Learning Log
Learning Log
Learning Log
Initial Practicum II
Table of contents
1. Introduction……………………………………………………… Page 3.
1. 1st grade primary school …………………………………….…Pages 3 to 13.
2. 7th grade middle school ………………………………….…….Pages 13 to 19.
3. 1st grade high school …………………………………..……….Pages 19 to 27.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
The initial practicum was held in the Adventist school of Punta Arenas and the
context was during the pandemic, where all the classes were taken online.
The school uses the ‘‘Teams’’ platform form microsoft, this is because the platform
allows a limited set of people that are just from the community, so to avoid any
problem with externals that might affect during the classes.
In this case it took me 2 weeks of observations where I took notes before starting
with the activities, then I was allowed to do the warm-ups of the 1st grade primary
school and 7th grade middle school. Finally, I had the opportunity to do 3 complete
classes in the case of 1st grade highschool.
All of this process started on October 14th with the arrangement and the meetings
with the coordinators and teachers, then finished in December the 2nd with the last
correction of grades from 1st grade highschool.
The preparation of each class that I had with this grade consisted of making
research, preparing and discussing the viability of the activity with the teacher
before each class. This process took me 1 hour and a 15 to 30 minutes before
each class.
The contents seen during these classes were mainly vocabulary of the parts of the
body and vocabulary of members of the family. In addition, Some techniques used
were repetition and memorization as the main ones.
October 23rd
This is the first class that I had with this grade. I observe them and take important
notes about them, how they act, how they treat each other and the teacher, so
when my turn to have classes with them comes, I will know more about them.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
First thing done by the teacher was to introduce me as a practicum teacher and
explained to the students that I will be just watching them but then I will be part of
some activities in the warming up of the following classes.
This class showed themselves as a really participative and active class during the
activities. The majority of the students were part of the class and participated
answering questions and adding information about their experiences with the topic.
In this case they were starting unit 2 my ''body'' and the main resource that they
used was the English Book. Here the teacher asked them if they knew any of these
words before. Some of the students knew and named them in spanish. Then the
teacher started with the first activity, which was a listening activity. Here they paid
attention to someone in the audio naming the parts of the body, after this the
teacher asked them to repeat the words with the microphone off, then, when they
did this twice, they had to do it but pointing which part of the body was.Finally the
teacher put the audio again and let the students point and repeat the words by
The second activity involved writing the vocabulary, here they went to the Activity
book and developed the activity of page 16. Before that, the teacher gave them
some minutes to look for their book and pencils, then she gave them the
instructions in spanish and asked 2 students to explain with their words what the
activity was about.
In less than 10 minutes all of the students were ready with the activity and the
teacher checked the answers out loud so the students could revise if they were
Before the class was finished, the teacher asked them to show their page in the
camera for her to check them.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
I learned how the structure of their class was, it was different, they started each
day with a cult of 15 minutes and then the English class started.
I learned how the rules worked for an online class as well, they used the ‘‘teams
hand’’ to speak and the access to the microphone is limited when the teacher is
giving instructions or explaining something, so for the students to not interrupt.
I was not expecting anything for this class, I was ready to learn and live the
experience even though it was from my desk. I felt excited and happy to finally be
with real students and a teacher watching how they interact with each other.
October 30th
After the cult, the class started with an instruction from the teacher asking them to
look for their books. She explained what they would do that day, this time the
instructions were given in English first and then in Spanish. When the students
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
arrived again to their chairs with the book, the teacher asked them before they
opened the book: ‘who remembered the words we saw last class?’’ so to be active
and prepare them for the class.
When the students finished the activity the teacher asked them to say the answers
out loud to different students. The majority of them had difficulty when they needed
to pronounce the word ‘toes’ , this is why the teacher without interrupting anybody,
when everyone finished she explained how the word is pronounced and asked
them to repeat the word 3 times in their houses, with the microphone off and then
asked the particular students that had the problem.
Before starting the second activity, the teacher showed them what the next page
will be about, what they will do and how. Here they needed to know the number
and the teacher decided to check them quickly by counting all together from 1 to 10
in English.
The second activity was on page 16, where 7 sentences were displayed and the
students had to listen to an audio first, then they had to do the action. The students
remained silent during the audio and when the audio finished they asked questions
to the teacher related with some other words that were not in the page. The
teacher answered them all of their questions and started checking the activity
through the camera, she would read the sentence out loud and the students would
do it. Some of the sentences were ‘‘turn around’’ or ‘‘Shake your hands.’’
The teacher had to attend a situation at her house and left the students for 2
minutes, during this time some students brought toys or books that were not
related with the class and when the teacher arrived she did not notice and
continued with the class.
To finish with the activities of that day, the students had to repeat the sentences by
themselves and act, by this moment the teacher noticed the students with the toys
and to make them part of the class, she asked them specifically to participate,
without pointing out the fact that they were with toys in the class.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
The class concluded and the teacher congratulated all of them in English and
This class I learned that the students are really curious and engaged in the class,
they asked questions sometimes not related with the topic but yet related with
I also learned how the repetition worked, in this case because they are 6 years old
children, repetition fits perfect for them to remember vocabulary and they have
facilities remembering the vocabulary. This class is once a week, however, all of
them remembered each word that they checked last class.
I saw how important this context of online classes is for them, because in a
moment of this day they started talking about the Covi-19 virus and I realized how
informed they are despite their age and how they analyze and reflect a lot on how
their classes have changed. Some of them said ‘‘I do prefer when we were at the
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
school’’ or pointed out the fact that they missed playing with each other and had
classes in a physical classroom.
November 6th
This class I had my first activity with them, since the last classes I saw them being
energetic children I decided on playing with them ‘‘Simon said.’’
All of them were part of the activity, remaining with the microphone off and the
camera on so I was able to see them if they pointed out the correct part of their
body during the game. I congratulated them during the game, naming some of
them and sometimes saying ‘‘you are all doing a great job.’’
I finished with my activity and the teacher started explaining that they will watch a
video, but before that she gave instructions to not disturb during the class and that
they were not allowed to turn the microphone, she explained that she would stop
the video and give them the space for their questions as well.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
With a video even if it is a native speaker and the whole audio is in English, the
students are able to understand the context of it. This resource helps them to get
involved with the language and connect with the context of the vocabulary as well.
Give them a space to share their opinion in relation to something, make them
engage more with the activity and feel that they are part of the class by giving
something back instead of just receiving the content.
I felt excited at the beginning of this class because it was my first time doing an
activity with them. I was concerned about them being participative and active
children, but also loud sometimes. However, they did a really great job and did not
disturbed the activity.
November 13th
After the cult I greeted them and explained to them that I would be doing the
warming-up that day. I gave them the instructions of the activity in English and
Spanish. I tried to alternate important words in English during my Spanish
The activity was a roulette mixed with vocabulary and pictures. Here I shared my
screen with them and asked them to use the ‘‘Team’s hand’’ if they want to
participate, then I explained to them the instructions for the activity. I spinned the
wheel and if they got a picture they had to name it in English and if they got a word
they had to point it out in their body.
4 students participated following the rules and answering correctly, some took
more time answering and others knew immediately.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
That day I learned that the use of audio attracts them and they have developed
listening skills.
Some of them were slower answering but I remained calm and told them that they
do not have to be nervous and remember.
November 20th
This was the second and last day using the same roulette but now adding the
words ‘‘Toes’’, ‘‘Legs’’ and ‘‘Fingers.’’
I learned that it is important to repeat the instructions and rules to them constantly
to create a good and respectful environment inside the classroom.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
This day they were really disruptive during the class, I felt like they were more
active than other days and maybe it was because they started a new unit where
they were allowed to share more, but yet some of them forgot about the rules and
started talking one on top of the other.
November 27th
This was the last class I had with them. I decided to make them a memorice game,
here they would practice not only the family members' vocabulary but also the
There were 12 cards and they would have to say the number of the card they
choose in English and then the number of the pair. Here they had to connect the
picture with the vocabulary and vice versa.
I learned this day that they are able to connect different words if they want to form
a sentence or something in context, but they lack the connectors for it.
Because it was the last day with them I tried to make a more fun and attractive
activity for them. I think they liked it because more than the usual raise their hand
to participate and that made me feel like I did a great job with my activity.
Hours shedule
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
The preparation of the activities that I developed with this grade consisted mainly in
reinforcing their vocabulary and the use of vocabulary in context because this was
their weakness.
The content that was covered during the classes was ‘‘Healthy habits.’’ The time I
stayed they were starting and almost finishing this second unit.
The technique that I used was mostly substitution in my activities because they
needed to understand the words in context, so I applied in my warm-ups activities
that followed a pattern and they were able to change vocabulary and followed
these grammatical patterns.
October 26th
This was the first class that I had with this grade and the teacher explained to me
how the modality was for them. They had to answer activities on the platform once
a week and sent it back to the teacher, every 3 weeks it was a summative note.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
This class I observed how they worked, this class they were starting unit 2 and the
first activity was analyzing a picture in the book, how this picture was related to the
After that, the teacher read and explained the objectives of the unit, here she
alternated between English and Spanish. Then she uses mainly the recommended
activities of the book.
Here the participation is different, not all of the students are part of the class, and
some of them answered just in the chat, then, there are others that occasionally
turn their microphones on and 2 or 3 have their camera on.
The first day with them I learned a lot, the way they interact with the teacher and
the whole class is more distant and silent.
Not all of the students participate and they do not show themselves as active or
motivated during the activities, even though the teacher gives them a variety of
options to participate.
Without the camera on, the management of the class became a difficult task for the
teacher. That ended up in long gaps of silence and sometimes not a single answer.
This day I felt challenged by their attitude, I wanted to make them participate more
because I saw how slow the class was with the mood that they were in.
Not-lective hour
I stayed at least an hour and a half planning on a warm-up for them that wakes up
their curiosity and the will to talk.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
First I did research on ideas for warm-ups, then I started the preparation of my
activity by looking for material and preparing the whole presentation for them.
I prepare that day 2 activities and ask my guide teacher which one would be more
viable with this grade, because I just observed them once.
November 2nd
I did the warm-up activity this day for the first time. The guide teacher
recommended that I should do the ‘‘Word Race’’ activity.
The instructions were given twice, one in English and one in Spanish, then 3
students wanted to participate and 2 were chosen by me. Here a letter would
appear on the screen randomly and the student would have to say a food with that
word, it could be a vegetable, fruit, meal or dessert. Then they have to classify this
food into one of the two categories: Junk or healthy food.
The students that participated understood the instructions very well, 2 of them
turned on their microphone and the rest wrote in the chat immediately after the
letter was given to them.
This class in relation to my activity I learn that they are more participative when the
activities do not involve the students book and prefer to do things not connected
with that resource. Maybe because they had been working with the book the whole
I felt proud this day, because my activity worked, I was expecting more students to
participate. However, the ones who participated did a great job and I feel like I
gave them clear instructions in English and Spanish. That was something that had
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
November 9th
For this class I prepared them a stop game, but instead of receiving a letter, they
received a category. They would have 30 seconds to say all of the words that they
were able to remember regarding a certain category that they received randomly.
The students who participated understood the activity and 3 of them played
voluntarily, this time I did not choose any participant.
Even though they understood the activity, the whole context took them by surprise,
and the most words said by one of the students were 3, so I tried to change the
activity a bit for the next class, however, it will be the same, because they have
some problems with vocabulary.
During a reading activity I realized that when they read they processed each word
separately instead of understanding all as a sentence. That explained why in the
questions of that activity they had trouble answering questions where they have to
I feel that the activity was complex for them, so I wanted to add something to it to
make the students feel that they do more than just said words.
November 16th
I changed the category game, now they had to say the most words they knew
related to a category, but then choose one to create a sentence.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
For this I did a try out loud for them, my category was ‘‘Things you can find in the
kitchen’’ and the words I said were ‘‘vegetables, fork, oven’’ then I build a sentence
with one of the words ‘‘I can’t use the fork to eat soup.’’
The students understood and this time 6 of them wanted to participate, I checked
the grammar mistakes of some of their sentences that were mainly related with the
connectors between nouns or verbs or use of vocabulary. For example, sentences
like ‘‘I do futboll’’ ‘‘I not like apples’’. Structures like this were the most repeated
Giving them the space to create their own sentences or speak freely made them
participate more. The use of creation is something that attracts some of them,
however, some prefer not to show what they create because of being afraid of
being wrong.
I felt really excited when more than 3 students wanted to participate and 4 of them
turned on their microphone. The ones who participate are less than the half of the
class, still I think I made them participate a bit more.
November 23rd
This was the last day that we did the category game, it was also the last day of
viewing content. This day the same instructions were repeated and 8 students
At the end of the class I explained to them that the class of the 30th we would play
scribble and they had to reinforce the vocabulary of the unit.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
I wanted to give them a reward for their progress in the participation, some started
to use English a bit more. That is why I chose a platform that some of them knew
November 30th
To start the class I explained to them that more than a game I chose that platform
for them to reinforce the use of vocabulary and that I wanted them to play clean, if
any of them cheat or ban a classmate, they would not be allowed to enter the
game again.
The rules were given clearly and more than a half of the class participated in the
I learned that the students are even more engaged in the English learning with
gamification. This activity put everyone in the mood to win or at least wait for their
turn to draw. Resources like dictionaries, past readings and notes were used more
than the usual so that way they were able to win.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
I felt that this grade had a big growth in their participation since I tried to encourage
them more to play and speak. The construction of sentences was still left but I
know with that bust in their participation, the next year they will be able to fix that.
Hour schedule
When I started the observation session with this grade, they were finishing unit one
‘‘Jobs’’ and when I started doing the classes we were in the beginning of unit 2
‘‘Keep on learning.’’
The strategy that I applied the most was question-based. I tried to make them think
of what they were doing and tried to make them connect each topic by asking them
questions to develop different cognitive levels (remembering, comprehending,
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
analyzing, evaluating).In the case of reading skill I applied the technique of using
keywords and scanning.
I stayed just observing them for these 2 classes and realized that there was almost
no participation. The same 2 students answered all the time and only by chat. One
student turned on the camera once but did not participate.
They all have good English skills, but are more afraid to answer wrong. That is why
the teacher allows them to use the chat that much in the class.
Students had a great man management of vocabulary and structure of past and
present simple, it was impeccable; the reading skills is something where they often
had problems, specifically in the comprehension of implicit information.
For this class I was in charge of preparing complete classes from the 11th on, I
was really scared from the beginning since the classes were in complete silence
and just the teacher constantly waiting for them to answer.
I was expecting them to be more loud or even more connected between each
other, but it seems many of them entered that year as new students and since the
quarantine started in March, many of them did not have the opportunity to know
each other.
November 11th
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
The class started with a warm-up called ‘‘call my bluff’’, here I gave them 4 facts
about me where 1 was false and they had to do questions to know which one was
a false one. This activity took 5 minutes, 3 students participated in the chat
guessing randomly till they name the false fact. Just one question was made.
I started unit 2 where the topic was learning and how to keep on learning. This
class I introduce this topic by making them analyze the first picture that appears in
the book. Because many do not have the book at hand, I copied and pasted the
image in a powerpoint presentation so everyone would have the opportunity to
What are the first words that come to mind when you see that picture and why?
The students remained in silence for a while and before one of them answered I
said to them that they were allowed to answer the way they find more comfortable,
that could be by chat or microphone.
After saying that, 2 students shared their thoughts, I showed myself interested in
what they said and asked if anyone thought the same or wanted to share
something different. By this moment they preferred not to answer so I continued
with the next activity.
I asked a student to read the objectives of the unit and then I explained them, then
we checked vocabulary concerning ‘‘study techniques’’ and we all together
responded to the activity of page 52.
2 students again were the only ones who answered most of the questions.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
The second half of the class I introduced the topic of learning styles and explained
to them some features that would be important for them to develop the worksheet
that I prepared for them.
Here I asked them to develop by themselves the activity 1 of page 54. But before
that I made sure that they understood the content due to the remaining silence. It is
not known if they were listening or not. Some students answered the questions that
I made to check and I gave them the time to develop the activity.
We worked with skimming and the use of keywords, to understand the text. Here I
asked them what they think these keywords mean, I did then the same question
when they finished the reading.
Finally we checked our before reading activity and compared the answers from
what they had before starting reading and what they had after.
I used a chronometer so I was concerned on how much the students would take to
develop future activities.
No more than 4 students participated in the answering of the activity but I asked if
they finished and about 7 answered positively. However, they did not want to
Powerpoint presentation
Student’s book
They might have been listening to me, but I was still not sure and I had to figure out
a way to know if they were paying attention to me.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
All of the answers that I received were correct, so I did not know where their
weaknesses were in English yet.
They understood the instructions when those were given completely in English and
the same happened when I did the questions.
I felt that I was doing things wrong when they stayed in silence for a while,
although the way they answered so dry made me feel like it would be a long
journey. But I was prepared for it and immediately started to plan the next class.
I did a planning on this class, but for the last part I was not able to do it, this is
because the time was not enough, I had to prepare a lesson planning by that time
according to how long it took for them to develop the activities of that class.
November 18th
I decided to try the category game with this grade, 5 students wanted to participate
and as a reward for the participation, instead of 30 second I gave them 45 seconds
to say the most words they could depending on the category they got.
This reward encourages 2 more students to participate. Each student said about 3
to 5 words per category. However, some wanted to participate but then did not
write the words in the chat.
The first activity after the warm-up was the development of the pending activities of
the last class. Here they did not take more than 5 or 6 minutes, the same students
of the last class answered, this time I decided to ask 2 more students that haven’t
participated. One answered correctly and the other never responded.
Following,I started the lesson 2, and explained to them the activity of page 56.
Here I did a brief explanation of the use of prefixes and asked them to do a quick
research and find words with the keyword ir-. More students than the last activity
participated sending which words they found.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
When I started explaining to them lesson 2 on page 58, they started making me
questions about some doubts they had with the activity.
Here for this activity I asked them to participate. In this case they were really slow
in answering the questions and developed activity 2 and 3.
The class finished about 5 minutes past the hour, because they took a long time
I learned that day that waiting for voluntary estudents was not working, so I tried to
ask for students to participate by myself.
November 25th
This was the last formal class that I had with this grade, I started by doing an
overlook of what we had checked during that unit and then we finished the activity
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
number 2 of page 58. From here I planned on checking listening due to our last
class. By this time we had done reading, writing and now listening.
This class was fast, the listening activity had about 8 to 10 students participating
spontaneously. Here the ones that participated also talked between themselves to
find the answers of page 59.
In less than 30 minutes, the whole page 59 was answered correctly by them,
asking not only the ones that were invested voluntarily, but also the ones that I
asked to participate answered correctly and show me that they were paying
attention to the activity.
To finish the class, having their enthusiasm as an advantage I tell them what we
would see in the next class. I explained to them that we would play scribble.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
The students are more participative when the activity is about listening or involves
analyzing an audio. In this case the topic was interesting for them as well.
Making them infer after the audio was easier than just starting inferring as in the
first class, now they had a background to have an idea about this vocabulary.
I felt that I did great in developing with them a listening activity. This was the first
time I asked for a student to participate and then answered me correctly or
showing attention. By this class I had tried everything to catch their attention and I
understand that this context made this goal harder to reach, but I felt an advance in
their participation during those 4 classes.
December 3rd
This class we finished playing scribble and most of the students participated. The
only problem was that some of them entered the game and then did not play. I tried
to fix this by skipping their turn so the time of the class was not affected.
After each class my guide teacher gave me comments on my classes with this
grade pointing out my attitude and my class management skills.
- Build a more strict profile and try to use more concrete rules with them.
- Elogiate more after each activity to avoid them to feel bad, because this age
was difficult and most of the time they might get sensible if I forgot to tell
them they did a great job.
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
- Repeat the instructions using different words but remaining the key ones for
them to have a clearer path to follow.
- Communicate the objective to them in an interesting and important way to
make them understand how crucial for the class it is.
- Add more examples when the time to explain a topic comes.
Hours schedule
Universidad de Magallanes
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Departamento de Educación
Pedagogía en Inglés para Enseñanza Básica y Media
Despite having this first experience during a pandemic, this does not stop me from
self worth and the acquisition of new knowledge inside the virtual classroom.
I enjoyed having this opportunity and learned how different techniques and
strategies work in the praxis, which gave me a more panoramic view of how all the
theory that we checked last semesters worked in an actual classroom.
The total of hours that I spent in this practicum were a total of 30 hours between
observation, planning, development of activities and correction of material.