Multiplication 3 by 2 Digits Partitioning Part 4 FUN
Multiplication 3 by 2 Digits Partitioning Part 4 FUN
Multiplication 3 by 2 Digits Partitioning Part 4 FUN
Name: Date:
Estimate the answer first, then use the grid method to work out the answer.
Example a 256 × 42
263 × 38 300 × 40 = 12 000
× 200 60 3
30 6000 1800 90 7890
8 1600 480 24 + 2104 +
b 235 × 34 c 359 × 43
× ×
+ +
d 436 × 55 e 543 × 37
× ×
+ +
f 434 × 86 g 672 × 46
× ×
+ +