Paper For Research Topic MS Stduents
Paper For Research Topic MS Stduents
Paper For Research Topic MS Stduents
Presented at the
42nd Annual Western Protective Relay Conference
Spokane, Washington
October 20–22, 2015
Abstract—This paper describes several commonly applied line requires a different set of tools, such as computer-based power
protection schemes, including distance schemes, directional system studies and event information analysis.
comparison schemes using distance and directional elements, and This paper briefly describes several commonly applied line
line current differential schemes. Using analysis tools like fault
trees, power system studies, and event analysis, we evaluate and
protection schemes. Using analysis tools like fault trees,
compare these protection schemes in terms of speed, sensitivity, power system studies, and event analysis, we evaluate these
dependability, security, and selectivity. The paper considers the schemes in terms of speed, sensitivity, dependability, security,
use of various communications channels, including direct relay- and selectivity and provide a comparison of the schemes’
to-relay fiber-optic channels and multiplexed digital fiber-optic performance. The paper mainly considers the use of fiber-
networks. The paper also discusses some practical considerations optic communications channels, but it also provides data on
for evaluating line protection schemes when faced with
complications like series compensation, mutual coupling, single-
the speed of other channels, such as power line carrier (PLC)
pole tripping and reclosing, three-terminal lines, and short lines. and digital radios. The paper also discusses some practical
considerations for evaluating line protection schemes in
I. INTRODUCTION complex applications.
Traditional protection systems consisted of a number of
single-function electromechanical relays that provided good II. BASIC CONCEPTS
service for many years. However, providing redundancy A. Protection System Functional Characteristics
required duplicating many devices. In addition, increased Protection system functional characteristics must meet the
maintenance costs, lack of support by manufacturers, and stringent requirements of modern power systems, which lack
incorrect operation data led many utilities to replace redundancy and operate near their security limits. The most
electromechanical relays with microprocessor-based relays, important characteristics are reliability, selectivity, speed of
which provide better protection and control functions at lower operation, and sensitivity.
cost and with higher reliability. They also have monitoring • Reliability is a measure of the certainty that the
and communications abilities. Redundant protection systems protection system will trip when required
are more economical with multifunction microprocessor-based (dependability) and not trip when not required
relays. On the other hand, microprocessor-based relays have (security). We can obtain dependability through relays
shifted complexity from panel designs and wiring to settings, that try to trip the same circuit breaker (parallel
logic, and documentation. connection of the relay contacts or its equivalent logic
Modern power systems demand that transmission line function [OR logic]). We can obtain security through
protection schemes be reliable (dependable and secure), fast, series connection of the relay contacts or the
sensitive, and selective. However, these protection system equivalent logic function (AND logic). There is a bias
characteristics are frequently at odds with each other. For among protection engineers toward dependability in
example, in a dual-redundant system, we need to connect the protection system design. This bias reflects the fact
relay output contacts in parallel to achieve dependability but that power systems are redundant to a certain extent.
connect them in series to achieve security. A very fast and In modern power systems, however, this concept is
highly sensitive protection system may not be very secure or changing. For example, some wide-area protection
selective. For this reason, engineers have traditionally needed systems, where security is very important, use two-
to make design choices to prioritize some protection system out-of-three voting schemes.
characteristics at the expense of others. With today’s • Selectivity is the ability of a protection system to
technology, is it possible to simultaneously maximize all of eliminate a fault in the shortest time possible with the
these critical protection characteristics? least disconnection of system components. We also
References [1] and [2] discuss the application of fault tree use the term coordination for selectivity. Protection
analysis to determine factors that influence overall protection coordination implies that primary protection
system reliability and provide comprehensive data of eliminates faults and that backup protection operates
reliability indices. In particular, [1] evaluates line protection only when primary protection fails.
redundancy and reliability. Analyzing protection system
speed, sensitivity, and selectivity not covered in [1] and [2]
• Speed of operation is the ability of the protection Availability and unavailability are dimensionless numbers
system to operate in a short time after fault inception. from 0 to 1. We can convert them to minutes or seconds per
Fast operation is important in preserving system year by multiplying by the appropriate factors.
stability, reducing equipment damage, and improving Fault tree analysis is a tool for evaluating how a component
power quality. Protection system operation time failure contributes to a specific failure event [3] [4]. Fault tree
includes relay operating time, communications system analysis is useful for comparing the relative reliability of
delay (if any), and circuit breaker fault-clearing time. protection schemes. The failure event of interest is called the
• Sensitivity is the ability of the protection system to top event. The failure rate for the top event is a combination of
detect even the smallest faults within the protected the failure rates of the basic events that contribute to the top
zone. It is important to ensure the detection of high- event. Basic events are individual component failures with
impedance faults or the reduced contribution to faults identified failure rates. We use AND, OR, and other gates to
from small, distributed generators. represent combinations of failure rates. OR gates express the
idea that any of several failures can cause the protection
B. Basic Reliability Concepts system to fail. The OR gate output is the sum of the failure
We often use the following measures to describe product rates of the input events. AND gates express the idea that
reliability performance, assuming constant failure and repair failures must occur simultaneously to cause the protection
rates [1] [2] [3]: system to fail. The AND gate output is the product of the
• Failure: Termination of the ability of an item to failure rates of the input events. We can also use availability,
perform its required or specified function. unavailability, or MTBF figures instead of failure rates in fault
• Failure rate (λ): Total number of failures divided by tree analysis.
the total unit operating time or uptime. Analyzing the dependability and security of a protection
• Repair rate (µ): Total number of repairs divided by the system requires different fault trees [1] [2]. To construct each
total unit operating time or uptime. tree, we identify which component failures may cause a failure
• Mean time to failure (MTTF): Average time between to trip (a dependability problem) or an undesired trip (a
the start of operation (or return after repair) and security problem). This analysis leads to different tree
failure. For a constant failure rate, MTTF = λ–1. topologies and different failure rate (or unavailability) values.
• Mean time to repair (MTTR): Average time to correct For example, nearly any relay failure could cause a failure to
a failure and restore a unit to operating condition. For trip. However, not all relay failures cause an undesired trip.
a constant repair rate, MTTR = µ–1. Hence, the relay failure rate or unavailability value to use for
• Mean time between failures (MTBF): Average time dependability analysis is higher than the value to use for
between failures for units repaired and returned to use. security analysis. In this paper, we use unavailability for
MTBF is the sum of MTTF and MTTR. Because MTTR is dependability fault trees because failures to clear faults depend
usually small compared to MTTF, we assume that MTBF is on component downtime per failure. We use failure rate for
approximately equal to MTTF and that MTBF = λ–1. security fault trees because undesired trips typically occur at
Availability, a measure that considers repeated cycles of the instant a component fails [5].
failure and repair, is the probability or fraction of time that a
device or system is able to operate. Equation (1) defines III. EXAMPLE SYSTEMS
availability A for constant failure and repair rates. A. Example Power Systems
µ MTTF MTBF We performed computer-based steady-state power system
=A = ≈ (1)
λ + µ MTTF + MTTR MTBF + MTTR studies to evaluate the sensitivity, speed, and selectivity of
Unavailability is the probability or fraction of time a device various line protection schemes. We selected three two-source
or system is unable to perform its intended function. example systems with two parallel transmission lines with
Equation (2) defines unavailability U for constant failure and magnetic mutual coupling. Fig. 1(a) shows a system with two
repair rates. strong sources and two long lines. Fig. 1(b) depicts a system
with two strong sources and two short lines. Fig. 1(c) shows a
λ MTTR system with a strong source, a weak source, and two long
U 1 –=
= A = ≈ λ MTTR (2)
λ + µ MTBF lines.
Fig. 1. Example power systems: (a) two long lines and strong sources; (b)
two short lines and strong sources; and (c) a strong source at S, a weak source
at R, and two long lines.
Bus S Bus R
52 52
R2 R2
52 52
Fig. 2. Single- and dual-redundant transmission line protection schemes. An optical fiber providing direct relay-to-relay communication can replace the
multiplexer and digital fiber-optic network.
Fig. 4 shows the different components of the operating principle allows reducing the relay operating time to a quarter
time of a microprocessor-based relay with phasor-based of a cycle or less [9].
protection algorithms. Analog low-pass filter delay and
One-Cycle One-Cycle Mho
sampling latency determine how fast the signal samples are v, i Filter Calculation –
available for processing by the digital filter. The analog filter Zone 1 +
delay depends on the filter type and its cutoff frequency, Reach
which depends on the sampling rate. For a 16 samples per Zone 1
cycle rate, the analog filter delay is around 0.04 cycles. After Half-Cycle Half-Cycle Mho
Filter Calculation –
the delay introduced by the analog filter, the digital band-pass
filter still needs to wait for the next sample to be available for Reduced +
Zone 1
processing. This is the sampling latency, whose value is Reach
between zero (when the fault occurs just before the next
Fig. 5. Zone 1 mho distance element using dual-filter scheme.
sampling instant) and the sampling period (for faults occurring
just after the last sampling instant). For a 16 samples per cycle The relay output system produces the contact closing
rate, the sampling period is 0.063 cycles. The digital band- operation that completes the circuit breaker tripping coil
pass filter typically introduces the longest delay. Reducing this circuit. Conventional output systems with electromechanical
delay is instrumental to achieving high-speed relay operation. relays typically add a 4 to 6 ms delay. We can use high-speed
The digital filter delay is determined by the data window output systems with solid-state circuits that operate in about
length and the input signal magnitude as compared to the 10 µs to substitute conventional output systems.
pickup setting. The digital filter delay approaches the data Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 depict the typical operating times of two
window length for faults representing an operation condition types of phase and ground mho elements, one that uses the
close to the relay pickup setting. For higher fault currents, the Fig. 5 dual-filter scheme and another that uses only one-cycle
digital filter delay is smaller than the data window length. filters. These elements have high-speed output systems;
Relay protection algorithms process the phasors estimated by adding 4 to 6 ms to these times gives the typical operating
the digital filter to make tripping decisions. This processing times for mho elements with conventional output systems.
introduces a delay, as shown in Fig. 4. Finally, the relay Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 show the operating time as a function of fault
output system requires time to process the tripping signal and distance (in percent of reach setting) for different values of
close the output relay contact. This is the output device delay. source-impedance ratio (SIR). Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 show that the
high-speed mho elements consistently trip in less than one
Analog Filter Delay Output Device Delay
Sampling Latency Protection Algorithm
Processing Delay
High-Speed Elements
Digital Filter Delay
Time (Cycles)
SIR = 10.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 0.75 SIR = 1.0
Time (Cycles) 0.50
Fig. 4. Components of the operating time of a microprocessor-based relay 0.25 SIR = 0.1
with phasor-based protection algorithms.
20 40 60 80
As mentioned before, filtering delays relay operation. Most Fault Location (Percent of Reach Setting)
of this delay comes from the digital band-pass filter. The
choice of the digital filter data window length (half cycle, one Standard-Speed Elements
shorter the window, the shorter the delay, but the greater the
SIR = 1.0
transient overreach. In order to maximize the performance, we 0.75
SIR = 10.0 fault clearing for 100 percent of the protected line. Pilot
protection includes directional comparison schemes and
0.75 SIR = 1.0 current-based schemes (phase comparison and 87L schemes).
0.50 In a directional comparison scheme, instantaneous
0.25 SIR = 0.1 directional overcurrent or distance elements provide fault
direction information for the scheme logic at each line
20 40 60 80
Fault Location (Percent of Reach Setting)
terminal. Directional comparison does not require a high-
bandwidth channel because the relays exchange information
Standard-Speed Elements on the status of their directional or distance elements. Typical
bandwidth requirements are 0.5 to 1.5 kHz for analog
1.50 channels and 9.6 kbps for digital channels. Directional
1.25 SIR = 10.0 comparison schemes include:
Time (Cycles)
C. Components of PSTT in Pilot Protection Schemes
The pilot protection schemes of all line terminals must
operate to achieve high-speed fault clearing. Hence, PSTT is
87LQ the time it takes the slowest scheme to issue the circuit breaker
Time (Cycles)
87LG tripping signal.
1 Fig. 9(a) shows the components of PSTT in a traditional
directional comparison tripping scheme (PUTT, POTT, or
DCUB) with analog relays and an analog PLC or microwave
channel. PSTT includes the local relay operating time, local
1.4 2 3 4 5 7.5 10 19 and remote communications equipment delays,
Per Unit Differential Current
communications channel delay, processing delay at the remote
Fig. 8. Typical operating time of phase (87LP), negative-sequence (87LQ), relay, and remote relay output device delay. Microprocessor-
and zero-sequence (87LG) differential elements. based relays start the signal transmission process when the
The PSTT of the 87L scheme includes the differential output of a protection element asserts, as shown in Fig. 9(b).
element operating time and the communications system delay There is no need to wait for the relay output contact to close.
(the time it takes for the remote end current information to Direct relay-to-relay communication over optical fiber
reach the local differential element). Section D covers practically eliminates the communications equipment delay
communications system delay. (the fiber-optic transceiver is very fast), as shown in Fig. 9(c).
Communications Fig. 10 shows the typical time chart for a POTT scheme
System Delay
with overreaching distance elements, excluding Zone 1 direct
tripping. DCB schemes require an additional coordinating
time delay to wait for the blocking signal to arrive from the
(b) remote terminal(s). For this reason, DCB schemes are slightly
slower than PUTT, POTT, or DCUB schemes.
Protection Element Relay Processing
Operating Time Delay Local POTT
Fault Scheme Trip
Output Local
Device Delay
Processing, and
Output Device Delay
Remote POTT
Scheme Trip
PSTT Overreaching
Fig. 9. Components of PSTT in line pilot protection schemes: (a) directional Permissive
comparison tripping scheme (PUTT, POTT, or DCUB) with analog relays and Trip Communications,
analog PLC or microwave channel; (b) pilot protection scheme with Processing, and
microprocessor-based relays and digital microwave channel, digital radio Output Device Delay
channel, or digital fiber-optic network; and (c) pilot protection scheme with
direct relay-to-relay communication over optical fiber. Both POTT
PSTT Schemes Trip
The relay processing delay in Fig. 9 includes the hardware
and firmware delays (approximately 3 ms), plus the Fig. 10. Time chart for a POTT scheme with overreaching distance elements
processing latency. This latency equals zero when an input is (excluding Zone 1 direct tripping).
processed just before a change of state, and it equals the D. Communications System Delay
processing period when the input is processed just after a
Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 9(b) show that the communications
change of state. The longest processing latency is 4 ms for a
system delay (also called communications system latency)
4 sample/cycle processing rate and 2 ms for an 8 sample/cycle
includes the equipment and channel delays.
rate. A slow channel further increases relay processing
PLC systems, typically used for DCB schemes, transmit 900 MHz range and are limited to line of sight. Under
information over the line conductors. PLC frequencies are favorable conditions, the radios can work on lines up to about
usually in the 30 to 500 kHz range. Table II shows typical 20 miles. Table IV shows typical communications delays for
delays for traditional on-off and frequency-shift PLC systems. digital relay-to-relay communications systems using point-to-
Always check manufacturer published specifications when point radios. The use of AES-256 encryption introduces some
determining operating times for any given scheme. Wide-band additional delay.
PLC systems are faster than narrow-band systems, but the TABLE IV
wider band channel allows more noise into the receiver filter, TYPICAL DELAYS FOR DIGITAL RELAY-TO-RELAY
which introduces a greater chance for a false assertion. COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS USING POINT-TO-POINT RADIOS
Pilot protection schemes using digital communications E. Evaluation of PSTT by Computer Simulations
technology have been in use for over 20 years. These schemes In order to evaluate the operating speed of different
use direct or multiplexed optical fiber, digital radios, and protection schemes, we simulated faults at different locations
digital microwave channels. on one line of each of the three example systems shown in
Considering a direct relay-to-relay connection over optical Fig. 1. We determined the average PSTT values for POTT and
fiber, the communications delay depends on the time required 87L schemes. We considered the following pilot schemes:
for light to travel over the optical fiber (0.8 ms per 100 miles). • POTT scheme with distance Zone 1 direct tripping:
In multiplexed fiber-optic networks, multiplexers and − POTT scheme using Zone 1 and Zone 2 phase and
repeaters introduce additional delays. For protection ground high-speed distance elements (the Zone 1
multiplexers, the delay is only 0.5 ms plus approximately element also provides direct circuit breaker
24 µs for each repeater in the path. Some multiplexers tripping).
designed for telecommunications applications over Ethernet
− Zone 1 reach set to 80 percent of the line length for
do not perform to protection expectations. These multiplexers long lines and 60 percent for short lines.
may introduce 6 to 8 ms delays. Table III shows typical delays
− Zone 2 reach set to 200 percent of the line length.
for direct relay-to-relay communication over optical fiber and
− Communication at 38.4 kbps over fiber-optic
multiplexed fiber-optic networks.
network with multiplexers (for long lines).
TABLE III − Relay-to-relay communication at 38.4 kbps over
OPTICAL FIBER AND MULTIPLEXED FIBER-OPTIC NETWORKS direct optical fiber (for short lines).
− Fast (<10 µs) output devices.
Communications System
Delay • 87L scheme with distance Zone 1 direct tripping:
− 87L scheme using phase (87LP), negative-
Optical fiber 0.8 ms per 100 miles sequence (87LQ), and zero-sequence (87LG)
Protection-class multiplexer 0.5 ms elements. 87LP pickup current set to 1.2 per unit.
Nonprotection-class multiplexer 6 to 8 ms
87LQ and 87LG pickup current set to 0.2 per unit.
− Zone 1 reach set to 80 percent of the line length for
Repeater 24 µs/repeater
long lines and 60 percent for short lines.
For example, for direct relay-to-relay communication − Communication at 56 kbps over fiber-optic
systems, the delay is nearly zero for a short line since the network with multiplexers (for long lines).
optical fiber delay is less than 0.8 ms. For multiplexed fiber- − Relay-to-relay communication at 56 kbps over
optic networks, the communications system delay depends on direct optical fiber (for short lines).
the line length and the fiber-optic network delay. Using − Fast (<10 µs) output devices.
protection multiplexers, the communications system delay is Fig. 11 through Fig. 16 show the average PSTT values
typically under 2 ms. For a 100-mile line, the delay would be resulting from computer simulations.
about 1.3 ms, based on 0.8 ms (optical fiber delay), plus
approximately 0.5 ms (multiplexer delay), plus approximately
24 µs per repeater [12].
In some applications, such as subtransmission line
protection, where fault-clearing speed is not as critical, digital
point-to-point serial radios are an acceptable and economical
alternative. These radios typically operate in the unlicensed
1.5 1.5
PSTT (Cycles)
PSTT (Cycles)
Phase-to- Phase-to-
Ground Fault Ground Fault
1.0 1.0
Phase-to- Phase-to-
Phase Fault Phase Fault
0.5 0.5
Fig. 11. Average PSTT values for POTT scheme and 80 percent distance
Fig. 15. Average PSTT values for POTT scheme and 80 percent distance
Zone 1 direct tripping. System with two long lines and strong sources.
Zone 1 direct tripping. System with two long lines, a strong source at the local
end, and a weak source at the remote end.
PSTT (Cycles)
Phase-to- 1.5
Ground Fault Phase-to-
PSTT (Cycles)
Ground Fault
Phase-to- 1.0
Phase Fault Phase Fault
Fig. 11 through Fig. 16 show that modern protection
schemes using high-speed elements and fast communications
PSTT (Cycles)
Phase-to-Phase or
Phase-to-Ground Fault channels produce low and consistent PSTT values for various
1.0 line lengths and source strengths.
F. Actual Fault Case
Many power system events demonstrate the speed of
modern directional comparison and 87L protection schemes.
For example, [13] reports multiple relay operations that show
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0
m (Per Unit Distance to Fault) PSTT values close to one cycle, including one event in which
the 87L scheme detects two consecutive single-phase-to-
Fig. 13. Average PSTT values for POTT scheme and 60 percent distance
Zone 1 direct tripping. System with two short lines and strong sources.
ground faults in 0.75 cycles, as shown in Fig. 17.
PSTT (Cycles)
Phase-to-Phase or
Phase-to-Ground Fault
Fig. 14. Average PSTT values for 87L scheme and 60 percent distance
Zone 1 direct tripping. System with two short lines and strong sources.
87LG, 87LQ
3000 125
–3000 100 67Q
0.75 cycles 0.75 cycles
RF (Ohms Secondary)
14.775950 14.875950 14.975950 15.075950 15.175950 15.275950
14.775950 14.875950 14.975950 15.075950 15.175950 15.275950
21X 21X
RF (Ohms Secondary)
ground directional and distance elements and ground pilot
protection schemes based on RF coverage. In this paper, we 75 67N 67N
67Q 67Q
expand this discussion by including an evaluation of 87L
element sensitivity and comparing it to distance and 50
directional element sensitivity.
A. Protection Element RF Coverage 25
In order to evaluate sensitivity, we simulated single-phase-
21N, 21X 21N, 21X
to-ground faults at different locations on one line of each of 0
0 0.5 1
the three example systems shown in Fig. 1. We determined the m (Per Unit of Line Length)
maximum value of RF detected by each protection element for
Fig. 19. RF coverage of 21N, 21X, 67N, 67Q, 87LG, and 87LQ elements.
each fault location. We used the following settings for the
System with two short lines and strong sources.
studied protection elements:
87LG, 87LQ
• Ground mho distance element (21N): Reach setting of 125
2Z1L. 67Q
• Ground quadrilateral distance element (21X): 100 67N 67Q
− Reactance reach setting of 2Z1L.
RF (Ohms Secondary)
RF (Ohms Secondary)
delayed overreaching 67N elements. The POTT scheme trips
in less than 1.5 cycles when the overreaching 67N elements of 67N, 67Q
both line terminals detect the ground fault (Region A in
Fig. 21). When only one overreaching 67N element detects the
fault, the POTT scheme does not trip immediately because it
does not receive the permissive tripping signal from the other
terminal. If an instantaneous underreaching 67N element trips 25
the circuit breaker, the fault current redistribution with that
terminal open allows the overreaching 67N element of the
other terminal to detect the fault and send the permissive 0
0 0.5 21N 1
signal. This sequential operation introduces some fault-
m (Per Unit of Line Length)
clearing delay (Region B in Fig. 21). If no underreaching 67N
element detects the fault, no current redistribution occurs, and Fig. 22. High-speed RF coverage regions of POTT schemes with 21N, 21X,
67N, or 67Q elements and of 87L schemes with 87LG or 87LQ elements.
the POTT scheme does not operate. Fault clearing occurs System with two long lines and strong sources.
when the time-delayed overreaching 67N elements trip the
87LG, 87LQ
circuit breakers. This time-delayed fault clearing defeats the 125
POTT scheme purpose.
RF Coverage With Remote Terminal Open
RF (Ohms Secondary)
Tripping Delayed by
Sequential Operation 75
67N, 67Q
RF (Ohms Secondary)
Region B Region B
50 21N, 21X
Region A
0 0.5 1
m (Per Unit of Line Length)
High-Speed Tripping at
Both Ends Fig. 23. High-speed RF coverage regions of POTT schemes with 21N, 21X,
0 67N, or 67Q elements and of 87L schemes with 87LG or 87LQ elements.
0 0.5 1 System with two short lines and strong sources.
m (Per Unit of Line Length)
87LG, 87LQ
Fig. 21. RF coverage regions of a POTT scheme using instantaneous
overreaching 67N elements for the system with two long lines and strong
Fig. 22 through Fig. 24 show the high-speed RF coverage
RF (Ohms Secondary)
Fig. 24. High-speed RF coverage regions of POTT schemes with 21N, 21X,
67N, or 67Q elements and of 87L schemes with 87LG or 87LQ elements.
System with two long lines, a strong source at the local end, and a weak
source at the remote end.
0 767
447 492
POTT Protection
Fault in Fails to Trip
Zone 1 of Fault NOT in
Both S and R Overlapping
0.45 Multiplier Zone 1
994 0.55 Multiplier
3 4
Fig. 26. Dependability fault tree for the combination of POTT/21 and 21 schemes in separate relays [Fig. 2(a)] with a fiber-optic channel.
Fig. 27 shows the security fault tree for the combination of 20 percent of external faults fall within the overreaching
POTT/21 and 21 schemes in separate relays [Fig. 2(a)] with a element zone.
fiber-optic channel. The top event is “protection produces an In Fig. 27 and all of the other security fault trees, we show
undesired trip.” This security fault tree includes the same basic the failure rate values multiplied by 106.
events as the dependability fault tree (Fig. 26) but uses the Fig. 28 shows the dependability fault tree for the
security failure rates shown in Table VI of the Appendix. The combination of 87L/21 and 21 schemes in separate relays
left side of the fault tree expresses the likelihood for the [Fig. 2(a)] with a fiber-optic channel. The left side of the fault
21 scheme to cause an undesired trip. The right side of the tree in Fig. 28 expresses the likelihood for the 21 scheme to
fault tree represents the POTT/21 scheme contribution to an cause a failure to trip. The right side of the fault tree
undesired trip, which occurs when the directly tripping Zone 1 represents the POTT/21 scheme contribution to a failure to
undesirably trips or the communications system generates an trip. OR Gate 6 indicates that any failure to trip of the
undesired permissive trip signal and also an overreaching 21 scheme or of the POTT/21 scheme causes a protection
POTT element operates for an external fault. We assume that scheme failure to trip.
Protection Produces an
Undesired Trip
POTT/21 Protection R1
21 Protection R2 at S or R at S or R Produces an
Breaker DC VT Produces an Undesired Trip Undesired Trip
Fails Syst Fails Fails
2 • 333 Fails 6 • 157 6 • 278
= 666 2 • 1000 = 942 = 1668
= 2000
4 5
2383 1200
Fig. 27. Security fault tree for the combination of POTT/21 and 21 schemes in separate relays [Fig. 2(a)] with a fiber-optic channel.
0 558
488 532
87L Protection
Fault in Fails to Trip
Zone 1 of Fault NOT in
Both S and R Overlapping
0.45 Multiplier Zone 1
1084 0.55 Multiplier
4 5
Fig. 28. Dependability fault tree for the combination of 87L/21 and 21 schemes in separate relays [Fig. 2(a)] with a fiber-optic channel.
Fig. 29 shows the security fault tree for the combination of B. Redundant Schemes
87L/21 and 21 schemes in separate relays [Fig. 2(a)] with a In the redundant schemes analyzed in this paper, either
fiber-optic channel. The left side of the fault tree expresses the Main 1 or Main 2 protection schemes may consist of a
likelihood for the 21 scheme to cause an undesired trip. The POTT/21, POTT, 87L/21, or 87L scheme. We first created the
right side of the fault tree represents the 87L/21 scheme fault trees for these schemes (each residing in one relay) and
contribution to an undesired trip, which occurs when the then used them as building blocks for the fault trees of the
directly tripping Zone 1 undesirably trips or the dual- and triple-redundant schemes. As an example, Fig. 30
communications system generates an undesired 87L trip. shows the dependability fault tree for the POTT/21 scheme in
one relay (Relay R1 in this example).
Protection Produces an
Undesired Trip
3866 4268
87L/21 Protection R1 at S or R
21 Protection R2 at S or R
Produces an Undesired Trip
Produces an Undesired Trip DC Breaker
Fails Fails Syst Trips
6•157 6•278 Fails Undesirably
= 942 = 1668 2•1000 2•333
= 2000 = 666
5 6
Fig. 29. Security fault tree for the combination of 87L/21 and 21 schemes in separate relays [Fig. 2(a)] with a fiber-optic channel.
0 879
2 3
539 584
POTT Protection
Fault in Fails to Trip
Zone 1 of Fault NOT in
Both S and R Overlapping
0.45 Multiplier Zone 1
1198 0.55 Multiplier
3 4
Fig. 30. Dependability fault tree for one of the POTT/21 schemes (Main 1 or Main 2) in one relay in a dual-redundant POTT/21 scheme with a fiber-optic
Fig. 31 shows how redundancy improves the POTT/21 required to represent systems with lower redundancy (for
scheme dependability. The AND gate indicates that the failure example, single dc power systems or circuit breaker trip coils).
of one scheme does not cause a failure to trip. The In the fault tree shown in Fig. 31, we assume that the
multiplication of unavailabilities reduces the output of the circuit breaker has redundant trip coils, so we split the circuit
AND gate to a value close to zero. We represent full breaker into two parts. We represent circuit breaker trip coil
redundancy in Fig. 31: redundant relays, instrument failures or dc circuit fuse operations at the basic level (below
transformers, dc power systems, communications channels, AND Gate 1). Their contribution to a failure to clear the fault
and circuit breaker trip coils. We can modify this fault tree as is practically eliminated by the AND gate. If the trip coils
operate correctly, a breaker failure to interrupt current (a stuck reflects the effect of redundancy: any of the two POTT/21
contact mechanism or a failure of the contacts to extinguish schemes may cause an undesired trip. The result is lower
the arc) will cause a failure to clear the fault, no matter the security (a higher failure rate) than that of the combination of
redundancy of the scheme. Hence, we represent breaker POTT/21 and 21 schemes in separate relays (Fig. 27).
failures to interrupt current above the AND gate as an input to Fig. 33 shows how redundancy improves the 87L/21
OR Gate 1. Because the other input to this OR gate has a very scheme dependability. The AND gate reflects the fact that the
low unavailability value (because of redundancy), the breaker failure of one scheme does not cause a failure to trip. The
failures to interrupt current become the dominant factor in the multiplication of unavailabilities reduces the output of the
scheme dependability. This fact emphasizes the importance of AND gate to a value close to zero. We represent full
good circuit breaker maintenance. It also shows the need for redundancy in Fig. 33: redundant relays, instrument
breaker failure protection that will clear faults in more than transformers, dc power systems, communications channels,
6 cycles but that could be fast enough to prevent the power and circuit breaker trip coils. We can modify this fault tree as
system from losing transient stability. required to represent systems with lower redundancy (for
Fig. 32 shows the security fault tree for the dual-redundant example, single dc power systems or circuit breaker trip coils).
POTT/21 scheme with fiber-optic channels. OR Gate 1
Note: Numbers shown are
unavailabilities multiplied by 106
Protection Fails to Clear
In-Section Fault
in the Prescribed Time
81 81
1119 1169
Fig. 31. Dependability fault tree for the dual-redundant POTT/21 scheme with fiber-optic channels.
Note: Numbers shown are
unavailabilities multiplied by 106 Protection Produces an
Undesired Trip
Breaker Breaker DC
at S Trips at R Trips System
Undesirably Undesirably Fails
333 333 2 • 1000
= 2000
9276 9776
Main 1: POTT/21 With Fiber-Optic Channel Main 2: POTT/21 With Fiber-Optic Channel
Fig. 32. Security fault tree for the dual-redundant POTT/21 scheme with fiber-optic channels.
81 81
Main 1 and Main 2 Main 1 and Main 2
Protection at S Fails Protection at R Fails
to Clear Fault to Clear Fault
912 927
Main 1: 87L/21 With Fiber-Optic Channel Main 2: 87L/21 With Fiber-Optic Channel
Fig. 33. Dependability fault tree for the dual-redundant 87L/21 scheme with fiber-optic channels.
Fig. 34 shows the security fault tree for the dual-redundant reliability is practically the same. Tripping occurs when at
87L/21 scheme with fiber-optic channels. OR Gate 1 reflects least two of the schemes operate. The effect of the voting logic
the effect of redundancy: any of the two 87L/21 schemes may is that the output of AND Gate 2 is practically zero (very high
cause an undesired trip. The result is lower security (a higher dependability). Hence, breaker failures to interrupt current
failure rate) than that of the 87L/21 and 21 schemes in determine the scheme dependability. In this analysis, we
separate relays (Fig. 29). assume that the three schemes have the same RF coverage. If
Fig. 35 shows the dependability fault tree for a triple- the schemes had different RF coverages (because of different
redundant two-out-of-three voting 87L/21 scheme with fiber- settings, principles of operation, or manufacturers) and two of
optic channels. The scheme has three independent 87L/21 the schemes did not detect a high-resistance in-section fault,
schemes (three relays, three communications channels, three the two-out-of-three voting scheme would fail to clear the
sets of instrument transformers, three dc power systems, and fault. Such a combination of schemes may consist, for
circuit breakers with three trip coils). Actually, circuit example, of two 87L schemes using only 87LP elements with
breakers have only two trip coils. However, if the voting a third 87L scheme that includes 87LP and 87LQ elements.
scheme sends the tripping signal to both trip coils, the fault For this reason, we recommend that voting schemes use relays
tree is slightly different from that of Fig. 35 but the scheme with the same RF coverage.
Note: Numbers shown are 17722
unavailabilities multiplied by 106
Protection Produces an
Undesired Trip
Breaker Breaker DC
at S Trips at R Trips System
Undesirably Undesirably Fails
333 333 2 • 1000
= 2000
7278 7778
Main 1: 87L/21 With Fiber-Optic Channel Main 2: 87L/21 With Fiber-Optic Channel
Fig. 34. Security fault tree for the dual-redundant 87L/21 scheme with fiber-optic channels.
Note: Numbers shown are
unavailabilities multiplied by 106 Protection Fails to Clear
In-Section Fault in the
Prescribed Time
80 80
Protection at S Protection at R
Fails to Clear Fault Fails to Clear Fault
Same as
Protection at S
Protection at S Fails
Breaker at S
Fails to
80 2
1 1 1
912 927
Fig. 35. Dependability fault tree for the triple-redundant two-out-of-three voting 87L/21 scheme with fiber-optic channels.
Note: Numbers shown are
failure rates multiplied by 106 Protection Produces an
Undesired Trip
1504 1504
Protection at S Protection at R
Produces an Undesired Trip Produces an Undesired Trip
Same as
Protection at S
57 57 57
Main 1 and Main 2 Main 1 and Main 3 Main 2 and Main 3
Protection at S Produces Protection at S Produces Protection at S Produces
an Undesired Trip an Undesired Trip an Undesired Trip
DC Breaker
System Trips
Fails Undesirably
1000 333 1
7278 7778
Fig. 36. Security fault tree for the triple-redundant two-out-of-three voting 87L/21 scheme with fiber-optic channels.
Fig. 38. Fault tree analysis results: Line protection security comparison.
schemes must detect faults that occur or evolve during the from the other terminals. The infeed increases the measured
single-pole open time. For this reason, the location of the impedance value and causes distance elements to underreach.
voltage transformers (VTs) is very important in schemes based In some three-terminal applications, there may be an
on distance or directional overcurrent elements. VTs located outfeed current at one of the terminals during an internal line
on the line side of the circuit breaker present challenges to fault rather than an infeed current [3]. In this case, the
distance and directional elements. measured impedance at the other line terminals may be
Polarizing quantity corruption can occur during single-pole smaller than the actual impedance to the fault (distance
open conditions in applications with line-side VTs if one of elements tend to overreach). An additional problem is that a
the input voltages to the memory polarizing algorithm is forward-looking distance element at the terminal with outfeed
corrupted. Incorrect memory polarization may cause distance current will not detect this internal line fault. In fact, if there is
element misoperation. The voltage magnitude and angle on a blocking element at the terminal with outfeed current, it may
the line side of the circuit breaker during single-pole open declare the internal fault as an external fault and prevent
conditions depend on whether a secondary arc still exists on tripping in a DCB scheme. If the Zone 1 elements at one of the
the open phase, whether line shunt reactors are present, and other terminals respond to the fault, they will initiate circuit
whether power flows in the two healthy phases. breaker tripping and remove the outfeed current. The
Shunt reactors located on the line side of the circuit remaining line terminals may then trip via the directional
breakers compensate the line charging currents and reduce comparison scheme; however, tripping may be delayed by the
overvoltages in long transmission lines. When the circuit current reversal logic.
breakers open at both line ends, the remaining circuit is In many three-terminal line applications, the third terminal
basically an RLC circuit with stored energy in the reactor may be a transformer-terminated load tap. In such
inductance and the line capacitance. The shunt reactors applications, there may be no positive- or negative-sequence
interact with the line capacitance and maintain ringing line current source at the tap. However, if the line side of the
voltages for several cycles. With line-side VTs, these ringing transformer has a grounded-wye connection, there will be a
voltages corrupt the distance protection polarization and significant zero-sequence current contribution. Therefore, in
frequency estimation. this application, the infeed effect does not affect the phase
An evolving fault may start as a single-phase-to-ground distance elements but it does affect the ground distance
fault and then involve additional phases while the initial fault elements.
is being cleared or during the reclosing dead time of the 87L schemes for multiterminal lines handle three-terminal
original faulted phase. Single-pole tripping schemes should line protection challenges naturally. In addition, 87L schemes
detect and clear evolving faults. can handle some level of outfeed current, depending on the
In summary, single-pole tripping schemes must identify the relay operating characteristic and the applied relay settings.
faulted phases, avoid misoperation on unbalances created by
E. Short Lines
the open phase condition, and detect faults that occur or
evolve during the single-pole open time. These requirements Transmission lines are sometimes classified as short,
increase the complexity of the logic of single-pole tripping medium, and long. The IEEE Power and Engineering Society
schemes with distance and directional overcurrent elements. (PES) Power System Relaying Committee (PSRC) established
87L schemes perform well during the single-pole open time the following criteria for line length in terms of the SIR [25]:
and detect evolving faults naturally, because they compare the Short line: SIR > 4.0.
line terminal currents on a per-phase basis. Medium line: 0.5 < SIR < 4.0.
Long line: SIR < 0.5.
D. Multiterminal and Tapped Lines Short line protection problems related to the high SIR value
Multiterminal lines have three or more terminals, each with include low voltage at the relay location during faults and
substantial generation. Distance protection application to CCVT transients. Detecting high-resistance faults is another
three-terminal lines is more complex than its application to short line protection problem.
two-terminal lines because of the large variety of possible tap Microprocessor-based relays do not require a considerable
locations, line impedances, source impedances, and system amount of energy to operate. However, when the relay input
operation conditions [24]. voltage is very low, distance element operation is not well-
We need to determine the impedance measured by distance defined and/or the operating speed is unsatisfactory. For
elements for various fault and system conditions when proper distance element performance during faults, the voltage
calculating their settings. The measured impedance is not measured by the relay must be above the design voltage
always the actual impedance of the line section from the relay threshold. The SIR value determines the positive-sequence
location to the fault point. The voltage measured by the relay voltage at the relay location for a three-phase fault at the relay
is the voltage drop between its location and the fault, which is reach point. As the SIR increases, the voltage at the relay
affected by the infeed effect from the sources connected at the location decreases, which limits distance element sensitivity in
taps between the relay and the fault location. Thus, the short lines.
measured impedance depends on the current contributions
their dependability. However, direct Zone 1 speed, sensitivity, dependability, security, and
tripping is faster than communications-based selectivity.
schemes (there is no channel delay) and enhances
power system stability by providing faster clearing X. APPENDIX
of close-in faults. Table V summarizes the results of the reliability study
− The triple-redundant voting 87L/21 scheme is using fault trees reported in [1].
significantly more secure than the dual-redundant Table VI summarizes the reliability indices used in the
87L/21 and 87L schemes. Removing Zone 1 fault tree analysis. We used the reliability indices reported in
tripping (triple-redundant voting 87L scheme) [1] (which provides a detailed justification of these indices),
further improves security. with one exception. We modified the value of unavailability
• A protection scheme that provides high-speed tripping caused by relay application and setting errors based on a
on all line terminals and high levels of security and recent North American Electric Reliability Corporation
dependability inherently provides selectivity. (NERC) report that provides protection system misoperation
• 87L protection is the best solution for lines. 87L data for a fifteen-month period [27]. NERC concludes that
protection does not require voltage information and is incorrect settings, logic, and design errors caused 28 percent
almost immune to unbalances, current reversals on of the misoperations, while relay failures caused 20 percent of
parallel lines, power swings, and magnetic mutual the misoperations. Using this information, we assumed
coupling. 87L protection performs well for evolving, U = 200 • 10–6 for relay application or settings errors (instead
intercircuit, and cross-country faults; tolerates high of the U = 1,000 • 10–6 value used in [1]).
line loading; and may handle outfeed conditions, Table VII summarizes the results of the reliability study
depending on its operating characteristic. using fault trees described in this paper.
• Triple-redundant voting 87L and dual-redundant 87L
protection schemes allow maximizing line protection
Dependability Security
(Unavailability • 106) (Failure Rate • 106)
Protection Scheme Normal Comprehensive Normal Comprehensive
Commissioning Commissioning Commissioning Commissioning
Testing Testing Testing Testing
Basic POTT (microwave) 2,562 1,339 (1.9 times) 23,318 12,938 (1.8 times)
Basic POTT (optical fiber) 2,452 1,229 (2.0 times) 22,784 12,364 (1.8 times)
Basic DCB (PLC) 2,122 943 (2.3 times) 48,704 33,180 (1.5 times)
Dual-redundant POTT 168 162 (1.04 times) 27,052 16,072 (1.7 times)
Dual-redundant POTT with relays from different manufacturers 174 162 (1.07 times) 29,552 16,572 (1.8 times)
Dual-redundant POTT with common-mode failures 1,178 268 (4.4 times) 28,102 16,202 (1.7 times)
Fully redundant voting POTT 160 160 (1.0 times) 916 750 (1.2 times)
Voting POTT: Two schemes share dc power system 220 172 (1.3 times) 2,892 1,146 (2.5 times)
Voting POTT: Two schemes also share communications channel 1,120 992 (1.1 times) 6,592 4,224 (1.6 times)
Voting POTT: Two schemes also share instrument transformers 1,464 1,136 (1.3 times) 10,182 6,826 (1.5 times)
Fully redundant voting POTT with common-mode failures 1,170 266 (4.4 times) 1,966 880 (2.2 times)
Note: The numbers in parentheses represent the effect of comprehensive commissioning testing. These numbers are the ratios of the unavailabilities or failure
rates with normal testing to the unavailabilities or failure rates with comprehensive testing.
Dependability Security
Unavailability • 106 MTBF (Years) Failure Rate • 106
Relay fails 137 3,000 333
Relay application or settings errors 200 1,000 1,000
Circuit breaker fails 200 3,000 333
Circuit breaker fails to interrupt current 80 – –
DC power system fails 30 1,000 1,000
Current transformer (CT) fails 9 6,370 157
VT fails 15 3,600 278
Fiber-optic equipment fails 100 500 2,000
Fiber-optic channel fails 100 500 2,000
Communications dc power system fails 50 500 2,000
DC system wiring errors 50 4,000 250
CT or VT wiring errors 50 4,000 250
Hidden failures 10 20,000 50
Note: The U = 200 • 10–6 value for relay application or settings errors shown in this table is different from the value reported in [1].
Dependability Security
Protection Scheme
(Unavailability • 106) (Failure Rate • 106)
Combination of POTT/21 and 21
1,372 16,708
in separate relays
Combination of 87L/21 and 21
1,072 13,410
in separate relays
Dual-redundant POTT/21 162 21,718
Dual-redundant POTT 168 15,942
Dual-redundant POTT/21 and 87L/21 162 19,220
Dual-redundant POTT and 87L 166 12,864
Dual-redundant 87L/21 162 17,722
Dual-redundant 87L 164 9,786
Triple-redundant voting 87L/21 160 3,008
Triple-redundant voting 87L 160 2,744
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