Construction M Ethod Statement: Roland House 121 Old Brompton Road London, SW7 3RX

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Construction Method Statement

Roland House
121 Old Brompton Road
London, SW7 3RX

Executive Summary
Description of Project
CMS Details
Noise, Dust & Vibration
Structural Methodology Statement
Appendix A – Basement Impact Assessment
Appendix B – Ground Movement Assessment
Appendix C – Site Investigation report
Appendix D – Flood Risk Assessment
Appendix E – Details of the existing structure and foundations
Appendix F – Proposed Structural details, Construction sequence & temporary works
Appendix G – Stage D Structural Design - including Calculations
Appendix H – Drainage design - including Surface water & SuDS proposals
Appendix J – Arboriculture Report

Client: Residential Land

Main Contractor: TBA
Date: October 2015

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
Executive Summary
Calder Latif Associates, who are an experienced Chartered engineering design practice
were commissioned to carry out relevant investigations and produce a detailed design
and Construction Management Statement which complies with Policy CL7(m).

This Construction Management Statement and the supporting documentation provide a

detailed evaluation, design and analysis of the existing building and the proposed
extension to the existing basement. The design has been completed to RIBA Stage “D”
and includes structural details and construction sequences, drainage strategies, flood
risk assessment, ground movement & site investigations. Horizontal & vertical forces
and movements have been analysed and are shown to be within acceptable levels.

Careful attention was given to the construction sequence of the basement extension and
the attached structural drawings confirm that the extension can be constructed in a safe
manner with no detrimental effect to the existing property and the adjoining buildings.

All calculations and reports can be found in the appendices.

This Construction Management Statement and supporting documentation is in full

compliance with Policy CL7 (m).

Description of project
Roland House is a residential property positioned on a corner plot adjacent to Roland
Gardens and Old Brompton Road in the South Kensington area of west London.

The building is a brick clad steel framed building built in the 1940s. The basement is
solely in reinforced concrete so the steelwork springs from ground floor level. The
steelwork is encased in concrete in the floors and brickwork in the facade. The floors
are 150mm thick consisting of a traditional concrete hollow pot floor and concrete ribs
with 50mm structural topping above. The building has a basement, ground floor and
eight upper storeys given over to residential accommodation.


London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
The works comprise the “strip-out” and extension of the existing basement. The works
will include demolition, temporary works, structural walls and slabs, joinery, electrical
and plumbing works with decorations, sanitary ware and the tiling as finishing trades,
installation of new kitchen, bathrooms and audio visual. There will also be builders
work in the installation of new steel beams and the demolition of some masonry walls.

Demolition & Removal of materials

Due to the constraints on space and access it is envisaged that waste materials will be
removed by a “bag and drop” method, with the skip being removed on a daily basis.

The Contractor will ensure that all materials and equipment are delivered using vehicles
that are suited to the limited access and constraints associated with this site. All
deliveries will be timed such that site staff will be available to instantly offload the
delivery items and place in the dedicated storage area.

A dedicated room within the property on the lower ground floor will be used for the
storage of materials and equipment. This dedicated area will be reviewed and changed,
if required, during the construction works.

All waste materials will be arranged and then disposed in accordance with regulations
listed by the Local Authority.
Spoil removed from this site is likely to fall under the EU reference 17.05.04 - Clean
inert soil and stones (other than those containing dangerous substances). The Spoil
removal will be undertaken by specialist spoil removal licenced waste carriers, who
operate an intelligent routing system and instant communications. Spoil will be
disposed of at landfill sites within the M25.
The Contractor will ensure they have policies in place to ensure water (ground and
surface) pollution does not occur on site. They will monitor the amount of Carbon
Dioxide arising from site activities, and transport to and from site.

Site Rules
 No Smoking on site
 General building work which can be heard at the site boundary will be carried out
between 08.00 and 18.00 during weekdays and between 08.00 and 13.00 during
Saturdays, with no work taking place on Sundays, bank holidays and public
 No excavation works to be undertaken on Saturday, Sunday, bank Holidays & Public
 Basement excavation works will be undertaken between 08.00 and 18.00 on
weekdays only
 Hard hats and protective footwear to be worn when working in the building
 Protection of undamaged areas and control of dust is vital on this project
 No radios permitted

Health and Safety Principles

The Contractor will carry out all works in accordance with our Health and Safety
The main objectives will be to carry out the works correctly but with lowest possible
risk of hazard to the operatives on the project and members of the public/visitors to the

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
The main contractor will be registered with “Considerate Constructors Scheme”

Risk to Health and Safety

The Contractor will identify in good time any likely hazard.

Method Statement and Risk Assessments

The Contractor in conjunction with the client will identify any works which require a
method statement or risk assessment to reduce the possible risk to an absolute
Main risks for this Project
 Protection of workforce/public/visitors to the building
 Protection of adjacent areas
 Removal of waste
 Storage of materials
 Dust and Particles
 Hazardous substances (COSHH)
 Control and disposal of waste materials
 The risk of fire

The above risks are not uncommon and the procedures set out in the Contractors Health
and Safety policy and normal good working practice will keep the level of risk
classified “low”.

A copy of the F10 will be on site.

All work to be carried out without undue inconvenience and nuisance and without
danger to any residents, pedestrians, neighbours or site staff.

It will be the Principal Contractors responsibility to ensure that any sub-contractor or
supplier is competent to carry out the works.
Any sub-contractors or supplier will be assessed by the main Contractor and approved
prior to placing of an order.
Sub-contractor or suppliers performance included health and safety competence will be
reviewed monthly.
All sub-contractors will be tied contractually into all of the site working terms and
conditions. Failure for any sub-contractor to comply with site working terms will lead
to their management team being given a written warning about their operative’s future
behaviour. Any re-occurrence will lead to the operative being removed permanently
from site.

Manual Handling
Any materials or plant which requires manual handling will be lifted using the correct
technique. The Project Manager will determine if a method statement or Risk
Assessment is required.

A designated site staff will be in regular contact with the neighbours and will keep
residents informed of all relevant matters, and will deal with complaints and inquiries,
should they arise. All health and safety information supplied by the Clients project team

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
will, if relevant, be copied and put in the site file for the Project Manager’s reference.
Any complaints will be logged on site and, where necessary, reported in accordance
with the Considerate Contractor’s Scheme.

Site Conditions
The site will be maintained to the highest possible standards at all times. The
Contractor will ensure the surrounding highways are clean from materials emanating
from the development, especially during the initial groundwork phase. All the site
vehicles will be parking on the public highway and will not enter a construction site. It
will therefore not be necessary to provide dedicated wheel washing facilities at the site.
The hoarding to the site perimeter will be maintained regularly. This will keep the
appearance acceptable, as well as assisting with any noise and dust nuisances.

Fire Hazards
Fire is always a risk upon building sites; therefore, it is necessary to reduce this risk by
means of changing the materials used in the process or the method of working.
Prevention is the best method of avoiding fire hazards. Knowing what to do in the event
of fire is essential.
Our prevention measures include:-
 Storing the least amount at the work place.

 Storing hazardous items safely and well away from hazardous materials.

 Using appropriate fire warning signs.

 Keeping the workplace tidy.

 Keeping flammable materials away from naked flames.

“Hot working” will be limited and only accompanied with hot work permits and a
nominated fire watcher
If in the event of a fire all operatives will be aware of the Emergency Procedure.

Hazardous Substances – (COSHH)

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) is another
important health and safety aspect that will be fully implemented at this project.
Substances that have a risk associated with their use will be discussed between the
Client and the Project Manager. COSHH sheets will be provided to the operative
carrying out the task.
Any Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE) required during the use of the hazardous
substances will be on site prior to the task being undertaken.
Once the risk assessment has been undertaken a decision will be made by the Project
Manager whether to use the material or if it is possible to use another, less hazardous
The materials being used at this project are of a low risk nature; however, the
Contractor will notify any change to this.

Waste Materials
All waste materials to be bagged up as necessary and cleared on a regular basis using
wait and load Lorries.

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
General Storage of Materials
Dedicated areas will be allocated on each floor and revised subject to the project

Emergency Procedure
An emergency evacuation procedure will be planned by the Contractor’s Project
Manager and agreed by the Client.
All operatives will be given a site induction course to indicate the emergency
procedure, general site housekeeping and the management expectations of the operative
all to be recorded in the site diary.
If possible the Contractor’s Project Manager will carry out a trial emergency test, to
monitor the time for all operatives to leave site and meet at the designated point.

The local hospital is - Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

369 Fulham Road
SW10 9NHT:
Telephone Number - +44 (0) 20 3315 8000

The designated fire/emergency point will be outside the entrance door at the front of the
property. The Project Manager will report any minor emergency immediately to the
Project Director. He will then contact the Client to report the incident.

Health and Safety Training / Site Induction

At the start of the project and whenever a new operative is employed, the Project
Manager will carry out site induction training for the project, and obtain signature from
each operative.
A record of the induction training will be kept in the site file.
The induction training will cover:-
 The type of work at this project.
 The risks identified for the specific project/task.
 Site emergency procedures
 Site Rules
 Complaints by operatives regarding health and safety.
 Contents of the Health and Safety Plan.
 What CITB CBCS safety course the operative has recently undergone.
 Welfare facilities on site.
 Copies of all health and safety training records will be passed on/made available
to the CDM Co-Ordinator.

Welfare Facilities
A site office officer/operative personal belongings store will be available on site.
A toilet will be available on site. This, with available hand washing facilities will be
cleaned daily.
A fire extinguisher and first aid kit will be kept and maintained on site.

First Aid
A first aid kit suitable for the number of operatives on site will be kept on site. The will
be checked on a weekly basis by the Project Manager and replenished as necessary.

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
The Project Manager will carry out regular checks on health and safety matters, and
write in the site diary that a check has been carried out.
Any instructions regarding health and safety will be issued in writing to the Project
Manager either by memo or notes made in the site diary.
The Project Manager will complete a weekly site report and return the form to the
Project Director
The Project Manager will actively monitor the site on a regular basis by recording his
review in the site diary. Any serious breach of site rules will cause the Proprietor to
hold a further tool box talk to ensure the breach does not occur again.
Any “incident” recorded by the Project Manager will be investigated accordingly and a
report written to identify the cause and provide a remedy to prevent any further

All work related injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences will be reported in
accordance with RIDDOR 95 regulations.

Accident and Accident Reporting

Accident Records sheets are kept on the site and are completed in the event of an
accident. All accidents records will comply with the Data Protection Act.
Any accident or incident which requires the completion of an Accident Report will be
investigated. Any completed Accident Reports will be sent the HSE within 10 days.

Noise & Vibration Level and Monitoring

The following processes have been identified as operations that may cause high levels
of noise and vibration
o Demolition
o Striking scaffold
o Cutting, Grinding, Drilling and Sawing
o Striking formwork
o Unloading of materials
o Loading of construction waste

The following actions will be taken to minimise the adverse impacts of the noise and
vibration created during the construction works:-

 Liaise with residents and local businesses to inform them of planned noisy
works and set up a formal complaints procedure. This notification will take
place prior to works commencing.
 Carryout a full Acoustic Assessment prior to commencement of operations on
site to establish a background noise level against which the predicted
construction noise levels can be measured. The background noise assessment
along with the predicted construction noise level must be submitted to the Local
Borough Council for approval prior to commencement on site.
 Noise level monitoring will be carried out at regular intervals and any noisy
activities will be scheduled according to the results of community liaison to give
local residents and businesses some quiet times.
 Avoid scheduling deliveries and collections of materials or waste before 08:00
and Coordinate delivery times and efficient traffic management to prevent
queues of traffic forming close to the site.

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
 Ensuring all vehicles, plant and machinery used for the purpose of the works are
fitted with effective exhaust silencers, are maintained in good effective working
order and operated in such a manner as to minimise noise emissions according
to the principles of BS 5228:2008 Vol I (noise) and Vol II (vibration).
 Wherever practicable, utilise construction techniques that minimise the
production of noise (e.g. the use of prefabricated materials) and erection of an
acoustic site hoarding. Any mobile screen shall have sufficient mass so as to be
able to resist the passage of sound across the barrier and to be free of significant
holes or gaps between or under any acoustic panels or board materials as far as
is reasonably practicable.
 Monitor and record the site noise levels at the boundaries to ensure that the
noise levels of each activity do not exceed 3dB above the predicted noise levels
that have been reported to the local community. Monitoring will be achieved
through the use of electronic monitoring devices, permanently affixed a small
distance away from the site boundary. Measured vibration levels shall be
measured against the criteria in BS 5228: 2009 part 2 (i.e 1mms‐1 PPV for
potential disturbance in residential and using a trigger criteria of 2mm‐1 for
 In the case that an operation on site exceeds the 3dB threshold for noise
production, an alarm connected to the permanent noise monitoring equipment
will be triggered and the operation will be suspended immediately. A solution
must be found to reduce the noise levels produced before the operation in
question can resume. This could be achieved through an alternative constructing
method or through localised acoustic hoarding to the area.

Dust Level and Monitoring

The following processes have been identified as potentially dust creating operations
o Demolition
o Excavation
o Cutting, Grinding, Drilling and Sawing
o Cleaning

The following actions will be taken to minimise the amount of dust created and to
minimise the impacts of the dust created during the construction works:-

 Notify and liaise with the local community with regard to planned dusty works
and set up a formal complaints procedure. This notification shall take place
prior to works commencing.
 Schedule potentially dusty works in accordance with liaison with the local
community to minimise the risk of complaints. Should a complaint be received
in regard to the level of dust being created by the works, the operation in
question will be suspended immediately. That operation shall not resume until
the complaint has been fully satisfied or an alternative method has been
approved that creates less dust.
 Prior to commencement of construction activity on site, establish that there is
adequate hydration facilities on site to ensure that damping down of the whole
site is practicable.
 Any plant used on site should, where possible, be fitted with dust suppressant
attachments. For example, any cutting equipment on site should be fitted with
either a vacuum device or a constant water feed to supress any dust created.

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
 Covering of baulk materials and ensuring that any stockpiles are kept below the
height of the site hoarding and positioned with regard for the prevailing wind
and proximity to the site boundary and proximity of neighbours. Keeping the
loading drop heights of spoil into Lorries as low as possible.
 Erection of Monarflex dust protection to site hoarding and scaffolding to the
building for the duration of the demolition and construction operation to contain
any dust created on site.
 Monitor and record dust levels on site through permanent monitoring stations.
Should the amount of dust in the air recorded by the monitoring stations exceed
safe levels an alarm will be triggered and the operation causing the dust must be
suspended immediately. That operation shall not resume until an alternative
solution that will create less dust has been agreed.
 Ensure that plant and machinery used on site is well maintained to reduce
 Emissions and ensure that all vehicles leaving the site have been through the
wheel wash and that loads are covered where spoil or demolition materials are
being removed.

Completion Handover/Health and Safety File

This will be continually updated and monitored by the Project Manager to ensure that
all necessary and available information is in the file.
Copies of any information, records or reports, with regards to elements of Health and
Safety, will be forwarded/made available to the CDM Co-Ordinator as soon as they
become available.
The file will also contain details of any residual hazards, cleaning and maintenance
information of items installed or used within the project.

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
Structural Methodology Statement

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Calder Latif Associates LLP, a firm of consulting engineers, has been appointed by
Residential Land to advise on the structural implications of the proposed alteration
work to the existing building and on the viability of the construction of a further
basement extending the existing basement to the full curtilage of the building.
1.2 This report has been prepared to ensure this building can be safely modified and
that the effects on neighbouring properties are minimised.
1.3 Drawings showing a practical construction sequence have been prepared to
illustrate the construction process both to assist the contractor during tender and pricing
but also to show that the process has been thought through with some rigour. These
drawings should be examined to properly understand the scheme and it is considered
beneficial to illustrate the methodology rather than describe in detail in text.

2.0 Description of the existing building

2.1 The property is situated at the corner of Old Brompton Road and Roland Gardens
and comprises a rectangular building over nine stories with an inset in plan in the top
two stories, they being a later addition.
2.2 The building is approximately 35m x 12m and sits with its long axis predominantly
2.2 Roland House is a brick clad steel framed building built in the 1940s. The existing
part basement is in reinforced concrete but the steelwork springs from pad foundations
below ground floor or basement level as appropriate. The steelwork is encased in
concrete in the floors and brickwork in the facade. The floors are 150mm thick
consisting of a traditional concrete hollow pot floor and concrete ribs with 50mm
structural topping above. The building has a basement, ground floor and eight upper
storeys given over to residential accommodation. In the recent past, believed to be in
2000, the top floor – eighth – was rebuilt and a ninth floor added. From the reports in
the records it appears the building was extended in 1990 at ground, 5th, 6th 7th and 8th
including part of an additional storey to the rear (east elevation). Much of this was later
modified or replaced in the 2000 construction work.
2.3 There are some small trees to the rear, believed to be of the Laburnum species, but
these are noted as being of low water uptake.
2.4 There is an existing basement under 50% of the building.

3.0 Ground Conditions

3.1 A ground investigation was commissioned and undertaken in 1989 by Wembley
Laboratories Limited and comprised a borehole and several trial pits. This was to
establish the criteria for extending the storey height.
3.2 The GI undertaken established the ground beneath Roland House as 1.0m - 4.0m
made ground over 0.5m – 2.0m brickearth (silty sandy clay with scattered gravel) over
3.5m – 5.0m flood plain gravel over London clay.
3.3 The ground would be described as competent with a safe bearing capacity of
250KN/m2 and permitting only small settlements.
3.4 Further, trial pits carried out by Packman Lucas in 2012 confirmed the masonry
walls are founded on slightly corbelled suspended concrete beam strips 430mm deep
which span between pad footings at the column lines.
3.4 Groundwater was encountered at the site in the GI work at 6.9m below ground level
and well below the planned SSL of the proposed basement.
3.5 The nearest water course is the River Thames located 1300m to the south of the

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
3.5 The site lies 700m outside the flood risk area, zone 3, of the Thames. Zone 3 is
defined as an area with greater than 1% annual probability of river flooding as defined
by the Environmental Agency in their London mapping of Flood Risk Areas.
3.7 No protection against radon is considered to be necessary.

4.0 Desk Study Summary

4.1 The building is in good condition and the brick facade has benefitted from general
repairs and cleaning and all windows have been upgraded to double glazed units. There
is no obvious sign, either externally or internally, of movement or differential
settlement to this building or to the adjacent buildings on either side of the property.
4.2 The new loading is confined to the safe bearing allowances recommended but, in
general, there will be an off loading with the new basement construction.
4.3 The GI report noted that ground heave would not be a problem with the original
basement construction.
4.4 The site is flat and the proposed works will not initiate any slope instability.
4.5 There are no London underground lines in the vicinity of the site and the running
tunnels for the District Line between South Kensington and Gloucester Road are over
900m to the north so do not affect the proposed basement.

5.0 Design Philosophy

5.1 The proposal is to construct a new basement under approximately 50% of the
curtilage of this existing multi-storey building with a view to extending the existing
basement, which already occupies the south end of the site, to 100% of the curtilage of
the building footprint. Lightwells are proposed to the east and west elevations and for
this reason the external pile lines are between 1.5 and 2.0m from the building face.
5.2 Although research through the building archives shows no foundation details and
the limited recent trial pits confirm the existence of footings, there is no conclusive
evidence to suggest that the footings are indeed pad foundations; they could be a series
of pile caps. Indeed, the original GI gives pile capacities for various lengths and
5.3 The loadings calculated from capacities of the steel stanchions measured during the
recent repair work put the maximum value of axial compression (assuming buckling is
restrained) as approximately 300tonnes for the 9”x7” section measured. This would not
be carried by a pad base limited to 250KN/m2.
5.4 By calculating the actual loading per floor the calculation produces a column load at
foundation level of 155tonnes, a value which does indeed fall within the safe bearing
capacity with 2.5m square pad bases.
5.5 On this basis the design will proceed assuming the existing pad bases, 2.5m square,
support the stanchions internally and are 1.1m x 2.5m rectangular pads at the perimeter.
5.6 Although the perimeter pads can be ascertained from deeper and more extensive
trial pitting the internal pads are more difficult to locate. These too could be located by
trial pitting through the ground bearing ground floor slab or by a series of small
diameter core bores which would establish the depth and perimeter edges of the pad
footing beneath the internal columns (6no.)
5.7 In order to construct a new but deeper base the load must first be removed from the
existing columns as a temporary transfer. This process entails the use of a support
saddle, site welded to the existing columns at high level on the ground to first storey.
This is then to be used as the means to transfer the load from the columns to a new
temporary support system supported by piles installed from ground level. Hot working
will be limited and only accompanied with hot work permits and a nominated fire

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
5.8 The construction dictates the initial installation of perimeter secant piles (chosen to
ensure stability at the perimeter) and internal contiguous piles in lines between the
stanchions. The contiguous piles are to be sleeved to a level of the new formation. This
will ensure than the benefit of skin friction is not developed over a length that will, in
time, be excavated.
5.9 Capping beams will be cast on the piles and these will form the base for a
temporary steel moment frame running across the building. Sequence #1 shows.
5.10 The frame geometry is such that it allows the introduction of Freyssinet flat jacks,
in pairs, one either side of the steel saddles to be inserted between the saddle and the
girders. Details show the proposed arrangement. Each jack rating is 1100KN lift
5.11 Jacking is taken in slow increments as a whole. Load cells and independent
deflectometers are to be provided for each jack. The jacks are to be linked together such
that they all inflate from zero to the maximum value indicated within an identical time
frame. This may be computer controlled but whichever system is selected, the operation
to ensure uniform jacking to the load specified should be demonstrated in a trial run-
through prior to jacking the building the jacking and load transfer is designed to ensure
deflections do not exceed 2.5mm.
5.12 On load transfer the building is effectively sitting on the temporary steel frame
carried by the recently installed piles. The excavation to the underside of the existing
pads can commence.
5.13 Once the level of the bottom of the pads is reached the stanchions may be cut
through releasing any residual load on these foundations, sequences #5 and #6 shows.
5.14 With the existing pads free of load and the existing stanchion load transferred to
piles working at a lower depth the excavation can continue to the proposed deeper
formation level ensure lateral restraint is provided to the piles during this work.
5.15 New RC raft slab to be cast as sequence #9 and contiguous piles sleeved to top of
raft level to prevent capacity gained in friction being lost during excavation. Erect new
254 x 254 UC 132 on new foundation pad with 500 x 500 x 20 plate on top of
stanchion leaving 50 gap to insert flat jack, sequence #11 shows. Between the new and
existing steel columns further flat jacks are installed, all with a greater rating at
1700KN lift capacity. The reason being that in this location each jack will carry the full
column load rather than the two that share in the upper level.
5.16 During load increments of this lower jack, over a 17 hour period, the upper jacks
will be synchronised in a decrease in load that they are carrying. In this way the load is
transferred from the temporary steel frame back into the extended column section and
back into foundations.
5.17 The upper jacks are removed along with the steel saddles and all the temporary
steel frame. During this time there is full orthogonal restraint provided at the lower jack
position given that this is mid-point in a double height columns (extended). The
contiguous piles are all cut down to RC raft level.
5.18 A second level of restraints is added across between the beams and columns which
allows the top part of the beam to be adjusted to incorporate the new 150mm thick RC
on metal decking spanning between new steel frame at ground floor level. See drawing
XP014. This slab provides the permanent restraint to the columns at storey level.
5.19 With the casting of the 500RC basement raft complete (5.15 above), the
installation of 150mm blockwall in front of the perimeter secant piled wall is
constructed, sequence #18 shows.
5.20 The nineteen drawings that illustrate this whole process give sufficient detail to
allow the scheme to be developed to tender and thereafter to construction with input, at
that stage from an experienced contractor.

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
6.0 Basement Waterproofing
6.1 The GI report notes that the site does not fall within a fluvial or tidal river flood
plain and no flood risk assessment is necessary. No groundwater inflows were observed
in any of the exploratory excavations.
6.2 As is the case with other developments CLA has designed a prudent assessment for
the structure is to assume that water levels could rise in the future and could be as high
as 1.0m from ground level. This also allows for the possibility of a sudden burst of the
mains water supply. With this in mind the basement is waterproofed to cater for such
6.3 The waterproofing takes two forms; the first is to specify waterproof concrete for
both the basement slab and the surrounding retaining walls. This specification includes
for the additive Eversure Caltite system comprising superplasticier SR and Caltite in
proportions as specified by the manufacture. The arrangement of reinforcement and the
construction joints in the retaining walls are specially detailed to minimise plastic and
drying shrinkage to eliminate water seepage ingress. The procedure, as installed in
accordance with the manufacture’s recommendations, is guaranteed for a period of ten
years from construction.
6.4 In addition, a secondary drainage medium is specified which is an egg crate wall
and floor application to allow any water ingress to be drained away in the cavity so
leaving a dry internal compartment.

7.0 Drainage
7.1 It is proposed to use the existing drainage system in the existing basement
discharging to the sewer in Roland Gardens.
7.2 At the basement level there are two new external courtyards which will have the
provision for surface water drainage and this will be linked to the system picking up the
cavity drainage. Precise invert levels of the drainage have not yet been fully ascertained
and it will be necessary to pump the basement drainage to the interceptor chamber level
where the discharge can continue under gravity in the existing sewer network.
7.3 Should a sub-raft land drain be selected then this too will drain to the main sewer
via a pump chamber if necessary.

8.0 Party Wall Matters

8.1 Although the adjacent buildings are separated by a pathway on each side, the
development of the basement falls within the Party Wall Act 1996. The Party Wall
Surveyors will deal with matters arising and will have at their disposal the structural
drawings and full calculations to demonstrate that the basement development will not
cause damage or distress to any of the properties. In this way the interests of affected
owners will be protected.

9.0 Hydrological Statement Summary

9.1 The British Geological Survey (BGS) indicates that the site is underlain by
Kempton Park Gravel over London Clay. Records held by the Environment Agency
show the Kempton Park Gravel to be a Secondary Aquifer comprising permeable layers
capable of supporting local groundwater resources with groundwater abstraction 550m
north of the site for the Natural History Museum. The London Clay is shown to be an
Un‐productive Aquifer comprising low permeability clay. Borehole records obtained
within 100m of the property confirm ground conditions to comprise approximately 2m
of gravel over London Clay. There are no geotechnical hazards identified for the site.
9.2 The site is located in Flood Zone 1; outside the 1 in 1000 annual probability of
flooding rivers and sea. As such there is a low risk of fluvial /tidal flooding to the site.

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR
9.3 The groundwater levels are below the existing foundations and therefore the
construction of foundations is unlikely to have any significant impact on the current
flow of groundwater within the Kempton Park Gravels.On this basis, the proposed
basement extension will not penetrate any water table and will have no adverse effect
on the subsurface hydrology of the area.
9.4 The residual effects discussed in this report and the Basement Impact Assessment
have been shown to not be impacted by the basement development proposed in this
report. No increase in risk to the current building and surrounding properties is
presented by the proposed basement development. Therefore, the residual risks
discussed can be discounted as a basement development impact.
9.5 Proposals are to construct the basement predominantly beneath the existing building
although encroaching the rear garden to the south-east. The rear garden is currently
paved and is likely to remain so following completion of the proposed development. On
this basis, there will be little change in the proportion of hard surfaced/paved areas at
the property and surface flows and infiltration of rainwater into the ground will not be
significantly changed.

10.0 Conclusions
10.1 Roland House is a 1940s steel frame building with concrete floors and encasement
to the steelwork in either concrete or masonry. It is in effect a very stiff building and
the load transfer by jacking needs to respect the lack of tolerance of differential
movement during this work. For this reason the temporary frame is designed as being
very stiff.

10.2 The Ground Investigation report concludes that the ground is competent to carry
loads of the new construction and that the effect on the hydrology is minimal; this is
clearly stated in the Basement Impact Assessment report.

10.3 The design of the retaining structure and the constant stiff propping of the walls
will ensure there are no detrimental effects on neighbouring properties.

Najeeb Latif
BEng(Hons), CEng, MICE, FFB, EurIng

London: 10 Unity Wharf, 13 Mill Street, London, SE1 2BH

Kent: 51 High Street Newington, Kent, ME9 7JR

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