Guns & Gears: How To Playtest
Guns & Gears: How To Playtest
Guns & Gears: How To Playtest
Welcome to the playtest for Pathfinder Guns & Gears! This upcoming sourcebook, scheduled UNCOMMON CLASSES?
for late fall of 2021, brings you rules for siege engines, new vehicles, firearms, and more. This The inventor and the gunslinger represent
content includes two classes that are the focus of this playtest: the gunslinger and the inventor. something we haven’t seen in Pathfinder
• The gunslinger is a class for players who love pulling off cool tricks with a unique Second Edition yet: uncommon classes.
signature weapon. Skilled in firearms and crossbows, gunslingers can perform powerful Just like with other character options, the
trick shots, precision sniping, or wade into melee with a sword in one hand and a pistol uncommon rarity indicates that these
in the other. classes are relatively rare in Pathfinder’s
• The inventor is for players who want to combine their wits with unusual technological default setting, so you should speak with
gimmicks. Each inventor has a special innovation that represents the culmination of your GM if you’re interested in playing one.
their crafting skills: a powerful suit of armor, an unusual weapon, or even a clockwork In the world of Golarion, the technology
companion to accompany them on their adventures! used by the inventor and gunslinger
The playtest document also includes rules for guns so that you can playtest the gunslinger remains largely limited to specific regions.
class, play an inventor with a firearm, or even throw in some guns for PCs from other classes In Avistan, reckless scientists and
and playtest them separately (see Firearms Rules on page 12). innovative undead hunters in the nation of
Ustalav have championed a technological
How to Playtest renaissance. The pirates of the Shackles
The playtest will run until February 5, 2021. We’re looking for your feedback, comments, have begun arming their ships with cannons
and criticisms regarding these classes, but we’re focusing our attention on feedback from and stolen guns, while Alkenstar boasts the
play (both online through play-by-post campaigns and VTTs) and at home tables for those of premier gunsmiths of the entire planet. In
you who can play such games safely. Make new characters, use them as PCs or adversaries, Tian Xia, the nations of Goka, Ling Shen, Po
and run a few game sessions or encounters using them! Li, and Quain have long worked with black
Anything can change based on the results of the playtest! These are early iterations of the powder, using it to spur other technological
new classes; some abilities might be a bit extreme or stretch some assumptions of the game, advancements. The continent of Arcadia has
and the best way to find out if we’ve gone too far (or in the wrong direction) is for us to seen decades of relatively uninterrupted
deliver these classes into your hands. We don’t expect to release any changes to these classes peace, and might contain more gunslingers
during the playtest itself, only in the final version of the book. and inventors than the rest of Golarion
Once you’ve had a chance to try these classes, you can submit your feedback in the combined. Characters from these regions
following ways. have access to both the inventor and
• Surveys: Head to and https://www. gunslinger classes as well as firearms. to take surveys that will allow us to gather your Some regions in Golarion are familiar
responses. These surveys will be available starting January 5, 2021, and they will remain with clockwork but not gunpowder. The
open until the end of the playtest. city of Absalom, naturally, has access to
• Forums: On, you’ll find a Guns & Gears playtest subforum with threads for engineering techniques from across the
discussion and announcements, plus threads for each of the two new classes. When you world. Further to the north, the nation
post to the forums, look for existing threads on your topic before starting a new one. of New Thassilon has the combined
Remember that every poster is trying to make the game better for everyone, so please be clockwork knowledge of multiple historical
polite and respectful. eras. Near the border between Osirion and
the Mwangi Expanse, the Uomoto people
We’d like to thank you for participating in the Guns & Gears playtest. We look forward to scavenge rare technological wonders from
seeing what you think and using your feedback to make these classes the best they can be! the ruins of the Shory Empire. Characters
from these regions have access to the
Sincerely, inventor class but not the gunslinger.
Pathfinder Design Team
A searing flash, the cloying stench of black smoke, and the wild kick of a roaring firearm—
these sensations propel you forward. Wielding an unusual and deadly weapon, you’re
prepared to wade into any fray, trusting your sharpened reflexes to help you evade any
threats that make it inside your range of fire. Always alert, you stay on the lookout for the
next threat or opportunity, keeping your gun within reach and at the ready.
Any tinkerer can follow directions to construct a device, but you invent the impossible!
Every contraption you dream up challenges the definition of possibility, even if it only works
for you. Driven by innovation, you’re always on the verge of the next great breakthrough.