The Lion and The Bear

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The Lion and the Bear

L es
1 Samuel 16, 17:33-36; Psalm 23; Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 637-648

W hen he had to write a report about sheep,

Jamie remembered something his mother
had read to him from the Bible. This is what he
harp he carried with him. Then in a clear voice
he sang, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack
nothing” (Psalm 23:1).
recalled . . . One day David saw a movement out of the

corner of his eye. He dropped his harp and
avid looked over the flock of sheep that grabbed his sling. He always carried smooth
dotted the field. These woolly animals round stones, ready for anything that might try
were his friends, and he was their shepherd. to hurt the sheep.
He walked with the sheep by the still pools A lion crouched in a thicket at the edge of
of water in the heat of the day. He led them the water. Just as the huge lion was ready to
to green fields of grass. He was usually by spring on a sheep, David released the stone.
himself, but David did not Zing! The stone flew through
feel afraid or alone. the air and hit
He knew that God the lion. Then
was with him. David fought
Just as David the lion
took good until he
care of the knew
sheep, God, the lion
his Shepherd, could no
was taking longer
special care hurt the
of him. sheep.
“I Quickly
must stay David
alert!” laid
David down his
reminded sling and
himself walked among
when he the sheep,
felt like counting
napping. them
“A little carefully.
lamb might They were
stray from the flock all there,
while I sleep.” To keep himself awake, he often and none were hurt! The Lord had helped
sat on a high rock and strummed softly on the him protect the sheep.

The Message
I can’t save myself;
Jesus saves me. Memory Verse
“The Lord is my
shepherd, I lack
nothing. He makes
Soon David sat on his rock again, playing his
harp. This time he sang, “Even though I walk me lie down in green
through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, pastures”
for you are with me” (verse 4).
Another day David decided to lead the (Psalm 23:1, 2).
sheep into the hills. Here the sheep could
graze on new grass. But danger lurked in the
hills. Bears lived in dens in the hillsides and
often wandered out searching for food.
David carefully watched the lambs.
Suddenly he saw something move
in the tall grass nearby. Instantly,
he was alert! A huge brown beast
moved in the grass near the lambs.
Suddenly it rushed forward!
Quickly David loaded his sling,
swung it, and let go. The stone hit
the bear so hard that it fell and
never got up again. Once more
God had helped David save his
That evening, as David led
the sheep home, he might have
sung, “Surely your goodness
and love will follow me all the
days of my life, and I will dwell
in the house of the Lord forever”
(verse 6).
Like the sheep, we need
someone to watch over us. We
need Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
We can’t save ourselves. But Jesus
can. Only Jesus saves us. 33
S A B B A T H use their sling as
D O With your family, find a grassy place near a weapons to protect the sheep. They
also use them to land rocks right in front
quiet river, pond, or lake, if possible. Imagine David of a straying sheep so it will turn
and his sheep all around you while you read your les- back.
son story together. Thank God for giving you people
to look after you.
R E A D Find and read Psalm 23:1, then draw
a picture about it. Use it to begin a “Psalm 23”
booklet. Add a picture to your booklet each day
this week.

S H A R E During family
R E A D Read Psalm 23 with your family for worship today. As you
worship, read all of Psalm 23
together. Memorize and draw a read, count the good things the Shepherd does for His sheep. Write
picture of Psalm 23:2 for your the number here: _____. Tell about two good things Jesus has done
“Psalm 23” booklet. Ask God for you. Then thank Him for it.
to bless people who take care M A K E Make a cutout shaped like a shepherd’s staff and write
of animals.
your memory verse on it. Use it to teach the verse to your family.
D O Draw a sheep shape.
D O Memorize and draw a picture of Psalm 23:3 for your
Cut it out and add cotton
balls to make it feel “wooly.” “Psalm 23” booklet.

R E A D With your family, read and discuss R E A D Read Psalm 23:5 and Luke 10:34
1 Samuel 17:34-37. Who is the “Philistine” that during family worship. What did you learn about
David is talking about? Tell about a time God helped oil? In Bible times, olive oil was used on sheep’s
you when you were in trouble. Add this to the memory wounds. Also, Israel’s kings were anointed with
book of God’s goodness. (see Lesson 2 activities) oil to show that they were chosen by God. Read
Exodus 30:22-25 for a recipe for anointing oil.
S I N G Sing a “Thank-You, Lord” song, then Ask if you may smell some olive oil—if there is
thank God for helping you when you were in trouble. some in your house.

D O Memorize and draw a picture of Psalm D O Ask an adult to anoint your forehead as
23:4 for your “Psalm 23” booklet. you tell God that you want to be His child.

R E A D During worship, read Psalm 23 with your family. D O Make a cover for your “Psalm 23”
Ask them to help you match the words below by drawing a booklet and put it together. Be ready to show
line to the words that mean the same thing:* it during worship. Say the verses for or with
pastures sorrow your family. Then tell the lesson story in your
own words.
be in want doing right
righteousness thick stick S H A R E Review Psalm 23:4 together.
darkest valley fields Then turn off the lights and hug together as
rod walking stick a family. Talk about how you feel in
staff need something the dark. Read Psalm 32:7;
Psalm 34:4, 6, 7, 17, 19
D R A W Memorize and draw a picture together. What do these verses
of Psalm 23:6 for your “Psalm 23” booklet. mean to you and your family?

P R A Y Thank Jesus for
keeping your family safe and
darkest valley–sorrow; rod–thick stick; staff–walking stick
pastures–fields; be in want–need something; righteousness–doing right;

happy. 35

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