Transient Long term Long term

Cell cycle–dependent transduction No No No

Host/vector interactions Cytotoxic and immunogenic Minimally immunogenic Minimally immunogenic

Clinical trial approved Yes Yes No

ds, Double-stranded; ss, single-stranded.

From Ly H, Kawase Y, Yoneyama R, et al: Gene therapy in the treatment of heart failure, Physiology 22:81–96, 2007.

endocytosis. Liposomal-based transfection packages DNA into is the gene-silencing technique using RNA interference technol-
liposomes that gain entry into the cell by fusing with cell mem- ogy.42,43 The major issue with the lentivirus system concerns bio-
branes. Nanoparticles can be made of gold or magnetic particles safety. Elimination of accessory genes, separation of packaging
that are bound to DNA and subsequently delivered into cells by genes into different plasmids, and modifications of the long
mechanical or magnetic force, respectively. terminal repeats have minimized these risks.40
Viral vectors as a means of gene delivery have become main-
stream because of their high transduction efficiencies of postmi-
RNA Interference Technology
totic cells. Ideally, viral vectors should be replication defective to
minimize risk to handlers, have low cytotoxicity, have minimal RNA interference (RNAi) plays a major role in the regulation of
biologic activity, and be able to infect postmitotic cardiomyo- gene expression. One pathway of the RNAi system uses short
cytes. The viruses most commonly used in cardiac electrophysiol- interference RNA (siRNA) that forms a complex with the RNA-
ogy that satisfy these criteria are adenovirus, adeno-associated induced silencing complex (RISC). RISC, in turn, degrades mes-
virus (AAV), and lentivirus (Table 1-1).40 senger RNA (mRNA) that is complementary to the siRNA. The
Adenovirus, a double-stranded DNA virus, is the most com- two methods of introducing siRNA into a cell are (1) transient
monly used viral delivery system in cardiovascular research. The transfection of synthetic siRNA and (2) transfection or transduc-
advantages of adenovirus include its broad tropism for cardiovas- tion of expression vectors encoding short hairpin RNA (shRNA)
cular cells, nearly 100% transduction efficiency, high levels of under the control of RNA polymerase III promoters. shRNA is
protein expression, ability to transduce nondividing cells, and then processed into functional siRNA through ribonuclease
third-generation vectors that can accommodate inserts up to activity.43
30 kb. Adenovirus has been used to express channel proteins both shRNA constructs can be designed for any gene through pub-
in in vitro and in vivo systems. In addition, the viral DNA remains lished protocols and packaged into lentiviral vectors for the cre-
episomal, minimizing the risk of insertional mutagenesis, although ation of stable cell lines or transgenic knockdown animals.43
this feature also means that expression is transient. Another limit- RNAi-knockdown animals can be produced significantly faster in
ing feature of adenovirus is the profound inflammatory response this manner than by using traditional knockout methods. Condi-
that can be seen in animals and humans.40,41 tional expression of the RNAi system is also available to regulate
AAV overcomes many of the shortcomings of adenovirus and the temporal and spatial knockdown of genes. RNAi-based tech-
will likely supplant adenovirus in cardiovascular therapeutic nology typically achieves 85% to 95% gene downregulation, so the
applications. Recombinant AAV is a single-stranded DNA virus technique is ineffective if a protein can function at 5% expression
that has no known pathogenicity in humans, has minimal immu- levels.44
nogenicity, and transduces nondividing cells. On conversion to
double-stranded DNA, the recombinant AAV vector remains
Genetically Modified Mice
stable for years as an episomal concatamer in postmitotic host
nuclei. One significant drawback of the AAV system is the limited Genetically engineered murine models have contributed enor-
insert capacity of approximately 4.8 kb.40 mously to the understanding of ion channel function in vivo. Mice
Lentivirus is a single-stranded RNA retrovirus derived from can be engineered to underexpress or overexpress wild-type or
the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) that transduces a mutant proteins in a time-specific and tissue-specific manner.
wide array of cell types through genomic insertion. Genomic Channel proteins subjected to site-directed mutagenesis can be
integration is the major advantage of lentiviral vectors over ade- expressed in mice to model human channelopathies or be used
novirus and AAV systems because integrated genes can be passed for mutational analysis.
on to daughter cells. Unlike other retroviruses, lentivirus is able The generation of transgenic mice uses the same strategy for
to transduce dividing and postmitotic cells, making them widely creating stable transfected cell lines. Typically, fertilized murine
used in cardiovascular research. One of their major emerging uses eggs are injected with an expression vector that codes a gene of
Basic Electrophysiological Procedures for the Clinician   13

interest driven by a ubiquitous or tissue-specific promoter. physiologic levels of expression. Advancements in genetic engi-
Cardiac-specific expression in postnatal stages is usually achieved
with the α-myosin heavy chain (α-MHC) promoter. The strategy
of cardiac-specific expression of dominant negative ion channel
mutants was widely used in the study of long QT syndrome
neering have now made knockout, knockin, and conditional
expression systems standard technology in the basic electrophysi-
ology research laboratory.
Knockout mice introduce inactivating mutations into the gene
(LQTS).19 Several transgenic lines need to be evaluated to confirm of interest, typically by inserting an antibiotic resistance gene into
that phenotypes observed in transgenic mice are not attributable the coding region and disrupting normal transcription. In some
to insertional mutagenesis. cases, a reporter gene, such as green fluorescent protein or LacZ,
Gene targeting strategies alter the host genome through is introduced as part of the knockout cassette replacing the
homologous recombination, thereby mutating the endogenous endogenous gene product with reporter gene expression. This
gene. This approach minimizes the risk of insertional mutagenesis technique delivers a knockout and reporter system in one murine
at unintended sites. In addition, expression of the modified gene model. A reporter mouse provides temporal/spatial expression
remains under the control of the endogenous promoter, allowing patterns of a gene of interest in vivo (Figure 1-11).9









* * IVS


FIGURE 1-11  Connexin40-enhanced green fluorescent protein reporter mice. Green fluorescent protein was placed under the control of the Cx40
promoter. Cx40 expression is restricted to the atria, coronary arteries, and parts of the cardiac conduction system. A, Atria (a) and coronary arteries
(arrows). B, Atria removed with cranial view of interventricular septum (arrow), with asterisks marking left and right ventricles. The Cx40 signal is absent
in nodal cells. C to F, Cx40 expression can be appreciated in the crista terminalis (CT), nodal artery (arrowhead), interatrial septum (IAS), His bundle (HB),
left bundle (LBB) and right bundle (RBB) branches, and Purkinje fibers (PF). AVN, Atrioventricular node; LVC, left ventricular chamber; LVW, left ventricular
free wall; SAN, sinoatrial node. Scale bars: 100 µm in C, D, and F; 200 µm in E).  (From Miquerol L, Meysen S, Mangoni M, et al: Architectural and functional
asymmetry of the His-Purkinje system of the murine heart, Cardiovasc Res 63[1]:77–86, 2004.)
14  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

LoxP LoxP
α-MHC promoter
Mer-Cre-Mer X Target gene

Heart-specific expression No expression in

non-cardiac tissue
Inactive Cre

α-MHC promoter α−MHC promoter

Mer-Cre-Mer Mer-Cre-Mer

LoxP LoxP LoxP LoxP

Target gene Target gene


Active Cre

Target gene

FIGURE 1-12  Schematic flow diagram of the Mer-Cre-Mer system. The white mouse expressing the floxed target gene is mated with a black
transgenic mouse expressing Mer-Cre-Mer under the control of a cardiac-specific promoter. The heart-restricted Mer-Cre-Mer cannot access LoxP sites
in the nucleus until activated by tamoxifen. Once the tan mouse is injected or fed tamoxifen, Mer-Cre-Mer enters the nucleus, allowing Cre to access
LoxP sites and inactivating the target gene. This method allows spatial and temporal control of gene expression in vivo.

The creation of knockin mice uses the same principles of transgenic mice that are under the control of any number of
knockout technology; instead of eliminating functional exons, tissue-specific promoters, such as α-MHC—a protein expressed
however, specific missense, nonsense, or frameshift mutations are only in cardiomyocytes. In this example, Cre expression will be
substituted through homologous recombination. The effects of limited to cardiomyocytes, resulting in heart-restricted knockout
these mutations on channel activity can then be studied.45 The of the floxed gene.
benefit of this system is that most human channelopathies are not An additional level of temporal control is available through the
null mutations but, rather, missense or frameshift mutations; Mer-Cre-Mer conditional murine system (Figure 1-12). The Mer-
knockin mice therefore provide a more representative model of Cre-Mer system takes advantage of a mutated estrogen receptor
human disease. (Mer) that is only responsive to tamoxifen and not 17β-estradiol
The conditional knockout system was developed to overcome for nuclear localization. When Mer is fused with Cre recombi-
the embryonic lethality of some null mutations and to parse out nase, Cre nuclear localization is regulated by tamoxifen. An
the effect of gene loss in a specific tissue. The Cre-Lox recom­ α-MHC promoter–Mer-Cre-Mer construct would therefore have
bination system has been widely used to create cardiac-specific two levels of control: spatial and temporal. The cardiac-specific
knockout mice. The system takes advantage of the ability of Cre promoter would determine where Mer-Cre-Mer recombinase is
recombinase to effectively cut out DNA fragments that are expressed, and the Mer fusion protein would dictate when Cre is
flanked by LoxP sites. In conditional knockout mice, LoxP sites activated. This model system is particularly useful when loss of
are engineered into the flanking ends of crucial exons, termed a the gene of interest in a specific organ leads to embryonic lethality.
floxed gene. These floxed mice can then be mated with Cre The Mer-Cre-Mer system would allow the floxed gene to be
Basic Electrophysiological Procedures for the Clinician   15

knocked out in a tissue-specific manner at any developmental 16. Wang D, Patel C, Cui C, Yan GX: Preclinical assessment of drug-

stage.46 induced proarrhythmias: Role of the arterially perfused rabbit left
ventricular wedge preparation, Pharmacol Ther 119(2):141–151,
SUMMARY 17. Anyukhovsky EP, Sosunov EA, Rosen MR: Regional differences in
electrophysiological properties of epicardium, mid-myocardium,
The past 50 years have seen significant advances in the field of and endocardium. In vitro and in vivo correlations, Circulation
cardiac electrophysiology. The reductionist approach has pro- 94(8):1981–1998, 1996.
duced powerful molecular genetic and physiologic tools that have 18. Halbach M, Pillekamp F, Brockmeier K, et al: Ventricular slices of
yielded tremendous insights into the structure and function adult mouse hearts—a new multicellular in vitro model for electro-
of ion channels. The holistic approach has applied electrode- and physiological studies, Cell Physiol Biochem 18(1–3):1–8, 2006.
optical-based mapping techniques to decipher how local electri- 19. Babij P, Askew GR, Nieuwenhuijsen B, et al: Inhibition of cardiac
cal events translate into a beating heart. Continued advances from delayed rectifier K+ current by overexpression of the long-QT syn-
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Principles of Cellular Architecture and
Physiology with Applications in
Thomas J. Hund, Shane R. Cunha, and Peter J. Mohler

The specialized function of each cardiac cell type is the result of

Specialized Excitable Cells Tightly Regulate the evolution of specific molecular and structural components
Cardiac Depolarization that regulate ion flux across the membrane and dictate specific
cell properties.3 In this section, the primary structural and molec-
The highly coordinated and efficient propagation of electrical ular components of different cardiac cells is discussed in relation
activity through the heart is maintained by the combined activi- to cell type–specific action potentials. Because of its central role
ties of a diverse set of specialized excitable cardiac cells, each with in cardiac excitability, the ventricular cardiomyocyte will be used
its own structural, electrical, and molecular signature. The cardiac as the central point of comparison for other excitable cardiac cell
sinoatrial (SA) node, a small group of spontaneously active cells types.
in the right atria, is the primary initiation site of cardiac electrical The ventricular action potential is notable for its hyperpolar-
activity because of its relatively positive threshold potential.1 ized resting membrane potential, rapid upstroke, and prolonged
Once generated by the sinus node, the cardiac action potential plateau (Figure 2-1). The resting membrane potential of the ven-
propagates through the atria to the atrioventricular (AV) node tricular cardiomyocyte (held at ~–90 mV, roughly 30 mV more
(the maximum diastolic potential of the AV node is only slightly negative than the human sinus node) is the most negative of all
more negative than that of the SA node), a second small but criti- excitable cell types (hence the final cell type to depolarize), pri-
cal group of specialized cells that display slow conduction proper- marily because of a large inwardly rectifying K+ current, IK1, prom-
ties preventing inappropriate depolarization of the ventricles. In inently expressed in these cells.4 The rapid upstroke, because of
fact, the slow conduction of the AV node is a critical safeguard the presence of rapidly activating voltage-gated Na+ channels,
against the development of ventricular arrhythmias from patho- allows for rapid propagation of the electrical signal through the
logic atrial pacing defects (i.e., atrial flutter/fibrillation). After the ventricles, which is required for synchronized muscle contrac-
AV node, the cardiac action potential propagates through the tion. Finally, the extended plateau allows sufficient time for Ca to
cardiac conduction system comprising the AV bundle (bundle of enter the cell and signal contraction.3
His), the left and right bundle branches, and the cardiac Purkinje Once the excitation reaches the ventricles through the cardiac
system. Interestingly, this conduction system, particularly the conduction system (see above), the electrical signal passes from
cardiac Purkinje fibers, has evolved to rapidly propagate cardiac cell to cell as a flux of ions through specialized intercellular ion
electrical activity at up to 2 to 4 m/s for the nearly instantaneous channels called gap junctions (discussed in detail below). This flow
spread of depolarization through the sub-endocardium of the left of ions into the cell from neighboring activated cells depolarizes
and right ventricles.2 In comparison with the rapid conduction the membrane potential. If the membrane reaches a threshold
pathways of the Purkinje system, left ventricular tissue conduc- potential (~–60 mV), a large population of voltage-gated Na+
tion velocity is significantly slower (0.3 to 1 m/s).2 Importantly, channels (primarily Nav1.5, encoded by SCN5A) is activated,
Purkinje fibers communicate with the ventricular mass at well- which results in a large inward influx of Na+ across the membrane
defined discrete loci (Purkinje-muscle junctions). into the myocyte. Na+ channels are functionally well suited to this
task as they undergo rapid activation (activation time constant
<0.5 ms) in response to membrane depolarization. Importantly,
these channels also experience rapid voltage-dependent inactiva-
Form Fits Function: The Ventricular tion, which prevents reactivation until the membrane has returned
Cardiomyocyte and Excitation- to rest. The inward flux of Na+ ions carried by voltage-gated Na+
Contraction Coupling channels produces the initial rapid spike of the ventricular action
potential (phase 0; see Figure 2-1).3 Depolarization of the cardiac
As is discussed in detail in Chapter 3, the electrical activity of membrane by rapidly activating voltage-gated Na+ channels acti-
cardiac cells (the action potential) is primarily modulated by the vates higher threshold, more slowly activating voltage-gated Ca2+
coordinated movement of sodium (Na+), calcium (Ca2+), and channels (primarily CACNA1C-encoded Cav1.2 in the ventricle;
potassium (K+) across the external plasma membrane (sarco- see Figure 2-1).2 Ca2+ influx through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels
lemma) and the internal sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane. serves two major purposes: (1) maintaining the action potential

18  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

time-independent inward rectifier current IK1 (see Figure 2-1).

Phase 1
Ito (Kv 4.2/4.3) Other currents such as IKATP , while not central to the healthy
control action potential, may have key roles in disease. Finally, the
Na+-K+ adenotriphosphatase (ATPase) (which uses ATP to
Phase 2
ICa(L) (Cav 1.2)
remove 3 Na+ from the cell and bring in 2 K+) is a key feature for
generating and maintaining the myocyte electrochemical
Proper functioning of ion channels is required for normal
Phase 3 cardiac physiology, as channel dysfunction has been linked to
Phase 0 IKr (erg1)
both congenital and acquired forms of heart disease and arrhyth-
IKs (Kv LQT1)
(Nav 1.5) mias. For example, genetic mutations in Na+, K+, and Ca2+ channels
and channel subunits have been associated with lethal cardiac
arrhythmia syndromes, including congenital long QT syndrome
(mutations in KCNQ1, KCNH2, SCN5A, KCNE1, KCNE2, and
KCNJ2 genes), short QT syndrome (mutations in KCNH2,
Phase 4 KCNQ1, and KCNJ2 genes), Brugada syndrome (mutations in
IK1 (Kir 2.1) the SCN5A gene), and Timothy syndrome (mutations in the
CACNA1C gene). Ion channel defects arising from electrical
FIGURE 2-1  Key ion currents responsible for the phases of the remodeling in the setting of acquired heart disease have also been
cardiac ventricular action potential. A mathematical model of the linked to arrhythmia. Specifically, Na+ channel changes after myo-
ventricular cardiac myocyte was used to generate representative cardial infarction have been linked to slowed conduction, and
ventricular action potential with rapid phase 0 (upstroke), changes in K+ and Ca2+ channels have been linked to action
characteristic phase 1 repolarization (“spike”), prominent phase 2 potential prolongation in failing hearts.
plateau (“dome”), delayed phase 3 repolarization, and stable rest
potential (phase 4, ~–90 mV).  (From Hund TJ, Rudy Y: Rate dependence
and regulation of action potential and calcium transient in a canine Cell Membrane Architecture Defines
cardiac ventricular cell model, Circulation 110[20]:3168–3174, 2004; Hund
TJ, Decker KF, Kanter E, et al: Role of activated CaMKII in abnormal calcium Myocyte Local Electrical Activity
homeostasis and I(Na) remodeling after myocardial infarction: insights
from mathematical modeling, J Mol Cell Cardiol 45[3]:420–428, 2008.) Over the past 15 years, the use of high-resolution imaging tech-
niques in the field of molecular cardiology has revolutionized the
understanding of cardiac cell biology and electrical function. Spe-
cifically, unlike the first plant cell imaged by Hooke in the mid-
1600s, it is now known that the vertebrate myocyte is not simply
plateau (important for controlling heart rhythm), and (2) trigger- a large pool of cytosol surrounded by a simple membrane. Rather,
ing Ca2+ release from internal stores for the purpose of triggering the metazoan myocyte has evolved complex membrane struc-
the mechanical contraction of the heart (excitation-contraction tures to facilitate efficient electrical activity and signaling to regu-
coupling).2 During excitation-contraction (EC) coupling, a small late cardiac physiology. Not surprisingly, specific cell types in the
inward Ca2+ current across the plasma membrane is sensed by heart possess a distinct set of membrane structures based on their
functional SR ryanodine receptor (RyR2 in the ventricle, encoded unique function.
by RYR2) clusters, which subsequently release large quantities of The ventricular cardiomyocyte plasma membrane, or sarco-
Ca2+ from the internal SR stores into the cytosol, giving rise to a lemma, is divided into multiple and unique membrane structures
dramatic increase (order of magnitude) in intracellular Ca2+ (the (Figure 2-2). In addition to the external sarcolemma (resident
Ca2+ transient).2 In this process, termed Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release, proteins include the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1) and plasma
a small increase in local Ca2+ via Cav1.2 produces a relatively large membrane Ca2+-ATPase [PMCA1]), the ventricular cardiomyo-
release of SR Ca2+ (high gain function). cyte contains a large array of regularly spaced (~1.8 μm) plasma
While voltage-gated Na+ and Ca2+ channels are responsible for membrane invaginations, termed transverse tubules, or T-tubules.
myocyte depolarization and contraction, a host of plasma This membrane system, instrumental in myocyte EC coupling,
membrane–associated K+ channels regulate ventricular cardio- evolved to facilitate coordinated EC coupling in the relatively
myocyte repolarization during phases 1, 2, and 3, as well as the large ventricular cardiomyocyte (system not present in smaller
rest potential.4 Specifically, the characteristic repolarization atrial and sinoatrial node cells). T-tubule–resident proteins
“notch” of phase 1 is modulated by the outward flux of K+ carried include the L-type Ca2+ channel Cav1.2, the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger,
by the transient outward K+ current, Ito (primarily Kv4.2/Kv4.3 and Na+-K+-ATPase.2 Finally, a highly specialized domain is
channels; see Figure 2-1). The duration of the action potential present where the ventricular cardiomyocyte plasma membrane
plateau (phase 2) is determined by a delicate balance between the lies in close apposition to the plasma membrane of a neighboring
inward Ca2+ current and the outward delayed rectifier K+ currents cell. This complex membrane system, termed the intercalated
IKr and IKs (erg1/MiRP1 and KvLQT1/MinK channels encoded by disc, is required for myocyte cell-cell adhesion as well as intercel-
KCNH2/KCNE2 and KCNQ1/KCNE1, respectively; see Figure lular action potential propagation and comprises three subdo-
2-1).4 As the action potential proceeds, the Ca2+ current decreases mains: (1) the gap junction, (2) the adherens junction, and (3) the
because of deactivation as well as inactivation, and the K+ currents desmosome (Figure 2-3).2 The gap junction comprises hundreds
IKr and IKs increase, ultimately tilting the balance in favor of the of hemi-channels (connexons) that span the lipid bilayer and allow
late repolarization phase (phase 3; see Figure 2-1).4 The cell even- electrical and metabolic coupling when docked with hemi-
tually returns to a resting potential maintained primarily by the channels from a neighboring cell. At least four different connexin
Principles of Cellular Architecture and Physiology with Applications in Electrophysiology  19

Peripheral sarcolemma

Nuclear membrane
Transverse tubules Sarcoplasmic reticulum

FIGURE 2-2  Local membrane architecture, which is critical for vertebrate cardiomyocyte electrical activity and physiology. Image of ventricular
cardiomyocyte with denoted membrane structures, including the intercalated disc (yellow), transverse tubules overlying the cellular Z-line (red, stained
with α-actinin antibody), sarcoplasmic reticulum (green), nucleus (silver), and nuclear envelope (violet).

proteins (functional units of the connexon) with distinct biophysi- (i.e., human calsequestrin-2 gene mutations) or Ca2+ release
cal properties are expressed throughout the heart. Gap junctions (human RyR2 gene mutations) has been linked with potentially
in ventricular tissue consist primarily of connexin43, which forms fatal human arrhythmia (catecholaminergic polymorphic ven-
large conductance channels to allow rapid conduction. In con- tricular tachyarrhythmia). SR membrane–resident proteins also
trast, gap junctions in the sinus node contain mostly connexin45, include inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate (InsP3) receptors that have
which forms lower conductance channels ideal for slow but safe been linked to cardiac hypertrophy and arrhythmia.6
conduction. The adherens junction is maintained by the function During the ventricular action potential, the rise in cytosolic
of a cadherin-catenin complex that provides a stabilizing link Ca2+ via the SR membrane–associated RyR2 is rapidly translated
from the intercalated disc to the actin cytoskeleton (see Figure into mechanical activity between the thick myosin filaments and
2-3). Finally, the desmosome also supports cell adhesion through the thin actin filaments through the regulatory functions of the
a complex, including plakoglobin (γ-catenin, also found in the troponin-tropomyosin complex.2 This complex consists of four
adherens junction), desmoplakin, and plakophilin, that interacts subunits. Tropomyosin is a double-stranded α-helical molecule,
with intermediate filaments (see Figure 2-3). Interestingly, defects which, under basal conditions (low Ca2+), covers myosin-binding
in desmosomal proteins have been linked to cardiomyopathies sites along a span of seven actin monomers.2 Troponin T (TnT;
and arrhythmias, including arrhythmogenic right ventricular car- tropomyosin-binding subunit) connects tropomyosin to the two
diomyopathy (ARVC). In fact, loss of plakoglobin immunostain- remaining subunits TnC (Ca2+-binding) and troponin I (TnI;
ing in human heart biopsies has been recently developed into a inhibitory subunit). The cardiac isoform of TnC has two high-
diagnostic marker for Naxos disease, a cardiocutaneous syndrome affinity binding sites for Ca2+ or Mg2+ in the C-terminal domain
characterized by wooly hair, palmoplantar keratoderma, and and a low-affinity regulatory binding site that is Ca2+ specific in
severe cardiomyopathy.5 the N-terminal domain. During diastole, the C-terminal domain
In addition to the external plasma membrane, the cardiac of TnI interacts with actin. During systole, Ca2+ binds to a low-
myocyte (as well as many other excitable cells, including neurons affinity binding site in the TnC N-terminal domain, causing an
and skeletal muscle) contains SR, the specialized endoplasmic increased affinity between this domain and the TnI N-terminal
reticulum that has key roles in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+.2 domain. As a result, the TnI-actin interaction is destabilized,
The cardiac SR is an extensive network of tubules linking key which ultimately leads to a conformational change in the
signaling networks, including the plasma membrane, nuclear troponin-tropomyosin complex.2 Specifically, this complex is
envelope, nucleus, and mitochondria, to mediate a host of diverse shifted and exposes myosin binding sites on actin, leading to
functions. The pre-eminent role of the cardiac SR is to regulate “cross-bridge” formation between actin and myosin, force pro-
myocyte EC coupling. Specifically, the vertebrate SR sequesters a duction, and cellular shortening.2 On removal of Ca2+ from the
large pool of releasable Ca2+ (1 mM inside SR vs. 100 nM in cytosol (primarily by the activities of SERCA2A and the plasma
cytosol2) that serves as the primary source of Ca2+ for troponin-C membrane Na+-Ca2+ exchanger), these molecular events are
(TnC) activation and muscle contraction (discussed in detail rapidly reversed, which results in cellular relaxation.2 Specifically,
below).2 The majority of this Ca2+ is internally buffered by the as cytosolic Ca2+ levels decrease, Ca2+ is removed from the TnC
Ca2+-binding protein calsequestrin, which forms a critical RyR2 low-affinity binding site, causing TnI to dissociate from TnC and
regulatory complex with triadin and junctin. However, Ca2+ entry then reassociate with actin, effectively re-establishing the steric
into the cell during the action potential plateau through voltage- hindrance imposed by the troponin-tropomyosin complex.
gated Ca2+ channels activates SR ryanodine receptor Ca2+ chan- As discussed in detail below, the dynamic range of cardiac
nels. These RyR2 channels then rapidly release sequestered SR excitation-mechanical coupling is, in part, regulated by phospho-
Ca2+ into the cytosol (see below) to signal contraction. During regulation of key ion channels and transporters, which modulate
diastole, SR Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2) and its regulatory protein intracellular Ca2+ in addition to altering the Ca2+ sensitivity of
phospholamban play central roles in the reuptake of released Ca2+ contractile proteins. For example, protein kinase A (PKA) phos-
from the myocyte cytosol into the SR. Interestingly, inappropriate phorylation of phospholamban at serine 16 relieves inhibition of
regulation of SR Ca2+ because of defects in either Ca2+ buffering phospholamban on SERCA2, thereby increasing SR Ca2+ uptake
20  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Intracellular membrane Extracellular


p120 Cadherin dimer


Desmoplakin Plakoglobin Desmoglein


Plakoglobin Desmocollin



Gap junction


FIGURE 2-3  Structures of the intercalated disc. The adherens junction contains a catenin-cadherin complex that anchors the disc to actin. The
desmosome provides a link to intermediate filaments and contains primarily desmoplakin, plakoglobin (γ-catenin), plakophilin-2, and the desmosomal
cadherins (desmoglein-2 and desmocollin-2). Finally, the gap junction establishes electrical and metabolic communication between neighboring cells.
Six individual connexin proteins (primarily Cx45 in the SA node, Cx40 to Cx45 in the atria, and Cx43 in the ventricle) combine to form heteromeric
connexon hemi-channels that dock with apposing connexons from the adjoining cell.

and promoting muscle relaxation.7 In addition to phosphorylating highly collaborative roles of structural, electrical, mechanical, and
membrane proteins, PKA also phosphorylates contractile pro- signaling proteins in the modulation of myocyte EC coupling and
teins to decrease their Ca2+ sensitivity, thereby promoting muscle cardiac function.
relaxation. These modifications allow for increased cycle fre- Recent findings demonstrate key cellular roles for nuclear and
quency elicited by exercise. For example, the N-terminal domain mitochondrial membranes in the regulation of myocyte tran-
of cardiac TnI is phosphorylated by cyclic adenosine monophos- scriptional pathways and in metabolism. The nuclear envelope is
phate (cAMP)-dependent PKA phosphorylation at serines 22 and a complex structure comprising outer and inner nuclear mem-
23. Phosphorylation of these residues desensitizes TnI to Ca2+- branes. The outer nuclear membrane is continuous with the SR,
bound TnC and reduces the Ca2+ affinity of the Ca2+-specific regu- and the inner membrane contains a number of critical membrane
latory site on TnC.8 Thus, these findings clearly illustrate the proteins involved in nuclear assembly and gene transcription,
Principles of Cellular Architecture and Physiology with Applications in Electrophysiology  21

such as lamins, which create a structural lattice for nuclear enve- the TCA cycle, and decreased ATP production.13 Conversely,
lope integrity, and emerins, which bind directly to actin filaments.
Mutations in lamin A/C and emerin have been linked to
Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, a degenerative muscle
disease featuring cardiac conduction defects. Human mutations
myoplasmic Ca2+ overload (e.g., during myocardial ischemia) may
lead to the accumulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ and the opening
of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, a large nonspe-
cific conductance in the inner mitochondrial membrane that
in the nuclear lamina protein emerin (EMD), which are relevant discharges the mitochondrial membrane potential, which leads to
to cardiac arrhythmia, have also been linked to familial atrial cell death.13
fibrillation and sinus node disease.9 Specifically, identified pro-
bands display a complex arrhythmia phenotype, including irregu-
lar, chaotic atrial rhythm and first-degree atrioventricular block.9 The Cardiac Dyad
One proband displayed premature atrial complexes with rate vari-
ability (30 to 100 beats/min), and sinus arrest with junctional A striking example of the evolution of cardiac molecular and
escape rhythm.9 Interestingly, the identified EMD mutation is structural components converging on function is the cardiac
hypothesized to affect the interaction between the emerin LEM dyad. Franzini-Armstrong and colleagues identified the dyad
domain and intranuclear binding proteins.9 Moreover, analysis of using electron microscopy and showed that it represents the pre-
emerin localization in EMD mutation carriers revealed defects in eminent cardiac signaling unit for EC coupling.14 Specifically, the
nuclear emerin localization.9 These findings clearly demonstrate cardiac dyad is a key juxtaposition of cardiac external plasma
the unexpected link between cardiac atypical cellular architec- membrane (T-tubules) to internal SR membrane (Figure 2-4).2
ture, in this case the nuclear lamina, and normal cellular excit- Central to the dyad T-tubule membrane is a large population of
ability. In addition to having clear roles in orchestrating cellular membrane-associated L-type Ca2+ channels (comprising a central
structure and intermediate filament organization, the nuclear α-subunit pore and multiple regulatory β-subunits).15 Across the
membrane also contains an autonomous system for Ca2+ signal- tiny dyadic cleft (~15 nm) reside large clusters of ryanodine
ing. InsP3 receptors located on both the inner and outer nuclear receptor Ca2+ release channels in the SR membrane.15 Thus, the
membranes allow Ca2+ release from the nuclear membrane lumen dyad structure has evolved to provide spatial constraints that,
into the nucleoplasm and cytosol, respectively.10 In fact, work by together with the high gain of the Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release
Bers and colleagues demonstrated that Ca2+ in the nuclear mem- process, allows for the activation of internal Ca2+ release by a very
brane is tightly regulated by SR Ca2+, and this Ca2+ is central to small influx of Ca2+ through L-type Ca2+ channels. Since the diva-
cardiac excitation-transcription signaling via InsP3 receptor- lent cation Ca2+ is used for a host of cellular processes, including
dependent signaling.11 contraction, transcription, and apoptosis, the spatially privileged
Cardiac mitochondria play an important role not only in environment of the dyad is critical for maintaining the fidelity of
energy production but also in Ca2+ homeostasis and apoptosis. intracellular Ca2+ signaling.
Mitochondria occupy a large percentage of the cell volume (about A second key component of cardiac architecture for physiol-
30%) and are concentrated near myofilaments, T-tubules, and the ogy illustrated by the dyad is the convergence of local signaling
SR.12 Mitochondria comprise inner and outer membranes sur- networks for function. For example, multiple key proteins in the
rounding the mitochondrial matrix, where oxidative phosphory- cardiac dyad, including the L-type Ca2+ channel and RyR, are
lation drives ATP production. A large potential gradient (ΔΨm dynamically regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphoryla-
about –180 mV) across the inner mitochondrial membrane, tion cascades. In fact, phosphorylation of both Cav1.2 and RyR2
together with a proton gradient (ΔpH), is necessary for the con- by both protein kinase A and Ca2+-calmodulin–dependent protein
version of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to ATP. Respiration is kinase II (CaMKII) regulates channel activity. Recent work has
regulated by many factors, including ADP and Ca2+, which acti- illustrated that phosphorylation signaling pathways are tightly
vate key enzymes in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Highly regulated at the local level. For example, PKA is directly linked to
selective Ca2+ uniporters expressed in the inner mitochondrial its target molecule RyR2, by direct interaction of RyR2 with the
membrane use the electrical gradient across the inner mitochon- PKA-anchoring protein mAKAP.16 Moreover, PKA-dependent
drial membrane to move Ca2+ from the myoplasm into the mito- regulation of RyR2 is directly antagonized by local phosphatase
chondria. The proximity of mitochondria to the Ca2+ channels at 2A, also directly linked to RyR2 via mAKAP.16 Similarly, PKA-
T-tubules and to the Ca2+ release sites on the SR create a local dependent regulation of Cav1.2 activity at the cell membrane
Ca2+ domain that provides mitochondria with access to an impor- occurs via a protein complex that involves AKAP150. Like PKA,
tant resource for respiration and enables mitochondria to serve CaMKII regulates the activities of proteins on either side of the
as an important buffer of intracellular Ca2+. Interestingly, disrup- dyad. CaMKII directly phosphorylates the Cav1.2 channel complex
tion of the normal mitochondrial arrangement within the cell has to produce an alternative channel-gating mode characterized by
been linked to mitochondrial dysfunction, apoptosis, and arrhyth- long open times (mode 2) and current facilitation.17 Recent studies
mias in a murine model of desmin-related cardiomyopathy. The have identified the Cav1.2–auxillary subunit β2a as a critical target
mitochondrial Na+-Ca2+ exchanger helps maintain mitochondrial for CaMKII-mediated current facilitation.18 Moreover, β2a con-
Ca2+ homeostasis, and the Na+-H+ exchanger and the Na+-K+- tains a CaMKII-binding site with high homology to established
ATPase use the proton gradient and ATP, respectively, for main- motifs in the NR2B subunit of the NMDA receptor and in the
taining mitochondrial Na+ homeostasis. Ion homeostasis in the CaMKII association domain.18,19 Thus, in addition to playing an
myoplasm and in the mitochondrial matrix are coupled such that important role in regulating Cav1.2 activity, β2a also serves as a
dysregulation of homeostasis in the myoplasm may alter mito- Cav1.2-specific anchoring protein for CaMKII.18 CaMKII
chondrial energetics. Thus, myoplasmic Na+ accumulation in the co-localizes with and phosphorylates RyR2 to regulate channel
setting of heart failure may accelerate Ca2+ removal from the activity, although the nature of this association and the functional
mitochondrial matrix via the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger, leading to effects (increase or decrease in activity) remain uncertain.20,21
decreased mitochondrial Ca2+, decreased NADH production via However, several studies have provided compelling evidence that
22  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

3Na+ Ca2+ 3Na+




Na/K ATPase
Extracellular NHE

Ca2+ H+
Cytosol Ca2+
Na/K ATPase 2K+

Ca2+ Sarcoplasmic
Cav1.2 RyR2 reticulum
Ca2+ Ca2+

Myofillaments/contratile apparatus

FIGURE 2-4  The cardiac “dyad.” Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (Cav1.2) along transverse tubules communicate across a small cleft with ryanodine
receptor Ca2+ release channels (RyR2) in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane to create a local domain for Ca2+ signaling. A small amount of
Ca2+ entry through Ca2+ channels causes a large release of SR Ca2+ through ryanodine receptors into the cytoplasm. This Ca2+ signals myofilament
shortening and cell contraction through binding to troponin. Relaxation occurs as Ca2+ is removed from the cell via the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger,
Na+-K+-ATPase, and PMCA1 and resequestered into the SR via SERCA2A/PLB.

CaMKII hyperphosphorylation of RyR2 in the setting of heart biophysical properties, regulation of signaling at the level of the
failure leads to inappropriately active channels that promote dia- local membrane microdomain is essential for normal cardiac
stolic Ca2+ leak from the SR, reduced SR Ca2+ content, and con- excitability and human physiology.
tractile dysfunction.22 Thus, the cardiac dyad, by functionally
linking key ion channel components on closely apposed excitable
membrane structures and by recruiting key signaling proteins, Biogenesis and Maintenance
has evolved into an all-in-one signaling unit for the regulation of of Local Signaling Domains
cardiac excitability.
The presence of large membrane complexes for local cardiac Cardiac ion channel and transporter activity is critical for normal
signaling extends far beyond the dyad (Figure 2-5). As discussed myocardial function. Vital to this function are intrinsic channel
above, ventricular repolarization is regulated by the activity of IKs. biophysical properties (e.g., activation, inactivation) that largely
The IKs current is the result of a heteromeric channel complex determine the time course of the ensemble current. The precise
encoded by KCNQ1 (α-subunit) and KCNE1 (β-subunit).4 In fact, localization of ion channels and transporters at specialized mem-
the importance of IKs for cardiac repolarization is clearly illus- brane domains (i.e., T-tubule, intercalated disc) is equally critical
trated by human gene mutations in KCNQ1 and KCNE1 linked for normal channel function (and therefore cardiac physiology)
with both atrial and ventricular arrhythmias.4 Similar to the but is often overlooked. Over the past decade, analyses of ion
cardiac L-type Ca2+ channel and RyR2, IKs is dynamically regulated channel and transporter targeting in myocytes have revealed a
by PKA-dependent phosphorylation, and this regulation is coor- host of new cellular pathways required for the trafficking and
dinated by a protein complex involving the AKAP, Yotiao (see retention of cardiac membrane proteins. Moreover, a growing
Figure 2-5). Yotiao interacts with the KCNQ1 C-terminus as well body of literature supports the notion that dysfunction in these
as with protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and PKA to create a macro- ion channel and transporter targeting pathways may result in
molecular signaling complex for regulating cardiac repolarization. cardiac electrical dysfunction and disease.
Interestingly, mutations in KCNQ1 that affect the binding of Ankyrins, a family of cytoskeletal adapter proteins, were first
KCNQ1 to Yotiao result in cardiac arrhythmia (long QT syn- identified in the erythrocyte in the late 1970s as a structural link
drome).16,23 Similarly, Yotiao (AKAP9) mutants that block binding between plasma membrane proteins and the actin-spectrin–
to KCNQ1 result in defects in IKs and are associated with human based cytoskeleton.25 However, recent findings have clearly dem-
long QT syndrome.24 Thus, in addition to inherent channel onstrated key roles for ankyrin polypeptides in ion channel and
Principles of Cellular Architecture and Physiology with Applications in Electrophysiology  23


Ankyrin-G Ankyrin-B



PR130 csqn
Spinophilin Ryanodine Yotiao



FIGURE 2-5  Macromolecular protein complexes in the cardiac cell. A, Ankyrin-G interacts with the voltage-gated Na+ channel (Nav1.5) and the
cytoskeletal protein β-spectrin in heart. B, Ankyrin-B–associated proteins include ion channels, pumps, and transporters (Na+-Ca2+ exchanger,
Na+-K+-ATPase, and InsP3 receptor), signaling molecules (PP2A), and cytoskeletal proteins (obscurin, β-spectrin). C, The ryanodine receptor
macromolecular complex consists of anchoring proteins (mAKAP, PR130, spinophilin), regulatory elements (sorcin, FKBP12.6), and signaling molecules
(calsequestrin, calmodulin). D, The AKAP Yotiao complexes the IKs complex (KCNQ1/KCNE1) with signaling molecules PP1 and PKA to regulate channel

transporter expression and localization in diverse cardiac cell membrane targeting are associated with human arrhythmia. Spe-
types.26 As described above, the voltage-gated Na+ channel Nav1.5 cifically, key residues in the Nav1.5 domain I-II cytoplasmic
is required for the rapid upstroke of the ventricular action poten- domain are required for interaction with ankyrin-G.28 Interest-
tial (phase 0). As discussed in Chapters 3 and 7, defects in Nav1.5 ingly, a human Brugada syndrome mutation is located in this
biophysical activity resulting in aberrant inward INa are associated Nav1.5 motif and blocks the interaction of Nav1.5 with ankyrin-G.28
with sinus node disease, conduction defects, and ventricular Moreover, consistent with the role of ankyrin-G in targeting
arrhythmias. In ventricular cardiomyocytes, Nav1.5 is primarily Nav1.5, the human Nav1.5 Brugada syndrome mutant displays
localized to the cardiac intercalated disc, although it may also aberrant trafficking to the intercalated disc.28 Instead, the mutant
be found at T-tubules and the peripheral sarcolemma in less channel is trapped intracellularly in the biosynthetic process.28
abundance.27,28 In fact, ankyrin-G (encoded by human ANK3) is Thus, these findings illustrate the importance of membrane-
required for the expression and localization of Nav1.5 at the inter- targeting pathways for normal human cardiac excitability. While
calated disc (see Figure 2-5).28,29 Myocytes lacking ankyrin-G ankyrin-G is required for Nav1.5 targeting to the intercalated disc,
display loss of Nav1.5 expression at the cardiac intercalated disc the pathways for Na+ channel targeting to other excitable domains
and corresponding reductions in cellular INa.29 Interestingly, the are not yet known. However, alternative pathways are almost
ankyrin-G membrane–targeting pathway appears specific for certainly required for these domains. Likely protein suspects for
Nav1.5 versus other cardiac ion channels and transporters, as the peripheral sarcolemmal targeting for Nav1.5 include syntrophin
localization, expression, and functioning of Cav1.2 and the Na+- and dystrophin.31
Ca2+ exchanger are unaffected in myocytes lacking ankyrin-G.29 While ankyrin-G is required for protein targeting to the inter-
Moreover, the loss of Nav1.5 targeting is rescued by exogenous calated disc, a second ankyrin-gene product, termed ankyrin-B
expression of wild-type ankyrin-G, but not a mutant ankyrin-G (human ANK2), is responsible for targeting key cardiac ion chan-
lacking key Nav1.5 binding residues.29 Therefore, ankyrin-G is nels and transporters to the ventricular cardiomyocyte T-tubule
critical for the localization and functioning of Nav1.5 at the and the SR. Specifically, ankyrin-B directly associates with the
cardiac intercalated disc. Consistent with these findings, loss of T-tubule membrane proteins Na+-Ca2+ exchanger and Na+-K+-
ankyrin-G in the murine cerebellum results in defects in neuronal ATPase (see Figure 2-5).32,33 Moreover, ankyrin-B interacts with
Na+ channel targeting, defects in neuronal action potentials, the SR membrane protein InsP3 receptor.33,34 Ventricular cardio-
and ataxia.30 Defects in the ankyrin-G–based pathway for Nav1.5 myocytes from mice lacking ankyrin-B expression display striking
24  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

loss of Na+-K+-ATPase, the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger, and InsP3 recep- invaginations of the cell membrane that have roles in vesicular
tor expression and function.33-36 Similar to the findings on trafficking and endocytosis. In fact, work in excitable cells strongly
ankyrin-G, loss of ankyrin-B is specific for Na+-K+-ATPase, the implicates caveolae-rich membrane domains in the clustering of
Na+-Ca2+ exchanger, and InsP3 receptor membrane targeting, as ion channel and receptor signaling complexes, including both
ankyrin-B loss does not affect Nav1.5 or Cav1.2 membrane expres- voltage-gated Na+, K+, and Ca2+ channels, as well as β-adrenergic
sion.35,37 Consistent with loss of Na+-K+-ATPase and the Na+-Ca2+ receptor signaling complexes. One key coat protein for the forma-
exchanger (and similar to the effects of digitalis, which blocks tion of the cardiac caveolae membrane domain is the ~20 kD
Na+-K+-ATPase activity), ankyrin-B+/− cells display increased SR protein caveolin-3 (encoded by CAV3). Recent data link CAV3
Ca2+ load and Ca2+ transient amplitudes.35 Moreover, while stable mutations to human excitable cell disease. Specifically, CAV3
in resting conditions, ankyrin-B+/− ventricular cardiomyocytes mutations have been linked to long QT syndrome, limb-girdle
display cellular after-depolarizations (oscillations in membrane muscular dystrophy, and sudden infant death syndrome.45-48
excitability) in response to catecholaminergic stimulation.35 Con- Similar to type 3 long QT mutations affecting Nav1.5, cardiac
sistent with these findings, ankyrin-B+/− mice may display poly- phenotypes associated with human CAV3 mutations include
morphic arrhythmia and sudden death in response to severe increased late INa and QTc prolongation.45 However, skeletal
catecholaminergic stimulation (exercise and/or catecholamine muscle phenotypes associated with CAV3 mutations include
injection).35 Finally, consistent with the role of ankyrin-G in decreased L-type Ca2+ channel current.47,48 Thus, it appears that
human arrhythmia (Brugada syndrome, see above), defects in the caveolin-3 and caveolae, in general, are likely to have pleiotropic
ankyrin-B–based pathway for ion channel and transporter target- effects on cardiac and skeletal muscle membrane ion channels,
ing in ventricular cardiomyocytes result in arrhythmia in the transporters, and receptors, which result in complex electrical
human heart. Specifically, human loss-of-function mutations in phenotypes in response to loss of function. Nonetheless, these
ANK2 (ankyrin-B gene) result in a complex arrhythmia syndrome data clearly demonstrate the importance of unlikely cellular
that includes sinus node disease, atrial fibrillation, conduction proteins in the pathogenesis of human cardiac arrhythmias.
block, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia,
and sudden death.35,36,38 In fact, nine ANK2 loss of function vari-
ants have been identified in a host of kindred worldwide.35,36,38 Conclusion
While the clinical phenotypes of the probands may differ, depend-
ing on the variant and the environment (i.e., sinus node disease The complex architecture of the cell plays a critical role in deter-
plus ventricular arrhythmia versus simple sinus node disease), the mining the normal electrophysiological properties of the heart.
cardiac phenotypes present in these patients clearly demonstrate Specialized membrane domains along and within the sarcolemma
the importance of proper ion channel and transporter targeting serve a diverse array of key cellular functions (e.g., EC coupling,
for normal human cardiovascular excitability. Interestingly, while electrical communication, mechanical stabilization, transcrip-
the ventricular phenotypes are primarily due to defects in the tional regulation, respiration). Different regions of the heart
Na+-Ca2+ exchanger and Na+-K+-ATPase, ANK2-associated possess unique architectural features that relate to their primary
defects in sinus node function are due to defects in ankyrin-B– functions, and the disruption of cellular organization is associated
based targeting of Cav1.3, an atrial and sinus node–specific with electrical instability in both congenital and acquired forms
isoform of the L-type Ca2+ channel.39 Specifically, loss of ankyrin of heart disease.
in the sinus node affects Cav1.3, but not Cav1.2 expression and
targeting, which results in decreased ICa,L and aberrant automatic- REFERENCES
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Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiac
Gordon Tomaselli and Dan M. Roden
This chapter reviews what is known about the fundamental basis are connected to each other by low-resistance communications
of the excitability of the heart, starting from individual molecules called gap junctions that contain intercellular ion channels.
and proceeding to increasingly complex levels of integration—
from nucleic acids to proteins in the form of receptors, channels,
Membrane Potential and Conduction
and transporters, ultimately to cells and tissues. We endeavor to
illustrate cellular and molecular fundamentals using clinically rel- Ion concentration and charge gradients across the cell membrane
evant examples. are responsible for the membrane potential of the cardiac myocyte.
Transmembrane ionic and electrical gradients are maintained by
a series of energy-requiring ion pumps and exchangers that
perform the following functions: (1) Concentrate K+ inside the
Basic Concepts cell, (2) keep the intracellular sodium (Na+) low (<10 mM), and
(3) tightly regulate intracellular calcium (Ca2+) concentrations
Cellular Structure of the Heart
(100–200 nmol/L). The pump responsible for establishing and
The myocardium is composed of cardiac myocytes, which are maintaining most of the monovalent cation gradients is the Na+-
highly differentiated and specialized cells responsible for the K+ ATPase (sodium-potassium adenotriphosphatase), although
conduction of the electrical impulse and the heart’s contractile other pumps and exchangers that transport Na+, Ca2+, and hydro-
behavior, and nonmyocytes, which serve a number of functions. gen (H+) play significant roles in the genesis of ionic concentration
Myocytes occupy two thirds of the structural space of the heart; gradients and the membrane potential. Ion channels are passive
however, they represent only one third of all cells. Nonmyocytes but selective conduits for the flow of ions along electrical and
include fibroblasts responsible for the turnover of extracellular chemical gradients established by active ion transport systems.
matrix that predominantly consists of fibrillar collagen types I and The physicochemical basis of the membrane potential depends
III. The collagen scaffolding provides for myocyte alignment and (as described below) on the Nernst potential (Ex):
coordinated transmission of contractile force to the ventricular
E x = RT/zF ln ([X]o/[X]i ) = ~27 ln ([X]o/[X]i ) (1)
chamber. Other nonmyocyte cells include the endothelial and
smooth muscle cells of the intramural vasculature, neuronal ele- where R is the gas constant, T is temperature, F is Faraday’s con-
ments (such as ganglia) and, under some conditions, inflamma- stant, and z is the valence of the ionic species. If the resting cardiac
tory cells. The gross anatomic features of the heart, the extracellular myocyte is assumed to have an intracellular [K+] of ~150 mmol/L
matrix, and the intramural vasculature create both macroana- and an extracellular [K+] of 4 mmol/L, then the Nernst potential
tomic and microanatomic barriers that are central to both the for K+ (EK) is roughly –90 mV. The Nernst potential represents the
normal electrophysiology of the heart and clinically important voltage at which the osmotic tendency for K+ to flow across the
arrhythmias. membrane is exactly balanced by the electrical tendency to flow in
Cardiac myocytes are a family of structurally distinct cells, the opposite direction, which results in a net zero ionic flux and
with a design commensurate with their function. Pacemaking thus no net current flow. Accordingly, the K+ Nernst potential is
cells such as those in the sinoatrial (SA) and atrioventricular (AV) sometimes referred to as the zero current potential, at which no K+
nodes underlie the spontaneous electrical activity of the heart and current would flow through open K channels. By contrast, the
contain relatively few contractile elements. In contrast, muscle Nernst potential for Na+ in the resting cell is approximately
cells are packed with actin and myosin filaments, which serve the +60 mV, indicating that if a pathway for Na+ to enter the cell were
main function of the heart—propulsion of blood through the present, Na+ would enter the cell to move the membrane voltage
vasculature. Contractile myocytes are rod-shaped cells of approx- (mV) toward the Nernst potential for Na+. Indeed, this is precisely
imately 100 × 20 µm. The myocyte is enveloped by the cell mem- what happens when Na channels are open and initiate phase 0 of
brane, a lipid bilayer 80 Å to 100 Å in thickness. This insulating the action potential. The Nernst potential for potassium is, in fact,
bilayer permits little to no transport of ions and maintains a sepa- very close to the resting membrane potential of the ventricular
ration of charge established by active transporters that reside in myocyte, indicating that the resting heart cell membrane is highly
the cell membrane. Ion channels are transmembrane proteins that permeable to K+. Actual resting potentials are less negative than EK
serve as a conductive pathway between the inside and outside of due to small conductances of other ionic species with less negative
the cell, allowing the flow of ions and, thus, charge (i.e., current). Nernst potentials. In the course of the cardiac cycle, the cell mem-
Also, no current flow exists between myocytes. However, unlike brane becomes permeable to different ionic species, and these
skeletal muscle, cardiac tissue is not a true syncytium; rather, cells changes in permeability determine time-dependent changes in the

28  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

120 ECa + 120 mV

ENa + 70 mV

Voltage (mV)

0 mV
ECl – 30 mV
–100 EK – 90 mV
Ventricular Atrial Nodal 200 ms

FIGURE 3-1  Schematic of action potentials in different regions of the heart. The permeability of the cell membrane determines membrane voltage.
At rest, cells in all regions of the heart are more permeable to potassium (K+) than to any other cation, hence the negative membrane potential, near
the Nernst potential for K+. The characteristic shapes of action potentials are determined by the ionic currents that are active in each cell type during
the cardiac cycle.

Electrical view Biologic view


gK gCl gNa gCa

CM FIGURE 3-2  Electrical and biologic representations of the
cardiac cell membrane. The cardiac (or any excitable)
EM membrane can be modeled as an RC circuit with variable
EK ECl ENa ECa Na+ resistors (ion channels) in parallel with a capacitor (cell
membrane). The transmembrane voltage is established by
Intracellular a series of energy-requiring pumps that maintain ionic
gradients across the membrane.

membrane potential, with each ion striving to move the mem- lengths of the cable are influenced by the same current injection
brane voltage to its Nernst potential and inscribing regionally into a thick, rather than a thin, cable.
specific action potentials (Figure 3-1). Substantial anatomic and biophysical limitations exist when
applying the cable theory description of conduction to cardiac
muscle. Anatomically, the shape of the heart is complex, and at
Passive Membrane Properties and Cable Theory
any level of integration above a single muscle fiber, it does not
The cardiac cell membrane can be modeled as a circuit compris- resemble a cable. Conduction through the myocardium is not
ing variable resistors (ion channels) in parallel with a capacitor continuous; instead, myocardial cells are connected by gap junc-
(lipid bilayer), an RC circuit (Figure 3-2). The flow of current tion channels that create a non-uniformity of intercellular resis-
across the membrane will alter the charge on the capacitor (and tance. Macroscopic discontinuities such as fibrous tissue and
therefore the membrane potential) and change the membrane blood vessels also significantly perturb the cable view of conduc-
resistance. The flow of current occurs not only across but obvi- tion in the myocardium. Finally, the cardiac cell membrane does
ously along the inside and outside of the cell membrane from cell not just comprise RC circuits; instead, when stimulated to the
to cell as well, that is, current propagates. threshold, it will generate action potentials (see Figure 3-3, A).
Cable theory, originally developed to understand current flow Despite the limitations of cable theory, it serves as the foundation
in trans-oceanic telegraphic cables, can be used to model passive for several important concepts in impulse propagation and was
current flow and propagation in a cardiac muscle fiber. In their used to demonstrate the electrical nature of conduction in the
simplest formulation, the cable equations define the distribution heart.1
of voltage along a continuous, uniform cable of infinite length Depolarization of cardiac muscle results in the generation of
stimulated by a point source. The predictions of cable theory are an action potential at the site of excitation and, in doing so, sets
that (1) a change in voltage exhibits a characteristic decay along up a voltage gradient between the excited cells and their nearest
the cable defined by the space constant (distance over which neighbors. The current generated by the action potential serves
voltage decays to 1/e of the value at the site of injection) (Figure as an excitatory current for neighboring cells (source), which at
3-3, A); and (2) there is an inverse relationship between resistance their resting membrane potential (sink) are activated by the
to current flow (both transmembrane and intercellular) and the source. Impulse propagation depends on the balance between the
cable diameter (Figure 3-3, B). That is, the space constant is magnitude of the currents in the source and the sink and
directly proportional to the cable diameter, and thus, greater the resistance along the fiber. Failure of conduction may result
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiac Electrophysiology  29


V1 V2

Subthreshold Suprathreshold


A B Distance

FIGURE 3-3  Spread of current in an idealized cable. A, Injection of current into the cable at site I produces a transmembrane voltage change of
smaller amplitude, and slower kinetics are recorded at more distal sites in the cable. In an excitable tissue such as the heart, a stimulus of sufficient
amplitude elicits a regenerative response (i.e., an action potential) and can propagate along the length of the preparation. Transmission of the action
potential is associated with current flow across and along the membrane. B, The characteristics of the cable determine the distance over which the
voltage difference induced by the current injection decays (space constant). In a cable of larger diameter, the voltage difference falls over a larger
distance; that is, the space constant (the distance over which the voltage difference falls to 1/e of the value at the site of injection) is proportional to
the radius of the cable.

from alterations in the source current; examples include reduc- system results in the activation of a broad band of ventricular
tion of the source by drug blockade of Na (atrial or ventricular muscle by narrow strands of Purkinje fibers. Such an abrupt tran-
muscle) or Ca+ channels (nodal cells) or from changes in the sition from an anatomically narrow source to a massive sink
characteristics of the sink, such as ischemia and activation of makes propagation tenuous such that small changes in the char-
ATP-dependent potassium channels (IK-ATP). In the latter case, acteristics of the source or the sink are likely to produce failure of
propagation fails because the tissue with greatly increased repo- conduction. Antidromic conduction from ventricular muscle to
larizing K current, due to activated IK-ATP , acts as an infinite sink Purkinje fibers produces just the opposite source-sink relation-
and cannot be sufficiently depolarized to reach the threshold for ship and thus a higher safety factor for conduction.
the generation of an action potential. Myocardial ischemia will While this discussion implicitly treats the activation wave in one
produce changes in the intracellular environment such as dimension, the behavior of propagating waves in the heart is more
decreased pH and increased intracellular Ca2+ that will serve to complex. The complexity can be appreciated if one considers
reduce gap junctional conductance and functionally uncouple propagation in two dimensions. In this circumstance, the shape of
myocardial cells, altering the relationship between the source and the wavefront is a major determinant of the efficiency of propaga-
the sink and hindering impulse propagation. tion. A convex wavefront, as might be observed after point stimula-
The safety factor for conduction is the magnitude of the current tion, creates a large sink around a smaller activating source. This
provided by the source that is in excess of that required to activate mismatch reduces conduction velocity and the safety factor for
the sink. The main factors influencing source current are the rate propagation. Conversely, a concave activation front produces a
of rise of the upstroke and the amplitude of the action potential, source-sink mismatch that favors the source; this results in a high
which are the metrics that reflect the magnitude of inward cur- safety factor and more rapid impulse transmission. Thus, not only
rents. The factors that influence the current requirements of the do source-sink characteristics influence propagation, they also
sink are the membrane resistance and the difference between the influence the curvature of the wave front (see Figure 3-4).
resting and threshold potentials. One major reason for the mis- Directionally different conduction velocity is a characteristic
match between the source and the sink is an abrupt anatomic feature of cardiac muscle known as anisotropic conduction.
change, such as that which occurs at the Purkinje fiber–ventricular Anisotropic conduction has its basis in the structure of the
muscle junction. Orthodromic conduction over the Purkinje myocyte and cardiac tissue; myocytes are rod shaped and are
30  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

called the patch clamp.5 A variant of the patch clamp technique

Linear Convex Concave
permits the measurement of ionic currents through single ion
Typically, in a voltage clamp experiment, the membrane
voltage (V) is held near the resting membrane potential,
(approximately −80 mV for ventricular myocytes) and then
stepped to more positive voltages. This voltage step induces two
components of the membrane current (IM) flow; at the instant of
the voltage change, ions (IC) flow to charge the membrane capaci-
tance (CM), after which the current reflects the movement of ions
θ = θ0 θ < θ0 θ > θ0 through the ion channels (Ii).
IM = Ic + Ii = C M ∗ dV/dt + Ii (2)
θ0, the steady state conduction velocity of a planar wavefront
A Capacitive current is generally small and transient and can
usually be electronically compensated, so the voltage clamp pro-
vides a robust measure of current flow through ion channels,
thereby permitting the study of the detailed biophysics and phar-
macology of ionic currents and channels. The major limitation of
Source Sink Source Sink
such experiments in myocytes is the existence of many currents
that are simultaneously active in response to the voltage step.
Experimental conditions can be altered to isolate a current of
FIGURE 3-4  Relationship of current sources and sinks. A, Compared
interest; however, this often requires the presence of drugs, toxins,
with the steady-state conduction velocity for the planar wavefront in   or highly nonphysiologic conditions. An alternative to the study
a homogeneous medium (θ0), the conduction velocity of a convex of ionic currents in native cells was afforded with the molecular
wavefront is slower, and a concave wavefront is faster with lower and cloning and heterologous expression of ion channel genes. Expres-
higher safety margins for conduction, respectively. In situations of sion of an ion channel gene in a non-excitable cell without other
structural inhomogeneity, as when a Purkinje fiber activates ventricular overlapping currents permits the study of the ionic current of
muscle (B), the conduction velocity is slower, with a lower safety interest under more physiologic conditions. The fundamental
margin at the structural discontinuity. C, In the case of a larger mass of limitation of heterologous expression is that the ion channel is
tissue activating a smaller mass, the conduction velocity is fast, with a removed from its native cellular background, which may change
high safety margin.
the behavior of the channel.
The combination of highly sensitive electrophysiological
methods, such as patch-clamp recording, and deoxyribonucleic
organized in bundles that are oriented along the long axis of the acid (DNA) cloning, heralded the era of understanding of the
cell. Transmurally, the axes of these bundles undergo significant molecular basis of cardiac excitability.
changes in orientation through the ventricular wall (~120 degrees
maximal deviation).2 Communication among myocytes occurs
via gap junction channels that are non-uniformly distributed over Molecular Basis of Cardiac Action Potentials
the surface of the heart cell, with larger numbers of channel
poised to propagate the impulse longitudinally, rather than trans- Cardiac myocytes possess a characteristically long action poten-
versely, to the long axis of the muscle fiber.3 The implications of tial (200 to 400 ms, see Figure 3-1), compared with neurons or
anisotropy for conduction in the longitudinal and transverse skeletal muscle cells (1 to 5 ms). The action potential profile is
direction under pathologic conditions are controversial. In the sculpted by the orchestrated activity of multiple ionic currents,
context of uniform depression of conduction, as might exist with each with its distinctive time- and voltage-dependent amplitudes.
antiarrhythmic drug treatment, propagation in the transverse The currents, in turn, are carried by complex transmembrane
direction is preserved compared with conduction in the longitu- proteins that passively conduct ions down their electrochemical
dinal direction. However, when cellular uncoupling occurs, such gradients through selective pores (ion channels), actively trans-
as in ischemia, longitudinal propagation may exhibit a higher port ions against their electrochemical gradients (pumps, trans-
safety factor than does transverse conduction. porters), or electrogenically exchange ionic species (exchangers).
Action potentials in the heart are regionally distinct. The
regional variability in cardiac action potentials is the result of
Major Breakthroughs: Voltage Clamp, Molecular Cloning
differences in the numbers and types of ion channel proteins
A stimulus of sufficient magnitude applied to a myocyte (or any expressed by different cell types in the heart. Further, unique sets
excitable cell) elicits a typical change in membrane potential of ionic currents are active in pacemaking and muscle cells, and
known as the action potential. The ionic current basis of the the relative contributions of these currents may vary in the same
action potential was confirmed and quantitatively studied using cell type in different regions of the heart.6
the voltage clamp developed in the middle of the twentieth
century.4 Voltage clamping is a technique whereby the experi-
Ion Channels and Transporters: Molecular Building
menter controls the transmembrane voltage and measures
Blocks of the Action Potential
the current at that defined voltage. Much of what we know
about ionic currents in myocytes comes from voltage clamp Currents that underlie the action potential are carried by complex,
experiments and a more recently developed type of voltage clamp multi-subunit transmembrane glycoproteins called ion channels
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiac Electrophysiology  31

(e.g., 3 Na+ for 1 Ca2+), they are termed electrogenic and can

Table 3-1  Human Ion Channel, Exchanger, and Transporter Genes
further influence electrical signaling in the heart.
CHANNEL GENE CHROMOSOME GENE ID The most abundant superfamily of ion channels expressed in
the heart consists of voltage-gated ion channels. Various struc-
HERG (Kv11.1) KCNH2 7q35-q36 3757 tural themes are common to all voltage-dependent ion channels.
KvLQT1(Kv7.1) KCNQ1 11p15.5 3784 First, the architecture is modular, consisting either of four homol-
Kv1.4 KCNA4 11p14 3739 ogous subunits (in K channels, see Figures 3-7 and 3-8) or of four
Kv1.5 KCNA5 12p13 3741 internally homologous domains (in Na and Ca channels) (see
Kv4.3 KCND3 1p13 3752 Figures 3-5 and 3-6). Second, proteins wrap around a central pore
Kir2.1 KCNJ2 17q23.1-q24.2 3759 (see Figure 3-8). The pore-lining (P segment) regions exhibit
GIRK4 (Kir3.4, CIR) KCNJ5 11q24 3762 exquisite conservation within a given channel family of like selec-
GIRK1(Kir3.1) KCNJ3 2q24.1 3760 tivity (e.g., jellyfish, eel, fruit fly, and human Na channels have very
Kir6.2 KCNJ11 11p15.1 3767
similar P segments), but not among families with different selec-
Kir6.1 KCNJ8 12p11.23 3764
tivities. Third, the general strategy for activation gating (opening
HA-HCN2 HCN2 19p13.3 610
hHCN4 HCN4 15q24-q25 10021 and closing in response to changes in the membrane voltage) is
highly conserved: The fourth transmembrane segment (S4), typi-
Ancillary Subunits cally studded with positively charged residues, lies within the
MinK KCNE1 21q22.1-q22.2 3753 membrane field and moves in response to depolarization, thus
MiRP-1 KCNE2 21q22.12 9992 opening the channel. Fourth, most ion channel complexes include
KChIP2 KCNIP2 10q24 30819
not only the pore-forming proteins (α-subunits) but also auxiliary
SUR2A ABCC9 12p12.1 10060
subunits (e.g., β-subunits) that modify channel function.
Cav1.2 CACNA1C 12p13.3 775
Cav3.1 CACNA1G 17q22 8913 Sodium Channels
Cav3.2 CACNA1H 16p13.3 8912 Sodium (Na) channels have been highly conserved through evolu-
Cav3.3 CACNA1I 22q13.1 8911 tion and exist in all species, from the jellyfish to humans; they are
Cavβ1 CACNB1 17q21-q22 782
nature’s solution to the conundrum of coordination and com-
Cavβ2 CACNB2 10p12 783
munication within large organisms, particularly when speed is of
Cavβ3 CACNB3 12q13 784
Cavβ4 CACNB4 2q22-q23 785
the essence. Thus, Na channels are richly concentrated in axons
Cavα2δ CACNA2D 3p21.3 9254 and muscle, where they are often the most plentiful ion channels.
A mammalian heart cell, for example, typically expresses more
SODIUM (Na) CHANNELS than 100,000 Na channels but only 20,000 or so L-type (large and
Nav1.5 SCN5A 3p21 6331 long-lasting) Ca channels and fewer copies of each family of
Navβ1 SCN1B 19q13.1 6324 voltage-dependent K channels.
Navβ2 SCN2B 11q23 6327
Na channels were the first ion channels to be cloned and have
Navβ3 SCN3B 11q23.3 55800
their sequence determined.7 In humans, more than 10 distinct Na
Navβ4 SCN4B 11q23.3 6330
channel genes have been cloned from excitable tissues, with strik-
GAP JUNCTION CHANNELS ing homology to the complementary DNA (cDNA) cloned from
Cx43 GJA1 6q21-q23.2 2697 eel electroplax. The cardiac Na channel gene (SCN5A) resides on
Cx40 GJA5 1q21.1 2702 the short arm of chromosome 3 (3p21) (see Table 3-1). The Na
Cx45 GJC1 17q21.31 10052 channel complex is composed of several subunits, but only the
TRANSPORTERS AND EXCHANGERS α-subunit is required for function. Figure 3-5 shows that the
NCX1 SLCBA1 2p22-p23 6546 α-subunit consists of four internally homologous domains
(labeled I to IV), each of which contains six transmembrane seg-
SODIUM-POTASSIUM (Na-K) ADENOTRIPHOSPHATASE (ATPase) ments. The four domains fold together so as to create a central
α1 ATP1A1 1p13 476
pore, whose structural constituents determine the selectivity and
α2 ATP1A2 1q21-q23 477
conductance properties of the Na channel.
α3 ATP1A3 19q13.2 478
β1 ATP1B1 1q22-q25 481
Peptide linkers between the fifth (S5) and sixth (S6) mem-
β2 ATP1B2 17p13.1 482 brane-spanning repeats in each domain, referred to as the P seg-
ments, come together to form the pore. The primary structure of
the S5-S6 linkers of Na channels in each domain is unique. Thus,
the structural basis of the permeation of Na channels differs fun-
damentally from that of K channels, in which four identical P
(Table 3-1). These channels open and close in response to a segments can come together to form a K+-selective pore (see
number of biologic stimuli, including a change in voltage, ligand below).
binding (directly to the channel or to a G-protein–coupled recep- One of the seminal contributions of Hodgkin and Huxley was
tor), and mechanical deformation. Other ion-motive transmem- the notion that Na channels occupy several “states” (which are
brane proteins such as exchangers and transporters make now viewed as different conformations of the protein) in the
important contributions to cellular excitability in the heart. Ion process of opening (activation); yet another set of conformations
pumps establish and maintain the ionic gradients across the cell is entered when the channels close during maintained depolariza-
membrane that permit current flow through ion channels. If tion (inactivation).4 The m gates that underlie activation and the
pumps, transporters, or exchangers are not electrically neutral h gate that mediates inactivation were postulated to have intrinsic
32  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Na channel

+ + + +
+ + + +
1 2 3 4 5 6
+ + + +
+ + + +
Na+ binding

+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +

Hyperpolarized Depolarized

FIGURE 3-5  Models of the sodium (Na) channel. Top, Topographic illustration of the Na channel α-subunit with four pseudohomologous domains
(I to IV). One or more transmembrane β-subunits coassemble with the α-subunit to form the intact channel. The fourth membrane-spanning repeat
(S4) is charged and serves as the voltage sensor for channel activation. The segments or linkers between S5 and S6 in each domain, called permeation
segments, or P segments, form the outer pore mouth and the selectivity filter. The linker between the third and fourth domains underlies fast
inactivation and contains one of the mutations that underlies the chromosome 3–linked form of long QT syndrome. The S6 segment of the fourth
domain contains residues critical for the binding of the local anesthetic to the channel. Bottom, Illustration of the caniliculus through which the S4
segment slides during channel activation. An outward movement of the S4 during channel activation is proposed.

voltage dependence and to function independently.8 While some III and IV. This notion is consistent with observations that fast
of the implicit structural predictions of that formulation have inactivation can be disrupted by internal proteases. Nevertheless,
withstood the test of time, others have not. For example, the four it is increasingly clear that mutations scattered widely throughout
S4 segments are now widely acknowledged to serve as activation the channel affect inactivation gating. The structural determi-
voltage “sensors.” In the process of activation, several charged nants of slow inactivation are less well localized than those of fast
residues in each S4 segment physically traverse the membrane inactivation. Mutations in the P region of domain I affect both
(see Figure 3-5, bottom panel). The contributions of each S4 activation gating and slow inactivation, while various widely scat-
segment to activation are markedly asymmetrical; some of the tered disease mutations identified in paramyotonia congenita and
charged residues play a much more prominent role than do others other skeletal myopathies suppress slow inactivation of the Na
in “homologous” positions.9 Other studies have revealed that acti- channel.
vation is coupled with inactivation. Indeed, the time course of The S6 segment of domain IV has been proposed to contain
current decay during maintained depolarization predominantly the receptor for local anesthetics that block Na channels in a
reflects the voltage dependence of activation, although single- voltage-dependent manner. The homologous domains on Ca and
channel inactivation itself does vary with voltage (particularly in K channels are also loci for drug binding. Na current blockade is
cardiac Na channels). If the S4s are the sensors, where are the enhanced at depolarized potentials and/or with repetitive pulsing.
activation “gates” themselves? This crucial question still remains These observations are consistent with the idea that local anes-
unresolved. However, according to experimental evidence, S6 is thetics act as allosteric effectors of the inactivation gating mecha-
the leading contender for the physical activation gate. nism: When they bind to the channel, they facilitate inactivation.
Inactivation of Na channels is as arcane a process as activation. It is clear that gating interacts with local anesthetic blockade so
Not only is there loose coupling to activation, but there are mul- profoundly that it is difficult to interpret the localization of a
tiple inactivation processes. One common approach to distin- “receptor” to S6. Mutations in S6 at putative receptor sites alter
guishing inactivated states is to determine the rate at which they gating, independent of superimposed drug effects. Further, muta-
recover the ability to activate: Repriming from the traditional tions in distant parts of the molecule can also dramatically alter
“fast” inactivation occurs over tens of milliseconds, while recovery the phenotype of local anesthetic blockade. Despite these caveats,
from “slow” inactivation may need tens of seconds or longer. Fast the S6 segments appear to play a special role in the effects of drugs
inactivation is at least partly mediated by the cytoplasmic linker in all of the voltage-gated ion channels.
between domains III and IV (the crucial residues are labeled IFM Pharmacologic competition studies and mutagenesis have
in Figure 3-5), which may function as a hinged lid, docking onto defined a number of neurotoxin binding sites on the Na channel.
a receptor formed by amino acids in the S4-S5 linkers of domains Among these, tetrodotoxin (TTX)—a guanidinium-containing
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiac Electrophysiology  33

blocker—has contributed the most to our understanding of Na finding is complicated by the presence of heart failure in this
channel structure and function. Externally applied TTX blocks
neural and skeletal muscle Na channel isoforms potently (in the
nM range) but blockade of cardiac channels requires much higher
concentrations (~10−5 M). The identity of one particular residue
murine model. Subacute expression after adenoviral infection of
adult ventricular myocytes has a similar effect on INa. In contrast,
in acutely isolated guinea pig ventricular myocytes, enhanced
CaMKII activity destabilizes inactivation gating and increases the
in the P region of domain I accounts for most of the isoform- persistent or late current, thus prolonging the action potential
specific TTX sensitivity: An aromatic residue at this position (373 duration.
in the human heart Na channel) confers high affinity, while its Alteration of ion channel function is an important pathophysi-
absence renders the channel TTX resistant. Many other residues ologic mechanism of various familial diseases of muscle and brain
in the outer mouth of the channel contribute to the binding of and of inherited arrhythmias. The Na channelopathies were
TTX and the related divalent guanidinium toxin saxitoxin (STX), among the first molecularly characterized human ion channel
suggesting that the toxin has a large footprint on the external diseases.11 Rare allelic variants in SCN5A have been linked to
surface of the channel. inherited ventricular arrhythmias,12 conduction system disease,
Four different β-subunits (NaVβ1 to 4, SCN1B-SCN4B) have and sudden infant death syndrome. Complex electrophysiological
been isolated, and all appear to be single membrane–spanning phenotypes have been associated with mutations in both α- and
domain (type I topology) proteins with a large extracellular β-subunits of Na channels. Rare variants or mutations have been
V-shaped immunoglobulin (Ig) fold often found in cell adhesion associated with sudden death in women (in a population-based
molecules and small carboxyl terminal cytoplasmic domain.10 The study) and with atrial fibrillation. More common acquired forms
effects of the particular β-subunit on the kinetics and voltage of long QT syndrome (LQTS), generally associated with drug
dependence of the α-subunit vary depending on the particular ingestion, have been linked to common variants of SCN5A.
β-subunit and the cell expression system. Despite the expression Finally, disease-causing mutations in the Na channel have been
of β1 mRNA, using subtype-specific antisera, the functional role of associated with alterations in drug blockade. The highly variant
β-subunits in cardiac Na currents is still being debated. Several phenotypes of these arrhythmic syndromes are, in part, explained
pieces of evidence are consistent with a role for β-subunit(s) in by the variable effects of the mutations on channel subunit
heart cells. First, β-subunits are found in cardiac myocytes, function or expression.
although no NaVβ1 is found in association with the α-subunit
protein from the rat heart. Second, NaVβ1 variably modulates the
Calcium Channels: L-type
function of NaV1.5 in heterologous expression systems, including
the sensitivity of the channel to blockade by antiarrhythmic drugs The pore-forming subunit (α1) of the calcium (Ca) channel is built
and free fatty acids. Finally, mutations in β-subunits have been on the same structural framework as the Na channel.13 As is the
directly or indirectly implicated in heritable cardiac arrhythmias. case with the Na channel, a number of genes encode surface
Regulation of the Na channel by serine/threonine phosphoryla- membrane Ca channel α1-subunits. The predominant sarcolem-
tion is a complex process. Isoforms of the Na channel α-subunit mal Ca channels in the heart are the L-type (large and long-
fall into one of two groups, long (neuronal and cardiac) and short lasting) and T-type (tiny and transient) Ca channels (Table 3-2).
(skeletal muscle and eel). Neuronal isoforms have a substantially The cardiac L-type Ca channel (CaV1.2) is a multi-subunit trans-
larger intracellular linker between domains I and II, which con- membrane protein composed of α1C (α11.2) (165 kDa), β (55 kDa),
tains five consensus sites for cyclic adenosine monophosphate and α2 (130 kDa) to δ (32 kDa) subunits. Three genes are known
(cAMP)–dependent protein kinase (PKA) phosphorylation. In to encode L-type Ca channel α1-subunits (CaVα11.x to α13.x), and
fact, PKA modulates the function of expressed neuronal and the CaVα11.2 is the gene expressed in the heart (see Table 3-1).
cardiac Na channels. The cardiac Na channel has eight candidate Distinct splice variants of the CaVα11.2 gene have been described,
consensus PKA phosphorylation sites in the I-II linker, all of and these contribute to the diversity of the cardiac L-type Ca
which are distinct from neuronal channels. In vitro studies of the channel function. Similar to the α-subunit of the Na channel, the
expressed cardiac Na channel demonstrate cAMP-dependent S5-S6 linkers (P segments) of the α1-subunit of the Ca channel
phosphorylation on only two of these serines. Interestingly, when form the ion-selective pore (Figure 3-6). However, unlike Na
the cardiac channel is phosphorylated by PKA, whole-cell conduc- channels, each P segment contributes a glutamic acid to a cluster
tance increases, suggesting that the specific pattern of phosphory- that serve to bind Ca2+ in the channel pore. The β-subunit is
lation is responsible for the functional effect and may involve completely cytoplasmic and noncovalently binds to the α1C
changes in the trafficking of the channel to the cell membrane. subunit, modifying its function and contributing to appropriate
In contrast to PKA, protein kinase C (PKC) alters the function membrane trafficking of the channel complex. Although β2a has
of all of the mammalian Na channel isoforms. The PKC effect is been proposed to be the major L-type Ca channel β-subunit,
largely attributable to phosphorylation of a highly conserved splice variants of all β-subunits β1 to β4 are expressed in the mam-
serine in the III-IV linker (see Figure 3-5). Conventional PKC malian heart in a complex spatial and temporal pattern. As many
isoforms reduce the maximal conductance of the channels and as five genes have been suggested to encode the α2-δ subunit:
alter gating in an isoform-specific fashion. The macroscopic These gene products undergo post-translational processing to
current decay of neuronal channels is uniformly slowed by PKC, produce the mature extracellular α2-subunit linked by a disulfide
which suggests destabilization of the inactivated state. Cardiac bond to the transmembrane δ-subunit. In heterologous expres-
channels exhibit a hyperpolarizing shift in the steady-state avail- sion systems, α2- to δ-subunits enhance expression of Ca channels
ability curve consistent with an enhancement of inactivation from and hasten current activation and deactivation in the presence of
closed states. α1- and β-subunits.
Overexpression of calmodulin kinase (CaMKIIδC) in trans- The α1-subunit of the Ca channel contains a highly basic S4
genic murine heart alters cardiac INa function, stabilizing transmembrane segment in each homologous domain, which, by
inactivation and increasing persistent current; however, this analogy, is thought to be the voltage sensor for channel activation.
34  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Activation of skeletal muscle and cardiac L-type Ca channels involve the I-II domain linker. The C-terminus contains peptide
differ; skeletal muscle channels activate much more slowly than do sequences that bind calmodulin (CaM) and Ca2+; these are an IQ
their cardiac counterparts. Based on the properties of chimeric motif named for the signature amino acids (isoleucine and gluta-
channels constructed from cardiac (CaVα11.2) and skeletal muscle mine) in the sequence and a helix-loop-helix structural domain,
(CaVα11.1) α1-subunits, the difference in activation gating resides referred to as an EF hand, that mediate CDI. CaM is permanently
in the first homologous domain; however, it is unclear if the S4 tethered to the channel complex and serves as a Ca2+ sensor for
membrane-spanning segment is the crucial structural motif. the L-type channel. The Ca2+-CaM complex facilitates the interac-
Ca channels inactivate by both Ca2+-dependent inactivation tion of CaM with the IQ motif resulting in the occlusion of the
(CDI) and voltage-dependent inactivation (VDI) processes. CDI inner mouth of the Ca channel pore and terminating the inward
and VDI are regulated by channel phosphorylation and β-subunits, Ca2+ flux despite continued depolarization. As cytoplasmic Ca2+
which suggests shared structural mechanisms that perhaps concentration falls, calmodulin unbinds Ca2+ and the IQ motif,
thus relieving Ca2+-dependent inactivation. Spatial discrimination
of Ca2+ concentration by CaM may involve regions in the
Table 3-2  Properties of Calcium Channels N-terminus of the channel. A Ca2+-binding EF hand motif in the
L-TYPE T-TYPE carboxyl terminus of α1 appears to be necessary to confer Ca2+-
dependent inactivation to the CaVα11.2-subunit, although not
Pore-forming α-subunit α1C α1H through a direct binding of Ca2+ (see Figure 3-6, bottom). The I-II
interdomain linker has been demonstrated as the site of β-subunit
Auxiliary subunits β, α2-δ ?
binding as well as a critical structural determinant of VDI. Muta-
Permeability Ba > Ca
2+ 2+
Ba2+ ≅ Ca2+ tions in this linker have been associated with the highly arrhyth-
mogenic Timothy syndrome.14
Activation threshold >–30 mV >–60 mV
L-type Ca channels are found in all of the myocytes of the
Inactivation threshold >–40 mV >–90 mV mammalian heart and have several important electrophysiologi-
cal functions. In SA nodal tissue, both L- and T-type channels
Inactivation contribute to diastolic depolarization and, therefore, impulse for-
  Rate Slow Fast
mation. Modulation of L-type current by the autonomic nervous
  Calcium-dependent Yes No
  Voltage-sensitive Yes Yes
system is important in controlling the rate of sinus node dis-
  Recovery Fast Slow charge. Blockade of the L-type channel underlies the sinus node
slowing, which is observed with some Ca channel antagonists.
Localization in heart All Nodal > Purkinje > atria The AV node is the only place in the body where Ca channels
Blocker sensitivity (L-type) normally conduct excitatory impulses. Consequently, it
  Dihydropyridines ++++ + is not surprising that modulators of the L-type current have pro-
  Phenylalkylamines ++++ + found effects on SA and AV conduction. In muscle tissue, the
  Benzothiazepines ++++ + L-type Ca current is the major depolarizing current during the
  Tetralols ++ +++ action potential plateau, and inhibition of this current reduces
  Ni2+ + +++ the voltage of the plateau and shortens the action potential dura-
  Cd2+ +++ + tion. Downregulation of the L-type current, as seen in atrial
myocytes isolated from patients with a history of atrial fibrilla-
Ba, Barium; Cd, cadmium; Ni, nickel.
tion, is thought to promote the maintenance of fibrillation.

γ δS FIGURE 3-6  Top, Subunit structure of the cardiac calcium
S (Ca) channel. The α11.2 (α1C) subunit forms the pore and
contains drug-binding sites. β2 and α2- to δ-subunits
β coassemble with the α1 subunit. The intact cardiac L-type
Ca channel containing the α11.2-subunit is referred to as
CaV1.2. Bottom, The transmembrane topology of the Ca
channel is similar to the sodium (Na) channel with four
homologous domains, each containing six membrane-
spanning repeats. The S4 segments (dark gray) are
generally conserved, but the molecular basis of
inactivation is distinct from Na channels. The Ca channel
exhibits both voltage-dependent inactivation and
Ca2+-dependent inactivation. Calmodulin (CaM), which is
N required for Ca2+-induced inactivation of the channel, is
EF hand tethered to the channel in the carboxyl terminus; with
Calcium binding of Ca2+, a conformation change occurs in this
Calmodulin inactivation region of the channel that requires CaM, the CaM binding
IQ motif (IQ), and the EF hand motif, and together these
constitute the Ca2+ inactivation region of the channel.
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiac Electrophysiology  35

and benzothiazepines in blocking cardiac Ca channels are signifi-

Calcium Channels: T-type
cantly related to the kinetic of interaction of the drug and the
The other major Ca channel present in the sarcolemma of heart channel. Phenylalkylamines dissociate from the Ca channel very
(and prominently in vascular smooth muscle) cells is the T-type slowly, dihydropyridines do so rapidly, and benzothiazepines
channel. The T-type channel has a biophysical fingerprint that is recover with intermediate kinetics. T-type channels are less sensi-
distinct from that of the L-type channel, opening at more negative tive to blockade by dihydropyridines, phenylalkylamines, and
voltages, inactivating more rapidly, and having a lower conduc- benzothiazepines. Mibefradil is a tetralol Ca channel blocker that
tance than the L-type channel (for reviews, see references 15 and is relatively selective for T-type over L-type Ca channels. It was
16). The distribution of the T-type current is more restricted in briefly marketed for the treatment of hypertension but was with-
the heart than is that of the L-type current. The T-type current drawn because of a high incidence of adverse effects, often occur-
has been recorded in the SA node, AV node, atrium, and Purkinje ring as a result of drug interactions.
cells but not in the normal adult ventricle (see Table 3-2). The
T-type current plays a prominent role in phase 4 diastolic depo-
Potassium Channels
larization and the action potential upstroke of pacemaking cells.
T-type currents play a role in the developing heart and in patho- Currents through K channels are the major repolarizing currents
logic remodeling in some species, but this current has not been in the heart, but the relative importance of any specific channel
detected in normal or diseased human ventricular myocytes. varies regionally in the heart. K channels are the most diverse
Three genes encoding the T-type Ca current α1-subunits have subfamily of channel proteins comprising molecules with three
been cloned. The CaVα13.1 (CACNA1G) cDNA was isolated from distinct molecular architectures (Figure 3-7). The inward rectifier
neuronal tissue and was the first of this new class of Ca channels currents (IK1, IKACh, IKAdo), designated Kir, are encoded by a K
cloned. The gene resides on human chromosome 17q22 (see Table channel that is evolutionarily the most primitive and comprises
3-1), with a predicted topology similar to that of other Ca channel only two membrane-spanning repeats (analogous to S5 and S6)
cDNAs.16 The gene encoding CaVα13.2 (I) expressed in human and a pore, or P, segment. The latter contains the K channel sig-
heart resides on chromosome 16p13.3. The gene encoding nature sequence (TVGYGDM) that underlies the K+-selective
CaVα3.3 (CACNA1I) on chromosome 22q13 first appeared as part permeability of the channel. The first K channel gene isolated was
of the output of the Human Genome Project.17 Expression of the from Drosophilia melongaster. This mutant fruit fly was called
CaVα13 cDNAs produces currents with the biophysical hallmarks
of the T-type Ca current. Interestingly, CaVα13.2 lacks a consensus
β-subunit–binding motif in the I-II linker of the channel and
expresses robustly without the need for other subunits in contrast Inward rectifiers (Kir)
to L-type channels. The T-type channel genes lack an EF hand or Clone Current
IQ motifs, which suggests modes of inactivation distinct from the Kir2.x IK1
Kir3.1 IKACh
L-type channel. Kir3.4
Four chemical classes of compounds have been used to block Kir6.2 + Sur1 IKATP
Ca currents: (1) dihydropyridines, (2) phenylalkylamines, (3) ben-
zothiazepines, and (4) tetralols. Ca channel blockers exhibit sig- N C
nificant pharmacodynamic heterogeneity across classes and even
within a given chemical class. Drugs of the phenylalkylamine
(verapamil) and benzothiazepine (diltiazem) classes are effective
antiarrhythmics primarily used to terminate some supraventricu-
lar arrhythmias, to control ventricular response in others, and in
some forms of idiopathic ventricular tachycardia. Dihydropyri-
dines are more potent vasodilators and are not useful as antiar-
rhythmic compounds. A number of mechanisms explain these C C
clinical differences. The classes of drugs (dihydropyridines, phe- N
nylalkylamines, benzothiazepines) that block the L-type channel Two-pore channels N
have distinct but overlapping binding sites on the CaVα11.2-
Clone Current Voltage-gated channels (Kv)
subunit. Vascular smooth muscle and cardiac muscle express dif- TWIK IKp?
ferent splice variants of CaVα11.2, and the vascular variant is more Clone Current
sensitive to block by dihydropyridines. Perhaps more important Kv1.4 Ito1
Kv1.5 IKur
than the intrinsic sensitivity of the specific CaVα11.2 variant to a
Kv4.x/KChiP Ito1
blocking compound are the voltage dependence and kinetics of KCNH2/KCNE2 IKr
channel blockade by the compound. Like Na channel–blocking KCNQ1/KCNE1 IKs
local anesthetic antiarrhythmic drugs, Ca channel antagonists
exhibit use-dependent and voltage-dependent blockade as a result FIGURE 3-7  Evolutionary relationships of families of potassium (K)
of the preference of the drugs to bind to the inactivated states channels in the mammalian heart. The predicted transmembrane
of the channel. The enhanced sensitivity of vascular Ca channels topology of the three subclasses are shown. Top, inward rectifier (Kir).
to blockade by dihydropyridines is predominantly due to the Left bottom, twin pore K. Right bottom, voltage-gated (Kv) channels.
depolarized resting membrane potential of vascular smooth Gene duplication events involving Kir channels likely produced the
muscle cells (Vm approximately –40 mV), compared with that of twin-pore and Kv channel gene products in this illustration. Examples
of specific channels in each class that are expressed in the human
cardiac myocytes, and the greater occupancy of the inactivated
heart are given.
state. Differences among dihydropyridines, phenylalkylamines,
36  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Shaker because of its response to ether anesthesia. The gene that The cDNAs that encode the α-subunits of the K channel are
caused the Shaker phenotype was isolated by positional cloning sufficient to generate K+-selective currents, but a number of ancil-
and encoded a voltage-dependent K (Kv) channel.18 Since the lary subunits that modify channel function (Kvβ, KCNE, KChIP)
original cloning of the Shaker K channel (Kv1.x), a number of K have been identified. A family of related proteins (Kvβ1 to Kvβ3)
channel genes in the same or closely related gene families have modulates the function of Kv channels. The β-subunits bind to
been isolated (Kv1.x to Kv11.x). The voltage-dependent K chan- the amino terminus of Kv α-subunits that modify their function
nels that have been identified in the mammalian heart are shown in an isoform-specific fashion (for review see reference 19). The
in Figure 3-7. The voltage-dependent K channels, which are struc- crystal structure of Kvβ2 complexed with the amino terminus of
turally similar to a single domain of the Na channel or the Ca Kv1.1 has been solved,20 and it has been suggested that it func-
channel, are composed of six membrane-spanning segments, tions as an oxidoreductase. Indeed, Kvβ1.2 has been shown to
including a highly basic S4 segment. The cytoplasmic half of the confer oxygen sensitivity to Kv4.2 channels. A recently described,
S6 membrane–spanning repeat appears to mediate drug blockade unrelated family of proteins, KChIPs, that contain Ca2+-binding
of voltage-gated K channels, analogous to regions of the Na EF hand motifs modulate the function of the members of the Kv4
channel that bind local anesthetics. Similar to Kir channels, Kv family, which suggests the possibility that more than one type of
channels must tetramerize to form the intact channel and are ancillary subunit can interact with Kv4 channels. The molecular
typically associated with ancillary subunits. Within a subfamily of details of the interaction of KChIP and Kv4 subunits are still being
K channels (e.g., Kv1.x), subunits may hetero-multimerize, but it studied (Figure 3-8, left).
is believed that assembly does not occur across subfamilies. It Still other K channel ancillary subunits are transmembrane
seems likely that two rounds of gene duplication generated Ca proteins that are predicted to have the ability to not only alter
and Na channels from the less complex Kv structure. It is possible channel gating but, in some cases, also influence channel pore
that a more straightforward gene duplication of an inward recti- properties. Most relevant to the heart are the gene products of
fier channel produced the third type of K channel, the two-pore KCNE1 (minK) and KCNE2 (MiRP-1), which are thought to coas-
K+-selective channel (see Figure 3-7). semble with KvLQT1 (KCNQ1)21,22 and HERG (KCNH2) to form

+ +
+ +



+ +
+ +


Kv α-subunits Accessory (Kvβ)


Transmembrane Extracellular
domain NH3+ domain

NH3+ COO– domain

FIGURE 3-8  Potassium (K) channels are multi-subunit complexes. α-Subunits are the major, pore-forming subunits. Transmembrane segments are
represented by cylinders; the red cylinders are the voltage sensors, and the yellow cylinders line the ion conductive pore. At least three types of
accessory subunits are found in the heart. Kvβ associates with the amino terminal section of Kv1 α-subunits and the carboxyl terminus of Kv4
α-subunits. KChIPs are Ca2+-binding ancillary subunits that associate with the amino terminus of Kv4 α-subunits. Kvβ- and KChIP-subunits increase the
current density when co-expressed with Kvα-subunits and modify gating. The gene products of KCNE1 (minK) and KCNE2 (MiRP-1) are believed to be
transmembrane proteins. KCNE1 has been shown to influence the ion-conductive pathway of the IKs channel. Many other proteins may modulate K
channel function.
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiac Electrophysiology  37

the two components of the delayed rectifier current IKs and IKr , The ultrarapidly activating delayed rectifier current (IKur),
respectively (see Figure 3-8, right, and see below). α-Subunits,
which by themselves are not functional (e.g., Kv9.x), may modu-
late the function of other Kv α–encoded channels.
In response to a depolarizing voltage pulse, K channels, like
which is primarily found in the atrium in human heart (and
throughout rodent heart) is generated by Kv1.5, although
other rapidly activating delayed rectifiers may be encoded by
genes in the Kv3 family in the atria of some species. A close
other voltage-gated ion channels, undergo a series of conforma- correspondence exists between the biophysical and pharmaco-
tional changes that alter function. The S4 membrane–spanning logic properties of IKur in human atrial myocytes and Kv1.5.
repeats are critical components of the activation gating machin- Furthermore, Kv1.5 protein and mRNA have been observed
ery. Many K channels (like Na and Ca channels) close in the in human atrial and ventricular tissues, and Kv1.5-specific anti-
face of continued depolarization; that is, they inactivate. The sense oligonucleotides suppress IKur in atrial myocytes. The
molecular basis of inactivation, however, is mechanistically het- restricted expression of Kv1.5 in atrium makes it an attractive
erogeneous. The first type of inactivation to be understood in pharmacologic target for the treatment of supraventricular
molecular detail in K channels validated a scheme, referred to as arrhythmias.
the ball-and-chain mechanism, proposed by Armstrong23 In an The delayed rectifier K current (IK) plays a major role in termi-
elegant series of experiments, Aldrich and coworkers demon- nating repolarization in the cells of large mammalian hearts. IK is
strated the “ball” role of the amino terminus of the Shaker K a composite current made up of a rapid component (IKr) and a
channel in the inactivation process that they called N-type slow component (IKs). Definition of the genetics of LQTS clarified
(because it involves the amino terminus).24,25 After channel acti- the molecular basis of both components of the delayed rectifier.
vation by a depolarizing stimulus, the amino terminus binds to MinK (KCNE1) was initially considered a “minimal K channel”
and plugs the cytoplasmic mouth of the channel pore, thus ter- that encoded a current that resembled IKs. Subsequently, posi-
minating the K+ flux (see Figure 3-7, bottom). Channels that have tional cloning identified the disease gene in chromosome-11
the amino terminus removed fail to undergo this type of inactiva- linked LQTS as KvLQT126 (Kv7.1), but the current encoded by
tion, but it can be restored if a peptide that resembles the amino KCNQ1 was a functional orphan, not resembling any known
terminal ball is added to the cytoplasm of the cell.25 A second cardiac K current. However, the co-expression of KCNQ1 and
form of inactivation (carboxyl-terminal, or C-type) involves the KCNE1 generated a current with a much closer resemblance to
outer mouth of the channel pore and amino acid residues in S6 native IKs than to either of the subunits expressed alone.21,22 An
and in the P segment. It has been suggested that C-type inactiva- alternatively spliced variant of KCNQ1 is expressed in the heart
tion of the channel protein resembles the closing of a camera and exerts a dominant negative effect on IKs in vitro; thus, native
shutter; that is, it involves constriction of the outer pore of the IKs may be regulated, in part, by the extent of such alternative
channel. splicing.
K channels serve multiple roles in the maintenance of normal Long QT genetics identified KCNQ1 as the gene underlying
cardiac electrophysiology. Of the multiple subtypes (voltage- IKs, and HERG (Kv11.1) encoded by KCNH2 underlying IKr.27 IKr
gated, inward-rectifier, twin-pore), voltage-dependent K channels exhibits a number of unusual physiologic properties, which when
underlie both the transient outward (sometimes called A-type) disrupted (by mutations in KCNH2, by hypokalemia, or by drug
current and the delayed rectifier current in the heart. The tran- blockade) disrupt normal repolarization. With depolarizations to
sient outward K current activates and inactivates rapidly and is a progressively more positive potentials, activating IKr actually
critical determinant of phase 1 repolarization of the ventricular decreases. This “inward rectification” is a manifestation of the very
action potential (see Figure 3-1). The two components of the rapid inactivation that HERG channels undergo once they are
transient outward current in the heart are a Ca2+-independent K open. The extent of this fast inactivation increases at positive
current (Ito1) and a Ca2+-dependent current (Ito2). The latter is a K potentials and with lower extracellular K+. The latter explains the
current in some species and a chloride (Cl) current in others. The decrease in IKr (causing action potential and QT prolongation)
channels that encode cardiac Ito1 not only vary among species but observed in hypokalemia. Further, when the action potential
may vary regionally in the ventricle as well. Kv1.4 is a minor, but enters phase 3, channels recover from inactivation, transitioning
important, component of Ito1 in some species, including humans. rapidly to an open (conducting) state before closing relatively
However, in the human ventricle, Ito1 is primarily encoded by slowly. Thus, as the action potential begins to repolarize, IKr
Kv4.3, which recovers from inactivation much faster than do increases markedly, further accelerating repolarization. HERG
homomeric Kv1.4 channels. Indeed, the Kv1.4 channel recovers channels are blocked by many drugs, including methansulfonani-
so slowly (2 to 3 seconds) that it cannot be a significant compo- lide drugs such as dofetilide and sotalol. As with KVLQT1, HERG
nent of the cardiac Ito1 at physiologic heart rates. However, it is may coassemble with other proteins to produce native IKr. Data-
possible that hetero-multimerization of Kv1.4 with other Kv1 base mining for homologs of KCNE1 uncovered a related gene,
family genes and/or coassembly with β-subunits could alter the MiRP-1 (encoded by KCNE2), in the same locus on chromosome
kinetics of the current. Another argument against Kv1.4 as the 21 that encodes a topologically similar, small polypeptide with an
major component of cardiac Ito1 is the insensitivity of expressed extracellular amino terminus, a single transmembrane domain,
Kv1.4 to blockade by low-dose flecainide (10 µM), whereas and a cytoplasmic carboxy tail (see Figure 3-8). When MiRP-1 is
expressed Kv4 and native cardiac Ito1 are both flecainide sensitive. co-expressed with HERG voltage-dependent gating, single-
The Kv4 family of genes is expressed in relative abundance in the channel conductance, regulation by K+o, and biphasic blockade by
mammalian heart—Kv4.3 in larger mammalian ventricles, such as methansulfonanilides are all modified. However, the role of MiRP-
dog and human, and Kv4.2 in rodent ventricle. Data suggest that 1 in native cardiac IKr remains uncertain. HERG exists in alterna-
Kv1.4 mRNA and protein are also present in mammalian ven- tively spliced forms, but the role that different splice variants play
tricular myocytes and that a physiologic correlate of Kv1.4-based in generating the native current is uncertain. As with KCNH2 and
Ito1 may be a slowly recovering transient outward current in the KCNQ1, mutations in KCNE1 and KCNE2 have been linked to
subendocardium of the human ventricle. LQTS.
38  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Another major class of K channel genes expressed in the heart is a member of the twin-pore family of K channel genes that is
encodes inwardly rectifying currents. The term inward rectifica- highly expressed in the heart. The TASK channel exhibits little
tion is used to describe the fact that these channels pass current intrinsic voltage or time dependence and therefore most resem-
more readily into cells than out of them (Figure 3-9). All inward bles a background current. The precise role for this channel and
rectifiers share a similar topology, with only two membrane- other members of the twin-pore family in cardiac myocytes is
spanning repeats and a pore loop, and they must tetramerize to unknown.
form the intact channel. In 1998, a major advance in ion channel
biology occurred with the determination of the structure of a
If “Funny” or Pacemaker Current
bacterial inward rectifier channel from Streptomyces lividans,
called KcsA.28 The structure is remarkable in that it accounts for If is a current that contributes to diastolic depolarization in pace-
a number of the physical principles that underlie K+-selective making cells in the heart. The current is found in many cell types,
permeation.29 The crystal structure demonstrated that the linker but its features are variable. For example, If is present in ventricu-
between the two membrane-spanning domains (P segments) lar myocytes, but its activation voltage is so negative that it is not
form the outer mouth of the channel and that the K channel likely to be of physiologic significance.31 If activates slowly on
signature sequence forms the selectivity filter. High rates of ion hyperpolarization and deactivates rapidly with depolarization. If
flux are maintained despite the relatively avid binding of K+ due supports a mixed monovalent cation (Na+ and K+) current with a
to the presence of the two K+ ions in the selectivity region that reversal potential of –20 to –30 mV. The current is highly regu-
repel each other. The second membrane-spanning repeat, analo- lated: β-Adrenergic stimulation increases If and hastens diastolic
gous to the S6 of Kv channels, forms much of the inner mouth of depolarization. A family of genes topologically similar to voltage-
the channel, where antiarrhythmic drug binding is expected to dependent K channels and related to cyclic nucleotide–gated
occur (Figure 3-10). Models of other K channels have since been channels in photoreceptors in the retina appears to encode If. A
generated by structural or homology approaches. A KCNQ1 number of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide–gated
structural model has been proposed, based on homology to other channels (HA-CNG) have been cloned from the heart, and several
K channel structures, and this, in turn, has been used to identify exhibit the general features of If in cardiac pacemaking cells. It has
the key structural features of interactions between KCNQ1 and been suggested that If itself is a composite current with fast and
KCNE1. slow components encoded by HCN2 and HCN4, respectively.
The inward rectifier family of cDNAs is designated Kir, and its Support for If as the pacemaker current in the heart also comes
members are part of the KCNJ superfamily. IK1, the current that from a genetic model of bradycardia in zebrafish with a dramati-
is important in maintaining the resting membrane potential and cally reduced If.
in facilitating terminal repolarization, is encoded by the Kir2.x
subfamily (KCNJ2 and KCNJ4). It is likely that Kir2.1 encodes IK1
in the human ventricle, but other Kir2 isoforms have been Electrogenic Transporters
detected in the heart.
Na+-Ca2+ Exchanger
The other inward rectifiers in the heart exhibit specialized
functions, as in response to neurohormones or metabolic stress. The Na+-Ca2+ exchanger is an electrogenic ion transporter that
The Kir3 family of inward rectifier channels underlies the K exchanges three Na+ ions for one Ca2+. The highest levels of
current that is coupled to the M2 muscarinic (IKACh) or A1 adenos- exchange activity have been observed in the heart. The cardiac
ine receptors (IKAdo) in nodal cells and atria. IKACh (IKAdo) is a het- NCX, a transmembrane glycoprotein, was originally proposed to
eromultimer of the products of two different genes in the Kir3 have 11 or 12 transmembrane repeats based on hydropathy analy-
family, initially referred to as GIRK (G-protein inwardly rectifying sis. More recent mutagenesis data challenge the original topologic
K channel, Kir3.1) and CIR (cardiac inward rectifier, Kir3.4) models and instead suggest that there may be only nine
(KCNJ3 and KCNJ5). Kir3.1 and Kir3.4 tetramerize in a 2 : 2 ratio transmembrane segments32 (Figure 3-12). NCX contains two
to form the IKACh channel protein, which encodes a current that membrane-spanning domains, with the first five transmembrane
is directly activated by the β-subunit and γ-subunit of an inhibi- segments being separated from the remainder by a large cytoplas-
tory G-protein (Figure 3-11, left). IKACh is the primary mediator of mic loop that makes up about half of the molecule. The intracel-
the negative chronotropic and dromotropic effects of parasympa- lular loop contains domains that bind Ca2+ and the endogenous
thetic activation in the heart. NCX inhibitory domain, XIP.
Another inward rectifier, IKATP, links electrical signaling to the Na+-Ca2+ exchange is an electrochemical process during which
metabolic state of the myocyte. Changes in the activity of IKATP three Na ions are exchanged for one Ca ion. The exchange is thus
profoundly influence the electrophysiology of the heart in ischemia electrogenic (i.e., generates a current). Ion exchange can occur in
and play a key role in the endogenous cellular mechanism that either direction. With each heart beat, cytosolic [Ca2+] is released
limits the injurious effect of myocardial ischemia known as isch- from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) stores, primarily by the ryano-
emic preconditioning.30 IKATP is believed to be a hetero-multimeric dine release channel RyR2. [Ca2+]i rises from the resting level of
channel complex comprising a tetrameric assembly of Kir6.2 chan- less than 100 nM to approximately 1 µM with each cardiac cycle.
nels (KCNJ8 and KCNJ11) at its core surrounded by four sulfonyl- Under normal physiologic conditions, outward Ca2+ flux through
urea receptor subunits (SUR2A, Figure 3-11, right). SUR2A, the NCX (generating an inward current) and Ca2+ reuptake into
encoded by ABCC9, is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) protein that the SR by the SR Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) are the major mecha-
imparts sensitivity to sulfonylureas and K channel openers such as nisms of restoration of normal diastolic [Ca2+]. NCX is sensitive
pinacidil and chromakalim to the channel complex. to the cytoplasmic concentrations of Ca2+ and Na+, which deter-
A third structural class of K channels has been observed in the mine the exchanger activity and the potential at which the
heart. These channels comprise four transmembrane segments exchange reverses direction. The NCX current is time indepen-
and two pore loops. TASK (twin-pore acid-sensitive K channel) dent and largely reflects changes in intracellular Ca2+ during the
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiac Electrophysiology  39


Voltage (mV)

–100–80 –60 –40 –20 20 40 60 80


Normalized current
1 nA

5 ms –0.6




I (pA/pF)
2 pA/pF

–40 –20 0 20 40 60
100 ms
B Voltage (mV)

Voltage (mV)

–200 –150 –100 –50

I (pA/pF)

10 pA/pF


100 ms
C –40

FIGURE 3-9  Properties of ionic currents in the heart. A, Whole-cell sodium (Na) currents recorded from mammalian tissue culture cells transfected
with the complementary DNA that encodes the human cardiac Na channel (NaV1.5). By convention, the current is inward (Na+ ions flowing into the
cell) and therefore negative. The current activates rapidly on depolarization of the cell membrane and rapidly closes in the face of maintained
depolarization of the cell membrane, a gating process referred to as inactivation. This channel passes current in both inward and outward directions,
depending on transmembrane voltage. B, Whole-cell recording of the transient outward K current (Ito1) recorded from a human ventricular myocyte.
The current activates rapidly with depolarization and then inactivates. The current flow is preferentially in the outward direction (positive current) and
is referred to as outward rectification. C, Whole-cell current flow through inward rectifier potassium (K) current (IK1). IK1 channels are activated at rest and
close with membrane depolarization. At voltages where the channel prefers to open (voltages negative to the Nernst potential for K+), there is little
time-dependent current decay or inactivation. Current preferentially flows in the inward (negative) direction; thus, this channel and all of the channels
in the Kir family are referred to as inward rectifiers.
40  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Filter and outer pore FIGURE 3-10  Crystal structure of the KcsA
bacterial inward rectifier potassium (K) channel.
Left, Representation of the major features of the
structure of the bacterial channel, KcsA. Each of
the four channel subunits (only two are shown
in this figure) contain two α-helical membrane-
spanning repeats, a pore helix, and the K
channel signature sequence that forms the
K+-selective pore. Right, The structure of KcsA.
Pore helix The peptide backbone is rendered in a ribbon
format. The features of the permeation pathway
include the presence of two to three K+ ions in
Outer helix the pore with ion-ion repulsion, which facilitates
high rates of ion transport and a large inner
N N vestibule comprising the carboxyl terminal
C C portion of the outer, or M2, helix. The M2 helix
3Å Inner helix corresponds to the S6 domains of voltage-
dependent K channels that mediate
Local anesthetic binding antiarrhythmic drug binding.

GIRK, Kir3.1 CIR, Kir3.4

ACh K+

M2 SUR2A Kir
4X 6.1/6.2

β K+

Adenylyl cyclase


FIGURE 3-11  Subunit structure of IKACh and IKATP. Left, IKACh is a glycoprotein-coupled channel that is activated by acetylcholine (ACh) binding to M2
cholinergic receptors in the heart. The channel is separate from the receptor and is formed by the heterotetramerization of two inward rectifier
potassium (K) channel subunits, Kir3.1 (GIRK1) and Kir3.4 (CIR), in a 1 : 1 stoichiometry. Right, IKATP is formed by the hetero-octomeric assembly of the
adenosine triphosphate–binding cassette protein, the sulfonylurea receptor (SUR2A), and the inward rectifier Kir6.2.

action potential. Thus, NCX has an important effect on mem- depolarizations (DADs). DADs are spontaneous membrane
brane voltage both at rest and during activation of the myocyte. depolarizations from rest after complete repolarization of the
At highly depolarized potentials, reverse mode Na+-Ca2+ exchange action potential. DADs are usually not present under physiologic
(Ca2+ influx, net outward current) can occur; however, the role of conditions but are favored by conditions that increase the SR Ca2+
reverse mode exchange in initiating SR Ca2+ release and contrac- load, such as rapid firing rates, digitalis intoxication, or ischemia/
tion is uncertain. reperfusion. Under these conditions, spontaneous SR Ca2+ release
Increases in intracellular Ca2+ shift the reversal potential of occurs, which then increases NCX and probably other Ca2+-
NCX in the positive direction and therefore increase the driving dependent currents, which, in turn, results in membrane depo-
force for the inward exchanger current. The inward NCX current larization. DADs may produce arrhythmias in two ways. First, if
will depolarize the membrane toward the threshold for firing an DADs are of sufficient amplitude, they may trigger an action
action potential and thus is potentially arrhythmogenic. The NCX potential. Second, even if DADs are below the threshold for gen-
current is an important component of the inward current eration of an action potential, they may affect the excitability of
(transient inward current, ITI) that underlies delayed after- the cell, slowing conduction in the myocardium.
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiac Electrophysiology  41


XIP domain C XIP domain C

Ca2+-binding domain Ca2+-binding domain

α β


FIGURE 3-12  Subunit structure and transmembrane topology of the sodium-calcium (Na+-Ca2+) exchanger (NCX) and the sodium-potassium (Na+-K+)
adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) (Na pump). Top, Two alternative transmembrane topologies for the NCX. A large cytoplasmic loop is a crucial to
physiologic regulation of the exchanger and contains Ca2+ and inhibitory peptide (XIP)–binding domains. Bottom, The Na+-K+-ATPase is a heteromeric
assembly of a large α-subunit and a smaller single membrane–spanning repeat β-subunit.

first and second membrane-spanning regions (see Figure 3-12,
The Na+-K+-ATPase, or Na pump, is responsible for establishing bottom). α1-, α2-, and α3-subunits are found in the human heart.
and maintaining major ionic gradients across the cell membrane. In the rat, α3-subunits bind glycosides three orders of magnitude
The Na pump belongs to the widely distributed class of P-type greater affinity than do α1-containing pumps. However, in
ATPases that are responsible for transporting a number of cations. humans, the binding affinities of the α subunits are far less vari-
The P-type designation of this family of enzymes refers to the able. The β-subunits are essential for normal pump function and
formation of a phosphorylated aspartyl intermediate during the influence the Na+ and K+ affinities of the α-subunits and also serve
catalytic cycle. The Na+-K+-ATPase hydrolyzes a molecule of ATP as chaperones ensuring the proper trafficking of the α-subunit to
to transport two K+ into the cell and three Na+ out and is thereby the sarcolemma. Only β2 appears to be present in significant
electrogenic, generating a time-independent outward current. quantities in the human heart.
The Na+-K+-ATPase is oligomeric and consists of α-, β- and, pos- In heart failure, the density of the Na+-K+-ATPase decreases as
sibly, γ-subunits. There are four different α- and three distinct assessed by 3[H]-ouabain binding. The decrease occurs without
β-isoforms (for review see reference 38). The evidence that the any significant impact on the inotropic effect of digitalis glyco-
γ-subunit is part of the complex comes from photoaffinity labeling sides in the human ventricular myocardium. However, the reduc-
with ouabain derivatives and immunoprecipitation studies. The tion in the density of the Na pump may influence the
γ-subunit belongs to a family of small membrane-spanning pro- electrophysiology of cardiac myocytes and their response to an
teins, including phospholemman, which support ionic fluxes. extracellular K+ load, as might occur in ischemia.
Na+-K+-ATPase isoforms exhibit tissue-specific distributions.
The α1β1 isoform is broadly distributed, α2-containing isoforms
Molecular Basis of Activation and Recovery of the Heart
are preferentially expressed in the heart, skeletal muscle, adipo-
cytes, and brain, α3 is predominantly a brain isoform, and α4 is In normal sinus rhythm, cardiac activation begins in the SA node,
found in abundance in the testis. The structural diversity of the the specialized collection of pacemaking cells in the roof of the
Na+-K+-ATPase comes from variations in α- and β-genes, splice right atrium between the crista terminalis and the right atrial–
variants of α-subunits, and the promiscuity of subunit associa- superior vena cava (RA-SVC) junction. SA nodal cells undergo
tions, which are all themes that also underlie the diversity of ion spontaneous depolarization, repetitively activating the rest of the
channels, particularly K channels. The α-subunit is catalytic and heart. As a result of the lower density of the inwardly rectifying
binds digitalis glycosides in the extracellular linker between the K current (IK1) and the presence of a hyperpolarization-activated
42  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Cytoplasm Cytoplasm

FIGURE 3-13  Subunit structure of the gap

junction channels. Left, Gap junction
channels are intercellular ion channels
x6 composed of two hemichannels or
connexons in adjacent cells. Each
hemichannel is composed of six subunits  
or connexins composed of four highly
conserved membrane-spanning repeats,
two conserved extracelluar loops and a
Cx Homomeric Homomeric Heteromeric more divergent cytoplasmic loop, and
Cx-43 M1 M2 M3 M4 channel Homotypic Heterotypic Heterotypic amino and carboxyl termini. Right, Different
subtypes of connexins may assemble to
form channels that are homomeric (single
N type of connexin in each connexon),
heterotypic (different connexins in each
C connexon), or heteromeric heterotypic, in
which more than one type of connexin is
present in each connexon.

pacemaker current, If, the resting membrane potentials of SA and atrial and ventricular myocytes with a schematic of the trajectory
AV nodal cells are considerably less negative than those of atrial of the underlying ionic currents is shown in Figure 3-13. The
or ventricular muscle cells. The result is a continuous, slow depo- action potential is divided into five phases: (1) Phase 0 is rapid
larization of the membrane potential; thus, nodal cells do not have upstroke; (2) phase 1 is early repolarization; (3) phase 2 is the
a true resting potential, but the maximum diastolic potential is plateau; (4) phase 3 is late repolarization; and (5) phase 4 is the
never more negative than –60 mV. resting potential or, in the case of a nodal action potential, dia-
The aggregate activity of If and diminished IK1 slowly stolic depolarization (see Figure 3-1). Unlike in the case of nodal
depolarizes the nodal cell until ~–40 mV when Ca currents are cells, a true resting potential can be defined in cardiac muscle
activated, hastening the rate of rise of the action potential. First, cells, and it is ~90 mV, close to EK; thus, at rest, cardiac muscle
the transient T-type Ca current (ICa,T) is activated, driving cells are mostly permeable to K+ due to the activity of IK1.
the membrane potential toward ECa; then, the longer-lasting, Under normal conditions, muscle cells are stimulated by spon-
dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type Ca current (ICa,L) is activated. taneously occurring impulses generated in pacemaking tissue.
Simultaneously, the more slowly activating outward K currents When this stimulus moves the membrane voltage positive to
(delayed rectifier, IK) are activated, hindering the movement of the threshold (~–65 mV), an action potential is initiated. Depolariza-
membrane potential toward ECa. Ultimately, Ca currents inacti- tion beyond the threshold explosively activates Na channels,
vate, and the membrane potential moves back toward EK, turning producing an enormous (~400 pA/pF) but transient (1 to 2 ms)
off IK and activating If and then starting the cycle again. Current current, driving the membrane voltage toward ENa (+65 to
continues to flow through the electrogenic Na+-Ca2+ exchanger +70 mV). Although, Na channels are, by far, the most numerous
throughout the cycle, and the magnitude and direction of this in the myocyte cell membrane, their activity is fortunately short
current depend on the membrane potential as well as intracellular lived, as otherwise the transmembrane Na+ gradient would be
Ca2+ and Na+ concentrations. It has recently been demonstrated quickly exhausted. The Na current quickly dissipates by inactiva-
that cyclic variations of submembrane Ca2+ concentration drive tion, and the membrane must repolarize to its resting potential
the activation of the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger during diastole to act in before Na channels recover from inactivation and again become
concert with ion channels to confer pacemaking activity on SA available to activate. Thus, the time and the voltage dependence
node cells, a phenomenon known as the calcium clock.33a of the availability of the Na current is the basis of refractoriness
The synchronization of the somewhat diffuse pacemaking cells in cardiac muscle.
that comprise the sinus node is through gap junction channels The upstroke of an action potential falls short of ENa because
comprising Cx-40 and Cx-43. The activity of pacemaking cells is of the inactivation of the Na current and the activation of a K
synchronized by a process of mutual entrainment, whereby each current and, additionally, in some cases a Ca2+-dependent Cl−
of the cells in the nodal syncytium constantly modulates the dis- current (Ito2) that in concert produce rapid membrane repolariza-
charge frequency of the other cells. tion to ~+10 mV (phase 1). The Ca2+-independent transient
As in the case of the nodal cell action potential, the highly outward K current (Ito1) activates as Na channels inactivate. Acti-
orchestrated activity of a number of ionic currents inscribes the vation of Ito1 is rapid (~10 ms), and this current decays over 30 to
muscle cell action potential. A prototypical action potential from 40 ms at physiologic temperatures. The density of Ito1 is less than
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiac Electrophysiology  43

5% of the Na current; thus, inactivation of the Na current is the oversimplification of all cardiac tissue with the possible exception
main reason for early repolarization, while Ito1 is an important
determinant of the membrane voltage at the end of phase 1. In
canine ventricular myocytes, Ito2 is a prominent current during
phase 1 of the action potential; however, its role in human myo-
of normal papillary muscles. Continuous propagation of excita-
tion waves is not characteristic of cardiac tissue. Due to the
structural and functional complexities of the myocardium, dis-
continuous conduction (see below) is the rule.
cytes is uncertain. A feedback exists between network properties (cell-to-cell
Depolarization of the membrane potential activates a number coupling via gap junctions) and active membrane properties
of other currents, albeit more slowly than in the case of the Na (ionic currents) in propagation in cardiac tissue preparations.3
current and Ito1. In ventricular myocytes, ICa,L is activated and Under conditions of normal cellular coupling, fluctuations in
accounts for the major depolarizing current during the action local conduction velocity, action potential shape, and ionic
potential plateau or phase 2. This current is the main route for current flow are small. However, with cellular uncoupling—such
Ca2+ influx and triggers Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) from as that which accompanies ischemia—the interaction between
the SR to initiate contraction. ICa,L tends to depolarize the cell intercellular conduction and active membrane properties assumes
membrane, and delayed rectifier repolarizing K currents that are greater significance. In cardiac muscle, the Na current is the main
active during the plateau and phase 3 oppose this action. Activa- determinant of membrane depolarization and local circuit
tion of delayed rectifier K currents and inactivation of Ca currents current. When cells are uncoupled, discontinuity of conduction
serve to terminate the plateau phase and begin phase 3 or late increases, the delay between activation of cells increases, and the
repolarization. In atrial tissue, IKur , is a prominent delayed rectifier Na current may sufficiently inactivate such that the currents
that is an important determinant of the plateau height and aids active during the plateau (i.e., L-type Ca current) of the action
in the termination of the plateau. Delayed rectifiers (especially IKr) potential become essential for driving excitatory current through
are important in terminating the plateau but are limited in their gap junctions. In both experimental models and computer simu-
ability to restore the normal resting potential because they deac- lations, blocking the L-type Ca current was shown to reduce the
tivate at voltages less than –40 mV. Final repolarization is medi- safety factor for conduction and to lower the intercellular resis-
ated by the outward component of IK1 even in atrial cells where tance that produces conduction blockade. Cellular uncoupling
the density of IK1 is small compared with that of ventricular and discontinuous conduction has important implications for
myocytes. safety factors for the propagation of the impulse. With moderate
cell-to-cell uncoupling in simple models of propagation, conduc-
tion is slower but has a higher safety factor. However, with more
Cellular and Molecular Basis of Cardiac significant uncoupling, the transmitted current is so small that
insufficient Na current is recruited to initiate an action
Electrophysiology potential.
The most important causes of discontinuous conduction in
Excitability and Propagation
the heart are macroscopic discontinuities in cardiac tissue. Such
Many of the electrophysiological properties of the heart are direct anatomic discontinuities exist in all regions of the heart and are
consequences of ionic current activity during the action potential. especially prominent in the trabeculated portions of the atria
Cardiac cells are excitable because the action potential, which is and ventricles, the layers of the left ventricular wall, and the
a typical, regenerative response, is elicited if the membrane poten- Purkinje-muscle junction. Two-dimensional models of macro-
tial exceeds a critical threshold. Action potentials are regenerative scopic discontinuities highlight the importance of the change in
because they can be conducted over large distances without atten- geometry and, consequently, the dispersion of the local circuit
uation. Action potentials generated in the sinus node serve to current in the characteristics of propagation and blockade at such
excite adjacent atrial muscle and, thus, the remainder of the heart sites. Analogous to the feedback between cellular coupling and
under normal conditions. ionic currents, a feedback occurs between the current to load
In atrial and ventricular muscle at rest, the membrane is most mismatch produced by the tissue architecture and the ionic
permeable to K+, which is the result of the activity of IK1. Excit- current flow. Small current-to-load mismatches (larger strand-
ability in cardiac muscle is primarily determined by the availabil- to-sheet ratio) are associated with minor conduction delays
ity of INa. In response to an external stimulus, either from adjacent across the tissue discontinuity. In contrast, tissue architecture
cells or an artificial pacemaker, depolarization of muscle cells characterized by a large current-to-load mismatch (narrow
occurs. If the depolarization is sufficient and raises the membrane strand into a large sheet) is associated with significant conduction
potential above a critical value, known as the threshold potential, delay and blockade across the discontinuity that can be produced
Na channels open, depolarize the membrane, and initiate an by either Na or Ca channel blockers. Thus, the L-type Ca current
action potential. In pacemaking tissues such as the sinoatrial or is essential for impulse propagation through cardiac tissue with
AV node, the Na current is absent, and excitability is mediated by structural discontinuities. Such structural discontinuities are
activation of Ca currents. The consequence is a higher threshold present in the normal heart but may be much more prominent
for activation and a slower rate of rise (~1 to 10 V/sec versus in the aged or diseased (e.g., hypertrophied or infarcted)
hundreds of V/sec in muscle) of phase 0 of nodal cell action myocardium.
Propagation of a wave of excitation in a homogeneous cable-
Repolarization and Refractory Periods
like medium is continuous and obeys the laws of cable theory (see
Passive Membrane Properties and Cable Theory). In such a prepa- Refractoriness of tissue, a consequence of the long duration of
ration, the maximal upstroke velocity of the action potential (dV/ the cardiac action potential, allows only gradual recovery of excit-
dt)max is an indirect measure of depolarizing ionic current and ability. Refractoriness is essential to the normal mechanical func-
conduction velocity.34 A continuous cable model is a structural tion of the heart, as it permits relaxation of cardiac muscle prior
44  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

to the next activation. Refractoriness of cardiac muscle is classi-

fied as either absolute or relative: The former occurs immediately Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms
after phase 0 and during the plateau and no stimulus, regardless Contributing to Cardiac Arrhythmias
of its strength, can re-excite the cell; the latter occurs during
phase 3, when the cell is excitable but the stimulus strength for Cardiac arrhythmias result from abnormalities of impulse genera-
activation exceeds that at rest (Figure 3-14). The molecular basis tion, conduction, or both. It is, however, difficult to establish an
of refractoriness is the lack of availability of depolarizing current underlying mechanism for many clinical arrhythmias. Criteria
(Na current in muscle) because repolarization to negative poten- such as initiation and termination with pacing and entrainment
tials is required for channels to recover from fast inactivation are used in the clinical electrophysiology laboratory to make the
and thus be available to pass the excitatory current. The duration diagnosis of re-entry in some cases. Even fewer specific tools are
of refractoriness of any cardiac tissue thus depends on the com- available to diagnose non–re-entrant arrhythmias. It is clear that
plement of ion channels (and, in particular, depolarizing cur- molecular changes in the heart predispose to the development of
rents) expressed. When the depolarizing current becomes abnormalities of cardiac rhythm. However, an exclusively molecu-
available to activate, outward currents (typically delayed rectifier lar approach to understanding the mechanisms of arrhythmia is
K currents) increase the stimulus strength required to reach the limited by failure to include the cellular and network properties
threshold, making the tissue relatively refractory (compared with of the heart. We will attempt to place in context the role of cellular
the rested state). and molecular changes in the development of clinically significant
Under some conditions, some tissues, particularly Purkinje rhythm disturbances. A summary of the cellular and molecular
fibers, may exhibit supranormal excitability. This phenomenon changes that underlie prototypical arrhythmias and their putative
occurs at the end of repolarization and is the result of reactivation mechanisms is provided in Table 3-3.
of Na currents at a time when the membrane potential of the
heart cell is closer to the threshold for reactivation than when the
Alterations in Impulse Initiation: Automaticity
cell has fully returned to rest. Supranormal excitability is one
contributor to the vulnerable period of the cardiac cycle; it con- Spontaneous (phase 4) diastolic depolarization underlies the
tributes by increasing the likelihood of re-excitation during ter- property of automaticity, which is characteristic of cells in SA and
minal repolarization (when heterogeneity of action potential AV nodes, the His-Purkinje system, the coronary sinus, and, pos-
durations are most likely to support re-entry). sibly, pulmonary veins. Phase 4 depolarization results from the
concerted action of a number of ionic currents, but the relative
importance of these currents remains controversial (Figure 3-15).
The inwardly rectifying K current (IK1) maintains the resting
membrane potential and resists depolarization; thus, the activity
of other currents (e.g., Ca currents) or a reduction of IK1 (and
other K conductances) must occur to permit the cell to reach the
threshold for the firing of an action potential. If may play a

Control Acetyl choline

0 mV

Phase 4
–50 mV

Absolute ↑ICa-T, IF,
Relative ↓IK, IK1,
Supranormal IKACh

FIGURE 3-14  Absolute and relative refractory periods in the ventricle. FIGURE 3-15  Nodal action potential and the currents that underlie
Action potential recorded from a ventricular myocyte. The bars phase 4 diastolic depolarization. Nodal cells exhibit phase 4 diastolic
underneath the action potential delineate the periods of absolute depolarization that spontaneously brings the cell to threshold, which
refractoriness, where no stimulus, regardless of amplitude, can elicit results in the production of an action potential. Several currents play a
another action potential, and relative refractoriness, where a role in phase 4, including calcium (Ca) currents (T- and L-types), If (or
subsequent action potential can be initiated with a high-strength the pacemaker) current, and a reduction in the current flow through
stimulus. Under appropriate circumstances, during the period of several K channels, including IK, IK1, and IKACh. The rate of phase 4
relative refractoriness, the cell may exhibit supranormal excitability; diastolic depolarization is highly sensitive to the tone of the
that is, a stimulus that is normally subthreshold will elicit an action autonomic nervous system. Cholinergic agonists slow phase 4,
potential. whereas sympathomimetics hasten phase 4.
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiac Electrophysiology  45

Table 3-3  Arrhythmia Mechanisms


Automaticity If, ICa-L, ICa-T, Suppression/ Sinus bradycardia
IK, IK1 Acceleration Sinus tachycardia
Triggered automaticity ITI DADs Digitalis toxicity; reperfusion VT, IVR; Idiopathic VT
ICa-L, IK, INa EADs Torsades de pointes
INa, IK-ATP Ischemic VF

ICa-L AV conduction block
INa, ICa-L, K channels AP prolongation Polymorphic VT

Ca homeostasis EADs Ischemic VT/VF (hypertrophy, HF)
INa, ICa-L, K channels, Ca homeostasis AP shortening Atrial fibrillation

Connexins Uncoupling
INa, IK-ATP Conduction delay or blockade; functional re-entry

Extracellular matrix collagen Re-entry with an excitable gap Monomorphic VT

DADs, Delayed after-depolarizations; EADs, early after-depolarizations; VT, ventricular tachycardia; IVR, idioventricular rhythms; VF, ventricular fibrillation; AV, atrioventricular;
AP, action potential ; HF, heart failure.

particularly prominent role in the normal automaticity of Purkinje increased subsarcolemmal Ca2+ release through the ryanodine
fibers, although this hypothesis is not without controversy. Deac- receptor (RyR2) accelerating the rate of diastolic depolarization.
tivation of IK is another mechanism allowing depolarizing cur- Enhanced sympathetic nervous system activity can dramatically
rents to move the membrane potential toward the threshold. Ca increase the rate of firing of SA nodal cells producing sinus tachy-
currents, both the T-type and the L-type, figure prominently in cardia, with rates in excess of 200 beats/min. In contrast, the
diastolic depolarization and in the upstroke of the action potential increased rate of firing of Purkinje cells is more limited,
in nodal tissue and latent atrial pacemakers. A number of other rarely producing ventricular tachyarrhythmia in excess of 120
time-independent currents may play a role in diastolic depolariza- beats/min.
tion and pacemaking activity, including currents through the elec- Normal automaticity may be affected by a number of other
trogenic Na+-K+-ATPase and the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger and factors associated with heart disease. Hypokalemia and ischemia
background currents. may reduce the activity of the Na–K ATPase, thereby reducing
The rate of phase 4 depolarization and, therefore, the firing rate the background repolarizing current and enhancing phase 4 dia-
of pacemaker cells are dynamically regulated. Prominent among stolic depolarization. The end result would be an increase in the
the factors that modulate phase 4 is the tone of the autonomic firing rate of pacemaking cells. Slightly increased extracellular K
nervous system. The negative chronotropic effect of activation of may render the maximum diastolic potential more positive, thus
the parasympathetic nervous system is the result of the release also increasing the firing rate of pacemaking cells. A greater
of acetylcholine that binds to muscarinic receptors, releasing increase in [K+]o, however, renders the heart inexcitable by depo-
G-protein βγ-subunits that activate a potassium current (IKACh) in larizing the membrane potential and inactivating the Na current.
nodal and atrial cells (see Figure 3-11). The resultant increase in Sympathetic stimulation explains the normal response of the
K+ conductance opposes membrane depolarization, slowing the sinus node to stresses such as exercise, fever, and thyroid hormone
rate of rise of phase 4 of the action potential. Agonist activation excess. Normal or enhanced automaticity of subsidiary latent
of muscarinic receptors also antagonizes activation of the sympa- pacemakers produces escape rhythms in the setting of failure of
thetic nervous system through inhibition of adenylyl cyclase, more dominant pacemakers. Suppression of a pacemaker cell by
reducing cAMP and inhibiting protein kinase A (PKA). Con- a faster rhythm leads to an increased intracellular Na+ load (par-
versely, augmentation of the tone of the sympathetic nervous ticularly in cells with a Na+-dependent action potential) and
system increases myocardial catecholamine concentrations, extrusion of Na+ from the cell by the Na+-K+-ATPase produces an
which activate both α- and β-receptors. The effect of β1 increased background repolarizing current that slows phase 4
adrenergic stimulation predominates in pacemaking cells, increas- diastolic depolarization. At slower rates, the Na+i load is decreased
ing the L-type Ca current and shifting the voltage dependence of as is the activity of the Na+-K+-ATPase resulting in a progressively
If to more positive potentials, thus augmenting the slope of phase more rapid diastolic depolarization and warm-up. Overdrive sup-
4 and increasing the rate of SA node firing. L-type Ca current pression and warm-up may not be observed in all automatic
density is increased by PKA-mediated phosphorylation, which tachycardias. For example, functional isolation of the pacemaker
results in an increase in the rate of rise of phase 4 and the upstroke tissue from the rest of the heart (entrance blockade) may blunt or
velocity of the action potential in nodal cells. The positive chro- eliminate the phenomena of overdrive suppression and warm-up
notropic effect of β-adrenergic stimulation has been related to of automatic tissue.
46  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Myocytes in the atrium and the ventricle may exhibit sponta-

neous activity under pathologic conditions associated with depo-
larization of the resting membrane potential to levels more
positive than –60 mV. The mechanism of spontaneous depolar-
ization in contractile cells is uncertain but is likely to involve the 0 mV
activity of a number of depolarizing and repolarizing currents
that, on balance, favor membrane depolarization. Ventricular
myocytes do express If, although the threshold for activation is
Reactivation of
well below the resting potential of the cell, so the functional sig- L-type Ca
nificance of this current is uncertain. Currents that mediate the current
upstroke of the action potential of abnormally automatic cells DAD
depend on the diastolic potential. At more negative diastolic
potentials, abnormal automaticity can be suppressed by Na 50 mV
Intracellular Ca2+
channel–blocking drugs. At more positive diastolic potentials overload
(>–50 mV), Na channel blockers are ineffective, whereas Ca
channel blockers suppress abnormal automaticity, implicating the 500 ms
L-type Ca channel in the upstroke in this setting.
FIGURE 3-16  Early and delayed after-depolarizations. Interruptions
Abnormally automatic cells and tissues are less sensitive to of repolarization before its completion are referred to as early
overdrive suppression than are cells and tissues that are fully after-depolarizations (EADs). Most EADs, especially phase 2 and early
polarized with enhanced normal automaticity. However, in situ- phase 3, are believed to result from reactivation of the L-type calcium
ations where cells may be sufficiently depolarized to inactivate the (Ca) current and perhaps the sodium-calcium (Na-Ca) exchanger
Na current and limit the intracellular Na+ load, overdrive suppres- current. Later phase 3 EADs may also involve reactivation of Na
sion may still be observed due to increased intracellular Ca2+ currents. After-depolarizations that occur after the completion of
loading. Such Ca2+ loading may activate Ca2+-dependent K repolarization are referred to as delayed after-depolarizations (DADs).
conductances (favoring repolarization) and promote Ca2+ extru- The mechanism of DAD involves intracellular Ca2+ overload and
sion through the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger and Ca channel phosphory- oscillatory release of Ca2+ from the activation of a number of
Ca2+-dependent conductances by the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
lation, increasing Na+ load and thus Na+-K+-ATPase activity. The
increase in intracellular Ca2+ load may also reduce depolarizing
L-type ICa by promoting Ca2+-induced inactivation of the Ca
Abnormal automaticity may underlie atrial tachycardia, accel- of DAD-mediated triggered activity. Elevations in intracellular
erated idioventricular rhythms (IVRs), and ventricular tachycar- Ca2+ in the ischemic myocardium are also associated with DADs
dia that is particularly associated with ischemia and reperfusion. and triggered arrhythmias. Accumulation of lysophosphoglycer-
It has also been suggested that injury currents at the borders ides in ischemic myocardium with consequent Na+ and Ca2+
of ischemic zones may depolarize adjacent nonischemic tissue overload has been suggested as a mechanism for DADs and trig-
causing predisposition to automatic ventricular tachycardia. gered automaticity. Cells from damaged areas or surviving the
infarction may display spontaneous release of Ca from the SR,
and this may generate “waves” of intracellular Ca2+ elevation and
After-Depolarizations and Triggered Automaticity
Triggered automaticity or activity refers to impulse initiation The duration of the action potential is a critical determinant
that is dependent on after-depolarizations (Figure 3-16). After- of the presence of DADs. Longer action potentials associated with
depolarizations are membrane voltage oscillations that occur more transarcolemmal Ca2+ influx are more likely to be associated
during EADs or following DADs an action potential.35 with DADs. If ITI underlies at least part of the DAD, then the
In the early 1970s, DADs were experimentally observed in voltage dependence of the transient inward current should be
Purkinje fibers exposed to toxic concentrations of digitalis glyco- reflected in the voltage dependence of DADs. Indeed, at mem-
sides. The cellular feature common to the induction of DADs is brane voltages where ITI is near its maximum, DADs exhibit the
the presence of increased Ca2+ load in the cytosol and SR. Inhibi- largest amplitude. Importantly, stimulation of the experimental
tion of the Na-K-ATPase by digitalis glycosides will increase Ca2+ preparation at fast rates increases the size of the DAD and the
load by increasing intracellular Na+, which is exchanged for Ca2+ presence of triggered activity, likely a function of frequency
by the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger. Increased [Ca2+]i activates a transient dependent loading of the SR with Ca2+.
inward current, ITI, that depolarizes the cell. The ionic basis of ITI Mutations in the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RYR2), the SR
is controversial but likely results from electrogenic currents Ca2+ release channel in the heart, have been identified in kindreds
through the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger and/or Ca2+-activated depolar- with the syndrome of catecholamine-stimulated polymorphic
izing currents. ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) and ventricular fibrillation with
Inhibition of the Na+-K+-ATPase by digitalis glycosides facili- short QT intervals. It seems likely that perturbed [Ca2+]i changes
tates, but is not necessary for creating, the Ca2+ overload that in the relationship between SR Ca2+ load and the threshold for
predisposes to DADs. Catecholamines and ischemia sufficiently Ca2+ release, and thus perhaps DADs, contribute to the arrhyth-
enhance Ca2+ loading to produce DADs. The presumed mecha- mias characteristic of this syndrome. Indeed, murine models of
nism of cytosolic Ca2+ increase and DADs with catecholamine CPVT demonstrate adrenergically mediated arrhythmias, with
stimulation is an increase in transmembrane Ca2+ flux through DADs in vitro. It is likely that some ventricular tachycardias that
L-type Ca2+ channels. Catecholamines may also enhance the complicate digitalis intoxication are initiated by triggered activity.
activity of the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger, thus increasing the likelihood It has also been suggested that DADs underlie some forms of
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cardiac Electrophysiology  47

idiopathic ventricular tachycardia, particularly from the right ven- cause.36 Antiarrhythmics with class IA and III actions produce
tricular outflow tract (see Table 3-3). In a recent study, flecainide
has been demonstrated to inhibit Ca2+ from RyRs in a murine
model of CPVT, and preliminary data suggest efficacy in patients
with refractory symptoms.
action potential and QT prolongation intended to be therapeutic
but frequently cause proarrhythmia. Noncardiac drugs such as
some phenothiazines, some nonsedating antihistamines, and
some antibiotics can also prolong the duration of the action
The other type of after-depolarizations, EADs, occur during potential and cause predisposition to EAD-mediated triggered
the action potential and interrupt the orderly repolarization of the arrhythmias. Decreased [K+]o paradoxically decreases some mem-
myocyte. They have been classified as phase 2 and phase 3, brane K currents (particularly IKr) in the ventricular myocyte,
depending on when they occur, and the subclassification may which explains why hypokalemia causes prolongation of the
have mechanistic implications. Recent experimental evidence action potential and EADs. Indeed, K infusions in patients with
suggests a previously unappreciated interrelationship between congenital LQTS and drug-induced QT prolongation have been
intracellular calcium loading and EADs. Cytosolic calcium may shown to reduce the QT interval.36a
rise when action potentials are prolonged. This, in turn, appears EAD-mediated triggered activity likely contributes to the ini-
to enhance the L-type Ca current (possibly via calcium-calmodulin tiation of the characteristic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia—
kinase activation), further prolonging the duration of the action torsades de pointes—seen in patients with congenital and acquired
potential as well as providing the inward current driving EADs. forms of LQTS.36b In addition, exaggerated dispersion of repolar-
Intracellular Ca loading by the prolongation of the action ization is also likely to play a role in both the initiation and the
potential may also enhance the likelihood of DADs. The interre- maintenance of torsades de pointes by generating a substrate for
lationship among intracellular Ca2+ and delayed and early after- functional re-entry (see below). Acquired prolongation of the QT
depolarizations may be one explanation for the susceptibility of interval most often is the result of drug therapy or electrolyte
hearts that are Ca loaded (e.g., in ischemia or congestive heart disturbances, as noted previously. However, structural heart dis-
failure) to develop arrhythmias, particularly on exposure to drugs eases such as cardiac hypertrophy and cardiac failure may also
that prolong the action potential. delay ventricular repolarization (so-called electrical remodeling)
The plateau of the action potential is a time of high membrane and cause predisposition to arrhythmias related to abnormalities
resistance when there is little current flow. Consequently, small of repolarization.37,38 The abnormalities of repolarization in
changes in either repolarizing or depolarizing currents can have cardiac hypertrophy and cardiac failure are often magnified by
profound effects on the duration and profile of the action poten- concomitant drug therapy or electrolyte disturbances.
tial. The ionic mechanisms of phase 2 and 3 EADs and the
upstrokes of the action potentials they elicit may differ. At the
Abnormal Impulse Conduction: Re-entry
depolarized membrane voltages of phase 2, the Na current is
inactivated, and EADs can result from reactivation of the L-type The most common arrhythmia mechanism is re-entry. Re-entry
Ca current. Although the available data are inadequate, it has is as much a property of the networks of myocytes as it is a prop-
been suggested that current through the Na-Ca exchanger and erty of individual heart cells. Fundamentally, re-entry is circula-
possibly the Na current may also participate in the inscription of tion of an activation wave around an inexcitable obstacle. Thus,
phase 3 EADs. The upstrokes of the action potentials elicited by the requirements for re-entry are two electrophysiologically dis-
phase 2 and 3 EADs also differ. Phase 2 EAD-triggered action similar pathways for impulse propagation around an inexcitable
potential upstrokes are exclusively mediated by Ca currents; these region such that unidirectional blockade occurs in one of the
may or may not propagate, but they can substantially exaggerate pathways and a region of excitable tissue exists at the head of
the heterogeneity of the time course of repolarization of the the propagating wavefront.39 Structural and electrophysiological
action potential (a key substrate for re-entry), since EADs occur properties of the heart may contribute to the development of the
much more readily in some regions (e.g., Purkinje, mid- inexcitable obstacle and of unidirectional blockade. The complex
myocardium) than others (epicardium or endocardium). Action geometry of muscle bundles in the heart and spatial heterogeneity
potentials triggered by phase 3 EADs arise from more negative of cellular coupling or other active membrane properties (i.e.,
membrane voltages; the upstrokes may be due to both Na and Ca ionic currents) appear to be critical.
currents and are more likely to propagate. At the macroscopic level, conduction through normal myocar-
EAD-triggered arrhythmias exhibit rate dependence. In dial tissue is uniformly anisotropic; that is, propagation is continu-
general, the amplitude of an EAD is augmented at slow rates when ous or “smooth” but is faster longitudinally than transversely.
action potentials are longer. Pacing-induced acceleration of the However, at higher spatial resolution, anisotropy is always non-
heart rate shortens the duration of the action potential and uniform due to the irregularities of cell shape and gap junction
reduces EAD amplitude. Action potential shortening and the sup- distribution. The conversion of macroscopic anisotropy from
pression of EADs with increased stimulation rate are likely the being uniform to non-uniform is correlated with an increased
result of augmentation of delayed rectifier K currents and perhaps predilection to arrhythmias. One well-studied example is the aged
the hastening of Ca2+-induced inactivation of L-type Ca currents. human atrial myocardium, in which non-uniform anisotropy,
Similarly, catecholamines increase the heart rate and decrease the which manifests as highly fractionated electrograms, is associated
duration of the action potential as well as EAD amplitude, despite with lateral uncoupling of myocytes and profound slowing of
the well-described effect of β-adrenergic stimulation to increase macroscopic transverse conduction, producing an ideal substrate
L-type Ca current. for the re-entry that may underlie the very common development
A fundamental condition that underlies the development of of atrial fibrillation in older adults.
EADs is action potential prolongation, which is manifest on Anatomically determined, excitable gap re-entry can explain
surface electrocardiogram as QT prolongation. Hypokalemia, several clinically important tachycardias such as AV re-entry,
hypomagnesemia, bradycardia, and drugs can cause predisposi- atrial flutter, and bundle branch re-entry tachycardia. Strong
tion to the formation of EADs, with drugs being the most common evidence suggests that arrhythmias such as atrial and ventricular
48  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

fibrillations associated with more complex activation of the heart by measurements of conduction velocities in heterozygous
are re-entrant. However, this type of re-entry (“functional”) is connexin43 knockout mice. The border zones of infarcted myo-
mechanistically distinct from excitable gap re-entry. cardium exhibit not only functional alterations of ionic currents
Reflection is a type of re-entry that occurs in a linear segment but remodeling of tissue and altered distribution of gap junctions
of tissue (e.g., trabecula or Purkinje fiber) containing an area of in the human ventricle and infarction in canine heart. The altera-
conduction blockade with re-excitation occurring over the same tions in gap junction expression in the context of macroscopic
segment of tissue. If the region of the segment proximal to the tissue alterations support a role for anisotropic conduction in
area of the blockade is excited, the wave will propagate and gener- re-entrant arrhythmias that complicate coronary artery disease.
ate action potentials up to the area of conduction blockade. Altered expression of proteins at the intercalated disc is also
Assuming that the area of conduction blockade remains con- seen in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, a congenital
nected to the remainder of the tissue (by gap junctions), it can be arrhythmia syndrome, and similar mechanisms may thus underlie
electrotonically activated (i.e., by current flow without action the development of monomorphic ventricular tachycardia in that
potential induction). If the area of conduction blockade is short entity.
and the magnitude of the electrotonic current (source) is suffi-
ciently large, the segment of tissue distal to the blocked area (sink)
will be excited but with a significant delay. With the appropriate
relationship of the electronic current transmitted through the The science of cardiac electrophysiology, which has its roots in
inexcitable segment and the distal excitable tissue, not only can clinical medicine, began, and continues, with descriptions of spe-
the distal segment be activated, but it can reactivate the proximal cific arrhythmia syndromes. Understanding normal and abnor-
segment of muscle by electronic current flow from the distal mal mechanisms underlying such well-defined syndromes has
segment to the proximal segment. been a key to the development and widespread implementation
A key feature in classifying re-entrant arrhythmias, particu- of modern therapies such as targeted ablation for focal or
larly for therapy, is the presence and size of an excitable gap. An re-entrant arrhythmias. Advances in understanding the role of
excitable gap exists when the tachycardia circuit is longer than individual current components and their underlying molecular
the tachycardia wavelength (λ = conduction velocity × refractory bases in normal and abnormal electrogenesis present us with
period), allowing appropriately timed stimuli to reset the propa- further opportunities in this direction. Indeed, delineation of spe-
gation in the circuit. Re-entrant arrhythmias may exist in the cific syndromes such as LQTS or idiopathic ventricular fibrilla-
heart in the absence of an excitable gap and with a tachycardia tion, followed by an understanding of their molecular
wavelength nearly the same size as the path length. In this case, underpinnings, is now poised to further revolutionize arrhythmia
the wavefront propagates through partially refractory tissue with therapy: Identification of patients with genetic risk factors for
no anatomic obstacle and no fully excitable gap. This is referred arrhythmias may open the way to effective therapies for patients
to as leading circle re-entry,40 which is a form of functional in these groups. Further understanding of the molecular mecha-
re-entry (re-entry that depends on functional properties of the nisms underlying initiation and maintenance of complex and
tissue). Unlike excitable gap re-entry, no fixed anatomic circuit common arrhythmia syndromes such as atrial or ventricular
exists in leading circle re-entry, and it may, therefore, not be pos- fibrillation may lead to the development of entirely new drugs or
sible to disrupt the tachycardia with pacing or destruction of a nonpharmacologic therapies.
part of the circuit. Furthermore, the circuit in leading circle
re-entry tends to be less stable than that in excitable gap re-entrant
arrhythmias, with large variations in cycle length and predilec- REFERENCES
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Mechanisms of Re-entrant Arrhythmias
Sami F. Noujaim and José Jalife 4
The most deadly cardiac arrhythmias result from re-entry, that is, the front of the impulse from its own refractory tail (i.e., excitable
electrical waves that rotate at a high frequency, in a self-sustaining gap) and re-excitation will ensue.
manner. These waves give rise to electrical activity that propagates Re-entry is responsible for various arrhythmias, including
throughout the ventricles in complex ways. Spontaneous re-entry supraventricular and ventricular extrasystoles, atrial flutter, atrio-
often occurs as a consequence of a wavebreak produced by the ventricular (AV) nodal reciprocating tachycardias, supraventricu-
interaction of a propagating wavefront with a functional or ana- lar tachycardias associated with accessory AV pathways, bundle
tomic obstacle.1 It is important to note, however, that the waves branch ventricular tachycardias, and monomorphic ventricular
that break and initiate re-entry may be generated by electrical tachycardias associated with myocardial infarction.
pacemaker discharges, triggered activity (i.e., early or delayed The classic model of anatomically determined re-entry depicted
after-depolarizations), or another re-entry circuit. The objective in Figure 4-1 is directly applicable to specific cases of tachyar-
of this chapter is to briefly examine the mechanisms of re-entrant rhythmias. These include supraventricular tachycardias occurring
arrhythmias. First, the chapter provides a brief historical perspec- within the AV node or those using accessory pathways, as well as
tive on the mechanisms of initiation and maintenance of reentry, bundle branch re-entrant tachycardia. However, other types of
including those mechanisms thought to underlie tachycardia and re-entrant arrhythmias require somewhat different explanations
fibrillation. Emphasis is placed on the concepts derived from the for their mechanisms. For example, the cellular basis of closely
theory of nonlinear wave of propagation in generic excitable coupled ventricular extrasystoles initiated somewhere in the Pur-
media. This is followed by a summary of the work from the kinje fiber network can be explained by the so-called reflection
authors’ laboratory pertaining to functional re-entry in numerical mechanism described by Antzelevitch et al in 1980 (Figure 4-2,
simulations, engineered mouse models, and larger animals, as A).3 Recently, reflection to and from an accessory pathway was
well as two-dimensional monolayers of neonatal rat ventricular shown to be a potential mechanism for the initiation of atrial
myocytes. The aim of the chapter is to provide the interested fibrillation in patients with manifest (pre-excited) Wolff-
reader with information to enhance didactic, clinical, or research Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome.4
endeavors. In the absence of a predetermined obstacle or circuit (Figure
4-2, B), however, many tachyarrhythmias that originate in the
myocardium (atrial or ventricular) require mechanisms whereby
What Is Re-entry? re-entrant activation may occur as vortices of electrical excitation
rotating around an area of myocardium. Accordingly, the impulse
In its simplest form, re-entry is the circulation of the cardiac must circulate around a region of quiescence. In 1977, Allessie
impulse around an obstacle; this leads to repetitive excitation of et al5 explained such functionally determined re-entry by propos-
the heart at a frequency that depends on the conduction velocity ing the so-called leading circle hypothesis, with its two variants of
of the circulating impulse and the perimeter of the obstacle “anisotropic” re-entry described in 1988 by Dillon et al6 and
(Figure 4-1).2 According to the original description by George “figure-of-8” re-entry proposed by El-Sherif7 in 1985. A somewhat
Mines, which was published in The Journal of Physiology in 1913, different postulate for vortex-like re-entry, the “spiral wave
re-entry occurs around a fixed anatomic obstacle, and the physical re-entry” hypothesis, was put forth by Davidenko et al8 in
disruption of the surrounding circuit will interrupt the activity. 1992 and is derived from the theory of wave propagation in excit-
As illustrated in Figure 4-1, the initiation of the re-entrant activity able media. Spiral wave re-entry attempts to provide a unifying
depends on the occurrence of a unidirectional block in which explanation for the mechanisms of monomorphic and polymor-
activation takes place in only one direction within the circuit. phic ventricular tachycardias as well as the mechanism of
It is clear from Figure 4-1 that the rotation time around the fibrillation.
circuit should be longer than the recovery period of all segments
of the circuit. The extra time required for the impulse to success-
fully complete a rotation may result from a relatively large circuit, Circus Movement Re-entry
a relatively slow conduction velocity of the impulse, or the rela-
tively short duration of the refractory period. Hence, the “wave- Undoubtedly, the concept of circus movement re-entry, in which
length,” which may be calculated roughly as the product of the a cardiac impulse travels around a predetermined circuit or
refractory period and the conduction velocity, must be shorter around an anatomic obstacle, may be applied successfully to
than the perimeter of the circuit. An excitable region will separate various clinical situations. Two clear examples of re-entrant

52  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology




FIGURE 4-1  Circus movement re-entry around a ring of

heterogeneous tissue surrounding an anatomic obstacle. re-entry is RBB
initiated by the application of a premature stimulus (red dot) to the
upper branch. As the impulse enters the ring, it encounters tissue LBB
recovered on the left side. However, the tissue on the right has not yet
recovered from previous excitation (not shown), and unidirectional
block occurs. As a result, the wavefront begins to rotate around the LPF
obstacle. If the pathlength is long enough or the conduction velocity
is slow enough, sufficient time is available for recovery on the upper LAF
right side of the ring, and sustained re-entry will be initiated. Note that
in this hypothetical example, wavelength (WL), which is equal to the
product of conduction velocity (CV) times refractory period (RP), is
much shorter than the path length. B

FIGURE 4-3  A, Atrioventricular re-entry in the presence of an

accessory pathway (AP). B, Bundle branch re-entry using the right
bundle branch (RBB) and the left anterior fascicle (LAF) as the two
major components of the circuit. AVN, Atrioventricular node; LBB, left
Initiating impulse bundle branch; LPF, left posterior fascicle.

1. An intact predetermined anatomic circuit: As shown schemati-

Reflected impulse cally in Figure 4-3, A, in the case of WPW syndrome, various
types of structures, including the AV node, the His-Purkinje
system, ventricular muscle, and an accessory atrioventricular
pathway, form the circuit. In the case of bundle branch re-entry
A B (Figure 4-3, B), the circuit is composed of the main bundle
branches and the interventricular septum. The need for the
FIGURE 4-2  Two different forms of functional re-entry (i.e., in the integrity of the circuit is demonstrated by the fact that its
absence of an anatomic obstacle). A, Reflection, where re-entry occurs physical interruption at any point leads to the interruption of
over a single pathway in a linear bundle (e.g., a Purkinje fiber) across the arrhythmia.
an area of depressed excitability (shaded). B, Functional re-entry in
two-dimensional myocardium. Curved lines are isochrone lines
2. Unidirectional block before onset of re-entrant activity: In most
showing consecutive positions of the wavefront. The curved arrow
cases, unidirectional block occurs in the region of longest
indicates the direction of rotation.
refractory period and may occur as a result of various condi-
tions, including the following: (1) increase in sinus rate; (2)
rapid or premature atrial pacing; (3) retrograde activation from
arrhythmias based on the circus movement mechanisms are (1) a ventricular extrasystole; (4) autonomic influences; (5) antiar-
supraventricular tachycardias observed in patients with WPW rhythmic drugs; and (6) ischemia.
syndrome and (2) bundle branch re-entrant ventricular tachycar-
dia, which is more commonly seen in patients with idiopathic 3. Slow conduction in part of the circuit, which facilitates re-entry:
dilated cardiomyopathy. All conditions required by the original In the case of WPW syndrome, the arrhythmia may begin
idea of circus movement re-entry may be found in these two types after significant prolongation of the anterograde AV nodal
arrhythmias, as follows: conduction time. The activation of the ventricles occurs when
Mechanisms of Re-entrant Arrhythmias  53

both the accessory pathway and atria are recovered. This leads According to the leading-circle concept of Allessie and col-
to retrograde activation of the accessory pathway and initiation
of re-entrant arrhythmia.

4. Need for the wavelength of the impulse to be shorter than the

leagues, in the absence of an anatomic obstacle, the dynamics of
re-entry are determined by the smallest possible loop in which
the impulse can continue to circulate. Under these conditions, the
wavefront must propagate through relatively refractory tissue, in
length of the circuit: The presence of an excitable gap has major which case no “fully excitable gap” will be present and the wave-
significance for various reasons: (a) The re-entrant activity will length will be very close to the length of the circuit. The leading
likely be stable in the presence of an excitable gap because the circle idea paved the way for major advances in the understanding
re-entrant wavefront will find only fully recovered tissue in its of functional re-entry. It served as a platform for developing a
path; (b) the activity may be entrained or interrupted by means unifying hypothesis (spiral wave re-entry) that explains most of
of external stimulation, or both (see later). An externally initi- the major properties of functionally determined re-entry, which
ated impulse may invade the circuit during the excitable gap are commonly observed in normal cardiac muscle in experiments.
and thus advance the activation front. Depending on the timing This includes the phenomenon of re-entry “drift” described by
or the rate of external stimulation, the wavefront may be pre- Davidenko et al8 in 1992 and Pertsov et al11 in 1993. Re-entry drift
mature enough to collide with the repolarizing tail and thus results in beat-to-beat changes in the location of the rotation
terminate the activity; and (c) agents that prolong the refractory center (see Drifting Vortices and Ventricular Fibrillation).
period may not affect the re-entrant process unless the prolon-
gation of refractoriness totally obliterates the excitable gap.
Anisotropic Re-entry
Functionally Determined Re-entry In 1986, Spach and Dolber12 implicated microscopic structural
complexities of the cardiac muscle in the mechanism of re-entrant
As Mines noted in 1913, circus movement re-entry results when activation in both atria and ventricles, particularly in relation to
an electrical impulse propagates around a one-dimensional circuit the orientation of myocardial fibers, the manner in which the
or ring-like structure. Although the model is entirely applicable fibers and fiber bundles are connected to each other, and the
to arrhythmias such as those observed in the presence of AV effective electrical resistivities that depend on fiber orientation.
accessory pathways, it may not represent a realistic model for Because of these structural properties, propagation velocity in the
re-entrant arrhythmias occurring in the atria or ventricles. cardiac muscle is three to five times faster in the longitudinal axis
Re-entrant activity may, indeed, occur in the absence of a prede- of the cells than along the transverse axis. Mapping studies per-
termined circuit—as shown later in 1973 and 1977 by Allessie, formed by Peters and Wit13 in 1998, using multiple extracellular
Bonke, and Schopman—where the electrical impulse may rotate electrodes have shown that, in the setting of myocardial infarc-
around a region that is anatomically normal and uniform but tion, re-entry may occur in the survival epicardial rim of tissue.
functionally discontinuous. Under such conditions, the wave circulates around a functionally
In 1924, Garrey9 presented in an article in Physiological Reviews determined elongated region of block, the so-called line of con-
the first description of re-entrant excitation in the absence of ana- duction block (Figure 4-4, A). Based on the orientation of the line
tomic obstacles in experimental studies on circus movement in of block, it was thought that anisotropic propagation played a
the turtle heart. Garrey’s observations suggested that point stimu- major role both in the initiation as well as in the maintenance of
lation of the atrium was sufficient to initiate a regular wave of re-entry in ventricular tissue surviving a myocardial infarction
rotation around the stimulus site. Subsequently, in 1946, Wiener (Figure 4-4, B). In addition, propagation velocity is exceedingly
and Rosenblueth10 developed the first mathematical model of slow at the edges of the lines of block, which has also been attrib-
circus movement re-entry, which supported waves of rotation uted to anisotropic propagation.
around a sufficiently large barrier, but they could not demonstrate
re-entry in the absence of an obstacle. This prompted Wiener and
Rosenblueth to suggest that perhaps Garrey may have unwittingly Figure-of-8 Re-entry
produced a transient artificial obstacle near the stimulation site.
Figure-of-8 re-entry, described in 1987 by El-Sherif, Gough, and
Restivo, has been recognized as an important pattern of re-entry
The “Leading Circle” Model in the late stages of myocardial infarction. In most cases, two
counter-rotating waves coexist at a relatively short distance from
In 1973, Allessie, Bonke, and Schopman provided the first direct each other (Figure 4-5). As described for the case of single
experimental demonstration that the presence of an anatomic re-entrant circuits, each wave of the figure-of-8 re-entry circu-
obstacle is not essential for the initiation or maintenance of lates around a thin line or arc of block. The region separating the
re-entry. These authors studied the mechanism of tachycardia in lines of block is called the common pathway. A detailed descrip-
small pieces of isolated rabbit left atrium by applying single pre- tion of the common pathway is of great practical importance,
mature stimuli. Through multiple electrode mapping techniques, since there is evidence that it could be a strategic region for surgi-
they demonstrated, in 1973 and 1977, that the tachycardias were cal or catheter ablation in this type of re-entry. In fact, unlike
based on rotating waves and suggested that such waves were initi- other forms of functionally determined re-entry, figure-of-8
ated as a result of unidirectional block of the triggering premature re-entry may, indeed, be interrupted by physical disruption of the
input. Transmembrane potential recordings demonstrated that circuit. Several studies have attempted to describe the character-
cells at the center of the vortex were not excited but developed istics of propagation in the common pathway. However, the prop-
local responses, which led to the development of the “leading- erties of the common pathway are still not clearly defined. It
circle” concept of functional re-entry. effectively behaves like an isthmus limited by two functionally
54  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

determined barriers. In addition, there are two wavefronts that

interact in the common pathway. As a result, propagation may be
determined by a combination of factors other than those analyzed
in most experimental studies such as anisotropy. The study of
220 200 180 160 140
propagation across an isthmus and the influence of wavefront
120 curvature may have significant implications in understanding the
properties of the common pathway, as discussed in the next
Spiral Wave Re-entry
280 0 20 40 60
According to traditional concepts proposed by Allessie and col-
leagues, circus movement re-entry may be initiated in the heart
because block is predetermined by the inhomogeneous functional
characteristics of the tissue, whereas spiral waves could be formed
40 ms in the heart even if cardiac muscle was completely homogeneous
in its functional properties as shown by Davidenko et al8 in 1992,
Pertsov et al11 in 1993, and Winfree14 in 1998. This is because the
initiation of rotating activity may depend solely on transient local
conditions (e.g., the conditions created by cross-field stimula-
tion).1 Moreover, according to the traditional concept of re-entry,
1 mm the circulation of the activity occurs around an anatomically or
functionally predetermined circuit, and the rotating activity
cannot drift. In other words, the circuit gives rise to and maintains
the rotation. However, spiral waves occur due to initial curling
of the wavefront; in fact, the curvature of the wavefront deter-
0 ms mines the size and shape of the region, called the core, around
which activity rotates (Figure 4-6). Importantly, the core remains
FIGURE 4-4  Anisotropic re-entry around a line of block. Top panel, unexcited by the extremely curved activation front and it is readily
Curved lines are isochrones. The distance between lines denotes excitable.1 This explains the mechanism underlying the drift of
velocity of propagation. Velocity is faster in the horizontal direction spirals.
than around the pivot points. Bottom panel, Example of re-entry
around a line of block that was recorded in an isolated Langendorff-
perfused murine heart with optical mapping. White lines are 1-ms
isochrones. Time scale, 0 to 40 ms. Modes of Initiation of Spiral Wave Re-entry
In 1946, Weiner and Rosenblueth10 published a theoretical
description of the mechanisms of initiation of flutter and fibrilla-
tion in cardiac muscle in the presence as well as in the absence of

17 ms

1 mm

0 ms

FIGURE 4-5  Figure-of-8 re-entry. Left panel, Figure-of-8 re-entry consisting of two counter-rotating wavefronts, one in the clockwise direction and the
other in the counterclockwise direction, around their respective lines of block. The wavefronts coalesce in the lower part of the circuits, and they move
at varying velocities across the common pathway. Right panel, Activation map. Figure-of-8 re-entry recorded in optical mapping of an isolated
Langendorff-perfused murine heart. White lines, 1-ms isochrones. Temporal scale, 0 to 17 ms.
Mechanisms of Re-entrant Arrhythmias  55

ation front
S* 4



Front Critical

FIGURE 4-7  Winfree’s pinwheel experiment. The circular surface

Tail represents a two-dimensional sheet of cardiac muscle. The horizontal
white lines indicate different phases of the action potential. The white
circles represent the critical magnitude (S*) of a stimulus applied at the
1 mm center of the tissue. The black dots represent different stimuli occurring
at the indicated phases. At the crossing of S* with the critical phase,
two counter-rotating vortices emerge.

described. Its timing occurred just before complete recovery from

FIGURE 4-6  Spiral wave re-entry. Top panel, The activation front has previous excitation. Thus, with its limits of timing and stimulus
increasing curvature from the periphery to the center. At the tip, the
intensity, the idea of vulnerable domain was similar to the empiri-
curvature is so extreme that the activation front cannot propagate
into the core. Note that the activation front meets its tail of
cal concept of the vulnerable period. In a 1988 study, Shibata
refractoriness (dotted line) at a specific point known as the phase et al16 demonstrated the application of Winfree’s theory to the
singularity. Bottom panel, left, Phase map snapshot of a rotor recorded induction of ventricular fibrillation (VF) in the heart. They con-
in an isolated Langendorff-perfused murine heart. The different colors cluded that the response to administered shocks during the vul-
denote the different phases of the action potential: green = upstroke; nerable period is a complex one. However, in accordance with
red, yellow, and purple = repolarization; and blue = resting (inset, theory, during pacing of the ventricles, if a shock of the proper
colored action potential). The site where all the colors converge is the amplitude and delay is applied during the vulnerable period, two
phase singularity. Bottom panel, right, Fluorescence amplitude map counter-rotating vortices can be formed. Thus, as predicted by
(blue = low, yellow = high) highlighting the core of the rotor of the theory, vortices can be formed even in the normal myocardium.
left panel. The core is delineated in blue, inside which the signal
Subsequently, in 1989, Frazier et al17 used an extracellular record-
amplitude is much smaller than that recorded away from the core
(compare the two 100-ms single-pixel recordings from the core versus
ing array with a modification of the pinwheel experiment, the
those far away). so-called twin-pulse protocol, to demonstrate the mechanism of
re-entry and fibrillation in the canine heart. They used the term
critical point to refer to a phase singularity and provided strong
support for what is referred to as the critical point hypothesis
for the initiation of vortex-like re-entry and fibrillation. They also
anatomic obstacles. They proposed that wave rotation around demonstrated that an upper limit of vulnerability for VF exists
single or multiple obstacles was required for the initiation and and that during the vulnerable period, if shock with a strength
maintenance of both types of arrhythmias, which they assumed that is larger than a certain limit is applied, then VF will most
to result from a single re-entrant mechanism. likely not be induced.
More than three decades later, another theory of initiation of Another approach for initiating vortices is the cross-field stim-
vortices in two dimensions was suggested, and it has been sup- ulation protocol. This method is different from the pinwheel pro-
ported by experiments in a number of different excitable media. tocol in that it does not require a large stimulus. As shown in
It is based on Winfree’s “pinwheel experiment” protocol carried Figure 4-8, in cross-field stimulation, a conditioning stimulus (S1)
out in 1990.15 As shown in Figure 4-7, this protocol involves cross- is used to initiate a plane wave propagating in one direction.
ing a spatial gradient of momentary stimulus with a spatial gradi- Subsequently, a second stimulus, S2, is applied perpendicular to
ent of phase (i.e., refractoriness, established by prior passage of S1 and timed in such a way as to allow interaction of the S2
an activation front through the medium). In accordance with this wavefront with the recovering tail of the S1 wave. The S2 wave-
theory, when a stimulus of the right size (S*) is given at the proper front cannot invade the refractory tissue at the site of the interac-
time, mirror image vortices begin to rotate around crossings of tion with the S1 wave tail; consequently, a wavebreak or phase
critical contours of transverse gradients of phase and stimulus singularity is formed at the end of the S2 wave, and rotation about
intensity. On the basis of this theory, a vulnerable domain was this point occurs.
56  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

1 2 3


1 2

FIGURE 4-9  Initiation of functional re-entry by the interaction of a
wavefront with an anatomic obstacle in a rectangular sheet of cardiac
muscle. Two conditions of tissue excitability are represented. A, Under
conditions of high excitability, quasi-planar wavefronts initiated at the
3 4 left border move rapidly toward the obstacle, break, circumnavigate
the obstacle, and then fuse again to continue propagating toward  
the right border. B, When excitability is lower, conduction velocity is
slower. After reaching the obstacle, the wavefront breaks. However, in
this case, the newly formed wavebreaks detach from the obstacle as
they move toward the right border and begin to curl, giving rise to
two counter-rotating spirals.

excitability is normal, after circumnavigating the obstacle, the

broken ends of the wave join together, the previous shape of the
5 6
wavefront is regained, and the wave continues. However, in B,
when excitability is low, the broken ends of the wave do not fuse.
FIGURE 4-8  Cross-field stimulation protocol used to initiate spiral
Instead, the broken ends rotate in the opposite direction. As illus-
wave (vortex-like) activity in a square sheet of murine action potential
trated by the diagrams in Figure 4-10, during “normal” propaga-
model that was generated by the chapter authors. At time 1, an S1
stimulus is applied to the entire upper border of the sheet. At time 2, tion, which is initiated by a linear source (planar wave, A)
the wavefront in white reaches the bottom border followed by its tail or a point source (circular wave, B), the wavefront is always fol-
of refractoriness (fading green). At time 3, an S2 stimulus is applied lowed by a recovery band or wave tail. Under these conditions,
when the upper border has not yet fully recovered from previous the front and tail never meet, and the distance between them
excitation. Consequently, at time 4, the S2 wavefront cannot corresponds to the wavelength of the excitation. In contrast, as
propagate downward and blocks (white broken lines) but propagates shown in C, the broken waves demonstrate a unique feature
from left to right (white arrow), developing a pronounced curvature whereby the front and the tail meet at the wavebreak. In this situ-
a the tip. At times 5 and 6, the wavefront has curled sufficiently to ation, the wavefront curls, and its velocity decreases toward the
initiate sustained spiral wave activity. (From Noujaim SF, Pandit SV,
wavebreak. In fact, at the wavebreak, the curvature is so pro-
Berenfeld O, et al: Up-regulation of the inward rectifier K+ current (IK1) in
nounced that the wavefront fails to activate the tissue ahead.
the mouse heart accelerates and stabilizes rotors, J Physiol 578[Pt
1]:315–326, 2007.) Consequently, the wavebreak effectively serves as a pivoting
point, which forces the wavefront to acquire a spiral shape as it
rotates around the core.1
Multitudes of obstacles, both anatomic and functional, are
Spontaneous Formation of Rotors present in cardiac tissue. However, the excitation of the heart,
which is triggered by signals that originate in the sinus node and
A major contribution of wave propagation theory in excitable subsequently propagate throughout the atria and the ventricles,
media to the understanding of the mechanisms of initiation occurs repeatedly in a rhythmic manner. This process occurs
re-entrant arrhythmias is the concept of wavebreak, which without the induction of arrhythmias because the normal
explains how the interaction of a wavefront with an obstacle can sequence of activation through the His-Purkinje system prevents
lead to wavefront fragmentation and rotor formation.14 The the formation of wavebreaks. Consequently, the presence of
re-entrant wave can begin as a single vortex, as a pair of counter- obstacles is not a sufficient condition for the establishment of
rotating vortices, or as two pairs of counter-rotating vortices. re-entry. Using a voltage-sensitive dye in conjunction with a high-
The concept of wavebreak is illustrated schematically in Figure resolution video imaging system, Cabo et al demonstrated that
4-9, which shows the dynamics of the interaction of a wavefront certain critical conditions must be met in order for unexcitable
with an anatomic obstacle in a two-dimensional sheet of cardiac obstacles to destabilize propagation and produce self-sustained
tissue with two different excitability conditions. In A, when tissue vortices that result in uncontrolled high-frequency stimulation of
Mechanisms of Re-entrant Arrhythmias  57



Tail WB


1 mm

FIGURE 4-10  Expected conditions of propagation of different types of waves in a homogeneous and isotropic sheet of cardiac muscle (top panels)
and in experiments the chapter authors performed in isolated Langendorff-perfused murine hearts (bottom panels, colored phase maps). A, Planar
wave initiated by stimulation of the entire bottom border of the sheet or the top left corner of the field of view in the optical mapping experiment.  
B, Circular wave initiated by point stimulation in the center of the sheet or the center of the field of view in the optical mapping experiment. C, Spiral
wave initiated by cross-field stimulation or burst pacing in the experiment. Note that for both planar and circular waves, the wavefront never meets
the refractory tail. In contrast, during spiral wave activity, the wavefront and the wave tail meet at the wavebreak (WB), or where all the phases of the
action potential converge in the experiment. In the phase maps, the wavefront is in green, and the wave tail is in red, yellow, and purple (inset at
bottom, colored action potential).

the heart.18 They demonstrated that the critical condition is the that high-frequency stimulation, which decreases excitability, also
excitability of the tissue such that when the tissue excitability is resulted in the detachment of the broken wave and the generation
low, a broken wave will contract and vanish (i.e., conduction will of vortices in the presence of anatomic obstacles. This phenom-
be blocked). However, at an intermediate level of excitability, the enon has been termed vortex shedding. In summary, the dynamics
broken wave detaches from the barrier and forms a vortex in a of wavebreaks are determined by (1) the critical curvature of the
manner visually similar to the separation of the main stream from wavefront (i.e., the curvature at which propagation fails), (2) the
a body in a hydrodynamic system, where there is subsequent eddy excitability of medium, and (3) the frequency of stimulation or
formation during turbulence. Moreover, Cabo et al demonstrated wave succession.
58  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

surface electrocardiogram (ECG) appears disorganized as judged

Role of Wavebreaks in Ventricular by the variable spacing between successive, coexistent activation
Fibrillation fronts. In 1992, Damle et al21 demonstrated that epicardial activa-
tion during VF in a canine model of healing infarction is not
Under normal conditions of excitability and stimulation, the random. Moreover, they showed that during VF, spatial as well as
interaction of the wavefront with an obstacle does not produce a temporal “linking” of activation occurs; in this phenomenon, the
wavebreak. However, when the excitability is lowered, wavebreaks same path of conduction is traversed by several consecutive wave-
may be initiated and persist after the collision of the front with fronts in a relatively rhythmic manner.
the appropriate anatomic or functional obstacles. As predicted by Garfinkel et al used nonlinear dynamics theory to study fibril-
theory, the obstacle size must be equal to or greater than the lation in a computer model and three stationary forms of arrhyth-
width of the wavefront for perturbation of propagation to occur. mias: (1) in human chronic atrial fibrillation, (2) in a stabilized
At a propagation speed of 50 cm/s, the wavefront width (i.e., the form of canine VF, and (3) in fibrillation-like activity in thin sheets
spatial spread of the action potential upstroke) in normal cardiac of canine and human ventricular tissues.22 They found that fibril-
muscle is approximately 1 mm.1 Consequently, obstacles of 1 mm lation arose through a quasi-periodic stage of period and ampli-
or larger have the potential to generate wavebreaks in the propa- tude modulation; thus, they concluded that fibrillation is a form
gating waves and producing vortex-like re-entry. of spatio-temporal chaos. Bayly et al explored several techniques
Clearly, numerous conditions can lead to the formation of to quantify spatial organization during VF.23 They used epicardial
wavebreaks. However, what is the relationship between wave- electrograms recorded from porcine hearts by using rectangular
breaks and ventricular fibrillation (VF)? The authors hypothesize arrays of unipolar extracellular electrodes and concluded that VF
that the numerous fragmented wavefronts observed during VF is neither “low-dimensional chaos” nor “random” behavior but,
form as the result of the interaction of waves emanating from a rather, a high-dimensional response with a degree of spatial
high-frequency source with the obstacles present in cardiac coherence.23
tissue.1 Because of their lateral instability, some waves may shrink The development of an analytic technique by Gray et al, which
and undergo decremental conduction, but other waves may con- markedly reduces the amount of data required to depict the
tinue unchanged until annihilated by other waves. Still others may complex patterns of fibrillation, has enabled investigators to study
undergo curling and form new rotors. The final result is the frag- the detailed dynamics of wavelets and rotors, including their ini-
mentation of the mother waves away from the source into mul- tiation, life span, and termination.24 Using a fluorescent potentio-
tiple short-lived daughter waves that produce a complex pattern metric dye and video imaging, Gray et al recorded the dynamics
of propagation during VF. of transmembrane potentials from a large region of the heart and
determined that transmembrane signals at many sites exhibit a
strong periodic component. With this analysis, the periodicity is
Mechanisms of Maintenance seen as an attractor in two-dimensional phase space, and each site
can be represented by its phase around the attractor. Using spatial
of Ventricular Fibrillation phase maps at each instant in time, Gray et al revealed the
“sources” of fibrillation in the form of topologic defects, or phase
Is Ventricular Fibrillation Random or Organized?
singularities (a term coined by Winfree in 1990), at several sites.24
On the basis of his cinematographic studies in 1940, Wiggers19 Thus, they demonstrated that a substantial amount of spatial and
concluded that VF could not be adequately described as an asyn- temporal organization underlies cardiac fibrillation in the whole
chronous contraction of myocardial fibers. Wiggers observed that heart.24
the lack of coordination and asynchrony initially involves com- The authors of this chapter, using isolated Langendorff-
paratively large sections of the myocardium, which progressively perfused rabbit heart, demonstrated organization during VF in
multiply and decrease in size as fibrillation continues; however, the form of sequences of wave propagation that activated the
the study showed that even in the later stages of fibrillation, asyn- ventricles in a spatially and temporally similar fashion.1 Further-
chronous contraction of adjacent fibers does not seem to occur. more, the frequency of the periodic activity was shown to cor-
These observations are in agreement with the notion that VF respond to the dominant peak in both the global bipolar
arises from wandering wavefronts that are ever changing in direc- electrogram and the optical pseudo-ECG, which suggests that the
tion and number. Furthermore, it is possible that the fragmenta- sources of the periodic activity are the dominant sources that
tion of the wavefront into multiple independent wavelets may maintain VF in this model. Moreover, quantification of wavelets
arise from the interaction of the wavefront with obstacles and revealed that during VF, wavebreaks underlie wavelet formation;
with the refractory tails of other waves. As the front breaks, however, the breakup of rotor waves was not a robust mechanism
some waves may shrink and cease to exist (i.e., decremental for the maintenance of VF. Overall, the results suggested that the
propagation), others may propagate until terminated by the colli- organized activity of periodic sources is responsible for most of
sion with other waves or boundaries, and still others may give rise the frequency content of VF and is therefore important for the
to new vortices.1 The product of such phenomena may be the maintenance of this arrhythmia.1
complex patterns of propagation that characterize VF. However,
currently, ample evidence in the literature suggests that VF is not
entirely a random phenomenon. A summary of the studies that Rotors and Ventricular Fibrillation
have documented “organization” during VF follows.
In 1981, Ideker and colleagues20 documented that ventricular Rotors are thought to be the major organizing centers of re-entrant
activation during the transition to VF arises near the border of arrhythmias, so much investigation has focused on rotors as the
the ischemic–reperfused region of the canine heart and is orga- underlying mechanism for VF in the heart. However, two schools
nized as it passes across the nonischemic tissue, but the body of thought have emerged. On one hand, many recently proposed
Mechanisms of Re-entrant Arrhythmias  59

mechanisms for fibrillation have focused on the transience and Zaitsev et al,28 using spectral analysis of optical epicardial and
instability of rotors. These mechanisms suggest that the breakup
of rotors results in the “turbulent” nature of fibrillation. One such
mechanism, the restitution hypothesis, suggests that fractionation
of the rotor ensues when the oscillation of the action potential
endocardial signals for sheep ventricular slabs, have provided
additional evidence suggesting that fibrillatory conduction may
be the underlying mechanism of VF. Zaitsev and colleagues pre-
sented data showing that the dominant frequencies of excitation
duration is of sufficiently large amplitude to block conduction do not change continuously on the ventricular surfaces of slabs.
along the wavefront.22,25 Another mechanism for breakup focuses Rather, the frequencies are constant over regions termed domains;
on the fact that propagation within the three-dimensional myo- moreover, only a small number of discrete domains are found on
cardium is highly anisotropic because of the intramural rotation ventricular surfaces. Zaitsev and colleagues28 also demonstrated
of fibers; this produces the twisting and instability of the organiz- that the dominant frequency of excitation in the adjacent domains
ing center (filament), which results in multiplication following is often related to the fastest dominant frequency domain in 1 : 2,
repeated collisions with boundaries in the heart.26 3 : 4, or 4 : 5 ratios, and this was suggested to be the result of inter-
Studies by the authors of this chapter have also focused on mittent, Wenckebach-like conduction block at the boundaries
rotors as the primary engines of fibrillation. However, here the between domains.28 Thus, they concluded that in their model, VF
breakup of the rotor is not regarded as the underlying mechanism could have resulted from a sustained high-frequency, three-
of VF. Rather, it is proposed that VF is a problem of self- dimensional intramural scroll wave, which created complex pat-
organization of nonlinear electrical waves with both deterministic terns of propagation as the result of fragmentation when waves
and stochastic components.1,24 This has led to the hypothesis that emanating from a high-frequency scroll interacted with tissue
there is spatial as well as temporal organization during VF in the heterogeneities.
structurally normal heart, although there is a wide spectrum of Samie et al29 presented new evidence in the isolated
behavior during fibrillation. On one end, it has been demon- Langendorff-perfused guinea pig heart that strongly supports the
strated that a single drifting rotor can give rise to a complex hypothesis that fibrillatory conduction from a stable high-
pattern of excitation that is reminiscent of VF.27 On the other end, frequency re-entrant source is the underlying mechanism of VF.
it has been suggested that VF is the result of a high-frequency, Samie et al29 obtained optical recordings of potentiometric dye
stable source and that the complex patterns of activation are the fluorescence from the epicardial ventricular surface along with a
result of the fragmentation of emanating electrical activity from volume-conducted “global” ECG. Spectral analysis of optical
that source (i.e., fibrillatory conduction).28,29 In the following sec- signals (pixel by pixel) was performed, and the dominant fre-
tions, these two extremes are examined. quency (DF, peak with maximal power) from each pixel was used
to generate a DF map. Pixel-by-pixel fast Fourier transformation
(FFT) analysis revealed that DFs are distributed throughout the
Drifting Vortices and Ventricular Fibrillation ventricles in clearly demarcated domains. The highest frequency
domains are always found on the anterior wall of the left ventricle.
Using optical mapping in the structurally normal isolated Correlation of rotation frequency of rotors and the fastest DF
Langendorff-perfused rabbit heart, Gray et al studied the appli- domain strongly suggests that rotors are the underlying mecha-
cability of spiral wave theory to VF.24,27 In that study, they dem- nism of the fastest frequencies. Further analysis of optical record-
onstrated the presence of a drifting rotor on the epicardial surface ings has demonstrated that fragmentation of wavefronts
of the heart. Simultaneous recording of a volume-conducted ECG emanating from high-frequency rotors occurs near the boundar-
and fluorescence imaging showed that a single, rapidly moving ies of the DF domains. The results demonstrate that in the isolated
rotor was associated with turbulent polymorphic electrical activ- guinea pig heart, a high-frequency re-entrant source that remains
ity, which was indistinguishable from VF. It was assumed that stationary in the left ventricle is the mechanism that sustains VF.
rotors were the two-dimensional epicardial representation of a Moreover, experiments and simulations have attributed the
three-dimensional scroll wave. In addition, computer simulations stabilization of the high-frequency rotors driving VF in the left
incorporating a realistic three-dimensional heart geometry and ventricle of the guinea pig heart to the presence of a gradient in
appropriate model parameters demonstrated the ability to form a the inwardly rectifying potassium (K) current (IK1) whereby IK1 is
rapidly drifting rotor similar to that observed in the experi- larger in the left ventricle compared with that in the right ven-
ments.24,27 Frequency analysis of the irregular ECGs for both tricle.29 IK1 is a K current that (1) contributes to the resting mem-
experiments and simulations showed spectra that were consistent brane potential, (2) controls the approach of the membrane
with previously published data. Furthermore, Gray et al con- voltage to the range where sodium (Na) channels activate to give
firmed, through the Doppler relationship, that the width of the rise to the upstroke, and finally (3) modulates the final phase of
frequency spectrum can be related to the frequency of the rota- repolarization. However, in the experiments of Samie et al, there
tion of the rotor, the speed of its motion, and the wave speed.30 no direct link was demonstrated at the molecular level between
the stability of rotors in the left ventricle of the fibrillating guinea
pig heart and IK1.29 As a result, Noujaim and colleagues31 used a
Fibrillatory Conduction murine model of cardiac-specific Kir2.1 upregulation, where IK1
density was consequently increased by about 12-fold to investi-
Some forms of fibrillation depend on the uninterrupted periodic gate rotor behavior in such a substrate. It was found that the
activity of discrete re-entrant circuits. The faster rotors act as increased IK1 serves to stabilize and accelerate rotors responsible
dominant frequency sources that maintain the overall activity. for re-entrant VT and VF.31 The experiments and numerical simu-
The rapidly succeeding wavefronts emanating from these sources lations suggested that during re-entry, the larger IK1 accelerates
propagate throughout the ventricles and interact with tissue het- conduction velocity, decreases the core size, and hyperpolarizes
erogeneities, both functional and anatomic, leading to fragmenta- the resting membrane potential.31 The combination of these
tion and wavelet formation.1 factors leads to the generation of very fast and stable rotors. As
60  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

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16:205–265, 1946. 2007.
Autonomic Nervous System and
Cardiac Arrhythmias
David G. Benditt, Scott Sakaguchi, and J. Gert van Dijk
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) comprises the portion of
the central nervous system that provides moment-to-moment Anatomic Nervous System and Cardiac
regulation of the function of the cardiovascular system as well
Conduction System Physiology
as that of all other organ systems. The ANS continuously moni-
tors afferent neural signals from vascular beds and organ systems
Sinus Node, Atrioventricular Node, and His-Purkinje System
and coordinates efferent neural traffic to modify the responses
of heart and blood vessels to ever-changing physiological and The sinus node (SN) and the atrioventricular (AV) node appear
metabolic requirements. In this context, the sympathetic and to be represented by separate cells within the nucleus ambiguus.
parasympathetic components of the ANS are the dominant However, it is uncertain whether the nodes are coordinated cen-
players (Figures 5-1 and 5-2).1 However, ANS cardiovascular trally; in fact, it seems increasingly likely that local circuits, often
control also incorporates actions of cardiac and extracardiac neu- positioned within the epicardial fat pads of the heart, participate
rohumoral agents, intracardiac reflex arcs, and the contributions in the coordination of these structures (Figure 5-3).4,8
of certain less well-understood agents such as vasoactive intes-
tinal peptide (VIP), neuropeptide Y, transmitters released by the
Sinus Node
so-called purinergic nerve endings, serotonin, inflammatory
cytokines, vasopressin, and nitric oxide.2 Further, with respect to In humans, at rest, parasympathetic influence appears to pre-
cardiovascular control, the ANS collaborates with the dominate in the case of SN chronotropic state. Of course, multiple
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. For its part, the factors alter this situation; the most obvious of these is physical
HPA-axis, governed from the hypothalamus, participates by exercise, but others include the aging process, drug therapy, and
prompting the release of glucocorticoids, mainly cortisol and, to emotional state.
a lesser extent, mineralocorticoids. The HPA theater of operation ANS influence is the most important of the many extrinsic
therefore includes inflammatory, immune, metabolic, and pressor factors (e.g., drugs, hormones) affecting SN function. In the healthy
effects.3 Both systems (ANS and HPA) are involved in stress heart, fluctuation of the ANS influence results in a normal
responses.2,3 respiratory-induced variation of sinus cycle length (i.e., respiratory
It is not unexpected that any disturbance of ANS function, sinus arrhythmia). In the case of respiratory sinus arrhythmia, the
given its wide-ranging impact, may lead to clinically important variations may be substantial (at times suggesting sinus pauses).
consequences. In terms of cardiac electrophysiology and arrhyth- Absence of sinus arrhythmia has come to be recognized as a sign
mias, common clinical conditions in which ANS effects are of cardiac disease with increased mortality risk.
evident include acute myocardial ischemia, heart failure, and Age-related changes of sinoatrial function are clinically impor-
neurally mediated reflex syncope (particularly the vasovagal tant, given the prevalence of SN dysfunction in older adults. In
faint). Furthermore, it is now widely acknowledged that the terms of ANS contribution, parasympathetic influence on SN
nervous system has the capacity to injure the heart acutely (e.g., chronotropism progressively diminishes with increasing age.
stress-induced cardiomyopathy); serious acute cerebral disorders However, at the same time, an age-related decrease of “intrinsic”
such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral bleeds, infec- heart rate (i.e., the heart rate in the absence of autonomic influ-
tions, and seizures may induce electrocardiographic changes, ences) also occurs. Thus, maintenance of an appropriate heart rate
myocardial damage, arrhythmias, and even sudden death.3-7 and chronotropic responsiveness in older individuals is increas-
Perhaps the most publicized direct cardiac effects of presumed ingly dependent on the integrity of the sympathetic tone of the
autonomic “storms” are the immediate, apparently stress- ANS.
triggered, increases in the number of cardiovascular events; these
include acute myocardial infarctions, sudden cardiac deaths, and
Atrioventricular Node and Cardiac Conduction System
presumed stress-induced cardiomyopathy (Table 5-1).3-5
This chapter provides a brief overview of current concepts As a rule, AV nodal dromotropic responsiveness in the resting
regarding the impact of autonomic innervation as they pertain to patient is under relatively balanced sympathetic and parasympa-
cardiac arrhythmias, conduction system disturbances, and related thetic neural influence. However, this situation is readily altered
disorders. by physiological events (e.g., exercise, sleep), the impact of disease

62  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Table 5-1  Epidemiologic Associations: Stress and Increased

Cardiovascular Event Rates
1. Earthquakes
-  Athens 1981a
Increased cardiovascular mortality
- Los Angeles 1994a,b
Increased cardiovascular death frequency approximately 2.5 times
Increased acute MI event rate almost 2 times
- Japan 2004a,c
Hypothalamus Approximately threefold increase in all cardiovascular events and
Increased tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy 25-fold
- China (Wenchuan) 2008d
Approximately 10-fold increase in cardiovascular events
2. Sports Events
- World Soccer Championships, Munich 2006e
Two- to threefold increase in rates of cardiovascular events
- World Soccer Championships 2002f
Vagal nucleus Twofold increase in incidence of sudden deaths reported in
Nucleus tractus SA
solitarius AV 3. Military/Terror Attack
ambiguus - First Iraq War, Israel 1991g,h
Two- to threefold increase of acute MI; twofold increase in
Medulla sudden death
- Attack on World Trade Center, New York, September 11, 2001g,i
Two to three times increase in ICD firings
50% increase in hospitalization for acute MI

MI, Myocardial infarction; SCD, sudden cardiac death; ICD, implantable

Adrenal a. Stalnikowicz R, Tsafrir A: Acute psychosocial stress and cardiovascular events, Am J
medulla Emerg Med 20:488–491, 2002.
b. Brown DL: Disparate effects of the 1989 Loma Prieta and 1994 Northridge
earthquakes on hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction: Importance of
Vasculature superimposed triggers, Am Heart J 137:830–836, 1999.
c. Watanabe H, Kodama M, Okura Y, et al: Impact of earthquakes on Takotsubo
cardiomyopathy. JAMA 294:305–306, 2005.
d. Zhang XQ, Chen M, Yang Q, et al: Effect of the Wenchuan earthquake in China on
hemodynamically unstable ventricular tachyarrhythmia in hospitalized patients, Am
FIGURE 5-1  Schematic illustrating the course of sympathetic (dashed J Cardiol 103(7):994–997, 2009.
line) and parasympathetic (solid line) nerve pathways to key cardiac e. Wilbert-Lampen U, Leistner D, Greven S, et al: Cardiovascular events during World
Cup soccer. N Engl J Med 358:475–483, 2008.
and vascular structures. The manner in which neural control
f. Katz E, Metzker J-T, Marazzi A, Kappenberger L: Increased sudden cardiac deaths in
approaches cardiac structures is far more complex than is suggested
Switzerland during the 2002 FIFA World Cup, Int J Cardiol 107:132–133, 2006.
in this illustration. Further, the important intracardiac neural signaling g. Brotman DJ, Golden SH, Wittstein IS: The cardiovascular toll of stress, Lancet 376:
structures are not shown. 1089–1100, 2007.
h. Meisel SR, Kutz I, Dayan KI, et al: Effect of Iraqi missile war on incidence of acute
myocardial infarction and sudden death in Israeli civilians, Lancet 338:660–661, 1991.
i. Tofler GH, Muller JE: Triggering of acute cardiovascular disease and potential
preventive strategies, Circulation 114:1863–1872, 2006.

acceleration and states, drug effects, or during cardiac electrophysiology proce-
vasoconstriction dures when certain atrial regions are stimulated. Any tendency
toward parasympathetic predominance markedly enhances the
Cardiac slowing decremental properties of the AV node; in the extreme, this can
Adenohypophysis be associated with transient complete AV nodal block (Figure
Pons 5-4). The latter is, in fact, a relatively common finding in sleeping
Respiratory center patients and in very fit resting subjects. The relationship between
ANS control of SN rate and AV conduction properties appears to
foster both the maintenance of 1 : 1 AV conduction and a relatively
optimal AV conduction interval.
The His bundle and bundle branches comprise cells with larger
FIGURE 5-2  Schematic illustrating a conventional view of the surface areas, more negative resting membrane potentials, and
approximate midbrain sites considered important for basic autonomic
faster (sodium [Na+]-dependent) action potentials than those of
nervous system control of cardiovascular function.
the AV node. Furthermore, cells that make up the cardiac
Autonomic Nervous System and Cardiac Arrhythmias  63

Reveal Plus Model 9626 15:27 08/13/2001
Gain: x4 (+/– 0.4 mV) Programmer 9790 9809E20
SVC Storage Mode: 3 patient, 5 auto events, 42 min. (c) Medtronic, Inc. 2001
Patient Event 3 of 3 recorded 08/13/2001 Page 2 of 3
SVC-Ao fat pad
25 mm/sec. 500 mm/mV = Activation point
fat pad (SA region)


Posterior LA (AVN region)
fat pad fat pad


FIGURE 5-4  Electrocardiographic recordings obtained from an

implanted loop recorder that had been implanted in a 72-year-old
man with recurrent syncope of uncertain cause. The recording
documents a transient symptomatic period of high-grade
atrioventricular block.


Sympathetic fibers
of heart
Vagal fibers
FIGURE 5-3  Diagrammatic representation of the approximate
locations of epicardial fat pads; these fat pads are believed to provide
sites of intracardiac neural connections and communication. The Endocardium
image depicts the posterior surface of the heart. The principal fat pads
are demarcated and labeled. SVC, Superior vena cava; Ao, aorta; PV, FIGURE 5-5  Diagram depicting the epicardial and endocardial
pulmonary valve; SA, sinoatrial; RPVs, right pulmonary veins; LPVs, left locations of sympathetic and parasympathetic ventricular nerves,
pulmonary veins; LA, left atrium; IVC, inferior vena cava; AVN, respectively. (Modified from Zipes DP, Inoue H: Autonomic neural control
atrioventricular node. of cardiac excitable properties. In Kulbertus HE, Franck G, editors:
Neurocardiology, Mount Kisco, NY, 1988, Futura Publishing.)

conduction system have abundant intercellular connections and

are physically arranged in such a way as to promote longitudinal activity as well as by increasing the frequency and rate of auto-
conduction. Consequently, decremental conduction is essentially maticity. In addition, elevated adrenergic tone is known to
absent, except in the setting of relatively severe conduction system increase the likelihood of the generation of early after-
disease. Sympathetic nerve endings are generally better repre- depolarizations (EADs) and delayed after-depolarizations (DADs).
sented in the distal aspects of the specialized conduction system Parasympathetic effects, in contrast, are thought to operate
than are parasympathetic nerves. However, it has become evident mainly as an antiadrenergic action in the setting of increased
that parasympathetic influence penetrates farther than had previ- adrenergic tone. Consideration is being given to vagal nerve stim-
ously been thought. ulation as an antiarrhythmic treatment strategy. The outcome of
this activity may be diminished production of adrenergically
induced EADs and DADs and an apparently anti-inflammatory
Ventricular Myocardium
action (diminished cytokine release and enhanced glucocorticoid
Ventricular sympathetics tend to lie within the subepicardial layer release).
and follow the large coronary vessels as they spread out over the
myocardium.9,10 The parasympathetics, in contrast, tend to pen-
etrate the myocardium after crossing the AV groove and thereaf- Autonomic Nervous System and Specific
ter are subendocardial in location (Figure 5-5). The parasympathetic Bradyarrhythmias and Cardiac Conduction
vagal efferents to the mycardium terminate not on the muscle
cells themselves but on intracardiac ganglia. Evidence suggests
System Disturbances
that these ganglia not only form relay stations but also subserve
Sinus Node Dysfunction
certain local integrative functions, including the intracardiac
reflex activity discussed earlier. SN dysfunction (sick sinus syndrome) encompasses abnormalities
Heightened adrenergic activation in the ventricular myocar- of SN impulse generation, disturbances of impulse emergence
dium may be arrhythmogenic by causing enhanced pacemaker into the atrium, abnormal impulse transmission within the atria,
64  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

increased susceptibility to atrial tachycardias (particularly atrial persistent increment in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
fibrillation), chronotropic incompetence, and inappropriate sinus production.
tachycardia. Clinical manifestations vary from seemingly asymp- The coexistence of periods of bradyarrhythmia and bouts of
tomatic electrocardiogram (ECG) findings to a wide range of atrial fibrillation or, less commonly, other paroxysmal primary
complaints, including syncope, shortness of breath, palpitations, atrial tachycardias in the same patient is a common manifestation
fatigue, and premature mental incapacity. of SN dysfunction (the so-called bradycardia-tachycardia syn-
The causes of SN dysfunction are numerous but may be con- drome). In bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome, symptoms may be
veniently categorized as conditions that alter the SN, the sino- the result of episodes of rapid heartbeats, the bradycardic com-
atrial structure or function directly (so-called intrinsic SN disease) ponent, or both. In this case, ANS influences are rarely entirely
or those that operate indirectly to impair sinoatrial function (i.e., to blame. Similarly, true chronotropic incompetence is not usually
extrinsic factors such as autonomic disturbances or drug effects). attributable to ANS effects alone. As a rule, patients with para-
Ageing-associated idiopathic degenerative changes, fibrotic sympathetic predominance may exhibit low resting heart rates
changes, or both are probably the findings most closely associated but ultimately manifest normal chronotropic responses to physi-
with “intrinsic” SN dysfunction. In regard to “extrinsic” SN dys- cal exertion. True chronotropic incompetence (i.e., inability of the
function, drugs are the most important non-ANS contributors. heart to adjust its rate appropriately in response to metabolic
β-adrenergic blockers, calcium channel blockers, membrane- need) implies intrinsic SN dysfunction, an undesirable effect of
active antiarrhythmics, and, to a lesser extent, digitalis are the concomitant drug treatment, or both. In this regard, although
most frequently implicated. Each of these may alter SN function conventional exercise testing is not generally useful in identifying
as a result of direct pharmacologic effects (e.g., flecainide, most forms of SN dysfunction, such testing may be helpful in
d-sotalol), or indirectly via the ANS (e.g., β-adrenergic blockers) differentiating patients with resting sinus bradycardia but essen-
or both (e.g., quinidine, disopyramide, propafenone, amiodarone, tially normal exercise heart rate responses (e.g., physically trained
digitalis). In terms of clinical outcomes, cardioactive drugs may individuals with presumably higher levels of parasympathetic
initiate or aggravate sinus bradyarrhythmias or induce chrono- influence on SN automaticity) from patients with intrinsically
tropic incompetence. inadequate chronotropic responses.
Apart from drug-induced autonomic disturbances, the ANS Evaluation of SN responses to pharmacologic interventions
may also contribute to apparent extrinsic disturbances of SN and neural reflexes (e.g., carotid sinus massage, Valsalva maneu-
function. Sinus bradycardia, sinus pauses, sinoatrial exit block, ver, heart rate response to upright tilt, or induced hypotension
and slow ventricular responses in atrial fibrillation may occur in [e.g., by administration of nitroglycerin]) is an important element
the setting of parasympathetic predominance despite apparently in the diagnostic assessment of SN function. For example, phar-
normal underlying intrinsic SN or atrial function. In some cases, macologic interventions may assess SN response to β-adrenergic
bradyarrhythmias are, in fact, extreme forms of sinus arrhythmia. blockade, β-adrenergic stimulation, or parasympathetic musca-
Perhaps the best example of this is the physically fit individual in rinic blockade (i.e., atropine infusion). The most important of
whom parasympathetic predominance at both the SN and the AV these tests is estimation of intrinsic heart rate (IHR, SN rate in
node levels may be present on a chronic basis. In such cases, sinus the absence of neural control) by pharmacologic autonomic
pauses and various degrees of AV block have been reported blockade with combined administration of a β-adrenergic blocker
during sleep or at rest. Generally, these are asymptomatic and of and atropine. A normal IHR in a patient with apparent sinus
little clinical consequence. Nonetheless, their occurrence (often pauses or marked SN bradycardia suggests extrinsic SN
detected inadvertently) may cause alarm. Carotid sinus syndrome dysfunction.
and related conditions, in which excessive hypervagatonia is tran-
sient, are other instances in which intrinsic conduction system
Atrioventricular Conduction Disturbance
function is usually relatively normal and yet manifests clinically
important ANS-induced disturbances. Fortunately, even in the First- and second-degree type 1 AV block are most often the result
setting of an apparently prolonged asystolic event, spontaneous of conduction disturbances at the level of the AV node (i.e., pro-
restoration of the cardiac rhythm occurs in, by far, the vast major- longed AH interval) and are frequently attributable to ANS influ-
ity of cases. ences. This is especially the case when there is no evidence of
The syndrome of persistent or inappropriate sinus tachycardia underlying cardiac disease, when the QRS morphology is normal,
provides another example of a clinical circumstance in which the and when the individual is young, physically fit, or both. Of
ANS appears to play a primary role in arrhythmogenesis. The basis course, drug-induced AV block must also be excluded.
for the tachycardia is believed to be abnormal enhanced automa- ANS-mediated higher degrees of AV block may also be
ticity within the SN or nearby atrial regions. The cause of inap- observed (see Figure 5-4). These episodes of paroxysmal AV block
propriate sinus tachycardia in many cases, excluding those that are generally benign from a mortality perspective, although they
turn out to be ectopic atrial tachycardias arising in the vicinity of may be associated with dizziness and syncope (e.g., vasovagal
the SN, remains unknown. Diminished parasympathetic control faint) and risk of physical injury. Sustained third-degree AV block
of SN function has been suggested; given the frequent association is, however, not usually attributable to ANS effects. In adults,
with recent radiofrequency ablation of cardiac structures (or in acquired complete heart block is almost always associated with
former times to surgical ablation of accessory connections), a structural heart disease.
disturbance of intracardiac vagal reflexes has also been proposed. In the setting of acute anterior myocardial infarction, transient
However, one relatively recent report investigated the prevalence or fixed complete AV block is reported to occur in 5% of cases
and the functional effects of circulating antiautonomic receptor and is typically infranodal. The ultimate poor prognosis in these
antibodies in patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia. Find- patients is related to the magnitude of ventricular damage. By
ings suggested a link between inappropriate sinus tachycardia and contrast, complete AV block occurs in 10% to 15% of patients after
circulating anti–β-adrenergic receptor antibodies that induce a inferior wall myocardial infarction. In these instances, however,
Autonomic Nervous System and Cardiac Arrhythmias  65

the block may often progress through stages beginning with PR mediated AF is important, given that cardiac glycosides and
interval prolongation, type 1 second-degree AV block, or both;
the site of the block is most often within the AV node. The mecha-
nisms eliciting this form of AV block are multiple, including nodal
ischemia, adenosine release, and enhanced parasympathetic tone.
β-adrenergic blockers are relatively contraindicated.
The ANS also appears to play a role in postoperative AF,
although the relationship in this case is largely inferential and not
well substantiated. Excluding the probable role played by height-
Often the block can be reversed (at least temporarily) by atropine ened adrenergic tone in postoperative arrhythmias, true adrener-
administration, which supports the importance of the parasym- gically mediated forms of paroxysmal AF are less common than
pathetic autonomic etiology. is the vagally mediated form. Rarely, adrenergically mediated AF
Drug effects are a common cause of AV nodal conduction is secondary to a noncardiac disease process such as hyperthy-
disturbances. A variety of cardioactive drugs affect the AV node: roidism or pheochromocytoma. Most often, the medical history
by direct cellular action, indirectly as a result of their actions on suggests onset during the waking hours (usually in the morning)
the autonomic nervous system, or both. For example, cardiac in association with stress or physical exertion.
glycosides are widely known to affect the AV node by ANS-
mediated effects; first- or second-degree type 1 AV block occurs
Control of Ventricular Rate
as a result of glycoside-induced enhanced vagal tone at the AV
node. β-Adrenergic blockers cause AV nodal conduction slowing, The manner in which the AV node responds to a fibrillating
and occasionally block, by diminishing sympathetic neural effects atrium remains a subject of conjecture. However, whatever may
on the AV junction, or both. When certain antiarrhythmic drugs be the mechanisms at play, it seems clear that the ANS plays an
are prescribed, the important ANS effects that they have need to important role in modulating the ventricular rhythm. Increased
be taken into consideration. Both quinidine and disopyramide vagal tone, diminished sympathetic tone, or both are associated
manifest prominent vagolytic actions that tend to counterbalance with a decrease in average ventricular rate. The converse clearly
their direct negative dromotropic effects. This vagolytic effect can increases the average ventricular rate.
lead to apparently paradoxical increases of ventricular rate when
these drugs are used to treat patients with certain primary atrial
Supraventricular Tachycardias (Other than
tachycardias, especially atrial flutter.
Atrial Fibrillation)
Supraventricular tachycardias are typically categorized into
whether or not the tachycardia is dependent on AV node conduc-
Autonomic Nervous System and tion. The first group is exemplified by AV nodal re-entry tachy-
Specific Tachyarrhythmias cardia (AVNRT) and AV re-entrant tachycardia (AVRT) using
accessory AV connections. The AV nodal independent tachycar-
ANS activity may be implicated to some extent in all tachyar- dias include atrial re-entrant arrhythmias as well as those that are
rhythmias. For instance, sympathetic, parasympathetic, and puri- thought to be automatic or triggered in origin. In either case, the
nergic neural inputs at the AV node may, in large, part determine ventricular rate is determined by the ANS effect on the AV con-
whether AV node re-entry or AV re-entry supraventricular duction system (particularly the AV node, see earlier). In certain
tachyarrhythmias can be triggered or sustained in patients with cases, ANS effects may also play a role in terminating tachyar-
known substrates to these arrhythmias. In essence, the ability of rhythmias, either spontaneously (Figure 5-6) or during medical
a premature atrial or ventricular beat to dissociate conduction interventions such as carotid sinus massage.
pathways and thereby permit re-entry may vary from moment to
moment, depending on neural influences.
Ventricular Tachycardia
The importance of the ANS in determining susceptibility to ven-
Atrial Fibrillation
tricular tachyarrhythmias in certain disease states is well estab-
The ANS may play a role both in setting the stage for and in trig- lished. Acute ischemic heart disease is the best example.9,10
gering certain forms of atrial fibrillation, or flutter (AF). In addi- However, ANS influences may also be instrumental in triggering
tion, the relative balance of ANS input to the cardiac conduction tachycardia events in patients with well-established long-standing
system is a crucial determinant of the ventricular response in AF. substrates, such as those with pre-existing fibrotic areas as a con-
Little is known regarding the possibility of ANS elements also sequence of prior myocardial infarction or remote cardiac surgery
participating in the termination of AF. The possibility that reduc- (e.g., childhood repairs). ANS participation in the triggering of
tion of susceptibility to AF, or even AF termination, may be facili- arrhythmias is also almost certainly pertinent in other chronic
tated by ANS manipulations has received relatively little attention states in which the arrhythmia substrate is present all the time
until recently. ANS manipulation by catheter ablation is now a and yet rhythm disturbances occur only sporadically. Among the
topic of interest. best examples of the latter scenario are the abnormal ventricular
repolarization syndromes (e.g., long QT syndrome [LQTS],
Brugada syndrome).
Triggering of Vagally and Adrenergically
Mediated Atrial Fibrillation
Ischemic Heart Disease
Vagally mediated (bradycardia or pause-dependent) AF is rela-
tively uncommon. It tends to occur more commonly in men than The ANS contributes importantly to arrhythmogenesis in acute
in women, and the episodes begin at night or in the early morning myocardial ischemia.11,12 In brief, the risk of potentially life-
hours when vagal predominance is greatest. The same individuals threatening arrhythmias and sudden death appears to increase in
may experience post-prandial AF. Clinical recognition of vagally response to ischemia-associated increased sympathetic activity.
66  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology






75 FIGURE 5-6  Electrocardiographic, intracardiac,
50 and arterial pressure traces during a brief
episode of re-entry supraventricular tachycardia.
Note the initial drop of pressure at onset of the
ART 0 arrhythmia. Thereafter the pressure rebuilds
slowly. The pressure recovery may play a role in
1 sec tachycardia termination.

Conversely, the risk of arrhythmia is diminished by sympathetic The observations related to BRS led to the evaluation of heart
blockade, parasympathetic enhancement, and inhibition of the rate variation (heart rate variability [HRV]) as an ANS-related
renin–angiotensin system. means to stratify risk of lethal arrhythmias in patients with isch-
Although there is a consensus that β-adrenergic blockade is of emic heart disease. The findings suggested that diminished HRV
value for reducing susceptibility to ischemia-induced arrhyth- is associated with a much greater mortality risk in post–myocardial
mias, the impact of α-adrenergic blockade is less clear. Evidence infarction patients. Other techniques using markers of ANS status
both for and against the protective value of α-adrenergic blockade as markers of arrhythmia risk include heart rate turbulence (HRT)
in acute ischemia is available. For the most part, current findings and deceleration capacity (DC).
based on canine studies do not support the protective effect of In summary, markers of reduced parasympathetic cardiac
α-adrenergic blockade in most acute ischemic syndromes. control appear to be indicative of increased risk, whereas enhanced
parasympathetic control appears to be associated with reduced
risk of lethal arrhythmia in patients with ischemic heart disease
Parasympathetic Neural Influences
(at least in the post–myocardial infarction group). Consequently,
Experimental and clinical evidence supports the view that enhancing parasympathetic predominance through exercise has
enhanced parasympathetic tone diminishes the risk of arrhythmia become part of the overall approach to reducing mortality risk in
in the setting of acute ischemia. In this regard, both neurally patients with ischemic heart disease.
mediated heart rate–slowing effects and direct parasympathetic
agonist effects contribute to the overall benefit. Furthermore,
Long QT Syndrome, Brugada Syndrome,
direct vagal nerve stimulation, by virtue of its anti-sympathetic
and Other Channelopathies
effects as well as its parasympathetic actions, may become par-
ticularly valuable. Disturbances of ventricular repolarization have been the subject
Studies of baroreceptor sensitivity (BRS) (a measure of vagal of considerable interest in recent years, partly because of the
influence on the heart) offer important insights into the potentially recognition that they are a common cause of potentially life-
protective role played by the parasympathetic nervous system in threatening arrhythmias (Figure 5-7) but even more as a result of
patients with ischemic heart disease. In a prospective trial of rela- rapid progress in better understanding of why they occur.14 Cur-
tively low-risk patients, at 2-year follow-up, BRS values were seen rently, it is believed that underlying susceptibility to arrhythmia
to be lower in those individuals who failed to survive, and the (primarily torsades de pointes ventricular tachycardia) is based on
effect appeared to be independent of left ventricular function as one or more genetically determined disturbances of the structure
assessed by ejection fraction measurement. In this regard, a mul- of cardiac membrane ionic channels, and/or disturbances of their
ticenter trial, Autonomic Tone and Reflexes after Acute Myocar- function, or trafficking to the cell membrane.
dial Infarction (ATRAMI), provided convincing additional The initial recognition of these conditions was based on
evidence.13 Patients were monitored for 21 ± 8 months. Cardiac overt ECG manifestations (e.g., long QT interval, typical Brugada
mortality was higher (9% vs. 2%; 10% vs. 2%) among individuals pattern). However, it is now suspected that many more individuals
with low BRS (<3 ms/mm Hg) or low standard deviation of normal manifest a less overt form of channelopathy; in such cases, the
NN intervals (SDNN) (<70 ms) than those with normal BRS or ECG signature may become apparent only after exposure to a
SDNN (>6.1 ms/mm Hg, >105 ms). Combining both indices trigger, particularly certain drugs or electrolyte disturbances,
resulted in recognition of even greater risk. Once again, the effect and, in some cases, acute neurologic injury (e.g., subarachnoid
appeared to be independent of ejection fraction. bleed). These latter circumstances are considered acquired,
Autonomic Nervous System and Cardiac Arrhythmias  67

S 7 S 7 S 8 S 5 S 1500 P 5 S 3 S 2 F 2S 2S 2S2S 2 S
5 6 7 8 0 2 4 2 3 3 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FIGURE 5-7  Recording obtained on interrogation of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) after a 53-year-old patient with long QT syndrome
reported feeling light-headed followed by a “shock.” Findings revealed a premature ventricular contraction–induced cardiac pause followed by a rapid
ventricular tachyarrhythmia (pause-dependent ventricular tachyarrhythmia). The arrhythmia was terminated by administering an ICD shock (not

although a concealed congenital predisposition may well be patients with LQT1 and decreased in those with LQT2. In effect,
present. patients with LQT1 fail to appropriately shorten their QT interval
in response to adrenergic stimulation that occurs during exercise
QT Interval and Sympathetic Inputs to the Heart or other types of stress.
The clinical observations that syncopal spells and sudden death More than one factor may make patients with LQT1 especially
could be triggered under conditions of physical or emotional vulnerable to sudden death during exercise. The slow deactivation
stress and that they could be ameliorated with β-adrenergic kinetics of the normal Iks channel produces an increase in the Iks
blockade provided clues to the importance of ANS in LQTS. current at fast heart rates; this shortens ventricular repolarization,
More direct, anatomic evidence became available subsequently. which would be protective against torsades de pointes at fast
Using a canine model, it was shown that QT prolongation could rates, as has been demonstrated in guinea pig ventricular myo-
be produced either with stimulation of the left stellate ganglion cytes. A similar contribution of Iks appears to be present in human
or with right stellectomy. Subsequently, a variety of surgical pro- ventricular muscle in the setting of sympathetic stimulation. The
cedures have been used to selectively reduce or abolish left-sided loss of function of Iks that defines LQT1 renders these patients at
sympathetic innervation to the heart. Collectively, these proce- risk for sudden death during exercise, whereas the presence of a
dures have been called left cardiac sympathetic denervation normally functioning Iks channel in LQT2 and LQT3 appears to
(LCSD), a term used in this chapter. As a rule, the favored be protective against lethal cardiac events during exercise. Con-
approach for this procedure is high thoracic left sympathectomy, versely, patients with LQT3 appear to be particularly vulnerable
in which ablation is limited to the lower portion of the left stellate to sudden death at slow heart rates and more protected at fast
ganglion and the first four or five thoracic ganglia. This technique heart rates.
provides adequate cardiac sympathetic denervation but largely
avoids Horner’s syndrome as a complication by sparing the upper Autonomic Responses and Treatment Considerations in Long QT Syndrome
portion of the stellate ganglion. Standard treatment for patients with LQTS has consisted of four
principal options, singly or in combination: (1) β-adrenergic
Genotype and Phenotype: Differences in Response to the Autonomic Nervous blockers, (2) pacing, (3) implantable defibrillators, and (4) LCSD.
System in Long QT Syndrome β-adrenergic blockers have reduced mortality, even though they
With the identification of specific genotypes for LQTS, it has slow the heart rate, presumably by reducing after-depolarizations
become apparent that there are clinically significant differences in and triggered activity postulated to underlie torsades initiation.
the expression of their phenotypes. Particularly striking is the Cardiac pacing prevents long cycle lengths that prolong the QT
observation that patients with LQT1 are especially prone to lethal interval and lead to torsades. Implantable defibrillators are indi-
cardiac arrest during exercise, whereas sudden death during exer- cated for protection from sudden cardiac death in patients with
cise appears to be distinctly unusual in patients with LQT2 and prior cardiac arrest, ventricular tachycardia, or syncope. Before
LQT3. In contrast, patients with LQT3 and, to a somewhat lesser the development and acceptance of implantable cardioverter-
extent, those with LQT2 are more prone to lethal events during defibrillators (ICDs), LCSD was considered a last-line option for
sleep or at rest. patients refractory to β-blockers and pacing. LCSD is now con-
Jervell and Lange-Nielsen, generally considered to be the sidered an option for those with refractory symptoms and may be
earliest to report on LQTS, had noted that one of their subjects useful in patients with frequent ICD discharges.
exhibited an increase in the QT interval in response to adrenaline Understanding the molecular basis of LQTS has opened the
and exercise. More recently, catecholamines such as isoproterenol possibility of therapies targeted at the specific molecular mecha-
or epinephrine have been used in various protocols trying to nisms underlying an individual form of channelopathy. Even as
determine if an increase in the QT interval could be a tool in the these are being developed and tested, the traditional treatment
diagnosis of LQTS. It has since become clear that the response to options can be reassessed. A particular type of LQTS may respond
catecholamines cannot be generalized to all genotypes. During well to one form of therapy, while other traditional options may
epinephrine infusion, the absolute QT interval increased in be less effective or even undesirable. Patients with LQT1, having
patients with LQT1 and decreased in those with LQT2 and LQT3. an impaired ability to shorten QT at faster heart rates and having
Similarly, the QTc increased during exercise stress testing in a higher risk of death during periods of sympathetic hyperactivity
68  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

such as exercise, might be expected to respond well to β-blockade, Table 5-2  Partial List of Drugs Known to Prolong the QT Interval
which limits heart rate increase and decreases after-depolarizations.
In one clinical study, 81% of patients with LQT1 were able to avoid ANTIARRHYTHMIC AGENTS
syncope, cardiac arrest, or sudden death with β-blocker therapy. Class IA
In contrast, the symptom-free rate was 59% and 50% in patients Disopyramide
with LQT2 and LQT3, respectively.
According to the International Long-QT Syndrome Registry,
Class III
patients with LQT3 have a higher incident of lethal cardiac events Amiodarone
than those with LQT1 or LQT2.14 Patients with LQT3 are at a Dofetilide
particularly high risk of a cardiac event during sleep when EADs d-Sotalol
may result from a slow heart rate rather than from sympathetic Ibutilide
activation. In these patients, β-blockers may be relatively unfavor- N-acetylprocainamide (NAPA)
able, whereas pacing may be particularly desirable. Besides pacing, Sotalol
patients with LQT3 may benefit from LCSD, which will diminish ANTIANGINAL AGENTS
norepinephrine release without slowing the heart rate. Bepridil

Acquired Long QT Syndrome Phenothiazines
Acquired LQTS is far more common than is congenital LQTS and Thioridazine
is most frequently the result of QT interval–prolonging drugs. TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANTS
The impact of the ANS on initiating torsades in drug-induced Amitriptyline
LQTS is not well established, but circumstantial evidence clearly Imipramine
indicates an important link. Torsades in this setting is most
often seen during periods of bradycardia (e.g., sleep) or following
pauses in the cardiac rhythm (e.g., post–premature ventricular Pentamidine
contraction long-short sequence) that accentuates the QT inter- Fluconazole
val. Some of the best-known offending drugs are listed in Table Pentamidine
5-2. The majority of these drugs act by antagonizing outward (i.e., Ciprofloxacine
repolarizing) potassium (K+) currents (e.g., class 1A and class 3 Chloroquine
antiarrhythmic drugs). Other agents in this list are reported to
interfere with the metabolism of drugs that directly prolong the Terfenadine
QT interval. Astemizole

Brugada Syndrome Cisapride
Brugada syndrome is caused by a genetic defect of the cardiac Methadone
sodium (Na+) channel gene leading to susceptibility to life-
threatening ventricular arrhythmias. The relationship between
Brugada syndrome and ANS effects is suggested by sudden
death episodes in this setting often occurring during sleeping
hours, possibly implicating sleep-related bradycardia as a trigger of cerebral blood flow. In this regard, maintenance of cerebral
factor. blood flow is normally facilitated by several factors, all of
which are, to some extent, significantly influenced by the ANS.
Certain of these factors include (1) cardiac output, (2)
Other Forms of Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia
baroreceptor-induced adjustments of heart rate and systemic vas-
ANS activity is suspected to trigger or sustain arrhythmic events cular resistance, (3) cerebrovascular autoregulation (which is, in
in patients with other forms of idiopathic ventricular tachycardia, part, contributed to by the status of systemic arterial pressure as
but this has not been sufficiently investigated. However, a rela- well as by local metabolic factors, particularly pCO2), and (3)
tionship has been seen in the electrophysiology laboratory in regulation of vascular volume by the kidneys and by hormonal
certain cases in which parenterally administered β-adrenergic influences.
agonists are often needed to induce and β-adrenergic blockade
has been used to terminate both ventricular tachycardia of right
Neurally Mediated Reflex Syncope
ventricular outflow tract origin and ventricular tachycardia con-
sidered to be of left ventricular fascicular origin. Of the many causes of syncope, ANS effects are of greatest impor-
tance in the various forms of neurally mediated syncope; the
vasovagal faint and carotid sinus syndrome are the most common
Autonomic Nervous System and Syncope among these. Other conditions in this group (e.g., postmicturition
syncope, cough syncope, swallow syncope) are relatively uncom-
Syncope is best viewed as a syndrome characterized by transient mon. However, ANS effects are crucial contributors to syncope
loss of consciousness, usually associated with concomitant loss of associated with orthostatic stress and are also believed to play
postural tone and spontaneous recovery. (Table 5-3).15 Mechanis- an important contributory role in certain tachyarrhythmias and
tically, syncope is most often the result of transient disturbances cases of valvular heart disease.
Autonomic Nervous System and Cardiac Arrhythmias  69

In the so-called vasovagal faint, and especially faints associated

Table 5-3  Classification of the Principal Causes of Syncope
with stress or emotional upset, primary central nervous system
NEURALLY MEDIATED REFLEX SYNCOPE stimuli are believed to be responsible for the trigger signals.4
• Vasovagal faint However, receptors in any of the organ systems may contribute.
• Carotid sinus syncope For instance, mechanoreceptors and, to some extent, chemore-
• Cough/swallow syncope and related disorders
ceptors located in the atrial myocardium and in the ventricular
• Gastrointestinal, pelvic, or urologic origin (swallowing, defecation,
myocardium may participate in certain neurally mediated events
by initiating afferent neural signals when subjected to increased
ORTHOSTATIC SYNCOPE wall tension or changes in the chemical environment (e.g., myo-
• Primary autonomic failure, Parkinson’s disease cardial ischemia). Similarly, mechanoreceptors and chemorecep-
• Secondary autonomic failure (e.g., diabetic and alcoholic tors in the central great vessels and lungs may contribute, which
neuropathy) accounts for the reported occurrence of vasovagal faints in heart
• Drug effects
transplant recipients. The basis for apparent variations in suscep-
CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS AS PRIMARY CAUSE OF SYNCOPE tibility to vasovagal syncope among seemingly otherwise well
• Sinus node dysfunction (including bradycardia/tachycardia individuals and the factors causing a faint to occur at a certain
syndrome) point in time still remain unknown.
• Atrioventricular conduction system disease Bradycardia in neurally mediated reflex syncope is primarily
• Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias the result of increased efferent parasympathetic tone mediated via
• Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia (including torsades de pointes) the vagus nerve. It may manifest as asystole, sinus bradycardia, or
• Implanted pacing system malfunction (pacemaker syndrome)
even paroxysmal AV block. If the bradyarrhythmia is sufficiently
STRUCTURAL CARDIOVASCULAR OR CARDIOPULMONARY severe, it may be the principal cause of the faint (i.e., cardioinhibi-
DISEASE tory syncope). However, most patients also exhibit a vasodepres-
• Cardiac valvular disease/ischemia sor picture comprising inappropriate ANS-induced vasodilatation
• Acute myocardial infarction (Figure 5-8). The mechanism of the vasodilatation is believed to
• Obstructive cardiomyopathy be mainly the result of abrupt peripheral sympathetic neural with-
• Subclavian steal syndrome
drawal, although potential contributions of excess β-adrenergic
• Pericardial disease/tamponade
tone caused by frequently associated elevated circulating epi-
• Pulmonary embolus
• Primary pulmonary hypertension nephrine levels or altered epinephrine-norepinephrine balance
are certainly considerations.
• Vertebrobasilar transient ischemic attack
Orthostatic Syncope
The ANS participates importantly in the ubiquitous presyncopal
or syncopal symptoms associated with abrupt postural changes.

600 ms



FIGURE 5-8  Electrocardiographic, intracardiac,

HRA and blood pressure tracings illustrating the
development of a paroxysmal atrioventricular
(AV) block during right-sided carotid sinus
100 massage (RCM) of approximately 5 seconds
duration. In this case, the atria (A, atrial
electrocardiogram) are being paced (S, stimulus)
to prevent atrial bradycardia and thereby
“unmask” the AV block. Note that following
ART return to conducted rhythm, the blood pressure
remains relatively low. The latter implies the
concomitant presence of a clinically significant
RCM on
vasodepressor component to reflex in this
2 sec patient.
70  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

For the most part, these symptoms result from actual or relative Table 5-4  Conditions That Mimic Syncope
central vascular volume depletion caused by inadequate or
delayed peripheral vascular compensation in the presence of a METABOLIC/ENDOCRINE DISTURBANCES
change in gravitational stress (e.g., moving to upright posture). • Hyperventilation (hypocapnia)
The outcome is posture-related symptomatic hypotension. Iatro- • Hypoglycemia
genic factors such as excessive diuresis or overly aggressive use of • Volume depletion (Addison disease, pheochromocytoma)
• Hypoxemia
antihypertensive agents are important contributors.
• Intoxication
Primary ANS disturbances are relatively rare but increasingly
recognized causes of abnormal vascular control leading to PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS
syncope. Parkinsonism is perhaps the most commonly encoun- • Panic attacks
tered neurologic disease in which ANS disturbances are associ- • Somatoform disorder (conversion reaction)
ated with orthostatic hypotension as a prominent feature. ANS
dysfunction may also occur in association with multiple
• Seizure disorders (epilepsy)*
system involvement (i.e., formerly called Shy-Drager syndrome).
• Stroke*
However, symptoms of orthostatic hypotension also occur in the • Subarachnoid hemorrhage*
absence of other apparent neurologic disturbances, and subtle • Cataplexy/Narcolepsy
forms may be easily overlooked. Furthermore, ANS diseases in
which orthostatic hypotension is secondary in nature are far *Potential nervous system–mediated cardiac damage and sudden death.
more common than those in which it is primary in nature. Exam-
ples include neuropathies of alcoholic or diabetic origin, dysauto-
nomias occurring in conjunction with certain inflammatory
conditions (e.g., Guillain-Barré syndrome), or paraneoplastic
Noncardiovascular Conditions
Noncardiovascular causes result in syncope mimics (Table 5-4)
Primary Cardiac Arrhythmias
rather than true syncope. However, temporal lobe seizures may
Primary cardiac arrhythmias imply rhythm disturbances associ- induce neurally mediated reflex bradycardia and hypotension (i.e.,
ated with intrinsic cardiac disease or other structural anomalies a vasovagal faint). Furthermore, certain central nervous system
(e.g., accessory conduction pathways) and are among the most syncope mimics may cause worrisome ECG changes and even
frequent causes of syncope. The role played by the ANS in SN myocardial damage, as discussed earlier.
dysfunction, conduction system disturbances, and certain Metabolic or endocrine disturbances do not often cause true
tachyarrhythmias has been discussed earlier. However, when syncope. Acute hyperventilation provoked by or associated with
syncope occurs in these settings, the basis is usually multifacto- panic attacks or anxiety attacks, and thus perhaps ANS related, is
rial. For instance, recent studies have implicated neural the most important exception. In these cases, abrupt reduction of
reflex vasodepression as a potential cause of syncope in patients pCO2 levels have been suggested to result in sufficient cerebral
with SN dysfunction, particularly those with paroxysmal vasoconstriction to cause syncope. However, the evidence for
atrial fibrillation. The same seems to be the case for other parox- hyperventilation causing frank syncope is weak at best.
ysmal supraventricular tachycardias and possibly even ventricular The role of the ANS in the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome
tachyarrhythmias. has been the source of some controversy following publication of
findings suggesting an overlap with tilt-induced hypotension–
bradycardia. It is most likely that ANS effects do play a role, but
Structural Cardiovascular Disease or
the magnitude of the impact is probably quite variable, and the
Cardiopulmonary Disease
evidence supporting a close connection between chronic fatigue
The most common cause of syncope attributable to left ventricu- syndrome and neurally mediated reflex syncope is far from con-
lar disease is that which occurs in conjunction with acute myo- vincing at this stage.
cardial ischemia or infarction. In such cases, the contributory
factors are multiple and include not only transient reduction of
cardiac output and cardiac arrhythmias but also important neural
reflex effects, as previously discussed. Other acute medical condi- The ANS has an impact on cardiac electrophysiology and the risk
tions occasionally associated with syncope include pulmonary of arrhythmia through a variety of direct and indirect effects. For
embolism, acute aortic dissection, and pericardial tamponade. the most part, current understanding of these effects remains
Again, the basis of syncope is multifactorial with neural-reflex superficial. Nonetheless, progress has been made in terms of the
contributions probably playing an important role. following:
Syncope as a result of obstruction to left ventricular outflow is
infrequent but carries a poor prognosis if the underlying problem 1. Better understanding of central nervous system sites respon-
is not recognized and addressed promptly (e.g., aortic stenosis, sible for cardiac effects in certain disease conditions
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy). The basis for the faint
may, in part, be inadequate cerebrovascular blood flow caused by 2. The multiple neurotransmitters and neuromodulators contrib-
mechanical obstruction, but, once again (especially in the case of uting to arrhythmogenesis
valvular aortic stenosis), ventricular mechanoreceptor-mediated
reflex bradycardia and vasodilatation are also thought to contrib- 3. The potential role of spinal and neural stimulation for modify-
ute significantly. ing ANS impact on susceptibilty to arrhythmia
Autonomic Nervous System and Cardiac Arrhythmias  71

4. The possible impact of neural ablation at the cardiac level 4. Samuels MA: The brain-heart connection, Circulation 116:77–84,

with respect to arrhythmogenicity as well as antiarrhythmic 2007.
potential 5. Shishehbor MH, Alves C, Rajajgopal V: Inflammation: Implications
for understanding the heart-brain connection, Clev Clinic J Med
74(Supp 1):S37–S41, 2007.
5. The role of certain pharmacologic agents in moderating the 6. Tomson T, Nashef L, Ryvlin P: Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy:
risk of arrhythmia through (at least in part) their modulation Current knowledge and future directions, Lancet Neurol 7:1021–
of ANS effects on the heart 1031, 2008.
7. Oppenheimer S: Cortical control of the heart, Clev Clinic J Med
This chapter has presented only some of the more important 74(Supp 1):S27–S29, 2007.
known relationships between cardiac arrhythmias and ANS 8. Armour JA: Potential clinical relevance of the “little brain” on the
effects. Space constraints precluded an in-depth review of the mammalian heart, Exp Physiol 93:165–176, 2008.
topic, and much still remains unknown. However, the authors 9. Pauza DH, Skripka V, Pauziene N, Stropus R: Morphology, distribu-
hope that some readers will be prompted to delve further into tion, and variability of the epicardiac neural ganglionated subplexuses
in the human heart, Anat Rec 259(4):353–382, 2000.
the important, but still underappreciated, field of brain–heart
10. Zipes DP, Rubart M: Neural modulation of arrhythmias and sudden
interaction. death, Heart Rhythm 3:108–113, 2006.
11. Vaseghi M, Shivkumar K: The role of the autonomic nervous
Acknowledgment system in sudden cardiac death, Prog Cardiovasc Dis 50(6):404–419,
The authors acknowledge the valuable assistance of Wendy 12. Saffitz JE: Sympathetic neural activity and the pathogenesis of sudden
Markuson and Barry Detloff in the preparation of the cardiac death, Heart Rhythm 5:140–141, 2008.
manuscript. 13. La Rovere MT, Bigger JT Jr, Marcus FI, Mortara A, Schwartz PJ, for
the ATRAMI Investigators: Baroreflex sensitivity and heart rate vari-
ability in prediction of total cardiac mortality after myocardial infarc-
tion, Lancet 351(9101):487–494, 1998.
1. Randall WC, Wurster RD: Peripheral innervation of the heart. In MN 14. Zareba W, Moss AJ, Schwartz PJ, et al: Influence of genotype
Levy, PJ Schwartz, editors: Vagal control of the heart: Experimental on the clinical course of the long QT syndrome. International
basis and clinical implications, Armonk, NY, 1994, Futura Long QT Registry Research Group, N Engl J Med 339:960–965,
Publishing. 1998.
2. Herring N, Paterson DJ: Neuromodulators of peripheral cardiac 15. Brignole M, Alboni P, Benditt D, et al: Task force on syncope,
sympatho-vagal balance, Exp Physiol 94:46–53, 2009. European Society of Cardiology: Guidelines on management (diagno-
3. Brotman DJ, Goldman SH, Wittstein IS: The cardiovascular toll of sis and treatment) of syncope—update 2004, Europace 6:467–537,
stress, Lancet 370:1089–1100, 2007. 2004.
Genomics and Principles of Clinical Genetics
David J. Tester and Michael J. Ackerman 6
The molecular millennium has provided researchers with the blueprints of essentially every gene in the human genome.1,2 The
essential tools to identify the underlying genetic substrates for human genome embodies the total genetic information, or the
thousands of genetic disorders, most of which are rare and follow deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) content of human cells, and is dis-
Mendelian inheritance patterns. Through advances in molecular persed among 46 units of tightly packaged linear double-stranded
cardiology research, the genetic underpinnings of potentially DNA called chromosomes (22 autosomal pairs and the 2 sex chro-
lethal electrical diseases of the heart or cardiac channelopathies, mosomes X and Y).3–5 The 24 unique chromosomes are differenti-
including long QT syndrome (LQTS), catecholaminergic poly- ated visually by chromosome-banding techniques (karyotype
morphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), Brugada syndrome analysis) and are classified mainly according to their sizes. Each
(BrS), short QT syndrome (SQTS), Andersen-Tawil syndrome nucleated cell in a living organism normally has a complete and
(ATS), progressive cardiac conduction disease, familial atrial exact copy of the genome, which is largely made up of single-copy
fibrillation, and idiopathic ventricular fibrillation have been iden- DNA with specific sets of DNA sequences represented only once
tified. Additionally, the molecular basis for cardiomyopathic per genome. The remainder of the genome consists of several
processes susceptible to sudden arrhythmic death—dilated car- classes of either perfectly repetitive or imperfectly repetitive DNA
diomyopathy (DCM), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), left elements. The human genome contains nearly three billion
ventricular noncompaction syndrome (LVNC), and arrhythmo- base pairs of genetic information containing the molecular design
genic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC)—are now better for approximately 35,000 genes whose highly orchestrated expres-
understood. sion renders us human.1,2 Through the mechanism of alternative
Marked genetic and clinical heterogeneity are hallmark fea- splicing of the coding sequences within the genes, these approxi-
tures of these disorders with multiple genes and allelic variants mately 35,000 genes are thought to produce more than 100,000
being responsible for their fundamental pathogenic mechanisms. proteins.6
To date, hundreds of gene mutations at the single-nucleotide level
have been elucidated in genes responsible for this consortium of
Basic Structure of DNA and the Gene
divergent electrical disorders of the heart. Most epitomize patho-
genic disease-causing mutations only discovered in disease In 1953, Watson and Crick described the basic structure of DNA
cohorts, and some are common or rare genetic polymorphisms as a polymeric nucleic acid macromolecule comprising deoxyri-
identified in disease and in health that may or may not bestow an bonucleotides or “building blocks,” of which there are four types:
increased risk for arrhythmias in certain settings. Genetic testing (1) adenine (A), (2) guanine (G), (3) thymine (T), and (4) cytosine
for several of these heritable channelopathies and cardiomyopa- (C) (Figure 6-1).3-5 DNA is a double-stranded molecule made up
thies is currently available through expert clinical-based labora- of two anti-parallel complementary strands (sense and antisense
tories, research-based laboratories, or both. strands) that are held together by noncovalent (loosely held)
The purpose of this chapter is to provide the reader with a hydrogen bonds between complementary bases, where G and C
foundational understanding of genomics and clinical genetic prin- always form base pairs and T and A always pair (see Figure 6-1).
ciples. We present a primer on essential molecular genetics, In the literature, typically only the DNA sequence of the sense
review some principles of genetic testing, explore laboratory tech- strand (the strand that transcribes the genetic message in the
niques used in genetic testing, and examine some of the future form of messenger RNA [mRNA]) is provided, and the antisense
directions in genomics-related research in cardiac electrophysi- sequence is inferred through these complementary base pairing
ological diseases. rules such that if the sense strand reads AGCCGTA, the antisense
strand would be TCGGCAT. DNA natively forms a double helix
that resembles a right-handed spiral staircase. DNA elements that
Elementary Understanding of store genetic information in the form of a genetic code are called
genes (Figure 6-2, A).
Molecular Genetics Gene sequences account for approximately 30% of the genome;
however, less than 2% of the genomic DNA is actually made up
General Organization and Structure of the Human Genome
of protein-encoding sequences within genes called exons. Between
Ushering in the molecular millennium, the original draft of the the exons are intervening DNA sequences called introns, which
Human Genome Project was completed in February 2001 through are not a part of the genetic code but may host gene regulatory
a multinational effort and has provided the architectural elements. The approximately 35,000 genes of the genome range

74  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology


H H Base pairs S
Adenine (A) Guanine (G) P A T P
Hydrogen bonds S
Cytosine (C) Thymine (T)

FIGURE 6-1  The chemical structure of adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) and the general organization of DNA, illustrating
complimentary base pairing via hydrogen bonds between C and G and between A and T. As defined by the box, a single nucleotide consists of a
phosphate (P) group, deoxyribose sugar (S), and a base (A, C, G, or T).

in size from one of the smallest of human genes IGF2 (which intronic sequences from the transcript. The vast majority of
contains 252 nucleotides and encodes insulin-like growth factor introns begin with the di-nucleotides GT and end with the di-
II) to the largest gene DMD (which consists of 2,220,223 nucleo- nucleotides AG. These highly conserved splicing recognition
tides and encodes dystrophin). The DMD gene consists of over sequences at the beginning and end of the exon-intron and
2 million nucleotides, but only 0.5% of the gene (11,055 nucleo- intron-exon boundaries are referred to as the splice donor sites
tides spanning 79 exons) actually encodes for the dystrophin and splice acceptor sites, respectively. These nucleotides allow the
protein. Typically upstream (20 to 100 bp) from the first exon is RNA splicing apparatus to know precisely where to cleave the
a regulatory element called the promoter, which controls tran- sequence in order to excise the noncoding regions (introns) and
scription of the hereditary message as determined by the gene bring the coding sequences (exons) together. Normal alternative
sequence. Proteins known as transcription factors bind to specific splicing provides the inclusion or exclusion of specific exonic
sequences within the promoter region to initiate transcription of sequences from the mature mRNA transcript to potentially
the genetic code. The first and last exons of the gene usually produce several partially unique gene products (proteins) from a
consist of an untranslated region (5′ and 3′ UTR, respectively) single gene that may have unique biologic functions, tissue speci-
that is not a part of the genetic code but may host additional ficity, or cellular locations. If normal splice recognition sites are
sequence elements that regulate gene expression.4 disrupted, splicing errors may occur and result in abnormal
protein product formation and consequently create a pathogenic
substrate for disease. While all cells of the human body, except
Transfer of the Genetic Code: The Central
red blood cells, contain a copy of the genome, not all genes are
Dogma of Molecular Biology
expressed in all cells. While some genes are ubiquitously expressed,
DNA sequences in the form of genes contain an encrypted genetic others have exclusive tissue specificity.
message for the assembly of polypeptides or proteins that serve The second process, translation, involves the decoding of the
the biologic function of the cell. This inherited genetic informa- mRNA-encrypted message and the assembly of the intended
tion is transferred to a completed product (protein) through a polypeptide (protein) that will serve a biologic role (Figure 6-2,
two-step process.5 First, transcription, which is the process by C). Polypeptides are polymers of linear repeating units called
which the genetic code is transcribed into mRNA, begins with amino acids. The assembly of a polypeptide or protein is directed
the dissociation of the double-stranded DNA molecule and the by a triplet genetic code, or codon (three consecutive bases); 64
formation of a newly synthesized complementary ribonucleic acid codons encode for 20 distinct amino acids or the termination of
(RNA) molecule (Figure 6-2, B). Of note, instead of thymine (T), protein assembly. One codon, AUG (ATG on DNA) encodes for
the nucleotide uracil (U) is in its place on the newly transcribed the amino acid methionine and is always the first codon (start
RNA strand; like thymine, uracil pairs with adenine. The initial codon) to start the message and signifies the beginning of the
mRNA molecule (pre-mRNA) matures into a transferable genetic open reading frame (ORF) of the mRNA. Each codon in the linear
message by undergoing RNA splicing to expunge the noncoding mRNA is decoded sequentially to give a specific sequence of
Genomics and Principles of Clinical Genetics  75

Basic structure of a gene

Start codon (coding sequences) Stop codon

5′ E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 3′

5′ UTR 3′ UTR
A (intervening sequences)

Transcription Translation
Messenger E1 E2 E3 E4 E5
5′ E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 3′ RNA

Transcription 123 456.............................................................. 900

(RNA synthesis)
RNA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 298 299 300
transcript E1 E2 E3 E4 E5
splicing CH3 CH2 CH H2C CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 H
Messenger E1 E2 E3 E4 E5
CH2 C NH2+ NH2 O
300 amino acid peptide

FIGURE 6-2  A, The basic structure of a gene consisting of DNA segments (exons) that encode for a protein product. Between the exons are
intervening sequences called introns. At the 5’ end of the gene is a regulatory element called the promoter, which initiates transcription. At the 5’ and 3’
ends are “untranslated” regions that are considered parts of the first and last exons, respectively. These sequences are not a part of the genetic code
but may contain additional regulatory elements. A start codon begins the translation of the genetic message, as encoded by the gene, and a stop
codon terminates the message. B, Transcription. C, Translation. B and C depict the two-step process of the transfer of genetic information from DNA
to RNA to protein.

amino acids that are covalently linked through peptide bonds and gene and begins with the A of the start codon (ATG) representing
ultimately make up a protein. Three codons, UAA, UAG, and nucleotide 1 and ATG as codon 1. Usually, only consecutive
UGA, serve as termination codons that stop the linearization of nucleotides within the coding region of the gene are numbered.
the peptide and signal a release of the finished product. The Intronic nucleotides are typically numbered relative to either the
genetic code is said to be “degenerate” in that specific amino acids first or last nucleotide in the exon preceding or following the
may be encoded by more than one codon. For example, when intron. For example, the LQT2-associated KCNH2 splice
varying the nucleotide in the third position of a codon, often the error mutation L799sp (exon 9, nucleotide substitution: 2398 +5
message does not become altered (the codons GUU, GUC, GUA, G > T), results from a G-to-T substitution in the intron, five
and GUG all encode for the amino acid valine). nucleotides from exon 9, where nucleotide 2398 is the last nucle-
Each of the 20 amino acids has a unique side chain that pro- otide in the ninth exon. This substitution results in a splicing
vides for its characteristic biochemical properties. Some amino error following the last codon of the exon [codon 799 encoding
acids are negatively charged and have acidic properties, and some for leucine (L)].7
others are positively charged and have basic properties. Some Non–protein-coding genes are transcribed as well. Micro­
amino acids are considered polar and hydrophilic (water loving), RNAs (miRNAs) are small ~22 nucleotide-long RNAs that func-
and others are nonpolar and hydrophobic (water fearing). Some tion to inhibit gene expression of targeted genes by binding in a
amino acids of the same property have different-sized side chains. partially complementary fashion to miRNA recognition sequences
It is the unique amino acid sequence occurring within a protein within the 3′ UTR of target mRNA transcripts and negatively
that dictates its three-dimensional structural and biologically regulate protein-encoding gene mRNA stability or translation
functional properties. If amino acids of different chemical proper- into protein.8-10 Each miRNA is thought to regulate the expression
ties and steric sizes were exchanged, this might alter the overall of hundreds of target genes at the post-transcriptional mRNA
structure and function of that protein and provide a pathogenic level. To date, hundreds of human miRNAs have been described,
substrate for disease. three (miR-1, miR-133, and miR-208) of which are abundant in
The accepted nomenclature for naming and numbering nucle- the heart and serve as key regulators of heart development, con-
otides and codons typically uses the DNA sense strand of the traction, and conduction.8
76  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

(autosome or X-chromosome) the gene is located on and whether

Modes of Inheritance: Genetics of Disease the phenotype is expressed only when both maternal-derived and
paternal-derived chromosomes host an abnormal allele (reces-
On average, two unrelated individuals share 99.5% of their sive) or if the phenotype can be expressed even when just one
approximately three billion nucleotide genomic DNA sequence, chromosome of the pair (maternal or paternal) harbors the
and yet their genomic DNA sequences may vary at millions of mutant allele (dominant).
single nucleotides or small sections of DNA nucleotides dispersed Many monogenic-appearing genetic disorders are often found
throughout their genomes.2,11 It is this inherited variation in the to be genetically heterogeneous once analyzed completely. Genet-
genome that is the basis of human and medical genetics. Recipro- ically heterogeneous disorders have a related clinical phenotype
cal forms of genetic information at a specific locus (location) but arise from multiple different genotypes. Genetic heterogene-
along the genome are called alleles.3 An allele can represent a ity may be a consequence of different mutations at the same locus
segment of DNA or even a single nucleotide. The normal form of (gene), a result of mutations at different loci (genes), or both. For
genetic information is often considered the wild-type or normal example, hundreds of unique gene mutations now identified in 12
allele, and the allele at variance from the normal is often referred different genes have been shown to be pathogenic for LQTS
to as the mutant allele. (LQT1–LQT12).
These normal variations at specific loci in the DNA sequence In many genetic disorders, the abnormal phenotype can be
are called polymorphisms. Some polymorphisms are very clearly distinguished from the normal one. However, in certain
common, and others represent rare genetic variants. In medical disorders, the abnormal phenotype is completely absent in some
genetics, a disease-causing mutation refers to a DNA sequence individuals (asymptomatic, with no discerning clinical markers)
variation that embodies an abnormal allele and is not found in the harboring the disease-causing mutation, while some others show
normal healthy population but subsists only in the diseased popu- significant variations in the expression of the phenotype in terms
lation and produces a functionally abnormal product. An indi- of clinical severity, age at onset, and response to therapy. Pene-
vidual is said to be homozygous when he or she has a pair of trance is the probability that an abnormal phenotype, as a result
identical alleles, one paternal (from father) and one maternal of a mutant gene, will have any expression at all. When the fre-
(from mother). When the alleles are different, then that individual quency of phenotypic expression is less than 100%, the gene is
is said to be heterozygous for that specific allele. The term genotype said to show reduced or incomplete penetrance (Figure 6-4).
refers to a person’s genetic or DNA sequence composition at a
particular locus or at a combined body of loci, and the term phe-
notype refers to a person’s observed clinical expression of disease
in terms of a morphologic, biochemical, or molecular trait.5
Genetic disorders are described by their patterns of familial INCOMPLETE PENETRANCE,
transmission (Figure 6-3). The four basic modes of inheritance are VARIABLE EXPRESSIVITY, AND PHENOCOPY
(1) autosomal dominant, (2) autosomal recessive, (3) X-linked
dominant, and (4) X-linked recessive.3 These modes, or patterns,
of inheritance are based mostly on the type of chromosome 525 Mutation
405 490 positive
Pre- SCD– negative
syncope age 36

485 410 500 415

Syncope Asymptomatic

420 410 405 510 406 480 415
Autosomal dominant Autosomal recessive Asymptomatic Syncope SCD– Drug-induced
age 10 torsades de pointes
and QT prolongation
–LQTS phenocopy

FIGURE 6-4  A hypothetical long QT syndrome pedigree

demonstrating incomplete or reduced penetrance (mutation-
positive host with absence of a clinical marker for the disease;
asymptomatic with a nondiagnostic QTc—orange oval) and variable
X-linked dominant X-linked recessive expressivity (expression of the disorder ranging from symptom-free to
sudden cardiac death [SCD] at a young age). The purple oval highlights
a case of LQTS phenocopy, where a mutation-negative relative has
Unaffected Autosomal carrier
experienced torsades de pointes and a prolonged QTc in the setting
Affected X-linked carrier of a medication known for this unwanted or adverse drug response.
The numbers provided represent the QTc as measured in milliseconds.
FIGURE 6-3  Pedigrees exemplifying four different modes of (Modified from Tester DJ, Ackerman MJ: Genetic testing. In Gussak I,
inheritance: autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked Antzelevitch C, editors: Electrical diseases of the heart: Genetics,
dominant, and X-linked recessive. mechanisms, treatment, prevention, London, 2008, Springer.)
Genomics and Principles of Clinical Genetics  77

Genome mutations Chromosome mutations

Meiosis I

Meiosis II


Deletion Insertion
offspring Gene mutations

A Trisomy 21 KCNH2/HERG (LQT2, Ch 7q35–36)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Leu Gly Gly Pro Ser


Leu Gly Ser Pro Ser

FIGURE 6-5  A, Genome mutations involve the abnormal segregation of chromosomes during cell division. B, In chromosome mutations, major
portions of chromosomes may be deleted or duplicated. C, Gene mutations involve changes at the nucleotide level and disrupt the normal function
of a single gene product. (Modified from Tester DJ, Ackerman MJ: Genetic testing. In Gussak I, Antzelevitch C, editors: Electrical diseases of the heart:
Genetics, mechanisms, treatment, prevention, London, 2008, Springer.)

Expressivity refers to the level of expression of the abnormal phe- three categories: (1) genome mutations, (2) chromosome muta-
notype, and when the manifestations of the phenotype in indi- tions, and (3) gene mutations (Figure 6-5).3,5 Genome mutations
viduals who have the same genotype are diverse, the phenotype are caused by the abnormal segregation of chromosomes during
is said to exhibit variable expressivity (see Figure 6-4). A pheno- cell division and are illustrated by trisomy 21 (Down syndrome),
copy represents an individual who displays the clinical character- which results from abnormal cells containing three copies of
istics of a genetically controlled trait but whose observed chromosome 21 instead of the two copies found in a normal cell
phenotype is caused by environmental factors rather than deter- (see Figure 6-5, A) and Turner’s syndrome (XO), in which the Y
mined by his or her genotype (see Figure 6-4). For example, an chromosome is omitted.
individual experiencing drug-induced torsades de pointes, a pro- Chromosome mutations involve the structural breakage and
longed QT interval on ECG, or both may represent a phenocopy rearrangement of chromosomes during cell division, when major
of LQTS. Reduced penetrance, variable expressivity, and observed portions of a particular chromosome may be missing (deleted) or
phenocopies create significant challenges for the appropriate inserted (Figure 6-5, B). For example, patients with chromosome
diagnosis, pedigree interpretation, and risk stratification of some 22 microdeletion syndrome have variable size deletions involving
genetic disorders, particularly those involving electrical disorders the long arm of chromosome 22 (22q11.2). Large deletions and
of the heart. duplications of hundreds to thousands of base pairs may lead to
copy number variations of genetic material, which may serve as
a pathogenic basis for disease. Such gene rearrangements may
Mutation Types in Human Genetic Disease
involve the deletion or duplication of many genes, single genes,
The DNA of the human genome is highly stable from generation or even single exons within specific genes.
to generation but not immutable. Instead, it is vulnerable to an Gene mutations involve alterations at the nucleotide level that
array of different types of germline (heritably transmitted) and disrupt the normal function of a single gene product (Figure 6-5,
somatic mutations. In general, mutations can be classified into C). Such mutations are classified into three basic categories:
78  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

(1) nucleotide substitutions, (2) deletions, and (3) insertions. If a Notably, not all nucleotide alterations (mutations) create a new
single nucleotide substitution, which is the most common, occurs gene product that causes or modifies a clinical disease state. A
in the coding region (exon), the result may be either a synony- DNA sequence variation that may (nonsynonymous) or may not
mous (silent) mutation in which the new codon still specifies the (synonymous) alter the encoded protein is called a common poly-
same amino acid or a nonsynonymous mutation in which the morphism if present in at least 1% of the normal population.
altered codon encodes for a different amino acid or terminates Although not pathogenic or disease causing, nonsynonymous
further protein assembly (i.e., introduces a premature stop codon) single nucleotide polymorphisms can, indeed, be functional poly-
(Figure 6-6, A). The term missense mutation is also used to indi- morphisms and exert a significant effect on how endogenous and
cate a single nucleotide substitution that results in the exchange exogenous triggers are handled. Functional polymorphisms are
of a normal amino acid in the protein for a different one (see sought to explain the variations observed in humans with regard
Figure 6-6, A). Importantly, a missense mutation may or may not to therapeutic and side-effect profiles of pharmaceutical agents
result in a functionally perturbed protein that leads to a disease (pharmacogenomics) or to rationalize the heterogeneous expres-
phenotype. The functional consequence of a missense mutation sion of disease in families harboring the same, presumptive
may depend on the differences in biochemical properties between disease-causing mutation (i.e., modifier genes).
the amino acids that are being exchanged, the location in the
protein at which the exchange occurs, or both. A nonsense muta-
tion is a nonsynonymous mutation resulting in a substitution of Principles of Genetic Testing
an amino acid for a stop codon (see Figure 6-6, A). A nonsense
mutation results in a truncated (shortened) gene product at the Currently, nearly 1500 genetic tests (www.GeneTests.org) are
location of the new stop codon. The functional effects could range clinically available and are offered by nearly 600 diagnostic labo-
from no appreciable difference to functional lethality (a nonfunc- ratories worldwide. In addition, many genetic tests are available
tioning protein), depending on where in the protein a nonsense on a research basis. Most current genetic tests are performed to
mutation occurs. identify gene mutations in rare genetic disorders that follow Men-
Intronic (noncoding) base substitutions may also result in an delian inheritance patterns (such as cystic fibrosis, Huntington
altered gene product. The normal process by which intronic chorea, sickle cell anemia, and Tay-Sachs disease) or for more
sequences are excised from newly transcribed RNA to create a complex conditions (such as breast, prostate, and colon cancers).
mature mRNA product relies on specific nucleotide sequences In cardiology, clinical genetic testing is available for most of the
located at the intron-exon (acceptor site) and exon-intron (donor cardiac channelopathies and cardiomyopathies.
site) boundaries. Base substitutions within these highly conserved
sequences can result in abnormal splicing of the immature RNA.
General Techniques Used in Genetic Testing
In some cases, entire exons can be skipped (deleted), or entire
at the Single Gene Level
introns may be included in the mature mRNA.
Gene mutations may also involve insertions and deletions of Typically, 5 to 15 mL whole blood obtained from venipuncture
nucleotides that can be as small as a single nucleotide or as large placed in ethelenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)–containing
as several hundreds to thousands of nucleotides in length. Most tubes (“purple top”) is requested as the genomic DNA source for
of these insertions and deletions occurring in the exon alter the either research-based or clinic-based genetic testing.5 DNA iso-
“reading frame” of translation at the point of the insertion or lated from a buccal (mouth cheek) swab does not provide a suf-
deletion and produce a new sequence of amino acids in the fin- ficient amount of DNA for comprehensive genetic testing, but it
ished product, the so-called frame-shift mutation (Figure 6-6, B). may be adequate for mutation-specific confirmatory testing of
Many frame-shift mutations often result in a different product family relatives. Umbilical cord blood may be acquired at the time
length from the normal gene product by creating a new stop of birth for newborn screening. For autopsy-negative cases of
codon, which produces a shorter or longer gene product, depend- sudden unexplained death, a cardiac channel genetic test can be
ing on the location of the new stop codon. In-frame insertions completed on DNA isolated from EDTA blood, a piece of frozen
and deletions occur when three nucleotides are affected (see ventricle myocardium tissue, or tissue from any other organ (liver,
Figure 6-6, B) and result in a single amino acid or multiple amino spleen, thymus) with a high nucleus to cytoplasm ratio.12 DNA
acids being removed or added without affecting the remainder of from paraffin-embedded tissue, however, remains an unreliable
the transcript. source.13 Both research-based and clinical genetic testing typically

FIGURE 6-6  Compared with the depicted normal DNA, the amino acid (single-letter abbreviation) sequence and the resulting peptide sequence
are examples of nucleotide substitutions and deletion mutations. The amino acids of the peptide sequence are color coded to represent their unique
biophysical properties, in which yellow represents nonpolar hydrophobic amino acids, green represents polar hydrophilic amino acids, pink represents
negatively charged acidic residues, and blue represents positively charged basic amino acid residues. A nucleotide change results in a new codon  
that encodes for the following: A, The same amino acid as the normal sequence is a silent mutation. B, A different amino acid is a missense mutation.
C, A termination codon is a nonsense mutation. D, A deletion of a single nucleotide (G) that results in a shift of the open reading frame of the
transcript, thus representing a frame-shift mutation. Note how the sequence of amino acids has been altered from this point forward. Although not
illustrated here, frame-shift mutations as a result of a deletion or insertion of nucleotides often lead to a premature stop codon and thus a truncated
protein. E, The deletion of three nucleotides (GAC) produces an in-frame deletion of a single amino acid (aspartic acid, Asp) in the protein. The
remaining amino acid sequence is unaltered. Three nucleotide insertions (not shown) can have a similar effect in which an amino acid is inserted into
the protein product.
Genomics and Principles of Clinical Genetics  79

Single nucleotide substitutions
Normal HMet O H O H O H O H O H O H O
CH2 CH2 C OH CH (Gly, G)
Proline Serine
S O O (Ser, S) CH2 CH2
(Pro, P) Aspartic
Phenylalanine Leucine
CH2 (Phe, F) (Leu, L)
(Asp, D)
(Met, M)
(G>A, Ser to Ser) HMet O H O H O H O H O H O H O
CH2 CH2 C OH CH (Gly, G)
Proline Serine
S O O (Ser, S) CH2 CH2
(Pro, P) Aspartic
Phenylalanine Leucine
(Asp, D)
(Phe, F) (Leu, L)
(Met, M)
(T>C, Ser to Pro) HMet O H O H O H O H O H O H O
CH2 CH2 C CH2 CH (Gly, G)
Proline Proline
(Pro, P) (Pro, P)
Phenylalanine Leucine
(Asp, D)
(Phe, F) (Leu, L)
(Met, M)
(C>A, Ser to Ter) HMet O H O H O
CH2 CH2 CTermination
S O O (Ter, X)
(Pro, P) Aspartic
(Asp, D)
(Met, M)
Frame shift (Met, M)

Deletion of a “G” H O H O H O H O H O H O


G Proline Threonine Serine
S (Pro, P) (Thr, T) CH2 Phenylalanine (Ser, S)
(Phe, F)
Methionine C NH2+
D (Met, M)
(Arg, R)
In-frame deletion
Deletion of a “GAC” HMet O H O H O H O H O H O
CH2 CH2 OH CH (Gly, G)
GAC Proline Serine
D (Pro, P) (Ser, S)
Phenylalanine Leucine
CH2 H O (Phe, F) (Leu, L)
(Met, M) N C C

Aspartic acid
E (Asp, D)
80  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

require signed and dated informed consent to accompany the number of the target (exon), and duplications are represented as
samples to be tested. an increase in copy number.
In genetic testing, the identification of gene mutations usually Since first described in 1977 by Sanger and colleagues, advances
involves the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. PCR is in DNA sequencing methodologies and technical instrumenta-
used to amplify many copies of a specific region of DNA sequence tion have rapidly evolved DNA sequencing capacity and genetic
within the gene of interest. Typically, 20 to 25 base pair (bp) information output. Massively parallel sequencing or next-
forward and reverse single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide generation sequencing technology is on the verge of allowing inves-
primers are designed to be complementary to reciprocal intronic tigators to go well beyond the current capacity of generating DNA
DNA sequences flanking the exon of interest to produce PCR sequence reads of 600 to 800 nucleotides for 96 samples per
products (200 to 400 bp in length) containing the desired DNA instrument run to the ability to process from hundreds of thou-
sequence to be analyzed. A well-optimized PCR reaction sands to tens of millions of base sequence reads in parallel.
will yield millions of copies of only the specific sequence of Through the use of next-generation sequencing and multiplex
interest.14 exon amplification, the possibility exists for molecular interroga-
PCR amplification is often followed by the use of an intermedi- tion of an individual’s complete library of annotated protein-
ate mutation detection platform such as single-stranded confor- coding sequences in a single reaction or a few reactions with
mational polymorphism (SSCP), denaturing gradient gel remarkable cost-effectiveness.20,21
electrophoresis (DGGE), or denaturing high-performance liquid
chromatography (DHPLC). These methods are used to inform the
Genetic Testing: Benefits, Limitations, and Family Matters
investigator of the presence or absence of a DNA sequence altera-
tion in the samples examined. DHPLC is currently one of the Genetic testing may have diagnostic value for symptomatic indi-
most sensitive and accurate technologies to discover unknown viduals by elucidating the exact molecular basis for the disorder,
gene mutations.15,16 DHPLC is based on the creation and separa- by establishing a definitive molecular diagnosis or disease predic-
tion of double-stranded DNA fragments containing a mismatch tion when the clinical probability of the disorder is inconclusive,
in the base pairing between the wild-type and mutant DNA by confirming or excluding the presence of a disease-causing
strands, known as heteroduplex DNA. This mismatch in base mutation in presymptomatic individuals with a family history of
pairing creates a weakness in the double-stranded DNA complex. a genetic disorder, and by helping personalize treatment recom-
PCR products are injected onto a solid phase column and eluted mendations and management of a patient’s specific disorder by
by using a linear acetonitrile gradient. Samples containing hetero- characterization of the precise genotype.22,23 Genetic testing may
duplex DNA (as a result of a heterozygote DNA alteration) will also prove carrier status in those concerned about recessively
elute from the column faster than will normal homoduplex inherited disorders such as cystic fibrosis.
(perfect match) DNA fragments, thus providing an abnormal While benefits such as certainty of diagnosis, increased psy-
elution chromatogram profile.14 chological well being, and greater awareness of prophylactic treat-
While intermediate mutation detection platforms help the ment and risk stratification may be achieved, genetic testing may
investigator identify which samples (PCR products) contain also contribute to an increase in risk for depression, anxiety, guilt,
mutations, direct DNA sequencing must be used to determine stigmatization, discrimination, family conflict, and unnecessary
the precise underlying DNA alteration(s). Review and compari- or inappropriate use of risk-reducing strategies.24 Patients there-
son of the resulting sequence chromatograms and the published fore need to be well informed on the implications of genetic
wild-type DNA and amino acid sequence for the gene or protein testing and should not be coerced into providing a DNA sample
of interest will allow for the determination of whether the under- for analysis. Full disclosure should be given as to the intent of the
lying DNA change is protein altering and potentially pathogenic research or clinical genetic test, the results of the analysis, and
or a nonpathogenic normal variant. who will have access to the results.5
In some cases, the use of an intermediate mutation detection Genetic information must be considered private and personal
platform is bypassed for direct DNA sequencing of all samples information that has the potential to be mishandled.25,26 Disclo-
examined; this is typically the case in clinical genetic testing. sure of confidential information to third parties such as insurance
Though this direct approach to mutational analysis is presently companies or employers can have negative consequences for the
more expensive, it may accelerate the detection of mutation. patient in the form of genetics-based discrimination. In May 2009,
Together, these techniques provide excellent precision and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) was
accuracy to detect (1) single nucleotide substitutions that produce signed into federal law prohibiting employers and health insurers
missense, nonsense, and splice site mutations and (2) small inser- from denying employment or insurance to a healthy individual on
tions and deletions. However, large whole-gene, multiple-exon, or the basis of genetic test results.27
single-exon deletions or duplications elude detection by this Genetic testing is appreciated now as a family as well as an
approach. Another technique, multiple ligation probe analysis individual experience.24 Even though genetic testing is performed
(MLPA), however, will allow for the identification of such large on an individual’s genetic material, the individual’s decision to
gene rearrangements, which have recently been reported to undergo genetic testing and the test results may have substantial
account for as much as 5% to 10% of patients with LQTS with an implications for other family members, especially for those with
otherwise negative genetic test.17-19 In contrast to the traditional disorders associated with sudden cardiac death. However, under
PCR/DHPLC/DNA sequencing approach to mutation detection, current guidelines, only the individual tested or the legal guardian
MLPA relies on specifically engineered probes that are designed in the case of a minor may be informed of the genetic test results,
to bind to gene sequences (typically exonic sequences) and allows and the decision or responsibility to inform unsuspecting relatives
for the detection of copy number changes of the target sequence.19 of the potential for genetic predisposition for sudden cardiac
Large deletion mutations, for example, will result in a loss of copy death rests exclusively on the informed patient.5
Genomics and Principles of Clinical Genetics  81

stroke, heart failure, and death, has been completed.36 Cardiovas-

Interpretation of Genetic Test Results
cular GWAS have not only isolated associations between specific
The patient and family suspected of having genetic heart disease genetic variants and complex disease-defining traits but have shed
should be evaluated and managed by a cardiologist with specific light on novel biologic mechanistic pathways. For example, an
expertise in heritable channelopathies or cardiomyopathies.5 initial GWAS and subsequently several replication studies have
Because of issues associated with incomplete penetrance and identified a strong association between variants in the NOS1AP
variable expressivity, the results of the genetic test must be inter- (capon) gene and QT interval duration, thus highlighting the
preted cautiously and incorporated into the overall diagnostic importance of nitric oxide synthase pathway in myocardial func-
evaluation for these disorders. The assignment of a specific variant tion and action potential repolarization that had not been previ-
as a true pathogenic disease-causing mutation requires vigilant ously known and providing novel physiological information.37
scrutiny. To illustrate this requirement, recently a comprehensive Recently, two large independent GWAS meta-analysis studies
determination of the spectrum and prevalence of rare nonsyn- identified significant associations with 10 loci that appear to mod-
onymous single nucleotide mutations (amino acid–altering vari- ulate or influence the QT interval duration, including loci mapping
ants) in the five LQTS-associated cardiac ion channel genes was near the monogenic LQTS-associated genes KCNQ1, KCNH2,
performed in approximately 800 ostensibly healthy subjects from and SCN5A.33,34 Whether or not these novel loci represent the
four distinct ethnic groups. The study showed that approximately location of additional candidate LQTS-causing or disease-
2% to 5% of healthy individuals are found to host rare amino modifying genes remains to be investigated.
acid–altering missense variants.28,29 Some of the variants observed
in this healthy population may represent subclinical disease modi-
Micro-RNAs as Pathogenic Contributors to
fiers and others simply represent benign background “genetic
Electrical Diseases of the Heart
noise.” This observation of background nonpathogenic missense
variants is certainly not confined to the LQTS genes alone but miRNA represent one family of small noncoding RNA molecules,
may extend to virtually any gene in the human genome. Therefore, which function as micromanagers of gene expression, as genetic
rather than being viewed as a binary yes-or-no test result, genetic on-off switches to eliminate mRNAs that should not be expressed
testing results more appropriately should be considered as proba- in a particular cell type or at a particular moment, or as a
bilistic in nature. Algorithms based on mutation location, species finetuning mechanism adjusting the physiological levels of gene
conservation, and the biophysical nature of the amino acid sub- expression in response to environmental factors. In mammals,
stitution may assist in distinguishing pathogenic mutations from miRNAs mediate post-transcriptional gene silencing usually by
otherwise rare variants of uncertain significance (VUS) and binding to the 3′ UTR region of mRNAs of their target transcripts
perhaps allow for the assignment of estimated predictive values and may individually regulate tens to hundreds of gene tran-
to the probability of pathogenicity of each novel mutation identi- scripts.10
fied within a specific gene.30 Recently, the dysregulation of specific miRNAs has been linked
to the development and pathogenesis of numerous disease states,
including those of the heart.8,9 For example, miRNA expression
array studies have shown upregulation, and/or downregulation of
Future Directions in Cardiovascular Genetics miRNAs in morphologic pathologies of the heart, including aortic
stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, dilated cardiomyopathy,
Genome-Wide Association Studies
and ischemic cardiomyopathy, compared with the normal condi-
Since the completion of the Human Genome Project’s final draft tion of the heart. Additionally, cardiac electrophysiology may be
in 2003 and the International HapMap Project in 2005 and with altered by perturbations in miRNA expression profiles, as numer-
the advent of novel high-throughput genotyping methods, an ous cardiac action potential repolarizing K+ ion channels, includ-
explosion of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has taken ing the LQTS-associated KCNQ1-, KCNH2-, and KCNJ2-encoded
place. GWAS are large, population-based (involving thousands of channels, are under the finetuning control of miRNAs in main-
individuals), hypothesis-free association studies of common taining gradients in ion channel density that are critical for the
genetic variants and observed phenotypic diversity of complex correct chronologic excitation of cardiomyocytes.9 Often, after
traits; these studies are conducted through large-scale genotyping cardiac infarction, the surviving heart muscle hypertrophies and
of hundreds of thousands of SNPs located across the genome undergoes electrical remodeling that is associated with continuous
and compare the allelic frequencies of SNPs in cases and con- alterations in the electrical properties of cardiomyocytes and may
trols.31,32 To date, several hundred genetic loci and specific poly- prolong the action potential, slow cardiac conduction, and provide
morphisms have been found to be associated with a number of a proarrhythmic milieu.
complex traits for many diseases categories, including neurode- Of the several hundred miRNAs that have been identified,
generative, neuropsychiatric, metabolic, autoimmune, and mus- miR-1 and miR-133 are thought to be muscle specific. In a recent
culoskeletal diseases; several forms of cancer; and cardiovascular study, miR-1 was found to be overexpressed in patients with coro-
diseases.31,32 nary heart disease; when overexpressed in normal and infarcted
GWAS have been performed recently for electrocardiographic rat hearts, miR-1 aggravated cardiac arrythmogenesis through
traits that have been associated with risk for ventricular arrhyth- conduction slowing and membrane depolarization by post-
mias and sudden cardiac death, including the PR interval and QRS transcriptionally repressing the KCNJ2 gene (encoding the K+
duration as measures of cardiac conduction and the QT interval channel subunit kir2.1, which is responsible for Andersen-Tawil
duration as an index of cardiac repolarization.33-35 A GWAS for syndrome) and the GJA1 gene (which encodes for connexin43,
atrial fibrillation, a disease of irregular rhythm of the heart’s upper which is responsible for intracellular conductance in ventricles).38
chambers and significantly associated with an increased risk for Interestingly, the elimination of miR-1 by an antisense inhibitor
82  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Somatic cells


Transcription factor genes

Skin biopsy Direct reprogramming

Induced pluripotent
stem (iPS) cells

Directed differentiation

Neural cells Cardiac myocytes Pancreatic β-cells

FIGURE 6-7  The biomedical promise of regenerative medicine and of human-specific and patient-specific disease models derived from human
induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells is enormous. Fibroblasts or keratinocytes, containing the patient’s own complete library of genetic information,
can be obtained at the time of a simple skin biopsy and may be reprogrammed to a pluripotent state by introducing and overexpressing specific
transcription factor encoding genes (direct reprogramming). Through directed differentiation, these iPS cells have the potential to generate virtually
any cell type.

in infarcted rat hearts was antiarrhythmic, suggesting that thera- own skin biopsy (fibroblast) is enormous and may hugely benefit
peutic inhibition of miR-1 following myocardial infarction may regenerative medicine, drug or toxicology research, and disease
reduce the proarrhythmic response and the occurrence of sudden model generation efforts (Figure 6-7). In fact, disease-specific iPS
death. Whether or not perturbations to miR-1 or other heart- cell lines from patients are now beginning to emerge.
specific miRNAs in the form of single nucleotide substitutions In 2009, Zhang and colleagues showed for the first time that
resulting in mishandling of proper miRNA expression or matura- human iPS cells derived from fibroblast could be differentiated
tion can lead to a monogenic cardiac electrical disorder or if into functional cardiomyocytes.43 This holds significant promise
specific miRNA therapeutic inhibition may be used to repress for the application of iPS cell–derived cardiomyocytes in cardiac
potentially life-threatening arrhythmias remains to be seen and research on disease models, in drug development, and as an
will certainly be a part of the next decade of cardiovascular genetic autologous source of cells for myocardial repair. In the study of
and pharmacologic research. electrical diseases such as LQTS, for example, researchers may be
able to take a skin biopsy from a patient with LQTS and subject
iPS cell–derived cardiomyocytes to candidate drugs to determine
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell–Derived
the best therapy for that particular individual. iPS cell–derived
cardiomyocytes from mutation-positive patients with LQTS
In 2006, Takahashi and Yamanaka showed that murine embryonic would permit the functional electrophysiological study of that
fibroblast and adult fibroblast acquired embryonic stem cell–like patient’s specific ion channel mutation in its most native environ-
properties following retroviral induction of four transcription ment, rather than using the currently available technology of het-
factor (Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc)–encoding genes.39,40 These erologous overexpression studies that only partially recapitulate
newly transformed cells were referred to as induced pluripotent the true macromolecular ion channel complex. Such studies may
stem cells or iPS cells. In 2007, the application of this ground- allow for a more precise in vitro characterization of variant chan-
breaking technology to human cells was rapidly realized with the nels to assist in deciphering truly pathogenic mutations from
generation of iPS cells derived from human fibroblast using either benign VUS. This technology may also allow investigators to
the same cocktail of transcription factors or an independently answer key questions surrounding the observed reduced pene-
determined mixture.41,42 The iPS technology allows for the poten- trance and variable expressivity that are common among cardiac
tial to overcome important obstacles that are currently associated electrical disorders; this may be accomplished by generating iPS
with embryonic stem (ES) cells, such as immune rejection of cell–derived cardiomyocytes from multiple family members who
ES-derived tissues after transplantation and the profound ethical show variable disease expression ranging from an asymptomatic
concerns associated with destroying human embryos. The bio- course to a severe symptomatic course. Such studies may further
medical promise of human iPS cells derived from the patient’s elucidate particular genetic or environmental factors that may
Genomics and Principles of Clinical Genetics  83

contribute to the overall risk of experiencing a cardiac event, 14. Tester DJ, Will ML, Ackerman MJ: Mutation detection in congenital

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allied professionals, Heart Rhythm 2:675–677, 2005.
the FAMILION genetic test for cardiac ion channel mutations.
23. Priori SG, Napolitano C: Role of genetic analyses in cardiology: Part
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program resulted in license agreements in 2004 between Mayo 113:1130–1135, 2006.
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27. Abiola S: Recent developments in health law. The Genetic Informa-
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Ion Channelopathies: Mechanisms and
Genotype-Phenotype Correlations
Charles Antzelevitch and Jonathan M. Cordeiro
Recent years have witnessed an explosion of knowledge contrib- temperature.17 Because this characteristic of the mutant channel
uting to the understanding of ion channelopathies associated with is exaggerated at temperatures above the physiological range, it
inherited cardiac arrhythmia syndromes that are responsible for was suggested that the syndrome may be unmasked and that
the sudden death of infants, children, and young adults. These ion patients with BrS may be at an increased risk during a febrile
channelopathies are the consequences of genetic variations giving state.17
rise to primary electrical diseases, including long QT syndrome
(LQTS), short QT syndrome (SQTS), and Brugada syndrome
(BrS), as well as catecholaminergic ventricular tachycardia (VT)
(Table 7-1).1-3 This review focuses on the molecular, genetic, cel- Weiss et al described a second locus on chromosome 3, close to
lular, and ionic mechanisms underlying the arrhythmogenesis but distinct from SCN5A, linked to the syndrome in a large pedi-
associated with these syndromes and the genotype-phenotype gree in which the syndrome is associated with progressive con-
correlation. duction disease, a low sensitivity to procainamide, and a relatively
good prognosis. The gene was recently identified as the glycerol-
3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1-like (GPD1L) gene, and the muta-
Brugada Syndrome tion was found in this gene.18-20 Interestingly, it was also found
that both GPD1L RNA and protein are abundant in the heart.
Arrhythmogenesis in BrS is believed to be the result of amplifica- Furthermore, the mutation was present in all affected individuals
tion of heterogeneities in the action potential characteristics and absent in more than 500 control subjects. Coexpression
among the different transmural cell types in the right ventricular studies of mutant GPD1L (A280V) with SCN5A in human embry-
(RV) myocardium.4,5 A decrease in sodium (Na+) or calcium onic kidney (HEK) cells resulted in a reduction in the magnitude
(Ca2+) channel current, INa or ICa, or augmentation of any one of of INa by approximately 50%.19 These studies provided evidence
a number of outward currents, including rapidly activating that mutations in GPD1L lead to a reduction in INa and cause
delayed rectifier potassium (K+) current (IKr) or transient outward BrS.19 Valdivia et al recently demonstrated that mutations in
current (Ito), can cause preferential abbreviation of the right ven- GPD1L related to BrS and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
tricular epicardial action potential; this, in turn, leads to the devel- cause a loss of enzymatic function, which results in glycerol-3-
opment of spatial dispersion of repolarization and, thus, the phosphate PKC-dependent phosphorylation of SCN5A at serine
substrate and trigger for VT, which is usually polymorphic and 1503 (S1503) through a GPD1L-dependent pathway. The direct
less frequently monomorphic.6-12 phosphorylation of S1503 markedly decreases INa. These findings
BrS displays an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. For therefore show a function for GPD1L in cellular physiology and a
many years, the only gene linked to BrS was SCN5A, the gene mechanism linking mutations in GPD1L to sudden cardiac arrest.
encoding for the α-subunit of the cardiac Na+ channel gene.6 Because the enzymatic step catalyzed by GPD1L depends on
However, recent evidence has shown that mutations in other nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), this GPD1L pathway
genes are linked to the development of BrS. links the metabolic state of the cell to INa and excitability and
may be important more generally in cardiac ischemia and heart
Mutations in SCN5A were the first to be associated with BrS.6
BrS3 and BrS4, CACNA1c and CACNB2b
Over 293 mutations in SCN5A have now been linked to the syn-
drome.13 About three dozen of these have been studied in expres- The third and fourth genes associated with BrS were recently
sion systems and shown to result in loss of function of the Na+ identified and were shown to encode the α1-subunit (CACNA1c)
channel because of the following reasons: (1) failure of the sodium and the β-subunit (CACNB2b) of the L-type cardiac Ca channel.8
channel to express; (2) a shift in the voltage dependence and time This new clinical entity, which exhibits electrocardiogram (ECG)
dependence of INa activation, inactivation, or reactivation; (3) and arrhythmic manifestations of both BrS and SQTS, was shown
entry of the Na channel into an intermediate state of inactivation to be associated with loss of function mutations in the α1-subunit
from which it recovers more slowly, or (4) accelerated inactivation (CACNA1c) and the β-subunit (CACNB2b) of the L-type cardiac
of the Na+ channel.14-16 Premature inactivation of the Na+ channel Ca2+ channel.8 Alterations in L-type Ca2+ current have been
has been observed at physiological temperatures but not at room implicated in the development of BrS both clinically and

86  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Table 7-1  Genetic Disorders Causing Cardiac Arrhythmias in the Absence of Structural Heart Disease



LQT1 11p15 IKs KCNQ1, KvLQT1
LQT3 3p21 INa SCN5A, Nav1.5
LQT4 4q25 ANKB, ANK2
LQT5 21q22 IKs KCNE1, minK
LQT6 21q22 IKr KCNE2, MiRP1
LQT7 (Andersen-Tawil syndrome) 17q23 IK1 KCNJ2, Kir 2.1
LQT8 (Timothy syndrome) 6q8A ICa CACNA1C, Cav1.2
LQT9 3p25 INa CAV3, Caveolin-3
LQT10 11q23.3 INa SCN4B, Navb4
LQT11 7q21–q22 IKs AKAP9, Yotiao
LQT12 20q11.2 INa SNTA1, α1-syntrophin


21q22 IKs KCNE1, minK

BrS BrS1 PVT AD 3p21 INa SCN5A, Nav1.5

BrS2 PVT AD 3p24 INa GPD1L
BrS3 PVT AD 12p13.3 ICa CACNA1C, CaV1.2
BrS4 PVT AD 10p12.33 ICa CACNB2b, Cavβ2b
BrS5 PVT AD 19q13.1 INa SCN1B, Navβ1
BrS6 PVT AD 11q13–14 ICa KCNE3, MiRP2
BrS7 PVT AD 11q23.3 INa SCN3B, Navb3


SQT2 11p15 IKs KCNQ1, KvLQT1
SQT3 AD 17q23.1-24.2 IK1 KCNJ2, Kir2.1
SQT4 12p13.3 ICa CACNA1C, CaV1.2
SQT5 AD 10p12.33 ICa CACNB2b, Cavβ2b

CPVT CPVT1 VT AD 1q42-43 RyR2

CPVT2 VT AR 1p13-21 CASQ2

AD, Autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; BrS, Brugada sydrome; CPVT, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia; JLN, Jervell and Lange Nielsen; LQTS, long
QT syndrome; PVT, polymorphic ventricular tachycardia; RW, Romano-Ward; SQTS, short QT syndrome; TdP, torsades de pointes; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.

experimentally.5,8 In both of those studies, the BrS phenotype was channel sensitivity to lidocaine blockade with subtle changes in
the result of a loss in peak ICa. More recently, a study identified a channel kinetics and gating properties, and shift the voltage
case of BrS in which the disease phenotype was observed as a dependence of steady-state inactivation or alter the rate of recov-
result of accelerated inactivation of the L-type Ca2+ current ery from inactivation.23-31 Coexpression of SCN5A with WT β3
without significantly affecting peak current.9 The accelerated results in either (1) increased current density, a depolarizing shift
inactivation was caused by a mutation in CACNB2b, which in the voltage-dependence of inactivation, and an increased rate
encodes the β-subunit of the cardiac L-type Ca2+ current. The of recovery from inactivation in Xenopus oocytes or (2) a hyper-
carrier of this mutation exhibited ST-segment elevation in only polarizing shift of inactivation, slowed recovery from inactivation,
one precordial lead and converted to a more typical BrS pheno- and reduced late Na+ channel current.30,31
type with a procainamide challenge. VT/VF (ventricular fibrilla- Mutations in SCN1B and SCN3B have recently been identified
tion) was inducible and subsequently detected on interrogation as the fifth and seventh genes associated with BrS. Mutations in
of the implanted implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD), corrobo- β1-subunits (Navβ1 and Navβ1b) have been shown to be associated
rating the diagnosis of a potentially life-threatening syndrome. with combined BrS and cardiac conduction disease phenotype in
humans.32 Another recent study by the authors of this chapter
provided evidence that SCN3B is a BrS-susceptible gene.33 An
BrS5 and BrS7, SCN1B and SCN3B
L10P missense mutation in a highly conserved residue was shown
Genes that encode cardiac channel β-subunit proteins have long to produce a major reduction in INa secondary to both functional
been appealing candidates for the treatment of ion channelopa- and trafficking defects in cardiac Na+ channel expression. These
thies such as BrS because of their significant role in modulating results indicate that a mutation in the extracellular domain can
channel expression and function.22 The role of β1-subunits has impair trafficking of SCN5A to the membrane. These results
been studied most extensively. Wild-type (WT) β1 coexpression suggest that WT β3 plays a role in facilitating SCN5A transport
has been reported to have no observable effect on SCN5A func- to the plasma membrane, since a mutation in the extracellular
tion, result in increased Na+ current density with no detectable domain of β3 is capable of disrupting trafficking of SCN5A to the
effects on channel kinetics or voltage-dependence, modulate plasma membrane.33
Ion Channelopathies: Mechanisms and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations  87

after the administration of Na+ channel blockers.38 These results

concur with the observed loss of function of mutated BrS-related
The role of the transient outward K+ current (Ito) is thought to be Na+ channels.
central to the development of BrS. This hypothesis comes from Patients with BrS who have calcium channel mutations are
several lines of evidence. First, since BrS is characterized by ST- phenotypically distinct from those with mutations in other genes.8
segment elevations in the right precordial leads, a more promi- A large fraction of CACNA1c- and CACNB2b-positive patients
nent Ito in RV epicardium has been suggested to underlie the display a shorter-than-normal QTc interval (<360 ms) in addition
much greater prevalence of the Brugada phenotype in males.34 to an ST-segment elevation in the right precordial leads, thus
The more prominent Ito causes the end of phase 1 of the RV epi- manifesting a combination of BrS and SQTS. Patients with muta-
cardial action potential to repolarize to more negative potentials tions in Ca2+ channel genes also exhibit a diminished rate
in tissue and arterially perfused wedge preparations obtained adaptation of QT interval.8,40
from male patients; this facilitates the loss of the action potential
dome and the development of phase 2 re-entry and polymorphic
Mechanism of Arrhythmia in Brugada Syndrome
VT. A link between mutations in genes responsible for the Ito
current and the development of BrS was recently reported by The arrhythmogenic substrate responsible for the development of
Delpón and coworkers. KCNE3 was identified as the seventh gene extrasystoles and polymorphic VT in BrS is believed to be sec-
associated with BrS.11 KCNE3 normally interacts with Kv4.3 to ondary to the amplification of heterogeneities intrinsic to the
suppress Ito; and a mutation in KCNE3 was shown to result in a early phases (phase 1–mediated notch) of the action potential of
gain of function in Ito.11,35 Experimentally, the Brugada phenotype cells residing in different layers of the right ventricular wall of the
can be produced in arterially perfused wedge preparations by the heart. Rebalancing of the currents active at the end of phase 1 is
Ito activator NS5806. This compound has been shown to increase thought to underlie the accentuation of the action potential notch
peak Ito amplitude and slow inactivation in isolated cardiomyo- in the right ventricular epicardium, which is responsible for the
cytes, which results in a more prominent phase 1 repolarization augmented J wave and ST segment elevation associated with BrS
and loss of the action potential (AP) dome in mid- and epicardial (see41–43 for references). The presence of an Ito-mediated spike and
cells.36 The results of the study using the Ito activator are consistent dome morphology, or notch, in the ventricular epicardium but not
with the clinical observations that an enhancement of Ito can lead in the endocardium creates a transmural voltage gradient that is
to the development of BrS. responsible for the inscription of the electrocardiographic (ECG)
Table 7-2 lists the seven genotypes thus far associated for BrS J wave (Figure 7-1, A).5,44 The ST segment is normally isoelectric
and their yields. Four of the genes identified produced a loss of because of the absence of transmural voltage gradients at the level
function of Na+ channel current; two led to a reduction in Ca2+ of the action potential plateau. Accentuation of the right ventricu-
channel current; and one gene was associated with a gain of func- lar action potential notch under pathophysiological conditions
tion of transient outward current. SCN5A mutations were identi- leads to exaggeration of transmural voltage gradients and thus to
fied in 11% to 28% of probands (average of 21%).13 Ca2+ channel accentuation of the J wave or to J point elevation (Figure 7-1, B).
mutations are found in approximately 12% to 15% of probands.8,37 If the epicardial action potential continues to repolarize before
Variations in the other genes were relatively rare. that of the endocardium, the T wave remains positive, giving rise
to a saddleback configuration of the ST-segment elevation.
Further accentuation of the notch is accompanied by a prolonga-
Genotype-Phenotype Correlation
tion of the epicardial action potential causing it to repolarize after
Patients with SCN5A-positive BrS exhibit conduction slowing the endocardium, thus leading to inversion of the T wave. The
characterized by prolonged PR intervals and QRS duration.38,39 PR down-sloping ST segment elevation, or accentuated J wave,
interval and QRS duration are prolonged more prominently, and observed in experimental wedge models often appears as an R,
the QRS axis deviates more to the left with aging in those patients mimicking a right bundle branch block (RBBB) morphology of
with BrS with SCN5A mutations. Smits et al observed signifi- the ECG, largely because of early repolarization of the right ven-
cantly longer conduction intervals at baseline in patients with tricular (RV) epicardium, rather than major delays in impulse
SCN5A mutations (PR and HV interval) and greater prolongation conduction in the right bundle.45 Despite the appearance of a
typical Brugada sign, the electrophysiological changes shown in
Figure 7-1, B, do not give rise to an arrhythmogenic substrate. The
Table 7-2  Yield of Brugada Syndrome Genotypes arrhythmogenic substrate may develop with a further shift in the
balance of current leading to loss of the action potential dome at
ION % OF some epicardial sites but not others (Figure 7-1, C). A marked
CHANNEL GENE PROBANDS REFERENCE transmural dispersion of repolarization develops as a conse-
BrS1 INa ↓ SCN5A 11–28 116 quence, creating a vulnerable window, which can trigger a
re-entrant arrhythmia when captured by a premature extrasys-
BrS2 INa ↓ GPD1L Rare 19, 21, 117 tole. Because loss of the action potential dome in epicardium is
BrS3 ICa ↓ CACNA1C 6.6–7.6 8, 37 generally heterogeneous, epicardial dispersion of repolarization
develops as well. Conduction of the action potential dome from
BrS4 ICa ↓ CACNB2b 4.8–6.8 8, 9, 37 sites at which it is maintained to sites at which it is lost causes
BrS5 INa ↓ SCN1B 1.1 32 local re-excitation via phase 2 re-entry (Figure 7-1, D); this leads
to the development of a closely coupled extrasystole that is
BrS6 Ito ↑ KCNE3 Rare 11 capable of capturing the vulnerable window across the ventricular
wall, thus triggering a circus movement re-entry in the form of
BrS7 INa ↓ SCN3B Rare 33
VT/VF (Figures. 7-1, E and F).4,46 Support for these hypotheses
88  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Control Terfenadine Terfenadine Terfenadine



Epi 2

mV 50
Epi 1 mV


1 1

A 100 ms B C D 100 ms

Terfenadine Terfenadine


Epi 2

Epi 1 mV


E S1 S2 1 sec F 1 sec

FIGURE 7-1  Cellular basis for electrocardiographic and arrhythmic manifestation of BrS. Each panel shows transmembrane action potentials from
one endocardial (top) and two epicardial sites together with a transmural electrocardiogram (ECG) recorded from a canine coronary-perfused right
ventricular wedge preparation. A, Control (basic cycle length [BCL] 400 ms). B, Combined sodium and calcium channel block with terfenadine (5 µM)
accentuates the epicardial action potential notch, creating a transmural voltage gradient that manifests as an ST-segment elevation or exaggerated J
wave on the ECG. C, Continued exposure to terfenadine results in all-or-nothing repolarization at the end of phase 1 at some epicardial sites but not
others, creating a local epicardial dispersion of repolarization (EDR) as well as a transmural dispersion of repolarization (TDR). D, Phase 2 re-entry occurs
when the epicardial action potential dome propagates from a site where it is maintained to regions where it has been lost, giving rise to a closely
coupled extrasystole. E, Extrastimulus (S1-S2 = 250 ms) applied to the epicardium triggers a polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. F, Phase 2 re-entrant
extrasystole triggers a brief episode of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. (Modified from Fish JM, Antzelevitch C: Role of sodium and calcium channel
block in unmasking the Brugada syndrome, Heart Rhythm 1:210–217, 2004.)
Ion Channelopathies: Mechanisms and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations  89

comes from experiments involving the arterially perfused RV delayed rectifier (IKr). IKr inhibition is also responsible for
wedge preparations and from recent studies in which monophasic
action potential (MAP) electrodes were positioned on the epicar-
dial and endocardial surfaces of the right ventricular outflow tract
(RVOT) in patients with BrS.4,5,41,47-51
most cases of acquired LQTS. In the wedge, inhibition of IKr
with d-sotalol produces a preferential prolongation of M cells,
resulting in accentuation of TDR and spontaneous as well as
stimulation-induced TdP. If IKr block is accompanied by hypoka-
lemia, a deeply notched or bifurcated T wave is observed in the
wedge preparation, similar to that seen in patients with LQT2.
Long QT Syndrome Isoproterenol further exaggerates TDR and increases the inci-
dence of TdP in this model, but only transiently (see Figures 7-2,
LQTS is characterized by the appearance of long QT intervals on B and E).
the ECG, an atypical polymorphic VT known as torsades de
pointes (TdP), and a high risk for sudden cardiac death.52-54 A
reduction of net repolarizing current secondary to loss of func-
tion of outward ion channel currents or a gain of function of LQT3, which is encountered far less often, is caused by a gain in
inward currents underlies the prolongation of the myocardial the function of the late Na+ current (late INa). Augmentation of
action potential and QT interval that attend both congenital and late INa using the sea anemone toxin ATX-II also produces a pref-
acquired LQTS.55,56 erential prolongation of the M cell action potential in the wedge,
Here again, amplification of spatial dispersion of repolarization which results in a marked increase in TDR and development of
is thought to generate the principal arrhythmogenic substrate. TdP. Because epicardial APD is also significantly prolonged, delay
The accentuation of spatial dispersion is secondary to an increase in the onset of the T wave in the wedge occurs, as observed in
of transmural and trans-septal dispersion of repolarization. Early the clinical syndrome.65 β-Adrenergic stimulation abbreviates
after-depolarization (EAD)–induced triggered activity also con- APD of all cell types under these conditions, reducing TDR and
tributes to the development of the substrate and provides the suppressing TdP (see Figures 7-2, C and F).66
triggering extrasystole that precipitates TdP arrhythmias observed Sympathetic activation displays a very different time course in
under LQTS conditions (Figures 7-2 and 7-3).57,58 In vivo and in the case of LQT1 and LQT2, both in experimental models (see
vitro models of LQTS have contributed to the understanding of Figure 7-2) and in the clinic.58,67 In LQT1, isoproterenol produces
the mechanisms involved in arrhythmogenesis.59,60 Models of the an increase in TDR that is most prominent during the first 2
LQT1, LQT2, and LQT3 forms of LQTS have been developed by minutes but which persists, although to a lesser extent, during the
using arterially perfused left ventricular (LV) wedge preparations steady state. TdP incidence is enhanced during the initial period
(see Figure 7-2) in canine models.61 These models have shown that as well as during the steady state. In LQT2, isoproterenol pro-
in these three forms of LQTS, preferential prolongation of the M duces only a transient increase in TDR that persists for less than
cell action potential duration (APD) leads to an increase in the 2 minutes. TdP incidence is therefore enhanced only for a brief
QT interval as well as an increase in the transmural dispersion of period. These differences in time course may explain the impor-
repolarization (TDR), the latter providing the substrate for the tant differences in the autonomic activity and other gene-specific
development of spontaneous as well as stimulation-induced TdP. triggers that contribute to events in patients with different LQTS
While β-blockers are considered the first line of therapy in
patients with LQT1, they have not been shown to be beneficial in
LQT1 is the most prevalent of congenital LQTS.62 Loss of func- LQT3. Preliminary data suggest that patients with LQT3 might
tion of the slowly activating delayed rectifier (IKs) underlies con- benefit from Na+ channel blockers, such as mexiletine and fle-
genital LQT1. Inhibition of IKs using chromanol 293B leads to cainide, but long-term data are not yet available.68,69 Experimental
uniform prolongation of APD in all three cell types (epicardial, data have shown that mexiletine reduces transmural dispersion
endocardial, and M cell) in the wedge, causing little change in and prevents TdP in LQT3 as well as in LQT1 and LQT2, which
TDR. Although the QT interval is prolonged, TdP never occurs suggests that agents that block the late Na+ current may be effec-
under these conditions, nor can it be induced. Addition of iso- tive in all forms of LQTS.63,65 Clinical trial data are not currently
proterenol results in abbreviation of epicardial and endocardial available.
APD, and the M cell APD either prolongs or remains the same.
The dramatic increase in TDR provides the substrate for the
development of spontaneous as well as stimulation-induced TdP.63
These results support the thesis that the problem with LQTS is Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS1), also known as LQT7, is a clini-
not the long QT interval but, rather, the increase in TDR that cal disorder consisting of K-sensitive periodic paralysis, prolonged
often accompanies the prolongation of the QT interval. The com- QT intervals, ventricular arrhythmias, and dysmorphic features
bination of IKs block and β-adrenergic stimulation creates a broad- caused by mutations in the KCNJ2 gene.70,71 An experimental
based T wave in the perfused wedge, similar to that observed in model of this syndrome has been developed.72
patients with LQT1. These findings provide an understanding of
the great sensitivity of patients with LQT1 to sympathetic influ-
ences (see Figures 7-2, A and D).52,64
Timothy syndrome, also known as LQT8, is a multisystem disease
secondary to mutations in the Ca2+ channel Cav1.2 encoded
by the CACNA1c. Because the Ca channel Cav1.2 is present in
The second most prevalent form of congenital LQTS is LQT2, many tissues, patients with Timothy syndrome have many
which is caused by loss of function of the rapidly activating clinical manifestations, including congenital heart disease, autism,
90  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology


Control Chromanol 293B (20 µM) Control d-Sotalol (100 µM) Control ATX-II (20 nM)
+ Isoproterenol (100 nM) + low [K+]0

Endo 50

M cell 50

Epi 50


200 ms 42 85 200 ms 59 80 200 ms 53 156


QT (10) QT (8) QT (8)

M (10) M (8) M (8)
450 450 600
Epi (10) Epi (8) Epi (8)
400 * 400
* 500 *
QT, APD90 (ms)

QT, APD90 (ms)

QT, APD90 (ms)

††† * †††

350 350 ††
400 *
* †
† †
300 300
† †† ††
* †
† 300 †
250 250

200 200 200

Control 293B +Iso +Iso Control d-Sot +Iso +Iso Control ATX-II +Iso +Iso
(30 µM)(100 nM)(100 nM) (100 µM)(100 nM)(100 nM) (20 nM)(100 nM)(100 nM)
2 min 10 min 2 min 10 min 2 min 10 min
120 120 160
100 † 100
Dispersion of RT (ms)

Dispersion of RT (ms)

Dispersion of RT (ms)

80 † 80 * †

60 60 †† 80

40 40
20 Dispersion of 20 Dispersion of Dispersion of
repolarization (10) repolarization (8) repolarization (8)
0 0 0
Control 293B +Iso +Iso Control d-Sot +Iso +Iso Control ATX-II +Iso +Iso
(30 µM)(100 nM)(100 nM) (100 µM)(100 nM)(100 nM) (20 nM)(100 nM)(100 nM)
D 2 min 10 min E 2 min 10 min F 2 min 10 min

FIGURE 7-2  Transmembrane action potentials and transmural electrocardiograms (ECG) in control and LQT1 (A), LQT2 (B), and LQT3 (C) models
of LQTS (arterially perfused canine left ventricular wedge preparations). Isoproterenol + chromanol 293B (an IKs blocker), d-sotalol + low [K+]o, and
ATX-II (an agent that slows inactivation of late INa) are used to mimic the LQT1, LQT2, and LQT3 syndromes, respectively. A to C, Action potentials
simultaneously recorded from endocardial (Endo), M, and epicardial (Epi) sites together with a transmural ECG. BCL = 2000 ms. Transmural dispersion of
repolarization (TDR) across the ventricular wall, is denoted below the ECG traces. D and F, Effect of isoproterenol. In LQT1, isoproterenol (Iso) produces
a persistent prolongation of the action potential duration measured at 90% repolarization (APD90) of the M cell and of the QT interval (at both 2 and
10 minutes), whereas the APD90 of the epicardial cell is always abbreviated, resulting in a persistent increase in TDR (D). In LQT2, isoproterenol initially
prolongs (2 minutes) and then abbreviates the QT interval and the APD90 of the M cell to the control level (10 minutes), whereas the APD90 of
epicardial cell is always abbreviated, resulting in a transient increase in TDR (E). In LQT3, isoproterenol produced a persistent abbreviation of the QT
interval and the APD90 of both M and epicardial cells (at both 2 and 10 minutes), resulting in a persistent decrease in TDR (F). *P < .0005 vs. control; †P
< .0005; ††P < .005; †††P < .05; vs. 293B, d-Sotalol (d-Sot) or ATX-II. (Modified from Shimizu W, Antzelevitch C: Cellular basis for the ECG features of the LQT1
form of the long QT syndrome: Effects of β-adrenergic agonists and antagonists and sodium channel blockers on transmural dispersion of repolarization and
torsades de pointes, Circulation 98:2314–2322, 1998; Shimizu W, Antzelevitch C: Sodium channel block with mexiletine is effective in reducing dispersion of
repolarization and preventing torsades de pointes in LQT2 and LQT3 models of the long-QT syndrome, Circulation 96:2038–2047, 1997; Shimizu W, Antzelevitch
C: Differential effects of beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists in LQT1, LQT2 and LQT3 models of the long QT syndrome, J Am Coll Cardiol 35:778–786,
Ion Channelopathies: Mechanisms and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations  91

Intrinsic heterogeneity Agents with Class III action
(sotalol, chromanol 293B,
bay K 8644, ATX-II) or
Mutations in KvLQT1, KCNE1,
↓ Net repolarizing current
(↓ IKr, ↓ IKs, ↑ ICa, ↑ late INa)

LQT 1 LQT 2, 3 LQT 1, 2, 3

Prolongation of APD Prolongation of APD, EAD-induced

(homogeneous) preferentially in M cells triggered beat
(heterogeneous) (purkinje or M cell?)

↔ Long QT interval ↑ Long QT interval

dispersion of dispersion of
refractoriness refractoriness

FIGURE 7-3  Cellular mechanism for the
development of torsades de pointes in
Torsades de Pointes (reentry)
long QT syndrome.

syndactyly, and immune deficiency.73,74 An experimental model of missense mutations located in the transmembrane S5-loop-S6
this syndrome has been developed.75 region were again shown to be associated with the greatest risk
Mutations in seven other genes have been associated with in a recent study.83
LQTS in recent years (see Table 7-1). These genetic variations,
which include structural proteins as well as other ion channel
Mechanism of Arrhythmia in Long QT Syndrome
proteins, are thought to be fairly rare.
Accentuation of spatial dispersion of refractoriness within the
ventricular myocardium, secondary to exaggerated transmural or
Genotype-Phenotype Correlation
trans-septal dispersion of repolarization, has been identified as
Genotype–phenotype studies have demonstrated that there are the principal arrhythmogenic substrate in both acquired and
significant differences among patients with LQT1, LQT2, and congenital LQTS.84,85 This exaggerated intrinsic heterogeneity
LQT3 forms of LQTS, which account for 95% of all genotyped and triggered activity induced by EADs and delayed after-
patients. Gene-specific ECG patterns have been identified (see depolarizations (DADs), both caused by a reduction in net
Figure 7-2), and the trigger for cardiac events has been shown to repolarizing current, underlie the substrate and trigger for the
be locus specific.62 Patients with LQT1 experience 97% of cardiac development of TdP arrhythmias observed under LQTS condi-
events during physical activity as opposed to those with LQT3 tions.58,86 Experimental models of LQTS suggest that preferential
who experience the majority of cardiac events at rest or during prolongation of the M cell APD leads to an increase in the QT
sleep. Auditory stimuli and arousal have been identified as rela- interval as well as an increase in transmural dispersion of repo-
tively specific triggers for patients with LQT2 while swimming larization (TDR), which contributes to the development of spon-
has been identified as a predisposing setting for cardiac events in taneous as well as stimulation-induced TdP (Figure 7-3).63,65,66,85,87,88
those with LQT1.76-79 The spatial dispersion of repolarization is further exaggerated by
The first risk stratification scheme based on genotype was sympathetic influences in LQT1 and LQT2, which accounts for
proposed by Priori et al in 2003.80 QT interval, genotype, and the great sensitivity of patients with these genotypes to adrenergic
gender were significantly associated with outcome. A QTc inter- stimuli (see Figure 7-2).
val longer than 500 ms in LQT2 or LQT3 indicated a worse
prognosis. In 2004, the same authors reported that the response
to β-blockers is also affected by the genotype, and patients with Short QT Syndrome
LQT1 showed greater protection by response to β-blockers than
did those with LQT2 and LQT3.81 SQTS, a clinical entity recently described in 2000, is character-
Patients with LQT2 harboring pore mutations were shown to ized by a short QT interval on the ECG, episodes of paroxysmal
exhibit a more severe clinical course and to experience a higher atrial fibrillation, and sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients
frequency of arrhythmia-related cardiac events occurring at an with structurally normal hearts.89 A distinctive ECG feature of
earlier age than do subjects with nonpore mutations.82 KCNH2 SQTS is the appearance of tall peaked symmetrical T waves. The
92  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

augmented Tpeak to Tend interval associated with this ECG feature

of the syndrome suggests that here, as in LQTS, a transmural
dispersion of repolarization underlies the arrhythmogenic sub- Finally, mutations in the KCNJ2 gene have also been associated
strate in the ventricles. To date, three different K+ channel genes with SQTS. The KCNJ2 gene encodes a protein (Kir2.1) responsible
and two different Ca2+ channel genes have been linked to for the inward rectifier K+ current (IK1). The proband and her father,
SQTS.8,90-92 in whom the mutation was discovered, displayed short QT correc-
tion intervals of 315 and 320 ms, respectively, and ECG recordings
showed asymmetrical T waves with an abnormally rapid terminal
phase. Expression of the mutant channel in a mammalian cell line
The KCNH2 gene (HERG) encodes for the rapidly activating revealed that the mutated Kir2.1 channels generated ionic currents
delayed rectifier K+ channel (IKr). The authors of this chapter and in which rectification was reduced, compared with WT channels.
their group identified two different missense mutations in the The hallmark of IK1 is a region of outward current and negative
same residue in KCNH2 in two unrelated families.90 Both muta- slope conductance at membrane potentials between –80 mV and
tions resulted in the same substitution of asparagine for lysine at –30 mV. Because rectification was reduced in the mutant Kir2.1
codon 588 (N588K), an area at the outer mouth of the channel channel, a larger outward current was observed over this range of
pore. Patch clamp studies of N588K channels expressed in potentials. Functionally, IK1 is responsible for terminal repolariza-
TSA201 mammalian cells revealed that the mutation abolished tion of the ventricular action potential.100,101 Mathematical model-
the inactivation, thereby increasing the IKr current. Analysis of the ing of the effects of the mutated channel on the ventricular action
current–voltage relation showed that N588K channels failed to potential showed an increase of terminal repolarization and short-
rectify over a physiological range of voltages.93,94 During action ening of the APD.
potential clamp experiments, N588K currents were larger during
all phases of the action potential compared with WT KCNH2
SQT4 and SQT5
channels.93 The biophysical analysis therefore showed that the
mutation induced a “gain of function” in the IKr current, thus The fourth and fifth genes associated with BrS were recently
shortening the action potential. The presence of paroxysmal atrial identified and shown to encode the α1-subunit (CACNA1c) and
fibrillation in some affected patients suggests that the increased the β-subunit (CACNB2b) of the L-type cardiac Ca2+ channel.8
heterogeneity would also be present at the atrial level and may be This new clinical entity, which exhibits ECG and arrhythmic
responsible for the arrhythmia. Experimental studies support this manifestations of both BrS and SQTS, was associated with loss of
observation as well.95,96 In one family, the N588K mutation is function mutations in the α1-subunit (CACNA1c) and the
associated only with atrial fibrillation with no occurrence of ven- β-subunit (CACNB2b) of the L-type cardiac Ca2+ channel.8
tricular arrhythmias in any of the family members displaying
short QT intervals.97
Mechanism of Arrhythmia in Short QT Syndrome
An increase in net outward current caused by either a reduction
in inward depolarizing current such as INa, ICa, an augmentation
A second inherited form of SQTS (SQT2) has been linked to a of outward repolarizing current like Ito, IK1, IK-ATP, IACh, IKr, IKs, or a
gain of function in the slow delayed rectifier K+ current (IKs) sec- combination of both favors early repolarization leading to abbre-
ondary to mutations in KCNQ1.92 This form of SQTS appears to viation of the action potential and the QT interval (Figure 7-4).
be quite rare. The KCNQ1 gene encodes the α-subunit respon- Experimental studies suggest that abbreviation of the action
sible for IKs. The mutation was first identified in a 70-year-old man potential in SQTS is heterogeneous with preferential abbreviation
with ventricular fibrillation and a QT interval of 290 ms after of either the epicardium or the endocardium, giving rise to an
resuscitation.92 Biophysical analysis showed that mutation in the increase in TDR. Dispersion of repolarization and refractoriness
KCNQ1 gene produced an outward K+ current of comparable serves as the substrate for re-entry in that it promotes unidirec-
magnitude compared with WT channels. However, since the half- tional block. Marked abbreviation of wavelength (product of
activation voltage was markedly shifted to negative potentials, the refractory period and conduction velocity) is an additional factor
mutated channel activated at more negative potentials and dis- promoting the maintenance of re-entry. Mutations giving rise to
played accelerated activation kinetics.92 These observations dem- a gain of function of outward K+ currents has been identified in
onstrate a gain of function of IKs, which explains the SQTS SQT1–SQT3 and a loss of function in inward ICaL have been
phenotype. identified in SQT4-SQT5 (see Table 7-1).8,90-92 Moreover, the
A second mutation in KCNQ1 was found in a female infant Tpeak to Tend interval and the Tpeak to Tend/QT ratio, an electrocar-
born at 38 weeks. Delivery was induced because the infant was diographic index of spatial dispersion of repolarization, and
experiencing bradycardia and an irregular rhythm.98 The ECG perhaps TDR, are significantly augmented in cases of SQTS.102,103
revealed atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response and a This ratio is larger in patients who are symptomatic.104
short QT interval. Genetic analysis identified a de novo missense Evidence supporting the role of augmented TDR in arrhyth-
mutation in the KCNQ1 gene. Voltage clamp experiments to char- mogenesis in SQTS comes from the experimental models involv-
acterize the physiological consequences of this mutation revealed ing use of the KATP activator pinacidil or the selective IKr agonist
an instantaneous and voltage-independent K+-selective current. PD-118057 to abbreviate repolarization time and thus mimic the
Mathematical modeling experiments confirmed a shortening of cellular conditions created by the of gene mutation responsible
the action potential duration in ventricular myocytes.98 A recent for SQT1.105-107
preliminary report has identified another novel KCNQ1 mutation Abbreviation of APD, and effective refractory period (ERP),
(R259H) associated with SQT2.99 and amplification of spatial dispersion of repolarization have also
Ion Channelopathies: Mechanisms and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations  93

been shown to predispose to the development of atrial fibrillation

Normal QT Short QT by creating the substrate for re-entry.96
↑ Net outward
↑ IKr Transmural Dispersion of Repolarization as a
M ↑ IKs Common Link in the Development of Arrhythmias
cell ↑ IK1
↓ ICa The three inherited sudden cardiac death syndromes thus far
discussed differ with respect to the characteristics of the QT
interval (Figure 7-5). In LQTS, QT increases as a function of
disease or drug concentration. In SQTS, the QT interval decreases
as a function of disease or drug, whereas in BrS, the QT interval
Epi remains largely unchanged. What these three syndromes have in
common is an amplification of TDR, which results in the develop-
ment of polymorphic VT and fibrillation when dispersion of
repolarization and refractoriness reaches the threshold for
re-entry. When polymorphic VT occurs in the setting of long QT,
it is referred to as TdP. The threshold for re-entry decreases as
APD and refractoriness are reduced and the pathlength required
for establishing a re-entrant wave is progressively reduced.

200 ms
Catecholaminergic Polymorphic
FIGURE 7-4  Proposed mechanism for arrhythmogenesis in short QT Ventricular Tachycardia
syndrome. An increase in net outward current due to a reduction in
late inward current or augmentation of outward repolarizing current Catecholaminergic, or familial, polymorphic ventricular tachy-
serves to abbreviate the action potential duration heterogeneously, cardia (CPVT) is a rare, autosomal dominant inherited disorder,
which leads to an amplification of transmural dispersion of predominantly affecting children or adolescents with structurally
repolarization and the creation of a vulnerable window for the normal hearts. It is characterized by bidirectional VT (BiVT),
development of re-entry. Re-entry is facilitated both by the increase in polymorphic VT (PVT), and a high risk of sudden cardiac death
transmural dispersion of repolarization and abbreviation of
(30% to 50% by the age of 20 to 30 years).108,109 Molecular genetic
refractoriness. (Modified from Antzelevitch C: The role of spatial dispersion
studies have identified mutations in genes encoding for the
of repolarization in inherited and acquired sudden cardiac death
syndromes, Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 293:H2024–H2038, 2007.) cardiac ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2) or calsequestrin 2 (CASQ2)
in patients with this phenotype.110-113


Long QT syndrome Brugada syndrome Short QT syndrome

TdP threshold
for reentry
msec increase

msec increase

msec increase



[Drug] [Drug] [Drug]

[Disease] [Disease] [Disease]

FIGURE 7-5  The role of transmural dispersion of repolarization (TDR) in channelopathy-induced sudden cardiac death. In long QT syndrome, QT
increases as a function of disease or drug concentration. In Brugada syndrome, it remains largely unchanged, and in short QT syndrome, the QT
interval decreases as a function of disease or drug. The three syndromes have in common the ability to amplify TDR, which results in the development
of torsades de pointes (TdP), when dispersion reaches the threshold for re-entry. The threshold for re-entry decreases as action potential duration and
refractoriness are reduced. (Modified from Antzelevitch C, Oliva A: Amplification of spatial dispersion of repolarization underlies sudden cardiac death
associated with catecholaminergic polymorphic VT, long QT, short QT and Brugada syndromes, J Intern Med 259:48–58, 2006.)
94  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology
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Disorders of Intracellular Transport and
Intercellular Conduction
Andrew L. Wit and Heather S. Duffy
Disorders of Intercellular Trafficking degradation (ERAD) is responsible for the elimination and control
of the buildup of aberrant proteins, preventing the aggregation of
The cardiac action potential is formed by stringent coordination toxic nonfunctional proteins.1 These misfolded proteins are rec-
of ion channel and gap junction channel functions. Ion channels ognized by chaperones such as Hsp70/Hsp40, which interact
pass ions that generate current, and gap junctions play a major directly with the misfolded protein and aid in its translocation
role in propagating this current through the myocardium. The into the cytoplasm for degradation by the proteasome. Evidence
ability for either of these channel types to play a role in normal is now beginning to accumulate that the ERAD pathway partici-
electrical propagation is dependent on their presence at cell mem- pates not only in the removal of proteins that are not folded cor-
branes in normal locations and quantity. Ion channels and gap rectly but also in the rapid degradation of excess proteins. Thus,
junction channels are formed by proteins specific for each type of a protein is made from RNA in larger quantities than needed
channel. This normally occurs through the process of protein under normal conditions but is degraded via the ERAD pathway
translation from ribonucleic acid (RNA), followed by protein prior to insertion into cell membranes. When a cell needs a rapid
folding and trafficking to cell membranes. As membrane proteins, increase of a particular protein, the ERAD system is turned off
the subunits that form ion channels and gap junction channels and more of the protein is trafficked to the cell membrane for use.
follow a carefully regulated pathway from formation of the protein An example of this is the adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP)–
within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the cell to their final sensitive potassium (K[ATP]) channel, whose biogenesis and
destination within the cell membranes. Disruption of any of the surface expression are controlled by ERAD. This is thought to be
trafficking steps leads to intracellular retention of the protein a mechanism for rapid increase in the availability of K(ATP) chan-
subunits and a subsequent loss of function at the cell membrane. nels during cellular stress.2
Because of the dependence of normal cardiac electrical propaga- In some cases, actual channel formation from multiple mono-
tion on the presence of these functional channels, this loss can mers does not occur until after the monomers leave the ER and
lead to cardiac arrhythmias. are within the Golgi apparatus. Here, the monomers form chan-
nels (or, in the case of gap junctions, half the channels) and
undergo post-translational modifications, which may include gly-
Formation of Protein Subunits
cosylation, acetylation, and interactions with protein partners. In
Following the transcription of RNA from deoxyribonucleic acid any of these cases, the coordination of this multiple-step process
(DNA), individual protein monomers are formed via translation is tightly regulated, and the need for this to work perfectly is
on the ribosomes. For proteins destined for the cell membrane, underscored by the fact that dysfunction in any of the above steps
this process occurs only on ribosomes that are attached to the ER, leads to a loss of ion channel function or gap junction function,
where every three RNA molecules code for an individual amino altered electrical propagation, and formation of an arrhythmo-
acid. The generalized pattern is messenger RNA (mRNA) binds genic substrate.
to the ribosomes attached to the ER, and transcription proceeds
with the nascent polypeptide inserting into the ER membrane.
Genetic Disorders of Trafficking
Under normal conditions, protein subunits are folded into their
appropriate configuration as the protein is being formed. In some Normal trafficking of membrane proteins is exquisitely dependent
cases, individual monomers interact with other monomers on having particular amino acid sequences within the protein
forming channel subunits while still in the ER. These channels sequence. These sequences allow for the interaction of the channel
leave the ER in membrane-bound vesicles that pinch off as indi- protein with molecular motors, cytoskeletal elements, and scaf-
vidual packets, sending the individual channels to the Golgi appa- folding proteins, which are all important for protein movements
ratus for post-translational modifications such as glycosylation. throughout the cell. Changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA
From here, channels are delivered to myocyte membranes for will translate into RNA missense errors, which, in turn, lead to
insertion and eventual function. the production of incorrect amino acid sequences within the pro-
As membrane proteins are formed in the ER, they undergo teins. Thus, errors within the genome may produce proteins that
folding to their correct functional conformation. Occasionally, are missing part or all of the appropriate trafficking sequences,
this process does not work correctly. In order to ensure that non- thus causing genetic trafficking disorders. Since the normal
functional proteins are not targeted to the myocyte membrane, a cardiac rhythm is dependent on ion channels and gap junctions,
process called unfolded protein response occurs. ER-associated abnormal ion channel and gap junction function underlie a

100  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

number of cardiac rhythm disturbances. Alteration in individual heterogeneity of the outward current found in the heart. This
channel gating function was thought to cause much of the loss of heterogeneity is usually masked by the inward Na+ current leading
function of mutated channels, but analysis of many of the proar- to a voltage gradient across the ventricular wall, which is evident
rhythmic mutations indicates that the true cause is the loss of on the ECG as the classic Brugada’s ST-segment elevations in
trafficking to the membrane surface. For example, an alteration in leads V1 through V3.3 Brugada syndrome can also result from
the trafficking of ion channels to the cell’s surface has been shown mutations in the channel proteins that cause changes in channel
to occur in some forms of atrial fibrillation (AF), long QT syn- function rather than a trafficking defect. Thus, loss of properly
drome (LQTS) types 1 and 2, Brugada syndrome, and Anderson functioning Na+ channels at the cell membranes—either because
syndrome (Table 8-1). of direct Na+ channel mutations or through loss of interaction of
One of the more common forms of changes within protein the Na+ channel with trafficking or scaffolding partners—leads to
sequences occurs when a coding change produces a protein with reduced Na+ current, increased heterogeneity in repolarization,
alternative amino acids at a given position within the protein. This and the subsequent production of re-entrant arrhythmias leading
shift, known as polymorphism, has two possible amino acids at to sudden cardiac death.
particular loci within a protein but leaves the remaining amino
acids in the correct location within the protein sequence. In many
Potassium Channels
cases, no phenotypic change associated with polymorphisms
occurs, but in rare cases, the changes at a single site can lead to Potassium (K+) channel mutations that decrease total channel
the production of a protein that is nonfunctional. For example, in expression at cell membranes are an important cause of LQTS
SCN5A, a mutation at amino acid 1053 from glutamic acid (E) to types 1 and 2 in addition to other mutations that cause loss of
lysine (K) leads to a trafficking disorder of the sodium (Na+) function of channels that are trafficked to the membranes. The
channel. Written as I1053K, this mutation prevents the SCN5A primary current affected in LQTS is the delayed outward rectifier
protein from localizing to cell membranes by interrupting the K+ current, IK. Depending on the channel in which a mutation
ability of the SCN5A protein to interact with the scaffolding resides, the subtypes of K+ current affected (IKr or IKs) may vary,
protein ankyrin G, which normally maintains the protein subunit but the overall effect that manifests as LQTS is a loss of outward
at the cell membranes (see Chapter 2 and Table 8-1). This simple K+ current. This loss leads to a delay in ventricular cell repolariza-
substitution of a single amino acid thus causes the Brugada syn- tion and the duration of the QT interval. As with Brugada syn-
drome phenotype. drome, this leads to an increase in transmural repolarization
Frame shift mutations may also occur. In these mutations, a gradients. The mechanism for ventricular tachycardia (torsades
coding error causes the initial RNA triplet to have either an extra de pointes, TdP) associated with LQTS has been postulated to be
nucleotide or a lost nucleotide, shifting the reading frame in a the occurrence of early after-depolarizations (EADs) and trig-
manner that causes a novel amino acid to be produced at that site. gered activity caused by the action potential prolongation, which
The produced protein will then have a scrambled or “nonsense” leads to re-entry facilitated by the heterogeneities of
sequence of amino acids. These errors are very severe and often repolarization.3
lead to proteins that are trafficking deficient; in addition, if the An additional K+ channel trafficking mutation associated
trafficking deficiency is rescued pharmacologically, these proteins with cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death is Andersen-
are unable to form a channel with normal function. One example Tawil syndrome (see Table 8-1). This pleiotropic disorder is
of this is the LQTS type 1 (LQT1) mutation that results from a caused by a primary mutation in the gene KCNJ2. This gene codes
frame shift at position 178 in the α-subunit of the channel that for the Kir2.1 channel, which underlies the inwardly rectifying
underlies the slow component of the delayed rectifier current, IK. K+ channel. As with other K+ channel trafficking mutations,
In this case, the alanine normally found at position 178 is lost, the primary ECG manifestation is a longer than normal QT
which leads to the formation of an abnormal amino acid sequence; interval, a dispersion of repolarization, and an increase in the
this sequence ends 105 amino acids later when, by chance, the propensity for ventricular arrhythmias likely triggered by EADs.
combination of nucleotides forms a stop codon and the protein While Andersen-Tawil syndrome has electrocardiographic simi-
translation is terminated. This type of mutation, written as larities to LQTS, the pleiotropic nature of the disorder (periodic
A178fs/105 in this case, causes the formation of a truncated form paralysis and dysmorphic features) helps distinguish it from other
of the protein that is trafficking deficient and leads to the LQT1 LQTSs.
phenotype (see Table 8-1).
Calcium Channels
Sodium Channels
Unlike Timothy syndrome, which is a gain of function mutation,
The primary phenotype found in patients with mutations that a trafficking mutation in the calcium (Ca2+) channel Cav1.2 is an
cause loss of trafficking of sodium (Na+) channels to the cell example of a loss of function mutation leading to a decrease in
membranes is Brugada syndrome. This phenotype is associated the L-type Ca2+ current. This current normally functions in phase
with high risk for sudden cardiac death. Voltage-gated Na+ chan- 2 of the action potential causing a sustained depolarization of the
nels are responsible for the rapid upstroke of the cardiac action cardiac action potential (the plateau phase, mainly ventricular and
potential and persistence of some Na+ current after rapid depo- Purkinje). Thus, loss of this channel leads to loss of the action
larization participates in the early phase of repolarization. Con- potential dome, shortening of the action potential, and alterations
duction velocity is, in part, dependent on both the amplitude and in the rate of repolarization and duration. As with all cardiac ion
the rate of activation of these channels, and repolarization is channels, the L-type Ca2+ channel is heterogeneously expressed
normally slowed by the persistence of Na+ inward current during with a transmural gradient of expression from the epicardium to
the early plateau phase. Therefore, decreased Na+ current leads to the endocardium (high to low current density). Complete channel
a shortened action potential duration. This exaggerates the normal loss leads to greater dispersion of repolarization across the
Disorders of Intracellular Transport and Intercellular Conduction  101

Table 8-1  Examples of Known or Suspected Trafficking Mutations Associated with Arrhythmias


SCN5A (INa) K1578fs/52* No current; possible trafficking Brugada syndrome Makiyama et al: J Am Coll Cardiol
defect 46(11):2100, 2005.
L325R Keller et al: Cardiovas Res 67(3):510,
R367H Hong et al: J Cardiovasc
Electrophysiol 15(1):64, 2004.

SCN5A (INa) T353I Trafficking defect; mexitelene rescue Brugada syndrome; masking Pfahnl et al: Heart Rhythm 4:46,
unmasks persistent Na+ current persistent Na+ current 2007.
associated with long QT

SCN5A (INa) G1743R Trafficking defect; mexitelene Brugada syndrome; rescue Valdiva et al: Cardiovasc Res 62:53,
rescues this defect gives normal Na+ current 2004.

SCN5A (INa) E1053K Trafficking defect caused by loss of Brugada syndrome Mohler et al: PNAS 101:17533, 2004.
interaction with the scaffolding
protein ankyrin G

GPD1L A280V Trafficking of GPD1L is increased, Brugada syndrome London et al: Circulation 116:2260,
(affects INa) causing a decrease in SCN5A 2007.
trafficking to the membrane

KCNH2 (IKr) T65P Trafficking defect LQT2 Delisle et al: Circ Res 94:1418, 2004.
V822M R823W

KCNQ1 (IKs) A178fs/105 L191P* Trafficking defect LQT1 Aizawa et al: FEBS Lett 574:145, 2004.
F275S Pan et al: Cell Signal 21(2):349, 2009.
Li et al: Biochem Biophys Res
Commun 380:127, 2009.

KCNJ2 (Kir) V302M Trafficking defect Andersen-Tawil syndrome Bendahhou et al: J Biol Chem
278:51779, 2003.

CaV1.2 A39V Trafficking defect Brugada phenotype with Antzelevitch et al: Circulation
shorter than normal QT 115(4):442, 2007.

Cx40 (GJa5) P88S Trafficking defect with a dominant Atrial fibrillation Gollob et al: N Engl J Med
negative effect on wild-type Cx40 354(25):2677, 2006.
as well as on Cx43

Cx40 G38D Trafficking defect Atrial fibrillation Gollob et al: N Engl J Med 354(25);
2677, 2007.

*fs indicates a frame shift mutation that causes formation of a scrambled sequence of amino acids that ends after a stop codon is accidentally made; the number after the slash
describes how many scrambled amino acids are made in this particular protein before the aberrant stop codon truncates the protein.
102  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

ventricular wall, manifested as an ST elevation on the ECG, and Table 8-2  Connexins in the Heart
leads to the formation of the arrhythmogenic substrate. The dis-
tinguishing factor between this mutation and other Brugada syn- Cx31.9 Sinoatrial node
drome mutations is that in patients with this mutation, the QT Atrioventricular node (although found only in animal
interval is shorter than normal because of the rapid repolarization models to date)
of the myocardium. Cx37 Endothelial cells of vessels

Cx40 Atria
Gap Junction Channels Sinoatrial node
Atrioventricular node
Although deficiencies in gap junction function are associated with
many different cardiac arrhythmias (see below), to date, the only Cx43 Atria
arrhythmia associated with trafficking deficient mutations of gap Ventricles
junction proteins is AF. In some patients with AF, a subset of
Cx45 Conducting system and nodes
trafficking deficient mutations is found in connexin40 (Cx40), a
Atria and ventricles (very low levels)
primary gap junction protein in the atria.4 Interestingly, these
mutations also cause a dominant negative effect on the trafficking
of connexin43 (Cx43), the other connexin isoform found in the
atria, leading to very low levels of cell–cell coupling between the
atrial myocytes. The mechanism for this transdominant effect is Connexins follow the general pattern of membrane protein
not clear, but the overall effect is loss of cell–cell coupling, which trafficking outlined above, with some interesting additions. The
leads to slowed conduction and a propensity for the formation of threading of the connexin protein into the membrane occurs, as
re-entrant arrhythmias. Trafficking mutations in Cx43, which is with all membrane proteins, as it is being formed in the ER, but
the major gap junction protein in the ventricular myocardium, then the six connexins that form the connexon oligomerize, most
have not been found to be associated with ventricular arrhyth- likely beginning this process in the ER but finalizing the connexon
mias. This is primarily because Cx43 is vital for normal cardiac formation within the Golgi apparatus.6 Thus, the protein subunits
development and function; thus, trafficking mutations would form the channel prior to insertion into the membrane of the cell
likely cause embryonic lethality. and must be regulated to stay closed to ensure that the intracel-
lular compartments do not exchange components.
Once the connexons are formed, they traffic out to the plasma
Intercellular Communication membrane within vesicles and in some cases, such as Cx43,
within caveolae with the aid of microtubules.7,8 For nonpolarized
The ability for the heart to pump efficiently is dependent on the cells such as epithelial cells, a nondirected movement of connex-
syncytial nature of the myocardium. Coordination of the contrac- ons occurs, when connexons are trafficked outward to any region
tion is maintained by passage of the electrical current through of the cell membrane. Polarized cells such as cardiomyocytes
gap junctions, which are specialized membrane channels.5 Gap show directionality in the trafficking, with connexons being shut-
junctions are formed from half, or hemi-, channels inserted into tled to the membrane domains in which they will reside and
the plasma membranes of individual myocytes. These hemi- function. In the cardiac myocyte, this is the intercalated disc.
channels (connexons) localize to the intercalated disc and meet From here, connexons move through the lipid bilayer and
head-to-head across the extracellular space with a connexon accumulate at the edges of gap junctional plaques, increasing
from an adjacent cell. This forms a longitudinally oriented the size of the plaque. As the protein is added, older protein that
conduit, which rapidly spreads excitation throughout the heart is designated to be removed from the plaque coalesces in the
(Figure 8-1). The importance of gap junctions in maintaining center of the plaque, and removal occurs from there.9 This turn-
conduction is underscored by the fact that their loss has been over is rapid, occurring within a few hours, giving an exquisite
associated with slowed conduction and the formation of regulatory control to the level of junctional coupling between
re-entrant arrhythmias. cells.
Connexons are formed from the oligomerization of proteins To maintain proper levels of cell-cell coupling, regulation of
from the connexin family in the Golgi apparatus. These proteins connexon function is vital. As such, connexins are subjected to
form four transmembrane domain-spanning units (see Figure multiple layers of regulation. In addition to the regulation by con-
8-1). Overall, there are 21 isoforms of connexin in the human nexon turnover, connexins in the heart are both pH and voltage
genome, five of which are found in the heart (Table 8-2).5 The dependent. Connexin proteins also contain multiple sites for
most abundant connexin in the heart is Cx43, which localizes to regulation by kinases, phosphatases, and scaffolding proteins,
both the atrial and the ventricular myocytes. The second most many of which are altered during cardiac dysfunction, which leads
abundant connexin is Cx40, which is found in the atrial myocytes, to aberrant regulation of gap junction channels.
largely co-localizing with Cx43 but is also a predominant isoform
within the nodes of the heart. It is found more sparsely within the
specialized conduction system in conjunction with connexin45
Abnormalities in Intercellular
(Cx45). Low levels of this connexin have been reported in both
the atria and the ventricles, although the physiological relevance Communication Causing
Cx45 in these regions is unclear. The nodes of the human heart Cardiac Arrhythmias
also contain connexin31.9 (Cx31.9), a low-conductance gap junc-
tion channel. Connexin37 (Cx37) occurs in the endothelial lining Cardiac arrhythmias are an expression of the abnormal electro-
of the cardiac vasculature in conjunction with Cx43.5 physiological properties of the heart. These abnormalities are
Disorders of Intracellular Transport and Intercellular Conduction  103





FIGURE 8-1  Connexins, connexons, and gap junctions in the heart. A, Connexin proteins, which form gap junctions, are four transmembrane domain
proteins with intracellular amino and carboxyl terminal domains. B, Six individual connexin proteins oligomerize to form a half of a gap junction
channel, known as a connexon (or hemi-channel). The connexon is shown here with one of its connexins visible for clarification. C, Connexons from
adjacent cells are inserted into the membranes in a plaque where they meet head-to-head across the extracellular space to form a full channel. D, In
healthy cardiac tissue, these gap junctional plaques are found at intercalated discs allowing for direct myocyte-to-myocyte coupling. E, Cell coupling
in the heart underlies normal electrical propagation. F, Loss of gap junctions under pathologic conditions underlies, in part, the formation of an
arrhythmogenic substrate. G, Animal models have shown that replacement of gap junction in the injured myocardium can decrease the formation of
arrhythmias, although increased coupling in the face of an infarct has been shown to increase overall infarction size and thus may add risk for future

mainly dependent on the aberrant function of sarcolemmal that they all lead to a decrease in gap junction conductance
ion channels and gap junction channels in intercalated discs, between myocytes.
often localized to a diseased area. Along with any structural
changes associated with pathology, such as fibrosis, apoptosis,
Changes in Gap Junction Conductance Without Changes
and necrosis, they form the arrhythmogenic substrate, that is, the
in Connexin Amount or Location
electrophysiological environment that promotes arrhythmias.
Remodeling of connexins causes loss of gap junction function that The gap-junctional membrane provides low-resistance pathways
may lead to arrhythmias. Remodeling of connexins may occur in for current flow between myocardial cells as well as for the
three forms: (1) changes in the function of connexin-formed gap passage of small molecules (up to 1 kDa). The permeability
junction channels without changes in the quantity or location of of a gap junction to the flow of ions that carry current (i.e.,
connexins, (2) changes in the quantity of connexins, and (3) loca- junctional conductance) is determined by the number of junc-
tion of connexins in membrane regions where they are not nor- tional channels, the proportion of the channels that are in the
mally located (outside intercalated discs). The common feature is open state, and the permeability (conductance) of the open
104  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

channel. The permeability of the gap junction channel in the connexons. Channels may also be heteromeric but heterotypic;
open state, or unitary conductance, is determined by the particu- that is, a single connexon may be composed of different connexins
lar connexin isoform or combination of isoforms that form the such as Cx40 and Cx43, and coupled with another connexon
channel.5 comprising different connexins.6
The conductance of gap junctional channels may change under Remodeling of gap junctions in the atrial myocardium has
pathophysiological conditions without any change in the quantity been documented in atrial fibrillation, an arrhythmia often associ-
or location of the connexin protein, through a change in the ated with aging.10 Fibrosis associated with aging and fibrillation
average conductance of gap junction channels. An important occurs in the form of fine longitudinally oriented collagenous
cause of reduction in Cx43 gap junction coupling that can occur microsepta and diminishes intercellular connections.12 It might
in the ventricular ischemic arrhythmogenic substrate is low intra- decrease connexin quantity, although the relationships of con-
cellular pH (below 6.5), an effect that can be facilitated by high nexin quantity to this kind of gap junction remodeling have not
intracellular Ca2+. Effects of Ca2+ and pH are caused by a change been determined. More extensive fibrosis that occurs in other
in the open probability of the gap junction channel rather than by atrial pathologies is often associated with decreased connexin as
single-channel conductance. pH becomes an important direct well (see below) and may play a larger role in the formation of the
influence at the low pH (<6.5) associated with hypoxia and isch- atrial arrhythmogenic substrate.
emia by directly closing the channels, but ischemia and hypoxia Studies on quantification of Cx43 and Cx40 have been done
may also lead to changes in connexon configuration that contrib- mostly in right atrial tissue from human and animal models of
ute to decreased gap junction conductance.6 atrial fibrillation.10 Connexin quantification in the left atrium has
Changes in the phosphorylation state of connexins during rarely been done. This represents a significant problem in relating
remodeling can change gap junction channel function.6 For connexin remodeling to fibrillation, which often originates in the
example, Cx43 is normally phosphorylated at multiple serine resi- left atrium or pulmonary veins. Increase, decrease Cx40, and no
dues. Phosphorylation plays a number of roles. It might be neces- change in the quantity of Cx40 have been reported.10 A common
sary for maintaining hemi-channels in their closed state until finding that is unrelated to quantitative changes in humans or
docking occurs in the membrane of the intercalated disc. It also animal models has been an increased heterogeneity in Cx40 dis-
appears to be necessary for the normal opening and closing of gap tribution manifested as increased regions, in which Cx40 contain-
junction channels. Changes in the phosphorylation state during ing myocytes are located adjacent to myocytes mostly lacking
acute ischemia can decrease the open probability of gap junction Cx40. Cx43 may increase, decrease, or not change in quantity.10
channels, probably prior to the change in Cx43 quantity that Cx45, which has only been measured in postoperative AF, does
occurs following approximately 15 minutes of ischemia. not change. No quantitative data indicates how heteromeric or
heterotypic gap junction channels might be affected. Together,
these disparate data suggest that changes in connexins are vari-
Changes in Quantity of Connexin Protein
able. Their relationship to the occurrence of AF is uncertain but
Gap-junctional plaques have half-lives in the order of 3 hours, has been supported by some studies in transgenic murine models
which allows for rapid turnover of connexins (synthesis and deg- (see below).
radation; see above). This rate of turnover may be altered in
pathophysiological states, thus affecting connexin quantity and
Ventricular Remodeling
myocyte coupling. A decrease in the quantity of connexin protein
has been documented in a number of different cardiac diseases. A decrease in total Cx43 occurs in the ischemic region as early as
Although quantifying connexins may not be an adequate 15 minutes after experimental coronary occlusion (Figure 8-2). A
indicator of what is happening to levels of gap junctional com- change in the phosphorylation state of Cx43 that accompanies
munication, it can give some determination as to the likelihood acute ischemia also occurs.13,14 Total phosphorylation is markedly
of loss of cell coupling and formation of the arrhythmogenic decreased such that the ratio of dephosphorylated Cx43 to phos-
substrate. phorylated Cx43 increases. Dephosphorylation occurs at sites at
S325, S328, S330, or in all three, which may contribute to
decreased cell coupling by decreasing the number of functional
Atrial Remodeling
gap junctions in intercalated discs.13,14 After more than 6 hours of
The atria, including the sleeves of the thoracic veins, contain ischemia resulting from coronary occlusion, Cx43 disappears
Cx40, Cx43, and Cx45.10 Cx40 is expressed two- to threefold from the necrotic infarct core but remains in reduced amounts in
higher in the right atrium than in the left.11 Distribution is het- surviving myocytes that form border zones and then remains
erogeneous, with areas containing large amounts of Cx40 adja- decreased (5% to 30% of normal) for days to months.15
cent to regions with minimal or no Cx40. Cx43 is more In the border zones of healed infarcts, significant interstitial
homogeneously distributed in the atria, although some reports fibrosis is present. Collagen fibrils separate myofibers and distort
have suggested an increased level of Cx43 in the right atrial free the interconnections between cells. Fewer gap junctions per unit
wall, as compared with the left atrial free wall. The functional of intercalated disc length are present, and the long transversely
significance of this difference in expression is unknown. The pres- oriented gap junctions in the interplicate regions are essentially
ence of multiple connexin isoforms in the atria may result in the absent.16 As a result, the number of cells connected to an indi-
formation of gap junction channels that have multiple isoform vidual ventricular myocyte is reduced with side-to-side contacts
configurations with different regulatory and physiological charac- selectively affected. Normal organization of gap junctions as a
teristics. Gap junctions may comprise Cx40 alone, Cx43 alone, or prominent ring enclosing small spots is no longer discernible in
Cx45 alone (homomeric and homotypic). The channels may also some border zone myocytes adjacent to the necrotic core.15 Com-
be homomeric but heterotypic; for example, homomeric Cx40 paratively fewer labeled gap junctions are organized in discrete
connexons may be coupled with homomeric Cx43 or Cx45 intercalated discs, and many are spread laterally over the cell (see
Disorders of Intracellular Transport and Intercellular Conduction  105


0 15 30 40

polyclonal Ab

monoclonal Ab


Rabbit polyclonal Ab
Cx43 signal


0.2 *
Control 15 min isch 30 min isch 40 min isch

1.0 *
Mouse monoclonal Ab

Cx43 signal



Control 15 min isch 30 min isch 40 min isch

FIGURE 8-2  Remodeling of Cx43 expressed as a reduction of total Cx43 and an increase in dephosphorylated Cx43. Top panels, Representative
confocal images of rat ventricles subjected to selected intervals of ischemia and immunostained with either polyclonal (stains both phosphorylated
and dephosphorylated Cx43) or monoclonal (stains only dephosphorylated Cx43) anti-Cx43 antibodies. Immunoreactive signal is concentrated in
discrete spots at sites of intercellular apposition. In normal rat, ventricle immunofluorescence from polyclonal antibody is plainly seen representing
mainly the phosphorylated antibody, and little staining from monoclonal antibody represents dephosphorylated antibody. With time, after onset of
ischemia, total Cx43 decreases, and the inactive dephosphorylated Cx43 increases. Bottom panel, Quantitative digital image analysis of rat ventricles
subjected to ischemia (isch) and immunostained with polyclonal or monoclonal anti-Cx43 antibodies. Cx43 signal is expressed as a percentage of the
total area occupied by tissue. *P < .05 compared with the 0-minute time point for each antibody. (From Beardslee MA, Lerner DL, Tadros PN, et al:
Dephosphorylation and intracellular redistribution of ventricular connexin43 during electrical uncoupling induced by ischemia, Circ Res 87:656–662, 2000.)
106  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

section on lateralization).15 A reduction of Cx43 expression by Normal gap junction amount and localization in ventricular
more than 50% has been measured in experimental and clinical myocytes likely depend on normal mechanical coupling via
heart failure and hypertrophy, although quantitative data differ, cell–cell adhesion junctions.22 Carvajal syndrome is caused by
depending on the cause, the duration, and the regions of the a recessive mutation in desmoplakin, a protein that links desmo-
ventricle sampled.17,18 somal adhesion molecules in intercalated discs, to the myocyte
Upregulation of Cx45 in conjunction with downregulation of cytoskeleton. Naxos disease is caused by a recessive mutation in
Cx43 at the end stage of human failing ventricles has been plakoglobin (γ-catenin), that links N-cadherins in the discs to
reported.19 An increase or no change in the quantity of Cx45 in actin and desmosomal cadherins to desmin. In Naxos disease,
the face of a decrease in Cx43 levels would increase the Cx45/ Cx43 is expressed abundantly but fails to localize to gap junctions.
Cx43 ratio, potentially promoting the formation of more hetero- Both diseases are associated with a reduction in Cx43.22
typic gap junctions with lower conductance than in normal
hearts. As in ischemia, a decrease in the phosphorylated form and
Changes in Location of Connexin Protein: Lateralization
an increase in the dephosphorylated form of Cx43 are evident in
experimental as well as clinical heart failure, with a substantial Connexin remodeling in ventricles is often associated with Cx43
decrease in both pS365 as well as in pS325/328/330, which would dispersion over the cell surface outside the intercalated disc, a
also be expected to decrease conductance.20 process called lateralization. Lateralization is not as prevalent in
Cx43 gap junctions within the intercalated discs of the hyper- the atria as in the ventricles, although it has been described in
trophied myocardium are reduced.21 In hypertrophic cardiomy- AF.10 Lateralization appears to be intimately related to remodel-
opathy, intercalated discs in regions of myocyte disarray do not ing that leads to a decrease in connexin protein at intercalated
show the standard stepwise morphology but are abnormally discs. After acute ischemia, some of the Cx43 rapidly moves to
enlarged and show abundant Cx43 immunostaining. In areas of lateral nonintercalated disc membranes within 30 minutes.13,23 In
myofiber disarray, Cx43 gap junctions are no longer confined to chronic ischemia and infarction, lateralization of Cx43 occurs in
intercalated discs but are dispersed over the surfaces of myocytes infarct border zones mainly in the surviving myocytes that are
(see next section). adjacent to the necrotic regions (Figure 8-3).15 The amount of





FIGURE 8-3  Left, Immunostained gap junctions from human left ventricle as observed by laser scanning confocal microscopy (transplant patient).
The immunofluorescence labeling is at the ends of the myocytes showing the normal distribution of Cx43 in the intercalated discs. Right, Gap junction
distribution in myocytes bordering healed infarcts in the left ventricle of a transplant patient, as viewed by immunostaining and laser scanning
confocal. The normal segregation of gap junctions into intercalated discs is retained by some cells (arrow in B), and myocytes in A, C, and D show
labeling on lateral membranes outside intercalated discs. A and C, Composite images prepared from multiple optical sections. B and D, Single optical
sections. Magnification: A, x143; B, x780; C, x355; D, x2520. (From Smith JH, Green CR, Peters NS, et al: Altered patterns of gap junction distribution in
ischemic heart disease. An immunohistochemical study of human myocardium using laser scanning confocal microscopy, Am J Pathol 139[4]:801–821, 1991.)
Disorders of Intracellular Transport and Intercellular Conduction  107

lateralized Cx43 is not commensurate with lateralized gap junc- Gap junction coupling influences the refractory properties of
tions. In a canine model, at 5 days after occlusion, very few lateral
gap junctions were detected by ultrastructure analysis despite
abundant lateral immunofluorescent antibody to Cx43 (Heather
S. Duffy, unpublished observation). In chronic infarcts, lateral
the myocardium as well. Significant differences in refractory
periods (heterogeneity) between closely adjacent regions predis-
pose the myocardium to conduction block of premature impulses
in those regions with longer refractory periods and allows con-
gap junctions have been detected, but they are not as numerous duction in those regions with shorter refractory periods, which
as would be expected if most of the lateralized Cx43 formed gap can initiate re-entrant excitation.26 The time courses of repolariza-
junctions.15 Gap junctions are still present in intercalated discs tion of myocytes in different regions of the ventricles and atria
after lateralization. However, the normal organization as a promi- are different because of intrinsic differences in repolarizing mem-
nent ring around the myocyte enclosing small regions of gap brane currents. These intrinsic differences in the ventricles are
junctional plaques within the intercalated disc is no longer dis- expressed in the action potentials of isolated myocytes, in which
cernible.15 The long ribbon-shaped junctions in the interplicate the time course of repolarization is longest in the deep
disc appear to be reduced in conjunction with the widening of subepicardial/midmyocardial myocytes (M cells) of the left ven-
the intercellular space.16 Lateralization of Cx43 also occurs in tricular free wall and the deep endocardial layers of the septum
heart failure and hypertrophy.17,18 The amount of lateralized Cx43 and papillary muscles and shorter in the epicardial and subendo-
as detected by immunofluorescence is much greater than any cardial myocytes.27 However, a significant transmural gradient
increase in identifiable gap junctions. Decreases in transverse does not occur in situ, likely caused by current flow through gap
conduction velocity following coronary occlusion argue against junctions when cells are well coupled.28 Current flows from myo-
lateralized gap junctions forming functional channels between cytes repolarizing early to myocytes repolarizing late because of
adjacent myocytes. the intrinsic differences in the time course of repolarization,
lengthening the repolarization in cells with a shorter time course
and shortening the repolarization in cells with a longer time
Electrophysiological Mechanisms course. Decreased gap junction coupling with gap junction
of Cardiac Arrhythmias remodeling decreases homogeneity (increases heterogeneity) by
enabling the differences in intrinsic membrane properties to be
Arrhythmias result from critical alterations in cellular electro- expressed.28
physiology. The two general causes of arrhythmias are (1) abnor-
malities in impulse initiation (automaticity and triggered activity)
Re-entry Caused by Changes in Gap Junction Channel Conductance
and (2) abnormalities in impulse conduction (re-entry). Gap junc-
Without Changes in Connexin Amount or Location
tion remodeling may play a role in both.
Ventricular arrhythmias that occur within the first minutes of
coronary artery occlusion (phase 1a) are mostly caused by
Role of Gap Junction Remodeling in Re-entrant Excitation
re-entrant excitation with slow conduction resulting from mem-
Slowed conduction facilitates the occurrence of re-entry. During brane depolarization, before conduction slowing caused by gap
conduction of the impulse, the transmembrane current during the junction uncoupling. A second phase of arrhythmias that occurs
depolarization phase (0) of the action potential results in axial later (phase 1b) may also be caused by re-entry at a time when
current flow along the cardiac fiber through the cytoplasm and uncoupling occurs because of the effects of hypoxia, acidification,
the gap junctions connecting the myocytes. A decrease in this and dephosphorylation on gap junction channel function.26
inward current, an increased resistance to axial current flow Uncoupling causes a substantial increase in internal longitudinal
(effective axial resistance), or both decreases the magnitude and (axial) resistance and conduction velocity over a period of about
spread of axial current and decreases conduction velocity. Thus, 30 minutes before conduction block occurs.29,30 Alterations in the
the extent, distribution, and conductance of gap junctions influ- configuration of connexon channels in gap junctions over a
ence axial resistance and conduction. slightly longer time course, up to 3 hours, may also contribute to
Conduction velocity decreases monotonically with a reduction the decreased conductance before irreversible cell damage
in intercellular coupling as would occur with gap junction remod- occurs.23 Increased heterogeneity of refractoriness that contrib-
eling.24 Conduction becomes discontinuous, and the safety factor utes to conduction block during both phases may be partly related
increases, which differs from the fall in safety factor that occurs to uncoupling. Cx43 quantity begins to decrease shortly after
with a reduction of INa. Conduction can slow to about one fif- coronary occlusion, probably contributing to more long-term
teenth of normal at gap junction coupling, which is reduced by a slowing of conduction during phase 1b arrhythmia.14
factor of approximately 100, whereas minimum possible conduc-
tion velocity with reduced INa is by about a factor of 3.24 Therefore,
Re-entry Caused by Gap Junction Remodeling Characterized
gap junction uncoupling can cause the necessary slowed conduc-
by Changes in Connexin Quantity
tion that enables re-entry. Decreased gap junction coupling
during remodeling also can alter the anisotropic properties of the The decrease in connexin protein that accompanies atrial and
myocardium, an important factor in arrhythmogenesis. A uniform ventricular pathology is often associated with the occurrence of
reduction of transverse and longitudinal gap junction conduc- arrhythmias. Although a re-entrant mechanism is a likely cause,
tance causes a uniform longitudinal and transverse reduction of it has not always been directly demonstrated. A decrease in con-
conduction velocity with an increase in the anisotropic ratio, nexin protein should decrease the number of functioning gap
since transverse conduction decreases more than longitudinal junctions, intercellular coupling, and conduction velocity and also
conduction does.25 Changes in the characteristics of anisotropic increase heterogeneity of refractoriness. The exact quantitative
propagation from uniform to nonuniform may also be a conse- relationship between reduction of connexin protein levels and
quence of gap junction remodeling.12 changes in conduction velocity and refractoriness is uncertain.
108  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

This problem of relating connexin reduction to changes in con- electrophysiological properties are unknown, but it may contrib-
duction has been addressed in studies of transgenic murine ute to the occurrence of heterogeneities in conduction and
models. For example, in the atria of transgenic murine models refractoriness.
with downregulation of Cx40 in the absence of changes in Cx43 The link between atrial gap junction remodeling and arrhyth-
and Cx45, almost complete reduction of Cx40 was shown to mias is circumstantial. An increased occurrence of spontaneous
result in decreased atrial conduction velocity of 30% to 36%.31 The and induced atrial arrhythmias in transgenic models of reduced
decrease in Cx40 is heterogeneous, as is the decrease in conduc- Cx40 has been demonstrated, although re-entrant circuits have
tion, likely causing block in some regions devoid of most Cx40. not been mapped.33 Induction and termination by pacing is sug-
Such heterogeneities also occur in animal models as well as in gestive of a re-entrant mechanism. Re-entry has been shown to
patients with AF.10 Refractory periods have not been measured in cause rapid atrial arrhythmias in both animal models and clinical
the transgenic murine models but are heterogeneous in both cases.10 The relative contributions of gap junction remodeling and
animal models and patients, which is a possible result of hetero- other properties of the arrhythmogenic substrate have not been
geneous gap junction remodeling. Some slowing of atrial conduc- determined.
tion also occurs with decreased Cx43. The presence of Cx43, In the ventricles, reduction of Cx43, either by targeting the
therefore, may be maintaining conduction in the absence of Cx40. genes that control Cx43 formation or the genes controlling other
In a clinical study, it was found that the ratio Cx43/[Cx43+Cx40] proteins related to gap junction location in intercalated discs,
was directly related to propagation velocity and that the Cx40/ causes a significant decrease in gap junction coupling and ven-
[Cx43+Cx40] ratio was inversely related to propagation velocity.32 tricular arrhythmias related to abnormal conduction and refrac-
This suggests that changing the ratio of homomeric channels to toriness, which are likely to be re-entrant (Figure 8-4). Reduction
heteromeric channels will have effects on propagation velocity, of Cx43 in the ventricles by as much as 50% by disruption of one
reflecting the functions of individual channels. As described allele of the Cx43 gene does not significantly slow conduction.34
above, in some clinical studies on AF, an upregulation of Cx40 However, it does predispose the myocardium to the effects of
has been demonstrated.10 Its effects on conduction or other “second hits” on gap junctions to slow conduction such as


B 1 mm C

0.75 n.t. 3
CV (m/s)

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.50 2


Time (seconds)

0.25 1

0 0 100 ms

CVmax CVmin AR E

FIGURE 8-4  Left, Continuous electrocardiographic recordings from miniaturized implanted transmitter devices in three MHC-CKO mice at 5 (top), 8
(middle), and 7 (bottom) weeks of age. The recordings show normal sinus rhythm initially, followed by ventricular tachycardia. The arrhythmias quickly
degenerated into ventricular fibrillation. Right, Optical-mapping studies in MHC-CKO mice. A, Schematic of the anterior surface of the heart showing
the approximate area imaged and used to calculate conduction velocities. Hearts in this study were paced at the left ventricular lateral wall, and the
epicardial activation pattern was recorded as it spread across the anterior wall toward the ventricular septum, as indicated by the arrow. B, Anterior
view of a control littermate heart showing the expected smooth epicardial activation pattern from the site of pacing at the lateral wall and spreading
toward the ventricular septum. CVmax in this control heart is 0.58 m/s, and CVmin is 0.32 m/s. C, Representative epicardial activation pattern of an
age-matched MHC-CKO mouse heart paced in the same fashion as the control heart. CVmax in this MHC-CKO heart is 0.42 m/s, and CVmin is 0.15 m/s.
D, CVmax, CVmin, and anisotropic ratio (AR) for the control (n = 56) and MHC-CKO (n = 54) mice. E, Epicardial activation pattern in an MHC-CKO mouse
with incessant ventricular tachyarrhythmia. The bottom trace shows a pseudo-electrocardiogram that summarizes the activity recorded during the
episode. Color scale bars in B and C indicate 0 (red) to 4 ms (purple) and in E from 0 to 10 ms. LA, Left atrium; LV, left ventricle; LAD, left anterior
descending artery; RV, right ventricle; WT, wild type. (From Gutstein DE, Morley GE, Vaidya TH, et al: Conduction slowing and sudden arrhythmic death in
mice with cardiac-restricted inactivation of connexin43, Circ Res 88:333–339, 2001.)
Disorders of Intracellular Transport and Intercellular Conduction  109

ischemia (see below). A very large reduction of Cx43, by more ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation and sudden cardiac death as
than 75%, significantly slows conduction by approximately 50% in
the transverse and approximately 20% in the longitudinal direc-
tion, and increases the anisotropic ratio (see Figure 8-4).35,36 Con-
duction slowing does not seem to be commensurate with the
well as inducible ventricular arrhythmias indicative of a re-entrant
mechanism.35 Arrhythmias do not occur if Cx43 is not reduced
to less than 40%.39 Other transgenic murine models with reduc-
tion of Cx43 also have demonstrated ventricular tachyarrhyth-
marked reduction in Cx43 in transgenic murine models, and it is mias.40 Re-entrant circuits that have been mapped have the
not certain if this quantitative relationship applies to the human characteristics of anisotropic re-entry with conduction velocity
heart (see below). more rapid in the longitudinal direction and functional lines of
Since remodeling of Cx43 associated with a decrease in quan- conduction block of transversely conducting wavefronts.39 Small
tity is usually heterogeneous, regions of the myocardium nearly rotors may also form in regions with inexcitable obstacles formed
devoid of Cx43 may occur both in pathology and in transgenic by myocytes devoid of Cx43. Abnormal impulse initiation (see
murine models. These regions cause very slow conduction or below) cannot be excluded.
conduction block and may be the critical feature leading to Although the evidence is limited, Cx45 may be upregulated in
re-entry. Although the upregulation of other connexins must be heart failure.19 Transgenic mice overexpressing Cx45, without
considered as an explanation for the unexpected maintenance of changes in Cx43 gap junctions, exhibit enhanced spontaneous or
conduction in the face of a marked reduction of Cx43 in trans- induced ventricular arrhythmias suggesting a re-entrant mecha-
genic models, this has not been demonstrated. Another impor- nisms.41 Overexpression of Cx45 in cells normally expressing
tant factor concerning gap junction control of conduction in Cx43 significantly reduces intercellular coupling, since Cx43 and
murine ventricles is the very small size of the myocytes and the Cx45 may form low-conductance heteromeric channels.
concomitant high resistance of the intracellular compartment in
relation to gap junction resistance and an upregulation of Na+
Gap Junction Remodeling Characterized by
channels, both rendering conduction less dependent on gap junc-
Changes in Gap Junction Location
tion coupling than it might be in humans.24
Beyond the observation that arrhythmias are associated with Lateralization of connexin protein may be part of the process that
Cx43 remodeling, direct proof that remodeling of gap junctions leads to a reduction of connexins. In most instances, a decrease
is the cause of re-entry caused by slow conduction in pathology in total connexins occurs despite an increase on nondisc lateral
is sparse. The diseased heart in which gap junction remodeling membranes. Lateralized Cx43, sometimes but not always, is
occurs usually has alterations in sarcolemmal ion channel func- dephosphorylated, which may be part of the mechanism for lat-
tion as well as structural changes such as fibrosis, making it dif- eralization. The expected increase in transverse conduction veloc-
ficult to define the relative role of gap junction remodeling in the ity that would occur if new lateral gap junctions were formed has
arrhythmogenic substrate. In a canine model of myocardial usually not been seen (Figure 8-5), and an increase in lateral gap
infarction, in which there is a decrease in Cx43 and lateralization junctions commensurate with increased lateralized connexin
(see below), re-entrant circuits causing ventricular tachycardia demonstrated by immunofluorescent studies is absent.36
have been mapped in the epicardial border zone.36 It is likely that
interaction between the reduced Na+ current in border zone myo- Effects of Gap Junction Remodeling on
cytes with reduced gap junction coupling causes the slow conduc- Abnormal Impulse Initiation
tion and block necessary for re-entry. Re-entrant circuits have
also been mapped in border zones of healed human infarcts
which have gap junction remodeling.21,26 Although gap junction The sinus node provides an example of the influence of gap junc-
remodeling can influence the refractory period, re-entry depen- tion coupling on automaticity. The sinus node is poorly coupled
dent on heterogeneities in the effective refractory period has only with the surrounding atrial myocardium through transitional cells
been shown in a canine model of pacing-induced heart failure.37 with gap junctions formed by connexins 40, 45, 31.9, or all of
Additional evidence to show the relationship between conduc- them. If the two regions were well coupled, hyperpolarizing
tion slowing caused by Cx43 reduction and re-entrant arrhyth- current flow from the well-polarized atrial myocardium would
mias comes from studies on transgenic murine models of gap prevent sinus node impulse initiation. The weak coupling allows
junction remodeling, in which changes in sarcolemmal ion propagation from the small mass of the sinus node to the larger
channel function and myocardial structure changes do not occur. mass of the atrium.42 The effect of gap junction coupling on sinus
Cx43 heterozygous mice are abnormally susceptible to the devel- node automaticity and conduction also applies to the interaction
opment of ventricular tachycardia in response to acute ischemia, of subsidiary pacemakers with surrounding nonpacemakers. In
despite the minimal effects of the reduction in Cx43 by itself well-coupled cells, flow of the hyperpolarizing current from non-
(~50%) on conduction.38 The effects of ischemia to reduce gap pacemaker cells to pacemaker cells would slow spontaneous firing
junction coupling may be enhanced and thus cause more severe or even inhibit it, depending on the coupling resistance, while
conduction slowing leading to re-entrant excitation, although preventing impulses initiated in a relatively small region from
re-entrant circuits have not been mapped. This has important propagating into the larger surrounding region. Partial uncou-
implications for clinical arrhythmias, since hearts with chronic pling caused by gap junction remodeling would allow subsidiary
pathology causing reduction of Cx43 (e.g., failure and hypertro- pacemakers to fire and possibly drive the heart as an arrhythmia.43
phy) that, in itself, may not be sufficient to cause arrhythmias may Such arrhythmias might occur in any of the pathologic situations
be more susceptible following an ischemic event. that result in atrial or ventricular gap junction remodeling, par-
Murine hearts with conditionally inactivated Cx43 genes, ticularly in situations of heterogeneous decreases in connexin.
resulting in Cx43 expression reduced by up to 90% with extensive Conversely, the flow of current between partially depolarized
areas completely devoid of Cx43, exhibit spontaneously occurring regions and well-polarized regions may induce spontaneous
110  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

50 50 *

Longitudinal velocity (cm/sec)

Transverse velocity (cm/sec)

40 40 2.0

Anisotropic ratio
30 30 1.5

20 20 * * 1.0

5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4
10 10 0.5

0 0 0
* P < .05 compared to NZ
A # P < .05 compared to OP

B Central pathway Outer pathway Normal

FIGURE 8-5  A, Conduction velocities (ordinates) in normal (NZ), central common pathway (CCP), and outer pathway (OP) (abscissa) of re-entrant
circuits in 5-day-old canine infarct epicardial border zone. Longitudinal velocities are at the left, transverse velocities in the center, and anisotropic ratios
at the right. Numbers in bars indicate number of experiments in each group. B, Immunofluorescence images of epicardial border zone of the CCP and
OP of a mapped re-entrant circuit. Location of Cx43 shown by red fluorescence. In the central pathway, significant amounts of Cx43 are located along
lateral membranes, at the same time maintaining a presence at the ends of the myocytes. Nevertheless, both transverse and longitudinal conduction
velocities are decreased. In the normal and outer pathway tissues, fluorescence is seen only at the intercalated disc regions of the myocytes. Scale bars:
25 µm. (From Cabo C, Yao J, Boyden PA, et al: Heterogeneous gap junction remodeling in re-entrant circuits in the epicardial border zone of the healing canine
infarct, Cardiovasc Res 72[2]:241–249, 2006.)

(automatic) firing under special circumstances. In ischemic dephosphorylation and reduction of Cx43 have occurred (see
regions with decreased membrane potential adjacent to normally above).
polarized myocytes either in nonischemic subendocardial Pur-
kinje system or muscle, an injury current flows from the ischemic
Triggered Activity
myocytes with low membrane potentials to myocytes with higher
membrane potentials, which results in depolarization-induced Since the occurrence of EADs is favored by the prolongation of
impulse initiation (abnormal automaticity) in the latter.26 When repolarization in the presence of inciting influences such as
there is normal coupling, the flow of the injury current is too large β-adrenergic stimulation or class III antiarrhythmic drugs, gap
to permit spontaneous activity, since it “clamps” the cells at the junction remodeling leading to uncoupling and the increase in
low membrane potential. If uncoupling is too severe, insufficient action potential duration described above, can lead to EAD for-
injury current occurs to depolarize the myocytes to the level of mation and triggered activity, particularly in myocytes with long
membrane potential necessary for abnormal automaticity.44 The intrinsic action potential durations such as M cells.26 However,
cause of the uncoupling is likely the low pH and elevated Ca2+, even in the face of moderate uncoupling, EADs may be prevented
which occur during acute ischemia; however, by this time, some by the flow of repolarizing current from the neighboring
Disorders of Intracellular Transport and Intercellular Conduction  111

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Fundamentals of Regenerative Medicine
and Its Applications to Electrophysiology
David H. Lau and Michael R. Rosen
The adult human heart has long been accepted as an end organ virus are favored for proof of concept studies because they are
having no regenerative properties. In contrast, nonmammalian easily manipulated and have high expression levels. Durability of
species such as zebrafish recover completely after ventricular expression is the major limitation of adenovirus. Adeno-associated
apical resection thereby manifesting cardiac regeneration.1 Regen- virus can mediate expression in the heart for months, if not
erative medicine builds on such observations, with the aim to longer, but the packaged gene size is limited to under five kilo-
replace or regenerate cells, tissues, and organs to restore or estab- bases. Retroviruses such as lentivirus are incorporated into the
lish normal function. genome and have the potential for long-term expression of the
Despite previous wisdom, recent evidence suggests that (1) therapeutic gene.8-10
adult human cardiomyocytes have mitotic potential, (2) cardiac Major concerns regarding the clinical administration of viral
progenitor cells can be isolated, (3) cardiomyocyte turnover vectors include infection potential, carcinogenesis, and inflamma-
occurs, and (4) human embryonic stem cells can differentiate into tion potential of long-term viral protein expression. Ex vivo gene
cardiomyocyte-like cells in culture.2-7 These discoveries have transfer strategies involve harvesting a patient’s own cells, trans-
sparked excitement about the idea of repopulating the heart with ducing them with the gene of choice, and implanting them back
healthy cardiomyocytes after a myocardial infarction, an idea that into the donor-patient. The use of autologous cells in ex vivo gene
only recently was considered science fiction.4 Part of the effort in therapy circumvents immunologic rejection. Furthermore, labo-
regenerative medicine has focused on cardiac arrhythmias. This ratory verification of therapeutic protein expression can be per-
effort has drawn on knowledge of the molecular and biophysical formed prior to implantation, which may be important to dosage
properties of the ion channels and signaling molecules that con- calculations.
tribute to the initiation and propagation of the action potential.
The effort has gained impetus from continued disappointment
with the performance of antiarrhythmic drugs. Stem Cell–Based Therapy
Gene- and cell-based strategies to treat cardiac arrhythmias
offer several potential advantages over traditional drugs. First, Embryonic stem cells and cardiac progenitor cells have raised the
gene- and cell-based therapies can be site selective; that is, they possibility of regenerating and replacing the functional myocar-
can be delivered by catheter to exert their effects selectively on dium. The majority of cardiac cell therapy research has focused
the tissue of interest. Second, these therapies have the potential on restoring myocardial function after infarction. Recently, cell-
to have durable effects, which obviates daily dosing with medica- based therapeutic strategies to treat arrhythmias have been dem-
tions. Lastly, these therapies can deliver almost any therapeutic onstrated (see below).
protein, or proteins, toward achieving normal physiology. The The multipotency of progenitor cells and pluripotency of
therapeutic agent may be a construct that is native or foreign embryonic stem cells are the fundamental properties that make
to cardiac cells, chimeric, or mutated to enhance therapeutic them attractive for regenerative medicine, but they also raise
efficacy. safety questions. Undesirable differentiation and proliferation of
stem cells may cause tumor formation. Also, stem cells migrate
and home to specific biochemical signals. These homing
Gene Transfer by Viral Vectors properties can be exploited to target them to specific areas of
disease.11 Alternatively, stem cells may migrate and lose their
A successful gene therapy strategy must be safe, easy to deliver, effect if they detect a chemoattractant located elsewhere. While
and predictable in expression, efficacy, and duration of effect. autologous progenitor cells are ideal for limiting rejection,
Viral vectors have been widely used for gene transfer. Several some stem cells (e.g., mesenchymal stem cells) appear to be
factors need to be considered in choosing a viral vector: (1) the immunoprivileged and have potential application in allogeneic
size of the gene it can incorporate; (2) the ease of genetic manipu- therapy. Genetic engineering of stem cells can be accomplished
lation; (3) the ability to infect the target cell type; (4) replication by various techniques that use viruses, electroporation, or lipo-
deficiency; (5) lack of inflammatory and oncogenic potential; and somes. Stem cells also represent a platform for “designer”
(6) reliability of expression. Adenovirus and adeno-associated therapeutics.

114  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

in biologic pacemaking used plasmids to overexpress the human

Treatment Strategies for Bradyarrhythmias: β2-adrenergic receptor in the murine atrium.14 Edelberg et al then
demonstrated that gene transfer was feasible by using catheter-
Biologic Pacemakers based injection of plasmid into the procine right atrium. Overex-
pressing the human β2-adrenergic receptor was shown to increase
Properties of an Ideal Biologic Pacemaker
heart rate by about 50% 2 days after plasmid injection.15 Further
Advances in microcircuitry and battery technology have minia- application of these studies was limited because the plasmid-
turized the modern electronic pacemaker such that implantation based gene delivery system conferred only short-lived
is now a routine procedure done outside a surgical operating expression.
suite. However, electronic pacemaker therapy has some short-
comings, such as the requirement for permanent hardware Inhibition of Diastolic Repolarization Current, IK1
implantation, limited battery life, potential for malfunction, and Ventricular cardiomyocytes possess the necessary ion channels
a foreign body that may serve as a nidus for infections. The extrac- for pacemaker function, but their activity is normally repressed
tion of an infected pacemaker (especially an infected lead) is a by the inward-rectifier K+ current (IK1). IK1 is encoded by the Kir2
complex undertaking that has a significant risk of mortality. gene family. IK1 is robustly expressed in adult atrial and ventricular
The placement of pacemaker leads and the activation of the myocytes, where it stabilizes the negative resting potential and
myocardium may impact unfavorably on cardiac contractility and suppresses cellular excitability. It is nearly absent in nodal pace-
electrophysiology. Furthermore, electronic pacemakers are not maker cells.
responsive to autonomic stimulation, especially that related Mutations within the pore regions of channels can dramati-
to a physical activity or an emotional state. In the pediatric cally affect channel conductance. Miake et al introduced an ade-
patient, electronic pacemaker hardware must be selected taking novirus packaged with the Kir2.1AAA mutant and green
physical growth into consideration. Lastly, the function of the fluorescent protein (GFP) into the guinea pig left ventricle cavity.16
electronic pacemaker is prone to interference from common Transfected myocytes showed 80% suppression of IK1. The
consumer electronic devices as well as medical equipment such Kir2.1AAA-expressing myocytes exhibited two electrophysiologi-
as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment. These limita- cal behaviors: (1) They lacked spontaneous activity with elicited
tions have led to interest in the development of biologic prolonged action potentials, or (2) they expressed spontaneous
pacemakers.12,13 activity remarkably similar to that of sinoatrial pacemaker cells.
In the normal heart, the sinoatrial node serves as the natural The electrocardiograms (ECGs) of transfected animals showed
cardiac pacemaker. The hyperpolarization activated current, If, is that half of them remained in sinus rhythm with QT prolongation,
a critical component of sinoatrial pacemaking, initiating diastolic and the other half showed spontaneous ventricular rhythms that
depolarization after membrane repolarization. The sodium- were at times faster than sinus.
calcium (Na+-Ca2+) exchanger contributes to diastolic depolariza- However, the Kir2.1AAA strategy raised the question of proar-
tion, and when the sinoatrial action potential threshold is reached, rhythmia, as IK1 suppression may prolong action potential dura-
T- and L-type calcium currents activate. Repolarizing potassium tion and promote dispersion of repolarization. Indeed, these
(K+) currents return the membrane to a hyperpolarized state, and investigators subsequently showed that an electrophysiological
the cycle repeats. Circulating catecholamines increase If activity profile mimicking Andersen’s syndrome results from this
and automaticity. An ideal biologic pacemaker does not need to approach.
recreate the sinoatrial node to be successful. However, it must
have certain characteristics before it can be a feasible clinical Overexpression of If
alternative to the modern electronic pacemaker. Ion channels encoded by the HCN (hyperpolarization-activated,
The ideal biologic pacemaker must (1) provide stable, continu- cyclic nucleotide–gated) gene family underlie the pacemaker
ous cardiac rhythm at physiologic rates; (2) have chronotropic current, If, which initiates depolarization during phase 4 of the
responsiveness to neurohormonal signals reflecting physical sinoatrial action potential (Figure 9-1). Because If only activates
activity and emotions; (3) offer durability that at least matches on hyperpolarization, it does not have the potential to prolong
that of electronic pacemakers and, ideally, persists for the lifetime the duration of the action potential and initiate proarrhythmia on
of the patient; (4) have no potential for neoplasia, inflammation, this basis. Qu et al injected adenovirus carrying the mouse HCN2
or infection; (5) not migrate from the site of implantation; and (6) gene (one of four HCN isoforms), into the canine left atrial
have no proarrhythmic consequences. appendage.17 A spontaneous cardiac rhythm originated from the
left atrium in all four dogs studied during sinus arrest (induced
by right vagal stimulation). Patch-clamping of isolated HCN2-
Strategies to Create Biologic Pacemakers expressing atrial myocytes showed If current magnitude 500 times
greater than that in control atrial myocytes.
Gene Therapy
Plotnikov et al used catheter-based endocardial injection to
The initial proof-of-concept studies to create biologic pacemakers deliver the adenovirus expressing HCN2 into the canine proximal
used gene transfer to modulate native cardiomyocyte electro- left bundle branch, an ideal site for providing organized left ven-
physiology. Several strategies have provided convincing evidence tricular activation when the distal conducting system is func-
of biologic pacing, as follows. tional.18 Two days later, a left ventricular rhythm was observed
during sinus arrest induced by vagal stimulation. Subsequently,
Overexpression of β-Adrenergic Receptors stable pacemaker function was demonstrated following
Glycoprotein (G-protein)–coupled β-adrenergic receptors regu- HCN2 injection into the left bundle branch of dogs with complete
late chronotropic and ionotropic responses to circulating cate- heart block.19 Expression with this adenoviral construct lasted
cholamines. The first successful gene transfer experiment resulting 2 weeks.
Fundamentals of Regenerative Medicine and Its Applications to Electrophysiology  115

biologic pacemaker in the procine atrium.21 The HCN1-ΔΔΔ

NE Control mutation favors channel opening, and its expression in ventricu-
IK lar myocytes has been shown to result in automaticity with rates
0 greater than 200 beats/min. In a porcine model of sick sinus syn-
drome, HCN1-ΔΔΔ was transduced with an adenoviral vector
into the left atrium, and an electronic pacemaker was implanted.

The HCN1-ΔΔΔ–injected pigs exhibited atrial pacemaking activ-

ity originating from the left atrium, which increased with cate-
cholamines. The approach of Tse et al relies on normal
atrioventricular (AV) nodal conduction to activate the ventricle.
INa,Ca 100 ms In a heart with impaired AV conduction, biologic pacemakers in
the atrium will not effectively pace the ventricle.
FIGURE 9-1  The role of If in the generation of pacemaker potentials Kv1.4 is a member of the Shaker K channel gene family. When
in the sinoatrial node. Pacemaker potentials in the sinoatrial nodal
expressed in heterologous systems, Kv1.4 channels express
cells under control conditions and after β-adrenergic stimulation with
depolarization-activated delayed rectifier potassium currents.
norepinephrine (NE). The major currents that control oscillatory
pacemaker potentials are indicated. If current (produced by Furthermore, Kv1 gene family members are not expressed signifi-
hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated [HCN] channels), cantly in cardiac tissue. Kashiwakura et al created an ion channel
T-type (ICaT ) and L-type (ICaL) calcium currents, sodium-calcium based on Kv1.4, but functionally similar to HCN channels.22 This
exchange current (INa,Ca), and repolarizating potassium currents (IK). synthetic If-like channel was made via three point mutations
(Modified from Biel M, Schneider A, Wahl C: Cardiac HCN channels: within the voltage sensor in S4 (R447N, L448A, R453I): The
Structure, function, and modulation, Trends Cardiovasc Med 12[5]: channel was hyperpolarization activated and had a point muta-
206–212, 2002.) tion in the pore region (G528S), conferring permeability to K+ and
Na+. Because the genes of Kv and HCN channels produce tetra-
meric ion channel complexes, hetero-multimerization with prod-
ucts from genes of the same family can occur. One advantage of
Ion Channel Mutations
a Kv1.4-based, If-like channel is that hetero-multimerization with
Structure-function studies of HCN2 channels have revealed that native If channels (HCN genes) will not occur. A disadvantage of
certain amino acids are critical to defining the channel’s operating the synthetic Kv channel is that the cyclic adenosine monophos-
characteristics. A point mutation (glutamic acid to alanine at phate (cAMP) binding that is essential to the autonomic respon-
position 324, E324A) in mHCN2 positively shifted the voltage siveness of HCN channels is not replicated. Three to five days after
dependence of activation and deactivation gating kinetics. The injecting the synthetic Kv1.4 channel into guinea pig hearts, pace-
positive shift in voltage dependence of E324A channels generates maker function was detected. Patch clamp records of isolated
a faster pacemaker rate and increased sensitivity to catechol- myocytes revealed a robust hyperpolarization-activated inward
amines than native HCN2. When adenovirus expressing E324A current, and the myocytes also exhibited spontaneous action
was injected into the canine left bundle branch, dogs receiving potentials.
E324A were significantly more responsive to catecholamines.19
During epinephrine infusion, all E324A-injected dogs had their Cell Therapy Approaches
heart rate increase by at least 50%, whereas only a third of the
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Overexpressing HCN2
HCN2-injected dogs and a fifth of the control dogs had a similar
response. The E324A study also illustrates that gene therapy is not Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) are readily available, are
limited to using endogenous genes but that mutations can be easily harvested, and can be maintained in culture. They appear
tailored to function. to be immunoprivileged, a property that facilitates allogeneic
A chimeric approach to creating an HCN-based biologic pace- transplantation without significant rejection. The rationale for
maker with faster basal rates was undertaken by Plotnikov et al.20 using hMSC to build a biologic pacemaker is shown in Figure 9-2.
A channel with the N and C terminals of HCN2 and the trans- Potapova et al showed that robust If is present in hMSC trans-
membrane domains of HCN1 was created (HCN212) that would fected via electroporation with the murine HCN2 gene and that
have HCN2’s superior catecholamine response with the favorable they possess the cellular machinery required to respond to
activation kinetics of HCN1. The HCN212 chimera had similar neurohumors.23 In co-cultures of HCN2-hMSC with canine ven-
electrophysiological characteristics to HCN2 when expressed in tricular myocytes, dual whole-cell recording of hMSC and
isolated ventricular myocytes; however, the mean time constant of myocyte pairs demonstrated electrical coupling. Furthermore,
activation was faster in HCN212. An HCN212-based biologic ventricular myocytes co-cultured with HCN2-hMSC had more
pacemaker would likely result in a faster basal rate than an HCN2- positive maximum diastolic potentials and faster spontaneous
based one, as more current would pass earlier during diastolic rates than had myocytes cultured with hMSC expressing GFP
depolarization. Expression of HCN212 into the left bundle of dogs alone. Dogs implanted with HCN2-hMSC had significantly faster
with complete heart block resulted in rapid ventricular tachycar- idioventricular rates originating from the implant site than did
dia originating from the adenoviral injection site that was respon- controls (Figure 9-3). hMSC were identified histologically, and
sive to the If-blocking drug, ivabradine. Additional work to fine immunostaining revealed connexin43 in junctions between the
tune an HCN-based biologic pacemaker is needed. If If-associated hMSC and canine ventricular myocytes in vivo. No inflammation
arrhythmias occur with HCN-based pacemakers, If-blocking or rejection was seen, underscoring the immunoprivileged status
drugs maybe useful in the suppression of these arrhythmias. of hMSC. Moreover, HCN2-hMSC provided reliable biologic
Tse et al working with an HCN1 mutant (HCN1-ΔΔΔ) with a pacing for up to 6 weeks without wandering, rejection, or
deletion in the S3-S4 linker (position 235 to 237) created a apoptosis.24

Natural pacemaker:


SA node, native pacemaker Atrial myocyte

Gap junction

Hypothesis: A genetically engineered stem cell coupled to a heart

cell can serve as a biologic pacemaker.


Stem cell Myocyte

Gap junction

FIGURE 9-2  Pacemaker activity initiated from genetically engineered native pacemaker cells or myocytes and genetically engineered stem cells.
Top, In native pacemaker cells or myocytes that express pacemaker current via gene transfer, action potentials are initiated by inward current through
hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide–gated (HCN) channels. Current flowing through gap junctions results in depolarization and action
potential propagation in neighboring cardiomyocytes. Bottom, A stem cell engineered to express HCN channels. Electrical coupling via gap junction
formation between the stem cell pacemaker and native myocytes is critical. HCN channels in the normally nonexcitable stem cell require membrane
hyperpolarization to open. The electrical coupling with a myocyte provides the requisite hyperpolarization to open HCN channels, and in return, the
HCN inward current in the stem cell will depolarize the myocyte and initiate the next action potential. The HCN-expressing stem cell and the host
myocyte work as one functional unit. (From Rosen MR, Brink PR, Cohen IS, Robinson RB: Genes, stem cells, and biological pacemakers, Cardiovasc Res
64[1]:12–23, 2004.)

Commence vagal stimulation Terminate stimulation

1 sec

30 sec interval 3 min interval

75/min 0 50/min 85/min

FIGURE 9-3  Pacemaker function in canine heart in situ. Top to bottom, Electrocardiogram leads I, II, III, AVR, AVL, and AVF. Left panel, Last two beats in
sinus rhythm and onset of vagal stimulation (arrow) causing sinus arrest in a dog studied 7 days after implanting mHCN2-transfected human
mesenchymal stem cells in left ventricular anterior wall epicardium. Middle panel, During vagal stimulation, an idioventricular escape focus emerges,
having a regular rhythm. Right panel, On cessation of vagal stimulation (arrow), postvagal sinus tachycardia occurs. (From Potapova I, Plotnikov A, Lu Z,
et al: Human mesenchymal stem cells as a gene delivery system to create cardiac pacemakers, Circ Res 94:952–959, 2004.)
Fundamentals of Regenerative Medicine and Its Applications to Electrophysiology  117
Human Embryonic Stem Cell–Derived Cardiac Pacemaker during acutely induced AF. A follow-up study using an adenovirus
Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are derived from blasto-
cysts, are pluripotent, and can be maintained in culture in the
undifferentiated state for prolonged periods. hESC can be directed
down the cardiomyocyte lineage in culture, raising the possibility
carrying a constitutively active mutant of Gαi2 (Gαi2-Q205L)
provided continuous heart rate control; similar results were
obtained when a Ca2+ channel–inhibiting G-protein, GEM, was
delivered by gene transfer to the AV node.28,29
of producing biologic pacemakers.7 These cells have spontaneous A study with a cell-based approach to modifying AV nodal
action potentials, large sodium current, and If. Kehat et al injected conduction used autologous fibroblasts pretreated with trans-
the spontaneously beating embryoid bodies into the left ventricu- forming growth factor-β (TGF-β), a fibroblast stimulant.30 Injec-
lar wall in 13 pigs with complete heart block.25 Eleven had ven- tions were targeted at the peri-AV node. Marked increases in AH
tricular rhythms that originated from the injection site. Histologic interval and average RR interval during pacing-induced AF were
examination revealed the hESC-derived cardiomyocytes and gap noted in the fibroblast+TGF-β group with lesser increases in
junction formation with neighboring porcine cardiomyocytes. a fibroblast-alone group, compared with saline controls and a
Xue et al had similar findings using an hESC line stably expressing TGF-β–alone group. Complete heart block was never observed.
GFP after lentiviral gene transduction.26 Following implantation Histologic examination showed the presence of fibroblastic pro-
of hESC into guinea pig heart, optical mapping revealed mem- liferation in all the fibroblast-alone group as well as in the
brane depolarizations propagating from the injection site to the fibroblast+TGF-β–injected dogs.
surrounding myocardium.
The use of hESC in biologic pacemaker development will likely Suppression of Myocardial Infarction–Related
become more widespread as embryonic stem cell and induced Ventricular Arrhythmia
pluripotent cell biology are better understood. With better knowl-
Dominant Negative KCNH2
edge of the signals directing hESC to differentiate down the
cardiac lineage and specifically into SA node-like cells, , genes that The majority of ventricular tachycardias (VTs) are infarct
express If or If-like currents can be introduced to tune the fre- associated and re-entrant tachycardias. Because of limitations in
quency of hESC cardiomyocytes and thus to engineer better the management of VT and sudden death with antiarrhythmic
pacemakers. drug therapy and implantable devices, gene-based approaches
have created great interest. They offer several distinct advantages:
(1) Expression vectors can be precisely delivered to an area of
Chemically Induced Fusion of HCN1 Expressing
interest, such as the infarct border zone, to directly modify the
Fibroblast with Cardiomyocytes
arrhythmogenic substrate while minimizing systemic side effects
An alternative approach to couple biologic pacemakers to the with currently available technology (coronary catheterization,
myocardium is direct fusion of the cell-based pacemaker with percutaneous endocardial injection); (2) inappropriate painful
resident cardiomyocytes. Cho et al explored chemically induced defibrillation from an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD)
fusion between a cell-based pacemaker and the host myocardium can be avoided; (3) they do not require permanent hardware; (4)
to achieve electrical integration.27 In this study, a guinea pig lung durable expression can obviate antiarrhythmic medications, some
fibroblast cell line stably expressing HCN1 channels was estab- of which require frequent monitoring.
lished. These fibroblasts were mixed with isolated guinea pig ven- In their study, Sasano et al created myocardial infarctions in
tricular myocytes in the presence of polyethylene glycol in vitro. pigs and assessed VT inducibility by programmed stimulation
Cell fusion occurred rapidly and formed heterokaryons, which after 3 weeks of recovery. Monomorphic VT was induced in all
exhibited spontaneous action potentials having phase 4 depolar- the pigs.31 Adenovirus expressing a dominant negative KCNH2
ization. HCN1-expressing fibroblasts suspended in polyethylene (hERG) K+ channel (G628S) was locally infused into the mid left
glycol (PEG) solution were then directly injected into the cardiac anterior descending artery. VT was no longer inducible in all
apex of the guinea pigs. More than a third of them exhibited an pigs treated with G628S (Figure 9-4). The duration of the mono-
idioventricular rhythm pace mapped to the apex for up to 3 phasic action potential and the effective refractory period
weeks. Such use of a local chemical fusion agent could be expected increased only in the anterior septum (gene transfer zone) but not
to anchor biologic pacemaker therapy at a specific site and mini- in other areas of the heart. Patch clamping of isolated myocytes
mize pacemaker cell migration. from the anterior septum also exhibited prolonged action poten-
tial durations. G628S gene transfer was not proarrhythmic.
Three pigs with infarcts were treated with dofetilide, a known
KCNH2-blocking drug. Unlike G628S, dofetilide increased the
Treatment Strategies for Tachyarrhythmias QT interval and prolonged the effective refractory period (ERP)
globally, and the pigs still had inducible VT.
Atrioventricular Nodal Conduction Inhibition
Rapid ventricular rates during atrial fibrillation can often be dif-
Overexpression of SkM1
ficult to control medically. AV nodal modification by gene-based
and cell-based methodologies has been explored as an alternative The native cardiac Na+ channel, SCN5a, has a V1/2 of inactivation
therapy. In the AV node, β-adrenergic effects on adenylyl cyclase of –84 mV. In the relatively depolarized cardiomyocyte of the
speed conduction and are countered by Gαi, which is coupled to myocardial infarct border zone, inactivated SCN5A channels
muscarinic M2 and adenosine A1 receptors. Gαi binds and inac- accumulate and contribute to low action potential upstroke, slow
tivates adenylyl cyclase counteracting the actions of β-adrenergic conduction, and re-entry. A Na+ channel with a more positive V1/2
stimulation and slowing AV nodal conduction. In a porcine model of inactivation, such as the skeletal muscle Na+ channel,
of atrial fibrillation (AF), adenovirus encoding Gαi2 was arterially SkM1 (V1/2 inactivation –62 mV), operates more efficiently at
infused into the AV nodal region; it reduced ventricular rates depolarized diastolic membrane potentials. Modeling studies
118  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

hearts. A week after the injection, local electrograms from the

epicardial border zone were significantly broader and fragmented
in the controls (adenovirus-expressing GFP) compared with
SkM1-injected dogs (Figure 9-5, A). The infarct sizes were similar
between SkM1-injected and control dogs. Programmed prema-
ture stimulation induced sustained VT or VF in 6 of 8 controls
versus 2 of 12 SkM1-injected dogs (Figure 9-6). No difference was
A 200 ms
seen in the duration of the maximum diastolic potential or of the
action potential between the SkM1-expressing myocytes and
control myocytes in microelectrode studies of myocardium iso-
lated from the canine hearts. However, action potentials recorded
from SkM1-injected sites had significantly higher Vmax than did
those of the controls at all membrane potentials tested (Figure
9-5, B).
B Current antiarrhythmic strategies focus on slowing conduc-
tion, prolonging refractoriness, or inducing conduction block by
ablation, but SkM1 expression preserves conduction at depolar-
ized membrane potentials and can be delivered focally to areas of
slow conduction. The SMASH-VT study showed a significant
decrease in ICD discharges in patients with ischemic cardiomy-
opathy, who underwent left ventricular ablation at endocardial
200 ms
sites showing fractionated electrograms.33 SkM1 gene therapy
100 may be targeted to areas with fractionated electrograms, to nor-
malize activation without inducing myocardial injury with

Overexpression of SERCA2a
VT inducibility (%)

Abnormal Ca2+ handling occurs during ischemia and may lead to

after-depolarizations with significant consequences in the devel-
opment of arrhythmias. SERCA2a, the sacroplasmic reticulum
(SR) Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), plays an important
role in intracellular Ca2+ regulation by pumping Ca2+ from the
cytosol into the SR. Prunier et al hypothesized that overexpres-
sion of SERCA2a in the porcine heart may be antiarrhythmic.34
Adenovirus-expressing SERCA2a was delivered into the porcine
heart by intracoronary infusion. Seven days after gene delivery,
0 the pigs were subjected to transient left anterior descending
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post artery (LAD) balloon occlusion (ischemia-reperfusion) or com-
C No virus lacZ KCNH2-G626s plete LAD occlusion and observed over 24 hours for the develop-
ment of spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias. In the complete
FIGURE 9-4  Expression of a dominant negative KCNH2 (G628S) in a occlusion group, no difference was seen in VT or VF incidence
porcine myocardial infarction model prevents inducible ventricular between the SERCA2a-injected pigs compared with control pigs.
tachycardia. A, Prior to gene transfer, premature stimulation However, among the ischemia-reperfusion pigs, SERCA2a-
reproducibly induced sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT). Arrows overexpressing pigs had substantially reduced episodes of VT.
indicate S2–S4 stimuli. B, In the same pig, 1 week after gene transfer, Regulation of post-ischemia Ca2+ handling may be an antiarrhyth-
programmed stimulation did not induce VT. The upper trace shows
mic strategy.
the tightest possible coupling interval of S2-S4 with ventricular
capture, and the lower trace shows refractory stimulation. C, Summary
data from all pigs. No change in VT induction was seen in the no-virus Fibroblasts Expressing Kv1.3
group or the adenovirus-with-LacZ group. Prior to G628S gene transfer,
all pigs had inducible VT. After G628S gene transfer, none of the G628S In a fibroblast-based approach to modify ventricular excitability,
subjects had inducible VT. (From Sasano T, McDonald AD, Kikuchi K, Kv1.3, a voltage-gated K+ channel with very slow deactivation
Donahue JK: Molecular ablation of ventricular tachycardia after kinetics, was stably transfected into a fibroblast cell line.35 Com-
myocardial infarction, Nat Med 12:1256–1258, 2006.) puter simulations showed that depolarizing a cardiomyocyte
would depolarize the gap junction–coupled, Kv1.3-expressing
fibroblast and activate the Kv1.3 K channel. The outward Kv1.3
current would hyperpolarize the fibroblast; through electrotonic
have demonstrated that SkM1 expression permits action potential interaction, the fibroblast, acting as a current sink, would decrease
generation at diastolic membrane potentials as positive as –60mV phase 0 depolarization of the myocyte, hyperpolarize the diastolic
but that SCN5A overexpression does not.32 membrane potential, increase the refractory period, and depress
Adenovirus-expressing SkM1 was injected into the epicardial conduction. This outcome was clearly demonstrated in neonatal
border zone after left anterior descending artery ligation of canine cardiomyocyte cultures focally seeded with Kv1.3 fibroblasts. In
Fundamentals of Regenerative Medicine and Its Applications to Electrophysiology  119

3 EG 2
3 2
200 ms

4 1

1 2
40 mV 200 V/s 40 mV 200 V/s

100 ms 100 ms



Vmax (V/s)



–90 –80 –70 –60 –90 –80 –70 –60
C MDP (mV) Take-off potential (mV)

FIGURE 9-5  Effect of epicardial border zone expression of SkM1. A, Canine heart injected with adenovirus-expressing SkM1 at site 1 7 days earlier.
Each small panel displays a surface electrocardiogram (ECG) (top) and a bipolar local ECG (bottom). The broken blue line demarcates infarcted (bottom)
and noninfarcted myocardium (top). Site 2, an infarcted area not injected, exhibits a marked fragmented local electrogram. Site 1, within the infarction
and injected with SkM1, shows a normal local ECG similar to noninfarcted site 3 and site 4. B, Hematoxylin and eosin staining of site 1 (with SkM1)
and site 2 (no SkM1) shows evidence of infarcted myocardium and green fluorescent protein (GFP)–positive in site 1 and GFP negative in site 2.
Representative action potentials recorded at site 1 have higher Vmax and amplitude than from site 2. C, Left, Multiple impalements from SkM1-injected
(red) and SkM1-noninjected (blue) zones show higher Vmax in action potentials from SkM1-injected sites (P < .05). The same is true for membrane
responsiveness (right, P < .05). (Reprinted with permission from Lau DH, Clausen C, Sosunov EA, et al: Epicardial border zone overexpression of skeletal muscle
sodium channel SkM1 normalizes activation, preserves conduction, and suppresses ventricular arrhythmia: An in silico, in vivo, in vitro study, Circulation
119[1]:19–27, 2009.)
120  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology






500 ms


FIGURE 9-6  Overexpression of SkM1 in the canine epicardial border zone is antiarrhythmic. A, Programmed extrastimulus pacing in a dog with an
anterior wall myocardial infarction injected with adenovirus-expressing green fluorescent protein induces a polymorphic ventricular tachycardia that
degenerates into ventricular fibrillation. The stimulus train is shown below the surface electrocardiogram (ECG). B, In a SkM1-overexpressing dog,
programmed pacing with two extrastimuli does not induce ventricular extrasystoles. The upper trace shows the tightest possible coupling interval  
of S2-S3 with ventricular capture, and the lower trace shows refractory stimulation. (From Lau DH, Clausen C, Sosunov EA, et al: Epicardial border zone
overexpression of skeletal muscle sodium channel SkM1 normalizes activation, preserves conduction, and suppresses ventricular arrhythmia: An in silico, in vivo,
in vitro study, Circulation 119[1]:19–27, 2009.)

vivo studies grafting the Kv1.3 fibroblasts into rat and pig ven- healthy tissue and normal rhythm. Regenerative approaches to
tricles demonstrated significant prolongation of local event- heart disease have mainly focused on the improvement of ven-
related potential 1 week after implantation. No ventricular tricular function after myocardial infarction. Preclinical studies
arrhythmias were noted with Kv1.3 fibroblast grafting; pro- have used skeletal myoblasts, embryonic stem cells, mesenchymal
grammed premature stimulation did not induce any ventricular stem cells, and early cardiomyocytes derived from stem cells.5
arrhythmias in four pigs. Early clinical testing with skeletal myoblasts has underscored the
potential for arrhythmic consequences of certain cell-based
regenerative therapies.36 In a study where ischemic cardiac
Arrhythmic Potential of Stem Cell–Based Cardiac Regeneration Strategies
patients received intracardiac skeletal myoblasts, the myoblast
Thus far, we have focused on the use of cell therapy to carry con- group did not differ in ventricular function or mortality at 4-year
structs to an arrhythmic and diseased heart. However, an ultimate follow-up compared with the placebo group. However, 87% of
therapy would replace diseased, arrhythmogenic tissues with the skeletal-myoblast group had appropriate automatic ICD
Fundamentals of Regenerative Medicine and Its Applications to Electrophysiology  121

discharges compared with 13% of controls.37 In contrast, the Myo- adeno-associated virus versus adenovirus vectors, J Thorac Cardio-

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Basic Electrocardiography
Galen Wagner 10
leads II and III by lead aVF, and between leads III and I by lead
Historical Perspective aVL. Leads aVR, aVL, and aVF were introduced in 1932 by Gold-
berger and colleagues. The positive poles of aVL and aVF are
We have passed the hundredth anniversary of the introduction located to the left or inferiorly so that “normal” cardiac wave-
of the clinical electrocardiogram (ECG). The initial three leads forms typically appear primarily upright on the recording;
have been expanded to 12 to provide six views of cardiac electrical however, the positive pole of lead aVR is located to the right and
activity in the frontal plane and six in the horizontal (transverse) superiorly so that “normal” cardiac waveforms typically appear
plane. During this century of development of more sophisticated primarily downward.
and expensive cardiac diagnostic tests, the standard 12-lead ECG Addition of these three aV leads to the triaxial reference system
has had increasingly expanded its clinical importance, particularly produces a hexaxial system for viewing the cardiac electrical
in the evaluation of patients with ischemic heart disease. activity in the frontal plane with the six leads separated by angles
In the early 1900s, Einthoven and colleagues placed recording of only 30 degrees. This provides a perspective of the frontal plane
electrodes on the right and left arms and the left leg and an addi- similar to the face of a clock, as discussed later in Section III and
tional electrode on the right leg to ground the “elektrokardio- illustrated in Figure 10-2. Using lead I (located at 0 degrees) as
gramme” (EKG).1 Three leads (I, II, and III) were produced; each the reference, positive designations increase at 30-degree incre-
used a pair of limb electrodes, one serving as the positive pole ments in a clockwise direction to +180 degrees, and negative
and one as the negative pole. Each lead can be considered to designations increase at the same increments in a counterclock-
provide two “views” of the cardiac electrical activity: one view wise direction up to –180 degrees. Lead II appears at +60 degrees,
from the positive pole and an inverted or “reciprocal” view from aVF at +90 degrees, and III at +120 degrees, respectively. Leads
the negative pole. The positive poles of these leads are located aVL and aVR have designations of –30 degrees and –150 degrees,
either to the left or inferiorly so that “normal” cardiac waveforms respectively. The negative poles of each of these leads complete
typically appear primarily upright on the recording. For lead I, the the “clock face.” Most modern electrocardiographs use digital
left arm electrode is the positive pole, and the right arm electrode technology. They record leads I and II only and then calculate the
is the negative pole. Lead II, with its positive pole on the left leg remaining limb leads in real time based on Einthoven’s law: I + III
and its negative pole on the right arm, provides a view of the = II.1 The algebraic outcome of the formulas for calculating the
electrical activity along the long (base to apex) axis of the heart. aV leads from leads I, II, and III are:
Finally, lead III has its positive pole on the left leg and its negative
pole on the left arm (Figure 10-1, A). aVR = −1/2 (I + II)
These three leads form the Einthoven triangle, a simplified
model of the true orientation of the leads in the frontal plane. aVL = I − 1/2 (II)
Consideration of these three leads as they intersect in the center
of the frontal plane while retaining their original orientation pro- aVF = II − 1/2 (I)
vides a triaxial reference system for viewing cardiac electrical
activity (Figure 10-1, B). thus,
The 60-degree angles among leads I, II, and III create wide
gaps among these three views of cardiac electrical activity. aVR + aVL + aVF = 0
Wilson and coworkers developed a method for filling these gaps
by creating a central terminal, connecting all three limb elec- Today’s standard 12-lead ECG includes these six frontal plane
trodes through a 5000-ohm resistor.2 A lead using this central leads plus six leads relating to the transverse plane of the body.
terminal as its negative pole and an exploring electrode at any These leads, introduced by Wilson, are produced by connecting
site on the body surface as its positive pole is termed a V lead. the central terminal to an exploring electrode placed at various
When the central terminal is connected to an exploring electrode positions across the chest wall.3-7 Since the positive electrodes of
on an extremity, the electrical signals are small. The amplitude of these leads are close to the heart, they are termed precordial, and
these signals in the frontal plane may be augmented by discon- the electrical signals have sufficient amplitude so that no augmen-
necting the attachment of the central terminal to the explored tation is necessary. However, because leads must be bipolar, they
limb. Such an augmented V lead is termed an aV lead. For should not be termed “precordial” because they also provide elec-
example, aVF measures the potential difference between the left trical information from the opposite (postcordial) aspect of the
leg and the average of the potentials at the right and left arms. heart. Indeed, by the laws of physics, the negative electrode could
The gap between leads I and II is filled by lead aVR, between be considered to be at the location on the posterior thorax that

126  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

− −
− + 60°
− −

− I


A + + B

FIGURE 10-1  A, The equiangular (60-degree) Einthoven triangle formed by leads I, II, and III is shown with positive (I, II, III) and negative poles (–) of
each of the leads indicated. B, The Einthoven triangle is shown in relation to the schematic view of the heart, and the three leads are shown to
intersect at the center of the cardiac electrical activity.


–150° aVL

± 180° 0° I


III +90° II

FIGURE 10-2  The locations of the positive and negative poles of each lead around the 360 degrees of the “clock face” are indicated, with the names
of the six leads appearing at their positive poles.
Basic Electrocardiography  127


FIGURE 10-3  The method of electrocardiogram

recording of the precordial leads is illustrated, along
with an example of lead VI. The wavelike lines indicate
+ resistors in the connections between the recording
electrodes on the three limb leads that produce the
negative poles for each of the V leads. (Modified from

Netter FH: The Ciba collection of medical illustrations,
vol 5. In Yonkman FF, editor: Heart, Summit, NJ, 1978,
Ciba-Geigy, p 51.)

–120° –90°

–30° V6

±180° 0° V5

FIGURE 10-4  The orientation of the six

precordial leads is indicated by lines from
+150° +30° V4 each of their recording sites through the
approximate center of cardiac electrical
activity. Extension of these lines through the
+120° V1 +60° V3 chest indicates the opposite positions, which
can be considered the locations of the
+90° V2 negative poles of the six precordial leads.

is a direct extension of the line from the positive electrode to the landmarks on the anterior and left lateral aspects of the thorax,
center of cardiac electrical activity provided by the central termi- and the angles between the six transverse plane leads are approxi-
nal. The six leads are labeled V1 through V6 because the central mately 30 degrees, the same as the angles between the six frontal
terminal connected to all three of the limb electrodes provides plane leads.
their negative poles (Figure 10-3). Lead V1, with its positive pole The views of the cardiac electrical activity from the positive
on the right anterior precordium and its negative pole on the left poles of these 12 standard ECG leads are presented in the typical
posterior thorax, provides the view of cardiac electrical activity displays provided by electrocardiographic recorders. However,
that best distinguishes left versus right cardiac activity (Figure the additional 12 views from the negative poles could also be
10-4). The sites of the exploring electrode are determined by bony presented to provide a “24-view ECG.”
128  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology


FIGURE 10-5  The schematic

frontal-plane view of the heart in the
+ thorax with electrodes, where the
long axis intersects with the body
surface. The positive electrode on  
the left lower thoracic wall and the
negative electrode on the right
shoulder are aligned from the cardiac
base to apex parallel to the inter-atrial
and interventricular septa and are
attached to a single-channel
electrocardiogram recorder. The
ventricular repolarization wave is
positively oriented. L, Left; R, right.

negative electrical potential and is also in mechanical diastole

Basic Principles with separation of its contractile proteins. An electrical impulse
arriving at the cell allows positively charged ions to cross the cell
Anatomic Orientation of the Heart Within the Body
membrane, causing its depolarization. This movement of ions
The position of the heart within the body determines the “view” initiates electrical systole, which is characterized by an action
of the cardiac electrical activity that can be observed from any potential (see Figure 10-7, middle panel). This electrical event
ECG recording electrode site on the body surface. The atria are then initiates mechanical systole, in which the contractile proteins
located in the top or base of the heart, and the ventricles taper slide over each other, thereby shortening the cell. Electrical systole
toward the bottom or apex. However, the right and left sides of the continues until the positively charged ions are pumped out,
heart are not directly aligned with the right and left sides of the causing repolarization of the cell. The electrical potential returns
body. The long axis of the heart, which extends from base to apex, to its negative resting level. This return of electrical diastole
is tilted to the left and anteriorly at its apical end (Figure 10-5). causes the contractile proteins to separate again. The cell is then
Also, the heart is rotated so that the right atrium and ventricle are capable of being reactivated if another electrical impulse arrives
more anterior than the left atrium and ventricle.8,9 These anatomic at its membrane.
relationships dictate that an ECG lead providing a right anterior The ECG recording is formed by the summation of electrical
to left posterior view (such as V1) provides better differentiation signals from all of the myocardial cells (see Figure 10-7, lower
of right versus left cardiac activity than does a lead providing a panel). When the cells are in their resting state, the ECG recording
right lateral to left lateral view (such as lead I) (Figure 10-6). produces a flat baseline. The onset of depolarization of the cells
produces a relatively high-frequency ECG waveform. Then, while
depolarization persists, the ECG returns to the baseline. Repolar-
The Cardiac Cycle
ization of the myocardial cells is represented on the ECG by a
The timing and synchronization of contraction of myocardial cells lower frequency waveform in the opposite direction from that
are controlled by cells of the pacemaking and conduction system. representing depolarization.
Impulses generated within these cells create a rhythmic repetition
of events called cardiac cycles. Each cycle is composed of electri-
Cardiac Impulse Formation and Conduction
cal and mechanical activation (systole) and recovery (diastole).
Since the electrical events initiate the mechanical events, a brief The electrical activation of a single cardiac cell or even a small
delay occurs between the onsets of electrical and mechanical group of cells does not produce enough current to be recorded
systole and of electrical and mechanical diastole. on the body surface. Clinical electrocardiography is made possible
The electrical recording from inside a single myocardial cell as by the activation of atrial and ventricular myocardial masses
it progresses through a cardiac cycle is illustrated in the top panel that are of sufficient magnitude for their electrical activity to be
of Figure 10-7. During electrical diastole, the cell has a baseline recorded on the body surface.


FIGURE 10-6  The schematic transverse-plane view of the heart in the thorax with electrodes, where the short axis intersects with the body
surface. The positive electrode to the right of the sternum and the negative electrode on the back are aligned perpendicular to the inter-atrial and
interventricular septa and are attached to a single-channel electrocardiogram recorder. The typically diphasic P and T waves and the predominately
negative QRS complex recorded by electrodes at these positions are indicated on the electrocardiogram. LA, Left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right
atrium; RV, right ventricle.

− − + +
+ +
+ + − −
− −
− − + + − −

+ + − − + +


FIGURE 10-7  The schematic electrocardiogram recording beneath a cardiac cellular action potential. (Modified from Thaler MS: The Only EKG book
you’ll ever need, Philadelphia, 1988, JB Lippincott, p 11.)
130  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

vena cava
SA node

Interatrial septum

AV node
Common bundle
Tricuspid valve Mitral valve

Bundle branches
Purkinje fibers
A Interventricular

SA node

bundle Right bundle
AV node

Anterior fascicle

Purkinje fibers

Left bundle

C Posterior fascicle

FIGURE 10-8  Three views of the anatomic relationships among the cardiac pumping chambers and the structures of the pacemaking and conduction
system. A, From the anterior precordium. B, From the right anterior precordium looking onto the inter-atrial and interventricular septa through the right
atrium and ventricle. C, From the left posterior thorax looking onto the septa through the left atrium and ventricle. AV, Atrioventricular; SA, sinoatrial.
(Modified from Netter FH: The Ciba collection of medical illustrations, vol 5. In Yonkman FF, editor: Heart, Summit, NJ, 1978, Ciba-Geigy, pp 13, 49.)

Myocardial cells normally lack the ability for either spontane- spontaneous electrical impulse formation (acting as pacemakers)
ous formation or rapid conduction of an electrical impulse. They and to alter the speed of electrical conduction. The intrinsic pace-
are dependent for these functions on specialized (Purkinje) cells making rate is most rapid in the specialized cells in the sinus node
of the cardiac pacemaking and conduction system placed strategi- and slowest in the specialized cells in the ventricles. The intrinsic
cally through the heart (Figure 10-8). These cells are arranged in pacing rate is altered by the balance between the sympathetic
nodes, bundles, bundle branches, and branching networks of fas- and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous
cicles. They lack contractile capability but are able to achieve system.10-13
Basic Electrocardiography  131

The intraventricular conduction pathways include a common Q wave. The first positive wave is called the R wave, regardless of
bundle (bundle of His), leading from the atrioventricular (AV)
node to the summit of the interventricular septum, and its right
and left bundle branches, proceeding along the septal surfaces to
their respective ventricles (see Figure 10-8, A). The left bundle
whether or not it is preceded by a Q wave. A negative deflection
following an R wave is called an S wave. When a second positive
deflection occurs, it is termed R′. A monophasic negative QRS
complex should be termed a QS wave.
branch fans into fascicles that proceed along the left septal surface The wave in the cardiac cycle that represents recovery of the
and toward the two papillary muscles of the mitral valve (see ventricles is called the T wave. Since recovery of the ventricular
Figure 10-8, B). The right bundle branch remains compact until cells (repolarization) causes a current counter to that of depolar-
it reaches the right distal septal surface, where it branches into ization, one might expect the T wave to be inverted in relation to
the distal interventricular septum and toward the lateral wall of the QRS complex. However, epicardial cells repolarize earlier than
the right ventricle (see Figure 10-8, C). These intraventricular endocardial cells, thereby causing the wave of repolarization
conduction pathways are composed of fibers of Purkinje cells with to spread in the direction opposite that of depolarization. This
specialized capabilities for both pacemaking and rapid conduc- results in a T wave deflected in a direction similar to that of the
tion of electrical impulses. Fascicles composed of Purkinje fibers QRS complex (Figure 10-10). The T wave is sometimes followed
form networks that extend just beneath the surface of the right
and left ventricular (LV) endocardium. The impulses then proceed
slowly from the endocardium to the epicardium throughout the R
right and left ventricles.14-16

Electrocardiogram Waveforms
The initial electrical wave of a cardiac cycle represents activation
of the atria and is called the P wave (Figure 10-9). Since the sinus
node is located in the right atrium, the first part of the P wave AV Bundle
SA node branches
represents the activation of this chamber. The middle section of node
the P wave represents completion of right atrial activation and
His T
initiation of left atrial activation. The final section of the P wave
P bundle U
represents completion of left atrial activation. The AV node is
activated during the inscription of the P wave. The wave repre-
senting electrical recovery of the atria is usually obscured by the Q
larger QRS complex, representing the activation of the ventricles.
From ECG lead II oriented from the cardiac base to the apex, the S
P wave is entirely positive, and the QRS complex is predominately
positive. Minor portions at the beginning and end of the FIGURE 10-9  The visible waveforms represent activation of the atria
QRS complex may appear as downward or negative waves. The (P wave), ventricles (Q, R, and S waves), and recovery of the ventricles
(T and U waves). The timing of activation of the structures of the
QRS complex may normally appear as one (monophasic), two
pacemaking and conduction system is also indicated. AV,
(diphasic), or three (triphasic) individual waveforms. By conven- Atrioventricular; SA, sinoatrial.
tion, a negative wave at the onset of the QRS complex is called a



1 2 2 1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

FIGURE 10-10  A, The frontal-plane view of the right and left ventricles, along with schematic recordings from left ventricular myocardial cells, on the
endocardial (1) and epicardial (2) surfaces. B, The long-axis body surface electrocardiogram waveforms. The numbers below the recordings refer to the
time (in seconds) required for these sequential electrical events.
132  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

by another small upright wave (the source of which is uncertain) complex is an R wave or an S wave. The junction of the QRS
called the U wave. complex and ST segment is called the J-point. The interval from
The time from the onset of the P wave to the onset of the QRS the onset of ventricular activation to the end of ventricular recov-
complex is called the P-R interval, regardless of whether the first ery is called the Q-T interval. This term is used regardless of
wave in this complex is a Q wave or an R wave (Figure 10-11). whether the QRS complex begins with a Q wave or an R wave.
This interval measures the time between the onsets of activation At low heart rates in a healthy person, the PR, ST, and TP seg-
of the atrial myocardium and the ventricular myocardium. The ments are at the same horizontal level and form the isoelectric
designation PR segment refers to the time from the end of the P line. This line is considered as the baseline for measuring the
wave to the onset of the QRS complex. The QRS interval measures amplitudes of the various waveforms. The TP segment disappears
the time from the beginning to the end of ventricular activation. at higher heart rates when the T wave merges with the following
Since activation of the thicker left ventricle requires more time P wave.17-19
than that of the right ventricle, the terminal portion of the QRS
complex represents only LV activation.
Determining Left Versus Right Cardiac Electrical Activity
The term ST segment refers to the interval between the end of
ventricular activation and the beginning of ventricular recovery. It is often important to determine if an abnormality originates
This term is used regardless of whether the final wave of the QRS from the left or the right atrium or ventricle of the heart. The
optimal site for recording left versus right cardiac electrical
activity is located where the extension of the short axis of the
R heart (perpendicular to the inter-atrial and interventricular
septa) intersects with the precordial body surface (lead V1)
(Figure 10-12).
The initial part of the P wave representing right atrial activa-
tion appears positive in lead V1 because of the progression of
electrical activity from the inter-atrial septum toward the right
atrial lateral wall. The terminal part of the P wave representing
J left atrial activation appears negative because of progression from
the inter-atrial septum toward the left atrial lateral wall. This
P U P activation sequence produces a diphasic P wave (Figure 10-13).
The initial part of the QRS complex represents the progression
of activation in the interventricular septum. This movement is
predominately from left to right, producing a positive (R wave)
S deflection at this left-sided versus right-sided recording site. The
mid-portion of the QRS complex represents the progression of
electrical activation through the right ventricular (RV) myocar-
PR segment ST segment dium and the LV myocardium. Since the posteriorly positioned
QRS interval
P-R interval Q-T interval T-P interval left ventricle is much thicker, its activation predominates that of
the anteriorly placed right ventricle, resulting in a deeply negative
deflection (S wave). The final portion of the QRS complex repre-
FIGURE 10-11  The magnified recording from the cardiac long-axis sents the completion of activation of the left ventricle. This pos-
viewpoint is presented, with the principal electrocardiogram segments
teriorly directed excitation is represented by the completion of
(PR and ST) and intervals (P-R, QRS, Q-T, and T-P) indicated.
the S wave.

ST Segment
PR Segment

P-R Interval
Q-T Interval

QRS Interval

FIGURE 10-12  Magnified view of recording from the cardiac short-axis viewpoint with the principal electrocardiogram segments and time intervals
indicated for the long-axis view. Lead V1 is shown.
Basic Electrocardiography  133



FIGURE 10-13  The electrocardiogram waveforms are reproduced with the alterations, indicated by dashed lines, that would typically result from
enlargements of the right (A) and left (B) atrial chambers and the right (C) and left (D) ventricular chambers and from right-sided (E) and left-sided
(F) intraventricular conduction delays.

causes RV activation to occur after LV activation is completed,

producing an R′ deflection. A delay in the left bundle branch
A markedly postpones LV activation, resulting in an abnormally
prominently S wave (see Figure 10-13).

B Interpretation of the Normal

In interpreting every ECG, nine features should be examined
C systematically:

1. Rate and regularity

D 2. Rhythm

3. P-wave morphology

FIGURE 10-14  The normal P-to-QRS relationship and appearances 4. P-R interval
(A) are contrasted with various conditions that produce obvious
abnormalities (B through D). Each example begins and ends during
5. QRS complex morphology
a T wave.

6. ST-segment morphology

The left versus right recording site is the key ECG view for 7. T-wave morphology
identifying enlargement of one of the four cardiac chambers and
localizing the site of a delay in ventricular activation (Figures 8. U-wave morphology
10-13 and 10-14). Right atrial enlargement produces an abnor-
mally prominent initial part of the P wave, and left atrial enlarge- 9. Q-T interval
ment produces an abnormally prominent terminal part of the P
wave. Right ventricular (RV) enlargement produces an abnor- Rate, regularity, and rhythm (1 and 2 above) are considered
mally prominent R wave, whereas LV enlargement produces an elsewhere in this text, and P-wave morphology (3 above) was
abnormally prominent S wave. A delay in the right bundle branch discussed earlier.
134  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

possibility that the P wave is actually associated with the preced-

P-R Interval
ing rather than the following QRS complex should be considered.
The P-R interval measures the time required for the impulse to When such retrograde activation from ventricles to atria occurs,
travel from the atrial myocardium adjacent to the sinus node to the P-R interval is usually even longer than the preceding QRS to
the ventricular myocardium adjacent to the fibers of the Purkinje P (R-P) interval. When the P-R interval cannot be determined
network. This normally lasts 0.10 to 0.22 seconds. A major portion because of the absence of any visible P wave, an obvious abnor-
of the P-R interval is caused by the slow conduction through the mality of the cardiac rhythm is present.
AV node, and this is controlled by the sympathetic-parasympathetic
balance of the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, the P-R
QRS Complex
interval varies with the heart rate, being shorter at faster rates
when the sympathetic component predominates, and vice versa. The QRS complex is composed of higher-frequency signals than
The P-R interval tends to increase with age.20 are the P and T waves, which causes its contour to be peaked
An abnormal P-wave direction is often accompanied by an rather than rounded. Positive and negative components of P and
abnormally short P-R interval, since the site of impulse formation T waves are simply termed positive and negative deflections,
has moved from the sinus node to a position closer to the AV whereas those of the QRS complex are assigned specific labels
node (Figure 10-15). However, a short P-R interval in the presence such as Q waves.
of a normal P-wave axis suggests either an abnormally rapid con-
duction pathway within the AV node or the presence of an abnor-
Q Waves
mal bundle of cardiac muscle (bundle of Kent) connecting atria
and ventricles and bypassing the AV node. This earlier-than-nor- In some leads—V1, V2, and V3—the presence of a Q wave should
mal activation of the ventricular myocardium (ventricular pre- be considered abnormal, and in all other leads (except III and
excitation) creates the potential for electrical reactivation or aVR), a “normal” Q wave would be very small. The “upper limit
re-entry into the atria to produce a tachyarrhythmia (the Wolff- of normal” for such Q waves in each lead is indicated in Table
Parkinson-White [WPW] syndrome). 10-1.21 The absence of small Q waves in leads V5 and V6 should
A longer than normal P-R interval in the presence of a normal be considered abnormal. A Q wave of any size is normal in III and
P-wave axis indicates delay in impulse transmission at some point aVR because of their rightward orientations. Q waves may be
along the pathway between the atrial myocardium and the ven- enlarged by conditions such as local loss of myocardium (infarc-
tricular myocardium (Figure 10-15). When a prolonged P-R inter- tion), hypertrophy or dilation of the ventricular myocardium, or
val is accompanied by an abnormal P-wave direction, the abnormalities of ventricular conduction.

R Waves
Since the precordial leads provide a panoramic view of the cardiac
electrical activity progressing from the thinner right ventricle
A across the thicker left ventricle, the positive R wave normally
increases in amplitude and duration from V1 to V4 or V5 (Figure
10-16). Reversal of this sequence with larger R waves in V1 and
V2 can be produced by RV enlargement, and accentuation of the
B normal sequence with larger R waves in V5 and V6 can be pro-
duced by LV enlargement. Loss of normal R-wave progression
from V1 to V5 may indicate loss of myocardium in the LV wall
caused by myocardial infarction (MI).

Table 10-1  Wave Duration Limits



E I <0.03 sec V1 Any Q

II <0.03 sec V2 Any Q

III None V3 Any Q

aVR None V4 <0.02 sec

FIGURE 10-15  The normal P-to-QRS relationship (A) is contrasted aVL <0.03 sec V5 <0.03 sec
with various abnormal relationships (B through F). Each example
aVF <0.03 sec V6 <0.03 sec
begins with the completion of a T wave and ends with the initiation  
of the T wave of the following cardiac cycle. The vertical time lines are Modified from Wagner GS, Freye CJ, Palmeri ST, et al: Evaluation of a QRS scoring
at 0.2-second intervals. The P-R interval in (A) is therefore 0.2 seconds, system for estimating myocardial infarct size. I. Specificity and observer
which is near the upper limit of normal. agreement, Circulation 65:345, 1982.
Basic Electrocardiography  135

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

FIGURE 10-16  The typical panoramic display of the six precordial leads of the electrocardiogram, illustrating the normal progression and regression
of R-wave and S-wave amplitudes.

negative in I but positive in II, the axis is deviated rightward

S Waves
between +90 and +180 degrees. The axis is rarely directed entirely
The S wave also has a normal sequence of progression in the opposite the normal with predominately negative QRS orienta-
precordial leads. It should be large in V1, larger in V2, and then tion in both leads I and II.
progressively smaller from V3 through V6 (see Figure 10-16). As The frontal plane axis is typically rounded to the nearest mul-
with the R wave, alteration of this sequence could be produced tiple of 15 degrees. If it is directly aligned with one of the limb
either by enlargement of one of the ventricles or by myocardial leads, the axis is designated as –30 degrees, 0 degrees, +30
infarction. degrees, +60 degrees, and so on. If it is located midway between
The duration of the QRS complex is termed the QRS interval, two of the limb leads, it is designated as –15 degrees, +15 degrees,
normally ranging from 0.07 to 0.10 seconds. The interval tends to +45 degrees, +75 degrees, and so on. Examples of patients with
be slightly longer in males than in females and is measured from various frontal plane QRS axes are presented in Figure 10-17.
the beginning of the first appearing Q or R wave to the end of the The normal frontal plane QRS axis is rightward in the neonate,
last appearing R, S, or R′ wave. Multi-lead comparison is useful, moves to a vertical position during childhood, and then moves to
since either the beginning or end of the QRS complex may be iso- a more horizontal position during adulthood. In normal adults,
electric in any single lead, causing underestimation of QRS dura- the electrical axis is almost parallel to the anatomic base to the
tion. The onset of the QRS complex is usually quite apparent in all apex axis of the heart, in the direction of lead II. However, the
the leads, but its offset at the junction with the ST segment is often axis is more vertical in thin individuals and more horizontal in
indistinct, particularly in the precordial leads. The QRS interval heavy individuals. A QRS axis more positive than +90 degrees in
has no lower limit that indicates abnormality. QRS prolongation an adult should be designated right-axis deviation (RAD) (see
may be caused by LV enlargement, an abnormality in impulse Figure 10-17, B), and an axis more negative than –30 degrees at
conduction, or a ventricular site of origin of the QRS complex. any age should be designated left-axis deviation (LAD) (see Figure
10-17, C). RV hypertrophy may produce RAD and LV hypertro-
phy LAD. An axis between −90 and +180 degrees should be
QRS Axis Determination
considered extreme axis deviation (EAD) without designating it
With the typical ECG display, a three-step method is used for as either rightward or leftward (see Figure 10-17, E).
determining the frontal plane QRS direction (termed axis):
ST-Segment Morphology
Step 1. Identify the transitional lead, as defined by positive and
negative components of the QRS complex of approximately The ST segment represents the period when the ventricular
equal amplitudes. myocardium remains in an activated or depolarized state. At its
junction with the QRS (J-point), it typically forms a nearly
Step 2. Identify the lead that is oriented perpendicular to the 90-degree angle and then proceeds horizontally until it curves
transitional lead by using the hexaxial reference system gently into the T wave. The length of the ST segment is influenced
(Figure 10-17). by factors that alter the duration of ventricular activation.
Points along the ST segment are designated with reference to the
Step 3. Consider the predominant direction of the QRS complex number of milliseconds beyond the J point, such as “J + 20,”
in the lead identified in step 2. If the direction is positive, the “J + 40,” and “J + 60.”
axis is equal to the positive pole of that lead. If the direction is The first section of the ST segment is normally located at
negative, the axis is equal to the negative pole of that lead. the same horizontal level as the baseline formed by the PR
segment and the TP segment, which fills in the space between
The frontal plane axis is normally directed leftward and either electrical cardiac cycles. Slight up-sloping, down-sloping, or hori-
slightly superiorly or inferiorly: between –30 degrees and +90 zontal depression of the ST segment may occur as a normal
degrees (see Figure 10-17). Therefore, the QRS complex is nor- variant. Another normal variant appears with early repolarization
mally predominately positive in both leads I (with its positive pole in the epicardial areas within the ventricles.22 This causes dis-
at 0 degrees) and II (with its positive pole at +60 degrees). If the placement of the ST segment in the direction of the following T
QRS is positive in lead I but negative in II, the axis is deviated wave. Occasionally, as much as a 4-mm ST elevation may occur
leftward between –30 and –120 degrees. However, if the QRS is in leads V1 to V3 in normal young males.23 The appearance of the
136  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

–90 –90°
–120 –60
aVR –150 –30 aVL LAD –30°

±180 0I ±180°
+150 +30

III +120 +60 II

+90 +90°


FIGURE 10-17  Top left, The frontal-plane hexaxial reference system. Top right,The sectors indicating the various designations of the frontal plane QRS
axis in the adults: normal axis (NA), right-axis deviation (RAD), left-axis deviation (LAD), and extreme axis deviation (EAD). Bottom, Examples of various
frontal plane QRS axes: A, +60 degrees; B, +150 degrees; C, −30 degrees; D, −60 degrees; E, −120 degrees.
Basic Electrocardiography  137

ST segment may also be altered during exercise or with an altered the number of degrees between the QRS complex and T-wave
sequence of activation of the ventricular myocardium.

T-Wave Morphology
axes in the frontal plane.25 A similar method can be applied in
the transverse plane.
U-Wave Morphology
The smooth, rounded shape of the T wave resembles the shape
of the P wave. However, variation of monophasic versus diphasic The U wave is normally either absent, or present as a small,
appearance in the various leads is normal. The initial deflection rounded wave following the T wave. It normally proceeds in the
of the T wave is typically longer than the terminal deflection, same direction as the T wave but with approximately 10% of the
producing a slightly asymmetrical shape. Slight “peaking” of the amplitude of the T wave. It is usually most prominent in leads
T wave may occur as a normal variant, and notching of the T V2 or V3.
waves is common in children. The duration of the T wave itself is
not usually measured but is, instead, included in the Q-T interval,
Q-T Interval
as discussed later. The amplitude of the T wave, like that of the
QRS complex, has wide normal limits. It tends to diminish with The Q-T interval measures the duration of activation and recov-
age and is larger in males than in females. T-wave amplitude tends ery of the ventricular myocardium. It varies inversely with the
to vary with QRS amplitude and should always be greater than heart rate. To ensure that recovery from one cardiac cycle is
that of any U wave that is present. T waves do not normally complete before the next cycle begins, the duration of recovery
exceed 5 mm in any limb lead or 10 mm in any precordial lead. must decrease as the rate of activation increases. Therefore, the
The T-wave amplitude tends to be lower in the leads providing “normality” of the Q-T interval can be determined only by cor-
the extreme views of both frontal and transverse planes: T waves recting for the heart rate. The corrected Q-T interval (QTc inter-
do not normally exceed 3 mm in leads aVL and III, or 5 mm in val) rather than the measured Q-T interval is included in the ECG
leads V1 and V6.24 analysis. Bazett developed a formula for performing this correc-
The direction of the T wave should be evaluated in relation tion, which has since been modified by Hodges and coworkers
to that of the QRS complex (Figure 10-18). The rationale for and MacFarlane and Veitch Lawrie.20-22
similar directions of these waveforms that represent the opposite
myocardial events of activation and recovery has been presented QTc = Q-T + 1.75 ( Ventricular rate − 60)
earlier in the chapter (see “Basic Principles”). The method pre-
sented earlier for determining the direction of the QRS complex The normal value of the QTc is approximately 0.41 seconds
in the frontal plane should be applied for determining the direc- with upper limits of 0.44 seconds in adult males and 0.46 seconds
tion of the T wave. The term QRS-T angle is used to indicate in adult females; children by age 15 usually have upper limits of
0.45 seconds. The QTc is slightly longer in females than in males
and increases slightly with age. The accommodations of the dura-
tion of electrical recovery to the rate of electrical activation do
not occur immediately but requires several cardiac cycles. Thus,
an accurate QTc can be calculated only after a series of regular,
A equal cardiac cycles.
The diagnostic value of the Q-T interval is seriously limited
by the difficulty of identifying the completion of ventricular
B 1. Commonly, a variation occurs in the Q-T interval among the
leads. This occurs when the terminal portion of the T wave is
isoelectric in some of the leads.23 The longest Q-T interval
measured in multiple leads should, therefore, be considered
C the true Q-T interval.

2. The U wave may merge with the T wave, creating a T-U junc-
tion, which is not on the baseline. In this instance, the onset
of the U wave should be considered the approximate end of
D the Q-T interval.

3. At faster heart rates, the P wave may merge with the T wave,
creating a T-P junction, which is not on the baseline. In this
instance, the onset of the P wave should be considered the
E approximate end of the Q-T interval.

FIGURE 10-18  The normal QRS-to-T relationship (A) is contrasted Marked elevation of the ST segment, increase or decrease in
with various abnormalities that may be associated with cardiac T-wave amplitude, prolongation of the QTc, or increase in U-wave
arrhythmias (B through E). Each example begins with the completion amplitude may be an indication of underlying cardiac conditions
of a TP segment and ends with the initiation of the following TP
that may produce serious cardiac rhythm abnormalities
(Figure 10-19).
138  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology


V1 V1



V4 V4

V5 V5

V6 V6 V6 V6


FIGURE 10-19  Electrocardiograms from four patients with early repolarization. In each panel, early repolarization is evident in the varying patterns of
QRS slurring or notching in inferolateral leads (arrows). D shows a beat-to-beat fluctuation in this pattern.

dilation, may be a compensatory condition rather than a patho-

Chamber Enlargement logic condition.27 A pressure overload of the right ventricle may
recur in later years because of increased resistance to the flow of
Right Ventricular Dilation
blood through the pulmonary valve, the pulmonary circulation,
The right ventricle dilates either during compensation for a or the left side of the heart.
volume overload or after its hypertrophy eventually fails to com- The normal QRS complex in the adult is predominately
pensate for a pressure overload. This dilation causes stretching of negative in lead V1 with a small R wave followed by a promi-
the right bundle branch, which courses from the base to the apex nent S wave. When the right ventricle hypertrophies in response
on the endocardial surface of the right side of the interventricular to a pressure overload, this negative predominance may be
septum (see Figure 10-8). Conduction of impulses within these lost. In milder forms, a late positive R wave appears. With
right bundle Purkinje fibers is slowed so much that electrical moderate hypertrophy, the initial QRS forces move anteriorly
activation arrives at the RV myocardium only after it has already (increased lead V1 R wave), and the terminal QRS forces move
been activated by spread of impulses from the left ventricle. This rightward (increased lead I S wave). With marked hypertrophy,
phenomenon, referred to as right bundle branch block (RBBB), is the QRS complex may even become predominately positive
discussed later (see “Intraventricular Conduction Abnormali- (Figure 10-20). This severe pressure overload causes sustained
ties”). This RV conduction abnormality may appear suddenly delayed repolarization of the RV myocardium, producing nega-
during the early or compensatory phase of a volume overload or tivity of the ST segment and the T wave, which has been
during the advanced or failing phase of a pressure overload. termed RV strain.

Right Ventricular Hypertrophy Left Ventricular Dilation

RV hypertrophy occurs as compensation for pressure overload. In The left ventricle dilates for the same reasons as described above
the neonate, the right ventricle is more hypertrophied compared for the right ventricle. However, the dilation does not stretch the
with the left because of the greater resistance in the pulmonary left bundle enough to cause complete left bundle branch block
circulation than in the systemic circulation during fetal develop- (LBBB). This is most likely caused by anatomical differences
ment. Right-sided resistance is greatly increased when the pla- between the the right and left bundles. The right bundle continues
centa is removed.26 From this time onward, ECG evidence of RV as a single bundle along its septal surface, but the left bundle
predominance is gradually lost as the left ventricle becomes divides almost immediately into multiple fascicles. LV dilation
hypertrophied in relation to the right. Therefore, hypertrophy, like may produce only a partial or incomplete LBBB.
Basic Electrocardiography  139

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-20  An 18-year-old man with congenital heart disease and pulmonary hypertension. Arrows indicate the changes of right ventricular
hypertrophy in the QRS waveforms, and an asterisk indicates the ST- and T-wave changes of right ventricular strain.

Dilation enlarges the surface area of the left ventricle and complex. The mechanism that produces the strain is uncertain,
moves the myocardium closer to the precordial electrodes, which but several factors are believed to contribute. The development
increases the amplitudes of leftward and posteriorly directed QRS of strain correlates well with increasing LV mass as determined
waveforms.28 The S-wave amplitude is increased in leads V2 and by echocardiography.30 Myocardial ischemia and slowing of intra-
V3, and the R-wave amplitude is increased in leads V5 and V6. ventricular conduction are factors that may also contribute to
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
As discussed earlier, the left ventricle normally becomes hyper-
trophied relative to the right ventricle following the neonatal
Intraventricular Conduction Abnormalities
period. Abnormal hypertrophy, which occurs in response to a
Bundle Branch and Fascicular Block
pressure overload, produces exaggeration of the normal pattern
of LV predominance on the ECG. Like dilation, hypertrophy Since the activation of the ventricular Purkinje system (see Figure
enlarges the surface area of the left ventricle, which increases the 10-8) is not represented on the surface ECG, abnormalities of its
voltages of leftward and posteriorly directed QRS waveforms, conduction must be detected indirectly by their effects on myo-
thereby causing similar shifts in the frontal plane axis and trans- cardial activation and recovery. The most specific changes occur
verse plane transitional zone. within the QRS complex. A conduction disturbance within the
A longer time is required for the spread of electrical activa- right bundle branch, left bundle branch, or left bundle fascicles
tion from the endocardial surface to the epicardial surface, or between the Purkinje fibers and the adjacent myocardium may
prolonging both the time-to-peak R wave (intrinsicoid deflec- alter the QRS complex and T wave. A conduction disturbance in
tion) and the overall QRS duration. These conduction delays, the common or His bundle has a similar effect on activation of
induced by hypertrophy, may mimic incomplete or even complete both ventricles and, therefore, does not alter the appearance of
LBBB (see “Intraventricular Conduction Abnormalities” below) the QRS complex or T wave.
(Figure 10-21).
Pressure overload leads to sustained delayed repolarization
Unifascicular Blocks
of the left ventricle, which produces negativity of both the ST
segment and the T wave in leads with leftward or posterior This term is used when ECG evidence of blockage of only one of
orientation. This is referred to as LV strain.29 The epicardial cells the fascicles is present. Isolated RBBB or left anterior fascicular
no longer repolarize early, causing the spread of recovery to block (LAFB) commonly occurs, whereas left posterior fascicular
proceed from the endocardium to the epicardium. This leads to block (LPFB) is rare. Rosenbaum et al identified only 30 patients
deflection of the T wave in the opposite direction of the QRS with LPFB compared with 900 patients with LAFB.31
140  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-21  Twelve-lead electrocardiograms from a 75-year-old woman with symptoms of heart failure caused by longstanding hypertension
(A) and a 70-year-old man with severe aortic valve stenosis just before surgical replacement (B). Arrows indicate intraventricular conduction delay
(A) and ST-segment depression and T-wave inversion (B).
Basic Electrocardiography  141

Right Bundle Branch Block LAFB is, by far, the most commonly occurring conduction

Since the right ventricle contributes minimally to the normal

QRS complex, RBBB produces little distortion during the time
required for LV activation. Figure 10-13, illustrates the minimal
abnormality involving the left bundle branch. Its presence was
detected in 1.5% of a population of 8000 men 45 to 69 years
of age.33
distortion of the early portion and marked distortion of the late
Left Postero-inferior Fascicular Block
portion of the QRS complex that typically occur with RBBB. The
minimal contribution of the normal RV myocardium is com- If the LP fascicles of the LBB are blocked, the situation is reversed
pletely subtracted from the early portion of the QRS complex (see Figure 10-23). However, this rarely occurs as an isolated
and added later when the right ventricle is activated via the abnormality. The initial LV free wall activation occurs via the LA
spread of impulses from the left ventricle. This produces a late fascicles. Activation spreading from the endocardium to the epi-
prominent positive wave in lead V1 termed R′ because it follows cardium in this region is directed superiorly and leftward. Since
the earlier positive R wave produced by normal left to right the block in the LP fascicles has removed the competition pro-
spread of activation through the interventricular septum vided by activation directed inferiorly and rightward, Q waves
(Figure 10-22). appear in leads with their positive electrode on the left leg (leads
II, III, and aVF). Following this initial period, the activation wave
spreads over the remainder of the LV free wall in an inferior and
Left Antero-superior Fascicular Block
rightward direction. This produces prominent R waves in leads II,
If the LA fascicles of the left bundle branch are blocked, the initial III, and aVF and prominent S waves in leads I and aVL, causing a
activation of the LV free wall occurs via the LP fascicles (Figure rightward shift of the QRS axis to at least +90 degrees.33 The QRS
10-23). Activation spreading from the endocardium to the epicar- duration is slightly prolonged as in LAFB. The diagnosis of LPFB
dium in this region is directed inferiorly and rightward. Since the requires absence of evidence of RV hypertrophy (RVH) because
block in the LA fascicles has removed the competition from acti- the much more common RVH itself can produce the same ECG
vation directed superiorly and leftward, Q waves appear in leads pattern as LPFB.
with their positive electrode on the left arm (leads I and aVL).
Following this initial period, the activation wave spreads over the
Bifascicular Blocks
remainder of the LV free wall in a superior and leftward direction.
This produces prominent R waves in leads I and aVL and promi- The term bifascicular block is used when involvement of two of
nent S waves in leads II, III, and aVF, causing a leftward shift of the major Purkinje fascicles is evident on the ECG. Such evidence
the QRS axis to at least –45 degrees. The overall QRS duration is may appear at different times or may coexist on the same ECG.
prolonged to 0.10 to 0.20 seconds.32 This term is sometimes applied to complete LBBB but is more

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-22  Twelve-lead electrocardiograms from a 17-year-old girl with an ostium secundum atrial septal defect. The arrow indicates the
prominent terminal R′ wave in V1, and the asterisk indicates the right- and left-axis shifts, respectively.
142  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology




FIGURE 10-23  Schematic left ventricle viewed from its apex upward toward its base. The interventricular septum (S), left ventricular free wall (FW),
and anterior (A) and inferior (I) regions of the left ventricle are indicated. The typical appearances of the QRS complexes in leads 1 (top) and aVF
(bottom) are presented for normal (A), left anterior fascicular block (B), and left posterior fascicular block left ventricular activation (C). Dashed lines
represent the fascicles; the two wavy lines crossing a fascicle indicate the sites of block. Hatched circles represent the papillary muscles; outer rings
represent the endocardial and epicardial surface of the left ventricular myocardium. Arrows within the outer rings indicate the directions of the
wavefronts of activation as they spread from the unblocked fascicles through the myocardium.

commonly applied to the combination of RBBB with either LAFB and the initial R waves and the prominent S waves in limb leads
or LPFB. The term bilateral bundle branch block is also appropri- II, III, and aVF of LAFB. The QRS duration should be at least 0.12
ate when RBBB and either LAFB or LPFB are present.34 When seconds, and the frontal plane axis should be between –45 and
bifascicular block is present, the QRS duration is prolonged to at –120 degrees (Figure 10-25).33
least 0.12 seconds.
Right Bundle Branch Block with Left
Left Bundle Branch Block Postero-inferior Fascicular Block
Figure 10-24 illustrates the marked distortion of the entire QRS This type of bifascicular block rarely occurs. Even when the ECG
complex produced by LBBB. Complete LBBB may be caused by changes are entirely typical, the diagnosis should be made only in
disease either in the main LBB (predivisional) or in all of its fas- the absence of clinical evidence of RVH. The diagnosis of RBBB
cicles (postdivisional). When the impulse cannot progress along with LPFB should be considered when typical changes are
the left bundle branch, it must first enter the right ventricle and observed in precordial lead V1 of RBBB and in the initial R waves
then travel through the interventricular septum to the left and prominent S waves in limb leads I and aVL of LPFB. The QRS
ventricle. duration should be at least 0.12 seconds and the frontal plane axis
Normally, the interventricular septum is activated from left to at least +90 degrees (Figure 10-26).36,37
right, producing an initial R wave in the right precordial leads and
a Q wave in leads I, aVL, and the left precordial leads. When
complete LBBB is present, the septum is activated from right to
left. This produces initial Q waves in the right precordial leads
Acute and Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease
and eliminates the normal Q waves in the leftward-oriented
General Electrophysiological Principles
leads.35 The activation of the left ventricle then proceeds sequen-
tially from the interventricular septum to the adjacent anterosu- The process of electrical recovery of myocardial cells is more
perior and inferior walls to the posterolateral free wall. This susceptible to ischemia than is that of electrical activation. Since
sequence of ventricular activation in complete LBBB tends to ischemia caused by an increase in myocardial demand is not as
produce monophasic QRS complexes: QS in lead V1 and R in profound as that caused by a complete cessation of coronary
leads I, aVL, and V6. blood flow, it is manifested on the ECG only by changes in the
waveforms representing the recovery process—the ST segments
and T waves. The more profound ischemia that occurs with acute
Right Bundle Branch Block with Left Antero-superior
coronary occlusion produces a different array of changes in the
Fascicular Block
ST segments and T waves and may even alter the QRS complexes.
Just as LAFB appears as a unifascicular block much more com- When the ischemia is maximally severe, because of the absence
monly compared with LPFB, it more commonly accompanies of protection by either collateral blood flow from other arteries
RBBB as a bifascicular block. The diagnosis is made by observing or “metabolic ischemic preconditioning,” electrical conduction
the late prominent R or R′ wave in precordial lead V1 of RBBB through the myocardium may be slowed, causing QRS
Basic Electrocardiography  143

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-24  Twelve-lead electrocardiograms from an 82-year-old woman with no medical problems (A), a 71-year-old man with chronic heart
failure (B), and a 74-year-old man with a long history of hypertension (C). Arrows in A and C indicate the typical characteristics of left bundle branch
block in leads I and V1, and arrows in B indicate the deep S waves in leads II, III, and aVF and decreased R waves in leads V2 to V4.
144  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-24, cont’d

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-25  An 82-year-old man with fibrosis of both the right bundle branch and the anterior fascicle of the left bundle branch. The arrow
indicates the prominent terminal R′ wave in V1, and the asterisk indicates the right- and left-axis shifts, respectively.
Basic Electrocardiography  145

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-26  Twelve-lead electrocardiograms from an 82-year-old woman with no complaints and no other evidence of heart disease. Arrows
indicate the prominent S waves in I and aVL and RR′ complex in V1.

prolongation, with distortion primarily in the terminal portion. injury (EI). Note that the term injury replaces the term ischemia
When blood flow is not rapidly restored, the more permanent because the changes are produced by a “current of injury” that
changes in the QRS waveforms of MI sequentially evolve.38,39 flows between the normal and involved portions of the myocar-
The ECG changes caused by a potentially reversible increase dium. The process of infarction deviates the QRS complex away
in myocardial metabolic demand or decrease in coronary blood from the involved area.42 Unless poor myocardial remodeling
flow are typically termed ischemia when the direction of the T results in wall thinning or even aneurysmal dilation, the ST
wave is altered and injury when the level of the ST segment is segment soon returns to a position isoelectric with the remainder
deviated from those of the TP and PR segments of the baseline. of the ECG baseline.
However, the term ischemia is used more generally in this chapter
in reference to the condition of a pathologic imbalance between
Myocardial Ischemia
supply and demand.
The thicker-walled left ventricle is much more susceptible to Normally, the directions of the QRS complex and T wave are
ischemia than is the right ventricle, and the endocardial linings of similar rather than opposite because of prolonged maintenance
both are supplied by the cavitary blood. The subendocardial layer of the activated condition in the endocardial layer of myocardium.
of LV cells is that most likely to become ischemic because it is The ischemic subendocardial cells are unable to maintain pro-
located “at the end of the supply line” (Figure 10-27). Ischemia longed activation, thereby causing the T wave on the ECG to
occurs when, in the presence of underlying coronary atheroscle- become “inverted” in relation to the QRS complexes (Figure
rosis, either an increase in myocardial demand or a decrease in 10-28). Rapid inversion of the T wave typically occurs during
coronary blood flow occurs.40,41 successful reperfusion of autely ischemic myocardium. However,
The typical ECG manifestation of ischemia caused by an the T wave tends to return to its normal direction during the
increase in myocardial demand is deviation of the ST segment phase of recovery from the acute event. Normally, an angle of less
away from the entire involved left ventricle. Because of the loca- than 45 degrees is present between the directions of the QRS
tion of the involved layer of the myocardium and the character- complexes and the T waves in the frontal plane, and an angle of
istic deviation of the ST segment of the ECG baseline, the term less than 60 degrees is present in the transverse plane. When the
used is subendocardial ischemia (SEI). angles exceed these limits, in the absence of other abnormal con-
The typical ECG manifestation of ischemia caused by acute ditions such as ventricular hypertrophy or bundle branch block,
occlusion of myocardial blood flow is deviation of the ST segment the presence of myocardial ischemia should be considered. The
toward the specifically involved area. Because of the involvement location of the ECG leads demonstrating these inverted T waves
of all layers of the myocardium (including the epicardium), the may be indicative of the specific location of the ischemic area
term that most accurately describes the ECG changes is epicardial within the LV myocardium. The lead groups that typically localize
146  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

the ischemia in the distributions of the three major coronary Like ST-segment depression, T-wave inversion usually resolves
arteries are indicated in Figure 10-29. when the increased LV workload is removed. Unlike ST-segment
T-wave changes are not as specific as are the ST-segment depression, however, T-wave inversion may remain present for a
changes discussed in the following section for establishing the prolonged period following the acute phase of MI. This chronic
diagnosis of myocardial ischemia caused by increased demand. T-wave inversion should not be considered evidence of persistent
Inversion from the direction of the QRS commonly occurs as a ischemia. It represents an alteration in electrical recovery second-
normal variant or with other cardiac or noncardiac conditions. ary to the infarction-induced changes in electrical activation in
T-wave inversion is also not a sensitive sign of LV ischemia. The the same manner that T-wave inversion is an expected secondary
typical ST-segment changes of SEI occurs in the absence of occurrence with LBBB.
T-wave inversion during periods of increased metabolic demand
(Figure 10-30).43
Subendocardial Injury
Normally, the ST segment is located at the same level as the
remainder of the ECG baseline: isoelectric with the PR and TP
segments. Observation of the changes in the appearance of the
ST segment of a patient with a positive exercise stress test pro-
vides the pattern of the ECG changes known as SEI.44
When partial obstruction of a coronary artery prevents blood
flow from increasing sufficiently during a time of increased meta-
bolic demand, a “current of injury” is produced by the electro-
physiological imbalance between the involved subendocardial
RA LA layer and the noninvolved mid- and epicardial layers of the LV
myocardium.45,46 The ST-segment changes typically disappear
when the myocardial demands are returned to baseline by reduc-
ing the metabolic demand, indicating that the myocardial cells
have been only reversibly “ischemic.” Such changes may occur
during psychologically induced as well as physiologically induced
episodes of increased myocardial metabolic demand.
A combination of two diagnostic criteria has been typically
required for the diagnosis of SEI:

1. At least 0.10-mV depression at the J-point of the ST segment

2. Either a horizontal or downward sloping of the ST segment
toward the T wave

Lesser deviation of the ST segments could be caused by SEI or

could be a variation of normal. Even the “diagnostic” ST-segment
changes could be caused by an extreme variation of normal.
When these ECG changes appear, they should be considered in
the context of other manifestations of ischemia such as precordial
FIGURE 10-27  Schematic comparison of the relative thicknesses of pain, decreased blood pressure, or cardiac arrhythmias.45,47
the myocardium in the four cardiac chambers. The ovals indicate the ST–J-point deviation followed by an up-sloping ST segment
locations of the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes; the His bundle may also be abnormal. A 0.1- to 0.2-mV depression of the J-point
(thick short line) and right and left bundle branches (thin longer lines) followed by an up-sloping ST segment that remains 0.1 mV
descend from the AV node into the interventricular septum. LA, Left depressed for 0.08 seconds, or a 0.2-mV depression of the J-point
atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. (Modified followed by an up-sloping ST segment that remains 0.2 mV
from Wagner GS, Waugh RA, Ramo BW: Cardiac arrhythmias, New York,
depressed for 0.08 seconds may also be considered diagnostic of
1983, Churchill Livingstone, p 2.)

Normal Ischemia Injury


FIGURE 10-28  Schematic single ventricular cycles from an electrocardiogram lead oriented to the cardiac long axis are shown for normal
(A), ischemic (B), and injury (C) conditions.
Basic Electrocardiography  147

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-29  Twelve-lead electrocardiograms from a 63-year-old woman presenting to the emergency department with 2 hours of substernal chest
pain (A), a 78-year-old man with an occluded right coronary artery vein graft 3 days after coronary bypass surgery (B), and an 83-year-old man with a
previous anterior infarct and recurrent resting chest pain after abdominal surgery (C). Coronary angiography revealed high-grade stenosis of the
proximal left circumflex artery. Arrows in A, B, and C indicate abnormally directed T waves.

148  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-29, cont’d

The positive poles of most of the standard limb and precordial

I V1 ECG leads are directed toward the left ventricle. In deviating away
I V1 from the left ventricle, the ST-segment changes of SEI appear
negative or depressed in groups of either leftward (I, aVL, or V4
to V6) or inferiorly (II, III, aVF) oriented leads. The location of
II V2 the ECG leads with the ST segment depression is not indicative
II V2 of the location of the ischemic area of the LV subendocardium.
The appearance of the ST segments with LV SEI is similar to
that occurring with severe LV hypertrophy, referred to as strain.
The ST-segment depression of LV strain appears chronically as
III V3 one of the manifestations of LV hypertrophy. Also, marked SEI
may occur acutely with sub-total occlusion of the main left coro-
nary artery. This is typically accompanied by signs of LV failure
because complete occlusion of this major LV blood supply usually
aVR V4 causes sudden death.
aVR V4
The maximal ST-segment depression of SEI is almost never
seen in leads V1 to V3. (When the maximal ST-segment depres-
sion is located in these leads, the cause is either RV strain or
aVL V5
posterior EI.) The ST-segment depression of LV SEI usually
aVL V5 resolves immediately following removal of the excessive cardio-
vascular stress. When the ST-segment depression occurs in the
absence of an increased LV workload, the presence of subendo-
cardial infarction should be considered. However, infarction is
aVF V6 confirmed only if there is accompanying abnormal elevation of
aVF V6 serum biochemical markers.50

A B Epicardial Injury
Just as ST-segment changes are reliable indicators of ischemia
FIGURE 10-30  Resting and exercise 12-lead electrocardiograms from
caused by increased myocardial demand, they are also reliable
a 47-year-old man (A) and a 72-year-old man with sustained chest
pain during exercise stress testing (B). Arrows indicate negative T
indicators of ischemia caused by insufficient coronary blood flow.
waves in A and positive T waves in B after the diagnostically Observation of the position of the ST segments (relative to the
depressed ST segments. PR and TP segments) in a patient experiencing acute precordial
pain provides clinical evidence regarding the presence or absence
Basic Electrocardiography  149

of severe myocardial ischemia or developing infarction. However, in the ECG leads with their positive poles pointing toward the
many normal variations occur in the appearance of ST segments
(Figure 10-31).51-53
It may be difficult to differentiate abnormal ST-segment
changes of EI from variations of normal when the ST-segment
lateral, inferior, or anterior aspects of the left ventricle. The ST
segments appear negative or depressed in the ECG leads with
their positive poles pointing away from the posterior aspect of the
left ventricle.
deviation is minimal. The presence of one of the following criteria Often, both ST-segment elevation and depression appear on
is typically required for diagnosis of EI: different leads of a standard 12-lead ECG. Usually, the direction
of the greater deviation should be considered primary and the
1. Elevation of the origin of the ST segment at its junction direction of the lesser deviation considered secondary or recipro-
(J-point) with the QRS of: cal. However, there are exceptions to this rule. When EI involves
both the inferior and the posterior aspects of the left ventricle,
a. Greater than 0.10 mV in two or more limb leads or precor- the ST depression in leads V1 to V3 may equal or exceed the
dial leads V4 to V6 elevation in II, III, and aVF (Figure 10-32).
EI most commonly occurs in the distal aspect of the area of
b. Greater than 0.20 mV in two or more precordial leads V1 the LV myocardium supplied by one of the three major coronary
to V3 arteries (Figure 10-33).54 The relationships among the coronary
artery, LV quadrant, sectors of the quadrant, and diagnostic ECG
2. Depression of the origin of the ST segment at the J-point of leads are indicated in Table 10-2.
greater than 0.10 mV in two or more of precordial leads V1 In about 90% of individuals, the posterior descending artery
to V3 originates from the right coronary artery (RCA), and the left
circumflex (LCx) artery supplies only part of a single LV quadrant.
The greater threshold is required for ST elevation in leads V1 This has been termed right coronary dominance. In the other 10%
to V3 because there is often a normal slight ST elevation present. with left coronary dominance, the posterior descending artery
The deviated ST segments typically either are horizontal or originates from the LCx artery, and the RCA supplies only the
slope toward the direction of the T waves. The sloping produces right ventricle.
greater deviation of the ST segment as it moves farther from the EI may also involve the thinner-walled RV myocardium when
J-point toward the T wave. Various positions along the ST its blood supply via the RCA becomes insufficient. RV EI is rep-
segment are sometimes selected for measurement of ST-segment resented on the standard ECG as ST segment elevation in leads
deviation, either for establishing the diagnosis of EI or for estimat- V1 and V2, with greater elevation in lead V1 than in V2 and with
ing its extent. The “J,” “J + 0.02 seconds,” and “J + 0.06 seconds” even greater elevation in the more rightward additional leads V3R
points of the ST segment have all been considered. and V4R (Figure 10-34).
Because the ST-segment changes of EI deviate toward the The entire ST-segment elevation disappears abruptly when EI
involved area of the myocardium, they appear positive or elevated persists for only the 1 to 2 minutes that are required for

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-31  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram from a 34-year-old man with a strong family history of heart disease presenting for the fourth time
within 1 year to an emergency department with severe chest pain. Arrows indicate ST-segment elevation in many leads.
I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-32  Twelve-lead electrocardiograms illustrating acute epicardial injury after 1 minute of balloon occlusion in the mid–right coronary artery
of a 47-year-old man with symptoms of unstable angina. Arrow indicates the maximal ST-segment deviation directed toward the involved regions.

Quadrants I LCA II III IV








Anteroseptal Posterolateral
Anterosuperior Inferior

FIGURE 10-33  The 12 sectors of the left ventricular myocardium defined by the four quadrants and the three levels. The distributions of the coronary
arteries (left coronary artery [LCA], left anterior descending [LAD] artery, left circumflex [LCx] artery, right coronary artery [RCA], and posterior
descending [PDA] artery) are related to the distributions of insufficient blood supply resulting from occlusions of the respective arteries (bottom). The
four grades of shading from light to dark indicate the size of the involved region as small, medium, large, and very large, respectively. (From Califf RM,
Mark DB, Wagner GS: Acute coronary care in the thrombolytic era, Chicago, 1988, Year Book, pp 20–21.)
Basic Electrocardiography  151

Table 10-2  Injury Terminology Relationships


LAD Anteroseptal All V1-V3 (elevation) Anterior

Anterosuperior All I, aVL (elevation) Lateral

Inferior Apical V4-V6 (elevation) Lateral

Posterolateral Apical V4-V6 (elevation) Lateral

Posterior descending artery Inferior Basal, middle II, III, aVF (elevation) Inferior

LCx artery Posterolateral Basal, middle V1-V3 (depression) Posterior

LAD, Left anterior descending artery; LCx, left circumflex artery.

Table 10-3  T-Wave Amplitude Limits (mV)


I aVR V1 V4
aVL 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30

I 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45

aVR 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.45

II 0.65 0.55 0.55 0.45

II aVL V2 V5 aVF 0.50 0.40 0.45 0.35

III 0.35 0.30 0.35 0.30

V1 0.65 0.20 0.50 0.35

V2 1.45 0.85 1.40 0.70

V3 1.35 0.85 1.35 0.85

V4 1.15 0.85 1.10 0.75

V5 0.90 0.70 0.95 0.70

V6 0.65 0.55 0.65 0.50

Presentation of upper limit T-wave amplitudes (in mV rounded to the nearest

0.05) in each lead by gender and age for normal subjects from Glasgow,
Scotland. The leads are arranged in the panoramic sequence.
Modified from Macfarlane PW, Lawrie TDV: Comprehensive electrocardiology, vol 3,
FIGURE 10-34  A 12-lead electrocardiogram after 1 minute of balloon New York, 1989, Pergamon Press, pp 1446–1457.
occlusion in the proximal right coronary artery in a 65-year-old
woman presenting with acute precordial pain of sudden onset. Arrows
indicate the inferior epicardial injury appearing as ST-segment
elevation in leads III and aVF and right ventricular epicardial injury Sometimes the ST-segment deviation of EI is accompanied by
appearing as ST-segment elevation in lead V1.
a marked increase in T-wave amplitude produced by local hyper-
kalemia. These primary T-wave elevations have been termed
hyperacute T waves and persist for only a brief period after the
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). acute coronary thrombosis (Figure 10-35).57 Hyperacute T waves
However, EI produced by coronary thrombosis typically persists may, therefore, be useful in timing the duration of the EI when a
throughout the minutes to hours required for clinical administra- patient presents with acute precordial pain.
tion of some form of reperfusion and then resolves only following Definition of the amplitude of the T wave required to identify
restoration of flow. The disappearance of EI may reveal the already hyperacute changes during EI requires reference to the upper
developed QRS changes of infarction that have previously been limits of T-wave amplitudes in the various ECG leads of normal
obscured by the injury current. In some patients, multiple epi- subjects. Table 10-3 presents the upper limits of T-wave
sodes of ST-segment elevation and resolution have been docu- amplitudes in each of the 12 standard leads in both females and
mented by continuous monitoring following the initiation of males in the older than 40 years age group in the Glasgow, Scot-
intravenous thrombolytic therapy. In the absence of successful land, normal database.58 A rough estimate of the normal upper
thrombolytic therapy, eventually, the ST-segment elevation grad- limits of T-wave amplitude would be (1) at least 0.5 mV in the
ually resolves as the area with EI becomes infarcted.55,56 limb leads and (2) at least 1.00 mV in the precordial leads.
152  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

V1 V4 V1 V4

V2 V5
V2 V5

FIGURE 10-35  The six precordial leads of the

electrocardiogram after 1 minute of balloon
occlusion of the left anterior descending
coronary artery in a 74-year-old woman with
V3 V6 a 5-year history of exertional angina (A) and
V3 V6 a 51-year-old man with an initial episode  
of precordial pain (B). Arrows indicate
ST-segment elevation and hyperacute T waves
in A and disappearance of the S wave from
A B below the TP-PR segment baseline in B.




FIGURE 10-36  A, An electrocardiogram recording made before

balloon inflation in which the PR and ST baselines are at the same
level and a 0.03-mV S wave is present. B, During balloon occlusion, the
ST segment is elevated by 0.03 mV by the epicardial injury current; the
S wave also deviates upward so that it just reaches the PR segment Inflation 1 Inflation 2
FIGURE 10-37  Recordings of two cardiac cycles in lead V2 from
baseline (control) and after 2 minutes each of two different periods  
of balloon occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery.
EI begins during the QRS complex. This may result in second- (From Wagner NB, Sevilla DC, Drucoff MW, et al: Transient alterations of
ary deviation of the QRS waveforms in the same direction as that the QRS complex and the ST segment during percutaneous transluminal
of the ST segments. This distortion affects the amplitudes but not balloon angioplasty of the left anterior descending coronary artery, Am J
Cardiol 62:1038–1042, 1988.)
the durations of the QRS waveforms and in their later more than
their earlier waveforms.59
The deviation of the ST segments confounds the capability of
measuring the amplitudes of the QRS waveforms. As illustrated
in Figure 10-36, the PR-segment baseline remains as the reference greater than that of the ST segment, and its duration is also pro-
for the initial QRS waveform, but the terminal waveform main- longed. The most likely cause of the primary QRS deviation is
tains its relationship with the ST-segment baseline. ischemia-induced delay in subendocardial electrical activation.
Primary changes may also occur in the QRS complexes imme- The mid- and epicardial layers of the area with EI are activated
diately following the onset of EI as seen in Figure 10-37 during late, thereby producing an unopposed positive QRS waveform.
PTCA. The deviation of the QRS waveforms toward the area of The QRS would deviate in the negative direction in leads V1 to
the EI is considered primary because its increase in amplitude is V3 with EI in the posterolateral left ventricle.60
Basic Electrocardiography  153

ECG by prolonged Q-wave duration. The initial QRS waveform

Myocardial Infarction
may normally be negative (a <30-ms Q wave) in all leads except
When insufficient coronary blood flow persists after the myo- V1 to V3. The presence of any Q wave is considered abnormal in
cardial glycogen reserves have been depleted, the cells become only these 3 of the 12 standard leads. Table 10-1 indicates the
irreversibly ischemic, and the process of necrosis or MI begins.61,62 upper limits of normal of the Q-wave duration in the various ECG
The QRS complex is the most useful aspect of the ECG for the leads.66 Instead of amplitude, duration of the Q wave should be
evaluation of the presence, location, and extent of MI. As indi- used in the definition of abnormality because the amplitudes of
cated previously, the QRS waveforms deviate toward the area the individual QRS waveforms vary with the overall QRS ampli-
of potentially reversible EI, secondarily because of the current tude. Q-wave amplitudes may be considered abnormal only in
of injury and primarily because of myocardial activation delay. relation to R-wave amplitudes (discussed later).
The process of infarction begins in the most severely ischemic Many cardiac conditions other than MI are capable of produc-
subendocardial layer. QRS deviation toward the ischemic area ing abnormal initial QRS waveforms. Ventricular hypertrophy,
is replaced by QRS deviation away from the infarcted area.63 intraventricular conduction abnormalities, and ventricular pre-
Since no electrical activation of the infarcted myocardium excitation commonly cause prolongation of Q-wave duration. The
occurs, the summation of activation spread is away from the term Q wave as used here also refers to the Q-wave equivalent of
involved area. abnormal R waves in leads V1 and V2. Therefore, the following
The rapid appearance of the abnormalities of the QRS complex steps should be considered in the evaluation of Q waves regarding
produced by an anterior infarction during continuous ischemia the presence of MI:
monitoring is illustrated in Figure 10-38. Myocardial reperfusion
is accompanied by rapid resolution of the EI and a shift of the 1. Are abnormal Q waves present in any lead?
QRS waveforms away from the anterior LV wall. Though it may
appear that the therapy has caused the infarction, it is much more 2. Are criteria present for other cardiac conditions that are
likely that the infarction had already occurred before the initiation capable of producing abnormal Q waves?
of the therapy, but its detection on the ECG was probably obscured
by the secondary QRS changes of the EI. 3. Does the extent of Q-wave abnormality exceed that which
As previously mentioned, EI involving the thin RV free wall may could have been produced by that other cardiac condition?
be manifested on the ECG by ST-segment deviation, but RV
in­farction is not manifested by significant alteration of the QRS In the absence of abnormal Q waves, the deviation of the QRS
complex. RV free wall activation is insignificant in comparison complex away from the area of the MI may be represented by
with activation of the thicker interventricular septum and LV free diminished R waves. Table 10-4 indicates the leads in which R
wall. waves of less than a certain amplitude or duration may be indica-
MI evolves from EI in the distal aspects of the areas of LV tive of MI.67
myocardium supplied by one of the three major coronary arteries An infarct produced by insufficient blood flow via the LAD
(see Figure 10-33 and Table 10-2).64 The basal and middle sectors might be limited to the anteroseptal quadrant (see Figure 10-34).
of the posterolateral quadrant of the left ventricle are located away It might also extend into the anterosuperior quadrant or into the
from the positive poles of all 12 of the standard ECG leads. There- apical sectors of other quadrants commonly referred to as ante-
fore, posterior infarction is indicated by a positive rather than rior, anterolateral, or anteroapical infarction, respectively.
negative deviation of the QRS complex. Additional leads on the When the RCA is dominant, its sudden complete obstruction
posterolateral thorax would be required to record the ST-segment typically produces an inferior infarction in the basal and middle
elevation caused by EI and the negative QRS deviation caused by sectors of the inferior quadrant. Also, with this anatomy, the
MI in this area.65 typical distribution of the LCx artery is limited to the LV free wall
The initial portion of the QRS complex deviates most promi- between the distributions of the anterior and posterior descend-
nently away from the area of infarction and is represented on the ing arteries. Sudden complete occlusion produces only a posterior

aVL I -aVR II aVF III V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

12:11:00 01/16/92

12:17:42 01/16/92

12:27:20 01/16/92

FIGURE 10-38  Continuous electrocardiogram monitoring during the first 27 minutes of intravenous thrombolytic therapy (begun at 12:00:00) in a
69-year-old man with acute thrombotic occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery. The 12 standard leads of the electrocardiogram are
presented in the panoramic format after 11, 17, and 27 minutes of therapy.
154  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

infarction, as illustrated by QRS deviation away from that region Variations occur among individuals with regard to the areas
in Figure 10-39. of LV myocardium supplied by the three major coronary arteries.
When the left coronary artery is dominant, a sudden complete These variations may occur either congenitally or because ath-
obstruction of the RCA can only produce infarction in the right erosclerotic obstruction in one artery results in collateral blood
ventricle, which would not likely produce changes in the QRS supply from another artery. For example, the posterior descending
complex. The LCx artery then supplies the middle and basal sectors artery may extend its supply to include the apical sector of the
of both the posterolateral and inferior quadrants, and its obstruc- inferior quadrant. In this instance, its sudden complete obstruction
tion can produce an inferoposterior infarction. This same combi- could result in QRS deviation away from leads V4 to V6 in addi-
nation of LV locations can be involved when RCA dominance is tion to leads II, III, and aVF, causing an inferoapical infarction.
present and one of its branches extends into the typical LCx Similarly, the LCx artery could supply the apical sector of the
distribution. The ECG, therefore, indicates the region infarcted posterolateral quadrant, causing a posteroapical infarction. A mar-
but not whether the RCA or LCx artery is the “culprit artery.” ginal branch of the LCx artery may supply a portion of the antero-
superior quadrant and be responsible for a posterolateral
Table 10-4  R Wave Lower Limits infarction.
The posterior aspect of the apex may be involved when either
LIMB LEADS PRECORDIAL LEADS a dominant RCA or the LCx artery is acutely obstructed, and
inferior, posterior, and apical locations are apparent on the ECG

I R amp ≤ 0.20 mV V1 None

Estimating Infarct Size
II None V2 R dur ≤0.01 second or
amp ≤0.10 mV An individual patient may have single infarcts varying in size in
the distributions of any of the three major coronary arteries or
III None V3 R dur ≤0.02 second or may have multiple infarcts. Selvester and coworkers developed a
amp ≤0.20 mV method for estimating the total percentage of the left ventricle
aVR None V4 R amp ≤0.70 mV or ≤ Q infarcted using a weighted scoring system.68 Computerized simu-
amp lation of the sequence of electrical activation of the normal human
left ventricle formed the basis for the 31-point scoring system,
aVL R amp ≤ Q amp V5 R amp ≤0.70 mV or ≤2 each point accounting for 3% of the left ventricle.69 The Selvester
× Q amp QRS scoring system includes 50 criteria from 10 of the 12 stan-
aVF R amp ≤ 2 × Q amp V6 R amp ≤0.60 mV or ≤3 dard leads with weights ranging from 1 to 3 points per criteria
× Q amp (Figure 10-41). Criteria have been established for both anterior
and posterior infarct locations in precordial leads V1 and V2. In
amp, Amplitude; dur, duration.
addition to the Q-wave and decreased R-wave criteria typically

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-39  A 12-lead electrocardiogram from a 70-year-old man 1 year after an acute posterior wall myocardial infarction. Coronary angiography
showed complete occlusion of a nondominant left circumflex coronary artery (the right coronary artery supplied the posterior descending artery).
Arrows indicate the increased R waves in leads V1 to V3.
Basic Electrocardiography  155

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-40  Serial 12-lead electrocardiograms from a previous routine examination. Arrows indicate abnormal initial QRS forces due to myocardial

Complete 50-Criteria, 31-Point QRS Scoring System

Maximum V1 V3 (1) Any Q (1)

Lead R ≤ 20 ms (1)
Anterior (1) Any Q (1) R ≤ 0.2 mV (1)
Lead Points Criteria Points
V4 (3) Q ≥ 20 ms (1)
Posterior (4) R/S ≥ 1 (1)
I (2) Q ≥ 30 ms (1) R/S ≤ 0.5 (2)
R ≥ 50 ms (2) R/Q ≤ 0.5 (2)
R/Q ≤ 1 (1) R ≥ 1.0 ms (2) R/S ≤ 1 (1)
R ≤ 0.2 mV (1) R ≥ 40 ms (1) R/Q ≤ 1 (1)
R ≥ 0.6 mV (1) R ≤ 0.7 mV (1)
II (2) Q ≥ 40 ms (2) Q and S ≤ 0.3 mV (1) V5 (3) Q ≥ 30 ms (1)
Q ≥ 30 ms (1)
V2 R/S ≤ 1 (2)
Anterior (1) Any Q (1) R/Q ≤ 1 (2)
aVL (2) Q ≥ 30 ms (1) R ≤ 10 ms (1) R/S ≤ 2 (1)
R/Q ≤ 1 (1) R ≤ 0.1 mV (1) R/Q ≤ 2 (1)
R ≤ RV1 mV (1) R ≤ 0.7 mV (1)
V6 (3) Q ≥ 30 ms (1)
aVF (5) Q ≥ 50 ms (3) Posterior (4) R/S ≥ 1.5 (1)
Q ≥ 40 ms (2) R/S ≤ 1 (2)
Q ≥ 30 ms (1) R ≥ 60 ms (2)
R/Q ≤ 1 (2)
R ≥ 2.0 mV (2)
R/Q ≤ 1 (2) R/S ≤ 3 (1)
R ≥ 50 ms (1)
R/Q ≤ 2 (1) R/Q ≤ 3 (1)
R ≥ 1.5 mV (1) R ≤ 0.6 mV (1)
Q and S ≤ 0.4 mV (1)

FIGURE 10-41  The maximal number of points that can be awarded for each lead is shown in parentheses following each lead name (or left
ventricular region within a lead for leads V1 and V2). The number of points awarded for each criterion is indicated in parentheses after each criterion
name. The QRS criteria from 10 of the 12 standard electrocardiogram leads are indicated. Only one criterion can be selected from each group of
criteria within a bracket. All criteria involving R/Q or R/S ratios consider the relative amplitudes of these waves. (Modified from Selvester RH, Wagner GS,
Hindman NB: The Selvester QRS scoring system for estimating myocardial infarct size. The development and application of the system, Arch Intern Med
145:1877–1881, 1985. Copyright 1985 American Medical Association.)
156  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology


0.03 sec (1) 1

0.03 sec (1) ≤2:1 (1) 2

0.03 sec (1) ≤1:1 (2) 3

0.03 sec (1) ≤1:1 (2) 3

0.04 sec (2) ≤1:1 (2) 4

FIGURE 10-42  A through G, Variations in the
appearance of the QRS complex in lead aVF
0.04 sec (2) ≤1:1 (2) 4 representing the changes of inferior infarction. The
numbers of QRS points awarded for the Q-wave
duration and the R/Q amplitude ratio criteria met in
F the various electrocardiograms given as examples are
indicated in parentheses. The total number of QRS
points awarded for lead aVF are indicated for each
≥0.05 sec (3) ≤1:1 (2) 5 example in the final column. (Modified from Wagner
GS, Freye CJ, Palmeri ST, et al: Evaluation of a QRS scoring
system for estimating myocardial infarct size. I. Specificity
G and observer agreement, Circulation 65:342–347, 1982.)

used for the diagnosis and localization of infarcts, this system coexistence of both anterior and posterior infarcts creates the
for size estimation also contains criteria relating to the S wave.67 potential for underestimation of the total percentage of the left
In the Selvester scoring system, a very important consideration ventricle infarcted.
is the Q-wave duration. This measurement is easy when the QRS The ST-segment changes that are prominent during EI typi-
complex has discrete Q, R, and S waves.67 Figure 10-42 presents cally disappear when the ischemic myocardium either infarcts or
sequentially smaller positive deflections located between the regains sufficient blood supply. Their time course of resolution is
initial abnormal negative deflection (Q wave) and the terminal accelerated by reperfusion via the culprit artery. When re-elevation
normal negative deflection (S wave). The true Q-wave duration of the ST segments is observed, further EI or a disturbance in the
should be measured along the ECG baseline from the onset of the pericardium is suggested. EI is typically limited to a particular area
initial negative reflection to either the onset of the positive deflec- of the left ventricle. When the ST-segment elevation occurs in
tion or to the point directly above the peak of the notch in the leads representing multiple LV areas, acute bleeding into the peri-
negative deflection. Satisfaction of only a single Selvester scoring cardium should be considered.70 This may be the first indication
criterion may represent either a normal variant or an extremely that the infarct has caused a myocardial rupture with leakage of
small infarct. This system may be confounded by two infarcts blood into the pericardial sac. If this process remains undetected,
located in opposite sectors of the left ventricle. The opposing cardiac arrest may result from pericardial tamponade, in which
effects on the summation of the electrical forces may cancel each myocardial relaxation is restricted by the blood in the enclosed
other, producing falsely negative ECG changes. For example, the pericardial space.
Basic Electrocardiography  157

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 10-43  A 12-lead electrocardiogram from a 53-year-old man 5 days after an inferoposterior-lateral infarction. Arrows indicate negative T waves
in leads with abnormal Q waves but positive T waves in leads with abnormal R waves.

In some patients, the ST-segment elevation does not com- • How can ECG indicators of timing of the acute infarction
pletely resolve during the acute phase of the MI. This more com- process add to historical timing to predict myocardial
monly occurs with anterior infarcts than with those in other salvageability?
locations. This lack of ST-segment resolution has been associated
with the thinning of the LV wall caused by infarct expansion.71,72 • How well do the changes in the various waveforms reflect the
The extreme manifestation of infarct expansion is the formation size of the acutely ischemically threatened area?
of a ventricular aneurysm. The incidence of such extreme infarct
expansion is reduced by successful thrombolytic therapy. • Can infarct sizing methods be improved to more accurately
The movement of the T waves toward the area of the EI, like quantify multiple infarcts?
that of the ST segments, resolves as the ischemic myocardium
either recovers or infarcts. Unlike the ST segments, however, the As large multicenter clinical trials provide ECG data and
T waves do not typically return to their normal positions as the non-ECG standards for definitions of criteria, these and many
process of infarction evolves. The T waves move past the isoelec- other new clinical diagnostic and prognostic methods will emerge
tric position until they are directed away from the area of infarc- in the second century of electrocardiography.
tion.73 They assume an appearance identical to that of “ischemic
T waves,” even though no ongoing myocardial ischemia is present.
Typically, the terminal portion of the T wave is the first to become KEY REFERENCES
inverted, followed by the middle and initial portions. Bazett HC: An analysis of the time relations of electrocardiograms, Heart
Similarly, when the posterolateral quadrant of the LV is 7:353–370, 1920.
involved, the T waves eventually become markedly positive. Casale PN, Devereux RB, Kligfield P, et al: Electrocardiographic detection
Figure 10-43 illustrates the tall positive T waves in leads V1 and of left ventricular hypertrophy: Development and prospective valida-
V2 that accompany the negative T waves in other leads during tion of improved criteria, J Am Coll Cardiol 6:572, 1985.
the chronic phase of an inferoposterior-apical infarction. Day CP, McComb JM, Campbell RW: QT dispersion in sinus beats and
ventricular extrasystoles in normal hearts, Br Heart J 67:39–41, 1992.
Ellestad MH, Cooke BM, Greenberg PS: Stress testing; clinical application
Future Roles of the Electrocardiogram and predictive capacity, Prog Cardiovasc Dis 21:431–460, 1979.
Flowers NC, Horan LG, Sohi GS, et al: New evidence for inferior-posterior
myocardial infarction on surface potential maps, Am J Cardiol 38:576,
Much of the practical information provided by the careful 1976.
quantitative interpretation of the standard 12-lead ECG was Hindman NB, Schocken DD, Widmann M, et al: Evaluation of a QRS
unknown 5 years ago. As this diagnostic method enters its second scoring system for estimating myocardial infarct size. V. Specificity and
century, many areas for future elucidation still remain. Some method of application of the complete system, Am J Cardiol 55:1485–
examples are: 1490, 1985.
158  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology
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Research Group: Decreased heart rate variability and its association Rosenbaum MB, Elizari MV, Lazzari JO: The Hemiblocks, Oldsmar, FL,
with increased mortality after acute myocardial infarction, Am J Cardiol 1970, Tampa Tracings.
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subjects, Am Heart J 19:925–941, 1935. of myocardium at risk of acute infarction: Cardiac anatomy and lead
Krucoff MW, Croll MA, Pope JE, et al: Continuously updates 12-lead locations, and the phases of serial changes during acute occlusion. In
ST-segment recovery analysis for myocardial infarct artery patency Califf RM, Mark DB, Wagner GS, editors: Acute coronary care in the
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Marriott HJL: Coronary mimicry: Normal variants, and physiologic, phar-
macologic and pathologic influences that stimulate coronary patterns
in the electrocardiogram, Ann Intern Med 52:411, 1960.
Principles of Electropharmacology
Penelope A. Boyden and David Eisner 11
Long before actual medicines were available for arrhythmias, least, a wider appreciation of abnormalities of intracellular
much had been written about the theoretical mechanisms of calcium (Ca2+) in arrhythmogenesis. With this new knowledge,
arrhythmias.1,2 Today, these studies still provide a rational argu- new targets for drugs and drug development are being
ment for why a certain drug with certain properties should be identified.
an effective antiarrhythmic agent. For example, as discussed in
Chapter 2, re-entrant excitation involves a circulating excitatory
wavefront along a certain path and has a certain conduction Biology and Biophysics of
velocity (CV) and refractoriness (effective refractory period Cardiac Ion Channels
[ERP]); thus we have the concept that wavelength (λ) = CV × ERP.
Depending on path length and the value of λ, the re-entrant From numerous detailed single-cell, voltage-clamp studies, it has
circuit will have an excitable gap. Any change in λ would be become obvious that a very specific heterogeneity in ionic current
expected to determine the inducibility and stability of re-entrant properties exists, depending on whether the ion channel target is
excitation. On the basis of this concept, antiarrhythmic drugs are in a ventricular cell (either epicardial or endocardial), a Purkinje
known to affect properties of cardiac excitability (class I and IV cell, or an atrial cell. This has led to the rational development of
drugs) and refractoriness (class III drugs). Class II drugs remain drugs that target atrial-specific ion channels. For example, since
specific for blocking β-adrenergic receptors. Thus what has IKur, the ultra-rapid delayed rectifier potassium (K+) current
emerged is a classification of drugs that depends on a drug’s effect (encoded by the Kv1.5 gene), is thought to occur only in atrial
on certain ionic channels or receptors of the cardiac cell sarco- cells, IKur blockers have been used to convert atrial fibrillation
lemma (Vaughan Williams classification).3 However, as a result of (AF). Unlike IKr blockers, IKur blockers should delay atrial repolar-
the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST), which was ization (a class III effect) without affecting ventricular repolariza-
designed to suppress premature ventricular depolarizations, some tion. At this time, these agents remain investigational; on further
of these drugs lost favor, particularly for treatment of ventricular study, many have been found to have a multiple-ion channel–
arrhythmias. blocking effect. An additional concern is that even complete IKur
For arrhythmias caused by abnormal impulse generation, drug blockade would not lead to sufficient prolongation of atrial repo-
effects were determined by using multicellular cardiac prepara- larization to terminate re-entrant excitation.
tions that exhibited a certain cellular electrical phenotype, abnor- Newer antiarrhythmic class III agents have been developed for
mal automaticity, or triggered activity. Most tissues used in these their marked reverse-use dependence (e.g., nifekalant), for selec-
drug screens were from normal hearts, and their effectiveness tive IKs blockade (e.g., HMR1556), and for blockade of Ito, a major
may or may not extend to tissues of diseased hearts. repolarizing K+ current that is found in both atrial and ventricular
Thus most drugs currently used interrupt the direct mediators cells (e.g., tedisamil). In addition, several amiodarone derivatives
of electrogenesis, cardiac ion channels, by affecting the channel have been developed to produce agents with a similar ion
pore, the channel’s gating mechanism, or both. In 2001, the channel–blockade profile as that of amiodarone but with fewer
members of the Sicilian Gambit, while not disposing of the side effects. An example is dronedarone, an amiodarone derivative
Vaughan Williams drug classification, emphasized the important with no iodine. Like amiodarone, dronedarone blocks multiple K+
and emerging role of new drug targets for pharmacological currents to prolong ventricular action potential duration (APD).
therapy and/or prevention (Figure 11-1).4 These suggestions were A drug that blocks inward plateau currents would be consid-
based on the concept that most hearts that need antiarrhythmic ered an anti–class III drug in that it should shorten APD. An
drugs are “remodeled,” which means that drugs are not working antianginal drug, ranolazine, is being investigated for its antiar-
at all or not working well because the fundamental nature of the rhythmic properties, since it strongly inhibits the late INa current
ion channel “pore” or channel gating mechanism has been altered with little or no effect on peak INa.7 Thus ranolazine would shorten
by an underlying disease. A clear example here is the effect of APD rather than reduce excitability in cardiac tissues. More inter-
flecainide in patients following myocardial infarction (CAST) and estingly, this drug, by blocking sodium (Na+) influx into the
its effect on a re-entrant circuit and the remodeled sodium chan- cardiac cell, would be expected to reduce intracellular Na+ and
nels of cells surviving in the infarcted heart.5,6 therefore would indirectly affect intracellular Ca2+ and all its
Since then, an explosion in knowledge has occurred regarding sequelae (see below).
the fundamental cell biology and biophysics of cardiac ion chan- One form of re-entrant excitation is anisotropic re-entry,
nels, the mediators activated, the molecular and cellular bases of which was first considered in atrial samples.8 In this type of
remodeling of the cardiac cell in acquired heart diseases, the bases re-entry, conduction in the longitudinal direction is faster than
of gene-based cardiac arrhythmias, and, last but surely not the that in the transverse direction. Spach and his colleagues

160  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Drug Channels Receptors Pumps Clinical Effects ECG Effects

NaK Left ven-

Na tricular Sinus Extra P–R QRS J–T
Fast Med Slow Ca K If α β M2 A1 ATPase function Rate Cardiac interval width interval

Moricizine I
Procainamide A
Disopyramide A
Quinidine A
Propafenone A
Aprinidine I
Cibenzoline A
Pirmenol A
Flecainide A
Pilsicainide A
Encainide A

Bepridil ?


Alinidine ?



Adenosine ?


Relative potency of block: Low Moderate High A = Activated-state blocker

Agonist Agonist/Antagonist I = Inactivated-state blocker

FIGURE 11-1  Drug targets for pharmacological therapy and intervention. (From New approaches to antiarrhythmic therapy, part I: Emerging therapeutic
applications of the cell biology of cardiac arrhythmias, Circulation 104:2865–2873, 2001.)

suggested that a component of conduction slowing in the trans- in various animal models. Thus a corollary would be that in
verse direction in these cardiac tissues was caused by a change in re-entrant circuits in highly remodeled substrates such as those
gap junctional conductance. Thus slowing of conduction was affected by cell uncoupling caused by ischemia, one would expect
brought about by the uncoupling of cells at the level of the gap drugs that enhance gap junctional conductance to be antiarrhyth-
junctional proteins, for example, connexins 43 and 40 (Cx43 and mic. Rotigaptide is now under study as a gap junctional coupler.
Cx40). While experiments have clearly shown that gap junctional In experimental arrhythmia models, this drug improves conduc-
uncouplers (e.g., heptanol) are, in fact, arrhythmogenic, a prefer- tion and abolishes lines of block that perpetuate circuits and
ential effect appears to occur on transverse conduction velocities therefore has been deemed antiarrhythmic. This experi­mental
Principles of Electropharmacology  161

drug is thought to affect coupling by preventing dephosphoryla- (e.g., carvedilol) can reduce overall neurohumoral activation and
tion of Cx43, a ventricular gap junctional protein, or by maintain-
ing phosphorylation of the protein.
thus prevent remodeling of ion channel proteins.
A-II activation and subsequent activation of angiotensin 1
(AT1) receptors occur in response to myocardial stretch, which
is known to affect long-term ion channel function (e.g., Ito [Kv4.3]
and Cx43). As a result, intracellular pathways through Gq path-
Factors Contributing to Cardiac Remodeling ways are augmented, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis is
modulated, and cellular hypertrophy and fibrosis are enhanced.
Altered Mediators of Electrogenesis
Ion channel proteins are both upregulated or downregulated and
Cardiac remodeling is an all-encompassing term that can refer to an arrhythmogenic substrate can be formed. Angiotensin-
both structural and functional changes in cardiac cells in response converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor
to a disease. It is an adaptive response of the heart that, when blockers (ARBs) obviously would protect the myocardium from
over-compensated, can be maladaptive.4 such changes and may, in some cases, be antiarrhythmic. Some
The cardiac cellular action potential changes differ in several suggest that these agents may even reverse the ongoing remodel-
types of disease, from chronic reduction in excitability (post-MI ing process.
hearts), to APD prolongation in heart failure, to APD shortening Activation of the RAAS system can also lead to an upregula-
in chronic AF. As such, the cellular ionic channel changes in dif- tion of aldosterone, and augmented aldosterone has been impli-
ferent acquired diseases are varied, from a loss in Na+ current cated in the enhanced formation of cardiac collagen and fibrosis.
function in cells of the epicardial border zone after MI to the In some hearts, enhanced myocardial fibrosis can add to marked
enhancement of the constitutively active IKAch in atrial cells in AF. ion channel remodeling to produce the arrhythmic substrate.
In some cases, drugs have been developed to specifically target Blockers of aldosterone such as eplerenone would prevent fibrosis
the remodeled channels of the diseased cell. The best example is and thus reduce the likelihood of an arrhythmia.
the development of tertiapin-Q–type drugs that block IKAch to Calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) is a mediator of several pro-
prolong atrial APDs shortened by muscarinic activation of IKAch. cesses in the heart, including excitation-contraction (EC) cou-
Tertiapin-Q is a highly selective blocker of Kir3, the ion channel pling, automaticity, gene transcription, and cellular hypertrophy.
subunit that underlies IKAch. It can significantly prolong the This kinase is upregulated in many acquired forms of cardiac
duration of the AF-remodeled atrial AP, where IKach activity is disease and contributes to marked remodeling of the heart.
upregulated.9 Two potential mechanisms exist for CaMKII activation. In one,
CaMKII activation results from elevation of the RAAS system,
since pro-oxidant conditions of A-II superoxide formation
Upstream Components of Remodeling
increase NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate)
The process of the remodeling of the substrate is very compli- oxidase leading to CaMKII activation. β-Adrenergic stimulation—
cated, so it is no wonder that several nonconventional antiar- via its effect to augment Ca2+ influx—promotes Ca2+ or CaM
rhythmics (so called because their targets are not mediators of binding within the CaMKII domain, thus activating the enzyme.
electrogenesis) have shown considerable promise as ameliorators Thus inhibitors of CaMKII would be expected to ameliorate
of remodeling. The goal of using such agents is not to inhibit the remodeling and be antiarrhythmic.
mediators of electrogenesis per se but, rather, to protect the myo- 3-Hydroxy-3 methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors
cardium from both structural and functional remodeling caused (statins) are widely used for their cholesterol-lowering effect,
by the acquired disease. Mediators of remodeling now include but recent data suggest that they can exert antiarrhythmic effects
wall stress, neurohumoral activation (autonomic nervous system because of cholesterol-independent effects. Statins have been
[ANS], renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system [RAAS], and endo- shown to increase endothelial nitric oxide (NO) production by
thelin system), cytokines, reactive oxygen species, ischemia, and, stimulating and upregulating endothelial nitric oxide synthase
of course, intracellular Ca2+ (see below). These mediators can act (eNOS) by prolonging eNOS messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA)
alone or together to affect the myocardium. Here the goals of half-life. Thus increased NO availability induces cardioprotection,
pharmacologic therapy are to (1) reduce the effects of these particularly in the left atrium (LA). Statins also inhibit Rac1 (Ras-
agents, (2) reduce their actions to remodel ion channel proteins, related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1), which then leads to an
and (3) reduce their effects on the myocardial structure (e.g., inhibition of NADPH oxidase activity, an important component
fibrosis). In this way, an arrhythmia, if initiated, would be self- of the oxidative stress response involved in some types of ion
limiting because of the more “normal” nonremodeled substrate. channel remodeling. The anti-inflammatory effects of statins have
These drugs then affect the mediators that are upstream from the also been well established, as statins reduce the number of inflam-
sarcolemmal ion channel protein. matory cells and inhibit adhesion molecules. Thus an accumula-
Local neurohumoral activation can be in the form of enhanced tion of these effects would prevent the occurrence of a remodeled
angiotensin (A-II) production, marked sympathetic activation, ion channel if cytokine activation is the cause of the maladaptive
aldosterone production, or all of these. Obviously, excessive sym- change.
pathetic activation via α-adrenergic and β-adrenergic receptors
causes subsequent activation of multiple intracellular phosphory-
lation paths, which can affect ion channel function (e.g., marked Gene-Based Arrhythmias
increase in pacemaker function) acutely. However, chronically,
such stimulation can alter levels of transcription factors (e.g., Major advances have occurred in our understanding of the genetic
cyclic adenosine monophosphate [cAMP] response element- basis of several forms of inherited arrhythmia syndromes. With
binding [CREB]). Class II drugs are an obvious choice of therapy these advancements has come the development of gene-specific
in this situation, and agents with both α-blockade and β-blockade therapies that depend on the genes involved in the syndrome.
162  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Cardiac sodium channel (SCN5a) mutations are involved in at Three forms of this syndrome have been described. SQTS1 (gain
least four genetic disorders: long QT syndrome type 3 (LQT3), in function of KCNH2[IKr]), SQTS2 (gain in function of
some forms of Brugada syndrome (BrS), progressive conduction KCNQ1[IKs]) and SQTS3 (gain in function of KCNJ2 [Kir2.1,
disease (CCD), and sick sinus syndrome. The last three disorders major protein of IK1]). Specific K+ channel blockers would be
are considered to be caused by loss of function of the Na+ channel. useful to normalize the patient’s QT intervals to protect from the
For LQT3 patients (a gain of function from the destabilization of initiation of lethal ventricular arrhythmias. Probably, hydroquini-
Na+ channel inactivation leading to an enhanced late INa), a ratio- dine (class I), which blocks multiple K+ currents, would be the
nal approach to therapy has been to use long-acting Na+ channel– most successful.
blocking drugs (e.g., class I, mexiletine) to reduce Na+ influx Loss in function of connexin proteins (GJAS, Cx40) and the If
during the plateau. This would reduce the pathologically pro- protein (HCN4) have both been linked to AF and sinus node
longed APD and long QT. Disease-associated genes here include dysfunction, respectively. At this time, no agents are used to acti-
SCN5a (the α-subunit of the cardiac Na+ channel), CAV3 (caveo- vate the function of these channels for antiarrhythmic control.
lin 3 protein), and SCN4B (a major accessory β-subunit essential
for the proper functioning of the cardiac Na+ channel).
For loss of function of the Na+ channel, no specific Na+ channel Intracellular Calcium and Targets
agonists would be useful in restoring excitability to the mutant
channel cardiac cells. While trafficking defective mutants have Under normal conditions (see Chapter 2), during systole, Ca2+ is
been identified in Na+ channels and are associated with BrS, released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) through a channel
they can be “rescued” using mexilitene. However, Na+ channel– known as the ryanodine receptor (RyR). The important property
rescuing agents are not practical, since, at this time, most candi- of RyR protein is its open probability that is increased by the
dates also have Na+ channel–blocking effects. Some have elevation of cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i. Thus Ca2+
suggested that by blocking K currents (e.g., Ito), the altered plateau entry into the cell via the L-type Ca2+ current produces a small
of action potentials in BrS can be overcome, restoring normal increase of Ca2+, which leads to an opening of the RyR and the
electrical function and preventing the initiation of arrhythmia in release of a much greater amount of Ca2+ from the SR. This
BrS patients. To this end, quinidine (class I) and tedisamil, a new process is known as calcium-induced calcium release (CICR).
agent, have been tested. Interestingly, isoproterenol has also been When a cell is “overloaded” with calcium, Ca2+ leaks out of the
reported to be antiarrhythmic (see www.BrugadaDrugs.org). SR and waves of CICR propagate along the cell. It appears that
Calcium channel mutations are involved in at least two genetic Ca2+ waves occur when the SR Ca2+ content is elevated above a
disorders, Timothy syndrome/LQT (a gain of function caused by threshold value.10,11 Some of the Ca2+ in the wave is pumped out
the enhanced late ICaL), and some forms of BrS combined with of the cell by the electrogenic Na+-Ca2+ exchange (NCX). The
short QT syndrome (SQT; loss in function, APD shortening). resulting current depolarizes the membrane and can initiate an
Gene products involved here are CACNA1C (Timothy syndrome/ action potential (Figure 11-2).
LQT), and CACNA1C, and CACANB2 (in SQT/BrS). Rational Drugs that decrease Na+-K+ pump to increase Ca2+ to produce
therapy would be Ca2+ channel blockers (class IV) for patients a positive inotropic effect are available. However, as is known,
with Timothy syndrome/LQT and Ca2+channel activators for digitalis-type compounds also increase Ca2+ to such an extent as
patients with short QT/BrS. to cause triggered arrhythmias, presumably by causing spontane-
Multiple K+ channel mutations underlie both LQT (LQT1, ous SR Ca2+ release, which then initiates a Ca2+ wave. A desirable
LQT2, LQT5, and LQT6) and SQT syndromes (SQTS1, SQTS2, antiarrhythmic agent would be one that modulates Ca2+ so that
and SQTS3). LQTS variants that are linked to K+ channel muta- Ca2+ does not increase Ca2+-dependent currents to cause depolar-
tions are dominant-negative or trafficking defects. Despite differ- ization and action potentials of cells. If the spontaneous Ca2+
ing biophysical mechanisms, these mutants all result in a loss in releases are targeted, then the initiators of Ca2+ waves, delayed
K+ channel function at the cell membrane. Genes associated with after-depolarizations (DADs), and thus triggering beats could be
these variants are KCNQ1, KCNH2, KCNE1, KCNE2, and KCNJ2. reduced.
Thus loss of K+ repolarizing currents leads to pathologic APD The arrhythmias mentioned above result when SR Ca2+ content
prolongation, which, under the appropriate sympathetic stimula- is increased above the threshold level at which waves are pro-
tion, can lead to early after-depolarizations (EADs) and torsades duced. Recent work has suggested that a decrease of threshold
de pointes (TdP). On the one hand, β-blockers (class II) are useful may also produce waves. One example relates to arrhythmias seen
in some forms of LQT (e.g., LQT1) since they ameliorate the in heart failure, where the involvement of DADs in some ventricu-
effects of the sympathetic-induced triggers. On the other hand, lar arrhythmias has been shown.12,13 However, studies on heart
for the second most common form of LQT, LQT2, β-blocker failure have found that the SR Ca2+ content is actually decreased,
therapy is not always useful. Here the goal of therapy should be which suggests that the threshold for Ca2+ release may be lower
to counter the loss of function in IKr and thus correct the poten- such that Ca2+ waves occur at a lower SR Ca2+ content. This may
tially malignant long APD. In this case, some have proposed that be a consequence of the increased leakiness of the RyR during
by increasing plasma K+ concentrations (K+ supplementation), diastole such that Ca2+ efflux is increased at a given SR Ca2+
one would enhance IKr conductance and, in so doing, counter the content. The exact molecular mechanisms responsible for this are
mutant channel loss in function. Recent experimentation has also still being debated, but it may be associated with the increased
suggested that a class of drugs could rescue mutant Ikr channels phosphorylation of the RyR caused by protein kinase A or
to restore APD values. More commonly, K+ channel activators CaMKII.14-16
such as nicorandil have been proposed as an appropriate therapy. An example of the occurrence of DADs in the absence of
Characterized by AF, ventricular fibrillation (VF), or both, increased SR Ca2+ content is provided by catecholaminergic poly-
SQT syndrome reflects the opposite of long QT syndrome in that morphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT). This arrhythmia is seen
it results from K+ channel mutations leading to a gain in function. in patients during exercise or other stress. The similarity of the
Principles of Electropharmacology  163

↓ Ca efflux

↑ SR Ca
↑ Ca influx Action
Ca wave DAD potential
↑ intrinsic
Ca2+ antagonist RyR NCX Local
b-blocker inhibitor blocker anesthetic

FIGURE 11-2  Schematic diagram of the genesis of delayed after-depolarizations (DADs) and possible therapeutic strategies. The upper part of the
diagram shows the factors leading to a triggered action potential. Ca2+ waves can be produced either by an increase of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
Ca2+ content or an increase in the opening of the ryanodine receptor (RyR). The increased SR content can be produced by either increased Ca2+ influx
or decreased Ca2+ efflux across the cell membrane. The Ca2+ wave activates the Na+-Ca2+ exchange (NCX) and the resulting inward current will produce
a DAD, which, if above threshold, will result in an action potential. The sites of action of various therapeutic maneuvers are shown below. Ca2+
antagonists will decrease Ca2+ entry into the cell. β-blockers will decrease phosphorylation of the L-type Ca2+ channel, thereby decreasing Ca2+ entry,
and will decrease phosphorylation of phospholamban, thereby decreasing SR Ca activity and SR Ca2+ content. Drugs that decrease RyR opening will
increase the threshold SR Ca2+ content required to produce a wave. Blockers of NCX will decrease the depolarizing current produced by a wave. Finally,
local anesthetics will decrease the probability that a given DAD will activate an action potential.

abnormalities in the electrocardiogram (ECG) to those observed An alternative approach would be to stop the Ca2+ wave from
in digitalis toxicity led to the suggestion of similarities in the developing. One caution is required here. Although the Ca2+
underlying mechanisms. Genetic studies have shown that many efflux during the wave is proarrhythmogenic, it does have the
patients with CPVT have a mutation in RyR or the intrasarcoplas- useful effect of removing Ca2+ from the cell. Abolishing the wave
mic protein calsequestrin. The current hypothesis is that the may result in an increase of diastolic [Ca2+]i and thus impair
mutated protein causes an increased leak of Ca2+ from the SR. relaxation. Many drugs target the RyR. The local anesthetic tetra-
Thus Ca2+ waves and DADs occur at a lower SR Ca2+ content than caine decreases RyR opening and thereby increases the SR thresh-
in controls.17 old. In experimental studies, tetracaine was shown to abolish Ca2+
waves.18 Tetracaine is not used clinically for this purpose, since at
concentrations at which it affects the RyR, it also blocks sarcolem-
Potential Therapies for Delayed After- mal Na+ channels. Very recent work has shown that flecainide
Depolarization–Related Arrhythmias suppresses CPVT arrhythmias both in humans and in a murine
model.19 This appears to be caused by a combination of a direct
In principle, as indicated in Figure 11-2, arrhythmias can be effect to decrease RyR opening that decreases the occurrence of
treated in several ways: (1) by preventing DAD, (2) by preventing Ca2+ waves and an effect to inhibit Na+ channels.
DAD from producing an action potential, or (3) by both. The Another compound is JTV519 (K201), which has been shown
latter can potentially be achieved by Na+ channel blockers. A to decrease arrhythmias in animal models. JTV519 (K201) and its
better solution, however, would be to remove the underlying sister drug S107 appear to affect SR Ca2+ leak.20-22 This drug is
DAD directly. Again, several potential approaches to this are pos- a 1,4 benzothiazepine and thus can also decrease the L-type Ca2+
sible. In the case of arrhythmias resulting from Ca2+ overload, it current. However, in isolated SR vesicle systems, it has been
may be possible to remove the underlying “overload.” Local anes- shown to reduce Ca2+ leak by restoring the normal FKBP12.6
thetics reduce intracellular Na+ concentration as a consequence stabilization of the RyR complex and improving defective
of decreasing Na+ entry; therefore, via NCX, this will decrease gating.20,23,24
the Ca2+ load. β-Blockers (class II) are the mainstay of therapy If the calsequestrin gene defect that occurs in some patients
for patients with CPVT, but even with this therapy, the recur- causes an increased free [Ca2+]SR, the effect will be that the prob-
rence rate is about 30%. β-Blockers decrease the cellular Ca2+ ability of opening of the RyR increases, which is positive inotropic
load by decreasing phosphorylation of the L-type Ca2+ channel and potentially arrhythmogenic. Restoration of the protein and its
and phospholamban, the latter leading to a decrease of SERCA2 proper level by gene therapy would ameliorate this arrhythmo-
activity and thus SR Ca2+ content. It would also be possible to genic defect, but this being a useful alternative is still a distant
modulate Ca2+ by affecting the membrane transports or channels possibility. Using a compound that would cause the existing calse-
involved in Ca2+ homeostasis. L-type Ca2+ channel pore blockers questrin to have a higher affinity for Ca2+ would be antiarrhythmic
obviously decrease Ca2+ influx and, in so doing, would be but may have possible negative inotropic effects.
expected to eventually reduce the SR load and [Ca2+]i and dimin- Would modulation of the Na/Ca exchanger activity be antiar-
ish force. Thus, Ca2+ channel pore blockers will affect Ca2+ but rhythmic? NCX serves to maintain Ca2+ homeostasis and in
at the expense of force generation. Alternatively, one might target several acquired diseases appears to be “upregulated.” Therefore
the molecular mechanism involved in the inactivation of the Ca2+ reducing Na/Ca forward mode function would be expected to
channel proteins or the Ca2+-dependent processes known to reduce the size of the current enhanced for any given change in
affect the Ca2+ channel function (e.g., CaMKII) or the small pro- Ca2+. Therefore there would be a decrease in the depolarization
teins (e.g., Gem) that are known to affect Ca2+ channel subunit produced by the Ca2+ waves of the triggering beats. However the
assembly. consequences of nonselective inhibitors of this transporter are
164  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

complex. KB-R7943 is a well-characterized inhibitor but its speci- molecular approaches, the amino acid basis of the Ca2+-binding
ficity is open to question. A newer agent, SN-6, holds promise for site will be identified. With this knowledge, new drugs that would
reducing cell injury in the presence of ischemia but there are no correct the Ca2+-binding problem in a highly specific way and thus
data on its antiarrhythmic effects. There are also other agents such ameliorate the problem will certainly be developed.
as SEA0400 that inhibit the exchanger.25 A recent study using the
XIP peptide in normal and failing cells in fact shows a positive
inotropic effect of the peptide.26 Indirect effects of such XIP
effects would be expected to reduce Ca2+-dependent activation of Supported by grant HL67449 from the National Heart Lung and
Iti and XIP-induced SR Ca2+ release would shorten the APD pro- Blood Institute Bethesda, MD, and the British Heart Foundation,
longed by aberrant Ca2+. Finally, at least in principle, it is clearly UK.
possible to partially inhibit NCX and thereby decrease the depo-
larizing current generated by a Ca2+ wave. The problem with this KEY REFERENCES
approach, however, is that it will increase [Ca2+]i and lead to other Bers DM, Eisner DA, Valdivia HH: Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ and heart
undesirable consequences. failure: Roles of diastolic leak and Ca2+ transport, Circ Res 93:487–490,
Would modulation of SR Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase 2003.
(ATPase; SERCA2) function be antiarrhythmic? Overexpression Chen-Izu Y, Ward CW, Stark W Jr, et al: Phosphorylation of RyR2 and
of SERCA would increase Ca2+ uptake into the SR at the expense shortening of RyR2 cluster spacing in spontaneously hypertensive rat
of Ca2+ efflux via the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger. Therefore, decreased with heart failure, Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 293:H2409–H2417,
Na+-Ca2+ exchanger current would be evident immediately. In this 2007.
way, on the one hand, cytosolic Ca2+ would (should) decrease and Diaz ME, Trafford AW, O’Neill CL, Eisner DA: A measurable reduction
the SR fill, increasing the amplitude of the stimulated Ca2+ tran- of SR Ca content follows spontaneous Ca release in rat ventricular
myocytes, Pfluegers Arch 434:852–854, 1997.
sient. On the other hand, the increase of SR Ca2+ content might
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make Ca2+ waves more likely. Gene transfer techniques to treat in Purkinje cells that survive in the infarcted canine heart: A mecha-
arrhythmias are still far from being used in practice, but some nism for triggered Purkinje ectopy, Circ Arrhythmia Electrophysiol
studies have offered proof-of-principle results. SERCA overex- 1:387–395, 2008.
pression via gene transfer techniques has been shown to do just Kohno M, Yano M, Kobayashi S, et al: A new cardioprotective agent,
this, but no reports of an antiarrhythmic effect exist, although JTV519, improves defective channel gating of ryanodine receptor in
it decreases aftercontractions and also accelerates APDs.27,28 In a heart failure, Am J Physiol 284:H1035–H1042, 2003.
more recent report, SERCA2a overexpression previous to ligation Janse MJ: Electrophysiological changes in heart failure and their relation-
of the left anterior descending coronary artery greatly reduced ship to arrhythmogenesis, Cardiovasc Res 61:208–217, 2004.
episodes of ventricular tachycardia plus VF.29 This effect was Liu N, Colombi B, Memmi M, et al: Arrhythmogenesis in catecholamin-
ergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia: Insights from a RyR2
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SERCA pump activity is possible; however, it is not known if these Members of the Sicilian Gambit: New approaches to antiarrhythmic
agents are antiarrhythmic. therapy, Part I: Emerging therapeutic applications of the cell biology of
Stimulation of SERCA pump activity could be arrhythmic if it cardiac arrhythmias, Circulation 104:2865–2873, 2001.
occurred in the presence of an RyR channel mutation that leads Pogwizd SM, McKenzie JP, Cain ME: Mechanisms underlying spontane-
to spontaneous Ca2+ release. Such releases in the setting of ous and induced ventricular arrhythmias in patients with idiopathic
enhanced SR filling would increase the likelihood of triggering a dilated cardiomyopathy, Circulation 98:2404–2414, 1998.
Ca2+ wave and thus a DAD. A combination of an agent that would Venetucci LA, Trafford AW, Diaz ME, et al: Reducing ryanodine receptor
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With sophisticated molecular techniques, certain arrhythmias the cardiac “late sodium current,” Pharmacol Ther 119:326–339, 2008.
may come to be identified as being dependent on intracellular
Ca2+ for either their initiation or perpetuation. Further, the aber- All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
rant Ca2+-binding protein(s) will be identified, and using com.
Principles of Clinical Pharmacology
Jacques Turgeon and Paul Dorian 12
Most antiarrhythmic drugs are administered in a relatively fixed
Vd × 0.693
dose, without taking into account the many sources of variability CL = (1)
in the effect produced by a given dose. Although the extent of this t 12
variability is difficult to quantify in individual patients and the
relationship between drug dose and clinical outcome in individual Thus, the greater the clearance, the shorter is the elimination
patients may be impossible to predict, knowledge of pharmaco- half-life. The larger the volume of distribution, the longer is the
kinetic and pharmacodynamic principles can be very useful for elimination half-life.
the clinician to enhance the efficacy and decrease the toxicity of “Clearance” reflects the ability of an organ or of the entire body
antiarrhythmic drugs. to get rid of (“clear”) the drug in an irreversible manner. This
It cannot be overemphasized that standard dose recommenda- ability to clear the drug will dictate the mean plasma concentra-
tions for antiarrhythmic drugs apply to the hypothetical “average tions observed after a given dose:
patient” and that marked inter-individual variability in drug con-
centration for a particular dose can occur. In addition, the rela- Dose
CL = (2)
tionship between drug dose and drug concentration is not linear Average concentration
over the entire dosage range usually employed, and thus a given
dose increment may result in differential relative increases in drug Thus conditions that increase the clearance of a drug (such as
effect at the lower end versus the upper end of the dosage range. enzyme induction) will tend to decrease the mean plasma con-
Given the marked variability and unpredictability of drug effects, centrations; the elimination half-life will also become shorter.
the clinician needs to be alert to the possibility of a greater than Conversely, conditions that decrease the clearance of a drug (such
or less than expected effect for a “standard” dose of a given drug; as enzyme inhibition) will increase the mean plasma concentra-
a useful general approach is to identify, a priori, some target clini- tions of the drug; its elimination half-life will become longer.
cal effects before drug administration and to carefully observe Finally, the total body clearance of a drug reflects the ability of
patients for toxicity during the initial phases of drug treatment. If each organ to clear this drug.
the desired effect (e.g., a given amount of refractoriness or cardiac
repolarization [QT] prolongation, heart rate slowing, blood pres- CL = CLkidneys + CL liver + CLintestine + CLskin … (3)
sure reduction) is not achieved and toxicity is absent, doses may CL = CLrenal + CLmetabolic (4)
be increased until some predefined effect threshold is encoun-
tered or the maximum recommended dose of the drug is admin- When the metabolic or renal clearance of a drug is decreased,
istered. Although some patients could potentially receive the total clearance becomes smaller, the plasma concentrations
additional benefit from using larger than recommended doses of rise, and the elimination half-life becomes longer. For example,
a given drug, increasing doses in this situation is not recom- dofetilide and sotalol are cleared primarily by renal excretion.
mended, given the paucity of data from clinical trials regarding Patients with chronic or acute renal dysfunction will have higher
the safety of such an approach. serum concentrations and longer half-life than those with normal
renal function. Doses need to be adjusted for renal dysfunction or
if renal function changes during therapy. A higher incidence of
Basic Concepts in Pharmacokinetics drug-induced proarrhythmia in older adults receiving these drugs
may, in part, be a consequence of failure to adjust doses on the basis
Pharmacokinetics is the science that describes the relationship of the expected decline in renal function with age, which is not
between the dose of a drug administered and the concentrations directly reflected in increases in serum creatinine concentration.
observed in biologic fluids. Two parameters are of major impor- The volume of distribution reflects the apparent volume of
tance to understand pharmacokinetics: clearance (CL) and liquid in which the drug is dissolved (distributed) in the organism.
volume of distribution (Vd). These parameters are independent The larger the volume of distribution, the lower are the observed
but constitute major determinants of drug disposition; in other plasma concentrations and the less available the drug for being
words, they will not influence each other, but both of them will eliminated by specific organs (the elimination half-life is then
dictate the time that a drug resides within the organism: the longer). For example, the distribution of antiarrhythmic drugs
elimination half life (t 1 2 ). From this concept, the following equa- into body tissues will yield, for some drugs such as amiodarone,
tion is derived: a very large volume of distribution that results in extremely long

166  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

half-lives. Conversely, digoxin is distributed in lean body tissues,

Drug dose
and the volume of distribution is lower in patients with renal
failure, which compounds the effects of decreased renal excretion

of digoxin and increasing the likelihood of digoxin toxicity in • Absorption
these patients. • Distribution
Absorption of drugs can vary with timing of dose in relation • Metabolism
• Elimination
to a meal. For example, concentrations of dronedarone (a cur-
rently investigational antiarrhythmic drug) are twofold to three-
fold higher when taken with a meal compared with peak MODULATING FACTORS
concentrations when taken on an empty stomach.1
Effector site concentration Physiological factors
Intersubject Variability in Drug Action

Even though it is obvious that each human being has physiological • Protein function modulation Temperature
characteristics that are unique, we are always disconcerted when • Receptor binding Drug interactions
• Enzyme inhibition Chronopharmacology
unexpected effects are observed in a particular patient following • Ion channel block Environment
administration of a drug. These effects are labeled as unexpected • Postreceptor modulation Triggering factors
on the basis of “usual” responses observed in the “normal” popula- Neurohumoral state
tion. The so-called expected response (which, in fact, reflects the Disease state
Disease severity
average response) is often derived from selected patients enrolled Disease substrate
in clinical trials during drug development under well-controlled Physiologic effects
Disease frequency
conditions. This may not always represent the real-world

situation. In everyday practice, patients are treated in settings • Conduction
where concomitant diseases and varying physiological and • Refractoriness
pathologic conditions are encountered and multiple drugs are • Excitability
Several factors can modulate the response obtained following Clinical outcome
the administration of a particular drug to a particular patient at a FIGURE 12-1  Principles of clinical pharmacology: factors that affect
particular time. This statement argues against the “one size fits the relationship between drug dose and clinical outcome for
all” concept and clearly defines the need for individualized drug antiarrhythmic drugs. Note that this illustration does not take into
therapy. To fully integrate the basic principles underlying clinical account extracardiac (e.g., autonomic) effects of drugs, which further
pharmacology, the prescriber needs to understand the principles complicate the relationship between the physiological state and the
of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and drug efficacy. drug effect.
Figure 12-1 depicts the three major principles that define the
relationship between drug dose and clinical outcome.
As discussed earlier, pharmacokinetics describes the relation-
ship between the dose administered and the observed concentra- was applied to quinidine therapeutics.4 This concept was derived
tions of a drug or its metabolites in selected biologic fluids. from the well-recognized relationships between “normal” plasma
Concentrations of active or toxic substances at their effector or ion concentrations or hormonal levels and a “normal” physiologi-
toxic sites are often of the greatest interest. Pharmacodynamics cal state. Using such a framework, it was observed in initial trials
describes the relationship between the concentration of an active that plasma concentrations of quinidine below 3 µg/mL were
substance at its effector site and the physiological effects observed. rarely associated with an antiarrhythmic response, whereas con-
Currently, most drugs are aimed at either direct or indirect modu- centrations above 8 µg/mL were frequently associated with QRS
lation of a protein function. For most of them, there is a range of widening, cinchonism, and hypotension.5 Thus, a tentative thera-
concentrations for which changes in protein function are linearly peutic range of 3 to 8 µg/mL was defined.
related to drug concentration. Finally, drug efficacy links the Using the same approach, relatively well-defined therapeutic
physiological effects observed following the administration of a ranges were also established for lidocaine (4 to 8 µg/mL), mexi-
drug to clinical outcome. Several major clinical trials in recent letine (500 to 1000 ng/mL), and procainamide (4 to 8 µg/mL) for
years, such as the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial, have patients presenting with ventricular arrhythmias.6-9 However, as
demonstrated that achievement of expected pharmacodynamic drug assays developed further and experience accumulated, it
response is not necessarily related to a desirable clinical outcome became evident that the therapeutic concentration window was
(i.e., drug effectiveness).2,3 very wide with these antiarrhythmic agents and that wide inter-
subject variability existed. Therapeutic ranges, such as the one for
quinidine (2 to 5 µg/mL), had to be redefined because of impuri-
Drugs with a Narrow Therapeutic Index: ties and metabolites interfering with early fluorometric methods.10
Antiarrhythmic Agents Also, the overlap between effective and toxic concentrations
(narrow therapeutic/toxic window) in different patients was sig-
The notion that monitoring plasma drug concentrations could nificant, and it became almost impossible to predict, for a specific
provide a method for adjusting doses to reduce inter-individual patient, plasma levels associated with efficacy or toxicity.
variability in response arose during the development of new anti- Subsequently, another important source of intersubject vari-
malarial drugs during World War II. Shortly thereafter, this notion ability was identified in patients treated with the potent class Ic
Principles of Clinical Pharmacology  167

K+ K+
K+ K+ K+ K+ K+
K +

K+ K+ K+
K+ K+ K+
K+ K+ K+ K+
K+ K+
K+ OH OH 450


450 K+ +
K+ K
K+ K +


K+ + OH
+ K K++
K+ K
+ K+ +K
K + K +
K+ K K+ K
K+ K+ K+ OH

Cardiomyocyte Plasma
Cellular membrane Passive diffusion K+ K+ K+
K + + K+
+ K+
OH K +K + K
IKr current Gap junctions K K

IKs current OH
Drug OH Metabolite
(via CYP)

Membrane transporters

FIGURE 12-2  Illustrations of numerous factors that must be considered in the understanding of a drug’s action on cardiac potassium channels. The
drug must be transported inside the myocyte while facing influx and efflux transporters. Once inside, the drug may be metabolized by locally
expressed CYP450 and other enzymatic systems. Competition for binding to IKr may occur as well as potentiation through combined binding to IKr
and IKs.

antiarrhythmic agent encainide.11 In a small clinical study, 10 of ranges for the metabolites—the enantiomers—and for the
11 patients with ventricular arrhythmias responded to the drug combinations of the parent drug plus metabolites, without
(encainide) with arrhythmia suppression and QRS widening, and success.
the eleventh had no response. In the 10 responders, peak plasma The situation with antiarrhythmic agents is not unique and is
encainide ranged from 3 to 200 ng/mL. In the single nonre- observed with other drugs that have a narrow therapeutic index.
sponder, peak plasma encainide was the highest (300 ng/mL). For example, doses and plasma concentrations of warfarin that
Further studies demonstrated the importance of active metabo- were required to maintain the international normalized ratio
lites (O-demethyl encainide [ODE] and 3 methoxy-O-demethyl (INR) within acceptable limits (2 to 3) vary widely among
encainide [MODE]) in accounting for encainide action, but a individuals.15-17 There is no rationale to use the plasma concentra-
simple therapeutic range—based solely on the plasma concentra- tions of each warfarin enantiomer, rather than INR values, to
tions of the parent compound or in combination with the adjust warfarin doses.
metabolites—could not be defined.12 The notion that the plasma concentrations of a drug should be
Propafenone is another class Ic antiarrhythmic agent that maintained within a range to guarantee drug response and
shows wide intersubject variability in its response and in the prevent toxicity is appealing. The problem is that this range most
formation of active metabolites.13 In addition, the drug likely needs to be defined for each individual. Several factors must
exhibits varying electrophysiological (sodium, calcium, and then be considered in addition to the plasma concentrations of
potassium channel block) and pharmacologic (β-blocking) the parent compound. A better understanding of the clinical
effects depending on the route of administration, the metabolism pharmacology of drugs with cardiac electrophysiological effects,
status, and the plasma concentrations of its enantiomers.13,14 including antiarrhythmic and non-antiarrhythmic agents, will be
Several investigators have tried to derive combined therapeutic useful for optimal prescribing.
168  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

2. A metabolite is more active than the parent compound.

3. The parent compound and the metabolite have different phar-
As discussed earlier, at the same dose, not every individual will macologic effects.
have the same plasma concentrations (pharmacokinetics). As
well, at the same plasma concentration of a drug, not every 4. Toxicity resides within the metabolite.
individual will exhibit the same physiological response (pharma-
codynamics). And with the same physiological response, not The following examples for the four situations listed above are
every individual will have the same clinical outcome (drug effi- provided only for illustrative purposes, since some drugs are no
cacy). Part of this variability can be explained by genetic factors: longer or rarely used. The principles underlying these examples
Pharmacogenetics is the study of inter-individual variability in are, nevertheless, important to consider while prescribing antiar-
drug response caused by genetic factors. rhythmic agents.

Genetically Determined Pharmacokinetic Factors Pharmacologic Effects Are Mediated by the Parent Compound Alone
Genetically determined abnormalities in the ability to biotrans- Mexiletine is a class Ib antiarrhythmic agent that undergoes
form drugs range from apparently benign conditions such as Gil- stereoselective disposition because of an extensive metabolism;
bert’s syndrome (a deficiency in glucuronyl transferase activity) less than 10% of an administered oral dose is recovered unchanged
to the rare but potentially fatal syndrome of pseudo-cholinesterase in urine.28,29 The major metabolites formed by carbon and nitro-
deficiency. This most widely studied polymorphic drug oxidation gen oxidation are hydroxymethylmexiletine, p-hydroxymexiletine,
trait is a deficiency in the cytochrome P450 isozyme (CYP2D6) m-hydroxymexiletine, and N-hydroxymexiletine.28-31 Antiar-
responsible, among others, for the biotransformation of the anti- rhythmic activity resides solely in mexiletine, and all metabolites
hypertensive drug debrisoquine to its inactive 4-hydroxy metabo- are inactive. The formation of hydroxymethylmexiletine, p-
lite.18,19 Following the oral administration of a single 10-mg dose hydroxymexiletine, and m-hydroxymexiletine is genetically
of debrisoquine, a metabolic ratio (debrisoquine/4-hydroxyde- determined and co-segregates with polymorphic debrisoquine
brisoquine), established from an 8-hour urinary excretion profile, 4-hydroxylase (CYP2D6) activity.32 Hence, subjects with the EM
can discriminate between two distinct phenotypes.20 Individuals phenotype form large amounts of these metabolites. Conversely,
with a ratio greater than 12.6 are defined as poor metabolizers clearance of mexiletine is twofold smaller and elimination half-life
(PMs), whereas a value less than this antimode reflects the ability is longer in subjects with the PM phenotype. Consequently, at the
to extensively metabolize (EM) the probe drug. Family studies same dose, mean plasma concentrations of mexiletine are higher,
indicated that the deficient trait is inherited as an autosomal and drug accumulation is expected to occur in PM patients during
recessive character.18 Regardless of geographic location, about 5% chronic therapy.32 This may lead to side effects such as ataxia and
to 10% of whites are PMs. At the other end of the spectrum, 2% muscle weakness because of the increased block of sodium chan-
to 5% are known as ultra-rapid metabolizers (UM), since they nels in peripheral nerves.
exhibit very high expression levels and activity of CYP2D6. Combined administration of low-dose quinidine, which is a
The CYP2D6 gene is located on the long arm of chromosome selective and potent inhibitor of CYP2D6, inhibits mexiletine
22 (q11.2-qter).21 Deletion or transition mutations in the gene lead metabolism through its three CYP2D6 major oxidative pathways
to splicing errors during messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and alters mexiletine disposition to such an extent that the phar-
processing and result in unstable proteins.22,23 Therefore, the macokinetic parameters of the drug are no longer different
CYP2D6 protein is functionally absent in PMs. Deoxyribonucleic between EMs and PMs.32 Mexiletine and quinidine have been
acid (DNA) assays based on allele-specific amplification with the used in combination to improve antiarrhythmic efficacy and to
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) allow identification of approxi- decrease the incidence of gastrointestinal side effects.33 Because
mately 95% of all PMs.23-25 of decreased clearance and increased elimination half-life during
CYP2D6 activity can also be inhibited by drugs, including quini- quinidine coadministration, EM patients undergoing combined
dine, some tricyclic antidepressants, and some selective serotonin therapy should exhibit higher trough concentrations and lesser
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs; fluoxetine and paroxetine).26 peak-to-trough fluctuations in mexiletine plasma concentrations.
CYP2D6 can metabolize substances via various C-oxidations, Drug accumulation and long-term side effects remain a risk if
including aromatic, alicyclic, and aliphatic hydroxylation; N- and dosage adjustments are not made.
S-oxidation; as well as O-dealkylation. For example, the metabo- Some β-blockers are metabolized by CYP2D6 (metoprolol and
lism of several classes of cardiovascular drugs such as β-blockers timolol, for example). As for mexiletine, the parent compound
and class I antiarrhythmic drugs, as well as the metabolism of itself is responsible for drug action. Hence, PMs of CYP2D6
neuroleptics and antidepressants, co-segregates with the debriso- exhibit an increased ratio of peak plasma concentrations–dose
quine 4-hydroxylase polymorphism.27 The clinical consequences compared with EMs or UMs and are very sensitive to the drugs.
of genetically determined polymorphic drug metabolism depend Conversely, UMs are resistant to β-blocking effects, and this
on the pharmacologic activity or toxicity of the parent compound necessitates administration of higher doses of the drugs; caution
compared with that of the metabolites formed by CYP2D6. Clini- should be exercised in patients receiving high doses of β-blockers
cally important variations can be encountered in the following under conditions of drug-drug interactions with CYP2D6. Indeed,
four situations: combined use of high-affinity CYP2D6 substrates (fluoxetine,
paroxetine) or inhibitors (quinidine, terbinafine) with β-blockers
1. Pharmacologic effects are mediated by the parent compound in EMs or UMs is associated with increased β-blocking effects
alone. because of inhibition of CYP2D6-mediated metabolism.
Principles of Clinical Pharmacology  169

Bradycardia and Raynaud syndrome are not uncommon in PMs, Although propafenone and 5-hydroxy propafenone are roughly
EMs, or UMs under these conditions.
Specific genotypes are associated with metabolic bio-
inactivation and, hence, the dose requirement or efficacy of
certain drugs. For example, a specific genetic profile (activity of
equipotent as sodium channel blockers, the parent drug is sub-
stantially more potent as a β-blocker.14 High concentrations of
propafenone that can be observed in PMs can produce clinically
detectable β-blockade similar to approximately 20 mg of pro-
CYP2C9) is associated with higher or lower than average doses pranolol every 8 hours. Propafenone metabolism is known to be
required to maintain the INR in the desired range for patients saturable in EMs; that is, doubling the daily dosage from 450 to
receiving warfarin therapy, and dose prediction based on a phar- 900 mg/day results in a disproportionate sixfold increase in mean
macogenetic algorithm is superior to empiric dosing in rapidly plasma propafenone concentrations.44 Thus β-blocking effects are
achieving the desired target INR.34 expected in patients with the PM phenotype or in EMs receiving
high dosages of the drug.44
Combined administration of propafenone and quinidine was
A Metabolite Is More Active than the Parent Compound
also tested over a 1-year period in patients with atrial fibrillation
Initial clinical trials with encainide reported a series of observa- in the Combined Administration of Quinidine and Propafenone
tions that led to important conclusions about the potential role for Atrial Fibrillation (CAQ-PAF) study.45 The objective of the
of active metabolites in mediating drug effects. In the study of study was to demonstrate that combined administration of
encainide effects as related to metabolite concentrations, among propafenone and quinidine would be superior to propafenone
the 11 subjects, ODE and MODE were found in the urine of the alone to prevent the recurrence of atrial fibrillation. The rationale
10 responders with respect to clinical effects but were not detected was that increased plasma propafenone concentrations caused by
in the single nonresponder.11 Electrophysiological studies demon- combined quinidine administration would be associated with
strated that ODE is approximately 10-fold more potent a sodium additional electrophysiological (sodium, potassium, and calcium
channel blocker than the parent drug, whereas MODE is approxi- channel blocks) and pharmacologic (β-blocking) effects that are
mately threefold more potent; the metabolites had refractoriness- mediated mostly by propafenone itself compared with the effects
prolonging properties, whereas the parent drug had only minor that can be observed from propafenone and its 5-hydroxy metab-
effects.12,35-37 olite. The results demonstrated that chronic administration of
Drug metabolism studies clearly demonstrated that CYP2D6 quinidine was able to inhibit CYP2D6 and propafenone metabo-
is involved in the sequential metabolism of encainide into ODE lism over a 1-year period. Recurrence of atrial fibrillation was very
and into MODE.12 Patients unable to form ODE or MODE are low in genetically determined PMs (1 of 11) and in patients with
therefore PMs with low CYP2D6 activity. In normal volunteers propafenone plasma levels greater than 1500 ng/mL but very high
with the EM phenotype, pretreatment with low-dose quinidine in patients with propafenone plasma concentrations lower than
decreased encainide systemic clearance fivefold and decreased 1000 ng/mL. This example illustrates that combined drug admin-
the partial metabolic clearance of encainide to ODE + MODE istration to alter patient phenotype can be associated with
13-fold.38 These data are compatible with the finding of inhibition improved efficacy of a drug.
of encainide biotransformation by quinidine (inhibition of Venlafaxine is another example of a drug and its metabolite
CYP2D6). Coadministration of quinidine to volunteers having having different pharmacologic effects between EMs and PMs.
EM properties blunted encainide-induced QRS prolongation.38 Venlafaxine is a new-generation drug considered a first-line agent
Clopidogrel, useful when combined with acetylsalicylic acid for the treatment of depressive disorders. It strongly inhibits pre-
(ASA) in stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation who synaptic reuptake of noradrenaline and serotonin and weakly
are not eligible for warfarin therapy, is metabolized from a inhibits the presynaptic reuptake of noradrenaline and serotonin.
prodrug to active drug by cytochrome P450 2C19. Patients with It also weakly inhibits dopamine reuptake.46 Following oral
loss of function-variant alleles in the gene encoding this enzyme administration, venlafaxine undergoes extensive first-pass metab-
have apparent failure of clopidogrel efficacy (as demonstrated in olism.47,48 It is metabolized to several metabolites, including
studies in patients with vascular disease).26,39 O-desmethyl venlafaxine, a pharmacologically active metabolite
that inhibits noradrenaline and serotonin reuptake with potencies
similar to those of venlafaxine.49 The disposition of venlafaxine is
The Parent Compound and the Metabolite Have
genetically determined and co-segregates with CYP2D6 activity
Different Pharmacologic Effects
in humans.50 Subjects with the PM phenotype have fourfold to
Systematic evaluation of the dose-response and concentration- eightfold higher plasma concentrations of venlafaxine and a
response relationships for propafenone demonstrated substantial 20-fold lower capability to form the O-desmethyl metabolite.
inter-individual variability in the extent of QRS prolongation and Since the O-desmethyl metabolite and venlafaxine have a similar
in minimal effective plasma concentrations required for arrhyth- potency for serotonin reuptake, no difference in antidepressant
mia suppression. Follow-up studies have shown that propafenone activity is expected between EMs and PMs of CYP2D6. However,
biotransformation to 5-hydroxy propafenone is catalyzed by case studies suggested that higher plasma concentrations of ven-
CYP2D6 and that 5-hydroxy propafenone exerts sodium channel lafaxine caused by low CYP2D6 activity could increase the risk of
blocking action in vitro similar to those of the parent drug; cardiovascular toxicity, since venlafaxine (and possibly not the
however, a second metabolite, N-desalkyl propafenone, is metabolite) is a potent blocker of the cardiac sodium channel.51
somewhat less potent.40-42 Administration of low-dose quinidine Venlafaxine has weak affinity for CYP2D6 and low propensity for
for a short period to a group of patients receiving chronic propafe- causing drug interaction. However, several other CYP2D6 sub-
none therapy resulted in a 2.5-fold increase in plasma propafe- strates such as the first-generation H1 antagonist diphenhy­
none with a commensurate decrease in 5-hydroxy propafenone dramine, can inhibit the metabolism of venlafaxine, increase the
concentrations.43 plasma concentrations of the parent compound up to fourfold,
170  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

and potentially predispose patients to increased risk of cardiac the Q-T interval but the administration of QT-prolonging drugs
toxicity.52 predisposed patients to torsades de pointes.65 These recent obser-
vations suggested that mutations in cardiac potassium channel
genes (and possibly other genes encoding for proteins involved in
Toxicity Resides Within the Metabolite
cardiac repolarization) may predispose patients with normal Q-T
A major form of toxicity-limiting chronic procainamide therapy intervals to the acquired LQTS during treatment with drugs
is the drug-induced lupus syndrome.53 The exact mechanism modulating cardiac repolarization.
whereby procainamide is capable of initiating this autoimmune
syndrome is unclear. In preliminary metabolic studies, incubation
of procainamide with mouse hepatic microsomes produced a Drug Interactions
reactive metabolite.54 Comparison with microsomal incubations
of compounds modified at the site of the aromatic amine (N- Clinicians and regulatory agencies have recently been concerned
acetyl procainamide [NAPA], p-hydroxyprocainamide, or about the risk of prolongation of cardiac repolarization caused by
de­saminoprocainamide) led to the conclusion that oxidation of drugs other than antiarrhythmic drugs. This concern is justified,
the primary aromatic amine of procainamide is involved in the since electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring is not routinely
production of such a reactive metabolite.53,55 The formation of employed in therapy with several of these agents. Such undesir-
N-hydroxyprocainamide was confirmed in both rat and human able drug actions were first reported, as proarrhythmic events
hepatic microsomes, and characterization of the reaction showed following the administration of the H1 antagonist terfenadine.66,67
that it was mediated by cytochrome P450.56,57 Moreover, in vitro The underlying mechanism of Q-T interval prolongation and tor-
studies with genetically engineered microsomes expressing high sades de pointes during terfenadine therapy was shown to be
levels of CYP2D6 exhibited the highest activity for the formation related to IKr block.68,69 Block of IKr was also demonstrated for
of N-hydroxyprocainamide.58 In vitro results were corroborated several other agents, such as astemizole, cisapride, pimozide, thio-
by clinical observations that the formation of nitroprocainamide, ridazine, droperidol, domperidone, macrolide antibiotics (eryth-
the potentially stable end product of N-hydroxyprocainamide, romycin, clarithromycin), imidazole anti-fungals, and sildenafil,
was absent in PMs of CYP2D6 but present in subjects with high which have all been associated with proarrhythmic events and
CYP2D6 activity.50 Finally, formation of N-hydroxy procainamide deaths in some patients.70-78
was prevented in EMs during the combined administration of Proarrhythmia with these drugs is almost always observed
quinidine, a potent CYP2D6 inhibitor.50 These results indicate during combined drug administration. Therefore, some authors
that CYP2D6 becomes the key enzyme in the formation of the have concluded that concomitant treatment with IKr blockers may
toxic metabolite. Subjects with functionally deficient CYP2D6 predispose patients to proarrhythmia. However, this hypothesis
activity (PMs) may therefore be at lower risk of procainamide- has not been proven. Competitive antagonism at the receptor
induced lupus erythematosus. level would predict that combined use of IKr blockers should lead
to a decrease in drug effects rather than synergistic activity.
Indeed, combined use of dofetilide and NAPA, or NAPA and
Genetically Determined Pharmacodynamic Factors
diphenhydramine, is associated with a decrease in action poten-
Over the past decade, great advances in the field of molecular tial prolongation when the drugs are used together compared
biology have made it possible to elucidate the genetic causes of with when the drugs are used alone. Similarly, concomitant
the inherited forms of the long QT syndrome (LQTS).59-61 These administration of dofetilide and erythromycin was associated
exciting discoveries have important implications for the under- with a decrease in overall action potential prolongation compared
standing and therapy of this condition and have led to a better with dofetilide alone.79 Thus, proarrhythmia observed during the
understanding of cardiac repolarization and arrhythmias in concomitant administration of IKr blockers in patients cannot be
general. However, the prevalence of inherited LQTS is low. It is related solely to their electrophysiological properties on IKr.
increasingly recognized that the concomitant use of older and Proarrhythmia with combined use of IKr blockers is usually
recently introduced agents whether from new therapeutic classes observed under conditions of decreased metabolic capacity. For
or from those once believed to be safe (such that they were made example, the induction of torsades de pointes during concomitant
available over the counter) put patients at increased risk for therapy with terfenadine and erythromycin or ketoconazole has
cardiac toxicity. Indeed, the list of drugs associated with the been explained mainly on the basis of a specific cytochrome P450
acquired form of LQTS is still growing. Genetic markers associ- enzyme inhibition.80,81 Terfenadine is known to be metabolized by
ated with an increased risk of drug-induced LQTS have also been CYP3A4.82 Erythromycin and imidazole (oral anti-fungals) are
identified.63 That is, mutations in genes encoding for specific ion known inhibitors of CYP3A4; in subjects receiving the combina-
channel proteins predispose patients, who are otherwise appar- tion of terfenadine and erythromycin, erythromycin causes a
ently “normal,” to excessive responses to drugs causing prolonga- decrease in the formation of the inactive acid metabolite as well
tion of cardiac repolarization and increased risk of torsades de as accumulation of terfenadine, which may lead to prolongation
pointes. In 1998, Priori et al demonstrated for the first time that of cardiac repolarization (QT) and torsades de pointes. A similar
a recessive variant of the Romano-Ward LQTS is present in the mechanism can be described for other agents. Thus, combined
population.64 A homozygous missense mutation in the pore administration of CYP3A4 substrates leads to the accumulation
region of KvLQT1 was found in a 9-year-old boy with normal of one of these drugs; if the drug exhibits potent IKr blocking
hearing, a prolonged Q-T interval, and syncopal episodes during properties, proarrhythmia (torsades de pointes) caused by pro-
exercise. However, the parents of the proband were heterozygous longed repolarization may be observed.
for the mutation and had a normal Q-T interval. In 1997, Donger A third factor may also play a major role in drug-induced
et al identified a missense mutation in the C-terminal domain of LQTS. P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is a versatile transporter that is able
KvLQT1 that was not associated with significant prolongation of to pump a wide variety of xenobiotics outside a cell.83 P-gp is
Principles of Clinical Pharmacology  171

located primarily in the villous columnar epithelial cells of the rectifier potassium current, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 10:1597–1604,

small intestine and in hepatocytes, but it can also be found in 1999.
cardiac myocytes.84 CYP3As and P-gp can function together by Funck-Brentano C, Kroemer HK, Lee JT, Roden DM: Propafenone, N Engl
J Med 322:518–525, 1990.
preventing cellular entry of lipophilic toxic compounds or by
Funck-Brentano C, Turgeon J, Woosley RL, Roden DM: Effect of low dose
decreasing intracellular concentration of drugs. P-gp and CYP3As quinidine on encainide pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics:
share tremendous substrate or inhibitor specificity, or both, so Influence of genetic polymorphism, J Pharmacol Exp Ther 249:134–
that the substrates or inhibitors of CYP3A4 can also simultane- 142, 1989.
ously inhibit P-gp. Under conditions of combined treatment with Idle JR, Mahgoub A, Angelo MM, et al: The metabolism of [14C]-debriso-
IKr–CYP3A4–P-gp substrates, not only plasma concentrations but quine in man, Br J Clin Pharmacol 7:257–266, 1979.
also intracellular cardiac concentrations of IKr blockers can be Koch-Weser J: Correlation of serum concentrations and pharmacologic
increased. Some frequently used drugs can also inhibit P-gp, effects of antiarrhythmic drugs. In Acheson GH, Maxwell RA, editors:
including amiodarone, verapamil, and itraconazole. These drugs Pharmacology and the future of man, Basel, 1973, Karger.
can lead to digoxin toxicity by reducing digoxin excretion. Lessard E, Fortin A, Bélanger PM, et al: Role of CYP2D6 in the
N-hydroxylation of procainamide, Pharmacogenetics 7:381–390, 1997.
Finally, as with CYP3A4, significant inter-individual variation
Lessard E, Yessine MA, Hamelin BA, et al: Diphenhydramine alters the
exists in the expression of P-gp, and genetic polymorphisms disposition of venlafaxine trough inhibition of CYP2D6 activity in
have been described for both CYP3As and MDR1 (P-gp).85,86 The humans, J Clin Psychopharmacol 21:175–184, 2001.
authors of this chapter have found that 29% of Canadians of Michaud V, Vanier MC, Brouillette D, et al: Combination of phenotype
French origin possess two mutated alleles (exon 26) of MDR1, assessments and CYP2C9-VKORC1 polymorphisms in the determina-
which have recently been associated with altered drug concentra- tion of warfarin dose requirements in heavily medicated patients, Clin
tions.86 Thus, some patients may be at increased of proarrhythmia Pharmacol Ther 83(5):740–748, 2008.
caused by mutations in these genes as well as mutations in genes Mitcheson JS, Chen J, Lin M, et al: A structural basis for drug-induced
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Summary Drug Dev Res 23:191–193, 1991.
Paulussen A, Lavrijsen K, Bohets H, et al: Two linked mutations in tran-
Individualized therapy is slowly emerging as a favored approach scriptional regulatory elements of the CYP3A5 gene constitute the
to improve efficacy and limit toxicity. This approach will be even major genetic determinant of polymorphic activity in human, Pharma-
more important in the near future as treatments derived from cogenetics 10:415–424, 2000.
biotechnologies are increasingly used. In fact, these treatments Price Evans DA, Mahgoub A, Sloan TP, et al: A family and population
may be aimed at correction of a specific gene defect (specific study of the genetic polymorphism of debrisoquine oxidation in a white
mutation or gene deletion) in a specific patient, and fully indi- British population, J Med Genet 17:102–105, 1980.
vidualized therapy will therefore be necessary. Obtaining optimal Roden DM, Stein CM: Clopidogrel and the concept of high-risk pharma-
response to conventional drug treatment may also be achieved by cokinetics, Circulation 119(16):2127–2130, 2009.
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individualized drug therapy. This is partly explained by genetic
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factors or concomitant drug interactions that modulate responses fenadine compared with chlorpheniramine and pyrilamine, Circ Res
to drugs between patients and within patients with time. 76:110–119, 1995.
Thompson KA, Iansmith DHS, Siddoway LA, et al: Potent electrophysi-
KEY REFERENCES ologic effects of the major metabolites of propaferone in canine Pur-
The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) Investigators: Prelimi- kinje fibers, J Pharmacol Exp Ther 244:950–955, 1988.
nary report: Effect of encainide and flecainide on mortality in a ran- Turgeon J, Fiset C, Giguère R, et al: Influence of debrisoquine phenotype
domized trial of arrhythmia suppression after myocardial infarction, N and of quinidine on mexiletine disposition in man, J Pharmacol Exp
Engl J Med 321:406–410, 1989. Ther 259:789–798, 1991.
Couture L, Nash JA, Turgeon J: The ATP-binding cassette transporters Woodcock J, Lesko LJ: Pharmacogenetics-tailoring treatment for the out-
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Drolet B, Zhang S, Deschênes D, et al: Droperidol lengthens cardiac All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
repolarization due to block of the rapid component of the delayed com.
Fundamentals of Cardiac Stimulation
Rahul Mehra and Paul Belk 13 
In the past few decades, the scientific basis and the technology of potential can vary significantly, depending on the frequency of
electrical stimulation of the heart has advanced significantly and cell stimulation, with higher frequencies leading to shorter action
spurred on the development of implantable pacemakers and defi- potentials. The fundamental characteristic of an action potential
brillators, providing clinical benefit to millions of patients. Con- is that once it is begun, that is, once it is triggered, it proceeds
currently, scientists, armed with sophisticated experimental tools autonomously.
and computational power, have been challenged to understand How is an action potential triggered in a single cell? The cell
the fundamental mechanisms of electrical stimulation. Under- membrane has a variety of voltage-sensitive ion channels, that is,
standing the mechanism may lead to innovative applications proteins that allow the passage of a particular species of ion but
and also increase the efficiency of electrical stimulation, thereby only at a critical transmembrane voltage (Vt). The action potential
decreasing the size of the implantable devices and increasing their is initiated when Vm is reduced to the Vt, at which the sodium
longevity. (Na+) channels are activated, resulting in a large migration of Na+
The fundamental concepts of electrical stimulation can be ions into the cell. This is followed by a reversible sequence of
divided into three aspects: (1) intracellular stimulation, (2) extra- changes in the permeability to various other ions, which gives rise
cellular stimulation, and (3) the relationship between the two. to an action potential.
Intracellular stimulation occurs when one of the electrodes is The important parameter, therefore, is the minimum stimula-
inside the cell, which helps clinicians understand the fundamental tion current required to bring the transmembrane voltage to this
transmembrane changes required to excite cardiac cells. Extracel- critical value (Vt). This minimum current is dependent on two
lular stimulation occurs when electrodes are located outside the properties of the membrane: capacitance and resistance. If the
cardiac cell. It is important to understand how the extracellular membrane only had resistance and no capacitance, an increase in
stimulus sets up the necessary conditions for intracellular stimu- stimulus current would change the transmembrane potential as
lation. Recent experimental and modeling data have provided per Ohm’s law (Voltage = Current × Resistance). When enough
unique insights into this complex relationship. current (called rheobase current) is injected for the transmem-
brane potential to reach the critical value, an action potential
would be initiated. In such a situation, excitation of the cell would
Intracellular Stimulation depend only on the current and not on the duration of the stimu-
lation pulse.
Most of the clinically relevant aspects of cardiac stimulation are The situation gets slightly more complex because of membrane
direct consequences of intracellular properties. Recordings of the capacitance. Membrane capacitance does not allow the voltage to
electrical responses of single cardiac cells can be obtained with a change instantaneously across the membrane when the stimulus
fine electrical probe inside the cell and by measuring the voltage is applied. Charge must be deposited on the membrane to cause
on that probe relative to the region outside the cell membrane. a change in Vm. Building this charge takes time, since charge is
This probe can be used to manipulate the voltage across the the product of the stimulation current and its duration. If an
membrane and record the response. The nature of electrical applied stimulation pulse fails to excite the cell, it is because the
response in single cardiac cells has been characterized by using membrane did not reach Vt, so it is necessary to increase the
this technique. stimulation current, stimulation duration, or both. The relation-
A “resting” cardiac cell maintains a voltage across its mem- ship between the strength of the stimulus and its duration neces-
brane, which is called transmembrane potential. This transmem- sary to initiate excitation is referred to as the strength/duration
brane voltage (Vm) is normally between 70 and 90 millivolts (mV), curve. Irrespective of the duration, the stimulus current must
with the inside of the cell being negative compared with the always be greater than the rheobase, since that is the minimum
outside (extracellular) space. When a cardiac cell is electrically current required to reach Vt across membrane resistance. At
“triggered,” it initiates an action potential. The action potential shorter durations, more stimulus current is required. Figure 13-1,
begins with a very rapid increase in Vm by nearly 100 mV (depo- A, shows the effect of different stimulation currents on the poten-
larization). The membrane voltage remains at a slightly positive tial Vm of a single cell. Initially, as the current is applied, mem-
value for around 200 ms. This is called the plateau phase because brane voltage rises because of membrane capacitance. In the
the voltage is relatively flat. At the end of the plateau, the cell lower trace, Vm reaches a maximum value that is below Vt; then,
begins a repolarization phase, returning to the resting voltage in once the current is discontinued, it goes back to the resting mem-
a few tens of milliseconds. The total duration of the action brane potential (MP). In the upper trace, however, the stimulus

174  Clinical Investigation and Therapies

0 mV 0 mV

–65 mV –65 mV
–85 mV –85 mV

FIGURE 13-1  A, Schematic representation of the effect of increasing amplitude of a constant current stimulus on the transmembrane potential of a
cardiac cell. With the smaller amplitude stimulus (red), the membrane potential changes from –85 to about –75 mV and recovers to –85 mV after the
stimulus is turned off. With the larger stimulus (blue), the cell transmembrane potential reaches the critical threshold value of –65 mV, and an action
potential is initiated. B, The effect of increasing duration of a constant current stimulus on the transmembrane potential of a cardiac cell. With the
smaller duration stimulus (red), the membrane potential changes from –85 to about –70 mV and recovers to –85 mV after the stimulus is turned off.
When the duration is increased further (blue), the cell transmembrane potential reaches the critical threshold value of –65 mV, and an action potential
is initiated.

5 Anodal
Threshold current (mA)



.01 .02 .05 .1 .2 .5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100

Pulse duration (ms)

FIGURE 13-2  Strength/duration curve measured with cathodal and anodal stimuli in a canine ventricle. The pulse durations are plotted on a
logarithmic scale. Note that the threshold becomes stable at pulse durations >10 ms; this threshold is called the rheobase. Chronaxie is the stimulus
duration required to excite tissue at twice the rheobase. (From Mehra R: Myocardial vulnerability to arrhythmias with cathodal, anodal and bipolar
stimulation [PhD dissertation #75-21384; University Microfilms], Ann Arbor, MI, 1975, University of Michigan.)

current is sufficient to increase membrane voltage above Vt amplitude required to elicit excitation (strength-duration curve,
(65 mV in this case), which activates the Na+ channels and initi- as in Figure 13-2). Also, this type of excitation occurs after the
ates the action potential. At a constant stimulus amplitude (see stimulus is turned “on” and before it is turned “off ” and is referred
Figure 13-1, B), when the stimulus is turned off very quickly after to as make excitation.
a very short duration, the threshold Vt is not reached because of It is important to note that the threshold voltage Vt at which
membrane capacitance, and the cell does not elicit an action excitation occurs is not constant but depends on the extent of
potential. When the duration is increased, Vm continues to cellular repolarization from the previous action potential at the
increase until it reaches the threshold potential Vt, eliciting an time the stimulus is applied. This is because the Na+ channels
action potential. It is this property of cell capacitance that gives must reset to their resting state, and this only happens after repo-
rise to a relationship between duration of the stimulus and the larization is complete. For coupling intervals closer to the
Fundamentals of Cardiac Stimulation  175

20 8

0 16
−20 12

10 −7 A
−40 8

−60 4
CMP Cathodal
−80 Vm 0

Current (mA)
200 250 300 Anodal
FIGURE 13-3  Critical membrane potential (CMP), depolarizing
current threshold (I), and transmembrane potential (Vm) as a function
of delay from the onset of an action potential. The ordinate is the 2
potential in millivolts or current threshold and the abscissa is in
milliseconds. The CMP is almost constant at intervals longer than
200 ms, and I represents the intracellular strength/interval curve with a
depolarizing stimulus. (From Hoshi TM: Excitability cycle of cardiac
muscle examined by intracellular stimulation, Jap J Physiol 12:433, 1962.)

280 300 320 340 360

Delay (ms)
repolarization phase (earlier in the cardiac cycle), the threshold
voltage Vt increases, thereby increasing the stimulus (either FIGURE 13-4  Typical unipolar cathodal and anodal strength/interval
current or duration) needed to initiate excitation. With a depolar- curves obtained in a patient with an acute unipolar electrode (11 mm2
izing stimulus (one that reduces Vm), the threshold for excitation in area). The ordinate represents the excitation current threshold in
is lowest in diastole and increases as the stimulus approaches milliamperes, and the abscissa represents the delay of the stimulus
systole. The threshold voltage Vt (termed critical membrane from the stimulus pacing the ventricle at 90 beats/min. Note that
potential [CMP]; Figure 13-3) and the transmembrane current anodal refractory periods are shorter than cathodal refractory periods
required to excite cells with intracellular stimulation at various for most stimulus currents. (From Mehra R, Furman S: Comparison of
cathodal, anodal and bipolar strength-interval curves with temporary and
intervals in the cardiac cycle were measured by Hoshi et al in
permanent electrodes, Br Heart J 41:468–476, 1979.)
canine Purkinje fibers.1 Figure 13-3 shows that the CMP was
between 60 and 65 mV and relatively constant throughout the
diastolic phase and the terminal phase of repolarization of the MP.
In the rapid phase of repolarization, the CMP increased sharply occur in tissue that is uniformly hyperpolarized.4 At the end of
and so did the current threshold. This results in a hyperbolic curve the stimulus, current diffuses from the depolarized areas to the
that describes the relationship between the current threshold for hyperpolarized areas to initiate excitation. This hypothesis sug-
excitation and the time delay from the onset of the action poten- gests that break excitation is a result of the syncytial properties
tial of a depolarizing stimulus. This curve is referred to as the of the tissue and not a property of the cell membrane alone. (2)
intracellular strength/interval curve and has a shape very similar Computer simulation conducted by other investigators indicated
to the strength/interval curve with an extracellular electrode that that break excitation in the hyperpolarized tissue may be possible
results in tissue excitation caused by depolarization (Figure 13-4). by itself without the diffusion of current from adjacent tissue.5
The second type of excitation occurs when the cardiac cell is This controversy has not yet been resolved.
hyperpolarized (made more negative than the resting potential)
to a critical value after the stimulus is turned off. This is called
break excitation. It was initially observed in nerve fibers and Extracellular Stimulation
associated with the termination of a hyperpolarizing pulse.2 Using
optical mapping techniques, Wikswo et al3 were also able to dem- To understand extracellular stimulation, it is useful to envision a
onstrate that the break excitation occurred in cardiac tissue after train of excitation processes, of which intracellular stimulation is
the end of the stimulus from the region that was hyperpolarized. the final event. These processes are (1) generation of the stimulus
During the hyperpolarized state, the tissue is inexcitable because in the pulse generator, (2) transfer of current from the generator
its Na+ channels are inactivated, and excitation is observed only to the electrode pair and into the extracellular space, and (3)
after the hyperpolarizing stimulus is turned off. There is no con- transfer of current from the extracellular space to the cardiac cell
sensus on the mechanism responsible for break excitation. Two membranes resulting in cellular excitation.
concepts have been proposed: (1) In the mechanism proposed by The first two processes will be discussed in this section. The
Roth et al, break excitation from the hyperpolarized region occurs characteristics of the electrical stimulus and the terminology used
only when adjacent depolarized areas are present and does not for extracellular electrodes will be reviewed first. Then we will
176  Clinical Investigation and Therapies

discuss the stimulus variables that affect extracellular stimulation must exist in order to excite this aggregate of cardiac cells. This
such as its duration, polarity, and the timing in the cardiac cycle is called current density threshold. The current density required
and electrode variables such as the size of electrode and the elec- for cardiac excitation is typically between 2 and 2.5 mA/cm2 at
trode tissue interface. the electrode-tissue interface.6,7
External cardiac stimulators are typically designed to provide
an output pulse that maintains its voltage or current throughout
Electrical Stimulus
the duration of the pulse and are referred to as constant voltage
In individual cardiac cells, a minimum threshold current is or constant current stimuli. Because of the polarization charac-
required to cause excitation. Decades of experimental observa- teristics of the electrode-tissue interface (to be discussed later),
tions with extracellular electrodes demonstrate the same behavior resistance increases during the pulse and an increasing voltage is
in cardiac tissue. Stimulus strength may be measured as a voltage required to maintain the constant current stimulus. This results
or current amplitude. The current threshold is a more physiologi- in a significant increase from Vo at the beginning of the stimulus
cal measurement of excitation, since it is independent of the to Vt at the end of the stimulus. Figure 13-5, A, illustrates a typical
resistance of the electrode or the tissue. If the resistance is high, constant current stimulus, where the output current is approxi-
the voltage threshold will increase, as it is equal to the current mately constant in amplitude from the onset to the offset of the
threshold times the resistance of the tissue. The current density stimulus. Physiological stimulators used in laboratories typically
(current per unit area) is an even more accurate determinant of provide constant voltage or constant current stimuli, but these
the basic requirement for excitation. It is postulated that in order designs draw significant power. To reduce power drain and ensure
to elicit excitation, a certain minimum number of cells (a “critical safe operation in implantable pacemakers, the most efficient cir-
mass”) must be excited. Since the heart is a syncytium, that is, an cuits use a capacitor. This can continuously draw current from a
aggregate of interconnected cardiac cells, once this critical volume battery throughout the cardiac cycle and deliver a short stimulus
of cells is excited, the conduction propagates to the rest of the (typically <2 ms) on demand. The result is that the stimulus from
heart. Therefore, a minimum amount of current per unit area most implantable pacemakers has an exponentially decaying


Voltage (mV)



0 1 2

Current (mA)


0.5 I0

0 1 2 Ch1 1.00 V 100 µs

A Time (ms) B

FIGURE 13-5  A, Voltage waveform measured at the electrode during a constant current stimulus. The current amplitude is almost constant at 1.0 mA
through the stimulus duration of 2 ms. Significantly increasing stimulus voltage from 0.3 V at the beginning of the stimulus to 0.7 V at its end is
required to maintain this constant current through the tissue. This is because of the increasing polarization resistance during the pulse. B, Voltage (top)
and current (bottom) waveform of a 4-V, 0.4-ms stimulus measured at the output of a typical pacemaker. The voltage is decaying exponentially during
the pulse and is followed by a “recharge” of an opposite polarity. The current waveform decays at a greater rate because of increasing resistance from
the beginning of the stimulus to the end. After the end of the 0.4-ms stimulus, the current returns to zero and is followed by a recharge stimulus of a
small magnitude but longer duration. (A, From Furman S, Parker B, Escher DJW, et al: Endocardial threshold of cardiac response as a function of electrode
surface area, J Surg Res 8:161–166, 1968.)
Fundamentals of Cardiac Stimulation  177

voltage profile, that is, a slight decrease occurs in voltage output in contact with tissue than is the more proximal electrode (see
from the beginning of the stimulus to the end of the stimulus (see
Figure 13-5, B). The exponentially decaying voltage output results
from a capacitor at the output of the pacemaker. The current
waveform that is generated has an even higher rate of decay
Figure 13-6).

Effect of Stimulus Duration (Strength/Duration Curve)

because of electrode polarization, which results in increasingly Experimental studies on extracellular stimulation indicate that it
higher resistance during the pulse. is much easier to excite tissue when the stimulus duration is long
rather than short. This behavior is also observed during intracel-
lular stimulation; its mechanism was discussed previously. The
Electrode Terminology
strength/duration curve is the relationship between the strength
Electrical stimulation must always be applied through electrode of the stimulus required to elicit excitation and the duration of
pairs so that current injected at one electrode returns to the the stimulus. With increasing duration, the thresholds always
stimulator through the other electrode. Figure 13-6 shows the decrease. Figure 13-2 shows the cathodal and anodal strength
commonly used electrode configurations. When one of the elec- duration curves measured in a canine ventricle. Both curves
trodes is located inside the heart and another is located away from approach a minimum threshold at long pulse durations, although
the heart (e.g., on the skin surface or subcutaneously), this con- the anodal threshold is observed to be higher than the cathodal
figuration is described as unipolar. The electrode in contact with threshold. At very long durations, the current threshold reaches
(or closest to) the heart is called the stimulating electrode, and the the minimum value, the rheobase, which is approximately 0.2 mA
electrode away from the heart is called the indifferent electrode. for the cathodal and 0.5 mA for an anodal stimulus (see Figure
The indifferent electrode is usually quite large compared with the 13-2). As with single-cell stimulation, the rheobase is the minimum
stimulating electrode to lower the resistance of the stimulation stimulus strength required for excitation. For stimulation inten-
configuration. When the stimulating electrode is negative with sity of twice the rheobase, the pulse duration required for excita-
respect to the indifferent electrode, the stimulation is called cath- tion is called chronaxie. Chronaxie represents the “knee” of the
odal. When the stimulating electrode is positive, the stimulation strength/duration curve because the current threshold increases
is referred to as anodal. very rapidly for pulse durations shorter than chronaxie and
In most implanted systems, both electrodes are within the decreases relatively slowly for pulse durations longer than chro-
same chamber of the heart, usually separated by approximately naxie. In Figure 13-2, the chronaxie for anodal stimulation is
1 cm. This configuration is described as bipolar. In practice, the about 0.75 ms.
distal of the two electrodes, that is, “the tip,” is more likely to be For an implantable device, consistent pacing must be main-
tained at minimum stimulus energy to maximize the longevity of
the device. Optimization of electrode design and pulse duration
can help minimize the dissipation of energy per pulse. The dis-
sipated energy increases with the duration of the pulse, the resis-
tance of the electrode, and the square of the stimulation current,
Distal Indifferent Unlike the current strength/duration curves, the energy strength/
electrode electrode duration curve typically has a U shape, which indicates a pulse
duration at which the energy dissipated per pulse would be
Normal unipolar configuration minimum (Figure 13-7). Pacing at this unique pulse duration can
Unipolar distal cathodal − +
maximize device longevity. This duration is not always the same
and will depend on the electrode material and its design.

Unipolar distal anodal + − Effect of Stimulus Timing (Strength/Interval Curve)

The stimulus threshold required at various intervals within the
cardiac cycle is represented by the strength/interval curve. The
BIPOLAR ELECTRODE threshold is lower during diastole and increases as the stimulus
Proximal Distal
coupling is shortened and systole is approached. This indicates
electrode electrode that it is more difficult to re-excite the cardiac tissue soon after it
has been excited.8-10 As discussed previously, this behavior is
caused by inactivation of Na+ channels early in the cardiac cycle.
Normal bipolar configuration + − At a very short coupling interval, the tissue cannot be re-excited
even with a large stimulus. Figure 13-4 shows a set of strength/
FIGURE 13-6  Unipolar and bipolar electrode configurations. The interval curves that were determined in a patient with a constant
normal unipolar pacing configuration is one in which the tip of the current stimulus when the ventricle was paced at 90 beats/min.
electrode is negative (distal cathodal) with an indifferent positive With a cathodal stimulus, the threshold is relatively low (0.4 mA)
electrode. The unipolar distal anodal configuration reverses the at intervals greater than 310 ms, that is, after the end of the T
polarities and is not used because of higher anodal thresholds.   wave of the paced beat. The tissue cannot be re-excited any earlier
The normal bipolar configuration uses the tip (distal) electrode as   than 288 ms even with an 8-mA stimulus, and this is its relative
the cathode and the ring (proximal) electrode as the anode. (From refractory period. The relative refractory period is a fundamental
Mehra R, Furman S: Comparison of cathodal, anodal and bipolar property of excitable tissue, and it determines the maximum rate
strength-interval curves with temporary and permanent electrodes, Br
at which it can be stimulated. When the polarity of the electrode
Heart J 41:468–476, 1979.)
is reversed to anodal, the shape of the strength/interval curve
178  Clinical Investigation and Therapies










Pulse duration (ms)

FIGURE 13-7  Energy (in microjoules) required to pace the ventricle at various pulse durations with a chronic endocardial lead in a canine ventricle. In
this case, the minimum energy is consumed at durations ranging from 0.25 to 1.0 ms. Energy consumption increases at shorter and longer durations.
(From Furman S, Hurzler P, Mehra R: Cardiac pacing and pacemakers IV: Threshold of cardiac stimulation, Am Heart J 94:115–124, 1977.)

changes significantly. The anodal threshold is higher during dias-

tole, but the relative refractory period is shorter. This implies that 7
an anodal stimulus can initiate excitation earlier on the T wave
than a cathodal stimulus. In Figure 13-4, with an 8-mA stimulus, Make
the anodal refractory period is about 10 ms shorter than with a ms
cathodal stimulus. Another key characteristic of the anodal Break

strength/interval curve is that as the coupling interval of the

stimulus is decreased, the threshold first increases, then decreases,
and is followed again by a significant increase in threshold at the 5
shortest coupling. This reduction in threshold at the short cou-
pling interval of the stimulus is referred to as the anodal dip.
Threshold (mA)

To understand the factors responsible for the shape of the 4

anodal strength-interval curve, it is important to re-address the
issue of “make” and “break” excitation. Break excitation was first
demonstrated by Dekker et al11 in cardiac tissue. He measured the 3
excitation thresholds during the make excitation (following the Anode break
stimulus onset and before its termination) and the break excita-
tion (following the end of the stimulus) of the pulses. He observed
that these thresholds varied with the polarity of the stimulus as Cathode break
well as the timing of the stimulus within the cardiac cycle. The
make and break thresholds were measured when anodal and cath-
odal stimuli were delivered through the epicardial electrodes of 1
the canine ventricle. Figure 13-8 illustrates the make and break Anode make
thresholds with long-duration stimuli. To measure the make exci- Cathode make
tation threshold, the stimulus was initiated at various intervals
within the cardiac cycle. For break threshold measurements, the 150 200 250 300
stimulus was initiated in the absolute refractory period and ended Interval (ms)
at different intervals within the cardiac cycle. Excitation was
observed after the termination of the stimulus. The thresholds for FIGURE 13-8  Typical ventricular thresholds plotted as a function of
break excitation had the characteristic anodal dip with higher the interval in milliseconds after the preceding normally conducted
thresholds during diastole and the make excitation thresholds QRS complex for each of the modes of stimulation—anode make,
had the characteristic hyperbolic shape. This suggests that anode break, cathode make, and cathode break for a long-duration
during diastole, make excitation thresholds are lower and that the stimulus. Make excitation occurs after the stimulus onset and before
break thresholds are lower during the relative refractory period. its offset, whereas break excitation occurs after the stimulus has been
terminated. (From Dekker E: Direct current make and break thresholds for
Break excitation has also been observed experimentally with
pacemaker electrodes on the canine ventricle, Circ Res 27:811, 1970.)
short-duration stimuli.3,12,13 Sidorov et al13 used optical mapping
Fundamentals of Cardiac Stimulation  179

7 7

6 6

5 5 Break

Threshold (mA)

Threshold (mA)
4 4 Make
3 3

2 3 2 1
1 1 1 3
0 0

120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
A Interval (ms) B Interval (ms)

FIGURE 13-9  Unipolar cathodal (A) and anodal (B) strength/interval curves composed of make and break excitation. The vertical dashed line
corresponds to the transition from make stimulation to break stimulation mechanism. The points of the curve corresponding to the shortest interval
for make stimulation and the longest interval for break stimulation are depicted by the numbers 1 and 2, respectively. The stimulus duration was
20 ms. (From Sidorov VY, Woods MC, Baudenbacher P, Baudenbacher F: Examination of stimulation mechanism and strength-interval curve in cardiac tissue,
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 289:H2602–H2615, 2005.)

techniques to show that the transition of the stimulation mecha-

nism from the make threshold to the break threshold always Day 0
coincided with the final descending portion of both the anodal 9
and the cathodal strength/interval curves (Figure 13-9). 8
A very unusual property of anodal stimulation in the relative 7 Cathodal
refractory period is the “no-response” phenomenon.14-16 Typically,
Current (mA)

the term threshold implies that any stimulus that is of greater Anodal
magnitude would result in excitation of the tissue. Within the
relative refractory period, when the current strength of an anodal 4
stimulus is increased above threshold, excitation is initiated. Para- 3
doxically, when the stimulus amplitude is increased further, the 2
stimulus becomes ineffective and is no longer able to excite. For
example, in the strength/interval curve of Figure 13-10, an anodal
stimulus at 130-ms delay can initiate excitation only when its
magnitude is between 1.0 and 1.7 mA. When the stimulus is 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
increased further, excitation does not occur. This is called the Delay (ms)
no-response zone. At a much larger stimulus, excitation may again
be re-established. The time interval in the relative refractory FIGURE 13-10  Unipolar cathodal and anodal strength/interval curves
period during which this no-response phenomenon occurs is obtained in a canine ventricle immediately following endocardial
electrode insertion. In the anodal strength/interval curves, the dotted
usually very short. Although this phenomenon has been observed
lines represent the range of stimulus currents, which were effective in
in canine hearts, it has not been reported in the clinical initiating excitation. For example, at a 130-ms delay, only a stimulus
literature. between 1.0 and 1.7 mA caused excitation. Larger stimuli were
With endocardial electrodes, the tip electrode will typically ineffective. This is referred to as the no-response phenomenon and
contact the myocardium and is made the cathode because of its has been observed only with anodal stimuli and at short coupling
lower threshold for excitation. The proximal electrode (the anode) intervals. (From Mehra R, McMullen M, Furman S: Time dependence of
may not always contact cardiac tissue. If it does, it could elicit an unipolar cathodal and anodal strength interval curves, PACE 3:526–530,
excitation, depending on the stimulus output and the anodal 1980.)
threshold. The bipolar excitation threshold at any time in the
cardiac cycle is equal to the lower of the cathodal and anodal
thresholds determined at the two electrode sites.6 Therefore the coupling would excite only the tissue at the cathode, whereas a
bipolar strength/interval curve follows the lower of the cathodal 7-mA stimulus would result in excitation from the cathode as well
and anodal curves, as illustrated in Figure 13-11. This indicates as from the anode.
that with a bipolar stimulus, excitation would arise from both
electrode sites if the stimulus output were above the anodal and
Effect of Electrode Size
cathodal thresholds and selectively from one electrode if the
stimulus output is in between the cathodal and anodal thresholds. Since a minimum current density is required for stimulation, the
For example, in Figure 13-11, A, a 2-mA stimulus at 380-ms threshold of excitation is dependent on electrode size. Studies
180  Clinical Investigation and Therapies

9 8

8 7
Proximal unipolar anodal

Current (mA)

Current (mA)
Unipolar cathodal
3 Distal unipolar
3 cathodal
Unipolar anodal
2 Bipolar

1 1

240 280 320 360 400 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380
A Delay (ms) B Delay (ms)

FIGURE 13-11  A, Relationship among distal unipolar cathodal, proximal unipolar anodal, and bipolar strength/interval curves in a patient with a
temporary lead. For the proximal unipolar anodal thresholds, the ring is the anode and the indifferent electrode is the cathode. For the distal unipolar
cathodal threshold, the lead tip is the cathode. The bipolar threshold at any delay is equal to the lower of the cathodal and anodal thresholds. B, In
this patient, the proximal unipolar anodal thresholds are relatively high; therefore the distal unipolar cathodal and bipolar strength/interval curves are
the same. (From Mehra R, Furman S: Comparison of cathodal, anodal and bipolar strength-interval curves with temporary and permanent electrodes,
Br Heart J 41:468–476, 1979)

have demonstrated that during diastole, the current threshold for

cardiac pacing is directly proportional to the electrode surface Elgiloy electrode thresholds
area ranging from about 10 to 50 mm2 (Figure 13-12). As indi- 5 2 ms pulse duration

6 mm
cated in Figure 13-12, smaller electrodes require less current for
Continuous lead

excitation. At the same time, the resistance of a smaller electrode 4

Current (mA)

4 mm

is higher, since the resistance of a spherical electrode is inversely

proportional to its radius. This gives rise to the question: Would 3
the energy required for excitation increase or decrease with
2 mm

2 Chronic
smaller size electrodes? The current required to stimulate tissue Acute
increases as does the area of the electrode (the square of the 1
electrode radius), while the resistance is inversely proportional to
the radius. Therefore, smaller electrodes require less energy for
stimulation, as they save more energy in reduced current density 0 10 20 30 40 50
than they lose in increased resistance. For this reason, the surface Surface area (mm2)
area of commercial implantable electrodes has become smaller
over the years. Making the electrodes extremely small has some FIGURE 13-12  Acute and chronic current thresholds of four
disadvantages. Extremely small electrodes are susceptible to being electrodes with increasing surface area. Each of the thresholds is
dislocated easily, and they also tend to show a greater increase in measured with a 2-ms duration pulse. Continuous lead, 2 mm, 4 mm,
chronic thresholds caused by the formation of the fibrotic capsule. and 6 mm denote electrodes of increasing surface area. Note that
both the acute and chronic thresholds increase with increasing area
but that the slope of the lines is different. (From Furman S, Hurzler P,
Tissue Fibrosis Parker P: Clinical thresholds of endocardial cardiac stimulation: A long
term study, J Surg Res 19:149–155, 1975.)
It has been observed that because of the trauma caused by the
electrode, tissue damage and edema occur acutely, and this tissue
becomes fibrotic over time (Figure 13-13).17,18 The fibrotic capsule
increases the separation between the electrode and the excitable
Fundamentals of Cardiac Stimulation  181

Excitable tissue
Nonexcitable tissue Peak

Pulse generator output

Virtual electrode

Acute Chronic
phase phase

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ELECTRODE Implant time (weeks)

FIGURE 13-14  Typical change in pacing threshold as a function of

L implant time with a nonsteroid pacing electrode. Between 2 and 3
weeks, the threshold increases significantly but stabilizes to a lower
FIGURE 13-13  Schematic diagram of a chronically implanted value later.
electrode. An irregularly shaped fibrous capsule of nonexcitable tissue
forms around the electrode, which increases the separation between
the electrode and the excitable tissue. The dotted line indicates that
the radius of the electrode has increase from r to a virtual electrode
of radius r + Δ. This is responsible for the chronic increase in pacing
thresholds. (From Furman S, Hurzler P, Parker P: Clinical thresholds of
the electrode-tissue interface, which is referred to as polariza-
endocardial cardiac stimulation: A long term study, J Surg Res 19:
tion.20,21 In the electrode, the flow of current is caused by
149–155, 1975.)
the movement of electrons, whereas in the tissue, it is caused by
the movement of ions. The chemical reactions that occur at the
electrode-tissue interface to convert electronic flow to ionic flow
are complex and vary with the metal and electrode geometry
being used. If the electrode was nonpolarizable, the voltage and
tissue and therefore decreases the current density (current per current waveforms would be identical, and no energy would be
unit area) at the excitable tissue. As the electrode matures from wasted at the interface. Figure 13-5, A, illustrates a typical voltage
acute to chronic, the radius of the virtual electrode increases from waveform with a polarizable electrode when a constant current
r to r + Δ, as illustrated in Figure 13-13. Therefore, a greater stimulus is applied. Initially, the voltage is low but increases
stimulus current is needed to reach the threshold current density because of increasing impedance as a result of polarization. The
in the excitable tissue. This increases the pacing thresholds after electrochemical reactions at the anode and the cathode are dif-
electrode implantation, as shown in Figure 13-14. A significant ferent. New materials that tend to reduce polarization have been
increase occurs in thresholds in the 4- to 8-week period; with developed. Among these are the porous and platinized electrodes,
increasing time, the size of this edematous capsule shrinks and is which have voltage or current characteristics that approach those
replaced by a fibrotic layer. This causes the excitation threshold of nonpolarizable electrodes.
to decrease again and stabilize chronically.
One of the major advances in electrode technology has been
Goals of Cardiac Stimulation in Implantable Devices
the development of electrodes that elute small quantities of the
corticosteroid dexamethasone sodium phosphate.19 These steroid The pacing thresholds in a physiological situation are dynamic
electrodes are characterized by a minimal change in threshold and change with alterations in metabolic activity, pH, lead matu-
from implantation to a follow-up period of several years. The rity, and so on. If one were to set the magnitude of the pacemaker
acute rise in stimulation threshold that occurs because of the output at the pacing threshold measured at the time of implanta-
formation of inflammation and edema adjacent to the pacing tion, pacing capture could be lost frequently. The two methods of
electrode is reduced dramatically. Although it has been hypoth- resolving this issue are (1) pacing with a higher stimulus, that is,
esized that the steroid reduces the size of the fibrotic layer and incorporating a “safety factor,” and (2) developing systems that
thus minimizes the rise in threshold, the exact mechanism by automatically measure the threshold and adjust the stimulus
which steroid leads improve pacing efficiency is not well output accordingly. The appropriate safety factor setting would be
understood. based on the type of lead and the expected changes in the thresh-
old. Clearly, the higher the safety factor, the higher is the pacing
output, which results in greater battery drain and shorter device
Electrode Polarization
longevity. The systems that automatically adjust the output on the
For pacing efficiency to be high, minimal energy should be lost at basis of the pacing threshold require the ability to assess capture
the electrode-tissue interface, and all the energy of the stimulus from the same lead as the one from which pacing is being con-
should be dissipated in cardiac tissue. Unfortunately, energy is lost ducted. This requires the use of special low-polarization leads or
with most electrodes because of the electrochemical reactions at unique algorithms.
182  Clinical Investigation and Therapies

As strange as these observations appeared, computer simula-

Relationship Between Intracellular tions of cardiac tissue using the bi-domain model had already
Stimulation and Extracellular Stimulation predicted them. In the bi-domain model, intracellular and extra-
cellular spaces are considered to be two distinct domains and are
The section above discussed the observation that in order to elicit separated by a high resistance. It is assumed that the intracellular
excitation, Vm must be altered. The question then arises: How space of each cell is coupled with its neighbors’ through low-
does an extracellular stimulus change Vm? A fully quantitative resistance intracellular channels. Intracellular and extracellular
answer to this question remains elusive even now, but virtually all spaces are also assumed to be anisotropic, that is, their electrical
qualitative features of the relationship between extracellular stim- conductivity is different when it is measured parallel versus per-
ulation and intracellular stimulation can now be explained. Two pendicular to the orientation of the cells. Early theoretical work
breakthroughs from the previous decade account for this under- with bi-domain models assumed that anisotropic conductivity
standing: (1) high-resolution optical mapping studies, and (2) ratios for intracellular and extracellular spaces were equal. If equal
bi-domain computer models. anisotropic ratios are assumed for intracellular and extracellular
Optical mapping of cardiac tissue was made possible by the spaces and an extracellular stimulus is applied from a point
incorporation of voltage-sensitive fluorescent dyes into cardiac source, the shape of the Vm contours is ellipsoid, with the Vm
membranes. These dyes, under external illumination, emit light decreasing with increasing distance.3 Therefore, all of the tissue
at a wavelength that is proportional to the transmembrane voltage. would be either depolarized or hyperpolarized, but not both. This
It is therefore possible to produce two-dimensional transmem- is incompatible with experimental observations, which demon-
brane voltage maps of the region of cardiac tissue with high spatial strated adjacent areas of depolarization and hyperpolarization
resolution. Such apparatus can be configured to view millisecond- during extracellular stimulation (see Figure 13-15). Recent simu-
by-millisecond evolution of transmembrane voltages. Thus, one lations with the bi-domain model have assumed that intracellular
can create a “movie” of transmembrane changes as excitation is and extracellular spaces are both anisotropic, but not to the same
initiated and as it spreads. Several investigators have used this extent. The anisotropic conductivity ratio in the extracellular
optical mapping technique to measure Vm around an extracellular space is typically about 2 : 1, whereas it is 10 : 1 in the intracellular
unipolar electrode.3,12,22 Their key observation was that adjacent space. This property of cardiac tissue seems to be responsible for
areas of hyperpolarization and depolarization are present, and many of its interesting electrical features. With simulation of
this pattern has been referred to as the dog bone shape (Figure unequal anisotropic properties, adjacent areas of depolarization
13-15). For example, with cathodal stimulation (Figure 13-15, A), and hyperpolarization appear in a dog bone shape, very similar
it was observed that the tissue directly underneath the electrode to experimental observations.3,23 Adjacent areas of depolarization
is depolarized and that it has a dog-bone shape with the long axis and hyperpolarization are produced because the rate of change
of the dog bone perpendicular to the axis of the fibers. In this axis, of the intracellular and extracellular potentials is nonuniform. The
the tissue is only depolarized, and its amplitude decreases with size and shape of the depolarized and hyperpolarized regions
increasing distance. However, in the axis parallel to the fibers, the change with anisotropy ratios. This is demonstrated in the two-
tissue directly underneath the electrode is depolarized, but it dimensional schematic presented in Figure 13-16. The dog bone
changes polarity and is hyperpolarized about a millimeter away shape represents the depolarized region, and the shaded area
from the electrode, as illustrated by the blue image in Figure represents the hyperpolarized region. Depolarization occurs
13-15, A. If the polarity of the extracellular stimulus is reversed underneath the cathodic electrode, where the current enters a
to an anodal stimulus, the shape of the dog bone remains quite syncytium of cells, and hyperpolarization occurs where the
similar with reversal of the hyperpolarized and depolarized current exits the cells. If the polarity of the stimulus were anodal,
regions (Figure 13-15, B). the dog bone region would be hyperpolarized, and depolarization

A B Depolarized
< –2

Fiber –1
Direction (%)
1 mm

FIGURE 13-15  False-color images of the transmembrane potential associated with injection of current into refractory cardiac tissue. A, The image
for a 10-mA, 2-ms cathodal stimulus applied at a point electrode. Note the dog bone–shaped depolarized region (orange) and a pair of adjacent
hyperpolarized regions (blue). The fiber orientation is from lower right to upper left. The bar shows the fractional change in fluorescence. B, The
complementary image for a 10-mA, 2-ms anodal stimulus at the same location of the heart. Note that the dog bone is now hyperpolarized region
(blue), whereas the adjacent areas are depolarized (orange). (From Wikswo JP, Lin SF, Abbas RA: Virtual electrodes in cardiac tissue: A common mechanism for
anodal and cathodal stimulation, Biophys J 69:2195–2210, 1995.)
Fundamentals of Cardiac Stimulation  183

would be observed in the adjacent region. These voltage nonuni-

formities can be further accentuated by electrical uncoupling of
cells by ischemia, presence of fibrotic tissue, blood vessels, fiber
curvature, and so on. All these variables can play a pivotal role in
altering Vm potentials during extracellular stimulation.
Apart from the shape of depolarized and hyperpolarized
–1 –2 –3 –3 –2 –1 regions, optical mapping studies and the bi-domain model indi-
cate where excitation is initiated with extracellular stimulation.
Depending on which threshold is lower, make excitation can
occur from the depolarized area or break excitation from the
hyperpolarized area. For example, during cathodal stimulation,
the region directly underneath the electrode is depolarized, and
if it reaches the critical threshold, the excitation wavefront would
be initiated. This is illustrated in the optical maps presented in
FIGURE 13-16  Transmembrane potentials induced by an
Figure 13-17 and the schematic in Figure 13-18. During a cathodal
extracellular unipolar electrode in a two-dimensional tissue based on
the bi-domain model with unequal anisotropic ratios in intracellular
stimulus of 10 mA, excitation is typically initiated from the depo-
and extracellular spaces. The central dot denotes an electrode through larized dog-bone region (see Figures 13-17, A, and 13-18, A)
which the cathodal stimulus is delivered. The fibers are arranged following the make of the stimulus. If the stimulus were anodal,
horizontally, and the hyperpolarized regions of the tissue are shaded. make excitation could occur in the depolarized region a few mil-
The units of transmembrane potential are arbitrary. (From Roth BJ: limeters from the electrode, provided the make threshold is lower
The pinwheel experiment revisited, J Theor Biol 190:389–393, 1998.) than the break threshold in the hyperpolarized region. In Figure

0 2 4 6 8

–10 mA

0 2 4 6 8

+10 mA

0 3 6 9 12
–2 mA

0 3 6 9 12
+3 mA

1 mm

FIGURE 13-17  False-color images of the transmembrane potential associated with injection of current into fully repolarized excitable cardiac tissue.
The number inside each frame is time in milliseconds. Upper two rows: A, Make excitation. Cathodal make excitation with 1-ms, 10-mA stimulus.
B, 1-ms, 10-mA anodal make stimulation in the same heart. Lower two rows: C, Break stimulation; 180-ms, 2-mA cathodal break stimulation. D, Anodal
break stimulation with a 3-mA, 150-ms long-duration stimulus. The direction of the epicardial fibers is from lower right to upper left. Color scale is the
same as in Figure 13-15. (From Wikswo J P, Lin SF, Abbas RA: Virtual electrodes in cardiac tissue: A common mechanism for anodal and cathodal stimulation,
Biophys J 69: 2195–2210, 1995.)
184  Clinical Investigation and Therapies

interval within the cardiac cycle, the lower of the make or break
Cathode make Anode make
thresholds determines the excitation threshold. For example, with
an anodal stimulus, excitation would be caused by make excita-
tion at long coupling and break excitation at shorter coupling.
In experimental clinical studies, the ratio of anodal and cath-
H H D D odal thresholds was observed to be 2.8 with acute electrodes and
D H 1.5 with chronic electrodes.27 This has also been observed using
the bi-domain model, which indicates that if the distance between
the electrode and the excitable tissue is increased because of a
perfusion bath or fibrotic tissue, the ratio of the excitation thresh-
Cathode break Anode break olds decreases.28 The amplitude of depolarization potential change
induced by a cathodal stimulus is reduced dramatically close to
the electrode, whereas with an anodal stimulus, the change in the
D H depolarization potential farther away from the electrode is
H H D D reduced much less. The ratio of maximum depolarization to
D H maximum hyperpolarization also decreases with increasing elec-
trode tissue separation, thus reducing the ratio of anodal and
C D cathodal excitation thresholds.
FIGURE 13-18  A schematic representation of the four mechanisms
of stimulation based on the results of the bi-domain model: A,
Cathode make. B, Anode make. C, Cathode break. D, Anode break. Future of Cardiac Excitation
Myocardial fibers are oriented horizontally, and the electrode site is
indicated as a dot in the center. D indicates depolarized tissue, and H Current understanding of cardiac stimulation has increased dra-
indicates hyperpolarized tissue. Solid arrows show the initial direction matically in the past decade with the availability of optical
of wavefront propagation; dotted arrows indicate diffusion of mapping techniques and computational efficiencies. The focus of
depolarization into the adjacent hyperpolarized tissue after the end of this chapter has been primarily on the fundamental aspects of
the stimulus. Shading denotes the tissue that is rendered inexcitable electrical stimulation related to near-field stimulation, that is,
by a prolonged depolarization. (From Roth BJ: Strength-interval curves
stimulation close to the electrode, rather than far-field stimula-
for cardiac tissue predicted using the bidomain model, J Cardiovasc
Electrophysiol 7:722, 1996.)
tion, which plays an important role in cardiac defibrillation. Sig-
nificant strides have been made in the understanding of the
mechanisms of far-field stimulation. Several other areas of cardiac
stimulation, such as its statistical nature and the effect of stimula-
tion waveforms, were not discussed here. The fundamental
13-17, B, the make threshold is lower, and excitation occurs from understanding of these areas continues to be enhanced by
the two yellow regions. mapping and simulation techniques.
As discussed previously, excitation can also be initiated from
the hyperpolarized region after the stimulus is turned off (break
stimulation). Break excitation occurs from the hyperpolarized KEY REFERENCES
region. For example, during a cathodal pulse, the tissue under the Brooks MCC, Hoffman BF, Suckling EE, et al: Excitability of the heart,
electrode is depolarized, and the distal tissue is hyperpolarized New York and London, 1955, Grune and Stratton.
(see Figures 13-17, C, and 13-18, C). If the stimulus amplitude is Cranefield PF, Hoffman BF, Siebens, AA: Anodal excitation of cardiac
not enough to elicit make excitation from the depolarized regions, muscle, Am J Physiol 190:383, 1957.
then after the end of the pulse, break excitation could begin from Dekker E: Direct current make and break thresholds for pacemaker elec-
the hyperpolarized region, as shown in Figure 13-17, C. This will trodes on the canine ventricle, Circulation Res 27:811, 1970.
propagate rapidly along the fiber axis. In a similar manner, if the Furman S, Parker B, Escher DJW, Solomon N: Endocardial threshold of
anodal make excitation does not occur from the depolarized cardiac response as a function of electrode surface area, J Surg Res 8:
161–166, 1968.
region, break excitation will occur from the hyperpolarized
Hoshi TM: Excitability cycle of cardiac muscle examined by intracellular
regions, as illustrated in Figures 13-17, D, and 13-18, D. stimulation, Jap J Physiol 12:433, 1962.
The bi-domain model has been able to simulate the shape of Kay G: Basic aspects of cardiac pacing. In Ellenbogen K, editor: Cardiac
the cathodal and anodal strength-interval curves, the presence of pacing, Boston, MA, 1992, Blackwell Scientific Publications.
the anodal dip, the no-response phenomenon, and the ratio of Mansfield PB: Myocardial stimulation: The electrochemistry of electrode-
anodal and cathodal thresholds with large surface area tissue coupling, Am J Physiol 212:1475, 1967.
electrodes.24-26 The model predicts that with short-duration Mehra R, Furman S: Comparison of cathodal, anodal and bipolar strength-
stimuli, the shape of the cathodal strength/interval curve is pri- interval curves with temporary and permanent electrodes, Br Heart J
marily determined by the make excitation of the depolarized 41:468–476, 1979.
tissue. However, with an anodal stimulus at long coupling inter- Mehra R, McMullen M, Furman S: Time dependence of unipolar
cathodal and anodal strength interval curves, PACE 3:526–530,
vals, stimulation occurs because of make excitation distal to the
electrode, as it has the lowest threshold. At short coupling inter- Roth BJ: A mathematical model of make and break electrical stimulation
vals, the break threshold in the hyperpolarized regions becomes of cardiac tissue by a unipolar anode or cathode, IEEE Trans Biomed
lower and gives rise to the dip in the anodal strength-interval Eng 42:1174–1184, 1995.
curve. These observations are very similar to the experimental Roth BJ: Strength-interval curves for cardiac tissue predicted using the
observations illustrated in Figures 13-8 and 13-9. At any coupling bidomain model, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 7:722, 1996.
Fundamentals of Cardiac Stimulation  185
Sepulveda NG, Roth BJ, Wikswo JP: Current injection into a two- Wikswo JP, Lin SF, Abbas RA: Virtual electrodes in cardiac tissue: A

dimensional anisotropic bidomain, Biophys J 55:987–999, 1989. common mechanism for anodal and cathodal stimulation, Biophys J
Sidorov VY, Woods MC, Baudenbacher P, Baudenbacher F: Examination 69:2195–2210, 1995.
of stimulation mechanism and strength-interval curve in cardiac tissue,
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 289:H2602–H2615, 2005. All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
Van Dam RT, Durrer D, Strackee J, et al: The excitability cycle of the dog’s com.
ventricle determined by anodal, cathodal and bipolar stimulation, Cir-
culation Res 4:196, 1956.
Fundamental Concepts in Defibrillation
Nipon Chattipakorn and Raymond E. Ideker 14 
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a major health problem in devel- atrium (anode) and on the left ventricular (LV) apex (cathode),
oped countries.1 Most deaths are believed to be caused by ven- the largest negative potentials are created by the shock at the apex.
tricular fibrillation (VF).2 Currently, electrical defibrillation is the The voltage drop is also marked at the ventricular apex, the region
only effective means for terminating this fatal arrhythmia. The where the defibrillation electrode is located (Figure 14-1, A).13
mortality rate from SCD has decreased in the past decade, partly Figure 14-1, B, shows the potential gradients calculated from this
because of the improved understanding of the nature of this fatal- potential distribution. For this configuration of the shocking elec-
ity as well as the development of defibrillation devices. Recent trodes, the potential gradient distribution is markedly uneven in
advances in external defibrillators have led to the introduction of that the potential gradient is much larger and changes faster (as
public-access defibrillators, which promises to significantly reduce indicated by narrow spacing between isogradient lines) in the
the mortality rate of SCD. Recent advances in implantable defi- apical portion than in the basal portion of the ventricles. For a
brillators, such as the use of a biphasic waveform, have led to 1.5-V shock delivered from electrodes at the lateral base of the
smaller intravenous devices that have been shown to significantly right (anode) and left (cathode) ventricles (Figure 14-2), the
benefit certain groups of patients.2-4 Despite these wide applica- voltage drop is marked at the regions close to the shocking elec-
tions of transthoracic and intracardiac defibrillators, a great need trodes (see Figure 14-2, A). The strongest potential gradient
for better means of defibrillation still exists. With better under- regions are in the basal portion of the ventricles near the elec-
standing of the fundamental mechanisms of defibrillation, it may trodes, and the weakest gradient regions are near the apex, far
be possible to devise strategies to improve defibrillation efficacy. from the shocking electrodes (see Figure 14-2, B).13 Thus, regard-
This chapter presents some factors that are believed to be impor- less of the shocking electrode configuration, the distribution of
tant and, perhaps, crucial in determining the outcome of a defi- the potential gradient created by shocks has a similar pattern. The
brillation shock. high potential gradient region with rapidly changing gradients is
near the defibrillation electrodes, and the low potential gradient
regions frequently occur far from the shocking electrodes.8,13
Shock Creates Nonuniform Potential
Gradient Distribution in the Heart Physiological Responses of the Myocardium to Stimuli
The success of defibrillation is dependent on the strength of the When an electrical stimulus is delivered to a myocardial fiber,
shock and is thought to be achieved by shock changing the several responses can be observed, depending on the stimulation
transmembrane potential of the myocardial fibers. This change strength, that is, the potential gradient created by a stimulus, and
in the transmembrane potential is caused by current flow the phase of the action potential of the fiber at the time of stimula-
between the extracellular and intracellular spaces that is gener- tion.14 If the stimulus is strong (above threshold) and is delivered
ated by the electrical shock. When the shock is delivered, differ- to a cell that is in its resting state or is relatively refractory, a new
ent amounts of current flow through different parts of the heart. action potential will be generated (Figure 14-3, A).15 If the stimu-
The distribution of this current flow is directly related to the lus is weak (below the threshold) and is delivered to the cell at its
potential gradient, the change in shock potential over space, and resting state or refractory state, no response will be observed.
the spatial derivative of the potential gradient generated by the However, if the stimulus is very strong (much above the thresh-
shock across the heart.5-7 For shocks delivered from intracardiac old) and is delivered to a cell even at its highly refractory state, a
electrodes, the distribution of the potential gradient is markedly graded response can occur (see Figure 14-3, B). The size of the
nonuniform in that the high potential gradients are located near graded response increases with the increase of the stimulus mag-
the electrodes that deliver the shock and the low potential gradi- nitude, the coupling interval, or both.16 This graded response
ents exist some distance away from the electrodes.8 Other factors prolongs the action potential duration as well as the refractory
such as myocardial fiber curvature and orientation, myocardial period of the cardiac cell.17,18 This type of cardiac response
connective tissue barriers, blood vessels, and scar tissue also has been proposed to be a possible defibrillation mechanism,
have been shown to directly influence the transmembrane which is known as the refractory period extension (RPE) hypoth-
potential.9-12 esis.19,20 This hypothesis states that successful shocks must be
When a shock is delivered to the heart, the pattern of potential sufficiently strong to prolong the refractory period of cardiac
voltages and potential gradient distributions created by the shock tissue across the heart so that ectopic activation occurring
depends on the configuration of the shocking electrodes. In the after the shock, if any, will be prevented from propagation that
case of a 1-V shock delivered from the electrodes on the right could lead to re-entry and VF. However, because of the uneven

188  Electrophysiological Disorders of the Heart


FIGURE 14-1  The epicardial maps of potential and potential gradient distribution created by a 1-V shock delivered from electrodes (shaded circles) at
the apex (cathode [–]) and right atrium (anode [+]). The maps are displayed as two complementary projections of the anterior (right map) and
posterior ventricles (left map). Numbers represent the potential (A, millivolt) and potential gradient (B, millivolt per centimeter) at their sites. Solid
circles indicate inadequate recording sites. Asterisks indicate electrode sites near the ventricular border for which the gradient could not be calculated.
The isopotential lines are 25 mV per shock volt (25 mV/V) apart; the isogradient lines are 25 mV/cm/V apart. A, The isopotential lines were close
together at the apex where the shocking electrode was located and gradually became farther toward the base, indicating an uneven distribution  
of the potentials across the ventricles. B, The isogradient map calculated from A. An uneven gradient distribution caused by the shock is shown with
the high-gradient area close to the apex where the shocking electrode was located and the low gradient area at the base far from the electrode.  
(From Chen PS, Wolf PD, Claydon FJ, et al: The potential gradient field created by epicardial defibrillation electrodes in dogs, Circulation 74:626–636, 1986.)

distribution of potential gradients, to prevent these ectopic acti- that may contribute to the probabilistic nature of defibrillation
vations, potential gradients generated by the shock are stronger success include changes in autonomic tone and changes in heart
than needed in most regions of the heart to achieve the minimum volume during VF.24,25 Although defibrillation success is probabi-
required potential gradient for refractory period extension where listic, as shock strength becomes stronger, the chance of defibril-
the shock field is weakest. lation success becomes greater (Figure 14-4) for both transthoracic
and intracardiac defibrillation.26,27
Myocardial Responses to the Shock Delivered
During Ventricular Fibrillation Regions of Immediate Postshock Activation
During early VF, many wandering activation fronts are present at Defibrillation studies have demonstrated that the relationship
all times on the heart.21 At different times during the same or between regions where activation appears on the heart soon after
different VF episodes, activation sequences are not constant and the shock and the extracellular potential gradient distribution
can differ markedly.22,23 When shocks of the same or different created by the shock are well correlated. It has been proposed that
strengths are delivered during VF, myocardial responses to each for defibrillation to be achieved, it is necessary to raise the poten-
shock can be different from one shock to the next, depending tial gradient throughout all, or almost all, of the ventricular myo-
on the state of the ventricles when the shock is given. Since cardium to a certain minimum level.28 This statement is supported
these responses are thought to be crucial in determining defibril- by the findings that following weak shocks that fail to defibrillate,
lation success, shocks of the same strength delivered to a fibril- the immediate postshock activations arise at multiple sites
lating heart can sometimes succeed and other times fail to throughout the ventricles.29 With stronger shock strength, the
defibrillate. As a result, no definite threshold in shock strength numbers of sites of immediate postshock activation are decreased
demarcates successful defibrillation from failed defibrillation. The and are no longer found in the high potential gradient regions.
relationship between shock strength and defibrillation success Figure 14-5 demonstrates the sites of postshock activation
can, therefore, be characterized as probabilistic. Other factors recorded from the same animal as shown in Figures 14-1 and
Fundamental Concepts in Defibrillation  189


FIGURE 14-2  The epicardial maps of

potential and potential gradient distribution
created by a 1.5-V shock delivered from
electrodes (shaded circles) at the right (anode
[+]) and left (cathode [–]) ventricular bases.
A, The isopotential lines were close together
near the two shocking electrodes. B, The
isogradient map calculated from A. Regions
of high potential gradient were near the two
defibrillation electrodes. (From Chen PS, Wolf
PD, Claydon FJ, et al: The potential gradient field
created by epicardial defibrillation electrodes in
dogs, Circulation 74:626–636, 1986.)

1.6 V/cm, 2 ms

0 S1–S2 (ms)



FIGURE 14-3  A, All-or-none cellular responses
to an S2 shock field stimulus (1.6 V/cm at the cell)
A taken from single-cell recordings. There was almost
100 ms
no cellular response when S2 was delivered at an
S1-S2 interval of 222 ms. However, a new action
8.4 V/cm, 2 ms potential was generated when an S2 shock was
S1–S2 (ms) delivered only 3 ms later than the first one that had
no response. B, Recordings illustrating a range of
90 action potential prolongation caused by an S2 field
110 stimulus (8.4 V/cm at the cell). The recordings are
130, 150, 170 taken from the same cell and are aligned with  
0 180
200 the S2 time. The coupling intervals of S1-S2 are
210 indicated at the bottom of the recordings before  

S2 is given. The S1-S2 intervals for each of the

230 responses after S2 are indicated to the right of  
the recordings. The degree of action potential
prolongation increased as the S1-S2 interval
–80 increased. (From Knisley SB, Smith WM, Ideker RE: Effect
230 90
of field stimulation on cellular repolarization in rabbit
S1–S2 (ms)
myocardium. Implications for reentry induction, Circ
B 100 ms Res 70:707–715, 1992.)
190  Electrophysiological Disorders of the Heart

14-2. In the study, shocks were delivered from two different elec- that the potential gradient field created by the shock is important
trode configurations; the site of the earliest recorded postshock in determining the immediate response of the myocardium to
activation was at the base of the ventricles for a shock given from defibrillation shocks. Since the potential gradient field created by
the right atrial and ventricular apical electrodes (see Figure 14-5, the shock is markedly uneven, a strong shock is normally required
A) and was at the apex of the ventricles for the shock given from to create a potential gradient that reaches the optimal level at the
the right and left ventricular basal electrodes (see Figure 14-5, B). region where the gradient field is weakest in the ventricles.
Both regions correspond to the weak potential gradient area However, this strong shock can be detrimental, since it can create
created by shocks delivered from each shocking electrode con- excessively high gradient near the shocking electrodes and may
figuration (see Figures 14-1, B, and 14-2, B). These results suggest damage the myocardium.30,31 Several studies have shown that this
detrimental effect can lead to postshock conduction block and

100 Why Do Shocks Fail to Defibrillate?

Following the near-threshold shocks that fail to defibrillate, the
earliest recorded postshock activation that propagates through-
% Success

60 out all, or almost all, of the myocardium always arises in the low
potential gradient regions. After several such organized cycles in
40 rapid succession, activation becomes more disorganized, allowing
fibrillation to resume. Currently, two possible mechanisms are
20 thought to explain the origin of these early postshock activation
cycles in the low potential gradient regions. The first one is known
Shock strength
as the critical mass hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, the
gradient field created by the shock is too weak to halt the fibril-
FIGURE 14-4  The probability of defibrillation success curve. The latory wavefronts present in those regions, allowing the fibrilla-
defibrillation threshold is not a discrete value (dashed line). The tion to continue propagation after the shock.33-35 The second
relationship between shock strengths and defibrillation success is hypothesis is known as the upper limit of vulnerability hypothesis
characterized as a sigmoidal-shaped dose–response curve (solid line). for defibrillation. This hypothesis suggests that a shock of near-
High-strength shocks have a greater chance of defibrillation success threshold strength is already strong enough to terminate all fibril-
than do low-strength shocks. (Modified from Davy JM, Fain ES, Dorian P, latory wavefronts, including those in the low gradient regions.
Winkle RA: The relationship between successful defibrillation and delivered However, this shock fails to defibrillate because it creates new
energy in open-chest dogs: Reappraisal of the “defibrillation threshold”
activation fronts in these regions.29,36,37 These activations then
concept, Am Heart J 113:77–84, 1987.)
spread out, eventually causing block and disorganized activations

FIGURE 14-5  Isochronal maps of the first

postshock activation. The thin solid lines are
isochrones spaced 10 ms apart. Numbers
represent activation times at each
recording electrode in milliseconds relative
to the shock onset. A, A 4.9-J failed
defibrillation shock given via electrodes
placed at the right atrium and the apex
during ventricular fibrillation. The sites of
earliest postshock activation were located
at the base of the ventricles (arrows), the
weak potential gradient region created by
the shock delivered from this electrode
configuration, as indicated by the gradient
map shown in Figure 14-1, B. B, A 23.2-J
failed defibrillation shock given via
electrodes placed at the right and left
ventricular bases during ventricular
fibrillation. The sites of the earliest
activation were located at the posterior and
apical aspects of the ventricles (arrows), the
weak potential gradient region for this
configuration of the shocking electrodes,
as indicated by the gradient map shown  
in Figure 14-2, B. (From Chen PS, Wolf PD,
Claydon FJ, et al: The potential gradient field
created by epicardial defibrillation electrodes
in dogs, Circulation 74:626–636, 1986.)
Fundamental Concepts in Defibrillation  191

across the ventricles, degenerating back into VF. These two VF. The critical point hypothesis has been proposed to explain
hypotheses continue to be debated.38-40 Whatever the mechanism
is, these two hypotheses agree that since the direct effect of the
shock at each myocardial region depends on both the strength of
the shock (i.e., the potential gradient) and the phase of the cardiac
how a shock generates a new activation in this weak gradient area
that leads to fibrillation. The concept of this hypothesis is based
on the relationships among the distribution of potential gradients
created by the shock, the state of the myocardium at the time of
cycle at the time the shock is delivered, the shock potential gradi- the shock, and the myocardial response to the shock. This hypoth-
ent or its derivative must be sufficiently high to stop fibrillatory esis was proposed theoretically by Winfree and later was demon-
fronts on the ventricles or not create new activations that allow strated experimentally by Frazier et al.41,42 During the shock,
fibrillation to resume, or both.29,36,37 different responses of cardiac tissue to an electrical stimulation
can be observed. As a result, depending on the state of the cardiac
tissue at the time of the shock, some regions of the myocardium
The Critical Point Hypothesis: Classic Interpretation
can be directly activated by the shock field to undergo a new
Previous cardiac mapping studies demonstrated that following action potential, and other regions can undergo RPE caused by a
failed defibrillation with shocks near the defibrillation threshold graded response of the action potential.15,17,43,44 Thus, an activation
(DFT) in strength, the pattern of activation after the shock was front arises after the shock that terminates at a critical point on
different from the VF activation pattern immediately prior to the the boundary between these two types of regions. This blindly
shock.29,36 These findings suggest that the postshock activation ending activation front propagates to form a functional re-entrant
was not the unaltered activation continuing from VF activation circuit.
prior to the shock in that region. Rather, the shock terminated all Frazier et al tested this hypothesis by delivering a shock to the
VF activation fronts but failed to defibrillate because it generated canine heart during paced rhythm (Figure 14-6).42 A row of epi-
a new activation in the weak gradient region that degenerated into cardial stimulating wires on the right of the recording region is

215 206 195 185 175



50 12
40 30 20 10

61 57 50 47 43 41 39 35 31 23 156 156

51 51 46 44 41 39 36 26 21 14 6 151 153

51 51 46 45 38 36 31 26 21 14 10 152 152
c b a m
51 49 47 43 42 39 32 29 21 14 140 142 147
52 51 47 47 47 38 37 51 68 137 136 144
e k
53 51 48 53 50 53 59 126 121 126 133 144
f g j
55 55 60 51 58 62 73 85 124 125 133 140
h i
65 61 58 65 74 60 108 121123 128 134 141

91 79 72 77 81 92 110 120 118 128 131 134 141

FIGURE 14-6  Re-entrant circuit formation by a shock. A, Activation times during the last S1 beat (solid lines) and recovery times to a local 2-mA
stimulus (dashed lines) in milliseconds. B, Distribution of potential gradient created by the S2 stimulus in volts per centimeter. C, The initial activation
pattern immediately after the S2 is delivered. Numbers give activation times at each recording electrode in milliseconds timed from the S2 stimulus.
The solid lines portray isochronal lines spaced at 10-ms intervals. The yellow area indicates portions of the mapped region thought to be directly
activated by the S2 stimulus field. A frame line (heavy solid line) represents the origin of the activation front propagating away from the directly
activated region and also indicates the transition between the map for this activation cycle and the map for the next cycle (not shown). The brown line
indicates a zone of functional conduction block at the center of the re-entrant circuit. (From Frazier DW, Wolf PD, Wharton JM, et al: Stimulus-induced
critical point. Mechanism for electrical initiation of re-entry in normal canine myocardium, J Clin Invest 83:1039–1052, 1989.)
192  Electrophysiological Disorders of the Heart

used to deliver S1 pacing. Figure 14-6, A, shows activation times

and recovery times distributed across the mapped region during The Critical Point Hypothesis:
the last S1 pacing beat. Solid lines represent the spread of the New Interpretation
activation front away from the S1 electrodes, and dashed lines
represent the recovery times estimated from the refractory Recent optical mapping studies have shown that when an electri-
period to a local 2-mA stimulus. The S2 shock is delivered cal stimulus is applied to the myocardium, different polarities of
through a long narrow electrode placed near the bottom of the transmembrane potential changes are observed near the stimulat-
mapped region that is perpendicular to the activation front ing electrode.6,10,45-47 During a defibrillation shock, it has been
arising from the S1 pacing stimulus. The potential gradients proposed that depolarized and hyperpolarized regions caused by
created by a large premature S2 shock (Figure 14-6, B) demon- the shock are interspersed throughout the heart.10,48,49 By using an
strate that the highest potential gradient is located in the region optical mapping technique to investigate the mechanism of failed
close to the S2 electrode and weakens with distance away from defibrillation, Efimov and colleagues recently demonstrated a dif-
the S2 electrode. S2 shocks are delivered to scan the vulnerable ferent type of re-entrant circuit formation than that by the classic
period following the last S1. critical point.48 Their results showed that the formation of a criti-
Figure 14-6, C, demonstrates the initial activation pattern cal point where a re-entrant circuit is observed depends on the
when a re-entrant circuit is formed after the S2 shock is delivered magnitude and distribution of depolarization and hyperpolariza-
at an S1–S2 coupling interval when a dispersion of refractoriness tion of the transmembrane potential created by the shock. A
is present across the mapped region. Following the strong S2 critical point is formed on the boundary between depolarized and
stimulation, an activation front first appears a few centimeters hyperpolarized regions when the magnitude and rate of change
away from the S2 electrode with one end terminating blindly at a of transmembrane polarization across this boundary are suffi-
point in the center of the mapped region where the S2 potential ciently large. In the region where the tissue is hyperpolarized by
gradient is approximately 6 V/cm and where the tissue is just the shock, this hyperpolarization can “de-excite” tissue that was
passing out of its absolute refractory period.42 This point is called depolarized just before the shock, thus restoring the excitability
the critical point for re-entry. This activation front then propa- of the myocardium in that region.6,48 According to these results,
gates away from the S1 electrode, pivots around the critical point, the potential gradient and refractoriness are not critical for
later spreads through the lower left quadrant, and forms a re-entrant circuit formation. Figure 14-7 illustrates re-entrant
re-entrant circuit as it enters the right lower quadrant that con- circuit formation based on the classic and the new forms of the
tinues for over 10 cycles before degenerating into VF. critical point hypothesis.
The formation of the re-entrant circuit is proposed to be Figure 14-7, A, illustrates the classic type of critical point
caused by different cardiac tissue responses to the S2 shock field formation as demonstrated by Frazier and colleagues.42 The S1
in different cardiac regions at the time the shock is delivered. pacing electrode is located on the left, and the S2 shocking
According to the cardiac tissue responses to the S2 shock, the electrode is at the bottom of the mapped region. When the
mapped region can be divided into four zones that roughly form shock is delivered, the myocardium that is directly activated
quadrants (centered at the critical point). The myocardium in the (DA) by the S2 shock is located near the S1 pacing electrode.
hatched region (top and bottom right quadrants) recovers suffi- Myocardium that has RPE is in the region near the S2 electrode.
ciently at the time of the shock so that it is directly activated. The As a result, the activation arising in the DA region can propagate
myocardium in the top left quadrant is not directly activated only unidirectionally in a clockwise manner around the critical
because it is more refractory than the tissue in the hatched region. point.
Since the shock potential gradient is weaker than the critical value An idealized diagram illustrating the new type of critical point
needed to cause a graded response in the top quadrant, the myo- formation is shown in Figure14-7, B. When a shock is delivered,
cardial refractoriness in this quadrant is not extended. However, it creates regions of depolarization adjacent to regions of hyper-
the potential gradient created by the shock in the bottom quad- polarization.10,46,47 The magnitude of depolarization caused by the
rant is stronger than the critical value. Therefore, the refractori- shock in the DA region is high at the top (large positive numbers)
ness of the cardiac tissue in the bottom left quadrant close to the and gradually decreases toward the bottom (small positive
S1 pacing electrode is prolonged by a graded response, since the numbers). Adjacent to the depolarized region is a region of hyper-
myocardium in this region is less refractory than that of the myo- polarization. The magnitude of hyperpolarization caused by the
cardium far from the S1 pacing electrode. The majority of the shock is also high (large negative numbers) and gradually decreases
myocardium in the bottom left quadrant is too refractory to be from the top toward the bottom (small negative numbers). The
affected by the shock, although it is exposed to a strong potential pattern of transmembrane potential distribution produced by the
gradient. As a result, the activation front forming in the directly shock creates a large gradient between the depolarized and hyper-
activated region (yellow area) can propagate only from the top polarized regions, as indicated by the closely spaced isolines at
right quadrant to the top left quadrant. Directly excited activation the top center of the panel. The large gradient between the two
in the bottom right quadrant cannot propagate to the left, since adjacent transmembrane polarities allows an activation front to
it is blocked by the myocardium in a prolonged refractory state. propagate from the depolarized region into the hyperpolarized
By the time the activation front from the top left quadrant enters region (arrow at the top). No propagation is present in the bottom
the bottom left quadrant, the cardiac tissue in the bottom left half of the panel because the gradient in transmembrane poten-
quadrant has already recovered, allowing this activation to propa- tials is too small. As a result, a critical point is formed at the
gate through it and to re-enter the directly activated tissue in the intersection of the frame and block lines (indicated by hatched
lower right quadrant which has, by this time, also recovered excit- [black] and solid lines [red], respectively) where one end of the
ability. As a result, a counterclockwise re-entrant circuit is formed propagating activation front terminates. Thus, activation arising
around the critical point. in the DA region propagates unidirectionally from the top toward
Fundamental Concepts in Defibrillation  193

Parallel isorefractory lines
R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 41 45 50 45 40 0 –40 –45 –50 –45 –41
36 41 40 41 35 0 –35 –41 –44 –41 –36

G3 31 37 39 37 30 0 –30 –37 –39 –37 –31

Parallel isogradient lines

26 31 34 31 25 0 –25 –31 –34 –31 –26
21 27 29 27 20 0 –20 –27 –29 –27 –16
DA NA 16 21 29 27 15 0 –15 –21 –24 –21 –21
S1 G5
11 17 19 17 10 0 –10 –17 –19 –17 –11
G6 5 11 14 11 5 0 –5 –11 –14 –11 –5
3 6 9 6 3 0 –3 –6 –9 –6 –3
2 3 4 3 2 0 –2 –3 –4 –3 –2
RPE 1 2 3 2 1 0 –1 –2 –3 –2 –1
A S2 B
FIGURE 14-7  Two types of hypothesized critical points. A, Idealized diagram corresponding to the experiment shown in Figure 14-6 is shown with a
critical point formed at the intersection of a critical shock potential gradient of G5 and a critical tissue refractoriness of R4. S1 pacing is performed from
the left to cause a dispersion of refractoriness at the time of the S2 shock, with R2 representing less refractoriness and R7 more refractoriness. The S2
shock is given during the vulnerable period from the bottom of the region with large-gradient G7 at the bottom and small-gradient G3 at the top.
The region labeled DA (directly activated) is sufficiently recovered so that it is directly activated by the gradient field. The area in the purple region,
although more refractory, is exposed to a higher gradient and undergoes refractory period extension (RPE) so that activation in the DA tissue cannot
propagate through this region. The region NA is too refractory to be affected even with a large gradient. Thus, propagation conducts unidirectionally
from the DA region to the NA region at the top, encircling the critical point, re-entering the DA region to create a re-entrant circuit. B, An idealized
diagram is shown of a critical point caused by adjacent regions of depolarized and hyperpolarized transmembrane potential changes. Numbers
represent transmembrane changes with isolines spaced every 10 mV beginning at –45 mV. DA occurs to the left of the frame line where depolarized
transmembrane potential changes are above the threshold. Where the gradient in transmembrane potential is high, as indicated by the closely spaced
isolines at the top center of the panel, conduction can occur into the hyperpolarized region. Below, where the gradient in transmembrane potential  
is smaller, propagation cannot occur. A critical point is formed at the intersection of the frame (hatched) and block (red) lines where one end of the
propagating activation front terminates in both panels. (From Chattipakorn N, Ideker RE: Mechanism of defibrillation. In Aliot E, Clementy J, Prystowsky EN,
editors: Fighting sudden cardiac death: A worldwide challenge, New York, 2000, Futura.)

bottom (arrows) and re-enters the DA region later, forming a Table 14-1  Threshold
clockwise re-entrant circuit.
Although these two interpretations suggest different mecha- MA V/cm
nisms of critical point formation, they both indicate that defibril-
Diastolic pacing 0.5 1
lation fails because of re-entrant activation caused by the shock,
which later degenerates into VF. Most cardiac mapping studies Ventricular fibrillation 20 6
using a large-animal model have shown that a re-entrant activa-
Defibrillation 10,000 6
tion pattern is rarely observed after a shock that fails to defibrillate
and that is near the defibrillation threshold in strength. 29,35,50-53 From Ideker RE, Zhou X, Knisley SB: Correlation among fibrillation, defibrillation, and
Epicardial focal activation patterns are commonly observed in cardiac pacing, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 18:512–525, 1995.
these studies. Transmural or Purkinje-myocardial re-entry has
been proposed to be the possible mechanism giving rise to the
activation fronts with the epicardial focal activation pattern that
Upper Limit of Vulnerability and Defibrillation Mechanism
is observed in these studies; this pattern is caused by epicardial
breakthrough instead of having a true focal origin.29,35,51-53 To test VF can be induced when an electrical stimulus within a certain
this hypothesis, three-dimensional mapping is needed. Currently, range of strengths is delivered to the myocardium during the
only a few three-dimensional studies have been performed to vulnerable period of the cardiac cycle in normal sinus or paced
investigate the defibrillation mechanism. Chen and colleagues rhythm.55 The lowest stimulation strength that can induce VF is
performed a transmural cardiac mapping study and demonstrated known as the VF threshold (Figure 14-8). As the stimulation
that only a few episodes of fibrillation after a failed defibrillation strength is increased, VF can still be induced until the stimulus
shock are initiated by a re-entrant circuit.50 Many appear to arise strength reaches a value above which VF can no longer be induced
from a focus. Consistent with this finding, a recent three- again. This strong stimulation strength that no longer induces VF,
dimensional cardiac mapping study demonstrated that the earli- no matter when this stimulus is delivered during the vulnerable
est postshock activation after near–defibrillation threshold shocks period of repolarization, is known as the upper limit of vulnerabil-
arise in a focal pattern.54 These findings suggest that the current ity (ULV) (see Figure 14-8).56 Table 14-1 shows the estimated
interpretations of critical point formation may only partially threshold of the stimulus current and the voltage gradient required
explain the mechanisms of defibrillation and that the relationship for different myocardial responses.28
between the shock delivered to a fibrillating heart and cardiac The existence of the ULV has been linked to the mechanism
responses to the shock is complex. of defibrillation.36,37 Since fibrillation is thought to be maintained
194  Electrophysiological Disorders of the Heart

by re-entry, activation fronts should be continuously present. If results in failed defibrillation. However, if the shock is sufficiently
so, repolarization should also occur continuously. When a shock strong that it surpasses the ULV across the whole heart, VF will
is delivered to defibrillate the heart, it is probable that some por- not be induced, resulting in successful defibrillation. Therefore,
tions of the myocardium are in the vulnerable period while they according to this concept, to successfully defibrillate, the shock
are exposed to the shock. The defibrillation shock, therefore, can must be strong enough that it will not induce new activation(s)
induce VF in this region if the shock gradient in this region is that can lead to refibrillation after the shock. Indeed, it has been
stronger than the VF threshold but weaker than the ULV, which shown that the ULV and the defibrillation threshold are well cor-
related (Figure 14-9), suggesting that the existence of the ULV is
a possible explanation for defibrillation mechanism.29,36,56-59 This
hypothesis is known as the ULV hypothesis for defibrillation,
which states that a successful shock must terminate all VF activa-
Vulnerable period tion fronts and, at the same time, not generate new postshock
activation that can reinitiate fibrillation.60,61
Upper limit of
vulnerability The critical point hypothesis has been proposed to explain the
relationship between the defibrillation threshold and the ULV
Shock strength

(Figure 14-10).28 When a shock is delivered, the potential gradi-
VF ents created by the shock are high in the region closest to the
electrode and progressively decrease with distance from the elec-
trode. Since a certain critical potential gradient is required to
VF threshold form a critical point, a weak shock (i.e., at the VF threshold) can
create the critical potential gradient only in the region closest to
the shocking electrode (see Figure 14-10, line a), resulting in criti-
QRS cal point formation near the S2 electrode. As the shock strength
P T becomes stronger, the critical gradient will move further from the
shocking electrode (see Figure 14-10, lines b to h). Thus, the
1 2 formation of critical points and re-entrant circuits will move
3 farther away from the shocking electrode. When the shock is
4 4 strong enough that the potential gradients created by the shock
are greater than the critical value throughout the ventricular myo-
FIGURE 14-8  Diagram illustrating the relationship among the shock
cardium (see Figure 14-10, line i), no critical point will be created
strength, the vulnerable period, and ventricular fibrillation (VF). Shocks in the ventricles, and no re-entrant circuit will be formed. This
of a strength at or above the VF threshold induce VF (oval) when shock strength, therefore, reaches the level of the ULV when the
delivered at an appropriate time during the vulnerable period shock is delivered during the vulnerable period of normal sinus
(corresponding to a portion of the T wave on the electrocardiogram or paced rhythm and will successfully defibrillate when the shock
or the repolarization phase of the action potential). Shocks stronger is delivered during VF. This concept recently has been tested
than the upper limit of vulnerability (ULV), however, no longer induce and is supported experimentally by a study from Idriss and
VF when given at any time during the cardiac cycle. (From colleagues.62
Chattipakorn N, Ideker RE: Mechanism of defibrillation. In Aliot E, Clementy Although re-entrant circuit formation around the critical point
J, Prystowsky EN, editors: Fighting sudden cardiac death:
has been proposed to be responsible for defibrillation failure and
A worldwide challenge, New York, 2000, Futura.)
VF induction during a T-wave shock, the re-entrant pattern is not


012 5.0 0050

010 4.0 0040

Defibrillation threshold

3.0 0030
2.0 0020
r = 0.88 r = 0.94 r = 0.90
P = .0000 1.0 P = .0000 0010 P = .0000
J/g V/g A/g
000 0
000 002 004 006 008 010 012 0 10 20 30 40 50 0000 0010 0020 0030 0040 0050
FIGURE 14-9  Correlation of the defibrillation threshold and the upper limit of vulnerability for electrodes on the right atrium (anode) and the left
ventricular apex (cathode). Results are obtained from 22 dogs and expressed in units of energy (A), voltage (B), and current (C). All units are expressed
per gram of heart weight. (From Chen PS, Shibata N, Dixon EG, et al: Comparison of the defibrillation threshold and the upper limit of ventricular vulnerability,
Circulation 73:1022–1028, 1986.)
Fundamental Concepts in Defibrillation  195


RV g
5 Crux
1 2 7
f S1 3
Crux 7 e 5
d 6
b a

FIGURE 14-10  An illustration of a hypothesized critical point formation when a shock is given to the ventricles. The epicardial surface of the canine
heart is depicted as if the ventricles were folded out after an imaginary cut was made from the crux to the apex. Isorecovery lines (dashed lines 1 to 7),
representing different degrees of refractoriness, are concentric about the pacing site labeled S1. Large premature stimuli are delivered from the apex
of the heart through the electrode labeled S2, with the return electrode located elsewhere in the body away from the heart. Isogradient lines (solid
lines a to i), representing different levels of extracellular potential gradient, are concentric about the S2 electrode, with the smallest values in the
ventricles occurring in the small region at the top of the ventricles representing the pulmonary outflow tract. RV, Right ventricle; LV, left ventricle; PA,
pulmonary artery; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery. (From Ideker RE, Tang ASL, Frazier DW: Ventricular defibrillation. In Epstein AE, Saumont R,
editors: Cardiac pacing and electrophysiology, Orland, FL, 1991, Saunders.)

frequently observed in most studies.35,51-53,63 These results suggest Following near-threshold defibrillation shocks that success-
that the critical point hypotheses may only partially explain the fully defibrillated 50% of the time (DFT50), Chattipakorn and col-
mechanisms of defibrillation and VF induction. For example, leagues demonstrated that the patterns of the first postshock
recent VF induction and defibrillation studies in porcine models, activation cycle are indistinguishable between successful and
using near-threshold strength shocks, demonstrated that rapid failed shocks.53 However, in this study, starting at cycle 2, activa-
repetitive postshock activations arising focally from the weak tion cycles arose on the epicardium progressively faster and the
potential gradient region are responsible for VF re-induction in time to traverse the ventricles was progressively slower in failed
failed defibrillation.53,63,64 No epicardial re-entry was found in shocks than in successful shocks (Figures 14-11, A and B). These
those studies. While intramural re-entry may be responsible, first few postshock activations always arose focally at the LV apex,
several studies have suggested that shock-induced automaticity or the region where the shock potential gradient field was weak for
triggered activity may be responsible for these rapid repetitive the shocking electrode configuration (right ventricular [RV]
activations arising after the shock.65-68 These findings indicate that apex–superior vena cava [SVC]) used in this study (Figure 14-12).8
other mechanisms, that is, focal activity, may be responsible for These findings suggested that it is the number and rapidity of the
defibrillation failure. It is important to note that most of the postshock activation cycles, not the immediate postshock activa-
re-entrant activity has been reported in studies that applied weak tion, that determines the shock outcome. To test this hypothesis,
shocks, that is, well below the defibrillation threshold, in a small a subsequent study in which one to five pacing stimuli were deliv-
heart model, for example, guinea pig or rabbit.48,69,70 Focal activity, ered at the LV apex following a shock above the defibrillation
however, has been demonstrated in studies that applied strong threshold.72 The shock itself always successfully defibrillated, and
shocks, that is, near the defibrillation threshold, to induce VF or the five pacing stimuli mimicked the rapid successive postshock
to defibrillate canine and porcine hearts.36,51,53,63 cycles observed in the DFT50 shock study. To re-initiate VF, three
rapid successive postshock pacing stimuli were always required;
one or two pacing stimuli never re-initiated VF even at the short-
Near-Threshold Shocks and Mechanism of Defibrillation
est coupling intervals that captured. These findings were consis-
Why do some shocks succeed and others fail to terminate VF? tent with the DFT50 shock study and supported the hypothesis
The answer to this simple question remains surprisingly elusive. that the number and rapidity of postshock activations determine
Although defibrillation has been extensively studied for many shock outcome.53,72
years, its mechanisms continue to be debated.38-40 The inconsis- The ULV hypothesis states that failed defibrillation has a mech-
tent results obtained from these studies could be influenced by anism similar to that of VF induction caused by a shock delivered
the differences in shock strengths and the species used in those during the vulnerable period. A recent study was carried out to
studies. To minimize the effect of shock strength and species dif- test this hypothesis by using shocks of the same strength near the
ferences on shock outcome, recent studies have investigated the ULV that induced VF 50% of the time (ULV50) to compare the
mechanisms of defibrillation using only the near-defibrillation results with those when DFT50 shocks were given during fibrilla-
threshold strength shocks; also, the studies have been performed tion.63 The study demonstrated that the patterns of the first post-
in whole pig hearts, and this large animal model has been used shock activation were indistinguishable from shocks that induced
because it has physiological and anatomic similarities to the VF and shocks that did not (Figure 14-13). In VF induction epi-
human heart.51-53,71 sodes, the subsequent cycles arose progressively faster, and the

Wavefront conduction time (ms)

600 * *
Intercycle interval (ms) * *
500 Success
* Failure

300 100
100 Success

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
A Cycle number B Cycle number

800 280
Wavefront conduction time (ms)
700 * 240 FIGURE 14-11  The intercycle interval (the interval
Intercycle interval (ms)

between the onset of two successive postshock

600 * 200 VFI cycles) and the wavefront conduction time (the time
500 No VFI the cycle needs to traverse the ventricles) of the first
five postshock cycles following defibrillation shocks
120 all of the same strength that successfully defibrillate
300 50% of the time, DFT50 (A and B) and shocks during
80 No VFI the vulnerable period of paced rhythm that induced
200 VFI
* VF 50% of the time, ULV50 (C and D). Asterisk signifies
100 40 *
* a significant difference between the two outcomes
0 0 for that cycle. Success, Successful defibrillation,
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Failure, failed defibrillation, VFI, successful VF
induction by upper limit of vulnerability (ULV)
C Cycle number D Cycle number shocks, NoVFI, failed VF induction by ULV shocks.

64 74 84 94 104

114 124 134 144 154

164 174 184 194 204

214 224 234 244 254 FIGURE 14-12  Example of postshock cycles following a failed DFT50
defibrillation shock. The orientation of the recording electrodes (pink or
red squares) relative to the ventricles is shown in the bottom right map.
Each panel shows in red the electrode sites at which dV/dt is ≤–0.5 V/s at
any time during a 10-ms interval indicating activation. Numbers above the
264 274 284 294 304 frames indicate the start of each interval in milliseconds relative to the
shock onset. Arrows indicate the site of earliest recorded activation for
each cycle. The first cycle appeared on the epicardium 64 ms after the
shock at the anteroapical left ventricle (LV) and propagated toward the
anterobasal LV. The second cycle (154 ms) arose on the epicardium in the
same region as the first cycle and also propagated away in a focal pattern.
314 324 334 344 Posterior
The third (235 ms) and the fourth (315 ms) cycles arose before the
LAD activation front from the previous cycle disappeared. (Reproduced with
permission from Chattipakorn N, Fotuhi PC, Ideker RE. Prediction of
defibrillation outcome by epicardial activation patterns following shocks near
RV LV the defibrillation threshold, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 11:1014–1021, 2000.)
Fundamental Concepts in Defibrillation  197

VFI No VFI Pacing
29 39 49 27 37 47 0 10 20

59 69 79 57 67 77 30 40 50

89 99 109 87 97 107 60 70 80

119 129 139 117 127 137 C

FIGURE 14-13  Examples of postshock cycle 1 following ULV50 shocks for VFI (A) and No VFI (B) and of a paced cycle (C) from the same animal. Map
orientation is similar to Figure 14-12. Arrows indicate the early site for each cycle. A, Cycle 1 arose at anteroapical LV, propagated toward the
anterobasal LV and blocked over RV apex. B, Cycle 1 arose in the same region as in A and propagated similarly. C, Activation initiated by pacing from
anterobasal epicardial LV propagated without slowing across the apex, suggesting that no anatomic block was present at the apex. ULV50, Vulnerable
period of paced rhythm that induced VF 50% of the time; VFI, ventricular fibrillation induction; NoVFI, failed ventricular fibrillation induction; LV, left
ventricle; RV, right ventricle. (Reproduced with permission from Chattipakorn N, Rogers JM, Ideker RE: Influence of postshock epicardial activation patterns on
initiation of ventricular fibrillation by upper limit of vulnerability shocks, Circulation 101:1329–1336, 2000.)

time to traverse the ventricles was progressively longer than in spontaneously stops after a few cycles leading to a successful
the episodes in which shocks did not induce VF (see Figures defibrillation or failed VF induction in some cases, while it con-
14-11, C and D). These results were similar to the findings tinues and generates VF leading to failed defibrillation or success-
obtained from the DFT50 shock study, supporting the ULV ful VF induction in others. However, these findings underscore
hypothesis for defibrillation.53 To test whether the number and the extreme importance of this small arrhythmogenic region after
rapidity of postshock cycles determined the shock outcome for the shock. The similarity of the immediate postshock activation
VF induction, as suggested by the defibrillation pacing study pattern between successful and failed shocks suggests that the
described above, in a similar study one to five pacing stimuli were global dispersion of refractoriness following the shock may not be
delivered at the LV apex following a shock stronger than the the key determinant for the success or failure of defibrillation in
ULV.64 The shock itself never induced VF, and the five pacing normal hearts. Rather, the state of the small arrhythmogenic
stimuli mimicked the rapid successive postshock cycles observed region from which the postshock cycles arise is the crucial deter-
in the near-threshold shock study. The results demonstrated that minant of shock outcome.
three rapid successive postshock pacing stimuli are always Several studies have strongly supported this hypothesis.
required to induce VF; one or two pacing stimuli never reinitiated Studies in which a tiny shock, 50 to 100 V, was given to a small
VF even at the shortest coupling intervals that captured. These electrode on the epicardium at the LV apex, the site of weakest
findings were all consistent with the defibrillation pacing study potential gradient where the early postshock cycles arise, just
and confirmed that the number and rapidity of postshock activa- before or after the standard defibrillation shock was given from
tions determined shock outcome.53,63,64 electrodes at the RV apex and SVC have demonstrated that the
total defibrillation threshold energy was decreased by 60% com-
pared with the defibrillation threshold for shocks through the
Small Arrhythmogenic Region after RV–SVC electrodes alone.73-75 When the small electrode was
Near-DFT Shocks placed elsewhere on the epicardium, it had little or no effect on
the defibrillation threshold. A recent VF induction study showed
Results from the near-threshold studies for both defibrillation and that the same general phenomenon occurs after the initiation of
VF induction were all consistent in that following the shock, the VF by a stimulus slightly larger than the VF threshold.76 Defibril-
sites of earliest activation always arose at the LV apex, the low lation shocks delivered from an electrode immediately adjacent
shock potential gradient region for the RV apex–SVC shocking to the electrode from which VF was initiated could significantly
electrode configuration.8 Activations arose repeatedly faster but lower the defibrillation threshold for shocks delivered for the first
in an organized pattern from this region for at least five cycles three post-induction cycles compared with the defibrillation
before degenerating into VF, as observed in both defibrillation threshold for defibrillation shocks delivered after 10 seconds of
and VF induction studies.51,53,63,64 It is not known what produces VF when activations no longer arose solely from the area of
these postshock activations and why this postshock activity original initiation (Figure 14-14). In one study, subendocardial
198  Electrophysiological Disorders of the Heart

24 500
400 14
20 *
18 12
300 10

16 *

14 8

12 6
10 4
8 * 2
6 * 0 0
4 A Leading edge voltage Total energy
2 *
1 2 3 4 5 7 10 15 20 25 C
Number of VF activations
FIGURE 14-14  Increase in defibrillation threshold (DFT) with time 16
demonstrating that shocks given from defibrillation electrodes located 400 14
near the site of initiation of VF have a low DFT for the first few cycles 12
following VF induction, implying that VF is maintained for the first few 300 10

cycles by activation fronts arising in this localized region. VF was
initiated from and defibrillation shocks were given from the RV in 7 8
pigs. Defibrillation shocks were timed to be given after 1 to 5 cycles 6
and after 10 seconds of VF (Control, C). The mean ± standard deviation 4
DFT rises sharply for shocks given after 1 to 4 VF cycles and then rises
more gradually for shocks given after up to 25 VF activations. Asterisks
signify that the DFT is significantly less at that number of VF cycles 0 0
than for C. VF, Ventricular fibrillation; RV, right ventricle. (From Strobel JS, B Leading edge voltage Total energy
KenKnight BH, Rollins DL, Smith WM, Ideker RE: The effects of ventricular
fibrillation duration and site of initiation on the defibrillation threshold FIGURE 14-15  ULV shocks determined before and after ablation
during early ventricular fibrillation, J Am Coll Cardiol 32:521–527, 1998.) performed at the LV apex (A) and the LV base (B). Delivered voltage
and energy at the ULV were significantly decreased after the LV apex
ablation by 19% and 34%, respectively. However, no difference was
observed in the ULV shocks required before and after the LV base
ablation. Asterisk signifies that the ULV is significantly less after ablation
radiofrequency ablation was performed at the site where the
than before ablation. ULV, Upper limit of vulnerability; LV,
early postshock activation arose after VF induction by near-ULV left ventricle. (From Chattipakorn N, Fotuhi PC, Zheng X, Ideker RE: Left
shocks.77 Ablation of this arrhythmogenic site resulted in a ventricular apex ablation decreases the upper limit of vulnerability,
marked decrease in the ULV, whereas little or no effect on the Circulation 101:2458–2460, 2000.)
ULV was found when ablation was done elsewhere (Figure 14-15).
All of these studies underscore the crucial importance of this
small region that gives rise to activations after the shock in deter-
mining defibrillation outcome.

is, a [Ca]i sinkhole.82 It has been proposed that [Ca]i sinkholes are
Source of Postshock Activation After Near-DFT Shocks
formed by the heterogeneous distribution of calcium transients
The sources of the early postshock activations and the cellular caused by the shock.83
mechanism responsible for the rise of these postshock activities
have not been clearly elucidated. Although after-depolarizations
and triggered activity have been proposed to be responsible for Postshock Isoelectric Window: Is It Truly
these postshock activations, triggered activity was not found to Electrically Silent?
be the responsible mechanism in another study.78,79 The Purkinje
system has also been proposed as the possible source of these Previous cardiac mapping studies have demonstrated that follow-
early repetitive postshock activations.54,80 Recently, transmural ing defibrillation shocks, the postshock interval (the interval
and endocardial cardiac mapping in porcine models demon- between the shock and the first postshock activation that propa-
strated that the Purkinje system is active during these early post- gated globally across the ventricles) is longer for successful defi-
shock activations, suggesting that it could be the source following brillation than for failed defibrillation.29,36 This postshock interval
near-DFT shocks.81 Intracellular calcium ([Ca]i) oscillations have was believed to be electrically silent and was known as the iso-
been proposed as a possible mechanism for early postshock acti- electric window.36 The isoelectric window is thought to exist
vation.82 In an optical mapping study of Langendorff-perfused because of the refractory period prolongation caused by the
rabbit ventricles, a heterogeneous distribution of [Ca]i was dem- shock. Several studies showed that when compared with failed
onstrated.82 In that study, the first postshock activation was always defibrillation shocks, successful defibrillation shocks cause a
in regions where low [Ca]i was surrounded by elevated [Ca]i, that larger degree of RPE that occurs over a larger area.19,84
Fundamental Concepts in Defibrillation  199

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FIGURE 14-16  The presence of locally

propagated activation (LPA) following a
failed defibrillation shock. Each map
represents a polar view of the ventricles.
The interval between consecutive maps is
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 ms. Each red dot represents local
activation at 1 of 504 epicardial electrodes.
LPAs were detected 48 ms after the shock
(circles, frame 1), propagated locally and
disappeared; after this, a first globally
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 propagated activation (GPA) was observed
(arrow, frame 10). The GPA wavefront
blocked without propagating through one
LPA region (circle with arrow, frame 2). White
dots from frames 8 through 40 indicate the
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 LPA region in which this block occurred.
(From Chattipakorn N, KenKnight BH, Rogers
JM, et al: Locally propagated activation
immediately after internal defibrillation,
Circulation 97:1401–1410, 1998.)

By using an optical mapping technique, Dillon demonstrated activations occur immediately after the shock but only propagate
that during fibrillation, RPE caused by the shock can be locally for a short distance and then disappear.52 These locally
observed at any time if the shock is delivered to the myocar- propagated activations were observed in both successful defibril-
dium when the cardiac tissue just passes its upstroke of the lation and failed defibrillation (Figure 14-16). Thus, the isoelectric
fibrillatory action potential.85 Dillon found that regardless of the window is not truly electrically silent. The existence of these
electrical state of the myocardium immediately before the immediate postshock locally propagated activations suggest that
shock, all of the myocardium in the mapped region repolarizes a uniform refractoriness distribution across the ventricles may
and comes back to the resting state at the same time following not be necessary for successful defibrillation, since such refracto-
successful defibrillation. Dillon assumed that failed defibrillation riness should have prevented this activation. Results from defi-
occurs by re-entry after the shock caused by the nonuniform brillation and VF induction studies using shocks of similar
dispersion of refractory period across the heart; he hypothesized strength near the threshold, so that variations in shock strength
that successful shocks require that the immediate postshock would not influence the results obtained, strongly support this
repolarization time be constant throughout the myocardium to idea.35,51,52,63,64 These recent findings suggest that the progressive
decrease the dispersion of refractoriness. This is known as the depolarization observed in previous studies is dependent on
synchronization of repolarization hypothesis. Since defibrillation shock strength and may not have a direct cause-and-effect rela-
success is dependent on shock strength, the concept of synchro- tionship on the outcome of defibrillation.
nization of repolarization has been extended to a new hypothe-
sis for defibrillation known as the progressive depolarization
Harmful Effects of Strong Shocks
hypothesis.39 This hypothesis was proposed to unify the mecha-
nism by which shocks terminate or induce fibrillation. As the Although defibrillation success is dependent on shock strength,
shock strength progressively increases, the depolarized regions successful defibrillation is not always observed with a very strong
as well as the degree of RPE progressively increase across the shock. Figure 14-17 demonstrates the detrimental effect of a very
heart, resulting in less dispersion of refractoriness caused by high strength shock that is delivered to the heart, since the prob-
synchronization of repolarization time. Similar to the critical ability of success is decreased.86 It has been shown that when a
point hypothesis, the progressive depolarization hypothesis sug- shock much stronger than the ULV is given to the heart, it can
gests that the immediate myocardial responses following the induce VF regardless of the state of the action potential of that
shock are crucial in determining defibrillation or the outcome of cardiac tissue.58,87 For defibrillation using an intracardiac electrode
VF induction. configuration, the region exposed to the high potential gradient
Electrical and optical cardiac mapping studies have demon- is close to the shocking electrode. For shocks near the defibrilla-
strated that the postshock interval is not totally electrically tion threshold delivered from electrodes placed at the SVC and
silent.48,52,69 Most shocks were seen to be well below the defibril- RV apex, Walker et al demonstrated that the immediate post-
lation threshold in optical mapping studies, whereas only shocks shock activation often arises at the LV apex where the potential
near the defibrillation threshold were used in the electrical gradient is weak.88 In this study, when the shock strength was
mapping study. This study reported that before the first postshock increased to a few hundreds volts above the defibrillation thresh-
activation that propagates globally across the heart is observed, old, the immediate postshock activation arose near the RV
200  Electrophysiological Disorders of the Heart

possible that the mechanism of defibrillation changes as VF con-

tinues because the mechanism of VF maintenance after it has
been present a few minutes has recently been reported to differ
80 from that of early VF.94,95 It is hoped that the development of
Percent successful

high-resolution three-dimensional recording techniques that do

60 10 amp not alter the electrophysiological properties of the myocardium
will help resolve the inconsistencies of results from previous
40 studies.

Allred JD, Killingsworth CR, Allison JS, et al: Transmural recording of
0 shock potential gradient fields, early postshock activations, and refi-
10 25 50 100 250 brillation episodes associated with external defibrillation of long-
duration ventricular fibrillation in swine, Heart Rhythm 5:1599–1606,
Energy in joules 2008.
Chattipakorn N, Fotuhi PC, Chattipakorn SC, Ideker RE: Three-
FIGURE 14-17  Relationship between the success rate of dimensional mapping of earliest activation after near-threshold ven-
transthoracic ventricular defibrillation and the energy content of   tricular defibrillation shocks, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 14:65–69,
a trapezoidal shock in canine models. The energy of the 10-amp 2003.
leading-edge shock is augmented by increasing the duration of the Chen PS, Shibata N, Dixon EG, et al: Comparison of the defibrillation
shock. (From Schuder JC, Rea RF, Stoeckle H: Transthoracic ventricular threshold and the upper limit of ventricular vulnerability, Circulation
defibrillation with triangular and trapezoidal waveform, Circ Res 73:1022–1028, 1986.
19:689–694, 1966.) Chen PS, Shibata N, Dixon EG, et al: Activation during ventricular defi-
brillation in open-chest dogs. Evidence of complete cessation and
regeneration of ventricular fibrillation after unsuccessful shocks,
J Clin Invest 77:810–823, 1986.
Chen PS, Wolf PD, Claydon FJ, et al: The potential gradient field created
electrode where the potential gradient was high, but VF was not by epicardial defibrillation electrodes in dogs, Circulation 74:626–
induced. With a shock a few hundred volts higher, tachyarrhythmic- 636, 1986.
like activation arose from the high gradient region immediately Davy JM, Fain ES, Dorian P, Winkle RA: The relationship between
following the shock. Jones and colleagues have shown that elec- successful defibrillation and delivered energy in open-chest dogs:
Reappraisal of the “defibrillation threshold” concept, Am Heart J
troporation and myocardial damage were observed when an
113:77–84, 1987.
excessively high-strength shock (above ~50 V/cm) was given to Dillon SM: Optical recordings in the rabbit heart show that defibrillation
the myocardium.89 Furthermore, electroporation induced by the strength shocks prolong the duration of depolarization and the refrac-
shock has been shown to depend on both the location and the tory period, Circ Res 69:842–856, 1991.
dimension of the active region of the shocking electrode and that Dillon SM, Kwaku KF: Progressive depolarization: A unified hypothesis
the infarcted myocardium is more vulnerable to electroporation for defibrillation and fibrillation induction by shocks, J Cardiovasc
than is the normal myocardium.90,91 This could be responsible for Electrophysiol 9:529–552, 1998.
the low probability of defibrillation success as well as the high Dosdall DJ, Cheng KA, Huang J, et al: Transmural and endocardial
chance of VF induction with very strong shocks.19,89,92 Purkinje activation in pigs before local myocardial activation after
defibrillation shocks, Heart Rhythm 4:758–765, 2007.
Efimov IR, Cheng Y, Van Wagoner DR, et al: Virtual electrode-induced
Ongoing Debate on Defibrillation Mechanisms phase singularity: A basic mechanism of defibrillation failure, Circ Res
82:918–925, 1998.
Although defibrillation has been extensively investigated over the Frazier DW, Wolf PD, Wharton JM, et al: Stimulus-induced critical point.
past few decades and much has been discovered, defibrillation Mechanism for electrical initiation of reentry in normal canine myo-
mechanisms continue to be debated. The immediate postshock cardium, J Clin Invest 83:1039–1052, 1989.
myocardial responses to the shock as well as the immediate post- Gillis AM, Fast VG, Rohr S, Kleber AG: Spatial changes in transmembrane
shock activation pattern, that is, re-entry, have been proposed to potential during extracellular electrical shocks in cultured monolayers
be crucial in defibrillation success. However, recent studies sug- of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes, Circ Res 79:676–690, 1996.
gested that the immediate postshock myocardial responses can Shibata N, Chen PS, Dixon EG, et al: Epicardial activation after unsuc-
have a focal origin and are not absolutely crucial in determining cessful defibrillation shocks in dogs, Am J Physiol 255:H902–H909,
shock outcome.52,63,93 Instead, for shocks near the defibrillation
Zheng X, Walcott GP, Smith WM, Ideker RE: Evidence that activation
threshold, the number and rapidity of repetitive postshock acti- following failed defibrillation is not caused by triggered activity,
vations arising from the small arrhythmogenic region located in J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16:1200–1205, 2005.
the low potential gradient area appear to be the key determi-
nants for defibrillation outcome.63,64 These different findings All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
suggest that the mechanism of defibrillation is complex. It is also com.
Principles of Catheter Ablation
Ann C. Garlitski, Munther K. Homoud, and N.A. Mark Estes III 15 
Ablative therapy for cardiac arrhythmias is based on the rationale cauterization of tissues in medicine. Frequencies lower than
that for every arrhythmia, a critical anatomic region of abnormal 100 kHz stimulate excitable muscular tissue as well as cardiac
pulse generation or propagation is required for the arrhythmia tissue, resulting in muscle contractions and pain. Frequencies
to be initiated and sustained. Selective destruction of that area greater than 1000 kHz are effective in generating tissue heating;
of myocardial tissue results in elimination of the arrhythmia. This however, as frequencies increase, the losses along the transmis-
principle was first demonstrated in 1968 in successful surgical sion line increase, and the mode of heating changes from resistive
division of a bundle of Kent in a patient with Wolff-Parkinson- heating to dielectric heating.19 Therefore, for ease of application,
White (WPW) syndrome.1 Since then, catheter-mediated ablative safety, and patient comfort, most standard RF generators produce
techniques have nearly completely replaced surgical procedures signals in the range of 300 to 750 kHz.20
because of high clinical success rates and minimal morbidity asso- Application of RF current to the myocardium results in the
ciated with catheter techniques. Other chapters in this book deal generation of heat because of resistive losses in a di-electric
with specific mapping and ablation techniques; this chapter deals medium (Figure 15-1). The magnitude of heating is proportional
specifically with the conceptual basis, biophysical principles, and to the power density within tissue, which diminishes in propor-
pathologic lesions of catheter ablation. tion to the radius to the fourth power. Because of this property,
only a small volume of myocardial tissue is heated directly by the
RF energy (<2 mm in most cases), whereas the remaining tissue
Historical Background heating occurs via conduction.8 Haines and Watson have devel-
oped a simplified thermodynamic model to study the dynamics
The first catheter techniques of ablation used direct current with of heat transfer within a uniform medium at steady state. In this
a conventional external defibrillator to deliver energy between the model, tissue temperature falls in an inverse proportion to the
catheter placed adjacent to the cardiac structure targeted and an distance from the heat source (Figure 15-2). It also predicts that
adhesive electrode with a large surface area applied to the skin. when the temperature at the electrode-tissue interface is main-
The first reported targeted use of catheter ablation for elimination tained at a constant by varying the power, the lesion size should
of atrioventricular (AV) conduction in humans was in 1982, be proportional to the temperature and to the electrode radius.8
although accidental ablation had been reported by Vedel in Clinical studies have demonstrated the association of higher
1979.2,3 Although direct-current shock was effective for ablation, electrode-tissue temperature and larger tip electrodes with larger
significant complications related to barotrauma occurred.4 RF lesion size and procedure efficacy.17,21 However, the tempera-
Catheter-based ablative techniques did not gain widespread ture of the subendocardial tissue can exceed 100° C and result in
acceptance until the advent of radiofrequency (RF) ablation. The rapid steam expansion and crater formation, often accompanied
first clinical application of RF current occurred when Harvey by an audible popping sound.7 These so-called pop lesions may be
Cushing, working with W.T. Bovie, used high-frequency current associated with coagulum formation on the RF ablation electrode
for electrocoagulation.5 Since then, multiple animal studies have and result in thrombogenicity, or these lesions may result in
evaluated the influence of electrode size, electrode-tissue contact rupture, particularly of thin-walled structures such as atria.
pressure, pulse power, duration, impedance, and temperature.6-8 In general, RF lesions are created by application in a unipolar
In vivo observations were made in animal models with the use of fashion. Current passes between the tip of an ablating electrode
RF energy in the ventricles, the atrium, the coronary sinus, and in contact with the myocardium and a grounded reference patch
the tricuspid annulus.9-16 These observations were critical to the electrode placed externally on the patient’s skin.22 Because RF
successful application in humans reported in the early 1990s.17,18 current is an alternating current, the polarity of connections from
the electrodes to the generator is unimportant. The surface area
of the standard ablating electrode (approximately 12 mm2) is sig-
nificantly smaller than the surface area of the dispersive electrode
Radiofrequency Ablation (100 to 250 cm2), and thus the power density and resultant tissue
heating are highest at the electrode-tissue contact point, and no
Biophysical Aspects of Radiofrequency Ablation
substantive heating occurs at the dispersive skin electrode.
RF energy spans a wide range of frequencies, exhibiting a varying The temperature rise at the electrode-tissue interface is rapid
combination of resistive and dielectric properties. The RF band (t1/2, 7 to 10 seconds). However, thermal conduction to deeper
of 300 to 30,000 kHz is used for coagulation, ablation, and tissue layers occurs more slowly, resulting in a steep tissue

202  Clinical Investigation and Therapies




Temperature (C)
Heat lost to
circulating blood 60


Zone of 40
conductive heating
Zone of 30
resistive heating 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance (mm)

FIGURE 15-3  Radiofrequency energy was delivered to isolated

FIGURE 15-1  Tissue heating with radiofrequency energy. Superficial
perfused and superperfused canine right ventricular free wall. The
tissue close to the electrode-tissue interface is ablated via resistive
tissue temperature (in degrees Celsius) was measured with a
heating, whereas the deeper myocardium is heated via conductive
thermistor at a distance of 2.5 ± 0.2 mm from the radiofrequency
heating. Convective cooling occurs because of blood flow near the
electrode and after the 120 seconds of energy delivery. The electrode
electrode-tissue interface and in the coronary circulation. (Modified
tip temperature was 80° C. (Modified from Wang P, et al: Physics and
from Avitall B, Helms R: Determinants of radiofrequency-induced lesion
biology of catheter ablation, Armonk, NY, 1998, Futura.)
size, ed 2, Armonk, NY, 2000, Futura.)

the extent of lesion formation.27 By contrast, actual electrode-

TISSUE TEMPERATURE vs. TIME tissue interface temperature remains the best predictor of actual
lesion volume.23 Typically, 55° C to 65° C is the target temperature
for many temperature control catheters used clinically.28,29 If the
Temperature (C)

temperature is lower than 50° C, none or minimal tissue necrosis

is expected. However, excessive heating leads to coagulum forma-
45 tion and limitation of lesion size.
A number of clinically available RF ablation systems use tem-
perature monitoring during ablation to prevent the formation
40 of coagulum and achieve adequate electrode–myocardial tissue
temperature. They either use a thermocouple or a thermistor
35 placed in the catheter tip.30 A thermocouple is composed of two
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 metals that are in contact with each other and generate a small
Time (sec) current proportional to ambient temperature. Typically, thermo-
couples are placed within the catheter tip in contact with the
FIGURE 15-2  Radiofrequency energy was delivered to isolated distal electrode. A thermistor is essentially a semiconductor,
perfused and superfused canine right ventricular free wall. The tissue which has an intrinsic resistance that changes in a predictable
temperature (in degrees Celsius) was measured with a thermistor. The fashion with temperature. Small thermistors can be incorporated
steady-state temperature as a function of distance is shown. (Modified
into a catheter tip and are thermally isolated from the shredding
from Wang P, et al: Physics and biology of catheter ablation, Armonk,
tissue with an insulating sleeve.30 Currently, such catheters are
NY, 1998, Futura.)
used as part of a temperature monitoring, closed-loop feedback
system, in which the RF generator automatically adjusts the power
to maintain a user program temperature. Clinical use of tempera-
gradient. Studies have shown that steady-state lesion size is not ture monitoring has resulted in a decreased incidence of coagu-
achieved until after 40 seconds of ablation and that intramyocar- lum formation during ablation.25
dial temperature rises steeply until it reaches a plateau at 60 Numerous limitations may result in discrepancies between the
seconds, with the majority of heating occurring within the first 30 recorded temperature and the true electrode–myocardial tissue
seconds (Figure 15-3).23 However, because heating of the deeper temperature. The catheter electrode may not be in intimate
layers is delayed, tissue temperature will continue to rise in the contact with the myocardium at the site of the thermistor or
deeper layers despite the termination of energy delivery.24 This thermocouple. This may underestimate the myocardial interface
thermal latency phenomenon may be responsible for the progres- temperature, particularly at sites where the catheter electrode
sion of the undesirable effects of ablation such as AV nodal block may be parallel, rather than perpendicular, to the endocardial
despite prompt cessation of energy delivery in clinical situations. surface, such as occurs with accessory pathway ablation via the
Clinically, the efficacy of RF ablation depends on precise target trans-septal approach.31 In addition, temperature monitoring
site mapping and adequate lesion formation.21,25,26 A wide range becomes difficult as the electrode size increases or the electrode
of experimental and clinical observations support the notion that geometry changes. As the electrode size increases, the maximal
applied energy, power, and current are not precise indicators of temperature may be greatly underestimated by measuring just the
Principles of Catheter Ablation  203

tip temperature by a single-point thermocouple. Also, in longer

electrodes used for linear ablation, the temperature at the edges
may exceed the temperature in the electrode body, a phenomenon
called the edge effect.32
Pathologic Aspects of Radiofrequency Ablation
Cellular injury during RF ablation is primarily mediated via
thermal mechanisms. In addition, some direct effects of electrical CFB
energy may occur on the myocyte, particularly the sarcolemmal
membrane. Thermal injury seems to be the dominant cause of B
coagulation necrosis in the central zone of RF lesion, whereas at
the border zone, thermal as well as electrical energy contributes
to lesion formation.
Research using mammalian cell culture lines has shown that
tissue survival during hyperthermia is a function of both tempera-
ture and time.33 Higher temperatures lead to a more rapid and
greater degree of cell death. In vitro studies have shown that
irreversible myocardial cell death during conventional ablation V
likely occurs between 52° C and 55° C.34 Typically, RF catheter TV
ablation results in a high temperature (55° C to 60° C) for a rela-
tively short time (30 to 60 seconds). In tissue immediately adja-
cent to the electrode, rapid tissue injury occurs, but in tissue
heated by conductive heating, a relatively delayed myocardial
injury occurs, with increasing distance from the RF electrode.7
Clinical outcome during catheter ablation has been shown to
correlate with maximum tissue temperature achieved, with a tem- FIGURE 15-4  A low-power view of an ablated atrioventricular node
perature of 62° C ± 15° C associated with irreversible electro- (N). The end of the node and the beginning of the penetrating bundle
physiological effects and a temperature of 50° C ± 15° C associated (B) are replaced by hemorrhage, with the area of coagulation necrosis
with reversible electrophysiological effects.21 extending to the adjacent atrial and ventricular myocardium. The
The hyperthermia induced by RF energy has immediate and arrows demarcate the discrete area of necrosis that extended to the
profound effects on cellular electrophysiology, structure, summit of the ventricular septum (V), especially on the right side
and function. These include the cellular effects on plasma mem- (hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×16 magnification). CFB, Central fibrous
brane, the cytoskeleton, the nucleus, and cellular metabolism. body; A, atrial myocardium; TV, tricuspid valve. (Modified from Huang S,
Bharati S, Graham A, et al: Closed chest catheter desiccation of the
Exposure to high temperatures results in inhibition of membrane
atrioventricular junction using radiofrequency energy—a new method of
transport proteins and structural changes to ion channels and ion
catheter ablation, J Am Coll Cardiol 9:349–358, 1987.)
pumps.35,37,38 Thermal effects on the cytoskeleton include disrup-
tion of stress elements, loss of plasma membrane support, and
membrane blebbing.39,40 Nuclear structure and function are lost.41
With denaturation of metabolic proteins, cellular metabolism is
inhibited.42 The microvasculature is damaged, and microvascular temperature, and myocardial tissue properties.45 The shape of the
blood flow is reduced.43 At the level of the plasma membrane, electrode can affect the size of the RF lesion by affecting the
transient nonspecific ion-permanent pores are formed in a plasma current density. Although needle-shaped electrodes have yielded
membrane.44 These effects cause an initial reversible loss of con- the largest lesion size, dome-shaped electrodes are in use clini-
duction immediately after the initiation of RF energy, which is cally because of their practical design.46 Electrode size has also
likely caused by an electrotonic-induced and heat-induced cellular been shown to be an important determinant of the lesion size
depolarization. Irreversible loss of electrophysiological function in RF ablation. With increasing electrode size, the lesion size
occurs immediately after successful ablation; this is likely caused increases, as long as the electrode surface maintains contact with
by thermal tissue injury, which results in focal coagulation necro- the endocardial surface and power is used to maintain the current
sis. A secondary inflammatory response and ischemia occur as a density.47 Increasing the electrode size at some point may
consequence of microvascular damage, which may cause progres- decrease the lesion size when a significant proportion of the elec-
sion of tissue injury within the border zone.43 Alternatively, in trode is not in contact with the myocardium, and thus energy is
approximately 5% to 10% of cases, the RF-induced tissue injury dissipated into the blood pool. Studies have shown that lesion
resolves within the border zone, leading to late recovery of elec- size is nearly doubled with 4-mm electrodes compared with
trophysiology function and arrhythmia recurrence. 2 mm electrodes. Similarly, lesion size continues to increase as
the tip electrode size is increased from 4 mm to 8 mm but
decreases with larger electrode sizes.48 In addition, significant
Determinants of Lesion Size
char and coagulation formation is observed with electrode size
RF energy produces lesions that are homogeneous and well greater than 8 mm.
demarcated from surrounding tissue (Figure 15-4). With increasing duration of energy delivery, the lesion size
The lesion size in RF ablation is affected by several factors, increases but then reaches a plateau. In vitro studies have shown
including electrode configuration and size, power, duration, that in RF ablation, lesion size increases within the first 30
204  Clinical Investigation and Therapies

seconds, but the rate of increase significantly diminishes with potential waste of RF current caused by overcooling. Contact
extended power delivery.34 Similarly, lesion size increases as the pressure has also been shown to affect lesion diameter and throm-
temperature increases. However, as discussed earlier, when the bus formation. A deeper lesion is achieved with high catheter
temperature becomes excessive, the incidence of coagulation for- pressure, particularly in a perpendicular position, as less heat is
mation increases, thus impairing the ability to increase lesion size lost to the blood pool and more energy is transmitted to the tissue.
further. The coupling of RF energy to the endocardial surface is As a result, in locations where high contact pressure is readily
enhanced by improved contact of the electrode with the myocar- achieved, such as the coronary sinus, power output levels should
dium.23 Instability of the catheter electrode results in fluctuating be reduced to less than 30 W to avoid complications.56 When a
temperatures because of convective loss of energy resulting in resistant site to ablation is encountered, increasing the duration
poor tissue heating. The efficiency of energy transfer between the of ablation, rather than applying higher power, may be a better
RF catheter tip and the endocardium is also dependent on choice for increasing lesion depth.57 Although open-loop systems
catheter-tissue orientation and the angle of the electrode contact. do not completely prevent the risk of impedance rise and popping,
With perpendicular or oblique placement, lower temperatures are Yokoyama et al demonstrated, in an animal model, that an open-
achieved compared with parallel electrode orientation.49,50 loop system, compared with a closed-loop system, results in lower
incidences of thrombus formation as well as steam pops.58,59
Cooled RF ablation has been shown to be effective and safe in
Cooled Radiofrequency Ablation patients with a variety of arrhythmias, particularly atrial flutter
(AFL), atrial fibrillation (AF), and ventricular tachycardia (VT).60-62
A technologic development that uses the fundamentals of RF- In a canine model, Gerstenfeld et al performed pulmonary vein
energy but improves its method of delivery is cooled RF ablation. isolation and compared the histopathology of the lesions of an
Cooling of the ablation electrode tip has been shown to reduce 8-mm tip standard RF catheter at 70 W, 20 seconds, 60° C and
both overheating of the electrode–tissue interface and impedance 50 W, 60 seconds, 50° C with a 3.5-mm irrigated tip ablation
rise during RF delivery, which allows for greater power delivery. catheter at 35 W, 60 seconds, 45° C. The irrigated tip lesions
During cooled RF ablation, maximum temperature is achieved resulted in less endocardial eschar formation, pulmonary vein
just below the endocardial surface, which translates into a deeper (PV) stenosis, or damage to collateral structures.63 In clinical
lesion.51-53 Since the catheter irrigant cools the tip-tissue interface, trials, an open irrigated tip catheter has been shown to be more
the measured catheter tip temperature will have an even greater efficacious than a conventional 4-mm tip catheter with respect to
discrepancy with tissue temperature compared with standard RF AF recurrence.64 Cooled RF ablation has also been extensively
delivery.54 As a result, lower maximal electrode temperatures are evaluated in single-center and multi-center studies of the ablation
imposed during RF delivery.55 of VT.62 Soejima et al revealed a superior efficacy of cooled tip
The tip of the catheter can be cooled either by using a closed- (89%) versus standard RF energy (54%) ( P = .003) in the termina-
loop (internal) design, in which saline is circulated through the tion of VT at isthmus sites where an isolated potential was
catheter lumen and the ablation electrode, or by an open (exter- present.65 The largest trial, to date, of catheter ablation for recur-
nal) design, in which saline is irrigated via small holes at the tip rent monomorphic VT after myocardial infarction (MI) is the
of the electrode (Figure 15-5). In the power-controlled mode, Thermocool VT trial.66 Ablation abolished all inducible VTs in
power settings range from 20 W to a maximum of 50 W with 49% of patients. The procedure mortality rate was 3%, with no
infusion rates more than 17 mL/min and 36 mL/min for external strokes.
and internal irrigation, respectively. Saline flow rates and tissue The ability of cooled RF energy to treat VT from an epicardial
contact pressure also affect the size of the lesion.56 A balance approach has also been demonstrated. In a canine model, it was
between high flow rates exists, resulting in a larger lesion and shown that standard techniques of RF ablation are not sufficient


Lumen for Central

5% dextrose lumen
circulation for saline
36 mL/min infusion
(0.9% NaCl) FIGURE 15-5  Schematic representation
17 mL/min of the irrigated electrode catheters.  
Thermocouple cooling Thermocouple A, Closed-loop irrigation catheter has a
Internal 7 Fr, 4-mm tip electrode with an internal
cooling thermocouple. B, Open-irrigation catheter
External has a 7.5 Fr, 3.5-mm tip electrode with an
cooling External internal thermocouple and six irrigation holes
cooling located around the electrode, 1.0 mm from
the tip. (Modified from Yokoyama K, Nakagawa
H, Wittkampf F, et al: Comparison of electrode
cooling between internal and open irrigation
6 irrigation in radiofrequency ablation lesion depth and
7 Fr, 4 mm 7.5 Fr, 3.5 mm holes
electrode electrode incidence of thrombus and steam pop,
A B (0.4 mm) Circulation 113:11–19, 2006.)
Principles of Catheter Ablation  205

to create lesions in the pericardial space where convective cooling well as arrhythmias in the young. In a prospective multi-center
by blood is lacking. Fenelon et al demonstrated that an irrigated
4-mm tip catheter, compared with a standard RF 4-mm tip cath-
eter, can deliver high power outputs, 43 W versus 16 W, and
deeper lesions, 6.4 mm versus 3 mm, respectively.67 Whether
cohort study, FROSTY, 103 patients underwent cryoablation for
AVNRT with a 4-mm tip catheter. The procedural success rate
was 91%, and at 6 months, the success rate was 94% among those
with initial success.77 In spite of evidence for the greater efficacy
endocardial RF or epicardial RF energy is delivered, a caveat to of RF energy over cryoenergy in terms of lower arrhythmia recur-
the application of external irrigation is that for the administration rence rates, the complication of permanent high-degree AV block
of a potentially significant volume of fluid, peri-procedural pre- may be avoided when cryoapplication is promptly terminated
cautions should be taken to manage the volume load. following the observation of initial AV block.75,78 Of note, it has
been observed that accelerated junctional beats, a marker of a
successful site of RF ablation, are absent during cryoablation.79 As
Cryoablation the catheter generates hypothermia, it adheres to tissue, which
results in greater catheter stability; this is also well suited for peri-
Cryoablation is unique in that it causes tissue injury by freezing nodal and peri-Hisian accessory pathways. Cryoenergy has been
and thawing rather than by hyperthermia. This mode of ablation applied to the treatment of AFL as well. Moreira et al reported
results in minimal tissue destruction and preserves the basic the use of a 6.5-mm tip catheter, with a 91% success rate at a mean
underlying tissue architecture. A large body of clinical experience of 27 months.80 In a small prospective randomized study of cavo-
has been accumulated in the use of cryothermy in the surgical tricuspid isthmus ablation, it was noted that patient perception of
treatment of tachyarrhythmias, in which it has been proven to be pain was less with cryoablation than with RF ablation.81 A disad-
safe and effective. Cryoablation has been used extensively intra- vantage of cryoablation is the association of longer procedural
operatively for the creation of AV block or ablation of atrial tachy- times.82
cardia (AT) and VT.68,69 In 1998, the first percutaneous catheter A promising development in the delivery of cryoenergy has
ablation using cryothermal energy was performed.70 been in the design of a cryoablation balloon catheter for the cre-
One advantage of cryothermal energy is that it also allows for ation of isolation of the PVs. In a prospective three-center study,
reversible “ice mapping,” in which the area likely responsible for 346 patients with paroxysmal or persistent AF underwent PV
the arrhythmia can be evaluated by suppressing its electrophysi- isolation via cryoablation. A double-walled cryoballoon, either 23
ological properties before the creation of an irreversible state.71 or 28 mm in diameter, was used for a maximum of five applica-
During cryomapping, reversible cooling is performed at tissue tions, at which point an 8-mm tip cryoablation catheter was intro-
temperatures of approximately −28° C to −32° C without tissue duced for those PVs that required further ablation. At 12 months,
destruction, whereas irreversible lesions are accomplished by freedom from symptomatic AF was 74% in the group with par-
achieving temperatures of less than −60° C for 2 or more minutes. oxysmal AF and 42% in the group with persistent AF. Phrenic
The current guideline to limit cryoablation time to 4 minutes is nerve palsy, particularly following ablation of the right superior
based on the fact that the ice ball has been shown, via ultrasound PV with the smaller balloon, was seen in 7.5% of patients.83 Thus
visualization, to enlarge during the first 3 minutes of the freezing far, thromboembolism or PV stenosis have not been reported
cycle and then remain stable.72,73 with this technique.84-87
Application of a cryoprobe to a tissue surface results in the
formation of a well-demarcated hemispherical block of frozen
tissue. At the cellular level, intracellular and extracellular ice crys- Ultrasound Ablation
tals form, followed by thawing, which further disrupts membra-
nous organelles and enhances the lesion. Within 24 hours, Sound waves at frequencies of greater than 20,000 Hz are classi-
coagulation necrosis results, with hemorrhage, edema, and fied as ultrasound, and frequencies of 2 to 20 MHz are specifically
inflammation. Over time, the lesion becomes sharply demarcated defined as high-intensity ultrasound (Figure 15-8). Ultrasound
from surrounding tissue and is finally replaced by fatty and fibrous energy causes localized hyperthermia at predictable depths
tissue in 2 to 4 weeks (Figure 15-6).74 The lesion of cryoenergy without injuring intervening tissue. In addition to thermal absorp-
is significantly less thrombogenic than that of RF energy, as a tion, another mechanism by which ultrasound causes tissue
result of the preservation of endothelial cells and tissue damage is via a process of cavitation; as the sound waves propa-
ultrastructure.75 gate through tissue, cyclical explosion and implosion of micro-
Several different catheter-based designs have been developed bubbles occur in tissue. Using 10-MHz ultrasound transducers
for the cryoablation of arrhythmias (Figure 15-7).76 They differ mounted on catheters, He et al created lesions up to 8.7 ± 2.9 mm
among the techniques employed to achieve freezing tempera- in depth in the canine left ventricle.88 Another study reported
tures. Some designs are based on the Joule Thompson effect, in lesions up to 6.4 ± 2.5 mm deep when cylindrical ultrasound
which a pressure drop results in significant cooling or freezing, transducers mounted on a catheter were used.89 A linear relation-
or on the Peltier effect (thermoelectric effect), in which a tem- ship was observed between increasing power and depth of lesion.
perature difference is created by applying a voltage between two Temperature also increased, and maintaining constant power
electrodes. Gases such as nitrous oxide or halocarbon are used as increased lesion size. Although ultrasound ablation appears to be
refrigerants. The size of the cryoablative lesion depends on various free of the “pop” phenomenon seen in RF ablation, blood coagu-
factors such as temperature, duration, surface area of the cooling lum formation at the tip of the catheter was reported in one
probe, and the number of applications. study.90 High-intensity focused ultrasound ablation has been
Since the time of the first transcatheter cryoablation proce- applied from outside the beating heart to successfully create AV
dure, cryoablation has been applied in the treatment of a gamut block in 10 open-chest dogs without damaging the overlying or
of arrhythmias. In particular, its unique safety profile has been underlying tissues.91 Thus ultrasound energy may potentially
exploited to target AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia (AVNRT) as allow noninvasive ablation of cardiac arrhythmias in the future.
206  Clinical Investigation and Therapies

FIGURE 15-6  Left, Chronic cryoablation lesion of an atrioventricular (AV) node in a dog (Azan stain). Homogeneous fibrotic tissue extends from the
right atrial wall across the central fibrous body to the muscular interventricular septum. Inset, Higher magnification: absence of viable myocardium
within the fibrous strands. Blue indicates fibrotic tissue, and red indicates normal tissue. Right, Chronic radiofrequency lesion of AV node in dog
(Azan stain). Note the presence of fibrotic tissue with scattered strands of viable myocardium. Inset, Higher magnification: the lesion contains
inhomogeneous fibrotic tissue with strands of viable myocytes and cartilage formation. The borders are not as well demarcated as the cryoablation
lesion. (Modified from Rodriguez LM, Leunissen J, Hoekstra A, et al: Transvenous cold mapping and cryoablation of the AV node in dogs: Observations of chronic
lesions and comparison to those obtained using radiofrequency ablation, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 9:1055–1061, 1998.)

connector Lever controls
Refrigerant tip curvature
gas (vacuum)

Liquid Handle
Refrigerant gas

Ring electrodes

Flexible 9 French

Micro-tube injects
refrigerant into tip
Evaporation of refrigerant
causes low tip temperature

FIGURE 15-7  Schematic of a cryoablation catheter. (Modified from Dubuc M, Roy D, Thibault B, et al: Transvenous catheter ice mapping and cryoablation
of the atrioventricular node in dogs, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 22:1488–1498, 1999.)
Principles of Catheter Ablation  207

Pulmonary vein
Left atrium

Sonication ring
20, 25, or 30 mm

Distal balloon
(contrast + water)
Focal zone

reflecting interface

Proximal balloon (CO2)

Ultrasound crystal
(9 MHz, 45 watts)

FIGURE 15-8  Schematic representation of the high-intensity focused ultrasound balloon catheter designed to focus high-intensity ultrasound
circumferentially outside the pulmonary vein antrum. This system has two noncompliant balloons. A 9-MHz ultrasound crystal is located within the
distal balloon filled with contrast and water. The proximal balloon, filled with carbon dioxide, forms a parabolic interface with the distal balloon to
reflect the ultrasound energy in the forward direction, focusing a 260-degree ring (sonicating ring) of ultrasound energy 2 to 6 mm in front of the
distal balloon surface. The distal balloon has three sizes—24 mm, 28 mm, or 32 mm in diameter—producing sonicating rings of 20 mm, 25 mm, or
30 mm in diameter. The acoustic power of the system is 45 W for all three balloons, with negligible loss of power in the balloon. The distal balloon is
irrigated with contrast and water at 20 mL/min during ablation to keep the balloon cool (<42° C). (Modified from Nakagawa H, Matthias, A, Wong T,
et al: Initial experience using a forward directed, high intensity focused ultrasound balloon catheter for pulmonary vein antrum isolation in patients with atrial
fibrillation, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 18:136–144, 2007.)

Combining ultrasound imaging with ultrasound ablation is yet phrenic nerve palsy. The technical limitations of this technique
another potential advantage of this technique (Figure 15-9). may contribute to complications are the occasionally eccentric
The ability of ultrasound to remain collimated through a fluid position of the transducer in the PV and the inability to include
medium has been applied to balloon technology geared toward the antrum in the lesion boundary.
PV isolation in AF ablation. Ultrasound waves are emitted and
reflected in a forward, circumferential fashion. The theoretical
advantage is that no direct tissue contact is needed to achieve a Microwave Ablation
lesion, as opposed to RF ablation or cryoablation. Early clinical
experience suggests that circumferential ultrasound ablation of Microwaves are the part of the electromagnetic spectrum between
pulmonary veins is feasible in humans. In a single-center series, 0.3 to 300 GHz. Microwave ablation acts mainly via di-electric
a catheter with an 8-MHz transducer mounted near the tip in a heating of the myocardium. The microwave energy generates heat
saline-filled balloon was used to perform PV isolation in 15 by producing oscillation of the water molecule dipoles within the
patients. The ablation time was 2 minutes, followed by 1 minute myocardium. The microwave antenna placed at the end of a cath-
before the balloon was deflated. A mean of 14.7 (range, 3 to 39) eter radiates an electromagnetic field into the surrounding tissue
applications of energy were delivered per patient. Two major and does not depend on current flow from ablation catheter to
complications, peri-procedural stroke and phrenic nerve palsy, the tissue as with an RF electrode.96 Therefore, as opposed to RF
occurred. At a mean follow-up of 25 weeks, five patients experi- ablation, contact with the myocardium is not required to heat
enced AF recurrence.92 Saliba also evaluated the use of an ultra- myocardial tissue.22
sound balloon catheter in the ablation of AF. In 33 patients, a total The microwave ablation system consists of a microwave
of 85 veins were ablated, with a mean of 6.7 ablations per vein and generator and a microwave antenna incorporated into the abla-
a target interface temperature of at least 60° C.93 In more recent tion catheter. Microwave generators operate at either 915 MHz
studies, in 39 patients, 88% of PVs were electrically isolated after or 2450 MHz. Several measurements are used to characterize
a median of five energy applications of up to 90 seconds at each the properties of microwave systems used for myocardial abla-
PV.94,95 Notably, 8% of the patient developed permanent right tion. A specific absorption rate (SAR) pattern provides a
208  Clinical Investigation and Therapies

Well occluded Funnel-shaped Incomplete occlusion; Adequate occlusion

PV ostium ostium ostial size larger than but misaligned
A B C balloon diameter D

Distal occlusion only with Eccentric Occlusion over

E preservation of ostial foci F occlusion G a branch

FIGURE 15-9  Some anatomic variants that are potentially responsible for ineffective delivery of ultrasound lesions. A, Well-occluded pulmonary vein
(PV) ostium. B, Funnel-shaped ostium. C, Incomplete occlusion in which ostial size is larger than balloon diameter. D, Adequate occlusion but
misaligned. E, Distal occlusion only with preservation of ostial foci. F, Eccentric occlusion. G, Occlusion over a branch. (Modified from Saiba W, Wiber D,
Packer D, et al: Circumferential ultrasound ablation for pulmonary vein isolation: Analysis of acute and chronic failures, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 13:957–
961, 2002.)

three-dimensional picture of the electromagnetic field created

during microwave ablation. SAR is measured by giving a brief
energy pulse and measuring the temperature rise in three dimen- Lumen for
sions around the antenna. The ability of the energy source to
deliver energy to the medium is termed “matching” of the antenna
to the di-electric properties of the medium and can be measured
either in terms of efficiency of energy transfer or ratio of reflected
power to delivered power. When the antenna and tissue are opti- Inner
conductor Outer
mally matched, high efficiency of energy transfer occurs, and very
little power is reflected.
The heating pattern and efficiency of the microwave ablation Cable
system depends on the antenna design (Figures 15-10 and 15-11).
The helical coil antenna generates a circumferential heating
pattern, making placement parallel to the endocardial surface
optimal, whereas the dipole antenna creates a heating pattern that Inflated
projects the ablation energy forward. This makes the use of helical balloon
20 mm
coil antennas more suitable for making long linear lesions,
whereas a forward-projecting antenna is ideal for a focal target.
10 mm
Another version of a microwave antenna is a spiral apparatus; it
was shown in vivo to create lesions that were significantly larger
and deeper than the other microwave antenna systems.97
Microwave ablation can achieve greater temperature rise as a
function of depth compared with RF ablation.96 As the power and
20 mm
duration of microwave energy is increased, the lesion size also
increases. Unlike RF, microwave energy is not limited by imped- FIGURE 15-10  Schematic diagram of the spiral microwave antenna
ance rise. Microwave ablation lesion growth is considerably design. (Modified from Vanderbrink B: Microwave ablation using a spiral
slower than RF ablation.98 Whayne et al demonstrated that micro- antenna design in a porcine thigh muscle preparation: In vivo assessment
wave lesion size using a 915-MHz monopolar antenna system of temperature profile and lesion geometry, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol
continued to increase over 300 seconds of ablation (Figure 11:193–198, 2000.)
15-12).33 Pathologically, microwave lesions are comparable with
RF lesions. Like RF lesions, the lesions produced by microwave
Principles of Catheter Ablation  209

ablation have greater width than depth for a given power. Acutely, energy successfully ablated aconitine-induced AT.102 In another
they demonstrate considerable hemorrhage, but in the long
term they become well-circumscribed, dense fibrous scars
(Figure 15-13).
Microwave catheter ablation using a 2450-MHz generator has
experiment, a deflectable microwave catheter was used to create
bi-directional block at the isthmus in seven canines with an
average of 2.7 ± 1.3 ablations, suggesting the potential benefit of
microwave energy in creating long linear lesions.103 Microwave
been demonstrated to be effective in creating chronic AV block ablation may also be used for ventricular myocardial ablation at
in open-chest and closed-chest animals.99-101 Myocardial ablation either 2450 MHz or 915 MHz. In vivo experiments with canine
has also been used to ablate atrial myocardial tissue. Microwave left ventricular myocardium showed that the size of the micro-
wave lesion increased with increasing power and duration.100
Microwave energy, unlike RF energy, may be delivered despite

body Antenna
20 mm
Thermo sensor 10 mm 6

Depth (mm)
20 mm
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (sec)

FIGURE 15-12  Comparison of lesion depth between microwave

FIGURE 15-11  Microwave catheter with distal 20-mm helical coil (MW) and radiofrequency (RF) ablation. Although microwave heating is
antenna. (Modified from Tse H, Liao S, Siu C, et al: Determinants of lesion considerably slower, if more energy is used, deeper lesions are created.
dimensions during transcatheter microwave ablation, Pacing Clin (Modified from Wang P, et al: Physics and biology of catheter ablation,
Electrophysiol 32:201–208, 2009.) Armonk, NY, 1998, Futura.)


FIGURE 15-13  Histology of microwave lesion. A, Low-power magnification of a transmural ventricular lesion created using microwave energy.
The lesion extends from the endocardial surface to the epicardium. B, High-power magnification of a ventricular lesion. Note the extensive fibrosis and
well-demarcated lesion border zone (Masson’s trichome stain). (Modified from Vanderbrink B, Gilbride C, Aronovitz M, et al: Safety and efficacy of a steerable
temperature monitoring microwave catheter system for ventricular myocardial ablation, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 11:305–310, 2000.)
210  Clinical Investigation and Therapies

tissue coagulation. Thus, temperature control of the ablation elec- rim of necrotic tissue. Long term, the lesions are healed with a
trode may be even more important for microwave than for RF homogeneous region of fibrosis.
ablations to avoid thromboembolic risks. Laser ablation has been used successfully to create permanent
To date, the greatest application of microwave energy in AV block.119-121 Laser catheter ablation using a preformed catheter
humans has been in the ablation of AF during open heart with a pin electrode was performed in 10 patients for AVNRT,
surgery.104-108 Knaut et al prospectively evaluated 102 consecutive with successful outcome in all 10 patients and no adverse out-
patients with permanent AF undergoing elective coronary artery comes after a mean follow-up of 27 months.112 Supraventricular
bypass grafting surgery, concomitant valve surgery, or both, or tachycardia (SVT) in WPW syndrome has been successfully tar-
ASD closure. Microwave energy was applied in a linear fashion geted via intraoperative mapping–guided argon laser ablation. In
in the left atrium. At 1 year, 64.7% of patients were noted to be in addition, laser ablation has also been used in the treatment of VT
normal sinus rhythm, and 24% of patients required permanent intraoperatively.122 At the time of coronary artery bypass grafting
pacemaker implantation. With regard to percutaneous delivery of (CABG), 9 patients who had free wall VT underwent mapping
microwave energy, thus far, only limited experience has accumu- and ablation and were found to be arrhythmia free at 14 months
lated. Chan et al demonstrated the safety and efficacy of cavo- of follow-up.123
tricuspid isthmus ablation for AFL with a 2-cm helical coil More recently, a linear diffuser that delivers energy along the
antenna with a unipolar electrode on a 9-Fr steerable sheath in length of the active element has been developed. Linear endocar-
seven patients.109 A power setting of 21 W was used, and the dial laser ablation with a 980-nm infra-red laser light for the
mean number of energy applications was 27.4. It is postulated that treatment of AF has been evaluated in a sheep model. Following
inadequate catheter position and tissue contact may have contrib- the application of energy at a maximum of 60 W in the left atrium,
uted to the larger than expected number of lesions required for electrical isolation was confirmed in all sheep. However, extensive
bi-directional block. Improvements in catheter design now lesions of the esophagus were noted.124 In another attempt to treat
include a bipolar electrode. AF, the innovation of a beam splitter has led to the design of a
laser balloon that projects laser energy in a circumferential fashion
for the purpose of PV isolation (Figure 15-14). An endoscopic
Laser Ablation laser balloon ablation system consisting of a compliant balloon
filled with deuterium oxide to allow transmission of 980 nm laser
The mechanism of laser myocardial ablation is predominantly via energy has been studied in a swine model with the goal of PV
thermal heating. Laser energy wavelength can range from 250 to
10,600 nm, and the tissue response to the laser energy depends
on the wavelength delivered. Seminal work on the argon laser
revealed focal thermal injury with crater formation resulting from
tissue vaporization, vacuolization, and coagulation necrosis of the
endocardium and the myocardium, whereas, wavelengths in the
infra-red region such as with the neodymium-yttrium-aluminum-
garnet (Nd:YAG) laser result in scattering of photons, causing
tissue destruction via photocoagulation without vaporization.110
Because of its low absorption in normal and coagulated myocar-
dium, Nd:YAG laser light has the potential to reach deep intra-
mural sites from the endocardial or epicardial surfaces. In
contrast, the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser produces predominantly
absorption compared with scatter, resulting in tissue vaporization
and cutting. Other laser lights such as xenon and fluoride excimer
produce vaporization of tissue from absorption of energy concen-
trated in a thin layer.22,111
The laser ablation system consists of a flexible optical fiber
cable housed inside a delivery catheter coupled to a laser energy
source. The catheter must be continuously flushed with saline for
cooling, which also helps clear the blood in front of the catheter
tip. Laser is projected onto the myocardium from the fiberoptic
tip. Thus, contact with the myocardium is not required.
Continuous-wave laser irradiation produces gradual, dose-
dependent coagulation of the irradiated myocardium.112 Increased
energy may be required to create a comparable lesion in a dis-
eased ventricular tissue compared with normal ventricular
tissue.113 Lesion size increases with greater energy. However, laser
ablation in situ results in lesions that are considerably larger com- FIGURE 15-14  The laser balloon ablation catheter. The laser balloon
pared with lesions in vitro.114 ablation catheter filled with D20 is shown with a projected circular
Lesions may demonstrate varying pathology, depending on the beam of light to simulate the photonic energy beam. (Modified from
type of laser used. With an Nd:YAG laser, the predominant Reddy V, Houghtaling C, Fallon J, et al: Use of a diode laser balloon
finding is coagulation necrosis with minimal vacuolization and ablation catheter to generate circumferential pulmonary venous lesions
in an open-thoracotomy caprine model, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
crater formation.115-117 Lesions are typically well demarcated.
27:52–57, 2004.)
When a central vaporized crater is present, it is surrounded by a
Principles of Catheter Ablation  211

Table 15-1  Alternative Energy Sources for Catheter Ablation


Catheter-based clinical experience High Minimal Minimal Moderate Minimal

Lesion size Small Medium-large Medium-large Medium-large Medium-large

Ability to create transmural lesion Limited Low-high High High Limited

Thrombogenicity Medium Medium Medium-high Low Medium

Lesion dependent on good contact Yes No No Yes No

Ability to reversibly map No No No Yes No

isolation. Laser energy was delivered under visual guidance in Calkins H, Epstein A, Packer D, et al: Catheter ablation of ventricular
overlapping 30-degree arcs resulting in histologically trans-mural tachycardia in patients with structural heart disease using cooled radio-
circumferential lesion in 7 of 8 animals.125 A diode laser balloon frequency energy: Results of a prospective multicenter study. Cooled
RF Multi Center Investigators Group, J Am Coll Cardiol 35(7):1905–
ablation catheter has been tested in an open thoracotomy goat
1914, 2000.
model, in which one application of photonic energy resulted in
Friedman PL, Dubuc M, Green MS, et al: Catheter cryoablation of supra-
electrical isolation of 19 (70%) of 27 of the PVs.126 The efficacy is ventricular tachycardia: Results of the multicenter prospective “frosty”
dependent on optimal contact and orientation of its circumfer- trial, Heart Rhythm 1(2):129–138, 2004.
ence with the ostium of the PV.127 Haines DE: Determinants of lesion size during radiofrequency catheter
ablation: The role of electrode-tissue contact pressure and duration of
energy delivery, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2(6):509–515, 1991.
Other Methods of Lesion Formation Khairy P, Dubuc M: Transcatheter cryoablation part I: Preclinical experi-
ence, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 31(1):112–120, 2008.
Catheter chemical ablation is based on the rationale that applica- McRury ID, Panescu D, Mitchell MA, Haines DE: Nonuniform heating
during radiofrequency catheter ablation with long electrodes: Monitor-
tion of cytotoxic agents such as ethanol, through the coronary
ing the edge effect, Circulation 96(11):4057–4064, 1997.
circulation to selectively destroy myocardial tissue can be effective
Nakagawa H, Antz M, Wong T, et al: Initial experience using a forward
in treating various cardiac arrhythmias. Clinically, the AV node directed, high-intensity focused ultrasound balloon catheter for pulmo-
and VT have been successfully ablated using chemical nary vein antrum isolation in patients with atrial fibrillation, J Cardio-
ablation.128-131 However, methods of controlling the size of myo- vasc Electrophysiol 18(2):136–144, 2007.
cardial necrosis as well as reflux into other vascular territories Nath S, Haines DE: Biophysics and pathology of catheter energy delivery
have limited the routine use of this technique.132 It may still be systems, Prog Cardiovasc Dis 37(4):185–204, 1995.
considered an option for patients with septal scar, in whom stan- Reddy VY, Houghtaling C, Fallon J, et al: Use of a diode laser balloon
dard RF energy fails.133 Novel approaches for the ablation and ablation catheter to generate circumferential pulmonary venous lesions
modification of cardiac tissue are in development. β-Radiation in an open-thoracotomy caprine model, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
27(1):52–57, 2004.
has been studied as a new energy source in the creation of linear
Sacher F, Sobieszczyk P, Tedrow U, et al: Transcoronary ethanol ventricu-
lesions in the canine atrium.134 In addition, biologic approaches
lar tachycardia ablation in the modern electrophysiology era, Heart
such as the implantation of autologous fibroblasts to modify AV Rhythm 5(1):62–68, 2008.
node conduction have been studied in an animal model.135 Skanes AC, Klein G, Krahn A, Yee R: Cryoablation: P:otentials and pitfalls,
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 15(10 Suppl):S28–S34, 2004.
Soejima K, Delacretaz E, Suzuki M, et al: Saline-cooled versus standard
radiofrequency catheter ablation for infarct-related ventricular tachy-
Various catheter ablation techniques have been developed for the cardias, Circulation 103(14):1858–1862, 2001.
selective ablation of myocardial cells for abolition of cardiac Thomas SP, Clout R, Deery C, et al: Microwave ablation of myocardial
arrhythmias (Table 15-1). Myocardial cells are destroyed by the tissue: The effect of element design, tissue coupling, blood flow, power,
and duration of exposure on lesion size, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol
absorption of energy or heating when RF, laser, microwave, or
10(1):72–78, 1999.
ultrasound is used as the energy source. Cryoablation is unique
Weiss C, Antz M, Eick O, et al: Radiofrequency catheter ablation using
in that freezing of cells results in myocyte death. RF has emerged cooled electrodes: Impact of irrigation flow rate and catheter contact
as the dominant energy source in clinical practice, and more pressure on lesion dimensions, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 25(4 Pt
recently, cooled RF has been used to target challenging substrates. 1):463–469, 2002.
Future studies are needed to determine the optimal application Yokoyama K, Nakagawa H, Wittkampf FH, et al: Comparison of electrode
of each of these modalities. cooling between internal and open irrigation in radiofrequency ablation
lesion depth and incidence of thrombus and steam pop, Circulation
113(1):11–19, 2006.
Avitall B, Khan M, Krum D, et al: Physics and engineering of transcatheter All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
cardiac tissue ablation, J Am Coll Cardiol 22(3):921–932, 1993. com.
Ablation Technologies and Delivery Systems
Paul J. Wang 16 
Catheter ablation has been predominantly performed with a The biologic effects of the energy sources are described in
single electrode radiofrequency (RF) catheter–based system, with Table 16-3. Heating occurs by different mechanisms, depending
or without cooling; however, a number of new ablation technol- on the energy source. Microwave energy is absorbed by tissue,
ogy and delivery systems show promise in revolutionizing the causing increased molecular motion, particularly of water mole-
treatment of arrhythmias. cules, which results in heating. Laser energy has several effects,
including heating, vaporization, and coagulation. Ultrasound
energy acts by sonication, boiling of water, and tissue heating.
Comparison of Ablation Technologies Cryothermia acts by its freezing the tissue, which produces ice
crystals and a change in the osmotic properties of tissue. With
Each energy source used for catheter ablation has particular char- thawing of the ice crystals, further damage and rupture of the cell
acteristics that determine how the energy interacts with myocar- may occur. Cryothermia also disrupts the vascular supply to the
dial tissue. As seen in Table 16-1, each technology is distinguished tissue. Overall, cryothermia is felt to result in the greatest preser-
by the characteristics of the energy source. In RF energy, the 300- vation of the architecture of tissue. Cryothermia also causes
to 700-kHz energy source is produced by an RF generator that the least destruction of the endothelial surface, which may help
uses resistive heating. In contrast, the 915 to 2450 mHz micro- reduce the incidence of thrombus formation. Although the risk
wave energy produced by a microwave generator is absorbed by of esophageal damage is largely unknown, studies indicate that
substances on the basis of their di-electric properties, resulting in esophageal damage resulting in fistula formation may be less with
increased molecular motion that translates into tissue heating. cryothermia compared with other energy sources.
Because of the differences in frequency, microwave energy uses A summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each
an antenna operating at the delivered frequency, whereas RF energy source is given in Table 16-4. RF energy has been exten-
energy may be delivered from an electrode. Cryothermia relies on sively used clinically, and its relative safety has been demon-
the extraction of heat rather than its delivery and usually is the strated. The need for tissue contact and the ability of impedance
result of a pressure drop of a suitable gas such as nitrous oxide. rise to limit lesion formation has helped prevent complications
Laser energy may be delivered at a range of frequencies, most and the destruction of collateral tissue. Microwave energy
commonly from 300 to 2000 nm. Each wavelength has specific permits a variety of antenna configurations to be developed and
absorption properties that will determine its effect on blood and does not require tissue contact, although the distance between
body tissue. The wavelength of light is delivered via a fiberoptic, the antenna and the tissue must be held relatively constant for
usually at a pinpoint. The fiber may be coupled to a diffusing constant energy delivery. Cryothermia’s greatest advantage is the
element, which will activate to deliver the energy over a specific minimal disruption of tissue architecture and the endothelium
region, permitting the energy delivery to be adapted to the target. and its reversible effects. In addition, tissue adherence permits
Ultrasound energy may be delivered using a piezo-electric crystal excellent contact. Laser energy is capable of giving energy rapidly
that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. to create large-sized lesions and can be controlled. Ultrasound
The ability of each energy source to affect the properties of the energy is capable of creating larger lesions and may permit com-
ablation is illustrated in Table 16-2. Only cryothermal energy can bined imaging.
reliably cause reversible effects for true mapping. By reducing
tissue temperature to a level above freezing, it may be possible to
have the bulk of the tissue be reversibly affected. Heating also has
some reversible effects, but it is difficult to avoid irreversible cell
Ablation Technologies
death. RF energy and cryothermia are nearly completely depen-
Cooled Radiofrequency Ablation Systems
dent on tissue contact, whereas microwave energy, laser, and
ultrasound may be delivered without tissue contact. Lesion size Cooling of RF ablation systems has been a major technologic
is considerably variable across energy sources, but in general, RF advance in catheter ablation systems. The basic principle of
energy and cryothermia are believed to produce smaller lesions cooling the electrode is avoidance of excessive temperatures that
for a given maximal surface area of contact. Ultrasound and laser cause degradation of proteins and other tissue components,
permit focusing of energy, which may permit controlled delivery which leads to rises in impedance, which, in turn, prevents
to a specific location or even depth. adequate delivery of RF energy. In addition, the avoidance of

214  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Table 16-1  Comparison of Energy Sources


RF Resistive 300-700 kHz RF generator Electrode

Microwave Di-electric 915-2450 mHz Microwave generator Antenna

Cryothermia NA NA Nitrous oxide or other suitable gas Chamber permitting pressure drop in gas

Laser Photon 300-2000 nm Single-wavelength laser source Fiber ± diffusing element

Ultrasound Mechanical 500 kHz to 20 mHz Electrical energy generator Ultrasound piezoelectric crystal

RF, Radiofrequency; NA, not applicable.

Table 16-2  Comparison of Ablation Properties


Radiofrequency 0 ++ ++ 0

Microwave 0 0 +++ 0

Cryothermia ++ ++ 0

Laser 0 0 +++ ++

Ultrasound 0 0 +++ ++

++, Medium effect; +++, high effect.

Table 16-3  Comparison of Biologic Effects of Ablation



Radiofrequency Heating of tissue + ++ ++

Microwave Heating of water in tissue + ++ ++

Cryothermia Ice crystal formation, injury of vascular +++ 0/+ 0/+

supply, osmotic changes

Laser Heating, vaporization, coagulation + +++ ?

Ultrasound Sonication, boiling of water, heating + ++ +++

+, Low effect; ++, medium effect; +++, high effect.

Table 16-4  Advantages of Energy Sources


Radiofrequency Proven safety; limited ability to cause Limited lesion size; requires contact; charring
collateral damage

Microwave Contact not required; antenna configuration Requires control of distance to keep energy delivery constant;
may be varied for different applications antenna must be efficiently coupled to tissue; heating of cable

Cryothermia Reversible; improved safety; minimal Slow energy delivery; reversibility at margins; inability to drag
endothelial disruption; adheres to tissue lesion

Laser Rapid delivery of high energy; large lesions; No self-limiting feedback for energy delivery; risk of excessive
directional energy delivery

Ultrasound Large lesions; heats tissue more than blood; Difficulty controlling depth; dependent on tissue properties
may permit imaging
Ablation Technologies and Delivery Systems  215

5 4 3 2 1

FIGURE 16-1  Saline-irrigated radiofrequency ablation catheter with

internal cooling (Chilli ablation catheter). (Courtesy Boston Scientific,
Natick, MA.)

excessive temperatures may decrease the risk of catheter ablation

complications such as perforation and thrombus formation.
Cooled RF ablation systems may be divided largely into the two
groups: (1) internal cooling systems and (2) external cooling
systems. Internal cooling systems use saline, which circulates
within the catheter to reduce electrode temperature. The dimen-
sions of the internal cooling system limit the flow rate that may
achieved during RF application. Because most catheters using
current designs are limited to 7 to 8 Fr diameter size (2.33 to
2.67 mm), the flow rate is limited.
An example of the currently available internally cooled RF
ablation system is the Boston Scientific (Natick, MA) Chilli Cath-
eter (Figure 16-1). Clinical trials using this system have demon-
strated that this catheter may be used effectively during the
ablation of ventricular tachycardia (VT).
Externally cooled RF ablation systems use small holes in the
FIGURE 16-2  Saline-irrigated radiofrequency catheter (Thermocool,
ablation electrode to permit saline to escape the catheter and be
Biosense Webster, Waterloo, Belgium) with external cooling.
introduced into the body. Because a return path is not required,
current designs permit the forward flow to be greater compared
with internally cooled RF ablation systems. In addition, it is pos-
sible that the saline that escapes into myocardial tissue directly
cools the myocardium in addition to cooling the ablation elec-
trode. Present designs incorporate several holes in the electrode
that are able to cool the electrode efficiently. The Biosense Webster
(Waterloo, Belgium) Thermocool (Figure 16-2) catheter and the
St Jude Medical (St Paul, MN) catheter (Figure 16-3) have lateral
holes at the catheter electrode. The Thermocool catheter has been
approved for ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) and VT.
Temperature sensing and power regulation during cooled abla-
tion, whether using internally or externally cooled systems,
present some particular challenges. It is generally believed that in
noncooled RF ablation, the temperature measured by thermo-
couples or thermistors reflects the surface tissue temperature to
an imperfect degree. Even in these cases, the true maximum
tissue temperature is thought to be approximately 1 mm below FIGURE 16-3  Saline-irrigated radiofrequency catheter with external
the surface; therefore the temperature measured by the electrode cooling (St Jude Medical, St Paul, MN).
tip sensors does not reflect the maximum tissue temperature. In
cooled RF ablation systems, the irrigation of the electrode results
in cooling at the site of temperature measurement. During irriga- technique for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. Sapp et al
tion, the myocardial surface is cooled, resulting in the highest demonstrated the ability to produce left ventricular lesions in the
temperature occurring deeper in the myocardium. Some rise in myocardium.1
electrode temperature is observed, reflecting heat transfer from
tissue to the electrode, but it is difficult to extrapolate directly
from this temperature to the highest myocardial temperature. Cryoablation Technologies
Single-Point Cryoablation
Saline-Irrigated Needle Injection
Freezing is an effective means of killing myocardial tissue and has
Since creating deeper and larger lesions has been limited by the been successfully used in catheter cryoablation systems. Experi-
heating of the myocardial surface, using a needle to inject the mental studies have used several approaches to catheter cryoabla-
saline solution, which serves as an electrolytic solution to carry tion, but currently the only commercially available system is the
the current into the myocardium, has been introduced as a new CryoCath (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN). Experimental
216  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

systems have included systems using the Peltier effect to achieve The most recent studies have shown some of the highest success
freezing with an electric device. Such systems have been used rates and the lowest recurrence rates with catheter cryoablation,
effectively in cooling microscope viewing stages and other con- suggesting that over time, the success rates have improved. In a
trolled environments. A catheter system using the Peltier effect series of 312 patients with AVNRT, Bastiani et al described an
was designed but was not commercially pursued. acute success of 99% with a 5.8% recurrence rate.4 In a significant
Catheter cryoablation systems may use a variety of strategies number of pediatric centers, catheter cryoablation has become
to freeze myocardial tissue at the tip of the catheter. Delivery of the standard treatment modality.
a cold liquid is theoretically feasible but has been limited in prac- The ablation time during catheter ablation is usually longer
tice because of the exceptionally efficient insulation needed to than during RF energy. However, overall procedure time may be
achieve freezing at the tip. Current catheter cryoablation systems similar.5 In addition, the fluoroscopy time may be decreased with
deliver nitrous oxide to the tip, where it undergoes a pressure catheter cryoablation compared with RF ablation (P = .049).5 The
change, causing rapid and significant cooling at the tip. Such a need for fluoroscopy is reduced because of the adhesion of the
system requires the gas to be kept under high pressure; therefore electrode to the tissue during cryoablation.
pressure-safe systems are needed to bring the gas through the Experience in the use of catheter cryoablation for the treat-
meter-long catheter. ment of accessory pathways is considerably less. However, avail-
One of the most attractive features of catheter cryoablation is able data suggest that cryoablation is highly successful in treating
the ability to cool myocardial tissue reversibly. Reversible cooling accessory pathways. In the treatment of para-Hisian accessory
permits one to observe physiological changes transiently during pathways, catheter cryoablation is particularly useful and may
cooling and to reverse these effects by rewarming the tissue. In prevent AV block. However, a higher recurrence rate may be
addition, freezing of the tissue occurs gradually, initially involving observed. Ablation in the coronary sinus has been successfully
the tissue closest to the catheter tip and expanding gradually in performed, but recurrences may be more common. However,
concentric circles to form an ice ball that surrounds the catheter damage to the coronary arteries and the coronary sinus appears
tip (Figure 16-4). to be less of a concern.
Numerous series have studied the use of the catheter cryoabla- Catheter cryoablation may also be used for focal atrial tachy-
tion for a variety of cardiac arrhythmias. In a series using event cardia (AT). It may be particularly useful in areas of low blood
recordings, of the 160 patients undergoing catheter cryoablation flow, which may limit energy delivery when RF energy is used.
of cavo-tricuspid–dependent atrial flutter (AFL), 80.3% remained
free of AFL and 90.2% remained clinically free of AFL.2 In a study
Balloon Cryoablation
comparing catheter cryoablation and RF ablation of cavo-
tricuspid–dependent AFL, Malmborg et al found that catheter Balloon cryoablation has been introduced as a new technology
cryoablation had a lower acute success rate but had a recurrence for the treatment of AF. CryoCath cryoablation balloons use a
rate similar to cryoablation and RF ablation (20% and 15%, respec- “balloon within a balloon” design to prevent the leakage of refrig-
tively; P = .45).3 erant gas into the body (Figure 16-5). In balloon cryoablation,
Some series have examined the role of catheter cryoablation pressure change of the gas is used to achieve freezing. Trans-
for the treatment of atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia septal catheterization is performed, and the standard sheath is
(AVNRT). The advantage of catheter cryoablation has been the exchanged for the steerable sheath over a wire placed in the left
ability to avoid permanent atrioventricular (AV) block that may superior pulmonary vein. The balloon catheter cryoablation
occasionally occur during RF catheter ablation. Catheter cryoab- system is then advanced over the wire into each of the four pul-
lation has a recurrence rate as low as 0% to 2%, but some series monary veins. Because freezing is optimized when pulmonary
have reported rates as high as 10% to 15%. The reasons for these vein blood flow is minimal around the cryoablation, it is critical
variations in outcome and recurrence have not been established.

FIGURE 16-4  Demonstration of thermal profile of catheter

cryoablation lesions with the CryoCath. A zone of reversible cooling FIGURE 16-5  Arctic Front Balloon Cryoablation Catheter, in cut-away
surrounds the region of irreversible cell death. (Courtesy Medtronic, view. Note the balloon within a balloon construction. (Courtesy
Minneapolis, MN.) Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN.)
Ablation Technologies and Delivery Systems  217

to obtain an excellent occlusion of the balloon outside the ostium

of the pulmonary vein.
Balloon cryoablation has been successful in achieving pulmo-
nary vein block. Acute success has been achieved in 90% to 98%
of patients. Single-procedure success has varied between 60% and
80%. In the multi-center Sustained Treatment of Paroxysmal
Atrial Fibrillation (STOP AF) clinical study conducted in 26
centers with 245 patients, balloon catheter cryoablation was com-
pared with drug therapy.6 The primary effectiveness hypothesis of
the trial was that balloon cryoablation would have a significantly
greater treatment success at 12 months compared with drug
therapy. Patients who had two or more episodes of AF in 2 months
and did not respond to one or more antiarrhythmic drugs were
included in the trial. The patients were randomized in a 2 : 1 ratio
to ablation or drug therapy. The patients were followed up at 1, 3,
6, 9, and 12 months with Holter electrocardiographic monitors
FIGURE 16-6  CardioFocus balloon ablation catheter. Endoscopic
and weekly with trans-telephonic monitors. The primary end-
view of laser ablation of the right inferior pulmonary vein. (Courtesy
point was freedom from detectable AF, no use of non-study drugs,
CardioFocus, Marlborough, MA.)
and no AF interventions. The cryoablation system in the study
used a double-balloon structure, with liquid-to-gas transition for
cooling. The balloon was delivered using a 14 Fr deflectable
sheath. The mean age of the study subjects was 56.6 years. The
acute procedural success defined as three or more pulmonary
veins isolated was 98.2%. Repeat cryoablation was performed in 6 mm conductive band
31 (19%) of the 163 patients. After the blanking period, freedom
from AF was 69.9% in the cryoablation group compared with 7.3%
in the drug-treated group. No atrial-esophageal fistulas occurred,
but 4 (2.5%) strokes, 3 (1.8%) transient ischemic attacks, and 1
death occurred in the cryoablation treatment arm. Among the
subjects, 22 (13.5%) had phrenic nerve palsy, of whom 4 (2.5%)
had phrenic nerve palsy persistent at 12 months, and one of these
patients was symptomatic. Pulmonary vein stenosis (>75% change
in area) was observed in 5 patients (3.1%) in the cryoablation arm.
Max ∅ 30 mm

Laser Balloon Catheter Ablation Systems

A novel laser balloon ablation system has been developed for
pulmonary vein isolation as treatment for AF. The CardioFocus
(Marlborough, MA) system uses a 58-W continuous 980-nm
diode laser to create myocardial lesions. A console cools the
balloon with circulating sterile fluid. The balloon is positioned by
using a removable reusable endoscope with a 500-µm-diameter FIGURE 16-7  High-density electrode mesh radiofrequency ablation
device capable of creating a wide field of view. The laser balloon catheter (Bard Mesh; Bard Electrophysiology, Lowell, MA).
uses a disposable deflectable sheath, which gives access to the four
pulmonary veins. A green aiming beam is used to adjust the laser
beam in arcs of approximately 30 degrees. In a recent single-
center study of 27 patients, 100% of the pulmonary veins were
Radiofrequency Hot Ablation Balloon Catheter
isolated after 1.3 attempts per vein. At 3 months, 61 (90%) of 68
pulmonary veins continued to be electrically isolated.7 The ability Instead of using RF energy to heat atrial tissue directly, RF energy
to visualize lesion formation using the endoscope is a novel is used to heat the saline within a balloon positioned outside
feature of this technology (Figure 16-6). pulmonary veins to achieve adequate temperatures for ablation.
In 100 consecutive patients, all the pulmonary vein and posterior
left atrial signals were eliminated. In addition, lesions were created
Radiofrequency Mesh Pulmonary Vein Catheter
between the two superior pulmonary veins and the inferior pul-
A 36-electrode ablation mesh is used for pulmonary vein ablation monary veins. In a mean 11-month follow-up, 92 patients (60
and high-density mapping. This mesh is a three-dimensional elec- paroxysmal AF and 32 persistent AF) were free of AF.9
trode array (Figure 16-7) that does not impede blood flow from
pulmonary veins in the same way that a balloon ablation catheter
Radiofrequency Electrode Arrays
does. In a series of patients with paroxysmal and persistent AF,
58 of 67 pulmonary veins in 17 patients were successfully acutely The electrode arrays are designed to permit adjustment of these
isolated. During a mean follow-up of 11 months, 64% of patients multi-electrodes to deliver a series of lesions (Figure 16-8). In 98
remained in sinus rhythm.8 patients over a mean follow-up of 7 months, Boersma et al
218  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

FIGURE 16-8  Electrode array catheter for ablation of atrial fibrillation.

(Courtesy Medtronic Ablation Frontiers, Carlsbad, CA.)
FIGURE 16-10  Composite photo of the Sensai system remote
robotic navigation. (Courtesy Hansen Medical, Mountain View, CA.)

without having to manually control the catheter. In a series by

Katsiyiannis et al, 20 patients undergoing ablation with a Stereo-
taxis (St Louis, MO) Niobe II system and a 4-mm tip magnetic
catheter were compared with 20 patients undergoing ablation
with an 8-mm tip manually controlled catheter.11 In all these
patients, pulmonary veins were successfully isolated along with
wide-area circumferential ablation. At 1 year, a comparable
number of patients were free of AF off antiarrhythmic agents, and
a similar number of patients had ablation for atypical AFL. Mean
procedure and fluoroscopy times were shorter in the remote mag-
FIGURE 16-9  Schematic drawing of two external magnets used for netic navigation group.11
remote magnetic navigation in the Niobe II system. (Courtesy
Stereotaxis, St Louis, MO.)
Remote Robotic Navigation
Robotic systems permit precise control of the ablation catheter
remotely using a sophisticated computerized system (Figure
demonstrated that 44 (83%) of 53 patients after 6 months of 16-10). In one study using a combination of the Hansen Medical
follow-up were free of AF on 7-day Holter monitor. After 3 (Mountain View, CA) Sensai system and a 3.5-mm Thermocool
months, 18% of patients had a recurrence of AF.10 catheter, all the pulmonary veins were isolated in 40 patients; at
1 year, 86% of patients were free of AF.12 Other studies have dem-
onstrated a significant reduction in fluoroscopy time with the
High-Frequency Focused Ultrasound Balloon Catheter
remote robotic navigation system. Enhancements of this system
Ablation Systems
permit assessments of catheter-tissue pressure.
By using a reflector configuration, ultrasound is focused to create
ablative lesions. In an initial series of 15 patients with paroxysmal
AF, pulmonary vein isolation was achieved acutely in 89% of Noninvasive Ablation
pulmonary veins with a power of 45 W. In median follow-up of
387 days, 58% of patients were free of AF off antiarrhythmic The use of external radiation focused on a precise region of the
agents. In subsequent clinical experience, atrial-esophageal fistu- heart has been proposed as a method to treat arrhythmias. The
las were observed, and the clinical trials were discontinued. use of gamma radiation is the focus of CyberHeart (Sunnyvale,
CA). Early experimental data have demonstrated that it is feasible
to create myocardial lesions using this approach.
Ablation Delivery Systems
Remote Magnetic Navigation
Avari JN, Jay KS, Rhee EK: Experience and results during transition from
Remote magnetic navigation uses large external magnets to pre- radiofrequency ablation to cryoablation for treatment of pediatric atrio-
cisely control the ablation catheter tip within the heart (Figure ventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
16-9). This technology enables the user to perform ablation 31:454–460, 2008.
Ablation Technologies and Delivery Systems  219
catheter ablation of atrial flutter, J Intervent Card Electrophysiol 24:127–

Bastani H, Schwieler J, Insulander P, et al: Acute and long-term outcome
131, 2009.
of cryoablation therapy of typical atrioventricular nodal reentrant
Packer DL, Irwin JM, Champagne J, et al: Cryoballoon ablation of pulmo-
tachycardia, Europace 11:1077–1082, 2009.
nary veins for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: First results of the North
Boersma LV, Wijffels MC, Oral H, et al: Pulmonary vein isolation by duty-
American Arctic Front STOP-AF pivotal trial. Late breaking clinical
cycled bipolar and unipolar radiofrequency energy with a multielec-
trials at the American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions,
trode catheter, Heart Rhythm 5:1635–1642, 2008.
De Filippo P, He DS, Brambilla R, et al: Clinical experience with a single
Sapp JL, Cooper JM, Zei PC, Stevenson WG: Large radiofrequency abla-
catheter for mapping and ablation of pulmonary vein ostium, J Cardio-
tion lesions can be created with a retractable infusion-needle catheter,
vasc Electrophysiol 20:367–373, 2008.
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 17:657–661, 2006.
Dukkipati S, Nueuzil P, Skoda J, et al: Visual balloon-guided point-by-
Saliba W, Reddy VY, Wazni O, et al: Atrial fibrillation ablation using a
point ablation: Reliable, reproducible, and persistent pulmonary vein
robotic catheter remote control system: Initial human experience
isolation, Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 3(3):266–273, 2010.
and long-term followup results, J Am Coll Cardiol 51:2407–2411,
Feld GK, Daubert JP, Weiss R, et al: Cryoablation Atrial Flutter Efficacy
Trial I. Acute and long-term efficacy and safety of catheter cryoablation
Sohara H, Takeda H, Ueno H, Oda T, Satake S: Feasibility of the radiofre-
of the cavotricuspid isthmus for treatment of type 1 atrial flutter, Heart
quency hot balloon catheter for isolation of the posterior left atrium
Rhythm 5:1009–1014, 2008.
and pulmonary veins for the treatment of atrial fibrillation, Circ
Katsiyiannis W, Melby D, Matelski J, et al: Feasibility and safety of remote-
Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2:225–232, 2009.
controlled magnetic navigation for ablation of atrial fibrillation, Am J
Cardiol 102:1674–1676, 2008.
Malmborg H, Lonnerholm S, Lundqvist CB: A prospective randomised All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
comparison of large-tip cryoablation and 8-mm-tip radiofrequency com.
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging
Technologies Related to Arrhythmias
A. Cardiac Computed Tomography: Jasbir Sra
B. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Rishi Anand and Timm-Michael Dickfeld
C. Transthoracic and Transesophageal Echocardiography: Anjlee M. Mehta
and Navin C. Nanda

coordinate system of the image, and an element in the image can

A. Cardiac Computed Tomography be assessed by its two-dimensional position within this array. For
example, a typical CT slice is formed of 512 × 512 pixels, each
corresponding to a portion of the cut through the patient measur-
Fluoroscopy does not provide adequate anatomic visualization ing about 0.5 × 0.5 mm2. The matrix and the pixel size are related
because of lack of contrast between the area of interest and sur- to the display field of view (FOV). If, for example, the FOV is
rounding structures, making it difficult to precisely manipulate 25 cm, each pixel will be FOV/matrix size 25/512 = 0.48 mm2.
intracardiac catheters in complex three-dimensional left atrial This dimension determines the limiting in-plane spatial resolu-
(LA) anatomy in procedures such as atrial fibrillation (AF) tion of the image. The two-dimensional axial slices are then
ablation. stacked together to form a three-dimensional volume. Each pixel
Recent advances in imaging technology are starting to have a corresponds to a small volume element called a voxel. The height
profound effect on the practice of electrophysiology. Radiological of the voxel is determined by the slice thickness. If the axial slice
scans, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic reso- thickness in the above example is 1.5 mm, the voxel size would
nance imaging (MRI), offer high-quality anatomic visualization be 0.48 × 0.48 × 1.5 mm3.
with high spatial and temporal resolution and can thus enhance
efficacy and reduce the risks associated with procedures such as
Computed Tomography Imaging
LA ablation for AF through more precise anatomic depiction,
aiding accurate planning of ablation.1 In a CT imaging system configuration, an x-ray projects a fan-
The role of CT in cardiac arrhythmias, the focus of this chapter, shaped beam that is collimated to lie within an x-y plane of a
has benefited from the use of electrocardiogram (ECG)-gated Cartesian coordinate system and generally referred to as the
image acquisition, a rapid increase in gantry rotational velocity, imaging plane.1,2 Thus, during CT imaging, the anatomy of inter-
and an increasing number and resolution of available detector est passes through this imaging plane, and the image data of
rows. Recently available 64-slice scanners provide high-resolution interest are acquired and reconstructed. This acquisition is typi-
volume and improved image quality by effectively freezing the cally accomplished by obtaining different views as the x-ray
heart’s motion during acquisition and allowing scans to be per- source and detectors rotate around the anatomy or volume.
formed more quickly or with fewer gantry rotations than with Reconstruction of these data generates a two-dimensional array
earlier scanners. This, in turn, has led to a reduction in errors of quantized grayscale values or pixels. Pixel values are a measure
associated with image reconstruction and segmentation, and of the x-ray attenuation in Hounsfield units (HU), where the HU
more precise information on the position and movement of the = 1000 – (4 µ/µw – 1), µ being the average linear attenuation
cardiac structures throughout the cardiac cycle. coefficient of the volume element represented by the pixel and µw
This chapter addresses the basic principles of CT imaging the linear coefficient of water for the effective energy at the beam
within the particular constraints of cardiac imaging relating to exiting the patient. Thus, water has an HU number of 0, and a
cardiac arrhythmias. Although CT imaging has been used to region with a CT number of 100 HU has a linear attenuation
identify many structures in the heart, given the current interest coefficient that is 1% greater than the linear attenuation coeffi-
in image-guided therapy for AF, CT imaging of the left atrium and cient of water.
its role in AF ablation is the main focus of this chapter. In the most commonly used ECG-gated helical CT acquisition,
the x-ray tube (and detector array) rotates continuously about the
patient collecting the data, while the table (with the patient) is
Segmentation moved at a constant speed through the imaging plane. The helical
CT thus collects a continuous sequence of consecutive axial
Technical Considerations
images from a volume of the patient’s anatomy. Faster scanning,
Most medical images are in a digital format and are made up of as currently done with 64-slice CT scanners, allows collection of
an array of small square or rectangular elements called pixels.2 a large volume of data in short periods (<10 seconds). The factors
Each pixel has associated image intensity. This provides the selected in scanning a patient include slice width, FOV, gantry

222  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

rotation speed, and volume of coverage, as well as basic contrast to the patient. The data acquired during consecutive cardiac
injection protocols. Scan time is calculated from the scan volume time intervals can then be combined to produce an image of
(total distance traveled by the table) divided by table speed. Also the heart at the same phase of the cardiac cycle. Retrospective
important is the pitch, which is defined as a ratio of the distance gating allows alignment of images during any phase of the
the table moves per 360-degree rotation. A pitch of 1 means the cardiac cycle because of continuous helical acquisition. Usually,
patient table moves a distance of one slice. Similarly, a pitch of 0.2 during retrospective gating, an approximately 75% phase location
means the gantry rotates five times as the table moves a distance is used for patients in sinus rhythm as it yields the best image
equal to the collimator width. quality because of diastole. During AF, because of short R-R
Cardiac motion caused by heartbeat, respiration, and patient intervals, an approximately 45% cardiac phase usually gives best
movement while on the table can produce artifacts that appear results.
as blurring in the reconstructed image. Such blurring effects may Once the image is acquired, it is stored in a proprietary format.
make diagnosis difficult. The use of a short scan time, as can be The data can then be exported from the scanner. As images
done with current scanners, can prevent or minimize these arti- obtained by scanners of one manufacturer may need to be
facts because of the speed of acquisition. To avoid respiration imported to that of another or to different viewing screens, a
artifacts, scanning is performed during the breath held in inspira- medical image standard known as DICOM (Digital Information
tion or expiration. Because of the short scan time, currently and Communications in Medicine) has been devised and is widely
available faster scanners allow images to be acquired in expira- used. This allows data to be exchanged between scanners and
tion. The acquired data are synchronized with the collection of viewing consoles.
the ECG (QRS) signal. The ECG signal is recorded in parallel The American Radiology Society’s convention is to display
with the CT through a noninvasive monitoring device connected axial images with the right side of the patient at the left and the






FIGURE 17-1  Left atrial three-dimensional image. Left, A posteroanterior view of the segmented left atrium from the computed tomography
image. Right, Endocardial views of the left atrium. Top right, A right lateral view, with the medial side of the left atrium cut away, revealing the left
superior pulmonary vein (LSPV), left inferior pulmonary vein (LIPV), the left atrial appendage (LAA), as well as the mitral valve (MV). Bottom right,
Left lateral portion of the left atrium cut away, revealing the right superior pulmonary vein (RSPV) and right inferior pulmonary vein (RIPV).
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  223

posterior side at the bottom when viewed on the computer screen a good view of the posterior LA endocardium. Left and right
at the workstation.

Image Segmentation
anterior views can provide excellent delineation of right and left
PVs, respectively. The navigator view shows the LA from the
perspective of a virtual endoscope. Several measurements such as
the LA volume (Figure 17-3), PV ostium (Figure 17-4), mitral
Following scanning, cardiac images are generated by postprocess- isthmus and distance between the superior PVs (Figure 17-5), and
ing of one phase of axial image datasets. The cardiac chamber relationship of the esophagus to the LA (Figure 17-6) can be made
volumes are based on the boundary between the contrast- due to their relevance to some of the linear and other lesions
enhanced blood pool, which is of bright appearance because of
the contrast, and the endocardium, which is not contrast
enhanced. This allows for clear differentiation of the lumen and
the myocardial wall. The process of dividing images into different
regions to visualize areas of interest is called segmentation.3,4
Image segmentation methods can be grouped into thresholding,
boundary detection, and region identification.
Thresholding is the simplest but most effective segmentation 180°
method. During thresholding, pixels with intensities below a
threshold value are assigned a certain class and the remaining RSPV 120°
pixels a different class. Connecting adjacent pixels of the same
class forms regions. Thus, boundary extraction methods use
information about intensity differences between adjacent regions LIPV
to separate the regions from each other. Region identification
techniques then form regions by combining pixels of similar
properties. The simplest region-identifying technique could start
with at least one seed (a starting point) per region. Neighbors of
the seed are visited, and the neighbors that satisfy the predicate
(a simple predicate compares the intensity values of the pixel to
the average intensity value of the region) are added to the region.
Segmentation, as relevant to AF ablation, for example, can be used
to identify the anatomy of the LA and its vasculature that can be
viewed separately from the remaining chambers of the heart and
surrounding anatomy such as the lung.
Three-dimensional endocardial views, navigator views, and
various measurements can be obtained from the imaged and FIGURE 17-2  Navigator view of the left atrium. Polar view of the left
segmented data (Figures 17-1 and 17-2). Cut planes can be used atrium depicts the entire left atrium. LAA, Left atrial appendage; LIPV,
to remove a portion of the surface. The resultant model can show left inferior pulmonary vein; LSPV, left superior pulmonary vein; MV,
mitral valve; RIPV, right inferior pulmonary vein; RSPV, right superior
endocardial surface and pulmonary veins (PVs) as if from inside
pulmonary vein.
the chamber. Cutting away the anterior surface, for example, gives

6.0 mm

34.6 mm
58.6 mm

FIGURE 17-3  Left atrial measurement. Methods of measuring transverse, lateral, and anteroposterior length of the left atrium are shown. Localization
of points over the three-dimensional (3D) computed tomography model made to create a localization line over the axial datasets is depicted. The
image has been rotated to visualize all the highlighted points simultaneously.
224  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

21.8 mm (3D)

21.6 mm

FIGURE 17-4  Right superior (left) and left superior pulmonary vein ostial (right) measurements from axial datasets. The first oblique cut creates the
planes (not shown) in the figure. The second oblique shown in the left and right panel results in the cross-sections of the pulmonary veins at the

Roof line LIPV to MVA line

38.5 mm (2D)

34.3 mm (2D)


FIGURE 17-5  Measurements of strategic locations used for ablation. A, The roofline connecting the superior pulmonary veins. B, The definition of
the left inferior pulmonary vein (LIPV) to mitral valve annulus (MVA) line, mitral isthmus line. B is an oblique cut showing the MVA and LIPV and
illustrates how the line, which follows posteriorly between the LIPV and the MVA, is drawn and measured.

performed in some AF procedures in these areas. For LA dimen- mitral annulus, and midway between these two points help define
sion measurement, a series of three lines or axes are drawn in the the optimal line. Then, a cut plane that passes through these
LA to measure chamber dimensions and to serve as the basis for points is defined. Finally, the distance along this surface reaching
creating a coordinate system in the LA. First, a line is drawn near from the left inferior PV to the mitral annulus is measured. PV
the posterior portion of the LA connecting the junction point of ostial dimensions are measured using a standard double-oblique
the right superior and inferior veins to the junction point of the approach. An initial oblique cut is made along the shaft or lumen
left superior and inferior veins. This creates the x-axis. Next, a of the vessel. A second oblique cut is then made and positioned
line is drawn through the mid-portion of the x-axis, forming the orthogonally to the first cut plane. The long and short axes are
y-axis. Finally, drawing a line through the intersecting points of then measured. For LA esophageal measurement, axial slices are
the x- and y-axes creates a z-axis of the coordinate system. The scanned. A point is deposited in the center of the esophageal
length of these lines serves as the LA dimensions. In the case of lumen. An oblique cut plane is then created through this point,
measuring mitral isthmus dimensions, for example, markers can orthogonal to the posterior LA and the esophagus. Four measure-
be placed on the three-dimensional volume at the inferolateral ments are made of the distance between the posterior LA endo-
aspect of the left inferior PV, the posterolateral aspect of the cardium and the esophagus.
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  225

LA to surrounding structures such as the esophagus and by

Imaging of the Atrium and Pulmonary Veins
helping to choose the right tools for mapping and ablation. A
A thorough understanding of the morphologic characteristics of survey given to task force members for the AF ablation consensus
the LA and PVs in detail will not only help achieve a more efficient document revealed that approximately two thirds of centers are
ablation but also prevent procedure-related complications such routinely obtaining MRI or CT scans in patients scheduled to
as PV stenosis and others by delineating the relationship of the have an AF ablation.5
Detailed imaging studies have shown that anywhere from 65%
to 80% of patients have four PVs, and some have left common and
right middle PVs as well (Figure 17-7).6 Part of the main trunk of
the right superior PV passes immediately behind the right supe-
rior vena cava (SVC) junction. It has also been shown that the
right superior PV trunk branches out significantly sooner than do
the left PVs. The right inferior PV arises inferiorly and laterally to
the right superior PV. It divides almost immediately, within 5 to
6.0 mm (3D) 10 mm, into superior and inferior branches. The distance between
the right superior and right inferior PVs across the canal ridge
4.3 mm (3D)
varies from 2 to 8 mm. In 18% to 29% of cases, a supernumerary
4.4 mm (3D) right PV may arise independently on the right side.7
6.1 mm (3D) The left superior PV lies superiorly and posteriorly to the LA
appendage. It enters the LA in a more vertical direction. It usually
has multiple branches, which ordinarily arise 10 to 20 mm from
their base. The left inferior PV enters the LA more horizontally
from a posterolateral position and branches almost immediately.
A common antrum of the left superior and inferior PVs is seen in
3% to 30% of patients. Some studies have suggested this number
FIGURE 17-6  Relationship of the esophagus to the posterior left may be even higher. In a series of more than 500 CT scans
atrium. Left lateral three-dimensional (3D) computed tomography done at the author’s institution, in addition to the left common
images of the left atrium are shown. The esophagus is seen as a and right middle PVs, other unusual anatomies, including one
translucent structure near the left atrial posterior wall over the left common right PV, three PVs on the right and left, and one
pulmonary veins. Measurements at four different locations between
common ostium of the left inferior PVs, were seen.8 Examples are
the left atrium and the esophagus are shown.
depicted in Figures 17-8 and 17-9.



FIGURE 17-7  Three-dimensional and endocardial left atrial image reconstruction. Representative examples of three-dimensional models of three
different pulmonary vein morphologies, along with endocardial views, are depicted. The standard four pulmonary veins (top left), a common
pulmonary vein (top middle), and an additional right middle vein (right) are shown. Bottom, The respective endocardial views, along with the mitral
valve (MV). Left, The location of the circumflex artery (Cx). LAA, Left atrial appendage; LIPV, left inferior pulmonary vein; LPV, left pulmonary vein;
LSPV, left superior pulmonary vein; RIPV, right inferior pulmonary vein; RMPV, right middle pulmonary vein; RSPV, right superior pulmonary vein. (From
Sra J, Krum D, Okerlund D, et al: Endocardial imaging of the left atrium in patients with atrial fibrillation, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol Imag 15:247, 2004.)



Right PVs Left PVs


Mitral valve

FIGURE 17-8  Different pulmonary anatomies. A, Common right pulmonary vein (RPV). Endocardial view shows the common ostium (COs).
B, Reconstructed three-dimensional model of the left atrium and pulmonary veins (PVs). In addition to superior and inferior PVs, three-dimensional
model shows middle right and left pulmonary vein. Endocardial views show right and left PVs with additional pulmonary veins as seen on the
three-dimensional model. LSPV, Left superior PV; LIPV, left inferior PV; LAA, left atrial appendage. (From Sra J, Akhtar M: Mapping techniques for atrial
fibrillation ablation, Curr Probl Cardiol 12:667–718, 2007. )


LIPV Common







FIGURE 17-9  Unusual pulmonary vein anatomies. A and B, An unusual anatomic subtype of pulmonary vein anatomy. The left and right upper
pulmonary veins (LSPV, RSPV) branch off from the left atrium (LA) in typical fashion; however, the two inferior pulmonary veins (LIPV, RIPV) converge
near the midline of the posterior left atrium, forming a large common ostium (Common Os). C and D, Absent LIPV. Endocardial view is also depicted.
LAA, Left atrial appendage. (From Sra J, Malloy A, Shah H, et al: Common ostium of the inferior pulmonary veins in a patient undergoing left atrial ablation for
atrial fibrillation, J Interv Card Electrophysiol 15:203, 2006; and Arora V, Nangia V, Krum D, et al: Absent left inferior pulmonary vein in a patient undergoing
atrial fibrillation ablation. EP images from cell to bedside, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16:924–925, 2005.)
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  227

PV ostia are ellipsoid, with a longer superoinferior dimension, during the cardiac cycle and respiration motion. Registration
and funnel-shaped ostia are frequently noted in AF patients. PVs
are larger in patients with AF versus those without AF, in men
versus women, and in persistent versus paroxysmal patterns.9 The
understanding of these anatomic relationships is essential for
algorithms involve the optimization of a cost function by the
choice of a transformation, which transforms one image space
into the other. The transformation can be either linear or nonlin-
ear. Linear transformations are shape preserving and are
accomplishing safe access to the LA using the trans-septal punc-
ture, for placement of appropriate mapping tools such as a circu-
lar mapping catheter or multi-electrode basket catheter as well as
Cryo balloons, and for application of energy around or outside
the PV ostia. The variability of PV morphologies could substan-
tially influence the success rate of catheter ablation if the variant
veins are inadequately treated. Multiple ramifications and early
branching observed in right inferior PVs possibly account for the
lower incidence of focal origin of AF from this vein. These ana-
tomic variations are important in planning catheter ablation of
AF (Figure 17-10). Localization of the true LA PV, the LA append-
age, and the ridge between the PV and the LA appendage in
these patients can be more accurate with the assistance of
three-dimensional CT images before mapping and ablation

Left Atrial Registration

To improve intraprocedural guidance using current imaging tech-
niques for ablation, cardiac image registration is currently under
investigation and is in clinical use for AF ablation. Table 17-1
depicts some of the studies published in this regard. Cardiac
image registration, which involves integration of two images in
the context of the LA, is intermodal with the acquired image and FIGURE 17-10  Endocardial computed tomography image showing
the real-time reference image residing in different image spaces pulmonary veins and different techniques of pulmonary vein isolation.
and involves optimization, where one image space is transformed A multi-electrode catheter is positioned in the upper pulmonary vein.
Bottom vein shows circumferential isolation techniques used during
into the other. Unlike rigid body registration, cardiac image reg-
atrial fibrillation ablation.
istration is unique and challenging because of cardiac motion

TABLE 17-1  Registration Techniques and Errors


Sra Heart Rhythm, 2005 CT/ESI Animal model 2.0 ± 3.6 Target registration error

Tops Heart Rhythm, 2005 CT/CARTO 16 1.8 ± 1 Feasibility mapping points

and CT surface

Dong Journal of Cardiovascular CT/CARTO 16 (8 CT) 3.0 ± 0.4 Technique as above

Electrophysiology, 2006

Malchano Journal of Cardiovascular CT/CARTO 13 12 ± 11 (inspiration) Technique as above

Electrophysiology, 2006 4.7 ± 0.9 (expiration)

Kistler Journal of Cardiovascular CT/CARTO 47 2.4 ± 0.4 Technique as above;

Electrophysiology, 2006 CartoMerge (83% vs. 60%)

Dong Circulation, 2006 CT/CARTO Animal model 1.8 ± 1.0 Target registration error

Fahmy Journal of Cardiovascular CT/CARTO 124 5.6 ± 3.2 (posterior) ICE-guided assessment
Electrophysiology, 2007 9.1 ± 2.5 (anterior)

Zhong Heart Rhythm, 2007 CT/CARTO 16 16 ± 12 (right) ICE-guided assessment

11 ± 7 (left)

Sra Circulation, 2006 CT/fluoro Phantom, 20 patients 1.4 ± 0.5 Feasibility

Sra Journal of Cardiovascular CT/fluoro 50 — Outcome study (84% vs. 67%

Electrophysiology, 2007

CT, Computed tomography; ESI, endocardial solutions; ICE, intracardiac echocardiography; CT, computed tomography.
228  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

composed solely of rotations, translations, and isotropic scaling. direction, are needed. A simplified rigid body registration involves
Nonlinear transformations may deform both the shapes and sizes translation, scaling, and rotation, where the centroid, or the
of images. A linear transformation between three-dimensional center part, is aligned in each image. Subsequently, scaling is
spaces is defined by six parameters (or degrees of freedom), where performed to calibrate both images. This is followed by rotation
two positions of a rigid body can always be related to one another to align the fiducial points. A nonlinear transformation will
in terms of three translations and three rotations. As the voxel require more degrees of freedom.
sizes in each image may not be similar for calibration purposes, Many steps have been taken recently to develop methods of
three extra degrees of freedom, equating to scaling in each integrating three-dimensional structural details from acquired





A 3D–3D registration





B1 MA B3

FIGURE 17-11  Registration using a multi-electrode catheter and CARTO (Biosense Webster) with computed tomography (CT). A, Registration of the
left atrium and multi-electrode balloon. Three-dimensional (3D) image of the left atrium and pulmonary veins (PVs) is visualized in the posteroanterior
view using CT (left). The location of the buried electrodes (red circles) are deposited at the time of segmentation. The 3D model is imported using a
wireframe model (middle) and registered with the noncontact mapping system (right) using the process detailed in the text. A sinus beat is identified
in the 3D registered model. LAA, Left atrial appendage; LIPV, left inferior pulmonary vein; LMPV, left middle pulmonary vein; LSPV, left superior
pulmonary vein; RIPV, right inferior pulmonary vein; RMPV, right middle pulmonary vein; RSPV, right superior pulmonary vein. Bottom, Registration
using the CARTO system. B1, Landmark pairs (highlighted with darker circles) at the 6 o’clock mitral annulus (MA) position and the junctions of the LA
and right superior pulmonary vein (RS), right inferior pulmonary vein (RI), and left inferior pulmonary vein (LI) were annotated on the 3D CT left atrial
surface reconstruction (upper image, shown as wire frame) and the left atrial electroanatomic map (lower image, shown as solid shell) with tubes
representing pulmonary veins. B2, After landmark registration, the 3D left atrial surface reconstruction was superimposed on the electroanatomic map
(shown as mesh). Note: The misalignment of the LS, LI, and RS between the two image datasets is indicated by the yellow or red color of the PV points
(arrows) sampled in those PVs. B3, After surface registration was executed, the PV alignment between the two image datasets was significantly
improved, indicated by the PV points. The electroanatomic map points indicate their distance of <5 mm, 5 to 10 mm, and >10 mm, respectively, from
the registered CT reconstruction surface. (From Sra J, Krum D, Hare J, et al: Feasibility and validation of registration of three-dimensional left atrial models
derived from computed tomography with a noncontact cardiac mapping system, Heart Rhythm 2:55–63, 2005; and Dong J, Dickfeld T, Dalal D, et al: Initial
experience in the use of integrated electroanatomic mapping with three-dimensional MR/CT images to guide catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation, J
Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 17:459–466, 2006.)
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  229

cardiac images with the real-time view of the interventional

systems. The main modalities for catheter viewing, mapping
systems, fluoroscopy, and ultrasound have been used in these
techniques.11 The following section describes some recent
advances in the registration of acquired, structurally revealing
three-dimensional images with real-time images.

Registration Using Anatomic Mapping Systems

Anatomic mapping systems provide the three-dimensional posi-
tion of a navigational catheter within the cardiac chamber of
interest and, in some instances, can also be used to construct
three-dimensional maps of the cardiac chamber. Magellan and
CARTO (Biosense Webster Inc., Diamond Bar, CA) use the elec-
tromagnetic position of the catheter tip, based on an electromag-
netic locator pad, which is placed below the patient, and a
reference catheter is placed at a fixed external (usually posterior)
location. LocaLisa (Medtronic Inc., Minneapolis, MN) and NavX FIGURE 17-12  Electrocardiogram and respiration-gated registration.
(St Jude Medical Inc., St Paul, MN) catheters are used to register Fluoroscopic image is taken during the same cardiac cycle phase
the image. Previous results of this method have indicated that (75%, green arrows), and respiration gated (during inspiration) as
registration of the left ventricle alone results in inaccurate align- computed tomography imaging. Accurate registration is seen. System
ment. Inclusion of the aorta in the registration process rectifies also allows marking of the ablation site (red circles). (From Sra J: Cardiac
this error. A clinical application of this technique that uses the image registration, JAFIB J Atrial Fibrillation 1:148–160, 2008.)
CARTO system (CartoMerge), the multi-electrode catheter, and
the NavX with either CT or MRI is now available.11,12 A combina-
tion of landmark and surface registrations is used to register CT conformational changes that occur with cardiac and respiratory
with the CARTO system. Initially, several landmarks, usually motions will introduce error into the registration process when,
three, are manually chosen and annotated. After this, the recon- as in three-dimensional/two-dimensional registration, a static
structed three-dimensional image of the LA using CT or MRI is image is “aligned” with the real-time fluoroscopic image. Attempts
superimposed on the electroanatomic map created by the CARTO at gating the registration process so that image integration
mapping system. Figure 17-11 depicts an example of CARTO and occurred during the same phase of the cardiac cycle were suc-
CT registration using landmark (fiducial point) and surface cessfully implemented in experiments conducted in the author’s
registrations. laboratory; thus, fluoroscopic images can be taken at the same
phase as the segmented CT images, that is, during diastole (see
Figure 7-12). Synchronizing registration to the respiratory cycle
X-Ray Registration
during expiration or inspiration, the phase during which CT
Registration with fluoroscopy can be performed in the exported imaging has been done, could potentially eliminate movement of
three-dimensional model by using a transformation to align the the LA during respiration.
coronary sinus catheter seen on fluoroscopy with the SVC
and the coronary sinus in the exported three-dimensional
Other Applications in Cardiac Arrhythmias
CT model. The author’s center has recently described an
implementation of a semi-automated three-dimensional/two- The ability to distinguish the dysfunctional but viable myocar-
dimensional CT-fluoroscopy registration strategy.13 The accuracy dium from nonviable tissue may have important prognostic impli-
of this system was found to be within 1.4 mm in phantom studies. cations after myocardial infarction (MI). A study by Lardo et al
This strategy was also assessed in patients undergoing AF validated the accuracy of contrast-enhanced multi-detector CT
ablation. Twenty consecutive patients underwent ECG-gated, (MDCT) for quantifying myocardial necrosis, microvascular
contrast-enhanced CT scanning. The LA and the PVs were seg- obstruction, and chronic scar after occlusion or reperfusion MI.14
mented using the semi-automated method described before. The In this study, 10 dogs and 7 pigs underwent balloon occlusion of
segmented images of the LA PV were then registered in real time the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery followed by
on acquired digital cine or fluoroscopic images by superimposing reperfusion. Contrast-enhanced (Visipaque, 150 mL, 325 mg/
the coronary sinus catheter, as seen on the cine image, over the mL) MDCT (0.5 mm, 32-slice) was performed before occlusion
SVC and coronary sinus as described before. Accurate registra- and 90 minutes (canine) or 8 weeks (porcine) after reperfusion.
tion was confirmed by PV angiography as well as by the position MDCT images were analyzed to define infarct size and extent and
and recordings on a 64-pole basket catheter located in the PVs microvascular obstruction and compared with postmortem myo-
(Figure 17-12). The author’s center has continued to use this strat- cardial staining (triphenyltetrazolium chloride) and microsphere
egy for PV isolation and LA linear ablation procedures on patients blood flow measurements. Acute and chronic infarcts by MDCT
with AF. In a recent study, 50 patients with AF undergoing abla- were characterized by hyper-enhancement, whereas regions
tion were randomized to standard ablation techniques or ablation of microvascular obstruction were characterized by hypo-
guided by CT-fluoroscopy registered images. Fluoroscopy time enhancement. MDCT infarct volume compared well with triphe-
and total procedure time were significantly reduced in the nyltetrazolium chloride staining (acute infarcts, 21.1% ± 7.2% vs.
CT-fluoroscopy group, and a trend toward better outcomes 20.4% ± 7.4%; mean difference, 0.7%; chronic infarcts, 4.15% ±
was observed. The complex translational, rotational, and 1.93% vs. 4.92% ± 2.06%; mean difference 0.76%) and accurately
230  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology


40 6 1.96 SD
35 5.2

Line of identity 2
25 Mean

20 0 0.7
15 –2
10 –1.96 SD
–4 –3.8
0 –6
0 10 20 30 40 10 15 20 25 30 35
D E Average of MDCTa and TTCa

FIGURE 17-13  Multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) and histopathologic staining comparison of infarct morphology. A, Reconstructed
short-axis MDCT slice 5 minutes after contrast injection demonstrating a large anterolateral infarct (hyper-enhanced region) with discrete endocardial
regions of microvascular obstruction (four arrows). B, Triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC)–stained slice. C, Thioflavin S and TTC staining of the same
slice, which confirms the size and location of microvascular obstruction regions. D, Quantitative MDCT and TTC measurements of infarct size yielded
good agreement, with points distributed around the line of identity. E, Mean difference of 0.7% by Bland-Altman analysis. (From Lardo AC, Cordeiro AS,
Silva C, et al: Contrast-enhanced multidetector computed tomography viability imaging after myocardial infarction characterization of myocyte death,
microvascular obstruction, and chronic scar, Circulation 113:394–404, 2006.)

reflected the morphology and the transmural extent of injury in

all of the animals (Figure 17-13). Peak hyper-enhancement of
infarcted regions occurred 5 minutes after contrast injection. Recent advances in imaging, especially in CT imaging, may help
MDCT-derived regions of microvascular obstruction were also define anatomic structures associated with cardiac arrhythmias.
identified accurately in acute studies and correlated with reduced- This is particularly true for complex three-dimensional anatomy
flow regions as measured by microsphere blood flow. This study such as the LA. Image registration of these anatomic structures
thus suggested that the spatial extent of acute and healed MI further provides a means for physicians to incorporate into a single
could be determined and quantified accurately with contrast- view the varied information captured by CT, which can then be
enhanced MDCT. This feature, combined with existing high- used for interventional planning and treatment of complex
resolution MDCT coronary angiography, may have important arrhythmias such as AF. Significant work is being done to improve
implications for the comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular imaging quality and function assessment, which should further
disease. refine the imaging of structures such as the coronary sinus and the
Other studies have shown the role of CT in imaging coronary left ventricle and the identification of myocardial scar. This should
sinus and left ventricular anatomy and function to define sites for enhance efficacy of procedures such as biventricular pacing.
biventricular pacing in patients with congestive heart failure
(Figures 17-14 to 17-17). CT imaging has also been used to
perform left ventricular functional analysis using post-processing
algorithms or detailed left ventricular motion analysis, thus The authors thank Brian Miller and Brian Schurrer for assistance
enabling identification of sites where left ventricular pacing in the preparation of illustrations and Barbara Danek and Joe
should improve efficacy of biventricular pacing.15 Grundle for editing the manuscript.
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  231

vein Endocardial view of CS origin from
within the right atrium


Posterior Middle cardiac
lateral Posterior left cardiac vein
vein ventricular vein Posterior
lateral Posterior
vein vein
Endocardial view within CS near
A B intersection of CS and circumflex

FIGURE 17-14  Three-dimensional images of the left ventricle (LV) and coronary sinus (CS). A, Endocardial images of the CS also can be obtained
using post-processing segmentation algorithms. A three-dimensional image of the LV and the CS with its branches in a patient obtained using CT (16
slice, light speed ultra). B, Post-processing segmentation algorithms used to show three-dimensional images of the CS alone. C and D, Endocardial
views of the CS at two different locations. These imaging techniques could help create a roadmap for CS lead placement in patients undergoing
cardiac resynchronization therapy. (From Sra J, Krum D, Okerlund D, et al: Three-dimensional and endocardial imaging of the coronary sinus for cardiac
resynchronization therapy, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 15:1109, 2004.)

anatomic catheter guidance for patients with recurrent episodes

of VT.
B. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
An emerging application of cardiac imaging is the visualization
of atrial or ventricular ablation lesions using MRI. This has the
potential to assess the discrepancies between intended versus
Improvements in understanding the arrhythmia mechanisms and actual ablation lines, delineate gaps in ablation sets, and provide
the development of advanced three-dimensional mapping tools a road map for additional and repeat ablation procedures.
have helped create novel catheter-based ablation strategies over A rapidly evolving field is real-time MRI for electrophysiology
the past 10 to 15 years. As many of these approaches are anatomi- procedures, which is currently being evaluated in animal and
cally based, cardiac imaging has been increasingly used to assist preliminary human studies. Catheter navigation and ablation can
in procedural planning, guidance, and follow-up. be guided under real-time MRI visualization, which identifies the
Three-dimensional mapping systems became available in the precise location of the ablation catheter tip in relation to the sur-
mid-1990s, allowing the real-time display of a catheter tip within rounding anatomy. This novel imaging paradigm has the potential
a mathematically reconstructed cardiac chamber.16 However, for direct confirmation of the exact anatomic catheter location,
they lacked the anatomic detail desired for complex ablation verification of catheter-tissue contact, lesion visualization, and
procedures. Therefore, cardiac imaging was increasingly used early detection of complications.
in patients undergoing complex ablations such as AF ablations.
Today, pre-procedural MRI or CT is used to characterize the
Current Technology of Image Integration
individual anatomies of the LA and the PV and has become
standard-of-care in many arrhythmia centers. This allows for a The ability to visualize the true three-dimensional anatomy from
tailored, patient-specific ablation approach. Detailed anatomic cardiac imaging fueled the integration of these datasets with clini-
information gained from cardiac imaging is being made available cal three-dimensional mapping systems to provide the electro-
during the ablation procedure by integrating these images with physiologist with patient-specific cardiac anatomy during the
three-dimensional mapping systems. In addition, imaging is used ablation procedure. Before the era of three-dimensional mapping,
in the detection of procedural complications and postprocedural catheter navigation was guided by fluoroscopy with its known
patient care. limitations with regard to visualization of soft tissue, catheter
Cardiac imaging is also increasingly used for ventricular tachy- contact, and patient exposure to ionizing radiation. In the late
cardia (VT) ablations. MRI is well validated to provide detailed 1990s, three-dimensional mapping systems that significantly
information about the cardiac anatomy, the myocardial scar, or reduced fluoroscopy time up to 82% for atrial flutter and 49% for
both, which are usually the targets for substrate-guided VT abla- AF became available.17,18
tions. Current software allows the export of detailed imaging The two most commonly used three-dimensional mapping
information into three-dimensional mapping systems to provide systems are Biosense Webster’s CartoMerge and St. Jude
232  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology


Basal Basal

Motion (mm)
Lat Sept Lat Sept 5
Apical Apical 0 20 40 60 80 100
A Systole Diastole
B Chord #


8 0.400
Last region to

Velocity (mm/5% phase)

Last region to 0.300
LV wall motion (mm)

6 attain maximum attain maximum

0.200 velocity
4 0.100
2 –0.100 0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
–2 –0.400
Time (5% phase intervals) Time (5% phase intervals)


FIGURE 17-15  Ventricular wall motion using three-dimensional imaging. A, An example during systole and diastole, with the endocardium
represented by the red mesh and the epicardium represented by the green mesh. This information can be processed to determine optimal areas for
left ventricular pacing, such as the site that is the last to attain maximum displacement and the last to reach maximum velocity. Following scanning
and segmentation, each axial slice (thickness, 1.25 mm) was divided into 100 chords, representing the full circumference of the axial slice. The wall
motion of the endocardium at each of these chords, expressed as a displacement from end diastole was plotted throughout the cardiac cycle. Data
from these chords were averaged over six areas (anterior [A], anterolateral [AL], lateral [L], posterior [P], posterolateral [PL], septal [S], anteroseptal [AS]) in
5% increments throughout the cardiac cycle. B, A plot of wall motion versus time for a slice midway between the apex and the base of the heart. LV
wall motion and velocity also were determined from these data. C and D, A plot of wall motion versus time and velocity versus time for the same axial
slice. By identifying areas of interest, three-dimensional cardiac imaging creates a roadmap that may help optimize cardiac resynchronization therapy.
(From Sra J, Krum D, Okerlund D, et al: Ventricular wall motion using three-dimensional imaging, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 15:1110, 2004.)

Medical’s Ensite NavX navigation system. The former uses elec- catheter-derived shell and the MRI-derived three-dimensional
tromagnetic fields to locate an endocardial catheter, whereas the model. Depending on the mapping system, additional proprietary
latter uses electrical signals transmitted through the patient’s algorithms can adjust the three-dimensional model position to
body. Image integration refers to a process in which the detailed achieve the minimal average registration error between the shell
three-dimensional anatomy from MRI or CT is extracted and and three-dimensional model points (surface registration) or will
superimposed on the endocardial shell created from catheter adjust points of the catheter-derived map to fit into the three-
recordings (Figure 17-18). To create the endocardial shell with a dimensional anatomic model (dynamic registration).12,19 The
three-dimensional mapping system, a roving catheter is moved resulting registration accuracies have been reported in the range
sequentially along the endocardial surface, and location points are of 1 to 4 mm.12,19
acquired. On the basis of the collected points, an electroanatomic After successful registration, the three-dimensional mapping
shell which approximates the actual cardiac anatomy is mathe- system displays the catheter tip location and orientation in real-
matically reconstructed. An accurate registration (alignment of time in relation to the MRI-derived cardiac anatomy. This allows
the MRI-derived dataset with the catheter-created shell) is critical the electrophysiologist to navigate to defined anatomic targets,
for accurate anatomic catheter placement. Registration is per- return to specific locations, and mark the ablation locations. The
formed by selecting several corresponding, well-defined anatomic use of “clipping planes” enables the creation of endoscopic views
landmarks such as the PV ostia and the posterior LA wall on the from the LA onto the PVs, and additional relevant anatomic
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  233

Normal QRS

Left bundle branch block
QRS morphology



Sept Lat


FIGURE 17-16  Ventricular wall motion during left bundle branch

block and normal QRS. An example during systole and diastole is
shown with the endocardium represented by the red mesh and the
epicardium represented by the green mesh. Left, Normal QRS. Right,
Ventricular wall motion during left bundle branch block. As opposed Ant
to normal QRS, asynchronous contraction of the ventricle is seen in
left bundle branch block.
FIGURE 17-17  Right and left ventricular wall motion during left
bundle branch block in the patient with left bundle branch block, as
shown in Figure 17-16. The right ventricle is shown in yellow. During
systole, asynchronous contraction of the left ventricle is seen. Post,
Posterior; Lat, lateral; Ant, anterior; Sept, septal.



RI V 1.54 cm

1-la > 150 Points 15 contours
1-la > 145 Points 13 contours


1.48 cm 1.20 cm


FIGURE 17-18  Image integration into clinical mapping system. A, Magnetic resonance angiography demonstrating anatomy of left atrium (LA)
and pulmonary vein (PV). B, Three dimensional reconstructed anatomic shell (MRI/CT) demonstrating the PV ostia and branching patterns.
C, Electroanatomic map using CartoSound. Two-dimensional ultrasound (shown in black section) used for reconstruction of LA. White points in
the turquoise shell signify endocardial catheter positions used for validation of ultrasound-based reconstruction. Colored tubes symbolize PVs.  
D, Successful registration of electroanatomic map (turquoise shell) with the three-dimensional LA reconstruction (purple shell) demonstrating good
merging of LA body and PV anatomy. Ao, Aorta; CT, computed tomography; LA, left atrium; LAA, left atrial appendage; LAT, lateral; LIPV, left inferior
pulmonary vein; LPa, left pulmonary artery; LSPV, left superior pulmonary vein; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PV, pulmonary vein; RIPV, right
inferior pulmonary vein; RPa, right pulmonary artery; RSPV, right superior pulmonary vein. (A, Courtesy Dr. Jean Jeudy.)
234  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

structures such as the esophagus can be integrated in the three- Given the complex LA anatomy, post-ablation imaging is per-
dimensional anatomic map. To minimize inherent differences formed in patients suspected of having a procedural complication.
between the imaged volume and the catheter-derived chamber, MRI has been well validated in the diagnosis of symptomatic and
decreased time intervals between the scan and the procedure, asymptomatic PV narrowing and long-term follow-up.39-43 Symp-
end-diastolic image acquisition, and end-expiratory scan time tomatic PV stenosis requiring interventional therapy demon-
have been proposed.20 In addition, increasing size and volume of strated a greater than 75% lumen reduction by cardiac imaging
the LA (>110 mL) are independent predictors of decreased reg- and a greater than 80% reduction in pulmonary perfusion deter-
istration accuracy.21 Changes in cardiac rhythm such as AF versus mined with V/Q scanning.31 Changes in ablation strategies have
sinus rhythm during image acquisition and procedure do not significantly reduced the incidence of PV stenosis to approxi-
appear to significantly affect registration accuracy.22 mately 1% to 2%.5
Most recently, a new software module (CartoSound) that uses Given that atrioesophageal fistulas are a rare but severe com-
multiple two-dimensional intracardiac ultrasound slices to define plication with a mortality rate of up to 50%, MRI or CT has the
the endocardial contours to which MRI reconstructions can be potential to delineate the course of the esophagus and potentially
registered (see Figure 17-18, C) has been introduced.23 A more diagnose atrio-esophageal fistulas.30,44,45 Frequently, air can be
accurate registration may be possible if the chamber anatomy is seen at the site of the fistula or within the cardiac chambers.
not deformed by catheter pressure and catheter mapping time Peripheral embolization to the brain or the kidneys is commonly
before image registration is potentially reduced. Singh et al seen.46 Although atrioesophageal fistulas have a very high mortal-
demonstrated that direct LA imaging (i.e., placing the intracar- ity rate, early diagnosis is critical as successful surgeries have been
diac ultrasound probe within the LA) rather than imaging reported.30
the LA from the right atrium (RA) resulted in less image integra- Cardiac perforation with tamponade has been described in up
tion error (LA = 1.83 ± 0.32 mm vs. RA = 2.52 ± 0.58 mm; to 6% of patients after AF ablation as a result of its technical
P = .004).24 complexity and the use of anticoagulation during the procedure.5
The obvious advantages of image integration have led to a Although mostly detected in the peri-procedural period with
rapid implementation of this technology. However, despite its trans-thoracic or intracardiac ultrasound, cardiac effusions
widespread use, only limited data exist to validate its clinical without hemodynamic compromise have also been documented
superiority. Single-center, nonrandomized, retrospective trials in regular follow-up scans using MRI.
have shown a reduction in fluoroscopy time by up to 21% and The reported incidence of thromboembolism is between 0%
freedom from recurrence of AF following catheter ablation by up and 7%.5 Emboli are thought to result from thrombus develop-
to 85%.25,26 However, the only randomized prospective trial per- ment on stationary sheaths or catheters, char formation on the
formed by Kistler et al did not find any benefit in image integra- ablation tip or the ablation site, or disruption of a thrombus previ-
tion with respect to procedural outcomes (i.e., sinus rhythm ously present in the LA. In the presence of clinical suspicion,
restored by ablation of persistent AF, electrical isolation of PVs), diagnosis is readily made by using MRI, CT, or both; this allows
fluoroscopy times, and procedure duration.27 for early thrombolytic administration. Diffusion-weighted MRI
sequences can detect early cerebral ischemia within 30 minutes.47
In addition, air emboli could be introduced through the trans-
Atrial Fibrillation
septal sheath, via an open-irrigation ablation catheter, or as a
With the description of segmental PV ablation and circumferen- paradoxic embolus after trans-septal access. If MRI scans are
tial LA ablation for AF nearly a decade ago, the importance of obtained promptly before the emboli are rapidly absorbed, mul-
pre-procedural cardiac imaging to define the individual PV tiple serpiginous hypodensities representing air in the cerebral
anatomy and its branching pattern became evident.28,29 Knowl- vasculature may be detected with or without acute infarction.5
edge of the exact anatomy is important to minimize complica- In the pre-procedural arena, delayed enhancement MRI is
tions such as stenosis, LA appendage (LAA) perforation, and used in novel ways to detect and visualize LA fibrosis in patients
atrio-esophageal fistula resulting from an ablation in the PVs and with AF before ablation.48 Oakes et al imaged 81 patients before
to avoid gaps in the ablation lines.30,31 they underwent AF ablation. Forty-three patients were classified
Cardiac imaging studies significantly improved our under- as having minimal enhancement (average enhancement, 8.0% ±
standing of the LA anatomy. Up to 38% of patients have an abnor- 4.2%), 30 as having moderate enhancement (21.3% ± 5.8%), and 8
mal PV anatomy such as a common left or inferior truncus, as having extensive enhancement (50.1% ± 15.4%). The rate of AF
additional right middle cardiac vein, or pulmonary roof veins.32-34 recurrence was 14% with minimal enhancement, 43.3% with
Further imaging studies revealed abnormalities of the LA such as moderate enhancement, and 75% with extensive enhancement
roof pouches in 15% of AF patients and a variable anatomy of the (P ≤ .001). Preablation MRI may serve to noninvasively identify
septal ridge between the LAA and the left superior PV in up to responders to AF ablation and serve as an overall metric for
32% of patients with AF.35 Imaging studies have shown that the disease progression.48
distance between the LA and the esophagus is only 4.4 ± 1.2 mm.36
Furthermore, the esophagus runs close to the left superior PV in
Ventricular Tachycardia
56% of patients and obliquely from the left superior PV to the
right inferior PV in 36% of patients.37 The mean thickness of the Ablation of VT is the next emerging frontier in electrophysiology.
posterior LA and anterior esophageal walls was reported as 2.2 ± Although antiarrhythmic medications are commonly prescribed
0.9 and 3.6 ± 1.7 mm, respectively.37 Significant lateral movement as a first-line treatment, their use is frequently limited by side
of the esophagus occurs during AF procedures resulting in a effects and decreasing long-term efficacy. In patients with such
greater than 2-cm lateral shift in 67% of patients during conscious problems, catheter ablation has been used as an effective treat-
sedation.38 These anatomic considerations provide a unique ment strategy to decrease the ventricular arrhythmia burden
insight when planning AF ablations. and the number of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD)
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  235

shocks.49-51 More recently Reddy et al demonstrated that VT abla- MRI can directly visualize the involved myocardial regions and
tion before the implantation of an ICD for secondary prevention
could reduce appropriate ICD therapy from 33% to 12% (P = .007)
over 22.5 ± 5.5 months of follow-up.52
Myocardial scar usually acts as the substrate for re-entrant VT
provide potential anatomic ablation targets.63,64
Another emerging area is the field of fusion imaging, or multi-
modality imaging. In this approach, several different imaging
modalities are combined to allow a comprehensive evaluation for
and is present in the majority of patients with ischemic and ablation procedures. An example is the fusion of cardiac MRI and
nonischemic cardiomyopathy. The border zone between the scar positron emission tomography (PET) to allow anatomic and met-
and the healthy myocardium contains the exit sites for many abolic assessments of left ventricular scar before VT ablation
re-entrant VTs. In patients with ischemic VT, 68% of successful (Figure 17-19). The combination of different imaging modalities
ablation sites were located in the border zone, whereas 18% were has been able to identify surviving myocardial channels or non-
in the scar, 4% in normal myocardium, and 10% on the epicardial transmural infarcts not detected by the current gold standard of
surface.53 Histologic and imaging studies have demonstrated that voltage mapping.65
patients with scar-mediated VT frequently present with non- Recently, the importance of identifying myocardial scar with
transmural or nonhomogeneous necrosis, which results in the delayed enhancement MRI for further risk stratification has been
formation of complex endocardial, epicardial, and intramural recognized (Figure 17-20). Kwong et al examined 195 patients
border zones.54-56 Such irregular extensions and isolated islets without previous MI and assessed the occurrence of major
could potentially be visualized with cardiac imaging and used to adverse cardiac events (MACEs) and cardiac mortality. The pres-
define individual ablation strategies based on pre-procedural ence of delayed enhancement resulted in a hazard ratio (HR) of
knowledge of the complex, three-dimensional VT substrate. 8.3 and 10.9, respectively.66 In addition, Bello et al demonstrated
The current gold standard of defining myocardial scar is based that delayed enhancement on cardiac MRI was a better predictor
on endocardial voltage recording obtained by a roving bipolar of the inducibility of monomorphic VT compared with left ven-
catheter. Assuming that the voltage amplitude will be lower on tricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in patients undergoing electro-
scarred myocardium because of a paucity of living cells, a tiered physiological testing. Patients with monomorphic VT had larger
classification with greater than 1.5 mV for normal myocardium, infarcts compared with patients who were noninducible (49 ± 5 g
0.5 to 1.5 mV for abnormal myocardium, and less than 0.5 mV for vs. 28 ± 5 g).67 Similarly, Nazarian et al demonstrated that a non-
scar is generally accepted for defining scar and its border zone in transmural scar with a trans-murality of 25% to 75%, as visualized
the left ventricle.49 with delayed enhancement MRI, was significantly predictive of
A purely voltage-based scar characterization has several limi- inducible VT in patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy.68
tations. A single endocardial voltage recording is unable to ade- Furthermore, several MRI studies have implicated the border
quately represent the complex three-dimensional scar anatomy zone surrounding the myocardial scar in arrhythmogenesis. Yan
and to differentiate between different degrees of endocardial and et al showed that a larger than median peri-infarct zone (defined
epicardial scar components. Low-voltage recordings may repre- as delayed enhancement from 2 to 3 standard deviations [SDs]
sent intermittent or suboptimal catheter contact rather than true above the normal myocardial segment) was an independent pre-
wall pathology. In addition, the spatial resolution of voltage dictor of all cause-mortality (HR, 1.42) and cardiovascular mor-
mapping is limited by the distance between the recording elec- tality (HR, 1.49).69
trodes, which is greater than 5 mm in the frequently used catheter Similarly, Schmidt et al demonstrated that tissue heterogeneity
systems. Finally, high-resolution voltage mapping prolongs the (defined as <50% of maximum signal intensity) at the infarct
procedure time frequently by as much as 1 to 2 hours. However, periphery was strongly associated with inducibility of monomor-
decreased mapping density in areas not thought to participate in phic VT (noninducible vs. inducible 13 ± 9 g vs. 19 ± 8 g). Such
the tachycardia may overlook localized scar areas. an infarct definition as less than 50% of maximum signal intensity
Therefore, several cardiac imaging strategies have been used may help avoid overestimating infarct size, which has been
to supply additional scar characterization. MRI is capable of pro- reported with an intensity cut-off of two SDs.70
viding more detailed post-infarct scar anatomy compared with Ashikaga et al assessed the anatomic relationship between
conventional endocardial voltage mapping.57 Delayed enhance- ventricular arrhythmias and MRI-defined scar or border zone by
ment MRI accurately characterizes endocardial, epicardial, intra- using epicardial shock electrodes and endocardial mapping in a
mural, and transmural locations and the extent of myocardial scar chronic infarct model in swine. The investigators demonstrated
both in ischemic and nonischemic cardiomyopathy.58-61 that the re-entry isthmus was characterized by a relatively small
Certain limitations apply to the current generation of three- volume of viable myocardium bound by scar tissue at the infarct
dimensional mapping systems. The image integration software border zone or over the infarct. MRI was able to identify spatial
only allows for a “surface reconstruction” of the cardiac anatomy, complex scar structures at the isthmus sites.56 This could poten-
resulting in paper-thin anatomic shells representing the blood tially enable the identification of ablation targets for unmappable
pool–endocardial surface.5,62 Yet complex ablations, such as isch- VT or hemodynamically intolerable VT.
emic VT ablations, require detailed three-dimensional informa- Although very promising, substrate assessment using MRI is
tion about the myocardial scar, its transmural extent, and border still limited in clinical practice as the presence of a defibrillator in
zones.49,50,53 Channels of the surviving myocardium within the most patients is still considered a contraindication to MRI.71
scar may participate in the tachycardia circuit and represent Metal artifacts from the ICD also significantly affect imaging
potential ablation targets. “Volume imaging” will likely allow the quality.72
next generation of three-dimensional mapping systems to inte- MRI has found increasing use in the assessment and diagnosis
grate this information during the ablation procedure and provide of ARVD. Tandri et al demonstrated that myocardial delayed
additional anatomic guidance for ablations. This may also allow enhancement MRI was able to detect increased right ventricular
new treatment strategies for VT caused by cardiac sarcoidosis or signal in 8 of 12 patients with clinically diagnosed ARVD com-
arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD), in which pared with control subjects with no history of ARVD (P < .001)
236  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Bipolar DP 6.20mV
Map > 428 Points

DP 1.51mV


R 1.25 cm

Map > 428 Points

Artifact I 1.51mV

Esophagus II

1.59 cm


FIGURE 17-19  Positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging/voltage map integration. A, Voltage map showing inferior scar (red
areas) extending to lateral and septal walls and healthy myocardium (purple areas). Pink markers represent the areas of diastolic potentials (DP); brown
markers indicate the ablation line. B, Original DE-MRI short-axis image in the plane across the voltage/FDG scar area demonstrating delayed
enhancement with 25% to 50% (black arrows) transmurality. C, Original DE-MRI short-axis image in the plane across three-dimensional DE-MRI scar
area that does not overlap with the voltage/fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) scar with <25% (black arrows) scar transmurality. Bright areas in the anterior left
ventricular wall represent implantable cardioverter defibrillator artifacts. D, Three-dimensional DE-MRI scar (transparent blue area) is seen in the inferior
wall extending laterally and septally. Zone I and II have >25% and <25% transmurality, respectively. White lines labeled 2B and 2C represent the
short-axis location of images 2B and 2C. DE-MRI, Delayed-enhancement magnetic resonance imaging; PET, positron emission tomography.

(Figure 17-21). Electrophysiological testing also revealed

Imaging of Ablation Lesions
inducible sustained VT in 6 of the 8 ARVD patients with delayed
enhancement compared with none of the ARVD patients Lesion imaging may enable assessment of ablation success or
without delayed enhancement (P < .01).63 Various institutions search for potential gaps leading to ablation failure. Delayed
have reported recurrence rates between 11% and 50% following enhancement is a well-validated concept to visualize myocardial
VT ablation.73,74 Delayed-enhancement MRI may be used to iden- scar tissue.58 In an animal study on six mongrel dogs, Lardo et al
tify anatomic areas with increased signal that could define poten- described the ability to visualize radiofrequency (RF) ablations in
tial areas of ablation when planning VT ablation for ARVD the right ventricular apex after about 2 minutes with an increase
patients. in signal intensity over the first 12 ± 2.1 minutes.78 In an animal
Similarly, delayed enhancement MRI is finding increasing use study evaluating multiple right ventricular lesions, a characteristic
in the evaluation of cardiac sarcoidosis.75 MRI has the capability four-phase delayed enhancement pattern for ablation lesions was
of identifying areas of delayed enhancement suggestive of cardiac found (Figure 17-23).79 The first phase demonstrated a contrast
sarcoid granulomas that may serve as potential ablation targets void directly after injection of the gadolinium contrast in all cases.
(Figure 17-22). Jefic et al reported in a multi-center registry that This allowed the expeditious identification of the ablation lesions.
catheter ablation of VT in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis refrac- Full enhancement (i.e., “very” delayed enhancement) was seen 98
tory to medical therapy is effective in eliminating VT or markedly ± 21 minutes after right ventricular lesions. Lesion sizes measured
reducing the VT burden.76 Finally, recent data about patients with during the first three phases of contrast enhancement correlate
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy showed that myocardial fibrosis well with the histopathologic lesion sizes measured during nec-
detected by delayed enhancement MRI was associated with a ropsy (Figure 17-24).79
greater likelihood of ventricular tachyarrhythmias on Holter Given the recent reports of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis asso-
recordings.77 ciated with gadolinium, noncontrast visualization of ablation
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  237



FIGURE 17-20  Ischemic myocardial scar. Delayed enhancement

magnetic resonance imaging demonstrating a transmural scar (arrows)
along the septal, anteroseptal, and anterior walls of the left ventricle.
RV, right ventricle; LV, left ventricle. (Courtesy Dr. Jean Jeudy.)

lesions is receiving increasing interest.80 Lardo et al showed that

acute ablation lesions can also be detected in T2-weighted images
as areas of increased signal intensity in the right ventricular apex
in dogs about 2 minutes after ablation.78 Animal studies demon- B
strated that ventricular lesions can be reliably visualized during a
total follow-up time of 12 hours without contrast enhancement FIGURE 17-21  Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia.
in T1- and T2-weighted images (Figure 17-25).81 However, signal/ A, T1-weighted delayed enhancement magnetic resonance imaging
noise ratio and contrast/noise ratio were lower than in the demonstrating increased signal along the right ventricular free wall
T2-weighted sequences, and the imaging quality was less (arrows). B, Fat saturation imaging sequence confirms fatty infiltration
along the right ventricular free wall (arrows). (Courtesy Dr. Jean Jeudy.)
Noncontrast enhanced MRI may enable evaluation of intra-
lesional morphology and render the concept of “MRI histology”
possible. When using irrigated ablation catheters at power set-
tings of 40 W or more, pathophysiological examinations of the Wylie et al used delayed enhancement MRI to show that cath-
ablation lesions confirmed severe destruction of the intra-lesional eter ablation of AF is associated with a decreased LA size and
cellular architecture, which could be visualized on MRI (Figure reduced atrial systolic function. Both of these measurements cor-
17-26).81 related with the extent of post-ablation LA scarring.85
Peters et al were the first to demonstrate the feasibility of LA
post-ablation lesion visualization using delayed enhancement
Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MRI (Figure 17-27).82 McGann et al showed that PV isolation
resulted in hyper-enhancement of the LA wall 3 months after the The field of real-time MRI has created significant interest in the
patient underwent PV isolation, which presumably represents electrophysiology community. The first human study using MRI
tissue scarring. Interestingly, arrhythmia recurrence at 3 months to anatomically guide catheter navigation and ablation in real time
correlated with the degree of wall enhancement with greater than was reported in 2008.86 Using an MRI-compatible electrophysiol-
13% injury predicting freedom from AF (P < .032) even after ogy system, Nazarian et al were able to navigate to the RA, the
adjusting for multiple variables such as age, gender, AF pheno- His bundle, and the right ventricle in 10 mongrel dogs via a 1.5-
type, LA size, and LA volume. In this study, it was possible to tesla MRI system using rapidly acquired, fast gradient-echo
visualize areas of gaps in lesion sets for patients with AF recur- images (5 frames/s). Comprehensive electrophysiology studies
rence.83 The characteristic delayed enhancement MRI patterns with recording of intracardiac electrograms and atrial and ven-
after AF ablation were described by Badger et al. They showed tricular pacing were successfully performed. After proof of safety
that at 24 hours after ablation, delayed enhancement MRI appears in animal studies, limited real-time MRI-guided catheter mapping
consistent with a transient inflammatory response rather than studies were performed in two human patients. Adequate cath-
stable LA scar formation, which tended to be present 3 and 6 eter localization was confirmed via recording of intracardiac elec-
months after ablation.84 trograms in both patients.86
238  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

The advantages for such an approach include real-time three-

dimensional imaging displaying the exact intracardiac catheter
position, constant surveillance of catheter-tissue contact, poten-
tial visualization of ablation lesions and gaps, and no physician or
patient exposure to ionizing radiation.
Despite the promise of real-time MRI, its use has been limited
to a few academic centers.86-88 Substantial engineering work is
required to build electrophysiology platforms without ferromag-
netic materials. Recently, engineering solutions have prevented
parts of the catheter from functioning as an RF antenna and
exposing the patient to hazardous heating effects during
MRI scanning.89 Faster imaging sequences, which were able to
provide sufficient spatial and temporal resolutions, need to be
developed. Given the previously mentioned complication of atrio-
esophageal fistulas, real-time MRI also offers the potential for
MRI thermometry.


FIGURE 17-22  Sarcoidosis. Delayed enhancement magnetic

MRI is well established for peri-procedural cardiac imaging,
resonance imaging in a patient with biopsy-proven pulmonary where it is frequently used interchangeably with CT, depending
sarcoidosis demonstrating increased signal (arrows) in the on local expertise and availability. Advanced image integration,
interventricular septum suggestive of cardiac involvement. LV, volume imaging, and fusion imaging will allow the application of
Left ventricle; RV, right ventricle. (Courtesy Dr. Jean Jeudy.)

30W RF
Schematic of anatomic orientation in MR images Phase 1: Contrast void (1 min)

Phase 2: Peripheral enhancement I (15 min) Phase 2: Peripheral enhancement II (45 min)

Phase 3: Very delayed enhancement (85 min) Phase 4: Loss of enhancement (600 min)

Pathologic specimen

FIGURE 17-23  Visualization of radiofrequency ablation lesions using contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Immediately after gadolinium
injection ablation, lesions can be seen as areas of signal void (B). After increasing peripheral enhancement (C and D), complete “very delayed
enhancement” can be seen approximately 90 minutes after contrast injection (E).
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  239

Phase 1: Contrast-void Phase 2: Peripheral
14 R = 0.88 14 enhancement
R = 0.88
12 12

MRI–lesion size (mm)

MRI–lesion size (mm)

10 10

8 8

6 6

4 4
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
A Pathology–lesion size (mm) B Pathology–lesion size (mm)

Phase 3: Very delayed

14 enhancement
R = 0.86
MRI–lesion size (mm)



2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
C Pathology–lesion size (mm)

FIGURE 17-24  Lesion size assessed by and pathology. Correlation of lesion size assessed by contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging versus
histopathologic examination for each of the three phases of enhancement. A, Contrast void. B, Peripheral enhancement. C, Very delayed

the unique features of MRI such as high soft tissue resolution to cycle/s (20,000 Hz). An ultrasound transducer is made up of
complex ablation procedures and to combine them with other piezoelectric elements (pressure-sensitive crystals and ceramic
imaging techniques for supplementary evaluation of ablation materials) that expand and contract on application of voltage to
targets. This may be especially helpful for complex ablations such generate an ultrasound wave.
as for AF and VT. In experienced centers, imaging of ablation Ultrasound interacts with tissues in several ways. Ultrasound
lesions is feasible and allows direct anatomic assessment of the beams are reflected at interfaces (tissue boundaries) because of
ablation results. Incremental improvements move real-time MRI differences in acoustic impedance. Acoustic impedance equals
closer to the range of clinical applications, but further technical tissue density times the speed of sound in a particular tissue;
refinements will be necessary before widespread clinical use. denser tissues reflect ultrasound to a greater degree. These reflec-
tions are received by the transducer and are used to form an
echocardiographic image. Other interactions between the ultra-
C. Transthoracic and Transesophageal sound beam and tissues that can affect image processing are scat-
tering, refraction, and attenuation. Small structures can cause
Echocardiography scattering—reflection of the ultrasound beam in all directions—
and can result in reverberation artifacts. Refraction, or deflection,
Principles of Echocardiography
results in bending of the ultrasound beam when it encounters
Echocardiography, or cardiac ultrasound, is a noninvasive tool tissues of differing acoustic impedance. Lastly, attenuation occurs
that uses the properties of ultrasound energy to study cardiac as various processes such as absorption remove energy from the
structure and function. Ultrasound is acoustic (sound) energy ultrasound beam and weaken its signal strength.
that occurs at frequencies much greater than the upper limit of Resolution, the ability to distinguish two objects that are near
the human auditory spectrum. Ultrasound imaging commonly each other, is directly related to frequency and inversely related
uses frequencies of 1 to 20 million cycles/s (1 to 20 MHz), whereas to wavelength. Further distinction is made between axial resolu-
the highest frequency detectable by the human ear is only 20,000 tion, which defines objects on the basis of their depth from the
240  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

50 W

40 W


30 W



30 min 1h 3h 6h 12h Specimen

50 W

40 W

30 W


30 min 1h 3h 6h 12h Specimen

FIGURE 17-25  Appearance and time course of ablation lesions in non-contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. A, Typical appearance of
ablation lesions using T2-weighted imaging protocols. Lesions can be seen as areas of increased signal intensity surrounded by hypodense rim. No
significant change was found after a 12-hour follow-up. B, Corresponding images in T1-weighted images.

transducer, and lateral resolution, or differentiation of objects that returning reflected ultrasound energy at high frequencies. The
lie side by side.90 information received from the reflection of ultrasound waves off
various cardiac structures at different distances from the trans-
ducer is then converted into a row of spikes representing the
Types of Echocardiography amplitude of the reflected waves. Amplitude, or A-mode, is then
converted into brightness, or B-mode, to facilitate pattern recog-
Motion Echocardiography
nition. In B-mode, the height and width of each amplitude spike
Motion (M-mode) echocardiography is often referred to as an “ice are represented as dot brightness and dot diameter, respectively.
pick” view of the heart (Figure 17-28). It is one of the earliest Finally, by plotting B-mode against time, a time-motion (M)
forms of echocardiography and helped lay the foundation for the display (M-mode) is attained. M-mode viewed in digital format
development of multi-dimensional echocardiography. A single- produces an image that represents the anatomy along a single
crystal transducer emits an ultrasound beam directed through the plane (Figure 17-29). Advantages of M-mode are that it allows for
heart. The transducer functions as both a transmitter and a measurement of the dimensions of the structure and its motion
receiver and rapidly alternates between both functions to receive in relation to the ultrasound beam at high temporal resolutions.90-92
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  241


T1-weighted MRI T2-weighted MRI Gross pathology Histology

(Masson’s Trichrome)

FIGURE 17-26  Assessment of intra-lesional pathology. Visualization of intra-lesional necrotic cavities of high-energy lesions as areas of low and high
signal intensity when using T2- and T1-weighted imaging, respectively. MRI, Magnetic resonance imaging.





FIGURE 17-27  Left atrial ablation lesions. A, Horizontal long-axis magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) view of a patient 5 months after pulmonary vein
(PV) isolation demonstrating areas of delayed enhancement (arrows) around the right superior PV (RSPV) representing LA scarring. B, Oblique
short-axis MRI view with delayed enhancement (arrows) around the left superior PV (LSPV). Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle. (Courtesy Dr. Jean

Determination of an object’s shape, however, is better assessed (two-dimensional), plane that, when plotted against time, allows
with multi-plane imaging as discussed below. for assessment of cardiac motion, structure, and function (Figure
17-30). By placing the transducer in various positions on the
Two-Dimensional Echocardiography thorax, high-resolution multi-plane images of cardiac structures
and their movements in real time are created.
Transthoracic Echocardiography Six main thoracic transducer positions (parasternal, apical,
Two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) remains subcostal, suprasternal, supraclavicular, and right parasternal) are
the most common modality for the initial evaluation of cardiac used in a standard two-dimensional TTE (Figure 17-31). With
function. Using a mechanical or phased-array transducer to these transducer positions, various views (long-axis, short-axis,
create an ultrasound beam in a sector arc creates a cross-sectional four-chamber, and five-chamber) can be obtained by rotating and
242  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology




FIGURE 17-28  Motion (M-mode) echocardiography. The frontal

projection of the heart demonstrates the concept that M-mode is
equivalent to extraction of a plug of tissue that corresponds to the
width of the beam passing through the heart. The removed plug is
shown to the right and contains a portion of the right ventricle (RV),
ventricular septum (VS), mitral valve (MV), and left ventricular posterior
wall (LVW). A schematic of structure motion along with an
electrocardiogram (ECG) is included. (From Nanda NC, Gramiak R:
Clinical echocardiography, St Louis, 1978, Mosby, p 370.)

FIGURE 17-30  Two-dimensional scanning concept. Real-time,

two-dimensional images are equivalent to slices of the heart that are
1 sec
removed and observed in motion. This illustration shows the cardiac
cavities and valves viewed in the long axis of the left ventricle and the
RV relationship of this plane to a frontal view of the heart. (From Nanda
IVS NC, Gramiak R: Clinical echocardiography, St Louis, 1978, Mosby, p 371.)
the transducer clockwise and anteriorly to produce the five-
PCG chamber view. The two-chamber view is obtained by rotating
ECG counterclockwise from the four-chamber view and continued
counterclockwise rotation leads to the apical long-axis view.91
FIGURE 17-29  Motion (M-mode) echocardiography. Normal mitral Placement of the transducer below the xiphoid process is
valve (echocardiographic anatomy). The right ventricular (RV) cavity is required to obtain a subcostal four-chamber view. The ultrasound
not well represented, probably because the beam passes through it beam is perpendicular to the long axis of the left ventricle and
and the interventricular septum tangentially. The left atrium (LA) is rotating it 90 degrees counterclockwise creates short-axis images.
shown behind the mitral valve (MV). The left ventricle may also be The suprasternal or supraclavicular position allows for visual-
found behind the mitral valve when the ultrasonic beam is directed ization of the great vessels. Several views, including a long-axis
more laterally and inferiorly. PCG, Phonocardiogram; ECG, aortic arch, short-axis pulmonary artery, short-axis aortic arch,
electrocardiogram. (From Gramiak R, Shah P, et al: Radiol Clin North Am long-axis pulmonary artery, long-axis aortic arch, and SVC
planes, can be obtained. The right parasternal approach views the
proximal ascending aorta, the SVC as it enters the right atrium,
and the whole length of the inter-atrial septum.
changing the angle of the transducer. For the parasternal and
apical views, the patient is placed in the left lateral decubitus Transesophageal Echocardiography
position, whereas the subcostal and suprasternal or supraclavicu- The most common indication for transesophageal echocardiog-
lar views are obtained with the patient in the supine position. The raphy (TEE) is to evaluate for cardiac sources of emboli.93-95
right parasternal approach requires the patient to be placed in the Compared with TTE, TEE provides more complete and accurate
right lateral decubitus position.90 views of cardiac structures, especially on the posterior side of the
By placing the transducer between the third and fourth left heart, where it is in close relation to the esophagus. It also pro-
intercostal spaces and directing the ultrasound beam parallel to a vides superior image quality as a higher frequency transducer can
line connecting the right shoulder and the left hip, a parasternal be used. However, this more invasive procedure can be uncom-
long-axis (PLA) view is obtained. This view bisects the mitral fortable because it requires the patient to swallow the probe.
valve and the aortic valve. Rotating the transducer 90 degrees Other indications for TEE include evaluation of aortic dissec-
clockwise from its position in the PLA view results in a short-axis tions, aortic aneurysms, cardiac masses, prosthetic valve func-
view. The most commonly used planes for the short-axis views tion, and endocarditis.93
are at the apical, papillary muscle, mitral valve, and basal levels. Using multi-plane probes, transverse and longitudinal views
Apical views are obtained by placing the transducer at the are obtained with clockwise and counterclockwise rotation of the
cardiac apex to produce the four-chamber view and then rotating probe. The probe must be moved up and down to obtain
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  243


FIGURE 17-31  Cardiac window and transducer positions. This
schematic frontal view of the chest shows the heart partially covered
by the centrally placed sternum and the lung. The clear area over the
lower portion of the heart is the cardiac window, through which
ultrasonic examinations are carried out. The costal cartilages that pass
across the window are generally sonolucent and do not impede the
ultrasonic examination. The window varies widely, depending on the
size of the heart, the shape of the chest, and body position. Since the
window does not permit direct access to all portions of heart, beam
angulation techniques are important to look under barriers such as
bone and lung for structure detection. Numbers show various
transducer positions used for transthoracic echocardiography.  
1, Parasternal widow; 2, apical window; 3, subcostal window;
4, suprasternal and supraclavicular windows; 5, right parasternal
window. (Modified from Nanda NC, Gramiak R: Clinical
echocardiography, St Louis, 1978, Mosby, p 4.)

transverse sectional views of the heart at various levels but can B

merely be rotated to obtain longitudinal sectional views. Clock-
FIGURE 17-32  Transesophageal echocardiogram. A, Transverse and
wise rotation of the probe allows for visualization of right-sided longitudinal imaging planes. Examples of transverse imaging planes
structures, and counterclockwise rotation brings left-sided struc- that can be obtained by moving the probe up and down the
tures into view. A four-chamber view of the heart can be obtained esophagus. B, Both transverse (T) and longitudinal (L) planes. (A, From
in the horizontal plane. An apical four-chamber view provides a Nanda NC, Mahan EF III: Transesophageal echocardiography, AHA
detailed view of the mitral valve that can allow visualization of Council on Clinical Cardiology Newsletter 3–22, 1990. B, From Nanda
specific characteristics and evaluation of the function of both of NC, Pinheiro L, Sanyal RS, et al: Transesophageal biplane
the mitral valve leaflets (Figures 17-32 and 17-33).94 echocardiographic imaging: Techniques, planes, and clinical usefulness,
Another advantage of TEE is the superior visualization of the Echocardiography 7:771–788, 1990.)
LA and the LAA. The LAA is a small outpouching of the LA that
is between 1.2 and 4.5 cm long and lined by pectinate muscles.
Although TTE can provide views of the LA and the LAA, the Contraindications to TEE include esophageal strictures, diver-
internal structures and the presence of thrombi, masses, and ticulum, tumors, fistulas, and prior esophageal surgery. Relative
tumors in the LA and the LAA are more readily detectable by contraindications include esophageal varices and severe cervical
TEE (Figures 17-34 and 17-35). However, as studies by the authors’ spine problems. Risks include esophageal bleeding or rupture,
center have shown, simply assessing the LAA even with two- arrhythmias (e.g., SVT), oropharyngeal injury, laryngospasm,
dimensional TEE for thrombi can result in prominent pectinate methemoglobinemia, and oversedation.
muscles being mistaken for clots. With three-dimensional TTE,
these pectinate muscles can be differentiated from thrombi. Doppler Echocardiography
Three-dimensional TTE can also provide information on the The Doppler effect, the observation of changes in frequency that
presence or absence of clot lysis, which can be used to assess the occur when a sound source is moving toward or away from an
efficacy of anticoagulation therapy. A study by the authors’ center observer, forms the basis for Doppler echocardiography. These
suggests that in the future, combining two-dimensional TTE with principles are used to record the patterns, direction, and velocity
three-dimensional TTE may be an alternative to two-dimensional of blood flow in the heart, thus allowing for assessment of insuf-
TEE for the evaluation of LA and LAA thrombi and could spare ficient or stenotic valves and detection of cardiac shunts. The
the patient from having to undergo the more invasive TEE.96 Doppler shift is the observation of changes in frequency that





A 1 2 3 B 1

FIGURE 17-33  Transesophageal echocardiogram. Transverse sections. A and B, Sections obtained at the level of the sixth (A) and eighth (B)
vertebrae. AZ, Azygos; DA, descending thoracic aorta; E, esophagus; HAZ, hemiazygos vein; LA, left atrium; LAA, left atrial appendage; LPA, left
pulmonary artery; LUPV, left upper pulmonary vein; LV, left ventricle; PA, main pulmonary artery; RA, right atrium; RAA, right atrial appendage;
RUPV, right upper pulmonary vein; RV, right ventricle; SVC, superior vena cava. (From Nanda NC, Pinheiro L, Sanyal RS, et al: Transesophageal biplane
echocardiographic imaging: Technique, planes, and clinical usefulness, Echocardiography 7:771–788, 1990.)





FIGURE 17-34  A, Two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiogram. Arrowhead points to a thrombus within the left atrial appendage (LAA).
B, Two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiogram. The arrowhead points to a thrombus in the left atrial appendage. C, Three-dimensional
transthoracic echocardiogram. Arrowheads point to individual lobes of the LAA visualized by cropping a three-dimensional dataset. AV, Aortic valve, LA,
left atrium, MPA, main pulmonary artery; RVO, right ventricular outflow tract; LV, left ventricle; LUPV, left pulmonary vein; MV, mitral valve. (A, From
Nanda NC, Domanski M: Atlas of transesophageal echocardiography, ed 2, Baltimore, 2007, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, p 78. B and C, From Karakus G,
Kodali V, Inamdar V, et al: Comparative assessment of left atrial appendage by transesophageal and combined two-and three-dimensional transthoracic
echocardiography, Echocardiography 25:918–924, 2008.)
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  245

Doppler has several forms in clinical use, including continuous-

wave, pulse-wave, color-flow, and tissue Doppler. Continuous-
wave Doppler uses two ultrasound crystals for sending and
receiving ultrasound waves simultaneously. Its main advantage is
that it can measure high-velocity flows such as those in valvular
or congenital heart diseases, and it has proven useful in the quan-
titation of abnormal flows. The disadvantage is that the Doppler
data obtained occur throughout the length of the ultrasound
beam and thus cannot be obtained from a specific area.
Pulse-wave Doppler transmits short “pulses” of ultrasound to
a designated point, the sample volume, thus allowing data retrieval
from a specified structure or segment of a blood vessel. It can also
be used in combination with a mechanical or phased-array system
to allow two-dimensional guidance.97
Doppler color flow imaging is a form of pulsed-wave Doppler,
in which multiple bursts of ultrasound are transmitted along mul-
LV tiple scan lines to obtain Doppler data. All the frequency shifts
obtained are averaged and used to calculate the velocity and direc-
A LA tion of blood flow. The velocities are displayed on a color scale,
with red indicating flow toward the transducer and blue indicat-
ing flow away from the transducer.98
Tissue Doppler combines various Doppler modalities used for
assessing blood flow and applies these to the determination of
myocardial velocities. Calculation of the lower velocities of
myocardial motion provides a more objective measure with
which to assess LV function that is not based on visualization of
the endocardial excursion and wall thickening. Tissue Doppler
imaging also has usefulness in assessing the longitudinal motion
of the heart and in the diagnosis of left ventricular diastolic dys-
function, especially when combined with mitral inflow Doppler

Contrast Echocardiography
Contrast echocardiography involves intravenous injection of
microbubbles that produce opacification of the heart chambers.
It has been used to detect intracardiac shunts, enhance Doppler
LV evaluation of cardiac chambers, and evaluate myocardial perfu-
sion. Many different types of contrast agents have been studied
in an attempt to find the ideal contrast agent that is small enough
and persists long enough to cross the pulmonary circulation so
that left heart structures can be evaluated. Other features that can
B be adjusted to improve contrast opacification include harmonic
imaging and low mechanical index imaging. With these advances,
FIGURE 17-35  Live three-dimensional transthoracic contrast echocardiography provides improved left ventricular
echocardiography in left ventricular noncompaction. A, Transverse endocardial border imaging, resulting in better detection of wall
cropping of left ventricle (LV) apical area shows a honeycomb-like motion abnormalities, ventricular volume, and ejection fraction.
appearance (arrow) typical of noncompaction. B, Echo contrast The result is a more accurate estimate of LV function.100
study using perflutren lipid microspheres (Definity) shows filling of
intertrabecular recesses with the contrast agent (arrowheads). RV, Right Stress Echocardiography
ventricle; RA, right atrium; LA, left atrium. (From Bodiwala K, Miller AP,
Stress echocardiography uses two-dimensional TTE before and
Nanda NC, et al: Live three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiographic
after stress testing (exercise or pharmacologic) to detect coronary
assessment of ventricular noncompaction, Echocardiography 22:611–620,
2005.) disease by showing wall motion abnormalities induced by the
stressor. The extent of ischemia is determined by observation of
induced dyskinetic, hyperkinetic, and akinetic segments of the
occur when a sound source is moving toward and away from a myocardium and provides data that can be used to predict the
stationary observer. likelihood of future cardiac events.101
The most accurate calculation of blood flow occurs when the
ultrasound beam is parallel to the direction of blood flow. As the
Three-Dimensional Echocardiography
angle of incidence between the beam and the blood flow increases,
the calculation of velocity becomes less inaccurate, and it becomes Three-dimensional echocardiography is an area of increasing
necessary to use a correction factor, the cosine of the angle of research and clinical application. In the past, three-dimensional
incidence, in the Doppler equation. images were obtained by the reconstruction of two-dimensional
246  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

images, but the creation of three-dimensional transducers com- the posterior LA wall. Measurements should also be taken in the
posed of arrays of crystals has allowed for real-time three- apical view from the tip of the mitral valve to the posterior wall
dimensional imaging.102,103 These transducers scan a pyramidal of the LA, since LA size can be underestimated using the para-
wedge of the heart, and the image can then be cropped to view sternal view secondary to longitudinal enlargement of the atrium.
specific structures of interest. It appears that three-dimensional LA enlargement is a common finding in patients with AF. The
imaging can more accurately measure chamber volumes and normal value for LA dimension in adults is less than 4 cm (<2 cm/
better visualize valve architecture in some cases. Studies show m2 body surface area). The Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation
that compared with two-dimensional imaging, three-dimensional study showed that LV systolic dysfunction and LA enlargement
imaging is better at measuring LV volume and mitral valve area are the strongest independent predictors of future thromboem-
in mitral stenosis and provides better quantitation of valvular bolic events.95 LA size has also been used to predict the success
regurgitant volumes. It has also proved useful in the assessment of maintenance of sinus rhythm after cardioversion; a larger size
of intracardiac masses and can more accurately diagnose and is a poor prognostic indicator for restoration of normal atrial
characterize other cardiac disease entities such as ventricular function.
noncompaction, aortic dissection, and aortic valve stenosis Determination of the LVEF is another major reason for referral
(see Figure 17-35).104 for echocardiography.105 Area and length measurements taken
from apical long-axis views and apical short-axis views can be
used for the calculation of LV systolic and diastolic volumes.
Echocardiography in the Evaluation of Cardiac Arrhythmias
Stroke volume (the difference between LV diastolic and systolic
Cardiac imaging has unveiled a new way of studying arrhythmias volume) and ejection fraction (stroke volume divided by end-
by allowing physicians to see structural and functional defects, diastolic volume) can subsequently be derived. As mentioned, the
which would help delineate the etiology of these arrhythmias. presence of LV dysfunction is related to increased risk of stroke
in patients with AF. Knowing the degree of dysfunction is also
useful for deciding which pharmacologic regimen would be
Atrial Fibrillation
optimal for controlling the ventricular rate in these patients.
AF is one of the most common arrhythmias encountered in clini- Mitral valve dysfunction, including stenosis and regurgitation,
cal practice. It is also one of the most common indications for is often associated with AF. Elevated LA pressure caused by
referral for echocardiography. As studies continue to show, AF and impedance of flow at the mitral valve level can lead to enlarge-
other atrial arrhythmias can be strongly linked to underlying car- ment of the LA, stasis, and subsequent increased risk of throm-
diovascular disease secondary to structural and functional abnor- boembolism and AF. The valve can be visualized with M-mode
malities. M-mode echocardiography can reveal coarse undulations echocardiography and two-dimensional TTE views, including the
secondary to AF when the ECG is not definitive (Figure 17-36). apical four-chamber, parasternal long-axis, and parasternal short-
TTE allows for the evaluation of the LA size, mitral valve structure axis views.
and function, and LV function. In addition to the evaluation of the Evaluation of the LAA by TEE and three-dimensional TTE was
parameters already mentioned, TEE results in better detection of briefly mentioned in the section on TEE. In patients with AF,
thrombi in the LA and the LAA.93 Clinically, both modalities thrombus has a tendency to form in the LAA. Doppler echocar-
provide information that can help determine the underlying etiol- diography has shown that low LAA flow velocity is one risk factor
ogy of arrhythmia and identify patients at risk for a thromboem- for thrombus formation. Spontaneous echo contrast (smokelike
bolic event before cardioversion. echoes) in the LA, LAA, or both, which is thought to be a sign of
The LA size is typically obtained using the parasternal long- abnormal atrial flow and uncoordinated atrial systole, has also
axis view at end-systole. The measurement is made from the been shown to be a risk factor for thrombus formation.
trailing edge of the posterior aortic wall to the leading edge of
Ventricular Tachycardias
Two-dimensional echocardiography is useful in the evaluation of
wall motion and valvular function in VT.106 Combined with
Doppler and color flow, echocardiography has been used to detect
ECG the presence of variable mitral valve leaflet excursions and mitral
blood flow during VT.

Echocardiography in the Evaluation and Management

of Cardiomyopathy
MV It is relevant to mention the increasing usefulness of echocardiog-
raphy in the evaluation and management of cardiomyopathies,
since they can often result in sudden death from fatal ventricular
arrhythmias if not addressed in a timely manner. Quantitation of
systolic and diastolic function can be done by echocardiography
FIGURE 17-36  Mitral valve recording in atrial flutter or atrial in dilated, hypertrophic, restrictive, arrhythmogenic RV, and
fibrillation. Both leaflets of the mitral valve (MV) show coarse unclassified cardiomyopathies. In dilated cardiomyopathy, the
undulations in diastole resulting from rapid and irregular atrial activity. presence of left ventricular spherical dilation, reduced systolic
ECG, Electrocardiogram. (Courtesy Cardiology Division, Genesee Hospital,
wall thickening, enlarged atrial cavities, right ventricular enlarge-
Rochester, NY.)
ment, wall motion abnormalities, dilated mitral annulus,
Essentials of Imaging and Imaging Technologies Related to Arrhythmias  247

incomplete coaptation of mitral valve leaflets, and apical mural such as echogenicity and the presence of artifacts in a different
thrombi are some of the characteristics that can be seen on echo-
cardiography.91 Doppler can supplement both M-mode and two-
dimensional echocardiography by providing information about
cardiac output, mitral inflow patterns, left ventricular filling pres-
scan line, artifacts can sometimes be mistaken for other objects,
as in the case of an artifactual image of LA catheter being mis-
taken for a catheter in the left ventricle.110
sures, and dyssynchrony. Doppler can also help guide the timing
Optimization of Pacemaker Parameters
of diastolic filling to optimize cardiac output after placement
of a biventricular pacemaker. In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Continuous-wave Doppler echocardiography and pulsed Doppler
(HCM), some of the findings demonstrable by echocardiography echocardiography have been shown to be effective in the deter-
include a hypertrophied LV, asymmetric septal hypertrophy, sys- mination of pacemaker settings that can optimize a patient’s
tolic anterior motion of the mitral valve, left ventricular outflow hemodynamics. Although the pacing mode and AV interval
tract (LVOT) obstruction, notching of the aortic valve, mitral length cannot, by themselves, reliably predict the degree of mitral
regurgitation, and LA enlargement. In addition to more common regurgitation, Doppler studies can be used to optimize stroke
echocardiographic features similar to those mentioned above, volume and assess and minimize the degree of mitral regurgita-
cardiac amyloidosis (a form of restrictive cardiomyopathy) pro- tion in sequential pacing. Because aortic diameter is constant in
duces echogenic “speckling” secondary to the presence of amyloid a given patient, peak aortic flow velocity can be used as a surro-
in the myocardium.91 Prominent left ventricular trabeculations gate for stroke volume. As a result, peak aortic flow velocity and
and intertrabecular spaces that fill with blood on color-flow analysis of diastolic trans-mitral flow patterns to determine atrial
imaging or with contrast echocardiography are findings in ven- capture in various pacing modes have also been assessed with
tricular noncompaction, an unclassified cardiomyopathy, which Doppler to determine ideal pacemaker settings and modes for
can be more accurately diagnosed with three-dimensional TTE desired hemodynamics with improved atrioventricular synchrony
(see Figure 17-35).104 Endomyocardial fibrosis, also an unclassified (Figure 17-37).111
cardiomyopathy, can have mass-like apical lesions on echocar-
diography. In arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, 2.0
right ventricular enlargement is one of the most common echo-
cardiographic findings. Other findings on echocardiography + (20.9%)
include right ventricular systolic dysfunction, right ventricular +
1.8 DH
wall motion abnormalities, thinning of the RV free wall, right

ventricular aneurysm, segmental right ventricular dilation, an
abnormal hyper-reflective moderator band, right ventricular tra- 1.6 +
becular derangements, and echogenicity of the RV free wall sec- +
Peak aortic flow velocity (m/s)

ondary to the presence of fat and fibrous tissue.107

Echocardiography for the Evaluation of Pacemakers –

Localization of Pacemaker Leads 1.2
(25%) –
Echocardiography can be used in some situations when an ECG – MT
– (25%) ++
does not definitely rule out misplacement of a pacemaker lead. 1.0 ++
For example, 11 years after placement of a right ventricular VVI RS
– + MV
pacemaker for a patient with third-degree atrioventricular block, –
+ ++ + (20%) –
it was found by two-dimensional TTE that the pacing lead had 0.8 MW

mistakenly been placed from the right atrium, across the inter- + (16.6%)

atrial septum, through the mitral valve, and along the posterior ++ GD
++ ++ +
wall of the LV. Although this patient’s ECG at the time of place- 0.6 (9.1%)
ment did show a right bundle branch block indicative of misplace- MB
ment of the pacing lead in the LV, this finding has been noted in
0 50 100 150 200 250
up to 10% of patients with normal pacemaker lead placement in (VVI)
the RV. In the above case, the apical and parasternal views on AV interval (ms)
two-dimensional TTE showed the exact course of the pacemaker
FIGURE 17-37  Peak aortic flow velocity at different atrioventricular
lead through the atrial septum and its contact with the posterior
(AV) intervals (7 patients). +, Mitral regurgitation present; ++, increased
wall of the LV.108 Two-dimensional echocardiography has also mitral regurgitation; –, mitral regurgitation not evaluated by Doppler.
been used to help differentiate between placement of RV and The number in parentheses indicates the maximum percentage
coronary sinus pacing catheters when this is unclear from ECG change in peak aortic flow velocity obtained in a given patient as
or fluoroscopy. compared with the VVI value or value at the shortest AV interval (in
Acoustic artifacts can often incorrectly mimic other structures patients in whom VVI values were not available). Note that the
or objects in the heart. Experience helps avoid mislabeling these maximum percentage change occurred with pacing at AV intervals
artifacts; however, this continues to be a challenge even for the between 150 and 200 ms. Patient initials are at the right of each
most experienced. Intracardiac catheters are hyperechoic and Doppler flow velocity curve. (From Zugibe FT, Nanda NC, Barold SS, et al:
often create a tail-like reverberatory artifact.109 Sometimes these Usefulness of Doppler echocardiography in cardiac pacing: Assessment of
mitral regurgitation, peak aortic flow velocity and atrial capture, PACE
artifacts are easily identifiable and can even help confirm the
6:1350–1357, 1983.)
location of the catheter. However, depending on various factors
248  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Echocardiography provides a noninvasive, nonteratogenic method

Detection of Pacemaker Complications
for the evaluation of fetal cardiac arrhythmias and the structural
Echocardiography has proven to be a valuable tool in the diagno- defects that may be responsible for these arrhythmias.115
sis of pacemaker complications such as perforations, thromboses, M-mode echocardiography has been used extensively in the
and vegetations.112-114 Direct evidence for pacer perforation by evaluation of fetal arrhythmias. By directing the ultrasound beam
echocardiogram was noted in a study of several patients who through both the fetal atrium and ventricle, the relationship of
initially presented with indeterminate evidence for abnormal atrial and ventricular contractions can be observed. Pulsed
location of their right ventricular pacing catheters. This indeter- Doppler can also indirectly evaluate arrhythmias by evaluating
minate evidence consisted of findings such as increased pacing intracardiac blood flow. An apical four-chamber view allows visu-
threshold, loss of sensing, new pericardial rub, catheter malposi- alization of flow into and out of the ventricle.
tion on chest radiograph, and right bundle branch block on ECG. Studies at the authors’ center have shown the application of
Echocardiography was used to show the movement of the cath- various modalities of fetal echocardiography in the detection of
eter tip from an extracardiac region, intraseptal location, or the reduced stroke volumes in fetuses with ventricular ectopy as well
LV into the RV or RA during withdrawal of the catheter, thus as tricuspid regurgitation and pericardial effusion with heart
proving its abnormal location. block. Three-dimensional echocardiography has also been shown
Two-dimensional TTE has been successfully used in the detec- to provide en face views of atrial and ventricular septal walls and
tion of pacing catheter–induced thrombosis as well as in the valves, which are not attainable with two-dimensional echocar-
detection of vegetations on pacing catheters. Studies now show diography. Fetal three-dimensional imaging continues to be a
increasing clinical application of three-dimensional TTE over rapidly evolving area with increasing clinical value.
two-dimensional TTE and two-dimensional TEE in the detection
of vegetations on pacemaker leads. The pyramidal wedge obtained All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
with three-dimensional TTE can be manipulated to obtain any com.
desired plane and angulation to view the location, attachment,
and size of a lesion, whereas two-dimensional TTE only provides
a thin-slice view of the cardiac anatomy.

Echocardiography in the Evaluation of Fetal Arrhythmias

Fetal tachycardia, bradycardia, and a persistent irregular rhythm
on a screening ultrasound examination are all indications for
further evaluation of the fetal heart with echocardiography.
Principles of Hemodynamics Applied
to Cardiac Arrhythmias
Kevin P. Jackson, Donald D. Hegland, and James P. Daubert
The hemodynamic consequences of cardiac arrhythmias depend atrial contractility deteriorates, and circulatory failure progresses.
on various factors, including the filling and emptying capacity of As heart failure progresses and, consequently, LV end-diastolic
the atrium and the ventricle, the duration and relative timing pressure increases, the capacity of atrial systole to augment
of systole and diastole, as well as neurohormonal influences on cardiac output diminishes.
cardiac contractility and peripheral tone. Early studies examined The reservoir function of the left atrium, which includes the
these effects in various arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation passive, early-phase filling during atrial relaxation and the late-
(AF), Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, and ventricular tachy- phase filling during ventricular systole, has been shown to be an
cardia (VT).1,2 This chapter expands on this pioneering work to independent determinant of cardiac output.5 Disease states that
provide a current framework for considering the important reduce atrial compliance, including conditions of chronic pres-
hemodynamic consequences of cardiac arrhythmias. sure overload such as mitral stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
thy, or advanced LV systolic dysfunction, may result in decreased
cardiac output despite preserved atrial contraction. The loss of
Atrial Mechanics atrial systole or atrioventricular synchrony in the background of
such diseases may result in the sudden deterioration of previously
Pressure and flow recordings from the right and left atria under well-compensated cardiac function. The effects of specific atrial
normal conditions consist of two major positive deflections: (1) arrhythmias on atrial and ventricular hemodynamic functions are
the “a” wave and (2) the “v” wave (Figure 18-1). The a wave results discussed below.
from atrial contraction and is immediately followed by the “x” An important but perhaps under-recognized component of
descent, representing atrial relaxation. A small “c” wave in the atrial mechanical function is the conduction between the right
right atrial tracing occurs during the x descent and represents and left atria. The classic electrocardiographic criteria established
tricuspid valve closure. The atrial v wave occurs during ventricular for LA enlargement correlates with elevated pulmonary capillary
contraction, which results in the descent of the tricuspid valve wedge pressure only in patients with cardiomyopathy or rheu-
annulus and the passive filling of the atrium from the venous matic mitral valve disease.6 In patients without cardiomyopathy,
system. As the right ventricular pressure falls below that of the the electrocardiogram pattern of LA enlargement may represent
atrium, the tricuspid valve opens, and atrial blood is emptied into a prolongation of interatrial conduction time (IACT), often
the ventricle, resulting in the “y” descent. with normal LA size and pressures. Disease states such as AF,
Early studies by Gesell and Wiggers estimated the contribution hypertension, and mitral regurgitation are associated with adverse
of atrial systole to overall cardiac output to be between 10% and atrial myocyte remodeling. Abnormalities in IACT are also
35%.3,4 Subsequent studies have shown that the atrial contribution common in these conditions, but whether remodeling leads to
to left ventricular (LV) performance operates via a Frank-Starling interatrial conduction delays or is a result of incoordinate atrial
relationship, whereby cardiac output is augmented by an increase contraction is unknown. In patients undergoing cardiac resyn-
in end-diastolic volume (preload) of the ventricle.3 Loss of atrial chronization therapy for cardiomyopathy, those with an IACT
systole results in a decrease in cardiac output by causing a down- greater than 100 ms have had larger LA volumes and lower
ward shift of the Frank-Starling curve; that is, the smaller left indices of LA function at follow-up compared with patients with
ventricular end-diastolic diameter from diminished filling results normal IACTs.7 The presence of severely prolonged IACT in this
in a smaller stroke volume. This relationship is independent of population has important implications for optimal programming
changes in systemic afterload. of the atrioventricular delay as AV nodal conduction may be
Although less well studied than ventricular mechanics, left more rapid than right-to-left atrial conduction in up to 30% of
atrial (LA) pump function has been characterized in both normal patients.
and pathologic states.4 In the early stages of LV dysfunction, atrial Prolongation of the P-wave duration and IACT is common in
contraction is augmented via an upregulation of β-myosin heavy patients with AF.8 Slowed conduction in the setting of increased
chains in response to the increased afterload from worsening LV atrial dimension increases the number of wavelets that coexist,
compliance. This improvement in LA mechanical work may aid thereby increasing the likelihood that AF will be sustained. In
in initial compensation of heart failure symptoms. As ventricular addition to prolongation of the normal right-to-left atrial route of
pressure and volume continue to increase, however, intrinsic conduction via Bachmann’s bundle, atrial fibrosis and remodeling

250  Clinical Investigation and Therapies


40 mm Hg




a v y descent 0 1 second
0 mm Hg FIGURE 18-2  Sinus tachycardia is present and is interrupted by a
x descent single premature ventricular contraction (PVC). The sinus beat
following the PVC generates a high-amplitude pulse (asterisk) because
the ventricle has a long filling time, which results in a higher
FIGURE 18-1  Simultaneous pressure tracings of the right atrium (RA) ventricular end-diastolic volume and an increase in contractility
and the right ventricle (RV) during normal sinus rhythm. because of the Frank-Starling mechanism. After the PVC, perpetuation
of the pulsus alternans is present for several cycles. (From Panutich MS,
Knight BP: Augmentation of pulsus alternans by a premature ventricular
beat, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 17:918, 2006.)
often result in alternative conduction pathways to the LA, such
as the margin of the fossa ovalis or coronary sinus ostial connec-
tions. Shortening of the IACT via bi-atrial epicardial pacing after
coronary artery bypass grafting has been shown to decrease the immediate effect of PVCs on arterial blood pressure is related to
incidence of AF as well as to improve pulmonary capillary wedge the coupling interval of the ectopic beat, with extremely short-
pressure and cardiac output. The complex interplay of atrial coupled PVCs often resulting in no discernible arterial pressure.
hemodynamics and geometry on IACT and susceptibility to The site of origin of PVCs, on the other hand, does not appear to
arrhythmia warrants further study. affect the relative cardiac output.10
Frequent PVCs can lead to deterioration of cardiac function in
an otherwise structurally normal heart. Patients with the highest
Premature Contraction percentage of PVC beats (>20% of total daily beats) show evidence
of reverse LV remodeling, reduced ejection fraction, and a greater
Cardiac arrhythmias generally considered benign in nature, such amount of mitral regurgitation compared with those with infre-
as premature atrial contractions (PACs) or premature ventricular quent PVCs. Over time, these patients may show evidence of
contractions (PVCs), may still have important hemodynamic con- progression of heart failure, with worsening New York Heart
sequences and therefore warrant therapy. The stroke volume of a Association (NYHA) functional class, elevated brain natriuretic
given ectopic beat is proportional to its prematurity, with blocked peptide, and elevated baseline heart rate (HR). The mechanism
or nonconducted PACs resulting in zero stroke volume. In normal for LV dysfunction with frequent PVCs is likely multifactorial. In
conditions, a temporary loss or decrease in cardiac output is patients whose PVCs originate in the right ventricular outflow
unlikely to result in clinical deterioration. However, in patients tract, the left bundle branch block (LBBB)–type beat results in
with underlying cardiomyopathy, blocked PACs may further septal dyskinesia as well as abnormal basal-to-apical ventricular
impair cardiac efficiency. activation. Cumulatively, these effects, over time, may lead to
Closely coupled PACs result in incomplete ventricular filling inefficient myocardial contraction, with progressive LV stiffening,
and lower-than-usual left ventricular end-diastolic volume. elevated LV end-diastolic pressure, and ventricular dilation.
Immediate postectopic beats, however, demonstrate augmented Closely coupled PVCs cause calcium release, which results in
filling and, thus, increased stroke volume. In addition, postextra- postsystolic potentiation and improvement in ejection fraction in
systolic potentiation, which is the increased contractility seen in the beat immediately thereafter. In the long term, however,
postectopic beats, may further enhance cardiac output. Hemody- chronic calcium overload might result in cellular dysfunction and
namic studies have shown that in the majority of patients with worsening of cardiac performance. The cause of LV dysfunction
PACs, cardiac output is not significantly changed.9 In those with is likely unrelated to elevated HR, as mean HR has not been found
more frequent PACs, however, cardiac output may decrease by as to significantly affect the degree of ventricular dysfunction in
much 25%. patients with frequent PVCs.11
The effect of PVCs on LV stroke volume is often more pro- Reversal of adverse hemodynamic and ventricular remodeling
found than that of PACs. The shortened end-diastolic filling time effects of frequent PVCs is possible with the use of antiarrhythmic
as well as the compensatory pause before the postectopic beat can medications or catheter ablation targeting the PVC focus.12,13 A
set up profound changes in LV contractility, such as those seen in randomized, controlled study examining the use of class IC
pulsus alternans (Figure 18-2). Similar to the effect of PACs, the antiarrhythmic drugs to suppress asymptomatic or minimally
Principles of Hemodynamics Applied to Cardiac Arrhythmias   251

symptomatic PVCs in patients after myocardial infarction was

Loss of Atrial Systole in Normal Hearts
terminated early because of increased mortality in the treatment
arm.14 The impact of these medications on mortality among The occurrence of AF can have significant hemodynamic conse-
patients without coronary disease has not been well studied.15 quences in structurally normal hearts. The irregularity of the
Studies of catheter ablation for frequent, monomorphic PVCs in rhythm, independent of HR, has been shown to decrease cardiac
patients with structurally normal hearts have shown the most output in experimental models.19 The most likely explanation for
common site of origin to be the outflow regions of the right ven- this finding is that beat-to-beat changes in ventricular filling alter
tricle (RV) and the LV or, more rarely, in the posteroseptal region myocardial contractility via the Frank-Starling mechanism. The
of the LV chamber.16 Acute and midterm success rates for catheter beats with longer R-R intervals do not entirely compensate for
ablation of these foci are excellent, although no long-term, pro- those beats with short R-R intervals, and an overall loss of cardiac
spective data are yet available. Recently, catheter ablation of post- output ensues. A second possible mechanism for this finding is
infarction PVCs in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and that sudden changes in ventricular cycle length cause inefficient
greater than 5% daily PVC burden was shown by cardiac magnetic ventricular mechanics and wasted energy because of incomplete
resonance imaging to be highly successful with an improvement cellular restitution during an abbreviated ventricular diastole. In
of cardiac function to near-normal in patients without high- support of the independent deleterious effect of heart rate irregu-
density scar.17 While these data demonstrate that elimination of larity, a small trial of atrioventricular junction ablation in patients
the PVC focus results in reversal of LV dilation and improvement with chronic AF and a normal range of HR (60 to 100 beats/min)
of ejection fraction (EF), no evidence that this has a beneficial showed improvement in EF and heart failure symptoms at 1-year
impact on mortality has yet been presented. follow-up. In contrast, relative regularization of the R-R intervals
using ventricular rate-smoothing algorithms in patients with AF
and permanent pacemakers has failed to show significant symp-
Atrial Fibrillation tomatic improvement.20
Incessant rapid ventricular rates during AF can lead to ven-
The atrial chamber serves as a conduit between the venous bed tricular dysfunction and progressive congestive heart failure
and the ventricles. More than that, however, atrial systole also (CHF). Hemodynamic changes, characterized by markedly ele-
contributes importantly to ventricular filling. Early animal studies vated ventricular filling pressures and impairment of LV contrac-
found that atrial systole increased ventricular filling by roughly tility, are seen after as little as 24 hours of rapid ventricular pacing
35% and that the magnitude of the effect depended on both the in animal models. As cardiac output diminishes, systemic vascu-
strength of the atrial contraction as well as relative timing during lar resistance is typically increased, and mitral regurgitation may
ventricular diastole.18 In addition to augmenting forward ven- develop as a consequence of increased afterload. Calcium over-
tricular stroke volume, atrial systole is also important in maintain- loading of myocardial cells during chronic tachycardia may also
ing a low mean atrial pressure by allowing properly timed closure lead to impairment of LV relaxation and progressive diastolic
of the mitral valve during LV diastole (Figure 18-3). The contribu- dysfunction. With ongoing high-rate pacing, ventricular filling
tion of atrial systole appears to be particularly important at higher pressures continue to rise with a plateau at about 1 week. Cardiac
heart rates. output may continue to deteriorate for up to 5 weeks, with even-
tual development of symptoms of CHF.21
Unique to the tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy of AF is
the rapid and dramatic recovery of LV function with restoration
of sinus rhythm. Animal models have shown that within 48 hours
after termination of pacing, mean arterial pressures, cardiac
LVP output, and peripheral vascular resistance normalize. Left ven-
mm Hg tricular EF recovers after 1 to 2 weeks; however, LV volumes may
200 take up to 3 months to return to baseline because of extensive
150 LVDP LVDP ventricular remodeling. Similarly, human studies of rapid AF have
cmH O 2
o v
100 + F LAP v c shown that restoration of normal sinus rhythm with direct-

50 –
AF LVP current cardioversion (DCCV) results in early return of atrial
0 150
cc/sec transport (days) and delayed recovery of LV function (weeks). The
100 delayed improvement in global cardiac function following DCCV
50 suggests that LV stroke volume depends significantly on the rever-
A. EI.
sal of intrinsic cardiomyopathy from calcium overloading rather
V. EI. than from the immediate restoration of atrial systole.
Neurohormonal activation during AF may have additional del-
1 second
eterious hemodynamic effects in patients with otherwise normal
FIGURE 18-3  Effect of atrial systole on mean left atrial pressure (LAP) cardiac function. HR irregularity and sustained tachycardia lead
and left ventricular stroke volume. The first ventricular contraction in to increased sympathetic nerve activity. This, in turn, may result
the tracing is preceded by atrial systole, whereas the second is not. in an increase in right atrial pressure and decreased systemic
Note the increase in LAP as well as the decrease in left ventricular blood pressure because of cardiopulmonary baroreceptor activity
pressure (LVP) that occurs with the loss of atrial systole in the second (Figure 18-4).22 Prolonged neurohormonal activation with ele-
beat. LVDP, Left ventricular diastolic pressure; A. El, left atrial bipolar vated levels of catecholamines and angiotensin II may promote
electrogram; V. El, left ventricular bipolar electrogram. (From Mitchell JH, long-term structural changes to the LA because of atrial fibrosis.23
Shapiro W: Atrial function and the hemodynamic consequences of atrial
In addition, atrial stretch from chronically elevated pressure is
fibrillation in man, Am J Cardiol 23:556–567, 1969.)
thought to activate cardiac mechano-receptors, which, in turn,
252  Clinical Investigation and Therapies

Sinus rhythm

Event-free survival
p <0.001
Sympathetic 0.6
activity 0.5 Atrial fibrillation
SNA = 216 units SNA = 359 units 0.4
Arterial 0.1
BP 120
80 0
MBP = 113 mm Hg MBP = 107 mm Hg 0 365 770 1095 1460
Sinus rhythm Atrial fibrillation Follow-up time (days)

FIGURE 18-4  Surface electrocardiogram (ECG), sympathetic nerve FIGURE 18-6  Effect of atrial fibrillation on survival in patients with
activity (SNA), and blood pressure (BP) tracings from a patient during severe left ventricular dysfunction. Kaplan-Meier event-free survival
normal sinus rhythm and atrial fibrillation. SNA increased during atrial curves for the endpoint of all-cause mortality comparing those with
fibrillation compared with normalsinus rhythm. (From Chen J, atrial fibrillation (red line) and those patients in sinus rhythm (blue line)
Wasmund SL, Hamdan MH: Back to the future: The role of the autonomic at baseline in patients with ejection fraction (EF) ≤35%. (From Dries DL,
nervous system in atrial fibrillation, PACE 29:413–421, 2006.) Exner DV, Gersh BJ, et al: Atrial fibrillation is associated with an increased
risk for mortality and heart failure progression in patients with
asymptomatic and symptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction: A
retrospective analysis of the SOLVD trials, J Am Coll Cardiol 32:695–703,


occurrence of AF is related to the degree of systolic dysfunction

RF on LOM as well as CHF functional classification, with a prevalence of up
map to 50% in patients with NYHA class IV symptoms. About 25% of
patients with new diastolic CHF present with recent-onset AF
with rapid ventricular rates.26 The loss of atrial systole in this
d setting leads to a compensatory rise in LA pressure to maintain
cardiac output. In addition, the presence of rapid ventricular rates
CS 7–8
CS 5–6
further shortens diastolic filling of the LV. New-onset AF in
CS 3–4 patients with previously well-compensated CHF may lead to a
CS d
functional deterioration because of a reduction in cardiac output,
increase in LA size, and pressure, and worsening of mitral regur-
gitation. The occurrence of AF in patients with LV dysfunction
FIGURE 18-5  Demonstration of catheter stimulation of vagal nerve
has been independently associated with mortality in multiple
fibers on the ligament of Marshall (LOM) during catheter ablation of
atrial fibrillation (AF). Atrial asystole occurred immediately after
clinical trials (Figure 18-6).27,28
catheter positioning with subsequent termination of AF during The prevalence of AF is greater in patients with valvular heart
radiofrequency (RF) ablation. disease. In patients with mitral stenosis (MS), in particular, the
occurrence of AF may have significant deleterious effects because
of the abbreviated diastolic filling times from rapid, irregular ven-
tricular rates. The effect of the loss of atrial systole during AF in
patients with MS is less clear. With severe stenosis, loss of early
leads to increased cardiac vagal activity. Vagotonic effects in the diastolic filling occurs despite elevated LA pressures. In patients
cardiac conducting system include a shortening of the atrial effec- with mild or moderate MS, atrial systole makes a greater contri-
tive refractory period, which is conducive to the initiation and bution to ventricular filling, and its loss during AF may have more
maintenance of AF.24 Interestingly, catheter ablation of the vagal profound hemodynamic consequences (Figure 18-7).29 Concomi-
nerve fibers during pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) may reduce tant restoration of sinus rhythm during surgical or percutaneous
the recurrence of AF after ablation, perhaps because of attenua- correction of MS has been shown to result in further improve-
tion of these adverse parasympathetic effects (Figure 18-5).25 ments in symptom status, exercise capacity, and quality of life.

Loss of Atrial Systole in Diseased Hearts Hemodynamic Consequences of Catheter Ablation

for Atrial Fibrillation
Both systolic and diastolic dysfunction of the LV may lead to LA
dilation and increased dispersion of refractoriness because of the Patients with AF who undergo serial electrical DCCV have shown
stimulation of stretch-activated receptors. This, in turn, leads to a reduction in LA size after restoration of normal sinus rhythm.
a high prevalence of AF in both these disease states. The Similarly, patients who undergo PVI and maintain sinus rhythm
Principles of Hemodynamics Applied to Cardiac Arrhythmias   253


A Severe MS in AF B Severe MS in NSR C Moderate MS in NSR

FIGURE 18-7  The relative contribution of atrial

systole to ventricular filling with varying degrees  
of mitral stenosis (MS). Echocardiographic
Doppler recordings of mitral inflows are shown. A
a a demonstrates mitral flows with loss of a wave during
atrial fibrillation (AF). B through D show the
increasing proportion of atrial filling from atrial
systole with less severe forms of MS during normal
sinus rhythm (NSR). (From Karthikeyan G: The value
D Mild MS in NSR E No MS, NSR of rhythm control in mitral stenosis, Heart 92[8]:
1096–1101, 2006.)

at follow-up are shown to have reduced LA volumes compared Table 18-1  Baseline and Arrhythmia-Specific Factors Influencing
with patients with recurrent AF.30 Despite extensive radiofre- the Hemodynamic Tolerability of Ventricular Tachycardia
quency ablation within the LA, PVI does not seem to result in a
deterioration of atrial contractility. Small studies measuring LA BASELINE INFLUENCES ARRHYTHMIA INFLUENCES
ejection fraction after PVI have, in fact, shown a significant
Ejection fraction Heart rate
improvement following ablation.31 This is an important issue, as
a lack of recovery of atrial mechanical function may predispose Left ventricular dyssynchrony Incoordinate left ventricular
the patient to thromboembolism despite the elimination of AF. contraction
The measurement of LA ejection fraction after PVI may be an Myocardial ischemia Impaired ventricular filling
inaccurate marker of true LA function, however, as worsened
pulmonary venous regurgitation created by ablation of the PV Autonomic function Impaired ventricular relaxation
muscle sleeves can result in overestimation of the systolic flow
Loss of atrioventricular synchrony
into the LV.
While the amount of radiofrequency ablation time during PVI Mitral valve regurgitation
does not seem to impact LA function, the impact of linear lesions,
multiple ablation procedures, or PVI on patients with a pre-
existing atrial myopathy is unknown. In addition, small studies
have suggested that LA ablation may have differential effects on
atrial transport function, depending on the burden of AF before introduced by the rhythm (Table 18-1). After VT onset, an initial
the procedure.32 In patients with persistent or chronic AF, in decrease in cardiac output may be followed by progressive hemo-
whom atrial remodeling has occurred, LA systolic function dynamic recovery as the peripheral vascular resistance increases
improves after PVI, likely because of the beneficial effects of the as a consequence of reduced systemic blood pressure.33 Failure of
restoration of normal sinus rhythm on atrial reverse remodeling. hemodynamic recovery may result in degeneration of the VT into
In contrast, patients with paroxysmal AF and preserved LA ventricular fibrillation.
volumes may show a mild decrease in LA transport function after The rate of the tachycardia has been identified as one of the
PVI. What impact these findings have on long-term LV hemody- most predictive factors of hemodynamic stability during VT.34
namics or thromboembolic risk is unknown. Cardiac output augments with moderate increases in HR over
baseline; however, stroke volume diminishes once the rate of
tachycardia begins to impair LV filling time. In patients with
Ventricular Tachycardia depressed baseline EF, higher HRs during tachycardia result in an
exaggerated loss of cardiac output (Figure 18-8). Antiarrhythmic
The spectrum of clinical symptoms during VT varies widely— medications such as amiodarone or procainamide may be used to
from asymptomatic or minor palpitations despite hours of persis- prolong the tachycardia cycle, thereby converting a nontolerated
tent arrhythmia to immediate and complete hemodynamic VT into a hemodynamically stable rhythm. These medications
collapse at rhythm onset. The hemodynamic tolerability of a given can be used as adjuncts before and during catheter ablation to
patient’s ventricular arrhythmia depends on the interplay between allow tolerability of sustained VT and to aid mapping during
the underlying heart disease and the functional consequences tachycardia.
254  Clinical Investigation and Therapies

The mechanism for diminished cardiac output during VT regarding the importance of the LV VT exit site on hemodynam-
likely varies between patients with preserved baseline EF and ics are scarce.36 Small imaging studies have demonstrated the
those with reduced baseline EF.35 In patients with normal LV appearance of functional LV aneurysms during VT with exit sites
function, a decrease in ventricular cavity size cause by incomplete of the tachycardia often adjacent to these areas.37 Altered ven-
filling and impaired relaxation may lead to a rapid decrease in tricular activation during VT may also lead to papillary muscle
stroke volume during VT (Figure 18-9, A). In contrast, patients dysfunction with subsequent mitral regurgitation. These effects
with a reduced EF often have preserved LV cavity size but dys- are likely to be more detrimental at higher HR.
synchronous ventricular activation (Figure 18-9, B). Thus, in addi- Hemodynamic compensation after the onset of VT requires
tion to the deleterious effects of a sudden increase in HR on both α-adrenergic vasoconstriction and β-adrenergic augmenta-
ventricular filling, incoordinate ventricular contraction during tion of LV contraction. The response of the peripheral vasculature
VT can lead to sudden hemodynamic collapse. Pacing models in to diminished blood flow is an initial, rapid activation of α-
humans have demonstrated a greater drop in cardiac output with adrenoreceptors, likely mediated by baroreceptor reflexes. This is
RV apical stimulation versus outflow tract; however, data followed by a slower, catecholamine-dependent response, which
results in both α-mediated vasoconstriction and β-mediated ino-
tropic augmentation of LV function. Blunted HR variability and
decreased baroreflex sensitivity, both markers of cardiovascular
10 autonomic modulation, correlate with higher mortality after myo-
9 cardial infarction, perhaps because of hemodynamic deterioration
during ventricular arrhythmia.38 In addition, blunted sympathetic
responses present in older adults may account for an increase in
CO (L/min)

hemodynamically unstable VT seen in this population.

Another important hemodynamic factor during VT is the
presence or absence of atrioventricular (AV) synchrony. During
VT with ventriculoatrial dissociation, the effective AV interval is
Normals Patients with either absent or occurs at random durations. The loss of AV con-
2 impaired left duction during sustained VT results in a decrease in cardiac
1 ventr. function output and a rise in venous pressures. When atrial activity fortu-
0 itously establishes a near-normal AV interval, stroke volume
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 increases and RA pressure falls (Figure 18-10). Two-dimensional
HR and Doppler echocardiographic studies have demonstrated vari-
able mitral valve excursion during VT with AV dissociation, with
FIGURE 18-8  Relationship between heart rate (HR) and cardiac maximal flow occurring when atrial systole is timed well before
output (CO) in patients with normal hearts and patients with impaired the QRS complex.39 Small studies have examined the effect of
left ventricular function. (From Steinbach KK, Merl O, Frohner K, et al: synchronized atrial pacing during sustained VT.40 These studies
Hemodynamics during ventricular tachyarrhythmias, Am Heart J
have shown that re-establishment of a physiologically normal AV
127:1102–1106, 1994.)
interval with ventricular-triggered, sequential atrial pacing during


LV pressure (mm Hg)

LV pressure (mm Hg)


50 75


0 0
0.0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2
A LV dimension (cm) B LV dimension (cm)

FIGURE 18-9  A, Pressure-volume loop during sinus rhythm (right) and ventricular tachycardia (left) in a patient with normal baseline ejection fraction
(EF) demonstrating severely reduced left ventricular (LV) cavity size and elevated LV end diastolic pressure (LVEDP) during tachycardia. B, Pressure-
volume loop in a patient with depressed EF at baseline. Note the absence of appreciable change in LVEDP but evidence of discoordinated contraction.
(From Lima JA, Weiss JL, Guzman PA, et al: Incomplete filling and incoordinate contraction as mechanisms of hypotension during ventricular tachycardia in
man, Circulation 68:928–938, 1983.)
Principles of Hemodynamics Applied to Cardiac Arrhythmias   255

VT may have a dramatic effect on the hemodynamics during the Alternatively, local impedance changes at the tip of the RV pacing
RV hemodynamic monitoring has been proposed as a method
for the discrimination of VT from supraventricular tachycardia
(SVT) in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators.41
electrode have been shown to correlate well with acute changes in
RV systolic pressure and may present a means of indirect pressure
monitoring in future implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
Small studies using simultaneous pressure monitoring of both
ventricles during VT have demonstrated a blunted decrease in
Hemodynamics During Catheter Ablation
systolic pressure and dP/dT of the RV compared with those of the
LV; however, a modest correlation does exist. Incorporation of Maintenance of stable VT allows precise mapping of the ventricu-
direct hemodynamic monitoring for VT discrimination, however, lar chamber, including entrainment pacing to determine critical
would require implantation of a separate pressure transducer. isthmus sites within the re-entrant circuit. In patients presenting
for catheter ablation of scar-related VT, however, the minority
of induced arrhythmias are hemodynamically well tolerated.43
Various methods for augmenting cardiac output during VT exist
(Table 18-2).
Lead I
As discussed previously, loss of synchronization between the
AEGM atrium and the ventricle can result in rapid hemodynamic col-
lapse during VT. With intact, one-to-one ventriculoatrial conduc-
tion, a markedly premature atrial contraction can further worsen
RV volume

68 ∆ EDV
(∆ mL)

ms cardiac output because of venous regurgitation and paradoxical

14 vasodilation triggered by atrial stretch reflex arcs.44 Prior studies
have shown proper timing of atrial systole to be between 60% and
0 75% of the R-R interval. When triggered from the right ventricular
(mm Hg)


20 electrogram, the initiation of atrial pacing during VT can result

15 in dramatic hemodynamic recovery (Figure 18-11). Mechanisms
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (ms)
Table 18-2  Techniques for Maintaining Stable Hemodynamics During
FIGURE 18-10  Recording of an episode of ventricular tachycardia Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia
with atrioventricular (AV) dissociation. The presence of atrial activity
Slowing of tachycardia cycle length using antiarrhythmic medications
established an AV interval of 60 ms and resulted in an increase in  
Synchronized atrial pacing at physiologic AV interval
right ventricular (RV) volume and pressure compared with ventricular
Augmentation of SVR with vasopressor infusion
contraction in the absence of atrial contribution. AEGM, atrial
Augmentation of CO with intra-aortic balloon pump or percutaneous
electrogram; RVP, right ventricular pressure; EDV, end-diastolic volume.
(From Maloney J, Khoury D, Simmons T, et al: Effect of atrioventricular
synchrony on stroke volume during ventricular tachycardia in man, Am AV, atrioventricular; SVR, systemic vascular resistance; CO, cardiac output; LVAD, left
Heart J 123:1561–1568, 1992.) ventricular assist device.

Atrial pacing
1000 ms

V1 S S S S S
320 300 345 300 345º 270º 320 300
490 490 490
VT 230
pressure (mm Hg)

Distal aortic

40 RV apex
300 345 340 340 300 320 300 315 300 340 300 340 300

FIGURE 18-11  Effect of atrial pacing on arterial blood pressure during ventricular tachycardia (VT). The panel is arranged with surface
electrocardiographic leads I, aVF and VI above an endocardial recording from the high right atrium (HRA), a pressure recording from the distal aorta,
and a recording from the right ventricular (RV) apex. On the left side of the panel, the VT has a cycle length of 295 to 320 ms with dissociated atrial
activity at a cycle length of 490 ms. Atrial pacing is begun, timed from the electrogram in the RV apex recording. This example shows the optimal
coupling interval of the atrial stimulus (S) 230 ms after the onset of the QRS (horizontal dotted line), equivalent to 73% of the R-R interval. As a result of
atrial pacing, arterial blood pressure increases from a variable systolic pressure between 70 and 125 mm Hg (average 98 mm Hg) to a more consistent
pressure between 125 and 145 mm Hg, later averaging 149 mm Hg, which exceeded the systolic pressure in sinus rhythm (120 mm Hg). (From Hamer
AW, Zaher CA, Rubin SA, et al: Hemodynamic benefits of synchronized 1:1 atrial pacing during sustained ventricular tachycardia with severely depressed
ventricular function in coronary heart disease, Am J Cardiol 55:990–994, 1985.)
256  Clinical Investigation and Therapies

behind this effect likely include improved ventricular filling, with severely depressed ventricular function in coronary heart disease,
reduction or elimination of AV valve regurgitation, and mainte- Am J Cardiol 55:990–994, 1985.
nance of systemic vascular resistance because of the blunting of Karthikeyan G: The value of rhythm control in mitral stenosis, Heart
92(8):1096–1101, 2006.
atrial stretch receptors.
Kolettis TM, Saksena S, Mathew P, et al: Right and left ventricular hemo-
In the past decade, ablation techniques have evolved for treat- dynamic performance during sustained ventricular tachycardia, Am J
ing “unmappable,” hemodynamically unstable VT. These tech- Cardiol 3:323–327, 1997.
niques include creation of a voltage map of the ventricular Landolina M, Mantica M, Pessano P, et al: Impaired baroreflex sensitivity
chamber with identification of scar and low-voltage border zones is correlated with hemodynamic deterioration of sustained ventricular
with pacemapping and ablation at putative VT exit sites. While tachycardia, J Am Coll Cardiol 29:568–575, 1997.
this approach allows treatment during normal sinus rhythm, the Lima JA, Guzman PA, Weisfeldy ML, et al: Incomplete filling and incoor-
elimination of VT with this procedure alone is likely worse than dinate contraction as mechanisms of hypotension during ventricular
that with the use of entrainment and activation mapping. The tachycardia in man, Circulation 68:928–938, 1983.
addition of peri-procedural mechanical support such as intra- Linderer T, Chatterjee K, Parmley WW, et al: Influence of atrial systole
on the Frank-Starling relation and the end-diastolic pressure-diameter
aortic balloon pump or percutaneous left ventricular assist device
relation of the left ventricle, Circulation 67;1045–1053, 1983.
may allow successful mapping and ablation of VT. Despite initial Mitchell JH, Shapiro W: Atrial function and the hemodynamic conse-
hemodynamic stability with mechanical support, however, subse- quences of atrial fibrillation in man, Am J Cardiol 23:556–567, 1969.
quent deterioration may occur because of right ventricular Ozduran V, Elayi SC, Martin DO, et al: Extensive ablation during pulmo-
fatigue.45 Patients who have had catheter ablation using mechani- nary vein antrum isolation has no adverse impact on left atrial function,
cal support for maintenance of cardiac output have a fourfold J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 17:741–746, 2006.
greater risk of mortality.37 Shinbane JS, Wood MA, Jensen DN, et al: Tachycardia-induced cardio-
myopathy: A review of animal models and clinical studies, J Am Coll
Cardiol 29:709–715, 1997.
Steinbach KK, Merl O, Frohner K, et al: Hemodynamics during ventricu-
Barbier P, Solomon SB, Schiller NB, Glantz SA: Left atrial relaxation and lar tachyarrhythmias, Am Heart J 127:1102–1106, 1994.
left ventricular systolic function determine left atrial reservoir function, Taneja T, Kadish AH, Parker MA, Goldberger JL: Acute blood pressure
Circulation 100;427–436, 1999. effects at the onset of supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia, Am
Bogun F, Crawford T, Reich S, et al: Radiofrequency ablation of frequent, J Cardiol 90:1294–1299, 2002.
idiopathic premature ventricular complexes: Comparison with a control Zilberman A, Rogel S: Hemodynamic evaluation of common cardiac
group without intervention, Heart Rhythm 4:863–867, 2007. arrhythmias, Int J Cardiol 27:341–349, 1990.
Greenfield JC Jr, Harley A, Thompson HK, Wallace AG: Pressure-flow
studies in man during atrial fibrillation, J Clin Invest 47:411, 1968. All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
Hamer AW, Zaher CA, Rubin SA, et al: Hemodynamic benefits of syn- com.
chronized 1:1 atrial pacing during sustained ventricular tachycardia
Principles of Clinical Trials
Ruth McBride and April Slee 19
statement describes a clinically meaningful effect of an interven-
Introduction tion (alternative hypothesis), and the other describes harm, no
effect, or an effect too small to be clinically meaningful (null
A clinical trial is a medical study in humans. Typically, these hypothesis). In the spirit of scientific inquiry, the goal is not to
studies are conducted to determine the efficacy and the safety of prove the alternative hypothesis but to disprove the null hypoth-
a drug or medical device. Patients are assigned to one of possibly esis. Continuing with the niacin example, a hypothesis might be:
many prespecified treatments, and their outcomes are recorded.
Clinical trials are different from other types of human studies Niacin use raises HDL by at least 10% on average
because the exposure or the intervention is prospective and con- and
trolled. For example, if the goal of the study is to determine the Niacin use raises HDL by less than 10% or lowers HDL on average
relationship between niacin use and high-density lipoprotein
(HDL), you can do one of the following: Note that every possibility of a relationship between niacin use
and change in HDL is covered by one of these two statements.
1. Find a sample of people on the basis of some HDL criteria or Note also that the measurement used to evaluate change in HDL
threshold and gather information about historical niacin use is also defined in the hypothesis: Conclusions will be based on the
(case-control study) mean percentage change in HDL.

2. Find a sample of people and collect information about HDL

Types of Comparisons
and niacin use over time (cohort study)
Hypotheses usually involve demonstrating that one treatment is
3. Control niacin use by randomizing a population to niacin use significantly better than another (superiority) or that one treat-
or no niacin use, and monitor the effect of the randomized ment is not meaningfully worse than another treatment (non-
treatment on HDL over time (randomized controlled trial inferiority, equivalence) (Figure 19-1). When testing an active
[RCT]) drug or treatment compared with placebo, the study should be
designed to detect the smallest clinically meaningful improve-
In items 1 and 2, the intervention, niacin use, is not under the ment as well as the cost and side effects of the drug. Placebo-
control of the investigators. Clinical factors such as age, smoking controlled trials should always be superiority trials if the goal is
status, and other comorbidities as well as HDL levels may affect to test the efficacy of the new drug. Sometimes non-inferiority
the physician’s choice to prescribe niacin, so the statement that placebo-controlled trials are used to establish the safety of a new
can be made on the basis of these studies is that niacin use is drug.
associated with changes in HDL. In contrast, when the interven- It is important to determine, a priori, if the goal is to prove
tion is randomized, factors that could be related to HDL and superiority or non-inferiority. If the new drug has efficacy com-
clinical characteristics that influence the decision to prescribe parable with that of an accepted treatment but a secondary
niacin are ignored. As a result, the statement that niacin use property such as side-effect profile or cost is reduced, then dem-
causes changes in HDL is valid. The causal relationship between onstration of non-inferiority would likely be acceptable. If a study
a test treatment and an outcome is called efficacy when it is mea- designed as a non-inferiority trial shows superiority, then the
sured in clinical trials and effectiveness when it is measured in a superiority of the new drug can be the stated result. However, it
routine care setting. RCTs are the gold standard for evidence of is important to remember that a failed superiority trial is not a
the efficacy of a drug or other intervention, and this evidence is non-inferiority trial. Non-inferiority trials are much larger than
used by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to deter- superiority trials by design. The driving factor that makes non-
mine whether new medical treatments should be approved.1 inferiority trials large is the non-inferiority margin, or the amount
that the new drug could differ from the accepted one before
claiming that the new drug is not worse than the accepted one.
Hypothesis Testing
Other Design Parameters
Successful clinical trials begin with a clearly stated hypothesis, or
a statement about the effect of an intervention on a population. It is possible to be “unlucky” in a clinical trial in two key ways,
The design of the study is usually dictated by the hypothesis, which means that the result of the clinical trial leads to a conclu-
which consists of two mutually exclusive statements. Usually, one sion that does not hold in the general population of patients.

258  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

Not superior Superior

Randomization is the process of “randomly” assigning individuals
Inferior Non-inferior or groups of individuals to one of two or more different treatment
options. The term random means that the process is governed by
0 chance. Different trial designs may implement randomization in
different ways as will be described below. The simplest design
Equivalence randomly allocates study participants between one of two treat-
ment arms. A particular participant is equally likely to be assigned
FIGURE 19-1  Types of comparisons.
to one or the other arm.

Why Randomize?
Table 19-1  Human Phase of Development for a Drug or Intervention
The notion of randomly assigning individual observational units
PHASE GOALS EXAMPLES OF OUTCOMES to one treatment modality or another was first discussed by R.A.
I Maximum tolerated Pharmacokinetic parameters,
Fisher in the 1920s.
dose, toxicity, and adverse events Randomization, then, tends to even out any differences
safety profile between the study participants assigned to one treatment arm
compared with those to the other. The Coronary Artery Surgery
II Evidence of biological Surrogate markers* such as CRP, Study (CASS) randomly assigned patients with stable class III
activity blood pressure, cholesterol, angina to initial treatment with bypass surgery or medical
arterial plaque measure by
therapy.2 If this trial had not been randomized and treatment
intravascular ultrasound,
hospitalization for CHF
assignment had been left to the discretion of the enrolling physi-
cian, it is likely that these physicians would have selected patients
III Evidence of impact on Time to death, myocardial who they believed would be “good surgical candidates” for the
hard clinical infarction, stroke, bypass surgery arm. This would have led to a comparison of
endpoints hospitalization for CHF, some patients who were good surgical candidates receiving bypass
combination of these events
surgery with a group of patients who, for one reason or another,
IV Postmarketing studies Death, myocardial infarction, were not good surgical candidates receiving medical treatment.
collecting additional lead fracture, stroke, heart It is likely that the medically selected patients would have
information from failure, liver failure been sicker, with more comorbidities than the patient selected
widespread use of for surgery. This design would not result in a fair comparison of
drugs or devices the two treatment strategies. Randomization levels the playing
CRP, C-reactive protein; CHF, congestive heart failure. field.
*A surrogate marker is an event that precedes the clinical event, which is (ideally) in
the causal pathway to the clinical event. For example, if a drug is thought to decrease
risk of myocardial infarction (MI) by reducing arterial calcification, changes in arterial Intention to Treat
calcification might be used as a surrogate endpoint because these changes should
occur sooner than MI, leading to a reduction in trial time. Hospitalization is a
To make randomization work, analysis of RCT data needs to
challenging surrogate marker because it is not clearly in the causal pathway; adhere to the principle of “intention to treat.” In its purest form,
hospitalization does not cause MI, but heart failure worsening to the degree that this means that data from each study participant are analyzed
hospitalization is required is in the causal pathway. When hospitalization is used as according to the treatment arm to which they were randomized,
a measure of new or worsening disease, it is important that the change in disease
period. In the case of the Antiarrhythmics Versus Implantable
status and not just the hospitalization event is captured.
Defibrillators (AVID) trial, this meant that data from patients
randomly assigned to the implantable defibrillator arm were ana-
lyzed in that arm, whether or not they ever received the device.3
These are given the non-mnemonic names type I error and type Data from patients randomly assigned to the antiarrhythmic drug
II error. Type I error, often denoted alpha, is basically the chance treatment arm were analyzed with that arm, even if they had
that a difference is detected for the patients in the experiment but received a defibrillator. This may not make obvious sense, and
that difference does not hold for patients in general. It is common many trial sponsors have argued that their new treatment just
to set this error tolerance to 5%. Type II error, often denoted beta, could not show an effect if the patient never received the new
is basically the chance that no difference is detected for patients treatment. However, the principle of “intention to treat” protects
in the experiment, but a difference exists for patients in general. the integrity of the trial by removing a large source of potential
The power of a study, or 1 minus beta, is basically the chance that bias. In a trial to examine the efficacy of a new antiarrhythmic
if a treatment difference exists, the experiment will detect it. drug for preventing sudden cardiac death (SCD), for example, a
sponsor might be tempted to count events only while the patient
was still taking the drug. How, they would argue, could the drug
Primary Outcome
have a benefit if the patient was not taking it? But, if, as has hap-
The human phase of development for a drug or intervention is pened, the drug exacerbates congestive heart failure (CHF), then
divided into four parts, and each part has unique objectives (Table patients assigned to the experimental drug would be likely to
19-1). The choice of the outcome measure should be based on the discontinue taking the drug. And any subsequent SCD or cardiac
goals of the development phase. arrests would not be attributed to the drug. In fact, it could be
Principles of Clinical Trials  259

argued that the drugs led to a situation where the patient was

Types of Randomization Designs
more likely to die of an arrhythmia.
The most commonly used and most straightforward randomiza-
tion design is a “permuted block” design. Using this method, a
Stratification and Site Effect
trial for any number of treatment arms can be designed and the
Although randomization is quite effective in evening out differ- proportion of patients assigned to each treatment arm can be set.
ences between populations assigned to one treatment arm versus Randomization does not mean that it is necessary to have equal
another, it is not a perfect method. In some instances, important numbers of patients assigned to each arm. In many trials of new
clinical differences have appeared between the two treatment drugs, in order to gain information on side effects in early-phase
arms. At one interim analysis of the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppres- studies, the sponsor may decide to allocate twice as many patients
sion Trial (CAST) (personal communication), one treatment arm to the new treatment as to the control (a 2 : 1 allocation).
had a markedly lower mean ejection fraction than the other. This Permuted block randomization can best be described as con-
difference evened out before the trial was stopped, but if it had structing small decks of cards, shuffling the cards, and then
not, adjustments would have been required to analyze the data dealing them out. For a design with two treatment options, two
accounting for this very important prognostic difference between decks with two types of cards (say, hearts and clubs) would be
the treatment groups. created. For equal allocation, each deck would contain an equal
When an important clinical factor or a potential differential number of hearts and clubs. The size of each deck, or block, would
effect of therapy on one group versus another exists, stratification depend on stratification and other factors. The deck is shuffled
is used to balance the number of patients assigned to each treat- and as each patient is randomized, the next card is dealt. When
ment arm within strata. The AVID trial and many other multi- all of the cards in the deck have been dealt, a new deck is shuffled
center RCTs are stratified by clinical site. In the case of arrhythmia and the process is repeated. The size of each deck needs to be an
trials, the skill and experience of the arrhythmia teams or the even multiple of the number of treatment arms and can vary over
availability of particular devices at the sites may vary, leading to the course of the randomization sequence. In actual practice, the
different outcomes, depending on where the participants are ran- size of the decks is determined in advance, and the decks are
domized. By stratifying by site, it can be ensured that participants shuffled in advance.
at each site have an equal probability of being assigned to surgical Permuted block designs can lead to the same problems as with
treatment versus medical treatment. Other important differences too many strata. For this reason, adaptive randomization is some-
may vary by clinical site, for example, in surgical trials where the times used. Several types of adaptive designs exist. Basically, the
skill and experience of the surgeon can have an effect on the next randomization assignment is dependent, in some way, on the
outcome. characteristics of the patients who have been randomized so far.
Some investigators get carried away with the concept of strati- Baseline adaptive techniques adjust the probabilities of assigning
fication to try to design randomization in such a way that all the next patient to one treatment arm or the other on the basis
possible factors are balanced. It is easy to design a trial with too of the baseline characteristics of the patient compared with other
many strata. Take, for example, a trial stratifying on the basis of patients already randomized.5 In the study design described above
ejection fraction at baseline (<30%, 30% to 50%, and >50%) and a where randomization will be stratified by the class of angina,
required history of myocardial infarction (MI) being “recent,” that recent or distant history of MI, and ejection fraction, the objective
is, within the past 6 months, or distant, that is, more than 6 is to keep a balance of treatment assignments within each stratum.
months ago. With this, six strata have been created, a reasonable So, as each patient is randomized, the randomization algorithm
number for a sample size of, say, 200 or more subjects, random- will look at the existing balance in that stratum and assign treat-
ized to one of two treatment options (Table 19-2). But if the ment on the basis of a biased coin toss.
decision is made to stratify by site, with 10 sites, for example,
more strata than expected patients would be created. It has been
Blinding or Masking Therapy
shown that as the number of strata in a conventional randomiza-
tion design is increased, the probability of imbalances between Ideally, all clinical trials should be double-blind or double-masked
treatment groups is, in fact, increased as well.4 studies. That is, neither the patient receiving the treatment nor
It is important to adjust for stratification factors in the analysis the medical staff treating the patient should have knowledge of
of clinical trials. Failure to adjust for the “nonrandomness” in the the patient’s treatment assignment. In this way, bias in outcome
randomization will influence the results. assessment can be minimized. If the patient is aware of receiving
the experimental treatment, he or she may be more likely to
report side effects than those who believe that they are receiving
placebo or do not know which treatment they are receiving.
Table 19-2  History of Myocardial Infarction Similarly, an investigator who knows that the patient has received
the experimental treatment may be more likely to see a benefit
than if the investigator believes that the patient is receiving a
<30% 25: 12 active and 25: 13 active and 50 Ethically and logistically, many trials cannot be conducted as
13 placebo 12 placebo double-blind trials. For example, trials involving surgical inter-
30%–50% 37 38 75
vention for only one of the study arms cannot, in almost all cases,
be conducted as a double-blind study. In a single-blind trial, the
>50% 38 37 75 patient is unaware of the treatment assignment, but the treating
physician is aware of the assignment. Trials of pacemakers might
Overall 100 100 200
be conducted in a single-blind fashion where participants know
260  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

that they have a pacemaker but are unaware of the programming measure is usually a computed scale derived from the patient
mode. report. One motivation for the use of such instruments is that it
Since the purpose of blinding or masking of therapy is to enables the patient to contribute to determining whether the
minimize bias in outcome assessments, a strategy to minimize treatment is working or not.
bias in an unblinded trial is to make use of a blinded event asses- To be convincing as measurable outcomes, such question-
sor. The Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation studies used a naires need to be validated. Some key components to validation
neurologist unassociated with the routine care of the patient to of such questionnaires are as follows: (1) Does the instrument
evaluate the patient in the event that symptoms of stroke were reliably measure what it is intended to assess? In a questionnaire
reported. The blinded event assessor was presented with medical used to assess pain or discomfort, the instrument needs to reveal
records masked to therapy, in this case warfarin versus aspirin. the presence and intensity of pain as reported by a variety of
The blinded event assessor evaluated the patient and drafted a patients. (2) Are the results reproducible? That is, if the question-
narrative based on his or her clinical findings. naire is administered several times to a person with the same level
In a triple-blind study, the patient, the treating medical staff, of pain or discomfort, will the questionnaire give similar results?
and the data coordinating center are all masked to individual
treatment assignments. Where the data coordination is being
The Outcome Should Be Unambiguously Defined
provided by a commercial sponsor, the sponsor can elect to
remain blinded to interim study results because of the apparent The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has devoted much
conflict of interests in making decisions regarding study end- effort to standardizing the definition for MI. Whereas earlier trials
points. Clinical trials rely on scientific equipoise. As soon as a such as CASS had to define MI for their trials, current studies
trend favoring one of the treatment assignments is evident, spon- refer to the ACC definition.6
sors and clinicians may make decisions different from what they Suppression of arrhythmia as an endpoint is not clearly defined
would make if they had no knowledge of the emerging trend. Early unless the investigators add to the protocol specifics such as the
trends often do not pan out, and the experiment can become following definition from CAST:
compromised. It is advisable, whenever possible, to keep the
sponsor blinded. • ≥80% suppression of the frequency of ventricular premature
depolarizations (VPDs) and

Accuracy of Measurement and • ≥90% suppression of episodes of unsustained VT

Event Ascertainment
• As measured on a 24-hour Holter monitor7
Endpoint selection is one of the most critical components of trial
design. In considering primary and secondary outcomes, the fol-
The Outcome Should Be Important to the Patient Population
lowing principles are important to remember:
For a patient with AF, what is important? Clearly, avoiding death
1. The outcome should be measurable. or disability caused by a stroke or other cardiovascular cause is
most important. Thus, some of the most critical trials in patients
2. It should be possible to define the outcome clearly and with AF were the Atrial Fibrillation Follow-up Investigation of
unambiguously. Rhythm Management trial (AFFIRM), which examined the effect
of two treatment strategies, heart rate control, and restoration of
3. The experimental treatment should have a measurable effect sinus rhythm, to prevent overall mortality in patients with atrial
on the outcome measure, and the outcome should be impor- fibrillation,8 and the Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation
tant to the patient population being studied. (SPAF),9 Aspirin vs. Warfarin Standard Dose (AFASAK),10 and
other trials of anticoagulation to prevent stroke.11 Then, is func-
tional status important? The AFFIRM study attempted to measure
Principles of Outcome Selection change in functional status using the New York Heart Association
(NYHA) functional class scale, Canadian Cardiovascular Society
The Outcome Should Be Measurable
Angina Classification, a Mini-Mental State Examination, and a
In designing a trial to decrease the frequency of episodes of par- 6-minute walk test.12 The investigators in the study were able to
oxysmal arrhythmias, measurement of the outcome would be a detect a difference in functional status related to the presence
challenge. From an experimental standpoint, every study partici- or absence of AF. In contrast, inflammatory measures such as
pant should be outfitted with a telemetry system that would con- C-reactive protein and degree of stenosis may be good measures
stantly monitor heart rhythm and report any episodes of the of disease burden, but changes in these measures may not be
arrhythmia. This is not possible practically. Thus, most studies of identifiable to patients.
antiarrhythmic drugs have used 24-hour Holter recordings as a
way of sampling the patient’s heart rhythm and concluding
Overreads and Clinical Endpoint Adjudication
whether the frequency of episodes of atrial fibrillation (AF) or
ventricular tachycardia (VT) has decreased or the episodes have As clinical trials have to reach further and include many more
stopped. sites to recruit enough patients, the study is dependent on the
The FDA now advocates the use of patient-reported outcomes clinical judgment of a large number of physicians to assess study
in the case of chronic diseases. Patient-reported outcomes include endpoints. In the AFFIRM trial, for example, the more than 200
standardized quality-of-life questionnaires, symptom question- clinical sites were located primarily in cardiology practices. One
naires, and electronic or paper patient diaries. The outcome of the important endpoints was cardioembolic stroke. Although
Principles of Clinical Trials  261

the patients were, of course, treated by neurologists, the study The DMC works in an advisory capacity to the sponsor. That
physicians were, in almost all cases, not neurologists. To make
sure that all of the strokes included in the study-defined endpoint
met the protocol definition for cardioembolic stroke, the investi-
gators used a clinical events committee (CEC) to evaluate each
is, the committee makes recommendations to the sponsor about
continuing the trial as designed, continuing with changes, or pre-
maturely discontinuing the trial. The actual decision to continue,
change, or discontinue is made by the sponsor; however, it is rare
potential study endpoint by reviewing collected medical records. that a sponsor would not accept the recommendations of the
These records were masked to anything that could reveal the DMC.
patient’s assigned treatment arm (rhythm or rate control). Two Much has been written about DMCs, which are being used
separate CEC neurologists examined records that included more frequently for late phase II and phase III trials. Ellenburg
imaging reports, hospital discharge summaries, and a narrative and colleagues make the following recommendations regarding
discussion provided by the local physician. Concordance was when a DMC should be used15:
required between two CEC neurologists or consensus by the
committee in order for an event to be “ruled in” (E. Nasco, per- • Phase IIb, III, and IV in life-threatening diseases or in diseases
sonal communication). In the final analysis, only events con- causing irreversible and serious morbidities
firmed by the CEC were included. In the AFFIRM trial, only 171
of 247 reported strokes were ruled in. In the Trial With Droneda- • Trials of novel treatments with potentially life-threatening
rone to Prevent Hospitalization or Death in Patients with Atrial complications
Fibrillation (ATHENA), an events adjudication committee cate-
gorized the causes of death using a modification to a previously • Trials in emergency settings where individual consent is not
published classification scheme that standardized the criteria for possible
determining arrhythmic, nonarrhythmic cardiac, noncardiac vas-
cular, or noncardiovascular death.13 • Trials involving vulnerable populations (e.g., children)
Some of the reasons to use CECs are (1) The assessment of an
endpoint event is done without the knowledge of treatment In some other situations such as early-phase trials where dose
assignment, and (2) the assessment is done consistently by a small selection would best be made by a group of experts independent
group of trained physicians. The use of CECs can thus minimize of the investigators or sponsor, an independent DMC might be
bias and inconsistency in determining whether a study-defined recommended.
endpoint has occurred. In some trials, it is not practical to implement the interim
reviews of data, for example, trials with short-term outcomes
such as surgical studies of 30-day mortality rate that have a quick
Interim Analyses and Adaptive Designs enrollment period. If it is expected that all or most of the patients
would be treated in a short period, all of the patients would have
In the simplest approach, a clinical trial would be designed, the been treated by the time data could be collected and reported to
trial would be launched, and participants would be enrolled, a DMC for review; the DMC would not be able to protect patients
treated, and followed up. Follow-up would continue up to a pre- from exposure if the treatment shows evidence of harm. This is
specified endpoint, such as 6 months after the last patient was why some device trials are deliberately designed with a pause in
treated. While the trial is ongoing, data would be collected, but recruitment. Such a pause would allow a DMC to examine the
no one would look at the results. At the end of the trial, the data results of treatment of the first cohort of patients before proceed-
would be completed, closed, and analyzed. However, for many ing to treat more patients.
trials conducted these days, investigators have valid reasons to For a DMC to adequately monitor a trial, the committee needs
look at the data even while the trial is ongoing. In the case of information that is sufficiently complete and current so that valid
experimental treatments, the sponsor may want an independent conclusions about the study can be made. The DMC’s most
group monitoring the trial to make sure that participants are not important responsibility is to ensure the safety of the trial partici-
exposed to undue risk or harm from the adverse effects of the pants. For this, complete reporting of adverse events is vital. The
treatment. In the case of trials with long-term follow-ups, it may evaluation of safety will be made by the DMC in the context of
be possible to reach a reasonable conclusion about the treatment risk/benefit. That is, the DMC and the trial sponsor may be more
that is being evaluated without continuing the trial to its planned tolerant of moderate to severe adverse events if the benefit
conclusion. For these reasons, many trials are planned with expected is great and the disease is severe. Cancer therapies com-
“interim analyses.” Further, regulatory agencies have, in some situ- monly have a more severe adverse effect profile than do cardio-
ations, strongly recommended the use of external, independent protective drugs such as β-blockers or statins.
monitoring committees, commonly referred to as Data Monitor- Reports to DMCs should be succinct but give a clear and
ing Committees (DMCs) or Data and Safety Monitoring Boards.1,14 complete picture of the risks and benefits of the study treatment.
Although the specific charge of DMCs will vary from one trial to It is important to understand that DMC reports are not the same
another, in general, DMCs are charged with monitoring the trial as full, final study reports. They should be focused on the areas
for the following reasons: that the DMC is charged to review, such as enrollment and per-
formance of the clinical sites in treating and monitoring appropri-
• To protect the safety of the participants ate study participants, safety of the treatment, adherence of
patients to treatment protocols as it would affect the power of the
• To protect the scientific integrity of the trial trial, and important measures of efficacy.
The practicalities of collecting and cleaning study data put
• In some cases, to monitor for unexpected early demonstration constraints on the DMC report. While the DMC needs to have
of conclusive efficacy or lack of efficacy data that are as accurate and complete as possible, access to
262  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

information that is as current as possible is also important. It is than the prespecified alpha for the boundary at that look, the
common practice to create a snapshot of the study data to prepare DMC might conclude that efficacy has been proven and might
reports for the DMC. When to create that snapshot in relation to recommend that the trial be curtailed. Each time that the DMC
the planned meeting depends on the mode of data collection and formally examines the data, the trial “spends” alpha. This is
other logistic issues. In general, the snapshot should be made no because the chances that the expected treatment effect is observed
more than 6 weeks in advance of a DMC meeting where paper by chance alone increase, roughly by the alpha level used as the
case report forms are used and no more than 4 weeks in advance boundary at that look. So, at the end of a trial, instead of using a
of a DMC meeting where electronic CRFs are utilized. P value, for example, of 0.05 to determine if the trial was success-
During the CAST I study, the DSMB was concerned that the ful, the data would have to result in a slightly smaller P value to
reports contained information about all of the deaths that had say that the results were significant.
occurred. For this reason, the coordinating center organized and The various approaches to a group sequential design can best
performed an “events sweep.” During a 2-week period, research be illustrated by Figure 19-2, which depicts a typical O’Brien-
coordinators at each of the clinical sites were instructed to call all Fleming boundary. The O’Brien-Fleming approach is very conser-
of their participants to find out, primarily, if they were still alive.16 vative at early looks at the data and is less conservative as more
This ensured that the DMC had current (within the past 4 weeks) information is available. The Pocock approach assigns the same
follow-up data on all randomized participants. This information alpha level at each look. The actual shape of the O’Brien-Fleming
supplemented the data from a normal database freeze. boundary can be adjusted based on the risk tolerance and objec-
Interim monitoring can be classified into two types. (1) In the tives of the sponsor. The decisions regarding the number of formal
first type, the DMC is solely concerned with the safety of the interim analyses and the shape of the boundary are important for
patients in the study. Safety data are reviewed periodically during management to consider carefully.
the study, and the DMC may recommend that the trial stop for The same approach can be taken to monitor for lack of efficacy.
qualitative safety reasons or futility if something about the execu- While few trials continue long enough to prove “harm,” many are
tion of the trial suggests that the experiment will not be able to designed with guidance for the DMC so that the trial could be
test the hypothesis in question. (2) The second type of DMC curtailed if the experimental treatment is much less effective than
includes group sequential trials and many adaptive designs; the expected or the trial is unlikely to show a benefit for the treat-
DMC may stop the study if sufficient evidence of efficacy based ment. In this case, a second boundary is selected to monitor for
on preset stopping rules exists, or the committee may make modi- lack of efficacy. The Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implan-
fications to the study design. tation Trial (MADIT) describes a “triangular” design. In the
When the DMC is charged with making recommendations design of this trial, early examinations of the data should have
regarding early termination of a trial for early demonstration of shown definite harm in order to suggest a recommendation to
efficacy, certain statistical techniques guide the analyses that are stop the trial for lack of efficacy. But, as the trial progressed, this
presented to the DMC. Several approaches are commonly used. boundary for inefficacy approached the boundary for efficacy,
Why are these statistical adjustments made? Recall that the alpha that is, if the results were not trending to a sufficiently large
level of a trial is the probability that a particular treatment effect benefit, the investigators would not have wanted to continue to
is being observed purely by chance. The more often that a treat- the end of the trial. CAST was designed with a symmetric bound-
ment effect is looked for, the more likely it is that it will be seen, ary; that is, the alpha level at each interim analysis was the same
even if that effect is not real. For this reason, the P value or alpha whether the direction of treatment effect was benefit or harm.
level is adjusted while taking interim “looks” at the data. The P CAST I was discontinued early because the results exceeded the
value is not relevant if the trial does not reach a positive conclu- boundary for harm. In hindsight, CAST might have been designed
sion, so the adjustment is based on the efficacy boundary, which
is the criterion at any point in time for claiming success. The DMC
can recommend stopping for safety at any time, regardless of
whether a boundary has been crossed.
In “group sequential” study designs, the trial is designed and
conducted assuming a clinically important treatment effect; this
Normalized Z-value

is accompanied by a sample size and follow-up to ensure that if

things turn out as expected, enough information will be available 2
at the end of the trial to detect that treatment effect if it is present
(“power”) at the significance level (“alpha”) selected. Built into a
group sequential design are pre-planned interim examinations 0
of data. At prespecified times, data are analyzed (by treatment
group) and a P value for the treatment comparison is made. If the –2
results indicate that the treatment is effective with a sufficiently
small P value, the DMC might recommend that the trial be dis-
continued and results disclosed. –4
A number of approaches to the group sequential study design 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
exist. Basically, they each take a different approach to the P values Sample size
or alpha levels that will be used to determine whether or not to
recommend curtailment of the trial. At the interim analysis, data FIGURE 19-2  Normalized Z value is the computed statistic that will
are analyzed by the treatment group, and the appropriate statistic correspond to a P value. The larger the Z value, the smaller will be the
P value. The upper boundary corresponds to efficacy and the lower
is computed. The P value associated with that statistic is com-
boundary to lack of efficacy.
pared with a prespecified alpha. If the computed P value is smaller
Principles of Clinical Trials  263

with an asymmetric bound, that is, a more conservative boundary suppression of ventricular arrhythmias in a post-MI population
for efficacy than for lack of efficacy. As it was, the results were so
conclusive that class III antiarrhythmics are no longer used for
post-MI ventricular arrhythmias such as those studied in CAST.
Adaptive clinical trials are basically a class of trial where some
would decrease the rate of arrhythmic and overall death.18 Data
from CAPS provided needed information about the proportion
of patients likely to be excluded if a cutoff of 10 VPDs per hour
was used.
aspect of the design is modified on the basis of accumulated data Exclusion criteria specify (1) participants in whom the planned
within that trial. One of the oldest examples of an adaptive trial treatments would be contraindicated, (2) those who would be
is a study to determine the maximum tolerated dose. For this unlikely to benefit from the planned treatment, or (3) those who
experiment, three patients are started on a low dose, and if no could not be adequately followed up to ascertain outcome.
side effects occur, the dose is increased for the next three patients It has been said that as soon as a trial begins, the prevalence
and so on until side effects emerge. The dose for the next three of the disease decreases. In some respects, this is true about trials
patients is always determined by the result of the three previous in cardiology. Over the past 20 years, the rate of death from car-
patients, so the dose is adapted on the basis of accumulated data. diovascular cause has decreased to the point that it is expected
A second example is when phase II is started with placebo com- that cancer will exceed cardiovascular disease as the primary
pared with high-dose and low-dose medications. The goal is to cause of death in the United States.19 The number of clinical trials
determine which dose should be taken into phase III. In a tradi- being conducted in the United States has increased in the past 20
tional model, the investigators stop after phase II, choose the dose years to such an extent that in any community more competition
to take forward, and begin a new study. An adaptive model might occurs for the pool of available patients. Nearly all large clinical
allow the decision to be made within the study or pause for an trials have struggled with recruitment.
interim analysis between phases II and III, but enrollment is never In recent years, more and more trials have expanded into
stopped (the latter is called a “seamless” trial). Europe, Asia, and South America to find sufficient numbers of
It is not uncommon to test patients in phase II who are from patients to meet enrollment targets. Global trials certainly have
a population different from patients in phase III. For example, their logistical challenges. But, more importantly, they increase
phase II might enroll patients with permanent AF, and phase III the heterogeneity of the population studied and the background
might enroll patients with permanent or paroxysmal AF. Because care that participants receive. In the United States, for example,
the patients are different, the rates observed in phase II are not patients with even slightly elevated cholesterol have been treated
likely to be correct for phase III. Phase III could be started using with statins and other lipid-modifying drugs for many years.
the phase II rates, and then after 10% of the information is col- While these drugs are available in many nations, they are not as
lected, the sample size calculation could be done again with the widely prescribed for a variety of reasons, including regional dif-
rate seen so far in phase III to get a more accurate sample size. ferences in diet and general access to medical care to monitor
Most of these adaptive designs cost something in terms of type I their use.
error, and controversy surrounds the interpretation because the The ATHENA trial was a multicenter randomized trial of
design of the experiment is not fixed a priori (although this is true dronedarone in patients with AF.20 Patients with paroxysmal or
for group-sequential trials as well). The most important point is persistent AF were eligible if they were older than 70 years or had
that adaptations must be specified before the trial begins; adaptive at least one risk factor for cardiac complications (arterial hyper-
trials are not a remedy for poor planning. tension, diabetes mellitus, previous stroke, transient ischemic
attack or systemic embolism, enlarged left atrium, or depressed
ejection fraction). As the trial proceeded, overall mortality rates
Issues Related to the Conduct were lower than expected. For this reason, the investigators modi-
fied the entry criteria to increase the risk profile of patients
of Clinical Trials enrolled. Patients between ages 70 and 75 years were eligible only
if they had one or more of the above risk factors for cardiac death.
Patients younger than 70 years were no longer eligible.
In designing a trial, delineating the population to be studied
requires careful thought. These definitions will ultimately define
the conclusions that can be drawn from the trial. For example,
the Physicians Health Study studied 22,017 male physicians in the Adherence describes the ability of the trial participants to “adhere
United States.17 By excluding women from their study, the inves- to” the study protocol. It includes both their ability to continue to
tigators were limited in any conclusions that could be drawn from take a prescribed medication or treatment as part of the trial and
their data as they related to women. to come to follow-up visits as well as their participation in any
The inclusion criteria define the disease condition to be patient-reported outcome measures and other activities that
studied. For example, in CAST, the inclusion criteria stated that might be part of the study protocol. Inherent in sensible trial
potential participants should have had an MI 6 months to 2 years design is a buffer for expected lack of adherence. In real life, things
before enrollment and should have demonstrated sufficient ven- happen that prevent participants from taking their medication as
tricular arrhythmia to warrant treatment (≥6 VPDs per hour on prescribed, from attending every follow-up visit, and from having
a 24-hour Holter monitor). The investigators gave considerable the required blood draws done. The poorer the expected adher-
thought to setting a cutoff of 6 or more VPDs per hour. Would ence, the higher the number of participants who need to be
10 or more VPDs have defined a population that would have enrolled and followed up to collect enough information to draw
better benefited from the treatment? Would a cutoff of 10 VPDs a valid conclusion. The effect on sample size can be considerable.
per hour have excluded too many patients? The Cardiac Arrhyth- Recruitment of additional participants is expensive. It is a lot
mia Pilot Study (CAPS) was designed as a feasibility study to see cheaper to put efforts to improve adherence than it is to enroll a
if a long-term trial could be conducted to test the hypothesis that sufficient number of participants to overcome poor adherence.
264  Conceptual Basis for Current Practice of Cardiac Arrhythmology

In drug trials, adherence to treatment is frequently measured • Summary of baseline and demographic characteristics of the
by counting tablets returned at follow-up. This method of ascer- participant population by treatment group
taining whether the participant took the study drug as prescribed
is an accepted measure, even though it has its problems. Depend- The primary results from the ATHENA trial is a good example
ing on the medication, if participants take 75% or more of expected of adherence to CONSORT. In addition to the points listed above,
doses of study drug, they are considered to be “good” adherers. the publication includes a study diagram clearly depicting the
In the ATHENA study, the study drug was discontinued in 696 disposition of all patients randomized.
(30.2%) of 2301 patients assigned to dronedarone and 716 (30.8%) The real result of clinical trials research is improvement in the
of 2327 patients assigned to placebo. This trial was designed with way that diseases are treated and prevented. If the results of a
80% power to show a 15% reduction in mortality and hospitaliza- clinical trial are not published or disseminated in a trustworthy
tion rates for cardiac cause. If all of the patients had remained on manner, it is unlikely that the practice of health care professionals
their assigned study drug, the trial could have been completed will change on the basis of trial results. It has been estimated that
with far fewer participants. it takes, on average, 17 years for the results of a clinical trial to
bring about an effect in general practice.23 The Beta-blocker Heart
Attack Trial (BHAT) in 1982 showed that treatment with
Conclusion β-blockers after an MI would significantly decrease mortality in
this at-risk population.24 And yet, the widespread use of β-blockers
Well-designed clinical trials are powerful tools for advancing did not become the standard of care until the AHA/ACC pub-
medical science. The conduct of trials presents challenges to the lished guidelines for the use of β-blockers in 1996 that this class
study leadership, sponsors, recruiting sites, and study partici- of drug became standard of care.25,26 The Antihypertensive and
pants. The true benefit from a clinical trial, however, cannot be Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack (ALLHAT)
realized without clear, accurate, and complete dissemination of trial was a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute sponsored
the results, whether positive or not. trial of antihypertensives and lipid-lowering treatment to reduce
Medical journals publishing the results of clinical trials have the rate of cardiac death and nonfatal MI in participants with
set certain standards for reporting these results. This is been done hypertension and at least one other risk factor for cardiovascular
to prevent the publication of false or misleading reports.21 Con- disease.27,28 The trial showed that aggressive treatment with anti-
solidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) is an orga- hypertensives could significantly decrease the mortality rate in
nization that has examined the quality of reporting of medical this population. Following the conclusion of the trial and the
studies.22 CONSORT was formed by a group of clinical trialists publication of the initial results, the study group for ALLHAT
and journal editors who originally met in 1993 to set a scale for embarked on a project to focus on the dissemination of the study
evaluating published results from clinical trials. As a result of their results in such a way as to maximize the impact of the trial’s
examination, CONSORT has published standards for results results.29 Their dissemination plan included the usual press
manuscripts, which include the following key points: releases, presentations at national medical meetings, and refereed
articles in major medical journals. In addition, they targeted the
• Clear definition of the inclusion and exclusion criteria and “determinants of clinician behavior” to communicate more
settings in which participants were recruited directly with clinicians about the implications of the ALLHAT
results. They took their message to places where physicians rou-
• Clear definition of the primary and secondary objectives and tinely went to get information and conducted numerous in-person,
outcome measures, including any measures taken to enhance interactive sessions. Their approach included, among other strate-
the quality of the measures gies, Web forums, online continuing medical education sources,
and other more immediately available media.
• Description of treatment allocation and randomization as well Thus, if medical practice is to improve, well-controlled as well
as masking of therapy as well-conducted clinical trials and clear, accurate, and complete
reporting of their results are needed.
• Succinct summary of participants as they flowed through the
study from recruitment through randomization, treatment, All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
follow-up, and drop-out com.

• Description of the sample size determination, interim analyses,

and statistical method for comparing treatment groups and for
measuring effect size
Clinical Electrophysiology Techniques
John D. Fisher and Andrew Krumerman 20 
The term technique implies an objective. The electrophysiological
Electrophysiology Laboratory
techniques described in this chapter have the objective of deter-
mining whether a patient’s condition is electrophysiologically A detailed list of the requirements for an adequate EP laboratory
normal, adequate, or abnormal. Tests have been developed to is beyond the scope of this chapter. A summary of the needs of
assess the multiple electrophysiological levels of the heart ranging an adequately equipped EP laboratory would include the follow-
from the sinus node to the atrium, the atrioventricular node ing: an imaging/fluoroscopy system, with pulsed fluoroscopy or
(AVN), the His-Purkinje system, the ventricle, and associated other means of limiting radiation exposure, especially for labora-
structures such as pulmonary veins. Abnormalities that can be tories performing ablation; a suitable amplifier-recording system;
associated with bradycardias or tachycardias are sought to be a programmable electrophysiological stimulator; a selection of EP
identified at any of these levels. Other chapters in this textbook catheters, introducers, connectors, and so on; an ablation system
detail the various types of abnormalities that can be found at each (typically a radiofrequency generator); a selection of antiarrhyth-
of these levels as well as appropriate therapies for them. This mic medications that can be delivered intravenously; and equip-
chapter will cover the elements of a complete electrophysiological ment for defibrillation and Advanced Cardiac Life Support.
study (EPS). Provisions for monitoring blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and
expired CO2 must be present.

Indications for an Electrophysiological

Catheter Electrode Insertion and Positioning
No single “correct rig” exists. Only the use of the Seldinger tech-
Not everyone with a known or suspected arrhythmia needs an nique is virtually universal. Sites of insertion include brachial,
EPS. A simple electrocardiogram (ECG) or one of the many subclavian, internal and external jugular, and femoral veins. The
noninvasive tests may provide definitive information. Guidelines number of catheters used and the insertion sites also depend on
on the indications for EPS and ablation are published from the purpose of the EPS and on any intention of retaining one or
time to time by the American College of Cardiology and the more catheter electrodes (“wires”) for subsequent use another
American Heart Association with input from the Heart Rhythm day. Some of the common variations are shown in Figure 20-1.
Society.1 These guidelines are likely to be updated in the near
Subclavian and Internal Jugular Approaches
Both these approaches have their advocates. The internal jugular
approach has a lower risk of pneumothorax, but it may be some-
Preparing for an Electrophysiological Study what more difficult to maneuver the wire and to maintain sterility
during a longer procedure or with a retained wire because of
The Electrophysiologist
proximity to the hair. The subclavian approach, particularly on the
Performing an EPS is not a routine procedure but must be tailored left, permits the wires to follow a smooth arc toward the heart.
to the individual patient. As the study proceeds, the electrophysi- In the authors’ lab, the preference is the subclavian approach, in
ologist must recognize the implications of each finding and adjust part because sometimes the wires are retained overnight after
the remainder of the study accordingly. All of this implies an certain ablation procedures for confirmation testing before dis-
intimate knowledge of the patient and the indications for this charge the following morning.
specific EPS as well as knowledge of clinical electrophysiology
(EP) and testing techniques, including the risks and benefits asso-
Femoral Approach
ciated with each test or maneuver. Clinical electrophysiology is
recognized as a subspecialty of cardiology that requires substan- The femonal approach is the most common approach for all EPSs;
tial training and experience. Diagnostic and therapeutic (inter- some electrophysiologists use it almost exclusively. Multiple-
ventional or device) EPS should be performed only by physicians polar catheters can help keep the number of punctures to the
who have such a background.2,3 minimum. For example, octopolar and decopolar catheters with

268  Clinical Electrophysiology

HBE 1cm




Options Probe



FIGURE 20-1  Common electrophysiology wire rigs. The number and type of electrode catheters used for an electrophysiology study (EPS) is
determined by the type of study, the preferences of the physician and the laboratory, and patient-specific issues. A, A setup for a standard diagnostic
EPS. Note that the quadripolar catheter in the high right atrium (HRA) has closely spaced poles. This allows stimulation through the distal end
recording of the resulting electrograms through the proximal pair of poles that are still in or near the HRA. B, Use of a catheter with 1 cm or more
interelectrode distance for this purpose no longer allows recordings from the HRA. In A, one catheter was inserted from above, that is, from an arm
or subclavian or jugular vein. C, A comparable rig with all catheters inserted from below. D and E, Somewhat comparable effects obtained using a
multi-polar catheter, eliminating the need for separate HRA and right ventriculoatrial (RVA) leads. As shown, both stimulation and recording in the HRA
would need to be done through the same catheter. This is possible with some, but not all, recording systems and often results in the ability to record
only those beats that are not directly stimulated. F, G, and H, Options for more complex studies. HBE, His bundle electrocle.

appropriately spaced poles can be positioned so that a single wire

Retrograde Approach
can perform pacing and recording from the right atrium and from
both the right ventricular septum and the apex. Such a wire For certain types of ablations, the retrograde (femoral artery to
together with another for recording the His bundle potential is all aortic valve to left ventricle) approach may be used. Ablation of
that is needed for most comprehensive diagnostic EPSs. left-sided Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome can be
accomplished using either the trans-septal approach or the retro-
grade approach. Endocardial ablation of ventricular tachycardia
Trans-septal Puncture and Catheterization
(VT) may also be performed using either of the aforementioned
This technique dates back to the l950s but has become important methods.
to the electrophysiologist for its role in the ablation of arrhyth-
mias on the left side of the heart. The classic procedure uses a
Epicardial Catheterization
Brockenbrough needle, which is advanced through a special long
sheath. For electrophysiology purposes, the classic Mullins sheath Patients with tachycardia originating from the epicardial surface
with a distal curve (i.e., like an umbrella handle) has largely been of the heart require mapping within the pericardial space. This
supplanted by sheaths with special shapes to facilitate placement technique was initially described by Sosa et al.7 When performing
in the desired portions of the left atrium. The more current steer- epicardial ablation, patients typically require general anesthesia.
able sheaths provide greater flexibility when performing left atrial A coronary angiogram is required to avoid ablation of areas adja-
catheter ablation. cent to the coronary arteries. The operator must also be cognizant
The biggest danger associated with the trans-septal technique of the course of the phrenic nerves so as to avoid diaphragmatic
is tamponade caused by perforation of the left atrium, usually paresis.
posteriorly. Several techniques have been used to reduce this risk.
The literature suggests a comparably low incidence of complica-
tions with most techniques.4-6 Approaches to the pulmonary
veins, presently a matter of interest in atrial fibrillation ablation,
Stimulation Techniques
are almost exclusively via the trans-septal route, often with several
Incremental/Decremental: How Fast Is That?
punctures. It must be emphasized that the trans-septal technique
is fraught with many subtleties and potential complications. The Unfortunately, mutually contradictory terms are in widespread
details are far beyond the scope of this section, and no one should and general use. The use of the terms intervals or cycle lengths
attempt the technique only on the basis of general experience and (CLs) in milliseconds between successive beats or stimuli
a reading of this part of the text. allows a more precise description of specific events and their
Clinical Electrophysiology Techniques  269

consequences. However, an inverse relationship exists between

Ultra-Rapid Train Stimulation
rate in beats per minute and CL. This leads to descriptions of
incremental (progressively faster) pacing coupled with extrastim- A series of stimuli are delivered at such a rapid rate (typical CLs
uli delivered at decremental (faster/shorter) intervals, with the are 10 to 60 ms) that it is not expected that each of these will
electrophysiologist observing for decremental conduction (longer/ capture the tissue being stimulated. The method helps assess vul-
slower CLs). Usually, the meaning is clear from the context, but nerability to inducible ventricular fibrillation (VF) by using pro-
it is probably wise to provide clarification through terms such as gressively higher stimulus amplitudes with successive trains. With
rate incremental pacing. stimulus amplitudes in conventional pacing ranges, trains have
been used for both initiation and termination of regular mono-
morphic tachycardias. At very low (subthreshold) amplitudes,
trains have been used as a tool to alter local tissue responses,
Rate and Frequency
which, in turn, can affect certain tachycardias.11,12
Beats per minute is commonly described as rate. Frequency
usually refers to (1) how often an arrhythmia occurs spontane-
Stimulation Protocols
ously, or (2) the signal filtering settings in hertz. In other lan-
guages, frequency often means “rate in beats/min,” which can Protocols did not come fully formed right at the beginning of
introduce confusion in some communications. clinical EP. Different centers around the world developed their
own EP protocols. In general terms, broad differences are present
in what constitutes a “complete” EPS. In more specific terms, dif-
ferences exist in the sequence in which extrastimuli are delivered
Straight Pacing
and in the stimulus amplitudes and pulse durations used. These
Pacing stimuli are delivered at a constant rate or CL. The duration differences can affect the sensitivity and the specificity of proto-
may be indefinite as with temporary pacing, but for EPSs, it is cols and also the time required to complete a protocol. Over the
usually for a specified number of stimuli or seconds. As indicated years, demands for a “universal protocol” have been made, but
in the previous paragraph, progressively faster pacing can be such a protocol is not likely to come any time soon. Guidelines
described as “incremental” (beats/min) or “decremental” (CL). suggest that a given stimulation protocol must be able to repro-
duce clinical arrhythmia in at least 90% of cases.10

Ramps Effect of Signal Filtration and Interelectrode Spacing

With pacing, a series of stimuli is delivered, with each interstimu- During EPSs, the scale of interest ranges from macro-events
lus interval successively differing from its predecessor. Most (When does the QRS complex start, or what is the QRS duration?)
often, the interval decreases, resulting in progressively faster to micro-events (How many milliseconds does it take for a wave-
pacing during ramps.5 For example, stimulation could begin at a front to move from the His bundle to the right bundle branch?)
CL of 400 ms (150 beats/min), with each of 10 successive intervals (Figure 20-2). The ability to distinguish between macro-events
shortening by 10 ms so that at the end of the ramp, the CL would and micro-events is based on the effects of signal filtration and
be 300 ms (200 beats/min). Clinically, ramps are used for the interelectrode spacing.
assessment of conduction and for the initiation and termination
of tachycardias. Ramps that start fast and then slow down are
Low and Wide
occasionally used in the treatment of tachycardias. The various
uses of ramp pacing will be detailed in the sections below. Macro-events such as the QRS duration are best measured with
electrograms filtered at about 0.5 to 100 Hz. Most of the electrical
energy of the heartbeat occurs in these low-frequency ranges, and
Extrastimulus Technique
low-frequency signals also propagate over greater distances than
After a series of spontaneous or paced beats at a constant CL do high-frequency signals. The archetype of these recordings is
(a type of straight pacing, designated S1-S1), an extrastimulus is the surface ECG. The recommended filtration is 0.5 to 100 Hz,
introduced at a somewhat shorter CL that is designated S1-S2. but very little difference is noted in the appearance of the QRS
After observing the response, the process is repeated, with the complex when filtration is set as low as 0.5 to 20 Hz. Interelec-
S1-S2 intervals progressively shortened. Sometimes, double or trode distances are also relatively great, for example, arm to arm,
triple extrastimuli (S3-S4) are introduced. The extrastimulus tech- or arm or chest to leg. With intracardiac catheter electrodes,
nique is used for the assessment of refractory periods (see below), inclusion of the lower frequencies (starting at 0.5 Hz) and rela-
for initiation and termination of tachycardias, and as a diagnostic tively wide interelectrode spacing will maximize inclusion of “far-
tool during ongoing tachycardias. field” signals from parts of the heart that are not close to the
recording electrodes.
For example, with filtering at 0.5 to 100 Hz, the lead in the
Stimulus Amplitude and Pulse Duration
ventricle will record a relatively broad electrogram, possibly with
These are particularly important during extrastimulus testing. a low-amplitude atrial wave followed by a higher-amplitude ven-
Higher amplitudes and longer pulse durations permit more closely tricular signal, followed, in turn, by a broad, gently rounded T
coupled stimuli to “capture” (depolarize) the heart.8,9 Excessively wave. The ventricular deflection will usually show several compo-
large stimuli may cause fibrillation. For these reasons, most EPSs nents. As the wavefront approaches the electrodes from afar, a
involve stimuli at two to four times the diastolic threshold (in mil- progressively steeper deflection will culminate in a point. At this
liamperes or volts) and 1- to 2-ms pulse duration.10 point, as the wavefront passes by the recording electrodes, a very
270  Clinical Electrophysiology

1 sec
100 mm/s
600 590 600 600 610
40–500 L L

AL-H=45 A-H=55-75

A 1262 C
250 mm/s
128 128
30–500 A L* L
L* 100
H ms

B 1369 JG

FIGURE 20-2  Beat-to-beat variation during normal sinus rhythm. A, Electrocardiogram (ECG) lead V1 is displayed together with the His bundle
electrogram (HBE) lead filtered at 40 to 500 Hz and recorded simultaneously at three gain settings. Paper speed is 100 mm/s. Beat-to-beat variation can
materially affect the slope of the “first rapid deflection.” In the 5 beats shown, these variations resulted in a 20-second spread in traditionally measured
A-H intervals. AL (local atrial activity) is designated by an L connected by a line to a dot at the point in the upper low-gain HBE tracing. AL was easy to
measure throughout the changes in amplitude and remained in constant relationship to the H deflection. B, Atrial electrograms during normal sinus
rhythm at paper speed 250 mm/s. The onset of the first rapid deflection changes from beat to beat. Measurements of AL-H is constant at 128 ms. Local
atrial activity L and L* on the HBE at 30 to 500 Hz was determined by using a simultaneously unfiltered tracing at 1 to 1250 Hz. A, onset of atrial
activity as conventionally measured and designated by an arrow from the letter A to the site measured; L is the timing of local activity on electrograms
filtered at 30 to 40 to 500 Hz. The letters L, L* are connected by a line to a dot at the designated site of the tracings; L* is the timing of the electrogram
that corresponds most closely to the local electrogram recorded on the unfiltered lead. On the tracings, the timing of the local deflection is indicated
by an arrow. (From Fisher JD, Baker J, Ferrick KJ, et al: The atrial electrogram during clinical electrophysiologic studies: Onset versus the local/intrinsic deflection,
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2:398–407, 1991.)

rapid reversal in slope occurs, making a near-vertical deflection frequencies that the recorder-amplifier system must be used at
that has the highest dV/dt of the entire electrogram, which is high gains, where the signal-to-noise ratio tends to eliminate any
known as the intrinsic deflection. This culminates in another potential benefit.
reversal of direction as the wavefront continues to move away In the case of signal filtration, the terminology again becomes
from the recording electrodes and inscribes a deflection that is a somewhat confusing, rather like the alternative meanings for
mirror image of the curve inscribed by the approaching incremental and decremental pacing. With filtration, the “high-
wavefront. pass” level is not the higher end of the frequency range but, rather,
the hurdle above which frequencies are recorded. Similarly, the
“low-pass” level is the frequency below which a signal will be
Higher and Closer
recorded. Thus, interestingly, for a typical 30- to 500-Hz filtration
“Local” events such as the precise timing of a His bundle deflec- range, the high pass is 30 Hz, and the low pass is 500 Hz.
tion are best accomplished by filtration settings beginning at 30
or 40 Hz and going up to 500 Hz or higher. This takes advantage
Timing of Electrical Events
of the fact that higher frequencies do not propagate as well and
that many of the structures of interest (such as the His bundle) Conduction in the heart is ionic rather than electronic or pho-
contain relatively few cardiac fibers and, thus, relatively low tonic. This means that conduction does not proceed at the speed
amounts of energy. Close interelectrode spacing (2 to 10 mm) and of light but at millimeters to meters per second. This, in turn,
filtering at 30 to 500 Hz combine to maximize recording of local means that it is possible to measure sequences of depolarization
“micro-signals” and exclude far-field or macro-signals. It is rather easily using simple calipers or rulers. As indicated in the
possible to focus even more closely on local events by filtering at previous section, filtration and interelectrode distance affect the
100 to 1000 Hz. However, so little energy is present at these ability to record events at varying distances from a given point
Clinical Electrophysiology Techniques  271

within the heart. All recorded signals will have characteristics problem. Although the notch is optimized at 50 or 60 Hz, some
such as duration and amplitude. As a general rule, if one is looking
for the first evidence of an electrical event, several simultaneously
recorded leads are observed for the onset of a deflection that is
used for the relevant measurement, and far-field signals are
attenuation of signals at nearby frequencies is present. In most
instances, this does not have a clinically important effect on the
recorded electrograms.
welcome in some instances. The local timing of an event is impor-
tant during mapping studies, when the timing of an event at the
site where the mapping electrode or probe is located is of interest.
Electrophysiology Study
Here, far-field signals are unwelcome, and closely spaced elec-
Choice of Surface Electrocardiogram and
trodes filtered at 30 to 500 Hz are critical. However, for some
Intracardiac Recordings
measurements (e.g., the atrial deflection in the His bundle region)
the local timing at 40 to 500 Hz corresponds to the intrinsic It is cumbersome to display all 12 leads of the regular surface
deflection of “less filtered” recordings (see Figure 20-2).13 ECG. One option is to use mutually perpendicular leads (I, aVF,
Several factors can alter the shape of a wavefront. If the record- and V1), often supplemented by lead II, which gives an indication
ing electrodes are close to the initial site of ventricular repolariza- as to the presence of abnormal left-axis deviation. Many electro-
tion (e.g., near the site of initial depolarization during sinus physiologists have their own personal favorite lead selections.
rhythm, or at the site of a tachycardia focus), the intrinsic deflec- Orthogonal lead systems (X, Y, Z) are logical but not commonly
tion may come very early in the overall complex. This is particu- used.
larly notable if unipolar recordings are made; an initial rapid Intracardiac leads are placed strategically at various positions
negative intrinsic deflection is evidence that a recording electrode within the heart to record local events in the region of the lead,
is at the initial site of depolarization. Unipolar stimulation rather than far-field events. This is accomplished by filtering intra-
is generally undesirable because the larger field (usually cardiac electrograms.
intracardiac—the “unipole”—to a surface electrode) creates a
large stimulus artifact that can obscure the recordings.
Monophasic Action Potential Recordings
When filtered at 30 to 500 Hz, the recorded electrograms take
on a more jagged appearance, often with several sharp changes in Monophasic action potential (MAP) recordings provide informa-
direction. The total duration of the electrogram is less than that tion about local transmembrane depolarization and repolariza-
recorded at 0.5 to 100 Hz because less-far-field information is tion. An MAP catheter has 5-mm–spaced, silver-silver chloride
included. However, as previously indicated, the timing of the matrix electrodes that may be positioned into the atrium
maximum or peak deflection can be similar for electrograms or the ventricle. Standard EP recording systems should be set
recorded at 0.5 to 100 Hz and 30 to 500 Hz.13 Similarly, if record- to 0.05 to 1000 Hz to capture lower-frequency components of
ings are made in areas that are scarred or damaged, overall signal the action potential. Currently, MAP recordings provide insight
amplitude may be low (<1.0 mV), and a series of low amplitude into cellular EP and are largely used in clinical research
deflections may be present, and none of them fulfills the criteria (Figure 20-3).14
for local or intrinsic deflection. Usually, the first of the relatively
larger deflections (this can be quite subjective) is used for local
Extrastimulus Technique
The extrastimulus technique (briefly introduced above) is the
heart of EPSs used primarily for assessing refractoriness and
Clipping and Limiting
tachycardia induction. Typically, the baseline drive comprises
In some instances, very large gains are necessary to focus on an 8 beats, which may be sinus rhythm but are usually delivered at
area of interest. For example, recordings in the His bundle region a constant CL (S1-S1) by a stimulator. The drive is then followed
typically include the low medial right atrium, the His bundle successively by single, double, and triple extrastimuli, which are
deflection, and the right ventricular inflow region. If only a very designated S2, S3, and S4. Generally, the extrastimuli are initiated
small His bundle deflection can be recorded, the gain may be at 80% to 90% of the drive CL. All these stimuli are delivered with
increased on the recording system. This may make the atrial and uniform specifications, usually 1- to 2-ms pulse duration and an
right ventricular inflow deflections so large that they would cover amplitude two to four times the diastolic threshold. Of the various
much of the screen, overlapping with other simultaneous record- methods for shortening (decrementing) S1-S2 intervals and sub-
ings. In such instances, clippers or limiters that electrically chop sequently S2-S3, and S3-S4, most are variations of either the
the maximum amplitude of signals are applied so that they remain tandem method or the simple sequential method (Figure 20-4).15,16
within designated bounds.
Tandem Method
Notch Filters
The S1-S2 is decremented in 10-ms steps until S2 does not
During the construction of an EP laboratory, it is important to capture; the S1-S2 interval is then increased by 40 to 50 ms. A
have significant bioengineering input to ensure that electromag- late S3 is then introduced and the S2-S3 interval decremented
netic interference with the recording apparatus is minimized. until S3 fails to capture. Then, the S1-S2 and S2-S3 intervals are
Nevertheless, some interference from alternate current is virtually alternated (tandem) until S3 fails to capture. S3 is then moved out
unavoidable, creating the telltale 50- to 60-Hz pattern that can by 40 to 50 ms and the process repeated with S4. Some laborato-
render recordings almost unreadable. Notch filters that are opti- ries do use an S5 or S6 as well, but stopping with triple extra-
mized for 50 or 60 Hz can go far to mitigate the interference stimuli (S4) is more typical.
272  Clinical Electrophysiology

I 500 ms






FIGURE 20-3  Monophasic action potential recording from the right ventricle. Leads from top to bottom: Electrocardiogram surface leads I, II, aVF, and
V1, bipolar endocardial right ventricular (RVA) electrogram, and monophasic action potential (MAP).

S1 S1 S2

S2 S1 S1 S2

2. ERP 1.
S2 S2
ERP+40–50 ms 2. ERP
S2 S3 S2

4. 3. ERP 10 ms
S2 S3 S2 S3
5. 4.
S2 S3 S2 S3
6. 5.
S2 S3 S2 S3
ERP ERP+10 ms
7. 6.
S2 S3 S2 S3 S4
8. 7.
S2 S3 S4 S2 S3 S4
A 9. (..10–12) B 8.

FIGURE 20-4  Method of introducing extrastimuli. A, The tandem method; after the first extrastimulus (S2) reaches the effective refractory period
(ERP), it is moved out 40 to 50 ms. The second extrastimulus (S3) is introduced and the S2-S3 interval is decremented until S3 fails to capture. The
S1-S2 interval is then decremented until S3 again captures. Decrements of S2 and S3 continue in this tandem fashion until the shortest intervals where
S2 and S3 capture are reached. For the third extrastimulus (S4), S3 is moved out 40 to 50 ms, and the process is repeated for S3 and S4. B, Simple
sequential method; the S1-S2 interval is decremented until the ERP of S2 is reached. S2 is then placed 10 to 20 ms later to ensure capture, and the
process is repeated with S3 and then S4. Clinical results are comparable with the two methods (P = NS). (From Fischer JD, Kim SG, Ferrick KJ, Roth JA:
Programmed ventricular stimulation using tandem versus simple sequential protocols, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 17(3 Pt 1):286–294, 1994.)
Clinical Electrophysiology Techniques  273

Depending on the objective of the EPS, refractory period testing

Simple Sequential Method
may be carried out with stimulation at several atrial or ventricular
The S1-S2 interval is decremented in 10-ms steps until S2 fails to sites and at two or more drive (S1-S1) CLs. Several different
capture. It is then moved 10 ms later or until reliable capture is refractory periods warrant further discussion (see below).17-25
attained. At that point, the second extrastimulus (S3) is decre-
mented similarly and finally a third (S4). Absolute Refractory Period
A prospective randomized trial has demonstrated that the The absolute refractory period (ARP) is the longest S1-S2 interval
tandem method and the simple sequential method produce com- that fails to capture, even at the maximum available S2 stimulus
parable results in terms of inducibility of the clinical arrhythmia, amplitude.
inducibility of “nonclinical” arrhythmias, and noninducibility.15
The simple sequential method takes significantly less time to Effective Refractory Period
perform.15 The effective refractory period (ERP) is the longest S1-S2 interval
that fails to capture or depolarize the tissue of interest, at the
designated stimulus amplitude and duration used for the EPS or
Refractory Periods and Conduction Intervals
delivered remotely by the cardiac tissue. Note that the ERP is
These closely interwoven concepts often create some level of defined by stimulus-stimulus (S1-S2) intervals. The definition
confusion. At the simplest level, refractory periods are established becomes somewhat problematic when double (S3) or triple (S4)
by responses to extrastimulus testing, and conduction is accessed extrastimuli are introduced and ERPs are defined for them. In this
by rate incremental pacing. Details are provided below. case, the definition is altered slightly, and the ERP of the first
extrastimulus is set as the shortest coupling interval that does
result in capture. Such an ERP should thus be 10 ms longer than
Refractory Periods
the longest S1-S2 that fails to capture; but if the earlier extra-
The classic technique is to deliver eight drive stimuli, all desig- stimuli failed to capture, responses to the later extrastimuli would
nated as S1. After the last S1, an extrastimulus (S2) is delivered at have little meaning.
an interval somewhat shorter than the S1-S1 interval. The process A downstream effect with ERPs occurs. If measured at the site
is repeated with decrements in the S1-S2 interval, usually until S2 of pacer stimulation, the interval set in the programmable stimu-
reaches refractoriness, that is, fails to capture. The S1-S2 interval lator can be read directly to determine the ERP. Suppose, however,
is usually decremented in 10-ms steps, although 20-ms or even one is interested in the ERP of the His bundle. If stimulation is
30-ms steps may be used in clinical laboratories for very long delivered to the high right atrium (HRA) as is conventional, it may
S1-S2 intervals. Refractory periods tend to be shorter with shorter be necessary to reduce the S1-S2 interval to the point where the
S1-S1 intervals. An exception is sometimes seen in the AV node, relative refractory period (RRP) (see below) of the atrium is
where refractory periods may be prolonged as the S1-S1 is reached, resulting in a prolonged conduction time from the HRA
decreased from 1000 ms to 600 ms but thereafter usually tend to to the AVN–His bundle region. The impulse may also encounter
shorten as the S1-S1 is further decreased (Figure 20-5). the RRP of the AVN, further delaying the arrival of the wavefront
generated by S2 at the His bundle. Thus, the H1-H2 interval will
be substantially longer than the S1-S2 interval. Since in this case
the tissue of interest is the His bundle, its ERP is defined as the
longest H1-H2 interval that fails to propagate. As indicated, this
500 HPS may differ substantially from the S1-S2 delivered in the HRA.
Often, the ERPs at a proximal site (e.g., the HRA) are longer than
400 at distal sites, making it impossible to determine the ERP
distally.17-25 The importance of taking the extra steps to correctly
V measure depends on the nature of the EPS.
ERP (ms)

A Relative Refractory Period
200 Just longer than the absolute refractory period, in the RRP the
stimulated tissue has repolarized just enough to permit depolar-
ization in response to a stimulus. However, because repolariza-
tion is not yet complete, the action potential amplitude and dV/
dt (slew rate) are also low. This results in a slowly conducting
wavefront that has a low “safety factor” for propagating to nearby
200 400 600 800 cells.
Paced CL (ms)
Functional Refractory Period
FIGURE 20-5  Effective refractory period (ERP) variability in different Functional refractory period (FRP) is defined as the shortest
parts of the atrioventricular conduction system. In the case of the coupled response-response time at the tissue of interest as a result
His-Purkinje system (HPS), atrium (A), and ventricle (V), the ERP of an S1-S2. Again, interestingly, depending on the tissue of inter-
consistently shortens with shorter paced cycle lengths (CLs). The est, the shortest stimulation intervals may not produce the short-
atrioventricular nodal (AVN) ERP may initially prolong with shorter est response intervals. For example, when assessing the AVN,
paced CLs, and this trend can continue (dashed line) or the AVN ERP 10-ms decrements in the S1-S2 stimuli delivered to the HRA may
can shorten as the paced CL is further shortened. (From Fisher JD:
produce substantially longer increments in AVN conduction as
Primer of cardiac electrophysiology, Armonk, NY, Futura, In press.)
accessed by the resulting H1-H2 intervals. Thus, the FRP of the
274  Clinical Electrophysiology




V1-V2 600 ↑↑A2 H2 ↑ A2 H2 ↑ A2 H2

↔H2 V2 ↑ H2 V2 ↑↑ H2 V2
H1-H2 FIGURE 20-6  Patterns of atrioventricular node (AVN)
400 conduction and refractoriness. In response to decremental
extrastimulus testing, conduction over the AVN (A2-H2)
F and the His-Purkinje system (H2-V2) may differ
300 F substantially from each other. Major delays may be
encountered at the A2-H2 level with minimal H2-V2
0 prolongation (type I); at the H2-V2 level (type III); or at
200 600 200 600 200 600 both levels (type II). ERP, Effective refractory period; FRP,
A1–A2 ms functional refractory period; RP, refractory period. (From
Fischer JD, Zhang X, Waspe LE, et al: Tests of refractoriness
E = A1-A2 resulting in ERP Assuming no and conduction during clinical electrophysiologic studies:
F = A1-A2 resulting in FRP prior atrial RP yields and roles, J Electrophysiol 2:175, 1988.)

AVN may occur at S1-S2 intervals that are longer than the S1-S2
High A1(S1) A1 A2(S2) A3
intervals needed to reach the ERP of the AVN.18 Normal varia-
tions in these relationships were identified early on and are sum- right
marized in Figures 20-5, 20-6, and 20-7. Atrium A1 FRP A2
A1 A3
Conduction right
Conduction is usually defined as the ability of (a string of ) tissue
to propagate a wavefront in response to increasingly faster pacing AVN
H1 H1 FRP H2 H3
rates.18-20,26-30 No extrastimuli are involved. Straight pacing and
slow ramp techniques can both be used for this purpose.18 With ERP
straight pacing, the first several beats involve stimuli at CLs sub- AV
stantially shorter than the resting CLs, so that a period of “accom- V1 V1 V2
modation” occurs, and in some instances, it takes as long as 45
seconds to resolve, although 10 to 15 seconds are usually suffi-
cient.29,30 The ability of an impulse to conduct from the HRA to HPS
the ventricle is often tested with straight incremental pacing, FRP
often simultaneously with the same type of pacing used for the
assessment of sinus node recovery times. A slow ramp (rate FIGURE 20-7  Effective and functional refractory periods (EPR, FRP) in
increasing by 2 to 4 beats/sec or 10-ms interstimulus decrement) the atrioventricular conduction system. A1 (S1), H1, and V1 represent
results in accommodation on a beat-to-beat basis and allows baseline depolarizations. A2 (S2) in the high right atrium represents an
extrastimulus with the responses A2 in the low right atrium, H2 in the
assessment of AV and ventriculoatrial (VA) conduction in a total
His-Purkinje system (HPS), and V2 the ventricle. A3 is the recovery
of 10 to 15 seconds.15,26-28,31 The ramp technique is, therefore, beat. At each level of the conduction system, the ERP is the longest
useful as a screening tool and as a means of assessment after stimulus-to-stimulus interval that fails to capture or conduct, and the
interventions such as catheter ablation. Some phenomena can be FRP is the shortest result of such conduction in the specified tissue.
seen more readily with the ramp technique. For example, in Note that the ERPs are, therefore, specified not by the timing of the
patients with dual AVN physiology, a sudden discontinuity or stimulus in the high right atrium, but by the component of the
“jump” in the A-H interval can often be observed during a ramp conduction system that is acting as the stimulus for the next step.
but much less often with straight pacing because the stepped Hence, at the bottom of the cascade, the ERP of the HPS is defined in
series of CLs used in straight pacing are not close enough together terms of the H1-H2 interval. Note that in the atrioventricular node
to identify a jump. (AVN) line, the H1-H2 interval should be shorter, identical to that of the
following two lines. (From Fischer JD, Zhang X, Waspe LE, et al: Tests of
refractoriness and conduction during clinical electrophysiologic studies:
Conduction Intervals yields and roles, J Electrophysiol 2:175, 1988.)

It is routine during EPS to indicate the CLs at which AV or

VA Wenckebach or other block occurs. These conduction inter-
vals are usually defined in terms of the stimulation CLs and
Clinical Electrophysiology Techniques  275

to have multiple abnormalities. Thus, patients being studied for

syncope of undetermined origin may have abnormalities of the
ERP sinus node, AV node, and His-Purkinje system; inducible arrhyth-
A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 mias; or some combination of these abnormalities that could
affect the choice of treatment. For example, sinus node abnor-
450 450 450 330 450 320 malities identified in a patient with VT would suggest the use of
a dual-chamber ICD as part of therapy. As an additional example,
450 450 450 409 450
in the case of supraventricular tachycardias, about 15% of patients
H1 H1 H2 have more than one reproducibly inducible mechanism; hence it
A FRP is not uncommon to find arrhythmias related to accessory path-
ways and dual AVN physiology in the same patient. Often, these
CONDUCTION PERIODS arrhythmias have somewhat similar rates, and previous docu-
mentation is often unable to definitively rule out both arrhyth-
A1 ECP mias as a source of patients’ clinical tachycardias. Thus, many
700 370 360 electrophysiologists believe that after ablating what they think is
the main arrhythmia, it is wise to proceed and ablate other induc-
710 380 ible arrhythmias so that the patient will not need to return to the
B H1 FCP laboratory for another invasive procedure. Except for induction
of heart block, the major risk of additional procedures is related
FIGURE 20-8  Schematic comparison of refractory and conduction to the instrumentation process, so eliminating arrhythmias that
periods. A, Atrioventricular nodal refractory periods. Impulses in the seem likely to be clinically relevant should be done, if possible,
low right atrium at regular intervals of 450 ms (A1-A1) are followed by during a single EPS.
an extrastimulus (A2) with an A1-A2 interval of 330 ms. The resulting
H1-H2 interval of 409 ms is the shortest achieved and represents the
atrioventricular node functional refractory period (FRP). To the right in Complete Electrophysiological Study
A, an extrastimulus at A1-A2 = 320 ms fails to conduct and represents
the effective refractory period (ERP). The A1-A2 intervals resulting in
A complete diagnostic EPS should include assessments of the
the fact that FRP and ERP are not always juxtaposed. The FRP is sinus node, atrium, AVN, His-Purkinje system, retrograde con-
typically much longer than the ERP. B, Atrioventricular nodal duction, and inducibility of supraventricular and ventricular
conduction periods. Pacing at progressively shorter cycle lengths arrhythmias. In many cases, a single set of stimulation sequences
ultimately results in block. The shortest resulting H-H interval is the provides information about a broad range of cardiac chambers
functional conduction period (FCP), and the longest A-A failing to and conduction system components. For example, rate-
conduct is the effective conduction period (ECP). The intervals are incremental atrial pacing can be used to assess sinus node recov-
typical, with relatively little difference between ECP and FCP. (From ery times (SNRTs) as well as conduction at the AVN and
Fisher JD, Zhang X, Waspe LE, et al: Tests of refractoriness and conduction His-Purkinje levels. Atrial extrastimulus testing can provide infor-
during clinical electrophysiologic studies: Yields and roles, J Electrophysiol
mation on the sinoatrial conduction time (SACT), vulnerability
2:175, 1988.)
to atrial tachycardias, evidence of normal or dual AV node physi-
ology, and vulnerability to induced AVN re-entry tachycardia, as
well as refractory period data on the atrium, AVN, and His-
Purkinje system. Similarly, ventricular pacing can provide infor-
mation on retrograde conduction as well as vulnerability to
ventricular arrhythmias.
thus are analogous in some ways to ERPs. The timings of depo-
larizations are downstream from the site of stimulation and are
Top-to-Bottom Report
analogous to FRPs. Because of accommodation with straight
pacing and near-elimination of this factor with ramp pacing, If one conceptualizes the heart as starting at the sinus node and
effective and functional conduction periods are usually much ending at the ventricle, with testing of the various structures in
nearer to each other than the comparable refractory periods between, organization becomes rational and simple. An EPS
(Figure 20-8).18,31 report should comment on each of these steps or levels, indicating
normal, borderline, or abnormal findings. Many of the same stim-
ulation processes accomplish several tests at once. Other chapters
“Problem-Oriented” Versus “Complete”
in this textbook provide details on some of the testing methods
Electrophysiological Study
mentioned only briefly in the present section.
Sometimes, limited or problem-oriented indications for EPS are
present. Typical examples are assessment of the effects of an
Baseline Intervals
antiarrhythmic drug on inducibility of any arrhythmia or on defi-
brillation threshold in a patient with an implantable cardioverter- These are obtained from the passive His recording, that is, from
defibrillator (ICD). Sometimes, scheduling or workload issues the combination of the surface ECGs and catheters that allow
dictate a limited study, with the option for a more complete study timing of the intra-atrial, atrial-His bundle, His bundle, and His-
at a later time if the clinical situation warrants it. ventricle intervals in the resting state without simulation or addi-
Generally, it is preferable to plan for a complete diagnostic EPS tional medications (Figure 20-9). Normal intervals are listed in
with or without ablation of known or suspected arrhythmias. The Table 20-1.13,23,32-40 The electrophysiologist should indicate whether
reason is that patients with indications for an EPS are often found the intervals are normal, borderline, or abnormal.
276  Clinical Electrophysiology

500 1000
40 105 50

CS9–10 Prox



CS1–2 Distal

6264/2959 CS
500 1000
Speed: 200 mm/s Time: 00:02:09 Study #1Protocol #7 Protocol #7 Name: SI

FIGURE 20-9  Normal intracardiac electrograms. This is a passive His bundle electrogram with accompanying recordings during sinus rhythm with
no ongoing manipulations, stimuli, or intentional stresses. Semi-orthagonal leads II, aVF, and V1 are used together with lead 2, which is helpful in
determining the axis. The measurement of intervals is demonstrated. The coronary sinus (CS) poles 1 to 2 (distal) to 9 to 10 (proximal) represent left
atrial (LA) and ventricular (LV) events. HRA, High right atrium; Prox, proximal; HIS, His bundle.

Table 20-1  Normal Conduction Intervals in Milliseconds (±2 SD)


Passive/baseline 10–45 55–130 <25 30–55 40–130

Atrial paced 10–75 * <25 30–55 65–150

*Progressive prolongation; see Figure 20-12.

SD, Standard deviation; AV, atrioventricular.

Sinus Node Function Tests Carotid Sinus Massage

These tests include SNRTs and SACTs, using either the Narula or The effects of carotid sinus massage can be assessed particularly
Strauss or direct methods.22,23,41-78 Sinus node tests and tests of well in the EP laboratory. Pauses of 3 seconds or longer (cardio-
other structures will be discussed in greater detail in later inhibitory response) are abnormal because of sinus node arrest or
chapters. atrioventricular block (the latter at the AH level). If sinus arrest
is present, atrial pacing will give some inkling as to whether the
Intrinsic Heart Rate AVN is also affected. Blood pressure measurement during carotid
The sinus node is the archetype of the automatic focus but sinus massage may identify a vasodepressor effect.75-81
is heavily influenced by neurohumoral tone. It is sometimes
important to distinguish whether inappropriate sinus rates, or
responses to SNRT or SACT testing, is caused by intrinsic sinus
node dysfunction or by extrinsic influences. To achieve auto- The atrium is assessed for conduction, refractory periods, and
nomic blockade, divided doses of medications are given over a induction of arrhythmias. Intra-atrial conduction is determined
few minutes, including propranolol 0.2 mg/kg and atropine from the intra-atrial interval (see Figure 20-9). The intra-atrial
0.04 mg/kg. After these medicines, the intrinsic heart rate = 118.1 interval is measured from the first onset of evidence of sinus node
− (0.57 × Age); normal values are ±14% for age younger than 45 depolarization (either a normal-appearing P wave or a deflection
years and ±18% for age older than 45 years. Interpretation of on the HRA intracardiac lead) to the first rapid deflection of the
SNRTs and SACTs after neurohumoral blockade is uncertain. atrial depolarization seen on the intracardiac electrodes recording
Clinical Electrophysiology Techniques  277

the His bundle deflection. The inter-atrial conduction time

A-H Interval, NSR & Paced
between the right atrium and the left atrium is generally mea-
sured between the HRA and a mid-distal coronary sinus lead 400 NSR rate N=
50 – 60 27
and should not exceed 130 ms. The routes of interatrial con­ 380 60 – 70 39
70 – 80 29
duction in humans are complex and are still a subject of 360 80 – 90 29
80 – 90 15 + 2SD
investigation. 340 00 – 100 8
Total 119
Atrial extrastimulus testing is used for refractory period assess- 320
ment and induction of arrhythmias. Atrial fibrillation can be 300
induced in virtually any patient with atrial stimulation that is both 280
very prolonged and rapid. Induction of an organized regular atrial + 1SD
tachycardia or flutter is much less likely to be a normal variation,
particularly if the arrhythmia is sustained.35,39,82-96
– Mean

Atrioventricular Node 180
The AVN competes with the sinoatrial node for being known as 160
140 HR = 7
the part of the heart most influenced by the neurohumoral – 1SD
tone. The AVN is the chief arbiter of the P-R interval on the 120
surface ECG, which prolongs or shortens in response to physio- 100
logical needs. As a general rule, sympathetic tone—as seen in 80
exercise, anxiety, and similar situations—tends to shorten the – 2SD
atrial-His bundle interval, which is a reflection of AVN conduc- 40
tion. The parasympathetic (vagal) tone tends to prolong AV con- 20
duction at the AV level and may even cause nocturnal block in
normal hearts or block during low-level activities in highly 50 75100 Total 80 120 160 200
trained athletes. Atropine and adenosine are commonly used NSR rate Atrial pacing rate (n = 119)
pharmacologic probes in the assessment of both sinus node and
AVN function.23,82-114 FIGURE 20-10  The atrial-His bundle (A-H) interval during normal
sinus rhythm (NSR) and during high right atrial pacing. Mean and
Dual or Multiple Atrioventricular Node Pathways standard deviations (SDs) are shown for subjects without evidence of
atrioventricular nodal disease. (Modified from Fischer JD: Role of
Humans do not have the very discreet internodal pathways that electrophysiologic testing in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with
can be identified in some animals. However, remains of these known and suspected bradycardias and tachycardias, Prog Cardiovasc
pathways may exist in the slow posterior, fast anterior, and left Dis 24:25, 1981.)
atrial input fibers entering the AVN. This is a simplification of
very complex anatomy, but it means that a possibility exists that
the electrophysiology of all these pathways may differ somewhat,
so entrance into the AVN may be blocked by refractoriness at the
same interval, which allows entrance through an alternative
pathway. Among the possible effects of such alternative entry
ways into the AVN are a discontinuity in the atrial-His interval in
response to rate incremental pacing or extrastimulus testing.
Such discontinuities or “jumps” are defined as an increase in the
usually smooth prolongation of the atrial-His interval by 50 ms
or more in response to a decrease of 10 ms in the pacing stimulus
interval (e.g., during a ramp) or the extrastimulus interval. Such LB
jumps are almost routinely observed in patients with AVN
re-entry tachycardia.

His-Purkinje System QRS: LBBB Normal

H-V: Normal Prolonged
His bundle responses are also observed during passive recordings,
rate incremental pacing, and extrastimulus testing and in response FIGURE 20-11  Balanced bilateral first-degree bundle branch block.
to pharmacologic probes (Figure 20-10).22,51,81,113,115-134 Left, Delay in the left bundle (LB) is shown, whereas the right bundle
(RB) conducts normally. This results in a left bundle branch block
Longitudinal Dissociation and “Normalization” of Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB) morphology on the surface electrocardiogram and a normal
Some anisotropic conduction exists between the longitudinal His-ventricle (H-V) interval. Right, A patient with balanced first-degree
fibers in the His bundle that are destined to become the right bundle branch block. Equal delays in both the right and the left
and left bundle branches (RBB, LBB). However in some patients bundle branch results in a prolonged H-V interval but a normal QRS
with left bundle branch block (LBBB), pacing the His bundle will morphology. (From El Sherif N, Amay-Y-Leon F, Schonfield CA, et al:
normalize the QRS complex (Figures 20-11 and 20-12). If the Normalization of bundle block patterns by distal His bundle pacing.
Clinical and experimental evidence of longitudinal dissociation in the
stimulus to ventricle time is longer than the baseline His-
pathologic His bundle, Circulation 56:996–1006, 1977.)
ventricle interval, normalization of the QRS may be caused by
278  Clinical Electrophysiology

Pharmacologic Probes
Isoproterenol has a minimally positive effect on conduction to the
His-Purkinje system. Lidocaine and procainamide as well as ajma-
line have been used as part of the assessment of “suspect” His-
Purkinje conduction.51,121-123,130-135 Block or prolongation of the
His-ventricle interval by more than 30% in response to these
agents is abnormal. In the case of lidocaine, typical doses are
75 mg delivered twice over a period of 30 seconds; procainamide
QRS: is usually given as 10 mg/kg with a delivery rate of about 25 to
50 mg/min. At the end of the drug infusions, rate incremental
NSR: LBBB LBBB pacing may help by precipitating heart block.
H ± Paced: LBBB Normal

FIGURE 20-12  Proximal versus distal disease causing left bundle Retrograde (Ventriculoatrial) Conduction
branch block (LBBB) pattern. Left, Disease in the LBB creates
an LBBB pattern on the surface electrocardiogram (ECG) and also During clinical EPSs, 20% to 50% of patients with apparently
during pacing of the His bundle, which is proximal to the site of block. normal anterograde conduction have no retrograde (ventricu-
Right, Disease is present in those fibers of the His bundle destined to loatrial) conduction. This is a normal variation. In many of these,
become the LBB. In patients with such longitudinal dissociation, the administration of isoproterenolol results in a normal pattern of
surface ECG will also show an LBBB pattern. However, during His retrograde conduction. In those with normal retrograde conduc-
pacing at a site distal to the block, the paced wavefront will propagate tion, earliest atrial activation occurs in the atrium, specifically the
down both the right and left bundle branches with a normal relatively anterior septal portion that records the His bundle
stimulus-ventricle time (equivalent to the H-V interval), and a normal
deflection as well. Occasionally, the earliest activation will occur
QRS morphology. (From El Sherif N, Amay-Y-Leon F, Schonfield CA, et al:
Normalization of bundle block patterns by distal His bundle pacing.
more posteriorly, presumably because of the use of the slow
Clinical and experimental evidence of longitudinal dissociation in the pathway. If the earliest atrial depolarization occurs elsewhere, this
pathologic His bundle, Circulation 56:996–1006, 1977.) is sometimes referred to as an “eccentric” pattern, which may
imply the presence of an accessory pathway. As with other por-
tions of the EPS, note that basic technique is a combination of
rate incremental pacing and extrastimulus testing, this time from
the ventricle.136-143

balanced first-degree block in the bundle branches, with prior

Unusual Phenomena
first-degree LBBB now matched by pacing-induced first-degree
right bundle branch block (RBBB). When the stimulus to ventricle Various types of gap phenomena are described with retrograde as
is equal to the His-ventricle interval, this may indicate disease in well as anterograde conduction.91,144-153 One should keep in mind
the His bundle, with block in fibers committed to become the that these are, indeed, unusual phenomena, rather than abnor-
LBB; pacing depolarizes the His bundle below the level of block. malities. Retrograde jumps during ventricular stimulation may
This is potentially the more serious scenario because progression also occur for several reasons: (1) dual AVN physiology that may
of the lesion could cause complete heart block at the His- only be apparent during retrograde conduction; (2) conduction
ventricle level. using an accessory pathway which then blocks, with subsequent
conduction switching to the normal pathway, or the reverse of
Catheter Bumping this process; (3) block of ventriculoatrial conduction in the RBB,
The His-ventricle interval can be affected by trauma during the resulting in transventricular septal conduction and retrograde
placement of EP catheters. Most often RBBB is seen but rarely conduction up the LBB. In some instances, this latter phenome-
persists more than a few hours. Complete heart block is uncom- non results in bundle branch re-entry, in which the impulse travel-
mon. A notable exception is seen in patients with pre-existing ing retrograde in the LBB continues retrograde to the atrium via
LBBB; in these patients, trauma to the His bundle or the RBB can the His bundle but also reaches a turnaround point at the bundle
produce complete AV block. branch bifurcation region and travels anterogradely down the
RBB to the ventricle.154,155 Demonstration of a few beats of bundle
Response to Stimulation branch re-entry is classified as a normal phenomenon, which is
Rate incremental atrial pacing and atrial extrastimuli most often to be distinguished from sustained bundle branch re-entry tachy-
have negligible effects on the His-ventricle interval. If the patient cardia (described elsewhere in this textbook). Supernormal con-
has a good AVN, then sequential impulses may reach some part duction occurs when a precisely timed beat results in conduction
of the His-Purkinje system within its ERP. The most typical in a previously blocked area.156 Other phenomena such as phase
example is RBBB observed with increasingly premature atrial 3 and phase 4 blocks, supernormal excitability, and others are
extrastimuli and often seen with short cycles during atrial fibril- discussed elsewhere in this textbook.
lation as the Ashman phenomenon. As a rule of thumb, block at
the His-ventricle level is uncommon in response to incremental
pacing or extrastimulus testing with H-H interval 400 ms or
longer. Block at the His-ventricle interval during straight pacing With regard to the ventricle, the most important question is
at CLs not producing Wenckebach at the AVN level is distinctly whether sustained monomorphic VT is inducible, particularly
abnormal and an indication for pacing.119 reproducibly inducible. Given enough stimulation and enough
Clinical Electrophysiology Techniques  279

P < .05 P < .05

Clinical 66
Nonclinical 61

% of arrhythmia induction
30 28

20 17

10 9 9 9 9
5 5 6
3 3
0 0 0
SR+1 SR+2 SR+3 VP1+1 VP1+2 VP1+3 Burst Ramp VP2+1 VP2+2 VP2+3
Stimulation modality

FIGURE 20-13  Frequency of induced clinical and nonclinical arrhythmia with each stimulating modality (protocol step) in a consecutive series of
patients with inducible ventricular tachycardia. All patients received all steps. The sequence actually used is displayed on the abscissa. The ordinant
indicates the percent of uses of each modality that resulted in a clinical (purple) or nonclinical (blue) arrhythmia. Each of the bars is capped by the
more precise percentage of arrhythmias induced. Note that SR + 3 was more efficacious than either VP1 + 2 or VP2 + 2 and that VP1 + 3 was superior
to VP2 + 2. In addition to the P values indicated, VP2 + 3 was more likely to induce nonclinical arrhythmias than NSR + 3 or VP1 + 3 (P < .05). SR, Sinus
rhythm; VP1, the slower paced drive rate; VP2, the faster rate; 1, 2, and 3, number of extrastimuli. (From Artoul SG, Fisher JD, Kim SG, et al: Stimulation
hierarchy: Optimal sequence for double and triple extrastimuli during electrophysiological studies, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 15:790–800, 1992.)

electricity, it is possible to fibrillate anybody (except in special

circumstances detailed elsewhere in the textbook), so the induc- 1 sec
tion of VF is considered nonspecific. As mentioned earlier, no I
universal stimulation protocol exists (Figures 20-13 and 20-14; II
also see Figure 20-4). Virtually all techniques in common clinical AVF
use involve the serial introduction of single, double, triple, and V1
occasionally quadruple extrastimuli during at least two drive rates AV
and at two ventricular sites at the minimum. Rapid pacing in the RV
form of bursts and rapidly increasing ramps are also used in many RVA
centers. Isoproterenol or psychological stresses are needed in
some patients. The definition of sustained tachycardia varies 670 270 250
A 270
somewhat from center to center, with some laboratories using 15
seconds, others 30 seconds, and most accepting need for rescue I
cardioversion or termination. Sustained monomorphic VT II
implies that the rhythm has a shape or morphology that can be AVF
described in terms of BBBs (with the understanding that these are V1
not truly related to AV conduction difficulties). Examples of such
descriptions are given in Table 20-2. RV
700 300
B 1089 JH
The techniques described in this chapter for setting up and per-
forming a complete diagnostic electrophysiological study contain FIGURE 20-14  Programmed stimulation and ultra-rapid trains for
the components that are essential to all EPSs: selection of stimula- induction of ventricular tachycardia (VT). A, After a series of baseline
tion sites and recordings; methods of stimulation including stimu- (S1) beats in sinus rhythm, triple extrastimuli are introduced at the
lus characteristics, patterns (straight, ramp, extrastimulus); timing coupling intervals shown, and VT is induced. B, In the same patient
of overall sequence and local events; and the use of pharmaco- on the same day, an ultra-rapid train at cycle length 30 ms produces
logic probes. Other chapters will expand on these basics for the three captures and the same VT as in A. AV, Intracardiac electrogram
recording atrial (A) and ventricular (V) signals; RV, right ventricle;
differential diagnosis of complex arrhythmias, and for therapeutic
RVA, RV apex.
or interventional electrophysiology.
280  Clinical Electrophysiology
Batsford WP, Akhtar M, Caracta AR, et al: Effect of atrial stimulation site
Table 20-2  Description of Ventricular Tachycardia Morphologies in
on the electrophysiological properties of the atrioventricular node in
Terms of Similarity to Bundle Branch Block Morphologies
man, Circulation 50(2):283–292, 1974.
QRS IN LEAD Fisher JD: Role of electrophysiologic testing in the diagnosis and treatment
of patients with known and suspected bradycardias and tachycardias,
BBB I II AVF VI Prog Cardiovasc Dis 24(1):25–90, 1981.
Fisher JD, Cua MC, Platt SB, et al: Ultrarapid train stimulation versus
TWO-CHOICE AXIS conventional programmed electrical stimulation for induction of ven-
tricular arrhythmias in patients with coronary artery disease, J Interv
RBBB Superior +, − − − +
Card Electrophysiol 1(1):15–21, 1997.
RBBB Inferior +, − + + + Fisher JD, Ostrow E, Kim SG, Matos JA: Ultrarapid single-capture train
stimulation for termination of ventricular tachycardia, Am J Cardiol
LBBB Superior +, − − − − 51(8):1334–1338, 1983.
Fisher JD, Kim SG, Ferrick KJ, Roth JA, et al: Programmed ventricular
LBBB Inferior +, − + + −
stimulation using tandem versus simple sequential protocols, Pacing
FOUR-CHOICE AXIS Clin Electrophysiol 17(3 Pt 1):286–294, 1994.
Fisher J, et al: The atrial electrogram during clinical electrophysiologic
RBBB RBNA + + + + studies: onset versus the local/intrinsic deflection, J Cardiovascular
Electrophysiol 2:398–407, 1991.
RBBB RBLA + − − + Jackman WM, Beckman KJ, McClelland JH, et al: Treatment of supraven-
RBBB RBRA − + + + tricular tachycardia due to atrioventricular nodal reentry, by radiofre-
quency catheter ablation of slow-pathway conduction, N Engl J Med
RBBB RBXA − − − + 327(5): 313–318, 1992.
Josephson M: Clinical cardiac electrophysiology, techniques and interpre-
LBBB LBNA + + + − tations, Philadelphia, 2002, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Mazgalev T, Tchou P: Atrioventricular nodal conduction gap and dual
LBBB LBLA + − − −
pathway electrophysiology, Circulation 92(9):2705–2714, 1995.
LBBB LBRA − + + − Mehra R, Furman S: Comparison of cathodal, anodal, and bipolar
strength-interval curves with temporary and permanent pacing elec-
LBBB LBXA − − − − trodes, Br Heart J 41(4):468–476, 1979.
Narula O: Disorders of sinus node function in electrophysiologic evalua-
RB, Right bundle; LB, left bundle; RBBB, right bundle branch block; LBBB, left bundle
branch block; NA, normal axis; LA, left axis; RA, right axis; XA, extreme axis
tion. In Narula OS, editor: His bundle electrocardiography and clinical
(“Northwest”); +, positive; −, negative. electrophysiology, Philadelphia, 1975, FA Davis.
Simpson RJ Jr, et al: Thresholds, refractory periods, and conduction times
of the
Sosa E, Scanavacca M, d’Avila A, Pilleggi F: A new technique to perform
epicardial mapping in the electrophysiology laboratory, J Cardiovasc
Electrophysiol 7(6):531–536, 1996.
Wit AL, Weiss MB, Berkowitz WD, et al: Patterns of atrioventricular
KEY REFERENCES conduction in the human heart, Circ Res 27(3):345–359, 1970.
Akhtar M, Damato AN, Batsford WP, et al: A comparative analysis of
antegrade and retrograde conduction patterns in man, Circulation All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
52(5):766–778, 1975. com.
The Electrophysiological Laboratory:
Technologic Advances and
Future Development
Sabine Ernst

Introduction To reduce radiation exposure to the operator, proper Plexiglas

lead protection, both “under the table” (closest position to the
Crossover or hybrid laboratories were common in the early days x-ray beam) and “over the table” against scattered radiation from
of invasive electrophysiology (EP), when the electrophysiological the patient is a legal requirement. In addition, the image should,
study (EPS) was performed late in the afternoon at the end of the whenever possible, be centered on the chamber of interest and
coronary catheterization laboratory (cath lab) list. As the field of the table should be locked in the optimal position for all angula-
EP grew, more and more departments decided to equip dedicated tions to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure. Finally, collimation
EP labs that would be exclusively designed to support the special and “fencing in” of the lung fields should be routine, and any
needs of an arrhythmia service. Because device implantation does unnecessary metallic devices should be removed from the area to
not need any specific equipment besides a C-arm fluoroscopy, be imaged because they result in an automatic intensification
many large EP services have decided to transfer these procedures of radiation exposure (e.g., transesophageal echocardiography
to a lesser specialized area, such as a hybrid operating room probes should be removed from view). European laws require
(which also meets the requirements for sterile implantation of the documentation of both total exposure time and dosage of the
devices). overall deployed radiation. In regard to applied fluoroscopy, the
ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle should be
followed, and unnecessary imaging should be avoided.1 If avail-
Newly Designed or “Retrofit”? able, the “last image hold” option should be used.2

Many considerations need to be taken into account when decid-

ing to either design a state-of-the-art cath lab in a newly con-
Electrophysiology Recording System (Including
structed area or renovating an older lab with up-to-date
Intracardiac Pressure Recordings)
technologies (Figure 21-1). One of the biggest problems is having
enough space to fit not only all the equipment necessary for the The minimal requirements for EP recording systems are fairly
procedure (Figure 21-2) but also equipment needed only in an subjective. Although some operators work with only 32 channels,
emergency. In addition, ample space for moving the patient into at least 64 channels seems to be the current standard. In addition
and out of the room via stretcher or patient bed and sufficient to the standard display of the 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG),
in-room storage are essential. Normal items such as telephone bipolar and unipolar signals should be programmable.3 The gain
lines, a data point for the hospital information system (HIS), suf- applied to any given recording should be individually adjustable,
ficient lighting, and easy access from the sink to the sterile field and electrodes belonging to one catheter are usually grouped
are involved as well. The placement of gases and suction outlets (e.g., by color). Although the order of the displayed signals is a
in the procedure room should also be given attention. question of personal preference and training, the signal accuracy
is of utmost importance. Too large a noise level is unacceptable
because it could mislead the operator during the mapping process.
Minimal Standards for Invasive Signal quality during energy application also is important, and
Electrophysiology (“The Must Have”) every effort should be made to achieve clean signals to allow drag
lesions rather than sequential point-by-point applications. In
To visualize catheter positioning, a fluoroscopic imaging system addition to the electrical signals, the recording of at least one
with at least a single C-arm is necessary. The system should be invasive pressure should be possible (e.g., for emergency percu-
programmable to a certain extent to control radiation exposure taneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or hemodynamic
(Figure 21-3).1 Because comparably less radiation exposure is monitoring).
needed to image the metal electrodes of a catheter compared with
the resolution required for lesion assessment in coronary artery
Cardiac Stimulator
interventions, a special setting should be reserved for EP proce-
dures. The C-arm should be rotatable by at least 90 degrees in To allow diagnostic pacing maneuvers from various electrodes, a
both the right anterior oblique and the left anterior oblique posi- programmable cardiac stimulator is necessary. The properties and
tions, and cranial or caudal angulations are not often necessary. pacing output of these stimulators vary; however, the adjustable

282  Clinical Electrophysiology


FIGURE 21-1  Retrofit of a conventional catheter laboratory. A, The old equipment is removed. B, The examination room’s walls are fitted with special

FIGURE 21-3  A, Monitor gantry with six monitors arranged to

allow the best orientation for the operator, with live monitors for
A B fluoroscopy and intracardiac signals side by side. B, Controls of
the fluoroscopy system (AXIOMS Artis; Siemens, Munich, Germany)
FIGURE 21-2  A, Ceiling-suspended racks allow plenty of storage positioned at the table side to allow rapid navigation through
for generators, patient interface units, and more equipment. Power recorded scenes, again supporting single-operator functionality.
outlets on top and electrical cabling through cabling tunnels inside
the ceiling are seen. B, Rails along the ceiling allow for flexible
solutions for monitors and racks as well as radiation protection  
shield and operation lamp. Radiofrequency Generator
In most laboratories, unipolar radiofrequency (RF) current is the
routine ablation energy for catheter ablation. Several devices are
available, differing mostly in the ability to connect to accessories
or programmable timing of the pacing impulses, the pacing such as cool flow pumps or to integrate three-dimensional
output, and the pulse duration are crucial. Automatic sensing of mapping systems. The operator should have the option to start
the intrinsic rhythm on the selected pacing electrode allows and stop the energy delivery, such as by pressing a foot pedal,
assessment of the contact of the pacing electrode to the cardiac because catheter dislodgment is felt first through manual feed-
tissue. back. Any delay in stopping the energy delivery, such as that
The Electrophysiological Laboratory: Technologic Advances and Future Development   283

caused by a second person who has to hear and react appropri- Because the ablation catheter usually is depicted in a real-time
ately to the operator’s verbal command to stop, may have detri-
mental effects (e.g., atrioventricular [AV] node block, “pop”
fashion, roaming inside the chamber of interest, three-dimensional
movements are possible without controlling the movement with
fluoroscopy. Although three-dimensional mapping systems
should reduce overall fluoroscopy exposure, some investigators
did not observe any change in their practice, whereas others
Monitoring Unit for Vital Signs
relying completely on the real-time depiction of the mapping
Monitoring of the basic vital signs such as noninvasive blood catheter demonstrated significant reductions after a learning
pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation should be performed curve.4-6 For reduction of radiation exposure, however, the accu-
during every EP procedure, allowing instant reaction to changes racy with which the catheter position is displayed is key. Two
in hemodynamics and safe monitoring of anesthesia. different systems have established themselves as routinely used
three-dimensional tools in most cath labs performing advanced
EP procedures.
Cardiac Defibrillator
Because fast arrhythmias may result in instant hemodynamic
NAVx and EnSite
deterioration, rapid electrical defibrillation must be accessible at
any time during EPS. A cardiac defibrillator should be at hand and The concept of the original LocaLisa system (now implemented
turned on at the beginning of the procedure. The batteries should in the NAVx system; St Jude Medical, St Paul, MN) is based on
be routinely checked and the device tested for appropriate func- real-time display of all intracardiac electrodes using surface
tion on at least a weekly basis. The energy level should be adjust- patches in all three spatial directions, which act like condensa-
able and R-wave triggering possible in a stable arrhythmia; tors.7 By emitting a small current between opposite patches, any
however, during ventricular fibrillation (VF), the R-wave trigger interposed catheter changes the received current and thereby
must be deactivated to avoid any delay in shock delivery. Now­ becomes locatable. After reconstruction of the geometry, sequen-
adays, biphasic waveform shocks are the gold standard, with defi- tially acquired activation information can be superimposed on the
brillation energies of up to 360 J. The choice of patch versus direct three-dimensional shell to delineate the arrhythmia substrate.
paddle shock delivery is again a matter of debate; the first has the The EnSite balloon (St Jude Medical) works on the same
advantage of being fast with no impairment of the sterile field, platform by using essentially the same patches and concepts.8
whereas the paddles are less expensive. In addition to the sequentially acquired three-dimensional
geometry, simultaneously acquired unipolar electrical informa-
tion can be projected from the multi-electrode array using an
inverse solution to the Laplace equation. This system has been
Emergency Equipment reported to be of additional benefit, especially in transient and
nontolerant arrhythmias.
In case of the somewhat rare event of an emergency such as
Electroanatomic Magnetic System: CARTO
respiratory compromise of the patient, a portable ventilator
system should be part of the crash cart in the EP lab. Logically, The CARTO system (Biosense Webster, Inc., Diamond Bar, CA)
all necessary tools for intubation must be readily available, and acts on a concept similar to that of a global positioning system,
training the staff for such scenarios should be performed in which a small sensor on the tip of the ablation catheter is
regularly. located in three different ultra-low-energy magnetic fields encod-
ing the chest of the patient via electromagnets positioned below
the patient table (so-called location pad).9 Through visual display
Anesthesia Equipment
of sequentially acquired sites (and their corresponding electrical
In addition to the minimum crash cart equipment, some depart- information, e.g., voltage amplitude or activation time), a color-
ments elect to have a complete anesthesia setup available in the coded map is created. Because the mapping electrode is displayed
EP lab to give optimal support. Children are investigated only in real time, nonfluoroscopic mapping ideally is enabled, but in
under general anesthesia in some countries, whereas other coun- clinical practice some fluoroscopy is still required.
tries allow a more liberal handling of patient sedation.

Image Integration
Equipment for Advanced
Electrophysiology Labs Currently, all three-dimensional mapping systems are able to inte-
grate previously acquired three-dimensional DICOM-standard
Although most simple EP substrates can be readily treated by (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) information
using conventional two-dimensional fluoroscopy in conjunction derived from either computed tomography or cardiac magnetic
with intracardiac signals, catheter ablation of complex arrhyth- resonance imaging scans.10-11 However, accurate merging requires
mias such as ventricular tachycardia, incisional atrial tachycardia, careful registration (e.g., to contrast injection or distinct anatomic
or atrial fibrillation are facilitated by three-dimensional mapping landmarks) to obtain optimal results without the operator being
systems. Following the cardiac activation across a complex three- misled. Knowing the targeted chamber ahead of time may lower
dimensional geometry of a given cardiac chamber can be overall radiation exposure and allows specific planning of the
extremely helpful in performing confirmative diagnostic pacing procedure (e.g., larger catheter curves in cases of enlarged cardiac
maneuvers (e.g., entrainment in the critical isthmus of a re-entry). chambers). The display of the acquired three-dimensional map
284  Clinical Electrophysiology

on top of the fluoroscopy reference pictures allows even better This remote catheter manipulator controls the tip of two guiding
orientation during the case. sheaths (14 and 11.5 Fr) that fit any conventional standard abla-
tion catheter. The guiding sheaths (inner lumen of 8.5 Fr) work
on mechanical pull-wire mechanisms that steer the catheter in a
Alternative Ablation Energy Sources
fashion similar to that of conventional guiding catheters.
As an alternative to the commonly used RF current, other ablation
sources such as cryothermia techniques have been introduced in
Magnetic Navigation
recent years.12 Besides balloon devices for pulmonary vein isola-
tion, some operators choose cryothermia for anteroseptal acces- Magnetic navigation works on the concept of small magnets,
sory pathways to use the transient freezing option (approximately integrated in the tip of a soft ablation catheter that can be moved
–10° C), so-called cryo-mapping, in selected cases.13 with a well-defined outer magnetic field (0.08 T). By changing the
Further alternative energy sources are laser energy, microwave, orientation of the outer magnets, the catheter tip will align paral-
and ultrasound energy, modalities mostly reserved for study pro- lel to this outer magnetic field direction. The combination with a
tocols at this time.14 mechanical motor drive allows operating the magnetic mapping
and ablation catheter in a fully remote-controlled fashion.16 The
specialized, magnetically enabled ablation catheter was initially
Advanced Technologies in equipped with a solid 4-mm tip ablation electrode; an irrigated
tip version has recently been introduced.
the Electrophysiology Lab Both remote navigation systems are compatible with three-
dimensional electroanatomic mapping systems, with the NAVx
Remote Navigation
system being directly integrated in the robotic system and the
Remote navigation is the umbrella term for two recently intro- CARTO system being integrated into the magnetic system. All
duced technologies. By using computerized workstations from image integration features of the three-dimensional mapping
within the control room, investigators are no longer exposed to systems also are available.
scattered radiation (Figure 21-4).
Two remote catheter navigation systems have been introduced
into clinical practice, both enabling remote control of the ablation
catheter.1-3 One is based on an electromechanical concept in Other Image Integration Technologies
which two steerable sheaths guide a conventional catheter; the
other is based on a steerable, permanent magnetic field in which Intracardiac ultrasound catheters have recently been introduced
a magnetically equipped catheter must be aligned in a parallel in an attempt to integrate three-dimensional echocardiographic
position (Figure 21-5). information to reduce mapping time further, thus facilitating
The electromechanical robotic system (Sensei; Hansen trans-septal punctures and eventually directly depicting the lesion
Medical, Mountain View, CA) consists of a “master” input that formation during energy delivery.17 Although these systems are
transmits the operator’s movement with a joystick via an electro- quite popular in the United States, the European experience has
mechanical “slave” at the patient’s side (Artisan; Hansen Medical).15 been significantly sparse.

Fluoro 2nd 3D CT/MRI
reference real time

Fluoro EP work
angulation monitor 3D Magnetic
Fluoro navigation


X-arm angulation remote control

FIGURE 21-4  View of the control area of a catheter laboratory using remote control by magnetic navigation (at St. Georg Hospital, Hamburg,
Germany). The monitors are arranged as in a cockpit, allowing a single operator to lead the investigation. Fluoro, Fluoroscopy system; STIM, cardiac
stimulator; EP, electrophysiology recording system; 3D, three-dimensional; CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.
The Electrophysiological Laboratory: Technologic Advances and Future Development   285


FIGURE 21-5  Left, Magnetic navigation system in “park” (top) and “navigate” (bottom) positions. Right, The system in “navigate” position, with the covers
removed to show the permanent magnets exposed with their magnetic field directions (N, north; S, south).

To overcome the possible problem of pre-procedural three- formation currently is only indirectly monitored (irrespective of
dimensional imaging in different cardiac rhythms, volume load, the type of energy delivered), future tools should enable the oper-
and patient positioning, rotational angiography has been success- ator to see and measure lesion trans-murality to avoid excessive
fully implemented in the EP labs. While a timed contrast injection or too little ablation at a given site. Direct feedback between
is performed, the C-arm rotates around the patient and acquires contact force and amount of energy delivered should be imple-
computed tomographic–like images that can be computed to mented in the next generation of ablation generators to improve
three-dimensional DICOM formats.18 These three-dimensional lesion formation and widen the safety margin at the same time.
datasets can be transferred to the three-dimensional mapping Any improvement that would lead to further reduction of
systems as well as to a “ghost” picture-in-picture display on the radiation exposure for patients and operators will be greatly wel-
live fluoroscopy screen (e.g., iPilot, Siemens Medical Solutions, comed because a growing number of complex AF ablations have
Munich, Germany). significantly lengthened the exposure times in recent years.
For a perfect overview of the different systems commonly used
in an EP laboratory, the ODYSSEY system (Stereotaxis Inc., St
Louis, MO) serves as a common platform on which all video Conclusion
signals of the different systems (e.g., EP recording, fluoroscopy,
three-dimensional mapping system, ultrasound system, generator Although multiple new and sophisticated systems have been
data, magnetic navigation) can be simultaneously displayed. introduced to invasive EP in the past decade, the baseline EPS that
Instead of using multiple keyboards together with the corre- allows the identification of the underlying arrhythmia substrate
sponding mouse for each, ODYSSEY automatically switches all is still the key to success in any given case. Basic conditions
the keyboard functions to the system, which is activated by one such as signal quality and angulated fluoroscopic images must
mouse. In addition, it facilitates display of the cross-talk by super- be ascertained, together with basic life support equipment and
imposition of three-dimensional mapping data and real-time adequate protection against the detrimental effects of fluoros-
locations of the mapping electrode on reference fluoroscopy copy. Advanced technologies such as three-dimensional mapping
pictures. systems are now routinely used in more complex ablation pro-
Because EP systems have become more and more technique grams (e.g., for atrial fibrillation). Remote navigation systems,
oriented, with a multitude of options for the operators, remote together with their image integration features, have already dem-
technical and clinical support for these advanced systems poses onstrated their ability to reduce fluoroscopy exposure for both
a significant challenge for the future. One of the possible solutions operators and patients.
could be a closed network of linked systems that allow remote
expert advice for clinicians who are at the beginning of their KEY REFERENCES
learning curve with a given system. Review, data storage, and
shared cases could be made possible (e.g., ODYSSEY Cinema, Al-Ahmad A, Grossman JD, Wang PJ: Early experience with a computer-
Stereotaxis, Inc.). ized robotically controlled catheter system, J Interv Card Electrophysiol
12(3):199–202, 2005.
Ben-Haim SA, Osadchy D, Schuster I, et al: Nonfluoroscopic, in vivo
navigation and mapping technology, Nat Med 2(12):1393–1395, 1996.
Outlook on Future Developments Chun KR, Schmidt B, Metzner A, et al: The “single big cryoballoon” tech-
nique for acute pulmonary vein isolation in patients with paroxysmal
Future EP lab systems should be able to address fundamental atrial fibrillation: A prospective observational single centre study, Eur
problems encountered in today’s clinical routine. Although lesion Heart J 30(6):699–709, 2009.
286  Clinical Electrophysiology
Ector J, De Buck S, Adams J, et al: Cardiac three-dimensional magnetic Reddy VY, Malchano ZJ, Holmvang G, et al: Integration of cardiac mag-
resonance imaging and fluoroscopy merging: A new approach for elec- netic resonance imaging with three-dimensional electroanatomic
troanatomic mapping to assist catheter ablation, Circulation mapping to guide left ventricular catheter manipulation: Feasibility in
112(24):3769–3776, 2005. a porcine model of healed myocardial infarction, J Am Coll Cardiol
Ernst S, Ouyang F, Linder C, et al: Initial experience with remote catheter 44(11):2202–2213, 2004.
ablation using a novel magnetic navigation system: Magnetic remote Reddy VY, Neuzil P, d’Avila A, et al: Balloon catheter ablation to treat
catheter ablation, Circulation 109(12):1472–1475, 2004. paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: What is the level of pulmonary venous
Hirshfeld JW Jr, Balter S, Brinker JA, et al: ACCF/AHA/HRS/SCAI clini- isolation? Heart Rhythm 5(3):353–360, 2008.
cal competence statement on physician knowledge to optimize patient Scheinman M, Calkins H, Gillette P, et al: NASPE policy statement on
safety and image quality in fluoroscopically guided invasive cardiovas- catheter ablation: Personnel, policy, procedures, and therapeutic rec-
cular procedures: A report of the American College of ommendations, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 26(3):789–799, 2003.
Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association/American Schmitt H, Weber S, Schwab JO, et al: Diagnosis and ablation of focal right
College of Physicians Task Force on Clinical Competence and Training, atrial tachycardia using a new high-resolution, non-contact mapping
Circulation 111(4):511–532, 2005. system, Am J Cardiol 87(8):1017–1021; A1015, 2001.
Limacher MC, Douglas PS, Germano G, et al: ACC expert consensus Wittkampf FH, Wever EF, Derksen R, et al: LocaLisa: New technique for
document. Radiation safety in the practice of cardiology. American real-time 3-dimensional localization of regular intracardiac electrodes,
College of Cardiology, J Am Coll Cardiol 31(4):892–913, 1998. Circulation 99(10):1312–1317, 1999.
Marrouche NF, Guenther J, Segerson NM, et al: Randomized comparison Zrenner B, Dong J, Schreieck J, et al: Transvenous cryoablation
between open irrigation technology and intracardiac-echo- versus radiofrequency ablation of the slow pathway for the treat-
guided energy delivery for pulmonary vein antrum isolation: Procedural ment of atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia: A prospective
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Electrophysiol 18(6):583–588, 2007.
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puted tomography scan in the electrophysiology lab? Heart Rhythm
4(1):37–43, 2007.
Imaging in the Electrophysiology
Laboratory: Intracardiac Echocardiography
Bradley Knight, Susan S. Kim, Robert Schweikert,
and Sanjeev Saksena

rotated by a mechanical system, aptly referred to as a mechanical

Introduction or rotational transducer system. These crystals produce vibrations
in response to voltage gradients as polarized molecules in the
With the increase in number and variety of percutaneous intra- crystal distort the crystalline surface to produce sound waves.
cardiac procedures, as well as the advance in intracardiac echo- These waves propagate through the body in a longitudinal fashion
cardiography (ICE) technology, the applicability and utility of ICE and, like light energy, undergo reflection, refraction, absorption,
are steadily growing. This chapter discusses the use of ICE during and scatter. Reflection of ultrasound waves can occur at the
cardiac electrophysiology (EP) procedures. To start, comparison surface and within tissue planes with differing acoustic imped-
of available ICE technologies and acquisition of baseline images ances. Their angle of incidence on tissue planes can determine the
are discussed. Next, the use of ICE is discussed for the following nature and intensity of reflection. Reflection is maximal at the
procedures: evaluation for the presence of thrombus in the left tissue surface and increasingly attenuated because of scatter
atrial appendage (LAA), placement of percutaneous LAA occlu- and refraction in deeper tissue planes. The acoustic properties of
sion devices, trans-septal catheterization (TSC), and catheter tissues can also determine the degree of reflection, with greater
ablation for atrial fibrillation (AF) and ventricular tachycardia disparities between adjoining tissues providing greater reflection,
(VT). Finally, the integration of ICE imaging with other imaging such as heart and lung tissues. The frequency of generated ultra-
modalities and with EP mapping is described. sound energy also determines the extent of tissue penetration.
Reflected waves are received by the transducer crystal and gener-
ate an electrical signal that is amplified and processed. Amplifica-
Comparison of Intracardiac tion of signals varies depending on their magnitude and is
Echocardiographic Technologies designed to allow low-amplitude signals to be registered. They are
filtered, and the ultrasound signal is displayed in different scan
ICE systems use miniaturized piezo-electric crystal transducers formats such as two dimensional, in which sequential echoes are
mounted on a fixed-shaft, deflectable, or mechanically driven made over a 90-degree sector using up to 100 scan lines displayed
catheter body and a computer platform for image processing, at rapid frame rates that give the impression of a constant image.
display, recording, editing, and analysis. The features and capabili- Other display formats used include M-mode scans, which result
ties of these systems are, in substantial part, determined by the from repeated scanning along a single axial array displayed
transducer technology and partly by the catheter body and plat- sequentially from left to right to envelope the time element. The
form technology. As a result, each type of system has distinct Doppler principle can be used to quantify blood flow velocity
abilities and limitations. Furthermore, advances in image acquisi- across cardiac structures by the ICE probe. The shift in transducer
tion and processing have laid the foundations of three-dimensional frequency generated by the moving elements, such as blood cells
reconstruction of imaged structures in the heart. To appreciate and their contents, is generated by the ultrasound beam hitting
these aspects, it is necessary to briefly revisit the essential prin- the element and repeating on beam scatter. In pulsed Doppler,
ciples of sonography and ultrasound image construction. brief bursts of ultrasound (<5 ms in duration) are delivered and
received, but undersampling may occur with potential for alias-
ing. Continuous-wave Doppler involves constant emission of
Principles of Intracardiac ultrasound energy and provides a more accurate velocity measure,
Echocardiographic Imaging particularly if high velocities are present. Color-flow Doppler
imaging adds processing to display velocities during a Doppler
Piezo-electric crystals in transducers generate ultrasound waves sector scan to show their distribution in the scanned region. This
and receive the reflected echoes from the target. Current ultra- is useful for assessing regurgitant jets, septal defects, and steno-
sound transducers use either miniature crystals in a series, com- ses. It is also subject to aliasing because of the pulsed nature of
monly referred to as phased-array systems, or a single crystal the measurements.

288  Clinical Electrophysiology

electrophysiological procedures. More detailed features of each of

these systems are shown in Figure 22-1. Platforms can provide
Comparison of Mechanical and Phased-
more enhanced imaging features such as harmonic imaging for
Array Intracardiac Echocardiographic producing improved gray-scale image presentation, adaptive
Transducers and Systems color Doppler to select the optimal frequency for improved reso-
lution, and tissue Doppler imaging to assess direction and timing
Mechanical transducers are mounted perpendicularly on a 6 to of myocardial function and pulsed-wave tissue Doppler for veloc-
10 Fr catheter body with a single rotating piezo-electric crystal in ity mapping during cardiac and vascular imaging. Fusion of two-
the transducer that rotates at 1800 rpm (Boston Scientific, Natick, dimensional ICE images into a static electroanatomic map using
MA). This allows a circular, 360-degree scan giving a cross- the CARTO system (Biosense Webster) is now commercially
sectional view of the surrounding structure. These transducers are available (discussed later and elsewhere in this text).
driven at higher frequencies (9 to 20 MHz), which reduce the Three-dimensional reconstruction has now been performed
depth of ultrasound beam penetration into tissue. Thus these with offline and real-time reconstruction of serial images and by
systems can produce high-quality near-field images but with overlay of electrical activation sequences on the images. Simon
limited imaging depth (4 cm). Thus far, field image resolution is et al initially demonstrated electroanatomic mapping by using
poor. Furthermore, the catheter body has limited or no deflection serial sections from a rotational ICE transducer and electrical
capability and is not flexible because of the rotational mechanism recordings from a basket catheter in the right atrium in patients
in its core. Because of these features, these ICE systems must be with atrial flutter, which were processed offline (Figure 22-2, A).1
passed into the chamber of interest. For example, satisfactory left With this approach, they could demonstrate macro–re-entrant
atrial visualization is achieved only after trans-septal placement activation sequences in common atrial flutter on a three-
in the chamber, unlike phased-array systems. They can be used dimensional anatomic ICE image. Smith et al used a phased-
to visualize right-sided structures such as the crista terminalis, array system to reconstruct a real-time three-dimensional
fossa ovalis, superior vena cava, or tricuspid valve. anatomic ICE image with up to 60 volumetric scans per minute
Phased-array systems use either a linear array of crystals and superimposed activation maps on these images. In a sheep
(Viewmate, St Jude-EP Med Systems, Berlin, NJ; AcuNav, Acuson model, they demonstrated right and left atrial intracardiac struc-
Division, Biosense Webster, Diamond Bar, CA) parallel to the tures, including pulmonary veins and the right ventricle, and
catheter body or radially arranged crystals at the catheter tip pacing sequences could be accurately visualized in the recon-
(JOMED). The first two use 64 to 128 crystal elements and operate structed anatomy.2 Pulmonary veins, antral regions, and right
at frequencies ranging from 5 to 10 MHz. These can operate atrial structures have been reconstructed in early three-
at variable (Acuson) or four different frequencies (Viewmate) dimensional image efforts (see Figure 22-2, A).3 Knackstedt and
to produce a sector scan parallel to the long axis of the catheter. colleagues reported a close to real-time technique using an
The catheter body ranges from 7 to 10 Fr and is typically deflect- AcuNav ICE catheter with a motorized sector scan and recon-
able over an arc of 90 degrees. These systems produce two- struction of serial two-dimensional images. Animal and clinical
dimensional and M-mode images with high resolution over testing validated the visualization of anatomic structures.4
depths up to 12 cm. This permits imaging of the left-side cham- Okumura and colleagues applied online imaging and offline
bers from the right heart without trans-septal puncture. In reconstruction of ICE imaging of pulmonary veins by using a
general, these systems have become more popular in clinical pullback technique during ablation procedures in 29 patients.

Rotating acoustic Radiopaque
drive shaft window tip

Single large aperture

9 MHZ transducer

iLabTM Ultrasound Imaging System with the View Flex II Catheter

A Ultra ICETM Catheter B and View Mate ConsoleTM

C Acu-Nav CatheterTM

FIGURE 22-1  Three commercially marketed ultrasound systems with associated platforms and ultrasound catheters. A, Boston Scientific rotational
mechanical ultrasound catheter (left) and display screen (right) in an interventional laboratory. The construction of the transducer and its elements are
shown at left. B, St Jude Medical View Flex II phased-array catheter (upper left) and display console (lower left) with schematic of deflectable catheter in
the right heart for left heart imaging (right). C, Biosense Webster AcuNav Steerable phased-array ultrasound catheter.
Imaging in the Electrophysiology Laboratory: Intracardiac Echocardiography  289


Ao 22 


Ao Ao



6 o’clock ANT
6 o’clock
2D image 2D image Left
Left atrium Left atrium atrium
Left pulmonary veins

Left atrial
appendage Upper Lower
left pulmonary vein
2D image 3D image
Left atrial Left
Left atrial atrium
appendage appendage

Upper Lower
B left pulmonary vein Right pulmonary veins

FIGURE 22-2  Three-dimensional reconstruction of right and left atrial and pulmonary vein regions with rotational and phased-array systems.
A, Short- and long-axis sections of the right atrium displayed from a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of serial intracardiac echocardiography
images using a rotational transducer combined with activation mapping overlap from a basket catheter in common atrial flutter (left). The basket
splines are shown in alphabetical order and the macro–re-entrant circuit is clearly visualized. Right, 3D reconstructed image of the right atrium
showing the coronary sinus en face. B, Real-time two (2D) and (3D) images of the left atrium obtained with a motorized phased-array system (left). Left
atrial structures are visualized in a typical 2D view (top, bottom left), and reconstructed 3D view shows the left atrial appendage visualized in three
dimensions (bottom right). Pulmonary veins, their ostia, and their antra are well shown in this 3D reconstruction of the anatomic interfaces of these
structures (right). SUP, Superior; INF, inferior; ANT, anterior; SVC, superior vena cava; RA, right atrium; FO, fossa ovalis; oCS, ostium of the coronary sinus.
(Modified from Simon RD, Rinaldi CA, Baszko A, Gill JS: Electroanatomic mapping of the right atrium with a right atrial basket catheter and three-dimensional
intracardiac echocardiography, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 27:318–326, 2004; Smith SW, Light ED, Idriss SF, Wolf PD: Feasibility study of real-time three-
dimensional intracardiac echocardiography for guidance of interventional electrophysiology, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 25:351–357, 2002; and Knackstedt C,
Franke A, Mischke K, et al: Semi-automated 3-dimensional intracardiac echocardiography: Development and initial clinical experience of a new system to guide
ablation procedures, Heart Rhythm 3:1453–1459, 2006.)

The images were computer reconstructed to visualize the entire

length of pulmonary veins with a three-dimensional full motion Baseline Image Acquisition Using
image being developed. Radiofrequency (RF) lesions could be Intracardiac Echocardiography
visualized and the extent of ablation between extensive and seg-
mental ablation procedures assessed. The superior pulmonary ICE catheters range in size from 7 to 10 Fr and can be inserted
veins were visualized in virtually all patients; the ablation sites from a femoral or subclavian venous approach. Typically, right
were identified, pulmonary vein stenosis excluded, and compa- atrial entry is achieved under fluoroscopic guidance, although
rable lesions sizes noted with both approaches.5 ultrasound-guided placement from a subclavian approach has
290  Clinical Electrophysiology

been used in some centers. In general, given the catheter dimen- Anatomic accuracy has been judged by comparing ICE imaging
sions and flexible yet firm tip, fluoroscopic guidance is strongly to computed tomographic (CT) angiography. Jongbloed et al
recommended to avoid vascular damage. In our experience, 3% noted a high degree of concordance between the two methods for
of ICE catheter placements could not be achieved from a femoral left atrial structural anatomy such as pulmonary vein anatomy
approach, even with fluoroscopy, because of venous tortuosity. and ostial and antral configurations and dimensions.7 One pro-
Although direct right atrial placement is feasible, left atrial and spective clinical trial has assessed ICE imaging compared with
right ventricular placements typically require guiding sheaths. transesophageal echocardiography (TEE).8 In unpaired analyses,
The former requires TSC, usually with a puncture of the interatrial an atrioseptal aneurysm was detected by TEE in 4 (9%) of 45
septum at the fossa ovalis. The latter requires placement of a Mul- patients with TEE and in 5 (15%) of 34 patients with ICE. In paired
len’s sheath over a guidewire in the right ventricle. analyses, there was no atrioseptal defect identified by either tech-
Passage of the ICE catheter into the right atrium allows the nique. The percentage concordance in paired analysis for the pres-
initiation of baseline imaging of cardiac structures.6 Baseline ence of a patent foramen ovale was 100% and 96% for atrioseptal
imaging requires visualization of the right atrium, the tricuspid aneurysms with the two techniques, respectively. Ascending
valve, and the right ventricular inflow tract in the first image set. aortic plaques were more often visualized by TEE, but descending
This is usually accomplished from a low to mid-right atrial place- aortic plaques were more often visualized by ICE. However, con-
ment of the phased-array transducer with the catheter body paral- cordance between the two methods was quite modest, especially
lel to the spine. Tricuspid valve motion and trabeculation of the when plaque size was considered. Dense smoke, thrombus, or
right ventricle and its inflow tract are identified. The coronary aortic plaque can potentially influence interventional procedures
sinus ostium, the triangle of Koch, and the crista terminalis can and should be carefully examined.
also be imaged by sweeping and torquing the transducer viewing
sector. The transducer can then be deflected and retroflexed to a
septal imaging view in this location. On occasion, the transducer Use of Intracardiac Echocardiography to
may need to be advanced or withdrawn to achieve good septal
imaging. The fossa ovalis and its muscular margins are clearly
Guide Electrophysiological Procedures
seen. Aortic root and valve imaging is usually best achieved in a
Evaluation of the Left Atrium and Left Atrial Appendage
more superior right atrial location with retroflexion of the ICE
transducer. Transducer imaging depth may be adjusted to achieve ICE can be used for anatomic and functional evaluation of the left
imaging of the left atrial pulmonary vein and LAA as well. Left atrium and its appendage with ultrasound imaging and Doppler
atrial wall thickness and change in tissue image may be used to flow measurements. For phased-array systems, imaging frequency
assess the extent of ablation, as can microbubble formation. The must be optimized by the operator by using adjunctive gain,
transducer may have to be deflected to visualize the ostia of depth, and focal length controls to define anatomic structures
the pulmonary veins and the appendage. It is important to torque and to minimize noise. Imaging can be performed at different
the ICE catheter body to fully scan the left atrium from the supe- levels in the right atrium if needed. Intracardiac physiology in
rior to the posterior aspect to the inferiorly located mitral valve to the region of the appendage, mitral valve, and interatrial septum
look for thrombus, intracavitary echoes or “smoke,” and septation is examined with color-flow and spectral Doppler. Rotational
such as in cor triatriatum. Pulmonary vein antra and ostia require systems require trans-septal puncture for imaging these struc-
care and imaging depth adjustment for optimal visualization from tures. ICE can be used for evaluating chamber structure, malfor-
the right atrium. In contrast, rotational ICE catheter systems mations, spontaneous echo contrast, and thrombus. In addition,
require a systematic scan from the superior to inferior right pulmonary vein antra and ostia as well as mitral valve function
atrium for right atrial structure identification. Trans-septal punc- can be evaluated anatomically and functionally with Doppler flow
ture is not required for phased-array systems, but rotational ICE measurements.
catheters need to be placed in the left atrium for adequate imaging, The left atrial cavity is visualized as an echo-free chamber, and
and the phased-array catheter may need trans-septal placement the appendage is typically seen arising at the inferolateral aspect
for mitral valve or left ventricular interventions. Right ventricular of the sector. Muscular ridges and trabeculation may be seen at
placement is useful for left ventricular imaging as well as in ven- the appendage base or even body. These must be carefully dif-
tricular wall motion analysis, optimization of cardiac resynchro- ferentiated from thrombi. The pulmonary veins arise in the supe-
nization therapy, and smoke or thrombus identification. rior and inferior aspects. The pulmonary vein ostia are clearly
A complete ICE evaluation includes physiological information seen, and flow rates and patterns in the veins can be defined. For
obtained from Doppler studies of the septum, including color- example, mitral regurgitation can reverse flow in the veins during
flow imaging, mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves, as well as pul- color-flow mapping. Pulmonary vein stenosis can increase flow
monary vein and LAA flow velocity measurements. A saline rates because of stenotic obstruction. Thus changing flow velocity
contrast injection may be performed to assess left-to-right shunts. is a useful adjunct in the diagnosis of this condition. Actual visu-
Anatomic abnormalities such as an inter-atrial septal aneurysm alization of the stenosis is more difficult and requires contrast
may be more clearly defined with contrast or flow imaging. Addi- studies.
tional views for imaging the LAA may be achieved from the coro- Left atrial visualization for chamber diameter or wall thickness
nary sinus or left pulmonary artery. In ventricular studies, septal is not routinely performed with ICE, but very large chamber
to posterior wall motion delay can be used to assess intraventricu- dimensions may preclude complete ICE imaging. Importantly, the
lar dyssynchrony. Intracavitary smoke and thrombi can be proximity of the esophagus and the left atrium can influence
detected. Ascending and descending aortic imaging can be per- posterior left atrial interventions. The esophagus can be visual-
formed from the aortic valve and left atrial imaging sequences for ized in posterior left atrial imaging when torquing the catheter to
plaque. Doppler flow in the ascending aorta can be used to opti- a medial view. The cavity of the left atrium is well visualized
mize cardiac resynchronization therapy. by ICE. The most common abnormality is the presence of
Imaging in the Electrophysiology Laboratory: Intracardiac Echocardiography  291

spontaneous echocardiographic contrast, which is defined as are being investigated as possible alternatives to anticoagulation
slow-moving, continuous echoes, indicating a low-flow state,
swirling slowly within the structure cavity. When present, the gain
should be systematically decreased to exclude noise artifacts
caused by excessive gain. This contrast can be graded as dense
for thromboembolic risk reduction in patients with AF.10,11
These devices are membrane-covered, flexible, nitinol cages
designed to expand to completely occlude the LAA ostia. Each
device is delivered percutaneously from a femoral vein, across the
contrast when contrast continuously fills the entire cavity of interatrial septum, into the LAA. Multiple imaging modalities,
the structure and does not clear with cardiac cycle or as mild including fluoroscopy/angiography, TEE, and ICE, are used
contrast when intermittent contrast is seen, often in only part of during device implantation. Imaging is required to rule out LAA
the structure. Intracavitary thrombi can be visualized. A throm- thrombus; to evaluate the size, shape, and orientation of the LAA
bus in the left atrium or appendage can be seen as a dense well- ostium; to guide proper positioning and orientation of the occlu-
circumscribed mass, which is usually immobile or can show sion device before deployment; to confirm appropriate device
varying degrees of mobility with a pedicle. It is acoustically dis- position after deployment; and to assess for complete occlusion
tinct from the underlying endocardium or trabeculations. A of the appendage after deployment.
thrombus is definitely present when it is well visualized in two or To date, ICE has been used primarily to guide trans-septal
more views or may be suspected when seen only in one view. To puncture with imaging from the right atrium. However, one study
fully visualize the LAA, two or more views are preferred, and it compared imaging with ICE versus TEE in 10 patients undergoing
may be necessary to open the mouth and body of the appendage placement of the percutaneous LAA transcatheter occlusion
for inspection. Trabeculations may be common at the mouth and (PLAATO, ev3, Plymouth, MN) device.12 ICE and TEE images
mimic a thrombus. Comparison among views is important for the were found to be comparable, especially when ICE imaging was
accurate differentiation of thrombi from muscular ridges and performed from the coronary sinus and the proximal pulmonary
trabeculations. artery. In particular, the absence of LAA thrombus was confirmed
In the Intra-Cardiac Echocardiography–Guided Cardioversion by ICE imaging along with TEE imaging, and LAA ostial dimen-
to Help Interventional Procedures (ICE-CHIP) study, comparison sions measured by ICE were comparable to those measured by
with TEE showed no significant difference in the presence of TEE.
spontaneous echo contrast between ICE and TEE during left Certainly, larger scale studies are required to confirm the safety
atrial imaging, but there was a significantly greater incidence of and efficacy of ICE imaging without TEE imaging to guide LAA
spontaneous echo contrast in the appendage detected with TEE occlusion device placement procedures. Because the use of TEE
compared with ICE (P = .005).8 Percentage concordance for the usually requires the two additional operators (echocardiographer
presence of spontaneous echo contrast was 65% for the two tech- and anesthesiologist), ICE and fluoroscopy or angiography, alone,
niques for the left atrium and 60% for the two techniques of the could potentially simplify the logistics and reduce the cost of this
LAA. Dense contrast was seen in the left atrium in 12.5% of ICE procedure.
studies and 16.9% of TEE studies. In the LAA, dense contrast was
less common with ICE (ICE, 5.3% vs. TEE, 15.7%). The LAA is
Trans-septal Catheterization
visualized with both techniques, and the presence of spontaneous
echo contrast in both the left atrium and the LAA is clearly seen. TSC has become an integral component of many EP procedures,
Intracardiac thrombus was uncommonly seen with both tech- including ablation for AF, atrial tachycardia (AT), accessory path-
niques (TEE, 6.9% vs. ICE, 5.2%) with a percentage concordance ways, and VT. Historically, fluoroscopy alone was used to guide
for the presence or absence of thrombus of 97% in the left atrium TSC.13 However, with the advent and advance of technology, ICE
and 92% in the LAA. Probable thrombus in the left atrium was has allowed more nuanced and detailed imaging during TSC.
actually detected more frequently by ICE, but the presence of To begin, ICE allows a survey of the baseline anatomy, as
thrombi in the appendage was more frequently detected or previously discussed. With ICE, an operator can document the
reported with TEE. In view of this, ICE should be complemented presence or absence of pericardial fluid as well as the relationship
with TEE for LAA thrombus, particularly if limited views and of critical cardiac structures—such as the aortic root and the
poor-quality images are obtained. Other approaches, such as posterior or lateral wall of the left atrium—to the fossa ovalis,
coronary sinus placement of the ICE probe, have been suggested which is the target of TSC. The fossa ovalis itself can be well
to improve appendage imaging, particularly if ablation or cardio- characterized in terms of its length and thickness, which can be
version of AF is contemplated.9 especially useful for cases requiring repeat TSC in which areas
Other findings may have implications for thrombus presence of thickening or scar can be more readily identified. As well, the
or development after intervention or cardioversion. In the ICE- presence of a patent foramen ovale may be suggested by the fossa
CHIP study, all patients with left atrial or appendage thrombus ovalis morphology and confirmed with the application of color-
had dense or moderate smoke in the cavity. Thus the absence of flow Doppler.
spontaneous echo contrast is an important negative finding in During TSC itself, ICE more clearly delineates the relationship
assessing thrombotic risk. Low appendage flow velocities are typi- between the TSC apparatus (needle, dilator, and sheath) and the
cally present in patients with thrombi. Thus a Doppler flow mea- fossa ovalis. ICE allows optimal positioning of the tip of the appa-
surement would have value in assessing risk. ratus in the fossa ovalis, away from surrounding structures such
as the aortic root and the non-fossa aspects of the interatrial
septum. Small adjustments away from these critical structures can
Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion
be made with relatively direct visualization with ICE. ICE also
Approximately 90% or more of thrombi formed in patients with provides more selective location of TSC, that is, more mid to
AF arise in the LAA. Although effective in reducing the risk of inferiorly versus superiorly in the fossa. Once the trans-septal
thrombus formation, anticoagulation therapy can be onerous and apparatus is optimally positioned, the fossa ovalis can be seen to
associated with significant risk. As such, LAA occlusion devices “tent.” Once the needle has successfully crossed, resolution of the
292  Clinical Electrophysiology

tenting can be visualized, as can nonagitated saline injected into

the left atrium to confirm successful crossing.
Finally, ICE, unlike fluoroscopy alone, can display catheter-
related and sheath-related thrombi, which may allow for timely TS tenting septum
removal. Fluoroscopy, angiography, and pressure monitoring
remain indispensable to guide TSC, and ICE has become a remark-
ably useful tool in guiding crossing of the interatrial septum.

Catheter Ablation Procedures

ICE is potentially useful during catheter ablation of supraven-
tricular and ventricular arrhythmias.14,15 The images obtained by
ICE provide detailed anatomic information in real time. Such
detail is not possible by fluoroscopy and is not associated with
radiation exposure. The addition of intravenous contrast for angi-
ography does not generally provide the same degree of detail as
ICE, the images are no longer available in real time, and radiation
exposure is increased. In addition, the intravenous contrast neces- FIGURE 22-3  Intracardiac echocardiography image of the atrial
sary for angiography may be problematic for patients with renal septum, left atrium (LA), and proximal left pulmonary veins during
insufficiency or pre-existing allergy to the contrast agent. ICE trans-septal puncture. Note the trans-septal sheath apparatus (TS)
tenting the atrial septum with the left pulmonary veins in the same
imaging during EP procedures may also help detect complications
imaging plane to help cross the septum sufficiently posterior. LIPV,
such as pericardial effusion and tamponade and thrombus forma-
Left inferior pulmonary vein; LSPV, left superior pulmonary vein; RA,
tion or char on the catheter. Thus ICE has several potential advan- right atrium.
tages over conventional forms of imaging for EP procedures and
may therefore be a valuable tool.

right atrium (see Figure 22-3). This is particularly important for

Intracardiac Echocardiography Guidance During Catheter Ablation
AF catheter ablation techniques that already use two catheters in
of Atrial Fibrillation
the left atrium because it avoids the need for a third catheter in
Many of the applications of ICE have specific benefits in catheter the left atrium for ICE imaging, as would be required for radial
ablation of AF. In fact, ICE has become an invaluable tool for technology ICE imaging.
many interventional electrophysiologists involved in AF catheter A valuable application of phased-array ICE imaging during AF
ablation.16,17 Applications of this technology for AF catheter abla- catheter ablation is the ability to visualize the proximal portions
tion are numerous and include guidance of the trans-septal of the pulmonary veins. All the pulmonary veins may be visual-
puncture(s), evaluation for LAA thrombus, evaluation of left ized with very little manipulation of the ICE catheter other than
atrial dimensions and anatomic features, monitoring of the rotation. The left pulmonary veins are generally viewed in a lon-
catheter-tissue interface, visualization of adjacent structures, and gitudinal view. The right pulmonary veins may be easily viewed
monitoring for complications. The Doppler features may be used in a cross-sectional plane, but the ICE catheter may be manipu-
to evaluate flow in the pulmonary veins, LAA, and cardiac valves. lated with relative ease to provide longitudinal views. This requires
The use and potential benefit of ICE for the guidance of trans- a varying degree of retroflexion of the ICE catheter and placement
septal punctures has already been discussed. This is particularly of the catheter just superior to the tricuspid valve. The longitudi-
important for operators who perform the procedure without nal view of the pulmonary vein is best to determine the position
interruption of oral anticoagulation (e.g., warfarin). Performing of the circular mapping catheter relative to the os and vestibule
the procedure without interruption of such anticoagulation has or antrum of the vein. The importance of such positioning is
been shown to be safe and avoids the issues that may be encoun- considered by many operators to be crucial for AF catheter abla-
tered with the interruption of warfarin, such as the need for TEE tion; the application of RF ablation energy within the pulmonary
to exclude atrial thrombus and the need for “bridging” with intra- vein was associated with an unacceptably high incidence of pul-
venous or subcutaneous heparin after the procedure.18 In addi- monary vein stenosis and a lower rate of efficacy because of lack
tion, for AF catheter ablation, the importance of avoiding a of ablation of more proximal trigger sites.19 Figures 22-4 and 22-5
puncture too far anteriorly on the atrial septum should be empha- show examples of ICE and fluoroscopy images of the circular
sized because an anterior puncture may result in difficulty reach- mapping catheter positioned at the antrum of various pulmonary
ing the pulmonary veins with the catheter, particularly the right veins. The longitudinal view of the right pulmonary veins is espe-
inferior pulmonary vein. Some electrophysiologists therefore cially helpful to avoid delivering ablation lesions too far distally
target the posterior portion of the atrial septum by using an ICE within the pulmonary vein (Figure 22-6, A to D).
imaging plane that contains the left pulmonary veins to ensure a With the advent of newer balloon-based catheter ablation
sufficiently posterior puncture (Figure 22-3). systems for pulmonary vein isolation, ICE imaging may be useful
The phased-array technology for ICE imaging provided a dis- to verify proper contact and alignment of the balloon with the
tinct advantage over the radial technology. The main advantage antrum or os of the pulmonary vein and, with the use of Doppler,
of phased-array systems is the ability to image a much greater verify proper contact with the tissue by demonstrating lack of
depth of field. For AF catheter ablation, this allowed visualization blood flow around the balloon from within the pulmonary vein.
of left atrial structures, including the proximal portions of the ICE imaging is also potentially valuable for the detection of
pulmonary veins, with the imaging catheter remaining within the complications during interventional EP procedures. As previously
Imaging in the Electrophysiology Laboratory: Intracardiac Echocardiography  293

discussed, AF catheter ablation is performed at many centers presence of pericardial effusion (Figure 22-7). This may rapidly
without interruption of oral anticoagulation, in addition to admin-
istration of intravenous heparin throughout the procedure, often
to aggressive levels of anticoagulation. Taking this into consider-
ation, perforation and tamponade are an even greater concern,
distinguish between hypotension related to sedative medications
or anesthesia versus that related to cardiac tamponade. In addi-
tion, a pericardial effusion may be detected prior to any hemody-
namic compromise, allowing more expeditious treatment.
especially when maneuvering the catheters in potentially fragile Other complications that ICE may detect include thrombus
areas such as the LAA. The ICE catheter can be quickly moved or char formation on the catheters or intravascular sheaths
to the right ventricle to obtain excellent images of the left ventricle (Figure 22-8).14,16 This complication may be less likely to occur
and the pericardial space, quickly providing an evaluation for the with more aggressive anticoagulation regimens and perhaps with




FIGURE 22-4  Intracardiac echocardiography image of the left atrium

(LA) and left pulmonary veins demonstrating a circular mapping FIGURE 22-5  Intracardiac echocardiography image of the left atrium
catheter (CMC) positioned at the antrum of the left inferior pulmonary (LA) demonstrating the circular mapping catheter (CMC) at the antrum
vein (LIPV). LSPV, Left superior pulmonary vein. of the right inferior pulmonary vein (RIPV).






FIGURE 22-6  Intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) and corresponding fluoroscopic images demonstrating a distal location of the circular mapping
catheter (CMC) within the right superior pulmonary vein (RSPV) (A, fluoroscopic image; B, ICE image) and a more proximal location of the CMC
appropriately at the antrum of the right inferior pulmonary vein (C, fluoroscopic image; D, ICE image). The fluoroscopic images are in a left anterior
oblique projection. The ICE images show the right inferior pulmonary vein in a longitudinal view. LA, Left atrium.
294  Clinical Electrophysiology


FIGURE 22-9  Intracardiac echocardiography image of the left atrium.
An ablation catheter is delivering radiofrequency ablation energy  
near the circular mapping catheter (CMC). Formation of microbubbles
is demonstrated.

FIGURE 22-7  Intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) image of the left monitoring of the catheter-tissue interface during the entire
ventricle (LV) in longitudinal view, demonstrating a pericardial effusion period of ablation energy delivery, with titration of power output
that appears as a hypoechoic region outside the ventricular
performed such that power output was maximized to just under
myocardium (arrow). This image is obtained by retroflexion of the ICE
the power that caused microbubble formation (Figure 22-9). This
catheter and positioning the catheter across the tricuspid valve and
within the right ventricle. technique was shown to be associated with a higher degree of
safety and efficacy compared with traditional catheter ablation
techniques.21 Overheating of the esophagus was demonstrated
to be less likely with this technique of power management.20
However, this technique has more recently fallen out of favor with
the increasing use of open-irrigation RF catheter ablation systems,
in which the active irrigation of saline at the catheter tip obscures
the delineation of microbubbles. Fortunately, the open-irrigation
ablation technology seems to substantially reduce the problem of
overheating at the catheter-tissue endocardial interface, so the
perceived need for monitoring of microbubbles has lessened.
Thus ICE imaging has many potential applications in the cath-
eter ablation of AF. The use of new techniques and technologies
in the catheter ablation of AF will most likely continue to be
enhanced and complimented by the use of ICE imaging.
FIGURE 22-8  Intracardiac echocardiography image of a circular
mapping catheter within the left atrium. A mobile echodensity is Intracardiac Echocardiography Guidance During Catheter Ablation
demonstrated on the catheter (arrow). of Ventricular Arrhythmias
ICE imaging may be helpful for catheter ablation procedures tar-
geting ventricular arrhythmias.14,22-24 First, it can help with access
open-irrigation ablation systems. Also, there has been increased to the left ventricle if a trans-septal approach is needed rather
attention on the avoidance of esophageal complications during than a retrograde aortic approach. As previously mentioned, ICE
catheter ablation of AF.20 The esophagus may be imaged with ICE, can guide trans-septal puncture. The trans-septal approach allows
which may help guide the AF catheter ablation procedure.14,16,20 the mapping or ablation catheter to obtain access to the left ven-
ICE has been used to monitor the ablation catheter-tissue tricle without the need for arterial access. This could be important
interface and guide the application of ablation energy. Before the for patients with severe peripheral vascular disease, an aneurys-
advent and popularity of the use of open-irrigation RF catheter mal or heavily calcified aorta, or a diseased or prosthetic aortic
ablation systems, many operators were concerned about the valve. Also, some operators using newer robotic catheter ablation
potential adverse effects of overheating of tissue at the catheter- systems may favor or even require a trans-septal approach to the
tissue interface when using conventional nonirrigated tip ablation left ventricle. However, if an operator is using a retrograde aortic
catheters. With such systems, overheating could lead to coagulum approach and is having difficulty with crossing the aortic valve
and char formation at the tip of the ablation catheter and also at with the catheter, ICE is capable of providing imaging of the aortic
the adjacent circular mapping catheter. Severe overheating could valve and the proximal aorta and may therefore provide insight
also result in damage to adjacent structures such as the esophagus into any structural abnormalities that could be impeding access.
or result in an atrial tissue explosion. The latter event could ICE can be used to monitor for complications such as tamponade
increase the risk for embolic stroke during the procedure. A tech- and may also provide images of the catheter-tissue interface.
nique in which ICE imaging is used to guide power titration during Perhaps the most common type of ventricular arrhythmia
the application of ablation energy such that the presence of micro- catheter ablation in which ICE may provide additional guidance
bubbles was considered indicative of tissue overheating has been is the aortic cusp variant of outflow tract VTs.24 ICE is capable of
developed.19 Therefore, the technique involved continuous ICE providing images of the aortic valve, sinuses of Valsalva, the aortic
Imaging in the Electrophysiology Laboratory: Intracardiac Echocardiography  295

AV Aorta

FIGURE 22-10  Intracardiac echocardiography image of the aortic FIGURE 22-12  Intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) image of the
valve (AV) and proximal aorta in longitudinal view. Note the left main aortic valve in cross-sectional view. Note the demonstration of the
coronary artery (LM) arising from the left coronary cusp. close relationship of the right ventricular outflow tract, pulmonic valve
(PV) and the aorta, particularly the left coronary cusp (LCC).



FIGURE 22-11  Intracardiac echocardiography image of the aortic FIGURE 22-13  Intracardiac echocardiographyimage of the left
valve (AV) in cross-sectional view. Note the right coronary artery (RCA) ventricle in longitudinal view. Note the mapping or ablation catheter
arising from the right coronary cusp. (ABL) crossing the mitral valve (MV) with its tip in contact with a
papillary muscle (PAP).

root, and the proximal portions of the coronary arteries (Figures ICE may be useful to evaluate regions of myocardial scarring.
22-10 to 22-12). Such images can be useful to guide the mapping Identification of regions of myocardial scarring, particularly of
or ablation catheter within the coronary cusp, particularly the left scar border zones, may be very helpful in the guidance of such
coronary cusp. catheter ablation procedures. Figure 22-14 demonstrates a patient
More recently, ICE has been used during catheter ablation with a previous septal myocardial infarction who underwent
procedures for ventricular arrhythmias associated with structural catheter ablation for VT. The mapping or ablation catheter was
heart disease. ICE may provide excellent quality images of the left manipulated by a remote magnetic navigation system. The VT
ventricle, both in longitudinal and cross-sectional planes. Such was mapped to the scar border zone and successfully ablated.
images can provide useful anatomic information such as myocar- Overall, the use of ICE during catheter ablation procedures is
dial thickness as well as real-time imaging of the catheter-tissue still a fairly new application for this technology. However, inter-
interface. This may allow assessment of catheter contact and ventional electrophysiologists are already realizing the impor-
perhaps also direct visualization of ablation lesion formation. tance of the anatomic details available in real time with such
Imaging of the papillary muscles could be important because an imaging. As catheter ablation procedures become more reliant on
electroanatomic map may suggest that the catheter is not in substrate-based approaches, this demands a better understanding
contact with the endocardium (i.e., the point appears to be inter- and visualization of cardiac anatomy and the relative positions of
nal) when, in fact, the catheter is appropriately positioned on a the EP catheters to the target ablation site and surrounding struc-
papillary muscle in excellent contact (Figure 22-13). tures. ICE imaging is an important advance in imaging modalities
296  Clinical Electrophysiology

reconstruction. The addition of the three-dimensional ICE recon-

struction provides improved real-time, three-dimensional under-
standing of catheter and lesion placement and may obviate the
need for CT imaging (and its attendant contrast exposure).
The next step in ICE imaging is the development of direct,
Septum real-time, three-dimensional imaging, eliminating the current
MV need for the time required for three-dimensional ICE reconstruc-
tion (tracing structures, acquiring multiple planes of images).

As percutaneous intracardiac procedures increase in number and
type, the applicability and usefulness of ICE grow, especially in
cardiac EP. Future directions for ICE imaging include the develop-
ment of real-time, three-dimensional ICE imaging as well as the
combination of ICE imaging with EP interventional tools.

FIGURE 22-14  Intracardiac echocardiography image of the left KEY REFERENCES

ventricle (LV) in longitudinal view, demonstrating myocardial scar
involving the mid to distal septum. MV, Mitral valve. Callans DJ, Wood MA: How to use intracardiac echocardiography for
atrial fibrillation ablation procedures, Heart Rhythm 4:242–245, 2007.
Dravid SG, Hope B, McKinnie JJ: Intracardiac echocardiography in elec-
trophysiology: a review of current applications in practice, Echocardiog-
that meets many of these demands. More recent advances in ICE raphy 25:1172–1175, 2008.
imaging technology are quite promising, such as three-dimensional Hanna IR, Kolm P, Martin R, Reisman M, Gray W, Block PC: Left atrial
imaging and integration with other imaging modalities such structure and function after percutaneous left atrial appendage trans-
as CT or magnetic resonance imaging and electroanatomic catheter occlusion (PLAATO): Six-month echocardiographic follow-up,
J Am Coll Cardiol 43:1868–1872, 2004.
systems.25,26 Such developments, some of which are discussed
Ho IC, Neuzil P, Mraz T, et al: Use of intracardiac echocardiography to
below, will likely enhance the already important role of ICE guide implantation of a left atrial appendage occlusion device
imaging for catheter ablation procedures and provide the electro- (PLAATO), Heart Rhythm 4:567–571, 2007.
physiologist with improved tools for better safety and efficacy of Jongbloed MR, Schalij MJ, Zeppenfeld K, Oemrawsingh PV, van der Wall
such procedures. EE, Bax JJ: Clinical applications of intracardiac echocardiography in
interventional procedures, Heart 91:981–990, 2005.
Kautzner J, Peichl P: 3D and 4D echo—applications in EP laboratory
procedures, J Interv Card Electrophysiol 22:139–144, 2008.
Image Integration or Intracardiac Knackstedt C, Franke A, Mischke K, et al: Semi-automated 3-dimensional
Echocardiography Fused with intracardiac echocardiography: Development and initial clinical experi-
ence of a new system to guide ablation procedures, Heart Rhythm
Electrophysiology Mapping 3:1453–1459, 2006.
Marrouche NF, Martin DO, Wazni O, et al: Phased-array intracardiac
Three-dimensional imaging has become essential for orientation, echocardiography monitoring during pulmonary vein isolation in
mapping, and lesion delivery during complex EP procedures such patients with atrial fibrillation: Impact on outcome and complications,
as AF and VT ablation. Historically, three-dimensional electroana- Circulation 107:2710–2716, 2003.
tomic mapping systems allowed real-time chamber reconstruc- Morton JB, Kalman JM: Intracardiac echocardiographic anatomy
tion based on information acquired by mapping catheters as a part for the interventional electrophysiologist, J Interv Card Electrophysiol
of the ablation procedure. Next, software was developed to allow 13(Suppl 1):11–16, 2005.
three-dimensional CT reconstructions (usually acquired days Saksena S, Sra J, Jordaens LJ, et al: A prospective comparison of cardiac
before the procedure) to be imported into the mapping system and imaging using intracardiac echocardiography with transesophageal
echocardiography in patients with atrial fibrillation: The intracardiac
integrated with the real-time chamber reconstruction. This pro-
echocardiography guided cardioversion helps interventional proce-
vided a more nuanced and detailed map of the chamber of interest dures (ICE-CHIP) study, Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 3(6):571–577,
but carried the disadvantage of temporal separation (and thus a 2010.
hemodynamic or volume difference translating into possible ana- Simon RD, Rinaldi CA, Baszko A, Gill JS: Electroanatomic mapping of the
tomic differences) between the two images as well as increased right atrium with a right atrial basket catheter and three-dimensional
exposure to intravenous contrast and ionizing radiation. intracardiac echocardiography, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 27:318–326,
More recently, ICE-based three-dimensional reconstruction 2004.
technology has been developed. Here, two-dimensional images are Singh SM, Heist EK, Donaldson DM, et al: Image integration using intra-
acquired in multiple planes with critical cardiac structures (e.g., left cardiac ultrasound to guide catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation, Heart
atrium, mitral valve, and left, right, superior, and inferior pulmo- Rhythm 5:1548–1555, 2008.
Smith SW, Light ED, Idriss SF, Wolf PD: Feasibility study of real-time
nary veins) outlined and labeled in each plane. Imaging is usually
three-dimensional intracardiac echocardiography for guidance of inter-
performed from the right atrium, although one study showed ventional electrophysiology, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 25:351–357,
a slightly lower integration error with imaging from the left 2002.
atrium.27 These labeled images are then combined to create a three-
dimensional shell, which can then be merged with the shell created All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
by an electroanatomic mapping system or three-dimensional CT com.
Principles and Techniques of Cardiac
Catheter Mapping
Indrajit Choudhuri and Masood Akhtar
be investigated in conjunction with newer imaging techniques.
Introduction to Catheter Mapping Alternatively, substrate mapping is a mainstay of VT evaluation
and is addressed separately.
The cardiac electrophysiology mapping study is an invasive, step-
wise, and logical exploration of tissue characteristics, associated
stimulation and propagative responses, and activation character- Significance of the Local Electrogram
istics of cardiac arrhythmia. In contemporary electrophysiology,
it is the diagnostic methodology that guides ablation. While The single interpretive link between a tachycardia and the opera-
cardiac arrhythmia mapping was founded in the surgical theater tor is the local electrogram (EGM). Proper interpretation of
in pursuit of accessory pathways and life-threatening ventricular EGMs relies on simultaneous evaluation of signal morphology,
tachycardia (VT) circuits, percutaneous catheter-based tech- timing, and location to identify sites of involvement and arrhyth-
niques have expanded the role of mapping and ablation to permit mia mechanism, which may then guide therapy, whether medical,
the evaluation and treatment of all manners of arrhythmias electrical, or ablative. A comprehensive understanding of the sig-
arising from endocardial, epicardial, and even perivascular sites nificance and implications of the local EGM is therefore critical
for a variety of indications. to the deductive process of catheter mapping.
The intracardiac EGM is a graphical representation of local-
ized cardiac electrical activity occurring in the region of the
Mapping as Process recording electrodes. From a purely signal-processing perspec-
tive, the EGM is determined as the instantaneous difference
Intracardiac mapping refers to sampling of endocardial myocar- between signals recorded from two electrodes, at least one being
dial potentials for substrate analysis and arrhythmia diagnosis. intracardiac, and the second either also intracardiac (bipolar con-
Potentials are recorded by percutaneously introduced intracar- figuration) or positioned more remotely (unipolar configuration),
diac electrode catheters, and their signal characteristics are evalu- for example, in an intravascular position, or connected to the
ated in the context of the recording site and the underlying “Wilson” central terminal or system ground. The “local” myocar-
rhythm to deduce the putative arrhythmia mechanism and associ- dial region contributing to the EGM is relative, related to the
ated sites of involvement. Data may be collected using contact distance between recording electrodes as well as the specific
mapping in either a point-by-point and beat-by-beat manner, recording configuration. More closely spaced electrodes are gen-
which requires both sustained arrhythmia and local contact erally insensitive to far-field components and improve the fidelity
between the recording electrode and myocardial surface, or of the near-field signal but at the cost of signal amplitude; wider-
through noncontact mapping that extrapolates global activation spaced electrodes, however, will detect signal from a larger region
during isolated arrhythmia beats and do not require sustained and record a greater amplitude, but they may dilute the local
arrhythmia or direct myocardial contact. signal detail with detected far-field elements (Figures 23-1
Contact catheter mapping techniques have been employed and 23-2).
extensively for more than half a century and form the basis of all By convention, electrodes within the heart are termed explor-
current mapping strategies. Mapping is often performed during ing electrodes, as they are “exploring” or detecting from the region
the rhythm of interest—largely tachycardias of both supraven- of interest, whereas those placed remotely are termed indifferent
tricular and ventricular origins. However, the arrhythmia cannot electrodes, as their contribution is minimized, given that signal
be directly evaluated in some because of hemodynamic intoler- amplitude is inversely proportional to the square of the distance to
ance or noninducibility or because the evaluation requires adjunc- the source. A unipolar signal, which is obtained when recording
tive data. In such cases, substrate mapping is performed during between an exploring electrode and an indifferent electrode,
sinus rhythm or pacing to evaluate myocardial characteristics and incorporates the features of both near-field and far-field signals
to provide clues to the arrhythmia mechanism and critical sites detected from the myocardium spanning the distance between the
of involvement. Substrate mapping for tachycardias of supraven- electrodes. A bipolar signal is given by the difference between uni-
tricular origin, whether true paroxysmal supraventricular tachy- polar signals recorded from each of the two exploring electrodes,
cardias (SVTs), atrial fibrillation (AF), or atrial flutters, has not which usually are closely spaced, and so depicts only the near-field
been demonstrated to be routinely useful, though it continues to electrical activity, with little or no far-field contribution.

298  Clinical Electrophysiology

Bipolar EGM: Unipolar recording Bipolar recording

Recording electrode

Inter-electrode – + + 1 2
2 mm 10 mm
FIGURE 23-1  Effect of interelectrode spacing on bipolar electrogram Uni-1
(EGM) (filtering: high-pass >30 Hz, low-pass <500 Hz). With 2-mm –+
interelectrode spacing, the local bipolar EGM (recorded from a septal
location near the superior aspect of the tricuspid valve) has multiple
“sharp” deflections of low amplitude compared with the same signal Bi 1-2
recorded with 10-mm interelectrode spacing, producing a larger Uni-1 filtered
amplitude signal, though with deflections that are more rounded. Origin RS Dead end
QS R Bipolar-filtered


FIGURE 23-3  Generation of unipolar and bipolar electrograms

(EGMs). A, The unipolar EGM consists of signal detected between two
electrodes, of which only one electrode records cardiac signal and the
other contributes little or no signal; the lack of contribution by the
second electrode is achieved by placing it remote from the heart (i.e.,
extracardiac). With unipolar recording, a positive deflection is inscribed
as a depolarizing wavefront approaches the recording electrode. The
signal then returns to baseline when the wavefront reaches the
electrode (as it can no longer “approach” the electrode), and
subsequently a negative deflection is inscribed as the signal moves
away from the recording electrode. If the electrode were positioned at
an electrical dead end, such as next to unexcitable tissue, then the
signal can only approach the electrode but not move past it and away
from it; thus it inscribes only a positive deflection. If the electrode
were positioned at a location such that the signal could only move
away from the electrode, for example, at a depolarizing focus (e.g.,
origin of focal atrial tachycardia), then only a negative deflection is
inscribed. B, The bipolar EGM consists of the difference signal
generated by the two temporally disparate unipolar EGMs resulting
FIGURE 23-2  Examples of multi-electrode catheters used for when a depolarizing wavefront approaches the pair of electrodes
intracardiac mapping. Clockwise from top left: Three diagnostic contributing to the recording bipole. In bipolar recording
catheters with different interelectrode spacing and electrode configuration, the interelectrode distance is usually less than a few
distribution; multi-splined catheter with multiple closely spaced centimeters and may even be only a few millimeters, and the EGM
electrodes per spline; and two mapping catheters, each with a pair   consists of the difference between the two time-aligned unipolar
of bipoles in which the distal electrode has a larger surface area and EGMs recorded by each electrode comprising the recording bipole. As
may be used for delivering radiofrequency energy for the purpose of a depolarizing wavefront approaches a recording bipole, the unipolar
ablation. Note the upper of the two ablation catheters has small holes signal recorded at the distal pole (Uni-1) is added to the inverted
or ports (arrow) at the distal tip of the distal electrode, permitting unipolar signal detected at the proximal electrode (Uni-2) by
irrigation during ablation. convention, resulting in a difference signal. Though both electrodes
record the same signal, they do not record them at the same time
because the electrode closer to the approaching wavefront will record
a signal earlier in time than the other electrode, thereby introducing a
Utility of the Unipolar Electrogram temporal separation in the recorded signals such that the signals do
not cancel. The far-field, low-frequency components of each unipolar
electrogram are similar and essentially do cancel, but the high-
The minimally filtered unipolar EGM manifests an initial positive
frequency signals are preserved, and the resultant EGM contains
deflection when a propagating signal approaches the exploring multiple notches and deflections not seen in either of the two
electrode and then a rapid negative deflection as the signal moves unipolar EGMs, representing the instantaneous differences in the
away from it, which results in an rS, or RS, morphology. When signals. Hence the high-pass filtered unipolar EGM (Uni-1 filtered)
the exploring electrode is positioned at or beyond a nonconduc- resembles the unfiltered bipolar EGM. Further high-pass filtering  
tive boundary (e.g., within scar), such that the signal can only of the bipolar EGM (Bipolar-filtered) removes more low-frequency
move toward the recording electrode but then cannot continue components and enhances the high-frequency characteristics,
to propagate past it, the unipolar EGM assumes an essentially resulting in a sharper, notched EGM. (From Stevenson WG, Soejima K:
upright R, or Rs, morphology. As the exploring electrode is moved Recording techniques for clinical electrophysiology, J Cardiovasc
within “range” or close to an arrhythmogenic focus, the amplitude Electrophysiol 16:1017–1022, 2005.)
and duration of the initial positive deflection decreases, and the
negative deflection predominates. When the exploring pole is EGM results with a rapid initial downstroke (Figure 23-3, A;
positioned at an arrhythmogenic focus (e.g., origin of focal atrial Figure 23-4). The maximum negative slope (intrinsic deflection)
tachycardia [AT]), or close to a nonconductive boundary such of the unipolar EGM coincides with depolarization of tissue
that the signal can only propagate away from the electrode (e.g., directly beneath the recording electrode.1 As such, the unipolar
VT exit site or accessory pathway insertion), a QS morphology EGM may provide information on proximity to an arrhythmia
Principles and Techniques of Cardiac Catheter Mapping  299

focus because of this sensitivity to far-field signals, and so may

be iteratively evaluated to navigate toward and identify an arrhyth- Successful ablation site 100 ms Remote
mogenic focus or site of early activation. Although the unipolar
EGM encodes whether the wavefront propagation is toward or II
away from the exploring electrode, it cannot further distinguish III
the specific direction of wavefront propagation. V6
While applicable for mapping focal tachycardias, unipolar Bi 1, 2
recordings are somewhat limited in evaluating macro–re-entry Uni 1
Uni 2
when the circuit is entirely contained within a single chamber, as
wavefronts arriving from all sites in the circuit would be expected
Uni 1 HP
to produce R waves.2 Uni 2 HP

FIGURE 23-4  Comparison of unipolar and bipolar electrogram

Utility of the Bipolar Electrogram (EGM) characteristics. Left, At the origin of focal ventricular tachycardia,
the two unipolar EGMs (Uni 1, Uni 2) exhibit nearly identical QS
Bipolar EGMs are obtained from two exploring electrodes in rela- morphology with steep initial deflection. Note the minimal temporal
tive proximity, each recording in unipolar configuration (see difference between the onset of Uni 1 (dashed arrow) and Uni 2. Right,
Figure 23-3, B). The lower-frequency components of the unipolar With the mapping catheter remote from the focus, the unipolar EGM
signals are contributed by essentially the same far-field signal and exhibits an rS morphology. Note also that the bipolar EGMs exhibit a
are canceled when their difference is obtained. However, the fractionated appearance at both locations; hence the local bipolar
instantaneous local signals under each electrode differ, primarily EGMs characteristics are not generally indicative of proximity to
in local activation time, voltage and frequency response, and tachycardia focus. (From Stevenson WG, Soejima K: Recording techniques
propagation characteristics, generating a bipolar EGM with one for clinical electrophysiology, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16:1017–1022,
or more rapid deflections (Figures 23-4 and 23-5).
Bipolar EGMs are particularly useful when mapping regions of
abnormal and scarred tissue, as such sites tend to produce higher-
frequency and lower-amplitude EGMs that may be otherwise
obscured with unipolar mapping because of the contribution of Bip = Unid – Unip
the larger-amplitude far-field signal from surrounding healthier
Bip = Unid + (–Unip)
tissue. When effective ablation is delivered at a particular site, it
is commonly observed that the bipolar EGM becomes smaller in Atrial Ventricular
amplitude or negative. This is related to loss of signal at the distal
electrode (from which radiofrequency [RF] is delivered) with or
without loss of signal at the proximal electrode (because of the
dependence of the lesion radius on heat transfer and tissue necro-
sis), resulting in a diminished EGM and a negative EGM,
Unlike unipolar EGMs, the bipolar EGM does not exhibit a
unique morphology when positioned at a tachycardia focus,
though proximity may be estimated by its prematurity with
respect to a timing reference such as the associated electrocardi-
ography (ECG) wave of tachycardia beats (e.g., P or QRS). Nor
can the morphology of the bipolar EGM provide information on Bip
the direction of wavefront propagation because of its insensitivity
to far-field signals. However, the bipolar EGM is sensitive to the
specific direction of wavefront propagation, as a wavefront propa-
gating perpendicular to the orientation of the electrodes will
simultaneously register nearly identical signals at both electrodes,
which results in cancelation and complete absence of a recordable
bipolar EGM when the difference is taken.

Utility of Simultaneous Unipolar and Bipolar Unip

Recordings in Focal Tachycardias
As stated, the amplitude and duration of the R wave of the FIGURE 23-5  Examples of simultaneous unipolar and bipolar (Bip)
unipolar EGM decrease with proximity to a tachycardia focus, electrograms (EGMs) obtained through a commercial graphic
and the intrinsic deflection of the unipolar EGM correlates well mapping system. Note that while both ventricular unipolar EGMs
with local activation under the exploring electrode. A QS mor- exhibit an initial QS pattern (intersection identified by the dashed line),
phology of the unipolar EGM results when recording at the site the instantaneous signal at Unip appears more negative than
on Unid, resulting in an instantaneous difference with a positive
of depolarization of a tachycardia origin. However, the timing of
amplitude, hence the initial r wave in the bipolar ventricular EGM.
the maximal negative slope in the minimally filtered unipolar
300  Clinical Electrophysiology

EGM is often difficult to gauge visually, and QS waves with lesser irregular (see Figure 23-7, B).4-6 This remodeling of cellular inter-
dV/dt may be seen a distance from a tachycardia focus.2 The connections and electrical uncoupling produces heterogeneous
peak of the first deflection of the bipolar EGM also correlates regions of anisotropic slow conduction with reduced voltage
well with local activation, and the prematurity of the bipolar and frequency response to excitatory stimuli, resulting in
EGM with respect to the surface ECG tachycardia beat may be low-amplitude, fractionated EGMs with prolonged duration
used to identify a presumed tachycardia focus.3 When the onset (Figure 23-8).
of the surface ECG wave is difficult to identify, assessing prema-
turity of the bipolar EGM may become unreliable, confounding
Catheter Contact
the determination of proximity to a tachycardia focus. Instead,
the unipolar EGM may be used to identify a tachycardia focus Extrinsic factors also affect the timing and morphology of the
by identifying sites at which a QS morphology in the unipolar local EGM. The main factor among these is stable catheter contact
EGM coincides with the peak of the first deflection of the simul- with myocardium. The recording electrode must be positioned
taneous bipolar EGM, as this obviates reliance on the surface with appropriate orientation that permits reliable and reproduc-
ECG (Figure 23-6). The earliest sites obtained with bipolar ible recordings, with adequate endocardial pressure to maintain
mapping are associated with the shortest interval between the catheter stability without injuring the heart wall. Often, the cath-
onset of the unipolar signal and the first peak of the bipolar eter and the myocardial wall will move synchronously, which
signal, with successful ablation sites exhibiting intervals under suggests that the catheter tip is well seated against the endocar-
15 ms.2 dium. Unstable catheter position predisposes to alterations in
EGM morphology and amplitude and even frank catheter dis-
lodgment, which may escape notice and taint the information
gleaned and mislead the operator.
Factors Affecting the Local Electrogram
Anisotropic Conduction and
Electrocardiogram Morphology
Catheter Mapping: Integral Components
Anisotropic conduction refers to preferential longitudinal conduc-
tion that is observed in adult cardiac myocytes.4-6 In mature Conventional catheter arrhythmia mapping, usually referred to
muscle cells, activation wavefronts may propagate across intercel- simply as catheter mapping, necessitates (1) a sustained tachy-
lular junctions both longitudinally and transversely. Because of cardia, (2) sampling of local EGMs through electrode catheters
the elongated configurations of ventricular myocytes, however, positioned in direct contact with the underlying myocardium,
wavefronts propagating transversely encounter comparatively and (3) knowledge of the specific sites from which signals are
more intercellular junctions and, thus, travel more slowly than recorded.
wavefronts moving an equal distance longitudinally. Therefore,
normal myocardial conduction is described as uniformly aniso-
Sustained Arrhythmia
tropic, with advancing wavefronts that are smooth in all direc-
tions but slower transversely than longitudinally, resulting in Inducibility of a sustained tachycardia in the diagnostic electro-
teardrop-shaped isochrones (Figure 23-7, A). physiology suite that replicates the clinical arrhythmia confirms a
The “normal” ventricular EGM has been characterized during reproducible and functional physiologic mechanism. Catheter
sinus rhythm in people with normal left ventricular function and mapping is often performed during sustained tachycardia because
without known structural heart disease. Normal bipolar it is only during tachycardia that sampled potentials convey the
EGMs obtained using multipolar catheters with 10-mm spacing order of cardiac activation. Sustained tachycardia affords the
are typically greater than 3 mV and of less than 70 ms duration opportunity to observe spontaneous behavior, evaluate activation
without splitting, fractionation, or late components, though with characteristics, and introduce intentional perturbations, the
somewhat lower amplitude and longer duration at the cardiac response to which may further clarify the underlying mechanism.
base.7 Finally, the inducibility of sustained tachycardia during diagnostic
However, normal hearts do not exhibit “normal” EGMs and evaluation affords a direct assessment of acute procedural success,
“normal” conduction patterns at all sites. Anisotropic conduction as noninducibility after ablation then becomes a relevant
can become nonuniform in the absence of overt structural heart endpoint.
disease. Such anisotropy may be functional, related to anatomic It is implicit that the tachycardia being mapped involves a
and histologic barriers, borders, or alterations and varying orien- single circuit or focus as identified by EGM morphology and the
tations of overlapping myofibers. These histo-anatomic variances activation sequence that is identical from beat to beat. Varying
may predispose to local differences in signal characteristics, activation sequences during sustained tachycardia, which suggest
which, when detected in bipolar configuration, are then extracted multiple mechanisms, circuits, or sites of involvement, generally
and preserved, producing EGMs with multiple rapid deflections are not amenable to catheter mapping alone.
similar to those observed in patients with known structural heart Contact catheter mapping of nonsustained episodes or isolated
disease.8 tachycardia beats poses additional challenges, which prolong the
With advancing age, myocardial disease (e.g., myocardial process and may increase the potential for mapping errors as
infarction [MI]) and iatrogenic alterations in cellular architecture salvos and single beats may not be representative of the clinical
(e.g., prior ablation, maze procedure, external beam radiation), tachycardia. Complete noninducibility precludes catheter
and associated deposition of connective tissue primarily along the mapping and halts the evaluation of the tachycardia in most cases,
longitudinal axis of cardiac fibers, lateral impulse propagation though anatomically directed ablation and substrate mapping
encounters greater resistance and becomes extremely slow and may still be undertaken.
Principles and Techniques of Cardiac Catheter Mapping  301

100 ms QRS QRS


V6 22

Bi 1, 2
Uni 1

Uni 2

Uni 1HP
Uni 2HP


100 ms



Bi 1, 2

Uni 1

Uni 1HP
Uni 2HP


FIGURE 23-6  Utility of simultaneous unipolar (Uni) and bipolar (Bi) electrograms (EGMs). While the precocity of the detected EGMs is typically
evaluated with respect to the onset of the electrocardiography (ECG) waveform of the tachycardia of interest (i.e., P wave for focal atrial tachycardia
and QRS for focal ventricular tachycardia), the onset of the ECG deflection may be difficult to identify, particularly in real time and at increased sweep
speeds. However, the high correlation of both the onset of the unipolar EGM (Unio) and first peak of the bipolar EGMs (Bipp) with the onset of surface
ECG waveform, implies that these two signals, which may be more easily compared with respect to timing, may be used together to determine
proximity to a tachycardia focus. Specifically, minimizing the temporal difference between the onset of the unipolar EGM and the first peak of the
bipolar EGM (Unio – Bipp)min obtained from a standard multi-polar mapping catheter identifies the expected tachycardia origin. Upper panels, A focal
ventricular tachycardia is being mapped. A, The onset of Uni1 exhibits an initial R wave suggesting location remote from the focus, though proximity
is difficult to determine as the onset of the QRS (arrow) is not easily identified. Unio – Bipp is 22 ms, and on close examination, the onset of the bipolar
EGM (Bi1,2) is delayed with respect to the QRS. B, At the successful ablation site, Uni 1 exhibits a steep negative deflection at its onset with a QS
morphology suggesting proximity to the tachycardia focus, though again, difficulty in identifying QRS onset (black arrow) poses a challenge to
determining precocity at this location. The near-simultaneous onset of the bipolar EGM results in Unio – Bipp of 2 ms and identifies the earliest site of
activation, and with close inspection, the onset of the bipolar EGM can be seen clearly preceding the onset of the surface QRS. Similarly, during focal
atrial tachycardia (lower panels), Unio – Bipp is 32 ms at an unsuccessful ablation site (note the prominent R wave in Uni 1 and onset of Bi1,2 is delayed
with respect to onset of the P wave), whereas at the successful ablation site, Unio – Bipp = 7 ms (Uni 1 exhibits only an “embryonic” R wave and onset
of the bipolar EGM precedes onset of the P wave). (From Delacretaz Soejima K, Gottipaty VK, Brunckhorst CB, et al: Single catheter determination for local
electrogram prematurity using simultaneous unipolar and bipolar recordings to replace the surface ECG as a timing reference, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
24:441–449, 2001.)
302  Clinical Electrophysiology

500 ms



Scar Border Healthy

FIGURE 23-8  Comparison of normal and abnormal electrograms

(EGMs) during ventricular tachycardia (VT) in a patient with prior
myocardial infarction. During clinical VT, the mapping catheter is  
used to interrogate tissue characteristics of the VT circuit and the
myocardium. With the mapping catheter positioned within a region  
of scar, low-amplitude, low-frequency local EGMs with prolonged
duration are seen. As the mapping catheter is then dragged across  
the scar border zone and into an adjacent region with more healthy
tissue, the higher frequency, larger amplitude signals are seen.

1 mm 1 mm
A Uniform B Nonuniform

FIGURE 23-7  Anisotropic conduction in cardiac muscle. Schema

depicts propagation characteristics for ventricular myocyte bundles t = 10 ms
with uniform (A) and nonuniform (B) anisotropic properties. Uniform
anisotropic spread produces advancing wavefronts, depicted by t = 60 ms
isochrones in A, which spread smoothly in all directions, albeit more
slowly transversely than longitudinally. The slow irregular spread of t = 0 ms
transverse excitation characteristic of nonuniform anisotropic
conduction is depicted by the sawtooth curves in B.

t = 60 ms
*t = 10 ms
t = 20 ms

TCL = 200 ms t = 0 ms II



FIGURE 23-9  Schema of activation timing within a macro–re-entrant
circuit and at bystander locations. With every revolution around a MAPd
tachycardia circuit, wavefronts propagate within the circuit and leave
the circuit to depolarize the adjacent myocardium (bystander sites). B
While activation at bystanders will always be activated later (t = 20 ms)
than the nearest depolarized tissue from within the circuit (t = 10 ms), FIGURE 23-10  A, Schema of activation timing in a focal rhythm.
that same bystander may be activated earlier than other sites within Activation time increases as the tachycardia wavefront propagates
the tachycardia circuit (t = 60 ms). Thus, local electrogram timing away from the depolarizing focus. B, Mapping the sinus. While the
alone with respect to a timing reference is not indicative of whether   typical location of the high right atrial (HRA) catheter is in proximity
a particular site is located within a macro–re-entrant circuit.   to the sinus node, mapping the activation identifies the earliest site
TCL, Tachycardia cycle length. approximately 27 ms earlier than the HRA catheter.
Principles and Techniques of Cardiac Catheter Mapping  303

such critical sites have been identified, further evaluation, such as

Use of Electrode Catheters
pacing maneuvers, may be performed to confirm relevance to the
The recording of local activation signals during tachycardia is tachycardia.
obtained through both stationary and roving electrode catheters.
Standard diagnostic multipolar electrode catheters are introduced
Cardiac Anatomy and Implications for Mapping
percutaneously, and the obtained signals—unipolar or bipolar
EGMs—are displayed in real time on a digital recording system. Knowledge of recording sites is critical to guide mapping as EGMs
Stationary electrode catheters may be positioned in any cardiac are interpretable only when paired with location. Decisions
chamber and are typically maintained at a fixed site for the dura- regarding how to proceed with mapping, that is, where to map
tion of the diagnostic evaluation. For safety and convenience, sites next or in which direction the sought target is expected, cannot
accessible transvenously via the right cardiac chambers are be made without knowing the current catheter positions. There-
chosen, usually the high-lateral right atrium (approximating the fore, competent catheter mapping requires basic awareness of
site of sinus endocardial breakthrough), His bundle region fluoroscopic anatomy for proper EGM interpretation. Conversely,
(approximating the site of atrioventricular node [AVN] conduc- fluoroscopy may belie the true location of catheters, given its
tion), within the coronary sinus (CS) (approximating a posterior inability to detect depth, but EGM evaluation may confirm cath-
location and a right-left axis of activation of both the left atrium eter location, as specific anatomic sites are associated with distin-
and the left ventricle), and the right ventricle (Figure 23-11). This guishing EGM patterns or morphologies such that the local
“standard” catheter positioning approximates the normal conduc- anatomic region may be inferred from the recorded signals (Figure
tion system axis and creates a skeleton of recording sites that 23-12). Sites with distinctive bipolar EGM patterns include the
defines the sequence and timing of activation from all four cardiac valve annuli, atrial appendage, crista terminalis, His bundle, CS,
chambers, creating a fixed framework within which the tachycar- and the junctions between the cardiac chambers and the vascular
dia may be assessed. Other recording sites may be sampled as well tree (Figure 23-13).
to further enhance the diagnostic framework on the basis of the Standard electrophysiology mapping and catheter positioning
suspected arrhythmia. are performed in the frontal anteroposterior (AP), and right ante-
Usually, a single roving mapping catheter is introduced to rior oblique (RAO) or left anterior oblique (LAO) projections,
sequentially sample local potentials from cardiac chambers and usually at 20 to 45 degrees of angulation. The frontal projection
sites pertinent to the tachycardia. The signal recorded by the is particularly useful for advancing the catheter from the access
mapping catheter is compared with the EGMs recorded by the site to the heart and allows good visualization of the right ven-
stationary catheters as well as previously sampled sites to itera- tricular outflow tract (RVOT). In general, the oblique views may
tively guide the operator to sites critical to the arrhythmia. Once be used to distinguish anterior sites from posterior sites and to
delineate the AV valve plane (RAO, Figure 23-14, A), to distin-
guish lateral sites from septal sites, and to assess the short axis of
the heart (LAO caudal; Figure 23-14, B). The RAO view is often
used to position the His bundle catheter, which is seen in profile
AP at the superior margin of the tricuspid annulus. The LAO projec-
tion is used for mapping the mitral or tricuspid valve annuli and
the septal, lateral, and basal parts of the left ventricle and can
facilitate CS cannulation.

Approach to Catheter Mapping:

Specific Techniques
The purest method of evaluating a tachycardia is performing the
evaluation during the arrhythmia itself. Mapping and pacing tech-
niques may then be applied to study the dynamics and physiology
of the tachycardia and to introduce intentional perturbations, the
response to which provides further clues to the tachycardia mech-
anism and essential sites of involvement. However, tachycardia
may induce not only hemodynamic instability but also catheter
instability caused by vigorous and rapid cardiac motion, which
limits effective mapping. In such a case, pacing techniques may
be employed during sinus rhythm to simulate or unmask some or
FIGURE 23-11  Anteroposterior (AP) fluoroscopic projection of all of the tachycardia physiology, thereby permitting evaluation
“standard” intracardiac catheter locations. The high right atrial (HRA) of critical aspects without requiring induction of the clinical
catheter is positioned laterally in the right atrial appendage. The   tachycardia.
His catheter is positioned across the atrioventricular junction  
at the mid-to-superior septal aspect of the tricuspid valve. The right
ventricular catheter is positioned in the apex (RVA). The coronary sinus Physiology of Arrhythmias Pertaining to Catheter Mapping
(CS) catheter is positioned with the proximal electrode approximately
The paradigm of macro–re-entry is cavotricuspid isthmus–
1 cm from the CS ostium.
dependent atrial flutter, in which a well-defined circuit of
304  Clinical Electrophysiology

* *





FIGURE 23-12  Utility of intracardiac electrograms (EGMs) in identifying relative catheter positions. Left, The mapping catheter is positioned just
beyond the mid-cavotricuspid isthmus at the tricuspid annulus (30-degree left anterior oblique projection), identified by the appearance of both  
atrial and ventricular EGMs at the mapping catheter bipoles. Catheter withdrawal by less than a centimeter into the isthmus (right) is associated with
minimal changes in the fluoroscopic appearance but is accompanied by obvious changes in EGM pattern, now exhibiting large atrial EGMs and only
small, far-field ventricular EGMs.

tissue—comprising the subeustachian isthmus, inter-atrial activated later than bystander sites closer to the tachycardia
septum, and the roof and lateral atrial wall anterior to the crista origin. In this case, earliest activation may be identified—at the
terminalis and superior vena cava—is continuously activated in tachycardia origin—and is a specific timing characteristic of focal
sequence. During atrial flutter, the wavefront also propagates rhythms (Figure 23-10, A).
away from the circuit to other sites not critical to tachycardia As an example, sinus automaticity leads to spread of an excita-
maintenance, that is, bystander sites. If one considers the time to tion wave out of the sinus node and across the atrial muscle. The
activate a bystander site and the time to activate a site within the wavefront penetrates the atrial myocardial wall and may be
tachycardia circuit, the bystander site will always be activated detected endocardially as local depolarization. A diagnostic cath-
later than the nearest depolarized tissue within the tachycardia eter in the superolateral right atrium (also referred to as high right
circuit in direct functional connection with the bystander site, atrium [HRA]) would be expected to be activated earlier than
though the bystander site may still be activated earlier than other most other right atrial sites; however, it is unlikely to serendipi-
sites within the tachycardia circuit (Figure 23-9). In other words, tously coincide with the site of endocardial breakthrough and,
early and late activation in the setting of macro–re-entry is rela- therefore, would not be expected to be the earliest identifiable site
tive and, in isolation, not useful in characterizing a particular site of atrial activity. In fact, by scanning the right atrium with a
within the circuit. Further, an earliest site of activation is never mapping catheter, the earliest site of endocardial activity, repre-
possible, as the tachycardia circuit is, by definition, a continuous senting the true site of sinus endocardial breakthrough, would be
path along which earlier sites of activation may always be expected to precede activation at the diagnostic HRA catheter
identified. (see Figure 23-10, B).
The limit of a re-entrant circuit as the path length approaches
zero is a tachycardia focus, which may harbor “micro–re-entry”
Activation Sequence Mapping
or a truly focal firing mechanism. In either scenario, the tachy-
cardia “circuit” comprises a relatively small, discrete, and localized The simplest and most direct method of studying a tachycardia is
mass of tissue, with all other sites considered bystander sites to through activation sequence mapping, which requires an induc-
which the wavefront propagates and activates later than the site ible, sustained, and stable tachycardia. On the basis of the position
at which the depolarization originates. Activation time to a par- of stationary diagnostic catheters, the order of activation and sites
ticular site is a function of distance and factors affecting conduc- and chambers involved may be inferred. A roving mapping cath-
tion away from the focus such that distant bystander sites are eter may be used to continuously scan the appropriate cardiac
Principles and Techniques of Cardiac Catheter Mapping  305


LAO 30
FIGURE 23-13  Left anterior oblique (LAO) fluoroscopic projection with
characteristic electrograms (EGMs) recorded by a femorally inserted
mapping catheter positioned at various sites with respect to fluoroscopic
right atrial anatomy (circles and ovals) and standard catheter locations.
Counterclockwise from top: Junction of the right atrium and superior vena
RVA cava (SVC-RA), with loss of signal on the distal bipole when situated within
the SVC, and the proximal bipole, which remains intracardiac, still detects  
His fractionated atrial EGMs; right atrial appendage (RAA), relatively large
amplitude, sharp, “spiky” EGMs; crista terminalis (Crista term), demonstrating
a “double potential” because of local conduction block across the crista but
term with detection of EGMs on either side of the crista ridge; junction of the
right atrium and inferior vena cava (IVC-RA) demonstrating loss of signal on
the proximal electrode when situated in the IVC but persistence of detected
signal on the distal bipole that is still intracardiac; signal recorded from the
Prox tricuspid annulus (Tric annul) with the catheter more atrial than ventricular
IVC-RA Tric annul and therefore exhibiting large atrial EGMs and a smaller ventricular EGM
between them on the distal bipole, as well as smaller far-field EGMs on the
Dist proximal bipole, which is not in contact with the myocardium. CS, Coronary
sinus catheter; HRA, high right atrial catheter; RVA, right ventricular apical





His RV


FIGURE 23-14  Utility of fluoroscopic projections to identify anatomic and catheter locations. A, A 35-degree right anterior oblique (RAO) projection.
The coronary sinus (CS) catheter approximates the plane of the mitral annulus and allows discrimination of posterior (POST), and, therefore, atrial
structures (e.g., high right atrial [HRA] catheter), from more anterior (ANT) right ventricular structures (the His catheter has crossed the atrioventricular
valve plane, and the right ventricular (RV) catheter extends to the apex beyond the field of view). B, A 26-degree left anterior oblique (LAO) projection.
The LAO projection opens the mitral annulus en face and allows septal and lateral (LAT) site to be distinguished. Note the CS catheter courses along
the inferomedial, inferior, and lateral aspects of the mitral annulus. The HRA catheter is located laterally in the right atrial appendage, and the RV
catheter courses out of plane, toward the observer. In both views, superior (SUP) is upward, and inferior (INF) is downward.
306  Clinical Electrophysiology

chamber(s) to determine the sites critical to the tachycardia and

High crista High
to apply the concept of “early” activation and determine proximity
to the tachycardia circuit, whether macro–re-entrant or focal.
Mapping Focal Tachycardias LLRA V1
In the case of a focal rhythm, the signal obtained at a specific Ref: CSp
site is considered in comparison with a timing reference to

Mapping catheter
High sept
deduce the site of origin and to determine the direction in which

mapping would be fruitful; this is based on the concept that
bystander sites are activated later than the tachycardia origin, CTI
that distant bystander sites are activated later than proximal
bystander sites, and that the tachycardia origin will always be
activated earliest compared with all other sites. The timing refer- High crista
ence is usually the surface ECG or a signal originating from the
chamber of interest, preferably close to the tachycardia focus. FIGURE 23-15  Timing of activation at various sites within the
Sites activated earlier than the timing reference would be con- macro–re-entrant circuit of counterclockwise right atrial flutter  
sidered potential candidates of the true tachycardia origin. After and relation to timing reference. Electrocardiogram (ECG) lead II
detailed and extensive evaluation of all pertinent sites, the earliest demonstrates the sawtooth appearance of typical atrial flutter with  
detected site of activation should identify the tachycardia focus a gradual downstroke punctuated by a steeper negative deflection,
(see Figure 23-10, B). followed by a more rapid upstroke and positive deflection, before  
the next gradual downstroke. ECG lead V1 demonstrates an initially
isoelectric phase followed by positive deflection. A multi-electrode
catheter is positioned within the coronary sinus with the proximal
Mapping Macro–Re-Entrant Circuits electrode (CSp), serving as the timing reference (REF), positioned just
beyond the ostium. Two adjacent windows of duration equal to the
Macro–re-entrant tachycardias do not have an earliest activated tachycardia cycle length (TCL) are shown with the onset of the
site. Rather, the tachycardia cycle length (TCL) identifies a time window arbitrarily coincident with high crista activation, and thereby
window during which each site along the circuit is activated once defining a single tachycardia revolution as from high crista to high
by the tachycardia wavefront because of a single revolution crista. Consider the second or later window: With the mapping
around the circuit. Compared with focal tachycardias, early acti- catheter located at the high right atrial septum (High sept), activation
vation and late activation, which are only relative terms, identify here occurs after the low septum and, therefore, later than the
reference, and is very late within the timing window as this is the last
sites that are activated earlier or later than the reference but do
area activated according to our arbitrarily defined cycle. With the
not necessarily map the circuit pathway, as some bystander sites mapping catheter moved against the direction of revolution to the
may be activated earlier than later-activated sites within the coronary sinus ostium (CSos), activation moves earlier in the timing
circuit. However, when sites activated late in the cycle length are window and occurs just before the reference, which is located just
very close to sites activated early in the cycle length, then this beyond the CSos. As the mapping catheter is moved further along the
“early-meeting-late” site must identify a site along the plane of circuit against the direction of revolution, local activation occurs
wavefront propagation that should transect the tachycardia progressively earlier within the timing window with each catheter
circuit. position (cavotricuspid isthmus [CTI], low lateral right atrium [LLRA],
Again, considering typical right atrial flutter as the paradigm high crista). Note also that the site activated yet earlier than the high
of macro–re-entry and using a proximal CS electrode positioned crista location is the high septal location, but this activation extends
beyond a single cycle and thus becomes late in the previous timing
1 to 2 cm beyond the CS ostium (os) as a timing reference, sites
window, illustrating that with respect to macro–re-entrant rhythms,
activated before the CS os could be considered early sites, “early” and “late” are relative terms that have relevance only with
whereas sites activated after the CS os could be considered late respect to a specific timing reference and a single timing window of
sites (Figure 23-15). With the mapping catheter positioned at the duration equal to one TCL.
high septum, local activations occur later than the timing refer-
ence. As the catheter is advanced against the direction of revolu-
tion and inferiorly along the septum in proximity to the CS os,
the mapping signal would fall earlier in the timing window and and sites that transect the tachycardia circuit, potentially provid-
just precede the reference signal, as this site would be expected ing a guide to ablation.
to be activated just before the reference. As the catheter is further However, mapping macro–re-entrant circuits in their entirety
advanced along the circuit, laterally across the cavotricuspid is a laborious process and usually not undertaken with catheter
isthmus and then superoanteriorly to the crista terminalis, the mapping techniques alone, as only a single site participating in a
mapping catheter signal would be recorded yet earlier with tachycardia circuit needs to be modified to interrupt re-entry and
respect to the timing reference signal. Finally, on returning to the the tachycardia. Rather, the aim of the mapping study is primarily
high septum, the mapping catheter would be activated even to confirm the mechanism as well as one site or a few critical sites
earlier but also could be considered as being “later” with respect of involvement. Therefore, an impression of the tachycardia
to the reference signal associated with the previous tachycardia mechanism and the expected location of critical components
beat. Detecting the “early-meeting-late” sites, that is, early- facilitate the mapping process and ablation.
activated sites adjacent to late-activated sites during a tachycar- One particular mapping characteristic of macro–re-entrant
dia, has physiologic significance in that it diagnoses macro–re-entry circuits is low-amplitude, prolonged, and fractionated potentials
Principles and Techniques of Cardiac Catheter Mapping  307

preceding systolic activation of the tachycardia chamber. These

Choice of Reference Signal
diastolic potentials are felt to represent depolarization of a slowly
conducting region during the diastolic phase of chamber activation, Relevant to the notion of early activation is the timing signal
preceding systolic activation by potentially up to hundreds of mil- against which other signals are referenced. As a cardiac chamber
liseconds in the case of scar-mediated VT circuits (Figure 23-16). is scanned, the mapping catheter recording can only be consid-
The finding of diastolic potentials should raise the suspicion that the ered early (or late) in comparison with another signal, whether
recording site may be within a region of slow conduction, and, as from the surface (ECG) or the endocardium (EGM). The choice
slow conduction is one of the necessary elements in the accepted of this reference signal is important as timing comparisons will be
model of re-entry, it is important to recognize and evaluate it most useful if the reference is chosen appropriately. Distant refer-
further for participation in the tachycardia circuit. Diastolic poten- ences will be activated by the tachycardia wavefront only after
tials are not sufficient evidence to prove participation, as bystander propagating a distance to reach the reference, altering the relative
sites may also produce diastolic potentials, but the very finding of timing of the mapping signals and making identification of true
regions of slow conduction, as signified by diastolic potentials, sug- early and late sites ambiguous (Figure 23-17). Further, repetitive
gests macro–re-entry as the tachycardia mechanism. propagation to a remote reference may not always follow the same
course or trajectory and varies the activation time at the refer-
ence, tainting the timing information. Therefore, some predeter-
V1 mination of the tachycardia mechanism and expected location
aids in choosing an appropriate reference in the vicinity of the
tachycardia, which results in more reliable mapping. A conve-
nient reference that must, by definition, be in the vicinity of the
RVa tachycardia is the ECG wave (P or QRS) during tachycardia and
is most useful in mapping focal tachycardias. Alternatively, in
macro–re-entrant circuits, the ECG morphology of the P or QRS
may represent an amalgamation of consecutive activation of dif-
ferent but contiguous myocardial regions throughout the TCL
and does not necessarily identify any particular timing against
which other signals may be referenced. The proximal electrode of
the CS catheter is a particularly convenient reference signal
ABLd because its position at the crux of the heart is fairly stable and in
proximity to all four cardiac chambers.

FIGURE 23-16  Mid-diastolic potentials. Catheter mapping during

ventricular tachycardia reveals potentials separated from other
Pacing Techniques to Facilitate Mapping
intervening signals by an isoelectric phase during ventricular
diastole—isolated diastolic potentials (IDPs). The relation between the Entrainment
IDPs and intervening ventricular electrograms is fixed, suggesting 1 : 1 The seminal observations of Waldo in 1977, and others thereafter,
activation. Identification of IDPs signifies regions of slow conduction
on characteristic phenomena associated with re-entry form a cor-
that may participate in the re-entrant circuit.
nerstone of electrophysiology mapping techniques. Entrainment

LAT 98ms LAT 114ms LAT 90ms

1-Map>33 points 2-Map>27 points 3-Map>26 points

113ms 113ms 85ms


AP 1.00cm AP 1.00cm AP 1.00cm

Ref: CSd Ref: CSp Ref: HRA

FIGURE 23-17  Impact of choice of timing reference on electroanatomic map. Macro–re-entrant atrial tachycardia in the same patient depicted using
a three-dimensional graphic map of the activation sequence (anteroposterior [AP] projection, CARTO, Biosense Webster Inc., Diamond Bar, CA). Note
that changing the timing reference alters the global activation timing, including location of the interpolated sites where early-activated and late-
activated areas meet (junction of red and violet colored regions), signifying that activation mapping only attempts to depict the global activation
sequence but does not identify a critical isthmus or region on which tachycardia maintenance depends. In all three maps, the direction of activation,
from late to early (violet to red), as identified by the timing color bar, suggests counterclockwise revolution of the tachycardia.
308  Clinical Electrophysiology

may be defined as phase-locking of a self-sustaining oscillatory

200 ms
system to an external forced periodic driver.9 In cardiac electro-
physiology, entrainment is a response to pacing during tachycar- I
dia at a critical rate faster than tachycardia, which accomplishes
penetration of the circuit and drives the tachycardia at the pacing
rate and, by virtue of this, identifies an excitable gap of a putative V1
re-entrant circuit.10 Equally important, cessation of pacing or
gradual reduction in pacing rate below that of tachycardia releases
the circuit from the external driving influence of pacing and HISp
allows the tachycardia to resume at its original rate.11
From a practical perspective, entrainment is a tool for confirm-
ing re-entry and may be employed to clarify the mechanism of HISd
“unknown tachycardia.” Entrainment is achieved by delivering an
overdriving pacing train just faster than the tachycardia, usually
20 to 60 ms shorter than the TCL, depending on tachycardia
origin, proximity of pacing to the circuit, and the presence of 200 ms
diseased myocardium. When the pacing train is asynchronously I
introduced, it may initially encounter tissue refractoriness, either
locally or en route to or within the tachycardia circuit. In such a II
case, the noncapturing pacing train may be observed “overtaking” V1
the tachycardia before myocardial capture occurs (Figure 23-18).
Eventually, the paced impulse enters the circuit through the excit- HRA
able gap and propagates in the direction of excitable tissue along HISp
the circuit path, which may be found both in the orthodromic and
antidromic directions; therefore, each pacing stimulus spawns
one antidromic wavefront and one orthodromic wavefront. The HISd
antidromic wavefront collides with the oncoming orthodromic
wavefront of the previous tachycardia beat extinguishing the
tachycardia, and a new orthodromic wavefront introduced by the B
pacing stimulus propagates around the circuit (Figure 23-19,
FIGURE 23-18  A, Initiation of pacing during tachycardia. Right
upper panel).11 With successful entrainment, no apparent termi-
ventricular pacing at 300 ms during tachycardia (324 ms) results  
nation of tachycardia is observed, as the tachycardia appears to in initial noncapture of the ventricular myocardium as the pacing
continue at, or is “reset” to, the pacing rate; this is because each stimuli “catch up” with the tachycardia. B, Pacing during tachycardia.
pacing wavefront continues to propagate orthodromically to Continued pacing results in the pacing stimulus overtaking the
produce a new “tachycardia” beat that is not the intrinsic tachy- tachycardia, with eventual myocardial capture and fusion of the
cardia at all but, rather, the result of the pacing stimulus driving pacing stimulus with the tachycardia QRS. Note that at the left of  
the tachycardia circuit orthodromically at the pacing cycle length. the tracing on the RVa channel, during myocardial noncapture, the  
ECG fusion is the evidence that the antidromic wavefront of pacing stimulus is followed by a deflection related to polarization  
each paced beat is colliding with and extinguishing the ortho- on the pacing electrode, whereas at the right of the tracing the
pacing stimulus is followed by the electrogram of local myocardial
dromic wavefront of the previous beat. The degree of fusion is
influenced primarily by the pacing site and rate and also by the
time it takes to enter the tachycardia circuit, which is itself influ-
enced by its proximity and conduction velocity to the circuit.
When pacing at a set rate, the site of collision between an anti- revolution before encountering the antidromic wavefront. Both
dromic wavefront and previous paced beat’s orthodromic wave- wavefronts will also have propagated out of the circuit, contribut-
front is constant, so the degree of fusion is also constant (see ing to ECG inscription in proportion to the amount of myocar-
Figure 23-19). dium activated. The orthodromic wavefront of the previous beat
The specific degree of fusion and the resulting ECG morphol- will also have spent the majority of the cycle length propagating
ogy are determined by the timing and amount of myocardium to and activating the adjacent myocardium, whereas the anti-
activated by the pacing stimulus and the antidromic and ortho- dromic wavefront with which it collides will have activated only
dromic wavefronts. When pacing sites are remote to the circuit, the myocardium during the terminal portion of ECG inscription
myocardial capture by the pacing stimulus inscribes the ECG with because of its late entrance into the tachycardia circuit and associ-
morphology reflecting the pacing site, with minimal contribution ated late myocardial breakout. The resulting ECG beat is a fusion
from wavefronts propagating within the circuit (see Figure 23-18, of the two wavefronts that looks very similar to the intrinsic
B). When pacing sites are close to or within the tachycardia tachycardia beat, with only minimal ECG contribution by the
circuit, the pacing stimulus immediately engages the circuit and antidromic wavefront and, therefore, minimal fusion.
inscribes the ECG with morphology reflecting myocardial capture If pacing entrains with fusion, when pacing at a faster rate that
related to the orthodromic and antidromic wavefronts. When also does not terminate the tachycardia, the antidromic wavefront
pacing at a rate just faster than tachycardia that does not termi- enters the tachycardia circuit earlier and penetrates deeper into
nate it, the antidromic wavefront may not propagate far into the it before encountering the orthodromic wavefront; this advances
circuit before colliding with the orthodromic wavefront of the the site of collision antidromically and affords less time for the
previous beat, which has propagated nearly one complete orthodromic wavefront to activate the myocardium and inscribe
Principles and Techniques of Cardiac Catheter Mapping  309


FIGURE 23-19  Demonstration of the first, second, and third criteria of entrainment. Top row: During ventricular tachycardia (VT) (left), the introduction
of an overdrive pacing train at a rate just faster than tachycardia (middle) pre-empts the tachycardia wavefront (X), which travels orthodromically only,
with a paced wavefront (X+1) that enters the tachycardia circuit and propagates both orthodromically and antidromically. Collision between the
previous orthodromic (ortho) wavefront and the pre-empting antidromic (anti) wavefront ( | ) results in QRS fusion related to the site of collision. This
collision terminates the tachycardia, but the X+1 orthodromic wavefront continues to propagate around the circuit and continues the tachycardia.
Collision (right) between the X+1 orthodromic wavefront and the next antidromic wavefront (X+2) introduced by the next wavefront of the pacing
train continually terminates and re-initiates the tachycardia, seemingly increasing the rate of the tachycardia to the pacing rate. If the pacing rate is
maintained constant, the site of collision between the antidromic wavefront and previous orthodromic wavefront also remains constant, and thereby
maintains a constant degree of fusion (criterion 1). Bottom row: With progressively faster pacing (left: 150 beats/min; middle: 155 beats/min; right: 160
beats/min), the site of collision is advanced antidromically along the circuit because of the deeper penetration of the antidromic wavefront, resulting
in a greater degree of fusion between the paced QRS complex and the QRS complex associated with the previous orthodromic wavefront (criterion 2).
With respect to a recording electrode located along the circuit (red dot), that site is activated by the orthodromic wavefront when pacing at 150 beats/
min with the electrogram (EGM) and the activation time related to orthodromic activation. Pacing at 155 beats/min allows the antidromic wavefront
to penetrate deeper along the circuit and past the recording site such that the site is now activated by the antidromic wavefront with the EGM and
the activation time corresponding to antidromic activation (criterion 3). Similarly, pacing at 160 beats/min further advances the site of collision such
that a recording electrode positioned more proximally along the circuit (blue dot), is activated by the antidromic wavefront with corresponding EGMs
and activation times, whereas it was activated by the orthodromic wavefront during slower pacing rates. (From Waldo AL: From bedside to bench:
Entrainment and other stories, Heart Rhythm 1:94–106, 2004.)

the ECG. The antidromic wavefront contributes proportionally circuit between two sites of collision related to two different
more to myocardial activation, which results in a greater degree pacing rates is associated with a change in conduction time and
of ECG fusion. The different degree of fusion in ECG waves at EGM morphology at the recording site when pacing at one rate
each pacing rate, which entrains but fails to interrupt tachycardia, as compared with the other. Pacing at the slower rate results in
is referred to as progressive fusion (see Figure 23-19).11 more distal collision between the antidromic and orthodromic
In conjunction with progressive fusion, pacing at two different wavefronts, with the recording site activated by the orthodromic
rates faster than tachycardia that fails to terminate the tachycardia wavefront producing an EGM with specific morphology and acti-
is also associated with a change of conduction time and EGM vation time related to orthodromic propagation to the recording
morphology at defined recording sites along the tachycardia site. Pacing at the faster rate results in more proximal collision
circuit. Specifically, recording from a site along the tachycardia with the recording site, now activated by the antidromic
310  Clinical Electrophysiology

Last paced beat

Xn–1 Xn–1 Xn Xn Xn Xn


Pace Last paced beat


Xn(a) Xn(a)

Xn–1 X n(o) Xn–1

Xn(o) Xn(o)


FIGURE 23-20  Demonstration of concealed entrainment (fourth criterion). Left, When pacing from a site that entrains the tachycardia with QRS
morphology identical to the tachycardia, either by pacing from within the tachycardia circuit (black rectangle) or from a bystander site that is not
associated with myocardial exit until after the wavefront enters the tachycardia circuit, concealed entrainment or concealed fusion is said to occur, as
fusion between the antidromic and orthodromic wavefronts is not apparent and pacing does not alter the surface electrocardiographic morphology
(right). The only electrogram manifestation of entrainment is acceleration of the QRS (and associated electrograms, not shown) to the pacing rate. With
cessation of pacing, the last paced orthodromic wavefront propagates around the tachycardia circuit and now, not met by an antidromic wavefront,
continues the tachycardia. The tachycardia continues at the intrinsic rate now no longer under the influence of overdrive pacing (right).

wavefront, producing a different EGM with specific morphology Similarly, the last paced impulse that entrains a tachycardia
and activation time related to antidromic propagation to the enters the tachycardia circuit and produces an orthodromic wave-
recording site (see Figure 23-19). front that does not encounter an antidromic wavefront because
Entrainment with fusion identifies a re-entrant mechanism, but of cessation of pacing. This impulse inscribes an ECG wave that
the concept of concealed entrainment is of particular relevance; in is contributed solely by the orthodromic wavefront and is not
this, overdrive pacing is not associated with an observable degree fused, and therefore it is identical to tachycardia. The ortho-
of manifest fusion, yet entrainment may be demonstrated and dromic wavefront continues to engage the circuit now released
therefore re-entry may still be inferred. This occurs when two of from overdrive pacing, and the tachycardia resumes at its initial
the three potential sources of ECG fusion—the pacing stimulus rate (see Figure 23-20).
and antidromic wavefronts—are unable to contribute to ECG Also, with cessation of pacing at the faster of two rates that
inscription. Pacing either from within a tachycardia circuit or from entrain a tachycardia, the antidromic wavefront activates a
a bystander site occurs such that the pacing stimulus cannot recording site between the two sites of collision related to the two
escape to the myocardium to contribute to ECG inscription; it also pacing rates and then collides with the orthodromic wavefront of
encounters local conduction block preventing antidromic propa- the previous pacing stimulus. The recording site is then activated
gation, its associated escape to the myocardium to impact ECG by the orthodromic wavefront of the last pacing stimulus, result-
inscription, or both, and leaves only the orthodromic wavefront ing in a change in the EGM morphology and activation time from
to contribute to ECG inscription. These circumstances may be that associated with the faster pacing rate to that of the slower
encountered when pacing from within a scar that contains a slowly pacing rate, which is identical to tachycardia.
conducting region of a VT circuit. The pacing stimulus site cannot Pacing at rates much faster than the tachycardia encroach on
contribute to QRS inscription by virtue of pacing from within the the refractory period of the tachycardia circuit such that the anti-
scar, and the antidromic wavefront conducts only very slowly dromic wavefront of the paced impulse collides with the previous
or blocks entirely and cannot escape to the surrounding healthy orthodromic wavefront as expected, but the current orthodromic
myocardium. Overdrive pacing results in only an orthodromic wavefront finds tissue ahead of it still unexcitable and also blocks,
wavefront that is then entirely responsible for ECG inscription and which results in localized, “complete” conduction block that pre-
therefore identical to tachycardia. It is important to recognize that vents propagation along the circuit. The next paced beat may
concealed entrainment does not necessarily identify a site within then propagate to a site within the tachycardia circuit, not neces-
the tachycardia circuit but, rather, identifies a site from which a sarily along the path used during tachycardia, and that may have
pacing stimulus can penetrate the excitable gap of a re-entrant been, at least partially, functionally determined. Now, given the
circuit and escape only to adjacent myocardium to affect ECG conduction characteristics of the fully recovered myocardium not
inscription by orthodromic propagation along the tachycardia otherwise influenced by functional characteristics imparted it by
circuit itself (Figure 23-20). ongoing re-entry, the beat may propagate along a more direct
Principles and Techniques of Cardiac Catheter Mapping  311

phase-locking a tachycardia circuit to an overdriving pacing train,

Pace Pace
its diagnostic value lies primarily in the identification of macro–
165 165
re-entry. However, the identification of macro–re-entry alone
does not determine relevance of a particular pacing site to the
X + 1(o) re-entrant circuit. Distinguishing the sites near or within a tachy-
cardia circuit from “bystanders” allows the identification of appro-
priate ablation targets. The evaluation of readily determinable
X+2 X +2 X+2 parameters affords this practical and essential assessment without
X + 1(a) X + 1(a) mapping the entire circuit.
The most fundamental assessment of the response to entrain-
X X ment is the time for the last paced beat to propagate into and
around the circuit and return to the pacing site—the postpacing
VEG VEG interval (PPI). With cessation of pacing, the last paced impulse
propagates into the circuit and generates both antidromic and
FIGURE 23-21  Overdrive pacing termination of tachycardia.
orthodromic wavefronts. The antidromic wavefront is extin-
Overdrive pacing at a rate much faster than tachycardia that
terminates the tachycardia occurs because the antidromic wavefront
guished by the orthodromic wavefront of the previous pacing
and the previous orthodromic wavefront collide and extinguish the impulse, and the last orthodromic wavefront propagates through
tachycardia, as occurs during entrainment. The next orthodromic the entire circuit and, in addition to re-initiating the tachycardia,
wavefront finds the circuit still refractory impeding further conduction, propagates out of the circuit. It is assumed that the conduction
thereby leaving the circuit unengaged by any wavefront and characteristics of the myocardium, which permit the engagement
terminates the tachycardia. Subsequent wavefronts depolarize the of the tachycardia circuit from the pacing site, functionally deter-
sites along the circuit by propagating directly to those sites or under mine that the propagation trajectory and time for the wavefront
different functional influences during tachycardia, resulting in altered to return to the pacing site are similar. Therefore, the PPI is the
activation times and electrogram patterns. time for the pacing wavefront to propagate to the circuit, engage
the circuit with a single revolution, and return to the pacing site.
This is typically measured from the pacing stimulus artifact to the
first return beat on the channel being paced. The conduction
trajectory and therefore with a shorter conduction time than velocity during the movement around the tachycardia circuit is
during tachycardia and entrainment (Figure 23-21).11 presumed to not be different from that during tachycardia, and
therefore the duration to traverse the circuit once is the same as
the TCL. The time difference between the PPI and the TCL is the
Criteria of Entrainment
time required to travel to and back from the circuit. The closer
Criteria of entrainment during a tachycardia are as follows11: the pacing site to the tachycardia circuit, the shorter the total
travel time. Therefore, with proximity to the tachycardia circuit,
1. When pacing at a constant rate that is faster than the rate of the PPI approximates the TCL, and the PPI-TCL difference
tachycardia and which fails to interrupt it, there is the demon- approaches zero. When pacing from a site within a macro–re-
stration of constant fusion beats in the ECG, except for the last entrant circuit, the PPI after entrainment equals the TCL (Figure
captured beat, which is not fused. 23-22, A and B).

2. When pacing at two or more constant rates that are faster than
the rate of the tachycardia but which fail to interrupt it, there
is the demonstration of constant fusion beats in the ECG at Pacemapping is a strategy in which pacing is performed during
each rate, but at different degrees. sinus rhythm in an attempt to match as closely as possible the
paced and tachycardia-beat morphologies, with the site of closest
3. When pacing at a constant rate that is faster than the rate of match representing the presumed origin of the tachycardia. Paced
tachycardia and which interrupts it, there is the demonstration sites are evaluated sequentially until the paced and tachycardia-
of localized conduction block to one or more sites for one beat morphologies match across all the leads of a standard ECG
beat, followed by activation of the site or sites by the next paced (Figure 23-23). Pacemapping may be applied as the primary
beat from a different direction and with a shorter conduction mapping modality or as an adjunct and confirmatory strategy. The
time. only requirement for pacemapping is that a clinical tachycardia
recording be available for comparison. Pacemapping may be
4. When pacing at two constant rates that are faster than the rate employed to map nearly any form of tachycardia in which at least
of tachycardia but which fail to interrupt it, there is the dem- one cardiac chamber is critically involved in tachycardia mainte-
onstration of a change in conduction time to and EGM mor- nance and the activation of that chamber is associated with a
phology at an electrode recording site—the EGM equivalent of distinctive morphology that may be mapped. Hence, pacemap-
the second criterion. ping is applicable to a broad range of tachycardias.
When a tachycardia produces a specific ECG beat morphology
(P or QRS) that originates directly from a site critical to the clini-
Diagnostic Interpretation of the Response to Entrainment:
cal tachycardia, such as in a focal tachycardia, pacemapping may
The Postpacing Interval
be used to guide ablation. Alternatively, tachycardias in which
While the preceding discussion on entrainment focused primarily ECG beat inscription is related to an exit remote from the circuit
on the specific physiology and various manifestations of (whether focal or macro–re-entrant) will not be successfully
312  Clinical Electrophysiology

200 ms Sustained VT Pacemap ~ 12/12 match

RVa V5
A V6

200 ms

I FIGURE 23-23  Pacemapping, in this case of ventricular tachycardia

(VT) (left), is undertaken by pacing through the roving mapping
II catheter (right) from various candidate myocardial locations in an
V1 effort to reproduce the morphology of the clinical arrhythmia. True
pacemap matches must reproduce not only the overall polarities of
HRA the QRS, but its smaller undulations, notches, and minor details. Note
how the paced QRS complexes reproduce not only the primary
vectors of the Q, R, and S waves of the clinical VT but also the more
HISm subtle features, and that these characteristics are reproduced in all 12
leads of the standard electrocardiogram, that is, a “12 out of 12” match.
422 ms
142 BPM

FIGURE 23-22  A, Termination of pacing during tachycardia. The stimulus and alter the paced morphology, potentially misleading
tachycardia is accelerated to the pacing rate and, with cessation   the operator. Therefore, the general recommendation for pace-
of pacing, the tachycardia resumes at its intrinsic cycle length, mapping is to perform pacing at the TCL at twice the diastolic
suggesting entrainment of the tachycardia. B, The postpacing interval. threshold to ensure reproducible and physiologic myocardial
The interval between the last paced complex and the first return beat capture without augmenting the virtual electrode effect and
electrogram of the intrinsic tachycardia, known as the postpacing imparting functional characteristics that are significantly different
interval (PPI) when measured on the same channel as pacing, is from those of tachycardia.
greater than the tachycardia cycle length (TCL). In fact, with These recommendations, however, have been investigated. An
entrainment, the PPI can only be greater than or equal to the TCL but
assessment of atrial conduction times from various pacing sites
never less than the TCL on the pacing channel. In this case, the PPI
at various pacing rates has demonstrated that the myocardial
(422 ms) exceeds TCL (340 ms) significantly (i.e., >40 ms), suggesting
that the pacing site is remote to the tachycardia circuit. milieu of conduction is not significantly affected by the pacing
rate and that the virtual electrode effect is not significant when
pacing at maximum output compared with twice the diastolic
threshold, with bipolar configuration using electrode catheters
guided by pacemapping, as the site of exit to the myocardium that with 2-mm spacing. Therefore, in atrial bipolar stimulation using
is responsible for ECG inscription does not participate in the closely spaced electrodes, P-wave morphology appears to be rela-
tachycardia (e.g., AVN re-entry tachycardia); therefore, sites that tively insensitive to stimulation rate and output.12
do reproduce the tachycardia ECG morphology are unlikely to The electrical configuration of pacing impacts the morphology
represent successful ablation targets. of the paced complex and, therefore, pacemapping. The spatial
While macro–re-entrant circuits cannot, by definition, have a resolution of unipolar pacemapping was evaluated in the right
focal origin, sites of slow conduction, nonconductive tissue adja- atrium and CS by Man et al13 and found to be not less than
cent to healthier myocardium that is within the circuit itself, or 17 mm, suggesting that mapping techniques that rely on discrimi-
both—as may be seen at accessory pathway insertions and exit nation of ECG P-wave morphology, such as atrial pacemapping
sites in scar VT—produce a specific ECG morphology that is and concealed entrainment in the atrium, are unlikely to be
directly related to a site. This typical morphology is indicative of precise.
a site critical to the tachycardia and may be used to guide mapping When comparing unipolar ventricular pacemapping with
and ablation. bipolar ventricular pacemapping, only minor differences in QRS
In pacemapping, pacing is usually performed at the TCL to morphologies are occasionally noted with 5-mm electrode
impart some of the functional characteristics of that rate to the spacing, though increased spacing (10 mm) increases the fre-
local myocardium, thereby theoretically producing a paced ECG quency of minor differences. While major morphologic differ-
beat with morphology representative of tachycardia at that rate. ences between unipolar and bipolar pacemapping are uncommon,
Pacing at high stimulation currents may artificially broaden the a larger number of morphologic differences may occur at 10 mA
immediate region of myocardium depolarized by the pacing compared with pacing at threshold or twice threshold. As a result,
Principles and Techniques of Cardiac Catheter Mapping  313

100 ms

CSprox I
CS 7–8 II
CS 5–6 V1
Shortest V–A
CS 3–4 and earliest A V6
CS dist at CS 3–4 LV *
* *
HISd Hisd
Pacing RV-PS Pacing RV-OT HRA
Pacing CS 3, 4
stimulus CS 1, 2
RAA A 1, 2
HBp A 3, 4 *
A 7, 8
HBd B 3, 4 PVP
CSp V C 1, 2
C 3, 4
C 5, 6
CS6 C 7, 8
CS5 D 7, 8
CS4 E 1, 2
CS3 H E 3, 4
CS2 5 A 60 A E 5, 6
E 7, 8
CSd F 1, 2
F 3, 4
F 5, 6
F 7, 8
HB HB G 3, 4
G 5, 6
TA MA TA MA G 7, 8
AP H 1, 2
V V H 3, 4
H 7, 8

FIGURE 23-24  A, Pacing during sinus rhythm (SR) to simulate tachycardia physiology and unmask bypass tract insertion. This patient has a manifest
accessory pathway with electrocardiogram delta-wave pattern suggestive of left free wall location (not shown). During SR, antegrade conduction over
the bypass tract suggested earliest ventricular activation at or beyond coronary sinus (CS) distal, but ventricular pacing with retrograde conduction
over the accessory pathway identified earliest atrial activation and shortest local V-A at CS 3-4. B, Pacing during SR to simulate tachycardia physiology
and to unmask bypass tract insertion site. As the large majority of bypass tracts have oblique trajectories and therefore disparate ventricular and atrial
insertions, the atrial activation sequence will have a directionality as determined by the CS activation, in left-sided pathways. Ventricular pacing from
the right ventricular (RV) posterior septum/apex (A) activates both the basal left ventricular and the accessory pathway in a septal-to-lateral direction,
resulting in bypass tract activation in parallel to the basal left ventricle, with overlap of associated ventricular and atrial electrograms. Right ventricular
outflow tract (RVOT) pacing (B) results in lateral-to-septal activation of the basal left ventricle, countercurrent to atrial activation over the accessory
pathway. Ventricular activation becomes separated from the septal-to-lateral atrial activation over the bypass tract, in this case exposing a pathway
potential. C, Ventricular pacing to identify isolated diastolic potentials (IDPs) not otherwise appreciated during SR. Examples of ventricular myocardial
mapping to identify components of ventricular tachycardia circuits demonstrates that ventricular pacing allows identification of IDP (asterisks) not
detected at the same location when the ventricle is activated in SR (adjacent beat in each panel). This is explained by SR activation of the left ventricle
through the His–Purkinje system that activates multiple myocardial regions nearly simultaneously with resultant wavefront collision preventing
unimpeded propagation through the slowly conducting channels. Right ventricular pacing slows the activation of the left ventricle and provides  
a degree of unidirectionality that permits engagement and propagation through the slowly conducting channels without collision of multiple
wavefronts, thereby permitting detection of the IDP. D, Identification of pulmonary vein (PV) potentials with a 64-pole multi-spline multi-electrode
catheter placed in a left PV during SR distal CS pacing. The atrial potentials are shown (A), and the second potentials identify conduction into the PV.
Note that in addition to identifying conduction to multiple sites in the vein, the site of entrance is identified by the earliest PV potential. Ablation at
the earliest PV potential blocks passive conduction to other sites, thereby avoiding ablation at secondarily activated sites. SR without distal CS pacing
leads to multiple left atrial wavefronts that may engage the PV simultaneously, thereby masking true entrance sites with far-field signals from multiple
nearby activated sites. (A and B, From Otomo K, Gonzalez MD, Beckman KJ, et al: Reversing the direction of paced ventricular and atrial wavefronts reveals an
oblique course in accessory AV pathways and improves localization for catheter ablation, Circulation 104(5):550–556, 2001; C, From Arenal A, Glez-Torrecilla E,
Ortiz M, et al: Ablation of electrograms with an isolated, delayed component as treatment of unmappable monomorphic ventricular tachycardias in patients
with structural heart disease, J Am Coll Cardiol 41:81–92, 2003.)
314  Clinical Electrophysiology

the authors concluded that unipolar and bipolar ventricular appreciation of their clinical significance and applicability to
pacing from the same catheter location can result in QRS com- various clinical scenarios. Catheter mapping is fundamental to the
plexes that differ, incriminating anodal capture during bipolar practice of electrophysiology, and its contribution to elucidating
pacing, which is directly related to interelectrode distance and arrhythmia mechanisms will continue to grow in parallel with the
stimulus intensity. Further, because the virtual electrode effect of current understanding of cardiac excitation.
anodal capture is variable and can variably alter the QRS configu-
ration during pacing, bipolar pacemapping may have less spatial
resolution than unipolar pacemapping, making it more difficult
to localize sites of VT origin.14 We thank Brian Miller and Brian Schurrer for their assistance in
Various algorithms have been devised to predict the origin site the preparation of illustrations, and Barbara Danek and Joe
for atrial and ventricular tachycardias. These will be covered in Grundle for editorial services.
more depth in other chapters in this text. In general, tachycardias
arising from leftward sites propagate away from leads aVL and I, KEY REFERENCES
whereas tachycardias arising from more rightward sites propagate Arenal A, Glez-Torrecilla E, Ortiz M, et al: Ablation of electrograms with
toward those leads. Inferior and posterior sites result in propaga- an isolated, delayed component as treatment of unmappable monomor-
tion away from leads II, III, and F, whereas sites located more phic ventricular tachycardias in patients with structural heart disease,
anteriorly result in propagation toward them. Finally, tachycardias J Am Coll Cardiol 41:81–92, 2003.
originating from basal sites propagate toward leads V5 and V6, Cassidy DM, Vassallo JA, Marchlinski FE, et al: Endocardial mapping in
whereas tachycardias originating from apical sites propagate away humans in sinus rhythm with normal left ventricles: Activation patterns
from V5 and V6. An awareness of the anticipated site of origin and characteristics of electrograms, Circulation 70:37–42, 1984.
facilitates the mapping process by reducing the extent of myocar- Cassidy DM, Vassallo JA, Miller JM, et al: Endocardial catheter mapping
dial territory explored. in patients in sinus rhythm: Relationship to underlying heart disease
and ventricular arrhythmias, Circulation 73:645–652, 1986.
Clerc L: Directional differences of impulse spread in trabecular muscle
Pacing to Modify Activation from mammalian heart, J Physiol (London) 255:335–346, 1976.
Delacretaz E, Soejima K, Gottipaty VK, et al: Single catheter determina-
In specific situations, particularly when activation sequence tion for local electrogram prematurity using simultaneous unipolar and
mapping is not feasible, pacing may be used to alter the activation bipolar recordings to replace the surface ECG as a timing reference,
sequence and direction of wavefront propagation in an effort to Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 24:441–449, 2001.
unmask critical aspects of the tachycardia physiology that may Gallagher JJ, Kasell JH, Cox JL, et al: Techniques of intraoperative electro-
not be apparent during sinus rhythm. physiologic mapping, Am J Cardiol 49:221–240, 1982.
Atrial pacing and ventricular pacing are commonly employed Henthorn RW, Okumura K, Olshansky B, et al: A fourth criterion for
to identify accessory pathway insertions by mapping the earliest transient entrainment: The electrogram equivalent of progressive
fusion, Circulation 77:1003–1012, 1988.
site of ventricular and atrial activation, as well as the shortest A-V
Kadish AH, Schmaltz S, Morady F: A comparison of QRS complexes
and V-A interval (Figure 23-24, A), respectively. Further, Jackman resulting from unipolar and bipolar pacing: Implications for pace-
et al demonstrated that accessory pathway potentials may be mapping, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 14:823–832, 1991.
unmasked by introducing pacing that activates the accessory Man KC, Chan KK, Kovack P, et al: Spatial resolution of atrial pace
pathway “countercurrently,” that is, pacing from a site opposite to mapping as determined by unipolar atrial pacing at adjacent sites, Cir-
the accessory pathway obliquity such that the pacing wavefront culation 94:1357–1363, 1996.
engages the pathway from a site lateral to the medial insertion, or Nakagawa H, Jackman WM: Catheter ablation of paroxysmal supraven-
medial to the lateral insertion, resulting in prolonged A-V and tricular tachycardia, Circulation 116:2465–2478, 2007.
V-A conduction intervals and thus exposing the accessory Perez-Castellano N, Almendral J, Villacastin J, et al: Basic assessment of
pathway potential that may be otherwise masked by overlapping paced activation sequence mapping: Implications for practical use,
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 27:651–656, 2004.
signals during sinus rhythm and when pacing from more tradi-
Stevenson WG, Soejima K: Recording techniques for clinical electrophysi-
tional sites (Figure 23-24, B).15 ology, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16:1017–1022, 2005.
Arenal et al demonstrated that right ventricular pacing may be Tada H, Oral H, Greenstein R, et al: Differentiation of atrial and pulmo-
used to identify EGMs with isolated diastolic components that nary vein potentials recorded circumferentially within pulmonary
may not be otherwise identifiable in sinus rhythm (Figure 23-24, veins, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 13:118–123, 2003.
C).16 For ablation of AF, pacing from the distal CS electrode facili- Waldo AL: From bedside to bench: Entrainment and other stories, Heart
tates left pulmonary vein isolation by separating pulmonary vein Rhythm 1:94–106, 2004.
potentials from far-field left atrial signals and identifies the sites Winfree AT: The timing of biologic clocks, New York, 1987, Scientific
of entrance into the left pulmonary veins that are difficult to American Library: W.H. Freeman.
appreciate in sinus rhythm because of overlapping signals (Figure
23-24, D).17 All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.

The theory and practice of catheter mapping of arrhythmia
requires an awareness of available techniques as well as an
Electrophysiological Evaluation
of Supraventricular Tachycardia
Thorsten Lewalter, Samuel Levy, Shih-Ann Chen,
and Sanjeev Saksena

Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) is a common documentation of the underlying symptoms of the tachycardia,
condition that affects a wide range of age groups. The clinical such as evanescent palpitations, if it has not been previously
syndrome of PSVT and its presentation and management are recorded; definition of the mechanism of the tachycardia and the
discussed in detail in Chapter 41. Electrophysiologic study (EPS) critical components of the circuit; evaluation of symptoms and
of PSVT is routinely performed in clinical laboratories as a com- hemodynamics during the arrhythmia; and, if indicated, perfor-
ponent of the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to manage- mance of radiofrequency ablation or evaluation of the efficacy of
ment of this condition. The clinical presentation of a patient with antiarrhythmic therapy.
PSVT includes a variety of tachyarrhythmias, as detailed in
Chapter 41 and summarized in Table 24-1. The purpose of EPS
Atrioventricular Re-entrant Tachycardia and
is to differentiate the mechanisms of PSVT in an individual
Atrioventricular Node Re-entrant Tachycardia
patient and help guide appropriate therapy for patient manage-
ment. These therapeutic approaches can include catheter ablation The methods of catheter placement and programmed electrical
procedures (see Chapter 93), drug therapy (see Chapters 79 stimulation are discussed in detail in Chapter 20 and are not
and 80) and, rarely, device therapy (see Chapter 41). For special revisited here in detail. In brief, multipolar electrode catheters are
consideration of drug therapy or ablation in pediatric or pregnant placed in the right atrium, His bundle region, coronary sinus, and
patients, see Chapters 72, 74, and 75, respectively. The focus of right ventricle. Recordings are obtained from these regions as well
this chapter is to delineate the diagnostic information elicited at as the right and left AV ring for bypass tract mapping or more
clinical EPS in two common forms of PSVT—namely, atrioven- detailed septal pathway localization. Programmed atrial stimula-
tricular (AV) nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) and AV reen- tion is usually performed from the high right atrium, coronary
trant tachycardia (AVRT). EPS of atrial tachycardia (AT) is sinus, right ventricular apex, and the atrial or ventricular insertion
examined in Chapter 29. site of a bypass tract as needed. In some instances, alternate
pacing sites can include the left atrium, right ventricular outflow
tract, right ventricular septum, or left ventricle. For the study of
Diagnostic Approach to the Patient propagation and induction of tachycardia, the extrastimulus tech-
with Supraventricular Tachycardia nique is widely used, although burst pacing is an alternative. These
techniques are discussed in Chapter 20. Facilitiation of induction
The initial diagnostic approach to the patient with PSVT, as men- may require the administration of pharmacologic agents such as
tioned in Chapter 41, is documentation of the arrhythmia by isoproterenol or atropine (see Chapter 72). Other pharmacologic
electrocardiogram (ECG). agents such as adenosine may be used for diagnostic purposes to
evaluate the presence of accessory pathway conduction or termi-
nation of PSVT involving the AV node (see Chapter 72).
Differential Diagnosis of Supraventricular Tachycardia
Most SVTs are caused by a re-entrant mechanism and may be
from the Electrocardiogram
induced in the laboratory by using programmed electrical stimu-
ECG documentation of the tachycardia is essential for the proper lation. In A-V junctional tachycardias, electrophysiological study
diagnosis and management of SVT. SVT may sometimes present permits induction of tachycardia in more than 90% of patients
with wide QRS complexes, and a clinical EPS is helpful in deter- with AVRT or AVNRT. In patients with AVNRT, premature atrial
mining if the cause is bundle branch block (BBB) or aberrent stimulation can demonstrate dual AV nodal conduction and
conduction. Differentiating PSVT from ventricular tachycardia induce the tachycardia to determine its mechanism. The arrhyth-
(VT), particularly when pre-excitation is present, is definitively mias associated with WPW syndrome include reciprocating or
accomplished at EPS. circus movement tachycardias and atrial arrhythmias. In some
instances of AVNRT, concomitant pre-excited QRS complexes
may exist because of passive conduction over an accessory
Electrophysiological Study of Supraventricular Tachycardia
pathway that may serve as a passive bystander. Tachycardias
An EPS is used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. During related to Mahaim fibers have a particular electrocardiographic
these procedures the underlying atrial and ventricular substrate presentation with LBBB and left-axis deviation. The ECG in sinus
is assessed. PSVT initiation during these procedures allows ECG rhythm shows the features of WPW syndrome (Figure 24-1). The

316  Clinical Electrophysiology

Table 24-1  Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardias with Narrow electrophysiological study often demonstrates decremental con-
and Wide QRS Complexes duction over the accessory pathway.


Atrioventricular Nodal Re-Entrant
Paroxysmal sinus tachycardia Tachycardia
Nonparoxysmal sinoatrial tachycardia

AV NODAL RE-ENTRANT TACHYCARDIAS Dual Atrioventricular Nodal Pathway

Slow-fast During electrophysiological evaluation, typical AVNRT manifests

Fast-slow antegrade conduction via a “slow” pathway and retrograde con-
Slow-slow duction via a “fast” pathway.1-10 The electrophysiological charac-
teristic is the presence of dual AV nodal pathway physiology
demonstrated by a discontinuous AV node functional curve. Dis-
Intra-atrial re-entrant tachycardia continuous AV nodal conduction is defined as a sudden incre-
Automatic atrial tachycardia (unifocal or multifocal) ment of 50 ms or greater in the A-H or H-A interval (“jump”),
with a decrement in prematurity of the extrastimulus by 10 to
20 ms. In some patients, a jump (>50 ms) of any consecutive A-H
intervals during incremental atrial pacing is found, which might
Orthodromic atrioventricular re-entry be a manifestation of dual AV nodal pathways. Typically, the jump
Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia phenomenon is followed by induction of a slow-fast AVNRT
Antidromic atrioventricular re-entry (Figure 24-2). During tachycardia in typical slow-fast AVNRT, a
Atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, or atrial fibrillation with or without long A-H interval with a short V-A interval can be documented
accessory pathway conduction
(Figure 24-3). When performing endocardial mapping, the earli-
OTHER PRE-EXCITATION SYNDROMES: est atrial activation during tachycardia can be detected at the slow
MAHAIM CONDUCTION pathway area around the coronary sinus ostium. In contrast,
atypical AVNRT has antegrade conduction through a “fast” or
Nodoventricular and nodofascicular re-entry
“slow” pathway and retrograde conduction through a “slow”
Atrial tachycardia, AV nodal re-entry, or atrial fibrillation with
nodoventricular or nodofascicular bystander conduction
Atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, or atrial fibrillation with enhanced AV To differentiate AVNRT from AVRT, the following maneuvers
nodal conduction can be used4-6:

AUTOMATIC AV JUNCTIONAL TACHYCARDIAS • V-A interval timing during tachycardia: V-A interval during
AV, Atrioventricular. slow-fast AVNRT is mainly shorter than 50 ms, whereas V-A
intervals exceed 50 ms during orthodromic AVRT

RR 460







FIGURE 24-1  Tachycardias with pre-excited QRS complexes. Top to bottom, Electrocardiogram leads I, II, and V1; high right atrium (HRA); and left
atrium (LA1 and LA2). A, Consistent with an antidromic reciprocating tachycardia. B, Atrial fibrillation conducted over a left-sided accessory
atrioventricular (AV) pathway termination of supraventricular tachycardia with vagal maneuvers.
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Supraventricular Tachycardia   317

Stimulation in the RV apex during
Compare (1) atrial activation
S1 S2
(2) H-A interval
Miller stimulation during AVNRT
Fast Slow f f f
s s
HIS 1/2 A
HIS 3/4

FIGURE 24-2  Induction atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia

(AVNRT). Atrial extra stimulus pacing with an A-H jump and induction
of typical slow-fast AVNRT. HRA, High right atrium.

RVA stimulation:
AVNRT • H-A longer
• atr. act. unchanged

0 1000 2000 3000 4000

FIGURE 24-4  Miller stimulation. AVNRT, Atrioventricular nodal
II re-entrant tachycardia; RV, right ventricle; RVA, right ventricular apex.





HRA 1/2
HIS 3/4
Right-sided accessory pathway
without AV nodal conduction
HIS 1/2
MAP 1/2

MAP 3/4

0 1000 2000 3000 4000

FIGURE 24-3  Typical slow-fast atrioventricular nodal re-entrant

tachycardia with a short V-A interval. A A


RVA stimulation:
Orthodromic AV nodal • H-A shorter
• Miller stimulation (Figures 24-4 and 24-5) reentry • atr. act. unchanged

• Para-Hisian stimulation at the summit of the ventricular

FIGURE 24-5  Miller stimulation. AV, Atrioventricular; RVA, right
• Programmed extrastimulation maneuvers (Figures 24-6 ventricular apex.
and 24-7)

Two important concepts of dual AV nodal pathways have been

further clarified by provocative pharmacologic testing and cath-
eter ablation in patients with AVNRT. One major question has
been whether dual AV nodal pathways are fully intranodal and by asynchronous activation of atrial cells and a band of nodal-type
caused by longitudinal dissociation of AV nodal tissue or extra- cells that may represent the substrate of the slow pathway.7-10 Thus
nodal, involving separate atrial inputs into the AV node. From the slow and fast pathways are likely to be atrionodal approaches
clinical studies of slow pathway potentials, LH (low followed by or connections rather than discrete intranodal pathways. The
high) frequency potentials are observed during asynchronous results of catheter ablation indicate that the fast and slow path-
activation of muscle bundles above and below the coronary sinus ways have their origins outside the limits of the compact AV node
orifice. HL (high followed by low) frequency potentials are caused and that the tissues targeted during successful ablation are
318  Clinical Electrophysiology

Extra-stimulus AT (RVA)
during His refractoriness during tachycardia V1
Findings: (1) Precede A-A1 (accessory pathway!) HRA
(2) unchanged atrial activation
A 500 ms

RVA stimulation: CSO
AVNRT • No change in 500 ms
A-A1 interval B

FIGURE 24-8  A, Right ventricular stimulus induces atrioventricular

nodal re-entrant tachycardia (AVNRT). Although the last pacing beat
FIGURE 24-6  Programmed stimulation. AP, Accessory pathway; (vertical line) does not conduct to the atrium, AVNRT still occurs.
AVNRT, atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia; RVA, right B, AVNRT with occasional retrograde conduction to the atrium
ventricular apex. (arrows). HRA, High right atrium; HIS-P, proximal portion of the His
bundle; HIS-M, medial portion of the His bundle; HIS-D, distal portion
of the His bundle; CSO, coronary sinus ostium.

Unusual Physiology of Dual Atrioventricular

Right-sided AP
Some patients with AVNRT have multiple antegrade and retro-
grade AV nodal pathways with multiple discontinuities in the
AV node function curve or dual AV nodal pathways with a con-
tinuous curve during programmed electrical stimulation.13,17
Furthermore, variant forms (slow-slow, slow-intermediate, fast-
intermediate) of AVNRT have been noted (Figures 24-10 and
A A 24-11).11-13 Whether multiple antegrade and retrograde AV nodal
pathways originate from anatomically different pathways or rep-
resent anisotropic conduction–induced functional pathways is
still being debated. Several investigators have demonstrated the
marked heterogeneity of the transitional cells surrounding the
Orthodromic AV nodal Preceding stimulation: compact AV nodal pathway. The non-uniform properties of
re-entrant tachycardia • A-A1 shorter the AV node can produce anisotropic conduction and suggest
that the antegrade and retrograde fast pathways are anatomically
distant from the multiple “antegrade slow” and “retrograde slow”
or intermediate pathways, respectively. Clinical studies have dem-
FIGURE 24-7  Programmed stimulation. AP, Accessory pathway; AV, onstrated that successful ablation or modification of retrograde
Atrioventricular. slow and intermediate pathways occurs at different sites from the
antegrade fast or slow pathway, and the possibility of anatomically
different antegrade or retrograde multiple pathways should be
considered. Furthermore, in the patients who have successful
composed of ordinary working atrial myocardium surrounding ablation of multiple antegrade slow pathways or retrograde slow
the AV node itself.11-14 Furthermore, AV or VA conduction block and intermediate pathways at a single site, anisotropic conduction
during AVNRT favors the concept that atrial and ventricular over the low septal area of the right atrium is a possible explana-
tissues are not involved in the maintenance of this tachycardia tion for the presence of multiple antegrade and retrograde AV
(Figures 24-8 and 24-9).15,16 nodal pathways.11-13,17
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Supraventricular Tachycardia   319

0 1000 2000 3000 4000








0 1000 2000 3000 4000

FIGURE 24-9  Infra-His block during typical slow-fast atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia. HIS, Quadrupolar catheter in His position; HRA,
quadrupolar catheter in high right atrium.

Patients with AVNRT can have continuous AV node conduc- sites of accessory pathways can differ by up to 2 cm; furthermore,
tion curves. These patients do not exhibit an A-H jump with two some accessory pathways have antegrade and retrograde con­
extrastimuli and two drive cycle lengths during atrial pacing from duction fibers at different locations. This finding has been proven
the high right atrium and the coronary sinus ostium. The possible by different ablation sites for antegrade as well as retrograde
mechanisms of the continuous AV node function curves in conduction.21 Thus the anatomic and functional dissociation
AVNRT include the following: (1) the functional refractory period of the accessory pathway into atrial and ventricular insertions
of the atrium limits the prematurity with which atrial premature and antegrade and retrograde components is possible. Approxi-
depolarization will encounter the refractoriness in the AV node, mately 90% of AV accessory pathways have fast conduction prop-
which, in turn, produces inability to dissociate the fast and slow erties, and the other accessory pathways (including Mahaim
AV node pathways; and (2) fast and slow AV nodal pathways have fibers) show decremental conduction properties during atrial or
similar refractory periods and conduction times.17 ventricular stimuli with shorter coupling intervals.22-25 These
pathways with decremental conduction may be sensitive to
several antiarrhythmic drugs, including verapamil and adenosine.
Accessory pathways in the right free wall and posteroseptal areas
Atrioventricular Re-entrant Tachycardia have a higher incidence of decremental conduction properties.
When decremental conduction is present, the possibility of
Anatomy and Electrophysiology of Accessory Pathways
Mahaim fibers, such as atriofascicular or nodoventricular path-
The oblique orientation of most accessory pathways has been ways, must be considered. Several studies have demonstrated
demonstrated by detailed endocardial and epicardial mapping that most of the ventricular insertion sites of these particular
techniques.18-20 The locations of atrial and ventricular insertion bypass tracts are close to the right bundle branch and that the
320  Clinical Electrophysiology

600 500


A2H2 (ms)

A2H2 (ms)


100 100
250 300 350 400 450 200 250 300 350 400 450
A A1A2 (ms) B A1A2 (ms)

600 500

A2H2 (ms)

A2H2 (ms)


100 100
200 250 300 350 400 450 200 250 300 350 400
C A1A2 (ms) D A1A2 (ms)

400 350

A2H2 (ms)

A2H2 (ms)



100 100
200 250 300 350 400 250 300 350 400 450
E A1A2 (ms) F A1A2 (ms)

FIGURE 24-10  A to D, Atrioventricular (AV) nodal conduction curve with multiple jumps. Five patterns of tachycardia (slow-fast form) induction
demonstrated by AV node conduction curves (A2H2 vs. A1A2). A2H2, atrio–His bundle conduction interval in response to atrial extra stimulus; A1A2,
coupling interval of atrial extra stimulus. Purple circles indicate fast pathway conduction; blue circles indicate slow pathway conduction without
initiation or maintenance of sustained tachycardia; red circles indicate slow pathway conduction with initiation and maintenance of sustained
tachycardia. A, Only the first slow pathway is used for induction and maintenance of sustained tachycardia (pattern 1). B, Only the second slow
pathway is used for induction and maintenance of sustained tachycardia (pattern 2). C, The first slow pathway is used during sustained tachycardia;
either the first or the second slow pathway is used for initiation of tachycardia (pattern 3). D, The first slow pathway is used during sustained
tachycardia; any of the three slow pathways is used for initiation of tachycardia (pattern 4). E, The third slow pathway is used during sustained
tachycardia; either the second or third slow pathway is used for initiation of tachycardia (pattern 5). F, AV nodal conduction curve without AH jump.
Curve relating A2H2 interval to prematurity of atrial extra stimuli (A1A2). Before ablation, a smooth curve without evidence of dual AV nodal pathway is
present (s). After critical AH delay, tachycardia also is induced (green triangles). Ablation in the slow pathway zone eliminates the “tail” of the curve. (E,
From Tai CT, Chen SA, Chiang CE, et al: Multiple anterograde atrioventricular node pathways in patients with atrioventricular node reentrant tachycardia, J Am
Coll Cardiol 28:725–731, 1996. F, From Tai CT, Chen SA, Chiang CE, et al: Complex electrophysiological characteristics in atrioventricular nodal reentrant
tachycardia with continuous atrioventricular node function curves, Circulation 95:2541–2547, 1997.)
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Supraventricular Tachycardia   321


S1 S1 S2 A A A A
A2 H 2A H A H A H A
A H 290
A A H A 60 A A

S1 400 S1 S1


S1 S2 A2 H2 A A H H A H A H A H A
AH 210 200 110 80 80
HA A 170 A 180 A 260 A 280 A 270 A


AH 210 210 210
A HA A 130 A 130 A 360 A
200 ms

FIGURE 24-11  Recordings show four types of atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia (AVNRT) and echo. A and B, The baseline state. C and
D, Intravenous infusion of isoproterenol. A, Induction of slow-fast form of AVNRT by atrial extra stimulus, with the earliest atrial activation at the ostium
of the coronary sinus (OCS). D, A slow-slow form AVNR echo before termination of slow-intermediate form of AVNRT. A2 and H2, Atrial and His bundle
response to the atrial extra-stimulus (S2), respectively; HRA, high right atrium; HBE1, distal bundle of His area; HBE2, proximal bundle of His area; PCS,
proximal coronary sinus; MCS, middle coronary sinus; S1, basic paced beats; S2, extra stimulus. (From Tai CT, Chen SA, Chiang CE, et al: Electrophysiologic
characteristics and radiofrequency catheter ablation in patients with multiple atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardias, Am J Cardiol 77:52–58, 1996.)
322  Clinical Electrophysiology

RF on








200 ms 2000 ms

FIGURE 24-12  A, A mapping catheter along the posterolateral aspect of tricuspid annulus records the Mahaim fiber potential (arrow). B, Application
of radiofrequency (RF) energy on this point (arrow) eliminates Mahaim fiber conduction with disappearance of ventricular pre-excitation. HRA, High
right atrium; ABL, ablation; CSO, coronary sinus ostium; CSP, proximal coronary sinus; RVA, right ventricular apex.

typical Mahaim fiber potential can be recorded along the tricus- pacing and extrastimulation can define retrograde conduction
pid annulus in patients with the atriofascicular pathways (Figure properties such as refractoriness and conduction time and the
24-12).26-29 location of the pathway. Switching of conduction between the
accessory pathway and the AV nodal–His axis can be demon-
strated on reaching the effective refractoriness of one or the other
Electrophysiological Findings in Atrioventricular
conduction pathway. Atrial pacing or extrastimulation can accen-
Re-entry Tachycardia
tuate antegrade pre-excitation up to the refractoriness of the
The manifest accessory pathway can be diagnosed from the pathway. Tachycardia induction requires unidirectional block in
12-lead surface ECG with a typical δ wave and is confirmed by a one of the AV conduction pathways (AV node–His axis or acces-
reduced, absent, or negative H-V interval. During the electro- sory pathway) coupled with critical conduction delay in the
physiological study, recordings should be obtained from the tri- circuit.
cuspid annulus and the mitral annulus directly or indirectly from For the diagnosis of accessory pathway–mediated AVRT, a
the coronary sinus as well as the normal AV nodal–His conduc- premature ventricular depolarization can be delivered during the
tion system. Atrial and ventricular pacing and extrastimulation, tachycardia when the bundle of His is refractory and the impulse
isoproterenol provocation, and induction of atrial fibrillation (AF) still conducts to the atrium; this indicates that retrograde propa-
to assess antegrade conduction over an accessory pathway are gation conducts to the atrium over a pathway other than the
essential elements of the electrophysiological study. Ventricular normal AV conduction system. The definition of AVRT involves
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Supraventricular Tachycardia   323


133 180 256 178





S1 S2 S1 S2

500 ms

FIGURE 24-13  Right ventricular extrastimulus (S1S2) with V3 phenomenon induces atrioventricular (AV) re-entry tachycardia with retrograde
conduction through the left lateral accessory pathway. Left, The first and second tachycardia beats show antegrade conduction time (A-H interval)
of 133 and 180 ms, respectively. Right, The S1S2 coupling interval is shorter than that on the left, and the antegrade conduction time is much longer in
the first tachycardia beat than the second tachycardia beat (256 vs. 178 ms), with the difference larger than 50 ms suggesting the possibility of
antegrade conduction through the slow pathway in the first tachycardia beat. HRA, High right atrium; HIS-P, proximal portion of the His bundle;
HIS-M, medial portion of the His bundle; HIS-D, distal portion of the His bundle; CSO, coronary sinus ostium; CSD, distal portion of the coronary sinus;
RVA, right ventricular apex.

re-entry over one or more AV accessory pathways and the AV terminate the AVRT through collision with the previous retro-
node, and the classic classification of AVRT includes orthodromic grade wavefront (Figure 24-15). The incidence of multiple acces-
and antidromic tachycardias.29-31 For the initiation of orthodromic sory pathways is approximately 5% to 20%, and antidromic
tachycardia, a critical degree of delay in the A-V or V-A interval, tachycardia is common in this situation.
which can be in the AV node or His-Purkinje system, is usually The most difficult situation for the differential diagnosis of
necessary. However, dual AV nodal pathway physiology, with or AVRT is the so-called Mahaim tachycardia, which includes atrio-
without AVNRT, can be noted in some patients (Figure 24-13). fascicular or nodofascicular (or nodoventricular) re-entry tachy-
Ventricular pacing from different sites can provide valuable infor- cardia and AVNRT with an “innocent bystander” bypass tract.
mation about retrograde conduction through the AV node or via These arrhythmias often appear as wide-complex tachycardias
a septal pathway (Figure 24-14). The incidence of antidromic with LBBB and left-axis deviation. However, the presence of
AVRT is much lower than orthodromic AVRT. Comparison with ventriculoatrial dissociation favors nodofascicular tachycardia.
sinus rhythm shows a fully pre-excited QRS complex. Rapid con- Sternick et al recently described a simple parameter to distinguish
duction in retrograde AV nodal–His axis is necessary for the between decremental or rapidly conducting pathways during pre-
initiation and maintenance of antidromic tachycardia. The atrial excited tachycardia: An AV interval of more than 150 ms during
premature beat usually can advance the next pre-excited ventricu- pre-excited tachycardia is reliable for detecting a decrementally
lar complex through the antegrade accessory pathway, or it can conducting accessory pathway.32
324  Clinical Electrophysiology


417 417 417





SA=200 SA=220



FIGURE 24-14  Left, Delivery of two right ventricular apex stimuli during tachycardia without changing the tachycardia cycle length (417 ms) or atrial
cycle length. The earliest atrial activation is on the proximal part of the coronary sinus. Middle, Ventricular stimuli from the right ventricular apex with
the same pacing cycle length as tachycardia cycle length, and the interval from stimulus to atrial activation on the coronary sinus is 220 ms. Right,
Ventricular stimuli from the basal part of the right ventricle with the same pacing cycle length as tachycardia cycle length. The interval from stimulus
to atrial activation on the CS is 220 ms. The retrograde bundle of His potential is found before atrial activation. The stimulus to the A interval (220 ms)
is much longer than the QRS-A interval during tachycardia. These findings suggest atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia with demonstration of
a lower common pathway during ventricular pacing and exclude the possibility of retrograde accessory pathway in the posteroseptal area.










1000 ms

FIGURE 24-15  A, A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) during sinus rhythm. B, Surface 12-lead ECG of antidromic tachycardia.
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Supraventricular Tachycardia   325




368 367 330




200 ms

FIGURE 24-15, cont’d C, Rapid atrial pacing (S) induces antidromic atrioventricular (AV) re-entry tachycardia with antegrade conduction through
right free wall accessory pathway and retrograde conduction through slow AV nodal pathway (earliest retrograde atrial activation in the coronary sinus
ostium [CSO]). D, One atrial premature beat pre-excites the ventricle through the accessory pathway; however, this atrial premature beat (S) also
collides with retrograde atrial activation, and AV re-entry tachycardia is terminated. HRA, High right atrium.

Lee SH, Chen SA, Tai CT, et al: Electrophysiologic characteristics and
Chen SA, Tai CT, Chiang CE, et al: Electrophysiologic characteristics, radiofrequency catheter ablation in atrioventricular node reentrant
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application of radiofrequency energy, Circulation 85:2162–2175, 1992. Sternick EB, Lokhandwala Y, Timmermans C, et al: The atrioventricular
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tricular tachycardia due to atrioventricular nodal reentry by radiofre- of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia during programmed
quency ablation of slow-pathway conduction, N Engl J Med 32:313–316, ventricular stimulation in man, Am J Cardiol 43:404–415, 1978.
1992. Tai CT, Chen SA, Chiang CE, et al: Complex electrophysiological charac-
Klein LS, Hackett FK, Zipes DP, et al: Radiofrequency catheter ablation of teristics in atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia with continuous
Mahaim fibers at the tricuspid annulus, Circulation 87:738–747, 1993. atrioventricular node function curves, Circulation 95:2541–2547, 1997.
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Tai CT, Chen SA, Chiang CE, et al: Electrophysiologic characteristics and pathway and associated reentrant circuit, Circulation 77:837–848,
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tricular nodal reentry tachycardias, Am J Cardiol 77:52–58, 1996. Wu D, Denes P, Amat-y-Leon F, et al: An unusual variety of atrio-
Tai CT, Chen SA, Chiang CE, et al: Multiple anterograde atrioventricular ventricular node reentry due to dual atrioventricular nodal pathways,
node pathways in patients with atrioventricular node reentrant tachy- Circulation 56:50–59, 1977.
cardia, J Am Coll Cardiol 28:725–731, 1996.
Tchou P, Lehmann MH, Jazayeri M, et al: Atriofascicular connection or a All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
nodoventricular Mahaim fiber? Electrophysiologic elucidation of the com.
Electrophysiological Evaluation
of Ventricular Fibrillation
Matthew Wright, Frederic Sacher, and Michel Haïssaguerre
finally three extrastimuli, with the coupling interval of the last
Introduction extrastimulus being decreased by 10 or 20 ms until the ERP is
reached for the first extrastimulus. Typically, 600-ms and 400-ms
Sudden cardiac arrest accounts for between 300,000 and 400,000 drive trains are used. Most operators stop extrastimuli at a cou-
deaths in the United States alone each year. Although the underly- pling interval of 180 to 200 ms because with shorter coupling
ing pathophysiology for the majority of these deaths is coronary intervals, the specificity of the test is reduced and polymorphic
artery disease (CAD), in autopsy studies, evidence of recent VT and VF occur more frequently.6 However, recent work sug-
occlusive coronary thrombus is present in only up to 64% of gests that patients with VT of a cycle length 200 to 250 ms are at
patients.1 Thus up to one third of all cases of unexplained sudden high risk of a subsequent event and that this should not be taken
cardiac arrest may be primarily caused by cardiac arrhythmias, as a nonsignificant event in patients with ischemic cardiomyopa-
with ventricular fibrillation (VF) being the culprit arrhythmia in thy (Table 25-1).7
the majority of patients. Although secondary and primary preven-
tion trials have demonstrated the superiority of implantable car-
Ischemic Heart Disease
dioverter defibrillators (ICDs) compared with antiarrhythmic
drugs (AADs) in preventing death, which represents ICD therapy The Multicenter Unsustained Tachycardia Trial (MUSTT) was a
as the gold standard treatment for this condition, current methods multi-center prospective study that enrolled 2202 patients with
of risk stratification are primarily based on the assessment of left significant CAD, reduced LVEF (<40%), and nonsustained VT and
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF).2,3 subjected patients to programmed ventricular stimulation.8 VT
Moreover, approximately 10% of all deaths are unaccounted was induced in just over one third of patients. These patients were
for, with autopsies revealing structurally normally hearts. Even then randomized to either no AAD therapy or AAD therapy
with postmortem genetic testing, specifically for long QT syn- guided by repeated stimulation. If VT remained inducible despite
drome (LQTS), 96% of young males who died from sudden AAD therapy, an ICD was implanted. Patients in whom sustained
cardiac death (SCD) had no attributable cause. Although a monomorphic VT was induced were monitored by a registry.
number of genetic syndromes that can result in VF, such as Although this study confirmed that patients with inducible VT
Brugada syndrome and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardio- off AADs had a higher rate of arrhythmic events over the follow-
myopathy (ARVC), have been identified, a large population of ing 5 years compared with those without inducible VT (36% vs.
young, otherwise healthy patients still die from idiopathic VF, 24%; P = .005), the event rate in patients without inducible VT at
which is difficult to diagnose. This chapter explores the diagnostic the time of invasive EPS was not insignificant (Figure 25-2).9
modalities available to the electrophysiologist to identify and risk As just stated, it is not uncommon to induce polymorphic VT
stratify patients at risk of SCD. and VF at shorter extrastimulus coupling intervals and with mul-
tiple extrastimuli. In the MUSTT trial, induction of polymorphic
VT or VF was considered positive only if this occurred with up
Programmed Ventricular Stimulation to two extrastimuli. In a retrospective analysis of the Multicentre
Automatic Defibrillator Trial II (MADIT-II), for which patients
The use of invasive electrophysiological study (EPS) to risk stratify had to have an LVEF less than 30% and a prior MI, programmed
patients goes back almost 40 years to the observation by Wellens ventricular stimulation was prognostic only when a positive result
et al that in patients with prior myocardial infarction (MI) and was taken—that is, not when polymorphic VT or VF had been
ventricular tachycardia (VT), programmed ventricular stimula- induced with aggressive pacing.9,10 Although many studies were
tion could be used to induce the same VT (Figure 25-1).4 Although performed on acute arrhythmia suppression with AADs, the
the sensitivity of programmed ventricular stimulation has been long-term use of AADs to prevent VT and VF has been disap-
refined since its original description, a nonclinical ventricular pointing, and it is now common to implant ICDs in patients at
arrhythmia is induced in approximately one third of patients.5 risk. However, this is mainly based on the patient’s LVEF, not on
Although protocols vary among institutions, stimulation is nor- invasive testing.8,9,11,12
mally performed from both the right ventricular apex and the Current guidance for the use of programmed ventricular stim-
right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT). Initially, single, double, ulation is based largely on the MADIT-I and MADIT-II trials and
and then triple extrastimuli are applied to a sensed ventricular the results of the Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Trial
beat, reducing the last extra stimulus by 20 ms each time until the (SCD-HeFT).11-13 In the United Kingdom, the National Institute
effective refractory period (ERP) is reached. An eight-beat drive for Health and Clinical Excellence updated the guidelines for ICD
train is then followed by a single extrastimulus, then two and implantation, which are used in other health care systems

328  Clinical Electrophysiology

FIGURE 25-1  The initial description of
induction of ventricular tachycardia with
programmed ventricular stimulation. Initiation
of a tachycardia by a single right ventricular
premature beat (premature beat interval of
RA 280 ms) during regular driving of the right
ventricle (basic cycle length of 580 ms). No
bundle of His electrogram precedes the
ventricular complex. As shown in the right
His atrial lead, the first ventricular complex during
the tachycardia is followed by retrograde atrial
activation; thereafter 2 : 1 ventriculoatrial
conduction is present during the tachycardia.
V1 The QRS complex configuration during the
tachycardia suggests a left ventricular origin.
V6 (From Wellens HJ, Schuilenburg RM, Durrer D:
Electrical stimulation of the heart in patients with
580 580 280 340 310 300 265 265 265 ventricular tachycardia, Circulation 46:216–226,

Table 25-1  Popular Programmed Ventricular Stimulation Protocols


Wellens et al 8 beats, not specified RV X

Josephson 53
SR, 600 ms, 400 ms RVA, RVOT ± LV To 220 beats/ms or loss of 1 : 1 capture X X X

Kumar et al14 8 beats, 400 ms RVA X X X

MUSTT5 8 beats, 600 ms, 400 ms RVA, RVOT 350 to 250 beats/ms for 15 beats X X

S2-S4 are progressively brought down in 10- to 20-ms increments to the effective refractory period.
Stimulation at twice diastolic threshold, in 2-ms rectangular pulses.
SR, Sinus rhythm; RV, right ventricular; RVA, right ventricular apex; RVOT, right ventricular outflow tract; MUSTT, Multicenter Unsustained Tachycardia Trial.

throughout the world. These evidence-based guidelines suggest A recent study has shown that performing programmed ven-
that the role of programmed ventricular stimulation in the deci- tricular stimulation may be beneficial when patients presented
sion to implant an ICD is restricted to patients with a previous within the first few weeks after an MI and with an LVEF of less
MI (>6 weeks), an LVEF of 30% to 35%, a lack of New York Heart than 40% (Figure 25-3).14 ICD implantation is not routinely con-
Association (NYHA) class IV symptoms, and nonsustained VT sidered in these patients as a result of the Defibrillator in Acute
on monitoring. These criteria were derived from the enrollment Myocardial Infarction Trial (DINAMIT), which demonstrated
criteria to the MADIT-I study. Patients who were enrolled in the that patients with an ICD implanted within the first month of an
MADIT-II study with an LVEF less than 30% did not need to MI with an LVEF of less than 35% and depressed autonomic func-
undergo invasive EPS. Although it appears that programmed ven- tion, as assessed by heart rate variability, actually had a worse
tricular stimulation has quite a narrow indication in the decision outcome.15 Although fewer patients died of arrhythmic events,
of when to implant an ICD, it still remains a useful tool. The the rate of nonarrhythmic death was substantially high. These
absolute benefit from ICD implantation in the MADIT trial was data, as well as those from the Immediate Risk Stratification
12% per year in which patients had to have a “positive” test result Improves Survival (IRIS) trial, which also investigated early
compared with a more modest absolute benefit of approximately implantation of an ICD in high-risk patients (as assessed by
3% and 1.5% per year, respectively, in the MADIT-II and SCD- reduced LVEF <40%, depressed autonomic function, or nonsus-
HeFT populations, in whom programmed ventricular stimulation tained VT on Holter monitoring), demonstrated no absolute
was not used to determine ICD implantation. mortality benefit from implantation.14 This has led to the current
On the basis of the MUSTT trial results, patients with clini- situation in which high-risk patients do not receive ICDs after an
cally significant CAD and an LVEF of 30% to 40% and nonsus- MI.16,17
tained VT would also benefit from ICDs if they had a positive In the latest study, however, programmed ventricular stimula-
programmed ventricular stimulation test result.8,9 Again, a large tion has been used to risk stratify patients, in contrast to the
absolute benefit was demonstrated in this patient population, noninvasive measures in the IRIS and DINAMIT studies. In the
although for most patients the clinically significant CAD was a study by Kumar et al, patients with previous MI and an LVEF less
prior MI. than 40% had programmed ventricular stimulation at an average
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Ventricular Fibrillation   329

0.6 1.0
Unadjusted P = .005
0.5 Adjusted P < .001 HR 0.46 (0.22, 0.95), P = .035,

Sudden death/VT or VF
Proportion of patients
0.8 EPneg vs. EPpos
Inducible tachyarrhythmias,
0.3 no antiarrhythmic therapy 0.6

0.2 0.4
Registry EPpos (n = 142)
0 EPneg (n = 218)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Years after enrollment
No. at risk 0 12 24 36 48 60
Inducible Time (months)
tachyarrhythmias, Number at risk
no antiarrhythmic EPneg 218 206 180 119 92 65
therapy 353 290 242 178 118 67 EPpos 142 115 95 68 52 43
Registry 1397 1212 1074 787 530 308
FIGURE 25-3  The role of invasive electrophysiological study after
FIGURE 25-2  The role of invasive electrophysiological testing in myocardial infarction. Shown are Kaplan-Meier curves for sudden
patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy from the Multicenter death or ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation (VT or VF)
Unsustained Tachycardia Trial (MUSTT). Shown are Kaplan-Meier stratified by those with inducible VT or VF at invasive
estimates of the rates of cardiac arrest or death from arrhythmia in the electrophysiological (EP) study 9 days after successful revascularization.
registry patients and the patients with inducible ventricular HR, Hazard ratio. (From Kumar S, Sivagangabalan G, Zaman S, et al:
tachyarrhythmias who were not assigned to antiarrhythmic therapy. Electrophysiology-guided defibrillator implantation early after ST-elevation
(From Buxton AE, Lee KL, DiCarlo L, et al: Electrophysiologic testing to myocardial infarction, Heart Rhythm 7:1589–1597, 2010.)
identify patients with coronary artery disease who are at risk for sudden
death. Multicenter Unsustained Tachycardia Trial Investigators, N Engl J
Med 342:1937–1945, 2000.)

makes interpretation more difficult in the contemporary era.

Despite this, overall mortality was very low, and the trial was
stopped early because of futility.
of 9 days after the acute event. An ICD was implanted in patients In the Amiodarone Versus Implantable Cardioverter-
in whom VT could be induced with a cycle length greater than Defibrillator: Randomized Trial in Patients With Nonischemic
200 ms with up to four extrastimuli. In this study, patients with a Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Asymptomatic Nonsustained Ven-
positive test result were at a substantially higher risk (hazard ratio tricular Tachycardia (AMIOVIRT), 103 patients were enrolled,
[HR], 14.3) compared with those who had a negative test result, but this trial was also stopped early after just over 2 years because
and implantation of an ICD seemed to confer benefit in this of a failure to show any benefit of an ICD. Again, there was a rela-
patient population. An important distinction in this study com- tively low mortality rate of 12%.21 Although the use of β-blockers
pared with the earlier DINAMIT and IRIS trials was that patients was better, only 53% of patients were taking them at the time of
had to have been successfully revascularized before enrollment. the study. Invasive EPS was again not used to risk stratify patients.
The results of MUSTT, taken together with the more recent In the Defibrillators in Non-Ischaemic Cardiomyopathy Treat-
work on early programmed ventricular stimulation after success- ment Evaluation (DEFINITE) trial, a much larger number of
ful revascularization, suggest that programmed ventricular stimu- patients were enrolled compared with either CAT or AMIOVIRT,
lation is a useful tool in risk stratifying patients with a reduced with similar inclusion criteria.22 In addition, a greater population
ejection fraction after MI (Table 25-2). Compared with signal- was on optimal medical therapy, with 84% of the population on
averaged electrocardiograms (ECGs) and LVEF, programmed β-blockers and 86% on angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
ventricular stimulation is the best predictor of spontaneous ven- inhibitors, although spironolactone was not then part of the stan-
tricular arrhythmia late after MI in patients with reduced ejection dard therapy. However, patients were excluded if they had under-
fraction.18,19 gone invasive EPS within 3 months. Although implantation of an
ICD led to a significant reduction in the rate of SCD (HR, 0.2), it
did not lead to an overall reduction in death from any cause.
Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
A smaller study did investigate the use of programmed ven-
The role of programmed ventricular stimulation in the risk assess- tricular stimulation in this patient population as well as the pres-
ment of patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM) ence of nonsustained VT on ambulatory monitoring.24 Although
is not well studied. Approximately 50% of patients with IDCM more than 80% of patients enrolled in the study were taking
will have SCD caused by ventricular arrhythmia as opposed to β-blockers, fewer than one fourth of patients were taking
progressive heart failure.20 Impairment of left ventricular function β-blockers at the start of the study. With a stimulation protocol
alone does not appear to be a specific marker for risk.11,21,22 In the of a six-beat drive train with two or three extrastimuli from a
Cardiomyopathy Trial (CAT), 104 patients with IDCM and an single site, monomorphic VT was inducible in 7% of patients. The
LVEF less than 30% were randomized to either medical or ICD addition of the third extrastimulus increased overall inducibility,
therapy.23 This trial had a very low rate of β-blocker use, which but this was caused by the induction of polymorphic VT,
330  Clinical Electrophysiology

Table 25-2  Use of Invasive Electrophysiological Testing after Myocardial Infarction


196 ≤35 RVA, RVOT, 2 drive cycle ICD or medical 3 weeks (75% 27 ICD better
lengths, up to S42 therapy >6 mo)

MUSTT3 704 ≤40 See Table 25-1 ICD or medical 40% <1 year 39 (median) ICD better

CARISMA4 312 ≤40 RVA, RVOT, 2 drive cycle 6 weeks 24 PES predictive of
lengths, up to S4 arrhythmic events

Kumar et al5 360 ≤40 See Table 25-1 ICD or medical 9 days 49 ICD guided by PES
therapy favorable

Bourke et al6 502 Not randomized RVA up to S47 11 days 1 year Poorer prognosis if
to EF inducible arrhythmia

Roy et al8 150 46 RVA and RVOT up to S3 12 10 No difference according

to PES

LVEF, Left ventricular ejection fraction; ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; PES, programmed electrical stimulation; RVA, right ventricular apex; RVOT, right ventricular outflow
1. Moss AJ, Hall WJ, Cannom DS, et al: Improved survival with an implanted defibrillator in patients with coronary disease at high risk for ventricular arrhythmia. Multicenter
Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial Investigators, N Engl J Med 335:1933–1940, 1996.
2. Multicenter automatic defibrillator implantation trial (MADIT): Design and clinical protocol. MADIT Executive Committee, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 14:920–927, 1991.
3. Buxton AE, Lee KL, Fisher JD, et al: A randomized study of the prevention of sudden death in patients with coronary artery disease. Multicenter Unsustained Tachycardia Trial
Investigators, N Engl J Med 341:1882–1890, 1999.
4. Huikuri HV, Raatikainen MJ, Moerch-Joergensen R, et al: Prediction of fatal or near-fatal cardiac arrhythmia events in patients with depressed left ventricular function after an acute
myocardial infarction, Eur Heart J 30:689–698, 2009.
5. Kumar S, Sivagangabalan G, Zaman S, et al: Electrophysiology-guided defibrillator implantation early after ST-elevation myocardial infarction, Heart Rhythm 7:1589–1597, 2010.
6. Bourke JP, Richards DA, Ross DL, et al: Does the induction of ventricular flutter or fibrillation at electrophysiologic testing after myocardial infarction have any prognostic
significance? Am J Cardiol 75:431–435, 1995.
7. Bourke JP, Richards DA, Ross DL, et al: Routine programmed electrical stimulation in survivors of acute myocardial infarction for prediction of spontaneous ventricular
tachyarrhythmias during follow-up: Results, optimal stimulation protocol and cost-effective screening, J Am Coll Cardiol 18:780–788, 1991.
8. Roy D, Marchand E, Theroux IP, et al: Programmed ventricular stimulation in survivors of acute myocardial infarction, Circulation 72:487–494, 1985.

ventricular flutter, and VF. During a mean follow-up of just over Compared with ischemic cardiomyopathy, in which the substrate
2 years, the positive predictive value (PPV) was poor at 29%. for ventricular arrhythmia is defined and relatively fixed, the sub-
Although the negative predictive value (NPV) of programmed strate in HCM is more diffuse, and the mechanism underlying
ventricular stimulation was high, there was a very low event rate arrhythmic death may be modified by abnormal vascular
in the overall study population. responses or preceding the ischemia.27 Although a study using
A more recent study looked at inducibility of ventricular programmed ventricular stimulation in a high-risk group of
tachyarrhythmias and subsequent therapy from an ICD implanted patients did induce sustained ventricular arrhythmia in 43% of
for secondary prevention.25 By using a different stimulation pro- patients, sustained monomorphic VT was only induced in 10% of
tocol from the previous study, with four basic drive train cycle patients.28 However, programmed ventricular stimulation has
lengths, up to two ventricular stimulation sites, and up to three poor PPV and NPV in the risk stratification of patients with
extrastimuli, the investigators found that induction of polymor- HCM. Other markers of risk, namely a history of syncope, non-
phic VT or VF was more predictive of subsequent fast VT or VF sustained VT on Holter monitoring, family history, and left ven-
events than if sustained monomorphic VT was induced. They also tricular wall thickness, are used in the decision-making process
found that these patients had a worse overall mortality rate relating to the need to implant an ICD.3 Cardiac magnetic reso-
despite having a similar left ventricular systolic function.26 nance imaging (MRI) to assess myocardial fibrosis, with late gado-
However, this was a retrospective study, and the data collection linium enhancement to risk stratify these patients, has created
took place over a long period, from 1994 to 2007, limiting the some interest, but this is not routine clinical practice.29,30
clinical application of this study.
In conclusion, programmed ventricular stimulation is of
Congenital Heart Disease
limited value for risk assessment in patients with IDCM and has
no randomized controlled trial data to support its use. Although patients with corrected congenital heart disease most
frequently die from ventricular arrhythmia, the overall incidence
is low.31,32 This leads to the diagnostic dilemma of how to risk
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
stratify patients. Although programmed ventricular stimulation
Although patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) are has been used in various studies in an attempt to identify high-
at high risk for ventricular arrhythmia, programmed ventricular risk individuals, most studies have focused on patients with
stimulation is rarely performed in this patient population. repaired tetralogy of Fallot. In a retrospective, multi-center study
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Ventricular Fibrillation   331

of 252 patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot, the PPV of induc-

ible ventricular arrhythmia with programmed ventricular stimu-
lation was 55%, and the presence of sustained monomorphic or 90 P < .001
polymorphic VT was a strong predictor of future ventricular 80

Free from events (%)

arrhythmia or SCD (HR, 5.0, P = .0002 vs. HR, 12.9, P < .0001, 70
respectively).33 Unfortunately, the clinical use of programmed 60
ventricular stimulation is limited because of a poor NPV.33,34
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy 30
0 risk factors
1 risk factor
In ARVC, the myocardium in the right ventricle, and sometimes 20 2 risk factors
in the left ventricle, is replaced by fibro-fatty tissue; this substrate 10 3 risk factors
can give rise to ventricular arrhythmias, leading to death.35,36
Although it is generally agreed that patients who present after
2 4 6 8 10 12
having survived an episode of VF or VT should be implanted with
an ICD, the treatment of asymptomatic patients with arrhythmo- Follow-up in years
genic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) is more difficult.3,37
FIGURE 25-4  Risk stratification in Brugada syndrome: a multi-factorial
Although programmed ventricular stimulation has been used in
approach. Shown are Kaplan-Meier survival curves in the entire
this population of patients to aid risk stratification, a recent multi-
population of 245 patients who underwent electrophysiological study
center study has clearly shown that no benefit exists.38,39 In this (EPS). Risk factors considered were family history of sudden cardiac
multi-center study, 106 patients with ARVC were implanted death, syncope, and positive EPS result. Curves are plotted according
with ICDs on the basis of the presence of a single risk factor for to the presence of 0, 1, 2, or 3 risk factors (family history of sudden
SCD, including programmed stimulation. Although only 67 cardiac death, syncope, and positive EPS result). (Modified from Delise P,
patients underwent invasive EPS (the reasons that patients did not Allocca G, Marras E, et al: Risk stratification in individuals with the Brugada
undergo programmed ventricular stimulation were not discussed), type 1 ECG pattern without previous cardiac arrest: Usefulness of a
the PPV of the test was only 35% for VF or VT and the NPV was combined clinical and electrophysiologic approach, Eur Heart J
74%.39 These data do not support the use of programmed ventricu- 32:169–176, 2011.)
lar stimulation in the risk assessment of patients with ARVD.

relatively young group of patients could be expected to live for

Brugada Syndrome
many years, so a longer follow-up period is required.
The use of programmed ventricular stimulation in Brugada syn- A large meta-analysis of the use of programmed stimulation
drome is vigorously debated between groups that strongly believe that included 15 studies did not support a role for invasive EPS
in its role in risk stratification and those that do not.40-47 Although in Brugada syndrome.52 However, the contentious nature of this
sustained ventricular arrhythmia is easier to induce in patients issue is reflected in the consensus guidelines for sudden cardiac
with Brugada syndrome than in healthy control subjects and is arrest, with an overall conclusion that the role of programmed
reproducible within the same patient, its prognostic value is ventricular stimulation in Brugada syndrome will be resolved only
debated, with the Brugada researchers strongly supporting its use when a large prospective study is performed.52 Until then, however,
in risk stratification.48 This is based on a large prospective multi- the guidelines limit the role of invasive testing to patients with
center trial that enrolled 408 asymptomatic patients, with induc- spontaneous ST elevation and assign it as only level C evidence.
ibility at EPS being the strongest predictor of subsequent SCD or
resuscitated VF.41 The same group also reported that provocative
stimulation was useful in a mixed population of symptomatic and Conclusion
asymptomatic patients, with inducible VF being more frequent in
symptomatic patients.42,49 More recently, a combination approach Although programmed ventricular stimulation is being per-
in which inducibility of VF at EPS is one of a number of risk formed less often now than in the past, it still has a role in the
factors taken into account, suggests at least some role for pro- risk stratification of patients, particularly in those with ischemic
grammed stimulation.50 The highest risk patients had a type 1 cardiomyopathy. Although clinical presentation, underlying
ECG at baseline, syncope, a family history of SCD, and a positive pathology, and ejection fraction clearly form the basis of most
EPS result. In patients with only one of three criteria—family guidelines for implantation of ICDs, programmed ventricular
history of SCD, syncope, or a positive EPS—no events were noted stimulation can stratify very high-risk patients who have been
(Figure 25-4). successfully revascularized. The role of invasive EPS in primary
However, these conclusions have been contested by a number electrical diseases such as LQTS and Brugada syndrome is debat-
of groups and studies. In a study in which 86 patients underwent able, but it seems that it has little, if any, role in this population.
provocative testing were compared with 114 who did not, prior
syncope and a Brugada type 1 ECG predicted future events but
programmed ventricular stimulation did not.46 Similar results
were found in a further study, with inducible VF being more Dr. Wright acknowledges financial support from the Department
frequent in symptomatic patients than in asymptomatic patients. of Health via the National Institute for Health Research compre-
However, programmed stimulation had no clinical use in asymp- hensive Biomedical Research Centre award to Guy’s & St Thomas’
tomatic patients, who had a very low event rate over the duration NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with King’s College London
of the trial.51 Although the mean follow-up was 40 months, this and King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
332  Clinical Electrophysiology
Epstein AE, DiMarco JP, Ellenbogen KA, et al: ACC/AHA/HRS 2008
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Borggrefe M, Trampisch HJ, Breithardt G: Reappraisal of criteria for 2008.
assessing drug efficacy in patients with ventricular tachyarrhythmias: Hohnloser SH, Kuck KH, Dorian P, et al: Prophylactic use of an implant-
Complete versus partial suppression of inducible arrhythmias, J Am able cardioverter-defibrillator after acute myocardial infarction, N Engl
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Daubert JP, Zareba W, Hall WJ, et al: Predictive value of ventricular Zipes DP, Camm AJ, Borggrefe M, et al: ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines
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with right precordial ST-segment-elevation Brugada syndrome, Circu-
lation 111:257–263, 2005.
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Recurrent
Ventricular Tachycardia
Wendy Tzou and Frank Marchlinski
Triggered Activity
Action potentials may occasionally propagate afterdepolariza-
Ventricular tachycardia (VT) is typically an ominous sign in the tions caused by oscillations in the membrane potential. Such trig-
setting of structural heart disease. Its evolution to ventricular gered activity may either occur as early afterdepolarizations
fibrillation (VF) and sudden cardiac death (SCD) has become (EADs) or delayed afterdepolarizations (DADs). EADs occur
increasingly recognized. Patients at particularly high risk are during phase II or III of the action potential, are more likely to
those with chronic coronary artery disease (CAD) with prior occur during bradycardia, and are implicated in torsades de
myocardial infarction (MI) and marked left ventricular (LV) sys- pointes induced by drugs or electrolyte abnormalities and in some
tolic dysfunction.1 In the post-thrombolytic era, the incidence of variants of congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS). DADs occur
sustained VT after MI is still approximately 2% to 4% in the first during phase IV of the action potential, are more tachycardia
48 hours and then stabilizes to about 0.5% per year thereafter. As dependent, and are believed to be responsible for ventricular
many as 5% to 10% of the patients will experience VF or SCD that arrhythmias occurring in digitalis intoxication and outflow tract
is usually preceded by sustained VT.2,3 An estimated 40% of indi- VTs.5 The mechanism may also play a role in VT in the setting of
viduals who have an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) acute MI.5
placed for an index event of sustained VT will have recurrent
VT.4,5 However, all VTs are not equal by nature; some can occur
in the absence of structural heart disease and have a very benign
prognosis. The disease states associated with VT and the manage- Re-entry is, by far, the most common mechanism of VT associ-
ment of VT will be addressed in greater length in other chapters ated with structural heart disease. Clinical characteristics include
of this text. This chapter will delineate the approach to the elec- spontaneous induction by premature ventricular complexes with
trophysiological evaluation of recurrent VT. usually abrupt initiation and termination. It requires tissue that
can conduct unidirectionally with either fixed or functional block
as well as a region of relatively slow conduction that permits
Mechanisms recovery of previously depolarized tissue and a circus rhythm to
propagate. The mechanism underlying most VTs in the setting of
Understanding the underlying mechanism behind a patient’s VT structural heart disease is re-entry caused by a scar. Although
is essential before proceeding with additional evaluation and with a myocardial scar or functional block caused by a nonischemic
acute and long-term management. The major categories are insult can serve as the pathophysiological substrate, chronic CAD
briefly reviewed. with prior infarct, particularly in the setting of compromised LV
function, is the most common underlying pathology.1
Abnormal Automaticity
Normal automaticity refers to reliable depolarization and impulse Noninvasive Assessment
formation of pacemaker cells. Such cells in the ventricle normally
provide escape rhythms of less than 50 beats/min. VT caused by Much information can be gleaned noninvasively in the evaluation
abnormal automaticity may occur when ventricular myocytes of recurrent sustained VT. Efforts should thus be initially directed
generate impulse formation at an accelerated rate compared with toward optimizing the use of available tools.
the normal rate because of an altered threshold for sodium (Na+)
influx into the cells. This mechanism is thought to underlie accel-
Surface Electrocardiogram
erated idioventricular rhythms in the setting of acute hypokale-
mia, hypomagnesemia, cocaine intoxication, focal inflammation, As in the face of any wide-complex tachycardia, a supraventricular
acute myocarditis, or ischemia.5 In the absence of such derange- etiology, with intrinsic bundle branch block, aberrancy, or ante-
ments, VTs of this type typically are seen in children or young grade accessory pathway conduction, should first be ruled out. The
adults. baseline electrocardiogram (ECG) can be very helpful in the initial

334  Clinical Electrophysiology

assessment of presumed VT.5 The presence of a bundle branch with LBBB and tall, monomorphic R waves in leads II, II, and aVF
block or manifest pre-excitation at baseline that is identical to that strongly suggest an outflow tract origin and idiopathic VT. A
seen during clinical tachycardia speaks against VT as a diagnosis. young, athletic person with several premature ventricular con-
Importantly, even minor differences in the wide QRS complex tractions (PVCs) or VT morphologies localized to the RV should
tachycardia compared with the sinus rhythm recording suggest a raise suspicion of arrythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopa-
ventricular origin. The presence of Q waves in contiguous leads or thy (ARVC), particularly in the presence of ε-waves or T-wave
ST elevations in the absence of acute MI suggests prior MI and inversions in the early precordial leads, V1 to V3, or other surface
aneurysm with a scar, respectively, and strongly suggests VT, espe- ECG clues during sinus rhythm. It is important to note, however,
cially if the infarct site is consistent with the presumed VT exit (see that re-entrant VT associated with nonischemic cardiomyopathy
below). The presence of a widened QRS at baseline, which is a typically originates near the peripulmonic, aortic, superior or all
marker of His-Purkinje disease, suggests a predisposition for of these mitral valves and can mimic right ventricular outflow
bundle branch re-entrant or fascicular VT. If a 12-lead ECG of the tract/left ventricular outflow tract (RVOT/LVOT) morphology.5
clinical arrhythmia is available, the presence of ventriculoatrial
dissociation or capture or fusion beats is diagnostic for VT. Addi-
tional axis and morphology characteristics may also be present
that may point toward VT as the diagnosis.3,6 Noninvasive imaging is often much more sensitive than the
In the absence of a 12-lead ECG during presumed VT, the surface ECG in assessing for presence of structural heart disease
sinus rhythm ECG may still be helpful. A completely normal ECG and, in particular, for a scar or ischemia. This can usually be easily
typically reflects a structurally normal heart. Outflow tract VTs accomplished by traditional methods of echocardiography or
frequently occur in this setting and should be strongly considered nuclear scintigraphy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a gen-
in the presence of a strong suspicion for VT. A long or short Q-T erally less accessible but often more sensitive tool for detecting
interval or characteristic ST-segment elevation features in leads both LV and RV abnormalities.9 The presence of an ICD or pace-
V1 and V2 might suggest an inherited arrhythmia substrate such maker has long been viewed as a contraindication for performing
as LQTS, short QT syndrome (SQTS), or Brugada syndrome, an MRI, but experiences at several centers, including those of the
respectively. These arrhythmia syndromes are more likely to authors of this chapter, have shown that it can be done safely.10
present with polymorphic VT. The presence of a sessile intracardiac thrombus should be ruled
If a 12-lead ECG has been obtained during VT, much addi- out before any invasive evaluation or intervention is attempted in
tional information may be gleaned from it. First, the “clinical” VT the presence of significant structural heart disease, given the high
will be apparent, which will be of great assistance during electro- risk for thromboembolism and stroke.
physiological study prior to ablation. Pacemapping strategies will
be greatly assisted by this in the setting of poorly hemodynami-
Electrogram Information from the Implanted
cally tolerated or noninducible VTs and substrate-based ablation
Cardioverter Defibrillator
(discussed in later chapters). Knowing which of many potentially
inducible VTs during electrophysiological study are pertinent also For patients with an ICD, the VT information stored on the device
will ensure that those VTs are targeted during the ablation pro- should be carefully reviewed. The number of events, both non-
cedure. Finally, a likely “site of origin,” or at least close approxima- sustained ones and those resulting in therapy, reflects the arrhyth-
tion of the VT exit from a larger macro–re-entrant circuit, can mia burden and should determine the urgency with which
often be determined.7 subsequent medical care is executed. This includes initiation of
A general strategy should begin with determining the bundle antiarrhythmic therapy and catheter ablation.1 Device-recorded
branch morphology. A left bundle branch block (LBBB) pattern, intracardiac electrograms (EGMs) may be especially helpful in
defined by presence of a terminal S wave in the QRS complex in determining if catheter ablative therapy may be required; if it is,
lead V1, indicates either a right ventricular (RV) origin or a septal EGMs will help target the ablation site if a surface 12-lead ECG
LV origin. A right bundle branch block (RBBB) pattern, defined of the clinical VT is not available. Events predominated by poly-
by the presence of a terminal R in V1 almost uniformly indicates morphic VT without clear monomorphic PVC trigger, for
an LV origin. The frontal plane axis should then be examined. In instance, may be less amenable to ablation unless a reproducible
the inferior leads, a positive QRS axis will indicate a superior (thus trigger is evident. Depending on the stability of the patient’s con-
inferiorly directed) VT exit, and a negative axis will indicate an dition, noninvasive programmed stimulation (NIPS) testing
inferior one. Transition in the precordial leads, defined by the first through the device could be considered to find out if the intra-
precordial lead where the R is greater than S, indicates how basal cardiac EGM of any induced VT resembles those stored from
(transition ≤ lead V2) or apical (negative throughout precordium) spontaneous clinical events so that the occurrence of clinical VT
is the VT circuit exit or focus.7 This strategy, coupled with intra- may be identified on 12-lead ECG.
cardiac mapping (described below) works well in almost all cases
except for VT occurring in the presence of a large apical infarc-
tion, in which septal versus lateral exits are difficult to distin- Invasive Assessment of Ventricular
guish.8 Assessing the timing of the surface QRS onset to the RV
apical intracardiac recording during VT suggests a lateral origin
if the time exceeds 100 ms.8
Additional Preparation
The above localization strategy was developed in patients with
re-entrant VT caused by chronic CAD and prior infarction but Before pursuing more invasive evaluation with electrophysiologi-
can be applied to other forms of VT as well. Here, clinical history cal study and possible ablation, it is important to perform an
and pattern recognition can be additionally helpful. In a young evaluation of the presence and status of CAD and to determine
patient with no known heart disease or evidence for CAD, VT LV function and reserve, either noninvasively, as described above,
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Recurrent Ventricular Tachycardia  335

or via cardiac catheterization. Deaths related to the procedure are Induction of VT with burst pacing or sympathetic stimulation,
often attributable to underestimation of the importance of the
ischemic burden before the procedure and the volume overload
during the procedure. Documentation of the anticoagulation
status and, as indicated, exclusion of an unstable LV thrombus are
for instance, with isoproterenol infusion or stress testing, is much
more likely to occur with triggered arrhythmias. Interestingly,
atrial burst pacing is somewhat more likely to induce outflow tract
tachycardias compared with ventricular burst pacing.3
important. Identification of vascular access problems before the VT caused by abnormal automaticity is not affected by PES,
procedure ensures its safety and success. Severe arterial disease either in terms of initiation or termination; the inability to induce
or the presence of aortic stenosis will require a trans-septal clinical VT with PES, as described above, suggests automaticity
approach. Details of present and past antiarrhythmic therapy as a mechanism. These VTs are affected by basic heart rate and
must be considered. Ideally, discontinuation of any ongoing are typically elicited during bradycardia.7 Some are enhanced by
therapy for at least five half-lives should occur before electro- the infusion of isoproterenol.
physiological study and ablation; because of the unstable nature Certainly, the goal of these procedures is to reproducibly
of many patients’ conditions, this is often not possible. Many initiate VT and to perform maneuvers that lend support to its
patients will have been treated with amiodarone. Its long half-life underlying mechanism. If the diagnosis of VT is not certain,
and storage in body fat will mean that amiodarone will be present confirming it in the electrophysiological laboratory is fairly
even if stopped several days before the procedure. The results of straightforward. The diagnosis of VT can be established with the
programmed stimulation and subsequent ablation should be mode of arrhythmia induction and the presence of atrial and
interpreted with this knowledge. ventricular dissociation at the onset of VT elicited with pacing
maneuvers. Atrial stimulation can be used during a wide complex
tachycardia that is suspected of being antidromic SVT over a
Initiating Ventricular Tachycardia
bypass tract when the His atrial activity is refractory to confirm
A hallmark of re-entrant VT is the ability to induce it and termi- atrial participation in the circuit. As alluded to earlier, re-entrant
nate it by ventricular programmed electric stimulation (PES) in VT can be initiated and terminated by ventricular PES. Its other
the electrophysiological laboratory. Because of changes in refrac- hallmarks are (1) an inverse relationship between the coupling
tory periods and tissue conduction velocities, along with varia- interval of the ventricular extrastimulus and the return cycle
tions in heart rates, re-entry is favored by fast heart rates and length of the tachycardia; (2) the ability to entrain the VT with
sudden changes in rate. A critical basic pacing rate in PES, there- progressive fusion with shorter pacing cycle lengths; and (3) the
fore, is often needed to initiate a re-entrant tachycardia in a given ability to demonstrate entrainment with concealed fusion at
patient, and several different basic pacing drive cycle lengths with isthmus sites.3
extrastimuli should be used to try to induce it.7 Notably, triggered Given the relative predominance of re-entrant VT versus other
VTs also can be occasionally initiated with ventricular PES; thus, types of VT, the following discussion on mapping strategies will
induction with PES does not exclude the latter as a mechanism focus on those used for re-entrant VT. More detailed discussion
for VT.7 In inducing VT with PES, it is important to attempt regarding mapping and ablation of other VT subtypes appears
stimulation from additional ventricular sites other than the RV later in this chapter.
apex. Additional stimulation from sites such as the RVOT or the
LV may be required to initiate a monomorphic, sustained VT in
Mapping Strategies: Hemodynamically Stable,
10% to 20% of patients in whom stimulation from the RV apex is
Re-entrant Ventricular Tachycardia
ineffective.7 Frequently, VT with a RBBB pattern will best be initi-
ated by stimulating from the lateral LV. Hemodynamically stable, relatively slow VT that is easily induc-
Methods for PES vary significantly. Pacing for eight beats with ible and stable in response to pacing comprises a small minority
basic drive cycle lengths of 600 and 400 ms followed by the intro- of re-entrant VTs, especially in the setting of ischemic heart
duction of one to four extrastimuli is generally the most accepted disease. However, when re-entrant VT is present, detailed activa-
protocol. The ability to induce sustained monomorphic VT tion and entrainment mapping can be performed. The goal of
(MMVT) increases successively with the number of extrastimuli, both is to identify the critical elements of the re-entrant circuit
up to three. MMVT can be induced in 96% of those with sus- that are protected by anatomic or functional boundaries (a dense
tained clinical VT and in 75% of those who have survived sudden scar or valvular structures) and which would therefore be easiest
arrhythmic cardiac death.7 Beyond three extrastimuli, additional to successfully target with ablation. The surface ECG recording of
yield is minimal; sensitivity and inducibility increase marginally, VT typically represents the wavefront as it exits the scarred area
but with a significant decrease in specificity as less stable and and begins to depolarize the healthy myocardium. The “exit” is
more nonclinical VTs, polymorphic VTs (PMVTs), or both are frequently at the end of the most critical portion (isthmus) of the
induced.7 In the majority (80% to 85%) of patients, clinical VT can circuit and is located at the border of a scar. However, it is possible
be induced in this fashion; however, occasionally, induction is for the isthmus to be quite far from the edge of the scar and the
more effective when the basic “drive” is provided by sinus rhythm, wavefront to activate the diseased myocardium for several centi-
with extrastimuli introduced via pacing. If a specific VT is identi- meters before engaging the normal myocardium. Once the wave-
fied, the introduction of additional extrastimuli may be used for front encounters the normal myocardium, it then propagates
induction, recognizing the potential for the induction of less clini- away from this site to depolarize the rest of the ventricles as well
cally relevant arrhythmias. On occasion a short-long-short stimu- as to complete the depolarization of other portions of the circuit,
lation sequence may be advantageous. This stimulation has been including the outer scar border (outer loop) and the “entrance” to
described for the induction of bundle branch re-entry but can be the isthmus region (Figure 26-1, A). Occasionally, the wavefront
used for the induction of other VTs associated with structural may propagate through a path within the scar or area of functional
heart disease that are not induced with a more standard stimula- block (inner loop) that is not critical to the maintenance of the
tion protocol.7 circuit.11
336  Clinical Electrophysiology

myocardium QRS


loop Isthmus

scar from
infarction Entrance

FIGURE 26-1  A, A theoretical re-entrant
ventricular tachycardia (VT) circuit and
Exit* S-QRS = Eg-QRS = 78 ms Isthmus* S-QRS = Eg-QRS = 202 ms components in a patient with prior myocardial
II infarction. A functional conduction barrier
III caused by a scar houses the critical isthmus for
RBRS VT CL 500 the re-entrant circuit; the wavefront enters the
AVL proximal end and exits from the distal end of
AVF the isthmus. Its course through the broader area
V1 of the healthy myocardium marks the outer
V2 loop of the re-entrant circuit. B, Activation and
V3 entrainment mapping to identify components
V4 of VT circuit and appropriate site for focal
V5 ablation (Abl). The exit site within the VT circuit
V6 (red arrow) will have the same QRS as the VT
500 ms 500 ms with pacing from the site during VT, a short
Abl stimulus to QRS interval that matches the
RVA electrogram (EGM) to QRS interval and the
S S QRS S S return cycle length (CL) when pacing is stopped
equal to the VT CL. Moving further into the
Mapping/entrainment criteria: Defining a protected
Dense scar protected isthmus, the EGM is recorded in
endocardial isthmus
1) Diastolic activity in VT QRS or valve mid-diastole during VT (long arrow), the longer
QRS for mappable VT by
2) Pacing QRS = VT QRS stimulus to QRS interval during pacing equals
recording and pacing
3) Stim (S) to QRS = * * during VT the EGM-to-QRS interval, and the return cycle to
Electrogram to QRS
Dense scar the site of stimulation when pacing is stopped
4) Return CL = VT CL QRS
or valve will still equal the VT CL. (A, Courtesy Dr. William
B Stevenson.)

During activation mapping, isolated potentials, or abnormal, Entrainment mapping can be performed in hemodynamically
low-amplitude signals recorded during electrical diastole based tolerated VT that remains stable in response to pacing. Pacing
on surface ECG analysis, are identified. These recordings are felt slightly faster than the VT will cause continuous resetting of the
to represent depolarization of the aforementioned important re-entry circuit. Sites within the circuit will have a postpacing
portions of the re-entrant circuit, including the most critical interval (PPI), or time to return to the site of pacing, within 30
(isthmus).8,12,13 Isolated potentials have been found to be present ms of the tachycardia cycle length (TCL). It then follows that the
in about half the isthmus sites and represent areas at which radio- farther away from the circuit that entrainment is attempted,
frequency (RF) energy application may be most effective in ter- the larger will be the difference between the PPI and the TCL as
minating VT.12 However, the isthmus width can range from 6 to the time to and from the circuit will need to be added. It should
26 mm, and the presence of a broad isthmus may make activation be ensured that the EGM selected for PPI measurement repre-
data more difficult to interpret.13 Importantly, isolated diastolic sents local depolarization. The EGM of interest can be very dif-
potentials also have been found to be present at bystander sites ficult to identify when multiple fractionated signals are present,
that are close to, but not participating in, the VT circuit or can as is common in the presence of a scar, or when local potentials
even represent far-field activation of tissue remote from the directly depolarized by pacing are obscured by the pacing artifact.
mapping site. Identifying sites critical to the re-entrant circuit can Other major assumptions when interpreting the response to
sometimes be better characterized with entrainment mapping entrainment include the following: (1) Pacing does not alter the
(described below) or with pacing from a remote site to dissociate path of the circuit or initiate another VT; and (2) conduction time
the potential from the VT. The presence of bystander sites as well through the circuit is unchanged with entrainment compared
as the presence of multiple loops of re-entry can often confound with VT. Care should therefore be taken to pace only slightly
analysis. faster than the TCL, as faster pacing has been shown to alter the
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Recurrent Ventricular Tachycardia  337

VT circuit. Additionally, the presence of antiarrhythmic medica- typically serve as the arrhythmia substrate for most patients with
tions may further decrease conduction velocities during pacing
and can potentially confound analysis, particularly when pacing
at even modestly faster rates.11
Assuming the conditions described above are met, entrain-
sustained VT. Thus, a color range corresponding to endocardial
bipolar voltages of 0.5 to 1.5 mV will highlight areas of densely
scarred myocardium or aneurysm (<0.5 mV), border zone of a
scar (0.5 to <1.5mV), and healthy myocardium (>1.5 mV). It is
ment mapping can be very helpful in identifying the re-entrant important to note that the extent of an endocardial scar identified
circuit components. Entrainment from all isthmus sites will dem- on voltage mapping often will exceed that observed on thallium
onstrate concealed fusion with entrainment or demonstrate imaging in patients with extensive septal involvement. This phe-
capture with pacing, but without a change in QRS morphology of nomenon may be caused by lower sensitivity of the thallium
the paced beats compared with VT. At isthmus exit sites, the imaging in identifying subendocardial versus transmural infarc-
pacing stimulus to the QRS interval (S-QRS), which represents tion (Figure 26-2).
the conduction time from the pacing site to the re-entry circuit,
should be short, or less than 30% of the TCL. At central isthmus
Late Potential Mapping and Ablation
sites, the S-QRS should be intermediate, or 31% to 50% of the
TCL. At isthmus entrance sites, the S-QRS will be longer, or 51% Frequently, double potentials, late potentials, or both during sinus
to 70% of the TCL. At all of these sites, additionally, the S-QRS rhythm can be observed on bipolar recordings within or at the
time should also equal the EGM-to-QRS time during the VT (see borders of a scar that has been delineated by voltage mapping.
Figure 26-1, B). Termination with catheter pressure can occur Late potentials are defined as distinct bipolar EGMs that are
when mapping in this region suggests a narrow isthmus predis- inscribed after the end of the surface QRS complex and separated
posed to block with the slightest of pertubations.11 The presence from the major initial component of the local ventricular EGM
of inner-loop or adjacent bystander sites can be confusing, as by an isoelectric interval. They are felt to represent delayed activa-
entrainment also will demonstrate concealed fusion when stimu- tion within the diseased myocardium and have often been found
lation is performed at these sights. The S-QRS for the former will at critical sites within re-entrant VT circuits.13 Investigators have
be very long (usually >70% of TCL); for the latter, the PPI will not shown that these potentials are found within 89% of isthmus sites,
be similar to the TCL, and the S-QRS and the EGM-QRS time 57% of entrance, and 20% of exit sites (Figure 26-3).13 This strategy,
will not be equal. At outer loop sites, QRS fusion with entrain- combined with voltage mapping, identifies appropriate ablation
ment will be manifest because of the propagation of stimulated targets and provides a more refined substrate-based approach for
antidromic wavefronts away from the scar border in addition to VT ablation.
within the VT circuit. Evidence that the site is within the VT
circuit is that the PPI will approximate the TCL. If the scar border
along this portion of the circuit is in continuity with healthier
myocardium, the width of this circuit portion may be quite broad; In conjunction with a detailed voltage map and available VT
termination with either focal ablation or catheter trauma is thus morphologies from 12-lead surface ECGs or from ICD electro-
often less successful (<10%) at these sites. grams, pacemapping is used to approximate the VT exit site for
Even after detailed mapping is performed, it may not be pos- VT that cannot be characterized by activation or entrainment
sible to delineate the entire circuit, as parts of the re-entry circuit mapping because of hemodynamic instability.8,13 The procedure
may not be confined to the endocardium but also may course involves pacing at different ventricular sites along the border of
through the mid-myocardium or the epicardium. the scar during sinus rhythm to identify site(s) at which the paced
QRS morphology mimics that observed during VT. When using
pacemapping to localize the VT exit site, certain important limi-
Mapping Strategies: Hemodynamically Unstable
tations must be recognized. The paced QRS morphology may not
Ventricular Tachycardia
accurately reflect the site of origin of the VT and may not identify
The vast majority of clinical VTs will not be hemodynamically an appropriate site for VT ablation. Bidirectional conduction
tolerated, will be difficult to induce at the time of electrophysio- from the pacing site may not mimic the unidirectional wavefront
logical study, or it will be difficult to completely characterize it of activation associated with the VT circuit. Furthermore, the
using the strategies outline above. Sinus rhythm substrate char- output used to capture with pacing, especially if high, can influ-
acterization is now incorporated as part of the routine procedure ence the pattern of ventricular activation and produce a different
for all of those being considered for VT ablation. Other specifics QRS morphology in sinus rhythm because of an increase in the
to ablation approaches for VT will be discussed in detail in later size of the virtual electrode; this will differ from that during VT
chapters. even when pacing within a critical site of the VT circuit. Never-
theless, pacemapping can approximate the exit site of the VT
circuit in most patients and is a generally accepted method for
Sinus Rhythm Voltage Map
mapping when more detailed options are limited because of poor
A detailed substrate and voltage map should be created, with hemodynamic intolerance or noninducibility of VT.
efforts initially focused on areas of known infarction or scarring
on the basis of prior imaging. The endocardial extent of the ana-
Conducting Channels
tomic abnormality has been well characterized using bipolar
voltage criteria of 1.5 to 2.0 mV; this helps identify normal signal Many slower, more mappable VTs demonstrate conduction
amplitude recorded from the LV endocardium using a commer- through densely infarcted myocardium (<0.5 mV). In these cases,
cially available electroanatomic mapping system (CARTO, Bio- viable channels of the conducting myocardium may be identified
sense Webster, Inc., Diamond Bar, CA) with a 4-mm electrode tip by decreasing the color range such that narrow channels of larger
mapping catheter.8 Low-voltage areas of the endocardium voltage surrounded by areas of extremely low voltage can be
338  Clinical Electrophysiology

LV-RAO ≥1.62 mV LV-bottom

≤1.60 mV

Endocardial scar/infarct size

Magnetic mapping - 47% Bull’s eye polar plot
LV-PA SPECT imaging - 38%




FIGURE 26-2  Sinus rhythm voltage map and perfusion imaging correlate in a patient with prior inferior myocardial infarction. The color range for
the voltage maps is between 1.62 mV and 1.60 mV to emphasize the difference between normal (purple) and abnormal (red) or scarred endocardial
myocardium. In the perfusion scan, the nonviable scar was defined as areas with less than 50% tracer uptake compared with maximal pixel uptake
and is displayed as a “bull’s-eye” polar map (bottom right). In patients with ventricular tachycardia, the extent of abnormality identified as involving the
septum is typically underestimated by the perfusion scan consistent with the subendocardial extension of the scar, which serves as the typical
substrate for ventricular tachycardia.

visualized.13 Such channels also can be identified during RV

I pacing in the absence of ongoing VT.8 Fractionated EGMs, with
II isolated delayed components, multiple components, or both are
III often seen at isthmus sites; however, these low-amplitude signals
AVR may be obscured in sinus rhythm because of depolarization of the
AVL surrounding larger mass of the more normal myocardium. Chang-
AVF ing the direction of depolarization, for instance, with pacing, has
V1 been observed to better elucidate these signals and potential
V2 channels of conduction. RV apical pacing has been used for this
V3 purpose. While the identification of conducting channels in con-
V4 junction with other methods can be useful, it is often not specific
V5 enough to be the sole mapping guide.8
Noncontact Mapping
Ablp A final approach to mapping poorly tolerated or otherwise
RVA unmappable VT is via noncontact mapping using a multi-
Stim electrode system. The currently available system is a woven braid
500 ms
of 64 wires 0.003 inches in diameter mounted on a 7.6-mL balloon
on a 9-Fr catheter. Each wire has a 0.025-inch break in insulation,
FIGURE 26-3  Late potentials (LPs) as a surrogate marker for producing noncontact unipolar electrodes. It allows display of
identification of ventricular tachycardia (VT) circuit. At the isthmus site, more than 3300 mathematically derived unipolar EGMs via
LPs are present in sinus rhythm (black arrow). Spontaneous initiation of inverse solution to Laplace’s equation.14 Good correlation has
monomorphic VT is preceded by sudden loss of LPs (star), followed by
been observed between EGMs computed using the noncontact
the emergence of mid-diastolic potentials during VT (red arrows). The
balloon and those obtained simultaneously by direct catheter
late potentials in sinus rhythm are a marker for mid-diastolic potential
in sinus rhythm. contact, with reasonable results reported in limited clinical expe-
riences to date.14 However, the system is currently somewhat
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Recurrent Ventricular Tachycardia  339

Apical superior LV:
-Q wave lead I
Basal superior LV:
Epi Endo -Q wave lead I Epi Endo
-No Q wave II-III a VF
endiocardium epicardium
LV Apex:
III -Q wave lead V2 III
Basal inferior LV:
aVR -Q wave II-III-aVF aVR
-aVRl/aVL <1 Apical inferior LV:
-Q wave II-III-aVF
aVF Basal superior LV: aVF
V1 Apical superior LV: -Q wave lead I
V2 -No Q wave leads II-III-aVF V1
-Q wave lead I
V4 V4
V5 V5
V6 V6
Epi Endo Epi Endo
Epi Endo
Apical inferior LV: aVF aVL
aVF Basal inferior LV:
-Q wave leads II-III-aVF -Q wave leads II-III-aVF aVF
V1 -aVR/aVL <1
V2 LV apex: V2 V1
-Q wave lead V2
V3 V3 V2
V4 V4 V3
V5 V5 V4
V6 V5

FIGURE 26-4  Surface 12-lead electrocardiogram morphologic characteristics suggestive of an epicardial ventricular tachycardia origin. (Modified from
Bazan V, Gerstenfeld EP, Garcia F, et al: Site-specific twelve-lead ECG features to identify an epicardial origin for left ventricular tachycardia in the absence of
myocardial infarction, Heart Rhythm 4:1403–1410, 2007.)

cumbersome to use, as it requires a customized amplifier system gested (Figure 26-4). The details of epicardial mapping and abla-
and a Silicon Graphics workstation to run the software. Other tion are discussed in later chapters.
limitations include (1) potential need for contact mapping in areas
that are inaccessible by the balloon system because of low-
amplitude signals or excessive (>34 mm) distance from the Unique Considerations for Assessment in
balloon to the endocardial surface and (2) easy loss of position of
the balloon in patients with normal LV function in the setting of
Specific Types of Ventricular Tachycardia
recommended retrograde aortic positioning.
Ventricular Tachycardia with Nonischemic
Left Ventricular Disease
Epicardial Ventricular Tachycardia Mapping
Patients with VT in the setting of nonischemic LV cardiomyopa-
Features that may indicate the need for epicardial mapping and thy typically have, in addition to depressed LV function, low-
ablation can be apparent on the surface 12-lead ECG recorded voltage areas consistent with the scar frequently in perivalvular
during VT.15,16 These include the presence of a particularly wide- distribution, and often with epicardial involvement (Figure 26-5).
QRS VT with a slurred initial aspect of the QRS complex. A Q The mechanism of VT in this disease substrate is usually re-entry.8
wave in lead I is a particularly sensitive characteristic for identify- Intracardiac EGMs in scarred regions frequently are abnormal
ing an epicardial VT site of origin in patients with nonischemic and fractionated, and the overall surface, signal-averaged ECG is
cardiomyopathy. If it is present and if Q waves are absent in the abnormal.3 Mapping and ablation strategies are as outlined above
inferior leads, a basal and superolateral epicardial focus is sug- for typical re-entrant VT caused by ischemic heart disease.
340  Clinical Electrophysiology

>1.5 mV
>1.5 mV >1.0 mV

A Epicardial Mitral

<0.5 mV #2
<0.5 mV <0.5 mV
B Endocardial

FIGURE 26-5  Example of bipolar low-voltage abnormality and scar

distribution in a patient with nonischemic cardiomyopathy and Endocardium Epicardium
ventricular tachycardia. A and B, Left lateral views of epicardial and
endocardial voltage maps, respectively, demonstrating basal lateral FIGURE 26-6  Bipolar voltage maps showing periannular and more
low-voltage areas consistent with the scar. To distinguish the scar   extensive epicardial versus endocardial areas of low voltage consistent
from fat, these low-voltage areas also show multicomponent with the scar in two patients with arrythmogenic right ventricular
fractionated and late electrograms. C, The endocardium from a cardiomyopathy or dysplasia and ventricular tachycardia. Epicardial
transplanted heart from a patient with nonischemic cardiomyopathy electrograms also were fractionated and show late potentials.
and ventricular tachycardia identifying the endocardial scar adjacent
to the mitral annulus.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is an autosomal-dominant
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
inherited disorder of sarcomeres, with variable penetrance and
or Dysplasia
expression, which leads to myocyte hypertrophy and disarray and
Patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy varying degrees of usually asymmetric LV septal hypertrophy. The
or dysplasia (ARVC/D) have a progressive disorder with risk of SCD in this population has long been recognized, and ICD
autosomal-dominant inheritance that is marked by fibro-fatty implantation for primary and secondary prevention has increased
infiltration of the normal myocardium. This process primarily in the last several years. High-risk characteristics that justify ICD
involves the RV but may also involve the LV. It can begin with implantation in either setting include prior cardiac arrest; familial
localized dysplasia, which is recognized only on postmortem sudden death; massive left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), or
examination in patients with documented VT. In a pathologic maximum LV wall thickness 30 mm or greater; syncope; multiple
condition, the process appears to first affect the epicardium, episodes of recurrent nonsustained VT; hypotension during exer-
spreading gradually inward through the myocardium. The most cise stress testing; end-stage disease, marked by systolic dysfunc-
commonly affected areas are the RV infundibulum, the infero- tion often with LV remodeling and dilation; presence of LV apical
posterior subtricuspid region, and, less commonly, the RV apex aneurysm; and prior alcohol septal ablation.17 The last two sub-
marked by aneurysm formation. Of note, the location of most groups have become increasingly recognized for their higher risk
abnormal EGMs and the source of VT is perivalvular (pulmonic, of repetitive episodes of MMVT. Patients with HCM and apical
tricuspid, or both). The prevalence is estimated to be 1:5000 to aneurysm comprise about 2% of an HCM cohort. Their higher
1:10,000 in the general population, and it accounts for 5% of SCD incidence of MMVT is thought to be caused by focal myocardial
events in adults younger than 35 years and 22% of SCD in ath- scarring of the distal LV, which arises from chronically abnormal
letes. The clinical course is marked by progressive RV dysfunc- strain at the junction of the apical aneurysm and the rest of the
tion that may predispose to VT, VF, or both, and RV heart failure. myocardium. The mechanism of VT is re-entry, and VT ablation
Possible infectious and immunologic causes have been postulated that targets the apical endocardial and epicardial circuits has
as triggering mechanisms acting on a genetically defined desmo- proven successful.17 Residual scar from alcohol septal ablation can
somal protein abnormality, given that as many as 80% of hearts be substantial, occupying about 10% of the total LV mass, and it
affected by ARVC/D at autopsy have inflammatory infiltrates. has also been shown to be arrhythmogenic in some HCM patients.
When ventricular arrhythmias occur, they usually are re-entrant Some series have reported a fourfold increased risk of appropriate
and of multiple LBBB morphologies, reflecting a diffusely affected ICD shocks in these patients, compared with those who under-
right ventricle.16 VT with an epicardial site of origin is suggested went surgical myomectomy for the treatment of outflow
by 12-lead ECG characteristics of a Q or a QS in the inferior obstruction.17
leads for inferiorly exiting sites or in lead V2 for VTs exiting from
the anterior RV.16 Successful ablation of epicardial VT enhances
Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia
the overall success of VT ablation in this setting (Figure 26-6).16
Ablative therapy should be considered before the administration Idiopathic VT occurs in otherwise normal hearts, has a very
of amiodarone in this young patient population and to treat benign prognosis, and accounts for about 10% to 15% of clinical
patients who experience ICD shocks.16 VTs.18 The most common type generally originates from the
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Recurrent Ventricular Tachycardia  341

RVOT and has also been known as repetitive monomorphic VT. VTs arise from the septal-anterior aspect of the RVOT from a
Its mechanism is believed to be triggered, and the typical clinical
presentation is with salvos of nonsustained MMVT in the setting
of caffeine, emotional stress, or exercise.5 In the electrophysiologi-
cal laboratory, the arrhythmia can often be provoked with cate-
narrow segment just under the pulmonic valve. Less frequently,
they may originate from the free wall or posterior-septal aspect
of the superior RVOT or the LV.
A mapping scheme based on 12-lead ECG characteristics has
cholamine infusion or with burst pacing in the atrium or ventricle been developed to assist with localization in the RVOT before
and can often be terminated with adenosine infusion.3 The typical ablation (Figure 26-7, A).19 Septal RVOT VTs will tend to have
pattern of the VT observed on the 12-lead ECG is LBBB with taller and narrower inferior, monophasic R waves and a slightly
large, monophasic R waves in the inferior leads. Most of these earlier precordial transition compared with corresponding


Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 1 Site 2 Site 3

1-I SE 1-I
2-II R L 2-II
I 1 2 3 E
H 1 2 3 T
F 4-aVR T 4-aVR
5-aVL EW S 5-aVL
E 6-aVF 6-aVF
7-V1 T 7-V1
A 8-V2 8-V2
9-V3 SEP 9-V3
10-V4 R 2
I 1
PV 3 L 11-V5
1 E
12-V6 4336 1256 3938 H 2 3 F 12-V6 21
T Free
A wall T

I V1 Right
coronary 1-I
1-I II V2 cusp
2-II V3
3-III aVr V4
aVl 4-aVR
5-aVL 5-aVL
aVf V6

6-aVF 6-aVF

7-V1 7-V1
8-V2 8-V2
9-V3 NC 9-V3
10-V4 MV 10-V4
11-V5 11-V5
Left Right
12-V6 12-V6 1256
A-M Left RV RV
continuity coronary Location of typical RVOT anterior free
cusp site of origin septum wall

FIGURE 26-7  Electrocardiogram (ECG) characteristics of outflow tract ventricular tachycardias. A, Comparison of free wall versus septal right
ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) origin defined by pacemapping. Note the progressive negativity in lead I with more anterior and leftward site of origin
(from site 1 to 3). Compared with septal sites, free-wall characteristics include later precordial QRS transition, increased QRS duration, QRS notching in
the inferior leads, and relatively smaller amplitude QRS in leads II, III, and aVF. B, ECG patterns associated with selected outflow tract locations. Note
the relation of aortic valve cusps to the anatomy of the RVOT and mitral valve, and associated ECG changes corresponding to various sites of origin.
Later QRS precordial transition of RVOT free wall versus septal sites is highlighted in yellow. Progressive increase in R wave and earlier precordial
transition from right coronary cusp, left coronary cusp, and aorto-mitral (A-M) continuity is highlighted in gray.
342  Clinical Electrophysiology

free-wall RVOT VTs; free-wall VTs often will have notched R purposes of confirming the diagnosis and ablation. Areas where
waves in the inferior leads. To distinguish between anterior RVOT the earliest pre-QRS Purkinje potential is seen have been targeted
sites and posterior RVOT sites, the most discriminating lead to for ablation with successful elimination of the arrhythmia. Even
assess is lead I. Anterior RVOT VTs will often have a predomi- when sustained VT cannot be induced, a mapping strategy in
nantly negative QRS complex (qs) in lead I, whereas posteriorly sinus rhythm, based on the assumption of a sizable macro–re-
originating VTs will be more positive, with a small r. VTs originat- entrant circuit along the septum, can be undertaken. The area
ing between the two will accordingly have a more intermediate or along the mid-septal LV endocardium can be mapped to identify
biphasic to multi-phasic complex (qr/rs pattern) in lead I with net Purkinje potentials. An ablation line is then drawn from the infe-
isoelectric polarity. rior margin to the mid-septum.18
Occasionally, idiopathic VT can originate from sites above the
pulmonic valve and in the LVOT and surrounding areas, includ-
ing the AV cusps.20 ECG criteria have also been developed to
distinguish VTs originating in the LVOT from those originating Comprehensive electrophysiological evaluation of recurrent VT
in the RVOT. Surface ECG clues that indicate an LVOT versus should incorporate details from the patient’s clinical history and
RVOT site of origin include (1) RBBB and tall, monophasic infe- noninvasive data to tailor the appropriate approach for more inva-
rior R waves with a dominant R wave in V1 and lack of precordial sive study and potential ablation. In addition to the patient history,
transition, with or without a late-appearing S wave in lead V6; or surface 12-lead ECGs of the VT and cardiac imaging studies often
(2) LBBB and inferiorly directed axis with an earlier precordial provide insight related to the VT mechanism and site of origin.
R-wave transition than would be expected in RVOT VT (usually Most VTs can be initiated with programmed stimulation, which
by V2) (see Figure 26-7, B). Additional criteria to localize VTs allows for confirmation of the ECG diagnosis and further evalu-
within the basal LV region include (1) QRS duration and (2) ation. The majority of VTs in the setting of structural heart disease
R-wave in V1, both of which help distinguish between medial is attributable to re-entry. Effective mapping and ablation strate-
versus lateral sites.20 gies for both hemodynamically tolerated VTs and nontolerated
Finally, there are surface ECG clues that have been developed VTs, which allow for VT elimination or control in patients with
to further elucidate the VT site of origin from the aortic valve and without structural heart disease, have been developed.
cusps as opposed to the RVOT.20 The majority of these VTs origi-
nate from the left coronary cusp (LCC), especially the junction KEY REFERENCES
between the right and left cusps. In lead V1, a multi-phasic M or Bazan V, Gerstenfeld EP, Garcia F, et al: Site-specific twelve-lead ECG
W pattern may be observed for VT arising from the LCC or a features to identify an epicardial origin for left ventricular tachycardia
distinctive qr pattern if originating from the anterior mitral cusp in the absence of myocardial infarction, Heart Rhythm 4:1403–1410,
(AMC); overall, the R-wave duration and the R- or S-wave ampli- 2007.
tude observed in cusp VT compared with RVOT VT are greater. Brugada P, Brugada J, Mont L, et al: A new approach to the differential
In lead I, often a terminal S is present for VT originating from the diagnosis of a regular tachycardia with a wide QRS complex, Circula-
LCC or AMC. The precordial transition is earlier overall than in tion 83:1649–1659, 1991.
the RVOT. Dixit S, Gerstenfeld EP, Callans DJ, Marchlinski FE: Electrocardiographic
Infrequently (about 9% to 13% of idiopathic VT), outflow tract patterns of superior right ventricular outflow tract tachycardias: Dis-
tinguishing septal and free-wall sites of origin, J Cardiovasc Electro-
VT can arise from epicardial locations. These tachycardias often
physiol 14:1–7, 2003.
originate from or close to the proximal coronary veins. An epi- Garcia F, Bazan V, Zado ES, et al: Epicardial substrate and outcome with
cardial origin can be suggested by (1) delay in the activation in epicardial ablation of ventricular tachycardia in arrhythmogenic right
the initial portion of the QRS as reflected in the precordial leads, ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia, Circulation 120:366–375, 2009.
(2) marked increase in R-wave amplitude in the inferior leads, Henkel DM, Witt BJ, Gersh BJ, et al: Ventricular arrhythmias after acute
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Q-wave ratio greater than 1.4, or (5) all of these. 151:806–812, 2006.
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VT. It typically originates from the left posterior fascicle and pretations, ed 4, Philadelphia, 2008, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
involves the LV inferior septum from the base to the apex, with a Kocovic DZ, Harada T, Friedman PL, Stevenson WG: Characteristics of
superficial endocardial Purkinje network participating in what electrograms recorded at re-entry circuit sites and bystanders during
largely is felt to be a re-entrant circuit, although some debate ventricular tachycardia after myocardial infarction, J Am Coll Cardiol
exists as to whether mechanism is triggered or abnormal automa- 34:381–388, 1999.
ticity in selected patients.18 The arrhythmia tends to be uniquely Lim KK, Maron BJ, Knight BP: Successful catheter ablation of hemody-
verapamil sensitive, and, in the electrophysiological laboratory, namically unstable monomorphic ventricular tachycardia in a patient
with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and apical aneurysm, J Cardiovasc
can be induced with PES and occasionally with rapid atrial or
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ventricular burst pacing. The VT is not typically induced with Lin D, Hsia HH, Gerstenfeld EP, et al: Idiopathic fascicular left ventricular
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programmed stimulation. The morphology of the VT is typically tained tachycardia, Heart Rhythm 2:934–939, 2005.
RBBB with left-superior axis deviation (consistent with a poste- Lin D, Ilkhanoff L, Gerstenfeld EP, et al: Twelve-lead electrocardiographic
rior fascicular origin). Mapping during VT is preferable, for the characteristics of the aortic cusp region guided by intracardiac
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Recurrent Ventricular Tachycardia  343
echocardiography and electroanatomic mapping, Heart Rhythm 5: Riley MP, Marchlinski FE: ECG clues for diagnosing ventricular tachycar-

663–669, 2008. dia mechanism, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 19:224–229, 2008.
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diovasc Electrophysiol 16(Suppl 1):S59–S70, 2005. vention of sudden cardiac death: A report of the American College of
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patients with permanent pacemakers and implantable-cardioverter
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Rajappan K, Schilling RJ: Non-contact mapping in the treatment of ven- com.
tricular tachycardia after myocardial infarction, J Interv Card Electro-
physiol 19:9–18, 2007.
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial
Tachycardia and Atrial Flutter
Andrew W. Teh and Jonathan M. Kalman
electrophysiological mapping to target specific areas. Kistler et al
Atrial Tachycardia published an algorithm for the localization of atrial tachycardias
based on the surface ECG P-wave morphology (PWM) that was
Focal atrial tachycardia (AT) is the least common type of supra- able to identify the correct anatomic location with an accuracy of
ventricular tachycardia (SVT), comprising approximately 10% to 93%.13 PWM is typically described as positive, negative, isoelec-
15% of patients referred for electrophysiological evaluation of tric, bifid, or biphasic (positive-negative or negative-positive).
SVT.1 Possible mechanisms include triggered activity, enhanced When analyzing PWM, it is important to ensure that the preced-
automaticity, or micro–re-entry. AT has been defined as rhythmic ing T wave is not superimposed. Spontaneous ventricular ectopic
atrial activation spreading centrifugally from a focal area less than beats, programmed ventricular extrastimuli, or vagal maneuvers
2 cm.2 Although no difference in prevalence exists between such as the Valsalva maneuver or carotid sinus massage may assist
genders and any age group may be affected, some evidence sug- with separation of the T wave and P wave. Distinguishing left and
gests that older patients are more likely to have multiple foci from right atrial foci is of importance when planning a procedure, as
the right atrium that have a nonautomatic mechanism and are trans-septal access may be anticipated on the basis of PWM. A
recurrent after catheter ablation.3 left-sided focus is suggested by a positive P wave in V1 and a
It is well recognized that focal ATs are not randomly distrib- negative P wave in I and aVL.
uted but, rather, congregate around defined anatomic locations. Specific anatomic sites have characteristic PWMs. Examples
In the right atrium, the most common site is along the crista of right atrial foci PWMs are shown in Figure 27-1. Foci from the
terminalis (CT), with foci also clustering around the tricuspid crista terminalis account for two thirds of right atrial foci.4 The
annulus, coronary sinus os, right atrial appendage, perinodal characteristic PWM is similar to the sinus rhythm being
region, and inter-atrial septum.4-7 In the left atrium, the pulmo- positive-negative in V1, positive in I and II, and negative in aVR.13
nary veins provide the majority of foci, with the mitral annulus, Foci from the tricuspid annulus (TA) tend to have a negative P
left septum, left atrial appendage, and noncoronary aortic cusp wave in V1 and V2, with superior locations displaying positive
being other potential locations.8-12 Knowledge of this clustering is PWM in II, III, and aVF and inferior locations displaying negative
of great assistance to the electrophysiologist while attempting to PWM in the inferior leads. Right atrial appendage locations have
localize the likely site of origin during an electrophysiology study. indistinguishable PWM to superior TA locations. Focal ATs from
the coronary sinus (CS) ostium are characterized by deeply nega-
tive PWM in the inferior leads, positive in aVL and aVR, and
Indications for Referral to the Electrophysiology Laboratory
isoelectric-positive or negative-positive in V1. Septal locations
Although focal atrial ectopy is common, it is rarely symptomatic. may have variable PWM.
In contrast, frequent ectopy and sustained tachycardia are often In the left atrium, pulmonary veins are the most common
symptomatic and prompt patients to present to the clinician for sources of foci. Representative left atrial PWMs are shown in
assessment. Incessant AT may also induce left ventricular dys- Figure 27-2. V1 is typically positive across the chest leads, aVR is
function, which can resolve after curative ablation3 Focal AT negative, and aVL is isoelectric or negative.13 Right and left supe-
tends to respond poorly to pharmacologic therapy, making cath- rior pulmonary veins (PVs) tend to have positive PWM in the
eter ablation an increasingly used procedure. The American inferior leads; conversely, right and left inferior PVs have low-
College of Cardiology, the American Heart Association Task amplitude or inverted P waves inferiorly. Left-sided veins exhibit
Force on Practice Guidelines, and the European Society of Cardi- a broader notched P wave in V1 and in the inferior leads, com-
ology Committee (ACC/AHA/ESC) consensus guidelines pub- pared with right-sided veins. The left atrial appendage (LAA) foci
lished in 2003 provide a class I recommendation for catheter have a PWM similar to that of the left superior PV, although a
ablation of focal AT in patients with incessant tachycardia or deeply negative P wave in lead I, particularly in the setting of
recurrent symptoms.1 incessant tachycardia, is a strong clue that this may be an LAA
focus.11 Mitral annular locations near the aorto-mitral continuity
tend to have biphasic negative-positive PWM in V1 and isoelec-
Importance of Surface Electrocardiogram and
tric or negative PWM in aVL. More recently, focal AT from the
P-Wave Morphology
noncoronary cusp of the aortic valve has been described, with a
The surface electrocardiogram (ECG) can be a useful guide PWM similar to the mitral annular location.9 A positive P wave
to the likely anatomic site of origin for focal AT. This information in leads I and aVL may help differentiate this site from the mitral
can then be used by the clinician during intracardiac annular location.

346  Clinical Electrophysiology

isoelectric segment (which is usually seen in focal AT). It is

High CT Low CT Low TA Mid RAA CS os
important to note that focal tachycardias at very short cycle
I lengths may show no isoelectric baseline and mimic macro–
II re-entry. Similarly, focal tachycardia in atria with scarring and
III slowed conduction may also show an undulating baseline because
of circuitous propagation away from the focus.
Once a provisional diagnosis has been made on the surface
ECG, more detailed information and confirmation of the mecha-
AVF nism and site are obtained by intracardiac recordings at electro-
V1 physiology study.
Confirming the Diagnosis Using Intracardiac Recordings
V4 and Pacing Maneuvers
By far, the most common reason for the inability to map and
perform ablation on AT is noninducibility. Infusion of isoproter-
FIGURE 27-1  Representative examples of P-wave morphology for enol may induce tachycardia in automatic AT. Burst atrial pacing
selected right atrial sites. CT, Crista terminalis; TA, tricuspid annulus; and atrial extrastimulation may induce tachycardia, particularly
RAA, right atrial appendage; CS, coronary sinus. in AT, because of micro–re-entrant or triggered mechanisms.
Beyond these simple induction techniques, no detailed attempts
are usually made to classify a focal AT by mechanism, as mapping
RSPV PIPV LSPV LIPV MA CS body LAA is targeted to the focal site of origin in any case.
I Although the surface ECG may have provided a likely diagno-
II sis, intracardiac recordings and pacing maneuvers during tachy-
III cardia are often required to exclude alternative diagnoses. On
AVR examination of the intracardiac recordings, the relationship
AVL between the ventricular and atrial electrograms (VA relationship)
AVF is seen to be fixed or “hooked” in AVNRT and AVRT but variable
V1 in AT. Various pacing maneuvers may facilitate the observation
V2 of VA unhooking. Following termination of the atrial overdrive
V3 pacing at a cycle length that is just below the tachycardia cycle
V4 length, the VA relationship remains fixed in both AVNRT and
V5 AVRT; however, VA unhooking is observed when the mechanism
V6 is focal AT.15 The response after entrainment of the tachycardia
by ventricular pacing (confirmed by acceleration of the atrial rate
FIGURE 27-2  Representative examples of P-wave morphology for to the pacing rate) is also helpful. A “V-A-V” response is charac-
selected left atrial sites. RSPV, right superior pulmonary vein; RIPV, right teristic of AVRT or AVNRT, and a “V-A-A-V” response is
inferior pulmonary vein; LSPV, left superior pulmonary vein; LIPV, left observed in AT. In addition, AT may be excluded if termination
inferior pulmonary vein; MA, mitral annulus; CS, coronary sinus; LAA, of the tachycardia occurred without atrial depolarization during
left atrial appendage. burst ventricular pacing at a 200- to 250-ms cycle length for three
to six beats. Demonstration of entrainment from “within the
circuit” (Post-pacing interval—Tachycardia cycle length [PPI —
Confirming the Diagnosis
TCL] <20 ms) from two sites more than 2 cm apart or the ability
The diagnosis of focal AT can usually be made on the surface to record activity throughout the entire tachycardia cycle length
ECG. Important differential diagnoses include sinus tachycardia are both definitive for macro–re-entrant AT.1
(ST), atrioventricular node re-entry tachycardia (AVNRT), atrio-
ventricular reciprocating tachycardia (AVRT), and macro–re-
Conventional Mapping
entrant AT. On the surface ECG, AT typically manifests with a
long R-P interval. However, at rapid rates, decremental AV nodal The hallmark of focal AT is the identification of a focal site of early
conduction may result in an apparent short R-P tachycardia. activation with centrifugal spread on endocardial mapping. A
While both typical AVNRT and AVRT characteristically present local activation time of more than 20 to 30 ms before the surface
with a short R-P interval, this relationship is fixed or “hooked.” In ECG P-wave onset indicates a potential site for successful abla-
focal AT, a variable or unhooked R-P relationship may be present. tion.16 Attempts to define the clear P-wave onset (using pacing
When clearly not of sinus origin, PWM can be used to distinguish maneuvers or adenosine if it cannot be seen) are important. The
AT from ST. However, AT arising from the superior crista termi- P-wave onset can then be referenced to a stable intracardiac refer-
nalis may have a morphology indistinguishable from that of ST. ence point such as the proximal CS bipole.
Indeed, these tachycardias were previously termed “sinus node Multipolar catheters (20-pole TA or CT) may act as a guide to
re-entry.” The presence of a “warm-up” over three to four beats at the focal origin and may also be helpful to rapidly recognize any
onset and “cool-down” over three to four beats at termination change in the mechanism or the site of origin of the tachycardia.
supports a diagnosis of AT over ST, which typically accelerates Pace mapping may also be used to complement activation
and decelerates over more than 30 seconds.14 Macro–re-entrant sequence mapping. The endocardial activation sequence during
AT generally manifests with an undulating baseline and no clear pacing from various sites that has been mapped by using a
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Tachycardia and Atrial Flutter  347

catheter can be compared with the spontaneous activation Atrial pacing during tachycardia at a rate just below the tachy-
sequence seen during tachycardia.17
Determining whether a focus originates in the right atrium or
the left atrium is a critical first step in identifying the site of origin.
In general, when the earliest activation in the right atrium occurs
cardia cycle length has been used to identify the site of focal
origin.20 In theory, at the site of origin the PPI-TCL should equal
0 ms. In a recent study, the postpacing interval minus the tachy-
cardia cycle length was 11 ± 8 ms at sites of successful ablation.
over a relatively large region on the septal aspect, a left atrial focus
is suspected. Usually, when a focus originates in the left atrium,
Three-Dimensional Electroanatomic Mapping Systems
the earliest activation timing with respect to P-wave onset will
not be less than –10 ms at the right atrial septal sites. When The development of three-dimensional mapping systems has
uncertainty exists (e.g., presumed perinodal focus), it is necessary significantly improved the ability of clinicians to successfully
to perform left atrial mapping. locate and ablate foci. Both the CARTO (Biosense Webster,
Johnson & Johnson, Diamond Bar, CA) and NavX (Diag Corpora-
tion, Minnetonka, MN) systems use complex algorithms for the
Electrogram Characteristics of Successful Sites
registration of a mapping/ablation catheter position in three-
Several groups have reported on the presence of electrogram dimensional space relative to a fiducial point. This allows the
fractionation recorded from ablation catheters at the sites of suc- construction of three-dimensional chamber geometry with acti-
cessful ablation. However, this finding is not universal and may vation sequence mapping (traditionally color coded). In addition,
be specific to certain anatomic regions only (e.g., electrograms for these data can be superimposed onto images of the atrium taken
focal AT arising from the CT commonly show fractionation, but by either computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging
those at the tricuspid and mitral annulus usually do not).16 It is (MRI) scans allowing detailed and accurate correlation of the
hypothesized that these fractionated signals represent underlying atrial anatomy with intracardiac electrograms (for an example, see
slow conduction caused by impaired intercellular coupling, which Figure 27-3). Several groups have verified the usefulness of these
results in the potential for micro–re-entry. systems in locating and ablating AT foci.16 Despite these advan-
Many electrophysiological laboratories use the unipolar elec- tages and the potential for a reduction in radiation exposure
trogram at the ablation catheter tip to identify the characteristic because of lower fluoroscopy times, these mapping systems still
QS pattern of a successful ablation site.18 require frequent ectopy or sustained tachycardia for effective
The termination of sustained tachycardia with pressure from mapping.
an intracardiac catheter has been reported to improve on the
specificity and positive predictive value of identifying an AT
focus.19 In practice, if ablation is performed at a site of termination
by catheter pressure, it may be uncertain whether ablation has Standard radiofrequency ablation catheters may be used in the
been successful or if mechanical pressure has simply caused tran- vast majority of cases; irrigated tip catheters may be useful in
sient stunning of the focus. In the experience of the authors, areas of the atrium with slow blood flow, such as trabeculated
ablation at the site of mechanical termination carries a relatively areas and within the CS. Cryoablation is an alternative energy
high risk of recurrence. source with the advantage of reversibility at –30° C. Moreover,

FIGURE 27-3  Example of activation map of focal atrial tachycardia arising from left superior pulmonary vein using CARTO three-dimensional
mapping system integrated with computed tomography scan. Left panel shows the internal “cut-out” view. Right panel shows the view of the posterior
atrium. Activation timing is color coded, with early sites in red and late sites in purple. Centrifugal activation is seen from the left superior pulmonary
vein; ablation was successful at this site (red dot).
348  Clinical Electrophysiology

once applied at this temperature, the catheter remains firmly

Clockwise Counter-clockwise
adherent to the underlying tissue, providing excellent catheter
stability. These attributes make this energy source an ideal choice I
for perinodal foci, where permanent AV-nodal block can be II
avoided by assessing for block with a reversible lesion before III
applying a full lesion at –80° C (−112° F).21 Long vascular sheaths AVR
may assist with catheter direction, contact, and stability. AVL
The desired endpoint for the procedure will depend on the
inducibility of the focus during mapping. Incessant tachycardia
has the most definitive endpoint of noninducibility; the endpoint V1
for infrequent ectopy is obviously much more difficult to assess. V2
Testing after ablation with isoproterenol infusion and burst pacing V3
may help uncover unsuccessful ablation attempts. Characteristic V4
acceleration (“speeding”) of the tachycardia prior to abrupt ter- V5
mination may be seen at sites of successful ablation. V6
Overall, the success rates for catheter ablation are excellent;
reported series cite cure rates between 69% and 100%.16 On the FIGURE 27-4  Twelve-lead ECG of typical counter-clockwise (right
basis of pooled data, recurrence was predicted to be approxi- panel) and clockwise (left panel) flutter. Note the isoelectric-positive P
mately 7%.3 Factors predicting recurrence in this analysis included wave in V1 and negative P-wave morphology in the inferior leads for
male gender, multiple foci, older age, and coexisting cardiac typical flutter, compared with a negative P wave in V1 and upright
inferior lead P waves in clockwise flutter.
pathology. Right atrial foci were predicted to have higher success

descending direction in the anterolateral walls and ascending in

the posteroseptal walls, although clockwise rotation (reverse
Macro–Re-entrant Atrial Tachycardia typical or clockwise flutter) is also seen.
Atypical flutter may be defined as a flutter circuit that is not
dependent on the CTI. Lower loop re-entry is a particular case,
Macro–re-entrant AT is a broad term that encompasses both which is described below.
typical (cavo-tricuspid isthmus [CTI])–dependent) atrial flutter The surface ECG of typical CCW flutter is characterized by
and atypical (non–CTI-dependent) atrial flutter (or macro– isoelectric-positive P waves in V1 transitioning to negative across
re-entrant tachycardias). They have in common the classic the precordium (Figure 27-4). Flutter waves in the inferior leads
requirements for re-entry: obstacles which create areas of ana- are generally deeply inverted and have a variable secondary
tomic or functional conduction block around which two pathways upright component timing with activation of the atrial free wall
may conduct; unidirectional block in one pathway; and areas of from superior to inferior. When this secondary component is
slow conduction creating an excitable gap. Classic entrainment prominent, it may be difficult to determine whether the flutter
identifies areas “within” the circuit and should be demonstrable wave is predominantly “up” or “down.” The ECG appearance of
by pacing from at least two sites more than 2 cm apart and finding clockwise typical CTI-dependent flutter is more variable. Com-
a postpacing interval minus tachycardia cycle length of 20 ms or monly, V1 is broad and negative with notching, transitioning to
less. Identification of a critical isthmus by demonstration of con- positive across the precordium; the inferior leads are usually
cealment (whether on the surface or by intracardiac recordings) broad and positive with notching (see Figure 27-4).23 Other
is fraught with problems and is of limited practical utility in the macro–re-entrant circuits have variable ECG characteristics and,
atrium.2 as such, detailed intracardiac electrophysiological studies are
required for accurate anatomic localization.
Typical Atrial Flutter
Indications for Catheter Ablation
Typical atrial flutter is the most common form of macro–
re-entrant AT and typically has a cycle length of approximately In general, pharmacologic therapy for atrial flutter is either tar-
200 ms. This may be considerably longer (ranging up to 300 ms) geted at ventricular rate control using AV-nodal blocking agents
in the presence of atrial disease with atrial enlargement and con- (such as β-blockers and cardiac-selective calcium channel block-
duction slowing, particularly in the presence of antiarrhythmic ers) or maintenance of sinus rhythm with class I and III antiar-
agents which slow conduction. Its prevalence is estimated at 5 per rhythmic drugs. Both these approaches have limitations; the
100,000 in those younger than 50 years and increases with age to overall maintenance of sinus rhythm on antiarrhythmic drugs is
almost 600 per 100,000 among those older than 80 years.22 Men between 36% and 73%.1 Evidence from a randomized prospective
are affected 2.5 times more frequently than are women.22 The study of catheter ablation versus medical therapy demonstrated
anatomic boundaries of this circuit are well known and are sinus rhythm at 21 ± 11 months in 80% of patients with catheter
described elsewhere in this text (see Chapter 44). ablation, compared with 36% for those on antiarrhythmic drugs.24
The diagnosis is strongly suggested by the presence of the In addition, the ablation group had significantly fewer hospital
characteristic flutter wave morphology and endocardial activation admissions and episodes of atrial fibrillation (AF). For patients
pattern and is confirmed by entrainment within the CTI. with coexisting AF, in whom flutter is the dominant rhythm,
The more common direction of wavefront propagation is catheter ablation has been shown to reduce the burden of flutter
counter-clockwise (CCW) around the tricuspid annulus (TA); and assist pharmacologic control of AF.1 The ACC/AHA/ESC
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Tachycardia and Atrial Flutter  349

consensus guidelines provide a class I recommendation for cath- electrogram signal (Figure 27-5) and the emergence of local
eter ablation of atrial flutter if it is recurrent, is poorly tolerated,
or re-emerges after class I antiarrhythmic or amiodarone therapy.1
A class IIa recommendation is given for atypical flutter after
failure of antiarrhythmic medications.
double potentials on the ablation catheter.
Even though the anatomic approach is the more widely used
one, an alternative technique sequentially targets areas of high
bipolar voltage along the CTI in descending order until block is
achieved.29 In this small series, the authors demonstrated success-
ful blockade in all patients, with recurrence at 8 months in 1 of
Anatomy of the Cavo-Tricuspid Isthmus
18 patients. The ability to produce complete blockade without a
The anatomy of the CTI has been described as a quadrilateral contiguous lesion set is in keeping with the anatomic description
structure bounded anteriorly by the TA and posteriorly by the of the CTI being composed of discrete muscle bundles.
eustachian ridge. It is limited laterally by the terminal insertion of
the crista terminalis and medially by the CS ostium and the the-
Endpoints for Ablation
besian valve. Trabeculae within the CTI are formed by pectinate
extensions of the crista terminalis and intervening connective Initial reports on the technique for ablation of the CTI focused
tissue.25-27 The thicknesses of CTI trabeculae and the eustachian on the termination of flutter during ablation and noninducibility.30
ridge vary markedly, being largely fibrous tissue with sparse muscle Since then, the importance of demonstrating complete
fibers in some patients and deeply trabeculated with thick muscle bi-directional block across the CTI has been highlighted by
bundles and intervening pouches or recesses in others.28 It is this greatly improved success rates of between 90% and 100%.1 Block
variability in anatomy that determines the ease or difficulty of from the septal aspect to the lateral aspect of the isthmus is readily
ablation. The CTI tends to be wider more laterally than in the appreciated by a sudden change in activation sequence on the TA
middle or septal regions. The septal aspect of the CTI lies close catheter when pacing at the proximal CS (Figure 27-6). Activation
to the posterior extensions of the AV node and to the middle after block is seen to descend down the lateral wall of the RA.30
cardiac vein.28 The smooth vestibular component around the tri- Bi-directional block (i.e., lateral to septal) is confirmed by pacing
cuspid valve orifice lies immediately over the right coronary from a site lateral to the CTI line. Activation should ascend along
artery.25 the lateral wall and descend at the septum, activating the atrium
adjacent to the His-bundle catheter before the CS catheter (Figure
27-7).30 The mapping of locally split atrial double potentials (DPs)
Ablation Techniques
along the line of ablation can also assist in demonstrating com-
For CTI-dependent flutter, the ablation endpoint is demonstra- plete block and distinguishing block from conduction slowing.31
tion of complete bi-directional conduction block within the If the spacing between DPs is less than 90 ms, a local gap should
isthmus. Different catheter configurations have been used, but a be suspected; mapping for areas with closely spaced DPs can
classic approach would include catheters positioned in the His- assist when ablation has not yet produced complete block.32,33 A
bundle, coronary-sinus, and tricuspid-annular locations (see gap in the ablation line may also be identified by fractionated
Figure 27-7). Ablation may be performed during atrial flutter or electrograms (Figure 27-8). Conversely, widely split local DPs
sinus rhythm. Patients in sinus rhythm usually have ablation per- more than 110 ms are associated with complete block.32,33 An
formed during pacing from the proximal coronary sinus to facili- increase in splitting of more than 50 ms from baseline is also
tate the identification of a change in activation sequence on the indicative of block.34 If it is uncertain whether block is complete,
TA catheter signifying slowing of CTI conduction or block. The based on local DPs, pacing from differential sites distant from the
usual approach is anatomically guided and commences with abla- CTI on the septal and anterior walls can be helpful. When pacing
tion at the TA with either continuous pullback or focal point-by- further from the line of conduction block, the separation of local
point ablation across the CTI to the right atrium–inferior vena DPs decreases when block is complete.35,36 The trans-isthmus con-
cava (RA–IVC) junction (eustachian ridge). At each point, the duction interval, which can also be measured, is defined as the
adequacy of the lesion is confirmed by the diminution of the local time between the pacing stimulus (either septal or lateral to the
isthmus) and the local atrial electrogram on the contralateral side
of the ablation line. An increase in the trans-isthmus conduction
interval (interval between the pacing stimulus, either septal or
lateral to the line of ablation, and the atrial electrogram on the
II other side of the CTI) of more than 50% from the baseline is
V1 highly predictive of complete isthmus block (see Figure 27-6).34
V6 When evaluating the presence of complete block, it is important
ABL to pace and record immediately adjacent to either side of the line
Termination of flutter of block to avoid an “apparent” block (see example in Figure 27-9).
HBE Occasionally, it may appear that block is incomplete due to
CS 1,2 pseudo-conduction. This occurs when conduction across the
crista terminalis allows collision of wavefronts on the anterior
right atrial wall mimicking trans-isthmus conduction. Pacing
from the mapping catheter within the CTI immediately medial to
CS 9,10 the line of ablation and recording on the TA catheter immediately
lateral can clarify this.35 Transient CTI block occurs and will
FIGURE 27-5  Progressive diminution of electrogram on ablation usually demonstrate recovery of conduction within 20 to 30
catheter (ABL) results in adequate lesion creation confirmed by
minutes of ablation. Where practical, this should be the waiting
termination of flutter. HBE, His bundle electrogram; CS, coronary sinus.
period after block is seen to ensure the recovery does not occur.37
350  Clinical Electrophysiology

S1 S1 S1 S1

35 ms 80 ms 120 ms 140 ms



FIGURE 27-6  A to D, Progressive increase in trans-isthmus conduction interval pacing from the proximal coronary sinus (“septal” to the isthmus line)
as isthmus block is achieved. In D, note (i) long trans-isthmus conduction time, and (ii) change in activation sequence on the 20-pole catheter across
the tricuspid annulus (Halo), where the distal bipole (Halo 1,2), located lateral to the isthmus, is activated last.

S1 S1
CS Map 1,2
II Halo 1,2
Lateral Capture Septal Capture

CS 9,10
TA 1,2 190 ms
TA 5,6 PACE TA 5,6
230 ms

Halo 19,20
TA 19,20
FIGURE 27-8  Electrocardiogram (ECG) and intracardiac electrograms
FIGURE 27-7  With tricuspid annulus (TA) catheter positioned across from cavo-tricuspid isthmus ablation. A shows incomplete block
both septal and lateral portions of cavo-tricuspid isthmus (CTI), despite locally split double-potential signal (red and blue arrows) on
bi-directional block can be demonstrated when pacing TA 5,6 with ablation catheter (Map 1,2), suggesting that the ablation line gap lies
alternating lateral and septal capture during respiration. elsewhere. B, Further mapping along the cavo-tricuspid isthmus
ablation line identifies a gap signified by fractionated signal on
ablation catheter (blue arrow). Map 1,2, Distal ablation catheter; HBE,
His-bundle electrocardiogram; Halo, deflectable 20-pole catheter
positioned around tricuspid annulus; S1, pacing stimulus.
Radiofrequency remains the energy source of choice for abla-
tion of typical atrial flutter. Studies have demonstrated that 8-mm
tip catheters are superior to 4-mm tip catheters in terms of pro-
cedural duration and success.38 The use of irrigated tip catheters used effectively and has the advantages of catheter stability and
is also superior to standard 4-mm tip catheters.39 A recent com- absence of pain.
parison between irrigated 4-mm tip catheters and nonirrigated As previously described, anatomic variations can cause diffi-
8-mm tip catheters yielded equivalent results.40 The use of elec- culty achieving successful ablation.28 A prominent sub-eustachian
troanatomic mapping produces results similar to those of conven- pouch may result in inadequate power delivery when a nonirri-
tional mapping in terms of procedure time and radiofrequency gated catheter is used. Prominent pectinate muscles may pose
duration but reduces fluoroscopy time.41 Cryoablation has been difficulties with catheter stability and lesion depth creation. A
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Tachycardia and Atrial Flutter  351




Map 1,2
TA 1,2

A TA 19,20 B
FIGURE 27-9  A, Pacing from proximal coronary sinus (CS P, *), isthmus block appears complete on the tricuspid annulus catheter (TA). B, Pacing at
the medial isthmus from the ablation catheter (Map 1,2, *) shows that isthmus block is incomplete. HBE, His bundle electrocardiogram.

more medial approach will help avoid the thicker musculature and the cycle length is appropriately shorter.47 Despite these dif-
and the deep recesses between trabeculations. The use of linear ferences, ablation of the CTI is successful for treating this
phased-array intracardiac ultrasonography can assist in defining arrhythmia.
difficult anatomy.42

Atypical, or Non-CTI–Dependent Atrial Flutter

Procedural Efficacy
In a worldwide pooled analysis of ablation for CTI-dependent The term atypical atrial flutter encompasses a range of macro–
flutter, including more than 7000 patients, the long-term success re-entrant ATs that are not solely dependent on the CTI and
was 97% with an incidence of major complications of 0.4%.43 whose surface ECG is not that of typical CCW or clockwise
Repeat procedures were, however, needed in 4%. The late flutter. These atypical circuits can occur in the macroscopically
occurrence of AF after ablation for CTI-dependent flutter is normal heart or may be associated with previous cardiac surgery,
well recognized. It has been previously described that up to 70% congenital heart disease, and, as shown more recently, after abla-
of patients with a history of flutter ablation subsequently develop tion of atrial flutter. In patients with congenital heart disease, a
AF, even with no antecedent history of AF.44 More recently, thorough understanding of the underlying abnormality and the
another group demonstrated that 50% of patients with no history nature of corrective surgery, including surgical access, is essential.
of AF subsequently develop this arrhythmia after successful abla- Macro–re-entry can exist in both left and right atria, and often
tion of flutter. The majority of these (almost 70%) developed AF multiple circuits can coexist. Dual-loop re-entry has been fre-
within 1 year of the flutter ablation.45 The incidence of AF follow- quently described, and one circuit may involve the CTI. Indeed,
ing ablation was similar when compared with that in a group of even when the CTI is not involved in a circuit, it is important to
historical controls receiving pharmacologic management of also perform CTI ablation in this population, as otherwise there
flutter. In the majority of patients with atrial flutter, the arrhyth- will be a high late incidence of CTI-dependent flutter. In one
mia commences via a transitional period of atrial fibrillation, series, in which three-dimensional electroanatomic mapping was
which may be necessary for the development of a line of a func- used, the CTI was involved in “incisional” flutter in 92%, with 27%
tional block in the intercaval region of the right atrium.46 Despite being treated with CTI ablation alone. A line of DPs along the
the high late incidence of atrial fibrillation, ablation of CTI- right atrial free wall was associated with dual loops in all
dependent flutter provides good symptomatic relief with a instances.48 In patients with the substrate for macro–re-entry,
reduced requirement for antiarrhythmic drugs and cardioversion “focal” sources with early activation and centrifugal spread may
for refractory arrhythmias and can facilitate management of coexist.48,49
AF.1,45,46 Mapping techniques generally involve a combination of mul-
tipolar activation mapping, entrainment mapping, and creation
of detailed three-dimensional activation maps (CARTO or NavX).
Lower Loop Re-entry
Multipolar and entrainment mapping can provide a rapid guide
Lower loop re-entry is an uncommon variant of typical flutter to the anatomic region of the tachycardia circuit. It must be rec-
manifesting as CCW activation around the IVC involving the CTI ognized that entrainment in patients with atypical flutter in the
and the low posterior RA with conduction across the terminal presence of significant atrial scarring can have potential draw-
crest. The turnaround point is thus lower than in typical flutter, backs. Entrainment may terminate a circuit or result in one flutter
352  Clinical Electrophysiology

changing to a different circuit. When marked conduction slowing termination of the circuit.49 Ablation in this area may be painful,
is present, entrainment can result in decrement, prolonging the and potential phrenic nerve damage should be avoided by pacing
post-pacing interval even when in the circuit. These problems at high output to exclude phrenic nerve capture before ablation.52
notwithstanding, entrainment is a highly effective technique to Acute success defined by termination and noninducibility is high
rapidly localize a tachycardia region. in these patients, in excess of 90%.49,51
Multipolar activation mapping is most useful for right atrial
circuits, as it indicates rapidly whether wavefronts in the anterior
Upper Loop and Figure-of-8 Re-entry
and posterior right atrial free wall and in the septum are ascend-
ing or descending. Another type of atypical right atrial flutter involving the upper
Nevertheless, three-dimensional mapping remains the corner- right atrial free wall has been termed upper loop re-entry.51,53 Non-
stone of ablation of these often complex circuits. High-density contact mapping studies demonstrated this to comprise CCW
activation maps registered to critical anatomic structures provide (descending activation of free wall anterior to the CT) or clockwise
a detailed understanding of the tachycardia sequence. Just as (ascending activation of free wall anterior to the CT) activation
important is the anatomic information provided by voltage involving the crista terminalis, an area of a functional block, and
mapping that demonstrates regions of low voltage and scar, which the superior vena cava.54 The lower turnaround point for these
are the potential anatomic obstacles and the substrate for circuits is by conduction through a gap in functional block in the
re-entrant circuits. Lines of DPs and regions of fractionated elec- crista terminalis. Ablation in this conduction gap to complete the
trograms can be annotated and may also be critical to the mecha- line of block is successful in treating this arrhythmia.54 This circuit
nism of tachycardia. Circuits may have a critical channel where may be seen in isolation as a single loop or be involved in dual-loop
focal ablation can terminate a macro–re-entrant circuit.50 Alter- (figure-of-8) re-entry with lower-loop (type I figure-of-8 re-entry)
natively, some circuits are broad activation wavefronts without a or free-wall (type II figure-of-8 re-entry) circuits.55 In these cases,
critical channel. In these cases, ablation lines are created between ablation of the free-wall channel (type II) and/or conduction gap
scars or to anatomic obstacles such as the mitral or tricuspid in the crista terminalis (type I) is effective.55
annulus or the inferior or superior caval veins. In addition, these
maps can be superimposed on detailed imaging by CT or MRI,
“Incisional” Re-entry
thus allowing the correlation of the electrical substrate with ana-
tomic structures. Right atrial macro–re-entrant circuits resulting from previous
Interpretation of three-dimensional maps should be made with atriotomy incisions for correction of congenital heart disease are
caution. In patients with extensive scarring and conduction well recognized and have been termed incisional or scar-mediated
slowing, it is possible to record the complete tachycardia cycle flutter.56
length with a “head meets tail” (i.e., early meets late) in a region In patients with repair of atrial septal defect, atypical flutter
that is actually far from the tachycardia circuit. It is therefore the most usually involves the atriotomy scar in the atrial free wall
approach of the authors of this chapter to always initially identify (Figure 27-10). Circuits involving the septal patch have rarely
sites involved in the tachycardia mechanism with entrainment. been reported. In patients with Mustard or Senning repair for
Another approach is to include in the map only those sites where dextro-transposition of the great arteries (D-TGA), the majority
PPI-TCL is less than 40 ms. of circuits will involve the remnant of the CTI, which is now
When broad circuits are identified, linear ablation between located in the pulmonary venous atrium.57 Access to this chamber
two anatomically defined structures is necessary for termination is difficult and requires either a circuitous retrograde approach or
of tachycardia. The most commonly used endpoint in reported puncture across a thick/prosthetic baffle; this is the limiting factor
series is termination of tachycardia with ablation and inability of in ablation (Figure 27-11). Circuits in variants of Fontan repair are
the tachycardia to reinitiate (noninducibility). However, for the unique in that they infrequently involve the CTI in patients who
majority of sites where linear ablation is performed, whether in often have tricuspid atresia. Circuits are most commonly found
the right atrium or in the left atrium, the definitive endpoint in the free wall and can involve the crista terminalis, the inferior
should be the use of mapping techniques to confirm conduction or superior vena cavae, or the base of the conduit. Often these
block. Fontan right atria are severely enlarged showing extensive regions
of low voltage and scarring with multiple circuits. Patients with
repair of tetralogy of Fallot may also develop atrial arrhythmias,
Right Atrial Macro–Re-entry
as surgery frequently involves a trans-atrial approach resulting in
Right atrial circuits independent of the CTI are an uncommon a long free-wall scar.
cause of right atrial macro–re-entry, accounting for 4% of cases, Reported success rates for ablation of scar-mediated re-entry
as reported by one series.51 The anatomic substrate for re-entry in patients with surgically corrected congenital heart disease have
in this group appears to be spontaneous scarring in the free wall varied widely, particularly with the underlying condition, although
of the RA and is marked by the presence of DPs, areas of low acute success has been achieved in excess of 80%.48,56 Early recur-
voltage, and electrical silence.49,51 The high incidence of coexisting rences may be as high as 59%, although long-term freedom from
sinus node dysfunction highlights the global pathology of the right arrhythmias can be achieved in the majority of patients after
atrium in this population.49 The approach in this group invariably multiple procedures.48
also involves ablation of the CTI, described previously as typical
CCW flutter, which is nearly always also inducible. Ablation from
Left Atrial Macro–Re-entry
the lower portion of the scar to the IVC is usually the narrowest
part of the circuit, although the superior vena cava and the TA Left atrial flutter circuits typically involve re-entry around ana-
are alternative anatomic anchors.49,51 Channels within scars may tomic structures such as the mitral annulus, the pulmonary vein
also be seen, and ablation within these areas can also result in ostia, and regions of electrical silence or scar. The majority of
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Tachycardia and Atrial Flutter  353



FIGURE 27-10  Color-coded activation map from a case of “incisional” right atrial re-entry after atriotomy with dual-loop circuits. Early activation is
marked in red and late in purple. A Demonstrates clockwise atrial flutter around the tricuspid annulus in a left anterior oblique projection. B
Demonstrates simultaneous “dual-loop” counter-clockwise activation around the free-wall atriotomy scar (gray area).






FIGURE 27-11  Right anterior oblique (RAO) and left anterior oblique (LAO) projections of a retrograde aortic approach for ablation of the cavo-
tricuspid isthmus remnant in a patient with a previous Mustard surgical repair. ABL, Ablation catheter; CS, coronary sinus; HBE, His bundle electrogram.

these patients have significant structural heart disease such as annulus and areas of left atrial scar) (see Figure 27-12). Circuits
cardiac failure, mitral valve disease, and left atrial enlargement.58 around the right-sided or left-sided veins can be successfully
Areas of electrical silence demonstrated by voltage mapping most ablated with a “roof line” of ablation between the left and right
frequently occur in the posterior left atrium and the left atrial superior pulmonary veins. For both the roof line and the mitral
roof. Many of these circuits demonstrate broad activation line, it may be necessary to perform circumferential ablation to
wavefronts and dual-loop re-entry, and multiple circuits fre- isolate the pulmonary vein to “anchor” the roof or mitral line to
quently occur. Perimitral re-entry, whether clockwise or CCW, is a region of a conduction block. In some cases, scarring around
the most frequently observed circuit. Linear ablation is performed the base of the pulmonary vein will obviate the need for circum-
between the lateral mitral annulus and the left inferior pulmonary ferential isolation. Other circuits may be smaller and involve
vein (through the “mitral isthmus”) with confirmation of a regions of scarring in the posterior atrium or in the roof.58 Circuits
bi-directional conduction block using the CS catheter for record- around silent areas can be ablated by joining these areas to one
ing conduction discontinuity and the mapping catheter for pacing of the pulmonary veins or to another silent area.58 The acute
(Figure 27-12). Ablation within the CS is often required to success rates of approximately 70% for left atrial macro–re-entry
complete this line. Alternatively, ablation may be performed are less than those of typical CTI-dependent flutter, with a sig-
between two electrically silent anatomic obstacles (e.g., the mitral nificant proportion requiring multiple procedures.58 Left atrial
354  Clinical Electrophysiology


l is



Peri-mitral flutter


FIGURE 27-12  Electroanatomic map of peri-mitral flutter ablation. A, Color-coded activation map (red = early, purple = late) in left anterior oblique
(LAO) projection demonstrates clockwise circuit around the mitral annulus (white arrows). B, Voltage map in left lateral projection demonstrates high
voltage in the mitral isthmus between the mitral annulus and the left inferior pulmonary vein. C, LAO projection voltage map (red = low voltage). Due
to high voltages in the mitral isthmus region, ablation line (red dots) performed through the low-voltage zone from the mitral annulus to the posterior
scar (gray). MA, mitral annulus; LIPV, left inferior pulmonary vein.

macro–re-entry involving the CS musculature has also been In patients who have undergone only circumferential pulmo-
reported and can be managed by circumferential ablation around nary vein isolation for paroxysmal AF without any additional
the CS.59 substrate modification (linear or fractionated electrogram abla-
tion), many tachycardias will be focal and related to pulmonary
vein sources with reconnection of the pulmonary vein to the left
Atrial Tachycardias After Catheter Ablation atrium.64 Occasional non-PV foci will be involved. Simple pulmo-
of Atrial Fibrillation nary vein reisolation will be sufficient to cure the problem in the
majority of cases. Macro–re-entrant circuits are not common in
With the rapidly increasing number of patients undergoing abla- this population. The surface ECG PWM may be highly variable
tion for atrial flutter, the incidence of AT as a byproduct of this in these patients as previous ablation alters propagation patterns
procedure is also increasing. The reported incidence of AT after and hence the P-wave appearance.
pulmonary vein isolation ranges from 4.7% to 25%, which reflects In contrast, in patients who have undergone linear ablation
the wide variation in patient populations and in the initial ablation for persistent AF, the most common mechanism of AT will be
approaches.60-62 In general, initial conservative management with macro–re-entry related to gaps in previous ablation lines.60-62 The
pharmacologic therapy and elective cardioversion is appropriate, incidence of gap-related flutter will also depend on whether a
as many of these circuits will settle spontaneously after the early bi-directional block across ablation lines was confirmed during
postablation period.63 Of those with AT during the initial proce- the index procedure.63
dure, almost half experience spontaneous resolution.60 Of those In patients who have had extensive ablation of fractionated
with AT during short-term follow-up, approximately 30% experi- electrograms, small re-entrant circuits have been described.65 For
ence spontaneous resolution.60 However, when the flutter persists some of these circuits, broad fractionated electrograms recorded
beyond the first 3 months from the index ablation procedure for on adjacent bipoles may cover the entire tachycardia cycle
atrial flutter, it is probable that a further ablation procedure will length.65-67
be required. Recently, Jais et al described a deductive mapping strategy for
The nature of the tachycardia is, in large part, determined by atrial tachycardias following AF ablation based on three steps: (1)
the type of ablation performed at the initial procedure and also cycle length regularity, (2) search for macro–re-entry (entrain-
by the presence of abnormal left atrial substrate, more frequently ment involving >2 separate atrial segments), and (3) if macro–
observed in patients with long-lasting persistent AF. reentry excluded, search for focal origin giving a centrifugal
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Tachycardia and Atrial Flutter  355

activation of the atria.65 This strategy has proved to be highly Kalman JM, VanHare GF, Olgin JE, et al: Ablation of “incisional” reentrant

effective. In addition, mapping of the RA and entrainment of the atrial tachycardia complicating surgery for congenital heart disease. Use
CTI should be performed prior to left atrial access, as previous of entrainment to define a critical isthmus of conduction, Circulation
93:502–512, 1996.
ablation can alter the appearance of a typical CCW flutter.63
Kistler PM, Roberts-Thomson KC, Haqqani HM, et al: P-wave morphol-
Reported success rates for ablation of AT following ogy in focal atrial tachycardia: Development of an algorithm to predict
previous AF ablation have generally been high ranging from 77% the anatomic site of origin, J Am Coll Cardiol 48:1010–1017, 2006.
to 93%.60-62 However, it should be recognized that when extensive Knight BP, Ebinger M, Oral H, et al: Diagnostic value of tachycardia fea-
atrial ablation is performed in patients with an abnormal atrial tures and pacing maneuvers during paroxysmal supraventricular tachy-
substrate, the potential for multiple different re-entrant circuits cardia, J Am Coll Cardiol 36:574–582, 2000.
may develop. Natale A, Newby KH, Pisano E, et al: Prospective randomized compari-
son of antiarrhythmic therapy versus first-line radiofrequency ablation
KEY REFERENCES in patients with atrial flutter, J Am Coll Cardiol 35:1898–1904, 2000.
Roberts-Thomson KC, Kistler PM, Kalman JM: Focal atrial tachycardia I:
Asirvatham SJ: Correlative anatomy and electrophysiology for the inter- Clinical features, diagnosis, mechanisms, and anatomic location, Pacing
ventional electrophysiologist: Right atrial flutter, J Cardiovasc Electro- Clin Electrophysiol 29:643–652, 2006.
physiol 20:113–122, 2009. Roberts-Thomson KC, Kistler PM, Kalman JM: Focal atrial tachycardia II:
Blomstrom-Lundqvist C, Scheinman MM, Aliot EM, et al: ACC/AHA/ Management, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 29:769–778, 2006.
ESC guidelines for the management of patients with supraventricular Saoudi N, Cosio F, Waldo A, et al: Classification of atrial flutter and regular
arrhythmias—executive summary: A report of the American College of atrial tachycardia according to electrophysiologic mechanism and ana-
Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guide- tomic bases: A statement from a joint expert group from the Working
lines and the European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice Group of Arrhythmias of the European Society of Cardiology and the
Guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines for the Manage- North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, J Cardiovasc
ment of Patients With Supraventricular Arrhythmias), Circulation Electrophysiol 12:852–866, 2001.
108:1871–1909, 2003. Stevenson IH, Kistler PM, Spence SJ, et al: Scar-related right atrial mac-
Cosio FG, Awamleh P, Pastor A, Nunez A: Determining inferior vena roreentrant tachycardia in patients without prior atrial surgery: electro-
cava-tricuspid isthmus block after typical atrial flutter ablation, Heart anatomic characterization and ablation outcome, Heart Rhythm
Rhythm 2:328–332, 2005. 2:594–601, 2005.
Gerstenfeld EP, Marchlinski FE: Mapping and ablation of left atrial tachy- Tai CT, Liu TY, Lee PC, et al: Non-contact mapping to guide radiofre-
cardias occurring after atrial fibrillation ablation, Heart Rhythm 4:S65– quency ablation of atypical right atrial flutter, J Am Coll Cardiol
S72, 2007. 44:1080–1086, 2004.
Jais P, Matsuo S, Knecht S, et al: A deductive mapping strategy for atrial
tachycardia following atrial fibrillation ablation: Importance of localized All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
reentry, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 20(5):480–491, 2009. Epub Dec 22, com.
Jais P, Shah DC, Haissaguerre M, et al: Mapping and ablation of left atrial
flutters, Circulation 101:2928–2934, 2000.
Electrophysiological Evaluation
of Atrial Fibrillation
Sanjeev Saksena and Nicholas D. Skadsberg
may lie in the probability of AF termination within a defined
Introduction period, which, in turn, may be based on the complexity of the AF
mechanisms initiating or maintaining AF. When cardioversion
Atrial fibrillation (AF), one of the earliest arrhythmias described, fails or is not attempted, the patient has been defined as having
is the most common cardiac arrhythmia in humans and is par- permanent AF. More recently, aggressive cardioversion with high-
ticularly common in older adults. The Framingham Heart Study energy, repeated shocks or intracardiac shocks has demonstrated
noted that the incidence of AF in individuals age 60 years was 4% effective termination of even permanent AF, leading to decreasing
and as high as 15% in those older than 70 years.1 Effective evalu- use of this term. Thus, it is more appropriate to define persistent
ation and management of AF will have substantial clinical and AF as being new-onset or established (duration ≥1 year) persis-
public health impact in an aging population. The mechanisms tent AF. A particular patient may have AF episodes that fall into
of AF have been widely debated and are often extrapolated from one or more of these categories. The relationship of clinical classes
experimental data. These are discussed in Chapter 4. Human of AF to EPS findings in each class is examined later.
studies have reported data regarding clinical mechanisms that are Patients with AF generally have ECG and EPS evidence of
at significant variance with some experimental concepts. Clinical delays in intra-atrial conduction. This manifests on the surface
investigations have centered on the relative role of triggers and ECG as prolonged P-wave duration or notched P waves in sinus
substrate, focal automaticity and organized versus random rhythm. In extreme examples, virtual segmentation of the P wave
re-entry, and the applicability of experimental and mathematical can occur with three levels of intra-atrial conduction block based
models to human AF. The clinical electrophysiological study (EPS) on P-wave morphology. Increasing P-wave duration is associated
remains the gold standard for the investigation and evaluation of with more advanced forms of AF such as persistent or permanent
human AF. AF and frequent relapses after therapy. Prolongation of P-wave
The major objectives in a clinical EPS of a patient with AF are duration may be related to temporal dissociation of right atrial
presented in Box 28-1. and left atrial activation, slowing of conduction, or fragmentation
of atrial potentials often seen as late potentials on a P-wave signal-
averaged ECG. It is recommended that EPS evaluation of AF
Electrocardiographic Definition and commence with a high-gain 12-lead ECG at higher paper speeds
Clinical Classification (50 to 100 mm/s) to accurately assess P-wave duration and mor-
phology. Correlation of the P wave with intracardiac signals is
AF is characterized by the absence of P waves and the presence valuable and should be systematically performed. Periods of orga-
of small, irregular oscillations (fibrillatory, or f, waves) on electro- nized f waves can often be correlated with organized tachyar-
cardiographic recordings. Fibrillation has been defined as either rhythmias on intracardiac recordings, as discussed later in this
fine or coarse, based on the ability to discern well-defined f waves, chapter.
without evidence of organized activity in the surface electrocar-
diogram (ECG). More recently, organized tachycardias have been
documented at the onset of AF events, in intracardiac recordings Intracardiac Electrophysiological Studies
at surgery, or during clinical EPSs performed in patients with
AF.2-4 Recent reports that used advanced mapping techniques
for the Evaluation of Atrial Fibrillation
have documented multiple organized atrial tachyarrhythmias in
Early Electrophysiological Observations in Atrial Fibrillation
a given patient with AF.5 Careful evaluation of ECGs with high
gain or body surface mapping reveals evidence of varying f-wave Early EPSs in patients with AF used limited recording and stimu-
morphology and periods of atrial flutter or atrial tachycardia (AT). lation methods. The focus of the studies was largely on measure-
(Figure 28-1, A).6,7 ment of atrial electrophysiological properties, assessment of atrial
The current clinical classification of AF defines new-onset AF conduction in the right atrium (RA) and the left atrium (LA), and
(first episode) or recurrent AF (≥2 episodes) with three types of the atrioventricular (AV) propagation of paced atrial beats or
presentation.8,9 Paroxysmal AF is defined as recurrent AF that spontaneous or induced AF or other concomitant tachyarrhyth-
terminates spontaneously within 7 days, whereas persistent AF is mias. Two or three multi-polar catheters were typically posi-
AF that is sustained beyond 7 days, or lasts fewer than 7 days but tioned in the high RA and the mid-RA, His bundle region, and
requires pharmacologic or electrical cardioversion (see Figure the coronary sinus.10 Abbreviation of atrial effective and func-
28-1, B). The difference between the two clinical AF presentations tional refractory periods during programmed atrial stimulation is

358  Clinical Electrophysiology

Box 28-1  Goals for Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Fibrillation prolongation of atrial refractoriness, abolition of accessory
pathway conduction, and suppression of inducible AF. A stan-
1. Define the triggering arrhythmias that initiate and maintain AF. dardized protocol for programmed stimulation in AF was first
2. Delineate the anatomic substrate and its electrophysiological proposed by our group in 1999 and is described in detail later in
properties. the chapter.15
3. Evaluate potential comorbidities: sinus node function and
atrioventricular conduction.
4. Correlate electrocardiographic classification and electrophysiological Atrial Fibrillation Mapping and Anatomic-Physiological
properties to establish the stage of AF progression in the individual Correlations
5. Find a reliable method for AF induction, preferably by promoting a More recently, the focus of electrophysiological evaluation has
spontaneous AF event. shifted to mapping of either induced or spontaneous AF, detailed
6. Map the potential regional locations of the triggers and the atrial activation mapping of the RA and LA for triggers, organized
substrate involved in its genesis. tachycardias, identification of an abnormal atrial substrate, or all
7. Determine the potential benefits of different therapies, including of these findings. All of these are demonstrable with atrial tissue
preventative, suppressive, reversion, and ablative approaches. voltage mapping or atrial electrogram morphologic abnormalities
AF, Atrial fibrillation. in sinus rhythm or AF (Figure 28-3). Such mapping is accom-
plished by placement of multiple electrode catheters in the RA
and LA and is complemented by three-dimensional contact
mapping or noncontact mapping (NCM) of the atrium. In this
seen in patients with AF, with concomitant loss of rate adaptation chapter, the multi-electrode catheter approach is discussed first.
atrial refractoriness. In addition, an increase in the dispersion of Three-dimensional mapping techniques are discussed in detail
atrial refractoriness in the atria occurs in these patients compared elsewhere. We have combined these two methods in a single
with control subjects.11 Intra-atrial conduction times in humans procedure designed to achieve a complete electrophysiological
show increased conduction delay in the RA, manifest as increased evaluation, with simultaneous bi-atrial mapping complemented
P-A intervals, and prolonged inter-atrial conduction time mea- by high-resolution NCM mapping of the atrium of interest. This
sured as P–distal coronary sinus interval. These delays account approach permits beat-to-beat real-time activation mapping of
for the prolonged global P-wave duration seen on the ECG (Figure AF from onset to termination.
28-2). More recently, other markers of conduction delay during
sinus rhythm have been identified, including fragmented or
multi-phasic intracardiac atrial potentials and late potentials on
P-wave signal-averaged ECG recordings. Regional intracardiac Clinical Electrophysiological Techniques
atrial electrogram recordings show a propensity for split poten-
tials in certain locations (e.g., crista terminalis, coronary sinus,
for the Evaluation of Atrial Fibrillation
eustachian ridge at the cavo-tricuspid isthmus, posterior LA),
Contact Electrode Catheter Techniques
suggesting that anatomic structure can alter atrial electrical prop-
agation patterns. Attuel emphasized the importance of increased Clinical EPS in a patient with AF should consist of a systematic
dispersion of atrial refractoriness in these patients and its rela- approach to the analysis of arrhythmias by recording and measur-
tionship to inducible AF.11,12 ing a variety of electrophysiological parameters and events with
In addition, patients with AF can have electrical comorbidities. the patient in sinus rhythm, AF, or both and by evaluating his or
Ventricular activation patterns should be evaluated, especially her response to programmed electrical stimulation. The study
when they show concomitant wide QRS patterns. These can be includes the measurement of conduction intervals (if necessary
related to either aberrant conduction over the normal or diseased after cardioversion), the use of programmed atrial stimulation,
His-Purkinje axis or accessory pathway conduction. Sinus node and responses to a variety of interventions. Electrograms are
dysfunction and AV block can coexist with AF. Bradycardia- recorded at paper speeds of 100 to 200 mm/s. At a minimum,
tachycardia syndrome is a common manifestation of both AF and multi-electrode catheters are placed in the high lateral RA, across
sick sinus syndrome in older adults. Formal sinus node and AV the bundle of His, and in the coronary sinus to record left
conduction testing in this population may show a substantial atrial electrograms and activation. Right atrial recordings can be
proportion of patients with abnormal EPS findings; these methods obtained from the free wall, the septum, and the tricuspid isthmus
are discussed elsewhere in this text. This should be incorporated for regional right atrial activation patterns (Figure 28-4). A duo-
in the clinical electrophysiological evaluation of the patient decapolar catheter is widely used for this purpose. This catheter
with AF. is typically placed with its distal electrode in the low lateral right
atrial free wall with the proximal set lying along the inter-atrial
septum (see Figure 28-4, C). This allows simultaneous recordings
Programmed Stimulation for Induction of Atrial Fibrillation
of the anterior free wall of the RA and the inter-atrial septum.
Programmed atrial stimulation was first introduced in patients Left atrial recordings can be indirectly obtained epicardially
with AF by Haft more than 30 years ago.13 Single-paced atrial from the left pulmonary artery or directly endocardially after a
premature beats during atrial pacing or sinus rhythm–induced trans-septal puncture. In the former, a decapolar catheter is
episodes of AF or flutter in these patients. This was accepted as a placed in the left lower pulmonary artery in a branch typically
marker of atrial vulnerability to AF. Subsequently, Bauernfeind encircling the left atrial appendage (LAA) (see Figure 28-4, C). In
et al studied patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) this fashion, recordings from the left atrial lateral wall, left supe-
syndrome and AF and performed tests to select an effective rior pulmonary vein (PV), roof of the LA and PVs, and right
drug therapy.14 Effectiveness in these studies was defined by superior PV can be indirectly obtained to evaluate conduction in
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Fibrillation  359

9:00 AM 10:31 AM


2:12 PM

A 3:05 PM 7:43 PM

First diagnosed episode of atrial fibrillation

(usually ≤48 h)

(>7 days or
requires CV)

(>1 year)

FIGURE 28-1  A, Electrocardiographic rhythm strips of recurrent paroxysms of atrial fibrillation (AF) in a single patient during the course of a single
day demonstrating varying fibrillation (f )-wave morphology. Top panel, left, Onset of spontaneous AF episode at 9 AM triggered by premature beats
with large atrial signals consistent with an ectopic focus, typically seen with focal initiation of pulmonary vein tachycardia. Right, Termination of the
episode at 10:31 AM showing reorganization of fine fibrillation seen on the first two beats into coarse larger f waves before termination. Middle panel,
Periods of coarse and fine fibrillatory activity with and without clearly discernible f waves during a sustained AF episode. Bottom left, Organized atrial
activity consistent with typical atrial flutter with a rate of 250 beats/min during a subsequent event. Right, Organized atrial tachyarrhythmia with a
faster cycle length consistent with atypical atrial flutter with a rate of 300 beats/min later in the same day. B, Clinical classification of atrial fibrillation
episodes. CV, Cardioversion. (Modified from European Heart Rhythm Association; European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip
GY, et al: Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation: The Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology
(ESC), Eur Heart J 31[19]:2369–2429, 2010.)

the superior LA. Trans-septal left atrial mapping requires inter- Videos 28-7 to 28-10). Note the proximity of the left pulmonary
atrial septal puncture at the fossa ovalis by using a Brockenbor- artery electrode catheter to the trans-septal electrode catheter
ough needle mounted within a trans-septal sheath and dilator along the superior LA (see Figure 28-5, B).
assembly, usually guided by intracardiac echocardiography. Alternatively, preformed electrode catheters can be used to
Although detailed technical steps in this procedure are beyond map the atrium or PVs. A circular preformed multi-electrode
the scope of this chapter, the important elements are illustrated catheter (e.g., Lasso catheter, Biosense Webster, Diamond Bar,
in Videos 28-1 through 28-6 on the Expert Consult web site that CA) or small linear catheters (e.g., Cardima Pathfinder, Cardima
accompanies this textbook. With the trans-septal approach, the Inc., Fremont, CA) can also be used for mapping within tubular
distal electrode can be placed in the left superior PV, across the structures—such as the PVs, the superior vena cava (SVC) or the
left atrial roof and the fossa ovalis. The catheter can also be inferior vena cava (IVC), the coronary sinus, or atrial appendages—
manipulated into each of the PVs for mapping (Figure 28-5; see or at their ostia in the atrium. The Lasso catheter comes in
I P 03 R S T
RA 5
RA 4
RA 3
RA 2 V
RA 1 A H
RA 6
RA 7
RA 8
RA 9
RA 10
CS 7–8
CS 5–6
CS 3–4

FIGURE 28-2  Genesis of an abnormally prolonged P wave is shown. Surface electrocardiographic leads I, II, III, aVF, and V1 are displayed with
intracardiac channels. RA 1 to 5 recordings represent sequential electrograms from the superior to inferior right atrial free wall, RA 6 to 10 are
sequential recordings from superior to inferior inter-atrial septum. CSP to CSD represents sequential recordings from the proximal to distal coronary
sinus, and LPA are indirect epicardial recordings from the superior left atrium. This recording in a patient with persistent atrial fibrillation demonstrates
prolonged inter-atrial conduction time from the high right atrium to the CSD and LPA recordings in the left atrium, resulting in a prolonged P-wave
duration of 220 ms. CS, Coronary sinus electrogram; CSD, distal coronary sinus; CSP, proximal coronary sinus; H, His bundle; HIS, His bundle electrogram;
LPA, left pulmonary artery; RA, right atrium; SCL, R-RR interval; V, ventricle.

FIGURE 28-3  Illustrations of activation and

voltage maps to characterize the atrial substrate
and its functionality. Isochronal maps (top) show
activation wavefront propagation in the right
atrium with corresponding voltage maps of the
right atrium (bottom).
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Fibrillation  361

S RA 10
CS 7–8
CS 5–6
CS 3–4






FIGURE 28-4  Bi-atrial catheter mapping recordings (A) with electrode catheter placement shown fluoroscopically in the left anterior oblique
projection. Labels show individual electrode duo-decapolar catheter placement for right atrial recordings (B). C, Decapolar catheter placement for left
atrial recordings from the left pulmonary artery. MEA, Multi-electrode balloon array for noncontact mapping with dye-filled balloon.

different configurations (10 or 20 electrode poles) and variable confirming the PV potential (PVP) as the second component of
spacing (8 mm, 2-6-2 mm) and curve diameters (see Figure 28-5, the local electrogram.
D). It allows circular mapping at the PV ostia, which can have A multi-electrode basket catheter has been designed for global
varying anatomic configurations, and within the veins for seg- right atrial and left atrial mapping.16 Recently, the use of the High
mental mapping. The Pathfinder catheter permits placement well Density Mesh Mapper–Ablator catheter (Bard Electrophysiology,
inside the vein and its branches. Because ablation within the PV Lowell, MA) was described.17 It allows multiple simultaneous
is being undertaken with decreasing frequency, this is most useful recordings along vertical splines in a circumferential array when
in careful assessment of gaps in isolation lines. Activation within the basket or mesh catheter is opened to achieve contact with the
the veins during sinus rhythm, paced atrial stimuli, and spontane- endocardium in the atrium of interest (Figure 28-7). A computer
ous premature atrial beats can be recorded and localized. Figure contour of atrial activation is developed on the basis of electro-
28-6 shows recordings during atrial pacing in a patient with per- gram timing. Severe atrial dilation or anatomic abnormalities may
sistent AF. The ablation catheter records a delayed potential impede complete recording sequences. One prospective study of
within the left superior PV, and a spontaneous atrial premature PV isolation in patients with AF who have this device demon-
beat originates from this site with electrogram sequence reversal strated that the method was safe and yielded good primary
362  Clinical Electrophysiology




FIGURE 28-5  Fluoroscopic views of mapping procedure for individual pulmonary veins with ablation catheter tip electrode shown at tip of arrow.
A, Left superior pulmonary vein. B, Right superior pulmonary vein. C, Left inferior pulmonary vein. D, Lasso catheter with circular electrode array being
delivered to the ostium of the left superior pulmonary vein. MEA, Multi-electrode balloon array.

success rates and a favorable clinical outcome at 6 months.17 A One standard programmed stimulation protocol based on
more recent report showed a substantially higher AF recurrence prior studies conducted by our group is to use one to three atrial
rate at 18 months.18 extrastimuli using two drive trains.15 At a minimum, two stimula-
tion sites, that is, the high RA and the coronary sinus ostium, are
used. Additional stimulation sites can include the distal coronary
Pacing Techniques During Electrophysiological Evaluation
sinus, the LA, or PVs. The definition used for inducible sustained
Programmed atrial stimulation, which is used to assess electro- AF is a tachyarrhythmia longer than 30 seconds. The sensitivity
physiological properties, performs provocative testing in the for induction of AF with this protocol was 89% and the specificity
patient with AF. Incremental pacing and the introduction of pro- was 92% (Figure 28-8).
grammed single or multiple extrastimuli are used to: Figure 28-9, A, shows a typical programmed electrical stimula-
tion protocol in a patient with AF. Note the induction of right
1. Characterize the physiological properties of the sinus node, AV atrial flutter with a clockwise activation pattern and a cycle length
conduction system, atria, and ventricles. of 240 ms. Induction of organized tachyarrhythmias in patients
with AF should alert the operator to the existence of such tachy-
2. Induce AF, atrial flutter, or AT and permit analyses of the cardias in the initiation or maintenance of AF in that patient.
mechanisms of AF in a given patient. Often, more than one such tachyarrhythmia will be elicited, espe-
cially in patients with persistent AF. Spontaneous AF episodes can
3. Evaluate the effects of drugs and electrical interventions on the also be recorded and the evolution of AF examined (see Figure
function of the AV conduction system, the atrium, and the 28-9, B). Note the conversion of an organized tachyarrhythmia
ventricle and determine the efficacy of these drugs in the treat- seen as coarse AF on the ECG in this patient to a more complex
ment of AF. arrhythmia with the evolution of fine AF and the appearance of
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Fibrillation  363

33 34 35

V1 A

CS 7–8

CS 5–6
CS 3–4


FIGURE 28-6  Pulmonary vein potential shown by arrow during atrial pacing as a second deflection after atrial electrogram and as trigger of atrial
premature beat preceding the surface P wave and atrial electrograms in the coronary sinus and bundle of His regions. See legend to Figure 28-1 for

fragmented electrical activity, initially in the coronary sinus elec- Adenosine, methacholine, and even alcohol infusions have been
trograms and later in the septal electrograms. This continuous used to elicit AF in the laboratory. Alternatively, the authors have
fractionated electrical activity is often referred to as complex frac- found that cardioversion of sustained AF can allow emergence of
tionated atrial electrogram (CFAE) mapping and is used as a spontaneous atrial premature beats (APBs) and AF events after
target for substrate ablation. In addition, pacing can be performed cardioversion. Figure 28-10 shows early recurrence of triggering
in specific atrial regions to assess conduction across anatomic APBs with short salvoes of AT, followed by spontaneous onset of
obstacles (e.g., the cavo-tricuspid isthmus). Rapid atrial pacing an AF episode. The onset tachycardia is a type 1 counterclockwise
can be used for entrainment and termination of organized tachy- atrial flutter, which rapidly induces a left atrial tachyarrhythmia
cardias (discussed in more detail elsewhere in this text). Burst from the superior LA, probably arising in PVs. Early recurrences
pacing is often unsuccessful in the termination of rapid tachycar- of AF have, in our experience, been similar to spontaneous AF
dias (see Figure 28-9, C). Giorgberidze et al reported modest events in origin and propagation.
success with high-frequency atrial pacing during organized tachy-
cardias seen in patients with AF.19 Pacing within and immediately
Choice of Mapping Techniques
outside PVs can be performed for entrance and exit block before
and after an intervention (see Figure 28-9, D). Until now, catheter mapping of human AF has been limited to
electrogram recordings in specific regions of interest (e.g., PVs),
and regional mapping has been limited to intraoperative studies.20
Interventions During Electrophysiological Studies
Several techniques have been reported for the regional catheter
in Atrial Fibrillation
mapping of discrete focal sources of AF in specific atrial regions.21
A variety of interventions can be used during electrophysiological For example, a Lasso catheter can be used for the focal mapping of
studies in patients with AF. Most commonly, these are used to PVs, where rapidly firing foci play an important role in the initia-
initiate spontaneous AF or to terminate an arrhythmia event. tion and maintenance of AF.3 However, a major limitation of the
Spontaneous AF events may fail to occur during EPS. Isoproter- regional catheter method has been infrequent and sporadic record-
enol is commonly used to elicit such events by increasing trigger ings of spontaneous AF, necessitating repetitious stable rhythms.
activity, particularly from PVs. Isoproterenol has been used at In an effort to overcome such limitations, several elegant,
moderate to high doses (4 to 15 µg/min) to initiate spontaneous high-resolution catheter mapping systems have been developed,
AF. Consideration of concomitant comorbid conditions such as allowing three-dimensional anatomic assessment coupled with
ischemia or heart failure should guide its use. Hemodynamic electrophysiological recordings to create an accurate picture of
monitoring is desirable in this instance. Rare instances of adenos- the heart’s electrical sequence (Figures 28-11 and 28-12). The
ine or vagomimetic drugs to induce AF have been reported. CARTO mapping system (Biosense Webster) uses ultra-low
364  Clinical Electrophysiology

31 32 1 2
30 3
29 4
28 5
27 6

26 7
25 8

24 9
23 10

21 12

20 13
19 14
18 17 16 15

FIGURE 28-7  Multi-electrode catheter for recording and mapping (Mesh Mapper–Ablator, Bard Electrophysiology). The upper panels show electrode
array (top left), fully expanded to allow contact with the atrial endocardium (top right). The lower panels show fluoroscopic images (lower left, right
anterior oblique view; lower right, left anterior oblique view) with the catheter array deployed in the left atrium and expanded fully to make circular
contact with the atrial wall. (From Meissner A, van Bracht M, Schrage MO, et al: Segmental pulmonary vein isolation in atrial fibrillation: New insights from the
high density mesh mapper technique in an electrophysiologically guided approach, J Interv Cardiol Electrophysiol 25[3]:183–192, 2009.)

20 AF
Induced arrhythmia (# pts)




Atrial flutter Atrial fibrillation
(21 pts) (23 pts)
Clinical arrhythmia

FIGURE 28-8  Comparison of spontaneous and induced atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients (pts) with a standardized programmed stimulation protocol
using up to three extrastimuli from two atrial stimulation sites in patients with spontaneous atrial flutter (AFI) (left) and spontaneous atrial fibrillation
(right). Note that there is a high sensitivity for induction of the spontaneous arrhythmia in both patient groups. However, additional arrhythmias that
had not been previously recorded spontaneously can be induced. (Modified from Krol RB, Saksena S, Prakash A, et al: Prospective clinical evaluation of a
programmed atrial stimulation protocol for induction of sustained atrial fibrillation and flutter, J Interv Cardiol Electrophysiol 3:19–25, 1999.)
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Fibrillation  365

46 47
LAT RA 3 400 S 230 S
CL 240 MS
AS RA 10
CS 7–8
CS 5–6
CS 3–4

ECG Coarse AF Fine AF

6-aVF AF onset 500 ms AF evolution
44-STIM A1 180 ms
21-CT 9.10
Lat RA 20-CT 7.8
19-CT 5.6
18-CT 3.4
17-CTD 1.2
IAS 22-CT 11.1
23-CT 13.1
24-CT 15.1
25-CT 17.1
26-CT 19.2
34-CS 9.10
CS 33-CS 7.8
32-CS 5.6
31-CS 3.4
30-CSD 1.2
39-ABL px
HB 38-ABL ds
LPA 37-LLPA px
35-LLPA ds

FIGURE 28-9  A, Induction of typical atrial flutter at electrophysiological study with single atrial extrastimulus in a patient with atrial fibrillation (AF).
B, Transition from onset of coarse AF with an isoelectric period to fine sustained AF on the electrocardiogram. Note the organized atrial
tachyarrhythmia on the left and the subsequent appearance of fibrillatory activity in the intracardiac recordings. (B, From Saksena S, Skadsberg ND, Rao
HB, Filipecki A: Biatrial and three-dimensional mapping of spontaneous atrial arrhythmias in patients with refractory atrial fibrillation, J Cardiovasc
Electrophysiol 16[5]:494–504, 2005.)

366  Clinical Electrophysiology

I 54 55
II Pacing burst
LAT RA 3 180 S 180 S 180 S 180 S
LAT RA 2 240 ms
AS RA 10
CS 7–8
CS 5–6
CS 3–4

FIGURE 28-9, cont’d  C, Failure of rapid atrial pacing during AF despite evidence of resetting and possible entrainment of right atrial tachyarrhythmia
but failure to interrupt AF because of inability to terminate right atrial tachyarrhythmia and pacing had no effect on left atrial tachyarrhythmia.  
D, Three-dimensional map of the left atrium using the Nav-X system (left posterolateral view; St. Jude Medical) with electrode catheter placement in the
right inferior pulmonary vein after pulmonary vein antral isolation. Note that the pulmonary vein antra are encircled with ablation lesions. The catheter
is advanced into the right inferior pulmonary vein with gradual disappearance of electrogram recordings seen on the display from the distal electrode,
demonstrating complete vein isolation (arrow). See Figure 28-1 for abbreviations.

Bi-atrial Contact and Noncontact Mapping Techniques

magnetic field technology to reconstruct three-dimensional maps
and activation sequences. The Nav-X system (St. Jude Medical, St Recently, our group has integrated simultaneous bi-atrial catheter
Paul, MN) uses similar principles to create static anatomic maps. mapping with high-resolution, three-dimensional noncontact
The EnSite system (St Jude Medical) uses a multi-electrode mapping to provide a rapid and reliable method to map both
mapping balloon catheter to create maps and define the location induced and spontaneous AF.5,23,24 The major advance with this
of the mapping and ablation catheter. The detailed function of technique is to permit beat-to-beat simultaneous bi-atrial mapping
these systems is discussed in Chapter 92. All these systems rep- that greatly shortens the mapping procedure. Triggers and tachy-
resent a paradigm shift in the way that AF can be mapped and cardias can be mapped in single cardiac cycles. In brief, four to
AF ablations are performed. Recent tools allow integration of six multi-polar electrode catheters are placed in the RA at the
real-time catheter-based mapping with imported scans from lateral RA, the bundle of His, the inter-atrial septum, the coronary
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography sinus, the LA (via a patent foramen ovale), or the left pulmonary
(CT).22 Coupled with the identification of CFAEs, such mapping artery (under local anesthesia). When ablation is planned, a trans-
systems facilitate ablation procedures in patients with persistent septal puncture may be substituted for indirect recordings from
or permanent AF. a pulmonary artery. An endocardial balloon electrode (EnSite) can
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Fibrillation  367


FIGURE 28-10  Bi-atrial contact catheter electrode mapping in a patient with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). A, Sustained AF is seen on the left of
the recording, which is terminated by a cardioversion shock (yellow). Sinus rhythm with frequent spontaneous atrial premature beats (APBs) is restored.
The site of APB origin (white arrowheads) is reproducible. B, This recording shows onset of spontaneous AF in the same patient with an organized type
1 counterclockwise right atrial flutter followed by the onset of a superior left atrial tachycardia, probably arising from pulmonary veins.

be introduced into the atrium of interest (see Figures 28-4 and electrode catheter recordings and locations can be anatomically
28-5, C). On occasion, the balloon can be placed in the LA and located on the contour. We use identifiable landmarks in the
later relocated to the RA for bi-atrial high-resolution mapping lateral RA, such as the orifices of the great veins, the entire ring
(see Figure 28-10). Three-dimensional mapping of AF in the RA of the tricuspid annulus, the coronary sinus ostium, the tricuspid
or LA is then combined with the contact catheter map. valve–IVC isthmus sites, the lateral RA from superior to inferior
A three-dimensional contour in the RA or LA can be devel- locations, and the inter-atrial septum at multiple sites along a
oped with the array and is comparable with the chamber contours cranio-caudal axis.
seen with electroanatomic systems (see Figure 28-11). On occa- Beat-to-beat mapping is feasible. Figure 28-13, A, shows a
sion, the two contours can be integrated (see Figure 28-12). The static image with combined contact electrode locations on the
368  Clinical Electrophysiology

three-dimensional contour. Figure 28-13, B, shows simultaneous rhythms. Sinus rhythm propagation, extrastimulus behavior, and
display of contact electrograms and virtual recordings from the induced or spontaneous arrhythmia initiation can be studied
balloon array. The activation wavefront can be seen in multiple with these recordings. Beat-to-beat imaging and analysis are fea-
frames in a single cycle; also, the isochrones map of this cycle is sible in real time. During sustained tachyarrhythmias, whether
seen in the lower left corner. This can also be viewed online as induced or spontaneous, arrhythmia circuits can be correlated
a continuous loop (see Videos 28-11 and 28-12). This integrated with their anatomic locations. For example, Video 28-11 shows
display is now ready for the acquisition and analysis of different a noncontact map of the RA at the onset of a spontaneous AF
event, starting as an organized type 1 counterclockwise right
atrial flutter that is succeeded by a left atrial tachyarrhythmia
with bystander right atrial activation on the noncontact map. AF
or other associated tachyarrhythmias may occur spontaneously
during the study. Alternatively, they may have to be induced for
analysis. Induced AF may differ in some features from spontane-
ous AF or may evolve into patterns similar to spontaneous AF.

Clinical Electrophysiological Findings

in Atrial Fibrillation
Normal Atrial Electrophysiology
Intra-atrial conduction in the RA is determined from the P-A
interval, is commonly found between the middle and distal coro-
nary sinus leads, and should not exceed 130 ms. The routes of
inter-atrial conduction are complex and have been studied by
using detailed atrial mapping with noncontact and contact
approaches. Rossi noted that the atrial septum was contributed
to by both RA and LA fiber bundles, which wrapped along the
coronary sinus.25 Physiological studies have suggested that inter-
atrial conduction occurs over Bachmann’s bundle in the inter-
atrial groove. It was also noted that ostial coronary sinus
FIGURE 28-11  Right atrial contour maps developed using the stimulation propagated along the mitral valve ring first before
magnetic navigation method with the Nav-X system (lower panel; St. the rest of the LA was activated, suggesting an inferior inter-atrial
Jude Medical) and the virtual contour using the noncontact mapping connection.26 Lemery and colleagues performed right atrial and
approach with EnSite balloon array (top panel; St. Jude Medical). Note left atrial noncontact mapping during sinus rhythm and atrial
the similarity of anatomic structural details with display of pacing and demonstrated inter-atrial conduction over two dis-
electrograms from the catheter electrode tip with both systems. In
tinct regions via Bachmann’s bundle and the coronary sinus.27
addition, the balloon array permits global atrial activation recordings
Regional atrial conduction shows splitting of wavefronts along
on a beat-to-beat basis (see Figure 28-13).
the crista terminalis anteriorly and posteriorly and preferential


RAO View LAO view LAO view

A Right atrial contour map B Right and left atrial contour map

FIGURE 28-12  A, Noncontact mapping showing the three-dimensional contour of the right atrium. B, Noncontact mapping with three-dimensional
contour of the right and left atria. The left atrium is seen posterior to the right atrium. RAO, Right anterior oblique projection; LAO, left anterior oblique
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Fibrillation  369

propagation along the superior and inferior LA. Left atrial activa- in patients with atrial arrhythmias and in patients with AF who
tion may be indirectly recorded as a far-field signal in the PV.

Atrial Electrophysiology in Disease States

exhibited significantly more low-voltage areas in the septum and
posterior walls.36 Although voltage is only a potential sur­rogate
for fibrosis, these findings align with a histologic study in patients
with AF and mitral valve disease in whom a disproportionate
Observed abnormalities of diseased human atria in experimental amount of fibrosis was located in the septum and posterior wall
studies include elevation of the resting membrane potential, of the LA.37 Additionally, the investigators found that left atrial
depression of the maximal amplitude of the potential, and electrogram amplitude decreased with age. Aging was found to
decreased upstroke velocity of the action potential. Such abnor- be associated with regional conduction slowing, anatomically
malities have been related to a patient’s history of atrial tachyar- determined conduction delay at the crista, and structural changes
rhythmia and the presence of a dilated atrium.28,29 In patients with that include areas of low voltage in the RA.38 This electrical and
sick sinus syndrome and lone AF or a history of primary atrial structural remodeling may explain the increased propensity to AF
tachyarrhythmia, inter-atrial and intra-atrial conduction times with aging. In patients with symptomatic congestive heart failure
were found to be increased.30,31 Furthermore, induction of atrial (CHF), electroanatomic maps demonstrated lower mean voltage
tachyarrhythmias by atrial extrastimulation was highly correlated and greater heterogeneity in voltage compared with those in 21
with increases in the inter-atrial or intra-atrial conduction times. controls undergoing radiofrequency (RF) ablation for AV nodal
Three-dimensional noncontact mapping can show slowly propa- re-entrant tachycardia.39 Electroanatomic and conventional
gating atrial activation in the diseased atrial substrate, with low- mapping techniques provided evidence of significantly impaired
voltage electrograms, fragmentation and split potentials, and atrial conduction throughout the RA as well as anatomically
areas of conduction block (see Figure 28-3). These can be more determined functional conduction delay at the crista and indirect
obvious during spontaneous or induced AF. Bi-atrial reductions evidence of conduction slowing across the LA and Bachmann’s
in electrogram voltage during three-dimensional mapping of bundle. Fractionated electrograms in the atrial substrate are now
patients with lone AF have been documented.32 Regional vari- being targeted for ablation, particularly in patients with persistent
ability in alterations in conduction velocity and regional changes AF.35 Figure 28-9, B, shows the appearance of fractionation in
in atrial refractoriness were noted. In 20 patients undergoing coronary sinus electrograms, low septal electrograms, ablation
bi-atrial high-density contact mapping, spectral analysis demon- electrograms, and posterosuperior left atrial recordings. The
strated greater fractionation and higher dominant frequencies in mechanism of these electrograms remains under investigation.
patients with persistent AF and in the LA during AF compared
with patients with paroxysmal AF.33
Pulmonary Vein Electrophysiology
PVs play an important role both in the onset and in the mainte-
Regional Atrial Electrophysiology
nance of AF. Early observations by Haïssaguerre et al demon-
Animal models and studies in humans have demonstrated the strated that AF initiation is often caused by focal electrical
important role atrial fibrosis plays in the development and main- discharges predominantly located within PVs.3 PV electrograms
tenance of AF.34,35 Marcus et al reported significant regional vari- can be mapped as described earlier. All four veins are mapped,
ability in left atrial voltage as assessed by electroanatomic mapping and electrical activity resulting in premature beats or an atrial



LMPV Posterior



FIGURE 28-13  A, Fluoroscopic image of the EnSite balloon (St. Jude Medical) array placement in the left atrium in the anteroposterior projection.
Note that the balloon is stabilized with the distal pigtail loop in the mitral valve. A double trans-septal approach is needed to place the ablation
catheter seen posterior to the balloon electrode. B, Atrial premature beat arising from the right superior pulmonary vein (RSPV) and emerging into the
left atrium; the propagation can be tracked on the noncontact map of the left atrium. LSPV, Left superior pulmonary vein; LMPV, left mid pulmonary
vein; LIPV, left inferior pulmonary vein; FO, foramen ovale.

370  Clinical Electrophysiology

FIGURE 28-13, cont’d C, Right atrial noncontact mapping and bi-atrial catheter mapping of the two atria. Spontaneous atrial flutter in the right
atrium is seen on the intracardiac recordings despite surface electrocardiographic recording of atrial fibrillation (AF). The noncontact map confirms the
circulating right atrial wavefront frame by frame demonstrating a macro–re-entrant pathway (top panel). The lower left isochronal map shows the
complete activation cycle. The bi-atrial catheter map shows the organized tachycardia in this patient with established persistent AF. D, Bi-atrial
noncontact mapping of a spontaneous AF episode on a beat-to-beat sequence showing a triggering atrial premature beat from the superior left
atrium (top recording) initiating a left atrial tachycardia arising in the superior left atrium in the vicinity of the pulmonary veins with breakthrough into
the bystander right atrium (middle recording). This is followed by a counterclockwise right atrial flutter, which is tracked through the entire macro–re-
entrant pathway on the noncontact map. (D Modified from Saksena S, Skadsberg ND, Rao HB, Filipecki A: Biatrial and three-dimensional mapping of
spontaneous atrial arrhythmias in patients with refractory atrial fibrillation, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16[5]:494–504, 2005.)

tachycardia can occur spontaneously or be induced by electrical controls, whereas the FRPs of the PV-LA junction and the left
stimulation or pharmacologic agents or even cardioversion atrial ERPs were comparable, demonstrating that the main differ-
shocks. In patients with AF, pulmonary venous effective refrac- ence between patients with AF and those without AF is observed
tory periods (ERPs) were significantly shorter than left atrial ERPs in PVs rather than at the junction with the LA or in the LA itself.
and significantly shorter than the PV ERPs of patients without In association with the more pronounced decremental conduc-
AF.40 The PV potential functional refractory periods (FRPs) of tion times in PVs, these short ERPs and FRPs provide a very
patients with AF were also significantly shorter than those of favorable milieu for arrhythmogenicity, particularly re-entry in or
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Fibrillation  371

around the veins, which may perpetuate arrhythmia and thus act as a potential mechanism.41 However, as the disease progresses
as a substrate for AF maintenance.
Similar electrophysiological properties of PVs and atria
have been reported when exposed to short-term AF induced by
rapid atrial burst pacing, which suggests electrical remodeling
from paroxysmal AF to permanent, long-term AF, other processes
occur in the atria leading to contractile and structural
Insights into Atrial Fibrillation Mechanisms from Bi-atrial
and Three-Dimensional Mapping
Studies we have conducted in patients with paroxysmal and
60 persistent AF with combined contact bi-atrial and noncontact
Persistent AF three-dimensional mapping have allowed analysis of the regional
50 Paroxysmal AF origin of APBs and atrial tachyarrhythmias during spontaneous
AF. Evolution into sustained AF and its maintenance have been
40 examined. APBs are most often multi-focal and often bi-atrial in
origin in both paroxysmal and persistent AF. One or more
30 APBs can trigger spontaneous AF events in a given patient
(Figure 28-14). APBs triggering spontaneous AF demonstrate a
wider distribution of origin in persistent AF, with the highest
frequency arising from the superior LA and the septum. The
onset AT may commence at a location distant from the APB
origin (e.g., type 1 flutter) or in proximity to the trigger (e.g.,
PV trigger initiating re-entrant tachycardia in the posterior
left atrium) (see Figure 28-14). Organized atrial tachyarrhythmias
RA RA LA LA Biatrial
are seen in both paroxysmal and persistent AF. At least two atrial
E flutter tachy flutter tachy tachy
tachyarrhythmias, most commonly PV tachycardia and common
FIGURE 28-13, cont’d   E, Spontaneous atrial tachyarrhythmias right atrial flutter, are seen in paroxysmal AF (see Figure 28-14;
recorded with bi-atrial noncontact mapping in spontaneous Videos 28-11 and 28-12), A wider spectrum of atrial tachyar-
paroxysmal and persistent AF events during electrophysiological rhythmias can be seen, particularly in persistent AF. This includes
procedures. Note the bi-atrial distribution of atrial tachycardias in both focal PV tachycardia; left atrial flutter with macro–re-entry,
conditions, but a wider spectrum of atrial tachycardias is seen in including mitral isthmus flutter; type 1 isthmus-dependent or
persistent AF. RA, Right atrium; LA, left atrium; tachy, tachycardia. type 2 non–isthmus-dependent right atrial flutter; and upper
(E, Modified from Saksena S, Skadsberg ND, Rao HB, Filipecki A: Biatrial or lower loop flutter of focal AT (see Figure 28-14). Organized
and three-dimensional mapping of spontaneous atrial arrhythmias in atrial tachyarrhythmia distribution in persistent AF (right or
patients with refractory atrial fibrillation, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol
left atrial flutter) or tachycardia has demonstrated a wider
16[5]:494–504, 2005.)
bi-atrial origin compared with paroxysmal AF. Further, mitral





FIGURE 28-14  Three-dimensional map of the left atrium and pulmonary veins showing anatomic variants with a very large left pulmonary antrum
with superior, middle, and inferior veins and secondary branches. Wide area circumferential ablation lesions are shown as circular markers. Left atrial
compartmentalization is in progress, with isolation of the antral regions and roof and mitral isthmus linear lesions. LAA, Left atrial appendage; LSPV, left
superior pulmonary vein; LIPV, left inferior pulmonary vein; RSPV, right superior pulmonary vein; PVA, pulmonary vein antrum.
372  Clinical Electrophysiology

isthmus–dependent left atrial flutter was more prevalent in rhythm maintenance rates ranging between 54% and 74%.44,45
patients with persistent AF, whereas isthmus-dependent or non– Investigation of the efficacy of CFAE as a stand-alone treatment
isthmus dependent right atrial flutter was comparable in preva- under three-dimensional mapping system guidance in patients
lence in both types of AF. Therefore, AF progression is most likely with persistent AF demonstrated that only 9% (2 of 23) of patients
related to the development of a bi-atrial substrate for the arrhyth- who received CFAE ablation were in sinus rhythm after a single
mia and proliferation of these atrial tachyarrhythmias that result ablation procedure without antiarrhythmic medication compared
in the persistence of an individual event. These findings bridge with 41% (22 of 54) of patients with CFAE plus PV isolation abla-
the divide between observations obtained with regional catheter tion procedures.46 The CFAE region has been found to play an
recordings and intraoperative findings in humans. important role in the perpetuation of AF as demonstrated by a
higher number of focal discharges, frequency of wave breaks and
wave fusions, and slower conduction than in non-CFAE regions.47
Role of Electrophysiological Evaluation Several recent technical solutions have been used to allow auto-
matic detection and characterization of CFAEs, ranging from
in Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation virtual unipolar signals (EnSite) to the fast Fourier transformation
(Bard Electrophysiology) of signals from the tip of the ablation
Preablation and Ablation Lesion Mapping
catheter up to tiny electrodes on a specialized multi-polar cath-
Mapping is performed at electrophysiological evaluation in eter (PentaRay, Biosense Webster). Finally, ablation lesion location
patients with AF to guide ablative therapies. PV triggers and and contiguity can be indicated on contour maps (see Video 28-13
tachycardia have been targeted by focal, segmental, and isolation and Figures 28-14 and 28-15).
procedures. Atrial tachyarrhythmias in either atrium are ablated
with linear or focal lesions, and linear lesions are used to com-
Postablation Mapping
partmentalize the atria. In addition to PV isolation and linear
ablation of re-entrant tachycardias detected during electrophysi- Electrophysiological mapping is performed after catheter ablation
ological testing, more recent mapping and ablation procedures for to assess the adequacy of the ablation. Focal ablation of PV trig-
persistent AF incorporate the ablation of CFAEs as a substrate gers is assessed by the elimination of PV potentials (see Figure
modification strategy in the catheter ablation of AF.35,43 CFAE 28-9, D), whereas isolation procedures require demonstration of
regions are targeted with the belief that atrial fractionated poten- entrance and exit blocks in the PV. Entrance block evaluation
tials indicate areas of nonuniform wavelet propagation and slowed requires coronary sinus or atrial pacing with PV recordings. Exit
conduction, thus being partly responsible for the perpetuation of block evaluation requires PV stimulation with left atrial record-
AF. Despite early reports of excellent clinical outcomes associated ings from the sites on the opposing aspect of the isolation lesions
with CFAE-guided left atrial ablation, the clinical outcomes of to demonstrate linear lesion integrity (see Videos 28-14 through
CFAE ablation have varied widely in other reports, with sinus 30-16 and Figure 28-16).




RA lspv lra


lpv RA
lmi CS ld


FIGURE 28-15  Three-dimensional map of the right and left atria and pulmonary veins showing venae cavae draining into the right atrium (RA) in
addition to the features shown in Figure 28-14 in the same patient. A cavo-tricuspid isthmus linear ablation line is seen in the RA. The coronary sinus is
marked by the electrode catheter shown in red. LA, Left atrium; CS, coronary sinus; Isthmus, cavo-tricuspid isthmus; SVC, superior vena cava; lspv, left
superor pulmonary vein; lpv, left pulmonary vein; RA, right atrium; IVC, inferior vena cava.
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Atrial Fibrillation  373

Electrophysiological evaluation of AF permits understanding of
AF mechanisms and comorbidities, helps identify targets for
interventions such as ablation, and provides the basis for develop-
ing a therapeutic strategy for the management of AF.

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Rate 571 bpm fibrillation by ectopic beats originating in the pulmonary veins, N Eng
CL 105 ms
P-P 0.62 mV J Med 339:659–666, 1998.
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FIGURE 28-16  Three-dimensional map of the roof of the left atrium of pulmonary veins in patients with atrial fibrillation, Circulation
and pulmonary veins showing a voltage map after a linear roof 106:2479–2485, 2002.
ablation line has been created to compartmentalize the left atrium. Krol RB, Saksena S, Prakash A, Giorgeridze I, Mathew P: Prospective
The voltage map shows low electrogram voltage at the lesion site and clinical evaluation of a programmed atrial stimulation protocol for
relatively normal voltages on either side of the line. Gaps in the linear induction of sustained atrial fibrillation and flutter, J Interv Cardiol
lesion can be identified by preserved tissue voltage and absence of Electrophysiol 3:19–25, 1999.
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strate, J Am Coll Cardiol 43:2044–2053, 2004.
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Pacing, and Cardioversion Therapy amplitude on surface ECG in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation,
J Interv Card Electrophysiol 26(1):11–19, 2009.
Drug testing for antiarrhythmic drug efficacy is rarely performed Saksena S, Prakash A, Krol RB, Shankar A: Regional endocardial mapping
at this time. The feasibility of drug testing in electrophysiological of spontaneous and induced atrial fibrillation in patients with heart
procedures, which use suppression of spontaneous or reproduc- disease and refractory atrial fibrillation, Am J Cardiol 84:880–889, 1999.
ibly induced AF as an endpoint, has been sporadically demon- Saksena S, Skadsberg ND, Rao HB, Filipecki A: Biatrial and three-dimen-
strated but has not been widely used. Recent therapeutic focus sional mapping of spontaneous atrial arrhythmias in patients with
has been directed at the interaction of pacing modes with arrhyth- refractory atrial fibrillation, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16(5):494–504,
mogenic mechanisms in AF. The effects of pacing can influence
Sanders P, Morton JB, Davidson NC, et al: Electrical remodeling
the electrical properties of the triggers and the substrate in AF. of the atria in congestive heart failure: Electrophysiological and electro-
Acute testing at EPS can demonstrate the impact of these pacing anatomical mapping in humans, Circulation 108:1461–1468, 2003.
methods. Overdrive atrial pacing can suppress triggers, and Schotten U, Duytschaever M, Ausma J, Eijsbouts S, Neuberger HR, All-
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delay with P-wave abbreviation and in the dispersion of atrial atrial fibrillation go hand in hand, Circulation 107(10):1433–1439, 2003.
refractoriness.48,49 Single-site nonconventional permanent atrial Simpson RJ, Jr., Amara I, Foster RJ, Woelfel A, Gettes LS: Thresholds,
stimulation (e.g., at Bachmann’s bundle) can pre-excite the LA via refractory periods, and conduction times of the normal and diseased
preferential inter-atrial conduction and shorten the total atrial human atrium, Am Heart J 116:1080–1090, 1988.
activation time.50,51 Short-term studies have shown that multiple- Skadsberg ND, Nagarakanti R, Saksena S: Biatrial, three-dimensional
mapping of human atrial fibrillation: methodology and clinical observa-
site atrial pacing results in modification of the electrophysiologi-
tions, J Atrial Fibrillation 1(6):1–13, 2009.
cal properties of the arrhythmogenic atrial substrate and has been Sra J, Bhatia A, Krum D, Akhtar M: Noncontact mapping for radiofre-
shown to reduce AF induction at EPS.52 Dual-site atrial pacing, in quency ablation of complex cardiac arrhythmias, J Interv Card Electro-
which the high RA and the coronary sinus ostium are used, pre- physiol 5(3):327–335, 2001.
excites the LA via the posteroinferior atrial connections at this Stiles MK, Brooks AG, Kuklik P, et al: High-density mapping of atrial
level. It has been shown echocardiographically to reduce P-wave fibrillation in humans: Relationship between high-frequency activation
duration by 20% to 30%, advance left atrial activation, and improve and electrogram fractionation, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 19:1245–
left ventricular filling.53,54 Bi-atrial pacing using a left atrial pacing 1253, 2008.
site in combination with standard right atrial pacing has effects Verheule S, Wilson E, Everett T, 4th, Shanbhag S, Golden C, Olgin J: Altera-
similar to those of dual-site right atrial pacing. tions in atrial electrophysiology and tissue structure in a canine model
of chronic atrial dilation due to mitral regurgitation, Circulation
The efficacy of internal cardioversion shocks and determina-
107:2615–2622, 2003.
tion of atrial defibrillation thresholds have both been performed
successfully during electrophysiological procedures. These are All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
discussed in more detail in Chapter 90. com.
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Syncope
Hugh Calkins 29
pacing, and following pharmacologic challenge with intravenous
Introduction procainamide. In addition, programmed electrical stimulation
using standard techniques should be performed to evaluate the
This chapter reviews the role of electrophysiology (EP) testing and inducibility of ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias. The
tilt-table (TT) testing in the evaluation of patients with syncope. minimal suggested EP protocol recommended by the ESC is
A broader view of the differential diagnosis of syncope and the provided in Table 29-2. Although the minimal suggested EP pro-
overall diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to syncope are dis- tocol recommended by the ESC includes only double extrastimuli
cussed in a separate chapter. This chapter focuses on the value and two basic drive train cycle lengths, it is common practice in
and limitations of EP testing and TT testing when evaluating a the United States to include triple extrastimuli and three basic
patient with syncope. drive train cycle lengths. It is also common practice to limit the
shortest coupling interval to 200 ms. In select patients, when a
ventricular arrhythmia is highly suspected, EP testing with
atrial and ventricular programmed stimulation may be repeated
Electrophysiology Testing after an infusion of isoproterenol. In my experience, this is of
particular importance in the presence of suspicion of a supra-
ventricular arrhythmia such as AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia
EP testing can provide important diagnostic information in or orthodromic AV reciprocating tachycardia as the cause of
patients presenting with syncope. The results of EP testing can be syncope.
useful in establishing a diagnosis of sick sinus syndrome, carotid
sinus hypersensitivity, heart block, supraventricular tachycardia
Assessment of Sinus Node Function
(SVT), and ventricular tachycardia (VT). The indications for EP
testing in the evaluation of patients with syncope are outlined in Sinus node function is evaluated during EP testing primarily by
detail in the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines on determining the SNRT, which is determined by pacing the right
Management of Syncope (Table 29-1).1 It is generally accepted atrium at cycle lengths between 600 and 350 ms for 30 to 60
that EP testing should be performed in patients when the initial seconds. The SNRT is defined as the interval between the last
evaluation suggests an arrhythmic cause of syncope (class 1). This paced atrial depolarization and the first spontaneous atrial depo-
group of patients includes those with an abnormal electrocardio- larization resulting from activation of the sinus node. The SNRT
gram (ECG), structural heart disease, or both. Patients whose is corrected for the underlying sinus cycle length (SCL) and
clinical history suggests an arrhythmic cause of syncope and those expressed as the corrected SNRT (CSNRT = SNRT – SCL). An
with a family history of sudden death are also included in this SNRT longer than 1.6 seconds or a corrected SNRT greater than
group. It is also generally accepted that EP testing should not be 525 ms is generally considered abnormal. A secondary pause is
performed in patients with a normal ECG and no heart disease defined as an inappropriately long pause between the beats that
and in whom the clinical history does not suggest an arrhythmic follow the first sinus recovery beat after atrial overdrive pacing.
cause of syncope (class 3). Class 2 indications for performing an Evaluation of secondary pauses increases the sensitivity of the
EP study are shown in Table 31-1. These indications suggest that SNRT in the detection of sinus node dysfunction. Identification
EP testing is appropriate when the results may affect treatment of sinus node dysfunction as the cause of syncope is uncommon
and in patients with “high-risk” occupations, in which case every during EP tests (<5%). The sensitivity of an abnormal SNRT or
effort should be expended to determine the probable cause of CSNRT is approximately 50% to 80%. The specificity of an abnor-
syncope. mal SNRT or CSNRT is greater than 95%.2 The prognostic value
of an abnormal CSNRT or SNRT has not been well defined. Gann
and colleagues demonstrated a relationship between an abnormal
Electrophysiology Testing Protocol
SNRT and the effect of pacemaker placement on symptoms.3
When EP testing is undertaken in a patient with syncope, a com- Another study reported that patients with a markedly prolonged
prehensive EP evaluation should be performed. This should CSNRT (>800 ms) had a risk of syncope eight times higher than
include an evaluation of sinus node function by measuring the that with CSNRTs less than 800 ms.4 It is important to note that
sinus node recovery time (SNRT) and an evaluation of atrioven- the absence of evidence of sinus node dysfunction during EP
tricular (AV) conduction by measurement of the H-V interval testing does not exclude a bradyarrhythmia as the cause of
(His bundle to ventricle conduction time) at baseline, with atrial syncope.5

376  Clinical Electrophysiology

Table 29-1  Indications for Electrophysiology Testing in the Evaluation Table 29-3  Diagnostic Findings of Electrophysiology Testing
of Patients with Syncope for Syncope

CLASS 1 Class 1 A normal EP study cannot completely exclude a

tachyarrhythmia or a bradyarrhythmia as the cause of
When the initial evaluation of syncope suggests an arrhythmic cause syncope.
of syncope When an arrhythmia is believed to be the likely cause of
In patients with abnormal electrocardiography, structural heart syncope, further evaluation, perhaps with a loop
disease, or both recorder, is recommended.
An abnormal finding on EP testing may not be diagnostic
In patients with syncope associated with palpitations or a family of the cause of syncope.
history of sudden death An EP study is considered to be diagnostic of the cause of
syncope in the following situations:
CLASS 2   Sinus bradycardia and a markedly prolonged CSNRT
To evaluate the exact nature or mechanism of an arrhythmia that has   Bi-fasicular block and a baseline H-V interval (His bundle
been identified as the cause of syncope to ventricle) of >100 ms or second- or third-degree
His-Purkinje block with incremental atrial pacing
In patients with cardiac disorders in which arrhythmia induction has a   High-degree His-Purkinje block provoked with IV
bearing on the selection of therapy procainamide
  Induction of sustained monomorphic VT
In patients with syncope who are in a high-risk occupation and in
  Induction of rapid SVT that reproduces the patient’s
whom every effort to exclude a cardiac cause of syncope is warranted
symptoms or results in hypotension
Class 2 The diagnostic value of an EP study is less well established:
In patients with normal electrocardiograms and no heart disease and   When the H-V interval is >70 ms but <100 ms
no palpitations   With induction of PMVT or VF in patients with Brugada
syndrome, ARVD, and those resuscitated from cardiac

Table 29-2  Minimal Suggested Protocol for Electrophysiology Testing Class 3 The induction of PMVT or VF has a low predictive value in
for the Diagnosis of Syncope patients with an ischemic or dilated cardiomyopathy.

Measurement of sinus node recovery time and corrected sinus node EP, Electrophysiology; CSNRT, corrected sinus node recovery time; IV, intravenous; VT,
recovery time by repeated 30- to 60-second sequences of atrial pacing ventricular tachycardia; SVT, supravenricular tachycardia; VF, ventricular fibrillation;
ARVD, arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia; PMVT, pacemaker-modulated VT.
at 10 to 20 beats/min higher than the sinus rate and at two faster
pacing rates.

Measurement of the H-V interval (His bundle to ventricle) during sinus

rhythm and with incremental atrial pacing. If the baseline study is of second- or third-degree His-Purkinje block during incremental
inconclusive, pharmacologic provocation with an infusion of atrial pacing or when provoked by an infusion of procainamide
procainamide (10 mg/kg IV) is recommended.
(Table 29-3).1 According to these guidelines, the finding of an H-V
To evaluate the exact nature or mechanism of an arrhythmia that has interval between 70 and 100 ms is of less certain diagnostic value.
been identified as the cause of syncope. Among studies that have reported the results of EP testing in
evaluating patients with syncope, AV block was identified as the
Programmed electrical stimulation in the ventricle to assess ventricular
probable cause of syncope in approximately 10% to 15% of
patients. Donateo and colleagues reported the results of a system-
Programmed stimulation should be performed at the apex and atic evaluation of patients with syncope in the setting of a bundle
outflow tract and at two basic drive cycle lengths with up to two branch block on their baseline ECG.6 Of 347 patients referred for
extrastimuli. evaluation of syncope, 55 had a baseline bundle branch block
Programmed electrical stimulation to evaluate the substrate for pattern. Systematic evaluation of these patients, including EP
inducibility of supraventricular arrhythmias. testing, resulted in a diagnosis of cardiac syncope in 25 patients
(45%): AV block in 20 (36%), sick sinus syndrome in 2 (3.6%), VT
in 1 (1.8%), and aortic stenosis in 2 (3.6%). Neurally mediated
syncope was diagnosed in 22 patients (40%) and syncope remained
Assessment of Atrioventricular Conduction
unexplained in 8 (15%).
During EP testing, AV conduction is assessed by measuring the The role of EP testing in the assessment of AV conduction and
A-H interval (AV node to His bundle conduction time) and the as a predictor of AV block in patients with syncope has been
H-V interval by determining the response of AV conduction to derived from a large number of studies. Scheinman et al evaluated
incremental atrial pacing and atrial premature stimuli. If the the prognostic value of the HV interval.7 The rate of progression
results of an initial assessment of AV conduction in the baseline to AV block at 4 years was 4%, 2%, and 12%, respectively, for
state are inconclusive, procainamide (10 mg/kg) may be adminis- patients with H-V intervals less than 55 ms, 55 to 69 ms, and
tered intravenously and atrial pacing and programmed stimula- greater than 70 ms, respectively. The risk of progression to AV
tion repeated. According to the 2004 ESC Guidelines on block was 24% among those with an H-V interval greater than
Management of Syncope, the findings at EP study that establish 100 ms. Other studies have investigated the prognostic value of
heart block as the probable cause of syncope are bi-fasicular block development of intra-His block or infra-His block with incremen-
and a baseline HV interval longer than 100 ms or demonstration tal atrial pacing. These studies demonstrated that the presence of
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Syncope  377

these blocks in response to incremental atrial pacing is a specific was identified as the probable cause of syncope in approximately
but insensitive parameter. Dini et al, for example, demonstrated
that pacing-induced AV block was observed in 7% of 85 patients
who were evaluated.8 Complete AV block developed within 2
years in 30% of these patients. The diagnostic value of acute intra-
20% of patients. In general, an EP test was interpreted as being
positive for VT when sustained monomorphic VT is induced. The
induction of polymorphic VT and ventricular fibrillation (VF)
may represent a nonspecific response to EP testing. The diagnos-
venous pharmacologic stress testing has been performed with tic as well as prognostic importance of the induction of polymor-
ajmaline, procainamide, and disopyramide. High-degree AV phic VT, VF, or both remains uncertain.
block is seen in approximately 15% of these studies.8-10 During 24 According to the 2004 ESC Guidelines on Management of
to 63 months of follow-up, 43% to 100% of these patients develop Syncope, an EP study is considered diagnostic of VT as the cause
spontaneous AV block. It has therefore been concluded that of syncope in the presence of induction of sustained monomor-
induction of AV block during pharmacologic stress testing of AV phic VT (see Table 29-3).1 According to these guidelines, findings
conduction is highly predictive of development of AV block. It is on EP testing that have less certain diagnostic value include the
important to note, however, that a negative EP assessment of AV induction of polymorphic VT or VF in patients with Brugada
conduction does not eliminate AV block as the cause of syncope, syndrome or arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD)
nor does it exclude that AV block may develop over time. Link and in patients resuscitated from a cardiac arrest. These guide-
et al reported that at 30 months of follow-up, permanent AV lines also state that the induction of polymorphic VT or VF in
block occurred in 18% of patients with syncope who had a nega- patients with ischemic or dilated cardiomyopathy has low predic-
tive EP test.11 Similarly, Gaggioli reported that 19% of patients tive value.
with syncope and a negative EP evaluation developed permanent
AV block within 62 months of follow-up.12
Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity
Syncope caused by carotid sinus hypersensitivity results from the
Programmed Electrical Stimulation to Evaluate
stimulation of carotid sinus baroreceptors, which are located in
Supraventricular Arrhythmias as the Cause of Syncope
the internal carotid artery above the bifurcation of the common
Although it is uncommon for an SVT to result in syncope, this is carotid artery. Carotid sinus hypersensitivity is diagnosed by
an important diagnosis to establish as most types of supraven- applying gentle pressure over the carotid pulsation just below the
tricular arrhythmias can be cured with catheter ablation. There- angle of the jaw, where the carotid bifurcation is located. Accord-
fore the identification of an SVT as the probable cause of syncope ing to the ESC 2004 Guidelines on Syncope, carotid sinus massage
is important because it represents one of the most easily treatable (CSM) is recommended in patients over the age of 40 years with
causes of syncope. The usual setting in which an SVT may result syncope of unknown etiology after an initial evaluation.1 CSM
in syncope is when a patient with underlying heart disease, limited should not be performed in patients with known carotid artery
cardiovascular reserve, or both experiences an SVT that is of disease because of an increased risk of stroke. Pressure should be
abrupt onset and with an extremely rapid rate or when a patient applied for 5 to 10 seconds while continuously monitoring the
has the propensity for the development of neurally mediated ECG and blood pressure. If the response to CSM in the supine
syncope. The typical pattern that is observed is the development position is normal, the importance of repeating CSM in the
of syncope or near-syncope at the onset of the SVT because of upright position has now been well established.13,14 The TT test
an initial drop in blood pressure. The patient often regains con- makes it easier to perform CSM in both the supine and upright
sciousness despite the continuation of the arrhythmia because of positions. The main complications associated with CSM are neu-
the activation of a compensatory mechanism. Completion of a rological. Because of this, CSM should be avoided in patients who
standard EP test allows accurate identification of most types of have experienced transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), stroke within
supraventricular arrhythmias that may have caused the syncope. the past 3 months, or carotid bruits.
The study should be repeated during an isoproterenol infusion to A normal response to CSM is a transient decrease in the sinus
increase the sensitivity of the study, particularly for detecting AV rate, slowing of AV conduction, or both. Carotid sinus hypersen-
nodal re-entrant tachycardia in a patient with dual AV node phys- sitivity is defined as a sinus pause of more than 3 seconds’ dura-
iology or catecholamine-sensitive atrial fibrillation (AF). Accord- tion and a fall in systolic blood pressure of 50 mm Hg or more.
ing to the 2004 ESC Guidelines on Management of Syncope, an The response to CSM can be classified as cardio-inhibitory (asys-
EP study is considered diagnostic of SVT as the cause of syncope tole), vasodepressive (fall in systolic blood pressure), or both.
in the presence of induction of a rapid supraventricular arrhyth- Carotid sinus hypersensitivity is detected in approximately one
mia that reproduces hypotensive or spontaneous symptoms (see third of older patients who present with syncope or for falls.1,15
Table 29-3).1 A supraventricular arrhythmia is diagnosed as the The sensitivity of CSM for the diagnosis of carotid sinus hyper-
probable cause of syncope in less than 5% of patients who undergo sensitivity is increased by performing CSM with the patient in
EP testing for the evaluation of syncope of unknown origin. The both the supine and upright positions.13,14 Although it is common
probability of SVT as the cause of syncope is higher in patients practice to perform CSM as part of a diagnostic EP study for
who report a history of palpitations or heart racing before syncope, a negative response to CSM in the supine position
syncope. during an EP procedure does not exclude the diagnosis. Therefore
repeat CSM in the standing position should be performed either
before the EP study or at some point after the EP study. It is
Programmed Electrical Stimulation to Evaluate Ventricular
important to recognize, however, that carotid sinus hypersensitiv-
Arrhythmias as the Cause of Syncope
ity is also commonly observed in asymptomatic older patients.16
VT is the most common abnormality that is uncovered during EP Thus the diagnosis of carotid sinus hypersensitivity should be
testing in patients with syncope. Among studies that have reported approached cautiously after excluding all other causes of syncope.
the results of EP testing in evaluating patients with syncope, VT Once diagnosed, dual-chamber pacemaker implantation is
378  Clinical Electrophysiology

Table 29-4  Recommended Tilt-Table Test Protocols Table 29-5  Indications for Tilt-Table Testing

Supine pretilt phase of 5 minutes when no venous cannulation Class 1 Single unexplained episode of syncope in a high-risk
Supine pretilt phase of at least 20 minutes when venous cannulation Recurrent episodes of syncope in the absence of structural
is used heart disease or in the presence of structural heart
Table tilted to 60 to 70 degrees disease after other cardiac causes of syncope have been
Passive tilt for 20 to 45 minutes When it will be of clinical value to demonstrate
susceptibility to neurally mediated syncope
Use of either isoproterenol or sublingual nitroglycerine if the passive
phase is negative (20 minutes) Class 2 When an understanding of the hemodynamic pattern may
alter the therapeutic approach
For isoproterenol, infusion of 1 to 3  µg/min to achieve 20% to 25% For differentiating syncope from the jerky movements of
increase in heart rate epilepsy
For nitroglycerine, administration of 400  µg as a sublingual spray with For evaluating patients with recurrent unexplained falls
the patient in the upright position For assessing recurrent presyncope or dizziness

Positive result if syncope occurs Class 3 Assessment of treatment

A single episode of syncope without injury and not in a
high-risk setting
Syncope with features typical of syncope because of
neurally mediated hypotension when the result of the
test will not affect treatment

recommended for patients with recurrent syncope or falls result-

ing from carotid sinus hypersensitivity.17,18

Tilt-Table Testing Conclusion

The TT test is valuable for evaluating patients with syncope.1,19 In conclusion, EP testing and TT testing are important diagnostic
The recommendations for TT testing protocols are shown in tests when evaluating a patient with syncope. Although a large
Table 29-4.1 Upright TT testing is generally performed for 20 to number of diagnoses can be established with an EP study, it is
45 minutes at an angle between 60 and 70 degrees. The sensitivity important to understand its important limitations. This is particu-
of the test can be increased, with an associated fall in specificity, larly true with regard to using EP testing to diagnose heart block
by the use of longer tilt durations, steeper tilt angles, and provoca- or bradycardia. When a patient suspected of having a cardiac
tive agents such as isoproterenol or nitroglycerin. When isopro- cause of syncope has a negative result in EP evaluation, it is often
terenol is used as a provocative agent, it is recommended that the of value to recommend an external or implantable continuous
infusion rate be increased incrementally from 1 to 3 µg/min to loop event monitor.
increase the heart rate to 20% to 25% greater than baseline. When
nitroglycerin is used, a fixed dose of 400-µg nitroglycerine spray
should be administered sublingually with the patient in the KEY REFERENCES
upright position. These two provocative approaches are equiva- Benditt DG, Sutton R: Tilt-table testing in the evaluation of syncope, J
lent in diagnostic accuracy. In the absence of pharmacologic Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16:356–358, 2005.
provocation, the specificity of the test has been estimated to be Bergfeldt L, Edvardsson N, Rosenqvist M, et al: Atrioventricular block
90%. It is important to recognize, however, that the specificity of progression in patients with bifascicular block assessed by repeated
TT testing decreases significantly when provocative agents are electrocardiography and a bradycardia-detecting pacemaker, Am J
used. Cardiol 74:1129–1132, 1994.
Blanc JJ, Mansourati J, Maheu B, et al: Reproducibility of a positive passive
The indications for TT testing are shown in Table 29-5.1 It is
upright tilt test at a seven-day interval in patients with syncope, Am J
generally agreed that upright TT testing is indicated in patients Cardiol 72:469–471, 1993.
following a single episode of syncope in high-risk settings or in Brignole M, Alboni P, Benditt DG, et al: Guidelines on management
patients with recurrent syncope who do not have structural heart (diagnosis and treatment) of syncope. Update 2004, Eur Heart J
disease or in those with structural heart disease once cardiac 25:2054–2072, 2004.
causes of syncope have been excluded.1 Upright TT testing is not Brooks R, Ruskin IN, Powell AC, et al: Prospective evaluation of day-to-
necessary in patients who have experienced only a single syncopal day reproducibility of upright tilt table testing in unexplained syncope,
episode that was highly typical for neurally mediated syncope and Am J Cardiol 71:1289–1292, 1993.
during which no injury occurred. It is also important to recognize De Buitler M, Grogan EW Jr, Picone MF, et al: Immediate reproducibility
that TT testing should not be used to assess treatment because of the tilt table test in adults with unexplained syncope, Am J Cardiol
71:304–307, 1993.
(1) the reproducibility of a positive response to TT testing varies
Fujimura O, Yee R, Klein G, et al: The diagnostic sensitivity of electro-
from 31% to 92%, (2) half of patients with an initial positive tilt physiologic testing in patients with syncope caused by transient brady-
response demonstrate a normal tilt response to either treatment cardia, N Engl J Med 321:1703–1707, 1989.
or placebo, and (3) the mechanism of a positive response during Grubb BP, Wolfe D, Temesy Armas P, et al: Reproducibility of head upright
TT testing does not correlate to that observed during spontane- tilt-table test in patients with syncope, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
ous syncope as demonstrated with a loop monitor.20-28 15:1477–1481, 1992.
Electrophysiological Evaluation of Syncope  379
Kenny RA, Richardson DA, Bexton RS, et al: Carotid sinus syndrome: A Parry SW, Steen IN, Baptist M, Kenny RA: Amnesia for loss of conscious-

modifiable risk factor for nonaccidental falls in older adults (SAFE ness in carotid sinus syndrome, J Am Coll Cardiol 45:1840–1843, 2005.
PACE), J Am Coll Cardiol 38:1491–1496, 2001. Scheinman MM, Peters RW, Sauve MJ, et al: Value of the H-Q interval in
Kerr SR, Pearce MS, Brayne C, et al: Carotid sinus hypersensitivity in patients with bundle branch block and the role of prophylactic perma-
asymptomatic older persons, Arch Intern Med 166:515–520, 2006. nent pacing, Am J Cardiol 50:1316–1322, 1982.
Maya A, Permanyer-Miralda G, Sagrista-Sauleda J, et al: Limitations of Sheldon R, Splawinski J, Killam S: Reproducibility of isoproterenol tilt-
head-up tilt test for evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic interventions table tests in patients with syncope, Am J Cardiol 69:1300–1305, 1992.
in patients with vasovagal syncope: Results of a controlled study of
etilefrine versus placebo, J Am Coll Cardiol 25:65–69, 1995. All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
Parry SW, Richardson D, O’Shea D, et al: Diagnosis of carotid sinus hyper- com.
sensitivity in older adults: Carotid sinus massage in the upright position
is essential, Heart 83:22–23, 2000.
Engineering Aspects of Pacemakers
and Leads
Hiten Doshi, Shantanu Reddy, Michael J. Root, and Arjun Sharma
The devices must meet regulatory requirements for both safety
Introduction and efficacy in multiple geographic areas. Biocompatibility issues
potentially include corrosion and tissue reactions, including cal-
The key functional aspects of pacemaker systems include the cification, thrombogenesis, and toxicity. Design constraints are
following: often at odds with each other; for example, the desired feature of
greater battery longevity may be achieved with an undesirably
• Produce cardiac excitation through an electrical stimulus (see large size. Testing for failure modes is complex; user technique,
Chapter 13) patient characteristics, and device properties may interact in
complex mechanisms to produce failure. Testing therefore
• Control the rate of stimulation includes both intended use and foreseeable misuse
The visible structural components of the pacemaker system
• Detect (or sense) intrinsic cardiac activity and avoid competi- include the leads and their delivery systems, the implantable pulse
tion with this activity generator (IPG) with its header and attachments for leads, the
programmer, and a remote follow-up device.
• Detect and categorize diagnostic data The building blocks of the IPG include a power source (battery),
integrated circuits, memory, dedicated components (e.g., capaci-
• Store device and clinical events using memory (e.g., intrinsic tors, wireless telemetry receiver and transmitter), a hermetically
tachycardia and diagnostic information) sealed can, and the header.

• Permit external adjustment of functional para­meters

• Facilitate interrogation of the memory and transmit data Leads are complex mechanical systems that have to withstand
externally biodegradation in the harsh environment of the body, repetitive
flexural cycles in the heart, and compressive and tensile forces
Chapters immediately following this describe the clinical in the extravascular space.1,2 The leads need to withstand con­
methods for applying these functions; this chapter describes the ditions in intracardiac and intravascular locations, along the
engineering aspects of pacemakers and leads. route to the venous entry site through tissue, and, lastly, the
General design constraints for a pacemaker include the pocket location where the excess lead and the IPG reside. A lead
following: potentially must survive multiple pulse generator replacements
and should also be designed to be extracted from the body rela-
• An estimated 99.5% overall 5-year reliability of the pacemaker tively atraumatically. Design characteristics that aid in extraction
generator (AdvaMed guideline) include a constant outer diameter of the lead with sufficient
tensile strength. All these requirements must be met while pro-
• Safety features such as warning of impending battery deple- viding for implanter preferences in handling characteristics and
tion, biostability, and biocompatibility of materials inside the stability.
human body Leads are implanted into the venous system either via an
introducer or directly into the vein. Commonly, the subclavian,
• Longevity of 5 to 10 years cephalic, and axillary veins are accessed. Fluoroscopy is com-
monly used by the operator to navigate the lead into position
• Weight of approximately 25 g or less (Figure 30-1), although non–radiography-dependent techniques
have been described.
• Resistance to electromagnetic interference (EMI) Pacing leads may be categorized as follows:

• Simplicity of use 1. Endocardial or epicardial placement

a. Right atrium
• Patient information security b. Right ventricle

384  Cardiac Pacing

FIGURE 30-4  A cross-section of pacing conductor with MP35N and a

silver core.

FIGURE 30-1  Fluoroscopy image of cardiac leads, including an

atrial bipolar, dual-coil implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, and left manufacturer can be connected to the IPG of another manufac-
ventricular lead. turer. The IS-1 connector is used for low-voltage pacing or sensing
leads (Figure 30-2). The IS-1 connector enables up to two elec-
trodes to be connected to the IPG within one single connector.
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) leads may use the
quadripolar connector (IS-4), which makes it possible to connect
up to four individual electrodes to an IPG with a single connector
(Figure 30-3). A natural extension of the quadripolar connector is
to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) leads, which makes
FIGURE 30-2  An IS-1 pacemaker lead connector. it possible to position up to four electrodes over the left ventricle.
This may provide options for addressing issues with left ventricu-
lar stimulation such as diaphragmatic stimulation and high pacing
thresholds with electronic repositioning of the stimulation site. It
is not unusual for leads to last 20 or more years; the operator may
discover, on generator replacement, a lead with a currently non-
standard terminal pin length or diameter (e.g., 4.75 mm, 6 mm).
Care should be taken to check the prior operative reports and
device history to ensure the compatibility of the lead terminal end
with the planned replacement generator header or to have adapt-
ers available to make the connection.

FIGURE 30-3  An IS-4 connector. Lead Body

The lead body houses, protects, and isolates all the conductors.
In addition to meeting strict functional requirements associated
c. Left ventricle
with conductor fatigue and insulation integrity, the lead body
i. Placement via an epicardial coronary vein
must be designed to impart specific handling characteristics to
ii. Epicardial active fixation surgically performed
enable maneuvering of the lead into the desired position. Specific
attributes include the stiffness and coefficient of friction. Stylet
2. Fixation types
wires of various shapes and stiffness are used to facilitate lead tip
a. Active fixation (helical screw)
positioning during the implantation procedure.
b. Passive fixation (tines)
Most pacing leads use coiled conductors, in which either single
c. Left ventricular
or multiple wire strands are wound into a coil. A high-strength,
i. Passive
corrosion-resistant nickel alloy known as MP35N is the most
ii. Deployable structure
common material used in the manufacturing of pacing lead con-
Leads can be identified as having three distinct sections: the ductor wire. In some applications, an outer jacket of MP35N is
lead connector, the lead body, and the electrodes. combined with a silver core to lower resistance (Figure 30-4). A
few leads used for left ventricular pacing use platinum-clad tan-
talum wire as well as wire consisting of MP35N with a tantalum
Lead Connector
core. Certain manufacturers also use cable conductors in low-
The connector assembly connects the lead to the IPG. The con- voltage pacing leads (Figure 30-5). Cables are composite conduc-
nectors of modern leads generally conform to industry standards, tors consisting of very small wire strands that are bundled
which specify lead characteristics to ensure that the lead of one together. Most cable conductors use strands consisting of MP35N
Engineering Aspects of Pacemakers and Leads   385


FIGURE 30-7  Multiple-lumen construction used in some left

ventricular leads.

FIGURE 30-5  A cable with multiple wire conductors.

been found to be highly susceptible to degradation, specifically
environmental stress cracking. Polyurethane, depending on the
application, may also have an undesirably high stiffness and is
vulnerable to damage from the heat effects associated with elec-
trocautery, which may be used during the implantation or replace-
ment procedure. The silicone-polyurethane hybrid material was
developed to combine the positive attributes of silicone and poly-
urethane into one material. Early experience with the material has
Outer Anode Cathode been positive, with 2-year biocompatibility testing results showing
insulation Inner
coil coil
insulation minimal levels of degradation. However, the material may be vul-
nerable to electrocautery damage.
One of the most significant challenges a lead engineer must
balance is the potential conflict between implanter preference and
safety and reliability. Some physicians select very stiff leads on the
basis of implant maneuverability. However, such a lead construct
may promote tissue and vascular trauma and possibly cardiac
perforation. Many physicians value size reduction (lower French
FIGURE 30-6  Co-radial and co-axial conductor wire arrangement in size), which has been a significant market driver for lead develop-
bipolar leads.
ment, but long-term malfunction-free rates have not always been
adequate for small-size leads. If insulation thickness, material
selection, and conductor design are not properly managed, cata-
with a silver core. Pacing leads generally use either a co-radial or strophic problems can occur, although there have been some
co-axial construction (Figure 30-6). In the co-radial construction, notable exceptions.3 The lead engineer must balance true clinical
both anode and cathode conductors are coiled adjacent to each needs and benefits with market perceptions and ensure that the
other, isolated from each other with a polymer insulator applied design of leads is safe and reliable. Given the variability of patient
to the wire itself. The co-axial construction uses separate anode anatomy, patient activity level, and implanter technique, ensuring
and cathode coiled conductors, isolated from each other through that in vitro test methods account for all potential clinical situa-
the use of an intermediate insulating polymer layer. tions is a significant challenge. Understanding current product
Some left ventricular leads have progressed from the co-axial performance and leveraging the success of that particular design,
and co-radial constructs to multi-lumen construction, which was while proceeding cautiously and in a data-driven manner with
used in the first endocardial ICD leads (Figure 30-7). The co-axial, regard to changes, is perhaps the most successful technique to
co-radial, and multi-lumen construction methods rely on an outer ensure a safe and effective product.
insulation jacket that imparts structure to the lead body and also
protects the conductors. Electrodes
Pacing leads currently on the market use silicone rubber, poly-
urethane, or a co-polymer of silicone and polyurethane as the Fixation Methods
outer insulation. Both silicone rubber and polyurethane are used Pacing leads have an electrode at the distal end in contact with
in various durometers, as chosen by the manufacturer, to impart the myocardium. The distal electrode is usually the cathode. The
specific mechanical attributes to the lead body. Silicone rubber electrode section of the lead may include a proximal electrode
has proven to be a flexible and biostable material. However, sili- within the main lead body construct used as an anode. A lead
cone rubber is susceptible to abrasion, especially when the lead with both cathode and anode electrodes is generally referred to
is coiled and in contact with itself, another lead, or the IPG. Poly- as a bipolar lead, whereas a lead with only a cathode electrode is
urethane is not susceptible to abrasion, but the 80A variant has generally referred to as a unipolar lead. In unipolar leads, the
386  Cardiac Pacing

FIGURE 30-10  Cross-section of a lead with an extendable-retractable

FIGURE 30-8  A passive-fixation lead with tines. fixation mechanism.


Visual Visual

Fluoroscopic Fluoroscopic

FIGURE 30-11  Diagrammatic and radiographic views of a lead with

FIGURE 30-9  A fixed screw coated in mannitol. an extendable-retractable fixation mechanism.

housing of the IPG is used as the anode. Unipolar leads were entire lead counterclockwise during passage to prevent snagging
historically used more frequently because of evidence that they if the helix is exposed during passage. Once the lead tip reaches
were more reliable than bipolar leads and because they were the desired location, after the fixation screw is exposed, the entire
smaller in diameter compared with bipolar leads. However, the lead body is turned clockwise to fixate the lead in tissue. If repo-
reliability of bipolar leads has improved, and the issues with uni- sitioning is required, the lead body may be turned counterclock-
polar systems, such as oversensing of myopotentials and stimula- wise to disengage the lead.
tion of pectoral muscle caused by charge concentration on the The extendable-retractable variant has the screw retracted
IPG housing, have decreased the popularity of unipolar leads over within the lead body during passage, which prevents catching of
the past few decades. the lead on vascular and cardiac structures during passage (Figure
The distal electrode needs to be designed to stimulate the 30-10). The fixation helix is then extended after the lead has been
myocardium and fixate the lead. The lead also serves as an antenna positioned. Helix extension occurs through the application of
enabling the IPG to interpret cardiac rhythms. The potential dif- clockwise rotation to the terminal pin, which is transferred via the
ference between the anode and cathode electrodes as the depolar- cathode conductor coil to a mechanism that converts this rotation
izing wavefront propagates across the electrodes is recorded and into an extension of the screw. If repositioning is required, coun-
interpreted by the IPG to determine if a stimulus should be issued terclockwise rotation of the terminal pin will retract the fixation
or inhibited. Electrode characteristics and spacing affect the helix. Most extendable-retractable leads use radiographic markers
recorded signal. to help the operator determine when the helix is fully extended
A passive fixation lead uses tines generally made of silicone or fully retracted (Figure 30-11). The extendable-retractable active
rubber, that wedge within the trabeculae in the right atrium or fixation leads for both pacing and ICD leads have become the
the right ventricle. The electrode itself is positioned distal to the most popular type of leads on the market. However, passive-
tine apparatus (Figure 30-8). fixation and fixed-screw leads also have important roles, partly
Active fixation leads are available in two forms: (1) the driven by clinical need and benefit and partly by implanter prefer-
extendable-retractable variant and (2) the fixed-screw variant. ence. Advantages of the passive-fixation design include less injury
Both designs use a helical screw (corkscrew); the screw itself can at the electrode-tissue interface, resulting in generally lower
be the cathode electrode, or the screw may only be for fixation pacing thresholds and a lower risk of myocardial perforation. The
purposes with the actual cathode electrode separate from the risk of cardiac perforation with an active-fixation lead may be
fixation screw. higher in certain patients under certain circumstances (e.g.,
The fixed-screw variant (Figure 30-9) relies on a mannitol female gender, steroids administration, and apical placement;
encapsulant, which dissolves within 2 to 3 minutes of introduc- recent anterior or inferior infarction). The disadvantages of
tion and enables passage of the lead into position without catch- passive-fixation leads include limited locations for stable place-
ing on anatomic structures. A common technique is to rotate the ment and a higher dislodgment rate, although the latter is highly
Engineering Aspects of Pacemakers and Leads   387

dependent on the implanter and his or her experience. In con-

trast, the active-fixation method produces greater myocardial
injury and a slight tendency to higher early threshold rise, but this
has been reduced by the use of steroid collars on the leads. Myo-
cardial injury can manifest as a current of injury on electrogram
analysis acutely, which helps confirm fixation. Active fixation has
the advantage of having stable placement in most locations,
including atrial locations other than the appendage, and in the
right ventricular septum. Furthermore, active-fixation leads are
generally easier to extract after long-term use.

Design of Distal Electrodes FIGURE 30-12  An active fixation lead with steroid collar.
The design of the pacing electrodes is critical because their role
is to transfer electrical charge to the myocardium effectively and
efficiently. Myocardial stimulation is discussed in detail in Chapter
13; this chapter reviews the features of myocardial stimulation as
they affect lead design and function. In brief, myocardial cells
maintain a higher intracellular potassium (K+) concentration and
a lower sodium (Na+) concentration. Electrogenic transmem-
brane ionic pumps result in a resting negative internal potential
of approximately 90 mV compared with the surrounding extracel-
lular space in the healthy myocardium and is less negative in
diseased states. Depolarization of this transmembrane potential
by a delivered electrical pulse results in the opening of Na+ chan-
nels, with a resultant cascade of events generating an action
potential and contraction. The lead design is important in mini-
mizing the charge requirement to generate myocardial stimula-
tion and also maintain a relatively stable pacing threshold under
varying pathologic conditions such as acidosis and hyperkalemia
or in the presence of antiarrhythmic drugs, all of which may
elevate pacing threshold. In general, the lower the voltage thresh-
old, the longer the pacemaker battery longevity. Furthermore, the
impedance of the pacing circuit is carefully managed by minimiz-
FIGURE 30-13  A distal electrode using edge effect to increase
ing conductor and connection impedance while maximizing charge density in certain locations.
tissue-electrode impedance. Increasing this interface impedance
reduces current drain (I = V/R), which results in improved battery
longevity. The cathode electrode may be in the form of a helical
screw or a rounded electrode with shapes intended to concentrate and hydrogen (H+), often with associated water in the collagen
charge and promote tissue stabilization. The second, proximal capsule and the extracellular space. This charge bilayer is referred
electrode serves as the anode and can be located from just over to as the Helmholtz double layer, which can be electrically
1 mm to 16 mm from the cathode electrode (see Figure 32-8). modeled as a capacitor that stores charge. This lead polarization
The charge required to stimulate the myocardium depends on results in energy loss when pacing and, ideally, should be mini-
myocardial excitability, distance from the electrode surface to mized. Lead polarization may also affect detection of the evoked
excitable tissue, electrode polarization, microscopic surface area, response after pacing. Coatings and oxide layers such as iridium
electric field density, and macroscopic size. Myocardial excitabil- oxide, platinum black, and titanium nitride have been used; they
ity is a clinical property that may vary by location and pathologic improve charge transfer and reduce lead polarization. The use of
processes and may necessitate lead repositioning. Increasing these coatings has contributed to lower and more stable and
the distance between the electrode surface and excitable tissue predictable pacing thresholds. Increased microscopic surface area
increases the charge required to excite the myocardium. The may reduce the resistive component of lead polarization. One
placement of the electrode initiates a tissue reaction to the foreign method has used a sputtered iridium thin-film, fractal-coated lead
body. Local cell death occurs with formation of a collagen capsule cathode technology to increase the effective surface area of the
around the lead tip. The collagen capsule is inexcitable and effec- electrode by 1000 compared with the geometric area.5 Other
tively acts to distance the electrode surface from active myocytes. methods of accomplishing this include porous, texturized, and
A number of methods have been used to minimize tissue reaction; laser-drilled lead cathode surfaces.
a slowly eluting dose of 1 mg of dexamethasone is the most com- Methods to increase electrical field density have primarily used
monly used method and has been associated with reducing the the effects of edges to concentrate the electrical field in multiple
increase in pacing thresholds observed after lead implantation locations (Figure 30-13).
(Figure 30-12). Lastly, a smaller macroscopic area has improved electric field
Lead polarization occurs at the electrode-tissue interface and density and lowers pacing impedance, which can contribute to
increases with the stimulation voltage.4 Cathodal electrode stimu- increased IPG battery longevity. However, leads with a small
lation produces a negative charge on the electrode. Beyond the cross-sectional area of the tip must be assessed clinically for the
electrode, the negative charge attracts positive ions such as Na+ risk of penetrating or perforating the myocardium.
388  Cardiac Pacing

Lead Testing
Past failures of several polyurethane leads and the more recent
high failure rate seen with a particular ICD lead have placed the
spotlight on lead reliability. Although IPG failures are potentially
catastrophic, they are much less common, and the IPG can be
removed and replaced. In contrast, leads that have been in place
for several years require specialized extraction procedures, with
an accompanying risk depending on the experience of the operator
and the center. To minimize lead failures in patients, leads engi-
neers have focused their time and effort on improving their under-
standing of the use conditions, predicating lead performance,
developing suitable bench tests, and using computer modeling Coil fracture Coil fracture -
and simulation techniques (see Video 30-1 at the Expert Consult Subclavian crush
site that accompanies this text).
Regulatory approval requires a clinical study with increases in
both patient number and duration of follow-up with the more
novel features of a lead. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) has also put in place conditional approval of leads, which
is contingent on a 5-year postmarket approval study with pre-
defined clinical performance criteria. Long-term animal testing
has been de-emphasized in recognition of the need for large
numbers of patients over time to observe infrequent, time-
dependent failures. In contrast, smaller Good Laboratory Practice
animal studies are required.

Failure Modes Cable fracture Coil fracture -

Fatigue/cyclic stress
Despite advances in lead design, failures still do occur.3 Beyond
fairly acute phenomena such as dislodgment and cardiac perfora- FIGURE 30-14  Types of pacing lead conductor fracture detected by
tion, common mechanical failure modes include conductor frac- scanning electron microscopy.
ture and insulation failure.6 Insulation failure tends to occur in
locations of high motion or compressive or sheer stress and in
areas where lead-on-lead and lead-on-IPG interactions occur.
Special Considerations for Left Ventricular Leads
These areas are commonly in the IPG pocket, at or near the
anchoring sleeve tie-down, and at venous access points or in any The construction and electrode configuration of left ventricular
intravascular area where multiple leads may interact with each leads are briefly described here but are considered further in other
other. Conductor failure generally occurs in areas of repetitive and chapters of this text. Left ventricular lead construction is signifi-
acute flexing; in areas of compression, such as when the lead cantly different from right ventricular pacing leads. Left ventricu-
passes between the clavicle and the first rib; and at sites of sheer lar leads need to be flexible enough that perforation of the
forces, such as where the lead passes through a ligament or muscle thin-walled coronary vein does not occur acutely or chronically.
layers (Figure 30-14). Acute flexural cycles may occur within the This lead flexibility necessitates the use of a delivery system to
IPG pocket or within the vascular or cardiac portions of the lead access the coronary sinus. A subselecting guiding catheter may
trajectory. Certain areas of the lead may be susceptible to damage also be deployed into the target vein. Most left ventricular leads
caused by implant handling, resulting in conductor disruption or are deployed through a guiding catheter and over a guidewire into
a change in the bend radius of the lead. For these reasons, suture position in the target coronary vein.
sleeve restraint areas are common sites of conductor fracture. In Complex design issues of the lead include managing column
certain leads, connection sites inevitable in the design and the stiffness to enable advancement, with flexibility in the distal
manufacturing process, such as conductor joints and insulation section to enable tracking into a tortuous vessel. In addition, a low
transitions, have proven to be vulnerable to fatigue failure. Leads crossing profile (4 to 6 Fr) is desirable to facilitate passage of the
engineers must therefore anticipate that repetitive flexing will lead into small, tortuous veins. Furthermore, a fixation method
occur at connection sites such as conductor joints and insulation often is necessary for secure placement of leads within such veins
transitions and must ensure that the design is capable of with- (Figure 30-15). Thin-walled veins are not suitable for screw-
standing the anticipated service conditions. Manifestation of fixation methods; therefore a preformed lead shape (canted
conductor fracture and insulation disruption includes sudden tip, spiral, S-shaped) has been used to retain the lead in the coro-
impedance changes, changes in signal amplitude, threshold nary vein.
increase, and, lastly, intermittent noise. The order in which these Placing epicardial, nontransvenous leads by minimally invasive
events occur varies, even in leads with a common failure mode. or open-thoracic surgical methods is an alternative method when
Long-term performance criteria for leads have not been clearly vascular access is not available for placement of a transvenous
defined by the Heart Rhythm Society, but FDA postmarket sur- lead or in pediatric cases.
veillance studies suggest that a 5-year failure rate of 5% may be Potential areas for future development in left ventricular leads
appropriate. include increasing the number of electrodes, variable electrode
Engineering Aspects of Pacemakers and Leads   389

Positive pin
Negative pin

Lithium anode

FIGURE 30-15  Left ventricular lead distal fixation methods.


position, improved stabilization shapes, reduced lead size, and Battery case
improved delivery systems.

Pacemaker Implantable Pulse Generator

Battery FIGURE 30-16  Basic components of an implantable pulse generator
The sole source of power for IPGs is a battery. All IPG functions
such as sensing and pacing are powered by the battery contained
within the IPG. Zinc–mercuric oxide (Zn-HgO) batteries were
used in the first IPGs that became available in 1960. This battery other chemistries such as lithium–manganese dioxide (Li-MnO2),
chemistry was developed by an American battery engineer, lithium–silver vanadium oxide (Li-SVO), and lithium–carbon
Samuel Ruben, in 1942 as a more reliable alternative to the ubiq- monofluoride plus silver vanadium oxide (Li-CFx-SVO) will be
uitous Leclanché dry cell. Zn-HgO batteries were used by the needed.
military during World War II and, after the war, in wearable
hearing aids. Other types of power sources, including recharge-
able nickel-cadmium batteries and plutonium-238 nuclear power
sources, soon became available as well, but Zn-HgO batteries The major components of a lithium battery are shown in Figure
remained the dominant power supply in the early IPGs. Their use 32-16. The battery case may have a negative polarity, as shown in
in IPGs continued into the early 1970s.8-10 Figure 32-16, or a positive polarity, as with Li-I2 batteries. All
However, Zn-HgO batteries tended to form hydrogen gas, batteries, including the specialized batteries designed for IPGs,
which causes an increase in internal pressure and could result in are composed of the same three basic active components—anode,
leakage. These batteries had a high self-discharge rate, in which cathode, and electrolyte. The anode, lithium in this case, gives up
battery capacity was lost as a result of parasitic chemical reactions. electrons to the IPG circuit, and the cathode accepts the elec-
Furthermore, the discharge voltage was rather constant during trons. The cathode is one or more of a number of diverse chemical
most of the life of the battery but then decreased so rapidly near compounds selected for the specific device application. The elec-
the end that there was little advance warning of battery depletion. trolyte completes the circuit inside the battery by means of ionic
One of the biggest advances in IPGs occurred with the devel- conduction. Most common battery types use liquid electrolyte
opment of lithium battery technology. Lithium is the anode, or solutions. Li-I2 batteries use a solid-state electrolyte and are an
negative electrode, material in these batteries. Lithium batteries exception to this.
typically are characterized by high energy density. Higher energy Although the anode, the cathode, and the electrolyte make
density corresponds to greater longevity compared with other up the active components of a battery, other components are
batteries, such as Zn-HgO batteries, of the same size. Lithium necessary to maximize its performance, make it practical to use,
batteries enabled devices to last up to 5 to 10 years, a significant and ensure its safety and reliability. For example, it is important
improvement over the 2 or so years attained with Zn-HgO to prevent direct contact between the cathode and the anode
batteries. while ensuring that both are mutually in contact with the electro-
The first lithium battery designed for IPGs was implanted in lyte. This may be accomplished with a porous separator material.
1972.8-10 Since then, lithium batteries have been the power source The separator is an electrical insulator that allows the ions in the
of choice for IPGs. Various cathode, or positive electrode, chem- electrolyte to move between the anode and the cathode. The
istries have been developed for lithium IPG batteries, but lithium- entire battery electrode assembly and the electrolyte are con-
iodine (Li-I2) is the preferred chemistry for single-chamber and tained within a hermetically sealed metal case in an IPG battery.
dual-chamber IPGs today. It provides high energy density for Electrical connections to the IPG circuits are made at the positive
longevity at the low power levels required by IPGs. and negative terminal pins. The positive pin usually is part of a
Power requirements of IPGs may increase in the future as hermetic glass-to-metal seal.
more advanced features are added, such as remote telemetry The most important design considerations for an IPG battery
using radiofrequency and complex hemodynamic sensors. Li-I2 are reliability, small size, weight, and longevity as well as predict-
may not be able to support these higher power operations, and ability when approaching the end of service life.
390  Cardiac Pacing

3 Increasing current density

Battery DC resistance

V load (V)

to EOL 0.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
BOL ERT EOL Discharged capacity (Ampere-hours)
Depth of discharge
FIGURE 30-18  The effect of increasing internal resistance of a
FIGURE 30-17  The change in internal resistance of a lithium-iodine lithium-iodine battery during discharge as a function of discharge
battery during discharge. BOL, Beginning of life; ERT, elective load. (Modified from Untereker DF, Crespi AM, Rorvick A, et al: Power
replacement time; EOL, end of life. systems for implantable pacemakers, cardioverters and defibrillators. In
Ellenbogen KA, Kay GN, Lau C-P, Wilkoff BL, editors: Clinical cardiac
pacing, defibrillation, and resynchronization therapy, ed 3, Philadelphia,
2007, Saunders.)
Reliability of any battery is defined by a number of factors,
particularly the fundamental stability of the battery chemistry,
mechanical design features, purity of the chemical components, relationships shown in Figures 30-17 and 30-18 demonstrate why
and manufacturing capability. A major challenge for battery devel- battery voltage alone is a poor indicator of remaining battery
opers is to design high-energy-density batteries that minimize longevity. Traditionally, the clinician has assessed battery longev-
battery size without giving up longevity. IPG longevity depends ity by a rate change in response to the application of a magnet to
on the battery chemistry, battery design (including size), and the IPG. The magnet would force asynchronous pacing, the rate
power consumption of the IPG. The most prevalent IPG battery of which is an indicator of battery internal resistance. Now, a more
chemistry today is Li-I2, which produces voltages between 2.8 V useful estimate of remaining longevity can be obtained by inter-
and 2.5 V during use. IPG electronic components and circuits are rogation of the IPG with a programmer.
designed to function in this voltage range. The iodine is stabilized The theoretical energy density of the Li-I2 system is approxi-
by forming a complex with the polymer material poly-2-vinylpyr- mately 1.9 Watt-hours per cubic centimeter (Wh/cm–3). Although
idine. The battery chemistry is sometimes written as Li-I2-PVP or real Li-I2 batteries usually achieve less than 1 Wh/cm–3, this is a
Li-I2-P2VP. Instead of a liquid electrolyte solution, Li-I2 batteries high energy density compared with other commonly used batter-
use a solid-state electrolyte that is produced in situ from the reac- ies, and higher energy density results in either greater longevity
tion of Li with I2 to yield lithium-iodide (Li-I). In addition to or smaller battery size. However, Li-I2 batteries can deliver long
serving as the electrolyte, the Li-I formed lessens the direct reac- life only at low rates of discharge. This battery type is therefore
tion between Li and I2 by serving as a mechanical barrier between well suited for IPGs because cardiac pacing therapy requires rela-
the two electrodes; as a result, a separator is unnecessary. Direct tively low power levels. Although individual pacing pulses are in
reaction of Li with I2 reduces the amount of active materials avail- the order of tens of milliwatts (mW), they last for milliseconds
able for discharge and therefore decreases battery longevity. and typically occur at a frequency of 60 to 70 pulses per minute.
As the Li-I2 battery is discharged, Li-I continues to build up Thus the average power level for pacing therapy is generally in the
and eventually reduces the self-discharge reaction to an insignifi- order of tens of microwatts, depending on device programming
cant level. However, the increasing thickness of the Li-I layer also and the therapy needs of the patient. Additional low power
results in an increase in the internal resistance of the battery as demands on the battery are related to IPG circuitry efficiency,
the discharge proceeds (Figure 30-17). The internal resistance including sensing, maintaining memory and, transiently with
gradually increases during the service life of the battery, and the telemetry, communicating. Although the rate of power consump-
voltage of the battery decreases. The greater the discharge rate, tion of IPGs is low, the frequent application of pacing therapy, as
the more rapidly the discharge voltage decreases. The increase in well as the continuous background device operations, affects the
resistance continues until the battery can no longer support the longevity of a battery.
power demands of the IPG. This characteristic provides a ready
means to predict the end of battery life (Figure 30-18), allowing
Battery Testing
longevity to be determined with sufficient advance notice of
battery end of life. Measurements of voltage and internal resis- An important challenge for IPG and battery developers is predict-
tance, when coupled with the calculated predicted use based on ing the long-term performance of a battery. It is not always practi-
programmed parameters (or past history of use), can provide an cal to simulate real use conditions, which last for 5 to 10 years or
accurate prediction of remaining battery longevity. The nonlinear even longer, in battery tests. As a result, accelerated test protocols
Engineering Aspects of Pacemakers and Leads   391

are used to deplete the battery more quickly to obtain battery

Table 30-1  Common Battery Failure Modes and Root Causes
performance data in a shorter period. Accelerated tests discharge
batteries at faster drain rates and, sometimes, higher tempera- BATTERY
tures. Faster drain rates shorten the time required to discharge FAILURE MODES ROOT CAUSES
the battery. Higher temperatures increase the rate of parasitic Decreased longevity High internal resistance: Buildup of high
chemical reactions that can reduce the available capacity of the and reduced resistance on electrodes (lithium-iodide in
battery and thus negatively affect IPG longevity. power capability the case of lithium-iodine)
The results of accelerated tests are then used to develop battery High internal resistance: Poor welds in the
performance models, which are subsequently used to predict the current-carrying paths between the
long-term performance under more realistic use conditions. The electrodes and terminal pins
ability of battery performance simulations to accurately predict High internal resistance: Corrosion
IPG longevity depends on a model that adequately describes
battery behavior and a sufficient set of test data to use in the model. Decreased longevity Internal short circuit: Direct contact between
Numerous tests are used to identify design and manufacturing positive and negative current paths from
the electrode to the terminal pin
process weaknesses that might result in battery failures. These
weaknesses are then addressed through design and process Internal short circuit: Foreign materials or
improvements. Some of these tests are intended to evaluate the
conditions that may be experienced after IPG implantation, Self-discharge
whereas other tests assess the safety of the battery during abnor- Loss of hermeticity through seal or battery
mal mechanical and environmental conditions that may occur can weld seams
during shipping. Some of these tests have been defined by the Loss of function Open circuit caused by failed welds in the
United Nations.10 Mechanical and environmental tests often are current-carrying paths
performed with batteries at different levels of depletion, typically
at 0%, 50%, and 100% states of discharge. Commonly run tests for
IPG batteries include the following: occur is long-term exposure to high temperatures greater than
50° C.
• Exposure to high levels of mechanical shock and vibration Self-discharge is the loss of active materials through parasitic
chemical reactions that occur naturally. Battery capacity lost
• Crushing or impact on the battery with extreme force
through self-discharge is not usable by the IPG and contributes
• Temperature shock—repeated, rapid change between high and to reduced longevity. This type of capacity loss for Li-I2 batteries
low temperatures generally becomes extremely small once the initial Li-I layer is
• High pressure exposure
A short circuit within the battery decreases the longevity
• Low pressure exposure through parasitic reaction pathways that deplete the battery’s
active materials. Li-I2 batteries cannot support high discharge
• High temperature storage
rates; this tends to limit how rapidly the battery will completely
• Low temperature storage discharge. One cause leading to internal short circuits is the direct
• External short circuit connection between the anode and the cathode somewhere in the
• Forced overdischarge—applying a load to drive a battery current path from the electrode to the terminal pin. Another
well past its normal end-of-life condition cause is foreign material or certain impurities that are inadver-
tently incorporated into the battery during manufacturing. Other
failure modes are listed in Table 30-1. However, battery failures
Failure Modes
are quite rare; in particular, Li-I2 has a decades-long track record
In some IPG failure modes, such as rapid discharge as a result of of high reliability.9-12
a short circuit in the IPG circuitry, the battery is not the cause,
but rather the victim. Some failure modes originate within the
battery. Battery failure modes lead to reduced power capability, Pulse Generator Circuitry
decreased longevity and, in extreme cases, complete failure.
Electrical Design
Reduced performance may result in compromised therapy or
reduced IPG functionality. Decreased battery longevity leads to a The basic design requirements include the functional elements
shortened device life. Complete battery failure means a device described in the introduction but with a minimal current drain,
does not function at all. and small size.11 Minimizing the energy needed for the functions
One cause of reduced power output and decreased longevity of the pulse generator (PG) is the one design parameter available
is an increased internal resistance. This may occur if the internal to reduce battery size and still maintain device longevity.
battery electrode connections are not properly welded or if defects The building blocks of the electronic circuitry are depicted in
are present in the mechanical components themselves. In some Figure 30-19.
cases, this can occur because of corrosion of the metal parts. A
complete failure to function would ensue from complete detach-
Mechanical Design
ment of the electrical connections, resulting in an open circuit.
Another source of high internal resistance leading to lower The mechanical design is dictated by the overall volume require-
power output and shorter longevity is the excess formation of Li-I ment of the PG, the electrical design, and the industry standards
from the direct reaction between Li and I2. One way for this to for lead connections (e.g., IS-1, IS-4) (Figures 30-20 and 30-21).
392  Cardiac Pacing

Microprocessor Sensing
and memory Sensors and and pacing Leads
subsystem diagnostics circuitry

Coil and radio-

Power supply Clocks Telemetry
Battery frequency
circuitry circuitry

FIGURE 30-19  Block diagram of the major building blocks of the electronics in a pacemaker.

The PG comprises the metallic PG can and the header that houses
the lead interconnect system. The PG is typically made from
titanium because of titanium’s strength, cost, ability to produce a
hermetically sealed weld, and biocompatibility. The header typi-
cally has lead bores that receive the connector ends of leads. The
leads are secured to the header and make electrical connection
through the use of one or more set screws. Additional electrical
connections may be made passively by spring connectors that
allow insertion of the lead into the lead bores yet provide appro-
priate electrical connection with the lead conductors. Access to
set screws is achieved through sealable slits in the silicone seal
plugs that cover the head of the set screw. Seal plugs keep the
conductors that are connected to the set screws electrically iso-
lated from each other and from the surrounding body tissue,
fluid, and muscularly generated electrical signals. Insulated feed-
through wires run within the header from the connections to the
titanium can.
FIGURE 30-20  The inside of a pacemaker showing the hybrid circuit
and battery. The battery is on the right; the hybrid circuitry, which Sensing Subsystem
includes an integrated circuit chip, is on the left. Around the perimeter
is the telemetry coil. At the top, the feed-through wires are seen; they Although the intracardiac leads provide high-fidelity electro­
would normally enter the header. cardiograms (ECGs) to the device, other noise sources such as
skeletal muscle depolarization and electromagnetic interference
(EMI) can adversely affect the appropriate detection of intrinsic
cardiac activity. Therefore considerable effort and importance are
placed on providing the device with the highest quality ECG
signals. Assuming the lead is placed correctly, the sensing is
designed to minimize noncardiac electrical signals. This is accom-
Header plished by EMI filters very near or at the point where the electrical
connections enter the titanium can. The function of these is to
Electronic circuit
assembly eliminate high-frequency noise sources, which can be easily
imparted onto the leads by welding equipment, fluorescent lights,
cell phones, retail theft device trackers, and microwave ovens.
Although these are the most notable and notorious sources, a
large number of potential sources exist; thus great care is given
Can to the design and testing of this function. Common mode noise
rejection, differential amplification, or both may be used to reduce
extracardiac signals. In addition to EMI filtering, further electrical
filtering is performed on both hybrid and integrated circuits to
eliminate skeletal muscle noise and maximize the signal in fre-
quency ranges expected for P and R waves while avoiding ampli-
Inductive fication of the T waves. The threshold for detection of cardiac
telemetry coil activity may be a programmable fixed signal size or may be vari-
able and dictated by an automatic gain control algorithm. The
FIGURE 30-21  A pacemaker showing the header.
sense amplifiers are blanked during stimulation and for a period
Engineering Aspects of Pacemakers and Leads   393

shortly thereafter to avoid detection of the stimulation artifact of pacemaker algorithms and programmable parameters drove
or polarization voltage. Timing circuits are used to dictate the
periods of sensing in the various channels.
the decision to use this technology. Current pacemaker circuits
for the various subsystems such as sensing, pacing, and various
diagnostic functions previously described are controllable by the
microprocessor although independent in their continuous opera-
Pacing Subsystem
tion. The higher level system function of changing the operating
Pacing occurs only when needed, on the basis of the programmed parameters of these circuits resides in the software executed by
parameters and the time since the last sensed or paced event. the microprocessor subsystem. The pacemaker software provides
Minimizing pacing therapy or reducing the programmed pacing the interface to make it easy for the human user (physician or
voltage improves device longevity. The pacing pulse is biphasic in nurse practitioner) to control these circuits.
nature to ensure that cardiac tissue is left in a charge-neutral state The severe power constraint of the pacemaker design affects
after the pace. This pulse is created by delivering a pseudo-constant the choice and use of all electrical circuits, and the microproces-
voltage pace pulse followed by a recharge pulse. The charge- sor is no exception. As such, the microprocessor can easily draw
neutral pulse reduces the possibility of electroplating the electrode much power and drain the tiny pacemaker battery in a very short
metal onto cardiac tissue as well as inappropriately sensing the amount of time (a few months) if it is not managed carefully.
after-potential. Limitations are placed on the maximum possible Several design trade-offs are involved in managing the micropro-
rate of pacing for safety. cessor power drain.
The first decision is the choice of which microprocessor to use.
Should one of the microprocessors readily available in the larger
Sensors and Other Diagnostic Circuits
electronics industry be used? Should a custom microprocessor be
Pacemakers also have additional circuits for managing power sup- created? Which architecture is best suited to execute pacemaker
plies for battery management, diagnostic functions, and various algorithms in the most efficient manner?
sensors for determining the optimal pacing rate. The following are Electronics industry microprocessors are usually designed to
some examples: operate at voltages typically much higher than those of circuits
used in pacemakers, in part because the major design driver
• Motion sensor (accelerometer): Motion does not accompany is computational speed. However, pacemakers need adequate
all physiological stresses; nonphysiological causes of motion computational speed at the lowest possible power drain; as a
may activate the sensor result, the majority of today’s pacemakers use custom-fabricated
• Minute ventilation sensor (impedance): Well-established
Pacemaker microprocessors use very slow clocks (a few kilo-
normal relationship between ventilation and heart rate
hertz to a few megahertz at most). The microprocessors usually
• Cardiac contractility measurement (impedance) are connected to one or more of the following types of memo-
ries: read-only memory (ROM), static random access memory
• Temperature and oxygen measurement (not commercially
(SRAM), electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
(EEPROM), or Flash-based memory (Adobe Systems, San Jose,
CA). Pacemaker memory capacities typically range from a few
Internal Clocks
kilobytes to a few megabytes. Pacemakers do not use any form
Pacemakers use at least one independent oscillator circuit to of disk-based storage because of the power constraints and the
provide a timing reference, sometimes known as the master clock, inherent unreliability of moving parts.
for operating various other circuits. The oscillator typically derives Many methods are used to get the most efficient operation out
its frequency from a crystal that vibrates at a known fixed fre- of microprocessors. However, the most efficient microprocessor
quency. Design considerations include keeping the frequency is still no match for dedicated low-power circuits used in a pace-
within a narrowly defined range and impervious to changes in maker, mostly for functions such as sensing. An energy-saving
temperature and other circuit fabrication parameters. Even though method involves turning off the microprocessor for the majority
the temperature is highly stable once the pacemaker is implanted, of the timing cycle. This means that the microprocessor is woken
the device needs to be able to handle a vast range because of trans- up to do its computation when a new event occurs and is put back
portation considerations. Additional circuits may derive multiple into a dormant low-power “sleep” state as soon as it finishes its
clocks of several other frequencies, as needed, by using the master computation and delivers its decisions. A very rough estimate is
clock. Any significant changes in the frequency of the master that a pacemaker microprocessor spends more than 90% (or even
clock, even for a short period, can cause the pacemaker to mal- >99%) of its entire lifetime of the device in its “sleep” state. Even
function because almost all the other circuits use the master clock during a relatively active period such as at implantation or during
directly or indirectly for their correct operation. Additional inde- a follow-up, microprocessor use does not significantly rise; when
pendent clocks with different designs may be used to detect any the microprocessor is awake and executing software, it usually
deviation of the master clock and take appropriate action to executes a tiny fraction of its code. The vast majority of pacemaker
prevent harm to the patient. One form of degraded safe mode code is in place to handle situations that are rarely encountered.
operation is to allow loss of pacing therapy but prevent active A large portion of the software in a pacemaker remains mostly
harm such as pacing too fast or pacing at the wrong time. unused on a beat-by-beat basis while the microprocessor executes
a minimized number of computations. Typical functions on a
beat involve figuring out the exact time to deliver the next pace
Microprocessor and Memory Subsystem
pulse if the pacemaker is programmed to a rate-adaptive mode.
Microprocessors have been an integral component of pacemakers The algorithms implemented in the software determine the
for at least 2 decades now. The increasing complexity and number ideal target heart rate based on sensor inputs and the current
394  Cardiac Pacing

Low voltage Pacing

EEPROM Telemetry power supplies switches


ROM RAM Sense Clocks Disk Main Telemetry Printer

amplifiers storage computer input/output
board boards
FIGURE 30-22  A mixed-signal integrated circuit. EEPROM, electrically
FIGURE 30-23  Internal view of a programmer. The components
erasable programmable read-only memory; ROM, read-only memory;
include the power supply, printer, disk storage, telemetry, and input/
RAM, random-access memory.
output boards.

programmed settings and compute the next time interval to message processing is typically carried out by the software. Cor-
deliver a pace pulse if the heart does not beat intrinsically. respondingly, when the microprocessor has something to trans-
The software typically is also responsible for initiating and col- mit back, it pushes the data out via the transmit circuitry.
lecting diagnostic data that would convey information about the Security has become an important consideration in telemetry
patient’s health to the physician. In addition, the pacemaker may design because of patient privacy and security concerns.12,13 With
also collect diagnostic information about its own performance to remote telemetry, the range (distance) at which the pacemaker
help diagnose and repair potential malfunctions. telemetry is able to operate has increased. Manufacturers offer
remote monitoring or follow-up solutions through specialized
external devices that transmit their data over telephone lines,
Integrated Circuits
cellular networks, or other communication links that may be part
Pacemaker integrated circuits (ICs) may be purely digital or a of the Internet (Figure 30-24).14 These technological advances also
mixture of analog and digital circuits, also known as mixed-signal increase the potential risks of eavesdropping as well as unauthor-
integrated circuits (Figure 30-22). The electronic subsystems pre- ized access to these devices.15 Some privacy laws also require
viously described are packed into two integrated circuits. The manufacturers to take reasonable steps to ensure that sensitive
defining characteristics of pacemaker ICs are very high reliability, patient data remain protected. Manufacturers adapt various
high complexity, low power consumption, and small volume. The forms of cryptography solutions available in the computing and
ICs are housed along with other discrete components (resistors, telecommunication industries to fit the size and power con-
capacitors) on a hybrid to form the core packaging for the straints of the pacemaker to address these security concerns. The
electronics. security solution is also an integral part of external devices (pro-
grammer, remote monitor) designed and approved to communi-
cate with the pacemaker.
Telemetry Subsystem
Telemetry allows the physician to program the pacemaker nonin-
Fault-Tolerant Design and Risk Management in Pacemakers
vasively for individual patient needs after implantation. It also
allows the noninvasive retrieval of diagnostic information stored Product design is the first step in providing a reliable pacemaker.
in memory. Basic telemetry functionality has existed in pace­ Design validation establishes, through objective evidence, that
makers even before microprocessors were used. Current pace- device specifications conform to user needs and intended uses.
makers typically use a combination of dedicated circuitry and The safety aspect of the design needs to cover potential misuse in
microprocessor-based software to accomplish the communica- addition to intended use. Design verification confirms, by exami-
tion functions of the system. Dedicated circuitry in the form of a nation and provision of objective evidence, that specified require-
receiver and a transmitter exists in the pacemaker to accomplish ments have been fulfilled. Manufacturers use numerous analytical
the low-level signal communication function with external and test methods (Box 30-1) to fulfill the validation and verifica-
devices such as a programmer recorder monitor (PRM) (Figure tion obligations to gain regulatory approval to market these
30-23). The dedicated receiver circuitry does the work of deci- devices. Many of these methods are used during the development
phering encrypted incoming signals and notifies the microproces- of the pacemaker. The output of the design phase is a set of speci-
sor when it receives valid messages. The higher level function of fications. Once the design has been completed and the
Engineering Aspects of Pacemakers and Leads   395

Health following
physician and RN
Patient’s Home

CRM Objectives
• Collaborative patient management
Web Server
• HF management


Weight Device
scale managing

• Device managing

FIGURE 30-24  Example of a remote follow-up cardiac rhythm management (CRM) system. HF, Heart failure; BP, blood pressure.

Box 30-1  Test and Analytical Methods Used in the Design and Box 30-2  Food and Drug Administration Definitions of Faults
Manufacture of Pacemakers
Fault (defect): Abnormal condition that may cause a reduction in,
Requirements analysis or loss of, the capability of a functional unit to perform a required
Hazard analysis function
• Failure modes and effects analysis Failure: The inability of a system to perform its required function
• Failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis within specified performance requirements
Stress testing Fault tolerance: The ability of a functional unit to continue to
• Accelerated lifetime testing perform a required function in the presence of faults or errors
• Thermal stress testing Harm: Physical injury or damage to the health of people, or
• Vibrational stress testing damage to property or the environment
• Shock stress testing Hazard: Potential source of harm
Confidence/reliability testing
From http://www3.hi.is/pub/cs/2003-04/reliability/definitions/Fault_terms.html.
• Statistical sampling
IC testing
IC analog circuit simulations
IC digital logic simulations
IC timing simulations production of the device starts, automated testing is used at all
Hybrid testing levels of the manufacturing process to ensure that each individual
Software testing device meets its specifications per the device master record.
• Unit testing Faults can lead to failures, which, in turn, can activate a hazard.
• Integration testing Hazards can lead to harm (Box 30-2). Some failures may not
• Verification testing activate hazards but may lead to loss of functionality, which can
Software analysis inconvenience the user (e.g., loss of a noncritical diagnostic
• Inspection of the program source code feature). Some hazards may be naturally present in the operating
• Automated and manual software analysis to detect known forms
environment of the device. If the hazard source is known, then
of errors
Simulated use testing
preventing the hazard from turning into harm is a design chal-
Electromagnetic interference testing lenge. For example, the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
has been contraindicated by device manufacturers in the past.
IC, Integrated circuit.
However, some devices have been designed to be safer with con-
trolled use of MRI and are currently in various phases of the
approval process.
Some environmental conditions can induce faults that can lead
to failure (Box 30-3). In such cases, the environmental influence
396  Cardiac Pacing

Box 30-3  Examples of Environmental and Medical Hazards Box 30-4  Potential Failures and Possible Root Causes (Faults)

Electromagnetic interference RANDOM COMPONENT FAILURES

• Medical equipment Integrated Circuit Failures
• Home appliances • Silicon-controlled rectifier latch-up
• Cellular phones • Impurities during fabrication
• High-voltage power lines • Electrostatic discharge
• Electronic article surveillance equipment
Logic Errors in Circuits
Therapeutic ultrasound
Timing Errors
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
Software Error
• Incorrect or incomplete specifications
Radiofrequency ablation
• Logic errors
External defibrillation
• Improper error handling
Ionizing radiation
• Inability to meet timing requirements
• Therapeutic radiation
• Out of memory
Radioactive cobalt, linear accelerators, betatrons
• Cosmic (naturally occurring) background radiation This is not an exhaustive list. These examples are intended to provide an insight
• High-energy x-rays, computer-aided tomography scans into the engineering challenges of designing a permanently implanted pacemaker.
• Radioactive impurities in materials
Diagnostic x-ray and fluoroscopic radiation
Magnetic resonance imaging
This is not an exhaustive list for all pacemakers. Please consult the appropriate
product documentation.
From System Guide, INSIGNIA I ULTRA, Boston Scientific Corporation.
Box 30-5  Example of a Transient Fault and Possible Mitigation

Single event upset is a change of state experienced by

semiconductor devices from ionizing radiation. The effect of this is
is also treated as a hazard. Ionizing radiation is an environmental usually observed in large-scale integrated memories, where one or
hazard that carries the potential for inducing faults, which can more “bits” of information may change their state.
Partial physical redundancy—such as the use of error-correcting
cause device malfunction and lead to additional hazards.
memories using Hamming codes or cyclic redundancy check–based
Risk management plays a key role in the design decisions
error detection and correction—can be an effective mitigation for this
involved in managing hazards and their outcomes. Risk is evalu- type of fault.
ated along two dimensions: (1) the severity of a potential harm
and (2) the estimated likelihood of encountering a hazard. Hazard
analysis is a formalized development activity to manage this risk.
Thus, ionizing radiation may induce random bit flips in memory,
but error-correcting software may correct this. However, severely Temporal redundancies, such as a simple re-attempt of an
corrupted memory secondary to therapeutic radiation, if unused, operation or a reset, may overcome the effects of many types of
may potentially go undetected until this portion of memory is first transient faults (Box 30-5). Safety monitors may be used to detect
used. Accordingly, the ability of the device to function fully or potentially unsafe operations and stop them before they can do
partially in a safe manner becomes increasingly important. Exam- harm. Some examples include:
ples of safe but degraded function include the lead safety switch—
which automatically switches the pacing and sensing configuration • Runaway pacing protection
from bipolar to unipolar if unusually high or low lead impedance
is detected; and the reset mode—which is limited to basic life • Temporal checks—placing time limits on inherently dangerous
support function, with fixed pacing rate and amplitude. operations such as manual burst pacing
Surgical electrocautery is another common medical environ-
mental hazard, which, on occasion, may affect sensing, pacing, • Self-checking software—use of various techniques such as
lead integrity, and the lead\tissue interface. At the time of this range-checking inputs and outputs, data integrity checks, or
writing, the Heart Rhythm Society was in the process of develop- timing checks
ing a policy for perioperative care of patients with ICDs to miti-
gate this risk. Some design or operational defects may be corrected after
Fault-tolerant designs use various forms of redundancy to implantation by updating the pacemaker software noninvasively
mitigate the effects of potential component malfunction and using telemetry. The ability to accomplish this type of repair oper-
deliver appropriate performance that is transparent to the end ation must be designed and tested by the manufacturer before it
user of the system (Box 30-4). When full performance cannot be is actually deployed in a field setting.
delivered, a degraded but safe operation is provided. Unfortu- An important step in detecting potential device malfunction
nately, the pacemaker cannot have complete redundancy of all and observing normal aging of devices is the detailed analysis of
subsystems, such as multiple batteries, multiple microprocessors, pacemaker function in returned products. Returning all explanted
or sensing and pacing circuits, because of size and power con- pacemakers to the manufacturer is an important step in maintain-
straints. Thus serious malfunctions do occur at a small but defi- ing adequate reporting and in early recognition of potential device
nite rate in all cardiac rhythm management devices. issues so that patient safety is improved.
Engineering Aspects of Pacemakers and Leads   397
Maisel WH, Kohno T: Improving the security and privacy of implantable

Summary medical devices, N Engl J Med 362(13):1164–1166, 2010.
Physicians caring for patients with pacemakers should have a Mehra R: Fundamentals of cardiac stimulation. In Saksena S, Camm AJ,
editors: Electrophysiological disorders of the heart, Philadelphia, 2005,
fundamental understanding of these complex devices to appro-
priately care for their patients and recognize any device-related Pioger G, Lazarus A: A fractally coated, 1.3 mm2 high impedance pacing
issues. Device malfunctions are infrequent and often are the result electrode: Results from a multicenter clinical trial, Prog Biomed Res 5:
of complex interactions among the device, physician technique 140–144, 2000.
(actions), and patient issues. However, all the manufacturers Russo AM, Marchlinski FW: Engineering and construction of pacemaker
provide backup technical assistance, which physicians should and implantable defibrillator leads. In Ellenbogen KA, Kay GN, Lau C-P,
make use of when needed. Wilkoff BL, editors: Clinical cardiac pacing, defibrillation, and resyn-
chronization therapy, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2007, Saunders.
KEY REFERENCES Schoenfeld MH, Reynolds DW: Sophisticated remote implantable
cardioverter-defibrillator follow-up: A status report, PACE 28:235–240,
Carlson MD, Freedman R, Levine P: Lead perforation: Incidence in reg- 2005.
istries, PACE 31:13–15, 2008. United Nations: Manual of tests and criteria, ed 4, Part III, Subsection
European Commission: Protecting your personal data. Available at: http:// 38.3. Geneva, Switzerland, 2010, United Nations.
ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection. Untereker DF, Crespi AM, Rorvick A, et al: Power systems for implantable
Hauser RG, Kallinen LM, Almquist AK, et al: Early failure of a small pacemakers, cardioverters and defibrillators. In Ellenbogen KA, Kay
diameter high voltage implantable cardioverter-defibrillator lead, Heart GN, Lau C-P, Wilkoff BL, editors: Clinical cardiac pacing, defibrillation,
Rhythm 4:892–896, 2007. and resynchronization therapy, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2007, Saunders.
HIPPA: General information. Available at http://www.cms.gov/ Wagner BK: Electrodes, leads, and biocompatibility. In Webster JG, editor:
HIPAAGenInfo. Design of cardiac pacemakers, Piscataway, NJ, 1995, IEEE Press.
Krol MW, Levine PA: Pacemaker and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator Webster JG: Battery. In Webster JG, editor: Design of cardiac pacemakers,
circuitry. In Ellenbogen KA, Kay GN, Lau C-P, Wilkoff BL, editors: Piscataway, NJ, 1995, IEEE Press.
Clinical cardiac pacing, defibrillation, and resynchronization therapy,
ed 3, Philadelphia, 2007, Saunders.
Maisel WH, Hauser RG, Hammill SC, et al: Recommendations from the
Heart Rhythm Society Task Force on Lead Performance Policies and All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
Guidelines, Heart Rhythm 6(6):868–885, 2009. com.
Pacing Technology and Its Indications:
Advances in Threshold Management,
Automatic Mode Switching, and Sensors
Chu-Pak Lau and Chung-Wah Siu

Since the first endocardial pacing lead implantation in 1958, pace- is younger, and a longer battery life is advantageous. All these
maker therapy has undergone remarkable technologic advances. changes occur simultaneously with an overall effort by manufac-
For example, the number of circuitry components has increased turers to reduce the size of the device.
from a mere two to three transistors in early pacemakers to nearly From a clinical standpoint, variation in threshold may lead to
one million components with RAM (random access memory) an inadequate safety margin of stimulation. Such changes may
sizes up to 124,000 bytes.1 This increased sophistication has led result from the usual rise of threshold after implantation, from
to pacemaker features that the average pacemaker implanter may ischemia, and from antiarrhythmic medications. Finally, thresh-
not have the time to understand or to program appropriately. In old measurement remains a time-consuming process, and if an
addition, threshold and sensor assessment may take up to 40% of alternative safe method is available, the burden of programming
time in an average follow-up (Figure 31-1).2 Thus, automatic opti- can be reduced.
mization of many pacing parameters has become a pressing need.
This chapter reviews the current state of the art in three impor-
Types of Capture Management
tant modern pacemaker functions: (1) capture management, (2)
automatic mode switching (AMS), and (3) implantable sensors. Several manufacturers have introduced algorithms for detecting
Particular attention is given to their indications and automaticity ventricular, atrial, and left ventricular (in cardiac resynchroniza-
in programming. tion therapy [CRT]) thresholds. The detection of an evoked
response is based on either evoked response or impedance.
Threshold data are used either on a beat-by-beat basis to ensure
Capture Management a paced response or intermittently to adjust output parameters.

The primary function of a pacemaker is to pace effectively at an

St. Jude/Pacesetter Autocapture
efficient energy output. This depends on the pacing threshold,
which varies significantly from individual to individual and within The Autocapture pacing system was first introduced in the single-
an individual over time. The latter may occur because of the chamber Microny pacemaker from St. Jude Medical in 1995. (See
spontaneous threshold rise after implantation, the occurrence of Box 31-2 for information on the manufacturers referred to in this
gross dislodgment or microdislodgment, diurnal changes, and the chapter.) It is designed to verify a response to each pacemaker
changes introduced by drugs and myocardial ischemia.3,4 Thus, stimulation that represents capture or myocardial depolarization
the ability to track threshold automatically will maximize patient and to automatically adjust the pacing output accordingly on
safety, minimize battery drain for pacing, and, importantly, sim- a beat-to-beat basis. After a VP stimulus, the Autocapture algo-
plify programming. Box 31-1 presents a list of reasons for the rithm opens an evoked response (ER) detection window for 46 ms
need for automatic capture management. after a 15-ms blanking period. Detection of an ER is used to
An increase in demand for battery energy can result from some diagnose capture. If an ER is not detected (loss of capture), a high-
sensors. Whereas the piezoelectric sensor is energy inexpensive, energy backup pulse of 4.5 V is discharged at 100 ms after the VP
the impedance sensor, such as is used to monitor minute ventila- stimulus. If two consecutive backup pulses are delivered, the algo-
tion, requires significant current consumption. More energy is rithm starts a stimulation threshold search by increasing the
required for the purpose of device monitoring, particularly for output to effect two consecutive captures (Figure 31-2). In single-
electrocardiogram (ECG) storage, which is becoming important chamber devices (Microny and Regency SR), a margin of 0.3 V is
for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). With the use of multisite added. In addition, to avoid pacing at high output caused by
pacing (atrial pacing [Ap] for AF and ventricular pacing [Vp] for diurnal fluctuation in threshold, the device automatically per-
heart failure), minimizing pacing energy becomes critical. The forms a threshold search once every 8 hours. Again a safety
longer survival of patients means that at least two thirds of those margin of 0.3 V is added to the detected threshold. In dual-
who receive a pacemaker will live long enough to need a replace- chamber devices, the A-V interval is shortened to 50 ms (Ap) or
ment within the usual battery life of 7 years. Atrioventricular (AV) 25 ms (atrial sensing [As]) to ensure overdrive of intrinsic ven-
nodal ablation followed by permanent pacing provides symptom- tricular rhythm. In the Affinity DR, automatic decrements and
atic relief and enhancement of quality of life. This group of patients increments of output during threshold search are 0.25 V and

400  Cardiac Pacing

1/2 Second

0.75V 0.50V 0.50V 0.63V 0.63V

4.5 V 4.5 V 4.5 V
ECG 4.5 V
(25%) P P P P P
31 31 31 31 31
594 594 594 594 594
625 625 625 625 625

Sensing Documentation
(15%) (30%) VEGM

1/2 Second
End Test
response 0.75V 0.88V 0.88V
(15%) Others 4.5 4.5

31 39 32 31
601 583 601 610
641 625 632 633

FIGURE 31-1  Time used for different activities during a routine

pacemaker follow-up. (From Marshall M, Butts L, Flaim G, et al: Predictors
of time requirements for pacemaker clinic evaluation [abstract], Pacing
Clin Electrophysiol 18:952, 1995.)
FIGURE 31-2  Autocapture threshold determination in a patient
implanted with the Affinity. Successful ventricular capture was
documented in the first beat. A reduction of ventricular output to
0.5 V resulted in failed capture (second beat), and a backup pulse
(arrow) was emitted. An upward search then begins at increments of
Box 31-1  Needs and Potential Benefits of Capture Management 0.125 V, and the search ends when two consecutive capture beats are
Increase in battery drain (e.g., sensors, electrocardiogram monitoring, achieved at 0.88 V. VEGM, Ventricular electrocardiogram (tip to ring).
and multiple-site pacing)
Increase in battery longevity
Two thirds of patients will be alive at the time of battery replacement
Pacing for populations such as those with atrial fibrillation and for
those after atrioventricular nodal ablation Box 31-3  Factors Affecting Capture Detection
Reduction in battery size
Physiological/medical variations in threshold Electrode polarization
Reduction in time for pacemaker programming Fusion beats (false negative → ↑output)
Ventricular capture + intrinsic beat
Pseudo-fusion beats (false positive → ↓ output)
Pacing spike (and failure of capture) + intrinsic beat
Algorithm related: unipolar pacing, bipolar sensing
Adequate evoked response (>2.5 mV)
Box 31-2  Pacemaker Manufacturers and Models Other applications: atrial, epicardial, and left ventricle

Biotec, S.P.A., Bologna, Italy

Biotronik GmbH & Co., Berlin, Germany (Inos)
Cardiac Pacemakers Inc., St. Paul, Minn.
Cook Pacemakers Corporation, Leechburg, Pa. 0.125 V, respectively (see Figure 31-2). In addition, beat-to-beat
ELA Medical, Rougement, France (Chorum DR, model 7034/7134; capture verification has only recently been extended to atrial
Talent DR, model 223)
stimulation in the Zephyr pacemaker by St. Jude Medical (ACP
Guidant CPI, St. Paul, Minn. (Discovery, model 1273/4/5; Meridian DR,
confirm), as the small atrial electrical signal represents a major
model 1276; Pulsar Max DR, model 1270; Vigor DR, model 1230/2/5)
Intermedics Inc., Freeport, Tex. (Marathon DR, model 294-09) challenge in discrimination between the ER signal and the pace-
Medtronic Inc., St. Paul, Minn. (AT 500 DDDRP, model AT500/500C; induced after-polarization (see below).
Kappa, models 400 and 700; Thera DR, model 7960/1/2)
Siemens Pacesetter Ltd., Solna, Sweden
Sorin Biomedica, Saluggia, Italy (Living 1, Living 1 Plus)
St. Jude Medical Pacesetter, St. Paul, Minn. (Affinity DR, model 5330/1; Factors that affect the Autocapture’s detection of an ER are listed
Trilogy DR, model 2364) in Box 31-3. One major challenge to this approach is the difficulty
Telectronics Pacing System, Englewood, Colo. (Meta DDDR, models in distinguishing the ER signal and the pace-induced after-
1250, 1254, 1256)
potential. A large electrode polarization artifact relative to the size
Vitatron BV, Dieren, The Netherlands (Clarity DDDR, Model 860/2/5;
of the ER can affect ER detection. This can be reduced with the
Diamond, model 800/801/820/840)
use of low-polarization electrodes (made possible by increasing
Pacing Technology and Its Indications: Advances in Threshold Management, Automatic Mode Switching, and Sensors  401

the microscopic electrode-tissue interface area).5 An alternative

is to use a biphasic waveform that comprises a fast precharge Threshold
followed by a negative postcharge to minimize the polarization

V. amplitude (V)
6.0 Adapted
effect.6 In one study, the effect of a modified fast prepulse on the 5.0
Autocapture was tested in 45 patients with leads from two manu- 4.0
facturers (Medtronic 4024 Cap Sure, and Pacesetter 1450 K/T 3.0
and 1470 T leads).7 Whereas the ER was independent of the type 2.0
of pacing pulse, the polarization artifact was significantly less 1.0 2X Amp
during the modified pulse compared with the conventional pacing
pulse, resulting in an improved efficacy of the Autocapture algo- 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
rithm (94% vs. 71% success rate in ER detection). An adequate ER V. pulse width (ms)
amplitude of greater than 2.5 mV is recommended before activa-
tion of the Autocapture algorithm; this was present in 93% of 60 FIGURE 31-3  Ventricular capture management (Medtronic Kappa
700). The device has determined the rheobase (at 1 ms) and chronaxie
patients in one study.8 Neither the clinical data nor the conven-
and recommends a safety margin of twice the amplitude threshold.
tional electrical parameters were effective in predicting the size
of the ER signal. Body posture and exercise had relatively little
effect on the ER.9 Recently, a new ER algorithm measuring the
depolarization integral (area) instead of ER signal amplitudes
Boston Scientific Automatic Capture
(voltage) to determine ER has enhanced the accuracy of capture
verification; in fact, the algorithm allows ER determination even Likewise, the automatic capture algorithm from Boston Scientific
with old high-polarization bipolar leads. Because of enhanced also provides a beat-to-beat verification of myocardial capture
sensitivity, it has become possible to distinguish a small atrial ER based on the ventricular ER. The ventricular voltage output is
from a pace-induced after-potential. automatically adjusted to 0.5 V above the measured threshold.
In a multicenter study, 113 patients received the Pacesetter When loss of capture occurs, a backup pacing pulse 1.5 V higher
Microny SR+ and were followed up for 1 year. ER was satisfactory than the measured threshold is delivered 100 ms after the primary
for Autocapture in 102 of 113 patients.10 Even though ER was stimulus. When loss of capture is confirmed for two cycles out of
stable over time it correlated poorly with the R wave at the four beats, an automatic threshold test will check for the new
time of implantation. Acute and chronic pacing thresholds threshold.
measured at the clinic using a standard surface ECG VARIO
threshold test significantly correlated with that derived from the
Biotronik Capture Control
Autocapture, although the Autocapture threshold was higher
(0.11 ± 0.22 V) because of the way in which threshold was derived. The Logos pacemakers measure the ER signals from several suc-
During Holter recordings, no failure of ventricular capture cessful capture beats to generate a reference curve, against which
occurred, and backup pulses were used in 1.1% of all paced beats. failure of capture is compared.16,17 No backup pacing pulses are
Most of these were caused by fusion or pseudo-fusion beats present, but persistent loss of capture results in the increase of
(87%), undersensing of either the R wave or the ER (4.6%), and pulse output in 2-V steps. After a programmable period, the
was the true cause of loss of capture in only 7%. Although these output is reduced to the programmed value. This algorithm
did not affect pacing performance, the need for backup pulses ensures patient safety through beat-by-beat capture verification.
may negate the energy saving by the Autocapture itself. Similar
positive results from the Autocapture algorithm in the medium
Medtronic Ventricular Capture Management
term for safety and efficacy have been published.11,12
Projected increases in battery longevity afforded by the Auto- The Kappa 700 pacemakers incorporate a threshold assessment
capture have been reported.13,14 Compared with the factory-set based on ER: The Pacing Threshold Search (ambulatory) and
pacemaker setting of 5 V, the Autocapture reduced the energy Capture Management Threshold Test (bedside). During the pro-
drain in the Microny SR+ (with 0.35 Ah) and increased device cedure, the threshold at the Rheobase is determined at 1 ms by
longevity by 53%. For the Regency SR+ with a larger battery amplitude decrement until loss of capture and then by amplitude
(0.79 Ah), the increase in device longevity was even more signifi- increment until capture is confirmed. The chronaxie is then deter-
cant (245%). However, when the conventional output was reduced mined by doubling the programmed amplitude and decreasing
to 2.5 V, the benefit of the Autocapture on battery life was much the pulse width (and subsequently increasing the amplitude to
less impressive.13,14 capture). A recommended pacing setting is then determined
(Figure 31-3). The physician can use the ambulatory threshold
data to automatically adjust threshold (adaptive), use the data only
Clinical Implications
for monitoring, or turn off the algorithm. A minimal adapted
The main benefits of any automatic capture management algo- output needs to be programmed. The ventricular capture man-
rithm are patient safety and effective capture during threshold agement can be activated once every 15 minutes for 42 days and
changes. Programming of threshold can be simplified as the Auto- is not a beat-by-beat threshold tracking algorithm.
capture threshold has been significantly correlated with bedside
threshold assessment. The energy saving would be more impor-
tant in patients with chronic high thresholds. Conversely, fusion Automatic Mode Switching
and pseudo-fusion beats appear to be the main limitation, not
only because they reduce battery energy but also because they Because the ventricular response of a DDD pacemaker is depen-
may lead to erroneous threshold determination.15 dent on the atrial rate, rapid VP can occur in a DDD pacemaker
402  Cardiac Pacing

during episodes of atrial tachycardias (AT), especially during AF

Components of an Automatic Mode Switching Algorithm
(Figure 31-4). This is managed in contemporary pacemakers by
using an algorithm known as automatic mode switching. Patients The components of AMS function include (1) AT detection, (2)
with dual chamber pacemakers will develop AT for several pacemaker response during AMS, and (3) resynchronization to
reasons: (1) Nearly one half of patients receiving pacemakers have sinus rhythm or atrial paced rhythm at AT termination.
sinus node disease, and a substantial proportion of these patients
have bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome. (2) As many as 30% of
Atrial Tachycardia Detection
patients with complete AV block either have coexistent
bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome or will develop this problem A device can detect AT in four main ways (Table 31-1): (1) Most
with time.18 (3) A dual chamber pacemaker is often used in devices use a rate cutoff criterion, in which a sensed atrial rate
patients after AV nodal ablation for refractory AT. (4) The inci- exceeding a programmable value will result in AMS. Some systems
dence of AF increases markedly with age.19 are designed to avoid mode switch during atrial ectopic beats or
Several registries and controlled trials have generated data on short runs of AT. For example, four short cycles of seven consecu-
the incidence of AF. From 1988 to 1990, 12.9% of Medicare pace- tive beats are required before AMS occurs in the Medtronic Kappa
maker recipients who received dual-chamber pacemakers had 700. Interval number summation is used in the incremental and
underlying paroxysmal AF.20 After implantation of a dual-chamber decremental counter of the Meta DDDR for short cycles and long
pacemaker, patients have an overall 2% to 3% per year risk of cycles, respectively. (2) Some devices use a mean atrial rate, or
developing AF. In patients with sinus node disease, the risk of matched atrial rate, based on a moving value related to the dura-
developing paroxysmal or persistent AF is increased to 8% per tion of the prevailing sensed atrial cycle as a criterion to move
year.21-24 toward AMS. AMS will occur when the matched atrial interval
Conventional or specially designed pacemakers can convert has shortened to a predetermined duration. This algorithm is used
automatically to another pacing mode under a variety of in the Medtronic Thera DR, the Kappa 400 (GEM DR ICD), and
circumstances.25-32 The term automatic mode switching is now the St. Jude Trilogy DR+/Affinity family. Because the process is
used to define an automatic function whereby a device is designed gradual, the rapidity of AMS will depend not only on the AT
to switch temporarily to a nonatrial tracking destination mode detection rate or interval but also on the pre-existing sinus rate.
during an AT and to switch spontaneously back to the original It is easier for the matched atrial interval to reach the tachycardia
mode on resumption of sinus rhythm. detection interval when AT occurs in the setting of a higher resting

Table 31-1  Classification of Different Methods of AT Detection in

mV/mm Current AMS Algorithms
Rate cutoff Pulsar/Vigor/ Incremental/decremental
Meridian/Discovery counter
Inos/Logos Ratio of short/total cycles (e.g.,
A 4 of 7 consecutive cycles)
Kappa 400/700 Ratio of short/total cycles (e.g.,
4 of 7 consecutive cycles)
Marathon DR Consecutive short cycles
ECG Meta DDDR (model Incremental/decremental
1254/1256) counter

Running Thera DR Matched atrial interval

MC average rate computed from prevailing
atrial rate

Trilogy DR Affinity Filtered atrial interval

B Sensor-based Clarity/Diamond Single beat outside a
physiological physiological rate band (15
FIGURE 31-4  A, Rapid ventricular response in a patient with rate or 30 beats/min)
complete atrioventricular block with a Medtronic Kappa 400 Marathon DR SmarTracking rate range
pacemaker. The patient developed an episode of atrial fibrillation (AF) (accelerometer sensor)
when the automatic mode switching (AMS) function was turned off. Meta DR (model Sensor-controlled PVARP
AF was detected by the atrial channel, and ventricular pacing occurred 1250)
at an upper rate of 112 beats/min. B, Activation of AMS function in Living 1/Living 1 Plus Sensor-indicated rate to define
the pacemaker resulted in conversion to the DDI(R) mode with a tachycardia detection
ventricular rate at 60 beats/min. AEGM, Atrial electrocardiogram;
Complex Marathon DR SmarTracking and rate cutoff
ECG, surface electrocardiogram; MC, marker channel. (From Lau CP, AT 500 Rate cutoff and PR relationship
Leung SK, Tse HF, Barold SS: Automatic mode switching of implantable
pacemakers. I: Principles of instrumentation, clinical and hemodynamic AT, Atrial tachycardia; AMS, automatic mode switching; PVARP, postventricular atrial
considerations, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 25:967–983, 2002.) refractory period.
Pacing Technology and Its Indications: Advances in Threshold Management, Automatic Mode Switching, and Sensors  403

sinus rate than from a sinus bradycardia. This is because the

Table 31-2  Characteristics of an Ideal AMS Algorithm
matching atrial interval starts from a shorter baseline duration on
its gradual way to reach the tachycardia detection interval. (3) CHARACTERISTICS REMARKS
Sensors can be used to determine the physiological rate (e.g.,
Onset Is rapid and avoids high-rate ventricular
Diamond and SmarTracking in Marathon). To take into account pacing without causing frequent mode
the fluctuation in sinus rate, a physiological heart rate range based oscillations during unsustained AT
on the sensor-indicated rate is used to define sinus rhythm, and
rates beyond the upper end of the physiological range will activate Response Avoids excessive rate fluctuation
AMS. (4) Complex algorithms are a combination of algorithms, Avoids inappropriate atrial pacing
or they use additional criteria (often from implantable Resynchronization Restores AV synchrony to sinus rhythm at the
cardioverter-defibrillators [ICDs]) to distinguish AF and other earliest opportunity
rhythms. For example, a PR logic and a rate criterion are instru-
mented in the AT500 (Medtronic, Inc.) to detect AF and AT.33 Sensitivity Has the ability to sense AT of varying rates
and signal sizes
Has the ability to sense atrial flutter
Destination Mode
Specificity Avoids switching during VA cross-talk, sinus
Either the VVI(R) mode or the DDI(R) mode is used. No studies tachycardia, and extraneous electrical
have been performed on the relative merits of the VVI(R) mode noises
versus the DDI(R) mode. Obviously, during AMS, no AV syn- AMS, Automatic mode switching; AV, atrioventricular; AT, atrial tachycardia;
chrony occurs, and the DDI(R) is functionally equivalent to the VA, ventriculoatrial.
VVI(R) mode. Theoretically, the DDI(R) mode may avoid AV dis-
sociation when a sinus pause occurs at AT termination if the AMS
algorithm has not yet resynchronized to sinus rhythm. The VVI
mode during AMS has been described as VDI because the main-
tenance of As controls the perpetuation or termination of AMS, ECG
but this designation does not strictly conform to the standard
pacemaker code. However, when AF is undersensed during AMS,
atrial pacing in DDI(R) destination mode may paradoxically per- 200 ms
petuate paroxysmal AF. Apart from passive handling of AT in AEGM
terms of the AMS algorithm, some devices deliver an active As As As As
400 ms 400 ms 400 ms
pacing intervention on the detection of frequent atrial ectopic
beats, which are thought to herald the onset of AF, or an active MC
pacing to terminate AT.
Atrial Vp Vp Vp
Resynchronization blanking

Some AMS algorithms use the same onset criteria to resynchro- FIGURE 31-5  Sensing of atrial flutter (2:1) by a DDD pacemaker. The
nize after AT termination, and some others, for example, Thera atrial flutter cycle length is shorter than the sum of the A-V interval
DR, use slower criteria of resynchronization to avoid intermittent plus the PVAB. The blanking periods are shown in purple. Every
AMS during short runs of AT. alternate flutter wave falls in the PVAB, resulting in 2:1 sensing. AEGM,
Atrial electrocardiogram; ECG, surface electrocardiogram; MC, marker
channel; PVAB, postventricular atrial blanking period. (From Lau CP,
The Ideal Automatic Mode Switching Algorithm Leung SK, Tse HF, Barold SS: Automatic mode switching of implantable
pacemakers. I: Principles of instrumentation, clinical and hemodynamic
An ideal AMS algorithm (Table 31-2) should have an appropriate
considerations, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 25:967–983, 2002.)
onset speed after AT begins. Prolonged rapid VP caused by a slow
algorithm or oscillation between mode switching and tracking
during short-lasting AT in a fast algorithm will result in undesir-
able ventricular rate fluctuation, AV dissociation, or both. It is specificity refers to the absence of AMS during sinus rhythm (i.e.,
clear that speed of response and rate stability are two competing avoid false-positive response) (Table 31-3). With AMS algo-
parameters. Atrial and ventricular responses during AMS should rithms, the greater the sensitivity, the lower is the specificity, and
result in a pacing rate appropriate to the pathophysiological state vice versa.
of the patient. In general, this rate is sensor determined. At the
termination of AT, and to avoid AV dissociation during the
Automatic Mode Switching Sensitivity
process, the algorithm should resynchronize to sinus rhythm at
the earliest opportunity. Many algorithms incorporate a rate fall- As most AMS algorithms detect AT by a rate cutoff criterion, a
back mechanism to ensure smooth rate control during mode slow atrial rate (e.g., atrial rate slowing after antiarrhythmic medi-
transitions. With ideal sensing and programming, these charac- cations) may fall below the tachycardia detection rate, and AMS
teristics are dependent entirely on the AMS algorithm. will not occur. Conversion of AF to atrial flutter is a special situ-
In clinical practice, however, arrhythmia-related and sensing- ation in which alternate flutter waves coincide with the postver-
related issues affect the sensitivity and specificity of the AMS tricular atrial blanking period (PVAB), and the effectively detected
response significantly. Sensitivity of an AMS algorithm refers to atrial rate falls below the tachycardia detection rate and prevents
its ability to detect AT (i.e., avoid false-negative response), whereas AMS (Figure 31-5).
404  Cardiac Pacing

Table 31-3  Factors Affecting AT Detection in Dual-Chamber respectively).34 A high-programmed atrial sensitivity may cause
Pacemakers with AMS Algorithms As of far-field signals or noise, whereas a low atrial sensitivity
can lead to undersensing during AF (Figure 31-6).35 Optimal pro-
UNDERDETECTION OVERDETECTION gramming of atrial sensitivity for AMS requires three times the
(SENSITIVITY) (SPECIFICITY) safety margin compared with two times for sinus P-wave sensing
Arrhythmia related Atrial flutter Sinus tachycardia (Figure 31-7).35
AF with small or widely — Far-field sensing of the tail end of the QRS complex by the
varying signal atrial channel is the most common cause of a false-positive AMS
amplitudes response. Such far-field sensing of the QRS complex (almost
Slow atrial tachycardia — always from a paced beat) causes VA cross-talk in opposite direc-
(actual or tion to the well-known form of AV cross-talk. Several investiga-
drug-induced) tors have studied the incidence of far-field R wave as recorded
Pacemaker related by an atrial-lead VDD system or a single-lead VDD system.36-38 In
general, unipolar As, paced QRS complex, longer dipole lengths
  Lead — Unipolar sensing (30 vs. 17.8 mm), and septal and low right atrial implants may
configurations (far-field sensing predispose to far-field R-wave sensing. In one study, at an atrial
and myopotentials)
sensitivity of 0.1 mV, all 30 bipolar leads had a far-field R wave
Low atrial lead
positions sensed.38 The median far-field QRS complex sensing threshold
Lead in the coronary was 0.3 mV, and it occurred at 67 to 202 ms following the VP
sinus stimuli. These have implications on the highest atrial sensitivity
Dual-site atrial or and the duration of blanking period needed. In addition to atrial
bi-atrial sensing sensitivity, VA cross-talk occurs when the PVAB is too short or
when the QRS is too long. Anything that prolongs the QRS
  Atrial sensitivity Insufficient atrial
sensitivity to sense  
complex (e.g., flecainide, amiodarone, or hyperkalemia) favors
AF such VA cross-talk. Without PVAB programmability, false AMS
from such far-field R-wave sensing can often be corrected by
  Atrial blanking Reduced sensed AT   Inadequate blanking decreasing the atrial sensitivity. Less commonly, oversensing of
rate in A–V interval and atrial signals can occur within the A-V interval. In such a case,
after ventricular the atrial blanking period connected to the initial part of the A-V
interval (post-atrial blanking period) must terminate before the
  A–V interval Reduced sensed AT   — A-V interval has timed out. Thus, double sensing of the P wave
rate (some devices) (near-field), especially caused by a large after-potential following
Ap or sensing of the early part of the spontaneous QRS complex
  PVARP Reduced sensed AT   PVARP-mediated
(far field), can occur within the A-V interval. Far-field sensing of
rate (some devices) AMS: AMS can
occur during sinus the spontaneous QRS complex during the A-V interval is prob-
tachycardia or ably less common than sensing the terminal part of the QRS
ectopy complex beyond the PVAB. The atrial channel can sense the early
part of the spontaneous QRS only if it is detected before the
  VA cross-talk — Increased sensed ventricular channel senses it as a near-field signal.
atrial rate
In some devices with algorithms based on the matched atrial
AF, Atrial fibrillation; AMS, automatic mode switching; AT, atrial tachycardia; rate or interval, AMS can occur following a series of short-long
AV, atrioventricular; PVARP, postventricular atrial refractory period. cycles, where the short cycles occur within the A-V interval
(As-Ar or Ar-As), despite the fact that the long cycles exceed
the duration of the tachycardia detection interval. Problems
related to As within the A-V interval could be eliminated by
extending the atrial blanking period to encompass the entire A-V
In the currently available devices, the postventricular atrial interval—either as a factory-set feature or by means of a special
refractory period (PVARP) is opened (completely or on a condi- programmable option. Signal detection during the A-V interval
tional high rate) to enhance AMS. In other words, sensing occurs beyond the atrial blanking period is designed to optimize the
in the second part of the PVARP beyond the PVAB. The latter detection of AF. Improved AMS algorithms should now make
is designed to prevent far-field R-wave sensing. Atrial undersens- sensing within the A-V interval unnecessary and obviate atrial
ing may occur because of an inappropriately long PVAB. Under- oversensing.
sensing can often be avoided by appropriate adjustment of the A low-lying atrial lead or one in the coronary sinus may pick
PVAB, provided the atrial channel exhibits no far-field sensing. up both atrial and ventricular signals. The recent use of dual-
The widely varying amplitude of atrial ECG in AF, both tempo- site—right-atrial (with a posteriorly situated lead near the coro-
rally in a patient and between patients, can result in AMS failure nary sinus) and bi-atrial—pacing necessitates special algorithms
when the atrial sensitivity is programmed incorrectly. During or optimal lead positioning to avoid far-field R-wave sensing or
electrophysiological study, acutely recorded atrial ECGs (ECGs) even double sensing of the P wave. The latter may occur when the
during AF and sinus rhythm show similar mean amplitude, but atrial conduction time between the two atrial sites is longer than
the variability in amplitude is substantially wider and the the atrial blanking period (Figure 31-8). The sensitivity and speci-
minimum amplitude considerably smaller in AF compared with ficity of AMS can now be validated by ECG and data storage of
sinus rhythm (minimum atrial ECG: 1.4 ± 1.1 and 2.0 ± 0.8 mV, current implanted devices.
Pacing Technology and Its Indications: Advances in Threshold Management, Automatic Mode Switching, and Sensors  405


60 60 60
(% of time)

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
A Programmed AS (mV)



80 80 80
FIGURE 31-6  Effect of programmed atrial sensitivity in

60 60 60 three mode switching pacemakers during persistent  

(% of time)

atrial fibrillation (AF). A, Significant undersensing of AF

40 40 40 began to occur when the sensitivity was above 1 mV.  
B, Minimum oversensing of noise occurred when the
20 20 20
sensitivity level was above 2 mV. (From Leung SK, Lau CP,
Lam CT, et al: Programmed atrial sensitivity: A critical
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 determinant in atrial fibrillation detection and optimal
automatic mode switching, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
B Programmed AS (mV) 21:2214–2219, 1998.)


100 Oversensing 100
Undersensing (% of time)
Oversensing (% of tests)

75 75 −1
50 50 100 MS SLEW RATE = 0.30V/S 3.0HV PEAK-PEAK

25 25 FIGURE 31-8  An atrial electrocardiogram recorded from a pacing

system analyzer from a wide atrial bipole (low right atrial as anode,
0 0
high right atrial as cathode) as used in dual-site right atrial pacing.
Note the wide separation of the atrial electrocardiogram and the
−25 −25
far-field R wave. AA, Right atrial appendage electrogram; CSOS, atrial
0 1 2 3 4
electrocardiogram just below CSOS; RV, far-field right ventricular
Programmed atrial sensitivities (mV) electrocardiogram. (From Lau CP, Leung SK, Tse HF, Barold SS:
Automatic mode switching of implantable pacemakers. I: Principles of
FIGURE 31-7  Optimal programmed atrial sensitivity level for mode instrumentation, clinical and hemodynamic considerations, Pacing Clin
switching. This occurred at 1.3 mV, which was three times the safety Electrophysiol 25:967–983, 2002.)
margin, compared with the sinus P wave. (From Leung SK, Lau CP, Lam
CT, et al: Programmed atrial sensitivity: A critical determinant in atrial
fibrillation detection and optimal automatic mode switching, Pacing Clin
Electrophysiol 21:2214–2219, 1998.) number of AF episodes, long duration of AF episodes, or both.
Indeed, recent studies suggest that asymptomatic episodes of
AF occur at least 12 times more frequently than do symptomatic
episodes in patients with implantable rhythm control devices.39,40
Automatic Mode Switching Diagnostics
Although these episodes may not be symptomatically relevant,
AMS diagnostics provide an assessment of the frequency their impact on thromboembolism and heart failure is probably
and pattern of AT episodes. These data may be useful for consid- similar to that of symptomatic episodes and may require similarly
eration of pacemaker mode reprogramming, such as from a aggressive treatment. Indeed, AMS was used 66% of the time in
dual-chamber mode to the VVIR mode when a patient develops patients with a known history of AT or AF and in 55% of the
permanent AF, and to assess the need for adjunctive antiarrhyth- time in patients without this history.39 However, the critical
mic and anticoagulation drug therapies in patients with a large issue is the specificity of the recorded episodes characterized as
406  Cardiac Pacing

High rate epis-A. data

12 Minutes
Intervals (ms)

400 DR

−4 −2 0 2 172 174 176 178 4066 4070 FIGURE 31-9  A recording of the atrial cycle length at
the onset, during, and at termination of an episode of
atrial fibrillation (AF) in a patient with paroxysmal AF
Sensed event with a Medtronic Thera DR pacemaker. An episode  
Paced event of high atrial rate beyond the atrial detection rate  
of 350 ms that lasted for more than 4000 cycles was
recorded. (From Lau CP, Leung SK, Tse HF, Barold SS:
Automatic mode switching of implantable pacemakers. I:
Stored EGM is not available
Principles of instrumentation, clinical and hemodynamic
considerations, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 25:967–983,

AT or AF, which is now better defined through recording of atrial

Mode switch epis A.
ECGs. Episodes detected = 255
A. Tachy rate (ppm)
Event Counters
AUG 16 17 : 15 >400
In general, event counters record the number of intrinsic and
pacemaker-mediated events that occur during an event recording AUG 16 16 : 47 >400
period. These counters are either triggered by the onset of a high
AUG 16 00 : 35 >400
atrial rate or AMS (Figure 31-9). Some current devices also allow
patients to trigger the event counter, using an external magnet, to AUG 16 00 : 21 283
record data for a preset number of beats. This feature is useful for
documentation and assessment of the pattern of symptomatic AF AUG 14 00 : 37 >400
episodes.41 Either the AMS counter or the atrial high rate episode
AUG 08 12 : 57 >400
monitor can be used for the detection and assessment of AT or
AF episodes. AUG 08 12 : 55 >400
The AMS counter records the actual number of mode switches
that occur. Previous studies on the Medtronic Thera DR pace- AUG 08 11 : 03 >400
maker have demonstrated that in 12% to 40% of patients, mode- AUG 08 00 : 48 >400
switching episodes were not attributed to AT. As described above,
the majority of inappropriate mode switching was due to far-field AUG 06 03 : 21 >400
R wave, or near-field A-wave sensing of atrial paced beats. Further-
AUG 02 08 : 26 >400
more, the mode switch count recorded is affected by the speed of
response, the sensitivity of the algorithm, and the speed of resyn- AUG 02 07 : 59 >400
chronization to sinus rhythm or atrial paced rhythm as well.42-50
Theoretically, the atrial high-rate episode monitor should be AUG 02 00 : 50 >00
independent of the mode switch algorithm and should be more JUL 29 10 : 30 >00
accurate than the AMS counter. For example, intermittent atrial
undersensing can mimic frequent short episodes of paroxysmal 0 1 2+ Hours
AF by registering repeated AMS (Figure 31-10). Seidl and col-
leagues suggested that optimal programming of the atrial high FIGURE 31-10  Mode switch episode log in the same patient as in
rate episode monitor in the Medtronic Thera DR pacemaker Figure 31-9 who developed persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) 4 years
could reliably detect AT with high sensitivity and specificity.44 later. Note the very close spacing between each recorded episode,
which gave an impression of very frequent paroxysms of AF. However,
However, false-negative detection during short episodes of AF
this was probably due to mode switching in and out of persistent AF
and false-positive detection due to far-field R-wave oversensing due to AF undersensing.
were still observed. A specific pattern of oscillations in the atrial
rate profile consistent with atrial oversensing has been described
(Figure 31-11). With additional criteria to exclude oversensing,
off-line analysis of the recorded signals can significantly reduce
false-positive detection to 2.9%.45
Pacing Technology and Its Indications: Advances in Threshold Management, Automatic Mode Switching, and Sensors  407

episodes may be useful for identification of inappropriate mode

switching. When mode switching episodes occur in the atrial rate
Histograms provide details of the pacing operation of the device of 175 to 250 beats/min, it may represent double counting because
(e.g., As-Vs, As-Vp, Ap-Vs, Ap-Vp, and ventricular ectopy) and of of oversensing either far-field or near-field events. Episodes where
the AMS operations and also provide the number of AF episodes the atrial rate is greater than 400 beats/min are likely to represent
(Figure 31-12). The rate histogram during the mode switch true AF, if lead fracture and myopotential sensing can be

High rate epis-A. Data

Stored Atrial Electrocardiogram
82 Seconds
>300 A number of devices have telemetered atrial ECGs that allow
250 online assessment of pacemaker operations. These are very useful
Rate (ppm)

200 DR
150 to assess atrial sensing issues when adjusting the parameters of
100 AMS. The incorporation of the stored atrial ECG data is very
50 useful in confirming the etiology of the recorded arrhythmia (see
−4 −2 0 2 22 24 26 28 128130132134 Figures 31-11 and 31-13). Atrial stored ECGs can increase the
accuracy of the event counters and identify the type of atrial
arrhythmias.47-50 They may provide important insight on the onset
Second event and termination of the arrhythmias (Figure 31-13). In a recent
Paced event
study, when atrial ECGs were available for confirmation, it was
found that as many as 62.7% of mode switching episodes were
2.410 erroneously executed.44 In patients with an implanted single-lead
Seconds of EGM VDD system, only 35% of 235 episodes of suspected AF were
confirmed as AF, whereas the other episodes were diagnosed to
be atrial undersensing.50 At present, most devices provide only
FIGURE 31-11  Double atrial sensing in a dual-site pacing device limited duration of stored atrial ECGs due to the limitation of
leading to rate fluctuation prior to atrial mode sensing (AMS). The pacemaker memory capability.
short-long sequence induced rate oscillation, and when the mean In Guidant pacemakers, the number of events and the duration
atrial rate was reached, sustained AMS was induced. Atrial of the dual-channel (atrial and ventricular) ECGs are program-
electrocardiogram clearly showed double P-wave sensing. (From Lau mable, being limited to a cumulative maximum of 40 seconds (2
CP, Leung SK, Tse HF, Barold SS: Automatic mode switching of implantable ECGs of 20 seconds’ duration or up to 20 ECGs of 2 seconds’
pacemakers. I: Principles of instrumentation, clinical and hemodynamic
duration). Some other devices allow the recording of a single-
considerations, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 25:967–983, 2002.)
channel compound ECG consisting of superimposed atrial and

Mode DDDR Date read: 27 Dec 2000 10:34

Sensor On Total time sampled: 184d 22h 44m 34s
Base rate 60 ppm Date last cleared: 23 Jun 2000 12:50
Hysteresis rate Off ppm
Rest rate Off ppm Percent of counts paced in atrium 33%
Max track rate 115 ppm Percent of counts paced in ventricle 38%
Max sensor rate 120 ppm Total time at max track rate 0d 0h 0m 28s
AV delay 225 ms Mode switch occurrences 4
PV delay 200 ms
Rate resp. AV/PV delay Off
Note: The above values were obtained
when the histogram was interrogated.


Percent of total time Percent of total time

50 51
Percent time

Percent time

7 1 5 3 2
<1 <1 <1 <1 0

PV PR AV AR PVE AMS 30 55 70 90 110 130 150 180 225 250 >250

Rate (ppm)

FIGURE 31-12  Pacemaker operation histogram from the Affinity DR (St. Jude Medical). Four episodes of mode switches were recorded. In addition,
the histograms showed that the patient was in atrial mode switching (AMS) for 35% of the time, which gives an idea of the amount of atrial fibrillation
burden during the recording period.
408  Cardiac Pacing


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 3 3
Recording suspended
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 for 12 min
P 6 P 6 P 6 P 6 P 6 P 6 P 6 P 6 P
7 7 7 8 7 7 8 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Onset


3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 8 8 8
3 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 8 6 6 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 P 1320 S 8 S 1380 P 8 P 8 P 8 P
6 1 6 6 6
0 0 0 0 0

FIGURE 31-13  Atrial electrocardiograms recording at the onset of atrial tachycardia (AT) (Model AT500, Medtronic, Inc.), validating an appropriate AT
detection. The AT lasted for about 12 minutes (recording suspended) and terminated spontaneously. AEGM, Atrial electrocardiogram; As, atrial sense;
Ap, atrial pace, AT, atrial tachycardia; MC, marker channel; Vp, ventricular pace; Vs, ventricular sense; Ts, tachycardia sense.

ventricular components in a single channel (AV or summed nodal ablation and DDDR pacing.58 In this study, 48 patients were
ECG). This combined arrangement may make it difficult to dif- randomly assigned to DDDR pacing with and without activation
ferentiate atrial flutter from far-field R-wave sensing by the atrial of AMS. It was found that the VVIR mode alone was the least
channel. ECG recordings can be programmed to be triggered by well tolerated, and the DDDR with mode switching was the most
AT, by other arrhythmias, and by an externally applied magnet acceptable (Figure 31-15). Patient-perceived well-being was supe-
during symptomatic episodes. The stored ECGs are able to dem- rior with AMS activated than with AMS inactivated, and early
onstrate the actual signals that triggered the recording, whether crossover was observed in 3% and 19% of patients, respectively.
or not an arrhythmia occurred. ECG storage in many pacemakers This study documented a short-term symptomatic benefit of
now begins at the time of the trigger. The standard for pacemakers AMS over conventional DDDR mode in a population with high
should be the storage of ECGs with annotations (these do not AT incidence.
consume much memory) at the start of the arrhythmia or from a Whether different AMS algorithms may have an impact on
predetermined time before the trigger. Such pacemakers are now symptoms was the subject of another study.59 Three different AMS
becoming available. onset criteria (mean atrial rate, “4 of 7” and “1 of 1”) of an AMS
algorithm were injected into an implanted DDDR pacemaker
(Thera DR models 7142, 7952, and 7960i; Medtronic, Inc.) in a
Atrial Fibrillation Burden
group of patients with frequent AT episodes. The faster AMS
Several clinical studies have attempted to use AMS diagnostics to criteria, 4 of 7 and 1 of 1, were better tolerated than were the slow-
evaluate the effects of Ap on the total burden of AF (both symp- onset criteria using mean atrial rate (Figure 31-16). Conversely, the
tomatic and asymptomatic episodes).51,52 This provides a powerful fast-responding algorithms led to shorter but more frequent epi-
tool to assess the effectiveness of a therapy to treat AF (Figure sodes of AF that were sensed, suggesting that the device may be
31-14). However, the accuracy of the measurement of AF burden switching in and out of AMS because of lack of stability. This study
by using the AMS diagnostics is limited by the following factors: demonstrated that different types of AMS algorithms might also
(1) the specificity and sensitivity of the AMS diagnostics as have an impact on patients’ symptoms. An inappropriate AMS
described, (2) the availability of the atrial stored ECG to confirm algorithm can have a deleterious effect on patients’ symptoms. For
AF, and (3) the storage capacity of the pacemaker data logs example, in the first version of the DDDR Meta, frequent mode
because the event counters in most pacemakers can easily be switching can result in AV dissociation, which may cause more
saturated. symptoms than AF itself.60 In patients with a high sinus rate, unde-
sirable mode switching will occur during sinus rhythm. The
extended ventricular escape interval caused by mode switching
Clinical Benefits
will prevent VP, as the device will function in a DDI/VVI mode.61
The hemodynamic benefits of maintaining a regular ventricular In the presence of a prolonged P-R interval, this may lead to a very
rate have been reported.53-57 Anecdotal reports of the symptom- long A-V interval and pacemaker syndrome.62
atic benefit of AMS and improvement of tachycardia-related Two recent studies on the stability of the sinus node after AV
symptoms by avoiding a rapid-paced ventricular rate at the onset nodal ablation questioned the long-term clinical benefit of
of AT are also available. A randomized, crossover, prospective AMS.63,64 In one study, after AV nodal ablation and implantation
study has reported on the addition of AMS in patients after AV of a DDDR device, patients were symptomatically better and
Pacing Technology and Its Indications: Advances in Threshold Management, Automatic Mode Switching, and Sensors  409

Jun 00 Aug 00 NO AT

Program/interrogate DDDR + MS DDDR

7% 13%
Drug change
CV/ablation/other 33%
AT/AF patient check

AT/AF total hrs/day 24

20 DDDR + MS
16 47%
AT/AF episodes/day >25
15 None 4%
ATP change DDDR 7%
>25 14%
Treated AT/AF 20
episodes/day 15
% ATP success 100
Antici-pace change

% Pacing/day 100 None

- A. total 75 14% VVIR
- A. ARS/APP 50 14% DDDR + MS/VVIR
25 14% 5%
% V pacing/day 100
75 DDDR + MS
50 51%
Jun 00 Aug 00

FIGURE 31-14  Atrial fibrillation (AF) diagnostics from a DDDR FIGURE 31-15  Preferred pacing modes in patients with and without
pacemaker with atrial tachycardia (AT)/AF therapy (AT500, Medtronic atrial tachycardia (AT) during a randomized mode study. DDDR with
Inc.). A period of persistent AF (June 2000) was documented by the atrial mode sensing activated (DDDR + MS) was the most preferred
total AF duration of nearly 24 hours per day. The corresponding atrial mode, independent of the presence of AT before implantation. (From
pacing was minimal in this pacemaker-dependent patient. Kamalvand K, Tam K, Kotsakis K, et al: Is mode switching beneficial? A
randomized study in patients with paroxysmal atrial tachyarrhythmias, J
Am Coll Cardiol 30:496–504, 1997.)

achieved better quality of life and NYHA class, compared with a

control group of patients with continuation of medical therapy.63
The long-term maintenance of sinus rhythm was poor in the the ablation and pacing procedure. However, should a dual
ablated and paced group. As many as 24% developed chronic AF chamber device be implanted after AV nodal ablation, AMS
by 12 months, necessitating reprogramming DDDR pacemakers remains an integral part of device therapy to avoid the occurrence
to the VVIR mode. In another study, 12 of 37 patients developed of rapid VP during AF.
chronic AF at 6 weeks after AV nodal ablation versus 0 of 19 in
those who continued medical treatment.64 The cause was most
Illustrative Types of Automatic Mode Switching
likely the withdrawal of antiarrhythmic medications after AV
nodal ablation but also possibly an atrial proarrhythmic effect of See material posted at www.expertconsult.com/.
410  Cardiac Pacing


120 3 25 23
103 2.5 20.4
100 2.5 20 18.2
80 2



60 1.5 1.4
39 10
40 1
20 0.4 5
20 0.5

0 0 0
MAI 4/7 1/1 MAI 4/7 1/1 MAI 4/7 1/1

FIGURE 31-16  Effect of different mode onset criteria on mode switch frequency and duration and symptoms. MA1, 4/7, 1/1, automatic mode
switching (AMS) algorithm based on the mean atrial rate, 4 of 7 high atrial rate events, or one atrial ectopy only. MAI, Matching atrial interval. (From
Marshall HJ, Kay GN, Hess M, et al: Mode switching in dual chamber pacemakers: Effect of onset criteria on arrhythmia-related symptoms, Europace 1:49–54,

Meta DDDR (Model 1254, Medtronic, Inc.), the Thera DR (Model

Follow-up and Troubleshooting
7940, Medtronic, Inc.) and the Relay (Model 293-03 Intermedics,
A detailed evaluation (based on pacemaker diagnostics and ambu- Inc.). Although an atrial sensitivity of 1 mV allowed correct sensing
latory recordings) of atrial arrhythmias both before and after of sinus rhythm in 13 of 14 patients (93%), only 43% of the patients
implantation is essential to select the type of AMS algorithms and had effective AMS during AF. A-V intervals between 120 and
programmed settings. It is essential during implantation to maxi- 200 ms were found to be most effective to detect AF, whereas AF
mize the amplitude of the atrial ECG in sinus rhythm and mini- sensing was reduced when a longer A-V interval was used. The use
mize the far-field R-wave signals by appropriate atrial lead of stringent criteria for AF detection might interfere with AMS
placement. A bipolar atrial lead should be implanted in a patient onset. This study points out the importance of adjusting the con-
expected to use AMS frequently. It may also be preferable to use a ventional pacing parameters to optimize AMS function.60
closely spaced atrial bipole to minimize far-field R-wave sensing. Overall experience with AMS has been satisfactory so far.
Because of the highly variable AF amplitudes, a routine setting Barring economic considerations, all pacemakers should possess
of nominal atrial sensitivity margin or two times the atrial sensi- an AMS function as one of their programmable options. AMS
tivity margin may not be adequate for optimal AT or AF detec- allows the benefits of AV synchrony to be extended to a popula-
tion. If an episode of AF becomes available, sensitivity adjustment tion with existing or threatened AF. These devices are indicated
can be guided by the measured amplitude of the atrial ECG. in all patients with the bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome. They
Leung and associates have suggested that the optimal atrial sen- should also be considered in patients with sinus node disease
sitivity setting for AMS appears to be at three times versus two without paroxysmal AF, obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
times the detected amplitude of the atrial ECG in sinus rhythm.35 thy, or any condition that predisposes patients to paroxysmal AF.
Incorrect programming of these parameters (or suboptimal Indeed, like the rate-adaptive function (R), it could be argued that
pacemaker design) may create a number of problems, including all patients should receive a device with AMS capability because
loss of specificity, such as sensing sinus tachycardia on exercise as it is not possible to predict which patients will eventually develop
pathologic tachycardia, withholding AMS because of inappropri- AF (or atrial chronotropic incompetence in the case of the rate-
ate selection of atrial sensitivity, atrial blanking periods and adaptive function). Many algorithms have been used by different
related timing cycles, or all of these. manufacturers, and these algorithms do not all behave similarly.
AMS failure caused by atrial events occurring within the atrial Optimal care of the patient with a pacemaker requires a thorough
blanking periods was reported in a series of 7 patients with Meta knowledge of his or her arrhythmia history, atrial ECG amplitude
DDDR (Model 1254).60 All patients experienced palpitations. In 6 (in sinus rhythm and AT), basic timing cycles required for all
of 7 patients, AMS failure was due to atrial flutter, with alternate AMS algorithms, and the characteristics of the various available
flutter waves falling within the atrial blanking periods (values: algorithms.
120 ms after atrial sensed/paced event and 150 ms for PVAB). In
these patients, relatively slow atrial flutter was related to drugs
used to control AF. By either shortening the A-V interval or pro- Implantable Sensors
longing the A-V interval and PVARP so that flutter waves could
be sensed outside the atrial blanking interval, normal AMS func- In the presence of abnormal cardiac automaticity and conduction,
tion was restored. In 1 of 6 patients, the cause of AMS failure was physiological pacing aims to maintain the heart rate and restore
due to a low atrial ECG amplitude during AF, and it was corrected the sequence of cardiac activation. It is assumed that sensors
by reprogramming atrial sensitivity. should mimic the behavior of the healthy sinus node response to
Palma and colleagues systematically evaluated the effect of exercise and nonexercise needs. The atrial ECG can be used for
varying atrial sensitivity, A-V interval, and detection criteria for rate control when sinoatrial function is adequate. However, a high
AMS in 18 patients.65 Pacemaker models studied included the proportion of pacemaker recipients have either established or
Pacing Technology and Its Indications: Advances in Threshold Management, Automatic Mode Switching, and Sensors  411

progressive abnormal sinoatrial function occurring either at rest exercise, body movements (especially those produced by heel
or during exercise. Such chronotropic incompetence is commonly
caused by medications or ischemia or occurs in association with
sick sinus syndrome. In addition, the atrium may be unreliable for
sensing or pacing in some patients (such as during AF or parox-
strike during walking) result in changes in acceleration forces that
act on the pacemaker. Sensors that are capable of measuring the
acceleration or vibration forces in the pulse generator are broadly
referred to as activity sensors. The sensing of body vibrations is,
ysmal AT), so it is necessary to use sensors as an alternative means therefore, a simple way to indicate the onset of exercise. Techni-
to simulate sinus node responsiveness. These problems prompted cally, detection of body movement can be achieved using a piezo-
the development of nonatrial implantable sensors for cardiac electric crystal, an accelerometer, a tilt switch, or an inductive
pacing. In addition, the role of sensors has also been expanded to sensor. Each of these devices transduces the motion of the sensor
include functions other than rate augmentation, such as the mon- either directly into voltage or indirectly into measurable changes
itoring of cardiac hemodynamics during heart failure and ven- in the electrical resistance of the crystal. Although it is a tertiary
tricular arrhythmias. Although a number of implantable sensors sensor, activity is the most widely used control parameter in rate-
to detect exercise have been proposed or instrumented in pacing adaptive pacing because of its ease of implementation and its
devices, to date, no single sensor has the ability to simulate the compatibility with standard unipolar and bipolar pacing leads.
ideal sinus rhythm behavior. Minimal or no energy expenditure is required for such a system,
and because the sensor does not need to have contact with body
fluid, it is usually stable over time. Other advantages are that all
Sensor Classification
the hardware is within the pacemaker case, it does not depend on
Sensors derived from a common technical principle share similar the electrode arrangement, and it can be used with standard
hardware requirements and sensor stability as well as similar unipolar and bipolar pacing electrodes. This makes it ideal for
drawbacks and limitations.66 Thus, it is more practical to classify combining it with other sensors and for pacemaker upgrading. It
sensors according to the technical methods that are used to is used often as a backup sensor when a new sensor is being
measure the sensed parameter (Table 31-4). During isotonic investigated. However, as a group, because body movement has

Table 31-4  Major Classes of Sensors Used in Rate-Responsive Pacing*



Vibration sensing Body movement Activitrax, Legend, Thera, DX2, Medtronic, Inc.
Kappa Pacesetter
Sensolog, Sensorhythm, Trilogy Intermedics
Relay, Dash, Marathon CPI
Excel Biotronik
Ergos Sorin

Impedance sensing Respiratory rate Biorate Biotec

Minute ventilation Chorus RM ELA Medical
Legend plus, DX2, Kappa Medtronic, Inc.
Stroke volume, pre-ejection period, Precept CPI
right ventricular ejection time
Ventricular inotropic parameter Diplos, Inos Biotronik

Ventricular evoked response Evoked Q-T interval TX, Quintech, Rhythmx Vitatron
Evoked R-wave area (“gradient”) Prism CL Telectronics


Special sensors on pacing electrode Central venous temperature Kelvin 500 Cook Pacemakers
Nova MR Intermedics

Thermos Biotronik
dP/dt Deltatrax, Model 2503 Medtronic, Inc.
Right atrial pressure
Pulmonary arterial pressure
Peak endocardial acceleration Best of Living Sorin

Mixed venous oxygen saturation OxyElite Medtronic, Inc.
Catecholamine levels Siemens

*Classified according to method of technical realization.

dP/dt, Rate of change in pressure.
412  Cardiac Pacing

only a loose relationship to workload, the sensor-indicated rate sensors that detect right ventricular dP/dt as an index of contrac-
has low proportionality, and physical activities that do not involve tility and an accelerator sensor at the tip of a pacing lead to
body movement will not be detected by these sensors. monitor the peak endocardial acceleration, which has the possi-
Impedance is a measure of all factors that oppose the flow of bility for optimizing the AV interval.73-81
electric current and is derived by measuring resistance to an
injected subthreshold electric current across a tissue. This prin-
Characteristics of an Ideal Rate-Adaptive Pacing System
ciple has been used extensively for measuring respiratory param-
eters and relative stroke volume in situations involving invasive The normal human sinus node increases the rate of its spontane-
monitoring.67,68 The elegant simplicity of impedance has enabled ous depolarization during exercise in a manner that is linearly
it to be used with implantable pacing leads, including both stan- related to oxygen consumption (VO2). Because this response
dard pacing leads and specialized multi-electrode catheters. The undoubtedly has evolutionary advantages, the goal of rate-
pulse generator casing has been used as one electrode for the adaptive pacemakers that modulate pacing rate by artificial
measurement of impedance in most of these pacing systems. sensors has been to simulate the chronotropic characteristics of
Impedance can be used to detect relative changes in ventilatory the sinus node (Table 31-5). However, it is uncertain whether the
mechanics, right ventricular mechanical function, or their com- sinus node provides the ideal rate response in patients who
bination. Relative motions between electrodes for impedance require permanent pacemakers. Nevertheless, until evidence indi-
sensing also lead to changes in impedance measured, and this is cating otherwise becomes available, rate-adaptive pacemakers
inversely related to the number of electrodes used to measure will strive to reproduce this physiological standard. Keeping these
impedance. In rate-adaptive pacemakers, motion artifacts are uncertainties in mind, the ideal rate-adaptive pacing system
usually the result of arm movements that cause the pulse genera- should provide pacing rates that are proportional to the level of
tor to move within the prepectoral pocket, thereby changing the metabolic demand. One of the best indicators of sensor propor-
relative electrode separation between the pacemaker and the tionality is the correlation between the sensor-indicated pacing
intracardiac electrodes.69 Because arm movement accompanies rate and the level of oxygen consumption during exercise (Figure
normal walking, these artifacts in the impedance signal occur 31-17). In general, parameters such as minute ventilation and the
with both walking and upper limb exercises. Similarly, exogenous paced Q-T interval are proportional sensors. Some sensors using
electrical interference such as diathermy may lead to erroneous specialized pacing leads are also highly proportional. For example,
sensing. a properly functioning SvO2 sensor will result in a rate closely
The intracardiac ventricular ECG resulting from a supra- related to oxygen consumption during exercise.
threshold pacing stimulus has been used to provide several
parameters that can guide rate modulation. The area under the
curve inscribed by the depolarization phase of the paced ventricu-
lar ECG (the intracardiac R wave) has been termed the ventricular Table 31-5  Characteristics of an Ideal Sensor
depolarization gradient or paced depolarization integral (PDI).70 for Rate-Responsive Pacing
In addition to depolarization, the total duration of depolarization
and repolarization can be estimated by the interval from the
pacing stimulus to the intracardiac T wave (the Q-T or stimulus-T SENSOR CONSIDERATIONS
interval). Both these parameters are sensitive to changes in heart
Proportionality Oxygen saturation sensing has good
rate and circulating catecholamines and can be derived from the
paced intracardiac ECG with conventional pacing electrodes.
Because a large polarization effect occurs after a pacing stimulus, Speed of response Activity sensing has the best speed of
a modified waveform of the output pulse that compensates for response.
after-potentials is needed to eliminate this effect so that these Sensitivity QT sensing can detect non–exercise-related
parameters can be accurately measured. changes such as anxiety reaction.
The last group of sensors comprises those that are incorpo-
rated into the pacing lead. These dedicated sensors allow the Specificity Activity sensing is affected by
chemical compositions of the bloodstream or intracardiac hemo- environmental vibration.
Respiratory sensing is affected by voluntary
dynamics to be measured and may result in a more physiological
sensor system. However, the long-term stability of these sensors
is questionable. They are also energy expensive. Examples of these TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS
specialized leads include thermistors (used to measure blood
Stability Stability of early pH sensor was a problem.
temperature), piezoelectric crystals (used to measure right ven-
tricular pressure), optical sensors (used to measure oxygen Size Large size or requirement for additional
[SvO2]), and accelerometers at the tip of pacing leads. Some of electrodes may be a problem.
these sensors measure highly physiological parameters. These Energy consumption must not unduly harm
include the measurement of pH, catecholamines, SvO2, and right pacemaker longevity.
ventricular pressure.71,72 Energy consumption must not unduly harm
pacemaker longevity.
These sensors have only a limited application in the field of
rate-adaptive pacing because their long-term stability in the blood Biocompatibility It is important for the sensor to be in direct
environment is questionable, but some important developments contact with the bloodstream.
have occurred in this field, and these sensors may open the
Ease of programming Programming was difficult in early
possibility for ambulatory monitoring of intracardiac environ-
QT-sensing pacemakers.
ment using an implanted device;. Included in this group are
Pacing Technology and Its Indications: Advances in Threshold Management, Automatic Mode Switching, and Sensors  413






Pacing rate (beats/min)

FIGURE 31-17  Brief activities are used

to evaluate the proportionality of rate
80 response of some common sensors.
Maximal heart rate was derived from a
3-minute walking test done at different
60 speeds (1.2 and 2.5 mph) and on different
slopes (0% and 15%). No significant
change in pacing rate was observed when
40 patients with the Sensology pacemaker
ascended an incline, whereas the pacing
rate decreased significantly in patients
20 with the Activitrax during the same
activity. NS, Not significant; *, P < .05;
**, P < .01; ***, P < .001; Tx, QT sensing
0 pacemaker. (From Lau CP, Butrous GS,
Normal Activitrax Sensolog TX Biorate Meta Deltatrax Ward DE, et al: Comparison of exercise
performance of six rate-adaptive right
1.2 MPH 0% 2.5 MPH 0% 2.5 MPH 15% ventricular cardiac pacemakers, Am J
Cardiol 63:833–838, 1989.)

In addition, an appropriate speed of response of the pacing rate within 2 minutes of beginning an ordinary activity such as
to the onset of and recovery from exercise is an essential feature walking. The respiratory rate and the right ventricular dP/dt
of a rate-adaptive pacing system. The change in pacing rate should sensors had a longer delay time. The slowest sensor to respond to
occur with the kinetics (or speed of response) of a sensor that is exercise was an early version of the QT-sensing pacemaker, which
similar to that of the sinus node. An anticipatory response of the required up to 1 minute to initiate a rate response, and the
heart rate occurs in many individuals before exercise. With both maximal change in pacing rate was attained only in the recovery
supine and upright isotonic exercises, heart rate and cardiac period following a short duration of exercise.
output increase within 10 seconds of the onset of exercise.82,83 Exercise is but one of the many physiological requirements for
Both cardiac output and sinus rate increase exponentially, with a variation in heart rate. Emotions such as anxiety may trigger a
half-time that ranges from 10 to 45 seconds, the rate of rise being substantial change in heart rate. The sinus rate is higher when an
proportional to the intensity of work.82 At the termination of individual moves from the supine posture to the upright posture,
upright exercise, a delay of approximately 5 to 10 seconds occurs with a fall in the cardiac output. Isometric exercise also results in
before cardiac output starts to decrease, followed by an exponen- an increase in cardiac output and heart rate in most individuals.
tial fall with a half-time of 25 to 60 seconds. If the rate decay is The changes in heart rate that occur during various physiological
faster than is physiologically appropriate, adverse hemodynamic maneuvers (e.g., Valsalva maneuver), baroreceptor reflexes, and
consequences may occur in the presence of a substantial drop in anxiety reactions may also be potentially important. An appropri-
heart rate. In one study, pacing rate was reduced either abruptly ate compensatory heart rate response is especially important in
or gradually after identical exercise, and it was shown that an pathophysiological conditions such as anemia, acute blood loss,
appropriately modulated rate recovery was associated with a or other causes of hypovolemia. The artificial sensor should be
higher cardiac output, lower sinus rate, and faster lactate clear- sensitive enough to detect exercise needs and nonexercise needs
ance than with an unphysiological rate recovery pattern. Appro- for changes in heart rate and yet be specific enough not to be
priate adjustment of the rate recovery curve is important to affected by unrelated signals arising from both internal and exter-
enhance recovery from exercise. nal environments. Although the ideal sensor should provide these
The exercise responses of six different types of rate-adaptive functional characteristics, it must also be technically feasible to
pacemakers (with sensors for activity, Q-T interval, respiratory implement, with a reliability that is acceptable with modern
rate, minute ventilation, and right ventricular dP/dt) were com- implantable pacemakers (see Table 31-5).
pared with normal sinus rate in one study (Figure 31-18).84 The The overall chronotropic response obtained with a rate-
results of this study demonstrated that the activity-sensing pace- adaptive pacing system is dependent on three major factors: (1)
makers best simulated the normal speed of rate response at the the intrinsic properties of the rate-control parameter, (2) the algo-
start of exercise. The rate response of activity sensors is usually rithm used to relate changes in the sensed parameter into changes
immediate (no delay time), and the time needed to attain half the in pacing rate, and (3) the way in which the pacing system is
maximal change in rate occurred within 45 seconds from the programmed. Each of these factors can dramatically change the
onset of exercise. The maximal change in pacing rate is reached rate modulation actually observed with a rate-adaptive pacing
414  Cardiac Pacing

180 Sensolog
160 TX
140 Biorate

Time (s)
120 MS
60 MS
DT T1/2 T90

FIGURE 31-18  Speed of rate response of different pacemakers during walking at a nominal speed (2.5 mph at 0% gradient). The normal sinus rate
responds almost immediately, one half of the change being achieved in less than 30 seconds and most of the change within 1 minute. This speed of
response was most closely simulated by the activity-sensing pacemakers. Significant differences were derived by comparing the response times of
each pacemaker (T 1 2 and T90) with those of the normal sinus response. Ninety percent of the maximal rate for this exercise was reached within the
exercise period in all patients, except in those with the QT-sensing pacemaker (TX), and these patients achieved this pacing rate only in the recovery
phase. DT, Delay time; T 1 2 and T90, times needed to reach 50% and 90% of maximal heart rate. (From Lau CP, Butrous GS, Ward DE, et al: Comparison of
exercise performance of six rate-adaptive right ventricular cardiac pacemakers, Am J Cardiol 63:833–838, 1989.)

system. In addition, an appropriate rate-control algorithm or questionnaire, and objective improvement by standardized daily
clever programming can overcome the intrinsic limitations of activity protocols and graded treadmill testing. Subjective percep-
many sensors. In contrast, inappropriate programming of a tion of exercise capacity and functional status was significantly
pacing system can distort the chronotropic response of an other- reduced in the VVI mode compared with the VVIR modes.
wise ideal sensor, which will result in a poor clinical outcome. However, no clear advantage of dual-sensor VVIR pacing over
Thus, clinical input is required to achieve optimal results with any activity sensor pacing was demonstrated. Four of the 10 patients
rate-adaptive pacemaker. preferred the activity VVIR mode, 3 preferred the dual-sensor
mode, and 3 had no preference. Three patients found dual-sensor
VVIR the least acceptable, 3 patients found minute ventilation
Sensor Combination
least acceptable, and 1 patient found both dual-sensor and minute
See material at www.expertconsult.com/. ventilation sensor pacing unacceptable. There was no significant
difference in the objective performance among the 3 VVIR modes.
These are not unexpected results, which suggests that no major
differences exist among sensors and their combinations in gross
See material at www.expertconsult.com/. clinical terms. However, the overall numbers of patients studied
were small and hence the data do not have sufficient statistical
power to unveil less-than-major differences, which may be impor-
Clinical Outcome
tant for assessing the long-term effects of a pacing mode. The
The ultimate goal of pacemaker therapy is to improve symptoms difficulty of multiple comparisons and the order of pacing modes
and quality of life, and these criteria have been used to compare studied are further limitations. Lukl and colleagues also assessed
pacing modes. In terms of symptomatology, VVIR pacing is supe- quality of life with regard to cardiovascular symptoms, physical
rior to VVI pacing. However, the overall contribution of improved activity, psychosocial and emotional functioning, and self-
control of symptoms to enhanced quality of life is probably small perceived health during DDD and dual-sensor VVIR pacing.86
in the usual pacemaker recipient in whom quality of life is already Significant improvement during DDD pacing was demonstrated
close to that of age-matched normal individuals.85 No compara- in all subgroups of patients (sick sinus syndrome, patients with
tive study of sensors and their effects on symptomatology or chronotropic competence or incompetence, and patients with
quality of life has yet been completed. A patient-randomized, high-degree AV block). The overall result shows that DDD pacing
double-blinded crossover study was done in 10 patients using the offers better quality of life than does dual-sensor VVIR pacing.
combined activity and minute ventilation dual-sensor VVIR pace- Thus, dual-sensor VVIR pacing cannot compensate for the lack
maker for-high grade AV block and chronic or persistent parox- of AV synchrony. Because most rate-adaptive pacemakers have an
ysmal AF. The patients in this study performed 2 weeks of activity sensor, it is of interest if the addition of a minute ventila-
out-of-hospital activity in the activity only, minute ventilation tion sensor contributes to better clinical performance. A prelimi-
only, and dual-sensor VVIR and VVI modes. Patients were nary study suggests that, although the maximal exercise capacity
assessed on their perceived general well-being by using visual may not be affected by the combined sensor, better rate-
analog scale scores, Specific Activities Scale functional status adaptation profiles may enhance quality of life.87
Pacing Technology and Its Indications: Advances in Threshold Management, Automatic Mode Switching, and Sensors  415
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Pacemaker Insertion, Revision,
and Extraction
Mark H. Schoenfeld
It would be too ambitious an undertaking to address in a single intravenous placement—this should be ipsilateral to the antici-
chapter such diverse pacemaker themes as implantation, revision, pated site of implant so as to allow for dye injection and radio-
and extraction. This chapter, however, presents the author’s per- graphic imaging of central venous anatomy in cases where
sonal perspective on the subject(s). The goal is to provide infor- percutaneous subclavian or cephalic vein access is difficult—
mation that is readable for clinicians and students in the field, should also be considered preoperatively. The anticoagulated
without being overly encyclopedic. patient poses a particular challenge both preoperatively and peri-
operatively. Warfarin (Coumadin) is generally withdrawn to
achieve an international normalized ratio (INR) of less than 2;
Implantation cephalic cutdown and strict hemostasis are encouraged; and war-
farin is resumed postoperatively, preferably without the adjunct
As with most things in life, preparation is everything; that is, one of intravenous heparin or enoxaparin (with which significant
must “plan the work, then work the plan.” The determination to pocket hematomas have occurred). Some have demonstrated,
embark on pacemaker implantation includes the assumption that however, that implantation may take place without withholding
the implanter has had the appropriate degree of training, has warfarin and without untoward bleeding problems.
maintained proficiency in this area, and understands the specific The choice (and number) of leads must also be considered.
indications for a particular procedure as delineated in the ACC/ Passive-fixation leads are typically associated with less elevation
AHA/HRS guidelines for device implantation. The maintenance in acute threshold level, but active-fixation leads may be selected
of a minimum procedural volume is essential, and, indeed, the when potential dislodgment is a significant concern. This might
number of implants performed by an individual is inversely be anticipated, for example, in cases of smooth-walled dilated
related to the development of complications at the time of implan- right ventricles, amputated atrial appendages in patients having
tation. In addition, preparation entails anticipation of all the undergone earlier open-heart surgery, or right ventricular outflow
resources and personnel required to perform the operation, tract lead positioning. In addition, active-fixation leads may be
including a sterile operating arena (whether operating room or more easily removed in the unlikely event that extraction is a
catheterization laboratory), standard operating room instru- future consideration. Pacing configuration (unipolar vs. bipolar)
ments, pacemaker leads and generators, corresponding pacer is also an important issue to contemplate. On the one hand, uni-
programmers, pacer system analyzers, anesthesia/sedation, fluo- polar leads are typically smaller in diameter and easier to intro-
roscopy, and emergency equipment (e.g., pericardiocentesis sets). duce; in many cases, two unipolar leads may be introduced
The presence of an experienced nurse or technician who can primarily through a single venotomy or even through a single
make the necessary threshold determinations is also indispens- peel-away introducer. However, unipolar systems have many
able. The role of the “pacemaker manufacturer’s representative” potential disadvantages, including myopectoral stimulation, myo-
in this regard remains highly controversial and continues to raise potential inhibition, and sensing of unipolar spikes by simultane-
both quality assurance issues and ethical concerns. ously implanted defibrillators. On the other hand, bipolar lead
Deciding on an operating strategy is crucial. This is especially systems have had a number of associated advisories related to
true in complicated cases—patients with pre-existing pacer or insulation degradation and subclavian crush syndrome. Compat-
defibrillator systems with pacer dependence; patients with con- ibility of the selected lead(s) with the designated pulse generator
genital cardiovascular abnormalities such as persistent superior must be ensured.
vena cava syndrome with previous demonstration of subclavian Epicardial or subxiphoid placement of pacer systems is typi-
vein thrombosis; or patients in whom individualization of therapy cally reserved for those individuals who cannot undergo effective
dictates something “special” (e.g., contralateral placement in a pacing via the transvenous route (e.g., a patient who has a
mastectomy patient, placement of the device as a function of the mechanical tricuspid valve replacement) or who are simultane-
patient’s left-handedness or right-handedness, or cosmetic con- ously undergoing thoracotomy for other reasons. Limited surgical
cerns necessitating a submammary implant). approaches using a trans-atrial implantation technique have also
The use of antibiotic prophylaxis before implantation has long been described.
been debated. Meta-analysis, however, suggests that prophylaxis Transvenous pacing is usually the preferred route, with use of
may, indeed, be very important in minimizing device-related the cephalic vein, the subclavian vein, or the axillary vein; it is rare
infections. Generally, an antistaphylococcal antibiotic is adminis- to employ the external or internal jugular veins. Identification of
tered “on-call” to the procedure with continuation of this antibi- a reasonably sized brachial or antecubital vein by placing a tour-
otic for 24 hours following the implantation. The site of peripheral niquet around the arm is a good predictor that the patient will

418  Cardiac Pacing

FIGURE 32-1  Isolation of cephalic vein.

FIGURE 32-2  Insertion of lead through venotomy in cephalic vein.

have a usable cephalic vein more proximally. After meticulous

preparation, draping, and administration of local anesthesia, a
circumlinear incision is made; dissection follows down to the
delto-pectoral fat pad, beneath which courses the cephalic vein
(Figure 32-1). Many implanters choose to access the subclavian
vein percutaneously before making such an incision, in the belief
that the anatomies of the clavicle and the first rib are better appre-
ciated “from the outside.” Nothing, however, precludes using the
subclavian approach from within the incision if the cephalic vein
is not encountered. The distinct advantages to looking for the
cephalic vein first are as follows: (1) It avoids the potential risk of
pneumothorax, subclavian artery puncture associated with
attempts at subclavian vein puncture, or both; (2) it may avoid
trauma to the lead incurred in the subclavian crush syndrome or
associated with the peel-away introducer technique; (3) it pro-
vides yet another avenue of access not available to those implant-
ers who are accustomed to only the subclavian puncture technique,
and (4) in cases of subsequent revision, it allows the use of an
unused subclavian vein. Ligatures are applied proximally and dis-
tally to the site of the venotomy (Figure 32-2). It is particularly
important to tie off the distal ligature (usually with 3-0 silk) before
introducing the lead to prevent significant back-bleeding should
a small cephalic vein avulse with manipulation. Vein lifts that are FIGURE 32-3  Insertion of guidewire through cephalic vein; first lead
typically supplied with the pacemaker electrodes can be abrasive; already inserted through venotomy.
the author prefers to use a curved iris forceps. The lead should be
visually inspected before introducing it to ensure that no defects
are present at the very outset before manipulation.
Often a venotomy through the cephalic vein will accommodate
both atrial and ventricular leads. Occasionally, only one (or fluoroscopic visualization of the advancing introducer may be
neither) may be introduced primarily, because the vein is either helpful to track its course along the guidewire. Percutaneous sub-
too small or tortuous. In such cases, one may consider introduc- clavian vein access has been made possible largely by the peel-
ing a guidewire through the cephalic vein and then using a peel- away introducer technique, which allows access to be achieved
away introducer technique through the cephalic vein to introduce through the Seldinger technique and removal of the sheath sub-
one or both leads (Ong-Barold technique; see Figures 32-3 and sequently from the retained pacemaker lead. A variety of tech-
32-4). Again, great care should be taken while advancing the niques has been reported. The subclavian window approach
introducer (use of a Gerard forceps to raise the flap of the venot- entails puncturing near the apex of the angle formed by the first
omy may be helpful here) to avoid avulsing the cephalic vein, and rib and clavicle and aiming medially and in the cephalic direction.
Pacemaker Insertion, Revision, and Extraction   419


FIGURE 32-5  Fluoroscopic visualization of introducer needle for

FIGURE 32-4  Insertion of peel-away introducer over guidewire obtaining subclavian vein access.
through cephalic vein; first lead already inserted through venotomy.

The medial aspect of this approach has a better success rate and
a lower risk of pneumothorax and vascular injury compared with
a more lateral entry because the vein is a larger target and the
apex of the lung is more laterally situated. The tighter binding
between the first rib and clavicle may, however, result in the sub-
clavian crush phenomenon with insulation failure, particularly in
the case of bipolar coaxial polyurethane leads. The “safe intro-
ducer technique,” as described by Byrd, relates to a safety zone
between the first rib and clavicle, extending laterally from the
sternum in an arc. More lateral approaches may avoid soft tissue
entrapment (subclavius muscle, costocoracoid ligament, and cos-
toclavicular ligament) and may, therefore, extend lead longevity.
Cannulation of the extrathoracic portion of the subclavian vein
(the axillary vein) has been increasingly used, with puncture made
anteriorly to the first rib, maneuvering posteriorly and medially,
but remaining lateral to the juncture of the first rib and clavicle;
in the more lateral locations, care must be taken to avoid punctur-
ing the subclavian artery. The use of radiography has been advo-
cated during the introduction of needles, whatever may be the
technique chosen, to confirm point of entry and subsequent tra- FIGURE 32-6  Peripheral dye injection for venography to guide
jectory (Figure 32-5); in some cases, dye injection with venogra- needle for subclavian vein access.
phy may facilitate venipuncture (Figure 32-6), particularly in cases
where access has been difficult and the risk of subclavian vein
thrombosis exists. This may be particularly effective in guiding
venipuncture when using the axillary vein approach. Occasion- pacemaker lead, which obviates the need for a second venipunc-
ally, Doppler techniques to facilitate vein localization and veni- ture (Figure 32-7); alternatively, two guidewires may be passed
puncture may be used. In patients who have superior vena cava, through a single percutaneous introducer with subsequent sliding
innominate vein obstruction, or both, stent dilation has been of the introducer over each guidewire separately to provide inde-
considered to achieve access without going to the contralateral pendent access for each of two pacing leads. Occasionally, a
chest. Once access to the subclavian vein has been achieved, an recently introduced lead may cause problems (e.g., a need to
incision must be made to allow for the development of the pocket switch from a passive fixation to active fixation lead) with loss of
if the puncture was percutaneous and not from within the wound. previously established venous access. In such cases, a blade may
The peel-away-introducer technique then allows for passage of be used to slit the insulation of the lead to be sacrificed, a guide-
the introducer over the guidewire and subsequent passage of the wire wedged through this insulation, and the lead advanced with
pacemaker lead through the introducer. If the leads are small a guidewire as a unit so that the guidewire enters the vascular
(especially if unipolar), both may be guided through a single intro- space. With the guidewire held in place, the lead to be sacrificed
ducer. More commonly, the guidewire is retained after passage of may be advanced slightly so as to disengage it from the guidewire;
the first lead to allow for the passage of a second introducer and in this manner, the guidewire is retained within the vascular
420  Cardiac Pacing

FIGURE 32-7  Peel-away introducer technique with retained wire for

subclavian access.
FIGURE 32-9  Prolapse of ventricular lead across tricuspid valve.


FIGURE 32-8  Insertion of guidewire under insulation of lead to be

sacrificed, to re-establish venous access.

FIGURE 32-10  Passage of ventricular lead into right ventricular

space, the old lead may be removed, and a new lead may be outflow tract, with plan to pull back and allow lead to “drop” into right
placed through a peel-away introducer placed over the guidewire ventricular apex (subtraction image).
(Figure 32-8). The technique required for lead manipulation may
vary as a function of the lead used and the cardiac chamber to be
accessed. For right ventricular apex positioning, one approach is
to prolapse the lead across the tricuspid valve (Figure 32-9). The if these have been recently placed. In addition, placement of the
other commonly employed approach is to create a curve on the leads may result in the induction of ventricular arrhythmias and
stylet and guide the lead to the right ventricular outflow tract, trauma to the atrioventricular node or right bundle (of great
subsequently withdrawing the lead until it drops into the right concern in patients with pre-existing left bundle branch block),
ventricular apex position (Figure 32-10); this approach ensures dictating the need for backup equipment for external pacing and
that passage has been achieved into the right side of the heart and defibrillation. Placement of the ventricular lead in patients with
reduces the inadvertent placement of the lead into the coronary persistent left superior vena cava may be particularly challenging.
sinus. With any lead manipulation, great care must be undertaken The loop-de-loop technique is used in which the lead enters the
to avoid dislodgment of other leads already in place, particularly dilated coronary sinus from the left superior vena cava and is
Pacemaker Insertion, Revision, and Extraction   421

banked off the right atrial wall to re-enter the right ventricular approaches may on occasion be used. Engaging the coronary
apex. An active fixation lead is recommended for stabilization of
position in this case (Figure 32-11). Occasionally patients may
require placement of the lead in the right ventricular outflow
tract; for example, to minimize electrical interaction with a previ-
sinus can be difficult, especially in patients who have undergone
previous cardiac surgery; it is most easily achieved via left-sided
implantation. Of the many techniques that have been devised, the
most common one is cannulation of the coronary sinus, which
ously implanted right ventricular apex defibrillator lead, an active may be achieved with a deflectable electrophysiology catheter and
fixation bipolar lead should be employed (Figure 32-12). The confirmed by obtaining left atrial recordings. Thereafter, a sheath
optimal position for right ventricular pacing to promote cardiac may be advanced over the electrophysiology catheter, which is
hemodynamics (e.g., apical versus outflow tract) is still being then removed. Balloon-occlusive venography with dye injection
debated, but to date, no definitive answer has been found. may then delineate the coronary sinus anatomy and allow for
Biventricular pacing has been increasingly used as a method subsequent placement of a coronary sinus lead into a branch
to facilitate cardiac resynchronization therapy, most commonly allowing for biventricular pacing. This may require tracking of
during defibrillator placement and, to a lesser extent, to alleviate the lead along a guidewire, a so-called over-the-wire approach.
symptoms of heart failure in patients who are not candidates for Alternative methods to engage the coronary sinus ostium include
defibrillator implantation. Placement of a second ventricular lead searching with a glidewire over which a sheath is subsequently
to enable left ventricular pacing has been accomplished via advanced and using special preformed catheters such as Amplatz
the coronary sinus approach, though epicardial or trans-septal catheters that allow for subsequent passage of a guidewire once
the ostium is localized. On occasion, guidewires or glidewires
may be necessary to maintain access within the coronary sinus
while a separate sheath-guidewire combination is used to pass the
coronary sinus lead. Fixation of coronary sinus leads is predomi-
nantly passive, though efforts are currently under way to develop
alternative methods of fixation.
Manipulation of the atrial lead primarily entails using a straight
stylet initially to pass the lead through the vein into the right
atrium and then replacing it with a curved stylet. Great care must
be exercised, as with manipulation of any stylet, to avoid getting
heme on the stylet lest it occlude the lumen of the lead and
thereby prevent the passage of other stylets that might be required.
In the case of a preformed (J-shaped) passive-fixation atrial lead,
engagement of the atrial appendage is the goal and may be appre-
ciated fluoroscopically by the “dog wag” appearance of the engaged
lead as it moves with atrial contraction. For active-fixation leads,
it is important to test the screw mechanism before attempting
FIGURE 32-11  Active fixation ventricular pacing lead inserted via
passage. Active-fixation atrial leads are either preformed J-shaped
persistent left superior vena cava, through coronary sinus, and via ones or require the implanter to form a J by passage of a J-shaped
loop-de-loop into the right ventricular apex in patient with Starr- stylet; in either case, it is useful to watch the screw mechanism
Edwards valve prosthesis. extend under a magnified fluoroscopic image and then torque the
body of the lead clockwise slightly for further stabilization. Less
experienced implanters have the misconception that the use of an
active-fixation lead per se ensures active fixation and greater sta-
bility. It is critical to test fluoroscopically for stability of the lead
fixation with gentle traction, particularly as the J-shaped stylet is
being withdrawn from the atrial lead. Ironically, better sensing
and pacing thresholds may often be achieved with passive-
fixation leads; however, active fixation enables positioning the
leads in patients with prior atriotomy or who require positioning
of the lead in a less orthodox location within the atrium. As to
special positioning of atrial leads, some preliminary work has
explored the potential benefit of preventing atrial fibrillation by
pacing at the Bachmann’s bundle, by interatrial septum pacing, or
by both. Dual-site right atrial pacing and bi-atrial synchronous
pacing in some studies have been more effective in the prevention
or reduction of atrial fibrillation, compared with single-site right
and left atrial pacing. Typically, dual-site right atrial pacing con-
sists of pacing simultaneously from leads positioned in the high
right atrium and coronary sinus ostium; the proposed mechanism
responsible for antifibrillatory effects is a reduction of activation
FIGURE 32-12  Patient with right-sided pacer and left-sided times in the atrium, especially in areas of conduction delay.
defibrillator, with active-fixation ICD lead positioned in right ventricular A question that frequently arises is how best to place atrial
outflow tract to minimize interaction with right ventricular apical
leads in a patient who is in atrial fibrillation or flutter at the time
pacing lead. ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator.
of implantation. One approach is to acutely cardiovert the patient
422  Cardiac Pacing

to sinus mechanism, provided no significant risk of thromboem-

bolic phenomena (as assessed by recency of the arrhythmia, Lead anchoring
trans-esophageal echocardiography, previous anticoagulation, sleeves
etc.) exists. Another method is to blindly position the lead and
use an active-fixation lead, in particular, to allow for a variety of
test positions as assessed by atrial signals and electrocardio-
graphic mapping. Cardioversion could be undertaken thereafter
in the latter case, or it may occur spontaneously in the case of the
paroxysmal fibrillator.
In some situations, the implanter may opt for a single-lead
dual-chamber system, particularly for patients with heart block
but with normal sinus node function and without atrial arrhyth-
mias. Current models allow for bipolar atrial sensing with ven-
tricular pacing and sensing (unipolar or bipolar), although leads
that also allow for atrial pacing have been studied. The advantage
of this approach is that atrioventricular synchrony may be
achieved with a single lead. It is important to size a patient with
regard to cardiac configuration so as to choose a lead with appro-
FIGURE 32-13  Use of anchoring sleeves for fixation of pacer leads to
priate spacing between the atrial bi-pole and ventricular elec-
underlying fascia.
trodes. It is ideal to have the atrial electrodes contacting the atrial
wall (as opposed to sitting in the blood pool), also allowing
enough slack to accommodate changes in atrial electrode posi-
tioning that may arise with respiration or change in body
Fluoroscopic confirmation of positioning is important, not
only in the anteroposterior views but also in utilizing right and
left anterior oblique views to assess patients with anteriorly
rotated hearts and either confirm or rule out the placement of a
lead within the coronary sinus.
Following placement of the lead(s), use of the pacer system
analyzer is crucial in evaluating sensing thresholds, pacing thresh-
olds, and lead impedance and for the possibility of diaphragmatic
stimulation at high output—either through atrial leads (phrenic
nerve stimulation) or ventricular leads (through a thin-walled
right ventricle). For active-fixation leads, whether in the atrium
or in the ventricle, demonstration of an initial injury current is
particularly useful in confirming fixation.
Perhaps the most important step in pacemaker implantation is
lead anchoring. An anchoring sleeve minimizes trauma by being
sutured (typically a 0-silk) to the underlying lead insulation, con-
ductor, or both (Figure 32-13). The right balance must be achieved
between anchoring the sleeve too securely and anchoring it not
securely enough; it is easier to bury the sleeves with a purse-string
suture with leads implanted via the cephalic route than via the
subclavian route. In addition, repeat fluoroscopy should be under-
taken once anchoring has been performed to make sure that lead
position, redundancy, or both remain stable at baseline as well as
with deep breathing. Enough slack should be provided to accom- FIGURE 32-14  Use of Parsonnet pouch.
modate tall individuals, particularly those with large respiratory
excursions, to prevent undue tension or retraction of the lead. The
leads are then connected to the connector block of the generator; replacements will not be compromised by inadvertent slicing of
it is critical to ensure that the set screw sites are adequately tight- the lead(s). In some cases, placement of the generator and lead
ened (including both poles in the case of bipolar leads) by gentle within a Dacron pouch (“Parsonnet pouch”) (Figure 32-14) may
tugging on the lead. Application of sterile adhesive over the set allow for more ideal stabilization and anchoring of the system in
screw site may minimize current drain through this locale. the prepectoral fat and thereby minimize generator migration and
Creation of the generator pocket, either with Metzenbaum extrusion, or the so-called twiddler’s syndrome. In some patients,
scissors or forceps or blunt finger dissection, is followed by place- a submammary generator placement may be considered for cos-
ment of the generator inside the pocket. It is useful to irrigate the metic reasons; the lead electrodes may be tunneled from the
pocket with antibiotic solution. Hemostatic thrombin-containing infraclavicular site of entry to the inframammary incision by using
preparations, absorbable meshes, or both may sometimes be a long needle, a guidewire, and an introducer/dilator technique
instilled or left within the pocket. Any redundant or excess lead similar to the retained guidewire technique described earlier
should be placed under the can so that future generator (Figure 32-15). After insertion of the generator into the pocket,
Pacemaker Insertion, Revision, and Extraction   423


FIGURE 32-16  Right-sided pacer generator and ventricular lead, with

the atrial lead placed via the left side and tunneled over to the
contralateral generator site.

with single-chamber ventricular systems who experience pace-

maker syndrome, which may be overt or subclinical; this would
warrant a switch to a dual-chamber system. Increasingly, patients
with congestive heart failure are requiring an upgrade to a biven-
FIGURE 32-15  Atrial and ventricular leads inserted via a left tricular system. Considerable operator experience is required for
subclavian approach, tunneled to a left submammary location for this upgrading procedure; initial reports of these procedures were
generator placement. associated with a remarkably high complication rate, but it is
hoped that it has been reduced over time. Obtaining previous
operative notes is extremely useful to ascertain which vein was
previously used. If the original route was subclavian, was it
because there was no identifiable cephalic vein, or was it the
fluoroscopic confirmation of lead stability is important to rule out implanter’s preference? If the latter, an accessible cephalic vein
lead retraction during this process. Potential complications asso- may well be available to accommodate the new atrial lead, which
ciated with pacemaker implantation are numerous but fortunately would require the cutdown technique as previously described. If
uncommon and have been well described elsewhere. A clear no cephalic vein is available, the subclavian vein must be used. In
inverse relationship exists between operator experience and com- case of any doubt as to the viability of the vein vis-à-vis the risk
plication rate; a direct relationship is associated with the use of of thrombosis, dye injection of the ipsilateral brachial or axillary
subclavian puncture. Preparedness for any eventuality, as dis- vein is helpful. Otherwise, percutaneous subclavian vein entry
cussed previously, remains an important goal. Although problems through the skin or from within the wound is undertaken, with
with bleeding are usually readily apparent, as in complications due great care to avoid needling or cutting the insulation of the previ-
to arrhythmia induction, the two most worrisome issues likely to ously implanted lead. Radiographic visualization of the searching
be encountered are sudden hypoxemia and hypotension, which needle trajectory is particularly useful in this situation.
may occur independently or together. The former raises the pos- If subclavian vein thrombosis is present or the infraclavicular
sibility of pneumothorax, oversedation, or air embolism (when space is too tight to accommodate a second lead (even the small-
the introducer technique is employed), whereas the latter may est unipolar available), then access may be attempted via the
include a variety of issues such as ongoing bleeding (suspected or contralateral chest with tunneling of the new lead under the skin
otherwise), hypovolemia, medication, left ventricular dysfunc- to the original pacer site (Figure 32-16). The alternative would be
tion, pneumothorax, or cardiac tamponade. Some of these com- to abandon the original site altogether and place a new dual-
plications may lead to a vicious downward spiral; it is, therefore, chamber system via the contralateral chest. If the new lead is to
incumbent on the implanter to keep close scrutiny on the vital be implanted and tunneled back, a smaller incision can be used;
signs, oximetry, and rhythm and remain in constant communica- once again, anchoring is of vital importance. For tunneling, a Kelly
tion with the other team members in the operating arena who are clamp can be advanced bluntly in the subcutaneous tissue from
monitoring these factors. the receiving (original) site to the satellite (contralateral) site. The
free terminal end of the new atrial lead may be placed through a
Penrose drain with a gentle tie applied around the drain just distal
Pacemaker Upgrades, Revisions, and to the lead connector. The free end of the Penrose drain is then
Generator Replacements grasped and pulled through the tunnel, back to the original
implantation site; the tie is released and the drain is then removed.
On occasion, it may be necessary to upgrade an existing pace- Alternative approaches include the use of a guidewire and the
maker system. This is most commonly encountered in patients peel-away introducer technique (introduced from the original site
424  Cardiac Pacing

to the satellite location), with passage of the terminal end of the

new lead back through the sheath to the original site; a chest tube Management of Pocket Hematoma, Erosion,
may also serve as the tunneling conduit. Great care must be taken Infection, and Pacer Extraction
to strive for a tunnel that is deep (as close as possible to the overly-
ing muscle) and to avoid traumatizing the lead during the tunnel- In the perioperative time frame, it is not uncommon to encounter
ing process. pacer pocket hematomas, particularly (1) if the procedure has
Less commonly, the contralateral site may be used for the new been associated with venous back-bleeding at the lead insertion
lead, as well as for the creation of a new pacemaker pocket with site, (2) if arterial bleeding has been encountered, or (3) if a tear
placement of the new generator. Under these circumstances, the has been made outside the fascial plane during creation of the
original lead is then tunneled under the skin, by using the same pocket; the use of anticoagulation or aspirin and, increasingly,
procedure described above, to the new (satellite) location. clopidogrel, will also predispose the patient to problems in this
Depending on the available remaining length of the original lead, regard. Arterial bleeding will result in the rapid formation of a
a lead extender may be required to traverse the distance to the sizable and enlarging hematoma and requires immediate explora-
new site. tion. In the case of less dramatic hematomas, cautious observa-
Not infrequently, existing lead(s) may deteriorate because of tion is warranted to watch for undue tension on the overlying
insulation breach or conductor fracture. Placement of a new lead pocket wall and subsequent tissue necrosis. Needle aspiration of
is then required, either through the original site or via the con- the pocket may result in some decompression but should gener-
tralateral chest. The same techniques apply, as discussed above, ally be avoided because it will not remove clots and may, in fact,
with an upgrade from a single-chamber system to a dual-chamber introduce infection.
system. The implanter may decide to abandon the original site Rarely, the decision may be that the generator will be removed
altogether and place a new system via the contralateral chest, and not replaced. For example, certain patients elect to have the
leaving the original system intact, removing only the old genera- device removed because of ongoing implant-related discomfort
tor (with capping and anchoring of the old lead[s]) or removing that does not dissipate with time (so-called pacemakerodynia). It
of all of the previous hardware (generator and leads). Provided no is always wise to review the original indications for pacer implan-
evidence of infection or erosion is present, old leads may be tation while considering the removal of a device without replace-
retained, that is, without mandating extraction. ment to avoid second-guessing the past decision.
Generator replacement has been an increasingly important The decision to remove one or more extant leads is the more
procedure, whether to meet elective replacement indicators or difficult one than the decision to actually perform the correspond-
because of device advisories; this undoubtedly reflects the ing procedure. Unequivocally, device-associated infection is best
enhanced longevity of patients with pacemakers. It is a commonly treated by removal of all associated hardware. The decision to do
undertaken procedure but its importance is often minimized; in less—that is, clean the site and the pacemaker and plan for reim-
fact, it requires a lot of advance thinking. This is particularly the plantation at the same site or a distant site—has been reported
case for the patient with pacer dependence. It is important to but is not recommended. Once the skin barrier has been broken,
establish whether any escape rhythm is present by slowly lowering colonization occurs and infection is likely; if the erosion or infec-
the programmed rate. If no spontaneous rhythm emerges, con- tion occurred because of previous indolent infection at the time
sideration must be given to how to maintain perfusion when the of implantation or by secondary seeding, then clearly infection
old generator is disconnected from the chronic leads. Temporary was present at the outset.
transvenous pacing or noninvasive external (Zoll) pacing are Extraction of leads may be undertaken transvenously or
alternative solutions to quickly changing from the old generator through a more extensive open-heart surgical approach (i.e., ster-
to the new generator (provided that the implanter has nimble notomy or thoracotomy). An intermediate procedure called the
hands!). For unipolar systems, as soon as the generator is lifted trans-atrial approach has been described by Byrd; it is reserved
out of the pocket, capture will be lost; to facilitate conversion to for patients whose leads are not accessible or removable through
a new generator, a “money clip” may be externally attached to the the inferior vena cava or the superior vena cava. During this
generator with its associated alligator clip connected to the skin procedure the right atrium is exposed when the third or fourth
retractor at the pocket site. The new generator must be compat- right costal cartilage is removed, the pericardium is opened, and
ible, either primarily or through adapters, with the existing leads; a purse-string suture is placed in the right atrium; a biopsy instru-
knowledge of the previous system is therefore critical—with ment is then inserted through the purse-string, and the lead is
regard to lead manufacturer, nature of the terminal pin, and polar- pulled out of the atrium.
ity. Visual inspection of the leads and determination of thresholds Some clinicians have made a clear the distinction between
and impedances—at baseline as well as with gentle traction on extraction and simple lead removal: In the former, the leads are
the leads—are all important maneuvers that must be undertaken more difficult to take out of the patient. A policy conference of
to make sure that lead replacement is not required (in addition to the Heart Rhythm Society has proposed that “extraction” apply to
generator replacement). Rarely, repair of a conductor fracture may the removal of any transvenous lead that has been implanted
be undertaken using splicing techniques; occasionally, a terminal more than 1 year ago or that requires the use of tools beyond
pin modification may be made with splicing techniques if an standard stylets or simple traction. Indeed, the procedure can be
otherwise-needed adapter is unavailable. Not uncommonly, an quite challenging and potentially dangerous, even in experienced
anchoring sleeve may be applied with sterile silicone adhesive to hands. In one large database, the risk of incomplete or failed
repair an insulation breach in the lead. One note of caution that extraction increased with implantation duration, less experienced
applies to generator changeovers is as follows: An alarmingly physicians, ventricular leads, noninfected patients, and younger
higher incidence of infections is noted compared with primary patients. Major complications were reported in 1.4% of patients
implants because insufficient attention is paid to meticulous (<1% at centers with more than 300 cases), and complication risk
aseptic technique during these more ambulatory procedures. was associated with increased number of leads removed, female
Pacemaker Insertion, Revision, and Extraction   425

gender, and less experienced physicians. The risk includes death,

nonfatal hemopericardium or tamponade, hemothorax, arterio-
venous fistula, need for transfusion, pulmonary embolism, and
stroke. Unequivocally, a learning curve associated with extraction
techniques does exist. The procedure is rarely emergent. As is the
case with pacer implantation, the physician embarking on extrac-
tion must be prepared in advance to address any emergent
complication, with particular emphasis on defibrillation, pericar-
diocentesis, cardiac surgical backup, or all of these. Large-bore
intravenous access and arterial line monitoring are essential. Tem-
porary pacing leads should be inserted in all patients who are
pacer dependent.
Three transvenous approaches have been described for lead
removal: (1) mechanical, (2) laser, and (3) electrosurgical.
Mechanical approaches entail traction on the lead; removal by
simple pulling was more easily achieved decades ago with leads
that were made of silicone rubber and were nontined or short-
tined. During application of the lead, direct traction by pulling on
FIGURE 32-17  Special mesh locking stylet that expands along the
the lead (preferably with a standard lead stylet inserted within) is
entire length of the lead to be extracted.
undertaken, with just enough force to feel the tugging of the heart
without inducing chest pain, mechanical embarrassment with
hypotension or tamponade, or ventricular arrhythmias. Such
force may be applied for minutes, although in the past, various
weights or elastic bands were used to allow constant traction for
a period of days. Excessive force may result in stretching or
tearing of the lead or may induce damage either in the vein or at
the tissue-electrode interface.
Improved fixation techniques used to minimize lead dis­
lodgment have ironically led to increased difficulty with lead
extraction when required. As a result, countertraction and coun-
terpressure techniques and devices have been developed to facili-
tate extraction. The use of locking stylets has made it far easier
to apply direct traction. The superior lead extraction approach
entails opening the pocket and using lead clippers to remove the
terminal connector from the pacer lead to be extracted. The insu-
lators and outer conductor coil (in the case of coaxial leads) are
trimmed back to expose the inner conductor coil, and the opening
of this coil is then broadened with a coil expander. Sizing of the
inner conductor coil is then undertaken, typically with a set of
variably sized gauge pins, to select the largest locking stylet that
will fully enter the inner conductor coil. The locking stylet is then
introduced and advanced to the lead tip. In some stylets, coun-
FIGURE 32-18  Use of telescoping (inner and outer) extraction
terclockwise rotation may be required (Cook Vascular, Leech-
sheaths over the lead to be removed.
burg, PA), whereas in others (Wilkoff stylet, Cook Vascular),
removal of a latch pin and pushing of the locking cannula forward
are required to activate the locking mechanism. In yet another
model (Spectranetics, Colorado Springs, CO), a lead-locking
device stylet has a fine, wire mesh stretched over its entire length; applied on the locking stylet as first the metal set and then the
the mesh is released once the stylet is advanced and by bunching plastic sheaths are advanced to disrupt the fibrotic deposits
up holds the lead along its entire length (Figure 32-17). Tugging (the outer sheath has a sharp cutting edge that is advanced
on the stylet to ensure the adequacy of locking is followed by over its inner sheath). Fluoroscopic guidance is deemed essential,
ligating the end of the lead insulation with 2.0 suture and tying on the basis of the recognition that misdirected dilators may
the suture ends to the locking stylet loop handle. This handle is result in serious vascular injury, particularly at curvatures in
flattened and placed through a preselected sheath set (telescoping the vein where the more flexible plastic sheaths are required
inner and outer sheaths). (Figure 32-18). If too much tension is applied to the lead–locking
Standard sheaths are made of a plastic, such as Teflon (E.I. stylet combination, the same risks associated with conventional
DuPont, Wilmington, DE) or stainless steel. The latter are used external traction may arise: tearing the lead, avulsing the vein or
typically during initial entry into the central venous circulation heart wall, or disengaging the locking stylet from the lead. The
and are used to cut through dense fibrosis near the subclavian larger sheath is advanced over the inner sheath, while the smaller
site; then they are exchanged with the more flexible plastic sheaths sheath is always kept on the leading edge in a telescoping forward
that are used to negotiate through the various curves encountered movement. A snow plow effect may arise with scar tissue that is
along the venous path. Continuous and moderate tension is peeled away from the venous wall and pushed in front of the
426  Cardiac Pacing

FIGURE 32-20  Fluoroscopy of the right ventricular apical lead being

extracted from a femoral approach/snare technique in a patient with a
FIGURE 32-19  Cross-section of excimer laser sheath. dual-chamber pacing system and separate defibrillator lead in the
right ventricular outflow tract.

sheaths, thereby preventing further advancement of the dilators.

When the sheath set approaches the lead tip near the tissue–
electrode interface, the outer sheath is removed and reversed so
that its blunt end faces the myocardium and countertraction is
then applied against the myocardial surface to release the lead tip.
In some cases, after a chronic (noninfected) lead is removed, the
retained sheath may be used to place a guidewire and then a peel-
away dilating sheath is used to guide the placement of the new
pacemaker lead; occasionally, balloon venoplasty may be required
as an adjunct.
Powered sheaths have been developed to reduce the need for
traction and counterpressure. The laser sheath is used to deliver
excimer laser energy fiberoptically to the distal end of the sheath
to dissolve the encapsulating fibrotic tissue in circumferential
FIGURE 32-21  Right ventricular pacing lead after removal via the
fashion (Figure 32-19). The laser has a very short depth of penetra- snare technique (same patient as Figure 34-20).
tion, affecting only tissue that is in direct contact with the end of
the sheath. This releases the lead from its tissue attachments, thus
facilitating advancement of the sheath over the lead. An electro-
surgical dissection sheath using radiofrequency energy with a
more directed sheath tip is currently under active investigation. suited to removing atrial leads under the Accufix advisory associ-
Snares may be employed to apply indirect traction in extract- ated with fracture of the inner retention J-shaped wire, particu-
ing lead(s) by using a femoral approach. The snare device is used larly if this wire is protruding. If the lead is still anchored in
to encircle the free tip of the pacing lead or a loop of the lead, the pectoral region, it must first be freed. Thereafter, a sheath with
with traction then applied from below (Figures 32-20 and 32-21). a hemostatic valve is placed via the femoral vein to the inferior
The approach may be challenging because it is often difficult to vena cava level just below the atrium, and through this the
ensnare a lead, but it may be less injurious because the coring out grasping tool is deployed. Tools available for this include a deflect-
of surrounding fibrotic tissue is not required in this approach; ing tip guidewire and Dotter helical basket retriever, pigtail cath-
nonetheless, the operator must be aware of the associated risks, eter, or Amplatz catheter; special countertraction sheaths are
femoral vein injury and thromboembolism, as well as the same also available.
potential complications associated with traction of the lead from It is clear that lead extraction is a procedure that is not under-
above. The technique is indicated (1) if the lead to be extracted is taken lightly, may be hazardous, and requires specialized training
not accessible from the venous entry site, (2) if the lead has been and careful deliberation and preparation. Indeed, in some series
cut or fractured, or (3) if there has been retraction of the lead (e.g., Accufix leads), the risk of extraction over time has exceeded
into the central venous circulation, intracardiac space, or both. that associated with retention of the lead. In some cases (e.g.,
The author’s group found the technique to be particularly well infected pacer systems), extraction is essentially unavoidable, but
Pacemaker Insertion, Revision, and Extraction   427

precedents for abandonment without extraction of noninfected Goldstein DJ, Losquadro W, Spotnitz HM: Outpatient pacemaker proce-

leads do exist. dures in orally anticoagulated patients, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
21:1730–1734, 1998.
Hayes DL, Naccarelli GV, Furman S, et al: NASPE training requirements
for cardiac implantable electrical devices: Selection, implantation, and
Conclusion follow-up, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 26:1556–1562, 2003.
Hildick-Smith D, Lowe M, Newell SA, et al: Ventricular pacemaker
Implantation and revision techniques have remained relatively upgrade: Experience, complications, and recommendations, Heart
constant over time. What remains paramount is an appreciation 79:383–387, 1998.
of the goals of implantation; thoughtful preparedness with regard Kalinchak D, Schoenfeld MH: Cardiac resynchronization: A brief synopsis
to materials and approaches that will be required; anticipation of Part II: Implant and follow-up methodology, J Interven Cardiac Elec-
potential problems that will need to be addressed; and, perhaps trophysiol 9:163–166, 2003.
most important, an experienced implanter who can respond Love CJ, Wilkoff BL, Byrd CL, et al: Recommendations for extraction of
appropriately when difficulties are encountered. Above all, com- chronically implanted transvenous pacing and defibrillator leads: Indi-
cations, facilities, training. North American Society of Pacing and Elec-
placency should be avoided because unfamiliar and unexpected
trophysiology Lead Extraction Conference Faculty, Pacing Clin
circumstances do tend to arise. Electrophysiol 23:544–551, 2000.
Parsonnet V, Bernstein AD, Lindsay B: Pacemaker-implantation complica-
Acknowledgment tion rates: An analysis of some contributing factors, J Am Coll Cardiol
13:917–921, 1989.
The author thanks Mike Dabbraccio, David Kalinchak, and Parsonnet V, Roelke M: The cephalic vein cutdown versus subclavian
Ronald Quain for their excellent technical and photographic puncture for pacemaker/ICD lead implantation, Pacing Clin Electro-
assistance. physiol 22:695–697, 1999.
Ramza BM, Rosenthal L, Hui R, et al: Safety and effectiveness of placement
of pacemaker and defibrillator leads in the axillary vein guided by con-
trast venography, Am J Cardiol 80:892–896, 1997.
Roelke M, Jackson G, Harthorne JW: Submammary pacemaker implanta-
Byrd CL: Safe introducer technique for pacemaker lead implantation, tion: A unique tunneling technique, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 15:262, 1992. 17:1793–1796, 1994.
Costeas XF, Schoenfeld MH: Undersensing as a consequence of lead Schoenfeld MH: Contemporary pacemaker and defibrillator device
incompatibility: Case report and a plea for universality, Pacing Clin therapy: Challenges confronting the general cardiologist, Circulation
Electrophysiol 14:1681–1683, 1991. 115:638–653, 2007.
DaCosta A, Kirkorian G, Cucherat M, et al: Antibiotic prophylaxis for Schoenfeld MH: The “natural” history of implantable defibrillators under
permanent pacemaker implantation: A meta-analysis, Circulation advisory, Heart Rhythm 5(12):1682–1684, 2008. Epub 2008 October 11,
97:1796–1801, 1998. 2008.
Epstein AE, DiMarco JP, Ellenbogen KA, et al: ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 Wilkoff BL, Byrd CL, Love CJ, et al: Pacemaker lead extraction with the
guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm abnormalities: laser sheath: Results of the pacing lead extraction with the excimer
Executive summary, Circulation 117:2820–2840, 2008. sheath (PLEXES) trial, J Am Coll Cardiol 33:1671–1676, 1999.
Fearnot NE, Smith HJ, Goode LB, et al: Intravascular lead extraction using Zerbe F, Bornakowski J, Sarnowski W: Pacemaker electrode implantation
locking stylets, sheaths, and other techniques, Pacing Clin Electro- in patients with persistent left superior vena cava, Br Heart J 67:65–66,
physiol 13:1864–1870, 1990. 1992.
Current Indications for Temporary
and Permanent Cardiac Pacing
Vasanth Vedantham and Nitish Badhwar
In the past few decades, improvements in device technology and cardiac conduction system or dysfunction of the autonomic
surgical techniques have made permanent pacemaker implanta- nervous system or from iatrogenesis. Therefore, the aim of this
tion a readily performed minor surgery with a low likelihood of section is to provide a pathophysiologic framework for consider-
major complications. Similarly, temporary pacemaker insertion ing cardiac pacing in terms of the anatomic compartments
can often be performed at the bedside quickly and safely with a required for normal cardiac rhythmicity.
relatively limited set of tools. Nevertheless, employing cardiac
pacing in a given situation remains a major clinical decision, as it
Disorders of Sinoatrial Conduction
has the potential for life-altering consequences for the patient. In
2008, the American College of Cardiology, the American Heart The functions of the sinus node are impulse generation, impulse
Association, and the Heart Rhythm Society (ACC/AHA/HRS) transmission, and modulation of heart rate in response to auto-
jointly issued an updated set of guidelines for cardiac pacing on nomic inputs. Patients suffering from sinus node dysfunction
the basis of a comprehensive review of available clinical data and manifest one or more of several distinct electrocardiographic
expert opinion.1 This chapter refers to this document frequently abnormalities, including sinus bradycardia, sinus pauses, brady-
and makes use of the ACC/AHA/HRS conventional division of cardia alternating with tachyarrhythmias, and failure to augment
indications into class I, class IIa, class IIb, and class III. The Euro- heart rate appropriately with exercise (see Appendix Table 33-2).
pean Society of Cardiology separately released a set of guidelines Typically, such patients will complain of lightheadedness, fatigue,
for pacemaker implantation in 2007, making use of the same syncope, or activity intolerance. The main diagnostic tool for
system for classifying indications.2 establishing the diagnosis of sinus node dysfunction is continuous
The ACC/AHA/HRS and ESC guidelines also classify the sup- ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring for a period deter-
portive data for each recommendation by assigning a level of mined by the frequency of the patient’s symptoms.
evidence (LOE, see Appendix Table 33-1).* It is notable that of No randomized trials demonstrating that pacing improves sur-
the 71 specific ACC/AHA/HRS recommendations relating to vival in patients with sinus node dysfunction have been con-
permanent cardiac pacing in adults, only 3 have LOE A, 29 have ducted, and at least one small series suggests that short-term
LOE B, and 39 have LOE C. In some instances, the lack of ran- prognosis is good in this patient population.3 Thus, the primary
domized trials reflects a broad consensus on the standard of care role for pacing is to treat symptoms, prevent adverse events such
and the absence of alternatives to cardiac pacing for symptomatic as syncope, and permit therapy with drugs that slow heart rate,
bradycardia. In many other instances, however, particularly for as required to treat other medical conditions. Before considering
class II indications, data from large clinical trials are scarce. The pacemaker implantation, reversible causes of sinus node dysfunc-
guidelines should, therefore, not be adhered to blindly but should tion should be ruled out (Table 33-1). The indications for perma-
be seen as a framework to assist with clinical decision making. nent pacing in sinus node dysfunction are summarized in
Accordingly, the aim of this chapter is to review the indications Appendix Table 33-3. When sinus pauses or bradycardia coincide
for cardiac pacing in adults, including temporary pacing, perma- temporally with the patient’s symptoms and a causal link can be
nent pacing, and multiple-site pacing, with special attention to established, a pacemaker is indicated; this is a class I indication.
clinical dilemmas and specific clinical situations. Device therapy Conversely, when the patient’s typical symptoms occur during
in pediatric and adolescent patients and in patients with congeni- periods when monitoring reveals a normal heart rate, pacemaker
tal heart disease will be reviewed separately. implantation would not be expected to provide any benefit; this
is, therefore, a class III indication.
It should be emphasized that when the vagal tone is high,
particularly during sleep, episodes of sinus bradycardia are
Indications for Permanent Pacing common in healthy individuals. Thus, in inpatients or outpatients
with cardiac monitors, pauses and periods of slow heart rate are
frequently seen and can be of uncertain clinical significance. Simi-
Permanent pacing is most commonly employed to treat bradyar- larly, symptoms of lightheadedness, syncope, and activity intoler-
rhythmias, which can result from dysfunction of the specialized ance are not specific and can occur for a number of reasons. Thus,
the decision to implant a pacemaker in a patient with evidence of
*Appendix tables are available on the Expert Consult site for this text. sinus bradycardia and suggestive symptoms but without a clear

430  Cardiac Pacing

Table 33-1  Reversible Causes of Sinus Bradycardia and is whether heart rate is sufficient to meet physiologic demands.
Atrioventricular Block The clinician should, therefore, not place too much importance
on the specific rate achieved but should determine whether sinus
TYPE OF CAUSE SPECIFIC CAUSE node function is the main factor limiting the patient’s ability to
Cardiac Myocardial ischemia
exercise. Where this is the case, pacemaker implantation is war-
Viral myocarditis ranted; this is a class I indication, even when heart rate is normal
Lyme disease at rest and sinus pauses are not identified on monitoring.
Rheumatic fever The usefulness of invasive electrophysiology testing in deter-
Endocarditis mining the need to implant a pacemaker is limited, primarily
Post–cardiac surgery because abnormalities in electrophysiologic parameters are not,
Post–cardiac transplant in general, predictive of clinical events. Nevertheless, for patients
Athletic training with syncope who are undergoing electrophysiology testing and
Autonomic nervous system Neurocardiogenic syncope in whom other causes have not been identified, profound abnor-
Carotid hypersensitivity malities of sinus node function may tip the balance of consider-
Vagal stimulation ations in favor of pacemaker implantation; this is a class IIa
Drugs and medications β-Adrenergic blockers
Finally, a clinical situation frequently encountered is evidence
Calcium channel blockers
of sinus node dysfunction manifested by sinus pauses or resting
Digitalis bradycardia in the absence of symptoms. At present, data suggest-
Ivabradine ing that implantation of a pacemaker in such patients prevents
Reserpine, methyldopa adverse events or prolongs life are not available. Pacemaker
Class IA antiarrhythmic drugs implantation in the asymptomatic patient with sinus node dys-
Class IC antiarrhythmic drugs function is therefore not recommended (class III). However, when
Class III antiarrhythmic drugs sinus node dysfunction is marked (resting heart rate persistently
General anesthetics less than 40 beats/min while awake), the ACC/AHA/HRS guide-
Tricyclic antidepressants lines do recognize a class IIb indication for pacing in those who
Phenothiazines are at least minimally symptomatic. Often, a simple exercise test
is sufficient in these patients to establish whether clinically sig-
Cholinesterase inhibitors
nificant sinus node dysfunction is present. However, in patients
who cannot exercise because of comorbidities, pacemaker
Hypothermia implantation can be considered.
Disorders of Atrioventricular Conduction
Neurologic Elevated intracranial pressure
Spinal cord injury The function of the atrioventricular (AV) node is to delay impulse
Electrolyte imbalances Hypokalemia
propagation from atria to ventricles to the extent necessary to
Hyperkalemia optimize ventricular filling. This delay varies physiologically over
Hypercalcemia a large range and is heavily influenced by autonomic tone and
heart rate. The function of the bundle of His, which passes from
Pulmonary Obstructive sleep apnea the AV node to the ventricle through the central fibrous body, is
Prolonged hypoxia
to transmit the electrical impulse rapidly from the atrium to the
ventricle. Conduction time through the bundle of His is rapid and
does not vary with heart rate under normal conditions. Conduc-
tion slowing or block can occur in the AV node, the bundle of
His, or both, and characteristic electrocardiogram (ECG) patterns
are present, as well as differences in prognosis, depending on the
causal link can be a difficult one. In such situations, we favor a location and severity of the block. In general, when the block is
thorough workup for other cardiac and noncardiac causes of the above the level of the His bundle (supra-His), prognosis for pro-
patient’s symptoms. Particularly in older adults, we have found gression to a high-grade block is better than when the block is at
that polypharmacy is an often-overlooked cause for lightheaded- or below the level of the His bundle (intra-His or infra-His).5
ness and syncope and should be ruled out before pacemaker Symptoms caused by an AV block can include fatigue, lighthead-
implantation is considered. When no other cause can be identi- edness, and syncope; a persistent high-grade AV block can result
fied, pacemaker implantation is a class IIa indication. Such in heart failure caused by bradycardia and loss of AV synchrony
patients should be advised that when a causal link has not been and can predispose to ventricular arrhythmias.
established between bradycardia and their symptoms, a pace-
maker might not provide any benefit.
First-Degree Atrioventricular Block
In patients with suspected sinus node dysfunction, particularly
in those manifesting some degree of activity intolerance, exercise First-Degree AV block is defined as P-R interval exceeding 0.2
testing can be a very helpful adjunctive assessment of sinus node seconds and is often reflective of incipient AV nodal disease,
function. Chronotropic incompetence is often defined as failure though it can be a normal finding in patients at rest with high
to achieve a heart rate of 80% of age-adjusted maximum predicted vagal tone. Recent data from the Framingham cohort suggest that
heart rate with exercise.4 However, the critical issue in such cases in the long term, patients with first-degree AV block have a
Current Indications for Temporary and Permanent Cardiac Pacing   431

significantly higher risk of requiring pacemaker implantation and suggests a supra-His level of block and is associated with a more
have a higher mortality rate.6 However, with a few exceptions
(discussed below), the short-term prognosis for those with iso-
lated first-degree AV block is excellent, so pacemaker implanta-
tion is, in general, not indicated in asymptomatic patients as a
benign prognosis, while type II occurs with intra-His or infra-His
conduction system disease and has a higher rate of progression
to complete heart block.5 It should be remembered that in patho-
logic conditions, it is possible for any component of the conduc-
prophylactic measure (class III). However, a few indications for tion system, even the structures below the AV node, to exhibit
pacing are recognized for first-degree AV block (summarized in Wenckebach conduction. Thus, type I second-degree AV block
Appendix Table 33-4). has a benign prognosis only when it is caused by supra-His block,
Some patients with marked first-degree AV block (P-R inter- which is usually the case when the QRS is narrow.
val >0.3 seconds) have symptoms that may warrant pacemaker Regardless of the level of block, patients with symptomatic
implantation.7 In these patients, ventricular activation is so bradycardia resulting from second-degree AV block from irre-
delayed that the subsequent atrial activation occurs shortly after versible causes or essential drug therapy should undergo perma-
the QRS complex on the surface ECG, resulting in atrial contrac- nent pacemaker implantation (class I). In the setting of high vagal
tion against closed AV valves (Figure 33-1). Patients with severe tone such as sleep or in highly conditioned athletes at rest, type
left ventricular dysfunction and markedly prolonged P-R inter- I second-degree AV block is frequently observed and is a normal
vals may experience hemodynamic compromise caused by finding.9 For asymptomatic patients, pacemaker implantation is
impaired ventricular filling and diastolic AV valvular regurgita- therefore not recommended (class III). However, as with first-
tion.8 Often, reducing the dosages of AV nodal blocking medica- degree AV block, patients with type I second-degree AV block
tions in these patients can shorten the P-R interval and improve can have symptoms caused by loss of AV synchrony, and pace-
symptoms. Where this is not possible, restoration of AV syn- maker implantation should be considered for this indication (class
chrony with dual-chamber pacing and a normal AV delay can IIa) as well as for symptomatic bradycardia. Indications for pacing
solve the problem, and this is a class IIa indication. However, in type I second-degree AV block are summarized in Appendix
ventricular pacing under these circumstances carries with it the Table 33-4.
potential deleterious effects of intraventricular dyssynchrony, so
consideration should be given to biventricular pacing in such
High-Grade Atrioventricular Block
instances, especially when left ventricular function is not normal
(see below). Patients with type II second-degree AV block (Figure 33-2) have
Finally, patients with several neuromuscular diseases (see a higher rate of progression to third-degree AV block, particularly
Appendix Table 33-5) often have rapidly progressive AV conduc- in the setting of intraventricular conduction abnormalities. From
tion system disease. Even in asymptomatic patients with these the point of view of cardiac pacing, advanced second-degree AV
disorders, marked first-degree AV block should prompt consid- block and third-degree AV block should be grouped together in
eration of pacemaker implantation as a prophylactic measure. a single high-risk category, and pacemaker implantation is the
only reasonable treatment when reversible causes cannot be iden-
tified (see Appendix Table 33-6). Randomized clinical trials com-
Type I Second-Degree Atrioventricular Block
paring pacing with conservative management are not available,
Second-degree AV block is divided into type I and type II on the but considerable nonrandomized evidence exists that pacing for
basis of the ECG pattern. In type I, the P-R interval lengthens patients with high-grade AV block results in a prolongation of life
before the nonconducted beat and shortens on the first beat after and reduction in morbidity.10
the nonconducted beat (Wenckebach conduction); in type II, the Third-degree AV block and consequent AV dissociation are
P-R interval is fixed. In general, type I second-degree AV block almost always symptomatic, though the symptoms can vary in

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 33-1  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram showing sinus rhythm with a prolonged P-R interval of 400 ms. This can lead to symptoms caused by
atrioventricular dyssynchrony that improve after implantation of a dual-chamber pacemaker.
432  Cardiac Pacing

FIGURE 33-2  Rhythm strip showing 2 : 1 atrioventricular conduction on the left associated with a faster sinus rate and 1 : 1 AV conduction on the
right with slower sinus rate. This is diagnostic of a Mobitz type II infra-His block and is an indication for permanent pacemaker implantation.

severity from mild dizziness and exercise intolerance to syncope intraventricular conduction disturbances. Cardiac pacing has a
or even sudden death, depending on the rate of the escape rhythm. role in a subset of patients with intraventricular conduction
In addition to medications that affect AV nodal conduction, a system disease (see Appendix Table 33-7).
number of reversible causes of high-grade AV block, including
myocardial ischemia, exist, and these should be ruled out before
Hemiblocks and Bundle Branch Block
considering permanent pacing (see Table 33-1). Often, a careful
history and an ECG are sufficient to rule out reversible causes of Individuals without conduction system disease may develop
complete heart block, but where uncertainty remains, it is appro- bundle branch block or fascicular block at very high heart rates,
priate to perform further diagnostic testing. Brief periods of third- during tachyarrhythmias, or, less commonly, at very low heart
degree heart block can occur in situations of high vagal tone; rates (phase 4 aberrancy). Also, a small percentage of normal
where these are transient or occur exclusively in sleep and are healthy individuals have right or left bundle branch block as a
accompanied by adequate escape rhythms, pacemaker implanta- congenital variant. In general, block of a single fascicle (right
tion is not always warranted. bundle branch block, left anterior hemiblock, or left posterior
Advanced second-degree and third-degree AV block can be hemiblock), with or without accompanying first-degree AV block,
paroxysmal, with long intervening periods of 1 : 1 AV conduction, does not warrant consideration of pacemaker implantation
or can occur exclusively with exercise. When such paroxysmal without evidence of high-grade AV block.11 The only major excep-
heart block cannot be attributed to reversible causes, pacemaker tions to this rule are patients with selected neuromuscular dis-
implantation is a class I indication in almost all clinical situations, eases, in whom any fascicular block may warrant consideration
even in asymptomatic patients in the presence of pauses longer of pacemaker implantation because of the unpredictable nature
than 3 seconds, escape rate less than 40 beats/min, escape rhythm of disease progression (class IIb).
that originates below the AV node, cardiomegaly, or left ventricu- Although complete left bundle branch block can be seen in the
lar dysfunction. In asymptomatic patients with third-degree heart presence of disease of both the anterior and posterior fascicular
block, normal cardiac size and function, and an escape rate longer systems (particularly in the setting of a large myocardial infarc-
than 40 beats/min, permanent pacemaker implantation is a class tion), it more commonly results from a proximal lesion in the
IIa indication. conduction system and should not be grouped with bifascicular
AV block can be difficult to diagnose in the setting of atrial blocks. If a patient presents with bundle branch block with left-
fibrillation. However, a slow regular escape rhythm in atrial fibril- axis, first-degree AV block and syncope, it may be reasonable to
lation suggests the presence of high-grade AV block, as do long assess intraventricular conduction with an invasive electrophysi-
pauses. When symptoms caused by bradycardia are present, pace- ology study. An H-V interval less than 0.1 seconds or the finding
maker implantation is warranted (class I). When pauses in atrial of pathologic infra-His block with pacing may warrant consider-
fibrillation exceed 5 seconds, pacemaker implantation is a class ation of pacemaker implantation.12
IIa indication. When complete left bundle branch block alternates with right
bundle branch block, it suggests the presence of severe, wide-
spread infra-His conduction system disease. The same is true
Disorders of Intraventricular Conduction
when right bundle branch block with left anterior hemiblock
The functions of the distal limbs of the conduction system (bundle alternates with right bundle branch block with left posterior
branches, fascicles, and Purkinje fibers) are to transmit the electri- hemiblock. Whether this alternation occurs within a single ECG
cal impulse rapidly to ventricular muscle and to ensure coordi- or rhythm strip, or on successive ECGs recorded on separate days,
nated activation of the ventricles. The bundle of His bifurcates this condition carries a high risk for progression to complete heart
into the right bundle branch and the left bundle branch at the block and is a class I indication for pacemaker implantation, even
crest of the interventricular septum. Bundle branches then ramify in the absence of symptoms (Figure 33-3).
into complex networks of specialized conduction fibers, known
as fascicles. On the left, this complex fascicular system is conven-
Chronic Bifascicular Block
tionally divided into the left anterior fascicle and the left posterior
fascicle. Dysfunction and failure of impulse transmission can Chronic bifascicular block is present with involvement of one of
occur in any combination of these bundles and fascicles, with or the left-sided fascicles plus the right bundle branch. Trifascicular
without superimposed AV block, leading to a variety of block is a somewhat confusing term often used to refer to
Current Indications for Temporary and Permanent Cardiac Pacing   433

I aVR V1 V4 33 
II aVL V2 V5


I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 33-3  A, Twelve-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) showing sinus rhythm with left bundle branch block. B, Twelve-lead ECG in the same patient
when he presented with syncope. The ECG shows right bundle branch block. Alternating bundle branch block signifies significant infra-His disease
and is an indication for pacemaker implantation.

bifascicular block in the presence of first-degree AV block. The finding of nonphysiologic pacing-induced infra-His block warrant
prognostic significance of bifascicular blocks varies according to consideration of pacemaker implantation in these patients, even
the site of the block and the presence or absence of other forms if they are asymptomatic (class IIa).
of heart disease. With a few important exceptions (detailed
below), the annual rate of progression to complete heart block
Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System
in the asymptomatic patient is low, even though most patients
who develop third-degree AV block have bifascicular block at The cardiovascular system, and the sinoatrial (SA) node and AV
some point.13 When bifascicular block is accompanied (even node within the heart, are richly innervated with parasympathetic
transiently) by type II second-degree AV block, advanced and sym­pathetic fibers. Particular forms of autonomic nervous
second-degree AV block, or third-degree AV block, a high risk system dysfunction can cause symptomatic bradycardia, which,
of progression to complete heart block is present, and pacemaker in some cases, can be responsive to cardiac pacing (see Appendix
implantation is warranted whether or not symptoms are present Table 33-8).
(class I).
Syncope should prompt a thorough evaluation in patients with
Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity
infra-His conduction system disease manifested by bifascicular
block or trifascicular block. Carotid sinus hypersensitivity occurs in patients in whom
When noncardiac causes have been excluded, it is important mechanical stimulation of the carotid body in the neck causes a
to consider ventricular tachycardia as a cause of syncope, espe- vagal discharge that results in bradycardia. In some patients, asys-
cially when mild-to-moderate left ventricular dysfunction is tole and syncope can ensue. For patients with recurrent syncope
present. When such patients are candidates for implantable car- associated with carotid sinus stimulation and less than 3 seconds
dioverter defibrillator (ICD) implantation, dual-chamber devices of ventricular asystole on carotid sinus pressure, permanent
should be favored in the presence of infra-His conduction system pacing is indicated (class I). When carotid sinus hypersensitivity
disease to ensure AV synchrony in the event of paroxysmal AV is present with syncope, but the syncope is not clearly precipitated
block. by carotid stimulation or any other identifiable cause, pacemaker
Occasionally, asymptomatic patients with infra-His conduc- implantation is a reasonable consideration (class IIa). However, in
tion system disease are taken to the electrophysiology lab for the absence of syncope, pacemaker implantation is not indicated
other reasons. A prolonged H-V interval (<0.1 seconds) or the for carotid hypersensitivity, even when vague symptoms such as
434  Cardiac Pacing

dizziness or lightheadedness coincide with carotid stimulation bradycardia are listed in Table 33-1. In many instances, these
(class III). medications may have strong indications (for example, β-blockers
in patients with coronary artery disease). It may, therefore, be
necessary to implant a permanent pacemaker, which will help
Neurocardiogenic Syncope
continue therapy with essential medications (class I). The risks of
Neurocardiogenic syncope, also known as vasovagal syndrome, pacemaker implantation should be carefully weighed against the
results from a pathologic cardiovascular reflex, in which the final risk of discontinuing the medication in question, and pacemaker
common pathway diverges into a peripheral vasodepressor implantation should only be undertaken when the risk/benefit
response and a cardioinhibitory response. The vasodepressor profile is favorable. In this context, it should be emphasized that
response consists of an abrupt decrease in peripheral vascular clinically relevant doses of AV nodal blocking agents commonly
resistance caused by withdrawal of sympathetic tone, resulting in unmask pre-existing AV nodal disease but typically do not cause
hypotension and associated symptoms. The cardioinhibitory AV block in patients with otherwise normal conduction. In one
response involves sinus bradycardia (and occasionally sinus series, while 41% of patients with high-grade AV block experi-
arrest) with or without AV block caused by vagal stimulation of enced short-term resolution with cessation of nodal blocking
SA and AV nodes. Patients with severe cardioinhibitory response drugs,15 more than half these patients subsequently experienced
can have asystole anywhere from seconds up to a minute. recurrence of high-grade AV block off the medication. Only about
A typical history for vasovagal syncope includes a prodrome 15% of patients with high-grade AV block while on nodal agents
of malaise with nausea or lightheadedness preceding syncope. had lasting resolution of AV block with cessation of drug therapy.
Symptoms can be triggered by emotional stress, physiologic stress Thus, it is important to monitor closely even those patients with
of any kind, volume depletion, abrupt postural changes, and vagal short-term resolution of AV block after cessation of nodal agents,
stimuli such as micturition, defecation, or coughing. Tilt-table as the majority of these individuals will eventually need pace-
testing provides a useful way to classify these patients into those maker implantation.
having a predominantly vasodepressor response and those having
a predominantly cardioinhibitory response. Classifying patients
Procedures and Surgeries
in this way is essential before any consideration of pacemaker
implantation, as patients with predominantly vasodepressor The AV conduction axis can sustain significant damage during
response will not respond to cardiac pacing. cardiac surgery, particularly aortic and mitral valve surgery, and
Even in patients with some degree of cardioinhibition, SA temporary pacing is often necessary post-operatively.16 When AV
nodal and AV nodal functions are typically normal, so cardiac conduction does not recover after a reasonable period (we typi-
pacing is not first-line therapy. The large, randomized, placebo- cally wait 7 days), a permanent pacemaker should be implanted
controlled Vasovagal Pacemaker Study II (VPS-II) has been per- (class I).17,18
formed to test pacing in neurocardiogenic syncope.14 The results Catheter ablation of the AV junction with pacemaker implan-
showed no aggregate benefit to pacing in general, though it may tation is frequently used to treat rapid atrial fibrillation that is
be reasonable to use pacing in certain subpopulations (patients refractory to medical therapy. These patients should always
with prolonged asystole, minimal prodrome, or no response to receive a permanent pacemaker (class I) regardless of the level
other treatments). For patients with symptomatic documented and rate of the escape rhythm. In general, we favor pacemaker
cardioinhibition either on tilt-table testing or spontaneously, a implantation at least 3 to 4 weeks before AV junction (AVJ) abla-
class IIb indication for permanent pacing is present, if the brady- tion to minimize the risk of lead dislodgment during catheter
cardia is refractory to lifestyle changes and maneuvers. For ablation. Because these patients are dependent on ventricular
patients in high-risk occupations (transportation, construction, pacing, consideration should be given to biventricular pacing after
operation of heavy machinery) or for those with prolonged AVJ ablation, to minimize the deleterious effects of right ventricu-
periods of asystole (<5 seconds), pacemaker implantation may be lar (RV) apical pacing in those who are susceptible (typically
the safest course. However, these patients should be cautioned patients with left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] <45%) and
that pacing will not prevent attacks and may not be sufficient to to provide a backup pacing system in the event of malfunction of
abort the attacks once they are in progress. The main role for a pacing lead.
pacing in these situations is to blunt the severity of the episodes, Patients who develop unintended third-degree or high-grade
and in some cases, when minimal prodromal symptoms are AV block caused by catheter ablation for AV nodal re-entrant
present, pacing can provide additional time for the patient to tachycardia or accessory pathway ablation should undergo per-
undertake abortive maneuvers. manent pacemaker implantation. Because nodal function can
recover in these patients, it may be reasonable to delay pacemaker
implantation, if necessary, with use of temporary pacing, until it
Iatrogenic Bradycardia
is clear that the loss of AV nodal function is permanent. Rarely,
Bradycardia can result from a variety of iatrogenic causes, most the patient with ventricular pre-excitation undergoes a catheter
commonly from medications but also from cardiac procedures ablation procedure that disrupts AV nodal conduction without
and cardiac surgery. affecting the accessory pathway. The patient is then dependent on
accessory pathway conduction for the transmission of the impulse
from the atrium to the ventricle. In this circumstance, antegrade
conduction over the accessory pathway should be assessed with
All patients presenting with symptomatic bradycardia should exercise testing or with pacing in the electrophysiology laboratory
be thoroughly questioned about medication use, and, where to make sure that the conduction is robust over a physiologic
possible, medications that cause bradycardia should be discontin- range of heart rates. Pacemaker implantation should be consid-
ued. Commonly prescribed classes of medications that can cause ered if accessory pathway conduction is not robust, if accessory
Current Indications for Temporary and Permanent Cardiac Pacing   435

pathway function decreases over time, or if accessory pathway

Biventricular Pacing in Heart Failure
ablation becomes necessary, leaving the patient without a func-
tional AV communication. Dyssynchronous ventricular contraction caused by abnormal
ventricular activation can be deleterious. Many patients with
heart failure caused by left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction
have broad QRS intervals arising from the involvement of the
Although medications, catheter ablation, and ICD implantation intraventricular conduction system, and some have a broad QRS
are the primarily modalities for treating tachyarrhythmias, cardiac intervals in the setting of frequent RV apical pacing. Two land-
pacing does have a role in certain circumstances, both for termi- mark clinical trials, Comparison of Medical Therapy, Pacing, Defi-
nation of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and for prevention brillation in Chronic Heart Failure (COMPANION) and Cardiac
of triggered ventricular arrhythmias (see Appendix Table 33-9). Resynchronization-Heart Failure trial (CARE-HF), have estab-
Although pacing is used in the automatic detection and termina- lished a role for biventricular pacing or cardiac resynchronization
tion of ventricular tachycardia, pacing systems with this capacity therapy (CRT) in selected patients with heart failure with reduced
should also have the ability to defibrillate in the event that pacing ejection fraction, both for reduction of symptoms and reduction
accelerates the rhythm or causes degeneration into ventricular in mortality.19,20 These studies included patients with LVEF 35%
fibrillation. Pacemakers without ICD function should therefore or less and QRS interval less than 0.12 seconds regardless of the
not be implanted for detection and termination of ventricular type of intraventricular conduction abnormality. Thus far, the
tachycardia. guidelines have focused on patients with New York Heart Asso-
ciation (NYHA) class III and ambulatory class IV symptoms who
are already on recommended medical therapy. The importance of
Termination of Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias
ensuring that patients with heart failure are on medical therapy
In the treatment of recurrent, symptomatic supraventricular cannot be overemphasized, as patients can move from NYHA
tachycardia (SVT) that cannot be controlled with catheter ablation class III/IV to class I on medications alone, and the ejection frac-
or medications, cardiac pacing has a role. When pacing reproduc- tion can improve significantly. Among these patients, biventricu-
ibly terminates the arrhythmia and arrhythmia detection is reli- lar device implantation for restoration of mechanical synchrony
able, it is reasonable to implant a pacemaker (class IIa), even in the is a class I indication for those in sinus rhythm and class IIa for
absence of conduction system dysfunction or any other indication those in atrial fibrillation or who depend on ventricular pacing.
for cardiac pacing. Because overdrive pacing of SVT can occasion- Although the guidelines do not describe an indication for patients
ally result in atrial fibrillation (especially at shorter cycle lengths), with NYHA class IV symptoms who depend on positive inotropes
patients with accessory pathways that can conduct rapidly in the or are nonambulatory, we have occasionally found that such
antegrade direction should not receive anti-tachycardia pacing patients can benefit dramatically from CRT, to the point of
(class III) because of the risk of causing pre-excited atrial fibrilla- weaning the patients off inotropes so that the patients can leave
tion that degenerates into ventricular fibrillation. the hospital.19,21
Recently, results from the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator
Implantation Trial-Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (MADIT-
Prevention of Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias
CRT) trial22 have shown that with biventricular ICD implantation,
In vulnerable patients, slow heart rates cause increased dispersion a significant reduction occurs in mortality rates and hospitaliza-
of ventricular repolarization and predispose to pause-dependent tions for heart failure, even in NYHA class I/II patients, which
polymorphic ventricular tachyarrythmias (VTs; torsades de has raised the possibility of a considerable expansion in the indi-
pointes). A typical initiation begins with a pause, followed by a cations for CRT.19 At the time of the writing of this chapter, these
beat in which repolarization is prolonged, and a tightly coupled data did not yet affect clinical practice but are likely to have a
premature ventricular depolarization that starts a run of poly- major impact in the near future. As for now, the 2008 ACC/AHA/
morphic VT. In situations where VT is clearly pause dependent HRS guidelines recognize a class IIb indication for patients with
and sustained and is not related to a reversible cause, pacemaker LVEF less than 35% and NYHA class I or II heart failure when
implantation is warranted, regardless of the Q-T interval (class I), pacemaker implantation is planned for other indications and fre-
particularly if the resting heart rate is slow. In patients with con- quent ventricular pacing is expected.
genital long QT syndrome (LQTS) that is high risk by genotype
or family history, pacing is warranted to minimize the risk of VT
Multiple-Site Atrial Pacing
(class IIa). Often, such patients will also have an indication for a
defibrillator, so ICD implantation may be preferred to implanta- Atrial fibrillation is often caused by fibrosis and electrical remod-
tion of only a pacemaker. eling in atria, with or without chamber enlargement. Patients with
atrial fibrillation may therefore manifest intra-atrial conduction
delay (broad P waves), which can serve as a substrate for re-entry
Multiple-Site Pacing
as well as for frequent atrial ectopy that can trigger atrial fibrilla-
Multiple-site pacing has emerged in the past decade as a tion. Synchronous atrial activation may reduce the potential for
novel approach to optimizing electrical and mechanical syn- repolarization inhomogeneity, as well as for triggered premature
chrony. In selected patients with heart failure caused by systolic atrial depolarizations, and thereby reduce the frequency of epi-
dysfunction and intraventricular conduction disturbances, biven- sodes of atrial fibrillation.
tricular pacing can dramatically improve symptoms and decrease A number of small clinical series and one moderate-sized ran-
mortality. Multiple-site atrial pacing to improve atrial function domized trial have been performed to evaluate the potential for
and reduce atrial fibrillation has also been explored, but a role for multiple-site atrial pacing to reduce atrial fibrillation. Thus far,
this modality has yet to be established with large clinical trials. with the possible exception of patients with marked intra-atrial
436  Cardiac Pacing

conduction delay that manifests as surface P-wave duration less result in the reduction of LVOT pressure gradient and
than 0.18 seconds, no benefit in terms of symptoms, reduction in obstruction.
atrial fibrillation, or adverse cardiac events have been reported.23 Some randomized clinical trials have demonstrated subjective
Therefore, no recognized indication for pacing to prevent atrial improvement in symptoms as well as in physiologic endpoints,
fibrillation in patients without any other indication for permanent but others have shown no overall improvement in the quality of
pacing (class III) exists at present. life or any alteration in the course of the disease.24,25 Patients with
hypertensive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and older adults may
be subpopulations that derive more benefit, whereas pacing is
Permanent Pacing in Specific Clinical Situations more difficult in those with rapid atrial rates or brisk AV nodal
conduction. Overall, data are inconclusive but certainly do not
Myocardial Infarction
support the idea of routine pacing in these patients. However, the
It is common for patients to sustain damage to the cardiac con- guidelines do recognize a class IIb indication for medically refrac-
duction system from myocardial infarction (MI), and the guide- tory symptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with resting or
lines recognize a separate class of indications for this group of provoked outflow tract obstruction (Appendix Table 33-11).
patients, since acquired AV block in the post-MI setting has a Asymptomatic patients, those with symptoms that are medically
distinct prognostic significance. As with all patients manifesting controlled, and those with symptoms but no documented outflow
intraventricular conduction disturbances, all symptomatic AV tract obstruction are not candidates for pacing (class III).
blocks that are not transient warrant permanent pacing (class I).
The guidelines also recognize additional class I indications for
After Cardiac Transplantation
patients who have no symptoms but have persistent second-
degree AV block with alternating bundle branch block, third- Patients who have undergone cardiac transplantation often
degree AV block, and transient second-degree or third-degree experience sinus bradycardia, particularly in the immediate
AV block that is believed to be either intra-His or Infra-His. post-transplant period. Slower atrial rates and chronotropic
Pacemaker implantation can also be considered for patients with incompetence can negatively impact the cardiac rehabilitation
persistent second-degree or third-degree AV block that is supra- process and significantly delay hospital discharge. When this bra-
His (class IIb). However, AV block that is transient and not dycardia is not expected to resolve, permanent pacing is a class I
accompanied by intraventricular conduction defects or that is indication. Even when some resolution in bradycardia is expected
accompanied only by left anterior fascicular block has a low rate over several months to a year, permanent pacing can be consid-
of progression to complete heart block, and prophylactic pace- ered if the post-transplant recovery process is limited by brady-
maker implantation is not recommended (Appendix Table cardia (class IIb).
33-10). Similarly, bundle branch block or fascicular block without Patients who have received transplants are also vulnerable
AV block does not warrant pacemaker implantation, nor does to coronary vasculopathy, which frequently manifests as con­
persistent first-degree AV block with bundle branch block that duction system dysfunction.26,27 Therefore, after transplantation,
predates the infarction (class III). pacemaker implantation can be considered in patients with
recurrent syncope of undetermined cause, even without clear
evidence of bradyarrhythmia (class IIb). Conduction system dys-
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
function can also be evident in acute rejection. While compre-
Patients with ischemic or nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy hensive data are not available on the long-term prognosis of
constitute a distinct group of high-risk patients who tend not to patients with bradyarrhythmias and syncope in the setting of
tolerate bradyarrhythmias, AV dyssynchrony, or intraventricular rejection, it is reasonable to consider permanent pacing if the
dyssynchrony. In addition, they often require medications that bradyarrhythmia is persistent, even after the rejection has been
can worsen their sinus node dysfunction and AV block. For that controlled (Appendix Table 33-12).
reason, we generally have a lower threshold to initiate device
therapy for class IIa and class IIb indications in this population.
All patients with dilated cardiomyopathy who have indications for Indications for Temporary Pacing
permanent pacing should be evaluated for the need for biven-
tricular pacing as well as the need for a defibrillator before any Temporary cardiac pacing can be a life-saving treatment in many
device implantation. clinical situations, but it also poses some risk for serious compli-
cations. In this section, we briefly review the modalities available
for temporary pacing, followed by the major indications for tem-
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
porary pacing.
Some patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy develop steep
pressure gradients across the LV outflow tract (LVOT), at rest or
Temporary Pacing Modalities
with provocation. These patients can then develop varying
degrees of LV outflow obstruction, leading to chest discomfort, Temporary cardiac pacing can be achieved with any of several
dyspnea, lightheadedness, and syncope. For most patients, a com- modalities (see Table 33-2). Precordial percussion can result in
bination of medical therapy and either surgical myectomy or ventricular systoles in the setting of an asystolic arrest and can be
alcohol septal ablation can provide definitive relief from outflow used until transcutaneous electrodes can be placed. In general,
tract obstruction. However, when either of these is contraindi- given its morbidity, transcutaneous pacing should be reserved for
cated or unsuccessful, pacemaker implantation has a role. RV emergent situations and ideally in unconscious or sedated
apical pacing can cause ventricular dyssynchrony and thereby patients.28,29 Esophageal pacing is similarly morbid and often
Current Indications for Temporary and Permanent Cardiac Pacing   437

Table 33-2  Modalities for Temporary Pacing


Chamber Both Ventricle Atrium Both Ventricle

Prolonged use Yes If sedated No Yes No

Application Any indication Emergency Atrial pacing Postoperative only Witnessed bradycardic arrest

requires relatively large amounts of current delivery for ventricu- Table 33-3  Risk Score for Prediction of High-Grade Atrioventricular
lar capture. It is seldom used in adult patients but may have a role Block in Acute Myocardial Infarction
in infants and children for the diagnosis and pace termination of
atrial arrhythmias. Epicardial lead placement is usually performed ABNORMALITY POINTS
as a prophylactic measure against bradycardia after cardiac First-degree AV block 1
surgery. It is common for inflammation to occur around the epi-
cardial pacing leads, which results in a rise in pacing threshold Type I second-degree AV block 1
and ultimately failure of the pacing system.30
Type II second-degree AV block 1
Patients requiring sustained temporary pacing should, in
general, have transvenous pacing systems placed to reduce mor- LAFB or LPFB 1
bidity and achieve more reliable pacing. Given the risk of infec-
tion, cardiac perforation, and more commonly, lead migration
and failure, temporary transvenous pacemakers should be used RISK OF COMPLETE
for as short a period as possible. Patients with temporary trans- TOTAL SORE HEART BLOCK
venous pacing systems should be on bedrest under continuous
0 1.2%
monitoring, preferably in an intensive care unit (ICU), and should
have daily threshold testing and imaging with chest radiography 1 7.8%
to confirm the appropriate positioning and functioning of the
2 25%
pacing lead.
3 36.4%
Asystole AV, Atrioventricular; LAFB, left anterior fascicular block; LPFB, left posterior fascicular
block; RBBB, right bundle branch block; LBBB, left bundle branch block.
Pacing is part of the advanced cardiac life support algorithm for Modified from Lamas GA, Muller JE, Turi ZG, et al: A simplified method to predict
asystole and should be initiated promptly on identification of occurrence of complete heart block during acute myocardial infarction, Am J Cardiol
ventricular asystole. Care should be taken to distinguish asystole 57:1213–1219, 1986.
from fine ventricular fibrillation, as pacing has no role in treating
the latter rhythm. Because asystolic cardiac arrest is not usually
caused by primary conduction system dysfunction, pacing often
is of limited value; nonetheless, it should be undertaken as indi- in those with inferior MI), and as with sinus bradycardia, neither
cated in the algorithm. In general, the prognosis for asystolic should prompt pacemaker insertion for prophylaxis of high-grade
cardiac arrest is poor. AV block when a narrow QRS complex is present (class III). It is
reasonable to consider pacemaker implantation in high-grade AV
block (type II second-degree AV block or third-degree AV block)
Acute Myocardial Infarction
with a narrow QRS interval, though many of these patients will
A variety of conduction disturbances can occur during acute MI, have an adequate escape rhythm.
and any component of the conduction system can be involved. The development of new intraventricular conduction abnor-
The ACC/AHA guidelines on the management of acute MI malities in acute MI, particularly in conjunction with an anterior
contain a section on the indications for temporary pacemaker MI, is ominous and portends a worse prognosis in terms of the
insertion based on the prognostic significance of various bradyar- infarct size, hemodynamics, and the development of a complete
rhythmias in the setting of acute MI.31 heart block. A simple risk score (Table 33-3) has been devised to
Sinus bradycardia alone should not, in general, prompt tem- stratify patients and identify the development of a complete heart
porary pacemaker insertion for prophylactic purposes. If the bra- block in the setting of an acute MI.32 Temporary pacemaker place-
dycardia potentiates ischemia or causes heart failure or ment should be considered for patients at a moderate-to-high risk
hypotension and is not responsive to vagolytic agents such as of progression to complete heart block, even without symptoms
atropine, then temporary pacing is indicated. In general, given the or hemodynamic compromise. These include patients with pre-
potential for increasing myocardial oxygen demand and worsen- existing intraventricular conduction system disease with new AV
ing infarction with the administration of chronotropic agents block and patients with new intraventricular conduction system
such as isoproterenol or other β-adrenergic agents, pacing is pref- disease (see Appendix Table 33-13). It should be emphasized that
erable. First-degree AV block and type I second-degree AV block these guidelines are distinct from those governing the indications
during MI occur in a substantial number of patients (particularly, for permanent pacing after the acute phase of MI. Many patients
438  Cardiac Pacing

will need pacing only for the acute phase, particularly after suc- transvenous pacing system, it may be reasonable to use a dual-
cessful revascularization. chamber strategy in patients who receive epicardial pacing
systems at the time of surgery.
Temporary Pacing for Hemodynamic Indications
In patients with significant bradycardia accompanied by symp-
toms of cerebral hypoperfusion, hemodynamic compromise, Patients with severe LV dysfunction who are hospitalized
heart failure, or cardiac ischemia is present and in whom chrono- with rest symptoms or hemodynamic compromise can some-
tropic agents are either ineffective or contraindicated, temporary times benefit from pacing. When ventricular filling is impaired
pacemaker insertion should be considered. Often, such patients because of marked first-degree AV block or type I second-degree
will ultimately require permanent pacemaker implantation, but AV block, a trial of temporary dual-chamber pacing may be
necessary cardiac pacing should not be delayed while the workup beneficial. When the QRS interval is prolonged, a trial of biven-
for the cause of bradycardia is under way. Many reversible causes tricular pacing with a temporary system can sometime help deter-
of bradycardia and conduction system abnormalities exist (see mine whether a permanent biventricular system should be
Table 33-1), and temporary pacing can be invaluable while the implanted.
appropriate diagnostic testing is performed. Temporary pacing
may also be required for pacemaker-dependent patients who
Periprocedural Pacing
require lead or device revision, with an obligatory delay between
explantation of an old device and implantation of a new device Patients undergoing noncardiac surgery often present with
(for example, in pacemaker lead infection). chronic conduction disturbances. In the vast majority of instances,
Some patients presenting with high-grade AV block, either temporary pacing is not necessary. General anesthesia is safe in
persistent or paroxysmal, have minimal symptoms at rest and patients with chronic asymptomatic sinus bradycardia, first-
are not hemodynamically compromised. The question thus degree AV block, type I second-degree AV block with normal
arises whether all of these patients should receive temporary QRS, and bifascicular block, with a very low rate of high-grade
pacing. As a general rule, the location and rate of the escape intraprocedural AV block. The main exceptions to this rule are
rhythm are the critical determining factors in these situations. patients who present for surgery with complete heart block, high-
Patients may have persistent complete heart block with a supra- grade second-degree AV block, or with any symptomatic bradyar-
His escape rhythm of 50 to 60 beats/min, normal blood pres- rhythmia. If surgery is urgent, temporary pacemaker implantation
sure, and minimal symptoms at rest. These patients should be can be considered in these patients. Elective surgery should be
on bedrest with transcutaneous pacing available at the bedside, deferred in this situation to permit further diagnostic testing and
but temporary pacemaker placement is not necessarily war- treatment, possibly to include pacemaker implantation.
ranted. However, patients with even brief paroxysms of high- It is controversial whether every patient with baseline left
grade AV block with an inadequate escape rhythm, wide QRS bundle branch block undergoing catheterization of the right ven-
escape rhythm, or with evidence of intra-His or infra-His con- tricle or right ventricular endomyocardial biopsy should receive
duction system disease should undergo temporary pacemaker a temporary pacemaker. About 5% to 10% of patients with cath-
insertion, given the unpredictable and often sudden nature of a eter introduction in the right ventricle will develop transient right
paroxysmal AV block. bundle branch block. For patients with baseline left bundle branch
block, this can result in complete heart block and asystole, and it
may be reasonable to place a temporary pacemaker in these
patients. In most cases, iatrogenic right bundle branch block is
In patients with bradycardia-dependent ventricular tachycardia, transient but can last for hours and up to several days.
temporary pacing can be a life-saving treatment. Particularly in
acquired LQTS, when changes in repolarization are often caused
by the transient effects of drugs, temporary pacing at rates
between 85 and 100 beats/min can be very effective in preventing Cardiac pacing has emerged as a safe, reliable, and highly effective
polymorphic ventricular tachycardia until the high-risk period treatment for a subset of cardiac rhythm abnormalities. As with
has passed. any treatment, proper patient selection is essential to success. This
Patients with refractory tachyarrhythmias who do not respond chapter has provided a summary of current indications for cardiac
to medications may respond to overdrive pacing. Given the risks pacing as outlined in the most recent ACC/AHA/HRS guidelines,
of temporary pacemaker insertion, this strategy should be under- with special attention to frequently encountered clinical dilem-
taken only in the persistently symptomatic patient after a failure mas. It should be emphasized that in deciding whether or not to
of medical therapy and when electrical cardioversion is not desir- initiate pacing, the clinician should always bear in mind not only
able. Atrial flutter can often be readily terminated with this strat- the specific guidelines but also the level of supporting evidence
egy. Overdrive pacing of VT can result in the acceleration of the and the presence or absence of alternatives to cardiac pacing.
rhythm as well as ventricular fibrillation, so this maneuver should Particularly with permanent pacemakers, device implantation
only be undertaken in an intensive care setting, where the care imposes a lifestyle change for the patient, and thus it is critical to
team will be ready for emergent defibrillation should it become integrate patient preference into the clinical decision making
necessary. The same principle applies for any SVT when ventricu- process. Finally, although pacemakers have been in widespread
lar pre-excitation is present. clinical use for several decades, the indications for pacing are
Some evidence suggests that after cardiac surgery, atrial rapidly evolving and undoubtedly will expand as more clinical
pacing can result in a lower incidence of postoperative atrial fibril- data on patient selection and outcomes become available and as
lation. While this is not a sufficient reason to place a temporary pacing technology continues to improve.
Current Indications for Temporary and Permanent Cardiac Pacing   439
Menozzi C, Brignole M, Alboni P, et al: The natural course of untreated

sick sinus syndrome and identification of the variables predictive of
Bristow MR, Saxon LA, Boehmer J, et al: Cardiac-resynchronization unfavorable outcome, Am J Cardiol 82(10):1205–1209, 1998.
therapy with or without an implantable defibrillator in advanced Moss AJ, Hall WJ, Cannom DS, et al: Cardiac-resynchronization therapy
chronic heart failure, N Engl J Med 350(21):2140–2150, 2004. for the prevention of heart-failure events (MADIT-CRT),
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301(24):2571–2577, 2009. lines for the management of patients with acute myocardial infarction:
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352(15):1539–1549, 2005. tice Guidelines (Committee on Management of Acute Myocardial
Connolly SJ, Sheldon R, Thorpe KE, et al: Pacemaker therapy for preven- Infarction), Circulation 100(9):1016–1030, 1999.
tion of syncope in patients with recurrent severe vasovagal syncope: Scheinman MM, Peters RW, Suave MJ, et al: Value of the H-Q interval in
Second Vasovagal Pacemaker Study (VPS II): A randomized trial, patients with bundle branch block and the role of prophylactic perma-
JAMA 289(17):2224–2229, 2003. nent pacing, Am J Cardiol 50(6):1316–1322, 1982.
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arrhythmic syncope who were not treated with artificial pacemakers. A cardiac resynchronization therapy: The Task Force for Cardiac Pacing
long-term follow-up study of 101 patients, Acta Med Scand 200(6):457– and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy of the European Society of
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occurrence of complete heart block during acute myocardial infarction,
Am J Cardiol 57(15):1213–1219, 1986.
Cardiac Pacing Modes and Terminology
Jose F. Huizar, Karoly Kaszala, and Kenneth A. Ellenbogen 34 
Pacemakers have the capability of sensing intrinsic cardiac activity
Single-Chamber (Atrial or Ventricular) Inhibited Pacing
and responding to sensed events depending on the pacing mode.
Cardiac pacing terminology has evolved as the devices have Pacemakers with an atrial lead can be programmed to an atrial-
become more sophisticated. Pacemakers have different program- inhibited mode referred to as AAI, whereas devices with a ven-
mable rates, pacing modes, and timing cycles that allow them tricular lead can be programmed to a ventricular-inhibited mode
to function predictably and respond to different circumstances. (VVI). The AAI pacing mode refers to atrial paced, atrial sensed,
Understanding of pacing terminology and timing cycles (Tables and inhibition of pacing output in response to an atrial sensed
34-1 and 34-2) is important to differentiate between appropriate event (P wave), whereas the VVI pacing mode refers to ventricular
and inappropriate pacemaker functions. paced, ventricular sensed, and inhibition of pacing output in
response to a ventricular sensed event (R wave). Therefore the
single chamber (atrium or ventricle) will only be paced if no sensed
Pacing Nomenclature event (P wave or R wave) is detected faster than the programmed
lower rate limit (LRL). In contrast, the single chamber (atrium or
A five-letter pacing mode nomenclature has been adopted (see ventricle) will not be paced if a sensed event is detected (inhibited
Table 34-1).1 The first letter refers to the chamber being paced pacing) at a rate faster than the LRL (Figure 34-1, B and C).
(Omitted or absent, Atrium, Ventricle, and Dual for atrium and
ventricle), the second letter refers to the chamber being sensed
Dual-Chamber (Atrioventricular) Sensing and Sequential,
(Omitted or absent, Atrium, Ventricle, and Dual for atrium and
P-Synchronous Pacing with Inhibition (DDD)
ventricle), and the third letter refers to the response of the pace-
maker to a sensed event (Omitted or absent, Inhibit, Trigger or The DDD pacing mode requires at least an atrial lead and a ven-
tracking, and Dual for inhibit and trigger). The fourth letter refers tricular lead. The DDD mode refers to atrial and ventricular
to the rate modulation or rate adaptive response to activity (Rate pacing as well as atrial and ventricular sensing with dual function
adaptive, and Omitted or absent rate response), and the fifth letter (inhibit and trigger pacing) in response to an intrinsic atrial
refers to multiple-site pacing (Omitted or absent, Atrium, Ven- sensed event or a ventricular sensed event. In the DDD mode, the
tricle, and Dual for atrium and ventricle). pacemaker will pace both the atrium and the ventricle (atrioven-
tricular [AV] sequential pacing), with programmed AV delay if
the intrinsic atrial and ventricular rates are below the LRL. If the
Pacing Modes atrial rate is slower than LRL, the device will pace the atrium while
inhibiting ventricular pacing if an intrinsic ventricular event is
Available pacing modes depend on the location and number of sensed within a predetermined AV delay. If an atrial sensed event
leads implanted. Indications, advantages, and disadvantages of is faster than the LRL without an intrinsic ventricular event, the
different pacing modes are reviewed in Table 34-3. pacemaker inhibits atrial pacing but triggers ventricular pacing
(P-synchronous pacing) after a predetermined AV delay (Figure
34-1, D). Finally, pacing will be completely inhibited if the intrinsic
Single-Chamber or Dual-Chamber Asynchronous Pacing
atrial and ventricular rates are above the LRL. This pacing mode
Asynchronous pacing refers to continuous atrial pacing, ventricu- is the most commonly used in dual-chamber devices (DDD or
lar pacing, or both at a specific rate, regardless of the presence or DDDR) and biventricular pacemakers (DDDOV or DDDRV).
absence of an intrinsic atrial event, ventricular event, or both
(Figure 34-1, A). Such pacing mode is symbolized as AOO, VOO,
Dual-Chamber (Atrioventricular) Sensing and Sequential,
or DOO. These pacing modes are used in limited circumstances,
Non–P-Synchronous Pacing with Inhibition (DDI)
such as when pacemaker-dependent patients (without ventricular
sensed events) are exposed to noise or artifact (e.g., electrocau- The DDI pacing mode refers to pacing both the atrium and the
tery), which could result in asystole due to oversensing and pacing ventricle, sensing both the atrium and the ventricle and inhibiting
inhibition if the pacemaker has been programmed in a non- pacing in response to an intrinsic atrial sensed event or a ventricu-
asynchronous pacing mode. Nevertheless, asynchronous pacing lar sensed event. In contrast to DDD, the DDI mode lacks the
is often seen when the device is at the end of its life or when a trigger or P-synchronous pacing in response to an atrial sensed
magnet is placed over the pulse generator. event. Thus the pacemaker will not trigger ventricular pacing after

442  Cardiac Pacing

Table 34-1  Revised NASPE/BPEG Generic Code for Antibradycardia, Adaptive-Rate, and Multiple-Site Pacing




O = None O = None O = None O = None O = None

A = Atrium A = Atrium T = Triggered R = Rate modulation A = Atrium

V = Ventricle V = Ventricle I = Inhibited V = Ventricle

D = Dual (A + V) D = Dual (A + V) D = Dual (T + I) D = Dual (A + V)

BPEG, British Pacing and Electrophysiology Group; NASPE, North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology.
From Bernstein AD, Daubert JC, Fletcher RD, et al: The revised NASPE/BPEG generic code for antibradycardia, adaptive-rate, and multisite pacing. North American Society of Pacing and
Electrophysiology/British Pacing and Electrophysiology Group, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 25(2):260–264, 2002.

Table 34-2  Abbreviations and Description of Cardiac Events and Timing Cycles in Single-Chamber, Dual-Chamber, and Biventricular



Atrial sensed event (P/AS) Sensed a native Atrial depolarization (P wave)

Atrial paced event (A/AP) Delivered Atrial Pacing output
Ventricular sensed event (R/VS) Sensed a native Ventricular depolarization (QRS complex)
Ventricular paced event (V/VP) Delivered Ventricular Pacing output
Atrial blanking period (AB) Atrial sensing amplifier is “blind” and will not detect or respond to atrial sensed event
Ventricular blanking period (VB) Ventricular sensing amplifier is “blind” and will not detect or respond to any ventricular
sensed event
Atrial refractory period (ARP) An atrial sensed event will be noted but ignored, without affecting pacemaker timing
Ventricular refractory period (VRP) A ventricular sensed event will be noted but ignored, without affecting pacemaker
timing cycle
Lower rate limit (LRL) Minimum pacing rate
Upper rate limit (URL) Maximum pacing rate
Maximum sensor rate (MSR) Maximum pacing rate by rate-responsive sensor


Atrioventricular sequential pacing (AV) Atrial paced event followed by paced ventricular event
P-synchronous V-pacing (PV) Atrial sensed event followed by paced ventricular event
VA Interval (VAI) Interval from ventricular sensed or paced event to atrial paced event
AR (AP-AS) Atrial paced event followed by ventricular sensed event
AV interval or delay (AVI) Programmed atrioventricular pacing interval
Paced AV interval (Paced AVI) AV interval/delay from atrial paced event (A) to ventricular paced event (V)
Sensed AV interval (Sensed AVI) AV interval/delay from atrial sensed event (P) to ventricular paced event (V)
Maximum or upper tracking rate (MTR) Maximum ventricular pacing rate allowed in response to high sensed atrial rates
Postatrial ventricular blanking period (PAVB) Period when ventricular sensing is “OFF” after an atrial paced event
Post-ventricular atrial blanking period (PVAB) Period when atrial sensing is “OFF” after a ventricular paced or sensed event
Post-ventricular atrial refractory period (PVARP) Period after a ventricular event when the device can sense but not track an atrial event
Total atrial refractory period (TARP) Sum of AVI and PVARP
Rate-responsive AV delay (RRAVD) AV delay that adjusts by shortening as the rate increases.


Biventricular pacing interval or LV offset (V–V) Timing gap between RV and LV pacing
RV refractory period (RVRP) An RV sensed event maybe noted but ignored, without affecting RV pacing timing cycle
LV refractory period (LVRP) An LV sensed event maybe noted but ignored, without affecting LV pacing timing cycle
LV protection period (LVPP) Period after a ventricular paced or sensed event that prevents inappropriate pacing
during vulnerable period
Cardiac Pacing Modes and Terminology  443

Table 34-3  Indications, Advantages, and Disadvantages of LRL LRL
Commonly Used Pacing Modes


Asynchronous Pacemaker-dependent Pacing regardless of
(AOO, VOO, patients exposed to intrinsic events
DOO) noise (e.g., electrocau- Potential risk for LRL LRL
tery during surgery) arrhythmia induction
Avoids oversensing and
asystole AAI
Single- AAI: sick sinus syndrome AAI lacks ventricular B
chamber with intact AV node; pacing in the event of
pacing (AAI, preserves AV intermittent AV block LRL LRL
VVI) synchrony VVI is associated with AV
VVI: atrial fibrillation with dyssynchrony
slow VR and (manifest as VVI
single-lead ICDs pacemaker syndrome) V P V P R P V
AAI/VVI require a single VVI has a higher C
lead and increase incidence of atrial
battery longevity arrhythmias10 LRL
DDD, Preserves AV synchrony Requires at least a
DDDRV (CRT) (less pacemaker two-chamber lead PAV SAV SAV
syndrome) system and has less DDD
Low incidence of atrial battery longevity V A V P V P R
arrhythmias and D
DDI Functions as two Same as DDD: possible VAI VAI VAI
different pacemakers AV dyssynchrony and PAV Lacks
(AAI and VVI) pacemaker syndrome tracking
Used as mode switch to (does not track atrial DDI
avoid tracking atrial sensed events)2,9

VDD Appropriate sinus node Lack of atrial pacing LRL LRL

function with AV Potential AV dyssyn- VAI VAI VAI
node disease (e.g., chrony at lower rate PAV PAV PAV
MDT RV lead model limit
5038); dual chamber DVI
with high atrial V A V A R P A V
pacing threshold to F
minimize battery
FIGURE 34-1  Different pacing modes. LRL, Lower rate limit; P, intrinsic
P wave; A, atrial paced event; R, intrinsic R wave; V, ventricular paced
DVI Severe sinus bradycardia/  Asynchronous atrial event; VAI, ventriculoatrial interval; PAV, paced atrioventricular interval;
standstill and atrial   pacing SAV, sensed atrioventricular interval.
lead malfunction Potential AV
(oversensing) dyssynchrony

AV, Atrioventricular; VR, ventricular regurgitation; ICDs, implantable-cardioverter-

defibrillators; MDT, Medtronic, Inc.; RV, right ventricular. Overall, the most commonly used pacing modes are VVI,
DDD, and DDI without rate response or VVIR, DDDR, and DDIR
with rate response. VDD and DVI are less commonly used pacing
an atrial sensed event, but atrioventricular sequential pacing will modes. The VDD mode refers to ventricular pacing only and atrial
occur only after atrial pacing if no intrinsic ventricular event is and ventricular sensing with inhibition and tracking function in
present (Figure 34-1, E). The overall advantage is that it can func- response to a sensed event. This pacing mode is indicated in
tion as two different atrial and ventricular pacemakers (AAI with patients with normal sinus node function with AV nodal disease,
a backup VVI). For example, in a patient with a high-degree AV as atrial pacing is not required. This dual-chamber pacing mode
block, a sinus rate of 80 beats/min, and a programmed LRL of 60 may be used with single-pass leads that incorporate both atrial
beats/min, the pacemaker will inhibit atrial pacing, but it will pace and ventricular electrodes within a single lead body or in subjects
the ventricle at LRL with the development of AV dyssynchrony with normal sinus node function and appropriate atrial sensing
due to lack of the trigger or tracking feature. However, when the but a high atrial pacing threshold. DVI refers to atrial and ven-
atrial rate drops below 60 beats/min, the pacemaker will pace both tricular pacing, ventricular sensing only, and inhibition to a ven-
chambers at the LRL with preservation of AV synchrony. tricular sensed event. This mode lacks atrial sensing, and thus it
444  Cardiac Pacing

will pace the atrium asynchronously at the LRL. This mode was
used in first-generation pacemakers and thus is more of historical
significance (Figure 34-1, F). However, DVI can still be used in
patients with significant sinus bradycardia or atrial standstill and A ARP A ARP
atrial lead malfunction (oversensing), in which atrial pacing is B B
mandated (asynchronous pacing). Other pacing modes have a
more historical use, such as VAT (ventricular pacing only, atrial
sensing only, and tracking response), which could be used on
pacemaker-dependent patients to avoid inhibition of ventricular
pacing due to ventricular lead oversensing.2-4 P P

Timing Cycles LRL

Recognition of normal pacemaker function versus abnormal pace- V VRP V VRP

maker function on the electrocardiogram (ECG) requires a clear B B
understanding of pacemaker timing cycles. Overall, timing cycles
are based on cardiac events such as atrial sensed events and ven- P P
tricular sensed events (referred to as “P” and “R,” respectively), and
atrial paced events or ventricular paced events (referred to as “A”
and “V”, respectively). Appropriate sensing of cardiac events allows P P
appropriate function and adaptation of the pacing mode, such as B
mode switching or noise reversion response (described below).
Abbreviations and descriptions of pertinent cardiac events and VAI
pacemaker timing cycles are provided in Table 34-2. AVI
PVARP Crosstalk
Asynchronous pacing modes (AOO, VOO, and DOO) have
the simplest timing cycle (they lack blanking and refractory
TARP window

periods) since there is neither sensing nor mode of response (see A ARP P P
Figure 34-1, A). Thus, AOO or VOO have a fixed pacing interval, V A B
regardless of cardiac events, which depends on the programmable B B
LRL. In addition, DOO has a programmable AV interval (AVI) as
well as a ventriculoatrial (VA) interval that depend on the LRL.
In contrast, non-asynchronous pacing modes have more timing
cycles, including blanking and refractory periods. DDD
Blanking and Refractory Periods
These are basic timing periods that avoid oversensing of inap-
C Atrial periods Ventricular periods

propriate signals such as evoked potentials and repolarization. FIGURE 34-2  Blanking and refractory periods with different pacing
During the blanking period, the sense amplifier is “off ” or “blind” modes. A, A-A interval (AAI) mode. B, V-V interval (VVI) mode. C, DDD
and will not detect any event. Physiologically, this resembles the mode. LRL, Lower rate limit; AB, atrial blanking period; ARP, atrial
absolute refractory period during the cardiac action potential. The refractory period; VB, ventricular blanking period; VRP, ventricular
main purpose is to avoid cross-talk and oversensing related to refractory period; AVI, atrioventricular interval; VAI, ventriculoatrial
evoked potentials. In contrast, the sensing amplifier is “on” during interval; PVARP, postventricular atrial refractory period; TARP, total
the refractory period and therefore allows detection of rapid atrial refractory period; PVAB, postventricular atrial blanking period;
signals or cardiac events. Physiologically, this corresponds to the PAVB, postatrial ventricular blanking period.
relative refractory period of the cardiac action potential. Sensed
events during this period are included in the counters but are
ignored and generally do not trigger or reset timing cycles. The
presence or absence of blanking and refractory periods depends Conversely, dual-chamber pacing modes have more complex
on specific features of a manufacturer’s pulse generator as well as timing cycles (Figure 34-2, C). An atrial paced event starts a
on the programmed pacing mode (Figure 34-2). Some blanking postatrial ventricular blanking (PAVB) to avoid ventricular over-
and refractory periods are not programmable. sensing during atrial pacing, whereas a ventricular paced or
Single-chamber pacing modes have simpler blanking and sensed event starts a PVAB to avoid atrial oversensing during
refractory periods. AAI would start an atrial blanking period ventricular pacing. If an atrial pacing artifact were to be detected
(ABP) and an atrial refractory period (ARP) after an atrial sensed on the ventricular channel, ventricular pacing would be inhibited
or atrial paced event, which would avoid oversensing atrial evoked (cross-talk), resulting in potential asystole in a pacemaker-
potentials, atrial repolarization, or ventricular depolarization. dependent patient. Thus blanking periods are safety mechanisms
Similarly, VVI would start a ventricular blanking period (VBP) that prevent cross-talk. Following the PAVB is a timing period
and a ventricular refractory period (VRP) after a ventricular called the ventricular triggering period or cross-talk sensing
sensed or ventricular paced event to avoid oversensing of ven- window, and in the event that a ventricular sensed event occurs
tricular evoked potentials and T waves (Figure 34-2, A and B). during this period, safety pacing will take place. Safety pacing is a
Cardiac Pacing Modes and Terminology  445

25 ms Ventricular
safety pacing
25 ms
100 ms V


Blanking period Blanking period

Cross-talk sensing window Cross-talk sensing window

LEAD II (25 mm/s)

(Safety pacing)

Marker channel
FIGURE 34-3  Blanking period, cross-talk sensing window, and safety pacing. A, Represents ventricular safety pacing at 100 ms when ventricular
amplifier senses an event during cross-talk sensing window. B, Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) is not sensed, since it falls within postatrial
ventricular blanking followed by ventricular pacing (VP) after completion of the atrioventricular interval (AVI).4 C, PVC occurs simultaneously as the
lower rate limit times out and delivers an atrial paced event. Inappropriate safety pacing (100-ms AVI) occurs, since the PVC is sensed during the
cross-talk window. PAV, Paced AV interval; SAV, sensed AV interval. (A and B, From Ellenbogen KA, Wood MA: Cardiac pacing and ICDs, ed 4, Malden, MA,
2005, Blackwell.)

feature in which ventricular pacing occurs at an AVI typically TARP will subsequently decrease the MTR, URL, or MSR. Atrial
shorter than the programmed AVI, often about 100 to 120 ms sensed events falling in TARP may not be tracked in a DDD
(programmable interval in some devices), to prevent ventricular pacing mode, but they will be detected and counted to detect
asystole. Therefore, cross-talk should be suspected if AV pacing higher atrial rates and trigger the mode-switch algorithm. PVARP
occurs at shorter than programmed AVI (Figure 34-3). Cross-talk should be extended to include a retrograde P wave only if VA
can be resolved by extending the PAVB period, decreasing atrial conduction is present. Inappropriately short PVARPs can lead to
output, or decreasing ventricular sensitivity.2-4 a sensed retrograde P wave after a premature ventricular contrac-
Furthermore, an atrial sensed event or an atrial paced event tion (PVC), which will start an AVI followed by a ventricular
starts ARP and AVI. After the AVI is timed out, the pacemaker paced event. This can set up a cycle of sensed retrograde P waves,
will deliver a ventricular paced event if no intrinsic ventricular causing an endless-loop pacemaker tachycardia, also called
sensed event is noted. A ventricular sensed event or a ventricular pacemaker-mediated tachycardia (PMT). PMT is a form of AV
paced event starts VRP and postventricular atrial refractory dyssynchrony or VA synchrony. PMT should be suspected when
period (PVARP). The VRP avoids sensing the evoked response P-synchronous ventricular pacing is noted at the MTR with a
and T wave, whereas PVARP avoids inappropriate atrial oversens- sudden onset that occurs after PVC (Figure 34-4, A). Commonly,
ing of ventricular repolarization, tracking of retrograde P wave, PMT may also be seen during atrial threshold testing, such as auto
or both. The total atrial refractory period (TARP) is the sum of threshold, which causes a ventricular paced event after loss of
AVI and PVARP (see Figure 34-2, C). During TARP, any atrial atrial capture. This, in turn, leads to retrograde VA conduction
sensed event noted does not affect the timing cycle. As a conse- with initiation of PMT if the atrial sensed event occurs beyond
quence, TARP limits the maximum tracking rate (MTR) in the PVARP. More complex algorithms cause suspicion of PMT when
DDD (P-synchronous) mode, as well as the upper rate limit (URL) the VP-P interval is stable, and they will confirm PMT if the
or maximum sensor rate (MSR) in a non–P-synchronous mode measurement of the VP-P interval remains stable after alteration
and a rate-adaptive response, respectively. Thus, lengthening of the next P-V interval (Figure 34-4, B).5 However, if the VP-P
446  Cardiac Pacing

Switch to DDD

Lead II

Ventricular threshold test (VVI) S S S S



3,50 V
Lead II

channel 195 164 165 172 156 172 156 172 337 234
321 320 312 320 313 320 336 296 570
485 485 484 476 485 476 454 307 396

FIGURE 34-4  Pacemaker-mediated tachycardia (PMT). A, PMT initiated once the V-V interval (VVI) pacing mode switches to DDD during the
ventricular pacing threshold. Red arrows illustrate VA timing from VP to atrial electrogram (EGM), which is only sensed and tracked after the device
changes to the DDD mode. B, VP-P interval (red arrow) remains stable after changing the PV interval or sensed AV interval (P-synchronous pacing),
which confirms retrograde VA conduction and PMT. Sequential atrial and ventricular pacing (blue arrow) is delivered to terminate PMT.4 (From
Ellenbogen KA, Wood MA: Cardiac pacing and ICDs, ed 4, Malden, MA, 2005, Blackwell.)

interval lengthens or shortens after changing the P-V interval, the and initiates VAI. Therefore, the resulting A-A interval is shorter
device excludes PMT and continues with P-synchronous tracking (slightly faster rate than programmed LRL) based on a P-R inter-
of the atrial rhythm. All device manufacturers have algorithms to val shorter than the programmed AVI.
interrupt suspected PMT. The most common algorithms include Atrial-based timing is characterized by an A-A interval that
a withholding of a single ventricular pacing output, an extension will time out the next atrial paced beat and subsequently deter-
of PVARP for a single cycle, and interruption of P-synchronous mine pacing rate. A sensed R wave during AVI (intrinsic AV
pacing after the AVI is met followed by sequential AV pacing (see conduction) inhibits ventricular pacing but does not change basic
Figure 34-4, B).5-7 A-A timing, and the ventricular rate stays at the LRL. A sensed R
wave during VAI resets the A-A timing, and thus the ventricular
rate maybe slightly slower than the programmed LRL (A-A plus
Base-Rate Behavior
AVI; Figure 34-5, B).
Pacemakers from different manufacturers vary in their responses The main difference between atrial-based timing and
to sensed events. Dual-chamber pacemakers have been histori- ventricular-based timing can be demonstrated in patients with
cally designed with a ventricular-based timing system. Designa- underlying 2 : 1 AV block at a lower rate. During 2 : 1 AV block,
tion of timing system, for example, atrial-based timing system, AV (AP-VP) and AR (AP-VS) events alternate. The ventricular-
ventricular-based timing system, or hybrid-based timing system— based timing may increase pacing rate during AR, but the LRL is
gained importance with the innovation of rate-adaptive pacing. never violated. Atrial-based timing results in alternating cycles
As long as the LRL pacing remains stable, no difference is discern- that are either faster or slower than the LRL but never the same
ible between atrial and ventricular timing systems.2-4 as the programmed LRL (Figure 34-6, A).
Ventricular-based timing is characterized by a predetermined Currently, most pacemakers have modified atrial-based timing
VA interval (VAI), which starts after a ventricular sensed event or hybrid-based timing designated to avoid the potential rate
and will time out the next atrial paced beat. A ventricular sensed variations or limitations that could occur with a pure atrial-based
event (e.g., PVC) during the VAI will reset the VAI. The ventricu- timing system or a ventricular-based timing system. These hybrid-
lar rate is determined by the sum of VAI and AVI (Figure 34-5, based timing algorithms vary among different manufacturers
A). A ventricular sensed event during the AVI terminates the AVI (Figures 34-5, C, and 34-6, B).5-7 For example, atrial-based timing
Cardiac Pacing Modes and Terminology  447

Ventricular-based timing


Atrial-based timing


Modified atrial-based timing


FIGURE 34-5  Response to premature ventricular contraction (PVC) with different base-rate timings. A, Ventricular-based timing; reset of V-A interval
(VAI) after PVC, followed by atrial paced event on completion. B, Atrial-based timing; reset of A-A interval after PVC, violating lower rate limit (LRL) after
adding A-V interval (AVI). C, Modified atrial-based timing; adjustment of A-A interval after PVC by subtracting AVI from AAI to maintain LRL. (Modified
from Ellenbogen KA, Wood MA: Cardiac pacing and ICDs, ed 4, Malden, MA, 2005, Blackwell.)

may change to ventricular-based timing after PVC (ventricular Therefore, the AVI started by an atrial sensed event (also referred
sensed event), whereas a sensed R wave during the AVI (intrinsic to as the P-V interval) should be shorter than the one that follows
AV conduction) is ignored and does not reset the A-A interval an atrial paced event. The main purpose of differential AVI is to
(see Figure 34-5, C). provide a similar functional P-R interval and adequate ventricular
filling, regardless of an atrial sensed event or an atrial paced event.
Most pacemakers allow programming of different paced AVIs and
Atrioventricular Interval or Delay
sensed AVIs, with differences up to 100 ms.5-7
All dual-chamber contemporary devices have a differential AVI, Dynamic or rate-adaptive AV delay is a feature that allows
or AV delay, that depends on whether the atrium is paced or shortening the AVI as the atrial rate increases, either during sinus
sensed (Figure 34-7, A). This is based on the native atrial depo- rhythm or during sensor-driven pacing (Figure 34-7, B). This
larization being commonly sensed 20 to 60 ms after the onset of feature is intended to mimic the normal physiology, in which the
the P wave.8 In contrast, the P wave starts immediately after an P-R interval shortens as the heart rate increases to optimize
atrial paced event. For example, if AVI is programmed at 160 ms cardiac output. Subsequently, this allows atrial tracking at faster
for an atrial sensed event as well as an atrial paced event, the true rates because of a shorter TARP (AVI + PVARP). Different manu-
ECG-based P-R interval following an atrial sensed event would facturers have different methods to achieve a dynamic AVI. The
be 180 to 220 ms compared with 160 ms in the atrial paced event. most common method is linear shortening of the AVI from a
448  Cardiac Pacing

LR 1000 ms
AVblock interval 200 ms
Ventricular-based timing
AR 150 ms

Effective 950 ms 1000 ms 950 ms

V rate 62 bpm 60 bpm 63 bpm

Atrial-based timing

Effective 950 ms 1050 ms 950 ms

A V rate 63 bpm 57 bpm 63 bpm

Transition from V-V timing to A-A timing



Transition from A-A timing to V-V timing

FIGURE 34-6  Atrial, ventricular, and hybrid base-rate behavior. A, Ventricular and atrial-based timing with underlying 2 : 1 atrioventricular (AV) block
(AV block interval is longer than atrial rate). Top: AV block interval is slightly longer than atrial rate, hence the rate alternates with the rate at the lower
rate limit (LRL; 60 beats/min) and slightly faster than the LRL (63 beats/min) in ventricular-based timing. Bottom: Atrial-based timing violates LRL with
an alternating faster (63 beats/min) and slower (57 beats/min) ventricular rate than programmed LRL. B, Hybrid-based timing.6 Top: Timing changes
from ventricular based to atrial based after a ventricular sensed event is noted (Δ, difference between P-R interval and A-V interval in the first cycle
during which intrinsic conduction occurs). Δ is applied to next V-A interval (VAI) to provide a smooth transition without affecting V-V intervals. Bottom:
Timing changes from atrial based to ventricular based when intrinsic AV nodal conduction is no longer present. (A, From Ellenbogen KA, Wood MA:
Cardiac pacing and ICDs, ed 4, Malden, MA, 2005, Blackwell; and Siemens-pacesetter; B, From Insignia I Ultra System Guide, models 1190/1290/1291, St. Paul,
MN, 2006, Guidant Corporation.)

programmed baseline AVI to a programmed minimum AVI.

Upper Rate Behavior
Another method is stepwise shortening of the AVI.5-7
AV hysteresis has significantly changed over the years. This The MTR or the upper rate limit (URL) controls the upper rate
term refers to the alteration of the AVI, depending on AV nodal behavior of pacemakers. The MTR modulates the upper tracking
conduction. Of historical interest, negative hysteresis refers to rate behavior in dual-chamber P-synchronous pacing modes,
shortening of the AVI to maintain a paced ventricular rhythm.2 whereas the URL refers to the maximum allowed pacing rate,
This was available when a high percentage of ventricular pacing regardless of the pacing mode. MTR or URL and PVARP are initi-
was thought to have beneficial effects and remains useful in biven- ated after a paced or sensed ventricular event. After a P wave has
tricular pacemakers to ensure a high percentage of ventricular been sensed and after completion of the AVI, ventricular pacing
pacing. AV hysteresis, previously known as positive hysteresis, will be delivered only if the MTR or URL has timed out.
describes alterations in the paced AVI to promote intrinsic AV Atrial sensed events (such as sinus tachycardia) terminate the
conduction.2,3 Contemporary algorithms, such as minimal ven- VAI and initiate an AVI. P-wave–synchronous pacing occurs with
tricular pacing and search AV, achieve a similar purpose.6,7 AV a 1 : 1 AV relationship as long as the atrial rate is between the
hysteresis is no longer used because newer algorithms with better programmed LRL and MTR. The AVI and the MTR must com-
defined behavior are now available. These algorithms are described plete their cycles to deliver ventricular pacing. If the atrial rate is
below. faster than TARP (AVI + PVARP), some P waves are not tracked,
Cardiac Pacing Modes and Terminology  449

200 ms 160 ms


A VA interval VA interval

Heart rate 1000 ms 600 ms

B AV interval 200 ms 120 ms 80 ms

FIGURE 34-7  Differential and dynamic atrioventricular (AV) interval. A, Electrocardiogram tracing demonstrates differential AVI with paced AVI of
200 ms and sensed AVI of 160 ms. B, Tracing demonstrates a dynamic AV delay with gradual shortening of paced AVI as the sensor-indicated rate
increases. AS, Atrial sensed event; AP, atrial paced event; VP, ventricular paced event; VA interval, ventriculoatrial interval; SAV, sensed AV interval; PAV,
paced AV interval. (B, From Insignia I Ultra System Guide, models 1190/1290/1291, St Paul, MN, 2006, Guidant Corporation.)




FIGURE 34-8  Upper rate behavior. A, 2 : 1 fixed block behavior; every other P wave falls within the post-ventricular atrial refractory period (PVARP)
and, as a result, tracking with ventricular pacing does not occur. B, Atrioventricular (AV) Wenckebach behavior; atrial rate is faster than the maximum
tracking rate (MTR) with progressive prolongation of the AV delay (to avoid violation of the MTR) until a P wave falls into the PVARP, which results in
lack of ventricular pacing. URL, Upper rate limit; AVI, atrioventricular interval; AVI’, extension of AVI to meet the URL. (Modified From Insignia I Ultra
System Guide, models 1190/1290/1291, St Paul, MN, 2006, Guidant Corporation.)

and the pacemaker behaves similar to a 2 : 1, 3 : 1 AV block and so with atrial rates between the MTR and TARP, which can be cal-
on, depending on the atrial rate (Figure 34-8, A). Thus, a long culated as the Wenckebach interval (WI = MTR – TARP).2,4 For
PVARP results in a fixed AV block response at a relatively low example, a programmed MTR of 400 ms and TARP of 350 ms
tracking rate. This may be an important issue in some patients (AVI 125 + PVARP 225) results in a Wenckebach interval of
since abrupt changes in pacing rate with intermittent lack of 50 ms, which means that Wenckebach behavior will occur within
tracking can result in significant symptoms.2,3,9 a 50-ms range (P-P interval 350 to 400 ms). Moreover, 2 : 1, or
In addition, pacemakers may mimic AV nodal Wenckebach fixed block, pacemaker behavior occurs when the P-P interval is
behavior (e.g., “electronic” Wenckebach) when the atrial rate shorter than 350 ms. Nevertheless, Wenckebach behavior will not
exceeds the MTR. AV nodal Wenckebach behavior is character- occur if the Wenckebach interval is 0 (e.g., MTR 400, TARP [AVI
ized by a progressive P-V interval prolongation until a sensed P 250 + PVARP 150]), but a 2 : 1 or fixed AV block pacemaker
wave falls into PVARP and is ignored by the pacemaker, resulting behavior will occur as soon as the P-P interval is faster than the
in a pause (see Figure 34-8, B). Wenckebach behavior will occur MTR (see Figure 34-8, A).
450  Cardiac Pacing

ventricular activation, both single-chamber and dual-chamber

Special Pacing Features pacemakers use this feature to allow intrinsic conduction after a
sensed P or R wave has occurred. (Figure 34-10, A).2-6 For example,
Rate Smoothing or Atrial/Ventricular Rate Stabilization
a pacemaker programmed with an LRL of 60 beats/min and hys-
Rate smoothing (RS) or atrial/ventricular rate stabilization (ARS/ teresis offset of 10 beats/min (60 − 10 = 50 beats/min) will pace at
VRS) is a variation of upper rate behavior. ARS/VRS, or RS, was 60 beats/min until an intrinsic event (P or R wave) is sensed above
developed to prevent marked changes in A-A and V-V intervals the LRL (>60 beats/min). Hysteresis rate of 50 beats/min will allow
not only at the URL but also when sinus rhythm (SR) is interrupted an extra 200 ms for another sensed P or R wave to occur. In the
by profound bradycardia or asystole. Single-chamber and dual- case of adaptive-rate modes, hysteresis rate is below the sensor-
chamber non–P-synchronous pacing modes operate between the indicated rate instead of the LRL. However, if no intrinsic event (P
LRL and the URL (the MSR, if rate-adaptive response is enabled), or R wave) is sensed above the sensor-indicated rate or the LRL,
whereas P-synchronous pacing modes operate between the LRL the pacemaker will continue to pace at 60 beats/min. To overcome
and the MTR. This feature is recommended in patients with large this limitation and in an attempt to allow the intrinsic native
symptomatic variations in ventricular rate, such as sinoatrial rhythm to appear, scan or search hysteresis was later introduced
disease, atrial flutter/fibrillation, premature atrial and ventricular to periodically decrease the pacing rate to the hysteresis rate after
contractions, and Wenckebach pacemaker behavior (Figure 34-9). a specific number of cycles (Figure 34-10, B).2,5,6
Most recently, biventricular devices have added VRS and RS in an A more contemporary form of hysteresis is referred to by some
attempt to increase the percentage of biventricular pacing during manufacturers as sudden bradycardia response or rate drop
conducted atrial arrhythmias. These algorithms vary among dif- response. This feature was developed and is used primarily to treat
ferent manufacturers.6,7 For example, RS can be programmed to vasovagal or neurocardiogenic syncope.5-7 The purpose of this
percentage change (3% to 24% in 3% increments) between V-V feature is to allow pacing that is faster than the LRL when the
cycles. Importantly, this feature is typically unavailable if rate drop intrinsic rate decreases below a specified programmed rate.
response (described below) is enabled. Figure 34-11 demonstrates rate drop response (Medtronic, Inc.)
pacing at an intervention rate of 100 beats/min for a program-
mable duration only if the heart rate drops more than the pro-
grammed heart rate drop of 25 beats/min (from 95 beats/min to
Hysteresis is a feature found in single-chamber and dual-chamber <70 beats/min) within a programmed detection window. As
pacemakers. In an attempt to maintain intrinsic atrial and another example, a hysteresis of −30 and an LRL of 90 will not

Rate smoothing “OFF”

FIGURE 34-9  Rate smoothing/ventricular

rate stabilization. A, Top panel: Atrial rate
above the maximum tracking rate causes
atrioventricular (AV) Wenckebach pacemaker
A Rate smoothing “ON” 6% behavior with subsequent irregular
ventricular rate. Bottom panel: Rate-
smoothing feature at 6% is enabled, which
will only allow the R-R interval to extend up
ECG to 36 ms over the former R-R interval (6% of
600 ms or 100 beats/min). B, After a sensed
postventricular cross-talk (PVC) (1),
ventricular rate stabilization causes AV
A A A A A A A sequential pacing (2) at previous V-V (PVC)
interval plus interval decrement, with a
gradual prolongation of AV sequential
Marker pacing (3). (A and B, From Insignia I Ultra
V channel V V V V V V V System Guide [Models 1190/1290/1291], St Paul,
P P S P P P P P MN, 2006, Guidant Corporation; Boston
Scientific; and Medtronic Concerto. In
Resynchronization therapy and defibrillator
Pacing intervals reference guide, Minneapolis, MN, 2008,
B 1 2 3 200 ms Medtronic, Inc.)
Cardiac Pacing Modes and Terminology  451


↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑

1 2 3 179, 180
Lower rate



Paced event
Intrinsic sensed event

B Time

FIGURE 34-10  Rate hysteresis. A, Electrocardiogram tracing demonstrates activation of rate hysteresis after a single nonrefractory sensed atrial event
above the lower rate limit (LRL). However, rate hysteresis is deactivated after a single atrial pace at the hysteresis rate. B, Scan hysteresis; the pacing
rate is lowered (after every 180 consecutive paced cycles) to the hysteresis rate for the programmed seven cardiac cycles. In contrast to the first scan,
pacing at the LRL is inhibited after an intrinsic rhythm (above hysteresis rate) is noted during the second scan. AS, Atrial sensed event; AP, atrial paced
event; VP, ventricular paced event; AS-Hy, atrial sensed hysteresis; AP-Hy, atrial paced hysteresis LRL. (A, From Insignia I Ultra System Guide, models
1190/1290/1291, St Paul, MN, 2006, Guidant Corporation. B, From Cylos Pacemaker Feature Handbook. In Premium dual-sensor pacemaker family, Lake
Oswego, OR, 2006, Biotronik Inc.)

pace until the heart rate drops below the programmed hysteresis manufacturers.5,6 This algorithm may also be referred to as AV
rate (60 beats/min). Once the heart rate drops below 60 beats/ hysteresis or ventricular intrinsic preference (VIP). Essentially,
min, the device will pace at an LRL of 90 beats/min for a specific these algorithms allow programming a baseline AVI and delta
predetermined or programmed number of timing cycles. After (Δ) AVI, or AVI extension. Thus, AVI + Δ promotes intrinsic AV
the programmed number of paced beats is met, a prolonged conduction (Figure 34-12, A). In the event that AV sequential
escape interval is permitted to allow intrinsic conduction above pacing is present, the device will periodically extend the AV delay
the hysteresis rate. by the programmed Δ for up to a programmed number of con-
secutive cardiac cycles in an attempt to allow intrinsic conduc-
tion. If no intrinsic AV conduction is noted at AVI + Δ, AV pacing
Algorithms to Promote Intrinsic
will revert to the baseline programmed AVI. Another variation
Atrioventricular Conduction
of this algorithm is a gradual extension of the AVI up to the
Different manufacturers have developed algorithms to promote programmed extension.
intrinsic AV nodal conduction and minimize ventricular pacing.
This feature obtained special attention after the deleterious effects
Managed Ventricular Pacing
of frequent ventricular pacing, such as exacerbation of heart
failure and increased risk of atrial fibrillation, were recognized.9,10 The MVP algorithm allows two pacing modes, alternating AAI
and DDD on demand (Figure 36-12, B).7 After an atrial sensed or
atrial paced event, intrinsic conduction is allowed; however, after
AV Search Hysteresis
transient loss of AV conduction, a backup ventricular paced beat
This was the first algorithm to promote AV conduction.2-4 is delivered. Persistent loss of AV conduction, defined by this
Specific details of AV hysteresis vary among different algorithm as 2 of 4 consecutive nonrefractory A-A intervals
rate at 100 beats/min
Programmable Intervention
detection window duration

Drop size
at 25 beats/min

Drop rate
at 70 beats/min
Detection window

Lower rate
at 55 beats/min


= Ventricular beats
= Ventricular beats (drop size)
= Paced atrial beats

FIGURE 34-11  Rate drop response in a DDD pacing mode. Pacemaker intervenes with elevated pacing rate for brief period after a specified
programmable heart rate drop occurs. Pacing rate slowly decreases by 5 beats/min until the intrinsic rate is sensed or the lower rate limit is reached.
(From Medtronic Adapta, Versa, Sensia. In Pacemaker reference guide, Minneapolis, MN, 2006, Medtronic, Inc.)





Marker channel
FIGURE 34-12  Algorithms to promote intrinsic
V V V V V V V atrioventricular (AV) conduction. A, AV hysteresis;
B S S S P P P P intrinsic R waves are sensed after A-V interval (AVI)  
is lengthened to a programmed delta AV delay
AAI DDD allowing intrinsic AV conduction. B, Managed
ventricular pacing; A-A interval (AAI) mode switches
over to DDD after two of four A-A intervals (AAIs)
without R wave (AV Wenckebach); however, backup
ventricular pacing is delivered after transient loss of
AV conduction. C, Sorin SafeAAIR2; AAI changes to
A A A A A A A DDD mode after two consecutive P waves without
S S S S S S S intrinsic AV conduction (high-degree AV block).  
(A, Modified from Insignia I Ultra System Guide,
V V V V V models 1190/1290/1291, St Paul, MN, 2006,
C S S P P P Guidant Corporation.)
Cardiac Pacing Modes and Terminology  453

without an R event, will switch to the DDD pacing mode. The

Sensor-indicated interval
algorithm periodically assesses for return of AV conduction after
1 minute of DDD pacing, and AAI is restored when intrinsic AV
conduction returns. The MVP algorithm has been shown to
promote intrinsic AV conduction with an 85% reduction of cumu-
lative ventricular pacing compared with DDD/R.11

AAISafeR2 Sorin NCAP

AAISafeR2 (Figure 34-12, C) is a more complex and tolerant PV 300 ms
algorithm to minimize ventricular pacing.2,3,12 First-, second-, and
even third-degree AV blocks are allowed up to a preset level
30 ms 200 ms
before the algorithm switches to the DDD pacing mode. The
Marker channel
algorithm will automatically change to DDD at the pre-
programmed AV delay if any of the following occur: (1) two P S P P
consecutive blocked P waves (high-degree AV block), (2) more
than three blocked P waves within 12 cycles (second-degree AV V V
block), (3) ventricular pause above a programmed duration P P
between 2 and 4 seconds, and (4) more than six consecutive
abnormal PR/AR intervals above a certain programmed value FIGURE 34-13  Noncompetitive atrial pacing (NCAP). An atrial sensed
event during the postventricular atrial refractory period (PVARP) will
(first-degree AV block, PR >350 ms, and AR >450 ms). This last
start NCAP (300 ms), which will extend atrial pacing beyond
criterion for first-degree AV block can be disabled. This algorithm sensor-indicated interval to avoid atrial arrhythmia induction by
will attempt to assess and restore intrinsic AV conduction after premature atrial pacing. Subsequent A-V interval (AVI) will be shorter
12 consecutive sensed R waves or 100 DDD cycles have occurred. to maintain the programmed lower rate limit. (Modified from Medtronic
AAI pacing will be disabled until the next time the device is pro- Adapta, Versa, Sensia. In Pacemaker reference guide, Minneapolis, MN,
grammed if “persistent” AV conduction abnormality is noted, 2006, Medtronic, Inc.)
defined as more than 50% of the time in DDD mode. However, if
AV block is detected during exercise (heart rate >100 beats/min),
the event will not add to the counter for persistent DDD opera-
tion. Finally, while in DDD(R) mode after an episode of persistent
Sinus Preference
AV block, the device will assess for intrinsic AV conduction and
attempt to return to AAI(R) every morning when the patient This algorithm is comparable with rate hysteresis and intends to
awakens. maintain atrial sensing.2,3,7 This allows a gradual decrease of the
sensor-indicated pacing rate to a lower rate in search of SR. SR is
allowed to predominate if it is detected within the programmable
Algorithms to Avoid Competition of Native and Paced
lower rate. However, if the sinus rate is not detected at the pro-
Atrial Rhythm
grammed lower rate for eight paced beats, the paced rate will
These algorithms are incorporated to avoid inappropriate gradually increase to the sensor-indicated rate. This operation
atrial pacing during the atrial relative refractory period with con- restarts once a programmable search interval times out. Sinus
sequent induction of atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, or atrial preference cannot be enabled with the MVP algorithm, and it is
fibrillation. temporarily disabled if the pacemaker switches to a nonatrial
tracking mode.
Noncompetitive Atrial Pacing
Arrhythmia-Search Algorithms
If a refractory atrial sensed event occurs within PVARP, a
programmable (300-ms default) noncompetitive atrial pacing Arrhythmia-search algorithms vary among different manufactur-
(NCAP) interval is initiated.2,3,7 No atrial pacing will occur during ers; however, they are all intended to identify and properly mode
the 300-ms NCAP, even if the programmed VAI is completed. switch in response to atrial tachyarrhythmias, including atrial
VAI will be extended until the 300-ms NCAP expires. If a new tachycardia, atrial flutter, and atrial fibrillation.
atrial sensed event occurs during NCAP, the 300-ms NACP is
reset. In case the atrial paced event is delayed by NCAP, the PAV
Blanked Atrial Flutter Search
interval will be shortened in an attempt to keep the ventricular
rate stable (Figure 34-13). This algorithm will extend PVARP and VAI to uncover an atrial
sensed event, if one falls within the ABP. If a second atrial sensed
event is noted above the MS rate limit, the pacemaker will add it
Atrial Protection Interval
to the counters to mode switch.
This algorithm shortens the PVARP for each interval where the
pseudo-Wenckebach window is less than 125 ms, providing a
Atrial Flutter Response
noncompetitive pacing window of 125 ms.3 By shortening the
PVARP, the atrial sensed event will reset the VAI or the A-A If an atrial sensed event occurs within PVARP, an atrial response
interval depending on the base-rate behavior (ventricular-, atrial-, window starts a 260-ms interval, which will restart if another
or hybrid-based timing). atrial event is sensed.2,6 In the absence of an atrial sensed event,
454  Cardiac Pacing

an atrial paced event will occur only in the presence of at least atrial rate slows below the MTR or the fallback rate, AV syn-
50 ms before the LRL interval is met. A ventricular paced event chrony is restored. This feature may vary among different
will occur, with or without atrial pacing, if no sensed event is manufacturers.
noted at the LRL interval (Figure 34-14).
Response to Magnet Application
Mode Switch
Responses to magnet application may vary depending on the
Mode switch refers to the ability to change automatically from programming of the device and its manufacturer.2,3,5-7 In general,
one pacing mode to another in response to a rapid atrial rate. sense amplifiers will be disabled during magnet application,
Therefore, this feature is used in patients with paroxysmal supra- resulting in asynchronous pacing in single-chamber (VOO, AOO)
ventricular tachycardia to eliminate tracking of atrial tachyar- or dual-chamber pacemakers (DOO). However, the individual
rhythmias. A counter should complete a specified number of specifics for magnet application should be understood for each
short P-P intervals to mode switch to a nonatrial tracking mode, pacemaker. Some pacemakers have a programmable feature to
such as DDI(R) and VVI(R). Similarly, the mode switch reverts to turn “off ” magnet response, whereas others may “enable” storage
the prior atrial tracking mode when a specified number of long of diagnostic electrograms with magnet application. In addition,
P-P intervals are met. It is essential to sense atrial events that some pacemakers will not display asynchronous pacing when in
occur during part of the AVI and PVARP to avoid undersensing a “reset mode.” Moreover, pacemakers from some manufacturers
of atrial tachyarrhythmias. In contrast, PVAB is important to will continue to pace asynchronously for a number of beats after
avoid atrial oversensing because of ventricular pacing, which magnet removal, while others may have different pacing rates that
could potentially cause an inappropriate mode switch. Shorter may also vary depending on battery status.
PVAB allows detection of higher atrial rates, whereas longer
PVAB is more likely to undersense atrial tachyarrhythmias. Auto-
Noise Reversion Response
matic mode switching is described in more detail in Chapter 33.
Noise reversion response is a feature designed to identify inap-
propriately sensed artifacts, such as electromagnetic interference
(EMI). Many sources of EMI exist in today’s world. Noise response
This feature is intended to avoid abrupt symptomatic pauses algorithms also vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.2,3,6,7 The
related to Wenckebach behavior and fixed block once mode basic principle of noise reversion is to tag continuous signals as
switch criteria have been met.2,3 Once the pacing mode has “noise” in ARP or VRP with nonphysiological rates exceeding 400
switched, the device will gradually decrease the ventricular paced to 600 cycles/min (7 to 10 Hz). Noise reversion response will
rate to the sensor rate or to the fallback LRL (Figure 34-15). The switch the pacing mode to an asynchronous mode at the LRL in
fallback time determines how quickly the rate will decrease to non–rate-adaptive pacing modes or to the sensor-indicated rate
the sensor-determined rate or to the fallback LRL. When the in rate-adapting pacing modes in most devices (Figure 34-16).


260 ms 260 ms
260 ms
< 50 ms

260 ms 260 ms
260 ms ≥ 50 ms and ≤ AVI

FIGURE 34-14  Atrial flutter response (AFR) with different programmed lower rate limit (LRL). Top, Sensing of an atrial event within the PVARP starts a
260-ms AFR window, which is restarted if another atrial event is sensed. This will continue as long as atrial sensed events are noted on an AFR window.
However, ventricular pacing will occur once the LRL is met. Bottom, In contrast to the top panel, atrioventricular sequential pacing will occur only in
the presence of at least 50 ms before the programmed LRL. AVI, Atrioventricular interval. (Modified from Insignia I Ultra System Guide, models
1190/1290/1291, St Paul, MN, 2006, Guidant Corporation.)
Cardiac Pacing Modes and Terminology  455

Ventricular pacing rate
Tracking Fallback VVI
start rate

Post fallback
Base rate


Base rate Fallback onset rate Atrial sensing rate

FIGURE 34-15  Fallback behavior. Atrioventricular (AV) sequential (DDD) pacing (green arrow) occurs between base rate and fallback or mode switch
(MS) threshold. Rapid atrial rates will trigger MS to the V-V interval (VVI) pacing mode, with a pacing rate that will gradually decrease to a programmed
fallback rate. DDD pacing mode will be restored after atrial rate decreases (blue arrow) below MS or fallback onset. (Modified from Hayes DL, Asirvatham
SJ, Friedman PA: Pacemaker and cardiac resynchronization timing cycles and electrocardiography. In Hayes DL, editor: Cardiac pacing, defibrillation and
resynchronization. A clinical approach, Chichester, West Sussex, UK, Hoboken, NJ, 2008, Wiley-Blackwell.)


Lower rate

FIGURE 34-16  Noise reversion response. A

ventricular event sensed during the ventricular
refractory period (VRP) will reinitiate the initial VRP
and the ventricular blanking period after ventricular
pacing. Persistent sensing of ventricular events
Marker channel during VRP that occur at nonphysiological rates will
be tagged as “noise,” with subsequent switch to an
V V V V V V V asynchronous (VOO) pacing mode. (Modified from
P S S S S P P Medtronic Adapta, Versa, Sensia. In Pacemaker
V VRP V VRP V VRP V VRP V VRP V VRP V VRP reference guide, Minneapolis, MN, 2006, Medtronic,
B B B B B B B Inc.)

Special Biventricular Cycle Timing and be avoided by increasing LVRP to include the T wave. However,
a long programmed LVRP will shorten the LV sensing window.
Pacing Features The LV protection period (LVPP) prevents inappropriate LV
pacing during the LV vulnerable period, such as with LV PVC,
Left Ventricular Refractory and Protection Periods
which could induce ventricular tachyarrhythmias. However, a
Biventricular pacing should be maximized to provide optimal long programmed LVPP limits the MTR or MSR and can poten-
symptomatic and survival benefit.9,13 Even though biventricular tially inhibit CRT at higher pacing rates. This period is available
devices base their timing cycle on RV sensed and paced events, only if LV sensing and pacing are enabled. Importantly, a ventricu-
LV refractory and protection periods are important to maximize lar sensed event in LVPP will inhibit only LV pacing without
cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) without increasing the affecting RV pacing for bradycardia support.14
risk of inducing ventricular arrhythmias.3,13,14 These periods are
programmable by some manufacturers. Similar to the right VRP,
V–V Timing
the LV refractory period (LVRP) is initiated after a left ventricular
VP or VS event. LVRP will ignore LV sensed events without reset- A programmable RV-LV delay (better known as V-V delay, or LV
ting or affecting the LV pacing timing cycle. The purpose of LVRP offset) has been recently added to most biventricular devices
is to avoid inappropriate loss of CRT due to LV oversensing. For to allow different timing between RV and LV pacing. The first
example, T-wave oversensing could inhibit LV pacing, which can generation of biventricular devices had nonprogrammable
456  Cardiac Pacing

simultaneous RV and LV pacing. This was developed in an attempt Cylos pacemaker feature handbook. In Premium dual-sensor pacemaker
to improve the clinical response by improving resynchronization family, 2006, Lake Oswego, OR, Biotronik Inc.
between RV and LV activation. Programmable V-V delay varies Ellenbogen KA: Clinical cardiac pacing, defibrillation, and resynchroniza-
tion therapy. ed 3, Philadelphia, 2007, Saunders.
among different manufacturers.14,15 Some allow LV pacing to
Ellenbogen KA, Wood MA: Cardiac pacing and ICDs. ed 4, Malden, MA,
occur from 0 to 100 ms before RV pacing, whereas others allow 2005, Blackwell Publishing.
LV pacing even after RV pacing. However, conflicting results have Fröhlig G, Gras D, Victor J, et al: Use of a new cardiac pacing mode
been reported from different studies with regard to the optimal designed to eliminate unnecessary ventricular pacing, Europace 8(2):
V-V delay as well as the utility of ECG-based optimization of V-V 96-101, 2006.
delay.2,9 Hayes DL, Asirvatham SJ, Friedman PA: Pacemaker and cardiac resyn-
chronization timing cycles and electrocardiography. In Hayes DL,
editor: Cardiac pacing, defibrillation and resynchronization. A clinical
Biventricular Trigger or Ventricular Sense Response approach, Chichester, West Sussex, UK, Hoboken, NJ, 2008, Wiley-
Biventricular trigger (BiVT), also known as ventricular sense Blackwell Publishing;.
Insignia I Ultra System Guide. In Models 1190/1290/1291. St Paul, MN,
response, was developed in an attempt to promote biventricular
2006, Guidant Corporation.
resynchronization in the event of frequent premature ventricular Janosik DL, Pearson AC, Buckingham TA, et al: The hemodynamic benefit
contractions and atrial tachyarrhythmias after mode switch has of differential atrioventricular delay intervals for sensed and paced atrial
occurred to a nontracking mode. BiVT will provide biventricular events during physiologic pacing, J Am Coll Cardiol 14(2):499–507,
pacing between the LRL and the URL or the MTR.14,15 Some 1989.
manufacturers have a programmable BiVT maximum pacing rate, Kaszala K, Huizar JF, Ellenbogen KA: Contemporary pacemakers: What
which will limit this feature below the MTR in dual-chamber the primary care physician needs to know, Mayo Clin Proc 83(10):1170–
devices. BiVT, together with VRS or RS (described above), is 1186, 2008.
intended to further increase resynchronization therapy. Medtronic Adapta, Versa, Sensia. In Pacemaker reference guide, Minne-
apolis, MN, 2006, Medtronic, Inc.
Medtronic Concerto. In Resynchronization therapy and defibrillator refer-
KEY REFERENCES ence guide, Minneapolis, MN, 2008, Medtronic, Inc.
Bernstein AD, Daubert JC, Fletcher RD, et al: The revised NASPE/BPEG Sweeney MO, Ellenbogen KA, Casavant D, et al: Multicenter, prospective,
generic code for antibradycardia, adaptive-rate, and multisite pacing. randomized safety and efficacy study of a new atrial-based managed
North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology/British ventricular pacing mode (MVP) in dual chamber ICDs, J Cardiovasc
Pacing and Electrophysiology Group, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol Electrophysiol16(8):811–817, 2005.
25(2):260–264, 2002. Sweeney MO, Hellkamp AS, Ellenbogen KA, et al: Adverse effect of ven-
Bristow MR, Saxon LA, Boehmer J, et al: Cardiac-resynchronization tricular pacing on heart failure and atrial fibrillation among patients with
therapy with or without an implantable defibrillator in advanced normal baseline QRS duration in a clinical trial of pacemaker therapy
chronic heart failure, N Engl J Med 350(21):2140–2150, 2004. for sinus node dysfunction, Circulation, 107(23):2932–2937, 2003.
Cognis 100-D System Guide. In Cardiac resynchronization therapy high
energy defibrillator. Models N118, N119. St Paul, MN, 2008, Boston All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
Scientific. com.
Hemodynamic Aspects of Cardiac Pacing
John-John Hamel and Jean-Claude Daubert 35
Since the implantation of the first permanent pacemaker in 1958, type, and severity of underlying heart disease; and the prescrip-
the understanding of the hemodynamic principles and conse- tion of pharmaceuticals. In healthy individuals, during exercise,
quences of cardiac pacing has steadily progressed. Instead of up to a 300% increase in CO is mostly contributed by an increase
merely supporting chronotropic function, cardiac stimulation in HR and more modestly to an increase in stroke volume (SV).2
aims at closely emulating normal physiology. The progresses On the one hand, the contribution of the increase in SV is more
made are attributable to technologic advances and, in particular, important in endurance athletes. In the presence of LV systolic
to a deeper understanding of cardiovascular physiology during dysfunction, on the other hand, the increase in SV during exercise
stimulation. In permanently paced patients, the ideal “physiologi- is limited by a reduced contractile reserve, and the increase in CO
cal stimulator” should preserve or restore three main functions: is even more dependent on variations in HR.
(1) chronotropy, by adapting the pacing rate to the patient’s activ-
ity, (2) atrial function and atrioventricular (AV) synchrony, Chronotropic Dysfunction
to optimize ventricular filling, and (3) ventricular activation
Chronotropic Incompetence
sequence, to optimize the synchrony and performance of ven-
tricular contraction. The adverse consequences of right ventricu- The term chronotropic incompetence (CI) describes an insufficient
lar (RV) apical stimulation are notorious and justify the avoidance HR relative to the metabolic needs of the organism, during exer-
of optional ventricular capture. Cardiac resynchronization plays cise or under stress caused by emotional disturbance, pain, and
an important role, particularly in patients presenting with conges- so on. The definition of CI has not been standardized. It has been
tive heart failure (HF) and electromechanical dyssynchrony. defined as the inability to reach, during an exercise test, a maximal
Therefore, the aims of physiological cardiac pacing are to (1) HR more than 75% to 80% of the theoretical maximal HR calcu-
instantaneously optimize cardiac function according to the lated by Astrand’s formula (220 – Age). Others consider that the
patient’s activity status, and (2) preserve atrial and ventricular absolute peak HR during exercise must be more than 100 or 120
mechanical and electrical (prevention of arrhythmias) functions beats/min.3 Wilkoff determined the HR response to exercise in a
in the long term. This chapter reviews hemodynamic principles, mathematical model, which includes age, resting HR, intensity of
which have prompted the development of physiological cardiac exercise, and functional capacity (FC) in the equation:
FC effort = [(220 − Age − Resting FC) × ( Exercise METS − 1)/
(Peak exercise METS − 1)] + Resting FC
Heart Rate: Restoration of Normal
Chronotropic Function In contrast to others, this method is not limited to a single
value of HR at peak exercise and takes the activity of the patient
Cardiovascular Physiology
into consideration. It does, however, require the performance of
Cardiac output (CO) is the product of heart rate (HR) and stroke a cardiorespiratory exercise test with measurements of expired
volume (SV), calculated as the difference between left ventricular gases during maximal exercise up to the anaerobic threshold to
(LV) end-diastolic (ED) and end-systolic (ES) volumes. HR is avoid underestimating CI. Because of the limited relevance of
mainly under the influence of the autonomic nervous system and definitions based purely on statistics, a functional definition is
circulating catecholamines. LVED volume depends on the (1) usually adopted in clinical practice; this definition includes deter-
circulating volume, (2) cardiac filling pressures, (3) contributions mining whether CI is symptomatic and whether it limits exercise
of atrial systole, and (4) ventricular relaxation, and LVES volume capacity.
depends on (1) cardiac afterload and (2) ventricular contractility The incidence of CI varies with the definition applied, though
(Figure 35-1). The Frank-Starling law correlates the ventricular it may reach 60% among permanently paced patients. Its origin is
filling pressures with ventricular systolic ejection volumes as a atrial or ventricular. Sinus node dysfunction (SND) is the most
function of the LV systolic performance (Figure 35-2).1 The frequent cause of atrial CI, observed in 25% to 40% of cases, and
respective contributions of these variables to cardiovascular per- the incidence increases with age.4 A few patients presenting with
formance are influenced by age; physical fitness; the presence, permanent atrial fibrillation maintain a normal chronotropic

458  Cardiac Pacing

CI can be effectively managed using one of two main pacing

Cardiac modes: (1) In the presence of AV block without associated SND,
output the P-wave–synchronous VDD or DDD modes allow the syn-
chronization of ventricular contraction with atrial systole with a
programmable AV delay. The maximum tracking rate must be
Stroke Heart adapted to the patient’s characteristics, including habitual physi-
volume rate cal activities, age, and underlying cardiac status. In order to
prevent the development of pseudo-Wenckebach periodicity or
2 : 1 AV block during exercise, the upper tracking rate must not
exceed the total atrial refractory period (TARP), which is post-
Diastolic Systolic ventricular atrial refractory period (PVARP) plus AV delay. Most
filling volume ejection volume pacemakers allow fixed programming of these intervals or, using
automatic adaptive algorithms, their variation in response to HR.
The AV delay can also be modulated beat-by-beat in response to
Preload Afterload Contractility the preceding cycle. Adaptation of the AV delay is often preferred
to modulate TARP, as a shortening of the PVARP gives rise to the
risk of triggering pacemaker-mediated tachycardia (PMT) during
exercise. State-of-the-art algorithms effectively prevent the onset
Circulating Ventricular Atrial of PMT. (2) Sensor-driven pacing allows the adaptation of HR to
volume compliance/ systole exercise in the atrium (AAIR), the ventricle (VVIR), or both
chambers (DDDR, DDIR). Several sensors have been tested;
however, a detailed description of each is beyond the scope of this
FIGURE 35-1  Physiological determinants of cardiac output. chapter. Currently, the most frequently used sensors are acceler-
ometers and motion sensors, minute ventilation sensors (which
track variations in thoracic impedance), and QT interval sensors.
Minute ventilation is less sensitive than motion sensing, though
15 its performance is higher during sustained physical exercise.
Some devices have combined these sensors. Much work is in
venous return (L/min)
Cardiac output and

progress to develop more physiological and automatically adap-

tive (closed-loop) sensors. Verification of the programming of the
sensor adapted to the patient’s activity—by analysis of the stored
A D histograms or by a 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiogram (ECG)
5 C
or exercise test, if necessary—is important.

0 Hyperchronotropism
–4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Right atrial pressure (mm Hg)
Excessively rapid atrial or ventricular pacing may be a source of
LV dysfunction. In animal models, long-term, rapid ventricular
FIGURE 35-2  Frank-Starling curves before (red curve) and after the pacing has been shown to cause a more rapid and severe deterio-
development of acute myocardial infarction and severe left ventricular ration of LV function than does atrial pacing. Therefore, all causes
dysfunction (blue curve). The purple curves show the sympathetic of excessively rapid permanent pacing must be identified and
compensatory effect on filling pressure and left ventricular ejection corrected to eliminate the risk of induced ventricular dysfunction.
fraction (B to C point): right shift of the pressure-volume curve with These causes include PMT, adverse effects of preventive algo-
low ventricular function, higher filling pressure, and low cardiac rithms against atrial arrhythmias, ventricular response to atrial
output. The green curve indicates a slower effect of fluid retention and
tachycardias, sensing anomalies, poorly programmed sensors
myocardial recovery (C to D point). A change in preload on stroke
and, rarely, dysfunction of electronic internal circuits (runaway
volume and cardiac output is more important with a normal ejection
fraction compared with left ventricular dysfunction. (Reprinted with pacemaker). These complications are prevented or detected
permission from Guyton AC, Hall JE: Textbook of medical physiology, during programming or interrogation of the pulse generator. A
ed 11, St Louis, 2005, Elsevier.) proper programming of the PVARP at rest and during exercise
and its extension after ventricular extrasystoles prevent the onset
of PMT. If these measures fail, algorithms of PMT termination by
atrial pacing or extension of the PVARP are helpful. Finally, all
function during exercise. However, they have inappropriate pacemaker models allow programming of mode switch at a
tachycardia, bradycardia, or both in alternans. The severity of CI selected atrial rate to prevent the tracking of supraventricular
in patients presenting with high-degree AV block increases with tachycardias by the ventricles.
age and with the increasingly distal location of a block along the
His-Purkinje system. Rarely dissociated from disorders of impulse
Optimal Heart Rate
formation or propagation, CI may be associated with autonomic
dysfunction, as well as with myocardial ischemia.5 Further inves- The optimal lowest ventricular pacing rate at rest and the highest
tigation is warranted if myocardial ischemia is suggested by clini- ventricular pacing rate during exercise vary among patients as a
cal presentation, particularly since its incidence is threefold higher function of age, physical conditioning, and underlying cardiovas-
among patients with coronary artery disease. cular status.
Hemodynamic Aspects of Cardiac Pacing  459

Cardiac output (L/min)

Cardiac output (L/min)





1.5 3.0
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Ventricular rate (beats/min) Heart rate (beats/min)

FIGURE 35-3  Left, Flat curve. Right, Peaked curve. (From Sowton E: Haemodynamic studies in patients with artificial pacemakers, Br Heart J 26;737–746,

Lower Ventricular Pacing Rate

HR in patients with a normal LVEF, and 75% in patients with a
In the early days of cardiac pacing, Sowton et al studied the depressed LVEF. It is noteworthy that programming of the upper
optimal lowest pacing rate by measuring CO and left and right pacing rate was excessively high in the majority of patients. Fur-
filling pressures in patients presenting with complete AV block.6 thermore, in most patients, maximal VO2 rapidly reached a
The highest CO and lowest filling pressures were associated with plateau during exercise testing, regardless of systolic LV function.
pacing rates between 55 and 90 beats/min and a mean of 71 beats/ According to Fick’s principle, a VO2 that remains stable despite
min. CO/ventricular pacing rate curves showed roughly two dis- an increase in HR (in presence of a stable arteriovenous O2 dif-
tinct profiles. Flat curves (Figure 35-3, left) were most often asso- ference) indicates a decrease in SV.
ciated with normal myocardial contractility and a stable CO as A decrease in CO along with an excessively rapid HR is associ-
HR increased. Peaking curves (see Figure 35-3, right) were often ated with three main mechanisms: (1) development of myocardial
observed in the presence of LV dysfunction, showing greater ischemia, (2) decrease in LV diastolic filling, and (3) unfavorable
variations in CO with changes in HR. At the fastest HR, CO levels force/HR ratio. The complex interaction of these mechanisms
fell, reflecting the shortened diastolic filling time and alteration in explains why one cannot predict the optimal ventricular pacing
LV compliance. rate from measurements of baseline LVEF only. Likewise, the
In clinical practice, the lowest pacing rate is often set between optimal pacing rate during exercise calculated as a percentage of
50 and 70 beats/min, as observed on average in healthy individu- the theoretical maximal HR must be interpreted cautiously.
als at rest. At less than 50 beats/min, CO decreases proportionally Under some conditions, including ongoing myocardial ischemia,
with HR, which must be avoided in the presence of HF. In patients arrhythmias, and so on, the optimal maximal HR estimated on
with coronary artery disease or ventricular hypertrophy and dia- the basis of the maximal CO may not be optimal for individual
stolic dysfunction, excessively rapid pacing decreases coronary patients.
perfusion and ventricular filling. Furthermore, excessively rapid
pacing shortens the life of the pulse generator.
Heart Rate and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
The long-term effects of atrial pacing at a rate faster than the
Maximal Ventricular Pacing Rate
sinus rate in recipients of cardiac resynchronization therapy
The upper ventricular pacing rate, whether atrial tracking driven (CRT) devices programmed in DDD/DDDR mode are only
or sensor driven, must also be tailored on the basis of the patient’s indirectly understood. First, continuous atrial pacing might
habitual activities and underlying cardiovascular status. An exces- increase the inter-atrial conduction delay and accentuate the
sively slow upper pacing rate causes exercise-induced chrono- left heart AV dyssynchrony (see Atrial Conduction Delay). In
tropic insufficiency, and an excessively rapid pacing rate may be addition, several studies have found a link between increased
deleterious. Kindermann et al ascertained the theoretical, optimal, mortality and long-term elevation of HR in unpaced patients
maximal pacing rate corresponding to the increase in maximum with or without HF. Finally, a slower HR may promote angiogen-
VO2 (oxygen rate) measured during cardiorespiratory exercise esis. For the time being, and pending additional information, the
testing in patients with a normal or less than 45% LV ejection recommendation is to keep the backup atrial pacing rate
fraction (EF), the majority of whom were paced in DDD mode.7 below the sinus rate, except in the presence of chronotropic
The mean optimal pacing rate was 86% of the theoretical maximal insufficiency.
460  Cardiac Pacing

Preserving Atrial Function and I

Atrioventricular Synchrony I

Atrial Function II III

Atrial systole plays an important hemodynamic role. (1) It aug-
ments LV filling and promotes its contractility by the Frank-Starling
mechanism. (2) It keeps the mean atrial pressure at a low level and 140
facilitates the venous return to the heart. (3) It allows the presys- III
tolic closure of the AV valves, preventing VA valvular regurgitation
with a sudden decrease in the pressures immediately after atrial 100 mm/s
contraction. Furthermore, the atria influence peripheral vasomo- RA
tor activity and water-electrolyte balance by neurohormonal
mechanisms mediated by the autonomic nervous system and FIGURE 35-4  Surface electrocardiogram: high-degree interatrial
b-type atrial natriuretic peptide. These mechanisms altogether block with 170-ms P-wave duration. The terminal portion of the P
participate directly or indirectly in the regulation of the main deter- wave is negative in lead III with left superior axis (–30). The three
intracardiac electrocardiograms (lower right tracing), sensed by a
minants of CO, that is, preload, afterload, and contractility.
composite bi-atrial lead, correspond to right atrial (RA), left atrial (LA),
The hemodynamic importance of atrial function varies highly and far-field R waves. The interatrial delay is 140 ms.
among individuals. In healthy subjects, the contribution of atrial
systole to ventricular SV is approximately 20% at rest and 30%
during exercise. The contribution of atrial systole to CO during
vigorous effort is gradually supplanted by HR. However, the rela- filling period and truncated A wave. The main causes of prolonged
tive importance of atrial systole increases with age, with abnormal atrial conduction delays—apparent on surface ECG as a more than
ventricular diastolic function, and within certain limits, with the 120-ms P-wave duration, notching of the P wave, and a foreshort-
deterioration of LV systolic function.8 ened segment between the end of the P wave and the onset of QRS
(Figure 35-4)—are (1) slowing of intra-atrial conduction due to
heart disease, and (2) a latency of paced atrial capture. The latter is
Atrioventricular Synchrony
responsible for greater conduction delays than is apparent during
A proper AV synchronization is key for the efficacious hemody- sinus rhythm and mandates the routine programming of a 30 ms
namic contribution of atrial systole. Conversely, complete AV to 40-ms longer paced than sensed AV delay. The latency of atrial
dissociation is hemodynamically detrimental. Atrial systole occur- capture can be considerably amplified by several factors, including
ring when the mitral valve is closed activates (1) atrial and pulmo- type and location of the pacing lead and its interface with the myo-
nary neurohumoral stretch receptors, (2) vagal activity, and (3) the cardium, pacing rate, abnormal electrolyte or metabolic status, the
production of atrial natriuretic peptide. These effects may cause a effect of medications, and myocardial disease. Heart diseases most
fall in systemic arterial pressure and a variety of manifestations often associated with anomalous atrial conduction are valvular
known as pacemaker syndrome when occurring in permanently (rheumatic mitral disease, in particular), hypertrophic, ischemic,
paced patients. It has been described in approximately 20% of and hypertensive. Programmers allow a choice of separate AV
patients paced in the VVI/VVIR mode, whose atrial activity is intervals for sensed P waves versus paced P waves in order to offset
sinus, though it may occur in any pacing mode in the presence of this phenomenon. While left atrial dilation is often associated with
AV dyssynchronization. AV synchronization is electrical and prolonged atrial conduction time, this correlation is low, except in
mechanical, left and right. While electrical and mechanical dys- the case of rheumatic mitral valve disease.9
synchronies usually coexist, their correlation is not systematic (see In the majority of patients, prolonged intra-atrial conduction
Atrial Conduction Delay). “Electrical” AV dyssynchrony manifests is associated with slowing of AV conduction, probably due to
as an abnormal PR interval or AV dissociation on surface ECG, atrial lesions similar to those found in SND; this association is
and “mechanical” AV dyssynchrony is defined as a LV diastolic found in 30% of patients. PR prolongation compensates for the
filling time less than 40% of the cardiac cycle, accompanied by an delayed atrial conduction and limits its effects on left AV syn-
abnormal transmitral Doppler profile. In the case of cardiac chrony. In the presence of normal AV conduction and major
pacing, left AV mechanical synchrony is hemodynamically the intra-atrial and inter-atrial conduction delays, left atrial contrac-
most important and is preserved by programming an appropriate tion is delayed, sometimes to the point of encountering a closed
AV delay. The main determinants of the AV delay are AV conduc- mitral valve. The main consequences are (1) a decreased LV SV,
tion time, intra-atrial and inter-atrial conduction times, and intra- and (2) the activation of neurohumoral responses due to atrial
ventricular and interventricular (VV) conduction times. distension. On the one hand, programming of the AV delay based
on surface ECG alone is unlikely to remedy this situation. On the
other hand, the echocardiographic transmitral filling pattern
Atrial Conduction Delay
enables the optimization of left AV synchrony (see Atrioventricu-
The intra-atrial and inter-atrial conduction delays are measured lar Optimization Methods).
from the onset of the P wave to (1) the para-Hisian atrial ECG
(normally 30 to 60 ms), and (2) to the distal coronary sinus atrial
Prevention and Management of Atrial Conduction Delay
ECG (normal 60 to 90 ms), respectively. Prolonged atrial conduc-
tion delays may cause left AV dyssynchrony with a foreshortened In patients with long inter-atrial conduction times, different
mechanical AV delay, apparent on mitral Doppler as a short LV technical solutions may help prevent pacing-induced AV
Hemodynamic Aspects of Cardiac Pacing  461

dyssynchrony in the left heart. This applies mainly to patients pacing by using different AV delays and a fixed pacing rate,
presenting with permanent, complete AV block or to those
patients who need ventricular stimulation for hemodynamic indi-
cations such as hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. These
patients may benefit from one of the following two choices:
DDD bi-atrial pacing was shown to increase CO by a mean of
23% ± 6% and lower pulmonary capillary wedge pressure by a
mean of 27% ± 13%. The benefit decreased as the AV delay
1. DDD pacing with a paced AV delay up to 250 ms to 300 ms to It is generally possible to increase the programmed AV delay at
restore the atrial contribution concealed by shorter AV delays the cost of a long TARP and a decrease in the maximal atrial track-
(Figure 35-5). However, this option, which lengthens the TARP ing rate during exercise. Depending on the position of the lead and
and limits exercise capacity by lowering the 2 : 1 Wenckebach the distribution of intra-atrial morphologic abnormalities, atrial
point, is acceptable mainly in inactive patients. pacing might lengthen or shorten atrial conduction time, with a
high interindividual variability. A septal implantation of the atrial
2. Bi-atrial synchronous DDD pacing. In addition to its probable lead often allows the shortening of conduction delays. If an atrial
antiarrhythmic effect, this pacing mode confers significant lead has already been implanted in the appendage, an alternative
hemodynamic benefits in difficult situations, verified during dual right atrial pacing, or bi-atrial stimulation, using a second lead
temporary pacing. By preempting left atrial systole by 30 ms to placed at the coronary sinus ostium or within the coronary sinus,
75 ms, it restores normal left AV synchrony (Figure 35-6) and can be considered. One must also pay attention to the prolonga-
enables the programming of conventional AV delays. When tion of the AV delay, which, during CRT, might compromise resyn-
conventional DDD pacing was compared with DDD bi-atrial chronization by promoting spontaneous AV conduction.

AV delay = 150 ms AV delay = 250 ms

FIGURE 35-5  Adverse hemodynamic consequences of major intra-atrial conduction delay in a patient permanently paced in the DDD mode for
bradycardia. A standard AV delay of 150 ms results in a short filling time and single pulse mitral flow (left panel). Increasing the AV delay to 250 ms
restores normal AV synchrony (right panel). (From Daubert JC, Pavin D, Jauvert G, Mabo P: Intra- and interatrial conduction delay: Implications for cardiac
pacing, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 27:507–525, 2004.)


Single RA pacing → Dual atrium pacing Dual atrium pacing → Single RA pacing

FIGURE 35-6  Instantaneous hemodynamic changes induced by bi-atrial synchronous DDD pacing versus standard DDD pacing in a patient with
long inter-atrial conduction time. Left, Switch from standard to bi-atrial pacing instantaneously corrects the baseline atrioventricular dyssynchrony in
the left heart. Right, Switch from biatrial to standard DDD causes a prominent decrease in aortic velocity-time integral. (From Daubert JC, Pavin D,
Jauvert G, Mabo P: Intra- and interatrial conduction delay: Implications for cardiac pacing, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 27:507–525, 2004.)
462  Cardiac Pacing

Late Atrial Sensing and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

In the presence of major intra-atrial conduction delay between
the sinus node and the atrial pacing site, atrial sensing is delayed. Biatrial IEGM RA LA 100
The interval between atrial sensing and ventricular sensing is
foreshortened, with a risk of inhibited biventricular pacing or LV
fusion beats. Repositioning the atrial lead or modulating or ablat-
ing the AV node may be necessary.
The clinical effects of fused spontaneous and paced QRS in 185
recipients of CRT systems remain uncertain. Indirect arguments Biventricular IEGM
suggest that fusion complexes are not necessarily adverse.11 In
limited studies, at least a similar hemodynamic benefit was
observed in patients at rest in whom resynchronization was V1
achieved by LV stimulation alone, with fusion via the right bundle 100 mm/s
branch, or by biventricular stimulation.12 Furthermore, the
absence of first-degree AV block predicts a response to CRT. FIGURE 35-7  Intracardiac recordings from four permanent leads at
Either the presence of AV block is a prognostic factor associated time of device implant. The P-R interval is normal on surface
with more severe heart disease or its absence is associated with a electrocardiogram (ECG). However, the intracardiac ECGs show marked
higher likelihood of fusion or “concealed resynchronization.”13 VV conduction delay (140 ms) resulting in major left atrioventricular
Nevertheless, pending further studies, the current recommenda- dyssynchrony (LA – LV = 240 ms). RA, Right atrium; LA, left atrium
(distal coronary sinus); RV, right ventricle; LV, left ventricle
tion is to avoid or limit biventricular simulation with fusion to the
(posterolateral vein); IEGM, intracardiac electrogram.
extent possible.

Atrioventricular Synchrony During Exercise

During exercise, sympathetic activity facilitates AV nodal conduc-
tion, and a shortening of AV delay that is inversely proportional Normal LBBB
to the HR is observed. Implantable pacemakers are able to repro-
duce this phenomenon in patients with AV block.14 The rate-
adaptive AV delay shortens AV delay, usually linearly with
acceleration of the HR, up to the shortest programmable value.15
This offers several benefits: (1) improvements in hemodynamic
function and cardiopulmonary performance while preserving
proper AV synchrony during exercise16; (2) ability to increase the
maximal synchronous HR during exercise by shortening TARP;
and (3) subjective improvement in the quality of life by the adap-
tation of the AV delay during exercise.17
Conflicting data have been reported regarding the program-
FIGURE 35-8  Effect of left bundle branch block (LBBB) on AV
ming of hemodynamically optimal AV delays in recipients of CRT synchrony. Left ventricular outflow tract (orange triangles) and mitral
systems during effort, probably reflecting heterogeneous patient Doppler (blue triangle, E wave; white triangle, A wave) are shown
characteristics, including degree and type of dyssynchrony, lead during the cardiac cycle. LBBB is responsible for an increased systolic
positions, and underlying heart disease.18 The current recommen- and decreased diastolic interval (see also Figure 35-15) with fusion of
dation is to deactivate the rate-adaptive AV delay in the absence A and E waves. The P-R interval is unchanged. (Modified from Cazeau S,
of AV conduction disorder. Gras D, Lazarus A, et al: Multisite stimulation for correction of cardiac
asynchrony, Heart 84:579–581, 2000.)

Ventricular Conduction Delay and Atrioventricular Synchrony

An additional delay is inserted between left atrial and LV activa-
tion in cases of marked slowing of intraventricular or VV conduc-
Atrioventricular Optimization in DDD/DDDR Pacing
tion with left bundle branch block morphology, most often
observed in the context of advanced heart disease. Despite the The purpose of an optimal AV delay is to guarantee (1) the
absence of PR interval abnormality of surface ECG (Figure 35-7), maximal contribution of the atrium to the diastolic LV filling, (2)
unequivocal left AV mechanical dyssynchrony is present on ultra- a long diastolic filling period, (3) a short isovolumetric contrac-
sound Doppler examination (Figure 35-8). Although conventional tion period, and (4) the maximal SV. Empirical programming is
DDD pacing with a short AV delay can correct LV filling (trans- suboptimal because of the wide variability among patients in
mitral Doppler), it should not be programmed in patients with optimal AV delay, caused by marked interindividual differences
HF because of the potential adverse effects of RV pacing. More- in electrical and electromechanical intervals in the atria (intra-
over, this pacing increases only left heart filling, whereas biven- atrial and inter-atrial conduction times) and ventricles (VV con-
tricular stimulation restores AV synchrony on both sides of the duction delay, in particular). In case of an excessively long AV
heart (see Figure 35-17) as well as intraventricular synchrony and delay, LV contraction occurs well after atrial systole, while the
improves clinical outcomes. mitral valve is passively semi-closed, causing (1) fusion of E and
Hemodynamic Aspects of Cardiac Pacing  463

MV closure
Optimal AV delay


Too long AV delay

E E Superimposed A and E

Diastolic MR

Too short AV delay

A A Truncated A wave

FIGURE 35-9  Effects of changes in AV delay on mitral inflow. AV, Atrioventricular; MV, mitral valve; MR, mitral regurgitation. (From Barold B, Ilercil A,
Herweg B: Echocardiographic optimization of the atrioventricular and interventricular intervals during cardiac resynchronization, Europace 10:iii88–iii95, 2008.)

A waves of the filling transmitral Doppler flow and (2) diastolic requires the presence of mitral regurgitation and estimates an
mitral regurgitation (Figure 35-9). An excessively short AV delay optimal AV delay that is closely correlated with CO.
causes the LV contraction to close the mitral valve before the Optimizing AV delay on the basis of aortic VTI, mitral VTI,
end of ventricular filling (truncated A wave). AV delay is opti- or the iterative method (see Table 35-1, Figure 35-10) showed
mized mostly in recipients of CRT systems, whereas in dual- immediate increases in CO or LV dP/dt (first derivative of pres-
chamber pacing, it is reserved for the rare patients presenting sure measured over time) in recipients of CRT systems. However,
with symptoms attributed to AV dyssynchrony. Several methods these methods are time consuming and poorly reproducible. In a
are applicable, depending on the choices and practices of the comparison of mitral VTI with diastolic filling time, aortic VTI,
various centers (Table 35-1). Echocardiography and program- or Ritter’s formula, Jansen et al found that the maximal mitral
ming algorithms are most often used because of their wide avail- VTI produced the greatest increase in LV contractility, measured
ability, ease of use, and low cost. Other methods are mostly by dP/dt.22
investigative and will not be discussed in detail in this chapter Endocardial ECG analysis by algorithms also allows the calcu-
(see Table 35-1). lation of AV-sensed and -paced optimal AV and VV delays.
Studies employing the Expert Ease algorithm (Boston Scientific,
Natick, MA), which uses QRS width and spontaneous AV delay
Atrioventricular Optimization Methods
to calculate optimal delays, found a close correlation between
Ritter described an AV delay optimization formula applicable to calculated AV delay and maximal dP/dt (dP/dtmax), and in one
recipients of DDD pacemakers presenting without LV dysfunc- study, the algorithm yielded results superior to Ritter’s method
tion and complete AV block.19 This method allows the calculation and aortic VTI. QuickOpt (St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN) cal-
of AV interval with a ventricular contraction immediately follow- culates optimal delays as a function of the intervals measured
ing the deceleration phase of atrial contraction. Its advantages between atrial and ventricular leads. In most studies, a close cor-
are its simplicity and expeditious application (see Table 35-1). relation was observed between the AV and VV delays calculated
However, its use should be avoided in patients with preserved AV by QuickOpt and those obtained by echocardiographic optimiza-
conduction. In recipients of the CRT system, Ritter’s formula was tion. SonR (Sorin Group, Milan, Italy) is a method based on peak
shown to produce hemodynamic results that were inferior to endocardial acceleration sensed by a micro-accelerometer embed-
those obtained with optimization of AV delay using aortic or ded at the tip of an RV lead. In this method, a high correlation
mitral velocity-time integral (VTI).20 Meluzin et al have also was observed between optimal AV and VV delays identified by
described a simple method for patients undergoing CRT.21 It peak endocardial acceleration and by echocardiography, at rest
464  Cardiac Pacing

Table 35-1  AV Optimization Methods and during exercise, in normal subjects and in patients with struc-
tural heart disease. However, reliable data confirming the clinical
METHODS DESCRIPTION advantages conferred by these various algorithms are still lacking.
Limitations of Atrioventricular Optimization
Optimization of Left Ventricular Filling
Several limitations have been identified in the optimization of AV
Ritter’s formula Avopt = long AV – short QA + long QA
delay. First, it varies among methods used, particularly between
Iterative: mitral Doppler Start with long AV, then shortening by
morphology 20 ms until truncated A wave, then methods using optimization of ventricular filling and optimiza-
lengthening every 10 ms to avoid tion of systolic function. Second, the conditions in which AV delay
truncated A wave is usually optimized (at rest, in the decubitus position) do not
Mitral VTI Vopt: associated with maximal mitral reflect the real-life conditions of patients who have maintained
VTI some level of physical activity. Furthermore, despite several
Meluzin Vopt = long AV – (Interval from end of single-center studies reporting hemodynamic benefits conferred
A wave to beginning of systolic by optimization of AV delay, the evidence that it improves the
mitral regurgitation) clinical outcomes of the recipients of CRT systems is slim. In a
Diastolic filling time Target: >40% of cardiac cycle length
single-center, randomized study of AV delay optimization, in
Optimization of Left Ventricular Systole which aortic VTI was used 3 months after implantation of the
CRT system, Sawhney et al observed a more than 1-point decrease
Aortic velocity-time integral Vopt: associated with maximal aortic in New York Heart Association (NYHA) HF functional class in
outflow tract VTI
75% of patients who underwent the optimization procedure
dP/dt Vopt: maximal dP/dt on mitral
compared with 45% of patients who did not undergo the
Myocardial performance index Vopt: associated with maximal index procedure.23
It is, however, noteworthy that many of the clinical and echo-
OTHERS cardiographic benefits observed in patients who underwent CRT
Electrogram-based algorithm were attributable to improvements in the ventricular activation
Impedance cardiography sequence and not in the AV activation sequence. Optimization of
Right heart catheterization AV delay remains, nevertheless, an important step in the initial
Finger plethysmography and long-term management of CRT recipients, since a suboptimal
Radionuclide ventriculography AV delay is likely to deprive them of the expected maximum clini-
cal benefit.
Vopt, Optimal AV delay; AV, AV delay; long QA, interval between Q of the
electrocardiogram to end of mitral Doppler A wave with long AV delay; short QA, Another challenge in the optimization of AV delay are the
interval between Q of the electrocardiogram to end of mitral Doppler A wave with prominent variations during long-term follow-up, in particular
short AV delay; VTI, velocity-time integral. because of the changes in loading conditions caused by LV reverse
remodeling.24 No definitive consensus has been reached with
respect to the preferred time of optimization or the long-term
schedule of re-evaluations. A systematic initial optimization as

Long AV delay: ↓ AV delay Short AV delay: ↑ AV delay Optimal AV delay:

E and A fusion by 20 ms A wave truncation by 10 ms No more A truncation

FIGURE 35-10  Iterative echocardiographic optimization of atrioventricular (AV) delay. (Courtesy Dr. E. Donal, University Hospital of Rennes, France.)
Hemodynamic Aspects of Cardiac Pacing  465

well as repeated procedures, while desirable, are often time con- and long-term follow-up studies have shown an approximately
suming and hence precluded in clinical practice. A quick initial
evaluation of the morphology of the transmitral flow on Doppler
ultrasound is an alternative method of confirming the absence of
prominent AV dyssynchrony.25 AV delay must, nevertheless, be
10% decrease in LVEF. Furthermore, shortening of the ventricular
filling time and maximal rate of fall of LV pressure (–dP/dt) are
manifestations of diastolic dysfunction. Mitral regurgitation
sometimes develops or worsens, probably due to a decrease in the
optimized in all nonresponders to CRT. transmitral gradient (forces of valve closure) and in the synchrony
of papillary muscles contraction.27 Asymmetric hypertrophy may
become visible in the late-activated zones, reflecting inhomoge-
Optimization of Ventricular Function: neous myocardial work and a greater parietal tension at those
sites at the onset of ventricular systole. A redistribution of myo-
Role of the Ventricular Pacing Site cardial sympathetic innervation during RV pacing is another
cause of asymmetric hypertrophy caused by the focal release of
Right Ventricular Apical Stimulation
catecholamines. On histologic examination of these zones, myo-
Hemodynamic Consequences cytes appear hypertrophied and disarrayed, without any increase
in capillary density, which results in a decreased coronary reserve.
Acute Effects
Dilation and hypertrophy further increase ventricular dyssyn-
The RV apex is the most often chosen pacing site for ease of lead chrony and decrease LV systolic function, thereby initiating a
placement, its stability, and predictably low capture threshold. It vicious circle.
is, however, the cause of a left bundle branch block–like ventricu-
lar activation sequence and electrical and structural remodeling. Ventricular Pacing and Clinical Outcomes
In 1925, Wiggers et al found that RV apical pacing decreased LV
Risk of Heart Failure
dP/dt and caused cardiac dyssynchrony. They proposed a slowing
of intramyocardial conduction, compared with normal propaga- In patients free from structural heart disease, the prevalence of
tion through the His-Purkinje system. Since then, multiple studies ventricular dyssynchrony induced by RV apical pacing is between
have confirmed the immediate adverse hemodynamic effects of 30% and 60% and is associated with alterations of systolic and
apical pacing, with or without preservation of AV synchrony.26 diastolic functions. Dyssynchrony due to apical pacing may
After cessation of ventricular pacing, abnormalities of repolariza- persist after its cessation.28 The decrease in LVEF is often modest29;
tion (cardiac memory) persist for several days. The incompletely only a fraction of patients develop more prominent ventricular
understood mechanisms implicate short-term changes in ionic dysfunction and overt, long-term HF, rarely (3% to 10%) before at
channels and protein phophorylation and longer-term changes in least 3 years of permanent pacing.30 The prevalence, however,
gene expression and protein synthesis. Abnormal myocardial increases over time. After a mean follow-up of nearly 8 years,
relaxation and a transient decrease in LVEF accompany these Zhang et al observed the development of new-onset HF in 26%
abnormalities of repolarization for a few hours or days after ces- of patients permanently paced for AV block.31
sation of apical pacing. Among several persistent questions, one that still needs to be
answered is why some patients free from heart disease develop
Permanent Pacing acute dyssynchrony during pacing and some do not. The lead
In the long term, apical RV pacing may cause major structural position with respect to the His-Purkinje system may be a reason.
changes (Table 35-2), including ventricular dilation and asym- It is similarly unclear why LV function deteriorates in only a very
metric hypertrophy. SV and LV dP/dt are decreased, and the small number of patients. Without new and reliable data, it is hard
pressure–volume curve is shifted to the right. The LV volume is to predict who, among this patient population, will develop HF.
increased by both dilation and hypertrophy, and its performance The risk of developing HF is considerably higher and its onset
depends on the Frank-Starling law to a greater extent. Short-term earlier in patients whose LVEF is already depressed or who have
a history of HF or myocardial infarction. This risk is probably
caused by slower propagation of the electrical wavefront and
more prevalent and more prominent ventricular dyssynchrony in
Table 35-2  Adverse Effects of Abnormal Ventricular Activation these patients than in those without heart disease.32 Studies of the
During Right Ventricular Apical Pacing relationship between dyssynchrony apparent shortly after device
Hemodynamic function Depressed left ventricular systolic
implantation and long-term outcomes are in progress.
and diastolic functions
Pacing Mode and Clinical Outcomes
Reduced cardiac output
Increased filling pressure Several pacing characteristics and their consequences, including
percentage and duration of ventricular pacing, pacing mode with
Ventricular dyssynchrony Interventricular dyssynchrony
respect to conduction abnormalities, site of ventricular stimula-
Intraventricular dyssynchrony
tion, and duration of the paced QRS, also determine the develop-
Remodeling Asymmetric hypertrophy ment of HF.33 An increase in the paced QRS duration in patients
Left ventricular dilation with SND or AV block is associated with an increased likelihood
of development of HF.34 This association may be explained by a
Valvular function Functional mitral regurgitation
more prominent mechanical ventricular dyssynchrony at some
Myocardial perfusion Changes in regional myocardial pacing sites, though it might also be a manifestation of more
perfusion and demand severe myocardial and conduction system disease.
Choosing the right pacing mode is crucial. In the DAVID trial,
Autonomic nervous system Changes in regional innervation
which enrolled patients presenting with severe LV dysfunction
466  Cardiac Pacing


Proportion event-free

Proportion event-free
0.9 0.9

0.85 0.85

0.8 0.8
Cum % VP ≤40 Cum % VP ≤80
Cum % VP >40 Cum % VP >80
0.75 0.75
A 0 12 24 36 48 B 0 12 24 36 48

FIGURE 35-11  Cumulative survival free from first hospitalization for management of heart failure according to percent of ventricular pacing during
the first 30 days in patients with sick sinus syndrome. A, DDDR mode. B, VVIR mode. (timeline in months). (From Sweeney MO, Hellkamp AS, Ellenbogen
KA, et al: Mode Selection Trial Investigators: Adverse effect of ventricular pacing on heart failure and atrial fibrillation among patients with normal baseline QRS
duration in a clinical trial of pacemaker therapy for sinus node dysfunction, Circulation 107:2932–2937, 2003.)

4 4
DDDR patient with Cum % VP = 0

VVIR patient with Cum % VP = 0

3 3
Risk of AF relative to

Risk of AF relative to

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Cum % VP Cum % VP

FIGURE 35-12  Relation between risk of atrial fibrillation (AF) and cumulative percent ventricular pacing (Cum % VP) estimated by Cox model in a
patient with sick sinus syndrome. Dashed lines represent 95% confidence intervals for point-by-point estimates of the hazard ratio for a 1% change in
Cum % VP. Left, DDDR. Right, VVIR. (From Sweeney MO, Hellkamp AS, Ellenbogen KA, et al: Mode Selection Trial Investigators: Adverse effect of ventricular
pacing on heart failure and atrial fibrillation among patients with normal baseline QRS duration in a clinical trial of pacemaker therapy for sinus node
dysfunction, Circulation 107:2932–2937, 2003.)

and a dual-chamber implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD),

Cardiac Pacing and Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
the incidence of hospitalizations for management of HF was
higher among those paced in the DDDR mode, at a basic pacing The benefit conferred by RV apical stimulation in obstructive
rate of 70 beats/min with a short AV delay, than in patients paced hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (OHCM) is mediated by ensuing
in the VVI mode, at a backup rate of 40 beats/min, which was changes in the contraction sequence of the various LV segments,
associated with a higher percentage of ventricular pacing in the the septum in particular. This mitigates the intraventricular gradi-
former group.35 ent, the Venturi effect inside the LV outflow tract, and the systolic
Furthermore, a post hoc analysis of the Mode Selection Trial anterior motion of the mitral valve. The hemodynamic benefit
(MOST) (Figures 35-11 and 35-12) revealed that in patients paced depends on complete RV capture and proper AV synchronization.
in DDDR or VVIR for SND, both the rates of atrial fibrillation and While a short AV delay facilitates the former, it may hamper the
hospitalizations for HF increased proportionally to the percent- latter, particularly in the presence of a long inter-atrial delay, which
age of ventricular pacing.36,37 This underscored the importance of may worsen the clinical status of these patients, whose hemody-
limiting RV apical pacing and the risk of loss of benefits conferred namic function depends prominently on ventricular filling. By
by pacing modes that preserve AV synchrony. lengthening AV nodal conduction time, pharmaceuticals such as
Hemodynamic Aspects of Cardiac Pacing  467

β-adrenergic blockers and calcium antagonists may enable the septum have been confirmed in several studies. The short-term
programming of a longer AV delay while maintaining complete RV
capture. Should drug therapy be unsuccessful, radiofrequency
ablation or modulation of the AV node is another option.
Despite its attractive premise, RV apical stimulation for OHCM
to intermediate-term capture threshold, impedance, and sensing
characteristics of leads implanted in the apical, septal, or RV
outflow tract (RVOT) positions are similar.43,44 The mean proce-
dural times, complication rates, and risks of lead dislodgment are
has yielded mixed results. The PIC trial observed a 50% decrease in also similar. The risk of perforation seems low, and the extraction
left intraventricular gradient and a 20% increase in exercise capac- procedures are of similar complexity. The results of studies that
ity, though the alleviation of dyspnea and chest pain was similar in compared the short-term and long-term hemodynamic benefits
DDD and AAI modes, suggesting a placebo effect.38 Except in conferred by alternative RV pacing sites versus apical pacing are
a subgroup of patients older than 65 years, the Multicenter Pacing conflicting for various reasons, including the imprecise definition
Therapy (M-PATHY) trial found neither subjective nor objective of the site of lead implant (RVOT versus septum), heterogeneous
differences in exercise capacity between RV-paced patients versus patient populations and evaluation methods, and, sometimes,
non–RV-paced patients.39 In the absence of more convincing insufficient duration of follow-up.45
evidence—and given the availability of other, more effective treat-
ments, including surgery or even alcohol ablation of the septum— 1. RVOT pacing: Victor et al studied 16 patients who presented
the role played by cardiac stimulation in OHCM is currently with chronic atrial tachyarrhythmias and AV block and were
limited (class IIb recommendation in professional guidelines).40 randomly assigned to RVOT versus RV apical pacing, each for
3 months, 4 months after pacemaker implantations. No differ-
Preventing Unnecessary Ventricular Stimulation ences were found in clinical and functional endpoints, including
NYHA functional class, LVEF, exercise duration, and maximal
Pacing Mode Selection
oxygen uptake.43 The Right Ventricular Outflow Versus Apical
A pacing mode that would, similar to AAI, completely eliminate Pacing (ROVA) trial randomly assigned 103 pacemaker recipi-
ventricular stimulation would be ideal for patients presenting ents who presented with HF, an LVEF of 40% or less, and chronic
with SND and intrinsic conduction. However, the risk of new AV atrial fibrillation to RVOT, RV apical pacing, or dual-site RV
conduction disorders mandates standby ventricular pacing. Dif- pacing in a crossover design.46 Compared with RV apical pacing,
ferent technical solutions have been proposed to favor natural AV RVOT and dual-site RV pacing both shortened QRS duration,
conduction. In the DDD(R) mode, the percentage of ventricular though they did not significantly improve quality of life or other
pacing is not effectively decreased by the programming of a fixed, clinical indices at 3 months of follow-up.
long AV delay because of the physiological variability of AV nodal
conduction. The AV hysteresis algorithm enables a search for 2. Septal pacing: A small, randomized crossover study compared
intrinsic conduction by the extension of the AV interval and septal and apical RV pacing in patients with AF.47 After 3
further promotes normal ventricular depolarization, though its months, in contrast to apical pacing, RV septal pacing pre-
performance is limited. Algorithms such as AAIsafeR, managed served LVEF in patients whose baseline LVEF was 45% or less.
ventricular pacing, and reverse mode switch, which automatically No increase in peak oxygen uptake was observed in either
switch the pacing mode from AAI(R) to DDD(R) in the event of group. Tse et al evaluated LV performance and functional
a blocked P wave or critical lengthening of the P-R interval, have capacity, before device replacement and 18 months thereafter
been designed. An advantage of AAIsafeR is the programmability in (1) 12 patients who underwent RV septal pacing after being
of the pacing mode switch criteria. The disadvantages of these previously paced at the RV apex, and (2) 12 control patients
algorithms involve mostly patients presenting with prolonged continuously paced at the RV apex.48 Change to RV septal
spontaneous AV delay. In the presence of values greater than pacing, but not continuous apical pacing, improved LV systolic
300 ms, the upper responsive rate must be limited, and a risk function and diastolic function as well as functional capacity.
exists of AV dyssynchrony as the HR increases. Despite these encouraging observations, septal pacing remains
The influence of RV pacing minimization algorithms on clini- controversial because of the small number of patients enrolled
cal outcome is still controversial. The randomized INTRINSIC in the studies and the short follow-up of completed studies.47-51
RV study, which included recipients of ICDs, programmed either Larger randomized trials are ongoing.52
in the VVIR mode with a backup rate set at 40 beats/min or in
the DDDR mode with the AV hysteresis algorithm, found no dif- 3. Direct His bundle or para-Hisian pacing: This is theoretically
ference in clinical outcomes between the two groups.41 The SAVE the most physiological pacing, producing a normal ventricular
PACe study, which enrolled patients with SND paced in the activation, narrow QRS, and no ventricular dyssynchrony. It
DDDR mode with or without an algorithm of RV pacing minimi- was found superior to RV apical pacing in measurements of CO
zation, found a 9.1% median percentage of ventricular pacing with or in the estimation of NYHA functional class and maximal O2
the algorithm compared with 99% without the algorithm. While consumption in patients presenting with LV dysfunction. It is
a 40% decrease in relative risk in the incidence of persistent AF contraindicated, however, in patients with distal conduction
was observed, the rates of death and hospitalizations related to defects. It is rarely performed because of greater procedural
HF were similar in both groups.42 complexity and duration and the distinctly higher risk of lead
dislodgment and failure to sense or capture, mandating, at least
for the time being, the implantation of a backup apical lead.
Alternative Right Ventricular Pacing Sites
When permanent ventricular capture is needed, the use of alter-
Right Ventricular Upgrade
native RV pacing sites should be considered to prevent the adverse
effects of RV apical pacing and improve ventricular function. The CRT has been used as an upgrade for patients presenting with
technical feasibility and safety of implanting the RV lead onto the severe LV dysfunction and worsening HF due to RV pacing.
468  Cardiac Pacing

Several small controlled studies have documented improvements

BiV epi LV epi
in invasively measured hemodynamic function conferred by CRT
upgrades, as well as the alleviation of ventricular dyssynchrony
and mitigation of LV remodeling (decrease in ED and ES diam- LBBB
eters), increase in LVEF, and decrease in NYHA functional class
and increase in distance covered during 6-min walk.53,54 The
effects on survival remain unknown, and long-term clinical
results have been mixed. Several multicenter studies are ongoing
to further address these uncertainties.55

Left Ventricular and Biventricular Stimulation

Optimal Left Ventricular Stimulation Site 0 40 80 120 ms

Theoretically, the optimal ventricular stimulation site yielding the

greatest mitigation of dyssynchrony by CRT is the LV region BiV endo LV endo
activated last. Several short-term studies have shown prominent
FIGURE 35-13  Three-dimensional reconstruction of electrical
hemodynamic improvement by stimulation of that region, as
activation times in ventricles measured with epicardial and
determined by (1) the electrical delay between the QRS onset and endocardial electrodes in canine heart with experimental left bundle
the LV-sensed ECG, (2) three-dimensional endocardial mapping, branch block. First activation/pacing sites are in red (color bar indicates
(3) echocardiography (tissue Doppler, strain or speckle tracking), time scale in milliseconds). Endocardial biventricular pacing induces
or (4) by magnetic resonance imaging. This site of stimulation is greater shortening of the total activation time more than epicardial
also associated with improvements in functional performance, in biventricular pacing does. Endocardial biventricular pacing is
reverse remodeling, and in a longer adverse event–free survival. associated with more synchronous LV activation than epicardial
Poor placement of the LV lead could explain nonresponse to biventricular pacing. LBBB, Left bundle branch block; BiV, biventricular;
therapy in a significant proportion of patients. While it is rational epi, epicardial; LV, left ventricular; endo, endocardial. (From Van Deursen
to implant the LV lead in a lateral or posterolateral position, C, van Geldorp IE, Rademakers LM, et al: Left ventricular endocardial
pacing improves resynchronization therapy in canine left bundle-branch
Ansalone et al observed that it corresponds to the zone of latest
hearts, Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2:580–587, 2009.)
activation in fewer than 60% of cases. This is further complicated
by (1) anatomic variations, (2) technical limitations such as dia-
phragmatic stimulation or unacceptably high capture threshold,
or (3) the presence of scarred myocardium precluding the place- stimulation. Derval et al compared invasive and noninvasive
ment of the LV lead at the preferred site. The targeted hemody- acute hemodynamic measurements made in 35 patients present-
namic and clinical improvements are, nevertheless, of prime ing with nonischemic, dilated cardiomyopathies during stimula-
importance; preoperative investigations, including echocardiog- tion from 10 endocardial and 1 epicardial LV sites and found wide
raphy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomog- interindividual variability in the hemodynamically optimal stimu-
raphy (CT) are likely to allow the identification of the best lation site.59 Stimulating at the optimal site increased LV dP/dt
negotiated LV stimulation site, despite the clinical complexity that significantly, compared with (1) standard LV epicardial stimula-
it might represent. tion via the coronary venous system, (2) lateral LV endocardial
In contrast to the implantation of the previously described LV wall stimulation, or (3) stimulation at the latest site of LV activa-
lead, optimal placement of the RV lead in biventricular stimula- tion ascertained echocardiographically. Stimulation of the endo-
tion is poorly understood. Lecoq et al have analyzed the various cardial site immediately opposite to the transvenously identified
electrical characteristics associated with CRT.56 The placement of epicardial site had no significant effects on either dP/dtmax or
the RV lead was modified to obtain the thinnest QRS after the LVES pressure. However, compared with epicardial stimulation,
implantation of the LV lead. A midseptal position was chosen in endocardial stimulation improved LV diastolic function, as ascer-
the majority of cases. Only the shortening of the QRS (not the tained by measurements of LV – dP/dt.
baseline QRS duration) predicted the response to CRT. However, Trans-aortic, trans-septal, and trans-apical approaches have
the predictive value of QRS shortening remains controversial, and been described for permanent LV endocardial stimulation in
more detailed information regarding the placement of the RV lead humans. The first feasibility study was carried out by atrial trans-
is awaited.57 septal lead implantation, by Jais et al.60 In several studies of small
numbers of typical CRT system recipients, biventricular endocar-
dial stimulation lowered NYHA functional class and increased
Left Ventricular Epicardial Stimulation Versus Endocardial Stimulation
LVEF. These data, based on small numbers of observations, need
The original intent to stimulate the LV endocardial surface was additional studies to clarify the risk/benefit ratio from the per-
based on the normal endocardium-to-epicardium electrical acti- spectives of long-term anticoagulation and complications associ-
vation sequence, which is associated with a speedy and synchro- ated with the various lead implantation techniques.
nous ventricular depolarization (Figure 35-13). Van Deursen et al
found, in an animal model, a shorter ventricular depolarization
Single Left Ventricular Stimulation
and less dispersion of repolarization with endocardial stimulation
than with epicardial biventricular stimulation.58 They also CRT using a single LV lead is based on the expectation of fusion
observed an acute hemodynamic benefit (Figure 35-14), which between stimulated LV and spontaneous RV depolarizations,
seemed less dependent on site or timing than with epicardial resulting in a synchronous biventricular activation sequence (see
Hemodynamic Aspects of Cardiac Pacing  469

associated with them. Finally, despite the availability of a dynamic

AV delay function, the programming of synchronous LV-RV acti-
* EPI vation during spontaneous variations in AV conduction may be
30 ENDO challenging, for example, during exercise.
% LV resynchronization

20 * Multiple-Site Left Ventricular Stimulation

CRT using a single LV lead may be insufficient to produce optimal
# ventricular resynchronization, particularly in the presence of
prominent LV dilation. It has been hypothesized that stimulating
the LV at two or more distant sites would further improve LV
0 performance and increase the rate of response to CRT. While the
BiV LVopt LVshort feasibility and safety of this strategy has been confirmed, it
A –10
requires longer procedures and fluoroscopic exposure. In experi-
enced hands, the procedural success rate approaches 85%. In
short-term hemodynamic studies in patients with HF, Pappone
* et al found that dual-site LV stimulation increases LV dP/dt and
* shortens QRS duration compared with single-site stimulation.62
% increase in LVdP/dtmax

*# *
In contrast, Padeletti et al observed no further hemodynamic
20 improvement conferred by CRT delivered via dual-site LV stimu-
lation compared with single-site LV stimulation.63 The multi-
* *
15 center, single-blind, crossover TRIP HF trial included 40 patients
who had indications for both CRT and for ventricular pacing
10 because of atrial fibrillation and slow ventricular response.64 After
3 months of biventricular stimulation, the patients were randomly
5 assigned to biventricular stimulation versus triple-site ventricular
stimulation; then they crossed over to the alternative assignment
0 for three additional months. While no difference was observed in
B BiV LVopt LVshort clinical outcomes between the two groups, a significantly greater
decrease in LVED diameter and increase in LVEF were observed
FIGURE 35-14  A, Percent shortening of ventricular activation time. during triple-site ventricular stimulation. Furthermore, 40% of
B, LV dP/dtmax during endocardial and epicardial biventricular (BiV) nonresponders to biventricular stimulation (ascertained on the
pacing compared with baseline atrial pacing in the presence of left basis of LVES diameter) became responders during dual-site LV
bundle branch block. A larger and significant increase in LV dP/ dtmax is stimulation.
seen during endocardial pacing than during epicardial pacing and
during both biventricular and left ventricular pacing. Lvshort, Short AV
delay. *P < .05 versus baseline; #P < .05 endocardial (ENDO) versus
epicardial (EPI) (mean values and standard deviations of 48 paired Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
measurements). (From Van Deursen C, van Geldorp IE, Rademakers LM,
et al: Left ventricular endocardial pacing improves resynchronization Rationale and Mechanisms
therapy in canine left bundle-branch hearts, Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol
2:580–587, 2009.) Abnormal intraventricular conduction, usually of left bundle
branch block morphology, is present in 30% of patients presenting
with severe LV systolic dysfunction. This causes asynchronous LV
contraction, a decrease in SV, and ventricular remodeling. Ven-
Figure 35-20). Immediate hemodynamic and clinical improve- tricular activation propagates from the right ventricle to the
ments were observed in typical candidates for CRT. Furthermore, septum and then to the LV free wall. The duration of contraction
a fused QRS seemed to be associated with a higher LV dP/dtmax. and isovolumetric relaxation are lengthened, and the ventricular
Device Evaluation of CONTAK RENEWAL 2 and EASYTRACK diastolic filling time is shortened proportionally to the degree of
2: Assessment of Safety and Effectiveness in Heart Failure ventricular dyssynchrony and QRS duration (Figure 35-15).65
(DECREASE-HF), a randomized study, compared the 6-month CRT simultaneously stimulates the LV free wall and the right
echocardiographic outcomes in patients who underwent (1) syn- ventricle during ventricular systole, fusing the two activation
chronous biventricular, (2) sequential biventricular, or (3) single- wavefronts, improving electrical (narrow QRS) and mechanical
site LV stimulation.61 A trend toward a greater decrease in LV (synchronous segmental contraction) synchrony, according to the
dimensions with biventricular LV stimulation than with single-site rapid electromechanical coupling of the myocardium.
LV stimulation was observed. In addition, mitral regurgitation
worsened in 18% of patients who underwent single-site LV stimu-
Short-Term Hemodynamic Effects
lation, perhaps because of greater LV dilation and less complete
resynchronization, since ventricular fusion complexes were not In patients presenting with HF and left bundle branch block,
required in that study. Furthermore, this means of stimulation is Leclercq et al observed an immediate hemodynamic improve-
not applicable to ICD recipients or pacemaker-dependent patients, ment during biventricular stimulation compared with spontane-
who need an RV lead, because of the notorious instability of the ous conduction or DDD RV apical pacing (Figure 35-16).66 Instead
LV epicardial leads and the high capture threshold often of an increase in ventricular preload, the increase in CO was
470  Cardiac Pacing

po pc Normal
RV ejection RV filling II
tc to
ao ac III
LV ejection LV filling
mc mo

PCWP = 35/50 CO = 2.8 L/min PCWP = 20/30 CO = 3.7 L/min

A 50

po pc LBBB
RV ejection RV filling 30
tc to
ao ac 20
LV ejection LV filling
mc mo 10

FIGURE 35-16  Instantaneous decrease in pulmonary capillary wedge

pressure (PCWP) and 32% increase in cardiac output (CO) by switch
B from A-A interval to biventricular DDD stimulation at fixed rate in a
patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy. QRS duration is decreased by
FIGURE 35-15  Left- and right-sided timing events in a patient with 35%. (From Leclercq C, Cazeau S, Le Breton H, et al: Acute hemodynamic
left bundle branch block (LBBB) and a patient without intraventricular effects of biventricular DDD pacing in patients with end-stage heart failure,
conduction abnormality. In the presence of LBBB, the left-sided events J Am Coll Cardiol 32:1825–1831, 1998.)
follow the right-sided events. The isovolumetric contraction and
relaxation times are longer and the left ventricular (LV) filling time is
shorter. p, Pulmonary; m, mitral; a, aortic; t, tricuspid; o, opening; c,
closure. (From Grines CL, Bashore TM, Boudoulas H, et al: Functional 35-19), most reliably manifesting as a decrease in LVED diameter.
abnormalities in isolated left bundle branch block. The effect of The resynchronized contraction of the subvalvular apparatus and
interventricular asynchrony, Circulation 79:845–853, 1989.) the smaller LV dimensions also facilitate the regression of func-
tional mitral regurgitation. Yu et al observed the persistence of
LV reverse remodeling for up to 1 month after the interruption
of CRT.71
Both the morbidity and the survival benefits conferred by CRT
caused by an increase in myocardial contractility, since the filling are important. However, currently no evidence indicates that a
pressures had decreased during CRT. Other studies confirmed hemodynamic improvement observed in the short term predicts
improvements in hemodynamic function, which manifested as a favorable long-term outcome. Mullens et al found that biven-
increases in LV dP/dtmax, LVEF, and pulse pressure, and in LV tricular stimulation continues to acutely improve hemodynamic
diastolic function, which manifested as a longer ventricular filling function in the failing heart in most patients, including those in
time, higher –dP/dt, and lower filling pressures. whom cardiac remodeling has progressed during CRT and who
Multiple mechanisms are behind these hemodynamic benefits. are hospitalized for the management of HF.72 Mullens et al sug-
On the one hand, CRT resynchronizes at the AV, VV, and intra- gested that the progression of disease is not attributable to a
ventricular levels, with the main hemodynamic benefit brought diminishing hemodynamic benefit contributed by successful
about by the correction of LV activation and resynchronization resynchronization. A decrease in LVES diameter is the marker of
of segmental contraction. On the other hand, as Nelson et al remodeling that best predicts long-term outcome, though this
observed, a greater efficiency of the cardiac pump is achieved by marker is imperfect since, among CRT recipients whose LVES
LV stimulation, which decreases to a modest extent the myocar- diameter has decreased by more than 10%, approximately 30% do
dial consumption of energy.67 Improvement in VV coupling is not derive any survival benefit. Finally, the absence of correlation
another hemodynamically favorable and immediate mechanism between (1) functional characteristics such as NYHA functional
of CRT (Figure 35-17).68 LV activation and onset of diastole are class and quality of life and (2) survival or ventricular remodeling
expedited and do not limit LV filling by the space occupied by the continues to complicate the identification of potential responders
right ventricle inside the pericardium when the filling pressures to CRT.73
are high.69
Optimization of Ventricular Timing
Long-Term Hemodynamic Effects
While the therapeutic benefits conferred by CRT are distinctly
The hemodynamic benefits described earlier persist over the long related to the site of ventricular stimulation, the precise place-
term as well. Furthermore, as a result of improvements in LV ment of the LV lead(s) is limited by a highly variable anatomy of
pump function and lower filling pressures during CRT, the heart the coronary sinus and its tributaries, by myocardial scars that are
works with lower LV volumes (Figure 35-18).70 The decrease in unexcitable, or by intolerable phrenic nerve stimulation. Several
wall tension limits the concomitant neurohumoral activation. electrical and mechanical methods of optimization of ventricular
These combined effects promote reverse remodeling (Figure activation have been developed in an attempt to vary the RV or
Hemodynamic Aspects of Cardiac Pacing  471

DDD MultiSite

Interventricular delay


Mitral valve closure

Tricuspid valve closure

FIGURE 35-17  Correction of interventricular delay with biventricular pacing compared with left bundle branch block or conventional right
ventricular apical pacing. Early left ventricular activation during biventricular pacing shortens the left pre-ejection time, shortening the contraction of
both ventricles and that of systole. Ventricular filling is improved with biventricular pacing without the need to set a very short atrioventricular delay,
as in conventional pacing. Pulm, Pulmonary. (From Cazeau S, Gras D, Lazarus A, et al: Multisite stimulation for correction of cardiac asynchrony, Heart
84:579–581, 2000.)


p80 baseline
100 p100 100 p100
LV pressure (mm Hg)

LV pressure (mm Hg)

p140 p120

50 50

0 0
100 200 100 200
LV volume (mL) LV volume (mL)

FIGURE 35-18  Hemodynamic effects of long-term cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Left, Baseline pressure-volume curve at different heart
rates; the large left ventricular (LV ) volume reflects a dilated heart and high filling pressure. Right, Effects after 6 months of CRT. Prominent decrease in
LV volume without decrease in LV contractility. (From Steendijk P, Tulner S, Bax JJ, et al: Hemodynamic effects of long-term cardiac resynchronization therapy:
Analysis by pressure-volume loops, Circulation 113:1295–1304, 2006.)
472  Cardiac Pacing

Biventricular pacing

Delay Ts globally ↓ IVCT Delay Ts in

in LV (↓ Pre-systolic time) RV free wall

Improve intraventricular ↑ Diastolic filling Improve interventricular

synchrony time synchrony

(? Ventricular

↑ dP/dt/ ↑ EF/ ↑ CO ↓ MR ↓ LA ↑ LV diastolic ↑ RV cardiac

(↑ pulse pressure) pressure filling output

+ +

Reverse remodeling

FIGURE 35-19  Proposed mechanisms of benefits conferred by biventricular pacing. The main mechanism is a greater intraventricular synchrony,
measured in this study as fewer differences in time to peak sustained systolic contraction, among the left ventricular segments. A second mechanism
is shortening of the isovolumetric contraction time with prolongation of the diastolic filling time, which occurs when atrioventricular synchrony is
preserved. A third minor mechanism is mediated by ventricular interdependence. Greater synchrony increases the right ventricular cardiac output,
which promotes left ventricular filling. MR, Mitral regurgitation; EF, ejection fraction; CO, cardiac output; ESV, end-systolic volume; EDV, end-diastolic
volume; IVCT, isovolumetric contraction time; LA, left atrial; LV, left ventricular; RV, right ventricular; Ts, systolic contraction. (From Yu CM, Chau E,
Sanderson JE, et al: Tissue Doppler echocardiographic evidence of reverse remodeling and improved synchronicity by simultaneously delaying regional
contraction after biventricular pacing therapy in heart failure, Circulation 105:438–445, 2002.)

LV leads positions, the stimulation vector, and the LV-RV stimula- the best resynchronization. Echocardiography is the most com-
tion interval. monly applied method of VV delay optimization, mostly based on
aortic VTI as a surrogate measurement of LVEF. It is an iterative
method, which consists of changing AV delay while searching for
Electrical Optimization
the highest VTI. Despite immediate improvements in LV dP/dt,
Attempts in some studies to obtain the thinnest QRS during CRT SVEF, and LVEF conferred by optimization of VV delay, the mul-
by changing the lead(s) position(s) has been associated with ticenter Insync III Marquis (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN),
higher rates of therapeutic response, though this is still debated. DECREASE-HF, and Resynchronization for Hemodynamic
This strategy is clearly limited by the presence of zones of slow Treatment for Heart Failure Management II (RHYTHM II) ICD
conduction situated near the stimulation site, which might trials did not find clear clinical benefits compared with simultane-
conceal components of the QRS, rendering them isoelectric and ous biventricular stimulation.61,74,75 In clinical practice, in the
spuriously shortening the duration of the complex. The morphol- absence of a proven clinical advantage, the systematic optimiza-
ogy of fusion complexes may also help in assessing the effects of tion of the VV interval is not recommended after implantation of
CRT. A QRS identical to that produced with left-sided or right- CRT systems.
sided stimulation raises the suspicion of conduction delays and Several questions remain, therefore, unanswered and are being
latency of capture at the right-sided and left-sided leads, respec- further investigated, including (1) the putative benefit of VV opti-
tively. The programming of sequential LV-RV stimulation may mization by algorithms based on electrical intervals, (2) the role
allow a more synchronous activation of the ventricles (Figure played by ultrasound evaluations of intraventricular delays, using
35-20). A change in the bipolar, extended bipolar, or inverted tissue Doppler, strain, speckle tracking, or three-dimensional
bipolar LV stimulation vector is effective in cases of high capture echocardiography as a means of ventricular delays optimization,
threshold or phrenic stimulation. The clinical merits of such pro- and (3) long-term clinical benefits conferred by new VV delay
gramming remains to be shown. optimization methods.

Echocardiographic Optimization
In advanced heart disease, intraventricular and interventricular
conduction delays are sometimes markedly lengthened, and a A deeper understanding of the hemodynamic effects of cardiac
sequential activation of the ventricles may be necessary to achieve pacing has unveiled its risks and benefits and has helped in
Hemodynamic Aspects of Cardiac Pacing  473

Uncomplicated Latency Slow conduction Latency and
LV CRT slow conduction

BiV BiV activation
activation activation time
time time

RV Time

Increase LV output
Latency Latency Latency

activation Fusion
time with
V-V delay spontaneous

(Avoid RV anodal capture!)

FIGURE 35-20  Top, Simultaneous biventricular (BiV) pacing showing the effect of ventricular latency or slow conduction due to myocardial scar;
the left ventricular (LV) depolarization wavefront is delayed. Major portions of the left ventricle are depolarized by the right ventricular (RV) wavefront
with prolongation of the biventricular activation time. Bottom, Interventricular delay programmed with LV pre-excitation to compensate for the LV
latency, shortening the BiV activation time. In the case of single-site LV pacing, the degree of fusion with spontaneous conduction on the right side of
the heart depends on the programmed atrioventricular delay. This might improve hemodynamic function in patients with a markedly prolonged LV
latency, which cannot be overcome by programming maximum interventricular intervals to pre-excite the left ventricle. LV, Left ventricle; RV, right
ventricle; CRT, cardiac revascularization therapy; BiV, biventricular. (From Barold B, Ilercil A, Herweg B: Echocardiographic optimization of the atrioventricular
and interventricular intervals during cardiac resynchronization, Europace 10:iii88–iii95, 2008.)
474  Cardiac Pacing

developing more physiological means of delivery. The complexity Leclercq C, Cazeau S, Le Breton H, et al: Acute hemodynamic effects of
and variety of heart disorders and the therapeutic devices avail- biventricular DDD pacing in patients with end-stage heart failure, J Am
able call for the design of tailored cardiac stimulation. Each Coll Cardiol 32:1825–1831, 1998.
Sowton E: Haemodynamic studies in patients with artificial pacemakers,
patient must be treated individually by choosing the best pacing
Br Heart J 26:737–746, 1964.
mode, by determining the optimal number and position of leads, Steendijk P, Tulner S, Bax JJ, et al: Hemodynamic effects of long-term
and by the activation of carefully chosen algorithms from among cardiac resynchronization therapy: analysis by pressure-volume loops,
the many available ones. The intense research and rapid develop- Circulation 113:1295–1304, 2006.
ment of new pacing technology, particularly as it applies to HF, Sweeney MO, Bank AJ, Nsah E, et al: Search AV Extension and Managed
continues to be based on hemodynamic principles and will Ventricular Pacing for Promoting Atrioventricular Conduction (SAVE
perhaps provide the keys to yet unsolved problems. PACe) Trial. Minimizing ventricular pacing to reduce atrial fibrillation
in sinus-node disease, N Engl J Med 357:1000–1008, 2007.
Tops LF, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ: The effects of right ventricular apical pacing
KEY REFERENCES on ventricular function and dyssynchrony implications for therapy, J
Am Coll Cardiol 54:764–776, 2009.
Barold B, Ilercil A, Herweg B: Echocardiographic optimization of the Van Deursen C, van Geldorp IE, Rademakers LM, et al: Left ventricular
atrioventricular and interventricular intervals during cardiac resyn- endocardial pacing improves resynchronization therapy in canine left
chronization, Europace 10:iii88–iii95, 2008. bundle-branch hearts, Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2:580–587, 2009.
Daubert JC, Pavin D, Jauvert G, Mabo P: Intra- and interatrial conduction Victor F, Mabo P, Mansour H, et al: A randomized comparison of perma-
delay: Implications for cardiac pacing, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol nent septal versus apical right ventricular pacing: Short-term results, J
27:507–525, 2004. Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 17:238–242, 2006.
Daubert C, Ritter P, Mabo P, et al: Physiological relationship between A-V Wilkoff BL, Cook JR, Epstein AE, et al: Dual Chamber and VVI Implant-
interval and heart rate in healthy subjects: Applications to dual- able Defibrillator Trial Investigators. Dual-chamber pacing or ventricu-
chamber pacing, PACE 9:1032–1039, 1986. lar backup pacing in patients with an implantable defibrillator: The Dual
Grines CL, Bashore TM, Boudoulas H, et al: Functional abnormalities in Chamber and VVI Implantable Defibrillator (DAVID) Trial, JAMA
isolated left bundle branch block. The effect of interventricular asyn- 288:3115–3123, 2002.
chrony, Circulation 79:845–853, 1989. Wilkoff BL, Corey J, Blackburn G: A mathematical model of the cardiac
Guyton AC, Hall JE: Textbook of medical physiology, ed 11, St. Louis, 2005, chronotropic response to exercise, J Electrophysiol 3:176–180, 1989.
Kappenberger L, Linde C, Daubert C, et al: Pacing in hypertrophic All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
obstructive cardiomyopathy. A randomized crossover study. PIC Study com.
Group, Eur Heart J 18:1249–1256, 1997.
Electrocardiography of Cardiac Pacing
Shakeeb Razak, Raymond Yee, Andrew D. Krahn, Allan C. Skanes,
Lorne J. Gula, George J. Klein, and Peter Leong-Sit
Although the evaluation of permanent pacemakers (PPMs) and but clinical reports have been rare. In addition, computer algo-
implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) relies greatly on rithms for automated ECG interpretation involving electronic
information derived directly from device interrogation, abundant pacemakers have limited accuracy.21
useful information can be gained from careful analysis of surface
electrocardiogram (ECG) recording, whether it be a single-lead
rhythm strip, multiple-channel ambulatory recording, or the Implanted Device Considerations
12-lead ECG.1-4 ECG recordings are usually the initial (and some-
times the only) diagnostic information available, since access to Myocardial stimulation requires electrical current to pass between
programmer hardware for device interrogation is limited. Indeed, two electrodes, with at least one intracardiac electrode contacting
the proper evaluation of a patient with an implanted device the myocardium. A unipolar pacing configuration consists of one
should start with a methodical analysis of ECG information intracardiac electrode, and the second electrode is provided by
before analysis of the stored device interrogation data.3-14 The aim the device generator housing. Bipolar pacing has two intracardiac
of this chapter is to provide the clinician with an overview of the electrodes, both of which contact the myocardium and are capable
common ECG findings associated with single, dual, and cardiac of stimulating it. Unipolar pacing generates large pacing spikes
resynchronization pacing systems and modern pacemaker algo- visible in all ECG leads, even at low pacing output amplitudes
rithms. Given the number of different pacing modes and features (Figure 36-1, A). In contrast, the closely spaced tip and ring elec-
from various pacemaker manufacturers, a thorough description trodes of bipolar pacing leads result in diminutive pacing spikes
of all the possible ECG manifestations is not possible, so this that may only be readily seen in a few ECG leads (Figure 36-1, B).
review will be confined to describing some of the fundamental In bipolar pacing, the negative electrode (cathode) usually stimu-
aspects of the topic. lates the myocardium, but anodal stimulation can occur at higher
pacing outputs because of the higher stimulation threshold partly
attributable to the greater anode surface area. Any difference
Electrocardiographic Recording between cathodal and anodal stimulations may only be evident
System Considerations on the ECG where the two electrodes are widely separated and
the differences in myocardial activation pattern become obvious,
ECG recording systems typically possess band-pass filters within such as with some biventricular pacing (cardiac resynchroniza-
the range of 0.05 to 150 hertz (Hz) to capture the main compo- tion pacing therapy, or CRT) (Figure 36-2).
nents of the signal of interest while minimizing electromagnetic
noise and respiratory or motion artifact.15-17 However, pacing
Pacing Stimuli and the Evoked Response
stimulus artifacts (pacing spikes) of implanted devices have a pulse
width of less than 1 ms and amplitudes of 1 to 8 V, so the fre- Modern pacing systems perform two fundamental functions: (1)
quency content is much higher.15-17 Despite this, a sufficient com- They emit pacing pulses when required by the device software,
ponent of the pacing stimulus signal can be captured on analog and (2) they must also detect or sense when intrinsic cardiac
paper recordings, but an accurate representation of the stimulus activity has occurred so that the device can respond in accordance
amplitude may be challenging. with device software. As a general rule, pacing stimuli should be
Digital ECG recording systems may distort pacemaker spikes seen whenever intrinsic cardiac activity is slower in the paced
or even completely fail to render the pacing spike because of cardiac chamber than the programmed pacing rate, whereas the
sampling rate characteristics relative to the narrow pulse width of occurrence of intrinsic electrical activity in a specific chamber
the pacing spikes. To make pacing spikes more obvious, some should inhibit pacing output in that chamber (except during asyn-
ECG systems enhance the pacemaker spikes for display when chronous pacing).
high-frequency signals meeting manufacturer-specific criteria are A single-chamber device will emit only one type of pacing
detected.15-18 Limitations in their accuracy can result in overdetec- spike that evokes myocardial depolarization. The morphology of
tion with digitally enhanced “phantom” pacemaker spikes being the evoked P or QRS complexes (followed by a T wave) reflects
displayed when no pacing has actually occurred, leading to errors the location of the stimulating electrodes and myocardial activa-
of interpretation.15,19 Some ECG manufacturers have implemented tion conducting away from the pacing site. Paced P waves may be
software solutions to improve the sensitivity of pacemaker stimu- very difficult to discern because of the small amplitude. Dual-
lus detection but at the risk of overdetection.16,17,20 This issue is chamber devices can emit up to two types of pacing stimuli (atrial
fairly well documented in the biomedical engineering literature, and ventricular). CRT pacing systems incorporate separate leads

476  Cardiac Pacing



FIGURE 36-1  A, Large unipolar pacing spikes seen on a lead II rhythm strip in a patient with a single-chamber ventricular pacemaker. B, Surface lead
V2 showing small bipolar pacing spikes in a patient with a dual-chamber permanent pacemaker.


V1 ***


FIGURE 36-2  Continuous rhythm strip of electrocardiographic lead V1 obtained from a patient with a biventricular pacing system in which the left
ventricular (LV) tip electrode (cathode) was connected to the right ventricular ring (anode). A, LV cathodal stimulation with expected right bundle
branch block–like QRS morphology. B, As the ventricular output is gradually increased from 2.5 V to 5.0 V, there is transition from cathodal to anodal
stimulation at the asterisks. C, Predominantly anodal stimulation with the expected left bundle branch–like QRS morphology.

for right and left ventricular stimulations, but most of their pacing
functions are identical to those of dual-chamber devices. In newer
CRT devices, right and left ventricular pacing output timing can
be separated, and it may be possible to discern two discrete ven-
tricular pacing spikes.

Absence of Paced Complexes

The absence of paced P or QRS complexes when expected has
two general causes: (1) failure of the device system to deliver
pacing output and (2) pacing output being delivered but failing to
stimulate the myocardium. Failure of pacing output is recognized FIGURE 36-3  Rhythm strip showing ventricular pacing spikes with
by the absence of expected pacing spikes, whereas failure to failure of ventricular capture because pacing occurred within the
capture is associated with the presence of pacing spikes that ventricular refractory period.
fail to capture the myocardium. True failure to capture must also
be distinguished from apparent capture failure, in which the
evoked response is of small amplitude, such as with atrial pacing. differences between the surface QRS recording and the signal
If the paced QRS amplitude is small, myocardial capture can be processed by an implanted device. The paced QRS complex of the
confirmed by reviewing multiple ECG leads or looking for the ECG reflects global ventricular activation recorded from surface
accompanying T wave. Failure to capture the myocardium could leads. However, the pacemaker’s sensing circuitry and pacing
result from sub-threshold pacing output or circumstances, in output use the local electrogram (EGM) at the pacing electrodes.
which pacing occurs during the refractory period of the chamber In turn, local EGM timing relative to global ventricular activation
(Figure 36-3). will depend on the precise location of the ventricular electrode(s).
With ventricular demand pacing (VVI mode), intrinsic beats
should inhibit pacing output, but if the local EGM is relatively
Fused and Pseudo-Fused Pacing Complexes
late, an intrinsic beat might generate a large part of the QRS
The phenomena of fusion and pseudo-fusion, which are best complex before local ventricular activation can inhibit ventricular
appreciated in the context of ventricular pacing, result from pacing output. A relatively early pacing spike may contribute to
Electrocardiography of Cardiac Pacing  477

some portion of ventricular depolarization, and the resulting septum, free wall, outflow tract, and apex are fairly large regions
hybrid QRS complex will reflect fusion of both activation wave-
fronts (true fusion). If the pacing spike is late, pacing may not
contribute to ventricular activation so that the QRS complex is
identical to the intrinsic rhythm (pseudo-fusion) (Figure 36-4).
(rather than circumscribed points) that merge seamlessly into one
another, and their boundaries are ill defined radiographically.
Within those limitations, RV pacing generates certain basic QRS
Pseudo-fusion must be distinguished from device undersensing RV pacing almost always produces a QRS pattern resembling
issues. A phenomenon termed pseudo-pseudo-fusion also occurs, left bundle branch block (LBBB) with predominantly negative QS
during which noise artifacts resembling pacing stimuli are super- complex in leads V1 and V2, and left ventricular (LV) stimulation
imposed on an intrinsic QRS complex and give the appearance of will result in a right bundle branch block (RBBB) pattern.1-15 By
pseudo-fusion (Figure 36-5). altering the pattern of ventricular depolarization, ventricular
pacing alters ventricular repolarization so that the T-wave vector
is opposite to the QRS complex; diffuse T-wave inversion that can
Atrial Pacing
be mistaken for other causes of repolarization abnormalities is
The conventional site of atrial pacing has been the right atrial also seen.
(RA) appendage. The resulting paced P wave is positive in leads The RV apex has traditionally been the site of ventricular
I, II, III, and aVF and is negative in aVR. In lead V1, the P-wave pacing, and the electrodes are commonly placed along the dia-
pattern is quite similar to sinus rhythm with a terminal negative phragmatic wall. The resulting superior QRS vector (mean frontal
deflection. Pacing from various alternative atrial sites is being axis more commonly to the left superior quadrant) produces nega-
actively explored.22 Pacing from the coronary sinus ostium or the tive QRS complexes in the inferior leads (Figure 36-6). Uncompli-
low inter-atrial septum typically results in a biphasic or negative cated RV apical pacing can produce RBBB-like QRS morphology
P wave in leads II, III, and aVF and a biphasic (initially positive in lead V1 in 8% to 10% of patients and can be manufactured by
and then negative deflection) P wave in lead V1.23 The RA endo- malposition of leads V1 and V2 electrodes at the level of the
cardium adjacent to Bachmann’s bundle at the confluence of the second or third intercostal space (Table 36-1).2 When seen, R-wave
RA roof and the inter-atrial septum yields a positive P wave in regression is the rule so that the presence of tall R waves in V3 and
leads I, II, and III; it starts immediately with the pacing spike, and V4 is suggestive of an LV pacing site once fusion with intrinsic
the P-wave width may be noticeably shortened.22-25 beats has been excluded.1,2,6,7 The pacing lead is likely in the RV
apex or distal septum if moving the V1 and V2 electrodes down to
the fifth intercostal space restores the expected the QRS morphol-
Right Ventricular Pacing
ogy. However, a dominant R wave may not always be eliminated by
In describing ECG patterns observed with right ventricular (RV) this maneuver if RV pacing originates from the midseptal region.2
pacing from various sites, one has to note some degree of vari- Pacing alternate RV sites, predominantly in the right ventricu-
ability caused by inter-individual differences in underlying cardiac lar outflow tract (RVOT) or midseptum as a way of avoiding
pathology and by imprecision in the definition of various RV detrimental effects on LV performance has created interest,
regions and in the confirmation of lead location. In reality, the RV although the optimal RV pacing site remains to be defined.26-32
RVOT pacing shifts the frontal plane QRS axis to the left inferior
quadrant so that the QRS is positive in the inferior leads 1-10 (see
Figure 36-6).33 As pacing moves superiorly toward the pulmonic
valve, the QRS axis shifts rightward.1,2 In general, QRS duration
3 4 5 6 7
1 2 8 with septal pacing is shorter compared with apical pacing.1-3,6-12

Left Ventricular Endocardial and Epicardial Pacing

The QRS complex during LV pacing will show an RBBB-like
pattern in lead V1, and this persists when leads V1 and V2 are
FIGURE 36-4  Rhythm strip showing ventricular paced beats with recorded one intercostal space lower. The frontal plane axis will
varying degrees of ventricular fusion. Note the changing morphology vary, depending on the precise LV site. A lead could be inadver-
of the beats; beat 1 is fully paced, beats 2 through 4 show fusion tently placed into the LV cavity if the lead passes through a patent
beats, beats 5 through 7 show pseudo-fusion beats, and beat 8 shows
foramen ovale or atrial septal defect, perforates the interventricu-
intrinsic sinus rhythm.
lar septum, or is mistakenly inserted into a subclavian artery. The



FIGURE 36-5  Pseudo-pacemaker stimuli (pseudo-pseudo-fusion) seen on the last four beats on multiple-lead rhythm strip in a patient with no
existing pacing system.
478  Cardiac Pacing

I aVR V1 V4 I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5 II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 36-6  A, Twelve-lead ECG showing typical features of right ventricular apical pacing with LBBB-like morphology in lead V1 and predominantly
negative QS complex in lead V1 and in the inferior leads (II, III, and aVF). Atrial pacing is also present. B, Twelve-lead ECG showing typical features of
right ventricular septal pacing with LBBB-like QRS morphology in lead V1, predominantly negative QS complex in lead V1, and positive QRS complexes
in the inferior leads (II, III, and aVF).

predominant R waves in the inferior leads. If the leads reside in a

Table 36-1  Causes of a Predominant R Wave in Lead V1 During
Ventricular Pacing vein that overrides the septum and paces the RV epimyocardium,
an LBBB pattern may be seen.14 With apical locations in the target
• Ventricular fusion with spontaneous beats conducted with an vein, leads V4, V5, and V6 are typically negative, and lead aVR is
RBBB pattern positive; the converse is true with more basal locations.14
• Paced beat in myocardial relative refractory period resulting in
aberrant conduction with RBBB morphology
• Coronary sinus left ventricular pacing Biventricular Pacing
• Left ventricular endocardial or epicardial pacing
• Lead perforation of the right ventricular free wall or ventricular With biventricular or CRT pacing, the final QRS morphology
septum, with left ventricular stimulation and change on reflects a composite of paced left and right ventricular activation
electrocardiogram from LBBB to RBBB pattern as well as any contribution from intrinsic activation, since such
• Uncomplicated right ventricular pacing (lead V1 recorded too patients usually have intact atrioventricular (AV) nodal conduc-
high or in the incorrect place) tion (with sinus rhythm or atrial fibrillation) or premature ven-
RBBB, Right bundle branch block; LBBB, left bundle branch block.
tricular contraction (PVCs).1,2,6,7,9,12,14 Maximizing the potential
Modified from Barold SS, Guidici JM, Herweg B, et al: Diagnostic value of the 12-lead benefit of resynchronization pacing therapy requires careful
electrocardiogram during conventional and biventricular pacing for cardiac inspection of the QRS morphology while adjusting the AV interval
resynchronisation, Cardiol Clin 24:471–490, 2006. to minimize intrinsic activation. Furthermore, contemporary CRT
devices allow independent programming of right and left ven-
tricular pacing output timing to optimize LV hemodynam-
ics.1,2,6,7,9,12,14 These factors will necessarily dictate the final paced
diagnosis of a malpositioned lead into the LV chamber is easily QRS morphology. If RV and LV pacing spikes are sufficiently sepa-
missed on a single-lead ECG.1-3,6-12 However, it is difficult to dif- rated in time, careful inspection of surface ECG may identify up
ferentiate between endocardial and epicardial LV pacing.1-3,6-12 LV to three pacing spikes (RA, RV, and LV) (Figure 36-8). The QRS
epicardial pacing can be achieved by accessing the LV coronary complex during biventricular pacing should be compared with
venous tributaries via the coronary sinus or by direct epicardial pacing from individual sites. The close similarity of QRS vector
lead placement through a thoracotomy. The main venous branches and morphology to either RV or LV pacing alone suggests unbal-
used for LV pacing are the middle cardiac, posterolateral, lateral, anced contribution to global activation and might warrant adjust-
and anterior interventricular veins. However, there is considerable ment of the pacing parameters.14,34
anatomic variability.1,2,6,7,12,14 Pacing from branches intermediate QRS duration is typically, but not always, shortened compared
in location produces a QRS morphology that can be deduced from with pacing any single ventricular site. Paced QRS duration
the patterns typical with pacing from the main veins (Figure 36-7). remains stable over time unless LV lead dislodgement occurs.
Pacing from the middle cardiac vein results in a superior QRS Importantly, a very narrow paced QRS complex may reflect an
vector, with sharp negative deflection in leads II, III, and aVF and undesirable contribution by intrinsic activation rather than
varying degrees of R wave. Lead I may be isoelectric or positive, optimal resynchronization pacing. Thus, studies have shown a
depending on how septal the pacing site is. Pacing from the right- poor correlation between the degree of shortening of paced QRS
ward branches of the middle cardiac vein could capture the RV duration and the clinical response to resynchronization pacing
myocardium, producing an LBBB-like pattern in lead V1 and a therapy.1,2,6,7,9,12,14 In contrast, Ricci and colleagues suggested that
sharply negative deflection in lead III. variation of the intrinsic QRS duration over time might be useful
As the LV pacing site shifts to veins that are more lateral, the if correlated with remodeling of the ventricles by echocardiogra-
QRS complexes in lead I become increasingly more negative and phy.35 They have suggested periodic review of the intrinsic QRS
those in lead III become positive. Pacing from the anterior inter- complex to confirm the continued presence of intraventricular
ventricular vein produces an inferiorly directed QRS vector with conduction abnormalities.
Electrocardiography of Cardiac Pacing  479

I aVR V1 V4
II aVL V2 V5

FIGURE 36-8  Surface electrocardiogram lead II showing two

A II different ventricular pacing stimuli artifacts (left ventricular pacing
stimulus [LVP] and right ventricular pacing stimulus [RVP]) in a patient
with a cardiac resynchronisation therapy–implantable cardioverter
defibrillator. This difference was noted when the interventricular
I aVR V1 V4 pacing output timing (V-V timing) was programmed so that the LV
pacing stimulus preceded RV pacing output by 50 ms. When the V-V
interval was 0 ms, only a single ventricular pacing stimulus was seen.
II aVL V2 V5

stimulation. This and the increased reliance on bipolar LV
leads have decreased the incidence of anodal stimulation. CRT
B pacemakers lack a coil electrode, so anodal stimulation is still

I aVR V1 V2 Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients with

Permanent Pacemakers

II aVL V2 V5 ECG changes seen with ventricular pacing can mimic or mask
acute myocardial ischemia and infarction. Certain ECG changes
are suggestive of an acute myocardial infarction during ventricu-
III aVF V3 V6 lar pacing (Sgarbossa criteria): ST-segment elevation 5 mm or
more discordant with the paced ventricular complex; ST-segment
elevation more than 1 mm concordant with the QRS complex;
C II and ST-segment depression more than 1 mm in leads V1, V2 or
V3.36-40 These findings are associated with a sensitivity of 18% to
FIGURE 36-7  A, Twelve-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) showing sinus 53% and a specificity of 88% to 94%. Correlation of ECG findings
rhythm with left bundle branch block (QRS ~150 ms) and a single with suggestive symptoms is important.
premature ventricular contraction in a patient with symptomatic heart Another method that can be used to assess for repolarization
failure (NYHA class III functional class) and ejection fraction of 20% on changes is to temporarily inhibit ventricular pacing and examine
recent imaging. B, Twelve-lead ECG in same patient, after insertion the QRS morphology of the intrinsic rhythm.1-3,6,7,10,12 Any atten-
of a cardiac resynchronization pacing therapy (CRT)–implantable dant repolarization changes seen during the intrinsic rhythm
cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) with the left ventricular lead placed in a
must be cautiously interpreted because of a phenomenon called
posterolateral vein. Note the dominant R wave in V1, negative QRS
T-wave memory or cardiac memory.41-44 Cardiac memory refers
complexes in the inferior leads (II, III, and aVF), and qR complexes in
leads I and V6. C, Twelve-lead ECG in a patient with a CRT-ICD to persistent ST- and T-wave abnormalities that occur with a
showing the left ventricular lead in the anterolateral branch of the sudden transition from one stable ventricular activation pattern
coronary sinus. Unipolar pacing spikes are seen with dominant R wave to another. T-wave inversion is usually localized to precordial and
in V1, positive QRS complexes in the inferior leads (II, III, and aVF), and inferior ECG leads and may persist for a long period after ven-
negative QRS complexes in leads I and aVL. tricular pacing is discontinued.41-44 Diagnostic criteria to differen-
tiate between ischemic T-wave inversion and postpacing T-wave
inversion using vector direction analysis have also been
In older CRT systems, the unipolar LV lead (cathode) could be described.42,44 The mechanisms responsible for cardiac memory
coupled with the RV ring anode for LV pacing. At lower pacing are complex and incompletely understood.41,43
outputs, cathodal stimulation would capture the LV myocardium;
however, at higher pacing outputs, anodal stimulation could
result in simultaneous RV capture. Detection of anodal stimula- Basic Device Operation and
tion requires awareness of the possibility and careful inspection Electrocardiogram Manifestations
of multiple surface ECG leads for potentially subtle changes in
QRS morphology as the pacing output is varied1,2,6,7,9,12,14,36 (see A systematic approach to analyzing the ECG recording is central
Figure 36-2). Currently, biventricular ICDs restrict the coupling to determining the type of pacing device present, its functional
of the unipolar LV lead with the RV defibrillation coil electrode, pacing mode, and whether pacing function is normal or abnormal.8
whose larger surface area reduces the likelihood of anodal By carefully examining all ECG leads, one should determine the
480  Cardiac Pacing

number of different pacing stimuli and the chamber paced by each, A–V interval unless a spontaneous ventricular beat is sensed.
the evoked P-wave or QRS and T-wave morphologies, comparing VDD/VDDR pacing modes are minor variants of DDD/DDDR,
them with intrinsic rhythm, the timing and relationship of the differing only in that no atrial pacing is present. DDI or DDIR
different pacing spikes, the device response to any intrinsic heart pacing mode is frequently programmed for patients with a history
activity, and any instances of apparent pacing and sensing abnor- of atrial fibrillation because ventricular tracking of high atrial
malities. The clinician can then posit an explanation of the device’s rates is prevented, but dual-chamber bradycardia pacing support
pacing mode, programmed pacing rates (lower rate, upper rate, with AV synchrony is maintained during any bradycardia.45-48 At
or both) and a differential diagnosis to explain any pacing or atrial rates below the lower programmed rate, the device paces
sensing abnormalities observed (the differential diagnosis should both the atrium and the ventricle (unless intrinsic ventricular
include considerations of specialized pacing algorithm or device events are sensed). Sensed atrial events above the programmed
malfunction), which can be refined after device interrogation. lower rate inhibit atrial pacing and are not tracked (i.e., they do
not trigger ventricular pacing as in the VDD or DDD mode),
whereas the ventricular chamber senses and paces in much the
A Brief Overview of Pacing Modes same way as the VVI or VVIR mode.
Asynchronous or fixed pacing (SOO or DOO pacing mode)
Modern pacing systems have two basic functions: (1) pacing a involves constant pacing output while ignoring intrinsic beats. In
specific cardiac chamber and (2) sensing intrinsic activity emanat- the absence of any intrinsic activity, the SSI or DDD mode cannot
ing from that chamber and responding in the manner dictated by be distinguished from the SOO or DOO mode. The SOO or DOO
programming. These basic functions are termed the pacing mode mode is useful for avoiding situations where sensing of electro-
of the device and are summarized in a universal four-letter NASPE/ magnetic interference or other noise (for example, surgical
BPEG lexicon. The letter in the first position signifies the chamber cautery or radiofrequency energy) might inhibit pacing output. A
being paced; the second letter describes the chamber being PPM also temporarily assumes the SOO mode when it enters a
sensed; the third letter describes how the device responds to magnetic field of sufficient strength (magnet mode). In the magnet
sensed signals; and the fourth letter (“R”) is often included when mode, the pacing rate depends on manufacturer, model, and
a device sensor modulates the pacing rate. A fifth letter can also residual battery energy level. In contrast to PPMs, the ICD pacing
be added to denote the device’s anti-tachyarrhythmia function mode is usually unaffected by magnet application.
capability, but this is rarely invoked.
The simplest pacing system encountered in clinical practice is
the single-chamber device functioning in demand mode, VVI or Apparent and Real Pacemaker Malfunction
AAI, depending on the location of the pacing lead (generically
referred to as SSI). With SSI, a single type of pacing spike is One important step in analyzing the ECG in a patient with a
present, and any intrinsic beats above the device’s lower pro- device is to determine whether apparent abnormalities on surface
grammed rate should inhibit pacing output. The “escape interval” ECG truly represent device malfunction or are the result of some
(between the last intrinsic beat and the ensuing paced beat) active pacing algorithms. 1-13,49 The discussion is organized accord-
should always equal the interval between two consecutive paced ing to the types of ECG manifestation that might be encountered.
beats unless special pacing algorithms are activated. The rate- Finally, whenever apparent ECG abnormalities are encountered,
adaptive pacing mode (SSIR) functions in the same way as the SSI recording or noise artifacts should always be considered and
mode except that the pacing rate varies. excluded.
The principles that underlie the functions of single-chamber
and dual-chamber devices are the same, but ECG analysis is more 1. Pacing failure to capture: The occurrence of a pacing spike
challenging because atrial and ventricular chamber timing and should almost always capture the myocardium. Failure to do
their interactions need to be considered. In demand dual-chamber so raises two issues: (a) If, for any reason, pacing output occurs
pacing (DDD/DDDR), the occurrence of intrinsic atrial electrical during the refractory period of the chamber paced, the pacing
activity inhibits output in the atrial chamber; however, since AV output may be insufficient to elicit a response (see Figure 36-3).
synchrony must be maintained, intrinsic atrial beats must also (b) Pacing spikes outside of the refractoriness should capture
initiate ventricular pacing output (atrial tracking) after a suitable the myocardium, and failure to do so indicates that the pacing




FIGURE 36-9  Multiple-lead rhythm strip obtained from a patient with a single-chamber (VVI) pacing system showing intermittent failure to capture
secondary with right ventricular pacing lead dislodgment.
Electrocardiography of Cardiac Pacing  481


FIGURE 36-10  Rhythm strip demonstrating atrial and ventricular lead failure to capture, with concomitant undersensing in both chambers. This
patient had a chronic dual-chamber permanent pacemaker and subsequently developed severe aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation, which
necessitated aortic and mitral valve replacement surgery. During open-heart surgery, both leads were accidentally transected, which resulted in
pacemaker malfunction.

** **

FIGURE 36-11  A and B, Continuous rhythm strip demonstrating the AutoCapture algorithm with Beat-by-Beat Capture Confirmation (St. Jude
Medical, Little Canada, MN) in action. This is a threshold-tracking algorithm that confirms beat-by beat capture of each pacemaker stimulation. It
initially starts with a high energy output at the start of A. Automatic capture verification monitors every beat for the presence of an evoked response.
Automatic reduction in energy output occurs, as seen in A, with gradual reduction in the height of the pacing stimulus. Loss of capture seen in B in
the areas marked by asterisks triggers an automatic backup safety pulse (two closely spaced pacing spikes) to ensure capture in the absence of an
evoked response. The automatic output regulation sets the output just above the measured threshold in the next two beats. This feature ensures the
lowest energy output required for capture and helps optimize device longevity.

output is sub-threshold and should be adjusted (Figures 36-9 system would not. Physiological signals sensed by the pace-
and 36-10). Most modern pacemakers and ICDs contain maker and mistaken for myocardial activation include repolar-
automated pacing threshold functions that periodically ization potentials (T waves), far-field depolarization signals
measure the pacing threshold, so a single instance of capture from another cardiac chamber (far-field P-wave or R-wave
failure may not indicate pacemaker malfunction. Each manu- oversensing), or, rarely, sensing of multiple components of the
facturer’s device has a characteristic ECG signature that can local EGM (Figure 36-13). Apparent failure of pacing output
be recognized once one becomes aware of such algorithms can also result from certain pacing algorithms. In single-
(Figure 36-11). chamber devices, rate hysteresis reduces the amount of pacing
by allowing the intrinsic heart rate needed to initiate pacing to
2. Absent or delayed pacing output: The absence of a pacing spike be lower than the actual lower pacing rate (Figure 36-14).
when it is expected to occur indicates failure of pacing output Various manufacturers also have functions that allow the noc-
(Figure 36-12). Failure of pacing output can result from two turnal pacing rate or the rest pacing rate to be less than the
fundamental causes: pacemaker inhibition by sensed physio- diurnal pacing rate. Both features are intended to decrease the
logic/nonphysiologic signals and pacemaker algorithms. Since pacing burden and conserve battery energy.1-13
the VVI or DDD mode is intended to withhold pacing output
when an intrinsic cardiac event is sensed, the failure to pace 3. Faster or earlier-than-expected pacing output: If over-sensing
could be caused by pacemaker inhibition by sensed physiologi- of noise or physiological signals can lead to inhibition of pacing
cal or nonphysiological signals. Nonphysiological signals, or output, it follows that undersensing of intrinsic beats can result
“noise,” could arise external to the patient (such as electromag- in pacing spikes occurring earlier than expected or when they
netic interference caused by electrical equipment) or internal should be inhibited. This would occur with the magnet or
to the patient (for example, noise artifact generated by a frac- VOO mode. Unexpected pacing output can also occur second-
tured lead conductor wire). Extrinsic noise will frequently be ary to a pacemaker safety feature. Many modern devices are
recorded on surface ECG simultaneously with failure of pacing equipped with a function that converts the pacing mode to
output, whereas noise emanating from within the device VOO or DOO if high rate signals are detected. This avoids the
482  Cardiac Pacing

Failure to output


FIGURE 36-12  Multiple-channel recording that includes surface lead II (top), intracardiac electrogram (middle) and marker channel (bottom) obtained
from a patient with a 10-year-old VVI pacemaker generator. The electrocardiogram lead shows intermittent pacing failure, with absence of paced QRS
complexes on two occasions. On the first occasion, a pacing spike failed to capture, and the second episode was associated with absence of any
pacing spike. The marker channel and intracardiac electrogram channels, however, indicate that the device was delivering pacing output on both
occasions. P, Paced event; S, sensed event.

Lead II

Marker channel

Ventricular EGM
* *

FIGURE 36-13  Strip showing surface lead II, marker channel annotation, and ventricular electrograms obtained from a 71-year-old man with a DDD
pacemaker implanted 8 years ago for complete atrioventricular block. The patient presented with intermittent syncope. The first two complexes
showed atrial sensing with ventricular pacing, and atrial pacing with ventricular sensing. What followed was an intrinsic atrial beat that was
appropriately sensed (no atrial pacing spike) but failed to elicit any obvious ventricular pacing output. Review of the marker channel annotation and
ventricular electrograms (EGM) confirmed intermittent atrial undersensing and revealed that inhibition of ventricular pacing output was due to some
sensed ventricular signal, the origin of which needed to be determined (asterisk). The differential diagnosis of no apparent ventricular pacing output
included failure of the generator to emit pacing output, ventricular oversensing inhibiting pacing output, and a pacing algorithm.

Vp Vp Intrinsic rhythm 70 bpm Vp Vp Vp

Vs Vs Vs
Escape rate 40 bpm
VVI 50 bpm *** VVI 50 bpm VVI 50 bpm

FIGURE 36-14  Lead II rhythm strip demonstrating ventricular rate hysteresis in a patient with a VVI pacemaker. The first two beats represent
ventricular pacing at 50 beats/min (bpm). Intrinsic beats at roughly 70 beats/min inhibit subsequent pacing, beginning at the beat marked by asterisks.
Because the hysteresis rate is 40 beats/min, ventricular pacing cannot begin again until the heart rate drops below this threshold. Once pacing output
is initiated, the pacing rate resumes at 50 beats/min. Vp, Paced ventricular rhythm; Vs, sensing of intrinsic ventricular rhythm.
Electrocardiography of Cardiac Pacing  483

possible situation where sustained nonphysiological “noise,” with ventricular pacing following each atrial-paced or -sensed
which could be mistaken for intrinsic rhythm, could inhibit
pacing output. This would be potentially dangerous for any
pacemaker-dependent patient. If the noise originates external
to the patient, the ECG would be expected to show a combina-
event. The algorithm performs an AV conduction check by
inhibiting ventricular pacing output for a single cycle. Lack of
a ventricular-sensed event (indicative of AV block) would be
followed by a backup ventricular pacing output at the lower
tion of noise artifacts and asynchronous pacing spikes. escape interval. Ventricular pacing after each atrial event
resumes until the next scheduled conduction check. In the
event that AV conduction is intact and an intrinsic ventricular
Issues Specific to Dual-Chamber Devices
beat is detected, ventricular pacing output is withheld, and the
Dual-chamber devices have added pacing algorithms that increase device effectively functions in the AAI or AAIR mode as long
the types of possible apparent and real ECG abnormalities. as ventricular-sensed events continue to follow every atrial
event. The signature ECG features identifying this algorithm
1. Changes in AV interval: Dual-chamber devices permit the A-V as the cause of the failed ventricular pacing output is shown in
interval of atrial-paced events to be programmed differently Figure 36-15. Additional confusion may also occur at the time
from that of atrial-sensed events. Paced A-V intervals are of device implantation. After attaching the leads to a device
usually programmed 30 ms to 50 ms longer to compensate for with this feature enabled, the implanter will note DDD pacing
stimulus latency. Pacing algorithms that incrementally shorten behavior at a nominal AV delay instead of the expected AAIR
A-V intervals as pacing rate increases mimic the physiological pacing. This is caused by the fallback mode of DDD until
P-R interval shortening secondary to autonomic tone. Another system integrity is confirmed via performance of several inter-
cause for an unusually short AV interval is a pacing algorithm nal checks. After this period, which may take up to 30 minutes,
that forces ventricular pacing output if a ventricular event is the pacemaker will revert to the MVP pacing algorithm. This
sensed shortly after an atrial-paced event. This algorithm initially confusing behavior can be manually overridden with
avoids the possibility of ventricular oversensing or cross-talk the help of a programmer.
inhibiting ventricular output. Cross-talk occurs when the
pacing output in one chamber (chiefly the atrial chamber) is 3. Failure to capture: In addition to the previously described
detected by the sensing circuitry of the other chamber and is causes of real and apparent capture failure, certain dual-
mistaken for an intrinsic event (chiefly the ventricle). Pace- chamber pacing algorithms can lead to intermittent failure to
maker manufacturers have developed pacing algorithms that capture and are not indicative of device malfunction. Modern
force ventricular pacing output whenever a ventricular-sensed pacemakers are able to automatically measure atrial and ven-
event occurs very shortly after an atrial-paced event. A PVC tricular pacing thresholds through the course of a day (see
fortuitously occurring shortly after delivery of an atrial pacing Figure 36-11).
spike could trigger a similar response. Such a feature has even been introduced to assess the LV
Some pacing algorithms also dynamically extend the A-V lead in CRT devices.52 Different manufacturers have developed
interval to encourage intrinsic AV conduction with the intent their own approaches, so recognizing these on ECG requires
to decrease ventricular pacing in patients with intact AV con- detailed knowledge of the specific algorithm; however, the
duction. When activated, the algorithm periodically extends principle underlying each is the same. These algorithms com-
AV delay by a programmable amount, allowing intrinsic con- prise four fully automatic pacemaker functions: (1) capture
duction to result in ventricular-sensed events that inhibit ven- confirmation, (2) threshold search, (3) output regulation, and
tricular pacing.50 Because the specifics of algorithms differ (4) backup high-voltage pulse in case of loss of capture. Capture
among manufacturers, the ECG features that identify the oper- confirmation is achieved by the ability to detect the presence
ation of an algorithm as the cause of A-V interval variation will or absence of an evoked response by the sensing circuitry. An
vary by manufacturer; it is therefore important to appreciate automatic threshold search is initiated when certain prespeci-
the details of algorithm operation for each device. fied conditions are met. Pacing output is gradually reduced in
Some devices may shorten the AV delay to when a threshold the chamber being assessed until capture is lost. Patient safety
amount of ventricular-sensed events is exceeded. This feature, is ensured by the delivery of a high-voltage backup pulse after
termed negative AV hysteresis, was originally designed for dual- the sub-threshold test pulse has failed to capture. After deter-
chamber pacemakers but is now predominantly used in CRT.51 mination of the threshold, the device adjusts pacing output in
This function will manifest as a shorter-than-expected AV that chamber to a value sufficient to provide a safety margin.
delay not explained by other causes. It may also result in These capture-threshold assessment algorithms are a common
varying QRS morphology caused by varying degrees of fusion cause of concern in monitored patients, since it can be difficult
with the intrinsically conducted complexes. to distinguish intermittent loss of pacing capture. The manu-
facturer-specific algorithm creates an ECG signature that can
2. Failure of ventricular pacing output: In addition to the previ- be readily recognized once one becomes familiar with it.
ously mentioned causes of failed ventricular pacing output,
dual-chamber devices have some unique causes. The increas- 4. Rapid atrial or ventricular pacing: In the DDD or DDDR
ingly encountered causes are pacing algorithms designed spe- mode, a device is expected to track sensed atrial activity and
cifically to minimize the amount of RV pacing. One of these is pace the ventricle to maintain AV synchrony up to the pro-
the Managed Ventricular Pacing algorithm (MVP, Medtronic grammed upper tracking rate (Figure 36-16). In abnormal cir-
Inc, Minneapolis, MN) (Figure 36-15). This algorithm is an cumstances, ventricular pacing occurs at or near the upper
atrial-based pacing mode, which essentially operates in the tracking rate, but it is not expected. Theoretically, any cause of
AAI/R mode, with ventricular backup when needed. When sustained atrial oversensing could result in ventricular tracking
enabled, the device behaves initially as if in DDD pacing mode, unless the atrial rate exceeds the mode-switching rate
484  Cardiac Pacing



II 80 ms BVP 80 ms BVP


II 80 ms BVP 120 ms VP 120 ms VP




FIGURE 36-15  Normal function of two aspects of the Managed Ventricular Pacing (MVP Algorithm, Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) in a patient with an
Adapta dual-chamber permanent pacemaker (Medtronic). A, The device is functioning in AAI(R) mode with atrial pacing while allowing for intrinsic
atrioventricular (AV) conduction. B, Transient loss of AV conduction with backup ventricular pacing (BVP). The occurrence of consecutive A-A intervals
without a ventricular-sensed event triggers a BVP 80 ms after the scheduled atrial pace (if pacing is occurring in the chamber) or after the inhibited
atrial pace (i.e., 80 ms after the escape A-A interval). C, When loss of AV conduction occurs twice within a window of four consecutive A-A intervals,
the device reverts to the DDD(R) mode. The paced AV delay is 120 ms in this example. After switching to DDD(R) operation, the device will perform
the scheduled “conduction checks” to determine whether intrinsic AV conduction has resumed and if the device can return to the AAI(R) mode. D, If
no conducted VS occurs, the device continues to operate in DDD(R). Failure to recognize the signature electrocardiogram features of the algorithm
can result in the misdiagnosis of pacemaker malfunction. AP, Atrial-paced event; VS, ventricular-sensed event; VP, Ventricular-paced event.

(automatically switches the device out of the DDD or DDDR Medical, Little Canada, MN). Other algorithms interrupt
mode), but certain causes are worth special mention. the post-extrasystolic pause after a detected PAC or the
a. Algorithm for atrial fibrillation prevention45-48,53: Several bradycardia after spontaneous conversion of atrial fibrilla-
pacing algorithms that are currently available attempt tion with a period of relatively rapid atrial pacing which
to reduce the burden of atrial tachycardia or fibrillation then gradually decelerates toward the baseline. These algo-
by addressing potential triggers such as premature atrial rithms are frequently responsible for atrial pacing at rela-
contractions (PACs); bradycardia, including sinus pauses; tively high rates that would otherwise be unexplained.
and bradycardia immediately on conversion to sinus b. Management of neurally mediated syncope: Another algo-
rhythm. One such algorithm attempts to suppress atrial rithm that increases the pacing rate was developed to help
ectopy by overdrive atrial pace at a specified rate above the manage vasovagal syncope. The condition may be associ-
intrinsic sinus rate (Atrial Pacing Preference, Guidant ated with a marked decrease in heart rate early in the
Corp., Indianapolis, IN; Atrial Dynamic Overdrive, St. Jude episode that may contribute to hypotension and syncope.
Electrocardiography of Cardiac Pacing  485

The pacing algorithm is triggered by a sudden decline in the c. Ventricular regularization: Some devices contain pacing
sensed atrial rate and initiates dual-chamber pacing at a
prespecified higher rate (Figure 36-17). This feature is
usually intended to combat the cardio-inhibitory response
of vasovagal episodes and can manifest as sudden increases
algorithms that reduce the ventricular rate changes associ-
ated with atrial fibrillation and ventricular extrasystoles.
Ventricular pacing interrupts long diastolic pauses and then
gradually decelerates toward a target determined by the
in pacing rate not explained by patient activity. The response particular algorithm unless intrinsic beats intervene. Some
is nonspecific so that any situation associated with sudden pacing algorithms pace the ventricle during atrial fibrilla-
marked decreases in atrial rate can trigger the algorithm. tion (AF) at higher rates than expected. These rate stabiliza-
tion pacing algorithms are designed to reduce the irregular
ventricular response that is the hallmark of AF by pacing at
a rate approximating the mean ventricular rate of con-
ducted AF. In so doing, they narrow the range of heart rates
I aVR V2 V4 by eliminating the most extreme long and short R-R inter-
vals. During AF, because of their faster-than-expected
and intermittent pacing characteristics, ventricular rate–
II aVL V1 V5 stabilization algorithms can be confused with intermittent
undersensing of AF and failure to mode-switch.
d. Maximization of resynchronization pacing: While mini­
mizing RV apical pacing is beneficial for those with dual-
chamber pacemakers, maximizing biventricular pacing is
II the aim of CRT. Maximizing biventricular pacing is espe-
cially difficult in patients with AF who have frequent con-
ducted beats or when ventricular ectopic beats occur
FIGURE 36-16  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram demonstrating frequently because such sensed ventricular events would
pacemaker upper rate behavior in a patient with a dual-chamber ordinarily inhibit ventricular pacing output. To address this,
permanent pacemaker and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. The upper CRT algorithms that force immediate delivery of LV pacing
rate behavior is due to tracking of the atrial rate during a bout of atrial
output on sensing of an RV event within a certain rate range
(Figure 36-18) have been introduced.9,51,54 Other algorithms



FIGURE 36-17  Recording (lead II and marker channel annotations) demonstrating the initiation of rate drop response. The first two intrinsic beats are
at a rate of 65 beats/min followed by an abrupt decrease in rate that triggers 2 beats of backup dual-chamber pacing at the lower rate of 50 beats/
min. This sudden drop in heart rate is sufficient to trigger the rate drop response, which results in dual-chamber pacing at the prespecified rate of 120
beats/min. (Courtesy Frann Hill, Medtronic Canada Inc., Mississauga, ON, Canada.)

FIGURE 36-18  Rhythm strip (lead II) obtained from a patient with atrial fibrillation and a cardiac resynchronisation therapy–implantable cardioverter
defibrillator device. The first three beats reflect biventricular pacing; this is followed by intrinsic conduction for the next 10 beats, which is sensed by
the right ventricular sensing circuitry and triggers synchronous left ventricular pacing and return to biventricular pacing on the final beat.
486  Cardiac Pacing

attempt to maximize resynchronization therapy by increas- Hayes DL: Pacemaker timing cycles and pacemaker electrocardiography.
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Helfenbein ED, Lindauer JM, Zhou SH, Gregg RE, Herleikson EC: A
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tricular complex on telemetry would have been expected to tion algorithm, J Electrocardiol 35(Suppl):95–103, 2002.
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Conclusion Kaye G, Stambler BS, Yee R: Search for the optimal right ventricular
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valuable tool in the assessment of patients with implanted Lieberman R, Padeletti L, Schreuder J, et al: Ventricular pacing lead loca-
tion alters systemic hemodynamics and left ventricular function in
arrhythmia management devices, as it is capable of providing a
patients with and without reduced ejection fraction, J Am Coll Cardiol
great deal of useful information when scrutinized carefully. It may 48:1634–1641, 2006.
not provide the definitive answer about the nature of any pacing Olshansky B, Day J, McGuire M, Pratt T: Inhibition of Unnecessary RV
issue, but it certainly can provide sufficient information to narrow pacing with AV search hysteresis in ICDs (INTRINSIC RV study),
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Pacemaker Follow-up
Paul Knops and Luc Jordaens 37
Introduction Goals of Pacemaker Follow-up
Since the implantation of the first human pacemaker in 1958, The first goal of the pacemaker clinic is to monitor the patient’s
electrical myocardial stimulation against various types of rhythm status and verify that the applied pacemaker therapy still meets
disorders of the heart has become available. Pacemakers were the needs of the patient. The second goal is to verify that no
initially introduced for the treatment of heart block and later on problems occurred with the implanted device. The third goal is to
for sinus node disease. Currently, they are used for a variety of monitor the battery status of the device and schedule a device
conditions, including tri-fascicular block and syncope related to replacement in time.
a variety of pathologic reflexes. This implies that pacemakers now
have an important role as lifesaving devices.1 They are important
tools for improving quality of life in several of the cited condi- Organization of the Pacemaker Clinic
tions; thus pacemaker therapy has become one of the most effec-
tive medical treatments. The recent innovation of cardiac In the early pacemaker era, follow-up largely was intended to
resynchronization added another dimension to pacing because monitor the proper technical operation of the electronic device
combined left and right ventricular stimulation is a useful tool in itself. Over time, pacemakers have evolved into a stable and trust-
improving heart function by restoring synchronous ventricular able technology, and they are now equipped with multiple diag-
activation and contraction. nostic tools. Although the proper technical functioning of the
The international revised North American Society of Pacing pacemaker still is the most critical part of therapy, a shift from
and Electrophysiology and the British Pacing and Electrophysiol- pure technical device checkup to clinical rhythm control is often
ogy Group (NASPE/BPEG) generic (NBG) pacemaker code necessary. Therefore modern pacemaker follow-up takes place in
(Table 37-1) is generally used to address the pacing chamber, the a highly specialized, multi-disciplinary environment. There is
chambers sensed, and the response to sensing as well as to deter- general consensus about the various aspects of monitoring car-
mine if rate modulation and multi-site pacing have been acti- diovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs).3 The essential
vated.2 Figure 37-1 shows electrocardiograms (ECGs) with the elements of a well-organized pacemaker clinic are summarized
three most often used methods of cardiac stimulation. In Figure below.
37-2, a photograph and the x-ray image of a pacemaker with the
most important components are shown. These are the connectors
Staff and Assisting Personnel
for the electrodes leading to the heart; the pulse generator itself
comprises the power source and the electronic circuit that con- A well-organized pacemaker clinic can depend on personnel from
trols the timing, the impulses, and a variety of programmable multiple disciplines. The pacemaker follow-up clinic is under the
features. The pacemaker is connected to one or more pacemaker supervision of the cardiologist and an allied professional with a
electrodes (epicardiac or endocardiac), which allow conduction technical background such as a medical engineer or a skilled
of the stimulus from the pulse generator to the myocardium nurse or dedicated nurse practitioner. Both physicians and allied
(Figure 37-3). Pacemaker electrodes can be implanted in the right professionals should have internationally accepted competen-
atrium, the right ventricle, and the coronary sinus for left-sided cies.4,5 The pacemaker clinic is typically integrated into a general
stimulation by venous access or inserted surgically for epicardial cardiology facility, which facilitates easy access to administrative
access. Electrodes can be unipolar or bipolar. and other supporting personnel. Involvement of a dedicated psy-
The third part of the pacemaker system (beside the pacemaker chologist and pediatric cardiologists may be required.
itself and the electrodes) is the pacemaker programmer (Figure
37-4), which usually is not considered as critical for pacemaker
operation. However, this tool is used to check the integrity of the
pacemaker system and control the functioning of the pacemaker. Routine pacemaker follow-up is often performed in a dedicated
Nowadays, these programmers have evolved into dedicated com- pacemaker control room (Figure 37-5), which allows efficient,
puters, which have made possible extensive programming of high-quality device follow-up. This room should be equipped with
pacemakers and advanced interrogation of pacemaker diagnos- an examination table, an electrocardiogram (ECG) recorder, pace-
tics. This chapter focuses on the essential elements and develop- maker programmers with appropriate and updated device soft-
ments of modern pacemaker follow-up. ware, advanced life support material such as external defibrillator

488  Cardiac Pacing

Table 37-1  The Revised NASPE/BPEG Generic (NBG) Code for Antibradycardia, Adaptive-Rate, and Multi-site Pacing


Category Chamber(s) paced Chamber(s) sensed Response(s) to sensing Rate modulation Multi-site pacing

O = None O = None O = None O = None O = None

A = Atrium A = Atrium T = Triggered R = Rate modulation A = Atrium
V = Ventricle V = Ventricle I = Inhibited V = Ventricle
D = Dual (A+V) D = Dual (A+V) D = Dual (T+I) D = Dual (A+V)

Manufacturers’ designation only S = Single (A or V) S = Single (A or V) Note: Positions I through III are used exclusively for
antibradyarrhythmia function.

From Bernstein AD, Daubert JC, Fletcher RD, et al: The revised NASPE/BPEG generic code for antibradycardia, adaptive-rate, and multisite pacing. North American Society of Pacing
and Electrophysiology/British Pacing and Electrophysiology Group, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 25:260–264, 2002.




FIGURE 37-1  Electrocardiograms (ECGs) of the three most commonly used methods of cardiac stimulation. ECG strip A shows AAI pacing, with the
pacing spike before the P wave. Note that the pacemaker does not inhibit during ventricular or nodal extrasystoles (beat 5). ECG strip B shows VVI
pacing. In beats 2, 5, and 8, pacemaker activity fuses with simultaneous intrinsic or ectopic heartbeats, whereas the pacemaker inhibits on an early
ventricular extrasystole (beat 9). ECG strip C shows DDD pacing. The pacemaker behavior in beat 5 clearly demonstrates the advantage of DDD pacing:
ventricular synchronized pacing (tracking) on a premature atrial beat. All the other atrial complexes are preceded by a spike.

with trans-cutaneous pacing capabilities and resuscitation materi-

D D als, technical documentation, and specifications of pacemakers in
use. Computers connected to the hospital network and the Inter-
net, with online access to electronic patient records, the pacemaker
database, and remote follow-up web pages, should be available.

A Access to Other Facilities
Easy access to the departments of radiology and neurology, the
C C clinical laboratory, and other cardiology units with all facilities
(ECG, exercise test, Holter, echocardiogram) should be possible.

FIGURE 37-2  Photograph and radiographic image of a biventricular Remote Monitoring and Remote Control
pacemaker. A, Connector block for the electrodes. B and C, Sealed New technology (discussed in other chapters) is now
housing containing battery or power source (B) and electronic circuit
simplifying follow-up of pacemakers. Remote monitoring makes
board (C). D, Conductors (electrodes) leading to the endocardium.
checkup of the system integrity, the actual pacemaker settings,
Pacemaker Follow-up  489


1 2 3 4 5


8 9 10 11 12 13 14

FIGURE 37-3  Pacemaker electrodes. A, Straight endocardiac passive fixation (tined) electrodes (1, 2) and active fixation (screw-in) electrodes (3, 4, 5).
One (nonretractable) screw-in lead is covered with a dissolvable coating (4). B, Epicardiac bipolar electrodes. Screw-in electrode (6) and suture-on
electrode (7). Middle, Close-up (side view) of a screw-in electrode (6). Right, close-up of a suture-on electrode (7). C, A variety of passive fixation
coronary sinus electrodes. Fixation can be achieved by wedging the preshaped distal tip of the electrodes (8, 9, 13, 15) or the small silicone fins or
lobes (10, 11, 12) into the vein. Electrode 14 shows an electrode that combines a preshaped tip with deployable lobes.

and pacemaker diagnostics accessible via cellular telephones or anywhere. For remote follow-up, online access to electronic
landlines. Integration with the Internet allows physicians and hos- patient records and the pacemaker database is still necessary, such
pitals to perform technical follow-up for most of the available as to review the patient’s medical history. When the decision is
features; serious problems can thus be identified at an early stage. made to contact or call in the patient on the basis of the remote
Remote monitoring should become an integral part of the modern pacemaker data, the electronic patient record can provide actual
pacemaker clinic. Because the remote data are presented by address and telephone information. As the patient is not physi-
secured Internet sites, remote monitoring only requires a per- cally present, the other previously mentioned equipment is not
sonal computer with network capabilities and can be performed needed.
490  Cardiac Pacing

FIGURE 37-5  Dedicated pacemaker follow-up room with a variety

of programmers. This picture shows how a dedicated pacemaker
follow-up room can be arranged. Some essential equipment can  
be seen: emergency alarm system and telephone, computer and
printer facilities connected to the Internet, multiple programmers of
different pacemaker manufacturers, defibrillator, fitted with external
pacing capabilities, ECG recording system, and patient examination
FIGURE 379-4  Combined pacemaker and implantable cardioverter table.
defibrillator (ICD) programmer from Boston Scientific Corp. On a
programmer device, the following generic key components can be
seen: telemetry wand for wireless contact with the pacemaker,
electrocardiogram cable, touch screen with pencil, buttons for
emergency therapy and to abort therapy, buttons for interrogation
and (re)programming, and paper strip printer with print buttons. few months because of the endocardiac healing process) returns
to the baseline. The output could be optimized at this point in
time. If an automatic capture control function is available, checked
at the time of discharge, and activated, the first control can be
Normal Routine Pacemaker Follow-up delayed.8
Checkup can be done nowadays on a less-frequent basis than
Postimplantation and Predischarge Follow-up
in the past (e.g., every 12 months) depending on the clinical
Proper pacemaker functioning and connection of the electrodes indication and the battery status. However, a physical checkup
must be confirmed in the peri-operative and immediate postop- once a year is mandatory for reimbursement in some health care
erative periods. After the implantation of a pacemaker system, systems; it can also be useful to maintain contact with the patient.
pacemaker follow-up should be performed on a regular basis to Furthermore, it should be kept in mind that during control, other
confirm the efficacy of the applied therapy.3,6,7 The first follow-up items besides the output and the sensing should also be verified.
should be performed before hospital discharge. Regular control should be streamlined in such a way that a
routine is followed and the goals of the pacemaker clinic are
First Outpatient Clinical Follow-up
Immediately after implantation, special attention should be given
Remote Follow-up
to the wound to confirm normal wound healing. The pocket
should be inspected during the first outpatient clinical follow-up, If remote monitoring is available, it can modify the character and
normally at 8 to 10 days after implantation, at which time stitches the frequency of the face-to-face controls in outpatient clinics.
can be removed if subcutaneous resorbable suture material was Remote monitoring, especially with systems that provide auto-
not used. Otherwise, suture removal can be done by a general matic warnings when a patient’s rhythm or pacemaker therapy
practitioner or a nurse. Also, the programmed parameters should gets destabilized, offers chances to overcome any (possible) prob-
be carefully reviewed and a first fine-tuning of the device per- lems at an early stage, often even before the patient notices it or
formed. This can be performed on the basis of the first limited the possible problem is clinically detectable or becomes urgent.
pacemaker Holter readings. From then on, regular long-term A strategy to review and examine only events and warnings can
ambulatory device follow-up can be maintained. be followed. Even then, remote monitoring is potentially better
than regular long-term device follow-up because these warnings
will be reported immediately at the moment of destabilization.
Long-Term Device Follow-up
With normal regular ambulatory pacemaker control intervals, at
A technical control was normally required 3 months after implan- worst, this destabilization will be seen only at the next follow-up,
tation to verify the output of the pacemaker and to fine-tune the perhaps as late as 6 months after it happens or when the patient
stimulation as the threshold (which varies the most in the first is admitted to the hospital.
Pacemaker Follow-up  491

Contents of Routine Ambulatory Pacemaker Follow-up Box 37-1  Follow-up Procedures at the Pacemaker Clinic

To achieve the goals of the pacemaker clinic, routine pacemaker HISTORY

follow-up should be performed in a structured way. Box 37-1 Patient Condition and Medical Problems
summarizes all the elements of a methodical, routine, more Syncope, dizziness
advanced control (as needed). Precordial pain or angina
Shortness of breath
Reduced exercise capacity
Palpitations, pauses, and low heart rate
Patient History and Physical Examination Adjustment of medication

Along with pacemaker functioning, the patient’s physical and Potential Pacing-Related Complaints
Pectoral or diaphragmatic muscle stimulation
general well-being should also be checked. During this examina-
Position-dependent or motion-dependent palpitations
tion, the patient should be questioned about symptoms such as Chronotropic incompetence
syncope, dizziness, shortness of breath, reduced chronotropic Fatigue
competence, palpitations, precordial pain, and any pacemaker-
related complaints such as pectoral or diaphragmatic muscle Other Medical Problems
stimulation. Pectoral muscle stimulation is more common in uni-
polar programmed settings because in this setting the pacemaker PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
is functioning as the anode of the system. An isolation defect of Inspection of the Pocket
a conductor in this region can also generate this phenomenon. Redness
During inspection of the scar, any signs of impending infection Venous ectasy
and all other issues should be easily identified by simple inspec- Signs of thrombosis
Decreased skin integrity (erosion)
tion of the pocket, a step that should never be skipped. Also, the
first signs of necrosis caused by pressure of the pacemaker can or Palpation of the pocket
a pacemaker lead can be revealed during this inspection. When
the skin is still intact and infection of the pacemaker pocket does TECHNICAL EXAMINATION
not seem present, a relocation or expansion of the pocket can be Battery Status
sufficient; this helps prevent total removal of the pacemaker Checkup of technical integrity of pacemaker and leads
Threshold, sensing levels, impedences, intracardiac electrogram
system when infection does occur. Patient reports of device
Other available measurements, if needed
movement can be verified by further examination.
A routine ECG will show whether the patient has pacing or no Device Statistics
pacing in his or her daily life and is often useful to understand Histograms, counters, Holter monitoring, events, trending
data from the programmer.9 Also, the ECG will reveal many other Optimization of Pacemaker Settigns
features at the atrial and ventricular levels. This is highly impor- Mode, output, rate modulation parameters
tant for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) because QRS All rate parameters
width and axis can be proof of biventricular pacing versus right Atrioventricular delay parameters
or left ventricular stimulation alone and because the axis, in Blanking and refractory parameters
general, tells something about the pacing site (Figure 37-6).10 Additional features

Technical Pacemaker Control Blood tests (leukocytes, BSE, CRP, BNP, etc.)
Exercise test
Checkup of the technical integrity is another routine that may be Holter monitoring
dealt with simply by interrogating the device and printing out or Echocardiography
Pocket, body, and arm positions and movements
reading a completely automated report. This typically shows the
Forced muscle contractions
actual battery voltage, the impedance over the system and the
leads, and data on pacing and sensing, which are often expressed GENERAL PATIENT ADVICE
as histograms or tables (Figure 37-7). At the impending end of Routine Advice
(battery) life (EOL, end-of-life, or EOS, end-of-service) an early Electrical equipment, magnetic fields
warning is reported, called the elective replacement index (ERI). Disease, exercise and sport
Counseling, psychological support when necessary
At this time, the appointment for elective replacement should be
scheduled within a reasonable time, according to the specifica- BSE, Blood selenium; CRP, C-reactive protein; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide
tions of the device. When the battery is almost completely
depleted, the device often reverts to a backup mode, simply deliv-
ering single-chamber synchronous pacing and later reverting to
asynchronous pacing until no more output is possible (Figure the output should be programmed at a level that ensures safety
37-8). The behavior of current lithium iodine batteries is ade- (usually two to three times the measured threshold), without
quately predictable, so when a normal (remote) follow-up scheme depleting the energy of the battery.8,11 Several systems now have
is followed, premature battery depletion or asynchronous EOL an automatic threshold function, a system to verify automatically
behavior should no longer appear on pacemaker follow-up. To the sensing the various levels of the pacemaker and automatic
prolong the generator life, several precautions can be taken during sensor optimization capabilities. This may lead to reprogram-
control. One is to use automatic capture; if this is not available, ming, if possible. Otherwise, automatic adjustments may have
492  Cardiac Pacing

FIGURE 37-6  Relationship between the surface electrocardiogram (ECG) and the pacing site on an x-ray. Left, VVI pacemaker with lead in the right
ventricular apex in a patient with a mitral valve prosthesis. The ECG shows a positive QRS complex in lead I and negative complexes in leads II and III.
Right, The ventricular lead is located in the right ventricular outflow tract. Note the opposite ventricular activation on the corresponding surface ECG
(negative QRS complexes in lead I and positive complexes in leads II and III).

Verity ADx XL DR 5357 (#20 pr12.0) FastPath summary

Heart rate histogram

Time at max track rate <1% Paced (AP-VP, AP-VS)
Sensed (AS-VP, AS-VS)
Max track A tach
Max sensor detection
% Time

30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 200 225 255 >

0d 0h 46m 4s sampled since 5 Aug 2009 (12:29)

FIGURE 37-7  Pacemaker data expressed as histograms. Example of stored pacemaker data. This histogram from a rate-responsive dual-chamber
pacemaker (St. Jude Medical, St Paul, MN) describes the paced and sensed rate distribution and the main programmed pacemaker frequencies in beats
per minute. Note the limited variation in frequency between 60 and 90 beats/min. Purple indicates when atrial pacing occurs; blue indicates when atrial
sensing is present. AP, Atrial paced; VP, ventricle paced; AS, atrial sensed; VS, ventricle sensed; PVC, premature ventricular contraction; tach, tachycardia.

occurred all the time, and a printout of this function will be gener- patient. In general, it is wise to start the pacemaker therapy by
ated. It is generally supposed that activation of the automatic simply providing basic functions, depending on the patient’s indi-
features simplifies follow-up without problems for selected cations for a pacemaker. Features such as rest rate or night drop
patients.12 These automatic features can always be checked manu- and flywheel or rate smoothing (Figure 37-9) can be activated
ally, if preferred, during routine follow-up. later, on the basis of the collected pacemaker diagnostics and
The integrity of the conductors should also be examined by Holter or histogram information.13 These features should be acti-
observing the intracardiac electrogram (IEGM). When diagnos- vated only when adequate lower and upper rates are programmed
tics are available, more appropriate programming of the device and after correct steepness of the sensor response has been
can be performed to avoid the unnecessary features. Alternatively, studied, such as by exercise testing or a 6-minute walk test.14
new features can be included to provide more comfort for the Furthermore, as it is known, right ventricular apical pacing should
Pacemaker Follow-up  493

* *
* *
* *
* 37





FIGURE 37-8  Subthreshold asynchronous pacemaker stimulation at the end of battery life. The figure shows the asynchronous fixed-rate pacing
behavior at the end of life of the battery. The asynchronous fixed-rate pacing without capture can be clearly seen; the pacing spikes (asterisks) on the
electrocardiogram do not cause any QRS complexes and show no relation to the underlying intrinsic heart activity (Q).

FIGURE 37-9  Rate smoothing during atrial fibrillation. On this electrocardiogram strip, a ventricular pacemaker system can be seen to adapt the
programmed lower pacing rate (asterisk) to the intermittent fast conduction during atrial fibrillation. This rate-smoothing algorithm prevents the
occurrence of long cycles in heart rate and improves the stability of heart rate.

be avoided.15 This can be ensured with programming the pace- It is almost impossible to describe general rules to solve the
maker modus into AAI, a low backup rate in VVI, DDI with a low diverse problems related to pacemakers; each patient deserves an
rate if an atrial lead is necessary, or ventricular lead implantation independent, individualized, and tailored approach. For example,
on alternative sites such as the right ventricular septum or the pacemaker fine-tuning is required for persistent atrial fibrillation
outflow tract.16 The alternatives are automatic mode switching and atrioventricular block in an older adult who is wheelchair
algorithms from AAI to DDD or automatic adjustment of the AV dependent rather than for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and rate-
delay if the pacemaker system allows it.17 However, if ventricular dependent AV block (Figure 37-10) in a young cyclist, even when
pacing is needed, correct programming in DDD mode with a comparable pacemaker system could have been implanted.20
adapted AV delay is necessary.18,19 Troubleshooting for the pacemaker system is not always easy.
A routine ECG or the reading of the programmer may reveal the
reasons for the (potential) dysfunction of the pacemaker system.
Box 37-2 lists several potential complications and problems that
More Advanced Control and should be solved with more expert knowledge and systematic
Troubleshooting analysis of the electrograms and surface ECG.
Various IEGM recordings that display noise, high frequency,
More advanced fine-tuning of the pacemaker may be necessary; or other noncardiac signals can help discover interference that
it is often done unexpectedly or may occur when a patient is may be caused by cellular phones or magnetic fields. Because of
admitted to the hospital. The reason for such an event might be improved signal filtering and detection algorithms, pacemaker
syncope or a surgical or medical event such as myocardial infarc- malfunction caused by such phenomena seems to have become
tion, which requires reprogramming or renewed programming. relatively rare.21,22
494  Cardiac Pacing

ECG lead II 0.2 mV/mm


136 bpm

150 bpm

Atrial 152 bpm

Atrial 140 bpm


[Watt] [bpm]

400 Exercise test 200 Heart rate trend

300 150

200 100

100 50

0 0

FIGURE 37-10  Exercise test revealing rate-dependent atrioventricular (AV) block. The patient with complete heart block (upper strip) was submitted
to exercise testing after having palpitations with a VDD pacemaker. After initial correct tracking, a Wenckebach phenomenon was observed, with 2 : 1
AV tracking from 150 beats/min on; during recovery, poor sensing explains the low pacing rate in the ventricle. The lower strip shows the heart rate
trend (at right).

Specific problems such as pacemaker-mediated tachycardia Complaints associated with far-field R-wave sensing or
(Figure 37-11) require some understanding of the normal con­ undersensing of supraventricular activity can be resolved by
duction behavior of the heart and of the particular pacemaker individual adjustment of blanking and refractory periods.24
algorithms designed to avoid them.23 Some maneuvers may Marker annotations combined with IEGMs help interpret these
be necessary to provoke or reproduce complaints associated problems.
with pacemaker-mediated tachycardia. Pacemaker syndrome is Pectoral and diaphragmatic stimulations require special atten-
another problem typically associated with (but not limited to) tion. They can be reproduced during the consultation by asking
ventricular pacing and retrograde conduction. the patient to recreate the conditions that caused them. They may
Pacemaker Follow-up  495

As Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar As

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

FIGURE 37-11  Pacemaker-mediated tachycardia (PMT). After a normally sensed and tracked atrial complex (As, beat 1), retrograde conduction from
the ventricle to the atrium occurs (Ar), which is sensed and tracked again and causes PMT. A dedicated algorithm will terminate the PMT (after beat 8),
which causes the second pause that in turn, allows a normal atrial complex.

Box 37-2  Pacemaker Dysfunction Holter studies can be performed when the patient’s complaints
cannot be verified with pacemaker diagnostics or when stored
1. Malpacing in variable degrees pacemaker electrograms are not available.
• Intermittent capture
Exercise tests are useful to evaluate the behavior of the pace-
• No capture
maker if a patient reports difficulty during effort. Also, the effects
• No output
2. Malsensing of reprogramming can be identified and correct pacemaker pro-
• Oversensing gramming easily confirmed.
• Undersensing Hemodynamic fine-tuning can be done using echocardiogra-
3. Malprogramming phy to adjust the A-V interval, the V-V interval (for resynchroni-
• Pacemaker syndrome zation devices), and the intraventricular interval.15,25 Optimization
• Pacemaker-mediated tachycardia of cardiac resynchronization devices requires more attention than
4. Malfunction of the programmer described here and is discussed in other chapters in this text.

be solved with reprogramming, or replacement of the unipolar Avoiding Surgery

electrode with a bipolar one may be required.
Some pacemaker-related problems can be resolved by simply
reprogramming the pacemaker, but some need invasive proce-
Additional Tests dures. Almost every reprogrammable pacemaker parameter can
contribute to a noninvasive resolution of a pacing-related problem.
Other diagnostic tools or additional tests, such as radiographs, Reprogramming is sometimes effective only in combination with
Holter monitoring, exercise testing, and echocardiography, are adjustment of the pharmacologic therapy (e.g., class Ic antiar-
often used to understand or clarify certain pacing-related rhythmic drugs increase the pacing threshold). However, on other
problems. occasions, invasive procedures may be necessary to understand
Radiographic examination of the chest or the pacemaker and solve a pacing-related problem.
pocket can be performed to reveal dislocation, fracture, or crush
of a pacemaker lead. The incidence of a lead crush is higher in
systems in which the lead is implanted via a subclavian venous
access, in which the risk of crush between the clavicular bone and Medical Conditions Requiring
the first rib is higher compared with a cephalic venous access. Adjustment of Pacing
Although lead impedance can reveal a lead fracture, it is difficult
and sometimes impossible to confirm lead fractures by radiogra- Although a patient may have an indication for pacemaker
phy because of the bipolar spiral construction of the leads. Insula- therapy, it does not mean that the indication will not change over
tion defects or lead fractures sometimes cause unpredictable time. Because of several circumstances such as progress of the
problems because of intermittent conductor contact or leakage clinical picture or a new development in the disease, adjustments
current. These phenomena can present as unexpected attacks of in the pacemaker therapy may be necessary. Some of the typical
dizziness or syncope. IEGMs are often informative, as they might factors or effects that necessitate adjustment of the pacemaker
display noise. Radiographs are useful to identify an unknown therapy are drug therapy, electrolyte disturbances, and cardiac
implanted device. Focused pictures can show the screws in the conditions such as angina pectoris, atrial fibrillation, and heart
connector. failure.
496  Cardiac Pacing
Aranda JM Jr, Woo GW, Schofield RS, et al: Management of heart failure
General Advice to the Patient after cardiac resynchronization therapy: Integrating advanced heart
failure treatment with optimal device function, J Am Coll Cardiol
46:2193–2198, 2005.
Sometimes, the law requires that a patient not drive during the
Auricchio A, Stellbrink C, Block M, et al: Effect of pacing chamber and
first weeks after implantation or replacement of a pacemaker. The atrioventricular delay on acute systolic function of paced patients with
risks involved in driving should therefore be explained. Some congestive heart failure. The Pacing Therapies for Congestive Heart
physical activities should be restricted for a short time until the Failure Study Group. The Guidant Congestive Heart Failure Research
wound heals and until the electrodes are fixed in their intended Group, Circulation 99:2993–3001, 1999.
positions. Educational materials for the patient can be helpful in Carlson MD, Wilkoff BL, Maisel WH, et al: Recommendations from the
such situations. Heart Rhythm Society Task Force on Device Performance Policies and
Guidelines Endorsed by the American College of Cardiology Founda-
tion (ACCF) and the American Heart Association (AHA) and the Inter-
Reporting national Coalition of Pacing and Electrophysiology Organizations
(COPE), Heart Rhythm 3(10):1250–1273, 2006.
de Cock CC, Meyer A, Kamp O, Visser CA: Hemodynamic benefits of
All the actions taken during the pacemaker checkup should be right ventricular outflow tract pacing: Comparison with right ventricu-
reported and stored, such as on a dedicated computer or the lar apex pacing, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 21:536–541, 1998.
hospital database. An electronic patient record system would help Epstein AE, DiMarco JP, Ellenbogen KA, et al: ACC/AHA/HRS 2008
make the latest follow-up results directly available to the physi- guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm abnormalities: A
cian. Furthermore, a letter should be sent to the patient’s physi- report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Asso-
cian and a new appointment made. ciation Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to
Revise the ACC/AHA/NASPE 2002 Guideline Update for Implantation
of Cardiac Pacemakers and Antiarrhythmia Devices), Circulation
Device Advisories and Safety Alerts 117:e350–e408, 2008.
Faust M, Fraser J, Schurig L, et al: Educational guidelines for the clinically
associated professional in cardiac pacing and electrophysiology, Pacing
Good databases also allow taking fast action when a device or lead Clin Electrophysiol 13:1448–1455, 1990.
advisory is issued. The affected devices or leads can be easily Hayes DL, Naccarelli GV, Furman S, et al; North American Society of
queried from the database. Alert notifications as well as specific Pacing and Electrophysiology: NASPE training requirements for
device advisory information from the manufacturer should be cardiac implantable electronic devices: Selection, implantation, and
added to the concerned patient’s files. The patient should be given follow-up, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 26:1556–1562, 2003.
clear information from both the manufacturer and the physician. Lamas GA, Orav EJ, Stambler BS, et al; for the Pacemaker Selection in the
Finally, all the essential technical and clinical information from Elderly Investigators: Quality of life and clinical outcomes in elderly
the device or the lead and information about patients involved in patients treated with ventricular pacing as compared with dual-
safety advisories should be reported to, or shared with, the rele- chamber pacing, N Engl J Med 338:1097–1104, 1998.
Maisel WH, Hauser RG, Hammill SC, et al: Recommendations from the
vant government authorities, manufacturers, and other physi-
Heart Rhythm Society Task Force on Lead Performance Policies and
cians.26,27 With these efforts, remote monitoring will be of Guidelines, Heart Rhythm 6(6):869–885, 2009.
significant assistance.28,29 Mayumi H, Kohno H, Yasui H, et al: Use of automatic mode change
between DDD and AAI to facilitate native atrioventricular conduction
in patients with sick sinus syndrome or transient atrioventricular block,
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 19:1740–1747, 1996.
Good clinical care of a patient with a pacemaker demands a well- Mond HG, Irwin M, Ector H, Proclemer A: The world survey of cardiac
structured, regular, and methodical long-term follow-up program. pacing and cardioverter-defibrillators: Calendar year 2005, an Interna-
The increased pacemaker memory capabilities allow storage of tional Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology Society (ICPES) project,
multiple technical and clinical events. A clear understanding of Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 31:1202–1212, 2008.
Ricci RP, Morichelli L, Santini M: Home monitoring remote control of
both technical and clinical issues related to pacemaker therapy is
pacemaker and implantable cardioverter defibrillator patients in clinical
necessary. Successful pacemaker follow-up is changing more and practice: Impact on medical management and health-care resource uti-
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cal consultation. IEGM, pacemaker diagnostics, pacemaker Vardas PE, Auricchio A, Blanc JJ, et al: Guidelines for cardiac pacing and
Holter information, and real-time measurements should all be cardiac resynchronization therapy. The Task Force for Cardiac Pacing
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Electrical Therapy for Bradycardia:
Future Directions
Fred Kusumoto and Nora Goldschlager
Since its introduction more than a half century ago, progressive earlier than can standard monitoring; consequently, lead failure–
improvements in technology have led to the dramatic evolution related inappropriate shocks were experienced by only 27% of
of cardiac pacing therapy. The changing demographics of the patients with remote monitoring compared with 53% of patients
United States have led to an increase in the pacemaker implanta- with traditional follow-up.4
tion rate from 37 per 100,000 person years 30 years ago to 99 per Identification of atrial arrhythmias in patients with bradycardia
100,000 patient years during the first decade of the twenty-first has been shown to provide important prognostic information. In
century.1 The technology implemented in cardiac resynchroniza- a nested cohort of 312 patients from the Mode Selection Trial
tion devices and implantable cardiac defibrillators has received (MOST), the presence of a 5-minute or longer episode of atrial
more widespread attention, but it should not be forgotten that tachycardia was associated with an increased risk of death (heart
technological improvements for cardiac pacemakers continue to rate [HR], 2.48; confidence interval [CI], 1.25 to 4.91) and develop-
evolve at a rapid pace. Even more importantly, the maturity and ment of atrial fibrillation (HR, 5.93; CI, 2.88 to 12.2).5 The useful-
relative constancy of the basic indications for cardiac pacemaker ness of early identification of atrial arrhythmias by remote
therapy have helped clarify the shortcomings of current devices monitoring in improving clinical outcomes is the subject of several
and identify areas for future basic and clinical research. For large multicenter trials. Preliminary results from the TRENDS
example, more widespread use of magnetic resonance imaging study suggest that atrial fibrillation “burden” (>5.5 arrhythmia
(MRI) for diagnostic purposes has provided the incentive for hours per day) is associated with a higher thromboembolic rate
manufacturers to develop pacemakers using materials that will (2.4% per year) compared with that in patients without atrial
not be affected by the magnetic and electrical fields generated arrhythmias identified by the device (1.1%).6 Another multicenter
by scanners. study, Asymptomatic Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Evaluation in
Pacemaker Patients and the Atrial Fibrillation Reduction Atrial
Pacing Trial (ASSERT), has completed its enrollment and will also
Remote Follow-up of Cardiac Pacing Devices evaluate whether atrial arrhythmias identified by and stored in the
device can identify a group of patients at higher risk for stroke.
No other emerging technology associated with implantable Coupled with remote follow-up, early documentation of atrial
cardiac devices has the widespread ramifications that are associ- arrhythmias may be beneficial in reducing the incidence of stroke
ated with remote follow-up techniques. Traditionally, information by identifying patients who would benefit from anticoagulant
from implanted cardiac devices has been available only to physi- therapy. Figure 38-1 shows an example of a patient with atrial
cians specializing in cardiac devices. Improved technology allows fibrillation and an implanted pacemaker. Interrogation of the pace-
one to think of devices as “health monitors” that can acquire and maker after ablation of the atrial fibrillation confirms successful
transfer information from the device itself to an accessible cen- elimination of detected episodes of this arrhythmia.
tralized location that could be used by all health care providers Early studies have provided interesting data indicating that
and, importantly, by the patient. device-based hemodynamic monitoring may be beneficial in
Currently, all commercially available cardiac pacemakers have patients with heart failure. Devices currently in use can estimate
some type of remote monitoring system.2 Information stored in patient activity via motion sensors and specific respiratory param-
the memory of the pacemaker can be downloaded wirelessly to a eters and can estimate pulmonary venous congestion via intra-
receiver located in the patient’s home. Both patient-activated thoracic impedance measurements.7 Fluid accumulation within
downloads and automatic downloads are possible, depending on pulmonary spaces decreases intrathoracic impedance, since fluid
the manufacturer. Information is transmitted via cell phone or offers less resistance to electrical current than does air. In a small
over landlines to a central server that is maintained by the pace- clinical study of 33 patients, a decrease in thoracic impedance was
maker manufacturer. This downloaded information can then be observed approximately 2 weeks before hospitalizations for heart
accessed via the Internet in a “two-way” manner, initiated by the failure. An example of the clinical use of intrathoracic impedance
physician as well as automatically, with automatic alerts sent from is shown in Figure 38-2. In the study, after remote monitoring was
the server to the physician. Initial studies have suggested that initiated, decreased impedance was used along with clinical vari-
remote monitoring can identify potential problems more quickly ables to increase the diuretic dose of a patient with severe systolic
than can in-office or clinic visits.2,3 In one study of patients with dysfunction, which may have prevented rehospitalization.
implantable defibrillators, remote monitoring identified lead Indirect estimates of volume status using technologies
failure (conductor wire break or insulation breach) 2 months such as intrathoracic impedance can be incorporated into any

498  Cardiac Pacing

2 2 5 2 5 5 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 9
6 0 4 6 1 6 2 0 8 9 4 3 1 4 6 7 8 2 9 9
0 T 0 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1050 0

7 S 6 S 8 S 5 S 6 S 6 S 7 S 7 S 9 P 9
3 0 1 2 8 8 5 2 9 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


12 P = Program
10 I = Interrogate
AT/AF total


8 _ = Remote
AT/AF (beats/min)
V. rate during

150 avg/day


B Dec 2005 Feb 2006 Apr 2006 Jun 2006 Aug 2006 Oct 2006 Dec 2006

FIGURE 38-1  A, Electrograms from a patient with episodes of atrial fibrillation. Atrial electrograms reveal rapid and irregular activity (arrows)
consistent with atrial fibrillation that terminates at the end of the strip. B, Long-term continuous monitoring from the device confirms elimination of
atrial arrhythmias after radiofrequency catheter ablation. AT/AF, Atrial tachycardia/atrial fibrillation; Abl, ablation. (From Kusumoto FM, Goldschlager:
Remote monitoring of cardiac devices, Clin Cardiol 25(2):89–90, 2009.)

lead-device system, but direct pressure measurements using spe- failure were randomized to two groups: one in which information
cialized investigational leads may provide theoretical or real was available to clinicians and the other in which clinicians were
advantages. One lead system uses a specially designed pressure blinded to hemodynamic data. After a 6-month follow-up, clini-
transducer that is placed in the right ventricular outflow tract; the cal use of a hemodynamic monitor resulted in a nonsignificant
transducer directly measures right ventricular pressure and uses 21% reduction in heart failure–related events.8 Another special-
an algorithm to estimate pulmonary artery diastolic pressure ized lead system under clinical investigation uses a pressure tip
(Figure 38-3). Pulmonary artery diastolic pressure, as a correlate placed at the inter-atrial septum to directly measure left atrial
of pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, can be used as an esti- pressure.
mate of left ventricular preload to guide heart failure manage- In addition to intracardiac pressures, new technologies that
ment. In addition, the pressure monitor may also be useful in monitor other non-heart rate–related parameters such as ST-
confirming the presence of ventricular arrhythmias by identifying segment deviation and systemic blood pressure are being
accompanying hemodynamic compromise (Figure 38-4). In the developed.8-11 ST-segment changes can be monitored by analyz-
largest study to date, the Chronicle Offers Management to ing the intracardiac electrogram from a tip electrode located in
Patients with Advanced Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure the right ventricle and the device “can.” The device continuously
(COMPASS-HF) trial, 274 patients with class III or IV heart monitors the relationship between the ST segment and the P-Q
Electrical Therapy for Bradycardia: Future Directions  499

Opti Vol fluid index >200 Hospitalized Hospitalized: β-blockade increased,
Opti Vol RM initiated
threshold RM: Diuretics increased
160 for 5 days
RM: Diuretics
120 increased
for 5 days

Apr 2008 Jun 2008 Aug 2008 Oct 2008 Dec 2008 Feb 2009 Apr 2009

FIGURE 38-2  Intrathoracic impedance monitoring in a patient with severe systolic dysfunction. After several hospitalizations for heart failure, remote
monitoring (RM) was initiated. During follow-up, decreased intrathoracic impedance was detected via an algorithm as an increase in the “fluid index”
during remote monitoring. The patient was contacted by telephone, and after a discussion with the patient, the diuretic dose was increased for 3 days
and the fluid index returned to baseline. (Modified from Kusumoto FM, Goldschlager: Remote monitoring of cardiac devices, Clin Cardiol 25[2]:89–90, 2009.)

coronary arteries. Initial data from experimental studies suggest

that systemic blood pressure changes can be estimated by mea-
suring bioimpedance between two electrodes placed in the sub-
cutaneous tissue. Incorporation of this technology into implanted
devices may provide a method for monitoring antihypertensive
It is hoped that freer and more widespread access to medical
information by medical providers will improve healthcare out-
comes and reduce costs. Implantation of devices will likely be the
first clinical field where this information revolution will take
place. Current devices provide simple audible alerts when the
implanted device detects a potential problem, but it is an easy leap
to imagine providing patients with access to information in a
simplified and understandable format. In this way, implanted
devices coupled with remote follow-up can initiate a major para-
digm shift, with patients taking a more active role in their medical
care, based on actual data rather than symptoms alone.12

Newer Cardiac Pacing System Algorithms

The development of specialized and complex algorithms for
FIGURE 38-3  Fluoroscopy of a patient with an investigational
cardiac pacing systems has had a significant impact on pacemaker
single-chamber implantable cardiac device that uses a second lead programming and thus on the delivery of more appropriate
(arrow) placed in the right ventricular outflow tract; the second lead pacing therapy. Large randomized studies performed in the last
uses a special sensor, which directly measures right ventricular decade of the twentieth century identified the deleterious effects
pressure. of right ventricular pacing, especially if performed from the right
ventricular apex.13,14 Importantly, this deleterious effect occurs
even when only moderate ventricular pacing is present. In a
post hoc analysis of MOST, cumulative ventricular pacing greater
than 40% of the time was associated with a 2.6-fold increased risk
of hospitalization for heart failure.15
segment. If a significant shift between the ST segment and the Several studies have shown that right ventricular pacing is also
P-Q segment persists for a programmed number of beats, the associated with an increased likelihood of developing persistent
device can either vibrate or provide an audio alert. In an animal atrial fibrillation. For example, in MOST, a linear dose-response
study, changes in the ST segment recorded by implanted leads relationship was noted between ventricular pacing and the likeli-
occurred earlier than in those recorded from surface electrocar- hood of developing atrial fibrillation, with a 20% increase in the
diogram (ECG) leads; these changes therefore confer an ability to likelihood of developing atrial fibrillation with each 10% increase
quickly detect myocardial ischemia in any of the three major in cumulative ventricular pacing.15 More recently, it has become
500  Cardiac Pacing


ID# Date/Time Type V. cycle Last Rx Success Duration

2 Aug 14 15:49:33 VF 160 ms VF Rx 1 Yes 8 sec

Tachy trigger

pressure (mm Hg) ePad (mm Hg) 40


RV pulse

15:48:30 15:49:00 15:49:30 15:50:00

FIGURE 38-4  A significant drop in right ventricular (RV) pulse pressure (RV systolic – RV diastolic) readings during an episode of ventricular fibrillation
(VF) (arrow) that confirms loss of RV pulse pressure caused by hemodynamic compromise during the event.

apparent that specific algorithms that minimize right ventricular a subsequent double-blind trial did not show any clinical benefit
pacing can reduce the likelihood of atrial fibrillation in patients of pacing using specialized algorithms in patients with vasovagal
with sinus node dysfunction. In the Search AV Extension and syncope.20
Managed Ventricular Pacing for Promoting Atrioventricular Con- It is expected that in the next 5 years, pacemakers will be
duction (SAVE PACe) trial, 1065 patients with sinus node dys- characterized by increased automatic functions. Automated algo-
function and normal AV conduction were randomized either to rithms for adjusting pacing output to minimize energy require-
an algorithm specifically designed to minimize ventricular pacing ments and extend battery life have already been developed for
or to conventional dual-chamber pacing without this function.16 atrial and ventricular pacing (e.g., the “autocapture” feature, St.
The algorithm resulted in a significant reduction in ventricular Jude, Sylmar, CA).21,22 In a multicenter randomized trial of 910
pacing (minimizing ventricular pacing algorithm: 9%; conven- patients who underwent implantation of a dual-chamber pacing
tional programming: 99%) and after an almost 2-year follow-up, system, automatic threshold evaluation of ventricular capture
minimizing right ventricular pacing was associated with a 40% was found to be reliable and comparable with manual threshold
reduction in the relative risk for persistent atrial fibrillation (con- evaluation and led to a projected 16% increase in longevity from
ventional DDD pacing: 12.7% versus minimizing pacing algo- 8.9 to 10.3 years.23 Large registry studies (ULTRA and Automatic-
rithm: 7.9%). The MINimizE Right Ventricular Pacing to Prevent ity, both sponsored by Boston Scientific, St. Paul, MN) are cur-
Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Failure (MINERVA) trial is currently rently under way to evaluate whether automatic algorithms will
under way to evaluate whether algorithms that minimize ven- increase pacemaker longevity and reduce the use of health care
tricular pacing will reduce the burden of atrial fibrillation in those resources.
patients who already have an established diagnosis of atrial
Site Selection
The clinical benefits of other complex algorithms appear to
have limited benefit in the aggregate; it is quite certain that these In anti-bradycardia devices, ventricular leads have traditionally
complex algorithms can be useful in selected individual patients.18 been placed in the right ventricular apex and atrial leads in the
In the Advanced Elements of Pacing Randomized Controlled right atrial appendage. These sites were chosen because they pro-
Trial (ADEPT), 872 patients who had a blunted heart rate response vided stable positions for the available leads, which used passive
to exercise (chronotropic incompetence) were randomized to fixation to stabilize the stimulating electrode on the endocardial
standard dual-chamber pacing or to dual-chamber pacing that surface of the heart. With the development of leads that use active
modulated heart rate on the basis of input from an accelerometer fixation mechanisms, implanters are now able to place leads any-
and a minute ventilation sensor (rate adaptation).18 Although the where in the ventricular endocardial surface. Large studies that
use of rate-adaptation algorithms was associated with an increased will provide information on optimal pacing sites in patients with
heart rate in response to exercise, this did not translate into sig- bradycardia are now under way; however, it has become clear that
nificant differences in quality-of-life and activity indices between site selection requires individualization.
the two groups. Initial unblinded trials had suggested that special- It has been known for more than 40 years that pacing from
ized pacing algorithms that provided higher pacing rates in the right ventricular apex alters the ventricular contraction
response to sudden changes in heart rate could be useful for pattern by producing functional left bundle branch block; this, in
patients with severely symptomatic vasovagal syncope.19 However, turn, can be associated with adverse acute hemodynamic effects
Electrical Therapy for Bradycardia: Future Directions  501

and long-term structural, metabolic, and functional effects.24 The reported in the medical literature is a nuclear-powered pacemaker
realization that techniques to “resynchronize” ventricular activa-
tion patterns could improve outcomes in patients with systolic left
ventricular dysfunction and increased QRS duration has brought
this issue to the forefront. It has been proposed that pacing from
that was implanted in 1973 and was still operating in 2007.35
Although they are long-lasting, nuclear pacemakers are no longer
available because of high initial costs and the rapid evolution of
lithium iodine power sources in the 1970s. However, engineers
the right ventricular septum could allow for more physiological are evaluating the feasibility of using newer-generation nuclear
ventricular activation in patients with atrioventricular block. batteries in implantable medical devices. Another avenue for
Small acute hemodynamic studies and chronic studies with short- improving cardiac longevity has been the development of energy-
term follow-up have yielded mixed results with regard to the efficient circuit components (e.g., capacitors) that use unusual
benefits of septal pacing.25,26 Three large studies—Optimize RV materials such as wet tantalum. Finally, theories on the possibility
Selective Site Pacing Clinical Trial (Optimize RV), Right of “harvesting and storing” the kinetic energy of heart motion and
Ventricular Apical and High Septal Pacing to Preserve Left Ven- using it to power a pacemaker have been proposed.
tricular Function (Protect Pace) Trial, and Right Ventricular
Apical versus Septal Pacing (RASP) Trial—with left ventricular
Lead Design, Lead Reliability, and “Leadless” Pacing
ejection fraction as the primary endpoint and planned long-term
follow-up (24 to 36 months)—are currently under way. Short- Significant improvements in lead design have taken place in the
term hemodynamic data suggest that biventricular pacing may past 10 years. Manufacturers have developed high-impedance
have beneficial effects in patients with reduced left ventricular electrodes that reduce the amount of current required for myo-
function and a normal QRS duration (<0.12 seconds) who will cardial stimulation. In one small clinical study of 40 patients,
require a significant percent of ventricular pacing.27 Similarly, in high-impedance electrodes were shown to reduce by 50% the
the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implant Trial–Cardiac current required for pacing, but unfortunately this did not lead to
Resynchronization Therapy (MADIT-CRT) trial, biventricular a longer time to pulse generator replacement, perhaps partly
pacing was associated with a 41% reduction in heart failure events because of the small number of patients (24 of 40) who had com-
in patients with reduced left ventricular function (ejection frac- plete follow-up.36
tion [EF] <30%) and mild heart failure symptoms (NYHA classes The focus of modern lead design has shifted to increasing reli-
I and II).28 ability, since the pacing lead remains the most common cause of
Certain atrial pacing sites may have some beneficial effect with device failure. Recent studies have suggested that the lead failure
regard to the development of atrial arrhythmias. Early small pro- rate is approximately 20% to 30% in the first 10 years and that
spective studies have suggested that pacing from sites along the attrition of lead integrity continues thereafter.37,38 Manufacturers
inter-atrial septum, including the coronary sinus os and Bach- are investigating new lead designs that employ cables rather than
mann’s bundle, may be associated with a decreased incidence of coils and multiple layers of insulation to improve lead longevity.
atrial fibrillation and other atrial arrhythmias.29,30 However, sub- Several novel technologies incorporating a remote “receiver” that
sequent moderately sized trials have suggested that the benefits is placed within the heart and is coupled wirelessly to a “transmit-
of atrial pacing from selected sites such as the atrial septum are ter” located in the shoulder area are being developed.39-41 Ultra-
not uniform, with either no benefit or only modest benefit (30% sound bursts from a transmitter on the chest have resulted in
reduction in atrial fibrillation burden).31,32 The Septal Pacing for successful ventricular pacing in animal models and during
Atrial Fibrillation Suppression Evaluation (SAFE) trial has been acute hemodynamic studies in humans (Figure 38-5).39,40 More
designed as a large multicenter trial to evaluate the association of recently, pacing has been achieved in an experimental model by
septal pacing with a decrease in the development of persistent (>7 using magnetic fields to generate the power required for cardiac
days) atrial fibrillation. Early studies have suggested that multiple- stimulation.41
site atrial pacing (usually from a lateral right atrial site and a
second atrial site at the coronary sinus os or within the coronary
sinus), in addition to using specific atrial sites, results in a more Biologic Pacing
normal atrial activation sequence with an accompanying improve-
ment in the contribution of atrial contraction.33,34 Finally, multiple- Over the past decade, interest has been growing in developing a
site atrial pacing may reduce atrial vulnerability to induction of biologic pacemaker. Several approaches to developing such a
atrial fibrillation.33 device exist.42-45 The first method is to change the function of
existing cardiac myocytes by increasing β-adrenergic receptor
expression or by encouraging the development of diastolic depo-
Power Sources
larization; the latter can be achieved by blocking the background
Lithium iodine has been the traditional source of battery power potassium (K+) currents responsible for the resting membrane
for the past three decades because of its stable and predictable potential or by enhancing diastolic currents (If ).42,43 The second
characteristics. Currently available batteries can have a lifetime of general strategy is to use cell therapy approaches to differentiate
8 to 12 years, depending on use and programmed output. Pulse stem cells into cardiac myocytes with pacing characteristics.44 In
generator replacement is associated with a twofold increased risk canine models, a “tandem system” that uses both a biologic pacing
of pocket infection compared with initial pacemaker implants. system and an electronic system has been implanted.45 The bio-
Therefore, the development of reliable leads, and thus devices logic system functions most of the time and responds appropri-
with longer battery life, would be extremely beneficial and result ately to catecholamine challenge. When the biologic system
in a significant reduction in the use of health care resources.2 slows, the electronic system takes over. As this technology
Lithium carbon monofluoride batteries that may offer higher matures, it is likely that pacemakers using hybrid biology hard-
energy density, thus allowing for longer service life, are being ware architecture or perhaps even a stand-alone biologic design
developed. It should be noted that the longest-lasting pacemaker will become commercially available for clinical use.
502  Cardiac Pacing




FIGURE 38-5  Catheter used for ultrasound leadless pacing. The catheter tip contains a receiving transducer and a circuitry that converts ultrasound
energy to electrical energy, which is transmitted to the myocardium via the distal electrodes. (Courtesy Debra Echt, EBR Systems, Sunnyvale, CA.)

KEY REFERENCES Miake J, Marban E, Nuss HB: Biological pacemaker created by gene trans-
fer, Nature 419:132–133, 2002.
Borek PP, Wilkoff BL: Pacemaker and ICD leads: Strategies for long-term
Neuzil P, Taborsky M, Holy F, Wallbrueck K: Early automatic remote
management, J Interv Card Electrophysiol 23(1):59–72, 2008.
detection of combined lead insulation defect and ICD damage, Euro-
Bourge RC, Abraham WT, Adamson PB, et al: COMPASS-HF Study
pace 10(5):556–557, 2008.
Group. Randomized controlled trial of an implantable continuous
Parsonnet V, Cheema A: The nature and frequency of postimplant surgical
hemodynamic monitor in patients with advanced heart failure: The
interventions: A realistic appraisal, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
COMPASS-HF study, J Am Coll Cardiol 51(11):1073–1079, 2008.
26(12):2308–2312, 2003.
Cleland JG, Coletta AP, Yassin A, et al: Clinical trials update from the
Sweeney MO, Bank AJ, Nsah E, et al: Search AV Extension and Managed
American College of Cardiology 2008: CARISMA, TRENDS, meta-
Ventricular Pacing for Promoting Atrioventricular Conduction (SAVE
analysis of Cox-2 studies, HAT, ON-TARGET, HYVET, ACCOM-
PACe) Trial: Minimizing ventricular pacing to reduce atrial fibrillation
in sinus-node disease, N Engl J Med 357(10):1000–1008, 2007.
J Heart Fail 10(6):614–620, 2008.
Wilkoff BL, Auricchio A, Brugada J, et al: Heart Rhythm Society; Euro-
Echt DS, Cowan MW, Riley RE, Brisken AF: Feasibility and safety of a
pean Heart Rhythm Association; American College of Cardiology;
novel technology for pacing without leads, Heart Rhythm 10:1202–
American Heart Association; European Society of Cardiology; Heart
1206, 2006.
Failure Association of ESC; Heart Failure Society of America: HRS/
Glotzer TV, Hellkamp AS, Zimmerman J, et al: MOST Investigators:
EHRA expert consensus on the monitoring of cardiovascular implant-
Atrial high rate episodes detected by pacemaker diagnostics predict
able electronic devices (CIEDs): Description of techniques, indications,
death and stroke: Report of the Atrial Diagnostics Ancillary Study of
personnel, frequency and ethical considerations, Heart Rhythm
the MOde Selection Trial (MOST), Circulation 107(12):1614–1619,
5(6):907–925, 2008.
Winters SL, Kusumoto FM, Miller JM, Slotwiner DJ: The role of the Heart
Hauser RG, Hayes DL, Kallinen LM, et al: Clinical experience with pace-
Rhythm Society in integrating the healthcare enterprise, Heart Rhythm
maker pulse generators and transvenous leads: An 8-year prospective
4(1):122–124, 2007.
multicenter study, Heart Rhythm 4(2):154–160, 2007.
Yu CM, Wang L, Chau E, et al: Intrathoracic impedance monitoring in
Lamas GA, Knight JD, Sweeney MO, et al: Impact of rate-modulated
patients with heart failure: Correlation with fluid status and feasibility
pacing on quality of life and exercise capacity—evidence from the
of early warning preceding hospitalization, Circulation 112(6):841–
Advanced Elements of Pacing Randomized Controlled Trial (ADEPT),
848, 2005.
Heart Rhythm 4(9):1125–1132, 2007.
Matchett M, Sears SF, Hazelton G, Kirian K, Wilson E, Nekkanti R: The
All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
implantable cardioverter defibrillator: Its history, current psychological
impact and future, Expert Rev Med Devices 6(1):43–50, 2009.
Sinus Node Dysfunction
Nora Goldschlager, Fred Kusumoto, Siew Yen Ho,
Ralph Lazzara, and Gerald Naccarelli
In the early 1900s, Keith and Flack identified the sinus node as than 40 years of age who underwent pacemaker implantation for
the region responsible for the activation of the heart.1 Laslett first sinus node dysfunction at the Mayo Clinic, 64% had associated
suggested sinus node dysfunction as a cause of bradycardia in congenital heart disease.13 The most common condition was
1909, and during the 1950s and 1960s, Short, Ferrer, Lown, and transposition of the great arteries corrected by a Mustard opera-
others described the clinical spectrum of sinus node dysfunction tion, since this procedure requires extensive atriotomies. Second,
commonly called sick sinus syndrome resting sinus bradycardia.2-5 sinus node dysfunction is commonly observed after heart trans-
Sinus node dysfunction can have multiple electrocardiographic plantation. Third, several familial forms of sinus node dysfunction
manifestations, including sinus pauses, bradycardia-tachycardia have been identified and account for approximately 2% of patients
syndrome, and inappropriate sinus node response to exercise who present with sinus node dysfunction.14-16 Bharati et al
(chronotropic incompetence). described a family with congenital absence of sinus rhythm.
Several other investigators have described different forms of sinus
node dysfunction that appeared to be genetically transmitted.14
Epidemiology Finally, sinus node dysfunction is observed in approximately 4%
of patients after cardiac transplantation.17,18 Some, but not all,
It can be difficult to differentiate sinus node dysfunction from studies have found that a heart from a donor older than 40 years
physiological sinus bradycardia in a specific population. In a study of age is associated with a higher incidence of sinus node dysfunc-
of 50 young adult males, 24-hour ambulatory electrocardio- tion, necessitating permanent cardiac pacing.17,18 It appears that
graphic monitoring revealed that 24% of the study group had the incidence of permanent pacing after transplantation has
transient heart rates less than 40 beats/min, pauses up to 1.7 decreased significantly with the widespread use of bicaval anas-
seconds while awake, and 2.1-second pauses while asleep.6 Simi- tomoses rather than bi-atrial anastomoses.19
larly, in a study of 50 young adult women, pauses from 1.6 to 1.9
seconds were observed.7 In older asymptomatic individuals, tran-
sient heart rates less than 40 beats/min and pauses of 1.5 to 2.0 Anatomy
seconds were observed in less than 2%.8 The decreased incidence
of nocturnal bradycardia in this normal older adult population is As described by Keith and Flack, the sinus node was shown to be
probably caused by decrease in vagal tone that occurs with lying in the terminal groove (sulcus terminalis), in the lateral part
increasing age. of the junction between the superior caval vein and the right
Sinus node dysfunction should be suspected when a patient atrium. This lateral position was endorsed by Koch and by most
describes symptoms of fatigue, syncope or presyncope, or exer- subsequent investigators.1,20-23 The horseshoe-shaped arrange-
cise intolerance and is noted to have sinus bradycardia or pauses ment, with the node situated anteriorly and draped over the crest
on the 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) or during Holter moni- of the atrial appendage, as described by Hudson, is found in
toring. In general, symptomatic sinus node dysfunction increases approximately 10% of hearts (Figure 39-1).24,25
with age, with the incidence doubling between the fifth and sixth The shape of the node, most commonly, is like that of a tadpole,
decades of life. In one study of approximately 9000 patients visit- with the head section situated anterosuperiorly and the tapering
ing a regional cardiac center in Belgium, Kulbertus et al estimated tail extending for a variable distance inferiorly toward the entrance
that the incidence of sinus node dysfunction is less than 5 per of the inferior vena cava.25,26 The fatty tissues of the terminal
3000 people older than 50 years of age.9 However, sinus node groove serve as the epicardial landmark, whereas the terminal
dysfunction is more commonly identified today because of an crest (crista terminalis) in the anterolateral quadrant of the
increased older adult population and increased physician aware- entrance of the superior vena cava is the endocardial landmark
ness. In recent epidemiologic studies, sinus node dysfunction for the nodal head. In the adult heart, the nodal body is approxi-
accounted for approximately 50% of the 300,000 new pacemakers mately 1 to 2 cm long, but the tail portion can extend considerably
implanted in the United States and 20% to 30% of the 900,000 new longer. In the subepicardium, the long axis of the node is
pacemakers implanted in Europe.10-12 parallel to the terminal groove, but the body and tail then gradu-
Although more common in older adult patients, it is important ally penetrate intramyocardially toward the subendocardium
to note that several specific younger patient groups can also have when traced inferiorly. Thus, while the nodal head is in the sub-
sinus node dysfunction. First, patients with congenital heart epicardium of the terminal crest, the tail portion is close to the
disease can have sinus node dysfunction. In 39 patients younger subendocardium.26

506  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

of hearts but can also approach from a posterior direction or form

an arterial circle around the cavoatrial junction.29 Typically, a
prominent nodal artery passes centrally through the length of the
nodal body and gives rise to small side branches along the way.
In some hearts, the nodal artery branches as it approaches the
node and several branches penetrate the nodal body. Occasion-
ally, the artery passes along the side of the node and sends
branches into the node. When the node is supplied by an arterial
circle, the arteries enter the node at both ends.

Age-Related Changes
A B The sinus node displays marked histologic differences in infancy
FIGURE 39-1  Hearts viewed from the right show the typical location and in adulthood. In infants and in children, nodal cells predomi-
of the sinus node in the terminal groove (A) and the horseshoe nate and the node appears relatively large compared with the bulk
variant (B). of the terminal crest. In the young individual, the node comprises
nodal cells and fibrous tissue in nearly equal proportions.30 From
about 30 years of age, fibrous tissue becomes more prominent,
On histology, the node appears as a dense aggregation. The and the node appears smaller (see Figure 39-2).31 In the older
nodal cells are specialized myocytes that are histologically distinct adult, nodal cells decline, with increase in fibrosis. From 70 years
from the ordinary myocardium of the atrial walls (Figure 39-2). onward, nodal cells may make up only 10% of the sinus node in
They are small interlacing cells, less darkly stained, and with fewer patients who were in sinus rhythm up to death.31 However, as
myofibrils than in the neighboring ordinary myocytes. The spe- Shirashi and colleagues noted, the average volume of nodal cells
cialized cells are associated with a fibrous tissue matrix. Ordinary in adults is 2.4 times more than in infants.32 This is mainly due to
myocardial cells are sometimes found scattered within the node. cellular hypertrophy. The same group found a 7.4 times increase
The nodal margins may be discrete, with fibrous separation from in the volume of interstitial connective tissue in adult sinus nodes
the atrial myocardium, or interdigitate through a short transi- compared with that in infants. Another study using stains that are
tional zone. In the latter, tongues of nodal and transitional cells more specific for collagen tissue found an increase in collagen
extend into the atrial myocardium. Prongs radiating from the from infancy to adulthood, but the amount remains constant
nodal body are common. An anatomic study demonstrated 1 to throughout adulthood.33 Contrary to general concepts, a detailed
10 tongues of nodal tissue radiating mostly from the nodal body.26 study has found that the loss of nodal cells is independent of the
The radiations penetrated the terminal crest in all directions, and degree of arteriosclerosis.34 Fibrosis causing loss of continuity
some even extended into the muscular sleeve around the superior with the neighboring myocardium and increased fibrosis in the
caval vein (see Figure 39-2). Another interesting observation from nodal approaches and internodal myocardium occur with increas-
this study was the fragmentation of the tail portion of the node. ing age. Using semi-quantitative assessment, Chow et al found
In nearly two thirds of the nodes examined, the distal tail was dominance of sympathetic nerves initially in infancy, which grad-
traced to islands of nodal tissues among the fibro-fatty tissues and ually changed to co-dominance of sympathetic and parasympa-
atrial myocytes in the subendocardium. thetic nerves with increasing age.28

Innervation Sinus Node in Congenital Heart Malformations

The sinus node is the most densely innervated component of the The majority of malformed hearts have the atrial chambers in
cardiac conduction system.27,28 In the epicardium and in the envi- their usual positions and the sinus node in its regular position.
rons of the node are collections of ganglion cells, which contribute Abnormal positions of the sinus node have been found to occur
vagal postganglionated nerve fibers to the node. The central part in hearts with juxtaposition of the right appendage and in hearts
of the node is more densely populated with nerve fibers and with an atrial arrangement other than the usual type (Figure 39-4).
bundles than are the peripheral regions.27 Left juxtaposition exists when both atrial appendages lie to the
left side of the arterial trunks rather than to either side at the base
of the heart. In this malformation, the right appendage passes
Arterial Supply
between the front of the atrial chambers and the great arteries.
The artery supplying the node is a branch from the right coronary While the orifice of the superior vena cava remains in its
artery in 55% of hearts and from the left coronary artery in the usual position, the terminal crest is distorted, and the location of
remainder (Figure 39-3).29 When arising from the right coronary the sinus node is deviated. A study of six hearts with left juxta-
artery, it is usually the first atrial artery and ascends in the inter- position showed a variable displacement of the node anteriorly
atrial groove. Rarely, the artery arises near the acute margin from (see Figure 39-4).35
the lateral atrial artery to ascend the lateral wall of the right atrial Other malformations with abnormal positions of the sinus
appendage. The nodal artery is often a branch of the left anterior node are those that affect the arrangement of the atrial chambers.
atrial artery when it arises from the left coronary system. In some When atrial chambers are arranged in mirror-image fashion, the
hearts, it is a branch of the left lateral atrial artery. In both settings, morphologically right atrium containing the sinus node is in the
it traverses the anterior wall of the left atrium and crosses the left-sided position. When bilateral right atrial appendages are
anterosuperior wall to reach the sinus node. The nodal artery present, as in right atrial isomerism, the sinus node is duplicated
approaches the node from an anterior direction in the majority and is situated in both right and left positions.36,37 By contrast,
Sinus Node Dysfunction  507

Sup caval
vein 39 



A Terminal crest B


FIGURE 39-2  Longitudinal sections through the cavoatrial junction showing the variations in structure of the sinus node (within yellow dots) in four
cases. The stain (Masson’s trichrome) colors the fibrous tissue green and the myocardium red. The normal sinus node from the infant or child (A) is
relatively large and has abundant specialized myocytes. In contrast, the sinus node is absent and the area replaced with fibrous tissue (B) in D, an
infant with congenital heart block. C, The sinus node is relatively small in this section from a 16-year-old. D, A normal sinus node from an adult
showing increased fibrous tissue and nodal extensions. The superior extension (arrow) penetrates into the musculature of the superior vena cava. epi,
Epicardium; endo, endocardium; Sup, superior.
508  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

when both atrial chambers are of left morphology, as in left atrial adjacent musculature is well recognized, as are anatomic findings
isomerism, the terminal crests are absent.37 Although, in this of diffuse fibrosis or fibro-fatty replacement. Senile amyloidosis
group, bilateral superior venae cavae can be present, the sinus in older adults affects the atrial myocardium, including the
node is not found in its usual position relative to either vena cava. approaches to the sinus node and the node itself. Marked loss of
When present, it is inferiorly displaced and smaller than usual. In nodal cells associated with increased fibrosis or fatty changes of
some hearts, a remnant of specialized tissue is found in the pos- the atrial myocardium has been reported in sick sinus syn-
terior atrial wall near the atrioventricular (AV) junction, and in drome.33,38 Although usually seen in the older patient, these
other hearts no nodal tissue can be identified. changes can also be seen in the young. Hypoplastic or atrophic
sinus node may exist as a congenital anomaly that, with age-
related loss of specialized cells, may progress to nodal dysfunction
in later life or may be present in infancy (see Figure 39-2).39-41
Many factors have been implicated in the etiology of sinus node
dysfunction. Amyloid deposition within the sinus node and
Basic Electrophysiology of the Sinus Node
The structural and functional organization of the sinus node is
ARTERY TO THE SINUS NODE IN 50 NORMAL HEARTS quite complex, and significant differences are seen in the organi-
zation of the sinus node among species.42,43 The most extensive
studies of the sinus node have been performed in rabbits. The
rabbit node contains prototypical, small, structurally primitive
pacemaker cells that are concentrated in the center; larger transi-
From right tional latent pacemaker cells that are concentrated more periph-
coronary artery erally; and intermingled, nonpacing atrial cells extending into the
66% 2% node from the atrial margins of the node in strands that are more
prominent in the periphery. The cells within the node are rela-
tively poorly coupled by gap junctions, and substantial interstitial
tissue is interspersed among the fascicles of nodal cells.44 The
resultant relatively poor intercellular communication slows the
From left propagation of impulses from the central pacemaking regions
coronary artery toward the periphery of the node. In addition, the coupling of the
transitional cells near the margins of the node with atrial myocar-
24% 8% dial cells is not a smooth continuum but consists of irregular
junctions of interweaving strands of transitional cells and atrial
cells extending into the interior of the node. Mapping of electro-
grams in and around the node has disclosed an apparent “multi-
FIGURE 39-3  Variations in the course taken by the sinus node artery. centric” initiation of activation that likely represents irregular



Sinus node



Usual Mirror imaged of usual Juxtaposition

FIGURE 39-4  Sinus node showing

variations in location according to
the atrial malformation. RAA, Right
atrial appendage; LAA, left atrial
Right isomerism Left isomerism appendage.
Sinus Node Dysfunction  509

propagation to the atrial myocardium rather than simultaneous pacemaker capabilities of transitional cells are muted, whereas the
generation of impulses at separate sites. The node preferentially
connects to the atrium in the superior aspects of the crista ter-
minalis, and conduction block seems to exit the node in the
direction of the atrial septum.
more remotely connected interior cells are shielded from nonpac-
ing atrial myocytes, allowing them to maintain pacemaker domi-
nance.47 Separation of latent pacemaker cells near the atrial
margins from the atrium and from the centrally located dominant
A dense representation of sympathetic and parasympathetic pacemakers results in a faster intrinsic rate in latent pacemakers
nerves and ganglia in the node ensures a sensitive autonomic freed from the influence of nonpacemaking atrial cells. Cells in
responsiveness.45 With increasing vagal influence, the primary other parts of the atrium can also act as backup pacemakers,
pacemaking site near the superior aspect of the node tends to especially those in the inferior portions of the node near the coro-
migrate inferiorly, whereas an increasing adrenergic influence nary sinus. These pacemaker cells can respond appropriately to
produces return to the primary dominant pacemaker sites in autonomic influence and, under abnormal conditions, can usurp
the superior region of the node. Detailed and sensitive analyses control of the heart. The electrophysiological properties of these
of P wave morphology and mapping of the sinus node indicate a subsidiary pacemakers have not been as well characterized as
dynamic shifting of pacemaker sites as well as changes in heart those of the sinus node.
rate. Recent studies indicate an influence of the fibroblasts within
the node on pacemaker function and conduction.48 Inexcitable
fibroblasts can couple with sinus node cells through gap junctions
Action Potentials and depolarize the cells, reduce the rate of pacemaking, and
impair conduction. Loss of sinus node myocytes associated with
Small, primitive pacemaker cells in the interior of the node gener- an increase in fibroblasts, collagen, and elastin has been impli-
ate the dominant pacemaker potentials and show the least polar- cated in sinus slowing and increased incidence of sinus node
ized maximum diastolic potentials (–60 to –40 mV), the most dysfunction and sinus node block with aging.
rapid rates of diastolic depolarization with smooth transition Detailed mapping by electrical and optical methods suggests
from end-diastole to the upstroke, and the slowest upstroke veloc- that the sinus node is functionally connected to the atrial myo-
ities (≈1 to 10 V/sec) (Figure 39-5).46 Latent pacemakers are con- cardium in discrete, relatively narrow sites, rather than diffusely
centrated more peripherally in the node. These cells are more along the margins of the node.49,50 At these sites, the propagating
polarized and show less rapid diastolic depolarization, a more wavefront encounters a larger mass of the myocardium and
abrupt transition from diastole to upstroke, and more rapid source–sink mismatch that diminishes the safety factor for con-
upstrokes. A continuous gradation of the properties of transi- duction. With certain conditions, including aging, that cause
tional cells—from the characteristics of primary pacemaker cells fibrosis or reduction of excitatory current, sinus node block may
to the properties of highly polarized surrounding atrial cells with occur.
stable resting potentials close to –80 mV and upstroke velocities
approaching 100 V/sec—can be seen. This gradation of properties
is conditioned by cell coupling and electrotonic interaction as well Currents
as by the differing intrinsic properties of the myocytes within the
node. Because of the electrotonic influence of atrial cells, the Sinus node pacemaker cells are relatively depolarized because of
an absence or paucity of channels for the IK1 current.51,52 These
channels are plentiful and open at negative membrane potentials
in atrial and ventricular myocytes. They establish a dominance of
K+ permeability in the resting state, thereby determining a resting
potential approximating the K+ equilibrium potential (≈ –90 mV).
The absence of these channels is most complete in the small,
central pacemaker cells operating at diastolic potentials between
–40 –60 mV and –30 mV. In larger, more polarized transitional cells,
–60 IK1 may be present but reduced to varying degrees. The low
SAN upstroke velocities of these cells are related to a lack of operating
sodium (Na+) channels, those channels that transmit the intense
excitatory Na+ current in atrial and ventricular cells.52 The absence
or paucity of this excitatory current is caused by a deficiency of
–50 the channels in individual myocytes and the depolarization of the
myocytes during diastole to levels of membrane potential at
which Na+ channels, if present, would be inactivated. The smallest
cells may lack Na+ channels entirely. Larger transitional cells may
contain Na+ channels and may operate at diastolic potentials at
which Na+ channels can be activated to provide some excitatory
Na+ current and more rapid upstrokes. The slow and diminutive
upstrokes in the primary pacemaker cells are generated by the
–80 L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL), which serves as the trigger for release
of Ca2+ by the sarcoplasmic reticulum and therefore the trigger
FIGURE 39-5  Samples of action potentials recorded from different for contraction in all cardiac cells but is the primary excitatory
regions of the sinus node (SAN) from the center to the periphery of
current in depolarized sinus nodal cells. This current is slower and
the node.
far less intense than the Na+ current, accounting for the poor
510  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

upstrokes and slow conduction within the node. The currents Pacemaker activity can be notably influenced by the
producing diastolic depolarization, which is the fundamental acetylcholine-activated K+ current, IK,Ach, which markedly
pacemaker potential, comprise a multitude of candidates, but no increases K+ permeability throughout the cycle, speeding repolar-
uniform consensus about this exists at present.53-57 The “funny” ization, hyperpolarizing the cell, and reducing the rate of diastolic
current If, encoded by HCN4, is a nonspecific cation current that depolarization. This current appears to be less sensitive to acetyl-
is mainly an inward Na+ current activating relatively slowly at choline than the If current in the sinus node. The complexities of
negative membrane potentials in the range of diastolic poten- pacemaker function have yet to be fully clarified. Contemporary
tials.58 It becomes more intense at more negative membrane molecular biologic techniques will be powerful tools to clarify the
potentials. This current is well expressed in sinus nodal cells, locations and functions of channels in the sinus node and their
responds appropriately to adrenergic and cholinergic stimulation, roles in sinoatrial (SA) nodal pacemaking.
and thus is a plausible candidate to be an important pacemaker
current. However, some studies have shown activation at more
negative levels than the diastolic potentials of the primary pace- Etiology
makers (below –60 mV) and a greater representation in periph-
eral latent pacemakers. Sinus node dysfunction results from various conditions that have
The If current is enhanced in the diastolic potential range of in common the capability to depress automaticity in and electrical
sinus node cells by activation of adenylate cyclase, for example, conduction from the sinus node and perinodal and atrial tissues.
with adrenergic (sympathetic) stimulation, increasing cyclic ade- These conditions can be intrinsic, resulting from structural
nosine monophosphate (cAMP) in the cytosol. Binding of cAMP damage to the sinus node, or extrinsic, caused by medications or
to the channel increases the probability of the channel opening in systemic illnesses. The clinical and electrocardiographic manifes-
the voltage range of –40 mV to –100 mV. Cholinergic (vagal) tation of sinus node dysfunction is inappropriate sinus or atrial
stimulation reduces cAMP, the If current, and the rate of pace- bradycardia.63-66 Some patients may also experience episodes of
making. Downregulation of HCN4 and If with prolonged atrial supraventricular tachycardias (tachycardia-bradycardia syn-
tachycardia may account for the impairment of sinus node func- drome). Because the clinical manifestations of sinus node dys-
tion in atrial fibrillation and tachycardia.59,60 function can mimic normal physiological conditions (bradycardia)
The importance of If in pacemaking in human sinus node had or can be caused by diseases that do not affect the sinus node
been validated by recent discoveries. Mutations in HCN4 impair (supraventricular tachycardias), the assessment and management
sinus node pacemaking.56,61 Selective blockers of If have been of patients with suspected sinus node dysfunction can be
demonstrated to slow sinus rate in human subjects.58 If has challenging.67-69
been demonstrated in sinus node cells from excised human sinus
In the absence of IK1, the delayed rectifier K+ currents IKr Extrinsic Causes of Sinus Node Dysfunction
and IKs, which are activated during the action potential, can play
a role in the attainment of the maximum diastolic potential by Sinus bradycardia can be caused by medications that suppress
providing the K+ permeability that would bring the transmem- automaticity; these include β-blockers, some calcium channel
brane potential close to the K+ equilibrium potential at the end of blockers (diltiazem and verapamil), digoxin (especially in the pres-
the action potential when they are fully activated. As these cur- ence of high vagal tone), class I and III antiarrhythmic medica-
rents deactivate in diastole, the membrane potential would drift tions, ivabradine (currently available in Europe), and sympatholytic
toward the more positive equilibrium potentials of other major drugs such as clonidine. Sinus bradycardia in these cases is fre-
ions such a Na+, Ca2+, and Cl–. It has been argued that one or quently transient and reversible once the offending agent is
another of the delayed rectifier currents is the major pacemaker withdrawn.
current.54 However, although IKs has an appropriate autonomic Sinus bradycardias can also be a manifestation of systemic ill-
sensitivity, IKr does not. IKs is not prominent in the sinus nodes of nesses or other extrinsic conditions such as hypothyroidism;
all species. hypoxemia caused by sleep apnea; increased intracranial pressure;
Ca2+ currents, both ICaL and the T-type Ca2+ current (ICaT), have or increased vagal tone that occurs, for example, during endotra-
also been implicated in pacemaker function. ICaL, which cheal suctioning, vomiting, and the Valsalva maneuver. These
has an activation threshold that is more positive than –40 mV in conditions are important to diagnose, since their appropriate treat-
most cardiac cells, could be active toward the end of diastolic ment often results in resumption of normal sinus node function.
depolarization in the depolarized primary pacemaker cells,
whereas ICaT, with an activation threshold that is more negative,
might be active in earlier phases of diastolic depolarization and Intrinsic Causes of Sinus Node Dysfunction
in latent pacemaker cells. ICaL responds to autonomic influence in
a manner similar to that of the sinus node, and recent studies have Intrinsic sinus node dysfunction is usually caused by degenerative
suggested that the activation threshold may be more negative in processes involving the sinus node and the sinus node area. The
sinus nodal cells. syndrome is usually acquired but can rarely be familial.8 Sinus
It has recently been proposed that inward Na+ /Ca2+ exchange node dysfunction is present when inappropriate sinus bradycar-
current (NCX) activated by spontaneous release of Ca2+ dia, pauses in sinus rhythm (sinus arrest), sinus node block, or
from sarcoplasmic reticulum is a major depolarizing current a combination of these exist.70 The degenerative process and
in late diastole in sinus node cells. This postulated “internal Ca2+ associated fibrosis may also involve the AV node and intraven-
clock” is driven by high levels of phosphorylation of Ca2+- tricular conduction system; as many as 17% of patients with sick
cycling proteins, modulated by adrenergic and cholinergic sinus syndrome have evidence of AV block and bundle branch
stimulation.57 block.71
Sinus Node Dysfunction  511


Pause during carotid sinus massage

FIGURE 39-6  Sinus arrest during right carotid massage in a female older adult with recurrent syncope, as seen on simultaneous three-lead
electrocardiogram (ECG) rhythm strip. Note that the pause exceeds 6 seconds and persists beyond the duration of the massage. Numbers on ECG
leads II and III indicate duration of intervals in milliseconds (ms).

Natural History Clinical Manifestations

The natural history of sick sinus syndrome is one of spontaneous The clinical manifestations of sick sinus syndrome are caused by
clinical improvement alternating with periods of clinical deterio- both bradycardia and tachycardia. In bradycardia-tachycardia
ration. Patients generally seek medical attention when they are syndrome, patients experience paroxysmal episodes of supraven-
symptomatic from bradycardia. In the majority of cases, the heart tricular tachycardia, which can be atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter
rate spontaneously increases, and symptoms diminish.72-74 or fibrillation, or re-entry tachycardia (Figure 39-7). More than one
However, the clinical course is not predictable. Even patients with type of tachycardia may occur in the same patient. Episodes of
more severe symptoms such as syncope may remain free of rapid heart rate can lead to palpitations, angina, and syncope. Con-
symptom recurrence for years, and slightly more than half do not versely, slowing of the heart rate without a compensatory increase
experience another syncopal episode over a 4-year follow-up.74 in stroke volume leads to a reduction in cardiac output, which
No clear explanation exists for this erratic course of the syn- results in fatigue, weakness, lightheadedness, and dizziness.
drome. The autonomic nervous system may play an important Failure of the heart rate to increase appropriately with exercise
role in the genesis of symptoms, especially in the trigger of (chronotropic incompetence) is a manifestation of sinus node
syncope.74 The prevalence of abnormal responses to carotid sinus dysfunction. Proposed definitions for chronotropic incompetence
massage (pauses exceeding 3 seconds) and tilt table testing is include failure to reach 85% of age-predicted maximum heart rate
significantly higher in patients who experience syncope than in at peak exercise, failure to achieve a heart rate above 100 beats/
those who do not, highlighting the contribution of abnormal min, or a maximal heart rate during exercise greater than two
neural reflexes in the pathophysiology (Figure 39-6).74,75 standard deviations below that of a control population.82-84 In
Although symptoms are common in patients with sick sinus patients with chronotropic incompetence, symptoms may be
syndrome, survival is usually not affected, even in patients who present only during activity.
develop syncope.76 Death related directly to dysfunction of the In about 17% of patients with sick sinus syndrome, overt con-
sinus node occurs in less than 2% of patients over 6 to 7 years of gestive heart failure may develop, which may be related or con-
follow-up.77,78 However, patients with sick sinus syndrome often tributed to by the slow heart rate, loss of the atrial contribution
have comorbid conditions that can shorten their lifespan. Coro- to left ventricular filling in patients who develop atrial fibrillation,
nary atherosclerosis is the most prevalent among these condi- or loss of AV synchrony in patients with implanted ventricular
tions, although myocardial ischemia and infarction, congestive pacing systems.73
heart failure, and advanced age are also common.79,80 In one Syncope or severe presyncope is one of the classical manifesta-
report, patients with sick sinus syndrome had a 4% to 5% excess tions of sick sinus syndrome and occurs in about 25% of patients.
annual mortality in the first 5 years of follow-up compared with In one prospective trial, the actuarial rates of syncope were 16%
an age-matched and sex-matched population.81 However, the and 31% after 1 and 4 years of follow-up, respectively.73,74 Syncope
mortality in patients without other coexisting diseases at the time is usually caused by excessive slowing of or transient pauses in
of diagnosis of sinus node dysfunction did not differ significantly sinus rhythm or by sinus exit block with an inadequate escape
from that observed in controls. Thus, although medical interven- rhythm (Figure 39-8). In patients with bradycardia-tachycardia
tion and permanent cardiac pacing may be required to improve syndrome, overdrive suppression of the sinus node may occur
symptoms, no data exist supporting the claim that these manage- when the tachycardia terminates, resulting in prolonged pauses
ment strategies improve survival. and syncope. Use of antiarrhythmic medications in these patients,
512  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Sinus bradycardia

1000 ms



Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome
FIGURE 39-7  A, Twelve-lead electrocardiogram during sinus bradycardia in a patient with bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome. B, Tachycardia in the
same patient in A with rapid and slow atrioventricular conduction, as seen on a three-lead rhythm strip. The patient is in coarse atrial fibrillation, which
is paroxysmal in nature in this individual.

while successful in controlling the tachycardia, frequently leads about 11% of cases after a mean follow-up of 19 months, increases
to worsening of the bradycardia episodes with exacerbation of to 16% at 5 years, and to 28% at 10 years.73,74,84 Variables that have
symptoms, and permanent cardiac pacing is required for rate been associated with the development of chronic atrial fibrillation
support. are age; left ventricular end-diastolic diameter; presence of valvu-
About one third to one half of patients with sick sinus syn- lar heart disease; and ventricular, rather than physiological, atrial
drome experience episodes of supraventricular tachycardia.73,78 or dual-chamber, pacing.84-86 Chronic atrial fibrillation is also
Published reports indicate that chronic atrial fibrillation occurs in more common in patients with tachycardia-bradycardia
Sinus Node Dysfunction  513

05:15:00 Minimum Heart Rate



FIGURE 39-8  A, Sinus bradycardia in a young patient with primary electrical disease and syncope, as seen on a dual-channel Holter monitor
recording. B, Sinus pause in the same patient as in A with an escape low atrial or junctional rhythm on another dual-channel Holter recording
conducted on a different occasion. Escape rhythms may have a rate slow enough to cause symptoms of cerebral hypoperfusion.

syndrome who have had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. When are also associated with a higher thromboembolic event rate
atrial fibrillation develops, many patients previously symptomatic during follow-up.84-86 High-risk patients should be carefully iden-
from bradyarrhythmia experience a substantial improvement, tified and placed on long-term anticoagulation therapy. However,
likely due to the increase in ventricular rate.87 not all cerebrovascular accidents in these patients are caused by
Thromboembolic events, which occur in 3% to 9% of patients, embolic events. Older adults with atherosclerotic cerebrovascular
may be a manifestation of sick sinus syndrome.73,74 In patients disease may have transient ischemic attacks or frank cerebral
with bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome, the incidence increases infarction if bradyarrhythmia or tachyarrhythmia is associated
to 24%.56 Ventricular pacing (as opposed to atrial or dual-chamber with a fall in cardiac output and reduction in cerebrovascular
pacing) and the presence of pre-existing cerebrovascular disease perfusion.
514  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Both noninvasive and invasive means of diagnosing sinus

Atrioventricular Conduction in Sinus nodal dysfunction are available. Generally, the noninvasive
Node Dysfunction methods of electrocardiographic monitoring, exercise testing,
and autonomic testing are used first. However, if symptoms
At the time of diagnosis, up to 17% of patients with sick sinus are infrequent, invasive electrophysiological testing may be
syndrome have evidence of AV conduction system disease; needed.
although high-degree AV block is unusual, it is reported in only
5% to 10% of cases.88 The presence of AV conduction disease will
affect therapeutic decisions, for example, those related to safety
of concomitant antiarrhythmic drug use and pacemaker mode
Diagnostic Evaluation
choice. Electrocardiographic and electrophysiological findings
Noninvasive Testing
suggestive of significant AV conduction system involvement
include a P-R interval greater than 240 ms, complete bundle The diagnosis of sinus nodal dysfunction is rarely made from a
branch block, development of type I second-degree AV block random ECG. If symptoms suggestive of sinus node dysfunction
during atrial pacing at rates of 120 beats/min or less, H-V interval are frequent, Holter monitoring may be useful.77,99,100 It is impor-
prolongation, and second-degree or third-degree AV block. tant to have the patient wear a Holter monitor and document the
During follow-up, AV conduction in patients with sick sinus syn- symptoms in a diary for correlation of symptoms with the heart
drome usually remains stable.89-91 In one literature survey of 28 rhythm recorded at the time. In many cases, a Holter monitor can
studies of atrial pacing, an annual incidence of second-degree and exclude sinus nodal dysfunction as the cause of symptoms if
third-degree AV blocks of 0.6% per year was reported.89 A simi- normal sinus rhythm is documented during dizziness, presyn-
larly low incidence (4 of 110 patients) was reported in a prospec- cope, or syncope. However, sinus bradycardia and sinus pauses
tive trial of atrial versus ventricular pacing in patients with sick may be recorded in asymptomatic individuals, reducing the speci-
sinus syndrome (including those 70 years of age or younger with ficity of these findings for the diagnosis.6,101
P-Q intervals ≤220 ms and those older than 70 years of age with Event recorders are more useful than Holter monitors in
P-Q intervals ≤260 ms); in addition, all patients had normal AV patients with infrequent symptoms. Patient-activated models
conduction at an atrial pacing rate of 100 beats/min at pacemaker exist but are limited to patients who have symptoms prolonged
implantation.86 enough to record the rhythm during an event. For patients who
The progression of AV conduction disease is thus usually slow have little to no warning, a loop recorder event monitor can be
and can be detected by careful clinical and electrocardiographic used. These recorders can be activated as soon as symptoms occur
monitoring of these patients. Extrinsic influences such as expo- or after the fact, since the last 45 seconds of ECG recording are
sure to antiarrhythmic agents or drugs that can block conduction “frozen.” Newer models that can be automatically triggered by
in the AV node are more frequently responsible for worsening of bradycardia or tachycardia are useful in some patients. One study
AV conduction than is progressive degeneration within the con- has demonstrated mobile cardiac outpatient telemetry (MCOT)
duction system.92-94 to be even more useful than external event loop recorders in
making an arrhythmic diagnosis.102 When an ECG diagnosis
cannot be recorded by less invasive means, implantable loop
Sinus Node Dysfunction in Acute recorders are useful in patients with recurrent symptoms sugges-
Myocardial Infarction tive of a bradyarrhythmia.
Exercise testing is of limited value in diagnosing sinus node
Sinus bradycardia occurs commonly in patients with acute myo- dysfunction.70 However, it is useful in differentiating patients with
cardial infarction, especially those with inferior and posterior chronotropic incompetence from those with resting bradycardia
infarctions.95,96 The bradycardia is usually due to stimulation of who are able to demonstrate a normal heart rate increase with
the afferent vagus nerve terminals, which are more common in exercise. Patients with sinus nodal dysfunction and chronotropic
the inferior and posterior ventricular walls. This vagal response incompetence exhibit abnormal heart rate responses to exercise.
can be potentiated by pain and by the use of vagotonic medica- The increase in heart rate at each stage of exercise may be less
tions such as morphine sulfate and can be associated with a than normal, with a plateau seen below the maximum age-
vasodepressor response resulting in systemic hypotension. Intra- predicted heart rate. Other patients may achieve an appropriate
venous atropine usually reverses the vagal effects associated with peak heart rate during exercise but have slow heart rate accelera-
myocardial infarction. tion in the initial stage of exercise or a rapid deceleration of heart
In addition to autonomic nervous system influences, sinus bra- rate in the recovery stage. These abnormal chronotropic responses
dycardia may also be caused by ischemia of the sinus node or atrial can help identify the cause of exercise intolerance in some patients
tissue, although this diagnosis is rarely made clinically. Sinus node with sinus nodal dysfunction and help determine their pacemaker
ischemia is also more common in inferior wall myocardial infarc- prescription.103
tion, since the sinus node is usually supplied by the right coronary Autonomic testing of the sinus node includes various pharma-
artery. The clinical manifestations are sinus bradycardia in the cologic interventions and maneuvers to test reflex responses. An
majority of cases; however, bradycardia alternating with episodes abnormal response to carotid sinus massage (pause greater than
of supraventricular tachycardia has been reported in up to 35% of 3 seconds) indicates carotid sinus hypersensitivity and may
patients.97 In the majority of cases, the sinus node dysfunction is suggest the presence of carotid sinus syndrome. This response
temporary, and normal sinus rhythm returns during the hospital- may also occur in asymptomatic older adults.104 Heart rate
ization.97,98 Pacemaker implantation is rarely indicated. However, response to the Valsalva maneuver (normally decreased) or
patients who experience alternation of bradycardia and tachycar- upright tilt (normally increased) can also be used to verify that
dia occasionally may require long-term antiarrhythmic therapy.97 the autonomic nervous system is itself intact.
Sinus Node Dysfunction  515

The most commonly used pharmacologic intervention in the

evaluation of sinus node dysfunction is the determination of the
intrinsic heart rate.105 A low intrinsic heart rate is consistent with
abnormal intrinsic sinus nodal function. A normal intrinsic heart
rate in a patient with known clinical sinus nodal dysfunction sug-
Effectiveness of Pacing Therapy
Only a single published study, the THEOPACE (theophylline and
permanent pacemaker) study, has evaluated the effectiveness of
gests abnormal autonomic regulation. pacing therapy versus no therapy or pharmacologic therapy for
preventing symptoms in patients with sinus node dysfunction. In
this study, 107 patients with presumed sinus node dysfunction
Invasive Testing
(>45 years of age, with a mean resting sinus rate <50 beats/min
Sinus nodal function can be evaluated invasively with an elec­ or intermittent sinus node block, or both, noted on diurnal ECG
trophysiological study. This type of testing is usually reserved on two separate occasions, and symptoms thought to be second-
for symptomatic patients in whom sinus nodal dysfunction is ary to sinus node dysfunction) were randomized to no treatment,
suspected but cannot be documented in association with symp- oral theophylline, or dual-chamber rate-adaptive pacing.72 Patients
toms by noninvasive means. The pacing tests most commonly with severe sinus node dysfunction, defined as symptomatic heart
used are the sinus nodal recovery time and sinus node conduction rates less than 30 beats/min or sinus pauses greater than 3
time. seconds, were excluded. After an average 18-month follow-up,
Pacing the atrium at rates faster than the inherent sinus rate is syncope had occurred in 6% of patients who received pacing
used to record the sinus node recovery time. A delay in the return therapy and 17% and 23% in the theophylline and control arms,
of spontaneous pacemaker activity (overdrive suppression) is a respectively. In all three groups, the incidence of atrial tachycar-
normal finding immediately after cessation of rapid atrial pacing. dias was similar (26% to 28%). The THEOPACE study demon-
In patients with sinus nodal dysfunction, however, the sinus node strated that pacing therapy provides symptomatic benefit in
generally takes longer to recover. A better measurement is the patients with sinus node dysfunction. However, it is unlikely that
corrected sinus nodal recovery time, which is obtained by sub- pacing therapy confers a survival benefit, since natural history
tracting the spontaneous sinus cycle length before pacing from studies suggest that sinus node dysfunction by itself does not
the sinus nodal recovery time. Thus, a patient with an abnormally appear to be associated with an increased risk of death.76
long sinus nodal recovery time could have a normal corrected
sinus nodal recovery time if the resting heart rate is slow.106 The
indirect measurement of the corrected sinus nodal recovery time Pacing Mode Choice
reflects both sinus node conduction time and sinus automaticity
and thus has some limitations. Indirect sinus nodal recovery time In patients with sinus node dysfunction, bradycardia can be pre-
measurements can be confounded by sinus nodal entrance block vented by single-chamber ventricular pacing (VVI mode), single-
during rapid atrial pacing with resultant shortening of the sinus chamber atrial pacing (AAI mode), or dual-chamber pacing
nodal recovery time and by sinus nodal exit block after pacing, (DDD mode). Several randomized studies have evaluated the
thereby prolonging the measured sinus nodal recovery time. An effects of pacing mode in patients with sinus node dysfunction.
abnormal sinus nodal recovery time is not found in all patients The first prospective study, initially published in 1994 with
with sinus nodal dysfunction, partly because of sinus nodal dys- follow-up data presented in 1997 and 1998, evaluated 225 patients
function not being a homogenous entity from the standpoint of with sinus node dysfunction, who were randomized to single-
pathology. Despite these limitations, the indirect corrected sinus chamber atrial pacing or single-chamber ventricular pacing.86
nodal recovery time is employed frequently in the evaluation of After a mean follow-up of 3.3 years, atrial pacing was associated
sinus nodal function. with a significant decrease in thromboembolic events (atrial
The sinus node conduction time, another commonly used pacing: 5.5%; ventricular pacing: 17.4%) and a nonsignificant
invasive pacing test, is traditionally measured indirectly from reduction in atrial fibrillation (atrial pacing: 14%; ventricular
the high right atrium.107,108 Several assumptions are used in pacing: 23%). In addition, progression of heart failure symptoms
the calculation, including sinus nodal automaticity not being was observed in 9% of patients in the atrial pacing group and 31%
affected by the premature beat, conduction in and out of the sinus of the ventricular pacing group. In the Pacemaker Selection in the
node being equal, and the premature atrial beat not causing a shift Elderly (PASE) trial 407 older adults (mean age, 76 years) were
in the principal pacemaker site. An additional limitation of the randomized to either the VVIR mode or the DDDR pacing mode,
sinus node conduction time test is the need for a regular cycle with a mean follow-up of 30 months.109 In 175 patients with sinus
length in sinus rhythm. Sinus arrhythmia may make the cal­ node dysfunction, the DDDR pacing mode was associated with
culation of the sinus node conduction time by this method improved cardiovascular functional status and better quality-of-
impossible. life scores in the role physical, role emotional, and social function
categories of the SF-36 questionnaire. The DDDR pacing mode
was associated with insignificant reductions in mortality (DDDR,
12%; VVIR, 20%) and incidence of atrial fibrillation (DDDR, 19%;
Evidence-Based Therapy VVIR, 28%). Of the entire study group, 26% of patients crossed
over from the VVIR pacing mode to the DDDR pacing mode
In the course of the first decade of this century, the importance because of symptoms related to pacemaker syndrome.
of making clinical decisions on the basis of evidence from clinical The Canadian Trial of Physiologic Pacing (CTOPP) evaluated
trials has been emphasized in clinical medicine. This section the effects of pacing mode choice in patients with symptomatic
reviews the available information from clinical trials on the effi- bradycardia.110 The 2568 patients in the study were randomized to
cacy of pacing therapy and the effects of pacing mode selection single-chamber ventricular pacing or a “physiologic” pacing mode
in patients with sinus node dysfunction. that preserved AV synchrony (AAI mode or DDD mode). While no
516  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

significant differences in the annual rate of stroke or death were arrhythmia, since sinus node dysfunction is common, especially
detected (ventricular pacing, 5.5%; physiological pacing, 4.9%), the in older adults, and may not cause symptoms. The intermittency
annual rate of atrial fibrillation was significantly lower in the physi- of symptoms and ECG features characteristic of the syndrome
ological pacing group (ventricular pacing, 6.6%; physiological may make it difficult to establish a cause/effect relationship. A
pacing, 5.3%). The reduction in atrial fibrillation became more Holter monitor, event recorder, or implantable loop recorder may
apparent 2 years after initial randomization. Subgroup analysis be useful to establish the diagnosis, and prolonged monitoring
suggested that the indication for permanent pacing (sinus node may be required. In selected cases, it is best to use the implantable
dysfunction or AV block) did not have a significant effect on the loop recorder that continuously acquires electrocardiographic
annual rate of stroke or death. An important caveat with regard to signals.111
this study is that after 5 years of follow-up, 95% of patients random- Krahn et al placed implantable loop recorders in 16 patients
ized to ventricular pacing were still programmed to ventricular with syncope and negative electrophysiological and tilt table tests.
pacing, whereas only 75% of patients randomized to physiological Of the 16 patients, 15 had recurrent syncope, and sinus arrest was
pacing were actually still in a physiological pacing mode. documented in 5 patients.111 As indicated above, invasive electro-
In the latest large randomized study, the Mode Selection Trial physiological studies are usually not required to specifically evalu-
(MOST), 2010 patients with sinus node dysfunction were ran- ate sinus node function, as they have significant limitations.
domized to dual-chamber pacing or single-chamber ventricular Therapy is aimed at improving symptoms, as no evidence that
pacing.111 After a 5-year follow-up, no differences in mortality or medical therapy or pacemaker implantation improves survival
stroke were detected, but a marked reduction in progression to exists; this is partly because of the low mortality rate related to
atrial fibrillation was noted, particularly in patients without a bradyarrhythmia per se. However, it is important to acknowledge
prior history of the arrhythmia; however, the rate of crossover to the possibility of other causes besides bradycardia for a patient’s
dual-chamber pacing because of symptoms of pacemaker syn- symptoms. In a post hoc analysis of 177 patients from the MOST
drome was 31%, and dual-chamber pacing was associated with study with an ejection fraction of 35% or less, the 4-year sudden
improved quality of life. cardiac death rate was 15.5%, or 3.9% annually.113
Recently, a large meta-analysis that combined data from all of
the large prospective trials with a total of 35,000 patient years of
Indications for Permanent Pacing
follow-up was published.112 Atrial-based pacing was not associ-
ated with improved survival or reduction in cardiovascular death Pharmacologic therapy for bradycardia caused by sinus node dys-
or heart failure. However, atrial-based pacing was associated with function is generally ineffective; pacemaker implantation is there-
a modest 20% reduction in atrial fibrillation and stroke. No sub- fore the optimal therapy. In the United States, sinus node
group appeared to receive special benefit from atrial pacing. dysfunction is the most common indication for pacemaker
Thus, available data suggest that pacing modes that preserve implantation.10 The benefit to be expected from permanent pacing
AV synchrony are associated with a reduced incidence of atrial depends largely on the appropriateness of the indication.
fibrillation, particularly after several years. In addition, preserva- Guidelines for pacemaker implantation in sinus node dysfunc-
tion of AV synchrony is associated with improved quality of life tion have been published.114 Indications for permanent pacing in
and a reduction in the incidence of pacemaker syndrome. sinus node disease are summarized in Table 39-1. The guidelines
emphasize the importance of correlating symptoms and brady-
cardia, whenever possible. The principal benefits of pacing therapy
Management are prevention of syncope, improvement of symptoms caused by
poor tissue perfusion, and prevention of congestive heart failure
The first step in the evaluation and management of patients with caused by decreased cardiac output, which, in turn, is caused by
sinus node dysfunction is to exclude physiological sinus bradycar- slow heart rates. In a 1970s observational series of severely symp-
dia caused by extrinsic conditions affecting the sinus node or tomatic patients, pacemaker therapy was shown to improve
sinus node tissue. β-Blockers, some calcium channel blockers symptoms of fatigue, lightheadedness, and near-syncope.115 In a
(verapamil and diltiazem), digoxin, and other medications having randomized trial from the 1990s, which was conducted to assess
sympatholytic activity can result in sinus node dysfunction. It is the efficacy of pacemakers in patients with sick sinus syndrome,
therefore important to carefully review all medications taken by the occurrence of syncope was lower in the paced group over a
patients, since withdrawal of the offending agents usually results mean follow-up duration of 18 months (6% in the pacemaker
in restoration of normal sinus function. Other causes of extrinsic group vs. 23% in controls; P = .02).72 Heart failure also occurred
sinus node dysfunction should be investigated and excluded; less often in patients assigned to pacemaker therapy (3% vs. 17%;
these include hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, and other systemic P = .05), whereas the incidence of sustained paroxysmal tachyar-
diseases. The specific situation in which the bradycardia occurs rhythmias, chronic atrial fibrillation, and thromboembolic events
should be analyzed in order to document bradycardia triggered was not different between the groups. Compared with observa-
by an increase in vagal tone that occurs, for example, during tional series and retrospective studies, pacemaker implantation in
suctioning or vomiting. Whenever possible, treatment should be this randomized trial did not demonstrate different effects on
directed toward correcting the extrinsic condition causing the “minor” symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, palpitation, and
bradycardia. New York Heart Association class in the pacemaker group com-
pared with the “no treatment” group; this was due to subjective
improvement occurring in the placebo group as early as 3 months
Guidelines for Management of Patients with Intrinsic
following randomization.72
Sinus Node Dysfunction
In some patients, bradycardia may be iatrogenic and exacer-
When intrinsic sinus node dysfunction is suspected, it is impor- bated by medications used to treat supraventricular tachycardias.
tant to try to correlate the symptoms with documentation of the If these medications constitute the only alternative for the
Sinus Node Dysfunction  517

Table 39-1  Indications for Permanent Pacing in Sinus Node Dysfunction


Class I Sinus node dysfunction with documented symptomatic bradycardia, including frequent sinus pauses that produce symptoms. In some
patients, bradycardia is iatrogenic and will occur as a consequence of essential long-term drug therapy of a type and dose for which
there are no acceptable alternatives.

Symptomatic chronotropic incompetence

Class IIa Sinus node dysfunction occurring spontaneously or as a result of necessary drug therapy with a heart rate <40 beats/min when a clear
association between symptoms consistent with bradycardia and actual presence of bradycardia has not been documented

Syncope of unexplained origin when major abnormalities of sinus node function are discovered or provoked in electrophysiological studies

Class IIb Minimally symptomatic patients, chronic heart rate <40 beats/min while awake

Class III Sinus node dysfunction in asymptomatic patients, including those in whom substantial sinus bradycardia (heart rate <40 beats/min) is a
consequence of long-term drug treatment

Sinus node dysfunction in patients with symptoms suggestive of bradycardia that are clearly documented as not associated with a slow
heart rate

Sinus node dysfunction with symptomatic bradycardia due to nonessential drug therapy

Class I: Conditions for which there is evidence or general agreement, or both, that a given procedure or treatment is beneficial, useful, and effective.
Class II: Conditions for which there is conflicting evidence or a divergence of opinion, or both, about the usefulness/efficacy of a procedure or treatment.
Class IIa: Weight of evidence/opinion is in favor of usefulness/efficacy.
Class IIb: Usefulness/efficacy is less well established by evidence/opinion.
Class III: Conditions for which there is evidence or general agreement, or both, that a procedure/treatment is not useful/effective and, in some cases, may be harmful.
(From Epstein AE, DiMarco JP, Ellenbogen KA, et al: ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm abnormalities: A report of the American College of
Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on practice guidelines (Writing committee to revise the ACC/AHA/NASPE 2002 guideline update for implantation of cardiac
pacemakers and antiarrhythmia devices): Developed in collaboration with the American Association for Thoracic Surgery and Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Circulation 117:
e350–e408, 2008.)

management of tachycardia, and if the patients are symptomatic conduction at the time of diagnosis of sinus node dysfunction;
from bradycardia, they should receive permanent pacing. these patients are not candidates for single-chamber atrial
However, if bradycardia does not produce symptoms, the rhythm pacing.71 In a prospective study of 225 patients with 1 : 1 conduc-
per se is not an indication for pacing. tion at heart rates less than 100 beats/min. Andersen et al found
The published guidelines also take into consideration the that AV conduction was unchanged from initial evaluation after
erratic course of the disease and the difficulty in establishing the a mean 5.5-year follow-up.90 The annual incidence of second-
cause/effect relationship between symptoms and arrhythmia.114 degree and third-degree AV block that required implantation of
Accordingly, pacing is considered useful in patients with heart a dual-chamber pacing system was only 0.6% per year.90
rates less than 40 beats/min in whom symptoms are consistent Single-chamber ventricular pacemakers are also simple and
with bradycardia but the correlation between the two cannot be inexpensive. They prevent bradycardia in the presence of AV
clearly established. Pacing is not indicated in asymptomatic block but do not maintain AV synchrony. Loss of AV synchrony
patients, in patients with bradycardia caused by nonessential is associated with a 20% to 30% decrease in cardiac output and is
medical therapy, and when symptoms are clearly documented to associated with pacemaker syndrome.117 Pacemaker syndrome is
be not caused by bradycardia. a constellation of symptoms that can include dizziness, chest pain,
Permanent pacing is indicated in patients with chronotropic weakness, effort intolerance, presyncope, and syncope. The mech-
incompetence and who become symptomatic during activity anism of pacemaker syndrome is complex but appears to be
because of inability to increase heart rate and cardiac output. caused by decreased cardiac output from loss of AV contraction
These patients experience an improvement in symptoms and and retrograde conduction through the His-Purkinje-AV node
exercise tolerance with rate-responsive pacing.9,116 axis. Reduced cardiac output leads to reflex sympathetic activa-
tion. Atrial contraction when the mitral and tricuspid valves are
closed also leads to an increase in atrial pressure and release of
Pacing Mode Selection atrial natriuretic peptide and peripheral venous and arterial dila-
tion. The reported incidence of pacemaker syndrome has varied
Single-chamber atrial pacemakers, single-chamber ventricular widely among studies (1% to 80%), which probably reflects vari-
pacemakers, and dual-chamber pacemakers will all prevent bra- ability in definition rather than a true variability in incidence.118,119
dycardia in the patient with sinus node disease. Each pacemaker In large randomized trials such as PASE and MOST, crossover
type is associated with inherent advantages and disadvantages. from single-chamber ventricular pacing to dual-chamber pacing
Single-chamber atrial pacemakers are simple, relatively inexpen- because of pacemaker syndrome was approximately 25% to
sive (approximately $3000 to $4000), and maintain AV synchrony. 30%.110,120,121
However, they will not prevent ventricular bradycardia if AV Dual-chamber pacemakers maintain AV synchrony and
block develops. Up to 20% of patients will have abnormal AV prevent bradycardia from all causes. However, dual-chamber
518  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

pacemakers are more complex and relatively expensive ($5000 to dysfunction occurring during acute myocardial infarction is
$7000). In addition, since two intracardiac leads are required, the usually temporary, and permanent pacing is rarely required.
incidence of lead dislodgment is higher with dual-chamber
systems (dual-chamber, 6%; single-chamber, 2%). Dual-chamber
Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity and Carotid Sinus Syndrome
pacing requires specific programming in patients with sinus node
dysfunction to avoid ventricular pacing, which can be hemody- An abnormal response to carotid sinus massage (>3 seconds of
namically detrimental in many patients. In the SAVE PACe asystole) may occur in asymptomatic patients and does not con-
(Search AV Extension and Managed Ventricular Pacing for Pro- stitute an indication for therapy; correlation with symptoms is
moting Atrioventricular Conduction) trial, 1065 patients with essential (Table 39-2). Up to 64% of patients with syncope caused
sinus node dysfunction were randomized to standard dual- by carotid sinus syndrome can remain asymptomatic during
chamber pacing or to use of a pacing algorithm that minimizes follow-up; therapy should be reserved for patients with recurrent
ventricular pacing.122 The risk of developing persistent atrial fibril- presyncope or syncope.124 Drugs that can enhance the hypersensi-
lation was significantly reduced by 40% by minimizing ventricular tive response to carotid sinus massage, such as digoxin and sym-
pacing (conventional, 12.7% vs. special algorithm to minimize patholytic agents (clonidine, methyldopa), should be discontinued,
ventricular pacing, 7.9%). if possible.
Currently available pacing systems have a rate-adaptation fea­ The type of therapy (pacing vs. pharmacologic) and success are
ture. When rate adaptation is programmed “on,” the pacing system based on the mechanism of syncope. Pacing is efficacious in the
employs a sensor such as body motion, minute ventilation, Q-T cardio-inhibitory response to carotid sinus massage.125-128 In
interval changes, measures of myocardial contractility, or combi- patients with a predominant vasodepressor response, neither
nations of these to estimate metabolic need. The pacemaker will pacing nor anticholinergic therapy prevents the fall in blood pres-
change the pacing rate on the basis of input from the sensor. This sure, since this is caused by inhibition of sympathetic vasocon-
feature is particularly useful for patients with sinus node dysfunc- strictor nerves as well as by activation of cholinergic sympathetic
tion associated with chronotropic incompetence. However, in the vasodilator fibers.128 Elastic support stockings and volume expan-
randomized, controlled Advanced Elements of Pacing Trial Trial sion with sodium-retaining drugs may be useful in alleviating the
(ADEPT), 872 patients with a blunted heart rate response (<80% symptoms.
maximum predicted heart rate) were randomized to rate adaptive Initial data suggested that unexplained falls in older adults
pacing “on” or “off.”123 Rate adaption was not associated with might be caused by carotid sinus hypersensitivity and that, in
improved exercise capacity or improved quality of life. some cases, pacing therapy may be beneficial.129 A selected group
Pacemakers have monitoring capabilities that allow the clini-
cian to evaluate the range of heart rates a patient has over a
specific period. If a blunted range of atrial rates is recorded, the
presence of chronotropic incompetence should be suspected. Table 39-2  Indications for Permanent Pacing In Hypersensitive
Monitoring also allows the clinician to confirm that pacemaker Carotid Syndrome
programming is minimizing ventricular pacing. Finally, sinus
node dysfunction is commonly associated with atrial fibrillation
that can be minimally symptomatic. Continuous monitoring can Class I Recurrent syncope caused by carotid sinus stimulation;
be used to identify patients who may benefit from anticoagulation minimal carotid sinus pressure induces ventricular
therapy. asystole of >3 seconds’ duration

Class IIa Syncope without clear, provocative events and with a

hypersensitive cardio-inhibitory response
Sinus Node Dysfunction in
Class IIb Significantly symptomatic neurocardiogenic syncope
Specific Conditions associated with bradycardia documented spontaneously
or at the time of tilt table testing
Acute Myocardial Infarction
Class III Hypersensitive cardio-inhibitory response to carotid sinus
Sinus bradycardia is common in acute myocardial infarction, stimulation without symptoms or with vague symptoms
especially in inferior and posterior wall infarction, where it is
Recurrent syncope, lightheadedness, or dizziness in the
usually caused by increased vagal tone or ischemia of the sinus
absence of a hyperactive cardio-inhibitory response
node tissue.17,18 Increased vagal tone may also result in transient
AV block and hypotension from peripheral vasodilation. This Class I: Conditions for which there is evidence or general agreement, or both, that a
arrhythmia usually does not require treatment unless the patient given procedure or treatment is beneficial, useful, and effective.
Class II: Conditions for which there is conflicting evidence or a divergence of opinion,
is symptomatic (hypotension, ischemia, or bradycardia-related
or both, about the usefulness/efficacy of a procedure or treatment.
ventricular arrhythmia). It usually responds well to intravenous Class IIa: Weight of evidence/opinion is in favor of usefulness/efficacy.
atropine. In symptomatic patients who are unresponsive to atro- Class IIb: Usefulness/efficacy is less well established by evidence/opinion.
pine or who have recurrences requiring multiple doses of atro- Class III: Conditions for which there is evidence or general agreement, or both, that
pine, temporary transvenous pacing may be required. Pacing is a procedure/treatment is not useful/effective and, in some cases, may be harmful.
(From Epstein AE, DiMarco JP, Ellenbogen KA, et al: ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 guidelines for
usually performed from the right ventricular apex; however, device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm abnormalities: A report of the American
where it is important to maintain AV synchrony (such as refrac- College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on practice guidelines
tory hypotension), an additional J-shaped electrode can be (Writing committee to revise the ACC/AHA/NASPE 2002 guideline update for
placed in the right atrial appendage for dual-chamber pacing. implantation of cardiac pacemakers and antiarrhythmia devices): Developed in
collaboration with the American Association for Thoracic Surgery and Society of
Alternatively, atrial pacing can be achieved using a temporary
Thoracic Surgeons, Circulation 117:e350–e408, 2008.)
electrode positioned in the proximal coronary sinus. Sinus node
Sinus Node Dysfunction  519

of 175 patients with a history of nonaccidental falls and significant should receive a dual-chamber pacemaker because transient AV
bradycardia (asystole >3 seconds) in response to carotid sinus
massage were randomized into pacing therapy and no pacing
therapy groups; after a 1-year follow-up, injurious events were
reduced by 70% in the pacing therapy group. However, in a
block can be observed during bradycardia episodes. Special pro-
gramming features that provide an initial higher pacing rate when
pacing is initiated have been developed to optimize pacing therapy
for patients with vasovagal syncope.136,139
recently published double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover
trial, pacing therapy did not reduce the number of falls in a cohort KEY REFERENCES
of older patients with carotid sinus hypersensitivity.130 Anderson RH, Ho SY: The architecture of the sinus node, the atrioven-
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drome are summarized in Table 41-2. Single-chamber atrial vasc Electrophysiol 9:1233–1248, 1998.
pacing is contraindicated, since vagal activation frequently results Andersen HR, Nielsen JC, Thomsen PEB, et al: Long-term follow-up of
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single-chamber ventricular pacing prevents bradycardia, it can sick-sinus syndrome, Lancet 350:1210–1216, 1997.
potentially exacerbate symptoms caused by neurohormonal Andersen HR, Thuesen L, Bagger JP, et al: Prospective randomized trial
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of different heart rates after sensed and paced ventricular beats. Connolly SJ, Kerr CR, Gent M, et al: Effects of physiologic pacing versus
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initiation of pacing, symptoms associated with carotid sinus syn- causes, N Engl J Med 342:1385–1391, 2000.
drome can be ameliorated even in the presence of a significant Davies MJ, Pomerance A: Quantitative study of ageing changes in the
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vasovagal syncope is not known, it does appear that activation of report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Asso-
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centers and reflex withdrawal of sympathetic tone and increased the ACC/AHA/NASPE 2002 guideline update for implantation of
vagal tone. cardiac pacemakers and antiarrhythmia devices): Developed in collabo-
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Atrioventricular Block
Epidemiology: Nora Goldschlager
Anatomy: Siew Yen Ho
Basic Electrophysiology: Ralph Lazzara
Diagnostic Techniques: Gerald Naccarelli
Evidence-Based Therapy: Fred Kusumoto and Nora Goldschlager

In 1852, Stannius noted that placing a ligature between the atria Isolated congenital complete (third-degree) AV block is a well-
and the ventricles could cause bradycardia in a frog’s heart.1 In described problem that occurs in approximately 1 in every 20,000
the late 1800s, Tawara and His identified the atrioventricular (AV) live births.16 Congenital complete AV block is the most common
node and His bundle as the normal conduction axis between the manifestation of neonatal lupus erythematosus and appears to be
atria and the ventricles in humans, and Wenckebach suggested associated with the development of autoantibodies in the mater-
blocked AV conduction as a cause for slow and irregular nal circulation. Other hereditary conditions associated with AV
pulses.2-4 block are the Kearns-Sayre syndrome (ophthalmoplegia, retinitis
pigmentosa) and myotonic dystrophy.17

Epidemiology of Atrioventricular Block Anatomy

Transient AV block can be observed in children and young adults
Anatomy and Blood Supply
during sleep5; persistent AV block is unusual. This type of AV
block is usually caused by increased vagal tone and is often a The AV system of specialized myocytes is the only muscular
normal finding. In a continuous monitoring study of 100 healthy bridge through the insulating fibro-fatty tissue plane that sepa-
teenaged boys, transient first-degree AV block was observed in rates the atrial myocardial masses from the ventricular myocar-
12% and second-degree AV block in 11%.5 In young adults the dial masses. The AV system begins with the atrioventricular node
incidence of transient AV block decreases to about 4% in women at its atrial end. The compact node is recognizable, when seen in
and 6% in men.6,7 In the normal older adult population, transient cross-sections, as a half-oval shaped structure adjacent to the
type I (Wenckebach) second-degree AV block is seen only rarely central fibrous body in the young (Figure 40-1, A).18 With increas-
(1%), and higher-grade AV block is not observed.8 ing age, the shape changes to become spindle-like.19 When traced
Persistent first-degree AV block is rarely seen in young adults. inferiorly, toward the base of Koch’s triangle, the compact area
Review of more than 70,000 electrocardiograms (ECGs) from diverges into two prongs, usually with the artery supplying the
young men entering the Canadian and U.S. military demonstrated node running in between. The extent of the prongs varies from
a prevalence of first-degree AV block of less than 1%.9,10 Electro- heart to heart; the right extension increases with age.20 Interpos-
cardiographic studies have shown increased P-R intervals and an ing between the compact node and the working atrial myocar-
increased incidence of first-degree AV block with aging.9-14 While dium is a zone of transitional cells. These cells are histologically
approximately 2% of adults older than 20 years of age have first- distinct from the cells of the compact node as well as the working
degree AV block, the incidence increases to more than 5% in cells but are not insulated from the surrounding myocardium.
people older than 50 years of age.11,13 With increasing age, the They approach the compact node superiorly, inferiorly, and from
development of AV conduction disorders is more common; in one the left and right sides of the atrial septum. In the vestibular area
epidemiologic study of 1500 patients older than 65 years of age, of the right atrium, an overlay of ordinary myocytes is present in
AV conduction and intraventricular conduction defects were the subendocardium from the atrial wall in front of the oval fossa
identified in 30% of patients.14 Using high-resolution electrocar- that streams over the zone of transitional cells. The transitional
diographic techniques, the increased P-R interval associated with cells, therefore, provide the crucial proximal bridge between the
aging was found to be caused by delay in conduction in the AV ordinary and the specialized myocardium. Fibro-fatty tissue
node or the proximal portion of the His bundle.11 In people increases with age in this region, and the transitional cell zone
younger than 60 years of age, it is uncommon (4%) for persistent becomes wider.19 When the conduction system is traced into the
first-degree AV block to progress to second-degree or higher- penetrating bundle of His, little difference is seen in the cellular
grade AV block in the absence of associated disease.13 composition of the two areas (see Figure 40-1, B). The specialized
Acquired persistent second-degree and third-degree AV blocks myocardial cells themselves, however, become aligned in a more
are almost never observed in normal populations regardless of parallel fashion distally into the AV conduction bundle. The AV
age. The incidence of symptomatic high-grade AV block is cur- node, therefore, is an integral part of the atrial musculature (see
rently estimated to be 200 per million per year.15 Figure 40-1, A), in contrast to the atrioventricular bundle, which,

522  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Atrial septum
Membranous septum
Left ventricle
of Todaro

Ventricular septum
septum *


Right ventricle
A Right atrium C

* Ventricular


FIGURE 40-1  Histologic sections from children showing the normal configuration of the atrioventricular (AV) node (A), penetrating bundle of His
(B), branching AV bundle (C), left bundle branch (D), and right bundle branch (E). All the sections are perpendicular to the plane of the cardiac septum
with the left heart displayed superiorly and right heart inferiorly. Asterisks mark the conduction tissues. trs, Zone of transitional cells (trichrome stain:
myocardium in red; fibrous tissue in green-blue).

in passing through the central fibrous body, is insulated from coronary artery extends beyond the cardiac crux, the nodal artery
the adjacent myocardium (see Figure 40-1, B). The His bundle, originates distal to the U loop of the dominant artery.20,21 In most
approximately 2 mm in cross-sectional diameter, is the only hearts, the penetrating bundle and AV conduction bundle are
bridge of myocardial continuity between the atria and the ven- supplied by a branch from the posterior descending coronary
tricles. The common AV bundle and its continuation, the branch- artery. The right bundle branch is supplied by the first septal
ing bundle, and bundle branches are also ensheathed in fibrous perforating artery arising from the anterior descending coronary
tissue. In the normal heart, the AV-branching bundle is sand- artery, which also supplies the AV conduction bundle in some
wiched between the membranous septum and the muscular ven- hearts.22,23
tricular septum, usually a little to the left of the septal crest, giving
origin to the left and right bundle branches (see Figures 40-1, C
to E). The AV bundle lies in the subendocardium of the left ven-
tricle beneath the commissure between the right-coronary and Congenital Complete Atrioventricular Block
noncoronary leaflets of the aortic valve. In most hearts, the right
bundle branch passes through the septal crest to emerge suben- Congenital complete heart block can occur in congenitally mal-
docardially in the septal aspect of the right ventricle (see Figure formed hearts or in otherwise normal hearts.24 Complete AV
40-1, E). Distally, the bundle branches divide into increasingly block associated with a cardiac defect is most frequently seen in
finer branches. Eventually, they ramify into the so-called Purkinje the anomaly of congenitally corrected transposition, in isomeric
network and lose the fibrous sheaths at the interface with the arrangement of the atrial appendages, and in some AV septal
ordinary ventricular myocardium.18 defects. Although complete AV block may be present at birth, it
Most frequently, the arterial supply to the AV node is a branch is more usual for the arrhythmia to be progressive.
from the right coronary artery, whereas it is a branch from the When occurring in an otherwise structurally normal heart, the
circumflex artery in nearly 20%. When the dominant right pattern of the cardiac conduction system can take one of three
Atrioventricular Block  523

The association of congenital complete heart block with

Mitral valve maternal connective tissue disease is well documented.30-32 The
Ventricular septum
presence of anti-Ro(SS-A) antigen in maternal serum is a marker
Atrial septum
for isolated congenital heart block.32 A study of hearts from 8
afflicted children has shown the lack of an AV node in 7, whose
maternal sera were anti-Ro positive, and nodal-ventricular dis-
continuity in the remaining 1, whose maternal serum was anti-Ro
negative.33 However, Chow et al described two cases with a com-
bination of nodal-ventricular and intraventricular discontinuities
demonstrating that morphologic patterns are not always clear
cut.34 Furthermore, anti-Ro antibodies were not exclusively asso-
Tendon of Todaro ciated with atrial-axis discontinuity, since maternal serum was
A AV bundle Tricuspid valve anti-Ro positive in one of these two cases.
Another study compared the anatomic substrate producing
Membranous complete heart block in normally structured hearts and in hearts
with isomerism of the atrial appendages.35 The pattern of AV
block in the cases with left isomerism was nodal-ventricular dis-
continuity, whereas all but one of the normally structured hearts
showed atrial-axis discontinuity with the anti­cipated nodal area
Ventricular septum filled with fibro-fatty tissue. The remaining normally structured
heart showed the rarest substrate—intraventricular discontinuity.
Interestingly, associated fibrosis of several of the sinus nodes was
present, suggesting some sort of target mechanism or deficiency
specific to the conduction tissues.
The association of complete AV block with congenitally cor-
Tricuspid valve
B rected transposition of the great arteries is well recognized.36
The block may be congenital because of deficiency of the AV node
or bundle. More commonly, AV block is progressive in adults.
When congenitally corrected transposition occurs with usual
FIGURE 40-2  Histologic sections from two infants with congenital arrangement of the atria, the AV conduction system is abnormally
complete heart block cut in similar planes as those shown in Figure located. The AV node is displaced anteriorly, and the AV conduc-
40-1. A, An extreme case of atrial-axis discontinuity. The atrial septum tion bundle courses anterosuperiorly, in the trigonal region of
totally lacks the myocardium in the region of the atrioventricular node
fibrous continuity between the pulmonary and mitral valves,
and the node is missing. B, An example of intraventricular
discontinuity. Only a small island of the branching bundle buried in
related to the anterocephalad border of the left ventricular outflow
the fibrous tissue remains (open arrow) (trichrome stain: myocardium tract before entering the ventricular septum. The long bundle
in red; fibrous tissue in green-blue). renders it particularly vulnerable to fibrotic changes with increas-
ing age, eventually resulting in interruption.

Acquired Complete Atrioventricular Block

anatomic forms according to the location of the interruption: (1) Complete AV block can be categorized into four major pathologic
atrial-axis discontinuity, (2) nodal-ventricular discontinuity, or (3) groups and a further group with miscellaneous conditions.37 An
intraventricular discontinuity.25-27 The last form is extremely autopsy series of hearts from 200 patients who had AV block of
rare.28 The AV node is deficient or even absent in the most more than 1-month duration found idiopathic bilateral bundle
common form, which is described as atrial-axis discontinuity.25,29 branch fibrosis in 38%, coronary artery disease in 17.5%, cardio-
The block is proximal to the His bundle. In the extreme form, the myopathy in 13%, calcific AV block in 11%, and other causes in
area that is normally occupied by the compact AV node and the 20.5%.37
zone of transitional cells is replaced by fibrous tissue or fibro-fatty
tissue (Figure 40-2, A). In others, variable remnants of the nodal
Idiopathic Bilateral Bundle Branch Fibrosis
tissues appear as islands in the fibrous or fibro-fatty tissues.
Nodal-ventricular discontinuity is less common. The AV node The crest of the muscular ventricular septum undergoes
and its atrial approaches are normally formed, but the conduction degenerative changes, including fibrosis, fatty infiltration, and
bundle is interrupted or markedly fragmented at the penetrating focal microscopic dystrophic calcification with advancing age.
portion. Conduction tissues may be totally absent in the central The normal aging process begins in the fourth decade of life
fibrous body. The common and branching AV bundle may be but may be accelerated by coronary artery disease, diabetes mel-
normal or may be deficient to some degree. Depending on the litus, and hypertensive heart disease. Since the branching AV
extent of interruption of the conduction bundle, this form may bundle and the beginning of the main bundle branches are located
give rise to a narrow or wide QRS complex. in this area, they are susceptible to being disrupted (Figure 40-3).
The rarest form, intraventricular discontinuity of the conduc- Two forms of bundle branch fibrosis, focal and diffuse—dubbed
tion bundle, may occur in families.28 The branching bundle or the Lev disease and Lenègres disease, respectively—are recognized,
proximal parts of the bundle branches are replaced by fat or but they probably represent extreme ends of a pathologic spec-
fibrous tissue (see Figure 40-2, B). trum.38,39 In both groups the mean ages are reported to be in the
524  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

infarction associated with occlusion of the anterior descending

coronary artery is more extensive and causes necrotic damage to
the branching and bundle branches. The AV node may or may
not be spared, although careful studies have shown no arterial
lesions in the supply to the AV node.40
Chronic coronary insufficiency, with or without previous myo-
cardial infarction, can affect various parts of the AV conduction
system. The damage predominantly to the bundle branches may,
over time, progress to cause complete AV block. The most

* common pattern in autopsy series is destruction of both bundle

branches.39,41 Pathologic studies suggest that the majority of
patients with chronic AV block do not have more coronary ath-
erosclerosis than do normal patients without AV block.41,42 Some
cases may be associated with small vessel disease.
Tendon of Todaro
Left bundle branch Nonischemic cardiomyopathy with left ventricular dilatation and
thin wall is commonly associated with markedly increased fibro-
sis, vacuolation of myocytes, and even necrosis of individual cells.
Changes in the specialized myocytes mirror those of ordinary
contractile myocytes, with loss of cells in the bundle branches
and replacement fibrosis. In extreme cases, the conduction cells
diminish throughout the distal left bundle branch.
* Ventricular septum
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is rarely associated with chronic
AV block. Histologic investigations have shown interstitial fibro-
sis or necrosis in the conduction system, interruption of the His
bundle, abnormally small intramural coronary arteries with thick
walls, and narrow lumens.43-45
Right bundle
B Calcific Atrioventricular Block
The calcific mass in calcific AV block is usually large enough to
be seen with the naked eye at autopsy. Because of the proximity
FIGURE 40-3  Histologic sections from a young adult showing loss of of the His bundle, the AV and branching bundles to the aortic
more conduction tissues than anticipated. A, Deficient atrial input to valve, and the area of aortic-mitral fibrous continuity, the conduc-
the atrioventricular node (asterisk). B, A narrow origin of the left tion bundles are at risk of destruction or compression when these
bundle branch and loss of continuity (open arrow) with the branching sites undergo massive calcification, for example, in senile aortic
bundle [trichrome stain: myocardium in red; fibrous tissue in
valve calcification, senile mitral ring calcification, or chronic
rheumatic valve disease.

sixth and seventh decades. Damage to the distal branches is This heterogeneous group includes amyloidosis, hemochromato-
minimal in the focal form, whereas damage in the diffuse form sis, connective tissue disease, myocarditis familial cardiomyopa-
can extend to the middle and distal portions of both left and right thy and skeletal myopathy, infective endocarditis, and tumors
bundle branches. involving the conduction system. In amyloidosis, heavy deposits
are found in the sinus node with relatively small amounts in the
AV node and main conduction bundles. In patients with AV
Coronary Artery Disease
block, deposits are present in the ventricular myocardium, which
Complete AV block can occur in acute or chronic coronary artery also shows extensive scarring. Involvement of the small arteries
disease. Since different segments of the proximal portion of the suggest fibrosis and attenuation of the conduction bundles are
AV conduction system are supplied by the right or the left coro- more related to the scarring process.41 Myocarditis of any etiology,
nary systems, the site of infarction related to coronary occlusion whether acute or chronic, may cause complete AV block. In the
is important. When AV block complicates acute posteroseptal acute phase, inflammatory changes are predominantly in the ven-
myocardial infarction, the occluded coronary artery is always the tricular myocardium affecting the distal bundle branches. Rarely,
artery that ultimately gives origin to the AV nodal artery. Most the conduction system is more involved than is the surrounding
cases reveal only small focal areas of necrosis in the node, the AV myocardium.41 When the conduction system is involved, the
bundle, or both. Massive necrosis of the AV node and its changes include degeneration, vacuolization, and necrosis of cells
approaches, inflammatory cell infiltration, or occlusion of the of the bundle branches. Infective endocarditis affecting the aortic
nodal artery is rare. In some cases, no obvious pathologic changes valve, the mitral valve, or both may extend to the central fibrous
are seen in conduction tissues. By contrast, anteroseptal body, membranous septum, and crest of the muscular ventricular
Atrioventricular Block  525

septum to involve the AV bundles. Any type of tumor that metas-

The Compact Atrioventricular Node
tasizes to the heart has the potential to affect the conduction
system to varying degrees. Metastatic tumor deposits in the ven- Within the central compact node are cells with distinct electro-
tricular septum can destroy the bundle branches. One particular physiological characteristics. These characteristics of the proto-
benign tumor, a mesothelioma, has an affinity for the AV node typical AV nodal cells manifested by intracellular recordings in
and its approaches. It is a slow-growing cystic mass located in this multicellular preparations have been replicated in cells isolated
region of the atrial septum, hence also known as cystic tumor of from the AV node, allowing determination of the activities of spe-
the AV node. A female-to-male ratio of approximately 3 : 1 and a cific currents, pumps, and exchangers.52,53 The amplitudes of
mean age of 38 years at presentation are seen. Some patients may resting potentials (–60 mV), APs (–85 mV), and upstroke veloci-
die suddenly without any history of heart problems.46 ties (<10 V/sec) are reduced. These cells manifest diastolic depo-
larization, a high total transmembrane (input) resistance, and
relative insensitivity to changes in extracellular K+. They have post-
Surgical and Interventional
repolarization refractoriness; the absolute refractory period out-
Complete AV block may be a consequence of interventional pro- lasts the AP. The relative refractory period, during which relatively
cedures to correct congenital heart malformation. Damage may diminished, more slowly conducting APs are generated, is pro-
be caused by sutures or incisions into the musculature containing longed well into diastole. The amplitudes and upstroke velocities
the conduction bundles, AV node, or their arterial supply. of APs and conduction velocity are strongly modulated by auto-
Although surgically induced iatrogenic block is rare nowadays, nomic activity, increasing with adrenergic (sympathetic) stimula-
the shift toward trans-catheter device closure for ventricular tion and decreasing with cholinergic (vagal) stimulation. The AV
septal defects has again put the spotlight on the potential risk to junction is richly innervated with vagal and sympathetic fibers, but
the AV conduction system.47,48 AV block may also be a complica- recent observations with high-resolution staining for neural tissues
tion following isolated myectomy or alcohol ablation for hyper- indicate that innervation of the compact node may be more sparse
trophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.49,50 than that of the transitional fibers or the nodal extensions.53,54
Important features of the transmembrane potentials can be
explained by the array and activities of specific ionic currents.
Basic Electrophysiology Like sinoatrial nodal cells, AV nodal cells lack the ionic current
IK1. These potassium ion (K+) channels in atrial and ventricular
It is generally accepted that the AV junction consists of the AV cells are open at strongly negative membrane potentials, provid-
node with its atrial connections of transitional fibers and the ing the dominant K+ permeability that maintains the transmem-
bundle of His.51 In electrophysiological considerations of AV brane potential near the K+ equilibrium potential. The absence of
block, it is useful to define the AV junction more broadly, includ- these channels in AV nodal cells is responsible for the relatively
ing the atrial connections to the AV node, the AV node, the reduced resting potential positive to the K+ equilibrium potential,
bundle of His, and the proximal portions of the bundle branches the insensitivity to extracellular K+ concentration, and the high
that are insulated from the ventricular myocardium by fibrous membrane resistance of these cells.
matrix. Heart block can occur from interruption of conduction AV nodal cells, like sinoatrial nodal cells, lack sodium (Na+)
in any of these components of the AV junction as defined broadly. channels, which provide the excitatory current for atrial and
In this array of components, great electrophysiological and histo- ventricular cells; some cells may have channels that are inacti-
logic diversity is seen (Figure 40-4). The range of conduction vated at the low resting potentials.55,56 The excitatory current for
velocities, resting and action potential (AP) amplitudes, AP dura- AV nodal cells is ICaL, a calcium current that generates a slow
tions, and intercellular conductivity observed within the AV junc- upstroke because it is slower and less intense than the Na+ current.
tion is greater than in the remainder of the atrial and ventricular L-type calcium ion (Ca2+) channels require a relatively long period
myocardium. to recover from inactivation, hence the post-repolarization

SAN 0 0
* A
–60 0
–50 FIGURE 40-4  A representation of
NH the right atrium and action potentials
FO TT AVN 0 from the atrium and atrioventricular
0 –25 junction. A, Atrial potential; AVN, AV
mV –50
N –75 node; CS, coronary sinus; CT, crista
–50 SP terminalis; FO, fossa ovalis; FP, fast
TA pathway and potential; SP, slow
0 pathway and potential; Hb, His bundle
IVC mV and potential; IVC, inferior vena cava;
CT –50
MP, mid pathway and potential; N,
central nodal potential; NH, distal
200 MSBC nodal potential; TT, tendon of Todaro.
526  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

refractoriness of the AV node. The potent actions of autonomic inferior to the coronary sinus os. The terms “fast” and “slow” do
stimulation on AV nodal conduction are largely due to the modu- not necessarily represent different conduction velocities in these
lation of ICaL by adrenergic and cholinergic stimulation via specific pathways but different conduction times determined by the access
receptors and transduction systems. This current is enhanced, and length of the pathways, depending on the site of origin of
and its kinetics of activation, inactivation, and recovery are accel- global atrial activation. In humans, the fast pathway is usually but
erated by adrenergic stimulation; it is conversely affected by cho- not invariably considered to have a longer refractory period than
linergic stimulation. the slow pathway.
T-type Ca2+ current (ICaT) has been shown recently to be Newer techniques for high-resolution integrated histologic
important in AV conduction in mice. Genetically modified mice and molecular mapping of the AV junction and its atrial connec-
lacking these channels manifest slow conduction within the AV tions in the rabbit heart have disclosed additional complexities of
node as well as reduced rates of AV nodal pacemakers.57 A study its structure and function.63 The compact node stains positive for
has reported congenital heart block and sinus bradycardia in chil- neurofilament, which is expressed in the conduction system but
dren exposed to maternal antibodies that reduce both L-type and not the atrial or ventricular myocardium, but connexin43 stains
T-type channels, indicating a possible role of T-type channels in weakly in the node. The myocytes in the node are small and dis-
human AV nodal conduction.58 persed within fibrous tissue. The infero-posterior extension of the
On the one hand, AV nodal cells contain the pacemaker node toward the coronary sinus, thought to represent the slow
current If, which may contribute to the automaticity of AV nodal pathway, is also positive for neurofilament and sparse in con-
cells. On the other hand, the current Ito, a rapidly activating and nexin43 with small dispersed cells like the compact node. Tran-
inactivating K+ current that produces the notch of the AP (phase sitional tissue, which joins the node at its inferoposterior end near
I) and is prominent in atrial cells, is sparse or absent in AV nodal the coronary sinus and also more anteriorly near the compact
cells. The repolarizing K+ current IKr is present and probably a node, has connexin43, lacks neurofilament, but has smaller dis-
major factor in the repolarization of AV nodal cells. The repolar- persed cells, thus being intermediate between the node and the
izing current IKs, a contributor to repolarization in atrial, ventricu- atrium. The anterior transitional fibers are thought to represent
lar, and His–Purkinje cells, appears to be absent in AV nodal cells. the fast pathway. The node is connected to the atrium at discrete
Ca2+-activated K+ channels (KCa) have been demonstrated in sites with transitional fibers joined to nodal and atrial fibers. The
the activation of KCa in human atrial myocytes and has been infero-posterior extension may be the primary site for AV nodal
shown to increase the rate of AV nodal pacemakers and accelerate pacemakers.64
repolarization.59,60 Certain observations indicate that the atrial connections to the
The K+ current IAch,Ado is prominent in sinoatrial nodal cells and node are more complex.51 A mid-pathway with deep (in relation
atrial cells but not in ventricular cells. It is also present in AV to the right endocardium) connections to the node in its superior
nodal cells. Activation of this current by acetylcholine or adeno­ aspect and connections to the atrium in the septum posterior to
sine drives the resting potential to more negative values, sup- the fossa ovalis has been described. Left-sided connections have
presses automaticity, and diminishes the AP, thus slowing AV been described in humans.65 The functional inter-relationships of
conduction. the pathways in normal AV conduction are not fully elucidated.
Gap junctions appear to be sparse and smaller in the central It is clear that these pathways, the atria, and the AV node can form
AV node than in the atrial and ventricular myocardium.61 The gap various configurations of re-entry circuits that cause AV nodal
junctions in the node are composed predominantly of connexin40 re-entrant tachycardia. Interruption of the atrial connections to
rather than connexin43, which is dominant in the ventricular the AV node can produce AV block.
myocardium. The relatively poor intercellular communication in
the AV node is probably the result of these gap junction properties
Bundle of His and Bundle Branches
as well as a relative increase in the volume of extracellular space
surrounding AV nodal cells, compared with the atrial and ven- The bundle of His and bundle branches, which are insulated by
tricular myocardium. fibrous matrix from the ventricular myocardium, constitute the
ventricular aspect of the AV conduction axis. They function to
rapidly disseminate activation to the ventricular myocardium in
Transitional Atrio-Nodal Connections
a pattern that optimizes ejection of blood by a synchronized and
The transitional fibers connecting the atrium to the AV node coordinated apex to base contraction.66 Conduction in these
aggregate in zones that are functionally relatively discrete, though tissues is the most rapid of all conductions in cardiac tissue, pro-
not insulated from the atrial myocardium. Observations indicate moting synchronization of activation of distal sites. The architec-
that anisotropy is a major determinant of directional conduction ture of the bundle branches and their proximal insulation promote
in these pathways.62 They extend from the node to and beyond apex-to-base contraction and septal-free wall synchronization.
the border of Koch’s triangle and connect to the node at relatively The APs of these fibers in multicellular preparations manifest
discrete sites along its margins. very rapid upstrokes, prolonged plateaus and repolarization, and
These atrio-nodal connections have APs with characteristics automaticity.
that are intermediate between atrial cells and prototypical cells in Quantitative measurement of individual currents in isolated
the compact node. Like the AV node, these transitional connec- Purkinje cells has been relatively limited. The Na+ current is abun-
tions may show decremental conduction and Wenckebach type dant, accounting, in part, for the fast upstroke and the rapid
of block. Until recently, functional definitions of these connec- conduction velocity. The ionic basis for the prolonged plateau has
tions distinguished a “fast pathway” located at the anterosuperior not been determined, but IKs appears to be less active in Purkinje
aspect of the node and connecting to the atrium anterior to the cells than in ventricular myocardial cells.67 The T-type Ca2+
fossa ovalis and a “slow pathway” connecting to the node inferi- current is present in Purkinje fibers and may contribute to auto-
orly and posteriorly and extending posterior to the isthmus region maticity and to the excitatory current.68
Atrioventricular Block  527

The basis for the automaticity of the His-Purkinje system is Wenckebach block associated with increased vagal tone should
debated. Some favor the decay of a K+ current activated during
the AP as the primary basis for automaticity, whereas others favor
the current If.69 As in the sinoatrial node and the AV node, mul-
tiple ionic determinants of automaticity may be present. The
not undergo invasive electrophysiological investigation.
The electrophysiological study allows analysis of the bundle of
His ECG as well as the performance of atrial and ventricular
pacing to identify conduction abnormalities and inducible ven-
automaticity of the His-Purkinje system is more prominent proxi- tricular tachycardia. The atrio-His (A-H) and His-ventricle (H-V)
mally than distally. Automatic firing of the distal Purkinje system intervals are measured from the bundle of His ECG.74 Atrial
is slow and erratic. As a result, heart block caused by degeneration pacing techniques are used to define the site of block and assess
and fibrosis of the bundle branches is more malignant than is AV nodal and His-Purkinje conduction. During decremental
heart block caused by the interruption of conduction in the AV atrial pacing, the A-H interval normally will gradually lengthen
junction proximal to the bundle of His. until AV nodal Wenckebach block is noted. The H-V interval will
Gap junctions are abundant in the Purkinje strands of the normally remain consistent despite different pacing rates. Abnor-
bundle branches and their distal ramifications. They are uni- mal AV nodal conduction is defined as Wenckebach block occur-
formly distributed along the lengths and ends of the fibers and ring at slower atrial-paced rates than what is normally seen (i.e.,
promote good intracellular communication throughout the >500 ms). To determine whether AV nodal disease is truly present
margins of the cells and rapid conduction. However, the bundle or just under the influence of excessive vagal tone, atropine alone
of His fibers appear relatively poorly connected in the transverse or autonomic blockade with atropine and propranolol can be
dimension, so dissociation within the bundle of His has been given to differentiate inherently abnormal AV nodal conduction
observed in experimental animals and in humans.70 from vagally mediated abnormalities. Infranodal block (Mobitz
type 2) is present when the atrial deflection is followed by the His
ECG, but no ventricular depolarization is seen. Block below the
Diagnostic Techniques His is abnormal, unless associated with very-short-paced cycle
lengths (350 ms or less).75
Since the prognosis and treatment for AV block differ, depending While retrospective studies provide useful information that
on whether block is within the AV node or is infranodal, deter- can often help generate a hypothesis, they frequently exaggerate
mining the site of block is important. In many cases, this can be the benefit of treatment. It is always preferable to base clinical
done noninvasively. The QRS duration, P-R intervals, and the decisions, if possible, on data from prospective randomized trials.
ventricular rate on surface ECG can provide important clues in However, no prospective randomized trials have evaluated the
localizing the level of block. Several noninvasive interventions efficacy of pacing therapy in patients with AV block, as there are
may also prove helpful, such as vagal maneuvers, exercise, or no alternatives to pacing therapy for the patient with symptomatic
administration of intravenous atropine. These methods take AV block (not because of reversible causes). In addition, it is dif-
advantage of the differences in autonomic innervation of the AV ficult to assemble large groups of asymptomatic patients with
node and of the His-Purkinje system.71 While the AV node is specific types of AV block. Recommendations for permanent
richly innervated and highly responsive to both sympathetic and pacemaker implantation are based on observational studies on the
vagal stimuli, the His-Purkinje system is influenced minimally by natural history of AV block. In general, permanent pacemakers
the autonomic nervous system. Carotid sinus massage increases are implanted in patients with symptomatic AV block and in
vagal tone and worsens AV nodal block. Exercise or atropine patients with asymptomatic AV block caused by His-Purkinje
improves AV nodal conduction due to sympathetic stimulation. disease.76
In contrast, carotid sinus massage improves infranodal block,
while exercise and atropine worsen infranodal block because of
Pacing Mode Choice
the change in the rate of the impulses being conducted through
the AV node. Prospective data on the effects of pacing mode choice in patients
Exercise testing is a useful tool to confirm the level of block with AV block are limited. Both single-chamber ventricular
that is already suspected in second-degree or third-degree block pacing and dual-chamber pacing will prevent bradycardia in
with a narrow or wide QRS complex. Patients with presumed AV patients with AV block. However, only dual-chamber pacing
nodal block or congenital complete heart block and a normal QRS maintains AV synchrony. Dual-chamber pacing also reduces the
complex will usually increase their ventricular rate with exercise. incidence of pacemaker syndrome. Despite these potential advan-
However, patients with acquired complete heart block and a wide tages, the importance of dual-chamber pacing in patients with AV
QRS complex usually show minimal or no increase in the ven- block has not been well established, particularly in older adults.
tricular rate. In the Pacemaker Selection in the Elderly (PASE) trial, 407 older
An electrophysiological study is indicated in a patient with adults (mean age 76 years) were randomized to either the rate-
suspected high-grade AV block as the cause of syncope or pre- adaptive ventricular inhibited (VVIR) or rate-adaptive dual-
syncope when documentation cannot be obtained noninva- chamber (AV) inhibited/triggered (DDDR) pacing mode.77 In the
sively.72,73 In patients with coronary artery disease, it may be 201 patients who had pacing systems implanted for AV block, no
unclear whether symptoms are caused by AV block or ventricular reduction in mortality, stroke, or atrial fibrillation was observed.
tachycardia, and an electrophysiological study can be useful in In contrast to the observation in patients with sinus node dysfunc-
establishing the diagnosis. Some patients with known second- tion, dual-chamber pacing was not associated with improvement
degree or third-degree block may benefit from an invasive study in quality-of-life indices. In the Canadian Trial of Physiologic
to localize the site of AV block and to determine therapy or assess Pacing (CTOPP), 2568 patients with symptomatic bradycardia
prognosis. Once symptoms and AV block are correlated by elec- were randomized to single-chamber ventricular pacing or a “phys-
trocardiography, further documentation by invasive studies is iologic” pacing mode that preserved AV synchrony (single-
not typically required. Asymptomatic patients with transient chamber atrial pacing or dual-chamber pacing).78 AV block was
528  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

the indication for pacing in approximately 60% of the patients. capture and activate the ventricles. Using the correct technique,
Physiological pacing was not associated with a reduction in stroke transcutaneous pacing is effective in more than 90% of cases and
or death due to cardiovascular disease, which was the study’s associated with very few complications.82,83 However, transcuta-
primary endpoint. Interestingly, physiological pacing was associ- neous pacing cannot be used for prolonged periods because of
ated with a reduction in the development of chronic atrial fibril- patient discomfort and the unreliability of capture due to imped-
lation even in those patients with pacing systems implanted for ance changes.
AV block.79 A large prospective study recently examined the If temporary pacing must be used for more than 30 minutes,
importance of pacing mode selection in older adults with AV transvenous pacing should be initiated, as it is far more stable and
block.80 In the United Kingdom, in the Pacing and Clinical Events better tolerated. With transvenous pacing, intravascular access is
(UK-PACE) Trial, patients older than 70 years of age with AV block obtained usually through the right internal jugular vein and a
were randomized to the ventricular inhibited (VVI), VVIR, and pacing catheter is positioned into the right ventricle. The pacing
DDD pacing modes. Patients were followed up for at least 3 years. catheter is connected to a pulse generator; ventricular capture can
The primary endpoint was all-cause mortality, although other usually be obtained with currents of 1 to 2 mA. Transvenous
secondary outcomes such as atrial fibrillation, heart failure, stroke/ pacing can be used for long periods with minimal complications
transient ischemic attack/thromboembolism, pacing system revi- (<2% once venous access is achieved).82
sion, cardiovascular events such as angina or myocardial infarc-
tion, exercise capacity, and quality of life were also evaluated. A
Permanent Pacing
composite endpoint of all outcomes was also examined. Patient
recruitment occurred from 1995 to 1999, and the trial terminated Once the patient is stabilized, the clinician must assess whether
in September 2002 with a median follow-up of 4 years.80 Of the the AV block will be permanent. In several conditions, persistent
patients, 504 were randomized to VVI pacing, 505 to VVIR pacing, AV block will gradually resolve. In approximately 10% to 15% of
and 1012 to DDD pacing. Some patients remained in the random- patients with inferior and posterior wall myocardial infarctions,
ized mode: 96.6% of VVI patients, 96.4% of VVIR patients, and transient second-degree, advanced, or complete AV block will be
87.7% of DDD patients. No difference was seen in all-cause mor- observed.84 In almost all cases, AV block will resolve, and perma-
tality or time to atrial fibrillation or other cardiovascular events. nent pacing is not required. Approximately 8% to 10% of patients
An increased stroke risk with VVI pacing (hazard ratio, 1.58) was with Lyme disease will have transient AV conduction abnormali-
observed, but no differences were found in any other secondary ties caused by myocarditis involving the AV nodal region. AV
endpoints or in the composite endpoint. This trial suggests that block usually resolves within several weeks, and permanent
older patients derive limited and specific benefits and fail to obtain pacing is almost never required. Acute rheumatic fever can also
other favorable results compared with younger patients with DDD present with AV block that is expected to resolve after several
pacing. This may reflect more advanced atrial and cardiovascular weeks.84
disease status or other variables.
In summary, it is unlikely that any randomized trial will be
Indications for Permanent Pacing
performed to evaluate the efficacy of pacing therapy in patients
with AV block. Although the evidence for the usefulness of dual- Indications for permanent pacing in acquired AV block have been
chamber pacing in patients with AV block is incomplete at published by a Joint Committee of the American College of Car-
present, most patients with AV block should receive a dual- diology (ACC) and the American Heart Association (AHA) in
chamber pacing system.76,81 1984, 1991, 1998, and 2002, and in 2008 in collaboration with The
Heart Rhythm Society (HRS).76 The ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 guide-
lines use the standard three-group classification schema. Class I
Management of Atrioventricular Block indications are conditions for which there is evidence or general
agreement that a given procedure or treatment is beneficial,
When AV block is identified, management requires a search for useful, and effective. Class II indications are conditions for which
reversible causes, an assessment of hemodynamic stability to there is conflicting evidence or a divergence of opinion about the
determine whether temporary pacing is required, and, finally, a usefulness/efficacy of a procedure or treatment. Class II has been
decision on whether permanent pacing will be necessary. further divided into class IIa, where the weight of evidence/
opinion is in favor of usefulness/efficacy, and class IIb, where
usefulness/efficacy is less well established by evidence/opinion.
Temporary Pacing
Class III indications are conditions for which there is evidence
In the hemodynamically unstable patient with AV block, the clini- or general agreement that a procedure/treatment is not useful/
cian must identify any rapidly reversible causes. Reversible causes effective and, in some cases, may be harmful. Despite some short-
include hyperkalemia, hypoxia, increased vagal tone, and isch- comings,76 the ACC/AHA/HRS guidelines provide a useful
emia. While treatment for reversible causes is initiated, it must framework for management. The indications for permanent
be decided quickly whether temporary pacing will be required for pacing in symptomatic patients with second-degree or third-
the hemodynamically unstable patient. Temporary pacing is most degree AV block are often straightforward (Table 40-1). Contro-
quickly initiated by transcutaneous passage of current between versial indications involve mostly asymptomatic patients.76,85 The
two specially designed pads placed on the chest wall. Patch posi- decision to implant a pacemaker in asymptomatic patients is more
tion is the most important factor for determining the effectiveness difficult and requires knowledge of the pathophysiology and
of transcutaneous pacing. The cathode should be placed on the natural history of AV block.86 As a general rule, since escape
left chest over the cardiac apex, and the anode placed on the back rhythms from ventricular tissue are unreliable, a pacemaker
between the spine and the scapula or anteriorly just above the should be implanted in asymptomatic patients if AV block occurs
right nipple. Currents of 20 to 140 mA are usually required to in His-Purkinje tissue.
Atrioventricular Block  529

If type 1 second-degree AV block is associated with a wide QRS

Table 40-1  Indications for Permanent Pacing in Atrioventricular Block
complex (>0.12 seconds) AV block will be located in the AV node
Permanent pacemaker implantation is indicated for third-degree and in 30% to 40% of patients and in the His-Purkinje system in 60%
advanced second-degree atrioventricular (AV) block at any anatomic to 70% of cases.88,89 In these cases, an invasive electrophysiological
level associated with the following: study is often required to identify the site of block. If intra-Hisian
1. Bradycardia with symptoms (including heart failure) or ventricular
or infra-Hisian block is identified, a pacemaker should be
arrhythmias presumed to be caused by AV block
implanted, as these conditions usually progress to complete heart
2. Arrhythmias and other medical conditions that require drug
therapy that results in symptomatic bradycardia, in awake, block within 5 years.90
symptom-free patients in sinus rhythm, with documented periods Type 2 second-degree AV block generally occurs in His-Purkinje
of asystole ≥3.0 seconds) or any escape rate less than 40 beats/min tissue. Asymptomatic patients with type 2 AV block usually do
3. An escape rhythm that is below the AV node, in awake, symptom- develop symptoms and will require permanent pacing.79
free patients with atrial fibrillation and bradycardia with one or In 2 : 1 second-degree AV block, every other P wave conducts,
more pauses of at least 5 seconds or longer after catheter ablation preventing comparison of consecutive P-R intervals. The QRS
of the AV junction complex provides a clue as to the site of block: A narrow QRS
4. Postoperative AV block that is not expected to resolve after cardiac complex is associated with His-Purkinje block 30% of the time,
and a wide QRS complex is associated with His-Purkinje block
approximately 80% of the time.17,91 In the asymptomatic patient
with 2 : 1 block, maneuvers (such as exercise, atropine, or continu-
ous ECG monitoring) to alter the conduction ratio between the
atria and the ventricles may allow localization of the site of block.
Third-Degree Atrioventricular Block However, in some cases, electrophysiological evaluation to deter-
mine the site of block will be required.
Symptomatic third-degree AV block is a class I indication for
pacing therapy. For asymptomatic patients, the current guidelines
use a rate cutoff, with escape ventricular rates less than 40 beats/ First-Degree Atrioventricular Block
min designated as a class I indication and ventricular rates greater
than 40 beats/min designated as class IIa. Although this distinc- If first-degree AV block is severe, atrial activation and contraction
tion may seem reasonable, one must confirm whether the patient can occur while the ventricles are contracting in response to the
is truly asymptomatic; in some cases, symptoms associated with previous atrial contraction, which leads to an inappropriate rise
third-degree AV block are subtle. More importantly, prognosis in atrial pressures and symptoms similar to pacemaker syndrome.
depends on the stability of the escape rate pacemaker rather than In this situation, symptoms can be significant, even with exercise,
the actual rate; escape rhythms from ventricular tissues (wide as the P-R interval does not shorten appropriately with adrenergic
QRS complexes) are inherently unstable. In practice, acquired stimulation. The current guidelines classify symptomatic
third-degree AV block not associated with any reversible causes first-degree AV block as a class IIa indication for pacemaker
is usually considered a class I indication for permanent pacing implantation.76 Asymptomatic first-degree AV block is a class III
whether symptoms are present or absent. indication for pacing. The one exception to this recommendation
is the asymptomatic patient with first-degree AV block, abnormal
QRS axis caused by left anterior or left posterior fascicular block,
Second-Degree Atrioventricular Block and neuromuscular disease.76 Neuromuscular diseases such as
myotonic dystrophy and Kearns-Sayre syndrome are associated
Symptomatic second-degree AV block is a class I indication for with progressive AV block; since development of complete heart
pacing regardless of type of block. The use of pacing therapy for block can be unpredictable, implantation of a permanent pace-
asymptomatic patients with second-degree AV block is contro- maker is justified.
versial and depends on the type (site) of AV block.
In general, type 1 second-degree AV block associated with a
Pacing Mode Choice
narrow QRS complex (<0.12 seconds) is due to block in the AV
node, and the current published guidelines do not recommend Three pacing modes (DDD, VDD, and VVI) can be used to
pacemaker implantation in the asymptomatic patient. In a study prevent bradycardia in patients with AV block.
of 56 patients with documented chronic second-degree AV block
caused by AV nodal conduction delay, those without associated
VVI and VVIR Pacing
cardiac disease had a benign course, whereas those with associ-
ated cardiac disease had a poor prognosis because of progression In the VVI or VVIR pacing mode, bradycardia is prevented, and
of underlying cardiac disease rather than the development of if rate adaption is programmed to be “on,” the heart rate will
sudden bradycardia.86 However, in another retrospective study of increase with exercise. However, AV synchrony not present in
214 patients with second-degree AV block, survival and require- either of these pacing modes. The importance of AV synchrony
ment for pacing were not different among patients with type 1 is controversial in patients with AV block because the main con-
and type 2 heart block, and the presence or absence of bundle tribution to increased cardiac output with exercise is heart rate
branch block did not appear to aid in the prediction of survival.87 rather than AV synchrony and the incidence of pacemaker syn-
In view of these conflicting data, it is prudent to closely monitor drome is lower in patients with AV block compared with patients
patients with type 1 second-degree AV block and a narrow QRS with sinus node dysfunction. However, it seems intuitively rea-
complex for symptoms and for progression of conduction tissue sonable that in the presence of organized atrial activity, the VDD
disease (e.g., development of fascicular block or QRS widening). and DDD pacing modes are most appropriate. In fact, since the
530  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

early 1990s, the British Pacing and Electrophysiology Group Futami C, Tanuma K, Tanuma Y, Saito T: The arterial blood supply of the
guidelines have stated that the only indication for the VVI and conducting system in normal human hearts, Surg Radiol Anat 25:42–
VVIR pacing modes is atrial fibrillation/flutter with AV block or 49, 2003.
Ho SY, Esscher E, Anderson RH, Michaelsson M: Anatomy of congenital
slow ventricular response.81 The VVI and VVIR pacing modes
complete heart block and relation to maternal anti-Ro antibodies, Am
may also be appropriate in patients who are incapacitated and J Cardiol 58:291–294, 1986.
inactive as well as in those with other medical problems associ- Ho SY, McCarthy KP, Ansari A, et al: Anatomy of the atrioventricular
ated with a short life expectancy. node and atrioventricular conduction system, J Bifurcation Chaos
12:3665–3674, 2003.
James TN: Cardiac innervation: Anatomic and pharmacologic relations,
DDD and DDDR Modes
Bull NY Acad Sci 43:1041–1086, 1967.
The DDD pacing mode prevents bradycardia and provides AV Johnson RL, Averill KH, Lamb LE: Electrocardiographic findings in 67,375
synchrony in patients with AV block. Although less important for asymptomatic subjects, Am J Cardiol 6:153–157, 1960.
exercise-related increases in cardiac output, several studies have Lamas GA, Orav EJ, Stambler BS, et al: Quality of life and clinical out-
comes in elderly patients treated with ventricular pacing as compared
demonstrated that AV synchrony is associated with improved
with dual-chamber pacing, N Engl J Med 338:1097–1104, 1998.
symptoms at baseline levels of activity. The report of a large ran- Lazzara R, Scherlag BJ, Belardinelli L: Atrioventricular conduction. In
domized study (UK-PACE) that compared the VVI and DDD Spooner PM, Rosen MR, editors: Foundations of cardiac arrhythmias:
pacing modes in older patients (older than 70 years of age) with Basic concepts and clinical approaches, New York, 2001, Marcel
second-degree or third-degree AV block has been published.80 Dekker.
Although the DDD pacing mode is the most complex, most Petrecca K, Shrier A: Spatial distribution of ion channels, receptors, and
guidelines recommend this pacing mode in patients with AV innervation in the AV node. In Mazgalev TN, Tchou PJ, editors:
block, as it maintains AV synchrony regardless of the cause of the Atrial-AV nodal electrophysiology: A view from the millennium,
bradycardia. Armonk, NY, 2000, Futura.
Rosen KM: The contribution of His bundle recording to the understand-
ing of cardiac conduction in man, Circulation 43:961–966, 1971.
Scherlag BJ, Patterson E, Yamanashi W, et al: The AV conjunction: A
Abate E, Kusumoto F, Goldschlager N: Techniques for temporary pacing. concept based on ablation techniques in the normal heart. In Mazgalev
In Kusumoto FM, Goldschlager N, editors: Cardiac pacing for the clini- TN, Tchou PJ, editors: Atrial-AV nodal electrophysiology: A view from
cian, ed 2, New York, 2008, Springer. the millennium, Armonk, NY, 2000, Futura.
Barold SS, Hayes DL: Second-degree atrioventricular block: A reappraisal, Scott JS, Maddison PJ, Taylor PV, et al: Connective tissue disease, antibod-
Mayo Clin Proc 76(1):44–57, 2001. ies to ribonucleoprotein, and congenital heart block, N Engl J Med
Bharati S, Rosen KM, Strasberg B, et al: Anatomic substrate for congenital 4:209–212, 1983.
atrioventricular block in middle aged adults, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol Skanes AC, Krahn AD, Yee R, et al: Progression to chronic atrial fibrilla-
5:860–869, 1982. tion after pacing: The Canadian Trial of Physiologic Pacing, J Am Coll
Connolly SJ, Kerr CR, Gent M, et al: Effects of physiologic pacing versus Cardiol 38:167–172, 2001.
ventricular pacing on the risk of stroke and death due to cardiovascular Toff WD, Camm AJ, Skehan JD, United Kingdom Pacing and Cardiovas-
causes, N Engl J Med 342:1385–1391, 2000. cular Events Trial Investigators: Single-chamber versus dual-chamber
Epstein AE, Dimarco JP, Ellenbogen KA, et al: American College of pacing for high-grade atrioventricular block, N Engl J Med 353(2):145–
Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice; Amer- 155, 2005.
ican Association for Thoracic Surgery; Society of Thoracic Surgeons: Waki K, Kim JS, Becker AE: Morphology of the human atrioventricular
ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac node is age dependent: A feature of potential clinical significance, J
Rhythm Abnormalities: Executive summary, Heart Rhythm 5(6):934– Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 11:1144–1151, 2000.
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Fleg JL, Kennedy HL: Cardiac arrhythmias in a healthy elderly population: All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
Detection by 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiography, Chest 81:301– com.
307, 1892.
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia
and Pre-excitation Syndromes
Epidemiology, Basic Electrophysiology, Clinical Presentation,
Principles of Management, Evidence-Based Therapy: Sanjeev Saksena
Anatomy and Pathology: Saroja Bharati
Electrocardiography: Bruce D. Lindsay
Diagnostic Approach: Samuel Levy

Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) has been a well- Conversely, it confirmed that many symptoms experienced by
recognized clinical syndrome and an electrocardiographically patients with or without heart disease that are suggestive of
defined arrhythmia since the early days of electrocardiography. tachyarrhythmias occur when no arrhythmias or simply prema-
The clinical syndrome was defined in European literature in the ture beats are documented on monitoring. Epidemiologic data are
nineteenth century. In 1867, Cotton reported on an “unusually extensively colored by the selection criteria and the electrocardio-
rapid action of the heart,” and was followed by further observa- graphic documentation mode used in the study. Brodsky et al
tions by French and German scientists.1,2 Variously referred to reported that ambulatory electrocardiographic recordings in 50
first as Bouveret’s syndrome and later as paroxysmal atrial tachy- male medical students detected atrial premature beats in 56%, but
cardia, it was described classically as “a fully unprovoked tachy- only one had more than 100 beats in 24 hours.6 The limited period
cardia attack, lasting a few seconds or several days, in patients of observation precludes objective assessment of development of
who as a rule have otherwise healthy hearts.”1 It has been electro- SVT events in these subjects. Thus Hinkle et al, in a study of 301
cardiographically defined in the Tenth Bethesda Conference on men with a median age of 56 years, detected various supraven-
Optimal Electrocardiography as “a tachycardia usually character- tricular arrhythmias in 76% of these individuals.7 However, coro-
ized by an atrial rate of 140 to 240 beats/min and by an abrupt nary disease was present in 20% of these patients. Clark et al
onset and termination. It may or may not be associated with intact studied an apparently normal population ranging from 16 to 65
atrioventricular conduction. Specific electrophysiological studies years old and noted a low incidence of supraventricular arrhyth-
may elicit specific mechanisms such as retrograde and antero- mias.8,9 In contrast, recent longitudinal studies with telemetric
grade pathways and sites of re-entry.”3 monitoring and even implanted cardiac pacemakers document a
In the past 25 years, this has been an intensively studied very high incidence of asymptomatic and symptomatic atrial
arrhythmia, with extensive definition of its genesis, presentation, arrhythmias, particularly atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients with
subtypes, and electrophysiology. Pharmacologic therapy and, bradyarrhythmias.10 Thus, it would be appropriate to infer that
later, nonpharmacologic therapy have been investigated and the true incidence of PSVT in the general population remains
refined. This is now a classic story in the evolution of clinical unknown because of its evanescent nature and limited methods
cardiac electrophysiology and forms a fundamental cornerstone of detection. It would also be appropriate to surmise that the
in the modern treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. incidence may be higher than generally believed over a long
observation period. Atrial arrhythmias also increase with age.11 In
the Cardiovascular Health Study, short runs of PSVT occurred in
Epidemiology 50% of men and 48% of women, doubling in prevalence in octo-
genarians. PSVT has been shown to occur in 28% of nursing
The epidemiology of PSVT has not been widely investigated in home residents.11
modern times. Early electrocardiographic reports were useful in More data are available for pre-excitation syndromes, particu-
arrhythmia detection in patients presenting with sustained palpi- larly Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome. Electrocardio-
tations and persistent episodes of supraventricular tachycardias graphic studies of healthy individuals suggest that the incidence
(SVTs) but had little role for this purpose in the large body of of this condition is 3 in 1000 of the general population.12 Early
patients with brief SVT events terminating before presentation to studies suggested that the morbidity and mortality in WPW syn-
the physician.4,5 These efforts were supplemented by the advent drome with tachyarrhythmias were greater in adults with ven-
of ambulatory electrocardiography, which documented a large tricular fibrillation (VF) occurring in those with AF and antegrade
number of cardiac arrhythmias in asymptomatic patients. pre-excitation.13 However, Klein et al have reported on the natural

532  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

history of asymptomatic WPW syndrome; they noted a very low

incidence of major morbidity and serious symptomatic arrhyth-
mias, including AF with rapid antegrade conduction and
mortality.14 RA
Supraventricular arrhythmias are seen at all ages and are par- LA
ticularly common in infants, children, and young adults. The age-
related behavior of these rhythms has also been the subject of
epidemiologic study. In a study of infants younger than 1 year,
Mantakas et al noted that associated congenital heart disease was AVN
present in 35%, and 90% developed SVTs with narrow (35%) or VS
wide QRS (45%) complexes.15 Most patients (90%) improved with
growth or remained stable, but patients with congenital heart
disease could have refractory arrhythmias. The quality and dura- I
tion of life in children with WPW syndrome without clinical
dysrhythmias have been reported to be normal.

Anatomy and Pathology

FIGURE 41-1  Schematic representation of the atrioventricular (AV)
Normal Anatomy of the Sinus Node junction depicting the approaches to the AV node. Arrows point to the
approaches to the AV node from the tricuspid valve area, right atrial
Tachycardias of sinus node origin have been described. These can
aspect, right ventricular aspect, atrial septal aspect, left atrial aspect,
present as paroxysmal episodes of SVT or inappropriate sinus and mitral valvular aspect; AVN, AV node; CFB, central fibrous body;
tachycardia (IST), which is nonparoxysmal in nature. Postural LA, left atrial myocardium–left atrial approaches; LV, left ventricular
orthostatic tachycardia syndrome is discussed elsewhere in the side of the septum; MV, approaches from the mitral valve; RA, right
text and is associated with sinus tachycardia and orthostasis. atrial myocardium–superior approaches; AS, atrial septum; I, inferior
Sinoatrial re-entrant tachycardias (SARTs) arise in the region of approaches; RV, right ventricular side of the septum–right ventricular
the sinus node and peri-nodal region. See Chapter 39 for a approaches; TV, approaches from the tricuspid valve; VS, summit of
detailed treatment of the normal anatomy of the sinus node. the ventricular septum. (From Bharati S, Lev M: The anatomy of the
normal conduction system: Disease-related changes and their relationship
to arrhythmogenesis. In Podrid PJ, Kowey PR, editors: Cardiac arrhythmias,
Normal Anatomy of the Atrioventricular Junction mechanism, diagnosis and management, Baltimore, 1995, Williams &
To understand the pathologic base for atrioventricular (AV) nodal
tachycardia and AV re-entrant tachycardia (AVRT), the normal
anatomy of the AV node and its approaches, including the atria
and the AV bundle, is briefly reviewed in the following regions of
Significance of the Size Variations of the Approaches
interest: (1) approaches to the AV node including the atrial
to the Atrioventricular Node
septum, (2) AV node, and (3) AV node–bundle junction.16-27
Atrial myocardial fibers, including collagen, elastic tissue, and
nerve elements in the approaches to the AV nodal area, can vary
Approaches to the Atrioventricular Node
in size, shape, and direction, suggesting that there may be func-
Approaches to the AV node include the atrial myocardium located tional differences in the speed of conduction.16-20 Anatomically,
in the anterior, superior, midseptal, and inferior regions as they one approach to the AV node may be more dominant than the
converge to the AV node. The approaches beneath the coronary other. For example, dominant posterior approaches with less
sinus area may be called the posterior or inferior approaches. In prominent superior approaches in humans suggest the possibility
addition, approaches also originate from the tricuspid valve. Left- of dominant slow pathway conduction. Likewise, dominant supe-
sided approaches include those from the left atrial myocardium rior approaches with practically absent inferior approaches
and the mitral valve. Superior approaches include the pectinate suggest the possibility of the dominance of fast pathway conduc-
muscles as they merge from the superior, lateral, and posterior tion or other alterations in AV nodal conduction. Myocardial
walls of the right atrium toward the AV nodal area, atrial septum, fibers in the atria may get entrapped within the central fibrous
and Todaro’s tendon. Approaches to the AV node are formed by body and join the AV node. In other instances, approaches to the
different types of myocardial fibers coming from different direc- AV node as well as the AV node may be entrapped within the
tions as they merge toward the AV nodal area (Figure 41-1). tricuspid or mitral valve annulus or the base of the aortic valve.
Histologically, in general, the cells are relatively loosely arranged During an altered physiologic state, these anomalies may form an
with lighter-staining, smaller cells. The size and shape of the myo- anatomic substrate for a re-entry circuit, resulting in various types
cardial fibers vary considerably from one approach to the other of supraventricular or junctional arrhythmias.16-18
in the vicinity of the node. In general, there is increase in the
elastic collagen connective tissue intermingling with the cells, fat,
Atrioventricular Node
and a large amount of nerve fibers. At the electron microscopic
level, the mitochondria and myofibrils of the atrial myocardial The AV node is normally in continuity with its atrial
cells are not as well organized as the ventricular cells, and some approaches.16-23,26 It is a sizable structure and is usually located
of them do not have a transverse tubular system.16 near the annulus of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve. In the
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Pre-excitation Syndromes  533

adult, it measures approximately 5 to 7 mm in length and 2 to responsive to parasympathetic adrenergic regulation, whereas the
5 mm in width. The node extends closely beneath the endocar-
dium of the right atrium, adjacent to the septal leaflet of the tri-
cuspid valve, and lies very close to the right ventricular aspect of
the ventricular septum and the central fibrous body. The size and
AV nodal conduction is preferentially sensitive to sympathetic
adrenergic regulation.
Variations in Size, Shape, and Location
shape of the node are not uniform in nature and vary considerably
of the Atrioventricular Node
from heart to heart. At the light microscopic level, the AV node
consists of a meshwork of cells that are approximately the size of The node lies beneath the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve close
atrial cells but are smaller than ventricular cells. Histologically, to the right ventricular aspect of the ventricular septum and the
the AV node may be divided into three layers: (1) superficial, or central fibrous body. The AV node may be draped over the central
subendocardial, (2) intermediate, or midzone, and (3) deep, or fibrous body within the atrial septum, or some of the fibers may
innermost.16-18 be partly within the tricuspid valve annulus and may be partly
within the central fibrous body. In some cases, the fibers may be
situated toward the left atrial aspect or partly within the mitral
Superficial or Subendocardial Layer
valve annulus, or they may be situated close to the base of the
of the Atrioventricular Node
aortic valve.16-23 AV node–like cells may also be seen near the
The approaches that come from various directions merge gradu- tricuspid, mitral, and aortic valve annuli. Some of these nodelike
ally with the superficial or subendocardial part of the AV node. cells may enter the central fibrous body and eventually join the
These fibers are loosely arranged with smaller nodelike cells ori- regular posterior AV node. In addition, an accessory AV node may
ented along the atrial cells, some intermingling with the atrial be seen anterosuperiorly in the parietal wall of the right atrium
cells, fat, elastic tissue, collagen, and nerve fibers. A distinct near the annulus of the tricuspid valve.16 Note that not all the AV
increase in fat occurs with normal aging of the heart.16-18 nodal cells eventually form the AV bundle; some, such as leftover
nodal cells, remain and lie adjacent to the central fibrous body or
near the valves.
Intermediate or Midlayer of the Atrioventricular Node
AV nodal cells are more or less compact; however, the orientation
Mahaim Fibers
and arrangement of the cells vary considerably. The collagen and
elastic tissue content is less than that seen in the superficial layer Conduction fibers from the AV node, AV bundle, and left bundle
with fewer nerve fibers. In the older age group, fat may be present branch may join the ventricular myocardium. They have been
in the intermediate layer of the node.16-18 referred to as Mahaim fibers, or paraspecific fibers of Mahaim.
They may form the substrate for a unique variety of ventricular
pre-excitation. The myocardial fibers resemble the cells of the
Deep or Innermost Layer of the Node
tissue of origin and gradually take over the characteristics of the
AV nodal cells are tightly arranged and may be considered ventricular myocardial cells. Mahaim fibers may be present from
compact. However, the arrangement and orientation of these cells the AV node to the right, left, or middle part of the ventricular
also vary considerably. Some amounts of collagen and elastic septum.16-23
tissue are present, though somewhat less than in the intermediate
and superficial layers. Fat may be seen intermingling with the
Accessory Atrioventricular Bypass
nodal cells in patients in the older age group. At the light micro-
Pathways—Fibers of Kent
scopic level, the nodal fibers vary from the periphery toward the
central fibrous body.16-18 At the electron microscopic level, fewer Accessory AV bypass pathways bypassing the AV node are seen
myofibrils and mitochondria are present and are randomly in normal infants up to 6 months of age.21 The myocardial cells
arranged. The cytoplasmic reticulum is poorly developed, and no on the atrial side resemble atrial cells, and those on the ventricular
transverse tubular system exists. It is not known whether the AV aspect resemble ventricular cells.16-22 In adults, it has been well
node contains more glycogen than the surrounding atrial and documented that such pathways cause pre-excitation with varying
ventricular myocardium. The gap junctions are scarce, but des- types of supraventricular arrhythmias.
mosomes are frequent. Fascia adherens are more than in the
sinoatrial nodal cells but not as frequent as in atrial and ventricu-
Atrioventricular Node–Bundle Junction
lar myocardial cells.16-18
The AV node penetrates the central fibrous body to become the
penetrating part of the AV bundle. The penetrating AV bundle
Blood Supply and Nerve Supply
undergoes or assumes different shapes and contours. The orienta-
to the Atrioventricular Node
tion of fibers differs significantly. The node-bundle junction is
In approximately 90% of hearts, the AV node is supplied by ramus very small, measuring approximately 1 to 1.5 mm in greatest
septi fibrosi, a branch from the right coronary artery reinforced dimension or less in the majority of hearts. The node-bundle
by branches from the anterior descending coronary artery.16-23 junction becomes a part of the AV node and may be considered
Copious nerve cells surround the AV node, especially in the atrial the most distal part of the AV node or the beginning part of the
septum adjacent to the AV node and nerve fibers within the node. penetrating AV bundle.16-18 The AV nodal cells that are close to
The exact distribution and destination of the nerves in the AV the tricuspid valve and the posterior approaches are first molded
nodal area in humans are still unknown. However, the rich auto- to form the penetrating AV bundle. Conversely, the nodal fibers
nomic innervation of the sinoatrial node and AV nodal areas in from the anterosuperior aspect are the last to lose their continuity
the canine heart indicates that the sinoatrial node is particularly with the superior approaches as they enter the central fibrous
534  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

body to form the AV bundle. Thus, the formation of the AV junctional arrhythmias.15,16 For example, an anterior AV node in
bundle within the central fibrous body occurs differentially. The the parietal wall of the atrium or near the tricuspid valve annulus
posterior part of the AV node penetrates the central fibrous body or double AV node may alter its conduction velocity. Dual AV
earlier than the anterior or superior part. The superior part of the nodal pathways may be normal or abnormal. They may be tran-
AV node includes the nodal fibers closer to the left atrial side, sient or become permanent.16-18
atrial septal, and right atrial aspects.16-18
Accessory Atrioventricular Node and Its Relationship to
Functional Significance of the Node-Bundle Junction Pre-excitation and Atrioventricular Junctional Tachycardias
The variation in sizes of the superior and inferior components of Few pathologic studies document an accessory AV node being
the node, as well as the variations in which they form the AV responsible for pre-excitation or other arrhythmias originating
bundle, may provide a substrate for arrhythmias. Since histologi- from the AV junction. Figure 41-2 shows a 5-month-old infant
cally the node-bundle junction has the characteristics of both the with a history of intractable junctional tachycardia. He died sud-
AV node and the AV bundle, its functional properties may be denly, and postmortem examination demonstrated a displaced
intermediate, having characteristics of both the node and the coronary sinus relative to the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve
penetrating AV bundle. Likewise, the atrial myocardial approaches with a double AV node and double AV bundle (see Figure 41-2).
from the mitral valve, tricuspid valve, the right ventricular myo- In other instances, the AV node has been located partly within
cardium, and the atrial septum tend to get entrapped within the the central fibrous body with a left-sided AV bundle, or the right
central fibrous body and may later join the AV node, the node- AV node has been completely interrupted by sutures, and a left-
bundle junction, or both. The normal variations in morphology sided AV node was connected to the atrial septum. It was recently
of the AV junction have the potential for supporting AV nodal documented that an accessory AV node located anterior to the
arrhythmias.16-18 The variation in the morphology of the AV junc- AV junction directly communicated with the right atrium and
tional area also probably predisposes to varying types of physio- right ventricle in a curved fashion that produced ventricular pre-
logical phenomena, including dual AV nodal pathways and other excitation and formed the retrograde limb of typical AVRT. In


FIGURE 41-2  A 5-month-old infant with a lifelong history of tachycardia had a heart rate of 206 beats/min. He was diagnosed with junctional
tachycardia. During cardiac catheterization, he developed ventricular fibrillation and died. A, Pathologic examination revealed a double atrioventricular
(AV) node within the central fibrous body. B, Two AV bundles are seen in this section within the central fibrous body. Weigert-van Gieson stain ×19.5.
RN, Right-sided AV node; LN, left-sided AV node; CFB, central fibrous body; RA, right atrium; LB, large left-sided AV bundle; RB, small right-sided AV
bundle; V, summit of the ventricular septum; TD, tendon of Todaro; Ao, aorta. (From Bharati S, Moskowich, Scheinman M, et al: Junctional tachycardias:
Anatomic substrate and its significance in ablative procedures, J Am Coll Cardiol 15:172–186, 1991.)
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Pre-excitation Syndromes  535

Box 41-1  Classification of Regular Supraventricular Tachycardias
with Narrow QRS Complexes


Paroxysmal sinus tachycardia
Nonparoxysmal sinoatrial tachycardia


Slow-fast (type 1)
Fast-slow (type 2)
Slow-slow (type 3)


Intra-atrial reentrant tachycardia
Automatic atrial tachycardia (unifocal or multifocal)


Orthodromic AV re-entry
Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia
Antidromic AV re-entry
Atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, or atrial fibrillation, with or without
accessory pathway conduction


Nodoventricular and nodofascicular reentry
Atrial tachycardia, AV nodal re-entry, or atrial fibrillation with
nodo-ventricular or nodo-fascicular bystander conduction


Atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, or atrial fibrillation with enhanced AV
FIGURE 41-3  A 13-month-old child diagnosed with hypertrophic nodal conduction
cardiomyopathy and supraventricular tachycardia died suddenly. AUTOMATIC AV JUNCTIONAL TACHYCARDIAS
Photomicrograph demonstrates the Mahaim fibers from the
atrioventricular (AV) node (N) joining the ventricular septum (V). Black AV, Atrioventricular.
arrows point to profuse nodo-ventricular fibers from the AV node
joining the ventricular septum on the right and left sides. White arrows
point to loop formation of AV nodal fibers within the central fibrous
body. Weigert–van Gieson stain ×30. A, Atrial approaches to the AV
node; C, central fibrous body. (From Cantor RJ, Gravatt A, Bharati S: the seminal clinical studies of Durrer, Wellens, Castellanos, Rosen,
Pathologic findings following sudden death in an infant with hypertrophic and Denes, among others, helped define the mechanisms and
cardiomyopathy and supraventricular tachycardia, J Cardiovasc substrates involved in these arrhythmias.28-31 Extensive pathologic
Electrophysiol 8:222–225, 1997.)
studies, as mentioned earlier, have further enhanced our under-
standing of the anatomic basis of these arrhythmias. Fundamental
to our understanding is the concept that these arrhythmias may be
caused by either enhanced automaticity or re-entry. Although the
another patient with typical pre-excitation and recurrent AVRT latter may predominate in certain populations and clinical prac-
who died suddenly, no conventional anomalous pathways were tice, considerable overlap exists in clinical and electrocardio-
present on the right side. Instead, an anterior accessory AV node graphic features. Automatic arrhythmias may arise from the
in the right atrium continued as the infundibular right ventricular sinoatrial region and from the working atrial myocardium or the
myocardium. AV junction. Re-entrant rhythms may arise in these structures as
These types of abnormalities of the AV junction are seen in well and may also involve accessory AV connections or other vari-
children as well as in adults. Pathologic study in a 13-month-old ants in the pre-excitation syndrome. Box 41-1 lists the PSVT cat-
child with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and paroxysmal SVTs, egories by electrophysiological mechanisms and substrate. A
consistent with AV reciprocating tachycardia using a concealed summary of the basic concepts involved in the genesis of these
posterior accessory pathway, revealed that the central fibrous arrhythmias is provided in the following discussion.
body was abnormally formed with numerous Mahaim fibers
(nodo-ventricular) on both sides of the septum with fibrosis of
the left bundle branch (Figure 41-3). Basic Electrophysiology
The anatomic and electrophysiological substrate and physiology
Concepts and Classification of SVTs have been given fresh investigative impetus by the evolu-
tion of catheter ablation procedures. Sinus node tachycardias
The fundamental concepts underlying recurrent PSVT have been have been simulated in experimental studies using epinephrine
elucidated by decades of experimental and clinical electrophysio- injection into the fat pad.32 (Figure 41-4, A).These show evidence
logical investigations. Early experimental studies of Moe et al and of origin either in the sinus node itself or in the superior aspect
536  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias



Hb A H

200 A-H = 72 ms


0 (mm Hg)
650 350 V1–V2: 350 A1–A2: 400
S1 S1 S2
HRA 200 A 200 A 250 A A
220 A 220 A 270 A A
CS1 180 A 180 A 230 A A
CS2 190 A 190 A 240 A A
160 A 160 A 210 H– A A H
160 A 160 A 210 H– A A110 H
H––A: 80
650 350 V1–V2: 350 A1–A2: 630
S1 S1 S2

HRA 200 A 200 A 475 A A

LRA 220 A 220 A 460 A A
CS1 180 A 180 A 430 A A
CS2 190 A 190 A 435 A A
160 A 160 A 440 H– A H A H
160 A 160 A 440 H– A150H A110H
H––A: 310
B 500 ms

FIGURE 41-4  A, A typical response to the injection of epinephrine into the fat pad. Traces, from top: Electrocardiogram (ECG) lead II; electrograms for
the high right atrium (HRA) and bundle of His (Hb) showing atrial (A) His bundle (H) and ventricular activation (V). A, During the control state at a sinus
rate of 166 per beats/min the A-H interval measured 72 ms and systolic blood pressure (SBP) was 157 mm Hg. B, After 0.3 mg of epinephrine was
injected into the fat pad, the sinus rate increased to 203 beats/min, but the A-H interval and SBP were relatively unchanged (72 ms and 150 mm Hg,
respectively). B, Induction of retrograde dual atrioventricular (AV) nodal pathway conduction with ventricular extrastimulation (same patient as in
Figure 41-2). H, Retrograde bundle of His potentials. Retrograde atrial activation sequence resulting from retrograde fast AV nodal pathway conduction
(A) is first the low septal right atrium (SRA) in the bundle of His electrographic lead (HBE), followed by the proximal coronary sinus (CS1 and CS2), high
right atrium (HRA) and lateral right atrium (LRA), whereas that resulting from retrograde slow AV nodal pathway conduction (B) is first CS1 and CS2,
followed by low SRA, LRA, and HRA. The morphology of the atrial electrogram changes as a result of the shift from retrograde fast to retrograde slow
AV nodal pathway conduction. Ventriculoatrial conduction time (S0A interval) is measured from the stimulus to the onset of atrial electrogram at each
recording site and is expressed in milliseconds. (From Sung RJ, Waxman H, Saksena S, et al: Sequence of retrograde atrial activation in patients with dual
atrioventricular nodal pathways, Circulation 64:1053–1060, 1981.)

of the crista terminalis. These have been ablated by chemical or the ventricles, the so-called bystander pathway. In contrast, AV
electrical techniques. nodal pathways are believed to be located within or in the imme-
On the basis of anatomic dissections and pathologic study of diate environs of the AV node. This latter structure has been
involved hearts, the accessory bypass tract has been recognized stratified into transitional regions with the atrium (AN region),
as working myocardial bundles that may cross the AV annulus at compact node (N region), and the bundle of His (NH region). The
any location or bridge elements of the specialized conduction N region is synonymous with the anatomic descriptions of the
system with the atrial or ventricular working myocardium. The compact AV node. The re-entrant circuit in AV nodal re-entry is
re-entrant circuit in AVRTs has four components—the atrium, confined to the AV node and the adjoining atrial myocardium. A
the normal AV node, the ventricle, and the accessory pathway. In concise description of these two substrates and their physiology
some instances, the tachycardia is located in the atrium or the AV is used as the basis for defining the specific variants of these
node and simply uses the accessory pathway for conduction to arrhythmias.
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Pre-excitation Syndromes  537

activation. These posterior approaches were not used in fast

Atrioventricular Nodal Re-entrant Tachycardias
pathway conduction.
Pioneering anatomic studies of Tawara and Kent and physiologi-
cal demonstration of dual AV nodal physiology in dogs by Moe
Human Correlates of Experimental Observations
have laid the foundation for our current understanding of this
condition.28,33,34 Tawara and others examined the compact AV Clinical correlation of these experimental concepts of AV nodal
node, but more recent studies have focused on the connections physiology was demonstrated by the early work of Bigger and
of the node. Moe et al first suggested the presence of functionally Goldreyer, as well as by Denes, Rosen, and coworkers.31,38 The
and spatially distinct pathways with fast and slow conduction critical role of AV nodal conduction delay in the onset of SVT
properties in the canine AV node.30 Subsequently, the cellular was recognized. Denes et al demonstrated longitudinal dissocia-
electrophysiological properties of the node and its environs were tion of the AV nodal conduction in patients with recurrent SVT.31
studied (see Chapters 4 and 24). The AN and N regions lie in The critical link between anatomic and physiological concepts in
the triangle of Koch framed by Todaro’s tendon, the tricuspid humans was provided by a landmark study by Sung et al.39 They
annulus, and the ostium of the coronary sinus. This anatomic demonstrated the posterior input and output of the “slow” AV
location is critical to the understanding of the technique of cath- nodal pathway and the anterior location of the “fast” AV nodal
eter ablation of this arrhythmia. The N region is located at the conduction pathway (see Figure 41-4, B). Although submerged in
apex of the triangle, where the NH region in the nonbranching controversy for some time, this observation formed the basis for
part of the AV bundle penetrates the central fibrous body to the development of fast and slow pathway ablation for the cure of
become the bundle of His. Considerable uncertainty existed in AV nodal re-entry. Several years later, this study was directly vali-
the understanding of the AN region and the atrial connections dated in intraoperative studies in humans. McGuire et al mapped
of the AV node. Truex and Smythe demonstrated atrial exten- Koch’s triangle to define the earliest atrial activation during
sions of the compact AV node, with a prominent posterior tail AVNRT in patients during cardiac surgery. A zone of slow con-
that extended to the ostium of the coronary sinus.24 Anderson duction was found in the triangle in 64% of patients.40 Atrial
et al defined superficial, deep, and posterior zones in these con- activation patterns confirmed that the fast pathway was connect-
nections.35 The superficial zone extended into the anterosuperior ing at the apex of the triangle near the AV node–bundle of His
part of the node, the posterior zone into the inferoposterior junction, whereas the slow pathway did so at the orifice of the
aspect of the compact node, and the deep fibers connected the coronary sinus near the posterior aspect of the AV node. Two
left atrial septum to the node. Anderson noted that this latter types of AVNRT were distinguished: (1) the common type, or
connection joins the distal part of the node, suggesting the pos- type 1, called the “slow-fast” form, which used the slow pathway
sibility of a lesser degree of AV nodal conduction modulation by for anterograde propagation and the fast pathway for retrograde
slow currents and more rapid AV conduction. Definition of these conduction; and (2) the uncommon type, or type 2, called “fast-
three inputs further refined our clinical techniques of AV nodal slow” AVNRT. Contiguous ablation lesions can affect both path-
modification or ablation. Racker also described discrete superior, ways, confirming their proximity. The presence of multiple “slow”
medial, and lateral atrio-nodal bundles.36 The medial and lateral pathways has also been identified, resulting in a third form of
bundles converged into a single proximal AV bundle leading into re-entry, called “slow-slow,” or type 3, AVNRT. These different
the compact AV node. These two bundles are believed to form, types and pathways support the concept that these arrhythmias
in part or in entirety, the anterior “fast” and posterior “slow” AV are supported by AV nodal tissue, transitional atrio-nodal inputs,
nodal physiological pathways. and other peri-nodal tissues, which have varying electrophysio-
Moe et al demonstrated the electrophysiological substrate for logical properties and functionally simulate distinct electrical
AV nodal re-entrant tachycardias (AVNRTs) by developing the pathways.
concept of dual AV nodal pathways as its basis.28 They noted a
marked prolongation of AV nodal conduction when a premature
Atrioventricular Re-entrant Tachycardias
atrial extrastimulus was delivered at a critical coupling interval.
This was often associated with an echo beat, postulated to be The classification of pre-excitation syndromes has evolved since
caused by two AV nodal pathways—a β-pathway with a faster the original eponyms were given to Kent, Mahaim, and James
conduction and long refractoriness and an α-pathway with fibers. The long-proposed and accepted classification by the Euro-
shorter refractoriness and slower conduction times. At critical pean Study Group is shown in Box 41-2. However, limitations of
coupling intervals, the premature beat shifts conduction from the this classification are being recognized, and correlation with the
β-pathway to the α-pathway and re-engages the β-pathway in a
retrograde direction to result in an atrial echo beat. More recent,
elegant studies on isolated canine and pig hearts by McGuire, de
Bakker, and Janse have shown nodal type action potentials in the Box 41-2  Classification of Pre-excitation Syndromes
cells around both mitral and tricuspid valve rings.37 These cells
are separated from atrial cells by a zone of cells with intermediate 1. AV bypass tracts providing direct connections between the atrium
action potentials. Adenosine reduced the amplitude and upstroke and ventricle
2. Nodo-ventricular connections between the AV node and
velocity of action potentials in nodal-type cells, but their morpho-
ventricular myocardium
logic characteristics were indistinguishable from those of atrial 3. Fasciculo-ventricular connections between the fascicles of the
myocytes. However, they could be distinguished by the absence specialized conduction system and the ventricular myocardium
of connexin43, which was present in the atrium and the ventricle. 4. AV nodal bypass tracts with direct connections between the atrium
Posterior AV nodal approaches were dissociated by pacing from and the bundle of His
the atrium and the AV node, and echo beats used the slow pos-
AV, Atrioventricular.
terior pathway in a retrograde direction and preceded atrial
538  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

previous eponyms remains occasionally tangential. The major slowly propagating accessory pathways or other causes of Mahaim
reason for this observation is the recognition that decremental physiology. The electrophysiological basis for decremental con-
conduction is a property not solely confined to the AV node but duction in accessory pathways has been speculative. Suggestions
also seen with accessory AV connections. Speculation around the include impedance mismatch at the interface between the pathway
embryologic basis of these connections swirls around the original and the atrial or ventricular myocardium or extreme tortuosity of
suggestion by Gallagher that these may be displaced AV nodal and these fibers in some instances, which has been seen pathologi-
specialized conduction system tissues.41 Decremental conduction cally. Investigations suggest that block in such pathways usually
has been observed in posteroseptal AV connections in the per- occurs at the ventricular connection and may be related to anisot-
manent form of junctional reciprocating tachycardia, as well as in ropy, fiber narrowing, or altered intercellular junctions. Age and
atrio-fascicular bypass tracts, which commonly link the parietal autonomic state–related changes in electrophysiological proper-
atrial myocardium in the right atrium to the right bundle branch ties may lead to intermittent manifestations of pre-excitation syn-
at its distal portion and are detected as Mahaim physiology. The dromes and the arrhythmias supported by them in a patient’s
tachycardia propagates in an antegrade direction over the atrio- lifetime. Incessant tachycardias and manifest pre-excitation of
fascicular pathway and in a retrograde direction over the normal infancy waning during childhood and adolescence or an initial
AV conduction system and involves the atrium and the ventricle appearance of the condition in young adults is common. Aging
as critical elements in the circuit. This is quite distinct from the generally can impair pathway function, and it is uncommon,
nodo-ventricular connections originally described by Mahaim. In though not rare, for the condition to manifest itself for the first
this latter instance, the tachycardia has a similar propagation time in an older adult.
sequence but can exist totally without atrial involvement and has
been referred to as a “subjunctional tachycardia.”
Supraventricular Tachycardias Caused
The anatomic basis for AVRT is the accessory AV pathway, a
by Enhanced Automaticity
small band of working myocardium bridging the AV annulus. The
location of these pathways is most frequent in the left ventricular Nonparoxysmal forms of sinus node tachycardia, often referred
free wall, followed by posteroseptal and paraseptal locations and, to as inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST), show similar ECG
least commonly, in the right atrial free wall and left anterior AV patterns but can demonstrate a gradual acceleration (warm-up
annulus. Multiple AV connections are seen in approximately 15% phenomenon), which suggests enhanced automaticity.32 IST is
of patients. Typical dimensions for these locations and such con- characterized by an elevated heart rate (HR) at rest and an exag-
nections have been elucidated by pathologic studies. In cadaver gerated HR response to physical activity or emotional stress.
hearts, the posterior septal space was noted to extend from the These have been reproduced with isoproterenol.
coronary sinus orifice for 2.3 ± 0.4 cm, and the length of the left Accelerated junctional rhythms manifesting as supraventricu-
ventricular free wall was 5 ± 1 cm. Posteroseptal accessory path- lar tachyarrhythmias have been recorded with particular fre-
ways were located in the proximal 1.5 cm of the coronary sinus quency in the era of extensive digitalis use without blood
in the posterior septum and those between 1.5 and 3 cm could be concentration determinations.42 They have been noted in post-
either in the left free wall or the posterior septal space. Postero- operative patients, after myocardial infarction (MI) and during
septal accessory pathways beyond 3 cm were invariably in the electrolyte abnormalities.42,43 These arrhythmias are believed to
free wall. be caused by triggered automaticity resulting from delayed after-
depolarizations in most instances. Pacing can enhance the after-
depolarizations, and they can be increased in amplitude by an
Basic Electrophysiological Concepts
increase in extracellular calcium concentrations, which can be
in Pre-excitation Syndromes
seen in digitalis toxicity. Ischemia in experimental models can
AV accessory pathways, as well as AV nodal bypass tracts, gener- also result in accelerated, triggered automaticity in the coronary
ally exhibit “all or none” conduction behavior during electrophysi- sinus region. Hypokalemia can predispose to afterdepolariza-
ological evaluation. Rapid nondecremental conduction up to the tions. Acceleration is often seen in triggered rhythms at initiation
point of refractoriness is the norm and is exhibited during ante- and can clinically manifest as nonparoxysmal junctional tachy-
grade and retrograde conduction, especially when competing AV cardias on the ECG. The triggered arrhythmias can often be
nodal conduction is absent. When decremental conduction in induced by overdrive pacing and do not necessarily resume after
response to progressive premature stimulation is observed, it is pacing ceases, unlike other automatic rhythms. Triggered
usually caused by switching of conduction to the AV node–His rhythms have also been induced in human diseased atrial tissues
axis, though enhanced AV nodal conduction may occur in the resected at surgery and in coronary sinus cells during experimen-
same patient. When the accessory pathway conducts in an ante- tal studies.
grade direction, the most common manifestation is WPW syn-
drome with a short P-R interval and δ-wave (caused by ventricular
pre-excitation by the pathway) and prolongation of QRS duration Clinical Presentation
(caused by abnormal intraventricular conduction patterns). In
some instances, when the antegrade refractoriness of the acces- PSVT presents most commonly as sudden onset of palpitations
sory pathway is particularly long or if the pathway fails to permit with rates typically ranging from 100 to 260 beats/min and may
such conduction, it may remain concealed and only manifest be associated with chest discomfort, dyspnea, near syncope, and
when retrograde propagation occurs over echo beats or AVRT. syncope.1,44 It is of variable duration and may last from seconds
Patients with concealed accessory pathways have normal surface to days. Termination is usually sudden as well, although in some
electrocardiograms (ECGs). Rarely, decremental conduction is forms, gradual disappearance may be noted. Chest discomfort in
observed in the anomalous pathway. Although this is occasionally children and adults without overt heart disease may be related
caused by nodo-ventricular connections, more often the cause is to the perception of rapid heart action; after an episode, it may
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Pre-excitation Syndromes  539

Clinical history of palpitations
12-Lead ECG (sinus rhythm)

(Exclude heart disease)
Yes No

Suspect AVRT Assess arrhythmia pattern by

clinical history

History of syncope?

Sustained regular Irregular palpitations


FIGURE 41-5  Initial evaluation of patients with

Refer to Suspect AF, MAT, or suspected tachycardia. ECG, Electrocardiogram;
arrhythmia specialist atrial flutter with variable AV
AVRT, atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia; AF,
atrial fibrillation; MAT, multifocal atrial tachycardia;
AV, atrioventricular. (From Blomström-Lundqvist C,
Scheinman MM, Aliot EM, et al: ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines
Event monitor and for the management of patients with supraventricular
arrhythmias, Circulation 108;1871–1909, 2003.)

persist in a milder form for a period. In older patients and in the

presence of heart disease, this may be related to myocardial isch- Electrocardiography
emia. Dyspnea may be a prominent symptom, often in patients
with pre-existing left ventricular dysfunction, when pulmonary The distinguishing electrocardiographic features of PSVT reflect
congestion may worsen because of poor forward cardiac output. the underlying mechanism of the arrhythmia. The major criteria
Symptoms suggestive of near-syncope and syncope are seen that have been used to separate these mechanisms depend on the
with extremely rapid PSVT and result from a compromise of features of onset, the position of the P wave in the R-R interval
cardiac output. In many forms of PSVT, atrial and ventricular during SVT, the presence or absence of QRS alternans, cycle
activations are not timed sequentially to achieve appropriate ven- length variation, P-wave morphology, effects of bundle branch
tricular filling.45 Rapid rates further compromise this, and forward block (BBB), the presence of a pseudo R′ deflection in lead V1,
cardiac output can be seriously compromised, especially with and the presence of ventricular pre-excitation. Some of these
heart rates greater than 200 beats/min. In some patients, PSVT criteria have proven to be particularly useful, but considerable
can be minimally symptomatic or even asymptomatic. In chil- overlap exists among the ECG manifestations of the different
dren and infants, incessant PSVT can lead to a tachycardia- mechanisms of SVT.
induced cardiomyopathy with symptoms of left ventricular
failure, failure to thrive, and syncope. Very rapid or hemodynami-
cally unstable episodes of this arrhythmia have been known to
precipitate MI, ventricular tachyarrhythmias, and cardiac arrest. Both SNRT and AVNRT are usually triggered by a premature
SART is a form of paroxysmal SVT characterized by palpitations, atrial beat that differs in morphology from sinus rhythm. As
and tachycardia rates slower than AVNRT or AVRT, typically shown in Figure 41-6, A, initiation of the tachycardia is character-
ranging from 100 to 150 beats/min.46 Gomes reported a history ized by sudden prolongation of the P-R interval because conduc-
of recurrent palpitations with a significant proportion having tion from the premature beat blocks the fast pathway and
syncope or dizzy spells.46 Most had organic heart disease. IST is conducts down the slow pathway. Re-entry occurs if the fast
a form of PSVT.47 It is an ill-defined clinical syndrome with pathway has recovered and is capable of conducting in a retro-
diverse clinical symptoms that can range from intermittent grade direction. In contrast, a triggered or re-entrant atrial tachy-
palpitations to multi-system complaints.47,48 A clinical scheme for cardia (AT) may be initiated by an action potential duration
evaluation of symptomatic PSVT from the American College of (APD), but these arrhythmias are not heralded by marked P-R
Cardiology/American Heart Association/European Society of interval prolongation with the onset of tachycardia. AVRT medi-
Cardiology (ACC/AHA/ESC) practice guidelines is shown in ated by accessory pathways may be triggered by premature atrial
Figure 41-5.49 or ventricular beats. Electrocardiographic findings in SNRT show
540  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias


I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 41-6  A, Sinus rhythm is interrupted by action potential durations (APDs) that have a different P-wave morphology. The second APD blocks in
the fast pathway and conducts down the slow pathway to induce atrioventricular node re-entry. P waves are not evident during the tachycardia
because they are buried in the QRS complex. B, A 12-lead electrocardiogram of sinoatrial re-entrant tachycardia with termination to sinus rhythm is
shown. Note the upright P waves with similar morphology to sinus rhythm. AVNRF, Atrioventricular node re-entrant tachycardia.

an antegrade upright P wave during the tachycardia, morphologi-

Position of the P Wave
cally similar to the P wave in sinus rhythm. Figure 41-6, B, shows
an electrocardiogram from a patient with paroxysmal sinus During typical AVNRT, the atria are generally activated simulta-
tachycardia that was refractory to antiarrhythmics. Coexistence neously with the ventricles, so the P wave is buried within the
of sinoatrial re-entrant tachycardia with AVNRT has been QRS complex, although in some cases, it may extend into the
observed. Triggering with both atrial and ventricular premature early portion of the ST segment (Figure 41-7, A). In the atypical
beats has been described. Ventricular ectopy can induce AVRT form of AVNRT, during which antegrade conduction is mediated
or AT, but it is a far less common mode of induction for these by the fast pathway and retrograde conduction by the slow
arrhythmias. pathway, the P wave may fall into the second half of the R-R
Automatic ATs are characterized by gradual acceleration and interval because of slow retrograde conduction to the atria.
a P wave morphology that differs from sinus rhythm. Nonparox- During orthodromic AVRT mediated by an accessory pathway,
ysmal forms of sinus tachycardia, that is, IST, may show similar retrograde atrial activation generally begins about 70 ms after the
P-wave patterns to sinus rhythm on ECG but can demonstrate a onset of the surface QRS and extends well into the ST segment
gradual acceleration (warm-up phenomenon), which suggests in the first half of the R-R interval (see Figure 41-7, B). In patients
enhanced automaticity. IST is characterized by an elevated HR at with ATs, the P wave is usually detected in the second half of the
rest and an exaggerated HR response to physical activity or emo- R-R interval. The exception is patients with atrial tachycardias
tional stress. in whom AV conduction is delayed because of the effects
I aVR V1 V4


II aVL V2 V5


25 mm/s 10 mm/mV
I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 41-7  A, Narrow-complex supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) at a rate of 240 beats/min with no retrograde or antegrade P wave visible in the
R-R cycle. The tachycardia was subsequently confirmed to be type 1 atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia on electrophysiological study.  
B, Narrow-complex SVT at a rate of 206 beats/min with the retrograde P wave clearly visible in the mid-R-R cycle, especially in lead V1. The tachycardia
was subsequently confirmed to be atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia with a retrograde posteroseptal accessory pathway on electrophysiological
542  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

of antiarrhythmic drugs or intrinsic conduction system disease. Figure 41-8 shows unusual and striking variation in the R-R
Kalbfleisch evaluated ECGs in patients who had undergone elec- intervals recorded during orthodromic AVRT mediated by a
trophysiological study (EPS) and found that the P wave was in the left lateral accessory pathway in a patient who also had dual AV
first half of the R-R interval in 91% of patients with AVNRT, 87% node physiology. The variation in R-R interval is attributable to
of patients with AVRT, and 11% of patients with ATs.50 differences in conduction through the AV node, depending on
whether antegrade conduction occurred over the fast or slow
QRS Alternans
Green observed that ECGs of some patients with SVT exhibited
P-Wave Morphology
QRS alternans, which, when present, was usually associated with
AVRT mediated by an accessory pathway.51 Subsequent studies When a P wave can be identified during SVT, it is often difficult
by Kay and Kalbfleisch demonstrated that QRS alternans depends to determine the morphology and axis because it may be obscured
on the abrupt onset of SVT and is more common in rapid tachy- by ventricular repolarization. Kalbfleisch reported that when the
cardias. In their studies, the incidence of QRS alternans was 27% P wave was visible, its axis could be determined in the vertical,
to 38% in orthodromic AVRT and 13% to 23% in AVNRT.50,52 It horizontal, and anteroposterior planes in only 32%, 11%, and 9%
was much less common in patients with ATs. The differences of patients, respectively.50 One might expect the P-wave morphol-
between the results of these studies may reflect criteria used to ogy to be more accurately analyzed during ATs because the P
identify QRS alternans and the number of leads used for the wave falls in the second half of the R-R interval and is less likely
recordings. For example, the alteration in QRS amplitude may to be obscured by the T wave. Tang developed an algorithm to
only be apparent in selected leads. Recordings obtained from differentiate left atrial focal tachycardias from right atrial focal
telemetric monitoring or using only a limited number of surface tachycardias on the basis of surface ECGs recorded from patients
leads may not demonstrate QRS alternans quite as clearly as a who underwent ablation of their arrhythmias.54 In their analysis
12-lead ECG.53 of 31 patients, no differences were observed in P waves arising
from the lateral right atrium compared with the right atrial
appendage. Leads aVL and V1 were most useful in distinguishing
Rate and Cycle Length Alternations
left atrial foci from right atrial foci. Right atrial foci were associ-
Several studies have evaluated the rate of SVT without ated with a positive or biphasic P wave in lead aVL, whereas the
demonstrating significant differences that would be useful to dis- P wave was negative or isoelectric in lead aVL in patients with left
criminate the underlying mechanism.45,50,51 Cycle length variation atrial foci. A positive P wave in lead V1 was observed in patients’
is relatively uncommon in the re-entrant tachycardias. One left atrial foci in contrast to negative or biphasic P waves recorded
would expect re-entrant tachycardias such as AVRT and AVNRT from patients with right atrial foci. They also found that the
to have relatively constant cycle lengths as they usually do, but P-wave morphology in the inferior leads distinguished inferior
sometimes variable conduction in one limb of the circuit foci (negative P waves) from superior foci (positive P waves).
may lead to variations in cycle length even during re-entry. Morton analyzed P-wave morphology from nine patients with




FIGURE 41-8  Surface leads I, aVF, and V1 demonstrate marked cycle length variability in a patient with a concealed left lateral accessory pathway and
dual atrioventricular (AV) node physiology. The irregular R-R intervals were recorded during orthodromic AV re-entry and were attributable to
intermittent conduction down the slow AV node pathway.
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Pre-excitation Syndromes  543

ATs that arose from the tricuspid annulus.55 In their series, the P

Pseudo-R′ in Lead V1
wave was upright in lead aVL, inverted in leads III and V1, and
either inverted or biphasic in leads V2 to V6. Tada developed an The development of a pseudo-R′ in lead V1 is observed more
algorithm for identifying the origin of focal right ATs on the basis frequently in AVNRT than in either AVRT or ATs. Although this
of ECGs recorded from 32 patients who underwent ablation pro- is not a particularly sensitive criterion (58%), it is relatively specific
cedures.56 They found that negative P waves in the inferior leads for AVNRT (91%).50 It is attributable to distortion of the terminal
differentiated inferior origins from superior origins, and a nega- portion of the QRS by a retrograde P wave.
tive P wave in lead aVR was characteristic of tachycardias arising
along the crista terminalis. All these investigations are limited in
Pre-excited Tachycardias
that the number of patients studied is relatively small, and pro-
spective analysis of P-wave morphology is often hindered by Tachycardias associated with ventricular pre-excitation may be
inability to accurately separate the terminal part of the T wave attributable to antidromic AVRT, AF or ATs that conduct over
and P wave during the tachycardia. an accessory pathway, or tachycardias mediated by a Mahaim
fiber.59 As shown in Figure 41-10, maximal pre-excitation is
present during antidromic AVRT because ventricular activation
Effect of Bundle Branch Block
occurs exclusively through the accessory pathway. ECGs recorded
The development of BBB during SVT may provide a clue to the during antidromic SVT show a regular, wide, monomorphic QRS
diagnosis of AVRT. Coumel et al first observed that the develop- complex that resembles ventricular tachycardia (VT). Retrograde
ment of BBB ipsilateral to an accessory pathway may result in P waves may be detectable during the first half of the R-R interval,
cycle length prolongation (decrease in rate) because the circuit is but they are extremely difficult to appreciate because they are
prolonged.57,58 Figure 41-9 was recorded during transition from obscured by the marked repolarization abnormality associated
SVT with left BBB to a narrow QRS from a patient with a left with pre-excited complexes. When evident, P waves have a 1 : 1
lateral accessory pathway. Concomitantly, the cycle length of the relationship with the QRS because block of conduction in either
tachycardia decreased by 40 ms (from 300 to 260 ms), resulting the accessory pathway or the AV node would terminate the
in an increase in the rate from 200 to 230 beats/min. The rate of tachycardia. Occasionally, sudden changes in cycle length are
tachycardias dependent on right-sided accessory pathways may observed during antidromic AVRT, identifying the bundle that
decrease with the development of right BBB, but tachycardias is used during retrograde conduction.60 During AF with ventricu-
dependent on accessory pathways located in the septum do not lar pre-excitation, the ventricular rate may be rapid, the R-R
change rate appreciably with BBB because the circuit is not sig- intervals are irregular, and the QRS morphology varies, depend-
nificantly prolonged. Even when BBB develops on the same side ing on the degree to which the ventricle is activated by the acces-
as the accessory pathway, the rate does not invariably change sory pathway or the AV node. The irregular rate and QRS
because the increase in ventriculo-atrial conduction time may be morphology differentiate this arrhythmia from antidromic
associated with shortening of antegrade conduction time in the AVRT or monomorphic VT. Patients with pre-excited R-R
AV node so that the net effects on the tachycardia cycle length intervals shorter than 220 to 250 ms have accessory pathways
are negated. with short refractory properties and are at increased risk for




FIGURE 41-9  Surface leads I, aVF, and V1 demonstrate orthodromic atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia during the transition from left bundle
branch block (LBBB) to a normal QRS. The accessory pathway was located in a left lateral position. Note the increase in rate from 200 to 230 beats/min
when the QRS becomes normal.
544  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias












1:41:39 PM 1:41:40 PM 1:41:41 PM

FIGURE 41-10  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram recorded during antidromic atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia. The QRS complexes are regular and
maximally pre-excited with a uniform morphology characteristic of a left lateral accessory pathway that matches antegrade pre-excited morphology in
sinus rhythm or atrial pacing.

AF inducing VF because of rapid conduction over the accessory

Patterns of Ventricular Pre-excitation
Tachycardias that are mediated by Mahaim fibers, as shown in The ECG pattern of ventricular pre-excitation provides useful
Figure 41-11, exhibit a QRS morphology that resembles left BBB. information on the location of the accessory pathway and
The QRS axis is typically between 0 and 75 degrees; QRS duration whether more than one pathway may be present. Several authors
is 0.15 seconds or less; an R wave is present in limb lead I; an rS have studied the ECG manifestations of pre-excitation and
is seen in precordial lead V1; and transition is present in the have developed criteria for the localization of the accessory
precordial leads from a predominantly negative QRS complex to pathway.63-69 The accuracy of these methods depends on the
a positive QRS complex in leads V4 to V6.62 degree of ventricular pre-excitation at the time of the recording
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Pre-excitation Syndromes  545

V1 V4




FIGURE 41-11  Characteristic 12-lead electrocardiogram recorded during macro–re-entry mediated by a Mahaim fiber. Note the QRS morphology
resembling left bundle branch block with an rS configuration in lead V1. The differential diagnosis would include aberrancy, antidromic tachycardia, or
ventricular tachycardia and requires electrophysiological study for confirmation.

and the presence of underlying heart disease that modifies the developed an algorithm base on 135 consecutive patients and
usual patterns of pre-excitation. These criteria have evolved over prospectively applied it to 121 consecutive patients, with an
time with growing experience. The criteria are based on the overall sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 99%. Their criteria were
concept that δ wave polarity, QRS axis, and R wave transition in based on the initial 20 ms of the δ wave in leads I, II, and aVF and
the precordial leads reflect the position of the accessory pathway. R/S ratios in leads III and V1. The algorithm they used is shown
When pre-excitation is pronounced, left-sided pathways have a in Figure 41-12. The presence of multiple accessory pathways may
prominent R wave in lead V1 with a positive δ wave. If the be recognized by variable patterns of pre-excitation with charac-
pathway is located on the posterior aspect of the mitral annulus, teristics of more than one pathway or hybrid patterns that do not
the polarity of the δ wave is generally negative in the inferior fit the usual algorithms. Fananapazir found that in patients with
leads, and a QS complex is present. Pathways that are located multiple pathways, more than one pattern of pre-excitation was
more anterolaterally on the mitral annulus have negative δ waves apparent in only 32% of recordings made during sinus rhythm,
and QS morphology in lead aVL, but the δ waves are positive in but the presence of more than one pathway was recognized in
the inferior leads. Posterior septal pathways have negative δ 55% of recordings obtained during AF.70
waves in the inferior leads, but the R/S ratio is less than 1 in lead
V1. An abrupt transition to R/S ratio greater than 1 in lead V2
occurs. Arruda found that subepicardial accessory pathways Diagnostic Approach to the Patient
characteristically have clear negative δ waves in lead II in the first with Supraventricular Tachycardia
20 ms after the onset of the δ wave.68 Accessory pathways located
on the right side exhibit an R/S ratio less than 1 in lead V1 and Investigation of SVT is based on understanding the underlying
have delayed δ wave progression. The polarity of the δ waves in mechanism of the tachycardia and clinical context in which it
the inferior limb leads is negative if the pathway is posterior. occurs. A systematic approach should start with the history and
Positive δ waves in the inferior leads suggest a more anterior physical examination, which provides two types of information:
position. Pathways located in the middle to anterior septum have (1) the presence and type of symptoms and (2) the clinical context,
positive δ waves in the inferior leads and may have negative δ particularly the existence of associated heart disease. Electrocar-
waves in lead V1. They are distinguished by R/S ratio greater diographic documentation of the arrhythmia is an essential pre-
than 1 in lead III with anteroseptal pathways and R/S ratio equal requisite to tachycardia management.71
to 1 with midseptal pathways.66
The assessment of accessory pathway locations is difficult
Clinical Evaluation
when the pre-excitation is not pronounced. In one of the larger
series, Chiang evaluated a stepwise algorithm that was based on Careful history taking may provide valuable information. SVT
R/S ratio in lead V2, δ-wave polarity in lead III (initial 40 ms), may be symptomatic or asymptomatic. Palpitations caused
δ-wave polarity in lead V1 (initial 60 ms), and δ-wave polarity in by tachycardia are the most common symptom. Episodes of pal-
lead aVF (initial 40 ms).69 The algorithm correctly predicted the pitations with abrupt onset and termination, followed by poly-
location of the accessory pathway in 93% of the patients. Arruda uria, suggest PSVT. This syndrome, known in the French
546  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

I±or – No No No
or II – V1±or – V1+
V1 R≥S

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Left Septal Right

free wall free wall

Yes Yes Yes

No No Yes
Yes II + RL


FIGURE 41-12  AS, anteroseptal; LAL, left anterolateral; LL, left lateral; LP, left posterior; LPL, left posterolateral; MSTA, midseptal tricuspid annulus;
PSMA, posteroseptal mitral annulus; PSTA, posteroseptal tricuspid annulus; RA, right anterior; RAL, right anterolateral; RAPS, right anterior paraseptal;
RL, right lateral; RP, right posterior; RPL, right posterolateral. (From Arruda MS, McCleland JH, Wang X, et al: Development and validation of an ECG
algorithm for identifying accessory pathway ablation site in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 9:2–12, 1998.)

literature as “syndrome de Bouveret,” was described in 1888, Box 41-3  Classification of Supraventricular Tachycardias
before the advent of electrocardiography.2 It is characteristic of
paroxysmal junctional tachycardia but may be found in other ATRIAL ORIGIN
types of SVTs or VTs such as verapamil-sensitive VT. Occasion- Atrial fibrillation
ally, SVT may be the cause of syncope. A history of palpitations Atrial flutter
preceding syncope is often reported in this presentation. When Atrial tachycardia
Enhanced automaticity: atrial focus
syncope or presyncope occurs immediately after termination of
Re-entry: atrial or sinoatrial
fast palpitations, the tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome should
be suspected. Other symptoms may be associated with SVT and AV JUNCTION
are indicative of poor tolerance (e.g., syncope, dizzy spells, chest AVNRT
discomfort, dyspnea, or even pulmonary edema). SVT may be Common type: slow pathway anterograde/fast pathway retrograde
mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic and discovered incidentally Uncommon type: fast pathway anterograde/slow pathway retrograde
Slow-slow: slow pathway anterograde/slow pathway retrograde
on recordings performed for another reason. Sometimes, the
arrhythmia is specifically suspected caused by its complications Pre-excitation may be overt or concealed on the ECG in sinus rhythm
(e.g., asymptomatic paroxysmal AF in a patient with a cerebro- AV junction anterograde/accessory pathway retrograde
vascular accident suspected to be of embolic origin). Physical
examination is focused on any associated heart disease but, in AV, Atrioventricular; AVNRT, atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia;
AVRT, atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia.
general, paroxysmal SVT occurs in patients without organic
heart disease. In contrast, heart disease is present in 70% of
patients with AF.

obtained when tachycardia occurs frequently or is of prolonged

Differential Diagnosis of Supraventricular Tachycardia
duration. SVT, by definition, arises above the bifurcation of the
from the Electrocardiogram
bundle of His, either in the atria or the AV junction and, therefore,
Electrocardiographic documentation of the tachycardia is essen- is generally associated with narrow QRS complexes. SVT may
tial for the proper diagnosis and management of SVT (Box 41-3 sometimes present with wide QRS complexes either because the
and Fig. 41-13). Recording of the tachycardia episode is easily patient had a pre-existing BBB or because aberrant conduction is
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Pre-excitation Syndromes  547

R-R interval irregular R-R interval regular
Look for the P wave Look for the P wave

Yes No
No F waves Yes Yes
250–350 Ectopic

Atrial flutter
AF Atrial Atrial Atrial
Atrial tachycardia
flutter tachycardia Rapid AF tachycardia

FIGURE 41-13  Diagnosis and management of supraventricular tachycardia. AF, Atrial fibrillation; AVNRT, atrioventricular node re-entrant tachycardia;
AVRT, atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia; WPW, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome; PJRT, permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia.

I V1



aVR V4

aVL V5

aVF V6

FIGURE 41-14  A 12-lead electrocardiogram of a tachycardia related to a slow conducting accessory pathway used in the retrograde direction. Note
in the left panel that the R-R intervals are slightly irregular because the pathway is capable of decremental conduction.

present. Differentiating SVT from VT may, at times, be difficult, described by Coumel et al, was found to be related to a concealed
particularly when pre-excitation is present. accessory connection capable of decremental conduction.74 The
tachycardia uses the AV node in the antegrade conduction and a
slow conducting accessory connection in the retrograde direction
Tachycardia with Narrow QRS Complexes
(Figure 41-14). This tachycardia may be incessant, accounting for
Most regular SVTs use the AV node either passively as in ATs and the descriptive term “permanent” in its title. It becomes sustained
atrial flutter or as a critical component of the circuit as in PSVT. in clinical situations with increased catecholamine output, such as
The diagnostic approach to tachycardias with narrow QRS com- exercise or extreme emotion. It warrants therapy, as it may have a
plexes should be undertaken in a stepwise fashion.71-73 deleterious effect on cardiac function; therapy may also provide
The first step is to assess the regularity of the R-R interval. If the tachycardia-related symptom relief. The differential diagnoses
R-R interval is irregular, AF or atrial flutter should be considered include atypical AVNRT using the fast pathway in the antegrade
as the most likely diagnosis (Table 41-2). However, when AF is direction and the slow pathway in the retrograde direction, and AT
associated with rapid ventricular response, it may seem regular. arising from the inferior atrium near the coronary sinus ostium.
Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia (PJRT) is an SVT When the R-R intervals have been assessed to be regular, the
in which the R-R interval is often irregular. This tachycardia, next step is also to look for P waves (“cherchez le P”), as
548  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

advocated by Marriott.71 The presence, morphology, and position

as to the QRS complexes are important in the diagnosis of the ↓CSM
site of origin and for the suspected mechanism of narrow QRS
complex tachycardias. When the QRS complexes are preceded
by P waves, which are different in configuration from the sinus
P waves and conducted with a P-R interval equal to or longer
than the P-R interval of the sinus P waves, the most likely diag-
nosis is AT arising from an ectopic focus. The other mechanism
of this type of SVT is intra-atrial re-entrant tachycardia or SART,
a diagnosis that requires EPS for substantiation. If P waves have
the same configuration as the sinus P waves, the differential diag-
nosis includes appropriate or “inappropriate” sinus nodal tachy-
cardia. IST is a rare arrhythmia that has been recognized recently.
This AT is characterized by an inappropriate and exaggerated
acceleration of heart rate during physiological stresses.75 Although II
its mechanism remains unconfirmed, numerous possible hypoth-
eses as to its basis exist. These include an ectopic atrial focus
located in the SA node area, a normal SA node with increased
response to the sympathetic tone or failure to respond to vagal
stimulation, and an intrinsic anomaly of the SA node. When P FIGURE 41-15  Termination of narrow QRS complex tachycardia with
waves are submerged within the QRS complex in SVT and are carotid sinus massage.
therefore not identifiable, the most likely diagnosis is type 1
AVNRT (i.e., tachycardia involving the AV node and using, in
the typical form, a slow pathway in the anterograde direction and
a fast pathway in the retrograde direction, resulting in a P wave
within or immediately after the QRS complex).76,77 Wellens has Box 41-4  Tachycardias with Wide QRS Complexes
described an electrocardiographic sign, which is suggestive of 1. Atrial fibrillation with conduction through an AV accessory
AVNRT. It consists of an incomplete BBB pattern (RSR′) in lead connection (bundle of Kent)
V1 during the tachycardia that is not present in the 12-lead ECG 2. Atrial flutter with 1:1 conduction through an AV accessory
in sinus rhythm.72 However, atrial flutter with 2 : 1 conduction connection (bundle of Kent)
should be suspected as a differential diagnosis if the ventricular 3. Antidromic tachycardia: bundle of Kent anterograde/AV junction
rate of the SVT with narrow QRS complexes is approximately retrograde
150 beats/min. If P waves have been identified during SVT and 4. Tachycardia using two accessory connections: overt bundle of Kent
follow the QRS complexes at a significant interval, resulting in in one ventricle anterograde; overt or concealed (on the ECG in
sinus rhythm) bundle of Kent in the other ventricle retrograde
an R-P interval equal to or greater than the P-R interval, the most
5. Tachycardia using a Mahaim fiber (AV-like structure) in the
likely diagnosis is orthodromic AVRT (i.e., involving the AV node anterograde direction and the AV node in the retrograde direction
in the antegrade direction and an accessory AV pathway in the 6. AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia with antegrade conduction over an
retrograde direction). Other helpful electrocardiographic clues accessory AV pathway (“bystander Kent”)
that have been reported and shed light on the mechanism of
SVT include a negative P wave in leads I and V1, because of AV, Atrioventricular; ECG, electrocardiogram.

left-to-right atrial activation in AVRT using a left-sided AV con-

nection in its retrograde limb.77 When two recordings of the
tachycardia are available, one with narrow QRS complexes and
Tachycardia with Regular Wide QRS Complex
the other with left BBB with a longer cycle length, a finding first
described in Paris, the diagnosis of AVRT involving a left-sided Regular SVT may present with wide (>0.12 second) QRS
accessory connection can be made.57,78 The presence of QRS complex, and differentiating SVT from VT may be difficult
alternation is also in favor of AVRT. (Table 41-3). Another etiology of wide QRS complex tachycardia
The differential diagnosis between PSVT and AF with rapid is the pre-excitation syndrome, which may be overt (WPW syn-
ventricular response or atrial flutter with 1 : 1 conduction may at drome) or concealed (with the pathway only conducting in the
times be difficult. Vagal maneuvers, particularly carotid sinus retrograde direction), and this is discussed later. It bears repeat-
massage and adenosine injection, may be of great help in clinical ing that the vast majority of regular SVTs occur in patients
diagnosis (Figure 41-15). In AVRT or AVNRT, the arrhythmia without organic heart disease in contrast to patients with VT.
may terminate abruptly or remain unaffected. In contrast, AF or Three clues may be used in the differential diagnosis of wide QRS
atrial flutter is rarely terminated by these techniques but can be tachycardias.
slowed in its ventricular response, thus exposing the underlying
atrial flutter or AF waves. PSVT and atrial flutter or AF may also 1. The age of the patient—in the child and young adult, pre-
coexist. Adenosine administration may be used as a diagnostic excitation is more common than VT. In this instance, the ECG
test to assess dual AV nodal pathway conduction, efficacy of slow in sinus rhythm, if available, shows pre-excitation, and the
pathway ablation, and detection of concealed accessory ECG during the tachycardias shows an identical morphology.
Box 41-4 shows the responses of different types of PSVT to 2. In making this distinction in SVT diagnosis, it is necessary to
adenosine. locate the P wave during tachycardias. The presence of AV
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Pre-excitation Syndromes  549

RR 460





FIGURE 41-16  Tachycardias with pre-excited QRS complexes. The same leads as those in Figure 41-3 were used. A is consistent with an antidromic
reciprocating tachycardia. B shows atrial fibrillation conducted over a left-sided accessory atrioventricular pathway termination of supraventricular
tachycardia with vagal maneuvers.

dissociation is generally diagnostic of VT. However, it is young person, a tachycardia with a left BBB and left-axis deviation
only present in approximately 40% of VTs. Differentiating should suggest the possibility of a Mahaim fiber. The other mech-
SVT from VT may require EPS with endocavitary anisms may require endocavitary recordings and can only be
recordings.71,80-84 ascertained by detailed EPS.

3. Wellens et al have described a number of criteria that may be

Noninvasive Investigations
of help in differentiating SVT from VT.84 A few that we have
found particularly useful include left-axis deviation (beyond 30 As previously mentioned, electrocardiographic documentation is
degrees), QRS complexes wider than 0.14 second, and the QRS an essential step in the diagnostic approach to SVT. This can be
morphology in leads V1 and V6 (i.e., a monophasic R wave or achieved by several methods.
a QR pattern in lead V1, or an rS or a QS pattern in lead V6),
all of which favor a diagnosis of VT. Another clue that might 1. Ambulatory ECG monitoring: Ambulatory ECG recordings are
be helpful is the presence of BBB in sinus rhythm. An identical only warranted when symptoms are frequent enough to allow
morphology during the tachycardia is suggestive of SVT as documentation within the 24- or 48-hour recordings. Other-
well. When the QRS complex is narrow in sinus rhythm and wise, the information provided by such monitoring is limited
wide during SVT, aberrant conduction is also a consideration. to the possible trigger (extrasystoles). Occasionally, monitoring
We have found it practical to consider aberrancy only when of the tachycardia shows that it is similar to sinus tachycardia,
the typical pattern of right or left BBB is present during tachy- making ambulatory ECG recordings extremely useful, in our
cardia. This still does not exclude the possible diagnosis of VT. experience, in the diagnosis of “inappropriate” sinus node
For these reasons, it is a wise rule “to consider any tachycardia tachycardias. Chest pain and dyspnea precipitated by the
with wide QRS complexes as being VT unless proven other- tachyarrhythmia may be the dominant or stand-alone symp-
wise” (Agustin Castellanos Jr, personal communication, 1997). toms, and monitoring may be useful in correlating these symp-
A detailed EPS is indicated in all patients with wide QRS toms to the tachycardia.
complex tachycardias.
2. Event recorders: If the episodes of tachycardia are infrequent
or of short duration, event recorders are often useful. In recent
Tachycardia with Pre-excited QRS Complexes
years, the advances in technology have prompted the develop-
The differential diagnosis of wide QRS complex tachycardia may ment of recorders with trans-telephonic trans­mission and will
be extremely difficult if pre-excitation is present (Figure 41-16). allow trans-telephonic surveillance of selected patients. Daily
Fortunately, tachycardias with pre-excited QRS complexes repre- monitoring and symptomatic transmissions permit the clini-
sent less than 5% of all wide QRS complex tachycardias. A number cian to assess arrhythmia-related symptoms.
of mechanisms may account for a tachycardia with pre-excited
QRS complexes. The most common is AF with conduction over 3. Telemetric monitoring: When the tachycardia is severely symp-
the bundle of Kent. The R-R interval is frequently irregular, and tomatic and occurs frequently enough to be recorded during
the QRS width may change from one complex to the other. Atrial a hospital stay, telemetric monitoring in the hospital offers
flutter with 1 : 1 conduction over an accessory connection is another diagnostic option. However, as this surveillance
another possibility; however, this diagnosis should be suspected requires hospitalization and is associated with a high cost, this
when the ventricular rate ranges from 250 to 300 beats/min. In a technique is often impractical for any prolonged period.
550  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

145 150


FIGURE 41-17  Recordings in a 76-year-old woman reporting tachycardia followed by syncope. Top to bottom, electrocardiogram leads I, II, and V1;
high right atrium (HRA); left atrium (LA1 and LA2) femoral artery pressure; and atrioventricular lead (AV). Note the fall of blood pressure after AV nodal
re-entrant tachycardia is induced by overdrive atrial pacing.

4. Exercise testing: Exercise testing is particularly valuable when arrhythmias associated with the WPW syndrome include
the tachycardia is precipitated by exercise or is otherwise reciprocating or circus-movement tachycardias and atrial
believed to be catecholamine dependent. For example, AT and arrhythmias.76,82 In some instances of AVNRT, concomitant
AF are not uncommonly induced by exercise. Although junc- pre-excited QRS complexes may exist because of passive con-
tional tachycardias may occasionally be precipitated by exer- duction over an accessory pathway, which may serve as a
cise, this test is seldom indicated in patients with paroxysmal passive bystander. Tachycardias related to Mahaim fibers have
SVT. Exercise testing is a valuable tool in patients suspected a particular electrocardiographic presentation with left BBB
to have IST. and left axis. The ECG in sinus rhythm shows features of WPW
syndrome. EPS will often demonstrate decremental conduc-
5. Implantable loop recorders and other devices: Implantable loop tion over the accessory pathway.
recorders are subcutaneous ECG recording devices without
intracardiac electrodes. They have been developed recently for
symptom-ECG correlation. Loop recorders, such as the Reveal Principles of Management
Plus system (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN), have been
used recently in patients with syncope and those with previous The principles of management in many forms of PSVT have
MI. Although such devices can document tachycardias, large- undergone significant changes with better understanding of the
scale studies of the yield of such systems in PSVT are unavail- natural history, diagnosis, and progression of these arrhythmias,
able. Furthermore, these devices cannot reliably differentiate as well as the development of more effective ablative and drug
SVT from VT. In patients with previously implanted pacemak- therapies for many of these arrhythmias. Immediate and long-
ers or defibrillators, documentation of arrhythmia and its site term prophylactic therapy differs significantly in selection and
of origin is generally easy to achieve. clinical application. Immediate therapy is directed at resolution of
an individual arrhythmic event. Prophylaxis is largely focused on
6. Electrophysiological study (Figure 41-17): EPS is used for diag- curative approaches, although suppressive and tachycardia termi-
nostic and therapeutic purposes in patients with PSVT. SVT nation methods do exist and are occasionally applied in specific
initiation during this procedure allows ECG documentation of clinical scenarios. The spontaneous occurrence of a single SVT
the tachycardia, if it has not been previously recorded; defini- event may or may not mandate immediate therapy on the basis of
tion of the mechanism of the tachycardia and the critical com- symptomatology and certainly does not mandate prophylactic
ponents of the circuit; evaluation of symptoms during the therapy unless recurrence is anticipated, patterns of recurrence
arrhythmia; and, if indicated, performance of radiofrequency and duration become clearer, or the event is potentially malignant
(RF) ablation or evaluation of the efficacy of antiarrhythmic or life threatening. Immediate therapy is indicated if a patient
therapy. Most SVTs are caused by a re-entrant mechanism and develops angina, heart failure, or syncopal symptomatology during
may be induced in the laboratory using programmed electrical SVT. Sustained palpitations can impair functionality and result in
stimulation.80-84 In AV junctional tachycardias, EPS permits serious patient discomfort and require immediate termination.
induction of the tachycardia in more than 90% of patients with The immediate evaluation and diagnosis of the specific form of
AVRT or AVNRT. In patients with AVNRT, premature atrial PSVT is critical to its future management. Figure 41-18 shows an
stimulation can demonstrate dual AV nodal conduction and algorithm for the treatment approach for hemodynamically stable
induce the tachycardia to determine its mechanism.80 The PSVT from the 2006 ACC/AHA/ESC practice guidelines.49
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Pre-excitation Syndromes  551

Hemodynamically stable regular tachycardia

Narrow QRS Wide QRS

SVT Definite SVT VT or unknown mechanism
(see narrow QRS)

Vagal maneuvers SVT* IV procainamide
IV adenosine† IV sotalol
IV verapamil/diltiazem IV lidocaine
IV beta blocker (IV amiodarone in patients with
poor LV function)

Termination Termination

Yes No, persistent Yes No

tachycardia with
AV block
DC cardioversion

IV ibutilide**
IV procainamide plus AV-nodal-blocking agents
IV flecainide

or overdrive pacing/DC cardioversion, and/or rate control

FIGURE 41-18  Acute management of patients with hemodynamically stable and regular tachycardia. *A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) during
sinus rhythm must be available for diagnosis. †Adenosine should be used with caution in patients with severe coronary artery disease and may
produce atrial fibrillation, which may result in rapid ventricular rates in patients with pre-excitation. ‡Ibutilide is especially effective in patients with
atrial flutter but should not be used in patients with ejection fraction >30% because of increased risk of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT). AV,
Atrioventricular; BBB, bundle branch block; DC, direct current; IV, intravenous; LV, left ventricle; QRS, ventricular activation on ECG; SVT, supraventricular

Certain considerations in the progression of SVT can influence is contraindicated or not feasible. Optimal timing of ablative
prophylaxis and interventions. As mentioned earlier, a change in intervention for children and adolescents may involve delaying, if
the pattern of SVT over time is not uncommon and should be feasible, till completion of high school to permit anatomic cardiac
considered in prophylaxis. In SVT observed during infancy and development.
childhood, resolution can be observed with growth and develop- Although device therapy has had a niche role and can be effec-
ment in some individuals. Diagnosis of these arrhythmias even in tive in many of these rhythms, it is now largely relegated to an
preterm infants has resulted in better characterization of the clini- adjunctive role when implantation of a device is contemplated for
cal outcome and therapy selection. Although in the past, observa- other clinical indications in a patient with recurrent SVT. Device
tion with a conservative management approach was more therapy is most often initiated for other indications, with activa-
prevalent in this and older populations, the advent of effective tion of anti-tachycardia pacing for coexisting SVT termination.
curative therapy in the form of catheter ablation has lowered The use of device therapy in patients with failed ablation and drug
the threshold for intervention in both adult and pediatric therapy is an increasingly rare event.
The success and safety of ablation of AVNRT, AVRT, and other
Evidence-Based Therapy
focal ATs has offered promise of cure. The prevalence of these
arrhythmias in young populations with the prospect of lifelong Spontaneous termination of SVT is common and can occur quite
recurrent SVT has motivated physicians to quickly offer catheter early. Waxman et al concluded that the spontaneous termination
ablation as definitive first-line treatment after resolution of the of SVT occurred within the AV node. Further pharmacologic
acute episode. Drug therapy is generally reserved for the acute testing indicated that the initial hypotension during SVT onset
management of a symptomatic episode, for short-term prophy- provokes a sympathetic response to raise blood pressure, which,
laxis as a bridge to cure, or, rarely, in patients in whom ablation in turn, enhances vagal tone that can terminate the arrhythmia.85
552  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Immediate therapy in this SVT usually consists of vagal or other Induction of AF may occasionally occur with atrial pacing
physical maneuvers to terminate the event or the parenteral methods, and ventricular tachyarrhythmias may be rarely initi-
administration of a short-acting effective AV nodal–blocking ated in a predisposed patient with rapid ventricular pacing.
agent. Commonly used vagal maneuvers include unilateral carotid Direct current cardioversion is highly effective but is rarely
sinus massage, diving reflex activation with placement of the face needed even in emergent circumstances. However, in patients
in cold water, or the Valsalva maneuver. These are often quite with syncope and very rapid PSVT, this should be considered in
effective and can be performed by the patient or a health care emergent circumstances.
professional. In a comparative clinical study, the efficacy was 19% Oral single-dose drug therapy to terminate a single arrhythmic
with the initial use of the Valsalva maneuver and 11% with carotid event has been gaining currency, particularly in Europe. This is
sinus massage. However, the sequential use of both techniques widely promoted in cardioversion of AF. However, this principle
improved overall success to 28%.86 can be applied to a single PSVT event that is not highly symp-
Because of its extremely short half-life, safety, and efficacy, tomatic and can be tolerated by the patient. β-Blockers, calcium
intravenous adenosine has become the drug of choice in the blockers, and even type 1 drugs can be considered, but in contrast
United States. A single peripheral bolus of 6 or 12 mg followed by to AF, formal efficacy and safety studies are lacking. Table 41-1
saline bolus for rapid transit with minimal dilution is employed. In outlines current recommendations from the ACC/AHA/ESC
clinical trials, the efficacy of a single 6-mg intravenous bolus was practice guidelines that codify the sequence and options in acute
63%, rising to 91% at 12 mg.87 Central administration is not more management of PSVT.49
effective than peripheral bolus injection, but lower doses of 3 mg
and 6 mg are more effective.88 Adenosine may result in complete,
Prophylaxis of Recurrent Paroxysmal
but very transient, AV block or sinus arrest in individual patients;
Supraventricular Tachycardias
it resolves spontaneously within a few seconds, and re-initiation of
SVT occurs in less than 10% of patients. In a field study, vagal Prophylaxis of recurrent AVNRT has been attempted with drug
maneuvers were followed by adenosine administration. A 90% therapy, ablation, and device therapy. Catheter ablation is the
conversion of PSVT occurred, consistent with dose-ranging first-line therapy for prophylaxis of PSVT in virtually all popula-
studies, and no difference was observed in the asystolic pause seen tions and age groups, is curative in nature, and uses a variety of
in patients with PSVT or AF. Adenosine use may also help unmask techniques.88-90,95,96 It may be avoided in patients who have major
the underlying mechanism of SVT.89,90 It is commonly used as a contraindications to the procedure, such as uncontrolled infec-
test to block the AV node and elicit accessory pathway conduction tions, bleeding diatheses, unstable cardiovascular hemodynamics,
during EPS and may show δ waves transiently in SVT because of and implanted prosthetic heart valves, as well as in very elderly
AV re-entry. In other instances, it may show underlying dual AV and debilitated patients. However, successful procedures have
nodal physiology in patients with AVNRT. been performed in our laboratory in patients in their tenth decade
As adenosine is expensive, other alternative agents that are of life. In AV nodal tachycardia, the most widely used technique
highly effective include intravenous calcium blockers such as dil- is ablation of the slow AV nodal pathway, whereas in AVRT, abla-
tiazem or verapamil, type 1 agents or β-blockers. Verapamil is tion of the accessory bypass tract is performed. The technical
typically administered as a bolus in 5-mg aliquots, and a total of details of each technique are described in Section IX of this text.
10 to 15 mg is almost invariably effective. In patients with refrac- Catheter ablation can be performed using map-guided or ana-
tory disease, use of a drug infusion may be helpful. In a direct tomically based approaches in AV nodal re-entry but is invariably
comparison, the efficacy of intravenous verapamil was 73% in one performed using map-guided methods for AVRTs, as well as in
study and did not differ significantly from adenosine, but hypo- other pre-excitation syndrome substrates. In brief, slow pathway
tension was more common with verapamil.91 Rarely, fast pathway ablation is performed at or above the posterior aspect of the tri-
block with the use of intravenous type 1 agents such as procain- angle of Koch just above the coronary sinus ostium. Fast pathway
amide may be contemplated. Intravenous flecainide has been used ablation is performed in the superior part of the triangle, just
in a dose of 2 mg/kg body weight and terminates AVNRT and above the AV node–bundle of His axis. Specific ablation methods
AVRT with more than 90% efficacy.92 Electrical re-initiation of are used for free wall accessory pathways in the left or right
PSVT is uncommon and is associated with a markedly slower atrium, anteroseptal, midseptal, posteroseptal, and paraseptal
tachycardia. Comparison of intravenous diltiazem at a dose of accessory pathways.
0.2 mg/kg and esmolol at 0.5 mg/kg showed the superior efficacy Finally, ablation of the nodo-ventricular and fasciculo-
of diltiazem.93 New intravenous agents include dofetilide, which ventricular and atrio-His fibers has also been successfully
has been tested in WPW syndrome in patients with AF and performed with map-guided methods. The success of these tech-
AVRT. The overall efficacy in one study was 71%. Intravenous niques in suppression of recurrent SVT exceeds 90%, with com-
propafenone was also highly effective in the same patient popula- plication rates of 1% or less.95-98 Mortality is rare, with inadvertent
tion in another study.94 complete AV block and myocardial perforation being the most
It is now extremely rare to use electrical anti-tachycardia important major complications, estimated at 1% to 2%, respec-
therapies for acute conversion of SVT.81 However, it is important tively. Successful cure of AVRT can vary, depending on the abla-
for the treating physician to know that atrial anti-tachycardia tion site, with left free wall and posteroseptal or paraseptal
pacing and cardioversion can be used effectively for this purpose. pathways showing higher efficacy rates compared with right free
Bursts, programmed extrastimuli, or ramp pacing in the atrium wall or right anteroseptal pathways. Alternative ablation tech-
can effectively terminate AVNRT, and this may also be achieved niques for AV nodal tachycardia include ablation of the fast AV
with rapid ventricular pacing in many patients. Thus, in the pres- nodal pathway. Fast pathway ablation can be equally effective in
ence of pacing lead systems on a temporary or permanent basis, curing AV nodal re-entry but is associated with a higher compli-
any of these modes may effectively terminate an episode of cation rate with respect to AV nodal block, approaching 5% in
AVNRT without major adverse sequelae in most patients. some series. Similarly, ablation of intermediate septal pathways in
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Pre-excitation Syndromes  553

WPW syndrome can have a similar risk of complete AV block. It rates exceed 90% for all arrhythmias, and there is virtually no
is rarely necessary and generally inadvisable to perform complete
AV nodal ablation in either arrhythmia. In a comparative clinical
trial, catheter ablation provided superior control of symptoms
and better quality of life compared with drug therapy in patients
significant difference in outcome by location. In addition, com-
parison of data for large-volume (>100 procedures per year) and
lower-volume centers did not show differences, indicating that
the learning curve for the procedure was over. A slightly lower
with recurrent PSVT. success rate was observed with right free wall or septal pathways
Prospective clinical studies have documented a high degree compared with left free wall pathways. Significant complications
of efficacy with catheter ablation in this condition. Tables in this series of patients undergoing AV junction ablation included
41-2 and 41-3 show the NASPE voluntary registry of 3423 pro- a very low mortality and a small incidence of sudden cardiac death
cedures performed at 68 centers in the United States. The registry from polymorphous VT after ablation; cardiac pacing at relatively
reports efficacy rates for AV junctional ablation, AVNRT ablation, rapid rates is recommended for several weeks after AV junction
and accessory pathway ablation by tract location at teaching and ablation. For patients undergoing slow pathway ablation, the risk
nonteaching hospitals in the United States.98 Note that efficacy of second-degree AV block was 0.16%, and the risk for complete

Table 41-1  ACC/AHA/ESC Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Supraventricular Arrhythmias

Regular narrow QRS-

complex tachycardia

IV adenosine

No change in rate Gradual slowing Sudden Persisting atrial tachycardia with

then reacceleration termination transient high-grade AV block
of rate

• Inadequate dose/delivery • Sinus tachycardia • AVNRT • Atrial flutter

• Consider VT (fascicular or • Focal AT • AVRT • AT
high septal origin) • Nonparoxysmal • Sinus node re-entry
A junctional tachycardia • Focal AT

554  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Table 41-1  ACC/AHA/ESC Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Supraventricular Arrhythmias—cont’d

Wide QRS complex tachycardia

(QRS duration greater than 120 ms)

Regular or irregular?

Regular Irregular

Is QRS identical so that during SR?

If yes, consider:
• SVT and BBB Atrial fibrillation
Vagal maneuvers or Atrial flutter/AT with variable
adenosine • Antidronic AVRT**
conduction and
Previous myocardial infarction or structural a) BBB or
heart disease? If yes, VT is likely. b) antegrade conduction via AP

1 to 1 AV relationship?

Yes or No

V rate faster than A rate A rate faster than V rate

QRS morphology in precordial leads VT Atrail tachycardia

Atrial flutter

Typical RBBB Precordial leads RBBB pattern LBBB pattern

or LBBB • Concordant†† • QR, Rs or Rr3 in V1 • R in V1 longer than 30 ms
• No R/S pattern VT • Frontal plate axis VT • R to nadir of S in V1 VT
• Onset of R to nadir range from +90 degrees greater than 60 ms
longer than 100 ms to –90 degrees • qR or qS in V1
*All listed drugs are administered intravenously.
†Should not be taken by patients with reduced LV function.
‡Adenosine should be used with caution in patients with severe coronary artery disease because vasodilation of normal coronary vessels may produce ischemia in vulnerable territory.
It should be used only with full resuscitative equipment available.
§b-Blockers may be used as first-line therapy for those with catecholamine-sensitive tachycardias, such as right ventricular outflow tachycardia.
¶Verapamil may be used as first-line therapy for those with LV fascicular VT.
**Concordant indicates that all precordial leads show either positive or negative deflections. Fusion complexes are diagnostic of VT.
††In pre-excited tachycardias, the QRS is generally wider (i.e., more pre-excited) compared with sinus rhythm.
ACC, American College of Cardiology; AHA, American Heart Assocation; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia; BBB, bundle branch block; AF, atrial
fibrillation; DC, direct current; LV, left ventricular.
From Blomström-Lundqvist C, Scheinman MM, Aliot EM, et al: ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines for the management of patients with supraventricular arrhythmias, Circulation 108:
1871–1909, 2003.

heart block was 0.74%. Complications included a low incidence therapy was associated with an actuarial 79% to 82% freedom
of cardiac tamponade, AV block, and rare instances of coronary from symptomatic PSVT events compared with only 15% on
occlusion and pulmonary embolism. The overall complication placebo at 60 days (P < .001).99 The median time to the first
rate for this procedure is estimated at less than 1%. symptomatic PSVT event was greater in the flecainide group,
Drug therapy has been largely relegated to temporary, inter- and the interval between attacks was increased by flecainide.
mittent, or second-line choice. Digoxin therapy, long established Similarly, propafenone reduced recurrent SVT in prospective
for this purpose, has now been supplanted by more effective studies by 80%.100,101 Oral verapamil was shown to be effective in
β-blocker, calcium blocker, and types 1c and III drug therapy in the prophylaxis of SVT in comparison with placebo, with reduced
the last two decades. In prospective clinical trials, oral flecainide need for pharmacologic cardioversion and lower event rates.102
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Pre-excitation Syndromes  555

Table 41-2  Percentage of Successful Ablations and Complications for Teaching vs. Nonteaching Hospitals


AV junction 171/176 95.8 458/470 93.2

AVNRT 456/476 97.2 705/732 97.4

AP (total) 255/275 92.7 372/399 93.2

Left free wall 160/172 93.6 232/247 93.9

Right free wall 26/27 96.3 54/56 96.4

Septal 75/83 90.4 90/103 87.4

AV, atrioventricular; AVNRT, atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia; AP, accesory pathway.

Table 41-3  Percentage of Successful Ablations and Complications in Medical Centers, by Patient Number (1998)

With >100 Cases (% Success) With <100 Cases (% Success)

AV junction 354/366 (96.7) 275/280 (98.2)

AVNRT 603/627 (96.2) 558/581 (95.8)

AP (total) 315/339 (92.9) 312/335 (93.1)

Left free wall 201/216 (93.1) 191/202 (94.6)

Right free wall 37/39 (94.9) 43/44 (97.7)

Septal 144/160 (90.0) 85/98 (86.7)

AV, atrioventricular; AVNRT, atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia; AP, accessory pathway.

In a comparison with flecainide therapy, it was equally effective Tables 41-4 and 41-5 outline current recommendations for
and well tolerated. In one study, both drugs showed a marked the long-term management of AVNRT and SVT, respectively,
reduction in the frequency of attacks of PSVT, with a small associated with pre-excitation syndromes. The guidelines focus
advantage for flecainide.103 Thirty percent of patients on fle- on the level of evidence and support for each therapeutic option.
cainide had resolution of symptomatic attacks versus 13% of the For a more detailed discussion of the guidelines, the reader is
patients on verapamil (P = .026). Eleven percent of patients dis- referred to the original policy statement.49
continued flecainide, and 19% discontinued verapamil for inef-
ficacy at 1 year. Both drugs were well tolerated; 19% of the
Sinoatrial Tachycardias
flecainide group discontinued therapy because of adverse effects,
compared with 24% discontinuing verapamil for this reason. Ran- SART and IST are usually managed with pharmacologic and if
domized controlled trials of propafenone with placebo show a refractory nonpharmacologic approaches. SART can be treated
sixfold increase in time to first PSVT recurrence at a dose of with calcium channel or β-adrenergic blockers as the first-line
600 mg/day.101 Although the higher dose of 900 mg was even therapy.49,107 These are sometimes are poorly tolerated because of
more effective, if tolerated, a significant increase in adverse adverse effects. Prophylaxis of SART is now feasible with either
effects occurred. Comparative studies have shown propafenone drug therapy or ablation therapy. Although few large clinical
and flecainide to have similar efficacy and safety.101 Newer agents series have been reported, successful clinical experience with
include dofetilide, azimilide, and sotalol.104-106 Data on dofetilide verapamil, diltiazem, and noncardioselective β-blockers has been
are limited, but at a dose of 500 µg/day, dofetilide is equally reported.49,108 Ivabradine is a new drug that selectively blocks the
effective as propafenone at a relatively low dose of 450 mg/day. funny current (if). It has been used in both paroxysmal and
The probability of freedom from recurrent PSVT was 50% and nonparoxysmal forms of IST with early success.109 Ivabradine
54%, respectively, with a 6% probability on placebo. Thus these reduced average and maximal heart rate on Holter monitoring,
efficacy rates remain well below levels seen with catheter abla- with an increased tolerance of physical stress. More recently,
tion, which explains why this approach has been relegated to mapping of the right atrium has been performed to locate the
being a second-line therapy. In addition, the improvement of tachycardia origin and perform catheter ablation.110,111 RF ablation
quality of life with catheter ablation is superior to that with of the mapped site has been effective in prevention of recurrences,
medical therapy. The improvement in quality of life was seen in but proximity to the sinus node can result in potential damage
patients with moderate or severe symptoms caused by PSVT. The and risk of sinus node dysfunction.111,112 Table 41-6 outlines the
safety profile of type 1c agents in older adults is also of concern recommendations from the ACC/AHA/ESC practice guidelines
because of the risk of proarrhythmia. for these arrhythmias.49
556  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Table 41-4  Current Recommendations for Long-Term Management of AVNRT


Poorly tolerated AVNRT with hemodynamic intolerance Catheter ablation I B 58

Verapamil, diltiazem, β-blockers, IIa C 58
sotalol, amiodarone
Flecainide,* propafenone* IIa C

Recurrent symptomatic AVNRT Catheter ablation I B 58

Verapamil I B 59
Diltiazem, β-blockers I C 60
Digoxin† IIb C

Recurrent AVNRT unresponsive to β-blockers or calcium channel Flecainide,* propafenone,* IIa B 53, 61-65
blocker and patient not desiring RF ablation sotalol
Amiodarone IIb C 66

AVNRT with infrequent or single episode in patients who want Catheter ablation I B
complete control of arrhythmia

Documented PSVT with only dual AV nodal pathways or single echo Verapamil, diltiazem, β-blockers, I C
beats demonstrated during electrophysiological study and no flecainide,* propafenone
other identified cause of arrhythmia
Catheter ablation‡ I B

Infrequent, well-tolerated AVNRT No therapy I C 58

Vagal maneuvers I B
Pill in the pocket I B
Verapamil, diltiazem, β-blockers I B
Catheter ablation I B 67

*Relatively contraindicated for patients with coronary artery disease, LV dysfunction, or other significant heart disease.
†Digoxin is often ineffective because its pharmacologic effects can be overridden by enhanced sympathetic tone.
‡Decision depends on symptoms.
AVNRT, Atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia; RF, radiofrequency; PSVT, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia; AV, atrioventricular.
From Blomström-Lundqvist C, Scheinman MM, Aliot EM, et al: ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines for the management of patients with supraventricular arrhythmias, Circulation
108:1871–1909, 2003.

Surgical Ablation of Atrioventricular Nodal Re-entrant Tachycardia

ablation alternatives such as elimination of the fast pathway or
Surgical ablation of PSVT has been well developed, and estab- left-sided connections should be considered.
lished and progressively refined techniques have been used since Accessory pathway ablation using the endocardial or
the 1980s. The surgical basis for SVT ablation involves resection epicardial approach, with linear incision at the mapped pathway
or modification of the substrate for the arrhythmia; many of these location, was widely used in the 1980s until it was supplanted by
principles that have been pioneered and applied have now come catheter ablation.113,114 Near-perfect efficacy has been described
into vogue in catheter ablation procedures. Experimental studies in the largest series, with mortality rates of less than 1% in patients
have refined surgical techniques since the original description of without cardiac disease or other surgical procedures.115 The
SVT control by ligature of the bundle of His.102 Since that time, details of the mapping and surgical technique are beyond the
complete AV block has been avoided, and modification of selec- purview of this chapter and are described elsewhere in this
tive pathways with preservation of normal AV conduction has text or in referenced literature. Suffice it to state that the epicardial
been pursued. In animal studies, McGuire et al disconnected the approach to accessory pathway eliminated the need for cardio­
anterior part of the AV node, which resulted in mild impairment pulmonary bypass, and cryoablation of the AV groove resulted
of AV nodal conduction and destruction of ventriculo-atrial con- in a safe and highly effective procedure. Other energy sources
duction in 50% of the animals.37 This helped define the contribu- such as laser have also been applied clinically.116 The usefulness
tion of each of these connections to AV conduction patterns in of this technique lies in the ability to perform curative ablation
this animal model. It also suggested that the fast pathway is the procedures in patients with PSVT undergoing cardiac surgery
preferred route of conduction through the AV node, but other for other indications and in patients with failed catheter
inputs can assume these responsibilities with limited loss of effi- ablation attempts, particularly if multiple accessory pathways
cacy. This became the basis for one surgical approach to cure are present. The role of this approach in SA node re-entry or
AVNRT by fast pathway interruption. More recently, slow pathway nonparoxysmal sinus tachycardia or other ATs is less well estab-
interruption by surgical or catheter ablation methods has become lished. Although surgical success in select patients has been
the procedure of choice, with lower risk of impaired AV conduc- reported, this is not as effective an approach in these
tion and a high degree of efficacy.88,89 However, in case of failure, substrates.117
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia and Pre-excitation Syndromes  557

Table 41-5  Current Recommendations for Long-Term Management of SVT Associated with Pre-excitation Syndromes


WPW syndrome (pre-excitation and Catheter ablation I B 55, 123-125

symptomatic arrhythmias), well
Flecainide, propafenone IIa C 64, 124, 126-137
Sotalol, amiodarone, β-blockers IIa C 138-142
Verapamil, diltiazem, digoxin III C 143

WPW syndrome (with AF and rapid- Catheter ablation I B 55, 57, 113, 123, 144,
conduction or poorly tolerated AVRT) 145, 146-148

AVRT, poorly tolerated (no pre-excitation) Catheter ablation I B 55, 57, 113, 123, 144,
145, 146-148
Flecainide, propafenone IIa C 64, 124, 126-137
Sotalol, amiodarone IIa C 138-142
β-Blockers IIb C 143
Verapamil, diltiazem, digoxin III C 143

Single or infrequent AVRT episode(s) (no None I C

Vagal maneuvers I B
Pill in the pocket: verapamil, diltiazem, β-blockers I B 54, 149
Catheter ablation IIa B 55, 57, 113, 123, 144,
145, 146-148
Sotalol, amiodarone IIb B 138-142
Flecainide, propafenone IIb C 64, 124, 126-137,
Digoxin III C

Pre-excitation, asymptomatic None I C

Catheter ablation IIa B 55, 57, 113, 124, 144,
145, 146-148

SVT, Supraventricular tachycardia; WPW, Wolff-Parkinson-White; AF, atrial fibrillation; AVRT, atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia.
From Blomström-Lundqvist C, Scheinman MM, Aliot EM, et al: ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines for the management of patients with supraventricular arrhythmias, Circulation
108:1871–1909, 2003.

Table 41-6  Recommendations from the ACC/AHA Practice Guidelines


Medical β-Blockers I C
Verapamil, diltiazem IIa C

Interventional Catheter ablation—sinus node modification/elimination IIb C 44-51

From Blomström-Lundqvist C, Scheinman MM, Aliot EM, et al: ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines for the management of patients with supraventricular arrhythmias, Circulation 108:1871–
1909, 2003.

Device Therapy
re-entrant PSVT caused by collision of the atrial and ventricular
The use of anti-tachycardia devices for PSVT termination and wavefronts in the critical elements of the PSVT circuit. This
prevention only has historical significance except in a few specific pacing mode has been employed effectively for this purpose.
situations with newer devices. It is mentioned here for comple- Long-term management of PSVT is feasible with automatic
tion, as well as for limited use in future devices. Early studies and patient activated anti-tachycardia pacing.119-121 Current
established the efficacy of anti-tachycardia pacemakers in recur- devices have these pacing modes available in their repertoire. The
rent PSVT.118-121 Atrial burst and ramp pacing have been shown use of these modes may be considered in patients with implanted
to be highly effective in termination of PSVT and common atrial pacemakers or pacemaker defibrillators for other arrhythmia indi-
flutter with implanted pacemaker devices.122 Prevention of PSVT cations, who have coexisting PSVT of modest frequency. Inces-
in different substrates has also been shown. Permanent sant or highly frequent PSVT should be considered for ablative
dual-chamber pacing with a short A-V interval can prevent therapy.
558  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias
Kuck KH, Brugada P, Wellens HJJ: Observations on the antidromic type
of circus movement tachycardia in the Wolff-Parkinson-White syn-
Akhtar M, Jazayeri MR, Sra J, et al: Atrioventricular re-entry. Clinical, drome, J Am Coll Cardiol 2:1003–1010, 1983.
electrophysiological and therapeutic considerations, Circulation Lévy S: Diagnostic approach to cardiac arrhythmias, J Cardiovasc Phar-
88:282–295, 1993. macol 17(Suppl 6):524–531, 1991.
Arruda MS, McCleland JH, Wang X, et al: Development and validation of Lindsay BD, Crossen KJ, Cain ME: Concordance of distinguishing elec-
an ECG algorithm for identifying accessory pathway ablation site in trocardiographic features during sinus rhythm with the location of
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 9:2–12, accessory pathways in the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, Am J
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Dierkes S, Vester EG, Dobran LJ, et al: Adenosine in the noninvasive tion 89:2351–2360, 1994.
diagnosis of dual AV nodal conduction: Use as a follow-up parameter Racker DK: Atrioventricular node and input pathways: A correlated gross
after slow pathway ablation in AVNRT, Acta Cardiol 56:103–108, anatomical and histological study of the canine atrioventricular junc-
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Prog Cardiovasc Dis 20:285–327, 1978. Ross DL, Johnson DC, Denniss AR, et al: Curative surgery for atrioven-
Gallagher JJ, Sealy WC: The permanent form of junctional reciprocating tricular junctional (“AV nodal”) reentrant tachycardia, J Am Coll Cardiol
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Gomes JA, Hariman RJ, Kang PS, Chowdry IH: Sustained symptomatic tion in patients with dual atrioventricular nodal pathways, Circulation
sinus node reentrant tachycardia: Incidence, clinical significance, elec- 64:1053–1060, 1981.
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Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, N Engl J Med 301:1080–1085, All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
1979. com.
Atrial Fibrillation
A. John Camm, Irina Savelieva, Siew Yen Ho, Bruce D. Lindsay,
Stanley Nattel, and Kaori Shinagawa
treatment-related complications (e.g., proarrhythmia or bleeding)
Epidemiology compared with their male counterparts.11-15
The prevalence of AF is higher in white populations.16-19 In the
Incidence and Prevalence
Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study, age-adjusted
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia, incidence rates of AF were highest in white men and lowest in
with the incidence of 3.1 cases in men and 1.9 cases in women black women (7.45 and 3.67 per 1000 person-years, respectively).17
per 1000 person-years in the population younger than 64 years, In the health survey of 664,754 U.S. veterans, white men were
rising to 19.2 per 1000 person-years in those 65 to 74 years, and significantly more likely to have AF compared with all other races
as high as 31.4 to 38 in octogenarians.1 A rising proportion of the except Pacific Islanders (odds ratio [OR] compared with blacks,
older population, markedly improved survival from previously 1.84; vs. Hispanics, 1.77; vs. Asians, 1.41; vs. Native Americans,
fatal cardiovascular conditions, and a recently observed trend 1.15; P < .001).18 The prevalence and distribution of associated risk
toward a continuous increase in the incidence of AF among factors also depended on ethnicity. Thus white men were more
younger age groups will result in a considerable increase in the likely to have valvular heart disease, coronary artery disease
number of patients with AF over the next 4 decades. The Fram- (CAD), and congestive heart failure (CHF); blacks had the highest
ingham Study in the United States and the Rotterdam Study in prevalence of hypertension; and Hispanics had the highest preva-
Europe have estimated lifetime risk for development of AF to be lence of diabetes. Racial differences remained after adjustment
1 in 4 for men and women aged 40 years and older.2,3 Projected for age, body mass index, and underlying pathology. In a meta-
data from national databases have predicted that the number of analysis of seven randomized clinical trials in patients with acute
patients with AF in the United States is expected to reach 5.6 to coronary syndrome (ACS), the prospectively collected informa-
15.9 million by 2050, particularly if the incidence of AF continues tion on the development of AF indicated that the rates of AF were
to rise (Figure 42-1).4-6 A similar increase in the proportion of lower in Asian patients than in white patients (4.7% vs. 7.6%; OR,
population with AF is likely to be seen in Western Europe.3,7 0.65; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.50 to 0.84; P = .001).19 This
However, even these projections may represent conservative esti- contradicts the finding of a greater prevalence of unfavorable risk
mates because of silent and short transient episodes of AF, which factors for AF in nonwhite populations.20 Nonwhite races have
are likely to be diagnosed more frequently because of increased also been reported to be at higher risk of intracranial hemorrhage
awareness of the arrhythmia, improved diagnostic tools, and a as a complication of anticoagulation therapy (hazard ratio [HR],
wider use of implantable rhythm-control or rhythm-monitoring with whites as referent, 4.06 for Asians, 2.06 for Hispanics, and
devices.8 2.04 for blacks).21 Thus the link between ethnicity and risk of AF
as well as the therapy for AF remains to be further investigated.
Age, Gender, and Ethnicity
A series of epidemiologic studies have identified age to be one of Associated Disease and Risk Factors
the major determinants of risk of developing AF, with odds of 1.1
to 5.9 depending on the initial age and morbidity of a cohort AF is commonly associated with underlying cardiovascular or
studied and the duration of follow-up.9-12 In the Framingham endocrine pathology (Figure 42-2). The primary pathologies
Heart Study, the risk of AF was increased approximately twofold underlying or promoting the occurrence of AF vary more than
per decade of age in both men and women.11 Increased rates of for any other cardiac arrhythmia, ranging from autonomic imbal-
AF related to age are attributed to inherent changes in the atria ance through organic heart disease to metabolic disorders (Table
occurring with aging (e.g., fatty metamorphosis, myocyte degen- 42-1). Hypertension, heart failure, and ischemic and valvular
eration, fibrosis), accumulation of risk factors, and progression of heart disease, particularly mitral stenosis, are the most common
the underlying disease. associations and risk factors for the development and progression
Men are affected almost twice as often and are diagnosed of AF. Valvular heart disease of rheumatic etiology, one of the
with AF at a younger age compared with women, but recent main causes of AF, with an odds of 2 to 3 and greater in early
analyses have suggested that women with AF have more comor- studies, no longer holds its leading role but is still important in
bidities, higher mortality rate, and higher risk of stroke and the developing countries or in the very old.9-11

560  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

16 15.2
Patients with atrial fibrillation (millions)
14 13.1
10.2 11.7 12.1
10 11.1
8.9 10.3
7.7 9.4 7.56
6.7 8.4
5.9 7.5
6 5.1 6.8
6.1 FIGURE 42-1  Estimates of the number of
5.6 5.42 5.61
4 5.1 4.78 5.16 individuals with atrial fibrillation in the United
3.03 4.34 States by 2050. (Data from Go AS, Hylek EM, Phillips
3.33 KA, et al: Prevalence of diagnosed atrial fibrillation
2 2.66 2.94
2.08 2.26 2.44 in adults: National implications for rhythm
0 management and stroke prevention. The
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Anticoagulation and Risk Factors in Atrial Fibrillation
(ATRIA) Study, JAMA 285:2370–2375, 2001; Miyasaka
Y, Barnes ME, Gersh BJ, et al: Secular trends in
incidence of atrial fibrillation in Olmsted County,
MarketScan and Thomson Reuters Medicare databases, 2009
Minnesota, 1980 to 2000, and implications on
Olmsted County data, 2006 (assuming a continued increase in
the projections for future prevalence, Circulation
the AF incidence)
114:119–125, 2006; and Naccarelli GV, Varker H,
Olmsted County data, 2006 (assuming no further increase in
Lin J, Schulman KL: Increasing prevalence of atrial
the AF incidence)
fibrillation and flutter in the United States, Am J
ATRIA study data, 2000
Cardiol 104:1534–1539, 2009.)

70 Matched controls
Proportion of patients with

Atrial flutter only

atrial fibrillation (%)

Atrial fibrillation only

50 FIGURE 42-2  Prevalence of common
40 comorbidities in patients with atrial fibrillation (n =
222,605), atrial flutter (n = 5376), and age- and
30 gender-matched control subjects without the
20 arrhythmia (n = 242,534). The difference between
patients with atrial fibrillation or flutter and
10 matched controls was statistically significant (P <
0 .001) for all comorbidities. CHF, Congestive heart
failure; CAD, Coronary artery disease; VHD,



ventricular heart disease; PAD, pulmonary artery







disease. (From Naccarelli GV, Varker H, Lin J,






Schulman KL: Increasing prevalence of atrial





fibrillation and flutter in the United States, Am J



Cardiol 104:1534–1539, 2009.)

Heart Failure
electrophysiology, including shortening of the atrial effective
An increasing number of surviving patients with left ventricular refractory period, a major determinant of the arrhythmia. Hyper-
impairment has led to CHF emerging as one of the leading risk trophy of atrial myocytes and patchy fibrosis result in numerous
factors for AF associated with a threefold to almost sixfold areas of conduction delay or block favoring micro–re-entry.
increase in the risk of AF.10,12,13 The prevalence of AF associated Calcium overloading and activation of stretch-mediated ion
with CHF varies from 4% to 50%, depending on New York Heart channels increase the likelihood of afterdepolarizations and trig-
Association (NYHA) class (Figure 42-3).22 The occurrence of CHF gered activity in the atria.
in middle age confers an 8% risk of developing AF over a 10-year Diastolic left ventricular dysfunction with subsequent
period if the patient’s age at time of CHF diagnosis was 55 to 64 increases in filling pressures, which is common in older adults,
years, which rises to more than 30% if CHF was diagnosed at age mediates atrial remodeling and is associated with a 5.26-fold
45 to 54 years.13 increased risk of AF.23 The incidence of AF in patients with
CHF may precipitate AF by increasing volume and pressure CHF and preserved left ventricular systolic function is 20% to
load, which leads to atrial dilation and stretch and altered atrial 30%.24
Atrial Fibrillation  561

Table 42-1  Risk Factors and Associations of Atrial Fibrillation



Valvular heart disease, particularly mitral Diabetes mellitus Coronary artery bypass grafting

Hypertension or increased pulse pressure Thyrotoxicosis or subclinical hyperthyroidism Valvular repair or replacement

Congestive heart failure and diastolic dysfunction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Surgical correction for congenital heart disease

Myocardial infarction Lung cancer NONCARDIAC

Ischemic heart disease Chronic renal disease Thoracic surgery, particularly pulmonary

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Obesity (BMI) Surgical procedures requiring general anesthesia

Dilated cardiomyopathy Metabolic syndrome SUBSTANCE USE AND ABUSE

Atrial septal defect Sleep apnea Alcohol excess

Myocarditis or pericarditis Pheochromocytoma Caffeine (trigger)

ARRHYTHMIAS Electrolyte disturbances Smoking

Sick sinus syndrome PHYSIOLOGICAL Thyroxine

Atrial tachycardia and atrial flutter Male gender Cytotoxic agents

WPW syndrome (accessory pathway) Aging Recreational drugs (cannabis, MDMA)

Long P-R interval Tall stature Anabolic steroids

GENETIC Endurance training

Familial lone AF BIOMARKERS

Short QT syndrome Atrial natriuretic peptide, brain natriuretic


Brugada syndrome Cross-reactive protein, tumor necrosis

factor-α, interleukin-6

Long QT syndrome (rare)

AF, Atrial fibrillation; BMI, body mass index; MDMA, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (“ecstasy”); WPW, Wolff-Parkinson-White.

Proportion of patients with

atrial fibrillation (%)


























FIGURE 42-3  Prevalence of atrial fibrillation in selected heart failure studies. NYHA, New York Heart Association. Study acronyms: Candesartan in Heart
failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity; Congestive Heart Failure: Survival Trial of Antiarrhythmic Therapy; Cardiac Insufficiency
Bisoprolol Study; Carvedilol or Metoprolol European Trial; Cooperative North Scandinavian Enalapril Survival Study; Danish Investigations of Arrhythmia
and Mortality on Dofetilide; Grupo de Estudio de la Sobrevida en la Insuficiencia Cardiaca en Argentina; Metoprolol CR/XL Randomised Intervention
Trial in Heart Failure; I-PRESERVE, Irbesartan in Patients with Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction; SOLVD-P, Studies of Left Ventricular
Dysfunction–Prevention; SOLVD-T, Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction–Treatment; Vasodilator-Heart Failure Trial.
562  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

evidence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction, and its occur-

rence is associated with limiting symptoms and increased mor-
Hypertension is the most prevalent condition associated with AF, bidity from CHF (a threefold increase) and stroke (an 8- to10-fold
with a rate of approximately 70% (see Figure 42-2). It is a firmly increase) and an almost quadrupled mortality rate. A genetic
established risk factor for the development of AF, as shown by predisposition to AF is seen in some forms of hypertrophic car-
many epidemiologic surveys, and increases the risk of AF by a diomyopathy: an Arg663His mutation in the β-cardiac myosin
factor of 1.5 to 2.10-13 The risk has been shown to rise proportion- heavy chain gene has been identified in patients with a specific
ally to the level of blood pressure, although iatrogenic hypoten- phenotype of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy presenting
sion has been linked to AF, suggesting a J-shaped relationship with moderate septal left ventricular hypertrophy, predominantly
between blood pressure and AF.12,25,26 localized in the proximal segment of the interventricular septum,
and a 47% prevalence of AF.35
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) can promote AF via the same
Myocardial Infarction
mechanisms as CHF of ischemic etiology; that is, atrial overload,
AF is a common complication of ACS, occurring de novo in 6% to stretch, and fibrosis. Some types of mutations in the lamin A/C
15% of patients with myocardial infarction (MI); the incidence is gene linked to DCM have also been shown to be associated with
higher (10% to 20%) if patients with a history of atrial tachyarrhyth- increased risk of progressive conduction system disease, atrial
mias are included.27 Patients with ST-segment elevation MI myopathy, and AF.36
(STEMI) are more likely to develop AF compared with patients
with other types of ACS (8% vs. 6.4%), and the presence of early left
Pre-excitation Syndrome
ventricular systolic dysfunction and CHF has been consistently
shown to increase the likelihood of AF by a factor of 1.58 to 3.28.27,28 AF is found in 30% of patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White
Previous MI was associated with an increased risk of subse- (WPW) syndrome and is associated with increased risk of sudden
quent AF by a factor of 1.4 to 3.62, but this association is less well cardiac death (SCD).37 Unlike the atrioventricular (AV) node,
established for CAD without MI because these two entities have accessory pathways usually exhibit rapid, nondecremental con-
not been adequately distinguished in epidemiologic studies.9,10,12 duction, and if the effective refractory period of an accessory
It is reasonable to consider CAD, particularly with evidence of pathway is short (<250 ms), this may result in a rapid ventricular
reversible ischemia, a risk factor because it may promote forma- response during AF, with subsequent degeneration to ventricular
tion of the substrate for AF (e.g., due to atrial ischemia). fibrillation (VF). In some patients with an accessory pathway or
a dual AV node, AV re-entrant tachycardia (AVRT) and AV node
re-entrant tachycardia (AVNRT) can trigger AF.
Diabetes mellitus has been identified as a risk factor for AF. In the
Framingham Heart Study, diabetes mellitus was associated with
a 1.4-fold increased risk of AF in men and 1.6-fold increase in Thyrotoxicosis has a classic, but relatively minor, association with
women.10 Its relevance as a risk factor has been confirmed in AF, whereas latent hyperthyroidism, which has been shown to be
recent population-based surveys and meta-analyses of random- associated with an almost threefold increase in the age-adjusted
ized controlled studies. A report from the Veterans Health incidence of AF in the Framingham Heart Study, is likely to have
Administration Hospitals database with 845,748 participants has a greater impact in the general population.38 In the prospective
shown that type 2 diabetes increases the risk of AF by a factor of population-based Rotterdam Study in older individuals, free thy-
2.13.29 A systematic review of 11 studies involving 108,703 cases roxine levels within the normal range showed a graded associa-
of AF in more than 1.6 million individuals has revealed that tion with risk of AF (HR for highest vs. lowest quartile, 1.62).39
patients with diabetes have a 40% greater risk of AF compared Convincing evidence that hypothyroidism may increase risk of
with their nondiabetic counterparts.30 AF does not exist.6
The cause-and-effect association between diabetes and AF has
not been fully elucidated as, for example, no substantial evidence
that type 1 diabetes increases risk of AF exists. Patients with type
2 diabetes mellitus often have other comorbidities and risk factors Smoking as a risk factor has been debated, but recent analyses
that may predispose to AF, such as older age, hypertension, CHF, from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) and the
CAD, obesity, and sleep apnea, and the effect of confounding is Rotterdam studies have provided evidence linking smoking to the
significant. Although hyperglycemia may directly affect the elec- risk of AF in the general population, with a hazard ratio of 1.51
trophysiological properties of the atria, causing intra-atrial con- to 2.05 in current smokers and 1.32 to 1.49 in former smokers.40,41
duction delay and promoting structural remodeling by activation In the highest tertile of accumulated smoking amount (>675
of the AGE-RAGE (advanced glycation end product–receptor for cigarette-years), the incidence of AF was 2.1 times greater than in
AGE) system and upregulation of circulating tissue growth those who never smoked.
factors, insulin resistance associated with type 2 diabetes may also
be an important contributor.31,32
High alcohol intake has been consistently associated with risk of
AF, but the effects of light or moderate consumption are less clear,
AF occurs in association with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in and some have suggested a neutral or even protective effect. A
18% to 28% of patients, with an annual incidence of 2%.33,34 The recent systematic review has reported a monotonic dose-response
prevalence of AF is higher in patients older than 50 years with causal relationship between alcohol and onset of AF.42 Compared
Atrial Fibrillation  563

with nondrinkers, individuals consuming 24, 60, and 120 g of therefore it has been identified as a risk factor for AF, although
alcohol daily had relative risk of 1.08, 1.44, and 2.09, respectively
(men), and 1.07, 1.42, and 2.02, respectively (women). Recent
meta-analysis of 14 studies has shown that for each 10-mg
increase per day in alcohol intake, the risk of AF increased by 1.08
its exact impact is unknown.50 The presence of COPD can con-
tribute to progression of AF to a more sustained form.51
Chronic renal dysfunction has recently been linked to increased
risk of AF. In the ARIC study, reduced glomerular filtration
(95% CI, 1.05 to 1.10; P < .001).43 rate (GFR), particularly in association with macroalbuminuria,
increased risk of developing AF over 1 decade by 13-fold.52 In a
population-based cohort of African-American and white Ameri-
can adults 45 years or older enrolled in the Reasons for Geo-
In addition to a series of case reports, recent analyses from the graphic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study,
Framingham Heart Study, the Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health individuals with chronic renal failure stage 1 to 2, 3, and 4 to 5
Study, and the Women’s Health Study found no association had the age-, race-, and gender-adjusted odds ratios for AF of 2.67,
between caffeine intake and the incidence of AF.44-46 In a canine 1.68, and 3.52, respectively.53
model with enhanced AF inducibility caused by the stimulation Congenital heart disease (particularly, atrial septal defect
of the ganglionated plexi, the presence of caffeine reduced the [ASD]) and pre-excitation syndrome caused by accessory path-
propensity for AF.47 It is possible that excessive caffeine consump- ways are also associated with AF. AT, “incisional” AFL, and AF
tion may trigger AF in individuals with a predominantly adrener- may occur after surgical repair of congenital heart disease.
gically mediated mechanism of the arrhythmia, but this association
could not be detected in the epidemiologic studies.
Emerging Risk Factors
New risk factors such as obesity (relative risk [RR], 1.2 to 2.3),
Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation
metabolic syndrome, a prolonged P-R interval on an electrocar-
AF may occur in about 30% of patients after isolated coronary diogram (ECG) (RR, 1.2 to 2.7), P-wave duration (1.15 per stan-
artery bypass grafting (CABG), 40% of patients after valve surgery, dard deviation increase), sleep apnea (RR, 2.2 to 3), psychological
and 50% of patients after combined coronary artery and valvular stress and negative emotions, endurance athletic training (RR,
surgery.48 Most cases of AF occur during the first 3 to 4 days, and 5.3), visceral adipose tissue (pericardial fat) detected by computer
more than 90% have a paroxysmal form. Postoperative AF is asso- tomography (CT) (RR, 1.11 to 1.18), and tall stature (RR, 1.7 for
ciated with increased morbidity and mortality rates, largely height >180 cm) have all been reported in association with AF.54
because of stroke and circulatory failure and longer hospital stay. A series of biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress
Atrial flutter (AFL) and atrial tachycardias (ATs), including multi- (cross-reactive protein, interleukin [IL]-6, intercellular adhesion
focal AT, are also common. molecule (ICAM)-1, tumor necrosis factor [TNF]-α), hemody-
Risk factors include conventional clinical variables such as age, namic stress (atrial natriuretic and brain natriuretic peptides
hypertension, left ventricular dysfunction, chronic obstructive [ANP and BNP]), and cardiac damage (troponin) have emerged
pulmonary disease (COPD), renal impairment, and specific surgi- as predictors of incident AF.54
cal aspects such as inadequate cardioprotection and hypothermia,
right coronary artery grafting, and a longer bypass time.49 The
Genetic Factors
incidence of postoperative atrial tachyarrhythmias is lower with
minimally invasive techniques. Among many risk factors for AF, genetic predisposition to AF or
specific genetically predetermined forms of the arrhythmia have
also been identified. Among the participants in the Framingham
Other Risk Factors
Heart Study, a parental history of AF increased the risk of AF in
Pneumonia is a one of the reversible causes of AF, whereas COPD, the offspring by a factor of 1.4 after adjustment for AF risk factors
which is observed in 10% to 15% of patients with AF, increases and AF-related genetic variants (Figure 42-4).55 Genetic variation
the propensity to AF, such as by inflammatory mechanisms; may play even a greater role in the pathogenesis of lone AF (see

7 0.6
Cumulative incidence (%)

Cumulative incidence

6 Hazard ratio 1.40 0.5 Monozygotic twins

of atrial fibrillation

5 (95% Cl: 1.13–1.74) Hazard ratio 2.0

4 (95% Cl: 1.3–3.0)
Familial AF 0.3
2 0.2 Dizygotic twins
No familial AF
1 0.1
Log rank: P < .001
0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 0 5 10 15 20 25
A Time to AF (y) B Observation time (years)

FIGURE 42-4  A, Incidence of atrial fibrillatin (AF) by the presence or absence of antecedent AF in a first-degree relative in the Framingham Heart
Study. B, Incidence of AF ain monozygotic and dizygotic twins in the Danish Twin Study. CI, Confidence interval. (From Lubitz SA, Yin X, Fontes JD, et al:
Association between familial atrial fibrillation and risk of new-onset atrial fibrillation, JAMA 304:2263–2269; and Christophersen IE, Ravn LS, Budtz-Joergensen
E, et al: Familial aggregation of atrial fibrillation: a study in Danish twins, Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2:378–383, 2009.)
564  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

below). AF in association with known genetic conditions such as

Vagally Mediated and Adrenergically Mediated
Brugada syndrome and short QT interval syndrome is highly
Atrial Fibrillation
prevalent. The genetic substrate for AF ranges from a large
kindred with monogenic forms of AF with rare genetic mutations The balance between sympathetic and vagal influences plays an
and high penetrance to common genetic polymorphisms in a important role both in the initiation and prediction of AF. Two
variety of different genes in general populations. types of autonomic-induced AF exist. Adrenergically mediated
Monogenic mutations associated with AF have been described episodes of AF are typically triggered by exercise and emotional
in the number of genes encoding several potassium channels (e.g., stress (Figure 42-5), commonly associated with polyuria, and
KCNQ1 and KCNE2, which encode α- and β-subunits, respec- occur mainly during the day. Vagally mediated AF is characterized
tively, of the IKs channel; KCNA5 and KCNJ2, encoding Kv1.5 and by male predominance, younger age, minimal tendency to prog-
Kir 2.1 channels underlying the IKur and IK1 currents, respectively), ress to permanent AF, and onset at rest or at night. Episodes of
and α- and β-subunits of the sodium channels (SCN5A and vagal AF are typically preceded by progressive bradycardia.
SCN1/2B) as well as a number of non–ion channel mutations in β-Blockers are treatment of choice in AF with a predominant
the nucleoporin gene (NUP155), connexin-40 gene (GJA5), and adrenergic component but may worsen symptoms in patients
ANP gene.56 However, monogenic forms of AF are rare and, at with vagally mediated AF.
the population level, AF heritability is likely to be determined by However, patients who can be classified in terms of sym-
aggregate effects of multiple common genetic variants interacting pathetic or adrenergic forms of AF typically represent the
with environmental factors. extreme of either sympathetic or parasympathetic influence,
Population-based genome-wide association studies (GWASs) and the overall prevalence of typical vagally or adrenergically
have identified a variety of single-nucleotide polymorphisms near mediated AF is relatively low. In 1517 patients with paroxysmal
the PITX2 (paired-like homeodomain 2) gene on chromosome AF included in the Euro Heart Survey, vagally mediated AF
4q25 that almost double the susceptibility to AF in general popu- was found in 6% and adrenergically mediated AF was found
lations of European and Asian descents.57,58 Other common vari- in 15%.62
ants include ZFHX3 (zinc finger homeobox 3) on chromosome
16q22, and KCNN3 (a calcium-activated, small conductance
potassium current, which is also involved in atrial repolarization)
on chromosome 1p21. Classification
However, the mechanism by which these genetic variations
lead to AF remains unknown. The PITX2 gene encodes a tran- AF is classically divided into three types on the basis of its pre-
scription factor expressed in the heart and lungs and is critical sentation, duration, and response to therapy (if applicable):
for antenatal determination of right-left asymmetry, with one of paroxysmal, persistent, and permanent. Paroxysmal AF is a self-
its isoforms, PITX2C, being involved in the specification of the terminating arrhythmia; although the duration of paroxysms may
left atrium and pulmonary vein myocardium and suppression vary greatly (with the upper limit arbitrarily set at 7 days), the
of a default program for sinoatrial node formation in the left majority will terminate within 48 hours. The 48-hour time point
atrium. Mutations in PITX2C may be associated with greater is clinically important because after this, the likelihood of spon-
chances of ectopic foci occurring in the pulmonary veins trig- taneous conversion is low, and anticoagulation must be consid-
gering AF. ered. If AF lasts longer than 7 days or requires pharmacologic or
electrical cardioversion, it is referred to as persistent AF. If AF
does not convert spontaneously and is refractory to cardioversion
or other rhythm control interventions and if the physician or the
Lone Atrial Fibrillation
patient chooses not to pursue the rhythm control strategy and
Idiopathic or lone AF constitutes approximately half the cases of allow the AF to remain, the term permanent (“accepted”) AF is
paroxysmal AF and 20% of persistent AF, particularly in relatively applied.
young patients. However, when studied in detail, some may have The 2010 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines
evidence of inflammation and atrial myocarditis, mild diastolic introduced a longstanding persistent category for AF, which
ventricular dysfunction, subclinical thyroid disease, autoimmune typically lasts for 1 year or more before a rhythm control
disorders, or sinus node dysfunction. In other words, lone AF may intervention is attempted (Figure 42-6).63 This allows for a
be an indication that a structural defect has not yet manifested to permanent form to be redesignated as longstanding persistent
a level that can be detected. AF, that is, amenable to restoration and maintenance of sinus
Lone AF poses a higher risk of heritability. Relatives of patients rhythm, mainly because of the increased success of ablation
with lone AF are at a substantially increased risk of developing therapies.
AF compared with the general population, suggesting a Mende- First-onset AF is the first clinical presentation of the arrhyth-
lian genetic contribution to the etiology of this common trait. mia; first-onset AF can be paroxysmal or persistent or be classified
Analysis of the Danish Twin Study has revealed an increased risk as permanent if accepted by the patient and physician. First-
of AF among monozygotic twins compared with dizygotic twins detected AF may be a single nonrecurrent event secondary to a
(22% vs. 12%), with the heritability of AF estimated at 62% (com- reversible or transient cause, or it may evolve into recurrent par-
pared with 80% heritability of height and 35% heritability of the oxysmal or persistent AF. The onset of AF may be asymptomatic,
QT interval).58,59 and the first detected episode should not be regarded as neces-
GWASs have linked an SNP in KCNN3 to a greater risk of lone sarily the true onset. In the mixed forms, AF episodes may or may
AF with an odds ratio of 1.52.60 The angiotensin-converting not terminate spontaneously, and the disease often progresses
enzyme (ACE) insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism was asso- from paroxysmal to persistent AF and eventually to permanent
ciated with electrical remodeling in patients with lone AF.61 (or accepted) AF.
Atrial Fibrillation  565

23% 130 beats/min STAGE 3 3.3 mph
06:47 14.0%
15% 16:59:46

184 beats/min STAGE 3 3.4 mph
No specific triggers/ 08:21 14.0%
nonautonomic 17:01:20

Typical vagotonic
Typical adrenergic I
Mixed vagal and adrenergic

116 beats/min
#7 0.0 mph
17:35:15 32:29 0.0%


HR (beats/min)
0 12 24 36 min

FIGURE 42-5  A, Prevalence of different types of autonomic trigger patterns in 1517 patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the European Survey
on Atrial Fibrillation. B, An electrocardiogram and a heart rate histogram demonstrating onset of exercise-induced atrial fibrillation preceded by
frequent atrial premature beats (arrows) and runs of atrial tachycardia in a 45-year-old man without any structural heart disease. The exercise test was
terminated once atrial fibrillation occurred. Note spontaneous termination and recurrence of brief episodes of atrial fibrillation in the recovery phase.
Stable sinus rhythm was restored after 32 minutes. HR, Heart rate. (From De Vos CB, Nieuwlaat R, Crijns HJ, et al: Autonomic trigger patterns and anti-
arrhythmic treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: Data from the Euro Heart Survey, Eur Heart J 29:632–639, 2008.)

compared with only 6% of those with a HATCH score of 1. Rates

Progression of Atrial Fibrillation of progression are higher in patients who presented with first-
onset persistent AF, with 35% to 40% developing permanent
AF is a progressive disease because of the continuous remodeling arrhythmia by the end of the first year since diagnosis.66 Pursuing
of the atria caused by the AF itself, changes associated with aging, the aggressive rhythm control strategy with antiarrhythmic drugs,
progression of underlying heart disease, and genetic and environ- pulmonary vein ablation or both and, when necessary, cardiover-
mental factors. Progression from first-diagnosed or recurrent sion can alter the natural course and prevent or delay progression
paroxysmal AF to persistent or permanent AF occurs, on average, of AF.
at the rate of 5% to 15% per year, depending on a number of Progression of AF is linked to structural atrial remodeling,
factors such as age at presentation and the presence of underlying accumulation of electrically silent fibrotic tissue, and transforma-
heart disease (Table 42-2).64,65 tion of AF from a primary electrical disorder requiring specific
Factors, independently associated with the progression of AF triggers such as atrial premature beats (APBs), pulmonary vein
in the European Survey on AF, formed a HATCH score to predict tachycardia, and neurohumoral stimuli (trigger-dependent AF)
progression of AF (hypertension, age >75 years, transient isch- into a substrate-dependent variety (Figure 42-7). Patients with
emic attack [TIA] or stroke, COPD, history of stroke or heart lone AF have been reported to have the lowest progression rates
failure). CHF and stroke were assigned 2 points each and the of approximately 1% to 2% per year.67 Atrial remodeling occurs in
remaining factors 1 point each. Almost half the patients with a both lone AF and AF associated with cardiovascular disease, but
high HATCH score of 6 to 7 had AF progression after 1 year it is thought to be more pronounced in the latter. However, recent
566  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

studies employing delayed enhancement magnetic resonance

imaging (MRI) techniques have demonstrated the presence of Consequences of Atrial Fibrillation
extensive fibrosis primarily accumulated in the left atrial posterior
wall in patients with lone AF compared with healthy individuals The clinical significance of AF lies predominantly in high risk of
without AF.68 Patients with lone AF were found to have a similar ischemic stroke and heart failure and increased subsequent death.
amount of fibrosis of the left atrium as those with associated The occurrence of AF is commonly associated with worsening of
cardiovascular and metabolic disease. pre-existing cardiovascular disease. New-onset AF in CHF has
been linked to clinical deterioration and poor prognosis.22 Patients
with concomitant AF and hypertension had a two- to threefold
greater risk of developing stroke and CHF or dying.69 AF is associ-
ated with increased in-hospital and long-term mortality rates in
patients with MI.27,70 AF leads to more hospital admissions than
First diagnosed episode of atrial fibrillation
any other arrhythmia and presently costs approximately 1% of the
health care budget in the Western countries.
(usually ≤48 h)
The presence of AF has been estimated to increase the risk of
Persistent stroke by about fivefold.71 Whereas the effects of hypertension,
(>7 days or requires CV)
CAD, and CHF on the risk of stroke become progressively weaker
with advancing age, the impact of AF remains significant. In the
Longstanding Framingham Study, the annual risk of stroke attributable to AF
Persistent (>1 year) among patients aged 50 to 59 years is 1.5% and increases to 23.5%
in those older than 80 years.71 Approximately 15% of neurologi-
Permanent cally asymptomatic patients enrolled in the Veterans Affairs
(accepted) Stroke Prevention in Nonrheumatic Atrial Fibrillation (SPINAF)
study had evidence of one or more previously undiagnosed cere-
FIGURE 42-6  Classification of atrial fibrillation (AF) based on the time bral infarcts on CT images of the brain.72 The risk is considerably
course of the arrhythmia, and possible transition between three forms higher in patients with previous stroke or TIA.
of the arrhythmia, proposed by the European Society of Cardiology   Strokes associated with AF are usually more severe and confer
in 2010. AF tends to progress from paroxysmal (self-terminating, a high risk of subsequent morbidity, mortality, and poor func-
usually <48 hours) to persistent [non–self-terminating or requiring tional outcome independent of the underlying heart disease. Risk
cardioversion), longstanding persistent (lasting longer than 1 year), of recurrent stroke is high, particularly within the first year,
and eventually to permanent (accepted) AF. First-onset AF may be  
because of hemostatic abnormalities following the index event.
the first of recurrent attacks or already be deemed permanent. CV,
The report from the Framingham Study has revealed that stroke
associated with AF was nearly twice as likely to be fatal, and

Electrical AF (mainly
trigger dependent) AF

Electroanatomic AF
(mixed trigger and substrate
dependent, but the role of
substrate is domineering)

Anatomic AF
(substrate dependent,
triggers play little role)

FIGURE 42-7  Stages of progression of atrial fibrillation assessed by delayed-enhancement magnetic resonance imaging. (From Mahnkopf C, Badger TJ,
Burgon NS, et al: Evaluation of the left atrial substrate in patients with lone atrial fibrillation using delayed-enhanced MRI: Implications for disease progression
and response to catheter ablation, Heart Rhythm 7:1475–1481, 2010.)
Table 42-2  Rates of Progression of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation to Persistent or Permanent Atrial Fibrillation



European Heart 1219 64 ± 13 Paroxysmal; lone AF: 1 15%; permanent: 8%; in Age >75 years (1.57), heart failure
Survey (2010) 17% subgroup with lone AF: (2.22), hypertension (1.52),
7% (persistent or stroke/TIA (2.02), COPD (1.51)

RECORD-AF 2137 65.1 ± 12 Recent-onset 1 15%; permanent, 9% Heart failure (2.2), hypertension
(2011) paroxysmal AF (1.5), rate control (3.2)
In subgroup with rhythm control
as the initial strategy: heart
failure (1.9), hypertension (1.8),
heart rate (1.01)

Sakamoto (Tokyo) 137 No progression: First-detected 1 Sustained AF ≥6 months: Age ≥65 years, heart failure, CTR
(1995) 62.4 ± 11 paroxysmal AF 22% ≥50%, diabetes, LA ≥38 mm,
With progression: LVEF ≤0.76, f waves in V1 ≥2 mm
70.1 ± 8.2

Abe (Osaka) 122 61 ± 12 Paroxysmal; lone AF: 2.16 Sustained AF ≥6 months: Left atrial size, abnormal P-wave
(1997) 21% 11.5% signal-averaged ECG‡

Fauchier (Tours) 2167 71 ± 14 Paroxysmal 2.6 14.1% Age >75 years, heart failure,
(2010) hypertension, COPD, number of
electrical cardioversions, dilated
cardiomyopathy, prosthetic valve

UK GPRD (2005) 418 Men: 67 ± 11, First-detected 2.7 11% at 1 year, 17% at 2.7 Valvular heart disease (2.7),
women: 7  paroxysmal AF; no years moderate to high alcohol intake
3 ± 10 comorbidity: 32% (3.0)

Al-Khatib 231 60 ± 13 Paroxysmal; lone AF: 4 8% at 1 year, 18% at 4 years Age (1.82 per decade), AF at
(Durham) 41.6% presentation (3.56)

Pappone (Milan) 106 57.5 ± 11.5 First-detected 5 Recurrent paroxysmal: 52.8% Age (1.19), heart failure (11.2),
(2008) paroxysmal; lone Persistent: 53.3%* diabetes (17.3), drug therapy vs.
AF: 51% Permanent: 35.5%* ablation
In subgroup with lone AF:
3.7% persistent, 1.8%

Rostagno 106 63 ± 11 First-detected 6 Recurrent paroxysmal:   —

(Florence) paroxysmal, lone 55.6%, sustained: 4.7%
(1995) AF

Takahashi (Tokyo) 94 60 First-detected >6 Sustained AF ≥6 months: Rheumatic valvular disease;

(1980) paroxysmal AF; 20.2%-25.3% frequency of paroxysms
lone AF: 24.5%

CARAF (2005) 757 64 (median) First-detected 8 8.6% at 1 year Age (1.4 per decade),
paroxysmal AF 24.7% at 5 years cardiomyopathy (2.41), aortic
Any recurrent AF: 63.2%   stenosis (3.04), mitral
at 5 years regurgitation (1.69), LA
enlargement (3.05-4.17)

Danish Study 426 66 (median) Paroxysmal AF 9 (median) 33.1% Underlying heart disease,
(1986) thromboembolism

Parkinson (UK) 200 50 Paroxysmal; lone AF: ~10 28%; in subgroup with no or Rheumatic valvular disease;
(1930) 9% minor heart disease: 10% frequency of paroxysms

Kato (Tokyo) 171 58.3 ± 11.8 First-detected, 14 57% at 10 years, 77% at 15 Age (1.27 per decade), myocardial
(2004) paroxysmal AF years infarction (2.33), valvular heart
disease (2.29), LA enlargement

Olmsted County 88 44 Lone AF 14.8 Recurrent paroxysmal AF: —

(MN) (1987) 58%; sustained AF: 12%

Olmsted County 71 44.2 ± 11.7 Lone AF: 48%; 25.2 31% (30-year probability: Age (1.7 per decade), QRS
(MN) (2007) Paroxysmal AF: 29%)† abnormalities (3.2)§
52% persistent

Odds ratio or hazard ratios given in parentheses.

*In patients taking antiarrhythmic drugs (n = 45).
†In the majority of patients within 15 years.
‡Filtered P-wave duration ≥145 ms and the root-mean-square voltage of the last 30 ms of the filtered P wave <3 µV.
§QRS ≥110 ms, QRS notching, small R in the precordial lead.
AF, Atrial fibrillation; CARAF, Canadian Registry of Atrial Fibrillation; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CTR, cardiothoracic ratio; ECG, electrocardiogram; GPRD, General
Practice Research Database; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; TIA, transient ischemic attack.
568  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

functional deficits were more likely to be severe among survi- an approximately 20% reduction in cardiac output.22 An irregular
vors.73 Nearly three quarters of stroke victims with AF were ventricular response further decreases cardiac output and
severely dependent in activities of daily living (ADLs) compared increases right atrial pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge
with about one third of their counterparts with sinus rhythm. pressure independent of rate. Increased adrenergic stimulation
to maintain adequate cardiac output in the setting of heart
failure will facilitate AV conduction and favor the progression of
cardiomyopathy. AF has been reported to confer a threefold
Dementia as a consequence of AF has been only recently recog- risk of worsening CHF.76 In patients with CHF secondary to dia-
nized. Evidence from the large ongoing prospective Intermoun- stolic dysfunction, the occurrence of AF may be particularly
tain Heart Collaborative Study database, AF was independently hazardous.
associated with all dementia types, and the risk was the highest Less commonly, AF with fast, uncontrolled ventricular rates
in the younger group (<70 years), with an HR of 2.2 for vascular may cause symptomatic left ventricular dysfunction in patients
dementia, 3.34 for senile dementia, and 2.3 for Alzheimer disease with no or minimal structural heart disease. Such ventricular
after adjustment for age and comorbidities.74 According to data dysfunction associated with significant heart dilatation and symp-
from the Olmsted County, Minnesota, in patients with a mean toms of heart failure is termed tachycardia-induced cardiomy-
age of 71 years, the rate of dementia associated with AF was 2.7% opathy. It is usually applied to persistent forms of the arrhythmia,
at 1 year and 10.5% at 5 years.75 The diagnosis of dementia in the and it is generally accepted that sustained ventricular rates of
presence of AF was associated with a marked increased risk of above 120 beats/min may pose a risk but may also occur in indi-
subsequent mortality by factor of 3.49 in men and 3 in women. viduals with frequent paroxysms, in whom rate control is difficult.
In patients with hypertension and underlying microvascular Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy may reverse completely
dysfunction and patients with impaired left ventricular systolic after sinus rhythm is restored or adequate ventricular rate control
function and CHF, the occurrence of AF may predispose to is achieved either by pharmacologic or nonpharmacologic means
further impairment of cerebral perfusion and earlier manifesta- (Figures 42-8 and 42-9).
tion of dementia. Multiple silent cerebral infarctions, subclinical
strokes, and TIAs, as well as microbleeds resulting from the com-
bination of suboptimal blood pressure control and anticoagula-
tion, can be found in a significant proportion of patients with AF According to some surveys, the number of AF-related hospital-
and may underlie the early cognitive decline. Other mechanisms izations almost tripled in 2000 compared with the previous 2
operating in AF such as inflammation and endothelial dysfunc- decades and continues to grow, probably because of an increasing
tion are possible contributors. proportion of the population surviving to very old age with greatly
improved health care. Patients with AF can be admitted for treat-
ment of AF (e.g., cardioversion, initiation of antiarrhythmic drug
Tachycardia-Induced Cardiomyopathy
therapy, or ablation) and cardiovascular adverse events (e.g., pro-
AF may compromise left ventricular systolic function and worsen arrhythmia, progression of heart failure, stroke, or MI) or non-
CHF because of fast, uncontrolled ventricular rates, irregularity cardiac causes. Analysis from the Atrial Fibrillation Follow up
of ventricular response, and loss of atrial systolic input. Loss of Investigation of Rhythm Management (AFFIRM) trial has linked
AV synchrony is associated with impaired diastolic filling, reduced cardiovascular hospitalization with increased risk of subsequent
stroke volume, and elevated diastolic atrial pressure, resulting in death.77 The association between cardiovascular hospitalization


FIGURE 42-8  Reversal of cardiac enlargement on chest radiographs 3 months after restoration of sinus rhythm.
Atrial Fibrillation  569


ejection fraction (%) 50

Left ventricular




Peters van den Berg Grogan Kieny Van Gelder Packer
A 1998 1993 1992 1992 1993 1986


ejection fraction (%)

Left ventricular





Rosenqvist Rodriguez Morady Geelen Lee Kay Kay
B 1992 1993 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998*


ejection fraction (%)

Left ventricular

FIGURE 42-9  Improvement of left
20 ventricular function after rate control and
pharmacologic or electrical cardioversion  
10 (A), atrioventricular nodal ablation or
modification (B), and pulmonary vein
isolation/left atrial ablation in the setting of
0 heart failure (C). Asterisks note patients with
Chen Hsu Tondo Gentlesk Lutomsky Efremidis significantly decreased left ventricular
C 2004 2004 2005 2007 2008 2008 function at baseline.

and adverse outcome has also been reported in the Stockholm and 2.43 in the later cohort, for which a better account of therapy
Cohort Study of Atrial Fibrillation, which showed that individuals was available.
who spent more than 2% of their follow-up period in the hospital
with a cardiovascular diagnosis had a significantly higher mortal-
Quality of Life
ity rate than those who had spent less time in the hospital (36 vs.
8.2 deaths per 100 patient-years).78 Time in-hospital greater than Patients with AF generally have impaired quality of life com-
2% increased the risk of subsequent death by a factor of 2.5, and pared with healthy control subjects—matched samples from
rehospitalization for cardiovascular reason within 3 months the general population or patients with stable CAD—and is
increased the risk of death by a factor of 1.4 in the early cohort similar on most scales to health impairment seen in patients
570  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

with MI or CHF and more significant structural heart disease.79

Silent Atrial Fibrillation
The degree of reported reductions in quality of life is deter-
mined by the form of AF and the presence of other diseases AF is typically associated with a variety of symptoms: palpitations,
that may affect the individual perception of health. Thus patients dyspnea, chest discomfort, fatigue, dizziness, and syncope (Figure
with multiple comorbidities are more likely to report poorer 42-10).85 The paroxysmal forms are more likely to be symptomatic
quality of life compared with patients with established AF and and frequently present with specific symptoms, whereas the perma-
those with less significant underlying heart disease. Paroxysmal nent forms are usually associated with less-specific symptoms.
AF is usually symptomatic and is associated with impaired However, a substantial proportion of patients may not experience any
quality of life. Patients with this variety report better quality symptoms or these symptoms may be subtle and may not be reported.
of life and had significantly higher scores in physical function- The prevalence of sustained silent AF found incidentally during
ing, vitality, mental health, and emotional health when they routine physical examinations, preoperative assessments, occupa-
perceive themselves to be in sinus rhythm.80 Women are more tion assessments, or population surveys is believed to be 25% to
likely to report poor quality of life compared with men, despite 30%, but modern implantable rhythm control devices such as
comparable severity of underlying pathology. Even patients with pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs)
asymptomatic AF report a significantly poorer perception of have revealed that up to 50% to 60% may have unsuspected epi-
general health and decreased global life satisfaction compared sodes of the arrhythmia, with almost half of these lasting more
with their healthy counterparts, despite similar scores on all than 48 hours.8,86 Patients with unrecognized AF do not receive
other scales.81 appropriate preventive therapy and are at greater risk of stroke or,
Both antiarrhythmic drug therapy and ablation-based thera- in the case of persistent rapid ventricular rates, tachycardia-
pies have been shown to render a significant proportion of AF induced cardiomyopathy. For example, AF may be found inciden-
asymptomatic, which may result in improvement in quality of life. tally in about 20% to 25% of admissions for stroke.
Of interest, when quality of life was compared in patients with AF Studies that used regular ECG monitoring have demonstrated
who were randomly assigned to AV node ablation or AV node that up to 90% of recurrences may go unreported by patients but
modification, ablation was shown to result in a greater improve- can only be detected by daily transtelephonic ECG transmission
ment in quality of life and reduction of symptoms compared with (Figure 42-11).87 The clinical significance of very short paroxysms
modification, probably because of better control of the rate and of AF, which are difficult to detect by conventional methods of
regularity of ventricular response after abolishing fibrillatory con- rhythm monitoring but can be logged by implantable device diag-
duction to the ventricles.82 Recently, several AF-specific quality nostics, has recently been demonstrated in the The Relationship
of life questionnaires have been proposed, but all require Between Daily Atrial Tachyarrhythmia Burden from Implantable
validation.83,84 Device Diagnostics and Stroke Risk (TRENDS) study in patients




Chest discomfort

Recent onset/persistent
None Permanent

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Frequency of symptoms (%)

FIGURE 42-10  Distribution of symptoms in different forms of atrial fibrillation. (Modified from Lévy S, Maarek M, Coumel P, et al, on behalf of the College
of French Cardiologists: Characterization of different subsets of atrial fibrillation in general practice in France: The ALFA Study, Circulation 99:3028–3035, 1999.)
Atrial Fibrillation  571

page 1 of 1
100% Identity® ADx XL DR 5386 (#1503311 pr12.0) 15 Dec 2008 17:11
High A. Rate 2 Feb 2008 20:00 Report 2 of 2
Detection of AF recurrences Implanted device Mode DDD
Daily Tele-ECG
7-day ECG A. Bipolar
(4.10 mm/mV)
24-h ECG
V. Bipolar
Tele-ECG AutoGain
(0.80 mm/mV)

859 860 711 649 640 890 860 859
2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
859 5 852 4 719 1 734 4 672 5 648 7 977 5 859 4 8
0 3 8 1 4 2 9 2

A B 0s 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s
Sweep Speed: 25 mm/s

FIGURE 42-11  A, Diagnostic yield of different methods for monitoring of atrial fibrillation. B, An example of a fast atrial rate episode logged in
pacemaker diagnostics in a patient without a history of atrial tachyarrhythmias. ECG, Electrocardiogram. (From Arya A, Piorkowski C, Sommer P, et al:
Clinical implications of various follow up strategies after catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 30:458–462, 2007.)

Table 42-3  Atrial Fibrillation and Death in Epidemiologic Studies


Framingham Study (1998) 5202; 612 (11.9%) with AF 55-94 40 ACM: 1.5 (1.2-1.8) for men,
1.9 (1.5-2.2) for women
No heart disease:
ACM: 2.4 (1.8-3.3) for men,
2.2 (1.6-3.1) for women

Manitoba Study (1995) 3983 male aircrew recruits, 18-62 154,131 person-years ACM: 1.31
299 (7.5%) with AF CVM: 1.41

Marshfield Epidemiologic Study 58,820; 577 with AF 71 4775 person-years ACM: 2.4 (1.9-3.1)
Area (2002) Lone AF, ACM: 2.1 (0.96-4.5)

Paris Prospective Study (1999) 7746 male civil servants with 43-52 27 ACM: 1.95 (1.13-3.37)
lone AF CVM: 4.31 (2.14-8.68)

UK cohort (2002) 6035 general practice patients, 40-89 AF: 1898; control: 9261 ACM: 2.5 (2.1-3.0)
1035 with AF person-years

Olmsted County Study (MN) (2007) 4618 73 5.3 ACM: 2.08 (2.01-2.16)
Excluding first 4 months after
diagnosis: 1.66 (1.59-1.73)

ACM, All-cause mortality; AF, atrial fibrillation; CVM, cardiovascular mortality.

treated with a pacemaker for sinus node dysfunction.88,89 AF absence of identifiable structural heart disease.90 The risk of death
burden of 5.5 hours or greater on any of 30 prior days doubled associated with AF is significantly higher in women than in men
the risk of a thromboembolic event. (OR, 1.9 vs. 1.5). Data from other epidemiologic studies are con-
Furthermore, an exact definition of “asymptomatic” AF does vincing (Table 42-3). AF is an independent predictor of death in
not exist. A patient may claim to have no symptoms but report patients with a range of cardiovascular pathologies: CHF, hyper-
feeling much better after cardioversion. Studies have also shown tension, MI with left ventricular dysfunction, and ACS. AF
that quality of life is reduced even when a patient is classified as increases cause-specific mortality: SCD, death from heart failure,
asymptomatic.81 Level of acceptable symptoms may also vary and fatal strokes. A mechanistic basis for the link between AF and
according to age and comorbidities. each of the components of total mortality does exist (Figure
42-12). Although the exact mechanism by which AF can increase
the risk of SCD in the general AF population (apart from rare
cases of SCD in WPW syndrome) has not been well established,
Association of AF with death has been demonstrated in epide- proarrhythmia from antiarrhythmic drugs and ischemia-induced
miologic studies. Data from the Framingham Study suggest that VT and VF, particularly in patients with severe underlying disease,
the risk of death conferred by AF is nearly doubled even in the are plausible explanations.
572  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

residents served by the Marshfield Clinic in Wisconsin, suggests

Sinus rhythm that the incidence of AFL is 0.88 per 1000 person-years, but this
20 Atrial fibrillation figure includes 58% of individuals in whom both AFL and AF have
been diagnosed.94 As a sole arrhythmia, the incidence of AFL is
relatively low and clearly stands at less than 1%.
10 Like that of AF, the incidence of AFL increases markedly with
age, from 5 per 100,000 of individuals younger than 50 years to
587 per 100,000 in those older than 80 years. Similar to AF, which
0 is more common in men, AFL is observed 2.5 times more fre-
All-cause Cardiovascular Sudden Stroke quently in men than in women (6.06 vs. 2.65 per 100,000 persons
mortality death death aged 70 to 79 years and 9.16 vs. 4.12 per 100,000 persons older
than 80 years).
FIGURE 42-12  Cause-specific morbidity and mortality in patients
with atrial fibrillation and hypertension with left ventricular hypertrophy
in the Losartan Intervention for End Point Reduction in Hypertension Associated Disease and Prognosis
study. (From Wachtell K, Hornestam B, Lehto M, et al: Cardiovascular
morbidity and mortality in hypertensive patients with a history of atrial AFL is commonly associated with organic heart disease (see
fibrillation: The Losartan Intervention for End Point Reduction in Figure 42-2). In the MESA population, nearly all cases of AFL
Hypertension (LIFE) study, J Am Coll Cardiol 45:705–711, 2005.) were linked to comorbid conditions such as CHF, hypertension,
and COPD or occurred in association with a specific precipitating
event (i.e., major surgery, pneumonia, or acute MI).94 Only 1.7%
of cases had no structural cardiac disease or precipitating causes
Current data do not offer a definitive answer whether AF truly (lone AFL).
is an independent risk factor for death or whether it is a marker AFL and AF share similar risk factors and have the same risk
indicating a sicker patient. However, even lone AF has been of CHF and thromboembolism in the presence of risk factors for
reported to entail 4.2-fold increase in all-cause mortality and an stroke. Similar to AF, AFL is associated with an increase in mor-
almost twofold increase in cardiovascular mortality, including tality rate by a factor of 1.7 as a sole arrhythmia and a factor of
SCD, in the Paris Prospective Study.91 2.5 if it coexists with AF (Figure 42-13).95

Costs Interrelationship
The high lifetime risk for AF and increased longevity underscore Typical AFL is a classic macro–re-entrant arrhythmia that devel-
the important public health burden imposed by AF across the ops from a functional conduction block at the cavotricuspid
world. The majority of AF expenditure constitutes hospital isthmus.96 This mechanism of initiation and maintenance is mark-
charges for frequent and often prolonged admissions for AF and edly different from AF, and typical AFL can be cured relatively
particularly its costly complications such as stroke and heart easily by ablation. Furthermore, AFL and AF respond differently
failure. In addition, the cost of caring for patients with other to antiarrhythmic drugs. In this respect, patients with AFL should
cardiovascular pathologies is significantly higher in the presence be distinguished from patients with AF.
of AF. The cost of caring for patients with AF also continues to However, the close clinical interrelationship between AF and
be significantly higher during the 2 to 3 years after initial hospi- AFL should not be disregarded. In many instances, AFL is pre-
talization. The arrhythmia costs of the health care budget in the ceded by a transitional rhythm in the form of AF of variable
United Kingdom and has almost doubled (0.9% to 2.4%) over the duration, which facilitates the occurrence of a functional block
past 5 years.92 Direct cost estimates ranged from $2000 to $14,200 between the venae cavae necessary for the maintenance of the
per patient-year in the United States and from c450 to c3000 AFL macro–re-entrant circuit. Conversely, clinical and experi-
in Europe.92 Inpatient care accounts for 50% to 70% of the annual mental studies in postoperative AF and in the canine sterile peri-
direct costs. carditis model have demonstrated that a very fast AFL may lead
Based on data from the retrospective analysis of three federally to AF.96
funded databases in the United States in 2001, total annual costs The close interrelationship between AF and AFL is reflected in
for treatment of AF were estimated at $6.65 billion, including the high prevalence of patients in whom both arrhythmias coexist
$2.93 billion (44%) for hospitalizations for AF, $1.95 billion (29%) and the significant proportion of patients (30% to 70%) who
for the incremental inpatient cost of AF as a comorbid diagnosis, develop AF after successful ablation of the cavotricuspid isthmus
$1.53 billion (23%) for outpatient treatment of AF, and $235 for AFL, even if AF has never been documented before ablation.
million (4%) for prescription drugs.93 In a recent meta-analysis of long-term outcomes of ablation for
typical AFL (158 studies, 10,719 patients), the overall incidence
of AF was 33.6% during an average follow-up of 15 months; AF
Relationship Between Atrial Fibrillation occurred in 23.1% of patients with no history of AF and in 52.7%
of patients with a history of AF before ablation.97 Such a high
and Atrial Flutter proportion of patients developing AF within a relatively short
time after ablation suggests that AFL may be an early marker of
atrial remodeling that forms a substrate for AF. In contrast, antiar-
Data on the prevalence and incidence of AFL in the general popu- rhythmic drugs with sodium channel–blocking properties, such
lation are limited. The report from the Marshfield Epidemiologic as class IC agents and amiodarone, which slow conduction in
Study Area (MESA), based on a selected sample of 58,820 the atria, can convert AF into AFL, probably by facilitating the
Atrial Fibrillation  573




Estimated survival (%)




20 Atrial fibrillation
Atrial flutter
10 Both arrhythmias
FIGURE 42-13  Kaplan-Meier curves of survival in
0 patients with atrial tachyarrhythmias. (From Vidaillet H,
Granada JF, Chyou PH, et al: A population-based study on
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
mortality among patients with atrial fibrillation or flutter,
Years Am J Med 113:365–370, 2002.)

formation of functional block in the right atrium. Ablation of the to the terminal crest (crista terminalis), can be seen along the
cavotricuspid isthmus has been effectively used in such patients lateral wall. The sinus node is located subepicardially in this
to prevent the recurrence of AF. groove, close to the superior cavoatrial junction (see Figure 42-15).
In most individuals, the node is located anterolaterally in a tadpole
shape with the head nearest the junction and the tail penetrating
Anatomy and Pathology into the musculature of the terminal crest.105 In approximately
10%, the node is horseshoe shaped and located mediolaterally in
Structurally, the atria are complex structures because of the gaps the terminal groove.106 Right atrial musculature often extends
in their walls for the openings of the connecting veins and for the superiorly over the wall of the superior vena cava (SVC), unlike
valvular openings. The conduction of the cardiac impulse from inferiorly where atrial muscle fades out or terminates close to the
the sinus node to the AV node travels through preferential path- entrance of the inferior vena cava (IVC). Prongs of sinus node
ways formed by the remaining myocardium. In discussing the tissues often interdigitate with the musculature of the terminal
atria, the anatomy of the right and left atria and their venous con- crest and may even extend into the muscular sleeves that surround
nections, the sinus and AV nodes, the nodal approaches, and the the SVC (see Figure 42-15).105,107 The tail portion often fragments
pathologic changes that may be involved in atrial arrhythmias are into clusters of specialized cells toward the middle or even lower
all considered. Gross dissections of the atrial walls help reveal the portions of the terminal crest. The prongs and the clusters may
complex arrangement of the myocardial strands that make up the have some role in focal atrial tachycardia (AT).
atrial walls.98 Even though the myocardial strands do not precisely The terminal crest demarcates the junction between the
replicate the syncytia of myocytes that are visible only on micros- rough-walled atrial appendage and the smooth-walled venous
copy, they provide a useful guide to the general orientation of the (intercaval) appendage on the endocardial surface. Most com-
myocytes, allowing inferences to be made on the direction of monly it is ridgelike and composed of myocardial strands that are
conduction.99-101 On histology, pathologic changes in the atrial aligned longitudinally.108 An extensive array of pectinate muscles
myocardium occur from middle age onward. Myocyte loss occurs arise nearly perpendicularly from the terminal crest to spread
to varying extents followed by replacement with fat and fibrous throughout the entire wall of the appendage, reaching to the
tissue.102 In the normal aging process, some myocytes may be lateral and inferior walls of the atrium (see Figure 42-14) to the
atrophied, some are hypertrophied, and others are in various atrial vestibule that separates the appendage from the tricuspid
stages of degeneration. The conduction tissues are also affected annulus. The pectinate muscles branch into fine and intercon-
by aging-related changes.103 Furthermore, the atrial chambers necting muscle bundles. In between the bundles, the wall of the
become enlarged even in normal individuals with sinus rhythm appendage is very thin, almost parchment-like in some cases.
older than 50 years.104 Myocyte hypertrophy, myolysis, apoptosis, Potentially, this arrangement may play a role in initiating intra-
and irreversible fibrosis are more pronounced in patients with atrial re-entry.
atrial arrhythmias. The atrial vestibule is the smooth muscular rim that surrounds
the tricuspid orifice (see Figure 42-14, B) and the short extensions
of its musculature inserting into the atrial surface of the leaflets.
Right Atrium
Importantly, the inferior to inferolateral segment of the right atrial
The dominant feature of this chamber is the large, triangular vestibule, as viewed in left anterior oblique projection, is the
shaped appendage, which is located anterolaterally (Figures 42-14 anterior part of the cavotricuspid isthmus, the isthmus that is
and 42-15). Usually, a fat-filled groove, corresponding internally targeted as the zone of slow conduction in common AFL.109,110
574  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Posterior Anterior







FIGURE 42-14  A, This heart viewed from the right side shows the triangular-shaped appendage of the right atrium. B, An incision parallel to the
atrioventricular junction has been made in the right atrial appendage and its parietal wall reflected posteriorly so that the atrial septum is seen en face
as if in right anterior oblique (RAO) projection. The parietal wall displays the thin atrial wall between the pectinate muscles that arise from the terminal
crest (broken line). The oval fossa is surrounded by a muscular rim. The eustachian valve (EV) guards the orifice of the inferior vena cava. cs, Coronary
sinus orifice; IVC, inferior vena cava; SVC, superior vena cava; TV, tricuspid valve.

Membranous septum
Tendon of Todaro

fossa Septal leaflet of


Vestibule tricuspid valve



Posterior Anterior

RAA FIGURE 42-16  The endocardium of the right atrium has been
removed to display the arrangement of the myocardial strands in the
atrial wall. The triangle of Koch is revealed. The orange shape denotes
the compact atrioventricular node and its inferior extensions while  
the bold broken line represents the continuation of the atrioventricular
conduction axis. The zone of transitional cells (short orange lines) feeds
FIGURE 42-15  This heart viewed from the front shows the myocardial
into the compact node from inferiorly, posteriorly, and superiorly. The
sleeve extending over the outer surface of the superior vena cava (SVC).
asterisk denotes the sub-eustachian sinus. cs, Coronary sinus orifice.
The distal margin of the sleeve is irregular (white dots). The red dotted
line marks the location of the sinus node and the short dotted lines
represent prongs of nodal tissues. RA, Right atrial appendage.

The posterior part of the isthmus contains the terminal ramifica- thickness.111,112 The posterior part adjoining the eustachian valve
tions from the terminal crest as it approaches the orifice of the tends to be composed of fibrous tissues, but the middle part
IVC (Figure 42-16).109 While the anterior part of the isthmus is contains variable extents and thicknesses of criss-crossing muscle
always muscular, being the atrial vestibule, the middle and bundles separated by thin membranous tissue (Figure 42-17). A
posterior parts are highly variable in topography and wall pouchlike recess, the sub-eustachian sinus, is common and is
Atrial Fibrillation  575

Post Ant



EV 1

A B Posterior Anterior

FIGURE 42-17  A, This dissection of the right atrium displays the three isthmuses in the cavotricuspid area. The portion of the isthmus between the
coronary sinus (cs) and the tricuspid valve (TV) is the paraseptal isthmus (1). It is the shortest of the three but is nearest to the compact atrioventricular
node. The inferior isthmus (2) often includes the pouchlike sub-eustachian sinus (white arrow). The inferolateral isthmus (3) is the longest and passes
through some of the distal pectinate muscles arising from the terminal crest. B, The endocardium has been removed to show the morphologic
components of the three isthmuses (1, 2, 3). In this heart, the posterior half of the inferior isthmus (2) is mainly a thin fibrous wall, practically devoid of
myocardium. EV, Eustachian valve; ICV, inferior vena cava; SCV, superior vena cava.

5 mm or more deep in 20% of patients.113 The eustachian valve, the appendage is a cul-de-sac with a narrow opening to the rest
which guards the entrance of the IVC, is variably developed. of the chamber (Figure 42-18).118 In contrast to the right atrium,
Usually, it is a triangular flap of fibrous or fibromuscular tissue no terminal crest or sinus node is present in the left atrium. The
that inserts medially to the eustachian ridge, or the sinus septum, so-called ridge (crest) on the endocardial surface between the left
which is the border between the fossa ovalis and the coronary atrial appendage (LAA) and the left superior pulmonary vein is
sinus. The free border of the eustachian valve continues as a an infolding of the atrial wall (Figure 42-19) that contains the
tendon of Todaro, which runs in the musculature of the sinus remnant of the vein of Marshall and neural elements on the
septum.114 It is the posterior border of the triangle (of Koch) that epicardial side. Nearly all the pectinate muscles in the left atrium
delineates the location of the AV node (see Figure 42-16).115,116 The are confined within the appendage. They form a complicated
anterior border is marked by the hinge line of the septal leaflet of network lining the endocardial surface. The major part of the
the tricuspid valve. Superiorly, the central fibrous body is the atrium, including the septal component, is smooth walled. The
landmark for the penetrating bundle of His. Thus the inferior smoothest parts are the walls forming the atrial body, the superior
border of the triangle is the orifice of the coronary sinus, together and posterior walls that make up the large pulmonary venous
with the vestibule immediately anterior to it. This vestibular component, and the vestibule that is the atrial outlet. Like the
portion, also known as the septal isthmus or, more accurately, the right vestibule, the left atrial vestibule also extends a very short
paraseptal isthmus (see Figure 42-17), is the area often targeted distance over the atrial surface of the mitral leaflets. Although
for ablation of the slow pathway in AVNRT. Although the body appearing fairly uniform, the atrial walls are composed of three
of the compact node is located toward the apex of Koch’s triangle, or more overlapping “layers” of differently aligned myocardial
it sends two prongs inferiorly toward the mitral and tricuspid strands.98,119,120 The “layers” are not insulated by fibrous tissue
orifices. The rightward extensions have been implicated in this sheaths, but abrupt changes in orientations may account for the
arrhythmia.117 This area also contains the zone of transitional cells unusual patterns of conduction.121 Marked regional variations in
that provides the inferior and posterior inputs to the compact thickness are also present.122,123 A small area of the anterior wall
node. The so-called fast pathway in AVNRT corresponds to the just behind the aorta is usually thin, whereas the superior wall,
area of musculature close to the apex of the triangle of Koch. The or dome, is thicker but tends to thin out near the left pulmonary
superior zone of transitional cells and myocardial strands from veins.
the anterior limbic band of the fossa ovalis sweep into this area The transition between the atrium and the vein is smooth. The
overlying the body of the compact node. musculature of the atrial wall extends to varying lengths onto
the outside of the venous walls, with the longest sleeves along the
upper veins (Figure 42-20).119,124,125 The right lower veins tend to
Left Atrium
have the shortest extensions or none at all. The sleeves closest to
Although the left atrium has similar component parts as the right the venous insertions are thicker and more complete around the
atrium, its fingerlike appendage is distinctive. It can have a vari- vein. Nerve bundles and ganglionated plexi are abundant at the
able number of lobes, bends, or branches, but characteristically, venoatrial junctions and the adjoining walls.126,127 The margins of
576  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Pulm trunk






FIGURE 42-18  A, This heart viewed from the left displays a characteristic fingerlike left atrial appendage. B, Pectinate muscles line the endocardial
surface of the appendage. The appendage communicates with the body of the atrium through a narrow orifice (asterisk). LI, Left inferior; LS, left
superior pulmonary vein.


R vestibule


A Posterior Anterior B Anterior Posterior

FIGURE 42-19  A, The so-called ridge (R) lies between the orifice of the left superior (LS) pulmonary vein and the left atrial appendage (LAA). B, The
ridge, when transected, reveals it is an infolding of the atrial wall. MV, Mitral valve.

the sleeves become thinner and irregular toward the lung hila. also undergo aging changes. Islands of viable myocytes among
Pathologic studies have been inconclusive regarding the role of fibrotic areas are often found (see Figure 42-20).125 Myocyte
these myocardial sleeves in triggering AT and AF because they hypertrophy, fibrosis, and sleeve discontinuity are more frequently
are found in asymptomatic adults as well as in patients with atrial seen in tissues from patients with AF.128 Other studies have shown
arrhythmias. Like the myocardium of the atrial body, the sleeves mainly circularly orientated myocardial fibers with interdigitating
Atrial Fibrillation  577

longitudinally and obliquely orientated fibers in the sleeves.101,124 remains.124,125,130-132 Recently, interstitial cells of Cajal, previously
These may set the scene for micro–re-entry.129
Although nodelike cells have been described in murine
models, they have never been found human tissues until in
the study by Perez-Lugones and colleagues, but controversy
identified as capable of providing pacemaker activity in the gut,
were described for the first time in human atrial myocardium.
They were found in higher density in the myocardial sleeves of
pulmonary veins from patients with AF.133-135
Atrial Septum and Inter-atrial Connections
1 cm Viewed from the right atrium, the endocardial aspect of the true
septum is confined to the valve of the fossa ovalis and the raised
muscular rim (limbus) that is immediately around it (see Figure
42-14, B). The rim is an infolding of the right atrial wall harboring
on its epicardial surface the fatty tissues of the inter-atrial groove.
Although belonging to the right atrium, the leftward part of
the muscular fold apposing the valve of the fossa continues into
the musculature of the left atrial wall. The left atrial aspect of the
septum is the valve itself. In most adult hearts, the fossa valve is
thin, ranging from 0.4 mm to 3.4 mm. It usually is composed of
two myocardial layers separated by fibrous tissue and sandwiched
1 cm by fatty tissue beneath the endocardial surfaces.136,137 This arrange-
ment may explain asynchronous and discordant activation of the
right and left septal surfaces, as observed by Lemery and col-
Lung leagues, and may participate in the left septal flutter circuit, as
LA reported by Marrouche and colleagues.138,139
* Muscular continuity between the atria peripheral to the
septum is frequently found as bridges in the subepicardium.101,102,136
FIGURE 42-20  A, This right superior pulmonary vein has muscular In the majority of hearts, the most prominent inter-atrial bridge
extensions over its outer surface. Arrows indicate the irregular distal is Bachmann’s bundle (Fig. 42-21, A). This is a broad muscular
margins and the broken line marks the area of the venoatrial junction. band that runs in the subepicardium connecting the anterior right
B, This histologic section shows myocardium stained in red and atrial wall of the superior cavoatrial junction with the anterior
fibrous tissue stained in green. Nerves branches are present at the wall of the left atrium. The myocardial strands in Bachmann’s
venoatrial junction (open arrow). The muscular sleeve fades out toward bundle, as in the terminal crest, are well aligned. The posterior
the lung hilum. The enlargement (inset) shows an area of interruption and inferior bridges joining the left atrium to the intercaval area
in the sleeve (asterisk) and islands of myocytes amongst fibrous tissue
on the right provide the potential for posterior breakthrough of
sinus impulse (see Figure 42-21, B).139 In one third of hearts, the



ndle *
ma nn’s
B ach *


Left Right ICV


FIGURE 42-21  A, The aorta has been pulled forward and the tips of the right and left atrial appendages (RAA, LAA) have been deflected to show the
anterior aspect of the atria. Bachmann’s bundle crosses the interatrial groove (arrow) and has mainly parallel alignment with the myocardial strands.
B, This heart viewed from the right and inferior aspect has been dissected to reveal a broad band of muscle (open triangle) crossing the interatrial
groove (arrow), and smaller interatrial bridges (asterisks). cs, Coronary sinus; IVC, inferior vena cava; LS, left superior; RI, right inferior; RS, right superior
pulmonary vein; SVC, superior vena cava.
578  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

inferior inter-atrial connection is thicker or as thick as Bach- Table 42-4  Predominant Flutter Wave Morphology in Typical
mann’s bundle.136 Multiple smaller inter-atrial bridges are fre- Clockwise and Counterclockwise Right Atrial Flutter
quently present, giving the potential for macro–re-entry. Some
connect the muscular sleeves of the right pulmonary veins to the COUNTERCLOCKWISE
right atrium, and some connect the SVC to the left atrium.101,120 ECG LEAD CLOCKWISE FLUTTER FLUTTER
Inferiorly, further muscular bridges from the left atrial wall often II, III, aVF Positive or negative Negative
overlie and run into the wall of the coronary sinus.120 Fine bridges
connecting the remnant of the vein of Marshall to the left atrium I Positive Biphasic or isoelectric
have also been demonstrated.140 aVL Biphasic or isoelectric Positive

V1 Negative or biphasic Positive

Pathologic Substrates
V6 Positive Negative
In assessing pathologic changes in the myocardium for atrial
arrhythmia, consideration must be given to changes associated
with normal aging. Further compounding the issue are well-
recognized conditions in older adults, such as senile amyloidosis, Atrial Flutter
sick sinus syndrome, CAD, hypertensive heart disease, CHF,
which can affect the myocardium as well as conduction tissues. AFL is more organized than AF, features a saw-toothed pattern
Increased connective tissue, fibro-fatty changes, myocyte degen- of regular activation that is particularly apparent in leads II, III,
eration in the myocardium, and fibro-fatty degeneration or fibro- and aVF, and does not have an isoelectric baseline between deflec-
sis of the conduction tissues are common. In patients with tions. The rate is typically 240 to 300 beats/min. Major types of
arrhythmias, some investigators reported increased interstitial AFL include typical (isthmus dependent, clockwise, and coun-
fibrosis, myocyte myolysis, and inflammatory infiltrates in AF.141- terclockwise AFL) and atypical (isthmus independent) AFL. In
In addition, recent microinfarcts are more often found in the presence of anatomically predetermined slow conduction in
prominent muscle bundles such as the terminal crest and Bach- the crista terminalis, atrial stimuli wavefront creates unidirec-
mann’s bundle of AF patients, which suggests that atrial MI may tional block in the isthmus and maintains the AFL re-entry
be more common than previously thought.145 circuit. In typical AFL (Figure 42-22) that rotates counterclockwise
Patients with congenital heart disease are prone to developing in the right atrium, the flutter waves are inverted in leads II, III,
arrhythmias as part of the natural history of longstanding hemo- aVF, and V6 and upright in lead V1. Biphasic or negative deflec-
dynamic alterations. Factors implicated include chronic volume tions in V1 are less common. Leads I and aVL usually have low
overload, pulmonary hypertension, and ventricular dysfunction. amplitude deflections.146,147 When the activation sequence is
Atrial arrhythmias, AFL, and AF are common in patients who reversed (clockwise rotation), the flutter waves may be upright in
had previous surgical intervention in the atria for congenital leads II, III, and aVF and inverted in lead V1. Wide negative
heart defects (e.g., ASD), Mustard or Senning procedures for deflections in lead V1 and a positive flutter wave in V6 are char-
atrial re-direction, or the Fontan procedure. Atrial re-direction acteristic of clockwise rotation in the right atrium.146,147 The flutter
procedures for complete transposition of the great arteries waves are positive in V6. The surface lead characteristics that
require long incision lines and numerous suture lines that result differentiate clockwise and counterclockwise AFL are summa-
in narrow channels of the myocardium being bounded by inci- rized in Table 42-4.
sional scars, or a scar and a natural obstacle, setting the scene
for re-entry. The older variants of the Fontan procedure did
Counterclockwise Atrial Flutter
not exclude the right atrium from high systemic venous pres-
sure. Consequently, the atrium becomes enlarged and hyper- The silent isoelectric zone of the ECG that precedes the negative
trophied. The surgical incisions and subsequent scarring deflections in the inferior leads corresponds to activation of the
contribute to arrhythmogenesis. Furthermore, in both atrial low right atrium and isthmus between the tricuspid annulus and
re-direction and Fontan procedures, suture lines close to the the IVC and precedes activation of the left atrium, which begins
sinus node area risk compromising the sinus node or its blood from the lower septum.146-152 The left atrial activation sequence is
supply. the predominant determinant of the flutter wave morphology
Postoperative AF, AFL, or both are common complications (Figure 42-23, A).
following cardiac surgery for acquired heart disease or after tho- In typical counterclockwise right AFL, the left atrium is acti-
racotomy. As yet, the pathologic substrates are unclear, but age- vated from both the inferior septum and the superior septum.148
related structural changes in the atria, such as dilatation, fibrosis, The posterior wall is activated preferentially from the inferior
and loss of conduction tissues, are among the contenders. septum, and the anterior wall is activated from the superior
septum. Activation of the lateral wall of the left atrium reflects
variable inputs from both regions. Studies showed that left atrial
activation coincided with the negative component in leads I, II,
Clinical Electrocardiography III, aVF, and V6 and the first flat or slowly rising component
in V1. Activation of the lateral wall of the right atrium coincided
The differentiation of AF from AFL has practical implications with the positive deflections in leads I, V1, and V6 and the
when physicians interpret ECGs because it may influence deci- upstroke component in the inferior leads. The plateau duration
sions regarding the use of antiarrhythmic drugs, the magnitude in lead III correlated with the time required for conduction
of energy used for cardioversion, and referral for ablation through the isthmus between the tricuspid annulus and the
procedures. IVC.
Atrial Fibrillation  579

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5

V3 V6

FIGURE 42-22  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram from a young athlete showing typical counterclockwise atrial flutter ay 300 beats/min with 3 : 1
atrioventricular block. Note the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy.








FIGURE 42-23  A, Typical counterclockwise atrial flutter. The F waves are negative in leads II, III, aVF, and V6 and positive in V1, corresponding to the
wavefront traveling down the lateral wall of the right atrium, through the eustachian ridge, and up the interatrial septum. B, Reverse (clockwise) atrial
flutter. Note the reverse polarity of the F waves: positive in leads I, II, III, avF, and V6 and biphasic in V1.

In studies using body surface mapping with simultaneous to the initial segment of the flutter wave. Craniocaudal activa-
endocardial mapping, the flutter wave cycle length could be tion of the right atrial free wall occurred during the interme-
divided into three time segments.151 Caudocranial activation diate portion of the flutter wave, and activation of the lateral
of the right atrial septum occurred in conjunction with proximal- sub-eustachian isthmus occurred during the terminal flutter
to-distal activation along the coronary sinus and corresponded wave.
580  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

200 ms







FIGURE 42-24  Atrial flutter after a Fontan operation. Neither typical nor reverse typical pattern of atrial activation can be seen. It is “incisional” atrial
flutter in which the wavefront circulates around the scar.

component in V1. Activation of the lateral wall of the right atrium

Clockwise Atrial Flutter
coincided with the negative components in lead I, inferior leads,
The silent or isoelectric zone of clockwise AFL is shorter com- and V6. The body surface maps attributed the initial segment of
pared with counterclockwise AFL.146,147,151 In studies, a saw-tooth the flutter wave to craniocaudal excitation of the right atrial
pattern with a negative deflection in the inferior leads observed septum.151 The intermediate segment corresponded to excitation
in clockwise AFL was interpreted as being very similar to the of the isthmus and proximal-to-distal activation along the coro-
pattern observed in counterclockwise AFL.146 A shorter plateau nary sinus. The terminal segment corresponded to caudocranial
phase was accompanied by widening of the negative component excitation of the right free wall.
of the flutter wave. A negative flutter wave in V1 was a constant
finding, and flutter waves were predominantly positive in V6 (see
Difficulties with Electrocardiogram Interpretation
Figure 42-23, B). Caudal to cranial activation of the lateral wall
of the right atrium corresponded to the end of the plateau and The interpretation of AFL morphologies depends on a sufficient
the descending part of the negative portion of the flutter wave. degree of AV block to separate the flutter wave from ventricular
The ascending portion of the flutter wave corresponded to the activation and repolarization. Atypical forms of AFL with diverse
descending activation of the septum and occurred synchronously flutter wave morphologies that do not have a standard nomencla-
with proximal-to-distal activation in the coronary sinus. ture complicate ECG assessments. Sometimes, the flutter wave
Activation of the lateral right atrium from caudal to cranial morphology is low in amplitude or may be obscured by ventricu-
corresponded to an inverted component on the inferior leads of lar repolarization when the ventricular response is rapid. ECGs
variable amplitude just before the development of upright of atypical right atrial macro–re-entrant circuits can be difficult
notched flutter waves.147 In some patients, this period was an to interpret.152,153 Complex forms of left atrial macro–re-entry,
electrically silent isoelectric segment. However, in this study, all which may resemble typical right AFL, tend to have predomi-
the patients with clockwise AFL had prominent upright flutter nantly positive flutter waves in V1.154 Several types of atypical AFL
waves in the inferior leads. The upstroke began when the wave- were demonstrated, including AFL in the low right atrial free wall,
front of activation reached the superior part of the crista termi- AFL involving the high right atrium (SVC–atrial septum area),
nalis in the vicinity of Bachmann’s bundle. This also corresponded and AFL involving two or four pulmonary vein orifices, mitral
with the onset of the major deflections in the precordial leads. annulus isthmus, and the fossa ovalis area.
The bulk of the flutter wave was presumably determined by the Figure 42-24 was recorded from a patient who had undergone
left atrium. a Fontan operation to treat transposition of the great vessels. The
During clockwise AFL, a dominant breakthrough to the left patient developed AFL, which involved rotation around a scar on
atrium in the high anteroseptal area and a second breakthrough the lateral aspect of the right atrium.
in the low posterior septal area were observed.148,149 Left atrial The differentiation of focal AT from AFL may also be confus-
activation was coincident with positive components on the ing. When AFL is treated with antiarrhythmic drugs, the rate may
surface of ECG leads I, II, II, aVF, and V6 and the first negative decrease appreciably and overlap with the rate of focal AT that
Atrial Fibrillation  581

ranges from 130 to 240 beats/min (rarely 300 beats/min). The consistent ECG criteria have been developed to distinguish the
isoelectric segment is generally longer, but it may be difficult to
distinguish from AFL if the rate is rapid.
standard 12-lead ECG morphology of chronic and paroxysmal
Atrial Fibrillation
Basic Electrophysiology
AF consists of rapid oscillations or fibrillatory waves that vary in
size, shape, and timing (Figure 42-25). The ventricular response The basic mechanisms underlying cardiac arrhythmias are dis-
to AF depends on the electrophysiological properties of the AV cussed in detail in Chapters 3 and 4 and are not repeated here.
node, the effects of drugs, and the balance between sympathetic This section deals in detail with the present state of knowledge
and parasympathetic tones. The R-R intervals are irregular unless about the basic electrophysiology of AF.
the patient has AV block or a paced rhythm. Paroxysmal AF
appears to be highly dependent on initiation by atrial ectopy: 93%
Historical Aspects
of spontaneous episodes of paroxysmal AF were triggered by
atrial premature depolarizations, and 6.4% were preceded by In the late 1800s, AF was shown to be the mechanism underlying
typical AFL as documented by 12-lead Holter recordings.152 The “delirium cordis,” in which the heart was noted to beat without
morphology of the initiating P waves was used to estimate the any apparent regularity. With the subsequent development of
origin of triggering events: 77.5% arose from the left atrium, 2% electrocardiography and of methods to study cardiac electrophys-
were of right atrial origin, and 13.5% were nonspecific. Generally, iology, three basic theories about the mechanism of AF emerged.157
an increase was observed in the frequency of atrial ectopy in the These mechanisms are illustrated in Figure 42-26.
30 seconds that preceded the onset of AF. The beats that initiated Mines and Garrey observed the occurrence of regular re-entry
AF had shorter coupling intervals than those that failed to initiate and fibrillation in cardiac tissue preparations and considered AF
AF.155 More than half the episodes were also preceded by cycle to be caused by continuous irregular re-entrant activity occurring
length variation with short-long sequences. Although there in a dyssynchronous fashion in various atrial regions (“multiple
appeared to be qualitative differences in the homogeneity of right circuit re-entry”; see Figure 42-26, A). Garrey first put forward
atrial activation in paroxysmal AF compared with chronic AF, no the idea that fibrillation requires a critical mass of tissue to

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 42-25  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram of atrial fibrillation. Note the presence of fibrillatory f waves, better seen in lead V1, that substitute
normal P-wave activity, and an irregular ventricular response.

Multiple-circuit Single-circuit reentry, Rapid ectopic focus, FIGURE 42-26  Theories of atrial fibrillation
A reentry B fibrillatory conduction C fibrillatory conduction mechanisms in the early twentieth century.
582  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

support a sufficient number of irregular re-entrant wavefronts to Allessie subsequently added a quantitative element to Moe’s
maintain the arrhythmia. reasoning by emphasizing the importance of the wavelength
Lewis believed that AF is caused by a single rapid macro–re- (Figure 42-27). The wavelength (see Figure 42-27, A and B) is the
entry circuit (see Figure 42-26, B), with wavefronts emanating distance traveled by a cardiac impulse during the refractory
from the primary “driver” circuit breaking against regions of period (refractory period ± conduction speed) and indicates the
varying and greater refractoriness, producing “fibrillatory con- shortest path length that can maintain re-entry. In circuits shorter
duction” and the irregular global activity characterizing the than the wavelength, the head of the impulse will impinge on a
arrhythmia.158 Others held that AF is caused by very rapid activity, still-refractory tail after one cycle, and the impulse will die out.
with either a single source giving rise to fibrillatory conduction According to Allessie’s “leading circle” concept of functional
(see Figure 42-26, C) or multiple ectopic foci producing fibrilla- re-entry, functional re-entry circuits naturally form around a
tion by virtue of dyssynchronous activity and colliding wave- perimeter equal to the wavelength.160 Allessie postulated that
fronts. In the subsequent years, various lines of evidence pointed shorter wavelengths favor AF maintenance by increasing the
to the relevance of multiple circuit re-entry to clinical AF, and number of simultaneous functional re-entrant circuits that the
from then until relatively recently, multiple circuit re-entry (see atria can accommodate (see Figure 42-27, C). A corollary of this
Figure 42-26, A) was widely assumed to be the dominant mecha- notion is that multiple circuit re-entry AF can be terminated or
nism underlying clinical AF. prevented by increasing the refractory period and consequently
Moe refined the concept of multiple circuit re-entry by sug- the wavelength, thereby reducing the number of circuits possible
gesting that activity during AF need not involve complete re-entry and making AF maintenance less likely (see Figure 42-27, D).161
circuits beginning and ending at the same location but, rather, By contrast, factors that reduce the wavelength (such as short
simultaneous wavelets that either extinguish (not contributing to refractory periods and slow conduction) should favor AF.162 Atrial
arrhythmia maintenance) or succeed in continuously encounter- dilatation should also favor re-entry by increasing atrial size and
ing excitable tissue and maintaining the arrhythmia.159 Moe thereby increasing the number of circuits that the atria can
viewed the maintenance of AF as a probabilistic function of tissue accommodate (see Figure 42-27, E).163 Heterogeneity in refractory
properties and size, with a minimum temporal density of properties should favor AF by promoting the fractionation of
re-entrant wavelets needed to sustain the arrhythmia. impulses into multiple re-entrant wavefronts.

Normal atrial size Normal atrial size
A Normal WL Short WL
Wavelength (WL) = - AF not sustained - AF sustained
refractory period x
conduction velocity

• minimal path length

for re-entry
• size of of functional re-entry
circuits (leading circle theory)

WL ↑
- AF terminated
Enlarged atrium
Short WL
- AF very stable

FIGURE 42-27  A, The role of the wavelength (WL) in determining minimum circuit size for re-entry and the size of functional re-entry circuits
according to the leading circle concept. B, In atria of normal size with normal wavelength values, the atria cannot support multiple circuit re-entry;
even if atrial fibrillation is induced, it usually stops spontaneously. C, If the wavelength is reduced (e.g., by vagal stimulation or electrical remodeling),
enough circuits can be accommodated to maintain atrial fibrillation (AF) even in normal atria. D, Drugs that increase refractory period increase
wavelength and circuit size, thereby making AF harder to sustain, promoting cardioversion and sinus rhythm maintenance. E, If the atria are enlarged
and have short wavelengths, AF tends to be very stable and sinus rhythm very hard to produce and maintain.
Atrial Fibrillation  583

thereby promote AF. Longer-term changes include alterations in

the production of ion channel proteins, among which a key altera-
tion appears to be downregulation in the L-type Ca2+ current
(ICa.L) that maintains the plateau of the action potential and trig-
gers cardiac contraction.168 ICa.L downregulation reduces APD and
attenuates APD adaptation to rate, which is largely caused by
tachycardia-dependent ICa.L reduction (that normally reduces
APD at fast rates). In addition, sodium (Na+) current also appears
to be reduced, decreasing conduction velocity, and the intercel-
lular coupling channel protein, connexin 40, is reduced in a het-
erogeneous fashion. The resulting heterogeneous reductions in
atrial wavelength make AF more likely to sustain itself and
increase the vulnerability of the atria to AF re-induction should
A B the arrhythmia be terminated.
The concept of atrial electrical remodeling caused by AF is very
FIGURE 42-28  Intraoperative epicardial wave maps of the right important because it explains why paroxysmal AF tends to
atrium of three patients with acute AF (A) and 3 patients with become chronic, why longer-lasting AF is more difficult to treat,
persistent AF (B).The boundaries between the waves are plotted next and why AF recurrence is particularly likely the first few days after
to the wave maps. Gray pixels indicate interwave time differences of electrical cardioversion. However, for remodeling to occur, AF
≤12 ms (collision). Black pixels indicate time differences >12 ms (block). needs to be sustained for significant periods. Therefore other
(FromAllessie MA, de Groot NM, Houben RP, et al: Electropathologic mechanisms must be involved in triggering and maintaining AF
substrate of long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation in patients with
before remodeling can occur.
structural heart disease: Longitudinal dissociation, Circ Arrhythm
Electrophysiol 3:606–615, 2010.)
Structural Remodeling
In recent years, more sophisticated models of functional Autopsy studies of atrial tissues from patients with AF often show
re-entry have been developed, such as the “spiral wave” model. A extensive atrial fibrotic changes, particularly in association with
spiral wave involves continuous activity in a spiral pattern, some- conditions such as mitral valve disease, CHF, and senescence.
what like a hurricane. It differs from a leading circle in that the Recent clinical studies suggest that patients with AF have activa-
center of the spiral wave re-entry is excitable but not activated tion of the atrial renin-angiotensin system and related mitogen-
(like the eye of a hurricane), and the perpetuation of activity is activated protein kinases with profibrotic actions. In an animal
determined by the angle of curvature of radiating activity. The model of CHF, sustained AF can be induced fairly readily, with an
consequences of the spiral wave activity concept for the initiation underlying substrate that involves local conduction abnormalities
and maintenance of AF are poorly understood at the moment; related to intense atrial interstitial fibrosis. AF in this model some-
therefore the leading circle remains the point of reference for times has the appearance of macro–re-entry with fibrillatory
understanding multiple circuit re-entry. conduction, consistent with the mechanism illustrated in Figure
Recently, a significant increase in longitudinal dissociation, 42-26, B.169 In addition to causing abnormalities in conduction,
consisting of lines of block running parallel to the atrial muscle structural remodeling is often associated with atrial dilatation,
has been found during intraoperative epicardial mapping in favoring AF, as illustrated in Figure 42-27, E. Cellular electrical
patients with persistent AF as opposed to patients with acutely properties are also altered in CHF but not in the same way as with
included AF (Figure 42-28).164 The amount of dissociation was atrial tachycardia-induced electrical remodeling.169 APD is not
sixfold greater in longstanding persistent AF, suggesting that it shortened, so the wavelength is not reduced; however, the activity
may play a role in the self-perpetuation of the arrhythmia. of the Na+-Ca2+ exchange current (NCX) is increased. The NCX
exchanges Ca2+ accumulated in the cell during the action potential
for extracellular Na+, with one intracellular Ca2+ ion exchanged for
Electrical Remodeling
three extracellular Na+ ions. Thus, the NCX carries one net posi-
A key concept in understanding AF is that of electrical remodel- tive charge into the cell with each cycle. When NCX activity is
ing.165 It has become obvious over the past few years that atrial enhanced, delayed afterdepolarizations (DADs) and triggered
electrical properties are altered by sustained AF such that the atria ectopic activity can result. CHF therefore favors AF both by creat-
become more susceptible to the initiation and maintenance of the ing a structural substrate for atrial re-entry and by producing a
arrhythmia.166 The primary factor driving AF-induced remodeling functional basis for atrial ectopic activity that can trigger re-entry.
appears to be AT, and similar changes can be produced by other
atrial tachyarrhythmias such as AFL and AT. Electrical remodel-
Significance of Ectopic Activity
ing occurs in a time-related fashion following the onset of AF and
likely involves a series of adaptations stimulated by increased cel- Many patients with AF have enhanced atrial ectopic activity origi-
lular calcium (Ca2+) loading from the increased rate of activation, nating in the pulmonary vein region. These ectopic foci can
with Ca2+ entering the cell with each activation.167 The electro- promote AF both by triggering atrial re-entry in the presence of
physiological changes caused by tachycardia-induced atrial elec- a susceptible substrate and by causing rapid atrial tachycardias
trical remodeling are summarized in Figure 42-29. that cause electrical remodeling, which then creates the re-entrant
Short-term changes involve functional alterations, primarily substrate for AF. Less commonly, ectopic activity in patients with
Ca2+ current (ICa) inactivation, that reduce the action potential AF can originate in other atrial sites such as the venae cavae and
duration (APD), the refractory period, and the wavelength and the ligament of Marshall, an anatomic remnant structure close to
584  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Sinus rhythm
(atrial rate 60/min)

(atrial rate 400-600/min)

Increased Ca2+ loading,

threat to cell viability

Cellular defense

Short-term Longer term (days-weeks)

(minutes) changes in gene transcription

↓ ICaL ↓ ICaL ↓ INa ↓ Connexin Altered

(ICaL inactivation) 40 Ca2+
FIGURE 42-29  Mechanisms involved in atrial
electrical remodeling induced by atrial fibrillation (AF).
↓ APD ↓ APD Slowed ? impaired ↓ Systolic Similar mechanisms operate for any form of atrial
conduction cell-cell Ca2+ release tachycardia. Atrial tachycardia increases intracellular
coupling calcium (Ca) loading, which initiates a series of
physiologic changes, some of which (e.g., decreased
Ca) reduce cellular Ca2+ entry and prevent potentially
lethal Ca2+ overload. Protection against Ca2+ overload
↓ WL (heterogenous) ↓ Contractility comes at the expense of decreased wavelength (WL),
↓ WL which promotes AF. ICAL, L-type calcium current; Na,
sodium; IAPD, action potential duration.

the great cardiac vein. Irrespective of the site of origin of atrial “concealed conduction” means that a very rapid, irregular input
ectopy, effective ablation of the ectopic site can prevent AF recur- into the AV node can be associated with a lower ventricular
rence, indicating its importance in the pathophysiology of the response rate than a slower, more regular atrial activation pattern.
arrhythmia. Drugs that slow the atrial rate during AF, such as class IC antiar-
rhythmic agents, can, therefore, sometimes produce a paradoxical
and potentially dangerous increase in the ventricular response
Determinants of the Ventricular Response
In addition to the physiological factors controlling the occurrence The second important determinant of the ventricular response
and maintenance of atrial arrhythmia in AF, a very important is the functional state of the AV connection. Normally, it is the
determinant of the clinical manifestations is the ventricular refractory properties of the slow-channel tissue in the AV node
response rate. The two largely independent determinants of the that determine the ventricular response. Drugs that interfere with
ventricular response are (1) the rate and regularity of atrial activ- conduction through slow channel tissues, such as ICa.L-antagonists
ity, particularly at the entry to the AV node; and (2) the refractory (diltiazem or verapamil), β-adrenoceptor antagonists (which
properties of the AV node itself. The pattern of atrial input is an oppose the conduction-enhancing effect of background
important determinant of the ventricular response, but decreases β-adrenergic tone), and digitalis (which acts by vagal enhance-
in atrial rate do not always cause a reduced ventricular response. ment), increase the filtering function of the AV node and slow the
The central, compact portion of the AV node is composed of ventricular response rate. Unlike slow-channel tissue, with a
tissue with a slow, ICa,L-dependent upstroke (“slow-channel refractory period determined largely by the time required for
tissue”). Conduction through slow-channel tissue is not all or recovery of ICa.L following depolarization, the refractory period of
none: Impulses entering the AV node during its relatively refrac- “fast-channel” tissues (with INa-dependent upstrokes) is deter-
tory period can penetrate partway and then die out, leaving the mined by APD. APD (and consequently the refractory period) of
AV node partially refractory for the next impulse. Thus, not only fast-channel tissues decreases markedly at faster rates. Thus,
does the impulse fail to conduct, but it makes it more difficult for when the atria are connected to the ventricles by an accessory
the next impulse reaching the AV node to conduct as well. This bypass tract of fast-channel tissues (as in WPW syndrome), the
Atrial Fibrillation  585

bombardment of the bypass tract at very rapid rates during AF the mechanisms of the arrhythmia and to optimize therapy in any
may result in very short refractory periods and dangerously rapid
ventricular response rates caused by conduction across the acces-
sory pathway during AF.
given patient.

Synthesis of Physiological Determinants
A detailed algorithm for evaluation of patients with newly diag-
in Atrial Fibrillation
nosed AF has been proposed by the Canadian Cardiovascular
Figure 42-30 presents a synthesis of the physiological determi- Society (CCS) and incorporates medical, family and social histo-
nants of AF described earlier. Ectopic activity plays an important ries; physical examination; risk assessment; and essential investi-
role by triggering re-entry and AF in the presence of a vulnerable gations (Box 42-1).170
substrate such as that created by structural remodeling. In addi-
tion, continuous atrial ectopic activity can generate ATs that cause History
atrial electrical remodeling, which produces a substrate for AF.
Etiology and Pattern
Thus ectopic activity can result in both the substrate for AF (atrial
remodeling) and the trigger that acts on the substrate to cause the The initial evaluation of a patient with AF must first consider the
arrhythmia. Other atrial tachyarrhythmias (including AFL, AVRT, presence and nature of the underlying pathology, which may act
and AVNRT) can also cause tachycardia-dependent remodeling as a major clinical cause of the arrhythmia, as a precipitant, or as
and produce a substrate for AF, accounting (at least in part) for both. In a significant proportion of patients, several such factors
the occurrence of AF in association with these arrhythmias can be simultaneously involved. Although AF is more likely to
in some patients. If AF is induced by any mechanism, electrical occur in conjunction with cardiovascular disease or cardiovascu-
remodeling will ensue, causing heterogeneous wavelength lar intervention, it is not uncommon for it to be provoked or
decreases that promote multiple circuit re-entry. Thus, electrical aggravated by various extracardiac factors (e.g., alcohol and sub-
remodeling tends to make multiple circuit re-entry the final stance abuse and intensive aerobic training). Identification and
common pathway of AF, irrespective of the initial mechanism of treatment of underlying pathologies such as acute illnesses or
the arrhythmia. As discussed earlier, even though AF may begin correctable metabolic disorders, in particular thyrotoxicosis, are
as macro–re-entry with fibrillatory conduction (as in some cases essential because the precipitating agent can be eliminated and
of experimental heart failure–related AF) or as a rapidly discharg- the arrhythmia may terminate spontaneously and may not recur.
ing focus with fibrillatory conduction, by the time patients get Next, the duration and pattern of AF (e.g., first detected, par-
medical attention, they may already have multiple circuit AF oxysmal, persistent, or unknown duration), the symptomatic
because of remodeling. status, and clinical impact should be assessed, and the risk of
Recent discoveries regarding AF mechanisms cast an interest- potential complications and progression should be estimated.
ing light on the theories of AF in the early twentieth century, as This assessment is important for the subsequent selection of
illustrated in Figure 42-26. Recent work suggests that all the origi- appropriate investigations from the extensive range of possible
nal ideas regarding AF mechanisms are probably accurate for tests. The assessment allows the determination of the principal
some subsets of patients. Furthermore, the subsequent domi- management strategies, including the restoration and mainte-
nance of the multiple circuit re-entry concept is also well founded, nance of sinus rhythm (the rhythm control strategy), control of
since electrical remodeling acts to make multiple circuit re-entry the ventricular rates, and lifelong anticoagulation (Table 42-5).
the final common pathway of AF in many cases. The dynamic Clinical factors obtained from the history and physical evalu-
nature of AF mechanisms needs to be considered to understand ation largely determine (1) whether the patient should be

Structural activity
remodeling Substrate Atrial
for re-entry Electrical tachycardias
Other re-entrant
remodeling arrhythmias
Electrical (atrial flutter, WPW)


AV node


FIGURE 42-30  Synthesis of physiological determinants of atrial fibrillation (AF) and its consequences in terms of the ventricular response. WPW,
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome; AV, atrioventricular.
Table 42-5  Aims of and Tests for the Evaluation of a Patient with Atrial Tachyarrhythmias


586  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias


History +++ +++ +++ ++ + ++ ++ +++ ++

Physical +++ + +++ +++ + ++ + + +


Blood tests +++ — ++ + — — + ? —

Electrocardiogram +++ ++ + +++ ++ + ++ — +

Holter recording ++ +++ + + ++ ++ ++ — +

Event recorder ? +++ + — ++ — + — +

Echocardiogram +++ — ++ +++ — ++ + +++ ++

Radiographs +++ — ++ ++ — ++ — — +

Exercise ++ ++ ++ — — + + — +

TEE + — + +++ — + — +++ +

EPS ++ +++ ++ — +++ ++ ++ — ++

QoL questionnaire ? + +++ — — + — — +

+++, Very important, almost always should be involved in decision; ++ often should be used, sometimes to answer a specific question; + may be useful for confirmation of existent knowledge or as a source of additional information; ?, not established if
the hypothesis of hypercoagulative state is confirmed and reliable markers are established; AC, anticoagulation; EPS, electrophysiological study; QoL, quality of life; TEE, transesophageal echocardiography.
Atrial Fibrillation  587

Box 42-1  Baseline Evaluation in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Table 42-6  Assessment of Symptoms Related to Atrial Fibrillation and
Proposed by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society Impact on Quality of Life by EHRA score and CCS SAF Scale

History and physicial examination EHRA CLASS SYMPTOMS

Establish pattern (new onset, paroxysmal, persistent, permanent)
Establish severity (including impact on quality of life) EHRA I No symptoms
Identify etiology EHRA II Mild symptoms; normal daily activity not affected
Identify reversible causes (hyperthyroidism, ventricular pacing,
supraventricular tachycardia, exercise) EHRA III Severe symptoms; normal daily activity affected
Identify risk factors whose treatment could reduce recurrent AF or
improve overall prognosis (hypertension, sleep apnea, left EHRA IV Disabling symptoms; normal daily activity
ventricular dysfunction) discontinued
Take social history to identify potential triggers (alcohol, intensive SAF SCORE IMPACT ON QUALITY OF LIFE
aerobic training)
Elicit family history to identify potentially heritable causes of AF Class 0 No symptoms
(particularly lone AF)
Determine thromboembolic risk Class 1 Minimal effect on quality of life
Determine bleeding risk to guide appropriate antiplatelet or
Class 2 Minor effect on quality of life
antithrombotic therapy
Review prior pharmacologic therapy for AF, both for efficacy and Class 3 Moderate effect on quality of life
adverse events
Measure blood pressure and heart rate Class 4 Severe effect on quality of life
Determine patient height and weight
CCS SAF, Canadian Cardiovascular Society; Severity of Atrial Fibrillation; EHRA,
Comprehensive precordial cardiac examination and assessment of European Heart Rhythm Association.
jugular venous pressure and carotid and peripheral pulses to detect From Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip GY, et al: Guidelines for the management of atrial
evidence of structural heart disease fibrillation: The Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation of the European
12-Lead electrocardiogram Society of Cardiology (ESC), Europace 12:1360–1420, 2010; Healey JS, Parkash R,
Document presence of AF by electrocardiography Pollak T, et al, for the CCS Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines Committee: Canadian
Assess for structural heart disease (myocardial infarction, ventricular Cardiovascular Society atrial fibrillation guidelines 2010: Etiology and initial
hypertrophy, atrial enlargement, congenital heart disease) or investigations, Can J Cardiol 27(1):31–37, 2011.
electrical heart disease (ventricular pre-excitation, Brugada
Identify risk factors for complications of therapy for AF (conduction
disturbance, sinus node dysfunction, repolarization); document from the asymptomatic status to severe symptoms disrupting
baseline P-R, Q-T, or QRS intervals every day activity and significantly affecting quality of life.
Echocardiogram Many cases of AF are discovered incidentally and are thought
Document ventricular size, wall thickness, and function to be truly asymptomatic. However, symptoms are often not per-
Evaluate left atrial size (if possible, left atrial volume) ceived as physicians tend to focus on palpitations as the most
Exclude significant valvular or congenital heart disease (particularly important feature of the arrhythmia, but patients are often more
atrial septal defects)
aware of exertional dyspnea, poor exercise tolerance and fatigue,
Estimate ventricular filling pressures and pulmonary arterial pressure
Complete blood count; coagulation profile; and renal, thyroid and liver
especially if the ventricular rate is slow (see Figure 42-10).85 The
function true impact of the disease may be missed, and patients with
Fasting lipid profile, fasting glucose longstanding, unrecognized, and untreated arrhythmia may
be exposed to high risk of thromboembolic complications or
AF, Atrial fibrillation.
From Healey JS, Parkash R, Pollak T, et al, for the CCS Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines
tachycardia-induced left ventricular dysfunction with stroke and
Committee: Canadian Cardiovascular Society atrial fibrillation guidelines 2010: heart failure being the first clinical manifestations. Many patients
Etiology and initial investigations, Can J Cardiol 27(1):31–37, 2011. may have both silent and symptomatic bouts of the arrhythmia,
and considerable discrepancy exists between reported symptoms
and documented rhythms. For example, patients may complain
cardioverted immediately (usually with direct current shock) or of episodic palpitations when rapid or highly irregular ventricular
delayed permitting performance of transesophageal echocardiog- rates are present but may not be aware of their arrhythmia during
raphy (TEE) to exclude left atrial thrombosis, particularly when slow ventricular rates (Figure 42-31). Therapeutic intervention
the arrhythmia lasted more than 24 to 48 hours, and an attempt may render AF asymptomatic or modify the patient’s perception
of pharmacologic cardioversion; (2) the nature and extent of of the arrhythmia.
further investigations, and (3) the evaluation of optimal treatment
Symptoms 12-Lead Electrocardiogram
The ESC and CCS guidelines introduced score systems to quantify The diagnosis of any arrhythmias requires electrocardiographic
the severity of AF-related symptoms and their impact on quality documentation, the probability of which can be increased by
of life: the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) and the using a standard ECG, rhythm strips obtained during the arrhyth-
Severity of Atrial Fibrillation (SAF) (Table 42-6) scales.63,170 Both mia, ambulatory Holter recording, trans-telephonic or telemetric
scales are based on a subjective perception of symptoms by the monitoring, and loop event recorders, including implantable
patient and include four and five grades, respectively, ranging devices.
588  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias


HR (beats/min)




15 19 23

FIGURE 42-31  Holter monitor tachogram and electrocardiogram strips from a patient with atrial fibrillation. A, Symptomatic episode of the
arrhythmia with a rapid ventricular rate response (>200 beats/min). B, Symptomatic episode of the arrhythmia with a slower but irregular ventricular
rhythm. C, Asymptomatic episode with a slow ventricular rate response. In such “intermittently symptomatic atrial fibrillation,” the presence of frequent
asymptomatic periods can be mistakenly assumed for sinus rhythm. HR, Heart rate.

I p′ p′ p′

p′ p′ p′ p′ p′ p′ p′ p′



FIGURE 42-32  A, Frequent premature beats can mimic an irregularly irregular rhythm typical for atrial fibrillation. B, Atrial tachycardia with
ventricular rates of 140 beats/min before treatment. C, Atrial tachycardia is still present after the initiation of sotalol but ventricular rates are
significantly slower (100 beats/min). D, Atrial flutter with constant atrioventricular conduction mimicking a normal, regular pulse.

A proper evaluation of the 12-lead ECG is vital for several ventricular hypertrophy, and axis deviation can be useful in the
reasons. Firstly, the diagnosis must be confirmed (see Figure identification of coexistent disease and assessment of risk of
42-25), and the type of the arrhythmia should be differentiated, recurrence. Finally, monitoring of the P-R and Q-T intervals and
as confusion may arise from other causes of irregular pulse, for the QRS complex width is essential for the prevention of proar-
example, frequent atrial or ventricular premature beats or inter- rhythmias during antiarrhythmic drug therapy.
mittent heart block (Figure 42-32). Conversely, a regular, relatively
slow pulse can be found in patients with AFL or AT if the ven-
Holter Monitoring
tricular rate is pharmacologically slowed down (see Figure 42-32).
AF may coexist with complete heart block where atrial fibrillatory Ambulatory 24-hour Holter monitoring usually is useful for the
activity is visible as the baseline but where the ventricular rhythm diagnosis of frequent paroxysms of the arrhythmia and for the
is slow and regular. Second, the presence of pre-excitation syn- assessment of the effects of rate-slowing agents if rate control was
drome on baseline ECG determines further investigation and selected as a principal management strategy (Figure 42-33). In
management. Third, evidence of left atrial enlargement during some cases, it may provide information pertinent to the principal
sinus rhythm, previous MI, ST-segment and T-wave changes, left management of the arrhythmia, as documentation of frequent
Atrial Fibrillation  589

HR max. = Aberrant of beats per minute
HR max. = 207 beats/min
156 beats/min HR mean = 137 beats/min
200 Heart rate (1 min avg)
HR mean = 79 beats/min 160
100 140
80 120
60 100
40 HR min. = 45 beats/min 80
20 60 HR min. = 75 beats/min
0 40
13:00 17:00 21:00 01:00 05:00 09:00 13:00 +17:00 20
A 15:00 19:00 23:00 03:00 07:00 11:00 +15:00 0
C 14:00 20:00 02:00 08:00 14:00
180 HR max. = 176 beats/min
140 160
HR mean =
120 83 beats/min 140
100 120 HR mean = 70 beats/min
HR max. = 106 beats/min
80 100
60 80
HR min. = 60 beats/min
40 60
20 40 HR min. = 46 beats/min
13:00 17:00 21:00 01:00 05:00 09:00 13:00 +17:00
B 15:00 19:00 23:00 03:00 07:00 11:00 +15:00 D

FIGURE 42-33  A, A Holter monitor heart rate (HR) histogram plotted against time showing at least three paroxysms of atrial fibrillation with fast
ventricular rates within 24 hours (arrows). B, A Holter histogram of extremely frequent, multiple short-lived episodes of atrial fibrillation (“incessant”
paroxysmal atrial fibrillation). C, A Holter monitor histogram in a patient with permanent atrial fibrillation before treatment. D, The same patient as
C during rate control therapy.

atrial premature beats or fast atrial tachycardia preceding AF may

Exercise Stress Test
be crucial for the selection of nonpharmacologic treatment alter-
natives (Figure 42-34). Digital ambulatory recorders, which enable Exercise stress test can be used for exclusion of adrenergically
standard 12-lead configurations similar to that of the digital mediated or exercise-induced AF and for the assessment of the
diagnostic-quality 12-lead ECG machines, may increase diagnos- effectiveness of rate control therapy in patients with permanent
tic accuracy. AF (Figure 42-36). It is also generally performed in individuals
with suspected CAD, especially, if type IC antiarrhythmic drug
therapy is planned.
Loop Recorders
When paroxysms of the arrhythmia are infrequent or when
Blood Tests
asymptomatic episodes are suspected, a loop event recorder with
transtelephonic or telemetric facilities can offer long-term, con- Essential blood tests include a full blood count and hemoglobin,
tinuous ECG monitoring and event-specific recording. ECG loop serum electrolytes, including serum potassium and magnesium
recorders have a retrospective (loop) memory, which continu- levels, and the assessment of thyroid function. A lipid profile is
ously records and deletes the patient’s ECG. They can be both often warranted in patients with risk factors for CAD. Of interest,
implantable and external devices and have a patient activation several reports identified the association between low levels of
function that allows the patient to activate ECG storage as a result high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and risk of AF.174
of symptoms and an auto-activation feature that allows the auto- Thyrotoxicosis accounts for 1% to 2% of new cases of AF
matic capture of arrhythmic events. The probability of capturing but abnormal thyroid function tests can be found in 4% to 12.5%
the arrhythmic event varies from 65% to 88% (Figure 42-35).171 of AF patients.39 Recognition of a hyperthyroid state is important
Implantable loop recorders are superior to Holter monitoring because cardioversion and long-term maintenance of sinus
systems in the diagnosis of very infrequent arrhythmic attacks, rhythm are unlikely as long as the underlying condition persists.
determination of onset patterns, identification of asymptomatic Thyroid hormones have a direct positive chronotropic effect
arrhythmias, assessment of treatment efficacy, and detection of and may enhance cardiac sensitivity to catecholamines by
proarrhythmias.172 increasing β-adrenergic receptor density. In some patients, no
One of such devices, Reveal XT (Medtronic Inc., Minneapolis, obvious symptoms of hyperthyroidism are present or only subtle
MN) has been tested in patients who underwent pulmonary vein signs of an overactive thyroid are present (apathetic hyperthy-
ablation and has been shown to identify AF recurrences with a roidism), and the arrhythmia can be the only clinical marker of
92% positive predictive accuracy.173 These devices can be useful the disease.
in identifying AF as a cause of cryptogenic strokes when no spe- Anemia may contribute to dyspnea or may precipitate atrial
cific risk factors are present. tachyarrhythmias. The white cell count may suggest the presence
590  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

FIGURE 42-34  A, A Holter monitor strip showing initiation of atrial fibrillation by atrial premature beats (arrows) B, A Holter electrocardiogram
recording of onset of the arrhythmia in a patient with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Note the presence of focal atrial tachycardia with a cycle length of
190 to 200 ms, which initiates atrial fibrillation. Because this arrhythmia is likely to originate from the region of the pulmonary veins and may be
amenable to radiofrequency catheter ablation, the next step in investigation should be electrophysiological study.

4 6 8 10 12 14 Sec

Firing from AF

First PAC


FIGURE 42-35  A, Currently available implantable loop recorders. B, A rhythm strip from the Reveal XT device (Medtronic Inc.) demonstrating onset
of atrial fibrillation. Note an atrial premature beat followed by the run of fast atrial tachycardia, possibly from the pulmonary vein, preceding atrial
fibrillation. (Courtesy A. Vincent, Medtronic Inc., Minneapolis, MN).

of inflammatory mechanisms precipitating the arrhythmia. Mea- inflammatory mechanism underlying the arrhythmia but cur-
sures of the acute phase response, such as the erythrocyte sedi- rently are only measured for research purposes.174
mentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein, may give further Serum liver enzyme levels, in particular that of γ-glutamyl­
guidance where inflammatory or malignant processes are sus- transferase, may be helpful when alcohol is suspected as a cause
pected. Increased levels of C-reactive protein have been associ- of AF. Thyroid and liver function monitoring is mandatory during
ated with the development of AF in the general population and therapy with amiodarone, and creatinine clearance is essential
with recurrent AF after cardioversion and may be a marker of the while adjusting the dose of dofetilide.
Atrial Fibrillation  591

determine left atrial function and structure.177 Cardiac CT and

MRI are routinely used to ascertain the anatomy of the left atrium
and pulmonary veins prior to ablation and as part of image inte-
gration with real-time electroanatomic mapping during ablation
(see Chapter 17). Left atrial volume and the amount of fibrosis
(Utah score) have been linked to the progression of AF (see Figure
42-7) and the risk of stroke and can be used to guide the ablation
strategy.68,178 These imaging techniques can potentially be used for
the assessment of reversal of atrial remodeling and efficacy of
V1 therapy.
Brain Imaging
HR(beats/min) In patients with a suspected history of TIAs, CT or MRI imaging
can reveal previous silent cerebral infarcts and influence the deci-
240 sion in favor of life-long anticoagulation (see Figure 42-37, C and
180 D). Recently, the presence of microbleeds on Baring imaging has
been linked to increased risk of subsequent ischemic and hemor-
120 rhagic strokes.179 Microbleeds are particularly significant in
60 patients with AF on oral anticoagulation. Of note, a lower risk of
hemorrhagic stroke on therapy with new anticoagulants such as
0 dabigatran compared with warfarin can probably be explained by
0 2 4 6 min the fact that the latter penetrates the hemato-encephalic barrier
C and may have a local effect.
FIGURE 42-36  Inadequate ventricular rate control during exercise in
a patient with permanent atrial fibrillation treated with digoxin only.   Electrophysiological Study
A, Baseline electrocardiogram. B, An electrocadiogram after 1.5
minutes of exercise stress test. C, A tachogram showing a rapid Electrophysiological study (EPS) is indicated for the identifica-
increase in ventricular rates immediately after the beginning of tion of the specific arrhythmia mechanism, for example, in
exercise. patients with suspected AVRT or AVNRT, which may trigger
AF. EPS can also identify sinus node dysfunction and define
the mechanism of wide QRS complex tachycardia. The mecha-
Imaging nisms of AF, mapping, and effectiveness of therapy can be
judged and are dealt with in more detail in Chapters 28, 91,
and 93.
TTE is essential if active management is contemplated. Valve
heart lesions, severe enough to cause AF, are usually evident on
clinical examination but may not be discovered. Echocardio-
graphic measurement of left ventricular hypertrophy and left Principles of Practice
ventricular dysfunction is important for the guidance of prophy-
lactic antiarrhythmic drug therapy in patients with hypertension The fundamental principles of therapy of AF include (Figure
and CHF. The left atrial volume at the time of mitral valve opening 42-38): (1) risk stratification and prevention of thromboembolic
is now routinely measured (Figure 42-37, A). Three-dimensional complications and stroke; (2) ventricular rate control, if expedi-
echocardiography allows assessing left atrial volumes at different ent restoration and maintenance of sinus rhythm is impossible
phases of the cardiac cycle. TTE can be effectively used to assess or not contemplated (e.g., accepted AF); (3) electrical or phar-
left atrial mechanical function, but its sensitivity in diagnosis of macologic restoration and maintenance of sinus rhythm; (4)
an LAA thrombus is low. selection of an appropriate long-term rhythm control strategy
Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is capable of provid- and identification of AF amenable to ablation; (5) identification
ing high-quality images of cardiac structure and function and is and correction of risk factors and elimination of precipitating
the most sensitive and specific technique to detect the presence agents; and (6) treatment of the underlying pathology. Therapies
of thrombi in the left atrium and the LAA, which have been found currently available for management of AF are summarized in
in 5% to 15% of patients with AF prior to cardioversion (see Figure Table 42-7.
42-37, B).175 TEE has proved to be useful in the stratification
patients with AF and AFL with regard to risk of ischemic stroke
and has been suggested for the guidance of elective Anticoagulation
Pathogenesis of Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation
Absence of organized mechanical contraction of fibrillating atria
Left Atrial Imaging
with a consequent increase in atrial pressure, atrial stretch, and
New techniques such as three-dimensional echocardiography, dilation caused by multiple pathophysiological mechanisms com-
color tissue Doppler imaging, speckle tracking, and delayed pensating for reduced cardiac output, generate conditions for
enhancement cardiac MRI are increasingly being used to blood stasis and thrombus formation (Figure 42-39).180 Atrial





FIGURE 42-37  A, A gigantic left atrium in a patient with atrial fibrillation and mitral stenosis. B, Left atrial appendage thrombus (arrow) detected by
transesophageal echocardiography in a patient with atrial fibrillation (AF). Note the presence of spontaneous echo contrast in the left atrium. C, A
computed tomographic image of cerebral infarct (arrow) in a patient with AF but without neurologic symptoms (silent infarct). D, A computed
tomographic image of acute ischemic stroke (arrow) with subsequent hemorrhagic transformation (thick arrow) in a patient with AF. LA, Left atrium;
LAA, left atrial appendage; LV, left ventricle.

Stroke prevention Rate control Rhythm control Improvement in


Pharmacologic Pharmacologic Cardioversion (if required) Treatment of

• Warfarin • Ca2+ blockers and maintenence of sinus underlying
• Thrombin inhibitor • β-blockers rhythm disease
• Aspirin • Digitalis
• Clopidogrel Pharmacologic Dronedarone
Non-pharmacologic • Class IA
Nonpharmacologic • Ablate and pace • Class IC
• Removal or isolation • Class III
of the left atrial
appendage Non-pharmacologic
• Catheter ablation (PVI)
• Pacing
• Surgery (Maze)

Upstream therapies
• Statins, PUFAs

FIGURE 42-38  Principles of management of atrial fibrillation. ACEI, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARBs, angiotensin receptor blockers,
PUFAs, polyunsaturated fatty acids; PVI, pulmonary vein isolation.
Atrial Fibrillation  593

Table 42-7  Management Strategies in Atrial Tachyarrhythmias


Pharmacologic Symptom relief Low probability of remaining in sinus rhythm Recurrent paroxysmal AF
rhythm control in the long term (approximately 50%-60%
at 1-2 years)
Normal intracardiac and systemic Often need for repeat cardioversion Recurrent persistent AF after
hemodynamics cardioversion, espectially if highly
Prevention or delay of No reduction in mortality rate or Recurrent paroxysmal or persistent AFL
electrophysiological and structural thromboembolic events if ablation therapy is impossible or
remodeling, atrial enlargement ineffective
Availability, low cost Risk of noncardiac adverse effcts Recurrent paroxysmal or incessant AT if
ablation therapy is impossible or
Relatively wide antiarrhythmic drug Need for anticoagulation in high-risk patients
choice if increased likelihood of recurrence or
asymptomatic recurrence of the arrhythmia
No intervention, often may be started
on an outpatient basis
Leaves other, nonpharmacologic
options if treatment fails

Pharmacologic Reduction in symptoms Impaired intracardiac and systemic Permanent AF

rate control hemodynamics
Availability, low cost Insufficient rate control with one drug, need “Accepted” AF if mildly symptomatic or
for polypharmacy asymptomatic and in those >65
Easy to start and control Risk of proarrhythmia and bradycardia (e.g., Persistent AF in patients with NHYA
digoxin) heart failure class >II
Comparable results with rhythm Risk of noncardiac adverse events “Accepted” AFL if ablation therapy is
control in terms of mortality rate impossible or ineffective
and thromboembolic events
Leaves other, nonpharmacologic Need for lifelong anticoagulation
options if therapy fails
No long-term prevention of atrial remodeling

“Ablate and place” Significant symptom improvement Renders patients dependent on pacemakers Highly symptomatic, drug-refractory AF
Some improvement in cardiac Risk of thromboembolic complications; need Inadequate pharmacologic rate control
performance (exercise tolerance, for anticoagulation therapy
ejection fraction)
Improvements in quality of life Pharmacologic rhythm control may be Contraindications for pharmacologic
needed therapy
Mortality rate does not differ from that No long-term prevention of atrial remodeling;
of pharmacologic rate control progression to a permanent form
Right ventricular pacing may be deleterious
in the long term (systolic dysfunction)

AV node Comparable with the “ablate and pace” High percentage of complete AV block, Highly symptomatic, drug-refractory AF
modification strategy resulting in pacemaker implantation
Risk for thromboembolic complications; need
for anticoagulation therapy
Irregularity of ventricular rate may be
accompanied by symptoms
Often need for additional pharmacologic rate
Fast AV conduction may restore in the long

Isthmus ablation “Cures” typical AFL with a 95% success AF is not completely abolished Typical AFL
May redule the incidence of AF Incidence of AF postablation varies from 10% AFL as a result of AAD for AF
triggered by AFL to 74%
If AF was converted to AFL by AADs, these Incisional re-entrant AFL, if a vulnerable
should be continued after ablation of AFL isthmus is identified

594  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Table 42-7  Management Strategies in Atrial Tachyarrhythmias—cont’d


Ablation for focal “Cures” AT with a 75%-86% success Difficulty with identification of an Focal AT
or macro–re- rate arrhythmogenic focus or the re-entry
entrant AT circuit
May reduce the incident of AF Rate of recurrence is 8%, but follow-up is Macro–re-entrant AT after atrial septal
triggered by AT limited defect closure, Fontan and Mustard
Rate of significant complications, including
cardiac perforation and AV block, is 1%-2%

Pulmonary vein Renders AV entirely curable if Difficulty with identification of all AF triggering by rapid AT from local
isolation successful; best success rate is 66%; arrhythmogenic foci foci (usually in the pulmonary vein)
up 20 85% with circumferential
pulmonary vein isolation
High rate of recurrence; need for repeat
Risk of pulmonary vein stenosis or thrombosis
(up to 42% less with new techniques,
Risk of thromboembolism (0.5%)
Limited to paroxysmal AF
Need to continue AADs in 23% of cases

Intraoperative or Renders AF entirely curable if Need for expanded linear ablation not limited Highly symptomatic, drug-refractory AF
surgery-based successful; long-term success rate is to one atrium
Maze 80% (32%-93%) and up to 99% with
procedure AADs
High degree of tissue trauma Patients undergoing cardiac surgert
(coronary bypass, valve repair or
Incomplete lesions may be arrhythmogenic
Increased procedure time

Left atrium “Cures” AF; success rate is 71%, with Probably same as Maze procedure Same as Maze procedure
isolation transection extended to the right
atrium, 85%

Atrial defibrillator Converting AF or AFL with a Considerable discomfort Infrequent, asymptomatic, drug-
synchronized low-energy atrial refractory AF or AFL not amenable to
shock ablation (probably with minimal
structural heart disease)
Can be performed on an outpatient Poor compliance
Shock can be administered promptly High incidence of early recurrence
or delayed
Prevention or delay of Need for repeat shock
electrophysiological and structural
atrial remodeling, atrial
enlargement, and progression to a
permanent form
Limited data in patients with structural heart

Atrial or Provide physiological pacing with No reduction in all-cause mortality rate with Conventional bradycardia indications
dual-chamber normal intracardiac hemodynamics DDD(R) vs. VV(R) pacing modes and recurrent pacemaker
pacing arrhythmias, predominantly AF
May prevent or reduce progression to Efficacy of antitachycardia packing has not
a permanent form in the long term yet been proven
(>2 years), especially in patients
with no history of arrhythmias and
patients with sick sinus syndrome
but no AV block
Painless antitachycardia pacing to No reduction in arrhythmia burden has been
terminate organized atrial rhythms reported
Atrial Fibrillation  595

Table 42-7  Management Strategies in Atrial Tachyarrhythmias—cont’d


A variety of preventive atrial pacing Some therapies (e.g., high-frequency burst)

algorithms to modify the substrate are available on an inpatient basis only
and suppress triggers of AF
Potential for pacing from specficsites Risk of thromboembolic complications
(Bachmann’s bundle, triangle of remains; need for lifelong anticoagulation
Koch) or multi-site pacing as an therapy
add-on therapy to drugs or ablation Often need for adjunctive AAD therapy
Right ventricular pacing may be deleterious
in the long term
Technical difficulty with placing additional

Dual-chamber Painless antitachycardia pacing to Efficacy of antitachycardia pacing and Patients with both ventricular and atrial
ICD terminate organized atrial rhythms preventive pacing has not yet been proven arrhythmias, structural heart disease,
impaired left ventricular function,
with high risk of proarrhythmia on
A variety of preventive atrial pacing Some therapies (e.g., high-frequency burst)
algorithms to modify the substrate are available on an inpatient basis only
and suppress triggers of AF
Converting arrhythmia with a Risk of thromboembolic complications
synchronized low-energy atrial remains; need for lifelong anticoagulation
shock administered promptly or therapy
May prevent degeneration of AF into Risk of electrical proarrhythmia remains
ventricular fibrillation unclear
Disadvantages of atrial shock are similar to
those with stand-alone defibrillator, but
there is a possibility of overdrive packing to
prevent frequent shocks
Expensive, not widely available
Technically difficult with placing specific
electrodes (e.g., coronary sinus)
Potential risk of inappropriate shock due to
sensing problems (e.g., far-field

AADs, Antiarrhythmic drugs; AF, atrial fibrillation; AFL, atrial flutter; AT, atrial tachycardia; AV, atrioventricular; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; NYHA, New York Heart

stretch results in the increased production of ANP and decreased other risk factors, and anticoagulation is mandatory in this
secretion of vasopressin, which may cause hemoconcentration patients.183 Major risk factors for stroke in nonvalvular AF were
within the fibrillating atria. A hypercoagulable state and increased identified on the basis of the pooled analysis of 1593 untreated
platelet activation have been found in association with AF, adding patients from five primary-prevention trials of warfarin (known
to the risk of thrombus formation. Endothelial injury and systemic as Atrial Fibrillation Investigators’ risk stratification model) and
inflammation are also contributory factors. The left atrium andthe the results from 2012 participants from the aspirin arms of the
LAA, particularly because of its anatomic features (distensibility Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation I to III (SPAF) studies.184-186
and trabeculations), are the main source of cardioembolic emboli Both reports have shown that hypertension, prior stroke or TIA,
in AF.181 With TEE, left atrial thrombi can be found in about 14% diabetes, and advanced age are all associated with increased risk
of patients with AF or AFL, even if they were effectively antico- of stroke. The SPAF investigators also introduced left ventricular
agulated, and spontaneous echocardiographic contrast can be dysfunction and female gender as risk factors. According to these
seen in 52% of patients.176-178,181 The LAA is the source of thrombi schemes, patients with no major risk factors have a 0.9% to 1%
in 80% to 90% of patients.182 probability of stroke, those with 1 (or 2) risk factors are at moder-
ate risk, which is estimated at 2.6% to 5.7%, and individuals with
Risk Stratification more than 2 risk factors have a risk of stroke of 7.1% to 8.1%. All
subsequent risk stratification schemes used a combination of
these factors.
A number of models have been devised to predict the risk of The most widely accepted CHADS2 scheme is an amalgama-
stroke and the likelihood of benefit from therapy with either war- tion of individual risk factors: congestive heart failure, hyperten-
farin or aspirin. Patients with valvular AF (mitral valve stenosis sion, age >75 years, diabetes mellitus, each of which is assigned
or prosthetic valves) are considered high risk, independently of one point, and prior stroke or TIA, which is given 2 points (hence,
596  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Atrial fibrillation

Atrioventricular Absence of mechanical systole Sustained rapid Irregular Endothelial dysfunction

asynchrony Loss of atrial contribution ventricular rate ventricular rhythm • ↑ von Willebrand factor
(systemic and atrial
Platelet activation
Mitral Left ventricular Left ventricular ↓ Diastole • ↑ Thromboglobulin
regurgitation dilation dysfunction ↓ Filling time • ↑ Platelet factor IV
Vascular thrombogenesis
• ↑ Systemic fibrinogen
Reduced • ↑ Fibrin D-dimer
cardiac output Regional LA/LAA
• ↑ Fibrinopeptide A
• ↑ Thrombin/
antithrombin complex
• ↑ Prothrombin F1.2

↑ Aldosterone Neurohumoral ↑ Epinephrine Atrial fibrosis

↑ Vasopressin activation ↑ Renin activity and hypertrophy
↑ ANP ↑ Angiotensin II

↑ Fluid retention ↑ Peripheral resistance

↑ Preload ↑ Afterload

↑ Left atrial pressure

Atrial stretch
Atrial remodeling

Abnormal Left atrial Structural characteristics

blood flow dilation of left atrial appendage

Blood stasis Thrombus formation

FIGURE 42-39  Pathogenesis of thrombus formation in atrial fibrillation. AF, Atrial fibrillation; ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide; LA, left atrium; LAA, left
atrial appendage.

the subscript “2”).185-187 The CHADS2 score system was designed those who would benefit from anticoagulation but who would
to simplify the determination of stroke risk in general practice. be deemed as low risk by other risk stratification systems
Using this system, the stroke rate per 100 patient-years without (Figure 42-40).
anti-thrombotic therapy is expected to increase by a factor of 1.5 Although TEE is not routinely used for this purpose, it can
for each 1-point increase from 1.9 for a score of 0, to 18.2 for the offer further refining of risk stratification based on specific find-
highest score of 6 (Table 42-8). ings such as an enlarged LAA with reduced inflow and outflow
Although it provides a valuable first step in identifying patients velocities and thrombi and complex aortic plaque (thick >4 mm,
for whom anticoagulation is mandatory, the CHADS2 scheme mobile, pedunculated).188 Assessment of indexes of hypercoagu-
allows a rather crude estimate of stroke risk as it does not take into lability and endothelial dysfunction or damage (e.g., von Wille-
consideration less validated risk factors such as gender, age brand factor, P-selectin, fibrin, D-dimer, thrombomodulin) for
between 65 and 75 years, the presence of obstructive artery disease prediction of stroke in AF remains a research tool.
(coronary, carotid, peripheral), chronic kidney dysfunction and
proteinuria, and thyrotoxicosis. Furthermore, it underappreciates
the importance of advanced age (>75 years), which is probably a
more powerful risk factor than previously thought. Some of these The efficacy of anti-thrombotic therapy for the prevention of
factors have been incorporated in the CHA2DS2VASc system ischemic stroke should be balanced against the risk of major
adopted by the ESC guidelines (Table 42-9).187 hemorrhagic complications, particularly cerebral hemorrhage,
The advantage of the CHA2DS2VASc system is that is appears which is usually fatal or significantly disabling. The risk of hemor-
to perform best identifying patients at truly low risk of stroke and rhagic events is related to the intensity of anticoagulation, patient
Atrial Fibrillation  597

age, and fluctuations of previously therapeutic international nor-

Table 42-8  CHADS2 Stroke Risk Stratification in Nonvalvular
Atrial Fibrillation malized ratio (INR) values caused by drug or food interactions.189
Overall, randomized trials comparing outcomes of therapy with
HISTORY CHADS2 RISK SCORE full-dose warfarin versus placebo did not show unacceptably
Prior stroke or TIA 2
higher rates of major hemorrhagic complications, including intra-
cranial bleeding, most of which occurred in patients older than
Age >75 years 1 75 years.
An assessment of bleeding risk is part of patient assessment
Hypertension 1
prior to initiating anticoagulation.190 Several risk stratification
Diabetes mellitus 1 schemes for bleeding in AF populations have been proposed:
Heart failure 1
Table 42-9  CHA2DS2VASc Stroke Risk Stratification in Nonvalvular
Atrial Fibrillation
0 1.9 (1.2-3.0)
Congestive heart failure or left 1
1 2.8 (2.0-3.8)
ventricular dysfunction
2 4.0 (3.1-5.1)
Hypertension 1
3 5.9 (4.6-7.3)
Age ≥75 years 2
4 8.5 (6.3-11.1)
Diabetes mellitus 1
5 12.5 (8,2-17.5)
Stroke, TIA, or thromboembolic vascular 2
6 18.2 (10.5-27.4) disease (CAD, CArD, PAD)

CHADS2, Cardiac failure, hypertension, age, diabetes, stroke [doubled] risk Age 65-74 years 1
stratification system; TIA, transient ischemic attack; CI, confidence interval.
From Gage BF, Waterman AD, Shannon W, et al: Validation of clinical classification Gender (female) 1
schemes for predicting stroke: Results from the National Registry of Atrial Fibrillation,
CHA2DS2VASc, Cardiac failure, hypertension, age (doubled), diabetes, stroke (doubled);
JAMA 285:2864–2870, 2001; and Van Walraven WC, Hart RG, Wells GA, et al: A clinical
vascular disease: myocardial infarction, aortic plague, peripheral arterial disease;
prediction rule to identify patients with atrial fibrillation and a low stroke risk while
CAD, coronary artery disease; TIA, transient ischemic attack; CArD, complex aortic
taking aspirin, Arch Intern Med 163:936–943, 2003.
plaque disease; PAD, pulmonary artery disease.
Patients in risk category %

Low Intermediate High
80 71.1
47.8 47 48.3
44.8 41.5
40 32.6 33.4
26.2 29
19.6 19.6 20.4 17.7
20 16.7 12.2
Rates of thromboembolism

5 4.6

by category %

3.2 3.2
3 2.9 2.9 3 3
3 2.6
2.3 2.4
2 1.9
2 1.8
1.4 1.4 1.4
1 0.6 0.6
c-statistic 0.573 0.549 0.571 0.574 0.638 0.561 0.606

FIGURE 42-40  Performance of the CHA2DS2VASc risk stratification scheme compared with other currently used risk stratification systems. Note that
CHA2DS2VASc scheme better identifies patients with truly low risk of thromboembolic events. (From Lip GY, Nieuwlaat R, Pisters R, et al: Refining clinical
risk stratification for predicting stroke and thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation using a novel risk factor-based approach: The Euro heart survey on atrial
fibrillation, Chest 137:263–272, 2010.)
598  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Table 42-10  Risk Stratification for Bleeding Clopidogrel selectively and irreversibly blocks platelet P2Y12
adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptors and prevents ADP-
HEMORR2HAGES* SCORE HAS-BLED† SCORE induced platelet activation. A combination of aspirin with clopi-
dogrel has been tested in the W (“W” stands for “warfarin”) arm
Hepatic or renal disease 1 Hypertension 1
of the Atrial fibrillation Clopidogrel Trial with Irbesartan for Pre-
Ethanol abuse 1 Abnormal renal or 1 or 2 vention of Vascular Events (ACTIVE) in 6706 high-risk patients
liver function with AF.195 The study was stopped prematurely because of the
clear superiority of warfarin. A 44% increase in a composite
Malignancy 1 Stroke 1
primary endpoint of stroke, systemic embolism, MI, and vascular
Older age (≥75) 1 Bleeding 1 death and a 72% increase in any stroke associated with anti-
platelet therapy were seen, whereas the likelihood of ischemic
Reduced platelet count 1 Labile INR 1
stroke was more than doubled.
Re-bleeding 2 Elderly (age >65 years) 1 However, combination therapy outperformed aspirin alone in
the twin ACTIVE A study, which showed a modest, but statisti-
Hypertension 1 Drugs or alcohol 1 or 2
cally significant, 11% reduction the primary endpoint and a 28%
reduction in the rate of stroke.196 Therefore, the combination
Anemia 1 therapy may be used in patients with contraindications to warfa-
rin, although a risk of clopidogrel (as well as aspirin) resistance
Genetic factors 1
Excessive fall risk 1

Stroke 1 Warfarin
*Validated in 3791 Medicare patients with atrial fibrillation (mean age, 80.2 years; Warfarin, a vitamin K antagonist, reduces the synthesis of bio-
57% women) and event rates: 5.2 bleeds per patient-year (67.3% gastrointestinal, logically inactive forms of thrombin and clotting factors VII,
15.4% intracranial, 17.3% other); hazard ratios 0.91 vs. 0.85 for patients on IX and X, which requires vitamin K. Anticoagulation with
acetylsalicylic acid or no therapy.
†Validated in 3978 patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation with known
adjusted-dose warfarin (target INR, 2.5; range, 2 to 3) is recom-
thromboembolic status at 1 year in the Euro Heart Survey; c-statistic = 0.72 (similar mended in all patients at risk but without a contraindication.
to HEMORR2HAGES). This strategy is also pertinent for patients with moderate risk
INR, International normalized ratio. on the basis of an individualized approach that balances the
From Gage BF, Yan Y, Milligan PE, et al: Clinical classification schemes for predicting
risks and benefits of oral anticoagulation or aspirin, but prefer-
hemorrhage: Results from the National Registry of Atrial Fibrillation (NRAF), Am
Heart J 151:713–719, 2006; and Pisters R, Lane DA, Nieuwlaat R, et al: A novel ence should be given to warfarin. Warfarin has consistently
user-friendly score (HAS-BLED) to assess 1-year risk of major bleeding in patients reduced the risk of ischemic stroke or systemic embolism by
with atrial fibrillation: The Euro Heart Survey, Chest 138:1093–1100, 2010. about two thirds compared with no treatment and by 30% to
40% compared with aspirin in high-risk patients with AF (Figure
42-41).193 The number needed to treat (NNT) to prevent one
stroke has been estimated to be 100 patient-years for those at
HEMORR2HAGES and HAS-BLED (Table 42-10).191,192 The limi- low risk (≤2% per year) compared with 25 patient-years for
tation of these schemes is that they share many risk factors that those at high risk (≥6% per year).
have also been linked to stroke.
International Normalized Ratio Monitoring
Despite it proven efficacy, warfarin is substantially underused
Aspirin and Clopidogrel (Table 42-11). Warfarin has a narrow therapeutic window, and its
management is complicated by multiple drug interactions and
Aspirin acts by irreversibly acetylating platelet cyclooxygenase-1, variations in dietary intake of vitamin K, prompting regular,
thereby blocking arachidonic acid metabolism and the formation and sometimes intense, monitoring of coagulation parameters
of thromboxane A2, which potentiates platelet aggregation and and dose adjustment, and stringent control of diet, alcohol, and
the release of granule contents. It is less effective when stasis and co-medications. Warfarin has a relatively slow onset of action (2
enhanced coagulation, rather than platelet activation in response to 7 days), and early thrombogenic risk increases because of the
to endothelial injury, are the principal mechanisms of thrombosis depletion of natural anticoagulation proteins C and S. Intracranial
as occurs in the fibrillating atria or in the venous system. Conse- bleeding is the most serious complication with warfarin, as it is
quently, therapy with aspirin reduced the risk of stroke by about associated with high mortality or disability rates.
20%, with the variable magnitude of the effect, depending on the Genetic determination of the response to warfarin also exists.
study design and dose range.193 In direct comparisons with war- Patients with variant alleles (CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3) of the
farin in older adults enrolled in the Birmingham Atrial Fibrillation liver cytochrome P-450 2C9 (CYP2C9) isoenzyme, which is
Treatment of the Aged (BAFTA) study, aspirin was associated involved in warfarin metabolism, are slow metabolizers of warfa-
with a 48% higher risk of stroke compared with adjusted-dose rin and can be exposed to higher concentrations of the drug and
warfarin, whereas no differences in bleeding complications were the associated risk of over-anticoagulation. Conversely, individu-
seen.194 Aspirin alone is not recommended for the prevention of als with polymorphisms in the gene encoding for the vitamin K
stroke, and alternative therapies (e.g., LAA occlusion devices) epoxide reductase complex 1 (VKORC1), which is the target
should be used for stroke prevention in patients who cannot take protein for warfarin, exhibit increased resistance or a greater sen-
warfarin. sitivity to warfarin.198 Although it is possible to screen patients for
Atrial Fibrillation  599

ACTIVE W Aspirin and clopidogrel vs. warfarin

SPORTIF III and IV Ximelagatran vs. warfarin pooled

Dabigatran 110 vs. warfarin

Dabigatran 150 vs. warfarin

Rivaroxaban (inferiority) vs. warfarin

Rivaroxaban (superiority) vs. warfarin

ACTIVE A Aspirin and clopidogrel vs. aspirin

AVERROES Apixaban vs. aspirin

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

New therapy Standard treatment
better better

FIGURE 42-41  Performance of new antithrombotic therapies versus standard treatment for the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism
associated with atrial fibrillation.

Table 42-11  Use of Warfarin for Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation–Related Stroke in Epidemiologic Studies


ATRIA (1999) 11,082 1996–1997 75% ≥65 years 35.4% ≥85 years
50% HTN, 28.5% CHF 59.3% with ≥1 risk factor
28% CAD, 17% diabetes 62.1% of “ideal” candidates

SCAF (2006) 2796 2002 62% with indications for anticoagulation 54%

Euro AF (2006) 5333 2003–2004 82%-90% high risk ~85% CHADS2 6

~60%-65% CHADS2 3-5
~58% CHADS2 1
~40%-50% CHADS2 0

Glazer (2007) 572 2001–2002 73% high risk 59%

EXAMINE AF (2006) 1596 2004–2005 84% high risk 64%

70% treated by cardiologists
58% treated by general physicians
55% treated by internists

US MarketScan database (2010) 171,393 2003–2007 61.6% CHADS2 1-2 42.1%CHADS2 3-6
18.4% CHADS2 3-6 43.5% CHADS2 1-2
40.1% CHADS2 0
Warfarin uninterrupted:
29.6% CHADS2 3-6
33.3% CHADS2 1-2
34.1% CHADS2 0

CHADS2, Cardiac failure, hypertension, age, diabetes, stroke [doubled] risk stratification system; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; HTN, hypertension. See text
for expansion of study names.

their potential response to warfarin by using genetic testing, it is to achieve maximum efficacy in the prevention of stroke and an
limited by associated costs and availability. acceptable level of risk of bleeding (Figure 42-43).199 A population-
Strict INR control is essential to ascertain the highest efficacy average model estimated that INR should be maintained within
and safety of anticoagulation with warfarin, but it is difficult to the therapeutic range for at least 60% of the time on therapy to
achieve for the reasons mentioned above. The intensity of antico- ensure any benefit from anticoagulation; below this threshold,
agulation with an INR in the range between 2 and 3 is considered little benefit of anticoagulation exists.200 Compared with the
600  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Ischemic stroke
Rate/100 patient-years 12 Intracranial bleeding


FIGURE 42-42  Effects of intensity of anticoagulation on

2 incidence rates of ischemic stroke and intracranial
hemorrhage in a cohort of 13,355 patients with atrial
0 fibrillation. INR, International normalized ratio. (Modified
<1.5 1.5–1.9 2.0–2.5 2.6–3.0 3.1–3.5 3.6–3.9 4.0–4.5 >4.5 from Hylek EM, Go AS, Chang Y, et al: Effect of intensity of oral
anticoagulation on stroke severity and mortality in atrial
fibrillation, N Engl J Med 349:1019–1026, 2003.)

Table 42-12  New Anticoagulants for Prevention of Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation


Dabigatran Direct thrombin inhibitor RE-LY Warfarin Noninferiority, PROBE 18,500

Apixaban Factor Xa inhibitor AVERROES Aspirin Superiority, double-blind 5600

ARISTOLE Warfarin Noninferiority, double-blind, double-dummy 18,000

Rivaroxaban Factor Xa inhibitor ROCKET AF Warfarin Noninferiority, double-blind, double-dummy 14,269

Edoxaban Factor Xa inhibitor ENGAGE Warfarin Noninferiority, double-blind, double-dummy 16,500

Tecarfarin Vitamin K antagonist EmbraceAC Warfarin Superiority 612

See text for expansion of study names.

recommended INR values, INR less than 2 confers a 3.6-fold
increased risk of stroke in patients younger than 75 years and a Dabigatran is a competitive oral direct thrombin (factor IIa)
twofold increased risk in those older than 75 years, whereas INR inhibitor that inhibits thrombin-dependent conversion of fibrino-
above 4 is associated with an exponential increase in bleeding gen to fibrin and thrombin-induced platelet aggregation. It binds
risk. Self-monitoring of INR has a limited applicability.43 to fibrin-bound, clot-bound, and free thrombin. Dabigatran etexi-
late is a prodrug, is converted by esterase-catalyzed hydrolysis to
its active form, dabigatran. This conversion is independent of the
Anticoagulation in Atrial Flutter
cytochrome P-450 system, making drug-drug and drug-diet inter-
AFL is now considered to be associated with the risk of stroke as actions less likely. Dabigatran has a rapid onset of action (approxi-
in AF, in the presence of risk factors. This is further supported by mately 2 hours), and the steady state is usually reached after 3
the fact that AF often coexists with AFL. TEE studies have shown days of therapy. It has a predictable pharmacokinetics and phar-
that LAA flow velocity is lower in patients with AFL compared macodynamics and does not require monitoring. Dabigatran is
with sinus rhythm but higher than during AF. In the Flutter available in two doses (150 mg twice daily and 75 mg twice daily
Atriale Società Italiana di Ecografia Cardiovascolare (FLASIEC) in the United States; 150 mg twice daily and 110 mg twice daily
study, 2.4% of patients with AFL had left atrial thrombi.201 The in Europe). As the drug is eliminated mainly via the renal pathway,
same criteria for anticoagulation should therefore be applied in patients with chronic kidney disease can be exposed to 1.5 to 6
patients with isolated AFL as recommended for AF. times higher concentrations of the drug and should therefore
receive a lower dose.
No specific antidote exists in case bleeding occurs, but this is
New Anticoagulants
offset by rapid elimination of the drug and the possibility of its
Two main avenues of research into new anticoagulants emerged: removal by dialysis. If necessary, the anticoagulation effect can be
(1) oral direct thrombin inhibitors (dabigatran) and (2) factor Xa assessed using the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT),
inhibitors (e.g., rivaroxaban, apixaban, edoxaban) (Table 42-12). which is prolonged by dabigatran; thrombin time; and ecarin clot-
A brief summary is provided below, and the reader is referred to ting time. The limitation of the aPTT test is it low sensitivity
Chapter 82 for a detailed treatment of the subject. because the drug concentration and aPTT are not linearly related.
Atrial Fibrillation  601

Watchman (mostly USA) Amplatzer (available in EU) WaveCrest (under investigation)



FIGURE 42-43  A, Left atrial appendage (LAA)–occluding devices currently available or under investigation. B, Transesophageal echocardiogram
showing a patent LAA before implantation of the Watchman (Atritech) LAA occluder system. C, No blood flow in the LAA after implantation.

The efficacy and safety of two doses of dabigatran (110 mg P < .001 for superiority), lower mortality rate, and similar major
twice daily or 150 mg twice daily) compared with open-label war- bleeding rates. Compared with warfarin, the risk of major bleeds
farin has been demonstrated in the Randomized Evaluation of was 20% lower for dabigatran 110 mg twice daily (3.57% vs. 2.87%
Long-Term Anticoagulant Therapy (RE-LY) trial with more than per year) but similar for 150 mg twice daily (3.57% vs. 3.32% per
18,000 patients with AF and cardiovascular and thromboembolic year). Importantly, intracranial bleeds were significantly less with
risk (average age, 72 years; mean CHADS score, 2.1; and history both doses of dabigatran than with warfarin. However, high-dose
of MI [17%], stroke [20%], and CHF [32%]).202 dabigatran was associated with significantly more gastrointestinal
Both doses of dabigatran performed better compared with bleeds compared with warfarin.
warfarin despite tight INR control (64% of the time within the Consequently, the American College of Cardiology/American
therapeutic range) (see Figure 42-41). Dabigatran 110 mg twice Heart Association (ACC/AHA) Task Force on Practice Guide-
daily had similar efficacy for the primary endpoint of stroke or lines recommended dabigatran as a useful alternative to warfarin
systemic embolism (event rates per year, 1.54% vs. 1.71% on war- for the prevention of stroke in AF.203 No evidence of its perfor-
farin; P < .001 for noninferiority) with fewer major bleeds and mance in patients with prosthetic heart valves or hemodynami-
fewer hospitalizations, and dabigatran 150 mg twice daily had cally significant valve disease exists, and the drug should not be
better efficacy (event rates per year, 1.11% vs. 1.71% on warfarin; used in these patients as well as in individuals with severe renal
602  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

failure (creatinine clearance <15 mL/min), or advanced liver In the future, although the choice between new anticoagulants
disease. will be influenced by specific drug characteristics (e.g., dyspepsia
The 150 mg twice daily dose should be used for a patient at and gastrointestinal bleeding associated with dabigatran), it will
low risk of bleeding (e.g., HAS-BLED score of 0 to 2) because of likely be driven by physicians’ experience and preference.
its greater efficacy in the prevention of stroke but lower rates of
intracranial hemorrhage and similar rates of major bleeding
Left Atrial Appendage Occluder Devices
events compared with warfarin. If a patient has a measurable risk
of bleeding (e.g., HAS-BLED score of ≥3) or renal impairment, A meta-analysis of 23 studies in approximately 5000 subjects with
low-dose dabigatran may be considered, although no evidence rheumatic or nonrheumatic AF in settings of cardiac surgery,
exists for the efficacy of a 75 mg twice daily dose. autopsy, or TEE, which revealed that LAA thrombi were found in
57% cases of rheumatic AF and 91% of nonrheumatic AF, has set
the stage to investigate the benefit of LAA occlusion.206 LAA exci-
Factor Xa Inhibitors
sion is often performed adjunct to open-heart surgery in patients
Three oral factor Xa inhibitors (rivaroxaban, apixaban, and edoxa- with AF. LAA ligation or ectomy via thoracoscopy or a limited
ban) have been studied in large phase III trials, and two other sternotomy is not widely used, but new tools are under develop-
drugs (betrixaban and darexaban) have completed advanced ment. Transcatheter devices are discussed in detail in Chapter 98.
phase II studies. Their anticoagulation effect is realized via the Early studies showed the feasibility and safety of a percutaneous
inhibition of a factor Xa, which is, unlike parenteral drugs LAA transcatheter occluder (PLAATO, ev3 Inc., Plymouth,
(fondaparinux and indaparinux), independent of antithrombin III, MN).207 Successful occlusion of LAA was achieved in 90% of
and the subsequent reduction in the generation of thrombin patients, with acceptable perioperative morbidity and mortality
without affecting the activity of thrombin itself. The majority of rates. The incidence of stroke was 2.3% per year compared with
oral factor Xa inhibitors affect both free-bound and clot-bound the 6.6% per year expected rates of stroke with no warfarin
factor Xa as well as prothrombinase activity. administration warfarin according to the CHADS2. Several other
Rivaroxaban is primarily eliminated by renal excretion devices (see Fig. 42-43) are currently under investigation (see
(approximately 60% to 65%); therefore patients with renal impair- Chapter 98).
ment are at 1.5- to twofold increased risk of overexposure to the The performance of the Watchman device (Atritech, Plym-
drug. Drug-drug interactions are minimal because only a small outh, MN) against dose-adjusted warfarin has been tested in the
proportion of rivaroxaban is metabolized via the CYP3A4/3A5 Protection in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (PROTECT-AF)
pathway. Like other oral factor Xa inhibitors, rivaroxaban pro- study of 800 patients with a CHADS2 score of 1 or less.208 After
longs aPTT and the prothrombin time in a linear fashion. The implantation, warfarin was continued for 45 days to allow endo-
advantage of rivaroxaban over dabigatran is a once-daily formula- thelialization of the device. Warfarin was discontinued and
tion (20 mg). replaced with aspirin and clopidogrel for 6 months if TEE at 45
Rivaroxaban proved to be at least as effective as warfarin in days showed either no or minimal flow into the LAA and no
preventing AF-related strokes in 14,264 patients enrolled in a thrombus and no clinical events occurred. At 45 days, 85% of
double-blind, double-dummy (unlike the RE-LY study)trial, the patients in the device group were able to discontinue warfarin.
Rivaroxaban Once Daily, Oral, Direct Factor Xa Inhibition Com- The primary composite endpoint of all strokes, systemic throm-
pared with Vitamin K Antagonism for Prevention of Stroke and boembolism, and cardiovascular or unexplained death and sys-
Embolism Trial in Atrial Fibrillation (ROCKET-AF) trial.204 The temic thromboembolism occurred at a rate of 3 per 100
primary outcome of stroke or systemic embolism occurred in 1.7% patient-years in the device group and 4.4 per 100 patient-years in
in the rivaroxaban group and 2.2% in the warfarin group (P for the warfarin group. However, the primary safety endpoints, which
noninferiority <.001). In the prespecified on-treatment analysis, included peri-procedural events (stroke and long-term bleeding
rivaroxaban was associated with a 21% reduction in the primary or device embolization) were more common in the device group
endpoint events compared with warfarin (1.7% vs. 2.15%; P = .015) (7.4 vs. 4.4 per 100 patient-years), with pericardial tamponade
(see Figure 42-41). Similar to dabigatran, rivaroxaban causes fewer occurring in 5.5%. This has been explained by a steep learning
intracranial bleeding compared with warfarin (0.5% vs. 0.67%). curve; in the subsequent Continued Access Protocol (CAP) reg-
Apixaban at 5 mg twice daily significantly outperformed aspirin istry, the incidence of pericardial effusion decreased to 1.1%.209
in the Apixaban Versus Acetylsalicylic Acid to Prevent Stroke in The performance of the device will be further tested in several
Atrial Fibrillation Patients Who Have Failed or Are Unsuitable for randomized controlled studies and registries (Table 42-13).
Vitamin K Antagonist Treatment (AVERROES) trial of 5599
patients, who, for a variety of reasons, were not candidates for war-
farin.205 Apixaban reduced the risk of stroke or systemic embolism Rhythm Control Versus Rate
by 55% compared with aspirin (1.6% vs. 3.7%) without an increase Control Strategies
in the risk of major bleeding (1.4% vs. 1.2%; P = .57; Figure 42-41).
Apixaban 5 mg twice daily (or 2.5 mg twice daily for patients
at risk of bleeding, e.g., very old, with renal impairment) and Two prime treatment strategies are rhythm control and rate
edoxaban 30 and 60 mg once daily are being compared with control. Intuitively, rhythm control is a more attractive treatment
warfarin in two large double-blind, double-dummy studies: Apix- strategy, as it offers physiological rate control, normal atrial acti-
aban for Reduction in Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Events vation and contraction, the correct sequence of AV activation,
in Atrial Fibrillation (ARISTOTLE) in more than 18,000 patients and normal hemodynamic and AV valve function and theoreti-
with AF and Effective Anticoagulation with Factor xA Next Gen- cally eliminates factors that encourage thrombosis within the atria
eration in Atrial Fibrillation (ENGAGE-AF) in 16,500 patients and embolization of blood clots to potentially critical part of the
with a CHADS2 score of 2 or more. circulation. Advantages of the rate control approach include
Atrial Fibrillation  603

Table 42-13  Clinical Experience and Ongoing Studies with Watchman* Left Atrial Appendage Occluder System


Pilot 66 8 No 318 patient-years of follow-up

30 patients with ≥5 years of follow-up

PROTECT-AF 800 (453 with device) 59 Warfarin 1500 patient-years of follow-up

Mean follow-up: 27 months per patient
Demonstrated noninferiority to warfarin

CAP (Registry) 567 26 No Significantly improved safety results

ASAP 100 4 No Patients with contraindications to warfarin

EVOLVE 43 3 No Evaluation of next-generation Watchman

PREVAIL 400 50 Warfarin Same endpoints as in PROTECT-AF

Revised inclusion/exclusion criteria: CHADS2 score ≥2
Enrolment started November 2010

See text for expansion of study names.

*Atritech, Plymouth, MN.

Cumulative mortality (%)

P = .08 Rate control

25 Survival rate (%) 80
Rhythm control
20 60
Rhythm control P = .59
15 Rate
control 40
5 20

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 12 24 36 48 60
A Years B Months of follow-up

FIGURE 42-44  Kaplan-Meier curves for cumulative all-cause mortality in the rhythm control group and the rate control group in the Atrial Fibrillation
Follow up Investigation of Rhythm Management (AFFIRM) (A) and Atrial Fibrillation Congestive Heart Failure (AF-CHF) (B) trials. (From Wyse DG, Waldo
AL, DiMarco JP, et al: A comparison of rate control and rhythm control in patients with atrial fibrillation, N Engl J Med 347:1825–1833, 2002; Roy D, Talajic M,
Nattel S, et al, for the Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive Heart Failure Investigators: Rhythm control versus rate control for atrial fibrillation and heart failure, N
Engl J Med 358:2667–2677, 2008.)

avoiding the potential toxicity of antiarrhythmic drugs and the were the AFFIRM trial, the Rate Control Versus Electrical Car-
risks and discomfort associated with electrical cardioversion or dioversion (RACE) trial and, most recently, the Atrial Fibrillation
invasive ablation for recurrences of AF. Congestive Heart Failure (AF-CHF) trial (Table 42-14).210-212 A
However, sinus rhythm with normal AV conduction may not series of pilot studies, including the Pharmacological Intervention
be an alternative to the arrhythmia, since sinus node disease may in Atrial Fibrillation (PIAF), Strategies of Treatment of Atrial
be the underlying problem, and chronotropic incompetence may Fibrillation (STAF), and How to Treat Chronic Atrial Fibrillation
well be present. Atrial conduction and mechanical function may (HOT CAFÉ), among others, were also performed.213-215 These
be seriously impaired, and atrial contraction may not contribute studies all directly and prospectively compared the effect of
much to cardiac output. Furthermore, it is not unusual for patients rhythm control treatment strategies versus rate control strategies
to be relieved of their symptoms when the arrhythmia is estab- on patient outcomes. In general, a trend toward improved survival
lished and becomes permanent. Often, the only symptoms that and less serious cardiovascular adverse events has been seen in
remain are a minor limitation of exercise tolerance and a subtle association with rate control rather than with rhythm control.
reduction in the quality of life. Therefore a genuine equipoise The AFFIRM study of 4060 AF patients aged 65 years or older
exists as to whether it is best to accept the arrhythmia while with at least one risk factor for stroke was the only one designed
controlling the ventricular rate and preventing thromboembolic to assess the mortality benefit of different strategies in AF.210 The
complications with anticoagulant therapy or to restore and main- mean follow-up was 3.5 years, with a maximum of 6 years. No
tain sinus rhythm. difference was seen in the primary endpoint of all-cause mortality
The difficulties in rhythm control management, principally the as well as quality of life and functional status between rate control
high AF recurrence rate, and the concern for serious adverse and rhythm control (Figure 42-44, B). It was, however, clear that
effects associated with antiarrhythmic drug therapy finally led to these trials had not included younger, active, or highly symptom-
rate control versus rhythm control studies. The major studies atic patients, and the concept of an initial rate control strategy
Table 42-14  Clinical Outcomes in Rhythm-Control vs. Rate-Control Studies




PIAF 252 1 Symptom   Symptoms improved in 70 Not assessed Not assessed Not assessed 69% vs. 24% (P = .001)a No difference
improvement vs. 76 patients (P = .317)

STAF 200 1.6 ACM, CV event, CPR,   5.54%/year vs. 6.09%/year 2.5%/year vs.   3.1%/year vs. 0.6%/ Better with rate 54% vs. 26% (P <.001) No difference
604  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

TE (P = .99) 4.9%/year year control

HOT   205 1.7 ACM, TE, bleeding No difference (OR, 1.98; 3 (2.9%) vs.   3 (2.9%) vs. 1 (1%) No difference 74% vs. 12% (P < .001) Not reported
CAFÉ 95% CI, 0.28-22.3; P > 1 (1%)

RACE 522 2.3 CV death, 22.6% vs. 17.2% (HR, 0.73; 6.8% vs. 7% 7.9% vs. 5.5% rhythm 4.5% vs. 3.5% More in rhythm control No difference
hospitalization for   90% CI, 0.53-1.01; P = control vs. rate
CHF, TE, bleeding, .11) control
pacemaker, adverse
event on AAD

AFFIRM 4060 3.5 ACM 23.8% vs. 21.3% (HR, 1.15; As above Stroke: 7.1% vs. 5.5% 2.7% vs. 2.1% (P = .58) 80% vs. 73% (P < .001)* No difference
95% CI, 0.99-1.34; P = (P = .79)

AF-CHF 1376 3.1 CV mortality 27% vs. 25% (HR, 1.06; 32% vs. 33%   3% vs. 4% (P = .32) 28% vs. 31% (P = .17) 46% vs. 39% (P = .0063) Not yet
95% CI, 0.86-1.3; P = .59) (P = .68) available

CRRAFT 144 1 Clinical improvement Significant improvement 0 vs. 5 (P = .023) Functional class 8.9% vs. 15% (P = .51) Improved in
with rhythm control improved in 60% 86.7% vs.
vs. 17.5% (P = 50% (P =
.0014) .033)

J-RHYTHM 823 1.6 ACM, TE, bleeding, 15.3% vs. 22% (P = .0128) 4 (1%) vs.   0.5% vs. 1.5% Not reported Better with
hospitalization for   3 (0.7%) rhythm
CHF, adverse event control

*Including hospitalization for cardioversion.

AAD, Antiarrhythmic drug; ACM, all-cause mortality; AF, atrial fibrillation; AF-CHF, Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive Heart Failure; AFFIRM, Atrial Fibrillation Follow-up Investigation of Rhythm Management; CHF, congestive heart failure; CI, confidence
interval; CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; CRRAFT, Control of Rate Versus Rhythm in Rheumatic Study in Rheumatic Atrial Fibrillation Trial; CV, cardiovascular; HOT CAFÉ, How to Treat Chronic Atrial Fibrillation; HR, hazard ratio; OR, odds ratio;
PIAF, Pharmacological Intervention in Atrial Fibrillation; QoL, quality of life; RACE, Rate Control versus Electrical Cardioversion; RR, relative risk; STAF, Strategies of Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation; TE, thromboembolic event.
From Savelieva I, Waldo A, Camm AJ: Atrial fibrillation: Rhythm and rate control therapies. In Yusuf S, Cairns JA, Camm AJ, et al, editors: Evidence-based cardiology, New York, 2009, Wiley-Blackwell, pp 531–567.
Atrial Fibrillation  605

should not have been automatically applied to their 42-45).217 Longer duration of the arrhythmia, greater weight, and
Post hoc analysis of the AFFIRM trial, after correction for any
mismatch of baseline characteristics, demonstrated that being in
sinus rhythm was an advantage but that use of the then-available
higher transthoracic impedance are associated with lower shock
success. Left atrial size does not predict the outcome of cardiover-
sion (which is successful in 83% of patients with a significantly
enlarged left atrium), and neither does advanced age. Studies in
antiarrhythmic drugs was associated with increased risk of older patients have demonstrated that the efficacy rate and the
death.216 incidence of complications of electrical cardioversion are not sig-
In the AF-CHF trial, rate- and rhythm-control strategies were nificantly higher than in younger individuals, suggesting that a
compared specifically in 1376 patients with an ejection fraction patient should not be refused electrical restoration of sinus
(EF) of 35% or less and NYHA class II to IV heart failure.212 rhythm merely on the grounds of age.218 Age and advanced atrial
Amiodarone was the drug of choice for AF suppression and sinus remodeling are probably more important determinants of the
rhythm maintenance, but sotalol and dofetilide were used in subsequent long-term maintenance of sinus rhythm.
selected cases. The study showed no benefit of rhythm control in AFL can be converted with a direct current shock as low as 25
addition to optimal medical therapy with regard to the primary to 50 J but because a 100-J shock is almost always successful, it
endpoint (cardiovascular mortality) (see Figure 42-44, B) as well should be considered for the initial shock strength. In AF that has
as prespecified secondary endpoints, including total death, wors- lasted less than 30 days, sinus rhythm can be restored by a shock
ening heart failure, stroke, and hospitalization. of 100 J, but it is recommended that cardioversion should be
The closely similar primary endpoint results for the rhythm- started with the initial shock energy level of 200 J or greater. In
control and rate-control strategies were probably caused by a those with AF of longer duration, in heavier individuals, or in
general failure to achieve a clear difference with respect to rhythm those with COPD and pulmonary emphysema, an initial setting
and rate status in the two arms of the trials. Ideally, the rhythm- of 300 to 360 J is appropriate (Figure 42-46). Success may occur
control arm should have comprised patients who were in sinus on the third or subsequent attempt at an intensity that initially
rhythm, and the rate control arm should have consisted mostly of
patients in AF. This was not usually the case; for example, in the
AFFIRM trial, only 60% of the rhythm-control arm were main-
tained in sinus rhythm, whereas 40% of the rate-control arm had Unsuccessful cardioversion (%) 30 28
reverted spontaneously to sinus rhythm.
The results of rate-control versus rhythm-control studies high- 25
lighted the limitations of the current therapies to achieve and
maintain sinus rhythm. Long-term maintenance of sinus rhythm 20
has proven difficult to achieve in patients with persistent AF, and
15 13
the method is time consuming and expensive because of the costs
of antiarrhythmic drugs and the increased need for hospitaliza- 10 8
tion. Thus the trend toward rate control on the grounds of safety 5
may be reversed if safer and more effective rhythm control thera- 5
pies become available.
48 h 48 h1 mo 16 mo 612 mo 12 mo
Restoration of Sinus Rhythm Duration of atrial fibrillation

Electrical Cardioversion FIGURE 42-45  Prevalence of unsuccessful electrical cardioversion as

The overall success rate is 90% to 95% with electrical cardiover- a function of duration of the arrhythmia. (Modified from Elhendy A,
Gentile F, Khanderia BK, et al: Predictors of unsuccessful electrical
sion for AF that occurred less than 48 hours earlier and decreases
cardioversion in atrial fibrillation, Am J Cardiol 89;83–86, 2002.)
to 72% to 78% if the arrhythmia is present for 1 year (Figure

Atrial fibrillation Ventricular
shock Sinus rhythm
ectopic beat


FIGURE 42-46  Electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation. DC, Direct current.

606  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

proves ineffective. The higher energy levels required for electrical shown to prevent early recurrence and to facilitate either external
cardioversion of AF compared with that for AFL and other supra- or internal electrical conversion of atrial tachyarrhythmias.223-226
ventricular tachyarrhythmias can probably be attributed to larger The synergistic effect with antiarrhythmic drugs may be attrib-
amount of tissue being in a partially refractory state, during which uted to the prolongation of the atrial effective refractory period
the defibrillation threshold is four times higher than in the resting (ERP), conversion of AF to a more organized atrial rhythm, and
state. suppression of APBs immediately after restoration of sinus
For successful cardioversion, the current vector must trans- rhythm. However, pretreatment with antiarrhythmic drugs may
verse a critical atrial mass, and the anteroposterior electrode posi- also favor ventricular proarrhythmias and bradycardia in the pres-
tion appears to provide the optimal current vector direction. The ence of sinus node dysfunction. Data on the use of verapamil and
energy requirement tends to be lower and the success rate greater diltiazem for facilitating electrical cardioversion have been
(87% vs. 76%) with the anteroposterior (sternum and left scapula) inconclusive.
alignment compared with the anterolateral (ventricular apex and
right infraclavicular area) alignment of the electrode paddles.219
Complications of Electrical Cardioversion
However, depending on the individual patient, the anterolateral
electrode position may be more effective. Complications associated with electrical cardioversion are mainly
The use of biphasic waveform of direct current (DC) appears related to thromboembolic events, which have been reported to
to achieve a higher rate of conversion to sinus rhythm at a lower occur at a rate of 1% to 7% in the absence of anticoagulation
energy level compared with the monophasic waveform.220 In con- therapy, and various, usually transient, tachyarrhythmias and
trast to the monophasic waveform, the biphasic waveform is rela- bradyarrhythmias such as ventricular and supraventricular pre-
tively insensitive to changes in transthoracic impedance because mature beats, runs of SVT, bradycardia, and short periods of sinus
of impedance compensation, which ensures a constant current in arrest.227,228 VT or VF may be precipitated by electrolyte imbal-
the first phase. The result is a decrease in defibrillation threshold ance (hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia) or digitalis intoxication.
by approximately one third. In the randomized, double-blind Transient ST-segment elevation and increased cardiac enzymes
BiCard study, the success rate was consistently higher for trun- plasma levels (primarily, creatine kinase), which may occur fol-
cated exponential biphasic shock than for monophasic shock at lowing electrical cardioversion, are not considered to be associ-
the shared energy level of 100 J (60% vs. 22%) and 200 J (90% vs. ated with clinically significant myocardial damage. In patients
53%).220 The biphasic waveform is also associated with a lower with underlying organic heart disease and significantly impaired
frequency of dermal injury. left ventricular function, a small risk of the development of acute
heart failure and pulmonary edema exists because of a sudden
reduction in cardiac output from postcardioversion-related bra-
Early Recurrence after Cardioversion
dycardia and the absence of mechanical contribution of the
Early recurrence of AF has been reported in 10% to 30% patients, stunned atria.
usually within 1 minute of successful cardioversion, resulting in Although external cardioversion is feasible in patients with
the reduction of the primary success rate of cardioversion.221,222 implanted pacemakers and ICDs, electricity conducted along
The majority (91%) of episodes being initiated by an atrial prema- an implanted lead may cause local myocardial injury, resulting
ture beat with a short coupling interval and 9% occurring after a in an increase of pacing threshold or exit block and loss of
preceding bradycardia (Figure 42-47).222 Early recurrence of AF capture and necessitating reprogramming of the device to
often requires repeat shock, usually at higher energy level and in increase generator output. The risk is lower with an anteropos-
combination with antiarrhythmic drugs. Anecdotal evidence sug- terior position of defibrillator electrodes and in pacemakers with
gests that overdrive atrial pacing after cardioversion may prevent bipolar lead systems. However, the device should be interrogated
early recurrence of AF by eliminating triggers of the arrhythmia immediately before and after cardioversion to verify appropriate
such as short-long sequences produced by frequent atrial prema- function.
ture beats and bradycardia.222
A variety of antiarrhythmic drugs, including propafenone, fle-
Anticoagulation During Cardioversion
cainide, sotalol, ibutilide, and amiodarone, have recently been
Early evidence suggests a significantly lower incidence of throm-
boembolic complications associated with electrical cardioversion
for atrial tachyarrhythmias in patients receiving oral anticoagula-
tion compared with those without anticoagulation therapy (0.8%
vs. 5.3%).227 The beneficial effects of anticoagulation are probably
associated with thrombus organization and adherence to the
atrial wall or to complete thrombus resolution after a month of
therapy. Therefore, for patients undergoing elective cardioversion,
oral anticoagulation with warfarin (target INR, 2.5; range, 2 to 3)
is recommended for at least 4 weeks before the procedure and
should be continued for at least 4 weeks after cardioversion or
indefinitely in the presence of risk factors for stroke. In patients
presenting with their first AF episode of less than 48 hours dura-
tion, cardioversion may be performed without delay, provided
FIGURE 42-47  Early recurrence of atrial fibrillation within seconds that it is covered with low-molecular-weight heparin. Postcardio-
after successful electrical cardioversion. Note the presence of atrial
version anticoagulation should be considered if thromboembolic
premature beats (arrow) that initiates atrial fibrillation.
risk factors are present.
Atrial Fibrillation  607

Cardioversion Guided by Transesophageal Echocardiography Flecainide and Propafenone
TEE has emerged as the most sensitive and specific imaging tech- Class IC agents, flecainide and propafenone, are reserved for the
nique for the detection of left atrial thrombi, also permitting treatment of patients without any form of ischemic heart disease
assessment of the LAA flow. The TEE-guided strategy with short- or CHF. Intravenous propafenone and flecainide are extremely
term anticoagulation is a safe and effective alternative in patients effective in cardioversion of recent-onset AF (usually 1 to 72
for whom early cardioversion is deemed clinically beneficial. It is hours), with conversion rates as high as 80% to 90% within an
ideal for inpatients with recent-onset AF and AFL or individuals hour after the start of infusion.230,231 Class IC agents may cause
at high risk of bleeding complications during prolonged antico- 1 : 1 AV conduction with a rapid ventricular response because of
agulation therapy. The rate of embolic events did not differ the slowing of the atrial rate, so concomitant administration of
between patients assigned to TEE-guided cardioversion and those AV node–blocking agents (β-blockers, verapamil, or diltiazem) is
assigned to the conventional strategy of anticoagulation for 3 mandatory. Other cardiovascular effects include reversible QRS
weeks prior to cardioversion, but the incidence of major and widening and, rarely, left ventricular decompensation from the
minor hemorrhagic complications was significantly lower in the negative inotropic effect.
TEE-guided group compared with the conventional therapy Class IC drugs usually are ineffective for conversion of AFL.
group (2.9% vs. 5.5%).176 They slow conduction within the re-entrant circuit and prolong
the flutter cycle length but rarely interrupt the circuit, and a
greater risk of 1 : 1 AV conduction is present. The efficacy rates
Pharmacologic Cardioversion
are reported to be as low as 13% to 40% with intravenous fle-
Pharmacologic cardioversion is considered to be most effective if cainide and propafenone. Anecdotal evidence suggests that class
initiated within 7 days after the onset of the arrhythmia, in which IC agents can terminate AT.232
case restoration of sinus rhythm can be achieved in nearly 70% of
patients, but the success rate decreases significantly if AF persists
Pill-in-the-Pocket Approach
beyond this limit. The likelihood of spontaneous conversion
varies greatly but is mainly determined by the duration of the The advantage of propafenone and flecainide is that they can
arrhythmia, the number of previous recurrences, and the severity be administered orally for the cardioversion of AF; the conver-
of underlying heart disease. Spontaneous conversion to sinus sion rates are comparable with those achieved with intravenous
rhythm may occur in up 66% of patients within 24 hours after formulations, although the effect is expectedly delayed. In a meta-
onset of the arrhythmia (Figure 42-48) and in only 17% of those analysis of 1843 patients from 27 studies, intravenous or oral
with the arrhythmia of longer duration (OR, 1.8).229 propafenone demonstrated a placebo-subtracted efficacy of 31.5%
Pharmacologic cardioversion can be achieved with oral or at 4 hours and 32.9% at 8 hours.233 After oral administration of
intravenous medication. Antiarrhythmic drugs with proven effi- a single loading dose of propafenone (usually 450 to 600  mg)
cacy for cardioversion of atrial tachyarrhythmias are listed in or flecainide (usually 200 to 300  mg), sinus rhythm was restored
Table 42-15. An intravenous agent is usually chosen when used in 51% to 59% at 3 hours and 72% to 78% at 8 hours, respec-
as an alternative to electrical cardioversion in hemodynamically tively, compared with respective conversion rates of 18% and
stable patients in the hospital setting. The choice of the drug 39% on placebo.234 Across the studies, the success rates ranged
is determined by the presence of underlying heart disease from 56% to 83% for propafenone and from 57% to 68% for
(Figure 42-49). flecainide.235


30 FIGURE 42-48  Incidence of spontaneous
20 conversion to sinus rhythm of recent onset (<7
days) atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter in
10 prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled
0 studies. (Modified from Slavik RS, Tisdale JE, Borzak
1h 2h 4h 6h 8h 12 h 24 h 48 h S: Pharmacologic conversion of atrial fibrillation: A
systemic review of available evidence, Prog
Time Cardiovasc Dis 44:121–152, 2001.)
608  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Table 42-15  Antiarrhythmic Drugs for Pharmacologic Conversion of Atrial Tachyarrhythmias


Dofetilide Oral 125-500 mg twice daily* I I QT prolongation; torsades

de pointes;
contraindicated if
creatinine clearance
<20 mL/min

Ibutilide IV 1 mg over 10 min; repeat 1 mg   I IIA QT prolongation; torsades

if necessary de pointes; hypotension

Flecainide Oral or IV Loading dose 200-300 mg or I IIB Rapidly conducted atrial

1.5-3.0 mg/kg over 10-20 min flutter; possible
deterioration of
ventricular function in
the presence of organic
heart disease

Propafenone Oral or IV Loading dose 450-600 mg or I IIB

1.5-2.0 mg/kg over 10-20 min

Amiodarone Oral or IV Inpatient: 1200-1800 mg daily in IIA IIA Hypotension; bradycardia;

divided doses until 10 g total; QT prolongation;
then 200-400 mg daily torsades de pointes
Outpatient: 600-800 mg daily (rare); gastrointestinal
until 10 g total; then upset; constipation;
200-400 mg daily 5-7 mg/kg phlebitis
over 30-60 min intravenously;
then 1200-1800 mg daily oral
until 10 g total; then
200-400 mg daily

Quinidine Oral 750-1500 mg in divided doses IIB IIB QT prolongation; torsades

over 6-12 hours + rate-slowing de pointes; QRS
drug (verapamil or β-blocker) widening; rapid atrial
flutter; hypotension;
gastrointestinal upset

Procainamide† IV 1000 mg over 30 min (33 mg/ IIB IIB QRS widening; torsades de
min) followed by 2 mg/min pointes; rapid atrial
infusion flutter

Sotalol† Oral 80 mg initial dose; then160- III III QT prolongation; torsades
320 mg in divided doses de pointes; bradycardia

*Dose depends on creatinine clearance: >60 mL/min, 500 mg; 40-60 mL/min, 250 mg; 20-40 mL/min, 125 mg twice daily.
†Less effective or incompletely studied agents; dose regimens vary in different studies.

In a proof-of-concept study in a selected cohort of 210 patients administered intravenously as a 10-minute infusion of 1 to
who had been successfully treated in hospital with either oral 2  mg.238 In direct comparison studies, ibutilide was more effec-
flecainide or propafenone for paroxysmal AF, a single oral dose tive than procainamide (76% vs. 14%) and sotalol (70% vs.
taken within 5 minutes of noticing palpitations was associated 19%) for conversion of AFL.239,240 The success rates for conver-
with termination of the arrhythmia and an almost 10-fold reduc- sion of AF were lower: 51% compared with 21% on procain-
tion in the monthly number of visits to emergency departments.236 amide and 44% compared with 11% on sotalol. The rate of
It is mandatory that the efficacy and safety of this strategy is first successful conversion decreases if the arrhythmia persists for
tested in the hospital.237 more than 7 days: from 71% to 57% for AFL and from 46%
to only 18% for AF. Higher doses of ibutilide administered as
two successive infusions of 1  mg are usually required for ter-
mination of AF.238
Class III ibutilide has proved to be effective for conversion of Like many of the class III antiarrhythmic drugs, ibutilide may
AF and particularly AFL in randomized, placebo-controlled cause significant Q-T interval prolongation and ventricular proar-
studies and direct comparisons with procainamide and sotalol rhythmias. The incidence of sustained polymorphic VT requiring
(Table 42-16).238-240 The conversion rate for AFL is twice as electrical cardioversion has been reported to be 0.5% to 1.7%; for
much higher than for AF (63% vs. 31%), with ibutilide nonsustained VT, the incidence is 2.6% to 6.7%.238,240 Data are not
Atrial Fibrillation  609

Recent onset AF (<48 hours)

Hemodynamic instability

Yes No

Structural heart disease

Yes No


Yes No

DC cardioversion Intravenous Intravenous Intravenous FIGURE 42-49  Selection of electrical or pharmacological

amiodarone vernakalant flecainide, cardioversion and antiarrhythmic drugs for pharmacologic
procainamide, cardioversion of acute atrial fibrillation (AF). CHF, Congestive
heart failure; DC, direct current; NYHA, New York Heart

sufficient to support the use of ibutilide in patients with signifi-
cant structural heart disease. Amiodarone can be used for the cardioversion of AF of any dura-
tion. A meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled studies with
1174 patients has shown that intravenous amiodarone is more
effective in converting AF and AFL compared with placebo, with
The efficacy of sotalol for the cardioversion for AF and AFL is a 44% superiority and almost equal effectiveness as class IC anti-
not superior to that of digoxin and placebo; therefore, it is not arrhythmic drugs; however, the effect is delayed by 24 hours.245
recommended for termination of atrial tachyarrhythmias, but it At 8 hours, the probability of restoration of sinus rhythm is 65%
is effective for rate control. The conversion rate was 11% to 13% higher with flecainide or propafenone than with amiodarone.
with sotalol versus 14% on placebo in the double-blind phase Intravenous amiodarone has a modest effect on atrial refrac-
and 30% in the open-label phase.241 Bradycardia and hypotension toriness and, therefore, is moderately effective in terminating the
are the most common adverse effects with an incidence of 6.5% arrhythmia in the emergency setting, but unlike class IC agents,
and 3.7%, respectively.240 The failure of sotalol to terminate atrial amiodarone does not have any negative inotropic effect, controls
tachyarrhythmias relates to its ability to prolong the atrial ERP the ventricular rate, and is associated with a low incidence of
at lower atrial rates but not during rapid AF or AFL (reverse torsades de pointes. All this makes it safe to be used in patients
use-dependency). with advanced structural heart disease. Amiodarone prolongs the
Q-T interval but, unlike pure class III agents, exhibits a low
arrhythmogenic potential (less than 1%). The most common
effects of intravenous amiodarone are hypotension and relative
bradycardia. Data supporting the use of amiodarone as first-line
On the basis of the results of three large prospective studies— treatment of AFL and AT are inconsistent, but theoretically, it is
Danish Investigations of Arrhythmia and Mortality on Dofetilide preferred for patients with poor ventricular function.
(DIAMOND), Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation Investigative
Research on Dofetilide (SAFIRE-D), and European and Australian
Multicenter Evaluative Research on Atrial Fibrillation Dofetilide
(EMERALD)—the oral formulation of dofetilide has attained a The class IA drug procainamide has been shown to facilitate
class I indication for the cardioversion of both recent-onset AF conversion of AF of less than 48 hours, but its efficacy is limited
and persistent AF, and patients with significant structural heart in AF of longer duration. The conversion rates with procainamide
disease (see Table 42-16) are included.242-244 In the DIAMOND-AF administered intravenously at a dose 1000 to 1200 mg over 30
substudy of 506 patients with AF or AFL at baseline, 75% of whom minutes ranged from 21% to 70%.246 Procainamide can only be
had symptomatic heart failure and an EF less than 35%, treatment used when myocardial ischemia, MI, left ventricular hypertrophy,
with dofetilide at the maximum dose of 500 µg twice daily was or left ventricular systolic dysfunction are not evident. Although
associated with a greater rate of conversion to sinus rhythm (44% no specific evidence exists, the drug is usually avoided in diastolic
vs. 14%) and a greater probability of remaining in sinus rhythm at CHF.
1 year (79% vs. 42%). 242
The incidence of torsades de pointes varies between 0.6% and
3.3%, with more than three quarters of episodes occurring during
the first 3 to 4 days of drug initiation. Dofetilide appears to be safe Vernakalant is a new arrhythmic drug agent with an affinity for
in patients with MI and CHF; the dosage, however, should be ion channels specifically involved in repolarization processes in
adjusted according to renal function. atrial tissue, in particular, the ultra-rapid potassium repolarization
610  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Table 42-16  Studies of Class III Antiarrhythmic Drugs for Conversion and/or Maintenance of Sinus Rhythm in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation


Ibutilide Repeat Ibutilide 1.5 mg or 266; 50% 24 h 47% converted on NA 8.3% on ibutilide;
Dose Study39 2 mg IV with ibutilide vs. 2% on 1.7% required
AFL placebo; converted electrical
63% AFL vs 31% AF cardioversion

Randomized Ibutilide 1-2 mg IV vs. 127; 33% 24 h 58.3% converted on NA 0.8% on ibutilide
study of procainamide 1.2 g with ibutilide vs. 18.3% on
Ibutilide vs. IV AFL procainamide;  
Procainamide40 AFL 76% vs. 14%, AF
51% vs. 21%

Ibutilide/Sotalol Ibutilide 1 mg or 319; 18.5% 72 h AFL: 56%-70% converted NA 0.9% on ibutilide
Comparator 2 mg IV vs. with on ibutilide vs. 19% 2 mg; 0.5%
Study (ISCS)34 d,l-sotalol 1.5 mg/ AFL on sotalol AF: required electrical
kg IV 20%-44% converted cardioversion; none
on ibutilide vs. 11% on sotalol
on sotalol

d,l-Sotalol Atrial d, l-sotalol 160, 240, 253; 20% 1 year NA Time to first AF recurrence: None
Fibrillation/ 320 mg with 106, 229, 175 days on
Flutter Study AFL sotalol 160, 240, 320 mg
Group110 vs. 27 days on placebo

SOCESP112 Sotalol 160-320 mg 121 6 mo After cardioversion 26% on sotalol vs. 32% on 5% on sotalol vs. 2%
vs. quinidine quinidine; time to first AF on quinidine
600-800 mg recurrence 69 vs. 10 days
AF ≤72 hours: 7% relapsed
on sotalol vs. 36% on
AF >72 hours: 67% relapsed
on sotalol vs. 32% on

Bellandi111 Sotalol 240 mg 300 1 year After cardioversion 27% relapsed on sotalol vs. 4% on sotalol; 2%
Propafenone 37% on propafenone and required
450-900 mg 65% on placebo cardioversion

PAFAC93 Sotalol 320 mg 848 1 year After cardioversion 67% relapsed on sotalol vs. 2.3% on sotalol;
Quinidine + verapamil 65% on quinidine and ventricular
320/160 mg 83% on placebo tachycardia 0.5%
on sotalol vs. 1.1%
on quinidine

SOPAT94 Sotalol 320 mg 1012 1 year After cardioversion ~50% relapsed on sotalol or None; ventricular
Quinidine + verapamil quinidine vs. 38% on tachycardia 0.4%
480/240 mg, placebo; time to first AF on quinidine high
320/160 mg recurrence: 146 days on dose
sotalol vs. 149 (low dose)
and 150 (high dose) on

CTAF114 Amiodarone 200 mg 403 1.3 year After cardioversion 35% on amiodarone vs. 63% 1 (1%) on
vs. sotalol on sotalol or propafenone
160-320 mg or propafenone
450-600 mg

CHF-STAT55 Amiodarone 800 mg 667; 103 4.5 years 31.3% on amiodarone New-onset AF: 4% on Not stated
for 2 weeks; with AF vs. 7.7% on placebo amiodarone vs. 8% on
400 mg for 50 at placebo
weeks; baseline
maintenance dose
300 mg

SAFE-T36 Amiodarone 300 mg 665 4.5 years 27.1% converted on Time to first AF recurrence: 1 (0.4%) on sotalol
for the first year, amiodarone, 24.2% on 487 days on amiodarone,
200 mg thereafter; sotalol vs. 0.8% on 74 days on sotalol vs. 6
sotalol 320 mg placebo days on placebo

Atrial Fibrillation  611

Table 42-16  Studies of Class III Antiarrhythmic Drugs for Conversion and/or Maintenance of Sinus Rhythm in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation—cont’d


DDAFFS44 Dofetilide 8 µg/kg 96, 18% 24 h 30.3% converted on NA 3% on dofetilide

IV with dofetilide vs. 3.3% on
AFL placebo

DIAMOND-AF48 Dofetilide 500 µg 506 1.5 years 44% on dofetilide vs. 21% on dofetilide vs. 54% 3.3% on dofetilide
14% on placebo on placebo

SAFIRE-D46 Dofetilide 250, 500, 225 1 year 6.1%, 9.8%, 19.9% on 60%. 63%, 42% on dofetilide 0.8% on dofetilide;  
1000 µg dofetilide vs. 1.2% on vs. 75% on placebo 1 (0.4%)
placebo proarrhythmic

EMERALD47 Dofetilide 250, 500, 671 Phase 1: 72 h; 6%, 11%, 29% on 60%, 48%, 34% on dofetilide 3 (0.45%) torsades de
1000 µg phase 2: 2 dofetilide vs. 5% on vs. 79% on placebo at 1 pointes; 1 (0.15%)
years sotalol at 72 h year sudden cardiac

AF, Atrial fibrillation; AFL, atrial flutter; CHF-STAT, Congestive Heart Failure Survival Trial of Antiarrhythmic Therapy; CTAF, Canadian Trial of Atrial Fibrillation; DDAFS, Danish
Dofetilide in Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter Study; DIAMOND-AF, Danish Investigations of Arrhythmia and Mortality on Dofetilide; EMERALD, European and Australian Multicenter
Evaluative Research on Dofetilide; NA, not available; PAFAC, Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation After Cardioversion; SAFE-T, Sotalol Amiodarone Atrial Fibrillation Efficacy Trial; SAFIRE-D,
Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation Investigative Research on Dofetilide; SOCESP, Cardiology Society of São Paulo Investigators; SOPAT, Suppression of Paroxysmal Atrial Tachyarrhythmias.

Maintenance of sinus rhythm

No heart disease Hypertension CAD Heart failure

Dronedarone Substantial LVH Dofetilide Amiodarone

Flecainide Dronedarone Dofetilide
Propafenone Sotalol

No Yes

Amiodarone Catheter Dronedarone Amiodarone Amiodarone Catheter Catheter

Dofetilide ablation Flecainide ablation ablation

Amiodarone Catheter
Dofetilide ablation

FIGURE 42-50  Recommendations for maintenance of sinus rhythm in atrial fibrillation ACCF/AHA/HRS Focused Update. CAD, Coronary artery disease;
LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy. (From Wann LS, Curtis AB, January CT, et al: 2011 ACCF/AHA/HRS focused update on the management of patients with atrial
fibrillation (updating the 2006 guideline): A report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice
Guidelines, Circulation 4[123]:104–123, 2011.)

current IKur. Although the IKur current is the main target of ver- Trials (ACT), vernakalant was shown to be significantly more
nakalant, its mechanism of action involves blockade of several ion effective than placebo in converting AF of less than 7 days (51.7%
channels such as Ito, and INa, but little impact occurs on the major and 51.2% compared with 4% and 3.6%, respectively).248,249 Ver-
currents responsible for ventricular repolarization, such as IKr and nakalant was administered as a 10-minute infusion of 3 mg/kg,
IKs currents. and if AF persisted after 15 minutes, a second infusion of 2 mg/
The efficacy of vernakalant was investigated in one dose- kg was given. The median time to conversion was 8 to 11 minutes
finding and three medium-sized randomized clinical studies and and the majority of patients (75% to 82%) converted after the first
a phase IV open-label study (Table 42-17).247 In the randomized, dose (Figure 42-50). The highest efficacy was observed in AF of
double-blind, placebo-controlled Atrial arrhythmia Conversion up to 72 hours (70% to 80%). The results were reproduced in the
612  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Table 42-17  Summary of Clinical Studies of Vernakalant in Atrial Fibrillation



CRAFT 56 AF 3-72 h IV 0.5 mg/kg + Yes Conversion to SR during Converted to SR: 61% vs. 5%,
1 mg/kg or infusion or within 30 P < .001; patients in SR at
IV 2 mg/kg + minutes after the last 30 min 56% vs. 5%, P =
3 mg/kg infusion .016; only higher dose was

ACT I 336 AF 3 h to 45 days (3 h   IV 3 mg/kg + Yes Conversion to SR within 90 Converted to SR: 51.7% vs. 4%,
to 7 days, n = 220; 2 mg/kg minutes of drug initiation P < .001
8-45 days, n = 116) in AF 3 h to 7 days

ACT II 150 AF 3-72 h between 24 h IV. 3 mg/kg + Yes Conversion to SR within Converted to SR: 47% vs. 14%,
and 7 days after 2 mg/kg 90 min of drug initiation P < .001
cardiac surgery in AF 3 h to 7 days

ACT III 262 AF 3 h to 45 days (3 h   IV 3 mg/kg + Yes Conversion to SR within Converted to SR: 51.2% vs.
to 7 days, n = 170; 2 mg/kg 90 min of drug initiation 3.6%, P < .001
8-45 days, n = 69) in AF 3 h to 7 days

ACT IV 167 AF 3 h to 45 days (3 h   IV 3 mg/kg + No Conversion to SR within Converted to SR: 50.9%
to 7 days, n = 170; 2 mg/kg 90 min of drug initiation
8-45 days, n = 69) in AF 3 h to 7 days

Prevention   159 Persistent AF after Oral 300 or Yes SR at 1 mo Maintained SR at 1 mo: 61%
trial pharmacologic 600 mg bid (each group) vs. 43% on
(vernakalant) or placebo

Prevention trial, 446 Persistent AF after Oral 150, 300, or Yes SR at 3 mo Maintained SR at 3 mo on
preliminary pharmacologic 500 mg bid 500 mg bid: 51% vs. 37%
results (vernakalant) or on placebo, P < .05; lower
electrical doses reduced AF rates, but
cardioversion not significant vs. placebo

ACT, Atria Arrhythmia Conversion Trial; AF, atrial fibrillation; CRAFT, Controlled Randomized Atrial Fibrillation Trial; IV, intravenous; SR, sinus rhythm.
Data from references 249 to 252.

open-label ACT IV study, in which vernakalant restored sinus uncertain. After cardioversion, approximately 25% to 50% of
rhythm in 50.9% within 14 minutes after the start of treatment. patients will experience recurrence of persistent AF within the
Vernakalant was significantly less effective in converting AF of first 1 to 2 months (early recurrence). Thereafter, the recurrence
more than 7 days and did not convert AFL. In direct comparisons, rate is about 10% per year (late recurrence). The goals of prophy-
vernakalant was significantly superior to intravenous amiodarone lactic antiarrhythmic drug therapy include prevention of the
in restoring sinus rhythm within 90 minutes after infusion (51.7% recurrence of AF or modification of paroxysms of the arrhythmia
vs. 5.2%; P < .0001).250 rendering them less symptomatic, less frequent, and less sus-
The drug was well tolerated, with no significant QT prolonga- tained or rendering them self-terminating, which may result in
tion or drug-related torsades de pointes. However, in the ACT I the reduction of AF burden and may be associated with a decrease
study, the QTc values after infusion were greater in the vernaka- in the risk of progression of AF and its complications such as left
lant group than in the placebo group, and 24% of patients in the ventricular dysfunction. Underlying structural heart disease is
vernakalant group had QTc greater than 500 ms as opposed to essential for the selection of an antiarrhythmic drug if the strategy
15% in the placebo group, but no torsades de pointes was reported of restoration and maintenance of sinus rhythm is a therapeutic
during the first 24 hours after infusion.248 The most common option (Figure 42-51).197
adverse effects of vernakalant were dysgeusia, sneezing, and Usually, antiarrhythmic drug therapy is not necessary, except
nausea (>5%). The drug is not indicated in patients with hypoten- in the case of a rate-slowing agent, if the cause of the arrhythmia,
sion, severe aortic stenosis, and advanced CHF. for example, acute illness or thyrotoxicosis, is transient or can be
completely eliminated medically.
Prevention of Recurrence
Prophylactic drug therapy to prevent recurrence of the arrhyth-
mia is recommended for patients with symptomatic paroxysmal β-Blockers are modestly effective in preventing AFL and AF and
AF with frequent paroxysms and for those with recurrent persis- are mainly used for rate control. Exceptions are adrenergically
tent AF when the likelihood of maintenance of sinus rhythm is mediated AF, AF caused by thyrotoxicosis, and AF associated with
Atrial Fibrillation  613

Placebo Quinidine and verapamil
90 Quinidine Class I
Propafenone Sotalol 160 mg

Patients in sinus rhythm at 1 year (%)

80 Amiodarone Sotalol









FIGURE 42-51  Efficacy of sotalol in comparison with other antiarrhythmic drugs for maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation.
AFFIRM, Atrial Fibrillation Follow up Investigation of Rhythm Management; CTAF, Canadian Trial of Atrial Fibrillation; d,l-SAFFS, d,l-Sotalol Atrial
Fibrillation/Flutter Study; PAFAC, Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation After Cardioversion; SOCESP, Cardiology Society of São Paulo Investigators; SOPAT,
Suppression of Paroxysmal Atrial Tachyarrhythmias.

heart surgery, in which case β-blockers may be the first-line propafenone SR 225, 325, and 425 mg twice daily, respectively.255
therapy. Anecdotal evidence suggests that β-blockers may be Sixty-five percent of patients treated with the highest dose of
more effective than placebo and equally effective as sotalol in 425 mg twice daily were free of symptomatic AF at the end of
preventing AF after electrical cardioversion.251,252 follow-up compared with only 20% in the placebo group, although
β-Blockers may prevent the development of AF associated the adverse effect rate was higher than with low-dose regimens.
with CHF. A meta-analysis of 7 studies in 11,952 patients showed The ERAFT study randomized 293 patients with paroxysmal AF
that therapy with β-blockers, as background therapy with ACE of longer duration (approximately 5 years) and more frequent
inhibitors and diuretics, was associated with a statistically signifi- paroxysms to propafenone SR 325 mg or 425 mg twice daily or
cant reduction in the incidence of new-onset AF from 39 to 28 placebo.256 The time to the first recurrence of the arrhythmia was
per 1000 patient-years (a 27% reduction in relative risk).253 shorter than in the RAFT study but still was prolonged from 5
days on placebo to 19 and 24 days on lower dose and high-dose
propafenone. The effects of propafenone were consistent in all
Propafenone and Flecainide
subgroups, including patients with structural heart disease and
A number of randomized, controlled studies addressed the long- long-term arrhythmia. However, patients with significant under-
term efficacy of class IC antiarrhythmic drugs in AF. Propafenone lying heart pathology were minimally represented in both studies.
and flecainide are recommended as first-line therapy for AF in
patients without significant structural heart disease such as CHF,
hypertension with left ventricular hypertrophy, previous MI, or
CAD with documented myocardial ischemia. Both propafenone The class III antiarrhythmic drug properties and the benefits of
and flecainide reduced the recurrence rate by two thirds, with no the rate-slowing action of sotalol prompted several randomized,
one drug showing an advantage over the other.254 In a meta- placebo-controlled and comparator studies, many of which
analysis of propafenone, the incidence of recurrent AF was 55.4% reported a higher efficacy of sotalol compared with that of
(51.3% to 59.7%) at 6 months and 56.8% (52.3% to 61.3%) at 1 placebo, quinidine, and propafenone (see Table 42-17 and Figure
year.233 All-cause mortality associated with propafenone was 0.3%. 42-41).257-260 Sotalol has proved to be an effective and safe prophy-
The efficacy of a sustained-release (SR) propafenone formula- lactic antiarrhythmic drug for AF in the absence of CHF, MI, or
tion, which allows twice-daily dosing, has been studied in the hypertension with significant left ventricular hypertrophy.
North American Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation Trial (RAFT) Because of its β-blocking effect, sotalol offers the additional
and its European equivalent, ERAFT.255,256 Both studies have benefit of ventricular rate slowing during recurrences.
shown that propafenone SR is superior to placebo in prolonging In the d,l-Sotalol Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter dose efficacy study
the time to first symptomatic recurrence of paroxysmal AF in of 253 patients (20% with AFL), sotalol significantly prolonged the
patients with minor structural heart disease. In the RAFT study, time to first symptomatic recurrence of the arrhythmia docu-
which included 523 patients with onset of AF within 1 to 1.5 years mented by transtelephonic monitoring from 27 days on placebo
prior to enrolment, time to AF recurrence was prolonged from to a maximum of 229 days in the active treatment group.257 The
41 days on placebo to 112, 291, and more than 300 days on dose of 120 mg twice daily was reported to be both safe and
614  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

effective in maintaining sinus rhythm compared with lower and In the dose-ranging Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation Investiga-
higher dose regimens (160 mg/day and 320 mg/day, respectively). tive Research on Dofetilide (SAFIRE-D) study of 325 patients with
Hypotension and bradycardia are the most common cardiovas- persistent AF or AFL for 2 to 26 weeks, dofetilide exhibited a
cular adverse effects of sotalol, with an incidence of 6% to 10%. dose-related effect: 40%, 37%, and 58% patients receiving 250, 500,
Proarrhythmias associated with Q-T interval prolongation were and 1000 µg of dofetilide, respectively, were in sinus rhythm after
observed in 1% to 4% of patients, usually within 72 hours of the 1 year compared with 25% in the placebo group.243 The median
first dose. time to relapse was 31, 179, and more than 365 days, respectively,
However, subsequent studies reported the limited efficacy of for the three dofetilide dose groups and 27 days for placebo.
sotalol compared with amiodarone, dofetilide, and the combina- Dofetilide was almost twice as effective for the long-term preven-
tion of quinidine and verapamil.87,261-263 In the Canadian Trial of tion of AFL than of AF (73% vs. 40%).
Atrial Fibrillation (CTAF), sotalol was significantly inferior to The major safety concern about dofetilide is its torsadogenic
amiodarone in the long-term maintenance of sinus rhythm (37% potential, which is dose related. The incidence of torsades de
vs. 65%).261 The Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiover- pointes varied between 0.6% and 3.3%, with more than three
sion (PAFAC) study demonstrated a 50% recurrence rate with quarters of episodes occurring during the first 3 to 4 days of drug
sotalol during 1 year of daily transtelephonic ECG monitoring initiation; it is therefore mandatory to initiate dofetilide in the
compared with 38% on the combination of quinidine and vera- hospital. Dofetilide is excreted predominantly via the kidneys, and
pamil.87 In the Sotalol Amiodarone Atrial Fibrillation Efficacy its dose should be adjusted for creatinine clearance; the drug
Trial (SAFE-T) study, sotalol 160 mg twice daily was superior to should not be prescribed in patients with significantly impaired
placebo but less effective than amiodarone in preventing AF renal function (creatinine clearance >20), hypokalemia, hypomag-
recurrence after pharmacologic or electrical cardioversion (the nesemia, or a Q-T interval of longer than 500 ms. If the Q-T
median time to recurrence was 6 days on placebo, 74 days of interval is prolonged to greater than 500 ms or more than 15%
sotalol, and 487 days on amiodarone).262 At 2 years, approximately versus baseline, the dose should be reduced.
30% of patients treated with sotalol remained in sinus rhythm
compared with 60% of patients on amiodarone and 10% of patients
on placebo. The efficacy of sotalol was similar to that of class I
antiarrhythmic drugs and inferior to that of amiodarone in the The potential of amiodarone to maintain sinus rhythm in patients
AFFIRM substudy (48%, 45%, and 66%, respectively).263 with AF, particularly in association with significant structural
heart disease, has been repeatedly shown in observational and
prospective, randomized, controlled studies. Therapy with amio-
darone reduced the incidence of sustained recurrence of AF by
Unlike class IC agents and sotalol, dofetilide is safe to use in 57% compared with sotalol and propafenone (Figure 42-52).261
patients with previous MI, CHF, or both. In the DIAMOND-AF Data from the Congestive Heart Failure Survival Trial of Antiar-
substudy of DIAMOND-CHF and DIAMOND-MI trials, 506 rhythmic Therapy (CHF-STAT) substudy showed that patients
patients with AF at baseline were more likely to remain in sinus who received amiodarone had fewer recurrence of AF and were
rhythm on treatment with dofetilide 500 µg twice daily compared twice as less likely to develop new AF compared with placebo.264
with placebo (79% vs. 42%).242 Dofetilide had no effect on mortal- The safety of amiodarone was indirectly demonstrated in the
ity rate in patients in whom AF persisted during the study, but AF-CHF study.212
restoration and maintenance of sinus rhythm was associated with Given its neutral effect on all-cause mortality, amiodarone
a 56% reduction in death. should be considered a drug of choice for management of atrial

Time to first recurrence

Probability of remaining in sunus rhythm

Probability of sinus rhythm at 1 year

Percentage of patients in sinus rhythm

100 1.0 Amiodarone, sotalol, placebo

Amiodarone vs. sotalol or propafenone
ITT: 487, 74, 6 days
69% vs. 39%, P < .001 0.9 Amiodarone vs. sotalol, P < .001
80 Hazard ratio 0.43 (95% Cl, 0.32–0.57) 0.8 Amiodarone vs. placebo, P < .001
Amiodarone 0.7 Sotalol vs. placebo, P < .001
60 0.6
0.5 Amiodarone
40 0.4
0.3 Sotalol
20 0.2
0.1 Placebo
0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
A Days B Days

FIGURE 42-52  Probability of remaining free from recurrent atrial fibrillation with amiodarone and sotalol in the Canadian Trial of Atrial Fibrillation
(CTAF) (A) and in the Sotalol Amiodarone Atrial Fibrillation Efficacy Trial (SAFE-T) (B). ITT, Intention to treat. (From Roy D, Talajic M, Dorian P, et al, for the
Canadian Trial of Atrial Fibrillation Investigators: Amiodarone to prevent recurrence of atrial fibrillation, N Engl J Med 342:913–920, 2000; and Singh BN, Singh
SN, Reda DJ, et al, Sotalol Amiodarone Atrial Fibrillation Efficacy Trial (SAFE-T) Investigators: Amiodarone versus sotalol for atrial fibrillation, N Engl J Med
352:1861–1872, 2005.)
Atrial Fibrillation  615

Table 42-18  Summary of Clinical Studies of Dronedarone in Atrial Fibrillation



DAFNE 199 After cardioversion 400 mg bid Yes Time to first AF 6 Dronedarone 400 mg bid
600 mg bid recurrence significantly prolonged
800 mg bid median time to first AF
recurrence vs. placebo:
60 vs. 5.3 days, P = .026);
relative risk reduction
55% (95% CI, 28%-72%;
P = .001)

EURIDIS 615 After cardioversion 400 mg bid Yes Time to first AF 12 Median time to first AF
recurrence recurrence was 41 days
on dronedarone vs. 96
days on placebo (P =

ADONIS 630 After cardioversion 400 mg bid Yes Time to first AF 12 Median time to first AF
recurrence recurrence was 59 days
on dronedarone vs. 158
days on placebo (P =

EURIDIS and 1237 After cardioversion 400 mg bid Yes (n = 409) All-cause mortality 12 Dronedarone reduced the
ADONIS and primary endpoint vs.
pooled hospitalizations placebo by 27% (95%
CI, 7%-43%; P = .01)

ERATO 630 Permanent AF with 400 mg bid Yes Mean 24-hour 1 Ventricular rates were 12
ventricular rates ventricular rate at beats/min lower on
>80 beats/min on 2 weeks dronedarone vs.
rate-control therapy placebo

ANDROMEDA 617 Congestive heart 400 mg bid Yes All-cause mortality 6 Stopped early because of
failure; EF <35% increased mortality rate
in the dronedarone arm
(8% vs. 3.8% on placebo;
hazard ratio, 2.3)

ATHENA 4628 Paroxysmal or 400 mg bid Yes All-cause mortality 21 ± 5 Dronedarone reduced the
persistent AF with and primary endpoint vs.
risk factors hospitalizations placebo by 24% (P <
for cardiac causes .001)

ACE, Angiotensin converting enzyme; ADONIS, American-Australian-African trial with Dronedarone in Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter for the Maintenance of Sinus Rhythm; AF, atrial
fibrillation; ANDROMEDA, Antiarrhythmic trial with Dronedarone in Moderate to Severe Heart Failure Evaluating Morbidity Decrease; ATHENA, A Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind,
Parallel Arm Trial to Assess the Efficacy of Dronedarone 400 mg bid for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Hospitalization or Death from Any Cause in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation/
Atrial Flutter; CI, confidence interval; DAFNE, Dronedarone Atrial Fibrillation study after Electrical Cardioversion; EF, ejection fraction; ERATO, Efficacy and Safety of Dronedarone for the
Control of Ventricular Rate; EURIDIS, European Trial in Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter Patients Receiving Dronedarone for the Maintenance of Sinus Rhythm.
From Savelieva I, Camm J: Anti-arrhythmic drug therapy for atrial fibrillation: current anti-arrhythmic drugs, investigational agents, and innovative approaches, Europace 10:647–665,

tachyarrhythmias in patients with CHF, hypertrophic cardiomy- profile. The antiarrhythmic potential of dronedarone and the
opathy, and hypertension in the presence of significant left ven- effects on mortality and morbidity have been studied in two
tricular hypertrophy. In addition to its antiarrhythmic effects, the high-quality, medium-sized efficacy and safety trials, and a
beneficial effects of amiodarone include its ability to control fast recently completed large-scale survival trial (Table 42-18).265,266
ventricular rates, which may be particularly deleterious in patients The European Trial in Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter Patients
with advanced heart disease; however, its long-term use as a rate- Receiving Dronedarone for the Maintenance of Sinus Rhythm
slowing agent is not recommended because of multi-organ (EURIDIS) and its American-Australian-African equivalent
toxicity. ADONIS have shown that dronedarone 400  mg twice daily (n =
828) was superior to placebo (n = 409) in the prevention of
recurrent paroxysmal and persistent AF and was also effective
in controlling ventricular rates.265 In the European trial, the
Dronedarone exhibits multiple electrophysiological effects, median time to the recurrence of arrhythmia (the primary end-
because of which it is similar to amiodarone, but it is devoid of point) was 41 days in the placebo group and 96 days in the
iodine substituents and is believed to have a better side effect dronedarone group (P = .01). In the American-Australian-African
616  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

counterpart, the corresponding time was 59 and 158 days, respec- 600 mg twice daily were more likely to maintain sinus rhythm at
tively (P = .002). 3 months after pharmacologic or electrical cardioversion com-
The post hoc analysis of the EURIDIS and ADONIS studies pared with placebo (51% vs. 37%). Torsades de pointes or drug-
showed that patients treated with dronedarone had a 27% reduc- related deaths were not reported in this study.
tion in relative risk of hospitalization for cardiovascular causes Evidence suggests that an antianginal drug, ranolazine, an
and death (22.8% vs. 30.9% on placebo).265 Subsequently, the inhibitor of the delayed sodium current, may also produce
Placebo Controlled, Double Blind Trial to Assess the Efficacy of an antiarrhythmic effect. Ranolazine increases atrial post-
Dronedarone for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Hospitaliza- repolarization refractoriness and delays conduction velocity,
tion or Death from Any Cause in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation which may reduce the likelihood of AF. Small uncontrolled or
and Flutter (ATHENA) trial with 4628 high-risk patients has poorly controlled studies suggest that ranolazine may be effective
demonstrated that therapy with dronedarone prolonged time to therapy for AF.269 Phase III studies of ranolazine in AF are pres-
first cardiovascular hospitalization or death from any cause (the ently planned.
composite primary endpoint) by 24% compared with placebo.266
This effect was driven by the reduction in cardiovascular hospi-
Where to Initiate Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy
talizations (25%), particularly hospitalizations for AF (37%). All-
cause mortality was similar in the dronedarone and placebo The issue of the proper site for the initiation of antiarrhythmic
groups (5% and 6%, respectively); however, dronedarone signifi- drug therapy for atrial tachyarrhythmias revolves around consid-
cantly reduced deaths from cardiovascular causes. erations of risk and practicality.270 Antiarrhythmic drugs that
However, two studies have identified patient subgroups in prolong repolarization confer an increased risk of proarrhythmia,
whom dronedarone may cause harm. First, the Antiarrhythmic particularly in the presence of baseline Q-T interval prolongation.
Trial with Dronedarone in Moderate to Severe Heart Failure The rate of torsades de pointes with class III agents is 0.9% to 3.3%.
Evaluating Morbidity Decrease (ANDROMEDA) in patients with Ibutilide and dofetilide exhibit reverse use dependence, that is, a
severe CHF was stopped prematurely after 627 patients out of greater potential to increase the ERP at slower heart rates, result-
the 1000 planned were enrolled because an interim safety analysis ing in proarrhythmic QT prolongation during bradycardia. Amio-
revealed an increase in deaths in the dronedarone arm compared darone may be an exception from these observations; although it
with the placebo arm (8% vs. 13.8%; HR, 2.13; 95% CI, 1.07 prolongs the Q-T interval and drug-induced torsades de pointes
to 4.25; P = .027).267 The adverse outcome of ANDROMEDA has been reported, the risk of proarrhythmia appears to be neg-
appears largely explained by an increase in creatinine in ligible. In contrast to most class III antiarrhythmic drugs, which
dronedarone-treated patients being misinterpreted as progressive preferentially prolong the M cell APD of the mid-myocardial layer
renal failure (caused by its effect on renal tubular excretion), and exaggerate trans-mural heterogeneity of repolarization,
prompting inappropriate discontinuation of otherwise life-saving amiodarone prolongs the APD of all ventricular cell subtypes.
treatment with ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor–blocking However, it does so the least in M cells, thereby reducing the
drugs. Consequently, the excess mortality rate related to drone- trans-mural dispersion of repolarization. Class IC agents are
darone was secondary to CHF. The risk of death was the greatest known to convert AF into AFL and slow atrial activity to 200
in patients with severely depressed ventricular function, and beats/min leading to 1 : 1 AV conduction.
more hospitalizations for heart failure occurred in the drone- Assessment of the efficacy and prompt recognition of adverse
darone arm. effects such as bradycardia, conduction abnormalities, Q-T
Second, the Permanent Atrial Fibrillation Outcome Study interval prolongation, proarrhythmias, and idiosyncrasy favor
(PALLAS) in patients with permanent AF and risk factors was in-hospital initiation. Patients at expectedly high risk of develop-
also stopped prematurely because of an increase in adverse events ing adverse effects or those in whom sinus node function is
in the dronedarone arm. unknown should be hospitalized for the initiation of antiarrhyth-
Therefore dronedarone is currently recommended for reduc- mic drug therapy. For some antiarrhythmic agents (e.g., dofeti-
ing the need for hospitalization for cardiovascular events in lide), a formal mandate for in-hospital initiation exists. However,
patients with paroxysmal AF or after conversion of persistent AF in the absence of proarrhythmic concerns and formal labeling,
but should not be used in patients with permanent AF or advanced convenience and cost-effectiveness favor out-of-hospital initia-
or recently decompensated CHF.197 tion (e.g., oral propafenone and flecainide in patients with lone
tachyarrhythmias). The same approach is valid for amiodarone,
given its long elimination half life and low probability of develop-
Investigational Antiarrhythmic Agents
ing torsades de pointes.
A raft of other amiodarone analogues is currently at various stages Table 42-19 summarizes current recommendations on
of development (Figure 42-53).237 Celivarone (SSR149744C) has in-hospital or out-of-hospital initiation of antiarrhythmic drug
been studied in a phase II dose-ranging study, Maintenance of treatment. As a general rule, antiarrhythmic drugs should be
Sinus Rhythm in Patients with Recent Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter started at a lower dose with upward titration, reassessing the ECG
(MAIA), with 673 patients who were randomized to one of four as each dose change is made or concomitant drug therapies are
doses (50, 100, 200, or 300 mg once daily) or to placebo. As with introduced. Transtelephonic monitoring is used to provide sur-
dronedarone, the higher doses of celivarone tended to be less veillance of heart rate, P-R and Q-T interval durations, QRS
effective than the lower doses. The lowest incidence of the recur- width, and assessment of the efficacy of treatment. Of note, even
rence at 90 days was 52.1% in the celivarone 50 mg compared with with in-hospital initiation, antiarrhythmic agents impose a risk of
67.1% in the placebo group. proarrhythmia developing later in the course of therapy, which
An oral formulation of vernakalant has been investigated in may be facilitated by progression of underlying heart disease,
medium-sized phase II studies.268 In a double-blind, placebo- electrolyte abnormalities, drug interactions, and changes in
controlled study (n = 446), patients treated with vernakalant absorption, metabolism, or clearance.
Atrial Fibrillation  617


No ACEIs or ARBs
Patients with atrial fibrillation (%)


52.1 51.4
48 49
44 42.7 41 39
40 38.1 36.8
25.7 24 25.5
20.5 19
20 15
13 12.9 10

Madrid, 2002 Madrid, 2004 Fogari, 2006 J-RHYTHM IIa, 2010 CAPRAF, 2006 ACTIVE Ib, 2011
n = 154, DCC (lone AF) n = 250 n = 318 PAF n = 171, DCC n = 1730
Amio vs. n = 90, DCC PA F or DCC Amlodipine 2.5–5 mg vs. Placebo vs. (in sinus rhythm at
amio and irbesartan 300 mg Amio vs. Amio vs. candesartan 8–12 mg candesartan 8–16 mg baseline)
Follow-up 254 days amio and irbesartan 150 mg amio and losartan 100 mg Follow-up 12 months Follow-up 200 days Placebo vs.
or amio and irbesartan 300 mg Follow-up 12 months irbesartan 150–300 mg
Follow-up 200 days Follow-up 4.1 years
Irbesartan 300 mg: RR 1.10 (0.94–1.28)
HR 0.47 (0.27–0.82)
Ueng, 2003 Yin, 2006 Fogari, 2011 Belluzzi, 2009 GISSI AF, 2009
n = 145, DCC (lone PAF) n = 391 (lone AF) n = 1442
Amio vs. n = 177 PAF or DCC n = 62, DCC PAF or DCC (88.5%)
amio and enalapril 20 mg Amio vs. Amlodipine 10 mg vs. Placebo vs. Placebo vs.
Follow-up 270 days amio and losartan 100 mg ramipril 10 mg vs. ramipril 5 mg valsartan 320 mg
vs. amio and perindopril 4 mg telmisartan 160 mg Follow-up 3 years Follow-up 12 months
Perindopril: RR 0.39 (0.20–0.78) Follow-up 258 days HR 0.98 (0.85–1.14)
Losartan: RR 0.36 (0.17–0.75)

No placebo group, mainly open-label Double-blind, placebo-controlled

FIGURE 42-53  Freedom from recurrent atrial fibrillation in secondary prevention prospective studies of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
(ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). 95% confidence intervals are given in parentheses. ACTIVE I, Atrial Fibrillation Clopidogrel Trial with
Irbesartan for Prevention of Vascular Events–Irbesartan; Amio, amiodarone; CAPRAF, Candesartan in the Prevention of Relapsing Atrial Fibrillation; DCC,
direct-current cardioversion; GISSI AF, Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell’Insufficienza Cardiaca Atrial Fibrillation; HR, hazard ratio;
J-RHYTHM II, Japanese Rhythm Management Trial for Atrial Fibrillation; PAF, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation; RR, relative risk. a Patients who developed
persistent atrial fibrillation; b Recurrence of atrial fibrillation is a secondary endpoint.

Table 42-19  Principles of Initiation of Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy: Rate Control

Inpatient vs. Outpatient

Rate control is pertinent to all forms of AF and is an essential
ATRIAL FIBRILLATION/ constituent of its management. Rate control as a primary strategy
DRUG FLUTTER SINUS RHYTHM may be appropriate in (1) patients with a permanent form of the
arrhythmia associated with mild symptoms, which can be further
Quinidine Inpatient Inpatient
improved by slowing heart rate; (2) patients older than 65 years
Procainamide Inpatient Inpatient with recurrent AF when the AF is accepted by the patient and the
physician; (3) patients with persistent AF and failed repeat car-
Flecainide Outpatient* Outpatient dioversions and serial prophylactic antiarrhythmic drug therapy
Propafenone Outpatient* Outpatient and in whom the risk/benefit ratio from using specific antiar-
rhythmic agents leans toward increased risk or those who are
Sotalol Inpatient Outpatient† ineligible for ablation therapy (Box 42-2).
Dofetilide Inpatient Inpatient

Azimilide‡ Inpatient Inpatient Constituents of Rate Control

Amiodarone Outpatient† Outpatient† The issue of what constitutes adequate ventricular rate control is
still being debated. Consensus has not been reached on what
*No known sinus node dysfunction. methods need to be employed for effective assessment of ven-
†Preferably with transtelephonic monitoring.
tricular rates either. Adequate rate control probably encompasses
‡An investigational drug.
more than the mere prevention of fast ventricular rates. The effect
618  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Box 42-2  Preference, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Rate Control (Table 42-20). The decrease in the ventricular rate (approximately
for Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter 20% to 30%), time to the maximum effect (20 to 30 minutes), the
conversion rate (12% to 25%), and the adverse reactions (usually
FACTORS IMPORTANT IN THE DECISION MAKING hypotension and bradycardia, although left ventricular dysfunc-
NYHA class heart failure >II tion and high-degree heart block may occur) have been reported
Ejection fraction <40% to be the same with both classes. β-Blockers are preferable in
AAD and cardioversion refractory (AAD, ≥3; CV, ≥3)
patients with a history of MI or if thyrotoxicosis is suspected as
Known proarrhythmic effects of classes I and III AAD
Proarrhythmic risk factors
a cause of the arrhythmia, whereas verapamil and diltiazem are
Intolerance of classes I and III AAD preferred in patients with COPD.
Left atrial size >5 cm Intravenous digoxin is no longer the treatment of choice when
Symptoms secondary to uncontrolled ventricular rate rapid rate control is essential because of the delayed onset of
Asymptomatic arrhythmia therapeutic effect (more than 60 minutes). Intravenous amioda-
Sinus node dysfunction rone may be effective in rate control when other AV node–
No contraindications for lifelong oral anticoagulation blocking agents have no effect on ventricular response or are
ADVANTAGES contraindicated. In patients with pre-excitation syndrome and AF,
Reduction of symptoms AV node–blocking agents can improve anterograde conduction
Low proarrhythmic risk in the accessory pathway and produce AF with fast ventricular
Prevention of tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy rates that may degenerate into VF.
Progression of atrial remodeling
Cost effective
Long-Term Rate Control
Need for lifelong anticoagulation Digoxin, β-blockers, verapamil, and diltiazem are commonly
Impaired hemodynamics; loss of atrial contribution used. Digoxin is effective in controlling ventricular rates at rest by
Long arrhythmia duration (>6 months) prolongation of AV node conduction and refractoriness through
Evolution to a permanent form vagal stimulation, by direct effects on the AV node, and by
AAD, Antiarrhythmic drug; CV, cardioversion, NYHA, New York Heart Association. increasing the amount of concealed conduction in the AV node
because of the increased rate at which atria discharge. However,
the effect of digoxin is negated during exercise when most of the
vagal tone is lost and AV conduction is further enhanced by the
increased sympathetic tone. Therefore, digoxin as monotherapy
can be effective in older, sedentary patients, but a combination
of excessively irregular rhythm is rarely acknowledged in practice with β-blockers or calcium antagonists is often necessary to
as an important constituent of effective rate control despite some achieve rate control in the majority of patients.272-274
evidence that the rhythm irregularity, per se, may contribute to Nondihydropyridine calcium antagonists and β-blockers and
ventricular dysfunction. Very few studies have specifically are effective as primary pharmacologic therapy for rate control;
addressed these issues, and most of them have only assessed however, multiple adjustments of drug type and dosage and a
pharmacologic means of rate control. combination of two agents may be needed to achieve the desired
It is generally assumed that to compensate for loss of atrial effect. For example, in the AFFIRM trial, only 58% of patients in
contribution, the ventricular rate during AF should probably be the rate control group achieved adequate rate control with the
about 10% to 20% higher than a corresponding rate during sinus first drug or combination; drug switches occurred in 37% of the
rhythm. Arbitrarily, the rate is generally considered to be con- patients, and drug combinations were commonly used. Overall,
trolled when the ventricular response ranges between 60 and 80 adequate rate control was ascertained in 80% of patients at 5 years
beats/min at rest and 90 and 115 beats/min during moderate (most frequently on a β-blocker with or without digoxin), but
exercise. The RACE II study in 614 patients with permanent AF these patients were monitored carefully to assess rate control at
has found no significant difference in clinically relevant outcomes each follow-up visit, and frequent drug switches were allowed.
such as cardiovascular mortality, hospitalization for CHF, stroke, Digoxin alone was effective in only 58% of patients.275
major bleeding, ventricular tachyarrhythmias, and so on between
lenient (resting heart rate <110 beats/min) and strict (resting
heart rate <80 beats/min and heart rate during moderate exercise
<110 beats/min) rate control (12.9% vs. 14.9%).271 However, the Atrioventricular Node Ablation and Pacing
study was too small, the follow-up was relatively short (up to 3
years), and the difference between the ventricular rates in the two Ablation of the AV node followed by implantation of a permanent
study arms was not sufficient to provide definitive evidence that pacemaker, the “ablate and pace” strategy, can be an alternative
the degree of rate control is not important, but it is consistent strategy to control the ventricular rates in patients with highly
with current evidence which has failed to demonstrate any differ- symptomatic, intractable AF when poorly controlled, sustained,
ence between levels of rate control. rapid ventricular rate response is likely to induce or aggravate
myocardial dysfunction.276 A meta-analysis of 21 studies with
1181 patients showed that the ablate and pace strategy signifi-
Acute Rate Control
cantly improves cardiac symptoms, quality of life, and health care
Intravenous nondihydropyridine calcium antagonists (verapamil, resource utilization in patients with highly symptomatic, drug
diltiazem) and β-blockers (usually esmolol) can accomplish rapid refractory arrhythmia.277 However, it is an irreversible procedure
control of the ventricular response rate in the emergency setting rendering a patient pacemaker dependent and should be reserved
Atrial Fibrillation  619

Table 42-20  Drugs for Acute Rate Control in Atrial Fibrillation



Esmolol Intravenous 0.5 mg/kg over 1 min followed by 0.05-0.2 mg/kg/min infusion 5 min I C*

Metoprolol Intravenous 2.5-5 mg over 2 min followed by repeat doses if necessary 5 min I C*

Propranolol Intravenous 0.15 mg/kg 5 min I C*

Diltiazem Intravenous 0.25 mg/kg over 2 min followed by 5-15 mg/h infusion 2-7 min I B

Verapamil Intravenous 0.075-0.15 mg/kg over 2 min 3-5 min I B

Digoxin Intravenous 0.25 mg every 2 h, max 1.5 mg 2 h IIb† B

Amiodarone Intravenous As for cardioversion‡ 6-8 hours IIb‡ C

Sotalol Intravenous 1-1.5 mg/kg over 5-10 min 15-30 min III B

*For all β-blockers.

†A class I indication in patients with poor ventricular function and moderately fast ventricular rates; level of evidence B.
‡A class IIa indication in patients with poor ventricular function and moderately fast ventricular rates, level of evidence C.

for patients in whom other means of rate control or rhythm matrix-degrading enzymes (matrix metalloproteinases [MMPs])
control, including left atrial ablation, is not feasible. and thereby may attenuate extracellular matrix remodeling.
Physiological dual-chamber pacing has been suggested to be Retrospective analyses and reports from studies in which AF
more beneficial than ventricular-based pacing in patients who was a prespecified secondary endpoint have shown a sustained
have undergone AV node ablation for paroxysmal AF. DDDR reduction in new-onset AF with ACE inhibitors and angiotensin
pacing with mode switch can provide AV synchrony during sinus receptor blockers in patients with significant underlying heart
rhythm, and an adequate increase in the ventricular rate during disease (e.g., left ventricular dysfunction and hypertrophy) and in
exercise prevents atrial tracking during atrial tachyarrhythmias the incidence of AF after cardiac surgery in patients treated with
and delays progression to permanent AF. In patients with evi- statins.
dence of left ventricular dysfunction and interventricular dys- However, in the secondary prevention setting, the results with
synchrony (e.g., left bundle branch block [LBBB]), implantation upstream therapies are significantly less encouraging. Although
of a biventricular pacemaker should be considered.278,279 the results of hypothesis-generating small clinical studies or ret-
rospective analyses in selected patient categories have been posi-
tive, larger prospective randomized clinical trials have yielded
Upstream Therapies controversial, mostly negative, results (see Figure 42-53). ACE
inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, statins, or polyunsatu-
The term upstream therapy refers to the use of nonantiarrhythmic rated fatty acids have not been demonstrated to prevent recurrent
drugs that modify the atrial substrate or target specific mecha- paroxysmal or persistent AF.282
nisms of AF to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of the
arrhythmia. These are discussed in detail in Chapter 81. Such
agents include ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers,
aldosterone antagonists, statins, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids,
Nonpharmacologic Therapies
and possibly corticosteroids.280 The key targets of upstream
Pulmonary Vein Ablation
therapy are structural changes in the atria, such as fibrosis, hyper-
trophy, inflammation, and oxidative stress; however, direct and Paroxysmal and persistent forms of AF can be treated with pul-
indirect effects on atrial ion channels, gap junctions, and calcium monary vein isolation to prevent the induction of AF by rapid
handling are also applied. repetitive pulmonary vein ectopic activity emanating from the
Elevated levels of ACE and angiotensin II and upregulation of “sleeves” of the atrial myocardium inside the pulmonary veins
profibrotic angiotensin II type I receptors in the atrial myocar- (Figure 42-54). Current strong evidence suggests that the veins
dium have been reported in animal AF models and in patients and the antrum are, in fact, critical for maintenance of AF. Fol-
with AF. lowing the isolation of all of the veins, about half the patients can
Inflammation can be a key mechanism for some forms of AF no longer sustain AF, suggesting that in significant proportions of
because of the high incidence of AF after cardiac surgery, which patients with paroxysmal AF, the pulmonary veins may also form
is known to induce systemic inflammatory response, and the ben- the substrate maintaining AF. This subject is discussed in detail
eficial effects of drugs with anti-inflammatory properties such as in Chapter 93.
steroids.281 The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of Recently reported randomized clinical trials have demon-
statins can target specific mechanisms of AF. Statins may protect strated substantial advantage of pulmonary vein isolation over
atrial myocytes during ischemia caused by rapid atrial rates pharmacologic rhythm control (Table 42-21).283-289 The procedure
through an increase in the synthesis of nitric oxide in the endo- has a success rate approaching 75% to 85% compared with 5% to
thelium. Statins are employed in regulating the variety of 35% for antiarrhythmic drug therapy in patients without clinically
620  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Radiofrequency ablation

150 cm
125 cm




FIGURE 42-54  Paroxysmal and persistent forms of atrial fibrillation (AF) can be treated with pulmonary vein isolation to prevent the induction of AF
by rapid repetitive pulmonary vein ectopic activity emanating from “sleeves” of the atrial myocardium inside the pulmonary veins. In general, two
different approaches have been adopted: anatomically based pulmonary vein isolation by circumferential ablation at their ostia and segmental
isolation of pulmonary veins guided by the detection of high-frequency depolarizations within the ostia (pulmonary vein potentials). The use of a
circular mapping catheter (Lasso catheter) allows detection of pulmonary vein potentials and also provides a clear endpoint of complete isolation of
the pulmonary veins. The mapping catheter positioned in the left superior pulmonary vein (LSPV) (A) shows the pulmonary potential (arrow) following
the atrial potential (A) during pacing (S) in the coronary sinus (CS) (B). C, After radiofrequency ablation, complete isolation is achieved as confirmed
by the disappearance of the pulmonary vein potential. D, Three-dimensional electroanatomic map of the left atrium (LA) after pulmonary vein
isolation. The red zones correspond to the earliest electrical activation of the tissue; dark red dots indicate linear lesions made by radiofrequency energy.
LIPV, Left inferior pulmonary vein; RIPV, right inferior pulmonary vein; RSPV, right superior pulmonary vein.

Table 42-21  Randomized Controlled Studies of Pulmonary Vein Ablation vs. Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation


Krittayaphong, et al (2003) 30 Paroxysmal, persistent ≥1 Not stated 79% 40%

RAAFT (2005) 70 Mainly paroxysmal No 49% 87% 37%

CACAF (2005) 137 Paroxysmal, persistent ≥2 57% 56% 9%

Oral, et al (2006) 146 Persistent ≥1 (mean, 2.1 ± 1.2) 77% 74% 4%

APAF (2006) 198 Paroxysmal ≥2 (mean, 2 ± 1) 42% 86% 22%

A4 study (2008) 112 Paroxysmal ≥1 63% 89% 23%

Forleo, et al (2008) 70 Paroxysmal, persistent ≥1 Not stated 80% 43%

Wilber, et al (2009) (Thermocool) 167 Paroxysmal ≥1 (mean, 1.3) 59%i 66% 16%

STOP-AF (2010) 245 Paroxysmal ≥1 79% 69.9% 7.3%

AAD, Antiarrhythmic drugs; AF, atrial fibrillation; APAF, Ablation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation study; A4, Atrial fibrillation Ablation versus AntiArrhythmic drugs; CACAF, Catheter
Ablation for the Cure of Atrial Fibrillation study; RAAFT, Radiofrequency Ablation Atrial Fibrillation Trial; STOP-AF, Sustained Treatment of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation.
From Camm AJ, Savelieva I: Atrial fibrillation: A4 study: Proof of concept? Nat Rev Cardiol 6:332–334, 2009.

significant structural heart disease. Accumulating evidence sug- and have been undertaken only in the most highly specialized
gests that pulmonary vein ablation can improve left ventricular centers. About one quarter to one third of patients required anti-
function in patients with moderate CHF (Table 42-22).290-293 arrhythmic drug therapy to prevent recurrences. A significant
However, randomized studies of ablation are relatively small, proportion of patients (25% to 30%) require repeat procedures.
have used relatively soft endpoints such as the recurrence of AF, Although limited promising experience in patients with AF and
Atrial Fibrillation  621

Table 42-22  Long-Term Results of Pulmonary Vein Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation



Gaita (2008) Randomized 1 : 1 to 204 PVI/PVI + LL 41.4 ± 6.2/39.7 ± 5.5 41 2%

PVI vs. PVI + LL

Fiala (2008) Randomized 1 : 1 to 110 PVI 48 ± 8 56 1%

segmental PVI vs.

Bertaglia (2009) Observational 177 PVI/PVI + LL 49.7 ± 13.3 58 Not reported

Bhargava (2009) Observational 1404 PVI/PVI + LL 59 ± 16 73 3%

Tsou (2010)* Observational 123 PVI 71 ± 18 71 Not reported

Wokhlu (2010) Observational 774 PVI/PVI + LL 36 ± 22.8 64 Not reported

Ouyang (2010) Observational 161 PVI 57.6 47 2%

Weerasooriya (2011) Observational 100 PVI/PVI + LL 60 32 6%

*Only patients free from AF 1 year after ablation were included; in a total of 239 patients who underwent AF ablation, the success rate after 71 ± 18 months was only 36.4%.
LL, Left lines; PVI, pulmonary vein isolation.

Survey I total: 5.9%
1.31 Survey II total: 4.54%
Complication rate (%)

1 0.93

0.71 0.71

0.53 0.54
0.5 0.42

0.28 0.29
0.16 0.17
0.09 0.11
0.05 0.07
0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02






































FIGURE 42-55  Safety of pulmonary vein ablation in worldwide surveys I and II. AV, Atrioventricular; TIA, transient ischemic attack; PV, pulmonary vein;
AE, aortoesophageal. (From Cappato R, Calkins H, Chen SA, et al: Worldwide survey on the methods, efficacy, and safety of catheter ablation for human atrial
fibrillation, Circulation 111:1100–1105, 2005; and Cappato R, Calkins H, Chen SA, et al: Prevalence and causes of fatal outcome in catheter ablation of atrial
fibrillation, J Am Coll Cardiol 53:1798–1803, 2009.)

congestive heart failure does exist, the mechanisms of persistent Furthermore, in patients with grossly dilated atria and exten-
AF are more complex, and ablation procedures must often include sive structural abnormalities, even extensive left atrial ablation
additional modification of the substrate by some degree of atrial may not be effective. Left atrial ablation is not free from fatal
compartmentalization, for example, lines of block connecting the complications such as stroke (1%) and, rarely, perforation of the
two upper pulmonary vein orifices along the roof of the left esophagus (0.1%). The safety of ablation has significantly improved
atrium, a line joining the left lower pulmonary vein to the mitral with an increasing number of procedures performed worldwide
annulus, or both. (Figure 42-55).294-298
622  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

3 years postoperatively and a perioperative mortality rate less

Surgical Maze Procedure
than 1%.
The first curative approach to AF was the surgical Maze proce- In a recent meta-analysis of four randomized prospective trials
dure which was originally conceived to modify the substrate for and retrospective studies in patients with AF undergoing mitral
the arrhythmia by creating lines of conduction block to interrupt valve surgery, a simultaneous Maze procedure increased the like-
all possible re-entrant circuits responsible for maintenance of lihood of sinus rhythm by two thirds and reduced the risk of
AF.297 Although it was initially performed to cure lone AF, it is stroke by 56% compared with mitral valve surgery alone.299 Cur-
presently used in association with mitral valve or coronary artery rently available techniques and prospects of further development
bypass grafting (CABG), with success rates of 74% to 90% at 2 to and refinement of ablation options and pacing strategies for the

Atrial fibrillation

Study Physiologic Ventricular HR [95% Cl]

Danish 26/110 40/115 0.54 [0.33, 0.89]

CTOPP 224/1094 367/1474 0.8 [0.68, 0.95]

PASE 35/203 38/204 0.91 [0.57, 1.44]

MOST 217/1014 270/996 0.79 [0.66, 0.94]

UKPACE 98/1012 111/1009 0.88 [0.67, 1.16]

Overall 600/3433 826/3798 0.8 [0.72, 0.89]

P = .00003

0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0

Hazard ratio
A Favors atrial-based pacing Favors ventricular-based pacing


Study Physiologic Ventricular HR [95% Cl]

Danish 12/110 21/115 0.54 [0.27, 1.1]

CTOPP 62/1094 90/1474 0.92 [0.67, 1.27]

PASE 4/203 7/204 0.55 [0.16, 1.88]

MOST 41/1014 49/996 0.82 [0.54, 1.25]

UKPACE 58/1012 72/1009 0.8 [0.56, 1.12] FIGURE 42-56  Effect of pacing mode
on the incidence of atrial fibrillation  
(A) and stroke (B) in a meta-analysis of
five major trials. HR, Hazard ratio; CI,
confidence interval; CTOPP, Canadian Trial
of Physiologic Pacing; MOST, Mode
Overall 177/3433 239/3796 0.81 [0.67, 0.99]
Selection Trial; PASE, Pacemaker Selection
in the Elderly; UKPACE, United Kingdom
P = .035 Pacing and Cardiovascular Events. (From
Healey JS, Toff WD, Lamas GA, et al:
Cardiovascular outcomes with atrial-based
0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 pacing compared with ventricular pacing:
Hazard ratio Meta-analysis of randomized trials, using
individual patient data, Circulation
B Favors atrial-based pacing Favors ventricular-based pacing 114:11–17, 2006.)
Atrial Fibrillation  623

prevention and termination of atrial tachyarrhythmias are dis- Connnolly SJ, Ezekowitz MD, Yusuf S, et al, the RE-LY Steering Commit-

cussed in detail in Chapters 89 and 97. tee and Investigators: Dabigatran versus warfarin in patients with atrial
fibrillation, N Engl J Med 361:1139–1151, 2009.
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Preventive Atrial Pacing methods, efficacy, and safety of catheter ablation for human atrial fibril-
lation, Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 3:32–38, 2010.
Although theoretically very attractive, preventive atrial pacing Corley SD, Epstein AE, DiMarco JP, et al, AFFIRM Investigators: Relation-
for the treatment of AF remains a debatable indication because ships between sinus rhythm, treatment, and survival in the Atrial Fibril-
limited data exist to provide sufficient evidence for definitive lation Follow-Up Investigation of Rhythm Management (AFFIRM)
management guidelines.300 Atrial pacing can reduce the incidence Study, Circulation 109:1509–1513, 2004.
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bundle), or both; or (2) recognizing and suppressing potential Ezekowitz MD, James KE, Nazarian SM, et al, for the Veterans Affairs
Stroke Prevention in Nonrheumatic Atrial Fibrillation Investigators:
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Silent cerebral infarction in patients with nonrheumatic atrial fibrilla-
overdrive pacing or anti-tachycardia pacing. Several ongoing tion, Circulation 92:2178–2182, 1995.
studies will explore the role of preventive atrial pacing in selected Gage BF, Waterman AD, Shannon W, et al: Validation of clinical classifica-
patient populations as an additive to other therapies such as tion schemes for predicting stroke: Results from the National Registry
cardiac resynchronization and antiarrhythmic drug therapy. This of Atrial Fibrillation, JAMA 285:2864–2870, 2001.
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Lévy S, Maarek M, Coumel P, et al, on behalf of the College of French
patient-years of follow-up, has shown a statistically significant Cardiologists: Characterization of different subsets of atrial fibrillation
20% reduction in AF with atrial-based pacing and a 19% decrease in general practice in France: The ALFA Study, Circulation 99:3028–
in stroke that was of borderline significance (Figure 42-56).301 3035, 1999.
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sinus node control over heart rate.302-305 The use of specific algo- Nattel S: Atrial electrophysiological remodeling caused by rapid atrial
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chamber pacemakers has had no significant beneficial effect on fibrillation, Cardiovasc Res 42:298–308, 1999.
Roy D, Talajic M, Nattel S, et al, for the Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive
mortality or CHF but has further reduced the risk of AF, in par-
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ticular persistent AF, by 40% compared with conventional dual- atrial fibrillation and heart failure, N Engl J Med 358:2667–2677, 2008.
chamber pacing. In the Search AV Extension and Managed Savelieva I, Camm J: Anti-arrhythmic drug therapy for atrial fibrillation:
Ventricular Pacing for Promoting Atrioventricular Conduction Current anti-arrhythmic drugs, investigational agents, and innovative
(SAVE PACE) trial, the incidence of AF after 1.7 years was 12.7% approaches, Europace 10:647–665, 2008.
in the group treated with conventional dual-chamber pacing and Savelieva I, Camm AJ: Clinical relevance of silent atrial fibrillation: Preva-
7.9% in the group treated with dual-chamber pacing plus an algo- lence, prognosis, quality of life, and management, J Interv Card Electro-
rithm reducing unnecessary ventricular pacing.303 physiol 4:369–382, 2000.
Schmitt J, Duray G, Gersh BJ, Hohnloser SH: Atrial fibrillation in acute
myocardial infarction: A systematic review of the incidence, clinical
features and prognostic implications, Eur Heart J 30:1038–1045, 2009.
Spertus J, Dorian P, Bubien R, et al: Development and validation of the
Asher CR, Klein AL, ACUTE trial: Transesophageal echocardiography to Atrial Fibrillation Effect on Quality-of-Life (AFEQT) questionnaire in
guide cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation: ACUTE trial patients with atrial fibrillation, Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 4(1):15–
update, Card Electrophysiol Rev 7:387–391, 2003. 25, 2011.
Atrial Fibrillation Investigators: Risk factors for stroke and efficacy of The Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Investigators Committee on
antithrombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation: Analysis of pooled data Echocardiography: Transesophageal echocardiographic correlates of
from five randomized controlled trials, Arch Intern Med 154:1449– thromboembolism in high-risk patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrilla-
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Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia
Demosthenes G. Katritsis, Wojciech Zareba, and A. John Camm 43 
Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) has been recog- the conventional number of 30 seconds, which has been used
nized as a usually asymptomatic rhythm disorder detected in an both by the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation
extremely wide range of conditions, from asymptomatic, appar- Trial (MADIT) and the Multicenter Unsustained Tachycardia
ently healthy, young individuals to patients with significant heart Trial (MUSTT) .9-11 This implies that NSVT cases according to
disease. Because of its brevity, NSVT does not produce symptoms the MADIT and MUSTT criteria might well have been dealt with
in most instances; it derives its clinical importance from the fact as sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) episodes in the ESVEM
that its detection may have important prognostic implications, cohort. In other studies, the terms ventricular ectopy or NSVT are
depending on the underlying pathology. In several clinical set- often used without strictly defined diagnostic criteria.12
tings, NSVT is a marker of increased risk for subsequent sus-
tained tachyarrhythmias and sudden cardiac death (SCD),
whereas it may have no prognostic significance in a healthy indi- Epidemiology
vidual, although evidence for occult pathology or an inherited
channelopathy in apparently normal subjects who develop ven- Reliable epidemiologic data on NSVT are difficult to obtain.
tricular arrhythmia not related to physical exercise continues to Usually, although not invariably, most patients remain asymptom-
accumulate.1-3 The main task of the physician is to detect the atic, and the reproducibility of NSVT recordings is documented
apparently healthy individuals in whom NSVT represents a sign in only half of the patients with this arrhythmia. In the MADIT,
of occult disease and to risk stratify patients with known disease NSVT was defined as reproducible when found in at least two
who present with this arrhythmia. This, however, is not an easy recordings of three consecutive Holter electrocardiograms
task. The patient with NSVT still represents a clinical challenge (ECGs) performed in weekly intervals. Reproducible NSVT was
with regard to proper management, and several crucial questions identified in only 50% of the patients with NSVT and did not seem
remain unanswered. to be an independent risk factor for future arrhythmic events.13
The reported prevalence of NSVT in various clinical conditions
is presented in Table 43-1. Previous studies were based on Holter
Definition monitoring, thus reporting NSVT occurring within a short
period. The advent of implantable permanent pacemakers, defi-
Traditionally, the term tachycardia (from the Greek words tachy, brillators, and monitoring devices with extensive ECG monitor-
meaning fast, and cardia, meaning heart) is used to describe ing capabilities has allowed for a more accurate estimation of the
conditions in which the heart rate exceeds the conventional incidence of NSVT in patients with heart disease. Evidence is now
number of 100 beats/min for more than three consecutive beats, available from implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) data
either in response to metabolic demand or other stimuli or that NSVT is a distinct tachyarrhythmia that may cause syncope
because of disease.4 Sustained tachycardia is defined as tachycar- without causing death in patients with heart disease and that the
dia that lasts for more than 30 seconds (unless requiring termina- incidence of polymorphic NSVT relative to sustained arrhythmia
tion because of hemodynamic collapse), whereas nonsustained is greater than previously believed.14
tachycardia terminates spontaneously within 30 seconds.4 Thus, In asymptomatic, apparently healthy persons, Holter record-
NSVT has been defined as three (sometimes five) or more con- ings in older studies revealed a frequency of NSVT ranging from
secutive beats arising below the atrioventricular (AV) node with 0% to 3%.5,15,16 In non–ST-segment elevation acute coronary syn-
an R-R interval of less than 600 ms (>100 beats/min) and lasting dromes, NSVT is detected in 18% to 25% of patients 2 to 9 days
less than 30 seconds.5 after admission.17 In acute myocardial infarction (MI), NSVT
This definition is by no means a universally accepted one. In during the first 24 hours is frequent (43% in patients without
the recent Cardiac Arrhythmias and Risk Stratification After thrombolysis and up to 75% in re-perfused patients).5,18 In the first
Acute Myocardial Infarction (CARISMA) study,6 NSVT was 7 days after MI, NSVT is detected in approximately 6.8% to 13.4%
detected by registering runs of 16 beats or more, with a rate of of patients in the reperfusion era, which is not much different
125 beats/min, whereas a rate of 120 beats/min or more has been from that reported in the pre-thrombolytic era (12%; Multicenter
used by the Marburg trial and other studies.7,8 The period of a Postinfarction Research Program).18-23 NSVT can be detected in
tachycardia run to qualify for NSVT has also varied. In the Elec- approximately 2% of patients with ischemia and preserved left
trophysiologic Study Versus Electrocardiographic Monitoring ventricular function.24 Recently, the CARISMA study group
(ESVEM) study, the time cut-off was 15 seconds as opposed to reported on long-term cardiac arrhythmias recorded by a cardiac

626  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Table 43-1  Reported Prevalence of Nonsustained Ventricular as well as interpretation of this condition. First, a universally
Tachycardia in Different Cardiac Conditions accepted, established definition does not exist. Second, morpho-
logic criteria such as those used in the description of sustained
CONDITION PREVALENCE VT have not been adopted. The nature of the short-lived episodes
Apparently healthy individuals 0%-3%
of arrhythmia may not allow a clear distinction between mono-
morphic and polymorphic ventricular rhythms. Thus, in most
Non-ST ACS (2 to 9 days after admission) 18%-25% published studies, the terms NSVT episodes or complex ventricu-
lar ectopy are used in a general way without any attempt to dis-
Acute MI (early phase) 45%-75%
tinguish between regular, monomorphic rhythms and the salvos
Reperfused acute MI (later than 1 week) 7%-13% of ventricular depolarizations of variable morphology. This might
have important implications in the assessment of the clinical
Heart failure (LVEF <30% to 40%) 30%-80%
significance of NSVT in various conditions.
DCM 40%-50%

HCM 25%-80%
Electrocardiographic Patterns
Significant valve disease ≤25%
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia Associated with a “Normal” Heart
Hypertension 8%
In the apparently normal population, NSVT episodes without
Hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy 12%-28% consistent morphology patterns may be recorded either at rest
or after exercise. 15,16,40-44 When NSVT is documented in the
DCM, Dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LVEF, left
context of a history of established monomorphic VT, it may dem-
ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; Non-ST ACS, non–ST-segment
elevation acute coronary syndrome. onstrate the same morphology as clinical sustained arrhythmia.
VTs with a left bundle branch block (LBBB) pattern and inferior
axis originate in the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT).45
Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) tachycardias may produce
monitor implanted 2 to 5 days after MI in patients with left ven- a right bundle branch block (RBBB) morphology with inferior
tricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 40% or less. The detected axis or a variable QRS morphology, depending on the site of
incidence of NSVT over a 2-year period was 13%.6 origin. Tachycardias originating in the left coronary cusp have a
In patients with heart failure and LVEF less than 30% to 40%, QRS morphology consistent with an M or W pattern in lead V1,
the reported prevalence of NSVT is 30% to 80%.25,26 It seems that tachycardias originating in the right coronary cusp have an LBBB
ischemic heart failure carries a higher risk for NSVT. In the pattern, and those from the aortomitral continuity usually result
Grupo de Estudio de la Sobrevida en la Insuficiencia Cardiaca en in a qR pattern.46 Idiopathic left VT may also be caused by
Argentina (GESICA) trial, in which only one third of patients had re-entry within the Purkinje network and may originate within
ischemic heart disease, the prevalence of NSVT was 33%. Whereas one of the fascicles of the left bundle branch (fascicular tachy-
in the Congestive Heart Failure: Survival Trial of Antiarrhythmic cardias), and usually the posterior fascicle is involved, resulting
Therapy (CHF-STAT) trial, in which the ischemic patients com- in a tachycardia with RBBB and left-axis deviation. However,
prised two thirds of the whole cohort, the prevalence was 80%.25,26 cases with an inferior axis, that is, of anterior fascicular origin,
In dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), NSVT has been detected have also been described.47,48
in 40% to 50% of patients.27-29 In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy The most systematic attempts to characterize the electrocar-
(HCM), 20% to 30% of patients may have NSVT, whereas in diographic pattern of NSVT have been reported to be successful
patients with a history of cardiac arrest, this proportion approaches in patients with the so-called repetitive monomorphic VT, origi-
80%.30-32 These estimations may not reflect the true incidence of nally described by Gallavardin.49 This arrhythmia represents a
NSVT in HCM, since they are based on highly selected referral form of the spectrum of idiopathic ventricular outflow tachycar-
populations. In patients with valvular disease, the incidence of dias, which includes repetitive uniform premature ventricular
NSVT is considerable (up to 25% in aortic stenosis and in signifi- contractions (PVCs) and exercise-triggered paroxysmal VT. They
cant mitral regurgitation) and appears to be a marker of underly- usually originate in the RVOT and less often in the LVOT and are
ing left ventricular pathology.33,34 In patients with arterial most probably caused by triggered activity secondary to cyclic
hypertension, NSVT is correlated to the degree of cardiac hyper- adenosine monophosphate–mediated delayed afterdepolariza-
trophy and subendocardial fibrosis.35,36 Approximately 12% to 28% tions.45 The relatively consistent recording of frequent arrhythmia
of patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy episodes in patients with repetitive monomorphic VT has made
present with NSVT as opposed to 8% of patients with hyperten- possible the accumulation of useful information on its morphol-
sion alone.35,36 Ventricular extrasystolic activity can be detected ogy. Holter studies have revealed that the tachycardia begins with
with Holter monitoring in up to 50% of patients with repaired a fusion complex or with an ectopic beat that has the same mor-
tetralogy of Fallot, and recent studies have detected a 4% to 14% phology as the subsequent beats (Figure 43-1).50 The salvos of VT
prevalence of sustained VT.37-39 are generally short (3 to 15 beats) and the coupling interval of the
first beat is usually long (>400 ms). The coupling intervals of suc-
cessive beats may gradually become prolonged.51-53 Many patients
Clinical Electrocardiography mostly have ventricular premature beats (VPBs) with only occa-
sional episodes of tachycardia, whereas others manifest mainly
NSVT represents an electrocardiographic diagnosis based on with short runs of VT, where the tachycardia beats far exceed the
resting or exercise ECG and Holter monitoring recordings. Two number of sinus beats. The rate during tachycardia is generally
major methodology problems may interfere with the recognition 110 to 150 beats/min. The arrhythmia is only present within a
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia  627

V1 43 



FIGURE 43-1  Repetitive nonsustained episodes of ventricular tachycardia. The left bundle branch block–like QRS complexes suggest that the
tachycardia arises from the right ventricle. This patient was asymptomatic, and no evidence of any cardiac pathology was present.

FIGURE 43-2  Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia in a patient with previous myocardial infarction. The morphology of the complexes is similar but
not identical.

critical window of heart rates (upper and lower thresholds).50 the borders of a ventricular scar caused by previous MI, whereas
Thus, the tachycardia often occurs during exercise but disappears ischemia most of time induces polymorphic VT or ventricular
as the heart rate increases and returns during the recovery period fibrillation (VF).60,61 The QRS morphology during monomorphic
following exercise. Some patients develop sustained episodes (>30 tachycardia may show an RBBB or LBBB pattern or may even be
seconds) during the recovery phase, and this behavior differenti- nonspecific (Figure 43-2). Both RBBB and LBBB patterns can be
ates repetitive monomorphic VT from the exercise-triggered par- seen in the same patient when the infarct scar involves the inter-
oxysmal VT first described by Wilson and others in patients with ventricular septum (Figure 43-3). Spontaneous reversions to sinus
apparently normal hearts.54-56 It should be noted, however, that rhythm, thus documenting nonsustained VF, can occur (Figure
repetitive behavior has been documented in various clinical set- 43-4), and data from patients with ICDs reveal that up to 40% of
tings, including cardiomyopathy and previous MI, as well as all VF episodes are nonsustained.14
tachycardias originating in the aortic valve cusps.51,57
In catecholaminergic polymorphic VT, a familial condition
Cardiomyopathies and Other Conditions
mainly caused by mutations in the genes encoding the cardiac
ryanodine receptor channel as well as calsequestrin involved in VTs (both sustained and nonsustained) in DCM may present with
calcium kinetics, episodes of provoked tachycardia are typically multiple morphologies or an LBBB or RBBB pattern. In approxi-
nonsustained.58 They may originate from the LVOT and less fre- mately one third of the cases of idiopathic DCM, and probably in
quently from the RVOT or the right ventricular apex. QRS mor- a small percentage of ischemic patients, sustained or nonsus-
phology suggests an outflow tract origin of the initiating beat in tained VT is caused by bundle branch re-entry.62 The necessary
more than 50% of patients, and subsequent beats portray a condition for bundle branch re-entry seems to be prolonged con-
polymorphic or typically bi-directional VT morphology.59 duction in the His-Purkinje system, which is reflected in the H-V
interval that is prolonged during sinus rhythm and prolonged or
equal to the baseline sinus rhythm during VT.63 The circuit
Ischemic Heart Disease
involves the right and left branch bundles, with antegrade con-
Frequent and complex ventricular ectopy as well as NSVT occur duction occurring most of the times through the right branch. As
more commonly in patients with left ventricular dysfunction. a rule, AV dissociation is present. These tachycardias are usually
Usually, monomorphic VT is seen in the context of re-entry at unstable; the 12-lead ECG, when obtainable, may show an LBBB
628  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias



FIGURE 43-3  Two runs of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia from a patient with a previous myocardial infarction. The first beat of tachycardia in
the two runs probably represents fusion with sinus beats.








FIGURE 43-4  During electrophysiology testing in a patient with ischemic heart disease and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia on Holter
monitoring, an episode of nonsustained polymorphic ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation is induced.
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia  629

Long QT

FIGURE 43-5  This is an example of torsades

de pointes. Note the relatively rapid but
variable rate, continually changing QRS
morphology, and variable QRS axis. A
polymorphic ventricular tachycardia is usually
diagnosed as torsades de pointes when
conducted QRS complexes (between
episodes of tachycardia) have a prolonged
Q-T interval or the tachycardia is initiated
after a preceding pause or, as in this case,  
a (short-) long-short sequence of QRS
Long-short Polymorphic complexes. SB, Sinus beat; VPB, ventricular
sequence twisting axis premature beat.

or RBBB pattern, depending on the orientation of activation of coupling interval in patients without any evidence of LQTS has
the bundle branches. also been described.70
No characteristic electrocardiographic morphology of
NSVT exists in patients with HCM. Relatively slow, often asymp-
tomatic nonsustained episodes of monomorphic VT may be Clinical Evaluation
documented on prolonged ambulatory recordings. When non-
sustained or sustained VT is induced by programmed stimula- Careful clinical assessment of the patient is the cornerstone of the
tion, it is more often polymorphic (60% of patients) than diagnostic process. Age, general condition, previous medical
monomorphic (30%).32,64,65 history, and conditions such as electrolyte disturbances, meta-
In other conditions such as valvular disease and systemic bolic imbalance, and proarrhythmic effect of drugs should be
hypertension, ventricular arrhythmias are common but less well considered. A standard 12-lead ECG might indicate potential
characterized and usually represent polymorphic rhythms.34-36 causes of NSVT, including signs of previous MI or active isch-
Most of the reported patients with mitral valve prolapse demon- emia, conduction disturbances, prolonged Q-T interval, or other
strate LBBB morphology during tachycardia, which raises the signs of electrical instability suggestive of Brugada syndrome or
possibility that the mitral valve prolapse might be an incidental ARVD. In addition, several other clinical parameters and tests can
finding or that the arrhythmia is caused by other mechanisms not provide specific information about the potential risk of future
directly related to the mechanical stress imposed on the ventricle arrhythmic events in patients who have presented with nonsus-
by the valvular apparatus.66,67 tained ventricular arrhythmias.
The tachycardias in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
(ARVD) arise from the right ventricle and typically present with
Trans-thoracic Echocardiography
LBBB morphology with a left- or even right-axis deviation.68
Trans-thoracic echocardiography may detect signs of cardiomy-
opathy, ARVD and other structural abnormalities, and impaired
Long QT Syndrome
left ventricular function. Overwhelming evidence indicates that
The typical morphology of recorded arrhythmias in long QT syn- in patients with heart disease, in general, LVEF is the major
drome (LQTS; congenital or acquired) is that of torsades de determinant of cardiac and total mortality.1 The results of the
pointes.69 The term refers to the electrocardiographic appearance MADIT, MUSTT, Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Trial
of spike-like QRS complexes that rotate irregularly around the (SCD-HeFT), and the Marburg Cardiomyopathy Study (MACAS)
isoelectric line at rates of 200 to 250 beats/min (Figure 43-5). trials have also established the importance of LVEF as the most
Typically, the coupling interval of the initial beat of the torsade critical prognostic factor in patients with ischemic heart disease
is long (600 to 800 ms), whereas the last QRS complex of the and NSVT.8,10,11,71 Left ventricular function assessment with
episode is larger than the normal QRS during sinus rhythm. This echocardiography or radionuclide ventriculography is therefore
is a VT that is frequently nonsustained and sometimes sustained. mandatory for the risk stratification and subsequent management
The tachycardia, which usually occurs in the setting of bradycar- of patients with NSVT. However, LVEF does not always predict
dia or long postectopic pauses, is often repetitive and may trigger ICD intervention in patients with ischemic or nonischemic
VF. It is seen primarily in association with prolongation of the cardiomyopathy.72 Analysis of arrhythmic death in 674 patients
Q-T interval that may be appreciable before the onset of arrhyth- enrolled in MUSTT showed that patients whose only factor is
mias or after a pause. Not all patients with the LQTS have poly- ejection fraction (EF) of 30% or less have a predicted 2-year
morphic VT with a characteristic torsades de pointes arrhythmic death risk of 5% or less.73 Multiple additional
configuration, and this pattern can be seen in some patients factors influence arrhythmic death in patients with LVEF less
without the LQTS. A variety of torsade initiating with a short than 40% and NSVT such as inducible VT, history of heart
630  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

failure, NSVT not discovered within 10 days after coronary artery but its use for the subsequent follow-up and evaluation of treat-
bypass grafting (CABG), and intraventricular conduction delay ment is limited.
or LBBB.73
Assessment of Autonomic Tone
Tests for Myocardial Ischemia
Heart rate variability (HRV) has been used as an independent risk
Functional tests such as treadmill exercise electrocardiography, factor for cardiac mortality in patients with previous MI and has
myocardial perfusion, and stress echocardiography are required been claimed to be a specific predictor of arrhythmic rather than
to demonstrate myocardial ischemia in patients with NSVT. total cardiac mortality.86-88 In these patients, a depressed barore-
Acute myocardial ischemia is an established cause of polymorphic flex sensitivity has been associated with increased cardiac mortal-
ventricular rhythms.61 The association of monomorphic VT, a ity and SCD and with a higher predictive power (in values below
substrate-dependent arrhythmia, with acute ischemia is less well 3 ms/mm Hg) compared with LVEF, signal-averaged ECG
characterized, but ischemia may induce monomorphic VT in the (SAECG), or HRV.89,90 Analysis of patients in the Autonomic Tone
presence of a myocardial scar.74-76 and Reflexes After Myocardial Infarction (ATRAMI) trial has
Apart from demonstration of ischemia, exercise tasting may shown that NSVT, HRV, and depressed baroreflex sensitivity were
also be helpful in patients with LQTS, exercise-triggered RVOT all significantly and independently associated with increased mor-
tachycardia, and cathecholaminergic polymorphic VT. NSVT tality. Depressed baroreflex sensitivity, in particular, identified a
induced by treadmill exercise testing aimed at evaluating pre- subgroup with the same mortality risk as patients with NSVT and
sumed LQTS suggests catecholaminergic polymorphic VT rather reduced LVEF.21
than LQTS.77 However, the Multiple Risk Factor Analysis Trial (MRFAT)
show that in the β-blocking era, the common arrhythmia risk
variables, particularly the autonomic and standard ECG markers,
Ambulatory Electrocardiographic Monitoring
have limited predictive power in identifying patients at risk of
Holter monitoring is a valuable diagnostic tool in detecting SCD.82 In 43 ± 15 months of follow-up in 675 patients, SCD was
patients with NSVT, and 7-day Holter monitoring improves weakly predicted only by reduced LVEF (<40%), NSVT, and
detection and allows better characterization of ventricular abnormal SAECG but not by autonomic markers or ECG vari-
arrhythmic episodes.78 Detection of NSVT has been reported to ables. The positive predictive accuracy of these markers (low
predict SCD in patients with non–ST-segment elevation acute LVEF, NSVT, and abnormal SAECG), however, was low at 8%,
coronary syndromes, thrombolysed MI, DCM, HCM, and 12%, and 13%, respectively.82 The smaller Bucindolo Evaluation in
arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia.17,18,25,31,79-81 However, Acute Myocardial Infarction Trial (BEAT) study also refuted the
whether NSVT provokes arrhythmia or is simply a surrogate predictive value of HRV, the prognostic information of which was
marker of a more severe underlying cardiac condition is not found to be contained completely in heart rate.91 In patients with
known. In patients with revascularization of most infarct-related nonischemic cardiomyopathy, results on the value of HRV have
arteries (78%), NSVT early after MI (4 to 16 days) carried a sig- been conflicting.7,92,93 Heart rate turbulence and deceleration
nificant but low RR for the composite endpoint of cardiac death, capacity are newer noninvasive measures of cardiac autonomic
VT, or VF but not for arrhythmic events considered alone.20 In regulation that are currently under study.94 More data are clearly
the Danish Multicenter Randomized Study on Thrombolytic needed to establish the clinical usefulness of autonomic markers,
Therapy Versus Acute Coronary Angioplasty in Acute Myocardial particularly in the setting of NSVT.
Infarction-2 (DANAMI-2) trial, the prognostic value of NSVT
was limited regardless of reperfusion strategy, and in the study of
Signal-Averaged Electrocardiography
Makikallio et al, no Holter variable predicted sudden death among
infarct survivors with an LVEF of 35% or less.22,79 It seems that in The clinical value of SAECG in patients with NSVT by means of
the β-blocking era, all common arrhythmia risk variables, includ- determining prognosis and identifying patients in need for an
ing NSVT, have diminished the predictive power in identifying aggressive antiarrhythmic management has not been established
patients with previous MI at risk of SCD.82 yet. In patients presenting with unexplained syncope, the pres-
Both in MACAS and CHF-STAT, in patients with CM or isch- ence of late potentials is a good predictor of induction of sustained
emic cardiomyopathy, NSVT was a predictor of arrhythmia in VT, and in survivors of MI an abnormal SAECG has been associ-
univariate analysis but not in multivariate analysis, as opposed to ated with increased risk of arrhythmic and total mortality.95-98
LVEF.8,26 In patients with HCM, NSVT was associated with SCD, However, its positive predictive value in this setting is low (<30%)
but a relation between the risk of arrhythmic death and the fre- as opposed to its high negative predictive value (90%). Thus, a
quency, duration, and rate of NSVT episodes could not be negative SAECG might obviate the need for further investigations
demonstrated.31 when the suspicion of a ventricular arrhythmia is low, but in the
The suppression of frequent ventricular ectopy or NSVT case of a high suspicion of ventricular arrhythmia, a negative
runs following β-blockade or amiodarone therapy does not imply SAECG is not sufficient evidence for the exclusion of sustained
a favorable diagnosis. Mortality was increased in the Cardiac VT or NSVT as the cause of syncope. Furthermore, in patients
Arrhythmia Suppression Trials (CAST and CAST II) despite treated with thrombolysis or β-blockers, the predictive ability of
reduced ectopic activity, whereas mortality was not reduced SAECG is limited.82,99 In patients with DCM, SAECG does not
by amiodarone in the Veterans Administration CHF-STAT predict SCD, but in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia,
despite the elimination of ventricular ectopy.83-85 Thus, Holter SAECG can identify those with more extensive disease and a
monitoring may be useful for risk stratification purposes by propensity for inducible VT at programmed electrical stimula-
means of detecting episodes of NSVT in certain clinical settings, tion, and is now considered a minor diagnostic criterion.8,81,100
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia  631

with an EF of 30% or greater (61% of events were arrhythmic

T-Wave Alternans
among inducible patients with an EF ≥30% and only 42% among
T-wave alternans (TWA) is a test that is thought to reflect dis- noninducible patients; P = .002). This study therefore suggested
persion of repolarization and has been shown to predict VT that the major usefulness of EPS may be restricted to patients
inducibility and future arrhythmic events better than SAECG.101 having an EF between 30% and 40%.109 The prognostic signifi-
In patients similar to those in MADIT II, a microvolt TWA cance of VT inducibility appears to be similar to that of VT
(MTWA) test was found to be better than QRS duration at iden- induced by one, two, or three extrastimuli.110 These results should
tifying high-risk patients as well as patients unlikely to benefit be considered in the context of evidence from analysis of stored
from ICD therapy.102 Recently, in patients with reduced LV func- ICD data that has shown that little association exists between
tion (LVEF <40%) and NSVT, MTWA also predicted unstable spontaneous and induced ventricular arrhythmias.111
ventricular tachyarrhythmias better than electrophysiology The role of programmed electrical stimulation has not been
testing and LVEF less than 30%.103 However, in a later study, established in the patient with ischemia and relatively preserved
although TWA predicted higher total mortality in a MADIT left ventricular function (LVEF >40%), although some evidence
II–like population, the risk of tachyarrhythmic events did not indicates that inducibility of sustained VT or VF at programmed
differ according to TWA results.104 The Alternans Before Cardio- electrical stimulation might retain discriminative ability by means
verter Defibrillator (ABCD) study was the first trial to use of identifying a higher risk patient cohort.112,113 The prognostic
MTWA to guide prophylactic ICD insertion in patients with usefulness of programmed stimulation in patients with nonisch-
LVEF less than 40% and NSVT. Risk stratification strategies using emic DCM, including those with NSVT, remains controversial.114-116
noninvasive MTWA versus invasive electrophysiological study Retrospective cohort analysis of 54 patients from the Mayo Clinic
(EPS) were comparable at 1 year, with very low positive predictive showed that programmed electrical stimulation did not differenti-
values and very high negative predictive values and complemen- ate patients with and those without appropriate ICD shocks.114
tary when applied in combination. Strategies that use MTWA, However, inducibility of polymorphic VT or VF is a much stron-
EPS, or both might identify subsets of patients least likely to ger predictor of recurrences of fast VT as opposed to sustained
benefit from ICD insertion.105 monomorphic VT induction in DCM patients with ICD for sec-
ondary prevention.117 Daubert et al, in the Defibrillators in Non-
Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Treatment Evaluation (DEFINITE)
Electrophysiology Testing
trial, reported that inducibility tested via ICD was found in 29 of
EPS may be required for the establishment of initial diagnosis in 204 patients (VT in 13, VF in 16) and that at follow-up, 34.5% of
patients presenting with nonsustained ventricular rhythms. Indi- the inducible group (10 of 29) had ICD therapy for VT or VF or
cations include the need for differential diagnosis of NSVT from arrhythmic death versus 12% (21 of 175) of noninducible patients
short runs of AF in the context of an accessory pathway or other (hazard ratio [HR], 2.60; P = .014).118 Thus, inducibility of ven-
forms of aberration, drug testing for the diagnosis of Brugada tricular arrhythmias, especially polymorphic VT or VF, indicates
syndrome, and programmed electrical stimulation for induction increased likelihood of subsequent ICD therapies and might be
of VT. considered a useful risk stratifier.
Induction of sustained arrhythmia by programmed electrical Programmed ventricular stimulation is of diagnostic as well as
stimulationstill retains a predictive power in patients with isch- prognostic value in risk stratifying patients with repaired tetral-
emia who have impaired left ventricular function. According to a ogy of Fallot.119 In multivariate analysis of a study on 252 patients
meta-analysis, in patients with ischemia and NSVT, the induction with repaired tetralogy, inducible sustained monomorphic or
of sustained VT is associated with a two- to three-fold increased polymorphic VT was an independent risk factor for subsequent
risk of arrhythmia-related death in a previous meta-analysis.106 In events (RR, 4.7; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.2–18.5; P <
NSVT, in the context of reduced LVEF (<40%), inducibility of .0268).119
sustained monomorphic VT at baseline programmed electrical Little evidence exists for benefit from EPS in patients with
stimulation was associated with a 2-year actuarial risk of SCD or HCM and NSVT. In patients with a history of cardiac arrest,
cardiac arrest of 50% compared with a 6% risk in patients without polymorphic VT that deteriorates into VF was induced in approx-
inducible VT.107 Analysis of patients enrolled in the MUSTT as imately half only.32,64,65
well as of those in the registry revealed that noninducible patients
have a significantly lower risk of cardiac arrest or SCD compared
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
with inducible patients at 2 and 5 years (12% vs. 24% and 18% vs.
32%, respectively).108 Still, however, as these results indicate, In patients with previous MI, necrotic myocardium and viable
patients with noninducible sustained VT are not free of risk of myocardium coexisting within the same wall segments, as
SCD. The MUSTT investigators have further analyzed the rela- detected by delayed enhancement cardiac magnetic resonance
tion of EF and inducible ventricular tachyarrhythmias to mode of imaging (CMRI), predicts the occurrence of NSVT in patients
death in 1791 patients who were enrolled in MUSTT and did not without left ventricular dilation, whereas left ventricular mass and
receive antiarrhythmic therapy. Total and arrhythmic mortality end-systolic volume are predictors of NSVT in those with left
were higher in patients with an EF less than 30% than in those ventricular dilation.120 In patients with HCM, the presence of
whose EFs were 30% to 40%. The relative contribution of arrhyth- delayed enhancement on contrast-enhanced CMRI is associated
mic events to total mortality was significantly higher in patients with increased likelihood of NSVT compared with those without
with inducible tachyarrhythmia (58% of deaths in inducible this finding (28% vs. 4%), and the presence of two-dimensional
patients vs. 46% in noninducible patients; P = .004). The higher strain, which is used to identify myocardial fibrosis, in more than
percentage of events that were arrhythmic among patients with three left ventricular segments is an independent predictor of
inducible tachyarrhythmia appeared more distinct among patients NSVT.121,122
632  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Table 43-2  Clinical Significance of Nonsustained

Clinical and Prognostic Significance Ventricular Tachycardia

The physician who cares for a patient presenting with an episode CLINICAL SETTING SIGNIFICANCE
of NSVT has two tasks. First, he or she needs to establish APPARENTLY NORMAL HEART
whether the underlying occult pathology is responsible for the
arrhythmia; second, in a case of diagnosed heart disease, the Random finding No adverse prognostic significance
patient should be risk stratified to determine the appropriate in the absence of occult
management and therapy. The clinical approach to the patient pathology
with NSVT should therefore always be considered within the During or after exercise May predict IHD and increased
particular clinical context in which the arrhythmia occurs. In cardiac mortality
several settings, the patient with NSVT represents a clinical chal-
lenge with regard to proper management, and several crucial Valvular disease, hypertension Prognostic significance unknown
questions remain unanswered.123 The occurrence of an abrupt ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE
ventricular arrhythmia is a multi-factorial process involving a
continually changing complex substrate of myocardial scarring, Acute MI <13–24 h No adverse prognostic significance
ischemia, and adrenergic and genetic factors. We are therefore Acute MI >13–24 h Adverse prognostic significance
dealing with a probabilistic event in which each of the currently
considered risk factors such as NSVT identifies only a small frac- Chronic IHD with LVEF >40% Unknown. No adverse prognostic
tion of the risk process. significance(?)
Subjects with episodes of NSVT before 40 years of age Chronic IHD with LVEF <40% Adverse prognostic significance
should be evaluated primarily to rule out nonischemic causes of
arrhythmia, including HCM, LQTS, idiopathic DCM, and DCM Independent prognostic significance
arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. Episodes of polymor- not established as opposed to
phic NSVT may indicate the presence of genetic arrhythmia
disorders (e.g., LQTS, catecholaminergic polymorphic VT) or HCM Adverse prognostic significance,
drug-induced repolarization abnormalities. ECG testing, history especially in the young
of SCD and syncopal episodes in family members, and current
Long QT syndrome, CPVT, Adverse prognostic significance
medication history may lead to a proper diagnosis. NSVT at 40
repaired congenital
years of age and older requires that the rare causes mentioned abnormalities
earlier should be ruled out, but the main focus is ischemic heart
disease. ARVC, Brugada syndrome Probably adverse prognostic
In patients with known heart disease, the main task of the significance
physician is the risk assessment of the patient; that is, the estima- ARVD, Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; CPVT, catecholaminergic
tion of the probability that the patient will have future morbid polymorphic ventricular tachycardia; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy;
arrhythmic events. Risk stratification attempts to identify the spe- HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; IHD, ischemic heart disease; LVEF, left
cific mechanisms of further morbidity to predict clinical out- ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; VF, ventricular fibrillation.
comes and eventually propose clinical strategies for their
The independent prognostic significance of NSVT depends
on the underlying condition (Table 43-2). It currently is not
known whether NSVT bears a cause-and-effect relationship with other studies, NSVT was not found to adversely influence prog-
sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias or if it is merely a sur- nosis, with cardiac event rates not exceeding those detected in
rogate marker of left ventricular dysfunction and electric instabil- age-matched populations without the arrhythmia.16,40 Polymor-
ity. Even when it does hold prognostic significance, NSVT does phic NSVT, as opposed to monomorphic NSVT, may indicate an
not necessarily imply the mechanism of death. Certain patient increased risk.127 Thus, recording of spontaneous NSVT in appar-
groups have a high mortality rate because of the progression of ently healthy individuals does not imply an adverse prognosis,
their disease. Death in these patients may be arrhythmic, but this provided that occult cardiomyopathy and genetic arrhythmia dis-
does not imply that mere prevention of NSVT will uncondition- orders have been excluded. These conditions, however, may
ally prolong life significantly. The cardiac mortality rate at 2 years remain latent for several years, and although apparently healthy
in MADIT was still 11% despite the use of defibrillators.10 Fur- individuals presenting with NSVT can be reassured about their
thermore, reduction of arrhythmic death does not necessarily prognosis, long-term follow-up is advisable.
imply a concomitant reduction in total mortality, and even a NSVT originating from the RVOT may occasionally cause
nonsignificant increase in mortality has been demonstrated syncope, although the risk of death is very low. Short cycle length
despite the reduction of SCD by using amiodarone in patients during NSVT and a history of syncope are predictors of the coex-
with acute MI.124-126 istence of VF and polymorphic VT.128 Subjects with RVOT VT
might have subtle structural and functional abnormalities of
RVOT as detected by CMRI.129 Detection of NSVT in patients
Apparently Healthy Individuals
with ARVD indicates intermediate risk for future arrhythmic
Early reports from longitudinal community-based studies indi- events.130 The diagnosis of RVOT VT needs to be differentiated
cated that the presence of complex ventricular ectopy and NSVT from the diagnosis of ARVD or cardiomyopathy, which can be
increase the risk of heart disease subsequently observed.15 In accomplished by a series of noninvasive ECG and imaging studies
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia  633

such as Holter monitoring, SAECG, CMRI and, if needed, endo-

myocardial biopsy.81

Exercise-Induced Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia

Ischemic Heart Disease
In non–ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes, NSVT
is common after admission, and even short episodes of VT
The occurrence of premature ventricular demoralizations during lasting 4 to 7 beats are independently associated with the risk of
exercise in apparently healthy subjects has not been associated SCD over the subsequent year. In the Metabolic Efficiency With
with an increase in cardiovascular mortality and was considered Ranolazine for Less Ischemia in Non–ST-segment Elevation
to be a normal response to exertion.41,42 However, the Paris Pro- Acute Coronary Syndrome–Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarc-
spective Study, in agreement with earlier data, reported that runs tion 36 (MERLIN-TIMI 36) trial on 6300 patients who had 7-day
of two or more consecutive ventricular depolarizations during continuous ECG monitoring, a greater than twofold increase in
exercise or at recovery may occur in up to 3% of healthy men and the risk of SCD was seen in patients with both short (4 to 7
indicated an increase in cardiovascular mortality within the next beats) and longer (>8 beats) episodes of VT occurring greater
23 years by a factor of more than 2.5.43,131 This increased RR per- than 48 hours after admission compared with patients with no
sisted even after adjusting for other characteristics and known VT (Figure 43-6).17 This relationship was unchanged after adjust-
factors predisposing to coronary artery disease (CAD). Interest- ment for clinical characteristics, including LVEF and natriuretic
ingly, among subjects with a positive exercise test for ischemia, peptides. No increased risk of SCD was observed in patients with
only 3% had ectopy, whereas among subjects with exercise- ventricular triplets. In several subgroups (history of heart failure,
induced ectopy, only 6% had a positive exercise test for ischemia. depressed ventricular function, QTc >450 ms), the presence of
Thus, although the precise mechanism of arrhythmia is unknown VT was associated with a greater than 10% incidence of SCD at
in this setting and various forms of occult cardiomyopathy cannot 1 year. Earlier episodes within 48 hours after admission did not
be excluded, it does not appear to be a direct consequence of carry the same risk. Thus, extended continuous ECG monitoring
ischemia. This study argues that exercise-induced nonsustained beyond 48 hours after admission for non–ST-segment elevation
ventricular arrhythmia may predict CAD, even in the absence of acute coronary syndrome to detect the presence of even short
evidence of ischemia in asymptomatic individuals. These results episodes of VT may potentially identify patients at higher risk
were also verified in a later study on patients who had been for SCD.
referred for symptom-limited exercise testing without a history In acute MI, NSVT during the first 13 to 24 hours does not
of heart failure, valve disease, or arrhythmia. Frequent ventricular carry a prognostic significance.18,133 Following this period, NSVT
ectopy during recovery after exercise is a better predictor of an after MI predicted higher mortality in earlier studies. In the
increased risk of death than ventricular ectopy occurring only Multi-Center Postinfarction Research Program (MPIP) study in
during exercise.44 Exercise testing may also induce catecholamin- the pre-thrombolytic era, the presence of NSVT was associated
ergic polymorphic VT. When recognized, this condition requires with a twofold increase in total and arrhythmic deaths, indepen-
aggressive management.59 dent of LVEF.134,135 A similar relationship between repetitive
Ventricular tachyarrhythmias and NSVT commonly occur in forms and mortality, and the joint predictive value of NSVT and
trained athletes during ambulatory Holter electrocardiography low EF was noted in the Multicenter Investigation of Limitation
and are usually associated with a benign course, and resumption of Infarct Size (MILIS).136 Evidence from the reperfusion era sug-
of training is safe.132 gests that in the patient with ischemic heart disease, NSVT no

Risk vs. no triplets or VT

• Triplets - HR* 1.1(0.67–1.8), P = 0.74
6 • VT 4–7 bts - HR* 2.3(1.5–3.7), p <0.001
• VT ≥8 bts - HR* 2.8(1.5–5.1), p = 0.001
* Adjusted for TIMI risk score, prior MI, prior VT ≥8 beats
Sudden cardiac death (%)

HF, CrCl, revasc during index hospitalization (n = 431)

4 VT 4–7 beats
(n = 1172)
2.9% FIGURE 43-6  Risk of sudden cardiac death in patients
Triplets with no ventricular ectopy, patients with ventricular triplets
(VT = 3 beats) only, patients with the longest episode of ventricular
2 (n = 1978) tachycardia (VT) of 4 to 7 beats, and patients with the
1.4% longest episode of at least 8 beats. HR, Hazard ratio;
No VT VT, ventricular tachycardia; TIMI, Thrombolysis in
(n = 2764) Myocardial Infarction; MI, myocardial infarction; HF, heart
1.2% failure; CrCl, creatine clearance. (From Scirica BM, Braunwald
0 E, Belardinelli L, et al: Relationship between nonsustained
ventricular tachycardia after non–ST-elevation acute coronary
0 200 400
syndrome and sudden cardiac death: Observations from the
Days from randomization Metabolic Efficiency with Ranolazine for Less Ischemia in
No. at risk Non–ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome—Thrombolysis
Placebo 3184 3023 2647 1964 1167 in Myocardial Infarction 36 (MERLIN-TIMI 36) randomized
Ranolazine 3161 2994 2627 1951 1191 controlled trial, Circulation 122:455–462, 2010.)
634  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

longer appears to be an independent predictor of death if other in approximately 2% of patients with ischemia and preserved left
factors such as the EF are taken into account. In the Gruppo ventricular function, apparently excluding previous MI, and did
Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell’Infarto Miocardico not appear to carry a significant predictive ability.24
2 (GISSI-2) trial, NSVT was a significant predictor of mortality
in univariate analysis, but not independently in multivariate
analysis involving other clinical variables.19 Similarly, in ESVEM, Heart Failure
although univariate analysis suggested an association between
the presenting arrhythmia and the outcome, multivariate analysis No convincing data exist in patients with heart failure. Although
failed to establish the predictive value of the presenting arrhyth- the GESICA–Grupo de Estudios Multicentricos en Argentina
mia. LVEF was the single most important predictor of arrhythmic (GEMA) investigators identified NSVT as an independent predic-
death or cardiac arrest in patients with life-threatening arrhyth- tor of total mortality in patients with heart failure (35% to 40%
mias who were treated with antiarrhythmic drugs.9 NSVT has ischemic heart disease) and an LVEF of 35% or less, in CHF-STAT
not been found to be an independent predictor of arrhythmic or (70% to 75% ischemic heart disease), after adjusting other vari-
total mortality in the studies of Hohnloser et al (325 patients ables, especially for LVEF, NSVT was not an independent pre­
with MI) and DANAMI-2 (501 patients with fibrinolysis and 516 dictor of SCD or total mortality in patients with heart failure
patients with primary angioplasty).20,22 In a study on 2130 infarct and an LVEF less than 35% to 50%.26,85 Similar results were pub-
survivors, Makikallio et al reported that NSVT predicted SCD lished by the Prospective Multicenter Imaging Study for Evalua-
only in patients with LVEF greater than 35%. No Holter variable tion of Chest Pain (PROMISE) investigators.12 Only during the
was predictive of outcome in the presence of an LVEF of 35% or recovery period after exercise, frequent ventricular ectopy has
more.79 In the modern era, only ATRAMI has found NSVT to been found to carry an adverse prognostic significance in patients
be an independent predictor of adverse prognosis.21 It seems that with heart failure.141 However, in the study by Verma et al, in 421
it is important not only how often but under what circumstances primary prevention patients with both ischemic and nonischemic
NSVT occurs. MUSTT data have shown prognostic differences cardiomyopathy undergoing ICD implantation, 79 (19%) had
in patients with in-hospital, as opposed to out-of-hospital, identi- received appropriate ICD therapies.72 NSVT detected on Holter
fied NSVT.137 Overall mortality rates at 2-year and 5-year monitoring and no β-blocker use, but not LVEF, was predictive
follow-up were 24% and 48%, respectively, for inpatients and 18% for ICD-derived arrhythmias in patients with either ischemic or
and 38%, respectively, for outpatients (adjusted P = .018). In nonischemic cardiomyopathies.
patients subjected to surgical coronary revascularization, the
occurrence of NSVT within the early (less than 10 days) post-
revascularization period portends a far better outcome than Cardiomyopathies
when it occurs later after CABG (10 to 30 days) or in non-
postoperative settings. Indeed, the approximate 2-year mortality Reports investigating the association between NSVT and cardiac
rates for patients with early post-revascularization NSVT, late mortality in patients with nonischemic DCM are not consistent.
post-revascularization NSVT, and non-postoperative NSVT MACAS has reported on noninvasive arrhythmia risk stratifica-
were 14%, 23% and 24%, respectively.138 When, however, sus- tion in patients with DCM.8 On univariate analysis, nonsustained
tained VT is inducible in patients with early postoperative NSVT, VT and frequent VPBs showed a significant association with a
the outcome is worse compared with noninducible patients.139 In higher arrhythmia risk, but on multivariate analysis, only LVEF
the MUSTT, racial differences were also shown to influence the was found to be a significant predictor of major arrhythmic events
outcome of patients with NSVT and reduced left ventricular with an RR of 2.3 per 10% decrease of EF. SAECG, baroreflex
function.140 sensitivity, HRV, and TWA were not helpful in arrhythmia risk
Recently, CARISMA reported on long-term cardiac arrhyth- stratification. Patients with NSVT in the context of LVEF less than
mias recorded by a cardiac monitor implanted 2 to 5 days after 30% had an eightfold arrhythmia risk compared with patients with
MI in patients with an LVEF of 40% or less.6 Clinically significant LVEF greater than 30% without nonsustained VT.8 In a recent
bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias were documented in a study on 179 patients with DCM, multivariate analysis detected
substantial proportion of patients, most of them asymptomatic, LVEF, NSVT, and QT dynamicity (QTe slope assessed by dedi-
within the next 2 years. The most significant arrhythmia was cated software) as significant predictors of arrhythmic events.
intermittent high-degree AV block (10% incidence), which was Among the patients with a low LVEF, NSVT, steeper QTe-slope,
associated with a very high risk of cardiac death (>30% within or both identified a subgroup at highest arrhythmic risk.142 In
the next 2 years), and the most frequent was atrial fibrillation another study, after medical stabilization with an angiotensin-
(28%). Nonsustained VT (VT ≥125 beats/min for ≥16 beats converting enzyme inhibitor (88%) and a β-blocker, NSVT did not
lasting <30 seconds) was the most frequent ventricular arrhyth- increase the risk of major ventricular arrhythmias in patients with
mia recorded in the study (incidence of 13%) and was associated DCM and LVEF of 35% or greater. Conversely, the number and
with cardiac death over the next 2 years only in univariate analy- length of NSVT runs were significantly related to the occurrence
sis (Figure 43-7). It seems, therefore, that with reperfusion and of major ventricular arrhythmias in the patients with an LVEF
use of β-blockers, NSVT after MI may not be an independent greater than 35%.143 The frequency and complexity of ventricular
predictor of mortality, especially after EF is taken into account, arrhythmias increase with decreasing function of the left ventricle
and its prognostic significance is ambiguous. In patients with and with the presence of symptoms of congestive heart failure
non–ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome, NSVT in patients with nonischemic DCM. However, cardiac death
occurring beyond 48 hours after admission may indicate an in patients with nonischemic DCM and functional class IV
increased risk for SCD. heart failure is more frequently caused by bradyarrhythmia or
Not much data on patients with stable ischemic heart disease electromechanical dissociation rather than by ventricular
and an LVEF over 40% exist. In an older trial, NSVT was reported tachyarrhythmias.4,29
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia  635



















FIGURE 43-7  Electrograms of arrhythmias recorded with an implantable cardiac monitor in a patient with previous myocardial infarction.
A, Paroxysmal second-degree to third-degree atrioventricular block. B, Two episodes of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) are recorded; the
second episode provokes polymorphic VT degenerating to ventricular fibrillation (VF). The episode is automatically activated at the arrowhead. The VF
converted back to polymorphic VT, which terminated spontaneously (not shown). The patient subsequently received an implantable cardioverter-
defibrillator. (From Bloch Thomsen PE, Jons C, Raatikainen MJ, et al, Cardiac Arrhythmias and Risk Stratification After Acute Myocardial Infarction (CARISMA)
Study Group: Long-term recording of cardiac arrhythmias with an implantable cardiac monitor in patients with reduced ejection fraction after acute
myocardial infarction: The Cardiac Arrhythmias and Risk Stratification After Acute Myocardial Infarction (CARISMA) study, Circulation 122:1258–1264, 2010.)
636  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Frequent and prolonged (>10 beats) episodes of NSVT on presence of moderate left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVEF
Holter monitoring most probably indicate an increased risk of <40%).152
SCD in HCM, especially in young patients.31,144,145 In a study of In cases of LQTS, detection of spontaneous episodes of tors-
531 patients with HCM, a relation between arrhythmic mortality ades de pointes indicate an adverse prognosis.4
and the frequency, duration, and rate of NSVT episodes could not
be demonstrated.31 However, NSVT was associated with a sub-
stantial increase in the risk of SCD in young patients with hyper- Management and Evidence-Based Therapy
trophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.31 Adabag et al reported
NSVT in Holter recordings in 31% of 178 patients with HCM, The management and evidence-based therapy of patients with
and NSVT was associated with greater left ventricular hypertro- NSVT depend on the underlying condition. Specific underlying
phy and more severe symptoms.146 Over a follow-up of 5.5 ± 3.4 conditions are classified as nonischemic and ischemic.
years, 11 (6%) patients died suddenly (annual mortality rate, Nonischemic conditions with NSVT may include a structurally
1.1%), including 5 patients with NSVT. For SCD, NSVT on Holter normal heart, hypertension, valvular disorders, HCM, non­
ECG had negative and positive predictive values of 95% and 9%, ischemic DCM, LQTS, Brugada syndrome, and other rare
respectively, and sensitivity and specificity of 45% and 69%, genetic disorders. Ischemic disease with NSVT cannot be consid-
respectively. Therefore, NSVT had a low positive predictive value ered a uniform condition, and its management depends on the
and relatively high negative predictive value for SCD in this HCM presence or absence of MI and the degree of left ventricular
population. In another study from the same group, delayed dysfunction.
enhancement on contrast-enhanced CMRI (believed to represent
myocardial fibrosis) was found as an independent predictor of
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia in Structurally
NSVT (RR, 7.3; 95% CI, 2.6–20.4; P < .0001).
Normal Heart
Asymptomatic patients with ARVD and NSVT have a propen-
sity for increased arrhythmic risk and a rate of appropriate ICD Sometimes, episodes of NSVT in patients without structural
intervention of 3.7% per year.80 However, the predictive value of heart disease may cause symptoms and require treatment.
NSVT has not been prospectively assessed in this setting.147 Because RVOT VT does not increase the risk of SCD, asymptom-
atic patients do not require treatment. In symptomatic patients,
treatment should be directed toward relief of tachycardia-related
Other Conditions symptoms with β-blockers or calcium channel blockers and ade-
nosine, if needed, in an acute setting. If medication is not effec-
The presence of NSVT in patients with idiopathic ventricular tive, radiofrequency catheter ablation is recommended; it is
outflow tract arrhythmias indicates a higher propensity for successful in more than 80% of cases with a low risk of relapse
inducibility of VT during EPS compared with isolated PVCs during follow-up.153
(48% vs. 4%). At exercise, the incidence of VT in this group is
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia in Inherited
In patients with tachycardiopathy, the presence of nonsus-
tained VT, in addition to the PVC burden, longer PVC duration,
multi-form PVCs, and right ventricular PVCs may be associated β-Blocker therapy is the treatment of choice in cathecholaminer-
with the development of cardiomyopathy.148 gic polymorphic VT, and some evidence exists that combination
The occurrence of NSVT in hypertensive patients requires of β-blockers with calcium channel blockers is superior to
evaluation of ischemic heart disease. However, the prognostic β-blockers alone.154 Defibrillator implantation may be necessary
value of NSVT in patients with lone hypertension (without evi- in addition to β-blockers in some patients with catecholaminergic
dence for concomitant ischemic heart disease) remains unclear. polymorphic VT.
Evidence that elimination of NSVT improves survival in patients Usually, cardiac events in patients with LQTS are caused by
with hypertension is not available.35,36 Also, no convincing evi- prolonged polymorphic NSVT or sustained VT (torsades de
dence exists to prove that nonsustained VT is an independent pointes) that might degenerate into VF.155 However, transient,
predictor of SCD in patients with valve disease, including mitral asymptomatic runs of polymorphic NSVT are also common.
leaflet prolapse. Initial studies suggested that patients with mitral β-Blocker treatment is the therapy of choice in patients with
valve prolapse had an increased incidence of NSVT and other LQTS (especially LQT1 and LQT2); it is effective in 70% of
arrhythmias.149,150 Kilgfield et al estimated the annual risk of SCD patients, whereas the remaining 30% of patients continue to have
in patients with mitral valve prolapse at 1.9 per 10,000 patients, cardiac events despite β-blocker treatment.156 Those patients with
lower than the annual risk of SCD from all causes in the adult recurrent syncope despite β-blocker therapy and those with
population in the United States.151 Thus, patients with mitral valve cardiac arrest should be considered for ICD therapy, which is
prolapse are not at increased risk of SCD. NSVT in patients with successful in preventing death.157
mitral valve prolapse is related primarily to coexisting mitral Although no systematic studies evaluating prognostic signifi-
regurgitation and secondarily chronic hemodynamic and myocar- cance of NSVT in Brugada syndrome have been conducted, it is
dial abnormalities, but they do not independently contribute to generally agreed that symptomatic patients (i.e., those with
the risk of death. syncope or cardiac arrest presumably caused by NSVT or sus-
Ventricular arrhythmias have an adverse prognosis in patients tained VT) should be treated with ICDs.158
with repaired tetralogy of Fallot, and programmed stimulation Patients with ARVD are at high risk of sudden death.81 These
carries a prognostic value.38,39,119 patients may present with asymptomatic NSVT despite only
Patients with Chagas’ cardiomyopathy presenting with either subtle right ventricular abnormalities. The results of antiarrhyth-
sustained VT or NSVT have a major risk for mortality in the mic medications have been disappointing, and ICDs seem to be
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia  637

the therapy of choice in patients with documented arrhythmias disease). Results of SCD-HeFT demonstrated that amiodarone is
or in those who are symptomatic.80 Catheter ablation of VT, when
feasible, is successful in reducing further episodes but cannot
offer absolute protection without ICD backup.159
not effective in preventing mortality in patients with nonischemic
DCM (HR 1.07, in 813 patients randomized to amiodarone or
placebo).71 The SCD-HeFT study of 2521 patients with ischemic
(52%) and nonischemic (48%) cardiomyopathies (EF <36% and
New York Heart Association [NYHA] class II or III) randomized
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia in Hypertension
the subjects to amiodarone, ICD therapy, or conventional therapy.
and Valve Disease
A history of NSVT was reported in 23% of patients. During a
Aggressive treatment of hypertension (including β-blockers) is mean 45-month follow-up, a 7.2% annual mortality was observed
the therapy of choice in patients with hypertension and NSVT. in the placebo group. ICD therapy was associated with a 23%
The majority of patients with mitral valve prolapse and NSVT reduction in mortality (HR 0.77, P = .007) in all patients com-
do not require extensive diagnostic evaluation or treatment. In bined. Patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy had an HR of
symptomatic patients (palpitations, syncope) with NSVT, 0.73, and those with ischemic cardiomyopathy had an HR of 0.79
β-blocker treatment is considered the first-line therapy. Other (no significant difference existed between the two subgroups).
antiarrhythmic agents may be used in cases refractory to The SCD-HeFT data seem to end the controversy regarding the
β-blocker treatment. Treatment should be directed primarily at usefulness of amiodarone for primary prevention of SCD in
improvement of the overall quality of life while considering the patients with nonischemic (and also in ischemic) cardiomyopathy.
potential adverse (potential proarrhythmic) effects of therapy. Dronedarone also did not fulfill hopes regarding its prevention of
NSVT is common in patients with other valvular diseases, par- mortality in patients with heart failure; therefore, this drug needs
ticularly aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation. The presence of to be taken off the list of medications used in such patients.161
NSVT is usually associated with left ventricular hypertrophy or The effect of defibrillator implantation as primary prevention
dysfunction, but no clear evidence exists that these arrhythmias of cardiac mortality in patients with nonischemic DCM and
indicate increased risk of mortality after valve replacement. NSVT or ventricular ectopy was the subject of the DEFINITE
trial.162 In this study, 458 patients with nonischemic DCM with
EF less than 36%, symptomatic congestive heart failure, and
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia in Hypertrophic
NSVT or more than 10 PVCs per hour were randomized to
defibrillator versus no defibrillator therapy (229 patients in each
The effects of pharmacologic antiarrhythmic therapy in patients arm). The mean age of the patients was 58 years. They were
with HCM are disappointing.64,65 β-Blockers may decrease the risk predominantly males (71%; mean EF, 21%). NSVT was present
of SCD; however, the risk of death on β-blocker remains signifi- in 23% of the patients. During a mean 29-month follow-up, 68
cant. Amiodarone was shown to suppress VT induction in some deaths occurred, 28 in the ICD arm and 40 in the non-ICD arm
patients while causing conduction abnormalities and facilitating (P = .08 from the log-rank test). Two-year mortality rate was
induction of VT in others.64,65 Therefore, this drug cannot be 14.1% in the non-ICD arm and 7.9% in the ICD arm (HR, 0.65;
considered as therapy of choice in high-risk patients with HCM. CI, 0.40–1.06). The HR for SCD was 0.20 (P = .006). Patients
Defibrillator implantation is the therapy of choice in the primary with NYHA class III demonstrated significant benefit from ICD
and secondary prevention of CD in patients with HCM.160 Patients therapy with an HR of 0.37 (P = .02). A trend for reduced total
with a history of syncope, a family history of SCD, or history of mortality was observed with ICD. Thus, results from DEFINITE
NSVT who had received defibrillators as primary prevention and SCD-HeFT show that patients with nonischemic cardiomy-
had a 5% per year appropriate discharge rate. In patients resusci- opathy with EF less than 36% and NYHA class II or III have a
tated from cardiac arrest (secondary prevention), the rate of high (7%) annual mortality despite optimal pharmacologic
appropriate discharges was 11%. More than one third of the therapy and that the risk of mortality could be substantially
patients who had an appropriate discharge of the defibrillator reduced by ICD therapy.
were taking amiodarone, further emphasizing the limited role of The purpose of the Amiodarone Versus Implantable
antiarrhythmic therapy in these patients. 160 These observations Cardioverter-Defibrillator: Randomized Trial in Patients With
indicate that presence of high-risk factors, including frequent Nonischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Asymptomatic Non-
NSVT accompanied by history of syncope or family history of sustained Ventricular Tachycardia (AMIOVIRT) was to compare
SCD at a young age, may justify defibrillator implantation as total mortality during therapy with amiodarone or ICD in 103
primary prevention in patients with HCM. patients with nonischemic DCM and NSVT.163 The primary end-
point was total mortality. Secondary endpoints included
arrhythmia-free survival, quality of life, and costs. The study was
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia in Dilated
stopped when the prospective stopping rule for futility was
reached. The percentage of patients surviving at 1 year (90% vs.
Two large trials evaluated amiodarone therapy in patients with 96%) and 3 years (88% vs. 87%) in the amiodarone and ICD
ischemic and nonischemic cardiomyopathy. In the GESICA trial, groups, respectively, were not statistically different (P = .8).
amiodarone therapy was associated with decreased mortality, Quality of life was also similar with each therapy (P = not signifi-
whereas no such effect was observed in the CHF-STAT trial.25,85 cant). A trend toward a more beneficial cost profile and improved
The reasons for the different frequencies of NSVT in both studies arrhythmia-free survival was observed with amiodarone therapy.
(34% and 79%, respectively) and the differences in the effective- Mortality and quality of life in patients with nonischemic DCM
ness of amiodarone therapy are not clear and might be related to and NSVT treated with amiodarone or ICD are not statistically
the varying characteristics of patient populations (with the different. ICD was also not found superior to amiodarone in the
GESICA trial enrolling patients with more advanced left ventricu- Cardiomyopathy Trial (CAT) study on patients with recent onset
lar dysfunction and a high number of patients with Chagas’ of DCM ≤9 months) and EF 30% or less.164
638  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Current indications for ICD or cardiac resynchronization with NSVT and inducible sustained VT. MUSTT used the concept
therapy (CRT) therapy include primary prevention indications of EPS-guided antiarrhythmics to determine whether this
beyond those based on syncope or arrhythmic events. In light of approach can reduce mortality in survivors of MI with EF 40% or
the results from the Comparison of Medical Therapy, Pacing, and less and NSVT.11 The main study enrolled 704 patients with CAD,
Defibrillation in Heart Failure (COMPANION) trial and subse- asymptomatic NSVT, EF 40% or less, and inducible sustained VT.
quently from the Cardiac Resynchronization–Heart Failure Patients with induced, sustained VT were randomized to no anti-
(CARE-HF) trial, CRT has been approved as treatment in patients arrhythmic therapy or to EPS-guided therapy. The EPS-guided
with an LVEF of 35% or less, NYHA class III or IV, and QRS greater therapy included pharmacologic antiarrhythmic therapy and
than 120 ms.165,166 CRT provides benefit in patients with heart implantable defibrillators as indicated, based on EPS. The risk of
failure with wide QRS complex; this benefit is observed in patients cardiac arrest or death from arrhythmia among patients who
with ischemic and nonischemic cardiomyopathies, but it might received treatment with defibrillators in MUSTT was significantly
be higher in patients with nonischemic cardimyopathy.167,168 lower than that among patients who did not receive ICDs (RR,
0.24; 95% CI, 0.13–0.45; P < .001). Patients assigned to EPS-guided
therapy who were treated with only pharmacologic antiarrhyth-
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia in
mics had a similar rate of death and cardiac arrest as those in the
Coronary Artery Disease
control group who had not been treated with antiarrhythmic
The management of patients with previous MI and NSVT should therapy. These studies demonstrated that ICDs used in patients
first include modern therapy for ischemic heart disease, including with previous MI and depressed EF and NSVT significantly reduce
revascularization procedures, the use of β-blockers, statins, and the risk of SCD and total mortality.173
angiotensin-receptor blockers or inhibitors. This therapy is the Subsequently, MADIT II hypothesized that patients with pre-
most effective antiarrhythmic measure in patients with CAD as vious MI and markedly depressed left ventricular function (EF
demonstrated by the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patch (CABG- ≤30%)—regardless of the presence or absence of other risk strati-
Patch) trial.169 The CAST and CAST II trials demonstrated that fiers, including frequent ventricular ectopy and inducibility
class IC antiarrhythmic agents (encainide, flecainide, and morici- of sustained VT—will benefit from ICD therapy.174 MADIT II
zine) confer increased (not decreased) mortality in patients with enrolled 1232 patients with previous MI (742 randomized to ICD
previous MI.83,84,170 Subsequently, d-sotalol (class III drug) tested therapy and 490 to the non-ICD arm) and demonstrated that ICD
in the Survival With Oral d-Sotalol (SWORD) trial also was asso- therapy was associated with a significant 30% reduction in total
ciated with increased mortality in comparison with placebo.171 mortality during a 20-month follow-up and a sustained 8-year
The European Myocardial Infarct Amiodarone Trial (EMIAT) survival benefit.175 SCD-HeFT (with 52% of the patients having
and the Canadian Amiodarone Myocardial Infarction Arrhythmia ischemic cardiomyopathy) confirmed the MADIT II findings,
Trial (CAMIAT) failed to demonstrate beneficial effect of amio- indicating substantial benefit from ICD therapy in patients with
darone on survival.125,126 Therefore, no antiarrhythmic drug is suit- a low EF (<36%) and NYHA classes II and III. MADIT II and
able for the primary prevention of cardiac death, with the SCD-HeFT significantly changed the clinical approach to patients
exception of β-blockers, which were shown in several studies to with previous MI and NSVT. In light of MADIT II, patients with
reduce total and cardiac mortality in patients with previous MI. previous MI and EF of 30% or less should undergo ICD therapy
However, in low-risk to moderate-risk patients with previous MI regardless of the presence or absence of NSVT. Based on SCD-
and NSVT from the Beta-Blocker Heart Attack Trial, there was HeFT, patients with previous MI and EF of 31% to 35% should
no reduction in mortality in patients with NSVT.172 undergo ICD implantation if they are in NYHA class II or III.
In the MERLIN study, among patients assigned to ranolazine, Therefore, on the basis of the MUSTT findings, patients with
an episode of VT lasting at least 8 beats was not associated with previous MI and NSVT and EF of 36% to 40% should undergo
SCD compared with patients with no VT lasting at least 8 beats EPS and, if inducible, they should be treated with ICDs.
(2.5% vs. 1.6%; HR, 1.1; 95% CI, 0.3–3.5; P = .90), whereas among Two trials have investigated the optimal timing of ICD in
patients assigned to placebo, VT lasting at least 8 beats was sig- patients with previous MI and reduced left ventricular function
nificantly associated with SCD (5.4% vs. 1.5%; HR, 2.9; 95% CI; and other risk factors. The Defibrillator in Acute Myocardial
1.6–5.3; P < .001) (P for interaction = .15).17 These findings indi- Infarction Trial (DINAMIT), a randomized trial, compared ICD
cate that ranolazine most likely contributed to decreased mortal- therapy (in 332 patients) with no ICD therapy (in 342 patients) 6
ity in patients with NSVT. However, these findings require to 40 days after MI in patients with LVEF 35% or less and impaired
confirmation in prospective studies. cardiac autonomic function (manifested as depressed HRV or an
In the 1990s, the implantable defibrillator became a feasible elevated average 24-hour heart rate on Holter monitoring).176 Pro-
alternative to pharmacologic antiarrhythmic therapy for primary phylactic ICD therapy did not reduce overall mortality during an
prevention of SCD in patients with CAD and NSVT. In the approximately 3-year follow-up, although it was associated with
MADIT study, 196 patients with previous MI, an EF of 35% or less, a reduction in the rate of arrhythmic death. The Immediate Risk
a documented episode of NSVT, and inducible and nonsuppress- Stratification Improves Survival (IRIS) investigators randomized
ible sustained VT were randomized to receive an implanted defi- 898 patients with an LVEF of 40% or less and a heart rate of 90
brillator or conventional (primary amiodarone) non-ICD therapy. or more beats/min on the first available ECG (602 patients), or
Fifteen deaths occurred in 95 patients randomized to ICD therapy NSVT (≥150 beats/min) during Holter monitoring (208 patients),
and 39 deaths in 101 patients randomized to conventional therapy, or both criteria (88 patients), 5 to 31 days after MI, to treatment
yielding a 54% reduction in total mortality associated with ICD with an ICD (n = 445) and to medical therapy alone (n = 453).177
during a mean 27-month follow-up. This was the first study dem- During a mean follow-up of 37 months, prophylactic ICD therapy
onstrating that ICD therapy is beneficial as primary prevention in did not reduce overall mortality. Fewer SCDs occurred in the ICD
high-risk patients with previous MI. Antiarrhythmic therapy group than in the control group (27 vs. 60; HR, 0.55; 95% CI,
guided by invasive EPS has historically been used to treat patients 0.31–1.00; P = .049), but the number of non-SCDs was higher (68
Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia  639

Table 43-3  Management and Evidence-Based Therapy in Patients with NSVT Depending on Underlying Conditions



Asymptomatic, no overt heart disease Evaluate for ischemic heart disease and other No treatment necessary

Symptomatic with RVOT morphology EPS β-Blockers, verapamil, adenosine

of NSVT Differentiate with ARVD
Radiofrequency ablation, if needed

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Evaluate additional risk factors: β-Blockers, CCBs (in nonobstructive form), septal
Previous cardiac arrest (although most are lethal) myectomy/ablation
Unexplained syncope ICD when frequent and prolonged (>10 beats)
Massive left ventricular hypertrophy (≥30 mm) episodes of NSVT and additional risk factor
Hypotensive or attenuated blood pressure
response to upright exercise

Nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy Value of EPS not established Optimal CCB therapy (medical and CRT, if indicated)
Ablation for bundle branch re-entry
ICD for syncope or LVEF ≤30% to 35% and NYHA
class II/III

ARVC Value of EPS not established ICD with sustained VT or VF or left ventricular
involvement and/or one or more affected  
family members

LQTS Genotype analysis useful β-Blockers

ICD if cardiac arrest with β-blockers (especially
in LQT2 and LQT3)

CPVT Value of EPS not established β-Blockers

ICD, if cardiac arrest on β-blockers

Brugada syndrome Value of EPS disputed ICD with syncope


Acute MI, NSVT <24 hours Routine for acute MI Primary angioplasty, thrombolysis

NSVT >24 hours until predischarge Routine for acute MI Optimal CAD therapy*

Asymptomatic CAD without MI; or MI EPS if EF <40% No need for specific management
with EF >40%

Syncope in CAD without MI; or MI EPS Optimal CAD therapy*

with EF >40% If EPS-inducible: ICD† optimal CAD therapy

MI with EF of 31% to 40% EPS Optimal CAD therapy

If EPS-inducible: ICD

MI with LVEF ≤35% and NYHA II/III No further testing needed Optimal CAD therapy
ICD therapy

MI with EF ≤30% No further testing needed Optimal CAD therapy

ICD therapy

*Optimal CAD therapy defined as administration of aspirin, β-blockers, statins, angiotensin receptor blocker/angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ARB/ACEI), and
revascularization therapy.
†ICD is recommended if indications exist at least 40 days after MI.
ARVC, Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; ARVD, arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia; CAD, coronary artery disease; CCB, calcium channel blocker;
CPVT, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia; EF, ejection fraction; EPS, electrophysiology study; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; LQTS, long QT syndrome;
LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; NSVT, nonsustained ventricular tachycardia; NYHA, New York Heart Association; RVOT, right ventricular outflow tract;
VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
640  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

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Stratification After Acute Myocardial Infarction (CARISMA) study, Circulation 115:2750–2760, 2007.
Circulation 122:1258–1264, 2010.
Buxton AE, Lee KL, Fisher JD, et al: A randomized study of the prevention All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
of sudden death in patients with coronary artery disease. Multicenter com.
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia
with Heart Disease
Introduction, Principles of Practice: Paul Dorian
Etiology and Pathologic Anatomy: Saroja Bharati
Basic Electrophysiology: Michiel Janse
Clinical Presentation: Sanjeev Saksena
Electrocardiography: Bruce D. Lindsay
Clinical Electrophysiology: William G. Stevenson
Management: Robert J. Myerburg, Paul Dorian, and Sanjeev Saksena

Sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) degenerating to ventricu- myocardium and scar tissue. The infarct zone is surrounded by
lar fibrillation (VF) and asystole is the most common cause of varying degrees of border zone with surrounding but damaged
premature cardiac death in the Western world. It is difficult to myocardial fibers. In general, the infarct size is quite large in these
definitively establish from epidemiologic studies whether VT or patients and may be related to the development of a ventricular
VF more often causes sudden cardiac death (SCD). However, the aneurysm.2-4
identification, immediate treatment, and long-term prevention of VT also frequently occurs in cardiomyopathy. Any disease
sustained VT in patients with pre-existing heart disease will likely state that affects the heart in a chronic process can eventually lead
have a significant impact on overall cardiac morbidity and to a cardiomyopathy. Thus VT is expected to occur in advanced
mortality. cardiomyopathy during the end stage of heart diseases such as
The definition of sustained VT has undergone evolution. CAD, myocarditis, valvular disease, hypertensive heart disease,
Although no formal definition has been adopted for spontaneous familial types of cardiomyopathy, and in many other disease
sustained VT compared with VT induced by programmed stimu- states. This cardiomyopathy can have several etiologies; however,
lation, two versions are in common use. In the Electrophysiologic the most common type is an idiopathic form. In some patients,
Study Versus Electrocardiographic Monitoring (ESVEM) trial, a “idiopathic” cardiomyopathy may be the end result of previous
15-second duration was considered sustained VT.1 Alternatively, viral myocarditis. Pathologically, in most cases of cardiomyopa-
many physicians prefer to use 30-second duration or evidence of thy, the ventricular myocardial cells show varying types of histo-
hemodynamic compromise warranting earlier termination to logic features such as hypertrophy of cells and varying stages of
define VT, as in the case of induced VT. This chapter provides an degenerative changes in the cells and fibrosis, with or without the
overview of the epidemiology, pathology, electrophysiology, and presence of chronic inflammatory cells. Varying degrees of myo-
management of sustained VT in patients with structural heart cardial fiber damage can provide a substrate for a re-entry circuit
disease. In such patients, VT can be conveniently divided into (1) at the junctional areas with the healthy myocardium.3
VT caused by, or related to, a “fixed arrhythmogenic substrate” Myocarditis of any type, in the acute phase or the chronic
and (2) VT in which the substrate is present intermittently during phase, may cause VT that may result in SCD. The heart may be
transient abnormalities in cardiac electrophysiological structure normal at the gross anatomic level, but microscopic examination
and function (e.g., with changes in the neurohormonal milieu). may reveal an interstitial type of a myocarditis in the ventricular
myocardium, including the bundle branches. In many patients,
clinical history may be essentially unremarkable, or a history of a
Etiology and Pathologic Anatomy mild attack of influenza several weeks before death may be
In general, the majority of hearts in patients with a previous Fibrotic scars in the ventricular myocardium are often seen in
history of VT reveal varying types of pathologic changes, with young victims of SCD who otherwise have a normal heart. They
areas of healthy myocardium interspersed among the pathologic may be associated with pathologic changes in the peripheral con-
processes.2-4 The most common cause of VT is coronary artery duction system such as the branching atrioventricular (AV)
disease (CAD), in either its acute phase or chronic phase. During bundle and bundle branches. The focal scars in the ventricular
the acute phase, VT is believed to be caused by altered physio- myocardium, surrounded by healthy myocardium, may form an
logic, biochemical, or metabolic states. In the chronic phase, a anatomic substrate for ventricular arrhythmias that promotes
re-entry circuit is created at the junctional areas of the healthy re-entry or abnormal automaticity. The etiology of the fibrotic

642  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

scars in the ventricular myocardium and the beginning of the

bundle branches currently is unknown. One hypothesis is that
these may represent the end result of an autoimmune reaction or
an allergic state that may or may not be related to a silent form
of a previous myocarditis.2-4

Uncommon Types of Cardiomyopathy

Less commonly, VT is seen in mitral valve prolapse. Several
pathologic abnormalities in cases of mitral valve prolapse are
associated with VT.2-5 A variety of pathologic findings such as a
right-sided AV bundle, fibrotic scars in the ventricular septum,
degenerative changes in the conduction system, and arterioloscle-
rosis, may be seen in these patients.
In arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, the anterior wall
of the right ventricle can be partially or completely replaced by
fibro-fatty tissue. Some intact myocardial cells may be scattered
within the fatty tissue. Similar findings extend to the ventricular
septum and the left ventricular myocardium. This often is associ-
ated with necrosis of cells and mononuclear cell infiltration.
Varying amounts of degenerative changes in the myocardium are
present in the right and left ventricles. A segmented and looping
left-sided AV bundle has been reported. Small-vessel disease of
the ventricular septum may also be present. Thus, in addition to
acquired pathologic changes, congenital abnormalities of the con-
duction system in the sinoatrial, AV node, and AV bundle also
In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the heart is hypertrophied
and enlarged. Hypertrophy of the interventricular septum is seen FIGURE 44-1  A 34-year-old male of Italian ancestry died suddenly.
He was diagnosed to have right bundle branch block with first-degree
in varying degrees. The AV node may be partly or mostly situated
and intermittent third-degree atrioventricular (AV) block and  
within the central fibrous body and occasionally partly embedded
recurrent unifocal paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia. During
in the tricuspid valve annulus or at the aortic-mitral annulus. The electrophysiological studies with extrastimulus technique, repetitive
AV nodal artery is usually thickened and narrowed. The sinoatrial ventricular tachycardias were induced. Photomicrograph demonstrates
(SA) and AV nodes frequently are infiltrated with fat. The AV sarcoid granulomas of the ventricular myocardium and branching AV
bundle may be on the right side of the ventricular septum with bundle (Weigert-van Gieson stain ×45). B, Branching AV bundle with
loop formation and fibrosis of the branching bundle. Focal, sarcoid granulomas; V, summit of the ventricular septum with sarcoid
fibrotic scars in the ventricular myocardium are associated with granulomas. Thin white and black arrows point to sarcoid granulomas
myocardial fiber disarray and arteriolosclerosis in the summit of in the branching AV bundle; thick arrows point to the ventricular
the ventricular septum.2-4,7 septum with granulomas.

Infiltrative Diseases of the Myocardium Primary Electrical Diseases

VT may occur in sarcoidosis and amyloidosis. An infiltrative Supraventricular arrhythmias are well known to occur in pre-
disease of the myocardium such as sarcoidosis may affect the excitation syndrome. However, ventricular arrhythmias also can
branching AV bundle and the bundle branches as well as the occur in this entity. Pathologically, the accessory pathway is
ventricular myocardium. Likewise, amyloidosis, in either the obvious on either the left or right side, associated with cardiomy-
primary or the secondary form, may involve the ventricular opathy and fibroelastosis of the left ventricle, along with hyper-
myocardium, including the bundle branches. In 70% of cases of trophy and degenerative changes of the myocardium.2-4,9
primary amyloidosis, the heart is involved, often with disruption Familial Q-T interval prolongation is predominantly an auto-
to the entire conduction system. The infiltration of amyloid in somal dominant disorder associated with syncopal episodes, VT,
the heart eventually results in a restrictive cardiomyopathy, and and SCD. Recently, abnormal genes have been identified on
SCD is commonly seen.2-4,8 The heart is affected in approximately several chromosomes in patients with congenital prolonged Q-T
13% to 25% of cases of sarcoidosis. Cardiac involvement often is interval. Genetic heterogeneity has been documented in linkage
associated with lymph node and lung involvement. Sarcoidosis studies, in which loci on several chromosomes have been identi-
has a predilection to affect the posterior wall of the left ventricle fied. Furthermore, mutations in ion channel genes on chromo-
with aneurysm formation. Sarcoid granulomas may be present in somes 3, 7, and others have been identified as related to other
the conduction system and the surrounding myocardium (Figure forms of long QT syndrome.2-4,10 Pathologically, there are marked
44-1). In general, infiltrative lesions can cause conduction distur- fatty infiltration in the approaches to the AV node; a lobulated AV
bances and provide a substrate for re-entrant or automatic bundle with or without loop formation; arteriolosclerosis; and
VT.2-4,8 focal fibrosis of the summit of the ventricular septum seen
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia with Heart Disease   643

predominantly on the right side. In addition, fibrotic changes are system, or both and give rise to VT, which may or may not
seen to a varying degree in the AV bundle and bundle branches
with chronic inflammatory cells in the ventricular myocardium.
Of note, pathologic findings do exist in congenital long QT
syndrome leading to SCD.2-4,10
be transient. Likewise, the various resuscitative techniques used
and catheter ablation of the myocardium may alter myocardial
tissue, leading to formation of fibro-fatty scar and chronic
inflammation. This may become a future substrate for
Skeletal Muscle Disorders
Familial Ventricular Tachycardia
The conduction system frequently is affected in congenital myo-
tonic dystrophy. This progressive, generalized disease is charac- Pathologically, the conduction system and the ventricular myo-
terized by typical atrophy of skeletal muscles with associated cardium may show degenerative changes with mononuclear cell
myotonia. Various types of arrhythmias are known to occur in infiltration and fat to varying degrees. In other individuals,
this disease. Pathologically, degenerative changes in the smooth atrophy of the branching part of the AV bundle, with almost
muscles of the cardiac vessels in the left atrium and the aorta with complete absence of both right and left bundle branches, may be
fatty infiltration in the approaches to the AV node, fibrosis of the present. These findings suggest a genetic abnormality of the con-
bundle branches, summit of the ventricular septum, and varying duction system that leads to degenerative changes, inflammatory
degenerative changes in the myocardium are present. These could phenomena, and susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias that
form a substrate for AV block and VT.3,11 cause SCD.18,19 The anatomic substrate may originate from the
Kearns-Sayre syndrome is characterized by progressive exter- myocardial disarray that can be present in either the ventricular
nal ophthalmoplegia, retinitis pigmentosa, and AV block rather septal myocardium or the conduction system. Left or right ven-
than VT. Progressive, degenerative changes affect the entire heart. tricular septal hypertrophy may also cause degeneration of
The conduction system is replaced by fibrotic destruction of the the AV node, AV bundle, and the main left bundle branch
bundle branches with fibro-fatty replacement. Some muscle cells (Figure 44-2).3,4,20
may reveal hypertrophy; others become atrophied with perineural
and perivascular fibrosis, eventually leading to cardiomyopathy.
Changes on the Right Side of the Ventricular Septum
Although AV block frequently occurs in this disease, electrophysi-
Related to Premature Aging
ological studies have demonstrated that the disease affects the
entire His-Purkinje system. These findings in the conduction Premature aging occurs in the summit of the ventricular septum
system and ventricular myocardium may form an anatomic basis in some individuals, with degenerative changes of the branching
for VT.3,12 bundle and the right bundle branch. These changes are usually
associated with arteriolosclerosis of the summit of the ventricular
septum and often are seen in SCD in teenagers.3,4,21
Tumors and Parasitic Diseases of the Heart
Any tumor, either primary or secondary, can produce ventricular
Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia Caused by Congenital
arrhythmias, as can parasitic infiltration. Hydatid cyst infiltration
Abnormalities of the Conduction System
can result in fibrosis in the perimeter tissues around the cyst. This
can permit re-entry and may result in VT.3,13 VT may occur in many disease states involving the conduction
system, the myocardium, or both. Diseased myocardial fibers
usually are surrounded, at least in part, by healthy myocardial
Aneurysm and Diverticulum of the Heart
fibers, thereby creating a substrate for re-entry, abnormal auto-
Aneurysm and diverticulum of the heart may occur in either the maticity, or slowed conduction. Thus varying types of congenital
right or left ventricle of an otherwise normal heart, and VT may abnormalities of the conduction system—such as a right-sided AV
be the first clinical manifestation.3,13 Pathologic anatomy reveals bundle; left-sided AV bundle; genetically abnormally formed con-
a large, wide-mouthed aneurysm, but its microscopic appearance duction system; and altered metabolic, biochemical, or physio-
can vary with the etiology. logic states—may result in VT.
Chronic recurrent right VT with QRS morphology of a left
bundle branch block (LBBB) pattern in a normal heart, normal
Ventricular Tachycardia in Postoperative Patients with
coronary arteries, and normal cardiac catheterization findings has
Congenital Heart Disease
been well documented, especially in young patients. However, an
Ventricular arrhythmias are known to occur in postoperative anatomic substrate for this abnormality has only been occasion-
patients with congenital heart diseases such as tetralogy of Fallot, ally reported.22 In one report, a 13-year-old boy with a history of
aortic stenosis, or other congenital cardiac anomalies. VT can recurrent VT died suddenly. A right-sided, markedly septated AV
appear many years after the surgery. Fibrotic scars along with bundle was found at autopsy. The AV node formed the AV bundle,
healthy myocardium are seen, for example, at the outflow tract of and the node-bundle junction was ill defined (Figure 44-3). The
the right ventricle or in any other area in the heart. This substrate penetrating AV bundle cells were not well defined as typical cells
can result in re-entry circuits leading to VT.2-4,14,15 In aortic ste- of the AV bundle, and the latter remained on the right side and
nosis, cardiomegaly may occur with myocardial fibrosis.16 eventually became the right bundle branch. In addition, patchy
fibrotic scars were present in the right ventricular myocardium.
A right-sided, markedly septated, undifferentiated AV bundle that
Iatrogenic Disorders
eventually continues as the right bundle branch has been hypoth-
Antiarrhythmic drugs may alter the physiological, metabolic, esized to cause recurrent right VT in an otherwise normal
and biochemical states of the myocardium, the conduction heart.2,3,22
644  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

FIGURE 44-3  Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia in an otherwise

normal heart. A 13-year-old boy with a history of recurrent ventricular
FIGURE 44-2  Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia of familial
1 tachycardia died suddenly. Photomicrograph demonstrating a
etiology. A 15 2 -year-old boy with a history of exercise-related
right-sided atrioventricular (AV) node and AV bundle with no sharp
syncope died suddenly while swimming. He had a family history of
line of differentiation between the AV node partly engulfed in the
sudden cardiac death involving three consecutive generations,
central fibrous body and the markedly septated AV bundle (Weigert-
including a brother. The electrocardiogram and cardiac catheterization
van Gieson stain × 30). B, AV bundle; C, central fibrous body; N, AV
results were normal. During electrophysiological studies, with
node; V, ventricular septum. (From Bharati S, Bauernfeind R, Scheinman
extrastimulus testing, he had polymorphic nonsustained ventricular
M, et al: Congenital abnormalities of the conduction system in two
tachycardia; during stage 5 of the Bruce protocol, he had a run of
patients with tachyarrhythmias, Circulation 59: 593–646, 1979.)
nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. Photomicrograph of the
branching atrioventricular bundle being compressed by the right
ventricular septal muscle at the region of the posterior radiation of left
bundle branch (Weigert-van Gieson stain ×22.5). B, Branching bundle;
F, fatty metamorphosis; Fi, fibrosis and linear change of left bundle arrhythmia can be induced by acute ischemia and reperfusion. It
branch; LBB, posterior radiation of left bundle branch; S, increased usually occurs between 2 and 30 minutes after acute coronary
sclerosis on the mid-septal area on the left; V, summit of the artery occlusion, when the changes caused by ischemia are still
ventricular septum. Arrows point to the pressure of the right
reversible. Arrhythmias associated with the development of myo-
ventricular septal hypertrophy on the atrioventricular bundle at the
cardial infarction can be categorized as delayed arrhythmias,
level of the posterior radiation of left bundle branch. (From Brookfield L,
Bharati S, Denes P, et al: Familial sudden death, report of a case and review usually occurring between 5 and 48 hours, late arrhythmias
of the literature, Chest 94:989–993, 1988.) occurring after days to weeks, and chronic arrhythmias occurring
months to years later.23,24 Delayed arrhythmias such as slow VT
and accelerated idioventricular rhythms rarely degenerate into VF
Basic Electrophysiology and are caused by abnormal automaticity of Purkinje fibers over-
lying the infarct.
VT occurs in different disease substrates. The most common and Data obtained in 4- to 5-day-old canine infarcts show that the
most widely studied experimental models include healed myocar- healing infarct undergoes structural and functional changes. The
dial infarct, myocardial hypertrophy, and myocardial failure. The surviving epicardial cells overlying the infarct have abnormal
origins of VT in each of these substrates are specific mechanisms action potentials with diminished upstrokes with loss of the
that provide insight into clinical VT. plateau and shorter action potential duration. The density and
kinetics of a number of ion channels are altered, and sodium ion
and calcium ion currents are reduced, as are transient outward
Ischemia and Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias
potassium ion currents and the delayed and inward rectifying
The ventricular arrhythmias caused by myocardial ischemia and potassium ion currents.25 During this stage, re-entrant VT in the
infarction occur in several distinct phases. A ventricular so-called epicardial border zone (the layer of surviving cells
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia with Heart Disease   645

post-infarction arrhythmias have certainly not become irrele-

mV 0 vant.31 With improved therapy in the acute stage of MI, more
patients survive, but many survivors have left ventricular dysfunc-
tion. Ventricular dysfunction is known to be the most important
risk factor for SCD, as verified in the European Myocardial Infarct
Intracellular Amiodarone Trial (EMIAT). The combination of arrhythmic
death and resuscitated cardiac arrest occurred in 8.6% of patients.32
How many of these patients developed sustained VT that degen-
erated into VF is unknown, as is how many had an episode of
acute ischemia that induced the lethal arrhythmia. Still, despite
200 µV intensive therapy, arrhythmic events in patients who have had MI,
Extracellular especially in the presence of ventricular dysfunction, remain an
important cause of death.
0.2 s Reconstruction of the re-entrant circuits and the mechanism
of slow conduction in the human heart with a healed infarct is
FIGURE 44-4  Transmembrane potential and extracellular electrogram based on observations made during mapping-guided surgery in
recorded from a resected endocardial preparation from a patient with patients with infarct-related VT as well as on studies on isolated,
ventricular tachycardia and a chronic myocardial infarction. The Langendorff-perfused human hearts and isolated papillary
electrogram shows fragmentation. The action potential is close to
muscles from patients with infarcts undergoing cardiac transplan-
normal. (From de Bakker JMT, Coronel R, Tasseron S, et al: Ventricular
tation.28,33-35 Figure 44-5 shows the activation map of one beat of
tachycardia in the infarcted, Langendorff-perfused human heart: Role
of the arrangement of surviving cardiac fibers, J Am Coll Cardiol a VT induced by programmed electrical stimulation in an iso-
15:1594–1607, 1990.) lated, Langendorff-perfused heart. The endocardial surface of the
left ventricle is schematically depicted with the left ventricle
folded out by making a vertical cut along the left anterior descend-
ing artery. The black zone indicates the infarcted area.
overlying the infarct) can easily be induced by premature stimuli. Selected extracellular electrograms, recorded simultaneously
Both the cellular abnormalities, as well as a re-distribution of from the endocardium by a balloon electrode inserted into the
intercellular gap junctions, play a role in determining the “sub- ventricular cavity, are shown in Figure 44-5 as well. The cycle
strate” for re-entry.26 These VTs may degenerate into VF, espe- length of this tachycardia was 264 ms. The site of earliest activa-
cially in the presence of a high sympathetic tone, but this is tion during this tachycardia was in a small area near the apex, on
uncommon.24 the border of the septum and the posterior wall, at the margin of
In the following few weeks, transmembrane action potentials the infarcted region (the area encircled by the 0-ms isochrone).
of the surviving cells gradually return to normal as most of the Activation spread from this area to the left in the figure (from a
ion channels recover; by 2 months, action potential configuration to b) and continued to the anterior wall (from b to c to d to e) to
in both canine and human infarcts is completely normal (Figure reach the other margin of the infarct after 192 ms (near site e).
44-4).27,28 When the healing phase of myocardial infarction is over Although activation at this margin seems to have died out,
and when the fully healed phase begins are difficult points to because of the slow positive deflection recorded at site e, the pres-
ascertain. The electrophysiological substrate for VT likely devel- ence of small deflections indicated by the arrows over the infarcted
ops gradually over several weeks and remains stable from several zone suggests that the spread of activation continued via tracts of
months to 15 to 20 years.29 surviving muscle within the infarct, through sites f, g, and h, to
Most of the electrophysiological data have been obtained from reach the opposite side of the infarct after 258 ms, re-exciting the
canine models with healing infarcts. Although many similarities area of the 0-ms isochrone and completing a large re-entrant
exist between canine arrhythmias and those in humans, some circuit around the circumference of the ventricle.
important differences are also present. In dogs with infarcts, Subsequent histologic studies of this region confirmed the
arrhythmias can be easily induced during the first week, but presence of surviving myocardial muscle bundles, several milli-
inducibility decreases thereafter. In humans, VTs can only be meters below the endocardial surface that connected both
induced in a small minority after 5 days, and inducibility increases margins of the infarct, completing the re-entrant circuit. Figure
after 3 weeks. In dogs, the re-entrant circuit responsible for the 44-6 shows superimposed drawings of many histologic sections
tachycardia is located in the epicardial border zone. In humans of this region, where viable muscle is in black and connective
with healed infarcts, the re-entrant circuit usually is located sub- tissue in white. Similar tracts were found in other hearts, embed-
endocardially, and only approximately 20% of VTs are caused by ded within the scar of the healed infarct. Such tracts could be
re-entry in the subepicardium. localized in the subendocardium, the subepicardium, and intra-
murally. The myocardial fibers were sometimes arranged in a
parallel fashion along the long axis of the tract, allowing relatively
The Substrate for Re-entrant Tachycardia in the Human
rapid transmission of the re-entrant impulse from one side of the
Heart with a Healed Infarct
infarct to the other. However, in other hearts the fibers were
In the prethrombolytic era, the incidence of sustained monomor- oriented transverse to the direction of impulse propagation; in
phic VT after discharge from the hospital in patients surviving a these cases, transmission through the infarct was very slow.
myocardial infarction (MI) has been reported to be approximately Figures 44-7 and 44-8 show the mechanism of such “slow”
3% and that of nonsustained VT as 10% to 20%.30 Although conduction. Figure 44-7 shows selected electrograms from
thrombolysis has drastically reduced arrhythmic events early an infarcted human papillary muscle to illustrate the highly
after MI, with an incidence of sustained VT lower than 1%, fragmented waveforms, typical when connective tissue is
646  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias


Ant / lat
80 60 40

180 140
20 160 120100
192 e d
b 0 172
258 236 c
a h g f
CL = 264 ms Damaged tissue

FIGURE 44-6  Superimposed drawings of selected serial sections

e from the infarcted part of the left ventricle taken from an isolated
human heart in which sustained ventricular tachycardia was induced.
f Viable myocardial tissue is in purple and scar tissue is in white. A
bundle of surviving myocardium runs through the infarct, connecting
the noninfarcted tissue on both sides of the infarct. (Courtesy Jacques
g M.T. De Bakker and S. Tasseron.)

t=0 0.1 sec 5 mV between A and B was 1.2 mm, the length of the zigzag pathway
a was 25.2 mm. In 10 papillary muscles, conduction velocity paral-
lel to the fiber orientation was, on average, 79 cm/sec, which
FIGURE 44-5  Endocardial activation pattern of one cycle of sustained indicates that both the active electrical properties (action poten-
ventricular tachycardia induced in a Langendorff-perfused human tial amplitude and upstroke velocity) and passive electrical prop-
heart with extensive inferoposterior infarction. Isochrones are in erties (longitudinal coupling resistance) were normal. Conduction
milliseconds with respect to a time reference (t = 0) in the bottom velocity at the bifurcation points was only 49 cm/sec, indicating
panel. Thick arrows on the map indicate main spread of activation. In that in addition to the pathway length, impedance mismatch at
the bottom panel, endocardial electrograms recorded at sites indicated bifurcations also contributed to activation delay.
in the top panel are shown. The thick line connects times of activation of Thus, in the human heart with a healed infarct, the substrate
subendocardial tissue at the sites a to e. At site d, the main deflection is
for re-entry is formed by the surviving fibers within the infarct.
followed by a second response of small amplitude (arrow). At sites e to
In addition to a substrate, a trigger is needed to initiate the tachy-
h, large signals reflect remote activity, but in all signals small deflections
are present (arrows). The timing of these small deflections is indicated cardia. This trigger likely occurs in the myocardium remote from
by the thin line. CL, Cycle length; Ant/lat, anterior/lateral. (From de Bakker the infarct. In the presence of progressive left ventricular dysfunc-
JMT, Coronel R, Tasseron S, et al: Ventricular tachycardia in the infarcted, tion, these myocardial zones can undergo arrhythmogenic
Langendorff- perfused human heart: Role of the arrangement of surviving remodeling. Furthermore, the properties of the noninfarcted
cardiac fibers, J Am Coll Cardiol 15:1594–1607, 1990.) myocardium can determine whether VT degenerates into VF.
Dispersion of refractoriness in the noninfarcted myocardium is
three times larger in patients who have had an MI and subse-
intermingled with viable myocardium. In this muscle, the delay quently develop VF than in those in whom the VT remains mono-
between the deflections at the extreme electrode terminals of the morphic and hemodynamically stable.36
multiple electrode (distance, 1.4 mm) was 45 ms, which would
correspond to an overall conduction velocity on the order of
Role of Cardiac Remodeling in Ventricular Tachycardia
3 cm/sec. As illustrated in Figure 44-8, this apparent slow con-
duction was caused by “zigzag” conduction in small muscle The heart may respond to a variety of abnormal environmental
bundles separated by collagenous septa. Activity in the muscle stimuli by altering gene expression or the functional properties of
tracts proceeded both toward the site of stimulation A and away proteins. This ultimately leads to both functional and structural
from it. Many tracts were dead-end pathways. The actual pathway cardiac alterations that may be arrhythmogenic. These processes
of activation is plotted in panel B. Although the shortest distance are referred to as cardiac remodeling. Common to all studies on
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia with Heart Disease   647

on action potential duration in the hearts of large mammals. It

does change the level of the plateau phase of the action potential,
and it can affect other currents activated later during the action
potential. Both rapid and slow components of the delayed recti-
fier, Ikr and Iks, are reduced in rabbits with pacing-induced heart
failure.47 The inward rectifier current, IK1, can decrease, remain
unchanged, or increase.37 If IK1 is reduced, it will lead to an unsta-
ble resting potential; when it is unregulated, pacemaker activity
could result.48,49 The L-type calcium current is either unchanged
or decreased, and it is unlikely that this current contributes to
action potential prolongation.50 A role may exist for the late
sodium current, which is increased.51 For most of these remod-
eled currents, data on regional differences are insufficient.
However, in the presence of enhanced β-adrenergic activity,
transmural dispersion in repolarization increases because of aug-
mentation of residual Iks in the epicardial and endocardial layers,
resulting in action potential shortening.52 But this does not occur
in mid-mural M cells, in which Iks is intrinsically weak.52 A
decrease in electrical cell-to-cell coupling, either by a decrease in
expression of connexins or by the development of microscopic
10 ms fibrosis in hypertrophied myocardium, reduces electronic current
flow and will unmask intrinsic differences in action potential
Stim duration. The well-coupled myocardium will attenuate these
FIGURE 44-7  Selected electrograms recorded at distances of 200 µm Ischemia and infarction result in both afferent and efferent
in an isolated, superfused infarcted human papillary muscle. The parasympathetic and sympathetic dysfunction in regions apical to
recording area is indicated by the rectangle; the site of stimulation the area of infarction. The denervated but otherwise normal myo-
(Stim) is noted by the square wave. Note the high degree of cardium develops adrenergic supersensitivity, and therefore the
fragmentation of the electrograms. (Modified from De Bakker JMT, van response to circulating catecholamines is exaggerated.45 The
Capelle FJL, Janse MJ, et al: Slow conduction in the infarcted human heart: hypothesis of nerve sprouting in ventricular arrhythmias and
“Zigzag” course of activation, Circulation 88:915–926, 1993.) SCD states that myocardial infarction results in nerve injury fol-
lowed by sympathetic nerve sprouting and regional, heteroge-
neous myocardial hyperinnervation, which, together with
the hypertrophic and failing ventricular myocardium is a pro- electrical remodeling, leads to heterogeneous distribution of
longed action potential, especially at slow heart rates.37 This may repolarization and ventricular arrhythmias.46
be considered an adaptive process. In the setting of a prolonged It is generally agreed that intracellular calcium handling is
action potential, the intracellular calcium transport is increased, compromised in heart failure, but reports on virtually all compo-
causing enhanced force of myocardial contraction. It can be nents involved in calcium homeostasis are contradictory.37,53-55 It
argued that a prolonged action potential may also protect the is generally accepted that adenosine triphosphate–dependent
heart against re-entrant excitation. However, prolonging repolar- calcium accumulation by the sarcoplasmic reticulum is decreased.
ization may be arrhythmogenic. Drugs, both cardiac and noncar- In the presence of a prolonged action potential and altered
diac, can prolong the action potential. A risk of development of calcium homeostasis, both EAD and delayed afterdepolarization
early afterdepolarizations (EADs) and torsades de pointes (TdP) may occur.43,49 In hearts with an infarct, in which an anatomic
does exist in this situation.38 An EAD-induced premature beat re-entrant circuit may be present, either premature ventricular
generally causes re-entry only in the presence of a marked increase depolarizations caused by these afterdepolarizations or salvos of
in dispersion of repolarization.38 In the hypertrophic and failing triggered activity may initiate sustained re-entrant tachycardias.
myocardium, increased dispersion in repolarization (or refracto- In hypertrophied and failing hearts without an infarct, with fibro-
riness) has been reported.36,39-41 In hearts with a healed infarct, sis and increased dispersion of repolarization, these triggers may
repolarization of normal, lateral border and infarct-zone cells is equally initiate re-entrant tachycardias. In animal models of heart
nonuniform, with myocardial cells showing different degrees of failure (e.g., rabbits), combined volume and pressure overload
action potential disturbance and prolongation. Many of these resulted in nonsustained VT developing in more than 50% of
cells, especially those close to the infarct border, show post- animals, and SCD was common.56 However, it is not certain
repolarization refractoriness.25 Several reasons for the increased whether SCD is always caused by VT degenerating into VF. In
dispersion in repolarization exist: unequal distribution of remod- humans with end-stage heart failure as well as in rabbit models
eled ion channels, decreased expression of gap junctional con- of heart failure, bradycardia, asystole, and electromechanical dis-
nexins and an altered distribution of gap junctions with the sociation have been documented to cause SCD.57-59
development of fibrosis, and changes in autonomic innervation.41-46
Changes in ionic currents contributing to repolarization are
seen. The most consistent finding is a reduction in the transient Clinical Presentation
outward current, Ito.37,42,43 Although this current is very important
in determining action potential duration in small mammals such The symptoms associated with sustained VT can range from an
as the rat, its downregulation probably does not have much effect asymptomatic patient to cardiovascular collapse resulting in
648  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Column Number Column Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Fiber direction Fiber direction

Tip Base Tip Base

FIGURE 44-8  Map illustrating the spread of activation of the rectangular area shown in the inset of Figure 44-4. In the solid tracts of A, activation
moves away from the site of stimulation (site A); in the open tracts, activation moves toward the site of stimulation. B, The tortuous route that
activation followed to reach site B. (Modified from De Bakker JMT, van Capelle FJL, Janse MJ, et al: Slow conduction in the infarcted human heart: “Zigzag”
course of activation, Circulation 88:915–926, 1993.)

circulatory arrest and unconsciousness. Clinical literature dating therapy was determined by faster events in the “ventricular fibril-
to the early twentieth century has documented case reports of lation” zone.62 However, the absence of hemodynamic compro-
sustained VT without symptoms or minimal symptoms. Remark- mise does not exclude the diagnosis of VT. An axiom holds that
ably, some of these episodes may last weeks or even months. wide QRS tachycardia in the presence of history or electrocardio-
These patients may have only minimal or no palpitations, that, gram (ECG) evidence of myocardial infarction is due to VT until
when present, can be regarded as an insignificant symptom. proven otherwise by subsequent investigation.
Figure 44-9 shows a patient with incessant VT who, in 1981, had
palpitations with mild dyspnea during a single sustained slow VT
episode that lasted 1 week, despite the presence of severe left Electrocardiography
ventricular systolic dysfunction. The most common symptoms of
sustained VT are palpitations, dyspnea, angina, hypotension, and A 12-lead ECG during sustained VT is an important and essential
near or frank syncope. The severity of symptoms is related to investigational tool for the management of the patient with VT.
several factors, including tachycardia rate, morphology, severity It should be obtained during the tachycardia and compared with
of left ventricular dysfunction, preload, and coexisting diseases a prior recording in sinus rhythm, if possible. Careful evaluation
such as CAD. The symptom complex often is defined by the can confirm the diagnosis, exclude other tachycardias, and help
hemodynamic impact of the arrhythmia. In an early study, Saksena establish its mechanism. The QRS morphology during VT can
and colleagues proved that VT resulted in impaired left ventricu- also help determine its site of origin.
lar relaxation and subsequently systolic dysfunction and decline
in negative and positive dP/dt.60 Tachycardia rate and pre-existing
Electrocardiographic Diagnosis of Ventricular Tachycardia
LV dysfunction were important variables, as was preload. Faster
VT rates and low preload predisposed to hypotension and Twelve-lead ECGs are particularly useful to differentiate supra-
syncope. Hamer noted similar associations with syncope during ventricular tachycardia (SVT) from VT. Distinguishing these
VT.61 In a study of defibrillator recipients, presyncope or syncope arrhythmias is more difficult when aberrant intraventricular
preceding delivery of implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) conduction occurs during SVT, but several criteria have been
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia with Heart Disease   649

Ventricular Tachycardia - Catheter Endocardial Mapping
2. Continuous Electrical Activity





400 ms

FIGURE 44-9  Incessant ventricular tachycardia (VT) in a patient with coronary artery disease, large left ventricular (LV) aneurysm, estimated left
ventricular ejection fraction of 15%, and congestive heart failure. The patient was in sustained VT for days with minimal symptoms and a slow VT rate.
Catheter endocardial mapping was performed during the episode. HBE, His-bundle electrogram; RVA, right ventricle electrogram.

proposed to improve diagnostic accuracy.63-69 AV dissociation is Table 44-1  Sensitivity and Predictive Accuracy of
the most specific ECG criterion for the diagnosis of VT in record- Electrocardiographic Criteria to Distinguish VT Resembling  
ings of wide QRS complex tachyarrhythmias. Certain rare types LBBB from SVT with LBBB Aberration
of SVT (e.g., AV node re-entry with retrograde block, junctional
tachycardia using a nodo-ventricular fiber with retrograde atrial
block) may mimic this finding. AV dissociation is seen in only 21% R > 30 ms in lead V1 or V2 36 100
of ECG recordings with VT and may be difficult to identify with
absolute certainty.65 When AV dissociation is not apparent, other Any Q in V6 55 98
criteria that depend on whether the QRS resembles LBBB or Duration >60 ms from QRS 63 98
RBBB must be used. to S nadir in lead V1 or V2
When the ventricles are structurally normal, QRS morphology
is an excellent marker of the arrhythmia origin. VT with an LBBB Notched downstroke S wave 36 97
configuration in lead V1 can have its origin in the right ventricle Any of the above present 100 96
or the intraventricular septum (either right or left side of the
septum) (Figure 44-10). A QRS frontal-plane axis directed inferi- *Diagnostic criteria for VT with a morphology resembling left bundle branch
orly (dominant R waves in leads II, III, and aVF) indicates an LBBB, Left bundle branch block; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia; VT, ventricular
origin in the cranial aspect of the heart (e.g., anterior wall of the tachycardia.
left ventricle or the right ventricular outflow tract). A QRS frontal From Kindwall KE, Brown J, Josephson ME: Electrocardiographic criteria for ventricular
plane axis directed superiorly (dominant S waves in leads II, III, tachycardia in wide complex left bundle branch block morphology tachycardias, Am
J Cardiol 61:1279–1283, 1988.
and aVF) indicates initial depolarization arising in the inferior wall
of the left or right ventricle. Dominant R waves in leads V3 to V4
favor a location of the focus nearer the base of the heart than the
apex. Dominant S waves in these leads favor a more apical loca- from the onset of the QRS to the nadir of S wave in lead V1 or
tion. VT with a typical LBBB or RBBB QRS configuration suggests V2, and (4) notching on the downstroke of the S wave in those
bundle branch re-entry as a mechanism. When areas of ventricu- leads. Table 44-1 summarizes the sensitivity and predictive accu-
lar scarring are present, the QRS morphology is less reliable and racy of these criteria. None of the criteria, by itself, was very
is sometimes quite misleading. sensitive, but all patients with VT had at least one of these criteria.
Kindwall observed several characteristic patterns found in The specificity remained high (89%) when the combined criteria
patients with VT complexes resembling LBBB and evaluated four were used, and the predictive accuracy was excellent (Figure
criteria to distinguish VT with LBBB pattern from SVT with 44-11). Left-axis deviation was of no value in distinguishing VT
aberrant conduction.66 All patients in the study had a predomi- from SVT in this study. These criteria are easily measured and
nantly negative QRS in V1 and a QRS duration greater than 120 provide a practical approach to differentiating VT from SVT.
ms. Four electrocardiographic criteria were evaluated in this Brugada prospectively analyzed a series of wide QRS tachycar-
study: (1) R wave in lead V1 or V2 of greater than 30-ms duration, dias that included morphologies resembling both LBBB and
(2) any Q wave in lead V6, (3) a duration of greater than 60 ms RBBB.67 The criteria used to differentiate VT from SVT included
650  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 44-10  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram of sustained ventricular tachycardia in an older man with coronary artery disease and inferoposterior
myocardial infarction. The tachycardia cycle length is 280 ms; a left bundle branch block–like morphology and an inferior axis are present in lead V1.
Prominent R waves are seen in leads V3 and V4.

(1) the presence of an RS complex in at least one precordial lead,

V1 or V2 V6
(2) an R-S interval in any precordial lead greater than 100 ms, (3)
the detection of AV dissociation, and (4) morphology criteria for
VT present in leads V1 to V2 and V6. The morphology criteria
used for the diagnosis of VT are summarized in Table 44-2. These
criteria were present in leads V1 to V2 and V6 in 61% of patients
with VT. Unfortunately, only one third of VT recordings fulfill
these criteria because of discordance in the morphology criteria
in different ECG leads. An RS complex was present in at least one
precordial lead in all SVT recordings, but only 26% of the VT 1) R in V1 or V2 or V2 > 30 ms duration
recordings did not have an RS complex in any precordial lead. 2) Any Q in V6
3) > 60 ms from QRS onset to S nadir in V1 or V2
None of the SVTs had an R-S interval greater than 100 ms, but 4) Notched downstroke S wave in V1 or V2
this criterion was met only in 52% of VTs. From these observa-
tions the authors concluded that an RS complex in all precordial FIGURE 44-11  Four electrocardiographic criteria for ventricular
leads or an R-S interval greater than 100 ms in any precordial lead tachycardia with QRS morphology resembling left bundle branch
was highly specific for VT. block. (From Kindwall KE, Brown J, Josephson ME: Electrocardiographic
To address the sensitivity and specific concerns, Brugada7 used criteria for ventricular tachycardia in wide complex left bundle branch
a stepwise approach to differentiate SVT from VT and prospec- block morphology tachycardias, Am J Cardiol 61:1279–1283, 1988.)
tively tested this algorithm (Figure 44-12).67 The algorithm was
both sensitive (99%) and specific (96%). The advantage of the
stepwise approach is that it guides the analyst to the correct diag- Of note, in the presence of structural heart disease, especially
nosis. If an RS complex is not present in any precordial lead, the in older individuals, most wide-complex tachycardias are caused
diagnosis of VT is confirmed without the need for further analy- by VT rather than SVT with aberrant conduction.
sis. If an RS complex is present and the longest R-S interval in any
precordial lead exceeds 100 ms, then the diagnosis of VT is con-
Electrocardiographic Localization of the Origin
firmed. If the R-S interval is less than 100 ms, then an examination
of Ventricular Tachycardia
for AV dissociation must be performed. The presence of this
criterion helps diagnose VT. If AV dissociation is not detected, The morphology of monomorphic VT documented by a 12-lead
then the diagnosis of VT depends on the presence of morphology ECG is also useful in predicting the exit site of re-entrant VT
criteria in both leads V1 and V6. on the basis of studies in patients being considered for catheter
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia with Heart Disease   651

Table 44-2  Morphology Criteria for Ventricular Tachycardia N = 554 (384 VT, 170 SVT WITH ABERRANCY)

SN (%) SP (%) +PV (%) −PV (%) R to S interval > 100 ms

in one precordial lead?

Lead V1, monophasic R 60 84 78 69

QR or RS 30 98 95 60 83 = YES: 471 = NO
83 VT (SN = 21%;
Triphasic 82 91 90 83
SP = 100%)
Lead V6

R/S ratio <1 41 94 87 63 R to S interval > 100 ms

in one precordial lead?
QS or QR 29 100 100 60

Monophasic R 1 100 100 52

Triphasic 64 95 93 71 175 = YES: 296 = NO

172 VT, 3 SVT
R/S ratio >1 30 76 58 81 (SN = 66%; SP = 100%)


Leads V1 or V2 and V6 dissociation?
Any of the following: 100 89 96 —

  V1 or V2
59 = YES: 237 = NO
  R > 30 ms* 59 VT (SN = 82%;
SP = 100%)
  >60 ms to nadir S*

  Notched S
Morphology criteria for VT
  Q wave in lead V6 present in both V1-2 and V6

  Lead V6

QR or QS 17 100 100 52
68 = YES: 169 = NO:
Monophasic R 100 17 51 100 65 VT, 3 SVT 164 SVT, 5 VT
(SN = 99%; SP = 96%) (SN = 96%; SP = 99%)
*Diagnostic criteria for analysis of RS width in precordial leads.
SN, Sensitivity; SP, specificity; +PV, positive predictive value; +PV, negative predictive
value; RBBB, right bundle branch block; LBBB, left bundle branch block. FIGURE 44-12  Algorithm developed by Brugada for diagnosis of
From Brugada P, Brugada J, Mont L, et al: A new approach to the differential ventricular tachycardia. (Modified from Brugada P, Brugada J, Mont L,
diagnosis of a regular tachycardia with a wide QRS complex, Circulation et al: A new approach to the differential diagnosis of a regular tachycardia
83:1649–1659, 1991. with a wide QRS complex, Circulation 83:1649–1659, 1991.)

ablation or surgical excision of their arrhythmias. Josephson ana- observed in leads V1 to V4. The one exception was less apical in
lyzed the QRS morphology during VT in patients selected for origin. None developed substantial R waves in the precordial
electrophysiological mapping.68 VT morphologies can be sepa- leads, and all had Q waves in leads I and V6. Four tachycardias
rated into RBBB and LBBB patterns on the basis of the QRS arose from the superior aspect of the mid-septum to the apical
morphology in lead V1 (Figure 44-13). The RBBB pattern includes septum. These were characterized by normal or rightward axis
monophasic, biphasic, or triphasic R waves in lead V1 or a qR and an rS, Qs, or qrS pattern in lead V1. They all developed
complex in that lead. The LBBB pattern was defined by a QS, rS, prominent R waves in the lateral precordial leads. Five instances
or qrS recorded in lead V1. Sixteen VTs with LBBB pattern were of tachycardia arose from the posterobasal region, all with rS
studied in patients with CAD. The QRS morphology in lead V1 complexes in leads V1 to V2 and progressive R-wave development
showed an rS pattern in 10, QS pattern in 4, and qrS pattern in in the lateral leads. None had a Q wave in lead I or V6. Four of
2. All but one of these arose from sites on or immediately adjacent the tachycardias had a superior, leftward axis. In summary, the
to the intraventricular septum. Gross electrocardiographic fea- presence of Q waves in lead I or V6 and a superior, leftward axis
tures such as the bundle branch block pattern or QRS axis did not was characteristic of the inferior aspect of the anterior septum.
reliably localize the origin of the tachycardia. Those arising from the superior aspect of the anterior septum had
Tachycardias were also analyzed according to their site of an inferior, rightward axis. VT arising from the posterobasal
origin. VT arising from the inferior aspect of the anterior septum region exhibited larger R waves in leads I, V2, V3, and V6.
was characterized by a superior, leftward axis. In five of the six The instances of tachycardia with a right bundle branch pattern
tachycardias originating from this region, a QS pattern was all arose from the left ventricle and were grouped according to
652  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias












I Arrhythmia Induction RVA

II 340 340 330 330 340 330 340 330 330 290 380










FIGURE 44-13  Twelve-lead electrocardiograms of two clinical morphologic conditions of ventricular tachycardia (VT) in a patient with ischemic
cardiomyopathy caused by posterobasal left ventricular aneurysm associated with multi-vessel coronary artery disease. The two hemodynamically
stable VT morphologies were mapped to different exit points on the margin of the ventricular aneurysm. A, Sustained VT with a right bundle branch
block–type morphology in lead V1 with an inferior axis and cycle length of 315 ms. Note the positive R wave in leads V1 to V6. B, Sustained VT with a
left bundle branch block–type morphology in lead V1 with an inferior axis and cycle length of 330 ms.
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia with Heart Disease   653

their origin from anteroseptal, anterolateral, or basal sites. The

Step 1. Apical versus basal
electrocardiographic patterns recorded from these sites showed
substantial overlap and did not reliably distinguish septal origins
from more lateral origins. Anterior and basal origins were distin-
guished by lead I and the precordial leads. A qR or QS pattern in
lead I and a Q wave in leads V1, V2, and V6 suggested an anterior + −/0
origin. Those arising from basal regions exhibited prominent R
Mid or basal Apical or mid
waves in leads V1 to V6.
Kuchar analyzed QRS configurations observed during left ven-
tricular pacing in 22 patients to construct an algorithm to localize
the origin of VT, which was then prospectively tested in a second
group of 44 episodes of VT.67 As shown in Figure 44-14, apical
sites versus basal sites were differentiated by QRS configurations +/0 − + −/0
in leads V4 and aVR; anterior sites versus inferior sites were dif-
Mid Basal Apical Mid
ferentiated by QRS configuration in leads II, II, and V6; and septal
sites versus lateral sites were distinguished by QRS configuration
in leads I, aVL, and V1. Anterior sites were correctly identified in Step 2. Anterior versus inferior
83%, inferior sites in 84%, septal sites in 90%, and lateral sites in
82%. Apical and basal sites were accurately distinguished in 70%, II
but the algorithm was not reliable for intermediate sites. Overall,
the site of origin was localized in 39%, and in an additional 36% + −
the site of origin was immediately adjacent to the predicted site.
Sippensgroenewegen compared 62-lead body surface QRS Anterior or mid
integral maps and scalar 12-lead ECGs obtained during pacemap-
ping in patients with prior MI and VT to determine the accuracy
of localizing the origin of VT with these two methods.70 An evalu- III V6
ation of the localization results obtained during pacemapping was
performed to compare 12-lead ECGs with body surface mapping. + − + −
The site of origin, as determined by endocardial mapping, was
compared with the location suggested by pacemapping. With Anterior Mid Anterior Inferior
pacemapping used in combination with body surface maps, the or mid
site of origin was identified within 2 cm of the origin in 80% of
VTs. The remaining 20% were localized to an adjacent (2 to 4 cm)
Step 3. Septal versus lateral
or disparate (>4 cm) site. Results obtained with standard 12-lead
ECGs were less accurate. Correct localization (<2 cm) was
achieved in only 18%. The localization site was adjacent to the site V1
of origin in 55% and disparate in 27%. The size of the correspond-
ing endocardial area was much smaller with body surface mapping + −
(6.0 ± 4.5 cm) than with the 12-lead ECG (15.1 ± 12.0 cm). These
+ −
results are concordant with a study by Josephson, which showed
that pacemapping with a 12-lead ECG allows localization to a Septal or aVL aVL
relatively large area of 20 to 25 cm.2,71 central
Further study is needed to determine the usefulness of body + − + −/0
surface mapping for ablation of VT; however, results obtained by
Sippensgroenewegen indicated that this approach is relatively AVL Septal or Lateral Septal Central
accurate.72 QRS integral maps (62 leads) were compared with central
activation mapping data acquired in 64 episodes of VT. The maps
were compared with a previously generated infarct-specific refer- + −/0
ence database of paced QRS integral maps. Each pattern of the
database corresponded to 1 of 18 to 22 segments of the left ven- Septal Central
tricle. Electrocardiographic localization was compared with intra-
operative or catheter endocardial activation mapping. Body FIGURE 44-14  Algorithm for the localization of the origin of
surface mapping identified the correct segment of origin in 62%, ventricular tachycardia. (Modified from Kuchar DL, Ruskin JN, Garan H:
an adjacent segment in 30%, and disparate segments in 8%. Electrocardiographic localization of the site of origin of ventricular
These studies show that the QRS morphology, recorded during tachycardia in patients with prior myocardial infarction, J Am Coll Cardiol
VT or ventricular pacemapping, provides an estimate of the site 13:893–903, 1989.)
of origin, but major disparities frequently exist between the origin
and the site estimated from 12-lead ECGs. Body surface mapping
appears to be more accurate but is no substitute for the additional
information gained during an electrophysiological study, which
provides detailed information about specific components of the
re-entrant circuit needed for an ablation procedure.
654  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

As the number of extrastimuli increases, the risk of initiating

Clinical Electrophysiology nonspecific, polymorphic VT (Figure 44-15) or VF increases.
Limiting the closest coupling interval to greater than 200 ms
The majority of ventricular tachycardias associated with heart reduces the risk of initiating ventricular fibrillation.73 Although
disease are caused by re-entrant mechanisms and can usually stimulation protocols are relatively sensitive for detecting an
be initiated and terminated by critically timed ventricular inducible VT, the precise number of required stimuli and stimuli-
stimuli. This finding allows evaluation in the electrophysiology coupling intervals often varies over time such that a change in the
laboratory under controlled conditions. Induced arrhythmias are number of extrastimuli required for initiation of VT is not neces-
classified on the basis of duration and morphology. Arrhythmias sarily a reliable indication that susceptibility to VT has changed.74,75
that last 30 seconds or longer or that require earlier termination VT initiated by isoproterenol infusion or with rapid burst pacing
because of hemodynamic consequences are referred to as sus- during isoproterenol administration, but not in response to
tained VT. Sustained VT can be either monomorphic or poly- coupled extrastimuli, is believed to be more likely caused by
morphic, depending on QRS morphology. abnormal automaticity rather than by re-entry. Rarely, monomor-
phic VT may be induced by such measures in genetically based
cardiac arrest syndromes.
Programmed Stimulation for Initiation
of Ventricular Tachycardia
Confirming the Diagnosis
Most laboratories proceed through a stepwise stimulation proto-
col for initiation of sustained VT. After ventricular pacing for 8 In contrast to ECGs, in which atrial activity may be difficult to
to 15 beats, a single extrastimulus is used to scan electrical dias- detect, direct recordings from the atrium always allow clear delin-
tole until it encounters refractoriness or reaches a very short eation of whether AV dissociation is present (Figure 44-16). When
coupling interval (<200 ms). Second, third, and, in some cases, AV dissociation is present, the diagnosis is VT, with the rare
fourth stimuli are then added. Two or more different basic pacing exception of junctional ectopic tachycardia with ventriculoatrial
rates (drive cycles) typically are used (e.g., 100 and 150 beats/min) (VA) block or rare forms of SVT without atrial tissue participa-
before premature stimulus delivery. If pacing at the right ventricu- tion. The former arrhythmia, which occurs most commonly in the
lar apex fails to induce VT, pacing at a second right ventricular early postoperative period after repair of congenital heart disease
site (e.g., the right ventricular outflow tract) generally is used. in children, is rare in adults. When AV dissociation is present and
Some laboratories also use pacing from the left ventricle. The depolarization of the bundle of His does not precede each QRS
number of stimuli, basic drive cycles, and ventricular pacing sites complex, the diagnosis of VT is unequivocal (see Figure 44-16).
varies among laboratories. In general, pacing with up to three However, diagnostic dilemmas occasionally are encountered. If
extrastimuli at two cycle lengths and two sites induces VT in each QRS complex is followed by an atrial depolarization,
approximately 90% of patients who have had this arrhythmia VT with 1:1 conduction in a retrograde manner through the
spontaneously after MI.73 The addition of rapid burst pacing, left His-Purkinje system and the AV node must be distinguished
ventricular stimulation, and programmed stimulation during iso- from antidromic AV re-entry using an accessory pathway (see
proterenol infusion further increases sensitivity. Chapters 25 and 43).





FIGURE 44-15  Initiation of polymorphic

ventricular tachycardia by programmed
stimulation from the right ventricular
apex. From the top are surface
electrocardiogram leads I, II, III, V1, and V6
followed by intracardiac recordings from
13-HRA the high right atrium (HRA) and right
ventricular apex (RVa). From the left, the
600 600 last two stimuli (S1) of a stimulus train at a
cycle length of 600 ms (100 beats/min)
followed by three consecutive premature
S1 S1 S2 S3 S4 stimuli (S2, S3, S4) are shown. This initiates
S1 polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia with Heart Disease   655





18-HBE ds

20-HBE px

FIGURE 44-16  A tracing from the electrophysiology laboratory during sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT). From the top are surface
electrocardiogram leads I, II, III, V1, and V5 followed by intracardiac recordings from the high right atrium (HRA) and His bundle electrograms (HBE)
catheters. The VT has a cycle length of 240 ms (250 beats/min) and a left bundle branch block, inferior axis QRS configuration. During VT, a 2 : 1
ventriculoatrial block is present; every other ventricular beat conducts in a retrograde manner into the bundle of His (H) and then to the atrium (A).
Thus the atria and the bundle of His are not involved in causing the VT. RVOT, Right ventricular outflow tract.

Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia

features of the syndrome, inducible polymorphic VT further
Polymorphic VT (see Figure 44-15) indicates a continually chang- supports the diagnosis. In patients with hypertrophic cardio­
ing ventricular activation sequence. Spontaneous polymorphic myopathy, sustained VT (usually polymorphic) is inducible in
VT is most commonly caused by myocardial ischemia or TdP 66% of those who had a prior cardiac arrest compared with
associated with Q-T interval prolongation. TdP is not reproduc- 23% of patients without a history of cardiac arrest or syncope.78
ibly inducible in the electrophysiology laboratory, and electro- The prognostic significance of inducible polymorphic VT in
physiological studies are not warranted in the presence of active hyper­trophic cardiomyopathy and other cardiomyopathies is
ischemia. Polymorphic VT also occurs in idiopathic VF, Brugada controversial.79
syndrome, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as well as other
Sustained Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
During ventricular stimulation, the significance of initiating
polymorphic VT is often difficult to interpret. When sustained, During sustained monomorphic VT, each QRS complex resem-
polymorphic VT usually quickly deteriorates to VF. Nonsustained bles the preceding and following QRS (see Figure 44-16). The
polymorphic VT is a nonspecific response to programmed stimu- ventricles are repetitively depolarized in the same sequence. In
lation that can be observed in patients who do not have a suscep- contrast to polymorphic VT, which can occasionally be induced
tibility to arrhythmias. Sustained polymorphic VT (lasting >30 in the absence of a cardiac abnormality, spontaneous or inducible
seconds or requiring termination) is initiated less commonly in sustained monomorphic VT indicates the presence of either an
normal hearts and usually requires aggressive stimulation (three abnormal region supporting re-entry or a focus of automaticity.
or more extrastimuli and relatively short stimulus coupling inter- Re-entry through regions of ventricular scar from MI is the most
vals of <200 ms). Initiation of polymorphic VT may be a marker common cause. Other causes of scar-related VT include arrhyth-
of electrical instability in some situations. It is induced in approxi- mogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, sarcoidosis, sclero-
mately one third of patients who have been resuscitated from VF derma, Chagas disease, ventricular incisions after cardiac surgery,
associated with depressed ventricular function and CAD.76 In or other cardiomyopathic processes.78 Areas of scarring can often
patients with prior infarction and inducible polymorphic VT, sus- be identified as regions of low electrogram voltage during catheter
tained monomorphic VT may become inducible after administra- mapping (Figure 44-17). On occasion, an incessant, idiopathic VT
tion of IV procainamide.74 Stabilization of a re-entry circuit by an consistent with automaticity will cause tachycardia-induced
antiarrhythmic drug is a possible mechanism, but the clinical cardiomyopathy.80
relevance of this observation is unclear.
Initiation of polymorphic VT is of possible relevance in
Bundle Branch Re-entry Ventricular Tachycardia
patients with suspected Brugada syndrome. Polymorphic VT,
often induced with two or fewer extrastimuli, is induced in A bundle of His deflection is consistently present before each QRS
approximately 80% of patients with Brugada syndrome who have during an uncommon type of VT caused by re-entry through the
been resuscitated from cardiac arrest.77 In a patient with other bundle branches (Figure 44-18). The re-entry wavefront circulates
656  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Bipolar Voltage

Low- Normal
voltage voltage

RAO Left lateral RAO


FIGURE 44-17  Mapping data from a patient with prior anterior wall infarction and ventricular tachycardia. A and B, Map of the left ventricle in right
anterior oblique (RAO) and left anterior oblique projections obtained by moving a mapping catheter from point to point. The color coding indicates
electrogram voltage; low-voltage areas are red, yellow, and orange; normal voltage is green, blue, and purple. A very large area of low voltage,
identifying the infarct region, occupies the septum, apex, and anterior wall. C, Ventricular activation sequence map obtained during ventricular
tachycardia. The color coding indicates the sequence of activation, and the circuit is indicated by the white arrows. The ventricular tachycardia circuit
isthmus is located on the septum. The re-entry wavefront travels from apical to basal along the septum exiting near the base (red), then divides into
two wavefronts that propagate superiorly and inferiorly and back to the isthmus.

295 His



t bu






FIGURE 44-18  Bundle branch re-entry ventricular tachycardia. In the tracing at the left, surface electrocardiogram leads I, II, III, V1, and V5 are
followed by recordings from the high right atrium (RA) and bundle of His, respectively. Tachycardia with a cycle length of 295 ms (203 beats/min) with
a left bundle branch block–like configuration in lead V1 is present. Atrioventricular dissociation is present as indicated by the slower rate of atrial
depolarization (A) in the right atrial tracing. Although the atria are dissociated, a bundle of His deflection (H followed by arrow) precedes each QRS
complex. The mechanism is shown at right.

up the left bundle branch, down the right bundle branch, and then RBBB configuration. The diagnosis is confirmed by showing
through the intraventricular septum to re-enter the left bundle.81 that the atria can be dissociated but that the bundle of His
Ventricular depolarization proceeds from the right bundle, giving depolarization is closely linked to the circuit. Bundle branch
rise to a tachycardia with an LBBB configuration. Rarely, the re-entry should be particularly suspected when sustained mono-
circuit revolves in the opposite direction (down the left bundle morphic VT occurs in the absence of a large region of ventricular
and back up the right bundle) or is confined to the fascicles of the scar or infarction, such as in patients with valvular heart disease,
left bundle branch system, giving rise to a tachycardia with an cardiomyopathy, or muscular dystrophy and in association with
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia with Heart Disease   657

evidence of His-Purkinje system disease (intraventricular conduc-

Pacing for Ventricular Tachycardia Termination
tion delay) during sinus rhythm.82,83 Most patients have an LBBB
QRS pattern on the resting ECG during sinus rhythm and a Monomorphic VT can be reliably terminated by electrical cardio-
history of dilated cardiomyopathy. version, which presumably depolarizes the re-entry circuit in
advance of the circulating wavefront, which then collides with
refractory tissue, extinguishing re-entry. Many monomorphic
QRS Morphology of Induced Ventricular Tachycardia
VTs can also be terminated by pacing that is faster than the
The QRS morphology reflects the ventricular activation sequence tachycardia (overdrive pacing). The stimulated wavefront propa-
and often provides an indication of the likely location of the gates to the re-entry circuit and then splits into wavefronts travel-
arrhythmogenic region (Figure 44-19). For automatic or focal VT, ing in the same direction as the re-entry circuit wavefronts
activation spreads away from one arrhythmia focus; the QRS (orthodromic) and a second wavefront traveling in the opposite
morphology is an excellent indicator of the location of the focus. direction (antidromic). The antidromic wavefront collides with
The QRS morphology is less reliable as an indicator of the circuit the next re-entry wavefront, and both are extinguished. The stim-
location for scar-related VT but is still useful. ulated orthodromic wavefront continues through the circuit and
Scar-related re-entry circuits can be modeled as having surviv- may reset the circuit so that tachycardia continues (known as
ing bundles of myocytes in the region of the scar. The depolariza- resetting or entrainment). If the orthodromic wavefront encoun-
tion of these strands is not detected in the surface ECG (Figure ters refractory tissue and is extinguished, the tachycardia termi-
44-20; also see Figure 44-17). These bundles may form narrow nates. Pacing during tachycardia also has the possibility to
isthmuses in the re-entry circuit that are desirable targets for abla- accelerate the tachycardia or initiate VF (see Figure 44-22). Thus
tion. Recordings from these regions often reveal multiple low- the capability for prompt defibrillation must be present when
amplitude potentials (Figure 44-21). During VT, the QRS is anti-tachycardia pacing is used.
inscribed after the re-entry wavefront emerges from an isthmus at
its exit and propagates across the ventricles. The QRS morphology
Catheter Mapping of Ventricular Tachycardia
indicates the location of the re-entry circuit exit (see Figure 44-20).
Patients with scar-related VTs often have multiple morphologies When VT is caused by increased automaticity, the source of the
of inducible VT; typically three or more are observed in patients tachycardia often can be identified by activation sequence
referred for catheter ablation (Figure 44-22; also see Figure mapping (i.e., recording the activation sequence of the ventricle
44-20).84 VT that has been observed to occur spontaneously is during VT). At the tachycardia focus, ventricular activation pre-
often referred to as clinical VT. Other VTs may arise from the same ceding the QRS onset is identified. Pacing at this site during sinus
region of the scar or from anatomically separate regions. Some rhythm will produce a QRS morphology strikingly similar to that
“nonclinical” VTs are subsequently observed to occur spontane- of the VT. Thus comparing the QRS morphology produced by
ously or are initiated by anti-tachycardia pacing from an implanted ventricular pacing at different sites (pacemapping) can also local-
defibrillator during an attempt to terminate a clinical VT. ize the VT focus.

Relation of QRS Morphology to Likely VT Origin

V1 VT Exit/Origin
QRS frontal-plane axis
Septum Axis + 60 + 140 — RV outflow tract
or RV
exit Other Axis
LBBB-like Bundle branch reentry
RV scar-related tachycardia

Axis + 60 + 140 — LV outflow tract

or LV outflow
Superior axis — Inferoseptal origin

Superior axis — Inferior wall origin

Inferior axis — Anterior wall origin


RBBB-like Right axis — Lateral wall origin

FIGURE 44-19  The QRS morphology suggests the likely origin and often the type of heart disease and ventricular tachycardia (VT). The morphology
of lead V1 provides an initial indication of the likely ventricle of origin. Further refinement is based on the frontal-plane QRS axis, as shown at right.
LBBB, Left bundle branch block; LV, left ventricle; RBBB, right bundle branch block; RV, right ventricle. See also Figure 44-14.
658  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias






Re-entry Circuit–1
Re-entry Circuit–2


FIGURE 44-20  Schematic of the left ventricle with re-entry circuits in an inferior wall region of infarction. A, The re-entry wavefront propagates
through a narrow isthmus and exits at the margin of the infarct to propagate across the ventricles, producing the QRS complex. After exiting, the
circulating wavefront propagates along the margin of the infarct, then into the infarct, and to the proximal portion of the isthmus. The tissue along the
infarct border forms a broad loop in the re-entry circuit. Bystander areas are adjacent to the infarct but not in the re-entry circuit, often giving rise to
abnormal signals that misleadingly appear to be in the circuit based on timing and characteristics. B, Illustration of how the same infarct can give rise
to a different re-entry circuit from that shown in A, creating multiple morphologies of monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT).


Sinus Rhythm



RV Map

FIGURE 44-21  Recordings from a patient with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and ventricular tachycardia (VT). From the top are
surface electrocardiogram leads I, II, III, V1, and V5 and an intracardiac recording from the mapping catheter positioned at the anterobasal right
ventricle near the tricuspid annulus (RV Map). During sinus rhythm, the right ventricular electrograms recorded from this area are low amplitude and
fractionated (multiple deflections), consistent with an area of scar with surviving myocyte bundles. Induced VT (right) had a rate of 150 beats/min.
Fractionated potentials are recorded preceding the QRS complex, consistent with an isthmus in the re-entry circuit.

Activation sequence mapping is more difficult for re-entrant that capture, but have no effect on, tachycardia often indicate that
VTs. The area of activation before QRS onset usually identifies an the pacing site is not in the tachycardia circuit. Stimulated wave-
area that is near the re-entry circuit exit. Low-amplitude signals fronts that propagate to the circuit, enter the circuit, and propagate
are often recorded from sites in the circuit that are proximal to through the circuit will reset the re-entry circuit in a characteristic
the exit. Often, only portions of the circuit are located in the manner. Whether this occurs depends on the timing of the stimu-
endocardium because other segments are deep to the endocar- lus relative to activation in the circuit. The wavefront must reach
dium or epicardial in location and cannot be sampled by an endo- a portion of the circuit after that area has recovered excitability
cardial catheter. from the preceding wavefront. A single pacing stimulus may reset
Pacing during tachycardia can be used to determine the the tachycardia while a train of several stimuli continually resets
re-entry circuit location (entrainment mapping). Pacing trains the tachycardia, a response known as entrainment.84
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia with Heart Disease   659

VT - 1

500 ms
VT - 2
S1 S2 320
AVL FIGURE 44-22  Twelve-lead
AVF electrocardiogram recording two
V1 morphologies of ventricular tachycardia (VT)
V2 in a patient with prior infarction. The initial VT
V3 (VT-1) has a cycle length of 550 ms. Two
premature ventricular stimuli (S1, S2) initiate
V4 monomorphic VT-2, which is substantially
V6 faster (cycle length of 320 ms) with a different
QRS morphology.

A particular pattern of sustained ventricular arrhythmias can

Management be observed in patients with myocardial ischemia, acute MI, or
severe CAD. In these patients, VT arises more frequently under
Principles of Practice
conditions of physical or psychological stress; it may be preceded
It is convenient to divide sustained VT in patients with structural by chest pain or other symptoms of myocardial ischemia; and the
heart disease into “syndromes,” which usually can be identified by ECG before or after treatment of the VT frequently shows sinus
examining the ECG recorded at the initiation of tachycardia tachycardia, ST-segment depression, or signs of MI. The electro-
(usually recorded as a single-lead rhythm strip), the 12-lead ECG cardiographic signature of this arrhythmia (Figure 44-23) typically
recorded shortly after treatment of the acute rhythm disturbance, involves a relatively short Q-T interval as well as the initiating
and by considering the clinical context in which this arrhythmia beat of tachycardia being closely coupled to the last normal beat,
arises. which immediately ushers in polymorphic VT that may rapidly
Sustained monomorphic VT occurs in patients with prior left degenerate to VF. Patients observed to have this pattern should
ventricular scarring (most commonly from prior MI); most often be immediately and thoroughly investigated for myocardial isch-
arises without a specific predisposing event, often at rest or with emia; treatment directed at ischemia, rather than only at the
modest activity; and generally is not preceded by symptomatic, arrhythmia, is often sufficient to prevent recurrence.90,91
electrocardiographic, or enzymatic evidence for myocardial isch- The syndrome of polymorphic VT associated with prolonged
emia or MI.85 Sustained VT is observed in a circadian pattern repolarization is discussed in detail in other sections of this book.
similar to that of SCD and MI, with a predilection for the morning However, it should be noted that sustained VT in association with
hours (at least in patients with implanted defibrillators).86,87 It delayed repolarization (TdP) may manifest as relatively mono-
tends to occur in clusters, suggesting that neurohumoral, in par- morphic VT, especially at its outset (Figure 44-24). The electro-
ticular sympathetic, activation may contribute indirectly to the cardiographic clues to the etiology as being related to abnormal
instantaneous probability of VT occurring in a susceptible and delayed repolarization rather than to an underlying “arrhyth-
patient.87,88 On occasion, sustained VT occurs many times within mogenic scar” are also to be found in the initiating sequence of
a brief period, a syndrome commonly termed electrical storm. It tachycardia. Delayed repolarization–related VT is generally asso-
is often arbitrarily defined as more than two or three episodes of ciated with Q-T interval prolongation, a pause-dependent initiat-
sustained VT in a 24-hour period. Patients with this syndrome ing sequence, and a relatively long coupling interval between the
are perceived to have a very poor prognosis, although aggressive last normal beat and the first beat of tachycardia. This beat typi-
therapy, particularly β-blockers and amiodarone, may allow a cally falls on the late portion of the T wave or T-U complex of a
prognosis similar to that for patients who do not develop electri- beat with prolonged repolarization. These arrhythmias should be
cal storm, as has been shown in observational studies.88,89 A carefully distinguished from those caused by an arrhythmogenic
related syndrome is that of polymorphic VT in patients with scar because they can be effectively treated with IV magnesium
severe ventricular scarring, occurring most often in the setting of and by repletion of potassium, as indicated, by increasing the
a generalized cardiomyopathy such as dilated idiopathic cardio- heart rate, and by treating the underlying disturbance leading to
myopathy, or that associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, prolonged repolarization, which is often drug therapy that pro-
valvular disease, or hypertensive cardiomyopathy. Although the longs repolarization, causes bradycardia, or both. In patients with
precipitating events for this type of VT are also not clearly under- structural heart disease, the precipitating causes are usually anti-
stood, they may be more likely to occur during physical exercise, arrhythmic drugs that prolong repolarization, hypokalemia or
elevated sympathetic tone, or episodes of worsening heart failure. hypomagnesemia, or bradycardia.
The management of these patients, in addition to antiarrhythmic
therapy, may also be aggressively directed toward improving myo-
Acute Treatment of Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia
cardial function and decreasing sympathetic tone, for example,
with afterload reduction, preload reduction, and sympathetic The acute management of VT should first be directed at restoring
blockade. effective circulation, as outlined in the International Guidelines
660  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Figure 1
Speed = 25 mm/sec

4.0 MV 1

4.0 MV 2

4.0 MV 1

4.0 MV 2

FIGURE 44-23  “R on T” ventricular premature beat inducing ventricular fibrillation from a 70-year-old man with severe triple-vessel coronary disease.
Note that the Q-T interval is relatively short and that the premature ventricular contraction inducing tachycardia has a short coupling interval to the
last normal beat.




680 ms

FIGURE 44-24  Electrocardiographic signature of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) with delayed repolarization from a patient taking sotalol
and with hypokalemia. Note the pause-dependent onset of VT with a prolonged Q-T interval on the beat initiating tachycardia.

for Advanced Cardiac Life Support.92 In brief, all patients with electrical cardioversion, IV procainamide and IV amiodarone are
substantial hemodynamic compromise, including diminished recommended.92 Careful monitoring for hypotension and brady-
level of consciousness, hypotension, and clinical signs suggesting cardia, which may be caused by the antiarrhythmic drug therapy,
cerebral or vital organ hypoperfusion, heart failure, or signs or is required.
symptoms of myocardial ischemia, should be treated with urgent A large evidence base of randomized clinical trials is not avail-
synchronized cardioversion. Of note, carefully performed electri- able to assist the clinician in the treatment of patients immediately
cal cardioversion is almost completely effective for the treatment following successful conversion from sustained VT to sinus
of VT, if it can be provided promptly, and is associated with rhythm. The immediate risk of recurrence will vary with the clini-
extremely low risk. The perceived need for anesthesia is often cal context and be generally relatively low in patients with stable
seen as a limitation to acute cardioversion but can generally be CAD and left ventricular dysfunction with monomorphic VT. It
performed by conscious sedation without intubation or serious is higher in patients with acute hemodynamic compromise inde-
anesthetic risk. If drug therapy is chosen either as initial treatment pendent of the tachycardia; ongoing myocardial ischemia; or
of VT or therapy to prevent recurrences immediately after other metabolic disturbances found in postoperative states,
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia with Heart Disease   661

sepsis, pneumonia, or hypoxia. In patients with nonischemic car- out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival in patients randomized to
diomyopathies, therapy specifically directed at blunting the effects
of sympathetic activation on the heart with intravenous β-blockers,
or stellate ganglion block, is an often neglected but important
aspect of therapy.89 Limited, controlled clinical trials suggest that
amiodarone (versus conventional antiarrhythmic therapy) of 78%
at 2 years and 52% at 4 years.97 Therapeutic options drastically
shifted in the 1980s with the emergence of ICDs. Several recent
trials have compared the efficacy of antiarrhythmic therapy and
IV amiodarone and bretylium are likely effective at preventing ICDs for overall mortality in patients who have sustained a VT
recurrent VT.93 Bretylium, however, is no longer commercially event.
available. In a randomized, multi-center trial in patients with In 1995, Dutch investigators randomized 60 patients with pre-
electrical storm (defined as more than two episodes of sustained vious MI, cardiac arrest secondary to VT or VF, and inducible
VT in a 24-hour period [mean, 4.93 episodes] resistant to treat- ventricular arrhythmia at electrophysiological study to conven-
ment with IV lidocaine and procainamide), patients were ran- tional therapy (class IA, IC, and III drugs) or the ICD.98 The LVEF
domized to blinded treatment with IV amiodarone (1000 mg/ was approximately 30% in each group. Drug efficacy was assessed
day), IV bretylium (2.5 g/day), and low-dose amiodarone (125 mg/ by serial drug testing, and nonresponders were given an ICD. An
day).93 Although interpretation of this study has been complicated imbalance of coronary revascularization occurred in the conven-
by the fact that many patients in the low-dose amiodarone group tional therapy group (10%) and the ICD group (26%). Although
and the bretylium group received open-label treatment with the numbers of clinical endpoints (death, prolonged syncope with
unblinded IV amiodarone, the results suggest that IV amiodarone circulatory arrest, and congestive heart failure requiring trans-
is efficacious at reducing the likelihood of recurrent VT. The plantation) were small, the outcome favored treatment with an
median number of episodes was 0 in the first 12 hours after treat- ICD (P < .02).
ment with amiodarone and 0.48 during the entire study period. The Cardiac Arrest Study Hamburg (CASH) began enrollment
The median time to termination of incessant VT was 4.23 hours in 1987 and randomized patients to antiarrhythmic therapy
after the initiation of IV amiodarone therapy. No comparable (propafenone, metoprolol, or amiodarone) or ICD.99 Entry criteria
trials of class I drugs or sotalol in electrical storm have been included survivors of cardiac arrest secondary to VT (83%) or VF
conducted so far. Extrapolation from clinical trials of prophylactic (16%). All patients underwent electrophysiological testing. The
therapy suggests that class I drugs (sodium channel blockers) primary endpoint was total mortality, with secondary endpoints
should be avoided in patients with frequently recurring VT or of VT recurrence, need to discontinue medical therapy, recur-
VF.92 rence of cardiac arrest, and need for cardiac transplantation. In
In the Optimal Pharmacological Therapy in Cardioverter Defi- 1992, the CASH Safety and Monitoring Board discontinued the
brillator Patients (OPTIC) study in patients with implanted defi- propafenone randomization arm because of an excess of SCD,
brillators, amiodarone was superior to sotalol or β-blockers in recurrent cardiac arrest, and recurrent VT (all secondary end-
preventing appropriate ICD therapies for VT or VF.94 points) in the patients taking class Ic drugs compared with the
Although no randomized clinical trials of sedation in patients ICD arm (P < .05) despite no differences in the total mortality
with frequently recurring VT have been performed, anecdotal rate. LVEF averaged for all four groups was more than 40%. The
experience suggests that vigorous sedation is an important adjunct other three treatment arms continued to recruit patients. The
in the treatment of this syndrome. As an acute therapy, IV sotalol, final results showed a 36.4% mortality rate in the ICD group and
IV flecainide, and IV procainamide have all been reported to be a 44.4% mortality rate in the metoprolol and amiodarone groups
effective in the acute termination of sustained VT.92 Given the combined. A one-sided t test (which would have amplified any
negative inotropic and proarrhythmic risks of drugs with sodium benefit of the ICD) had a P value of .081 as the reported signifi-
channel–blocking activity, it seems prudent to use such drugs cance value.
with great care, if at all, in patients with structural heart disease Two larger studies, having slightly more heterogeneous popu-
and sustained VT, especially in the context of CAD. lations, also address the issue of ICD versus antiarrhythmic
Once patients have been stabilized with respect to the acute therapy in patients with symptomatic VT. The Canadian Implant-
event, attention can be turned to investigating the underlying able Defibrillator Study (CIDS) randomized 659 patients with
cardiac pathology and assessing and optimizing therapy for left documented VF, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, symptomatic VT,
ventricular dysfunction and myocardial ischemia. or syncope with inducible VT at electrophysiology study to ICD
or amiodarone therapy.100 Entry criteria in approximately 50% of
each group were VF or cardiac arrest. Mean LVEF was 33% in
Impact of Clinical Trials
each group. The primary endpoint was all-cause mortality. An
A recent explosion of epidemiologic insights and information intention-to-treat analysis was used to analyze the data in a one-
from randomized trials has changed clinical practice in the treat- sided t test. On treatment analysis showed 94% of those random-
ment of VT (Box 44-1). For several years, the similarity of patient ized to ICD actually received an ICD, and 85% of patients
profiles (stratifying by left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF], randomized to amiodarone were still on therapy at their 5-year
previous MI) and risk for sudden cardiac death and sustained follow-up. Although β-blocker use was a potential confounder
VT has been apparent.85 In 1975, Schaffer et al reported on (23% in the amiodarone group, 53% in the ICD group), the overall
234 patients after successful resuscitation of cardiac arrest. Over mortality rate (10.2% per year) in the amiodarone group was not
a follow-up period of 51 months, 89 episodes (approximately significantly higher than that in the ICD group (8.3%, P = .142).
38%) of recurrent cardiac arrest or death occurred.95 A similar rate The largest study to date has been the Antiarrhythmics versus
of recurrence was noted by Myerburg et al in 1984—the recur- Implantable Defibrillator (AVID) study, which randomized 1016
rence rate for cardiac arrest was 10% the first year after arrest patients with resuscitated VF, sustained VT with syncope, and
and 5% per year in each of the following 3 years.96 In 1993, the sustained VT with hemodynamic compromise to antiarrhythmics
Cardiac Arrest in Seattle: Conventional versus Amiodarone Drug or to ICD implantation.101 The 6035 patients were screened, with
Evaluation (CASCADE) study reported an improvement in 17% randomized. Of the randomized patients, 45% had VF and
662  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Box 44-1  Indications for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Therapy for Patients at Risk of Sustained VT

CLASS I 10. ICD implantation is reasonable for patients with cardiac sarcoidosis,
1. ICD therapy is indicated in patients who are survivors of cardiac arrest giant cell myocarditis, or Chagas disease. (Level of Evidence: C)
due to VF or hemodynamically unstable sustained VT after evaluation
to define the cause of the event and to exclude any completely
1. ICD therapy may be considered in patients with nonischemic heart
reversible causes. (Level of Evidence: A)
disease who have an LVEF of ≤35% and who are in NYHA functional
2. ICD therapy is indicated in patients with structural heart disease and
class I. (Level of Evidence: C)
spontaneous sustained VT, whether hemodynamically stable or
2. ICD therapy may be considered for patients with long QT syndrome
unstable. (Level of Evidence: B)
and risk factors for SCD. (Level of Evidence: B)
3. ICD therapy is indicated in patients with syncope of undetermined
3. ICD therapy may be considered in patients with syncope and
origin with clinically relevant, hemodynamically significant sustained
advanced structural heart disease in whom thorough invasive and
VT or VF induced at electrophysiological study. (Level of Evidence: B)
noninvasive investigations have failed to define a cause. (Level of
4. ICD therapy is indicated in patients with LVEF <35% due to prior MI
Evidence: C)
who are at least 40 days post-MI and are in NYHA functional class II
4. ICD therapy may be considered in patients with a familial
or III. (Level of Evidence: A)
cardiomyopathy associated with sudden death. (Level of Evidence: C)
5. ICD therapy is indicated in patients with nonischemic DCM who have
5. ICD therapy may be considered in patients with LV noncompaction.
an LVEF ≤35% and who are in NYHA functional class II or III. (Level of
(Level of Evidence: C)
Evidence: B)
6. ICD therapy is indicated in patients with LV dysfunction due to prior CLASS III
MI who are at least 40 days post-MI, have an LVEF <30%, and are in 1. ICD therapy is not indicated for patients who do not have a
NYHA functional class I. (Level of Evidence: A) reasonable expectation of survival with an acceptable functional
7. ICD therapy is indicated in patients with nonsustained VT due to status for at least 1 year, even if they meet ICD implantation criteria
prior MI, LVEF <40%, and inducible VF or sustained VT at specified in the class I, IIa, and IIb recommendations above. (Level of
electrophysiological study. (Level of Evidence: B) Evidence: C)
2. ICD therapy is not indicated for patients with incessant VT or VF. (Level
of Evidence: C)
1. ICD implantation is reasonable for patients with unexplained syncope,
3. ICD therapy is not indicated in patients with significant psychiatric
significant LV dysfunction, and nonischemic DCM. (Level of Evidence: C)
illnesses that may be aggravated by device implantation or that may
2. ICD implantation is reasonable for patients with sustained VT and
preclude systematic follow-up. (Level of Evidence: C)
normal or near-normal ventricular function. (Level of Evidence:C)
4. ICD therapy is not indicated for NYHA class IV patients with
3. ICD implantation is reasonable for patients with HCM who have one
drug-refractory congestive heart failure who are not candidates for
or more major risk factors for SCD. (Level of Evidence: C)
cardiac transplantation or CRT-D. (Level of Evidence: C)
4. ICD implantation is reasonable for the prevention of SCD in patients
5. ICD therapy is not indicated for syncope of undetermined cause in a
with ARVD/C who have one or more risk factors for SCD. (Level of
patient without inducible ventricular tachyarrhythmias and without
Evidence: C)
structural heart disease. (Level of Evidence: C)
5. ICD implantation is reasonable to reduce SCD in patients with long
6. ICD therapy is not indicated when VF or VT is amenable to surgical or
QT syndrome who are experiencing syncope and/or VT while
catheter ablation (e.g., atrial arrhythmias associated with the
receiving β-blockers. (Level of Evidence: B)
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, RV or LV outflow tract VT, idiopathic
6. ICD implantation is reasonable for non-hospitalized patients awaiting
VT, or fascicular VT in the absence of structural heart disease). (Level of
transplantation. (Level of Evidence: C)
Evidence: C)
7. ICD implantation is reasonable for patients with Brugada syndrome
7. ICD therapy is not indicated for patients with ventricular
who have had syncope. (Level of Evidence: C)
tachyarrhythmias due to a completely reversible disorder in the
8. ICD implantation is reasonable for patients with Brugada syndrome
absence of structural heart disease (e.g., electrolyte imbalance, drugs,
who have documented VT that has not resulted in cardiac arrest.
or trauma). (Level of Evidence: B)
(Level of Evidence: C)
9. ICD implantation is reasonable for patients with catecholaminergic
polymorphic VT who have syncope and/or documented sustained VT
while receiving β-blockers. (Level of Evidence: C)

VT, Ventricular tachycardia; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; VF, ventricular fibrillation; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; NYHA, New York
Heart Association; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; LV, left ventricular; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; SCD, sudden cardiac death; ARVD/C, arrhythmogenic right ventricular
dysplasia/cardiomyopathy; CRT-D, cardiac resynchronization therapy/defibrillation; RV, right ventricular.
Modified from Epstein AE, DiMarco JP, Ellenbogen KA, et al: ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm abnormalities: American College of Cardiology/
American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines developed in collaboration with the American Association for Thoracic Surgery and Society of Thoracic Surgeons, J Am
Coll Cardiol 51:1–62, 2008.
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia with Heart Disease   663

55% had VT at entry. The patients randomized to antiarrhythmics device technology.106 These are discussed in greater detail in
could be further randomized to electrophysiology-guided treat-
ment with sotalol or empiric amiodarone at the discretion of the
investigator. LVEF was similar in each group (31% and 32%). An
on-treatment analysis showed that 98% of the ICD group received
Section IX of this text. Of greatest importance for patients with
sustained VT and left ventricular dysfunction is the advent of
biventricular pacing. Biventricular pacing has shown benefits in
patients with drug-refractory congestive heart failure and coexist-
an ICD. In the antiarrhythmic group, 85% received empiric amio- ing intraventricular and interventricular dyssynchronous wall
darone, 11% received amiodarone after not responding to sotalol, motion.107 These patients have been largely identified by the pres-
and 2.6% were treated with sotalol. The study was terminated ence of prolonged QRS complexes, although other techniques of
early in April 1997 because of the recommendation of the Data wall motion analysis are increasingly being applied. Thus patients
and Safety Monitoring Board; unlike the CIDS study, the ICD with bundle branch block, particularly with QRS complexes
group showed a significant improvement in total mortality rate greater than 0.15 seconds and first-degree AV block, which can
over an average follow-up of 18 months (15.8% in the ICD group, further compromise ventricular filling, are candidates for this
24% in the antiarrhythmic group; P = .02). technique. Atrial fibrillation (AF) has been an important coexist-
In summary, the available epidemiologic and clinical trial data ing arrhythmia in many of these sustained VT patients and causes
evoke several principles applicable to patients with sustained progressive heart failure and increased mortality rates. New AF
symptomatic VT. The ICD prevents arrhythmic death only. The therapies for prevention and termination are now available in ICD
majority of participants in these trials with low LVEF and struc- devices. Thus alternative-site pacing such as dual-site atrial
tural heart disease have competing modes of death. Antiarrhyth- pacing, novel preventive pacing algorithms for atrial premature
mics may have some positive effect on congestive heart failure beat suppression, anti-tachycardia pacing for atrial tachycardia
(amiodarone) or actually worsen arrhythmic death via proar- termination, and AF therapies are now available. Figure 44-25
rhythmia (propafenone in the CASH study). Investigator and shows an ECG from an older patient with refractory persistent
subject bias is unavoidable in a trial that is not blinded to the AF, sustained VT with syncope, and refractory congestive heart
treatment arm. Furthermore, a heterogeneous study population failure. A four-chamber ICD device (Insync III; Medtronic, Min-
(as in the AVID and CIDS studies) may not have the same treat- neapolis, MN) with biventricular pacing and dual-site right atrial
ment effect across all strata in the group. Domanski et al reported pacing leads was inserted for the management of these clinical
a differential effect of antiarrhythmics and ICD therapy from the syndromes.
AVID database based on strata of left ventricular EF.91,102 In Data from recent trials such as the Comparison of Medical
patients with LVEF greater than 35%, the two therapies showed Therapy, Pacing, and Defibrillation in Chronic Heart Failure
no difference in survival, suggesting that all the treatment effects (COMPANION) study confirms the morbidity and mortality
came from enrolled patients with LVEF less than 35%. Despite the benefits of biventricular pacing. The availability of new technol-
inherent limitations of the published clinical trials, the largest ogy and supportive evidence that can reduce the risk of compet-
studies favor ICD therapy in patients whose primary mortality ing (i.e., nonsudden) death in the patient with sustained VT and
risk is from symptomatic ventricular tachyarrhythmia. Box 44-1 heart disease provide an important impetus to the primary use of
lists current indications and contraindications to ICD therapy. ICD devices in patients with left ventricular dysfunction and con-
In summary, the long-term management of patients with sus- gestive heart failure.
tained VT and heart disease is very similar to that for patients
resuscitated from cardiac arrest.103 A retrospective analysis of
Impact of Catheter Ablation Techniques
outcome in patients with “tolerated” VT and VT without cardiac
arrest in the AVID trial suggests that their outcome is very similar Catheter ablation technologies have been applied for ablation of
to that in patients with VF or VT with serious cardiac compro- sustained and hemodynamically stable VT in patients with and
mise. It seems reasonable to expect that most patients with without organic heart disease who could undergo catheter
sustained symptomatic VT or VF, regardless of the severity of mapping.108,109 Radiofrequency ablation remains the mainstay of
symptoms, have a poor prognosis and should be managed as this approach. In addition to ECG morphology, catheter mapping
outlined in the section on evidence-based therapy in VF. However, with contact catheter and noncontact three-dimensional mapping
patients with relatively preserved LV function (EF > 40%) and techniques has facilitated determination of the exact localization
symptomatic VT without cardiac arrest were not included in the of the VT substrate. (The details of these techniques are reviewed
randomized trials of ICD therapy. Whether such patients would in other chapters in this text.) These methods now permit rapid
have had improved survival with ICD therapy compared with mapping and accurate geometric localization of these diseased
“best medical therapy” (which should almost certainly include tissues in a few or even one tachycardia cycle. Thus increasingly
β-blockers and amiodarone) is unknown. Subanalyses of the hemodynamically unstable VT episodes can be treated by ablative
CIDS and AVID studies suggest that a benefit of the ICD over interventions.110 Radiofrequency energy delivered by contact elec-
amiodarone, in the medium term, may not be observed in patients trodes with or without cooled-tip technology can now produce
with LVEF greater than 35% and symptomatic VT.102,104 These moderate-sized lesions in diseased ventricular myocardium. Thus
latter patients can be reasonably treated with either an ICD or VT ablation can temporarily suppress, reduce the frequency of,
oral amiodarone and a β-blocker.105 Long-term management of and even eliminate recurrent sustained VT in selected patients.
patients with sustained VT without heart disease is detailed in It can reduce the need for ICD therapies.111
the next section. However, it is not curative, and VT recurrences often occur
during long-term follow-up.112 Thus VT ablation in patients with
organic heart disease is a potential management tool in specific
Impact of New Device Technology
clinical scenarios. It is valuable in drug-refractory incessant VT
Concurrent with these important secondary and primary preven- or electrical storm unresponsive to medical therapy. In patients
tion clinical trials have been important technologic advances in with frequent, recurrent ICD shocks despite antiarrhythmic drug
664  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 44-25  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram of a patient with refractory congestive heart failure, ventricular tachycardia, and refractory atrial
fibrillation who had a four-chamber implantable cardioverter-defibrillator system. Dual-site right atrial and biventricular pacing leads were placed with
a Medtronic InSync III (Minneapolis, MN). Control of atrial fibrillation and heart failure improved with device therapy.

therapy, VT ablation will reduce the need for these therapies.

Finally, it can be used in a patient who is intolerant to antiar-
rhythmic drug therapy when frequent VT recurrences must be Amiodarone Trials Meta-Analysis Investigators: Effect of prophylactic
addressed. However, VT ablation should be used in conjunction amiodarone on mortality after acute myocardial infarction and in con-
with ICD therapy, whenever possible, to provide backup rescue gestive heart failure: Meta-analysis of individual data from 6500 patients
therapies for recurrent VT or VF. in randomized trials, Lancet 350:1417–1424, 1997.
The AVID Investigators: A comparison of antiarrhythmic-drug therapy
with implantable defibrillators in patients resuscitated from near-fatal
Impact on Patient Selection ventricular arrhythmias, N Engl J Med 337:1576–1583, 1997.
Bharati S, Lev M: The pathologic aspects of ventricular tachycardia. In
The selection of the first line of therapy in VT management is now Iwa T, Fontaine G, editors: Cardiac arrhythmias: Recent investigation
defined by the clinical disease, intercurrent factors, and arrhyth- and management, Amsterdam, 1988, Elsevier Science Publishers, BV
mia characteristics. Management of the underlying disease and Biomedical Division.
associated conditions such as heart failure and ischemia is an Brugada P, Brugada J, Mont L, et al: A new approach to the differential
integral part of patient management. Arrhythmia frequency is an diagnosis of a regular tachycardia with a wide QRS complex, Circula-
important consideration. Frequent or incessant VT requires eval- tion 83:1649–1659, 1991.
uation for intercurrent precipitating factors such as electrolyte Connolly SJ, Dorian P, Roberts RS, et al: Comparison of beta-blockers,
amiodarone plus beta-blockers, or sotalol for prevention of shocks from
abnormalities, enhanced sympathetic tone, hypoxia, or uncon-
implantable cardioverter defibrillators: The OPTIC Study: A random-
trolled ischemia. Correction of these factors often converts this ized trial, JAMA 295: 165–171, 2006.
intolerable VT frequency to “occasional event” status. The hemo- Connolly S, Gent M, Roberts R, et al: Canadian implantable defibrillator
dynamic impact of the arrhythmia also determines the urgency study (CIDS)—a randomized trial of the implantable cardioverter defi-
of the response. Hemodynamic collapse requires urgent use of brillator against amiodarone, Circulation 101:1297–1302, 2000.
both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic therapies. In more De Bakker JMT, Van Capelle FJL, Janse MJ, et al: Reentry as a cause of
stable VT episodes, drug therapy, mapping and ablation, and anti- ventricular tachycardia in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease:
tachycardia pacing become competitive options. With reduction Electrophysiologic and anatomic correlation, Circulation 77:589–606,
of event frequency or in patients with sporadic VT episodes, a 1988.
longer term management strategy is appropriate for implementa- Delacretaz E, Stevenson WG: Catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia
in patients with coronary heart disease. Part II: Clinical aspects, limita-
tion. Prevention of SCD with ICD backup is an essential part of
tions, and recent developments, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 24:1403–
the therapeutic prescription in these patients. Antiarrhythmic 1411, 2001.
drugs and catheter ablation can play a supportive role in this Guidelines 2000 for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency car-
phase of management to reduce VT event rates, make it amenable diovascular care: International consensus on science. Part 6: Advanced
to pacing therapies, and prevent frequent symptoms related to the cardiac life support; Section 5: Pharmacology I: Agents for arrhythmias,
arrhythmia and ICD therapies.113 Circulation 102:I112–I128, 2000.
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia with Heart Disease   665
Kowey PR, Levine JH, Herre JM, et al: Randomized, double-blind com- Zipes DP: Influence of myocardial ischemia and infarction on autonomic

parison of intravenous amiodarone and bretylium in the treatment of innervation of heart, Circulation 82;1095–1104, 1990.
patients with recurrent, hemodynamically destabilizing ventricular Zipes DP, et al: ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for management of
tachycardia or fibrillation. The Intravenous Amiodarone Multicenter patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden
Investigators Group, Circulation 92:3255–3263, 1995. cardiac death: A report of the American College of Cardiology/
Reddy VY, Neuzil P, Taborsky M, Ruskin JN: Short-term results of sub- American Heart Association Task Force and the European Society of
strate mapping and radiofrequency ablation of ischemic ventricular Cardiology Committee for Practice Guidelines, Circulation 114:e385–
tachycardia using a saline-irrigated catheter, J Am Coll Cardiol 41:2228– e484, 2006.
2236, 2003.
Tomaselli GF, Marbán E: Electrophysiological remodeling in hypertrophy All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
and heart failure, Cardiovasc Res 42:270–283, 1999. com.
Wit AL, Janse MJ: The ventricular arrhythmias of ischemia and infarction:
Electrophysiological mechanisms, Mount Kisco, NY, 1993, Futura
Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular
Fibrillation Without Structural
Heart Disease
Introduction, Mechanisms and Clinical Presentation: Sanjeev Saksena
Definition and Classification, Principles of Practice: Kelley Anderson
Epidemiology, Clinical Electrophysiology, Management: Kelley Anderson
and Sanjeev Saksena
Electrocardiographic Features: Bruce D. Lindsay

Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (IVT) and idiopathic ventricu- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has shown subtle wall motion
lar fibrillation (IVF) have been intermittently recognized and disturbances that may represent structural disease.12-15 In addi-
reported since the early 1900s. Since Vakil’s classic description of tion, a patient could have structural disease caused by a coexisting
ventricular aneurysms and their association with ventricular cardiac disorder. The term idiopathic is sometimes inappropriate
tachycardia (VT), early literature defined VT as being associated given the depth of understanding that now exists for a few of the
with heart disease.1-3 The occurrence of paroxysmal VT in young disorders. For the purposes of this discussion, the syndromes
patients and occasionally those with apparently healthy hearts, listed in Box 45-1 are assumed to be distinct IVT syndromes.
emerged from time to time.4,5 The availability of electrocardio- However, it must be acknowledged that these syndromes consist
graphic recordings focused attention on the region of origin of of heterogeneous subtypes, and some share characteristics with
ventricular arrhythmias, including ectopic beats as well as VT.6,7 other IVT syndromes so that clear distinctions are not always
In 1974, in a careful review of the literature of the twentieth possible. Moreover, reports of “new” IVTs arise frequently.16,17
century, investigators from the Chicago School of Electrophysiol- Some of these may be previously unrecognized syndromes,
ogy noted that “cardiac stimulatory studies suggest the site of whereas others may be variants of established forms.
origin of ventricular ectopic beats can be identified by QRS con-
figuration.” Ectopic beats were classified according to their bundle
branch block–like configuration, with left ventricular origin being Epidemiology
ascribed to right bundle branch configurations and right ventricu-
lar origin to left bundle branch configurations.8 The latter were Epidemiologic data on IVT syndromes are scarce because of dif-
credited with a more favorable outcome. However, occasional ficulties in recognizing the syndrome and its demographics. The
reports of deaths in young patients existed, disputing a uniform demographics of the clinical syndrome of IVT derived initial
benign prognosis. With advances in the evaluation and manage- impetus from clinical and later electrophysiological studies (EPSs).
ment of ventricular arrhythmias, there now exists a far greater Pietras et al analyzed 27 patients with chronic recurrent VT clas-
body of knowledge regarding these conditions. IVT and IVF have sified according to the electrocardiogram (ECG) classification and
been studied for anatomic substrate, clinical electrophysiology, examined their clinical, ECG, and hemodynamic features.8 They
and outcomes with and without therapy. This chapter summarizes further tabulated 73 reported cases in the then-existing literature.
the current understanding of this constellation of conditions. They noted that the mean age of right-sided VT was lower (32
years) than that of left-sided VT (43 years), with a similar trend
in the previously reported data (36 vs. 53 years). Females pre-
Definition and Classification dominated in the case of right-sided VT (52% and 66% in the two
series, respectively) compared with left-sided VT (33% and 15%
In current-day parlance, IVT refers to VT of unknown cause that in the two series, respectively). Organic heart disease was almost
occurs in the absence of significant structural heart disease or invariably present with left-sided VT (100% and 85%, respectively)
transient or reversible arrhythmogenic factors (e.g., electrolyte and absent or uncommon in right-sided VT (25% and 48%,
disorders, myocardial ischemia). IVF may include polymorphic respectively). Mortality rates were significantly lower in right-
VT evolving to VF or may initiate directly as VF. In practice, one sided VT, with no deaths in their series and a 12% incidence in
cannot categorically exclude patients with evidence of structural the reported literature. Chapman et al reported electrical and
heart disease because advances in diagnostic tests demonstrate hemodynamic correlates in a series of patients with “idiopathic
structural changes in some patients with classic IVT syndromes.9-11 VT” in 1975.18 Subsequently, EPSs in this syndrome have defined

668  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Box 45-1  Idiopathic Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia Syndromes elevated risk of death from cardiac causes (RR, 2.98; P < .001) and
from arrhythmia (adjusted RR, 2.92; 95% confidence interval [CI],
POLYMORPHIC VT OR VF SYNDROMES 1.45 to 5.89; P = .01). Long Q-T interval and left ventricular
Long QT syndrome hypertrophy were actually weaker predictors of this outcome.
Brugada syndrome Juntila and Myerburg noted variations in the frequency of early
Short-coupled torsades de pointes repolarization ranging from 10% to 42% based on ethnicity in
Catecholamine-induced polymorphic VT
healthy athletes.33 Antzelevitch has proposed three subtypes of
Other idiopathic polymorphic VT or VF syndromes
J-wave syndrome on the basis of these data.34 Type 1, an early
MONOMORPHIC VT SYNDROMES repolarization pattern present predominantly in the lateral pre-
Right ventricular outflow tract VT* cordial leads, is common in healthy male athletes and is rarely
Left ventricular outflow tract VT seen in IVF survivors; type 2, which has the ECG pattern pre-
Left ventricular fascicular tachycardia dominantly in inferior or inferolateral leads, has a higher risk; and
Adrenergic monomorphic VT
type 3, which displays global findings and is associated with the
Other idiopathic monomorphic VT syndromes (e.g., pulmonary artery,
bundle of His, aortic sinuses of Valsalva, coronary sinus and cardiac
highest IVF risk, is often associated with incessant VF.
veins, mitral and tricuspid annuli and epicardial origin) A recent retrospective multi-center study evaluated the profile
of pediatric patients with IVT. Mean age at first manifestation of
*And other adenosine-sensitive VTs.
the arrhythmia was 5.4 years, with a range of 0.1 to 15 years, and
VT, Ventricular tachycardia; VF, ventricular fibrillation.
27% of patients manifested the disorder in infancy.35

the arrhythmia mechanisms, subgroups, novel clinical therapies, Mechanisms and Clinical Presentation
and their outcomes.9,19
Formal epidemiologic data are lacking, but IVT is considered Focal VTs are currently believed to have enhanced or triggered
rare. IVT syndromes arising in the right ventricular outflow tract automaticity as the underlying mechanism, although micro–re-
(RVOT) or the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) are the most entry cannot be often definitively excluded. VT may appear to
common forms of IVT. The RVOT origin predominates, account- be focal with micro–re-entrant circuits or if a focal breakout
ing for more than 70% of referred patients, although LVOT origin occurs endocardially from an epicardial circuit. Triggering can
is being increasingly recognized.20-22 Aortic cusp IVT has been be caused by early afterdepolarizations (EADs) or delayed after-
reported to account for 17% to 21% of outflow tract IVT.23,24 depolarizations (DADs). The former may underlie the initiation
Analysis of multiple-center experiences suggests that IVT consti- of polymorphic tachycardias in LQTS. DADs can be mediated
tutes approximately 10% of all VT referrals to electrophysiolo- by intracellular calcium overload, which activates the transient
gists, but the true incidence in the community remains unclear.23 inward current Iti. This is enhanced by β-adreneregic stimulation,
IVF is believed to represent 5% to 10% of sudden cardiac death increased pacing rates, and digoxin. This mechanism is likely to
(SCD) victims and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) mediate IVTs arising in the RVOT. Enhanced automaticity that
recipients.25-27 IVF populations are still being defined. Commonly is not triggered is often stress related or promoted by isoproter-
recognized genetic syndromes include the long QT syndrome enol. It can be suppressed by β-blockade. This mechanism may
(LQTS), Brugada syndrome, and the more uncommon short QT exist in some catecholamine-sensitive, focal-origin VTs or
syndrome (SQTS). Information regarding their prevalence is IVFs originating from abnormal automaticity from damaged
emerging and is discussed below. One important subgroup is Purkinje fibers.
associated with an early repolarization abnormality.28 Haissa- The clinical presentation of patients with IVT is highly vari-
guerre et al described an early repolarization abnormality in 31% able. IVT arising in the outflow tract most often manifests in the
of patients with IVF compared with 5% in control groups in a third to sixth decade of life and has a female preponderance.36-38
case-control study. Patients with this finding had a higher 5-year Palpitations in an otherwise healthy young individual are a classic
mortality rate. These early repolarization abnormalities have now description in this entity. These can be exercise induced or may
been classified under the term J-wave syndromes. occur at rest. Salvos of nonsustained VT (NSVT) are common.
Population data exist for some genetically based IVT or IVF Hormonal triggers have been reported, and more frequent
syndromes. It has been estimated, for instance, that Brugada syn- arrhythmic events, ventricular ectopic beats, or VT events are
drome accounts for 4 to 10 cases of SCD per 10,000 inhabitants seen during exercise or increased activity. These can culminate in
per year in Thailand and Laos, countries with an apparently high near syncope or syncope, dysthymia and, on occasion, cardiac
incidence. Nevertheless, the problem may be much larger. Autopsy arrest. Cardiac arrest can be the primary presentation in some
series suggest that in 5% to 15% of cases of SCD, no evidence of individuals, particularly if a family history of SCD exists. Others
heart disease or other likely cause exists.29-31 These observations seek medical attention in the asymptomatic state with a family
raise the possibility that the IVT and IVF syndromes are common history of SCD or for an electrocardiographic abnormality such
but insufficiently recognized. IVF syndromes with early repolar- as LQTS or Brugada syndrome. Increasing awareness of the famil-
ization have been studied in both IVF survivors and population ial forms of the arrhythmia and symptomatic high-density ven-
studies. Tikannen et al studied more than 10,684 middle-aged tricular ectopy or NSVT can lead to medical evaluation.
subjects and noted that the early-repolarization pattern of 0.1 mV Electrocardiographic recordings and exercise testing fre-
or more was present in 5.8% (3.5% in inferior leads and 2.4% in quently assist in the classification of IVT and should be routinely
lateral leads).32 J-point elevation of at least 0.1 mV in inferior leads performed. These are discussed in the next section and more
was associated with an increased cardiac mortality risk (relative extensively in Chapters 53 and 70.
risk [RR], 1.34; P = .03); J-point elevation of more than 0.2 mV in The typical morphology of ventricular premature beats (VPBs)
inferior leads occurred in 0.3% of patients, who had a markedly has been extensively analyzed and can provide clues to the origin
Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Fibrillation Without Structural Heart Disease  669

or arrhythmia in the monomorphic forms of IVT. For outlflow potentially problematic. Other factors include the exact position
tract VT, QRS duration is generally less than 140 ms, and arrhyth-
mogenic right ventricular dysplasia is a differential diagnosis with
wider QRS complexes. The initiation of the VT is often with long-
coupled extrasystoles and is monomorphic. Multiple different
of the aortic cusps relative to the RVOT, the axis of the heart, and
the precise connections of muscle fibers connecting the tissue
above the aortic cusps to the left ventricle.
morphologies should raise suspicion of structural heart disease
Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
with VT. In general, outflow tract VT has a benign course, but
more malignant forms are seen in Brugada syndrome or LQTS, The clinical features and the general ECG characteristics of VT
polymorphic VT, catecholaminergic VT, and IVF. arising from the RVOT were described by Buxton in 1983.19 The
ECG exhibits a morphology resembling left bundle branch block
(LBBB) with an inferior axis. These arrhythmias are associated
Electrocardiographic Features of Idiopathic with exercise, and in many patients the arrhythmias are nonsus-
Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias tained and repetitive. Others may simply have frequent mono-
morphic ventricular ectopy. Figure 45-2 was recorded from a
Analysis of the surface ECG morphology is an essential aspect of patient with repetitive VT arising from the RVOT. Jadonath
localization of the origin of IVT. The ECG during sinus rhythm determined the usefulness of the 12-lead ECG in localizing the
is often normal, although a right bundle branch block (RBBB) origin of RVOT tachycardia in patients who underwent ablation
morphology has been described with outflow tract VT in 10% of of arrhythmias.39 They divided the RVOT into nine segments and
patients.20 The primary forms of IVT include arrhythmias arising assessed the QRS morphology recorded by pacing at each
from the RVOT or LVOT, the aortomitral continuity, and intra- segment. A QS pattern in lead aVR and monophasic R waves in
fascicular re-entry. These four types of IVTs can be distinguished leads II, II, and aVF were noted in all patients at all nine sites.
by characteristic ECG patterns that reflect the origin or mecha- Pacing at anterior sites produced either a dominant Q wave or qR
nism of the arrhythmias. The electrocardiographic features of the pattern in lead I, but a monophasic R or Rs complex was never
RVOT and LVOT reflect the anatomic proximity of these struc- observed. Conversely, a dominant R wave was observed in lead I
tures. As shown in Figure 45-1, the RVOT is anterior to the right during pacing from posterior sites. The QRS exhibited a QS
and left aortic cusps. Accurate ECG lead placement is essential to pattern in lead aVL during pacing from anterior sites, but the R
distinguish electrocardiographic features from these areas. wave became progressively larger in lead aVL with more posterior
Because of the proximity of these anatomic sites, small changes sites. Early R-wave transition in the precordial leads was likely to
in lead position may have a substantial impact on the ECG mor- be observed during pacing from the posterosuperior aspect of the
phology of arrhythmias arising from this region. In addition, the septum. Similar results were reported by Yoshida and colleagues.40
close anatomic relationships of the outflow tracts and the great Coggins observed that VT arising from the septal side of the
arteries and coronary vasculature make exact localization RVOT had a negative QRS complex in aVL, whereas VT arising





Sup Sup
A Inf
B Inf

FIGURE 45-1  Heart specimens illustrating the anatomic arrangement between the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) and the aortic sinuses.
A, Viewed anteriorly, the RVOT passes leftward and superior to the aortic valve. B, The posterior view shows the left (L) and right (R) coronary aortic
sinuses adjacent to the pulmonary infundibulum. The noncoronary (N) aortic sinus is remote from the RVOT but is related to the mitral valve (MV) and
the central fibrous body. The dotted line marks the ventriculoatrial junction (VAJ) between the wall of the pulmonary trunk (PT) and right ventricular
muscle. LAA, Left atrial appendage; LCA, left coronary artery; LV, left ventricle; RAA, right atrial appendage; RCA, right coronary artery; SCV, superior vena
cava; TV, tricuspid valve. (From Ouyang F, Fotuhi P, Ho SY, et al: Repetitive monomorphic ventricular tachycardia originating from the aortic sinus cusp:
Electrocardiographic characterization for guiding catheter ablation, J Am Coll Cardiol 39:500–508, 2002.)
670  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 45-2  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram of ventricular tachycardia arising from the right ventricular outflow tract. The QRS exhibits a morphology
resembling right bundle branch block with an inferior axis.

from the lateral aspect of the RVOT was associated with a positive
QRS in aVL.21 Posterior
Electroanatomic mapping shows border regions as a low- PV
1 1
voltage region in the RVOT at the breakout point or origin of the 1 2 3
VT.41 An analysis by Dixit categorized RVOT arrhythmias as
arising anterior and leftward on the septal side, as opposed to
Free wall

posterior and more rightward, and distinguished the electrocar- 2 2
diographic features of these arrhythmias from those arising on the
free wall. Figure 45-3 displays the scheme used in this analysis.42 T RV
The electrocardiographic features corresponding to these sites V
are shown in Figure 45-4. As noted by other authors, the ampli- 3 3
tude of the R wave in limb lead I depends on the origin being Anterior
anterior or posterior. They observed that arrhythmias arising
from the free wall of the RVOT show more delayed R-wave transi-
FIGURE 45-3  Schematic representation of the right ventricular
tion in the precordial leads and notching in the inferior leads. outflow tract (RVOT), in which the most superior (sites 1, 2, and 3)
septal and free wall site targeted in the study are identified. Left,
Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Location of sites 1 through 3 along the superior septal RVOT as seen
in the right anterior oblique fluoroscopic projection. Right, RVOT
Ventricular arrhythmias arising from the LVOT are distinguished viewed coronally from above the pulmonic valve (PV). Sites 1 (most
from RVOT arrhythmias by several differences in the QRS mor- posterior) through 3 (most anterior) along the septum and free wall
phology. Earliest ventricular activation may arise in the sinus of are shown. RV, Right ventricle; TV, tricuspid valve. (From Dixit S,
Valsalva, below the aortic valve, or on the epicardium. Figure 45-5 Gerstenfeld EP, Callans DJ, Marchlinski FE: Electrocardiographic patterns of
was recorded from a patient with repetitive VT whose arrhythmia superior right ventricular outflow tract tachycardias: Distinguishing septal
and free-wall sites of origin, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 14:1–7, 2008.)
origin was just below the anterolateral aspect of the aortic valve.
Callans et al described four patients with monomorphic VT
mapped to the LVOT.43 Two patients, whose arrhythmias origi-
nated above the mediosuperior aspect of the mitral annulus, had
VT that exhibited a right bundle, inferior-axis VT with a domi-
nant R wave in lead V1. The ECGs of these patients resembled
those recorded from the five patients studied by Lamberti; in
Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Fibrillation Without Structural Heart Disease  671

Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 1 Site 3

1 mV II


aVF aVF aVF V1 aVF

V1 V1 V2 V1
V2 V2

V3 V3
V4 V4 V4 V4

V5 V5 V5 V5
V6 V6 V6 100 ms V6 V6

FIGURE 45-4  Unique electrocardiographic morphologies that help to distinguish site of origin of the clinical arrhythmia in the superior right
ventricular outflow tract. A, ECG morphologies of spontaneous arrhythmias from septal sites 1, 2, and 3. B, ECG morphologies of spontaneous
arrhythmias from free-wall sites 1 and 3. All the free wall sites show notching in the inferior leads and late precordial transition (≥V4). In comparison, all
the septal sites lack both notching of inferior leads and late precordial transition. For both the septal and free wall locations of the clinical arrhythmias,
lead I helps distinguish anterior and leftward location (site 3, negative polarity) from posterior and rightward location (site 1, positive polarity). Site 2,
which lies between sites 1 and 3, manifests multiphasic polarity in lead I. (From Dixit S, Gerstenfeld EP, Callans DJ, Marchlinski FE: Electrocardiographic
patterns of superior right ventricular outflow tract tachycardias: Distinguishing septal and free-wall sites of origin, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 14:1–7, 2008.)

these patients, intracardiac echocardiography had been used to The use of intracardiac echocardiography and radiographic
demonstrate that in all of them, VT arose close to the left coro- imaging has helped refine the origin of LVOT arrhythmias and
nary cusp in the area of atriomitral continuity.44 The other two their relationship to the coronary cusps and aortomitral conti-
patients described by Callans had VT that arose from the basal nuity.48,49 Pacemapping from the aortic cusps can be difficult
aspect of the superior left ventricular septum. The ECGs recorded because of catheter stability and high thresholds; Figure 45-6
from these patients had a left bundle, inferior-axis QRS mapped shows characteristic ECG patterns associated with this region.
to the LVOT. The ECGs recorded from these patients were dis- Recordings from the right coronary cusp typically exhibit notch-
tinguished from the ECGs of those with arrhythmias arising from ing in the downstroke of lead V1 and an R in limb lead I. A W
the RVOT by an earlier precordial R-wave transition (median lead pattern in lead V1 is observed near the commissure of the right
V3 vs. lead V5), more rightward axes, taller R waves inferiorly, and left coronary cusps. Arrhythmias arising from the left coro-
and small R waves in lead V1. Absence of an R wave in lead V1 nary cusp exhibit a qrS pattern and either a QS or rS in limb
and late precordial transition suggested an origin in the RVOT. lead I. Each of these locations is associated with a prominent R
These results are similar to those reported by Kamakura and wave in the inferior leads and an R-wave transition in leads V2
Krebs, who found that if the R/S ratio in lead V3 was 1 or more, or V3.
the origin was likely to be in the LVOT.45,46 Kanagaratnam Ventricular arrhythmias arising from the aortomitral continu-
described a variant of LVOT VT in 12 patients whose arrhythmias ity are characterized by a qR complex in lead V1 and an RS or rs
arose from the aortic sinus of Valsalva.47 Two characteristic QRS complex in limb lead I. The relationship between aortic and mitral
morphologies were observed. ECGs recorded from all patients valves is shown in Figure 45-7. The R wave in lead V1 becomes
had (1) a left-bundle, inferior-axis, tall monophasic R waves infe- more monophasic as the origin moves more leftward across the
riorly and (2) early precordial lead transition with rS or RS in lead superior aspect of the mitral annulus. Figure 45-8 illustrates the
V1 and Rs pattern in leads V2 or V3. Those in whom the tachy- differences among the paced or spontaneous beats arising from
cardia was ablated from the noncoronary sinus were distinguished the RVOT, the left coronary cusp, the aortomitral continuity, and
by a notched R in lead I. the superior aspect of the mitral annulus.
672  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 45-5  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram of ventricular tachycardia that arose from the left ventricular outflow tract. Note the RS configuration in
lead V1 and the prominent R wave in lead V2. The axis is inferior, and a prominent R wave is seen in lead I.













FIGURE 45-6  Detailed pacemaps from the right/left coronary cusp (RCC-LCC) region guided by intracardiac echocardiography imaging in two study
patients. Pacemaps from the individual RCC and LCC cusps show a QS and multiphasic or W-shaped morphologies, respectively, in lead V1. The
pacemaps from the RCC-LCC commissure show a W morphology (A) or a characteristic notch in the downward deflection in lead V1 (B) with
precordial transition at lead V3. (From Bala R: Electrocardiographic and electrophysiologic features of ventricular arrhythmias originating from the right/left
coronary cusp commissure, Heart Rhythm 7:312–322, 2010.)
Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Fibrillation Without Structural Heart Disease  673

PV * 45 


FIGURE 45-7  Gross anatomy of the heart. A, View from the atria toward the valvular apparatus showing the anatomic relationship between the
aortic valve (AV), mitral valve (MV), pulmonary valve (PV), and tricuspid valve (TV). Asterisks indicate the left and the right atrial appendages, respectively.
The white triangle represents the area of the aortomitral continuity corresponding to Figure 45-2. B, View of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve
(asterisk) after opening of the left ventricle and the aortic valve, showing the close relationship of the aortic valve and the anterior leaflet of the mitral
valve. The arrow indicates the left main artery. LCC, Left coronary cusp; NCC, noncoronary cusp; RCC, right coronary cusp. (From Steven D: Ventricular
tachycardia arising from the aortomitral continuity in structural heart disease: Characteristics and therapeutic considerations for an anatomically challenging
area of origin, Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2:660–666, 2009.)

5-aVL 5-aVL

6-aVF 6-aVF
7-V1 7-V1
8-V2 NC 8-V2

9-V3 9-V3
10-V4 10-V4

11-V5 11-V5

12-V6 305
Location of typical RVOT site of origin 12-V6 1256
Sup mitral A-M Left A RVOT RVOT
annulus continuity coronary Coronal anterior free
cusp septum wall

FIGURE 45-8  Electrocardiogram (ECG) patterns associated with selected outflow tract locations. Twelve-lead ECG pacemaps or ventricular tachycardia
(VT) from the free wall of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT), anteroseptal aspect of the RVOT (typical RVOT VT origin), left coronary cusp,
aortomitral (A-M) continuity, and superior mitral annulus are shown. Moving from right to left from the RVOT free wall to the anterior septum and
across the left ventricular outflow tract, it is clear that the precordial transition becomes earlier, with an eventual monophasic R wave in lead V1 from
the superior mitral annulus. Note the signature W shape in lead V1 of the left coronary cusp VT and the qR in lead V1 from the aortomitral continuity
pacemap. AV, Aortic valve; MV, mitral valve; NC, noncoronary cusp; PV, pulmonic valve. (From Bala R: Electrocardiographic recognition and ablation of
outflow tract tachycardia, Heart Rhythm 4:366–370, 2007.)
674  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 45-9  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram of idiopathic VT caused by intrafascicular re-entry. The QRS morphology resembles right bundle branch
block, and the axis is leftward and superior.

in Chapters 62 to 65. Initially described by Belhassen, IVF has

Idiopathic Verapamil-Sensitive Left Ventricular Tachycardia
been the focus of increased investigation in the last decade.26,59
Idiopathic verapamil-sensitive VT that has a QRS pattern of RBBB Abnormalities in the early phase of repolarization have been
and left-axis deviation was described by Lin in 1983.50 This is typi- reported in survivors of IVF. Haissaguerre et al observed notching
cally seen in adolescents and young adults up to the age of 40 years, of the S wave, QRS slurring, and ST-segment elevation with
with a male preponderence.23 ECG morphologies can include a T-wave inversion, especially in inferior and lateral leads (Figure
small r–deep S configuration in some precordial leads. Subsequent 45-10). Early repolarization was more frequent in patients with
studies, which focused on the electrophysiological basis of the IVF than in control subjects (31% vs. 5%; P < .001). Among these
arrhythmia and ablation techniques, demonstrated that the QRS patients, those with early repolarization were more likely to be
axis is usually leftward and superior, although it could be indeter- male and have a history of syncope or sudden cardiac arrest
minate or rightward. Electrophysiological data demonstrate that during sleep than those without early repolarization. Ventricular
re-entry either is intrafascicular or involves abnormal Purkinje ectopics that initiated ventricular arrhythmias could be mapped
tissue with decremental conduction properties and is sensitive to to sites concordant with the localization of repolarization abnor-
verapamil.51-58 The exact QRS morphology depends on which malities. The incidence of recurrent VF was greater in those with
branches of the fascicles provide the exit points, and unsuccessful a repolarization abnormality than in those without such an abnor-
attempts to ablate the arrhythmia have shown changes in QRS mality (hazard ratio [HR], 2.1; P = .008). Triggering premature
morphology that suggest the potential for multiple exit points. beats arising from the Purkinje network have been incriminated
Re-entry in and exit points from the left bundle branches pre- as the initiators of PMVT or IVF in some patients. In IVF, these
dominate, with more than 80% involving the left posterior fascicle triggers may arise in the right ventricle (RV) or the left ventricle
as an exit. Anterior left fascicular exit has also been observed. (LV), with the former having longer QRS durations than the latter
Slowly rising “ rounded” ventricular potentials have been reported and prominent S waves rather than R waves in lead V1.23 Trigger-
during VT, suggesting verapamil-sensitive regions. Sharp poten- ing premature beats are often prominent after resuscitation from
tials have also been seen at exit points, possibly from Purkinje an episode of IVF (see Figure 45-10). J-point elevation, especially
network cells.23 These have been targeted for catheter ablation. in inferior leads, has been associated with increased risk.60 QRS
Figure 45-9 demonstrates idiopathic left-sided VT caused by fas- slurring may also be associated with increased risk.61
cicular re-entry that was ablated by applying radiofrequency (RF)
energy at the site of a presystolic “fascicular” potential on the infe-
rior aspect of the septum approximately 2 to 3 cm from the apex. Clinical Electrophysiology
Remarkable advances have been made in understanding congeni-
Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia and Idiopathic
tal LQTS and Brugada syndrome. These disorders are described
Ventricular Fibrillation
in detail elsewhere in this text, but because they may provide
Polymorphic VT (PMVT) has been observed in clinical condi- insights into other IVT syndromes, certain aspects are discussed
tions in patients without structural heart disease. Genetically here. The mechanism of VT (usually torsades de pointes) in
based disorders have been associated with PMVT and are detailed patients with LQTS is not known with certainty. However, one
Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Fibrillation Without Structural Heart Disease  675


V1 V1

V4 V4

V5 V5
V5 V5

A V6 V6 V6 V6




V3 V4

V4 V4

V5 V5


FIGURE 45-10  Three-dimensional noncontact mapping of ventricular tachycardia (VT) arising in the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT). A, Sinus
rhythm. B, VT arising from RVOT. The noncontact map of the outflow tract is seen as an elliptical oblong chamber, with the VT wavefront shown in
sequential images. Note the focal origin with centrifugal propagation. Timing is shown in milliseconds after onset.

theory is that the mechanism is re-entry resulting from increased subtypes. In LQT1, sympathetic activity was necessary for
dispersion of repolarization caused by differential prolongation of increased dispersion of repolarization, and torsades de pointes
action potential duration (APD) in myocardial cells with particu- did not develop without it. In LQT2, dispersion of repolarization
lar lengthening in M cells.62,63 Re-entry may be triggered by EADs and tendency for torsades de pointes varied with the level of
caused by abnormal calcium kinetics that result from delayed sympathetic activity, whereas in LQT3, enhanced sympathetic
repolarization. This could explain why different mutations pro- activity reduced dispersion of repolarization and was protective
ducing action potential prolongation by distinct mechanisms against torsades de pointes.63
result in similar VTs. However, differences exist between the The mechanism of VT in Brugada syndrome has also been
circumstances under which arrhythmias arise. In a model of hypothesized to be re-entry as a consequence of increased disper-
LQTS, sympathetic activity had different effects in the three sion of repolarization. In this case, the increased dispersion
676  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

of repolarization is thought to result from differential action often be predicted by careful examination of the configuration in
potential abbreviation, with the greatest effect occurring in epi- the 12-lead ECG.42,44
cardial cells.64 Re-entry could be triggered by phase 2 re-entry. Left ventricular fascicular tachycardia is another important
Several mutations may produce the Brugada syndrome pheno- monomorphic IVT syndrome. It is less common than RVOT VT,
type. This may account for the differences in clinical characteris- although it is more prevalent in series arising from Asian coun-
tics seen in some nocturnal death disorders encountered in tries than from Western countries. This arrhythmia is believed to
Southeast Asia. Little is known about the short-coupled variant result from re-entry. Although previously thought to result from
of torsades de pointes and catecholaminergic polymorphic VT micro–re-entry, recent investigations suggest a macro–re-entrant
(CPVT) syndrome.65-69 On the basis of the appearance of the circuit.73-79 Characteristic features include induction and termina-
tachyarrhythmias, re-entry caused by dispersion of repolarization tion with programmed stimulation, a relatively narrow QRS,
is a possible mechanism. However, the mechanism by which this the presence of a Purkinje system potential, and entrainment.
occurs and the factors that produce it are unknown. Left ventricular fascicular tachycardia is more commonly associ-
The usefulness of clinical EPS in IVT syndromes associated ated with the left posterior fascicle and has an RBBB–left axis
with PMVT or VF is limited. First, ventricular tachyarrhythmias configuration. The RBBB–right axis configuration of this VT is
cannot be induced in all IVT syndromes, notably LQTS. Second, associated with the anterior fascicle.80-82 Termination with vera-
when induced, it is difficult to confirm that the induced VT is the pamil is usual. Rarely adenosine may terminate this VT if cate-
same as the spontaneous arrhythmia. Third, the induced VTs are cholamines were required for its induction.83 Incessant forms of
difficult to study in a systematic fashion because they are rapid, left ventricular fascicular VT can result in a tachycardia-induced
polymorphic, poorly tolerated, and often require countershock. cardiomyopathy.84
In contrast to LQTS, VT or VF is often inducible in patients with Adrenergic monomorphic VT can present with a left or right
Brugada syndrome. In addition, a provocative test is available. The bundle branch QRS pattern. Clinical and electrophysiological
characteristic ECG pattern of RBBB and ST elevation may not be characteristics of this VT are poorly defined. This form of VT has
present at rest, but it may be provoked by administration of ajma- electrophysiological properties that would be expected with
line, flecainide, pilscainide, or procainamide. VT cannot usually enhanced automaticity as its basis. It is often initiated by catechol-
be induced in patients with the short-coupled variant of torsades amine infusion and exercise, but it cannot be induced, entrained,
de pointes. Isoproterenol infusion can be used to provoke VT in or terminated by programmed stimulation. Verapamil has no
patients with CPVT syndrome. Adenosine can suppress IVT in effect on this form of VT, whereas adenosine has been reported
patients with RVOT VT.68 IVF has been studied in the electro- to result in transient suppression.82,83 It is terminated and sup-
physiology laboratory and is described in detail in Chapter 95. pressed by β-blockers.
Triggering premature ventricular beats can have a uniform mor- Monomorphic IVT with both LBBB and RBBB morphologies
phology, and localization by mapping and catheter ablation may is observed in infants and children.84 These arrhythmias may be
be effective in selected patients. incessant, which can result in a tachycardia-induced cardiomy-
The clinical electrophysiology of the monomorphic forms of opathy. More often, they have a good prognosis and may also
IVT differ considerably from the forms associated with VF and resolve spontaneously. The extent to which these arrhythmias
PMVT. The most common form of monomorphic IVT is RVOT have similar mechanisms to RVOT VT, left ventricular fascicular
VT. It has been shown to result from cyclic adenosine VT, and adrenergic monomorphic VT is uncertain. Other forms
monophosphate–mediated triggered activity, which depends on of monomorphic VT may be encountered in patients without
DADs.9 The underlying pathophysiological basis for this abnor- significant structural heart disease in clinical practice. Often, these
mality remains unclear, particularly why it arises from localized cannot be classified as one of the common forms detailed earlier.
areas of the heart. A genetic abnormality for a variant form of
RVOT VT has been reported, but a familial distribution is not
usually observed.69 EPS has been very useful in the investigation Principles of Practice
of this syndrome. RVOT VT is often induced by rapid pacing or
isoproterenol infusion. In some cases, infusions of aminophylline, The first clinical objective in evaluating a patient who presents
atropine, epinephrine, or very high-dose isoproterenol (up to with possible IVT is to estimate the immediate risk of arrhythmic
14 µg/min) may be required.70 RVOT VT usually presents with a death. If the risk is high or uncertain, the patient must be hospital-
single QRS morphology, typically a LBBB pattern and inferior axis ized and continuously monitored until definitive treatment is
consistent with an RVOT origin. It cannot be entrained. It usually established or the risk of death is determined to be low. IVT
terminates in response to adenosine, verapamil, β-blockers, or syndromes are usually considered after common arrhythmic con-
vagal maneuvers. Multiple configurations in individual patients ditions and underlying heart disease are excluded. However, labo-
have been reported.71 ratory studies cannot definitively exclude the presence of an IVT
Mapping of RVOT VT can localize this tachycardia to virtually syndrome. Therefore, even when the etiology of VT appears clear,
all regions of the outflow tract. Figure 45-10 is a three-dimensional the practitioner must always be cognizant of the possibility that
map of the propagation of a single VT wavefront. Note that the an IVT syndrome may coexist. The goal of the clinical evaluation
site of origin in the outflow tract is focal in nature and well defined process is also to identify all potential arrhythmogenic factors.
by the mapping technique. Noncontact mapping can define the This permits the most precise estimation of the risk of SCD and
focus in a single cycle, but sequential mapping with magnetic appropriate choice of therapy. Thus, evaluation is a process of
electroanatomic techniques may be used in stable, sustained VT. both positive identification and exclusion of arrhythmogenic
Tachycardias arising from the LVOT and epicardial sites have factors.
many features in common with RVOT VT, including a response Two classes of conditions associated with VT must be excluded
to adenosine,42,72 which suggests a common mechanism and justi- before a presumptive diagnosis of IVT is made (Box 45-2). Extrin-
fies the designation “adenosine-sensitive VTs.” Sites of origin can sic proarrhythmic factors (e.g., conditions that cause electrolyte
Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Fibrillation Without Structural Heart Disease  677

also been suggested as a therapy for LQT3. A recent study dem-

Box 45-2  Disorders that Mimic Nonstructural Ventricular
Tachyarrhythmia Syndromes
onstrated that changes in the ECG suggestive of Brugada syn-
drome occurred in patients with the LQT3 genotype, raising
EXTRINSIC DISORDERS concerns about the role of flecainide both as a treatment and as
Epilepsy a provocative test. Thus, the optimal use of this drug test has not
Substance abuse yet been defined.
Extreme diets The second function of EPS is to confirm IVT and refine clini-
cal diagnostic possibilities. This is exemplified by the patient who
Pulmonary embolism
presents with monomorphic IVT. If the arrhythmia can be
Bradyarrhythmias induced, it can often be characterized by the mode of induction
Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias (extrastimulus technique, rapid pacing, requirement for catechol-
amines), the electrocardiographic pattern (bundle branch pattern
UNDETECTED STRUCTURAL HEART DISEASE and axis), the presence of multiple configurations, the response
Right ventricular dysplasia
of tachycardia to pacing maneuvers (entrainment, resetting, ter-
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathies
mination), and the response to drugs (e.g., adenosine, verapamil,
Dilated cardiomyopathies and β-blockers) and vagal maneuvers. EPS may provide critical
Myocarditis data needed to distinguish monomorphic IVTs, which are usually
Coronary artery spasm associated with a good prognosis, from VT associated with life-
Anomalous coronary artery threatening disorders. The most common clinical dilemma is to
Coronary artery disease distinguish between RVOT VT and VT caused by arrhythmo-
Accessory atrioventricular connections genic right ventricular dysplasia. VT arising from these two dis-
orders may have similar QRS configurations and response to
programmed stimulation, including sensitivity to catecholamines.
The most useful differential finding is sensitivity to adenosine,
which is rarely observed in other forms of VT.
disturbances or drugs that prolong repolarization) may be associ- The third function of EPS in patients with IVT is therapeutic.
ated with VT in the presence of normal cardiac structure and EPS has been reported to be useful for guiding antiarrhythmic
function and are discussed elsewhere in this text. In addition, VT drug therapy in patients with IVF, although this approach is now
may exist with undetected cardiac disease and can mimic IVT not widely recommended. RF catheter ablation is widely used in
syndromes. A comprehensive evaluation that attempts to exclude the monomorphic IVT syndromes after mapping of the IVT
all potential conditions that could contribute to arrhythmogenesis origin at EPS. Figure 45-10 is a noncontact three-dimensional
requires invasive procedures for definitive diagnosis. This is map of catheter ablation of the RVOT focus. Note that individ-
essential in the patient who presents with cardiac arrest or a ual lesions are marked at the site of application relative to the
hemodynamically compromising VT, but the extent to which it focal origin and propagation of the arrhythmia. Catheter abla-
should be applied to patients with less symptomatic presentations tion may be the therapy of choice for many patients with IVT
or suspected IVT must be judged individually. syndromes.
EPS can provide information in some cases where the history, Genetic testing can provide a more precise diagnosis if a spe-
ECG, and other tests results are inadequate to guide therapy. EPS cific mutation is detected. It is limited in that many key genetic
has at least three potential indications. First, it is used to screen abnormalities have not yet been defined. Currently, another major
for various forms of IVT in patients without documented arrhyth- problem is that this test is still not as widely available as desired,
mias. Various forms of programmed stimulation (extrastimulus though commercially available testing is being disseminated. Nev-
testing and rapid pacing) before and during catecholamine infu- ertheless, little doubt exists that genetic testing will become
sions are used to initiate VT. Induction of a sustained VT is gener- routine, as it will improve risk assessment and treatment of the
ally considered an abnormal response. However, the induced VT patient, living relatives, and future generations of the family.
and the hemodynamic response should be consistent with the
clinical presentation. Identification of fractionated potentials
during sinus rhythm might be taken as evidence of substrate for Evidence-Based Therapy
re-entrant arrhythmias. Induction of PMVT or VF is considered
a risk factor for spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias in patients No clinical trials have addressed therapeutic options in patients
with IVF or Brugada syndrome. However, failure to induce VT or with IVT and IVF syndromes. Retrospective and prospective reg-
VF does not indicate a low risk. Unfortunately, the sensitivity of istries have produced data that are used to guide therapy. The
EPS for nonspecific screening is low because many forms of IVT reliability of the results and their applicability to future patients
cannot be reliably induced. In addition, if the pretest probability are uncertain because databases are small and biases created by
of an IVT is low, as for common symptoms such as syncope, the the referral process may exist. Nevertheless, they provide the best
yield of EPS will be exceedingly low. Moreover, the likelihood of available evidence. Consensus statements from professional soci-
a false-positive response is increased. The advantages of EPS are eties have leaned heavily on these resources.23,25,35,59 The largest
that the results can be obtained quickly and used immediately if registry exists for patients with LQTS. Results from this database
the test result is positive. It is hoped that new methods of provo- support the use of β-blockers as a mainstay of therapy but report
cation will be developed to expand the usefulness and enhance a persistently high risk despite β-blocker therapy in patients with
the value of EPS. Provocative testing by administration of ajma- a history of cardiac arrest or syncope.85 A report from an inter-
line, flecainide, or procainamide has been advocated for patients national registry suggests that medical therapy with β-blockers,
at increased risk for Brugada syndrome. However, flecainide has sodium channel blockers, and amiodarone are ineffective for
678  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

IVF. This contradicts a prior study from Belhassen et al, which ridicule from peers, and dependence on medical services.93 ICD
reported success in EPS-guided treatment with certain sodium shocks, whether appropriate or inappropriate, may diminish
channel blockers, especially quinidine.86 quality of life still further.
Despite reasons for considerable concern with regard to the
effects of ICD therapy on quality of life in the young population
Management of Idiopathic Ventricular and the risks of long-term ICD therapy, no alternatives are likely
Tachycardia and Ventricular Fibrillation to provide more reliable protection against arrhythmic death.
ICDs are therefore recommended if the risk of arrhythmic death
Prevention of SCD is the first priority in patients with IVT and is high. Survivors of cardiac arrest or rapid ventricular tachyar-
IVF syndromes. Affected individuals are often young and have rhythmias are usually assumed to be at high risk. This fact is borne
normal cardiovascular function. They have few competing risks, out by results from the Unexplained Cardiac Arrest Registry of
and long-term survival may depend on the risk of arrhythmic Europe (UCARE), which estimated the rate of recurrence of
death and complications resulting from therapy. Unfortunately, cardiac arrest or syncope in patients with idiopathic VF to be
precise arrhythmic risk assessment for IVT syndromes is difficult. about 30%.25
First, data for reliable outcome prediction are scarce. Second, Decisions regarding the use of ICDs in groups of patients with
heterogeneity exists within the IVT population. Arrhythmic risk higher risk/benefit ratios are more difficult (e.g., patients who
may be affected by a particular genotype and by variations among present with syncope, affected asymptomatic family members of
a particular genotype. Penetrance for a given genotype has been cardiac arrest survivors, and asymptomatic members of “high
found to vary unpredictably.87 Inadequate diagnoses in families risk” families whose genotype is unknown).
pose another challenge that is often encountered during the eval- LQTS may be a prototype for IVT syndromes in that it dem-
uation of living members of a family in which multiple SCDs have onstrates how progress improves care but also creates new areas
occurred. Affected living family members are assumed to carry of uncertainty. Only approximately 70% of LQTS carriers have
the “malignant” genotype, and prophylactic therapy is often con- unequivocal QT prolongation, and approximately 12% have a
sidered. However, it is often not possible to determine the geno- normal Q-T interval. In addition, SCD is the first manifestation
type if it is an ambiguous phenotype and because genetic testing of the syndrome in at least 10% of affected persons. Several
is often not available. In such instances, the individual is either at genetic defects and sporadic mutations that cause this disorder
very high risk or very low risk. Fortunately, risk assessment should are probably still undiscovered. Moreover, the types of provoca-
continue to improve as IVT registries collect more data, diagnos- tive factors, the risk of sustained VT, and the response to therapy
tic methods improve, and genetic testing becomes a widespread vary with the specific genetic defect. Despite the effectiveness of
clinical tool. the therapy itself, failure of medical therapy may result from
The potential for SCD, uncertainty of arrhythmic risk, and several sources, including incomplete compliance, inadequate
limitations of existing therapeutic options complicate the man- drug dose, or exposure to proarrhythmic drugs. Patients who
agement of IVT and IVF syndromes. It is widely assumed that the present with VT or syncope, those with symptoms despite
ICD is an acceptable therapy for IVF and malignant forms of IVT. β-blockers, and other individuals at high risk are candidates for
Results from clinical trials support the use of ICDs over amioda- ICD therapy. Left cervico-thoracic ganglionectomy and perma-
rone for reduction of all-cause mortality in survivors of cardiac nent pacing probably prevent SCD in some individuals, but fail-
arrest and patients with certain forms of VT.88 However, available ures have been reported. They may be useful adjuncts or
clinical trial evidence has been largely obtained from cardiac alternatives in patients who are intolerant of β-blockers or in
arrest or VT populations with heart disease and multiple com- those who are not able to comply with drug therapy. Experimental
peting mortality risks. These trials may be poor guides to selec- therapies include administration of supplemental potassium chlo-
tion of therapy in patients with IVT syndromes. Long-term data ride for HERG mutations, potassium channel openers for LQT1
on ICD efficacy are now available from some registries and and LQT2, and mexiletine or flecainide for LQT subtypes 3, 2,
observational studies.89-92 These data suggest that long-term pre- and possibly 1.92,93
vention of SCD is achieved with ICD therapy, with an acceptable In contrast to LQTS, widely accepted treatment alternatives to
complication rate. Recently, catheter ablation of triggering VPBs the ICD for preventing arrhythmic death in other IVT syndromes
has been performed in patients with IVF and the Brugada syn- associated with PMVT or VF are not yet available. In Brugada
drome at specialized centers. Evidence to support reduction in syndrome, sodium channel blockers are used to provoke charac-
arrhythmic event rates exists, but no large clinical study or com- teristic ECG abnormalities and may provoke VT.92 Other drugs
parative evaluation of catheter ablation versus the ICD is avail- such as β-blockers and amiodarone have not provided adequate
able. As such, this therapy must be considered adjunctive to ICD protection. Likewise, as noted earlier, the UCARE database results
implantation at this time. This is discussed further in Chapters 94 indicate failure of treatment with amiodarone, β-blockers, and
and 95. sodium channel blockers in patients with IVF.25 In contrast, treat-
Patients with IVT are often children or adolescents. ICDs may ment with class I antiarrhythmic drugs, mostly quinidine, guided
have a significant advantage in these patients in that they ensure by EPS was reported to be effective in one small series.86 It is
therapeutic compliance. In this group of patients, compliance possible that the distinctive effects of quinidine on the transient
with medications is often difficult, especially in the absence of outward current were responsible for the excellent protective
symptoms. Devices also offer female patients protection during effect that was observed. However, this approach has not been
pregnancy without the need for antiarrhythmic drug therapy. widely embraced, although certain subgroups of LQTS and short
However, young patients face numerous replacements of the ICD QT syndrome have been shown to respond to type 1 drugs. Vera-
generator and leads and a long period of exposure to the compli- pamil and amiodarone may inhibit VT in the short-coupled
cations of ICD therapy. Furthermore, quality of life may be variant of torsades de pointes but have not been shown to prevent
adversely affected by concern about body image, isolation and SCD.94 β-Blockers are reportedly effective in patients with CPVT,
Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Fibrillation Without Structural Heart Disease  679

but the experience may be too limited to adopt this approach with include failure to induce and map the arrhythmia at EPS, multiple
confidence. As yet, no well-defined role exists for surgical inter-
vention (other than left cervicothoracic sympathectomy in LQTS)
for polymorphic IVT and IVF syndromes.
The risk of arrhythmic death is believed to be low in mono-
VT morphologies, a δ wave–like beginning of the QRS, and a poor
match between the 12-lead ECG during VT and during pacing at
the ablation site.95 Left heart catheterization is not required for
most cases of RVOT VT, which minimizes the risk of complica-
morphic IVT syndromes such as RVOT VT and its variants. tions estimated at less than 2%. Cardiac perforation and tampon-
Unless features are present to suggest a malignant potential, such ade have been reported, and ablation of foci near the bundle of
as syncope or very rapid tachycardia, ICD therapy is not indi- His region can result in heart block. High-power irrigated abla-
cated. Instead, the goal is to relieve symptoms or prevent the tion could injure the posterior regions of the RVOT artery trunk
detrimental effects of incessant tachycardia.59,91 If symptoms are and the coronary ostia and pulmonary arterial trunk. Risks may
absent or minimal and tachycardia is infrequent, no treatment also be greater if lesions are delivered in the LVOT VT or in the
may be necessary. Pharmacologic therapy with β-blockers or epicardial regions. Thromboembolism, coronary arterial injury,
calcium antagonists, alone or in combination, is usually safe and and aortic valve injury may occur during LVOT VT ablation.
often effective.59 Amiodarone, sotalol, encainide, and flecainide Heart block, aortic valve injury, and coronary artery injury are
may be effective. Nicorandil, a potassium channel opener, has potential risks with ablation of aortic cusp VT and mitral annulus
been reported to terminate and suppress adenosine-sensitive VT. Specialized technical approaches and multi-modality imaging
VT.93 If adequate control is obtained with well-tolerated and pre- are often needed to avoid complications with these arrhythmias.
sumably safe pharmacologic therapy (e.g., with β-blockers or See Chapter 94 for more detailed technical considerations.
calcium channel blockers), then this therapy may be preferred in Drug therapy is associated with a low initial risk but greater
many individuals. If symptoms are intermittent, then drugs could risk of failure because of ineffectiveness or intolerance and poten-
also be used on an “as needed” basis. tial for unknown, long-term adverse reactions. Moreover, the cost
Nonpharmacologic therapy should be considered for patients difference may be minimal because of the long-term need for
with disease refractory to drug therapy or who are intolerant of drugs and the possibility that catheter ablation will be necessary
drug therapy, those who prefer it to a lifelong need for drugs, and at a later date. In the absence of a controlled comparison of drug
those who wish to become pregnant. Many patients prefer to therapy and catheter ablation, each case must be considered indi-
discontinue all medications when pregnant, a time when therapy vidually, and the alternatives discussed thoroughly to determine
should not be withdrawn because changes in cardiovascular the most appropriate therapy for the patient. Device therapy (e.g.,
function due to pregnancy could exacerbate some forms of VT pacing inhibition or anti-tachycardia pacing) could trigger RVOT
or cause more severe symptoms. Catheter ablation offers the pos- VT and therefore would not be a logical first-line choice. However,
sibility of permanent correction, with a high probability of success published evidence that confirms or refutes this is lacking.
(Figure 45-11). The techniques of mapping and ablation are Idiopathic fascicular VT is also believed to have a benign long-
described in Chapters 94 and 95. In brief, contact catheter term outlook, although the extent of experience is less than that
mapping or noncontact mapping is used to identify the site of for RVOT VT.59 Treatment is indicated for the prevention or
earliest ventricular activation. Presystolic potentials are usually control of symptoms and for protection against the potential del-
present at this site, and repetitive firing can usually be demon- eterious effects of incessant tachycardia. Calcium antagonists
strated at this location, often after isoproterenol administration.94 have been shown to be effective in many patients, as have
RF contact catheter ablation lesions are delivered at this site and β-blockers. Drug therapy or catheter ablation are both reasonable
in adjoining areas. Occasionally, more than one site may be seen. approaches. Probably, many types of monomorphic IVT do not
Efficacy rates can exceed 80% to 90% in RVOT VT, with a 5% VT have characteristics of left ventricular fascicular VT or RVOT VT.
recurrence rate. Predictors of failure with catheter ablation The prognosis of such arrhythmias cannot be assumed to be as

FIGURE 45-11  Catheter ablation guided by

three-dimensional noncontact mapping in the same
patient with ventricular tachycardia arising from the
right ventricular outflow tract shown in Figure 45-4.
Ablation lesions (circular markers) are shown
individually at the focal origin and in the surrounding
region. Successful ablation was achieved.
680  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

benign as these IVTs. Clinical judgment must be used individually Dixit S, Gerstenfeld EP, Callans DJ, Marchlinski FE: Electrocardiographic
to assess the risk-to-benefit ratio of ICD implantation, catheter patterns of superior right ventricular outflow tract tachycardias: Dis-
ablation, or drug trials in these patients. tinguishing septal and free-wall sites of origin, J Cardiovasc Electro-
physiol 14:1–7, 2008.
Garratt CJ, Elliott P, Behr E, et al: Heart Rhythm UK position statement
Summary on clinical indications for implantable cardioverter defibrillators in
adult patients with familial sudden cardiac death syndromes, Europace
Increasingly recognized as being encountered in practice, IVT 12(8):1156–1175, 2010.
and IVF syndromes are always in the differential diagnosis of Junttila J, Sager SJ, Freiser M, McGonagle S, Castellanos A, Myerburg RJ:
patients who present with known or suspected VT. The diagnosis Inferolateral early repolarization in athletes, J Intervent Card Electro-
can be obvious if characteristic ECG findings are present, but physiol 31(1):33–38, 2011.
these can be occult or absent in many patients. The clinical chal- Kanagaratnam L, Tomassoni G, Schweiker R, et al: Ventricular tachycar-
lenge occurs because no tests or algorithms are capable of exclud- dias arising from the aortic sinus of Valsalva: An under-recognized
ing IVT syndromes. Finally, IVT and IVF syndromes have proven variant of left outflow tract ventricular tachycardia, J Am Coll Cardiol
37:1408–1414, 2001.
to be contributors to SCD in the absence of structural heart
Lerman BB, Stein KM, Markowitz SM, et al: Recent advances in right
disease. Substantial effort is now being devoted to discovering the ventricular outflow tract tachycardia, Card Electrophysiol Rev 3:210–
mechanisms of these arrhythmias and to developing tests to iden- 214, 1999.
tify susceptible individuals, which will eventually lead to clinical Markowitz SM, Litvak BL, Ramirez de Arellano EA, et al: Adenosine-
trials in these populations. sensitive ventricular tachycardia: Right ventricular abnormalities delin-
eated by magnetic resonance imaging, Circulation 96:1192–1200, 1997.
Rosso R, Kogan E, Belhassen B, et al: J-point elevation in survivors of
KEY REFERENCES primary ventricular fibrillation and matched control subjects: Incidence
Aiba T, Suyama K, Aihara N, et al: The role of Purkinje and pre-Purkinje and clinical significance, J Am Coll Cardiol 52(15):1231–1238, 2008.
potentials in the reentrant circuit of verapamil-sensitive idiopathic LV Sacher F, Probst V, Iesaka Y, et al: Outcome after implantation of a
tachycardia, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 24:333–344, 2001. cardioverter-defibrillator in patients with Brugada syndrome: A multi-
Aliot EM, Stevenson WG, Almendral-Garrote JM, et al: EHRA/HRS center study, Circulation 114(22):2317–2324, 2006.
Expert Consensus on Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Arrhythmias, Toivonen L, Nieminen M: Persistent ventricular tachycardia resulting in
Europace 11:771–817, 2009. left ventricular dilatation treated with verapamil, Int J Cardiol 13:361–
Antzelevitch C, Yan GX: J wave syndromes, Heart Rhythm 7(4):549–558, 365, 1986.
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Buxton AE, Waxman HL, Marshlinski FE, et al: Right ventricular tachy- imaging of idiopathic right ventricular outflow tachycardia, Am J
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Calkins H: Role of invasive electrophysiologic testing in the evaluation and Reunanen A, Huikuri HV: Long-term outcome associated with early
management of right ventricular outflow tract tachycardias, Card Elec- repolarization on electrocardiography, N Engl J Med 361(26):
trophysiol Rev 4:71–75, 2000. 2529–2537, 2009.
Cappato R, Furlanello F, Giovinazzo V, et al: J wave, QRS slurring, and ST Zipes DP, Camm AJ, Borggrefe M, et al: ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines
elevation in athletes with cardiac arrest in the absence of heart disease: for management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the pre-
Marker of risk or innocent bystander? Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol vention of sudden cardiac death: A report of the American College of
3(4):305–311, 2010. Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force and the European
Chugh SS, Kelly KL, Titus JL: Sudden cardiac death with apparently Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice Guidelines, J Am Coll
normal heart, Circulation 102:649–654, 2000. Cardiol 48:e247–e234, 2006.
Coggins DL, Lee RJ, Sweeney J, et al: Radiofrequency catheter ablation as
a cure for idiopathic tachycardia of both left and right ventricular origin, All references cited in this chapter are available online at expert-
J Am Coll Cardiol 23:1333–1341, 1994. consult.com.
Ventricular Fibrillation
Introduction, Principles of Practice: Paul Dorian
Etiology and Pathology: Saroja Bharati
Epidemiology: Robert J. Myerburg
Basic Electrophysiology: David Rosenbaum, Kara J. Quan, and Mariah L. Walker
Clinical Electrocardiography: Bruce D. Lindsay
Diagnostic Evaluation: L. Brent Mitchell
Electrophysiological Testing: William G. Stevenson
Evidence-Based Therapy: Paul Dorian and Michael Domanski

Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the most serious cardiac arrhyth- may occur in acute myocarditis of any etiology. However,
mia and has a primary role in mediating sudden cardiac death intractable VT with recurrent cardiac arrest refractory to medica-
(SCD). It leads to immediate circulatory arrest with cardiovascu- tions or defibrillator device implantation may be related to chronic
lar collapse. A variable period may elapse, but cardiac asystole myocarditis (Figure 46-2).4-6
usually supervenes (Figure 46-1). Spontaneous termination of VF,
which is seen in animal experiments, is rare in humans. VF is
often preceded by an organized, rapid ventricular tachycardia Pathology
(VT) of variable duration; recordings from implantable devices
have now substantiated this. Ischemic injury may trigger VF. If The anatomic basis for VF in acquired heart diseases is similar to
untreated, this leads to irreversible end-organ damage, including that of VT. In this chapter, emphasis is given to the morphologic
cerebral and myocardial damage after 5 to 7 minutes of VF. Even findings for VF in athletes or healthy youths who were seemingly
with optimally performed basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation living a “normal, asymptomatic” life and died suddenly. In addi-
(CPR), the mortality rate is greater than 95% if defibrillation is tion, familial occurrences of SCD caused by recurrent VT degen-
delayed by more than 10 minutes. The rule of survival from out- erating to VF is briefly discussed.1-3,5,6
of-hospital VF is that survival decreases by 10% for each minute
before defibrillation. The sine qua non of effective resuscitation
Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes or the Young
from VF is thus prompt defibrillation, delivered as early as pos-
and Healthy
sible. Importantly, however, a brief period of CPR before defibril-
lation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, especially if the arrest is The conduction system has been carefully studied in several
more than 4 minutes in duration, may increase survival rates. young persons who were living a “normal” life and died suddenly.
Routine autopsies are often unremarkable. In the majority, the
heart is hypertrophied and enlarged to a mild, moderate, or
Etiology marked extent; however, at the gross level, no significant abnor-
malities were seen.3 A serial section examination of the conduc-
VF occurs in many disease states of the myocardium and the tion system and the surrounding myocardium reveals varying
conduction system and can be broadly grouped under two catego- types of abnormalities, either of a congenital or acquired nature.
ries: (1) genetic/familial and (2) acquired. Genetically based Congenital abnormalities can exist in the sinoatrial (SA) node,
abnormalities of the myocardium or the specialized conduction atrioventricular (AV) node, or the AV bundle and the bundle
fibers or both may give rise to the clinical manifestations of famil- branches (Figure 46-3). Abnormal formation of the SA or AV
ial occurrence of VT and VF. In most cases, the initial arrhythmia nodes, such as a double SA node, a double AV node, or the abnor-
is one of various forms of VT (monomorphic or polymorphic VT, mal location of the SA and AV nodes in unexpected areas, can be
which then degenerates to VF). However, acquired cardiac dis- seen pathologically. The AV bundle may be considerably frag-
eases such as coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertensive heart mented into several components, abnormally located, or both. In
disease, cardiomyopathy of any etiology with or without heart addition, acquired pathologic findings exist in the form of focal
failure, and other miscellaneous disease states (see Chapter 47) myocardial disarray, fat, or fibrosis to varying degrees, disrupting
are the most common causes of VF and SCD.1-3 VT leading to VF or replacing parts of the specialized conduction fibers and the

682  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Polymorphic VT VF

VF Asystole

FIGURE 46-1  Evolution of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) into ventricular fibrillation (VF) and subsequent development of cardiac asystole.

surrounding myocardium (see Figure 46-3) with arteriolosclerosis

(small vessel disease) of the ventricular septum. In general, the
findings in the conduction system are accompanied by pathologic
Ventricular Fibrillation and Sudden Cardiac Death
findings in the surrounding myocardium. Mononuclear cell infil-
tration in the approaches to the SA node and in the SA node itself The epidemiology of VF intertwines with the available data on
is present.3 SCD (or cardiac arrest) and its documentation by emergency
Despite such pathologic findings in and around the conduction medical system (EMS) personnel.9 In 1998, an epidemiologic pro-
system, these persons were considered to be asymptomatic, and spective study from northeast Italy reported an incidence of
SCD was the first manifestation of the disorder. Clinically, in cardiac arrest of 95 of 100,000 persons per year.10 In this study,
almost all, VF was the only common denominator observed by VF accounted for 30.2% of the initially recorded rhythms, asystole
the paramedics at the time of resuscitation. It can be hypothesized for 48.3%, and pulseless electrical activity for 21.5%. A similar
that varying types of congenital or acquired pathologic findings study of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest confirmed VT or VF as the
in and around the conduction system may remain “silent,” and initial rhythm in 59 (30%) of 197 patients of a patient cohort from
these individuals are asymptomatic for long periods. Other dis- the Los Angeles area.11 Although VT and VF were consistently
orders (e.g., right ventricular cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic car- more likely to be associated with return of spontaneous circula-
diomyopathy, idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy) can lead to VT tion in these two studies, the time dependency of the initial
degenerating to VF, the first evident manifestation of the disease. recorded rhythm is still debated. The Ontario Prehospital
During an altered physiological or metabolic state, anatomic find- Advanced Life Support (OPALS) study quoted an annual inci-
ings, pathologic findings, or both may trigger an arrhythmia that dence of 58 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests per 100,000 persons,
progresses to VT, VF, and SCD.3 and in the subgroup of EMS-witnessed cardiac arrests, VT and
VF accounted for 34.2% of cases.12 However, a recent analysis
from Sweden estimated that patients with an electrocardiogram
Familial Sudden Cardiac Death
(ECG) taken within the first 10 minutes from a witnessed cardiac
A genetic tendency for the development of an abnormal conduc- arrest have an incidence of VF of 50% to 60%. Linear regression
tion system, the surrounding myocardium, or both may also lead further estimated that ECGs taken within the first 4 minutes
to VT, VF, and SCD (Figure 46-4).5,6 Familial occurrence of ven- should have an incidence of 75% to 80%.13
tricular arrhythmias may be related to the many genetic muta-
tions associated with congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) or
Ventricular Fibrillation and Population Considerations
Brugada syndrome. These disorders of ion channel function may
also lead to cellular dysfunction and pathologic changes such as Despite the debate on the true proportion and incidence of VF in
fatty infiltration, fibrosis, and disruption of the conduction system prehospital cardiac arrest, event rates range from 250,000 to more
and the adjoining myocardium.7,8 These disorders are discussed than 450,000 per year in the United States.14 This absolute number
in other chapters in this text and are alluded to in subsequent is heavily influenced by population dynamics and the defined
sections of this chapter. subpopulation being discussed.
Of note, in many cases of SCD in young patients, no gross The median incidence of cardiac arrest in 10 large Canadian
anatomic or histologic abnormalities are identified. and U.S. communities is 52 cases per 10,000 annually.15 The
Ventricular Fibrillation  683





FIGURE 46-2  Chronic myocarditis in a 35-year-old man with

polymorphic sustained drug-refractory ventricular tachycardia FIGURE 46-3  Conduction system and adjoining myocardial disease
associated with multiple cardiac arrests, uncontrolled by β-blockers, in a 25-year-old man who collapsed while playing basketball. He was
antiarrhythmic drugs, and defibrillator insertion. The patient found to be in ventricular fibrillation and could not be resuscitated.
underwent heart transplantation. The explanted heart revealed Photomicrograph of the left bundle branch shows falling out of cells.
myocarditis of a chronic or smoldering type in the approaches to the Note the endocardial thickening and numerous focal areas of fibrosis
atrioventricular (AV) node, the AV node, and beginning of the right of the ventricular septum (Weigert-van Gieson stain ×30). Arrows point
bundle branch. The AV bundle revealed fibro-fatty change and was to the loss of left bundle branch fibers. E, Endocardium; V, ventricular
left sided. There was marked fibrosis of the left bundle branch, chronic septum; Fi, fibrosis. (From Bharati S, Lev M: The cardiac conduction
epicarditis, arteriolosclerosis of the summit of the ventricular septum, system in unexplained sudden death, Mount Kisco, NY, 1990, Futura.)
and fibrosis on both sides of the septum. (Weigert-van Gieson stain
×45). Arrows point to arteriolosclerosis. Fi, Fibrosis in the myocardium;
V, ventricular septum. (From Bharati S, Olshansky B, Lev M: Pathological
study of an explanted heart due to intractable ventricular fibrillation, J
Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 3:437–441, 1992.) artery calcification in an autopsy series of SCD victims.18 The two
risk assessment methods had modest correlation with each other
(63%). Of the cases, 83.5% had a coronary artery calcification
score or Framingham risk index above average for age. The
remaining 17.5% highlight the need for exploration of new cardiac
risk factors (e.g., fibrinogen, homocysteine, infectious agents, or
well-documented high-risk subgroups (ischemic heart disease ion channel abnormalities) that could be applied to the population
with low left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF], complex ven- at large.
tricular ectopy, prior hospital admission for congestive heart The high-risk subpopulations have been targeted in recent
failure [CHF], or previous cardiac arrest) contribute a minority of publications for epidemiologic analysis. The Worcester Heart
the total number of cardiac arrests, although the subgroup percent Attack Study described a relatively fixed incidence rate of 4.7% for
incidence per year is the highest (Figure 46-5). VF in hospitalized patients with validated acute myocardial
A screening tool or preventative intervention would need to infarction (MI) over a 22-year period (1975 to 1997).19 The
be applied to 999 of 1000 persons to influence the 1 of 1000 previ- Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell’Infarto
ously unidentified persons destined for a cardiac arrest. The Miocardico (GISSI-2) database reported an incidence of early-
Framingham study demonstrated a large disparity from the onset VF (<4 hours after onset of acute MI) and late VF (>4 to 48
highest to lowest decile (14-fold increase in risk) for SCD measur- hours) of 3.1% and 0.6%, respectively. In-hospital prognosis was
ing the well-known risk factors such as age, family history, gender, worse in patients with VF than without VF, but the postdischarge
tobacco use, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension.16 Electron beam to 6-month mortality rate was similar for both VF subgroups and
computed tomography for the detection of coronary artery calci- controls.20 The patient with prior cardiac arrest has a similar “time
fication has been correlated to coronary event risk.17 A recent dependence” of risk of recurrent events, as was presented by
publication compared the Framingham risk index and coronary Furukawa et al (Figure 46-6).21
684  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

report, there was a 23% relative reduction in all-cause mortality

with the ICD compared with placebo (7.2% to 5.8% per year), and
no reduction in mortality rate with amiodarone compared with
placebo. The most recent developments in assessing risk of
cardiac arrest have been in the blossoming technology of molecu-
lar genetics. The familial types of LQTS and their respective
genetic bases have been well described elsewhere. An increasingly
recognized syndrome of right bundle branch block (RBBB), ST
segment elevation, and aborted SCD (Brugada syndrome) has
also been ascribed to a genetic mutation in the gene encoding the
cardiac sodium channel. Its prevalence in a European study by
ECG screening was estimated at 0.1% of the general population.24
If the only effective therapy for the syndrome is ICD implantation,
the economic impact on the public health budget is obvious.
A trial of the automated external defibrillator (AED) to be used
in the home by trained spouses or cohabitants of individuals with
prior anterior MI (the Home Automated External Defibrillator
Trial [HAT]) was not able to show a reduction in mortality rate,
in part because of the unexpectedly low incidence of VF as the
initial recorded arrhythmia in these patients.25
The epidemiology of VF and SCD are closely aligned. From a
public health perspective, the largest number of cardiac arrest
survivors will have the well-described cardiac risk factors from
the Framingham study (e.g., hypertension, hyperlipidemia). An
intervention for the population as a whole, however, will require
treatment of a vast majority to prevent a single cardiac arrest. The
high-risk subset of pre–cardiac arrest (although a minority of the
total number) is currently undergoing research investigating pro-
FIGURE 46-4  Cardiac conduction system histology in a 16-year-old phylactic ICD implantation and the cost effectiveness of such a
girl with a familial history of alternating bi-directional tachycardia who practice. New screening tools that are widely applicable, eco-
died suddenly. Fatal ventricular arrhythmias occurred in three nomical, and cost-effective are needed for future progress in SCD
generations, including two siblings and the mother. The conduction prevention.
system revealed degenerative changes. Photomicrograph
demonstrates vacuolar degeneration of left bundle branch
(hematoxylin-eosin stain ×104). Arrows point to vacuolar degeneration Basic Electrophysiology
of main left bundle branch. (From Gault JH, Cantwell J, Lev M, Braunwald
E: Fatal familial cardiac arrhythmias, Am J Cardiol 29:548–553, 1972.)
During VF, the myocardium fails to contract effectively and cir-
culate blood. Although certain species such as rats can spontane-
ously revert from VF to normal sinus rhythm, in humans, VF is
lethal if not treated promptly. Thus, analysis of the electrophysi-
Low LVEF was a strong predictor of the highest risk of recur- ological mechanisms culminating in VF is critical to effective
rence (11% in the first 6 months). Persistent inducibility at elec- therapy.
trophysiological study (EPS) was the better predictor for recurrent Ventricular arrhythmias can develop by three major mecha-
events from 6 to 42 months, but the subsequent risk fell to 0.8% nisms. Abnormal impulses may be initiated by (1) triggered
over the final 6 months of the study period. In the patients who activity (early or delayed afterdepolarizations); (2) abnormal auto-
entered the Antiarrhythmics Versus Implantable Defibrillators maticity, which refers to the inherent ability of various regions of
(AVID) study with VF, the survival curve shows the same early myocardium (other than the SA node) to act as pacemakers; and
recurrence (<6 months) in the patients treated with antiarrhyth- (3) re-entry. Re-entrant excitation is believed to be the primary,
mic drugs as those who did not receive this therapy and most clinically relevant, mechanism for VF and is therefore
(Figure 46-7).22 the focus of this chapter.
Clinical trials are assessing the “static” risk of cardiac events
outside the setting of acute hospitalization.23 The Multicenter
Dynamics of Re-entrant Ventricular Fibrillation
Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial (MADIT-II) trial
tested implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) therapy versus VF is generated by self-sustained re-entrant circuits that turn
standard medical therapy in patients with ischemic heart disease, around regions of conduction block. In some circumstances, the
an LVEF less than 30%, and previous MI. It showed a 31% relative zone of conduction block can be anatomic in nature, such as the
risk reduction with ICD therapy. The Sudden Cardiac Death in site of a healed infarct or a region of fibrosis. In such cases,
Heart Failure Trial (SCD-HeFT) trial compared three arms of the re-entrant circuit is anchored to the site of block and results
therapy in patients with congestive heart failure and LVEF less in a stable rotor and monomorphic VT. When the zone of con-
than 30%: best conventional heart failure therapy with placebo, duction block is functional in nature, the region of refractoriness
best conventional heart failure therapy with amiodarone, and best is transient both spatially and temporally. Re-entrant circuits that
conventional heart failure therapy with ICD.23 In a preliminary form around such zones can therefore meander freely or change
Ventricular Fibrillation  685


Overall incidence
in adult population

High coronary
risk sub-group

Any prior
coronary event

EF <30%;
heart failure
FIGURE 46-5  Risk of sudden cardiac death,
cardiac arrest
survivors with influence of pre-existing heart disease on
magnitude of risk in middle-aged and older
Convalescent phase adults. The prevalent etiologies are a function
VT/VF after MI of age. EF, Ejection fraction; VT/VF, ventricular
tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation; MI,
0 1 2 5 10 20 30 0 100 200 300 myocardial infarction. (Modified from Myerburg
Percent/year Events/year RJ, Kessler K, Castellanos A: Sudden cardiac death:
Structure, function and time-dependence of risk,
(×1000) Circulation 85[suppl I]:2–10, 1992.)


6 months
6 months
FIGURE 46-6  Risk of recurrent cardiac arrest among

survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The highest
EF risk of recurrent cardiac arrest is within the first 12 to
(<35%) 24 months. In the earlier part of that period, ejection
70 fraction (EF) is the most powerful predictor, whereas
Persistent inducibility persistent inducibility of ventricular tachyarrhythmias
during electrophysiological studies becomes an
60 important predictor beyond that period.
n = 101 Nonetheless, EF remains a predictor throughout. F/U,
at t = 0 Follow-up. (Modified from Furukawa T, Rozanski JJ,
Nogami A, et al: Time-dependent risk of and predictors
for cardiac arrest recurrence in survivors of out-of-
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42
hospital cardiac arrest with chronic coronary artery
Months (F/U) disease, Circulation 80:599–608, 1989.)

in size, providing an important mechanism for VF. However, the coworkers to explain atrial fibrillation (AF).26 This hypothesis
nature of re-entrant waves and the mechanisms by which they states that a re-entrant circuit is the smallest pathway in which the
lead to VF are still not entirely clear. impulse can continue to circulate and that the core is kept perma-
nently refractory (i.e., there is no excitable gap) (Figure 46-8).
However, Janse questioned whether the core is truly refractory
Nature of Fibrillatory Wavefronts
during re-entry, since membrane potential is relatively normal in
Re-entrant excitation is the fundamental mechanism responsible this region and diastolic intervals are relatively long.27 Further-
for VF. The precise nature of these wavefronts, their formation, more, the presence of an excitable gap allows wavefronts (sponta-
and sustainability are key to understanding VF. Various theories neous or induced) to invade the area and terminate or entrain the
exist regarding the nature of re-entrant waves. One such theory is re-entrant circuit; Allessie et al were able to terminate tachycardia
the leading circle hypothesis, originally put forward by Allessie and with premature beats (i.e., anti-tachycardia pacing).26 It now
686  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

appears that in most cases of VF, an excitable gap does exist; because curvature is negatively related to conduction velocity
however, there may still be room for leading circle re-entry in a (because of the source-sink relationship). As a result, the wave is
subset of arrhythmic phenomena, particularly with regard to AF.28 highly curved near the core and moves slowly, but at the distal
An alternative mechanism for VF is spiral wave re-entry. This end the wave speed increases, resulting in a spiral shape. Two-
theory suggests that the wavefront curves, or forms a spiral, dimensional spiral waves may theoretically exist in surviving two-
dimensional layers overlying the healed myocardial infarcts,
although three-dimensional waves (i.e., scroll waves) are clearly
1.0 more relevant to cardiac arrhythmias. A scroll wave can be
thought of as a stack of spiral waves in which the cores line up to
form a “filament” at the center. Simple scroll waves, in which the
.8 filament forms a straight line, have been demonstrated during
VF.29 A scroll wave with a core that is perpendicular to the record-
Cumulative survival

ing surface will appear as a two-dimensional spiral wave, whereas

.6 Log rank P = .0019 a filament that is parallel to the recording surface will appear as
a plane wave. It has been suggested that during VF, scroll waves
are usually oriented parallel to the surface, which may explain why
.4 mapping studies sometimes fail to detect re-entry during VT or
VF. A scroll wave with a ring-shaped filament is called a scroll
Assigned therapy
ring. It is interesting to note that the cross-section of such a wave
.2 Drug
would represent classic figure-of-eight re-entry. Only indirect
experimental evidence is available for the existence of scroll rings,
probably because of the difficulty of measuring them, because
0.0 they manifest only transmurally, never on the surface.30 The shape
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 of a scroll as it is initiated strictly depends on the shape of the
Months from randomization inexcitable obstacle encountered by the wavefront. Thus, fila-
ments of varying shape can readily develop in the myocardium.
FIGURE 46-7  Survival free of arrhythmic cardiac death in patients Scroll rings ultimately collapse on themselves, but simple scroll
with ventricular fibrillation who qualified for the Antiarrhythmics waves can be stabilized and maintained.31
Versus Implantable Defibrillators (AVID) study. Nonarrhythmic cardiac Numerous hypotheses have been offered regarding the nature
and noncardiac deaths are censored. (From the AVID Investigators:
of fibrillatory waves that underlie VF. Three of these theories are
Causes of death in the AVID study, J Am Coll Cardiol 34:1552–1559, 1999.)
illustrated in Figure 46-9: (1) the multiple wavelet hypothesis, (2)

0 mV 60
105 106
0 0 0 5
0 20 4
1 2 80
3 3 3 1
7 6 7 0 100
9 70 10 69 10
9 69 10 69 11
62 63
58 58 100 mV

50 ms 5 mm

FIGURE 46-8  Leading circle re-entry. Activation map (right) and action potential recordings (left) obtained during steady-state tachycardia in an
isolated rabbit atrial preparation. Cells in the central area of the re-entrant circuit show double potentials of low amplitude (tracings 3 and 4). A
schematic activation pattern is shown on the lower right. Double bars indicate conduction block; the black section is absolutely refractory; between the
head and tail of the re-entrant wavefront, relatively refractory tissue is present. Characteristics for leading circle re-entry are (1) the core is kept in a
permanent state of refractoriness by centripetal wavelets, and (2) the head of the leading circle bites into its own relative refractory tail. (From Allessie
MA, Bonke FI, Schopman FJ: Circus movement in rabbit atrial muscle as a mechanism of tachycardia. III. The “leading circle” concept: A new model of circus
movement in cardiac tissue without the involvement of an anatomical obstacle, Circ Res 41:9–18, 1977.)
Ventricular Fibrillation  687

the meandering spiral wave hypothesis, and (3) the mother- myocardium (see Figure 46-9, B).33 According to this theory, the
daughter wavelet hypothesis. The multiple wavelet hypothesis was
put forward in the early 1960s by Moe and describes fibrillation
as consisting of multiple, nonstationary wavefronts that continu-
ously form, fractionate, and reform (Figure 46-9, A).32 Spatial
chaotic appearance of the ECG in VF is attributable to the mean-
dering of a single spiral wave rotor throughout the ventricular
myocardium. Jalife suggested that the mechanism of fibrillation
may consist of a stable, periodic re-entrant wave that gives off
dispersion of repolarization was an important condition for initi- “daughter wavelets” that meander and fractionate (see Figure
ating multiple wavelet VF. Others have suggested that VF is 46-9, C).34 According to this hypothesis, unstable daughter wave-
caused by spiral re-entrant waves that meander around the lets form because of local gradients of refractoriness and give rise
to the fibrillatory patterns of the ECG.

Substrates for Ventricular Fibrillation: Heterogeneities

of Repolarization and Refractoriness
Various anatomic and functional substrates can lead to the devel-
opment of the fibrillatory dynamics previously described. Early
studies of AF suggested that the heterogeneity of refractoriness
was a necessary substrate for fibrillation in the heart.32 Although
it was later shown that VF can occur in hearts without large
dispersions of refractoriness (i.e., in normal hearts), or in model-
ing studies using simulations of electrically homogenous tissue,
A Multiple wavelet hypothesis these studies may not be clinically relevant.35 It is more difficult
to initiate VF in a normal heart, and the vast majority of fibrilla-
tory episodes occur in diseased hearts, in which the gradients of
repolarization kinetics (and therefore refractoriness) are almost
certainly abnormal. The important role of repolarization in the
development of re-entrant substrates has recently been empha-
sized by studies demonstrating the inherent heterogeneities in
repolarization properties that exist transmurally.36 Antzelevitch
and others have demonstrated that trans-mural heterogeneities
of repolarization are critical in the development of the substrates
for re-entry under various drug-induced or disease-induced
Rosenbaum et al recently developed a hypothesis that explains
how the critical heterogeneities of repolarization that provide a
substrate for re-entry may occur.39 Beat-by-beat alternation of
cardiac action potential duration (APD) has been shown to
underlie T-wave alternans, an electrocardiographic indicator
B Meandering spiral wave hypothesis that correlates well with the risk of SCD.39 We have demonstrated
that when alternans occurs in various regions of the myocardium
in a “discordant” manner (i.e., some regions are on a long-short-
long cycle, and others are on a short-long-short cycle), steep
gradients of repolarization develop and reverse the direction on
a beat-by-beat basis, which can lead to conduction block, re-entry,
and VF.40
In related work, Laurita et al demonstrated that premature
beats modulate the dispersion of repolarization in a manner that
has direct effects on vulnerability to VF.41 As the S1-S2 interval is
shortened, gradients of repolarization decrease concomitant to a
decrease in vulnerability to VF, but then increase with a concomi-
tant increase in VF vulnerability as S1-S2 is further shortened
(Figure 46-10). Such biphasic modulation of dispersion relates
back to the concept of the “vulnerable period,” which arose from
critical studies by Moe, who described the window of time during
the ECG T wave when vulnerability to VF is greatest.32 Thus,
dispersion of repolarization and refractoriness appears to play a
major role in the mechanism of re-entrant VF.

C Mother-daughter wavelet hypothesis

Restitution Hypothesis
FIGURE 46-9  Various theories of fibrillatory wavefront behavior. Restitution is a property of cardiac myocytes that dictates the
A, Multiple wavelet hypothesis. B, Meandering spiral wave hypothesis.
APDs of a premature action potential after a period of steady-
C, Mother-daughter wavelet hypothesis.
state rhythm. The APD of the extrasystolic beat is determined not
688  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

used pharmacologic agents to flatten the restitution curve slope

110 240
and decrease vulnerability to VF. Koller et al showed that elevat-
220 ing extracellular potassium decreases the portion of the restitu-
S2-DISP (ms2) 100

S2-RT (ms)
tion curve where the slope is 1 or more and converts VF to a
90 periodic rhythm.43,44 Other investigators have shown that the
180 biphasic nature of a restitution curve, demonstrated in a number
80 S2-RT 160 of cardiac tissue types, is also an important determinant of vul-
S2-DISP nerability to VF.45 More recently, the restitution hypothesis has
A 70 140 been applied to restitution curves for both APD and conduction

14 Myocardial Ischemia
12 VF is commonly caused by acute myocardial ischemia. Under
S2-VFT (mA)

10 experimental conditions, it is often difficult to provoke VF in

normal tissue using premature stimuli; however, in ischemic
tissue, premature beats exacerbate dispersion of refractoriness
and readily lead to tachyarrhythmias.47 This is because of the
various electrical alterations that occur during ischemia and the
consequent formation of various substrates that promote re-entry
220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
and VF.
B S1-S2 coupling interval (ms) At the cellular level, acute ischemia results in depolarization
of the resting membrane potential, decreased maximum rise rate
FIGURE 46-10  Modulated dispersion hypothesis and vulnerability to
and amplitude of the action potential, and decreased APD, as well
ventricular fibrillation. A, Dependence of mean repolarization (S2-RT,
as reduced intercellular coupling.48-53 Depolarization of the mem-
blue circles) and dispersion of repolarization (S2-DISP, red circles) on S1-S2
coupling interval. B, Dependence of arrhythmia vulnerability (S2-VFT) brane is attributed largely to accumulation of extracellular potas-
on premature coupling interval. Dispersion of repolarization   sium, as is post-repolarization refractoriness.54,55 Acidosis can
(A, red circles) and vulnerability to fibrillation (B) were modulated in a produce a small depolarization of resting membrane potential and
similar biphasic fashion, with minimum vulnerability (i.e., maximum also decreases gap junction conductance and cell-to-cell cou-
S2-VFT) and minimum dispersion occurring at the same S1-S2 coupling pling.56 The net result of the electrical changes that occur during
interval (255 ms, dashed arrow). This inherent mechanism may provide ischemia is the formation of various substrates that can lead to
protection against premature stimuli delivered at moderate coupling re-entry and wavebreak, such as slowed conduction velocity,
intervals. (From Laurita KR, Girouard SD, Akar FG, et al: Modulated increased dispersion of refractoriness, and alternans.
dispersion explains changes in arrhythmia vulnerability during premature
stimulation of the heart, Circulation 98:2774–2780, 1998.)
Healed Myocardial Infarcts
The process of tissue healing and scar formation after an episode
of acute myocardial ischemia involves necrosis of the infarcted
region as well as swelling and hypertrophy of the noninfarcted
only by the S1-S2 interval but also by the APD of the pre- region as it attempts to compensate for the loss of cardiac muscle.57
extrasystolic beat. Furthermore, gradients of restitution kinetics Heterogeneity of repolarization may result from the uneven pro-
are known to exist across the epicardial surface such that cells in longation of APD in the hypertrophied post-MI ventricle, changes
different regions of the heart having equal baseline APDs could in expression of gap junction proteins, or both.58,59 A healed
have different extrasystolic APDs following the same S1-S2 inter- infarct may also provide an anatomic substrate for arrhythmias.
val.42 In theory, if gradients of restitution kinetics are steep Infarcts vary from simple surviving muscle bundles that form
enough, underlying heterogeneities of repolarization would not accessory pathways to complex subendocardial sheetlike struc-
be necessary to create dispersions of repolarization following a tures, which are linked to the surrounding myocardium by mul-
premature beat.42 However, cardiac tissue is known to exhibit tiple connecting bundles, creating complex matrices of conductive
repolarization heterogeneities across epicardial and trans-mural tissue that may promote multiple re-entrant circuits. In particular,
surfaces, so the role of restitution may be to enhance existing the combined effects of slowed conduction and the presence of
dispersion of repolarization and promote VF. structural anomalies is significant because in tissue where excit-
One possible mechanism to describe the role of restitution in ability is low, a wavefront breaking past an obstacle will curl at
VF is the restitution hypothesis, which states that when the res- the inner ends (where the break occurred) to create figure-of-
titution curve (a plot of APD vs. diastolic interval) has a slope eight re-entry, whereas in a normally excitable medium, the wave
greater than 1, VF may be initiated. For example, a wavefront tends to reform on the other side of the obstacle.60
encroaching on the tail end of a previous wave creates a gradient
of diastolic interval between the two (assuming the degree of
Autonomic Modulation of Ventricular Fibrillation
curvature is not identical); in regions of tissue where restitution
is steep, this will create large dispersions of APD along the second It has been well established that increases in sympathetic tone
wavefront. Some areas of the wave may have such a short dia- increase the risk for SCD, whereas vagal reflexes have the oppo-
stolic interval that they fail to propagate, resulting in wavefront site effect.61-63 Studies in dogs have shown that left cardiac sym-
fractionation. This was demonstrated by Garfinkel et al, who also pathetic denervation, or left stellectomy, increases survival and
Ventricular Fibrillation  689

decreases arrhythmias during acute MI.64 In contrast, unilateral

blockade of the right stellate ganglion by cooling increases the
number of arrhythmias after coronary occlusion.65 Many clinical
trials have shown that β-adrenergic receptor blocking drugs have
a potential benefit in preventing SCD in patients with MI,
Clinical Electrocardiography
The role of electrocardiography has been increasing in patients
presenting with VF. Certain ECG features may identify high-risk
whereas anti–α-adrenergic agents have not been shown to be patients or transient events that can result in VF, which may be
effective.66-69 preceded by VT (see Chapter 47).
It has been suggested that during acute MI, sympathetic nerves
that traverse the myocardial wall are damaged, leading to dener-
Electrocardiographic Features of Patients at High Risk
vation hypersensitivity.70 This, in turn, leads to spatially inhomo-
for Ventricular Fibrillation
geneous responses to β-adrenergic stimulation across the
ventricle, forming potential substrates for re-entrant excitation. Electrocardiographic recordings obtained at the onset of VF
Further investigation is required to elucidate fully the mechanistic provide insight into events that precipitate SCD. Documentation
role of β-adrenergic stimulation and arrhythmogenesis. of these events has been obtained by continuous monitoring in
hospital telemetry units and by ambulatory monitoring. The
patients involved in these studies had a high incidence of CAD,
Genetic Substrates for Ventricular Fibrillation
and most had frequent or complex ventricular ectopy. The termi-
Brugada syndrome is a cardiac disease characterized by an ele- nal events were associated with sinus arrest, complete heart
vated ST segment that is unrelated to ischemia, Q-T interval block, or ventricular asystole in approximately 10% of patients; in
prolongation, electrolyte abnormalities, or structural heart 90%, VF was preceded by VT or ventricular flutter of variable
disease.71 Patients with Brugada syndrome are at increased risk of duration.77-80 ST segment and T-wave changes indicative of isch-
SCD from VF. The syndrome is caused by a mutation in the gene emia related to acute MI or coronary spasm have also been
encoding the cardiac sodium channel (SCN5A) and is common reported to precede terminal ventricular arrhythmias.77-80 Other
in Southeastern Asia, where it is the second highest cause of death studies indicate that bradycardia and electromechanical dissocia-
among young men.72 In Europe, gender specificity is less distinct, tion are important causes of SCD in patients with advanced heart
although affected women tend to be less symptomatic than failure and nonischemic cardiomyopathy.81 These observations
affected men. Patients with Brugada syndrome often die in their have significant implications for strategies to reduce mortality
sleep, and a possible relationship to sudden infant death syn- rates in patients at risk for SCD.
drome has been suggested.73 The diagnostic role of the ECG in identifying patients with
It is believed that the mechanism of VF in patients with genetic disorders associated with SCD from ventricular arrhyth-
Brugada syndrome is related to reduced function of the mutant mias has continued to evolve over the past decade. The electro-
late inward sodium current, forcing the balance of plateau cur- cardiographic characteristics of LQTS, Brugada syndrome, and
rents in favor of repolarization. This is why any further impair- arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) have
ment of sodium channel function (e.g., by sodium-blocking gained widespread attention. This is vital to the prevention of
drugs) can exacerbate the electrocardiographic and arrhythmo- SCD in young patients with these disorders, particularly if these
genic phenotype in this disorder.74 Because epicardial, not endo- patients participate in athletics. A recent study has suggested a
cardial, cells possess the transient outward current (Ito), they are higher incidence of early repolarization changes in the inferolat-
most susceptible to the repolarizing effect of the sodium channel eral leads (J-point elevation and notching in the terminal portion
mutation in Brugada syndrome. Marked and selective shortening of the QRS complex) among survivors of cardiac arrest caused by
of epicardial action potentials relative to endocardial action idiopathic VF when compared with control subjects.82
potentials produces a transmural voltage gradient during the The pattern of early repolarization associated with highest risk
plateau that, in turn, is believed to account for the characteristic seems to be global or inferolateral early repolarization with prom-
pattern of ST segment elevation seen in these patients.75 inent J waves on the resting ECG.83 It is not clear if a single dis-
Transmural action potential gradients also account for the pre- order of repolarization causes at least some of the cases previously
sumed mechanism of VF (i.e., phase 2 re-entry). labeled “idiopathic VF,” or, as seems more likely, a spectrum of
In a recent provocative study, Haisaguerre et al identified a disorders is associated with abnormal and heterogeneous repo-
select group of patients with recurrent idiopathic VF that seemed larization that predisposes otherwise normal individuals to VF.
to originate with premature beats emanating from the distal His- These disorders have been collectively named early repolarization
Pukinje system; these patients were successfully treated with disease.84
radiofrequency ablation targeting the originating premature Although the prevalence of repolarization abnormalities in
beats, with a low rate of VF recurrence.76 patients resuscitated from VF with no evident structural heart
In summary, VF is a complex arrhythmia associated with many disease is higher than expected, these abnormalities are also
distinct electrophysiological mechanisms that no doubt highly common in young, healthy individuals. The sensitivity, specificity,
depend on the disease state in question. Although most often and predictive accuracy of this finding are not clear. The risk of
associated with acute ischemia or healed MI, VF can occur in the cardiac arrest in asymptomatic patients with early repolarization
absence of any structural heart disease, such as heritable disorders is likely very low.
(e.g., Brugada syndrome). Greater understanding of these various
mechanisms is required to guide the development of novel phar-
Long QT Syndrome
macologic approaches and targets that can ultimately be used in
the treatment and prevention of VF. Until then, clinicians will The electrocardiographic manifestations of LQTS include QT
have to rely on electrical defibrillation, which is highly effective prolongation, abnormalities in T-wave morphology, increases
irrespective of the underlying VF mechanism. in QT dispersion, T-wave alternans, and a relative degree of
690  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


2 A– H– S– F+ Sf23 H442 #31926

FIGURE 46-11  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram of a patient with familial long QT syndrome. Note the prolonged Q-T interval and T-wave

bradycardia in children (Figure 46-11). The upper limits of normal characterized by the undulating amplitude of the QRS complex,
for the QTc values are 460 to 470 ms for females and 440 to 460 which gives the appearance of twisting about its axis. The onset
ms for males.85,86 Longer QT values may be observed in normal is frequently associated with pause-dependent ventricular ectopy
women after puberty.87 The degree of QT prolongation does not that falls on the T wave.96-98
directly correspond with the risk of syncope, but malignant ven-
tricular arrhythmias are more frequent when the QTc exceeds 600
Brugada Syndrome
ms.87 A diagnostic dilemma is that the Q-T interval shows tem-
poral variations in patients with this syndrome, and the QTc may The ECG patterns associated with Brugada syndrome are (1) a
fall within the normal range on a random recording.88 Garson terminal R′ in lead V1 with complete or incomplete RBBB; (2)
reported that 6% of LQTS patients had a normal Q-T interval, convex downward (coved) ST segment elevation equal to 0.1 mV
and data from the International Registry showed that 10% of in lead V1 or leads V1 and V2; convex upward (saddle-shaped)
family members with a QTc less than 440 ms had a cardiac ST-segment elevation equal to 0.1 mV; and (3) J-point elevation
arrest.89,90 Thus, an ECG with a normal QTc does not exclude the followed by a downsloping ST segment ending in a negative
diagnosis if strong suspicion exists that a patient has the syn- deflection (triangular shape).98 Serial ECGs performed on the
drome, especially if the QTc is on the border of normal. same patient may show variation from one pattern of ST-segment
The effect of exercise increases the QTc in patients with LQTS, elevation to another, normalization, and progressive development
but this effect is less apparent in patients with LQT3 than in those of RBBB. Figure 46-12 shows examples of variable Brugada ECG
with other genotypes.91 Approximately 62% of patients with LQTS patterns that occurred during an ajmaline test in the same
exhibit T waves that are biphasic or notched, and a higher inci- patient.99,100 The prevalence of the Brugada ECG pattern is
dence of these abnormalities is seen in patients with cardiac reported to be 0.07% to 0.7%, and there is a male predominance
events.92 The characteristic features are most pronounced in pre- that is especially marked in Asians.101-106 The range in prevalence
cordial leads V2 to V5. The appearance of notched T waves may appears to depend on the criteria used to make the diagnosis. The
be provoked by exercise. The degree of QT dispersion is measured saddleback ST-segment elevation is more common. The typical
by the difference between the longest and shortest Q-T intervals coved pattern was found in 0.1% to 0.26% of community-based
on the 12-lead ECG and is prolonged in patients with LQTS.93 It populations in Japan and Europe.104-106 In a Japanese study popula-
is thought to represent increased dispersion of repolarization. tion that underwent ECGs during health examinations, the preva-
Patients who show no change in the degree of QT dispersion lence of all types of Brugada ECG patterns was 0.7%.103 The
when they are treated with β-blockers appear to be at increased coved-type ST-segment elevation was found in 38% of subjects
risk for cardiac events.90,94 T-Wave alternans is a beat-to-beat with the Brugada pattern, and the saddleback-type ST-segment
alternation in the amplitude or polarity of the T wave. It appears elevation was seen in 62%. In the same study, the rsR′ pattern in
to be a marker of electrical instability that may precede torsades lead V1 was observed in 41%, and the Rsr′ pattern was recorded
de pointes.94 Children with LQTS often have resting heart rates in 59%. The prevalence of the coved pattern was 0.26%, and the
that are lower than normal and may exhibit a blunted chrono- typical Brugada ECG pattern with coved ST-segment elevation
tropic response to exercise.87,95 Torsades de pointes, and the rsR′ pattern in lead V1 was 0.12%. If only male subjects
which is the ventricular arrhythmia associated with LQTS, is were considered, the criteria for a Brugada ECG pattern was met
Ventricular Fibrillation  691

in 2.14% of the population, but the typical pattern in males was studies by Miyasaka, Takenaka, or Priori.104,105,107 In the Osaka
0.38%.104 In a European population studied by Hermida, the prev-
alence of ST segment elevation was 6.1%; however, only 1 (0.1%)
of the 61 subjects who met the study’s criteria for the Brugada
pattern had the coved pattern. All of the others had the saddle-
population, one SCD occurred among the 98 subjects with the
Brugada ECG pattern during a mean follow-up of 2.6 years.104 A
3-year follow-up reported by Atarashi of patients with a Brugada
ECG pattern found cardiac event–free rates of 67.6% in symptom-
back pattern.103 atic patients and 93.4% in an asymptomatic group.108 Coved-typed
The prognostic significance of the Brugada ECG pattern is ST segment elevation appeared to be related to cardiac events.
difficult to assess. Brugada reported an 8% incidence of arrhyth- The higher incidence in hospital-based studies may reflect referral
mic events in an asymptomatic hospital-based population.106 The patterns based on a family history of SCD. Differences in criteria
degree and type of ST segment elevation require further study for or ECG interpretation affect the diagnosis of this pattern, and the
risk stratification of asymptomatic individuals in community- follow-up in most studies is too short to draw definitive conclu-
based populations. Matsuo evaluated mortality in patients sions about the long-term prognosis.
younger than 50 years who had ECGs recorded during biannual
examinations from 1958 through 1999.107 A total of 32 patients
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
were identified with the Brugada ECG pattern. Seven of these
patients died suddenly or died of an unexplained accident. ECG recordings during sinus rhythm in patients with ARVC have
Although total mortality was not increased in patients with the several distinctive features (Figure 46-13).109 The QRS may be
Brugada ECG pattern, the mortality rate from unexpected death prolonged in the right precordial leads to a greater extent than in
was significantly higher. No increase in mortality was observed in leads I or V6. The QRS is often greater than 110 ms in lead V1

Baseline ajmaline test

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 46-12  Serial changes in a Brugada pattern electrocardiogram recorded in a patient during an ajmaline test. Twelve-lead ECGs are recorded at
baseline (A), followed by ajmaline infusion. At 2 minutes, ST-segment elevation that is coving upward is seen in the right precordial leads (B), followed
by marked ST-segment elevation in leads V1 to V3 (C).

692  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Ajmaline test—2 min

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 46-12, cont’d

(sensitivity, 55%), and a pattern of incomplete RBBB is observed.110 V1 with a variable axis. Nava published a clinical profile and long-
In 30% of cases, the delay in conduction over the right ventricle term follow-up of 37 families with ARVC that demonstrated a
results in a small potential at the terminal portion of the QRS in correlation between the severity of echocardiographic findings
lead V1 that has been termed an epsilon (ε) wave, which can be and the severity of ventricular arrhythmias, which were seen in all
amplified with bipolar recordings over the inferior and superior patients with the severe form of the disease, in 82% with moderate
aspects of the sternum.109 This can be achieved by repositioning disease, and in 23% in those with mild disease.112 Overall, 60 (45%)
the left arm lead over the xiphoid process, positioning the right of 132 affected living members had ventricular arrhythmias. These
arm lead over the manubrium sternum, and applying the left leg included VF in 1, sustained VT in 14, nonsustained VT in 8, ven-
lead at the position customarily used for lead V4 or V5.111 The tricular couplets and triplets in 16, and frequent ventricular pre-
other major feature of ECGs recorded from patients with ARVC mature depolarizations in 8. Exercise-induced polymorphic VT
is inversion of the T waves in the precordial leads, which is was observed in 13 patients with no other documented arrhyth-
observed in 42% to 54% of patients.111,112 Metzger assessed the mias. Only one patient who was judged to have mild disease had a
value of serial 12-lead ECGs in 20 patients to recognize progres- sustained ventricular arrhythmia. Although the data from this
sion of ARVC over a mean of 71 ± 48 months.113 Abnormalities study showed a low incidence of VF, the incidence may be higher.
were detected in 90% of the patients. The most frequent abnor- In 19 of the 37 families, the proband died at a young age, and the
mality was T-wave inversion in the precordial leads. No correla- diagnosis was made at autopsy. One may speculate that some of
tion was demonstrated between the ECG and the extent of disease these subjects had VF. Figure 46-14 shows electrograms recorded
detected by echocardiography. In the 14 patients who had several from an ICD implanted in a teenager (male) with ARVC and fre-
ECGs recorded over time, no clear progression of electrocardio- quent nonsustained ventricular arrhythmias. The recording shows
graphic abnormalities was observed. the sudden onset and successful termination of VF, which occurred
The ventricular arrhythmias associated with ARVC typically at night while he was asleep. He had no prior history of syncope
show a morphology resembling left bundle branch block in lead or sustained ventricular arrhythmias.
Ventricular Fibrillation  693

Ajmaline test—3 min
I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 46-12, cont’d

few focused investigations. Electrolyte abnormalities are

Diagnostic Evaluation identified with serum electrolyte testing performed as soon as
possible after resuscitation. The most common electrolyte abnor-
Investigation of patients who have been resuscitated from an malities leading to VF are hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, or
episode of spontaneous VF is directed toward determining both. When considering the temptation to ascribe an episode
whether the episode of VF had a transient or reversible cause, of VF wholly to hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, or both, one
identifying the type and extent of underlying structural heart must recall that the adrenergic discharge state during resuscitated
disease, documenting the mechanism of VF, identifying coexist- VF results in redistribution of extracellular potassium and
ing disease states that may interact with future antiarrhythmic magnesium into the intracellular compartment. Accordingly, rela-
therapies, and assessing and monitoring selected antiarrhythmic tive hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, or a combination is very
therapy. In each instance, the importance of a complete history common after VF.115 Only marked hypokalemia, hypomagnese-
and physical examination is well established and needs no further mia, or both and confidence that future episodes can be prevented
discussion. should prompt the belief that the episode of VF had a reversible
The early performance of a 12-lead ECG and serum markers
Evaluation of Transient or Reversible Causes
of myocardial necrosis (creatine kinase [muscle or brain type],
VF that occurs secondary to a reversible or transient cause troponin) will permit identification of the patient whose VF has
may be adequately treated by correction of the reversible cause occurred in the acute phase (first 48 hours) of an MI. Evidence
or by short-term therapy or close observation while awaiting that acute MI produces an environment that constitutes only a
spontaneous resolution of the transient cause.114 The causes of transient risk of VF is most convincing for a Q-wave MI.116 Nev-
VF with these characteristics are usually readily identified with a ertheless, the risk of VF may also be transient in the setting of a
694  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 46-13  Twelve-lead electrocardiogram recorded from a 19-year-old man with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. An ε wave is
present in lead V1 at the end of the QRS.

non–Q-wave MI.117 However, the practitioner must avoid the physiological derangement required administration of sympatho-
temptation to ascribe an episode of VF wholly to an acute MI if mimetic agents.
the only evidence of acute myocardial necrosis is a marginal eleva-
tion in a serum marker of necrosis; such elevations may be sec-
Identification of Structural Heart Disease
ondary to the VF-induced cardiac arrest rather than represent its
cause. The diagnosis of MI in the setting of out-of-hospital cardiac In most of the world, the most common forms of structural heart
arrest from VF is made difficult by the usual absence of a history disease that precipitate VF are atherosclerotic CAD and either
of chest pain, frequent nondiagnostic ECG abnormalities that congestive or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Accordingly, most
may be a consequence of the myocardial ischemia resulting from patients who have been resuscitated from VF require an echocar-
the global “no-flow or low-flow state” during VF, and the absence diographic examination, an exercise test (with or without myo-
of a specific cut-off for the degree of cardiac enzyme elevation cardial perfusion imaging), and cardiac catheterization with
that separates MI causing VF from VF causing myocardial necro- coronary angiography.
sis. In general, the presence of a culprit lesion (coronary thrombus The echocardiogram primarily serves as an adjunct to the
or ulcerated plaque) on angiography early after cardiac arrest and physical examination for identification of myocardial or valvular
well-preserved or normal left ventricular function suggests an structural heart disease. It is particularly suited to the documenta-
ischemic or infarction-related cause. tion of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and for the detection of
The other common reversible or transient cause of VF is the other forms of structural heart disease that have escaped clinical
use of a proarrhythmic drug: a classic antiarrhythmic drug, other detection. Although the echocardiogram is also useful to quanti-
drugs with electrophysiological effects, and recreational drugs, tate left ventricular systolic function, radionuclide ventriculogra-
particularly cocaine.118 Use of these agents is determined from the phy, cardiac computed tomography, cardiac magnetic resonance
history. However, if the practitioner believes that a report of such imaging, and contrast ventriculography may provide more accu-
drug use will not be forthcoming from a high-risk individual, rate determinations of this important prognostic variable. Of
a toxicology screen is advised. When therapeutic drug use is importance, the echocardiogram is not very sensitive for the
reported, early determination of a serum concentration of the detection of early arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia.
agent may be important when toxicity related to that agent has a Exercise testing of the patient who has been resuscitated from
relationship to serum concentrations (i.e., digitalis). an episode of VF provides information about the inducibility of
Finally, an episode of VF may be considered reversible if both exercise-related myocardial ischemia and exercise-related
it accompanies a state of extreme physiological derangement that arrhythmias.119 The sensitivity, specificity, and spatial localization
is not expected to be recurrent. Such states include that seen of reversible myocardial ischemia can be enhanced by coupling
in the immediate postoperative period, with sepsis, and with the exercise test with radionuclide or echocardiographic imaging
hemodynamic instability, especially when the treatment of the techniques.
Ventricular Fibrillation  695

1 mV/mm

5 5 5 3 2 3 4 3 5 3 6 8 5 9 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 5 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3
1646 1286 5 4 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2
5 1 0 1 2 5 5 4 0 9 9 2 8 9 1 4 9 1 9 0 5 9 0 9 9 9 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5
1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 4 1230 6 6 6
9 9 8 4 5 7 3 9 9 0 7 4 6 2 9 8 9 9 0 9 7 8 2 0 4 7 0 3 5 0 0 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FIGURE 46-14  Electrograms recorded from an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) in a patient with arrhythmogenic right ventricular
cardiomyopathy. The continuous recordings document the sudden onset of ventricular fibrillation, followed by an ICD shock and conversion to sinus
rhythm. The upper channel represents the stored intracardiac electrogram. The lower channel marks sensed events and displays the cycle length.

Despite the availability of these noninvasive diagnostic proce- a high index of suspicion exists. These procedures include cardiac
dures, the critical importance of accurate and complete anatomic magnetic resonance imaging, catheter endomyocardial biopsy, or
and functional diagnosis of structural heart disease in a patient both for the diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dyspla-
who has been resuscitated from VF usually necessitates cardiac sia (ARVD), cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, catheter endo-
catheterization and coronary angiography. Occasionally, the com- myocardial biopsy, or both for the diagnosis of myocarditis; signal
bination of information available from the history of events sur- averaged electrocardiography for the diagnosis of ARVD; infusion
rounding the spontaneous episode of VF (especially when of a class I antiarrhythmic agent for the diagnosis of Brugada
preceded by physical or emotional stress accompanied by angina), syndrome; and infusion of epinephrine for the diagnosis of LQTS.
evidence of reversible myocardial ischemia on exercise testing To date, genetic testing has not yet reached the maturity at which
(especially when associated with evidence of ventricular electrical it can be recommended for diagnostic purposes in patients with
instability), and documentation of CAD (especially when not VF. However, the future promise of genetic testing in this regard
associated with severe left ventricular dysfunction) will suggest is high.
the possibility that the episode of VF was caused by reversible
myocardial ischemia that can be corrected. Although coronary
Documentation of the Mechanism of Ventricular Fibrillation
revascularization in this setting has been reported to prevent
further episodes of VF in some patients, the effect is not neces- The debate on the advisability of offering a baseline transvenous
sarily predictable.120 Accordingly, it has become customary to catheter EPS to all patients who have had an episode of VF in the
either assume that the revascularization procedure was insuffi- absence of a reversible or transient cause is still ongoing.121 The
cient for the prevention of VF recurrences or document that VT major potential advantage of an EPS for patients with VF is
or VF is not inducible by programmed stimulation performed the possibility of demonstrating that the VF was caused by
during a transvenous catheter EPS study after the revasculariza- another arrhythmia that would be treated in another way. Of
tion procedure—preferably after a preoperative catheter EPS course, VF may result from the degeneration of other tachyar-
documented the inducibility of sustained VT or VF. rhythmias best treated by trans-catheter ablation procedures such
On occasion, specialized procedures are required to identify as supraventricular tachyarrhythmias (including AF in the setting
underlying structural heart disease in selected patients for whom of ventricular pre-excitation) and certain VTs (including bundle
696  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

branch re-entrant VT). EPS may also help distinguish patients catheterization are all important diagnostic tools. If myocardial
with a permanent VT substrate (typically those with a myocardial ischemia is demonstrated, revascularization (percutaneous or
scar who have inducible VT) from those without a permanent VT surgical) can improve long-term survival.125,126
substrate (typically those without a myocardial scar who do not
have inducible monomorphic VT). This distinction may assist the
Induction of Ventricular Tachycardia Versus
practitioner in the selection of treatment modalities. For example,
Ventricular Fibrillation
revascularization of CAD is rarely, if ever, useful in the former
circumstance. Finally, EPS may also provide information regard- After defining the underlying heart disease, EPS is important for
ing optimal programming of a subsequently implanted ICD. Nev- risk stratification for primary VF. It is believed that VF is often
ertheless, each of these potential advantages is more likely to be preceded by VT, which degenerates into VF, so the induction of
had by the patient who presents with VT. VT in the electrophysiological laboratory is indicative of the clini-
cal rhythm (Figure 46-15). Therefore, the principal goal at EPS is
the induction of sustained monomorphic VT. In the setting of a
Identification of Other Disease States
healed MI, VT can be induced at EPS in 20% to 45% of patients.
Identification of other disease states that interact with antiar- The anatomic and electrophysiological substrate of VT is well
rhythmic therapies to be prescribed for the treatment of VF is described. Areas of healed MI, regions of slow conduction, and
an important goal of the investigations performed in this patient inhomogeneities of refractoriness all contribute to the specific
population. Screening biochemical investigations for renal or responses to programmed stimulation and the induction of VT.
hepatic dysfunction are indicated before the prescription of anti- As the induction of VT at EPS is already well described (see
arrhythmic drugs that depend on the renal or hepatic metabo- Chapters 25, 26, and 47), the focus of this section is induction
lism. Similarly, prescription of those therapies with adverse of VF.
effect profiles that include interaction with other organ systems The correlation between the induction of VF in the electro-
should be preceded by screening of the integrity of that organ physiology laboratory and the incidence of VF as the presenting
system (e.g., thyroid function testing and pulmonary function arrhythmia is limited, perhaps because of transient factors or
testing in preparation for amiodarone therapy). These screening prior VT in either situation.127 Among patients with previous
examinations are then be repeated as necessary during follow-up cardiac arrest, 20% to 50% do not have VF induced at EPS. VF is
and can be compared with the baseline evaluations to substanti- inducible in up to 25% of cardiac arrest survivors compared with
ate change. 3% of patients who presented with monomorphic VT. This sug-
gests that induction of VF in patients who present clinically with
VF may be specifically predictive of spontaneous VF episodes,
Assessment and Monitoring of Selected
whereas induction of VF in patients who presented with VT may
Antiarrhythmic Therapy
represent a nonspecific response to programmed electrical
The assessment and monitoring of some forms of antiarrhythmic stimulation.128
therapy require other selected investigations. Although now In patients with asymptomatic nonsustained VT, CAD, and an
infrequently used, the selection of antiarrhythmic drug therapy ejection fraction less than 40%, VF or polymorphic VT is induced
by suppressing ventricular premature beats requires a baseline in up to 6% of cases.129 Clinical variables often fail to distinguish
EPS as well as antiarrhythmic drug–free, and drug assessment patients with inducible arrhythmias from those without inducible
24-hour ambulatory ECG examinations along with exercise toler- arrhythmias. Ejection fraction is not significantly different in
ance tests.119,122 Similarly, the selection of antiarrhythmic drug patients with no inducible arrhythmia, inducible nonsustained
therapy using the approach of suppression of ventricular tachyar- VT, inducible sustained monomorphic VT, or inducible VF
rhythmias induced by programmed stimulation requires a base- (Figure 46-16). Of the 6% of patients in whom VF or polymorphic
line EPS as well as antiarrhythmic drug–free and drug assessment VT was induced, 17% died suddenly during follow-up.126 The
EPSs.123,124 Of course, the follow-up of patients with a treated presence of inducible sustained ventricular arrhythmias and the
propensity to VF usually requires long-term surveillance—most persistence of inducible sustained ventricular arrhythmias on
commonly with repeated 24-hour ambulatory ECG examinations. therapy were significant univariate predictors of SCD. However,
However, no direct evidence suggests that such surveillance is of only the persistence of inducible sustained arrhythmias on therapy
value to the patient with VF. was an independent predictor of SCD (Figure 46-17).

Electrophysiological Characteristics Associated with

Electrophysiological Study Induction of Ventricular Fibrillation
The role of EPS in the patient with VF depends on the etiology of It is not well understood why VF is induced in some patients in
the arrhythmia. Secondary VF is associated with acute reversible the clinical electrophysiology laboratory and not in others.
derangement such as ischemia, electrolyte imbalance, or cardiac Because VF can be induced in perfectly normal hearts by using
trauma. In contrast, primary VF is not associated with any acute either multiple closely coupled premature stimuli or by shocks
precipitant. In secondary VF, the best approach is to treat the applied on the T wave, induction of VF by catheter stimulation is
specific precipitant responsible for VF. The role of EPS is often not necessarily associated with a poor prognosis. Several potential
limited in secondary VF. Therefore, the focus of this section is on reasons exist for the nonspecific response of induction of VF at
the approach to primary VF in the electrophysiology laboratory. EPS, including local graded response in normal muscle or decre-
In the setting of primary VF, it is imperative to first define the mental conduction block caused by short coupling intervals. This
anatomic substrate. Because healed MI is the most common appears to have less to do with dispersion of refractoriness or
cause of primary VF, echocardiography, stress testing, and cardiac propagation and more to do with local graded responses in
Ventricular Fibrillation  697

I 1000 ms






S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S3 S4

10:48:12 AM 10:48:14 AM 10:48:16 AM 10:48:18 AM 10:48:20 AM

1000 ms






S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S3 S4

10:57:08 AM 10:57:10 AM 10:57:12 AM 10:57:14 AM 10:57:16 AM

FIGURE 46-15  A, Induction of rapid monomorphic ventricular tachycardia with triple ventricular extrastimuli in a patient with cardiac arrest.
B, A subsequent induction attempt with triple extrastimuli resulted in induction of ventricular fibrillation.
698  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

40% 100

Survival (percent)
30% 60
40 Noninducible (N = 57, SD/CA = 2)
Ejection fraction

Inducible/suppressed (N = 20, SD/CA = 1)

Inducible/not suppressed (N = 20, SD/CA = 7)
20% 20 P < .001

4 8 12 16 20 24
Follow-up (mo)
FIGURE 46-17  Actuarial incidence of sudden cardiac death or
cardiac arrest in 97 patients, stratified by treatment subgroup. Three
24 ± 8% 26 ± 7% 25 ± 8% patients with cardiac arrest during serial drug testing were not
included in analysis. CA, Cardiac arrest; SD, sudden cardiac death. (From
Wilber DJ, Olshansky B, Moran JF, Scanlon PJ: Electrophysiological testing
NI NSVT SMVT VF and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia: Use and limitations in patients
(N = 39) (N = 18) (N = 37) (N = 6) with coronary artery disease and impaired ventricular function,
Induced arrhythmia 82[2]:350–358.)

FIGURE 46-16  Scatterplot of left ventricular ejection fraction

stratified by baseline-induced ventricular arrhythmia. Vertical bars are
the mean ± SD of each group. Circled dots represent patients in whom operating room and have been cured by endocardial resection.
inducible arrhythmias were suppressed. P = not significant among These findings have not been observed in patients with a normal
groups. NI, Noninducible; NSVT, nonsustained ventricular tachycardia; heart and inducible polymorphic VT or VF. Therefore, use of a
SMVT, sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia; VF, ventricular type I antiarrhythmic agent may be helpful in differentiating
fibrillation. (From Wilber DJ, Olshansky B, Moran JF, Scanlon PJ: between a nonspecific finding from a significant one in the elec-
Electrophysiological testing and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia: Use trophysiology laboratory.
and limitations in patients with coronary artery disease and impaired
ventricular function, 82[2]:350–358, 1990.)
Prognosis and Clinical Relevance
The prognostic value of electrophysiological evaluation has been
extensively studied in survivors of cardiac arrest. The reproduc-
normal muscle. For this reason, premature coupling intervals are ibility of inducible VF is strongly predictive of recurrent cardiac
usually not shortened below 180 ms to avoid inducing VF that has arrest. However, the failure to induce arrhythmias with pro-
no diagnostic value.129 Other causes of nonspecific responses to grammed stimulation may not necessarily be associated with a
programmed stimulation and induction of VF include increased benign prognosis. In a specific subset of patients with CAD, LVEF
conduction latency and prolongation of local activation time in less than 40%, asymptomatic nonsustained VT, and no inducible
proximity of the stimulus electrode. Induction of VF is preceded arrhythmias, the relative risk of death was 1.8.125
by increased latency (Figure 46-18).130 In addition, several secondary prevention trials have supported
Another hypothesis suggesting why VF is induced with closely the efficacy of defibrillator implantation in out-of-hospital VF
coupled premature beats during programmed stimulation is survivors irrespective of the outcome of EPS. Results of the
delayed conduction. Conduction slowing by itself causes disper- Cardiac Arrest Study Hamburg (CASH), AVID, and the Canadian
sion of activation time between sites near the stimulating elec- Implant Defibrillator Study (CIDS) support defibrillator place-
trode and distant sites. Also, conduction slowing of a premature ment in cardiac arrest survivors who have no reversible cause of
beat allows distant sites to have a longer coupling interval of the VF.133,134
premature beat compared with that from the pacing site. These In summary, the usefulness of EPS in patients with VF is evolv-
factors result in dispersion of refractoriness, with the refractory ing. If a clearly reversible cause of secondary VF is identified,
periods following the premature beat being longer at distant sites correction of the underlying problem is needed. With primary VF,
than at the pacing site. This, in turn, allows additional premature it may be reasonable to consider EPS. The specificity of induction
beats to induce VF. Therefore, the measurement technique itself of VF by programmed stimulation varies with the patient’s clinical
alters what we are attempting to measure (Table 46-1).131 In addi- presentation. The induction of VF may be related to areas of slow
tion, indirect evidence suggests that the mechanism of VF in the conduction or healed MI, local graded responses, decremental
setting of a healed MI may be related to areas of slow conduction conduction block caused by short coupling intervals, and
and stable re-entrant circuits. Occasionally, polymorphic VT or increased latency and prolongation of activation time. Defibrilla-
VF can transform to monomorphic VT by type I antiarrhythmic tor insertion may be indicated despite a negative EPS result in
medications.132 These tachycardias have been mapped in the these patients.
Ventricular Fibrillation  699

trained lay rescuers with manually operated semiautomated

external defibrillators. These are deployed in locations readily
1 accessible to rescuers in proximity to patients experiencing
cardiac arrest. The best and most publicized examples of these
anticipatory strategies include the provision of semiautomated
external defibrillators and trained lay operators in casinos, air-
ports, and on long-haul airplane flights and sophisticated tiered
V1 S1 S1 S2 S3 S4 therapy programs with EMS programs. Therapy for VF includes
both defibrillation and adjunctive therapies such as measures to
support the failing circulation during CPR as well as antiarrhyth-
mic drug therapy to enhance the probability of successful resus-
VF citation from VF.

Evidence-Based Therapy
S1 S1 S2 S3 S4 Rescue of the Patient with Ventricular Fibrillation
Optimal resuscitation from VF requires restoring a perfusing
cardiac rhythm as early as possible as well as providing the
No VT/VF maximum possible cerebral and coronary blood flow during the
resuscitation process. Mechanical aids, which improve cardiac
output during CPR, have consistently shown improved outcomes
in experimental settings and have shown, in limited human
clinical trials, improved early resuscitation and improved survival
to hospital admission.135 However, definitive clinical trials
with respect to improving survival to discharge from hospital
S1 S1 S2 S3 S4 are lacking although such interventions may be able to improve
long-term outcomes in patients with VF, particularly if the inter-
100 ventions are begun relatively early (e.g., at 5 to 10 minutes) after
ms the onset of cardiac arrest from VF.
Mechanical interventions of this type include the active
compression-decompression CPR device, interposed abdominal
FIGURE 46-18  Tracings of electrocardiogram leads I, II, and V1 and
and chest compression devices, the impedance threshold valve,
ventricular electrograms. Top, Tracing of the last two ventricular stimuli
from the drive (S1) and the triple extrastimuli that result in the mechanical or pneumatically driven chest compression devices,
induction of sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia. Middle, or devices inserted into the chest cavity to assist in direct cardiac
Induction of ventricular fibrillation. Bottom, No induction of ventricular compression.136 All these devices increase cardiac output by
tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. VF, Ventricular fibrillation, paper increasing intrathoracic pressure during the compression phase
speed 100 ms/cm; VT, ventricular tachycardia. (From Avitall B, McKinnie of CPR or by increasing venous return during the decompression
J, Jazayeri M, et al: Induction of ventricular fibrillation versus monomorphic phase, either by positive abdominal pressure or by negative intra-
ventricular tachycardia during programmed stimulation: Role of thoracic pressure during the decompression phase of CPR. The
premature beat conduction delay, Circulation 85:1271–1278, 1992.) recent Prehospital Resuscitation Using an Impedance Valve and
Early vs. Delayed Analysis Impedance Threshold Device (ROC
PRIMED ITD) study was stopped at the recommendation of the
Data and Safety Monitoring Board; the ITD did not improve
Principles of Practice survival to hospital discharge (see www.nih.gov/news/health/
The main strategic approaches to preventing death from VF
include prevention and treatment. Preventive therapies of proven
Drug Therapy in Acute Management
benefit include β-blocker therapy in patients with MI or heart
of Ventricular Fibrillation
failure; angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition in patients with
left ventricular dysfunction; spironolactone therapy in patients The benefit of pharmacologic therapy as an adjunct to defibrilla-
with moderate or severe heart failure; revascularization (bypass tion in out-of-hospital VF is incompletely established. Despite
surgery in patients with left main or severe three vessel disease, many decades of use and ample laboratory experimental evidence
especially with left ventricular dysfunction); and possibly amioda- of benefit, controlled clinical trials have not provided any clear
rone therapy. No other antiarrhythmic drug has been shown in evidence that either low-dose or high-dose epinephrine is benefi-
any controlled study to reduce the likelihood of VF, SCD, or cial in the treatment of patients with out-of-hospital VF.137
overall mortality. Anticipatory therapy for VF (i.e., treating those Vasopressin, which appears to be superior to epinephrine in
patients at particularly high risk for this arrhythmia) may include experimental models of cardiac arrest in improving survival from
the implantation of an ICD; providing family members with a experimental VF, appears to be superior to epinephrine in some
semiautomatic external defibrillator; using “wearable” AEDs; and, studies but not in others.138-140 However, vasopressin has also not
from a public health perspective, providing EMS personnel or been proven superior to placebo in randomized controlled trials.
700  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Table 46-1  Normalized Latency and Activation Times for S1-S2, S1-S2-S3, and S1-S2-S3-S4 Used to Derive Cumulative Latency and Activation Times



S2 4 ± 4* 17 ± 13 1 ± 6* 2 ± 6* 43 ± 27 1 ± 12*

S2 5 ± 5 10 ± 14 1 ± 6* 6 ± 10* 22 ± 20 1 ± 12†

S3 4 ± 5* 14 ± 23 5 ± 12* 8 ± 15* 31 ± 32 10 ± 15*

S2 4 ± 8 8 ± 10 1 ± 6* 4 ± 9† 16 ± 15 1 ± 12†

S3 12 ± 14 20 ± 20 5 ± 12* 17 ± 17† 37 ± 26 10 ± 15†

S4 7 ± 18 14 ± 27 7 ± 13 8 ± 22† 33 ± 36 14 ± 17‡

Normalized latency and activation times for S1-S2, S1-S2-S3, and S1-S2-S3-S4 used to derive cumulative latency and activation times (in ms). Sustained monomorphic ventricular
tachycardi was initiated with lower latency times than the induction of ventricular fibrillation. Total activation times were longer in the inducible ventricular fibrillation group with
single, double, and triple premature stimuli.
VT, Ventricular tachycardia; VF, ventricular fibrillation.
*P < .01 vs. ventricular fibrillation.
†P < .001 vs. ventricular fibrillation.
‡P < .05 vs ventricular fibrillation.
From Avitall B, McKinnie J, Jazayeri M, et al: Induction of ventricular fibrillation versus monomorphic ventricular tachycardia during programmed stimulation. Role of premature beat
conduction delay, Circulation 85:1271–1278.

Similarly, the evidence base regarding antiarrhythmic therapy recurrences of VF as much as to assist in defibrillation. In particu-
is incomplete. The standard therapy used to assist electrical defi- lar, patients with frequent recurrences of VF may benefit from
brillation has been lidocaine; no evidence from controlled clinical intensive antiadrenergic therapy, IV amiodarone therapy, and
trials is available to suggest that lidocaine is superior to placebo occasionally from anti-ischemic therapy, revascularization
or any other agent in improving survival to hospital admission or therapy, or therapy with an intra-aortic balloon pump.148,149
survival to hospital discharge.141 In a meta-analysis of prophylactic
lidocaine used in the post-infarction period, lidocaine may reduce
“Non-antiarrhythmic” Drugs that Prevent Sudden
the incidence of primary VF but appears to increase mortality
Cardiac Death
rate.142 Lidocaine likely increases defibrillation thresholds and
may increase the incidence of asystole. Magnesium is not superior In the setting of heart failure, a cascade of neurohumoral activa-
to placebo in in-hospital cardiac arrest caused by VF.143-145 Brety- tion initially supports perfusion.150 Over time, however, the bio-
lium, although studied in VF, is no longer available. logically active molecules released in the neurohumoral activation,
Intravenous (IV) amiodarone for VF resistant to three defibril- including the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-
lation shocks was compared with placebo in a blinded, random- angiotensin-aldosterone system, result in progressive left ven-
ized clinical trial by Kudenchuk et al.146 The 246 patients with tricular dysfunction. Pharmacologic antagonism of these two
shock-resistant, out-of-hospital VF were randomized to 300 mg systems has proven to be an effective treatment paradigm.
amiodarone by IV bolus versus placebo; the primary study end-
point was survival to hospital admission, achieved in 44% of
amiodarone-treated patients versus 34% of placebo-treated
patients. In a related study, IV amiodarone was compared with IV Strong evidence for a beneficial effect of β-blocker treatment in
lidocaine in a blinded, randomized trial of patients with VF per- patients following an MI was reported in 1981 by the Norwegian
sisting after three shocks, IV epinephrine, and a further defibril- Multicenter Study Group.68 In their study, 1884 patients were
lation shock. Survival to hospital admission was achieved in 23% randomly assigned to treatment with timolol (10 mg twice a day)
of amiodarone-treated patients versus 12% of lidocaine-treated or to placebo. Mortality in rate the control group was 16% com-
patients (P = .009).147 Although neither of these studies demon- pared with 10% in the timolol group (P = .0001), and a reduction
strated statistically significant improvements in survival to hospi- in SCD from 13.9% to 7.7% (P = .0001) was observed. In the fol-
tal discharge, if any antiarrhythmic drug is to be used in lowing year, the Beta-Blocker Heart Attack Trial (BHAT) reported
out-of-hospital VF, on the basis of these studies it seems reason- a comparison of propranolol and placebo in patients with prior
able to consider amiodarone as the drug of choice. MI.66 In that study, 3837 patients were randomized to treatment
It is important to note that resuscitation from VF is a dynamic with propranolol or placebo 5 to 10 days after an MI. The trial
clinical situation, and many patients will have multiple recur- was stopped 9 months early after an average follow-up of 25
rences of VF in the seconds to minutes after initial defibrillation months because of a highly significant difference in mortality in
and also undergo multiple transitions among VF, asystole, pulse- favor of propranolol (7.2% in the propranolol group vs. 9.8% in
less electrical activity, and a perfusing organized rhythm during the placebo group). These trials, along with a series of subsequent
the course of a protracted cardiac arrest. The use of adjunctive studies, were combined in a meta-analysis confirming that
drug therapy can therefore be considered a means to prevent β-blockers reduce both total mortality and SCD.153
Ventricular Fibrillation  701

More recently, two studies investigating treatment of patients associated with a reduction in total mortality and SCD.165 A mul-
with heart failure have suggested the benefit of β-blockers with
respect to reduction of total mortality and prevention of SCD.154,155
The Cardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol Study II (CIBIS II) trial ran-
domized 2647 patients with an LVEF of 35% or less and New York
tivariate analysis of the 6797 participants in the Studies of Left
Ventricular Dysfunction (SOLVD) demonstrated that both anti-
platelet and anticoagulant therapies were associated with a reduc-
tion in the risk of SCD.166 This provides a rationale for
Heart Association (NYHA) functional class III or IV heart failure anti-thrombotic therapy, anti-platelet therapy, or a combination
to the β1-selective agent bisoprolol or placebo.156 All-cause mor- of both in patients with left ventricular dysfunction.
tality was reduced from 17.3% in the placebo group to 11.8% in
the bisoprolol group (P < .0001). Significantly fewer SCDs
Antiarrhythmic Drugs
occurred in bisoprolol-treated patients compared with placebo-
treated patients (3.6% vs. 6.3%; P = .0011). The Metoprolol Ran- The importance of ventricular ectopy as a risk factor for SCD in
domized Intervention Trial in Congestive Heart Failure patients with coronary disease is well established. It was therefore
(MERIT-HF) randomized 3991 patients with LVEF of 40% or less reasonable to hypothesize that suppression of premature ven-
in NYHA functional class II to IV heart failure to treatment with tricular complexes (PVCs) using standard antiarrhythmic agents
the β1-selective agent metoprolol, in its controlled release or that block sodium or potassium channels might reduce the risk
extended release form, or placebo.155 All-cause mortality was 7.2% of SCD.
per year in the metoprolol group and 11% in the placebo group
(P = .00009). A reduction in SCD was seen in metoprolol-treated
Class I Agents
patients (odds ratio [OR], 0.59; confidence interval [CI], 0.45 to
0.78). The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) studied
patients with a history of MI and frequent PVCs that were sup-
pressible with encainide, flecainide, or moricizine (type IC agents
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
that are sodium channel blockers).167 More than 90 days after MI,
The survival advantage conferred by angiotensin-converting patients were also required to have an LVEF of 40% or less.
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors in patients with heart failure has been Despite suppression of PVCs, the encainide and flecainide arms
demonstrated in a number of studies.156-159 However, only in the of the trial were stopped early because of increased mortality in
Tandolapril Cardiac Evaluation Trial (TRACE) did the reduction patients treated with antiarrhythmic drugs. The moricizine arm
in SCD reach statistical significance.160 A recently published was subsequently stopped because it became clear there would
meta-analysis has now clearly demonstrated that ACE inhibitors be no benefit and because of concern about an apparent early
reduce SCD.160 In this study, 15,104 patients from 15 trials were increase in mortality.168
studied. The relative risk of SCD in ACE inhibitor–treated patients The CAST trial provided four important insights: (1) the
was 0.80 (95% CI, 0.70 to 0.92). mechanism causing PVCs was different from that causing the
arrhythmia (presumably a ventricular tachyarrhythmia) that pro-
voked SCD; (2) ventricular ectopy is not an appropriate surrogate
Aldosterone Antagonism
endpoint for SCD in clinical trials; (3) antiarrhythmic drugs could
The effect of spironolactone on survival was studied in the Ran- be proarrhythmic, even months after initiation; and (4) a change
domized Aldactone Evaluation Study (RALES).161 A total of 822 in the myocardial substrate, presumably ischemia, could make the
patients on an ACE inhibitor with an LVEF of 35% or less and antiarrhythmic drug proarrhythmic.
severe heart failure symptoms were randomly assigned to treat-
ment with spironolactone or placebo. After a mean follow-up of
New Class III Drugs
24 months, the mortality rate was 46% in the placebo group and
35% in the spironolactone group (P < .001). The relative risk of In the Survival with Oral D-Sotalol (SWORD) study, the impact
SCD in spironolactone-treated patients was 0.71 (CI, 0.54 to on SCD of d-sotalol, a potassium channel blocker without
0.95). β-blocker properties, was studied.3,127,169 Patients with a history of
Recent studies have confirmed these findings and extended MI and LVEF less than 40% were randomly assigned to d-sotalol
the benefit to patients with mild heart failure, in whom eplere- or placebo. The study was terminated because of an excess risk of
none, a selective aldosterone inhibitor, reduces all-cause mortal- mortality in d-sotalol–treated patients (relative risk [RR], 1.65; P
ity. A total of 12.5% of patients receiving eplerenone and 15.5% = .006). Dofetilide was also evaluated in patients with CHF.170 In
of those receiving placebo died (hazard ratio [HR], 0.76; 95% CI, a study of 1518 patients with symptomatic CHF and severe left
0.62 to 0.93; P = .008).162 Taken together, the data confirm that ventricular dysfunction randomized to dofetilide or placebo, no
antagonizing the various components of the neuroendocrine acti- difference in mortality rate was seen, although dofetilide was suc-
vation that accompanies heart failure results in a reduction in cessful in converting AF to sinus rhythm. Similar results were
SCD. obtained in patients with prior MI but without CHF.171 These data
suggest that although dofetilide has no role in the prevention of
SCD, it may be a useful treatment option in patients with AF who
Anti-thrombotic and Anticoagulant Therapy
are also at risk for SCD because it did not increase mortality rate
Accumulated data have suggested that ischemia caused by throm- in these patients. A meta-analysis performed by Teo et al of anti-
bus formation in stenotic coronary arteries may result in SCD. arrhythmic trials was reported in 1993. Data were drawn from
On the basis of pathologic examinations, greater than 80% of SCD 138 trials and 98,000 patients.172 The mortality rate of patients
cases in patients with ischemic heart disease may be associated randomized to receive class I agents was significantly higher than
with thrombus formation or plaque fissuring.163,164 In the Second that of patients receiving placebo (OR, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.28;
International Study of Infarct Survival (ISIS-2), aspirin use was P = .03).
702  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Given the data presented, it is reasonable to ask whether the (P = .05). All the mortality benefit occurred in amiodarone-
reason for the failure of these antiarrhythmic drugs to prevent treated patients, who were also treated with a β-blocker. In
SCD is the intrinsic ineffectiveness of drug action or the method CAMIAT, 1202 patients with a history of MI and frequent ven-
of guiding selection of the drug. If the problem were the method tricular ectopy (>10 PVCs per hour or at least one episode of
of guiding selection of potentially effective drugs, it would be VT) were randomized to receive amiodarone or placebo. A reduc-
expected that although the drugs might not prevent an arrhyth- tion was seen in the endpoint of resuscitated VF or arrhythmic
mia, at least they would not be proarrhythmic. However, most death from 6% in the placebo group to 3.3% in the amiodarone
antiarrhythmic drugs other than amiodarone were shown to group (P = .03). No difference in total mortality was observed.
provoke SCD in clinical trials. This suggests that the failure to As in EMIAT, only amiodarone-treated patients who were also
prevent SCD is based on the molecule rather than the selection on a β-blocker appeared to derive any benefit. Two recent meta-
paradigm. The results of the Electrophysiologic Study Versus analyses that provide a quantitative overview of the available
Electrocardiographic Monitoring (ESVEM) study provide support randomized trials have been published. The Amiodarone Trials
for this view.122 In this study, 486 patients with sustained mono- Meta-Analysis Investigators examined 13 randomized trials
morphic VT, inducible with programmed electrical stimulation involving 6553 patients.177 Five trials of patients with CHF and
(PES) and 10 PVCs or more per hour on Holter monitoring, were eight trials involving patients with previous MI were included.
randomly assigned to guidance by demonstrating suppression of The mean LVEF in this population was 0.31. They found a 29%
PES-stimulated VT or Holter recording suppression of ventricu- reduction in SCD (OR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.59 to 0.85). No difference
lar ectopy. Although the PES protocol used in ESVEM was was seen between the post-MI and CHF populations. Sim et  al
limited, the results in ESVEM were no different in either arm, studied 15 randomized trials of amiodarone to prevent SCD using
indicating that PES guidance was not better than Holter guidance. the random effects model.178 Amiodarone was found to signifi-
In contrast, the Calgary study, using a standard PES protocol, cantly reduce the risk of total mortality (OR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.66
showed superior results with PES-guided therapy for the preven- to 0.89; P < .001) and SCD (OR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.58 to 0.85; P <
tion of recurrent VT or VF in less drug-refractory patients.123,124 .001).
It can be concluded from the studies presented that the antiar- These data suggest that, unlike other antiarrhythmic drugs,
rhythmic drugs, excluding amiodarone, that have been tested may amiodarone may reduce arrhythmic death in the post-MI popula-
not prevent death from ventricular arrhythmias and, depending tion and that its effect appears to be greater if there is concomitant
on the drug, may even increase it. As a result, antiarrhythmics β-blocker therapy.
other than amiodarone that have been studied have a limited role In the Optimal Pharmacological Therapy in Cardioverter Defi-
in the prevention of SCD and should be considered after other, brillator Patients (OPTIC) trial, amiodarone was more effective
better treatments have been rejected. that β-blockers alone or sotalol in preventing ICD discharges for
ventricular arrhyhthmias.179 However, amiodarone is rarely rec-
ommended as the sole therapy for the secondary prevention of
SCD in patients with a history of VF not caused by a reversible
A number of early studies suggested that amiodarone, unlike cause, the ICD being the therapy of choice. The fact that the
other antiarrhythmics, may have a role in suppressing VTs in the reduction in arrhythmic death is not easily translated into an
post-MI population. The Basel Antiarrhythmic Study of Infarct improvement in total mortality is likely attributable to the limited
Survival (BASIS) randomized 312 patients with previous MI and protective effect of amiodarone. SCD-HeFT did not show any
complex ventricular ectopy to amiodarone, individualized drug mortality benefit from amiodarone versus placebo; the HR for
therapy starting with procainamide, or no antiarrhythmic drug mortality in 845 amiodarone-treated patients followed up to 5
therapy.173 After 1 year of follow-up, amiodarone-treated patients years versus the 847 patients treated with placebo was 1.06 (97.5%
had a significantly greater survival compared with patients treated CI, 0.86 to 1.30).
with no antiarrhythmic therapy (95% vs. 87%; P = .048).
Amiodarone-treated patients also had better survival compared
with patients who received individualized therapy, but this did Nonpharmacologic Therapy
not reach statistical significance. Ceremuzynski et al randomized
613 patients with previous MI who were ineligible to receive
β-blockers to amiodarone or placebo.174 A statistically significant As previously discussed, ischemia appears to be a precipitating
(P = .048) reduction in cardiac mortality was seen in amiodarone- event in SCD and is frequently caused by plaque disruption and
treated patients, although the reduction in total mortality did not coronary thrombus formation. Data supporting the usefulness of
achieve statistical significance. The meta-analysis by Teo et al, anti-thrombotic agents suggest a potential antiarrhythmic role for
discussed earlier, showed a significant mortality reduction in revascularization. Interestingly, trial-derived data bearing directly
amiodarone-treated patients with previous MI.172 Taken together, on the issue of revascularization are rare. In the Coronary Artery
these studies suggested that amiodarone may reduce arrhythmic Surgery Study (CASS) registry, revascularization was indepen-
death. dently associated with improved survival free of SCD (SCD
This picture was further clarified by the European Myocardial occurred in 4.9% of patients assigned to medical therapy and 1.6%
Infarction Amiodarone Trial (EMIAT) and the Canadian Amio- of patients assigned to surgical therapy).180 Garan et al showed
darone Myocardial Infarction Trial (CAMIAT).175,176 EMIAT that myocardial revascularization can result in elimination of
randomized 1486 patients who had an LVEF of 40% or less, 5 PES-inducible ventricular tachyarrhythmias.181 Hii et al found
to 21 days after an MI, to treatment with amiodarone or placebo. that a patent infarct-related artery was associated with the effec-
No difference was observed in the primary endpoint of total tive drug suppression of inducible VT at PES.182 In sum, data
mortality or in cardiac mortality. Arrhythmic death was reduced supporting a role for ischemia in the production of ventricular
from 7% in the placebo group to 4% in the amiodarone group arrhythmias and studies suggesting a positive treatment effect of
Ventricular Fibrillation  703

eliminating the ischemia lead to the conclusion that elimination CABG-PATCH, 71% of the deaths were nonarrhythmic, which
of inducible ischemia should be a component of treatment to
prevent SCD.
accounts for the absence of benefit from the ICD.187 It is possible
that the revascularization reduced the frequency of VTs by
removing the contributing role of inducible ischemia. The results
of this trial do not provide support for the use of the signal-
Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator
averaged ECG in risk stratification.
Since the first implantation of an ICD by Mirowski in 1980, these The Multicenter Unsustained Tachycardia Trial (MUSTT)
systems have continued to evolve.183 Today, they are generally studied patients with CAD, an LVEF of 40% or less, and nonsus-
placed transvenously, with an implantation-related mortality rate tained VT on Holter recording and who had inducible, sustained
of less than 1%.184 Current systems are capable of defibrillation of monomorphic VT or VF.188 Patients were randomized to standard
VF, tiered therapy of VT (competitive pacing, synchronized car- therapy for coronary disease or standard therapy with a PES-
dioversion, defibrillation), and antibradycardia pacing. Increas- guided attempt to suppress inducible VT or VF. Patients in whom
ingly sophisticated electrogram storage and telemetry are useful inducible VT or VF was suppressed or whose VT was hemody-
for rhythm diagnosis. namically tolerated were treated with the drug that suppressed
A number of randomized, controlled clinical trials in patients the VT (or rendered it tolerable). Patients who continued to be
with malignant ventricular arrhythmias, including SCD, have inducible to a sustained VT at PES that was hemodynamically
been performed and have provided an increasingly clear picture intolerable had an ICD placed. The primary endpoint of the study
of the appropriate role of and considerations for the ICD (Box was cardiac arrest or death. A total of 704 patients were random-
46-1). The AVID trial was a secondary prevention study that ized. The patients who received the ICD because of nonsuppress-
randomized patients with a history of symptomatic VT or VF to ibility would be expected to be the highest risk group, but they
ICD implantation or to antiarrhythmic therapy.131 Randomized had a better survival compared with patients not receiving antiar-
patients must have been resuscitated from VF or have had an rhythmic therapy and those who were suppressible with PES-
episode of VT that was hemodynamically compromising or that guided antiarrhythmic therapy (RR, 0.24; 95% CI, 0.13 to 0.45; P
was associated with an LVEF less than 40%. A total of 1016 < .001). No difference was seen in mortality rate or cardiac arrest
patients were randomized to immediate ICD implantation or between patients who received no antiarrhythmic therapy and
antiarrhythmic drug therapy. Although sotalol or amiodarone was those with antiarrhythmic drug suppression of inducibility. Inter-
permitted in the antiarrhythmic drug arm, only 2.6% of patients estingly, unlike the other ICD trials, it is possible to compare ICDs
randomized to antiarrhythmic drug were discharged on sotalol. with standard treatment without an antiarrhythmic drug in
Thus, for all practical purposes, this was an amiodarone versus patients who have had a demonstrated VT (in this case, at PES).
ICD trial. The trial was stopped early because of significantly These data suggest that the ICD is the most effective approach to
better survival in ICD-treated patients (75.4% vs. 64.1% at 3 years; preventing SCD in these patients. Also, they proved an important
P < .02). Similar patient populations were studied in CIDS and additional demonstration of the ineffectiveness of PES-guided
CASH, with results similar to AVID.134,135 antiarrhythmic drug selection. The conclusions drawn from
MADIT was a primary prevention trial that studied 196 MUSTT suggest that the potentially large group of coronary
patients with previous MI, nonsustained VT, and an LVEF of 35% patients with depressed ejection fraction and nonsustained VT
or less who were inducible to a sustained monomorphic VT at who are inducible into a sustained monomorphic VT or VF by
PES not suppressible by procainamide.185 This population was PES should have an ICD inserted. MADIT-II randomized patients
different from the AVID patients in that they did not have a with previous MI and an LVEF of 30% or less to ICD or standard
spontaneous sustained ventricular arrhythmia but had shown therapy.189 The primary endpoint was total mortality. Most
that VT could be induced by PES. These patients were randomly patients were in NYHA class I or II. The ICD arm had a 31%
assigned to immediate ICD implantation or antiarrhythmic drug relapse risk reduction in total mortality, suggesting that an impor-
therapy. At 1-month follow-up, 74% of the patients in the antiar- tant role for SCD prevention exists in this population.189 However,
rhythmic drug therapy group were on amiodarone. Survival was most of the benefit was seen in patients with a prolonged QRS
significantly better in the ICD group than in patients treated with complex on the resting ECG. In summary, the accumulated data
an antiarrhythmic drug (mostly amiodarone) (HR for overall mor- suggest that the ICD reduces mortality in patients at high risk for
tality, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.26 to 0.82; P = .009). a fatal VT and that it is more effective than amiodarone in doing
All the ICD trials (AVID, MADIT, CIDS, CASH) presented so.
thus far entered patients known to be at high risk for a fatal A consideration of these facts leads to the current management
arrhythmia because they had a history of prior VT, either as a approach to patients at risk for SCD:
presenting problem or at PES. The Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
PATCH (CABG-PATCH) trial examined patients at risk of SCD 1. Patients resuscitated from VF or with VT associated with
because of the presence of coronary disease for which they were hemodynamic compromise or reduced LVEF (≤0.40) should
to undergo coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), who had an have an ICD inserted. They should also be treated with aspirin,
LVEF of 35% or less, and who had an abnormal signal-averaged β-blockers, and ACE inhibitors, as tolerated, as well as revas-
ECG.186 In contrast to the patients presented in the other studies, cularization if inducible ischemia is present.
these patients had no history of a sustained VT that occurred
spontaneously or at PES. This study randomly assigned 900 2. Patients with coronary disease, reduced LVEF (31% to 40%),
patients to ICD implantation or no implantation at the time of and nonsustained VT who have a sustained monomorphic VT
CABG. During an average follow-up of 32 ± 16 months, no sig- induced by PES should also have an ICD placed. They should
nificant difference was seen in mortality between patients assigned be treated with aspirin, β-blockers, and ACE inhibitors, as
to ICD and those assigned to no ICD. The HR for total mortality tolerated, as well as revascularization if inducible ischemia is
with ICD placement was 1.07 (95% CI, 0.81 to 1.42). In present. The presence of nonsustained VT may be useful as a
704  Cardiac Rhythms and Arrhythmias

Box 46-1  Indications for Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Therapy for Patients at Risk of Ventricular Fibrillation

1. ICD therapy is indicated in patients who are survivors of cardiac arrest due to VF or hemodynamically unstable sustained VT after evaluation to
define the cause of the event and to exclude any completely reversible causes. (Level of Evidence: A)
2. ICD therapy is indicated in patients with syncope of undetermined origin with clinically relevant, hemodynamically significant sustained VT or VF
induced at electrophysiological study. (Level of Evidence: B)
3. ICD therapy is indicated in patients with LVEF less than 35% due to prior MI, at least 40 days after MI, and who are in NYHA functional class II or III.
(Level of Evidence: A)
4. ICD therapy is indicated in patients with nonischemic DCM who have an LVEF 35% or less and who are in NYHA functional class II or III. (Level of
Evidence: B)
5. ICD therapy is indicated in patients with left ventricular dysfunction caused by prior MI, at least 40 days after MI, and who have an LVEF less than
30%, and are in NYHA functional class I. (Level of Evidence: A)
6. ICD therapy is indicated in patients with nonsustained VT from prior MI, LVEF less than 40%, and inducible VF or sustained VT at electrophysiological
study. (Level of Evidence: B)

1. ICD implantation is reasonable for patients with unexplained syncope, significant left ventricular dysfunction, and nonischemic DCM. (Level of
Evidence: C)
2. ICD implantation is reasonable for patients with HCM who have 1 or more major† risk factors for SCD. (Level of Evidence: C)
4. ICD implantation is reasonable for the prevention of SCD in patients with ARVD/C who have 1 or more risk factors for SCD. (Level of Evidence: C)
5. ICD implantation is reasonable to reduce SCD in patients with long QT syndrome who are experiencing syncope, VT, or both while receiving
β-blockers. (Level of Evidence: B)
6. ICD implantation is reasonable for nonhospitalized patients awaiting transplantation. (Level of Evidence: C)
7. ICD implantation is reasonable for patients with Brugada syndrome, who have had syncope. (Level of Evidence: C)
8. ICD implantation is reasonable for patients with cardiac sarcoidosis, giant cell myocarditis, or Chagas disease. (Level of Evidence: C)

1. ICD therapy may be considered in patients with nonischemic heart disease, who have an LVEF of 35% or less and who are in NYHA functional class
I. (Level of Evidence: C)
2. ICD therapy may be considered for patients with long QT syndrome and risk factors for SCD. (Level of Evidence: B)
3. ICD therapy may be considered in patients with syncope and advanced structural heart disease, in whom thorough invasive and noninvasive
investigations have failed to define a cause. (Level of Evidence: C)
4. ICD therapy may be considered in patients with a familial cardiomyopathy associated with SCD. (Level of Evidence: C)
5. ICD therapy may be considered in patients with left ventricular noncompaction. (Level of Evidence: C)

1. ICD therapy is not indicated for patients who do not have a reasonable expectation of survival with an acceptable functional status for at least 1
year, even if they meet ICD implantatio criteria specified in the class I, IIa, and IIb recommendations above. (Level of Evidence: C)
2. ICD therapy is not indicated for patients with incessant VT or VF. (Level of Evidence: C)
3. ICD therapy is not indicated in patients with significant psychiatric illnesses that may be aggravated by device implantation or that may preclude
systematic follow-up. (Level of Evidence: C)
4. ICD therapy is not indicated for NYHA class IV patients with drug-refractory congestive heart failure who are not candidates for cardiac
transplantation or CRT-D. (Level of Evidence: C)
5. ICD therapy is not indicated for syncope of undetermined cause in a patient without inducible ventricular tachyarrhythmias and without structural
heart disease. (Level of Evidence: C)
6. ICD therapy is not indicated when VF or VT is amenable to surgical or catheter ablation (e.g., atrial arrhythmias associated with the Wolff-Parkinson-
White syndrome, righty or left ventricular outflow tract VT, idiopathic VT, or fascicular VT in the absence of structural heart disease). (Level of
Evidence: C)
7. ICD therapy is not indicated for patients with ventricular tachyarrhythmias from a completely reversible disorder in the absence of structural heart
disease (e.g., electrolyte imbalance, drugs, or trauma). (Level of Evidence: B)
ARVD/C, Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia or cardiomyopathy; CRT-D, cardiac resynchronization therapy–defibrillator; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy;
HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; NYHA, New York Heart Association;
SCD, sudden cardiac death; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
Adapted from Epstein, AE, DiMarco, JP, Ellenbogen, KA, et al: ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities: American College of
Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines Developed in Collaboration With the American Association for Thoracic Surgery and Society of Thoracic
Surgeons, J Am Coll Cardiol 51:1–62, 2008.

Primary Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death

screening tool for detecting higher risk for sustained ventricu-
lar arrhythmias but is likely superfluous in a patient with a At this point, no doubt exists about the capacity of the ICD to
history of sustained arrhythmia, including at PES. prevent arrhythmic death. This means that any patient destined
to have a potentially fatal ventricular arrhythmia (in spite of oth-
3. Patients with CAD, prior MI, and severe left ventricular dys- erwise appropriate medical therapy) could potentially benefit
function (LVEF <30%) should be risk stratified (e.g., by QRS from having an ICD in place. A central issue for future investiga-
width and ≥120 ms) or otherwise considered for ICD therapy. tion is the identification of patients at sufficiently high risk of SCD
Ventricular Fibrillation  705

to justify the morbidity and cost of placing a device. Some sub- Cobb LA, Fahrenbruch CE, Walsh TR, et al: Influence of cardiopulmonary

populations of patients described earlier may be effectively treated resuscitation prior to defibrillation in patients with out-of-hospital ven-
with amiodarone. For instance, a post hoc analysis of the AVID tricular fibrillation, JAMA 281:1182–1188, 1999.
Connolly SJ, Dorian P, Roberts RS, et al: Comparison of beta-blockers,
database suggests that ICDs have no benefit over amiodarone for
amiodarone plus beta-blockers, or sotalol for prevention of shocks from
patients with LVEF greater than 35%.190 A randomized trial in implantable cardioverter defibrillators: The OPTIC Study. A random-
such patients would be needed to make definitive treatment ized trial, JAMA 295:165–171, 2006.
recommendations. Domanski M, Saksena S, Epstien A, et al, for the AVID Investigators:
Certain populations of patients are known to be at risk for Relative effectiveness of the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and
SCD, but because of competing risks of death, it is not clear antiarrhythmic drugs in patients with varying degrees of left ventricular
whether the ICD will confer a benefit to the population as a whole. dysfunction who have survived malignant ventricular arrhythmias, J
The Defibrillator in Acute Myocardial Infarction Trial (DINAMIT) Am Coll Cardiol 34:1090–1095, 1999.
study used a risk factor representing autonomic dysfunction as a Dorian P, Cass D, Schwartz B, et al: Amiodarone as compared with lido-
risk stratifier to allow defibrillation therapy to more effectively caine for shock-resistant ventricular fibrillation, N Engl J Med 346:884–
890, 2002.
focus on the highest-risk patients. A reduction in heart rate vari-
Furukawa T, Rozanski J, Nogami A, et al: Time-dependent risk of and
ability (HRV) has been shown to portend a worse prognosis in predictors for cardiac arrest recurrence in survivors of out-of-hospital
patients with CAD.191-193 Patients in DINAMIT had low HRV and cardiac arrest with chronic coronary artery disease, Circulation
an ejection fraction of 35% or less. They were within 40 days of 80:599–608, 1989.
an acute MI. No mortality benefit was seen in patients random- Haissaguerre M, Derval N, Sacher F, et al: Sudden cardiac arrest
ized to the ICD (n = 332) compared with control patients (n = associated with early repolarization, N Engl J Med 358(19):2016–2023,
342), with an HR for all-cause death of 1.08 (95% CI, 0.76 to 1.55) 2008.
in the ICD versus control groups, over 30 ± 13 months of Hohnloser SH, Kuck KH, Dorian P, Roberts RS, Hampton JR, Hatala R,
follow-up.194 Fain E, Gent M, Connolly SJ. Prophylactic use of an implantable
In the Defibrillators In Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Treat- cardioverter-defibrillator after acute myocardial infarction, N Engl J
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ized to standard medical therapy versus standard therapy plus Evaluation (TRACE) Study Group: A clinical trial of the ACE inhibitor
ICD. The HR for all-cause mortality after 29 ± 14.4 months of Trandolapril in patients with left ventricular dysfunction after myocar-
follow-up in the ICD versus control groups was 0.65 (95% CI, 0.4 dial infarction, N Engl J Med 333: 1670–1676, 1995.
to 1.06; P = .08).195 Kowey PR, Levine JH, Herre JM, et al: Randomized, double-blind com-
The entire discussion to this point has focused on populations parison of intravenous amiodarone and bretylium in the treatment of
known to be at high risk for SCD. Myerberg and others have patients with recurrent, hemodynamically destabilizing ventricular
emphasized the fact that the majority of cardiac arrests occur in tachycardia or fibrillation. The Intravenous Amiodarone Multicenter
Investigators Group, Circulation 92:3255–3263, 1995.
the low-risk, but very large, population of patients whose increased
Luu M, Stevenson WG, Stevenson LW, et al: Diverse mechanisms of
risk has not come to clinical recognition.196 To make major inroads unexpected sudden cardiac arrest in advanced heart failure, Circulation
into the prevention of SCD, learning how to screen the asymp- 80:1675–1680, 1989.
tomatic population inexpensively, but safely and effectively, will Mason J for the Electrophysiologic Study Versus Electro cardiographic
be necessary. Identifying high-risk patients in the low-risk, Monitoring Investigators: A comparison of electrophysiologic testing
asymptomatic population and identifying members of known with Holter monitoring to predict antiarrhythmic drug efficacy for
high-risk populations who are not at high enough risk to justify ventricular tachyarrhythmias, N Engl J Med 329:445–451, 1993.
ICD placement is the next frontier in SCD prevention. Mitchell LB, Duff HJ, Manyari DE, Wyse DG: A randomized clinical trial
of the noninvasive and invasive approaches to drug therapy ventricular
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Moss A, Hall J, Cannom D, et al for the Multicenter Automatic Defibril-
The Antiarrhythmics versus Implantable Defibrillators (AVID) Investiga- lator Implantation Trial Investigators: Improved survival with an
tors: A comparison of antiarrhythmic drug therapy with implantable implanted defibrillator in patients with coronary disease at high risk for
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Drugs Ther 15:15–17, 2001. brillator in patients with myocardial infarction and reduced ejection
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1981. com.
Sudden Cardiac Death
Jacob S. Koruth, Conor D. Barrett, Vivek Reddy,
and Jeremy Ruskin
Despite the significant decline in coronary artery disease (CAD)– cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).6 Median survival rate to
related death over the last few decades in North America and hospital discharge after EMS-treated, out-of-hospital cardiac
Europe, sudden cardiac death (SCD) remains a major cause of arrest with any first recorded rhythm is 7.9% and for ventricular
mortality and therefore an important public health issue. In fibrillation (VF) is 21%. However, such median statistics of sur-
developing nations, in contrast, the true burden of SCD is dif- vival do not reflect regional variations of community-specific
ficult to assess because of lack of data, but it would be reasonable survival rates. Of note, the quantification of SCD is so fraught
to assume that it significantly contributes to overall mortality with difficulties that no comprehensive record of all SCDs exists.
rates. Significant advances have been made in the prediction and Surrogate data often are used to estimate its incidence, especially
prevention of SCD, but considerable challenges that limit the in the out-of-hospital setting. This includes deaths from “coronary
efficacy and cost-effectiveness of available methods remain. A heart disease” and “cardiac arrest,” defined as coronary death that
move toward a multi-disciplinary approach targeting abnormali- occurred within 1 hour of symptom onset in the out-of-hospital
ties at the cellular level, combined with accurate and early risk setting and without other probable causes of death.7
stratification and effective intervention, will undoubtedly help As medical interventions continue to evolve and improve, the
rein in the epidemic of SCD in the twenty-first century. incidence and distribution of risk factors that contribute to SCD
continue to change. Although the morbidity and mortality rates
of cardiovascular disease have declined in the past 30 years, much
Definition less improvement has been observed in the incidence of out-of-
hospital cardiac arrests. However, the incidence of cardiac arrest
The term sudden cardiac death refers to unexpected natural death with an initial recorded rhythm of VF specifically has decreased
from a cardiovascular cause within a short period, generally less over time, which is a recent trend that reflects the overall decline
than 1 hour from the onset of symptoms.1 The time and mode of in cardiac mortality.8,9 The reduction in the incidence of VF is
death are therefore unexpected.2 By definition, this occurs in indi- likely multi-factorial in origin and is attributable to improvements
viduals who do not have prior conditions that could be fatal in in primary and secondary prevention of heart disease. Current
the short term. The use of 1 hour in this definition is arbitrary epidemiologic data indicate that in developed countries, struc-
and therefore subject to different interpretations. It is also impor- tural coronary arterial abnormalities and their consequences
tant to distinguish a primary arrhythmic cause of death from, for account for 80% of fatal arrhythmias.10,11 Dilated and hypertrophic
example, an episode of worsening heart failure that culminates in cardiomyopathies account for the next largest group of SCD. The
a life-terminating arrhythmia and from other causes of sudden remainder are caused by a variety of other cardiac disorders such
death such as pulmonary embolism, cerebral infarction, and rup- as congenital heart disease (CHD) and primary electrophysiologi-
tured aneurysms. This distinction is important both for the proper cal disorders.
identification of SCD and the study of this phenomenon. More The epidemiology of SCD in adolescents and young adults
recently, the use of the term sudden cardiac arrest (SCA, synony- (aged 10 to 30 years) is distinctly different from that in the adult
mous with SCD) has been advocated. population. The incidence of SCD in this population is two orders
of magnitude less than in the adult group (1 per 100,000 vs. 1 per
1000 individuals annually).12 Although coronary atherosclerosis
Epidemiology accounts for the majority of cases of SCD in individuals older than
40 years, it is an uncommon cause in the younger age group.13
SCD is a major cause of death in North America and other Instead, causes such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, myocardi-
Western societies, accounting for 10% of all deaths and up to 50% tis, right ventricular dysplasia, anomalous coronary arteries,
of heart disease–related deaths.3 The incidence of SCD (emer- Brugada syndrome, long QT syndrome (LQTS), idiopathic VF,
gency medical services [EMS]–assessed, out-of-hospital cardiac and commotio cordis are the underlying etiologies in this group.
arrests) in the United States is generally estimated to be 95.7 per Because some of these conditions are genetically determined, a
100,000 person years.4 Approximately 60% of out-of-hospital modest age inverse relationship seems to exist in this group, with
cardiac deaths are treated by EMS personnel.5 Among these adolescents having a somewhat higher mortality risk compared
EMS-treated, out-of-hospital arrests, 23% have an initial with young adults.11 A unique subgroup in this younger popula-
shockable rhythm, and 31% of these receive bystander tion is composed of competitive athletes, among whom the

710  Clinical Syndromes

rate of SCD currently is approximately 0.4 to 0.6 per 100,000 risk of SCD. However, other mutations (e.g., the recessive long
person-years.14,15 The large numbers of SCD and the wide range QT mutation in the HERG gene) may, by themselves, be insuffi-
of survival rates have significant potential implications for public cient to cause SCD but may predispose patients to torsades de
health; for example, in the United States and Canada, an addi- pointes in the presence of other factors such as drugs that prolong
tional 7500 lives would be saved if survival from SCD could be the Q-T interval.
increased to 12%. The role of ischemia as an initiating factor for ventricular
arrhythmias has been extensively investigated and is particularly
relevant because it is a frequent etiology implicated in SCD. Isch-
Mechanisms emia causes acute changes at the cellular level that alter local
conduction velocity and refractoriness. The resulting dispersion
From a clinical perspective, the causes of SCD can be divided into of conduction and repolarization establishes an environment that
two broad categories: (1) ventricular tachyarrhythmias (VA) and is ripe for re-entry. In animal experiments, within the first few
(2) pulseless electrical activity (PEA) and asystole. The National minutes after coronary occlusion, an arrhythmogenic period that
Registry of CPR is a prospective, multi-site, in-hospital resuscita- slowly abates after 30 minutes has been observed. These first 30
tion registry sponsored by the American Heart Association. In a minutes can be divided broadly into the first 10 minutes, during
study using this database, of the 51,919 index arrests evaluated in which the changes are caused by direct ischemic injury, and the
411 centers, pulseless VT was diagnosed in 7%, VF in 17%, PEA second 20 minutes, during which either arrhythmogenicity occurs
in 37%, and asystole in 39%.16 Subsequent ventricular tachycardia because of either reperfusion or the evolution of injury in the
(VT) or VF occurred in 26% of patients with an initial docu- various layers of the myocardium.24,25 Local changes occur in the
mented rhythm of PEA and in 25% of patients with asystole. Thus ischemic myocardium; these include decrease in local tissue pH
VT or VF was seen in 44% of all adult in-hospital cardiac arrests. to less than 6, increase in interstitial potassium (K+) levels to
This must be compared with out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, greater than 15 mmol/L, increases in intracellular calcium (Ca2+),
where among cases of EMS-assessed cardiac arrest, the incidence and other neurohormonal changes. All these factors contribute
of VT or VF was 13% and PEA and asystole were 33% and 47%, to the altered electrophysiological properties of tissue, including
respectively, for cases in which the initial rhythm was unknown, slowed conduction velocity, reduced excitability and prolonged
not determined, or not analyzed by EMS.8 A factor that has refractoriness, reduced cell-to-cell coupling, and even spontane-
important implications in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (as ous electrical activity.26 In addition to the local micro–re-entrant
opposed to in-hospital cardiac arrests) is the median time of and macro–re-entrant circuits that may be generated, regional
7.24 minutes from call to arrival of first advanced life support.8 increases in automaticity and triggered activity also occur because
of afterdepolarizations.

SCD caused by VA can be viewed as an electrical event that Disease States Leading to
occurs when two distinct conditions are present: (1) a vulnerable Sudden Cardiac Death
substrate and (2) a trigger. This substrate, usually a structural
abnormality, is modulated by various transient events that may Because the majority of cases of SCD result from CAD, it is not
disturb the homeostatic balance and initiate an arrhythmia. The surprising that the risk factors for SCD mirrors those of CAD.
substrate itself can be a result of acute reversible causes such as The incidence of SCD increases with age and is more common in
ischemia or the result of chronic changes such as ventricular men than women.27 The incidence of SCD tends to be higher in
myocardial scar. Other pathologic states that may result in an whites than in other racial groups. Classic coronary risk factors
anatomic substrate for VT or VF include cardiomyopathy— have been noted to be associated with SCD in various studies
nonischemic, hypertrophic, and valvular. such as the Framingham Study and the Paris Prospective Study.
In recent years, significant advances in the understanding of These risk factors include hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol
the mechanism of VF have taken place. Controversy exists regard- levels, smoking, lack of regular exercise, and structural changes
ing whether VF is maintained by wandering wavelets with con- such as left ventricular hypertrophy.28-31 These factors are preva-
stantly changing re-entrant circuits or by a mother rotor that lent but are limited by their moderate individual positive predic-
consists of a sustained and stationary re-entrant circuit that, in tive value. Left ventricular dysfunction has been shown to be a
turn, gives rise to variable, less-organized daughter wavelets strong independent predictor of SCD in both ischemic and
spreading through the rest of the ventricle.17,18 Certain anatomic nonischemic cardiomyopathies. Of note, in patients with severely
structures can serve as anchors for rotors, allowing stability decreased left ventricular function and advanced heart failure,
within the re-entrant circuit.19 Weiss et al have reported from competing causes of SCD such as electromechanical dissociation
their studies on porcine hearts that these anatomic sites can be and asystole exist.
papillary muscles, blood vessels, Purkinje fibers, or locations near Observations from population-based studies demonstrate a
the interventricular septum.20 Studies have suggested that Pur- marked increase in the risk of SCD in first-degree relatives of SCD
kinje fibers play an important role in the initiation of VF, whereas victims. In a study from Seattle, first-degree relatives of patients
others have suggested that they play a role in the maintenance of with SCD (before age 65 years) had 2.7-fold higher risk of SCD
VF.21,22 Predispositions to SCD may also occur at a cellular level. compared with age-matched and gender-matched controls after
Ion channelopathies can initiate various electrical disturbances, adjustment for risk factors.32 A Dutch case-control study demon-
ranging from torsades de pointes in LQTS to that of idiopathic strated that patients with VF during myocardial infarction (MI)
VF in Brugada syndrome.1,23 Certain mutations are significant are more likely to have a family history of SCD than those with
enough that their mere presence is associated with a very high MI but no VF.33 Polygenic traits leading to SCD and monogenetic
Sudden Cardiac Death  711

SCD syndromes such as LQTS, Brugada syndrome, hypertrophic

Dilated Cardiomyopathy
cardiomyopathy, and arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
contribute to the genetic component of SCD.34 More recently, Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy accounts for approximately
research has begun to elucidate the role of newly identified genetic 10% of cases of SCD in the adult population (Figure 47-1).
variations at the population level. Depending on the severity of the myopathy, the annual incidence
can range from 10% to 50%.36 Bundle branch reentrant VT appears
to represent an important cause of VAs in this population.37
Coronary Artery Disease
However, as the myopathy progresses and congestive heart failure
Approximately 80% of patients who experience SCD have coro- worsens, the incidence of VT or VF decreases, and the primary
nary atherosclerotic arterial disease as an underlying substrate. In terminal event more frequently becomes electromechanical dis-
survivors of SCD, critical flow-limiting coronary stenoses are sociation or asystole.42 As with ischemic heart disease, the overall
found in approximately 40% to 86% of patients, depending on the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is an important prognos-
age and gender of the population.29,30,35 Although less than 50% of tic factor. Worsening New York Heart Association (NYHA) func-
the resuscitated patients have evidence of an acute MI, autopsy tional class and the occurrence of syncope are both important
studies have revealed that a recent occlusive coronary thrombus clinical prognostic factors for SCD in patients with dilated
can be found in 20% to 95% of victims of SCD.31,36,37 The temporal cardiomyopathy.40
pattern of SCD closely parallels the patterns of MI and acute
ischemic events. In addition, healed infarctions are found in 40%
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
to 75% of hearts of SCD victims at autopsy.36,38-40 The extent to
which superimposed acute ischemia plays a role in the pathogen- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is now regarded as the
esis of SCD is unclear in patients who do not develop enzymatic most common cause of SCD in young people, including competi-
or electrocardiographic evidence of an acute MI. However, rapid tive athletes (Figure 47-2).43-45 The annual mortality rate in patients
fibrinolysis of a ruptured plaque could occur such that no visible with HCM in select regional and community-based cohorts is
evidence remains at autopsy. Similarly, cholesterol-laden plaque thought to be approximately 1%. The architectural myocardial
could conceivably rupture and embolize microscopic debris into fiber disorganization, scarring, and the presence of microvascular
distal coronary vessels that could lead to microscopic necrosis disease likely account for the proarrhythmic substrate. The con-
and ventricular arrhythmias and yet not be visible at autopsy.41 ventional risk factors for HCM assume greater weight in patients
Because the vast majority of patients die within minutes of onset younger than 50 years and include family history of one or more
of symptoms, histologic or enzymatic evidence of ischemia or HCM-related form of SCD, more than one episode of unexplained
infarction may be difficult to ascertain. In addition to the most recent syncope, massive LVH (thickness ≥30 mm), nonsustained
common forms of CAD, nonatherosclerotic CAD includes con- VT on 24-hour Holter monitoring, and hypotensive or attenuated
genital malformations such as anomalous origin of coronary blood pressure response to exercise. Although implantable car-
arteries; inflammatory arteritis also can lead to SCD. These dioverter defibrillators (ICDs) for primary prevention in this
disorders typically manifest early in life but are relatively population usually require meeting at least two of these criteria,
uncommon. the need for ICD interventions for VT or VF in patients with

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5





FIGURE 47-1  A 32-year-old man who presented with syncope was noted to have a decreased ejection fraction with no evidence of coronary artery
disease. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging revealed a dilated left ventricle and left atrium. An accompanying electrocardiogram revealed left
bundle branch block, a common conduction defect seen in this population.
712  Clinical Syndromes

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5

19 mm




FIGURE 47-2  A middle-aged man with a known diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging revealed
asymmetric septal hypertrophy.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5





FIGURE 47-3  A 17-year-old man presented with two episodes of syncope. The 12-lead electrocardiogram revealed features of long QT syndrome.

single risk factors must be kept in mind when deciding about ICD corrected for heart rate (QTc) and abnormal T waves. Subjects
implantation in this population.46 Of the above criteria, nonsus- with LQTS may present with a nearly normal electrocardiogram
tained VT and blood pressure response have poor positive predic- (ECG) or with a prolonged Q-T interval. The syndrome is associ-
tive value.47 It has recently been demonstrated that certain ated with a specific ventricular arrhythmia called torsades de
mutations such as nonsarcomeric LAMP2 cardiomyopathy, pointes and often presents as recurrent syncope. Hundreds of
double sarcomere mutations, and delayed enhancement on mutations have been identified, and these have been described in
cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are associated with up to 12 genes.47 This is most often caused by decreased outward
SCD.48-51 Conversely, the apical variant of hypertrophic cardio­ K+ current, IKs (LQT1, LQT5) or IKr (LQT2, LQT6), or by enhanced
myopathy has been demonstrated to carry a relatively lower risk activity of mutant inward sodium (Na+) current (LQT3). Poly-
for SCD.52 morphic VT associated with a prolonged Q-T interval is believed
to be initiated by early afterdepolarizations (EADs) in the Purkinje
system and maintained by transmural re-entry in the myocar-
Long QT Syndrome
dium. Clinical presentations vary with the specific gene affected
LQTS (Figure 47-3) is a primary cardiac arrhythmogenic disorder and the specific mutation. Some patients with LQTS mutations
typically characterized by prolongation of the Q-T interval may not manifest any phenotypic abnormality. In high-risk LQT1
Sudden Cardiac Death  713

and LQT2, patients should be routinely managed with β-blockers with palmo-plantar keratoderma (Naxos disease) and is caused
as a first line-therapy and should be referred for primary ICD
implantation if they become symptomatic during therapy or when
compliance or intolerance to medical therapy is a concern.53
Patients with LQT3, those with frequent and recent syncope,
by a defect in the gene for a cellular structural element, plakoglo-
bin.56 ARVC causes progressive fatty replacement of the ventricu-
lar wall. Cardiac MRI is a highly sensitive imaging tool to identify
the presence and degree of fatty infiltration in the myocardium;
those with excessive Q-T prolongation (>550 ms), and women however, because this is not specific, formal criteria have been
with LQT2 and a QT interval greater than 500 ms may be at proposed for the diagnosis of ARVD. Phenotypic heterogeneity
increased risk and may require ICD implantation. and the nonspecific nature of its associated features complicate
clinical diagnosis, which often requires multiple tests rather than
a single test.57 The Revised Task Force criteria for the diagnosis
Congenital Short QT Syndrome
are specific and have helped reduce diagnostic ambiguity, but the
Congenital short QT syndrome (SQTS) is a relatively recently sensitivity is low, especially in the “concealed” phase of ARVC.57
described disorder characterized by a very short Q-T interval
(<320 ms) and a susceptibility to atrial fibrillation (AF) and VF.
Brugada Syndrome
At electrophysiology study, short atrial and ventricular refractory
periods with easily inducible AF and polymorphic VT have been Brugada syndrome is associated with right ventricular conduction
identified. Gain-of-function mutations in genes encoding K+ delay and ST elevation in the right precordial leads, characterized
channels have been identified, which explains the abbreviated by syncope and premature SCD caused by VF (Figure 47-5). This
repolarization seen in this condition. The suggested treatment is syndrome appears to be responsible for a sudden death syndrome
ICD implantation. The ability of quinidine to prolong the Q-T seen among Southeast Asian men.58,59 ECG manifestations of the
interval has the potential to be effective pharmacological therapy.54 syndrome can often be dynamic. Typical ST-segment changes, if
absent at baseline, can be revealed by administration of sodium
channel–blocking agents such as ajmaline or procainamide.
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
Mutations in the SCN5A gene cause loss of function in the Na+
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a current Ina that can lead to accentuation of unopposed Ito currents
progressive, heritable myocardial disorder with a broad pheno- in the right ventricular epicardium. This leads to loss of the action
typic spectrum that can present with VT, SCD, or both (Figure potential “dome,” resulting in heterogeneity of repolarization, and
47-4). The classic form of the disease has an early predilection for phase 2 re-entry that precipitates VT or VF. The strategy for risk
the right ventricle, but left-dominant and biventricular subtypes stratification in Brugada syndrome is controversial with respect
have been also recognized.55 Desmoplakin and plakophilin-2 are to the role of electrophysiology testing in patients who do not
two desmosomal genes that have been implicated in ARVC. A present with SCD. ICD is the only treatment with demonstrated
familial form, originally described in people living on the Greek efficacy in Brugada syndrome. In general, ICD implantation is
island of Naxos, can present with cardiomyopathy in association recommended for patients with symptoms and for asymptomatic

FIGURE 47-4  A 34-year-old man with a diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) with implantable cardioverter
defibrillator shocks for sustained ventricular tachycardia. An electroanatomic map created reveals extensive scar on the epicardial surface of the  
right ventricle consistent with ARVC.
714  Clinical Syndromes

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5

FIGURE 47-5  A 49-year-old Asian man with a history of ventricular fibrillation arrest. The 12-lead electrocardiogram with ST-segment elevation in the
right precordial leads was suggestive of Brugada syndrome.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 47-6  A young man presented with palpitations and pre-excitation at baseline on the 12-lead electrocardiogram. The pathway was
successfully ablated in the anteroseptal region.

patients with inducible ventricular arrhythmias, especially if they short antegrade pathway refractory periods. High-risk and symp-
have a spontaneous type I ECG pattern. In asymptomatic patients tomatic patients are treated with catheter ablation with very high
without a family history of SCD and whose type I ECG pattern is success rates overall.66
documented only after the administration of sodium channel
blockers, periodic follow-up is recommended, but an EPS for risk
Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
stratification is not required.60,61 The role of EPS, however, still
remains controversial, with some studies not supporting its role Patients with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachy-
in risk stratification.57 cardia (CPVT) can present with exercise-induced syncope, SCD,
or both in the absence of any structural heart disease or prolonged
Q-T interval. Inheritance can be autosomal dominant or reces-
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
sive. These patients often have normal resting ECGs, which makes
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome can lead to SCD if the the diagnosis difficult. Stress-related bi-directional VT has been
accessory pathway is able to conduct rapidly in the antegrade described classically, but patients can present with polymorphic
direction in the presence of rapid atrial arrhythmias such as AF VT or even frequent ventricular ectopy. Responsible mutations
(Figure 47-6). More recently, a long-term follow-up of patients have been shown to reside in the cardiac ryanodine receptor and
with WPW syndrome reported a mortality rate of 0.02% per calsequestrin genes.67-70 Treatment modalities include ICD place-
year.62 Two additional studies with more than 4000 patient-years ment along with β-blocker therapy for symptomatic patients.
of follow-up, estimated mortality rates at approximately 0.05% per
year.63,64 However, a study from Italy that prospectively followed
Early Repolarization
up patients with WPW syndrome for 3 years, recorded a much
higher event rate (defined as death or potentially lethal arrhyth- A multi-center study recently documented an association between
mia recorded on monitoring) at 0.5% per year.65 Predictors for the idiopathic VF and the presence of early repolarization (ER)
development of VF include rapid ventricular response during abnormalities in inferolateral leads (Figure 47-7).71 Repolarization
induced AF, with the shortest R-R interval of less than 240 ms and changes have also frequently been observed in inferolateral
Sudden Cardiac Death  715

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 47-7  A 28-year-old man presented with sudden cardiac death. After resuscitation, the 12-lead electrocardiogram demonstrated features
consistent with early repolarization, especially in the inferior leads. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and coronary evaluation were unremarkable.

Other Genetic Associations in Patients

precordial leads in patients with Brugada syndrome, mimicking
with Structurally Normal Hearts
the abnormalities typical of the population presented in the study
of Haïssaguerre et al, suggesting a possible overlap of these condi- SCD likely has a strong genetic component, but only a fraction of
tions.72 This subset of idiopathic VF continues to be further the genetic variants that underlie the risk are known; the allelic
studied and, in addition to ICDs, newer therapies such as quini- architecture of SCD thus remains poorly defined.81 Genome-wide
dine and isoproterenol have been noted to play a role in control- association studies have indicated that common variants in
ling VF storms that can occur in these patients. NOS1AP are associated with Q-T interval duration and SCD
risk in general populations.82 The common polymorphism
S1103Y-SCN5A is disproportionately represented in patients with
Congenital Heart Disease
arrhythmia and black patients who have experienced SCD.83
Patients with CHD represent an anatomically heterogeneous These variants by themselves are unlikely to be sufficient causes
patient group in which risk stratification can be difficult. Current of SCD.
guidelines indicate ICD implantation for survivors of SCD; ICD
is considered a reasonable therapy for patients with sustained VT
that is not amenable to either ablation or surgery and for those Risk Stratification for Sudden Cardiac Death
with unexplained syncope and impaired ventricular function.
Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF) represents one of the commonly encoun- Given that the phenomenon of SCD is distributed through the
tered conditions in adult CHD patient populations. Older age at entire population, risk stratification is necessary to delineate the
surgery, residual hemodynamic lesions with right heart failure, at-risk population. However, criteria used for this attempt to sepa-
impaired LVEF, complex ventricular ectopy, inducible ventricular rate artificially the studied population into different levels of risk.
arrhythmias at EPS, and prolongation of the QRS complex repre- Unfortunately, in reality, a continuum of risk exists. Although the
sent some of the associations noted in SCD in patients with focus to prevent and treat SCD targets the high-risk population,
ToF.73-75 the low-risk and intermediate-risk populations comprise the
Noncompaction of the left ventricle is a rare congenital car- largest proportion of the entire SCD population.
diomyopathy characterized anatomically by excessive prominent The entire gamut of noninvasive techniques reviewed in the
trabeculae and deep intertrabecular recesses in the left ventricle following sections were developed to detect the substrates
without other major congenital cardiac malfunction. Ventricular that leads to VT or VF. These techniques include detection of
arrhythmias and SCD are known to occur, and ICD therapy often (1) conduction slowing (signal-averaged electrocardiogram
is indicated.76-78 [SAECG]), (2) ventricular repolarization abnormalities (Q-T
interval and dispersion, T-wave alternans [TWA]), (3) autonomic
variability (heart rate variability, heart rate recovery, baroreceptor
Commotio Cordis
sensitivity), (4) extent of myocardial damage and scar formation
The term commotio cordis refers to a blunt, nonpenetrating, and (LVEF, NYHA class, imaging modalities that delineate scar), and
usually innocent-appearing chest blow that can cause VF. The (5) nonsustained VT and ventricular ectopy.
location of the blow to the chest (directly over the heart) and its In SAECG, the terminal part of the QRS complex is evaluated
timing relative to the cardiac cycle (on the upstroke of the T wave, for microvolt potentials that reflect delayed activation in the
10 to 20 msec before its peak) are the primary determinants of scarred myocardial substrate, thereby detecting areas of slow con-
commotio cordis.79,80 duction.84 In patients with prior MI, the negative predictive value
716  Clinical Syndromes

of this test has been demonstrated to be excellent. However, the prophylactic ICD therapy.103 Impaired EF in certain patient popu-
usefulness of this test has been limited by its low positive predic- lations, such as in those with early previous MI, have been
tive value, and its routine use is not common.85-87 However, the shown to not be predictive of SCD from trial data.104 Of note,
presence of an abnormal SAECG continues to have a clinical role although low LVEF identifies a group with relatively increased
in ARVC as a minor criterion for its diagnosis. risk, most instances of SCD occur in patients with a more pre-
Q-T interval dispersion examines the difference between the served LVEF, which highlights the limited sensitivity of this
maximal and minimal Q-T intervals from various standard ECG technique.105,106 Heart failure itself also can contribute to arrhyth-
leads, whereas TWA is defined as microvolt changes in the mogenesis in patients with ventricular dysfunction and can
T-wave amplitude from beat to beat.88,89 Studies evaluating the increase the mortality rate in patients with dilated cardiomyopa-
Q-T interval for prediction of SCD risk in individuals who do not thy independent of EF. Qualitative descriptions of functional
have LQTS have demonstrated mixed results but have generally capacity such as NYHA class, although limited by subjectivity,
linked prolonged Q-T interval with increased risk. In recent have been well studied. NYHA classes II and III continue to be
studies, Q-T interval dispersion has not been shown to be a con- accepted as criteria to identify at-risk individuals with impaired
sistent predictor of SCD.87,90 left ventricular function for whom ICD is indicated.107-109 The
TWA describes alterations in the amplitude of the T wave at presence of ventricular arrhythmias (premature ventricular con-
modestly increased heart rates (105 to 110 beats/min) elicited by tractions [PVCs] and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia
either exercise or atrial pacing. A number of observational [NSVT]) has also been examined in various studies to assess their
cohort studies have suggested that microvolt TWA may work role in predicting SCD. In one major trial, the positive predictive
at least as well as electrophysiological testing to predict SCD value of ventricular ectopy after MI for predicting cardiac arrhyth-
or major arrhythmic events in ischemic and nonischemic mic events or death was limited to 5% to 15%.103 Frequent ectopy
cardiomyopathy.91-94 The Microvolt T-Wave Alternans Testing or NSVT is insensitive, failing to identify 47% to 94% of those who
for Risk Stratification of Post-Myocardial Infarction Patients experience sudden cardiac arrhythmia.110 However, if combined
(MASTER) study, a prospective study of patients with prior MI with low LVEF, ventricular ectopy becomes a stronger risk factor
and LVEF less than 30%, found that the TWA test results did not for death.
influence the frequency of the composite endpoint of arrhythmic Patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy frequently have
death or “appropriate” shock over a 3-year follow-up.93 The recent high-grade ventricular ectopy and NSVT. However, the relation-
Alternans Before Cardioverter Defibrillator (ABCD) trial com- ship with cardiac arrest is much less clear than is the case of
pared the usefulness of EPS versus TWA testing in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. In general, the incremental use of
ischemic cardiomyopathy and LVEF less than 40%.96,97 The results ambient ventricular arrhythmias is limited and may actually
led the authors to conclude that EPS and TWA testing were reflect the degree of heart failure rather than providing a specific
comparable in terms of predicting risk and were complementary marker of SCD. NSVT, in particular, has been identified as a risk
to each other. In contrast, a prospective substudy of the Sudden factor for SCD in patients with HCM. In summary, the role of
Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Trial (SCD-HeFT) showed that ambient nonsustained ventricular arrhythmias in predicting SCD
TWA was not predictive of arrhythmia or death and therefore appears to be limited. In patients with a history of previous MI,
was not a useful marker in identifying patients who would benefit the induction of VT during an EPS has been shown to predict a
from an ICD.98,99 These contrasting results have limited the gen- high risk for recurrent arrhythmias and SCD.111,112 EPS has also
eralized applicability of TWA in the risk stratification for SCD. been established in a number of other clinical situations, such as
Evidence from both clinical and experimental studies supports in patients with a history of cardiac arrest.113-115 The predictive
a role for the autonomic nervous system in the genesis of VT or value of EPS is highest in patients with a history of MI as opposed
VF. An association exists between increased sympathetic activity, to those with nonischemic cardiomyopathy.1 Although a positive
reduced vagal activity, or both, with a propensity for VF during test result predicts increased risk for SCD, a negative result does
myocardial ischemia.99 The two major measures of autonomic not exclude risk, particularly in patients with severe left ventricu-
function that have been tested in clinical studies include heart rate lar dysfunction. In MADIT II, ICD use was associated with a
variability (HRV) and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS).40 HRV reflects significant survival benefit even in the absence of EPS.103 In the
both the sympathetic and parasympathetic effects on the heart previously reported MADIT I, inducibility in study patients was
and is measured as the standard deviation of R-R intervals in the associated with an increased likelihood of VT; however, the non-
heart rate over a 24-hour period. BRS, in contrast, is an indicator inducible study subjects had a considerable VT or VF event
of the reflex capacity of the autonomic nervous system and usually rate.116 EPS in patients with normal LVEF is of limited clinical
is measured by the phenylephrine method.100 Studies suggest that benefit. In patients with conditions such as hypertrophic cardio-
BRS has potential for SCD risk stratification in patients with CAD myopathy, the role of EPS is uncertain, and negative EPS findings
and that HRV is a predictor of total mortality but may, in fact, be do not exclude high risk for SCD. VF is commonly induced in
a better marker of nonarrhythmic death.101,102 Further studies are these patient populations and is of uncertain clinical signifi-
needed to establish the clinical usefulness of these parameters for cance.117,118 EPS can discriminate between patients with high risk
risk stratification and at this time are of limited utility. versus low risk for SCD, but if used in isolation, the sensitivity is
LVEF is a well-established and consistent reported risk factor inadequate, especially in patients with EF less than 30%. EPS is of
for overall mortality and SCD. It has been used in the risk strati- more value when used in patients with equivocal results after
fication schema on many primary prevention clinical trials of noninvasive testing than as an initial screening test.119
SCD. In addition, the more recent Multicenter Autonomic Defi- SCD in competitive athletics generates considerable attention
brillator Implantation Trial II (MADIT II) used only LVEF (<30%) and concern. Although the American Heart Association consen-
for risk stratification for inclusion into the protocol. The results sus panel does not endorse mandatory ECG screening for all
of MADIT II indicate that the use of LVEF alone for risk strati­ competitive athletes, it does not discourage screening initiatives
fication is associated with significant mortality benefit from by individual organizations.120 In contrast, the European Society
Sudden Cardiac Death  717

of Cardiology recommends that evaluation include electrocardi- Goldberger et al demonstrated that statin therapy was associated
ography, chest radiography, and echocardiography.121
Another risk stratification technique that continues to evolve
is that of contrast-enhanced MRI, which, if supported by clinical
data, could possibly provide information on susceptibility to VAs
with decreased risk for death from life-threatening arrhythmias
(HR, 0.22; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.09 to 0.55; P = .001)
compared with nonstatin therapy in 458 patients with nonisch-
emic dilated cardiomyopathy treated with an ICD in the Defibril-
and therefore SCD. When assessing risk with algorithms, one lators in Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Treatment Evaluation
should be aware that no single risk factor possesses adequate (DEFINITE) study.132
sensitivity but that the presence of multiple risk factors will The role of aldosterone antagonists in preventing SCD was
inappropriately reduce the number of patients who qualify for delineated by two landmark trials, the Randomized Aldactone
ICD therapy. Overcoming such limitations requires balancing Evaluation Study (RALES) and Eplerenone Post–Acute Myocar-
the sensitivity and specificity of various risk stratification dial Infarction Heart Failure Efficacy and Survival (EPHESUS)
approaches.103 trials. RALES was a double-blind, randomized study of heart
failure with impaired LVEF of aldactone versus placebo. SCD
occurred in 82 of 822 spironolactone-treated patients versus 110
of 841 placebo-treated patients (relative risk [RR], 0.71; 95% CI,
Interventions Targeting 0.54 to 0.95; P = .02).133 EPHESUS was a double-blind, placebo-
Sudden Cardiac Death controlled study of the eplerenone in patients with previous MI
and left ventricular dysfunction.134 SCD occurred in 162 of 3313
Strategies that target risk factors include those that attempt to in the eplerenone group versus 201 of 3313 in the placebo group
reduce the incidence of CAD, screening for CAD, and so on. (RR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.64 to 0.97; P = .03).
Instituting percutaneous or surgical therapies, early access to However, when membrane-active antiarrhythmic drugs were
medical care after the onset of warning symptoms, expanding the used to treat patients with frequent ventricular ectopy, the inci-
pool of people trained in advanced and basic cardiac life support dence of SCD increased.135,136 This was true for both class Ic class
and providing external automated defibrillators (AEDs), and, III agents such as d-sotalol, as shown in the Cardiac Arrhythmia
implanting ICDs allow reduction in the incidence of SCD. The Suppression Trial (CAST) and the SWORD trials.137-140 The only
effects of approaches such as catheter ablation have been shown membrane-active antiarrhythmic medications approved for the
to reduce the need for ICD therapies for VT but have not been treatment of ventricular arrhythmias that do not carry increased
evaluated for prevention of SCD. However, a growing body of mortality risk in appropriately selected patients with ischemic
literature describes, in certain patients, the role of ablation of heart disease are d,l-sotalol and amiodarone. However, in two
PVCs that induce polymorphic VT or VF, thereby having a poten- major trials examining the routine use of amiodarone in patients
tial impact on the risk for SCD. with previous MI (European Myocardial Infarct Amiodarone
The first experience with pharmacologic prevention of SCD Trial [EMIAT] and Canadian Amiodarone Myocardial Infarction
was with β-blocker therapy in the post-infarction population. Arrhythmia Trial [CAMIAT]), amiodarone did not demonstrate
Although the initial trial designs were not specifically constructed a survival benefit.141,142 In a higher risk population of patients
to evaluate SCD, these trials have uniformly demonstrated a clini- (Grupo de Estudio de la Sobrevida en la Insuficiencia Cardiaca en
cally important reduction in the incidence of SCD with β-blocker Argentina) [GESICA]: LVEF <35% and either ischemic or nonisch-
therapy.122,123 The effect is particularly striking in patients with the emic cardiomyopathy), empiric amiodarone treatment was shown
lowest EFs. The total mortality reduction with these agents is to affect mortality rate favorably.143 These data were not corrobo-
approximately 25% to 40%, with an approximately 32% to 50% rated by another trial examining a population composed primarily
reduction in the incidence of SCD.119,125-127 Angiotensin-converting of patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy (Congestive Heart
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have also been established to decrease Failure Survival Trial of Antiarrhythmic Therapy [CHF-STAT]).144
the overall mortality rate in heart failure. Ramipril has been This trial found no survival benefit with prophylactic amiodarone
shown to decrease the incidence of SCD by 30% in patients with in patients with congestive heart failure. In the SCD-HeFT study,
previous MI who had heart failure.128 According to a meta-analysis amiodarone was significantly worse than placebo (HR, 1.44; CI,
on the use of ACE inhibitors in patients after myocardial 1.05 to 1.97; P < .01) in the prespecified NYHA class III patients.
infarction, the estimated risk reduction of SCD was approxi- However, this trend was not seen in the overall study. A recent
mately 20%.129 large meta-analysis, however, indicated that amiodarone decreases
A substudy of Multicenter MADIT-II suggested a time- the incidence of SCD but not that of overall mortality.145
dependent beneficial effect of statin therapy on the incidence of Other primary prevention trials have focused on the efficacy
ICD intervention for a first VA or cardiac death in 654 patients of ICD therapy in the prevention of SCD. Two randomized clini-
with CAD treated with an ICD.130 The cumulative rate of ICD cal trials have examined the use of ICDs in patients with prior
therapy for VT or VF or cardiac death, whichever occurred first, MI, low LVEF, NSVT, and inducible VT at EPS: MADIT I and the
was significantly reduced in those with at least a 90% statin use Multicenter UnSustained Tachycardia Trial (MUSTT).146,147 Both
compared with those with lower statin use (P = .01). With time- trials demonstrated a significant mortality benefit in patients who
dependent statin versus no statin therapy, the hazard ratio (HR) received ICDs compared with those patients treated with or
was 0.65 (P < .01) for the endpoint of VT or VF or cardiac death without antiarrhythmic medications. The results of these two
and 0.72 (P = .046) for VT or VF after adjusting for covariates. trials have been extended by the larger and more reflective of
The Cholesterol Lowering and Arrhythmias Recurrences after contemporary practice MADIT II, a randomized controlled trial
Internal Defibrillator Implantation (CLARIDI) study concluded in patients with previous MI and LVEF less than 30%. In this
that aggressive treatment with atorvastatin (80 mg daily) in prophylactic ICD trial, NSVT was not a required entry criterion,
patients with CAD and an ICD resulted in fewer VAs requiring and all-cause mortality was 20% in the control group and 14.2%
ICD treatment compared with placebo over 1-year follow-up.131 in the ICD group (RR, 31%; P = .016).148
718  Clinical Syndromes

The only prospective trial of exclusively nonischemic patients as subcutaneous implantable defibrillators have recently been
was the Defibrillators in Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Treat- studied and appear to be a promising alternative in select
ment evaluation (DEFINITE) trial, a randomized trial in patients patients.153 On the invasive front, ablating monomorphic PVCs
with EF less than 35% and PVCs or nonsustained VT to standard that repeatedly induce polymorphic VT or VF are increasingly
medical therapy or single-chamber ICD. With a primary endpoint reported. These PVCs are often noted to arise from the Purkinje
of all-cause mortality, statistical significance was not reached, but system. Although the initial case reports were described in
a strong trend toward reduction of mortality was observed with patients with idiopathic VF with structurally normal hearts, they
ICD therapy (P = .08). After 2 years, mortality rate was 14.1% in have now been described in a wider patient population that has
the standard therapy group versus 7.9% among those with ICD, come to include patients with recurrent VF caused by various
which resulted in a 6.2% absolute reduction and a 35% RR reduc- etiologies such as post-MI syndrome, LQTS, Brugada syndrome,
tion with ICD implantation. The SCD-HeFT study was the largest and early repolarization syndrome. Although this is an exciting
primary prevention defibrillator trial. Patients with a combination advance in the treatment of SCD, long-term outcomes in these
of ischemic (52%) and nonischemic (48%) etiologies in patients patients are lacking.154-157
with an EF less than 35% with class II to III heart failure were
randomized to conventional medical therapy, amiodarone, or
ICD therapy. The absolute mortality decrease in the medical Community-Based Resuscitation
group was 7.2% after 5 years in the overall population. The ICD
group had a decreased risk of death of 23% compared with the A very important prognostic variable in determining the effec-
placebo group (HR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.62 to 0.96) and the total mor- tiveness of resuscitation is the time from cardiac arrest to initial
tality in the medical group was 7.2% per year, with a risk reduction defibrillation. “Links in the chain of survival” is a term used to
of 23% in the ICD group versus placebo (95% CI, 0.62 to 0.96, describe such time-sensitive services that influence the likelihood
P = .007). No mortality difference was observed between the of successful resuscitation. These links include early activation,
amiodarone and placebo groups. CPR, defibrillation, and advanced post-resuscitation care.158 One
Two other ICD trials that deserve special mention include the of the most effective EMS in the world is located in Seattle.
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery with/without Simultane- However, only 40% of cardiac arrest patients in the Seattle experi-
ous Epicardial Patch for Automatic Implantable Cardioverter ence have VF at initial contact, and 26% of those VF individuals
Defibrillator (CABG-PATCH) and Defibrillator IN Acute Myo- get discharged from the hospital with intact neurologic fun-
cardial Infarction Trial (DINAMIT) trials. In the CABG-PATCH tions.159 Thus even in an ideal scenario despite prompt CPR, a
trial, routine ICD insertion did not improve survival in patients good EMS response time, and the use of AEDs, only 10% of all
with CAD undergoing CABG who were believed to be at high cardiac arrest patients will be satisfactorily discharged from the
risk of SCD on the basis of SA ECG and severe left ventricular hospital.160,161 Other communities, however, have been less suc-
dysfunction.149 DINAMIT examined the role of ICDs in patients cessful. The reasons for the disappointing success rates are multi-
6 to 40 days after MI with an EF less than 35% and impaired factorial and include various population and community
autonomic tone. Prophylactic ICD did not reduce overall mortal- characteristics. Early CPR, usually provided by a layperson before
ity in high-risk patients who recently had MI. Although ICD EMS arrival, can improve the likelihood of resuscitation. Efforts
therapy was associated with a reduction in the rate of death from by professional organizations to train laypeople in CPR and initia-
arrhythmia, this was offset by an increase in the rate of death from tives such as dispatcher-initiated CPR skills have undoubtedly
nonarrhythmic causes.150 saved thousands of lives.
Similar to primary prevention trials using ICDs, three second- The interval from collapse to defibrillation is an exceptionally
ary prevention trials (Antiarrhythmic Versus Implantable Defi- strong predictor of sudden cardiac arrhythmia survival.162 In a
brillators [AVID], Canadian Implantable Defibrillator Study departure from the conventional compression-plus-ventilation
[CIDS], and Cardiac Arrest Study Hamburg [CASH]) have been approach for bystander CPR, the American Heart Association
conducted in survivors of VT, VF, or both. The AVID trial is the recommended “hands-only” CPR to be provided by rescuers who
only trial that demonstrated statistically significant mortality are either untrained or not confident in their ability to provide
reduction from ICD therapy in secondary prevention. The CIDS rescue breaths.163 Early defibrillation has been facilitated by the
and CASH trials, however, failed to demonstrate statistically sig- use of the AED, which assesses the rhythm and, when indicated,
nificant reductions in mortality with ICD therapy for secondary delivers a potentially lifesaving shock.164 A strategy of broad AED
prevention. However, current guidelines allow implantation of deployment in public places has been implemented to reach out
ICD in all patients with aborted or resuscitated SCD unless the to less-experienced operators. Its success in this setting has
SCD was caused by an obviously reversible cause. prompted the U.S. government to mandate AED placement on all
Despite the efficacy of ICD therapy in very-high-risk patient airlines and in airports. In the Home Use of Automated External
subsets, it is important to realize that this subset represents a Defibrillators for Sudden Cardiac Arrest (HAT) trial, placing
select minority of the total number at risk for SCD. Protection AEDs in homes, however, did not reduce the mortality rate in
against SCD by ICD implantation is expensive in high-risk popu- patients with prior anterior wall infarctions who did not meet
lations and would be significantly more expensive in the larger standard indications for ICD compared with a standard response
but lower-risk populations. Substudy analyses of these large trials training for cardiac arrest.165 A very low event rate, a high propor-
suggest that much of the benefit of ICD is realized in the sickest tion of unwitnessed events, and underuse of AEDs in emergen-
patients (i.e., those with the lower LVEFs).151,152 Therefore iden- cies, rather than a lack of device efficacy, have been suggested as
tifying and improving risk stratification methods to better explanations for these results. Public access defibrillation pro-
characterize patients at highest risk for SCD continues to be an grams will hopefully improve the outcome from SCD significantly
area of active research. Other newer implantable therapies such in the future.
Sudden Cardiac Death  719
cardioverter-defibrillator for congestive heart failure, N Engl J Med
Post-Resuscitation Care
352:225–237, 2005.
Buxton AE: Risk stratification for sudden death in patients with coronary
artery disease, Heart Rhythm 6(6):836–847, 2009.
Post-resuscitation care involves the care of post-arrest brain and
The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial II (CAST II) Investigators:
cardiac dysfunctions and the ensuing systemic ischemia or reper- Effect of the antiarrhythmic agent moricizine on survival after myocar-
fusion response. This is an essential component in the manage- dial infarction, N Engl J Med 327:227–233, 1992.
ment of SCD because anoxic brain injury is a significant cause of Haïssaguerre M, Derval N, Sacher F, et al: Sudden cardiac arrest associated
morbidity and mortality in these patients. Evidence from random- with early repolarization, N Engl J Med 358:2016–2023, 2008.
ized trials support the induction of hypothermia between 32° C Hohnloser SH, Kuck KH, Dorian P, et al: Prophylactic use of an implant-
and 34° C for 12 to 24 hours in an effort to improve neurologic able cardioverter-defibrillator after acute myocardial infarction, N Engl
survival in comatose patients admitted after resuscitation from J Med 351:2481–2488, 2004.
witnessed VF arrest.166 Such interventions have helped improve Huikuri HV, Castellanos A, Myerburg RJ: Sudden death due to cardiac
outcomes in patients resuscitated after SCD. arrhythmias, N Engl J Med 345:1473–1482, 2001.
Kadish A, Dyer A, Daubert JP, et al: Defibrillators in Non-Ischemic Car-
diomyopathy Treatment Evaluation (DEFINITE) Investigators: Prophy-
lactic defibrillator implantation in patients with nonischemic dilated
Summary cardiomyopathy, N Engl J Med 350:2151–2158, 2004.
Moss AJ, Hall WJ, Cannom DS, et al: Improved survival with an implanted
SCD continues to be a public health problem of major signifi- defibrillator in patients with coronary disease at high risk for ventricular
cance. The understanding of the burden of this problem, its mech- arrhythmia, N Engl J Med 335:1933–1940, 1996.
anisms, and its pathophysiology all continue to expand and evolve. Moss AJ, Zareba W, Hall WJ, et al: Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator
Although we have witnessed significant progress in the field, such Implantation Trial II Investigators: Prophylactic implantation of a defi-
as the discovery of newer etiologies, the role of genetics in SCD, brillator in patients with myocardial infarction and reduced ejection
community interventions for SCD, and the improving outcomes fraction, N Engl J Med 346:877–883, 2002.
Nichol G, Thomas E, Callaway CW, et al: Resuscitation Outcomes Con-
of SCD survivors, areas that need further advancement through
sortium Investigators. Regional variation in out-of-hospital cardiac
research persist. It is possible that an improved understanding of arrest incidence and outcome, JAMA 300:1423–1431, 2008.
the pathophysiology of SCD will contribute to the development Pappone C, Santinelli V, Rosanio S, et al: Usefulness of invasive electro-
of safer and more effective pharmacologic, catheter-based, and physiologic testing to stratify the risk of arrhythmic events in asymp-
gene-based therapies for the prevention of SCD. tomatic patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern: Results from a
large prospective long-term follow-up study, J Am Coll Cardiol 41:239–
244, 2003.
Pitt B, Remme W, Zannad F, Neaton J, et al, Eplerenone Post-Acute Myo-
The Antiarrhythmics versus Implantable Defibrillators (AVID) Investiga- cardial Infarction Heart Failure Efficacy and Survival Study Investiga-
tors: A comparison of antiarrhythmic-drug therapy with implantable tors: Eplerenone, a selective aldosterone blocker, in patients with left
defibrillators in patients resuscitated from near-fatal ventricular ventricular dysfunction after myocardial infarction, N Engl J Med 48:
arrhythmias, N Engl J Med 337:1576, 1997. 1309–1321, 2003.
Antzelevitch C, Brugada P, Borggrefe M, et al: Brugada syndrome: Report Tabereaux PB, Dosdall DJ, Ideker RE: Mechanisms of VF maintenance:
of the Second Consensus Conference: Endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Wandering wavelets, mother rotors, or foci, Heart Rhythm 6(3):405–
Society and the European Heart Rhythm Association, Circulation 111: 415, 2009.
659–670, 2005.
Bardy GH, Lee KL, Mark DB, et al: Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
Failure Trial (SCD-HeFT) Investigators: Amiodarone or an implantable com.
Robert S. Sheldon, Carlos A. Morillo, Andrew D. Krahn,
and Vikas Kuriachan
Introduction Differential Diagnosis of Syncope
Transient Loss of Consciousness
Syncope is a transient loss of consciousness (TLOC) with subse-
quent complete resolution and no focal neurologic deficits; it Patients usually present with a history of TLOC, and although
results from cerebral hypoperfusion and does not require specific most of these patients experience syncope, the differential diag-
resuscitative measures. Recent expert consensus conferences, nosis of TLOC should be considered early in assessment. Other
position papers, and narrative reviews have covered the various causes of apparent TLOC include epileptic and nonepileptic sei-
aspects of syncopal syndromes.1-9 zures, cataplexy, narcolepsy, pseudo-syncope, and rarer causes
such as drop attacks and nonconvulsive epilepsy. The problem
faced by assessing physicians is that patients may present simply
with a history of unexplained losses of consciousness. The first
Approximately 40% of people faint at least once in their lives, and step is to determine whether the loss of consciousness occurred
at least 20% of adults faint more than once.10 (Many terms are because of syncope. The most common confusing presentations
used by patients to report syncope, such as faint, blackout, and are addressed in this section. Not all these cause true loss of
funny spell. To avoid contributing to this plethora of miscom- consciousness, but they can mimic it and therefore must be con-
munication, this chapter uses faint and syncope interchangeably.) sidered, albeit briefly.1,4
Syncope comprises 1% to 6% of emergency department (ED)
visits, and most patients are admitted to the hospital largely
because of diagnostic uncertainty and concern that an underlying
Convulsions and Syncope
cause might result in morbidity or death.11-32 People who faint
often present first in their teens and twenties and may faint spo- Although patients experiencing syncope usually lose motor
radically for decades.10 This long, usually benign, sporadic history control and are flaccid while unconscious, they frequently present
can make for difficult decisions about therapy. An early peak with a history of convulsions and syncope (Table 48-1).7,9 This
incidence occurs at approximately 15 years for young women; a raises the question of whether the patients have true epileptic
later important rise in incidence occurs in both sexes after age 65 convulsions or convulsions secondary to cerebral hypoperfusion.
years.4 Although many patients of all ages experience simple vaso- Stiffness and myoclonic jerking are not uncommon in the latter
vagal syncope, clinicians need to remain vigilant and look for case and cause confusion in the minds of those who witness the
other causes, including sick sinus syndrome, a variety of tachyar- episode. Convulsive syncope can usually be distinguished from
rhythmias, carotid sinus syncope, valvular and structural heart epileptic seizures through careful history taking. Stiffness and
disease, and orthostatic hypotension.1-4,6 myoclonus last only a few seconds; only rarely will these patients
have a true generalized convulsion. Patients with convulsive
syncope usually have a history of recurrent syncope and presyn-
Impact on the Health Care System
cope. It is often helpful to elicit a similar history of the character-
Although syncope accounts for approximately 1% of ED visits, istic presyncopal prodrome of the patient and the symptoms
most patients with syncope with otherwise unknown causes in preceding the apparent convulsion. Convulsive syncope rarely
the community and approximately 45% of syncope patients who occurs when the patient is in the supine position and is usually
present to EDs in North America and Europe experience simple brief, lasting only a few seconds. Pallor usually accompanies vaso-
vasovagal syncope. In the United States, approximately $2.4 vagal syncope, whereas cardiac syncope and epileptic seizures are
billion is spent yearly in hospitals to treat syncope.6 In The Neth- often accompanied by cyanosis. Myoclonic tremors usually have
erlands, among those younger than 65 years, 3.8 and 8.5 visits per a fine amplitude, and epileptic seizures usually have dramatically
1000 person-years are made to family doctors for males and coarse movements. Tongue biting rarely occurs in convulsive
females, respectively.12 Canadian and Italian estimates for ED pre- syncope and usually involves the tip of the tongue rather than the
sentations are 2.5-fold and 3.5-fold higher, respectively, than the lateral tongue, as seen in true epileptic seizures. After a syncopal
estimates from The Netherlands.6 The estimated direct impact on episode, the patient is briefly dazed, but the condition clears
U.S. health care is $2.5 to $10 billion annually.4-6,33,34 within a minute, whereas epileptic seizures can be followed by

722  Clinical Syndromes

Table 48-1  Diagnostic Questions to Determine Whether Loss

is a measurement, not a diagnosis. Several syndromes are char-
of Consciousness Is Due to Seizures or Syncope acterized by presyncope or syncope caused by orthostatic hypo-
tension. Not infrequently, symptomatic orthostatic hypotension
QUESTION POINTS (IF YES) occurs because of volume depletion of blood after a heavy meal.
At times, do you wake with a bitten tongue after 2
Initial orthostatic hypotension occurs within 5 to 20 seconds of
your spells? arising quickly, often in association with standing and walking.
Presyncope is much more common than syncope.9,35 The hypo-
At times, do you have a sense of déjà vu or 1 tension is caused by a transient draw-down of central arterial
jamais vu before your spells? volume to the exercising bed, accompanied by a delay in
At times, is emotional stress associated with 1 baroreceptor-mediated compensation. No specific treatment is
losing consciousness? necessary. Drug-induced orthostatic hypotension is often caused
by polypharmacy, including diuretics, vasodilators, and adrener-
Has anyone ever noted your head turning 1 gic receptor antagonists. Syndromes of orthostatic hypotension,
during a spell?
in which symptoms develop over longer periods, usually occur in
Has anyone ever noted that you are 1 older patients. Here, the primary symptom is presyncope, and the
unresponsive, have unusual posturing or longer the patient is upright, the worse is the lightheadedness.
jerking limbs during your spells, or have no Syncope occurs less commonly and usually after prolonged
memory of your spells afterwards? (Score as upright posture. Primary autonomic failure occurs in the setting
yes for any positive response.) of one of several relatively uncommon neurodegenerative diseases
Has anyone ever noted that you are confused 1 such as pure autonomic failure, multiple system atrophy, and
after a spell? Parkinson disease. Finally, secondary autonomic failure can occur
with damage to the autonomic nervous system caused by sys-
Have you ever had spells of lightheadedness? –2 temic diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson disease, or multiple-
At times, do you sweat before your spells? –2 system atrophy.3,4,9,35

Is prolonged sitting or standing associated with –2

your spells? Cardiac Syncope

The patient has seizures if the point score is ≥1 and syncope if the point score is <1. Syncope caused by arrhythmias or structural heart disease is
From Sheldon R, Rose S, Ritchie D, et al: Historical criteria that distinguish syncope much less common than vasovagal syncope but carries a risk of
from seizures, J Am Coll Cardiol 40:142–148, 2002. significant morbidity and death.4,5 It is usually caused by an abrupt
drop in cardiac output and typically occurs within the first few
seconds of onset of the arrhythmia. The most likely reason is that
confusion that can last hours. If a history does not provide a clear baroreceptor-mediated compensatory vasoconstriction takes 10
conclusion, further testing is warranted. to 20 seconds to have an effect, leaving the patient unprotected
for that time. However, reports also document the association of
vasovagal syncope with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), atrial
fibrillation (AF), and inappropriate sinus bradycardia.36-38 Factors
Functional or psychogenic syncope is often mistaken initially for such as arterial baroreceptor sensitivity, posture of the patient,
true syncope.7,9 These patients often have an antecedent history volume status, associated cardiopulmonary disease, and reflex
of true vasovagal syncope, which usually becomes more frequent peripheral vascular compensation all play a role in determining
before presentation. The patients are usually young women who whether tachycardia could be the reason for the syncope. The
faint extremely frequently. Only the rare patient faints several diagnosis and management of these arrhythmias are covered in
times weekly to several times daily, but this is not unusual in detail in other chapters of this book.
pseudo-syncope. The spells can last many minutes, giving an Patients often present with undocumented syncope and a
appearance of syncope lasting up to an hour. The history usually documented substrate that might be related to the cause, such
does not include the transient autonomic symptoms that often as syncope with bifascicular block.39-43 No clear consensus or
accompany vasovagal syncope, and patients rarely volunteer a firm evidence exists to guide treatment for these patients. In this
history of visual disturbances that often precede true syncope. setting, reasonable equipoise exists, for example, between
These visual changes—blurring, tunneling down, spots, stars, and implanting a loop recorder or performing an invasive electro-
visual blackening—are caused by retinal hypoperfusion and are a physiological study (EPS) and simply performing a therapeutic
reliable marker of a true hemodynamic disturbance.9 An anteced- procedure such as pacemaker insertion. Importantly, the patients
ent history of physical or sexual abuse often exists. The diagnosis should be assessed for other cardiovascular risk factors that may
can occasionally be confirmed if the patient has a fainting spell in take precedence in investigation and therapy. Patients with severe
monitored situations such as during a tilt-table test (TTT) or left ventricular systolic dysfunction and syncope usually require
while undergoing electroencephalography (EEG). an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, even though this might
not treat neurally mediated syncope.4
Orthostatic Hypotension
Reflex-Mediated Syncope
Orthostatic hypotension is defined conventionally as a drop in
systolic blood pressure of at least 20 mm Hg or a drop in diastolic These syndromes, which are common and at times perplexing,
blood pressure of at least 10 mm Hg. New and more restrictive are covered in detail in later sections. The two main syndromes
definitions are under consideration. The drop in blood pressure are vasovagal syncope and its synonyms and carotid sinus syncope.
Syncope  723

Specific investigations can be selected on the basis of the initial

Diagnosing the Cause of Syncope
Diagnostic Approach
General principles with good evidence to support them have been

History and Physical Examination

reviewed in detail in the recent European Society of Cardiology The initial evaluation of history, physical examination, and the
(ESC) guidelines.4 History and physical examination are funda- electrocardiogram (ECG) often leads to a certain diagnosis. A
mental to the diagnosis of syncope. A detailed and accurate Dutch study with more than 500 patients with TLOC found that,
history provides a diagnosis in most cases, a prognosis for vaso- based on a 2-year follow-up, physicians who used only history,
vagal syncope, an understanding of patient needs and preferences, physical examination, and ECG made a diagnosis in 63% of the
and an economic basis for further investigation. The efficient use patients, with a diagnostic accuracy of 88%.44 If the diagnosis is
of investigations, as appropriate, should be based on the flow certain, usually no further (or minimal) investigations are needed,
charts presented in the ESC document (Figure 48-1). and the focus then shifts to management. With an uncertain
The first step in the differential diagnosis is to identify whether diagnosis, further careful, directed testing is usually necessary.
the TLOC episode was truly syncope, that is, a self-limited loss The rare patient with frequent, recurrent episodes, especially in
of consciousness caused by transient global hypoperfusion. Other the context of other somatic concerns, may have a psychiatric
causes of TLOC, such as epileptic seizures, narcolepsy, cataplexy, illness.
true drop attack, and hypoglycemic coma, should be briefly con- Patients with syncope may describe their episodes in a variety
sidered; however, in day-to-day clinical practice, they are rarely of ways, including “dizziness,” “fainting,” “lightheadedness,” and
mistaken for syncope. Important and life-threatening potential “blackouts.” A prodrome may last from less than a second to
causes such as cardiac syncope from arrhythmias or structural several minutes. Most episodes occur when the patient is in the
heart disease should be carefully considered in every case. upright posture, occasionally in the sitting posture, and very
rarely in the supine position. Patients often report additional pre-
syncopal episodes and being able to avert syncope by sitting or
TLOC - suspected syncope lying down quickly. Patients are usually unresponsive for less than
a minute and often fatigued for hours or even days after an
Initial evaluation episode but are oriented and responsive within minutes. Pallor is
often observed.4-7,9
Recent work has suggested the importance of quantitative
diagnostic scores.45-47 Quantitative histories and diagnostic scores
Syncope TLOC - non-syncopal
are well known in other fields, and they improve diagnostic accu-
racy. A comprehensive set of questions that provides a single
Confirm with diagnosis out of all possible diagnoses does not exist; rather, the
Uncertain specific test or questions need to be asked in sequences of groups. First, deter-
diagnosis specialist
mine if this is syncope or another diagnosis such as epilepsy. A
point score that distinguished seizures from syncope with an
accuracy of 94% was recently published (see Table 48-1).47 Second,
Treatment Risk stratification* Treatment
determine whether the patient has structural heart disease by
inquiring about his or her cardiovascular history. If the patient
does not have structural heart disease, the diagnostic difference
High risk** Low risk, Low risk, between reflex neurally mediated syncope and arrhythmic
recurrent single or rare syncope depends on specific provocative situations, associated
symptoms and signs, age of onset, and underlying arrhythmias. A
Early No further quantitative score (Table 48-2) that works with more than 90%
evaluation and evaluation accuracy in patients younger than 60 years is widely available.46
Cardiac or Older patients often require further investigation.48 Another
neurally mediated quantitative score has 99% sensitivity and 68% specificity for ven-
tests as tricular tachycardia (VT) in patients with structural heart disease
(Table 48-3), and it is accurate with regard to diagnosis as well as
Delayed treatment arrhythmic and fatal outcomes.45
guided by ECG These scores have several uses. They provide validated, quan-
documentation titative, objective, diagnostic inclusion criteria that, by reducing
* May require laboratory investigations
the need for TTT, provide rapid translation of clinical trial results
** Risk of short-term serious events into community practice. In this setting, they provide reproduc-
ible criteria for clinical studies.49 Although these scores should not
FIGURE 48-1  Flow chart for assessment of transient loss of be the sole basis for diagnosis, they are useful aids in clinical
consciousness (TLOC) according to the European Society of Cardiology practice. Finally, they may eventually provide a framework for
guidelines. ECG, Electrocardiogram. (From Moya A, Sutton R, Ammirati F, evidence-based definitions of syndromes.
et al: Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of syncope (version Finally, current understanding about predicting vasovagal
2009): The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Management of Syncope of syncope recurrence is much clearer.50-54 Almost all the predictive
the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), Eur Heart J 30:2631–2671,
power is in the year immediately before presentation. A patient
who has not fainted in the previous year has only a 7% risk of
724  Clinical Syndromes

Table 48-2  Calgary Syncope Symptom Score for Structurally because syncope with underlying heart disease is a risk for sudden
Normal Hearts cardiac death (SCD). The yield of blood tests in detecting the cause
of syncope is only 2% to 3%, detecting mostly electrolyte or meta-
QUESTION POINTS (IF YES) bolic abnormalities causing seizure. A hematocrit level less than
Is there a history of at least one of the following: –5
0.3 is useful for the detection of gastrointestinal bleeding.27,55,56
bifascicular block, asystole, supraventricular Blood tests (hemoglobin, electrolytes, cardiac biomarkers) should
tachycardia, diabetes? be performed only in the presence of a clinical suspicion of occult
hemorrhage, arrhythmias/seizures caused by electrolyte or meta-
At times, have bystanders noted you to turn –4 bolic abnormalities, or myocardial infarction (MI).
blue during your faint? Tests such as echocardiography, coronary angiography, and
Did your syncope start at age 35 years or older? –3 radionuclide scintigraphy are of little value in unselected popula-
tions and should only be used when indicated by clinical assess-
Do you remember anything about being –2 ment.57 The primary role of this form of testing is to establish or
exclude the presence of potentially contributory structural heart
Do you have spells of lightheadedness or faint 1 disease. An echocardiogram should be obtained in the presence
with prolonged sitting or standing? of known heart disease, data suggestive of structural heart disease,
syncope secondary to cardiovascular cause, syncope with exer-
Do you sweat or feel warm before a faint? 2
tion, or a murmur.
Do you have spells of lightheadedness or faint 3 Computed tomography (CT) of the head is performed in
with pain or in medical settings? nearly half of all syncope patients but has a less than 1% likelihood
of detecting a cause.58 Similarly, conventional EEG is rarely useful
The patient has vasovagal syncope if the point score is ≥–2.
From Sheldon R, Rose S, Connolly S, et al: Diagnostic criteria for vasovagal syncope in the investigation of unselected patients with syncope. In con-
based on a quantitative history, Eur Heart J 27:344–350, 2006. trast, although the yield of an ECG is less than 5% in unselected
patients, it is noninvasive and inexpensive and can detect life-
threatening abnormalities. Accordingly, it is recommended in all
Table 48-3  Calgary Syncope Symptom Score for Structural
The second stage of testing is aimed at the specific cause of
Heart Disease* syncope. Here, provocative testing is used to induce a syncopal
episode or to detect an abnormal physiological response that
QUESTION POINTS (IF YES) might explain the history of syncope. This includes tests such as
Was your age at first faint at age 34 years or 3
TTT and EPS. Interpretation of these tests requires considerable
later? judgment because these tests induce a physiological response (not
the event itself ) and are plagued by lack of sensitivity, lack of
Are you a male? 1 specificity, or both. An alternative approach is the use of long-
Have you become lightheaded or fainted with –1 term ECG monitoring with a Holter monitor and external and
prolonged sitting or standing? implantable loop recorders to document the cardiac rhythm asso-
ciated with a spontaneous episode of syncope. Current devices do
Have you become lightheaded with stress?† –2 not detect hypotension.1,4,6
At times, are you tired for more than 1 minute –2
after a fainting episode? Tilt-Table Testing
Do you have recurrent headaches? –2 TTT creates orthostatic stress that results in venous pooling and
*Diagnostic questions to determine whether syncope is caused by ventricular may simulate the hemodynamic changes seen in vasovagal
tachycardia or vasovagal syncope. syncope.59-67 The test is performed with continuous ECG and
†The term “stress” was used in its colloquial sense and meant to capture psychosocial blood pressure monitoring; patients are initially placed in the
stress. supine position, and the table is tilted to an angle of 60 to 80
The patient has ventricular tachycardia if the score is ≥1 and vasovagal syncope if the
score is <1. degrees. The patient is kept at this angle for 20 to 45 minutes;
From Sheldon R, Hersi A, Ritchie D, et al: Syncope and structural heart disease: further drug provocation with isoproterenol, clomipramine, or
Historical criteria for vasovagal syncope and ventricular tachycardia, J Cardiovasc nitroglycerin can be used for another 15 to 20 minutes. If symp-
Electrophysiol 21:1358–1364, 2010. tomatic hypotension and bradycardia occur, the patient is
promptly returned to the supine position to prevent injury and
the test is concluded. Syncope or presyncope with a cardio-
syncope in the next year, but a patient with at least one faint in inhibitory response, vasodepressor response, or both reproducing
the previous year has a 42% risk of syncope in the next year.50 the patient’s symptoms is considered a positive outcome.
As simple as TTT seems, these tests, in fact, contain numerous
variables that affect the test outcome.65 Controlled studies have
Selection of Tests
shown that the likelihood of positive tests depends on the angle
The first stage of testing screens for a substrate for syncope, and duration of the head-up tilt, whether and how a drug chal-
including careful clinical assessment, a resting ECG, and, when lenge is used, the number of head-up iterations during the test,
appropriate, short-term ECG monitoring, echocardiography, and the volume status of the subject, and the subject’s age. A variable
blood work.6 This provides a presumptive diagnosis in most correlation exists between the symptoms provoked by TTT and
patients as well as a prognosis, which is particularly important by the subject’s clinical symptoms and widely variable and usually
Syncope  725

unvalidated hemodynamic criteria to indicate a positive test. The

Box 48-1  Classification of Rhythm Findings During Syncope as
test has not been validated against a gold standard population, Documented by an Implantable Loop Recorder
and different TTT protocols identify patient populations that
do not completely overlap. Patients with otherwise idiopathic Type 1: Asystole (RR pause ≥3 seconds)
syncope have the same baseline symptoms and symptom burden, Type 1A, sinus arrest
the same clinical outcome, and the same statistical relationships • Progressive sinus bradycardia or initial sinus tachycardia followed
by progressive sinus bradycardia until sinus arrest
between baseline symptoms and clinical outcome, regardless of a
Type 1B, sinus bradycardia plus AV block
positive or negative TTT result.52 Finally, an intractable trade-off • Progressive sinus bradycardia followed by AV block and ventricular
between diagnostic accuracy and specificity seems to be present. pause(s) with concomitant decrease in sinus rate
The mechanism observed with syncope at the time of TTT may • Sudden-onset AV block and ventricular pause(s) with concomitant
not correlate with clinical episodes. Hence TTT should be used decrease in sinus rate
only in individuals in whom the history, physical examination, and Type 1C, AV block
ECG have not established the diagnosis. • Sudden-onset AV block and ventricular pause(s) with concomitant
increase in sinus rate

Electrocardiographic Monitoring Type 2: Bradycardia (decrease in heart rate >30% or

<40 beats/min for >10 seconds)
The most common initial investigation is an ECG. The correlation Type 2A: Decrease in heart rate >30%
between observed abnormalities on the ECG and the clinical pre- Type 2B: Heart rate <40 beats/min for >10 seconds
sentation is often difficult to establish. Accordingly, ambulatory
Type 3: No or Slight Rhythm Variations (variations of heart rate
monitoring is often performed in patients with syncope. However, <30% and >40 beats/min)
syncope occurs, on average, in only 4% of patients during monitor-
ing (range, 1% to 26%), demonstrating its limited impact on the Type 4: Tachycardia (increase in heart rate >30% and
workup of patients with syncope. Short-term monitoring may be >120 beats/min)
useful in the primary care setting when symptoms are frequent, Type 4A: Progressive sinus tachycardia
Type 4B: Atrial fibrillation
often fulfilling the role of a rule-out test that lays to rest any con-
Type 4C: Supraventricular tachycardia (except sinus)
cerns about a more sinister cause, typically recording sinus rhythm Type 4D: Ventricular tachycardia
or sinus oscillation consistent with vasovagal syncope.
Recent advances in cardiac arrhythmia monitoring permit a AV, Atrioventricular.
From Brignole M, Moya A, Menozzi C, et al: Proposed electrocardiographic
much longer sampling period, which improves diagnostic yield. classification of spontaneous syncope documented by an implantable loop recorder,
The external cardiac loop recorder continuously records and Europace 7:14–18, 2005.
stores an external single-lead electrogram with a 4- to 18-minute
memory buffer. After spontaneous symptoms occur, the patient
activates an event button that stores the previous 1 to 10 minutes in 34% of patients, with marked bradycardia or asystole being the
of recorded information, which can subsequently be downloaded most common recorded arrhythmia during syncope (46% and
and analyzed. This system can be used for weeks at a time. 62%, respectively). The ISSUE investigators reported a classifica-
The implantable loop recorder (ILR) is an ideal device for tion of rhythm findings that helps distinguish among the causes
obtaining rhythms on a continuous basis.4,6,68 Its use is driven by of bradycardia (Box 48-1).69
the importance of symptom-rhythm correlation, particularly in Two prospective randomized trials, one in Canada and one in
settings in which syncope could have one or more causes. For the United Kingdom, compared early use of the ILR to conven-
example, AF may cause syncope because of tachycardia onset or tional testing in patients undergoing a cardiac workup for unex-
pauses after arrhythmia termination. In addition, the high popula- plained syncope.6,73,79 Taken together, they demonstrated that ILR
tion prevalence of vasovagal syncope often raises vasodepression resulted in a higher diagnostic yield, at an earlier time, and at a
as a competing diagnosis when arrhythmias are considered. generally lower cost compared with a conventional strategy. The
The ILR is implanted under the skin and does not require any ILR is not for everyone, and the recent European Heart Rhythm
leads or external sensors; it has a pair of sensing electrodes on the Association guidelines suggest a reasonable approach to its use
shell. It can be automatically activated by an arrhythmia (high and (Figure 48-2).68 Clearly, the ILR is a useful tool for investigating
low rate events) or by the patient using an external programmer. patients with recurrent unexplained syncope when noninvasive
Current models have a battery life of 3 years and record the ECG test results are negative.4-6,68
signatures of infrequent syncopal episodes. Several studies have
confirmed the usefulness of the ILR in establishing a symptom-
rhythm correlation for syncope.68-78 On the whole, syncope recurs Reflex Neurally Mediated
in 30% to 50% of patients. A few patients have tachyarrhythmia Vasovagal Syncope
during syncope, but most of the heart rhythm disturbances are
bradycardic. Many of these appear to be caused by reflex-mediated Vasovagal syncope is characterized by paroxysmal, reflex-
suppression of the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodal functions mediated hypotension and bradycardia. It is the most common of
during vasovagal syncope. However, the most common rhythm the neurally mediated syncopal syndromes. Prolonged standing,
detected is sinus rhythm; presumably the cause of syncope is sight of blood, pain, and fear are common precipitating stimuli
vasodepression without bradycardia. In the largest study, brady- for this common faint. Serotonin, opiate, and β-adrenergic recep-
cardia was seen to accompany syncope in less than 30% of cases. tors may mediate the integration of this reflex response. Brady-
The International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology (ISSUE) cardia is caused by increased vagal tone, and hypotension is
investigators implanted ILRs in 111 patients with probable vaso- caused by withdrawal of α-adrenergic tone to venous and resis-
vagal syncope, regardless of their TTT results. Syncope recurred tance vessels.
726  Clinical Syndromes

TLOC - suspected syncope Natural History

Vasovagal syncope affects all ages and both sexes. It usually first
Initial evaluation presents in adolescence and early adulthood, and the predilection
to fainting is lifelong. Most patients seen in referral clinics have
fainted repeatedly; in the authors’ specialty referral clinic, the
Syncope TLOC - non-syncopal median number of faints is 10 to 15, and the median duration of
syncopal history is 15 to 20 years. In many patients, syncope
appears to occur in clusters that last months to years. Many
Confirm with
specific test or patients have more frequent presyncopal spells that limit daily
Certain Uncertain activities. Therefore, most patients with syncope do not require
diagnosis diagnosis specialist’s
consultancy lifetime therapy, but they frequently merit treatment that lasts
ILR? from months to years.86 When assessing patients with syncope,
Treatment Risk stratification* Treatment clinicians need to be alert to the surprisingly marked impairment
of quality of life that many patients endure, provide a perspective
that lasts decades, and remember that the clinical state will prob-
Low risk, Low risk, ably fluctuate.4,50,51
High risk**
recurrent single or rare
Diet and Physical Maneuvers
Early ILR No further
evaluation and evaluation Patients with syncope are encouraged to increase their salt and
treatment fluid intake, although the evidence in favor of this therapy is weak
Cardiac or (Table 48-4). Patients with positive TTT result convert to a nega-
ILR neurally mediated
tests as tive response on a subsequent test after receiving an intravenous
appropriate volume load, and orthostatic tolerance improves with increased
dietary salt. The usual reported dose of salt tablets is 6 to 9 g (100
Delayed treatment to 150 mmol/L) per day. No substantial evidence exists support-
guided by ECG ing the use of exercise training to prevent syncope.
Considerable evidence supports the use of physical counter-
* May require laboratory pressure maneuvers (PCM). During PCM, the presyncopal patient
** Risk of short-term serious events does isometric contractions of either the legs (by leg crossing) or
the arms and hands (by pulling apart gripped hands), or squats.
FIGURE 48-2  Implantable loop recorder (ILR) in the workup of
The Physical Counterpressure Manoeuvres Trial (PC Trial) was a
transient loss of consciousness (TLOC). ECG, Electrocardiogram. (From
Brignole M, Vardas P, Hoffman E, et al: Indications for the use of diagnostic
randomized, controlled trial comparing conventional therapy
implantable and external ECG loop recorders, Europace 11:671–687, (fluid and salt intake, counseling, avoidance) against conventional
2009.) therapy augmented by one of three maneuvers in 208 patients
with vasovagal syncope.87 After 18 months of follow-up, PCM
provided a significant 36% relative risk reduction. However, 35%
of patients had insufficient prodromes to perform the techniques.
These techniques should form the evidence-based core of the
early, conservative care of vasovagal syncope.1,2,8
Patients develop nausea, diaphoresis, pallor, and loss of con-
sciousness because of hypotension with or without significant
bradycardia. Return to consciousness after seconds to 1 to 2
minutes is the norm. Those with adequate warning may be able At least five randomized clinical trials of β-adrenergic blockers
to simply sit or lie down to prevent a full faint. However, some for the prevention of syncope have been published (see Table
patients have little or no prodrome, no recognized precipitating 48-4).1,2 On the whole, the results were negative. One small, early
stimulus, or marked bradycardia accompanying the faint. Older study of atenolol showed positive results.88 The Prevention of
patients usually have an atypical presentation and may have a Syncope Trial (POST) was a pivotal randomized, placebo-
prodrome but may not recall it because of retrograde amnesia.9 controlled, double-blind trial assessing the effects of metoprolol
in vasovagal syncope over a 1-year treatment period.89 Metoprolol
provided no benefit, with nearly identical outcome rates in both
Syncope Severity and Quality of Life
study arms.
The vasovagal syncope syndrome has an extremely wide range of
symptom burden. The symptom burden varies from a single syn-
copal spell in a lifetime to daily faints. Patients with frequent
syncope have a markedly reduced quality of life, similar to that of Fludrocortisone is a corticosteroid with mainly mineralocorticoid
patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis or chronic low back activity that results in sodium and water retention and potassium
pain.80 The reduction in quality of life correlates with the fre- excretion, which would increase blood volume.1,2 A randomized,
quency of syncope.81 Quality of life is substantially impaired in all double-blind, placebo-controlled study found more symptoms in
dimensions of health, particularly in terms of mobility, usual children treated with fludrocortisone compared with the group
activities, and self-care.82-85 treated with placebo (see Table 48-4).90 The second Prevention of
Syncope  727

Table 48-4  Evidence-Based Therapy for Vasovagal Syncope Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
TREATMENT TREATMENT EFFECT EVIDENCE The important role of serotonin in the regulation of heart rate and
blood pressure led to speculation that fluctuation in central sero-
tonin levels may contribute to vasovagal syncope. Indeed, a ran-
Increased intake of Probably helpful Moderate evidence domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 68 consecutive
salt and fluid patients who had not responded to other treatments reported
positive outcomes.96 Disappointingly, a recent second random-
Physical exercise Debatable effect Weak evidence
ized, placebo-controlled study of 96 patients found fluoxetine,
Physical Probably helpful Good evidence propranolol, and placebo to be equal.97 Therefore evidence for the
counterpressure use of these drugs with vasovagal syncope is conflicting, and the
drugs are not currently recommended.1,2

Tilt training Debatable effect Moderate evidence

Permanent Pacemakers
Home orthostatic Probably unhelpful Good evidence
training Three open-label, historically controlled trials and three open-
label, randomized clinical trials of permanent pacemakers in
PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPY patients with frequent vasovagal syncope reported an approxi-
β-Blockers Probably unhelpful Good evidence
mate 90% reduction in the likelihood of a recurrence of syncope
in paced patients (see Table 48-4). However, a placebo effect from
Selected serotonin Debatable effect Moderate evidence the pacemaker could not be excluded. The Second Vasovagal
reuptake inhibitor Pacemaker Study (VPS II) was an international, placebo-
antidepressants controlled, double-blind, multi-center trial.98 Patients with active
Midodrine Probably helpful Good evidence pacemakers had no significant benefit from pacing; this was con-
firmed by a smaller second study, the Vasovagal Syncope and
Fludrocortisone Debatable effect Weak evidence Pacing Trial (SYNPACE).99
CARDIAC PACEMAKERS One unresolved question is whether the subset of patients with
vasovagal syncope who have asystolic pauses during spontaneous
Cardiac pacemakers: Probably unhelpful Good evidence syncope might benefit from pacing. Accordingly, the ISSUE
routine use investigators are conducting ISSUE 3, a multi-center, placebo-
Cardiac pacemakers: Debatable effect Weak evidence controlled, prospective, double-blind, randomized study.100
selected use in Patients with asystolic pauses detected by an ILR will have a
refractory cases pacemaker implanted with double-blind randomization to active
with asystole pacing or sensing only; the design is similar to that of the VPS II
From Kuriachan V, Sheldon RS, Platonov M: Evidence-based treatment for vasovagal
syncope, Heart Rhythm 5:1609–1614, 2008.

Carotid Sinus Syncope

Syncope Trial (POST II), a multi-national, randomized, double- Carotid sinus syncope is a syndrome of syncope associated with
blind, controlled clinical trial assessing the effectiveness of fludro- a consistent clinical history, carotid sinus hypersensitivity, and the
cortisone in adults with recurrent vasovagal syncope ended in July absence of other potential causes of syncope.4,98 Historical fea-
2011. Results are pending. tures that suggest the diagnosis are syncope or presyncope occur-
ring with carotid sinus stimulation that reproduces clinical
symptoms, or fortuitous Holter monitoring or other documenta-
tion of asystole during syncope following maneuvers that could
Midodrine is the sole α-adrenergic agonist with evidence of effec- stimulate the carotid sinus. The incidence of carotid sinus syncope
tiveness. It is peripherally active, as is its metabolite. It alleviates is low and may be approximately 35 per 1 million per year. Carotid
the reduction in peripheral sympathetic neural outflow, which is sinus syncope occurs in older patients, mainly in men. It tends to
responsible for venous pooling and vasodepression central to occur abruptly, with little prodrome, and only half the patients
vasovagal syncope.91,92 A randomized, placebo-controlled, single- may recognize a precipitating event. These most typically include
pill trial of midodrine to prevent syncope on TTT was positive wearing tight collars, shaving, head turning (as in looking back to
(see Table 48-4).93 Two randomized, open-label trials showed reverse a car), coughing, heavy lifting, and looking up.
positive results and prevention of syncope for up to 22 months.94
A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study
Physical Diagnosis
reported that midodrine significantly increased the number of
symptom-free days in 16 highly symptomatic patients.95 However, Carotid sinus hypersensitivity denotes the abnormal physiological
the study period was only 28 days. The drug is well tolerated, responses, which could be cardio-inhibitory, vasodepressor, or
albeit requiring frequent dosing. Side effects included supine both, to 5 to 10 seconds of carotid sinus massage (CSM). A cardio-
hypertension, nausea, scalp paresthesias, piloerection, and rash inhibitory response to carotid sinus massage is defined as 3
but were dose related and easily reversible. Midodrine should not seconds or more of ventricular standstill or asystole. A vasode-
be used in patients with hypertension or heart failure.1,2 pressor response to carotid sinus massage is defined as a drop in
728  Clinical Syndromes

systolic blood pressure of 50 mm Hg or more during massage and

may be difficult to demonstrate in patients who have a significant Standardized Approaches in
cardio-inhibitory component. The presence of asymptomatic the Emergency Department
carotid sinus hypersensitivity is common in older adults.
Older patients with unexplained falls may have positive CSM Epidemiologic findings of patients with syncope from EDs in
responses, suggesting that carotid sinus syncope is responsible Australia, Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States
for many unexplained or recurrent falls. However, physiological report that the average patient age is 61 years and that 45% are
carotid sinus hypersensitivity is far more common than carotid men. The final diagnoses include vasovagal syncope in 43% of
sinus syncope, and care should be taken in the interpretation of patients, cardiac in 14%, and other (including undiagnosed
these results. Little is known about the natural history of carotid syncope) in 43%. Decision making in ED syncope assessment is
sinus syncope. Even though it may have a substantial effect on often driven by risk assessment rather than by a precise diagnosis.
quality of life, it has not been shown to affect mortality. Even in Risk assessment decisions are aimed at two timelines for out-
the absence of pacing, only 25% of patients may have a syncope comes: (1) poor outcomes in the first 7 to 30 days, which mandate
recurrence in the first year of follow-up. admission, and (2) poor outcomes beyond 30 days, which mandate
early specialist assessment.6
Randomized Studies of Pacing
Events After Presentation
Recent prospective, randomized trials have examined outcomes
on the basis of presence of pacing and mode.4,101 One prospective, Patients with syncope who present to the ED have a significant
randomized trial reaffirmed the important role of permanent risk during follow-up, although this risk varies widely depending
pacing for carotid sinus syncope.103 Sixty patients with carotid on the etiology.6 The composite estimate of outcomes is that
sinus syncope were randomized to pacing or nonpacing therapy. approximately 0.7% of patients die in the next 7 to 30 days, and
During a follow-up of approximately 3 years, syncope recurred approximately 10% of patients die within 1 year. Nonfatal severe
in 51% patients of the nonpaced group and in 9% of the paced outcomes are generally defined as a significant new diagnosis,
group. clinical deterioration, serious injury with recurrence, or a signifi-
Pacing of patients with carotid sinus syndrome has been asso- cant therapeutic intervention. An average of 7.5% of syncope ED
ciated with a reduction in falls; furthermore, among patients with visits have a nonfatal severe outcome while these patients are in
unexplained and recurrent falls, carotid sinus hypersensitivity is the ED, and another 4.5% have a nonfatal severe outcome in the
an important risk factor. The Syncope and Falls in the Elderly next 7 to 30 days.6 Only half of the nonfatal severe outcomes have
Pacing and Carotid Sinus Evaluation (SAFE PACE) trial was cardiovascular causes. Therefore only a minority of patients will
designed to determine whether cardiac pacing reduces falls in benefit from urgent assessment and treatment outside the ED,
older patients with unexplained falls and a cardio-inhibitory and only half of these are for cardiovascular disorders. In the case
response to CSM.104 Patients were randomized to receive a dual- of some patients, the syncopal event may have little to do with
chamber pacemaker with rate-drop responsiveness or no inter- overall outcome because many of the risk factors seem to identify
vention. Patients who received a pacemaker had a highly significant older patients with high morbidity rates.
58% reduction in falls and a 40% reduction in syncope. Although
these results suggest that many unexplained falls in older adults
Risk Factors for Nonfatal Severe Outcomes
are caused by carotid sinus syncope and that they can be pre-
vented with pacing, this was an open-label trial. The SAFE PACE The most commonly identified risk factors for severe outcomes
II study randomized 141 older patients with unexplained falls and include an abnormal ECG, a history of cardiovascular disease, and
cardio-inhibitory carotid sinus hypersensitivity to receive a rate- hypotension; others include age greater than 60 years, syncope
drop-responsive, dual-chamber pacemaker or an ILR.105 No sig- without prodrome, syncope occurring while supine and while
nificant differences in falls between the paced and the loop exercising, hypertension, dyspnea, and anemia.15-23,27,33,107-111 The
recorder group were observed. These results are at odds with the Canadian Cardiovascular Society defined major risk factors as
findings in SAFE PACE, possibly because of differences in patient those independently identified in more than one report and minor
population or because of limited power. risk factors as those identified in only one report (Table 48-5).
Only one double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study of Patients with major risk factors should have an urgent cardiac
pacing in patients with recurrent, unexplained falls and carotid specialist assessment within 2 weeks.6
sinus hypersensitivity has been published. All 34 participants
received a dual-chamber pacemaker with a rate-drop response
Emergency Department Risk Rules
programmer and were randomized to the DDD/RDR mode (on)
versus the ODO mode (off ); after 6 months, patients crossed over On the whole, the ED diagnostic procedure for syncope has a
to the opposite mode. The relative risk of falling with the pace- sensitivity of 95% for early adverse outcomes and more than 99%
maker on versus off was not statistically significant between the for mortality.13,17,21,27,33,107,108,112-114 This is accompanied by specifici-
groups.106 ties in the range of 30% to 60%. Therefore the key priority of a
decision rule would be to maintain sensitivity and increase speci-
ficity. A common feature of the ED risk stratification rules is that
Pacemaker Programming
to achieve 95% sensitivity for an early adverse event, the presence
AAI pacing is contraindicated because many patients may eventu- of any single risk factor moves the patient from the low-risk
ally demonstrate associated atrioventricular block. If pacemakers group. Standardized scores have been developed in Europe, the
must be used, they should be either ventricular or dual-chamber United Kingdom, and the United States. Although the scores
pacemakers. predict outcome, they do not necessarily identify a treatable
Syncope  729

Table 48-5  Risk Factors for Short-Term Outcomes According to Table 48-6  The ROSE Rule with BRACES Mnemonic
the Canadian Cardiovascular Society
B BNP level ≥300 pg/mL
Bradycardia ≤50 in ED or prehospital setting
R Rectal examination showing fecal occult blood (if suspicion
Abnormal electrocardiogram Any bradyarrhythmia, of gastrointestinal bleeding)
tachyarrhythmia, or conduction
disease A Anemia (hemoglobin ≤90 g/L)
New ischemia or old infarct
C Chest pain associated with syncope
History of cardiac disease Ischemic, arrhythmic, obstructive,
E ECG showing Q wave (not in lead III)
S Saturation ≤94% on room air
Hypotension Systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg
A patient should be considered high risk and admitted if any of the seven criteria in
Heart failure Either past history or current state the ROSE (Risk Stratification of Syncope in the Emergency Department) rule are
BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; ED, emergency department; ECG, electrocardiogram.
From Reed MJ, Newby DE, Coull AJ, et al: The ROSE (Risk Stratification of Syncope in
Age >60 years
the Emergency Department) study, J Am Coll Cardiol 55:713–721, 2010.

Anemia Hematocrit <0.30


Cerebrovascular disease presentation to the ED.27 High-risk patients could be identified by

the presence of any one of five factors: (1) dyspnea, (2) hypoten-
Family history of early sudden Age <50 years sion, (3) congestive heart failure, (4) abnormal ECG, and (5)
cardiac death anemia. Although the SFSR was reported to have 96% sensitivity
Specific situations Syncope while supine, during and 62% specificity, subsequent validation studies reported
exercise, or with no prodromal reduced accuracy. Admission rates with the SFSR would be
symptoms increased with no gain in sensitivity when compared with the
actual decision made by the ED physician.6
Major risk factors were independently derived in more than one study; minor risk
factors were derived in only one study. Patients with syncope should have an urgent
cardiac assessment in the presence of a single major risk factor. Impact of Guidelines
From Sheldon RS, Morillo CA, Krahn AD, et al: Standardized approaches to the
investigation of syncope: A position paper of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Do the ESC guidelines improve care? In 2001 and 2007, the Amer-
Can J Cardiol 27(2):246–253, 2011.
ican College of Emergency Physicians issued guidelines for the ED
management of patients with syncope. A study that used high-risk
features as a tool for identifying cardiogenic syncope had very
cause. The two studies with the best methodology and external high sensitivity and specificity statistics and, if implemented,
validation are the San Francisco Syncope Rule and the Osserva- would have reduced admissions by 29%, whereas the use of
torio Epidemiologico della Sincope nel Lazio (OESIL) score.27,111 medium-risk features decreased specificity and increased admis-
Both were thoroughly developed, starting with epidemiologic risk sions. The ESC guidelines recommend admission for significant
factors and proceeding through validation studies. Very recently, heart disease, abnormal ECG, syncope during exercise or while
the Risk Stratification of Syncope in the Emergency Department supine, severe injury, family history of SCD, preceding palpita-
(ROSE) study reported the development and validation of a score tions, frequent episodes or high suspicion of cardiac syncope,
(based on the BRACES mnemonic) for identifying high-risk arrhythmias, cardiopulmonary or neurologic disorders, or pacer
patients with syncope (Table 48-6).33 implantation. McCarthy et al retrospectively assessed a pathway
The OESIL group identified four risk factors for 1-year mortal- developed on the basis of these guidelines and found that 9.6% of
ity: (1) age greater than 65 years, (2) cardiovascular disease, (3) the admissions could have been avoided if the pathway was used.14
syncope without prodrome, and (4) an abnormal ECG.111 The risk Del Greco et al reported that the 2001 guidelines had no apparent
score resulted in 0 to 4 points, with 1-year mortality rates ranging effect on length of stay, extent of testing, or cost of hospitaliza-
from 0.8% to 57%. This was partly validated in a small study by tion.116,117 Although ED syncope decision rules may have prognos-
British investigators, who found 3-month serious outcomes to tic value, there is no compelling evidence that they improve
range from 0% to 37%, with deaths accounting for half the out- diagnostic accuracy or reduce costs, and they may substantially
comes. Martin et al identified four similarly weighted indepen- increase costs.6
dent risk factors (age greater than 45 years, history of heart failure,
history of ventricular arrhythmias, and an abnormal ECG) that
Syncope Management Units
predicted 1-year death rates ranging from 2% to 30%.115 Therefore
the factors that predict 1-year mortality are advanced age, cardio- The generally benign short-term outcome of patients with syncope
vascular disorders, and an abnormal ECG. raises the possibility of an entirely outpatient assessment of
The San Francisco Syncope Rule (SFSR) identified independent patients who do not have a declared outcome in the ED.6 The term
predictors of serious morbidity and mortality within 7 days of syncope unit refers to any organized approach to investigation or,
730  Clinical Syndromes

more narrowly in North America, as a geographically contained Similarly, Farwell and Sulke used a syncope diagnostic protocol
unit for assessing syncope. The ESC 2009 guidelines recommend at a single large hospital and compared the outcomes in 421
the establishment of formal syncope units, either virtual or geo- patients with those in 660 historic controls.79 The diagnostic yield
graphically contained, staffed by syncope experts, with easy access increased from 71% to 78%, as did appropriate testing such as
to all referring physicians.4 TTT and monitoring. However, very poor adherence to the pro-
Kenny et al first introduced the concept of a dedicated syncope tocol led to many more hospital admissions than recommended,
clinic or unit in a study of 65 consecutive older patients. A causal and irrelevant testing such as brain imaging persisted. This led to
diagnosis was reached in 92% of patients. Subsequently, three unexpected and dramatic increases in costs and bed occupancy.
small observational studies showed that with older patients, dedi- Finally, Sarasin et al used a systematic investigation strategy that
cated units achieved a diagnosis in almost all.117,118 However, none featured baseline assessment with ECG and limited laboratory
of these studies was controlled, and many diagnoses simply testing in 611 patients.112 This simple initial stage led to a diagno-
turned out to be accurate clinical judgments. In one study, a sis in 69% of patients, with targeted testing in an additional 7%.
syncope and falls day clinic for older patients achieved a dramatic Extensive testing was used only in the remaining 155 patients.
estimated reduction in bed occupancy (35% vs. 97% of expected) What lessons can be drawn from these studies? Algorithmic
and length of stay (2.7 vs. 10.9 days expected). testing seems to be effective but probably will not work if it is
Brignole et al compared six Italian hospitals that had an orga- complicated and not supported by expert advice. However,
nized syncope unit with six matched hospitals not offering this coupled with implementation tools, it improves the diagnostic
service.119 A weak trend to fewer admissions and tests performed yield and may reduce costs. The most important features of algo-
in the syncope unit hospitals was observed, but only 11% of eli- rithmic testing may be facilitated access to specialist assessment
gible syncope patients had been referred to the unit. Ammirati and an online prompting tool.6
et al reviewed 102 consecutive patients referred to their syncope
unit as either outpatients or during hospitalization in a retrospec- KEY REFERENCES
tive observational study.120 The syncope unit appeared to increase Berecki-Gisolf J, Sheldon RS: Indications for pacing in neurally mediated
the diagnostic yield from 75% to 82% and reduced hospital costs syncope syndromes. In: Ellenbogen K, Wilkoff B, Kay CN, Lau CP,
by 85%, largely by eliminating unnecessary tests. editors: Clinical cardiac pacing and defibrillation, ed 4, Philadelphia,
The Syncope Evaluation in the Emergency Department Study 2010, Elsevier.
(SEEDS) was the only randomized study evaluating the efficiency Brignole M: Diagnosis and treatment of syncope, Heart 93:130–136, 2007.
and accuracy of the investigation of syncope with a dedicated Kuriachan V, Sheldon RS, Platonov M: Evidence-based treatment for vaso-
syncope unit.28 SEEDS randomized 103 patients with intermedi- vagal syncope, Heart Rhythm 5:1609–1614, 2008.
ate risk for syncope to a syncope unit evaluation compared with Linzer M, Yang EH, Estes NA, et al: Diagnosing syncope. Part 1: Value of
a standard care approach. The unit provided 6 hours of ECG history, physical examination, and electrocardiography. Clinical Effi-
cacy Assessment Project of the American College of Physicians, Ann
monitoring, echocardiography, an early TTT, and an arrhythmia
Intern Med 126:989–996, 1997.
consult. The diagnostic yield was higher in the syncope unit arm Low PA, Singer W: Management of neurogenic orthostatic hypotension:
(67% vs. 10%), mostly because of vasovagal syncope incidence. An update, Lancet Neurol 7:451–458, 2008.
Admission rates were lower in the syncope unit group (43% vs. Moya A, Sutton R, Ammirati F, et al: Guidelines for the diagnosis and
98% in the control group). No differences in total mortality or management of syncope (version 2009): The Task Force for the Diag-
syncope recurrence were noted. Formal syncope units may nosis and Management of Syncope of the European Society of Cardiol-
increase the diagnostic yield and prevent unnecessary admissions ogy (ESC), Eur Heart J 30:2631–2671, 2009.
and testing. This may be explained by advanced access to special- Parry SW, Tan MP: An approach to the evaluation and management of
ist assessment and related testing. syncope in adults, BMJ 340:c880, 2010.
Sheldon R: Tilt testing for syncope: A reappraisal, Curr Opin Cardiol
20:38–41, 2005.
Syncope Investigation Protocols Sheldon RS, Morillo CA, Krahn AD, et al: Standardized approaches to the
investigation of syncope: A position paper of the Canadian Cardiovas-
in the Hospital cular Society, Can J Cardiol 27(2):246–253, 2011.
Sud S, Massel D, Klein GJ, et al: The expectation effect and cardiac pacing
Noting the limited impact of published guidelines, Brignole et al for refractory vasovagal syncope, Am J Med 120:54–62, 2007.
used the ESC 2001 guidelines to develop software with specific van Dijk JG, Thijs RD, Benditt DG, Wieling W: A guide to disorders
prompting tools and compared its effectiveness to conventional causing transient loss of consciousness: Focus on syncope, Nat Rev
unstructured approaches.55 The Evaluation of Guidelines in Neurol 5:438–448, 2009.
Syncope Study 2 (EGSYS-2) was a parallel-arm, non-randomized van Dijk N, Quartieri F, Blanc JJ, et al: Effectiveness of physical counter-
comparison of 745 patients with syncope that showed an pressure maneuvers in preventing vasovagal syncope: The Physical
Counterpressure Manoeuvres Trial (PC-Trial), J Am Coll Cardiol
improved diagnostic yield (95% vs. 80%), a reduced admission rate
48:1652–1657, 2006.
(39% vs. 47%), and reduced costs. Later, it was validated in 541 Wieling W, Colman N, Krediet CT, Freeman R: Nonpharmacological
patients in 11 large hospitals. Use of the software led to adherence treatment of reflex syncope, Clin Auton Res 14(Suppl 1):62–70, 2004.
to a guideline-based approach in 86% of patients and yielded a Wieling W, Krediet CT, van Dijk N, et al: Initial orthostatic hypotension:
diagnosis in 98% of cases. Half of the diagnoses were initially Review of a forgotten condition, Clin Sci (Lond) 112:157–165, 2007.
obtained after clinical assessment and ECG, with limited and Wieling W, Thijs RD, van Dijk N, et al: Symptoms and signs of syncope:
specified testing (1.9 tests per patient) yielding the remainder of A review of the link between physiology and clinical clues, Brain
the diagnoses. It is important to realize that, by design, the algo- 132:2630–2642, 2009.
rithm should have provided 100% diagnostic yield (whether
correct or not), and a “syncope expert” was available by telephone All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
to provide advice. com.
Asymptomatic Electrocardiogram
Raymond W. Sy, Allan C. Skanes, and George J. Klein
The ECG findings now known as ventricular pre-excitation
Introduction (δ-wave and short P-R interval) were first described in 1930.1
Initial interest was in the arrhythmias associated with the ECG
Electrocardiographic abnormalities frequently appear in patients pattern, although it was later observed that many individuals with
undergoing Holter monitoring or electrocardiography in the identical ECG patterns remained asymptomatic and had a benign
context of “routine screening” or investigation of an unrelated course. Radiofrequency (RF) ablation of accessory pathways has
issue. The thoughtful physician will not want to miss an opportu- become the preferred treatment option for patients with Wolff-
nity to prevent a potentially adverse outcome related to this but Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome because it is curative and has
also considers that needless attention to a nonsignificant abnor- a low rate of associated complications. The question that remains
mality is not productive and possibly harmful. A thoughtful is whether this treatment should be extended as a prophylactic
assessment will include such questions as: measure to asymptomatic individuals with the WPW pattern on
ECG to prevent the small risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD).
1. Is the abnormality a true abnormality, or does it merely mimic Several studies have provided an estimate of the prevalence of
a potentially harmful abnormality? the WPW pattern. It is estimated that 0.1% to 0.15% of the popula-
tion will have ECG manifestations of WPW, of which approxi-
2. Is the abnormality associated with potentially adverse mately 50% will never have had symptoms.2 New cases arise at a
outcomes? rate of approximately 0.004% per year.2 However, the true inci-
dence is likely higher, given that the WPW pattern is frequently
3. What is the positive predictive value of the abnormality in intermittent and may be missed on ECG and that many individu-
question for a specific adverse outcome? als never receive an ECG in their lifetime.
Although estimates vary, the incidence of SCD among patients
4. Is the risk of the abnormality sufficiently compelling to warrant with WPW appears to be at most 0.1% per year.2,3 Munger et al
the risk and expense of further investigation? did not report any SCDs in their large (113 patients) retrospective
review. No deaths occurred among 293 patients studied in a
5. Is the condition underlying the abnormality treatable? recent prospective study that examined the usefulness of the EPS
and ablation in asymptomatic individuals.4 Autopsy studies
delving into the issue are generally limited by the difficulty in
Asymptomatic Wolff-Parkinson-White finding accessory pathways on routine tissue sections, but most
cases of unexpected SCD are related to coronary or other unrec-
Pattern ognized structural heart diseases. Nonetheless, SCD in an asymp-
tomatic young individual with WPW pattern is a tragic event that
Case 1
cannot be ignored.
A 14-year-old boy was seen in the emergency department because The most common cause of SCD in patients with WPW is
of noncardiac chest pain following chest trauma during a basket- ventricular fibrillation (VF) triggered by atrial fibrillation (AF). In
ball game. The electrocardiogram (ECG) seen in Figure 49-1 was these cases, AF is associated with a rapid ventricular response
recorded. He had never been aware of palpitations or syncope. because of the presence of at least one accessory pathway with a
Electrocardiographic pre-excitation was noted. short anterograde refractory period. It follows that only those
The most appropriate next step would be to: patients who have accessory pathways capable of mediating
a rapid ventricular rate are at risk for developing SCD. It has
1. Reassure the patient and his family that no further follow-up been found that VF rarely occurs when the shortest R-R (SRR)
is necessary. interval during induced AF is greater than 250 ms.5 AF is usually
preceded by AV re-entrant tachycardia in these patients, presum-
2. Schedule an electrophysiological study (EPS). ably because of the electrophysiological, hemodynamic, and met-
abolic consequences of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).
3. Schedule an ECG. Hence, the failure to induce tachycardia would independently
predict a good prognosis.6 Interestingly, the presence of multiple
4. Advise a treadmill exercise test. accessory pathways in a given individual increases the risk of

732  Clinical Syndromes

aVR V1 V4

aVL V2 V5

aVF V3 V6

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 49-1  Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern.

SCD by an odds ratio of 3.1, presumably because of increased 3. Possible risk: shortest pre-excited R-R interval <300 ms but
ventricular desynchronization related to multiple pre-excitation >250 ms
Because of the rarity of the outcome in question (<1/1000 4. Negligible risk: shortest pre-excited R-R interval >300 ms
patients/year) it is evident that predicting outcomes with any test
is problematic. As one would expect from such a low incidence It must be emphasized that “definite” risk in this stratification
of SCD, the negative predictive value of the EPS is excellent. Klein is not equivalent to “high” risk. The use of the SRR less than
et al have categorized the risk of SCD on the basis of the SRR 250 ms as a marker of risk in clinical practice is not as helpful as
interval during spontaneous or induced AF as follows8: may be believed; 17% of asymptomatic individuals with WPW will
have SRRs in this range, a far greater proportion than that
1. Definite risk: shortest pre-excited R-R interval <220 ms expected to have an event.8 Using an SRR of less than 250 ms,
sensitivity of 77.8%, specificity of 48.3%, and predictive accuracy
2. Probable risk: shortest pre-excited R-R interval <250 ms but of 18.9% can be obtained.9 Combining the findings of multiple
>220 ms accessory pathways and SRR less than 250 ms lowered the
Asymptomatic Electrocardiogram Abnormalities  733

sensitivity (from 88% to 29%) but increased the specificity (from ablation of asymptomatic WPW. It is reasonable to recommend
36% to 92%) and the positive predictive value (from 9% to 22%).7
Pappone et al reported that the combination of a short pathway
effective refractory period (ERP) (<250 ms) and inducible tachy-
cardia had sensitivity of 93.7%, specificity of 67.6%, and positive
ablation if the patient is otherwise prevented from pursuing a
professional or important recreational activity. In all other cases,
the decision to undergo an EPS and to proceed with ablation
should be individualized. Given that several emotional, personal,
and negative predictive values of 46.9% and 97.3%, respectively, and social issues are involved in the consideration and that the
for subsequent arrhythmia.6 Isoproterenol, which is often used in risks associated with either approach are minimal, the ultimate
an attempt to induce tachycardia, AF, or both, will cause an even decision must rest with the patient.
greater percentage of individuals to have an SRR less than 250 ms.
Therefore the already poor positive predictive value of an SRR less
Discussion of Case 1
than 250 ms can be expected to worsen. Despite its limitations,
the EPS remains the gold standard for the determination of risk Since asymptomatic patients have a small but statistically mea-
of SCD in asymptomatic patients with WPW. sureable risk of SCD, an informed discussion with the patient and
Noninvasive methods for evaluating the risk for SCD have his family is required; reassurance alone is not appropriate. The
been described: Holter monitoring to determine whether inter- patient and his family also need to be aware of the potential risks
mittent pre-excitation is present (therefore making it extremely associated with further investigations such as an EPS. It may also
unlikely for the SRR of the pathway to be <250 ms), sudden loss be reasonable to review the situation in the follow-up to give the
of pre-excitation on an exercise test, with infusion of ajmaline patient and his family a chance to carefully consider their choices,
or procainamide (suggesting a long refractory period for the since the situation is not a medical emergency.
pathway), and trans-esophageal pacing.10-12 With the exception of In this case, the δ-wave was prominent and could be easily
trans-esophageal pacing, all of these methods rely on assessments monitored during a treadmill test. This is the least-invasive and
of accessory pathway conduction in sinus rhythm and are imper- most appropriate next step. If loss of pre-excitation occurs with
fect substitutes for a test that, in itself, has limitations. Trans- exercise, this classifies the accessory pathway as benign and elimi-
esophageal pacing has its proponents, but it provides less nates concerns of SCD. An EPS is probably premature at this
information than catheter EPS and arguably involves similar risk point but may be required if the treadmill test is not prognosti-
and discomfort.13 cally helpful. Treadmill testing is particularly problematic when
What, then, is the best approach for the management of the minimal pre-excitation occurs (see Figure 49-1, B). In such cases,
asymptomatic patient, given that SCD as a first manifestation of an EPS may be the only method of risk evaluation. An echocar-
the WPW syndrome is a very rare occurrence? Since serious diogram is not useful under the circumstances because most
complications from RF ablation in experienced centers occur patients with WPW have structurally normal hearts.
infrequently (~1%), it becomes difficult to make a categorical In this case, constant pre-excitation was seen on treadmill
recommendation for or against ablation. Clearly, studying all testing despite a maximal heart rate of 180 beats/min. The
patients with asymptomatic WPW and ablating those with an patient and his family wanted further assessment to determine
SRR less than 250 ms will result in increased morbidity and mor- the patient’s ability to play competitive sports. Following a discus-
tality among patients who may never develop any symptoms. sion about the risks and benefits, the patient underwent an EPS.
However, an approach that involves not studying any asymptom- A mid-septal accessory pathway was documented. No tachycar-
atic individuals may result in some preventable deaths. Many dia was inducible. No AF was inducible. Conduction over the
physicians may prefer to accept a small procedural risk with a accessory pathway failed at a pacing cycle length of 320 ms (188
finite risk interval over a longer term risk of potentially lethal beats/min), which suggested that rapid conduction over the
arrhythmias.14,15 accessory pathway during AF would not be possible. As such,
Equally important is the patient’s or his or her caregiver’s the patient was at low risk for SCD. In addition, the accessory
ability to accept a small, but ongoing risk of SCD. If this is not pathway was located very close to the AV node, presenting only
addressed, it may result in anxiety and needless restriction of a small risk of inadvertent AV block, so no ablation was
recreational or occupational activities. On the one hand, some performed.
patients may choose ablation. On the other hand, some individu-
als may be less concerned about the theoretical risk of arrhythmia
versus a real procedural risk. Repolarization Abnormalities
Finally, two other factors may influence the discussion:
Many primary repolarization changes on the 12-lead ECG are
1. Ablation of some accessory pathways is associated with higher benign or normal variants such as early repolarization. Others
risk than that of others. For example, attempted ablation of a may result from the presence of structural heart disease (e.g.,
“mid-septal” accessory pathway that is close to the AV node myocardial infarction [MI], dilated cardiomyopathy, and hyper-
carries a higher risk of AV block and the need for permanent trophic cardiomyopathy) or the consequence of pharmacologic
pacemaker implantation. agents (e.g., antiarrhythmic drugs). The congenital long QT syn-
drome (LQTS), short QT syndrome (SQTS), and Brugada syn-
2. The incidence of SCD as a first presentation of WPW syn- drome are relatively uncommon diseases associated with
drome decreases with age. For example, a 60-year-old male is potentially life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. In general,
much less likely to have this outcome compared with a diagnoses of these conditions are complicated because of the
10-year-old. significant overlap in the ECG manifestations of normal and
disease conditions. The management of these conditions contin-
Since both the risks of treating and not treating are low, it is ues to evolve. The following sections discuss the typical ECG
difficult to give an all-encompassing recommendation regarding changes and clinical features that accompany the most common
734  Clinical Syndromes

pathologic repolarization abnormalities. Readers are also directed 1. Reassure the patient by not performing further investigation.
to Chapters 62 to 64 for additional information.
2. Schedule a treadmill exercise test.

Long QT Syndrome 3. Schedule an EPS.

Case 2
4. Recommend β-blocker therapy.
A 36-year-old accountant was referred for assessment after the
unexpected death of his 24-year-old brother who was previously The congenital LQTS is a rare disorder (incidence 1 : 3000 to
well. The postmortem examination revealed no obvious cause of 1 : 10 000) characterized by prolongation of the Q-T interval,
death. A 27-year-old sister is alive and well. His mother, who was recurrent syncope, and SCD.16 Two major clinical variants were
known to have epilepsy, had died at age 46 in a motor vehicle originally described: (1) Romano-Ward syndrome (autosomal
accident. The patient’s ECG shows a very long Q-T interval (QT dominant inheritance) and (2) Jervell Lange-Nielson syndrome
= 600 ms, QTc = 545 ms) (Figure 49-2, A). He was not taking (autosomal recessive inheritance), in which patients also have
any medication and jogged regularly. An ECG done 2 years previ- congenital deafness. Over the past 10 years, great advances have
ously for an insurance physical was reported as normal (Figure been made in understanding the genetic and cellular bases for
49-2, B). LQTS. At least 10 distinct genotypic variants of LQTS encom-
The most appropriate course of action at this time would passing hundreds of mutations have now been identified (Table
be to: 49-1), and a genetic diagnosis is now obtainable in 50% to 60% of

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 49-2  Long QT syndrome.

Asymptomatic Electrocardiogram Abnormalities  735

Table 49-1  Classification of Long QT Syndrome


LQT1 11p15.5 KCNQ1 (KVLQT1) IKs (α-subunit) 42 (40–55)

LQT2 7q35-q36 KCNH2 (HERG) IKr (α-subunit) 45 (35–45)

LQT3 3p21-p24 SCN5A INa (α-subunit) 8

LQT4 4q25-q27 Ankyrin-B (ANK2) ? <1

LQT5 21q22.1-22.2 KCNE1 (MinK) IKs (β-subunit) 3

LQT6 21q22.1-22.2 KCNE2 (MiRP1) IKr (β-subunit) 2

LQT7 17q23.1-q24.2 KCNJ2 Kir2.1 <1

LQT8 12p13.3 CACNA1C ICa-L <1

LQT9 3p25 CAV3 Caveolin-3 <1

LQT10 11q23 SCN48 INa (β-subunit) <1

Modified from Ruan Y, Liu N, Napolitano C, Priori S: Therapeutic strategies for long QT syndrome: Does the molecular substrate matter? Circ Arrhythmia Electrophysiol 1:290–297,
2008; Roden DM: Clinical practice. Long-QT syndrome, N Engl J Med 358(2):169–176, 2008; and Splawski I, Shen J, Timothy KW, et al: Spectrum of mutations in long-QT syndrome
genes. KVLQT1, HERG, SCN5A, KCNE1, and KCNE2, Circulation 102(10):1178–1185, 2000.

patients.17 Three genotypes (LQT1, LQT2, and LQT3) account for Table 49-2  Secondary Causes of QT Prolongation
more than 90% of cases.18-20 The principal abnormality in LQTS
is prolongation of the action potential duration caused by a reduc- FACTOR MECHANISM
tion in the outward potassium current (LQT1 and LQT2) or, less Bradycardia ↑ APD
commonly, by a persistent inward sodium current during the ↑ APD prolongation with class III
plateau phase (LQT3). Action potential prolongation provokes agents
the development of early afterdepolarizations, which may produce
a triggered action potential resulting in a premature beat.21 Such Drugs* Mainly IKr blockade
impulses can initiate a polymorphic VT, known as torsades de Electrolyte disorders (hypokalemia, Hypokalemia ↓ IKr and ↑ IKr
pointes, which underlies the clinical symptoms of palpitations, hypomagnesemia, hypocal­ sensitivity to pharmacologic
syncope, or SCD caused by VF. cemia) blockers
The classic description of events in LQTS involves exercise-
Left ventricular hypertrophy/failure ↓ K+ currents (Ito, IKr, IKs)
induced or emotion-induced syncope or cardiac arrest. Symp-
Changes to ICaL and intracellular
toms often begin in adolescence, though they may begin earlier
calcium (Ca2+)
in patients with LQT1.20 It is common for patients to be investi-
gated and misdiagnosed as having a seizure disorder. Clinical Miscellaneous (e.g., anorexia,
events in LQTS are often seen in the context of heart rate accel- cerebrovascular disease, HIV
eration precipitated by exercise, emotion, or sudden arousal.20,22,23 infection, hypothyroidism,
Patients with LQT1 are particularly prone to events during hyper- hypothermia, ionic contrast
adrenergic states, with swimming identified as a specific trigger
in such patients.20,23 The history of arousal to an auditory stimulus *The major classes of drugs are antiarrhythmic drugs, antihistamines, macrolide
such as a sudden loud noise (classically, a telephone call at night antibiotics, antipsychotics, and antidepressants. An updated online list of specific
or an alarm clock going off ) is strongly predictive of LQT2.20,22 drugs that prolong the Q-T interval is available at www.qtdrugs.org or
Events that occur during rest or sleep are more suggestive of APD, Action potential duration.
LQT3.20 Many of these circumstances represent the setting of Modified from Walker BD, Krahn AD, Klein GJ, et al: Congenital and acquired long QT
sudden or marked changes in adrenergic tone and heart rate that syndromes, Can J Cardiol 19(1):76–87, 2003.
may influence repolarization and subsequent vulnerability to
The hallmark of LQTS is prolongation of the QTc (>440 ms in
men and >460 ms in women), although considerable overlap sampling improves diagnostic accuracy. In the absence of obvious
occurs with QTc in normal populations. The QTc of genotype- reversible causes of QTc prolongation (Table 49-2), a diagnosis
positive patients overlaps with normal in up to one third because of LQTS can be made on the basis of ECG features and clinical
of variable penetrance.24-26 Also, 10% to 15% of QTc in normal presentation.28 The mean QTc does not differ among the LQT1,
adults are greater than 440 ms.27 Since repolarization is affected LQT2, and LQT3 types but is significantly longer in Jervell Lange-
by factors such as sympathetic outflow, electrolyte balance, and Neilson syndrome.20 In addition to QTc prolongation, qualitative
pharmacologic agents, it is not surprising that considerable tem- abnormalities may also be found in LQTS, including ST-T wave
poral variation may be present in QTc and that increased changes, U waves, T-wave alternans, increased QT dispersion,
736  Clinical Syndromes

and sinus bradycardia.21 Although not highly specific, character- Brugada Syndrome
istic ST-T wave morphologies may allow the prediction of LQT
Case 3
type: broad-based T waves typify LQT1; low amplitude, notched
T waves occur in LQT2; and long isoelectric ST segment with A 42-year-old man was referred for assessment of symptoms of
late-onset T wave occur in LQT3.26 atypical chest pain and ECG abnormalities (Figure 49-3). The
It has been estimated that LQTS causes 3000 to 4000 SCDs patient was otherwise well. His father died suddenly in his mid-40s
per year in children and young adults in the United States.29 Long- but no further details about his death are available.
term registry data suggest that annually the risk of syncope is 5% The most appropriate next step to clarify the diagnosis of the
and the risk of LQTS-related death before the age of 50 years is ECG abnormality would be to:
approximately 1% in symptomatic patients, with the risk being
significantly lower in asymptomatic patients.26,30 The most impor- 1. Schedule genetic testing.
tant predictor of risk is QTc duration, although age, gender, and
genotype can be confounders. Using data from an international 2. Schedule exercise treadmill testing.
registry, three risk groups relating to the probability of experienc-
ing a first cardiac event before the age of 40 years have been 3. Administer procainamide infusion.
4. Schedule an EPS.
• High risk (≥50%): LQT1, LQT2, and male LQT3 patients
with QTc ≥500 ms Brugada syndrome is an inherited disorder (autosomal domi-
nant with variable expression) characterized by syncope and SCD
• Intermediate risk (30% to 49%): all female LQT3 patients; from polymorphic VT and VF.38 First described in 1992, it is now
male LQT3 patients and female LQT2 patients with QTc a recognized cause of SCD, particularly in southern Europe and
<500 ms in southeast Asia. Brugada syndrome is much more common in
men and usually presents in the third and fourth decades of life.
• Low risk (<30%): LQT1 and male LQT2 patients with QTc The primary abnormality is heterogeneous shortening of the
<500 ms action potential duration, particularly affecting the right ventri-
cle, which results in phase 2 re-entry and polymorphic VT.39 In
Although a family history of cardiac events would intuitively up to 20% of affected individuals, mutations may be demon-
appear to be prognostically important, this has not been borne strated in the SCN5A gene that encodes the fast inward sodium
out in clinical studies.32,33 (Na+) current (INa).40 In a canine right ventricular wedge prepara-
β-Adrenoreceptor blockade is the mainstay of therapy (aiming tion, it has been shown that the combination of a weaker INa
for a reduction in peak exercise heart rate of >20%), and it is in the presence of a large transient outward potassium (K+)
recommended for most patients with LQTS.34 Survival can be current (Ito) results in a dramatic truncation of the epicardial
dramatically improved with aggressive treatment with β-blockers, action potential and marked transmural heterogeneity of
left cervical sympathectomy, pacemakers, and an implantable car- repolarization.39
dioverter defibrillator (ICD).17,34 Lifestyle modifications, family The Brugada ECG pattern is characterized by “pseudo–right
screening, and genetic testing and counseling are also important bundle branch block (RBBB)” with ST-segment elevation in
considerations. In particular, genotyping may occasionally assist precordial leads V1 to V3 (reflecting predominant right ventricu-
with diagnosis, family screening, and management.35 For example, lar abnormality). Three patterns of ST elevation have been
β-blockers may be less effective in LQT3, and genotype-specific described (see Figure 49-3, B):
therapies such as potassium replacement for LQT2 and mexi-
letine for LQT3 are being evaluated.36,37 Type 1: ≥2 mm of ST elevation descending with upward convex-
ity to an inverted T wave (“coved” pattern)
Type 2: ≥1 mm of ST elevation descending toward the baseline
Discussion Case 2
and then rising again to an upright or biphasic T wave (“saddle-
The patient in question clearly has marked QTc prolongation in back” pattern)
the absence of medication. The family history is a cause for concern Type 3: <1 mm ST elevation with saddleback pattern
and suggests that his brother and mother (LQTS is frequently
misdiagnosed as epilepsy) both had LQTS. This man previously For diagnostic purposes, these changes should be seen in two
had a normal ECG, and it is not unusual for such patients to have or more precordial leads. The pseudo-RBBB is probably second-
variability of the Q-T interval at different times. In more border- ary to a prominent J wave, and it can be differentiated from typical
line cases, scoring systems incorporating ECG, clinical features, RBBB by the absence of a prominent S wave in V6. The Q-T
and family history may be helpful.28 In this case, the best answer interval is usually normal, although patients with both Brugada
would be to recommend treatment with β-blocker. An argument syndrome and LQTS have been described. Importantly, Brugada
can be made for an ICD in such a patient, although ICDs are syndrome remains a diagnosis of exclusion because similar
usually reserved for high-risk patients such as those with recurrent ECG changes may also be seen in other disease states such as
symptoms who are on β-blockers or survivors of cardiac arrest antero-septal MI, acute pericarditis, arrhythmogenic right ven-
(class IIa recommendation). Treadmill testing will not influence tricular dysplasia, electrolyte derangement, and hypothermia.
the decision to treat, although exercise may be diagnostically In some patients, the ECG pattern fluctuates and can be unmasked
useful, especially if arrhythmias are observed. The EPS is generally by many conditions, including febrile illness, antiarrhythmic and
of no value in LQTS. Where available, genetic counseling and psychotropic medications, heavy alcohol consumption, and
family screening should also be offered. cocaine abuse.
Asymptomatic Electrocardiogram Abnormalities  737

I aVR V1 V4 49
II aVL V2 V5


25mm/s 10mm/mV 40Hz 005C 12SL 237 CID: 1 EID:304 EDT: 12:50 08-FEB-2007 ORDER:

V1 V1 V1

V2 V2 V2

V3 V3 V3

FIGURE 49-3  Brugada syndrome.

Differentiation of the Brugada ECG pattern from prominent usually provoke ventricular arrhythmias because most events
early repolarization changes in the right precordial leads of oth- occur at night or during episodes of high vagal tone.45
erwise healthy patients may occasionally be difficult, and phar- The diagnosis of Brugada syndrome is made on the basis of
macologic provocation may be particularly useful in such patients a spontaneous or induced type 1 Brugada pattern on ECG in
with nondiagnostic ECGs. Administration of the Na+ channel– concert with clinical symptoms (e.g., unexplained syncope or
blocking agents flecainide, ajmaline, and procainamide may seizure, nocturnal agonal respiration), documented arrhythmia,
convert a type 2 or 3 ECG pattern to the classic type 1 pattern, or a family history of typical type 1 Brugada ECG pattern or SCD
but reports of the sensitivity and specificity of this observation before the age of 45 years.46 A recent consensus conference
have been conflicting.41,42 Likewise, it has been noted that moving on Brugada syndrome has recommended ICDs for those with
ECG leads V1 and V2 one or two interspaces higher (third and aborted SCD as well as for those with syncope, seizures, and
second interspaces, respectively) can increase the sensitivity of nocturnal agonal respiration without another obvious cause.45
the ECG to diagnose a spontaneous type 1 pattern.43,44 Although This holds true whether the type 1 ECG is spontaneous or
none of the normal subjects had a Brugada pattern in the initial induced.
report, the specificity of this test requires a larger cohort for The risk of life-threatening events in asymptomatic patients is
confirmation. The signal-averaged ECG will show late potentials substantially lower, and the annual risk of sudden cardiac arrest
in approximately 50% of patients and may be another marker of has been variably reported to be 0.35% to 1.7%.47-49 Although
disease in borderline cases.45 Exercise stress testing does not controversial, for asymptomatic individuals with a spontaneous
738  Clinical Syndromes

type 1 ECG, an EPS should be considered (class IIa indication). end of the normal range”? The reported QTc among patients
In asymptomatic patients with an induced type 1 ECG, an EPS is diagnosed with SQTS in the published literature has been less
justified in those with a family history of SCD suspected to be than 340 ms, often less than 300 ms. In comparison, two com-
caused by Brugada syndrome (class IIb indication). Induced type munity surveys have addressed the “normal range” of QTc. In a
1 ECG, in the absence of a family history of SCD, provides diag- study of more than 12,000 healthy young individuals undergoing
nostic data only, and close monitoring is recommended. However, routine ECG, the shortest QTc was 335 ms, and no SCDs occurred
it is noteworthy that a recent meta-analysis has raised questions in patients with QTc in the lowest 0.5% (335 to 360 ms). This
about the usefulness of EPS for risk stratification in Brugada suggests little overlap between SQTS and the normal range.58,59
syndrome.50 However, in a separate community survey of more than 10,000
middle-aged Finnish participants, the shortest QTc was 305 ms,
and the prevalence of a QTc less than 340 ms was 0.4% and less
Discussion Case 3
than 320 ms was 0.1%, suggesting some degree of overlap. Reas-
The right precordial leads in the ECG demonstrated ST elevation suringly, again, no SCDs occurred in individuals with a QTc less
suggestive of a type 2 Brugada ECG pattern. Genetic testing may than 340 ms.
prove to be the best diagnostic test in the future, but it is not At present, few data are available to guide the risk stratification
widely available at present, and mutations are only demonstrated and management of patients with suspected SQTS. ICDs have
in a minority of patients. Treadmill testing is not useful in this been suggested as first-line therapy in patients with a personal or
syndrome. Challenge with sodium channel blockade (most com- family history of SCD associated with SQTS.53,60
monly intravenous procainamide in North America) can unmask
the type 1 pattern, confirming the diagnosis of Brugada syndrome.
Early Repolarization Abnormalities
EPS with pacing maneuvers alone provides little “diagnostic”
information, but it may be useful as a prognostic test, although, Early repolarization changes are present in 2% to 5% of the popu-
as noted above, this remains controversial. Thus procainamide lation, being more common in young athletic individuals. The
infusion is the best option. ECG shows variable elevation of the J-point with or without asso-
An echocardiogram was also performed in this patient to ciated slurring or notching. These changes are most commonly
eliminate underlying myocardial disease as a cause for the ECG seen in the anterior precordial leads but may occur in other leads
abnormalities. Some centers would also consider cardiac mag- and show circadian variation.61 Although such changes are gener-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) to exclude arrhythmogenic right ally understood to be benign, a recent study from Haissaguerre
ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) (see following section). In this case, et al described an increased incidence of early repolarization
the echocardiogram was completely normal, and challenge with changes in the inferolateral leads in survivors of cardiac arrest
intravenous procainamide induced diagnostic type 1 ECG pattern. caused by idiopathic VF compared with controls.62 Although, the
An EPS was performed and induced nonsustained polymorphic findings of this study are provocative, the sensitivity, specificity,
VT but no sustained arrhythmia. Nonetheless, the family history and predictive accuracy of this finding have yet to be established.
of the father’s SCD at or near the age of 40 years was cause for Many asymptomatic individuals have early repolarization changes
concern, and an ICD was offered to this patient. and yet are extremely unlikely to have increased risk. Therefore
Without a family history of SCD, an ICD would not be recom- the abnormality may be an important diagnostic sign in high-risk
mended to this patient without evidence of spontaneous type 1 patients with a history of unexplained syncope or a family history
pattern, even in the setting of an inducible type 1 pattern with of SCD, but the same observation in an otherwise completely
procainamide. This group of patients appears to remain at low healthy patient should not cause alarm or warrant further
risk for death caused by arrhythmia.43,50 In all circumstances, a investigation.61
clear discussion with patients, especially individuals who are
highly risk averse, is required to delineate individual tolerances
for small risks of arrhythmic events and ICD-related events.
Asymptomatic Arrhythmias
Short QT Syndrome
Ventricular Ectopy
The finding of a short Q-T interval on routine ECG should raise
Case 4
the possibility of congenital short QT syndrome (SQTS)—a
recently described familial disorder characterized by marked A 49-year-old man has Holter monitoring performed because of
shortening of the Q-T interval (QTc generally <340 ms) and palpitations. No symptoms are noted in the patient’s diary, but
narrow, high-amplitude T waves. SQTS is a rare condition, and asymptomatic ectopy similar to that seen on the 12-lead ECG in
its true prevalence is unknown. In several small series, the inheri- Figure 49-4 is recorded. He is referred for further assessment.
tance has been found to be autosomal dominant, and patients are The most appropriate next step would be to:
at an increased risk of both atrial and ventricular arrhythmias,
predominantly AF and SCD secondary to VF.51-53 The genetic 1. Reassure the patient by not scheduling a follow-up.
abnormalities described for SQTS, so far, involve genes similar to
those implicated in LQTS and Brugada syndrome, with gain-of- 2. Schedule an echocardiogram.
function mutations in K+ channel genes and loss-of-function
mutations in L-type calcium (Ca2+) channels.54-57 3. Schedule a cardiac MRI scan.
The difficult clinical question is: Is it possible to distinguish a
“pathologically short QTc” from an “abbreviated QTc at the low 4. Schedule coronary angiography.
Asymptomatic Electrocardiogram Abnormalities  739

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 49-4  Ventricular ectopy.

29-Dec-00 6:58:37 PM 25.0 mm/s. 10.0 mm/mV

FIGURE 49-5  Ventricular premature beats from the right ventricular outflow tract as recorded in lead II from a Holter monitor.

ECGs and Holter monitoring frequently record unexpected RVOT as recorded in lead II from the Holter monitor. Idiopathic
ventricular ectopy as isolated ventricular premature beats (VPBs) forms of left ventricular tachycardia have also been recognized
or runs of nonsustained VT. It is imperative to know the setting and can produce asymptomatic ectopy.63,64 Patients with asymp-
in which this occurs. Frequent ectopy and nonsustained VT are tomatic idiopathic ectopy need no further investigations or
risk factors for SCD in the setting of established ischemic heart therapy.
disease. However, ectopy in the presence of a structurally normal
heart is benign and generally requires no further therapy beyond
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia
reassurance. As such, the most relevant question in the patient
with such ectopy generally is: “What is the status of ventricular The right ventricle can occasionally be the source of serious
function?” arrhythmia that presents as asymptomatic ectopy, and this needs
to be distinguished from idiopathic forms of ectopy, including
RVOT tachycardia. ARVD is characterized by palpitations,
Ectopy in the Setting of a Structurally Normal Heart
syncope, and SCD caused by ventricular arrhythmias in the
Forms of benign VT found in patients with a structurally normal setting of pathologic fibro-fatty infiltration of the right ventricle.65
heart have been described to occur in both the left and right It is most commonly diagnosed in young males, although cases at
ventricles—called idiopathic VT. Some forms of idiopathic VT all ages and in both genders have been described. The disease is
present with repetitive bursts of nonsustained monomorphic regarded as a progressive cardiomyopathy that may also affect the
ectopy, especially from the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT). left ventricle, although the septum is typically spared. Both famil-
The ectopy has a characteristic left bundle branch block ial and sporadic forms of ARVD have been described, with the
(LBBB) morphology with large-amplitude R waves in the inferior former usually displaying an autosomal dominant inheritance.
leads with T-wave inversions. Figure 49-5 shows VPBs from the ARVD may rarely be a component of the autosomal recessive
740  Clinical Syndromes

Naxos disease, which is associated with hyperkeratosis of the

Discussion Case 4
palms and soles and woolly hair. ARVD is understood to be a
disorder of cell adhesion and relates to mutations of genes that The baseline 12-lead ECG has features of ARVD with terminal low-
encode desmosomal proteins.66 amplitude voltage seen best in leads V1 to V3 (major criterion).
In spite of considerable controversy regarding the sensitivity Accompanying T-wave inversions are also seen (minor criterion).
and specificity of testing, the diagnosis of ARVD is currently The ectopy has an LBBB morphology with left superior axis, which
based on family history and the presence of ECG and structural suggests a source from the right ventricular apex (minor criterion).
abnormalities.65 The ECG in sinus rhythm may demonstrate It is clearly not from the RVOT and therefore cannot be immedi-
abnormalities related to delayed right ventricular activation such ately dismissed as benign. Imaging of the right ventricle is required.
as QRS prolongation, RBBB, a distinct low-frequency, a low- Echocardiography is highly variable for imaging the right ventricle
amplitude wave after the QRS (ε-wave), and T-wave inversion in and, in general, is not of sufficient quality to diagnose ARVD. In
the right precordial leads. Late potentials on the signal-averaged experienced hands, cardiac MRI is the best imaging modality for
ECG are also seen in ARVD. Structural abnormalities can be ARVD, and diagnostic criteria have been developed.65 Coronary
found on echocardiography, right ventricular angiography, angiography will not provide useful information. Any coronary
nuclear imaging, and MRI. Invasive EPS with electroanatomic lesions would have to be interpreted as incidental.
mapping may identify areas of low-voltage electrograms, and pro- In this case, an echocardiogram suggested a dilated hypoki-
grammed ventricular stimulation may induce one or more types netic right ventricle. A rest and exercise multi-gated acquisition
of sustained monomorphic VT and less commonly VF. Finally, (MUGA) scan confirmed these changes, and an MRI scan dem-
myocardial biopsy with immunohistochemical analysis and onstrated an enlarged right ventricle with evidence of fibro-fatty
genetic testing may also be considered.67 infiltration consistent with ARVD (major criterion). In the absence
ICDs are frequently prescribed for patients with ARVD and of high-risk features, the patient was monitored closely.
are generally recommended to patients with documented sus-
tained VT or VF and to those otherwise deemed as “high risk,” Atrial Fibrillation and Other Supraventricular Arrhythmia
including those with unexplained syncope, extensive or left ven-
Case 5
tricular involvement, or a malignant family history.34 EPS does not
appear to be useful for risk stratification.68 Exercise restriction A 59-year-old asymptomatic man presented for preoperative
should also be discussed, and antiarrhythmic drug treatment and assessment with the following ECG (Figure 49-6). An echocardio-
RF ablation are adjunctive measures for reducing the frequency gram demonstrated reduced left ventricular function and an esti-
of ventricular arrhythmias.69 mated ejection fraction of 35%.
When considering the evaluation of a patient with ventri­ The appropriate first management would be to schedule:
cular ectopy of LBBB morphology, historical features need to
be carefully considered, especially when the ectopy does not 1. Direct current (DC) cardioversion.
arise from the RVOT. Major and minor Specific Task Force diag-
nostic criteria based on the arrhythmia, family history, ECG 2. Pharmacologic cardioversion.
criteria, imaging, and histopathology of tissue have been created
for ARVD.65 In patients with ARVD and a single risk factor 3. Pharmacologic rate control.
for SCD, it is reasonable to consider ICD therapy (class IIa
recommendation).68,70 4. AV nodal ablation and pacemaker implantation.

25 mm/s L = X1 C = X1 F = ON
aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 49-6  Atrial flutter.

Asymptomatic Electrocardiogram Abnormalities  741

Not infrequently, patients are found to have paroxysmal or improvement of left ventricular function. However, the demon-
persistent AF of unknown duration and are unaware that any
dysrhythmia is present.71 A similar presentation can occur in
atrial flutter (see Figure 49-6). Several issues need to be addressed
in such patients. These relate to decisions about occult tachycardia-
stration of normal left ventricular function argues against any
intervention in the truly asymptomatic individual with frequent
paroxysmal SVT.
induced cardiomyopathy, anticoagulation, and possible cardio­
Discussion Case 5
The ECG demonstrates typical atrial flutter with 2 : 1 conduction
Tachycardia-Induced Cardiomyopathy and LBBB morphology in the context of asymptomatic left ven-
The syndrome of tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy has been tricular dysfunction. While it is impossible to know, a primary
well described in the setting of poorly controlled AF.72,73 Impor- suspect for causation is tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy. As
tantly, it is usually reversible if rate control can be achieved.72,73 a first measure, atrioventricular (AV) nodal blocking agents can
Assessment of left ventricular function should be made in all such be initiated as left ventricular function is known to improve with
patients and aggressive rate control initiated in patients with this measure alone. In the case of atrial flutter, adequate rate
impairment of left ventricular function. Repeated Holter moni- control is frequently compromised by even moderate activity.
toring can be performed to ensure adequate rate control, ideally Alternatively, DC cardioversion can be performed after confirma-
below 100 beats/min except for periods of exercise. For those tion of low thromboembolic risk with trans-esophageal echocar-
patients with persistent left ventricular dysfunction and failure of diography or after 3 to 4 weeks of therapeutic anticoagulation.
pharmacologic rate control, DC cardioversion, catheter ablation However, typical atrial flutter can be eliminated with standard
of atrial flutter or AF, or AV nodal ablation and permanent pace- ablation techniques, and this is considered the first-line therapy.
maker insertion could be considered. Digoxin and small doses of atenolol failed to provide adequate
ventricular rate control. The patient underwent an EPS that dem-
Anticoagulation onstrated counterclockwise isthmus-dependent atrial flutter. Fol-
Decisions regarding the use of warfarin or aspirin for thrombo- lowing successful ablation and resumption of sinus rhythm, left
embolic prophylaxis should be based on thromboembolic risk. ventricular function returned to normal as documented by echo-
The CHADS2 score (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age cardiography 3 months later.
≥75 years, and diabetes mellitus, each given 1 point; and a past
history of transient ischemic attack or stroke given 2 points) is
Asymptomatic Atrioventricular Nodal and
widely used for evaluating thromboembolic risk in those with
His-Purkinje Disease
nonvalvular AF.74 Warfarin is generally recommended to patients
with a CHADS2 score of 2 or above. Importantly, the need for Bradyarrhythmias and indications for pacing under such circum-
thromboembolic prophylaxis in asymptomatic patients with AF stances are discussed elsewhere. Nonetheless, some bradyar-
as well as in those with atrial flutter should be determined using rhythmias may present with asymptomatic ECG abnormalities
the same guidelines. and therefore are briefly discussed here.

Case 6
Irrespective of the pressure from patients or referring physicians
to perform DC cardioversion in asymptomatic patients, no evi- An otherwise healthy 54-year-old woman was referred for evalu-
dence supports the claim that DC cardioversion ensures a better ation of an asymptomatic Holter monitor recording (Figure 49-7).
prognosis or reduced risk of stroke in sinus rhythm.75 Some Before referral, a diagnosis of Mobitz II second-degree AV block
patients with seemingly asymptomatic AF are unaware that they was made, and the patient was informed that she may require a
have had a reduction in functional status until sinus rhythm has permanent pacemaker. Is this correct?
been returned. For this reason, consideration is frequently given
to perform at least a single cardioversion in minimally symptom- Atrioventricular Block
atic patients. In general, maintenance of sinus rhythm is known Although unusual in the adult population, truly asymptomatic
to depend on the duration of AF as well as on left atrial dimension. complete heart block is occasionally seen. Older patients with
The former is frequently difficult to assess in asymptomatic progressive His-Purkinje degeneration as the etiology tend to
patients. Nonetheless, an echocardiographic assessment of left report symptoms of exercise intolerance or exertional dyspnea
atrial dimension may give some insight into the likelihood of long- on directed questioning. The American College of Cardiology/
term maintenance of sinus rhythm. If a patient sees no improve- American Heart Association/Heart Rhythm Society (ACC/AHA/
ment in functional status during sinus rhythm, repeated HRS) Guidelines for Device Implantation state that awake,
cardioversion is truly unwarranted. asymptomatic patients with third-degree AV block with docu-
mented asystole 3 seconds or more, an escape rate less than 40
Incessant Supraventricular Tachycardias beats/min, or an escape rhythm that is below the AV node have
A small group of arrhythmogenic substrates allow for relatively a class I indication for pacing.70 Asymptomatic third-degree AV
slow but frequently incessant SVTs and tachycardia-induced car- block with faster average ventricular rates is considered a class IIa
diomyopathy.76 Patients may have a permanent form of junctional indication for pacing.
reciprocating tachycardia because of a slowly conducting acces- Asymptomatic type II second-degree AV block can occur at
sory pathway or nodal pathway or may have an incessant atrial the level of the AV node or below the AV node within the His-
tachycardia.72,77 In the current era, RF ablation forms the first- Purkinje system. Block at the level of the AV node or within the
line therapy in such patients. Alternatively, medication can be His bundle (intra-His) produces a narrow QRS, whereas block
used, but maintenance of sinus rhythm is paramount for the below the His bundle most often produces a wide QRS. This is an
742  Clinical Syndromes


25 mm/sec
10 mm/mV

25 mm/sec
10 mm/mV

Tachycardia 27-Nov-2001 17:31:01 104 BPM

FIGURE 49-7  Atrioventricular block due to atrioventricular nodal disease.

important distinction because block at the level of the AV node

does not require pacing. Associated bundle branch block or bifa- Conclusion
sicular block may be helpful to determine the level of block.
Occasionally, invasive EPS may be required. The ACC/AHA/HRS Abnormalities detected on the ECG in asymptomatic individuals
Guidelines recognize that asymptomatic type II second-degree will always remain a challenge. It is important to be certain that
AV block with a wide QRS is classified as a class I indication for the natural history of the asymptomatic condition be considered
pacing. Type II second-degree AV block with a narrow QRS has in the context of possible emotional distress and the potential for
been classified as a class IIa indication for pacing if block at the morbidity from further investigations and therapy. The risk asso-
level of the node cannot be excluded, although the decision to ciated with the abnormality must be seen in this light, as it is
pace should be highly individualized.70 “difficult to make an asymptomatic individual feel better.”

Discussion Case 6 Antzelevitch C, Brugada P, Borggrefe M, et al: Brugada syndrome: Report
of the second consensus conference. Endorsed by the Heart Rhythm
On close inspection, a 2 : 1 block is seen. It is important to deter-
Society and the European Heart Rhythm Association, Circulation
mine the level of block in such cases—at the level of the AV node 111(5):659–670, 2005.
or in the His-Purkinje system. As noted in the earlier discussion, Brugada P, Brugada J: Right bundle branch block, persistent ST segment
the importance is more than academic. In this case, the QRS elevation and sudden cardiac death: A distinct clinical and electrocar-
complexes are narrow throughout. The P-R interval of the last diographic syndrome. A multicenter report, J Am Coll Cardiol
conducted beat before the block is substantially longer than that 20(6):1391–1396, 1992.
of conducted beats following the dropped beats. This suggests Brugada P, Brugada R, Brugada J: Should patients with an asymptomatic
that the 2 : 1 block is Mobitz I and likely at the level of the AV Brugada electrocardiogram undergo pharmacological and electrophysi-
node. This is very common during sleep in healthy individuals. ological testing? Circulation 112(2):279–292; discussion 279–292, 2005.
No pacemaker was inserted in this patient. The presence of distal Fisch GR, Zipes DP, Fisch C: Bundle branch block and sudden death, Prog
Cardiovasc Dis 23(3):187–224, 1980.
conduction disease (bundle branch block, bifascicular or trifas-
Gage BF, Waterman AD, Shannon W, et al: Validation of clinical classifica-
cicular block) suggests that the block is below the level of the AV tion schemes for predicting stroke: Results from the National Registry
node (Mobitz II) and that pacing may be indicated despite the of Atrial Fibrillation, JAMA 285(22):2864–2870, 2001.
asymptomatic nature of the abnormality.70 Gaita F, Giustetto C, Bianchi F, et al: Short QT syndrome: A familial cause
Among patients with asymptomatic bifascicular and trifas- of sudden death, Circulation 108(8):965–970, 2003.
cicular disease, a small incidence of progression to second- or Giustetto C, Di Monte F, Wolpert C, et al: Short QT syndrome: Clinical
third-degree AV block is seen.78 However, no single clinical or findings and diagnostic-therapeutic implications, Eur Heart J
laboratory variable is predictive of the progression of AV block. 27(20):2440–2447, 2006.
Therefore asymptomatic bundle branch block alone and bifasicu- Klein GJ, Prystowsky EN, Yee R, et al: Asymptomatic Wolff-Parkinson-
lar or trifasicular block are not indications for pacing. Asymptom- White. Should we intervene? Circulation 80(6):1902–1905, 1989.
Leitch JW, Klein GJ, Yee R, et al: Prognostic value of electrophysiology
atic bundle branch block may be the first indication of insidious
testing in asymptomatic patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern,
cardiac disease. As such, patients should be evaluated noninva- Circulation 82(5):1718–1723, 1990.
sively with respect to cardiac size and function. In a similar vein, McKenna WJ, Thiene G, Nava A, et al: Diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right
monitoring, especially at night, can record asymptomatic sinus ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy. Task Force of the Working
bradycardia or pauses. Unless these are associated with symp- Group Myocardial and Pericardial Disease of the European Society of
toms, pacing is not required.70 Cardiology and of the Scientific Council on Cardiomyopathies of
Asymptomatic Electrocardiogram Abnormalities  743
the International Society and Federation of Cardiology, Br Heart J Wellens HJ: Should catheter ablation be performed in asymptomatic

71(3):215–218, 1994. patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome? When to perform
Priori SG, Napolitano C: Should patients with an asymptomatic Brugada catheter ablation in asymptomatic patients with a Wolff-Parkinson-
electrocardiogram undergo pharmacological and electrophysiological White electrocardiogram, Circulation 112(14):2201–2207; discussion
testing? Circulation 112(2):279–292; discussion 279–292, 2005. 2216, 2005.
Priori SG, Schwartz PJ, Napolitano C, et al: Risk stratification in the Wyse DG, Waldo AL, DiMarco JP, et al: A comparison of rate control and
long-QT syndrome, N Engl J Med 348(19):1866–1874, 2003. rhythm control in patients with atrial fibrillation, N Engl J Med
Roden DM: Clinical practice. Long-QT syndrome, N Engl J Med 347(23):1825–1833, 2002.
358(2):169–176, 2008.
Schwartz PJ, Priori SG, Spazzolini C, et al: Genotype-phenotype correla- All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
tion in the long-QT syndrome: Gene-specific triggers for life- com.
threatening arrhythmias, Circulation 103(1):89–95, 2001.
Splawski I, Shen J, Timothy KW, et al: Spectrum of mutations in long-QT
syndrome genes. KVLQT1, HERG, SCN5A, KCNE1, and KCNE2, Cir-
culation 102(10):1178–1185, 2000.
Arrhythmias in Women
Anne B. Curtis and Abel Rivero 50
differences are related to the worse outcomes experienced by
Introduction women after myocardial infarction (MI), since reduced baroreflex
sensitivity and a reduced low-frequency component of heart rate
It is well recognized that significant gender-related differences variability are associated with an increased risk of life-threatening
exist in the clinical presentation, course, and prognosis of many arrhythmias after MI.
cardiovascular disorders, including cardiac arrhythmias. Although
the mechanisms responsible for these differences remain largely
Atrioventricular Conduction Properties
unknown, it is important for health care providers to consider
these differences in the diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias Gender-related differences in atrioventricular (AV) conduction
to provide gender-specific optimal care to their patients. In this have been reported in several studies. Women have shorter P-R,
chapter, the currently available literature on gender-related differ- atrial-His (AH), and His-ventricular (HV) intervals, as well as
ences in electrocardiography, cardiac electrophysiology, and shorter AV block cycle lengths than do men. The incidence of dual
arrhythmias is reviewed. AV nodal pathways is similar in men and women. Among patients
with dual AV nodal pathways and symptomatic AV nodal re-entry
tachycardia (AVNRT), women have been found to have shorter
Gender-Related Differences in slow-pathway effective refractory periods (ERP) and tachycardia
Electrocardiography and Cardiac cycle lengths but similar fast-pathway ERPs compared with men.
Amplitude and Duration of the QRS Complex
Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability
QRS complexes of shorter duration and lower amplitude have
In 1920, Bazett showed that women have higher resting heart been reported in women. These differences remain after correct-
rates than do men.1 This observation was confirmed in 1989 by ing for cardiac mass, body weight, and disease states such as
the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults ventricular hypertrophy. The accuracy of traditional electrocar-
(CARDIA) study, in which the average heart rate in women was diographic criteria for the diagnosis of left ventricular hypertro-
3 to 5 beats/min faster than in men. This gender-related difference phy (QRS voltage, QRS duration, and the product of QRS voltage
in heart rate is present as early as childhood, but the etiology of and duration) is significantly lower in women than in men.
this disparity is unclear. Potential explanations include differences
in exercise tolerance, autonomic modulation, and the intrinsic
Differences in Repolarization
properties of the sinus node. It has been shown that this difference
persists even after sympathetic and parasympathetic blockade Women have nonspecific repolarization changes more frequently
with propranolol and atropine, which suggests an intrinsic differ- than do men, according to an analysis of the electrocardiographic
ence in the sinus node itself as the etiology. Women have also data from 38,000 postmenopausal women who participated in the
been found to have shorter sinus node recovery times after over- Women’s Health Initiative study. This study revealed that these
drive pacing. changes were frequent and could be predictors of cardiovascular
Gender-related differences are also present in heart rate vari- events in this population. A wide QRS/T angle, prolonged QRS
ability. Several studies of patients who underwent 24-hour Holter duration, prolonged QTc interval, and reduced heart rate vari-
monitoring showed that women have a smaller low-frequency ability may be predictors of cardiovascular mortality in post-
component and a smaller low-frequency to high-frequency ratio menopausal women.
over the range of heart rate variability, which suggests a greater
parasympathetic influence in female hearts.2 This finding is
Q-T Interval and QT Dispersion
probably related to hormonal influences on cardiac autonomic
modulation. Postmenopausal women who are not on estrogen Bazett also noted that women have longer Q-T intervals than do
replacement therapy have lower baroreflex sensitivity and smaller men on the surface electrocardiogram (ECG).1 However, in a
low-frequency and high-frequency spectral components of heart normal population, boys and girls have similar corrected Q-T
rate variability compared with age-matched men or with women intervals.3 At the time of puberty, the average male QTc interval
on estrogen replacement therapy. It is possible that these shortens, leaving adult women with longer QTc intervals

746  Clinical Syndromes

Table 50-1  Principal Gender-Related Differences in while AV re-entrant tachycardia (AVRT) and the Wolff-
Electrocardiography and Cardiac Electrophysiology Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome are twice as common in
men compared with women. Atrial fibrillation (AF) and ventricu-
ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL lar fibrillation (VF) also occur more often in men with WPW
PARAMETER DESCRIPTION syndrome. The gender-related differences in AV conduction
Heart rate Higher in women properties mentioned above may contribute to the differences in
gender distribution observed in patients with AVNRT and those
Heart rate variability Decreased in postmenopausal with ventricular pre-excitation. Despite these differences in SVT,
women radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation is equally efficacious in
Sinus node recovery time Shorter in women men and women.
Evidence of hormonal effects on the triggers and timing of
AV conduction properties SVTs is also present. In premenopausal women with a history of
  P-R, A-H, H-V intervals Shorter in women SVT, the number of SVT episodes and the symptoms vary cycli-
  AV block cycle length Shorter in women cally, being more pronounced during the luteal phase of the men-
  Incidence of dual AVN pathways Similar in both genders
strual cycle when progesterone levels are elevated. Another study
Slow pathway effective refractory Shorter in women has reported a perimenstrual clustering of SVT episodes and a
period cyclical variation in SVT inducibility. Some patients who were not
inducible during an electrophysiological study (EPS) performed
QRS complex Shorter duration and lower
at mid-cycle have been found to be inducible when the study was
amplitude in women
repeated during menstruation. On the basis of this study, pre-
Nonspecific repolarization changes More frequent in women menopausal women should be asked about any relationship of
their SVT to the menstrual cycle, and EPS should be scheduled
QTc interval Longer in post-pubertal women
accordingly to increase the probability of inducibility.
QT dispersion Lower in women Inappropriate sinus tachycardia, an uncommon SVT charac-
terized by a high resting heart rate and an exaggerated heart rate
AV, Atrioventricular; AH, atrial-His; HV, His-ventricular; AVN, AV nodal.
response to stress, appears almost exclusively in women. Most
patients diagnosed with this disorder are women younger than 40
years. The etiology is not fully understood, but it is thought to
involve abnormal autonomic regulation of the sinus node or to be
compared with adult men. As men age, their QTc intervals gradu- related to an immunologic disorder involving cardiac β-adrenergic
ally increase, and by age 65 years, their QTc intervals are again receptors.
comparable with those in women.
Several studies have implicated androgens (specifically testos-
Atrial Fibrillation
terone) rather than estrogens in the etiology of this age-dependent
gender-related difference in QTc intervals. For example, castrated A number of studies have noted differences in the presentations,
men have longer repolarization times (JTc interval) compared outcomes, and prognoses between men and women with AF. In
with noncastrated men; women with virilization syndrome have the Framingham Heart Study, men were found to have a 1.5-fold
shorter QTc intervals compared with castrated men and healthy higher risk of developing AF compared with women. While the
women; and athletes who take large doses of anabolic steroids prevalence of AF increases with aging in men, it does not change
have shorter QTc intervals. Another study found no effect of in women. However, because of the overall greater longevity of
hormone replacement therapy on the QTc intervals of postmeno- women, the absolute number of women with AF is greater than
pausal women. that of men in older age groups. Men are also more prone to
QT dispersion—the difference between the longest and the developing AF after cardiothoracic surgery and to have lone AF,
shortest Q-T intervals on a 12-lead ECG—is greater in men than particularly when it is not familial. A recent study found reduced
in women. Increased dispersion of repolarization correlates with testosterone levels but similar estrogen levels in men with lone
re-entrant–type ventricular arrhythmias, which may explain, in AF compared with controls.
part, the increased risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in men In women, valvular heart disease and heart failure are the
compared with women. In contrast, absolute Q-T interval pro- predominant cardiac diseases associated with AF, while men
longation may result in arrhythmias related to early afterdepolar- more commonly have AF in association with ischemic heart
izations (EADs), specifically polymorphic ventricular tachycardia disease.2 Women with paroxysmal AF tend to present with longer
(torsades de pointes), the risk of which is higher in women. The episodes and faster ventricular rates. They are also more likely to
principal gender-related differences in electrocardiography and have cardioembolic complications. Most importantly, AF has
cardiac electrophysiology are summarized in Table 50-1. been shown to diminish the survival advantage in women,
increasing the risk of death regardless of gender (odds ratio [OR],
1.5 for males, 1.9 for females) (Figure 50-1).4
The Euro Heart Survey on Atrial Fibrillation recently reported
Specific Arrhythmias similar gender-related differences. In a population of 5333
patients, women with AF were older and had a lower quality of
Supraventricular Tachycardias
life, more significant comorbidities, and more symptoms com-
Significant gender-related differences exist in the prevalence and pared with men. Overall, women were treated less aggressively,
clinical course of various supraventricular tachycardias (SVTs). with fewer cardioversions and catheter ablations, although both
For example, AVNRT has a 2 : 1 female-to-male predominance, genders were prescribed anticoagulation at similar rates. At 1
Arrhythmias in Women  747

Men AF
Women AF

Percent of subjects dead in follow-up

Men no AF
Women no AF






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A Years of follow-up

Men AF
Women AF
Percent of subjects dead in follow-up

Men no AF
Women no AF






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
B Years of follow-up

FIGURE 50-1  A, Kaplan-Meier mortality curves for subjects aged 55 to 74 years. A log-rank test gave chi-square values of 42.90 for men (P < .0001)
and 70.93 for women (P < .0001). B, Kaplan-Meier mortality curves for subjects aged 75 to 94 years. A log-rank test gave chi-square values of 51.44 for
men (P < .0001) and 101.51 for women (P < .0001). (From Benjamin EJ, Wolf PA, D’Agonstino RB, et al: Impact of atrial fibrillation on the risk of death: The
Framingham Heart Study, Circulation 98:946–952, 1998.)

year, women did have a significantly higher rate of stroke (2.2% life with a rhythm control strategy versus a rate control strategy.6
vs. 1.2%; P = .011) and major bleeding events (2.2% vs. 1.3%; P = In addition, women’s greater risk of Q-T interval prolongation and
.028). No differences in mortality or heart failure exacerbations tor­sades de pointes, as well as the more frequent occurrence of
were observed. bradyarrhythmias associated with amiodarone use for AF requir-
Although the findings above suggested that a more aggressive ing pacemaker insertion, must be recognized when choosing to
treatment approach for women with AF may be warranted, the prescribe antiarrhythmic drugs.
best way to accomplish this is not readily apparent. Management Catheter ablation is an increasingly popular treatment option
of thromboembolic risk is difficult in older patients because of the for patients with AF refractory to medical therapy. Despite the
competing risks of stroke and bleeding from anticoagulation.5 older age, longer history of AF, and greater number of comorbidi-
Maintenance of sinus rhythm, an attractive option at first glance, ties in women, AF ablation offers similar acute success rates and
may not be beneficial, as indicated by the results of the AFFIRM complication rates in men and women. At an average of 2 years
trial, in which no difference was shown in survival or quality of follow-up, both genders experienced similar percentages of
748  Clinical Syndromes

freedom from arrhythmia (83.1% in women vs. 82.7% in men) in the ages of 10 and 20 years and found that boys age 10 to 12 years
a recent study. had a fourfold higher risk of SCD compared with girls, but found
no significant gender-related difference in the age range of 12 to
20 years (see Figure 50-2, B).
Congenital Long QT Syndrome
Sometime between the end of puberty and the beginning of
Women present with congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) more adulthood, a reversal of gender-related risk occurs. Adult women
often than do men. According to the International LQTS Registry, in the age range of 18 to 40 years have been found to have a 2.7-
70% of patients are female, and female gender itself is an indepen- fold higher risk of aborted cardiac arrest and SCD compared with
dent risk factor for the development of arrhythmias in congenital men (Figure 50-2, C). The cumulative probability of aborted
forms of LQTS. cardiac arrest or SCD in this age group is higher among women
Several studies from the International LQTS Registry have (11%) than among men (3%).7 Even after the age of 40 years, when
shown that this gender-related difference is age dependent (Figure patients with LQTS are expected to have a lower rate of arrhyth-
50-2, A to D). Locati et al found that before puberty, boys were at mias and when the increased prevalence of acquired cardiac dis-
higher risk for cardiac events (syncope, cardiac arrest, or SCD). eases should overshadow the effects of LQTS, patients with this
Another study from the same registry found that during child- entity still experience a high risk for life-threatening cardiac
hood, boys who were LQT1 carriers had a significantly higher risk events. This was recently shown by Goldenberg et al, who studied
of cardiac events compared with girls, whereas no gender-related 2759 subjects from the registry and found that the hazard ratio
difference existed among those patients who were LQT2 or LQT3 (HR) for affected (QTc >470 ms) individuals versus unaffected
carriers. In a more recent analysis from the registry, in which the (QTc <440 ms) individuals for aborted cardiac arrest or SCD
endpoint of aborted cardiac arrest or SCD was assessed in 3015 among patients between the ages of 40 and 60 years was 2.65. In
children with LQTS, boys were found to have a threefold increase this age group, women are affected by a marginally but signifi-
in the risk of these lethal arrhythmias during childhood. Hobbs cantly higher rate of aborted cardiac arrest and SCD compared
et al studied 2772 registry patients who were followed up between with men (Figure 50-2, D).7 The difference in the timing of events
Probability of ACA/LQTS death

Probability of ACA/LQTS death

0.10 Unadjusted P = < .001 0.10 Unadjusted P = .627

Age 1–12 Age 10–20
0.08 0.08

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04
0.02 0.02
Female Female
0.00 0.00
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 10 12 14 16 18 20
Age Age
Patients at risk Patients at risk
Female 2319 2286 (0) 2252 (0) 2207 (0.01) 2171 (0.01) 2120 (0.01) Female 2160 2106 (0) 2032 (0.01) 1950 (0.02) 1867 (0.03) 1778 (0.04)
Male 1450 1420 (0) 1393 (0.01) 1356 (0.02) 1303 (0.02) 1235 (0.03) Male 1292 1219 (0.01) 1135 (0.02) 1055 (0.03) 980 (0.04) 889 (0.04)
Probability of ACA/LQTS death

Probability of ACA/LQTS death

0.20 Unadjusted P = < .001 Unadjusted P = .050

Age 18–40 Age 40–75
0.15 0.15

0.10 0.10
0.05 0.05
Male Male

0.00 0.00
18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

Age Age
Patients at risk
Patients at risk
Female 1897 1748 (0.02) 1583 (0.04) 1449 (0.06) 1325 (0.07) 1223 (0.09) 1139 (0.09) 1042 (0.11) Female 1045 875 (0.02) 698 (0.03) 522 (0.04) 415 (0.05) 330 (0.06) 250 (0.06) 180 (0.07)
Male 995 865 (0.01) 774 (0.01) 666 (0.02) 708 (0.02) 624 (0.02) 584 (0.02) 542 (0.03) Male 527 465 (0.01) 388 (0.01) 318 (0.02) 265 (0.03) 216 (0.04) 179 (0.04) 129 (0.04)

FIGURE 50-2  Risk of aborted cardiac arrest (ACA) or sudden cardiac death by gender during childhood (A), during adolescence (B), during adulthood
(C), and after age 40 years (D). (From Goldenberg I, Zareba W, Moss AJ: Long QT syndrome, Curr Probl Cardiol 33[11]:629–694, 2008.)
Arrhythmias in Women  749

is likely related to the shortening of Q-T intervals in boys after Several actions of gonadal steroids that are too rapid to be
puberty, as discussed earlier. In patients carrying the common
LQT1 genotype with mutations that impair the slowly activating
delayed rectifier potassium (K+) current (IKs), 79% of lethal ven-
tricular tachyarrhythmias are associated with exercise and faster
compatible with transcriptional mechanisms have been identified
(nongenomic actions). Testosterone rapidly shortens the action
potential duration (APD) in guinea pig ventricular myocytes
through enhancement of IKs and suppression of L-type Ca2+ cur-
heart rates. Since boys tend to perform more intense physical rents (ICa,L) without modifying rapidly activating delayed rectifier
activities compared with girls, they could be exposed to a greater K+ currents (IKr).8 This phenomenon occurs at physiological con-
risk of arrhythmic events during childhood. After puberty, testos- centrations seen in men and is mediated by a testosterone recep-
terone shortens the QTc interval in boys, whereas estrogens may tor and by sequential activation of several kinases that culminate
modify the expression of K+ channels and have a dose-dependent in the activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and nitric
blocking effect on IKs. These hormonal influences provide relative oxide production (Figure 50-3). The nongenomic regulation of
protection to postpubertal boys and to men, whereas they predis- these two currents by testosterone is a novel regulatory mecha-
pose female patients to lethal arrhythmias, particularly during nism of cardiac repolarization, which may contribute, at least in
menses and pregnancy.7 part, to gender-related differences in QTc intervals and suscepti-
bility to drug-induced arrhythmias.
The pharmacokinetics of IKr blockers may also play a significant
Acquired Long QT Syndrome
role in the prevalence of drug-induced QTc prolongation and
Acquired LQTS is more common than congenital LQTS, and torsades de pointes in women (Figure 50-4). Since major binding
women are more frequently affected than are men. Acquired sites to IKr are intracellular, gender-related differences in the activ-
LQTS is usually seen with electrolyte abnormalities or with the ity of membrane transporters and in recently discovered myocar-
use of certain drugs that prolong ventricular repolarization and dial cytochrome P450 enzymes may explain the predisposition of
thus increase the risk for developing torsades de pointes, VF, and women to drug-induced LQTS and torsades de pointes. Studies
SCD. Drugs that are associated with acquired LQTS include many have shown that many compounds that are cytochrome P (CYP)
antiarrhythmic drugs such as sotalol, dofetilide, and, rarely, amio- substrates are also able to bind to IKr. Sex hormones have a direct
darone, antimicrobials, antihistamines, and psychotropic drugs. effect on hepatic CYP expression. A greater metabolic capacity
Irrespective of comorbidities such as coronary artery disease has been found in men, whereas women have a slower drug clear-
(CAD), rheumatic heart disease, left ventricular dysfunction, ance and increased drug levels. It is possible that cardiac CYP may
underlying arrhythmia, or baseline QTc and despite the fact that also be modulated by sex hormones and that this may lead to
they account for a much lower percentage of antiarrhythmic drug gender-related differences in the cardiomyocyte intracellular con-
prescriptions, women comprise the majority of reported cases of centrations of IKr blockers and to a higher risk for drug-induced
antiarrhythmic-induced torsades de pointes (up to 70%). Several LQTS and torsades de pointes in women.9
studies have shown that women have a higher risk for developing With the greater risk of Q-T interval prolongation and torsades
torsades de pointes with administration of prenylamine, quini- de pointes from a variety of medications, appropriate caution
dine, sotalol, and ibutilide. These findings show that women are should be exercised when prescribing such medications to
more likely to develop torsades de pointes from type IA and type women. In fact, it should be one of the considerations in deciding
III antiarrhythmic medications. whether to hospitalize a patient for the initiation of antiarrhyth-
As noted above, some non-antiarrhythmic medications have mic drugs, particularly if the indication is treatment of ventricular
also been shown to increase the risk of acquired LQTS and tor­ arrhythmias and structural heart disease is present.
sades de pointes. The majority of tachyarrhythmic events associ-
ated with probucol, terfenadine, and erythromycin have been
Sudden Cardiac Death
reported in women.
Gender-related differences in SCD have also been reported. An
analysis of the Framingham study population revealed that,
although the risk of SCD increases steadily over time in both
As previously discussed, female gender is an independent risk genders, women have a significantly lower incidence of SCD in
factor for the development of torsades de pointes in both con- all age groups—less than half that of men. Before age 45 years,
genital and acquired LQTS. The mechanisms responsible for the incidence of SCD is low for both genders, but it doubles
these gender-related differences are not completely understood, with each decade of life, starting 20 years later in women. CAD
but several recent studies have started to shed light on this topic. is the most common underlying cardiovascular disease in
For example, it was recently found that LQTS alleles are more these patients. However, almost two thirds of women presenting
frequently transmitted to daughters than to sons. with SCD have no prior diagnosis of CAD, and women with
Sex hormones contribute to these gender-related differences known CAD experience SCD at one fourth the rate of men.
via genomic and nongenomic pathways. They appear to have a Ninety percent of the cases of SCD in women younger than 65
direct effect on ion channel densities via intracellular androgen years of age occur without a prior history of CAD. Another study
and estrogen receptors in cardiomyocytes. Animal studies have in SCD survivors also found a much higher prevalence of CAD
shown that sex hormones have a modulatory role on the level of in men compared with women (80% vs. 45%). Ten percent of the
messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in cardiac calcium (Ca2+) and women in this cohort had structurally normal hearts, while 3%
K+ channels. However, these hormone-dependent differences in of the men did. Overall survival rates were similar between
the expression and density of ion channels are small compared groups.
with the large differences observed in clinical studies, and they Several studies have evaluated the clinical characteristics and
may only partially explain the gender-related differences in ven- presentation of SCD in women compared with men. Women
tricular repolarization and arrhythmias. with out-of-hospital cardiac arrests present more commonly with
750  Clinical Syndromes

LIGAND-FREE IKs channel ICa,L channel

PIP2(4,5) PIP2(4,5) caveolin-3


p85 Akt
A PI3-K (inactive)

LIGAND-BOUND IKs channel ICa,L channel

PIP2(4,5) PIP3(3,4,5) caveolin-3

Testosterone receptor
p85 Akt
B PI3-K (active) NO

FIGURE 50-3  Proposed schematic model for regulatory mechanism of testosterone on ICa,L and IKs. A, In the ligand-free condition, NOS3 interacts with
membrane-associated caveolin-3 and is in an inactive state. The rapid effect of testosterone on ICa,L and IKs suggests an involvement of the testosterone
receptor on the plasma membrane, although molecular identity and the mechanism of plasma membrane localization for the testosterone receptor
have not yet been clarified. B, When testosterone binds to its receptors, the testosterone receptor, c-Src, and p85 of PI3-kinase form a macromolecular
complex, which renders p110 of PI3-kinase free and in an active state, and active PI3-kinase converts PIP2(4,5) to PIP3(3,4,5). Subsequently, PIP3(3,4,5),
Akt, and NOS3 form a complex, which results in NOS3 activation and NO production. Produced NO then inhibits ICa,L via a cyclic guanosine
monophosphate (cGMP)–dependent manner and enhances IKs via a cGMP-independent manner. NO, Nitric oxide; cGMP, cyclic guanosine
monophosphate. (From Bai CX, Kurokawa J, Tamagawa M, et al: Nontranscriptional regulation of cardiac repolarization currents by testosterone,
Circulation 112[12]:1701–1710, 2005.)

asystole and pulseless electrical activity, whereas men usually

Brugada Syndrome
present with VT and VF. In a meta-analysis that investigated
outcomes among the placebo groups in five pooled multi-center Women are less frequently affected by Brugada syndrome. They
trials of therapy after MI, it was reported that during the first seem to have a lower risk profile and a better prognosis compared
year after MI, women had an equal risk of arrhythmia-related with men. Among these patients, SCD affects men more com-
cardiac death versus non–arrhythmia-related cardiac death, monly compared with women, and this gender-related difference
whereas men had a greater risk of arrhythmia-related cardiac is very marked in certain regions such as Southeast Asia, where
death in the same time frame. Interestingly, recent animal studies the ratio of men to women with this syndrome is 8 : 1. According
suggested that gonadal hormones influence the susceptibility to to a recent prospective, two-center study that included 384
ischemia-induced and reperfusion-induced arrhythmias as well patients with Brugada syndrome, men constituted the majority of
as the response to β-adrenergic receptor blockade. Specifically, patients (70.8%). At inclusion, men had experienced syncope (18%
male sex hormones seem to increase, whereas female sex hor- vs. 14%, respectively) or aborted SCD (6% vs. 1%, P = .04) more
mones decrease, the susceptibility to ischemia-induced VT in frequently compared with women. Men also had greater rates of
conscious rats. spontaneous type 1 ECGs, greater ST-segment elevation, and
A recent analysis from the Second Multi-center Automated greater inducibility of VF (P < .001 for all). Conversely, conduction
Defibrillator Implantation (MADIT II) population found that parameters and QTc intervals increased significantly more in
both women and men with prior MI and decreased ejection frac- women in response to sodium channel blockers (P = .003 and P
tion manifest increased temporal variability of the Q-T = .001, respectively). During a mean follow-up of 58 ± 48 months,
interval. Increased QT variability predicted VT or VF in men SCD or documented VF occurred more frequently in men than
but not in women, and decreased coherence between QT vari- in women (11.6% vs. 2.8%, P = .003). Gender, however, was not
ability and HR variability predicted VT or VF in women but not an independent predictor of a worse outcome. Previous symp-
in men. toms were the most important predictors of events in the male
Arrhythmias in Women  751

OH 50





Cardiomyocyte Plasma
Cellular membrane Passive diffusion OH
IKs current Gap junctions
IKr current
OH Metabolite OH
(via CYP)
Membrane transporters

FIGURE 50-4  Pharmacokinetic factors that modulate the occurrence of acquired long QT syndrome. Free concentration of a drug crosses the cellular
membrane either by passive diffusion or actively using membrane transporters. A fraction is then either metabolized by cytochrome P (CYP) or
transported unchanged toward the extracellular milieu by other membrane transporters. The remaining fraction in the intracellular milieu blocks the
rapid component of the delayed rectifier potassium current (IKr). Binding to IKr is intracellular and induces a decrease in K+ efflux; this generates a
prolongation of the ventricular repolarization and an increase in Q-T interval. IKs, Slow component of the delayed rectifier potassium current. (From
Hreiche R, Morissette P, Turgeon J: Drug-induced long QT syndrome in women: Review of current evidence and remaining gaps, Gend Med 5[2]:124–135, 2008.)

population. In the presence of a very low event rate, a longer P-R the indication for pacemaker implantation (sick sinus syndrome,
interval appeared to be related to a worse outcome in the female AV block, or AF).
population. Gender-related differences in cardiac arrhythmias are sum-
marized in Table 50-2.
Other Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias
Idiopathic right ventricular tachycardia is more prevalent in Gender-Related Differences
women. In contrast, idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia (fas-
cicular tachycardia) and arrhythmogenic right ventricular dyspla-
in Device Therapy
sia are more frequent in men.2
Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators: Use and Outcomes
Since women with SCD have CAD less often and present later
compared with men, risk stratification and prevention of SCD
Women have shorter sinus node recovery times, and yet they are may be more difficult, and a lower survival benefit from implant-
more frequently affected by sick sinus syndrome. Men have longer able cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) therapy could be expected in
AV block cycle lengths, and they are twice as likely as women to women. On the contrary, accumulating evidence suggests that
lack retrograde ventriculoatrial conduction during ventricular ICD therapy results in a similar mortality benefit for both genders.
pacing. They are more affected by AV block and carotid sinus In the Multicenter Unsustained Tachycardia Trial (MUSTT),
syndrome compared with women.2 Even though no gender- patients with CAD, nonsustained VT, left ventricular ejection
related differences in the need for pacemaker therapy exist, some fraction (LVEF) less than 40%, and inducible VT during an EPS
variations in outcome with pacemaker therapy have been reported. were enrolled and randomized to electrophysiology-guided
In one study, in which 6505 patients were implanted with a therapy (antiarrhythmic drug therapy, or an ICD if the antiar-
cardiac pacing device and followed up for 30 years, women had rhythmic therapy failed) or to a control group. Noninducible
significantly higher survival rates in all age groups regardless of patients were not randomized but were followed up prospectively
752  Clinical Syndromes

Table 50-2  Principal Gender-Related Differences in Arrhythmias 1.0 Unadjusted P = .121


Probability of death
Inappropriate sinus   Occurs almost exclusively in
tachycardia women
AVNRT More frequent in women (2 : 1
ratio) 0.4
AVRT and WPW More frequent in men (2 : 1 ratio)
Atrial fibrillation ICD
  Risk of developing AF 1.5-fold higher in men
  Total prevalence Higher in women
0 1 2 3
  Complications (stroke, Higher in women
bleeding) Years
  Effectiveness of ablation Similar in both genders Patients at risk
Conventional 73 42 (0.14) 16 (0.30) 6 (0.35)
Congenital LQTS More common in women ICD 119 84 (0.09) 47 (0.15) 20 (0.23)
SCD in LQTS More common in boys and adult
1.0 Unadjusted P = .023
Acquired LQTS More frequent in women

Probability of death
SCD More frequent in men; VT and VF
are more common in men,
whereas asystole and PEA are 0.6
more common in women
0.4 Conventional
Brugada syndrome More common in men

Idiopathic right ventricular More common in women 0.2

tachycardia ICD
Idiopathic left ventricular More common in men 0 1 2 3
ARVD More common in men
Patients at risk
Bradycardia Conventional 417 267 (0.09) 154 (0.20) 60 (0.30)
  Sick sinus syndrome More frequent in women ICD 623 419 (0.09) 227 (0.16) 90 (0.22)
  AV block More frequent in men
  Carotid sinus hypersensitivity More frequent in men
FIGURE 50-5  Cumulative probability of total mortality in implantable
AF, Atrial fibrillation; ARVD, arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia; AV, cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) versus conventionally treated women
atrioventricular; AVNRT, AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia; AVRT, AV re-entrant (A) and men (B) in the Second Multi-center Automated Defibrillator
tachycardia; LQTS, long QT syndrome; PEA, pulseless electrical activity; SCD, Implantation (MADIT II) trial. (From Zareba W, Moss AJ, Hall WJ, et al:
sudden cardiac death; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia; Clinical course and implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy in
WPW, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. postinfarction women with severe left ventricular dysfunction, J
Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16:1265–1270, 2005.)

in a registry. The female subjects in the trial, who represented only

14% of the total population, were more likely to be older and to
have had a recent MI, heart failure, or angina. Despite this, no 41% of the incidence of MI and fatal CAD in the United States.
gender-related differences were observed in event-free survival However, women appear to be under-represented in ICD clinical
from SCD. Unfortunately, the small sample size of women limited trials, averaging only 20% of the study populations (Table 50-3).
the power of the trial in detecting any true gender-related differ- Furthermore, the reported data on gender-related differences
ence in outcome. In the MADIT II trial, patients (16% women) from these trials are limited. The Antiarrhythmics Versus Implant-
with a previous MI and an ejection fraction less than 30% were able Defibrillators (AVID) trial reported similar mortality rates in
randomized to conventional medical therapy or to ICD therapy. women and men (14.4% vs. 15.5%). The Sudden Cardiac Death in
No significant gender-related differences were seen in the mortal- Heart Failure Trial (SCD-HeFT) demonstrated a significant
ity rates in either the control group or the ICD group during an reduction in mortality with ICD therapy in men but not in
average patient follow-up of 20 months. Both genders demon- women. However, SCD-HeFT did not prospectively identify
strated similar mortality rate reductions from ICD therapy (Figure gender for subgroup analysis.
50-5). These results confirm that ICDs appear to be safe and effec- A retrospective analysis that compiled data from patients with
tive regardless of gender.10 CAD and ICDs over a 10-year period, with an average follow-up
According to recent reports from the American Heart Asso- of 30 months, showed that women had less sustained VT or VF,
ciation, women represent 45% of the total prevalence of CAD and fewer days with VT or VF episodes, fewer ICD shocks, and fewer
Arrhythmias in Women  753

Table 50-3  Gender Outcomes in Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Clinical Trials

Enrollment 50

AVID 1016 21 Death Men: 14.4%

Women: 15.5%

MADIT I 196 8 Death Not stratified by gender

MADIT II10 1232 16 Death No significant difference

HR in men, 0.66 (P = .011)
HR in women, 0.57 (P = .132)

MUSTT 704 10 Arrhythmic death or cardiac arrest EP-guided therapy: men vs. women: HR, 0.88 (95% CI, 0.35-2.23;
P = .35)

SCD-HeFT 2521 23 Death HR in men, 0.73 (95% CI, 0.57-0.93)

HR in women, 0.96 (95% CI, 0.58-1.61)

DEFINITE 458 29 Death HR in men, 0.49 (95% CI, 0.27-0.90)

HR in women, >1.0

CI, Confidence interval; EP, electrophysiology; HR, hazard ratio.

From Yarnoz MJ, Curtis AB: Sex-based differences in cardiac resynchronization therapy and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapies: Effectiveness and use, Cardiol Rev
14(6):292–298, 2006.

electrical storms independent of clinical and electrophysiological 1.0

factors. Despite these differences, the overall survival rates
following ICD implantation did not differ between genders 0.9
(Figure 50-6).11
Several potential reasons exist for the lower percentage of
female enrollees in ICD clinical trials. First, the older age of 0.7
women at presentation with CAD and SCD might make ICD
Percent surviving

implantation in them less attractive than in younger men. Second, 0.6

since fewer women have systolic heart failure or CAD before 0.5
SCD, fewer women meet eligibility requirements for ICD implan-
tation for primary prevention. Third, women have a lower risk of 0.4
SCD and lower incidence of spontaneous SVTs compared with
men, which reduces the number of women who require ICD
placement for secondary prevention. 0.2
In clinical practice, as in clinical trials, the use of ICDs seems Men
0.1 Women
to be disproportionately low in women. An observational study
that included more than 13,000 patients admitted with systolic 0.0
heart failure (LVEF <30%) to hospitals participating in the Ameri- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
can Heart Association’s Get with the Guidelines-Heart Failure
Survival (months)
program reported that among patients eligible for ICD therapy,
only 35.4% had an ICD or a planned ICD implantation on dis- FIGURE 50-6  Kaplan-Meier survival curve comparing total mortality
charge. Important gender-related and race-related differences after cardioverter-defibrillator implantation between men and women.
exist in the use of ICDs. After adjusting for patient characteristics (From Lampert R, McPherson CA, Clancy JF, et al: Gender differences in
and hospital factors, the adjusted odds of ICD use were 0.73 for ventricular arrhythmia recurrence in patients with coronary artery disease
black men, 0.62 for white women, and 0.56 for black women, and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, J Am Coll Cardiol 43[12]:
compared with ICD use in white men. These differences were not 2293–2299, 2004.)
attributable to the proportions of women and black patients at
participating hospitals or to differences in the reporting of LVEF.12
A separate study in a nationally representative sample of Medi-
care beneficiaries found that men were 3.2 times more likely to Unadjusted analysis showed that women had higher rates of any
receive an ICD for primary prevention and 2.4 times more likely adverse event (4.4% vs. 3.3%, P < .001) and almost twice the rate
to receive an ICD for secondary prevention of SCD compared of major adverse events compared with men (2.0% vs. 1.1%, P <
with women. .001). After accounting for demographic, clinical, and procedural
A recent study from the National Cardiovascular Data Registry differences between men and women, women had 32% higher
ICD Registry evaluated the gender-related differences in odds of experiencing an adverse event and 71% higher odds of
in-hospital adverse events after first-time ICD implantation. experiencing a major adverse event compared with men. Women
754  Clinical Syndromes

were disproportionately affected by mechanical adverse events New York Heart Association functional class, quality of life, and
(cardiac perforation, coronary venous dissection, lead dislodg- exercise tolerance.14 No gender-related, statistically significant dif-
ment, hemothorax, pneumothorax, and pericardial tamponade). ferences in the number of clinical responders or in survival were
The authors suggested that possible anatomic differences, such as noted at 1 year and at 2 years (Figure 50-8). Finally, a recent ret-
a thinner right ventricular wall and smaller blood vessel diameter, rospective analysis that investigated the relationship between
could predispose women to higher rates of adverse events. Despite anatomic reverse remodeling and ventricular arrhythmias in CRT
this gender-related difference in adverse events, in-hospital mor- patients from the InSync III Marquis study found that gender was
tality was similar for both sexes. the most important predictor of treated VT or VF, with female
Thus, despite significant gender-related differences in the pre- patients having no episodes over a 6-month follow-up.
sentation of sustained ventricular arrhythmias and SCD in Both the Comparison of Medical Therapy, Pacing, and
patients with severe cardiomyopathies, results of the various ICD Defibrillation in Heart Failure (COMPANION) and Cardiac
clinical trials demonstrated that women derive similar benefits Resynchronization-Heart Failure (CARE-HF) trials showed
from ICD therapy, albeit with more adverse effects, compared improved survival with CRT therapy, with very similar HRs for
with men. However, the sample sizes of women in these trials the primary endpoints (composite of death or hospitalization for
have been relatively small, and no prospective study has been heart failure) for men and women. The small numbers of patients
performed specifically to evaluate the survival benefit of ICD in the Pacing Therapies for Congestive Heart Failure (Path-CHF)
therapy in women. and Multi-Site Stimulation in Cardiomyopathies (MUSTIC) trials
(42 and 67, respectively) precluded any comparison between
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Use and Outcomes
Reviews of the CRT trials showed that both sexes benefit from
Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) has been established as CRT, with no statistical difference in survival. Since the number
an important therapeutic tool in patients with advanced systolic of men and women with heart failure in the United States is
heart failure and cardiac dyssynchrony. It has been shown to approximately the same (2.4 million and 2.5 million, respectively),
decrease mortality and hospitalizations and to improve quality of women, comprising less than one third of the total CRT trial
life and exercise tolerance. In CRT trials, female patients have population, seem to be under-represented again. CRT has only
represented approximately 31% of the total population, a higher been proven to be beneficial in patients with significant systolic
proportion compared with ICD trials. However, relatively few heart failure and ventricular dyssynchrony, who continue to have
analyses of outcomes in women exist compared with those in men symptoms despite optimal medical therapy. Men younger than 75
from these trials (Table 50-4). This fact, combined with relatively years have a higher prevalence of heart failure compared with
few CRT trials, limits the amount of data available on differences women (6.2% vs. 4.1%). Also, the prevalence rate of moderate or
in outcomes between the genders. severe systolic dysfunction in women is one third of that in men.
In an analysis of the Multicenter InSync Randomized Clinical These reasons could account for the lower use of CRT devices in
Evaluation (MIRACLE) trial data, with CRT, women were signifi- women compared with their use men in these trials. In current
cantly less likely to reach the combined endpoint of first hospital- clinical practice, CRT devices follow the trend of ICD implanta-
ization for heart failure or death when compared with female tions, mainly because of the use of combination CRT-ICD devices.
controls.13 Women who underwent CRT also had significantly Women currently comprise 22% to 26% of total ICD recipients,
fewer hospitalizations for heart failure. These differences per- and gender-related differences in implantation rates have been
sisted after controlling for age, heart failure etiology, and other steady over the past few years.15
baseline variables. Men did not have any differences in either In prior clinical trials and in current clinical practice, women
endpoint (Figure 50-7). In a study from The Netherlands that are a clear minority among patients who receive ICD and CRT
investigated gender-related differences in response to CRT, both devices. This is probably a result of the higher proportion of men
genders demonstrated statistically significant improvements in with CAD and advanced systolic heart failure, but these

Table 50-4  Gender-Related Outcomes in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Clinical Trials


MIRACLE13 453 32% Clinical (NYHA, 6MHWD, QOL) Not stratified by gender (women: lower risk of death
or hospitalization for heart failure)

Path-CHF 42 48% Peak oxygen consumption, 6MHWD Not stratified by gender

MUSTIC 67 25% 6MHWD Not stratified by gender

CARE-HF 812 26% Death or unplanned hospitalization for Men: 0.62 (0.49-0.79)
major CV event Women: 0.64 (0.42-0.97)

COMPANION 1520 33% Death or hospitalization for any cause No significant difference in hazard ratio

CV, Cardiovascular; 6MHWD, 6-minute hall walk distance; NYHA, New York Heart Association; QOL, quality of life.
From Yarnoz MJ, Curtis AB: Sex-based differences in cardiac resynchronization therapy and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapies: Effectiveness and use, Cardiol Rev
14(6):292–298, 2006.
Arrhythmias in Women  755

100 25% P = NS
90 20%

Event rate (%)

% surviving
80 15%

70 10%


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 180 360 540 720
Months since enrollment
Follow-up (days)
Number at risk Patients 173 155 119 85 65
Control 72 68 63 60 58 54 25 at risk
Treatment 72 71 71 71 70 69 33
A FIGURE 50-8  Kaplan-Meier curves of death or hospitalization for
heart failure in men and women after cardiac resynchronization
100 therapy. (From Bleeker GB, Schalij MJ, Boersma E, et al: Does a gender
difference in response to cardiac resynchronization therapy exist? PACE
28:1271–1275, 2005.)
% surviving


whereas women with SCD are less likely to have a history of CAD.
Women are more likely to have LQTS, either acquired or con-
genital, and are more likely to develop torsades de pointes com-
60 pared with men. What is not clear are the mechanisms behind
these gender-related differences, with the two most commonly
50 proposed mechanisms being hormonal effects on ion channels
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and the modulation of autonomic tone. From a clinician’s stand-
Months since enrollment point, knowledge of these gender-related differences in arrhyth-
mias is important both for timely diagnosis and optimal
Number at risk management.
Control 153 146 141 137 134 127 49
Treatment 156 147 142 138 134 132 66 KEY REFERENCES
B Bai CX, Kurokawa J, Tamagawa M, et al: Nontranscriptional regulation
of cardiac repolarization currents by testosterone, Circulation
FIGURE 50-7  Kaplan-Meier survival curves for time to first 112(12):1701–1710, 2005.
hospitalization for heart failure or death in women (A) and men Bazett HC: An analysis of the time-relations of electrocardiograms, Heart
(B). (From Woo GW, Petersen-Stejskal S, Johnson JW, et al: Ventricular 7:353–370, 1920.
reverse remodeling and 6-month outcomes in patients receiving cardiac Benjamin EJ, Wolf PA, D’Agonstino RB, et al: Impact of atrial fibrillation
resynchronization therapy: Analysis of the MIRACLE study, J Interventional on the risk of death: The Framingham Heart study, Circulation 98:946–
Cardiac Electrophysiol 12:107–113, 2005.) 952, 1998.
Bernal O, Moro C: Cardiac arrhythmias in women, Rev Esp Cardiol
59:609–618, 2006.
Bleeker GB, Schalij MJ, Boersma E, et al: Does a gender difference in
gender-related differences in the use of devices do not relate to response to cardiac resynchronization therapy exist? PACE 28:1271–
outcomes, since results of clinical trials show equal benefits in 1275, 2005.
survival and symptoms. Goldenberg I, Zareba W, Moss AJ: Long QT syndrome, Curr Probl
Cardiol 33(11):629–694, 2008.
Hernandez AF, Fonarow GC, Liang L, et al: Sex and racial differences in
Conclusion the use of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators among patients hos-
pitalized with heart failure, JAMA 298(13):1525–1532, 2007.
Hreiche R, Morissette P, Turgeon J: Drug-induced long QT syndrome in
Gender-related differences in the incidence and prevalence of
women: Review of current evidence and remaining gaps, Gend Med
cardiac arrhythmias are apparent. With regard to SVT, women 5(2):124–135, 2008.
have an increased incidence of AVNRT, whereas men more fre- Lampert R, McPherson CA, Clancy JF, et al: Gender differences in ven-
quently have accessory pathway–mediated arrhythmias. AF is tricular arrhythmia recurrence in patients with coronary artery disease
more prevalent in men in all age groups, but the absolute number and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, J Am Coll Cardiol
of women with AF is higher. Men have a higher incidence of SCD, 43(12):2293–2299, 2004.
756  Clinical Syndromes
Rautarharju P, Zhou S, Wong S, et al: Sex differences in the evolution of Yarnoz MJ, Curtis AB: Sex-based differences in cardiac resynchronization
the electrocardiographic QT interval with age, Can J Cardiol 8:690– therapy and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapies: Effective-
695, 1992. ness and use, Cardiol Rev 14(6):292–298, 2006.
Woo GW, Petersen-Stejskal S, Johnson JW, et al: Ventricular reverse Zareba W, Moss AJ, Hall WJ, et al: Clinical course and implantable car-
remodeling and 6-month outcomes in patients receiving cardiac resyn- dioverter defibrillator therapy in postinfarction women with severe left
chronization therapy: Analysis of the MIRACLE study, J Interventional ventricular dysfunction, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16:1265–1270,
Cardiac Electrophysiol 12:107–113, 2005. 2005.
Wyse DG, Waldo AL, DiMarco JP, et al, for the Atrial Fibrillation Follow-up
Investigation of Rhythm Management (AFFIRM) investigators: A com- All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
parison of rate control and rhythm control in patients with atrial fibril- com.
lation, N Engl J Med 347(23):1825–1833, 2002.
Yarnoz MJ, Curtis AB: More reasons why men and women are not the
same (gender differences in electrophysiology and arrhythmias), Am J
Cardiol 101(9):1291–1296, 2008.
Electrocardiographic Manifestations of
the Athlete’s Heart and Management
of Arrhythmias in the Athlete
Sanjay Sharma, John Rawlins, and William J. McKenna

Introduction The Athlete’s Heart

Common Findings on the Resting 12-Lead
Participation in regular physical exercise confers well-established
benefits with respect to cardiovascular health.1-3 Paradoxically,
young athletes represent a group of individuals who may be par- Regular participation in intensive physical exercise is associated
ticularly vulnerable to the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) with central and peripheral cardiovascular adaptations to facili-
from unrecognized inherited or acquired disorders of the heart tate the generation of a large and sustained cardiac output and
(Table 53-1).4 SCD in young trained individuals is rare, with an to enhance the extraction of oxygen from exercising muscle for
estimated incidence ranging from 1 in 50,000 to 1 in 200,000 aerobic glycolysis, respectively. Collectively, these physiological
patient-years. However, SCDs often receive considerable media adaptations have been termed the athlete’s heart.15 Specific struc-
attention and have a profound impact on the local, lay, and sport- tural and electrical cardiac remodeling is fundamental to the
ing communities, which perceive young asymptomatic athletes physiological adaptive process, and most athletes exhibit modest
to represent the healthiest segment of society.5 The youth of the increases in chamber wall thickness and cavity size, as well as
individual, the potential life years lost, and the ability to diagnose changes in parasympathetic and sympathetic tone, as reflected on
most disorders capable of causing sudden death often galvanize the surface 12-lead ECG (Table 51-2 and Figure 51-1).16,17
emotionally charged and controversial debates among the lay
community, medical bodies, and sporting organizations relating
Cardiac Rhythm
to the practical use of pre-participation screening to identify
disorders capable of causing SCD. The role of the 12-lead electro- Common rhythmic ECG findings in athletes include sinus brady-
cardiogram (ECG) as a screening tool for the diagnosis or identi- cardia, which is present in up to 80% of highly trained athletes,
fication of athletes requiring further investigation is established sinus arrhythmia (52%), and first-degree heart block (5%).18 Occa-
in many European countries and is practiced among elite and sionally, higher levels of atrioventricular (AV) nodal block may be
financially endowed sporting organizations in the United States, observed.19 Such rhythm anomalies are considered secondary to
although the U.S. guidelines do not currently advocate a manda- increased vagal tone. In addition, desensitization of β-receptors
tory ECG as part of pre-participation screening in athletes in and changes in the intrinsic properties of the sinoatrial (SA) and
general. Indeed, electrocardiographic screening of athletes is AV nodes in response to physical training may also contribute.20,21
endorsed by the European Society of Sport Cardiology, the Inter- The maximum heart rate is unaffected, and heart block during
national Olympic Committee, and the Fédération Internationale resting conditions generally resolves immediately on initiation of
de Football Association (FIFA).6,7 However, athletes often exhibit exercise.18
anomalous ECG patterns relating to increased vagal tone and
chamber size as a consequence of physiological adaptations
Electrical Voltage Criteria for Cardiac Enlargement
that overlap with certain disease phenotypes implicated in
SCD.8-11 The differentiation between physiology and pathology High-magnitude QRS voltages, particularly across the precordial
is crucial, and an erroneous diagnosis has the potential for leads, are common manifestations of athlete’s heart and may be
serious consequences. This chapter provides a comprehensive identified in up to 60% of athletes.8 Increased QRS voltage criteria
overview of the resting ECG in athletes to facilitate the differen- can only be partly attributed to a direct consequence of increased
tiation between physiological changes and pathologic disorders cardiac size. In general, poor correlation exists between voltage
and identifies the prevalence, significance, and management of criteria for cardiac hypertrophy and cardiac dimensions identified
cardiac arrhythmias in athletes, based on guidelines developed by at echocardiography. Most correlation studies relate specifically
expert consensus panels in Europe (ESC consensus statement) to the assessment of left ventricular hypertrophy either in terms
and the United States (the 36th Bethesda Conference guide- of absolute left ventricular wall thickness or left ventricular mass
lines).12-14 measurements at echocardiography; these studies demonstrate

758  Clinical Syndromes

poor sensitivity and specificity for the identification of left ven- hypertrophy, and the presence or absence of breast tissue. In
tricular hypertrophy at echocardiography for the vast majority of contrast, the more stringent electrocardiographic Romihilt-Estes
voltage criteria used.8,11 In our experience, the Sokolow-Lyon points score of 5 or greater for left ventricular hypertrophy is a
voltage criterion for left ventricular hypertrophy, which is the less frequent observation in athletes (10% of male athletes) but
most commonly used in clinical practice, has a sensitivity and has a specificity for left ventricular hypertrophy in the range of
specificity of 16% and 60%, respectively, for the identification of 90%.8
left ventricular hypertrophy. Several other factors influence QRS The presence of voltage criteria for right ventricular hypertro-
voltage magnitude, including the distance between the heart and phy is less common in athletes; however, incomplete right bundle
the thoracic wall, which is determined by chest wall size, pectoral branch block (RBBB) has been documented in up to 29% of highly
trained athletes and is thought to represent mild increases in right
ventricular size.8 Similarly, voltage criteria for left and right atrial
enlargement are common findings, present in 14% and 16% of
Table 51-1  Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes Younger adolescent athletes, respectively.8 As with voltage criteria for
Than 35 Years in the United States Between 1986 and 2007


Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 36 Table 51-2  Common Findings in the Resting 12-Lead ECG
in the Athlete
Coronary artery anomalies 17
Myocarditis 5.9
Sinus bradycardia 80
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy 4.3
Sinus arrhythmia 52
Ion channelopathies (long QT and Brugada 3.6
syndromes) First-degree AV block 5

Mitral valve prolapse 3.4 Incomplete RBBB 29

Myocardial bridging 3.3 LA enlargement 14

Premature coronary artery disease 3.3 RA enlargement 16

Aortic stenosis 2.4 Sokolow-Lyon criteria for LVH 45

Marfan’s syndrome 2.7 ST elevation 43

Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy 2.0 Large-amplitude T waves 22

Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 1.6 ECG, Electrocardiogram; AV, atrioventricular; RBBB, right bundle branch block; LA,
left atrial; RA, right atrial; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy.
From Maron BJ: Sudden death in young athletes, N Engl J Med 349:1064–1075, From Sharma S, Whyte G, Elliott P, et al: Electrocardiographic changes in 1000
2003. highly trained junior elite athletes, Br J Sports Med 33:319–324, 1999.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 51-1  A normal athlete’s electrocardiogram taken from a young professional cyclist during routine pre-participation screening. The
electrocardiogram demonstrates sinus bradycardia, voltage criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy, and large-amplitude precordial T waves.
Electrocardiographic Manifestations of the Athlete’s Heart and Management of Arrhythmias in the Athlete  759

ventricular hypertrophy, the sensitivity and specificity of such athletes and warrant further investigations to exclude a cardiac
voltage scores to predict the presence of left atrial enlargement is
poor, with only 0.3% of 347 adult athletes with echocardiographic
evidence of left atrial enlargement having positive voltage
Few studies pertain specifically to ECG appearances in elite
athletes (those aged ≥40 years); however, some data indicate that
among athletes who participate in endurance sporting disciplines
such as long-distance running, cycling, and cross-country skiing,
a higher prevalence of atrial arrhythmias and heart block is seen
Repolarization Changes
compared with the general population.
Early repolarization changes are common in athletes and are
observed in 40% to 50% of individuals.8 Specific anomalies include
J-point and ST-segment elevations and increased T-wave voltages
(>0.2 mV), which reflect modulations in autonomic tone affecting The majority of studies assessing cardiac adaptation in athletes
the timing sequence between depolarization and repolarization. have evaluated predominantly white male subjects. In our
The anomalies resolve at increased heart rates during gentle exer- experience, females exhibit ECG patterns similar to those of males
cise, regress with detraining, and are considered benign. but have a significantly lower prevalence of voltage criteria for
cardiac hypertrophy, early repolarization changes, and T-wave
Impact of Demographic Factors and Sporting Discipline
on the Athlete’s Electrocardiogram
The majority of data relating to the athlete’s ECG are derived from
studies in adult white male subjects; however, a variety of demo- The concept that an athlete’s ethnic background may alter the
graphic factors, including the athlete’s age, gender, ethnicity, and appearance of the resting 12-lead ECG has been examined by a
body size may influence the normal ECG patterns observed in number of recent reports comparing ECG patterns between white
highly trained individuals. athletes and those with African or Afro-Caribbean ancestry
(referred to as black athletes). Racial differences in ECG appear-
ance have been recognized historically, with the observation in
the 1950s that J-point and ST-segment elevation may be part of
In general, the qualitative changes that occur in adolescent ath- the normal ECG in young black men.24,25
letes are similar to those observed in more mature adults. Recent studies have demonstrated that black male athletes
However, voltage criteria for left and right ventricular hypertro- demonstrate a higher prevalence of voltage criteria for left ven-
phy may be more commonly present in adolescent athletes tricular hypertrophy as well as bizarre repolarization anomalies
because of their thin chest walls.8 T-wave inversions in the right that may simulate myocardial infarction (MI), Brugada syndrome,
ventricular leads (V1 to V3) may be observed in up to 5% of or phenotypic manifestations of both hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
adolescent athletes and usually regress by the age of 16 years and thy and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (Figure
are representative of the juvenile ECG pattern rather than cardiac 51-3). In one study of nearly 2000 American football players (67%
pathology (Figure 51-2).23 In contrast, T-wave inversions in the black), 5.8% of black players had an ECG appearance that was
anterior leads beyond V1 are identified in only 0.1% of adult deemed “markedly abnormal” by the investigators, compared with

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 51-2  A 12-lead electrocardiogram taken from a 15-year-old male junior elite tennis player demonstrating T-wave inversions in the anterior
leads (V1 to V3), consistent with the juvenile electrocardiogram pattern.
760  Clinical Syndromes

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 51-3  A 12-lead electrocardiogram taken from a male African endurance athlete, a medalist at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Note the deep
T-wave inversions and convex ST-segment elevation in the anterior precordial leads (V1 to V3). He subsequently underwent further evaluation, which
did not reveal any underlying cardiac abnormalities.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 51-4  A 12-lead electrocardiogram taken from a black British premier soccer player exhibiting large QRS complexes, convex ST-segment
elevation in leads V1 to V4, and deep T-wave inversions in leads V1 to V3.

only 1.8% of white players.26 Only a small proportion underwent less than 1% of white female athletes in the absence of structural
subsequent echocardiographic evaluation, but the investigators heart disease (Figure 51-5).28 The precise mechanism and signifi-
concluded that in the majority of cases, the changes observed cance of such anomalies remains to be elucidated and requires
represented a normal ethnic variation. longitudinal assessment.
Our experience of evaluating large numbers of adolescent and
adult male athletes of Afro-Caribbean origin has revealed that
Sporting Discipline
25% exhibit marked repolarization changes comprising convex
ST-segment elevation and deep (≥0.2 mV) T-wave inversions in Sporting discipline affects cardiac adaptation. In general, athletes
leads V1 to V4 (Figure 51-4).27 Such anomalies do not correlate participating in purely endurance sports such as cycling, rowing,
with cardiac hypertrophy, chamber enlargement, or cardiac and long-distance running exhibit larger left ventricular cavities
arrhythmias during exercise testing and on 24-hour ambulatory and a greater magnitude of left ventricular hypertrophy compared
Holter recordings. Published data pertaining to female black ath- with athletes involved in purely isometric sports, such as wres-
letes indicate that 14% of adult black female athletes exhibit minor tling and judo. Athletes participating in long-distance endurance
T-wave inversions in the anterior precordial leads compared with sports are more likely to exhibit sinus bradycardia, voltage criteria
Electrocardiographic Manifestations of the Athlete’s Heart and Management of Arrhythmias in the Athlete  761

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 51-5  A 12-lead electrocardiogram taken from a female African endurance runner during routine pre-participation screening demonstrating
T-wave inversions in the anterior precordial leads (V1 and V2), accompanied by characteristic convex ST-segment elevation.

for cardiac chamber enlargement, and repolarization changes.29 Table 51-3  ECG Changes in a Number of Cardiac Diseases That May
We advise caution against such generalizations because the train- Be Observed During Pre-participation Screening
ing programs involved in most sports, particularly for athletes
participating at the regional or national level, are arduous, physi- CARDIAC DISEASE ECG ABNORMALITIES
cally intensive, and involve a combination of isotonic and isomet- Arrhythmogenic right Anterior T-wave inversions
ric exercises. In our experience, an enormous overlap in ECG ventricular Incomplete or complete RBBB
patterns exists among athletes participating in a large range of cardiomyopathy ε-waves
ball, racket, endurance, and power sports.
Hypertrophic Left ventricular hypertrophy
cardiomyopathy Pathologic Q waves
T-wave inversions—anterior or inferior
Uncommon Electrocardiogram Findings in White Athletes
ST-segment depression
T-Wave Inversions Rarely normal

Repolarization changes consisting of ST-segment depression and Idiopathic dilated Intraventricular conduction abnormalities
T-wave inversions are much less frequent than ST-segment eleva- cardiomyopathy
tion and high-voltage T waves, being present in 3% to 4% of white
Long QT syndrome Prolonged Q-T interval
adolescent and adult athletes.11,23 The prevalence of T-wave inver-
sions is significantly lower in white female athletes and consider- Brugada syndrome Incomplete or complete RBBB
ably higher in male and female black athletes. These electrical Anterior ST elevation
anomalies overlap with the phenotypic manifestations of cardio-
Anomalous coronary Normal
myopathy, ion channel disorders, and anabolic steroid abuse arteries
(Table 51-3) and warrant thorough evaluation before being attrib-
uted to physiological adaptation.30-33 In a longitudinal study of 123 Coronary artery disease Usually normal
adult male white athletes with deep T-wave inversions, 39 (32%) Wolff-Parkinson-White Short P-R interval
had echocardiographic and clinical evidence of cardiac disease syndrome δ-waves
and were treated appropriately for their respective conditions.34
Of the 84 remaining athletes without demonstrable cardiac Anabolic steroid abuse Q-T interval prolongation
disease, 81 were followed up for a mean of 9 years (±7; range, 1 T-wave inversions
to 27 years). Of these, 5 athletes (6%) subsequently developed a ECG, Electrocardiogram; RBBB, right bundle branch block.
cardiomyopathy, with one death and one aborted cardiac arrest
as a consequence of ventricular fibrillation (VF) caused
by arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and hyper-
trophic cardiomyopathy, respectively. The remaining 70 athletes leads in adolescent athletes or black athletes warrant further
did not develop any pathologic cardiac conditions during the evaluation for cardiac disease.27
period of follow-up. These data suggest that the presence of deep
T-wave inversions in an athlete may be a harbinger of subtle
Prolonged Q-T Interval
cardiomyopathies and the risk of fatal ventricular arrhythmias
and that such athletes should remain under periodic surveillance. A long Q-T interval (>440 ms in males and >450 ms in females)
T-wave inversion patterns in the anterior precordial leads (V1 to is identified in 0.4% to 0.69% of athletes and is an indication for
V3/V4) may be acceptable in adolescent athletes and in those of disqualification from competitive sport to minimize the risk of
Afro-Caribbean origin; however, T-wave inversions in the lateral SCD, according to the European Society of Sports Cardiology
762  Clinical Syndromes

guidelines.13,35 However, the prevalence of a long Q-T interval in

athletes is significantly higher than the actual prevalence of con-
genital long QT syndrome (LQTS) (0.04%), possibly because the
Q-T interval may be overestimated by Bazzet’s formula at heart 20
rates below 40 beats/min and measurements may also be influ- White athletes
Black athletes
enced by sinus arrhythmia and slightly wider QRS complexes 15
observed in athletes compared with the general population.36 The

positive predictive value (PPV) of an isolated corrected Q-T 10
interval in the 440- to 470-ms range is not precisely known but
is likely to be low, probably less than 10%. On the basis of these A
considerations, the Bethesda guidelines recommend an upper B
QTc limit of 470 ms in males and 480 ms in females.14 Our expe-
rience of athletes with long Q-T intervals suggests that a QTc
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
500 ms or greater is highly suggestive of LQTS, even in the
absence of symptoms or an overt family history, and is usually Left ventricular wall thickness (mm)
associated with the other features of the disorder on exercise
FIGURE 51-6  Distribution of left ventricular wall thickness in 300
stress testing, such as paradoxical prolongation of the Q-T inter- highly trained black male athletes and 300 white male athletes of
val with increasing heart rate (up to 120 beats/min) and a long similar age, size, and sporting caliber demonstrating that a significantly
Q-T interval in other first-degree relatives.35 higher proportion of black athletes exhibit a wall thickness >12 mm
compared with white athletes (18% vs. 3% as indicated by A and B,
respectively). (From Basavarajaiah S, Boraita A, Whyte G, et al: Ethnic
Overlap with Disease: Athlete’s Heart or Cardiomyopathy? differences in left ventricular remodeling in highly-trained athletes
relevance to differentiating physiologic left ventricular hypertrophy from
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, J Am Coll Cardiol 51[23]:2256–2262, 2008.)
Cardiac adaptation to exercise is associated with modest increases
in cardiac chamber wall thickness and cavity size. Typically, the
left ventricular wall thickness in increased by 15% to 20%, and left
ventricular cavity size may be increased by 10%.16 Occasionally, identification of T-wave inversions in leads V2 to V4, ε waves
some male athletes (1.5% to 3% of white and 18% black athletes) (Figure 51-9) and more than 1000 ventricular extrasystoles of
(Figure 51-6) exhibit substantial increases in left ventricular wall right ventricular origin (LBBB morphology) over a 24-hour period
thickness ranging from 13 mm to 16 mm, which fall within values would be highly indicative of pathology rather than physiology
observed in individuals with morphologically mild hypertrophic (Figure 51-10).44
cardiomyopathy, which is the commonest cause of death in the
young (age <35 years) worldwide (see Table 51-1).37-40 The distinc-
tion between the athlete’s heart and hypertrophic cardiomyopa- Arrhythmias in the Athlete
thy is vital because an erroneous diagnosis has the potential
for serious consequences (see Table 51-3). The differentiation The identification of a bradyarrhythmia in an asymptomatic
between the two entities is possible with the assessment of cardiac athlete is usually an incidental finding during investigation of an
chamber size and indices of systolic and diastolic functions using irregular pulse or a cardiac murmur or at a pre-participation ECG
echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging screening. The majority of bradyarrhythmias observed in athletes
(MRI); abnormalities on the 12-lead ECG may provide crucial are benign and a consequence of increased vagal tone in response
information to unravel the clinical dilemma, which may prove to systematic physical conditioning.
challenging.41-43 The presence of deep T-wave inversions in any Occasionally, arrhythmias in athletes may manifest as inter-
lead other than V1 in white athletes and in leads other than V1 mittent palpitations, dizziness, syncope, angina, or reduction in
to V4 in black athletes, pathologic Q waves, ST-segment depres- functional capacity and unmask the presence of a potentially
sion, and left bundle branch block (LBBB) indicates pathologic lethal cardiac disorder. (see Table 51-1).39,40 Syncope during exer-
left ventricular hypertrophy (Figure 51-7). Conversely, identifica- cise is a particularly ominous symptom and often indicative of a
tion of the Sokolow-Lyon voltage criterion for left ventricular cardiac arrhythmia associated with hemodynamic compromise.
hypertrophy in isolation (without other associated features of Syncope immediately following exercise may be vasovagal in
left ventricular hypertrophy, including ST-segment depression, origin or caused by a serious cardiac arrhythmia, and differentiat-
T-wave inversions, leftward axis, and voltage criterion for left ing the two entities retrospectively may be difficult in a clinical
atrial enlargement) is highly suggestive of physiological left ven- setting. A history of prodromal vagal symptoms, absence of chest
tricular hypertrophy (Figure 51-8). pain or palpitation during the event, documented pallor, and rapid
recovery in the recumbent position are reassuring features. A
definitive diagnosis requires symptom/rhythm correlation, which
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
is best obtained by ambulatory ECG monitoring during the train-
An enlarged right ventricle and ventricular extrasystoles of right ing activity associated with the syncope; however, attaching ECG
ventricular origin may occur in some highly trained endurance monitoring electrodes is difficult in the presence of excessive
athletes, which raises the possibility of arrhythmogenic right ven- perspiration and during highly physical contact sports and is
tricular cardiomyopathy, the most common cause of SCD in impossible in others such as swimming.
Italian athletes, accounting for 25% of all sudden deaths in the All young symptomatic athletes should be investigated to
young during sporting activities.5 In these circumstances, the exclude structural heart disease, accessory pathways, and ion
Electrocardiographic Manifestations of the Athlete’s Heart and Management of Arrhythmias in the Athlete  763

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 51-7  A 12-lead electrocardiogram of an athlete taken during pre-participation screening; the athlete was subsequently diagnosed with
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Note the presence of Sokolow voltage criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy associated with deep T-wave inversions in
the anterolateral leads (V3 to V6, I, and AvL) and pathologic Q waves in lead III, a combination highly suggestive of pathologic rather than
physiological hypertrophy.

a family history of known hereditary cardiac disorders, premature

PHYSIOLOGICAL LVH FROM HCM SCD, and unexplained syncope. A family history of “epilepsy” is
also relevant, since cardiac arrhythmias may present with tran-
sient convulsion; also, a family history of unexplained drowning
may be related to specific LQTS, which may promote ventricular
arrhythmias when dividing into cold water.
The American Heart Association’s 36th Bethesda guidelines
HCM Athlete
and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines relate
to the eligibility of an athlete with arrhythmias to continue par-
ticipation in competitive sports.13,14 Both documents are the
results of expert panels and are based on available scientific data.
They do not represent purely evidence-based medicine but reflect
+ Pathologic Q waves – the personal experiences of panel members. As such, they should
+ Deep T-wave inversions – be seen as recommendations and not guidelines. The recommen-
– Isolated Sokolow-Lyon LVH + dations for athletic participation for individuals who have cardio-
+ Marked ST-segment depression – vascular disease are broadly similar, but the European
+ Left bundle branch block – recommendations appear to adopt a more conservative and
homogeneous approach to athletes with possible hypertrophic
FIGURE 51-8  Venn diagram highlighting the role of the 12-lead cardiomyopathy, LQTS, and Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW)
electrocardiogram (ECG) in differentiating physiological hypertrophy syndrome.13
from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).

Sinus bradycardia (heart rate <60 beats/min), sinus arrhythmia,
channel disorders by using noninvasive diagnostic tools. In rare wandering atrial pacemaker, first-degree AV block, Mobitz type I
circumstances, invasive electrophysiological studies (EPSs) may second-degree block, and sinus pauses are commonly observed
be necessary to exclude a concealed accessory pathway. Older in highly trained athletes (Table 51-4).17,18 The rhythm distur-
athletes should undergo exercise stress testing to confirm or rule bances are almost always asymptomatic and are attributed to an
out underlying coronary atherosclerosis. Consideration should enhanced vagotonic state, which is exaggerated during sleep.
also be given to the fact that most disorders implicated in SCD in Once the vagal tone is withdrawn, for example, during exercise,
young athletes are genetically transmitted; therefore cardiac the rhythm reverts to normal and the maximal heart rate is unaf-
symptoms, as well as abnormalities on the 12-lead ECG or fected.18 Further investigation is not indicated in the absence
24-hour ECG monitoring, should be interpreted in the context of of symptoms, inappropriately slow rates, or pauses less than 3
764  Clinical Syndromes

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 51-9  A 12-lead electrocardiogram of a young athlete demonstrating the presence of ε waves (1) and T-wave inversions (2) in the anterior
precordial leads.

repeat evaluation with a 24-hour ECG and exercise stress test.

Individuals with persistent symptoms, profound bradycardia, or
Symptoms both; sinus pauses exceeding 3 seconds; and evidence of sinus
Asymptomatic node or AV node dysfunction should undergo more complex
history investigations for rare genetic disorders of cardiac conduction,
Voltage criteria
for LVH on including cardiac sodium ion channel abnormalities or mutations
ECG Athlete ARVC Impaired RV in the lamin A/C gene.45,46
function The identification of Mobitz type II second-degree AV block,
LV dilation advanced second-degree AV block, and third-degree AV block on
and preserved Impaired LV
function function the resting 12-lead ECG is only slightly more common in athletes
than in the general population and should be investigated with an
Good RV Epsilon exercise stress test to ensure normalization of cardiac conduction
function waves at higher heart rates and to exclude inducible myocardial isch-
VT emia. A family history of premature (<40 years) cardiac conduc-
tion tissue disease should raise suspicion of a familial cardiac
RV dilation, RBBB, inverted T waves, ventricular
extrasytoles of LBBB morphology conduction tissue disorder and may warrant cardiac pacing.47
The prognostic implications of asymptomatic second-degree
FIGURE 51-10  Venn diagram the role of the 12-lead electrocardio- and third-degree AV block in the absence of underlying cardiac
gram (ECG) in the identification and diagnosis of arrythmogenic right disease are not known, and the benefits of permanent cardiac
ventricular cardiomyopathy. LBBB, Left bundle branch block; LV, left pacing are uncertain. Indeed, the detrimental effects of unneces-
ventricular; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; RV, right ventricular; sary right ventricular pacing on left ventricular systolic function
RBBB, right bundle branch block; VT, ventricular tachycardia. are now known.48 The authors’ policy is to allow asymptomatic
athletes to continue to participate in sporting activity if exercise
is associated with reversion to 1:1 AV conduction and a good
seconds during waking hours. Longer pauses during waking chronotropic response. The persistence of heart block with exer-
hours, SA exit block, and sick sinus syndrome are uncommon in cise is an indication for permanent pacemaker implantation. In
athletes and should be investigated further with an exercise test. symptomatic athletes without an explanatory cause for the heart
Absence of symptoms, resolution of the bradyarrhythmia, and block, pacemaker implantation before resumption of athletic
a satisfactory chronotropic response during the exercise test indi- activity is recommended. Pacemaker implantation is recom-
cate physiological adaptation. Conversely, the onset of dizziness mended in athletes with heart block caused by an underlying
or syncope during exercise, development of higher degrees of AV cardiac disorder, irrespective of symptoms, and resumption of
block, ST-segment depression, and chronotropic incompetence athletic activity is guided by the underlying pathologic substrate;
are indicators of pathology and warrant comprehensive assess- for example, individuals with cardiomyopathy can only partici-
ment to exclude structural cardiac disease and coronary disease. pate in sporting disciplines involving low physical intensity.13,14
In the absence of an identifiable cardiac disorder, we recommend Athletes with congenital complete heart block who are asymp-
such athletes should stop training for 8 to 12 weeks and undergo tomatic, have no underlying structural heart disease, exhibit
Electrocardiographic Manifestations of the Athlete’s Heart and Management of Arrhythmias in the Athlete  765

Table 51-4  Treatments and Restrictions Applied in Athletes with Bradyarrhythmias


Sinus pause <3 sec None ECG, ACM None No restrictions

Sinus pause <3 sec Syncope/LH ECG, ACM, Echo, ET ? PPM No bodily collision if PPM implanted

Daytime sinus pause >3 sec None ECG, ACM, Echo, ET ? PPM No bodily collision if PPM implanted

Daytime sinus pause >3 sec Syncope/LH ECG, ACM, Echo, ET PPM No bodily collision

First-degree HB None ECG None No restrictions

Wenckebach HB None ECG, ACM None No restrictions

Wenckebach HB Syncope/LH ECG, ACM PPM No bodily collision

Mobitz II HB/CHB None ECG, ACM PPM No bodily collision

Mobitz II HB/CHB Syncope/LH ECG, ACM PPM No bodily collision

ACM, Ambulatory cardiac monitor; CHB, complete heart block; Echo, echocardiography; ET, exercise test; HB, heart block; LH, lightheadedness; PPM, permanent pacemaker.

narrow QRS complexes, have a resting ventricular rate greater

than 40 beats/min, and do not develop ventricular arrhythmias
during exercise do not require pacemaker implantation and may
Increased pulmonary vein ectopy
participate in all competitive sports.13,14
Pacemaker implantation in athletes should be accompanied by
an exercise test conducted at the level of activity demanded by
the sport to ensure that the paced heart rate increases appropri-
ately.14 Athletes fitted with a permanent pacemaker are advised to
avoid sports involving heavy bodily contact to avoid damage to sport practice
the pacemaker system.13,14
Modulators Substrate
Increased vagal tone: • Pressure and volume overload
Supraventricular Arrhythmias • Bradycardia • Atrial stretch
• Shortening and dispersion • Myocyte hypertrophy
See Table 51-5.
of atrial refractory period • Atrial dilation
• Inflammatory response
Gastroesophageal reflux • Atrial fibrosis
Atrial Premature Extrasystoles
Premature atrial complexes are relatively common among athletes FIGURE 51-11  Classic triangle of Coumel, which suggests possible
and are occasionally experienced as extra beats or identified on etiopathogenic factors influencing the development of atrial
routine clinical evaluation.17,49 In the absence of any other cardiac fibrillation in athletes. (Modified from Mont L, Elosua R, Brugada J:
symptoms or abnormalities on physical cardiac examination or Endurance sport practice as a risk factor for atrial fibrillation and atrial
the resting 12-lead ECG, further investigation or treatment is flutter, Europace 11:11–17, 2009.)
unnecessary, and participation in competitive sport need not be

and right atria has been observed among young endurance ath-
Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter
letes without AF, and veterans with lone AF have larger atria
Both atrial flutter and AF are rare in young trained athletes, and compared with controls.22,55 Biochemical evidence suggests that
the prevalence of lone AF does not differ between young athletes chronic atrial volume overload secondary to exercise may lead to
and nonathletic controls.22 However, recent longitudinal studies a chronic inflammatory response, with subsequent fibrosis and
reveal that participation in regular endurance sporting activity scarring, providing an atrial arrhythmogenic substrate.56,57
predisposes older athletes to the development of AF, atrial flutter, Increased cardiac vagal tone may then trigger AF in athletes. High
or both.50-55 An association exists between the number of hours levels of vagal tone have been shown experimentally to shorten
practiced and the risk of developing atrial arrhythmias, with one and increase the dispersion of the atrial refractory period, allow-
case-control study showing a relationship between current sports ing re-entrant atrial arrhythmias to develop within an abnormal
practice with a lifetime of more than 1500 hours of participation atrial substrate.58-60 In contrast to the nonathletic population,
and the development of lone AF.52 most (70%) athletes exhibit vagally triggered AF.54
The mechanism seems likely to be related to structural and The evaluation of an athlete who presents with an atrial
electrical remodeling of the atria that occur as a consequence of arrhythmia should include a comprehensive history relating to
prolonged endurance exercise (Figure 51-11). Dilation of both left alcohol and caffeine intake, potential illicit drug use, as well as
766  Clinical Syndromes

Table 51-5  Evaluation and Management of Supraventricular Arrhythmias


AVNRT Palpitations Normal ECG monitor RFA After 3-6 months, if symptom free
Presyncope EPS
Syncope BB, CCA, or digoxin

WPW (asymptomatic) None Short P-R interval ECG No therapy EPS + RFA Only after EPS excludes high risk; if high
δ Waves risk, RFA before return to sports

WPW (symptomatic) Palpitations δ Waves ECG EPS ± RFA After 3-6 months, if symptom free
Presyncope Short P-R interval

AF Palpitations Often normal ECG monitor Rate control Contact sports should be avoided if
Anticoagulation anticoagulated

AFL Palpitations Often normal ECG monitor Rate control Contact sport should be avoided if
Anticoagulation anticoagulated

APE Palpitations Often normal ECG monitor No therapy; BB if Restriction not needed
symptoms disabling

AF, Atrial fibrillation; AFL, atrial flutter; APE, atrial premature extrasystole; AVNRT, atrioventricular node re-entry tachycardia; BB, β-blocker; CCA, calcium channel antagonist;
ECG, electrocardiogram; EPS, electrophysiological studies; RFA, radiofrequency ablation; WPW, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.

laboratory investigations to exclude thyrotoxicosis and echocar-

Atrioventricular Nodal Re-entrant Tachycardia
diography to confirm or refute the presence of an explanatory
congenital or acquired structural cardiac abnormality. Symptomatic athletes with documented evidence of a supraven-
For athletes presenting with isolated atrial flutter, the aim of tricular tachycardia should be investigated with the EPS in the first
therapy should be to restore and maintain sinus rhythm. The high instance. EPSs enable delineation of the precise mechanism of the
success (95%) of curative radiofrequency (RF) ablation procedures arrhythmia and offers highly successful curative rates, exceeding
for typical atrial flutter makes the procedure the initial choice of 95% in experienced hands, using RF ablation techniques.64,65 The
therapy for the majority of athletes.61,62 Resumption to full com- complication rate following electrophysiological RF ablation is
petitive sport is possible if an EPS demonstrates noninducibility of under 1%.65 An exercise test should be performed before ablation
the atrial flutter 4 to 6 weeks after the initial ablation procedure.14 to induce the tachycardia and identify the rate response during
The main treatment strategy for athletes who present with AF exercise. An athlete without any evidence of structural heart
is to attempt curative RF ablation in those who are symptomatic disease can return to full participation in sport 4 to 6 weeks after
during exercise. An alternative strategy is to control the ventricu- ablation therapy, in the absence of symptoms or inducible arrhyth-
lar rate. Concerns regarding the potentially deleterious proar- mia following an exercise test.14 Alternative therapeutic strategies
rhythmogenic effects of certain class I agents in the context of include pharmacologic therapy with β-blockers or calcium
strenuous exercise remain; therefore rate control with agents such channel antagonists. The response to drug therapy is less clear, and
as digoxin, calcium channel antagonists, or β-blockers maybe return to competition should be restricted until the athlete has
preferred.63 It is of particular note that β-blockers are prohibited been free from recurrent symptoms for 6 months.14
specifically in those engaged in a number of sports.13,14
Athletes with asymptomatic, established persistent AF, with or
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
without structural heart disease, who maintain an appropriate
ventricular response during exercise, comparable with sinus The ECG pattern in WPW syndrome may be identified as an
rhythm, while receiving no or appropriate AV nodal-blocking incidental finding in asymptomatic athletes on a resting 12-lead
drug therapy, are able to participate in all competitive sports.14 If ECG taken as part of pre-participation cardiac screening or may
structural heart disease is present, the rules for eligibility in com- manifest as palpitations or syncope secondary to an AV re-entrant
petitive sport are governed by the underlying disorder predispos- tachycardia or AF. In rare instances, WPW syndrome may present
ing to the AF. Athletes who have undergone RF ablation procedures with aborted SCD from VF.
to treat AF are able to return to competitive sports, 4 to 6 weeks Athletes with symptoms should have RF ablation of the culprit
after the procedure if no evidence of recurrence exists, or an EPS accessory pathway before resuming competition. The procedure
has confirmed noninducibility.14 If anticoagulation is indicated to is associated with an excellent success rate and a low complication
reduce the risk of systemic thrombo-embolism associated with rate.65,66 Consensus panels vary in their recommendations regard-
AF, the athlete is advised to avoid participation in sporting disci- ing return to competitive sport after curative ablation; the
plines associated with heavy body contact.13,14 Bethesda guidelines permit return to competitive sport within 4
Electrocardiographic Manifestations of the Athlete’s Heart and Management of Arrhythmias in the Athlete  767

Table 51-6  Evaluation and Treatment of Ventricular Arrhythmias in Athletes


VPE Palpitation Normal Reassurance No restrictions


NSVT Palpitations Usually normal SHD assessment: if none, reassurance No restrictions if no SHD
only, if SHD present, further If SHD present, restrictions based
evaluation needed on type of SHD

VT/VF Palpitations, presyncope, Normal or reflecting SHD SHD assessment RFA or Restricted to low-intensity sports
syncope, SCD antiarrhythmics if no SHD
If SHD present, ICD

ICD, Implantable cardioverter defibrillator; NSVT, nonsustained ventricular tachycardia; RFA, radiofrequency ablation; SCD, sudden cardiac death; SHD, structural heart disease;
VF, ventricular fibrillation; VPE, ventricular premature extrasystole; VT, ventricular tachycardia.

weeks after therapy, whereas the ESC guidelines suggest postpon- The recommendations for brief episodes of asymptomatic
ing sporting activity for a minimum of 3 months.13,14 nonsustained tachycardia (8 to 10 consecutive beats) in the
The management of an asymptomatic athlete who demon- absence of structural heart disease are the same as those for ath-
strates pre-excitation in a resting ECG is more controversial. The letes with PVEs.13,14
risk of SCD in asymptomatic is low and usually confined to those
individuals with accessory pathways with short refractory periods
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia
(<250 ms).67-70 The precise risk of potentially fatal arrhythmias
during intensive exercise for prolonged periods is unknown. The The identification of sustained monomorphic or polymorphic VT
Bethesda guidelines recommend electrophysiological investiga- is an indicator of potentially serious underlying cardiac disease,
tion of the pathway only in asymptomatic athletes engaged in and further evaluation in all such cases is manadatory.13,14 All
moderate- to high-intensity competitive sport.14 In contrast, the athletes with VT should be subject to comprehensive investiga-
ESC advocates mandatory EPS for all asymptomatic athletes to tion to exclude cardiomyopathies, ion channel diseases, and coro-
assess the refractory period of the accessory pathway.13 A very nary disease. In the absence of an obvious structural or electrical
short accessory pathway refractory period and inducible AF with substrate during noninvasive testing, an EPS is recommended to
conduction rates exceeding 240 beats/min are both indications identify foci that may be amenable to RF ablation if the patient is
for ablation of the accessory pathway to eliminate the risk of symptomatic. The identification of a treatable cardiac disorder
future potentially fatal tachyarrhythmias.70,71 such as right ventricular outflow tract VT or idiopathic mono-
morphic left ventricular tachycardia warrants RF ablation, and
return to competition is recommended within 4 weeks (Bethesda)14
Ventricular Arrhythmias
or 3 months (ESC)13 provided the athlete remains asymptomatic
See Table 51-6. and ventricular tachycardia cannot be induced on maximal exer-
cise or EPSs.73-75
The recommendations for sports participation in competitive
Premature Ventricular Extrasystoles and Nonsustained
athletes diagnosed with cardiomyopathy or ion channel disease is
Ventricular Tachycardia
determined by the underlying cause, and such athletes cannot
Premature ventricular extrasystoles (PVEs) are common in ath- participate in sporting disciplines involving moderate-intensity or
letes and are usually benign and asymptomatic. Their presence is high-intensity exercise. Coronary revascularization is recom-
rarely a risk factor for SCD or sustained ventricular tachyarryth- mended in patients with significant coronary artery disease
mias in the absence of structural heart disease.44 In one study of (CAD), and eligibility to compete can be confirmed after 6
355 athletes with PVEs, athletes with frequent PVEs (>2000/24 months, provided no evidence of myocardial ischemia or VT is
hours) or nonsustained VT were investigated and followed up. Of seen on an exercise stress test and left ventricular function is
these, 1 athlete had evidence of structural heart disease and died preserved.13,14 Similarly, athletes with anomalous coronary artery
suddenly. The remaining 70 athletes stopped training, after which origins should undergo surgical repair and can return to competi-
50 (71%) exhibited complete or partial resolution (<500 PVEs), tive sports after 6 months if they remain free of a recurrence
and none experienced cardiovascular events or sudden death of VT.76
during an 8-year follow-up period.72
Based on the findings above, the presence of frequent or poly-
Ventricular Fibrillation and Athletes with Implantable
morphic ventricular extrasystoles and nonsustained VT is an
Cardioverter Defibrillators
indication for exclusion of structural heart disease and coronary
disease with cardiac imaging studies and an exercise stress test, The management guidelines for athletes who are survivors of SCD
respectively. A structurally abnormal heart or an increase in the are identical to those for sedentary individuals; all individuals in
frequency of PVEs or associated presyncope or syncope during this category warrant implantation of an implantable cardioverter
exercise is an indication for abstinence from exercise of moderate defibrillator (ICD) for secondary prevention purposes.77-79 Ath-
to high physical intensity.13,14 letes with ICD may only compete is sporting disciplines involving
768  Clinical Syndromes

aVR –0.55 V4 1.15

aVL 0.85 V5 0.15

I aVR V1 V4
aVF –0.35 V6 –0.05

aVR V1 V4 3
II aVL V2 V5
II aVL V2 V5


aVF 0.05 V6 0.15
I aVR V1 V4 I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5 II aVL V2 V5
2 4


FIGURE 51-12  A 12- lead electrocardiogram (ECG) taken during a standard Bruce protocol exercise test in a young athlete with a history of sudden
cardiac death in a first-degree family member. Note the appearance of the characteristic Brugada type 1 ECG—with a dominant S wave, downsloping
ST-segment elevation, and T-wave inversions in leads V1 to V3—during maximal exercise (2) and in recovery (3). The ECG changes resolve and are
absent at rest (1, before exercise; 4 after exercise).

low physical intensity and should avoid all forms of contact sport. resuscitation in the vast majority of cases with a survival rate of
An ICD should not be implanted to allow the athlete to continue less than 10%. Studies have identified important variables in the
at the same level of competition, as the effectiveness of such pathogenesis of SCD from commotio cordis, including impact
devices in terminating a potentially lethal ventricular arrhythmia timing (impact must occur during a 20-ms window on the upslope
in the context of the metabolic stresses of exercise, including of the T wave), speed and location of impact, and hardness of the
hyperpyrexia, dehydration, electrolyte disturbance or acidosis, is impacting object. The main therapeutic strategy is to prevent such
unknown. catastrophes by wearing protective chest shields in sports such as
baseball and cricket.87
Brugada Syndrome
A significant subset of individuals with VF in the absence of
structural heart disease have Brugada syndrome, which is Athletes are generally regarded as the healthiest individuals in
explained by genetic mutations within the cardiac sodium channel society, but they are not immune from arrhythmias or cardiac
SCN5A in the majority of cases.80,81 The classic type 1 ECG disease. The evaluation and management of an athlete with
pattern includes an RBBB pattern associated with coved arrhythmia or symptoms suggestive of arrhythmia is an uncom-
ST-segment elevation pattern in leads V1 to V3. Although most mon clinical scenario but often proves to be an important and
deaths from Brugada syndrome occur during resting conditions challenging issue facing the general physician and the sports car-
such as sleep, the identification of Brugada syndrome in a com- diologist. Correct interpretation of the resting ECG may not only
petitive athlete, based on the typical type I Brugada ECG pattern, identify potentially fatal cardiac disease in a minority of athletes
precludes competition in sporting disciplines of moderate or high but also obviate the need for laborious, anxiety-provoking inves-
physical intensity because of a theoretical risk of fatal arrhythmias tigations in the majority. Erroneous diagnoses have the potential
associated with high body temperature during exercise and for serious consequences, including unnecessary disqualification
intense vagotonia in predisposed individuals after the exercise from sport at one extreme and jeopardizing a young life at the
(Figure 51-12).82,83 other. Although sinus bradycardia and sinus arrhythmia are
common in athletes, other bradyarrhythmias and most tachyar-
rhythmias may be harbingers of cardiac pathology warranting
Commotio Cordis
investigation and management as set out by consensus panels in
Commotio cordis is a term used to denote SCD caused by a fatal the 36th Bethesda guidelines, the Sports Cardiology nucleus, for
ventricular arrhythmia from blunt, nonpenetrating trauma to the in the European Society of Cardiology.13,14
precordium usually by a projectile object.84,85 Most deaths have
been reported in young athletes participating in baseball and ice KEY REFERENCES
hockey; however, deaths may also occur in hockey, lacrosse, soft-
Basavarajaiah S, Wilson M, Whyte G, et al: Prevalence and significance
ball, martial arts, and any sport where direct contact with the of an isolated long QT interval in elite athletes, Eur Heart J 28(23):
chest wall is possible. Over 180 deaths have been reported as 2944–2949, 2007.
caused by this condition.86 SCD is caused by VF, which, in turn, Biffi A, Pellicca A, Verdile L, et al: Long term significance of frequent and
is caused by an impact-induced premature ventricular complex complex ventricular tachyarrhythmias in trained athletes, J Am Coll
that falls on the preceding T wave. The VF proves resistant to Cardiol 40:446, 2002.
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J Med 313:24–35, 1985. tive sports participation in athletes with cardiovascular disease. A con-
Magalski A, Maron B, Main M, et al: Relation of race to electrocardio- sensus document from the Study Group of Sports Cardiology of the
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Eur Heart J 30(14):1728–1735, 2009. com.
Proarrhythmia Syndromes
Anne M. Gillis 52
Proarrhythmia usually is defined as provocation of a new arrhyth- reported to cause torsades de pointes VT. Associated bradycardia
mia or aggravation of an existing arrhythmia during therapy with and electrolyte abnormalities (hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, or
a drug at concentrations usually not considered toxic.1-9 However, both), often caused by diuretic use, increase the probability of
drug-drug interactions that may lead to unrecognized elevations torsades de pointes VT in the setting of class Ia or III antiarrhyth-
in drug concentrations, for example, an IKr (delayed rectifier mic drug use. Although amiodarone significantly prolongs the
potassium [K+] current)–blocking drug and a macrolide antibi- Q-T interval, the incidence of torsades de pointes VT associated
otic, that can precipitate proarrhythmia. Other therapies (e.g., with amiodarone use is relatively low.2,14 Diuretics, by virtue of
devices or ablation procedures) or pathophysiological conditions causing profound hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia, may be asso-
may also cause proarrhythmia.2,10,11 The various proarrhythmia ciated with torsades de pointes VT when other drugs are not used.
syndromes are summarized in Box 52-1, and the drugs and condi- The diuretic indapamide, which blocks the slowly activating com-
tions most frequently associated with proarrhythmia are listed in ponent of the slow delayed rectifier K+ current (Iks), may cause
Table 52-1. Most types of proarrhythmia occur in the setting of excessive Q-T interval prolongation and torsades de pointes VT.15
structural heart disease, but proarrhythmia may also occur in Noncardiovascular drugs associated with torsades de pointes
individuals without apparent heart disease. Antiarrhythmic drugs VT include tricyclic antidepressants (e.g., imipramine), antip­
have a higher risk of causing ventricular proarrhythmia, but drugs sychotic drugs (e.g., haloperidol, risperidone, phenothiazine),
that are considered generally safe may cause proarrhythmia in antihistamines (e.g., diphenhydramine, terfenadine, astemizole),
susceptible individuals.2,4-6 macrolide antibiotics (e.g., erythromycin, clarithromycin), quino-
lones (e.g., ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, ofloxacin),
pentamadine, anti-fungal agents, and cisapride.1-9 A number of
Drug-Induced Long QT Syndrome and drugs, including cisapride, terfenadine, and astemizole, have been
Torsades De Pointes Ventricular Tachycardia withdrawn from the market because of an unacceptably high
incidence of torsades de points VT. The risk of torsades de pointes
The greatest risk of ventricular proarrhythmia has been identified VT caused by terfenadine or cisapride is attributed to the accu-
with drugs that prolong the Q-T interval on the electrocardio- mulation of these drugs in plasma as a consequence of coadmin-
gram (ECG), which can predispose to a potentially life-threatening istration of another drug (e.g., erythromycin or ketoconazole) that
form of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT), termed tor­ inhibits their cytochrome P450 3A4–mediated biotransformation
sades de pointes VT (Figure 52-1).1-9 Other pathophysiological to noncardioactive metabolites.5,6,8
conditions that result in excessive prolongation of the Q-T inter- Isolated profound bradycardia (most often in the setting of
val may also cause this proarrhythmia (see Table 52-1).1-9 Syncope complete heart block) may be associated with profound Q-T
occurring early after the initiation of quinidine therapy was interval prolongation and torsades de pointes VT, particularly in
recognized as early as the 1920s, but it was not until the advent the setting of drugs or other factors that prolong the Q-T inter-
of continuous electrocardiographic monitoring that “quinidine val.13 Neurologic events such as subarachnoid hemorrhage have
syncope” was recognized to be caused by this pause-dependent been associated with marked repolarization abnormalities, Q-T
polymorphic VT.12 The term torsades de pointes was initially interval prolongation, and torsades de pointes VT. Adrenergic
coined by Dessertenne in 1966 to describe this polymorphic stimuli in the setting of dobutamine infusion have also been
tachyarrhythmia that is often characterized by beat-to-beat reported to cause torsades de pointes VT. Case reports have also
changes in the QRS axis.13 Torsades de pointes VT often termi- implicated anesthetic agents, including halothane, as a cause for
nates spontaneously and may cause syncope, but it may transition torsades de pointes VT.
into a sustained polymorphic VT or ventricular fibrillation (VF)
and cause sudden cardiac death (SCD) (see Figure 52-1).
The most common drugs and conditions associated with exces- Cellular Mechanisms of Torsades De Pointes
sive Q-T interval prolongation and torsades de pointes VT are Ventricular Tachycardia
summarized in Table 52-1. An up-to-date list of drugs associated
with torsades de pointes VT is maintained at www.longqt.org. An increase in inward currents, a reduction of outward currents,
Antiarrhythmic drugs that prolong the ventricular action potential or a combination of both during phase 2 and 3 of the ventricular
duration (APD), including class Ia drugs (quinidine, procainamide, action potential leads to prolongation of the ventricular action
disopyramide) and class III drugs (amiodarone, sotalol, dofetilide, potential, which manifests as Q-T interval prolongation on the
ibutilide, azimilide), have all been reported to cause torsades de ECG (Figure 52-2).1-7 Mutations of genes encoding K+, sodium
pointes VT.2-9 Rarely, the class Ic drug propafenone has been (Na+), and calcium (Ca2+) channels have been linked to the

772  Clinical Syndromes

Box 52-1  Proarrhythmia Syndromes congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS). Disease states such as left
ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure are associated with a
DRUG INDUCED reduction in outward currents caused by the downregulation of
Action potential prolonging drugs transient outward K+ current (Ito), IKr, the inward rectifier K+
Torsades de pointes VT acquired long QT syndrome
current (IK1), or all, which occurs in a spatially heterogeneous
Ventricular fibrillation
manner.16,17 A reduction in net outward currents, an increase in
Sodium Channel–Blocking Drugs inward currents, or a combination of both, facilitates the develop-
Ventricular fibrillation ment of early afterdepolarizations (EADs) that develop in M cells
Monomorphic VT or Purkinje cells because of the activation or reactivation of
Atrial flutter with 1:1 AV conduction
arrhythmogenic inward currents, including Ca2+ channels or the
PACEMAKER RELATED OR ICD RELATED Na+-Ca2+ exchange current.1-7,18 These EADs may initiate torsades
Anti-tachycardia pacing–induced hemodynamically unstable VT or VF de pointes VT, which is then maintained by re-entry (see Figure
Anti-tachycardia pacing–induced atrial fibrillation 52-2).1,6 Intracellular calcium overload, as in the setting of heart
Pause induced VT or VF failure, may facilitate the development of EADs in the setting of
Cardiac resynchronization therapy acquired LQTS.17
Antiarrhythmic drug–induced increases in defibrillation threshold
In the ventricular myocardium, the APD varies in a spatially
ABLATION RELATED heterogeneous manner because of differences in current densities
Left atrial flutter in specific cell types (Purkinje fibers and endocardial, mid-
myocardial, or epicardial cells).1,6,16,18 The ventricular APD is
AV, Atrioventricular; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; VF, ventricular
fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia. longest in the mid-myocardial layer (M cells) and shorter in the
epicardial and endocardial regions. This dispersion of ventricular

Table 52-1  Drugs and Conditions Associated with Torsades de Pointes Ventricular Tachycardia



Class Ia Quinidine Levofloxacin

Procainamide Moxifloxacin

Disopyramide Ofloxacin

Class Ic Propafenone Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

Class III Amiodarone Pentamidine

d, l-Sotalol Antifungal Ketoconazole

d-Sotalol Fluconazole

Dofetilide Itraconazole

Ibutilide Antihistamines Diphenhydramine

Azimalide Terfenadine*

Psychotropic Haloperidol Astemizole*

Phenothiazines Cholinergic antagonists Cisapride*

Risperidone Narcotics Methadone

Tricyclic antidepressants DRUGS FOR OTHER CONDITIONS

Tetracyclic antidepressants Bradycardia Complete heart block or

Diuretics Furosemide significant bradycardia

Hydrochlorothiazide Electrolyte abnormalities Hypokalemia

Indapamide Hypomagnesemia

Metolazone Hypocalcemia

Antimicrobial Erythromycin Nervous system injury Subarachnoid hemorrhage


*No longer commercially available.

Proarrhythmia Syndromes  773


FIGURE 52-1  Top, Spontaneously terminating torsades de pointes ventricular tachycardia (VT). Note the bradycardia, Q-T interval prolongation,
and the late coupled ventricular premature beats, which cause greater prolongation of the Q-T interval and a run of spontaneously terminating
polymorphic ventricular tachyarrhythmia. Bottom, Torsades de pointes VT, which generates into ventricular fibrillation and sudden cardiac arrest.
Note the Q-T interval prolongation and polymorphic VT triggered by a late coupled ventricular premature beat.


Action potential prolonging drug + reduced K+ levels + slow rate

60/min 15/min


M cell 50 mV
Outward currents (mainly K+):
Transient outward current (ITO):
Endo Rapid delayed rectifier (IKr) and
slow delayed rectifier (IKs)
Inward rectifier (IK1)
Inward currents (mainly Ca2+)

200 ms 200 ms



FIGURE 52-2  Mechanism of torsades de pointes ventricular tachycardia (VT). A, Exposure of cardiac Purkinje fibers from dogs to experimental
conditions mimicking those seen in torsades de pointes results in action potential prolongation, early afterdepolarization (EAD), and a triggered beat
arising from the EAD. B, Differences among the durations and configurations of action potentials recorded from epicardial (Epi), mid-myocardial (M
cell), endocardial (Endo), and Purkinje fiber (PF) sites. The relationship between individual action potentials and the electrocardiogram tracings is shown
at the bottom. The action potentials on the left were recorded at a stimulation rate of 60 beats/min; those on the right were recorded at a rate of 15
beats/min. The vertical lines denote the end of action potentials in epicardial sites (shortest) and M-cell sites (longest). At the slower rate, exaggerated
heterogeneity exists in the durations of the action potentials and Q-T interval prolongation. Re-entrant excitation caused by heterogeneity in the
action potentials causes torsade de pointes VT. (From Roden DM: Drug-induced prolongation of the QT interval, N Engl J Med 350:1013–1022, 2004.)
774  Clinical Syndromes


HERG Increased action QT Torsades de pointes

block potential duration, EADs, prolongation degenerating to VF
and heterogeneity of

FIGURE 52-3  Mechanisms of ventricular tachyarrhythmias and sudden death secondary to HERG blockade. Drug blockade of the HERG channel (left)
causes prolongation of the ventricular action potential (blue) followed by the development of early afterdepolarization (red). These changes, which are
heterogeneous across the ventricular wall, result in Q-T interval prolongation and increased dispersion of the Q-T interval. A ventricular premature beat
triggers torsades de pointes ventricular tachycardia, which, in this example, degenerates into ventricular fibrillation. (From Roden DM, Viswanathan PC:
Genetics of the long QT syndrome, J Clin Invest 115:2025–2032, 2005.)

• Subclinical LQTS
• Ion channel

Ion channelopathy

Adrenergic activity ↓ Deceased Drugs

Electrolyte abnormality repolarization Drug-drug metabolism
Bradycardia reserve
Cardioversion for AF
FIGURE 52-4  Factors influencing repolarization reserve and risk for
torsades de pointes ventricular tachycardia. AF, Atrial fibrillation; CHF,
EADS, ectopic beats, congestive heart failure; EADs, early afterdepolarizations; LQTS, long QT
torsades de pointes VT
syndrome; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; VT, ventricular tachycardia.

repolarization is increased in disease states, including ventricular repolarization reserve and the risk of proarrhythmia was initially
hypertrophy, and may be further exaggerated by the administra- introduced by Roden.5,22 Cardiac repolarization is determined by
tion of a drug that prolongs the Q-T interval.16 Marked spatial IKr and IKs as well as other inward and outward currents during
dispersion of ventricular repolarization appears to be a prerequi- the plateau of the action potential. A defect in one of these cur-
site for torsades de pointes VT because it provides the functional rents may not be apparent if other currents that contribute to
substrate for re-entry.19 Functional block may vary on a beat-to- repolarization are intact. Roden has hypothesized that “physio-
beat basis, contributing to spiral re-entrant waves, which explains logic processes such as drug metabolism or cardiac repolarization
the polymorphic nature of the arrhythmia.1,6,20 include multiple redundancies” and that “loss of these redundan-
Although multiple ionic mechanisms may contribute to the cies due to congenital or acquired conditions may enhance sus-
development of torsades de pointes VT, the vast majority of drugs ceptibility to proarrhythmic responses even in the absence of a
associated with torsades de pointes VT are thought to act by baseline phenotype.”5 For example, decreased expression of IKs
blockade of the rapid component of IKr (Figure 52-3).1,3,7 The because of a mutation in one of the genes responsible for expres-
HERG gene (also known as KCNH2) regulates the expression of sion of IKs, or because of a pathophysiological state such as heart
IKr. The molecular structure of the drug-binding domain in the failure or atrial fibrillation (AF), may not become apparent until
HERG channel makes it more vulnerable to blockade by a variety the individual is treated with a drug that blocks IKr, which results
of drugs compared with other K+ channels. A small proportion of in marked prolongation of the Q-T interval and proarrhythmia in
individuals who develop drug-induced torsades de pointes may this setting of reduced repolarization reserve (Figure 52-4).
have subclinical forms of congenital LQTS.3-6,21 Some polymor- The period immediately after cardioversion to sinus rhythm
phisms of genes responsible for the expression or regulation of from AF appears to be a time of great risk for torsades de pointes
the ion channels involved in congenital LQTS have also been VT.9,23,24 The potential mechanism underlying this event is shown
implicated in drug-induced torsades de pointes.3,4,21 Mutations in in Figure 52-5. The sustained tachycardia and the neurohumoral
HERG may enhance blockade of the channel by certain drugs. changes associated with AF may alter some electrophysiological
A normal QT at the start of antiarrhythmic drug therapy does properties, including downregulation of repolarizing currents.
not exclude the risk for proarrhythmia.2,5,7 The concept of reduced Restoration of sinus rhythm is often associated with bradycardia
Proarrhythmia Syndromes  775

Box 52-2  Risk Factors for Torsades de Pointes
Atrial Sinus node dysfunction Ventricular Tachycardia
fibrillation ventricular hypertrophy
Female gender
Baseline Q-T interval prolongation
Potassium Excessive Q-T interval prolongation on drug
channel blocker Bradycardia Increased Q-T interval dispersion on drug
Recent cardioversion from atrial fibrillation
EADs Hypokalemia
Congestive heart failure or left ventricular dysfunction
Ventricular hypertrophy
History of VT or VF
Renal impairment
Ion channel polymorphisms
FIGURE 52-5  Conversion from atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm
Subclinical long QT syndrome
increases the risk of ventricular proarrhythmia. Resumption of sinus
rhythm often is associated with profound bradycardia, which, in the VF, Ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
setting of left ventricular hypertrophy or left ventricular dysfunction,  
is associated with action potential prolongation. Early
afterdepolarizations (EADs) triggering torsades de pointes ventricular
tachyarrhythmia are more likely to occur in this setting.
Gender-specific differences in drug transport and metabolism
may also contribute to the modulation of the pharmacokinetics
of IKr-blocking drugs.28
and action potential prolongation that could be further exagger- The risk of torsades de pointes VT is generally related to drug
ated by the downregulation of K+ channels. The action potential dose.6,31 However, torsades de pointes VT has been described as
prolongation also facilitates increased sarcoplasmic calcium, pre- an idiosyncratic reaction that occurs during quinidine therapy,
disposing to triggered activity. A similar situation may occur after and syncope secondary to torsades de pointes occurs within
atrioventricular (AV) junction ablation for the management of hours of initiation of this drug therapy.6,12 The development
persistent AF. The early period after ablation is a particularly of torsades de pointes VT at low quinidine concentrations may
vulnerable period for SCD, which is believed to be caused by be secondary to the IKr-blocking effects in conjunction with aug-
bradycardia-dependent polymorphic VT.25 Successful AV junc- mentation of the late Na+ current resulting in a decrease
tion ablation is associated with abrupt slowing of the heart rate. in net repolarizing currents; however, at higher quinidine concen-
Sudden slowing of the heart rate and the associated prolongation trations, the more dominant Na+ channel–blocking effects balance
of the ventricular APD after ablation could increase the likelihood the IKr block and restore the repolarization reserve.6 The risk of
of EADs. Consistent with this hypothesis, we have observed exag- torsades de pointes VT associated with sotalol or dofetilide
gerated bradycardia-dependent prolongation of the Q-T interval therapy clearly increases significantly with dose, which is further
and increased Q-T interval dispersion in patients with significant exacerbated by other risk factors, including renal failure.31 The
left ventricular dysfunction after total AV junction ablation.26 incidence of ventricular proarrhythmia during sotalol initiation
at doses up to 320 mg/day was 1.8%; this incidence increased to
4.5% at doses up to 480 mg/day and to 6.8% at doses greater than
Risk Factors for Torsades de Pointes 640 mg/day.
Ventricular Tachycardia Some cardiac disease processes such as ventricular hypertro-
phy or significant left ventricular dysfunction are associated with
The risk factors for torsades de pointes VT are summarized in significant prolongation of the APD.32-34 These electrophysiologi-
Box 52-2.1-9,27,28 The presence of multiple risk factors (e.g., female cal changes are caused by changes in repolarizing current
gender, cardiac hypertrophy, electrolyte abnormalities, and prior densities, including decreases in Ito, IK1, IKr, and IKs.16,35 Changes in
history of VT) dramatically increase the risk of developing tors- these repolarizing currents in their densities, balance, or both may
ades de pointes VT. Diuretic use in the setting of normal serum alter the response of specific channel blockers, resulting in exag-
potassium concentrations has been reported to be a risk factor gerated prolongation of the APD and increased dispersion of
for torsades de pointes VT.29 This may be caused by total body ventricular repolarization that provides the substrate for torsades
potassium depletion that may not be reflected by serum potas- de pointes VT.
sium concentrations or the direct action potential–prolonging
effects of some diuretic drugs.
Women have a twofold to threefold greater risk of developing Electrocardiographic Harbingers of Torsades
torsades de pointes VT during treatment with action potential– de Pointes Ventricular Tachycardia
prolonging drugs independent of other risk factors.27,30 In the
general population, women have longer Q-T intervals compared Excessive Q-T interval prolongation and morphologic changes in
with men. In experimental models, females have longer ventricu- the T wave usually precede the development of torsades de
lar APDs and increased transmural dispersion of repolarization pointes VT.6,29,34 Figure 52-6 illustrates the changes in the Q-T
compared with males, which may be explained, in part, by reduced interval and T-wave morphology during sotalol initiation that
expression of IKr as well as other K+ currents.28 Testosterone short- precede the development of torsades de pointes VT. Note the
ens the ventricular APD, whereas estrogen prolongs the APD. development of Q-T interval prolongation and a U wave, both of
776  Clinical Syndromes


SOTALOL (day 2) SOTALOL (day 3)

FIGURE 52-6  Serial changes in the Q-T interval after sotalol

initiation. Note that the Q-T interval prolongs early after initiation
of sotalol (right upper panel). This is followed by the development
of more marked U waves, bradycardia, and further Q-T interval

III * *

FIGURE 52-7  Electrocardiographic harbingers of torsades de

pointes ventricular tachyarrhythmia. Note the marked Q-T interval
prolongation (A), the T-wave alternans in the setting of Q-T
interval prolongation (B), prolongation of the Q-T interval after
a post-extrasystolic pause (C), and late coupled premature
D ventricular beats (C and D).

which become progressively more prominent over the 48 to 72

hours after the initiation of sotalol administration. The magnitude Box 52-3  Electrocardiographic Harbingers of Torsades de Pointes
of the Q-T interval prolongation may be exaggerated by abrupt Ventricular Tachycardia
slowing of the heart rate (e.g., after a compensatory pause). The
prominence of the U waves may vary on a beat-to-beat basis and QTU prolongation
may be modified by abrupt changes in heart rate. Figure 52-7 illus- Increased Q-T interval dispersion >60 ms
T-wave alternans
trates and Box 52-3 summarizes some of the electrocardiographic
Post-extrasystolic pause TU changes
harbingers of torsades de pointes VT. Note the excessive Q-T Late-coupled polymorphic VPBs
interval prolongation, the development of prominent U waves, Repetitive polymorphic beats
T-wave alternans, post-extrasystolic pause exaggeration of the
QTU, QT–U-wave interval; TU, T wave–U wave complex; VPBs, ventricular premature
Q-T interval prolongation, and T-wave morphologic changes and
beats; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
clustering of repetitive polymorphic ventricular premature beats.
Proarrhythmia Syndromes  777

have not become mainstream therapies for torsades de pointes

Dispersion of Ventricular Repolarization and VT.
Torsades de Pointes Ventricular Tachycardia
Abrupt changes in the Q-T interval and in the relationship Prevention
between the Q-T interval and heart rate may develop immediately
before the onset of torsades de pointes VT.7,36 Increased Q-T Torsades de pointes VT may be prevented by (1) avoiding the use
interval dispersion, defined as the difference between the shortest of class I or III antiarrhythmic drugs in patients with significant
and the longest Q-T intervals measured on the 12-lead ECG, may left ventricular dysfunction, (2) reducing the dose or stopping
precede the development of torsades de pointes VT. Class Ia the drug if significant Q-T interval prolongation (>500 ms) or
antiarrhythmic drugs were shown to significantly increase Q-T increased Q-T interval dispersion (>80 ms) is observed during
interval dispersion compared with the drug-free state in patients drug therapy, (3) correcting electrolyte abnormalities (hypokale-
who developed torsades de pointes VT during drug therapy.19,34 mia or hypomagnesemia) before antiarrhythmic drug initiation,
In contrast, patients who did not develop this proarrhythmia (4) avoiding potassium-wasting diuretics or using potassium-
during drug therapy did not manifest a significant increase in Q-T sparing diuretics (amiloride or spironolactone), (5) considering
interval dispersion compared with those in the drug-free state. prophylactic magnesium supplements in high-risk patients; (6)
Amiodarone did not increase Q-T interval dispersion in the preventing significant bradycardia; (7) considering permanent
patients who developed torsades de pointes VT on class Ia drugs. pacing in patients with significant bradycardia in whom class I or
The low incidence of torsades de pointes VT observed during III antiarrhythmic drugs are considered important therapies; and
amiodarone therapy likely reflects its homogeneous effects on (8) monitoring high-risk patients during initiation of antiarrhyth-
ventricular repolarization, which may, in part, be caused by mic drug therapy in the hospital.
calcium channel–blocking and β-adrenergic–blocking effects.19,34
The time from the peak of the T wave to its return to baseline has
been shown to correlate directly with the development of torsades Should Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy Be
de points VT.7 Amiodarone therapy causes less bradycardia- Initiated in the Hospital?
induced prolongation of the APD of M cells isolated from patients
with heart failure compared with M cells isolated from patients The safety of initiating antiarrhythmic drug therapy in the outpa-
with heart failure who were not treated with amiodarone.37 The tient setting is still being debated.31 Approximately 50% of epi-
reduced dispersion of ventricular repolarization likely explains sodes of ventricular proarrhythmia occur within 72 hours of
the low incidence of torsades de pointes VT occurring in associa- initiation of antiarrhythmic drug therapy for AF. It has been esti-
tion with amiodarone compared with class I or other class III mated that 1200 patients would have to be monitored for 3 days
antiarrhythmic drugs. to prevent one torsades de pointes VT–related death. The Symp-
tomatic Atrial Fibrillation Investigative Research on Dofetilide
(SAFIRE-D) investigators reported a low incidence (0.8%) of tor-
Treatment sades de pointes VT during the initial 3 days of dofetilide therapy
in patients with AF.46 Nevertheless, the guidelines for dofetilide
The initial treatment for torsades de pointes VT is magnesium initiation approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
sulfate (1 to 2 g IV bolus).38 Magnesium should be administered (FDA) require that this drug be initiated in the hospital. Similar
even if the serum magnesium level is normal. The drug implicated recommendations can be found in the product monograph for
should be discontinued, and other reversible causes should be sotalol approved for the treatment of AF. ECG monitoring during
corrected (e.g., electrolyte abnormalities, bradycardia). Overdrive drug initiation should be undertaken for high-risk patients but
atrial or ventricular pacing is effective when the arrhythmia recurs does not appear to be cost effective for low-risk patients. More-
despite magnesium administration.39 Isoproterenol infusion may over, efforts at the prevention of proarrhythmia must be contin-
also be used to increase heart rate and shorten the Q-T interval. ued throughout the course of antiarrhythmic drug therapy.
Atropine has been reported to eliminate torsades de pointes VT,
presumably via the increase in heart rate reversing the Q-T inter-
val prolongation.40 Serum K+ should be maintained in the high Proarrhythmia Caused by Sodium Channel
normal range (4.5 to 5 mEq/L). Elevation of the extracellular K+ Blocking Drugs
concentration increases outward K+ currents and reduces the
magnitude of drug block of IKr, thus shortening ventricular repo- Sudden Cardiac Death After Myocardial Infarction
larization.41 Modest increases in serum K+ may reverse the repo-
Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trials
larization abnormalities associated with some variants of LQTS
or abnormalities associated with antiarrhythmic drug use and The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) investigators
cause Q-T interval shortening as well as reduced Q-T interval reported that patients with frequent ventricular premature beats
dispersion.42 The mechanism by which magnesium prevents tor- after a myocardial infarction (MI) who were treated with fle-
sades de pointes VT is uncertain. Magnesium does not shorten cainide or encainide had a higher mortality rate compared
the APD or the Q-T interval and likely exerts its effect by block- with patients treated with placebo.47 The proarrhythmic risk was
ing Ca2+ channels. In experimental models, Na+ channel blockers not just limited to the early phase of drug therapy but increased
have been reported to antagonize the effects of class Ia and III over the course of the trial. Subgroup analyses suggested that
drugs on APD and to prevent proarrhythmia.43,44 K+ channel– recurrent myocardial ischemia played an important role in the
activating compounds have also been reported to prevent EAD increased risk of arrhythmic death.48-50 Total mortality rate and
and proarrhythmia in animal models.45 However, these agents risk of cardiac arrest were higher in patients who had sustained a
778  Clinical Syndromes

non–Q-wave MI and in those who had not received thrombolytic 79% of dogs with chronic MI versus 55% of dogs with acute isch-
therapy. The relative risk (RR) of death or cardiac arrest was 10.6 emia. However, the concentration dependence of flecainide pro-
in patients sustaining a non–Q-wave MI versus 1.45 in those arrhythmia differed substantially between the two groups:
patients sustaining a Q-wave MI.49 This observation led to the proarrhythmia occurred at therapeutic concentrations in the
hypothesis that recurrent ischemia in the setting of class Ic drug setting of acute MI and most likely manifested as VF, whereas
therapy altered the electrophysiological milieu in the infarct 20-fold higher concentrations of flecainide were required to
region, predisposing to a proarrhythmic response. Consistent induce proarrhythmia in the dogs with chronic MI, and proar-
with this hypothesis, concomitant β-blocker and flecainide or rhythmia manifested as induced sustained monomorphic VT.56
encainide use was not associated with an increased RR of death.49 Studies in experimental models have demonstrated that
CAST-II demonstrated the increased proarrhythmic potential β-blockers, in the setting of acute ischemia, reduce the proar-
of the class I antiarrhythmic drug moricizine during early dosage rhythmic effects of Na+ channel blockers.62,63 Under normal con-
titration.51 Death or nonfatal cardiac arrest during the drug ditions, isoproterenol reverses flecainide’s effect on Na+ channel
initiation phase was significantly greater in patients treated with block. However, under conditions of membrane depolarization,
moricizine compared with those treated with placebo. The RR of as would be expected in ischemia, isoproterenol amplifies fle-
death or nonfatal cardiac arrest during the initial 2 weeks of cainide’s effects on sodium channel block.63 Thus an enhanced
moricizine therapy was 5.6. Although survival during long-term sympathetic tone in the setting of acute ischemia may further
follow-up was similar in the moricizine and placebo groups, modulate the interaction between a class I drug and ischemic
CAST-II was terminated early because it was deemed unlikely tissue to promote proarrhythmia.
that a survival benefit from moricizine would be observed if the These experimental studies demonstrate that class I antiar-
trial were completed. rhythmic drugs, when present in sufficient concentrations in the
CAST and meta-analyses of class I anti-arrhythmic drugs in myocardium, increase the risk for VF in patients with coronary
patients with ischemic heart disease, left ventricular dysfunction, artery disease if acute ischemia develops, presumably because of
or both indicate that these drugs increase the risk of lethal car- spatially heterogeneous effects on conduction velocity and possibly
diovascular events.52,53 Therefore such drugs are contraindicated repolarization, which provides the substrate for re-entry and VF.
in patients with a history of prior MI. By extension, many clini-
cians also believe that these drugs are relatively contraindicated
Other Cardiac Disease States
in any patient with ischemic heart disease or risk factors for
ischemic heart disease, as well as in patients with significant left Information about the proarrhythmic potential of class I Na+
ventricular dysfunction. channel–blocking drugs in cardiac disease models without isch-
emic heart disease is limited. However, cardiac hypertrophy and
ventricular dysfunction in the setting of volume overload are asso-
Mechanisms of Ventricular Proarrhythmia in Ischemic Heart Disease
ciated with heterogeneous abnormalities of ventricular conduc-
Na+ channel–blocking agents slow conduction in atrial and ven- tion and repolarization.17 In the setting of cardiac disease, the
tricular muscles in a use-dependent manner (i.e., greater conduc- resting membrane potential is likely elevated in some cells, which
tion block occurs at faster heart rates). Some Na+ channel–blocking might predispose them to greater antiarrhythmic drug-induced
agents (encainide and flecainide) produce extensive block at slow Na+ channel conduction block. In addition, frequent ventricular
physiological heart rates, which increases the risk of proarrhyth- premature beats, which may occur in the setting of left ventricular
mia.2,54 By causing excessive slowing of conduction that exceeds dysfunction, may be associated with greater conduction delays in
changes in refractoriness in diseased tissue, class Ic antiarrhyth- the presence of class I drugs and thus predispose to ventricular
mic drugs may stabilize a re-entrant circuit that has previously re-entry. Some Na+ channel–blocking drugs produce exaggerated
been unable to sustain re-entry and thus establish the electro- slowing of conduction in models of disease states.54,64 Thus any
physiological substrate for sustained VT or convert nonsustained Na+ channel–blocking drug may likely produce exaggerated elec-
VT to sustained monomorphic VT.2,54 This model of re-entry trophysiological responses in diseased ventricular tissue with
assumes that the drug alters only conduction velocity. In reality, responses occurring in a heterogeneous manner, thereby pre­
many Na+ channel–blocking drugs alter conduction velocity and disposing to ventricular proarrhythmia. Therefore selective Na+
refractoriness in a heterogeneous manner that depends on the channel–blocking drugs are relatively contraindicated in all
physiological milieu. Increased dispersion of tissue refractoriness patients with significant left ventricular dysfunction.
may also promote ventricular re-entry.
Experimental studies demonstrated that encainide and fle-
Incessant Ventricular Tachycardia Secondary to Sodium
cainide enhanced induction of sustained VT in dogs with prior
Channel–Blocking Drugs
MI without VT inducible at baseline.55-58 These drugs cause pref-
erential conduction slowing in the peri-infarct zone, which results Some patients treated with Na+ channel–blocking drugs, particu-
in unidirectional block or marked slowing of conduction in the larly class Ic drugs such as flecainide or propafenone, may develop
direction transverse to fiber orientation that facilitates ventricular slow, incessant VT.2,65 This usually occurs in the setting of struc-
re-entry. In experimental models of acute ischemia, the presence tural heart disease (e.g., prior MI) and marked conduction slowing
of a Na+ channel–blocking agent significantly increased the inci- because the circulating wavefront is less likely to encounter
dence of spontaneous ventricular fibrillation (VF).54 Class I drugs, refractory tissue and be abolished. Incessant VT may be hemo-
including lidocaine and flecainide, produce exaggerated effects dynamically tolerated because of its slow rate. However, the
on conduction velocity and repolarization in ischemic tissue, arrhythmia may degenerate into a hemodynamically significant
contributing to the substrate for VF.58-61 Ranger et al evaluated VT or VF and be lethal.65 This arrhythmia is usually observed with
the concentration dependence of flecainide proarrhythmia in higher or toxic drug doses or in the setting of other pathophysi-
dogs with acute or chronic MI.56 Proarrhythmia was observed in ological conditions that exaggerate the effects of the drug on
Proarrhythmia Syndromes  779

conduction (e.g., acidosis, hyperkalemia, or concomitant Na+ Class I or class III antiarrhythmic drugs may also convert AF
channel blockers, including phenytoin). Incessant monomorphic
VT may also be observed with overdose of tricyclic antidepres-
sants. The anticholinergic effects of tricyclic antidepressants
cause an increase in sinus rate, which results in exaggerated Na+
to atrial flutter and may precipitate atrial flutter with 1:1 AV
conduction through their effects on slowing atrial conduction in
the absence of AV node–blocking drugs.
channel block.
Increased Cardiac Mortality Associated with Class III Drugs
The Survival with Oral d-Sotalol (SWORD) trial investigators
reported increased cardiovascular mortality with d-sotalol com-
The antiarrhythmic drug should be discontinued, and electrolyte pared with placebo in patients with left ventricular dysfunc-
abnormalities or acidosis should be corrected. Hypertonic saline tion.71,72 As in CAST, excess mortality rates on active drug
or sodium bicarbonate may reverse the conduction slowing and continued to be observed through the course of follow-up. The
terminate the arrhythmia.66,67 However, Na+ may exacerbate heart mechanism or mechanisms of the increased mortality rate are
failure, so caution is required in patients with significant left ven- uncertain. Torsades de pointes VT is certainly a possibility.
tricular dysfunction. β-blockers may be beneficial because the However, VF in the setting of acute ischemia precipitated by
magnitude of conduction slowing is less at slower heart rates. Na+ ischemia-mediated exaggeration of antiarrhythmic drug effects
channel–blocking drugs should be avoided. (similar to the mechanism proposed in CAST) is also another
plausible cause. In contrast, the Danish Investigation of Arrhyth-
mia and Mortality on Dofetilide (DIAMOND) did not report an
Ventricular Proarrhythmia in Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
increased mortality rate associated with dofetilide compared with
In the setting of ventricular pre-excitation, adenosine, digoxin, placebo in patients with left ventricular dysfunction.73 Differences
β-blockers, verapamil, and diltiazem may promote conduction of in trial design likely explain these apparently divergent outcomes.
AF in an antegrade fashion across the accessory pathway. If the In DIAMOND, drug therapy was initiated in the hospital during
antegrade refractory period of the accessory pathway is short, this ECG monitoring, and therapy was stopped if excessive Q-T inter-
may provoke VF. Accordingly, these drugs are contraindicated in val prolongation was observed. In contrast, the SWORD trial
this setting.68 design favored drug doses associated with Q-T interval prolonga-
tion. Furthermore, patients in the SWORD trial were generally
healthy and hence less likely to benefit substantially from drug
Atrial Flutter with 1:1 Atrioventricular Conduction
In patients with atrial flutter, Na+ channel–blocking drugs may
significantly slow the atrial flutter cycle length such that 1:1
Induced Proarrhythmia and Device Therapy
AV conduction develops and the ventricular rate increases (Figure
52-8).69,70 This phenomenon has been reported with quinidine and Anti-tachycardia pacing therapies for the termination of sustained
has been attributed to quinidine’s vagolytic effects. Slowing of the VT are not always effective and may, at times, accelerate VT to VF
atrial flutter cycle length also occurs in association with flecainide or to a more hemodynamically unstable form of VT (Figure
and propafenone, particularly when rate-controlling (AV node– 52-9).10,74 The risk of acceleration of VT is relatively small (4%) and
blocking) antiarrhythmic drugs are not prescribed. During atrial is similar for ramp and burst pacing modalities. Syncope in the
flutter, the atrial rate typically is approximately 300 beats/min. In setting of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) may be
most individuals not on AV node blocking drugs, 2:1 AV conduc- caused by ventricular proarrhythmia provoked by anti-tachycardia
tion is present and the ventricular response is approximately 150 pacing therapies; the risk may be reduced by careful programming
beats/min. Flecainide or propafenone may slow the atrial flutter of the ICD. Sometimes, concomitant antiarrhythmic drug therapy
rate to approximately 200 to 220 beats/min. This may allow the may increase the efficacy of anti-tachycardia pacing therapies by
ventricular response to increase from 150 to 200 to 220 beats/min slowing the VT rate and may minimize the risk of anti-tachycardia
with 1:1 AV conduction. An intraventricular conduction delay pacing–induced proarrhythmia. The risk of ventricular arrhyth-
pattern is often observed because of the marked rate-dependent mia associated with implantable atrial defibrillators has been
conduction block associated with these drugs at higher heart reported to be extremely low when the cardioversion shock is
rates. In fact, this arrhythmia may be misdiagnosed as VT. This synchronized to the R wave and the shock is delivered at a slow
form of proarrhythmia may occur in patients receiving class I heart rate.75 False-positive detection of AF caused by far-field
antiarrhythmic drugs for the treatment of AF. Such patients may R-wave oversensing can lead to inappropriate therapies, which
have intermittent atrial flutter, or the antiarrhythmic drug may may rarely initiate VF.76 Atrial anti-tachycardia pacing for treat-
alter the electrophysiological substrate in the atria to predispose ment of atrial flutter or tachycardia may initiate sustained AF,
to atrial flutter. although the risk is generally low.
The diagnosis of atrial flutter with 1:1 AV conduction should Normal operation of the pacing system may, at times, promote
be considered in patients with a history of AF or atrial flutter who ventricular proarrhythmia. Sweeney et al analyzed the intracar-
are treated with class Ic drugs. Carotid sinus massage or intrave- diac initiation sequence of more than 1300 VT or VF episodes
nous adenosine may unmask atrial flutter and establish the diag- from two recent clinical studies.77 They found pacing-associated
nosis. Intravenous β-blockers or Ca2+ channel blockers (verapamil short-long-short sequences at the onset of 21% to 35% of all VT
or diltiazem) should be administered to control the ventricular or VF episodes. The short-long-short sequences were further
rate. Na+ channel blocking drugs should be administered in con- classified as pacing-permitted or pacing-facilitated onsets.
junction with an AV node–blocking drug (e.g., a β-blocker or Ca2+ Pacing-permitted onset of VT or VF was observed more fre-
channel blocker) in patients with atrial flutter or AF to prevent quently with the managed ventricular pacing algorithm and the
the development of this form of proarrhythmia. VVI mode, whereas pacing-facilitated onset of VT or VF was
780  Clinical Syndromes

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



150 Hz 25.0 mm/s 10.0 mm/mV 4 by 2.5s + 1 rhythm Id MAC 8 002B 12SLtm v25C

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



150 Hz 25.0 mm/s 10.0 mm/mV 4 by 2.5s + 1 rhythm Id MAC 8 002B 12SLtm v25C

FIGURE 52-8  Top, Atrial flutter with 1:1 atrioventricular (AV) conduction during propafenone therapy in a patient without structural heart disease.
Propafenone was prescribed for prevention of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the absence of AV nodal blocking drugs. Propafenone slowed the atrial
flutter cycle length to 300 ms, which results in 1:1 AV conduction with an intraventricular conduction delay abnormality. Bottom, After administration
of AV node–blocking drugs, atrial flutter with 2:1 AV conduction is apparent, the ventricular rate is now 103 beats/min, and the intraventricular
conduction delay has resolved. (Courtesy Dr. Yorgo Veenhuyzen.)

more commonly observed with the DDD pacing mode. An repolarization. The resulting increased dispersion of ventricular
example of VT initiated after a short-long-short sequence during repolarization may contribute to the ventricular proarrhythmia
pacing associated with the managed ventricular pacing algorithm that is occasionally observed with cardiac resynchronization
is shown in Figure 52-10. therapy. Although some clinical trial data have suggested that the
Precipitation of ventricular arrhythmias, including cases of VT risk of SCD may be increased in patients treated with CRT versus
storm immediately after cardiac resynchronization therapy an ICD, a recent meta-analysis of 14 trials did not suggest any
(CRT), has been reported.10,78,79 Left ventricular pacing may need excess risk of SCD from CRT (RR, 1.07; 95% confidence interval
to be discontinued to prevent this. Left ventricular pacing via [CI], 0.79 to 1.46).80,81
epicardial coronary sinus lead implantation reverses the transmu- Deaths related to lead failure–induced proarrhythmia have
ral activation sequence, delaying endocardial depolarization and been reported in patients with ICDs.10
Proarrhythmia Syndromes  781

9 7 6 7 5 5 6 8
2 3 6 8 9 1 5 5
A 0 A 0 A 1240 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0
F 2 F 2 F 2 F 2 F 2 P 2 P2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 P 2 S 2 F 3 S 2 F 2 S 2 F 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S2 D 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S
8 7 7 8 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 7 5 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FVT FVT Rx 1 Ramp VF VF Rx 1 Defib

4 5 7 8 7 7 6 4 4 3 4 4
2 5 1 3 5 2 9 3 5 9 9 7
A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0
2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 S 1 S 1 S 1S 2 S 2 S 1 S 1 S 1 S 1S 1S 1S 1S 1S 1S1S1S1S2 S1S1S1 S1 S 1S 1S1S1 S1S 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 6 9 3 0 3 7 7 9 5 4 3 5 6 3 2 5 2 8 6 3 6 5 3 7 5 2 6 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 3 3 4 4 4 5 8 8 8
4 8 8 8 3 6 0 1 1 1
A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 1480 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0

S S S S S S S S S S S S S S ER S D 1200 P 8 V 8 V 8 V 8
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
4 7 2 3 8 8 8 3 3 2 3 8 5 4 7 2 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35.0J 0 0 0 0

FIGURE 52-9  Example of fast ventricular tachycardia accelerated by ventricular anti-tachycardia pacing to ventricular fibrillation requiring a 35-J
defibrillation shock. The atrial and ventricular intracardiac electrograms, the marker channel annotations, and atrial and ventricular cycle lengths  
are shown in each panel. AR, Atrial refractory event; AS, atrial sensed event; FS, sensed event in fibrillation detection zone; TF, fast VT sensed event;
TP, anti-tachycardia paced event.

Antiarrhythmic Drug Effects on Defibrillation Thresholds

(e.g., procainamide, sotalol, azimilide, dofetilide) do not have any
Some antiarrhythmic drugs, by virtue of their effects on passive significant effect on defibrillation energy requirements, or they
and active membrane properties, may alter defibrillation thresh- reduce them.84-89 The effects of amiodarone on defibrillation
olds. Na+ channel–blocking drugs have been reported to have no thresholds are being debated. Some studies have reported no
effect on defibrillation thresholds and do not increase them. These change in defibrillation thresholds during long-term amiodarone
divergent effects appear, in part, to depend on the experimental therapy, whereas other investigators have reported an increase
model or the type of anesthesia used.82-84 In patients with left in defibrillation thresholds.89 This ongoing debate concerns
ventricular dysfunction, lidocaine has been reported to increase reassessment of marginal defibrillation thresholds at initiation
defibrillation thresholds.84 Reports suggest that drugs that prolong of an antiarrhythmic drug known to increase the defibrillation
the APD and exert predominantly class III antiarrhythmic effects threshold.
782  Clinical Syndromes

Atip to Aring (1 mV)

Vtip to Vring (10 mV)
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8
1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 8 8
A•A (ms) 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A
A 0 A 0 A 0 A
V•V (ms) V V V V V V V V V V V T T T T T T T T T T T
S 6 S 6 S 6 S 6 S 6 S 6 S 6 S 6 S 1040 P 3 S 3F 3F 3 S3 F 2 F 2F 2F 2F 3F 3 F 3 F 3
1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 7 0 0 5 0 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FIGURE 52-10  Pause associated monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT). This implantable cardioverter-defibrillator is programmed to managed
ventricular pacing, which permits mode switching from the AAI to DDD mode. One atrial paced (AP) event fails to conduct through the
atrioventricular node, resulting in a pause of 1040 ms. A ventricular premature beat occurs after the pause initiating VT. AP, Atrial paced event; AR, atrial
refractoring event; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; TF, fast VT sensed event; VP, ventricular paced event; VS, ventricular sensed event.

Antiarrhythmic Drug Effects and Cardiac Pacemakers KEY REFERENCES

Some antiarrhythmic drugs (e.g., β-blocking agents, Ca channel 2+ The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) Investigators: Prelimi-
antagonists) may cause suppression of sinus node automaticity or nary report: Effect of encainide and flecainide on mortality in a ran-
domized trial of arrhythmia suppression after myocardial infarction, N
advanced AV node conduction abnormalities, which would result
Engl J Med 321:406–412, 1989.
in profound sinus bradycardia, sinus arrest, or high-grade AV
The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial II (CAST) Investigators: Effect
block requiring a permanent pacemaker insertion. These effects of the antiarrhythmic agent moricizine on survival after myocardial
may be exaggerated by the concomitant use of class I or III antiar- infarction, N Engl J Med 327:227–233, 1992.
rhythmic drugs prescribed for the management of AF. Some anec- Dessertenne F: La tachycardie ventriculaire a deux foyers opposes vari-
dotal reports have suggested that antiarrhythmic drugs may cause ables, Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss 59:263–272, 1966.
an increase in pacing thresholds, particularly in the setting of Gillis AM: Effects of antiarrhythmic drugs on QT interval dispersion—
ischemia, acidosis, or hypoxia. Some newer pacemakers have relationship to antiarrhythmic action and proarrhythmia, Prog Cardio­
automatic capabilities for measuring pacing thresholds to main- vasc Dis 42:385–396, 2000.
tain an adequate pacing safety margin. In our experience with Hreiche R, Morissette P, Turgeon J: Drug-induced long QT syndrome in
women: Review of current evidence and remaining gaps, Gend Med
modern pacing leads, antiarrhythmic drugs do not cause substan-
5:124–135, 2008.
tial changes in pacing thresholds over a 24-hour period.
Roden DM: Cellular basis of drug-induced torsades de pointes, Br J Phar­
macol 154:1502–1507, 2008.
Proarrhythmia After Ablation Procedures Roden DM, Viswanathan PC: Genetics of acquired long QT syndrome, J
for Atrial Fibrillation Clin Invest 115:2025–2032, 2005.
Tung R, Zimetbaum P, Josephson ME: A critical appraisal of implantable
Left atrial tachycardia or flutter is a recognized complication of cardioverter-defibrillator therapy for the prevention of sudden cardiac
ablation techniques aimed at resolving AF.11,90,91 Ostial ablation of death, J Am Coll Cardiol 52:1111–1121, 2008.
the of the pulmonary veins may result in focal atrial tachycardias Tzivoni D, Banai S, Schuger C, et al: Treatment of torsade de pointes with
in 1% of patients, whereas circumferential ablation approaches are magnesium sulfate, Circulation 77:392–397, 1988.
Waldo AL, Camm AJ, de Ruyter H, et al: Effect of d-sotalol on mortality
associated with an 18% to 25% risk of focal or re-entrant left atrial
in patients with left ventricular dysfunction after recent and remote
tachycardias. Many of these arrhythmias resolve during follow-up;
myocardial infarction, Lancet 348:7–12, 1996.
therefore repeat ablation may not be required.
All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
Acknowledgments com.

This chapter was supported by the Heart and Stroke Foundation

of Alberta.
Exercise-Induced Arrhythmias
Senthil Kirubakaran and Jaswinder Gill 53
and 1993, Van Camp et al examined 136 deaths among high school
Introduction and college athletes during or within 1 hour of exercise and found
that 100 deaths were likely to have a cardiac etiology: 89% had
Exercise-induced arrhythmias are defined as arrhythmias that structural heart disease (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy [56%],
occur during or shortly after exercise. The observation of this asso- anomalous coronary arteries [13%], aortic stenosis [6%], myocar-
ciation was first made in 1927 by Bourne, who commented on the ditis [7%], and dilated cardiomyopathy [6%]), but 11% had structur-
development of frequent ventricular premature beats (VPBs) ally normal hearts.22 A review of all cases of SCD at the University
during exercise in patients with suspected coronary artery disease of Minnesota over a 13-year period found that 5% of SCDs were
(CAD).1 Later, in 1932, Wilson et al reported the first case of ven- associated with structurally normal hearts.23 In addition, those
tricular tachycardia (VT) initiated during exercise.2 Since then, with normal hearts were younger (mean age, 35 years), and in 50%
exercise-induced tachyarrhythmias (both supraventricular and the first presentation was SCD following a cardiac arrest.
ventricular) and bradyarrhythmias have been reported in the The clinical presentations of exercise-induced arrhythmias are
literature.3-14 variable and depend on etiology, the type of arrhythmia, and the
Exercise-induced supraventricular arrhythmias are common. presence of structural heart disease. Symptoms range from exer-
Atrial premature beats have been reported to occur in 5% of tional palpitations, breathlessness, and chest pain to presyncope
“normal” individuals and up to 40% in patients with structural and syncope. In some, the initial presentation can occur after a
heart disease.15 The incidence rates of atrial fibrillation (AF) and cardiac arrest or unexplained SCD. Approximately 6% to 17% of
atrial tachycardia (AT) are lower and vary between 0.3% to 1.1% all SCDs occur in association with exercise.24-27
and 0.1% to 2.8%, respectively.7 These have a positive relationship Individuals with exercise-induced arrhythmias represent a het-
to age and are more frequent in those with underlying structural erogeneous group. These arrhythmias affect all ages and have a
heart disease. number of etiologies, some associated with structural heart
In addition to conferring a poorer prognosis, the development disease and some in which the abnormality is at genetic and
of ventricular arrhythmias during exercise was formerly consid- molecular levels. A wide spectrum of presenting arrhythmias is
ered representative of significant heart disease; as a result, these associated with different prognoses. This variability in etiology,
arrhythmias were more extensively investigated. However, it is clinical presentation, and outcomes makes diagnosis, manage-
now known to not be true for all exercise-induced arrhythmias. ment, and risk stratification of those affected a clinical challenge.
The incidence of VPBs during exercise has been shown to vary
from 0% to 2.4% in healthy individuals to 31% in patients with
structural heart disease.15,16 The association between VPBs during Normal Physiological Effects of Exercise
exercise and the presence of ischemic heart disease was recognized
early, with up to 50% of patients developing simple VPBs during During exercise, an initial withdrawal of vagal tone occurs, fol-
exercise testing.17,18 In addition, the complexity and number of lowed by activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which
VPBs were shown to correlate with the degree of associated ST- causes an increase in circulating catecholamines.28-31 The effect of
segment depression, disease severity, and the degree of left ven- this is an increase in heart rate, atrioventricular (AV) conduction,
tricular dysfunction, with complex VPBs or repetitive VPBs (salvos, and cardiac contractility, which results in an increase in cardiac
triplets) present in 6% of patients with severe CAD.18,19 In contrast, output and thus oxygen delivery to organs. These effects are
sustained VT during exercise is relatively uncommon, even among mediated by activation of the α- and β-adrenoreceptors, which
those with underlying CAD (0.15% to 1.7%).20,21 A further study directly affect the ion channel currents and electrophysiological
showed the prevalence of complex ventricular premature com- properties of cardiac cells. The predominant cardiac receptor is
plexes to be between 15% and 27% in patients with CAD.21a the β1-adrenoreceptor. The intracellular mechanisms of β1-
Although earlier reports clearly identified the association adrenoreceptor activation have been extensively studied and elu-
between these arrhythmias and structural heart disease (e.g., a cidated. β1-adrenoreceptor activation stimulates intracellular
previous myocardial infarction [MI], hypertrophic and dilated G-proteins, which, in turn, activate cyclic adenosine monophos-
cardiomyopathy), more recently, there has been growing interest phate (cAMP), protein kinase A, and a number of ion membrane
in inducible ventricular arrhythmias during exercise in those with channels. Activation of the pacemaker current (If ) and the voltage-
structurally normal hearts (e.g., long QT syndrome [LQTS] and dependent calcium (Ca2+) channel (ICa-L and ICa-T) results in an
catecholaminergic polymorphic VT [CPVT]). These arrhythmias increased rate of phase 4 depolarization of the action potential of
occur in seemingly healthy young individuals and can be inherited pacemaker cells, enhancing normal automaticity and increasing
and associated with sudden cardiac death (SCD). Between 1983 sinus rate. Protein kinase A activation phosphorylates the L-type

784  Clinical Syndromes

and re-entry.36-38 For example, a ventricular scar caused by a previ-

Antagonist Agonist ACh ADO
ous myocardial infarct creates a stable anatomic substrate for
– +
re-entry. During exercise, catecholamine-sensitive automatic foci
+ can be triggered, causing unidirectional block and re-entry around
β-AR M2R
the scar, resulting in VT. In addition, in the presence of regional
β Gαs Gαs + – G αi Gαi β A1R wall motion abnormalities, the mechanical stress on the heart
γ γ during exercise may not be uniform, resulting in abnormal auto-
GDP GTP ATP cAMP GTP GDP maticity and heterogeneity of refractoriness, predisposing to
CCB re-entry.37 In patients with CAD, exercise-induced ischemia

creates an electrophysiological substrate for arrhythmias by its
Ca + PKA direct effects on ion channel currents and myocyte membrane
integrity.39 The resultant alteration in action potential character-
+ ATP PLB istics alters myocyte depolarization, cell-to-cell conduction, and

SR Iti DAD tissue refractoriness, which can cause abnormal automaticity,

triggered activity by early afterdepolarizations (EADs) or delayed
NCX afterdepolarizations (DADs) and re-entry.39 Genetic mutations of
3Na ion channels (LQTS types 1 or 2) or structural proteins involved
with intracellular Ca2+ handling (CPVT) create an electrophysi-
FIGURE 53-1  Signal transduction for initiation and termination of ological substrate for exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias by
cyclic adenosine monophosphate–mediated triggered activity. AC, altering the normal cellular depolarization, repolarization pro-
Adenyl cyclase; Ach, acetylcholine; ADO, adenosine; A1R1, adenosine cesses, or both during exercise.40,41
receptor; β-AR, β-adrenergic receptor; CCB, calcium channel blocker; Although traditionally tachyarrhythmias are described as
DAD, delayed afterdepolarization; Iti, transient inward current; M2R,
automatic, triggered or re-entry, exercise-induced arrhythmias
muscarinic receptor; NCX, Na+/Ca2+ exchanger; PLB, phospholamban;
frequently have more than one mechanism.
PKA, protein kinase A; RyR, ryanodine receptor; SR, sarcoplasmic
reticulum. (From Lerman BB, Stein KM, Markowitz SM: Mechanisms of
idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol
8[5]:571–583, 1997.) Abnormal Automaticity
In diseased states, cells may exhibit automatic activity and may
discharge spontaneously in the presence of increased catechol-
Ca2+ channel, the ryanodine receptor (RyR) on the sarcoplasmic amines during exercise. Abnormal automaticity occurs in patients
reticulum, and phospholamban. The net effect of this is increased with myocardial ischemia and electrolyte abnormalities (particu-
cytosolic Ca2+ and activation of the sodium-calcium (Na+-Ca2+) larly hypokalemia). Hypokalemia and ischemia reduce the activity
exchange pump (Figure 53-1). Increased intracellular Ca2+ causes of the Na+-K+ adenosine triphosphatase, thereby reducing the
increased contractility by increasing actin and myosin interaction. background repolarizing current and enhancing phase 4 diastolic
Adrenergic stimulation also increases the outward repolarizing depolarization. Abnormal automaticity could be in the form of
potassium (K+) current (Ik) primarily by activation of the slow isolated ectopics or sustained tachycardias. The development of
component of the delayed rectifier current, Iks and the chloride atrial or ventricular ectopy during exercise can trigger other
current ( ICl− ), resulting in rate-dependent action potential short- arrhythmias (AF, atrial flutter, AV nodal re-entry tachycardia
ening.32 The physiological effects of α-adrenoreceptor activation [AVNRT], AV reciprocating tachycardia, VT, VF) providing a
are less well understood. Activation of the α1-adrenergic recep- suitable anatomic substrate is present for reentry.3-5,42
tors reduces K+ conductance primarily from a reduction in the K+ If the automatic focus is sustained, then an AT or VT ensues.42,43
current (Ik) and increases ICa2+ and intracellular Ca2+ via the protein Automatic exercise-induced arrhythmias include atrial or ven-
C and inositol phospholipid system.33 tricular ectopy, idiopathic outflow tract VT, and arrhythmias
In addition to the direct adrenergic effects associated with associated with myocardial ischemia and hypokalemia.
exercise, electrolyte and mechanical effects caused by myocardial
stretch and baroreceptor activation can affect the electrophysio-
logical properties of cardiac cells; however, the precise mecha- Triggered Activity
nism of these is less well understood.34,35
Despite these electrophysiological changes during exercise, the Triggered activity is initiated by afterdepolarizations. DADs occur
initiation of arrhythmias is rare. However, if the delicate chemical after repolarization of the action potential and are caused by
balance and natural physiological response to exercise are altered, increased Ca2+ load in the cytosol and the sarcoplasmic reticu-
then conditions become favorable for the initiation and mainte- lum.44 Increased intracellular Ca2+ activates the Na+-Ca2+ exchange
nance of arrhythmias. pump and the Cl– channel.45,46 The effect of this is to activate the
transient inward current (Iti), which causes afterdepolarizations.47
When the inward current is of sufficient threshold, another action
Mechanisms of Arrhythmogenesis potential is initiated, and triggered activity occurs. cAMP has an
During Exercise important role in regulating intracellular Ca2+. Increased catechol-
amines during exercise activate cAMP and protein kinase A,
In the presence of an appropriate anatomic or electrophysiologi- which increases Ca2+ uptake by the myocyte through the L-type
cal substrate, the direct catecholamine effects and indirect effects Ca2+ channel and increases release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic
of exercise can initiate abnormal automaticity, triggered activity, reticulum by RyR2 (see Figure 53-1).
Exercise-Induced Arrhythmias  785

Conditions that increase intracellular Ca2+ can initiate DADs presence of areas of depolarized and repolarized myocardium,
and triggered activity. Experimentally, DADs can be initiated
during rapid pacing, increased serum Ca2+, digitalis, and endog-
enous or exogenous catecholamines. This explains the frequent
association between exercise (increased catecholamines and
which creates appropriate conditions for the development of
multiple wavelets or nonstationary spiral activity and polymor-
phic VT.50
Frequently, a re-entry arrhythmia is initiated during exercise
heart rate) and the initiation of arrhythmias caused by triggered by catecholamine-sensitive automatic foci or triggered activity.
activity such as outflow tract VTs (e.g., right ventricular outflow For example, automatic foci can trigger AVNRT, AVRT, AT, or
tract [RVOT] VT), CPVT, and LQT1 syndrome (torsades de VT, provided that an appropriate substrate is present. As previ-
pointes). Conversely, conditions that inhibit the β-receptor– ously mentioned, catecholamine-associated triggered activity can
adenyl cyclase cascade, such as vagal stimulation, β-receptor rapidly degenerate into polymorphic VT and VF.
blockade, Ca2+ channel blockade, and adenosine, have been shown Exercise-induced re-entry tachycardias have been implicated
to reduce DADs. The effect of adenosine on the ventricles is medi- as the mechanism for arrhythmias caused by myocardial ischemia
ated by the A1-adenosine receptor which causes a conformational and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC).
change in the Gi-protein, which decreases cAMP levels through
its inhibition of adenyl cyclase. The downstream effect of this is
reduced protein kinase A–mediated phosphorylation of the Mechanism of Exercise-Induced
L-type Ca2+ channels, RyR2, and phospholamban. The net effect Bradyarrhythmias
of this is reduced intracellular Ca2+ and thus reduced activity of
the Na+-Ca2+ exchange pump and Iti current as well as reduced Although the majority of reported cases of exercise-induced
afterdepolarizations and termination of arrhythmias (see Figure arrhythmias are tachycardias, bradycardias have also been
53-1).47 However, adenosine is unable to terminate ventricular reported. Initial case reports described patients with pre-existing
DADs because of cAMP-independent mechanisms such as digi- conduction disease that gave rise to the development of AV block
talis or inosine triphosphate–dependent pathways. during exercise.14,51,52 The site of block in these cases was predomi-
“Gain of function” mutations in the sarcoplasmic reticulum nantly infra-Hisian. These authors postulated that as the distal
Ca2+ release channel (cardiac RyR2) have been identified in conduction system is relatively insensitive to autonomic modula-
patients with the syndrome of CPVT and VF associated with a tion, during exercise an attenuated increase in AV conduction
short Q-T interval.48 Exercise has been shown to potentiate DADs would occur. Therefore, during exercise, the increased sinus rates
in this group, resulting in polymorphic VT.49 would fail to conduct to the ventricles in a 1 : 1 manner.53 Sumoyo-
EADs occur during the action potential and interrupt shi et al54 reviewed 14 cases of exercise-induced second-degree
the normal myocyte repolarization process. LQTS types 1 AV block. The mean atrial rate increased from 62.9 ± 10 beats/
(LQT1) and 2 (LQT2) are associated with EADs and can result in min before exercise to 107.1 ± 15 beats/min, but the ventricular
exercise-induced polymorphic VT, characteristically torsades de rate decreased from 62.9 ± 10 beats/min to 53.4 ± 12.5 beats/min.
pointes. They reported that the site of block was proximal to the His
Exercise-induced arrhythmias caused by triggered activity potential in four patients and intra-His or distal in the remainder.
characteristically are initiated during fast heart rates and show They also noted that AV block was initiated when the atrial rate
acceleration during rapid rates. In addition, these arrhythmias are increased above a critical level governed by the refractory period
frequently terminated by Ca2+ channel blockade or the adminis- of the diseased conduction system, which was reproduced with
tration of adenosine. exercise, atrial pacing, and atropine. They therefore concluded
In contrast, Ca2+ channel blockade or adenosine have no that exercise-induced AV block was not purely exercise related
effect on automatic arrhythmias and EAD-mediated VT such as but was caused by atrial rate. Other reported mechanisms of
in LQTS. exercise-induced AV block are depressed function of the sino-
atrial or AV node from hypoxia or ischemia in patients with
coexisting lung disease or CAD.11-14 In addition, abrupt cessation
Re-entry of exercise and increased vagal tone could potentially cause
Increases in catecholamines during exercise cause an increase in
heart rate and an associated decrease in tissue refractoriness. If
an appropriate substrate is present for re-entry arrhythmias (atrial Conditions Associated with Exercise-Induced
or ventricular scar, accessory pathways, dual AV nodal pathways), Arrhythmias: Structural Heart Disease
the decrease in tissue refractoriness and differential effects of
catecholamines on the effective refractory period of different A number of conditions are associated with exercise-induced
parts of the arrhythmia circuit causes an increase in the excitable arrhythmias. These can be divided into those associated with
gap, which may facilitate the initiation and maintenance of atrial structural heart disease and those associated with structurally
(AVNRT, AV reciprocating tachycardia) or ventricular re-entry normal hearts.
Exercise-induced polymorphic VT is thought to be caused by
Ischemic Heart disease
re-entry from nonstationary spiral activity within the ventricular
myocardium as a result of the increased heterogeneity of myo- In the United States, ischemic heart disease is the leading cause
cardial refractoriness. This can rapidly degenerate into VF. It has of death, with approximately 400,000 cardiac-related deaths
been shown that patients with ischemic heart disease and each year. The prevalence of coronary artery disease is approxi-
congenital LQT1 have an abnormal adaptation of the Q-T inter- mately 7.8% in men and 4.6% in women. Approximately 1.5
val during exercise. This would result in the simultaneous million cases of myocardial infarction occur annually in the
786  Clinical Syndromes












FIGURE 53-2  Exercise-induced ventricular tachycardia in a patient with coronary artery disease.

United States, with an annual incidence rate of 600 cases per increases platelet aggregation and could contribute to the devel-
100,000 individuals. opment of platelet thrombi over a ruptured plaque.64 Black et al
Patients with ischemic heart disease predominantly present reported clinical, autopsy, and angiography evidence of acute
with symptoms of chest pain and breathlessness. In some, plaque rupture in 13 individuals who had died or had an acute MI
however, symptoms associated with an arrhythmia frequently during vigorous exercise.63 To determine if a difference in the size
provoked by exercise are seen at presentation (Figure 53-2). of the thrombi was present, Giri et al compared angiography find-
Exercise-induced arrhythmias in patients with CAD are multi- ings in individuals referred for primary angioplasty who had an
factorial. Exercise increases myocardial oxygen demand by MI during or within 1 hour of exercise and compared them with
increasing cardiac contractility, heart rate, and systolic blood patients who had had an MI at rest.65 He showed that a coronary
pressure; therefore, if the coronary disease is flow limiting, myo- clot of more than 2 mm was present in 64% of the exercise-MI
cardial ischemia develops. Evidence also suggests that exercise group compared with 35% in the sedentary-MI group and postu-
itself increases vasoconstriction at the sites of coronary stenosis. lated that this difference was caused by differences in the mecha-
This is thought to be related to endothelial dysfunction and imbal- nism of plaque rupture. The consequence of acute plaque rupture
ance of endothelium-derived mediators.56,57 Regional differences is myocardial ischemia, which could lead to life-threatening
in myocardial blood flow and oxygen delivery cause changes in monomorphic or polymorphic VT or VF.66
regional pH and electrolytes.58,59 Myocardial ischemia results in In patients with a myocardial scar, the mechanism of arrhyth-
loss of membrane integrity with K+ efflux, increased Ca2+ influx, mia induction and maintenance is different. The presence of a scar
decreased amplitude and upstroke velocity of the cardiac action creates an anatomic substrate for re-entry. The resultant VT is
potential, inhomogeneous depolarization of the resting mem- monomorphic. These arrhythmias may be initiated during exer-
brane potential, and shortening of the action potential.60 This cise by the sympathetic triggering of automatic ventricular ectopic
heterogeneity in the electrophysiological properties (conduction beats causing unidirectional block and re-entry. Although the
velocity, refractory period) within and around an ischemic zone majority of arrhythmias associated with exercise-induced isch-
causes conduction delay, unidirectional block, and re-entry emia are tachyarrhythmias, bradyarrhythmias caused by myocar-
arrhythmias. In experimental studies, following the onset of myo- dial ischemia and CAD have been reported.13
cardial ischemia, polymorphic VT and VF was common.61,62 Acti- The management of patients with exercise-induced arrhyth-
vation mapping showed principally re-entry arrhythmias. mias caused by ischemic heart disease depends on etiology. If
Exercise itself can promote plaque rupture as the associated myocardial ischemia was caused by atherosclerotic coronary
increased cardiac contractility and heart rate could create extra disease, then prompt revascularization prevents further arrhyth-
stress in the “inflexible” atherosclerotic plaque within the epicar- mia recurrence.67,68 If the substrate for the ventricular arrhythmia
dial coronary artery.63 In addition, it has been shown that exercise is a myocardial scar, ablation is a potentially curative treatment if
Exercise-Induced Arrhythmias  787

the arrhythmia is incessant and refractory to anti-arrhythmic signal-averaged ECGs are used to detect late potentials and ε-
drugs and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) therapy.
Medical management of exercise-induced arrhythmias associ-
ated with CAD primarily is with β-blockade. β-Blockers have
been shown to be effective in reducing arrhythmia occurrence in
waves. Although the morphologic features of VT in ARVC and
idiopathic RVOT VT are similar, QRS duration may be useful in
the differential diagnosis. A QRS duration of 120 ms or more in
lead I and a QRS axis less than 30 degrees were found to be pre-
patients with ischemic heart disease and after an MI.69 The role dictive of ARVC.79 These differences are caused by the presence
of antiarrhythmic drugs in patients with CAD and after an MI of slowly conducting tissue in ARVC and is supported by pace-
was studied in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST). mapping studies in patients with ARVC and idiopathic RVOT
The hypothesis for this study was that suppression of VPBs with VT.79 Transthoracic echocardiography may reveal an enlarged,
antiarrhythmic drugs would result in a decrease in mortality rate hypokinetic right ventricle. However, the sensitivity for the detec-
in patients after an MI. They showed that unfortunately, encainide tion of ARVC on echocardiography is poor, so cardiac MRI is
and flecainide increased mortality rates and that other drugs, at used frequently. Fatty infiltration and extreme thinning and aki-
best, had only a neutral effect.70 Further meta-analysis in 1993 nesis of the right ventricular free wall can be seen on cardiac MRI.
showed that all antiarrhythmics, with the exception of amioda- If the diagnosis is still in doubt after the above investigations, then
rone, increased mortality rate in patients with CAD.71,72 Therefore, a transvenous biopsy of the right ventricle can be performed,
at present, medical management of exercise-induced arrhythmias although it has a low sensitivity in spite of being highly specific
associated with ischemic heart disease is with β-blockers or for ARVC. A biopsy sample consistent with ARVC would contain
amiodarone. more than 3% fat, more than 40% fibrous tissue, and less than 45%
myocytes. Exercise stress testing may be helpful in precipitating
ventricular arrhythmias in some patients with ARVC; however,
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
response to exercise is variable, and the absence or suppression
ARVC is characterized morphologically by fibro-fatty infiltration of PVCs during exercise should not be considered a conclusive
of the myocardium (predominantly of the right ventricle). The factor in terms of its diagnostic exclusion.80 Localized or diffuse
most frequent clinical presentation of ARVC is syncope or SCD. wall motion abnormalities in the right ventricle in patients with
ARVC is well recognized as a cause of SCD in the young. A pro- ARVC may induce ST-segment elevation in response to exercise.
spective investigation on SCD of the young in the Veneto region Toyofuku and colleagues observed ST-segment elevations of
in Italy showed that nearly 20% of fatal events in young people more than 0.1 mV in the right precordial leads and associated
and athletes were caused by ARVC. The remainder present with right ventricular regional wall motion abnormalities in 65% of
palpitations associated with ventricular ectopy or VT, with a char- patients with ARVC.81 Because exercise-induced ST-segment
acteristic left bundle branch block (LBBB) morphology. VT asso- elevation is a rare phenomenon in normal subjects and in those
ciated with ARVC is frequently associated with exercise. Thiene with idiopathic RVOT VT, this observation may be helpful in
et al found that of the 12 patients identified with ARVC, 10 of diagnosing ARVC.
them had died suddenly during exercise because of presumed In view of the strong association between exercise and arrhyth-
ventricular arrhythmias.73 Rossi et al and Palileo et al initially mia occurrence, patients with a diagnosis of ARVC are discour-
demonstrated that the re-entry arrhythmia was localized within aged from participating in competitive sports and endurance
the abnormal right ventricle.74,75 The presence of widespread dis- training. As described earlier, increased sympathetic activity and
ruption of the myocardium by fibro-fatty infiltration creates areas sensitivity to catecholamines may play a role in the genesis of
of slow intraventricular conduction and thus represents an ideal ventricular arrhythmias; therefore, β-blockers are used as the first
substrate for re-entry and ventricular arrhythmias. The precise line of treatment for symptomatic patients. Amiodarone is rec-
mechanism for arrhythmogenesis during exercise is not well ommended if β-blockers prove ineffective or are contraindicated.
understood. It is thought that the initiation of the arrhythmia by In patients with impaired right ventricular function and dilation,
exercise is related to both hemodynamic and neurohormonal anticoagulation should be considered in those with AF, marked
factors. Physical exercise increases right ventricular afterload, ventricular dilation or aneurysms, and a history of pulmonary or
which may trigger ventricular arrhythmias by cavity enlargement cerebral emboli. The ICD confers protection against SCD. It is
and increased stretch.76 In addition, progression of disease from therefore implanted in survivors of a cardiac arrest, arrhythmias
the epicardium to the endocardium may cause functional or associated with syncope or hemodynamic compromise, and left
structural sympathetic denervation, decreased catecholamine ventricular involvement or VT resistant to medical therapy as well
reuptake, enhanced sensitivity to catecholamines, and thus as in those with a history of SCD of an immediate family member.
increased arrhythmia induction during sympathetic activation
during exercise.77 Leclercq et al showed that a stronger sympa-
Left Ventricular Dysfunction
thetic stimulation was needed to produce sustained VT than to
elicit ventricular couplets and nonsustained VT.78 Exercise-induced arrhythmias in patients with left ventricular
Differentiating idiopathic RVOT VT from VT associated with dysfunction and heart failure are rare and, in fact, exercise has
ARVC is critical because the diagnosis affects long-term progno- been shown to be beneficial in these patients. A meta-analysis of
sis. No pathognomonic feature of ARVC exists; to make the exercise training in patients with chronic heart failure showed
diagnosis, electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography, right that of the 156 patients in the rehabilitation program, 22 had
ventricular angiography, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging arrhythmias during exercise.82 One had an episode of AF that
(MRI), and genetic testing are used. The most common ECG spontaneously cardioverted, 11 had premature ventricular beats,
abnormality is T-wave inversion in leads V1 to V3; however, a and 10 had atrial premature beats. No sustained ventricular
normal ECG does not exclude ARVC. An ε-wave is found in arrhythmias were reported. A study from the Lancisi hospital of
approximately 50% of those affected and is caused by slowed 154 consecutive patients in a cardiac rehabilitation program
intraventricular conduction. However, more commonly, found that 21 patients (13.6%) had VPBs, 10 (6.5%) had atrial
788  Clinical Syndromes

premature beats, 1 (0.6%) had AF, and 1 (0.6%) had VF requiring and narrowed intramural arterioles provoke exercise-induced
DC cardioversion. At the Cleveland Clinic, ECG data were gath- regional ischemia, which creates heterogeneity in conduction,
ered during rest, exercise, and recovery from 2123 patients with thus facilitating re-entry, abnormal automaticity, and triggered
left ventricular ejection fraction less than 35%.83 Of these patients, activity. In addition, during exercise, abrupt increases in outflow
7% developed exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias (defined tract obstruction increases left ventricular pressure, causing
as ventricular triplets, nonsustained or sustained VT, or polymor- increased stretch, which potentially could induce arrhythmias.
phic VT or VF) during recovery. This was associated with a 1.5- McKenna et al investigated the effects of submaximal treadmill
fold increased risk of death over 3 years, after adjustment for exercise on 30 patients with HCM.94 One patient (3%) had no
potential confounding factors. These patients are, however, at an arrhythmia, 14 (46%) had supraventricular tachycardia or parox-
increased risk of developing arrhythmias during exercise or ysmal AF, 13 (43%) had multi-form or paired ventricular extrasys-
recovery. This is thought to be multi-factorial and related to neu- toles, and 8 (26%) had VT. Routine echocardiographic or
rohormonal factors (increased sympathetic tone, reduced heart hemodynamic measurements did not predict the development of
rate variability), electrolyte disturbances (hypokalemia, hypomag- serious ventricular arrhythmias. It was concluded that asymp-
nesemia secondary to diuretics), hemodynamic factors (increased tomatic exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmia is a common
end-diastolic pressure, increased afterload, and variations in myo- occurrence in patients with HCM.
cardial stress) and iatrogenic factors (antiarrhythmic drugs).37 The consensus is that young patients with HCM should be
Therefore, if arrhythmias develop, it is important to ensure that restricted from intense competitive sports to reduce the risk
these patients are on appropriate heart failure treatment (e.g., of SCD. Medical therapy consists of β-blockers, verapamil, and
diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors) and disopyramide in symptomatic patients. ICDs should be offered
particularly β-blockers, and that serum electrolytes are normal. to patients with a major risk factor for SCD. This includes a
In addition, patients with sustained ventricular arrhythmias and prior cardiac arrest or sustained VT; family history of SCD in a
severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction should be offered ICD first-degree relative; unexplained syncope, particularly exertional;
therapy. multiple repetitive nonsustained VT recorded on a 24-hour
Holter monitor; abnormal blood pressure response during exer-
cise; and severe left ventricular hypertrophy (left ventricle thick-
Mitral Valve Prolapse
ness >30 mm).
Mitral valve prolapse is defined as displacement of mitral valve
leaflets by more than 2 mm above the mitral annulus. The
reported incidence varies widely between 5% and 38%.84,85 Initial Conditions Associated with Exercise-Induced
studies suggested that patients with mitral valve prolapse had an
increased incidence of ventricular arrhythmias and greater risk of
Arrhythmias Without Structural
SCD.86,87 A later study by Kilgfield et al demonstrated no increased Heart Disease
risk of SCD in patients with mitral valve disease compared with
the general population.88 However, patients with mitral valve pro- Approximately 10% of patients presenting at the hospital with VT
lapse do experience palpitations caused by ventricular ectopy and have no obvious evidence of underlying structural heart disease
nonsustained VT. In the 1970s, it was appreciated that these or CAD.95
ventricular arrhythmias occurred during exercise or during the
immediate recovery period.89 In 1986, Butrous et al demonstrated
Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
the development of VPBs during the first two stages of the Bruce
protocol (increased sympathetic activity), during early recovery Familial CPVT is a rare cause of exercise-induced VT. Sporadic
after exercise (increased parasympathetic and decreased sympa- cases were initially reported in the 1970s; however, in the
thetic), and during performance of the Valsalva maneuver (rapid past decade, a genetic etiology has become apparent.96 The preva-
increase in parasympathetic activity), and they postulated that the lence of CPVT is unknown but is estimated to be approximately
development of VPBs was caused by autonomic imbalance.90 1 per 10,000. CPVT diagnosis is frequently missed because indi-
Patients with symptomatic palpitations associated with VPBs viduals are often young with structurally normal hearts. Approxi-
frequently respond to β-blockers. mately 30% of probands present with a family history of
stress-related syncope, seizure, or SCD.97 SCD can be the first
manifestation of CPVT.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
CPVT is inherited as an autosomal dominant or recessive trait,
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is characterized by hyper- usually with high penetrance. In the dominant form, the disease-
trophy of the myocardium, particularly the interventricular causing gene has been mapped to chromosome 1q42 to 43, which
septum. The overall prevalence of HCM has been estimated to be codes for the cardiac RyR gene RyR2, which is a tetrameric intra-
between 0.05% and 0.2% of the general population. HCM is inher- cellular Ca2+ release channel on the sarcoplasmic reticulum
ited as an autosomal dominant trait and is attributed to mutations required for excitation-contraction coupling. In addition, RyR2
in one of a number of genes that encode for one of the sarcomere gene mutations have been identified in patients affected by
proteins. HCM was recognized early as a cause of SCD in young ARVC2, a variant form of ARVC.98 Mutations of the RyR2 channel
atheletes.91 The myocardium of patients with HCM is character- result in a “gain of function” thought to be caused by either the
ized by myocardial disarray and myocardial fibrosis, which create decreased binding affinity of the stabilizing FKBP 12.6 protein or
an ideal substrate for atrial and ventricular re-entry arrhyth- the increased sensitivity of the channel to Ca2+ and increased
mias.92,93 These arrhythmias are frequently initiated during exer- propensity to spontaneous release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic
cise. This is thought to be caused by the development of regional reticulum.99-102 In the recessive form, a missense mutation on the
ischemia and hemo­dynamic effects. The increased muscle mass locus of chromosome 1p13-21 has been identified.102,103 This
Exercise-Induced Arrhythmias  789

codes for CASQ2, which is the major Ca2+ reservoir within the

1000 ms
sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiac myocytes. Abnormalities in the 10:53:58 am
RyR2 channel proteins and CASQ2 result in increased intracel- A
lular Ca2+ and cytosolic Ca2+ overload; this, in turn, generates a
10:55:14 am
net transient inward current (Iti), which underlies diastolic mem-
brane depolarization, which, if sufficient, could reach the thresh-
old for Na+ current activation and triggered activity.44 B
During exercise, increased catecholamines activate the β1- 10:55:30 am
receptors, cAMP, and protein kinase A, which triggers Ca2+
release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. In patients with C
CPVT, the abnormal RyR2 channel and CASQ2 result in an 10:56:06 am
abnormally high intracellular Ca2+ release, causing DADs or trig-
gered activity and polymorphic VT. Liu et al, in their transgenic D
CPVT murine model, demonstrated the enhancement of DADs
Termination of adrenaline infusion
after β-adrenergic stimulation and the development of multiple
triggered action potentials.104 Subsequently, a number of other 10:58:53 am
studies have confirmed these findings.105-108 In humans, Paavola E
et al showed that in humans, those with the RyR2 mutation devel-
oped more DADs after the administration of adrenaline com- FIGURE 53-3  Demonstration of unifocal ventricular ectopy,
pared with control subjects.49 polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) and bi-directional VT in a
The clinical manifestations of CPVT are exercise-induced patient with catecholaminergic polymorphic VT during adrenaline
polymorphic, monomorphic, or bidirectional VT in patients with infusion. (From Mok NS, Lam CW, Fong NC, et al: Cardiac ryanodine
receptor gene (hRyR2) mutation underlying catecholaminergic
structurally normal hearts. Although, classically, CPVT is associ-
polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in a Chinese adolescent presenting
ated with bi-directional VT, this is the presenting arrhythmia in
with sudden cardiac arrest and cardiac syncope, Chin Med J [Engl]
only 35% of patients.109 The ventricular arrhythmias that occur 119[24]:2129–2133, 2006.)
during exercise stress testing appear quite consistently at heart
rates of 110 to 130 beats/min. They initially start as polymorphic
premature ventricular complexes, and then at increasing work-
load, an increased complexity of ventricular arrhythmia is reported that verapamil could significantly decrease the preva-
observed (i.e., bigeminy and couplets leading to bi-directional VT, lence of ventricular arrhythmia in patients with CPVT during
polymorphic VT, or both). When the exercise stops, the arrhyth- exercise stress testing, although it did not completely suppress
mias gradually disappear. Monteforte et al analyzed ventricular CPVT.116,117 Rosso et al reported that combining β-blockers and
arrhythmias developing during exercise stress testing in 61 con- verapamil would be better than β-blockers alone for preventing
secutive patients with CPVT before therapy.110 They demon- exercise-induced arrhythmias in CPVT.118 Recent studies and case
strated a positive direct correlation between the coupling interval reports of murine models of CPVT as well as clinically in three
of ventricular arrhythmias and the preceding R-R interval, sup- patients with CPVT have demonstrated that flecainide can effec-
porting the view that triggered activity is the mechanism underly- tively suppress arrhythmia.119-121 Facchini et al also explored the
ing arrhythmias in CPVT. therapeutic value of left cardiac sympathetic denervation (LCSD)
The mechanism for bi-directional VT has been the subject of in two patients with CPVT who had ventricular arrhythmias
much debate. Since its initial description in 1922, several hypoth- despite β-blockade.122 After LCSD, the two patients remained
eses have been suggested, including two separate foci and asymptomatic, VT could only be induced at high workloads, and
re-entry.111,112 Cerrone et al demonstrated, in their CPVT mouse the quality of life was improved. However, despite these studies,
model, the development of monomorphic, polymorphic, and the consensus at present is for ICD therapy. However, both appro-
bi-directional VTs during adrenergic stimulation and Ca2+ over- priate and inappropriate ICD shocks can trigger catecholamine
load.108 Endocardial mapping during the arrhythmia showed that release, precipitating arrhythmic storms and death.123,124
the foci were predominantly from the specialized conduction
system. Monomorphic VT was unifocal, and polymorphic VT
Long QT Syndrome
was multifocal, later degenerating into re-entry and VF. A case
report by Mok et al demonstrated the development of unifocal The Q-T interval is influenced by a number of factors, including
ventricular ectopy, followed by polymorphic VT and then heart rate, autonomic nervous system activity, electrolyte distur-
bi-directional VT during adrenaline infusion (Figure 53-3).113 bances, drugs, and genetic mutations in ion channel proteins
Bi-directional VT was associated with the occurrence of alter- (LQTS).125
nating right and left ventricular epicardial breakthroughs, which In the United States, the prevalence of LQTS is estimated at 1
accompanied the changes in the axis of the QRS. In addition, per 7000 persons, causing 2000 to 3000 deaths in children and
chemical ablation of the right ventricular endocardium induced young adults each year. At present, at least seven genes for LQTS
complete right bundle branch block (RBBB) and converted have been identified, with more than 200 mutations discovered
bi-directional VT into monomorphic VT. so far.126 The genes have been numbered in order of discovery
CPVT presents with a significant mortality rate, reaching 30% (LQT1 to LQT9).
by age 30 years if left untreated.114 Treatment with β-blockers is LQT1 is characterized by ventricular arrhythmias precipitated
effective; however, some patients may require ICD therapy.114,115 by exercise and LQT2 by acute arousal such as a sudden loud
Some studies showed that verapamil may be an alternative option noise. Symptoms of palpitations, presyncope or syncope, or SCD
for the treatment of CPVT. Sumitomo et al and Swan et al can present from birth to the fourth decade of life. SCD typically
790  Clinical Syndromes

presents in the preteen or early teenage period in LQT1 and torsades de pointes.132 These findings were later confirmed by a
slightly later (teenage years or early twenties) in LQT2. Sixty number of other studies.129,130,132-134 This abnormal adaptation of
percent of patients with LQTS have the LQT1 type. A study the Q-T interval during exercise results in simultaneous depolar-
demonstrated that 62% of symptomatic patients with LQT1 geno- ized and repolarized areas of the myocardium, which sets up the
type had events triggered by exercise.127 The mean QTc of these appropriate conditions for re-entry. A number of studies have
patients is 490 ms; the T wave typically has a broad base. Patients tried to elucidate the precise mechanism for this impaired rate-
with LQT2 syndrome have a mean QTc of 480 ms, and approxi- dependent Q-T interval shortening during exercise. It has long
mately 17% have a normal QTc at rest. Characteristically, the T been recognized that some forms of LQTS are sensitive to
wave is bifid. Sixty percent of patients with LQT2 have cardiac β-adrenergic stimulation; however, the cellular basis for this
events triggered by exercise, strong emotions, and loud noises. arrhythmogenic effect is poorly understood. As previously
Mutations in KCNQ1 and HERG are most commonly identi- described, during increased sympathetic activity during exercise,
fied and cause the LQT1 and LQT2 forms of LQTS, respectively. the Cl–-K+ (IKS) current and the L-type Ca2+ channel are activated.
These mutations induce functional defects in either the slow (IKs) The response to action potential shortening and therefore the
or rapid (IKr [LQT2]) component of the delayed rectifier K+ Q-T interval depends on the balance between the outward cur-
current. IKs is regulated by β-adrenoreceptors; therefore arrhyth- rents (primarily ICl– and IKs) and the inward currents (Ca2+). A
mias are precipitated during activities that increase sympathetic defect in IKs (in LQT1) offsets this balance, resulting in a net
activity, such as exercise. Conversely, LQT3, in which the abnor- inward current and therefore failure of β-adrenergic stimulation
mality appears to be within the Na+ channel, is associated with (and therefore exercise) to abbreviate the action potential dura-
ventricular arrhythmias at rest, frequently during sleep when the tion and the Q-T interval.135 In LQT2, arrhythmogenesis is
resting heart rate is low. thought to be caused by a different mechanism. Shimizu et al
A prolonged Q-T interval reflects dispersion of repolarization demonstrated, in their LQT2 mouse model (reduced IKr), that
within the myocardium increasing the susceptibility to re-entry β-adrenergic stimulation with isoproterenol causes an abrupt
and ventricular arrhythmias, characteristically torsades de pointes increase in action potential duration associated with intracellular
(Figure 53-4). Ca2+ loading, which was associated with the development of
It has been shown that impaired adaptation of the Q-T interval EADs.135 This, together with a study by Priori et al, who demon-
to changes in heart rate during exercise is important in the genesis strated the same effect in guinea pig myocytes pretreated with the
of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias.128-130 Paavonen et al IKr blocker dofetilide, led to the conclusion that increased adren-
studied the effects of mental and physical stress on patients with ergic stimulation contributes to the development of torsades de
congenital LQT1 and LQT2.131 During exercise, in healthy con- pointes in LQT2 by producing transient increases in action
trols, a reduction occurred in the Q-T interval by 47 ms com- potential duration and repolarization dispersion leading to the
pared with 38 ms in patients with LQT1 or LQT2. Furthermore, induction of EAD-mediated activity.135,136
it appeared that different mutations on the same ion channel The diagnosis of LQTS can be difficult because 2.5% of the
resulted in different effects on the Q-T interval during exercise. healthy population have a prolonged Q-T interval, and patients
The longest Q-T interval during exercise as well as the most with LQTS may have a normal Q-T interval. In view of this, a
impaired heart rate response to exercise was associated with a scoring system was developed by Schwarz et al to determine the
mutation in the pore region of the K+ channel gene KvLQT1, probability of an individual having LQTS (Table 53-1).137 However,
which is characteristically associated with exercise-induced this diagnostic criterion, although being specific, is not very

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 53-4  Initiation of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in a patient with long QT syndrome.
Exercise-Induced Arrhythmias  791

I aVR V1 V4
II aVL V2 V5



FIGURE 53-5  Right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia.

the efficacy of β-blockers and their lack of effect in patients with

Table 53-1  Diagnostic Criteria for Long QT Syndrome
LQT3. Therefore β-blockers are the first-line treatment for
ECG FINDINGS* patients with LQT1 and LQT2. In addition, ICDs should be con-
sidered, particularly in high-risk patients, including those having
(A) QTc†
  ≥480 ms 3 points symptoms before puberty, a very prolonged QTc interval
  460 to 479 ms 2 points (>500 ms), and recurrent syncope or arrhythmias despite adher-
  450 to 459 ms (in males) 1 point ence to β-blocker treatment.
(B) Torsades de pointes‡ 2 points
Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia
(C) T-wave alternans 1 point
Idiopathic monomorphic VT represents 10% of all cases of
(D) Notched T wave in three leads 1 point VT. Three types have been described: RVOT and LVOT VT,
(E) Low heart rate for age§ 0.5 point fascicular or verapamil-sensitive VT, and nonspecific (normal
heart) VT.

(A) Syncope‡ Outflow Tract Ventricular Tachycardia

  With stress 2 points
  Without stress 1 point Two types of outflow tract VT have been described: RVOT and
LVOT. In North America, 70% of idiopathic VTs arise from the
(B) Congenital deafness 0.5 point
RVOT just inferior to the pulmonary valve.139 RVOT VT is more
FAMILY HISTORY¶ common in females and is typically diagnosed in the third to fifth
decades of life.
(A) Family members with definite LQTS|| 1 point
The clinical presentation of RVOT or LVOT VT is highly vari-
(B) Unexplained sudden cardiac death at <30 years 0.5 point able. Patients can present with intermittent palpitations caused
among immediate family members by RVOT or LVOT ectopy or sustained palpitations, near syncope,
or syncope.
*In the absence of medications or disorders known to affect these ECG features.
†Calculated by Bazett’s formula, where QTc = QT/ RR .
The characteristic ECG of RVOT VT was initially described
‡Mutually exclusive. by Buxton in 1983.20 The ECG shows LBBB morphology with an
§Resting heart rate below the second percentile for age. inferior axis (Figure 53-5).
¶The same family member cannot be counted in A and B. LVOT VT can be differentiated from RVOT VT by an earlier
||Definite LQTS is defined by an LQTS score ≥4. Scoring: ≤1 point, low probability
R-wave transition (V3 compared with V5), more rightward axes,
of LQTS; 2-3 points, intermediate probability of LQTS; ≥4 points, high probability
of LQTS. taller R waves inferiorly, and a small R wave in V1 (Figure 53-6).140
From Schwartz PJ, Moss AJ, Vincent GM, Crampton RS: Diagnostic criteria for the long Outflow tract VTs frequently are initiated during exercise or
QT syndrome. An update, Circulation 88(2):782–784, 1993. conditions of increased sympathetic nervous system activity.141 A
characteristic of this arrhythmia is that acceleration of heart rate
facilitates its initiation, which explains its propensity to occur
during exercise. Forty percent of patients with repetitive mono-
sensitive. Hofman et al found that analysis of the QTc duration morphic VT have inducible ventricular arrhythmias during iso-
alone was more useful to screen for LQTS carriers.138 In addition, prenaline infusion, which suggests the important role of activation
with the recognition of the genes involved, genetic testing will of the sympathetic nervous system and increased catecholamines
become the preferred diagnostic tool in genotyped families. in the genesis of the arrhythmia.95,142 Patients with this form of VT
The role of increased adrenergic activity in the genesis of ven- have also been shown to have relative sympathetic denervation,
tricular arrhythmias in patients with LQT1 and LQT2 explains which could lead to sympathetic and parasympathetic imbalance
792  Clinical Syndromes

Section: Floor: Referred by:

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5





FIGURE 53-6  Left ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia. (From Srivathsan K, Lester SJ, Appleton CP, et al: Ventricular tachycardia in the absence
of structural heart disease, Indian Pacing Electrophysiol J 5[2]:106–121, 2005.)

that could contribute to the genesis of VT.143,144 This is supported and evaluate RVOT or LVOT VT. During exercise testing, 30% to
by the fact that maneuvers to lower cAMP levels (an effect of 50% of patients develop outflow tract VT. During electrophysiol-
sympathetic nervous system activation), such as vagal stimulation, ogy testing, outflow tract VT can be induced, in most cases, with
β-receptor blockade, or activation of the A1-adenosine receptor ventricular burst pacing or programmed electrical stimulation
with adenosine, frequently terminate the arrhythmia.145-147 in combination with pharmacologic agents such as isoprenaline,
Abnormal automaticity, re-entry, and triggered activity have atropine, or aminophylline. The arrhythmia cannot be entrained,
been implicated as mechanisms for this arrhythmia.148,149 However, and termination is with adenosine, verapamil, vagal maneuvers,
triggered activity is thought to be the predominant mechanism or β-blockers.
caused by EADs and DADs.150 Insights into the mechanism of Treatment options for RVOT or LVOT VT include medical
outflow tract VT initially were drawn from patients who had therapy or radiofrequency (RF) ablation. First-line medical
exercise-induced sustained VT of right ventricular origin. Lerman therapy is with either β-blockers, calcium channel blockers (vera-
et al145 demonstrated the effectiveness of adenosine in terminat- pamil or diltiazem), or sotalol and has been shown to have a 25%
ing idiopathic VT, postulating that its effects were caused by its to 50% efficacy rate.20,151-153 Second-line therapy includes class Ia,
antagonism of the stimulatory effects of β-adrenergic activation Ic, and III drugs, including amiodarone.20 However, RF ablation
and cAMP on intracellular Ca2+. The effect of this was to reduce is now at least 90% effective and, in view of the young age of
the amplitude of DADs, which confirmed cAMP-mediated trig- individuals affected, is the preferred treatment.154,155 In addition,
gered activity as the predominant mechanism responsible for this ablation of LVOT VT near the aortic sinus cusps appears to be
arrhythmia. Conversely, conditions that increase intracellular equally effective; however, serious complications, including left
Ca2+ increase triggered activity, such as increased heart rates and main coronary artery occlusion, may occur; therefore coronary
catecholamines, which explains the association with exercise. angiography is recommended before and after ablation.
Further support for triggered activity came from Gill et al, who
suggested both EADs and DADs as possible mechanisms on the
Verapamil-Sensitive Ventricular Tachycardia
basis of the initiating sequences of LBBB-type VT during exercise.
VT initiated without a cycle length change, suggestive of DADs, This form of VT typically presents between the second and fourth
had an inferior axis (outflow tract VT), whereas long-short decades of life and occurs more often in men (60% to 80%).156
sequences suggested EADs, which were more common in VT Symptoms during tachycardia include palpitations, presyncope,
with a superior axis (body or septal origin). and syncope. On occasion, this tachycardia can be associated
Investigation of patients with suspected outflow tract VT is with tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy. SCD is rare; however,
initially aimed at determining if evidence of structural heart a polymorphic form that degenerates into VF can occur.
disease exists. RVOT VT should be distinguished from ARVC Focal re-entry involving the fascicles or abnormal Purkinje
because both present with similar VT morphologies and because tissue appears to be the principal mechanism. QRS morphology
ARVC is associated with a more serious clinical outcome. There- depends on which branches of the fascicles provide the exit point.
fore echocardiography and cardiac MRI should be performed, The most common has a right bundle branch morphology (RBBB)
with particular assessment of right ventricular size, morphology, and left-axis deviation associated with left posterior fascicle exit
and function. As mentioned earlier, in ARVC, the resting ECG (90% to 95%) (Figure 53-7).
may show features of right ventricular conduction delay (ε-waves Typically, diagnosis involves the demonstration of induction
or late potentials). Exercise testing is frequently used to initiate with atrial pacing, tachycardia with an RBBB and left- or right-axis
Exercise-Induced Arrhythmias  793

I aVR C1 C4

II aVL C2 C5



FIGURE 53-7  Fascicular ventricular tachycardia (right bundle branch block and left-axis deviation) with posterior exit.

deviation, no evidence of structural heart disease, and verapamil who developed the greatest QRS width increase during exercise
sensitivity.157,158 developed monomorphic VT. Conversely, Hirsowitz et al postu-
Intrafascicular VT was described as occurring at rest; however, lated that concurrent administration of β-blockers and thus a
more recently, sensitivity of the tachycardia to catecholamines lower heart rate response to exercise should reduce the incidence
(during exercise) or emotional stress has been appreciated.158-160 of exercise-induced VT.168 They demonstrated a reduction in
First-line treatment of patients with verapamil-sensitive VT is inducible VT from 39% to 7% during exercise in patients taking
with verapamil. RF ablation, however, has been shown to be 85% class Ic drugs. Other drugs implicated as proarrhythmic during
to 90% effective. Ablation is targeted at sites of earliest ventricular exercise include quinidine, moricizine, procainamide, encainide,
activation and the presence of Purkinje potentials. and propafenone.128,169,170
Class III antiarrhythmics cause torsades de pointes because of
their effects on cardiac repolarization and the associated increased
Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia (Nonspecific Normal
Q-T interval. This effect is augmented during slow rates and
Heart Ventricular Tachycardia)
therefore do not occur during exercise. However, a recent case
This form of VT, which occurs in the fifth decade of life, arises from report described a patient who developed polymorphic VT
the left or right ventricle and is thought to be caused by abnormal during exercise while on dofetilide. This was provoked by an
automaticity.156 This tachycardia may be monomorphic or poly- exercise-induced post-ectopic pause following significant Q-T
morphic and typically is not inducible with programmed stimula- prolongation.171
tion, whereas it is inducible with catecholamines (exercise) and is
sensitive to β-blockade. As a result, this form of VT has previously
been described as automatic “propranolol sensitive” VT.161 Prognostic Significance of Exercise-Induced
In view of the sensitivity of the arrhythmia to β-blockers, they
are used as first-line treatment. Currently, data regarding other
treatment options for these patients are insufficient; however,
Exercise-Induced Supraventricular Arrhythmias
survivors of a cardiac arrest should be offered ICD therapy.
Few studies have looked at the prognostic significance of exercise-
induced supraventricular arrhythmias. Atrial arrhythmias pre-
Drugs cipitated during exercise are often a result of an underlying
substrate such as left ventricular dysfunction or left atrial enlarge-
Class Ia and Ic antiarrhythmic drugs have been implicated as ment, which, in themselves, are both prognostic. Bunch et al
being proarrhythmic during exercise.162 After the introduction of looked at the prognostic significance of atrial arrhythmias induced
flecainide, an investigation was carried out to study the potential during exercise testing in patients with suspected CAD.172 Of the
proarrhythmic effects of the drug.163 Class Ic drugs slow intraven- 5375 patients (aged 61 ± 12 years), 1275 (24%) developed atrial
tricular conduction, which is manifested on the ECG by an ectopy, 185 (3.4%) developed supraventricular tachycardia, and 43
increased QRS width.164-166 This slowing of ventricular conduc- (0.8%) developed AF. The 5-year cardiac mortality rate was not
tion, particularly in the presence of diseased myocardium, could different among these groups compared with those with no
facilitate re-entry. Of the 55 patients who took the drug, 5 had inducible atrial arrhythmias; however, the 5-year incidence of MI
inducible VT during exercise. Ranger et al hypothesized that was higher in the AF group. This suggests that exercise-induced
sinus tachycardia during exercise may enhance flecainide-induced atrial arrhythmias appear to be benign except for the possible
conduction slowing by increasing Na+ channel blockade, facilitat- relationship with induced AF, which likely represents underlying
ing ventricular re-entry.167 Their study showed that the patients structural heart disease.
794  Clinical Syndromes

RF catheter ablation has a role in patients with outflow tract

Exercise-Induced Ventricular Arrhythmias
VT and verapamil-sensitive VT. Success rates have been reported
The underlying cause and associated structural heart disease often to be between 80% and 100%. In addition, ablation has a role in
determine the prognosis associated with exercise-induced ven- scar-related VT that is refractory to drug treatment.
tricular arrhythmias. Among patients without evidence of CAD, Despite medical management and catheter ablation, the asso-
an increase in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality seems to ciated increased incidence of SCD in individuals affected often
be associated with individuals with exercise-induced ventricular necessitates the implantation of ICDs.
arrhythmias. An analysis of the Framingham Heart study reported
the results of 1397 men without known cardiovascular heart
disease and who underwent a routine exercise testing.173 Exercise Conclusion
test–induced ventricular arrhythmias were noted in 792 (27%) of
the subjects. During a mean follow-up of 15 years, this was associ- Individuals with exercise-induced arrhythmias represent a het-
ated with an increase in all-cause mortality (hazard ratio, 1.9). erogeneous group, involving a number of etiologies, clinical mani-
Exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias were not associated festations, and treatments. Current management is limited to
with left ventricular function or ischemic ST-segment responses. pharmacotherapy (mainly β-blockers and Ca2+ channel blockers),
In 2000, Jouven et al evaluated 6101 asymptomatic men who RF ablation, and implantation of ICDs. Currently, considerable
underwent exercise stress testing.174 The subjects were followed research is being undertaken to understand the precise mecha-
up for 23 years. The investigators concluded that frequent VPBs nism of arrhythmogenesis at genetic and molecular levels, which
(a run of two or more making up 10% of any 30 seconds) during could, in the future, provide more targeted and efficacious
exercise in men without detectable cardiovascular disease is asso- treatments.
ciated with long-term increase in cardiovascular mortality (rela-
tive risk, 2.53%; 95% confidence interval, 1.65 to 3.88). This group KEY REFERENCES
included those with genetic diseases (LQTS, CPVT) and ischemic Bourne G: An attempt at the clinical classification of ventricular prema-
heart disease with preserved left ventricular function. ture beats, Q J Med (20):219–243, 1927.
In patients with CAD, the presence of exercise-induced ven- Burke AP, Farb A, Malcom GT, et al: Plaque rupture and sudden death
tricular arrhythmias is associated with increased cardiovascular related to exertion in men with coronary artery disease, JAMA
mortality. In patients undergoing predischarge exercise testing 281(10):921–926, 1999.
after MI, induced ventricular arrhythmias had a mortality rate of Cerrone M, Colombi B, Bloise R: Clinical and molecular characterization
15% at 1 year compared with 7% in those with no inducible ven- of a large cohort of patients affected with catecholaminergic polymor-
tricular arrhythmias.175 The most accurate predictor of mortality phic ventricular tachycardia, Circulation 110(Suppl II):552, 2004.
was left ventricular function. In a similar study following MI, the Lerman BB: Mechanism of outflow tract tachycardia, Heart Rhythm
4(7):973–976, 2007.
1-year mortality rate in those with and without VPBs during
McHenry PL, Morris SN, Kavalier M: Exercise-induced arrhythmias—
exercise was 12% and 4%, respectively.176 The presence of simple recognition, classification, and clinical significance, Cardiovasc Clin
or complex VPBs in patients with CAD and ischemic ST depres- 6(1):245–254, 1974.
sion during exercise appears to allow further risk stratification at McKenna WJ, Chetty S, Oakley CM, Goodwin JF: Arrhythmia in hyper-
1-year follow up.177 trophic cardiomyopathy: Exercise and 48 hour ambulatory electrocar-
diographic assessment with and without beta adrenergic blocking
therapy, Am J Cardiol 45(1):1–5, 1980.
Management Paavonen KJ, Swan H, Piippo K, et al: Response of the QT interval to
mental and physical stress in types LQT1 and LQT2 of the long QT
syndrome, Heart 86(1):39–44, 2001.
A number of causes of exercise-induced arrhythmias exist. Initial
Priori SG, Napolitano C, Tiso N, et al: Mutations in the cardiac ryanodine
management should be focused on identifying the etiology and
receptor gene (hRyR2) underlie catecholaminergic polymorphic ven-
treating any reversible causes. If myocardial ischemia is caused by tricular tachycardia, Circulation 103(2):196–200, 2001.
atherosclerotic coronary disease, then prompt revascularization Rossi P, Massumi A, Gillette P, Hall RJ: Arrhythmogenic right ventricular
prevents further arrhythmia recurrence.67,68 Other considerations dysplasia: Clinical features, diagnostic techniques, and current manage-
include ensuring treatment is provided for other factors that may ment, Am Heart J 103(3):415–420, 1982.
precipitate these arrhythmias, for example, electrolyte distur- Smith EE, Guyton AC, Manning RD, White RJ: Integrated mechanisms
bances and optimization of hemodynamics, which are particu- of cardiovascular response and control during exercise in the normal
larly important in patients with impaired ventricular function. human, Prog Cardiovasc Dis 18(6):421–444, 1976.
A number of conditions described are caused by genetic muta- Sumiyoshi M, Nakata Y, Yasuda M, et al: Clinical and electrophysiologic
tions, and therefore genetic testing and family screening become features of exercise-induced atrioventricular block, Am Heart J 132(6):
1277–1281, 1996.
important in risk stratification for individuals and family members.
Sung RJ, Shen EN, Morady F, et al: Electrophysiologic mechanism of
Because of the association of these conditions with SCD, indi- exercise-induced sustained ventricular tachycardia, Am J Cardiol
viduals affected are discouraged from endurance exercises and 51(3):525–530, 1983.
strenuous exertion. Thompson PD, Funk EJ, Carleton RA, Sturner WQ: Incidence of death
As described, increased sympathetic activity plays a central during jogging in Rhode Island from 1975 through 1980, JAMA
role in the genesis of exercise-induced arrhythmias. Therefore, the 247(18):2535–2538, 1982.
mainstay of treatment for the prevention of these arrhythmias is Yeh SJ, Lin FC, Wu DL: The mechanisms of exercise provocation of
with β-adrenoreceptor–blocking agents. In addition Ca2+ channel supraventricular tachycardia, Am Heart J 117(5):1041–1049, 1989.
blockers have been shown to be effective in patients with repeti-
tive monomorphic VT and CPVT, particularly in combination All references cited in this chapter are available online at expertconsult.
with β-blockers.117,118,178 com.
Genetics and Cardiac
Arrhythmia Syndromes
Jeffrey A. Towbin, Matteo Vatta, Hua Li, and Neil E. Bowles
Cardiac arrhythmias are major causes of morbidity and mortality, transmitted as an autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive
including sudden cardiac death (SCD). SCD in the United States trait. Acquired LQTS may be seen as a complication of various
occurs with a reported incidence of more than 300,000 persons drug therapies or electrolyte abnormalities. Whether the abnor-
per year.1 Although coronary heart disease is a major cause of mality is genetic or acquired, the clinical presentation is similar.1,7
death, other etiologies contribute to this problem. In many of The initial presentation of LQTS is heterogeneous and most com-
these non–ischemia-related cases, autopsies are unrevealing. monly includes syncope, which, in many instances, is triggered by
Interest in identifying the underlying cause of the death in these emotional stress, exercise, or auditory phenomena. Other pre-
instances has been focused on cases of unexpected arrhythmo- senting features include seizures or palpitations. SCD is the first
genic death, which is estimated to represent 5% of all SCDs. In symptom in some individuals, but some other cases are diagnosed
cases in which no structural heart disease can be identified, by surface electrocardiogram (ECG) as a family screening evalu-
long QT syndrome (LQTS), ventricular pre-excitation (Wolff- ation necessitated by family history of LQTS or SCD.
Parkinson-White syndrome), and idiopathic ventricular fibrilla-
tion (IVF) or Brugada syndrome (characterized by ST-segment
Clinical Genetics
elevation in the right precordial leads with or without right bundle
branch block [RBBB]) are most commonly considered as likely Two differently inherited forms of familial LQTS have been
causes.1-3 Another important disease in which arrhythmias are reported. Romano-Ward syndrome is the most common of the
believed to play a central role is sudden infant death syndrome inherited forms of LQTS and appears to be transmitted as an
(SIDS), a disorder with no structural abnormalities.4 autosomal dominant trait.8,9 In this disorder, the disease gene is
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) is also a transmitted to 50% of the offspring of an affected individual.
significant cause of SCD and is considered a primary electrical However, low penetrance has been described, so gene carriers
disease despite being associated with fibrosis and fatty infiltration may, in fact, have no clinical features of disease.10 Individuals with
of the right ventricle.5 The arrhythmias associated with ARVD Romano-Ward syndrome have the pure syndrome of prolonged
also occur in other disorders in which structurally normal myo- Q-T interval on ECG, with the associated symptom complex
cardium is seen, such as catecholaminergic ventricular tachycar- of syncope, SCD, and, in some patients, seizures.11,12 Occasionally,
dia (VT).6 other noncardiac abnormalities such as diabetes mellitus, asthma,
This chapter describes the current understanding of the clini- or syndactyly may also be associated with QT prolongation.13-16
cal and molecular genetic aspects of inherited diseases in which LQTS may also be involved in some cases of SIDS, which, in some
arrhythmias are prominent features. The discussion should serve cases, appear in several family members.5,17,18
as an introduction and overview to these conditions. Newer dis- Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (JLNS) is a relatively
orders are rapidly being added to this list and are discussed in uncommon inherited form of LQTS. Classically, this disease
more detail elsewhere in this textbook. A more detailed treatment has been described as having apparent autosomal recessive
of the current state of knowledge regarding the molecular basis transmission.19-21 These patients have a clinical presentation iden-
and basic electrophysiological mechanisms of inherited arrhyth- tical to that in patients with Romano-Ward syndrome but also
mia syndromes is discussed in Chapters 6 and 7. Individual clini- have associated sensorineural deafness. Clinically, patients with
cal syndromes are discussed in Chapters 62 to 65. JLNS usually have longer Q-T intervals compared with individu-
als with Romano-Ward syndrome and also have a more malignant
course. Priori and colleagues have reported autosomal recessive
cases of Romano-Ward syndrome as well, thus changing one of
Long QT Syndrome the sine qua non of JLNS.22
Clinical Description
LQTS is an inherited or acquired disorder of repolarization iden- Gene Identification in Romano-Ward Syndrome
tified by the electrocardiographic abnormalities of prolongation
KVLQT1 or KCNQ1: The LQT1 Gene
of the Q-T interval corrected for heart rate (QTc), usually above
460 to 480 ms; relative bradycardia; T-wave abnormalities (Figure The first of the genes mapped for LQTS, termed LQT1, required
54-1); and episodic ventricular tachyarrhythmias, particularly tor- 5 years from the time that mapping to chromosome 11p15.5 was
sades de pointes (Figure 54-2).7 The inherited form of LQTS is first reported to gene cloning.23 This gene, originally named

796  Clinical Syndromes

believed to act through a dominant-negative mechanism (the

Lead II
Lead V5 mutant form of KVLQT1 interferes with the function of the
R-R normal wild-type form through a “poison pill” type mechanism)
or a loss-of-function mechanism (only the mutant form loses
Because KVLQT1 and minK form a unit, mutations in minK
could also be expected to cause LQTS. This fact was subsequently
demonstrated (discussed below).31

Bazetti formula: QTc QT HERG or KCNH2: The LQT2 Gene

The LQT2 gene was initially mapped to chromosome 7q35-36 by
FIGURE 54-1  Electrocardiogram leads II and V5 demonstrating Jiang et al, and subsequently, candidate gene screening identified
prolonged Q-T intervals and T-wave alternans. Bazett’s formula, used   the disease-causing gene HERG (human ether-a-go-go-related
to calculate the Q-T interval corrected for heart rate (QTc), is noted. gene), a cardiac potassium channel gene to be the LQT2 gene (see
Table 54-1).27,32 HERG was originally cloned from a brain cDNA
library and found to be expressed in neural crest–derived neurons,
microglia, a wide variety of tumor cell lines, and the heart.33-37
LQTS-associated mutations were identified in HERG throughout
the gene, including missense mutations, intragenic deletions,
stop codons, and splicing mutations.27,37,38 Currently, this gene is
thought to be the second most common gene mutated in LQTS
(second to KVLQT1). As with KVLQT1, “private” mutations that
are scattered throughout the entire gene without clustering pref-
erentially are seen.
HERG consists of 16 exons and spans 55 kb of genomic
sequence.37 The predicted topology of HERG (see Figure 54-3) is
similar to that of KVLQT1. Unlike KVLQT1, HERG has extensive
intracellular amino-and-carboxyl termini, with a region in the
carboxyl-terminal domain having sequence similarity to nucleo-
tide binding domains (NBDs).
FIGURE 54-2  Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in a patient with
Electrophysiological and biophysical characterization of
long QT syndrome.
expressed HERG in Xenopus oocytes established that HERG
encodes the rapidly activating delayed rectifier potassium current
IKr.39-41 Electrophysiological studies of LQTS-associated mutations
showed that they act through either a loss of function or a domi-
KVLQT1, but more recently called KCNQ1 (Table 54-1), is a novel nant negative mechanism.41,42 In addition, protein trafficking
potassium channel gene that consists of 16 exons, spans approxi- abnormalities have been shown to occur.43,44 This channel has
mately 400 kb, and is widely expressed in human tissues, includ- been shown to coassemble with β-subunits for normal function,
ing the heart, inner ear, kidney, lung, placenta, and pancreas but similar to that seen in IKs. McDonald et al initially suggested that
not in the skeletal muscle, liver, or brain.24 Although most of the the complexing of HERG with minK is needed to regulate the IKr
mutations are “private” (i.e., only seen in one family), at least one potassium current.45 Bianchi et al provided confirmatory evi-
frequently mutated region (called a “hot spot”) of KVLQT1 dence that minK is involved in the regulation of both IKs and IKr.46
exists.25-27 This gene is the most commonly mutated gene in Abbott et al identified MiRP1 as a β-subunit for HERG (discussed
LQTS. below).47
Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence of KVLQT1
suggests that it encodes a potassium channel α-subunit with a
SCN5A: The LQT3 Gene
conserved potassium-selective pore-signature sequence flanked
by six membrane-spanning segments similar to shaker-type chan- The positional candidate gene approach was also used to establish
nels (Figure 54-3).24,27-29 A putative voltage sensor is found in the that the gene responsible for chromosome 3–linked LQTS (LQT3)
fourth membrane-spanning domain (S4), and the selective pore is the cardiac sodium channel gene SCN5A (see Table 54-1).48,49
loop is located between the fifth and sixth membrane-spanning SCN5A is highly expressed in the human myocardium and brain
domains (S5,S6). Biophysical characterization of the KVLQT1 but not in the skeletal muscle, liver, or uterus.50-52 It consists of
protein confirmed that KVLQT1 is a voltage-gated potassium 28 exons that span 80 kb and encodes a protein of 2016 amino
channel protein subunit, which requires coassembly with a acids with a putative structure that consists of four homologous
β-subunit called minK to function properly.28,29 Expression of domains (DI to DIV), each of which contains six membrane-
either KVLQT1 or minK alone results in either inefficient or no spanning segments (S1 to S6) similar to the structure of the
current development. When minK and KVLQT1 are co-expressed potassium channel α-subunits (see Figure 54-3).27,39 Linkage
in either mammalian cell lines or Xenopus oocytes, however, the studies with LQT3 families and SCN5A initially demonstrated
slowly activating potassium current (IKs) is developed in cardiac linkage to the LQT3 locus on chromosome 3p21-24, and multiple
myocytes.28,29 The combination of normal and mutant KVLQT1 mutations were subsequently identified.50,51 Biophysical analysis
subunits forms abnormal IKs channels, and these mutations are of the initial three mutations were expressed in Xenopus oocytes,
Genetics and Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndromes  797

Table 54-1  Common Arrhythmia Syndromes and Their Genetic Basis


Romano-Ward syndrome TdP, VF AD 11p15.5, 7q35, 3p21 KVLQT1 (11p15.5); 4q25, 21q22* HERG
(7q35); SCN5A; (3p21); minK
(21q22); MiRP1 (21q22)

Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome TdP, VF AD/AR† 11p15.5, 21q22 KVLQT1 (11p15.5); minK (21q22)

Brugada syndrome VT, VF AD 3p21 SCN5A

Sudden infant death syndrome VT/VF AD 3p21 SCN5A

Familial VT VT AD ? ?

Familial bidirectional VT VT AD 1q42 RYR2

Familial polymorphic VT VT AD 1q42* RYR2

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia VT AD 1q42 RYR2

Naxos disease VT AR 17q21, 6p24 Plakoglobin (17q21); desmoplakin



Familial atrial fibrillation AF AD 10q22 NUP155, KCNQ1, and others (?)

Familial total atrial standstill SND, AF AD ? ?

Familial absence of sinus rhythm SND, AF AD ? ?

Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome AVRT, AF, VF AD 7q3 AMPK

Familial PJRT AVRT AD ? ?


Familial AV block AVB, AF, SND, VT, SD AD 19q13 ?

Isolated AV block AVB, AF, SND, VT, SD AD 3p21 SCN5A

Lev-Lenègre syndrome AVB, AF, SND, VT, SD AD 3p21 SCN5A

Familial bundle branch block RBBB ? ? ?

AD, Autosomal dominant; AF, atrial fibrillation; AR, autosomal recessive; AV, atrioventricular; AVB, atrioventricular block; AVRT, atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia; PJRT,
permanent form of junctional reciprocating tachycardia; RBBB, right bundle branch block; SD, sudden death; SND, sinus node dysfunction; TdP, torsades de pointes; VF, ventricular
fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
*At least one other unknown.
†Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome: autosomal dominant rhythm abnormality and autosomal recessive sensorineural deafness.

and it was found that all mutations generated a late phase

minK or KCNE1: The LQT5 Gene
of inactivation-resistant, mexiletine- and tetrodotoxin-sensitive
whole-cell currents through multiple mechanisms.53,54 Two of the minK (IsK or KCNE1) was initially localized to chromosome 21
three mutations showed dispersed reopening after the initial tran- (21q22.1) and found to consist of three exons that span approxi-
sient current, but the other mutation showed both dispersed mately 40 kb (see Table 54-1). It encodes a short protein consist-
reopening and long-lasting bursts.54 These results suggested that ing of 130 amino acids and has only one transmembrane-spanning
SCN5A mutations act through a gain of function mechanism (the segment with small extracellular and intercellular regions (see
mutant channel functions normally, but with altered properties Figure 54-3).30,31,56 When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, it pro-
such as delayed inactivation) and that the mechanism of chromo- duces potassium current that closely resembles the slowly activat-
some 3–linked LQTS is persistent non-inactivated sodium ing delayed-rectifier potassium current IKs in cardiac cells.56,57 The
current in the plateau phase of the action potential. Later, An et al fact that the minK clone was only expressed in Xenopus oocytes
showed that not all mutations in SCN5A are associated with and not in mammalian cell lines raised the question whether
persistent current and demonstrated that SCN5A interacted with minK is a human channel protein. With the cloning of KVLQT1
β-subunits.55 and the coexpression of KVLQT1 and minK in both mammalian
798  Clinical Syndromes

FIGURE 54-3  Genetics of ventricular arrhythmias. The genetic loci and known genes identified for long QT syndrome are shown along with the ion
channel protein structure. Note that the potassium channel α-subunits KvLQT1 and HERG require association with β-subunits (minK and KVLQT1=IKs;
MiRP1 and HERG=IKr for normal function).

cell lines and Xenopus oocytes, it became clear that KVLQT1 subunit protein assembles with HERG (LQT2) to alter its func-
interacts with minK to form the cardiac slowly activating delayed tion, enabling full development of the IKr current (see Figure 54-3).
rectifier IKs current.28,29 minK alone cannot form a functional MiRP1 is a 123–amino acid channel protein with a single pre-
channel but induces the IKs current by interacting with endoge- dicted transmembrane segment similar to that described for
nous KVLQT1 protein in Xenopus oocytes and mammalian cells. minK.56 Chromosomal localization studies mapped this KCNE2
Bianchi et al showed that mutant minK results in abnormalities gene to chromosome 21q22.1, within 79kb of KCNE1 (minK) and
of IKs, IKr as well as protein trafficking abnormalities.46 McDonald arrayed in opposite orientation.47 The open reading frames of
et al showed that minK also complexes with HERG to regulate the these two genes share 34% identity, and both are contained in a
IKr potassium current.45 Splawski et al demonstrated that minK single exon, suggesting that they are related through gene duplica-
mutations cause LQT5 when they identified mutations in two tion and divergent evolution.
families with LQTS.31 In both cases, missense mutations (S74L, Three missense mutations associated with LQTS and ventricu-
D76N) were identified; they reduced IKs by shifting the voltage lar fibrillation (VF) were identified in KCNE2 by Abbott et al, and
dependence of activation and accelerating channel deactivation. biophysical analysis demonstrated that these mutants form chan-
This was supported by the fact that a murine model of minK- nels that open slowly and close rapidly, thus diminishing potas-
defective LQTS was also created.58 The functional consequences sium currents.47 In one case, the missense mutation, a C-to-G
of these mutations include delayed cardiac repolarization and, transversion at nucleotide 25, which produced a glutamine (Q) to
hence, an increased risk of arrhythmias. glutamic acid (E) substitution at codon 9 (Q9E) in the putative
extracellular domain of MiRP1, led to the development of torsades
de pointes and VF after intravenous clarithromycin infusion
MiRP1 or KCNE2: The LQT6 Gene
(i.e., drug induced).
MiRP1, the minK-related peptide 1, or KCNE2 (see Table 54-1), Therefore, like minK, this channel protein acts as a β-subunit
is a novel potassium channel gene recently cloned and character- but, by itself, leads to ventricular arrhythmia risk when mutated.
ized by Abbott and colleagues.47 This small integral membrane These similar channel proteins (i.e., minK and MiRP1) suggest
Genetics and Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndromes  799

that a family of channels that regulates ion channel α-subunits noted, consistent with other genetic and environmental factors
exists. The specific role of this subunit and its stoichiometry
remain unclear and are currently being hotly debated.
playing a role in modulating and modifying clinical manifesta-
tions in members of the same family. Several stratifiers were
identified as important.
The length of the QTc in affected parents and siblings was
Genetics and Physiology of Autosomal Recessive Long QT
shown to be associated with significant risk of LQTS-related
Syndrome (Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome)
cardiac events. They also confirmed that genotype, age, and
Neyroud et al reported the first molecular abnormality in patients gender influence the course of disease in affected family members.
with JLNS when they reported on two families in which three For instance, male probands were found to have their first cardiac
children were affected by JLNS and in whom a novel homozygous event at younger mean age compared with female probands (13
deletion-insertion mutation of KVLQT1 was found.59 A deletion years vs. 19 years), but female probands had a higher frequency
of 7 bp and an insertion of 8 bp at the same location led to pre- of cardiac arrest or LQTS-related death by 40 years of age. In the
mature termination at the C-terminal end of the KVLQT1 channel. case of affected parents, they found that female gender and QTc
At the same time, Splawski et al identified a homozygous inser- length were risk factors for events, whereas QTc duration was the
tion of a single nucleotide that caused a frameshift in the coding only risk factor in siblings. Affected mothers of LQTS probands
sequence after the second putative transmembrane domain (S2) displayed an ongoing cardiac event risk well after the birth of the
of KVLQT1.60 Together, these data strongly suggested that at least proband, but affected fathers did not display this ongoing risk.
one form of JLNS is caused by homozygous mutations in KVLQT1 These findings complement the findings previously described
(see Table 54-1). This has been confirmed by others.27,30,61,62 by Zareba et al.65 In this study, the authors provided evidence of
As a general rule, heterozygous mutations in KVLQT1 cause clinical outcome, age of onset, and frequency of events based on
Romano-Ward syndrome (LQTS only), whereas homozygous (or genotype. Patients with mutations in LQT1 had the earliest onset
compound heterozygous) mutations in KVLQT1 cause JLNS of events and the highest frequency of events followed by muta-
(LQTS and deafness). The hypothetical explanation suggests that tions in LQT2. The risk of SCD in these two groups was relatively
although heterozygous KVLQT1 mutations act by a dominant- low for any event. Mutations in LQT3 resulted in a paucity of
negative mechanism, some functional KVLQT1 potassium chan- syncopal events, but events commonly resulted in SCD. In addi-
nels still exist in the stria vascularis of the inner ear. Therefore tion, mutations in LQT3 resulted in the longest QTc duration.
congenital deafness is averted in patients with heterozygous Mutations in LQT1 and LQT2 appeared to be associated with
KVLQT1 mutations. For patients with homozygous KVLQT1 stress-induced symptoms, with LQT1 associated with exercise
mutations, no functional KVLQT1 potassium channels can be and swimming and LQT2 associated with auditory triggers.66-71
formed. It has been shown by in situ hybridization that KVLQT1 LQT3 appeared to be associated with sleep-associated symptoms
is expressed in the inner ear, suggesting that homozygous KVLQT1 and events.
mutations can cause the dysfunction of potassium secretion in
the inner ear and lead to deafness.60 However, it should be noted
Electrocardiographic and Biophysical Features
that incomplete penetrance exists, and not all heterozygous or
homozygous mutations follow this rule.11,22 In 1995, Moss and colleagues provided the first evidence that
As with Romano-Ward syndrome, if KVLQT1 mutations can mutations in different genes cause differing ECG features.72
cause the phenotype, it could be expected that minK mutations Specifically, these authors focused on the different types of T
could also be causative of the phenotype (JLNS). Schulze-Bahr waves seen in patients with LQT1 versus LQT2 versus LQT3.
et al, in fact, showed that mutations in minK result in JLNS syn- ECGs of patients with LQT1 were shown to display broad-
drome as well, and this was confirmed subsequently (see Table based T waves, those with LQT2 had low-amplitude T waves,
54-1).60,63 Hence, abnormal IKs current, whether caused by homo- and those with LQT3 mutations had distinctive T waves with late
zygous or compound heterozygous mutations in KVLQT1 or onset. More recently, Zhang et al showed that there are actually
mink, results in LQTS and deafness. four different ST-T wave patterns.73 Using these definitions, they
were able to identify 88% of patients with LQT1 and LQT2 accu-
rately by surface ECG and 65% of LQT3 carriers. Prospectively,
Genotype-Phenotype Correlations these authors correctly predicted the genotype in 100% of
in Long QT Syndrome Further insight into ECG findings and genotype were reported
by Lupoglazoff et al using Holter monitor analysis.74 Analysis of
Clinical Features
133 patients with LQT1 57 LQT2 carriers, and 100 control
To a significant extent, the clinical features of LQTS depend on individuals, led the authors to conclude that T wave morphology
the mutated gene as well as on the intragenic position of the was normal in most patients with LQT1 (92%) and in normal
mutation and its effect on the channel protein. Several studies controls (96%), but the vast majority of patients with LQT2 had
have clarified the specific associations, including the clinical abnormal T waves (19% normal, 81% abnormal). In the largest
severity in the probands and their parents and siblings, as well as percentage of patients with LQT2, T-wave notching was identi-
the modifying influences on severity. fied, with the T-wave protuberance seen above the horizontal,
Kimbrough et al recently reported on the study of 211 pro- whereas another subset had a bulge at or below the horizontal.
bands with LQTS and classified the severity in the probands, In the former case, young age, missense LQT2 mutations, and
affected parents, and siblings.64 Importantly, they showed that the mutations in the core domain of HERG predicted morphology,
severity of the disease in the proband did not correlate with the whereas potential diagnostic clues gained by the latter morphol-
clinical severity seen in first-degree relatives, specifically their ogy included amino-terminal or carboxy-terminal mutations or
parents and siblings. In fact, variable intrafamily penetrance was frameshifts in HERG.
800  Clinical Syndromes

tachycardia (VT), ventricular fibrillation (VF), and atrial arrhyth-

Animal Models of Long QT Syndrome
mias. Torsades de pointes and bi-directional VT have been seen.
By using an arterially perfused canine left ventricular wedge prep- In addition, repolarization abnormalities affecting late repolariza-
aration developed pharmacologically, induced animal models of tion and resembling giant U waves are common. SCD has not
LQT1, LQT2, and LQT3 have been created.75,76 By using chroma- been reported as a major risk in this disorder.
nol 293B, a specific IKs blocker, a model that mimics LQT1 was
produced.75 In this model, IKs deficiency alone was not enough to
Genetic Aspects
induce torsades de pointes, but the addition of β-adrenergic influ-
ence (i.e., isoproterenol) predisposed the myocardium to torsade Andersen syndrome was originally mapped to chromosome
by increasing trans-mural dispersion of repolarization. The addi- 17q23-q24.2 by Plaster et al83 who used genome-wide linkage
tion of a β-blocker or mexiletine reduced the ability to induce analysis. The critical region within this locus was narrowed, and
torsades de pointes, suggesting that these medications might candidate gene mutation screening identified mutations in KCNJ2,
improve patient outcomes. which encodes an inward rectifier potassium channel called
Models for LQT2 and LQT3 were created by using D-sotalol Kir2.1 (Tristani-Firouzi et al).84 This channel is highly expressed
(LQT2) or ATX-II (LQT3) in this wedge preparation.76 Both drugs in the heart and plays a role in phase 3 repolarization and in the
preferentially prolong M cell action potential duration (APD), resting membrane potential. Multiple gene mutations have been
with ATX-II also causing a sharp rise in trans-mural dispersion. identified, to date, with relatively high penetrance noted. Func-
Mexiletine therapy abbreviated the Q-T interval prolongation in tional studies have demonstrated reduction or suppression of Ik1,
both models and reduced dispersion. Spontaneous torsades de by a haplo insufficiency or dominant negative effect. This gene
pointes was suppressed, and the vulnerable window during which may play a role in developmental signaling pathways as well,
torsades de pointes induction occurs was also reduced in both which is believed to cause dysmorphisms.
models. These models support the current understanding of the
different subtypes of LQTS and provide an explanation for poten-
tial therapies.
Brugada Syndrome
Clinical Aspects of Brugada Syndrome
Therapeutic Options in Long QT Syndrome
The first identification of the electrocardiographic pattern of
Currently, the standard therapeutic approach in LQTS is the ini- RBBB with ST elevation in leads V1 to V3 was reported by Osher
tiation of β-blockers at the time of diagnosis.7 Recently, Moss et al and Wolff.85 Shortly thereafter, Edeiken identified persistent ST
demonstrated significant reduction in cardiac events using elevation without RBBB in 10 asymptomatic males, and Levine
β-blockers.77 However, syncope, aborted cardiac arrest, and SCD et al described ST elevation in the right chest leads and conduc-
do continue to occur. When β-blockers cannot be used, such as tion block in the right ventricle in patients with severe hyperka-
in patients with asthma, other medications such as mexiletine lemia.86,87 The first association of this ECG pattern with SCD was
have been tried.78 When medical therapy has failed, left sympa- described by Martini et al and later by Aihara et al.88,89 This asso-
thectomy or therapy with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator ciation was further confirmed in 1991 by Pedro and Josep Brugada,
(ICD) has been used.7 who described four patients with SCD and aborted SCD, with
Genetics-based therapy has also been described. Schwartz et al ECGs demonstrating RBBB and persistent ST elevation in leads
showed that sodium channel blocking agents (i.e., mexiletine) V1 to V3 (Figure 54-4).90 In 1992 these authors characterized what
shorten the QTc in patients with LQT3, whereas exogenous potas- they believed to be a distinct clinical and electrocardiographic
sium supplementation or potassium channel openers have been syndrome.3
shown to be potentially useful in patients with potassium channel The finding of ST elevation in the right chest leads has been
defects.78-80 However, long-term potassium therapy with associ- observed in various clinical and experimental settings and is not
ated potassium-sparing agents has been unable to keep the serum unique to or diagnostic of Brugada syndrome by itself.91 Situations
potassium above 4 mmol/L because of renal potassium homeosta- in which these ECG findings occur include electrolyte or meta-
sis. This suggests that long-term potassium therapy may not be bolic disorders, pulmonary or inflammatory diseases, and abnor-
useful. In addition, no definitive evidence that these approaches malities of the central or peripheral nervous system. In the
(i.e., sodium channel blockers, exogenous potassium, or potas- absence of these abnormalities, the term idiopathic ST elevation
sium channel openers) improve survival has been published. is often used and may identify patients with Brugada syndrome.
The ECG findings and associated sudden and unexpected death
have been reported as common problems in Japan and Southeast
Asia, where it most commonly affects men during sleep.92 This
Andersen Syndrome (LQT7) disorder, known as sudden and unexpected death syndrome
(SUDS) or sudden unexpected nocturnal death syndrome
Clinical Aspects
(SUNDS), has many other names in Southeast Asia: bangungut (to
Andersen and colleagues (1971)81 identified a complex phenotype, rise and moan in sleep) in the Philippines; non-laitai (sleep-death)
including ventricular arrhythmias, potassium-sensitive periodic in Laos; lai-tai (died during sleep) in Thailand; and pokkuri
paralysis, and dysmorphic features. The dysmorphisms included (sudden and unexpectedly ceased phenomena) in Japan. General
hypertelorism, broad nasal root, defects of the soft and hard characteristics of SUNDS include young, healthy males in whom
palate, as well as short stature. More recently, skeletal abnormali- sudden death, preceded by a groan, occurs usually during sleep
ties have broadened the phenotype (Andelfinger et al).82 The asso- late at night. No precipitating factors are identified, and autopsy
ciated cardiac abnormalities include QTC prolongation, ventricular findings show no structural heart disease.93 Life-threatening
Genetics and Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndromes  801

Molecular Genetics of Brugada Syndrome
In 1998, our laboratory reported the findings on six families and
V1 several sporadic cases of Brugada syndrome.100 The families were
initially studied by linkage analysis by using markers to the known
ARVD loci and LQT loci, and linkage was excluded. Candidate
gene screening using the mutation analysis approach of single-
strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and deoxy-
ribonucleic acid (DNA) sequencing was performed, and SCN5A
was chosen for study on the basis of the suggestions of Antzele-
vitch.91,99,101-103 In three families, mutations in SCN5A were identi-
fied (see Table 54-1): (1) a missense mutation (C-to-T base
substitution) causing a substitution of a highly conserved threo-
nine by methionine at codon 1620 (T1620M) in the extracellular
loop between transmembrane segments S3 and S4 of domain IV
(DIVS3-DIVS4), an area important for coupling of channel activa-
V3 tion to fast inactivation; (2) a two-nucleotide insertion (AA),
which disrupts the splice-donor sequence of intron 7 of SCN5A;
and (3) a single nucleotide deletion (A) at codon 1397, which
results in an in-frame stop codon that eliminates DIIIS6, DIVS1-
FIGURE 54-4  Electrocardiographic features of Brugada syndrome. DIVS6, and the carboxy-terminus of SCN5A (Figure 54-5).100
Note the ST-segment elevation (cove type) in leads V1 and V2. Since the initial report, multiple confirming mutations have been
identified. SCN5A mutations have also been found in the case of
SCD in children.104
Biophysical analysis of the mutants in Xenopus oocytes dem-
ventricular tachyarrhythmias as a primary cause of SUNDS have onstrated a reduction in the number of functional sodium chan-
been demonstrated, with VF occurring in most cases.94 nels in both the splicing mutation and the one-nucleotide deletion
The risk of SCD associated with Brugada syndrome and mutation, which should promote development of re-entrant
SUNDS in European and Southeast Asian individuals has been arrhythmias. In the missense mutation, sodium channels recover
reported to be extremely high; approximately 75% of patients, as from inactivation more rapidly than normal. Subsequent experi-
reported by Brugada et al, survived cardiac arrest.3,90,95 In addi- ments conducted in modified HEK cells revealed that at physio-
tion, symptomatic and asymptomatic patients have been consid- logical temperatures (37° C), reactivation of the T1620M mutant
ered to be at equal risk. Priori et al have, however, disputed this channel was actually slower, whereas inactivation of the channel
claim.96 In a study of 60 patients with Brugada syndrome, asymp- was significantly accelerated. These alterations leave the transient
tomatic patients had no episodes or events. The importance of outward current unopposed and thus able to effect an all-or-none
this difference is its impact on therapeutic decision making, as repolarization of the action potential at the end of phase 1.105
currently all patients receive ICD therapy. Should the data of Failure of the sodium channel to express, as with the insertion
Priori et al hold up, selective use of ICDs would be appropriate.96 and deletion mutations, results in similar electrophysiological
If selective use of ICDs were to be considered, other diagnostic changes. Reduction of the sodium channel INa current causes
tests for risk stratification would be necessary. heterogeneous loss of the action potential dome in the right ven-
Kakishita et al studied a high-risk group of patients, 37% of tricular epicardium, leading to a marked dispersion of depolariza-
whom had experienced spontaneous episodes of VF.97 As the tion and refractoriness, an ideal substrate for development of
majority of patients had ICDs, the authors were able to show that re-entrant arrhythmias. Phase 2 re-entry produced by the same
65% of episodes were preceded by premature ventricular com- substrate is believed to provide the premature beat necessary for
plexes (PVCs), which were essentially identical to the initiating the initiation of the VT and VF responsible for symptoms in these
PVCs of VF in morphology. In fact, the PVCs initiating all VF patients. Interestingly, however, Kambouris et al identified a
episodes arose from the terminal portions of the T wave, and mutation in essentially the same region of SCN5A as the T1620M
pause-dependent arrhythmias were rare. This suggests that vigi- mutation (R1623H), but the clinical and biophysical features of
lant evaluation by Holter monitoring could identify at-risk this mutation were found to be consistent with LQT3 and not
patients. In addition, the authors suggested that the use of radio- Brugada syndrome.106 More recently, mutations in SCN5A, in
frequency (RF) ablation targeting the initiating PVCs could be which both Brugada syndrome and LQT3 features were seen in
helpful in reducing risk and reducing the need for ICD the same patient, has been described.107 Hence, there clearly
placement. remains a gap in our understanding of these entities.

Clinical Genetics of Brugada Syndrome

Risk Stratification in Brugada Syndrome
Most of the families thus far identified with Brugada syndrome
have apparent autosomal dominant inheritance.98-100 In these Most symptomatic or at-risk patients with Brugada syndrome
families, approximately 50% of offspring of affected patients manifest an ECG with a coved-type ST-segment elevation with
develop the disease. It is likely that the number of families reported or without provocation with sodium channel blocking agents
has been small because of under-recognition as well as the occur- such as ajmaline or flecainide (Figure 54-6).108 The other form of
rence of premature and unexpected deaths.91,101,102 ST-segment elevation, the so-called saddle type, is not associated
802  Clinical Syndromes

INa Sodium Channel (SCN5A) Mutations: LQT3 and Brugada Syndrome


I II III IV Domains

20 bp K V M
deletion Q

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
S1 S2 S3
G S6 S4 S
S3 S4 S5 5 S6
E aa S

Deletion COOH

FIGURE 54-5  The molecular architecture of the cardiac INa sodium channel encoded by SCN5A and the mutations causing LQT3 (purple) and Brugada
syndrome (white).

showed that the presence of late potentials were significantly cor-

related with the occurrence of life-threatening events in patients
with Brugada syndrome. The evaluation of these same patients
with microvolt T-wave alternans and corrected Q-T interval dis-
persion failed to correlate with outcome. These findings were
supported by others as well.112
Finally, spontaneous episodes of VF in patients with Brugada
syndrome were shown to be triggered by PVCs with specific
V2 morphologies. Kakishita et al suggested that the use of ICD
therapy not only could be lifesaving but also could record the
specific triggering events.97 They suggested that this knowledge
A B could define risk and potentially lead to either ablative therapy or
the ability to stratify the risk of SCD.
Hence, the identification of coved-type ST-segment elevation
FIGURE 54-6  Ajmaline provocation in Brugada syndrome. A, Normal
on surface ECG, the identification of late potentials on signal-
electrocardiographic findings in leads V1 and V2 in an individual with
asymptomatic concealed Brugada syndrome and an SCN5A mutation.
averaged ECG, and the finding of triggering PVCs could provide
B, The response to ajmaline, identifying ST-segment elevation in leads insight into those patients with Brugada syndrome at high risk.
V1 and V2. Addition of family history could allow for further improvements
of risk stratification.

with definitive Brugada syndrome unless it transitions into a Cardiac Conduction Disease
coved type by provocation or independently. Brugada et al have
suggested, however, that the risk of SCD is not different between Syncope and SCD may also be caused by bradycardia. The
symptomatic patients and asymptomatic patients, including those most common form of life-threatening bradycardias include dis-
with concealed forms of disease.90,95,108 orders in which complete atrioventricular (AV) block occurs.113
Various other risk stratifiers have also been identified.109-112 These disorders require pacemaker implantation for continued
Assessment of noninvasive markers by Ikeda et al demonstrated well-being. Two major forms of conduction system disease
that late potentials noted using signal-averaged ECGs were in which no congenital heart disease is associated include
present in 24 (73%) of 33 patients with a history of syncope or isolated forms of conduction disease associated with dilated
aborted SCD.110 Using multivariate logistic regression, the authors cardiomyopathy.113-115
Genetics and Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndromes  803

Progressive cardiac conduction defect, also known as Lev- Meeus et al independently mapped a gene to chromosome
Lenègre disease, is one of the most common cardiac conduction
disorders.113-116 This disorder is characterized by progressive alter-
ation of conduction through the His-Purkinje system with devel-
opment of RBBB or left bundle branch block (LBBB) with
19q13.3 in families with isolated conduction disturbance in 1995,
but the gene has remained elusive (see Table 54-1).119,120 Recently,
however, Tan and colleagues identified a mutation in SCN5A in
this disorder (see Figure 54-7) and also presented biophysical
widening of the QRS complexes. Ultimately, complete AV block analysis (see Table 54-1).114 This mutation, a G-to-T transversion
occurs, resulting in syncope and SCD. Lev-Lenègre disease rep- in exon 12 of SCN5A, resulted in a change from glycine to cysteine
resents the most common reason for pacemaker implantation at position 514 (G514C) encoding an amino acid within the
worldwide, accounting for 0.15 implants per 1000 population DI-DII intercellular linker of the cardiac sodium channel. Bio-
yearly in developed countries. This disorder has been considered physical characterization of the mutant channel demonstrated
a primary degenerative disease, an exaggerated aging process with abnormalities in voltage-dependent gating behavior. The sodium
sclerosis of the conduction system, or an acquired disease. The current (INa) was found to decay more rapidly than the wild-type
first gene identified for Lev-Lenègre disease was reported in channel. In the mutant, open-state inactivation was hastened, but
1999 by Schott et al.116 They identified a missense mutation and closed state inactivation was reduced and destabilized. Computa-
deletion mutation, respectively, in SCN5A (see Table 54-1), the tional analysis predicted that the gating defects selectively slowed
cardiac sodium channel gene, in two families with autosomal- myocardial conduction without provoking the rapid cardiac
dominant inheritance (Figure 54-7). Although the authors sug- arrhythmias seen in LQTS and Brugada syndrome. When com-
gested that the biophysical abnormality was channel loss of paring Brugada syndrome, LQT3, and conduction disease bio-
function, no electrophysiological analysis was provided. As physics, the following findings are notable. In Brugada syndrome,
SCN5A also causes LQT3, Brugada syndrome, and SIDS (see SCN5A mutations cause reduction in INa, hastening epicardial
Figure 54-7), all diseases in which ventricular tachyarrhythmias repolarization and causing the development of VT and VF. In
result in syncope and SCD, the association of conduction distur- contradistinction, LQT3 mutations in SCN5A result in excessive
bance with SCN5A mutations was initially surprising.107,114,117,118 INa, delaying repolarization and torsades de pointes VT. Impor-
However, it is now known that conduction disturbance occurs in tantly, the G514C mutation evokes gating shifts reminiscent of
these disorders as well. both LQT3 and Brugada syndrome, including an activation gating
A similar disorder, known as isolated cardiac conduction shift responsible for reducing INa and destabilization of inactiva-
disease, also results in complete AV block, syncope, and SCD. This tion that causes an increase in INa. Tan et al showed that these
disorder has been considered to be genetically inherited voltage-dependent gating abnormalities may be partially cor-
(autosomal dominant trait) and not acquired. Brink et al and de rected by dexamethasone, consistent with the known salutary

INa Sodium Channel (SCN5A)

FIGURE 54-7  Cardiac sodium channel (SCN5A) gene mutations associated with cardiac arrhythmias and conduction system diseases. Cardiac
arrhythmias: sudden infant death syndrome (yellow), Brugada syndrome (black), Lev syndrome (green), and isolated conduction disease (red). Note that
mutations for all the disorders are scattered throughout the channel protein domains. They are found within the transmembrane portions and pore
regions of the channel as well as within intracellular and extracellular regions of the protein.
804  Clinical Syndromes

effects of glucocorticoids on the clinical phenotype.114 It is also SIDS was caused by mutations in this known arrhythmia-causing
worth noting that some patients with LQT3 and Brugada syn- gene. Hence, it appears that ion channel mutations, particularly
drome have been reported to have conduction disturbances. SCN5A, result in SIDS in some infants (see Figure 54-7). Biophysi-
Finally, patients with conduction disease and dilated cardiomy- cal analysis identified a sodium current characterized by slower
opathy present a conundrum with regard to what comes first— delay, and a twofold to threefold increase in late sodium current
conduction abnormalities leading to cardiomyopathy, or vice similar to that seen in LQTS. The fact that these SIDS occurs
versa.115 Clinically, these patients tend to develop variable degrees during sleep is consistent with the features seen for this channel
of AV block in their teen years or 20s, with progression of this when mutations result in LQTS (LQT3). SCN5A mutations in
block over another 1 or 2 decades before developing the signs and SIDS have been further confirmed recently.134 It is likely that other
symptoms of heart failure consistent with the cardiomyopathic ion channel gene abnormalities will be found in infants with SIDS
phenotype. To date, only the gene lamin A/C located on chromo- and that there is wide etiologic heterogeneity.
some 1q21 has been confirmed to cause this disease.121,122 Lamins
A and C are members of the intermediate filament multigene
family, which are encoded by a single gene. Lamins A and C Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular
polymerize to form part of the nuclear lamina, a structural fila- Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy
mentous network on the nucleoplasmic side of the inner nuclear
membrane. The specific causes of conduction disease and myo- Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy
cardial dysfunction are not currently known but could be attrib- (ARVD/C) is characterized by fatty infiltration of the right ven-
uted to the progressive degeneration of cardiac tissue analogous tricle, fibrosis, and ultimately thinning of the wall with chamber
to that described in Lev-Lenègre disease. dilatation (Figure 54-8).5 It is the most common cause of SCD in
the young in Italy and is said to account for about 17% of SCD in
the young in the Unites States.135,136 Rampazzo et al mapped this
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome disease in two families, one to 1q42-q43 and the other on chro-
mosome 14q23-q24.137,138 A third locus was mapped to 14q12.139
SIDS is defined as the sudden death of an infant younger than 1 A large Greek family with ARVD and Naxos disease was recently
year of age that remains unexplained after performance of a com- mapped to 17q21.140 Two loci responsible for ARVD/C in North
plete autopsy, review of clinical and family histories, and examina- America were subsequently mapped at 3p23 and the other at
tion of the death scene. Although the incidence of SIDS has been 10p12.141,142
dramatically reduced from 1.6 per 1000 live births to 0.64 per ARVD/C is a devastating disease because the first symptom is
1000 live births as reported in 1998 in the United States, it is still often SCD. Electrocardiographic abnormalities include inverted
one of the most common causes of death among babies between T waves in the right precordial leads, late potentials, and right
1 and 6 months of age. Death usually occurs during sleep.123 ventricular arrhythmias with LBBB. In many cases, the ECG looks
The potential causes of sudden death in infants are many, similar to that seen in Brugada syndrome, with ST elevation in
including cardiac disorders, respiratory abnormalities, gastroin- V1 to V3.143 The issue of SCD is compounded by the great diffi-
testinal diseases, metabolic disorders, traumatic injury, brain culty in making the diagnosis of ARVD/C even when occurring
abnormality, or child abuse. One of the most referenced etiologic in a family with a history of the disease. Since the disease affects
speculations was that described by Schwartz in 1976. He pro- only the right ventricle, it is difficult to detect it by using most
posed that a developmental abnormality in cardiac sympathetic diagnostic modalities. No diagnostic definitive standard is avail-
innervation predisposed some infants to lethal cardiac arrhyth- able at present. The right ventricular biopsy may be definitive
mias. Specifically, an imbalance in the sympathetic nervous when positive but often gives a false-negative result, since the
system was speculated to result in prolongation of the Q-T inter- disease initiates in the epicardium and spreads to the endocar-
val on the ECG and in potentially lethal ventricular arrhyth- dium of the right ventricular free wall, making it inaccessible to
mias.17,18 In 1998, Schwartz et al published data collected from biopsy. A consensus diagnostic criteria that includes right ven-
1976 to 1994, in which ECGs were recorded on the third or fourth tricular biopsy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), echocardiog-
day of life in 34,442 Italian newborns.4 These babies were followed raphy, and electrocardiography was developed.144
up for 1 year; during that period, 34 babies died. Evaluation of The genetic basis of ARVD/C has started to unravel recently.
these 34 babies demonstrated that 24 died of SIDS. These 24 SIDS The first gene causing ARVD/C was identified by Tiso et al for
victims were found to have longer QTc measurements compared the chromosome 1q42-1q43-linked ARVD2 locus in 2001 (Figure
with controls or other infants dying of other causes. In 12 of these 54-9).145 This gene (see Table 54-1), the cardiac ryanodine recep-
24 cases, the QTc was clearly prolonged, and the authors sug- tor gene (RYR2), a 105 exon gene that encodes the 565 kd
gested that QTc prolongation during the first week of life is associ- monomer of a tetrameric structure interacting with four FK-506
ated with SIDS.125 binding proteins called FKBP12.6, is fundamental for intracellular
Although this suggestion linking SIDS and LQTS was roundly calcium homeostasis and for excitation–contraction coupling.
criticized, the authors were subsequently able to identify a muta- This large protein physically links to the dihydropyridine (DHP)
tion in SCN5A (see Table 54-1) in one patient with aborted receptor of the t-tubule, where the DHP receptor protein, a
SIDS.118,126-132 In addition, Priori et al reported identification of an voltage-dependent calcium channel, is activated by plasma mem-
SCN5A mutation in an infant with Brugada syndrome.133 More brane depolarization and induces a calcium influx.146,147 The RYR2
recently, Ackerman et al reported a molecular epidemiology protein, activated by calcium, induces release of calcium from the
study of 95 cases of SIDS, in which the myocardium obtained at sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cytosol. Hence, mutations in
autopsy was screened for ion channel gene mutations.134 In 4 of RYR2 would be expected to cause calcium homeostasis imbalance
93 cases, mutations in SCN5A were identified in postmortem and result in abnormalities in rhythm as well as excitation-
analysis, and the authors suggested that in 4.3% of this cohort contraction coupling and myocardial dysfunction.147 This
Genetics and Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndromes  805


FIGURE 54-8  Arrhythmogenic right ventricular

dysplasia/cardiomyopathy. A, Gross anatomy
with thinned right ventricle and fatty infiltration.  
B, Histology identifying fibro-fatty infiltration of right

whereas in ARVD2, intracellular calcium channel dysfunction

Chromosome 1
plays a central role.
36 Two other genes associated with arrhythmogenic cardiomy-
opathy have also been described. The first of these, plakoglobin,
34 was shown to cause the chromosome 17q21-linked autosomal
Chromosome 14 recessive disorder called Naxos disease (see Table 54-1).148 This
p disorder is characterized by ARVD/C in association with abnor-
p 1 malities of skin (palmoplantar keratoderma) and hair (woolly
31 11
11 hair) and, therefore, is not exactly the same as isolated ARVD/C,
2 1 being a more complex phenotype.
14q12-q22 Plakoglobin is a cell adhesion protein thought to be important
13 21
1 q
in providing functional integrity to the cell. This protein is found
14q23 in many tissues, including the cytoplasmic plaque of cardiac junc-
1 12 tions and the dermal-epidermal junctions of the epidermis, and
21 32 it has a potential signaling role in the formation of desmosomal
junctions. It is believed that plakoglobin serves as a linker mole-
2 23
24 cule between the inner and outer portions of the desmosomal
25 plaque by binding tightly to the cytoplasmic domains of cadher-
ins. The mutations identified, a homozygous 2 bp deletion,
3 resulted in a frameshift and premature termination of the
32 protein.148 Support for this gene being causative of Naxos disease
comes from a murine model with null mutations, which exhibit
the heart and skin abnormalities seen in affected patients. The
4 42 1q42-q43 mutated protein is thought to cause disruption of myocyte integ-
RYR2 rity, leading to cell death and fibro-fatty replacement, with sec-
ondary arrhythmias being caused by the abnormal myocardial
FIGURE 54-9  Chromosomal positions of ARVD1 (chromosome substrate.
14q23), ARVD2 (chromosome 1q42-q43), and ARVD3 (chromosome The last gene identified, desmoplakin, is another desmosomal
14q12-q22) with identification of the ARVD2 gene, ryanodine receptor protein with similarities to plakoglobin (see Table 54-1).149
(RYR2). Homozygous mutations in this gene resulted in a Naxos-like dis-
order, although the cardiac features occurred in the left ventricle
instead of the right ventricle. The affected protein is an important
protein in cell adhesion and appears to function similarly to that
causative gene is therefore, in many ways, similar to the mutant described for plakoglobin. Although it is easy to speculate that
genes responsible for the ventricular arrhythmias of LQTS, mutation in this gene and in plakoglobin causes the myocardial
Brugada syndrome, and SIDS, in which ion channel mutations abnormalities, it remains unclear why differences in ventricular
cause the clinical phenotype. In those instances, potassium chamber specificity occurs and how the ventricular tachyarrhyth-
channel dysfunction and sodium channel dysfunction occur, mias develop.
806  Clinical Syndromes

Brugada Syndrome and Arrhythmogenic Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome

Right Ventricular Dysplasia
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) is the second most
Controversy exists concerning the possible association of Brugada common cause of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
syndrome and ARVD, with some investigators arguing that these (SVT), with a prevalence of 1.5 to 3.1 per 1000 individuals.2 In
are the same disorder or at least one is a forme fruste of the some parts of the world such as China, WPW is even more
other.143,150-156 However, the classic echocardiographic, angio- common, being responsible for up to 70% of cases of SVT.162
graphic, and MRI findings of ARVD are not seen in patients with Tachycardia presents typically in a bi-modal fashion, with onset
Brugada syndrome. In addition, patients with Brugada syndrome common in infancy as well as during the teen years. Symptoms
typically do not exhibit the histopathologic findings of ARVD. most commonly include syncope, presyncope, shortness of
Further, the morphology of VT or VF differs.91,143 Finally, the genes breath, palpitations, and SCD.113
identified so far differ.61,144,145,149,152 WPW has long been described to be caused by accessory
pathways derived from muscle fibers providing direct continuity
between the atrial and ventricular myocardia.2,163 These accessory
pathways may be identified by the peculiar ECG findings seen in
Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia WPW, including short P-R interval, widened QRS complexes, and
the classic δ wave in which an abnormal initial QRS vector is
Familial polymorphic VT, an autosomal-dominant disorder char- notable (Figure 54-11).2,163-165 In a significant percentage of
acterized by episodes of bi-directional (Figure 54-10) and poly- patients, conduction abnormalities including high-grade sino-
morphic VT, typically in relation to adrenergic stimulation or atrial or AV block occur, necessitating pacemaker implantation.
physical exercise, was first described by Coumel et al in 1978.155 In most patients with WPW and SVT, RF ablation of the acces-
This disorder most commonly occurs in childhood and adoles- sory pathways is curative.166,167
cence, presenting with syncope and SCD.6,156 Mortality rates of Some cases of WPW are associated with other primary disor-
30% to 50% in patients aged 20 to 30 years have been reported, ders such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or left ventricular non-
suggesting this is a highly malignant disorder. Autopsy data dem- compaction cardiomyopathy, or the congenital cardiac disorder
onstrate this disorder to have no associated structural cardiac Ebstein’s anomaly.166,168,169 Whether the underlying cause of WPW
abnormalities. is similar in these cases compared with pure cases of WPW has
Mutations in the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RYR2), the same been discussed for many years, but no definitive answers have
gene responsible for ARVD2 (see Figure 54-9), were recently inde- been provided.
pendently identified by Laitinen et al and Priori et al in multiple The first gene in patients with WPW was recently identified
families linked to chromosome 1q42 (see Table 54-1).157-160 Inter- by Gollob et al and Blair et al independently in familial forms of
estingly, ARVD2 typically is considered to be the one form of WPW.170,171 In both reports, autosomal-dominant inheritance
ARVD/C in which catecholaminergic input is important in the was reported. Interestingly, this gene, which maps to chromo-
development of symptoms. It is not clear at this time why patients some 7q34-7q36, was found to cause WPW and hypertrophic
with familial polymorphic VT have no associated structural cardiomyopathy in a significant percentage of patients in both
cardiac abnormalities and patients with ARVD/C have classic reports (see Table 54-1).168 The gene, the γ2 subunit of adenosine
fibro-fatty replacement in the right ventricle. monophosphate–activated protein kinase, consists of 569 amino
Mutations in another member of the ryanodine receptor acids, is 63 kD in size, and functions as a metabolic sensor in
gene family, RYR1, which is expressed in skeletal muscle, result cells, responding to cellular energy demands by regulating ade-
in malignant hyperthermia and central core disease.161 The nosine triphosphate (ATP) production and utilization.172 It is not
mutations in this gene appear to cluster in three regions of the clear whether this is a primary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy–
gene, regions similar to the mutations found in RYR2 in the cases causing gene or a WPW gene, particularly since the initial
of VT reported, suggesting these to be functionally critical mapping of this locus was in patients with hypertrophic cardio-
regions. myopathy and associated WPW. Clearly, this is not the only gene
responsible for WPW, and the functional and physiological
abnormalities responsible for the resultant WPW are not yet

Ventricular arrhythmias appear to result from ion channel abnor-
malities. Whether this is necessarily a primary abnormality or a
secondary one is becoming better understood. Therapeutic
options including drug and device therapy are likely to be
V3 expanded once this knowledge has matured. These are detailed in
Chapters 84, 94, and 95. Similarly, conduction system abnormali-
FIGURE 54-10  Bi-directional ventricular tachycardia. The genetic ties have been shown to occur secondary to mutations in the ion
cause, mutations within the ryanodine receptor gene (RYR2), is the channel gene and are widely but empirically treated with device
same gene responsible for the chromosome 1–linked arrhythmogenic therapy as discussed in Chapter 38. The individual disorders are
right ventricular dysplasia cardiomyopathy. now exhaustively discussed in Chapters 62 to 65.
Genetics and Ca

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